Technology Today Research Issue 2
Technology Today Research Issue 2
Technology Today H ighlighting R aytheon ’ s T echnology 2010 ISSUE 2 Raytheon Research Maintaining our technology edge A Message From Mark E. Russell Vice President of Engineering, Technology and Mission Assurance Fifty years ago, the world changed forever with a research breakthrough leading to the first operating laser — a moment in Raytheon’s rich research heritage that transformed modern life with countless applications from DVDs to supercomputing. Today, research is as vital as ever to delivering new technologies and capabilities to our customers. At Raytheon, research begins with a customer focus. What current and emerging capabilities do our customers need? Where do technology gaps lie? Then we focus our research and technology road maps to address these capabilities needs. Raytheon funds and supports research at many different levels. We leverage the domain knowledge of Raytheon’s world-class people with investments through program funding, contracted research and development, independent research and development, and enterprise campaigns. In addition, we tap new external ideas and approaches through partnerships, alliances, mergers and acquisitions. Do you have an idea for an article? We are always looking for ways to connect with you — our Engineering, Technology and Mission Assurance professionals. If you have an article or an idea for an article regarding technical achievements, customer solutions, relationships, Mission Assurance, etc., send it along. If your topic aligns with a future issue of Technology Today or is appropriate for an online article, we will be happy to consider it and will contact you for more information. Send your article ideas to techtodayeditor@ On the cover: Raytheon BBN Boomerang shooter detection system. Photo courtesy of Air Force Master Sgt. Andy Dunaway. This Research issue of Technology Today shows how Raytheon is investing at all levels of research to provide customers with mission critical capabilities. Articles discuss the development of the once theoretical wide bandgap semiconductor gallium nitride, and the Morphable Networked Micro-Architecture as the most adaptable processor ever built for the U.S. Department of Defense. You will also learn about a new radiation detection system for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, and how we are using virtual-reality technology for battlefield simulation training. In this issue’s Leaders Corner, Bill Kiczuk, vice president and chief technology officer, focuses on technology and innovation, two cornerstones for Raytheon’s success. Bill works with leaders across the businesses to ensure our technology efforts are coordinated and integrated for both near term needs as well as for long term capabilities. In the Events section we highlight our 2009 Excellence in Engineering and Technology Award recipients, our Raytheon Six Sigma™ President’s Award winners and of those, the winners of the CEO Award, plus Raytheon’s 38 newest certified architects. Our Raytheon Certified Architect Program has garnered accreditation by the Open Group, an international vendor- and technology-neutral consortium. Raytheon is the first in the aerospace and defense industry to receive this recognition. Best regards, Mark E. Russell 2 2010 ISSUE 2 RAYTHEON TECHNOLOGY TODAY View Technology Today online at: INSIDE THIS ISSUE Feature: Raytheon Research Technology Today is published by the Office of Engineering, Technology and Mission Assurance. Vice President Mark E. Russell Edition Editor John Zolper Managing Editor Lee Ann Sousa Senior Editors Donna Acott Tom Georgon Eve Hofert Art Director Debra Graham Photography Rob Carlson Dan Plumpton Overview: Maintaining Our Technology Edge 4 COSMOS: Next Generation, High-Performance, Mixed Signal Circuits 7 Raytheon's Trimode Imager for Nuclear Detection 10 Advances in Passive Short Wave Infrared Imaging 13 Adaptive Flight Control Systems 16 Computational Materials Engineering 18 GaN Microwave Amplifiers Come of Age 21 Monarch Meets Demanding, High-Stress Processing Requirements 24 YAG Solid State Laser Ceramics Breakthroughs 26 Partnering With Universities for Knowledge Technologies 29 Small Business Innovation Research 32 Virtual and Warfighter Training Counter IEDs 35 Raytheon BBN Technologies 37 Raytheon Joins DARPA's Focus Center Research Program 39 Leaders Corner: Q&A With Bill Kiczuk 40 EYE on Technology Knowledge Exploitation: Enabling IO 42 Next Generation RF Systems 43 Events Excellence in Engineering and Technology Awards 46 2010 Mission Assurance Forum 48 Raytheon Six Sigma Awards 49 Publication Distribution Dolores Priest Excellence in Operations and Quality Awards 50 Contributors John Cacciatore Kate Emerson Raytheon’s Newest Certified Architects Website Design Joe Walch IV People 51 Special Interest Ultrathin Environmental and Electroactive Polymer Coatings Patents 52 53 RAYTHEON TECHNOLOGY TODAY 2010 ISSUE 2 3 Feature Raytheon Research Overview Maintaining Our Technology Edge T echnology continues to be a key discriminator for Raytheon in delivering value to our customers. Our technology research is done in a highly collaborative environment, with ideas coming internally and from partners in academia, small businesses, large contractors and national laboratories. In today’s global economy, research is no longer solely an internally focused activity, but a highly dynamic, collaborative process where good ideas and novel solutions come from many sources. The research enables upgrades to existing products as well as the demonstration of completely new capabilities. Raytheon combines engineering and scientific research — systematic studies to generate new knowledge or insights — with an emphasis on innovation. Innovation can occur by applying existing knowledge in new ways to deliver novel products, methods or services that add value to our customers. Innovation is part of Raytheon’s culture of bringing forward new solutions that add value to all parts of our business, with research innovation primarily focusing on technology development. This issue of Technology Today highlights some of Raytheon’s ongoing research activities and demonstrates the breadth of our partnerships and research areas. The figure on the following page illustrates the sources of new technology ideas and technology funding that Raytheon brings to bear to solve customer problems and maintain our technology edge. Program-Funded Technology Development One path for technology funding comes within the context of ongoing acquisition programs, whereby our customer reaches out to Raytheon to help develop a key technology, often in partnership with subcontractors, to address a program need. An example is the work done under our radar, electronic warfare, communications and missile programs. We have successfully developed and delivered technologies such as advanced signal processing algorithms, new computing architectures, advanced monolithic microwave integrate circuits (MMICS), and new waveforms to meet the system specifications for the U.S. Missile Defense Agency, Army, Navy, Air Force and Intelligence community. Contracted Research and Development Technology research is also done under Contracted Research and Development (CRAD) programs, which align with our core and growth markets. In response to customer solicitations, Raytheon forms teams that maximize the value and impact of the proposed solution. Depending on the nature of the research, Raytheon may be the overall team leader or integrator, a primary subcontractor, or a mission transition partner. Often, over the course of a technology research program, the role Raytheon takes on evolves to ensure that the developed capability becomes available for the end user. Several examples of ongoing CRAD programs are discussed in this issue, including Standoff Radiation Detection System (SORDS), Compound Semiconductors on Silicon (COSMOS), and Photon Counting Arrays (PCAR). Photo courtesy of Air Force Master Sgt. Andy Dunaway. 4 2010 ISSUE 2 RAYTHEON TECHNOLOGY TODAY The SORDS program is developing a new concept based on a Trimode Imager (TMI) for nuclear material detection with a team that brings together a small-company expert in nuclear detection (Bubble Technologies, Inc.) with nuclear physicists from Los Alamos National Lab; academic experts in imaging and detection from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the University of Michigan; and the Feature Internal Research and Development Sources of Technology High Degree of Customer Funding Program Funding Contracted Research & Development (CRAD) Internal Research & Development (IRAD) Partnerships & Alliances Mergers & Acquisitions Low systems engineering, design and testing expertise of Raytheon. The team is pioneering the trimodal imager approach that exploits two imaging technologies, along with spatial information, to achieve unsurpassed effectiveness in detecting nuclear and radiological threats while driving down false alarm rates. This program is funded by the Domestic Nuclear Detection Office of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. The COSMOS program, funded by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency’s (DARPA) Microsystems Technology Office, is changing the paradigm of how mixed signal circuits (combined analog and digital circuits such as analog-to-digital converts) are designed and built. The COSMOS program is enabling close integration of different semiconductor materials within the same circuit to allow the designer to pick the “best junction for the function,” thereby improving circuit dynamic range, bandwidth and power performance. Raytheon is leading a multidisciplinary team to demonstrate manufacturable highperformance, mixed-signal circuits. The DARPA-funded PCAR program extends the capability of infrared (IR) imagers for the warfighter by developing detectors able to measure single photons in the short wave IR (SWIR) band. The SWIR wavelength band, nominally from 1 to 3 microns, has gone largely unused because of inadequate detectors and a lack of understanding of the imaging phenomenology in this band. The Raytheon PCAR research team has developed high speed, high sensitivity SWIR sensors, along with low noise readout electronics and novel scene integration algorithms, to dramatically improve the image dynamic range, allowing low-light images to be resolved in the same scene as a bright object. Raytheon maintains an Internal Research and Development (IRAD) program that includes projects executed within individual businesses, as well as cross-company enterprise campaigns that are collaborations between several Raytheon businesses. The portfolio of IRAD projects addresses improvement of existing products, as well as disruptive new solutions, for our core and growth markets. These projects bring to bear the full capability of Raytheon’s technologies to address the most pressing customer needs. Raytheon’s IRAD investment is defined by developing technology road maps and quantifying the technology gaps that need to be addressed to deliver capabilities that meet customers’ needs. There are two articles in this issue covering research primarily funded by IRAD. The first, about computational materials, discusses leveraging advances in computational power and understanding of quantum physics to analyze potential replacement materials for lead (Pb) in lead/tin solder without compromising the electronic integrity of the solder. Taking this computational approach has allowed a more rapid analysis of material combinations than could be done experimentally. The second featured IRAD program describes how Raytheon is pulling from university research in adaptive control algorithms to develop robust, adaptive flight control algorithms that will enable higher performance missiles or UAVs. IRAD and CRAD Synergies for LongerTerm Initiatives While the above discussion suggests research is done solely under either CRAD or IRAD projects, many longer-term, highpayoff research efforts span many years and benefit from the contributions of multiple investments addressing specific aspects of a technology. A noteworthy example of this is presented in the article on the status of gallium nitride (GaN) microwave amplifiers. Continued on page 6 RAYTHEON TECHNOLOGY TODAY 2010 ISSUE 2 5 Research Overview Feature Continued from page 5 For more than 30 years, the wide bandgap semiconductor GaN has been theoretically identified as ideal for producing high-powered, high-frequency transistors. However, until the late 1990s, research on GaN was largely limited to a few university research groups and small companies, because the quality of the material was insufficient to support high-performance devices. The article presents an overview of the history of GaN electronics along with current work that is preparing to insert GaN MMICs into U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) systems. This research effort began at Raytheon in 2000 and has benefited from funding from multiple agencies — including the Office of Naval Research, the Missile Defense Agency (formerly the Ballistic Missile Defense Organization) and DARPA — as well as significant IRAD investments from Raytheon to address various aspects of the development. Another example of a research effort that spanned more than 10 years and required several investments is presented in the article about the Monarch processor. This effort — initially funded under a DoD study for a high performance processing system, then continued under IRAD investment before winning support from DARPA under the Polymorphic Computing program — demonstrates new records for microprocessor performance and computational efficiency. As discussed in the article, the Monarch chip is now being leveraged for real-time data analysis in DARPA’s Seismic and Acoustic Vibration Imaging (SAVi) program. investment in liquid crystal modulators to demonstrate an optical phased array to realize an electronically steered, high-power laser with adaptive optics for atmospheric correction. In the area of multifunction RF systems, Raytheon is leveraging long-term investments in beamsteering, laser-based frequency sources and high-speed sampling to develop ultra broadband systems that enable multifunction capabilities. This area is discussed in more detail in the Eye on Technology article “Next-Generation RF Systems.” Another example of partnering with a small business is shown in the article “The Convergence of Virtual Reality and Warfighter Training to Counter Improvised Explosive Devices.” This article discusses research Raytheon has done with Motion Reality, Inc., and BreakAway, Ltd., to combine motion capture technology, simulation-based realism and battlefield domain expertise that puts warfighters into a fully immersive environment for training before they deploy into a war zone. Partnerships and Alliances with Universities and Small Businesses Mergers and Acquisitions In all of its research, Raytheon actively partners with leading technologists to bring the best minds to bear on problems. Raytheon has active university research partnerships, both through directed research projects and through membership in university centers. An example of our university partnerships is presented in the article about Raytheon’s collaborative work in the area of knowledge technology, with the University of Texas at Dallas and Penn State. The field of data analysis has moved from searching data for key terms to focusing on approaches that extract knowledge — as opposed to data — from large, often unrelated databases. In this context, knowledge refers to the association of multiple elements of a data set to develop additional insights into meaning that could not be determined when the individual data is considered alone. A third example of the payoff of long-term investment is presented in the article about recent work on nanoparticle ceramics to produce low-loss optical ceramic gain media for slab lasers. The current work leverages a long history of leading optical materials research by this group and will enable more efficient, high-power slab lasers. Raytheon has also joined the DARPAsponsored Focused Research Center Program (FCRP), a consortium of six research centers and more than 40 universities formed to address critical challenges in microelectronic technology and applications. As a member of the FCRP, Raytheon receives royalty-free rights to intellectual property generated under the program, gets access to top engineering students, and gains early insights into emerging research areas that impact Raytheon systems. Beyond the topics covered in feature articles in this issue, Raytheon is also pursuing several other longer-term research investments in high-power laser technology and multifunction radio frequency (RF) systems. Under the DARPA-funded Adaptive Photonic Phase-Locked Elements (APPLE) program, Raytheon is leveraging a long-term Similar to universities, small businesses offer a wealth of novel technologies, and Raytheon proactively engages with the government’s Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program to find technologies that address our customers’ needs. The article on the DoD SBIR program highlights multiple SBIR success stories for Raytheon. 6 2010 ISSUE 2 RAYTHEON TECHNOLOGY TODAY The final method of establishing technology capability is to acquire companies that are pioneering new fields important to Raytheon’s markets. Raytheon uses targeted acquisitions to expand our technology capabilities in our core and growth markets. Examples include acquisitions of several cyber technology companies and the recent acquisition of BBN Technologies. BBN’s diverse portfolio encompasses a range of technologies, including advanced networking, speech and language technologies, information technologies, sensor systems and cybersecurity. The history of innovation at BBN — from its start as a leader in acoustics to seminal work on the Internet and language translation — is discussed in the article “Raytheon BBN Technologies: Persistent Innovation.” A BBN accomplishment currently supporting warfighters in the field is the sniper detection system, Boomerang, shown mounted on the top of a vehicle on the cover of this issue. The ultrasensitive directional microphones detect the shock wave of a flying bullet, even when the vehicle is moving, and are used to identify and report the position of the shooter. Summary Raytheon continues to strengthen our technology portfolio through leading-edge research. The research leverages internal expertise and external partnerships with the best and brightest through multiple mechanisms to bring the finest technology forward for our customers. Using this broad research approach, Raytheon is maintaining its competitive edge as an innovative technology provider. • John Zolper Feature COSMOS: A Path to Next-Generation, High-Performance, Mixed Signal Circuits R aytheon’s research in Compound Semiconductor Materials on Silicon (COSMOS) will enable a new class of high-performance mixed-signal integrated circuits (ICs) that enhance the capabilities of U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) systems through direct monolithic integration of compound semiconductors — such as gallium arsenide (GaAs) and indium phosphide (InP) — and silicon (Si) CMOS on a common, low-cost silicon substrate. Using COSMOS technology, Raytheon is designing and fabricating high-speed, high dynamic range, low-power dissipation converter circuits (analog to digital converters, or ADCs, and digital to analog converters, or DACs) with performance that cannot be achieved with today’s technology. The future of integrated circuits will include the integration of high-performance III-V electronic and/or opto-electronic devices with standard Si CMOS. While traditional hybrid approaches — such as wire bonded or flip-chip multi-chip assemblies (see Figure 1) — may provide short-term solutions, the variability, losses and size of the interconnects and the limitation in the placement of III-V devices relative to CMOS transistors limit the performance, utility, size and cost benefits of these approaches. A more attractive approach is the direct integration of Si CMOS and III-V devices on a common silicon substrate (Figure 1, right). In this way, circuit performance can be optimized by the strategic placement of high-performance III-V devices adjacent to Si CMOS transistors and cells, and the devices and subcircuits can be interconnected using standard semiconductor on-wafer interconnect processes. Integrating III-V devices on silicon wafers is not new. For example, in the 1980s and 1990s, there was considerable, although unsuccessful, effort to “grow” GaAs devices on silicon wafers. So what is new this time? TFN Si CMOS TFN III-V Multilayer Substrate Today’s Hybrid Technology “chip and wire” or flip chip with thin film networks (TFNs) TFN Overcoming Technical Challenges To address the many technical challenges associated with the direct integration of silicon CMOS and III-V devices on the same wafer, Raytheon assembled a team of internationally recognized experts in the fields of materials/substrate engineering and advanced semiconductor devices. The first challenge was the creation of a substrate that is compatible with both silicon and III-V device materials and fabrication processes. To address this challenge, Raytheon worked with Eugene Fitzgerald of the Materials Science Department of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Continued on page 8 Revolutionary developments enable system on a chip Si Multilayer Interconnect Si CMOS III-V Si CMOS Si Substrate III-V CMOS Integration III-V devices embedded in a Si wafer using III-V templates and standard Si multilayer interconnects and processing Figure 1. Traditional hybrid assembly (left) and direct monolithic integration of III-V devices and silicon CMOS (right) RAYTHEON TECHNOLOGY TODAY 2010 ISSUE 2 7 Feature COSMOS Continued from page 7 and Paradigm Research LLC, a world-renowned expert in semiconductor substrate engineering. To facilitate integration of III-V devices with silicon CMOS, Fitzgerald developed SOLES — silicon on lattice engineered substrates. SOLES wafers, a variation of silicon on insulator (SOI) substrates commonly used for the fabrication of silicon ICs, allow for the fabrication of silicon devices on the silicon surfaces and the direct growth and fabrication of compound semiconductor material (GaAs, InP) devices (high electron mobility transistors, or HEMTs, and heterojunction bipolar transistors, or HBTs) on a buried template layer (Figure 2). To a silicon wafer fab, SOLES look like a standard silicon or SOI wafer. The SOLES wafer technology was transitioned from MIT to production at Soitec in France, the world’s leading supplier of SOI wafers. Si pmos III-V Device Compound Semiconductor Template Layer Silicon SOLES wafer Si nmos Figure 2. Schematic cross section of COSMOS technology showing silicon CMOS and III-V transistors on a silicon template wafers (SOLES) The second challenge was demonstrating that the silicon CMOS fabricated on SOLES performed the same as silicon CMOS on native silicon substrates. For this task, the team selected Raytheon’s 100mm silicon fab at Raytheon Systems Limited (RSL) in Glenrothes, Scotland. RSL successfully modified its 1.2mm production silicon CMOS process for compatibility with SOLES with no discernable change in transistor properties. To further drive cost and performance the process is being transitioned to 200mm diameter wafers and 180nm CMOS at SVTC in San Jose, Calif. 