2016-05 Horticultural newsletter


2016-05 Horticultural newsletter
General Meeting
Refreshments for the May meeting will be
provided by Ruth Thompson, Beth Dupuis,
Ilona Bronson, and Irene McArthur.
Date: Monday, May 16, 2016
Time 7:00 PM
Grace Mennonite Church
Location: 677 Niagara St. (between Linwell
and Lakeshore)
Thanks to Liz Hom, Moira Myers, Diane
Morley, and Sandy Martin for the April meeting refreshments.
Victoria Day
Trish Rybski
Topic: Cooking With Herbs
In this Issue:
· April meeting minutes
· Society News
· President’s Report
· Highway of Heroes Project
· Upcoming Events
· Membership Form
· OHA Convention Info.
· Plant Sale Info. & Poster
· Volunteer Hours form 2016
After receiving her degree in Consumer Studies (Food Major) at the
University of Guelph, Trish earned her B.Ed. (Ontario Teaching Certificate) at Brock University. She enjoyed demonstrating and delivering cooking classes as a microwave cooking consultant part time. Also
at this time, Trish taught continuing education classes for the local
school board. She was contracted by Canadian Living Magazine for
recipe development, and was also featured in a la Carte magazine.
Trish returned to teaching Family Studies.
Cooking with herbs got Trish interested in gardening. Presently she sits on the executive of
the Pelham Garden Club. Her presentation will
not only encourage horticulturists to grow
herbs, but also learn new ways in which to use
herbs in cooking.
St. Catharines Horticultural Society is a member of District 9 of the
Ontario Horticultural Association
[email protected]
President Janice Harte opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m.
Sandy Martin introduced the speaker Jack Kent of the Potting Shed, Dunnville. Jack gave a detailed program on
“Understanding and Utilizing Ornamental Grasses”.
Donna van Weenen thanked Jack for his presentation.
Janice thanked members for refreshments and the volunteers at the various tables.
Business and Reports:
Correspondence: A thank you card was received from the family of Doris Campbell. A donation was made to the OHA
in Doris’s memory by the Society. Doris name will be placed in the Memorial Book and her passing will be recognized
at the 2016 OHA Convention.
Minutes: Motion: to accept the minutes of the March 21, 2016 General Meeting as printed in the newsletter.
Donna van Weenen/Sandra Martin Carried.
City Volunteer Award: Gerard Schouwenaar was presented with the City of St. Catharines Volunteer Recognition
Award on Tuesday, April 12, 2016. These awards recognize those outstanding volunteers whose unselfish and dedicated service to an organization has made a significant difference in the community. We were proud to have Gerard
recognized for all his contributions to the society.
150th Anniversary Daylily: Please remember that if you have the original Anniversary Daylily, we are asking for divisions to propagate. They will be sold in 2017 to help fund our 160th Anniversary in 2017. Divisions may be left at 8
Greenbriar Place.
Plant Sale: Diana Tullis reported that volunteers are still needed for the plant sale on both the Friday and the Saturday. Posters for advertising are available. Please spread the word. Pot up your plants well in advance so they are looking fresh and healthy. Water them on the Thursday so pots are moist but not wet. Volunteers are asked to bring their
own chairs if you are working for several hours. Tea, coffee and water are provided so bring your own mug. If you
would like to make sandwiches and/or a salad to share they would be welcome.
Garden Tour: Jan Harte announced that volunteers are needed to sit at the gardens. We will be having a pre-tour so
all volunteers get to see the gardens. We are already looking for gardens for 2017. Please pick up the invitation card
and leave it with owners of gardens you think should be shown. Be sure to keep a list of where you left cards.
Niagara College: Janice Harte and Jacquie De Forest attended the awards ceremony for Niagara College and presented the St. Catharines Horticultural Award to: Conner Hill
Reminders: April 30th is the District 9 AGM in Grimsby. Sandy Martin has tickets -- $20.00 each which includes lunch. If
you need a ride, please contact Janice Harte.
OHA Convention is being held July 29-31 in Kitchener. For all details, see the website
50/50 Draw: $68.00 was won by Rose Walsh
Next meeting: Monday, May 16: Trish Wybski, Home Economist < Eating Rewards from your Garden
Meeting Closed at 9:10 p.m.
