All Hands on Deck All Hands on Deck


All Hands on Deck All Hands on Deck
All Hands on Deck
I find the great thing in this
world is not so much where we
stand, as in what direction we
are moving: To reach the port of
heaven, we must sail sometimes with
the wind and sometimes against it but we must sail, and not drift,
nor lie at anchor.
- Oliver Wendell Holmes
We are pleased to present to you Archbishop Alter High School’s 2007 Annual Report,
“All Hands on Deck’’ in conjunction with the fall issue of our alumni magazine, The Roundtable.
Our choice for a tandem approach to these two publications this year gives you an opportunity to not
only look back over what we have achieved in the last year, but to see how the new school year has begun
and what lies ahead.
The Annual Report, beginning on page 13, chronicles the year’s achievements and activities for 2006-2007
in regard to academic, extracurricular and financial matters at Alter. Additionally, our president shares
with you the strategic point Alter has reached in Charting the Course for its future; and most importantly,
you will find the recognition of those who financially contributed to Alter from July 1, 2006 to June 30,
2007. To all those who supported us, we are most grateful. Thank you for your generosity.
The Roundtable
Principal’s Message - Nicole Brainard
Welcome New Faculty and Staff
Meet the New Band Director
AlterFest 2007
Legacy Class of 2011 Class Notes and Reunions Recaptured
Hall of Fame Banquet and Alter’s Open House
In Memoriam
Page 2
Page 3
Page 4
Page 5
Page 6-7
Page 8-10
Page 11
Page 12
Annual Report 2007
Introduction to “All Hands on Deck”
President’s Message - Father Jim Manning
Overview of Operating Budget 2006-2007
Development Program and Giving Summary
Volunteer Recognition
Alter Booster Association
2006-2007 Service
2006-2007 Academics
2006-2007 Athletics 2006-2007 Performing Arts
Annual Fund 2007, Contributor Recognition
In Memory and Honor
Restricted and Matching Gifts Remembering Patti McCormick
Faculty, Staff and Administration
In Closing
Page 13
Page 14
Page 15
Page 16-17
Page 18-19
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Page 21
Page 22-23
Page 24-25
Page 26-27
Page 28-45
Page 46-47
Page 48
Page 49
Page 50-51
Page 52
A Message from the Principal,
Mrs. Nicole Brainard
reetings to the Alter Community,
In the short three months I have been Principal
I have come to more fully understand just what
a special place Alter High School is. Alter’s
reputation precedes itself, of course, but seeing
is truly believing. I knew, before I agreed to interview, that Alter was Charting the Course for
the future. I knew that Fr. Jim was the captain
of the ship and I knew the strength of the ship
before I joined on for the voyage.
What I was unable to grasp completely was just
how well thought out Alter’s course would be.
Having had the opportunity to become part of
the planning for Alter’s future has been a wonderful experience. Fr. Jim is an astute captain
and has assembled the most fantastic crew of
advisors imaginable. I can promise that once
the complete vision for Alter’s voyage to the
future is revealed, you will all be just as amazed
and excited as I.
In the meantime, Alter continues to rule the
seas of Catholic secondary education in Dayton.
The bounty of scholarships received by the Class
of 2007 was astounding and I expect that the
Class of 2008 will not pale in comparison. Our
OGT, SAT and ACT scores continue to rival or
surpass those of our most fierce competitors.
Our athletic teams continue to plunder the
competition with our prowess, clearly exhibited
by being awarded the prestigious Ohio Cup.
Our award-winning Fine Arts Department and
outstanding extracurriculars serve to round out
the picture.
All in all, Alter continues to provide an outstanding, Catholic, comprehensive education.
Looking at the plans for the future, I am certain that our ability to do so will only improve.
Thank you also to everyone who touches Alter in
any way, shape or form. We could not continue
on our voyage to excellence without you. May
God bless you all!
New Faculty & Staff
At the end of each year, while we typically must
say farewell to an exceptional teacher or two
upon retirement or with a career change, we
also look forward to the new talents that join
our faculty and staff for the start of a new school
year. Once again, this year, we welcome several
new faces that bring high energy and commitment to Alter’s educational programs.
Heather Schurig – English
With her B.A. from Miami University Oxford
and a Master of Education from Xavier University, Heather embarks upon her career at Alter.
We welcome her and are pleased she has chosen
Alter as a new teacher where we are certain she
will be successful.
Chris Fortin – French
With a double B.A. in French as well as Communications from U.C., Chris brings to Alter
hands-on experience from France where he
taught English in the French classroom and immersed himself in its culture and communities.
Jeff Morris – Alter Network
Jeff brings to Alter a wealth of knowledge with 8
years experience working Information Systems
and Technology, serving as Network Administrator or Engineer in various industries and
client-server environments. Undoubtedly he
will be instrumental in furthering our technical
capabilities to serve this generation of students.
Kathy Morris – German
Kathy is teaching part time for Alter while she
continues as a marketing consultant in the area.
She has developed an extensive background in
international business and marketing, obtained
her B.S. from the University of Illinois and received her Master’s from American Graduate
School of International Management.
Katie Ortiz – Spanish
Having served as a Spanish teacher at Incarnation
and Tower Heights Middle School in Centerville,
Katie is fully applying her licensure in Multi-Age
Spanish education with now adding high school
students. Her Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees
are both from University of Dayton.
Todd Tayloe – Science
L-R: T. Tucker, J Morris, K.
Ortiz, T. Tayloe, K. Morris and
H. Schrurig
After having already worked with Alter Science
teacher, Michelle Popp, in Zoology and Honors
Biology last year, it was a natural progression for
Todd to begin his full-time teaching here with
us. He has a double Bachelor’s degree from
University of Dayton in Biology and AYA Life
Science Education.
Todd Tucker – Music Director
Todd brings a vast and professional background
in music performance, composition, and education to Alter High School. Please read the feature
story on page 4 to learn why we predict the Alter
Marching Knights will completely flourish with
Todd’s direction.
Taking up the Baton
e wish to take the opportunity with this publication to introduce our new Music Director,
Mr. Todd Tucker. Todd’s extensive and very
professional background in music performance,
composition, as well as education, gives us every
confidence that he can take Alter’s Music program to an all new level. For those who have
met him, or already heard the band perform
this fall, it is most apparent that he has an incredible commitment to our students and their
individual growth as musicians.
“I am absolutely thrilled to join the Alter family.
The music department at Alter has been so welcoming. I couldn’t have inherited a better group
of students. Not to mention the great support
system of faculty, administration and parents
I’ve been working with daily. I am extremely
proud of these students. They have risen to every
challenge I’ve thrown their way so far and we are
building on their past successes. My goal is to take
this band and music program to the next level
in quality, quantity, tradition and pride. These
students have worked hard in the past and are
ready for the challenge and that next step.
I’m confident that this band will be the next big
thing to come from the school and this area. We
intend to make the Alter community very proud.
My standards are high and attainable. I can’t
wait to see the accomplishments these students
achieve this year.”
Please read Todd’s biography below to gain a
greater appreciation for what he brings to the
Alter music program.
Todd Tucker has always stayed very
busy as a clinician, soloist, and as soprano saxophonist with the award winning Helios Saxophone
Quartet. Mr. Tucker was the Assistant Director of
Bands and Orchestra at Thomas Jefferson High
School in Tampa, Florida, served on the teach-
ing faculties of the University of Kentucky and
Arizona State University, and was Artist Faculty
of Saxophone and Director of Jazz Studies at Brevard College, in Brevard, North Carolina.
Tucker has been spotlighted with feature performances at national conferences including the
College Band Director’s National Association
(CBDNA), International Association of Jazz
Educators, World Premier performances with
the Helios Saxophone Quartet and feature performances at the World Saxophone Congress and
The North American Saxophone Alliance. He has
also performed with the Lexington Philharmonic
Orchestra, the Victoria Symphony, Phoenix
Symphony Orchestra and the Sarasota Pops
Symphony, as well as additional appearances with
artists Doc Severson, Mike Mower, Bob Mintzer,
Louis Bellson, Chris Vadalla, Matt Catingub, Ed
Calle, Greg Abate, Bobby Shew, Gunther Schuller
and James Houlik. Mr. Tucker has been heard on
National Public Radio’s Performance Today and
as a member of the Helios Saxophone Quartet;
Mr. Tucker won the Coleman Chamber Music
Competition in Pasadena, CA and the Gold
Medal at the Fischoff National Chamber Music
Competition. Tucker’s compositions are published by Walrus Publications and he has written
feature articles for
Downbeat magazine. Tucker has
also been featured
in a Saxophone
Journal front cover interview and
contributes articles for the
he weather could not have been more
ideal the entire weekend of our annual
AlterFest. The addition of some new
games, new entertainment, new drinks,
etc. made for a new record breaker! $486,944.69
gross earnings! WOW!!”
“A good time was had by all. It was a great joy to
see all of the patrons having a good time whether
it was playing games, riding rides, enjoying a
meal with their families or listening to the bands
in our new entertainment venue. It was great to
see people of all ages enjoying the weekend.”
“We volunteered to be the Fest Co-Chairs for
the simple reason of giving to the Alter community with our time and talent, but the huge
success of the weekend is due to the work and
dedication of all of the Boosters, not us. The
experience was one of the most rewarding we
have ever had. Working with such a dedicated
organization is priceless. We wish to thank each
and every member of the Booster organization
for all that they did. It was also rewarding to
see parents, alumni, faculty members, as well
as all of the students, volunteer their own time.
THANK YOU!! Over 7000 volunteer hours are
required to pull off this event for the weekend
and that does not include hours spent in planning, set up etc.”
“The best part of AlterFest is knowing that the
Boosters will once again be able to assist Alter High
School with paying for expenses that will benefit the
entire student body in some way, shape or form.”
- Bill and Martha Haussman,
Festival Co-Chairs
Brian Short with AlterFest Chair, Bill Haussman
Catholic Education…
Keeping it in the Family
ne of the greatest testaments we have
to our success as a Catholic High
School is the opportunity we are
given each new school year to educate
the children of our alumni. The Class of 2011
brought us 43 legacy freshmen students, including two cousins, each recipients of the Taylor
Family Scholarship for academic performance.
Colin Petrello and Danny Walsh are both
looking forward to following in their parents’
footsteps as students of Alter.
L-R: Colleen and Colin Petrello with Danny and Pat Walsh
“Alter played a great role in my mom’s life” commented Colin, “Through her religion classes at
Alter, she strengthened her faith to believe that
God is with her in everything she does.” Colleen
Walsh ’84 Petrello, Colin’s mom added, “My
senior retreat at Alter was life-changing…I’ve
never forgotten it. I wanted Colin to have this
same experience which I am certain will enrich
his faith. There’s something about traveling a
faith journey with your peers that is undeniably
enlightening and inspirational. I think it is why,
when I reconnect with my high school classmates, the bond is still felt after all these years.”
Colleen’s brother, Pat Walsh ’75, also wanted
Alter for his son, Danny, so that he would not
only be educated in the traditional academic
fields of math, science and liberal arts, but in
what it means to be a Catholic Christian. “We
know and trust that Alter’s academic standards
are very high; the
integrity and accomplishments
of its graduates
speak to that. For
academics, Danny
couldn’t be at a
better place than
Alter. My hope for
Danny is that Alter
will mold him into
an even stronger
Catholic. We’ve
once again put our
faith in Alter High
School.” Danny
looks forward to
being part of the
Alter tradition of
excellence, stating, “My parents told me that doing well in school will set the course for my future
and Alter will ensure that I am fully prepared. I
hope to gain from Alter what my dad did in being
one of its graduates: lifelong friendships, high
moral standards and a broad view on life.”
We thank the Petrello and Walsh families for
choosing Alter a second time and entrusting us
with their sons’ faith and education.
Legacy Class of 2011
Bottom Row – Colin Cochran (Shawn ’75 and Nancy Klosterman ’75 Cochran), Ben Danis (Chris Danis ’73), Brendan Duffin
(Kevin ’78), Daniel Walsh (Pat ’75), Sean Kernan (Brian ’79), Emily Kowal (Chris ’80), John Duchak (John ’79), Colin Petrello
(Colleen Walsh ’84 Petrello), Dominic DiMuccio (Anne Dirckx ’82 DiMuccio), Emily Cata (Cef ’80)
2nd Row – Theodore Dorow (Mary Lynn Miller ’78 Dorow), Holly Romer (Mark ’78 and Anne Grogan ’78 Romer), Sarah
Weidner (Maureen Iacurci ’71 Weidner), Amanda Brunner (Tim ’82), Sarah Hanna (Tamara Gantt ’80 Hanna), Sarah Gerhard
(Kathleen Nugent ’81 Gerhard), Rachel Conley (Joanne Bruns ’79 Conley), Kaila Howe (Paul ’84), Emily Girouard (Ruth Fremgen
’78 Girouard)
3rd Row – Rebecca Esselstein (Brian ’74), Jonathon Neroni (Mike ’82), David Zimmerman (Mike ’77), Patrick Zimmer (Jeff ’76
and Patty Kingdom ’83 Zimmer), Lauren Mershad (Greg ’80), Thomas Horwath (Maureen Wheeler ’76 Horwath), Rachel Puslat
(Helen Gjarmati ’73 Puslat), Erin Thalheimer (Dan ’80), Mary Grace Mershad (Martin ’74), Abby Riazzi (John ’81)
4th Row – Molly VanOss (Julie Yingling ’78 Slivinski), Jacquelyn Kohls (Steve ’74 and Ann Witt ’74 Kohls), Joseph Thuney
(Mike ’73), Teddy Link (Ted ’82 and Therese Madden ’82 Link), John Lecomte (Jeanne Glennon ’82 LeComte), Brian Price (Shary
Moran ’73 Price), Zane Pitzer (Janet Turckes ’79 Pitzer), Max Klenke (Joe ’81 and Lori Klosterman ’82 Klenke), Matt Diehl (Patty
Miller ’73 Diehl), Peter Scharf (Jim ’81)
Top Row – Molly Rentz (Vicki Volmer ’86 Rentz), Malloree Hagerty (Bill ’75), Christina Rose (Bernard ’76), Amy Minham
(Joe ’72 and Shirley Henry ’73 Minham), Sara Hecht (Mike ’76)
Omitted from picture – Alex Fitzharris (Karen Graul ’72 Fitzharris) and sophomore Ryan Galen (Karen Iacurci ’78 Galen)
Class Notes
& Reunions!
Bill George ’66 recently returned from overseas in Iraq
as a private military contractor, working as a Police Advisor/Trainer for MPRI, a U.S. contracting company. He will
be going back over to the Middle East in some capacity
this coming fall. Indiana is still his home, however, he will
be traveling quite a bit in the near future. He asks that we
please pray for our troops overseas.
“The 30th Reunion for the Class of 1977 was a rousing success. Classmates journeyed from all around
the United States to join in the fun. The weekend activities provided a great setting for seeing old friends,
sharing fond memories and celebrating life.”
- Reunion Chair, Eric Eichner
Ann Margaret Bogle ’84 Chapman and husband, John,
celebrated the birth of their daughter Sarah Ann on February 6, 2007. They reside in Athens, Alabama where John is
a Sales Engineer and Ann has retired from her career of 17
years in Program Management to fulfill her dream of being
a stay-at-home Mom.
“Roughly 80 classmates
attended our 25th reunion event and
had a great time. Our reunion began with Mass in the Alter Chapel
led by classmate Fr. Chris Worland and we took up a collection of over
$3,000 to use in memory of a few of our classmates who have died.
What was so amazing to me after 25 years is that we still all have the
same love, spirit and friendship as we did when at Alter; our class has
always had a special bond. My fellow-alumni commented on how good
it was to see old friends and to reconnect with people.”
-Reunion Chair, Amy Armstrong Smith
“We held our 20th class reunion at NCR Country Club on
September 1 with 155 alums and guests attending. The weekend started on Friday with alums cheering on the Knights at
the Alter-Bellbrook game followed by a gathering at Elsa’s in
Kettering afterward. It felt good to hear people come up to
me and say how much fun they were having and that they
really appreciated the work of the reunion committee. The
fun lasted till midnight with most people staying until the
end. It’s a good sign when people don’t want to leave!”
– Reunion Chair, Steve Breitenstein
Sarah Walker ’94 Boyle and Brian Boyle ’94 had a baby
girl, Reese Isabella Boyle on February 16, 2007. She joins
big brother, Ben (2)…Jeff Nevers ’99, son of Delano and
Maxine Nevers, and his wife, Sharmin Terri, daughter of
Thomas Terri and Jari Brown, reside in Marysville, Ohio
with their daughter, Morgan (1). Jeff and his wife are both
employed at Time Warner.
Emily Pingrey ’01 married Brian Mitsch ’01 on July 14,
2007 at St. Alberts. The wedding party included Alter
alumni, Pat Mitsch ’95 and 2001 graduates, Tommy and
Andy Gottschlich, Frank Carone, Alison Duggan and
Molly Rauch. Emily is a nurse at Dayton Children’s Medical
Center and Brian is a social studies teacher at Watts Middle
School in Centerville. . .Alexis Troha ’02 recently completed
a year as a professional cheerleader with the Cincinnati
Bengals and graduated from Sinclair’s Physical Therapy
Assistant program and is now transferring to Florida Gulf
Coast University in Fort Meyers, Florida after being accepted
into their Health Sciences Program. . .Jennifer Dresel ’04
was chosen as one of 60 students from across the country
to participate in an internship program in Barcelona, Spain.
She will be interning for a company called Liquid in Motion
and will receive training in advertising, product development and web design.
“We had a great turnout! It was exciting to
see everyone and to hear about what everyone is doing now that we have been out of
Alter for 5 years.”
- Maureen Zimmer, Reunion Chair
Alter High School
Sunday, November 4, 2007
2:00 – 4:30 p.m.
Come meet our new principal, talk with our teachers, ask questions of students and see all that is excellent about
an Alter education.
We know how to work
Teacher Ratio 16:1
• Student
Advanced Placement Courses
• 7Ohio
Governor’s Science Award in 2007
• $8.3 Million
in 2007 College Scholarship Awards
• Pre-Engineering
with University of Dayton
• State and NationalProgram
• the academic leaderTest Scores that show Alter to be But we also know how to
play hard...
• Spiritual
Youth Group
• Social
Art and Design Classes
• Digital
Cup All-Sports Trophy 2007
• Ohio
Performing Arts Program
• WirelessMachine
Campus and Mobile Computer Labs
(937) 428-5394
2008 Alter High School
Hall of Fame Banquet
Friday, January 25
6 PM at the Presidential Banquet Center
Tickets: $40 per person or $500 Corporate Table with seating for 10 and
sponsor recognition in the evening’s program.
While the deadline for 2008 nominations has passed, you may continually submit names for consideration for future inductions throughout the year. Nomination forms can be downloaded from
Call the Advancement Office for more information or to purchase tickets to the banquet at (937) 434-2059.
In Memoriam
We offer the families of the deceased our deepest sympathy and prayers. We appreciate those of you who
write to inform us of the deaths within the Alter family. You may provide information by calling the
Advancement Office at (937) 434-2059 or emailing [email protected].
