Publication Vol 53 Issue 2 Aug 09
Publication Vol 53 Issue 2 Aug 09
THE CORVETTE WAVE VOL VOL-- 53 Issue 2 August 2009 THE CORVETTE WAVE IS A PUBLICATION OF THE CORVETTE OWNERS CLUB OF SAN DIEGO COCSD Sponsored by Bob Stall Chevrolet “AN AMERICAN REVOLUTION“ The Corvette Wave is a periodical monthly publication of: Pages Table of Contents Officers and Appointments 3 President’s Page 3 Notes from the Editor 4 May Birthdays & Anniversaries 4 General Meeting Minutes 5 Pop Tops, DMV, Legislation 6 Treasurer Report & Humor 7 Car Club Council / SD Auto Museum & Humor 8 National Corvette Museum News The Corvette Owners Club of San Diego 8130 La Mesa Blvd. #184 La Mesa, CA 91941-3099 Visit our web site at I.D. Statement The Corvette Wave (ISDN 1531-1333) is published monthly. Subscription rate is $18.00 per year. Circulation 180 copies. Postage paid San Diego and additional offices POSTMASTER: 9 - 10 Activities Corner 12 Merchandise Sale & Things you should know 13 For Sale 14 Send address changes to: The Corvette Wave at : 8034 Linda Vista Rd 2U San Diego Ca 92111 COCSD was founded in 1956 by Al and Lois Carroll It is the oldest continuously active Corvette Club in existence. 15-19 Dedicated to preserving the Spirit Legend Corvette. 20-26 America’s true sports car 28-29 & 32 COCSD is a member of the San Diego Museum and the Car Club Council of Greater San Diego. 30-31 Past Events Upcoming Events Advertisers Calendar of Events Membership Dues: Contact the Editor: James Vallejo 858-974-9814 phone/fax Single: $59/year 858-663-2162 mobile Couple: $82/year [email protected] Membership Requirements Mail TO: 8034 Linda Vista Rd #2U San Diego Ca 92111 Deadline for Reports, Articles, Flyers and Pictures is the: 15th of the Month Front Cover; COCSD Member’s Inaugural and Clubhouse Opening Club Sponsor: A person (s) desiring to join COCSD must: Be at least eighteen (18) years of age. Provide “Proof of Corvette Ownership” (long term Leases are considered Ownership). Register a Corvette with COCSD (registration of more than one Corvette owned by a member is permissible. Attend one of three options: One (1) general membership meeting and one (1) COCSD sponsored event (Not including after meeting events) or two (2) general membership meetings or two (2) COCSD sponsored events. Be sponsored by two (2) COCSD members in “Good Standing”. Show proof of Insurance, on Corvettes used in COCSD activities. Submit completed application with appropriate fees and/or dues and be favorably approved by the Board of Directors. Member in “Good Standing” is a Lifetime member or an individual or joint member with dues current. Meetings “AN AMERICAN REVOLUTION” 7:30 pm 2nd Friday of each month P.O. Box 338 ~ 7601 Alvarado Rd. La Mesa Women’s Club La Mesa, CA 91941 5220 Wilson St. (619) 460-1311 La Mesa, CA 91941 2 directly across from Drew Ford OFFICERS President Justin Stewart Vice President Aurora Hangen (619) 248-6684 Treasurer Tina Somers Secretary Pat Guiant Activities Director Don Evans Newsletter Editor James Vallejo Membership Chairperson Sharon Green Public Relations Bob Swanson Historian Jerry Bach Board Members Marie Taylor Jim Lassiter (619) 208-0307 (619) 284-8470 (858) 451-0609 (858) 200-5140 (858) 451-0609 (858) 663-2162 (858) 433-0446 (858) 336-4390 (619) 255-6277 (619) 582-1470 (619) 843-7028 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE We have an action packed summer for all of you members! Please take a look at the activities calendar and see what the happenings are. We are always looking for new people to help plan and host events so if you’re up for it, please see Don or Tina for information. I hope all of you that came to this year’s inaugural had a fantastic time! Once again, Viki and her team put on an event for the record books. Thank you Viki and committee for all your hard work! BOARD APPOINTMENTS Web Master Michael A. Jukich (619) 921-2823 [email protected] Club Photographer Ron Hutchinson (619) 659-0984 Car Club Council / San Diego Auto Museum Rep Jeff Lonsdale (858) 278-1933 National Corvette Museum Representative Ron Hutchinson (619) 659-0984 Newsletter Staff Candie McDevitt (619) 405-0494 Property Managers Kitten Schumaker (619) 582-2488 Charles Stankovich (619) 838-8020 Merchandise Chairperson Pat Coburn (858) 487-6847 Sunshine Chairperson Janet Dawes (619) 749-9470 Meeting Hostess Susie Hinson (619) 403-4084 Lisa DiSabatino Assistant (619) 312-2600 Restoration Rep Craig Moya (619) 660-8071 Technical Rep Keith Kingsley (858) 715-3889 3 I also want to say thank you to Craig Moya and his committee for all the work they put into the new Corvette clubhouse at the Corvette Diner. This room will be a great way to project the image and history of COCSD out into the community. I had a great time getting to check out the new restaurant and look at the cars on display outside. I especially had a good laugh seeing Don with his face painted, what a crackup! We also got some great pictures of the group taken outside that will make a nice addition to our yearbook. I can’t wait to see how well this year’s Main Street car show turns out! We had some great raffles going on at this last meeting so if you have anything you’d like to donate, please do so. I’m also looking forward to seeing all of you at this next after meet at Jim Lassiter’s house for a pool party…always a memorable event that I look forward to. Have fun and take care of each other and we’ll make this another fantastic year of COCSD. Justin Stewart, President COCSD AUGUST BIRTHDAYS Bernie Hartman Richard Balliet David Baker Ginger Wahlstrom Bill Raver Walt Beeson Patricia (Pat) Caudel Ron Burgandine Loida Wheeler Melanie Traci Sylvester Crowel Don Sherrillo Patricia Coburn Diane Crowel Jerry Harrison Lore Young Greg Magill Keith Peterson Cynthia Wharton Darcy Dimuzio John Moorehead Steve Bronstein Lisa Foland Joe Villegas James (Pete) Cox Terri Mosher Doug Hall FROM THE EDITOR… Hello COCSD Members Many will agree July was a very busy month for COCSD and its members with respect to the big events. It started with the fun at the Inaugural and followed by the excitement of the COCSD Club House at the Corvette Diner. We, as COCSD, shined! Thank you for showing you care about your club functions. As with the grand opening, I thank you for displaying your beautiful cars for family, friends and the general public. It was a real treat! Main Street America is our next major upcoming event and even with these difficult times, I believe we’re still going to make a difference in raising contributions. With so many San Diegan’s in “Stay–Cations,” it will be a great local treat. Take the time to invite family and friends. It couldn’t be in a better location or greater venue. Have fun! 8/2 8/3 8/3 8/5 8/5 8/6 8/8 8/10 8/11 8/11 8/13 8/15 8/15 8/16 8/16 8/17 8/17 8/18 8/18 8/20 8/21 8/22 8/25 8/26 8/29 8/31 8/31 AUGUST ANNIVERSARIES Harry and Jodi Lockman Gary and Marilyn Fingerman Joe Howell Mike Poirier Duane and Sharon Sceper Robert Mueller Bill Bennett Johnny Lockhart James Pope Janie Robinson John and Dianne Kernan Marie DeMarbiex Thomas Kelly Jim and Linda Eckmann Rod and Linda Weissenberger