Apr 2 2016


Apr 2 2016
Weekly Highlights
April 2, 2016 / 23 Adar II, 5776
Schedule of Services
Bench Rosh Chodesh Nissan—Occurs Next Shabbos
Molad Occurs Thursday 10:15 AM and 53 Seconds
Friday, Apr. 1
Candle Lighting
7:13 PM
Parshat Shmini / Parshat Parah
Saturday, Apr. 2
Pesukei Dezimra
9:00 AM
Kriyas Shema by 10:59 AM
6:15 PM
7:05 PM
Mariv/ Havdalah 8:13 PM
Max Shapiro
Dr. Todd Burstyn, Naftali Quartey
Sunday, Apr. 3
Mincha/ Maariv
8:30 AM
7:15 PM
Monday, Apr. 4
Mincha/ Maariv
6:30 AM
7:20 PM
Tuesday, Apr. 5
Mincha/ Maariv
6:45 AM
7:20 PM
Wednesday, Apr. 6
Mincha/ Maariv
6:45 AM
7:20 PM
Thursday, Apr. 7
Mincha/ Maariv
6:30 AM
7:20 PM
Friday, Apr. 8
Candle Lighting
6:45 AM
7:20 PM
7:19 PM
Gabbi’s Discretion
Parshat Shmini
Torah Reading Page 588
Parshat Chukas
2nd Torah Page 838
Ba’al Kriyah
Jay Bernstein
Haftorah, Page 1216
Marc Berman
Mussaf & Sermon
Rabbi Motzen
Kiddush Sponsors:
Harriet Shiffman in honor of Ella’s Bat Mitzvah
Shalosh Seudos Sponsors:
Shalosh Seudos Fund
Condolences to Sheldon & Beverly Caplan on the passing of
Sheldon’s beloved sister Lynne C. Eisman
Mazel Tov to Nina Allen
on the engagement of
her son Jason Allen to
Penina Wolff in Israel
Mazel Tov on the Bat Mitzvah of
Ella Lipira daughter of Nancy
and Frank Lipira sister of Tyler,
granddaughter of Harriet
Shiffman and great-granddaughter
of Betty Zalesh
Mazel Tov to Frona Klotzman whose grandson Yosef
Schwob son of Dr. Netanel & Ina Schwob is engaged to
Esti Hoffman of Tenek, New Jersey
Second Night Seder at Ner Tamid
Saturday Night April 23rd
8:30 PM
$32 per person
RSVP by April 5th
RSVP online at nertamid.net
6214 Pimlico Rd. Baltimore, MD 21209 * (410) 358-6500 * [email protected] * www.nertamid.net
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Sisterhood Corner
Apr. 3 / 24 Adar II
Theodore Naiman
Apr. 4 / 25 Adar II
Hedwig Bunda
David Feinstein
Katie Hess
Apr. 5 / 26 Adar II
Dora Hurwitz
Melvin Rothman
Faiga Samuel
Apr. 6 / 27 Adar II
Leon Gorelick
Mark Rossman
Alder Isaac Simon
Apr. 8 / 29 Adar II
Sarah Friman
Freda Glaser
Next Lil Sisterhood
Sunday, April 17th at 10:00 AM
Special Passover Project: Polymer
clay and jeweled Elijah's Cups
Ner Tamid Sisterhood
The Ner Tamid Sisterhood is an all volunteer organization
dedicated to promoting Jewish values, education, and social
connections within the shul and surrounding community. With Lil'
Sisterhood, our membership ranges from 5 to 95 years old!Our
programming includes mitzvah projects, museum trips, dinners, and
Lil’ Sisterhood at Ner Tamid
The Lil' Sisterhood is open to all daughters of Ner Tamid Sisterhood
members in good standing.
For more information or to assist in Lil Sisterhood programs, please
Marina Klaff [email protected] or
Janet Birman [email protected]
Sisterhood Mitzvah Cards: To have a
Sisterhood mitzvah card sent, contact
Sonia Ostrow at (410) 358-3366
Prices: $3/card or $8/pack of 5
RSVP by April 13th
Material fee is $4 per person
Please take home any personal items or clothes
you might have in the Shul.
All unclaimed items will be considered hefker
(ownerless) after April 1st!
Volunteers are needed , if you can
help at this event please contact
Janet Birman 410-212-3709
[email protected]
Forms for selling chametz can be found
on our website at nertamid.net
Please join the Ner Tamid Brotherhood for
Bagels & Glocks
The April 3rd Shul Cleanup will be pushed off
Details to follow
(Breakfast and target shooting)
Boy Scout Troop 1299 Spring Fundraiser
Sunday April 10 at 10 AM
Continental Arms in Timonium
All-inclusive cost: $40 (early-bird) online
or $45 at the door—Space is limited!