Jane Balsamo (July 2007), mother of Jim ’72, Barbara Balsamo ’73
Weaver, Diane Balsamo ’76 Rupp, and Nancy Balsamo ’80 Crouchley
Caroline Carter (August 2007), daughter of Ed ’86 and Karen Colonna ’86
Carter; niece of Frank Colonna ’92, Ben Carter ’94 and Andy Carter ’00
Roy Begley (August 2007), father of Julie Begley ’81 Smith, John ’82 and
Lisa Begley ’83 Horan
Betty Jane Buehrle (June 2007), grandmother of Chris ’00, Tracy ’02,
Matt ’03, Laura ’04, Kelly ’05, Kelsey ’09
Sylvan Connair (April 2006) and Jane Connair (May 2006), father and
mother of Maureen Connair ’69 Wiesner
Roy Davis, father of Bryan ’74, Chuck ’76 and Jeff ’79
Virginia Farmer (March 2007), mother of Deborah Farmer ’68 DeCurtins and Mike ’71
Anthony Fortkamp, father of Luanna Fortkamp Leetch ’78 and Jim ’79
Frank George (November 2006), father of Bill ’66
Mark Kreusch (August 2007), son of Suzie Cerar ’89 Kreusch; nephew
of Pete ’86 and Sherri Thieman ’86 Cerar, Chris Cerar ’93 and Liz Cerar
’94 Anderson
Marlene Muegel (July 2007), mother of Phillip ’79, Debra ’80, Patrick
’86 and Dale ’88
Ethel McManus (July 2007), mother of SuEllen McManus ’66 Henry,
Kathleen McManus ’67 Gustavson, Jack ’71, Mary McManus ’74 Conner
and Margaret McManus ’77
Patricia McCormick (August 2007), mother of Michael ’84, Brian ’86
and Tim ’91
Patr icia Roth, g r andmother of Ker in Dav is ’88 Cencula,
Kristina Davis ’89 Kwak and Kevin Davis ’93
Lyle Shafer (March 2005) and Helen Shafer (July 2006), father and
mother of Amy Shafer ’75 Gibbs, Tom ’76 and Elizabeth ’80
David Tsui ’84 (August 2007), brother of Lisa Tsui ’87 Diller
Bernard Wannemacher (June 2007), father of James ’84
All Hands on Deck
This past year, Alter embarked upon a journey that will
forever change its course. We have been charting a new
voyage with a bold, brave vision that will take us to destinations never before dreamed.
Like the greatest voyages upon the highest seas, it is not the
ship but the sailors that will assure a prosperous journey. This
past year has shown that members of this community truly care
about this school and many are coming on board in any way
they can to be part of this amazing moment in our history.
Together, we have identified our strengths and our weaknesses; we have explored solutions to our threats and been
creative in exploiting our opportunities. As we continue
to work together in refining the vision, we find ourselves
part of a crew committed to success.
We have cast off the bowlines and are raising the sail
on our future…come on board and take the journey.
All Hands on Deck.
Hands on Leadership
Calling “All Hands on Deck!”
It has been one short year since nearly 300 individuals gathered together on our
campus to offer input into an all new, thorough and creative, strategic planning
process for Alter High School. In that one year, we have witnessed an unbelievable
outpouring of participation and interest in helping Alter “Chart the Course” for
its future, renewing our faith that this school is valued by a countless many and
it is they who will ensure that Alter not only continue, but thrive.
I am working very closely with several leaders in our community, as well as our
Board of Trustees and principal, to refine our charted vision. Attention is being
given to every detail of our strategy so to present our community a most thorough
and comprehensive plan in launching our Capital Campaign in 2008. We are
Father Jim Manning, President
“gearing up” for this tremendous undertaking by having invited several campaign
leaders into the process who are currently working with us to organize the campaign
structure and personnel, as well as help finalize the site analysis and architectural
renderings. We are all anxious, but I remind myself that a good Captain of a ship
does not take to sea until the destination is clearly in sight. We are very close and
I will keep you all updated.
Within the pages of this Annual Report is a listing of all those who have generously
supported our Annual Fund in 2006-2007. You will find alumni who have chosen
to give back to this next generation; parents who have witnessed the benefits of
an Alter education for their child and wish to continue their support for others;
teachers who so greatly believe in our cause, they choose to contribute to the very
institution from which their paycheck comes. You will also discover the numerous
number of volunteers who assist in every facet of our school, the efforts of whom
never go unnoticed or unappreciated. I thank each and every one of you for committing to Alter High School, demonstrating such faith in our stewardship and
making it possible to be as successful as we are in Catholic education.
We continue to gain momentum and commitment to our mission with both gifts of time and
treasure, preparing us well for all that lies ahead!
Alter is on the cusp of greatness and we will be successful; my confidence is securely anchored in the
work of all those I see around me every day and in
knowing that God has his hand in all that we do.
All Hands on Deck!
Alter High School Operating Budget
The financial health of our school and the education we provide is inextricably linked to
our community members who give every year. The impact of such support is revealed
in the numbers below where one will find that funds from restricted giving as well
as our annual fund are factored into the projected operating budget each year. Our
Booster Association’s diligent work then gives the school even more ability to address
needs upcoming throughout the school year. It is this generosity that enables us, for
Board of Trustees
securing such valuable programs as Kairos and MUSE Machine. It is only through
your selfless contributions that Alter maintains its reputation for excellence.
With a valuable cross-section of tal-
example, to expense nearly $150,000 more on Student Services than noted in revenue,
Revenues 2006-2007
ents and professional experience from
$4,260,705 450,000 $4,034,403
Student Activities and Services
461,000 426,150
Restriced Gifts and Financial Aid 210,000 210,000
Interest Income and
Unrestricted Receipts 180,000 170,000
State of Ohio Administrative Cost
Reimbursement 170,000 160,000
Archdiocesan Support 61,000 61,000
Special Events Receipts 50,000 75,000
Other Miscellaneous Receipts 15,000 15,000
Tuition and Fees Annual Fund Total Revenues $5,857,705 $5,591,553 Expenses $2,557,350 $2,424,600
1,836,478 1,799,445
Operations and Maintenance 646,765 616,871
Student Activities and Services
606,320 527,575
Restricted Gifts and Financial Aid 210,000 210,000
Instruction and Support (salaries, supplies and department expenses)
Administration and Advancement
(salaries, taxes and benefits and technology)
Transfer to Restricted Fund Total Expenses 792 $5,857,705 13,062
$5,591,553 education and finance to business and
the priesthood, Alter has one of the
strongest leadership Boards among
educational institutions. We are
fortunate that these are the men and
women who have been working with
Father Jim in capturing our vision and
planning our future.
Executive Committee
Mr. Rob Suttman ’78, Chair
Mr. Dan Graham ’74, Vice-Chair
Mr. Tom Hausfeld, Treasurer
Mr. Don Vermillion, Secretary
Mr. Mark Fornes ’74
Mr. Tom Frericks ’73
Ms. Susan Gibbons ’74
Mr. Dick Glennon
Father Gerald Haemmerle
Father Lawrence Mierenfeld
Dr. Toni Moore
Mrs. Marilou Smith
Mr. Paul Zimmer ’66
Sister Katie Hoelscher,
ad hoc member
Father Jim Manning,
ad hoc member
A Helping Hand
Summary and
Thanks to all those listed within this report, our annual fund continues to increase,
giving us a significant portion of our operating budget for the year. While we are
proud to see our annual fund break through $400,000 in 2007, we interpret the
list of who is supporting us to be the most profound statement at this time.
In review of gifts made to both our annual fund as well as the tremendous con-
(actual figures for fiscal year ending June 30, 2007)
Annual Fund (Unrestricted) $409,733
tributions continually made every year with restricted giving, one constituency in
particular has caught our attention. We are grateful that our alumni base remains
steadfast in giving back to their alma mater and many current parents are giving
beyond their tuition investment; however, it is the growing category of Alumni
Parents that is of particular interest in our assessment of development progress.
This group, above all others, might be most vulnerable to discontinuing their
support; historically, this proves true at many educational institutions. Once their
children’s education ends, so does their giving.
Annual Fund (Unrestricted)
Restricted Gifts
Why then, at Alter, has our alumni parent group increased? Our “untested” con-
clusion of this fact is that parents come to realize the true value of Alter’s education
once their student takes to the “real world.” Parents see the amazing success and
ease in which their graduates matriculate to universities and colleges; the moral
fiber that is fully stretched in facing social pressures away from home; the confi-
Annual Fund (Unrestricted)
dence and spirit that exudes from their young adult children as they embark upon
Restricted Gifts
careers. Alumni parents come to witness their investment paying dividends for
life. We believe it is in recognition of and thanks for Alter’s role in their student’s
success that they continue their gifts, and we are most grateful.
Each of you, no matter your relationship to our community, is ensuring that
Annual Fund (Unrestricted)
Restricted Gifts
$ 35,544
Alter continues to touch lives and help shape our world. Thank you for your
2007 Annual Fund Range of Gifts by Contributors
Knights Council
Knights Council Totals
Order of Excellence
Sword and Shield
Brown and Gold
Annual Fund Totals
General Contributors
Gift Level
Alumni Parents
2007 Annual Fund Range of Gifts by Dollars
Knights Council
Gift Level
Knights Council Totals
Alumni Parents
9,483.66 248,023.22
Order of Excellence
2,000.00 38,750.00
Sword and Shield
1,850.00 47,495.00
Brown and Gold
800.00 56,246.00
Annual Fund Totals
General Contributors
15,113.66 409,733.22
Lending a Hand
This annual report serves not only
Buildings and Grounds
as an opportunity to recognize those
who financially support Alter, but also
many of those who give of their time
and talent. Beyond our formal parent
organizations and the countless many
who step in for last minutes needs in
every area of the school, we had even
more of our community involved in
charting our course by participating on
strategic implementation teams. We
wish to acknowledge those who helped
initiate the program last year:
Team Members
Linda Dintaman
Alissa Gantt
John Gates
Susie Gibbons
Sarah Kunesh
Teresa Laengle
Maureen O’Brien
Diane Sessler
Bonnie Walter
Sam Wright
Marketing and Development
Joe Baldasare
Karen Boyle
Kirsten MacDougal
Bob Miller
Toni Moore
John Patterson
Scott Sessler
Mary Ruth Shearer
Brian Short
Theresa Check
Chuck Eisenhauer
Ed Griffith
Chris Hart
Tom Mygrants
Jeff Reboulet
David Reeves
Nancy Andrews
Scott Balent
Tom DeMange
Todd Duplain
Tom Frericks
Bob Hausmann
Pete Jablonski
Mark McHale
Greg Merrill
Billy Schoen
Faculty Life
Jennifer Butler
Jim O’Dell
Michelle Popp
Keith St.Pierre
David Timpone
Maureen Willits
Paul Zimmer
Finance and Administration
Roger Furrer
Patti McCormick
Tom Nikolai
Cyndi Platt
Dan Sadlier
Steve Skerl
Ed Stoermer
Jim Tillar
Spiritual Life
Holly Brady
Luis Colas
Fran Heider
Sister Rebecca Hurr
Denise O’Connell
Anne Romer
Anne Trick
Stan Troha
Student Life
Mark Burian
Meghan Fahey
Petty Holton
Ann Merrill
Ann Timpone
Jim Zimmerman
William Baele
Virginia Bard
Duane Burris
Meg Castleman
Fran Flynn
Barb Groene
Linda McCarthy
Christy Pappert
Sheri Stover
David Swafford
Sister Dennis Tisler
Bev Wimmers
Site Analysis Committee
Mike Cronin
Mark Fornes
Tom Frericks
Bo Gunlock
Paul Striebel
2007 Phonathon
In addition to those who gave their
time to our strategic planning and
implementation, many of our alumni,
parents and even students have been
instrumental in furthering our gains
in the Annual Fund by helping with
our phonathons. Thank you for making the calls that generate revenue for
our students’ educational experience at
Alter, and thanks, too, to all those who
answer those calls!
Eddie Alexander ’89
Ann Baldwin ’74
Ann Stueve ’80 Becker
Steve Breitenstein ’87
Mike Breving ’91
Kevin Britt ’73
Kim Burr ’02
Kraig Burr ’97
Nancy Ferneding ’67 Campbell
Gerry Chadwick ’73
Suzanne Zimmer ’92 Duplain
Eric Eichner ‘77
Susan Fiely ’86 Eisenhauer
Jack Fiala ’67
Lynn Frericks ’83
Greg Gallagher ’66
Patty Reisinger ’71 Hale
Shannon Firsdon ’86 Holtgrieve
Elaine Bayer ’74 Janicki
Jon Klein ’77
Trish Navin ’77 Lachey
Mark Lane ’82
Alex Laufersweiler ’84
Mike Lekan ’95
Kim Karpiak ’77 Lindley
Kevin Lowden ’73
Doug Lunne ’82
Marilyn Bell ’74 Mahrt
Tony Manzo ’89
Greg Merrill ’69
Adam Miller ’91
Ellen Sand ’91 Miller
Mike Neroni ’82
Les Payne ’66
Janet Turckes ’79 Pitzer
Jim Powers ’89
Sharon Moran ’73 Price
Nancy Finke ’72 Rambasek
Alicia Anderson ’74 Risko
Claire Blust ’79 Rodehaver
Julie Conway ’86 Roshong
Angie Gehring ’86 Schimpf
John Schimpf ’89
Jennifer Moore ’94 Schoen
Mary DiSalvo ’71 Schweikert
Stacey Parnell ’92 Sheets
Sharon Greco ’84 Smith
Nicole Stafford ’99
Stephanie Waltz ’71 Stark
Lexi Troha ’02
Maureen Iacurci ’71 Weidner
Linda Poelking ’67 Weprin
Susan Werner ’80 Wildermuth
Lori Allen ’84 Wilke
Molly Stanton ’84 Witt
Maggie Traynor ’66 Zimmer
Maureen Zimmer ’02
Current Parents
Paul Colavincenzo
Peggy Colavincenzo
Sue Connon
Tom Connon
Mollie Cummins
Alice Fisher
Ken Fisher
Karen Hartings
Steve Hartings
Tom Hausfeld
Bob Jasper
Toni Jasper
Frank Pirrello
Karen Pirrello
Cyndi Platt
Mark Platt
Beth Saad
Scott Saad
Carol Severance
Diane Sowar
Gerry Sowar
John Templin
Lisa Tromp
Past Parents
Kirk Febus
Vanessa Frey
Rebecca Dworkin ’10
Ramsey Hidmi ’08
Taylor Hurst ’08
Alex Tillar ’08
Kari Vangsness ’08
Sally Tahy
Hands on Help
Alter Booster Association
commit to improving the educational experience for our students. While Alter
2006-2007 Officers and
Event Chairs
has numerous organizations in which parents take part, one group in particular
Tom Mygrants, President
Alter parents are like no other in the amount of time and energy they continually
always deserves special mention due to their extensive involvement and unreal
contribution…the Alter Booster Association.
Through events that have long become tradition at Alter, the Boosters raise hun-
Bill Hausmann, 1st Vice-President
Gail Plunkett, 2nd Vice-President
dreds of thousands of dollars that directly improves every facet of the school’s
Ed Stoermer, Secretary
operation throughout a given year. In 2006-2007 alone, more than $230,000
Bill and Martha Hausmann,
was provided in support of special request projects, on-going updates of an aging
AlterFest Chairs
facility, need-based grants for incoming students, as well as an annual, unrestricted
gift to the school in excess of $75,000!
Ed Stoermer and Kathy Marshall,
Golf Outing Chairs
Alter has come to rely greatly on the Booster’s success each year as tuition alone
does not adequately cover all of its operating expenses. Booster run events such
as AlterFest, Fish Fry and the Golf Outing, are what make it possible for us to
keep our tuition as low as possible each year but still provide the stellar academic
experience Alter families have come to expect.
We are so indebted to each one of the Booster members and grateful that our
community continues to be one in which the parents are always willing to roll
up their sleeves and pitch-in. Thank you Boosters!
Dan Armstrong and
Rob Petrosino, Fish Fry Chairs
We at Alter High School pride ourselves on instilling in our students a habit of learning for a life time, but just as importantly, we seek to establish in our young people a
desire to always help others. Four years of faith-forming Kairos retreats and prayer,
coupled with endless opportunities in service creates an environment where our
students learn to look both in and outside of themselves to educate their very soul.
The Value of Key Club
By Sarah Lechleiter ’08
Alter High School’s Key Club is well known for being the largest Key Club in
Ohio and one of the most active service organizations in the area. Once again in
2007, our members gave thousands of volunteer hours to countless causes and our
fundraising efforts contributed over $13,000 to a wide variety of charities.
Key Club has been one of the most meaningful organizations that I have participated in during high school. As co-president, my fellow officers and I conduct
bi-weekly meetings and oversee the service of our 250+ members. Under our
moderator, Mr. Rich, we also submit monthly reports to Key Club International
and frequently interact with our parent club, Kettering Kiwanis. Some of my
favorite projects have been our annual Turkey Drive, the St. Joseph’s Orphanage
Christmas Party, baking cookies for Prison Kairos retreats, and the Ronald McDonald House’s Spring Cleaning. My involvement in Key Club has introduced me
to many new people both in and outside school and given me the chance to give
back to the community. We are so blessed at Alter, and Key Club is a wonderful
opportunity for us to share our time and talents with those less fortunate.
Hands on Learning
Class of 2007
$8.3 Million in College or University Scholarships
97% of the Class continuing on to College or University
1 U.S. Navy Commission
1 U.S. Army ROTC Scholarship
9 Full Academic Scholarships Offered
Ohio Governor’s Science Award
National Merit Scholarship Program
By Sarah Kunesh
Thirteen Alter high school seniors recently joined an elite group of high school seniors
National Merit Commended
when they were recognized by the 2007 National Merit Scholarship program which
Clark Becker
Courtney Castle
Christopher Douville
Michelle Hoffman
Mary Horwath
Colleen O’Connell
Katherine Shields
Matthew Stier
Emily Untener
Nathan Waggenspack
High school students enter the National Merit program by taking the Preliminary
National Semi-Merit Finalist:
is an academic competition for recognition and scholarships that began in 1955.
SAT (PSAT) exam as juniors. Students receiving the honor of Commended Scholar
placed among the top 5% of 1.4 million entrants. The Semi-Finalists represented
less than 1% of all highschool seniors in the U.S. Semi-Finalists are designated on
a state representational basis, and they are distinguished as being the highest scoring
entrants in each state. About 90% of Semi-Finalists proceed to become Finalists, and
approximately one-half of the Finalists are selected as National Merit Scholarship
winners, receiving scholarships provided by corporations, colleges and universities
as well as by the National Merit Scholarship Corporation. The Finalists must demonstrate outstanding academic record
and submit recommendation from their
Joseph Kunesh
principal in addition to a personal essay
National Merit Finalists:
for qualification.
Zachary Miller
Timothy Raffio
Of Alter’s graduating class of 2007,
there were 10 National Merit Commended Scholars, 1 National Merit,
Semi-Finalist and 2 National Merit Finalists. Kudos to these 2007 graduates
for this prestigious academic honor!
Alter Scores Again!
In a style that is becoming testing tradition at Alter, our
sophomore class once again performed exceptionally well
on the Ohio Graduation Test in 2007, proving that Alter
remains the academic choice for excellence in the Dayton
area and a leader in the state! Our current parents always
receive a letter from the principal detailing the results of our
test scores each year, but beyond this communication, we
do not release the scores.
Some have questioned why we do not “advertise” and
promote our outstanding OGT results in comparison to
other schools in the local papers each year, or even include
a detailed report within our publications. Please understand
that we are abiding by an Archdiocesan policy in regard to
publicity of test scores where reporting is only allowed to be
aggregate, representing all Catholic schools in our district.
It is a mission-based policy that has merit but discussion
still continues on this topic from year to year in the best
interest of all our schools. Until such time as policy might
change, trust that Alter is, and has always been, a stand-out
Hands in Motion
The Best Knights of the Year
By Mickey Shuey ’10
Last school year Alter High School was making Ohio sports history. It was the year of the
Knights, as Alter put 17 of their 22 offered
sports into post-season competition, including accomplishments by all nine of the teams
that competed during the fall season. These
teams were the driving force that put Alter in
the position to win the Ohio High Cup in 2007. The Knights won the Division
II State Championship in volleyball and were the State Runners-Up in girls cross
country, boys soccer and football. Both the boys and girls basketball won District
Championships and finished as Regional Runners-Up. In the spring, the boys track
Photo compliments of Bergeron Photography
team won the District Championship, while the girls track team was the District
Champions, Regional Champions and finished 4th at the State meet.
A total of nine league titles were earned, including five GGCL (Girls Greater
Cincinnati League) championships in girls cross country, girls soccer, girls volleyball, girls basketball, and girls track, and four GCL (Greater Catholic League)
Championships in football, boys soccer, boys basketball and boys swimming
and diving. Finally, the GGCL All-Sports Trophy went to the
Knights for the sixth straight year, and for the fourth straight
year, GCL All-Sports Trophy did as well.