David Desoto Jason McCallister Maria Martinez Just a note regarding our sponsors and advertisers... Please support them. Our traditional and yearly fund raisers, requires more and more money each time and with each event. When we ask for donations, from our sponsors and advertisers, they are there for us, so be there for them by supporting their businesses as well. Always consider them as your first choice. Just remember that when we take care of them, they will help take care of our club! Thank you Take care and safe driving! JAMES VALLEJO, EDITOR 4 42 yrs 31 yrs 31 yrs 25 yrs 20 yrs 12 yrs 11 yrs 9 yr 9 yr 9 yr 8 yr 6 yr 6 yr 4 yr 4 yr 2 yr 2 yr 1 yr Street America car show. She asked for volunteers to help with the event. She announced the Lion’s Club would run the food booth again this year. Don Evans introduced Steve Oregon, a visitor from east County Cruisers, who made several presentations about upcoming events. His main message was to attend the upcoming October show event (see the calendar in the WAVE for details). Craig Moya reviewed plans for the upcoming grand opening of the Corvette Diner and the club’s car display. He reviewed details, times, and locations for synchronizing COCSD participants. He encouraged all to buy flags and plaques to support the clubs activities and investments in the Corvette Clubhouse at the Corvette Diner. July 10, 2009 Corvette Owners Club of San Diego General Meeting Minutes The meeting was prefaced with an announcement by former President Chris Dawes at 7:19 PM encouraging attendance at tonight’s aftermeet and providing directions to the location of the event. Activities were announced by each of the members planning an event. Details and coordinators can be found in the WAVE newsletter. The meeting was called to order by Justin Stewart, new President, at 7:31 PM. Viki Lassiter thanked all of her staff who helped with the inaugural, including helpers who were not members of the club. She also announced the August aftermeet will be held at there home El Cajon on August 14th. (see flyer) Justin welcomed all and made the announcement that he was the new President of COCSD. Sharon Green reminded all to pay dues before August 1st. Justin announced that COCSD is proudly sponsored by Bob Stall Chevrolet. Jeff Lonsdale reviewed information from the car council and upcoming events. There was no representative at tonight’s meeting from Bob Stall Chevrolet. Mike McIntosh thanked everyone for brining pop top tabs to support the efforts to raise funds for the Ronald McDonald House project. Justin acknowledged several participants and organizers: Pictures of the Inauguration were displayed in the back of the room and he encouraged people to view them and take them. Don Evans announced plans for Laguna SECA run and that the hotel was already booked. He wanted all to know that he is planning to coordinate a tour of Callaway Corvettes. He thanked Viki Lassiter and her committee for the outstanding job on the inaugural. He thanked Craig Moya for his efforts to spearhead the Corvette Diner project. Pat announced that all members should hold the September 20th date open to participate in the scavenger hunt for information run. More details will follow. Hold the date open. He encouraged all to participate in the run tomorrow for the car show at the grand opening of the Corvette Diner. See the WAVE calendar for upcoming events and information. Tina Somers announced that there would be a special action tonight to raise funds for the Main Street America project. Pat Coburn announced information about merchandising and the visitor plans for the next meeting. At 7:35 PM, Justin turned the microphone over to Aurora Hangen. She reviewed the membership requirements. She announced the birthdays and anniversaries of members of the club. See the WAVE for specific details. At 8:19 PM, Justin turned over the floor for an auction for Main Street America to Jay and Tina. Significant revenues were raised by this auction. At 8:47 the name tag drawing was held. Aurora Hangen announced the names of guests ( 1st and 2nd time) and had each first time guest speak to the club members. She announced new members and presented new member packets to them. They were as follows: Susie Hinton, Tony Robin and Anthony Bridgewater, Rita Jensen, and Tim Gates. The meeting was adjourned at 8:52 PM. Respectfully submitted by Patrick Guiant, Secretary Justin congratulated all new members and guests. Don Evans led the announcements of activities planned for the club. See the WAVE newsletter for complete information on planned activities. Peggy Stankovich spoke of plans for the upcoming Main 5 The Pop Tops for Ronald McDonald House Charity Collect just the pop tops as it contains more aluminum by weight. Most of our members drink sodas or have pets or eat Spam or soup that has a pop top. If they would take a plastic zip lock bag and pull the tops off the cans bring them to the meeting and I will get them to Ronald McDonald House. We may set up a run for the first time we take tops to them. I will also try to get several Ronald McDonald pop top Houses to distribute to members that want to take them to work to collect tops. If you have a favorite bar, or place that uses or sells Beer or Pop and would collect the tops it would be appreciated. My understanding is they get over $15,000 a year for turning in the tops. Reporting a DUI – There are several holidays during the summer when people enjoy having, or going to parties and barbeques. Unfortunately, this can lead to people drinking more than the legal limit, but still deeming themselves fit to drive. If you suspect someone on the road is driving under the influence please call 911 and provide the law enforcement with the exact location, the vehicle make & model, and the license plate number. And always remember, don't drink and drive. By following these few safety tips you will be on your way to a safe and enjoyable summer! Go online! The DMV’s Web site,, offers a multitude of online resources that your members will find useful and convenient – saving them lots of time and money. California residents can now complete many DMV-related transactions online, including renewing their driver license and renewing their vehicle registration – and with the convenient online appointment system, they can even make appointments up to 30 days in advance at any California DMV field office! Drivers and Legislators Dismiss It is easy to do and helps the family's of children at Cellphone Risks — By Matt Richtel the hospital have a room for free to stay while their OKLAHOMA CITY — On his 15th birthday, Christopher Hill got children at in therapy or dying. his first cell phone. For his 16th, he was given a used red Ford Thanks, Mike McIntosh, COCSD Member #900 [email protected] tel:619-561-6241 mobile:619-316-7732 DMV Offers Tips for a Safe and Fun Summer Road Trips- Long distance drives can be strenuous on you and your car, so it's important that you are fully alert at all times, and that your car is in safe operating condition. Tailgating- On long trips, many people often get antsy and want to drive faster. It's