Prestolite Maintenance Information
Prestolite Maintenance Information
PRt z;TO LITE r\n ~I lu-r ru~ ru C E For I RCR C 1\1 C~ I 1\1 E S I\narch SSP -14’3rl -3 1, 1985 L;I~AVCO LYCOMING WILLIAMSPORT DIVISION 652 Oliver Street, Williemsport, Pennsylvsnis’l7701 ~AVCO LYCOMING ENGINE GRQUP prP5to/ite. SERVICE PUBLICATION THE AIRCRAFT STARTING MOTOR USING GEAR REDUCTION DRIVE designed to carry high current battery, solenoid starting switch, The starting circuit is circuit includes the motor, the connecting wiring and the vehicle frame. for starting while the battery supplies the power. with a minimum loss of voltage. This starting cranks the engine manual starting switch, The starting motor The manual switch and solenoid starting switch control the operation. THE STARTING MOTOR high cranking torque for a limited period of time when The starting motor has designed into it a means of engaging the starting switch is closed. its pinion with the flywheel ring gear on the engine with which it is used, and disengaging the pinion as soon as the engine starts. The starting motor must develop a DESCRIPTION The gear reduction starting motor consists of six major components: (1) The Commutator End Head Assembly, (2) The Armah~re, (3) The Frame and Field Assembly, (4) The Gear Housing, (5) The Pinion Housing, and (6) The Bendix Drive Assembly. See Figure 9ET VB~NDI 1 s~ OE*R HOUSING ASSY. .r. BE*RINO: THRUST W*SHER PI(C. Figure Form L-649A 1 Exploded View of Gear Reduction Starting Motor i. OPERATION When the circuit is starting energized, battery current is applied to the starting motor through the field coils creating a strong magnetic field. At the same time, current flows through the brushes to the commutator, through the armature windings to ground. The magnetic force created in the armature combined with that created in the’ field windings, begins to turn the armature. Current flows terminal. The gear cut it is on the drive end of the armature shaft extends supported by roller a position on the gear housing where bearing. The gear mates with the teeth of the reduction gear that The shaft is keyed to the reduction gear. The Bendix drive is held drives the Bendix shaft. in through the shaft closed end roller by a "spirol" pin. The shaft is supported in the gear housing by bearing and in the pinion housing by a graphitized bronze bearing. a When the armature turns the reduction gear, the Bendix drive pinion meshes with the flyring gear by inertia and action of the screw threads within the Bendix sleeve. A wheel detent pin engages in a notch in the screw threads which prevents fails to start when the starting circuit is de-energized. When the engine reaches of the notch in the screw a predetermined speed, centrifugal demeshing if the engine action forces the detent pin out shaft and allows the pinion to demesh from the flywheel. MAINTENANCE The circuit should be starting inspected at regular intervals, the frequency of which should be determined ated. by the amount of service and the conditions under which the vehicle is operIt is recommended that such inspection be made at least twice a year and should include 1. thg following: Battery charged, The battery should and filled to the proper level wit~ be made to determine on Be 2. the battery, sure none Wiring be checked with The connections battery condition. it should be cleaned with of the solution enters the starting are hydrometer to be sure it is fully approved water. A load test should a If dirt and corrosion have accumulated a solution of baking soda and water. battery cells. circuit wiring should be inspected to be sure that all tight and that the insulation is sound. A voltage loss locate any high resistance connections that would affect clean and test should be made to starting motor efficiency. This test is made with while cranking the engine or at approximately 100 low reading voltmeter amperes, then the following a limits should be used: (A) Voltage loss from insulated terminal (B) Voltage loss from battery ground post 0. 1 volt maximum. Form L-649A battery post to starting motor 0.3 volt maximum. to starter frame If voltage loss is greater than the above limits, additional tests should be made the circuit to locate the 3. Lubrication No lubrication is high over each part of resistance connections. required on the sMrting motor except at the time Then lubricate the entire shaft under Bendix Drive, fill grooves 9 ounces of in armature shaft at drive end and pack gear box with 1.3 to 2. "O" or equivalent. Lithium Soap Base Grease #1925 Molytex of overhaul. 4. seconds Operation The starting motor should be operated for a few with the ignition switch off to make sure that the pinion engages properly and that it turns freely without binding or excessive noise. Then the engine should be started two or three times to see that the pinion disengages properly Drive when the engine is turned off. OVERHAUL motor difficulty is noted, the If, during the above inspection, any indication of starting for the cleaning and repair. engine starting motor should be removed from i. Removal the ground To remove the cable from the starting motor from the engine, first disconnect battery post to prevent short circuiting. Dis- connect the lead from the starting motor terminal, then take out the the bench for´• mounting bolts. The motor can then be lifted off and taken to overhaul 2. head Disassembl3T Remove the frame screws from the commutator end and pull end head and armature from frame. Lift the brushes and lock the end in elevated position with brush springs. Use a puller to remove head from the armature. Use a special bearing puller to remove the sealed ball bearing from the armature shaft. housing to the frame. and Remove bolts and nuts holding the gear housing to the pinion housing Do not separate the two units. Pull Bendix shaft from pinion housing. Remove shaft. of the lose the steel spacer that is located on the pinion end Remove the frame screws that secure the gear reduction gear, woodruff key and steel spacer from shaft. pinion until it locks in the extended position. Locate "spirol" off the shaft. Do pin and use a pundh to remove. Slide drive assembly solvent. not attempt to disassemble the drive and do not dip it in cleaning Turn the Bendix To remove the roller bearings from the gear housing, use an arbor press should and the correct bearing arbor. DO NOT HAMMER OUT. Each part should for excessive wear or damage. Bearings be and evidence of roughness or galling. Oil clearance be che~ed for proper insulation and dirt should be removed from insulation and the condition of the checked. Form L-649A 3. Brushes Check the brushes to full contact should be 4. on If worn freely to half their in their holders and make original length or less, they replaced. Armature Cheek the commutator for of excessive arcing. If be cleaned with 00 can that they slide see the commutator. should be turned in a wear, excessive uneven only slightly dirty. glazed or 000 lathe. or glazing discolored, the If the commutator is rough sandpaper. or evidence commutator or worn, it Figure 2. The armature shaft should be inspeoted for rough bearing surfaces rough or damaged splines. To test the armature far set of test probes (1 lln r,lt Touch one probe and grounds, a connected in series h´• to a I~ commutator seg- ment and the other to the armature If the test core. armature is lamp lights, the and should be grounded replaced. To test for shorted armature is placed rotated held on by the hand the over over 2 Figure coils, a Turning Starting is used, growler Figure 3. Motor Commutator The armature growler and slowly while a steel strip is core so each armature that it passes core slot. If a coil is shorted, the steel strip will vibrate. A quick check for by inspecting the opens can be made trailing edge tin direction of rotation) of the oommu- tator segments for excessive dis- coloration. an 6. This condition indicates open circuit. Field Coils on Figure Cheek the field coils for the frame and the other starter terminal. brushes fields are sure Testing Motor Armature for Shorts grounds (Figure 4) by placing one test probe the the accidentally touching lamp lights, the grounded. Repair or are the frame. Be an 3 not If the replace. Inspect all connections to make sure clean and tight and inspect insulation for deterioration. they 6. are Brush Holders touch one test To test brush probe holders, to the brush plate and the other to each brush holder. i Figure Form L-649A 4 Testing Motor Fields for Grounds The test not light lamp should light when the grounded brush holders when the insulated brush holders Gear and Pinion 7. vrear. Remove touched and should touched. Inspect housings for cracks and bearings for excessive Housing rust, paint or grease from mounting surfaces. The Bendix Drive should be Bendix Drive 8. are are should turn smoothly in one drive if it fails to check as wiped clean with a dry cloth. The pinion direction and should lock in the other direction. above or if the pinion teeth are excessively Replace worn or damaged. assembling the starting motor, always use an arbor press and the The bronze and roller bearings. proper bearing arbor for installing graphitized Bendix Bendix shaft should have a thin film of Lubriplate #777~or equivalent on the portion of the shaft. Assembly 9. When properly seated when installing by wrapping a strip of 00 times sandpaper around the commutator (with the sanding side out) 1-1/4 to 1-1/2 the and armaturn commutator covered maximum. Drop brushes on sandpaper New brushes should be slowly in after sanding. ture Check the position of the pinion to be flywheel ring Dust should be blown out of the motor the direction of rotation. gear. See sure specifications for the unit will mesh particular properly with the unit for correct dimensions. BENCH TESTS After the starting motor is reassembled, it should be tested to see that the no load current To make this test, connect as shown in at a certain voltage is within specifications. make sure 5. If current is too high, check the bearing alignment and end play to Figure there is no binding hammer will often or interference. help to align the ~o or three sharp raps bearings and free on the frame with a rawhide the armature. if the difficulty is indicated in the above test, a stall torque test may be made to see shown starting motor is producing its rated cranking power. Make test connections as Figure 6. If no o KNIFE SWITCH CI KNIFE in AMMETER CARBON PILE SWITCFI CARBON PILE ?IPRINC SCALE ~C1 BATTERY BATTERY TACnOMETER STARTING MOTOR STARTING MOTOR Figure Form L-649A 5 No-Load Test Hook-up Figure 6 Stall-Torque Hookup If torque and current are not within specifications, check the seating of the brushes and high resistance. If these checks are made and found to be in good order, replace frame and field assembly and retest starter. internal connections for STARTING MOTOR CONTROL CIRCUIT Inspect the control circuit wiring between the battery, solenoid and manual starting switches for breaks, solenoid is poor connections and firmly faulty mounted and makes a insulation. good ground Tighten all connections and make Check the excess voltage loss across the switch contacts during normal starting. of 0. 2 volts per 100 amperes, the solenoid should be replaced. If solenoid fails to operate when the manual switch is turned on or If loss is in if it fails to release when the manual switch is either opening or sure connection. released, it should be removed and tested to specifications. closing voltages are not as specified, replace the solenoid. If Form L-649A December, 1965 presro/itP, SERVICE PARTS LIST MHB SERles STARTING MOTORS ISSUEO: SERVICE MOTOR ORIG.EaUIP. MOTOR PART NUMBER APPLICATION USE MHB-4O16R USE USE MHB-4017R MHB-4019R Lycoming Lycoming Lycoming MHB-4004 Frankl in PART NUMBER MHB-4001,R MHB-4002,R MHB-4003,R MHB-4004 Lycomin9 MHB-4005,R MHB-4006 MHB-4OO7,R MHB-4008, R MHB-4009,R MHB-4O10,R MHB-4011, R MHB-4012, R MHB-4013,R MHB-4014,R MHB-4015,R USE MHB-4O17R USE USE MHB-401 9R MHB-401 8R USE MHB-4O14R MMU-4001R MHB-4016,R MHB-4017,R MHB-4018,R MHB-4019,R USE USE USE USE USE Continental MHB-4006 MHB-4O18R MHB-4008R MHB-401 4R USE Available thru Lycoming Lycomlng Lycoming Lycomlng MHB-4O16R USE USE USE Lycoming Lycomfng Lycoming Lycoming Lycoming Lycoming Lycomlng Lycoming Lycoming MHB-4O16R MHB-401 7R MHB-4O18R MHB-4O19R Lycoming only. File in the P.I11´•dinU´•J´•*´• 9-25-79(Rev.) OE-AI AIRCRAF’IMANUAL I STARTING MOTOR I ~P(B-4000 Series Starting Motor Parts List 6 6 14 17 ~-’____ _1 19 16 L____ -T-- j ------7--- Exploded View of Typical __J MHB Starting Motor ISSUED~3-13-81 (REV,) MHB SERIES STARTING MOTOR PARTS LIST Brush Set Armature Assembly O O I I I MHB-4003, R I I I MHB-2383 MHB-4 005,R[* MHB-2399S MHS-4006 MHB-2420 MHB-4007,R MHB-2399S MHB-2012AS I j MHB-2012S I I I MHB-4008, R I I MHB-4009,R I I Bearing Assembly Assembly MHB-2400 II II I MHB-4011,R I I I MHB-4012,R j I I MHB-4013,K I I MHB-4015, K MMU-2386S MHB-4016,R MHB-2399S I O O X-3991 Ca] [al I I I Cb] Cb] I I I Cc] [cl MHB-2418S MHB-2400A X-3991 MHB-2384AS i MBP-2002CS CNR] MHB-2137[e] 90-2118[f] MHB-2397S MHB-2400 X-3991 Cd] Cd] ENRI I I’ II I II II MZ-1147 [NR] I I [NRI I I Cd] I PS-1432C I I PS-1437B I I I PS-2432B I I I PS-1432E I I I i I MHB-EO1 25 I MHB-2384BS MBP-2002D [a] [b] Ccl [d] [e] CNR] [d] MZ-298 MHB-2337S MHB-2400 II PS-1435 MG-77A 1 PS-1432C MZ-298 I PS-1437B [NR] X-3991 I PS-1432E MHB-4018,R MtlB-4019,d MAB-124 CNR] MHB-2397AS MHB-2012AS I Hsg. O MBP-2002CS I MHB-4014,R D. E. Bearing or MHB-2384S MHB-2397S MHB-2012S I D. E. Head Pinion O MHB-2397AS MHB-2012AS MHD-4010,R MHB-4017,R C.E. Head MHB-2397S MHB-4002, R MHB-4004 Comm. End O MHB-2012S MHB-2399S MHB-4001,R Frame Field SHEET 2 I I I II I I I PS-2432B Shaft Pkg. must be used at time of first repair. Individual componentsPS-1432CS Housing PS-1432C Pinion Hsg.,MZ-298 Bearing, M2-326 Bendix Drive Shaft may be replaced thereafter. Shaft Pkg. must be used at time of first repair. Individual componentsPS-l437BS Housing PS-1437B Pinion Hsg.,MZ-298 Bearing, M2-326 Bendix Drive Shaft may be replaced thereafter. Shaft Pkg. must be used at time of first repair. Individual ComponentsPS-2432BS Housing PS-2432B Pinion Hsg.,MZ-298 Bearing,MZ-326 Bendix Drive Shaft may be replaced thereafter. Shaft Pkg. must be used at time of first repair. Individual CompOnentsPS-1432ES Housing PS-1432E Pinion Hsg.,MZ-298 Bearing, M2-326 Bendix Drive Shaft may be replaced thereafter. available. MZ-414S D.E. Mtg. Screw Gasket Pkg.(lOPcs.) and 90-2191 Mtg. Screw Pkg.(20Pcs.)also Seal Pkg. Available thru Lycoming only. Cf] Bearing CNR] Not Prlnt´•d In U.S.A. required. File in the I STARTING MOTOR OE-AI AIRCRAFT MANUAL I SECTION r r, MHB SERIES STARTING MOTOR PARTS LIST Bendix Drive Bendix Drive Assembly Bearing S~jtt Assgl?ply Ca] CNR] I Cb] [NR] I Cc] [NR] EBB-133Ch] CNR] CNR] MHB-4005,R[*ll I~NRI CNR] MHB-4006 ENR] MHB-4007, R MHB-4O08,K EBB-75ACgl MHB-4001,R Brush Intermed. Oil Seal Cover Band Terminal Stud Spring Package t 11 O 12 MZ-19S CNR] MZ-24A 90-2502 I I CNR] I I i [NP.] I I I I [NRI I I I I CNR] CNRI CNR] I I I 1 90-2118[f1 EBB-75ACgl [d] [NRI I I I I CNH] CNR] ~NRI [NR] I I I I [NR] MHB-4009,R EBB-142A[g3 [d3 CNR] I i I CNRI MHB-4010, R EBB-75A[gl MHB-4002, n I MHB-4003, R I MHB-4004 II Mi-326 I XA-560 ~NR] I I I I ENR] MHB-4011,R I I I CNR] I I ’I j [NR] MHB-4012,R I i i CNR] I I I i CNPl I I CNR] I I I I CNRI I I CNR] I I i I CNR] i i CNRI MHB-4013,R MHB-4014,R EBD-142AIgl MHB-4O15, R EBB-l MHB-4016,R EBB-131AChl UNRI 24A[h] MZ-l MZ-326A CNRI I I I i ENRI I I I i [NR] I I I CNR] I I I CNR] MHB-4017,R I I i CNRI MHB-4018,R j i i CNP] MHB-4019,R I I I CNR] Ca] [b] Cc] Cd] [f] [gl Ch] Cjl CNR] 1 236Cj] I Shaft Pkg. must be used at time of first repair. Individual Housing PS-1432C Pinion Hsg.,MZ-298 Bearing, M2-326 Bendix Drive Shaft may be replaced Shaft Pkg.must be used at time of first repair. Individual PS-1437BS Housing PS-1437B Pinion Hsg.,MZ-298 Bearing, M2-326 Bendix Drive Shaft may be replaced Shaft Pkg. must be used at time of first repair. Individual PS-2432BS Housing PS-2432B Pinion Hsg., MZ-298 Bearing,MZ-326 Bendix Drive Shaft may be replaced Shaft Pkg. must be used at time of first repair. Individual PS-1432ES Housing PS-1432E Pinion Hsg., MZ-298 Bearing,MZ-326 Bendix Drive Shaft may be replaced Seal Pkg. Bearing 90-2140 Bendix Pin Pkg.(25 Pcs.) also available. 90-2139 Bendix Pin Pkg. (25 Pcs.) also available. MZ-339 Bushing also available. Available thru Lycoming only. Not required. PS-1432CS Componentsthereafter. Componentsthereafter. Componentsthereafter. Componentsthereafter. MHB SERIES STARTI~G MOTOR PARTS LIST ISSUED: 8-3-81 Gear Gear Assembly Housing MZ-396 fhrust Washer Retainer Plate Bearing As1Y O MHB-4001,R Needle (REvl) Connector O Switch O Ck] MZ-1390 SHEET 3 Switch MZ-393 90-601 [NR] CNRI MHB-4002, R I I [kl i I I [NR] [NR] MHB-4003, R I I [kl I I I CNRI CNR~ MZ-144 Cm] [NRI MHB-4004 CNR] MHB-4005,RC*] I MHB-1030[*] MHB-4006 i [NR] [NR] MZ-1390 [NR] 90-2677 ~NRI 90-601 [NR] [NR] CNR] CNH] 90-2232 [NR] I~NR] [k] MZ-393 90-601 [NR] CNRI I [NR] [NR] i CNRI [NR~ MHB-4007,R MZ-396 MHB-4008,R CNR] i L~kl [NR~ MHB-4009,R MZ-396 I Ck] MZ-393 I I Ek3 I I i CNR] [NR] MHB-4011,R I I I~kl I I i CNR] CNR] MHB-4012,R I I [k] I [NR] [NR~ I I Ek3 I I I CNRI [NR] I Ek] I I I [NR] [NR] 90-2677 [NAI [NR~ 90-601 [NR] [NR] I MHB-4010, R I MHB-4013, R MHB-4014,R MHB-4015,R [NR] MHB-4016,R MZ-396 [NR] MZ-1390 j MHB-4019,R I Two used. No CNR I XA-997 is 1/2" O.D. CNRI [k] MZ-393 1 I~k3 I I MHB-4017,R MHB-4018,R [NR] 1 I i I [NR] CNR] [k] I I [NR] [NR) [k] I [NR] CNR] and XA-998 is 13/16" O.D. longer available. Available thru Not required. Prinl´•d In U.5.1. Lycoming only. File in the OE-AI AIRCRAFT MANUAL I I STARTING MOTOR SECTION PTP~rO/ltP: MHB AIRCRAFT STARTING MOTORS SERVICE Issued 4/1/~3 INFORMATION GENERAL INFORMATION VOLTAGE 24 ROTATION Gear Reduction Units Except MHB-4005, Drive CCWDE Motor R R -4014, MHB-4005, Drive CWDE Motor MHB-4009, R,-4009, R,-4014, R. CWDE CWDE R CWDE Motor Direct Drive Units CCWDE Drive CWDE BRUSHES 4 POLES 4 SWITCH Gear Reduction Units Separate switch mounted Direct Drive Units on motor DRIVE ASSEMBLY Rubber Folo Thru Type GEAR REDUCTION 3.38 to 1 Gear Ratio (see following note). DRIVE AND GEAR NOTE Reduction gears, shafts, and drives used with the MHB-4005, 4005R, and 4006 are not manufactured or supplied by Prestolite. SERVICE INFORMATION LUBRICATION GEAR REDUCTION UNITS Except MHB-4006 Thoroughly clean and repack needle bearings with Shell A~vania #2 Pack gear box with 1-1/4 to or an equivalent bearing lubricant. 2 ounces of Texaco #1925 Molytex "O" or an equivalent Lithium soap base grease. (Also see Drive Assembly servicing.) MHB-4006 Saturate the felt oiling pad in the commutator end head with SAE 20 oil. Allow excess oil to drain out before installing end head on motor. Thoroughly clean and inspect the two needle bearings in the drive end head for wear or damage. Replace if necessary. Repack needle bearing with Shell Alvania #2 or an equivalent bearing lubricant. Printed in U.S.A. File in the OF-Al AIRCRAFT MANUAL ec Data STARTING MOTORS presto~te´• MHB AIRCRAFT STARTING MOTORS Issued SERVICE 4/1/83 Page 2 of INFORMATION 5 I DIRECT DRIVE UNITS Soak new absorbent bronze bearings in SAE 20 oil before installation. Saturate the felt oiling pad in the commutator end head with SAE 20 Allow excess oil to drain out before installing end head on oil. Put a light film of Lubriplate #777, or equivalent, on the motor. drive end of the armature shaft before installing the drive end head. (Also see Drive Assembly servicing.) DRIVE ASSEMBLIES The Drive Assembly should be throroughly cleaned and re-lubricated Do Not use carburetor cleaner or any when the motor is overhauled. cleaning solution that could damagethe rubber block inside the Use only clean petroleum base cleaners such as Drive Assembly. kerosene or "varsol". Thoroughly clean the drive to remove all dirt, grease, and contamination from the screwshaft threads and The drive cup may also be removed to insure a thorough control nut. cleaning job. Do Not attempt to remove the control nut. After the drive has been cleaned and blown dry with compressed air, lubricate the drive with a spray-on type silicone lubricant. Lubricate the motor shaft with the same silicone lubricant before installing the Drive Assembly. When reassembling the early style drive on the shaft, make sure the spirol pin does not project beyond the outside diameter of the pinion sleeve. When reassembling the late style drive, make sure the head washer covers both ends of the retaining pin. BEARING REPLACEMENT GEAR PEDIICTIPN UNITS Except MHB-4006 replacing needle bearings they must be pressed in flush with the edge casting. The armature bearing must be flush on the side toward the armature and the Drive Assembly shaft bearing flush on Press the pinion housing bearing the side toward the Drive Assembly. in flush with the outside edge of the casting. When of the MHB-4006 Press the armature shaft bearing into the housing until it is flush Press the oil seal in until it is flush with with the bearing bore. Press the gear reduction shaft bearing in the edge of the casting. is with the edge of the casting. end flush so that the open DIRECT DRIVE UNITS Press the drive end bearing in flush with the outside Press the oil seal into the casting so that casting. against the oil seal counterbore. edge of the it bottoms prpstolifP, MHB AIRCRAFT STARTING MOTORS SERVICE Issued ~N FORM ATION Page 4/1/83 3 of 5 I INTERMEDIATE BEARING PLATE MHB-4O15, R Use "Loctite Grade A" screws to 25 Torque threads of 35 in./lbs. on bearing plate retaining screws. BRUSH REPLACEMENT Brushes must be replaced when they have worn down to a length of Refer to service bulletin ASM-1 for brush replacement 1/4" or less. procedure. BRUSH SPRING TENSION Measure with a spring scale 32 to 40 ounces with new brushes. Pull on a line opposite the hooked under the spring at the brush. line of force exerted by the spring and take the reading just as the spring leaves the brush. END PLAY GEAR REDUCTION UNITS Except MHB-4006 Make sure the fiber thrust No dimensional specification necessary. shaft and that a steel the end of armature drive washer is on the Drive the thrust washer is on each end of Assembly shaft. Refer to number. Parts List for thrust washer package MHB-4006 .005" to .050" with thrust washers on the commutator end Refer to Parts List for thrust washer package number. of the shaft. Adjust to DIRECT DRIVE UNITS Adjust to .005" minimum with thrust washers. Maintain a clearance of 1/64" to 7/64" between the inside edge of the drive pinion and the outside edge of the drive end casting with the drive extended Refer to and the armature pushed toward the commutator end head. Parts List for thrust washer package number. COMMUTATOR END HEAD GEAR REDUCTION UNITS Except MHB-4OO5, R, 4009, R, 4014, Assemble the end head on the motor in line with the motor terminal. so R that the letter "R" is directly is directly MHB-4005, R, 4009, R, 4014, R and DIRECT DRIVE UNITS Assemble the end head on the motor in line with the motor terminal. Printed in U.S.A. File in the OF-Al AIRCRAFT MANUAL so that the letter "L" Tech. Data STARTING MOTORS BHMSROTOM AIRCRAFT STARTING Issued Page 4 SERVICE 4/1/83 INFORMATION of 5 COMMUTATOR REFINISHING 1.50" .003" max. .002" max. measure from 50 microinch max. Minimum Diameter Undercut Total Indicator Runout Surface Finish TEST SPECIFICATION See Figures 1 and 2 for no load and stall bearing journals (750F.) torque test connections. GEAR REDUCTION UNITS 20.0 volts, 35 max. amps., 4600 Min. Load Test (Motor Only) 20.0 volts, 35 max, amps., 5300 Min. Load Test (Complete Unit) 14.0 volts, 260 max. amps., 27.0 min. Ft. Lbs. Stall Torque Test No No RPM RPM DIRECT DRIVE UNITS No Load Test Stall Torque Test 20.0 volts, 36 max, amps., 4600 min. 14.0 volts, 260 max. amps., 8.0 min. SHUNT FIELD CURRENT DRAW 8.7 to 10.4 amperes at 24.0 volts RPM Ft. Lbs. Internal Drive Type Unit MHB-4001, R MHB-4002, R MHB-4003, R MHB-40O4 MHB-4005, R Gear Reduction Gear Reduction Gear Reduction D~rect Gear Reduction Reduction Reduction Reduction Reduction R Gear Gear Gear Gear Gear Gear Ge Gear R Gear Reduction R pi rect Gear Reduction Gear Reduction Gear Reduction Gear Reduction MHB-4006 MHB-4007, MHB-4008, MHB-4009, MHB-4010, MHB-4O11, R MHB-4012, MHB-4013, MHB-4014, MHB-4015, MHB-4O16, MHB-4017, MHB-4018, MHB-4019, R R R R R R R R R Reduction Reduction ti on Reduct’i-~n Wiring Fig. Fig. Pig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. 