Whether or not this past year goes down in the books as the
most successful in Alter Knights sports history is really up to
the athletes themselves. It’s their job to continue to strive for
success. But when you look towards the scoreboards or stage
in the gymnasium, always look for the numbers “2006” or
“2007.” That’s what Alter pride is all about.
Alter Wins the Ohio Cup All Sports
Trophy 2007!
In a state competition patterned after the Directors’ Cup standing for colleges
and universities, Ohio high schools earn points by finishing in the top four at
OHSAA-sanctioned state team championships. Fall performances gave Alter a
great lead with 3 state runner-up teams earning 3 points each and girls’
volleyball bringing 5 more points with their state title; finally, with girls’
track finishing fourth in Division II in the spring, Alter topped out at
15 total points at year end, bringing home the Ohio Cup! Way to go!
“Winning the Ohio Cup Championship speaks to the dedication and determination of our coaches and student-athletes. Despite Alter’s inadequate
facilities for today’s high pressure sports environment, they are rising to every
challenge and proving that success is found within themselves. These coaches
and athletes have achieved because of their work ethic and passion for their sport
and Alter High School.
With the honor of this championship comes added responsibility for the entire
Alter community. We are called to display the best sportsmanship, even in the
most difficult of circumstances to ensure that Alter continues to strive to be the
best on the field of competition and off!” - Chris Hart ’80, Athletic Director
Give them a Hand
Alter Theatre
The past year showcased the talents within
our theatre department both on and offstage. A powerful and modern portrayal of
the timeless Romeo and Juliet followed by
a spring production of the musical, Little
Shop of Horrors, proved once again that
Alter rivals any of the area’s best high school
theatrical programs. Bravo!
The Wiz
Alter-Kettering Summer Theatre
Funded in part by a grant from the City of Kettering, Mr. Bryan Wallingford took on a new challenge this past summer in the
interest of recruiting and marketing for Alter High School – a new Community Theatre production of the musical, The Wiz.
“This production allowed Alter alums to come back and showcase what they have learned since their time here at AHS; it allowed our current students to add another show to their resume; and it allowed many of our elementary students to get an early
taste of what the performing arts at Alter are like, serving as a catalyst in creating friendships between our students and those
from neighboring communities. Lastly, the summer theatre was a great benefit to the entire community by creating a great
night out at a very reasonable price. Nearly 700 tickets were sold for the three day run and our audiences were perfect mixtures
of Kettering and Alter families with a splash of friends from the greater Dayton area.” - Bryan Wallingford, Theatre Director
Dayton Awards
Congratulations to theatre director, Bryan Wallingford and senior
thespian, Alex Finke for their recognition in Dayton’s “The Year in
Theater” review. Mr. Wallingford was named Best Supporting Actor
in a Musical as Count Carl Magnus Malcolm in “A Little Night Music” and Ms. Finke, with her portrayal of Millie with Muse Machine’s
“Thoroughly Modern Millie” was noted as the Breakthrough Female
Performance. Two of Dayton’s finest are right here at Alter!
Theatre Parent Leaders
Hal & Rosie Melia
Bill & Lois Shaw
Gary & Kim Mueller
Brian & Karen Short
Mark & Cyndi Platt
Jim & Marie Seiler
Connie Santez
Alter Music Program
By Rosie Melia
The 2006-2007 season was a very successful and busy one for the Alter Marching
Knights. We were privileged to be a part of the football team’s thrilling season,
traveling all the way to the state final game in Masillon. The Marching Knights
took home trophies from two marching band competitions at Fenwick High
School and Bellbrook High School, and are looking forward to expanding our
competition circuit in the coming season.
2007 was an exciting year for the Marching Knights as they continued the tradi-
Music Association Officers
Rosie Melia, President
Vicki Wright, Vice President
tion of musical excellence established many years ago. Our members, directors,
Mary Kinsella, Secretary
and parents are very appreciative of the support we receive from the Alter faculty
Connie Jackson, Treasurer
and staff, students, parents, alumni, and community. 27
Giving Hands
President’s Circle
- $25,000+
The Knights Council
gift club represents
a core group of premier giving to Alter.
With gifts of $1,000
and more, these members are integral to
the success of our annual fund from year
to year. Those, especially, who renew or
even increase their
offering each year
have made it so we
can confidently rely
upon our annual fund
to supplement direct
operating costs and
better control the
rising cost of tuition
as best we can. Thank
you Knights Council
members for sharing
with us so generously
and leading the way in
giving to Alter.
Past Parents
Rob Suttman ’78+
Current Parents
Tom and Lori Hausfeld+*
Rob ’78 and Carleen Suttman+
Tom and Lori Hausfeld+*
Excalibur - $10,000+
Jeanne Glennon ’82 Lecomte
Scott Strady ’82+*
Amy Biegel ’85 Strady+*
Past Parents
Richard and Mary Glennon
Regent - $5,000+
Michelle Mariscalco ’73+***
Kevin ’74 and Karen Deddens ’74 Crotty+*
Scott Spring ’79****
Christine Hillman ’83 Rose+*
John Kunesh ’85+***
Current Parents
Janet Graul****
Past Parents
Kevin ’74 and Karen Deddens ’74 Crotty+*
Bill and Marilyn Crotty+***
William Sr. and Dorothy Eisenhauer+*
Janet Graul****
Bo and Mary Gunlock***
Mary Kunesh+***
John and Vivian Striebel+
Jim Walsh
Sarah Kunesh+***
Laureate - $2,500+
Bill ’67 and Patricia DiPasquale ’67 Krul****
Kathi Glass ’70**
Greg Kelble ’77***
Matt ’78 and Denise Abele ’78 O’Connell+***
David Domansky ’81+
Current Parents
Ron and Christine Hill
Jack and Linda McCarthy+
Matt ’78 and Denise Abele ’78 O’Connell+***
Mark and Cyndi Platt+**
Ed and Kathy Stoermer+**
Matthew Ulliman+
Past Parents
Tom and Vanessa Frey+*
Kathi Glass ’70**
Bill ’67 and Patricia DiPasquale ’67 Krul****
Tom and Joyce Laufersweiler+***
Jack and Linda McCarthy+
Matt ’78 and Denise Abele ’78 O’Connell+***
Mark and Cyndi Platt+**
Ed and Kathy Stoermer+**
Matthew Ulliman+
The Berry Family Foundation
The Kuntz Foundation+
Angela Droz Domansky+
Clare Patterson***
Squire - $1,500+
Myra Wright ’72 Aubuchon+
Nancy Finke ’72 Rambasek+*
Chris Danis ’73***
Harold Varvel ’73****
Mark Fornes ’74+*
Dan Graham ’74+**
Cindy Klosterman ’74 Varvel****
Ann Vallo ’75 Febus+***
Dan Armstrong ’76+***
Lynn McIntosh ’76 Graham+**
Stephen Joseph ’78+***
Mark ’78 and Anne Grogan ’78 Romer+***
Karl Rose ’80
Sean Walsh ’80****
Clinton Arnold ’82+*
Mark Lane ’82+
Amy Armstrong ’82 Smith**
Steve ’82 and Beverly Strok ’82 Suttman***
Anne Taylor ’82+***
Anthony Taylor ’82+*
Catherine Lander ’84 Hume+***
Shannon Firsdon ’86 Holtgreive+**
Timothy Moore ’90**
Current Parents
Dan ’76 and Eileen Armstrong+***
Kirk and Ann Vallo ’75 Febus+***
Mark ’74 and Tammy Fornes+*
Michael and Mary Gearhardt***
Dan ’74 and Lynn McIntosh ’76 Graham+**
Jay and Laura Heitz**
Stephen ’78 and Lynda Joseph+***
Mark ’82 and Carla Lane+
Mark ’78 and Anne Grogan ’78 Romer+***
Don and Laima Vermillion+***
Past Parents
Jack and Carol Adam
Thomas Cronin+*
Chris ’73 and Debbie Danis***
Kirk and Ann Vallo ’75 Febus+***
Michael and Mary Gearhardt***
Dan ’74 and Lynn McIntosh Graham ’76+**
Stephen ’78 and Lynda Joseph+***
* Represents consecutive years of giving to the Annual Fund with + denoting five years
Contributor Recognition …
thank you for your gift
Gordon and Jacquelyn Kohls+*
John and Barbara Laufersweiler+***
Bill and Sally Lincoln+***
Thomas and Nancy Finke ’72 Rambasek+*
Mark ’78 and Anne Grogan ’78 Romer+***
Dick and Maureen Russell+
Ned and Nancy Ryan*
Harold ’73 and Cindy Klosterman ’74 Varvel****
Don and Laima Vermillion+***
Mark Hume+**
Rev. John Kaising+
Carol Walsh****
Patron - $1,000+
Past Parents
Tom ’78 and Ann Stueve ’80 Becker+***
Kevin and Susan Brown+
Bob and Joan Collins****
Larry ’68 and Christine Connor
Nick and Marge Crnkovich+**
Mark ’72 and Margaret Amann ’73 Grunkemeyer***
Franz and Margaret Hoge+**
Robert and Tonia Jasper**
Jerry and Deanne Joseph+***
Rudolph and Marge Klein+**
Don and Laura Koller+*
Samuel and Mary Laneve+**
Bruce and Annette Lechleiter**
Michael and Patti McCormick+
Finbarr and Carol O’Neill**
Howard and Kristine Kunesh ’76 Part+***
Steve and Lisa Lehmkuhl ’74 Reeves****
Tim ’78 and Barbara Riazzi***
Hal and Elaine Rogero**
Gerard and Diane Sowar***
Rick and Sheri Stover+***
John and Connie Taylor***
Craig ’74 and Terry Covault ’74 Troup+***
Bill and Cynthia Uhl
Thomas and Amy Wallace+
Al and Betty Woeste+
Carl and Gail Woolley+**
Paul ’66 and Maggie Traynor ’66 Zimmer+*
Judy Davis
Timothy Jakubisin
Candace Paxson****
Rick Davis ’66
Richard Gaeke ’66
Paul ’66 and Maggie Traynor ’66 Zimmer+*
Larry Connor ’68
Nancy Prater ’71
Jerry Folz ’72**
Mark Grunkemeyer ’72***
Kevin Britt ’73+*
Margaret Amann ’73 Grunkemeyer***
Joseph Mastandrea ’73**
Jerry Samu ’73
Doug Ditzel ’74+***
James Jacobson ’74***
Lisa Lehmkuhl ’74 Reeves****
Craig ’74 and Terry Covault ’74 Troup+***
Jim Paxson ’75****
Suzanne Leyes ’76 Butler+***
Matthew Desch ’76
Mary Ellen De Luna ’76 Jakubisin
Kristine Kunesh ’76 Part+***
Tony Ploplis ’76****
Tom Becker ’78+***
Chris Finke ’78
Tim Riazzi ’78***
Ann Stueve ’80 Becker+***
Angela Long ’80 Prentice**
Daniel Bolek ’82+*
Judith Ebert ’82 Kelly
Betsy Walker ’84 Slattery
Karen Roesch ’85 Levine+**
Carla Casella ’87 Hodulik+**
Rachel Finke ’88***
Current Parents
Tom ’78 and Ann Stueve ’80 Becker+***
David and Ann Bockrath***
Kevin and Susan Brown+
David and Evie Freimuth***
Tom and Jayne Gmeiner****
Robert and Tonia Jasper**
Larry and Debbie Klein
Bruce and Annette Lechleiter**
Joseph ’73 and Kim Mastandrea**
Gerald and Fae Ochs**
John and Tina Patterson+
Tim ’78 and Barbara Riazzi***
Scott and Elizabeth Saad****
Gerard and Diane Sowar***
Rick and Sheri Stover+***
Thomas and Amy Wallace+
If you notice an error in our list of those who gave to the Annual Fund from July 1, 2006 to June 30, 2007,
please accept our apologies and contact the Director of Development at (937) 428-5312.
Giving Hands
Order of
Excellence - $500+
Greg Gallagher ’66
Robert Gutmann ’66**
Nancy Scheper ’67 Gutmann**
Mary Brechak ’69 Becht
Mark Klug ’69****
Timothy Homan ’70**
Tom Becht ’71
Robert ’71 and Stephanie Waltz ’71 Stark+**
Mary Laneve ’72 Parkhouse
Andrea Brockman ’73
Chris Desch ’73+
Mark Mitter ’73+**
Tim Newcome ’73
Carol Jones ’73 Schnipper**
Beth Czapor ’74
Susan Gibbons ’74+***
Tim McVay ’74+**
Richard Webb ’74
Chuck Bertini ’75+
Doug Striebel ’75+
Patricia Guenin ’87 Cunningham+**
Lisa Tsui ’87 Diller***
Georgina Munoz ’87 Masterson****
Greg Buerschen ’90****
Kara Luckew ’90 Miller
Dan DeBrosse ’91+***
Maureen Foley ’91
Marcia Jauch ’93 Rudzinski+**
Jerry Rudzinski ’94+**
Current Parents
Steve and Jo Beinlich***
Ceferino ’80 and Anne Cata+
John ’79 and Susan Duchak
Ken and Alice Fisher****
Robert and Dawn Gibson
Timothy and Lisa Janz***
Art and Susan Komorowski***
Joseph and Amy Morgan+*
Tom ’78 and Carol Hoying ’78 Nikolai**
Tim and Chris Payne**
Todd and Theresa Penney
James and Denis Pratt***
Dave Zobrist ’83+
Past Parents
Richard and Jeanne Amann**
Joe and Barbara Bockelman***
William and Cicily Brogan+***
Dan and Becky Castleforte
Jim and Monica Cengia
Vincent and Helen Chalecki***
John and Wanda Domansky
Richard and Patricia Durbin***
Roland and Mary Anne Eichner+***
Paul and Rita Finke
William and Marguerite Frost
Greg ’66 and Kathleen Gallagher
Frank and Rosemary Hoeper+
Mark ’69 and Rhonda Klug****
Joseph and Amy Morgan+*
George and Deanna Seifried+
Richard and Adrianne Shane**
Steve Martino ’77+
Elizabeth Payne ’77 Palermo+
Paul Thesing ’77****
Martha Walsh ’77+**
Tom ’78 and Carol Hoying ’78 Nikolai**
Bill Roeckner ’78****
John Bruns ’79****
Tom Doddridge ’79
John Duchack ’79
Robert Esselstein ’79+
John ’79 and Carolyn Ziehler ’79 Paxson
Becky Alejandrino ’80***
Darlene Saaler ’80 Braunschweiger+*
Ceferino Cata ’80+
Daniel Lehman ’80***
Sean ’81 and Sue Eisenhauer ’81 Heron**
Mark Nagy ’81
Molly Spring ’82+*
Beth Stanton ’83 Judd+***
Dave Zobrist ’83+
John DeBanto ’84**
Susan Sammon ’86 Hendrick****
Libby Rain ’86 Mallitz+**
Michael Masterson ’86****
Kathy Bertini**
Tina Buerschen***
Melanie DeBrosse
Nancy Doddridge
Daniel and Sue Ann Duval
Element IV Interiors
Teresa Esselstein+
David Mallitz+**
Joseph Sheehan
Victory Wholesale Grocers
Kathy Zobrist+
Sword and Shield
- $250+
John C. Borchers ’66+***
Jane Hoyne ’66 Hosty**
John Keys ’66+**
Kathy McRaven ’66 Lefevre
David Popovich ’66+**
Jim Stangle ’66+
Bonita Cull ’66 Voller+
* Represents consecutive years of giving to the Annual Fund with + denoting five years
Thomas Barkmeyer ’67+***
Rick Fersch ’67****
Margaret Meintel ’67 Gagner+***
David Martz ’67+
Deborah Zell ’67 Mathews+*
James Wayman ’67+*
Judith Lammers ’68 Imhoff
Peggy Chavez ’69+
Greg Merrill ’69
Mary Jo Geis ’70 Boisvert+
Don Barker ’71+***
James Kinzig ’71**
Jane Reichard ’71 McNamee+
Greg Perkins ’71+*
Don Van Leeuwen ’71
Rev. Chris Armstrong ’72+**
James Hochwalt ’72+*
Susan Laufersweiler ’72 King
Jim McVay ’72+***
Kevin Thomas ’72***
Gerard Chadwick ’73**
Matt Connor ’73
Julie Danis ’73***
Julie Feldman ’73+**
Dave Kehl ’73****
Arthur J. Kepes ’73+*
Greg Laravie ’73
Tim O’Connell ’73+
Marlene Burr ’73 Orendorf+**
Mike Thuney ’73+***
Joe Warning ’73**
Michael Witt ’73+
Michael Zimmerman ’73+*
Mark Zummo ’73***
Patty Hollencamp ’74 Cecil***
Douglas Tobe ’74+***
Chuck ’75 and Julie Grunkemeyer ’75 Hoey
Catherine Novelli ’75**
Thomas Pernik ’75+***
John Prater ’75+*
Kurt Stueve ’75
David Turckes ’75+***
Rob ’76 and Connie Witt ’76 Laumann+*
John and Jill Laufersweiler ’76 West+**
Annette Chavez ’77+*
Jon Klein ’77*
Patricia Navin ’77 Lachey+*
Thomas G. Landgren ’77+***
Mary Sue Finke ’77 Siegrist
Paul Crnkovich ’78+
John Heckel ’78+**
Joe ’78 and Kathy Klug ’78 Kessler**
Mike McGraw ’78***
Susan Fremgen ’79 Bowman***
Craig Curk ’79+**
Patrick Gibbons ’79****
Chuck Graham ’79***
Mary Beth Brust ’80****
Thomas Martino ’80***
Mary Lynn Graham ’80 Plageman+***
Regina Carlin ’80 Roesch
Greg Stein ’80+*
Ted Harris ’81+***
Patty Whelan ’81 Stueve
John Blust ’82+***
John McMahon ’82+**
Mike Neroni ’82
Theresa Yingling ’82 Plunkett**
Greg Taylor ’82****
Steve ’82 and Tina Metzger ’82 Wagoner
Mary Koop ’83 Leonhardt
Ted Nikolai ’83*
Contributor Recognition …
thank you for your gift
If you notice an error in our list of those who gave to the Annual Fund from July 1, 2006 to June 30, 2007,
please accept our apologies and contact the Director of Development at (937) 428-5312.
