Or read our latest annual report


Or read our latest annual report
Seattle repertory
Message from
The 2014-2015 season brought exciting changes to Seattle Repertory Theatre, with
Braden Abraham taking over as Acting Artistic Director and Jeffrey Herrmann as
Managing Director.
It was a season of big risks and big rewards—the most notable being Robert
Schenkkan’s LBJ plays, All the Way and The Great Society, which ended up becoming
the #1- and #3-top-selling shows in the theatre’s history. It took nerves of steel to commit
to this massive, 18-person production, but the strong box office response helped the Rep
to best our initial budget projections by more than $1 million. In addition to 53 sold-out
performances, two Pay What You Can performances, and two student matinees, we
hosted 16 community events that drew 1,700 participants.
It was deeply satisfying to see the house so full for every performance and to know that
the risk Seattle Rep took in mounting this epic undertaking had been rewarded, both
artistically and financially. From commissioning The Great Society five years ago—
before All the Way had even premiered at Oregon Shakespeare Festival—to producing
readings for both plays during our 2013 New Play Festival, to making these shows the
centerpiece of our 2014-2015 season, our journey with LBJ was challenging but well
worth the investment of time and other resources.
We parlayed the momentum of the LBJ plays into our January 2015 production of
August Wilson’s The Piano Lesson, which honored the Rep’s special legacy with
Wilson’s work and drew a warm response from critics and audiences, exceeding sales
goals by 10%. Other highlights this season included The Vaudevillians and Lizard
Boy, two boundary-pushing shows that showcased diverse LGBTQ voices on stage
and demonstrated community support for more inclusive programming, generating
enthusiasm among our subscriber base—young and old, gay and straight—as well as
droves of new audiences attracted by strong word-of-mouth.
Moving forward, we plan to keep making big, bold choices like the ones we’ve made
this past year. This means producing more ambitious shows of scale and scope on our
stages, expanding public programs and engagement initiatives designed to keep the
Rep accessible to our community at large, and making investments in our marketing
and fundraising operations that will enhance the theatre-going experience and pay
dividends down the road.
As we look back over our first season together, we have much to be proud of, and
many people to thank for the Rep’s success—including our deeply committed staff
and Board of Trustees, our loyal patrons and subscribers, and the incredibly generous
donors who invest in the visionary work on our stages. Finally, we must give thanks one
more time to our immediate predecessors, Jerry Manning and Benjamin Moore, who
planned this extraordinary season. We are honored to carry forward the Rep’s legacy
of great theatre for the city of Seattle and beyond.
Braden Abraham
Acting Artistic Director
2014–2015 Season
Jeffrey Herrmann
Managing Director
2014–2015 Season
Board of Trustees
Shauna Woods
Tamra Chandler
Jean-Pierre Green
Vice President/Treasurer
Earle J. Hereford
Becky Lenaburg
President Emeritus
Terri Olson Miller
Chair Elect
Braden Abraham †
Clodagh Ash
Amy Bautista
Bruce Bradburn
Lynne Bush
Elizabeth Choy, M.D.
Donna M. Cochener
Jim Copacino
Adam Cornell
Tracy Daw
Mark Dickison
Karen Fletcher
Bill Franklin
Jeffrey Herrmann †
Toni Hoffman
Winky Hussey
Brent Johnson
Bruce E.H. Johnson
John Keegan
Stellman Keehnel
Deborah T. Killinger
Marcella McCaffray
Phil McCune
Rick McMichael
Kevin Miller
Kevin Millison
Jerry Nagae
Rebecca Pomering
Tim Rattigan
Aaron Rubenson
Julie Sandler
Laurette Simmons †
Richard B. Stead, M.D.
Hal Strong
Julie Villegas
Pallavi Mehta Wahi
Marisa Walker
Nancy Ward
Scott R. Weaver
Richard Weisman
Nancy Alvord
Pam Anderson
Robert S. Cline
Bill Gates, Sr.
John Hempelmann
Robert L. King, Jr.
Lynn Manley
John A. Moga
Ilse Oles
Ann Ramsay-Jenkins
Stanley Savage
Dorothy L. Simpson
Carlyn Steiner
Janet True
James F. Tune
Jean Viereck
Jill Watkins
David Alhadeff
Chap Alvord
Jack Cortis
Debra Doran
Joanne Euster
Greg Gottesman
Mary Kay Haggard
H.L. (Skip) Kotkins, Jr.
Nancy Mertel
J. P. Michael
Robin Nelson
Bruce Pym
Deborah Rosen
Patrick Schultheis
Tammy Talman
Bruce E.H. Johnson
Carlyn Steiner
Tamra Chandler †
Margaret Clapp
Allan Davis
Jean-Pierre Green †
John A. Moga
Ann Ramsay-Jenkins
Elizabeth D. Rudolf
Shauna Woods †
† ex-officio
the 2014—2015
The Vaudevillians
Seattle Rep subscribers
Teen and student
by Elizabeth Bishop and Robert Lowell
arranged by Sarah Ruhl
directed by Allison Narver
• Musical revue, hilarious vintage cabaret
• New York smash hit
• Written and performed by Cornish College
graduates Jerick Hoffer and Richard Andriessen
• Created from real letters written by poets
Elizabeth Bishop and Robert Lowell
• Simple, beautiful, elegant
The Comparables
by Robert Schenkkan
directed by Bill Rauch
in partnership with Oregon Shakespeare Festival
by Laura Schellhardt
directed by Braden Abraham
MARCH 6–29, 2015
NOVEMBER 14, 2014–JANUARY 4, 2015
• World premiere and Seattle Rep commission
• Smart, barbed comedy
• Same writer behind The K of D, an
urban legend
• 2014 Tony Award winner for Best Play
• Large, 18-person cast
• Featured in the 2013 Seattle Rep New
Play Festival
The Great Society
Ticketed patrons
Dear Elizabeth
starring Jinkx Monsoon
and Major Scales
All the Way
Lizard Boy
by Robert Schenkkan
directed by Bill Rauch
in partnership with Oregon Shakespeare Festival
written, composed and performed by Justin Huertas
directed by Brandon Ivie
DECEMBER 5, 2014–JANUARY 4, 2015
• World premiere and Seattle Rep commission
• Original pop music by Seattle-based
Justin Huertas
MARCH 27–APRIL 26, 2015
• World premiere and Seattle Rep commission
• Companion play to & performed in repertory
with All the Way
• Chronicles LBJ’s second term in office
The Piano Lesson
Outside Mullingar
by August Wilson
directed by Timothy Bond
presented in association with Syracuse Stage
by John Patrick Shanley
directed by Wilson Milam
APRIL 24–MAY 17, 2015
• Recent Tony Award nominee and Broadway hit
• Romantic comedy
• Same writer behind Doubt and the film
• Pulitzer Prize-winning American classic
• Last seen at the Rep in 1993
14/15 Season Annual Report
New Play Program
New Play Program
The Rep’s New Play Program is dedicated to finding and developing the next great plays for the
American theatre. Since its inception in 1979, we have contributed scores of new works to the canon.
We kicked off the season in October 2015 with our second New Play Festival, which showcased staged
readings of three works in progress: Cheryl L. West’s BasketCases, The Good Book by Denis O’Hare and
Lisa Peterson, and Summerland by Arlitia Jones. Jones was one of eight members of the Rep’s Writers
Group, which fosters the talent of Northwest playwrights by providing artistic development and peer
support; the 2014-2015 season represented the third year of this new play initiative.
On stage, the 2014-2015 season included three world-premiere productions of Seattle Rep commissions:
Robert Schenkkan’s blockbuster The Great Society, Laura Schellhardt’s black comedy The Comparables,
and Justin Huertas’ coming-of-age rock musical Lizard Boy. Looking ahead, the Rep also launched two
new commissions this season: David Grimm’s Ibsen in Chicago and Marc Kenison’s Full Moon Suite.
Finally, the Rep invested in the future of new play development on its stages through the strategic
addition of a staff position devoted to this effort. Kristin Leahey, Ph.D., joined the Rep in February
2015 as Literary Director, charged with expanding the New Play Program and strengthening the
Rep’s outreach to new audiences through her strong dramaturgical voice in our publications and
community engagement programs.
William A. Williams and playwright Justin Huertas in workshop for Lizard Boy, New Play Festival 2013. Photo by Kiki Abba.