3 3 3 4 F_ig. 3 F~g. 3 4 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 4 4 3 3 Application Lycoming Lycoming Lycoming Franklin Lycoming Continental Lycoming Lycoming Lycomi n Lycomi ng Lycoming Ly comi n Ly comi n g Lycoming Lycoming Lycoming Lycoming Lycoming Lycoming MHB prpsto~-fP, AIRCRAFT STARTING MOTORS SERVICE Issued INFORMATION Page 5 of 5 Stall No Load olU~k r~dh 4/1/83 Torque ~41 gb I cueol rrre mlrcn UI´•OH C(~L IlllWC w*L~ ~TTLI* ~ffElll ~LCWOU1EI ~*(ltlllb 1101011 111171NC YOIOII Figure TERMINAL Figure 1 2 TERYIWAL A P6ST GROUNDED 8RU3H INSULATED BRUSH SHUNT, //VY INSULATED CIK)UNDED BRUSH BRUSH SHUWT wlNDINC WIWDIWG INSULATED BRUSH BRUSH VIEWED FROY COYYUTAfOR EWD VCWtD TROM cCMNUTATOR END Figure Printed in U.5.n. ‘BRUSH BRUSH Figure 3 File in the I OF-Al AIRCRAFT MANUAL I Tech. Data 4 STARTING MOTORS prp~tp/itp, SERVICE PARTS LIST MHJ SERIES STARTING MOTORS ISSUED: ORIG. SE RVICE MOTOR EOUIP.MOTOR PART NUMBER PART NUMBER MHJ-4002 MHJ-4O03,S MHJ-4O04 MHJ-4O04R MHJ-4005 MHJ-40O5R VOLTS: USE USE USE USE 5~1 5-81 (Rev.) 24 APPLICATION MHP-4101S MHP-IIOIS MHJ-4004R Teledyne Continental MHJ-4004R Service Motor MHJ-4005R Lycoming MHJ-4005R Service Motor Teledyne Continental Lycom~ng Note:- Due to production design of the assemblies listed here-in the Field Coils being varnished and baked in place within the Frame; we have followed the advice of our Production Engineering Dept. and have recalled the servicing of the individual Field Coi is. Commencing immediately, whenever Field Coils the complete Frame R Field Assy. will be supplied. PI’.’´•d In V.II. File in the OF-Al AIRCRAFT MANUAL are requi red, I STARTING MOTOR I SECTION MHJ Series Starting Motor Parts List 8 FI~ I lil a I I ~I 1 2 [o~- Q Exploded View of Typical MHJ Starting Motor MHJ Armature Assembly MHJ-4O02 I Frame& Comm. End D. E. Head Set Field Head or ly I MDZ-2012CS Pini ly D.E. Bendix Bearing Drive Hsg. 5 4 O 6 MCL-2136 MDL-1002 MEX-2O92S I MHJ-3151S MHJ-4004 As 3 MDL-2O12ES MHJ-2147S MHJ-4003,S Brush O O SHEET 2 ISSUED:10-13-81(REV,) SERIES STARTING MOTOR PARTS LIST MEX-2O92AS I I MCL-2136A MEX-3O31S I I PS-1455 I I PS-1455A ML-18A I CNR] I MHJ-36 CNR] EBB-l 24A MHJ-4004R I MHJ-4005 I I MHJ-4O05R CNR] Not required. Bendix Pin Pkg. Assembly Brush Plate As ly 9\ MHJ-4002 CNR] MHJ-4003,S [NR] 1 MDL-1064GS Iio\ Oil Seal Term. Stud Pac 1 1111 Thru Bolt Thrust Washer Pac Pa 1 (12) XA-1024 90-726 MZ-19S MOL-1064ES 90-2139 MHJ-4004 Brush Spring I I I CNR] MHJ-4004R I I I I I CNR] MHJ-4005 I I I I I [NR] MHJ-40O5R I I I I [NR] I Bendix Drive Shaft 1 (13~ 1 (14 GJ-Z0DS 90-2677 GJ-Z0S 90-2232 [NRINot required. Gear Assembly Gear Bearing As sembl y 15) MHJ-4002 CNR] MHJ-4003,S CNR] 1 (16) j I 1 (171 CNR] CNR] CNR] [NR] CNR] Ca] I I Ca] MHJ-4005 I 1 I Ca] MHJ-4005R I I I Ca3 Two used Not Prln)´•d In U.S.~. (XA-997) 1/2" I.D. (19 CNR] I Cal ~181 CNR] MHJ-4004R CNRI 1 [NR] MHJ-1045 MZ-396 MHJ-4004 Retainer Plate Needle Housing and (XA-998) 13/16" MHJ-44 MZ-393 I.D. required. File in the I STARTING MOTOR OF-Al AIRCRAFT MANUAL L SECTION I presto/ifP, M HJ SERVICE Aircraft Starting Motors Issued: 4/1/83 IN FORM ATION Page 1 of 4 GENERAL INFORMATION VOLTAGE 24 ROTATION CWDE MHJ-4002, 4003 MHJ-4004, R, 4005, R Motor CCWDE, Drive CWDE BRUSHES 4 POLES 4 SWITCH Separate DRIVE MHJ-4OO4, R, 4005, R Rubber Folo Thru MH3-4004, R, 4005, R 3.38 to 1 Gear Ratio Type GEAR REDUCTION SERVICE INFORMATION LUBRICATION MHJ-4002, 4003 bearings in SAE 20 oil before installation. Saturate pad in the commutator end head with SAE 20 oil. to drain out before installing end head on Put motor. a light film of Lubriplate #777 on the armature before shaft assembling motor. Soak new the felt oiling Allow excess oil MHJ-4004, R, 4005, R Thoroughly clean and repack needle bearings with Shell Alvania #2 or an equivalent bearing lubricant with 1-1/4 to 2 ounces or Texaco #1925 Molytex "O" or an equivalent Lithium soap base grease. (Alsosee Drive Assembly servicing). DRIVE ASSEMBLY The Drive Assembly should be thoroughly cleaned and relubricated Do Not use carburetor cleaner or when the motor is overhauled. any cleaning solution that coulddamage the rubber block inside Use only clean petroleum base cleaners such the Drive Assembly. Thoroughly clean the Drive Assembly to as kerosene or "varsol". remove all dirt, grease, and contamination from the screwshaft The drive cup may also be removed to threads and control nut. Do Not attempt to remove the insure a thorough cleaning job. control nut. Printed in U.S.A. File in the OE-AI AIRCRAFf MANUAL Tech. Data STARTING MOTORS prPst~ite. MHJ Aircraft Starting Motors Issued: Page SERVICE 4/1/83 INFORMATION 2 of 4 After the Drive Assembly has been cleaned and blown dry with compressed air, lubricate the drive with a spray on type Lubricate the motor shaft with the same silicone lubricant. When silicone lubrcant before installing the Drive Assembly. make head washer the the drive on sure shaft, reassembling covers both ends of the retaining pin. BEARING REPLACEMENT MHJ-4OO2, 4003 The drive end bearing must be pressed in flush with the oil The oil seal must bottom against the counterseal counterbore. bore. MHJ-4004, R, 4005, R Press the armature shaft needle bearing in approximately 3/16" below the edge of the casting on the side toward the armature. Press the Drive Assembly shaft needle bearing in flush with the casting on the side toward the Drive Assembly. Press the in flush with the outside edge of the pinion housing bearing casting. BRUSH REPLACEMENT Brushes must be of 1/4" or less. replaced when they have worn down to a length Refer to Service Bulletin ASM-1 for brush replacement procedure. BRUSH SPRING TENSION 32 to 40 Measure with a spring Pull on a line opposite the line of force exerted by the spring and take a reading just as the spring leaves the brush. ounces with new scale hooked under the END PLAY (Armature brushes. spring at the brush. Only) Shaft .005" to .050" with thrust washers on the commuRefer to Parts List for thrust tator end of the shaft. washer package number. Adjust POLE SHOE to INSTALLATION The pole shoes must be installed so that the longer pointing in the same direction as armature rotation. COMMUTATOR REFINISHING Di Mi ame .003" max. .002" max. measure from bearing journal 50 microinch max. SPECIFICATIONS (750F) MHJ-4002, 4003 No Load Test Stall Torque Test 20.0 volts, 8.0 volts, is i. 50" te r Undercut Total Indicater Runout Surface Finish IEST tip 43 210 max. max. amps, 6200 min. 8.0 min. amps, RPM Ft. Lbs. SERVICE INFORMATION See MHJ-4004, R, 4005,~P No Load Test No Load Test Figures (Motor Only) (Complete Unit) Stall Torque Test SHUNT FIELD CURRENT DRAW Aircraft Starting Issued: 4/1/83 Page Motors 3 of 4 1 and 2 for test connections. 20.0 volts, 43 max. amps, 6200 min. 20.0 volts, 43 max, amps, 1800 min. 8.0 volts, 210 max. amps, 27.0 min. RPM RPM Ft. Lbs. 4.8 to 6.0 amperes at 24.0 volts. Internal Wiri?g Unit Application MHJ-4002 Figure 3 MHJ-4003,S MHJ-4004, R MHJ-4O05, R Figure Figure Figure Continental Continental 3 4 4 Lycoming Lycoming INSTALLATION NOTE Prior to starting motor installation, clean any rust, corrosion or dirt from Also check all ground the mounting surfaces of the starting motor and engine. strap connections to make sure they are clean and tight. nU1FC ~V(TEI( IIWITE C, 9;$ ]It~ AUUCTLe CIII~OL( ~LE ~WITCH L*neON GILL 1PIWIC ~CUE GIOVUO V/r$~ CeOUt(D T4CnOYEIER 571~1711YG YOTOII IT*RTINC UOTOR Figure Printed in U.S.A. Figure 1 File in the OF-Al AIRCRAFT MANUAL 2 Tech. I Data START ING MOTORS Aircraft Starting Motors Issued: SERVICE 4/1/83 INFORMATION Page 4 of 4 TERMINAL STUD TEFMHK POST GROUNDED BRUSn INSULATED bMUSH GROUNDED INSULATED BRUY( BRUSH\ I SHUnt O O INSULATED BRUSn GROUNDED ~RUSW VIEWED CA#I COMMUTATOR Figure 3 END GROUNDED INSULATED eRUsH’ I VIEWED FROM DRuSH COMMUIATOF~ Figzire 4 END presro/itP, SERVICI: PARTS LIST MMU SERIES STARTING MOTORS ISSUED: SERVICE MOTOR ORIG.EQUIP.MOTOR PART NUMBER MMU-4001,R Prln)´•d In U.S.A. 6-1-79 USE PART NUMBER APPLICATION MMU-4001R Lycoming Pile in the OF-Al AIRCRAFT MANUAL STARTING MOTOR SECTION MMU Series Starting Motor Parts List ld- \uJ 5 J9 8 --_~ug/ d 3Y 3 0, Q) 2 Exploded View of Typical MMU Starting Motor SHEET 2 Assembly ISSUED: 10-13-81(REV,) Armature MIIIIU SERIES Brush Set Frame Field As O MMU-4001,R Assembly MMU-4001,R [a] O MMU-2386S Intermed. Bearing As~’ Bearing M2-1236 90-2139 Bendix Pin Housing Assembly Assembl y MHB-2384BS Bendix Drive MBP-2002D PS-1435 Cover Band Terminal Stud Pac_kage O MZ-339 Package(25 Pcs.) EBB-124ACa] O MZ-24A D.E. Bearing 90-2502 MG-77A Thrust Washer Packa d 90-2677 also available. File in the Prlnt´•d In U.s.A. Pinion Brush Spring 5 MHB-2012AS Intermediate Comm.End Head OF-Al AIRCRAFT MANUAL r I STARTING MOTOR I SECTION MZ-19S MMU presto/ire.-------AIRCRAFT STARTING MOTOR SERVICE Issued 4/1/83 INFORM ATION Page 1 of 3 GENERAL INFORMATION VOLTAGE 24 ROTATION CWDE POLES 4 BRUSHES 4 Rubber Folo-Thru DRIVE ASSEMBLY Type SERVICE INFORMATION LUBRICATION Soak new absorbent bronze bearings in SAE 20 oil before installation. Saturate the felt oiling pad in the commutator end head with SAE 20 Allow excess oil to drain out before installing end head on oil. Put a light film of Lubriplate #777 on the drive end of the motor. (Also armature shaft before installing the intermediate bearing. see Drive Assembly.) DRIVE ASSEMBLY The Drive Assembly should be thoroughly cleaned and re-lubricated Do not use carburetor cleaner or any when the motor isoverhauled. could that solution damage the rubber block inside the cleaning clean Use petroleum base cleaners such as Drive Assembly. only "Varsol". Thoroughly clean the Drive Assembly to remove kerosene or from the screwshaft threads and contamination and all dirt, grease, be removed to insure a thorough also drive The control nut. cup may the control nut. to remove Do not attempt cleaning job. After the Drive Assembly has been cleaned and blown dry with compressed air, lubricate the drive with a spray-on type silicone Lubricate the motor shaft with the same silicone lubrilubricant. When reassembling the cant before installing the Drive Assembly. washer covers both ends of head the make sure Drive on the shaft, the retaining pin. BEARING REPLACEMENT Press the drive end Press the casting. bearing in flush with the outside edge of the intermediate bearing in flush to the side toward the armature. File in the Printad in U.S.A. OF-Al AIRCRAFT MANUAL Tech. Data STARTING MOTORS MMII presr~tP. AIRCRAFT STARTING MOTOR SERVICE Issued 4/1/83 Page 2 of 3 INFORMATION I INTERMEDIATE BEARING PLATE Use "Loctite Grade A" Torque screws to 25 on threads of 35 in/lbs. bearing plate retaining screws. BRUSH REPLACEMENT Brushes must be replaced when they have worn down to a length of 1/4" or less. Refer to service ASM-1 for brush replacement procedure. BRUSH SPRING TENSION 32 to 40 ounces with new brushes. Measure with a spring scale hooked under the spring at the brush. Pull on a line opposite the line of force exerted by the spring and take the reading just as the spring leaves the brush. END PLAY Adjust to .005" minimum with thrust washers on the commutator end of Refer to Parts List for thrust washer package the armature shaft. number. COMMUTATOR END HEAD Assemble the end head on the motor in line with the motor terminal. so that the letter "L" is directly COMMUTATOR REFINISHING Minimum Diameter Undercut Total Indicator Runout Surface Finish 1.50" .003" max. .002" max. measure from 50 microinch max. bearing journals TEST SPECIFICATIONS No Load Test Stall Torque Test SHUNT FIELD CURRENT DRAW Unit MMU-4001, R 20.0 volts, 14.0 volts, 35 250 max. max. amps., 3325 RPM amps., 10.4 min. 8.8 to 10.4 amperes at 24.0 volts Drive Type Direct Application Lycomi ng Ft. Lbs. fe. MMU AIRCRAFT STARTING MOTOR SERVICE Issued 4/1/83 INFORMATION Page 3 of 3 TERMINAL POST INSULATED GROUNDED BRUSH BRUSH SHUNT WINDING INSULATED~ ~YJ\GROUNDED \BRUSH BRUSH VIEWED FROM COMMUTAfOR END File in the Printed in U.S.A. OE-AI AIRCRAFT MANUAL I I Tech. Da ta STARTING MOTORS prpsr~/itP, SERVICE PARTS LIST MZSE~1ES STARTING MOTORS ISSUEO:12-31-80(Rev.) SERVICE MOTOR ORIG.EOUIP.MOTOR M2-4203 MZ-4205,R MZ-4206,R USE USE USE MZ-4207;R USE MZ-4208,R USE MZ-4204,R M2-4214 p,.., mUI*. M2-4203 Franklin MZ-4204R MZ-4221R MZ-4222R MZ-4223R Lycoming Lycoming Lycoming Lycoming MZ-4208R M2-4214 Lycoming Lycoming Lycoming Lycomi ng MZ-4216,R MZ-4217,R USE USE MZ-422OR MZ-4221R MZ-4218,R USE MZ-422ZR MZ-4219,R USE USE MZ-4223R USE USE MZ-4221R MZ-4222,R MZ-4223,R USE MZ-4223R MZ-4224,R MZ-4225,R USE MZ-4224R USE MZ-4225R MZ-4220,R MZ-4221,R APPLICATION PART PART NUMBER MZ-4220R MZ-4222R File in the OE-PII AIRCRIFT MANVAL Continental Lycoming Lycomi ng Lycoming Lycoming Lycoming Lycoming Lycoming I I STARTING MOTOR SECTION Starting MZ Series Motor Parts List 6 _____i Q; \L: 19)-~-- 16 L-----~O L -----T-- _ _ _J ~-o ’eo~$ i s--- __.J Exploded View of Typical MZ Starting Motor Brush Set Armature Assembly O SHEET 2 ISSUED:10-13-81(REV,) MZ SERIES MOTOR PARTS LIST Comm. End Head Frame& Field As ly O #2-2383 MZ-201 2AS MZ-l MZ-4204,R MZ-2386S MBG-2012S MZ-42O5,R MZ-2399S I I 1 005ASC*~ (4) Pinio 1 (5) D.E. Bearing or ly 31 #2-4203 D. E. Head C.E. Bearing 1 Hsg. 161 1 1 7 MZ-20O2F [NR] MZ-1147 MZ-46A MZ-2385S MZ-2002U [NR] PS-1435 MG-77A MZ-2397S MZ-2400 X-3991 Cal ~al MZ-4206,R I I I I I I Cb] [bl MZ-4207,R I I I I I I Ccl Ccl MZ-4208,R I I I I I I CNRI [NR] M2-4214 MZ-2412S MBG-2012CS MZ-2022DS MZ-2002VS MZ-4216,R MZ-2399S MBG-2012S MZ-2397S MZ-2400 MZ-4217,R i MZ-4218,R MZ-2413Cdl [NR] [b] X-3991 I I I I i PS-2432B I j I I I PS-1432C I I i I I PS-1437B I I I I PS-1432C MZ-4219,R I MZ-4220,R I #2-4221,R 1 I I I I I PS-2432B MZ-4222,R I I I I I i PS-1432C MZ-4223,R I I I I I I I I I MZ-4224,R MZ-4225,R I I PS-1437B PS-1432C I PS-1432F [X1 Ea] Field Assembly not available. Field Coil Pkg. Complete Frame Shaft Pkg. must be used at time of first repair. Individual ComponentsPS-2432BS Housing PS-24328 Pinion Hsg.,MZ-298 Bearing,Mt-326 Bendix Drive Shaft may be replaced thereafter. Shaft Pkg. must be used at time of first repair. Individual Components[b] PS-1432CS.Housing PS-1432C Pinion Hsg.,MZ-298 Bearing,MZ-326 Bendix Drive Shaft may be replaced thereafter. Shaft Pkg. must be used at time of first repair. Individual Components[c] PS-1437BS Housing PS-1437B Pinion Hsg.,MZ-298 Bearing,MZ-326 Bendix Drive Shaft may be replaced thereafter. MZ-414S D.E. Mounting Screw Gasket Package is also available. Seal Package. Bearing [NRI Not required. Es~ Prln)´•d In V.S.A. File in the OE-AI AIRCRAFT MANUAL r I STARTING MOTOR I SECTION 90-2018[e1 [bl MZ-298 MZ SERIES MOTOR PARTS LIST ~2-4203 EBB-l 33[f] [NRI M2-4204,R EBB-1 24A~f] CNR] MZ-4205,R EBB-75ACgl j I Cb] MZ-4207,R I I MZ-4208,R ~2-4214 I MZ-4216,R MZ-4218,n j MZ-4219, R 1 MZ-l 9S Pa~age I j 1 90-876 1 I [NRI I I [NR] [cl CNK] I I I I [NR] CNRJ CNR] CNR] I I I i CNRI Chi [hl [NR] I 1 90-877 1 I I_NR] EBB-142A[gl [bl [NRI I 1 90-876 1 j INR~ [NR] I I I I CNR] ~NR] I I I i CIIIR~ I [NR] I I ‘I I [WR] I CNR] j I I I CNR] [i\lR] I I I I CNR] I I MZ-3%S I MZ´•-326A I I CNR] I I M2-/1223,R 1 I j [NR] I I MZ-4224, R I I j [NR] I j I [NRI Cc] ENR~ 90-877 j Cb] XA-560 1 #2-4222,R Ca] i I M2-4221,R MZ-4225,H MZ-24A 90-716 1 CNRI O j EBR-1~2Argj MZ-4220,R CNRI Oil Seal CNRI EBB-75ATgl MZ-42’17, R Spring MZ-l 236 Ca] MZ-4206,R Bearing AssemblY Cover Band Terminal Stud Brush Intermed. Bendix Drive Sft Bendix Drive Assembly EBH-131P,[jl I I #639153. [NR] [NR] j Shaft Pkg. must be used at time of first repair. Individual componentsPS-2432BS Housing PS-24328 Pinion Hsg.,MZ-298 Bearing,MZ-326 Bendix Drive Shaft may be replaced thereafter. Shaft pky. must be used at time of first repair. Individual ComponentsPS-1432CS Housing PS-1432C Pinion Hsg.,MZ-298 Bearing,MZ-326 Bendix Drive Shaft may be replaced thereafter. Shaft Pkg. must be used at time of first repair. Individual ComponentsPS-1437BS Housing PS-1437B Pinion Hsg.,MZ-298 Bearing,MZ-326 Bendix Drive Shaft may be replaced thereafter. Cf] 90-2139 Bendix PinPackage(E5Pcs.) also available. Cgl 90-2140 Bendix Pin Package(E5Pcs.) also available. Chi Not part of this Motor; available thru Continental only Cjl X-5384 Bendix Pin also available. [NRI Not required. CNR] [NR] ISSUED: 8-3-81 MZ SERIES MOTOR PARTS LIST Switch Connector Washer Plate Bearing Housing Assembly Gear Assembly SHEET 3 (REV, Thrust Retainer Needle Gear Package I O 16 O M2-4203 [NR] [NR] [NR1 [NRI 90-2677 MZ-144 MZ-4204,R [NR] [NR] [NR] [NR] 90-2271 [NR] [NR] MZ-4205,R MZ-396 90-601 [NR] [NR] M2-4207, R [NR] MZ-4208,R I [m] I I I [NR] L~NR] I Cm3 I I I [NR] CNR] I [m] [NR] I I [NR] [NR] [NR] [NRI 90-2006 [NR] [NR] 90-601 [NR] [NR] [NR] [k] M2-42l4 I MZ-4218,R [m] MZ-1390 MZ-396 MZ-4216,R MZ-4217,R I I MZ-4206,R MZ-393 Cm3 MZ-1390 [n] MZ-393 I I [m] I I I [NR] [NR] I I [m3 I I I [NR] [NR] I I [m] I I [NR] [NR] MZ-4219,R I MZ-4220,R I I Cm] I I I ENR] [NR] I j Cm] I I I I [NR] [m] I I [NR] MZ-4222,R 1 I [NR] [NRI M2-4223,R 1 I [m3 I I I [NR] [NR] M2-4224, R I I [ml I I I [NR] [NR~ MZ-4225,R I I [m] I I i [NR] [NR] M2-4221,R [k] [m] [NR[n 7 I Used with but not part of this Motor, available thru Continental XA-998 is 13/16 I.D. Two used- XA-997 is 1/2" I.D. #639153. trequired. oN•´’ STARTING MOTOR File in the Prinl´•d In U.s.A. OF-Al AIRCRAFT MANUAL r I SECTION MZ AIRCRAFT STARTING MOTOR SERVICE Issued 4/1/83 INFORMAT ION Page 1 of 5 GENERAL INFORMATION VOLTAGE 12 ROTATION All Gear Reduction units except MZ-4216, Motor CCWDE, Drive CWDE M2-4216, R, 4220, R All Direct Drive units Motor CWDE, Drive CCWDE. CWDE. BRUSHES 4 POLES 4 SWITCH Gear Reduction Units Separate Switch mounted Direct Drive Units M2-4214 DRIVE All uses others a use R, 4220, R on motor Formsprag, Torque Limiting Drive Rubber Folo Thru Type Drives GEAR REDUCTION 7 to 1 Gear ratio M2-4214 All others 3.38 to 1 Gear ratio SERVICE INFORMATION LUBRICATION GEAR REDUCTION UNITS Except M2-4214 Thoroughly clean and repack needle bearings with Shell Alvania #2 Pack gear box with 1-1/4 to 2 an equivalent bearing lubricant. ounces of Texaco #1925 Molytex "O" or an equivalent Lithium soap base grease. (Also see Drive Assembly servicing.) or DIRECT DRIVE UNITS AND M2-4214 Soak new absorbent bronze bearings in SAE 20 oil before instal~ation. Saturate the felt oiling pad in the commutator end head with SAE 20 Allow excess oil to drain out before installing end head on oil. Put a light film of Lubriplate P777, or equivalent, on the motor. drive end of thearmature shaft before installing the intermediate (Also see Drive Assembly servicing.) bearing or drive end head. File in the Printed in U.S.A. OF-Al AIRCRAFT MANUAL Tech. Data STARTING MOTORS ZMROTOM prp´•st~te´• AIRCRAFT STARTING SERVICE Issued 4/1/83 Page INFORMATION 2 of 5 FORMSPRAG DRIVE If the drive feels rough when These units are not serviceable. rotated in its free direction, or if the gear rotates in both Never submerge the drive directions, the drive should be replaced. assembly in a cleaning solution. To do so will destroy or contaminate the internal lubrication which cannot be replaced. DRIVE ASSEMBLY The Drive Assembly should be thoroughly cleaned and re-lubricated when the motor is overhauled. Do not use carburetor cleaner or any cleaning solution that could damage the rubber block inside the drive assembly. Use only clean petroleum base cleaners such as kerosene or "Varsol". Thoroughly clean the Drive Assembly to remove all dirt, grease, and contamination from the screwshaft The drive cup may also be removed to threads and control nut. insure a thorough cleaning job. Do not attempt to remove the control nut. After the Drive Assembly has been cleaned and blown dry with compressed air, lubricate the drive with a spray-on type silicone lubricant. Lubricate the motor shaft with the same silicone lubricant before installing the drive assembly. When reassembling the early style drive on the shaft, make sure the spirol pin does not project beyond the outside diameter of the When reassembling the late style drive, make pinion sleeve. sure the head washer covers both ends of the retaining pin. BEARING REPLACEMENT GEAR REDUCTION UNITS When replacing needle bearings they must be pressed in flush with the edge of the casting. The armature bearing must be flush on the side toward the armature and the Drive Assembly shaft bearing flush the side toward the Drive Assembly. Press the pinion bearing in flush with the outside edge of the casting. on housing DIRECT DRIVE UNITS Press the drive end bearing in flush with the outside edge of the Press the oil seal into the casting so that it bottoms the oil seal counterbore. casting. against INTERMEDIATE BEARING PLATE M2-4204, R Use "Loctite Grade A" on threads of screws to 25-35 in/lbs. Torque bearing plate retaining screws. MZ prp~fO/lfP, AIRCRAFT STARTING MOTOR SERVICE Issued 4/1/83 IMFORM ATION Page 3 of 5 BRUSH REPLACEMENT Brushes must be replaced when they have worn down to a length of Refer to Service Bulletin ASM-1 for brush replace1/4" or less. ment procedure. BRUSH SPRING TENSION Measure with a spring scale 32 to 40 ounces with new brushes. Pull on a line opposite the hooked under the spring at the brush. take the reading just as the and the exerted force line of spring by brush. the spring leaves END PLAY GEAR REDUCTION UNITS Except M2-4214 Make sure the fibre thrust No dimensional specification necessary. shaft and that a steel armature end the of drive the washer is on Drive the of end each is on Assembly shaft. Refer to thrust washer Parts List for thrust washer number. package DIRECT DRIVE UNITS Maintain a of the drive inside the edge clearance of 1/64" to 7/64" between with the drive end drive the casting pinion and the outside edge of head. end commutator the toward extended and the armature pushed number. washer package Refer to Parts List for thrust M2-4203, adjust to .005" minimum with thrust washers. M2-4204 and M2-4214, adjust to .005" minimum with thrust washers on Refer to Parts List for the commutator end of the armature shaft. thrust washer package number. COMMUTATOR END HEAD GEAR REDUCTION UNITS Except MZ-4216, R, 4220, Assemble the end head on the motor in line with the motor terminal. DIRECT DRIVE UNITS AND MZ-4216, R, 4220, Assemble the end head on the motor in line with the motor terminal. Printed in U.S.A. File in the MANUAL AIRCRAFT OR-Al so R that the letter "R" is directly R so that the letter "L" is Tech. Data directly STARTING MOTORS ZMROTOM AIRCRAFT STARTING SERVICE Issued 4/1./83 Page 4 of 5 INFORMATION I I COMMUTATOR REFINISHING Minimum Diameter Undercut Total Indicator Runout Surface Finish 1.50" .003" max. .002" max. measure from 50 microinch max. TEST SPECIFICATION (See Figures 1 and 2 for no (750 F.) load and stall GEAR REDUCTION UNITS No Load Test (Motor Only) No Load Test (Complete Unit) Stall Torque Test 10.0 volts, 50 10.0 volts, 75 4.0 volts, 560 DIRECT DRIVE UNITS No Load Test Stall Torque Test 10.0 volts, 4.0 volts, 75 560 max, MOTOR ONLY No Load Test Stall Torque Test 10.0 volts, 4.0 volts, 50 560 max. max, max. max. max, bearing journals torque test connections.) amps., 8000 min. amps., 1600 min. amps., 37.5 min. RPM RPM amps., 5500 min. amps., 11.1 min. RPM amps., 8000 min. amps., 11.1 min. RPM Ft. Ft. Lbs. Lbs. M2-4214 max. Ft. Lbs. Internal Drive Type Di rect Unit M2-4203 MZ-4204, M2-4205, MZ-4206, M2-4207, M2-4208, R R R R R Direct Gear Reduction Gear Reduction Gear Reduction Gear Reduction M2-4214 MZ-4216, M2-4217, M2-4218, MZ-4219, M2-4220, M2-4221, M2-4222, M2-4223, M2-4224, M2-4225, R R R R R R R R R R Gear Reduction Gear Reduction Gear Reduction Gear Gear Gear Gear Gear Gear Gear "Formsprag Torque Limiting Reduction Reduction Reduction Reduction Reduction Reduction Reduction Wiring Fig. 3 Fig. 3 Fig. 4 Fig. 4 Fig. 4 Fig. 4 Pig. 4 Fig. 3 Fig. 4 Fig. 4 Fig. 4 Fig. 3 Fig. 4 Pig. 4 Fig. 4 Fig. 4 Fig. 4 Drive used with, but not Application Fran kl in Lycoming Lycomi ng Lycoming Lycoming Lycoming Continental Lycoming Lycoming Lycoming Lycoming Lycoming Lycoming Lycoming Lycoming Lycoming Lycoming a part of, this motor. INSTALLATION NOTE Prior to starting motor installation, clean any rust, corrosion or dirt mounting surfaces of the starting motor and engine. Also check all ground connections to make sure they are clean and tight. the from ZM___.