Steven Skerl ’83+***
Greg Fronista ’84+
Jack Mees ’84+*
Coleen Walsh ’94 Petrello**
Elizabeth Porter ’84 Taylor
Deborah Zinck ’84 Toennies**
David Deger ’85**
Paul Green ’85+*
Lori Hamill ’85
Chris Korb ’85+
William G. Uhl, II ’85**
Michael Guenin ’86
Aaron Kraft ’86**
Tim Neroni ’86
Jason Paine ’86**
David Schoettmer ’86
Ken Wiesman ’86
James Beyerle ’87+*
Michael Lawless ’87**
David McNamee ’88****
Stephanie Ferry ’88 Milburn
Bart ’88 and Laurie Griffin ’88 Must**
Stephen Zimmer ’88***
Theresa Bean ’89 Davis+**
Jonathan ’89 & Colleen Kavanaugh ’89 Duffy+**
Bart Grunenwald ’89**
Todd Kazmierski ’89***
Jim Powers ’89
Diana Woods ’90 McNamee****
Scott Zimmer ’90
Ryan Disher ’91+
Brian ’91 and Jenny Mercurio ’91 Leen+
Adam ’91 and Ellen Sand ’91 Miller+*
Brian McCall ’92****
Kathy Roesch ’92 Raucci+*
Stacey Parnell ’92 Sheets***
Denise Scarpelli ’93 Baker+*
Julie Duffy ’94 Dillon***
Michael ’94 and Amy Krisko ’94 Krug+**
Todd Fortwengler ’95***
Annmarie Ridenour ’95 Sanfillipo
Colin Crotty ’96
Jacob Groshek ’00***
Nick ’02 and Jenny Richmond ’02 Mangold
Current Parents
Alan and Nancy August***
Scott Bleser
Robert and Lisa Blommel
Paul and Ginny Boeckman***
Arturo and Ana Bonnin+
Lee and Jill Bramman**
Paul and Peggy Colavincenzo
Rinaldo and Mindy DiSalvo**
Bob and Monica Fahrendorf**
Mark and Catherine Feighery
Roger and Donna Furrer**
Robert and Dawn Gibson
Corrie and Theresa Gillis
John and Ruth Grubmuller
Mark and Sandra Haller
Bob and Cindy Hausmann+
John ’78 and Shelley Heckel+**
James ’72 and Jucelen Hochwalt+*
Chuck and Martie Hoying+*
Max and Patty Johnson
John and Lori Keighley***
Michael and Mary Kinsella
Dave and Patricia Navin ’77 Lachey+*
Rob ’76 and Connie Witt ’76 Laumann+*
Mike ’78 and Deborah McGraw***
Tim and Karen Meyer
Daryl and Barb Meyers***
Steve Miller and Cathy Liesner
Tom and Vickie Mygrants
Gail and Theresa Yingling ’82 Plunkett**
Mark and Carol Severance**
Mark and Pat Shewhart
Brian and Sharon Sill
Raymond and Ann Spriggs
Al and Elizabeth Stoermer****
Richard and Catherine Talda***
Mike Thuney ’73+***
Jeff and Lisa Tromp
John and Jill Laufersweiler ’76 West+**
Robert and Carol Westerkamp****
Bryan and Beth Whipp
Past Parents
Albert and Susan Asebrook****
Tom and Marianne Becker Family***
Ron and Kathy Blase+**
Arturo and Ana Bonnin+
Tom and Joanie Burkhardt+
Wellington and Mary Crisler***
Peter and Eileen Donahue+**
Walter and Mary Anne Federspiel+**
Byron and Nancy Firsdon
Bob and Cindy Hausmann+
Skip and Karen Hickman+*
James ’72 and Jucelen Hochwalt+*
Jane Hoyne ’66 Hosty**
Chuck and Martie Hoying+*
Jack and Susan Laufersweiler ’72 King
Joseph Krug****
Anthony and Shirley Lair**
Ray and Cathy Lane+*
Frank and LaDonna Mastromatteo**
Greg ’69 and Ann Merrill
Tim and Karen Meyer
Bob and Toni Moore****
Philip and Rebecca Morris**
Marlene Burr ’73 Orendorf+**
Bernard and Jan Ostendorf+*
Henry and Millie Osterfeld+**
Andrew and Lynn Ridley**
Raymond and Ann Spriggs
Al and Elizabeth Stoermer****
Jan and Tish Thayer+***
Steve ’82 and Tina Metzger ’82 Wagoner
Craig and Carol Williams+*
Hank and Linda Zobrist+
Steve Baker+*
David Bruce
Douglas and Gale Colwell
Milissa Elsall
Virginia Laravie
Father James Manning**
J. Tucker Marston
Laura McCall****
Brenda Neroni
Mindy Popovich+**
Drew Raucci**
Judy Stangle+
Boyce Taylor
John Tschantz
Brown and Gold
- $100+
Maureen Thunder ’66 Brebner
Joy Kussman ’66 Cairoli****
Ben Danis ’66+
Charles ’66 and Toni Smith ’66 DiPasquale
Kathy Feldman ’66
Susan Gmaz ’66 Jones***
Patricia Brinkman ’66 Keeney
Michael Meyer ’66+**
Susan Waterman ’66 Onaitis****
Nancy Zinck ’66 Pflum
John Reichard ’66***
Mike Reisinger ’66+***
Zane Schauer ’66
Joyce Thieman ’66+
Sharon Borton ’66 Tschudin
Connie Buckle ’66 Warner
Judy Coleman ’67 Campbell
W. Michael ’67 and Beth Conway+*
Bob W. Crafton ’67+
Jeannine Michel ’67 Doak+*
Jean Fowler ’67**
Tina Dudrick ’67 Fox+*
Don Garling ’67+*
William Grizinski ’67
Mickie Gummer ’67***
Kathy McManus ’67 Gustavson**
Mark Haufe ’67+*
Philip Heil ’67****
Linda Goeke ’67 Hennessy
Carol Juzulenas ’67 Klein+*
Lois Pleiman ’67 Macfarlane+***
Julie Van Auken ’67 Meek
Mark Orf ’67
Cynthia Vyszenski ’67+***
Marcia Woolley ’68 Brand***
William Budde ’68+
Mark DeBard ’68+***
Kristine Ritzert ’68 Garling+*
Philip Glotzbach ’68
Darryl Grosjean ’68+**
John Hager ’68+
Steven Hall ’68
Jacqueline Hazell ’68
Richard Marcus ’68+***
Stephen Cochran ’69+*
Mike Devlin ’69
Ed Dudzinski ’69
Tom Gates ’69
John Geis ’69 and Mary Ann Zink ’69 Geis****
Robert Helmers ’69****
Virginia Sticht ’69 Kaufman**
Sally Graul ’69 Leatherman
Douglas Perkins ’69***
Gindy Armstrong ’69 Schneller**
Dan Schweickart ’69+**
Diane Althaus ’70 Benedetto
Daniel Berger ’70
Jayme Shampton ’70 Budde+
Mary Jo Feldman ’70 Fender+*
James Gebhart ’70
Anne Adams ’70 Holbrook
Giving Hands
Wendy Krueger ’70 Jones+**
James Kelley ’70+
Joyce Thomas ’70 Ray**
Mary Jo Aufderheide ’70 Rice
Larry Ritzert ’70****
Diane Perkins ’70 Wish+***
Kay Staley ’70 Worthington+*
Doug ’71 and Peg Hogan ’71 Althaus***
Dave Burkardt ’71+***
Tom Chappelear ’71***
Pam Butler ’71 Christ+*
Elizabeth Ritterhoff ’71 Cotter+*
Dick Fenelon ’71+
Lucy Dunlevey ’71 Helmers****
Don McKenny ’71**
Jack ’71 McManus
Douglas Meyer ’71+*
Suzanne Schaefer ’71 Montgomery+**
Kevin Ryan ’71***
Maria DiSalvo ’71 Schweickart+*
Sue Topp ’72 Barnes***
Drew Brehm ’72**
Mary Joanne Hart ’72+
Joe Sjostrom ’72
Herbert Walter ’72+***
Eric ’72 and Susan McCloskey ’72 Weber
Dudley Althaus ’73
Loretto Armstrong ’73****
Paul Berry ’73
Karen Boyle ’73+
David Carney ’73****
Vincent Chalecki ’73+
Jani Lange ’73 Diedam+**
Marge O’Brien ’73 Etson
John Gillivan ’73
Marie Glaser ’73
Neil Grogan ’73
Chris Brun ’73 Hartzell
Sharon VanSchaik ’73 Kale****
James Kroger ’73**
Jane Lammers ’73**
Christy Ortel ’73 Long****
Deborah Reinert ’73 Mancz***
Scott Messer ’73
Mark ’73 and Diane Carroll ’73 Neff+**
Susan Randolph ’73 Passante*
Mary Ann Corcoran ’73 Portnoy
Sharon Moran ’73 Price**
Mary Ruth Spisak ’73 Shearer
Kristin Keys ’73 Sherman
Jayne Talbot ’73+
Teresa Thomas ’73+**
Robert Bertke ’74**
Carl Bertrams ’74
Pamela Hughes ’74 Carney****
Brian Esselstein ’74****
Frank Frounfelker ’74+***
Lawrence Greger ’74
Susan Pohl ’74 Jordan***
Peggy Chico ’74 Keelan****
Michael Keys ’74
Elena Mosconi ’74 Krumholtz+
Marianne Homan ’74 Messer
Alicia Anderson ’74 Risko
Alfred Schneble ’74
Terry Spring ’74**
Mike Whelan ’74
Paul Wilkens ’74****
Mary Ann Sprauer ’75 Abrams
Joe Bavaro ’75
Mary Lee Reisinger ’75 Dunphy+**
Carol Gephart ’75 Dworkin+***
Tony Huesman ’75+**
Stephen Jeffords ’75+
William Kuflewski ’75+**
Doug Link ’75
Steve Missall ’75+*
Gerard Moorman ’75
Jim Ritterhoff ’75+**
Jennifer Romer ’75 Scherrbaum****
Elizabeth DeFrancis ’76 Allen+***
Bill Chifala ’76+
Dominic DeFrancis ’76
Bill Dirkes ’76****
Mark Esselstein ’76****
John ’76 and Julie McQuiston ’76 Ferneding**
Jim Finke ’76
Leslie Klatt ’76 Flaherty+
Robert Kronauge ’76+**
Kathy Kinzeler ’76 Mantica
Tim ’76 and Lisa Kern ’76 Nauman***
Tim ’76 and Jeanne Koop ’76 Reisinger+**
John Seitz ’76**
Mary Lynn Fisher ’76 Sherwood+*
Lynn Sweeney ’76****
Barbara Woeste ’76
Marie Mariscalco ’77 Boyle+
Nancy Krautmann ’77 Chifala+
Eric Eichner ’77
Lynn Kehl ’77 Fenton+*
Jeanel West ’77 Gliebe
Jacquelyn Hart ’77
Mike Hogenkamp ’77
Rosalie Thomas ’77 Koesel+**
Jack Kohls ’77
James Kohls ’77
Michael Kroger ’77***
Molly Paxson ’77 Laravie***
Annlouise Peroutka ’77
Gregory Schoettmer ’77+
Laura Van Leeuwen ’77 Snyder+****
Mary Alig ’77 Williams
Peter Boyle ’78+***
Mary Dey ’78 Bucher+*
Janel Kussman ’78 Ciolli+***
John Hinders ’78+*
Edward Jauch ’78+**
Jean Kelly ’78+***
Susan Zimmer ’78 Levy+***
Elise Sechrist ’78 Orban
Ed Ostendorf ’78***
Lisa Smith ’78 Regan***
Brian Afanador ’79+*
Robert Barklay ’79
Terri Miller ’79 Bergnach+
Tom Greger ’79+**
Tom Hughes ’79+
Susan Huelskamp ’79 Longley
Robert McKelvey ’79****
Claire Blust ’79 Rodehaver
John Schoettmer ’79
Ann Marie Zengel ’79 Sinal**
Jim Sprauer ’79+*
Susie Stein ’79***
Mark Stoecklein ’79
Jeff Buddendeck ’80
Mark ’80 and Jackie Sauer ’80 Domin
Ed ’80 and Anne Barnet ’80 Griffith**
Mary Beth Harnett ’80
Brian Hickey ’80+
Jennifer Crippen ’80 Hille+**
Chris Knor ’80+**
Joni Magnus ’80 Ramsey
Laura Staub ’80 Myron
* Represents consecutive years of giving to the Annual Fund with + denoting five years
Angelina Martinez ’80 Nicholson
Katie Callahan ’80 Nye
Michael Albers ’81
Ellen Bornhorst ’81 Boerger
Cathy Cartwright ’81 Burns+**
Greg Engler ’81**
Kathleen Saxton ’81 Ferrante+**
Michael Finke ’81***
Michael Gross ’81+**
Brian Hoffman ’81****
Brian Murphy ’81+*
Marie Fortwengler ’81 Nolting***
Paula Van Leeuwen ’81 Stoecklein
Patricia Witt ’81 Weisent
Marcia Kiley ’82 Albers
Patrick Dixon ’82
Erin Connair ’82 Fanning**
Tim Fiedler ’82+
Jeffrey Fisher ’82*
Dyana Koziej ’82 Flanigan
Kathleen Duchak ’82 Girgis***
Michael Graham ’82+*
Karen Tidwell ’82 Koble
Carol Koop ’82 Lang
Suzanne Leiker ’82+**
Ted ’82 and Therese Madden ’82 Link+*
Doug Lunne ’82
James Meintel ’82+
Michael Murphy ’82
Robert O’Brien ’82
Mia Kerivan ’82 O’Malley**
Tom Roesch ’82+***
Erin Walsh ’82 Schmitz+***
Kathleen Stein ’82+
Rev. Chris Worland ’82
Peter Beyerle ’83****
Marlene Haas ’83 DiPasquale
Michael ’83 and Cheryl Murlin ’83 Eichner**
Brendan Foley ’83
Dan Klein ’83+
David Lentz ’83**
Kathryn Vanderhorst ’83 MacClennan***
Katherine Glaser ’83 Mahacek+
Stephen Miller ’83****
Mark Neroni ’83+
Karl Zengel ’83
Amy Rouse ’84 DeBolt
Ron Deger ’84+**
Amy Osterfeld ’84 Draugelis**
Jane Wagner ’84 Frick**
Deron Goheen ’84
Matt Houser ’84
Curt Laravie ’84***
Alex Laufersweiler ’84
Norm Meintel ’84***
Monica Topp ’84 Pfarr+*
Louis Rose ’84
Julie Barstow ’84 Utley
Cathleen Colaricci ’84 VonCanon
Laura Kraft ’85 Ackerman
Vincent ’85 and Danell Reinert ’85 Bonanno
Adrienne Hegman ’85 Brandicourt****
Martin Dixon ’85****
Bill Draugelis ’85**
Laura Arber ’85 Eiken***
Dan Eisenhauer ’85***
Lisa Kavanaugh ’85 Fields+**
Philip Herbst ’85
Pamela Poelking ’85 Jordahl+**
Susan Lentz ’85+***
Contributor Recognition …
thank you for your gift
Kim Gantt ’85 Michael**
Greg Plagens ’85**
Tony Rizzo ’85+**
Andy Schrotter ’85****
Laura Wiesman ’85 Senkiw+*
Vincent Baldemor ’86**
Robert Jeffrey ’86 Benko+
Ed ’86 and Karen Colonna ’86 Carter**
Pete ’86 and Sherri Thieman ’86 Cerar****
Steve Hickey ’86**
Sam Hodges ’86
Joseph Janowski ’86+
Matt Konicki ’86**
Paul Maggs ’86***
Teresa Cindric ’86 McHugh+
Lisa Mershad ’86 Nixon
Julia Conway ’86 Roshong
Brian Beck ’87+
Sheila Adams ’87 Cummings***
Molly Grunenwald ’87 Eisner****
Steven Gran ’87+**
Christy Johnson ’87+
Linda Manzo ’87 Koeller+**
Tim ’87 and Pam Powers ’87 Martin+*
Monica Moser ’87 O’Meara+*
Molly Mehling ’87 Rutherford
Kelly Tierney ’87+
Beth Winterhalter ’87 Welker
Marc Frient ’88+**
Drew Fussnecker ’88
Mary Spencer ’88 Hanley
Tracy Wick ’88 Heffernan
Nicole Doepker ’88 Kamil+***
Kathy Weil ’88 Kargl
Dan Kronauge ’88***
Karen Beel ’88 Milford***
Richard Podiak ’88
Molly Brogan ’88 Shapiro
Tom Ward ’88
Lisa Blair ’88 Weaver+
Rick Wemple ’88+**
Julie Lazarus ’89 Abel
John Biegel ’89
Mark Borgerding ’89+*
Tom Connolly ’89*****
Christine Hext ’89 Davis**
Ronan Factora ’89
Richard Flaute ’89
Gregory George ’89
Tony Manzo ’89
Jennifer Westbrock ’89 Midtlien
Julie Schrimpf ’89 Moss**
Sarah Alejandrino ’89 Mouse**
Sandra Sturtevant ’89 Pinter+***
Daniel Riess ’89
Richard Roesch ’89
Melissa Sullivan ’89***
Michael Blust ’90**
Merle Carr ’90
Jill Harner ’90 Fussnecker**
Brian ’90 and Amy Schrimpf ’90 Hennig
Jackie Koesters ’90+
Laura Torbeck ’90 Skinner+
Anna Iwinski ’90 Sutter***
Amy Bishop ’91 Bensman***
Tim ’91 and Stacey Hubach ’91 Brown+**
Megan Zimmer ’91 Deeley+**
Kevin Harker ’91**
Lori Thieman ’91 Henry***
Marc Molinsky ’91+**
Thomas Pohl ’91+*
Michael Schmitz ’91+*
Ryan Sharkey ’91****
Kristen Seifried ’91 Stein+
Kory Sutter ’91***
Ed Woodruff ’91+
Niki Rosenkranz ’92 Blust**
Todd ’92 and Suzanne Zimmer ’92 Duplain+*
Lisa Muckerheide ’92 Giesler****
Michael Herbenick ’92
Joan Buerschen ’92 Kimm+
Sara Miner ’92 More
Mary Southerland ’92 Noone
Lori Brush ’92 Phillips**
Todd and Rosalyn Bartley**
Joe ’75 and Susan Bavaro
Robert Bertke ’74**
Bill and Ann Bianco+***
Michael and Donna Bonnet+
Peter Boyle ’78+***
George and Marcia Woolley ’68 Brand***
Mark ’68 and Linda DeBard+***
Binh and Bichviet Dinh***
Ed ’69 and Denise Dudzinski
Patrick and Mary Lee Reisinger ’75 Dunphy+**
Steve and Carol Gephart ’75 Dworkin+***
Brian ’74 and Lisa Esselstein****
Kenneth and Theresa Feeser
Jim ’76 and Suzanne Finke
Maria Casella ’92 Russell
John Schoen ’92+**
Stacey Polito ’92 Sperow***
Dan Williams ’92***
Dan Alig ’93
John Connolly ’93
Bill Schmidt ’93****
Brian ’94 and Sara Walker ’94 Boyle+
Christine Rogero ’94 Drab+*
Jacqueline Parnell ’94***
Jennifer Moore ’94 Schoen+*
Matt Adamson ’95**
Emily Klosterman ’95 Corum**
Susan Burkhardt ’95 Fredrick+*
Matthew Frient ’95***
Michael Lekan ’95+**
Amanda Veenhuis ’96 Reger****
David Rogero ’96**
Jay Tant ’96
Nathan ’97 and Megan Matre ’97 Bosco+*
Daniel Haas ’97+
Joanna Kolber ’97 Hankey
Brett (B.J.) Mahle ’97****
Christian ’98 and Jennifer Reiling ’98 Richter
Todd Cochran ’01**
Jeffrey Fisher ’82*
John and Jill Fleishman****
Steven and Lynn Gamm+*
Tom ’79 and Laura Greger+**
Mark and Marsha Guerriero**
Sam Hodges ’86
Allan and Gail Huber+
James and Sheila Hyland***
Bryan and Connie Jackson****
Joe and Carol Jones**
Ken and Karen Tidwell ’82 Koble
Richard and Kathleen Kohne***
James ’73 and Debbie Kroger **
Thomas and Christine Lachey***
Curt ’84 and Molly Paxson ’77 Laravie***
Barry and Deborah Reinert ’73 Mancz***
Jim and Carol Marker**
Rhett and Mary Miller****
Dan and Jan Monahan
Stephen and Debra Moser
Marie Fortwengler ’81 Nolting***
Dan and Dee Osterfeld***
Rick and Debbie Pelstring**
Matt and Sharon Moran ’73 Price**
Mark and Mary Price
Michael and Marie Raffio+*
Richard and Nadine Rieser
Ed and Ann Rizer+
Dave and Claire Blust ’79 Rodehaver
Adrian Ruddle
Bill and Karen Salyers
Alfred Schneble ’74
Jeffrey and Kimberly Schroeder**
Scott and Diane Sessler***
David and Jill Shal
Current Parents
Paul and Laura Kraft ’85 Ackerman
Marcia Kiley ’82 Albers
Michael Albers ’81
Donald and Julie Ames+*
George and Susan Armstrong
If you notice an error in our list of those who gave to the Annual Fund from July 1, 2006 to June 30, 2007,
please accept our apologies and contact the Director of Development at (937) 428-5312.