8 2010 ISSUE 2 RAYTHEON TECHNOLOGY TODAY InP HBT BT InP HBT Silicon CMOS Silicon CMOS 5µm Figure 3. SEM image of a completed InP HBT in close proximity to a Si CMOS transistor prior to heterogeneous interconnect formation. The third challenge was the selective growth of III-V devices on SOLES. Raytheon’s Advanced Semiconductor Material group, leaders in advanced III-V epitaxial growth, teamed with IQE in Bethlehem, Pa., the world’s leading supplier of III-V epitaxial material, to successfully demonstrate the growth of both InP HBT and GaAs pHEMT epitaxial material on SOLES. Key to this success was Raytheon’s and IQE’s pioneering work in metamorphic buffer layer technology, which enables the growth of high-quality semiconductor materials on dissimilar substrates. The final challenge was the fabrication of high-performance compound semiconductor devices on SOLES and the interconnection of these devices with the silicon CMOS transistors. Here the team has focused on two complementary device technologies — InP HBTs for mixed signal applications and GaAs pHEMTs for RF applications. For the integration of InP HBTs, the team leveraged Teledyne Scientific’s (Thousand Oaks, Calif.) expertise in InP HBT transistors and circuits developed under DARPA’s TFAST program to fabricate InP directly adjacent to Si CMOS transistors (Figure 3). The InP HBTs on SOLES exhibited performance that was comparable to InP HBTs fabricated on native InP substrates. Teledyne’s multilayer interconnect process, developed for InP mixed-signal circuits, was adapted for the creation of heterogeneous interconnects between InP HBTs and silicon CMOS with nearly 100 percent yield for InP HBT — silicon CMOS spacing as small as 2.5mm. The resulting device structure and fabrication process are analogous to a SiGe BiCMOS process where SiGe HBTs are replaced with an InP HBTs, but with a VDD Silicon PMOS M1 M3 HBT VBP OUTN INP VBN OUTP InP HBT INN PMOS Silicon PMOS Silicon NMOS Silicon PMOS NMOS PMOS InP HBT InP HBT Silicon NMOS VSS Figure 4. Schematic (left), layout (center) and optical image (right) of differential amplifier with output buffer and bias circuit. The differential amplifier met all of the DARPA COSMOS Phase 1 Go/No-Go Metrics with first pass design success. Feature MODULATOR RZCK DAC CALIBRATION DAC DIGITAL CLOCK 1MHz Digital DECODE BUFFER DECODE FF/CLK DECODE MUX INPUT BUFFER Figure 5. Layout of a compact, low power dissipation (1.6W) high resolution (13 bit, > 78 dB spur free dynamic range digital-to-analog converter designed using COSMOS technology. The DAC contains on chip calibration circuitry and consists of > 1000 InP HBTs and >5,000 silicon NMOS and PMOS transistors. Total chip areas is < 12mm2. The DAC is the DARPA COSMOS Phase 2 demonstration circuit and is currently being fabricated. significant performance advantage due to the superior speed, gain and high-frequency performance, and higher operating voltage of InP HBTs. Companion efforts underway at Raytheon’s MMIC foundry in Andover, Mass., have demonstrated GaAs pHEMTs on SOLES, with performance comparable to GaAs pHEMTs fabricated on native GaAs substrates. To demonstrate the viability of the COSMOS technology, the team successfully designed and fabricated a high-speed differential amplifier, which consisted of silicon CMOS current sources and an InP HBT differential pair (Figure 4). The complete circuit (differential amplifier with bias circuit and output buffer) contained over 100 heterogeneously integrated InP HBTs and silicon CMOS transistors. The circuit met all of the DARPA COSMOS Phase 1 Go/No-Go Milestones with first pass design success. This circuit is a building block for a low power dissipation (1.6W), high resolution (13 bit, greater than 78 dB spur free dynamic range digitalto-analog converter (DAC) currently being fabricated (Figure 5). The DAC, with its onchip calibration circuitry contains over 6,000 heterogeneously integrated InP HBT and silicon CMOS transistors. Addressing Next Steps to integrate these mixed-signal converter circuits with radio frequency transistors (HEMTs and HBTs) to enable single chip digital transceivers and dynamically reconfigurable circuits as well as compact circuit elements for low-cost panel arrays. The new class of high-performance mixedsignal circuits enabled by the COSMOS technology will provide unprecedented performance, and size advantage to current and future RF systems, including: compact, high dynamic range radars; broadband communication systems; multi-beam communications for comm-on-the-move; high-resolution synthetic aperture radars (SAR) and inverse SAR; data links; active missile seekers; active self-protect systems; and multifunction unmanned air vehicle sensors. While the circuit results presented here are for InP HBTs directly integrated onto the silicon substrate, the approach is equally applicable to other III-V electronic (e.g., GaAs pHEMTs or MHEMTs, GaN HEMTs) and opto-electronic (e.g., photodiodes, lasers - VSCLS) devices and opens the door to a new class of highly integrated, highperformance, mixed-signal circuits. These circuits will enhance the capabilities of existing DoD systems, enable new system architectures, and facilitate proliferation of low-cost sensors and active electronically scanned arrays for a wide range of DoD and U.S. Department of Homeland Security applications. • Thomas E Kazior ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This work is supported in part by the DARPA COSMOS Program (Contract Number N0001407-C-0629). The author would like to thank Mark Rosker (DARPA) and Harry Dietrich (ONR). The COSMOS Phase 2 DAC is a building block for other types of high-speed, high dynamic range, low power dissipation converter circuits, including ADCs and direct digital synthesizers (DDS). The next step is RAYTHEON TECHNOLOGY TODAY 2010 ISSUE 2 9 Feature Raytheon’s Trimode Imager for Nuclear Detection: Merging Technologies to Defeat Radiological Threats N uclear or radiological terrorism is a growing concern for U.S. national security, driving a need for high performance (high probability of detection and low false alarm rate) standoff detectors for nuclear material. Under the Standoff Radiation Detection System (SORDS) program, Raytheon has developed a Trimode Imager (TMI) that employs three simultaneous modalities — Compton imaging (CI), code aperture (CA) imaging, and spatial information from a non-imaging shadow technology — in a wide field of view system to improve system performance, with an emphasis on driving down the false alarm rate. The research team included Raytheon, national labs, small businesses and universities. The system was designed to detect nuclear or radiological threats by enabling the rapid search of urban or suburban environments using a mobile threat imaging system with unique discrimination capabilities. Detecting gamma rays from strategic nuclear materials or radiological materials is very difficult in a complex urban environment because of the natural background and environmental sources of gamma rays. To detect a threat (a point source of radiation) in the presence of background (a distributed source of radiation) in a large field of view requires that the field of view 10 2010 ISSUE 2 RAYTHEON TECHNOLOGY TODAY be pixilated to achieve a detectable signal to noise. To identify a threat and eliminate natural sources of radiation requires very effective imaging for low and high energy gamma rays. The CA imaging capability of the TMI is very effective for lower energy gamma rays, and the CI capability is very effective for higher energy gamma rays. Two Technologies Merge for the First Time The Raytheon TMI for the first time merges these two imaging technologies to achieve an unsurpassed effectiveness in defeating nuclear and radiological threats. The nonimaging shadow technology utilizes the shielding of the detectors by the superstructure of the truck and mounting hardware to give the operator a rough idea of where in the search area an increase in radioactivity may be located. The development of the Raytheon TMI is the result of a collaboration composed of Raytheon, Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, University of Michigan, and Bubble Technologies Inc. (BTI). The major components of the TMI are shown with their responsible organizations in Figure 1. Technical and Program Management RTN Navigation/Orientation System RTN Coded Aperture Imager LANL/BTI Compton Imager LANL/BTI Technical Advisory Committee MIT-UMICH Data Acquisition System BTI Data Analysis System BTI/LANL/RTN Digital Camera System RTN Data Visualization Software RTN Shadow Imager BTI Modeling & Sim. LANL System Arch. RTN System Software RTN System Utilities RTN Figure 1. Trimode imager system and responsible organizations System Transp. RTN Feature The CA and CI designs are being headed by LANL and BTI, respectively; the Shadow imager is the responsibility of BTI. BTI is also leading the development of the data acquisition and data analysis systems. Data visualization design and development is headed by Raytheon. The digital camera system design and development is also headed by Raytheon. Modeling and simulation of the system is headed by LANL, which is also in charge of the development of all imaging and analysis algorithms and how they interact to yield a fused nuclear and visual image with alarm protocols suitable for display by the data visualization system. BTI contributes to this analysis system with the isotope identification algorithm. Raytheon is responsible for overall system integration, with company directorates leading design, integration and test efforts associated with system architecture, system software, system utilities (power, HVAC, lighting, etc.), and vehicle transportation. How the TMI Works Figure 2 shows a rendition of an exploded view of the TMI, with the TMI instrument package mounted in a panel truck. The cutaway shows the two arrays that provide for the TMI’s imaging capability. The front array of square sodium iodide (NaI) detectors serves as the mask for CA imaging and as the first scattering center for the Compton imaging. The back array of rectangular NaI detectors is the location-sensitive plane for both the coded and Compton imaging modes. The location measurement is accomplished using the difference between the amplitudes of the signals in the photomultiplier tubes on each end of the NaI detectors. The energy measurement is accomplished from the sum. The signals from the photomultiplier tubes are collected by a data acquisition system in the truck and then time-stamped, digitized and labeled with additional orientation and position information. These preprocessed signals are fed into the data analysis system, where the algorithms for constructing the cabinet assembly and CI images operate, seeking a point source of radiation in the moving field of view (FOV) on an eventby-event basis. The isotope identification detector (ID) algorithms operate in conjunction with the imaging algorithms to determine if a point source in the FOV is a threat and is presented on a display in the cab of the truck. An example of the data visualization system is shown in Figure 3 (next page). A Cobalt-60 (Co-60) source inside the building near the window is detected at 25 meters with the TMI traveling at 30 mph. The nuclear images from the CA and the CI, shown in the upper left of the figure, are fused using an algorithm developed specially by the Raytheon team to form a combined nuclear image shown to the right. Simultaneously, range data is used to determine that the point source is 25 meters from the TMI, which in this example is traveling at 30 mph. The combined nuclear image is used in the isotope ID algorithm, which in this case determines that the point source is Co-60. The isotope ID spectrum is shown in the figure, along with the color code options for display. Co-60 is considered a threat. The color-coded crosshair labeling this as a threat is overlaid on the appropriate digital camera image determined from the geolocation and orientation data and presented to the TMI operator. The TMI user interface adds confidence level, geolocation data, and alarm status along with system health data. Continued on page 12 Figure 2. Artist rendition of TMI system. CA and CI are housed in the back of a panel truck, along with the data acquisition system (not shown). The detection image is color-coded to the nature of the threat, overlaid on a visual image, and presented on a display in the cab. RAYTHEON TECHNOLOGY TODAY 2010 ISSUE 2 11 Feature Trimode Imager Continued from page 11 Development of a Unique Algorithm COMPTON IMAGE The TMI team has developed a unique algorithm for fusing the two nuclear images. This fusion algorithm enables unexpected improvement in the performance of the TMI instrument for both lower and higher energy gammas. Analysis has revealed a far richer role of these two imaging modes, particularly when their images are fused to form a common nuclear image. Equipped with validated simulations of imaging in the presence of background, and a TMI system and an algorithm for fusing the two nuclear images, the receiver operation characteristics (ROC) for the active aperture system can be evaluated. To calculate the ROC, one takes a figure of merit (FOM) that reveals the performance of the system — the presence of a point source radiation peak in the field of view. The operational system will have further FOMs such as the shape of the peak. This peak finding FOM is a starting point. The ROC curves for three radiation sources at 100 meters, with the TMI moving at 30 mph, are shown in Figure 4. The left plot is for Cesium-137 (Cs-137), the center plot is for Co-60 and the right plot for the H(n,γ) line at 2.23 MeV. All sources are 1mCi in strength. For each ROC curve, many hundreds of test cases were run with backgrounds randomly varied. For each CA and CI image, a simple peak finding routine searched the FOV, resulting in true positives and false positives. The percentage 12 2010 ISSUE 2 RAYTHEON TECHNOLOGY TODAY COMBINED NUCLEAR IMAGE Isotope Identity of Combined Image Isotope is Cobalt 60 with an assigned threat color of RED Time Stamp [Gamma] Conventional wisdom holds that CA imaging works well for low-energy gammas, whereas Compton imaging works well for high-energy gammas. In a conventional CA system, the mask elements eventually become transparent to higher and higher energy gammas, thus defeating the utility of the mask. In the TMI active mask system, the elements of the mask detect the gammas that strike them. If the gammas are of low energy, they are stopped in the mask element and their energy measured. If the gammas are of higher energy they will Compton scatter in the first array and be stopped in the back array. This enables the Compton scattering imager to operate. Color Codes: Threat – Red Suspect – Yellow Medical – Blue Industrial – Purple NORM – Green CODED APERATURE IMAGE 500 intrinsic background noise 400 algorithmic extraction process (fingerprint) 300 RANGE DATA = 25m 200 Co-60 100 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 OVERLAY TARGET IDENTIFIED Energy [keV] Figure 3. Sample data images from the CA and CA for a Co-60 source located within a building. The spectra shows the isotope ID spectrum used to determine the source as Co-60. The color legend describes the represented radiation source overlaid on the image scene, as explained in Figure 2. of true positives is plotted vertically and the percentage of false positives is plotted horizontally. Results for the CI images are plotted in red, CA results are plotted in blue, and results for the fused image are plotted in green. A random peak finding result would be plotted as a diagonal line from the origin to the upper right-hand corner; an ideal result would be a step function rising from the origin to the upper left-hand corner. In the plot for Cs-137, the CI results shown in red almost mimic this random result. This behavior is not so surprising, given that CI is not expected to do very well at lower energies. The CA results shown in blue are clearly better. However, the surprising thing in the research is that even at these lower energies, the hybrid image results shown in green are better than either imaging mode taken alone. For higher energy gammas (Co-60), the CI and CA have traded roles as the preferred approach, as expected, and the hybrid image results are almost the ideal step function. Moving higher in energy, the results for H(n,γ) show the CA performance is falling still further behind the CI, while the hybrid image results are nearly ideal. These results demonstrate analytically, for the first time, the superiority of the TMI aperture system over CA or CI imaging systems alone. This instrument is being developed for the Standoff Radiation Detection System (SORDS) program being conducted by Domestic Nuclear Detection Office (DNDO) of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) under contract HSHQDC08-C-00001. • Michael Hynes Figure 4. Receiver operating curves showing improved system performance when combining the two signals Feature ENGINEERING PROFILE Hector Reyes Network Centric Systems NCS Texas Chief Technologist Hector Reyes currently serves as the technical director of Engineering and chief technologist for Network Centric Systems (NCS) in Texas. His primary responsibility is to provide technical insight and guidance to the programs in the region. As chief technologist, Reyes manages the regional technology portfolio and works with product line teams to develop integrated technology solutions. Specifically, Reyes works with NCS product lines to develop innovative concepts for sensor technologies (including active/passive electrooptical, infrared and laser); networked sensors; and border and warfighter sighting systems. He leads the engineering organization in developing a technical vision, product road maps, and a plan to transition to an integrated networked sensors systems provider for the military and civil customers. Reyes began his career in a co-op scholarship program at Southern Methodist University. His first job was weighing parts for the forward looking infrared (FLIR) targeting system for the F-18 Hornet. “I’ve been working on electro-optic systems in roles of increasing responsibility ever since,” he said. Today, Reyes is convinced he has found his ideal position. “Over my career, I’ve been in the cockpit of fighters and gunships and in the turret of armored vehicles and tanks,” said Reyes. “I’ve fired the gun on the Abrams Tank and flown anti-tank missiles down range. Today, I ensure our warfighter’s needs are being met by working to advance our technology. I have my dream job.” Counting Photons: Advances in Passive Short Wave Infrared Imaging S hort Wave Infrared (SWIR) — the spectrum from nominally 1 to 3 microns in wavelength — has gone largely unexploited due to a lack of suitable detectors and limited understanding of the image phenomenology in this band. Due to its shorter wavelength, SWIR offers the advantage of higher resolution and smaller optical systems than mid-wave and long-wave (LW) infrared systems, making it attractive for tactical applications. To enable the exploitation of the SWIR band, Raytheon has been leading in the development of new detectors and cameras, as well as studying the imaging phenomenology. Raytheon has made exciting advances in single-photon short-wave infrared detectors and imagers that open the door to new applications and operational advantages to the United States. New systems will leverage the key strengths that SWIR sensors provide, including: • True low-light imaging capability — turns night into day • Penetration of haze better than visible cameras • Sharper images than conventional LW thermal imagers • Observation of covert lasers and beacons • Uncooled technology for size, weight and power advantages over cryo-cooled systems • Spectral phenomenologies that enable camouflage exposure, human-flesh detection, and the ability to see through glass • High resolution iris and 3D facial image capture for standoff biometrics Raytheon continues to be the industry leader in delivering technologies to operate in new optical wavelength ranges such as SWIR; achieving even higher sensitivities (down to single photon detection); and improving the size, weight and power of infrared imagers. Raytheon’s collaboration with the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and U.S. Army Night Vision and Electronic Sensors (NVESD) researchers has advanced the state of the art of SWIR imaging. Research has focused on developing SWIR imagers that exploit both urban light sources and natural Continued on page 14 When he’s not working as a leader and mentor within Raytheon and the academic community, Reyes keeps busy at home where he enjoys photography and spending time with his family. RAYTHEON TECHNOLOGY TODAY 2010 ISSUE 2 13 ENGINEERING PROFILE Jeff Hoffner Feature SWIR Continued from page 13 Space and Airborne Systems Principal Engineering Fellow During 37 years with Raytheon and its legacy companies, Jeff Hoffner developed extensive experience in airborne radar system design, analysis, and engineering and program management. He currently works on the Space and Airborne Systems Engineering Technical Staff in El Segundo, Calif. He is responsible for overseeing development of advanced air-to-ground radar technology with a focus on radar automatic target recognition (ATR) discrimination and electronic protection and fusion. From 2007 through 2009, he was co-lead of the Corporate Enterprise Campaign for ATR, which advanced fusion, feature-aided track, move-stop-move track, synthetic aperture radar ATR, and ground moving target ATR technologies. He is also program manager for a classified technology program, technical director for the Raytheon–Air Force Research Laboratory Radar Vision Target Identification program, and a Raytheon representative to the Military Sensing Symposia Tri-Service Radar Symposium steering committee. After many years in a leadership role for the continued development of air-to-ground radar system capability, Hoffner became involved in research and development around ATR. In 1999 he became manager of the AGRI program, a radar-based stationary ground target ATR. “ATR became one of my key technical interests,” he said. “It was natural to join with my Raytheon colleague Al Coit in proposing and then co-leading the Raytheon ATR Enterprise Campaign which has focused on making Raytheon’s radar ATR the best in the industry.” He said he remains excited about his work because, “I am working with the best and the brightest from across Raytheon on technologies such as ATR and electronic protection — very challenging problems that are becoming increasingly more critical to our customer community.” 14 2010 ISSUE 2 RAYTHEON TECHNOLOGY TODAY Figure 1. SWIR tactical integrated vacuum packaged assembly, electronics core and field camera nightglow. Significant advances have been made with higher sensitivities, smaller pixels, larger imaging array sizes, and higher dynamic range. These advances will deliver new capabilities to the warfighter and are attracting interest for application to iris and 3D facial image capture for standoff biometrics. SWIR Passive Imagers With Near Single Photon Sensitivity Working with DARPA and NVESD researchers during the last decade, Raytheon has played a key role in developing imaging technology in the SWIR with near singlephoton uncooled imaging capability (see Figure 1). This challenges near-infrared image intensifiers in night-vision applications. Sky nightglow comes from natural chemical reactions with oxygen–hydrogen molecules in the Earth’s mesosphere (50 to 80 km altitudes) resulting in the release of energy in the form of photons in the SWIR band. This always-present light source is invisible to the Figure 2. High SWIR sensor with standard dynamic range and high-sensitivity human eye, yet provides 13 times the light available from visible light on a moonless night and comes from nearly the entire sky. Exploiting nightglow with advanced sensors can provide superior range for target identification compared to conventional sensors. SWIR cameras can also see all common laser wavelengths (e.g., laser designators) in use today. Adoption of SWIR cameras and sensors into fielded systems will enable more systems to transition to eye-safe lasers. Active and range-gated SWIR sensors that take advantage of materials reflectivity and contrast provide additional application opportunities. Under DARPA’s sponsorship of the Multi-spectral Adaptive Networked Tactical Imaging System (MANTIS) and Photon Counting Arrays (PCAR) programs, Raytheon has developed multiple generations of SWIR cameras with dramatic improvements in sensitivity, resolution, and dynamic range — making Raytheon the current market leader in large-format and high-sensitivity uncooled SWIR focal planes. Medium SWIR sensor with standard dynamic range and medium-sensitivity Feature Technology Leadership Combining ultra-low dark-current indium gallium arsenide detectors and ultrasensitive readout integrated indium gallium arsenide (InGaAs) circuits, Raytheon has maintained its uncooled (no cryogenic cooler) -SWIR technology leadership since 2004, when the company demonstrated the first megapixel (1280x1024) SWIR camera. In tests by NVESD and others, Raytheon SWIR outperforms third-generation image intensifiers and other competition with respect to sensitivity and resolution, providing superior night vision capability. More recently under DARPA’s PCAR program, Raytheon invented and demonstrated an advanced SWIR sensor design. A remarkable feature of this sensor is the inclusion of novel high dynamic range circuitry in small 15×15 µm pixel. The result is a large-format, high-density 1280×1024 SWIR focal plane array. Dynamic range exceeding 16 bits (80,000:1) with less than five electrons read noise has been demonstrated with detector operation at or near ambient temperatures. High dynamic range performance is shown in Figure 2 in three representations obtained within one frame time and showing the resulting instanteous dynamic range image. With post processing, these 16-bit total dynamic ranges can be directly fed into an automated target recognition system, or individually contrast-adjusted and mapped into a typical 8-bit display. Low SWIR sensor with standard dynamic range and low-sensitivity These sensors’ extremely low noise and high dynamic range allow recognition of lowcontrast targets, without saturation from bright sources within the same frame of information. This enables operation in both urban and rural environments with imaging under low levels of ambient illumination, while simultaneously seeing around bright sources that would otherwise saturate conventional high-sensitivity sensors. Raytheon’s family of uncooled tactical SWIR focal planes and SWIR sensor technologies that were developed and matured through five years of DARPA programs is now ready for transition to production and integration into a wide range of applications, including: rifle sights, handheld targeting units, marine/ship-board surveillance cameras, port security systems, unmanned aerial vehicles, manned air vehicles, and longrange observation and targeting platforms. Raytheon’s innovative technology developed with support from DARPA has resulted in performance superior to conventional night vision systems. This has resulted in a compact, small-pixel, large-format SWIR camera which, within one scene, can operate over six orders of magnitude illumination, covering conditions ranging from extremely low light to full daylight. • David Acton Combined ENGINEERING PROFILE Al Coit Missile Systems Lead, ATR Enterprise Campaign Director, Mission Systems Solutions Al Coit has more than 20 years experience in weapon system development, scientific research and program management. His technical background includes automatic target recognition (ATR) and tracking algorithms, infrared systems and laser systems. He led the ATR Enterprise Campaign (EC), and is the director of Mission System Solutions. Previously, Coit served as director of the Signal Processing Center in the Engineering functional organization. ATR consists of complex signal processing on sensors, ground stations and weapons, coupled with advanced algorithms to find and track objects of interest, and determine if friend, neutral or combatant. According to Coit, current in-theater experience shows that significant challenges remain in this area. “It’s still difficult to strike targets that are hiding or using evasive tactics. The problem is compounded by adverse weather, complex terrain and urban battlefields, and asymmetric threats. “Developing and demonstrating the next generation intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance, targeting and weapon delivery algorithms is critical to growing Raytheon’s market share in sensing and effects, and continued recognition as a Mission Systems Integrator,” Coit noted. “Raytheon has much of the enabling technology and domain knowledge to address this critical issue for the warfighter. The ATR EC leverages expertise from across Raytheon to develop near-term technology enablers and mid-term disruptive innovations to address the difficult challenges of assured identification and persistent tracking.” In addition to developing next-generation algorithms, the ATR EC eliminated duplicate efforts, catalogued best practices, conducted progressive capability demonstrations, and developed cross-domain dominance technologies. The team supported a wide range of pursuits and played a key role in several critical program wins. PCAR SWIR sensor simultaneously imaging at high instantaneous dynamic range with low noise Raytheon employees can find additional information on the ATR EC on Raytheon’s internal wiki pages. RAYTHEON TECHNOLOGY TODAY 2010 ISSUE 2 15 Feature Adaptive Flight Control Systems Delivering more robust performance T he ability of a missile or an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) to complete its mission depends heavily on the quality of its flight control system. The quality of a traditional flight control system is rooted in the validity of the mathematical models used in its design, the fidelity of the information it receives in flight, and the health of its actuation devices. When the models are a good match to reality and the sensors and actuators are functioning as expected, uncertainty in the system is low and the vehicle behaves as designed and predicted. However, air vehicles do not always perform as their models would predict — due to