important that you don't tailgate the person in front of you as tailgating is the leading cause of rearend collisions. To avoid tailgating, use the “three-second rule” always make sure that you pass a certain point at least three seconds after the car in front of you passes that same point. Driving in the Dark- On road trips, people often drive through the night to get to their destinations sooner. When driving at night, make sure you drive slower because the darkness can make it harder for you to see what is in front of you, giving you less time to stop if there is a hazard ahead. Also, most highway construction takes place at night so be cautious of road workers and pay attention to any signs that may tell of what is ahead. Always remember to Slow for the Cone Zone. 6 Ranger pickup, a source of pride he washed every week. Mr. Hill, a diligent student with a reputation for helping neighbors, also took pride in his clean driving record. “Not a speeding ticket, not a fender bender, nothing,” he said. Until last Sept. 3. Mr. Hill, then 20, left the parking lot of a Goodwill store where he had spotted a dresser he thought might interest a neighbor. He dialed her to pass along news of the find. Mr. Hill was so engrossed in the call that he ran a red light and didn’t notice Linda Doyle’s small sport utility vehicle until the last second. He hit her going 45 miles per hour. She was pronounced dead shortly after. Later, a policeman asked Mr. Hill what color the light had been. “I never saw it,” he answered. Extensive research shows the dangers of distracted driving. Studies say that drivers using phones are four times as likely to cause a crash as other drivers, and the likelihood that they will crash is equal to that of someone with a .08 percent blood alcohol level, the point at which drivers are generally considered intoxicated. Research also shows that hands-free devices do not eliminate the risks, and may worsen them by suggesting that the behavior is safe. A 2003 Harvard study estimated that cell phone distractions caused 2,600 traffic deaths every year, and 330,000 accidents that result in moderate or severe injuries. Yet Americans have largely ignored that research. Instead, they increasingly use phones, navigation devices and even laptops to turn their cars into mobile offices, chat rooms and entertainment centers, making roads more dangerous. A disconnect between perception and reality worsens the problem. New studies show that drivers overestimate their own ability to safely multitask, even as they worry about the dangers of others doing it. Police in almost half of all states make no attempt to gather data on the problem. They are not required to ask drivers who cause accidents whether they were distracted by a phone or other device. Even when officers do ask, some drivers are not forthcoming. Cont’d in The New York Times, July 19, 2009. Corvette Owners Club of San Diego Treasurers Report - General Account Beginning balance 6/1/2009 Expenses Membership Name Tags Newsletter May and June Activities Raffle May - July Rent June Activities Inaugural Subtotal Income Newsletter Advertising Loan from MSA for Corvette Diner Activities Inaugural Fundraiser Corvette Diner Activities June Raffle Merchandise An Honorable Profession... $ 7,949.20 Debits $ 76.11 $ 509.18 $ 108.28 $ 300.00 $ 3,300.26 —————— $ 4,426.62 $ 3,522.58 $ $ $ $ $ $ An old southern country preacher from Georgia had a teenage son named David and it was getting time the boy should give some thought to choosing a Profession. Like many young men, the boy didn't really know what he wanted to do, and he didn't seem too concerned about it. One day, while the boy was away at school, his father decided to try an experiment. He went into the boy's room and placed on his study table four objects: • • • • Credits 365.00 1,000.00 1,380.00 475.00 41.00 74.00 I'll just hide behind the door," the old preacher said to himself, "and when he comes home from school this afternoon, I'll see which object he picks up. If it's the Bible, he's going to be a preacher like me, and what a blessing that would be! If he picks up the dollar, he's going to be a Businessman, and that would be OK; but if picks up the bottle, he's going to be a no-good drunkard, and, Lord, what a shame that would be. And worst of all, if he picks up that magazine he's gonna be a skirt-chasin' bum." __________ $ 3,335.00 Ending Balance $ 6,857.58 The old man waited anxiously, and soon heard his son's footsteps as he entered the house whistling and headed for his room. Corvette Owners Club of San Diego Treasurers Report - Main Street Account Beginning balance 6/1/2009 The boy tossed his books on the bed, and as he turned to leave the room he spotted the objects on the table. With curiosity in his eye, he walked over to inspect them. $ 3,149.80 Expense Loan to General Account for Corvette Diner $ 1,000.00 Registration Mailing $ 132.00 Supplies $ 13.05 Subtotal Finally, he picked up the Bible and placed it under his arm. He picked up the silver dollar and dropped it into his pocket. He uncorked the bottle and took a big drink while he admired this month's Centerfold. $ 2,004.75 Income Entrance fees Ending balance $ $ $ A Bible A silver dollar A bottle of whisky A Playboy magazine "Lord have mercy," the old preacher disgustedly whispered, "He's gonna be a pilot!" 1,725.00 1,725.00 3,729.75 Submitted by Barbara McNally Respectfully submitted by Justin Stewart for Tina Somers, Treasurer 7 San Diego Automotive Museum News along costal 101 between Oceanside and La Jolla. Visit for interesting photos. A Classic Car Showdown is coming October 10th to the Del Mar The San Diego Automotive Museum is free of admission Fairgrounds.thPre-registration for this Wild (1979 and older) Ride charge to County residents from 10am to 3:45 every 4th Tues- is August 15 if not sold out first. n day of the month. The new display is called “Classic TreasSubmitted by Jeff Lonsdale ures”. All local cars from San Diego hobbyists. Visit San Diego Auto Museum/ Car Club Council Rep for exhibits and other current news. Car Club Council Events Flat Tire Incident OK, for all of those who asked, The Beef and Bun is on Fletcher Parkway at Edwards Street. About one block East of Yesterday I had a flat tire on the interstate, so I eased my car Navajo Road. It is just a small gathering of Motorhead Misfits over to the shoulder of the road, carefully got out of my car and opened the trunk. one Thursday each month. The 18th Annual National City Automobile Heritage Day is on I took out 2 cardboard men, unfolded them and stood them Sunday, August 2nd presented by the Chamber of Commerce. at the rear of my car facing onThe South Bay Cruisers hold their Blast From the Past cruise coming traffic. every Tuesday this Summer. COCSD will be the featured Club They look so life like you wouldon August 4th to boost interest in Main Street America. n't believe it! They were in August 22nd is busy. The San Diego chapter of the Studebaker trench coats exposing their unDrivers Club has their Cool Classic Car Show at the Auto Mu- dressed bodies and private seum from 8am to 3pm. parts to the approaching drivers. The Historic Route 80 fundraiser is from 6-9pm also at the Auto To my surprise, cars started slowing down looking at my lifelike Museum. Visit for details. men. And of course, traffic started backing up. Everybody was tooting their horns and waving like crazy. There is a Picnic By the Bay on Sunday, August 23rd at the Embarcadero Park. The Classic Chevys of San Diego welcomes It wasn't long before a state trooper pulled up behind me. He all 1972 and older American vehicles. Pre-registration deadline got out of his car and started walking towards me. I could tell he is August 15th and visit for was not a happy camper! more information. 