Submitted by: Donna van Weenen, Secretary.
61 attended
Contact Information
President’s Report
Hello Spring! By the number of events our members are participating in, spring is definitely in
the air. At the end of April, our volunteers helped clean up rubbish, pulled weeds, cut off old
growth on the plants around the B.M.E. Church . Others were digging up their gardens and
preparing cuttings for our plant sale. Still others are helping out at the farm. More volunteers
are busy working on our garden tour. What are you doing for the Horticultural Society?
Congratulations to Gerard Schouwenaar, our recipient of the city's volunteer of the year
award. The society is so grateful for all the hard work Gerard has and is doing for the society.
His donation of land on his farm and the work he does caring for the plants has been a boon
for the society.
Please remember to fill out your volunteer forms and hand them to John Gregor at May's
Another sign of spring is the wonderful profusion of blossoms on the trees and our yellow
dandelions in our lawns. Did you know the dandelion got its name from the French for lion's
tooth which is dent de lion? There were no dandelion's in the beautiful arrangements created by Lizzie Matheson at the Spring District 9 meeting. It was an enjoyable and informative
day and great to connect with fellow gardeners. I wanted to share with you the following gem from Saturday’s event:
In the Spring,
At the end of the day,
You should smell like dirt.
Margaret Atwood
Happy spring gardening,
Jan Harte
VOLUNTEERS STILL NEEDED: See lists at volunteer table at meetings.
B.M.E. Garden – monthly gardeners – May -2 people, July -4, August -4 and September-3
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 21043
286 Bunting Rd
St. Catharines, ON
L2M 6P0
[email protected]
Society President
Janice Harte
[email protected]
Membership Chair
Jacquie DeForest
[email protected]
Membership Fee $20.00
Executive Members
50/50 Draw – 2 people September, October and November
Jan Harte, President
Greeting at the door – 1 person each month - May, September, October and November
Denis Fallat, Past President
Garden Tour – need people to sit in gardens – 2 hours – see sign up for times still open
Diana Tullis, Treasurer
Plant Sale: Come either Friday or Saturday to help during hours shown in Plant Sale article
Donna van Weenen, Secretary
SECRETARY & VICE-PRESIDENT: We need a secretary starting Nov. 2016. Our present sec-
retary is filling a one year vacancy and will step down after the annual meeting. If you are
thinking of filling this vital roll, please see Donna van Weenen at the meeting. This position is
mainly a recording secretary for the general meeting and the board meeting. Most society
correspondence is by email. Lots of time to train.
Marie Starrs
The Vice-President position is open now. Again, lots of time to learn the ropes before stepping up as president at the end of 2017.
Marlene Cunningham
Diane Morley
Sandra Martin
Irene McArthur
Joan Kooger
Niagara College School of Environmental and
Horticultural Studies Award Ceremony
April 6, 2016
The recipient of the St. Catharines Horticultural
Society Award is Connor Hill from Mississauga.
Connor is in the Horticultural Technician (Co-op)
program. This award was presented by Jan Harte
(right) and Jacquie De Forest (left).
Jacquie De Forest
Elizabeth Janzen
Joyce Ramsey
Christine Andres
Newsletter Editor
Linda Olsson
Newsletter deadline—last day of the month.
Articles and/or photos from members are welcome.
Volunteer Hours Form is due in:
May, October and November
Please see the last page of the newsletter for
the Volunteer Hours Form. The form will be
collected at the meetings.
At the April 20, 2016 meeting of the
Executive and Board of Directors of
the Society, we voted to take part in
the following project. At our May and
June meetings and the Plant Sale, we
will be accepting free will donations.
A collection jar will be available.
Donations of $50.00 or more will be
receipted. For donations of $50.00 or
more please see website shown below for instructions to donate by
cheque or online.
Ring the doorbell marked
“Good Shepherd Office”
Please be patient and if necessary, ring bell a couple of times. If it is noisy in the hall, we can’t always hear the bell the first time. Our meetings
start at 7 p.m. For safety reasons, the church has
asked us to lock the doors at 7:10 p.m. Thank you.
men and women from CFB Trenton
to the coroner’s office in Toronto.