battle damage, system faults, or aerodynamic uncertainties in the design models themselves — and as a result system performance degrades and mission effectiveness is reduced. However, by employing adaptive control algorithms that dynamically adjust to the changing conditions, performance can be maintained in the face of uncertainty. Raytheon has integrated adaptive algorithms into our missile and UAV flight control systems to deliver more robust performance. While adaptive flight control has been an area of high interest in the controls community, it had not previously been applied to high performance missile systems or UAVs. Raytheon’s Adaptive Air Vehicle Technology 16 2010 ISSUE 2 RAYTHEON TECHNOLOGY TODAY (AAVT) strategic internal research and development effort has, for the first time, developed methods to utilize adaptive control techniques in Raytheon missile and UAV autopilots. By partnering with academic researchers to investigate and refine various adaptive control methods, the AAVT research has been able to develop promising algorithms for real-world applications. Consistent Performance for Uncertain or Degraded Systems An adaptive flight control system uses one of two methods to maintain a consistent level of system performance in the presence of uncertainty and faults with minimal degradation. In the first, called indirect adaptive control, the adaptive controller monitors the difference between the measured system behavior and the expected system behavior in real time, estimates why those differences exist, and adjusts key control design parameters based on those estimates to regain system performance. The second method is direct adaptive control where the controller uses the perceived differences to compute an input control signal that directly drives those errors to zero without concern of why the differences exist. Whichever method is employed, the ability of an adaptive autopilot to provide consistent performance for uncertain or degraded systems reduces the need for high fidelity models and subsystem performance that is normally required for high-performance, robust autopilot design. By reducing the initial modeling effort and essentially doing more with less, adaptive control technology allows Raytheon to rapidly develop and deploy reliable flight control systems for advanced missiles or UAVs at reduced cost. Where a traditional flight control system would show degraded performance, the adaptive flight control systems developed maintain an expected level of system performance, as measured against a reference (nominal behavior) model. Many adaptive systems either do not use a reference model, or use a simple reference model that is not consistent with the system dynamics. By adapting to the error between the desired response and the measured response of the vehicle in real time, the Raytheon adaptive Feature controller creates an additional control signal that is used to augment that of a traditional robust autopilot. If the system dynamics match the representative reference model, the contribution from the adaptive controller will be zero. If, however, they do not match, the adaptive control signal will correct any differences and the combined control signal retains the desired performance. Desired Response but most missiles and proposed very small UAVs cannot supTracking port an air data system due Error to weight and size restrictions. Σ Guidance The Raytheon adaptive controlRobust Command Baseline Σ ler eliminates the wrong-way Actual Autopilot response problem by adapting Response to a careful combination of the Adaptive Flight Nonlinear measured acceleration and the Control Adaptive measured angular rate, which System Augmentation are both available system outputs. Overcoming these and Adaptive flight control system showing baseline controller augmentation other challenges to applying adaptive control to real-world which are difficult for actuation systems to Taking Algorithms from systems have been among the achievements achieve. This is avoided in the L1 adaptive Academia to Missiles and UAVs of the AAVT research. control algorithm through the use of a low Throughout the lifespan of Raytheon’s pass filter on the adaptive control signal and AAVT research, various adaptive control Testing on Raytheon’s Delta Wing Flight a flexible companion model instead of a techniques have been investigated. These Control Test Bed rigid reference model. include the neural network-based adaptive Because adaptive autopilots must operate control developed at the Georgia Institute of in real-world systems, the AAVT research Another challenge is adaptively controlling Technology, L1 adaptive control developed team developed a process for evaluation the acceleration of a tail-controlled vehicle, at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State of algorithms that includes simulation where the actuation system is aft of the University, the Retrospective Correction and flight test. The algorithms are flown system’s center of gravity. To rotate the Filter (RCF) adaptive controller developed on Raytheon’s own Delta Wing advanced nose of the vehicle upward to produce a at the University of Michigan, and othcontrol system test bed. The Delta Wing desired upward lift force, the control acers. L1 and RCF are direct adaptive control is a low-cost UAV, developed in-house, tion must produce a downward force on algorithms that show many desirable charcomplete with an internally developed the tail of the vehicle. This causes an initial acteristics and are the current algorithms avionics suite and processor. This vehicle downward motion to the vehicle center of of choice. Raytheon has partnered with the demonstrated Raytheon’s first adaptive gravity. A standard adaptive controller sees University of Michigan to assist with the autopilot flight in 2007, and the team won this initial ‘wrong-way’ effect and attempts application and evaluation of the RCF algothe Raytheon Excellence in Engineering to correct for it, resulting in an unstable rithm on flight vehicles. Technology award for this accomplishment response. One method to eliminate this in 2008. problem is to instead control the angle of While the academic research laid a founContinued on page 18 attack as measured by an air data system, dation for the Raytheon development, a primary accomplishment of the AAVT research has been to develop the necessary modifications to these algorithms to successfully use them on missiles and UAVs. For example, one of the challenges in designing adaptive controllers for agile missiles and UAVs is the rapid response requirement, which dictates a high rate of adaptation in the controller. For missiles, system dynamics can change very quickly, so any adaptive action must react very rapidly. This typically is achieved by using a high adaptive gain value, 2007 Raytheon Excellence in Engineering and Technology Award winners: Adaptive Air Vehicle but this can lead to high Technology IRAD Adaptive Control Development Team holding a Delta Wing UAV. From left: frequency control signals Todd Fanciullo, Rob Fuentes, Josh Matthews, Richard Hindman, Yung Lee. Closed Loop Reference Model RAYTHEON TECHNOLOGY TODAY 2010 ISSUE 2 17 Feature Adaptive Flight Control Continued from page 17 -4 Command Plant with Adaptive Model Response Plant w/o Adaptive -5 Simulink Adaptive A/P model Autopilot Guidance Commands Adaptive Autopilot Actuators Nonlinear Missile Dynamics Sensors Automatic Code Generation RTW Embedded Coder C Code 6-DOF Simulation Tool Common Avionics Delta Wing Flight Test The adaptive control design process including flight testing A comparison of the pitch channel response of the Delta Wing 6DOF simulation to a step in the acceleration command is shown in the following figure. For this simulation, the pitch control authority was reduced 70 percent. The green line on the 18 2010 ISSUE 2 RAYTHEON TECHNOLOGY TODAY -6 Computational Materials Engineering: -7 AP Z Accel (m/sec2) Much is involved in the implementation and evaluation of adaptive autopilot algorithms for flight vehicles. After the adaptive flight control algorithms are developed and verified on simple examples, they are applied to a 6 degree-of-freedom (6DOF) simulation of the Delta Wing, where they are analyzed using Monte Carlo analysis. If the algorithm performs well in the 6DOF, algorithm performance is then verified during flight test of the Delta Wing flight control test bed. -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 225 225.5 226 226.5 227 227.5 Time (sec) 228 228.5 229 6DOF simulation showing performance recovery when 70% of control authority is lost plot shows the response of the Delta Wing flying with a classical autopilot. The red line shows the response of the Delta Wing with an adaptive autopilot tracking the desired response from a reference model, shown in blue. Not only have these algorithms been applied to the Delta Wing UAV, they are being designed for and will soon be tested on the Cobra UAV, Raytheon’s own UAV test bed. Application to several advanced missiles is currently being pursued. Throughout industry and academia, adaptive control has been successfully applied to slowly varying industrial processes. It has also been applied to several aircraft and low-performance bombs. Through AAVT, Raytheon has pushed the state of the art in adaptive control by applying adaptive algorithms to advanced air vehicles. Our systems are very challenging as they require extremely high performance and reliability, data sensing is often limited, and they may have either stable or unstable airframes. Furthermore, future systems are being developed that require the airframe to drastically morph its shape during flight. This poses very costly, if not insurmountable, challenges to developing wind tunnel models for use in classical flight controller design. Additionally, future agile UAVs will require a high level of fault tolerance to meet airworthiness requirements. This will require on-board health monitoring and system identification, as well as a flight control system that can adapt rapidly to the detected changes. Finding solutions to these challenges is the future of adaptive control technology at Raytheon. • D. Brett Ridgely, Rick Hindman A tool whose time has come Isaac Newton (1643−1727) and Robert Hooke (1635–1703) were contemporaries, and their work forms the basis of modern engineering. Newton’s calculus found fertile ground and grew into the core computational techniques that are the foundation of mechanical design. Finite element analysis, for example, is a numerical integration technique that permits analysis of systems that are too difficult to solve by other means. Hooke’s law of elasticity laid the foundation for computing the internal distortions of physical objects subjected to external stresses and for predicting strain induced failures. Feature S ince the time of Newton and Hooke, accurate property determination was limited to those materials readily available for characterization in the laboratory. All material properties arise from the interaction of electrons with atomic nuclei; consequently, the ability to compute engineering properties for a given material was not possible until the advent of quantum physics. Atomic interactions are described by quantum physics. While writing the equations describing atomic interactions is easy, solving these equations is not. Systems composed of more than two or three atoms frequently involve more than 30 electrons. This type of problem requires the numerical integration techniques spawned by Newton’s work. A Fistful of Atoms Raytheon often uses novel materials in order to expand the performance envelope of its products, and is currently using computational materials engineering (CME) as an aid to characterize these novel materials. CME is simply the application of advanced computing techniques to the solution of quantum physics problems involving the mechanical, thermal, electrical and optical properties of engineering materials. Recent advances in computing power have increased computer speed and reduced computing costs. Now computations are a viable alternative to experimentation for engineering problems. As input, CME needs only the identity and geometric arrangement of a small group of atoms (less than 100) to predict the total energy of that arrangement. Figure 1 is an example of the required input. All other required parameters are known physical constants. Comparing the energy of several different arrangements leads to amazing insight into material properties and material stability. Mechanical properties (modulus, strength); thermal properties (heat capacity, coefficient of thermal expansion); Optical properties (index of refraction, spectral absorption); and electrical properties (band gap) can all be computed by systematically distorting the input geometry. Because the basic physics and fundamental constants are known and the geometry is defined, all the input parameters are known, making this truly an ab initio, or first principles, technique. The results do not depend on empirical relationships or assumed relationships between input parameters. Interpretation of results, however, does require a detailed understanding of statistical thermodynamics and quantum theory. Just as finite element analysis (FEA) revolutionized mechanical engineering, the ability to compute a material’s mechanical properties (modulus and strength); optical properties (absorption, THz phonon spectra, dielectric constant, etc.); and electrical properties (band gap, ionization potential, etc.) will revolutionize materials engineering. Its ability to map out spatial energy fields is creating new opportunities to predict kinetic phenomena such as diffusion and structural relaxation, as well. CME is maturing at a rapid rate. It will not replace laboratory testing, but can substantially reduce the cost of testing by focusing testing on critical parameters and providing insight to eliminate or suggest new materials suitable for a particular application. CME can also suggest alternate test methods, which may not have been previously considered. A Fresh Perspective on Persistent Problems The ability to tailor properties of a given material to optimize it for a specific application expresses the essence of engineering. This technique will quickly be adopted by the engineering community as a standard tool. This is especially attractive for the aerospace industry, where performance envelopes can be limited by materials problems that evade solution for decades. Figure 1. Zinc atom (green) in a tin (grey) grain boundary. This geometry is used to compute the activation energy for diffusion of atoms through a low angle grain boundary. The grain boundary is a horizontal plane containing the zinc atom. Getting an alternate perspective on these persistent problems is invaluable. As an example of the power of CME, we apply it to the current industry problem of tin whiskers. If lead (Pb) is not added to tin (Sn) solder in sufficient quantities, solder lines will slowly grow tin whiskers of sufficient length to eventually cause shorting and component failure. Recent environmental restrictions on the use of lead require the formulation of new solders and whisker inhibitors. Figure 1 shows a particular arrangement of atoms that represents a zinc atom (Zn) moving along a tin grain boundary. A fixed atom arrangement is input to the quantum computation engine, which uses iteration to find the lowest energy arrangement of Continued on page 20 RAYTHEON TECHNOLOGY TODAY 2010 ISSUE 2 19 Feature Computational Materials Continued from page 19 mechanical and thermal properties of the 50 tin–lead alloy. Any viable solder replacement 40 Pb should have mechanical thermal properties very similar to tin–lead alloys. The computed 30 properties of candidate alloys can be verified later by testing. Energy / KJ / mol 20 Sn -2.5 -2 -1.5 -1 Raytheon is performing these calculations 10 using the MedeA software package, written and distributed by Materials Design, Inc. 0 -0.5 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 Design since 2005, initially to understand -10 Zn Raytheon has been working with Materials the capabilities and limits of the tool. More recently we have been applying it to a -20 diverse range of engineering problems. -30 Displacement Figure 2. Diffusion activation energies of lead (Pb,) tin (Sn) and zinc (Zn) atoms moving along a Sn grain boundary. Raytheon and Materials Design are designing a virtual chemical vapor deposition (CVD) chamber, based on the MedeA software, to complement the zinc sulfide CVD system recently installed at Raytheon in Tucson. electron density around the nuclei. The lowest energy state is determined by convergence. The result is an approximation of the energy of that configuration at absolute zero. Repeating this same procedure for slight variations in geometry shows us the lowest energy configuration of atoms. Figure 2 shows the energy of the entire group of atoms as the zinc atom is moved along the grain boundary. The height of the curve is the activation energy for diffusion of zinc through a tin grain boundary. Zinc is known to move quickly through tin grain boundaries and may promote the growth of tin whiskers. Lead is known to inhibit the growth of tin whiskers. The bulk tin that forms the whiskers is known to travel to the whisker root along grain boundaries. If we restrict the movement of tin through the grain boundary, then we should be able to slow or inhibit whisker growth. The diffusion activation energy is a measure of how difficult it is to move an atom from one location to another. A large activation energy implies slower transport. 20 2010 ISSUE 2 RAYTHEON TECHNOLOGY TODAY Figure 2 clearly shows that the activation energy for transport of lead and zinc are A Few Atoms More different from each other. The activation Dramatic growth in computing power, and energy for transport is greater for lead than insights enabled by quantum theory, now for tin. The activation energy for zinc is makes it possible to apply quantum mechan- substantially lower than that of either lead ics to industrial materials problems. Quantum or tin. mechanics is as important to materials engineering as Newtonian statics and dynamics. We surveyed binary alloys comprised of tin. Each alloy combines tin with each element in the entire periodic table. Most elements have activation energies lower than of tin. A few have activation energies greater than tin and fewer still have activation energies greater than or equal to lead. We can now use this knowledge to focus experiments on alloys with elements that we think will behave, like lead, as whisker inhibitors. This effort should reduce the time to find a suitable replacement for lead solders for electronics, which are the heart of many of Raytheon's products. Unfortunately, the reliability of tin-lead in electronics is not limited to whisker inhibition by lead, but relies on the unique Characterizing the mechanical properties of materials is no longer restricted to the laboratory. We can now investigate new materials, and variations of existing materials, outside of the laboratory using computational methods. In addition, the computational analysis can be used to tailor materials to specific needs — engineering of materials is no longer science fiction. Computational materials engineering has shown us what we can obtain from a fist full of atoms, can you imagine what we can achieve for a few atoms more? • D. Brooke Hatfield, Brian J. Zelinski Feature GaN Microwave Amplifiers Come of Age T he revolutionary power, efficiency and bandwidth performance improvements demonstrated by Raytheon’s gallium nitride (GaN) technology are now being realized in state-of-the-art microwave power amplifiers, enabling the next generation of radar systems. Raytheon’s large development effort leveraged extensive gallium arsenide (GaAs) development experience, strategic partnerships with universities and the government, and long-term investment commitments. High-power semiconductors play an important role in radar performance. In a phased array radar, the RF energy is distributed to each element, phase shifted and then amplified before being radiated. The final amplification of the RF signal at each element is performed by the power amplifier. Traditionally, GaAs has been the semiconductor of choice for efficiently amplifying this signal, creating the desired output power. Throughout the 1990s, Raytheon was a pioneer in inserting GaAs-based monolithic microwave integrated circuits (MMICs) into phased array radars. As the performance requirements of these military systems have increased to meet ever-growing threats, so too have the power and efficiency requirements on the power amplifiers. Over that time, GaAs performance was stretched from the unit power density of 0.5 watt per millimeter of transistor periphery to 1.5 W/mm by increasing the drain voltage from 5V to 24V. GaN, however, continued to make dramatic performance improvements, quickly surpassing GaAs capability (see table). Today, with Raytheon’s development phase nearing completion, the power, efficiency and bandwidth performance of GaN-based MMICs is unsurpassed — revolutionizing the design of radars by creating not only higher performance but also lower system cost. With over 5 W/mm of power density, GaN RF amplifiers can provide more than 5X the power per element of GaAs in the same footprint. Fewer high-power GaN MMICs could be used to replace many low-power GaAs MMICs, or alternatively, equal-power GaN chips can be made dramatically smaller. Both approaches reduce overall system costs while enabling size-constrained Continued on page 22 Parameter Output power density Operating voltage Breakdown voltage Maximum current Thermal conductivity (W/m-K) GaAs GaN 0.5–1.5 W/mm 5–7 W/mm 5–24 V 28–48 V 15–48V >100V ~ 0.5 A/mm ~1.2 A/mm 47 ~390 (SiC)* * GaN on silicon carbide substrate Demonstrated GaAs and GaN microwave performance and thermal conductivity showing superior GaN results. RAYTHEON TECHNOLOGY TODAY 2010 ISSUE 2 21 Feature GaN Continued from page 21 systems. The higher drain current that GaN offers makes the broadband matching of high-power MMICs simpler and more efficient than GaAs, while the seven to eight times improvement in the thermal conductivity enables amplifier cooling. Finally, the wide band gap intrinsic to GaN material provides large critical breakdown fields and voltages, making a more robust amplifier and easing system implementation. Development History of GaN GaN semiconductors were first studied more than 30 years ago, and even then they were considered ideal for high-power microwave devices based on their high theoretical breakdown field and high saturated electron velocity. But at that time, the gallium nitride material quality was 1st GaN µwave Power Transistor Demo 1st GaN LEDs 1993 1995 1997 1st GaN µwave Amplifier Demo Raytheon GaN Fabricates Materials its1st GaN Improvement Transistor WBGS Phase 1 1999 2001 2005 2007 Raytheon GaN in Production WBGS Phase 3 2009 Figure 1. Timeline of GaN Microwave Technology Development insufficient to produce microwave transistors. This all began to change in the early 1990s when researchers used gallium nitride to fabricate the world’s first green, blue, violet and white light-emitting diodes (LEDs). This breakthrough drove forward a rapid improvement in GaN material quality. Now, these LEDs can be found all around us: on traffic lights, scoreboards, billboards and flashlights. Another obstacle to the development of GaN transistors was the lack of an inexpensive substrate material. Traditionally the substrate material of the transistor is the same material as the transistor itself, but, to date, researchers have been unable to grow large area GaN substrates. Instead, researchers originally turned to growing GaN transistors on sapphire substrates, and in 1996 demonstrated the first microwave GaN power transistors. The sapphire substrates are low cost and widely available. However, their poor thermal conductivity and non-ideal lattice match to GaN limited the performance of the transistors. Researchers then turned to growing the GaN devices on semi-insulating silicon carbide (SiC) substrates. Silicon carbide has a good lattice match to GaN and is an excellent thermal conductor. The only drawback was that silicon carbide substrates were only available in small sizes (50 mm diameter) and were very expensive (100 times the price of GaAs) in the late 1990s. The last 10 years have seen a rapid improvement in the size, quality and cost of the silicon carbide substrates. Today, Raytheon’s production GaN process uses 100 mm (4-inch) diameter SiC substrates. 