~ ____.._ AIRCRAFT STARTING MOTOR SERVICE Issued 4/1/83 INFORMATION 5 of 5 olCl~sC, lulrr ~s o ~WICE Page CAIWY e(LL IYITCH L*I(MN CIIL )MIUG YUE ;1: I e*rrrlr I II/ I)*fTERI T4CnOYETER i GIIWIIO ST*ITIWC YOTOI) )~RTING UOTOR Figure Figure ~ca INSULATED GROUNDED BRUSH BRUSH GROUNDED INSULATED BRUSH BRUSH K O GROUNDED INSULATED BRUSH I VIEWED FROM COMMUTATOR ‘BRUSH END File in the OE-AI AIRCRAFT MANUAL O INSULATED BRUSH GROUNDED BRUSH VIEWED FROM COMMUTATOR END Figure 4 Figure 3 Printed in U.S.A. 2 TERMINAL POST ~R TERMINAL POST 1 ec Data STARTING MOTORS (Early Produ ction Type) BE LT DRIVEN AIRCRAFT ALTERNATORS BELT DRIVEN AIRCRAFT ALTERNATOR Prestolite Belt Driven Aircraft Alternators (Figure 1) have been designed and constructed to provide extended periods of trouble-free been designed with a They have i~so operation amount of maintenance. minimum and constructed to withstand the vibration and extreme temperature changes encountered in aircraft applications. DESCRIPTION principal components 1Figure 2) of the alternator are (1) the stator, (2) the rotor, (3) the slip ring end head, (4) the drive end The head and (51 the reotifiers. Figure oI$ P9 T 111III O 1 (((II) -PL. Figure i. The stator consists of a laminated iron core on wound in slots around the inside clrctunferenee. three points of the negative and 2. one ~haae windings iron sections assembled which which the three phase Leads are windings are connected to eachof the and each lead is connected to pair of rectifiers, a one positive. The rotor consists of slip rings 2 are a on single field the shaft. coil encased between two The ends of the field coil four-poled, are interleaved connected to a pair from the shaft. insulated from each other and slip ring end head supports the rectifier mounting plate and rectifiers, a preLubricated bearing in which the rotor shaft rotates, the brush holders and brushes, the 3. T~e field and output terminals, and a blast tube assembly. of 4. The drive end head supports a sealed, prelubrioated ball bearing in which the drive end of the rotor shaft rotates. 5. are The negative rectifiers are pressed into the pressed into the rectifier mounting plate and rectifiers slip ring are connected to the stater leads. rated at 150 PIV minimum for transient are end head and the positive rectifiers The voltage protection. OVERHAUL complete disassembly may not be required. In some cases perform those operations which are required to effect the repair. When repairing the alternator, it will only be necessary to However, in this section, the complete overhaul is covered step by step to provide detailed information on each operation. In actual service practice, these operations may be used as required. DISASSEMBLY CAUTION: To prevent damage to the blast tube assembly, it should be removed before any servicing is attempted. i. Using a strap wrench, remove the pulley nut. The pulley must be removed with a puller. Now remove the four through Remove the fan, woodruff key, and spacer from the shaft. bolts. Tap the drive end head lightly with a rawhide hammer and separate the end head and rotor assemblies from the stater and springs 2. when slip ring end head. Re careful not to lose the brush separating the assemblies. Remove the nuts, lockwashers, and flatvashers from the output terminal and remove plate mounting screw. Note carefully the correct assembly of the insulator washers and bushings. Using the same special tools shown in Figure 3, support Thestatorcannowbe separated theend head andpress outthe three negative rectifiers. the rectifier mounting from the 3. slip ring end head. To remove the slip ring bearing, support the end head and press bearing out, using the proper tools shown in Figure 4. Figure 3 Figure 4 9 If necessary, press the rectifiers out of the rectifier mounting plate 4. as shown in Figure 3. leads, use pliers to grip the rectifier leads and Pull the connector off the a hot soldering iron. disconnect the rectifier from the stater the soldered end of the connector with touch three leads when the solder is melted. 5. To bearing remove the drive end head from the rotor shaft, plate pressing retainer end head and as on stripping of the retainer bearing the shown in plate as Do not use a that grips remove Remove the three retainer Figure on plate the by supporting screws the or and press 6. Figure i" 5 puller attempt to this may result in distortion of the end head screws. out of the end head. Figure Figure shaft, the 5. 6 INSPECTION AND TESTING OF COMPONENTS Upon completion of the disassemhly, all parts should be cleaned and visually inspected for cracks, i. grounded can or shortedwindings. be made with test in series with meter or lamp, oontinuity be any oontinui$ an any type or a shown mechanioal interference. voltmeter, in´•Figure 8, individual current draw Figure 7. winding, ammeter and rheostat or use an apecificatlon or a ohm- between the ohmmeter. Rotor current draw and resistance on or poles. To test for shorted turns in the rotor as overheating The ground tester. rings and the rotor shaft connect of probes, connected 110 volt test a There must not slip signs The rotor should be teated for Rotor test distortion and any wear or pages. low ohmmeter are listed Excessive reading windings. No current draw infinite ohmmeter reading would indicate indicates shorted or an an open winding. Figure 7 To Rectifiers 2. A diode rectifier tester will detect and pinpoint open or shorted rectifiers without going through the operation of disconnecting the stater leads. However, if a available, tester is not bulb, connected battery, AMMETER Touch VOLTMETER) I a position of the leads. should light in one directions, If the test bulb one or more in that heat sink is shorted. BATTERY Then reverse The test bulb direction and not the other direction. both #57 following manner. probe to a rectifier heat sink test probe to a lead from one of the rectifiers in that heat sink. the a 12 volt test and the other RHEOSTAT and probes be used in the can one test in series with light in lights in of the rectifiers To pinpoint the defective rectifier, the stater leads must be ROTOR repeated on can only be bulb, by disconnected and the above test each rectifier. Figure Open rectifiers detected, when using the test disconnecting the stater leads. 8 will fail to light The test bulb in either direction if the rectifier is open. grounded windings with a 12 volt test bulb, ohmmeter, in the following manner. Separate the section, stater from the slip ring end head just far enough to insert a couple of rags or blocks of wood. In other words, insulate the stater from the end~head. To test for grounded windings, touch one test bulb or ohmmeter probe to ~nv stater lead, and the other test bulb or ohmmeter probe to the stater frame. If the test bulb lights, or the ohmmeter indicates continuity, the stater is grounded. To test for open windings, connect one test probe to 3. Stater The stater can be tested for open described in the rectifier or or an the stater center connection and touch each of the three stater leads. must ohmmeter must show winding light, or the The test bulb continuity. windings, shorted windings are almost impossible to locate. However, shorted stater windings will usually cause the alternator to "growl" or be noisy duringoperation and will usually show some signs of overheating. Due to the low resistance inthe stater i If all other electrical checks the stater should be replaced Check the bearings for replaced. Note: New are normal and the alternator fails to to determine whether or not it is the supply its rated output, faulty component. roughness or excessive clearance to determine if they should be bearings are prelubricated; additional lubrication is not required. If excessively dirty, the end housings may be wiped clean with a cloth dampened in solvent. ASSEMBLY 1. Press the ball square so bearing into the drive end head that the pressure is exerted on the outer using race a approximately 2" bearing. Install the flat block of the retainer With the snap ring and retainer cup in place plate. fits over the shaft and is 2; against To (Uae do not arbor press Figure Strip or mounting plate and press the reetifiers or the insulation back rectifier mounting in with a special Figure 9 approximately 1/4" WHEN SOLDERING THESE hearing race plate, support driver tool. hammer.) CONNECTIONS, 10 the stater leads and reconnect them to the on The connector sleeves should be soldered rectifiers. tool that use a Figure 9. install the rectifiers in the slip ring end head 10. the rotor shaft, the inner bearing race, and press until the inner the snap ring retainer cup. the end head Figure against on an the rectifier and stater leads. USE PLIERS AS A HEAT-DAM ON THE LEAD BETWEEN THE SOLDER JOINT AND THE RECTIFIER. TOO MUCH HEAT WILL DAMAGE THE RECTIFIERS. 3. To rotor, spread the brushes when Alien wrench use an hold insulated brush. or installing equivalent the HOLE to USE STIFF WIRE WITH (Use hole in the end ro HOLD BRUSH H001( LEID headjustbelow thefield terminal.) T~egmund brush is held with a hook made out of stiff wire m9 Figure 11. 4. Spread the brushes and manually stater and press the end head assemblies and slip ring the drive end head and rotor assemblies Be euro ths are no through bolts. to be or sure USE "LLEN After releasing brushes, cheek m HOLD WRENCH OR BRUSH E(IUIV*LENT LEID that the rotor does not n~b the stater brush leads and that the rotor b~ms when rotated 5. (Thare used.) Install and tighten through locator pina together. ~olt halse Une up. by been bench 11 hand. Install spacer, woodnrff strap wrench. Figure freely (Do tested.) key, fan, pulley, not install blast h~be loekwasher and nut. assembly on Tighten nut using a the alternator until after the unit has ALTERNATOR BENCH TEST Upon completion of assembly, the alternator should be’ teated for output. This test is made The alternator to determine whether the alternator is capable of delivering rated output: must meet output specifications before regulator Wiring connections for bench testing the alterRefer to the nator are shown in Figure 12. for Individual specification pages output teet: figures. Adjust the carbon pile, specified voltage. safety eaaaaa C, I on through bolts and install tell or O the the engine. AlwaylS refer to the airframe manufacturwiring diagram when installing the alternator Note: era \j‘ O testing the alternator, install the wire in the alternator attempted. are if necessary, to obtain the After bench tests testing the alternator on t~,t vauut~l the aircraft. Figure 12 PRECAUTIONS TO BE OBSERVED WHEN TESTING OR SERVICING THE ELECTRICAL SYSTEM 1. BATTERY, before connecting or diaconnectit~g test instruments (except voltmeter) or before removing or replacing any unit or wiring. Accidental grounding or shorting at the regulator, alternator, ammeter or accessorfes, will cause severe damage to the units and/or wiring. 2. THE OUTPUT LEAD MUST NOT BE REMOVED FROM THE ALTERNATOR WHILE THE ROTOR WINDING fS ENERGIZED AND THE ALTERNATOR fS OPERATING 3. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO POLARIZE THE ALTERNATOR. DISCONNECT THE Any attempt 4. f,. to do so may redult in damage to is required. circuits. ~GROUNDING OF THE ALTERNATOR OUTPUT TERMINAL MAY DAMAGE THE ALTERNATOR AND/OR CIRCUIT AND COMPONENTS. REVERSED BATTERYCONNECTIONS MAY DAMAGE THE RECTIFIERS, VEHICLE Battery polarity WIRING OR OTHER COMPONENTS OF THE CHARGING SYSTEM. should be checked with ARE NEGATIVE C,. polarization the alternator, regulator or No a voltmeter befor~ connecting the battery. MOST VEHICLES GROU’ND. fF A BOOSTER BATTERY OR FAST CHARGER IS USED, fTS POLARITY MUST BE CONNECTED CORRECTLY TO PREVENT DAMAGE TO THE ELECTRICAL SYSTEM COMPONENTS. SOLID STATE A I R C R A FT A LT E R N AT OR REGULATOR THE AIRCRAFT ALTERNATOR REGULATOR Alternator output voltage can, within the limits of the design capability of the alternator, by properly varying the average level of current flow in the rotor winding PRESTOLITE full electronic solid state regulator is well suited for this purpose. be controlled and the The Prestolite and needs no alternator, due to its design, has self-limiting current-limiting unit in the regulator. current characteristics THE REGULATOR COMPONENTS THE TRANSISTOR The transistor is in an an electronic switch which electric circuit. It has no mechanical can or turn on and turn off the flow of current moving parts to wear out. THE RECTIFIER DIODE The rectifier diode will pass current in this respect, it may be compared to a one direction only (fonvard direction); and in one-way check valve. THE ZENER DIODE The Zener diode, in addition to passing current in the forward direction, will pass current a Particular value of voltage is applied in the reverse only direction. It is this Zener action which makes it adaptable for use as a voltage sensing device in the regulator. in the reverse direction when THE RESISTOR The resistor is a device which is used to limit currentflow. HOW THE REGULATOR OPERATES When of the ignition switch regulator. is turned on, r-,- battery voltage is applied to the "I" S iu F F R4 TI ALTERNATOR I 1 ZI PI iLn’ RO -------III e, 13 _____ REGULATOR _I IGNITION SWITCH Figure i. BATTERY (ignition) terminal The NPN power transistor, T3, is turned on by current flow from the ignition terminal through R-6 and the collector emitter junction of T2 through D2 through the base emitter junction of T3 to ground. Whenever the power transistor, T3, is on, T2 is also from the ignition terminal, through the field winding, T3 to on off, and T1 is through current will flow the collector emitter of ground. With the ignition switch on, current will flow from the "I" terminal through a voltage dividing network consisting of R-l, R-2 and P-l. system operating voltage ducting voltage. termines the When the system voltage connected regulator ground This network de- relative to the Zene‘r diode, Z1, to ’r" terminal reaches a reverse con- value at which the Zener diode connected to the divider network conducts, current will flow from the "I" terminal through R-l through Z1 and through the base emitter junction of T1 to ground. This junction of T1 to conduct which diverts the base current of T2 flowing from "I" terminal through R-4 to ground, turning off T2 which turns off T3, de-energizing the rotor winding; then, when the alternator output voltage falls to a value which permits Z1 to cease conduction, T1 will turn off which turns on T2 and T3, reenergizing the rotor winding. causes the collector emitter This sequence is performed so rapidly that the rotor current average appears as a value usually less than full rotor current depending on rotor RPM and system load connected. Each time the power transistor, T3, is turned off, current flow in the rotor winding is reduced. This causes the rotor magnetic field to collapse which would generate high voltage at the power transistor, T3, if a path were not provided so that the field current this path, thus procan decay at a slower rate, field suppression diode, D1, provides tecting 4 the system and regulator from possible damage. Temperature compensation is flat which output voltage constant with temperature The PRESTOLITE solid state regulator means the increase uses regulator or Will hold the alternator decrease after initial warm-up. three NPN silicon transistors. Capacitor, C1 is used to filter ripple and alternator diode switching spike ating batteryless. Neon lamp, L-l, provides transient voltage protection acting Control P1 is used to provide a limited range of as a when oper- surge suppressor. voltage adjustment. PREPARATION FOR TESTING Caution: Do Not Interchange Regulator Leads. This will destroy regulator and void warranty. 1. The aircraft technician the or battery ground cable ammeter or other electrical systems specialist, must disconnect at the battery before connecting or disconnecting a test other test equipment or before making wiring changes in the electrical system. 2. 3. When voltmeter only is to be connected, provided caution is When is in a installing a position for negative 4. The a battery in a used for circuit used when vehicle, be that this terminal so can testing, the battery need not be disconnecting or disconnecting the voltmeter. sure that the battery negative terminal battery ground cable be connected to the ground systems. regulator, when installed in a vehicle, should be mounted on a metal a place where it will not be subjected to excessive temperature. area, and in 5. To insure a between the 6. good regulator ground, a permanent ground lead should regulator mounting bolt and the alternator frame. The alternator does not need to be polarized; even momentarily, terminals. to either the Do not interchange regulator therefore, never field terminal I and F leads to or regulator as be connected connect ground, to the alternator field this will destroy the regulator 7. The alternator should be in good condition and capable of producing full output, and the alternator drive belt must be adjusted tight enough to prevent slippage. 8. The 9. The voltmeter and the ammeter should be of the best 10. battery must be in good condition and should be carbon-pile connected across while testing the regulator. A the battery fully charged. quality and should be accurate. may be used to load the charging circuit TESTING THIS REGULATOR i. The procedure for bench, 2. testing this regulator, whether remains the same. Connect test meters All circuit connections should be clean and ment connections which must not time while the system is come operating. tight. loose or on as the vehicle shown in Fig. or on the test 2. This includes the test instru- open the charging circuit at any *LTERNP~TOR REGULATOR CARBON TEST AMMETER PILE zn´• AMMETER BATTERY ALTERNATOR SWITCH ON OFF TEST VOLTMETER Figure 3. 2. The voltmeter will not indicate the true regulator setting 4. Connect the voltmeter and the ammeter and as the 5. its adjust speed to obtain 3, 000 to as 4, shown in Figure battery to obtain this charge 2. 000 alternator RPM. needed to establish 10 to 15 ampere electrical load, Start the Turn or use a on engine accessories carbon-pile across rate. indicated After 1 minute operating time, check the regulator operating voltage as correct the for operating by the voltmeter. SEE THE SERVICE SPECIFICATIONS The voltage is shown for the ambient temperature in which the voltage. regulator 6. regulator operating in the charging system or on minute, at a charge rate of from 10 to 15 amperes. has been 1 until the the test bench for at least is operating operating. reading indicates that the operating voltage is not within limits, lift the plastic plug from top of regulator and adjust the voltage to the desired value. Replace the plug after adjustment. Before condemning the regulator, recheck the altenrator and the battery; making sure that they are in good condition. Recheck all circuit connections and all wiring for unwanted resistance the entire (voltage drop test). Recheck the voltmeter for accuracy and repeat If the voltmeter operating~test. L-652A 10/68 Prestolite Technical Service Toledo, Ohio 43601 BELT DRIVEN AIRCRAFT ALTERNATORS BELT DRIVEN AIRCRAFT ALTERNATOR Prestolite Belt Driven Aircraft Alternators (Figure 1) have been designed provide extended periods and construoted to of trouble-free operation with amount of maintenance. been designed They a minimum have also and constructed to withstand the vibration and extreme temperat~re changes encountered in aircraft applications. DESCRIPTION principle components (Figure 2) of the Aircraft Alternator are (1) the Brush Holder Assembly, (2) the Slip Ring End Head, (3) The the Reetifiers, and (6) (4) the Stater, (5) the Rotor the Drive End Head. Figure Figure i. The brush and holder assembly contains huo 1 2 brushes, two brush springs,g brush holder and insulators. Each brush is connected to a separate terminal sb~dand is insulated from ground. The brush and holder assembly can easily be removed for inspection or brush replacement 2. The purposes. slip ring end head plate, outputand auxiliary ring end head oontains a provides the mounting for the reotifiers and rectifier mounting terminal studs, and thebrush and holder roller bearing and outer race assembly and assembly. a The grease seal. slip The rectifiers used in these units protection. Three positive rectifiers 3. three negative rectifiers are a the rectifier mounting plate are rated at 150 P.I. V. minimum for transient voltage while the mounted in the rectifier mounting plate slip ring end head. Each pair of rectifiers is mounted in the stater lead with connected to are high temperature solder. The stater leads with epoxy cement for vibration are anchored to protection. lead which is connected to the center of the three phase The stater has or relays. wind ings and is used to activate low voltage warning systems resistance. been treated with a special epoxy varnish for high temperature The stater contains 4. a special and spacer on the slip ring end The rotor contains the slip ring end bearing inner race been specially treated with a high of the shaft. The rotor winding and winding leads have vibration and temperature resistance characteristics. to 5. provide temperature epoxy cement to secure the winding leads used is High temperature solder supports The drive end head 6. a to the slip rings. drive end sealed, prelubricated ball bearing in which the of the rotor shaft rotates. OVERHAUL not be required. repairing the alternator, complete disassembly may which are required to will only be necessary to perform those operations When it In some cases effect the repair. overhaul is covered step by step to provide detailed However, in this section, the complete these operations may be used as information on each operation. In actual service practice, required. DISASSEMBLY i. Remove the two H10-24 head. screws holding Remove the brush and holder the brush holder assembly 3. Remove the Remove the four end head and rotor, 4. Remove the a slip ring end pulley puller. the a strap wrench and Remove the fan, with a the drive tap the drive end head lightly to separate unit, from the stater and slip ring end head. through bolts as in the from the end head. safety wire from the through bolts. Hold The pulley must be removed with remove the pulley nut. woodruff key and spacer from the shaft. 2. assembly and from the output and auxiliary nuts, lock washers, flatwashers and insulators assembly of the insulator washers and bushings. the end head and press out the three Using the special tools shown in Figure 3, support be separated from the stater assembly. negative rec~ifiers. The end head can now terminal studs. 5. type To or Note carefully the correct slip ring end bearing and grease seal, 4. impact type bearing puller as shown in Figure remove replacement the is necessary. it will be necessary to have Do not remove the a hook bearing unless Figure 3 of the slip ring end bearing is pressed onto the rotor shaft. When bearing The inner race replacement is necessary, always replaoe the complete bearing assembly, inoluding the inner 6. To race. remove the drive end head from the Figure 4 shaft, use a puller that grips on the bearing retainer plate as shown in Figure 5. Do not attempt to remove by supporting the end head and pressing on the shaft, as this may result in distortion of the end head or stripping of the retainer plate sorews. Remove the three retainer plate sorews and press the bearing rotor out of the end head. Figure 6. Figure Figure 5 6 CPMPONENTS INSPECTION AND TESTING OF cleaned and visually inspected for Upon completion of the disassembly, all parts should be cracks, wear or distortion and any signs of overheating or mechanical interference. The rotor should be teated for i. Rotor can be made with test or any slip type of rings and as on in probes, connected continuity taster. Figure the rotor shaft or poles. To test far shorted turns in the rotor shown in Figure 8, or use an shorted a Excessive current draw specification pages. windings. No current open winding. ammeter and rheostat voltmeter, Rotor current draw and resistance ohmmeter. draw indicates shorted an or connect winding, the individual indicate windings. The ground test series with a 110 volt test lamp, an ohmmeter There must not be any continuity bet~ueen the grounded or an are listed low ahmmeter reading or a infinite ohmmeter would reading ~MMETER RHEOST~T 8*TTERY ROTOR Figure Figure 7 A diode rectifier tester will detect and pinpoint open without going through the operation of disconnecting the stater leads. is not available, test probes and a #57 bulb, connected in series with 2. Reotifiers be used in the test probe to following a one Touch of the If the test bulb To lights in both one test rectifiers light The test bulb should of the leads. shorted. manner. lead from in directions, one probe to a However, if a Then direction and not pinpoint the defective rectifier, the shorted rectifiere or 12 volt a tester battery, can rectifier heat sink and the other in that heat sink. one or more 8 light reverse We position in the oWer direction. of the rectifiers in that heat sink is stater leads must be disconnected and the repeated on each rectifier. Open rectifiers can only he detected, when using either bulb, by disconnecting the stater leads. The test bulb will fail to light in above teet the test direction if the rectifier is open. 8. Stater The statoroanbe tested described in the rectifier section, stater from the wood. touch In other one slip ring or an just words, insulate the test bulb other test bulb end head or or with foropenorgroundedwindInga ohmmeter, far enough in the to insert following a stater from the end head. couple probe to the stater frame. 