The Meetinghouse News - First Congregational Church


The Meetinghouse News - First Congregational Church
The Meetinghouse News
The First Congregational Church of Madison
September 2016
From Rev.
Todd C. Vetter
But each of us was given grace according to the measure of Christ’s gift. The gifts he gave were that some would be
apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, some pastors and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building
up the body of Christ, until all of us come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to maturity, to the
measure of the full stature of Christ. We must no longer be children, tossed to and fro and blown about by every wind of
doctrine, by people’s trickery, by their craftiness in deceitful scheming. But speaking the truth in love, we must grow up in
every way into him who is the head, into Christ, from whom the whole body, joined and knitted together by every ligament
with which it is equipped, as each part is working properly, promotes the body’s growth in building itself up in love.
- Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians 4.7-16
Why I Sit in the Front Pew?
Years ago, I began sitting in the front pew of the church I was then serving during worship. The
decision was intentional and theological; but it had practical results as well. I could hear the choir far
better sitting in front of them instead of behind them.
For the first few weeks, no one seemed to notice or mind. But one day, a member of the church
approached me at coffee hour to ask if she could come to see me during the week. As it happened, she
was a little concerned about where I had been sitting on Sunday mornings. The minister should sit on
the chairs by the altar, she said (my immediate thought was that in the Congregational tradition, we
didn’t have ‘altars.’ On reflection, I thought it would be best to keep quiet and listen). It was a matter
of authority, she went on: You’re not like us.
I don’t recall what her background was; whether she had been raised in another Christian tradition or
not. Churches are diverse places these days, much more so than we were in the past. So it is certainly
possible that she was raised in a church where the clergy were exalted in certain ways … where ordained
ministers were not like the rest of us.
In the Congregational tradition, however, clergy are not understood to be distinct. We are in fact, understood to be ‘called out’ from the congregation itself; clergy were members of the church who discerned a
call to a particular vocation within the life of the church and undertake specialized education in pursuit
of that call. But in the ways that matter most, we are very much like the rest of you; because our
tradition … the larger Reformed Protestant community, understands that each of us, each member of a
congregation is called to ministry by virtue of our baptisms. For us, the sacrament is among other things,
News Tidbits
Classes Available - Introduction to the Bible
Join Rev. Vetter on the following Wednesdays: September 28, October 5 and
October 12 at 7:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. in Hubley Hall for a comprehensive overview of
the Bible. All are welcome: newcomers to the stories and scripture, the curious, and
those who want to revisit the history of this respected book. Refreshments will be
served. Please sign up in Hubley Hall. If you need transportation, call Rosemarie
Welch at 203-421-1192, or check off that option on the signup sheet.
It’s Back…..Men’s Tuesday Morning Bible Study
The summer break is over! The Tuesday Morning Bible Study group begins a new season
on September 6 at 8:00 a.m. in the church house parlor. This is your opportunity to meet
with fellow Christians and share your views. Coffee and doughnuts will be available. As
always, should you have any ideas on books to study and/or if you would like to discuss
things, please feel free to contact Colin Reeve at [email protected] or call the
church office at 203-245-2739 ext. 20.
Also Back - The Cancer Support Group
The first meeting will be held on Saturday, September 10 at 10:00 a.m. in the
Parlor. This is a place to talk, listen and share; be it fears, lessons learned or
experiences. The group is open to anyone in the community. You may come to
one meeting or many, participate in the discussions or just listen. Wherever you
are on your journey - newly diagnosed, long time survivor, caregiver, friend,
family - you are welcome to join in. The group meets the second Saturday of
each month.
Music at the Meetinghouse - October Concert
The 13th Annual Roslyn Young Memorial Concert entitled “The Slavic Soul: Music for
Cello & Piano” will be held on Sunday, October 9 at 4pm at the church. The concert,
which is part of the Music at the Meetinghouse series, will feature the California-based
Brosseau-Tacchia Duo performing Rachmaninoff’s Vocalise, as well as his Sonata for
Piano and Cello, and the Martinu Variations on a Slavic Theme. There is a pre-concert
discussion at 3:15 p.m., and a reception after the concert. Tickets are $20 per person at
the door, under 18 free. Roslyn Young grew up in Guilford and became a professional
violist, performing in the Connecticut and New York area, and in U.S. and Europe.
Thank You Team Vacation Bible School!
In late June, we teamed up with our friends at St. Andrew's Episcopal Church to once again bring a week of
faith and fun to 180 kids from our local community. During Deep Sea Discovery, we explored what is means to
understand that God knows, loves and cares for us all, all the time. A huge, heartfelt thank you to all of our
wonderful VBS volunteers! Without each of you, there would be no VBS. You all rock!