'What's going on here?' he asked. 'My car has a flat tire', I said The 10th Annual Classic Car Show hosted by Christian Rods calmly. And Customs is August 29th benefiting Calvary Ranch, an alco'Well, what the hell are those obscene cardboard men doing hol and drug recovery program. here by the road?' he asked. I couldn't believe that he didn't The South Orange County Rods and Customs Club is hosting know. the first Honor Run benefiting the families of wounded and disSo I told him, abled warriors Saturday, September 5th starting in Oceanside. The Mopar Club of San Diego support San Diego’s enlisted 'Helloooooo, those are my emergency again this year with the All-AMERICAN CAR SHOW XI Sep- flashers! tember 12th in Carlsbad. The Motor Head Madness Classic Car Show benefiting the Soroptimists International of Poway is September 12th at Poway Transmissions. Submitted by Angie Villalobos USD and KFMB are celebrating their 60th anniversaries this year with a fifties-theme parish picnic. The committee would like to have 6 vintage cars September 13th for display. A Corvette would be at the top of their wish list. If interested, please contact Mona Morebello at 858-571-7123 as soon as possible. The 16th Annual Fall Classic Car Show is presented by the Camaro Club September 20th at Tidelands Park, Coronado. Proceeds to benefit Conner’s Cause for Children. Are you getting’ ready for some speed? The Coronado Speed Festival is coming September 26th and 27th this year. For some reason, they chose Camaro for the class honors. Sunday, September 27th is the Beach ‘n 101 Cruise. Cruise 8 NATIONAL CORVETTE MUSEUM NEWS Chevrolet builds the 1,500,000th Corvette, prices 2010 Grand Sport Corvette Ranked Best GM Model JD Power Results are in and Corvette was ranked the Best GM Model! The Chevy Corvette score came in at 71 PPH (problems per hundred), placing it at the top of the pack for all GM models. The legendary American sports car badge sees its volume figures rise even as its parent company falls This score is an improvement of 21 points over last year’s score of 92 PPH. In addition, Corvette came in at the top of its segment – beating Porsche by 1 PPH. We appreciate the hard work of the Corvette Team and look forward to seeing more great American Sports Cars! Building 1,500,000 of just about any complex machine is a serious milestone, but it's much more than that to the motoring spirit of America when it's the Chevrolet Corvette. Today General Motors announced the production of the 1,500,000th Corvette at its Bowling Green Assembly plant. Bowling Green has Vacancies During the 15th Anniversary Celebration Along with the announcement of the sales landmark, Chevrolet released pricing on the 2010 Corvette Grand Sport. The standard coupe GS starts at $55,720 and the GS convertible starts from $59,530. Make your reservations now! Several hotel room blocks have opened up and there is lodging available in Bowling Green during Caravan and the 15th Anniversary Celebration! For a complete list of availability check out the Visitors Bureau website at: "The Corvette Grand Sport achieves a 0 - 60 time in less than four seconds, pulls 1.0g on the skid pad and still boasts an impressive 26 highway mpg," Chevrolet product marketing director Karen Rafferty said. "These numbers are unmatched by any of Corvette's competitors." The 2010 Grand Sport was unofficially priced just over a week ago, but the official announcement today confirms those numbers. Looking back on the nearly 60 years of Corvette production that got them to the Grand Sport, Z06 and ZR-1, Rafferty remarked, "The 1.5 millionth Corvette is a great example of how Chevy is America's Brand. For nearly 60 years we have built America's Sports Car and this milestone is a solid proof point." Corvette Assembly Plant Schedule Change Corvette Assembly Plant will be making some minor changes to their tour schedule beginning July 20 and if you are planning to schedule a club visit this year, you may want to plan on arriving on Saturday or Sunday and schedule your plant tour for Monday. Obviously, GM will be leveraging its most iconic products to help rebuild the company's image in the wake of its massive bailout and bankruptcy. The new Grand Sport sport is a step in the right direction, however, adding performance and value to an already impressive American sports car. The plant will be moving to four 10hour work days – Monday through Thursday. The morning tour times (9:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.) will remain the same and the afternoon tour time will be changing – look for details coming on this change. If you would like to schedule a club visit or make changes to your existing visit, please contact Chris Sweeney at [email protected] or contact Chris directly at 270-467-8885. 9 Corvette Racing's C6R GT2 Cars are Officially Entered in their First ALMS Race After making history and completely dominating in the GT1 class, Corvette Racing will officially enter the GT2 classification in the ALMS race at MidOhio on August 8th, 2009. In this race they will debut their ZR1 based body design cars, piloted by Johnny O’Connell/Jan Magnussen and Olivier Beretta/Oliver Gavin. #003: WORLD'S OLDEST Corvette Racing Manager Doug Fehan, said today in a telephone interview, "We are looking forward to this new chapter in CORVETTE Corvette Racing history. By entering the GT Global Classifica- Serial Number E53F001003 tion, Corvette racing will be going against some of the finest sports cars in the world--Ferrari, BMW, Porsche, Ford, Viper. This is going to present an opportunity to demonstrate the durability, reliability and performance capability of the Corvette on a This rare automobile is 1953 Corvette serial number #E53F001003. Known to fans worldwide as #003, this is the world stage." 