12 volttestbulb, manner. of rage or or If the test Separate We blocks of grounded wlndinga, lead, and the bulb Hgbts, or the To test for ohmmeter probe to the auxiliary terminal ohmmeter a am stater grounded. To test for open windings, connect winding center oonnectlon and touch bulb must light, or the ohmmeter must show ohmmeter indioates continuity, the stater is one test probe to the auxiliary eaoh of the three stater leads. terminal or The test the stater continuity. windings, shorted windings are almost impossible to locate. However, shorted stater windings will usually cause the alternator to "growl" or be noisy during operation and will usually show some signs of overheating. to the low resistance in the stater Due If all other electrical checks replaced the stater should be are normal and the alternator fails to to determine whether or not it is the supply its rated output, faulty component. Whenever the alternator is overhauled, new bearings and oil or Bearings and Seals grease seals are reoommended, even though the bearings and seals appear to be in good condition. A faulty seal can cause an alternator to fail within a very short period of time. 4. ASSEMBLY i. so Press the ball into the drive end head that the pressure is exerted With the snap shaft and snap 2. bearing against the inner ring retainer unit and press place race, using the special of the bearing. the rotor shaft, approximately 2" square Install the retainer use a tool that fits bearing race is plate. over the against the hammer.) CONNECTIONS, or rectifier mounting plate by teals illustrated in Figure 10. 1 Figure 10 Reoonneot the stater leads to the rectifiers. WHEN USE PLIERS AS A HEAT DAM ON THE LEAD BETWEEN THE SOLDER JOWT AND THE RECTIFIER. RECTIFIERS. on and press until the inner 9 do not SOLDERING THESE bearing race flat block the rectifiers in the slip ring end head Figure (Use arbor the outer a Figure 9. cup. Carefully install supporting the on ring and retainer cup in using TOO MUCH HEAT WILL DAMAGE THE Reassemble the rectifier mounting plate studs and insulators, making See correct order. Figure sure they are in the 11. and rectifier leads must be After the slip ring end head is completely assembled, the stater leads are secured to the rectifier mounting plate with epoxy. Make sure the stater rotor. so that they do not interfere with the positioned 3. Install the slip ring end hearing and oil seal. Correct bearing. assembly of bearing, seal, Make inner race lip of the sure the oil seal is toward t~ and spacer is shown in 12. Figure NUT LOCKWPASHER LT~ -FIBERWASHER SEAL-INSTALL SEAL WITH LIP ~ENO HEAD TOWARD BEARING ~RECTIFIER MOUNTING PLATE INNER TERMINAL RACE AUXILIARY TERMINAL NUT´•C~ FLATWASHERc~ LOCKWASHER c~Ly GREASE FIBERWASHER Z CAVITY END HEAD( ~L, ~cNsuLnToR RECTIFIER MOUNTING PLATE ~TERYIN*L STVD 1 SPAC ER BEARING OUTPUT(+) TERMINAL Figure t 4. is Figure 11 Assemble the alternator and install the through bolts. no mechanical interference. Spin the 12 rotor to make Torque the through bolts to 30 to 35 in. Ibs. sure Safety there wire Install spacer, woodruff should be installed after the unit has been bench tested for output. to 35 Ft. Lbs. using a strap wrench key, fan, pulley, lockwasher and nut. Torque the nut tube assembly until after the unit has been bench Do not install the blast to hold the pulley. tested. the rotor and check Install the brush and holder assembly and retaining screws. Spin the field terminals for interference between the brush holder and rotor. Check across 5. with an ohmmeter. the individual listed The ohmmeter must indicate the amount of rotor resistance specification on page. TESTING r IcAReoN .JIMCER WIRE PILE Wiring connections for bench testing the alterRefer to the nator are shown in Figure 13. individual specification pages for output test figures. to obtain pile, Adjust the specified voltage. the carbon After bench testing the alternator, install the safety wire and blast tube and install the alternator on the engine. I I if necessary, I +I I I I ILn TE~MIIEfER I _ __ _,_ _ _ _ _ Figure 13 7 Note: Always alternator or refer to the airframe manufacturers testing the alternator on wiring diagram when installing the the aircraft. PRECAUTIONS TO BE OBSERVED WHEN TESTING OR SERVICING THE ELECTRICAL SYSTEM 1. BATTERY, before connecting or disconnecting test Instruments betore removing or replacing any unit or wiring. Accidental grounding or shorting at the regulator, alternator, ammeter or accessories, will cause severe damage to the units and/or wiring. DISCONNECT THE (except’voltmeter) 2. or THE OUTPUT LEAD MUST NOT BE REMOVED FROM THE ALTERNATOR WHILE THE ROTOR WINDING IS ENERGIZED AND THE ALTERNATOR IS OPERATING 3. Any 4. attempt to do so may result in damage to No GROUNDING OF THE ALTERNATOR OUTPUT TERMINAL MAY DAMAGE THE ALTERNATOR 5. polarization is required. the alternator, regulator or circuits. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO POLARIZE THE ALTERNATOR. AND/OR CIRCUIT AND COMPONENTS. RECTIFIERS, VEHICLE Battery polarity MOST VEHICLES battery. REVERSED BATTERY CONNECTIONS MAY DAMAGE THE WIRING OR OTHER COMPONENTS OF THE CHARGING SYSTEM. should be checked with a voltmeter before connecting the ARE NEGATIVE GROUND. 6. IF A BOOSTER BATTERY OR FAST CHARGER IS USED, ITS POLARITY MUST RE CONNECTED CORRECTLY TO PREVENT DAMAGE TO THE ´•ELECTRICAL SYSTER´•I COMPONENTS. 480 LT FLANGE MOUNT AIRCRAFT ALTER NATO RS FLANGE MOUNTED AIRCRAFT ALTERNATOR Prestolite Flange Mounted Aircraft (Figure 1) have been designed Alternators and constructed to provide extended periods of trouble-Iree operation with a minimum amount of maintenance. They have also been designed and constructed to withstand the vibration and extreme temperature changes encountered in aircraft applications. DESCRIPTION The principle components (Figure 2) Aircraft Alternator of the (1) The drive end The head, (2) rotor, (3) The stater, (4) The rectifiers, (5) The slip ring end head and (6) The are brush and holder assembly. Figure 1 90 O oooa c Figure 1) and The drive end head contains a a 2 prelubricated bearing, an oil seal, collar and shaft seal blast tube connection for ventilation. 2) The rotor contains the slip ring end a ventilating hearing inner race fan an the drive end of the shaft and spacer on (ALX series the other end of the shaft. only) and The rotor winding and winding leads have been specially treated with a high temperature epoxy cement to provide vibration and temperature resistance characteristics. High temperature solder is used to secure the winding leads to the slip rings. 3) The stater contains a special lead which is connected to the center of the three phase windings and is used to activate low voltage warning systems or relays. The stater has been treated with a special epoxy varnish for high temperature resistance. 4) The rectifiers used in these units are rated at 150 P. I. V. minimum for transient voltage Three positive rectifiers are mounted in the rectifier mounting plate while the Each pair of rectifiers is three negative rectifiers are mounted in the slip ring end head. protection. connected to stater lead with a high temperature solder. The stater leads anchored to the are rectifier mounting plate with epoxy cement for vibration protection. 5) The slip ring end head provides the mounting for the rectifiers and rectifier mounting plate, output and auxiliary terminal studs, and the brush and holder assembly. The slip ring end head contains a roller bearing and outer race assembly and a grease seal. 6) The brush and holder and insulators. assembly Each brush is c6nnected to The brush and holder ground. replacement contains two assembly two brush springs, a brush holder separate terminal stud and is insulated from a can brushes, easily be removed for inspection or brush purposes. OVERHAUL alternator, complete disassembly may not be required. In some cases necessary to perform those operations which are required to effect the repair. When repairing the it will only be However, in this section, the complete overhaul is covered step by step to provide detailed information on each operation. In actual service practice, these operations may be used as required. DISASSEMBLY 1. Remove the two #10-24 head. Remove the brush and safety holding the holder assembly screws brush holder assembly in the wire from the thru bolts and Remove the 3. Tap the drive end head lightly and separate the drive end head and rotor, 4. slip ring Note remove as a unit, from end head. Remove the nuts, lock terminal studs. end the thru bolts. 2. the stater and slip ring from the end head. washers, flatwasher and insulators from the output and auxiliary carefully the correct assembly of the insulator washers and bushings. special tools shown in Figure 3, support the end head and press out the three Using negative rectifiers. The end head can now be separated from the stater assembly. the Fd Figure 6. To remove the grease hook or bearing impact type bearing puller shown in Figure 4. and race a as Do not remove the bear- ing unless replacement The inner end it will be necessary to have seal, type slip ring 3 of the is necessary. slip ring end bearing is pressed onto the rotor shaft. When bearing replacement is necessary, always replace the complete bearing assembly, including the inner 6. Clamp the rotor in engine assembly. a vise and remove the cotter pin, nut, drive gear assembly and Note: Remove the retainer and press out the pressed 4 The drive gear assembly is not a Prestolite part and is serviced manufacturer. Support the drive end head and carefully press out the rotor woodruff key. the Figure race. bearing. plate Once the out from the inside of the screws bearing and retainer is removed, plate. by Support the drive end head the oil seal can be knocked or housing. WSPECTION AND TESTWO OF COMPONENTS Upon completion of the disassembly, all parts should be cleaned and visually inspected for cracks, wear or distortion and any signs of overheating The rotor should be tested for i. Rotor can be made with test probes, grounded or connected in series with or mechanical interference. shorted winding. a 110 volt test The lamp, ground an test ohmmeter or any type of continuity tester. slip rings and the rotor shaft or Figure poles. To test for shorted turns in the rotor as shown in Figure 6, or use an 5. There must not be any continuity between the winding, ohmmeter. connect a voltmeter, ammeter and rheostat Rotor current draw and resistance I are listed on *MMETER RHEOSTAT YOLTMETER I*TTERI RoTon Figure 5 Figure individual specification pages. indicates shorted indicate an open No current draw the operation of out going through not available, teet probes and following manner. used in the test probe to of the leads. or an or a low ohmmeter reading infinite ohmmeter reading would A diode rectifier tester will detect and pinpoint open Rectifiers 2. windings. winding. Excessive current draw a lead from one the stater leads. disconnecting a #57 bulb, connected Touch one test probe to a one or shorted reotifiers wim- However, if in series with a 12 volt a tester is battery, can be rectifier heat sink and the other of the reotlfiers in that heat sink. The test bulb should light in 6 Then reverse the position direction and not Light in the other direction. lights in bath directions, one or more of the rectifiers in that heat sink is shorted. To pinpoint the defective rectifier, the stater leads must be disoonnected and the shove test repeated on eaoh rectifier. Open rectifiers can only be detected, when using the test bulb, by disconnecting the stater leads. The test bulb will fail to light in either Lf the test bulb direction if the rectifier is open. grounded windings with a 12 volt test bulb, ohmmeter, in the following manner. Separate the stator from the slip ring end head just far enough to insert a couple of rags or blacks of wood. In other words, insulate the stator from the end head. To test for grounded windings, touch one test bulb or ohmmeter probe to the auxiliary terminal or any stater lead, and the other test bulb or ohmmeter probe to the stater frame. If the test bulb lights, or the ohmmeter indicates continuity, the stater is grounded. To test for open windings, connect one test probe to the auxiliary terminal or the stater winding center connection and touch The test bulb must light, or the ohmmeter must show each of the three stater leads. 3. Stater The stater can be tested for open described in the rectifier section, continuity. or an or windings, shorted windins~s are almost impossible to stater windings will usually cause the alternator to "growl" or be will usually shaw same signs of overheating. Due to the low resistance in the stater However, sharted locate. noisy during operation and If all other electrical checks the stater should be replaced are normal and the alternator fails to to determine whether or not it is the supply its’ rated output, faulty component. Whenever the alternator is overhauled, new bearings and oil or grease recommended, even though the bearings and seals appear to be in good canditian. 4. Bearings and Seals seals A are faulty seal can cause an alternator to fail within a very short period of time. ASSEMBLY 1. Drive End Head the oil seal in Install the oil seal with the lip toward the outside of the end head. approximately 1/16" below the the seal toward the inside of the end head. edge Press of the only casting. on Press Install the ball the outer race of the bearing with bearing when race and press in bearing Reassemble oil seal collar, "0" ring seal, woodruff key, drive gear assembly, nut rotor. and cotter pin. Torque rotor shaft nut to 31 to 41 Ft. Lbs. Correct assembly of drive end installing. Install bearing retainer and screws. inner Support the oil seals is shown in Figure 7. 2. Carefully install the rectifiers in the slip ring end head or rectifier mounting plate by supporting the unit and using the special tools illustrated in Figure 8. lr OIL nd SE*L DE sELLEo OF CIISTING BELW 9DE HEPID COLLI\R ~D BE*RINF ROTOR ’o" nlNo ~d SH~FT IAJ~ SELL BE*RN6 BEIRING C~S" RET~INER L~R ASSEMBLY CORRECT OF OIL SEALS Figure Figure 7 (Use arbor SOLDERING do not hammer.) THESE CONNECTIONS, press Reoonnect the stater leads to the reotifiers. WHEN USE PLIERS AS A HEAT DAM ON THE LEAD BETWEEN THE SOLDER OINT AND THE RECTIFIER. RECTIFIERS. 8 TOO MUCH HEAT WILL DAMAGE THE Reassemble the rectifier mounting plate studs and insulators, making correct order. See sure they are in the 9. Figure After the slip ring end head is completely assembled, the stater and rectifier leads must be secured to the rectifier mounting plate with epoxy. Make sure the stater leads are positioned so that they do not interfere with the rotor. Install the slip ring end bearing and oil seal. Correct bearing. of assembly bearing, seal, lip of the oil seal is toward the Make sure the inner race and spacer is shown in 10. Figure NVT LOCKWASHER FLATWAS SEAL- INSTALL SEAL IBERWASHER WITH LIP TOWARD BEARING END HEI\D INSULAT RECTIFIER TERMINAL INNER MOUNTING PLATE STVD/ RACE AUXILIARY TERMINAL NUT GREASE LOCKWASHER CAVITY BERWASHER END HEAD( SPACER UL~TOR RECTIFIER BEARING ~TERMINAL STUD MOUNTING PLATE OUTPUT(+) TERMINAL Figure Figure 9 10 Assemble the alternator and install the through bolts. Spin the rotor to make is no mechanical interference. Torque the through bolts to 30 to 35 in. Ibs. sure there Safety wire should be installed after the unit has been bench tested for output. Install the brush and holder assembly and retaining screws. Spin the rotor and check for interference between the brush holder and rotor. Check across the field terminals with amount of rotor resistance listed on an ohmmeter. the individual The ohmmeter must indicate the specification page. TESTING Upon completion of assembly, the alternator should be tested to determine if it is capable Caution: All flange mounted alternators require a source of delivering its full rated output. of ventilation. Do not test these alternators at full rated output for more than 30 seconds unless adequate air pressure for 1 The internal fan used applies to these units. on cooling the ALX series is supplied. provides some ventilation; however, the same rule Wiring connections for bench testing the alter- Figure Ii. Refer to the individual specification pages for output test figures. Adjust the carbon pile, if necessary, to obtain the specified voltage. nator are shown in CARBON After bench testing the alternator, install the safety wire in the alternator on the P"E 8 through bolts and install the engine. Always refer to the airframe manufacturers wiring diagram when installing the alternator or testing the alternator on the aircraft. I I Note: t _ +I ILD TEST AMMETER /II~(/+ I ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _TEST_V~L_TM_ETER Figure 11 PRECAUTIONS TO BE OBSERVICED WHEN TESTING OR SERVICING THE ELECTRICAL SYSTEM 1. connecting or disconnecting test instruments replacing any unit or wiring. Accidental removing the regulator, alternator, ammeterpr accessories, will DISCONNECT THE BATTERY, before before (except voltmeter) or grounding or shorting at cause severe damage to the 2. units or and/or wiring. THE ALTERNATOR MUST NOT BE OPERATED ON OPEN CIRCUIT WITH THE ROTOR WINDING ENERTIZED. 3. Any attempt 4. to do so may result in damage to the No is required. circuits. GROUNDING OF THE ALTERNATOR OUTPUT TERMINAL MAY DAMAGE THE ALTERNATOR 5. polarization alternator, regulator or DO NOT ATTEMPT TO POLARIZE THE ALTERNATOR. AND/OR CIRCUIT AND COMPONENTS. REVERSED BATTERY CONNE’CTIONS MAY DAMAGE THE RECTIFIERS, VEHICLE WIRING OR OTHER COMPONENTS OF THE CHARGING SYSTEM. should be checked with a voltmeter before connecting the battery. Battery polarity MOST VEHICLES ARE NEGATIVE GROUND. 6. IF A BOOSTER BATTERY OR FAST CHARGER IS USED, ITS POLARITY MUST BE CONNECTED CORRECTLY TO PREVENT DAMAGE TO THE ELECTRICAL SYSTEM COMPONENTS. prPSfCl/l~ti?l 24 VO LT 100 AMPERE AIRCRAFT ALTERNATOR THE PI1ESTOLITE 24 VOLT 100 AMPERE AIRCRAFT ALTERNATOR 100 ampere airoraft The Prestolite 24 volt. alternators both flange (Figure 1) are manufactured for mounting and double foot, hinge mounting, belt-driven applications. Both and constructed to provide types for extended periods of heavy duty service trouble-free operation with a minimum amount designed are of maintenance. They are construoted to withstand the vibration and Extreme temperature changes encountered in airoraft applications. DESCRIPTION All 100 amp, 24 volt aircraft alternators identified ber. by the prefix ALV in the part are num- The 8000 series identifies the double Figure 1 r oooa goe eo-~1I I QO.p oe BBB O Q! ~cb Figure feat, hinge mounted, gear-driven units. The i P O 2 belt-driven units, while the 9000 series identifies the nange mounted, principle components: (Figure 2) of these alternators are (1) the slip ring head, (2) the assemblies, (3) the stater, (4) the rotor and (5) the drive end head heat sink and rectifier assembly. slip ring end head provides the mounting for the rectifier-heat sink assemblies, the output, auxiliary and ground terminal studs, brush holder and brush assemblies and the slip ring end bearing. The 8000 series unite attach the blast tubs assembly to the slip ring (1) The end head. (2) The rectifier and heat sirk assemblies (Flgure 3), used in these units, construction from those used in any other Prestolite aircraft alternator. has six (6) rectifiers of one polarity attached to it. (1) are different in Each heat sink Each stater lead connects to four I OUTPUT k FI FIELD GROUND j nuxlLlnRv Figure Figure 3 4 (two positive and two negative). This can best be illustrated with an internal wiring diagram. (Figure 4). Each rectifier is rated at 150 P. I. V. minimum for transient voltage protection. All soldered connections are made with high temperature solder. The stater and rectifier leads are anchored to the heat sink with epoxy cement to provide vibraBecause of this construction, special service procedures must be followed. tion protection. Refer to the rectifier section of Inspection and Testing of Components. rectifiers (3) The stater contains a center tap lead which is connected to the center of the three phase windings and is used to activate low voltage warning systems or relays. The stater has been treated with a special epoxy varnish for high temperature resistance and vibration protection. wldding winding leads have been specially treated with a high temperature varnish and epoxy cement to provide vibration and temperature resistant characteristics. High temperature solder is used to secure the winding leads to the slip rings. (4) The (5) rotor and The drive end head, end head also contains on an both series, contains oil seal, collar a and shaft prelubricated bearing. seal, and a The 9000 series blast tube connection for ventilation OVERHAUL complete disassembly may not be required. In some cases, the repair. it will be necessary to perform only those operations ~hich are’required to effect to provide detailed However, in this section, the complete overhaul is covered step by step these operations may be used information on each operation. In actual service practice, When repairing the alternator, as required. OVERHAUL NOTE When overhauling the alternator, we recommend the following components be (2) replaced: i. Brushes. 2. Drive end 5. bearing. bearing. Slip seal Series). (9000 Oil Shaft seal "0" ring (9000 Series). 6. Lack tab washers. 3. 