22 2010 ISSUE 2 RAYTHEON TECHNOLOGY TODAY 2003 GaN Transistor Improvement WBGS Phase 2 Raytheon has been researching GaN since 1999, fabricating its first gallium nitride transistors in 2000. MMIC demonstrations quickly followed. While the demonstrated performance of the GaN transistors was excellent, it took a number of years to improve the reliability and yield of the transistors to the present state, where the technology is ready to meet the stringent needs of defense systems. This development was funded through both Raytheon internal research and development investments and external government contracts from Ballistic Missile Defense Office, Office of Naval Research and Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). As shown in Figure 1, Raytheon’s long-term commitment to the development of GaN technology began nearly 10 years ago, and the company has leveraged its long history of GaAs semiconductor work, as well as partnerships with industry, university and government. Raytheon’s development history with GaAs provided the needed infrastructure and lessons-learned experience to accelerate GaN’s development. This included the growth of starting material, the modeling of transistors’ RF performance, the semiconductor fabrication facility, the microwave and module design, and the RF testing capabilities. Through early strategic partnering with Cree, the University of California Santa Barbara and U.S. government labs, the team shortened the cycles of learning and shared findings to more quickly advance the state of GaN transistors. Focused Raytheon-funded university research at Cornell, Georgia Tech and MIT continues to push the performance envelope of GaN to higher frequencies. Feature Raytheon’s focus on early reliability demonstrations and transition to 4-inch wafers, to leverage the existing manufacturing facility, has resulted in industry-leading maturity. Raytheon’s 4-inch microwave GaN process was moved into a production environment two years ago and today is completing final production validation. Many hundreds of wafers have been processed, resulting in increased process maturity and lower system insertion costs. The capabilities of this process provide not only the performance benefits of GaN, but also the assurance of supply and the capture of early system insertion opportunities. The high maturity of Raytheon’s GaN technology, signaled with its transition to production, has provided Raytheon the ability to quickly scale the technology to millimeter-wave frequencies (> 30 GHz). With a nominal voltage of 20V and similar currents levels, millimeter-wave GaN gives the same five times performance improvement over existing high frequency GaAs technology as microwave GaN technology does. GaN Amplifiers The ability of GaN transistors to operate at very high voltage and current enables them to produce very high output power, high-efficiency amplifiers. To realize these high-performance designs requires accurate modeling of the transistor’s harmonic performance. The maturity of Raytheon’s GaN technology has enabled us to obtain consistent, repeatable performance and the models needed to obtain the highefficiency amplifiers. We have demonstrated amplifiers with record combinations of power and efficiency amplifiers at L-band, S-band and X-band. The higher voltage and load impedance of GaN also makes it especially well suited for the broadband amplifiers required for future multifunction systems. Raytheon has demonstrated high power broadband amplifiers with bandwidths greater than 4:1. Raytheon is also leading the way for extending the performance of GaN to millimeter-wave frequencies and higher. Raytheon has recently demonstrated state-of-the-art power performance for MMICs operating at 35 GHz and at 95 GHz. Raytheon’s 95 GHz MMIC work has been funded in part by the Joint Non Lethal Weapons Directorate to produce a solidstate version of the company’s Active Denial System. Fixtured GaN MMIC Raytheon’s Active Denial System is designed to use millimeter wave technology to repel individuals without causing injury The high power handling capability of GaN transistors also makes it an ideal choice for other types of circuits. For example, Raytheon has demonstrated GaN low-noise amplifiers with record survivability and GaN microwave switches with record power handling. As customer requirements increase beyond GaAs capabilities, there has been a strong pull to mature GaN for system insertion. In collaboration with the government, universities and small businesses, Raytheon has matured GaN from 2-inch wafers with transistors measured with hours of lifetime, to 4-inch wafers and transistors with the millions of hours of reliability today needed to transition into U.S. Department of Defense system. Ultimately, GaN will become the power amplification standard for all new radars, communication and weapon systems, where cost-effective, high RF power is needed. • Colin Whelan, Nick Kolias RAYTHEON TECHNOLOGY TODAY 2010 ISSUE 2 23 Feature Monarch Meets Demanding, High-Stress Processing Requirements Mobile SAVi system features a laser vibrometer and processing system. R aytheon is bringing two DARPAsponsored technologies together to meet challenging warfighter needs: Monarch, an exceptional processor architecture that provides an order of magnitude more processing per watt than other computing solutions, and SAVi (seismic and acoustic vibration imaging), an advanced sensor that uses laser vibrometry and a number of compute-intensive algorithms to detect buried objects such as mines and tunnels. A chip is typically designed either for frontend signal processing or back-end control and data processing. The Monarch architecture and chip can efficiently do either, or both concurrently. It can perform as a single system on a chip, supporting single or multiple diverse processing functions, resulting in a significant reduction in the number of processor types required for computing systems, or it can perform as an array of chips to provide teraflop throughput. The direction in U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) systems is toward large data volume sensors with demanding signal and data processing throughput requirements. Processors for these systems also need outstanding energy efficiency. Even as commercial processors have increased in processing performance, the amount of data provided by the sensor to the front-end processor has placed an even greater stress on the back-end processor for more performance within a stricter power budget. The morphable networked micro-architecture (Monarch) is a high-performance processing chip developed with the goal of providing exceptional compute capacity and high data bandwidth coupled with state-of-the-art power efficiency and full programmability. Monarch got its start as the Raytheondeveloped High-Performance Processing System (HPPS) architecture. HPPS was part of a challenge problem from a DoD agency to develop a 1-teraflop, 10-watt architecture for 2010. In 1999, Raytheon received a seedling contract and assembled a small team to study this. Out of that work and follow-on internal research and development investment came the core of Monarch, the dataflow-based field programmable computing array (FPCA). This approach was further developed in Phase I of a new Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Information Processing Technology Office program: Polymorphic Computing Architecture (PCA). 24 2010 ISSUE 2 RAYTHEON TECHNOLOGY TODAY Development History The goal of the PCA program was to develop adaptive, high-performance processing architectures that can be optimized to mission requirements across DoD applications — whether in response to changes from mission to mission or to the dynamic evolution of in-mission processing requirements. A team from the Information Sciences Institute of the University of Southern California (USC/ISI), led by John Granacki, was developing the Data IntensiVe Architecture (DIVA). Raytheon became part of the USC/ISI team and the two elements — DIVA and HPPS — were combined to create Monarch. By Phase III of PCA, Raytheon became the prime contractor and the team grew to include Exogi, Mercury Computers, IBM and Georgia Tech. The chip was fabricated by IBM using their Cu08 (90nm) CMOS ASIC process. The Raytheon-led team enjoyed first-spin success in developing this complex Monarch chip. Feature Architecture The Monarch chip includes six reduced instruction set computer (RISC) processors, 12 megabytes of on-chip dynamic random access memory (DRAM), two DDR2 ports, two serial RapidIO ports, 16 2.6-gigabyte per second streaming I/O ports, and the FPCA, a reconfigurable computing array. The Monarch chips can boot from a single commercial flash memory part, providing a highly embeddable system-on-a-chip processing solution. Monarch can also be used as a tiled array of processing chips to build a multi-teraflop computer, again with no glue parts required, thus achieving excellent size, weight, energy, performance and time values and enabling embedded systems that demand high performance computing for complex algorithms. The FPCA is key to the Monarch chip’s high performance and efficiency. The FPCA contains 96 multiplier-ALUs, 124 dual-port memories, 248 address generators, and 20 direct memory access (DMA) engines all connected through a rich, dynamically switched interconnect. The architecture of the FPCA has been optimized for signal processing algorithms, for example, fast Fourier transforms and finite impulse response filters, using 16- and 32-bit integer and 32-bit IEEE floating point data. The FPCA uses a dataflow processing paradigm that supports streaming data with hardware support for dataflow synchronization, and uses a novel distributed programming paradigm. Monarch also supports threaded style execution through six independent RISC processors. The processors may also be configured to operate on 256-bit wide word or or on single instruction, multiple data operations. Many of the on-chip data paths and memories are 256 bits wide for high bandwidth; others are 32 bits wide to match common data needs. Total on-chip memory bandwidth is 390 gigabytes per second, enabling the sustained throughput of 64 gigaflops. For power efficiency, Monarch substantially differs from nearly all conventional digital signal processors or RISC processors. Conventional architectures use DMA to place data into memory, pull it out for computing, put it back into memory and then DRAM I/F DRAM I/F FLASH EDRAM RISC EDRAM RISC EDRAM RISC EDRAM RISC EDRAM RISC EDRAM RISC FPCA RIO RIO An overview of the Monarch architecture. Monarch incorporates 6 RISC processors, 12 megabytes on-chip DRAM, 12 arithmetic clusters, and 31 memory clusters use DMA to send it to the output devices. Monarch data paths support direct execution of dataflow graphs — streaming data through the processor from input devices through computing elements, to output devices with no need to store the data in memory. Streaming execution without using memories saves all the energy consumed storing and retrieving data multiple times into memory. Memory is used only when the algorithm requires time alignment or for saving state. The Monarch programming environment is a combination of industry standard languages (C/C++) and machine-specific dataflow language. The RISC compiler provides auto vectorization when developing code for the wide word processor and scalar code. The dataflow assembler is the primary path for programming the FPCA. Math libraries can be used for both the threaded and dataflow streaming portions of the machine to reduce programmer work load. There are simulators, debuggers, and a real-time executive for the machine. The maturities of the tools vary but are sufficient for developing application code. Monarch Advantages Monarch provides high signal processing throughput in a power-efficient balanced architecture. Monarch can perform as a single system on a chip or as an array of chips to provide teraflop throughput. Tests have shown that Monarch can sustain 64 gigaflops of throughput via the FPCA while consuming less than 20 watts of power. The achievement of 3 gigaflops of throughput per watt in the current generation results in one of the most efficient processors available. Dataflow processing is the key to Monarch’s power efficiency. Dataflow is rooted in an early 1900s technology process: the assembly line. Standard general purpose processors can be viewed as a single-worker with a long “todo” list to complete a job. A lot of time and energy is wasted checking what needs to be done next (instruction fetching). The FPCA processor is an entire shop full of specialized workers. Each worker is provided only a short list of operations to do. Upon completion, the incremental product is sent down the line, and the worker receives the next piece to perform the same operations on the line. The operations are nearly always Continued on page 26 RAYTHEON TECHNOLOGY TODAY 2010 ISSUE 2 25 Feature Continued from page 25 the same, with only limited flexibility (i.e., a painter can be told to paint it green instead of blue, but never to weld). FCPA processors have extremely high throughput at the cost of lower overall flexibility. Dataflow architecture also eases programming workload. Programming Monarch’s FPCA requires the mindset of an industrial engineer as much as a software engineer to: • Decompose a task into individually workable units • Effectively utilize workers • Balance the workload • Optimally route between workers System Impact DARPA’s SAVi program is an example of the trend toward large data volume sensors with demanding requirements, with a sensor capable of producing 1 to 2 gigasamples per second of data and needing hundreds of gigaflops of compute power. SAVi uses laser Doppler vibrometry to detect mines and tunnels in real time, from a mobile platform. SAVi induces ground-surface vibrations by applying an acoustic stimulus for land mines and improvised explosive devices and a seismic stimulus for tunnels. Laser Doppler vibrometry allows for non-contact vibration measurements of a surface by detecting the Doppler shift of a laser beam frequency to derive the vibration velocity over time for a target. The Monarch implementation will replace the original SAVi processing approach that was estimated to take 96 conventional commercial processors with 16 Monarch chips. The SAVi program will utilize quad-chip boards developed by Mercury Federal Systems for Raytheon in a four-board chassis configuration to fulfill SAVi system processing requirements. Raytheon is proud of this innovative processor. We plan to continue providing similar creative solutions to stay at the forefront of information systems and computing technologies to meet the future needs of our customer’s radar, electro-optical, missile, communications, and signal intelligence systems. • Kenneth Prager 26 2010 ISSUE 2 RAYTHEON TECHNOLOGY TODAY YAG Solid State Laser Ceramics Breakthroughs at Raytheon R aytheon has long been a leader in optical materials research and development, with multiple patents involving multi-spectral zinc sulfide (ZnS), Raytran zinc selenide, and aluminum oxynitride (ALON), just to name a few. More recently, the focus has shifted to next-generation optical materials that will enable further system capabilities and higher performance. For example, as missile domes and windows and as laser gain media. Yttrium aluminum garnet (Y3Al5O12, or YAG) is a laser gain host material widely used for solid state lasers. When doped with rare earth elements such as neodymium (Nd), ytterbium (Yb) or erbium (Er), and pumped with light from an external source, energy is transferred to these atoms and then released to emit laser light at a different wavelength. While single crystals have traditionally been used, polycrystalline or ceramic YAG is gaining momentum as preferred for high-power solid state lasers because of several advantages and capabilities afforded by ceramics. Why Ceramics? As the size and design complexity requirements become more stringent for high-power solid state laser systems, optically transparent ceramic laser gain materials are replacing single crystals. Most single crystal YAG is grown according to the Czochralski method, in which a seed crystal is slowly pulled and rotated inside an Iridium crucible with molten YAG to form a crystal boule. Large crystals are difficult to fabricate because the growing process introduces significant stress and other index distortions. Due to the mass, the maximum size of the boule without fracture is also limited. Ceramics offer competitive advantages in overcoming these shortcomings. Ceramic material can be fabricated faster and in larger sizes with more uniform optical properties and doping. Ceramic parts can be made as large as the size of the furnace hot zone, eliminating the need for optical diffusion bonding as commonly practiced with single crystal material. Ceramic YAG can also be doped at higher concentrations than single crystal in many cases. The complex, net shape capability also contributes to the cost competitiveness of ceramic materials. Ceramic material can be produced in several days with the appropriate furnace, while growing a crystal boule requires several weeks and expensive iridium crucibles at very high temperatures. Ceramic sintering temperatures are well below the melting temperatures required for single crystals. Ceramic processing is also amenable for producing complex monolithic structures in which graded doping profiles and dopant type can be tailored. Ceramic laser gain material has already demonstrated equivalent or superior performance to single crystal. In fact, all of the properties critical to the laser performance — such as propagation loss, thermal birefringence, dopant absorption and emission characteristics, and refractive index — have been proven identical to those of single crystal laser media. Feature Next-generation optical materials enabling higher performance Fabrication of Laser Ceramics Optical ceramic YAG materials are fabricated from a starting nanopowder material which is consolidated into a desired shape and then heat-treated at temperatures well below the melting point for pore removal and densification. The fabrication process flowchart is shown in Figure 1. Powder Characterization Deagglomeration Sinter Powder Compaction Hot Isostatic Pressing Optical Finishing and Characterization Figure 1. Optical laser ceramic YAG fabrication process flow The extensive powder characterization step is critical in understanding and predicting how the powder will behave during consolidation and densification. It is also a screening method to evaluate chemical and crystalline phase purity information of the powder to see if it will produce optically superior ceramic. The average particle size of the YAG powder is in the nanometer range, which makes them prone to agglomeration due to their large surface area (see Figure 2). A deagglomeration step is therefore necessary to break up the powder aggregates before consolidating it into a green body. This step allows for uniform pore distribution and optimal green density, both of which aid in uniform sintering. The green ceramic body is fabricated using the uniaxial and isostatic pressing apparatus on the die filled powder. As seen in Figure 3, the green body has approximately 50 percent porosity contained within, which renders the sample opaque. Sintering followed by hot isostatic pressing (HIP) is the method of densification for optical ceramic YAG fabrication at Raytheon. Following sintering, the ceramic still has some residual porosity left in the part. The HIP takes these remaining pores out of the ceramic by using both temperature and pressure. The resulting ceramic is optically transparent if the starting powder was of high chemical and phase purity. The sample then needs to be polished on major faces before it can be further analyzed for optical transmission, absorption, lasing characterization, and other microstructural examination. State-of-the-art ceramic Continued on page 28 Figure 2. Nanopowder (left) to green ceramic (middle) to optical ceramic YAG (right) ENGINEERING PROFILE Jean Huie Imholt Integrated Defense Systems Principal MultiDisciplined Engineer Since joining Raytheon six years ago, Principal MultiDisciplined Engineer Jean Imholt has been working on the development of optical ceramic YAG (yttrium aluminum garnet) material for application in high-power solid state lasers and infrared transparent windows. Imholt has also led numerous internal research and development projects around nanomaterials, including nanocomposites for thermal and EMI applications and the alternate environmental barrier coating for panel arrays. She recently supported the AN/TPY-2 Radar Sub-Systems integrated product team to mitigate obsolescence and refresh/redesign a high-speed recorder system. As a graduate student in chemical engineering, Imholt worked on synthesis, processing, and characterization of various nanomaterials spanning from carbon nanotubes, quantum dots and nanoparticles. Before Raytheon, she worked at a small nanotech company developing nanocomposite coatings. “With this background, my transition into the Materials Engineering group at Raytheon Integrated Defense Systems seemed almost natural,” Imholt said. “IDS’ Advanced Materials group is a world-class technology leader in advanced materials development. When working in the lab, it felt like I was back in graduate school, only all of the equipment actually worked as it should!” Imholt had never worked with ceramic materials before joining Raytheon, but she believes her background helped her meet this new challenge. “My family moved to the U.S. from South Korea when I was 15, and I did not speak the language or understand the culture.” She credits strong personal discipline and work ethic for helping her meet the challenge, graduating at the top of her high school class and summa cum laude from the University of Pittsburgh. “My philosophy is that hard work always pays off.” RAYTHEON TECHNOLOGY TODAY 2010 ISSUE 2 27 Feature YAG Ceramics Continued from page 27 Green body Porosity ~ 50% Sintered ceramic HIPed ceramic Porosity 5% Porosity ~ 0% Figure 3. Depiction of ceramic microstructure as it undergoes densification process processing ensures refractive index and dopant uniformity of the final ceramic as well as complete elimination of porosity and controlled grain growth. It is critical that the starting nanopowder is the highest quality possible in terms of its chemical purity, sinterability, and stoichiometry. If the powder contains chemical impurities, especially those that absorb around the wavelengths of interest for the application, not only will they degrade the laser power output, they also will contribute to significant heating of the laser gain medium. Another source of loss in laser ceramic YAG comes from scattering. Scatter centers can originate from poor sinterability and off-stoichiometry of the starting powder. Sinterability attributes to the affinity of the powder to coalesce and form ceramic and effectively diffuse and eliminate pores along the grain boundaries, while undergoing heat treatment. Pores that remain in the final ceramic, whose refractive index is hugely different from that of YAG, act as scatter centers. Stoichiometry refers to the molar or atomic ratio of the YAG compound, Y3Al5O12, or more specifically, 3 to 5 molar ratio of yttrium to aluminum. When the YAG powder composition deviates from this stoichiometric ratio by more than 1 part in 1,000, the ceramics will contain second phase inclusions that have different indices of refraction than YAG and also cause optical scatter. Because the high-quality starting nanopowder is exceptionally critical to the overall optical properties of the final ceramic (the other factor being the optimum ceramic processing technique), Raytheon has established strategic relationships with several nanopowder suppliers. 28 2010 ISSUE 2 RAYTHEON TECHNOLOGY TODAY Raytheon Ceramic YAG The most basic differences between single crystal and ceramic material are the presence of grain boundaries and the random orientation of individual grains in ceramics. Figure 4 shows the scanning electron micrograph of Raytheon laser ceramic YAG. Cyrstallographically, YAG is a cubic material and therefore optically isotropic. The average grain size of Raytheon ceramic YAG is less than 1.5 microns — particles coalesce and the grains grow during densification. Fracture strength of polycrystalline ceramic materials tends to be greater than the corresponding single crystal, primarily because the residual flaw size scales with grain size. The ring-on-ring biaxial flexure fracture strength test was carried out on 25 mm diameter disk samples of Raytheon ceramic YAG and the result was compared against that of single crystal YAG samples. Fracture toughness was also measured by Vickers indentation method. As can be seen from Table 1, Raytheon ceramic materials are as much as 50 percent stronger than the single crystal samples and the fracture toughness proved to be exceptionally higher — 100 percent increase over single crystal. This research has established Raytheon as the leading domestic source of optically transparent laser ceramic YAG with quality that matches the lasing performance of the leading international supplier. The material quality has been verified through optical transmission and direct laser efficiency comparisons of Raytheon’s ceramic Nd:YAG and that from the other leading supplier. Specifically, the slope efficiency, which is the key measure of lasing performance, was measured as 54 percent for Raytheon’s material and 52 percent for the other supplier. Single Raytheon Crystal YAG Ceramic YAG Fracture Strength (MPa) 252 336 Fracture Toughness MPa/m1/2) 1.0 2.0 Table 1. Comparison of fracture strength and fracture toughness of single crystal YAG and Raytheon ceramic YAG. This accomplishment was made possible through 30-plus years of experience in the development of optical ceramic materials at Raytheon. In addition to this significant milestone, Raytheon has also demonstrated appreciable lasing in Yb- and Er-doped ceramic YAG materials. Scale up was demonstrated with Nd:YAG and Yb:YAG in dimensions of 90 mm diameter by 5 mm thickness and 125 x 35 x 2.5 mm, respectively. Ceramic laser gain materials are a key enabler in advancing the next generation of high-power solid state lasers. Raytheon’s goal is to become the domestic supplier of high-quality laser ceramics to all bona fide high-power solid state laser system developers. • Jean Huie Imholt; Richard Gentilman Figure 4. Scanning electron micrograph showing Raytheon ceramic YAG microstruture Feature Raytheon Partners With Universities for Knowledge Technologies The intelligence community has cried out, and Raytheon has listened. According to Lt. Gen. David A. Geographic Semantic Schema Matching Deptula, Air Force deputy chief of Integrating information has proven to be a difficult problem over the last few decades. Researchers at the University of Texas at Dallas, led by Dr. Latifur Khan and Dr. Bhavani Thuraisingham, have developed a method for integrating different geospatial resources that is applicable to combining information from, for example, Google Maps™ and MapQuest™ tools. The method, called GSim, is a two-part process, and it is intended to ultimately work with little or no human intervention. staff for intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance, “We’re going to find ourselves in the not too distant future swimming in sensors and drowning in data.”1 To address this issue, Raytheon has conducted significant research and matured techniques to work at higher orders of cognitive function in the progression from data to information to knowledge, as depicted in Figure 1. Part of that investment has focused at the knowledge level, where algorithms are developed to extract actionable information, or knowledge, from large seas of data and tie together pieces of knowledge from different sources to increase its value. Raytheon’s investigation of the marketplace has found a lack of existing tools and techniques for manipulating knowledge, so the company has focused its research and development on that level and higher. This article highlights three collaborative partnerships that Raytheon has with universities to address sharing knowledge, using knowledge tools alongside existing information tools, and merging knowledge from different sources. The first part of GSim compares data between systems using details about their geographic information. To give an example of how many geographic locations share the same name, the instance value “Victoria” (depicted in Figure 2) may be a city, a county, a lake or various other features. After comparing enough details between the two geographic sources, the approach develops statistics indicating which feature types (e.g., city, county, road, etc.) most closely match among the data sources. At this point, the set of possible matches is too great and still confused. The second part of the algorithm reduces the potential matches by confirming which feature types have similar meanings by looking at how well the two features align on the planet or estimating how alike the feature names are Continued on page 30 Customer Environment Definitions Examples p Domain Applications Intelligence Concepts/ Ontology Knowledge Facts/Entities Information Bits/Bytes/ Files/Streams Data Electrical Impulses Signal City 