almeria solidaria - The Daya Project


almeria solidaria - The Daya Project
almeria solidaria
A community project in the Andes - Peru
About almeria solidaria
"Almeria Solidaria" is a charitable foundation, been done by
a group of friends from Almería (a city in Andalusia,
southern Spain). They wanted to show solidarity with the
poor. Almeria solid aria was recognized by Spanish Ministry
on 14 May 1997 with the number 04/0026.
Improving the situation of children in the areas of health,
nutrition and living conditions in misery and poverty. They
want to achieve this through:
1) education
2) The development of knowledge
about the fundamental values of
coexistence, happiness, confidence and skills, both
collectively and individually.operation
In "Solidaria Almeria" they are all unpaid volunteers, and will
always remain so. The funds entrusted to them, they want the
best possible use. Hence the slogan: They will continue
without costs or expenses that are not directly to the project
Mainly monthly contributions from partners, donations and
participation in events, and occasionally by presenting programs and projects for
private and public entities
Previous projects:
These were mainly focused on education for poor children.
Hence the great attention to the construction of schools for
nursery and primary education in needy and very isolated
The Very first projects:
In the beginning of almeria solid aria projects were very
diverse. Some examples are supporting the construction of a feeding centers,
kindergarten, youth shelter, rehabilitation, home for deaf, children's clinic, installation
of showers with hot water (solar energy). So they ended up on the project of Father
Quino: almeria solid aria-Peru was born.
Current project:
Because they are not numerous sectors could continue to
cover, it was decided that all efforts for education and health
of children to focus on a very underprivileged Peruvian village,
Katañiray. It is believed that education is the best tool to help
them in their situation.
The educational project "Almeria" is located in the rural
community of Katañiray, near Cuzco, the altitude of 1500
meters. The project is located in an area of about 3 hectares.
It was the Jesuit Joaquin Meseguer Murcia, aka "Quino
Father" who spent his life helping rural communities. Along
with him was "Almeria Solidaria-Peru" was established ..
Learned from his many positive and negative experiences,
disappointments by large NGOs which he so trusted, he taught them:
"What we do, we do better ! '
Kindergarten "Father Quino"
"Solidaria Almeria" pays great attention to education as this is the way to
development. For this reason, most of the resources to the maintenance and
construction of the school spent.
In 2004, we launched the project "Almeria" kindergarten Father Quino. About a
hundred children from three to six years were collected in a situation that had nothing
to envy. Thanks to the generous donations of the English partner Mike Partridge new
buildings could be established.
After several years of operation, the Peruvian Ministry of Education this school
officially recognized and supported by teachers. It is noteworthy that almost always
Spanish volunteers spent months with teaching without something material or
financial return for kwam.Het building offers besides the classrooms also houses a
computer room, a multipurpose room, bathroom, kitchen and shelter for facilitators
and volunteers.
school "SAINT JULIO"
Given the need to after 4 years nursery education in the Father Quino school, a
succession of educational needs, was proceeded to the construction of a primary
Thanks to the collaboration with the parents of pupils and the financial support of a
number of Spanish companies (JARQUIL and
Cajamar), a number of private donations,
volunteers and GROS Ranst Belgium, one has
been able to build six separate modules to
complete ( five classrooms, toilets and a room for
dental and doctor consultation).
In 2006 began the first course with thirty students.
Currently there are 5 courses to 150 students.
Next year we start the renovation of the kitchen,
dining room and library. The biggest problem is
the financing.
Agricultural School "Almeria"
The March 13, 2000 started the largest and most ambitious project: the agricultural
school of Almería: greenhouse crops. It was built on land donated by the community
Katañiray. It has 20,000 square meters of greenhouses, a warehouse, a guard house
and a building for the school, bakery and workshops. The main building offers the
necessary facilities (sleeping, dining and local classes) for forty people (students,
teachers, volunteers and staff of the center).
Project funding:
One of the most striking aspects of this
initiative is the construction of the covered
greenhouses that will serve as a reference for
other regions in Peru. Moreover, there was
signed an agreement with the National
University of Cuzco and the Ministry of
Education. So they got the help of the Ministry
of Agriculture of Peru for research and
dissemination of Peru for a new farming
systems, cultivation in greenhouses. The total
project budget was invested in buildings, greenhouses, roads and earthworks. At the
opening on 14 March 2000 was started with twenty students from different
communities in the region, including technicians of the Ministry of Agriculture.
That same day began lessons for adults from the community (eighty villagers).
Was important that the students were boys from the youth-education centers
Marcavalle. A re-education centers for young people with a criminal past, this with the
special permission of the judiciary. In the years of the existence of the agricultural
school has managed to be in the same plant to grow as elsewhere in Peru. One is
very proud of the relatively large manufacturing
in an area where, with the exception of onions
and potatoes, no one had been able to grow
vegetables due to the changeable climate. It is
convinced that, especially after finding a proper
functioning of the school, the project has a
major impact, particularly valuable and is
exceptional!. Not only by increasing the income
of farmers but by being able to provide a better
and more varied diet for an entire region.
Dental practice and pediatric consultation
Mainly due to malnutrition and lack of hygiene, there is
in this poor region in addition to a health problem a
major dental neglect. Thanks to a grant from the
Ministry of Health, one succeeded in a dental office with
the necessary equipment and utensils to install.
Consultations are free for the children from the schools
and neighboring communities.
Also provides a pediatrician on a regular basis free
pediatric consultations to children
Trainings and workshops
1) improvement of the pig.