Everyone is welcome to attend including
children over 10 yrs with a parent/guardian
Pre Pesach CAR VAC
Sunday April 10
9 AM to 4 PM by reservation
In the Ner Tamid Parking Lot
Prices vary by car size: $20, $25, $30
Reserve online at:
See Flyers on back tables for more info
Sign up at http://nertamid.net/category/events/
6214 Pimlico Rd. Baltimore, MD 21209 * (410) 358-6500 * [email protected] * www.nertamid.net
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Support our Shul with your donations to the various contribution funds that we have for your
simchas and memorable occasions.
Contact the office at (410) 358-6500 We really appreciate your donations!
Synagogue Fund:
Beth Marrus in appreciation to the ladies who
helped me during my recuperation with their
phone calls and visits
Barbara & Howard Schiff in memory of
Lynne Eisman
David Schain in memory of his beloved
father Robert Schain
Capital Fund:
Harold & Elaine Rothman in memory of
Jerry Scherr—beloved father, father-in-law,
grandfather & great-grandfather
Max & Irene Jacob Fund:
Bernie & Debby Koman our deepest
sympathy to the Scherr Family for your loss.
Jerry Scherr Beautification Fund:
All of Ner Tamid shares in your sorrow.
Harry & Sonia Ostrow in memory of Jerry
Noa & Manny Goldman to the Michael
Scherr and family: there are no words to say.
Paul Konschak & Cove Electric in memory
May the love, discipline, work ethic and all
that we learned from your father stay with us
of Jerry Scherr. He was a good man.
David & Jaqueline Nesbitt in memory of
Noa & Manny Goldman to Mrs. Leah
Jerry Scherr
Schuman: we are so sorry about your loss.
Jeffery & Leslie Siverberg in memory of
May all your memories bring you much
Jerry Scherr
comfort for many years to come.
Lisa & Steven Attman in memory of Jerry
Mark & Karen Schwartzman in memory of
Jerry Scherr
FC Clifford, INC in memory of Jerry Scherr
Harford Refrigeration CO INC in memory of Bernie & Debby Koman on the loss of Lynne
Jerry Scherr
Ward-Boland Associates INC in memory of
Youth Fund:
Jerry Scherr
Sylvia & Robin Karlin Mazel Tov to Betty
Frona Brown & Beryl Rosenstein in
Zalesch and Harriet Shiffman on Ella’s Bat
memory of Jerry Scherr, beloved father,
grandfather, and great-grandfather
Betty & Marvin Keyser in memory of Jerry
Pulpit Fund:
Marsha & Herman Glassband in memory of Benita Schwartzman deepest sympathy to
Sheldon Caplan and family on the loss or your
Jerry Scherr
sister Lynne
Saundra Morstein in memory of Jerome
Marthe & Larry Vidaver Mazel Tov to
Harry Baumohl in memory of Jerome Scherr Maxwell Vidaver on being commissioned as an
officer of the U.S. Navy on Shushan Purim
Deborah A. Wilder in memory of Jerome
Paula & Charlie Venick in memory of Lynne
Martin Kanner in memory of Jerome Scherr
Martin Sussman in appreciation of Lyn and
Dina Volk in memory of Jerome Scherr
Barry & Maxine Duninsky in memory of one Chaim Bendicoff
of the kindest, most loving men we have had
the privilege to know. A blessing to all who
knew Jerry Scherr. May he rest in peace.
6214 Pimlico Rd. Baltimore, MD 21209 * (410) 358-6500 * [email protected] * www.nertamid.net
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Adult Education
To Reach Rabbi Motzen:
Office: 410-358-6500
Cell: 410-775-6689
Email: [email protected]
Are You Missing Shul Email
The shul is using ConstantContact
to better communicate with you. If
you are concerned that you have
not been receiving emails or if you
would like to sign up for emails,
please send an email to
[email protected] with
“Subscribe to Mailing List” as
the subject line.
Weekly Classes
Haftorah Prep: 15 Minutes before Shabbos Services
Navi Class: Book of Melachim, Shabbos afternoon 50 minutes
before Mincha
Gemara Class: after Sunday services
Sunday Evening Kuzari Class takes place after Mincha/Maariv
Rabbi's Blog:
You can find the Rabbi’s blog on our website, www.nertamid.net
NEW! The Daily Halacha Blog has expanded! In addition to the daily
Halacha, I will be adding a short snippet from Pirkei Avot. As a shul, we
will be studying Pirkei Avot between Mincha and Mariv this year and I
wanted to share it with our virtual attendees as well.