1/3 1/3 Victoria 1/3 Anacortes 1 1/2 Clinton State Feature County 1/2 1 Edmonds ...101101001110... Physical Environment Figure 1. Actionable intelligence reference model 1 Magnuson, Stew. “Military ‘Swimming In Sensors and Drowning in Data.’” National Defense: January 2010. http://‘SwimmingInSensorsandDrowninginData’.aspx Figure 2. Even within a single geographic source, an identifier like Victoria or Clinton may appear many times, causing great difficulty in matching across multiple sources. RAYTHEON TECHNOLOGY TODAY 2010 ISSUE 2 29 Feature Universities Continued from page 29 by using the Google Maps distance calculator, which finds frequent occurrences of the feature names using standard Google search and determines how often the potentially matching terms from the two sources appear on the same pages. As shown in Figure 3, the graph-oriented (i.e., links and nodes) structures of RDF are presented in relational database form to the existing tools. This is accomplished without converting any data to relational table form. Rather, all queries in relational table form (e.g., SQL) are converted on the fly into an RDF form (e.g., SPARQL), and then results are converted on the fly into the necessary relational table presentation. The GSim algorithm was compared with a method for semantic similarity measurements that uses substrings of Length 2 known as 2-grams. The results over two distinct sets of geographic databases showed that GSim performed 25 to 50 percent better in both precision and recall. The performance impact of R2D was measured to be a negligible addition to query time of the knowledge store while enabling the user to leverage the data table for further analysis. Bridging Knowledge and Information Technologies Random Forest Disambiguation As knowledge technologies grow in popularity, there is still a need to work with pre-existing tools and environments. RDF-todatabase (R2D) allows knowledge engineers to use new storage approaches, specifically resource description framework (RDF), with existing relational database visualization and analytic tools like Crystal Reports® and Business Objects®. Determining which names in multiple datasets actually refer to the same person is very challenging and is of high importance to the intelligence community. For example, when “John Smith” appears multiple times in a data set, how do we determine if this always refers to the same person? Solving this problem includes using all the information available in each data source like address, job title, list of friends, and correspondences. Dr. C. Lee Giles at the Pennsylvania State University has developed a method for this problem and deployed it as part of managing the scientific literature library CiteSeer, hosted by R2D was devised at the University of Texas at Dallas under the guidance of Dr. Latifur Khan and Dr. Bhavani Thuraisingham. It addresses the problem by providing a bridge between the two approaches to storage. Fields File rdfs:class Person rdf type <Description> Name <First> URI/Emp A Description Phone Projects First <Middle> Middle Last <Last> Department Salary <DeptId> <Salary> Address <Address> Cell <Cell> Cell Work Project <Proj 3> <Proj 1> <Cell> <Work> R2D Project Project <Proj 2> All Database Fields Department Department_Description Department_Location Department_Name Department_PK Employee Employee_Address Employee_Department Employee Description Employee_PK Employee_Salary Name_First Name_Last Name_Middle Phone Employee_PK Phone_Type Phone_Value Project Project_Duration Project_Name Project_PK Project_StartDate Projects Employee_PK Project_PK Figure 3. R2D converts semantic representations into relational database table hierarchies 30 2010 ISSUE 2 RAYTHEON TECHNOLOGY TODAY The approach, named Random Forest, requires enough known truth samples to train it before being used, like other machine learning algorithms. The Random Forest approach uses decision-tree learning as part of the algorithm. The decision-tree approach takes a set of data and subdivides the data using features such as how closely related two names are, based on additional attributes, so that leaves of the tree represent whether or not two names are considered to represent the same person. The Random Forest algorithm first modifies this approach by using a random selection of a subset of features for the splitting criteria at each node in the tree, instead of optimally select- Figure 4. Depiction of a Random Forest of Training Sets X Edit Field Special Fields rdf type Penn State’s College of Information Sciences and Technology. ing from the full feature set. Once the forest is built, as depicted in Figure 4, it simply counts the majority votes (i.e., match/nomatch) of the trees in the forest. The Random Forest approach was compared to the popular support vector machine classifier using the Medline literature database maintained by the U.S. National Library of Medicine, which has more than 18 million articles. The results show Random Forest to be two to three percentage points better than support vector machines in accuracy, and always much faster to train. This represents significant improvement, especially when dealing with extremely large data sets. Some of Raytheon’s 100+ University Partnerships and Projects Summary Thus far, our contributions to technologies for application and integration of knowledge technologies include: • Automated matching of geographic schema • Bridging of knowledge stores to existing database exploitation tools • Disambiguation of human identities across multiple sources Raytheon will continue to mature these technologies to address the intelligence needs of our nation. • Authors: Steven Seida; BJ Simpson Contributors: Jeffrey Partyka, Sunitha Sririam, Dr. Latifur Khan, Dr. Bhavani Thuraisingham, Dr. C. Lee Giles Full-Motion Video-Based Control Research Texas A&M Formal Verification Methods for Security Verification University of Texas, Austin Semantic-Based Knowledge Extraction UMass - Amherst Folding MEMS IMU UC Irvine Advanced RF Image Formation and ATR Ohio State University Modeling and Prediction of Battery Lifetime in Wireless Sensor Nodes University of Arizona Energy Security Microgrid Configuration Study New Mexico State University Synthetic Aperture Radar Automatic Target Recognition (SAR ATR) Cal Poly SLO Distributed Radar for Weather Detection - Waveforms University of Melbourne Distributed Radar for Weather Detection - Testbed University of Adelaide Rapid Grinding and Polishing of SiC and Glass Ceramic Substrates University of Arizona Novel Passive and Active Mid-IR Fibers for IRCM Applications Clemson University Low Loss, High Strength Fibers from Improved Chalcogenide Glasses Clemson University AlGaN/GaN Nanowire Transistors for Low Noise and W-band Applications MIT Radar Signal Processing Cal Poly Pomona Silicon Compatible Processing of III-V Devices University of Glasgow 3-D Modeling of Semi-Guiding Fiber University of Rochester Enhancing Modeling and Simulation Reuse Old Dominion University Low Defect Density Substrate Technology for Heterogeneopus Integration of III-V Devices and Si CMOS MIT Increasing the Self-Focusing Threshold in High-Peak-Power Fiber Lasers Cornell University Development of Titanium Foil Reinforced High Temperature Composite GS Fuselage UCLA Meta and Nano Materials Research UMass-Lowell Partnership for Cyber Policy Research Georgetown University High Mechanical Performance and Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) Shielded Multifunctional Composites Florida State University MBE-Grown, IV-VI Nano-Based, Ultra Thermoelectric Coolers University of Oklahoma Electrowetting Display Research University of Cincinnati ENGINEERING PROFILE BJ Simpson Intelligence and Information Systems Senior Principal Software Engineer BJ Simpson has spent more than 30 years as a technology leader and innovator at Raytheon Intelligence and Information Systems and its legacy companies. Currently a senior principal software engineer at IIS, he is the principal investigator for the newly formed Informatics and Knowledge Analytics Technology Center, which allows him to direct application of knowledge discovery and management technologies toward our customers’ ever-changing problems. “I have always had an interest in following new technology, and do a lot of reading and research on my own time,” Simpson said. “What excites me most in my job is the ability to continually work with cutting-edge technology, and to collaborate with technical experts across Raytheon, academia and commercial companies.” Simpson was first drawn into these current areas of interest in the early days of the World Wide Web, when he was part of a proposal demonstration. Following that effort and working for programs that allowed him to apply these new techniques, he was assigned to develop advanced concepts and identify emerging technologies for insertion into programs. This path now allows him to continually investigate and apply new technology in Raytheon and customer-funded research, proposals and ongoing programs. There are several challenges to working with emerging technologies, according to Simpson. One involves balancing near-term business demands with longer term technology development to prepare for the future. “With the current pace of change in technology, new concepts and technologies emerge seemingly daily,” Simpson said. “We need to balance that with maintaining ongoing communications with commercial vendors and universities as well as our internal business development and program customers.” Simpson received a bachelor’s degree in computer science from The Pennsylvania State University. RAYTHEON TECHNOLOGY TODAY 2010 ISSUE 2 31 Feature Small Business Innovation Research T he U.S. federal government’s Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program represents a significant opportunity for Raytheon to work with small businesses to develop technologies for the customer, fill technology needs and gaps, and create competitive discriminators for Raytheon. Congress established the SBIR program in 1982 to more effectively meet the nation’s research and development needs by investing in small businesses to develop innovative technologies. The U.S. high-tech small business base, composed of more than 450,000 engineers and scientists, represents a major technology and business growth engine for the U.S. and a resource that Raytheon continues to effectively utilize. In so doing, we can provide more cost-effective weapon systems to the warfighter. In fiscal year 2008 the government invested $2.5 billion in the SBIR program. Figure 1 shows the breakdown of the SBIR budget for FY08. This article discusses the latest advances in the SBIR program and how Raytheon is proactively engaging with small businesses and government customers to help increase the overall success of the SBIR program. U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) SBIR and Small-business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs. Raytheon program managers work closely with their government counterparts to recommend ways of effectively using the SBIR Program to satisfy our shared program needs. The formal SBIR program consists of three phases, as depicted in Figure 2. Phases I and II are formally funded from the congressionally mandated SBIR program. Federal agencies allocate 2.5 percent of their research, development, test and evaluation budget to the SBIR program and an additional 0.3 percent to the STTR Figure 2 shows a number of entry points where Raytheon becomes actively involved with a small business during SBIR development. While we have typically become involved in Phases I or II, we are increasingly focusing on being more proactive by working with our customers and small businesses in defining solicitation topics to satisfy our program and technology roadmap needs. This earlier involvement is referred to as “Phase 0.” DHS DOE $19M $115M 0.8% 5% NASA NSF Other $115M $97M $46M 5% 4.2% 2% NIH $651M 28.1% DoD $1.272B 54.9% $2.315 Billion U.S. Total Federal SBIR/STTR FY2008 For most of the past 10 years, Raytheon has been actively involved in leveraging technology developed by small businesses via the DARPA $72M 5.7% MDA $137M 10.8% OSD $64M 5% Other $32M 2.5% Air Force $370M 29.1% Army $303M 23.8% Navy $294M 23.1% $1.272 Billion DoD SBIR/STTR FY2008 Figure 1. SBIR funding 32 2010 ISSUE 2 RAYTHEON TECHNOLOGY TODAY program. Phase III, referred to as both “commercialization” and “transition to production,” is funded utilizing non-SBIR money. Feature A collaborative path for developing needed technologies Since the year 2000, a number of government initiatives have been instituted to increase the effectiveness of the program, especially within DoD. • Development of integrated program and technology road maps/plans between the prime contractors, their customers and small business partners. • The Navy Transition Assistance Program helps small businesses transition their technology to engineering and manufacturing development and production. • The Commercialization Pilot Program (CPP) more rapidly transitions SBIR Phase II technologies into production • “Program Manager/PEO Pull” emphasizes the importance of having government program managers involved early in the process to establish a need and verify commitment. Leveraging SBIR technologies is one important way that Raytheon fills technology gaps identified in the technology planning process. The company’s successes in transitioning technology from small businesses into programs of record came through persistence and strong partnerships with both the end customer and the small business. • “Primes’ Initiative” proactively involves the prime contractor community. • Presidential Executive Order 13329, “Encouraging Innovation in Manufacturing,” defines duties of the agencies and departments that participate in the SBIR and STTR programs. PROACTIVE REACTIVE SIBR Dollars Non-SIBR Dollars PHASE I PHASE II ~6 mo.,$75-100K ~18-24 mo.,$750K-$1M PEOs and SBs to: – Align strategies – Develop road maps – Shape technology Entry point Entry point Entry point Figure 2. SBIR Phase 0 through III Vanguard Composites: During development and qualification of Exoatmospheric Kill Vehicle (EKV), Raytheon needed a metal flange to meet design requirements. Vanguard Composites developed an Raytheon has numerous success stories of transitioning benefits derived from SBIRdeveloped technologies into our products Upfront engagement Shift from reactive to proactive PHASE 0 1 Solicitation 2 Proposal Develop solicitation 3 Announcement ideas and work with 4 Award where our entry into the SBIR process varied from proactively entering into Phase 0 collaboration to partnering well into Phase III. The following sampling of success stories shows the diversity of approaches for participating in the SBIR/STTR programs. Entry point Entry point PHASE III Program Dependent Transition to SDD or production via prime Entry point advanced composite material replacement part with U.S. Missile Defense Agency (MDA) SBIR funding. The part met the demanding design requirements, and Raytheon and Vanguard entered into a Phase III contract, which enabled qualification and transition to production of the metal flange to meet EKV’s deployment schedule. The SBIR-developed hardware is on all delivered production units. Versatron: A control actuator system was developed by Raytheon partner Versatron (now a part of General Dynamics) for gunContinued on page 34 RAYTHEON TECHNOLOGY TODAY 2010 ISSUE 2 33 Feature SBIR Continued from page 33 KaZaK Composites: Raytheon was involved in the Phase II development and test of armor protection for ship applications with KaZaK Composites. This new highperformance material provides Phase III cost savings to the U.S. Navy and is now part of a significant contract award for the Zumwalt DDG-1000 Destroyer program. Beacon: Raytheon has actively worked with Beacon Interactive Systems on various Phase II SBIR projects, culminating in a Phase III transition of Beacon’s IMAPS maintenance software to the Zumwalt DDG-1000 Destroyer Program. Leveraging this successful SBIR-developed capability, U.S. Fleet Forces Command is currently in the process of transitioning IMAPS to every ship in the fleet. launched projectiles under Navy Phase I and II SBIR awards beginning in the late Iris Technology Corporation: In a collabora- 1990s. Versatron’s design provided enabling tion that began in Phase I, Iris Technology technology for precision-guided projectiles. Corporation designed and built a next- This technology has been used on nearly all generation cryo-cooler motor drive. Their guided projectiles developed over the past concept improved system efficiency, electro- ten years, and contributes to the precision magnetic interference performance, power guidance capability for the U.S. Army’s capacity, vibration and temperature control, Excalibur guided projectile. and radiation hardness. This SBIR-developed technology helped Raytheon secure a new San Diego Composites: San Diego program win; the technology will be further Composites worked with Raytheon to matured as a part of this program. develop an innovative replacement design for an expensive mechanical structure BSEI: BSEI was developing target acquisi- using a low-cost material approach, initially tion algorithms for foliage penetration. funded under internal research and devel- Raytheon supported BSEI’s effort by de- opment funding, followed by MDA and veloping a small airborne radar system for Navy SBIR funding. The result: Component this application. Raytheon received Phase cost was reduced by more than one-third. III funding through an indefinite-delivery, indefinite-quantity contract to build the radar system and test BSEI’s target recognition algorithms, with BSEI participating as a subcontractor. We are currently pursuing funding via the CPP initiative to transition the complete system into production for drug enforcement missions, and evaluating expansion of this capability for DoD applications. 34 2010 ISSUE 2 RAYTHEON TECHNOLOGY TODAY DSI: Raytheon’s AMRAAM Program defined a Phase 0 information technology topic for supply chain management risk-mitigation planning and implementation. Phase I and II SBIR awards were made to DSI by the Air Force. Early in the process, Raytheon awarded a Phase III contract to DSI to begin integration of the software into our management information and control systems. We are currently working with multiple programs across the business unit to pursue implementation funding to transition this unique capability into broader use. These examples of Raytheon SBIR success stories represent only a sampling of how we have successfully partnered with small businesses and government through the SBIR program to close technology gaps. Raytheon continues to welcome opportunities to establish new partnerships with additional small businesses, including veteran-owned, disadvantaged and Mentor–Protégé participating businesses. • John P. Waszczak Feature The Convergence of Virtual Reality and Warfighter Training to Counter Improvised Explosive Devices E xpect the unexpected. Thanks to Raytheon’s IED Reality Training (IRT) technology, U.S. warfighters assigned with countering IEDs will be prepared to do just that. IRT is a result of Raytheon’s research to combine motion capture technology, simulation-based realism and battlefield domain expertise that puts warfighters into a fully immersive environment before they deploy into a war zone. be quickly modified to replicate a new threat, a new environment, or a new enemy.” Able to function around the clock, this technology is cost-effective and provides a much greater training capacity than what is currently available to warfighters, Baggott said. Virtual Realistic Battlefield By merging the technologies found in motion picture animation with immersive simulations, the Raytheon IRT Team can create virtual experiences that replicate the sights, sounds and stresses of the battlefield. And they can do it just about anywhere. IRT can be installed in any large interior space, such as dining facilities, warehouses, aircraft hangers, and even expandable truck-hauled trailers. Conceptually, the IRT is a safe, effective training solution for countering IEDs, one of the military’s deadliest problems. Structurally, it consists of a large frame with a bank of mounted cameras. These cameras provide the visualization that goes into the head-mounted displays worn by the warfighters. For added realism, the training exercises also allow the warfighters to use their very own communications equipment and weapons, once they’re connected with lasers. “It is a great rehearsal for pre-deployment and home-station training,” said John Baggott, a former soldier and trainer who is now with Raytheon Technical Services Company LLC. Baggott set the program in motion in April 2008. “It gets warfighters familiar with the specific environment they’re going in to, and it provides them with the visual cues they’ll need to react to in that environment. Most importantly, as the IED threat changes, this technology can With the head set on and the gaming animation activated, the trainees feel like they’re in a war zone, with all of its unpredictable stimuli — even though they may physically be standing in a warehouse in Florida. Depending on the configuration, individuals or entire platoons can be simultaneously trained in this realistic virtual battlefield. As such, it is an ideal environment to teach the skills required to interact as part of a team. This highly portable and fully immersive platform uses commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) technology that can be integrated and fielded in less than seven months. Evolving Threat, Evolving Technology To be effective, IED defeat training must not only integrate the actual fielded equipment the warfighters use in combat, it must also update current threat employment tactics, techniques and procedures. In other words, as the real-world IED environment changes, so too must the gaming technology activated in the IRT. For example, the IRT might incorporate either a command-detonated IED or pressure-detonated IED into the simulation, depending on the trend in the region. If it is command-detonated, the training focuses on the electronic pulses between the command detonation and the IED. If it is pressure-activated, then it focuses on the pressure of the movement on the ground. By simply changing the cue of the training, it forces the warfighters to change how they would perform in a given environment based on the threat. Continued on page 36 RAYTHEON TECHNOLOGY TODAY 2010 ISSUE 2 35 Feature Continnued from page 35 Award-Winning Animation and Simulation Partners The technology can also be ratcheted up based on the training level of the warfighter. If it’s the first time a trainee is going through the IRT, for instance, the environment might be open and friendly with non-combatants. As their training progresses, hostile combatants and other artificial intelligence (AI) characters can be integrated into the gaming environment. In all cases, the characters will react positively or negatively — in real time — based on the trainee’s actions. Raytheon’s IRT solution combines patented technologies from a pair of award-winning partners: Motion Reality, Inc. (MRI) and BreakAway, Ltd. MRI has been a pioneer in the area of 3D real-time engineering analysis and computer graphics animation of human motion since 1984. During this time, MRI has been recognized with numerous international accolades for its ability to accurately capture a subject’s 3D motion and display any biomechanical data associated with that motion. Raytheon’s IRT solution uses the MRIdeveloped Virtual Tactical Training Simulation System (VIRTSIM™), which provides real-time soldier simulation animation, and gives the individual combatant mobility and full-body interaction with the simulation. With VIRTSIM, the warfighter visualizes himself within his surroundings through a wireless stereo head-mounted display. VIRTSIM scenarios are reconfigurable and create strikingly accurate battlespace environments, making them far more effective than canned video displays projected on a wall or CD-ROM-based training on a PC. VIRTSIM trainees move, shoot, and interact inside a 3D virtual battlespace, during which they are stressed both physically and cognitively. Stress is achieved by employing audio and visually accurate stimuli commonly associated with a war zone. For example, AI characters (non-combatants and combatants) are mixed into scenarios and react appropriately to all trainee real-time actions and activities based on movements stocked in a motion library. The motions of all characters are created using Academy Award®-winning motion capture technology to deliver unmatched realism. In fact, AI characters are capable of speaking in any language, and are capable of facial expressions. BreakAway is a leading developer of entertainment games and game-based technology for modeling, simulation, training and visualization. By applying the tools and technology of the gaming industry to 36 2010 ISSUE 2 RAYTHEON TECHNOLOGY TODAY the creation of military training, BreakAway makes it possible to achieve the promise of deployable, immersive, interactive training. The BreakAway technology integrated into Raytheon’s IRT is mōsbē™, a custom simulation development platform built from PC game technology. The mōsbē platform can represent large virtual worlds in 2D and 3D. mōsbē employs statistical, effects-based models of civilian and military vehicles, weapon systems and sensors to simulate actions and the resulting effects of symmetric and asymmetric combat. Derived from strategy game technology for mission planning, mōsbē is optimized to replicate IED combat scenarios of up to 2,500 entities, and allows the training audience to focus on decision making, leadership, and the command and control of tactical operations. Within IRT, VIRTSIM and mōsbē are connected in a federation to allow a coordinated training experience. Federating the systems provides each end user with a tailored training experience: Individuals and squads receive the immersive hands-on IED training they need, and company staffs have a command-centric interaction with the tactical operations. On the Forefront Simulation and virtual training have proven to be a safe and effective way to train military personnel — warfighters and staff — in a wide range of activities. “IRT is cost effective, easily transportable, quickly configured, and, most importantly, can be tailored to the needs of its training audience,” Baggott said. “If a unit has been alerted for movement to Kabul this technology can be adapted to replicate the environment and the combat conditions our warfighters must succeed in.” For these reasons, the military simulation and virtual training market has seen dramatic growth in the last decade and is expected to grow steadily in the years ahead. And Raytheon, with its IRT technology, stands on the forefront of this emerging market. • Contributor: John Baggott Feature Raytheon BBN Technologies: Persistent