Holy Week Services - St. Paul`s Episcopal Church
Holy Week Services - St. Paul`s Episcopal Church
Holy Week Services Palm Sunday, March 20th @ 10:00 AM Stations of the Cross, March 21st @ 7:00 PM Tenebrae, March 23rd @ 7:00 PM Maundy Thursday, March 24th @ 7:00 PM Good Friday, March 25th @ Noon & 7:00 PM Easter Vigil, March 26th @ 7:00 PM Easter Sunday, March 27th @ 10:00 AM Mission Statement: We follow Christ’s teachings. We grow spiritually. We serve the needs of our neighbors. WEEKLY SERVICES SUNDAY Bible Study - 9:00 AM HOLY EUCHARIST - 10:00 AM Sunday School - 10:00 AM (Coffee Hour Following Sunday Service) TUESDAY MORNING PRAYER - 8:00 AM WEDNESDAY Noon Day Service - 12:05 PM JESUS CHRIST The Vestry HEAD OF THE CHURCH Shirley Brunton The Right Reverend 608-362-4463 Steven A. Miller Thomas Fallin Bishop of the Diocese of 608-751-3769 Milwaukee 800-236-3028 Patrick Jacobs Dr. Reverend Helen 608-921-7306 Whitner-Tester Ed Martin Priest-in-Charge 608-754-8771 608-207-9436 Kathy Miller Deacon Gregg Schneider 815-623-2668 608-207-3689 Cindy Morse Susan Adams 815-543-2317 Senior Warden 608-207-3689 Vestry Meeting Tuesday, Johanna Peterson March 15th Junior Warden 6:30 PM in the 608-365-7813 church library Carolyn Hansen All are welcome! Treasurer 608-207-9267 Anita Williams Do you want to Clerk receive the 608-201-9450 newsletter and other Jenny Williams information by Sexton email? Do we have 219-713-3202 your email address? OFFICE HOURS: MONDAY - THURSDAY / 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM PHONE: 608-362-4312 Email: [email protected] Web site: www.stpaulsbeloit.org Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/St-PaulsEpiscopal-Church-Beloit-Wisconsin/192845734091199 Coffee Hour/ Altar Flowers Sign up sheets are posted on the church office window. Many openings are still available! NEWSLETTER DEADLINE: March 20th Articles can be put in the newsletter box or emailed to the church office. The queen of all the liturgies of the church is the Great Vigil and first Eucharist of Easter. We gather in the tomb-like darkness of Holy Saturday night and, suddenly, a great flame is struck among us. This flame is the new fire of Christ in-breaking among us in the midst of the tomb. The Paschal Candle is lighted from the fire and the celebrant processes throughout the Nave (the part of the church where the pews are from the Latin word for ship or navy), symbolizing the pillar of fire by which God led the Hebrews out of Egypt toward the promised land. The celebrant pauses three times to chant, The Light of Christ; and three times the people respond, Thanks be to God. The people light individual candles from the Paschal Candle and the light spreads in the darkness among the congregation as we chant and read the Old Testament stories of God's deliverance from death and slavery. Then, with the first reading from the resurrection narratives all the lights come on and we sing alleluias for the first time since Epiphany season, and we find the church beautifully decorated for Easter with the vestments of white and flowers everywhere. We then joyfully celebrate together the first Eucharist of Easter tide. Easter tide begins with that first Alleluia at the Great Vigil, continues through the festive Eucharists of the Day of Resurrection, and ends 50 days later on the Day of Pentecost. During this season, the liturgical color is white and liturgies are uplifting and joyful. The General Confession is not used during the first weeks. God has turned us full circle: from the ash heap of our lives of Ash Wednesday He has brought us into fullness of life and joy. God does, indeed, have the final word. The Paschal Candle burns in the church near the font throughout this season and at all baptisms and funerals. We also us it for weddings to symbolize the presence of Christ and the possibility of resurrected living in a marriage relationship. www.trinityhamilton.org VESTRY MEETING MINUTES: JANUARY 10, 2016 As of the end of December, we had a general income $25,754 and expenses of $76,823 with income over expenses of 48,931. PRESENT: Reverend Helen Tester, Don Williams Sr. Warden, Johanna