Almost all farmers in the region keep pigs from
a variety that do not fit.
In our agricultural school has one of the
necessary facilities for a different breed of pig
breeding. A variety that grows much faster and
thickened. This provides the farmers now have
a better and pig production could be increased!
Again, this is a step forward in the malnutrition
problem in the region.
2) start fattening and breeding guinea pigs and rabbits.
More variety in their diet is an improvement for many people and for the reduction of
malnutrition among children.
3) family growth cabinets
Through a system of microfinance has been placed in several greenhouses Katañiray
and surrounding villages. It was the intention of the inhabitants on an independent
basis vegetables for their own use to grow. The materials for these conservatories
would through microfinance can be paid back to almeria solid aria. The villagers
were, after following a course at the agricultural school, divided into different groups
for the construction, maintenance and cultivation of vegetables. Surpluses were on
the market so it can be sold to repay greenhouses. Unfortunately, due to the neglect
of the greenhouses by the farmers, the project failed and one is there to stop them.
4) workshops for women: weaving, sewing ...
There was a course loom started for women. Due
to a lack of interest in this loom to a given
participant who along with several other women
co-founded a successful cooperative.
5) Cooperation Contract with the
Spanish NGO Admundi
Background, context and justification:
The Committee on World Food Security (FAO) Peru placed among the 10 countries
in the world with a critical level of food security. Malnutrition affects 7.6 million people
or 35% of its inhabitants, the main characteristic: indigenous communities, rural
areas, low education and poor access to public
services. The lack of appropriate techniques for the
production of crops. The current techniques are only
focused on monoculture and the consumption of maize
production resulting in: an alarming rate of chronic
malnutrition. Since the first years of life are crucial for
the development of the immune system are therefore
many people with physical and mental symptoms.
Timpuwasi The project aims to improve the nutritional
levels of children aged 0-12 years. This is done through cooperation with the local
association: almeria solid aria-Peru.
Sustainability and self-sufficiency:
Almeria solid aria has the capacity to grow and products to small livestock to set up
food processing. There is only a small financial contribution for the maintenance of
facilities, provision of drinking water, the open toilet block but mainly for the purchase
or exchange of the necessary food which they can not produce itself (such as rice,
pasta, oil , spices ...)
6) Volunteers:
Since 1995 volunteers (especially young people) in Peru to
work - they were previously mainly active in the shipping of
the cargo containers. Currently they help mainly in the
kindergarten of Father Quino, primary education and even
in the agricultural school.
What we saw in the first years has strongly encouraged
them to an even broader base to create. At present there
are volunteers from different parts of the world which
backed up to the teachers and their activities, and support
in the health centers in the awareness campaign (disease,
dental care). For those who prefer using their hands to
work there in the greenhouse complex sufficient work.
If you are interested in volunteering in the project, please write to:
[email protected]
[email protected]
The contribution of volunteers is overestimated, since their knowledge in a fun and
educational way to bring about the teachers and
Modern learning methods like so much quicker their
entry into Peru. An example is definitely the
computer class. Also thanks to their knowledge
almeria solid aria - Peru about computers (rare in
this region) and also a variety of information all over
the world.
7) Joint venture with orphanage in Cusco Amantani.
An alliance with the vzw Amantani. Amantani provides food for up to 75 homeless
children in Cusco. It is Pilar, the wife of Carlos
(project Almeria Solidaria) and his sister who are
the driving forces behind his. Who do not help
where he can, it is not worth to himself to be
Project leading in Peru:
The project Almeria Solidaria is lead by Oscar
Villalobos. Oscar coordinate daily activities by
working closely with the local community. He
motivates them to let them understand the
benefits of their involvement, not only for themselves but for all the children. He is the
man who always looking for new oportuniteiten the project afloat. Self-interest is
foreign to him.
Our goal:
People awareness about the project Almeria Solidaria Peru and possibly students,
youth opportunities on the project itself. They can always find more information at
dieter and groin Goossens - Geldhof
[email protected]
Do you have questions about this project, please contact them without any obligation
to. They will definitely help you.
Almeria Solidaria is supported by:
- Ministry of Education Peru
- Ministry of Agriculture Peru
- Ministry of Health Peru
- National University Cuzco-Peru
- Spanish NGO Admundi
- Provincial Provincial Government Almeria-Spain
- Belgian municipal council Development - Municipality Ranst
- Several Spanish companies including: Cajamar (financial institution) and Jarquil
(building in Almeria).
- Daya Project in America-San Francisco
- Many sympathizers but also the many volunteers.
Evolution project:
January 2010
exceptionally heavy rainfall
Not only Haiti but also Peru by an earthquake in January 2010 hit. As a result of
exceptionally heavy rainfall the lower reaches of a river blocked. The village
Katañiray was hit hard and went almost completely under water. Fortunately, the
school and the greenhouse complex completely
December 2011
1) Renewal plastic greenhouse horticultural
complex 2011
2) Start construction of two new
classrooms for secondary education
SEPT 2012
Startup sheep 2012
Due to the loss of Spanish subsidies by the European banking crisis, one has been
able to find other financial income. Through the purchase of about 200 lambs (thanks
to the Belgian and American volunteers) hoped that by selling furs and sheep to
compensate this loss. Through a breeding program can be a source of annual
Benefit action of almeria sdolidaria was held in November 2012 : action sheep. This
to reduce the financial well by the banking crisis,There was good money raised for
the purchase of 100 sheep