Engaging the Community
Seattle Repertory Theatre’s engagement and education programs deepen the connection between participants and the work on our stages through access to
and mentorship with professional theatre artists who are masters of their craft. By connecting students and adults to these artists, we aim to build community and
create meaningful artistic experiences.
Education Programs for Students and Teachers
During our 2014-2015 season, we welcomed 3,721 students and educators to six Student Matinees for The Vaudevillians, All the
Way, The Great Society, The Piano Lesson and Lizard Boy. We served 647 of these students with free pre-show residencies leading
up to the production.
The 2014-2015 August Wilson Monologue Competition more than doubled its outreach from the previous season, serving 999 high school students (82% of
whom had never heard of Wilson or his work before). Following a February 2015 preliminary competition with 83 participants, twelve semi-finalists advanced
to the finals on March 17, performing before an audience of 250 friends and family. The top three competitors each received a small cash prize and an allexpenses-paid trip to New York City in April 2015, where they represented Seattle in the national finals on Broadway at the August Wilson Theatre.
As a part of our legacy with August Wilson, Seattle Rep also introduced 105 students from Ingraham and Mercer Island High Schools to his vast body of work
through two-week in-class residencies using two of his award-winning plays—Fences and The Piano Lesson—as a focal point.
14/15 Season Annual Report
This season’s Playwriting Projects represented the finale of a 13-year initiative to mentor high school students through the process of developing short plays. We
worked with 41 students from Roosevelt High School and The Center School, delivering culminating performances to an audience of more than 500 friends,
family, and fellow students.
Franklin Speak: In September 2014, Seattle Rep conducted a two-month, in-class residency exploring civil rights with 90 students and teachers at Franklin
High School in Seattle’s Central District. Inspired by All The Way and The Great Society, students developed an original theatre piece that explored social and
political issues through their own experiences, which they performed on the Leo K. stage for a full-capacity crowd of 250, followed by a talk-back hosted by the
Central District Forum for Arts & Ideas.
Y-We Speak: In partnership with Young Women Empowered (Y-WE), for our third and final year, the Rep led a diverse group of young women from the
Northwest to co-create an original theatre piece based on their life experiences using August Wilson’s The Piano Lesson as a springboard. Eleven youth and
eight adult mentors performed this work on the Leo K. stage for an audience of 183 friends, family and community members.
Last July 2014, Seattle Rep hosted 56 teachers for Bringing Theatre into the Classroom, a five-day intensive workshop presented in collaboration with Seattle
Children’s Theatre and Book-It Repertory Theatre.
Throughout the 2014-2015 school year, we conducted
follow-up residencies with 35 participants at 22 schools
in King, Pierce, Kitsap, and Snohomish Counties,
pairing teachers with professional teaching artists to
collaborate on arts learning curricula in their classrooms
and implement the techniques they learned during the
summer seminar.
This season we hosted 14 budding theatre professionals
for a season-long internship at the Rep. Our interns made
essential and hands-on contributions in every department at
the theatre: production and stage management, technical
direction, props, paint, lighting design, artistic casting,
literary selection, education, marketing, graphics, and
development. They join a distinguished group of more
than 300 Rep alumni who have moved on to creative and
administrative positions at theatres and arts organizations
across the country.
Engagement and Access Programs for All Audiences
Seattle Rep’s ongoing audience engagement programs—including pre-show lobby talks with our production and design teams, post-play discussions with
performers and directors, and Speak Up! community dialogues bringing together civic leaders, local academics and community residents—drew more than
2,000 participants this season.
In particular, the timely themes of All the Way and The Great Society—from civil rights reform and social activism—offered a unique opportunity to reach out
to new audiences through joint programming with community partners like the City of Seattle Race and Social Justice Initiative, Humanities Washington, the
Museum of History and Industry, the Northwest African American Museum, and the Seattle Public Library. Working with these local nonprofits, we presented 16
community dialogues, playwright lectures, panel discussions, and other events around the LBJ plays, drawing a total of 1,729 participants.
Pay What You Can performances, student and senior discounts, and reduced-price rush tickets help to keep Seattle Rep’s programming affordable to the whole
community. In our most recent season, 815 theatregoers took advantage of our Pay What You Can program and 1,334 bought rush tickets, while 4,636
students and 8,636 seniors utilized their discount, and 652 teenage patrons purchased $5 tickets to our shows via the Teen Tix program with Seattle Center.
This season we also introduced the $5 Access program, which removes cost as a barrier to our productions by offering discounted tickets to not-for-profit
organizations. We welcomed 450 patrons from partner organizations including the Urban League, Seattle City Club, and the Low Income Housing Institute.
14/15 Season Annual Report
Following Michael Kaiser’s management model “The Cycle,” SRT invested more in artistic, production (including marketing), and development expenses in
FY15, which helped to garner increased ticket income, largely fueled by record-breaking tickets sales for Robert Schenkkan’s LBJ plays, as well as increased
contributions. Total revenue includes the planned reduction of SRT Foundation support. Net operating results were (2.4%) of expenses and an improvement of
48.4% of the deficit from the prior year.
Revenue and Expenses
FY14 vs. FY15
Admin & Facilities
(in thousands)
Artistic & Production
(in thousands)
Artistic &
Admin &
14/15 Season Annual Report
Supporting the Rep
Individual donors
Each year contributions from audience members, subscribers, companies, foundations, and government agencies
ensure the continuation of Seattle Rep’s artistic excellence and educational programming. During the 2014-2015
season, more than 4,797 generous donors supported our work and made it possible for the curtain to go up night
after night. Every gift makes a difference and bolsters our efforts to produce bold new plays for Seattle. We are
grateful to all of our donors for their generous support!
$100,000 and above
Ann Ramsay-Jenkins & The William M. Jenkins
Advised Trust*
$50,000 - 99,999
Chap & Eve Alvord
Steven A. & Connie E. Ballmer
Alta & Stan Barer
Stellman Keehnel
Marcella McCaffray*
Tom Miller & Terri Olson Miller*
Elizabeth D. Rudolf*
Marcia & Klaus Zech
$25,000 - $49,999
Mrs. E.C. Alvord
Matthew N. Clapp, Jr.
Donna Cochener*
Joan Cremin
Allan & Nora Davis
William E. Franklin*
Jay Hereford & Margaret Winsor*
Winky & Peter Hussey*
Linda & Ted Johnson*
John & Nancy Jo Keegan*
Deborah T. Killinger
Charlotte Lin & Robert Porter
David & Valerie Robinson*
Cynthia Stroum
Bagley & Virginia Wright Fund
Ann P. Wyckoff
$15,000 - $24,999
Amy & Bob Bautista*
Bob & Clodagh Ash*
Margaret Clapp*
Kawasaki Foundation*
The Knossos Foundation
Becky Lenaburg & Paul Urla
Vic & Mary K. Moses
Timothy & Paula Rattigan
Jean Baur Viereck
Nancy Ward & Toby Bright
Shauna Woods & Benjamin Arenas*
Thomas Wright & Alexandra Brouwer-Wright
$10,000 - $14,999
Ken & Marleen Alhadeff Fund for Theatre
Mary Tedd Allen & George Scott
Stuart & Sue Ashmun
Matthew P. Bergman & Kimberly Burnett
Bottler Charitable Trust
Michael & Lynne Bush*
Rod & Nancy Hochman
Bruce E. H. Johnson & Sandra E. Davis*
Norman & Lisa Judah
Chris & Kathleen Kosmos
Kevin Millison & Jeanne Ballot*
Jerry & Marcia Nagae*
Everett P. & Andrea Paup
Rebecca & Grant Pomering*
Rachel & David Robert
Carlo & Lalie Scandiuzzi
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Scheumann
Hal & Ann Strong
Janet & Doug True
Mary Ann & John Underwood
Shirley & David Urdal
Richard L. Weisman
$5,000 - $9,999
Doug & Paige Armentrout
Eileen & James Birge
Mr. & Mrs. Alan F. Black
Bruce Bradburn & Meg Holgate
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Brotman
Jeanne & Jon Cantalini
Tamra Chandler & Jeff Mosier
James E. Lobsenz & Elizabeth Choy
Deanna Cochener
Bob & Loretta Comfort Fund
James & Jacqueline Copacino
Adam & Whitney Cornell*
Amy & Paul Curtis
Jane & David R. Davis
Dick & Jill Davis
Tracy & Suzanne Daw
Joanne Euster
Sandy Farewell
Karen & Doug Fletcher
Mrs. Robert E. Gilman
Jean-Pierre Green & Jennifer Ladd*
Lenore Hanauer & Pacific Coast Feathers
John & Maureen Harley
John & Ellen Hill
Toni & Rod Hoffman
Brent & Catherine Johnson
Floyd Jones
Lewis Levin & Emily Neilson
Lynn Manley & Lex Lindsey
Philip & Jill McCune*
Karen & Rick McMichael
Kevin Miller & Stephanie McBain
Karen Rose Mitchell*
Robin & Dave Nelson*
Deborah & Doug Rosen
Aaron Rubenson
Herman & Faye Sarkowsky Charitable Foundation
Beverly & Chris Schubert
Anne Simpson & Charlie Conner
Mrs. Dorothy L. Simpson
Robert & Susan Speith
Richard B. Stead & Elizabeth A. Ryll*
Sherry & John Stilin
Tammy A. Talman*
Taucher Family Foundation
James & Katherine Tune
Pallavi & Ashish Wahi
Bruce & Peggy Wanta
Wyman Youth Trust
Anonymous (3)
$3,000 - $4,999
Diana & Warren Aakervik, Jr.