3rd Corvette to ever come off the production line. It is the oldest of the first 300 Corvettes made in 1953, the first year of producIf you have the opportunity to attend this historic race, make tion. 2003 was the 50th Anniversary of Corvettes and #003. sure you show your support by visiting the Corvette Corral. For more information on the team, and television schedules visit, You may have seen the "restored" Motorama Corvette, please know it is a replica, and a replica of a concept car, nonetheless. But it helps the dealer sell Corvettes, so whose to complain? Anyway, if you want to know some real Corvette history, at the bottom of this page is a link to The Earliest Corvettes, where Submitted by Ron Hutchinson you can learn more about #003 and the first Corvettes. Care was taken that the historical significance of #003 was not lost to over-restoration. Thanks to months of assistance from Chevrolet and General Motors, records and documents for the earliest Corvettes underwent careful analysis, insuring accurate documentation and preservation. Detailed documentation was published in the 1993 issue of the NCRS Corvette Restorer by John Amgwert’ entitled The Earliest Corvettes. Displaying workmanship and material of the times, #003 is a rare piece of automotive history, providing an accurate account of early Corvettes. Historic Restoration by Lloyd Miller & Howard Kirsch (deceased), of Southwestern Restorations. Addi’l research and support by John Amgwert and Les Bieri. Special assist by Art Armstrong, General Motors and Chevrolet. 10 My First Fiberglass Dream Celebration of life Event In Loving Memory of Ricardo Mendoza AGlipay 07/31/46 – 07/25/09 COCSD Member #957 I was stationed in Georgia from 1969 to 1970 and after my tour In Viet Nam, I was glad to return back to the States. I had a cool 9 to 5 job checking the avionics on board the helicopters. I had weekends off and plenty of time to mess around with the locals. When this great deal on a 1963 Corvette Convertible.Came up, I jumped on it. I got this beautiful car in great shape for $1800.00. I loved that car, it had looks and power. It had a 327 cu in engine,4 speed transmission. Having that car made it easy to get in with the Officers who also had Corvette’s and we would hang out at the Big Boy’s in town. The cars always drew a big crowd and we made a lot of friends with the locals. Guy’s never listen to a dame when she tells you to get rid of your car, the trade off is never equal and you wined up being very sorry. Fanci is my 1998 Corvette Coupe, it has a 350 cubic engine and automatic transmission. This car flies and fun to drive. My wife and I love it. We love to be in parades and car shows. She hasn’t won a prize yet, but to us she’s a winner. We’ve had her since about 2005. My wife takes her to work daily. I love to take her on long trips to Vegas, where I can open her up and flush the carbon build up out. I’m looking forward to the nest long haul with “Fanci” Yours Truly, Richard and Rhonda Aglipay THE CORVETTE WAVE Publication Vol 52 March 2009 October 23-25th is also Steve Breault’s party as part of the Big Bear October Fest, so give Steve a call for details. ACTIVITIES CORNER For your long range planning, COCSD ACTIVITIES November we will have a run to the Calloway High PerformWell, if you missed the COCSD Inaugural on June 27th ance Corvette operation in Corona. Details are not yet comyou missed a great dinner, dance and fun activities. Viki plete, but if you are interested in FAST Corvettes, you may want to keep this in mind. Lassiter and her committee did a bang-up job and get all our thanks. December 5th is the COCSD Christmas Party and what a way to start the Christmas Season. Keep this date open, and Also, if you missed the Corvette Diner Grand Opening details will be coming from our hostess, Kimberly Hutchinson. on July 11th, you missed out again. If you have not been there, stop by, and be sure and see the Corvette December 19-20th we will do an overnight to the Nethercutt Museum in Sylmar and the Reagan Library in Simi Valley. Clubhouse featuring COCSD. Both places will have their Christmas decorations up. The AUGUST is a busy month. The big event for this month is Reagan will have a display of Christmas Trees Around The Main Street America. World. Remember this 2 years ago. It was great. Don and Tina will host, 858-451-0609, and group size is limited. Sunday August 9th. Hopefully by now you have volunteered to help and signed up your Corvette. Remember, we have challenged North County Corvettes and they are shooting for Have an event you would like to see happen or like to 30 registrations. We sure don’t want them to beat us at our sponsor. Contact Don or Tina at 858-451-0606 or talk to own show. us at a meeting. We would be glad to help. August 15th is your last chance to join COCSD at the Drive In Movie. Meet at Bob Stall Chevy at 6:45, bring chairs, your FM radio for sound and snacks if you desire. Call Kimberly Hutchinson for details at 619-659-0984 for info. Submitted by Tina Somers & Don Evans August 21st is Cruising Grand Avenue night in Escondido, by Charles and Peggy. Call them at 619-838-8020 for details. O August 28th a group of COCSD members depart for Caravan 09 to the National Corvette Museum in Bowling Green, Kentucky. Call Don at 858-451-0609 for info. August 29th, Steve Breault Productions , 619-741-6565, puts on his Annual Beach Party at De Anza Cove on Mission Bay. If you like picnics, bonfires, Croquet, Bochi Ball or Horse Shoes, be sure and sign up. September 6th the fast and furious crowd of COCSD will go to the K1 Track in Carlsbad for another round of racing. Everybody is invited to watch the fun and to join in a lunch after the races. Come out and see who the really fast members of COCSD are, and maybe watch some members crash and burn. Craig Moya at 619-660-8071 for info. September 12th is for Fire Works lovers with a tail-gate party at Qualcomm Stadium followed by a Aztec football game, followed by the SKY SHOW, one of the biggest fireworks displays in the West. Steve Breault is again sponsoring this event. What more can you ask for? October 8-11th COCSD members will go to Laguna Seca ALMS races for the 4th year. The change this year is Corvette will have some competition, running in the GT-2 Class against Porsche, Ferrari, Viper, BMW, etc. We fully expect Corvette to dominate the GT-2 Class like they did the CT-1 Class for years. Steve Bronstein is leading the group. 2010 Hennessey Z700 unveiled for track-happy ZR1 owners Hennessey Performance Engineering makes the point that track-oriented Porche owners can opt up from a normal 911 to a GT# RS and Viper owners can choose the ACR edition, so what’s out there for ZR1 owners who want a more hardcore machine? October 23-26th is the High Rollers/Fast Racers trip to Las Vegas (for the rollers) and Spring Mountain (for the racers). To answer that question, HPE has introduced the Z700 for 2010. Craig Moya is hosting and will have details coming. 12 California Bill to Require ANNUAL Emissions Tests for Vehicles 15-Years Old and Older Dies in Committee Merchandise Sale We still have plenty of merchandise for sale. T-shirts, caps, and ladies’ tops seem to be the hot items, with the exception that the meeting on the 13th moved a lot of weather-specific merchandise (like fleece jackets). We have sold the last of the club watches and the license plate frames. If you need these, see Cat Guiant and she will start an order list. As soon as we get enough people interested, we will re-order. We are starting another “club jacket order sheet.’ See Cat if you want to order one. Last order was $87. We must have at least 6 and over 6 gets us a pretty good discount. Legislation (A.B. 859) in the California Assembly to require annual Smog check inspections for vehicles 15years old and older was held in the Assembly Appropriations Committee and is essentially dead for the year. The bill would also have required that funds generated through the additional inspection fees be deposited into an account which could have been used to scrap older cars. Pre-1976 motor vehicles would have remained exempt under A.B. 859. Highlights from SEMA BUY COCSD STUFF! Respectfully submitted by Pat Guiant CORVETTE A Corvette turned into a fastback The foregoing message is brought to you by the Specialty Equipment Market Association (SEMA). If you would like our guidelines on what to do if your new car warranty is denied, check out the Warranty Denied? Things You Should Know … section of our web site. Corvette C6R GT2 cars officially entered for MidMid-Ohio ALMS race Following the 2008 American Le Mans Series, Chevrolet announced that it’s Corvette Racing team would abandon the largly uncontested ranks of GT1 and take on the challenge of GT2. As General Motors careened toward bankruptcy court this spring, the team completed in it’s final GT1 races at Sebring, long Beach and Le Mans—but the big question was whether the GT2 program would be stillborn. Well, Corvette fans can now breath a sigh of relief- Submitted by Keith Kingsley 13 I have had this Corvette for about 25 years. It has a fully welded and gusseted frame, per the GM issued Corvette Race prep manual. Frame is powder coated. Dick Guldstrand and I installed the All aluminum ZL-1 limited issue (only 200 ever made) GM 1957 Corvette, Aztec Copper with beige coves, beige interior and tan vinyl top. Also includes a body color hardtop. Numbers matching 283/270 engine with two 4bbl carbs, T-10 4-speed transmission and 4.56 posi. Multiple award winner. For more info, contact Craig at 619-723-2020 or go to and look under C1 and C2 Corvettes for sale Factory Engine. #194 Big Block. Dick added fuel injection, Rack and Pinion Steering, Hydraulic Power Brakes (run off of a racing type engine driven pump) Suspension modification etc. Rare 200 MPH Speedometer. The car was originally sent to Baldwin Motion in 1969 for Factory GM Road Race Fenders and Baldwin Motion Hood and paint etc. It is the original Daytona Yellow. The only modern aspect to the car is the fuel Injection and Steering rack for all around drivability. I chose to do rear exhaust for drivability as well. Less noise, no passengers getting burned getting in and out. The car is a complete frame off and ready for any magazine! I would like to sell the car. My asking price is $85,000. 2000 Yellow Corvette with 59300 miles Asking $20,900 2002 Red Corvette With 29300 miles Quite a bit less than I have in it and it is certain to increase in value Less Than 1000 miles on it since restoration. The car is located in downtown San Diego. Call Aaron at 619-252-0347 Asking $24,500 Call Robert at 760-779-8659 or 760-831-2611 Four C5 OEM Tires, Wheels, and TPMS. Good condition, xlnt track set, $500.00. Call Steve 619-337-0316 1994 Corvette E X C E L L E N T ONLY 54,OOO miles!!!! New BF Goodrich KDW Tires and New Bilstein Shocks, Removable roof, Dark Red, Chrome Factory Corvette Wheels, 6 Speed, Loaded.....Air, cruise, 6 way adjustable seats, etc Only $14,900 Call Barry 760 310 9206 [email protected] 1997 Corvette Metallic silver w/ black leather interior. Loaded w/ options, 6 speed manual transmission. 12 disc CD changer in the back, single CD up front, BOSE sound system, dual power seats, power locks/windows, cruise, dual A/C and climate control, removable top. Asking $14,400 OBO email Joe at: [email protected] 14 1971 Vette with #s matching 454 - 4 speed. The car was totally rebuilt in '94 by Larry Hofer. Asking $ 22,000 Call Jim Smith 619-460-4258 COCSD GOES TO GREAT WHEELS AT THE DEL MAR FAIR A Salute to Jerry Austin In July 1957, Jerry began racing Corvettes for the C.S. Mead Chevrolet Dealership in Pasadena, California. He participated in fifteen races with the 1957 Corvette winning all but three and placing second in two. In all, Jerry participated in 58 documented races. Of these, he placed 1st in his class and/or overall 28 times, 2nd, 11 times, and did not finish (DNF) in nine races due to car trouble or accidents. In 1955, Jerry was the Western States Champ in the Class C Production category with the Jaguar XK140 MC and second runner-up nationally. In 1957 he was the Western States Champ in the over 1500cc Production Class in the 1957 Corvette as well as 7th national runner-up in the Class C Modified division with the D Jaguar. Jerry was featured in many sports car publications including being on the cover of Road and track magazine in the May 1956 issue. Jerry winning his First Race with the 57 Vette Pomona July 27, 1957 One of Jerry’s specialties was the “Le Mans” type start which required the drivers to line up across the track from their respective race cars and sprint to them when the start gun sounded. The drivers would hop into their cars, start them as quickly as possible and take off. Jerry was in three races with the Le Mans type start crossing the start line 1st in each race. He practiced this maneuver many times before these races. Some of Jerry’s Racing Photos are hung in the COCSD Corvette Diner Clubhouse “Check it Out”. Photo and article submitted by Jerry’s Son, Gary Austin 15 2009 COCSD ‘SAFARI NIGHTS’ INAUGURAL Held on Saturday June 27th at the Catamaran Resort Hotel I would like to start off by saying a big ‘thank you’ to everyone responsible for making this year’s Inaugural a huge success. To my committee members:Cat Guiant,Cooky Campbell,Sharon Green,Candie McDevitt,Diean Jukich,Gloria Jones, Lisa Foland and Aurora Hangen and to their significant others; Pat Guiant, Leonard Campbell, Rich Green, James Vallejo, Keith Kingsley, Craig Moya and my husband Jim Lassiter. To our Photographers’ Ron & Kimberly Hutchinson our Reception Greeters Mike and Sharon MacIntosh and Jenny Butcher, our DJ Frank Amescua and last but not least to all of our COCSD members and their guests who attended this event. Your continued support will ensure that we will be able to enjoy and look forward to the Inaugural year after year. After the announcements and awards the music resumed and DJ Frank got out on the dance floor and gave us lessons on how to do ‘Cupids Shuffle’. It was great to see so many people participating and having fun learning the line dance. At around 9PM we were treated to spectacular fireworks that could be seen from nearby SeaWorld, we couldn’t have had a better view. From 9-10PM we occasionally interrupted the music to play a few games. We started off with Musical Chairs played to the song ‘Jungle Boogie’. Six men were asked to volunteer and come up to the dance floor to participate. Alan Atha, Jerry Bach, Justin Stewart, Chris Dawes, Don Evans and Jay Orband volunteered. Each person was given a monkey mask to wear and a banana to hold. DJ Frank started playing the music and the race was on! One by one the men were eliminated when they lost their seat. It came down to Justin and Jay and only one chair left. Now, I’m not going to say that these two guys are competitive but wow, you would have