On-Going Programs
Make Your Voice Heard—Cast Your Vote!
An election year is upon us and Maryland’s Primary
Election is only one month away. By using our
collective, communal voice we can do our part to
bolster the U.S.-Israel relationship and provide
towards its security. By casting our vote we can
help to provide protection for our religious freedom
and preserve the morals of our society.
We would like to remind all of our community
members – your vote matters. The importance of
simply casting your vote cannot be underestimated,
regardless of the candidate one selects or the
political party one prefers. You must be registered
in order to have a voice. This election will have a
direct impact on our community.
The registration deadline is April 5th. Voter
registration can be done online and paper forms are
available in Agudah-Park Heights, Kol Torah,
Shomrei Emunah and Bnai Jacob Shaarei Zion.
Women’s Dance Class
(Israeli Folk Dancing)
Tuesday Evenings
B’nei Mitzvah Program
We will be starting our fourth year
7:30 - 8:30: Beginner
of the B'nei Mitzvah Program for
8:30 - 9:30: Intermediate
students ages 11-13.
9:30 - 10:30: Advanced
sessions will take place at 7 PM on
Come join in at any time; come
the second or third Wednesday of
with a friend!
every month. Your son/ daughter
Contact Lyn Bendicoff
receive pizza, engage in thought410) 764-8322 or
provoking discussions, and fun
[email protected] for more
activities. Sessions will take place at
a new location, 6008 Pimlico Rd.
Please RSVP to
Boy Scout Troop
Rebbetzin Motzen
For information about joining
[email protected]
scouts (Cub or Boy scouts),
please see visit the newly revised
scout web page:
The Primary falls out on April 26, 2016 which is
during Chol HaMoed Pesach. We are privileged to
live in a country where our voices and votes matter.
Please register and fulfill your civic duty.
All the necessary information and links for
registering and voting in this Primary Election can
be found at http://agudathisrael-md.org/voting/
May Hashem bless our elected officials with the
knowledge, wisdom and humility to improve the
lives of the residents of our city and state.
Please Visit Our Members
The Atrium
At Home
Tudor Heights
Norbert and Elaine
Leonard Friedman
Myer Rubinowitz
David Greenfeld
Saul Goldberg
Anita Fisher
Rabbi Yaakov Hopfer, Shlita
6214 Pimlico Rd. Baltimore, MD 21209 * (410) 358-6500 * [email protected] * www.nertamid.net
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Shmuz and Snack
(grades 5 – 12)
10:15 am room 7
April 16 Rabbi Yitzi Weiner
Shabbos April 16
Seder Shindig
During groups Youth Oneg at 2 pm
Youth Pesach cleaning
Please help us clean up classrooms and
prepare them for Pesach
Pizza for helpers who register in advance.
Sunday April 17 6 pm
Wednesday April 20 6 pm
Students are invited to
JIT ( Juniors in training) Jump It
(3 - 9 years old)
on the last Monday of the month
from 5:30 - 6:30 PM
-orSenior YACHAD Girls Night Out
(10 - 35+ years old)
on the second Monday of the
from 6 - 8 PM
For these programs and more
[email protected]
Tween Minyan
(grades 3 – 6)
Weekly Raffle!
Students who participate regularly and
collect their tickets will be invited to the
end of the school year frequent flyer trip!
Get Ready for this year’s glorious
March 20, 2016 1-4
Before March 15:
Tickets are $7 per person
$25 maximum for families
After March 15:
Tickets are $10 per person
$35 maximum for families
10% of proceeds will be going to the
Jewish Caring Network
You deserve to be recognized!
The President's Volunteer Service Award
To learn more visit http://
To register visit
Our organization is
"Greenspring Valley Synagogue."
For volunteers 5 years old to adult!
Ner Tamid Groups for This Shabbos
Tiny Tots (Room 1) Toddler - 3 year olds:
Morah Laura Larson
Gan (Room 11) 3 year olds - Kindergarten
Morah Rachel Shar
Junior Minyan (Room 6). 1st and 2nd grade:
Morah Orit Gnatt
Tween Minyan (Room 9). 3rd – 6th grade:
Chaim Wolfish
6214 Pimlico Rd. Baltimore, MD 21209 * (410) 358-6500 * [email protected] * www.nertamid.net
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6214 Pimlico Rd. Baltimore, MD 21209 * (410) 358-6500 * [email protected] * www.nertamid.net
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