Giving Hands
John and Kristin Keys ’73 Sherman
Carla Shively***
Brian and Karen Short
William and Sheila Siewe
Michael and Theresa Sugrue*
John and Deborah Templin
Jim and Sylvia Tillar
Kevin and Charlotte Vangsness***
John and Donna Zahora**
Past Parents
James and Catherine Abele
Pat and Kathy Adamson+**
George and Susan Armstrong
Dorothy Bachus
Joe ’75 and Susan Bavaro
Louis and Judy Bede+*
Brian and Shelle Bergeron***
Bill and Ann Bianco+***
Alan and Kathy Biegel
John Blust**
Ed and Marilyn Bolton***
Michael and Donna Bonnet+
Tom and Patricia Brady
Dennis and Sharon Bristow
William Brunner+**
Elmer and Lucy Bruns**
Skip and Beth Buerschen***
Ceferino and Maria Cata
Stephen ’69 and Sandra Cochran+*
W. Michael ’67 and Beth Conway+*
Don and Sonia Donoher+***
Ed ’69 and Denise Dudzinski
Roger and Becky Duffy****
Bob and Donna Duplain**
Brian ’74 and Lisa Esselstein****
Bob and Jayne Fahncke
Howard and Del Feldman**
Mary Jo Feldman ’70 Fender+*
Frederick and Teresa Frecker***
Don and Pat Frericks****
Mike and Tami Freshwater
Steven and Lynn Gamm+*
Tom and Susan Gastineau+*
Kevin Geraghty***
Howard and Kathy Gerritzen+**
Harold and Mary Govan, Jr.+
Pat and Cindi Grady+**
Dennis and Judy Graf***
Tom ’79 and Laura Greger+**
John and Norma Hagan+***
Ralph Halpin+
Sammy and Cathy Hamway
Laurence and Karen Harkness**
Marvin and Marlene Hartsfield****
Kirby and Rita Heritage+***
Dean and Mindy Heyne+*
Carl and Julia Hillman
Allan and Gail Huber+
Rob and Carol Huesman
John and Ginny Jauch***
Larry and Wendy Krueger ’70 Jones+**
Mr. and Mrs. C. William Kessler+
George and Helen Kinzeler**
Thomas and Lois Kronauge+
Peter and Marjorie Kuntz+***
Phyllis Kussman+*
Thomas and Christine Lachey***
Curt ’84 and Molly Paxson ’77 Laravie***
Robert and Jane Laumann+
Regis and Sandy Lekan
Roger and Kathleen Lorelle
Gary and Barb Lytle+*
Barry and Deborah Reinert ’73 Mancz***
Ralph and Kathy Kinzeler ’76 Mantica
Jim and Carol Marker**
Terry and Sandy Martin
Mickey and Kathy McCormick+
James and Monica McGinley
James and Martina McGraw+
William and Phyllis Mees+
Michael Meyer ’66+**
Adam and Maureen Mezoff**
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Mick+**
John and Jane Miller+
Bob and Bernadette Mitsch+
Dan and Jan Monahan
Stephen and Debra Moser
Robert and Ruth Myers***
Rogelio Naguit
Peter and Barbara Neroni****
Chris and Deb Neumann
Jerry and Nancy Nowak
Marilyn O’Brien+
Michael O’Hare**
Anthony and Helen Palazotto
Rick and Debbie Pelstring**
Tom and Celine Percy**
William and Helen Pflaum
Jerry and Jean Ploplis+***
Matt and Sharon Moran ’73 Price**
Michael and Marie Raffio+*
Bernard and Mary Jo Riegel***
Ed and Ann Rizer+
Nick and Marianne Rosenkranz***
Jim and Jackie Rudzinski***
Herman and Marie Ruef
Bill and Karen Salyers
Betty Savino+**
Jim and Mary Ann Schoen****
Dan ’69 and Maria DiSalvo ’71 Schweickart+*
Francis and Janet Seiler****
Scott and Diane Sessler***
Mark and Mary Ruth Spisak ’73 Shearer
John and Kristin Keys ’73 Sherman
Greg and Mary Lynn Fisher ’76 Sherwood+*
Carla Shively***
Brian and Karen Short
Jim and Cecilia Slonaker+*
Richard and Donna Smith+
George and Anne Smolinski
Barth and Laura Van Leeuwen ’77 Snyder+****
Sally Solarek
Anthony and Dorothy Sprauer+
Ray and Beverly Steinbicker+
* Represents consecutive years of giving to the Annual Fund with + denoting five years
Terry and Diane Torbeck****
Anne Trick****
Irene Turckes***
Dorothy Van Leeuwen
Ted and Mickey Veenhuis+*
Joseph and Virginia Wade+
Edward and Kathleen Wagner+***
Hugh and Laura Wall
Connie Buckle ’66 Warner
Frank and Kathy Wenzke
Michael and Gail Wines+*
Walter Woeste+***
John and Donna Zahora**
Adam and Mariada Zengel****
George and Anita Zengel+***
Gerald and Deborah Zimmer**
Jack and Patricia Zimmerman
Doug and Marilyn Zobrist+***
Mary Pat Adamson**
James and Joan Akers
Don Barnes***
Gini Berry
Dale and Carol Boyse
Harry Brandicourt****
Mary Devlin
Marifran Dirkes
Richard Doak+*
Edge & Tinney Architects
Ann Esselstein
F. Jessee Fanning
Richard Fender+*
Frank Ferrante**
Heather Frient+**
Greg Gliebe
Carole Hall
Sue Jauch+*
Dan Keelan***
Jeff and Ann Luken
Robert MacClennan***
Megan Mahle****
Melissa Marcus
Dennis and Karen McTaggart+*
Jeff Michael**
Sandee Molinsky+**
Travis Mouse
Beverly Parker
Jim and Nancy Petro
William Pinter+**
Rita Pohl
Ed Ray**
Stephen Reger
Elizabeth Schauer
Greg Senkiw+*
Mike Shapiro
United Way of Greater Dayton
Jim Weisent
Contributors -
$1 - $99
Michel Batty ’66
Connie Cochran ’66 Bernhardt+**
Diane Davis ’66 Coggins
Maryann Stenglein ’66 Gephart**
Lynn Simmons ’66 Henehan
Contributor Recognition …
thank you for your gift
If you notice an error in our list of those who gave to the Annual Fund from July 1, 2006 to June 30, 2007,
please accept our apologies and contact the Director of Development at (937) 428-5312.
Paul ’66 and Barbara Blaho ’66 Hickey+***
Dennis Hogan ’66+
Marti Lamoureux ’66 Hughes+
Thomas Koepnick ’66*
Howard Neff ’66+
Mary Sims ’66 Nemeth+*
Patricia Wagner ’66 Suriano
Nancy Panfile ’66 Weisner+
Patsy Moran ’67 Allen+*
Gregory Barbato ’67+***
Kenneth Blandford ’67
Paul Calkins ’67****
Jack Fiala ’67
Gretchen Koverman ’67 Fink**
Michael Foley ’67+**
Patricia Wallis ’67 Furst+*
William Gmaz ’67+*
Robert Krause ’67+
Phillip Krieg ’67
Tom Meyer ’67
Michael Oscar ’67
James Rush ’67
Cathy Gephart ’67 St.Pierre
Jo Anne Zierolf ’67 Vincent**
Tom Wehrman ’67+*
Judith Yux ’67
Susan Scianamblo ’68 Boutz
Michele Marshall ’68 Brown
Jacqueline Perkins ’68 Brumfield
Bob Dries ’68****
Julia Hall ’68***
Tom Hines ’68
Bob Simpson ’68***
Larry Spitzmiller ’68***
Bob Thaman ’68+*
Gregory Zimmer ’68
Susan Angerer ’69 Bellman
Lynne Cusick ’69+***
Tim Eckley ’69
Kathleen Yux ’69 Gall+
Michael Kennelly ’69****
Dan Lynch ’69
Nancy Link ’69 Merriman****
Eileen Woeste ’69 Mitchell**
Kathie Kuflewski ’69 Neff****
Kathleen Varvel ’69 Vanderhorst
Kathleen Eichner ’70
Jake Meyer ’70
Sue Minnich ’70***
Jack Moran ’70+*
Doug Osterfeld ’70+***
Mary Lammers ’70 Vogelsang+***
Diane Thalheimer ’71 Bair**
Nancy Esselstein ’71 Battista**
Paul Beyerle ’71**
Joseph Budde ’71
Connie Ditzel ’71+*
Michael George ’71****
Jean Gerend ’71 Hargrove***
Sandra Wartinger ’71 Hibner
Richard Lefken ’71+*
Patricia Lange ’71 Murry***
Robert Rush ’71**
Elizabeth Schumacher ’71
Scott Smith ’71**
Marilyn Schraut ’71 Szorc**
Peter Tamborski ’71**
Jim Britt ’72+*
Judy Henehan ’72 Doll+*
Peggy Collins ’72 Gaier
Nancy Ballman ’72 Greene+***
Barbara Airhart ’72 Gronefeld**
Mike Hagan ’72+*
Mary Beth Stenglein ’72 Hickle****
Steve Kobrin ’72**
Lesley Lefken ’72+
Julie Van Leeuwen ’72 Lonneman
Joe Minham ’72***
Don Navin ’72
Jeff Perkins ’72+*
Mark Sheidler ’72**
Kathy Pfeiffer ’72 Wilson
Ron Woeste ’72+**
David Yingling ’72**
Sheila Houser ’73 Adams
James Bartol ’73+
Janet Angela ’73 Bozza
Julie Nickel ’73 Brill***
Colleetta Rock ’73 DeChant
Sue Wieland ’73 Fackler
Sheila Hickey ’73 Fortunato
Mary Koverman ’73 Glowik
Mike Grunkemeyer ’73**
Reed ’73 and Thecla Schneble ’73 Hauser***
Jim Heintz ’73+*
Ron Hundt ’73**
Steve Kuflewski ’73
Shirley Henry ’73 Minham***
Julie Moon ’73
Christine Morgan ’73***
Todd ’73 and Roselyn Rathweg ’73 Penrod****
James Pett ’73+***
Gene Rau ’73****
Joseph Romanczuk ’73**
Joseph Rueth ’73**
Eileen Bruns ’73 Tomsich****
Carol Paus ’74 Bernheim
Elizabeth Lair ’74 Hoffman
Elaine Bayer ’74 Janicki
Raymond Kinney ’74+*
Steve ’74 and Anne Witt ’74 Kohls
Robert Koop ’74+
Michael McKinley ’74
Mary Dorn ’74 Price****
Joan Ferneding ’74 Smith+*
Donna Becker ’74 Striks
James Blum ’75****
Kathy Gerritzen ’75 Britt+
Shawn ’75 and Nancy Klosterman ’75 Cochran***
Denise DonMoyer ’75 Faler
Patrick Graham ’75+***
Francine Morgan ’75 Kester****
Pat Madden ’75**
Betty Gerend ’75 Navin
Patty Collins ’75 Ross***
Dave Seman ’75+
Tony Topp ’75**
Mike Wildenhaus ’75+****
Ed Brown ’76***
Michael Duffin ’76
Linda Ballmann ’76 Hitchcock
Maureen Wheeler ’76 Horwath**
Anna Keyes ’76+**
Pam Datz ’76 Madden**
Rev. Mark Soehner, O.F.M. ’76**
Gregory Spring ’76+
Tara Kerivan ’76 Weddell +
Connie Ryan ’77 Dall***
Michael MacDonald ’77
Peggy Rindler ’77 O’Donnell
Mary Riess ’77
Sara Walters ’77
Kathy Janning ’77 White+
Tom Bartol ’78***
Marylee Bissmeyer ’78 Bible+*
Kevin Eichner ’78
Jeff Harris ’78+
Sara Leyes ’78 Russell
Brenda Buschor ’78 Savage
Mark Schaefer ’78**
Mary Lynn ’78 Thalheimer+
Gene Van Leeuwen ’78**
Stephen Zengel ’78+
Matt Borgert ’79
Jim Collins ’79
Joanne Bruns ’79 Conley****
Lori Dorn ’79
Susan Reisinger ’79 Goedde
Sandy Laufersweiler ’79+**
Ruth Dries ’79 Lieber+
Greg Meineke ’79
Carrie O’Connell ’79 Meyer+***
Jacquie Walsh ’79 O’Brien+***
Kathryn Enouen ’79 Owsiany+***
Janet Turckes ’79 Pitzer
Rev. Chris Wittmann, S.M. ’79+***
John Woeste ’79
Nancy Draught ’80 Aichroth
Joseph ’80 and Donna Wendeln ’80 Bange
R. Scott Berlon ’80
Nancy Balsamo ’80 Crouchley
John Domansky ’80****
Mary Haley ’80 Hart
Sister Sandy Howe, SC ’80
Dan Klenke ’80
Roger Lorelle ’80
Elizabeth Bakan ’80 Mayer
Barbara Neroni ’80 Murphy+***
David Oberst ’80
Carla Kindle ’80 Peterson
Julie Monnig ’80 Roberts
Geri Dey ’80 Sims**
Becky Zimmerman ’80+***
Kelly Sheridan ’81 Derickson
Fran Sjostrom ’81 Heider+**
Joe Klenke ’81**
Jeanne Kronauge ’81****
Linda Ramsey ’81 Main
John Miller ’81***
Mark Rykoskey ’81****
David Smith ’81**
Kathleen Brockman ’81 Stechschulte****
Charles J. Vanage ’81+
John Wetzel ’81+
Susan Zwiesler ’81+***
Caren Ostendorf ’82 Ayika
Kelly O’Neil ’82 Brown
Lynn Stueve ’82 Ginaven**
Matt Greenwood ’82
Kevin Hagerty ’82***
Amy Homan ’82 Klenke
Lori Klosterman ’82 Klenke**
Rick Koehler ’82+*
Jeanne Jauch ’82 Lyke+**
Lori Wade ’82 Moodie
Carol Ward ’82 Salmon
Diann Bissmeyer ’83 Bryan**
Giving Hands
Suzanne Marsh ’83 Budzik****
Maribeth Bechert ’83 Carlson****
Annabelle Leyes ’83 Clinger***
Joan Hamill ’83 Kaminski****
Julie Yowell ’83 Mitchell
Julia Sunkes ’83+
Lynne Van Leeuwen ’83 Turner+
Gail Bremner ’84 Beckman
Lawrence Borchers ’84****
Paul Bruggeman ’84+*
Molly Ryan ’84 Cain
Rick ’84 and Vicki Chrystal ’84 Cowman***
Susan Leff ’84 Dawson
Courtney Sheridan ’84 DeOreo+**
Sally Schimpf ’84 Dobras
Mary Beth Hanna ’84 Evans+**
Jill Winterhalter ’84 Fraggos
Stephen Gillotti ’84**
Linda Link ’84 Groover
Anne Hagerty ’84
Christine Carroll ’84 Krueger****
Traci Tuuri ’84 Moros
Christina Ostendorf ’84
Tony Petrocelli ’84
Maria Romer ’84 Redman+**
John Sikora ’84****
Sharon Greco ’84 Smith**
David Tsui ’84
Laura Begley ’84 Underwood
Kelly Callahan ’85 Breen
Julie Kinderman ’85 Burgess+*
James Dillon ’85
Jodi Schweisthal ’85 Graham***
Karen Barstow ’85 Lambert**
Brian O’Connell ’85
Elaine Chrystal ’85 Ramsey**
Boo Laneve ’85 Shaw+*
Julie Leyes ’85 Sparks+***
Mary Spencer ’85 Watson
Melissa Elliott ’86 Cahill+**
Michelle Gruber ’86 Claggett
Amy Suttman ’86 Doorley
Albert Fratini ’86
Tim George ’86+*
Marsha Schmitz ’86 Gillen
James Glavic ’86**
Julie Wimmers ’86 Hesse
Todd Muckerheide ’86***
Joe Reiling ’86***
Julie Thalheimer ’86 Sims
John Walsh ’86
Helen Staub ’86 Weckesser**
Steve Breitenstein ’87***
Ann Schoen ’87 Brinkmann***
Lisa Bishop ’87 Callahan**
Mary Frecker ’87+***
David Homan ’87
Donald Kiley ’87
Peggy Russell ’87 Odum
Kristina Keyes ’87 Zamary
Ann Fatzinger ’88 Bellinger+*
Jeff Luckew ’88***
Jim Schoen ’88**
Rick Willits ’88
Eddie Alexander ’89
Terry Bon ’89+***
Therese Johnson ’89 Borchard**
Jim Borchers ’89*
Laura Hammer ’89 Brown
Brian Connor ’89****
Rachel Cox ’89+*
John Deger ’89+**
Leslie Rosell ’89 Gonya**
Todd Jones ’89
Max Laufersweiler ’89
Robert Matthews ’89
Kimberly Beckerich ’89 Miller
Patrick Nero ’89***
Tricia Ireton ’89 Ozbirn
Matt Riazzi ’89
John Schrimpf ’89**
Janice Osterday ’89 Skinner
Jennifer Spoelker ’89
Joe Wittmann ’89
Elizabeth Rabe ’90 Huliba
Troy Muckerheide ’90***
Angela Ruffolo ’90+**
Lori Balster ’91+*
Alissa Whitehead ’91 Gantt
Colleen Bunker ’91 Gnepper**
Patrick Heintz ’91+*
Stephanie Pfeiffer ’91 Lacourt+**
Dennis Percy ’91****
Kerry Sammon ’91**
Paul Zengel ’91+*
Julie Johnson ’92 Barnett****
Kathy Smith ’92 Cherubini+*
Brian Gantt ’92
Ginger Goubeaux ’92
Bridget Borchers ’92 Krebs****
Jennifer Rasnick ’92 Lee***
Amanda Riegel ’92 Mascarenhas
Dawn Graf ’92 Morris****
Jason Rudzinski ’92****
J.T. Schroer ’92
Heather Gongola ’92 Weidenhamer
Tom Brady ’93
Casey Findley ’93 Green+*
Kathleen Zimmer ’93 Kloska****
David Martin ’93
Matt Moser ’93
Colette Francis ’93 Tomlinson
Cara Carone ’94 Boyle***
Angela Gantt ’94+*
Heather Kennedy ’94**
Lisa Lehman ’94 Rankin
Michael Rawers ’94***
Julie Ksiezopolski ’94 Yost
Michelle Clark ’95**
Heather Rice ’95 Keighley****
Jeff Keller ’95****
Michelle Kugel ’95
Carrie Boergert ’95 Link+*
Jason Ryan ’95***
Elizabeth Woolley ’96 Barry
Brendan Boyle ’96***
Jeff Gionnette ’96**
Suzanne Holden ’96 Greenwalt
Chad Larkin ’96
Peggy Anne Powers ’96
Anthony Schoen ’96
Katie Srp ’96
Wes Van Autreve ’96****
Stephanie Fleskes ’97 Estes
Matt ’97 and Amanda Edwards ’97 Feldmann
Elizabeth Buhrman ’97 Frondorf
Kevin Kaplun ’97
Matt Madges ’97
Kathy Meyer ’97 Reichard****
Jennifer Rudzinski ’97+
Doug Wimsatt ’97+**
Marvin Hartsfield ’98**
* Represents consecutive years of giving to the Annual Fund with + denoting five years
Laura Kavanaugh ’98
Michael Moore ’98
James Teets ’98
Jeff Wenzke ’98
Kathleen Bentley ’99
Mary Carol Burkhardt ’99+
Luke Frient ’99***
Jonathan Heil ’99**
Matthew Shade ’99
Keith Waleskowski ’99**
Jennifer Davis ’99 Wenzke
Leah Collins ’99 Wieland
Jim ’00 and Melissa Lacon ’00 Danis
Michael Lane ’00**
Jessica Luedeke ’00 Nonnenman
Michael Grant ’01+*
Joel Grunkemeyer ’01
Ruth Hinde ’01
Jen Schulz ’01 Korynski
Chris Lincoln ’01
Angela Cronin ’01 Richardson
Ian Wenker ’01
Michael Akhbari ’02
Michelle Carroll ’02
Diana Fischer ’02
Ryan Siler ’02
Lexi Troha ’02
Leigh Wabler ’02
Maureen Zimmer ’02**
Grant Gastineau ’03
Current Parents
Daniel and Sherry Bayer**
Larry and Judy Blazek***
Rebecca Bonham**
Nora Brenner****
Kelly O’Neil ’82 Brown
Tim and Margaret Brown
Max and Gail Carone+**
Keith and Jeannine Chaffin
Shawn ’75 and Nancy Klosterman ’75 Cochran***
Doug and Joanne Bruns ’79 Conley****
Eric and Rose Crouch
Larry and Nancy DeRoo***
John ’80 and Rosemary Domansky****
Sue Wieland ’73 Fackler
Bob and Sheila Glavin***
Tom and Linda Hart
Steve and Karen Hartings
Joe and Fran Sjostrom ’81 Heider+**
David and Cecilia Hess+*
Edward and Mary Jane Hinde**
John and Maureen Wheeler ’76 Horwath**
Stephanie Jackson
James and Karen Kaiser**
Raymond ’74 and Linda Kinney+*
Brad and Beth Lantz
Andrew and Patricia Morrison
James and Peggy Rindler ’77 O’Donnell
Brian and Mary Ontko
James and Janet Turckes ’79 Pitzer
Jerry and Deborah Reinstatler+
Harry and Patricia Roberts**
Mark ’78 and Carol Schaefer**
Sharon Greco ’84 Smith**
Michael and Karen Sobecki***
Steve and Connie Tahy**
Fawnette Thomas
Horace Warden**
Robert and Angela Weyer**
Contributor Recognition …
thank you for your gift
Past Parents
Bob and Patty Ackerman+***
Glenn and Brenda Aidt***
Hamid and Marlene Akhbari
Jim and Lori Albrecht
Alan and Evelyn Arber+
Bob and Mary Aufderheide+*
Walter and Marilyn Balster+*
Tom and Mary Ann Bartol+
Judy Belanich+***
James and Linda Bohman+*
David and Kathy Borchers***
Paul and Joan Brammer
Daniel and Jeri Lynn Braunlin**
Fred and Marge Breving
John and Julie Nickel ’73 Brill***
Joan Callahan+
Frank and Denyse Carone***
James and Patricia Carr
Anna Chavez***
Leo and Rita Chico**
Shawn ’75 and Nancy Klosterman ’75 Cochran***
Jim and Margie Collins**
Terry and Carol Comer
Pat and Judy Connelly+**
Charles and Judy Cornelius
Layne Crawford
James and Suzanne Crippen
Bob and Jean DeRegnaucourt
Ron and Joyce Deger***
Mary Ellen Ditzel
John ’80 and Rosemary Domansky****
John and Ruth Donahue***
Judith Doppes****
Mary Ann Fitzpatrick
Tom and Marilyn Fowler
Albert and Nancy Fratini
Tony and Joan Fussnecker
Douglas and Maryann Stenglein ’66 Gephart**
Bob and Judy Getty**
Stephen and Mary Ann Ginocchio
Adam and Katharina Gjarmati
Bob and Sheila Glavin***
Jerry and Susan Green
Tom and Mary Ellen Griswold
Gene and Mary Jane Gross
Mike ’73 and Jan Grunkemeyer**
John and Louise Haley***
Kathleen Haley**
Julia Hall ’68***
Joe and Fran Sjostrom ’81 Heider+**
Mary Heiskell
David and Cecilia Hess+*
Paul ’66 and Barbara Blaho ’66 Hickey+***
David and Melanie Hitch
Jerome and Betty Hochwalt+
Michael and Celeste Hoegler
Larry and Patricia Holden
Thomas and Norma Horning+**
John and Maureen Wheeler ’76 Horwath**
James and Karen Kaiser**
Carl and Phyllis Keller***
Raymond ’74 and Linda Kinney+*
Tom and Nancy Klenke+**
Sharon Kline***
Joe and Celeste Kniess
Steve ’74 and Anne Witt ’74 Kohls
Janet Kowal+**
Don and Pat Kramer**
Julie Krautmann+***
Michael and Dianne Kugel+**
Patricia Lawler
Jeff and Anita Linck**
Charles and Sally Lowman
Barry and Rita MacDonald+
John Maloney+
Dennis and Mary Marks+**
Thurman and Esther Mattingly+***
Gene and Marlene Mayleben+**
Suzanne McMahon
Paul and Carole Melia
Tom and Dianne Meyer
Joe ’72 and Shirley Henry ’73 Minham***
Don and Correne Moran
William and Kathleen Moroney+***
Charles and Margaret Nickel+*
Giles and Brenda Nolan+*
Richard and Judith O’Brien***
Jerry and Betty O’Connell+
John and Marty Osterday+**
Les and Sandy Payne***
Jim and Margaret Peters+**
Rob and Kelly Priest+**
Michael and Julie Rado+***
Dolores Rau
Elnora Reichard+*
Walter and Suzanne Reiling**
Jerry and Deborah Reinstatler+
Anne Rush+**
George and Teresa Sarmiento
John and Ruth Scharf***
James and Sue Schiller
Elmer and Peggy Schweickart+
Dave Seman ’75+
Paul and Elaine Sendelbach**
James Shade****
Paul and Alyce Sheridan
Mary Sjostrom**
Michael and Joan Ferneding ’74 Smith+*
Allen and Ellen Specht+*
John and Polly Srp****
Walter and Juanita Stachler
Tom and Julie Stanton+
James and Rosalie Sturtevant+***
Salli Subler
If you notice an error in our list of those who gave to the Annual Fund from July 1, 2006 to June 30, 2007,
please accept our apologies and contact the Director of Development at (937) 428-5312.