Rhoda Altom & Cory Carlson
Pam Anderson
Lucius & Phoebe Andrew
Vernon C. Bryant, Jr.
Stephanie Cook & Zig Burzycki
Tom & Cynthia Captain
Steven & Judith Clifford
Todd & Sylvie Currie
Leslie Decker & Steve Rimmer
Mark & Julie Dickison
Anne & Will Foster
Eddie Gali, Jr. & Andy Brink
Nancy Gallup & Kenneth Keenan
Richard & Mary Beth Gemperle
Natalie Gendler
Sherri Havens
Laura & David Heard
Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Hedreen*
Jeffrey Herrmann & Sara Waisanen
Suzanne Hittman
Lisa & Donald Immerwahr
Donna & Gary Iverson
Joan Matthews Julnes
Karen Koon & Brad Edwards
Michael Leake
Chuck & Nancy Mertel
Mrs. E.A. Nowogroski
Stuart & Ilse Oles
Roberta Riley & Peter Mason
Kate Riordan*
Judy & Kermit Rosen
Julie Sandler
Stanley D. & Ingrid H. Savage
Carlyn J. Steiner
Leonard & Marsha Stevens
Annette Toutonghi & Bruce Oberg
Marisa & Brad Walker
Michael & Marsha Warden
Scott R. & Cindy Weaver
Kinnon Williams & Amy Funkhouser
Su Chang & Peter Williams
John & Terri Zagula
Jane Zalutsky & Mark Kantor
Anonymous (2)
$2,000 - $2,999
Douglas & Maria Bayer
David & Joanna Beitel
George Benway & Susan Nelson-Benway
Gretchen & Don Campbell
Darrel S. Cowan
The Lewis S. & Susan D. Edelheit Fund
Vicki & Gary Glant
Dan & Molly Goldman
Dr. T.K. & Sandra Greenlee
Mary Kay Haggard
Jan Hendrickson & Chuck Leighton
Parul & Gary Houlahan
Judith Jesiolowski & David Thompson
Cathy Kitto
Mike & Debbie Koss
Gwenann Kroon
George O. & Linda W. Lamb
Christine & Sandy McDade
Drs. Donald & Pamela Mitchell
Dr. Joe G. Norman, Jr.
Charles Pepka
Judy Pigott
Paula & Steve Reynolds
Dr. Donna Richman & Mike Ehrenberg
Christopher & Cameron Snow
Richard & Catherine Wakefield
Dr. Jerry & Cheryl Waldbaum
Doug & Margaret Walker
$1,500 - $1,999
George & Joan Berry
Bobbe & Jon Bridge
Stephen & Stacy Carlson
Donald V. Cavanaugh
William T. Cavender
Judy & Bob Cline
W. Michael Crenshaw & Mary Brodd
John Gray & Jeanne Eagleson
Lyn & Paul Fenton
Carol Finn
Paul & Penny Fredlund
Kristin Ovregaard Heeter
Jamie Herlich
Dale & Donna Holpainen
Barbara & Michael Luxenberg
14/15 Season Annual Report
Lory Manning
Blanche & Stephen Maxwell
Joy McNichols
Susan Mersereau & Philip White
Mark & Susan Minerich
Matt & Jenny Muilenburg
Kyle & Michele Peltonen
Dyann Provenzano
Hillary & David Quinn
Richard & Barbara Shikiar
Evelyn Simpson
Helen R. Stusser
Julie S. Villegas
John Wicher & Travis Penn
$1,000 - $1,499
Rhett Alden & Marcia Engel Alden
Dean & Lynda Anderson
John Aslin & Carole Grisham
William & Nancy Bain
Patti & Jimmy Barrier
Craig S. Bartholomew
Rod & Mary Jo Bench
Susan & William Block
Susan Campbell
Steve & Rowin Cantrell
Kent & Sandra Carlson
D. Thompson & Karen Challinor
Dr. & Mrs. Hugh Clark
Kirk Redmond & Connie Clark-Redmond
Lynn & Carolyn Cockrum
Joellen Congleton
Donald & Suzanne Dally
Dottie Delaney
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Dickey
Sandra B. Dunn
Susan Dunn
Michael & Jeanne E Milligan
Ron & Bonnie Elgin
Elisabeth Farwell-Moreland & Gary Moreland
Ovina Maria Feldman
Bob & Micki Flowers
Theresa Gallant
Sue & Frank Gallo
Lisa Garbrick
Susan Moskwa & Nick Gerner
Peter Goldman & Martha Kongsgaard
Katharine Graubard
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Grinstein
Leeds & Wendy Gulick
Charlotte & Douglas Guyman
Jeannie Hale
Charles S. & Adrienne L. Hall
Edith W. Harding
Helen & Adam Harmetz
Nancy & Hamilton Harris
Drs. Michael & Teresa Hart
Jan P. Havlisch
Ray Heacox & Cynthia Huffman
John W. Hempelmann
Lisa Henry
Paul Hensel
Wanda Herndon
Peter Hiatt & Ron Huden
Hill Family Foundation
Mack Hogans & Anastacia Miles
Bruce & Bridget Horne
Mary & Eric Horvitz
Connie & Dan Hungate
Nancy Iannucci & Harvey Jones
Mark Igra & Nancy Simon
Dean M. Ishiki
Terry L. Jones & Walter Yund, Jr.
Individual donors (cont.)
Janet W. Ketcham
Bob & Carolyn Kitchell
Morris & Carolyn Kremen
Mark Levine & John Keppeler
Mike & Lisa Losh
Stephen H. & Ellen O. Lutz
Debbie Macomber
May McCarthy & Don Smith
John, Gail, Daniel & Ian Mensher
Chelle Nelson & Steven Corey
Lisbet Nilson & Mark Ashida
Peter D. Olson
Declan O’Neill
Terri & Ron Pehrson
Kathleen Pierce
Mrs. Harry Pryde
Andrea & Alan Rabinowitz
Sharon K. Ramey & Paul B. Ramey
Carrie Rhodes
Gregory Roeben & Susan Raunig
William & Jill Ruckelshaus
Jeff & Mary Jo Sakoi
Bill & Rae Saltzstein
Barbara Sando
Shelley Saunders & Andy Benjamin
Tony Shapiro & Karen Sparks
Langdon Simons
Catherine & David Skinner
Greg Smith & Betty Mattson-Smith
Dr. & Mrs. Alexander R. Stevens, Jr.