4. ring end DISASSEMBLY (1) (8000 Series) Straighten the assembly. ears on the lock tabwashers and remove the three the ears on the lock tab washers and remove the six through through bolts and blast tube (2) (9000 Series) Straighten bolts. slip ring end bearing sharp object, such as a small, sharp (3) Remove the chisel or be accomplished by wedging a smi\ll, imife blade, between the cover and the slip This cover. can ring end head. (4) Use a puller, as shown in Figure 5, to press the rotor shaft out of the slip ring end bearing. Separate thedrive endhead and rotor, as aunit, from thestatar and slip ring end head, being careful not to lose the brush springs while separating the units. (5) Remove the nuts, and auxiliary terminal The sink assemblies. lockwashers, net washers and insulators from the output, ground, The end head studs. slip ring end bearing can now can be separated from the stater and heat be pushed out from the inside of the end head. (6) Each brush is connected to a terminal through studthat is insulated and mounted slip ring Service brushes end head. The brush holder attached to terminal studs. is attached to the screws and can the come ring end head with two slip easily he serviced the once alternator is disassembled. Clamp the rotor in not to distort the rotor drive components from NOTE: The pulley, units, and the drive 9000 series units, a vise, being careful poles, used an the 5 The drive end head and rotor shown in may be Figure 6. damaged. by supporting the Do not on end head and pressing separated on the 9000 series units out the rotor. (3) an the not manufactured to press the rotor out of the end head The drive end head and rotor used are or available from engine manufacturer. the 8000 series units must be attempt the the 8000 series assembly, are remove the rotor shaft. serviced by Prestolite but Figure and with or can a puller as the end head be separated Remove the hearing retainer Support the bearing. retainer. can and screws carefully end head and press out the 9000 series units, plate The oilseal, on then be knocked the or press- ed out from the inside of the end head. INSPECTING AND TESTING COMPONENTS Upon completion of disasaembly, all parts thoroughly should be cleaned and visually in- spected for cracks, wear or distortion, and any signs of overheating or mechanical interferenoe. The ratar should be teated far a (1) Rotor grounded, shorted, or open winding. The ground test can be made with a 110 volt test lamp, an ohmmeter, Figure 6 rheostatas shown in Figure 8, are ohmmeter listed on reading would indicate (2) Reotifiers winding, oruse an connect an speoifioation pag-e. windings. No winding. indicate shorted open an type A rectifier tester can accurate accurate ohmmeter. the individual readingwould any of continuity teeter. There must not be any continuity (Flgure from the slip rings to the rotor shaft or pales. To test for shorted turns in the rotor sistance or voltmeter, ammeter and Rotor currentdraw and Excessive current draw current draw an or or a re- low infinite ohmmeter be used to detect shorted rectifiers and open pairs of reotifiers. The canstructian of the alternator (two rectifiers connected to one stater lead) makes it impossible to check for a single open rectifier without going through the operation of unsaldering and separating the rectifier leads. the When soldering and unsoldering the rectifier connections, use pliers as a heat dam on rectifiers. will heat much damage rectifier leads, between the solder joint and rectifier. Too I IU.ETER ROTOR I (i~7 CI I VOLTMETER Figure Figure (4) 8 BP~TTERY If a shorted must be or open rectifier is replaced. the heat sink located, indivihual The rectifiers not are assembly containing that replaceable and no attempt rectifier should be made to unsolder them from the heat sink. (S) The stater Stater can be tested for open #57 bulb connected in series with To test for stater grounded windings, continuity connect one test probe to the auxiliary Connect the other test lead. is 12 a 110 volt test bulb. except tester a grounded windings with test probes and volt battery, an ohmmeter, or any type continuity or indicated, the To test for open windings, probe to the stater frame. If the is grounded and must be replaced. stater connect lights or any or any probe to the auxiliary terminal stud and touch probe. The testbulb must light or continuity must If the stater is open, it must be be indloated between all connections. possible test bulb test one each stater connectianwith the other test flexible leads for terminal stud opens before replacing replaced. Check the stater. Due to the low resistance of the statar windings, shorted windings are almost impossible to locate. However, shorted stater windings will usually cause the alternator to be noisy or "growl" during operation and will usually show signs of overheating. If all other eleetrioal cheeks the stater should be are replaced normal and the alternator fails to to determine whether or not it is the supply its rated output, faulty component. And/Or Rectifier Heat Sink Replacement When soldering or unsoldering the rectifier connections, pliers should be used as a heat dam behueen the solder joint and We rectlfiers. Too much heat will damage rectlfiers. (4) Stater ILSSEMBLY thoroughly cleaning, inspecting, testing, and replacing any faulty components, assemble and test the unit. Reassembly is, basically, the reverse of disassembly. After However, the following assembly procedures a properly assem- 1 must be observed to obtain bled unit. Drive End Head-8000 Series Unite the Install bearing with the sealed side toward the by pressing on the outer race only. rotor Install the bearing retainer and screws. Sup- part the rotor shaft and press the end head onto the shaft using the tool shown in Figure 9. Do not attempt to press the rotor into the end head without supporting the bearing inner race the end head and bearing may be damaged. Install the spacer, fan, woodruff key, pulley, lockwasher, and nut. Torque the pulley re- or taining nut to 35 to 45 Ft. Lbs. Figure (5) 9 re- Install the oil seal with the lip toward the outside of the Drive End Head-9000 Series Units Press the oil seal in end head. approximately 1/16" below the outside edge of the casting. Install the bearing When installing the bearing, press only on the outer race. Install the bearing retainer and screws. Support the rotor shaft and press the end head assembly onto the shaft, using the same tool shown in Figure 9 and being careful not to damage the oil seal. with the sealed side toward the rotor. BELOV Reassemble the oil seal collar, being careful lip under. A small C*PTINO not to fold the oil seal amount of oil HEAD07 D. E. SEALED rH SIDE the collar will make installa- ring seal, being careful not to cut the "0" ring on the shaft keyway. Use a small, blunt instrument to push the "0" ring seal into the shaft collar. A small SEnL /OlL OF BEARING on Install the "0" tion easier. ,COLLAR amount of oil cROTOR SHAFT on the "0" installation easier. seal is fully will make ring seal Make certain the "0" ring installed before BEARING assembling the assembly. Figure 10 shows the correct assembly of the drive end head components. Torque the drive retaining RETAINER nut to 37 to 42 Ft. "O" RING SEAL remainder of the drive ASSEMBLY OF CORRECT OIL SEALS 10 Figure Lbs. Slip Ring End Assembly Assemble the brush and terminal stud assemblies in the end head assembling the prior to Make sure brush holder heat sinks and stater. retaining screws are tight. A small amount of Lock-Tite on the retaining screw threads, prior to assembly, will pro- vide additional-vibration protection. Assemble the stater and rectifier heat sink assemblies in the end head, insulators are correctly assembled Position the stater leads so they as shown in Figures making certain the 11 and 12. will not interfere with the rotor. necessary to replace the stater or either rectifier heat sink, position the they will not interfere with the rotor and secure the leads to the heat sinks NOTE: If it was stater leads so with epoxy cement. Position the snap brushes. ring, in the end Install the brush head, springs so that one of the holes is /~´•´•´•´•´•´•´•´•´•´•2\ F’LATWASHERC--~2: I-----´• c~ 3---F’BERWASHER 11 F LA TWASHER~ ~FLATWASHER ~FLAtWASHER FIBERWASHERS Figure small drill IN SULATOR- ---------´•INSULATORc~--_ ~HEAT ---//E INSULATORC/ a ----~END HEADc--- -----~ENO HEBDc---- ffLL EXCEPT AUX. TERM. Insert ~----´•INSULATOR- ------´•INSULATORc-~- SINK in line with the ~---´•NUT ~---´•NUTc----\ ~--´•MEAT directly and brushes in the brush holder. ALL EXCEPT AUX. TERM. AUX. TERM. Figure (8000 Series) (6) SINKc--~C-- INSULATORc/ 12 AUX. TERM. (9000 Series) or metal rod through the snap ring hole Assemble the alternator and install to hold the brushes in couple place. of through bolts to hold the unit together. Reare contacting the slip rings. Visucheck to make the brush leads sure freeand are cannot bind against anything. ally Make sure the shaft snap ring retainer is in place and install the slip ring end bearing. The bearinstalled be with the must sealed side toward the tool rotor. ing that fits against the Use a bearing inner race and press the bearing onto the rotor shaft while supporting the drive end move the brush holding a tool and make sure the brushes of the shaft. Install the remaining Units, or secure through bolts. Do not install the blast tube assembly on the 8000 Series the lock tab washers until the unit has been tested. After the alternator is fully assembled, the components should be Torquing Specifications torqued to the listed specifications: Through Bolts 30-35 In. Lbs. 1/4 70-85 In. Lbs. 30-35 In. Lbs. 37-42 Ft. Lbs. Inch Term. Stud Nuts #10-32 Term. Stud Nuts 9000 Series 8000 Series Coupling Retaining Nut Pulley Retaining Nut 35-45 Ft. Lbs. TESTING Upon completion of assembly, the alternator should be tested to determine if the unit is capable of delivering its full rated CAUTION: The 9000 Series, test these units at full rated for cooling Wiring is output. flange mounted units, output for more testing the alternator Volts Output 25.8 10. 28.4 100.0 blast tube Do Not air pressure the shown in RPM OAmps. Min. Amps. Min. testing on of ventilation. adequate Figure 13. The alternator Adjust carbon pile, if necessary, to are or exceed the specifications listed below. specified voltage. must meet After bench a source supplied. connections for bench obtain the require than 20 seconds unless 2000 TEST VOLTMETER 5000 I I TEST PIMMETER alternator, install the the 8000 Series Units and secure the lock tab washers. CARBON PILE Install the alternator the engine, making mounting surfaces, especially on the 9000 Series, are free of corrosion or foreign mate~ials. Torque the alternator retaining bolts to the specifications listed in the engine sure on all I I -~JUMPER WIRES~ I manufacturer’s manual. Figure (7) 13 I BATTERY NOTE: Always refer to the airframe manufacturer’s wiring ing the alternator on diagram when instRllinr nr test- the aircraft. PRECAUTIONS TO BE OBSERVED WHEN TESTING OR SERVICING THE ELECTRICAL SYSTEM or disconnecting test instruments replacing removing any unit or wiring. Accidental (except voltmeter) grounding or shorting at the regulator, alternator, ammeter, or accessories, will cause severe damage to the units and/or wiring. 1. DISCONNECT THE BATTERY, before or before connecting or 2. THE ALTERNATOR OUTPUT LEAD MUST NOT BE REMOVED FROM THE ALTER- NATOR WITH THE FIELD CIRCUIT ENERGIZED AND THE ALTERNATOR OPERATING. polarization alternator, regulator or 3. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO POLARIZE THE ALTERNATOR. Any attempt to do so may result in damage to the No is required. circuits. 4. GROUNDING OF THE ALTERNATOR OUTPUT TERMINAL MAY DAMAGE THE ALTERNATOR A~jD/OR CIRCUIT AND COMPONENTS. RECTIFIERS, VEHICLE CHARGING SYSTEM. Battery polarity 5. REVERSED BATTERY CONNECTIONS MAY DAMAGE THE WIRING OR OTHER COMPONENTS OF THE should be checked with a voltmeter before connecting the battery. MOST VEHJCLES ARE NEGATIVE GROUND. 6. IF A BOOSTER BATTERY OR FAST CHARGER IS USED, ITS POLARITY MUST BE CONNECTED CORRECTLY TO PREVENT DAMAGE TO THE ELECTRICAL SYSTEM COMPON E NTS 7. WHEN USING AN AUXILIARY POWER UNIT, MAKE SURE THE VOLTAGE AND POI,AR- ITY ARE SET TO CORRESPOND WITH THE VEHICLE SYSTEM VOLTAGE AND POLAR- ITY. (8) A I R C RA FT A LT E R N ATO R A LV-940 O S E R I ES 24 VO LT, 1 00 AM PE RE OVERHAUL PROCEDURES Section 1 ELECTRICAL CHECKS AND INSPECTION 4. inspeotion 1.1 Visual and Meohanioal 1.1.1 Verify no damage Replace Hausings and Shaft shaft damaged). any damaged housings and rotor (if 1.1.2 Thru-Bolts and Loolt Tabs Verify installation of six thru-bolts and lock tabs. See Figure 2-12 far installation at one place and Figure 2-13 For the other five 5 Inspect bearing and shaft end for discoloration indicatingaverheating or wear (See Figure 1-3) ,,d if so, replace bearing and rotor inspect bearing inner race for evidence of turning onshsft (See Figure I-Sland iFso, replace bearing and rotor places. Bolt torque value is 3035 inch-pounds. Bolts are high strength type (120,000 psi) which can be identified by a raised "Y" mark an heads as shown in Figure 2-13. 1.1.3 11.4 Terminals and insulators Verify no damage and installation as per Figures 2-10 and 2-11 Refer to paragraph 2510 for terminal mounting nut torque values. Replace damaged parts. Shaft Spaoer and O-Ring Seal damageiwear inch maximum) and worn 1.1.6 Verify to shaft spacer surface finish no (20 micra- O-ring seal. Replace damaged or parts. Verify Oil Seal Figure 1-1 for or worn no typical damage or wear installation to oil seal. See Replace damaged parts. ta X; Figure 1-2 Figure 1-3 ´•s~r Figure 1.1.6 Slip Ring End 1-1 Bearing, Housing and Shaft End Condition Remove bearing cover from end head as shown in 1 Figure 1-2. CARE MUST BE TAKEN NOT TO DAMAGE END HEAD. IF COVER IS DAMAGED A NEW COVER MUST BE INSTALLED 2 Inspect cover for rust accumulation ullh 5. on nea.oue., inside sur- bssring´•.d Inspect end housing bearing bushing for signs of corrosion, gouges, scratches and burrs and if so, replace housing and bearing. (New bushing has 30 micro-inch surface finish). 6. 7. Inspect bearing outer race For evidence of turning in housing bushing (See Figure 1-3) and if so, replace bearing and housing Inspect bearing for wear and grease mntnmin;,tion as indicated by darkening or change in arigipsni NIIC"Bpmlornndllrraonroordin.rmptol cles. The original Cheuren SRI #2 grease hasa dark green color. Replace bearing and housing if bearing grease is so contaminuted. 1.1.7 current of 83.0 amperes. Alternator must be connected as shown in Figure 1-4 for full field operation, Hand spin the rotor shaft. A defecBearing Check tive bearing may be heard or felt. To determine which bearing is defective will require disassembly of alter- field terminals F1 and F2 i.e. jumpered and(-) output terminals (use #16 nator to separate the drive end head and rotor assembly from the slip ring end head and stater assembly. The check can then be repeated with the drive end the for or 2-3 ampere field current and to the #18 AWG wire a field control switch). Approximately 6 hp will be required to drive head and rotor assembly to determine which bearing is defective and should be replaced. the alternator at the specified load condition. Prepare test setup so that operation time at the loaded condition does not exceed 20 seconds. This is required for 1.2 Electrical Checks two 1.2.1 Positive Rectifier Heat Sink Assembly: 1. Using a VOM on the RX1 range, make forward and reverse rectifier resistance measurements be- temperature and extended test time will increase winding resistance, due to temperature increase, and prevent proper check to the stated limits. Also, the tween the 2. 3. 1.2.2 One high (no meter movement), Abnormal readings indicate one or more rectifiers are defective and the assembly must be replaced. Individual rectifiers are not replaceable. Negative Rectifier Heat Sink Assembly: 1. Repeat test as in 1.2.1 with VOM connections the 1.2.3 very to terminal and the AUX terminal, Field Circuit: 1. 2. Using VOM, to measure The stated performance is based on room alternator must not be operated without required air cooling for more than 20 seconds at the loaded condition or damage will result. Therefore, to minimize operation time required at the loaded condition, the following test sequence is suggested I. With field control switch open, adjust speed to specified value. 2. Close field switdh, adjust load to give specified output voltage at specified speed, record load current, open field switch and decrease load and speed terminal and the AUX terminal. reading should be low and the other reasons. resistance between Fl and 3. F2 terminals, Resistance should be 9.9 to approximately 15 ohms at 20-27"C (70"-80"F). This resistance is measured through~the brushes and some variation is expected for the specified maximum value. An opencircuit will be much higher than this value. If measured resistance is less, this indicates possible shorted rotor, slip rings or RFI capacitor (ALV-9407 only, disconnect one lead for check). If zero. Page 9, Table analysis. Refer to TEST VOLTMETER I 1-1 I as required TEST for trouble *IJMETER measured resistance is greater this indicates possible dirty slip rings, bad brushes or open rotor. Replace defective parts or clean slip rings as indicated. 1.2.4 Ground Checks: 1. Using VOM on RX100 range, make between the slip ring end housing and the AUX, F1, and F2 terminals. Meter should indicate infinite resistance (no cnReou PILE stnemerusaemecnatsiser FIELD CDNTRO~ SWITCH meter movement). 2. 1.2.5 Abnormal readings indicate a fault condition at terminal mounting interface or the housing internal to the alternator. ~JUMPER WIRES/ I I BITIERY Performance Test; Using mance a test stand, verify alternator output perforof 28.0 volts at 6000 r/min for minimum output Figure 1-4 Section 2 ’OVERHAUL PROCEDURE 2.1 Recommended Replacement Parts It is recommended that original equipment service parts be used for parts replacement. Refer to the Prestolite OE-A1 Aircraft Manual Alternator Section for available service parts. General This section contains information required to completely disassemble and reassemble the alternator. In addition, this section includes inspection and test procedures for the individual components and subas- 2.2 semblies. When repairing the alternator, complete disassembly may not be required. In some cases, it will be which are necessary to perform only those operations required to effect the repair. 2.3 Disassembly 2.3.1 Remove Rear Housing Stater and Rectifier Heat Sinks Assembly from Rotor Drive End Housing Assembly. 1. Place the alternator on a wood "V" block stand. Straightenthe locktabsoneachof the six(6) 2 3 Replace if auxiliary terminal new required at 3. reassembly NOTE Verify removed thru-bnltfi are higl, stl´•ength boltp as identi8ed by tile raised "Y’~ mark on the heads (See Figure 2-1$) If not, the bolts must be replaced reassembly with the required bolts. Remove the slip ring end head bearing cover (see at 4. 4. 2.5.3 housing. Scribe mark alignment and stater to indicate across for of 2~ facilitate reassembly Remove terminals with 3 Remove internal insulators from brush terminals i. O~ ALV-9407. remove capacitor clamp screw, clamp and capacitor. Removebrush holder Bstoning hardware, ineluding brush springs if not removed Using a puller (Proto Co #4029 recommended, spine damage) installed on the head end housing as shown in Figure 2-1 slip ring to prevent damage to housing, separate the slip ring end housing and stator-reetifier ;lasembly. Retl.ieve brush springs if they fall out during this operation Place the removed slip ring end head and stater assembly on a pad to protect exposed stator winding pending further disassembly othermay 5 cause 2.3.4 Remove 1. integral brushes. reassembly Note location for reas- sembiv, 6. Holder, Brushes and Capacitor Remove Brush bousings ease Remove remaining insulators and washers from terminals and housing. Note location to facilitate (ALVW07 only) from Slip Ring End Housing. I. Using socket wrench, remove outs, washers and insulgtors from 6eld terminals Note location to Place alternator on wood holding block having n clearance hole far the shaft diameter (including shaft spacer) and shaft length so that it rests on the front surface of the machined circular part of drive end reassembly. Separate rectifier-stater assembly from the slip ring end housing, pushing terminals (step 2) through the housing and remove housing rDassembly paragraph 1.16). 6. AUX terminal and the other Note location to facilitate ground terminal. thru lock tabs when reassembling) Using a socket wrench, remove the six (6) thru bolts and Lock tabs Inspect bolts for any damage. bolts (Use Slip Ring End Head Bearing bearing snap ring retainer using required Remove removal pliers. 2. Position end housing in a press with rear of hous- ingtowards press table. Using a ik inchdiameter x 8 inch long bar on inner race oEbearingand with the end housing bearing boss area supported by a 3. tube 2U inch O.D x I~B inch I.D x 2 inch long, NOT HAMpress bearing from housing (DO MER). Diseard bearing. Remove hearing O-ring seal From housing and disoard seal. 2.3.6 Separate Rotor and Drive End i. Remove shaft cotter 2. Remove shaft er or key Housing and nut. shipping sleeve and shipping wash- drive gear assembly if installed. key 3. Remove woodruff 4. Remove rotor shaft spacer and O-ring seal Discard seal. 5. 6. Position assembly vertically in a press with slip ring end towards press table and housing supported above press table by twoithree vertical support plates between housing and press table and press rotoroutor Applypressl.amtoshaftend NOT HAMMER), being careful not (DO housing to allow 2.3.6 i )9l~b%irl ’I/B´• housing Remove Drive End i. 2. rotor to drop and be damaged. Bearing Remove three screws that secure bearing retainer and remove retainer Place housing in press as shown in Figure 2-2 and using the bearing removal tools shown, press bearing from housing (DO NOT HAMMERI bearing. Discard 231 or Remove Oil Seal from Drive End Housing Position housing in press with front of housing 1 towards press table and supported on a 2H inch I.D pipe at housing ail Heal pocket 2. Using and a lih inch diameter bar between press ram of oil seal, press oil seal from housing rear (DO NOT HAMMER). Disoard oil seal. Figure i 2.32 2-1 Heat Sinks ABRemove Stater and Reotifier From Slip RingEnd Head. I. Position the assembly on holding block 2 Using socket wrench, r~mave nuts, washers and insulators from the (t) output terminal, sembly 2.3.8 Heat Sinks from Stater Remove Rectifier Assembly This procedure applies assembly from the replacement or to removal of either heat sink assembly as required for atator testing of individual assemblies. Fig 2~Q showsone of the roctifierheatsintssrwired to th, stator leads. The other heat sink has similar type eonneelions. Remove epoxy cement holding each stator lead to heat sink 4. Removethe the RBM 3/16" 2.4 inspection and Testing of Removed Components paragraph 2.6 far alternator servicing and Refer to DIA. BBR STOCK C testing precautions. 2.4.1 Front and Rear 1. a I 9. 1 e 112" l.D. PIPE 4. Air dry with BLtered low pressure compressed dry wipe dry with clean cloth. Inspect both housings for stripped threads, cracks on exterior and interior surfaces, and wear and corrosion in the bearing mounting slee. if anyaf the above Replacehausingatreasaembly or faults OF PRESS 24.2 are noted. Mounting Hardware i. Figure Housing Cleanboth housings using DowChemical-Chloro thane VG solvent to remove grease and dirt. air I \BED AUXoutputterminal andspaeer from negative heat sink assembly. 2-2 any removed metallic hardware, i.e., lockwashers, natwashers, nuts, bearing retainer plate. bearingsnap ring retainer, shaft Inspect screws, spacer, bearing over, shaft key. etc. age, wear, carrosion or distortion faulty parts at reassembly. 2. 2.4.3 far any dam- Replace any Hardware that will be reused shall be cleaned as required, using Dow Chemical-Chlorothene VG Air dry parts using filtered low pressure eampressed dry air or wipe dry with clean, Lint free, cloth. (Washers and Spacers) for cracks, deformation and burn insulators i. Inspect parts 2. marks. Parts that as are suitable for reuse, shall be cleaned required using isoprapyl alcohol. (CAUTION: ANYOTHER CLEANER MAY DAMADE IN- SULATORS). Air dry parts with filtered low pressure compressed dry air or wipe dry with clean lint free cloth. 2.4.4 RFI Capacitor (ALV-84M only) 1. Inspect capacitor far cracks in insulation and leads. Replace capacitor at reassembly if any faults are noted. Test capacitor for a short or leakage condition broken/damaged 2. using an ohmmeter. Use meter RX100 scale and to lead. Replace capacitor if it is check hem lead shortedneaky. 2.4.5 Brushholder, Brushes and Springs i. Inspectbrushholder forcracks and breaks in plasReplace if damaged, at reassembly. Inspectthe two brushandterminal assemblies for damaged terminals, insulation damage, tic and bent metal bracket. ´•P 2. or oil soaked brush material and minimum brush length of 0.45 inch. Replace brushes at reassembly if any of the above faults are noted. brokenicracked Figure 2-3 NOTE It is advisable to change brushes if length is 0.5 i"ch or less to eliminate later disassembly for NOTE damage rectifier, or shorten their service life. Use long nose pliers between rectifiers and solder joint as a heat sink during soldering or unsoldering operations. Complete operation as quickly as possible. A 100 watt soldering iron with clean tip is adequate Too much heat 1. 2 can Unsolder all stater Leads from both rectifier-heat sink assemblies. Tag stater leads and rectifier connection point to facilitate reassembly Remove and discard metal tubing used over each rectifier pair leads and stator Lead. b’UBh 5. Wear Inspect replacement springs for any spring Force. free length of about 1.2 two stainless steel brush deformation, change in Length Service or springs have a inches, 0.29 inch maximum diameter and a spring force of 0.54 pounds at compressed length of 087 inches. Replace springs if they are damaged. 