This designation honours those men
and women who have made such a
vital contribution to our way of life,
and offers a wonderful opportunity to
tell the story of Canadian Veterans.
Our goal is to implement a large
scale planting program (117,000
trees) and create a series of elements along the roadway that will
remind those who pass by of the
great debt we owe these courageous Canadians. All money raised
goes directly to tree planting, as all
administrative costs have been covered by a private donor. All trees to
be planted are native species. For
more information about this program, please visit:
Ontario’s Macdonald-Cartier Freeway, better known as Highway 401,
is the main transportation corridor
linking Windsor with Quebec City,
and crosses through some of the
most densely populated areas in
Canada. In 2007, a 170 kilometre
portion of the highway stretching
from CFB Trenton to the Don Valley
Parkway (and later Keele Street) in
Toronto was designated the Highway of Heroes, reflecting its use as
the route for funeral convoys carrying fallen Canadian Forces service
All daylilies are a joy in the
garden with beautiful
showstopper flowers and
low maintenance. Allow
your daylily leaves to remain in place through the
winter. They protect the
plant during its dormant
phase. Then, magically in
April, the birds arrive to
carefully choose each
brown, perfect, daylily leaf
for building their nests. It's
a joy to watch this taking
place—nature's endless
continuum to sustain
Submitted by:
Jennifer Qusen,
Master Gardener
Do you have photographs from Society
meetings and events?
Please email to newsletter editor at [email protected]
Garden City Daylily
Before our 150th Anniversary in 2007, Jack Kent of
the Potting Shed designated a new un-named daylily the “Garden City”. Species:
Pumpkin Moonshine X Calico Jack. Height is 38″ to 42″. Bloom size 5 ¾″ .They
have a high bud count and are a long, mid-season bloomer. These lilies were exclusive to our society. They were sold to raise funds for our 150 th Anniversary.
2017 will be our 160th Anniversary. We are looking for members who have the
original lily and are willing to divide it. We will grow them at the farm and sell
them in 2017 to raise money for our anniversary celebrations.
If you have a clump or clumps of this lily and are willing to divide it, please pot them up, label and
drop off at the home of Jacquie De Forest, 8 Greenbriar Place. Jacquie will make sure they are taken to the
farm to be ready for 2017. We would like them divided as early this spring as possible. This will give them lots
of growing time this year so each division is large and healthy. On behalf of the Society, thank you.
Fun on the Farm
Hoop House at Gerard Schouwenaar’s Farm
On a cold day in early April, a group of 14 of our members volunteered at Gerard Schouwenaar’s farm to prepare plants for
our May plant sale. This was a great showing and a very special
thank you to everyone from the farm.
We had fun that morning with discussions of plants and many
other topics. It was a little cooler than we wanted, but everyone had dressed for the weather. We began by learning how to
divide clumps of perennials and potting them. The plants were
tagged, set in trays and brought to the hoop house. The hoop
house benches Gerard had prepared have an edge to contain a
plastic watering mat, then a shade cloth donated by Virginia.
This allows easy watering by filling the bench instead of watering the plants themselves. This will eliminate
any possibility of disease. Thanks to Gerard for his preparation for this day and his incredible organization
skills in the hoop house.
Jan Harte stopped by to say hello to everyone and thanked them for coming out. She enjoyed seeing the hoop
house for the first time as it was being filled with the potted plants.
I cannot thank everyone enough for giving their time, for keeping warmer by working non-stop, and for asking
to stay longer.
Cheers, Denis Fallat
Garden Walks
If you have a nice
garden, please consider putting it on
our Garden Walk.
It’s free for members only.
Usually, these walks are held in the
evening from 6 to 8pm during the
months of June, July and August. So if you would like to show
off a new plant, your rose garden,
your vegetables or maybe want to
get ideas for that "problem" area, enter your name. These are informal evenings where members can
share their love of gardening.
B.M.E. Church As you know, our Society’s city beautification project is the B.M.E. Salem Chapel Gardens at 92 Geneva
St. The city’s only national historic site is visited by bus loads of American tourists each year. Harriet Tubman’s sculpture stands proudly at the chapel gardens. We’re pleased to share with you that Harriet’s photo will appear on the front
of a new US $20 bill to be unveiled in 2020.