Rick & Suzy Titcomb
Lou Rhea & Luther Towner
Bill & Alice VanPelt
Vijay & Sita Vashee
Andrew & Jessica Volk
Michael Von Korff & Linda Le Resche
Judith A. Whetzel
Susan Brandt & Van White
Nancy Williams
Mrs. Howard S. Wright
Brien Wygle
Anonymous (7)
Braden Abraham & Cheyenne Casebier
William Ahrens
Ms. Rosalie A. Alhadeff
Peter & Natalie Allenspach
Jane & Brian Andrew
Alison S. Andrews
Noel Angell & Emory Bundy
Arkansas Foundation
Kendall & Sonia Baker
Jill Ballo & John Bjorge
Candice Bassell & Bill Hall
Annette & Daniel Becker
Luann & Irv Bertram
Mary Rose & Michael Blatner
John Boling
Lisa Bridge
Patricia Britton
David C. Brunelle
Bruce Burger
Thomas & Claudia Campanile
Diana & Charles Carey
Anna Cashman & Mark Melnyk
Michael & Cathy Casteel
Dennis & Aline Caulley
Jonathan & Patricia Caves
Theodore J. & Patricia S. Collins
Gary & Consuelo Corbett
Adam & Whitney Cornell*
Jeff & Emily Cortazzo
Daniel Crawford
Mr. & Mrs. James P. Crutcher
Esther & Dan Darrow
Telved Devlet
Mark Diamond & Deborah Perluss
Alison Dillow
Debra & Jeff Doran
Lauren Dudley
Betty Dykstra
Jon & Laurene Ekse
Erin & Bill Ellis
Deborah Ferse
Meagan Foley
Mr. & Mrs. Carver Gayton
Germano & Associates
Sharon Goldberg
Robert Greco
Alexandre Grigorovitch & Vera Kirichuk
Kathleen Hamilton
Lawrence & Hylton Hard Fund
Robert Heller
Don & Laurel Hendrix
Steve & Sandy Hill
Frank Hughes & Paula Diehr
Peggy & George Hunt
Frederick Hutto
Joel Ivey & Sheyrl Murdock
Scott & Katie Jackman
Gretchen & Bruce Jacobsen
Jon Jensen & Kathy Early
Beatha Johnson
Frances Kao
H. David Kaplan
Bryan & Jackie King
Wiley & Marianne Kitchell
Calvin & Maureen Knight
Renee & Kevan Kurdzos
Mr. & Mrs. Alvin Kwiram
Sherry & Jim Ladd
Sharon Lamm
Karen Landreth
Ed & Barbara Lee
Renton & Shannon Leversedge
Abe Lillard & Julia Kalmus
Mark Litt Family Donor Advised Fund of the
Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle
Carl Lucks & Jennifer Peters
David Lutz
Kern Maresca & Heather Tetzlaff
Chris & Bill Marks
Lora & Parker Mason
Carson & Sidney May
Dorothy E McBride
Carol McCaffray
Don & Maxine Miller
John & Barbarann Moga
Zack Mosner & Patty Friedman
Kevin J. Murphy & Karen Freeman
Robin & Dave Nelson*
Grace Nordhoff & Jonathan Beard
Quinn Oppenheim & Baha Obeidat
Lenore Pearlman
Donald Pogoloff
Joan & Paul Poliak
Judy G. Poll
Eric Candell & William Powell
Chris Price & Lynn Espinoza
Nancy Price
Dr. & Mrs. Patrick A. Ragen
Nancy M. Robinson
Richard Andler & Carole Rush
Jo Anne F. & Michael Sandler
Leland B. Sateren, Jr.
David Schneiderman & Dana Faust
David Schooler & Kristin Webb
Patrick & Dianne Schultheis
Brad Fringer & Lynette Skinner
Jeffrey Slesinger & Cynthia Wold
Brian Smart & Rebecca Grant
Margaret Stanley
Derek Storm & Cynthia Gossett
Jane & Todd Summerfelt
Michael Summy
Norman H. & M. Lynn Swick
Gretchen & Ted Taylor
Linda L. Tollefson
Dirk & Mary Lou Van Woerden
Kashi Vishwanath
Arthur & Hattie Vogel
Muffy Walker
Pat Wallace
Bev Linkletter & Paul Weiden
Don & Mary Wieckowicz
Donald & Arda Williams
Sarah & Jason Wine
Curtis & Vicky Young
Igor Zverev & Tatyana Solovyeva
Anonymous (8)
Sheena Aebig & Eric Taylor
Bob Alexander
Virginia & Ron Allison
Charles Alpers & Ingrid Peterson
Renate & Croil Anderson
Virginia Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. Warren Anderson
David & Karen Aoyama
Robert Aye & Carol Hunter
Sharon Bailey & Bob Platte
Kraig & Lora Baker
William & Marjory Barbee
Murl Barker & Ronald Miller
Art & Mary Fran Barkshire
Bonnie Berk & Larry Kessler
Sarah & Paul Bliss
Mollie Boliek Crews & Deron Crews
Marshall L. Booker
Jack Brand
Philip Brazil
Carol & Jonathan Buchter
Barbara & Lucille Calef Fund
David & Melanie Carbon
Mr. Gerard V. Centioli
Sylvia Chambers
Marian Christjaener
Tom & Debbie Cleveland
Dr. & Mrs. Leonard A. Cobb
Bill & Carol Collins
Erin Daly & Chris Nelson
Rosemary Daszkiewicz & Guy Thomas
Helen Day
Rodrick Dembowski & Lynna Song
Tracy Denn-Olson & Ben Olson
Amanda Devine
Matt Dixon
John Dolmar
Ellen Downey
Mr. & Mrs. James A. Dunnam
Laura Einstein
Amy Eisenfeld & Wayne Winder
Julie Elmuccio
Rae Ann Engdahl
Joseph & Susan Engman
Penny Espinoza
Judge Deborah D. & Rynold C. Fleck
Steve & Kay Frank
Dot Fuller
Bruce Funkhouser & Michelle Friars
Jean Gardner
Charlie, Alden & Lily Garrett
Sergey Genkin
Ms. Anne Gillihan
Hellmut Golde
Michel Goldstein
Tiffany & Nick Gorton
The Estate of Baloo Goss
Drs.Verena & Basil Grieco
Sean & Bernadine Griffin
Susan Griffith & Drew Fillipo
Carl & Barbara Grimes
Donna Haggarty-Robbins
Dr. Steven Haney
Libby Hanna & Don Fleming
Arthur Harrigan & Carol Wilder
Gabriel & Raluca Hera
F.R. & Barbara Hieronymus
Jack Holtman
Stacey Hopkins & Rick Bates
Mr. Richard Hopp
Randall & Jane Hummer
Catherine & Gordon Iles
Mike Immerwahr
Deborah Jacobs
Ann Janes-Waller & F. Waller
Ilga Jansons & Michael Dryfoos
Susan Jenkins & Steve Herndon
Ted & Kris Johnson
Daniel Jost
Marya Sea Kaminski
Paul Kassen
Daniel C. Kerlee
Barbara L. Knight
John & Trudi Krausser
Jody Kris
Larry Kucera
Jim & Jean Kunz
Mr. & Mrs. Doug Lacy
Stuart Lane
Langley Recruiting LLC
Rhoda & Thomas Lawrence
Joyce Lem
Michael & Nancy Lewars
Paul Lewis & Maggie Taylor
Craig Link & Shannon St. Clair
Pam Martin & Robert Livingston
Shelley Logan
Ellen Look & Tony Cavalieri
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Lorig
Mr. & Mrs. James R. Luddon, Jr.
14/15 Season Annual Report
Mark P. Lutz
Jeffrey & Barbara Mandula
Anne & Ryan Marchand
Bill & Barbara Marshall
Daniel Mattsen
Fayne S. McCaffray-Loew
Sandra McCullough
Ann McCurdy & Frank Lawler
Bruce & Christe McMenomy
Sarah B. Meardon
Brad & Laura Miller
Vance Moore
Roger J. Morris
James Mullin
John Narver & Roberta DeVore
Sarah Navarre
Craig & Deanna Norsen
Janet Nydegger
Timothy O’Connor
Hal Opperman & JoLynn Edwards
Susan Perkins
Roy Phillips
Amanda Popik
Chris Powell & Michelle Gail
Amy Whittenburg & Stephen Rattner
Charles & Doris Ray
Susan Reid
Paula Riggert
Jon Rosen
Nancy & Richard Rust
Tom & Dolores Ryan
Joan & Werner Samson
Cathy A. Sarkowsky
Dr. & Mrs. Robert E. Schaefer
Carole Schaffner
Todd Scofield
Bill & Lynne Shepherd
Thomas Sherrard
Nancy & Craig Shumate
David & Cynthia Shurtleff
ER & Karen Sillifant
Jeanne Simpson
Leroy & Evelyn Smith
Peggy & Greg Smith
Matthew Smucker
Barbara & Martin Snoey
Lawrence Soriano & Elizabeth Starkand-Soriano
Judith Warshal & Wade Sowers
Helen Speegle
Robert & Kathleen Spitzer
Francis A. & Moreen Spracklin
Lisa & John Stewart
Larry & Diane Stokke
Robert Story
Betty Strand
Michael Subit & Leslie Hagin
Shelly Sundberg
Jack & Gayle Thompson
David & Judith Clark Turpin
Debbie & Robert Ulrich
Lorraine W. Vagner
Tjitske Van Der Meulen
Arlene Vaskevitch
Timothy Vaughan
Michael & Ellen Vernon
Patricia Vivolo
Matt Warmack
M. Elizabeth Warren
Ann & Richard Weiner
James & Sharron Welch
Gregory Wetzel
Peter & Karen Wickstrand
Gary & Nancy Willis
Lawrence & Janet Wilson
Rebecca & Rob Witmer
Christine Wood
Lee & Barbara Yates
Ellen & Allen Zulauf
Anonymous (18)
Michael Ackerman
Sally Adams
Allan & Anne Affleck
Joan Affleck-Smith
Dr. Jan Agosti & Frank Woodruff
Lisa & Alan Ahrens
Patricia Akiyama & David Larsen
Tina Albertson & R. Carson
Raven & Brian Alexander
Annette Althoff
Individual donors (cont.)