Bob and June Supensky
Alice Suttman+
Ron and Jayne Testa
Richard and Marcey Topp
Jim and Judith Trageser
Dennis and Sally Jo Vanderhorst***
Jerry and Kay Vorholt+**
Kathy Wald***
Joseph Weber
Dick and Donna Wemple****
Herbert and Mary Jane Whalen+**
Mrs. Robert E. Whelan, Sr.
Carol Wildenhaus+**
Robert and Penney Wimsatt**
Helen Windows
David ’72 and Barbara Yingling**
Phyllis Yingling+**
William and Patricia Zilli+***
Frank Ayika
P.G. Barnheiser
Kevin Bellinger**
Catie Blum
Boeing Building 111
David and Bobbie Burnap
Shannon Duffin
Leah Eckley
Richard and Margaret Fisher
The Gem Real Estate Group, Inc.
Katie Gionnette**
Dave and Karen Hall
John and Marilyn Hart
Patricia Hull
William and Jeanne Jenkins
Jay Keighley
Marcy Kennelly****
William and Yvonne Kleine
Paula Kreusch
Brian Lee***
David and Bobbie Lerner
Trudy Lewis
Bill Lonneman
Carrie Magnon
Gerard and Barbara Meier
Laura Meinke
Teresa Miller***
Tom and Alice Mitter
Moraine Ladies Golf Association
J. Duke and Marcia Niedringhaus
Steve Nonnenman
Michelle Percy**
Greg Redmam+**
Brian Richardson
John Russell
Karen Sanders
Michele Schoen**
Scott and Julie Seiple
R. L. and Jean Sherwood
Ken Stechschulte***
Sycamore Creek Country Club
Fergus and Margaret Theibert
Paul R. Theibert
Steven Tomlinson
William Hirsch
Daniel West
Leslie Willits
James and Lisa Woodall
Hands through Time
2007 Annual Fund
Dollars by Class
T o p C lasses
1. 1978
2. 1982
3. 1973
4. 1974
5. 1985
Dollars in Thousands
Class Year 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99-03
Class Participation –
Class Representatives –
Maggie Traynor Zimmer
and Greg Gallagher
Michel Batty
Connie Cochran Bernhardt
John Borchers
Maureen Thunder Brebner
Joy Kussman Cairoli
Diane Davis Coggins
Ben Danis
Rick Davis
Charles DiPasquale
Toni Smith DiPasquale
Kathy Feldman
Greg Gallagher
Maryann Stenglein Gephart
Robert Gutmann
Lynn Simmons Henehan
Barbara Blaho Hickey
Paul Hickey
Dennis Hogan
Jane Hoyne Hosty
Marti Lamoureux Hughes
Susan Gmaz Jones
Patricia Brinkman Keeney
John Keys
Thomas Koepnick
Kathy McRaven Lefevre
Michael Meyer
Howard Neff
Mary Sims Nemeth
Susan Waterman Onaitis
Nancy Zinck Pflum
David Popovich
John Reichard
Mike Reisinger
Zane Schauer
Jim Stangle
Patricia Wagner Suriano
Joyce Thieman
Sharon Borton Tschudin
Bonita Cull Voller
Connie Buckle Warner
Nancy Panfile Weisner
Maggie Traynor Zimmer
Paul Zimmer
Class Participation –
Class Representatives –
Linda Poelking Weprin
and Jack Fiala
Patsy Moran Allen
Gregory Barbato
Thomas Barkmeyer
Kenneth Blandford
Paul Calkins
Judy Coleman Campbell
W. Michael Conway
Bob Crafton
Jeannine Michel Doak
Rick Fersch
Jack Fiala
Gretchen Koverman Fink
Michael Foley
Jean Fowler
Tina Dudrick Fox
Patricia Wallis Furst
Margaret Meintel Gagner
Don Garling
William Gmaz
William Grizinski
Mickie Gummer
Kathy McManus Gustavson
Nancy Scheper Gutmann
Mark Haufe
Philip Heil
Linda Goeke Hennessy
Carol Juzulenas Klein
Robert Krause
Phillip Krieg
Bill Krul
Patricia DiPasquale Krul
Lois Pleiman Macfarlane
David Martz
Deborah Zell Mathews
Julie Van Auken Meek
Tom Meyer
Mark Orf
Michael Oscar
James Rush
Cathy Gephart St.Pierre
Jo Anne Zierolf Vincent
Cynthia Vyszenski
James Wayman
Tom Wehrman
Judith Yux
Class Participation –
Bob Thaman
Gregory Zimmer
Class Participation –
Mary Brechak Becht
Susan Angerer Bellman
Peggy Chavez
Stephen Cochran
Lynne Cusick
Mike Devlin
Ed Dudzinski
Tim Eckley
Kathleen Yux Gall
Tom Gates
John Geis
Mary Ann Zink Geis
Robert Helmers
Virginia Sticht Kaufman
Michael Kennelly
Mark Klug
Sally Graun Leatherman
Dan Lynch
Greg Merrill
Nancy Link Merriman
Eileen Woeste Mitchell
Kathie Kuflewski Neff
Douglas Perkins
Gindy Armstrong Schneller
Dan Schweickart
Kathleen Varvel Vanderhorst
Class Participation –
Class Representative –
Willie Bruns
Susan Scianamblo Boutz
Marcia Woolley Brand
Jacqueline Perkins Brumfield
William Budde
Mark DeBard
Bob Dries
Kristine Ritzert Garling
Philip Glotzbach
Darryl Grosjean
John Hager
Julia Hall
Steven Hall
Jacqueline Hazell
Tom Hines
Judith Lammers Imhoff
Richard Marcus
Bob Simpson
Larry Spitzmiller
Class Representative –
Kathi Glass
Diane Althaus Benedetto
Daniel Berger
Mary Jo Geis Boisvert
Jayme Shampton Budde
Kathleen Eichner
Mary Jo Feldman Fender
James Gebhart
Kathi Glass
Anne Adams Holbrook
Timothy Homan
Wendy Krueger Jones
James Kelley
Jake Meyer
Sue Minnich
Jack Moran
Doug Osterfeld
Joyce Thomas Ray
Mary Jo Aufderheide Rice
Larry Ritzert
Mary Lammers Vogelsang
Diane Perkins Wish
Kay Staley Worthington
Class Participation –
Class Representative –
Maureen Iacurci Weidner
Doug Althaus
Peg Hogan Althaus
Diane Thalheimer Bair
Don Barker
Nancy Esselstein Battista
Tom Becht
Paul Beyerle
Joseph Budde
Dave Burkardt
Tom Chappelear
Pam Butler Christ
Elizabeth Ritterhoff Cotter
Connie Ditzel
Dick Fenelon
Michael George
Jean Gerend Hargrove
Lucy Dunlevey Helmers
Sandra Wartinger Hibner
James Kinzig
Richard Lefken
Don McKenny
Jane Reichard McNamee
Jack McManus
Douglas Meyer
Suzanne Schaefer Montgomery
Patricia Lange Murry
Greg Perkins
Nancy Prater
Robert Rush
Kevin Ryan
Elizabeth Schumacher
Maria DiSalvo Schweickart
Scott Smith
Robert Stark
Stephanie Waltz Stark
Marilyn Schraut Szorc
Peter Tamborski
Don Van Leeuwen
Hands through Time
Class Participation –
Class Representative –
Susie Laufersweiler King
Father Chris Armstrong
Myra Wright Aubuchon
Sue Topp Barnes
Drew Brehm
Jim Britt
Judy Henehan Doll
Jerry Folz
Peggy Collins Gaier
Nancy Ballman Greene
Barbara Airhart Gronefeld
Mark Grunkemeyer
Mike Hagan
Mary Joanne Hart
Mary Beth Stenglein Hickle
James Hochwalt
Susan Laufersweiler King
Steve Kobrin
Lesley Lefken
Jim McVay
Joe Minham
Don Navin
Mary Laneve Parkhouse
Jeff Perkins
Nancy Finke Rambasek
Mark Sheidler
Joe Sjostrom
Kevin Thomas
Herbert Walter
Eric Weber
Susan McCloskey Weber
Kathy Pfeiffer Wilson
Ron Woeste
David Yingling
Class Participation –
Class Representatives Kevin Britt and
Gerry Chadwick
Sheila Houser Adams
Dudley Althaus
Loretto Armstrong
James Bartol
Paul Berry
Karen Boyle
Janet Angela Bozza
Julie Nickel Brill
Kevin Britt
Andrea Brockman
David Carney
Gerard Chadwick
Vincent Chalecki
Matt Connor
Chris Danis
Julie Danis
Colleetta Rock DeChant
Chris Desch
Jani Lange Diedam
Marge O’Brien Etson
Sue Wieland Fackler
Julie Feldman
Sheila Hickey Fortunato
John Gillivan
Marie Glaser
Mary Koverman Glowik
Neil Grogan
Mike Grunkemeyer
Margaret Amann Grunkemeyer
Chris Brun Hartzell
Reed Hauser
Thecla Schneble Hauser
Jim Heintz
Ron Hundt
Sharon VanSchaik Kale
Dave Kehl
Arthur J. Kepes
James Kroger
Steve Kuflewski
Jane Lammers
Greg Laravie
Christy Ortel Long
Deborah Reinert Mancz
Michelle Mariscalco
Joseph Mastandrea
Scott Messer
Shirley Henry Minham
Mark Mitter
Julie Moon
Christine Morgan
Diane Carroll Neff
Mark Neff
Tim Newcome
Tim O’Connell
Marlene Burr Orendorf
Susan Randolph Passante
Roselyn Rathweg Penrod
Todd Penrod
James Pett
Mary Ann Corcoran Portnoy
Sharon Moran Price
Gene Rau
Joseph Romanczuk
Joseph Rueth
Jerry Samu
Carol Jones Schnipper
Mary Ruth Spisak Shearer
Kristin Keys Sherman
Jayne Talbot
Teresa Thomas
Mike Thuney
Eileen Bruns Tomsich
Harold Varvel
Joe Warning
Michael Witt
Michael Zimmerman
Mark Zummo
Class Participation –
Class Representatives –
Elaine Bayer Janicki and
Marianne Homan Messer
Carol Paus Bernheim
Robert Bertke
Carl Bertrams
Pamela Hughes Carney
Patty Hollencamp Cecil
Karen Deddens Crotty
Kevin Crotty
Beth Czapor
Doug Ditzel
Brian Esselstein
Mark Fornes
Frank Frounfelker
Susan Gibbons
Dan Graham
Lawrence Greger
Elizabeth Lair Hoffman
James Jacobson
Elaine Bayer Janicki
Susan Pohl Jordan
Peggy Chico Keelan
Michael Keys
Raymond Kinney
Anne Witt Kohls
Steve Kohls
Robert Koop
Elena Krumholtz
Michael McKinley
Tim McVay
Marianne Homan Messer
Mary Dorn Price
Lisa Lehmkuhl Reeves
Alicia Anderson Risko
Alfred Schneble
Joan Ferneding Smith
Terry Spring
Donna Becker Striks
Douglas Tobe
Craig Troup
Terry Covault Troup
Cynthia Klosterman Varvel
Richard Webb
Mike Whelan
Paul Wilkens
Class Participation –
Class Representative –
Margie Heckman
Mary Ann Sprauer Abrams
Joe Bavaro
Chuck Bertini
James Blum
Kathy Gerritzen Britt
Nancy Klosterman Cochran
Shawn Cochran
Mary Lee Reisinger Dunphy
Carol Gephart Dworkin
Denise DonMoyer Faler
Ann Vallo Febus
Patrick Graham
Chuck Hoey
Julie Grunkemeyer Hoey
Tony Huesman
Stephen Jeffords
Francine Morgan Kester
William Kuflewski
Doug Link
Pat Madden
Steve Missall
Gerard Moorman
Tony Ploplis
Jeanne Koop Reisinger
Tim Reisinger
John Seitz
Mary Lynn Fisher Sherwood
Rev. Mark Soehner
Gregory Spring
Lynn Sweeney
Tara Kerivan Weddell
Jill Laufersweiler West
Barbara Woeste
Class Participation –
Betty Gerend Navin
Catherine Novelli
Jim Paxson
Thomas Pernik
John Prater
Jim Ritterhoff
Patty Collins Ross
Jennifer Romer Scherrbaum
Dave Seman
Doug Striebel
Kurt Stueve
Tony Topp
David Turckes
Mike Wildenhaus
Class Participation –
Class Representatives –
Lynn McIntosh Graham
and Dan Armstrong
Elizabeth DeFrancis Allen
Dan Armstrong
Ed Brown
Suzanne Leyes Butler
Bill Chifala
Dominic DeFrancis
Matthew Desch
Bill Dirkes
Michael Duffin
Mark Esselstein
John Ferneding
Julie McQuiston Ferneding
Jim Finke
Leslie Klatt Flaherty
Lynn McIntosh Graham
Linda Ballmann Hitchcock
Maureen Wheeler Horwath
Mary Ellen De Luna Jakubisin
Anna Keyes
Robert Kronauge
Connie Witt Laumann
Rob Laumann
Pam Datz Madden
Kathy Kinzeler Mantica
Lisa Kern Nauman
Tim Nauman
Kristine Kunesh Part
Class Representatives –
Trish Navin Lachey
and Eric Eichner
Marie Mariscalco Boyle
Annette Chavez
Nancy Krautmann Chifala
Connie Ryan Dall
Eric Eichner
Lynn Kehl Fenton
Jeanel West Gliebe
Jacquelyn Hart
Mike Hogenkamp
Greg Kelble
Jon Klein
Rosalie Thomas Koesel
Jack Kohls
James Kohls
Michael Kroger
Patricia Navin Lachey
Thomas Landgren
Molly Paxson Laravie
Michael MacDonald
Steve Martino
Peggy Rindler O’Donnell
Elizabeth Payne Palermo
Annlouise Peroutka
Mary Riess
Greg Schoettmer
Mary Sue Finke Siegrist
Laura Van Leeuwen Snyder
Paul Thesing
Martha Walsh
Sara Walters
Kathy Janning White
Mary Alig Williams
Class Participation –
Class Representatives –
Mike McGraw
and Steve Robbe
Tom Bartol
Tom Becker
Marylee Bissmeyer Bible
Pete Boyle
Mary Dey Bucher
Janel Kussman Ciolli
Paul Crnkovich
Kevin Eichner
Chris Finke
Jeff Harris
John Heckel
John Hinders
Ed Jauch
Stephen Joseph
Jean Kelly
Joe Kessler
Kathy Klug Kessler
Susan Zimmer Levy
Mike McGraw
Carol Hoying Nikolai
Tom Nikolai
Denise Abele O’Connell
Matt O’Connell
Elise Sechrist Orban
Ed Ostendorf
Lisa Smith Regan
Tim Riazzi
Bill Roeckner
Anne Grogan Romer
Mark Romer
Sara Leyes Russell
Brenda Buschor Savage
Mark Schaefer
Rob Suttman
Mary Lynn Thalheimer
Gene Van Leeuwen
Stephen Zengel
Class Participation –
Carrie O’Connell Meyer
Jacquie Walsh O’Brien
Kathryn Enouen Owsiany
Carolyn Ziehler Paxson
John Paxson
Janet Turckes Pitzer
Claire Blust Rodehaver
John Schoettmer
Ann Marie Zengel Sinal
Jim Sprauer
Scott Spring
Susie Stein
Mark Stoecklein
Rev. Chris Wittmann, S.M.