Thank you to: Cassie Moore, Aimee Merkle-Scotland, Joe Barber, Taylor Gerard, Makayla Pardo, Alyssa
Pardo, Renee Pardo, Jen Conroy, Tertia Trowbridge, Kristen Skonieczny, Amy Manion, Chloe Manion, Emilee
Wargo, Chris Hall, Kasey Dugan, Marcia Stone, Susanne Kos, Heather Meachen, Debbie Edwards, Laurie
Satterwhite, Carrie Healy, Heather Meachen, MaryBeth Henry, Jen Hurley, Jill Winter, Terry Crans, Anita Spear,
Val Cavanaugh, Abby Pitarra, Cam LaClaire, Jackie Spear, Jane Merkle-Scotland, GiGi Rankin, Ella Dreier,
Laurel Bennett, Lily Paturzo, Chloe Scott, Claire Hurley, Olivia Nye, Sarah Nye, Sarah Auletta, Alara Nahar,
Gabby Howey, Maggie Kane, Tori Milner, Holly Edwards , Lexi Minitullo, Joey Sandora, Parker McDevitt, Riley
McDevitt, Elinor Wallach, Kate Schiesser, Marissa Padilla, Carolyn Quorka, Sophie Rankin, Maeve MerkleScotland, Justin Earle, Matt Hiller, Andrew Schofield, Jack Casparino, Will Paturzo, Bailey Meglin, Mary MerkleScotland, Shelby Auletta, Katherine Garnett, Joey Milner, Dylan Edwards, Lee Jamison, Zarya Dahl, Evan
Earle, Madi Mortensen, Carrie Edwards, Carrie Healy, Heather Meachen, Sarah Valentine, Fay Abrahamsson,
Wally Stone, and Anna-Claire Merkle-Scotland.
Please join us at Rally Sunday on September 11 to kick-off our Church School year! Kids, come and see your
friends (or make new ones), meet your teachers and get ready for a faith-filled fun year ahead! Please plan to
stay after worship for our family picnic, made extra special by the Galvanized Jazz Band and games for the
young and young-at-heart. Stop by the Children and Youth Ministries table to meet our teachers, learn about
volunteer opportunities, or to sign up for our youth groups and Confirmation. We look forward to welcoming you
all to FCC for the 2016-2017 academic year. To share questions, suggestions, or just to say hello, call
Sue Timony-Hall at 203-843-6206 (cell) or email [email protected]. See you on the 11th!
A Glimpse Into VBS 2016
Written by Kasey Dugan, a VBS volunteer and DHHS Senior
This year, 180 campers and 78 volunteers participated in “Deep Sea Discovery,”
which was run in conjunction with St Andrew's Episcopal Church. Sue TimonyHall, the leader of the First Congregational Church of Madison's VBS program,
has been running the bible camp for the last five years. Her staff of volunteers created an "under the sea" experience that included fish group names,
coral reef decor, and bible lessons and activities related to the ocean.
The bible program has been an influence in children's spiritual development as
far back as the 1870s. Likewise, VBS 2016 taught Madison's youth about God's
love, strength, and knowledge through fun summer activities. Cont. on page 6
Here’s where to get the latest scoop on what’s happening musically in the church!
For even more information, call Nathan at: (203) 245-2739, ext. 21.
Pretty soon, all five choirs of the church will be back in action, and you
are invited to take part! Here is a little more information on each choir:
TREBLE CHOIR: All the kids up to 3rd grade will be rehearsing once again with Miss Liz! For 15 minutes directly
after the Children’s Moment each Sunday, the children will be brought downstairs to the church basement to learn
fun music and even play a few musical games. They sing in church about twice a month, and they’ll begin
Sunday, September 18th.
CHANCEL CHOIR: Interested singers from the 4th-8th grades are invited to come and learn advanced music with
the intention to sing once a month. New singers entering the 4th grade are strongly encouraged to give it a try!
Rehearsals will start Sunday, September 18th in the Chapel from 11:40 am-12:10 pm.
ADULT CHOIR: This choir is open to high school students and older with an interest in singing multiple-part music. Having the ability to read music is an advantage, but not a requirement. We sing almost every Sunday and also
for special music events such as the Interfaith Thanksgiving Service and joint choir festivals. Rehearsals begin
Thursday, September 8th in the Chapel from 7:00-8:30 pm.
SPIRIT CHOIR: This is an informal, multi-generational choir that rehearses fun, easy-to-learn music to sing in
church the following week. Just meet after church for only ten minutes! There is a strong emphasis on upbeat spirituals and more modern, progressive Christian music. Rehearsals begin Sunday, September 18th in the
Chapel from 11:30-11:40 am.