2.4.6 Rotor i. Assembly IL mtor for any of the allowing faults and rotor if any are detected (with the encep- Inspect replace tien of the slip ring repair noted in step C). ROTORS NOT SERVICEABLE IN PARTS AND MUST BE REPLACED AS A WHOLE A. Stripped shaft threads B. Worn key slotsiholes (woodrnff and cotter). C. Worn andlorcorroded u bearingjournal surfaces slip ring end slip ring assembly or pole pieces drive end and D Loose on shaft. E F G. Oouged, bent, cracked or excessive eormsionaf pole pieces. Bent, gouged or excessive corrosion of shaft. Slip ringswhich are roughorout of round may lathe (do not chuck shaft on bear´• of slip ring., with must not exceed to journal, bearing respect 0.001 inch total indicator reading Remove be trued in a ingjournals) Concentricity only enough material make to Figure 2-4 slip rings smooth and round Final surface finish shall be 50 micro-inches maximum. The finished slip ring diameter must not be Less than 1.350 inches, otherwise sure there between are no replaced. Lnparticles on or rotor must be burrs or metal slip rings. Size: ’/la Diameter Contents: 9535D/o Tin Clean dirty slip ring using Dow Chemical Chlorothene VD and wipe residue away with a clean lint free cloth. Rurned/diseolored coil (insulation will flake off burned coil) Damaged varnish ceating is not a. Temperature: 23PC apprex Liquid Temperature; 23bC approx Vendo. Souroe: J W Phstia repairable, or Equivalent Figure FACE. Coil resistance should be 9.9 to 118 ohms at 20~-270C (709-80T). If resistance is higher, inspect saldered connections at slip ring terminals. Repair if necessary using a B 3 speci8ention Replace hightemperature solder pr C shown in D. Usings VOM on RXloO range, measure resislance between slip ring terminal and pole piece, points A and C of Figure 2-4 Na meter should Lnspect slip ring make certain they pair B. and retest Replace as occur are not touching shaft rotor if any meter movement is de- tected. 2.4.7 3. to heat sinks) and discolorationof stater windings. See following list far action required if faults are detected. A. Broken rectifier leads require replacement of the associated rectifier-heat sink assembly. RECTIFIERS ARE NOT SERVICEABLE INDIVIDUALLY. stater as specified in step 4. 1.2.1 and 122. Stater testing disassembly performed as paragraph 2.3.8: can per be a VOM on a movement i. detected scale, the B. Follows ofter RX100 range, measure resisstater lead and bare metal surface of stater core. No meter movement should occur (infinite resistance). If a alight Using tame between atatar leeds, loose or cracked epoxy (securing stater leads on p.ragraphs 4. A. Inspect for broken rectifier leads, damaged testing If stater shows wear or damage to epoxy eoating of windings, the stater must be replaced. Perform electrical tests of the Positive and Negative RectiBerBeat Sink Assemblies as noted in Rectifier-Heat Sinks and Stator Assembly 1. Inspect terminals for stripped threads henWburnt shafts. Faulty terminals require replacement, 2. stater leads Discoloration of stater windings indicatex overheating that may be caused by shorted coils or grounded winding. Perform electrical tests Re- required. leads. E. (infmite resistance), NOTE; and solder connections to slater require stator replucoas specified in step determine possible damage to rectifiers. Damaged 3 to rotor if coil fails resistance test movement securing epoxy, ment and electrical Rotor Ground Test A Looseicracked 2-5 may be removed and now epoxy (3M Co Scotcheast #10 resin) applied. Figure 2-5 with rosin and alcohol nux. Repeat test of Part A. the C Harris Co Cinncinnati, Ohio Rotor Resistance Test i\ Using a VOM measure resistance between slip ring terminals, point A and B of Figure 2-4. DO NOT CONNECT TO SLIP 81NG SUR- B. Spool 4.65Y´•o Silver (Minimun~l NOTE: H. x or irmeter indicates full stater, must be UsingVOMonRX1 replaced. range, measure resistance (continuity) between AUX terminal and each stator lead (6 tatal). Resistance should be (1.6 ohm or less otherwise replace stater. Check flexible leads for possible opens before replac- ing stater 2.5 2.5.1 6. Assembly Position drive end 2. 3. housing on press with front of press table, Positlan new oil seal squarely in housing with lip towards outside of end head, housing an a O-ring seal onto shaft and position seal will make installation easier. Make certain th, seal is fully installed before assembling the remainder of the drive assembly Figure i-land 2~l.haw carrect assembly of oil seal and drive end of 1~ inch diameter bar stack, press oil seal squarely into end head to a distance of approximately L/le inch from outside face ofeaat- Using a new into gmove of shaft collar Use a small blunt instrument to push O-ring into groove. A small amount of Dow Coming DC4 grease an the O-ring install Drive End Oil 8eal i. Install length head components. ing. DO NOT HAMMER. 25.2 Install Drive End Bearing 1. Position drive end housingon press with front of 2. I C*STING press table. housing on Position new bearing squarely into bearing pock- housing with SEALED SIDE OF BEARING TOWARDS iNSIDE OF HOUSING. CARE MUST st of 3 4 2.53 D. E BE TAKEN TO PREVENT CONTAMINATION OF BEARING. Using a 2711e inch O.D, pipe with’iJ2 inch wall, press bearing into housing up to the housing bearing stop. Apply pressure to outer race only. Pressure on inner raoe will damage bearing. DO NOT HAMMER. install bearing retainer and screws Torque 25-30 inch-pounds SE~LED OF SIDE /OIL BEPIRINO I SEIL -COLLIIR /I n I jcROTOR I RING SHPIFT SE*L to Rotor Install Drive End Housing Assembly i. Lubricate oilseal lipwithChevronSRI #2 grease. 2. Position rotor assembly in press with net surface at slip ring end of shaft against a flat and true a 4. BEI\RINO/ surface of press. Position drive end housing and bearing assembly on rotor shaft. The bearing must be square with rotor shaft. Take care not to damage oil seal as shah passes through oil seal. Install the shaft oil seel spacer (collar) on shaft, being careful not to fold the oil seal lip under, up to contact with the bearing inner race. The collar O-ring groove should be on the outside SURFACE DAMAGE NOT TOLERABLE, SURFACE HAS 10-20 MICRO-INCH FINISH, 5. BEPIRINO Position pipe x bekiring installation tool(l9ls inch O.D. VI inch wall x 2’A inch long) on shaft in contact with end of shaft roller as shown in Figure 2-6 and press bearing onto the shaft up to shaft stop. RET*INER Figure 2.5.4 2-7 Assemble ReotiBer-Heat Sink Assemblies and 8tator Assembly This procedure applies when replacing the recti8er- heat sink assemblies andior the stater assembly. Applicable steps should be used if only one of the rectifier-heat sinks is being replaced Figure 2-3 shows typical completed assembly. Use previous tug ged connecting points to insure proper wiring of stater leads to rectifiers. INDIVIDUAII RECTIFIERS ARE NOT SERVICEABLE. NOTE: damage reetifiers or shorten their service life. Use long nose pliers between reeti8ers and solderjoint as a heat sink during soldering operutions. Complete the operation us quickly as possible consistent with producing a good solder connection A 100 watt soldering iran with clean tip is adequate. Use a high temperature solder as per Figure 2-5 with rosin Tao much heat can and alcohol nux. NEVER USE ACID CORE SOLDER FOR ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS. THE U8E OF ANY OTHER FLUX OTHER THAN RO8IN 18 PROHIBITED. 1. Withreferenccto FigurePS. form statar leadsand rectifier-heat sink rectifier leads (minimum of inch bend radius) as shown, (pre-tin stator lends) install new solder tubing over leads (apply heat sink pliers between rectifier and joint to be sol dared) and solder Repeat this until all stator lends have been connected to the positive and negative heat sink rectifiers. NOTE: The stater leads will be cemented to the heat sinks using SM Company Scatchcast Xlo resin, at aa- sembly Figure 2-8 sinks in to the slip ring end housing, position in the end head. with heat 2.5.5 Assemble Slip RingEnd Head, Brush Bolder and 4. 1. Install brushholder in end head using screws and lockwashers. Ti.hten screws to 15-20 inch pounds, 2. Instailbearingsnap ringretainer, positioninggap in retainer relative to brushholder as With reference to Figures 2-10A and B, assemble brush terminal insulators and install to Brushes housing using insulators and hardware shown. The RFI capacitor used on the ALV-9407 only, should also be installed at this time, as shown in Figures 2-10A shown in and B. Figure 2-8. CA PAC I TO R HEX-NUT SPACER LOCKWASHER WASHER FLATWASHER/ Figure Figure 3. 2-10A DOW CORNING SEALER No.1890 2-8 Install two brush springs and brushes into holder. Depress:´•brushes (with leads in holder slots) and insert a small drill or metal rod through the snap ring hole to hold the brushes in place (see Figure LAMP CAPACITOR 2-9). OI)’CCIS(IO f\F2 FI BEARING RETAINER HOLE I ni ill I I lo SCREW I ’YLII III 1 Figure 5. DRILL 6. OR ROD 2-108 Install capacitor clamp and mount ing screw. Torque screw to 15-20 inch pounds. (ALV-9407) Apply Dow Coming #1890 sealer to clamp as secure capacitor to clamp. (ALV-9407) Follow manufacturers instructions for sealer ap- BRUSH HOLDER 7. SLIPRING END HOUSING 2.5.6 plication. Torque field (brush) terminal inch pounds. stud nuts to 25-30 Install Stater and Rectifier-Heat Sink AssembSlip Ring End Housing I. Assemble the stater and rectifier heat sink assemblies into the end head assembly of paragraph 2.5.5 makingcertain terminals, insulators and hardware are correctly assembled as shown in Figure 2-11. Align housing and stater with previthru-bolt ous scribe marks to insure alignment of holes. Final torque of terminal nuts will be done at lies to Figure 2-9 complete assembly 7 of alternator. ~NUT- -INsuLaron--END HEIID´• -2´•INSULIITORf-----FL*TWISHER flBERWI\SHERSJ ~´•HEdll SINK´• 1NSUL*T ALL EXCEPT AUX. TERM. Figure AUX, TERM. 2-11 NOTE: A. mating surfaces oEhausing and clean and free of any dirt, burrs or Insure thatthe stater are foreign material. B. If it was necessary to replace the statorirectifier heat sink(s), position the stater leads so that they will not interfere with the rotor and secure leads at six places to heat sinks with SM Company Scotchcast X10 Figure 1-12 besin, following manufacturers instructions. See Figure 25 for typical epoxy application points. 2.6.7 Housing-ltator Assembly to Housing and Rotor Assembly Assemble the rear hausing-stator assembly to the drive end housing and rotor assembly, aligning Assemble Rear Drive End i. the sections with scribe marks previous on sec- tions NOTE: mating surfaces of housing and clean and free of any dirt, burrs or Insure that the stater are foreign material. a. Temporarily install two thru-boltti to hold unit together. 3. Remove the brush retraction teal and verify brushes seat againstslip ringe. Visually check that brush leeds are free and cannot bind against anything. 4. Install bearing O-ring seal into the rear housin~- bearing sleeve graove. Lubricate O-ring with Dow Coming DC-4 grease before installation. 2.6.8 SUp Ring End Bearing. Position assembly of paragraph 1 2.5.1 in arbor press ~th net surface of drive end shaft net and true surface of press. 2 3. 4. against a 2. intobearingpocket Positionnewbearingsquarsly of housing with SEALED SIDE OF BEARING TOWARDS ROTOR. CARE MUST BE TAKEN TO PREVENT CONTAMINATION OF BEARING. Use a lengthof W inch diameter bar stock to press bearing into housing onto shaft and up to shaft stop. Apply pressure to inner race only. Pressure on 2.5.9 Figure 2-lj install outer race NOT HAMMER.) Install slip ring end will damage bearing. (110 bearing cover. Install Thru-Bolts and Lock Tabs i. Installthe six thru-bolts and new lack tabs. Figure 2-12 shows lock tab installation atdepressed position on end head. Figure 2-13 shows lack tab installation at the five other points. The longest thru-bolt i. installed in the hole between F1 and F2 and passes through the blast tube of the drive ,,d housing. Tighten bolts evenly, while maintaining lack tab orientation each a little bit at a time in sequence until all are tight and torqued to 30-35 inch pounds. 3 Bend six (B) lack tabs 2-13 2.5.10 as Terminal i. as shown in Figure a-12 and applicable. Torquing Tighten the terminal mauntingnuts to the follow- ing torque values: Terminal Sorew Size Torque (inchpounds) Fl X10-32 25-30 F2 #1032 25-30 AUX #10-32 k..-28 25´•30 ’/1"-28 10-85 U..-28 ?0-85 (f) AUX ?0-85 2.5.11 2.5.12 2.5.13 2.5.14 Post Assembly Test Perform test on completed section 1, paragraph 1.2.5. 3. assembly as outlined in 4. Installation of Drive Shaft Shipping Hardware 1. Install #5 woodruff key on shaft. 2. Install shipping washer (ALKdO) on shaft and flush to shaft collar. 3. Install shipping spacer (GJT40C) to shaft so spacer passes over and covers key. 4. Install retaining nut on shaft hand tight. Servicing and Testing Precautions Always refer to airframe manufacturer’s wiring diagram when installing or testing the alternator Alternator on 8. the aircraft. connecting or disvoltmeter) or (except connecting replacing any unit or wiring. For negative ground applications, disconnect the negative lead first. Disconnect the battery, polarize the alternator. No required. ANY ATTEMPT TO DO negative ground. battery or fast charger is used, its polarity must be connected correctly to prevent damage to the battery and electrical system. Provide adequate ventilation around battery and keep sparks and flame away from batteries. When using auxiliary power unit, make sure voltage and polarity are set to correspond with vehide system voltage and polarity. tems 7. Installation of Alternator to Engine engine manufacturer’s instructions. 2. is SO MAY RESULT IN DAMAGE TO ALTERNATOR, REGULATOR OR CIRCUITS. 5.´• Grounding alternator output terminal may damage alternator and/or circuit and components. 6. Reversed battery connections will damage the rectifiers, wiring or other components of charging system. Battery polarity must be checked with a voltmeter before connecting battery. Most sys- Installation of Drive Coupling 1. Refer to engine manufacturer’s specifications. Note that shipping washer and shipping spacer must be removed. 1. unit operating. Do not attempt to polarization Follow 2.6 Alternator output lead MUST NOT be removed from alternator with field circuit energized and before 9. test instruments If a are booster Never use acid solder for electrical connections. Rosen flux is only type permitted. CAUTION: ALWAYS RECONNECT BATTERY PRIOR TO OPERATING ALTERNATOR. TABLE I-1 TROUBLE SHOOTING CHART TROUBLE LOW/NO ALTERNATOR OUTPUT PROBABLE CAUSE I i. Loose te~minal connections. 2. Wornmroken brush. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. NOISY ALTERNA’I~OR Dirty/worn rotor slip rings. Shortlleakage from field terminals to housing. Shorted/open rotor field. Shorted/open stater windings. Shorted/open rectifiers on positive and/or negative rectifier-heat sinks. Shorted/leaky RFI capacitor ton ALV-9407 only). i. Defective bearings at drive end and/or 2. Loose frame thru-bolts. 3. Shorted rectifiers INTERMITTENT OUTPUT 1. Worn (magnetic noise). brushes/dirty slip rings. 2. Loose connections/corroded terminals. slip ring end. ALE SERIES SERVICE PARTS LIST ALTERNATOR ISSUED: ORIG. EOUIP.ALTERNATOR ENG. USE ALE-6406R USE ALE-64O6R ALE-64O6R APPLICATION Lycoming Lycoming ALE-6406RG ALE-6420 USE USE ALE-6406R Service Service ALE-6420R Lycoming ALE-6420G ALE-6420R ALE-6420RG USE ALE-6420R Lycoming ALE-6420R ALE-6406R Service ALE-6420R ALE-8408R ALE-84O6R Service ALE-8105A USE USE ALE-8406 USE ALE-8406G USE ALE-8406R ALE-8406R Lycaming USE USE ALE-8406R Service ALE-8408R ALE-8408R Lycoming USE ALE-8420R ALE-8420R ALE-8420R Lycoming Lycaming USE ALE-8420R Service USE ALE-8421R Lycoming ALE-8421R Service ALE-8406R ALE-8406RG ALE-8408 ALE-8408R ALE-8420 ALE-8420G ALE-8420R ALE-8420RG ALE-8421 USE ALE-8421R, i. u.r.* VOLTS-1P ENG. NUMBER NUMBER ALE-6406 ALE-6406G SERVICE ALTERNATOR 2-18-75(Rev.) File in the OE-AI AIRCR*FT MANUAL Lycomi ng Lycoming Service Service Service I ALTERNATOR SECTION ALE Series Alternator Parts List /16 7t---~ /6 o--------l 0-------7~ Exploded View of Typical A1E Alternator ISSUED: 3-5-79 ALE SERIES ALTERIIATOR PARTS LIST Brush Rotor Spring End Head Bearing Assembly Assembly 90-2396[d] 1 I O 90-2014Ca] 90-2396[d] ALU-1045BS[b] SHEET 2 ~REvl) IDrlve End Head D.E. I Bearing Assembly 0´• 8 O ALE-6406,R S.R.E. S Assembly Assembly Slip Ring 8rush,Holder O O ALE-1003K X-3416 ALE-6406G,RG ALE-6420,R ALK-11328S-1 ALU-1045BS ALE-2173S-1 ALE-1 01 345 ALE-2016 ALE-1012LS[cll ALE-6420G,RG ALE-8105A 90-2396Cd] ALE-8406,R I I I ALU-10458S[b] I I ALE-1045BS[b] X-3417 ALE-1002LS 90-2014Ea] 90-2396[d] ALE-8406G,RG ALE-8408,R I ALU-I WSBS ALE-I 01 345 ALE-2173S-1 ALE-8420,R ALK-11328S-: ALE-8420G,RG ALE-8421,R I I I ALE-1045BS Head Assy. Bearing 5 Seal Pkg. also included with Rotor 6 S.R.E. ALE-1013AS Captive Brush 6 Spring Set also individually available for the Complete units already having this design. Earlier units must replace Brush Holder Assy. if Brushes or Springs are required. [c] Brush Set only; Brush Spring Set ALA-19S also available. be used at time of first repair. [d] S.R.E.Head 6 Rotor Pkg. Complete Package must Eabj be used thereafter. Individual Components(See Sheet W3 for contents of Pkg.) may 35-781 (GJC-498S) Cover Pkg, (10 Pcs,) also available, Prlnt´•d In U.S~. FII´• In Ihe I OE-AI AIRCMPt MANUAL I ALTERNATOR SECTION ALE SERIES ALTERNATOR PARTS LIST Stater Assembly Assembly Pos.Rectf fier 8 Plate As ALE-6406,R ALE-2008AD ALE-1 054A Nega ti ve Rectifier Term. Stud (Pkg.of3) ’8’ O 90-2030 GR-32 XA- 94455 Slip Ring D.E. Retainer d´• I Eyelet Package O 90-818 ALE-6406G,RG ALE-6420,R ALE-6420G,RG ALE-81 05A ALE-2008Z ALE-1004 1 90-2359 ALE-1062 ALE-8406,R ALE-POOBAD ALE-1 054A 1 90-2030 ALU-1062A ALE-8406G,RG ALE-8408,R ALE-8420,R ALE-8420G,RG ALE-8421,R A ISSUED: 3-5-79 (REV.) ALE SERIES ALTERWATOR PARTS LIST Packa9e Rotor Shaft Nut Washer Thru Bolt Assembly Package ’Beer O ALE-6406,R I ALA-LOJS ALD-P1 90-33 Vent Drive Fan Pulley SHEET 3 Regulator (2 Pc.) 20 PU-672A 90-2241 VSF-7203S FVR-4011A ALE-6406G,RG YSF-7203S ALE-6420,R FVR-4011A ALE-6420G,RG ALE-8105A ALA-20FS ALE-8406,R ALA-2(X1S YSF-7203S FVR-4011A ALE-8406G,RG ALE-8408,R VSF-7203S ALE-8420,R FYR-4011A ALE-8420G,RG ALE-8421,R Cd] Contents of S.R.E. 90-2396 90-2014 Head 5 Rotor Pk S.R.E. Hd. Rotor Pkg. Bearing Pkg. ALK-1132BS-1 Head Assy. S.R.E. ALE-2173S-1 Rotor Prlnkd In V.S.A. File in )he I OF-Al AIRCRAFT MANUAL I ALTERNATOR SECTION 1 IL! ALE prp~fD/Ifp, AIRCRAFT ALTERNATORS SERVICE Issued 4/1/83 INFORMATION Page 1 of 4 I ALTERNATOR DESCRIPTION GROUNDED POLARITY Bi-Directional ROTATION APPROXIMATE WEIGHT 40 RATED OUTPUT 12 RATED VOLTAGE Amperes Negative See Tabulation SERVICE INFORMATION procedures covering disassembly, component testing, component replacement, assembly, and bench testing, are contained in the service publiRefer to the following service cations in the front of the Alternator Section. is required. publications when detailed service information Detailed service SERVICE ALTERNATOR SERIES PUBLICATION L-651A ALE 8100 ALE 6400 L-655A 8400 SERVICE BULLETINS Refer to the Service Bulletin Section of this manual to the ALE series alternators. for bulletins pertaining SERVICE SPECIFICATIONS DRIVE PULLEY Torque the drive pulley retaining 40 Ft. Lbs. nut to 35 Ft. Lbs. minimum to maximum. ROTOR OHMMETER TEST CONDITIONS Prin~ad in U.S.A. 700 to 800F. 1. Rotor to be room 2. Ohmmeter must be accurate and batteries must be fresh. Frequently check ohmmeter accuracy by measuring a known resistance such as a 10.0 ohm resistor. 3. Ohnrneter must be checked to 4. Slip rings and ohmmeter test probes must be clean. test probe leads must be in good condition. temperature File in the OF-Al AIRCRAFT MANUAL zero before and after rotor test. Tech. Data Ohmmeter ALTERNATORS k ALE AIRCRAFT ALTERNATORS Issued SERVICE 4/1/83 INFORMATION Page 2 of 4 ROTOR OHMMETER TEST SPECIFICATION Rotor winding resistance 3.0 to 5.0 ohms. ROTOR CURRENT DRAW TEST CONDITIONS 700 800 i. Rotor to be 2. Voltmeter and ammeter must be accurate. 3. Refer to service temperature room publication for to test F. wiring diagram. ROTOR CURRENT DRAW TEST SPECIFICATION Current draw at 12.0 volts 2.4 to 4.0 amperes. SLIP RING REFINISHING Minimum Diameter Total Indicator Runout Surface Finish 1.350" .002" max, measure from 50 microinch max. bearing journals ALTERNATOR OUTPUT TEST CONDITIONS i. Alternator to be beginning 2. room temperature 700 to 800 F. before test. Alternator connected so it is supplying its own field current. Refer to service publicationfor bench test wiring diagram. 3. Output voltage 4. Alternator not to be test to be controlled run more by an adjustable load. than 2 minutes for each point. VENTILATION All units except the 6400 series, use a slip ring end cover that has a hose type connection for air pressure ventilation. Remove this cover when bench testing the alternator. AIRCRAFT ALTERNATORS SERVICE Issued INFORM ATION ALTERNATOR OUTPUT TEST SPECIFICATIONS Alternator Series Series (Without Regulator) Output Amperage Minimum Alternator RPM 14.0 14.0 19 32 2000 4000 and 8400 Orig. Equip. Internal Approx Weight Wiring Regulator 10 Lb. 6 Oz. Figure 1 VSF-7201 7203 10 Lb. 6 Oz. Figure 1* FVR-4004+ 10 Lb. 6 Oz. Figure ALE-6420G, RG 10 Lb. 6 Oz. Figure 1* ALE-8105A 10 Lb. ALE-8406, R 10 Lb. ALE-8406G, RG ALE-6406, R ALE-6406G, kG ALE-6420, R or 12 Oz. Figure 1 VSF-7201 7203 10 Lb. 12 Oz. Figure 1* FVR-4004+ ALE-8408, R 10 Lb. 120z. Figure 3 R 10 Lb. 12 Oz. Figure 1 VSF-7203 10 Lb. 12 Oz. Figure 1* FVR-4004+ 10 Lb. 12 Oz. Figure 3 ALE-8421, Same as with a Wico R VSF-7203S FVR-4OO4+ 2 ALE-8420G, RG or 1 Prestolite part number. File in the I Tech. OF-Al AIRCRAFT MANUAL I Data j VSF-7203S VSF-7203S VSF-7203S except field terminal F-2 externally grounded Lycoming applications only. strap connector. Figure 1 a~or VSF-7203S VSF-7203 1 Replacement Kegu Figure ALE-8420, Printed in U.S.A. Page 3 of 4 Output Voltage ALE 6400, 8100, Alternator 4/1/83 ALTERNATORS ALE AIRCRAFT ALTERNATOR Issued Page 4 SERVICE 4/ 1/83 of 4 INFORMATION OUTPUT II DIOOES ’t I srnmR ii I ROTOR WINDINa ,I 1 1-11 II C GROUNDriL Figure 2 Figure 1 Figure 3 prpsto/~te, SERVICE PARTS LIST ALT SER’ES ALTERNATOR ISSUED: 10-19-7~YRev.) SERVICE ALTERNATOR ORIG.EaUIP.ALTERNATOR VOLTS-24 ENG. ENG. NUMBER NUMBER ALT-SIOIA ALT-51 02S ALT-8403 ALT-SIOIA Franklln ALT-51 02S Frankl in USE ALT-8420 USE USE ALT-8421R Teledyne Continental Lycoming Lycoming ALT-8404 ALT-0404LS ALT-8421RS APPLICATION ALT-8404R ALT-84O4RS ALT-8407 ALT-8420 ALT-8421 USE USE USE ALT-84 21 RS ALT-8420 ALT-8420 AL~-8421R ALT-8421LS ALT-8421R ALT-8421RS ALT-94O5 ALT-9422 USE ALT-8421RS Lycoming ALT-8421R Service Service File USE USE in the OE-AI AIRCR*FT MANUAL ALT-B421R ALT-8421RS ALT-9422 ALT-9422 Service Service Teledyne Continental Teledyne Continental Lycoming Teledyne Continental Teledyne Continental ALTERNATOR ~LTEINIIOR SECTION IICIION I ALT Series Alternator Parts List -t~ 171 6 rBS-s~i´• ioY4 4 a 4~ 5’ ~G L~3 ’I ra----- /4 I I Exploded View of Typical ALT Alternator ISSUED:10-19-79 (REVI) ALT SERIES ALTERNATOR PARTS LIST Brush Rotor Assembly Assembly Set O O ALT-51 025 ALT-8404,R CNAI ALH-I 00205 Ccl I Ccl I I Ccl ALT-8407 I I Ccl ALU-21 285-1 ALE-1 01 3AS O O I ALE-1 01 385[5] ALU-1 04585Ccl ALU-I 04585 90-2397Ce~ Drive End Head Assembly Assembly ALH-I 00205 ALT-84WLS,R ALT-8420 End Head CNA~ 90- 2397 Cel ALT-8403 Slip Ring ALE-I D1 2LSCb~ ALT-2006 ALT-5101A Brush,Holder 5 Spring Assembly S.R.E. Beari ng X-3417 (90-2014Cal 6 SHEET 2 O.E. Bearing O ALE-I 033 X5077 ALE-I 003K X-3416 I ALU-1043Cdl X-4087 ALK-1132AS-1 ALT-8421,R ALT-8421LS,RS ALT- 9405 90-2398Ce] ALT-9422 ALU-21 385-1 Cc~ ALE-I 01 3AS ALU-1 045B5Cc] ALU-I 04585 90-2398Ce~ I ALE-I142AAS-I Cover Pkg. (10 Pcs.) Also available. also included with Rotor 5 Slip Ring End Head Assy. Pkg. ALA-19S Brush Spring Set Also available. Cc] ALE-1013AS Captive Brush 5 Spring Set also individually available for units already having this design. Earlier units must replace the Complete Brush Holder Assy. if Brushes or Springs are required. C*] 35-781(65C-4985) [b[a3 Bearing 5 Seal [d] XA-1026 D.E. 0i1 Seal also available. Ce] S.R.E.Head 5 Rotor Pkg. Complete Package must be used at time of first repair. Individual Components(See Sheet #3 for contents of Pkg.)may be replaced thereafter. Tn91 Hot Available, File in the Prlnt´•d In U.S~. OF-Al AIRCRAFT MANUAL I ALTERNATOR SECTION ALT SERIES ALTER~ATOR PARTS LIST Sta tor Assembly Pos. Rectifi er Plate Assembly Negative Termi nal Stud Rectifier Assembly D.E. Petal ner (Pkg,of3 O ALT-51 01A ALE-2008R ALE-1004 XA- 94405 I ALT-51 025 ALT-8403 ALE-2008AA ALT-8404,R I ALE-I 054A I I 90-2359 1 90-990 I 1 90-2043 I 1 90-2030 1 90-2043 II ALT-8404LS,RS ALT-8407 ALT-8420 ALT-8421,R I I 90-2030 ALT-8421LS,RS ALT- 9405 ALT-9422 1 I II 1 90-2043 Thru Bolt Eyelet Package Package 13 GGW- 91 ALA-EOES 6b32 ALA-20GS 90-818 ISSUED: 10-19-79(REv,) ALT SERIES ALTERNATOR PARTS LIST I S.R.E. Cover Assembly O I Washer Shaft ’~4’ Sp~er 90-33 CNA~ ALT-5101A Rotor Nut Yent Drive Fan Pulley (2 PC.) o O O ALH-P1A 90-2241 PU-598E CNA~ I I ALT-8403 ALU-I 062 1 I ALC-P1F 90-2259 ALT-8404, R ALU-1 062A I IALD-21 90-2241 I I 1 I ALC-S1F I I i I ALD-21 I I ALT-51 025 ALT-8404LS,RS I ALU-I 062 ALT-8407 I ALT-8420 ALU-1 062A ALT-8421,R ALT-8421LS,RS I ALT-9405 CNA] ALT-9422 CNA] [e] Head Contents of S.R.E. S. R. E.Head Rotor Bearing Pkg. Head Rotor [f] [91 [NAI Prlnkd In Assy.,S.R. E. Pkg. II I YSB-7401C VSF-7403S PU-672A CNAI [NA] ~NA] I PU-672A 90-2241 I Regul ator CNAI 90-2259 I I, CNAI I I I I Rotor I ALU-23Cfl 8X-4075Cgl I II SHEET 3 [NAI I CNAI CNA] CNA~ CNA] Pkg. 90-2397 90-2398 90-2014 90-2014 AL K-l 1 32AS-1 ALE-1 142AAS-1 ALU-2128S-1 ALU-2138S-1 XA-744AZ Shaft Spacer 0-Ring Seal available. Nut only; Washer not required. Not available. U.S~. File in the I OE-AI AIRCRAFT MANUAL I ALTERNATOR SECTION 1 ALT presz~fP, AIRCRAFT ALTERNATORS SERVICE Issued: INFORMATION Page 1 4/1/83 of 4 ALTERNATOR DESCRIPTION R OTAT I ON Bi Di re ct Amperes Ne g a t i GROUNDED POLARITY i ona 1 APPROXIMATE WEIGHT 50 OUTPUI RATED 24 RATED VOLTAGE ve See Tabulation SERVICE INFORMATION procedures covering disassembly, component testing, comporeplacement, assembly and bench testing are contained in the service publications in the front of the Alternator Section. Refer to the following service publication when detailed service information is required. Detailed service nent SERVICE PUBLICATION ALTERNATOR SERIES L-651A ALT 5100 L-655A 8400 ALT 6400 L-663 ALT 9400 SERVICE BULLETINS Refer to the Service Bulletin Section of this manual to the ALT series alternators. for bulletins pertaining SERVICE SPECIFICATIONS DRIVE PULLEY Torque the drive pulley Lbs. maximum. retaining nut to 35 Ft. Lbs. minimum to 40 Ft. ROTOR OHMMETER TEST CONDITIONS to 800F. Rotor to be 2. Ohmmeter must be accurate and batteries must be fresh. Frequently check ohmmeter accuracy by measuring a known resistance such as a 10.0 ohm resistor. 