thought they were going to win a million bucks! Jay ended up being the winner of a $20 Home Depot gift card. The next game was the ‘ Tarzan Yell’ contest. Three men and three women were asked to volunteer and step up to the dance floor to test out their ‘pipes’. Gloria Jones, Cooky Campbell, Lisa Foland, Rich Green, James Vallejo and Ken Wood took turns trying to impress the audience that would be judging them. The winners were determined by the loudest and longest applause. They all did a great job and each had their own ’unique’ As the guests checked in sound. It ended up being a close call between Rich Green and at the reception table they Cooky Campbell so they let out their yells again and Rich was were given a raffle ticket finally deemed the winner of a $20 Target gift card. and a box or a coin purse with a little ‘gift’ inside. The third game was ‘Pin the Tail on the Tiger’. Six women volunThen they were sent over teers were needed and with much to our beautiful photo coaxing Kim Hutchinson, Tina Ngo, back-drop to have their Tina Somers, Sharon Green, Nancy picture taken with a ‘wild Oeh and Janet Dawes were ready to tiger’! After checking in play. Each contestant was given a they headed into the ball- ’tiger tail’, blind folded and spun room decorated in an around a couple of times then guided ‘African Safari’ theme to enjoy the cocktail hour while listening to up to the tiger poster to pin their tail ‘African mood” music and mingling with fellow club members. while DJ Frank played ‘I’ve got a Tiger by the Tail’. It was determined that After the cocktail hour it was time to sit down and enjoy the deliTina Somers got her ‘tail’ closest to cious buffet, dinner music and our gorgeous view of the bay. the tiger’s tail and she was the winner While we ate we began calling out raffle ticket numbers. We had of a $20 Bath and Body Works gift certificate 19 prizes in all which included an assortment of gift cards, lottery tickets, goodie bags and DVD’s. The dancing continued until 11PM and when Frank played the song ‘Last Dance’ we knew it was time to call it a night. At 8PM it was time to get the party started with music and dancing. It The committee and our other volunteers started the process of wasn’t hard getting people on the ‘un-decorating’ the ballroom. We finished in record time, loaded dance floor with our first song up our vehicles and said “Good Night”. ‘Footloose’. We were sad to see it end but we all agreed that we had a wonAt 8:30PM we took a break from dancing and our outgoing Presi- derful time and that we can’t wait until next year. What will Lisa dent Chris Dawes introduced our new Officers: Justin Stewart Foland have planned for 2010? I guess we’ll just have to wait (President), Aurora Hangen(VP), Tina Somers(Treasurer), Pat and see. Guiant(Secretary), Don Evans(Activities Director), James Vallejo (Newsletter Editor), Sharon Green(Membership Chairperson), Thank you for allowing me to chair this event for Bob Swanson(Public Relations), Jerry Bach(Historian) and Board the past two years, I’ve had a blast!!! Members at Large Marie Taylor and Jim Lassiter. Then it was time to announce the Award winners: Jim & Viki Lassiter Respectfully submitted by Viki Lassiter (Perpetual Award), James Vallejo & Candie McDevitt (Outstanding Production of Newsletter Award), Craig Moya & Lisa Foland(RayTaylor Award), Don Evans & Tina Somers(Lynn Woolley Award) and Dan McGehee(John Waters Award). 16 “A Night Under the Stars, Summer Drive-In Movie Nights” On the nice warm summer evening of July 11th, several friends gathered for Drive-In Movie Night, following a great day of celebrating the Grand Opening of the Corvette Diner. The group included Jim and Vicki Lassiter, Pat and Cat Guiant, Randy and Dawn Stanke, Leonard and Cookie Campbell, Jay Orband and his nephew Dominic, Angie Villalobos, Craig Moya and Lisa Foland, James Vallejo and Candie McDevitt. The group enjoyed Transformers and Star Trek. Transformers featured a prototype Autobot Corvette (a “good guy” of course!) and Star Trek featured a beautiful classic corvette, so the movies were very much enjoyed by the group. The weather was perfect and everyone enjoyed good conversation, movie treats and entertaining blockbusters! Join us next month on August 15th for another “Night under the Stars” at the Drive-In! Submitted by Kimberly Hutchinson THE “CORVETTE CLUBHOUSE” AT THE CORVETTE DINER and the Corvette Owners Club of SanDiego”. Also on the east wall are framed CorBy now, you should be vette advertiseaware that David and Les- ments, two club lie Cohn, owners of the photos, including Corvette Diner (and sevthe most recent, eral other successful res- and copies of the taurants) offered COCSD two oldest known the opportunity to design photos of COCSD Corvettes, taken in 1958. the décor for one of the The south wall is highlighted by the “Founders’ Wall”, with Al and two party rooms at the Lois Carroll’s original club shirts in frames. There is also a new Corvette Diner. framed copy of the original COCSD membership list, in Marie Located at 2965 Historic Taylor’s handwriting. Decatur Road in Liberty The west wall Station, the new Corvette is covered with Diner is more than twice framed photos the size of the old restauthat are a great rant in Hillcrest. Being built representation within a designated hisof who we are toric building presented a number of design challenges, but the and what we Cohn Restaurant Group and their architect turned some of the do as a club. restrictions to their advantage. They converted a relatively long, narrow space into what appears to be the inside of a diner car. Enhancing the illusion are a number of flat-screen televisions Also on the west wall is the wood molding in which the COCSD built into the walls that can show what appears to be scenery member flags are placed. moving by a window. For those of us who are children of the And the member donation “bricks” small metal plates with the sixties and seventies, there is the black light room, with black donors’ names and other text, are attached to the west wall, with walls and ceilings, highlighted by posters and artwork in fluoresa clear plastic plate covering cent colors. But clearly the best room in the restaurant is the them. The north wall of the “Corvette Clubhouse”. David and the design team incorporoom is broken into two segrated almost all of the elements the COCSD Corvette Diner ments. One segment awaits the committee had future display case, which will presented to hold COCSD club trophies and them. The most other artifacts. The other porstriking eletion of the wall is dedicated to ment is the Corvette racing. Framed phocolor of the tos of C6Rs in action from 2007 and 2008 are joined by photos room torch red. of Corvettes racing in 1957. There is a framed Corvette Racing Aluminum diacap and poster, signed by the current Corvette team drivers. mond plate has been used for Also in the north wall is a black-framed door with a decal of “Jake”, the stylized skull symbol of the Corvette Racing Team. wainscoting, with a black chair rail above it. At the top of the 12 foot-high walls is a black and