Richard & Susan Alvord
Brenda & Drew Amburgy
Connie Anderson
Gilbert & Mary Jane Anderson
Michael Anderson
Richard Anderson
John & Joan Andresen
Fred & Dita Appelbaum
Joe Ashley
Adel Assaad
Ray & Betsy Baalman
Bruce Bagley
Prudence Bair
Ann P. Bambrick
James & Linda Barker
Sharon Barto Gouran
Evalyn & Joseph Basloe
Frank Basloe
Brent & Kristen Bauer
Lorna Baxter
Regina & William Bear
William A. Beck
Mary Hornsby & Stephen Behnen
Sheryl Beirne
Jos. G. Bell
Frank & Rosanna Bellotti
Sandra Berger-Smith & Fred Smith
Meta Lou Bevan
Rohan Bhattacharjee
Paul Birkey
Luther F. Black & Christina Wright
Bob Blazek
Beth Blosten & Tom Linder
James H. & Judith Boardman
Nancie Boccio
Karen Boctor
Boeing Matching Gifts
Ross Bond & Jill Marsden
Sandra Borg
Dana & Helen Bottcher
Vivian Bowden
Patricia Brady
M. Braund & S. Pellegrin
Barry & Trish Briggs
David & Virginia Broudy
E.A. Brown, Jr.
Jan Brucker
Thomas Bruhns & Barbara Moreland
Mr. & Mrs. David L. Brumbaugh
Steven Bryant
Katharine M. Bullitt
Henry & Olga Butler
Robert & Martha Byrne
Valerie Bystrom
Robin Calderon
Christine & William M. Campbell, Jr.
Allison Capen & Mark Iverson
David Carbery
Rev. & Mrs. W.L. Carleton
Midge & Steve Carstensen
Linda & Mike Casey
Melissa Chase
David Chelimer
Mrs. Peter Chick
Frank Childers
Bonnie Chow
Randy & Aya Clark
Jack Clay
Alexis Clements
Richard & Louise Clements
Teresa Clifford
Jamie Collier
Joanne Conn
Lisa Conner
Mary & Doug Conrad
Diane Cook
Zita Cook
Kathy Coronetz
Stevi Costa & Marcus Gorman
Bruce Cross & Karen Kruse
Cay & John Crowley
Margaret Curtin & Jim Wilder
Alan Davidoff
Carol Davidson
James Scott & Maria Davidson
Julia Davis
Woodward Davis Associates
Donna Day
Douglas Day
David DeBusk
Charles & Bonita Dennison
Judith Dern
Mr. & Mrs. James R. Dildine
Laura Dillaway
Adair Dingle
Shara & Scott Di Valerio
Virginia Dombrowski
Cindy Donner
Edwina Dorsey
Jon Douglas
Joan Dubuque
Mr. & Mrs. Oris Dunham
Mike Dykeman & Carole Cline
Glenn & Bertha Eades
Britt East
Carol Anne Ebert
Kathy & George Edwards
Wayne Ehlers & Patricia Hall
Bridgette Eichelberger
Helene Ellenbogen & Wayne Parker
Ed & Joanne Ellis
Hollie & Lynne Ellis
Marilyn Endriss & Peter Dygert
Maria Erdmann
Miriam Espeseth
Emily Evans & Kevin Wilson
Leighton Evans
David Everett
Jean Falls
John & Fran Farrell
Dr. & Mrs. Eric Feigl
Victor & Patricia Feltin
David Moseley & Anne Fennessy
William D. Ferguson
Neal Finne
Jelani Finnie
Allison Fitzgerald & Bruce Hevly
Gil & Karen Flanagan
Robert & Carolyn Fletcher
Suzanne Juneau
Corrine Fligner
Robert Flor
Dennis Floyd
Richard Foulkes
Roy & Joann Francis
Mr. & Mrs. Albert M. Franco
Alan Frank
Richard K. Freedman
Marjorie French
The Friedman Family
Lloyd & Roberta Frissell
Dr. Richard & Dorothy Fuhrman
Dianne Garcia
Fred & Ze Gerber
John Giaever
Charles Tom Gibbs & Jean Gibbs
Forbes & Jean Gildersleeve
Bob & Barbara Giles
Marcus Gillette & Jorge Peraza
Dennis & Janet Gillingham
Kirk & Melissa Glerum
Robin Goldstein
Daniel Goodman & Jody McVittie
Mrs. Fred W. Goodrich
Barent & Ann Gordinier
Wendy Graff
Janice Granberg
Betty J. Greenaway
Kathy Gregg
Bert & Barb Gregory
Joseph Gregov
Marsha Gresham
Diane Grier
Byron Grote & Susan Miller
John Grubb
Dr. & Mrs. Alan L.W. Gunsul
Barrie Gustin
Dorothy & Raymond Guth
Linda Haas
Anne Hafer & Mike Flodin
Mareath Hales
Sylvia Hall
Marilee Hansen
Donald & Arlene Hanson
Hazel Hardiman
Ken & Pat Harrington
Jeff & Ash Harris & Judy Wasserheit
Nancy K. Harris
Louise Hartley
Cynthia Hasselblad
Dan & Catherine Hathaway
Michael Wood & Susan Hausknecht
Chris Haven
Tom & Roberta Hawkins
Chris & John Hayduk
Thomas Hayward
Penny Heaton
Elizabeth Heffron & Matt Smith
Ken & Kay Hermann
Rafael Hernandez
James Hill
Frederick S. Hillier
Gaynor Hills & Gregory Fleming
Samara Hoag
Brian & Valerie Hogan
Mr. & Mrs. M E. Holzemer
Todd Hood
William Hood
The Hopkins Family
Barbara Hort
Charlie Howard
T. Howe
Shengjun Huang
Pat & Lynn Hughes
Dr. Francis P. Hunkins & Dr. Patricia Hammill
Earl & Mary Lou Hunt
Lee Huntley
Melissa Husby
Susi Hussong
Melissa Huther
Kathy & Dan Huxley
Akiko Ito
Richard & Margaret Jacobs
Dr. Jon Jacobson
Stuart & Sandy Jacobson
Diana E. James
Katherine James
John & Sheryl Jardine
Dr. Barbara Jessen, M.D. P.S.
Andrew Jessup
Al & Sue John
Chris & Linda Johnson
Jean Johnson & Peter Miller
Richard A. Johnson
Mrs. Henry P. Johnson
Patricia Jones
Margretta Josephson
Philippe Joubert
Joan Kalhorn
Donald Kamer
Charles Kaplan
Deborah Kasindorf
G.E. Keesling
Donald Joseph Kellar
Debi Kelley
Kathleen Kells & Pavel Curtis
Joan Kelly
Kathryn Kelly
William & Angela Kennedy
Mary Jane Kerr
Russell King
Teresa King
John & Alexandra Klein
Alan & Margaret Klockars
Mary & Allan Kollar
Alan Koslow
Rashmi Koushik
Anne Kroeker & Richard Leeds
Greg Kucera & Larry Yocom
Larry & Evonne Kucera
Carolyn & Valerian Kuechle
Ursula Kuepfer & Jon Paddock
Susan Kunimatsu & Gary Epstein
Martin & Patricia Kushmerick
Mary Rose Lamb
Kathleen Landel
Healy Landis
Inge & Les Larsen
Barbara Larson
Paul & Linda Larson
Lee Lauckhart
Cara & Brian Lauer
Christopher & Allison Laurel
Carla & David Lawrence
Paul Lawrence
William Lawrence
Glen Lawson
Teri Lazzara
Barbara Lees
Ron Leimkuhler & Trung Hua
Candace Lein-Hayes
Virginia Leland
Mary Hallauer
14/15 Season Annual Report
Eileen Lennon & Barrie Carter
Sharon & Alan Levy
Wayne Levy
Debbi Lewang
Madalene Lickey
Betsy Lieberman
John & Diane Liebowitz
Marko Liias
Vivi-Anne Lindback
Mark & Beth Lindell
Micki Lippe
Arni Litt
Jeanette Lodwig
Dr. Larry & Phyllis Loeb
Todd London
C.J. Long & Carl Schuler
Robert Long
Leonardo Lopez
Craig Lorch
David Aggerholm & Gwen Lundberg
Robert Dent & Carole Lycett-Dent
Kate Macartney
Mary MacKenzie
Duncan & Di MacQuarrie
Eva & Horst Mader
David W. & Mary Anne Madsen
Curtis Maes
Kenneth & Maureen Maguire
Katie & Pat Mahoney
Carla Main
Anjali Malhotra
Richard Malloy
Gwen & Marc Malone
Kristina Manion
Dorothy H. Mann, Ph.D.