John Woeste
Class Participation –
Class Representatives –
Becky Alejandrino and
Darlene Saaler Braunschweiger
Class Representataives –
Claire Blust Rodehaver
and Mark Stoecklein
Brian Afanador
Robert Barklay
Terri Miller Bergnach
Matt Borgert
Susan Fremgen Bowman
John Bruns
Jim Collins
Joanne Bruns Conley
Craig Curk
Tom Doddridge
Lori Dorn
John Duchak
Robert Esselstein
Patrick Gibbons
Susan Reisinger Goedde
Chuck Graham
Tom Greger
Tom Hughes
Sandy Laufersweiler
Ruth Dries Lieber
Susan Huelskamp Longley
Robert McKelvey
Greg Meineke
Nancy Draught Aichroth
Becky Alejandrino
Donna Wendeln Bange
Joseph Bange
Ann Stueve Becker
R. Scott Berlon
Darlene Saaler Braunschweiger
Mary Beth Brust
Jeff Buddendeck
Ceferino Cata
Nancy Balsamo Crouchley
John Domansky
Jackie Sauer Domin
Mark Domin
Anne Barnet Griffith
Ed Griffith
Mary Harnett
Mary Haley Hart
Brian Hickey
Jennifer Crippen Hille
Sister Sandy Howe, S.C.
Dan Klenke
Chris Knor
Daniel Lehman
Roger Lorelle
Joni Magnus Ramsey
Thomas Martino
Elizabeth Bakan Mayer
Barbara Neroni Murphy
Laura Staub Myron
Angelina Martinez Nicholson
Katie Callahan Nye
David Oberst
Carla Kindle Peterson
Mary Lynn Graham Plageman
Angela Long Prentice
Julie Monnig Roberts
Regina Carlin Roesch
Karl Rose
Gery Dey Sims
Greg Stein
Sean Walsh
Becky Zimmerman
Hands through Time
Class Participation –
Class Representative –
Paula Van Leeuwen Stoecklein
Michael Albers
Ellen Bornhorst Boerger
Cathy Cartwright Burns
Kelly Sheridan Derickson
David Domansky
Greg Engler
Kathleen Saxton Ferrante
Michael Finke
Michael Gross
Ted Harris
Fran Sjostrom Heider
Sean Heron
Sue Eisenhauer Heron
Brian Hoffman
Joe Klenke
Jeanne Kronauge
Linda Ramsey Main
John Miller
Brian Murphy
Mark Nagy
Marie Fortwengler Nolting
Mark Rykoskey
David Smith
Kathleen Brockman Stechschulte
Paula Van Leeuwen Stoecklein
Patty Whelan Stueve
Charles Vanage
Patricia Witt Weisent
John Wetzel
Susan Zwiesler
Class Participation –
Class Representatives –
Mark Lane and Mike Neroni
Marcia Kiley Albers
Clinton Arnold
Caren Ostendorf Ayika
John Blust
Daniel Bolek
Kelly O’Neil Brown
Patrick Dixon
Erin Connair Fanning
Tim Fiedler
Jeffrey Fisher
Dyana Koziej Flanigan
Lynn Stueve Ginaven
Kathleen Duchak Girgis
Michael Graham
Matt Greenwood
Kevin Hagerty
Judith Ebert Kelly
Amy Homan Klenke
Lori Klosterman Klenke
Karen Tidwell Koble
Rick Koehler
Mark Lane
Carol Koop Lang
Suzanne Leiker
Ted Link
Therese Madden Link
Doug Lunne
Jeanne Jauch Lyke
John McMahon
James Meintel
Lori Wade Moodie
Michael Murphy
Mike Neroni
Robert O’Brien
Mia Kerivan O’Malley
Theresa Yingling Plunkett
Tom Roesch
Carol Ward Salmon
Erin Walsh Schmitz
Amy Armstrong Smith
Molly Spring
Kathleen Stein
Scott Strady
Beverly Strok Suttman
Steve Suttman
Anne Taylor
Anthony Taylor
Greg Taylor
Steve Wagoner
Tina Metzger Wagoner
Rev. Chris Worland
Class Participation –
Class Representative –
Lynn Frericks
Peter Beyerle
Diann Bissmeyer Bryan
Suzanne Marsh Budzik
Maribeth Bechert Carlson
Annabelle Leyes Clinger
Marlene Haas DiPasquale
Cheryl Murlin Eichner
Michael Eichner
Brendan Foley
Beth Stanton Judd
Joan Hamill Kaminski
Dan Klein
David Lentz
Mary Koop Leonhardt
Kathryn Vanderhorst MacClennan
Katherine Glaser Mahacek
Stephen Miller
Julie Yowell Mitchell
Mark Neroni
Ted Nikolai
Christine Hillman Rose
Steven Skerl
Julia Sunkes
Lynne Van Leeuwen Turner
Karl Zengel
Dave Zobrist
Class Participation –
Class Representatives –
Lori Allen Wilke
and Molly Stanton Witt
Gail Bremner Beckman
Lawrence Borchers
Paul Bruggeman
Molly Ryan Cain
Rick Cowman
Vicki Chrystal Cowman
Susan Leff Dawson
Amy Rouse DeBolt
Courtney Sheridan DeOreo
John DeBanto
Ron Deger
Sally Schimpf Dobras
Amy Osterfeld Draugelis
Mary Beth Hanna Evans
Jill Winterhalter Fraggos
Jane Wagner Frick
Greg Fronista
Stephen Gillotti
Deron Goheen
Linda Link Groover
Anne Hagerty
Matt Houser
Catherine Lander Hume
Christine Carroll Krueger
Curt Laravie
Alex Laufersweiler
Jack Mees
Norm Meintel
Tracy Tuuri Moros
Christina Ostendorf
Coleen Walsh Petrello
Tony Petrocelli
Monica Topp Pfarr
Maria Romer Redman
Louis Rose
John Sikora
Betsy Walker Slattery
Sharon Greco Smith
Elizabeth Porter Taylor
Deborah Zinck Toennies
David Tsui
Laura Begley Underwood
Julie Barstow Utley
Cathleen Colaricci VonCanon
Class Participation –
Laura Kraft Ackerman
Danell Reinert Bonanno
Vincent Bonanno
Adrienne Hegman Brandicourt
Kelly Callahan Breen
Julie Kinderman Burgess
David Deger
James Dillon
Martin Dixon
Bill Draugelis
Laura Arber Eiken
Dan Eisenhauer
Lisa Kavanaugh Fields
Jodi Schweisthal Graham
Paul Green
Lori Hamill
Philip Herbst
Pamela Poelking Jordahl
Chris Korb
John Kunesh
Karen Barstow Lambert
Susan Lentz
Karen Roesch Levine
Kim Gantt Michael
Brian O’Connell
Greg Plagens
Elaine Chrystal Ramsey
Tony Rizzo
Andy Schrotter
Laura Wiesman Senkiw
Barbara “Boo” Laneve Shaw
Julie Leyes Sparks
Amy Biegel Strady
William Uhl, II
Mary Spencer Watson
Class Participation –
Class Representatives –
Shannon Firsdon Holtgrieve
and Julie Conway Roshong
Vincent Baldemor
Robert Jeffrey Benko
Melissa Elliott Cahill
Ed Carter
Karen Colonna Carter
Pete Cerar
Sherri Thieman Cerar
Michelle Gruber Claggett
Amy Suttman Doorley
Albert Fratini
Tim George
Marsha Schmitz Gillen
James Glavic
Michael Guenin
Susan Sammon Hendrick
Julie Wimmers Hesse
Steve Hickey
Sam Hodges
Shannon Firsdon Holtgreive
Joseph Janowski
Matt Konicki
Aaron Kraft
Paul Maggs
Libby Rain Mallitz
Michael Masterson
Teresa Cindric McHugh
Todd Muckerheide
Tim Neroni
Lisa Mershad Nixon
Jason Paine
Joe Reiling
Julia Conway Roshong
David Schoettmer
Julie Thalheimer Sims
John Walsh
Helen Staub Weckesser
Ken Wiesman
Class Participation –
Class Representative –
Steve Breitenstein
Brian Beck
James Beyerle
Steve Breitenstein
Ann Schoen Brinkmann
Lisa Bishop Callahan
Sheila Adams Cummings
Patricia Guenin Cunningham
Lisa Tsui Diller
Molly Grunenwald Eisner
Mary Frecker
Steven Gran
Carla Casella Hodulik
David Homan
Christy Johnson
Donald Kiley
Linda Manzo Koeller
Michael Lawless
Pam Powers Martin
Tim Martin
Georgina Munoz Masterson
Monica Moser O’Meara
Peggy Russell Odum
Molly Mehling Rutherford
Kelly Tierney
Beth Winterhalter Welker
Kristina Keyes Zamary
Class Participation –
Ann Fatzinger Bellinger
Rachel Finke
Marc Frient
Drew Fussnecker
Mary Spencer Hanley
Tracy Wick Heffernan
Nicole Doepker Kamil
Kathy Weil Kargl
Dan Kronauge
Jeff Luckew
David McNamee
Stephanie Ferry Milburn
Karen Beel Milford
Bart Must
Laurie Griffin Must
Richard Podiak
Jim Schoen
Molly Brogan Shapiro
Tom Ward
Lisa Blair Weaver
Rick Wemple
Rick Willits
Stephen Zimmer
Class Participation –
Julie Schrimpf Moss
Sarah Alejandrino Mouse
Patrick Nero
Tricia Ireton Ozbirn
Sandra Sturtevant Pinter
Jim Powers
Matt Riazzi
Daniel Riess
Richard Roesch
John Schrimpf
Janice Osterday Skinner
Jennifer Spoelker
Melissa Sullivan
Joe Wittmann
Class Participation –
Class Participation –
Class Representatives –
Adam and Ellen Sand Miller
Class Representative –
Diana Woods McNamee
Class Representatives –
Tony Manzo and Jim Powers
Julie Lazarus Abel
Eddie Alexander
John Biegel
Terry Bon
Therese Johnson Borchard
Jim Borchers
Mark Borgerding
Laura Hammer Brown
Tom Connolly
Brian Connor
Rachel Cox
Theresa Bean Davis
Christine Hext Davis
John Deger
Colleen Kavanaugh Duffy
Jonathan Duffy
Ronan Factora
Richard Flaute
Gregory George
Leslie Rosell Gonya
Bart Grunenwald
Todd Jones
Todd Kazmierski
Max Laufersweiler
Tony Manzo
Robert Matthews
Jennifer Westbrock Midtlien
Kimberly Beckerich Miller
Michael Blust
Greg Buerschen
Merle Carr
Jill Harner Fussnecker
Amy Schrimpf Hennig
Brian Hennig
Elizabeth Rabe Huliba
Jackie Koesters
Kara Luckew Miller
Timothy Moore
Troy Muckerheide
Angela Ruffolo
Laura Torbeck Skinner
Anna Iwinski Sutter
Diana Woods McNamee
Scott Zimmer
Lori Balster
Amy Bishop Bensman
Stacey Hubach Brown
Tim Brown
Dan DeBrosse
Megan Zimmer Deeley
Ryan Disher
Maureen Foley
Alissa Whitehead Gantt
Colleen Bunker Gnepper
Kevin Harker
Patrick Heintz
Lori Thieman Henry
Stephanie Pfeiffer Lacourt
Brian Leen
Jenny Mercurio Leen
Adam Miller
Ellen Sand Miller
Marc Molinsky
Dennis Percy
Thomas Pohl
Kerry Sammon
Michael Schmitz
Ryan Sharkey
Kristen Seifried Stein
Kory Sutter
Ed Woodruff
Paul Zengel
Hands through Time
Class Participation –
Class Representative –
Suzanne Zimmer Duplain
Julie Johnson Barnett
Niki Rosenkranz Blust
Kathy Smith Cherubini
Suzanne Zimmer Duplain
Todd Duplain
Brian Gantt
Lisa Muckerheide Giesler
Ginger Goubeaux
Michael Herbenick
Joan Buerschen Kimm
Bridget Borchers Krebs
Jennifer Rasnick Lee
Amanda Riegel Mascarenhas
Brian McCall
Sara Miner More
Dawn Graf Morris
Mary Southerland Noone
Lori Brush Phillips
Kathy Roesch Raucci
Jason Rudzinski
Maria Casella Russell
John Schoen
J. T. Schroer
Stacey Parnell Sheets
Stacey Polito Sperow
Heather Gongola Weidenhamer
Dan Williams
Class Participation –
Class Representative –
Jeff Collins
Dan Alig
Denise Scarpelli Baker
Tom Brady
John Connolly
Casey Findley Green
Kathleen Zimmer Kloska
David Martin
Matt Moser
Marcia Jauch Rudzinski
Bill Schmidt
Colette Francis Tomlinson
Class Participation –
Class Representative –
Jennifer Moore Schoen
Brian Boyle
Sara Walker Boyle
Cara Carone Boyle
Julie Duffy Dillon
Christine Rogero Drab
Angela Gantt
Heather Kennedy
Amy Krisko Krug
Michael Krug
Jacqueline Parnell
Lisa Lehman Rankin
Michael Rawers
Jerry Rudzinski
Jennifer Moore Schoen
Julie Ksiezopolski Yost
Class Participation –
Katie Srp
Jay Tant
Wes Van Autreve
Class Participation –
Matt Adamson
Michelle Clark
Emily Klosterman Corum
Todd Fortwengler
Susan Burkhardt Fredrick
Matthew Frient
Heather Rice Keighley
Jeff Keller
Michelle Kugel
Michael Lekan
Carrie Boergert Link
Jason Ryan
Annmarie Ridenour Sanfillipo
Class Participation –
Class Representative –
Matt Madges
Class Representative –
Mike Lekan
Young Alums
Elizabeth Woolley Barry
Brendan Boyle
Colin Crotty
Jeff Gionnette
Suzanne Holden Greenwalt
Chad Larkin
Peggy Powers
Amanda Veenhuis Reger
David Rogero
Anthony Schoen
Megan Matre Bosco
Nathan Bosco
Stephanie Fleskes Estes
Amanda Edwards Feldmann
Matt Feldmann
Elizabeth Buhrman Frondorf
Daniel Haas
Joanna Kolber Hankey
Kevin Kaplun
Matt Madges
Brett (B.J.) Mahle
Kathy Meyer Reichard
Jennifer Rudzinski
Doug Wimsatt
Class Participation –
Marvin Hartsfield
Laura Kavanaugh
Michael Moore
Jennifer Reiling Richter
James Teets
Jeff Wenzke
Class Representatives –
Nicole Stafford
and Maureen Zimmer
Michael Akhbari ’02
Kathleen Bentley ’99
Mary Carol Burkhardt ’99
Michelle Carroll ’02
Todd Cochran ’01
Jim Danis ’00
Melissa Lacon ’00 Danis
Diana Fischer ’02
Luke Frient ’99
Grant Gastineau ’03
Michael Grant ’01
Jacob Groshek ’00
Joel Grunkemeyer ’01
Jonathan Heil ’99
Ruth Hinde ’01
Jen Schulz ’01 Korynski
Michael Lane ’00
Chris Lincoln ’01
Jenny Richmond ’02 Mangold
Nick Mangold ’02
Jessica Luedeke ’00 Nonnenman
Angela Cronin ’01 Richardson
Matthew Shade ’99
Ryan Siler ’02
Alexis Troha ’02
Leigh Wabler ’02
Keith Waleskowski ’99
Jennifer Davis ’99 Wenzke
Leah Collins ’99 Wieland
Ian Wenker ’01
Maureen Zimmer ’02
2007 Annual Fund
Participation by Class
T o p C lasses
1. 1973
2. 1989
3. 1966
4. 1974
5. 1967
YEAR 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98
Hand in Hand
In Honor
In Memory of Brother Paul Boeckerman, S.M.
Carla Shively
In Honor of the Bolton children (Chris ’78, Kathleen ’79, Julie ’81, Marienne ’83)
In Memory of Eric Bohman
Edward and Marilyn Bolton
James and Linda Bohman
In Honor of Andrew ’07 and Catherine
Crisler ’09
In Memory of Michael Bruns ’74
Wellington and Mary Crisler
Anthony and Helen Palazotto
In Honor of Bill Dirkes ’76
John ’76 and Julie McQuiston ’76 Ferneding
In Honor of Mark Fornes ’74
Elmer and Lucy Bruns
In Memory of Leo Burkardt
Dave Burkardt ’71
In Memory of Ken Burr
Marlene Burr ’73 Orendorf
Elements IV Interiors
In Memory of Bob Cannon ’66
In Honor of Mark Fornes ’74 and Tom Nikolai ’78
Gregory Barbato ’67
Richard ’66 and Judy Davis
Bill Uhl ’85
In Honor of the Frost Family
William and Marguerite Frost
In Honor of Joan Halstead
Kelly Callahan ’85 Breen
In Honor of Bob Heman
Rachel Cox ’89
In Honor of Shaun Meyers
Daryl and Barbara Meyers
In Honor of Lt. Daniel Moroney ’96
William and Kathleen Moroney
In Honor of Jonathan Grant Morris ’06
Phillip and Becky Morris
In Memory of Mary Lou Cannon
Gregory Barbato ’67
In Memory of Bridgett Carr ’81
James and Patricia Carr
In Memory of Janice Carroll
Christine Carroll ’84 Krueger
In Memory of Margarita Cata ’82
Erin Connair ’82 Fanning
In Memory of Margarita ’82 and Maria ’83 Cata
Ceferino and Maria Cata
In Memory of Stan Cochran ’80
David Oberst ’80
In Memory of Anthony Corsiglia ’79
In Memory
In Memory of Andrew Adams ’67
Anne Adams ’70 Holbrook
In Memory of Jan Aguilar
Mark and Rita Hoffman
Barth and Laura Van Leeuwen ’77 Snyder
In Memory of James and Mary Jane Althaus
Dudley Althaus ’73
In Memory of William H. Anderson
Alicia Anderson ’74 Risko
In Memory of Rosanne Barstow
Julie Barstow ’84 Utley
In Memory of Ruth and Richard Becht
Tom ’71 and Mary Becht
Robert Barklay ’79
In Memory of Fay Cortina
Greg Plagens ’85
In Memory of Gordon Dadisman ’66
In Memory of Robert Fischer, Sr.
Diana Fischer ’02
In Memory of Donald Garling, Sr.
Donald ’67 and Kristine Ritzert ’68 Garling
In Memory of Joseph and Mary Ann Geis
Mary Jo Geis ’70 Boisvert
In Memory of Maureen Graham ’78
Mary Lynn Graham ’80 Plageman
In Memory of Rosemary Haufe
Mark Haufe ’67
In Memory of Jean Kavanaugh
Jonathan ’89 and Colleen Kavanaugh ’89 Duffy
In Memory of Jack and Julie Keys
John Keys ’66
Richard ’66 and Judy Davis
In Memory of Kevin Klein ’79
In Memory of Christopher Desch ’73
Dan Klein ’83
Jon ’77 and Gail Klein
Chris Brun ’73 Hartzell
In Memory of Bill Eisenhauer ’82
Jan Eisenhauer
Catherine Eisenhauer ’94
William and Dorothy Eisenhauer
Mark Lane ’82
Margaret Eisenhauer ’87 Rueth
Marianne Eisenhauer ’71 Wall
In Memory of Adele Marie Esselstein
Robert Esselstein ’79
In Memory of Vincent Kramer
James and Monica McGinley
In Memory of Leo Krautmann
Julie Krautmann
In Memory of Linda Huesman ’79 Lamb
Rob and Carol Huesman
In Memory of Kevin Lannon ’80
David Oberst ’80
In Memory of Nikki Lowman ’92
Charles and Sally Lowman
In Memory of Barto and Joan Ann Mariscalco
Mary Michelle Mariscalco ’73
In Memory of Father Chuck Mentrup
Jackie Koesters ’90
Marilyn O’Brien
Laura Van Leeuwen ’77 Snyder
In Memory of Russell and Marillyn Morgan
Christine Morgan ’73
Francine Morgan ’75 Kester
In Memory of Kurt Murnen ’97
Brett Mahle ’97
Keith Waleskowski ’99
The Kantor Family
In Memory of Eric Must ’83 and Kevin Must, Sr.