3. Ohnmeter must be checked to 4. Slip rings and ohmmeter test probes must be test probe leads must be in good condition. OF-Al room the e l i F L A U NAM AIRCRAFT in Printed in Usn. 700 i. temperature zero before and after rotor test. clean. Ohmmeter Tech. Data ALTERNATORS ALTAIRCRAFT k ALTERNATORS SERVICE Issued 4/1/83 Page INFORMATION 2 of 4 ROTOR OHMMETER TEST SPECIFICATION Rotor winding resistance 10.5 to 12.5 ohms, ROTOR CURRENT DRAW TEST CONDITIONS 700 800F. i. Rotor to be 2. Voltmeter and ammeter must be accurate. 3. Refer to service room temperature to publication for test wiring diagram. ROTOR CURRENT DRAW TEST SPECIFICATION Current draw at 24.0 volts 1.9 to 2.3 amperes. SLIP RING REFINISHING Minimum Diameter Total Indicator Runout Surface Finish 1.350" .002" max, measure from bearing journals 50 microinch max. ALTERNATOR OUTPUT TEST CONDITIONS 700 800F. i. Alternator to be 2. Alternator connected so it is supplying its own field current. to service publication for bench test wiring diagram. 3. Output voltage 4. Alternator not to be room temperature to be controlled run more by an to before beginning test. Refer adjustable load. than 2 minutes for each test point. VENTILATION The 8400 series alternators use a slip ring end cover that has a hose type connection for air pressure ventilation. Remove this cover when bench testing the alternator, The 9400 series alternators are cooled entirely by air pressure through a hose type connection on the drive end head. When bench testing this type of alternator, make output tests as short as possible unless adequate air pressure for cooling is supplied. ALT AIRCRAFT ALTERNATORS SERVI%E Issued: INFORM ATION ALTERNATOR OUTPUT TEST SPECIFICATIONS Page 3 of 4 (Without Regulator) Minimum Alternator RPM Output Amperage Alternator Series Output Voltage ALT 5100, 6400, and 8400 28.0 28.0 20 43 3000 6000 ALT 9400 28.0 28.0 17 43 3000 6000 Ri :?tel;~al Alternator 4/1/83 VSB-7401C 1 ALT 5101A, S 12 Lb. 2 Oz. Figure ALT 5102S 12 Lb. 2 Oz. Figure 2 VSF-7401 VSF-7403S ALT 6408 11 Lb. 12 Oz. Figure VSF-7404 VSF-7403S ALT 8403 12 Lb. 2 Oz. Figure 3 3 VSF-7402S or VSF-7403S VSF-7404 12 Lb. 2 Oz. Figure 3 VSF-7401 VSF-7403 ALT 8407 12 Lb. 2 Oz. Figure 3 VSF-7404 VSF-7403S ALT 8420 12 Lb. 2 Oz. Figure 3 VSF-7404 VSF-7403S ALT 8421, LS, R, RS, S 12 Lb. 2 Oz. Figure 3 VSF-7403 VSF-7403S ALT 9405 11 Lb. 6 Oz. Figure 3 VSF-7401 or VSF-7403S VSF-7403S ALT 9422 11 Lb, 6 Oz. Figure 3 VSF-7404 VSF-7403S OF-Al AIRCRAFT MANUAL or Tech. File in the Printed in U.S.A. VSF-7403S ALT 8404, LS, R, RS, S I Data A LT E RNATORS t ALT AIRCRAFT ALTERNATORS Issued: Page 4 SERVICE 4/1/83 of g INFBRMATION FIELD Ip/rl FI rlELD r2 I_11Y II DIODES STATOR I I id’; I-II ROTOR 1 Figure 2 OUTPUT FIELD FIELD I STP~TOR I AUXI I-JI ROTOR WINDING I GROUND~i-´•ce Figure 3 II ~U ~c____i Figure II I II II I It I PI II II prest~itP. SERVICE PARTS LIST ALU SERIES ALTERNATOR ISSUED: SERVICE ALTERNATOR ORIG.E9UIP.ALTERNATOR VOLTS-24 ENG. ENG. NUMBER NUMBER ALU-8403 ALU-84O3LS ALU-8403R ALU-84O3RS ALU-8421 USE ALU-8421LS USE USE USE USE USE APPLICATION ALU-8421R ALU-8421RS Lycoming Lycoming ALU-8421R Service Service ALU-8421RS ALU-8421R Lycoming ALU-8421RS Lycaming ALU-8421R ALU-8421R Service ALU-8421RS ALU-9404L ALU-9404R ALU-8421RS Service USE ALU-9422L USE ALU-9422R File Plmn~ i. v.l.*. 2-27-75(Rev.) in the OGAI AIRCRAFT MANVAL ALU-9404R Lycoming ALU-9404R Service ALU-9422R ALU-9422R Lycoming Service ALTERNATOR SECTION AL Series Alternator Parts L__ -T List ____J 8 LfO r-- Exploded View of -I Typical ALU Alternator ALU SERIES ALTERNATOR PARTS LIST Rotor ~Assembly ALU-8403,R ISSUED: 3-5-79 (REv.) Brush Br.,Holder Assembly Set o o Spring Assembly 1---- 90-2397[dI 5 Slip Ring End Head S.R.E. Bearing Assembly Seal Drive End L Head 90-23971~13 D.E. Bearing Pkg. O o ALU-1045Bqb] SHEET 2 90-2014 Ea] ALE-I003K X-3415 I ALU-1043[c] X-4087 ALU-8403LS, ALU-8421,R ALU-2128S-1 ALE-1013AS ALU-1 04585 ALK-1)32AS-1 ALU-8421LS, ALU-9404LIR 90-2398[d] ALU-9422L,R ALU-2138S-1 j i ALU-1045BSI~b] ALE-1013AS ALU-1045BS 90-2398[d] 1 ALE-l14EAAS-1 C*] 35-781 (GJC-49BS) Cover Pkg. (10 Pea.) Also available. Seal Pkg. also included,with Rotor 5 Slip Ring End Head Assy. ~a] Bearing [b] ALE-1013AS Captive Brush Spring Set also Individually available for units already having this design. Earlier units must replace the Complete Brush Holder Assy. if Brushes or Springs are required. [c] XA-1D25 D.E.O11 Seal [d] S.R.E.Hwd P1 Rotor also available. Package must be used at time of first repair. Sheet #3 for contents of Pkg.)may be replaced thereafter. PIQSeeComplete Individual components Prlnt´•d In U.S.*. File in the OF-Al AIRCRAFT MANUAL ALTERNATOR SECTION ALU SERIES ALTERMATOR PARTS LIST Stater Assembly Pes.Rect. Plate Assembly Negative Term Stud Rectiffer Assembly Pac~gqee O 9 ALU-8403,R ALE-2008AB ALE-1054A XA-944JS 90-2030 ALU-8403LS,RS ALU-8421,R ALU-8421LS,RS ALU-9404L, R ALU-9422L,R I I S.R.E. Cover 1 90-2043 ALU-1 062A D.E. Retainer Thru Bolt OPa~age GR-32 ALA-L0GS ISSUED:2-27-75(REv,) ALU SERIES ALTERNATOR PARTS LIST Rotor Nut Eyelet Washer Package Assembly Package 00 ’B’ AL0-21 90-33 90-818 ALU-0403,K Shaft SHEET 3 Drive Vent. Pulley Fan Regulator (2 Pc.) 000 90-2241 PU-672A VSF-7403S ALU-R403LS,RS PU-672A AL.U-8421 ,H ALU-8421LS,RS I 8X-4075[f] ALU-9404L,R ALU-23[e] ALU-9422L,K Id] Contents of S.R.E. Head Rotor Pkg. S.R.E.Head Bearing Pkg. Head Rotor Assy.,S.R.E. Rotor Pkg. 90-2397 90-2390 90-2014 90-2014 ALK-1132AS-1 ALE-1142AAS-1 4LU-´•212AS-1 I\LIl-21 385-1 available. Ic] XA-744AZ Shaft Spacer O-Ring also not required. Washer Nut only; [f] File in the Prln,´•d In U.S.~. OF-Al AIRCRAFT MANUAL I ALTERNATOR SECTION ALU fP~ SERVIcE AIRCRAFT ALTERNATORS Issued: IN FORM ATION Page 4/1/83 1 of 3 ALTERNATOR DESCRIPTION RATED OUTPUT 24 RATED VOLTAGE APPROXIMATE WEIGHT Amperes Negative GROUNDED POLARI~ITY Bi-Directional ROTATION 70 See Tabulation SERVICE INFORMATION Detailed service procedures covering disassembly, component testing, comporeplacement, assembly, and bench testing are contained in the service publications in the front of the Alternator Section. Refer to the following service publication when detailed service information is required. nent SERVICE PUBLICATION ALTERNATOR SERIES ALU 6400 L-655A 8400 L-663 ALU 9400 SERVICE BULLETINS Refer to the Service Bulletin Section of this manual to the ALU series alternators. for bulletins pertaining SERVICE SPECIFICATIONS DRIVE PULLEY Torque to 40 the drive pulley Ft. Lbs. maximum. retaining nut to 35 Ft. Lbs. minimum ROTOR OHMMETER TEST CONDITIONS to 800F. Rotor to be 2. Ohmmeter must be accurate and batteries must be fresh. Frequently check ohmmeter accuracy by measuring a known resistance such as 10.0 ohm resistor. 3. Ohmmeter must be checked to 4. Slip rings and ohmmeter test probes must be test probe leads must be in good condition. OF-Al room the e l i F L A U NAM AIRCRAFT in Printed in U.S.A. 700 i. temperature zero before and after rotor test. I clean. a~a´• Ohmmeter ALTERNATORS kPresto~rp. ALU AIRCRAFT ALTERNATORS SERVICE Issued 4/1/83 INFORMATION Fage 2 of 3 ROTOR OHMMETER TEST SPECIFICATION Rotor winding resistance -´•10.5 12.5 ohms. to ROTOR CURRENT DRAW TEST CONDITIONS temperature 700 to 800F. i. Rotor to be 2. Voltmeter and ammeter must be accurate. 3. Refer to service room publication for test wiring diagram. ROTOR CURRENT DRAW TEST SPECIFICATION Current draw at 24.0 volts 1.9 to 2.3 amperes. SLIP RING REFINISHING 1.350" Minimum Diameter Total Indicator Runout Surface Finish .002" max. measure from bearing journals 50 microinch max. ALTERNATOR OUTPUT TEST CONDITIONS be room temperature 700 to 800F. before beginning i. Alternator to 2. Alternator connected so it is supplying its own field curre?t. to service publication for bench test wiring diagram. 3. Output voltage 4. Alternator not to be to be controlled run more by an test. Re fe r adjustable load. than 2 minutes for each test point. VENTILATION The 8400 series alternators use a slip ring end cover that has a Remove this hose type connection for air pressure ventilation. alternator. the bench when cover testing The 9400 series alternators are cooled entirely by air pressure through a hose type connection on the drive end head. When bench testing this type of alternator, make output tests as short as possible unless adequate air pressure for cooling is supplied. ALU AIKCRAFT ALTERNATORS SERVICE Issued: INFORM ATION ALTERNATOR OUTPUT TEST SPECIFICATIONS Alternator Series Page 4/1/83 3 of 3 (Without Regulator) Output Output Voltage Amperage Minimum Alternator RPM ALU 6400, 8400 28.0 28.0 23.0 61.0 4000 8000 ALU 9400 28.0 28.0 21.0 60.0 8000 4000 Replacement Regulator Orig. Equip. Regulator Alternator Approx. Weight ALU-6404 11 Lb. 12 Oz. VSF-7404 VSF-7403S ALU-8401 12 Lb. 2 Oz. VSF-7401 VSF-7403S ALU-84O3, LS, R, RS, S 12 Lb. 2 Oz. VSF-7403 VSF-7403S ALU-8421, LS, R, RS, S 12 Lb. 2 Oz. VSF-7403 VSF-7403S ALU-94O4, L, R 11 Lb. 6 Oz. VSF-7403 VSF-7403S ALU-9422, L, R 11 Lb. 6 Oz. VSF-7403 VSF-7403S OUTPUT II;I DIODES Inl )II ST~mR ROTORWINDING I-t Ij/ I I/I I Internal Wiring Diagram File in the Printed in U.S.A. OF-Al AIRCRAFT MANUAL Tech. Data ALTERNAIORS prest~/itP, SERVICE PARTS LIST ALTERNATORS 11-10-82 ISSUEO: ORIG.E~UIP.ALTERNATOR PART NUMBER SERVICE ALTERNATOR VOLTS-24 PART NUMBER APPLICATION Lycoming ALV-6403LS USE ALV-6403RS USE ALV-84O2 ALV-8402L USE ALV-8512R ALV-8512R ALV-BSI1R USE ALV-8511R ALV-8511 USE ALV-8511R Teledyne Cont.,Service Lycoming Lycomi n 9 ALV-8511R Service Alternator ALV-8512R Lycoming ALV-8511R ALV-8512 ALV-8512R USE ALV-9401 USE ALV-94OiL Service Alternator ALV-8512R Service Alternator USE ALV-951OR ALV-9510R Teledyne Cent. Lycoming ALV-940LR ALV-9405L ALV-9405R USE ALV-951oR Se rvi USE ALV-9405R ALV-9405R Lycoming ALV-94O6L USE ALV-9406R ALV-9406R Lycoming Teledyne Cent. USE ALV-9510R ALV-9510R ALV-9406R ALV-9407 ALV-9407S ALV-951O USE USE ALV-9510R ALV-9510L USE ALV-9510R ALV-951OR ALV-951OR NOTE: ce Al ternator Service Alternator Service Alternator Service Alternator Lycoming Service Alternator SEE TABLE FOR ALTERNATOR BEING SERVICED WHEN COMPONENT PARTS ARE REOUIRED. File in the ,11´•1´•´•1 1´• u.r.*. (Rev.) OCAI AIRCRAFT MANVAL ALTERNATOR SECTION ALV Series Alternator Parts List Ls 21 [a] -t~ 22 5 5 L _I I (18\ IOC~M b~-"L 16 (ri\ 0~ L~ G~ r\ 14 (4 I3 3r 1615 Exploded View of Typical ALV Alternator ISSUED: 11-10-82 (KEV,) ALV SERIES ALTERNATOR PARTS LIST Brush Set Rotor Assembly Assembly Slip Ring S.R.E. End Head Bearing Drive End Head As ly Assembly II 1 1 ALV-1012S ALV-2026AS ALV-6403LS (2) (3) 1 (4) 1 (5) 1 ALV-1022S X-4087 ALB-20D3A SHEET 2 D.E. Stater Bearing Assembly (6) X-4086 1 ~7 ALV-2008AS ALV-6403RS ALV-8402 ALV-8402L ALV-8511 I I I ALV-1O22BS X-3626A ALE-20038 I I ALV-1O02S X-4087 ALV-1003Ca] I I I I ALV-8511R ALV-8512 ALV-8512R ALV-2006AS ALV-9401 ALV-9401L ALV-9401R ALV-9405L I I I ALV-1003A[a] I ALV-1003~a] ALV-9405R ALV-9406L ALV-94O6R ALV-9407 I I ALV-1002AS I ALV-1102AS ALV-9407S ALV-951a I I X-3626A ALV-1003[a] ALV-9510L ALV-95l0R [al XA-l441 D.E. Oil Seal also available. File in the Prlnld In V;S.~. OF-Al AIRCRAFT MANUAL I ALTERNATOR SECTION ALV SERIES ALTERNATOR PARTS LIST Brush Br.Holder Bkt. Assembly Spring Set Assembly 8\ (9~ Neg. Rect.& AsLembly Assembly Vent. Cover Plate S.R.E. I Bearing 1 [NR] ALV-6403RS I I I I I CNR] A~\l-8402 1 I 1 I I ACV-I 031 ALV-8511 I I I I ALV-8511R i I i i ALV-8512 I ALV-8512R I I I ALV-9401 I I I ALV-9401L I I I ALV-9401R I S.R.E. Retainer Co 121 ALV-1004A ALV-1004 I Assembly O (10 AMA-I 9S ALV-1OI5 ALV-6403LS Pos. Rect.& Plate Ib] (13 GR-32 GJT-47 ALV-8402L I~ M I ALV-9405R ALV-9406L I I II I I [NR] I CNRI ~NRI CNR~ [NR~ [NR~ I I CNR] I I [NR] I I CNRI I I [NR] i I [NR] I I ALV-1031 I I CNRI I ~NRI ~I I I ALV-9405L I ’I I I GR-32 ALV-9406R ALV-9407 I i ALV-9407S I I ALV-95~0 i ALV-9510L ALV-9510R Ib~ CNR~ Used only on Not required. j I [NR~ I I 1 I Early Production units having Snap Ring II at I [NR] I [NR] Slip Ring End of Rotor I INRI CNR] I Shaft. I CNR] ISSUED: 11-10-82 (REV~) ALV SERIES ALTERWATOR PARTS LIST Capacitor Assemb~y Assembly [NR] ALV-6403RS ~NR] ALV-8402 [NR] ALV-8402L [NR] ALV-8511 [NR] ALV-8511R [NR] Eyelet Thru Package Bolt Pa Pa~age I 0 1 20 XA-744AB ALB-POAS 90-818 I I I 1 I I I I Ring ge 19 MES-98S 90-2040 Bearing Washer Pa ge 21 90-33 XA-’ 540S [NR] ALV-8512R [NR] ALV-9401 [NR] ALV-9401L CNR] ALV-9401R CNR] ALV-9405L CNRI ALV-9405R [NRI ALV-9406L [NR] ALV-9406R CNR] 90-2046 XA-744AB ALB-20AS-1 8X-4075[c] 90-2040 90-2046 ALV-1038S ALV-9407 Tab O ALV-6403LS I Lock Stud PacJ~pge O ALV-8512 Term. SHEET 3 Nut ALV-9407S ALV-1038S ALV-9510 I I XA-1540S ALV-9510L ALV-9510R ~cl [NR] Nut Not only; Washer not required. required. File in the Prlnt´•d In U.S.A. OE-AI AIRCRAFT MANUAL I ALTERNATOR SECTION ALV SERIES ALTERNATOR PARTS LIST Rotor Shaft Assembly Vent. Fan 22) ALV-6403LS 1 ALE-21 (23) PU-1609A Regulator (24 VSF-7403S ALV-6403RS ALV-8402 ALV-8402L ALV-8511 ALV-8511R ALV-8512 ALV-0512R ALV-9401 ALV-21 Cd]" [NRI ALV-9401L I I eNRI ALV-940LR I I CNR] ALV-9405L I I [NRI I [NRI ALV-9405R N I [NRI ALV-9406R I I ENRI ALV-9407 I [NR] ALV-94061 ALV-9407S [NRI ALV-9510 90-2822[e1l ALV-9510L I ALV-9510R I n [NRI [NR] I [NRI Spacer only. [d] XA-744AZ Shaft Spacer O-Ring ~e] [NR] Includes XA-744AZ Shaft Not required. Seal is also available. Spacer 0-Ring Seal. ALV presto~-fP. AIRCRAFT ALTERNATORS SERVICE Issued: INFORM ATION Page 4/1/83 1 of 3 ALTERNATOR DESCRIPTION RATED OUTPUT 24 RATED VOLTAGE APPROXIMATE WEIGHT Amperes Insulated System GROUNDEDPOLARITY Bi-Directional ROTATION 100 See Tabulation SERVICE INFORMATION procedure covering disassembly, component testing, component replacement, assembly, and bench testing, are contained in the service publiRefer to the following cations in the front of the Alternator Section. is required. information service service publications when detailed Detailed service SERVICE PUBLICATION ALTERNATOR SERIES L-664 L-670 L-68O 8400 ALV-6400 ALV-94OO ALV-95OO SERVICE BULLETINS Refer to the Service Bulletin Section of this manual to the ALV series alternators. for bulletins pertaining SERVICE SPECIFICATIONS DRIVE PULLEY DRIVE GEAR Torque the drive minimum to 45 Ft. pulley retaining Torque the drive gear minimum to 42 Ft. nut to 35 Ft. Lbs. maximum. Lbs. retaining Lbs. nut to 37 Ft. Lbs. maximum. ROTOR OHMMETER TEST CONDITIONS 700 to 800F. i. Rotor to be 2. Ohmmeter must be accurate and batteries must be fresh. Frequently check ohmmeter accuracy by measuring a known resistance such as a 10.0 ohm resistor. 3. Ohmmeter must be checked to room temperature zero before and after rotor test. Printed in U.S.A. File in the Tech. OF-Al AIRCRAFT MANUAL Data ALTERNATORS ALVAIRCRAFT ALTERNATORS Iss ued: 411/83 SERVICE INFORMATION Page 2 of 3 ROTOR OHMMETER TEST CONDITIONS CONT’D. 4. Slip rings and ohmmeter test probes must probe leads must be in good condition. be clean. Ohmmeter test ROTOR OHMMETER TEST SPECIFICATION Rotor winding resistance 9.9 to 11.8 ohms. ROTOR CURRENT DRAW TEST CONDITIONS 700 800F. i. Rotor to be 2. Voltmeter and ammeter must be accurate. 3. Refer to room temperature to service publication for test wiring diagram. ROTOR CURRENT DRAW TEST SPECIFICATION Current draw at 24.0 volts 2.03 to 2.42 amperes. SLIP RING REFINISHING Minimum Diameter Total Indicator Runout Surface Finish 1.350" .002" max. measure from bearing journals 50 microinch max. ALTERNATOR OUTPUT TEST CONDITIONS 700 800F. i. Alternator to be 2. Alternator connected so it is supplying its own field current. to service publication for bench test wiring diagram. 3. Output voltage room temperature to be controlled by an to before beginning adjustable load. VENTILATION The 8400 series alternators use a slip ring end’cover that has a hose type connection for air pressure ventilation. Remove this cover when bench testing the alternator. The 9400 and 9500 series alternators are cooled entirely by air pressure through a hose type connection on the drive end head. When bench testing this type of alternator, make output tests as short as possible unless adequate air pressure for cooling is supplied. test. Refer A LV a AIRCRAFT ALTERNATORS SERVICE Issued: I N FO RMATI ON ALTERNATOR OUTPUT TEST SPECIFICATIONS 9500 ALV 9400 ALV-64O4 ALV-8402, L ALV-8511, R ALV-8512. R ALV-9401, L, R ALV-9405L, R ALV-9406L, R ALV-9407, S ALV-951O, L, R Minimum 28.0 28.0 53.0 88.0 3000 6000 28.0 28.0 48.0 83.0 3000 6000 20 20 21 21 20 21 21 22 21 21 ALV-6403LS, RS (Without Regulator) Output Pn~perage t Approx. Weight Alternator 3 of 3 Yolt~ge Outp ALV 6400-8400-8500 Page Lb. Lb. Lb. Lb. Lb. Lb. Lb. Lb. Lb. Lb. 10 10 10 10 10 Oz. Oz. Oz. Oz. Oz. 4/1/83 Rlternator RPR Orig. Equip. Regulator Replacement Regulator VSF-7403 VSF-7404 VSF-7403 VSF-7403 VSF-7403 VSF-7403 VSF-7403 VSF-7403 VSF-7404 VSF-7403 VSF-7403S VSF-7403S VSF-7403S VSF-7403S VSF-7403S VSF 7403S VSF-7403S VSF-7403S VSF-7403S VSF-7403S or 7404 or 7404 or 7404 OUTPUT FIELD FIail F2 GROUND AUXILIARY AU~J _j Internal File in the Printed in U.S.A. OF-Al AIRCRAFT MANUAL Wiring Diagram Tech. Data ALTERNATORS ALX SERIES presto/itP. ALTERNATOR SERVICE PARTS LIST ISSUED:10-19-79 ORIG.EOUIP. ALTERNATOR ENG. ENG. NUMBER NUMBER ALX-6408 ALX-6423 ALX-8403 ALX-8403G ALX-8403LS ALX-8403LSG ALX-8403R ALX-8403RG ALX-8403RS ALX-8403RSG USE USE USE USE USE USE USE USE USE ALX-8421R ALX-8421RS Lycoming Lycoming ALX-8421RS ALX-8421R Lycoming ALX-8421R ALX-8421RS ALX-8421 RS USE USE ALX-8421LS ALX-8421LSG ALX-8421R USE ALX-8421RG ALX-8421RS ALX-8421RSG ALX-9402 ALX-94O4L USE ALX-8421R ALX-8421RS USE USE USE ALX-8421RS ALX-9425J ALX-9422R USE ALX-9422R ALX-9422R ALX-9422L USE USE USE USE ALX-9422LG USE ALX-9422R ALX-9422RG APPLICATION Teledyne Continental Teledyne Continental ALX-8421 USE VOLTS-1P ALX-6423 ALX-6423 ALX-8421R ALX-8421G ALX-9404LG ALX-9404R ALX-9404RG ALX-9405 ALX-8421R ALX-8421R ALX-8421RS ALX-8421RS ALX-8421R Lycoming Service Service Service Service Lycomlng Lycoming Lycoming Lycomlng Service Service Service Service Teledyne Continental Lycoming Lycoming Service ALX-9422R Service ALX-9424 Teledyne Continental Lycoming ALX-9422R Lycoming USE ALX-9422R ALX-9422R ALX-9422R ALX-9425 USE ALX-9424 ALX-9425R Teledyne Continental Teledyne Continental ALX-9425A USE ALX-9424 ALX-9425B File in the Plill´•d In U´•I.*´• SERVICE ALTERNATOR OE-AI AIRCRAFT MANVAL (Rev.) Service Service ALX-9421 Teledyne Continental ALX-9425R Teledvne Continental I ALTERNATOR norRNlroRrrcnoN SECTION I ALX Series Alternator Parts List 20 17 Ed]~ 6 14 8 ~"10 16 hbb o~’ 8 r- Qg~l I I Exploded View of Typical ALX Alternator io ‘-------II I 5 ISSUED 110-19-79(REY, ALX SERIES ALTERIIATDR PARTS ?IST Assembly Assembly O ALX-6408 90-2399[e] ALX-6423 ALH-L1 28S-1 Asiy O *ri~bly ALU-1O45BS 90-2399[eI I I ALX-8403G,RG I I [c3 ALX-8403LS,RS I I [c3 ALX-84O3LSG I I Ccl ALX-8403RSG I I Cc] Seal D.E. Pkg.0’ Bearing O 90-2014[a] ALE-1003R X-3416 ALK-1132AS-1 90-2399[e] ALU-1045BSCc] I ALE-1003K ALK-1132AS-1 ALU-1045BS ALE-1013AS ALH-2128S-1 ALX-8421,R Head Bearing& End Head I Cc] 90-2399Ce] ALX-8403,R Brush,Holder Spring ALE-1013AS S.R.E. Slip Ring Set Brush Rotor SHEET 2 Orive End ALX-8421G,RG ALX-8421iS,RS ALX-842LLSG ALX-8421RSG ALX-9402 90-2409[e] ALX-9404L,R 90-2400[e] ALX-9404LG,RG ALX-9405 ALX-9422L,R I 1 I [cl I ALU-1045BS[c] 90-2409[e] 1 j ALU-1003 90-2400[e] 1 I ALU-1O43[d] X-4087 I I ALU-I 003 X-5398 [c3 Cc] 90-2401[e] ALH-2138S-1 1 I 1 ALE-ll42AAS-1 ALU-1O45BS ALE-1013AS 90-2401[e] ALX-9422LG,RG ALX-9424 ALX-2138S-1 ALX-9425 ALH-2206S-l[b] I I ~I ALX-9425A ALX-9425B S.R.E.Head Assy. Seal Pkg. also included with Rotor Bearing Fan Assembly. Rotor,Bearing Spring Set also individually available for units re] ALE-1013AS Captive Brush the Complete Brush already having this design. Earlier units must replace Holder Assy. if Brushes or Springs are required. if required. [dl XA-1026 D.E. Oil Seal also individually available must be used at time of first repair. Package Rotor Complete Pkg. S.R.E.Head [e] of Pkg.)maybe replaced thereafter. Individual Components(See Sheet #3 for Ea]b] C*] GJC-49BS Cover Pkg. (10 Pc.) Also available. File in the Prlnld In U.S~. OE-AI AIRCRAFT MANUAL I ALTERNATOR SECTION ALX SERIES ALTERNATOR PARTS LIST Stater Assembly Pos.Rect. Plate Assembly O ALE-2008AB ALX-6423 ALX-8403,R S.R.E. Cover Package O ALE-1 054A I Term. Stud (Pkg.of 3) Assembly O ALX-6408 Negative Rectifier O XA-944JS O [NA] 90-2043 I I I I I 1 I [NA] 90-2030 ALU-1062A 90-2043 ALX-1 062S ALX-8403G,RG ALX-8403LS,RS ALX-8403LSG ALX-8403RSG ALX-8421,R ALX-8421G,RG ALX-8421LS,RS ALX-8421LSG ALX-8421RSG ALX-9402 I ALX-9404L, R I I I ALX-9422L, R I ALX-9422LG,RG I ALX-9424 I ALX-9425 ALX-9425A ALX-9425B CNA] Not Available. 1 I’ I ALX-9404LG,RG ALX-9405 I It [NA] I [NA] I I [NA] I I [NA] 1 t I [NAI I I I CNA] I ALX-1 0625 I I I I I I I 11 I I Thru Bolt D.E. Retainer Package O O ALA-POGS GR-32 Nut& Washer Rotor Vent Drive Shaft Fan Pulley Seal Package Spacer O O Eyelet Package "O" Ring Assembly O [NA~ 9n-2259Cf] [NA] ALX-6423 [NA~ I I I ALX-8403,R CNA~ I I I ALX-8403G,RG [NAI I I I ALX-8403LS, RS [NA] I I I ALX-8403LSG CNA] I I I ALX-9403RSG [NA~ I I I ALX-8421,R [NA] I I I I I ALX-8421G,RG [NA] I I I I I ALX-8421 LS,RS [NAI I I I ALX-8421 LSG CNA] I ALX-8421 RSG CNA] I I ALX-9402 [NA] I I I 1 I ALX-9405 I I ALX-94221., R I I ALX-9422LG,RG I I ALX-9424 I I I II 90-2241[f] ALD-21 II II II II II I II I II II II I I I I II I II II I II I II I II II II [NA~ VSF-7203S I II I [NAI FVR-4011A I [NA~ I r I II I [NAI VSF-7203S I CNAI FVR-4Dl1A I [NAI CNA~ VSF-7204 ENAI [NA] VSF-7203S [NA] [NA] FVR-4011A I ALP-1034Cg] [NA] VSF-7203S I [NA] [NA] I [NA] [NA] FVR-4011A [NA] VSF-72035 ALP-I I 034[91 I ALP-1034Cgl I I [NAI [NAI I I CNAl ALX-9425A [NA] I I CNA] [NA~ I I CNAI ALX-9425B [NA] I I [NAI [NA] I I [NA] S. R. E.Head Rotor Head FYR-4011A I CNA] Contents of S.R.E. VSF-7203S PU-672A ALX-9425 Cel FYR-4011A I ALU-23 I II I CNAI II CNA] 8X-4075ChI VSF-7203S I ~I CNA] II II II I 1 PU-672A I II I XA-744AZ ALX-9404LG,RG ALC-ZIF 90-33 90-818 Regulator O ALX-6408 ALX-9404L, R SHEET 3 ISSUED: 10-19-79(REv,) ALX SERIES ALTERiJATOR PARTS LIST Rotor Pk Pkg. Bearing Pkg. 90-2399 90-2400 90-2401 90-2409 90-2014 90-2014 90-2014 90-2014 Head Assy.,S.R.E. ALK-1132AS-1 ALE-1142AAS-I ALE-ll4SAAS-1 Rotor ALH-2128S-1 ALH-2138S-1 ALX-2138S-1 ALE-ll4ZAAS-1 1ALH-2206S-1 CNAI Not Available. Cf] Two(Z) Piece Fan Assy. [gl Also included with Rotor. [h] Nut only; Washer not required. File in the Plin)´•d In U.S.