Helen Mark
Dr. & Mrs. Paul Martin
Marty & Kathy Martinson
Lisa Mason
Tessa Matthey
Ellen Maxson
James & Gina May
Judy McBroom
Alice & George McCain
Donna McCampbell
Dr. Bob McCarthy
Toni & Tom McClory
Vaughn & Darlene McCourt
Jay & Deidre McCrary
Ethel McCroskey Story
Virginia McDermott
Maureen McGee
Catherine McGuire
Mary McHugh-Shuford
Holly Mckinley
Greg McKnight
Karla McLane
Kathleen & Terry McLaughlin
Brian McMahon
Michael Mcneilly
Tim & Janet Merriam
Dr. & Mrs. Eric Merrifield
Paul & Serena Messner
Jane & Robert Meston
Mary Metastasio
Kent Mettler & Tricia Tiano
Tami & Joe Micheletti
James & Barbara Miller
Howard & Jean Mills
Roy & Donna Moceri
Erick & Kim Moen
Mrs. Joyce Mong
Pamela & Christopher Monger
Donna Moniz
Dr. & Mrs. Robert B. Monroe
David W. Moore
James Moore
Robert & Rita Moore
Sallie & Lee Morris
Sue Moser & Scott Seramur
George Muldrow & Robert Bragg
Carolyn Mullins
Marge Murray
Tracy & Robert Myers
Randi S. Nathanson
Barbara Nelson
Patsy Nelson
Siri Nelson
Thomas Nelson & Jeff Jones
Joyce M. Nessif
Gregory Neverov
Individual donors (cont.)
Bud & Trish Nicola
Ingrid Nielsen & Robert Rakita
Marie B. Nisbet
Ken & Pearl Noreen
E. MacAarthur Noyes
Dennis & Margaret Nugent
Doug & Laurie Nunemaker
Nick Nussbaum
Gary & Mary Oakland
Christine O’Connor
Michael & Robin O’Leary
Kurt & Lelia Olson
Gordon & Betty Orians
Judy Osborne
Martin Owen & Dana Shemorry
Sarah Oyer
Cathryn Palmer
Joan Parish
Ed Parks
Roanne Selinger & Todd Patrick
Gravity Payments
Valerie Payne
Kathryn Pearson
Esta Pekow
Brad Huskinson & Virginia Pellegrino
Walter Pereyra
Pamela Perrott
Daniel S. Perry
Art & Elaine Peskind
Margaret Petersen
Barbara Peterson
Eric & Janet Peterson
Charles Petty
Kevin Phaup
Ben Phillips
Joe & Jennie Piott
Ron Poarch & Pamela Campbell
Nancy A. Polich
Oliver & Nancy Press
George Pressley
Mary Price
Robert Pyle
Daniel & Barbara Radin
David Ragozin
William I. Rall
Eric Raub
Charlotte Reaber
Brian & Roberta Reed
Owen G. Reese
Julia Renouard
Tedi & Dennis Reynolds
Sheri Richardson
Carla Rickerson
Mr. & Mrs. Theodore C. Rihn
Bruce Ritzen
Travis & Sharlene Rivers
Jean Robertson
Elois Robinson
Jean Robinson
John C. Robinson & Maya Sonenberg
Jennine D. Rogel
Brooke Rollins
Thomas Rollins
Robert Anthony Romeo
Dolores Rosen
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Rosenthal
James R. Rowlands & Virgina Robinson
Scott & Alice Ruby
Dr. & Mrs. Robert H. Rudolph
Thomas Ruehle
Charles Rundles
Helen Runstein
Dina & Kenneth Russell
Robert Rust
Joseph & Carol Rutte
Michael Ann Sagin
Patricia Saillard
Jerry & Karin Sammons
Skip Sampelayo
Charles Saunderson
Steven Savitt & Mary Lynn Baum
Pauline Saxon
James & Gretchen Schacht
Robert Schenkkan
Anne & David Schlosser
Elizabeth & Stephen Schmidt
C.S. Schneider
Vicki Schoettle
Robert Schor
Susan Schroeter-Stokes
Kathy Schuknecht & Hal Geiersbach
Heather Schultz
Steve Schwartzman
Mike Scully
Ms. Saundra Selle
Marilyn Sellers
Martha Shapiro
Robert Sharp
Barbara Shickich
Deryl Shields
John W. Showalter
William E. Shumway
Andrew, Stephen, Marcia & Peter Sill
Donald & Goldie Silverman
Mika Sinanan
Dale Slater
H. Warren & Nancy Smith
R. Peggy Smith
Randall Smith & Sharon Metcalf
Russell & Doreen Snow
Gary & Christine Sogn
Sandra Spear
Deborah & Jamin Spitzer
Virginia Stamey
Dale Rogerson & Sarah Stanley
Dick & Carrie Stein
Craig & Sheila Sternberg
Robert Stewart
Ernest & Doris Steifel
Mark & Sheryl Stiefel
Kim Stindt
Dr. & Mrs. Walter C. Stolov
Blair Stone
Ann Strickland
Scott & Maria Strickland
Stephen Strong & Lorri Falterman
William & Stephanie Struyk
Earl & Charlotte Sutherland
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Sutherland
Eric Svaren & Alice Shobe
Constance Swank
Mary Swenson & Hal Thurston
Thomas Sykes
Rumi Takahashi
Elaine Talbot
Morton & Judith Tavel
Samuel Taylor
Mable Parks
Peter Hendrickson & Nancy R. Temkin
Lou Templeton
Justin Terada
Liane & Doug Thomas
Grant Thompson
William M. Thompson
Dennis Tiffany
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Timar
Anne Tiura
Caren Toney
Art & Louise Torgerson
Harry Townsend
Penny Tronolone
Marsha Trost
Amy Tsui
Charles R. Upshaw
Eugene Usui
Gaylene Vaden
Gerard Van Wesep
Cathryn D. Vanderzicht
Judy Vandever
Youri Vater, M.D.