HANDBELL CHOIR: The Handbell Choir operates on a four-week rotation; we practice four Wednesdays in a row
up in the church balcony, then we play in church the following Sunday. (You must be able to make at least three out
of the four rehearsals.) It is open to anyone age twelve and older, and we always have a ton of fun!
Rehearsals are now on Wednesdays from 6:00-7:00 pm.
The dates for the first are:
Wed. Sept. 28rd: 6-7 pm rehearsal
Wed. Oct. 5th: 6-7 pm rehearsal
Wed. Oct. 12th: 6-7 pm rehearsal
Wed. Oct. 19th: 6-7 pm rehearsal
Sun. Oct. 23rd: play in church
A sign-up sheet will soon be available in the church house auditorium on the Music bulletin board for those who would
like to play. Please be sure to sign up by Sunday, September 25th, and thanks!
Fred Vigorito’s “Galvanized Jazz Band,” a Dixieland-style ensemble,
has played for the Rally Sunday church service for a number of years.
For the past five years, they have also played outside for the picnic, an
added treat! This year, Rally Sunday is September 11th, and we look
forward to having them play again.
The Music Department is seeking sponsors who would be interested
in helping to cover the cost of having the band ($1,000). Their music
contributes so much to our service and to the start of the fall season,
and any contribution—large or small—would certainly be much
appreciated. Please be sure to talk to Nathan if you are able to donate,
and thank you very much!
Thanks to all those who have presented special music during the
summer Sundays. We have had a quartet play Bach’s Fifth
Brandenburg Concerto, trumpeter Ken Dreier, trumpeter Larry
Gareau, tenor Richard F. Donohue, and others. Also, thanks to
organist Charles Stannard who substituted for me while I was away
on vacation on some Sundays in July and August.
My office hours will be shifting once again this fall as I continue
pursuing my Organ Performance degree at Central Connecticut State
University. Although Central doesn’t have a formal organ program,
they have created one just for me, and I’m looking forward to
continuing my studies for a second year at Central and with Ezequiel
Menéndez, organist at St. Joseph’s Cathedral in Hartford. I still plan
on being here full-time at the church, however, and the professors at
Central are extremely accommodating for a non-traditional student
like myself.
My hours at the church starting Monday, August 29th will be:
Mondays: 4:00-8:00 pm
Tuesdays: 4:00-8:00 pm
Wednesdays: 2:00-8:00 pm
Thursdays: 4:00-9:00 pm
Fridays: 2:00-6:00 pm
Sundays: 8:30 am-12:15 pm
I will also be working remotely from the New Britain campus when not attending class. If you need to get in touch with
me outside of those hours, please feel free to leave me a phone message at 203-245-2739, extension 21, or e-mail me at
[email protected]. Thanks very much.
Vacation Bible School, continued from page 3:
Children in fourth grade and below participated in arts and crafts, music
lessons, theatre performances and group games. Margaret, 9, said that she enjoyed
tie-dying her shirt, and Nick, 8, claimed that he liked playing capture the flag
with his friends. Campers used costumes and props to retell bible stories such as
Jonah and the Whale and played obstacle-ridden games to understand the stories
religious messages.
Middle schoolers ventured out into New Haven County to cook and serve food to the
elderly, rock climb and tend a community garden. The program's message, "God
hears" was applied during large group assignments that required communication and
responsibility. The message "God loves" enabled peers to be kind to one another
no matter the circumstance.
The "Macarena" by Los Del Rio became a beloved song at the camp. By the last day,
the entire camp knew the routine and danced their way around the Madison green.
The leaders of the game station were responsible for the activity. "We thought it
would be a fun way to unite all of the grades," says Chris, 17. The leaders were
happy to see the campers and volunteers partake in the catchy dance.
Moreover, the camp experiences contribute to the spiritual growth of the
adolescents. The campers will hopefully become faithful and ethical adults who
will recall the life lessons they have learned at VBS. The camp hopes to see many
campers and volunteers attend VBS 2017.
Thank you, Thank you! Parsonage Preparation People
At the end of April, the family who rented the Bradley Road parsonage moved out, and work began to
prepare the house first for Todd and family, then for the August 1 renters. The parsonage needed a lot
of fixing, cleaning and clearing, but the congregation rallied, and together we got the job done.
First and foremost, a special thank-you to the Project Managers, Tim Lunn and Hank Robbins, for their
many, many hours of fixing, building, engaging contractors and then supervising them. Without the generosity of Cathy
Hopkins and her daughter Lindsey, furnishing the home for the Vetters would have definitely been more complicated.
Also adding furnishings were Marilyn Coppola, Jane and Wayne Miller, Jean Pfeifer, Ruth White and Vanessa Ballantine.