*. OF-Al AIRCRAFT MANUAL I ALTERNATOR SECTION 1/ ALX AIRCRAFT ALTERNATORS SERVICE Issued: INFORMATION Page 4/1/83 1 of 4 ALTERNATOR DESCRIPTION RATED OUTPUT 12 RATED VOLTAGE APPROXIMATE WEIGHT Amperes Negative GROUNDED POLARITY Bi-Directional ROTATION 70 See Tabulation SERVICE INFORMATION procedures covering disassembly, component testing, comporeplacement, assembly and bench testing are contained in the service Refer to the following publications in the front of the Alternator Section. service publication when detailed service information is required. Detailed service nent SERVICE ALTERNATOR SERIES PUBLICATION ALX 6400 L-655A 8400 L-663 ALX 9400 SERVICE BULLETINS Refer to the Service Bulletin Section of this manual the ALX series alternators. for bulletins pertaining to SERVICE SPECIFICATIONS DRIVE PULLEY Torque the drive pulley retaining 40 Ft. Lbs. nut to 35 Ft. Lbs. minimum to maximum. ROTOR OHMMETER TEST CONDITIONS 700 to 800F. i. Rotor to be 2. Ohmmeter must be accurate and batteries must be fresh. Frequently check ohmmeter accuracy by measuring a known resistance such as 10.0 ohm resistor. 3. Ohmmeter must be checked to 4. Slip rings test probe room temperature zero before and after rotor test. and ohmmeter test probes must be clean. leads must be in good condition. Ohmmeter ROTOR OHMMETER TEST SPECIFICATION Rotor Printed in U.S.A. winding resistance File in the OF-Al AIRCRAFT MANUAL 3.5 to 5.0 ohms. Tech. Data ALTERNATORS k Al X AIRCRAFT ALTERNATORS Page SERVICE 4/1/83 Issued: INFORMATION 2 of 4 ROTOR CURRENT DRAW TEST CONDITI6NS 700 800F. i. Rotor to be 2. Voltmeter and ammeter must be accurate. 3. Refer to service room temperature to publication for wiring diagram. test ROTOR CURRENT DRAW TEST SPECIFICATION Current draw at 12.0 volts 2.4 to 4.0 amperes. SLIP RING REFINISHING 1.350" .002" max. Minimum Diameter Total Indicator Runout Surface Finish measure 50 microinch from bearing journals max. ALTERNATOR OUTPUT TEST CONDITIONS 700 800F. Alternator to be 2. Alternator connected so it is supplying its own field current. to service publication for bench test wiring diagram. 3. Output voltage 4. Alternator not to be room temperature to be controlled run more by to an before beginning i. test. Refer adjustable load. than 2 minutes for each test point. VENTILATION The 8400 series alternators use a slip ring end cover that has a hose type connection for air pressure ventilation. Remove this cover when bench testing the alternator. The 9400 series alternators are cooled entirely by air pressure through a hose type connection on the drive end head. When bench testing this type of alternator, make output tests as short as possible unless adequate air pressure for cooling is supplied. ALTERNATOR OUTPUT TEST SPECIFICATIONS (Without Regulator) Alternator Series Output Voltage Amperage ALX 6400-8400 and 9400 14.0 14.0 33.0 57.0 Output Minimum Alternator RPM 3000 6000 prasto/ire.~--AIRCRAFT ALTERNATORS SERVICE Issued: INFORM ATION Page 4/1/83 3 of 4 Origl Equip. Alternator Approx. Weight ALX 6406 11 Lb. 12 Oz. VSF-7203S VSF-7204 ALX 6408 11 Lb. 12 Oz. VSF-7204 VSF-7203S ALX 6423 11 Lb. 12 Oz. VSF-7204 VSF-7203S ALX 8403, LS, R, RS 12 Lb. 2 Oz. VSF-7201 *ALX 84036, LSG, RG, RSG 12 Lb. 2 Oz. FVR-4O04+ ALX 8421, LS, R, RS 12 Lb. 2 Oz. VSF-7201 VSF-7203 XALX 84216, LSG, RG, RSG 12 Lb. 2 Oz. FVR-4004+ FVR-4011+ ALX 9402 11 Lb. 6 Oz. VSF-7204 VSF-7203S 11 Lb. 6 Oz. VSF-7201 VSF-72O3 11 Lb. 6 Oz. FVR-4004+ 11 Lb. 6 Oz. VSF-7203 ALX 9404L, or VSF-7203S VSF-7203S or VSF-7203 R *ALX 9404LG, Keguia~or Regulator RG ALX 9405 FVR-4011+ VSF-7203S or or VSF-7203S FVR-4011+ VSF-7203S or VSF-7204 11 Lb. 6 Oz. VSF-7203 ~SF-7203S 11 Lb. 6 Oz. FVR-4O04+ FVR-4011+ ALX 9424 11 Lb. 6 Oz. VSF-7204 VSF-7203S ALX 9425, A, B 11 Lb. 6 Oz. VSF-7204 VSF-7203S ALX 9422L, R *ALX 9422L6, RG Internal wiring grounded with Wico a Field terminal F-2 externally shown. Lycoming applications only. strap connector. same as Prestolite part number. File in the Printed in U.S.A. OF-Al AIRCRAFT MANUAL TECH. DATA ALTERNATORS XLASRO~ANRETLA presro/ite. AZRCRAFT Issued: Page SERVICE 4/1/83 INFORMATION 4 of 4 OUtPVT FIELD rl FIELD It DIODES STITOII I_ II \rf I ii II I It AUXIL~RJ, Internal Wiring Diagram ALY-6403 To 642iP RG presto/ire, ALTERNATOR SERVICE PARTS LIST ISSUED: ORIG.EOUIP.ALTERNATOR SERVICE ALTERNATOR ENG. VOLTS-IF ENG. NUMBER NUMBER APPLICATION ALY-6403 ALY-6403G ALY-6403R ALY-64O3RG ALY-6406 USE USE USE ALY-642OR ALY-6420R ALY-6420R USE USE ALY-642OR Service Service ALY-6406R Lycoming ALY-64OSG ALY-640BR ALY-6406RG ALY-64O8 USE ALY-6406R Lycoming USE ALY-6406R ALY-6406R Service Service ALY-64O9 USE ALY-64F1 ALY-5422 Piper Piper ALY-6412 USE USE USE ALY-64F5 ALY-6420 ALY-642OG Teledyne Continental Lycoming Lycomrng ALY-6420R ALY-6420RG USE USE Lycoming Lycomfng ALY-6420R ALY-6420R ALY-6420R ALY-6421 ALY-6422 Service Service ALY-6420R ALY-6421 ALY-6425 ALY-6422 Piper Piper ALY-6425 Teledyne Continental ALY-6427G USE USE ALY-6427R ALY-6427R Lycoming Lycoming ALY-6427R ALY-6427RG ALY-6427R ALY-6427R Service USE ALY-6427 File in the Pas, in u.S.*. 3-3-75(Rev.) OE-AI AIRCRAFT MANUAL Service I ALTERNATOR SECTION I ALY-6403 to 6427R6 Alternator Parts List h ~-----O B 10 g-@ II 5 0----------~ c/ Exploded View of Typical ALY Alternator ISSUED: 11-6-79(REVI) ALY-61103 TO 61127RG ALTERNATOR PARTS LIST Brush Rotor Assembly Assembly Set O O Slip Ring Spring Assembly End Head ALU-1045BS End Head Bearing 8 Seal Pkg. Assembly O ALE-1013AS 90-2396[c] ALY-6003,R Br.,Holder Drive S.R.E. SHEET 2 D.E. Bearing Assembly 0´• O O O 90-2396[c1 90-2014Ea] ALE-1003K X-3416 ALY-6403G,RG ALY-6406,R I I [5] ALY-6406G,RG I I ~b] ALY-6408 I I Cb~ ALY-6409 90-2402[c~ Cb~ ALr-6412 90-2396[c] [b] 0458SCb] ALE-I 0458SCbI 1 1 ALU-1 0458SCb] ALU-1 04585 ALE-1 01 3AS ALE-2173S-1 ALY-6420,R ALU-1 90-2402[c] 90-2396[c~ I ALE-1003R ALK-1132BS-1 I ALE-1003K I ALE-1003R ALY-6420G,RG ALY-6421 I ALY-6422 ALE-2177S-1 ALY-6425 ALE-2173S-1 I I AL E-l 04585 I I ALU-1045BS I I kLE-1003K ALY-6427,R ALY-6427G,RG Cover Pkg.10 Pcs.) Also available. Pkg. also ~nclided with Rotor 8 S.R.E.Hd. Assy. Spring Set also individually available for [b] ALE-1013AS Captive Brush the units already having this design. Earlier units must replace Complete Brush Holder Assy. if Brushes or Springs are required. Rotor Pkg. complete Package must be used at time of [cl S.R.E.Head #3 for contents of Pkg.) first repair. Individual Components(See thereafter. may be replaced E:3 35-781 Bearing (GJC-49BS) Seal File in the Print´•d In U.s.*. OE-AI AIRCRAFT MANUAL I ALTERNATOR SECTION ALY-6403 TO 6427R6 ALTERIIATOR PARTS LIST Stater Assembly Pos.Rect. 6 Plate As Assembly Negative (Pkg.of 3) O ALY-6403, R Terminal Stud Rectifier Package 8 ALE-2008AE ALE-1 054A D.E. Retai ner O XA-944JS 90-2030 Thru Bolt Eyelet Package Package O 61-32 O ALA-P0JS O 90-818 ALY-6403G,RG ALY-6406,R ALY-6406G,RG I ALY-6408 I 1 90-2043 ALY-6409 ALY-6412 ALY-6420,R I I I 90-2030 ALY-6420G,RG ALY-6421 I 1 90-2043 ALY-6422 ALY-6425 ALY-6427,R I I 1 90-2030 ALY-6427G,RG h ISSUED: ll-6-79(REv,) ALY-64O3 TO 6427RG ALTERNATOR PARTS LIST Nut Washer Rotor Shaft Package Spacer S.R.E. Cover Assembly Drive Vent. Fan Regulator Pulley (2 Pc.) O O 18 VSF-7203S PU-672A 90-2241 ALY-6403,R ENAI ALY-6403G,RG [NA] I I I I ALY-6406, R [NA: I I I I ALY-64D6G,RG CNA~ I I I ALY-6408 [NAI I I I I PU-672A FVR-4024 ALY-6409 [NA] I I ALD-P1A I I PU-692A FVR-4324 ALY-6412 CNA] I I ALC-21F 90-2259 CNA] VSF-7203S ALY-6420, R [NA] I I ALD-21 90-2241 PU-672A VSF-7203S ALY-6420G,RG CNAI I I I I I FVR-4011A ALY-6421 CNA] I I I I I FYR-4024 ALY-6422 CNA~ I I ALD-ZIA I I ALY-6425 CNA] j I ALC-PLF 90-2259 CNA] VSF-7203S ALY-6427,R ~NA] I I ALD-21 90-2241 PU-676A VSF-7203S ALY-6427G,RG CNAI I I [c] Contents of S.R.E.Head S.R.E1 Head Rotor Bearing Pkg. Head Assy.,S.R.E. Rotor [NA] ALD-LI 90-33 Pkg. Rotor SHEET 3 I I FYR-4011A YSF-7203S PU-676A FVR-4011A FVR-4324 PU-692A I I FVR-4DllA Pkg. 90-2396 90-2402 90-2014 90-2014 ALK-1132BS-1 ALK-1132BS-1 ALE-2173S-1 ALE-2177S-1 Not Available. File in the Prlnt´•d In U.S.~. OF-Al AIRCRAFT MANUAL I ALTERNATOR SECTION I prP~ro/ite, ALY-8402 ISSUED: SERVICE ALTERNATOR ENG. ENG. NUMBER NUMBER ALY-8402 ALY-8403 ALY-8403G ALY-8403LS ALY-8403LSG ALY-8403R ALY-8403RG ALY-8403RS ALY-8403RSG ALY-8405 VOLTS-IE APPL ICAT ION ALY-8411 USE ALY-8420R USE USE USE ALY-8420R ALY-8403RS Teledyne Continental Lycoming Lycoming Lycoming Lycoming USE USE ALY-8420R Service ALY-8420R Service Service Service ALY-8403RS USE USE ALY-8403RS ALY-8426R Lycoming ALY-8405G ALY-8405R USE ALY-8426R Lycoming USE Service ALY-8405RG ALY-8410 USE USE ALY-8410R USE ALY-8426R ALY-8426R ALY-8423R ALY-8423R ALY-8411 ALY-8420 ALY-842OG ALY-8420LS ALY-8420LSG ALY-8411 ALY-8423R ALY-8424 ALY-8426 ALY-8426G Lycoming Service USE ALY-8420R ALY-8420RS USE ALY-8420RS USE ALY-8420R ALY-8420R ALY-8420RS Service Service Service ALY-8420RS Service ALY-8423R Lycoming ALY-8423R ALY-8424 Service USE USE ALY-8420R USE ALY-8426R USE ALY-8426R Teledyne Continental Lycoming Lycoming ALY-8426R Service ALY-8426R Service ALY-8426R ALY-8426RG Service Teledyne Continental Teledyne Continental Lycoming Lycoming Lycomlng USE USE ALY-8420R ALY-8420RG ALY-8420RS ALY-8420RSG ALY-8423 3-3-75(Rev.) USE ALY-84O3RS USE File in the OE-AI AIRCRAFT MANUPIL 8426RG ALTERNATOR SERVICF CARTS LIST ORIG.E4UIP.ALTERNATOR To I SECTION ALTERNATOR slcnon aurlwroa I ALY-8402 to 8426RG Alternator Parts List I, v ~----O io 9-@ 0------------~ II 5 ~3 ;P7 Exploded View of Typical ALY Alternator ALY-8402 TO 8426RG ALTERNATOR PARTS LIST Rotor Assembly Assembly O Br.,Holder Set Spring Assembly O 90-2396[c] ALY-8402 Brush [b] I I [b] ALY-8403LS, RSI I [b] ALY-8403LSG I I Cb] ALY-8403RSG I I [6] I Cb] I Cb] I [b] ALE-1 I [b] ALV-1045BS ALY-8403G,RG ALY-8405,R I ALY-8405G,RG ALY-8410, R I ALY-8411 ALE-1013AS ALE-2173S-1 ALY-8420,R End Head *’i~," SHEET Drive End D.E. Head Bearing Pkg. Assembly O O 90-2014[a] ALE-1 003K Seal ly 90-2396[c] ALU-I045BS[b] [b] I ALY-8403,R Slip Ring O ISSUED:II.-6-79(REV, S.R.E. Bearing 04585[ b] I I ALK-1132BS-1 ALY-8420G,RG ALY-8420LS, ALY-8420LSG ALY-8420RSG ALE-1045BS ALY-8423,R I I I ALY-8424 I I I ALU-1045BS ALY-8426,R ALY-8426G,RG Ea*3 [b] [c] Cover Pkg. (10 Pee.) Also PKS. also Included with Rotor Spring Set also individually available for ALE-1013AS Captive Brush units already having this design. Earlier units must replace the Complete Brush Holder Assy. if Brushes or Springs are required. Rotor Pkg. Complete Package must be used at first repair. S.R.E.Head of Pkg.)may be Individual components(See Sheet #3 for 35-781 Bearing (GJC-49BS~ a seal replaced thereafter. File in the Pllnld In U.S.*. OF-Al AIRCRAFT MANUAL I I ALTERNATOR SECTION O X-3416 ALY-8402 TO 8~26RG ALTERNATOR PARTS Stater Assembly Assembly Pos. Rect. Plate Rectifier Terminal Stud Assembly (Pkg.of3) Package Negative O 8 ALE-1054A ALE-2008AE ALY-8402 I ALY-8403,R 90-2043 XA-944JS I I 90-2030 ALY-8403G,RG ALY-8403LS,RS ALY-8403LSG ALY-8403RSG ALY-8405,R ALY-8405G,RG ALY-8410,R I ALY-8411 I I ALY-8420,R 1 90-2043 1 90-2030 ALY-8420G,RG ALY-8420LS,RS ALY-8420LSG ALY-8420RSG ALY-8423,R ALY-8424 I I I 1 90-2043 ALY-8426,R I I I 1 90-2030 ALY-8425G,RG D.E. Retainer O GR-32 Thru Bolt Eyelet Package Package O ALA-PDJS 90-818 ISSUED: 11-6-79(REV,) ALY-8402 TO 8112611(3 ALTERIJATOR PARTS LIST Rotor Nut S.R.E. (2 Pc.) Packagecer ALU-1 062 ALY-8403,R ALU-I 062A 90-33 I I ALY-8403G,RG I I ALY-8403LS,RS I I II ALY-8403LSG I I II ALY-8403RSG I I I ALY-84056,RG I 90-2259 CNAI VSF-7203S ALD-P1 90-2241 PU-672A YSF-7203S I II I I~ I ~I I I ALU-I 0620 ALY-8405, R ALC-P1F I II I II I ALY-8410, R ALU-I 062A I f ALY-8411 ALU-1 062 1 I ALC-21F ALY-8420,R ALU-I 062A I I ALD-L1 FVR-4OI1A I I CNAI VSF-7203S I II I CNAI FVR-4011 A I CNAI I I n I II I I o O O O ALY-8402 Regua Itor Pulley Fan Shaft Washer Cover Assembly I n I 90-2259 I FYR-4011A I FYR-4324 CNAI VSF-7203S VSF-7203S PU-672A 90-2241 I I I ALY-8420LS,RS I I I I I CNA] VSF-7203S ALY-8420LSG I I I I I CNAI FYR-4011A ALY-8420RSG I I I I I CNAI ALY-8423, R I I I I I n ALY-8424 ALU-1 062 1 I ALC-21F 90-2259 ALY-8426,R ALU-I 0620 1 I ALD-L1 90-2241 ALY-8426G,RG [cl I I contents of S.R.E. Head S.R.E.Head 6 Rotor Pkg. Assy.,S.R.E. Rotor CNAI I II I FVR-4324 PU-672A CNA~ YSF-7203S VSF-7203S PU-672A i I I FYR-4O11A Rotor 90-2396 90-2014 Bearing Pkg. Head II I FVR-4011A ALY-8420G,RG I I VSF-7203S PU-672A I n I 1 SHEET 3 Drive Vent. ALK-ll3ZBS-I ALE-2173S-1 Not Available. File in the Plin~d In U.S~. OF-Al AIRCRAFT MANUAL I ALTERNATOR SECTION ALY presr~re. AIRCRAFT ALTERNATORS SERVICE Issued: INFORMATION Page 4/1/83 1 of 4 ALTERNATOR DESCRIPTION RATED 12 RATED VOLTAGE GROUNDEDPOLARITY Bi-Directional ROTATION APPROXIMATE WEIGHT 60 OUTPUT Amperes Negative See Tabulation SERVICE INFORMATION covering disassembly, component testing, comporeplacement, assembly and bench testing are contained in the service publications in the front of the Alternator Section. Refer to the following service publication when detailed service information is required. Detailed service procedures nent SERVICE PUBLICATION ALTERNATOR SERIES ALY 6400 L-655A 8400 SERVICE BULLETINS Refer to the Service Bulletin Section of this manual to the ALY series alternators. for bulletins pertaining SERVICE SPECIFICATIONS DRIVE PULLEY Torque the drive pulley retaining 40 Ft. Lbs. nut to 35 Ft. Lbs. minimum to maximum. ROTOR OHMMETER TEST CONDITIONS 700 to 800F. i. Rotor to be 2. Ohmmeter must be accurate and batteries must be fresh. Frequently check ohmmeter accuracy by measuring a known resistance such as 10.0 ohm resistor. 3. Ohmmeter must be checked to 4. Slip rings test probe room temperature zero before and after rotor test. probes must be clean. be in good condition. and ohmmeter test leads must Ohmmeter ROTOR OHMMETER TEST SPECIFICATION Rotor Printed in U.S.A. winding resistance File in the OF-Al AIRCRAFT MANUAL 3.5 to 5.0 ohms. Tech. Data ALTERNATORS ALYAIRCRAFT ALTERNATORS Issued: 4/1/83 SERVICE INFORMATION Page 2 of 4 ROTOR CURRENT DRAW TEST CONDITIONS temperature 700 to 800F. i. Rotor to be 2. Voltmeter and ammeter must be accurate. 3. Refer to service room publication for test wiring diagram. ROTOR CURRENT DRAW TEST SPECIFICATION Current draw at 12.0 volts 2.4 to 4.0 amperes. SLIP RING REFINISHING Minimum Diameter Total Indicator Runout Surface Finish 1.350" .002" max. measure 50 microinch from bearing journals max. ALTERNATOR OUTPUT TEST CONDITIONS temperature 700 to 800F. before beginning i. Alternator to be 2. Alternator connected so it is supplying its own field current. to service publication for bench test wiring diagram. 3. Output voltage 4. Alternator not to be room to be controlled run more by an test. Refer adjustable load. than 2 minutes for each test point. VENTILATION The 8400 series alternators use a slip ring end cover that has a Remove this hose type connection for air pressure ventilation. cover when bench testing the alternator. ALTERNATOR OUTPUT TEST SPECIFICATIONS (Without Regulator) Alternator Series Output o Voltage Output era Amperage ALY 6400-8400 14.0 14.0 13.0 47.0 Minimum RPM Alternator erna or R 2000 4000 pres10,III’paAIV AIRCRAFT ALTERNATORS SERVICE Issued: INFORMATION ALY ALY ALY ALY ALY ALY ALY ALY ALY ALY ALY ALY ALY ALY ALY ALY Internal Approx. Weight Alternator 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 6403, R 64036, RG 6406, R 64066, RG 6408 6409 6412 6420, R 64206, RG 6421 6422 6425 6427, R 64276, RG 8402 Wirin_g Lb. Lb. Lb. Lb. Lb. 6 Oz. Lb. Lb. Lb. Lb. Lb. Lb. Lb. Lb. Lb. Lb. Lb. 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 Oz. 6 Oz. 6 Oz. 6 Oz. Oz. Oz. Oz. Oz. Oz. Oz. Oz. Oz. 6 Oz. 12 Oz.--12 Oz. 8403, LS, R, RS ALY 84036, LSG, 10 Lb. 12 Oz. RG, RSG 10 Lb. 12 Oz. ALY 8405, R ALY 84056, RG 10 Lb. 12 Oz. ALY 8410, ALY 8411 R ALY 8420, LS, R, RS ALY 84206, LSG, RG, RSG ALY 8423, R ALY 8424 ALY 8426, R ALY 84266, RG Same strap Wico Printed in U.S.A. Page Orig. Equip. Regulator of 4 Replacement Regulator VSF-7203S FVR-4O11+ VSF-7203S FVR-4O11+ X18150+ X16300B+ VSF-7203S Figure 1 Figure 1" Figure 1 Figure 1* Figure 2 Figure 2 Figure 1 Figure 1 Figure 1* Figure 2 Figure 2 Figure 1 Figure 1 Figurel* VSF-7203 FVR-4004+ VSF-7203 FVR-4004+ X18150+ X16300B+ VSF-7204 VSF-7203 Figure Figure VSF-7204 VSF-7203 X16300B+ VSF-7203S VSF-7203S FVR-4011+ VSF-7203S VSF-7203S Figure 1* FVR-4004+ FVR-4011+ Figure 1 Figure 1* VSF-7203S FVR-4O11+ X16300B+ VSF-7203S 1 1 FVR-4004+ X18150+ X16300B+ VSF-7204 VSF-7203 FVR-40O4+ VSF-7203S FVR-4O11+ X18150+ 10 Lb. 10 Lb. 10 Lb. 12 Oz. 12 Oz. 12 Oz. Figure Figure Figure 2 1 1 VSF-7203 FVR-4OO4+ X16300B+ VSF-7204 VSF-7203 10 Lb. 12 Oz. Figure 1* FVR-4OO4+ FVR-4O11+ 10 Lb. 10 Lb. 10 Lb. 10 Lb. 12 12 12 12 Figure 2 Figure 1 Figure 1 Figure 1* X16300B+ VSF-7204 VSF-7203 FVR-4OO4+ X16300B+ VSF-7203S VSF-7203S FVR-4011+ Oz. Oz. Oz. Oz. 1 except field terminal F-2 externally connector. Lycoming applications only. as 3 4/1/83 Figure VSF-7203S groiinded with Prestolite part number. File in the OE-AI AIRCRAFT MANUAL Tech. Data ALTERNATORS a k presr~ite. ALY AIRCRAFT ALTERNATORS Issued: SERVICE 4/1/83 JNFORMArlON Page 4 of 4 OUTPUT_ ;vl FIELD II I STATOR ROTOR WINDING (I 1~\11 Figure 1 /C7 Figure 2 ALZ SERIES ALTERNATOR SERVICE PARTS LIST ISSUED: ENG. NUMBER ENG. NUMBER ALZ-8423R ALZ-84L3R ALZ-8423R APPLICATION Lycoming Lycoming ALZ-8401 USE ALZ-8401G ALZ-84O1R ALZ-8401RG USE USE USE ALZ-8423R Service Service ALZ-8423 USE ALZ-8423R Lycoming ALZ-8423G ALZ-8423R ALZ-8423RG USE ALZ-8423R ALZ-8423R Lycoming USE File in the P.lnl´•dinU.I.* VOLTS-IL SERVICE ALTERNATOR ORIG.EOUIP.ALTERNATOR OE´•AI AIRCRAFT MANUAL ALZ-8423R 3-4-75(Rev.) Service Service I ALTERNATOR SECTION ALZ-8000 Series Alternator Parts List -I C/ to ----(13 ~a C/ Exploded View of Typical ALZ Alternator ,a- ISSUED: 3-5-79 (REV,) ALZ SERIES ALTERNATOR PARTS LIST Brush Rotor Assembly Set Assembly O O ALZ-8401 1 90-2396[c] S.R.E.Bearing Slip Ring Br.,Holder Spring Assembly L Seal End Head "’i~iy O P 5 90-2014Cbl 90-2396[c] IALU-10458S[a] SHEET 2 D.E. Drive End Head Bearing n,i~gl, O ALE-1003K X-3416 ALZ-8401G ALZ-8401R ALZ-8401RG ALZ-8423 ALE-1 01 3AS jALE-2173S-1 ALK-1132BS-1 ALU-1045BS ALZ-8423G ALZ-8423R ALZ-8423RG E~3 35-781 (GJC-49BS Cover ALE-1013AS Captive Brush Pkg Also aval Ible, 10 Pcs. Set alsolndivi ually avallaole Tor un~rs Earlier units must replace the Complete Brush B~Spring already having this design. Holder Assy.,ff Brushes or Springs are required. S.R.E. Seal Pkg. also included with Rotor [b] Bearing Rotor Pkg. Complete Package must be used [c] S.R.E.Head Individual components (See Sheet #3 for contents of File in the Prlnt´•d In V.S.*. OE-AI AIRCRAFT MANUAL Hd. Assy. at time of first repair. Pkg. )maybe replaced thereafter. I ALTERNATOR SECTION nLz SERIES ALTER~ATOA PARTS LIST Stater Assembly Assembly Pos.Rect. 8 Plate Assembl y Negative Rectifier ALZ-8401G ALZ-8401R ALZ-8401RG ALZ-8423 ALZ-8423G ALZ-8423R ALZ-8423RG ALE-2008AG ALE-1D54A D.E. Retainer Term. Stud Thru Bolt (Pkg.of 3) 8 ALZ-8401 S.R.E. Cover XA-944JS O O ALU-1 062A GR-32 o 90-2030 ALA-20JS ISSUED: 3-5-79(REv~) ALZ SERIES ALTERNATDR PARTS LIST Assembly Eyelet Package O ALZ-8401 Nut 6 Rotor Vent. Washer Pac Sha~L Fan la .90-818 90-33 ALD-21 PU-672A VSF-7203S YSF-7203S FVR-(IO11A VSF-7203S ALZ-8423 FVR-4011A ALZ-8423G YSF-7203S ALZ-8423R FVR-4011A ALZ-8423RG of S.R.E. Head 6 Rotor S.R.E.Hd. 6 Rotor Pkg. 90-2396 90-2014 Bearing Pkg. Pllnt´•d In U.S.*. 90-2241 FYR-4011A ALZ-8401RG Rotor Regul ator It ALZ-8401R Head Drive Pulley (;ZRc´• ALZ-8401G [c]~Contents SHEET 3 Assy.,S.R.E. ALK-11328S-1 ALE-2173S-1 File in th´• OE-AI AIRCIIAFt MANUAL ALTERNATOR SECTION ALZ AIRCRAFT ALTERNATORS SERVICE Issued: INFORMATION 4/1/83 Page 1 of 3 ALTERNATOR DESCRIPTION ROTATION RATED OUTPUT 12 RATED VOLTAGE GROUNDED Bi -Di rectional 10 Lb. APPROXIMATE WEIGHT 50 Amperes Negative POLARITY 12 Oz. SERVICE INFORMATION Detailed service procedures covering disassembly, component testing, compo- replacement, assembly, and bench testing are contained in the service publications in the front of the Alternator Section. Refer to the following service publication when detailed service information is required. nent SERVICE PUBLICATION ALTERNATOR SERIES L-655A ALZ 8400 SERVICE BULLETINS Refer to the Service Bulletin Section of this manual for bulletins pertaining to the ALZ series alternators. SERVICE SPECIFICATIONS DRIVE PULLEY Torque the drive pulley retaining to 40 Ft. Lbs. nut to 35 Ft. Lbs. minimum maximum. ROTOR OHMMETER TEST CONDITIONS to 800F. Rotor to be 2. Ohmmeter must be accurate and batteries must be fresh. Frequently check ohmmeter accuracy by measuring a known resistance such as 10.0 ohm resistor. 3. Ohmneter must be checked to 4. room temperature zero before and after rotor test. ohmmeter test probes must be clean. leads must be in good condition. probe Slip rings and test Prin)ed in U.S.A. 700 i. File in the OE-AI AIRCRAFt MANUAL Ohmmeter Tech. Data ALTERNATORS ALZ AIRCRAFT ALTERNATORS SERVICE Issued 4/1/83 INFORMATION Page 2 of 3 ROTOR OHMMETER TEST SPECIFICATION winding Rotor resistance 3.5 ’to 5.0 ohms. ROTOR CURRENT DRAW TEST CONDITIONS 700 800F. i. Rotor to be 2. Voltmeter and ammeter must be accurate. 3. Refer to service publication for test room temperature to wiring diagram. ROTOR CURRENT DRAW TEST SPECIFICATION Current draw at 12.0 volts 2.4 to 4.0 amperes. SLIP RING REFINISHING 1.350" Minimum Diameter Total Indicator Runout Surface Finish .002" max. measure 50 microinch from bearing journals max. ALTERNATOR OUTPUT TEST CONDITIONS i. Alternator to be 2. Alternator connected to service room temperature 700 to 800F. before so it is supplying its own field publication for bench test wiring diagram. 3. Output voltage 4. Alternator not to be to be controlled run more by an beginning test. current. Refer adjustable load. than 2 minutes for each test point. VENTILATION The 8400 series alternators use a slip ring end cover that has a hose type connection for air pressure ventilation. Remove this cover when bench testing the alternator. ALZ AIRCRAFT AI~TFRNATORS SERVICE Issued: INFORMATION 2000 4000 17.0 41.0 14.0 14.0 ALZ 8400 Minimum Alternator RPM Output Amperage Output Voltage Replacement Regulator Orig. Equip. Regulator Alternator 3 of 3 (Without Regulator) ALTERNATOR OUTPUT TEST SPECIFICATIONS Alternator Series Page ALZ 8401, R VSF-7203 VSF-7203S *ALZ 84016, RG FVR-4004+ FVR-4011+ ALZ 8423, R VSF-7203 VSF-7203S FVR-4004+ FVR-4011+ *ALZ 84236, RG 4/1/83 Field terminal F-2 externally grounded Internal wiring same as shown. with a strap connector. Lycoming applications only. Wico Prestolite part number. FIELD FI C DIODES ST~TO(1 I(\(I) II I I It II 1-11IJI ROtOl WIWDINO Internal Wiring Diagram Printed in u.s.n. File in the I Tech. L-600 SERVICE MANUAL I Data ALTERNATORS AIRCRAFT VOLTAGE REGULATOR SERVICE INFORMATION VOLTS Page have These units ADJUSTMENT 1 of 1 Neg at i ve GROUND 12 10-5-72 Issued: external an adjustment located under the The regulator has on top of the regulator. adjustment spread ranging from 13.0 volts to 15.0 volts. Output is increased by turning the adjustment plastic plug an clockwise. OPERATING VOLTAGE volts when con1 minute operation. trolling a load of 10 to 15 amps after The These units are not affected by ambient temperatures. "I" or ignition voltmeter must be connected from the The regulator should terminal CAUTION NOTES to be adjusted to 14.2 ground. only with insulated (ungrounded) field i. Use 2. Regulator base 3. Do not 4. Do not must have connection. good ground a (even momentarily) connect regulator terminals together. connect battery into the two system alternators. with voltage polarity reversed. 5. Do not 6. This with is a force the voltage a new adjustment screw. sealed unit and not repairable. Replace unit. VSF-7201u´•it-~ VSF-7202 II VSFc7203,S zn~ VSF-7204 aLGiiL1TPa Rdl-FL I 5r Typical Schematic File in ~he Printed in U.S.A OE-AI AIRCRAFT MANUAI I rC* Circuit of Tech. Data. 1 Regulator REGULATORS RELAYS VSF-7dOD prest~tP. AIRCRAFT VOLTAGE REGULATOR SERVICE Issued: INFORMATION Page 1 of 1 Negati ve 24 VOLTS 10-5-72 These units have ADJUSTMENT plastic plug an on an external adjustment located under the The regulator has top of the regulator. adjustment spread ranging from 26.0 volts to 30.0 increased by turning the adjustment volts. Output is clockwise. OPERATING VOLTAGE regulator should be adjusted to 28.4 volts when controlling a.load of 10 to 15 amps after 1 minute operation. These units are not affected by ambient temperatures. The voltmeter must be connected from the "I" or ignition terminal to ground. CAUTION NOTES i. Use 2. Regulator 3. Do not 4. Do not connect battery into system with The (ungrounded) with insulated only base must have a field alternators. good ground (even momentarily) connect regulator terminals together. connection. the two voltage polarity reversed. force the not 5. Do 6. This with is screw. repairable. sealed unit and not a new a voltage adjustment Replace unit. ’I al´•r "~n´• ;ti: Unit VSF-7401 VSF-7402 c~ I PI u i~Z 12 91 VSF-7403,S ~Fs VSF-7404 i u 5*"~Y 3Y Typical File in the Princ´•d in US.* OE-AI AIRCRAFf MANUAL ’C Schematic Circuit of Regul~tor Tech. Data REGULATORS R RELC\YS