Sandra Vigil
J L Viniko
Nancy Vittor
J.H. Viydo
Judy Wagner
Catherine L. Walker & David Fuqua
Anne Ward
Mike & Judy Waring
Dana Warren
Anne Watanabe & Jeff Brown
Jane Watson
Jerry Watt
Leanore & Don Weber
The Weed Lady
Susan & Aaron Weholt
Nancy Weir-Weyna
Eleanor K. Weisenbach
Dr. Fred & Cristel Wemer
Constance Wentzel
Claude Werffeli
Ernest & Alice Weymuller
Mary Wheaton
Tim Whitters
Bill & Susan Wilder
Charles Wilkinson & Melanie Ito
Andrew Wilks
Chelle Williams
Karin A. Williams
Odette Williams
Rob & Kim Williamson
Dr. Andrew & Nancy Willner
Antoinette Wills
Michael Winans
Barbara Winther
Lois Wofford & Burton Guttman
Annette Wolfe
Ronald & Judith Woods
Providence Worley
Kimberly Wright
Jo Wyatt
David & Priscilla Wyckoff
Kairu Yao
Nancy & Rob Yee
M. Yellowwolf
Christopher Young
Lark Young
Vicki Young
Juda Youngstrom
John Zobel
Gerard & Pamela Zytnicki
Anonymous (56)
Diane & Steve Adam
Mary Jean Agan
Blaise Aguera y Arcas
T. Noel & Claudia Allan
Phyllis Allen
Frank J. & Susan Amato
Glenn Amster & Shelly Shapiro
Mindy Anderson
Terry Anderson
Elizabeth D. & Brian B Andreini
Scott Andrews & Laurie Vette
Mr. & Mrs. Bryan Backstrom
Jean-Loup & Diane Baer
Ann Baker
Mark & Ruth Balter
Georgia M. Balzarini
Joyce Bamberger
Sybil Barney
Mary Ann & Robert Bartell
Scott Barton
James & Joan Bassingthwaighte
Ken & Renee Battié
Jack S. Bazik & Yvonne M. Seely
Diana Behler
Bassem Bejjani
Carol & Chuck Bell
Melany Bell
Lois Benedetti
Benevity Community Impact Fund
John Bennett
Shirley Reith Bennett
Chris & Tessa Bennion
Peter & Patty Bergman
Linda Berkson
Brian Bernhoft
Joline Bettendorf
Robert Blair
Bill Blanchard
Nola K. Blanes
Jordan Block
Charles Bodenstab
Allison & Arthur H. Boelter
Frank & Marilyn Botcheod-Kuchno
Frankie Bottinelli
Thomas D. Bowden
Robert & Margaret Boyce
Wilma Bradley
Linda Brandeis
Catherine Brewer
Betsy Bridwell
The Broback Family
Rachel Brown
Andrew Bruce
Barbara Brucker
Carol Bryant & Tim Narby
Sue Bryant
Erika Budell
Barbara Bulzomi
Mary Burki
Kent R. Burnham
SEATTLE REPERTORY THEATRE — 10 — 14/15 Season Annual Report
Terry Bursett
Carol Butterfield & Jon Goforth
Ellen & Bernie Camin
Parker Cann
Dee Caplan
Robert Carpenter
Walter & Margaret Carr
Sheila Casimo
Phyllis Caswell
Brenda & Terry Catlett
Cresta Cavanaugh
Terry & Jane Chadsey
Arundhati Chandorkar
Ken Chapman & Denyse McFadden
Zehava Chen-Levy
David & Barbara Chou
Rosalind Christensen
Donna Christianson
Grant & Laurie Lootens Chyz
Daniel & Sandy Ciske
C.W. & Jill Clark
Sally & Curt Clausen
Philip Clum
Barby & Don Cohen
Norman Cohn
Judith Coito
Jean & Toby Cole
Clark & Rhea Coler
Sue & Robert Collett
Edwin S. & Sarah Collier
Jonathan & Deborah N. Collin
Mike & Yoko Colpitts
Betsy Conger
Mary Connors
Lois & John Constantine
Pat & Patty Coogan
Ms. Stephanie Coontz
Renee & David Coppel
Merilee & Stan Corbit
Amy Corey
Shirley Corliss
Ann Costello
John & JoAnne Costello
Debra R. Cotter
Pamela Crone
Margaret Crosby & M. Feinberg
Kenneth Cunningham
John Curtis
Robert Elhardt
Fran Daggett
Barbara Daniels
Mr. & Mrs. J. Peter Darling
Kathryn Daughhetee
Patti Davies
Kathleen Davis
Robert & Valerie DeGiulio
Kathie & Loren Deshon
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Determan
Tina Deveny
Gregory & Carol Devers
Cathy Dickson
Bob & Carol Dinning
Jeff & Donna Dornes
Laura Dorsey
Scott & Linda Drown
Beth Dubey
Donna Dughi
Carin Dugowson
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas R. DuHamel, Sr.
Susan Dunn
Deborah Dwyer & Jay Field
Jeff Eby
Earl Ecklund
Landon M. Gibson III & Irene Eggerman
Paula Eisenrich
Brenda El-Ghazzawy
Nancy E. Ellingham
Sara Elward
Carl Engelhardt
John & Marilyn English
Wilhelmina Escandar
John D. Eshelman
Bee Evans
Marilyn Evans
Richard & Marlene Fallquist
Henry Farber
Brian & Amy Fauska
Barbara Fay
Peter Feichtmeir
Janet Feifel
Mike & Donna Fey
Individual donors (cont.)
Stephen Fisher
Brian Flanagan
Wendy Forselius
Susan Fort
Scott Foster
Jane Fox
Allan & Barbara Fredrickson
Mr. & Mrs. Phil Fredrickson
Caroline Freidenfelt & Alexander Friedenfelt
Dr. & Mrs. Luther Frerichs
David Friedt & Marilyn Brockman
Kim Fritsch
Kai Fujita
Ju-Chan & Bruce Fulton
Tom & Cheryl Funkhouser
Victoria S. Galanti
Dr. & Mrs. William Baker
Mr. & Mrs. Ramesh Gangolli
Genevieve Gardipe
Mary Lacille Gavilanes
Michael Geri & S. Schnieder
Evelyn Gershen
May & John Gerstle
Neil F. Gerth
Marcy Ghan
Stan & Marcia Giant
Alan Gibbs
Brian Giddens & Steve Rovig
Ann Giesel
Donna Glasoe
Allen & Sandra Glenn
Andrea Gogrof
Janice Goldberg
Joan & Steve Goldblatt
Erika Goldstein & Jim Holmes
Kathleen Good
Dr. & Mrs. Richard K. Gould, M.D.
William Gould
Pam Gow
Suzanne Griffin
Rita Griffith
Nancy Grout
Mr. & Mrs. J.D. Haberzetle
Kjersti Hagman
Roger Haight
Jon & Janet Halvorson
David Hamilton
John & Donna Hamilton
Peter & Marlene Hansell
Sharon Harris
Harry Harrison & Monvelia Blair
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Hartje
Linda Hartzell
Stephanie Harvey
David Hasbrook
Geraldine Hashisaki
Cynthia R. Hasselblad
Michelle L. Hasson
Don & Sharon Lee Hebard
Linda Hebish & Patrick Yates
Marlene Heinemann
Ross Heise
Judith Herrigel
John Hickey
Corinne Hill
Gregory Hill
Gordon Hilsman
Janet Hogan
Judy Hogden
Nita Hoines
Sigrid Hokanson
Dr. Cynthia Holdren
Don Hood
Victor Horne
James Horrigan
Eleanor Howard
Rod Cameron & Heather Howard
Kathy Hsieh
Judy Hucka & Ken Rosenthal
Warren Huckabay
John & Karolyn Hughey
Joe Hurson
Mr. & Mrs. Milo J. Hyatt
Walter Hyer
IATSE Local 488
D. Igawa
Jim & Nancy Irwin
Ryan Iwamoto
Yumi Iwasaki
Khris Jackson
Jill Jago
Mark Jenkins
Julie B. Johnson
Mary Johnson
Carole Muth & Robert Johnson
Suzanne & Andrew Johnson
P.D. Johnston
Robin R. & Jan Johnston
Katherine S. Jones
Barbara & Paul Jordan
Susan Kadlec
Dysa Kafoury
Judith Kaftan
Ruth Kagi
Shashi Karan
Carol Kassner
Gail Katz
Nancy Kaufman
Joan Kelleher
Elida Kellogg
Rebecca Kenison
Darragh & Jessica Kennan
Shirley Kiang
Martin & Judith Kimeldorf
Janelle Kingsley
M.e. Kintzi
Gerrit Kischner & Nancy Bacon
Susane Klastorin
Lowell Knutson
David Kositsky
Brian & Patricia Kramer
Betty Krasner
David & Vicki Kremers
Maureen Kremers
Larry Krouse & Sharon Vaught
Jill Kurfirst
Diane D. Lampe
Chapple Langemack
Lee & Cheryl Lannoye
Gary & Barbara Larson
Kathleen Larson
Jo Anne Laz
Teri Lazzara
Heather Leach
Matthew Lecornu
Andrew & Jamie Lee
Taylor & Janet Lees
Michael Lekas
Eileen LeVan
J.C. Leveque
Alison Lewis
Katherine Lewis’ Daughters
Ray & Diane Lewis
Bonnie Lewman