Peterson Jr. Warden, Carolyn Hansen Treasurer, Susan Adams Clerk, Ed Martin, Pat Jacobs, Cindy Morse, Thom Fallin, Kathy Miller, Deacon Gregg Schneider PASTORAL CARE: Helen, Carolyn and Gregg gave communion to several at Christmastime. RECTOR’S REPORT: Helen suggested that it is canonical to give 1% of our excess at the end of the year to a seminary. It was agreed to give this year to Seabury Western. Helen said she would find a good recipe so that parish members could bake unleavened bread for communion. A weekly email announcement will begin detailing events for the upcoming Sunday and week. EVANGELSIM COMMITTEE: We need more bread for outside on Sundays. SENIOR WARDEN: The Annual Meeting if January 24th with a prepared meal by parishioners. Up for voting is Senior and Junior Warden, two seats on the Vestry, as well as Convention delegates. A Vestry dinner is planned for Sunday, February 7th. JUNIOR WARDEN: Johanna reported on the “I’m not lost” program. It is in companion to the bread we put out. A note will be attached saying “if you need help, contact Caritas”. The meeting for the Quilt Show is February 7th. The Quilt Show is April 23-24. The idea of for street signs was brought up. We will seek permission to place them as money has already been set aside in the budget for them. Cindy has requested the a group be formed to clean the kitchen on a Saturday in Lent. WORSHIP COMMITTEE: Helen would like to do Ashes-to-go on Ash Wednesday downtown. CHRISTIAN ED: Adult Ed is studying the Book of Luke starting in January. BUILDING AND GROUNDS: New carpet is needed for the garden room by the bathrooms. A donor has offered to pay for painting the church, parish hall, garden room and east room. OUTREACH: Hands of Faith will be January 24-31 and April 3-10. 175th ANNIVERSARY: There will be a soup and pretzel lunch on Feb. 28. A homecoming is planned for late August/early September. 175 days of prayer will begin on Feb. 29. BUDGET: Carolyn distributed the budget. The Vestry approved it. The treasurer’s report was received and filed for audit. Faithfully Submitted by: Susan Adams Heritage Quilt Show 2016 Saturday, April 23 10AM-4PM Sunday, April 24 12:00PM - 4PM Committee Chairs Admissions Expo Contact CO Jenny Williams Anita Williams Viewer’s Choice Bed Peel Quilt Displays Laurie Richards Kathy Hudson Eunice Daer Volunteer Coordinator Brochure Quilt Registrars Darlene Harvey Pat Jacobs Alice Kniskern White Glove Ladies Theresa Kittle Kathy Hudson Susan Hartman Crafts/Vintage Linens Raffle/Door Prizes Johanna Peterson Angie Jacobs Luncheon Theresa Kittle Nancy Williams Rosemary Martin Treasurer Publicity/Ad Sales/ Carolyn Hansen Dates to Remember ATTENTION CRAFTERS *Quilt Registration February 14-March 17 We need your help for the craft *Raffle Ticket Sales Start/Volunteer section of the Quilt Show. If Sign-up Sheets Posted you knit, crochet, craft, quilt April 3 and haven’t started, you still *Quilt Lender Reminder Letters have time. Any items will be Send NLT excepted and appreciated. April 10 (Call back by April 14) Also, if you have any vintage *Quilt Check-in linens, those too will be sold. April 21 If you have any questions 10AM-2PM & 6PM-8PM contact Johanna P. *Set Up April 21 & 22 There will be a Soup and 10AM - 2PM & 5PM-8PM Salad Luncheon served during the Quilt Show. Contact Nancy W. or PLANNING MEETINGS Rosemary M. if interested in (Watch Bulletins) dishing up a bowl or two of After Church Service soup or tossing in a salad! March 6 / April 3 14 1:30 PM Book Club 13 “Bake & Egg” Sale DAYLIGHT SAVINGS BEGINS 9:00 AM Bible Study 10:00 AM Holy Eucharist Sunday School 7 Mon 6 9:00 AM Bible Study 10:00 AM Holy Eucharist Sunday School Quilt Show Meet Sun 15 8:00 AM Morning Prayer 6:30 PM Vestry Meeting 8 8:00 AM Morning Prayer 1 8:00 AM Morning Prayer Tue 16 12:05 PM Noon Day Eucharist 5:30 Soup and Study 9 12:05 PM Noon Day Eucharist 5:30 Soup and Study 2 12:05 PM Noon Day Eucharist Wed Deadline 6:30 PM Choir Practice Registration 17 Quilt Show 10 6:30 PM Choir Practice 3 6:30 PM Choir Practice Thu 18 10:00 AM Altar Guild 11 4 Fri 19 9:00 AM Order of St. Luke 12 10:00 AM