Innovation M ore than 60 years ago, two Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) acoustics professors set up a small, architectural acoustics consulting firm in Cambridge, Mass. The modest firm’s first commission was an auspicious one: design the acoustics for the United Nations facilities being built in New York City. Requests for consulting work on lesser auditoriums followed and the firm — called Bolt Beranek and Newman — developed a reputation for excellent acoustics. Soon the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (forerunner of NASA) called on the firm for urgent help. The noise and vibration from a newly deployed jet engine were a major nuisance, and calls were lighting up switchboards in police and fire stations and local government offices. It had to be fixed. Seven months later, neighbors could not tell when the engine was running, and Bolt Beranek and Newman’s reputation for acoustic excellence spread. Leo Beranek believed that every new hire should enhance the firm’s capabilities. Because it was so close to Harvard University and The Massachusetts Institute of Technology, BBN was able to recruit employees from the brightest, best-trained scientists and engineers, and BBN became known as “Cambridge’s third university.” The caliber of BBN’s staff, combined with its reputation for tackling tough, interesting problems, made it the place where smart people chose to work. One of the bright new employees, J.C.R. Licklider, recommended that BBN buy a computer — an unusual acquisition in 1958 — but Beranek agreed. It was a momentous decision, paving the way for BBN’s technology diversity and networking expertise. idea could also be applied to high-speed networks transmitting messages across varied routes to dispersed destinations. This is the breakthrough idea that enabled the Internet as we know it. Continued on page 38 Enabling the Internet When the Advanced Research Projects Agency sent out the request for proposals for the ARPANET in the early 1960s, notable players in the communications industry were skeptical that such a network could work. They were even more surprised that the significant contract went to a small firm in Cambridge rather than to one of the communications giants. The notion of breaking messages into small packets and reassembling them at their destination was revolutionary, but with the implementation of the first four nodes of the ARPANET, BBN proved that not only could it be done, the BBN founder Leo Beranek RAYTHEON TECHNOLOGY TODAY 2010 ISSUE 2 37 Feature BBN Technologies Continued from page 37 Other networking breakthroughs followed in rapid succession. During the next decade, one of BBN’s scientists, Ray Tomlinson, invented network e-mail and established the @ sign protocol, creating the digital icon for our age. At the same time, BBN was already anticipating the security requirements of the network technology on the horizon and demonstrated the first secure traffic sent over a packet-switched network and deployed the first IP-based network encryption. Other BBN networking scientists developed the first routers, and demonstrated packet broadcast satellite communications over the Atlantic Ocean. Now BBN is known for deploying the first quantum-encrypted network, advanced software in support of the widebandnetwork waveform, directional-antenna networking technologies and security for critical networks, as well as for world-class expertise in very large ad hoc wireless networks. The BBN Broadcast Monitoring System creates a continuous, searchable archive of international television and radio broadcasts. The audio stream is automatically transcribed by BBN’s Audio Monitoring Component and translated into English with technology from Language Weaver in real time. Pioneering Speech and Language Processing At the same time as the networking pioneers were making early advances, other BBN scientists were tackling tough language-processing problems and performing pioneering research in automatic speech recognition. By the mid-1980s, BBN had developed Byblos™, a high-performance, continuous speech recognition system. Since then, BBN has had many firsts in speech and language processing, including the first demonstration of real-time, large-vocabulary, speaker-independent continuous speech recognition on commercial off-the-shelf hardware. Current research programs continue to advance the state of speech recognition technology and deliver significant improvements in recognition accuracy for speech in different environments and in multiple languages, including English, Arabic, Mandarin and Spanish. Because BBN’s natural language processing technologies can locate, identify, and organize information from a variety of sources and in multiple languages, they have enabled successful products such as 38 2010 ISSUE 2 RAYTHEON TECHNOLOGY TODAY the BBN multimedia monitoring system that transcribes and translates foreign Web and broadcast news in real time, giving U.S. analysts an immediate awareness of the events and attitudes influencing our world. Continuing Acoustics Leadership Even as the staff explored new technology areas, BBN maintained a leadership position in acoustics, frequently combining that knowledge with networking expertise Feature to develop sophisticated sensor systems. BBN’s acoustic expertise contributed to our nation’s undetectable submarines; now it is saving lives in Iraq and Afghanistan though the Boomerang shooter detection system (see cover photo). In addition to continued work in networking and speech, BBN is applying its data mining expertise to healthcare to predict outcomes and spot early warnings of disease outbreaks. BBN physicists are developing next generation communication, sensing, transaction, and computation systems using quantum and optical techniques. As part of Raytheon, BBN looks forward to transitioning advanced research in all these areas more quickly to the field to give our government customers every technological advantage. • Raytheon Joins DARPA’s Focus Center Research Program As discussed in several of the articles in this issue, Raytheon is a leader in advanced photonic and electronic component technologies that enable new system capabilities. To ensure we continue to maintain this technological edge, Raytheon recently joined the Focus Center Research Program (FCRP), a major pre-competitive research consortium jointly sponsored by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and the Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA). As depicted in the figure below, the FCRP consists of six university research centers that address all aspects of modern semiconductor materials, devices, circuits, systems and applications. The six centers encompass 43 universities and more than 230 faculty members. Raytheon joined the FCRP in 2009 as the first representative from the aerospace and defense industry. As a member of the FCRP, Raytheon receives royalty-free rights to intellectual property generated under the program, gets access to top engineering students, and gains early insights into emerging research areas that impact Raytheon systems. Raytheon expects to leverage this program to maintain its technology and innovation leadership in the aerospace and defense industry. • Joyce Kuzmin Multi-scale Systems Boomerang wearable detection system Gigascale Systems Research Center • Heterogeneous design • Soft systems • 15 Universities - Princeton (Lead), Carnegie Mellon, Columbia, Georgia Tech, Harvard. MIT, Stanford, UCB, UCLA, UCSB, UCSD, UIUC, U. Mass, U. Michigan, U. Penn Center for Circuit & Systems Solutions • Analog/mixed signal • Heterogeneous circuits • Post-CMOS circuits • 13 Universities - Carnegie Mellon (Lead), Caltech, Columbia, Cornell, MIT, Stanford, Texas A&M, UCB, UCLA, UCSD, UIUC, U. Michigan, UT Dallas Functional Engineered Nano-Architectonics • Post-CMOS research in nano materials/devices • 14 Universities - UCLA (Lead), Caltech, Columbia, MIT, NC State, Northwestern, Purdue, Stanford,UCB, UCSB, U. Mass, UC Riverside, UCS, Yale Microsystems Design Hardware/ Software Platform/ Achitecture Circuits Devices/ Interconnect Structures Materials Physics Multiscale Systems Center • Distr. Sense and Control • Large & small scale sytems • 10 Universities - UC Berkeley (Lead), Caltech, NC State, Rice, Stanford, UCSD UIUC, U. Maryland, U. Michigan, USC Interconnect Focus Center • Nano wires • Expanded optoelectronics • Power • Thermal • Networking • 13 Universities - Georgia Tech (Lead), Arizona State, Caltech, Columbia, Dartmouth, MIT, RPI, Stanford, SUNY Albany, UCB, UCSC, U. Florida, UC Riverside, Materials, Structures & Devices • Ultimate-scale CMOS structures • Post-CMOS materials • 15 Universities - MIT (Lead), Columbia, Cornell, Harvard, Penn State, Purdue, Stanford, SUNY Albany, UCB, UCSD, UIUC, U. Mass, U. Penn, UT Austin, UT Dallas Focus Center Research Program’s six centers and their university partners RAYTHEON TECHNOLOGY TODAY 2010 ISSUE 2 39 LEADERS CORNER Bill Kiczuk Vice President, Chief Technology Officer Bill Kiczuk is vice president and chief technology officer for Raytheon Company. He oversees the development and execution of the integrated technology and research vision and strategy for the entire company. Kiczuk chairs the company’s technology leadership team, which oversees Raytheon’s collective research collaboration and technology opportunities. He also represents the company on outside councils regarding technology and the defense industry. From 2003–2010, he was technical director and director of Strategic Architectures for Raytheon Integrated Defense Systems. A 29-year Raytheon veteran, Kiczuk has held a variety of engineering, management and technical leadership positions. T echnology Today recently spoke with Kiczuk about his background, his responsibilities as CTO, how Raytheon’s technology strategy is developed, and the roles of research and innovation in technology strategy. TT: What are your duties as CTO? BK: I focus on technology and innovation — two cornerstones to Raytheon’s success that I am passionate about. I ensure Raytheon has an integrated technology portfolio that will help us win programs near term while positioning the company for longer term success. I work with the technical directors across the company to coordinate technology for our broad range of development efforts and we work to maintain a long-term strategic technical vision for the company. I lead Raytheon’s technology leadership team, which is responsible for developing and executing an integrated technology and research strategy. 40 2010 ISSUE 2 RAYTHEON TECHNOLOGY TODAY TT: What are your initial goals for this position? TT: How is the company’s technology strategy set? BK: We need to strengthen collaboration across the company and ensure we are integrating our capabilities to provide solutions for our customers. We’re doing well in this area, but it requires continuous focus to ensure we don’t miss opportunities. Ultimately, we want to reach a level of proactive technology management and optimization, where we have a comprehensive integrated technology strategy that aligns with our business plans and ensures our goals are met. BK: We analyze inputs from many perspectives and integrate them to form the technology strategy. From our customers, we seek to understand their needs today and in the future. Business development and program management leadership help us apply a business filter to determine market priorities, which technologies in those markets will be differentiators and how the technologies might evolve to impact our business plans. Key to our integrated technology strategy is having an external focus. This not only strengthens our technology fabric but also incorporates a partnership component with our customers, universities and other technology sources. In the end, it’s about ensuring that we think strategically and execute tactically. We also look for true game-changing technologies that could revolutionize the way we view a market and impact our business plans. We develop an understanding of our internal capabilities along with what is externally available, identify key milestones for each technology and potential sources of technology and create a plan that addresses how we will mature the key technologies. We monitor our progress and make appropriate adjustments. TT: What role does research play in Raytheon’s technology strategy? BK: Research plays a significant role in thinking and planning strategically. We need to begin identifying and working on technologies, now, that may not find their way into systems for the next five or 10 years. Many of the technologies we start today may not ever mature or prove viable in the long run. So it’s important that we cast a wide net, looking at many alternatives, but do it in a low-risk, affordable manner. This is where we rely more on partnerships and consortiums. Partnerships — whether with universities, government or industry — enable Raytheon to access a much broader range of ideas and technologies. In many cases, we can add value through complementary capabilities or technologies. In all cases, we gain valuable insight that helps us to understand the state of the art and plan for integration of new technologies into our products. TT: Innovation … How do we knit together our people and processes to effectively capture it? And/or how do we nurture it? BK: It’s critical for Raytheon to maintain its innovative culture. This is key to our identity, and it’s an enabler for where we want to go. From an enterprise perspective, we sponsor numerous initiatives ranging from the Raytheon Innovation Challenge to the IDEA program. We also encourage businessspecific initiatives like the Bike Shop in Missile Systems and the Office of Innovation in Space and Airborne Systems. Each initiative encourages innovation in its own way, and they have been successful. From a corporate perspective, it’s important that we encourage these approaches while not trying to homogenize to a onesize-fits-all approach. These business-specific approaches result in diversity of thought and unique ideas that we need to cultivate. TT: You’ve worked in many parts of the company with varying cultures. What have you taken away from each place? BK: I started with Texas Instruments Defense Systems and Electronics Group in Dallas, and worked the last six years in Integrated Defense Systems, after moving to New England. In between, I’ve worked with other parts of Raytheon through the years on missile systems, avionics, and ground systems. This has given me the opportunity to see firsthand what makes Raytheon a great technology-driven company. Across the company, we have a culture of innovation and continuous improvement that constantly generates new ideas and challenges the status quo. We complement this with a strong engineering discipline that pays attention to details and delivers results for our customers. Recently I had the opportunity to escort a reporter who has done a series of articles on aerospace and defense companies, including many of our peers. His insight was interesting. He conveyed that what stood out about Raytheon was the pervasiveness of our innovative engineering culture. We don’t need to set up special standalone organizations to be innovative or to engineer high tech products. We do these things every day, everywhere. Most importantly, we work together to get things done. TT: Having a master’s degree in systems engineering and having led IDS’ Strategic Architecture Directorate, what are your thoughts on these two disciplines? BK: I view systems engineering and systems architecting as tightly coupled disciplines. Systems engineering decomposes specific mission needs into a set of systems requirements that we then design and test to. It provides traceability from key performance parameters to design features and tests. Systems architecting provides for a standard set of solutions to a broad range of problems. It also provides the ability to explicitly deal with ambiguities and unknowns within a well defined standard framework. Integrating these practices enables interoperability and affordability through re-use and planned evolution. TT: You’ve won some of Raytheon’s highest awards during your career. What’s your formula for success? BK: I’ve been fortunate enough to work with a lot of good people on challenging projects that I really enjoyed. If you are surrounded by good people, and you are willing to listen, learn, and contribute wherever needed, things generally work out for the better. Most important, I think, is that in whatever position I held, I wanted to make a difference, so I worked with the people around me to make things successful. • That being said, our company is multinational and distributed around the U.S. and the world. We do have local cultures, local strengths, and unique capabilities across the company. This is a good thing; it puts a local face on Raytheon and enables us to make a difference in communities and work more effectively with universities. This gives us the diversity in thought and practice we need to be strong. RAYTHEON TECHNOLOGY TODAY 2010 ISSUE 2 41 on Technology Information Systems and Computing Knowledge Exploitation: Connecting the Dots to Enable Information Operations Information Operations (IO). IO is the integrated use of electronic warfare, computer network operations, psychological operations, military deception and operations security.1 IO creates huge amounts of disparate data, each piece of which, by itself, may not be particularly meaningful. These data must be parsed, understood, fused and analyzed before a picture that can be acted upon can emerge from the disconnected dots. Currently, the military can process only 20 percent of the available sensor data.2 To realize the potential of emerging IO technologies, significant improvements in data processing and analysis are needed. Knowledge exploitation (Kx) is an emerging Raytheon capability that addresses these issues. Knowledge Exploitation Kx integrates elements of four complementary technologies: knowledge management (KM), information fusion (IF), knowledge discovery (KD) and semantic processing. Knowledge management addresses the effective organization and retrieval of source material and data streams. Information fusion melds related data to eliminate redundancy, reduce uncertainty, provide situation awareness, and enable effective decision-making and resource allocation. Knowledge discovery techniques find nonobvious relationships, patterns and trends Exfiltration Malware Controlled by Is a Controlling Device Malware Has Location Exploits Exfiltrates buried within the mounds of data; and semantic processing establishes the meaning of data.3 This article shows how these knowledge exploitation technologies can be integrated to help “connect the dots” to enable IO, with a specific emphasis on semantic processing and knowledge discovery. instances of the defined concepts and relationships in the knowledge model. These facts are called assertions. Knowledge extractors can operate on sensor data, RDBs, Web pages or unstructured text, and they allow us to capture a rich set of assertions about the IO domain. Semantic Processing and Knowledge Discovery Each assertion specifies a relationship between two entities — the subject entity and the object entity — which are specific instances of the concepts in the knowledge model. An assertion can be thought of as the node – edge – node construct of a graph corresponding to the subject – relationship – object data pattern. For example, the graph of Figure 2 would be constructed from independent observations and would consist of specific instances of the concepts defined in Figure 1. IO involves diverse entities such as people, computers, networks, software, infrastructure and organizations as well as more abstract concepts such as effects, vulnerabilities and cultural biases. Unlike relational databases (RDBs), which are very good for storing many instances of similar, wellstructured data, semantic processing easily captures and manipulates many diverse concepts and how they relate to each other. Semantic processing is thus well suited to represent and manipulate the concepts in the IO domain. The starting point for capturing knowledge in a semantic system is to describe the framework of the problem domain; in our case, IO. The framework is captured in a knowledge model4 that consists of three parts: concepts, relationships and rules. The concepts and relationships5 can be represented together as a concept map such as that in Figure 1, which depicts a part of the IO domain. Here concepts are represented as nodes of a graph and their relationships as annotated edges. Knowledge extractors are used to convert information from data sources to specific Deployed on Has OS OS Used By User Rules can also be used to infer additional facts and patterns in the graph and can identify situations that need to be acted upon. For example, appropriate rules applied to the above graph would reasonably generate an alert that country ZZZ could be exfiltrating sensitive defense information. BScope.Trojan.Palevo.1 Exploits Target Device Country Constructing this graph from individual assertions requires us to recognize when two instances of an entity, possibly reported by different sources, represent the same entity. This process, which links individual assertions together, is a specific form of information fusion6 called object refinement. Object refinement can be implemented by the third element of the knowledge model, rules. Figure 1. A partial concept map of the IO domain showing terms and relationships 42 2010 ISSUE 2 RAYTHEON TECHNOLOGY TODAY Exfiltrates Has OS Has User Data User Data Deployed On MS Windows 2000 Version 2.0 Used By Has User Data Defense Contractor Controlled by Has Location Document 1 Figure 2. Concept map of asserted facts for the IO Domain Country ZZZ on Because we are representing knowledge in the form of a graph, we can employ graph algorithms, in addition to rules, to discover patterns and relationships of interest. Many important non-obvious relationships often appear as multi-hop links chained through several nodes in the graph. Graph algorithms can be used to discover these graph paths and assert the non-obvious relationships between nodes. Our Raytheon IIS partners are developing special-purpose high-speed graph processes that will enable us to efficiently implement knowledgediscovery algorithms on huge graphs. In addition to the graph representation of knowledge, it is also common to capture assertions as triples in the form subject – relationship – object. The Resource Description Framework (RDF),7 Web Ontology Language (OWL),8 and the Semantic Protocol and RDF Query Language (SPARQL) are semantic Web standards that can be used to express a knowledge model as triples, enable reasoning to be performed by commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) reasoning engines, and provide a query/rule language for the model. These standards enable inferences and rule-based reasoning to be done, complementing graph exploitation algorithms to discover and infer new knowledge. RDF triples and knowledge graphs are different approaches to knowledge representation. Knowledge discovery can be done using the representation most likely to perform best for a particular problem. Current COTS RDF triple stores have limited storage capacity and reasoning performance. Dedicated, high-speed graph processors, such as those under development by Raytheon, will provide the high-speed reasoning, on huge data stores, required to address the IO and similar problems. • Author: Jean Greenawalt Contributors: Don Kretz, Jim Jacobs, John Montgomery, John Moon, Tom Chung Joint Publication 3-13, Information Operations, 13 February 2006. Al Shaffer, principal deputy director, Defense Research and Engineering. Semantic processing also establishes common shared meaning, which enables interoperability. 4 One common form of a knowledge model, called an ontology, uses formal description logic to express the semantics of a term. 5 In general, concepts can have attributes. For example, if the concept is a person, it is useful to capture attributes such a name, address, and date of birth. In many applications, it is also important to assign attributes to edges, such as the time an observation is valid. 6 Object refinement recognizes when two or more nodes represent the same entity and combines them, eliminating duplicates and reducing uncertainty. Object refinement is also called Level 1 fusion in the Joint Directors of Laboratories (JDL) fusion framework. This is the most widely accepted model of information fusion. See Revisiting the JDL Data Fusion Model II, James Llinas, Christopher Bowman, Galina Rogova, Alan Steinberg, Ed Waltz and Frank White, 2004, for a discussion of the JDL model and refinements. 7 See for an overview of RDF. 8 See for an overview of OWL. Technology Multifunction RF Next Generation RF Systems: Multifunction Designs to Meet Future Warfighter Needs T o control the evolving battlespace, our customers increasingly require systems that sense more phenomena; transfer the results of the sensing to the decision maker more quickly; provide electronic protection; and do all this without adding cost, weight or power. These factors are driving future system designs that must incorporate multiple functions. set of missions. To meet this requirement, platforms must have a broader range of sensors and greater communications connectivity. Because weight, power, cooling and cost constraints prohibit carrying a full suite of optimized, federated systems, an urgent need has emerged for a new generation of radio frequency (RF) systems that can support multiple functions. Raytheon has a long tradition of providing the absolute best in sensor and communication systems. These systems, however, were optimized for one or two functions, and their host platforms were optimized for a limited set of missions. The changing nature of defense acquisition in the 21st century is placing different demands on weapons systems, requiring that they support a broad Raytheon is already meeting customers’ needs for multi-functionality with systems like the AN/APG-79 airborne Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) radar for the Navy’s F/A-18 aircraft, and the SPY-3 shipboard AESA for the Navy's Zumwaltclass destroyer. We are therefore well positioned to meet this challenge. Continued on page 44 AN/APG-79 SPY-3 1 2 3 RAYTHEON TECHNOLOGY TODAY 2010 ISSUE 2 43 Multifunction RF (continued) 17.1 17.2 17.3 17.7 17.8 BCST SAT. FIXED SATELLITE (E-S) FX SAT (E-S) FIXED Radioloc. Radiolocation RADIOLOC. Space Res. Earth Expl Sat Radiolocation Radiolocation 15.63 15.7 16.6 Radiolocation RADIOLOCATION RADIOLOCATION Space Res.(act.) RADIOLOCATION AERONAUTICAL RADIONAVIGATION 15.4 15.43 FIXED SAT (E-S) AERO RADIONAV RADIO ASTRONOMY AERONAUTICAL RADIONAVIGATION Space Research EARTH EXPL. SAT. (Passive) Mobile SPACE RESEARCH (Passive) FIXED 15.35 15.1365 14.47 14.5 14.7145 Space Research Space Research Mobile Fixed Mobile FX SAT.