As recruiter of the volunteers, I want to thank all the furniture movers. First, Ken Dreier, Adam Hubley and Barnaby
Mortensen moved the furniture in. Then, about six weeks later, on one of the hotter days of the summer, Cathy and
Lindsey Hopkins and friend Doug, Joe Ballantine, Charles and Andy Reese, Tim Lunn, Marilyn Coppola and Hank Robbins
moved the furniture out. Thank you to the pre-painting and post-painting cleaning crews, specifically Vicki Littell,
Kathleen Bidney, Jean Pfeifer, Rita Holmberg, April Shuman, Jan Caligan, Donna Larkin, Carol Peragine, and Alison Hubley.
Thanks to Helena Meader, Marilyn Johnson and Vanessa Ballantine for equipping the kitchen for Todd and family.
The landscaping crews included Renee Pardo, Peter Larkin, Mark Kitchell, Kathleen Bidney, Doug Ewers, Joe Cavanaugh
and Ed Miller. They cleared, clipped, weeded, raked and hauled truckloads of overgrowth to the dump and brought truckloads of mulch back to beautify the property’s perimeter.
It certainly took a willing congregation and many hands to complete this project. Thank you all for your generosity of time
and talent, and for being the FCC stewards who didn’t take a summer break.
— Carol Robbins
News from the Women’s League
Patty Carver once again returns. Come see her as she sings songs that made Doris Day famous.
She is a professional singer, actress and writer with international credits who enjoys traveling and
performing her many award-winning and critically acclaimed one woman musicals. Her prior
programs here have been “This Old Hat: Famous Women of American History, Volumes I, II &
III.” Visit her website at
This will be the lead off program for the Women’s League 2016-2017 year. We will gather on
September 8 at twelve noon for a brief worship service in the Chapel followed by a luncheon and
the program in Hubley Hall.
All women of our congregation and their friends are encouraged to attend any and all of the programs throughout the
year. It is, however, important to make a reservation if you plan to attend.
If you are not already on the calling list and would like to attend, please make your reservation(s) for lunch by calling
the Church Office at 203-245-2739 ext. 20 by the Monday prior to the program date.
If you are on the calling list and plan to bring a friend, please tell your caller of the additional number of guests. We
need to know how many plan to attend in order to provide sufficient seating and number of meals.
Ramp Replacement Scheduled for Summer of 2017
If you are wondering about the status of the replacement of the ramp leading
into the church building, here’s the latest: Bob Blake, a member of the Properties
Commission and a civil engineer, notes that the ramp replacement project did
not take place this summer due to schedule and cost issues. The recommendation is to delay it until next summer, 2017. The Properties Commission will
continue to monitor its condition, and if any concerns arise about its structural
capacity and safety, additional temporary supports will be provided.
Coffee Hour Resumes
Beginning on September 18, please join us each Sunday following worship for coffee, tea, juice and
refreshments in Hubley Hall. Coffee Hour is a great opportunity to welcome visitors, chat with church
members, read bulletin boards and sign up for church activities. Eight people are needed to bring food
every week. Fellowship Commission members will circulate asking for items to be donated including
cheese and crackers, sandwiches, deviled eggs, fruit, vegetables, cookies, brownies, dessert bars, etc.
If you can help, please email Alison Hubley at [email protected].
Nine to Dine
The fall session is here! Nine to Dine is open to any adults from our church, whether single, married,
widowed, divorced, or separated. Those signing up will be placed in groups of nine. Each group will
meet at someone's home once a month for dinner in October, November, and December. You do not
have to host it at your home. The group leader will assign each person part of the meal to bring, such as appetizer,
salad, entree, vegetables, dessert or wine. Nine to Dine is a great way to meet new people and to become better
acquainted with others while enjoying a meal together. Sign up on the Fellowship bulletin board throughout September
or email Alison Hubley at [email protected].
The First Congregational Church
of Madison
26 Meetinghouse Lane, Madison, CT 06443
Overlooking the Green
An Open and Affirming Church
The Meetinghouse News
U.S. Postage
Guilford, CT
Permit #271
September 2016
Sunday Worship Service
10:00 a.m.
In the Meetinghouse
Sunday School
The Rev. Todd C. Vetter
Senior Minister
Have a Safe
“Back to School”!
During Service
Communion Served First
Sunday of Each Month
Our Worship Service is
broadcast on
Madison Access TV
Channel 18,
Sunday 12:00 noon
Phone: 203-245-2739
E-mail: [email protected]
Facebook: First Congregational Church of
Madison, CT
Church Office Hours:
9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., M-F;
closed during lunch 12:30 p.m.-1:00 p.m.