Decorate Eggs & Cookies for “Bake & Egg” Sale 5 9:00 AM Order of St. Luke Sat 21 7:00 PM Stations of the Cross Meals on Wheels 28 Helen gone until 4/10 20 PALM SUNDAY 9:00 AM Bible Study 10:00 AM Holy Eucharist Sunday School Meals on Wheels 27 EASTER SUNDAY 9:00 AM Bible Study 10:00 AM Holy Eucharist Sunday School 3:00 PM Red Door Theatre Troupe 29 8:00 AM Morning Prayer 22 Rest Day 8:00 AM Morning Prayer Meals on Wheels 30 12:05 PM Noon Day Prayer 23 12:05 PM Noon Day Prayer 7:00 Tenebrae Service Meals on Wheels 31 24 7:00 PM Maundy Thursday Foot Washing Meals on Wheels 25 Meals on Wheels 12:05 PM Good Friday 7:00 PM Good Friday 26 Meals on Wheels 7:00 PM Easter Vigil Altar Guild Will meet on Friday, March 18th at 10:00 AM to clean and polish for Easter! Book Club will meet Monday, March 14th at 1:30 PM in the church library Book: “To Set a Watchman” By Harper Lee Reviewer: Gloria Fillion For more information contact: Janet E. Hands of Faith - next rotation April 3rd-10th “I’m not lost...” Have an old hat, scarf, mittens or coat that is in good shape Donate it the church so we may offer it those who need them. Contact Johanna for more details. Heritage Quilt Show Raffle Items The “Bake & Egg” Sale will be on Sunday, March 13th (the Sunday before Palm Sunday). The children will decorate eggs and cookies on Saturday, March 12th at 10:00 AM. ~ Modern Quilt ~ Antique Style Quilt ~ Celebration Basket for small dinner party of four Tickets go on sale April 3rd! We want you to come home! We will be sending invitations for our 175th Homecoming Celebration to everyone who has been a part of St. Paul’s history. Therefore, we need names and addresses of all the people that have been connected with St. Paul’s. Examples: Former clergy and their families, people that have moved, children of deceased members, members that have left St. Paul’s. We need your help for the success of our “Homecoming”. Please send or drop off names and addresses in the office. Contact Johanna for more information. WANTED Wedding/Baptismal photos taken at St. Paul’s Church Scrapbook photos Old memorabilia YOU! Soup @ 5:30 PM Study @ 6:00 PM Inquirer’s Class for young and old; new and not-so-new 2016 Community Lenten Worship Services All services are at 7:00 PM (unless otherwise noted) Offering taken at each service to benefit Caritas & Hands of Faith. March 2 Wesley CME 1760 Shore Drive Preacher: Rev. Steven Erkel (United Church of Beloit) March 16 Bethel AME 1314 Athletic Avenue Preacher: Rev. David Ewing (Sun Valley Presbyterian) March 9 Sun Valley Presbyterian 1650 Sun Valley Drive Preacher: Rev. Kenda Roman (New Covenant Life Church) March 25 (Good Friday) 12:00 Noon Service United Church of Beloit 657 Bluff Street Preacher: Pastor Kevin Pullam (Emmanuel Baptist Church) Micaiah August 2nd Bekki Spahos David Stott 2nd Tim Dorr Shauna Rehard Liz Sardes 18th The Order of St. Luke will meet in the church library at 9:00 AM on Saturday, March 5th & Saturday March 19th Contact Carolyn H. for information. Justin Welch Bob Cornell Bea Shaffer Mary Dorr Todd Blum Art Wright Gloria Perez Nancy Korst Bill Korst Briana Price Lori Coan Sarah Eberts Bonnie Hamilton Brock Scarneta Denice Brunton Jim Bartram Jane Ambrose Sandy Benedetti Belinda Vance Dorothy Larsen Kathy Hudson Al Conradson Vicky Conradson Manning Wright Gary Overboe Adrienne Bicek Jean Schneider Peter Hallock Allen Crabtree David Gwin John Powers Ruby Kirk Priscilla Wehler Susan Gillespie Laura Collard Nate Thompson Rachel Fogderud Rick Brunton Mike Hinricks Dan Scalf Becky Hall Billie Dahlberg Amelia Wuethrich Ruth MinerKessell Laura Jo Pearson Mary Lou Brown Tom Goodwin Johnny Milner Enrique Gonzales Don Lendl & Family Nancy Williams Reubin S. Family Dec. Gregg Schneider Dan Balson Laura Jane Sherwood Arlene Hensley Mike & Deb Fallon For phone numbers or addresses, contact the church office. S T. PAU L ' S E P I S C O PA L C H U RC H O F B E L O I T 212 W. Grand Avenue Beloit, Wisconsin 53511 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED Phone: 608-362-4312 Fax: 608-299-0001 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: www.stpaulsbeloit.org