(E-S) L M Sat(E-S) FIXED Land Mobile SAT. (E-S) Satellite (E-S) 14.4 14.2 Land Mobile Satellite (E-S) FIXED SATELLITE (E-S) Mobile Fixed Fixed FIXED MOBILE Space Research Mobile** 13.75 14.0 13.25 13.4 Space Research (E-S) AERONAUTICAL RADIONAV. RADIOStandard RadioLOCATION Freq. and location Time Signal FIXED RADIORadioSatellite (E-S) SAT.(E-S ) location LOCATION RADIO Land Mobile FIXED Space NAVIGATION SAT. (E-S) Satellite (E-S) Research 12.75 FIXED FIXED SATELLITE MOBILE (E-S) SPACE RESEARCH (S-E) (Deep Space) 12.7 FIXED MOBILE Mobile ** FIXED SATELLITE (E-S) FIXED BROADCASTING SATELLITE FIXED SATELLITE (S-E) FIXED 12.2 11.7 10.7 10.68 FIXED EARTH EXPL. SATELLITE (Passive) RADIO ASTRONOMY FIXED SATELLITE (S-E) SPACE RESEARCH (Passive) RADIO ASTRONOMY FIXED EARTH EXPL. SAT. (Passive) SPACE RESEARCH (Passive) 10.45 10.0 10.5 10.55 10.6 Amateur Radiolocation RADIOLOCATION Amateur Satellite Amateur Radiolocation RADIOLOCATION RADIOLOCATION Radiolocation 9.5 9.2 9.0 8.5 9.3 Radiolocation RADIONAVIGATION Meteorological Aids Radiolocation Radiolocation AERONAUTICAL RADIONAVIGATION MARITIME RADIONAVIGATION Radiolocation RADIOLOCATION 8.4 8.45 FIXED SPACE RESEARCH (S-E) (deep space only) FIXED FIXED SPACE RESEARCH (S-E) 8.215 8.175 8.025 MET. SATELLITE (E-S) FIXED EARTH EXPL. SATELLITE FIXED SAT. (S-E) (E-S) FIXED EARTH EXPL. SATELLITE SATELLITE (S-E) (E-S) FIXED MOBILE SATELLITE (E-S) SATELLITE (E-S) FIXED EARTH EXPL. FIXED SATELLITE (E-S) SATELLITE(S-E) FIXED Mobile Satellite (E-S)(no airborne) Mobile Satellite (E-S) (no airborne) 7.90 Fixed Mobile Satellite (E-S) 7.75 7.55 7.30 7.45 Mobile Satellite (S-E) Mobile Satellite (S-E) Fixed Mobile Satellite (S-E) FIXED FIXED SATELLITE (S-E) FIXED SATELLITE (S-E) FIXED MET. FIXED SATELLITE (S-E) SATELLITE (S-E) FIXED FIXED SATELLITE (S-E) 7.19 7.235 7.25 SPACE RESEARCH (E-S) FIXED MOBILE SATELLITE (S-E) FIXED 7.125 FIXED MOBILE 6.875 FIXED FIXED SATELLITE (E-S) FIXED SAT (E-S) MOBILE MOBILE FIXED FIXED 7.025 7.075 Continued from page 43 Figure 1. Communications, surveillance and radar functions are present within the tunable range of a Strawman 7-17 GHz multifunction radio frequency system. One needs to look no further than the FCC frequency allocation chart, Figure 1 (next page), to appreciate the diversity of RF functions that exist within a limited frequency range. These functions can be classified into groups as passive sensing, active sensing and communications. Each group places similar but different requirements on RF performance. Key performance characteristics common to all three groups include tunable frequency range, instantaneous bandwidth, dynamic range, effective radiated power, modulation diversity and linear transmit operation. Raytheon’s next generation of systems must provide a balanced combination of these capabilities to enable multifunction operation. Passive sensing functions include radar warning, electronic support measures and signals intelligence, plus others. These systems require sensitivity over a wide tunable frequency range to detect signals of interest; wide instantaneous bandwidth to capture wide-band signals; and large dynamic range to detect weak and strong signals. Active sensing functions include radar and jamming, plus others. Radar systems require a wide tunable frequency range to operate without interference (and comply with international frequency allocation standards), wide instantaneous bandwidth to provide high-resolution target identification, large dynamic range to detect targets in the 44 2010 ISSUE 2 RAYTHEON TECHNOLOGY TODAY presence of clutter (and interference), effective radiated power to meet the range requirement, and programmable waveform modulations tailored to the target characteristics being sensed to maximize target detection. Jamming systems are also designed for a wide tunable frequency range, but to interfere with targeted systems. Jamming also requires adjustable instantaneous bandwidth and waveform modulations to optimize the effect on threat systems, and sufficient effective radiated power to neutralize the threat system. Communications systems include a variety of one- and two-way links for networking and sharing information. These systems require frequency agility for spread-spectrum waveforms to operate in authorized communications bands, instantaneous bandwidth and programmable modulations to satisfy waveform requirements, sufficient dynamic range to receive signals in the presence of strong interference, and sufficient power to complete the link and achieve the required availability. In addition, communications systems have two unique requirements that are more stringent than those of other radio frequency capabilities. The first mandates isolation between transmit and receive during simultaneous transmit-receive (full duplex) operation. This is facilitated by having orthogonally polarized transmit and receive antennas or having separate transmit and receive frequency band allocations. The second requirement is for high-efficiency, linear transmit operation, which is used to support the communications waveform modulations. Raytheon is already delivering many multifunction RF systems. Limitations of today’s technologies often require compromises in the functionality and performance of secondary RF functions. Raytheon is working on technologies to eliminate those compromises. Two breakthrough technologies include Ultra-Wideband (UWB) Samplers and Ultra-Short Pulse Laser-Based Frequency Sources. The UWB sampler enables the instantaneous bandwidth and dynamic range to be tuned to the function via software. The Laser-Based frequency source provides an ultra-pure, ultra-stable reference for waveform synthesis and coordination. Raytheon’s future systems are being designed with the architecture and technologies to give the best in multifunction capability. Our customers need the next generation of radio frequency systems to support passive sensing, active sensing and communications; with the minimum number of apertures and back-end electronics units; and at an affordable price. By considering the customer’s needs up front, Raytheon will provide RF systems that meet all of the performance needs of the warfighter, and do so affordably. • Eric Boe Supporting Math and Science Education When can long division lead to lunar exploration? When MathMovesU . ® Raytheon believes when students are engaged and inspired by math and science, anything is possible. That’s why we created the MathMovesU national initiative. It takes math and science to fun, exciting and innovative places: like having kids engineer their own thrills through a new Raytheon experience at INNOVENTIONS at Epcot at the Walt Disney World Resort; compete with peers in the Raytheon MATHCOUNTS National Competition; use math to talk football with the New England Patriots; or explore a range of interactive activities on It’s all part of our mission to inspire today’s students to be tomorrow’s leaders. ® ® ® © 2010 Raytheon Company. All rights reserved. “Customer Success Is Our Mission” is a registered trademark of Raytheon Company. MathMovesU is a registered trademark of Raytheon Company. MATHCOUNTS is a registered trademark of the MATHCOUNTS Foundation. ® Events 2009 Excellence in Engineering and Technology Awards T he Raytheon Excellence in Engineering and Technology (EiET) Awards took place at The Smithsonian’s National Air and Space Museum in Washington, D.C., in March. The awards are Raytheon’s highest technical honor. They recognize individuals and teams whose innovations, processes or products have or will have a substantial impact on the company’s success, and the success of Raytheon customers. The award recipients comprised 17 team and five individual examples of excellence, hailing from every business — including four “One Company” awards and an Information Technology award. In all, 97 people were honored. Retired Gen. John R. Dailey, director of the National Air and Space Museum, kicked off the program by welcoming the nearly 200 attendees to the museum. He also commented on the shared goals of Raytheon and the museum to inspire a new generation toward careers in science, technology, engineering and math. In his opening remarks, Mark E. Russell, Raytheon vice president of corporate Engineering, Technology and Mission Assurance, thanked and congratulated the evening’s award recipients. “You are our modern-day innovators; you add to our company’s history of innovation; and you make me proud to be a Raytheon engineer.” After dinner, Raytheon Chairman and CEO William H. Swanson congratulated the honorees for their tremendous efforts on behalf of Raytheon and its customers. Swanson was joined on stage by Russell and business leadership as master of ceremonies Mike Doble, Raytheon director of Strategic Communications, read the award citations and called each honoree up to be personally congratulated. Raytheon congratulates all recipients of the 2009 Excellence in Engineering and Technology Awards. 2009 Raytheon Excellence in Engineering and Technology Award Winners ONE COMPANY AWARDS Advanced Technology Program Team John Abraham (RMS), G. C. Fisher (SAS), Kenneth Gautreau (RMS), James Jennings (SAS), Leonard (Lee) Leonard (SAS), Cesar Melendez (RMS), Daniel Urbanski (RMS), For working across business and geographical boundaries to develop next-generation hardware and execute comprehensive integration and test plans. Mini-RF Design Team David Baker (RMS), Mark Brackenbury (SAS), David Canich (RMS), Larry Lai (SAS), Kwan Ying Muramoto (SAS), Richard Taylor (RMS), Allen Wang (SAS) For leading the effort to design, build, test and deliver two space payloads within 30 months of the contract award. 46 2010 ISSUE 2 RAYTHEON TECHNOLOGY TODAY Radar and Sensing Enterprise Campaign Team Harry Birrell (NCS), Matthew Lambert (IDS), Thomas Miller (SAS), Alan Moore (NCS), John Olsen (NCS), Angelo Puzella (IDS), James Roche (IDS), Michael Sarcione (IDS) For developing and demonstrating a set of common sensing technologies to grow Raytheon’s competitive position in core radio frequency sensing markets. RayShield™ Team Jeff Brown (Corp.), Randy Jennings (IIS), Jesse Lee (IIS), Monty McDougal (IIS), Matthew Richard (Corp.), Michael Simms (IIS), William Sterns (IIS) For developing an industry-leading solution that will be enormously important to Raytheon and its customers in the area of information security. Events INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Raytheon Computer Emergency Response Team (RayCERT) Joseph Bell, Joshua Douglas, Christina Fowler, Joshua Ray, Peter Tran For developing an innovative, industry-leading approach to minimize the risk and impact of cyberattackers on providers of national critical infrastructure. INTEGRATED DEFENSE SYSTEMS Individual Award Michael Borkowski For developing revolutionary architectures leading to a family of GaN MMIC module solutions that maximize the radiated energy while minimizing the size and cost of the system. Battlespace Command and Control Center Range Operations (BC3-RO) Integration Team Robert Harris, Brian Keeton, Steven Lee, Boris Rasputnis, Scott Summers For developing a solution that solidifies Raytheon Solipsys as the leading provider of range command and control (C2) solutions. Nanocomposite Optical Ceramic (NCOC) Team Richard Gentilman, Todd Gattuso, Christopher Nordahl, Stephanie Silberstein, Brian Zelinski (RMS) For demonstrating the first major breakthrough in mid-wave infrared (MWIR) missile dome and window materials in more than 30 years. INTELLIGENCE AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS Individual Award Clayton Davis For developing and executing a means to accurately geo-locate and navigate in underground environments for long time periods using magnetic signals. Crew Communications Team Leonard DiBacco, Ronald Harvey, Raymond (Al) Magon, John Masiyowski, Michael McCann For developing a multiple security level, net-centric real-time voice communication system designed to support Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance missions. NETWORK CENTRIC SYSTEMS Individual Award Thomas Young For being the key technical innovator for Network Centric Systems’ new software-defined radio mobile communications capability. Close Combat Tactical Radar Product Line Design Team John Carpenter, Thomas Leise, Patric McGuire, John Reed, David Steinbauer For designing a product hardware, firmware and software architecture that exhibits architectural robustness in terms of scalability, testability and reusability. RAYTHEON MISSILE SYSTEMS Individual Award Don E. Wilson For being one of Raytheon’s leaders in the areas of software engineering and processing technologies. EKV Guidance, Navigation and Control Team Michael Barker, David Cohen, Daniel Heacock, James Lewis, Alexander Murphy For developing an approach that fuses Exoatmospheric Kill Vehicle (EKV) sensors to improve the hit-to-kill capability of Missile Defense ground-based interceptors. SM-3 Encryption Design Team Andrew Fullerton, William Geller, Kari Lynn Hanson, Datasha Holland, Erik Larson For completing an NSA certification within two years, allowing the Standard Missile-3 (SM-3) Block IB to meet a tight testing schedule. RAYTHEON SYSTEMS LIMITED ASTOR Design Authority Transition Team John Christopher Coady, Barry Martin Lowe, Colin Tebb For achieving U.K.-approved Design Authority status for RSL for the Airborne Stand-Off Radar system, including the Sentinel aircraft. RAYTHEON TECHNICAL SERVICES COMPANY K3 Surveillance Effort Team Ronald Brown, Lisa Eagleson-Roever, Douglas Jankovich, Robert Perisho, Dan Surber For providing a comprehensive surveillance solution within six months to the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA). SPACE AND AIRBORNE SYSTEMS Individual Award Howard Nussbaum For developing an architecture for the AN/APG-79 radar receiver/exciter (REX) subsystem and the receiver/exciter integrated development environment (RIDE). AAS Development Team David Fittz, Lori Hecker, Charles Livingston, Peter Mahre, William Weaver For leading the technical concept design for a low-risk, innovative solution to the U.S. Navy’s next-generation advanced airborne sensor. ARTEMIS Responsive Space Team Christopher Chovit, Dave Makowski, Michael Menendez, Robert Patterson, John Silny For quickly and cost-effectively building an advanced hyperspectral imaging space payload. Secure Scalable Processor Team Drew Davidoff, Lisa Go, Steven Kirsch, Esther Lee, Spencer White For developing an advanced capability in airborne processing by implementing an open, yet secure architecture while achieving high performance in a constrained volume. DragonFire MXF-4039 Radio Team Mark Gloudemans, Alan Ly, David Mizicko, David Mussmann, Tyler Ulinskas For developing and implementing RAYMANET®, the technology solution that led directly to the DragonFire contract to supply radios to key customers. RAYTHEON TECHNOLOGY TODAY 2010 ISSUE 2 47 Events 2010 Mission Assurance Forum The Sum of Our Commitment T he fifth Raytheon Mission Assurance Forum was held April 26–28 in Lake Buena Vista, Fla., at Disney’s Contemporary Resort. Organized around the theme “The Sum of Our Commitment,” the forum brought together more than 500 Raytheon employees, leaders, customers and industry partners to reinforce our definition of Mission Assurance. The forum integrated the Raytheon Six Sigma™ Awards and Excellence in Operations and Quality (EiOQ) Awards into the program. These evening events recognized achievement in productivity, process excellence and Mission Assurance. Forum attendees also developed an understanding of Raytheon’s relationship with Disney and the attraction — Sum of all Thrills™ at INNOVENTIONS at Epcot® at the Walt Disney World® Resort. As part of the program, attendees had the opportunity to visit the ride and experience the thrills first-hand. Mark Russell, vice president of Engineering, Technology and Mission Assurance, kicked off the general session with a video highlighting what Mission Assurance means to our people. “We deliver customer success every day with Mission Assurance and by practicing its five core principles ... These are crucial to ensuring that Raytheon products, solutions and systems work as intended — the first time, every time,” said Russell. “But as you know, it is our people and the total commitment of all 75,000 of them that makes us so powerful.” 48 2010 ISSUE 2 RAYTHEON TECHNOLOGY TODAY Keynotes from the Customer Community and Raytheon Leadership Attendees heard about the importance of Mission Assurance during keynote addresses from: • Bryan O’Connor, chief, Safety and Mission Assurance, NASA • Rick Yuse, president, Space and Airborne Systems (SAS) • Dave Wajsgras, chief financial officer • Scott Milligan, SPHR facilitator, Disney Institute • General Charles R. Holland, USAF (Ret.) Breakout Presentations, Panel Discussions and Exhibits Participants were able to choose from 10 informative breakout presentations where they learned about best practices from dayto-day practitioners of Mission Assurance. An Engineering vice presidents’ panel, moderated by Bill Luhrs, allowed attendees to gain a better understanding of Mission Assurance and what it means to the work we do every day. The panel discussed some of the biggest challenges we face with achieving Mission Assurance, as well as key commitments needed as a team. Exhibits with a wealth of information related to Mission Assurance lined the outside of the general and breakout session rooms. Displays featuring project team achievements provided the opportunity for attendees to ask questions and hear project highlights. • Events Raytheon Six Sigma Awards: Best in Business and Best in Class T he achievements of Raytheon Six Sigma™ teams across the company were recognized April 26 at an awards dinner during the 2010 Mission Assurance Forum. Raytheon leaders, Raytheon Six Sigma Experts, honorees, customers and guests gathered for the event at Disney’s Contemporary Resort. Two types of awards were bestowed during the dinner: the Raytheon Six Sigma President’s Award and the Raytheon Six Sigma CEO Award. Both, among the company’s highest honors, recognize projects that have delivered substantial and measurable results and impact for Raytheon’s businesses, customers and suppliers. Fourteen teams were selected as recipients of the President’s Award, receiving the designation of “Best in Business.” Among these teams, six were recognized at the end of the night with the prestigious Raytheon Six Sigma CEO Award — for projects that Chairman and CEO William H. Swanson selected as “Best in Class” in a specific focus area. The awards-selection criteria included being proactive and predictive; supporting the front end of business; thinking out of the box to be innovative; working closely with Supply Chain; and being a catalyst for productivity and growth. • 2009 Raytheon Six Sigma Award Winning Teams IDS UAE Patriot Rolling Wave Improvement Team Jacqueline Bourgeois, Charles Spengler, Alex Umansky, James Webster, Daniel Zwillinger IDS Patriot Pure Fleet Eliminate Single Point of Failure Team CEO Award Winner: CEO‘s Choice Jo-Ann Basso, Cheryl Drake, James Hackendorf, Daniel Lafratta, David Sauer IIS Goldfinch Improvement Project Team CEO Award Winner: CEO‘s Choice Scott Derflinger, Guy Dubois, Elaine Nantz, Dick Perron, Royal White IIS Mission Analysis and MSI SE Capability Team Karen Casey, Rita Hurst, Craig Korth, David Rhodes, Phil Sementilli NCS P274 Workstation Host Streamlining Team Capt. Sofiane Abadlia, James Anderson, Larry Hoffsetz, Maj. Amine Lassoued NCS Engineering Maturing Apple Technology Team Michael Benoit, Steven Collins, Amanda Kirchner, Robert O’Shea, Megan Tremer NCS Common Crypto Team CEO Award Winner: CEO‘s Choice Dick Arend, Larry Finger, John Legowski, Jeff Miller, Rob Norwalk RMS EKV Organizational Effectiveness Team Bryan Lovitt, Kevin McCombs, Roya Montakhab, David Mueller, Robert Nussmeier RMS SM-2 Yield Improvement Team CEO Award Winner: CEO‘s Choice Matthew Axford, Michael Beylor, Lew Blum, Kent Bortz, Patricia Moshe RTSC Southwest Asia Market Growth Team CEO Award Winner: CEO‘s Choice Angela Anthony, Eugene Beauvais, Kip Matthias, Chase Mohler, Lyle Richardson RTSC Fuel Drum Caching in the Antarctic Team Lisa Gacioch, Julie Grundberg, Alex Morris, David Pettengill, William Turnbull SAS ALR-67 Extended Value Stream Capacity Improvement Team CEO Award Winner: CEO‘s Choice Suzanne Brayton, Ian David Brough, Arthur John Fowler, Denise Meredith, John Stephens SAS B-2 RMP SDD Right Eyes On Target Supplier Improvement Team Julie Ahamad, Jason Bays, Charnette Humphrey, Denise Meredith, Ben Mitchell Corporate ACES Team Manny Barros, Jeffrey Downs, Walter Geary, Joseph Morris, Michael Sirois RAYTHEON TECHNOLOGY TODAY 2010 ISSUE 2 49 Events 2009 Excellence in Operations and Quality Awards Disney’s Contemporary Resort in Lake Buena Vista, Fla., was the setting for the 2009 Excellence in Operations and Quality (EiOQ) Awards dinner. One of Raytheon’s highest honors, the EiOQ award recognizes those who demonstrate a constant pursuit of excellence, dedicated leadership and a commitment to customers by providing the best solutions. In all, 19 teams and one individual were honored. Mark Russell, vice president of Raytheon Engineering, Technology and Mission Assurance, acknowledged a total of 96 award recipients for their achievements. Each recipient contributed to Raytheon’s growth by helping ensure our customers’ mission success. “Tonight’s honorees have demonstrated leadership, improved performance and provided Mission Assurance,” said Russell. “It takes all of us working together, applying and expanding our domain knowledge, and being accountable to deliver the solutions our customers need to complete their missions.” 2009 Raytheon EiOQ Award Winners Integrated Defense Systems Core Energy Team Energy Conservation Award Michael Baginski, David Chamberlain, Tracy Fialli, Kevin Sheehan, Elizabeth Welch Antenna Element Pull System Team Carl Carucci, Gary Knox, Cynthia Kyslowsky, Eileen Leung, Yuliya Rovner Visual Controls Initiative Team Arun Bhatia, Janet Groebe, Gary Marinelli, Purvesh Thakker, Collin Ward Intelligence and Information Systems Mission Experience Library Team AKT Award Esther Harvey, Craig Korth, Richard Smerker, Robyn Schaub, Frederick Sutton GPS-OCX Compass Eyes Demonstration Team Adam Fisher, Michael Highfill, Kent Jones, Sarah Law, Jared Stallings State College Building Consolidation Team Tracy Getz, Jason Killam, Jason Moore, Mark Scott, Julie Voorhees Missile Systems CMMI® Level 5+ IPPD High-Maturity Implementation Team AKT Award Debra Herrera, Thomas Lienhard, Stephen Ross, Christopher Sisemore, Christopher Toal Predictive Supplier Performance Improvement Process and Tools AKT Award Carrie Mauck, Kevin McDonald, William Messina, Ted Naone, Edmundo Samaniego Falcon Dashboard and Scorecard Team Jesse Crowley, James Irish, Trindy Leforge, Kristyn Stewart, Mark Westergaard 3R Team Bridget Bonner, Lemond Dixon, Sarah Galbraith, Stephanie Kendrick, Nathan Tenney Tomahawk Production Acceleration Team Steven Carstens, Carol Conrad, Jim Healy, Albert Liguori, Paula Wilson 50 2010 ISSUE 2 RAYTHEON TECHNOLOGY TODAY Network Centric Systems ITAS Program Production Challenge Team Kenneth Cunningham, Douglas Davis, Edmundo Rodriguez, Igor Silver, Pamela Tignor RMI Product Improvement Meets Spec Team Randolph Holtgrefe, Michael Mikasa, Larry Mollett,Gary Sackett, David Stephens Raytheon Systems Limited Interrogator Radar Systems Process Improvement Matthew Jupp Raytheon Technical Services Ideas Are Free Team AKT Award Normand Dunlap, Michele Orman, Keith Taylor, Michael Terry, Curtis White Kirkuk ATII Design Team James Athey, Joseph Champlain, Philip Corrow, Aleksandr Danilenko, Ed Schlossberg Space and Airborne Systems CalTex PRISM Knowledge Sharing Team AKT Award Cedric Cleveland, Sarah Federick, Barry Jones, Randall Weston, Adrienne Willis HTM4 Mk 3 Transition to Production Team Dan Booth, Wayne Bowen, Joshua Lamb, Peter McDowell, Vincent Turner Ops/SCM Waste Reduction Team Ruben Carrasco, Sandra Holliday, Kenneth Lannin, Uy Ngu, Doug Toby Remove and Replace Business Process Improvement Team Daniel Chavez, Sheryl Kilgore, Christopher Mitchell, Rene Smith, Jesus Subia People Raytheon Recognizes Its Newest Certified Architects Raytheon honored 38 newly certified architects at a special recognition dinner in held in April at the Boston Harbor Hotel. The employees were recognized as Raytheon Certified Architects after completing the multiyear Raytheon Certified Architect Program (RCAP). The RCAP program requirements include: training on architecture standards within the Raytheon Enterprise Architecture Process; external architecture certifications, leadership and communication skills; architecting practitioner experience; system life-cycle experience; and contributions to the architecture discipline. Certified architects must also pass an examination before the Raytheon Architecture Review Board. The recipients represented all six businesses as well as Raytheon Systems Limited. Five Accelerating Knowledge Transfer (AKT) awards were given for projects that extended improvements across multiple Raytheon businesses, as well as an award for energy reduction efforts. The winning teams were joined by their guests, customers, members of the Raytheon leadership team, members of the ET&MA leadership team, and Operations and Performance Excellence Council members. Message of Commitment Highlighted Excellence in Operations and Quality is crucial to enabling Mission Assurance. The theme of the forum, “The Sum of Our Commitment,” reminds us that it is part of Raytheon’s personal and collective commitment to ensure no doubt in all of our products and services. “Walt Disney had a lot to say about teamwork and persistence,” said Russell. “Whatever we accomplish is due to combined effort. The organization must be with you, or you don’t get it done.” The program was established in 2004 to ensure Raytheon develops architectures that support customer mission success, facilitate interoperability between highly complex systems and foster the expertise required for Raytheon to excel as a Mission Systems Integrator. As of April 2010, Raytheon had certified 149 architects across the company — well exceeding the program’s initial goal of 100. In February 2009, RCAP achieved accreditation from The Open Group, an international vendor- and technology-neutral consortium focused on open standards and global interoperability within and between enterprises. Raytheon is the fourth company in the world and first in the aerospace and defense industry to receive this recognition. • Raytheon 2009 Certified Architect Graduates Ken Block Stephen Gaul Steven Labitt Donald Larson Randy Smith Edward Taylor Bruce Bohannan Gorman Findley Mike Forsman John Garnett Daniel Gleason Dale Hargrave Wayne O’Brien Bob Peterson Gary Route Cary Sutton David Younkin Jim Booher Mario D’Amico IDS IDS IDS IDS IDS IDS IIS IIS IIS IIS IIS IIS IIS IT-IIS IIS IIS IIS NCS NCS Sudbury, Mass. Portsmouth, R.I. Sudbury, Mass. Portsmouth, R.I. Huntsville, Ala. Tewksbury, Mass. Aurora, Colo. State