Dr. Jeff & Kathleen Lindenbaum
Martha Lindley
Terry & Shirley Lindquist
Jaisri Lingappa
Dorothea Lintz
Dr. Laura Lippman
Jocelyn Liu
Christine Livingston
Patricia Loftin
Susan Loggins
Jerry Luiten
Cheryl Lundgren
Jerry Lundry
Jason Mac Donnell
Joyce M Macdonald
Nancy Machette
Douglas & Cathlyn MacQuarrie
Barbara W. Maddux
Ronald Magid
Mark & Nikki Mahan
Margaret & Jake Mahoney
Scott Majcher
Susan Mamlock
Matthew Manobianco
Cynthia J. Marriott
Steve Marsh
Anthony Martello
Don E. Martin
Marc Sherman
John Mason
Elaine L. Mathies
Suzanne Matsen
Betsy Maurer
Toby Miller & Linda Maxson
Diana Maxwell
Julia Maywald
Robert & Mary Mazur
Mark Mcclure
Catherine & Barry McConnell
Lori McConnell & Michael Lawson
Kerry & Mike McCool
Cynthia & David McCormick
John McCoy
Patrice McDermott
Janet McDonald
Susie McDonald
Stanley N. McInnis
Margaret McPhee
Ramona J. Memmer
Marc Mendonca
Louis & Paula Mendoza
Stewart Merritt
Joanne Mertens & Steve Kink
Barbara Metch
Vera Metz
Nancy Smith Mickel
Elizabeth J. Miller
Elizabeth & Bruce Miller
Michael & Jocelyn Miller
Jeanette Mills
Zane & Karen Mills
Craig Mitchell
Karin Mitchell
Henry R. Miyoshi
Kurt & Patricia Mondloch
Sue Monin
Benjamin Moore & Marilyn McGuire
Dawn Moorman
Emily & Marc Mora
Nadine C. Morgan
Anne Morrison
Britt J. Mortimer
Casey Muratori
Megan Murphy
Patricia Murphy
Paul & Myrna Muto
Dennis Nagy
Martha Nalebuff & Mark Wagner
Kathryn Neal
Sonia Bergquist
Martha Nester
Robert & Karen Neubauer
Miriam Uhlig
Alan & Ellen Newberg
Sarah Newell
Jo Ann Nielsen
Mr. & Mrs. Michael K. Nielsen
Ruben Nieto & Bolbbie Olin
Susan Nivert
Jarmila Noid-Liebrock
Shirleann Nold
Linda Noordman-Velebir
Diane Nordfors
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald J. Nunke
Molly Oberbillig
Patricia Oberg
Jolene Obertin & M. Wellborn
Mariette O’Donnell
Mary Anne Olmstead
Judith Olsen
Kathleen M. O’Neill
Frances O’Reilly & Barbara Hinchcliffe
Christopher Orem
Marnie O’Sullivan
Neal & Linda Ottmar
Tracy Ousley
Angela Owens
Richard & Janice Pahre
Kim Palmer
Robert A. Parker
R. Reid Parmerter
Linda Paros
Chris Peterson & Lauren Smith
Gerald Peterson
Karen S. Peterson
Molly Peterson
Thomas & Renna Pierce
Adam & Martha Pinsky
Loretta Pirozzi
Jennifer Moore
Sasha & Lowell Press
Kristi Pyne
David Quinn
Kim Rachmeler
William Radke
Judy Rams
Leo Butzel
Shyamala Reddy
SEATTLE REPERTORY THEATRE — 11 — 14/15 Season Annual Report
Caleb Reft
Daniel B. Ritter
Robert Robbins
John & Debbie Roberts
Kimberly Robinson & Colleen Walls
Suzanne Roen
Roger Roffman & Cheryl Richey
Jeanne Rolph
Mercy Rome
Alec Rooke
Virginia Root
Ron Roseman & Elizabeth Thomas
Rebecca Rosenberg
E. Charles & Susan M. Routh
Kathy Rovner
David & Kathie Rubenson
Elizabeth Rummage
Geoffrey Ruskin
Jennifer Cells Russell
Travis M. Russell
George Orr
Mary & Roger Sackett
Peter Samson
Carissa Sanchez & Brian Branagan
Joan Sandler & Rita Shaw
Desiree Saraspi
Laura Saunders
Cynthia Saver
Deborah Schadt
Kate Schaefer & Ben Brinckerhoff
Joe Schneider & Kim Clements
Vicki Schoettle
Craig & Pam Schuman
Bryce & Chris Seidl
Mark Seklemian
Jeroen Sertons
Homazad Shahri
Ben & Rose Shandrow
Mimi Sheridan
Carol & Alan Sidell
David & Stacya Silverman
Irene Simpson
Richard Singer
Dr. & Mrs. Nicholas Skalabrin
Susie Slonecker
Mrs. Gerald V. Smith
J. Bruce Smith
Kim Smith
Mary Ellen Smith
Kathleen M. Lemanski
Linda Snavely
Kay Sneed
Linda Snyder & William Jones
Ruth Solnit & E. Franklin
Marian Sonju
Ronald & Dawnelle Spaulding
Robert & Barbara Spindel
Robert M. Spurrell
Aaron St.John
Jon & Janet Stafford
Louis & Beverly Stanton
Leigh Ann Stemm
Christine & Josh Stepherson
Lee & Suzanne Sterling
Allyn Stern
Mike & Carol Stevens
Elaine Stevens
James & Patricia Stockdale
Linda Stouder
Susan Strode
Colonel & Mrs. Joseph B. Sullivan
Suzette Sutherland
Kari & Erik Swanson
Carl Swanstrom
Diane Sweetman
Erik Swenson
Dorothy Swent
Nina Tang
Linda & Henry Tanz
Mara Tedesco
I. Michael Thomas
Henry D. Thompson
Chris Timossi
Candy Trautman
Trisha & John Tubbs
Nancy Uhlmansiek
Lisa Van Dam
Molly & Dirk Van der Burch
Elvin & Doris Vandeberg
Camille Vaska
Pat Vernie
Individual donors (cont.)
Rosina Vertz
Sheri Viggiano
Alison Vijgen
Carol Vokes
George & Angeline Von Fuchs
Morris & Penny Wade
Viki Wade
Marilyn & Harry Wall
Patricia Waterston
Jeff & Carol Waymack
Katharine Wellman
Kim Wells
Bobbie Westfall
Linda White
Heather Wilde & James Gierman
Jay & Linda Willenberg
Barbara Williams & Henry Davis
Cathy Williams
Connie & Roger Williams
Frances & John Williams
Walter Williams & Jacqueline Block
Anne & Dan Willott
Richard & Sally Wilson
Shirley Wilson
Karen & Lee Wimberly
Rich Hert & Jodi Wohl
Mary Wood
Ginny & Jeff Woodhouse
Donald Woods
Jennifer Woyski
Gail Yates
Glenn Yeary
Darby Young
Sylvia M. Young
Andrew Zabel & Eileen Miller
Zenon O. Zazula
James Zielinski
Vito Zingarelli
Sam Zinner & Walt Mason
Anonymous (51)
* Member of Seattle Rep’s Multi-Year Giving Club
The accuracy of this list is important to us;
we welcome notification of unintended omissions
([email protected] or 206.443.2203).
Institutional Donors
$150,000 or more
Seattle Repertory Theatre Foundation
The Shubert Foundation
$100,000 - $149,999
$50,000 - $99,999
The Boeing Company
Seattle Office of Arts & Culture
$25,000 - $49,999
The Ballinger Family Foundation
The Chisholm Foundation
Edgerton Foundation New Plays Award
John Graham Foundation
Theatre Forward
National Endowment for the Arts
Nesholm Family Foundation
Seattle Repertory Organization
Trifilm, Inc.
$10,000 - $24,999
Bruce G. Cochener Foundation
Christensen O’Connor Johnson Kindness
Clark Nuber
HD Fowler Company
Moss Adams Wealth Advisors LLC
Summit Law Group
U.S. Bank Foundation
Washington State Arts Commission
$5,000 - $9,999
Alaska Airlines
Davis Wright Tremaine
Kutscher Hereford Bertram Burkart PLLC
Loeb Family Charitable Foundation
The Seattle Foundation
Treeline Foundation
SEATTLE REPERTORY THEATRE — 12 — 14/15 Season Annual Report
$2,500 - $4,999
AT&T Foundation
Compton Lumber
Copacino + Fujikado
Holland America Line Inc.
K&L Gates
Morgan Stanley
Perkins Coie LLP
The T.E.W. Foundation
Under $2,499
Carney Badley Spellman, P.S.
Center Art LLC
Chateau Ste. Michelle
Four Park Avenue LLC
Henry M. Jackson Foundation
Humanities Washington
Savage Color LLC
Seattle Spine & Sports Medicine
Tulalip Tribes Charitable Foundation
Italics represent in-kind gifts.
155 Mercer Street | Seattle, WA 98109
206-443-2222 (toll-free 877-900-9285) | www.seattlerep.org