white checkered band, with red and yellow wood strips below it. The floor is also done in black and white squares, with a four-foot diameter COCSD logo right in the center of the room. Running through the logo is a long “east arrow” noting the direction and distance to the Corvette factory in Bowling Green, Kentucky. Another major design element is the “road” painted on the east wall and a portion of the south wall. Attached to the road are twelve 1/24th scale Corvette models, with two per Corvette generation. Above the road are large vinyl letters proclaiming “50+ Years of Corvette The door leads to “Jake’s Room”.The floor, walls and ceiling in this small room are black. This is to take the greatest advantage of what will soon be installed in the room – a Corvette racing simulator. The simulator will include a racing seat attached to a moving platform, with a shifter, pedals and a steering wheel. Connected to a Playstation and a flat-screen television, the simulator allows the driver to race a C6 Z06 Corvette on his or her choice of a number of racecourses, or through the streets of London. Once the simulator is in, if you ever have to find me, look here first! high quality as has always been the hallmark of Cohn restaurants. And the surroundings are amazing. By the time this newsletter goes to print, I will have met with Michelle, the restaurant manager and worked out the details on how the club will be able to use the Clubhouse. The Board is considering using the room for their monthly meetings. It is clearly not large enough to be used for general meetings, but one of the reasons we were given this opportunity is that the Cohns would like the Corvette Diner to become a destination for fun runs and other club events. Because it is a party room and not regularly used due to staffing issues, it is unlikely that one or two couples from the club would be seated in the room. But it will be made available to larger groups with enough notice. And you can always check out the room before or after eating elsewhere in the restaurant. I strongly encourage you to do so. I think it will make you proud to be a member of the oldest continuously active Corvette club. Future additions to the room will include a COCSD announcement board, another television, and probably a neon sign or two. The Cohns have spent a great deal of money on the room, but they are very pleased with the way it has come out. Everyone to whom I have spoken believes that it is a wonderful reflection of COCSD. I think it shows what talented and creative people make up our club. There are a lot of people responsible for making this happen. It starts with the COCSD Corvette Diner committee. Jerry Bach, Russ Bergen, Steve Breault, Patricia Coburn, Chris Dawes, Don Evans and Tina Somers, Lisa Foland, Aurora Hangen, Greg Kirkland, Jim and Viki Lassiter, Greg and Eunice Magill, Mike McIntosh, Carol Lynn Murphy, Jay Orband, Peggy Stankovich, Bob Swanson, Marie Taylor and James Vallejo all made contributions in developing the design plan and getting the pieces installed. Others who made significant contributions include Zig Byra, who designed and provided (at no charge) the brackets to mount the model cars on the wall, and the donation brick cover plate. Carl Best cut and drilled all of the frame mounting blocks and the drilled the car models so that the brackets could be attached. Susie Hinson and Gilbert Peet provided assistance in getting everything mounted. Angie Villalobos worked with James to make the “road” look like the real thing. Paul Berning, Joe Howell and Scott Norton donated Corvette models. Now it’s up to the entire COCSD membership to contribute. Although they are in the Diner, the club maintains ownership of all of the club artifacts. The cost of the reproduction, framing, mounting and maintaining of all of the photos and artifacts, as well as the cost of the club logo is the responsibility of the club. We also will be purchasing the announcement board. In all, our expenses will be close to $3000. To cover these costs, we are selling the member flags for $100 and the donation bricks for $25. Please refer to the flyers in this newsletter for the details. There is room for only 38 flags and 100 bricks. Once those spaces are filled, there will be no room for additions. Don’t you want to take advantage if this very limited opportunity to add your name to the Clubhouse? If you have not yet visited the Corvette Diner, you owe it to yourself to go check it out. The food and service are of the same Thank you Craig Moya for bringing COCSD to another level for COCSD Club Generations to come! What: A good Old Fashioned Drive-In Movie in the warm San Diego summer night When: Saturday night, June 13th, Saturday night July 11th, Saturday night, August 15th 619-208-7152 Kushan Peykarian [email protected] “We are about your well - being” Serving you since 1976 COCSD Member Joseph W. LaVeque Owner - CEO 8799 Balboa Ave, Suite 250 San Diego Ca 92123 DYNO TUNING PERFORMANCE UPGRADES 800-621-3873 x400 858-495-3264 x400 619-322-3351 cell 858-874-6475 fax [email protected] Residential - Commercial - Investments COCSD Member [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] COCSD Member COCSD Member COCSD Member RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL FIRE, WATER, MOLD, OR BIOHAZARDS COCSD Member Call us at 800-349-3218 or check us out at COCSD Member COCSD Member Richard E. Green Owner Cal Pacific Mortgage Consultants I have never lost a loan and I do tough ones, call me COCSD Member Michael (Mike) D. McIntosh Senior Loan Officer 24 Years in Lending 12467 Rosey Road El Cajon Ca 92021 8745 North Magnolia Ave Santee Ca 92071 619-258-5800 office 619-258-5885 fax [email protected] 619-561-6241 office 619-316-7732 cell 619-749-3667 fax [email protected] Mortgage Broker Single Family 1 - 4 units Commercial, Apartments, Construction, Lots COCSD Member COCSD Member [email protected] AUGUST 2009 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 . 2 3 4 Blast from the Past 5 6 7 8 AFTERMEET Water Vollyball (see flyer) 9 Main Street America see website 10 11 12 COCSD Board MTG 7:00 Corvette Diner 13 14 COCSD General MTG 7:30 La Mesa Women’s Club 16 17 18 19 20 21Crusing 22 Grand Ave see flyer 23 24 25 26 27 28Bowling 29 Annual Green Beach NCM Party See pg 12 30 15 Drive In Movies see flyer see flyer 31 ADVERTISING RATES PRICE INCREASE ADVERTISING RATES EFFECTIVE JULY 2009 - JULY 2010 Ad Rates are for July through June Issues and are pro-rated for mid-year placements (12 Issues) Non Member $80.00 (12 Issues) Member $220.00 (12 Issues) Non Members $320.00 (12 Issues) 1/2 Page Ads also appear in the “On-Line” Issue of “The Wave” of website Business Card Member $55.00 30 Full Page Member $450.00 (12 Issues) Non Member $650.00 (12 Issues) September 2009 Sun 6 K1 Track Mon 7 Tue Thu 1 2 8 9 COCSD 10 Board MTG 7:00 Corvette Diner Racing 13 Wed 3 Fri Sat 4 5 11 COCSD General MTG 7:30 La Mesa Women’s Club 12 Sky Show see flyer 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Scavenger 21 Hunt Run 22 23 24 25 26 29 30 see flyer 27 28 Chevrolet Corvette Sting Ray 2010 Concept? 26