College, Pa. Garland, Texas State College, Pa. Aurora, Colo. Aurora, Colo. Falls Church, Va. Garland, Texas Aurora, Colo. Omaha, Neb. Aurora, Colo. Fullerton, Calif. Marlborough, Mass. Paula Moss NCS John Schlundt NCS David Bossert RMS Steven Greene RMS Louisa Guise RMS Dennis Hart RMS Andrew Hinsdale RMS Jay Stern RMS Stephen Thelin RMS Thomas Bergman RTSC Timothy Bretz RTSC Todd Patel RTSC Glen Davis SAS Gary Lindgren SAS Jeanette Lurier SAS Bruce Munro SAS Kevin Sullivan SAS Michelle White-Heon SAS Brian Wells Corp Fort Wayne, Ind. Fort Wayne, Ind. Tucson, Ariz. Tucson, Ariz. Tucson, Ariz. Tucson, Ariz. Tucson, Ariz. Tucson, Ariz. Tucson, Ariz. Indianapolis, Ind. Indianapolis, Ind. Indianapolis, Ind. Goleta, Calif. El Segundo, Calif. El Segundo, Calif. Plano, Texas Goleta, Calif. McKinney, Texas Waltham, Mass. The evening concluded with award recipients coming on stage to receive recognition and congratulations from Russell and the business leaders. • RAYTHEON TECHNOLOGY TODAY 2010 ISSUE 2 51 Special Interest To Preserve and Protect: Ultrathin Environmental and Electroactive Polymer Coatings M any Raytheon electronic components and systems must survive harsh environmental conditions for long periods. Environmental conditions such as humidity, bias, temperature cycling, and ionic contamination can cause de-lamination and migration of the metallic interconnects. In an effort to reduce or eliminate this type of damage, Raytheon is investigating the use of GVD Corporation’s polytetrafluoroethylene coating (PTFE, also known as Teflon®) as an alternative candidate for the board-level environmental protection of active electronically scanned arrays (AESA). Conventional Wet Coatings—Challenges Applications ranging from aerospace structures to radio frequency (RF) electronics to microelectromechanical systems (MEMs) require ultrathin polymer coatings tailored to meet customer needs. Commonly used wetcoating methods are often complicated by the need to blend in and then remove solvents to ensure proper coating uniformity. Solvent purchase, processing, extraction, and disposal add to manufacturing costs and/or production time. Coatings with uniform thickness may be difficult to achieve with many wet processes, especially when very thin coatings are needed. Further, solvent-substrate incompatibility may damage the part being coated or prevent adequate wetting; the latter also contributes to poor coating uniformity. Coating of nano- or micron-scale surface roughness is required in many emerging applications (e.g., some flat-screen televisions have tiny moving mirrors that require a lubricating coating). But wet processes are often not adequate to achieve the required coating coverage, consistency, smoothness and thickness. Non-uniformity is exacerbated when the part being coated has a complex topology. In many cases, small features (microns or below) are obscured or overcoated when the solvent is driven off. Further, on drying, the strong liquid surface tension forces of wet coatings tend to cause small particles (e.g., carbon nanotubes, 52 2010 ISSUE 2 RAYTHEON TECHNOLOGY TODAY ceramic fillers) to aggregate, producing incomplete or uneven coverage. Hence, there is a great need for an all-dry, low-cost approach to depositing functional polymer coatings. GVD Corporation’s Novel, VaporDeposited Coatings To address this need, GVD Corporation provides the Exilis™ line of ultrathin, solvent-free polymer coatings. Exilis coatings are based on novel chemical vapor deposition (CVD) technologies developed at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology by Prof. Karen Gleason. These technologies accommodate a wide range of off-the-shelf monomers and precursors, and parts being coated need not have any special surface chemistry. Exilis coatings can be used in applications requiring environmental protection (circuit boards), RF transparency (radomes), optical transparency (lenses, displays), lubrication or release (composite molding tools), antistiction (MEMs), or electrical conductivity (electromagnetic interference [EMI] shielding, resistive heating, energy storage). Raytheon has applications in almost all of these areas. GVD currently produces coatings based on intrinsically conductive polymers (e.g., PEDOT [Polyethylenedioxythiophene], a polythiophene), silicones, and PTFE. PTFE is a widely used polymer with unique properties, including a tendency to repel water, a non-stick surface that minimizes friction, and unsurpassed chemical resistance. Ultrathin, Conformal Coatings Exilis coating thicknesses in the 25 nanometer to 10 micron range are typical. Deposition rates of up to 1 micron/minute or more are achievable for coatings based on PTFE, GVD’s most mature product offering. Exilis PTFE coatings are ready to use right after deposition; no post-processing (drying, curing) is required. GVD’s coatings are highly conformal to simple substrates and those with complex topologies, including molds, nanoparticles, foams, membranes and nanofibers (see figure). GVD Corporation deposits conformal, “shrink-wrap” coatings of ultrathin polymers onto substrates that have complex topologies. For example, open-cell foam coated with GVD’s Exilis electrically conductive polymer is shown here. GVD’s vapor deposition coating process preserves the foam’s open-cell structure. For example, when an Exilis polymer coating is to be deposited on a porous substrate, the reactive monomer vapors infiltrate the substrate’s pores, forming a thin polymer coating on contact and “shrink-wrapping” the porous structure. The open porosity of the substrate is thus preserved. Indeed, uniform “shrink-wrapping” of geometries as small as individual carbon nanotubes has been demonstrated. Raytheon’s Potential Use of GVD Coatings When fully populated, Raytheon’s AESA panel array boards have 128 TR channels. GVD’s coating process facilitates lower-cost, near-room-temperature, conformal coating of the entire panel array board with proper masking. GVD’s process is so gentle that even facial tissue can be coated. Exilis coatings show significant promise in protecting Raytheon components, such as those in AESAs, that are subjected to harsh environments. For example, Exilis coatings may effectively shield circuit boards from corrosive salt water. These coatings (1012 – 1013 Ω resistance range) have survived under physiological saline soak and DC electrical bias for greater than four years. No coating cracks, pinholes or other failure manifestations have developed over this time period. For AESAs, the GVD coating can be tailored to provide exceptional dielectric performance as well as superior moisture barrier properties. Raytheon IDS is currently verifying the performance GVD coatings against required metrics. • Erik S. Handy, Ph.D., GVD Corporation, Cambridge, Mass. U.S. Patents Issued to Raytheon At Raytheon, we encourage people to work on technological challenges that keep America strong and develop innovative commercial products. Part of that process is identifying and protecting our intellectual property. Once again, the U.S. Patent Office has recognized our engineers and technologists for their contributions in their fields of interest. We compliment our inventors who were awarded patents from January through June 2010. PURNACHANDRA R. GOGINENI MARTIN A. KEBSCHULL JEFFREY H. KOESSLER JUAN A. PEREZ JOHN PARINE 7642492 Single-axis fin deployment system EMERALD J. ADAIR GRAY FOWLER MICHAEL LIGGETT 7642336 Improved phthalonitrile composites ALEXANDER A. BETIN KALIN SPARIOSU 7646796 Solid-state suspension laser ROBERT ADAMS WILLIAM J. SCHWIND 7645970 Flight control system and method of using piezoelectric modal sensors to mitigate flexible body dynamics CHUL J. LEE SEAN T. PRICE 7646332 Method and apparatus interleaved gridding in distributed multiple computing for real-time rcs prediction LACY G. COOK ANDREW LEWANSKI SUSAN B. SPENCER 7648249 Beam-steering apparatus having five degrees of freedom of line-of-sight steering BRIAN J. HARKINS CHUL J. LEE 7652620 RCS sinature generation for closely spaced multiple objects using n-point models DANIEL T. MCGRATH 7652631 Ultra-wideband antenna array with additional low-frequency resonance BRIEN ROSS KEVIN WAGNER 7652818 Optical sight having an unpowered reticle illumination source CONRAD STENTON 7651237 Improved reticle illumination MORRIS ROBITAILLE 7650711 Rifle scope with textured profile ROBERT E. LEONI 7657189 Optical link TROY ROCKWOOD TAMER ELBATT JIJUN YIN 7656801 Jamming of network traffic in connection-based networks PATRICK T. HANZLICK JOSHUA J. LANGE 7665691 Aerial vehicle launching system and method JAMES CLINGENPEEL 7661036 Cache for collecting events on a monitored computer QUENTEN E. DUDEN 7661628 Catalyzed decomposing structural payload foam MARK A. GLOUDEMANS; WILLIAM COLEMAN JR.; JAYANTI PATEL; BROR PETERSON; WILLIAM MOSLEY JR. 7664472 Reducing the peak-to-average power ratio of a signal KAMAL TABATABAIE 7662698 Transistor having field plate ROBERT W. BYREN 7663090 Automatic avalanche photodiode bias setting system based on unity-gain noise measurement MICHAEL G. ADLERSTEIN 7664196 Frequency agile phased locked loop RICHARD J. LETT GREGORY L. RENNO THOMAS N. TERWIEL 7669081 System and methods for scheduling, processing, and monitoring tasks EMMET ANDERSON DAVID G. ANTHONY DANIEL W. BRUNTON DAVID G. GARRETT DANIEL C. HARRISON JIM R. HICKS DAVID J. KNAPP JAMES P. MILLS FRANK E. SMITH III WAYNE L. SUNNE 7667190 Optical fiber assembly wrapped across gimbal axes ROBERT J. DELACK KEVIN J. KRESSNER 7665998 Radio frequency connector DEVON G. CROWE 7667850 Imaging system with low coherence light source JOHN P. BETTENCOURT ALAN J. BIELUNIS KATHERINE J. HERRICK 7670045 Microstrip power sensor JOSEPH M. CROWDER PATRICIA S. DUPUIS MICHAEL C. FALLICA JOHN B. FRANCIS JOSEPH LICCIARDELLO ANGELO M. PUZELLA 7671696 Radio frequency interconnect circuits and techniques JOHN CARCONE 7671783 Radar reflector JAMES A. PRUETT FRANK L. SHACKLEE 7671801 Armor for an electronically scanned array ALEXANDER A. BETIN RICHARD GENTILMAN PATRICK HOGAN MICHAEL USHINSKY 7675952 Articulated glaze cladding for laser crystal components and method of encapsulation THOMAS K. DOUGHERTY JOHN J. DRAB STEPHEN A. GABELICH GREGORY D. TRACY TRICIA VEEDER 7675066 Erase-on-demand memory cell BILLIE G. HENDRY STEVEN MATTHEWS ROBERT D. STULTZ 7675958 Intra-cavity non-degenerate laguerre mode generator OLIVER HUBBARD JIAN WANG 7675458 Dual beam radar system RANDY W. HILL PAUL A. MEREMS 7677491 Methods and apparatus for airborne systems MICHAEL A. GRITZ RAFAEL HERNANDEZ WILLIAM H. WELLMAN 7679057 Antenna-coupled-into-rectifier infrared sensor elements and infrared sensors STEPHEN JACOBSEN DAVID MARCEAU DAVID MARKUS SHAYNE ZURN 7680377 Ultra-high density connector THOMAS K. DOUGHERTY JOHN J. DRAB SOLOMON O. ROBINSON DANIEL SIEVENPIPER 7683854 Tunable impedance surface and method for fabricating a tunable impedance surface ROBERT J. CODA CHRISTOPHER A. LEDDY JOHNNY Y. LEE STEPHEN R. NASH 7683945 Responsivity correction for electro-optical images ANDREW B. FACCIANO ROBERT T. MOORE GREGG J. HLAVACEK CRAIG SEASLY 7681834 Composite missile nose cone JOHN A. COGLIANDRO HENRY FITZSIMMONS 7681776 Methods and apparatus for efficiently generating profiles for circuit board work/rework PATRICK M. KILGORE 7684634 System and method for adaptive non-uniformity compensation for a focal plane array ROBERT C. HON MICHAEL H. KIEFFER CARL KIRKCONNELL THOMAS H. POLLACK 7684955 Noncontinuous resonant position feedback system MIRON CATOIU 7683734 Rf re-entrant combiner KEVIN W. CHEN GRAY FOWLER ERIC KRUMIN MICHAEL M. LIGGETT RICHARD M. WEBER 7686248 System and method for internal passive cooling of composite structures HANSFORD CUTLIP NELSON WALLACE 7688438 Scanning solar diffuser relative reflectance monitor JAMES M. IRION II ROBERT S. ISOM 7688265 Dual polarized low profile antenna MARK A. HARRIS 7686255 Space vehicle having a payload-centric configuration ROBERT CAVALLERI THOMAS A. OLDEN 7685940 Pellet propellant and composite propellant rocket motor GERALD L. EHLERS CHARLES LEPPLE AARON WATTS 7693313 Personal authentication device VICTOR JARINOV MICHAEL THORPE 7692858 Method and apparatus for internally zeroing a sight SHAHROKH HASHEMI-YEGANEH RICHARD A. MONTGOMERY CLIFTON QUAN DAVID E. ROBERTS 7692508 Spring loaded microwave interconnector ROBERT B. HALLOCK KAMAL TABATABAIE 7692222 Atomic layer deposition in the formation of gate structures for III-V semiconductor SCOTT R. CHEYNE JEFFREY PAQUETTE 7690924 An electrical connector to connect circuit cards SCOTT R. CHEYNE JEFFREY PAQUETTE JOHN D. WALKER DIMITRY ZARKH 7704083 Busbar connector MATTHEW H. BOSSE NICCOLO A. GARBARINO RANAPRATAP LAVU JOHN MICHEL MICHAEL P. PEYTON JOSE J. SOTO 7698148 Web-based risk management tool and method ERIC P. LAM CHRISTOPHER A. LEDDY STEPHEN R. NASH 7697073 Image processing system with horizontal line registration for improved imaging with scene motion DAVID B. HATFIELD RENEE M. RODGERS TERRY M. SANDERSON 7694578 Method of evaluating materials using curvature DANIEL J. MOSIER 7697646 Discrete state-space filter and method for processing asynchronously sampled data PAUL CRETE 7696460 Frequency adjusting arrangement RANDY C. BARNHART CRAIG S. KLOOSTERMAN MELINDA C. MILANI DONALD V. SCHNAIDT STEVEN TALCOTT 7701891 Data handling in a distributed communication network DELMAR L. BARKER HARRY SCHMITT NITESH N. SHAH DONALD E. WAAGEN 7701381 System and method of orbital angular momentum (OAM) diverse signal processing using classical beams RAYTHEON TECHNOLOGY TODAY 2010 ISSUE 2 53 ISTVAN RODRIGUEZ ROBERT A. LINDQUIST JR. 7701308 Radio frequency modulator LACY G. COOK 7703932 All-reflective, wide-field-of-view, inverse-telephoto optical system with external posterior aperture stop and long back focal length DEVON G. CROWE 7705971 System and method for determining crosswinds JAMES BALLEW SHANNON DAVIDSON 7711977 System and method for detecting and managing HPC node failure KUO-LIANG CHIOU CARROLL CHIOU KEVIN E. RUDOLPH 7711476 Aided ins/gps/sar navigation with other platforms PETER LUKENS 7707871 Leak detection system with controlled differential pressure DAVID BURKS THOMAS E. FETSKO RICHARD GENTILMAN MARLENE PLATERO DERRICK J. ROCKOSI CHRISTOPHER K. SOLECKI 7710347 Methods and apparatus for high performance structures RALPH HUDSON JOHN P. KILKELLY JON H. SHERMAN HELEN L. SUN 7714768 Non-statistical method for compressing and decompressing complex SAR data KENNETH W. BROWN 7715091 Spatially-fed high-power amplifier with shaped reflectors THOMAS G. LAVEDAS 7714791 Antenna with improved illumination efficiency RICHARD M. LLOYD 7717042 Munition PATRICK M. BROGAN FRANK COSTANZO WILLIAM J. MARSHALL DINO ROBERTI 7719926 Slotted cylinder acoustic transducer ROBERT H. BUCKLEY WILLIE NG DAVID PERSECHINI 7725043 System and method for reducing interferometric distortion and relative intensity noise in directly modulated fiber optic links LAWRENCE SCHWARTZ 7725259 Trajectory estimation system for an orbiting satellite JEFFREY M. PETERSON ERIC SCHULTE 7723815 Wafer bonded composite structure for thermally matching a readout circuit and an infrared detector chip both during and after hybridization DELMAR L. BARKER WILLIAM R. OWENS ABRAM YOUNG 7724420 Frequency modulation structure and method utilizing frozen shockwave WON CHON GHARIB GHARIBJANIANS NICK J. ROSIK DEAN W. SCHOETTLER GREGORY SURBECK 7724061 Active clamp circuit for electronic components TIMOTHY E. ADAMS JERRY M. GRIMM CHRISTOPHER MOSHENROSE JAMES A. PRUETT 7724176 Articulated synthetic aperture radar antenna RICHARD M. LLOYD 7726244 Mine counter measure system MARLIN SMITH JR. 7729667 System and method for intermodulation distortion cancellation ERWIN M. DE SA JUSTIN DYSTER MARVIN D. EBBERT RODNEY H. KREBS 7728264 Precision targeting KAICHIANG CHANG YUCHOI F. LOK 7728764 Sidelobe blanking characterizer 54 2010 ISSUE 2 RAYTHEON TECHNOLOGY TODAY RUDY A. EISENTRAUT EDGAR R. MELKERS 7728266 Exhaust assembly for mass ejection drive system JAMIE CLARK TERRY M. SANDERSON 7728267 Methods and apparatus for adjustable surfaces MICHAEL GUBALA KAPRIEL V. KRIKORIAN ROBERT A. ROSEN 7728756 Wide area high resolution sar from a moving and hovering helicopter KAICHIANG CHANG WILIAM KENNEDY 7728769 Adaptive processing method of clutter rejection in a phased array beam pattern CONRAD STENTON 7728988 Method and apparatus for testing conic optical surfaces KENNETH W. BROWN REID F. LOWELL ALAN RATTRAY A-LAN V. REYNOLDS 7730819 Weapon having lethal and non-lethal directed-energy portions EMERALD J. ADAIR JUDITH K. CLARK GRAY FOWLER MICHAEL LIGGETT 7732030 Method and apparatus for preform consistency JAYSON KAHLE BOPP JOSEPH C. DENO PAUL JONES JAMES LEECH 7732772 System and method for detecting explosive materials RAYMOND C. LANING STEVEN J. MANSON 7733339 Automated translation of high order complex geometry from a CAD model into a surface based combinatorial geometry format JAMES H. DUPONT RICHARD D. LOEHR WILLIAM N. PATTERSON 7730838 Buoyancy dissipator and method to deter an errant vessel ARNOLD W. NOVICK 7738319 Determining angles of arrival using multipaths ALEXANDER A. BETIN KALIN SPARIOSU 7742512 Scalable laser with robust phase locking ELI BROOKNER JIAN WANG 7741992 A moving target detector for radar systems JOSEPH R. ELLSWORTH MICHAEL P. MARTINEZ TEPHEN J. PEREIRA 7742307 High performance power device GABRIEL D. COMI KELLY L. PETERMAN 7747569 Systems, methods, and language for selection and retrieval of information from databases JAYSON KAHLE BOPP MARTIN G. FIX 7746639 F-16 avionics processor packaging International Patents Issued to Raytheon Titles are those on the U.S.-filed patents; actual titles on foreign counterparts are sometimes modified and not recorded. While we strive to list current international patents, many foreign patents issue much later than corresponding U.S. patents and may not yet be reflected. AUSTRALIA ELI BROOKNER 2004282851 Efficient technique for estimating elevation angle when using a broad beam for search in a radar RICHARD LAPALME 2003238262 Method and apparatus for intelligent information retrieval ELI BROOKNER DAVID MANOOGIAN FRITZ STEUDEL 2004282856 Multiple radar combining for increased range, radar sensitivity and angle accuracy RICHARD T. KARON MICHAEL E. LEVESQUE 2005326810 Event alert system and method (robust system architecture for sensors on dedicated and on-dedicated platforms)" BORIS S. JACOBSON 2006232963 Integrated smart power switch CLIFTON QUAN STEPHEN SCHILLER YANMIN ZHANG 2006255759 Attenuator circuit comprising a plurality of quarter wave transformers and lump element resistors JOHN CANGEME GERALD M. PITSTICK DAVID MANOOGIAN 2006270435 A method of generating accurate estimates of azimuth and elevation angles of a target for a phased-phased array rotating radar ROBERT ALLISON RON K. NAKAHIRA JOON PARK BRIAN H. TRAN 2006205200 Micro-electrical-mechanical device and method of making same KAPRIEL V. KRIKORIAN ROBERT A. ROSEN 2006249603 Variable inclination array antenna WENDY CONNOR 2006255733 Top loaded disk monopole antenna KWANG CHO LEO H. HUI 2006330076 Efficient autofocus method for swath SAR REZA TAYRANI 2006269627 Two stage microwave Class E power amplifier MICHAEL BRENNAN BENJAMIN DOLGIN LUIS GIRALDO JOHN HILL III DAVID KOCH JORAM SHENHAR 2004267467 Drilling apparatus, method, and system AUSTRALIA, CHINA QUENTEN E. DUDEN 2005332059 Catalyzed decomposing structural payload foam AUSTRALIA, FRANCE, GERMANY, ITALY, UK QUENTEN E. DUDEN ALLAN T. MENSE 2005333599 Catalyzed decomposing foam for encapsulating space-based kinetic objects AUSTRALIA, FRANCE, SPAIN, UK JAMES HOLDERLE JAMES A. KEEBAUGH JEFFREY W. LEWELLEN 2005327114 Determining a predicted performance of a navigation system AUSTRALIA, JAPAN TAMRAT AKALE EDUARDO D. BARRIENTOS JR. MICHAEL T. CRNKOVICH LAWRENCE DALCONZO DAVID J. DRAPEAU CHRISTOPHER A. MOYE 2006292765 Compact multilayer circuit AUSTRIA, CZECH REPUBLIC, FRANCE, GERMANY, ITALY, UK RUDY A. EISENTRAUT MARTIN A. KEBSCHULL JOHN PARINE 1485668 Missile having deployment mechanism for stowable fins CANADA STEVEN R. GONCALO YUCHOI F. LOK 2452635 Precision approach radar system having computer generated pilot instructions PAUL M. INGRAM JR. ARCHIE MUSE 2416266 Sensitivity of iterative spectrally smooth temperature/ emissivity separation to instrument noise RICHARD M. LLOYD 2597527 Warhead with aligned projectiles VINH ADAMS WESLEY DWELLY 2561391 Versatile attenuator WILLIAM AUTERY JAMES HUDGENS JOHN M. TROMBETTA GREGORY TYBER 2419987 Method of making chalcogenide glass CHINA STEPHEN HERSHEY WILLIAM SU zl200480017652.0 Distributed dynamic channel selection in a communication network DELMAR L. BARKER WILLIAM R. OWENS ROSS D. ROSENWALD NITESH SHAH HAO XIN zl200680001822.5 Dynamic control of planck radiation in photonic crystals DENMARK, FRANCE, GERMANY, NETHERLANDS, SINGAPORE, SPAIN, SWEDEN, UK ROBERT ALLISON JAR J. LEE ROBERT LOO BRIAN PIERCE CLIFTON QUAN JAMES SCHAFFNER 1597797 Low cost 2-D electronically scanned array with compact CTS feed and MEMs phase shifters FRANCE, GERMANY, ITALY, UK ROBERT ADAMS VINH ADAMS WESLEY DWELLY 1896869 Radar system and method for reducing clutter in a high-clutter environment JOHN P. BETTENCOURT ALAN J. BIELUNIS KATHERINE J. HERRICK 1756593 Microstrip power sensor SHARON A. ELSWORTH MARVIN I. FREDBERG WILLIAM H. FOSSEY JR. 1595023 High strength, long durability strutural fabric/seam system NORMAN A. LUQUE 782496 Apparatus and methods for split-feed coupled-ring resonator-pair elliptic-function filters JOSEPH M. CROWDER PATRICIA S. DUPUIS MICHAEL C. FALLICA ANGELO M. PUZELLA 1520455 Multilayer stripline radio frequency circuits and interconnection methods FRANCE, GERMANY, UK ROBERT W. BYREN 1517158 Synthetic aperture ladar system and method using real-time holography TIMOTHY D. SMITH NINA L. STEWART 1911226 Dynamic system and method of establishing communication with objects STAN W. LIVINGSTON 470609 Solid state transmitter circuit DAVID D. CROUCH WILLIAM E. DOLASH 436856 Reflecting surfaces having geometries independent of geometries of wavefronts reflected therefrom FRITZ STEUDEL 159635 Radar system having spoofer, blanker and canceller JAMES HENDERSON MICHAEL M. LIGGETT JOSEPH TEPERA 1196735 Ramming brake for gun-launched projectiles LACY G. COOK ROGER WITHRINGTON 1488272 Method and laser beam directing system with rotatable diffraction gratings FRANCE, GERMANY, ITALY, SPAIN, SWEDEN, UK BORIS S. JACOBSON JOHN MCGINTY PAUL C. THOMAS 1774635 Method and apparatus for a power system phased array radar FRANCE, GERMANY, SWEDEN GERALD COX MARK S. HAUHE STAN W. LIVINGSTON CLIFTON QUAN ANITA L. REINEHR COLLEEN TALLMAN YANMIN ZHANG 1749330 Radiator structures FRANCE, GERMANY, ITALY, SINGAPORE, SPAIN, UK DAVID D. HESTON JOHN G. HESTON THOMAS L. MIDDLEBROOK 1886406 Power absorber system and method FRANCE, GERMANY, ITALY, NETHERLANDS, UK FERNANDO BELTRAN JOHN J. HANLIN RICHARD H. HOLDEN 1354370 Radio frequency antenna feed structures having a coaxial waveguide and asymmetric septum FRANCE, GERMANY, ITALY, JAPAN, UK GARY ALLEY 1287611 Amplifier circuit FRANCE, GERMANY, SWITZERLAND JOHN ARCHER UKROY P. MCMAHON 203432 Arc-fault detecting circuit breaker system GERMANY, SWEDEN, UK REGINA ESTKOWSKI PETER TINKER 602005019034.1-08 System and method for adaptive path planning HUNGARY WILLIAM T. STIFFLER E007461 Programmable cockpit upgrade system ISRAEL RICHARD HODGES JAMES M. IRION II NICHOLAS SCHUNEMAN 160680 Balun and groundplanes for decade band tapered slot antenna and method of making same ALAN L. KOVACS MATTHEW PETER KURT S. KETOLA JACQUES LINDER 156227 Multilayer thin film hydrogen getter STEVE E. HUETTNER STEVEN C. REIN DOUG BAKER 165380 Accurate range calibration architecture PETER V. MESSINA 164199 Figure eight hysteresis control method and follow-up system ISRAEL, SOUTH KOREA DIPANKAR CHANDRA ATHANASIOS SYLLAIOS 161696 Sensor for detecting small concentrations of a target matter JAPAN RODERICK BERGSTEDT LEE A. MCMILLAN ROBERT STREETER 4512304 Microelectromechanical micro-relay with liquid metal contacts ANTHONY S. CARRARA PAUL A. DANELLO JOSEPH MIRABILE 4477040 Wedgelock system FERNANDO BELTRAN JOSEPH P. BIONDI RONNI J. CAVENER ROBERT CUMMINGS JAMES MCGUINNIS THOMAS V. SIKINA KEITH D. TROTT ERDEN YURTERI 4440266 Wideband phased array radiator KURT S. KETOLA ALAN L. KOVACS JACQUES LINDER MATTHEW PETER 4436249 Dielectric interconnect frame incorporating EMI shield and hydrogen absorber for tile T/R modules MARY ONEILL 4481812 Method for protecting an aircraft against a threat that utilizes an infrared sensor KENNETH A. ESSENWANGER 4445010 Compact balun for rejecting common mode electromagnetic fields YONAS NEBIYELOUL-KIFL WALTER G. WOODINGTON 4447455 Automotive side object detection sensor blockage detection system and related techniques WILLIAM H. FOSSEY JR. SHARON A. ELSWORTH 4510820 High strength fabric structure and seam therfor with uniform thickness and a method of making same PHILLIP ROSENGARD 4473733 Method and system for encapsulating variable-size packets JONATHAN LYNCH 4499728 Monolithic array amplifier with periodic bias-line bypassing structure and method PHILLIP ROSENGARD 4523596 Encapsulating packets into a frame for a network JON N. LEONARD JAMES SMALL 4490433 Mass spectrometer for entrained particles, and method for measuring masses of the particles ANDREW B. FACCIANO ROBERT T. MOORE JAMES E. PARRY JOHN T. WHITE 4444964 Missile with multiple nosecones SHANNON DAVIDSON 4451806 On-demand instantiation in a high performance computer (HPC) system KELLY MCHENRY 4497780 Projectile for the destruction of large explosive targets GERALD COX DOUGLAS A. HUBBARD TIMOTHY D. KEESEY CLIFTON QUAN DAVID E. ROBERTS CHRIS E. SCHUTZENBERGER RAYMOND TUGWELL 4435459 Vertical interconnect between coaxial or GCPW circuits and airline via compressible center conductors RICHARD O’SHEA 4463860 Flexible optical RF receiver TOM BROEKAERT 4422914 Method and system for quantizing an analog signal utilizing a clocked resonant tunneling diode pair LLOYD LINDER 4468358 Mixed technology MEMs/BICMOS LC bandpass sigmadelta for direct RF sampling SINGAPORE STEVEN G. BUCZEK STUART COPPEDGE ALEC EKMEKJI SHAHROKH HASHEMI-YEGANEH WILLIAM MILROY 132849 True-time-delay feed network for CTS array JONATHAN D. GORDON REZA TAYRANI 132485 Broadband microwave amplifier SOUTH KOREA PHILLIP ROSENGARD 10-0946446 Compressing cell headers for data communication YUEH-CHI CHANG MARIO DAMICO BRIAN D. LAMONT ANGELO M. PUZELLA THOMAS SMITH NORVAL WARDLE 10-0953233 Extendable spar buoy for sea-based communication system UK STAN SZAPIEL BRIEN ROSS 2440013 Multi-magnification viewing and aiming scope Raytheon’s Intellectual Property is valuable. If you become aware of any entity that may be using any of Raytheon’s proprietary inventions, patents, trademarks, software, data or designs, or would like to license any of the foregoing, please contact your Raytheon IP counsel: David Rikkers (IDS), John J. Snyder (IIS), John Horn (MS), Robin R. Loporchio (NCS and Corporate), Charles Thomasian (SAS), Horace St. Julian (RTSC and NCS). 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