Bart ’88 and Laurie Griffin ’88 Must
Robert and Jane Laumann
Trudy Lewis
Barry and Rita MacDonald
Gerald and Barbara Meier
Tom and Alice Mitter
Don and Correne Moran
J. Duke and Marcia Niedringhaus
Karen Sanders
Scott and Julie Seiple
Joseph Sheehan
R. L. and Jean Sherwood
Molly Spring ’82
Gregory Spring ’76
Scott Spring ’79
Terence Spring ’74
Salli Subler
Sycamore Creek Country Club
Fergus and Margaret Theibert
Paul Theibert
W. I. Hirsch Sales
Sean ’80 and Carol Walsh
Daniel West
James and Lisa Woodall
Jack and Patricia Zimmerman
Mark ’73 and Diane Carroll ’73 Neff
In Memory of Andrew Strobhar
In Memory of Eleanor Newcome
Tim ’73 and Cindy Newcome
Patricia Lawler
Regis and Sandy Lekan
Joe ’72 and Shirley Henry ’73 Minham
In Memory of Eileen Ramsey
In Memory of Lisa Taylor ’78
Linda Ramsey ’81 Main
James and Joan Akers
Ron and Barbara Besse
Dale and Carol Boyse
David Bruce
David and Bobbie Burnap
James and Lucille Carroll
Larry and Christine Conor
Dayton Development Coalition
Greg and Caren DiMario
Robert and Donna Duplain
Daniel and Sue Ann Duval
Milissa Elsall
Mary Ann Fitzpatrick
Tony and Joan Fussnecker
Gem Real Estate Group
Franz and Margaret Hoge
Paula Kreusch
Peter and Marge Kuntz
Raymond and Cathy Lane
Jerome and Mimi Lerner
Bill and Sally Lincoln
Luken Interiors
Carrie Magnon
Father James Manning
Moraine Ladies Golf Association
Ronald and Maureen Moser
Peter and Barbara Neroni
Kim and Evie Packard
Beverly Parker
Jim Petro
Virginia Sticht ’69 Kaufman
Jane Reichard ’71 McNamee
Eileen Woeste ’69 Mitchell
Elaine Schweller ’69 Snyder
In Memory of Antonette Rosato ’70
Rick and Mary Jo Feldman ’70 Fender
In Memory of Mary Jo Wright ’68 Schuster
Myra Wright ’72 Aubuchon
In Memory of Daniel Seitz ’78
John Seitz ’76
In Memory of Ronald Spring
P. G. Barnheiser
Boeing Building 111
Doug Ditzel ’74
Richard and Margaret Fisher
Tony and Joan Fussnecker
David and Karen Hall
John and Marilyn Hart
Patricia Hull
William and Jeanne Jenkins
William and Yvonne Kleine
John and Barbara Laufersweiler
Tom and Joyce Laufersweiler
Tim and Dee Quinn
Tom and Nancy Rambasek
John and Kristy Sherman
SIGAB Partners
Jim and Karen Tinney
United Way of Greater Dayton
Frank and Kathy Wenzke
In Memory of John and Lois Ann Thalheimer
Mary Lynn Thalheimer ’78
Julie Rose Thalheimer ’86 Sims
In Memory of Alice Dineen Thieman
Joyce Thieman ’66
In Memory of William Truxel
Dan ’69 and Patricia Truxel Lynch
In Memory of Dan Wagner ’82
Mark Lane ’82
In Memory of Bob Whelan, Sr.
Kurt ’75 and Patricia Whelan ’81 Stueve
In Memory of Mary Woeste
In Memory of Roberta Neff
In Memory of Virginia Reichard ’69 Reynolds
Eileen Woeste ’69 Mitchell
Mr. Bill Hoelscher, brother of
Sister Katie Hoelscher, established
a Senior Scholarship in her name
upon her retirement this past spring.
The summer issue of Roundtable
included a detailed story of his
generosity, but very unfortunately
had Mr. Hoelscher’s name listed
incorrectly. Bill, please accept our
sincerest apologies and recognize
that the error was certainly not due
to any lack of appreciation for what
you have done for Alter students.
Thank you again for a wonderful
gift to our “Outstanding Young
Man and Woman” graduates.
Hands in Contribution
Matching Gifts
Deluxe Corporation
Key Bank
The following businesses and corporations
Eli Lilly & Co.
employees to give to Alter. This year’s match-
Merrill Lynch
ing gifts garnered an additional $14,530 for
Federated Department Stores
have chosen to participate in a matching gift
program that serves as an incentive for their
Victor and Mary Laneve ’72 Parkhouse
Jack Mees ’84
Jacob Groshek ’00
Amy Armstrong ’82 Smith
Cynthia Vyszenski ’67
Joseph and Ruth Dries ’79 Lieber
Alter. Thank you for the support of:
Abbott Laboratories
GE Foundation
Goldman, Sachs & Co.
Michael Gross ’81
Hal Rogero
Scott Saad
Tom Martino ’80
Todd Wanke ’90
John Wanke ’97
Morgan Stanley
Bank of America
Home Depot
Pitney Bowes
Robbins & Myers, Inc.
Illinois Tool Works
Jonathan Duffy ’89
Bell South
Marge O’Brien ’73 Etson
Dan Graham ’74
Mark Lane ’82
Fred Kuhn
William and Mary Dey ’78 Bucher
Restricted Gifts
Some contributors show their commitment
to Alter through restricting their contribution to a specific area of the school. In
2006-2007, athletics, drama department,
financial aid, football, hockey, Lancerettes,
library, locker room, men’s basketball,
miscellaneous, music, radio sponsorship,
Romer Fund, soccer, spanish, technology,
theology and women’s basketball were all
enhanced thanks to the following members
of Alter’s community:
Mary Gallagher ’80 Ankenbauer
Gregory Barbato ’67
Kathleen Bechert ’90
Steve and Jo Beinlich
Jennifer Bean ’92 Beringer
Marylee Bissmeyer ’78 Bible
Bonbright Distributors
Booster Association
Marcia Woolley ’68 Brand
Kathy Gerritzen ’75 Britt
Eileen O’Connell ’73 Clark
Robert and Joan Collins
Community Foundation for Kettering
Kim Krug ’96 Conde
Betty Ritterhoff ’71 Cotter
Mike Cronin
Ryan Sharkey ’91
Clinton and Tara Kerivan ’76 Weddell
Connie Witt ’76 Laumann
John Hinders ’78
Pete Cerar ’86
Lisa Tsui ’87 Diller
Allan and Karen Roesch ’85 Levine
Michael Masterson ’86
Mike Wildenhaus ’75
Greg Kelble ’77
James Cengia
Jerry Samu ’73
Donald and Sue Topp ’72 Barnes
Tom Cronin
Brian Crotty ’82
Tom and Mary DeMange
Jani Lange ’73 Diedam
Patty Miller ’73 Diehl
Doug Ditzel ’74
Anne Linesch ’71 Duffy
Lynn Ege ’00
Wolf and Diane Ege
Catherine Eisenhauer ’94
Jan Eisenhauer
William and Dorothy Eisenhauer
Elsa’s of Kettering
Casey Hawkins ’79 Engber
Estate of Mary K. Gates
Football Association
Greg Gallagher ’66
Richard and Mary Glennon
Makram and Barbara Gobrail
Jeanne Glennon ’82 LeComte
Sharon O’Brien ’78 Graybill
Karen Jauch ’85 Hamade
Mary Beth Harnett ’80
Tom and Lori Hausfeld
Mark and Rita Hoffman
Cynthia Duckro ’94 Jecker
Elizabeth Stanton ’83 Judd
Fred and Brenda Kuhn
Connie Witt ’76 Laumann
Katherine Lekan ’00
Jeanne Jauch ’82 Lyke
Father Jim Manning
Donald and Marcia Monnier
Carol Hoying ’78 Nikolai
Doreen Polomky ’88 O’Brien
Marilyn O’Brien
Andrea Ulrich ’79 Ogg
John Walsh ’86
Pfizer Foundation
Don Van Leeuwen ’71
Thurman Mattingly
Kevin Brown
Clinton Arnold ’82
Robert Bertke ’74
John Laufersweiler
Tom Laufersweiler
Melissa Ullmer ’90 Ost
Diane Kiernan ’69 Palmarini
Richard Pickrel Youth Memorial Fund
Power Enterprises
Nancy Prater
Ken and Nancy Quinter
Tom ’66 and Pat Rau
Jeff Reboulet ’82
Therese Bacca ’83 Roggenkamp
Doug ’74 and Nan Romer
Marcia Jauch ’93 Rudzinski
Margaret Eisenhauer ’87 Rueth
Mary Chris Swanson ’68 Rusek
Scott and Beth Saad
Margery Fowler ’77 Schaffer
Jennifer Romer ’75 Scherrbaum
Elaine Schweller ’69 Snyder
Bonnie Hecht ’69 Sierschula
South Dayton Knights Basketball
Stephanie Waltz ’71 Stark
Katie Walker ’87 Strout
Robert and Carleen Suttman
John and Connie Taylor
The Berry Company
Monsignor Robert Amann Foundation
Susan Potter ’79 Thomsen
Robert and Lois Ulrich
Don and Laima Vermillion
John and Beverly Walker
Marianne Eisenhauer ’71 Wall
Martha Walsh ’77
John Wanke ’97
Todd Wanke ’90
Jennifer Davis ’99 Wenzke
Diane Perkins ’70 Wish
Molly Stanton ’84 Witt
In Memory of Mrs. Patti McCormick
December 7, 1942 – August 13, 2007
Patti McCormick gave more than 23 years of service and dedication to Alter
High School, first as a secretary, then consumer science teacher, and most
recently, as Business Manager before retiring in the summer of 2007. She
and her husband, Mike, sent all three of their sons through Alter and she was
extremely proud to be part of this community. There is a hole in our hearts
with Patti’s absence but her spirit will carry on among us all and her family will
always be embraced when they come here. God speed Patti. You are missed.
“Patti cared about faculty and staff and went out of her way to take care of their
needs. She also cared greatly about the students, particularly those who were less
fortunate than others. Patti, my dear friend and mentor, will forever be remembered
and missed by the Alter community.”
- Julie Hartman, Business Associate
“Not having any daughters, Patti appointed herself my fake mom and always made a point
of looking out for me and supporting me. She was a great shoulder to cry on and a fabulous friend to
laugh with. She is deeply missed.”
- Meghan Fahey, Faculty
“Patti McCormick was a dear friend who did so many things behind the scenes at Alter. She was always
a great support to me and one you could count on for honest advice.”
- Stan Troha, Campus Minister
“I knew Patti for 43 years and three things in particular will always come to mind in hearing her name:
she was a great cook, a good listener, and a very dear friend to me.
- Pete Jablonski, Vice Principal
“Patti was the champion of the underdog. She embodied what makes Alter special. She was one of the people
who did so much behind the scenes for so many. Alter will never quite be the same without her.”
- Chris Hart, Athletic Director
“No matter what the concern, topic, or worry.... Patti was always there for me with words of wisdom and
a supportive attitude. These special gifts have been nurtured from... 64 years of living life to the fullest,
raising three boys, spoiling the grandchildren, and modeling a loving and fulfilling relationship between
husband and wife. And as my friend... she would always take that extra minute to listen, respond, bring
me peace, or help me laugh out loud. Patti, I will hold all of our wonderful memories in my heart forever.”
- Patty Ellis, Guidance
Guiding Hands
Administrative Team
Business Department
Reverend James Manning, President (2)
B.A., Athenaeum
M.A., Athenaeum
M.A., Athenaeum
M.A., Xavier University
Bev Wimmers, Chairperson (13)
B.S., Miami University, Oxford
M.Ed., University of Illinois
Linda McCarthy (19)
B.S., University of Dayton
S. Katherine Hoelscher, S.C.,
Principal (21)
Mary Niklas (2)
B.A., Thomas More College
M.A., Wright State University
B.A., Mount St. Joseph
M.A.T.M., University of Detroit
M.S., University of Dayton
M.A., Loyola University
English Department
Peter Jablonski, Vice Principal (41)
Maureen O’Brien, Chairperson (6)
B.S., University of Dayton
M.A., University of Dayton
M.S., University of Dayton
B.A., Marymount University
M.A., Marymount University
Andrew Arber (7)
B.S., Wright State University
Scott Balent, Dean of Students (16)
B.A., Benedictine College
Rebecca Hemker (1)
B.A., University of Dayton
M.A., University of Dayton
S. Fran Flynn, S.C.,
Student Assistance Coordinator
and Technology Coordinator (32)
Dave Imber (30)
B.S., University of Dayton
M.S.T., University of Dayton
B.S., Ohio State University
Christina Hart ’80, Athletic Director (13)
B.S./B.S., Xavier University
M.S.Ed., Western Illinois University
B.A., Denison University
Bryan Wallingford (2)
B.A., Rollins College
B.A., Wilmington College
Patricia McCormick,
Business Manager (23)
Jim Zimmerman ’84 (10)
B.Ed., University of Toledo
M.Ed., Wright State University
B.S., University of Dayton
John Patterson,
Director of Development (5)
Stan Troha,
Campus Ministry Director (34)
B.A., University of Dayton
M.A., University of Dayton
M.A., University of Dayton
B.A., Wright State University
M.A., Miami University
Luis Colas (1)
B.S., University of Madrid
Carol Gessner-Livingston (1)
B.A., Eastern Nazarene
M.S., University of Dayton
Ph.D., Miami University
Phyllis Keller (20)
B.S., Ohio State University
M.Ed., Wright State University
Sondra Neustein (17)
B.A., University of Pittsburgh
Guidance Department
Judy Bergstresser, Secretary (15)
Patricia Ellis, Counselor (13)
B.S., Franciscan University of Steubenville
M.S., University of Dayton
Ph.D., University of Dayton
Lois Isaacs, Counselor (12)
B.S., Miami University
M.S., University of Dayton
Mathematics Department
Julie Feldman ’73 Chairperson, (26)
B.S., Wright State University
M.A., Wright State University
Meghan Fahey (3)
B.S., Xavier University
B.A., Xavier University
Family/Consumer Science
Cathy Hundt (5)
Maureen Willits (12)
Chris Lammlein ’93 (7)
B.S., University of Dayton
B.S., Wright State University
B.A., University of Cincinnati
James Peters, Jr. (33)
Fine Arts Department
Admissions Department
Nancy Andrews, Chairperson (21)
B.S., Wright State University
M.C.L.T., University of Dayton
Auxiliary Services Department
Theresa Sugrue, Nurse (1)
B.A., University of Dayton
Audrey Miller (7)
Kirsten MacDougal, Director of Marketing & Communications (3)
Mary Ruth Spisak ’73 Shearer, Admissions Director (17)
Kristi Kremer (9)
Teresa Camacho (1)
R.N., Miami Valley School of Nursing
B.S., University of Dayton
Personnel presented alphabetically
following Chairperson of Department
B.F.A., Ohio University
Allyson Shank (4)
B.F.A., Miami University
M.F.A., Ohio University
Jennifer Bohman ’96 Fry (6)
B.A., Capital University
Paul Sendelbach (1)
B.A., University of Dayton
M.B.A., University of Dayton
Foreign Language Department
Jean Smith, Chairperson (25)
B.A., S.U.N.Y. at Buffalo
M.A., Miami University
B.A., University of Dayton
M.A., Ohio University
Donna Reiss (4)
B.A., University of Dayton
M.B.A., University of Dayton
S. Dennis Tisler, S.F.C.C. (21)
B.S., LaRoche College
M.Ed., Duquesne University
Physical Education/Health
Mary Splawinski, Chairperson (9)
B.S., Miami University
M.A., Miami University
Chris Roark (13)
B.S., Otterbein College
M.Ed., Xavier University
Science Department
Michelle Popp, Chairperson (10)
B.S., Wright State University
Jennifer Butler (6)
B.S., University of Toledo
M.Ed., University of Dayton
John Gates (4)
B.S., Wright State University
Barbara Groene (1)
B.S., University of Cincinnati
M.Ed., Xavier University
Sister Teresa Marie Laengle, S.C. (1)
B.S., College of Mt. St. Joseph
Jacalyn Schmidt (15)
B.S., Wright State University
Bonnie Walter (9)
B.A., Cedarville University
M.Ed., Wright State University
Social Studies Department
Peter F. Jablonski (41)
B.S., University of Dayton
M.A., University of Dayton
M.S., University of Dayton
Andrew Arber (7)
B.S., Wright State University
Scott Balent (16)
B.A., Benedictine College
Ed Domsitz (15)
B.S., Ohio State University
Doug Mathis (8)
B.S., Wright State University
Cris Sidell (7)
B.A., Wright State University
Matt Tkatschenko (7)
B.A., Ohio State University
M.Ed., Miami University
Father Eric Bowman (3)
B.S., Ohio State University
M.Div., Mount St. Mary’s
Holly Brady (4)
B.A., University of Dayton
M.Ed., Boston College
Deborah Portman (4)
B.S., University of Dayton
Norm Rich (4)
B.A., Pontifical College Josephinum
M.S., University of Dayton
Karen Seitz (10)
B.A., University of Dayton
Stan Troha (34)
B.A., University of Dayton
M.A., University of Dayton
M.A. University of Dayton
Carol Williams (8)
B.S., University of Dayton
M.A., University of Dayton
M.A., University of Dayton
Theology Department
Linda Dintaman ’75, Chairperson (23)
B.S., University of Dayton
M.A., College of Mount St. Joseph
B.A., Wittenberg University
M.E.M., Wright State University
Joan Kolber, Library Aide (13)
B.A., University of Detroit
Billy Schoen (28)
Virgina Osburn (28)
Ken Tankersley (1)
( ) indicates how many years at Archbishop
Alter High School
Kathleen Brady ’90 Riegel (11)
B.S., Ohio State University
Deanna Seifried (7)
B.A., University of Dayton
M.S., Bowling Green University
Administrative Personnel
Julie Hartman, Business Office (10)
B.A., Wright State University
Stephanie Larkin,
Administrative Secretary (16)
Cathy Mathis, Attendance Secretary (7)
Christina Hart ’80, Athletic Director (13)
David Swafford ’04 ,
Technology Assistant (3)
Patricia Brown, Librarian (5)
B.A., Wright State University
M.S., University of Dayton
S. Fran Flynn, S.C.,
Technology Coordinator (33)
B.S., University of Dayton
M.Ed., Wright State University
Educational Media
Theresa Ott (10)
Athletics Department
Elizabeth Budd, Technology Trainer (9)
B.S., Wright State University
M.C.L.T., University of Dayton
Tutoring Department
Technology Department
B.S.,University of Dayton
M.S.T., University of Dayton
Mary Ruth Spisak ’73 Shearer,
Director of Recruiting (17)
B.S./B.S., Xavier University
M.S.Ed., Western Illinois University
Advancement Office
Kirsten MacDougal, Director of Marketing & Communications (3)
B.A., Rollins College
John Patterson,
Director of Development (5)
Tina Ruef ’75 Lammers, Secretary (19)
To each and every one of you who have so generously
invested in Alter High School through your gifts of time
and treasure, thank you. It is your support that will
bring us our future.
Let us always remember we have been called together
in God’s name to serve as the disciples of Alter High
School. As we rise up, all hands together and sail
toward new horizons, we will remain in the port of
the Lord forever.
Twenty years from now
you will be more
disappointed by the
things you didn’t do
than by the ones you did do.
So throw off the bowlines.
Sail away from the safe harbor.
Catch the trade winds
in your sails.
Explore. Dream. Discover.
- Mark Twain
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