Monday, June 20th
Mark the Date
Off site at
Plant Sale - Saturday, May 14
Rittenhouse Hall
Vineland Research Station
Garden Walks - TBA—June, July & August
Grand Durand Garden Tour
- Saturday, June 18
Society Garden Tour - Sunday, July 10
OHA Convention — July 29—31
District 9 Fall Forum - Saturday, October 1
Christmas Social at Sweets Cafe
District 9 of the Ontario
Horticultural Association is in
need of a secretary. This job
includes the following:
1. Keep minutes for the AGM
and fall forum.
2. Record minutes for the
executive meetings.
3. Record the roll call for the
AGM and the Fall Forum.
Lug a Mug
Styrofoam is difficult to
recycle so let’s do
our part to help
the environment.
Please bring your
own coffee mug to
meetings and all events
starting in April.
- Monday, December 5
St. Catharines Horticultural Society 2016 Membership
*print clearly in block letters
City: _____________________________________ Prov: _____ Postal Code: _____
Phone Number: _____________________________
Email address: __________________________________________________________
Please Check: Renewal ______
New: _______
Areas of Interest: Please check all the areas you are interested in.
Plant Sale ___
50/50 draw ___
Flower Show ___
Garden Tour ___
Seedy Sunday ___
Sponsorship ___
Greeter ___
Snacks ___
BME Church ___
Kitchen Helper ___
Publicity ___
Farm ___
Mark Your Calendar
Invitation from Janice
Brown, Chair, Grand
Durand Garden Tour
Grand Durand Garden Tour
2016 Tickets are now on
sale on-line through Eventbrite at:
Beat the rush....as tickets
go on sale to the public
May 1st at select venues
throughout Hamilton and
surrounding areas.
Please share with your
family, friends and acquaintances.
Or visit our website for
more details at
Sunday, May 8
District 9 Fall Forum
October 1st, 2016
Grace Mennonite Church
677 Niagara St.
St. Catharines, Ontario
Ontario Horticultural Association
Experience the Grand
July 29—31, 2016
Crown Plaza Hotel
Kitchener, ON
For convention information and registration
go to http://www.gardenontario.org/
We are in need of more
SALE 2016
Saturday, May 14
9 am – 12 noon
Bill Burgoyne Arena
on Linwell Road
volunteers for both days of the
We especially need people on Friday
afternoon to help with pricing the
We also need more people as
“counters” on Saturday.
If you are able to spare a couple of
hours or more, on Friday or Saturday
morning, just come along to the arena
and join in.
Friday, May 13, 8:30 am – 5 pm
Saturday, May 14, 8:00 am – 1 pm
Please remember to label your plant donations with
the name, colour of the bloom, height and whether
best in sun or shade. It helps to give your plants a
good watering the day before you bring them along to
the arena.
We will take plants on Saturday morning before the
start of the sale but only if they are properly labelled
and ready to be put out on a table.
Please note: This year, we are asking the volunteers on Friday to bring a folding chair, especially
if they are working through the day and during the
lunch hour.
This will help with the expenses incurred when renting
tables and chairs.
Most volunteers will be involved in receiving plants and
checking them before they are placed out on the tables. In the afternoon we see to pricing all the plants.
Volunteers start at 8:00 am to finish setting up and
have everyone ready for the start of the sale. We
- four cashiers and eight counters
- volunteers on the doors and others to help customers carry out their purchases
- other volunteers on the floor to help the public
with sales
- help with taking down the tables and cleaning up
at the end of the morning.
If you have any questions or need help
digging up plants,
call Diana 905-685-9609
Coffee, tea and bottled water will be provided, but if
you are working through the middle of the day, please
bring a snack. Remember to bring your own mug.
St. Catharines Horticultural
Saturday, May 14
9 am – 12 noon
Bill Burgoyne Arena
129 Linwell Road
Between Ontario St.
& Lake St.
Total Hours
Plants for Farm &
Plant Sale
Garden Tour
Kitchen &
Newsletter &
Special Events
BME Gardens
Plant Sale Garden Tour
Executive Duties
Name: _____________________________
Farm Work
St. Catharines Horticultural Society - Volunteer Hours 2016