JUNE 2015 - Most Holy Trinity Seminary


JUNE 2015 - Most Holy Trinity Seminary
JUNE 2015
Published by Most Holy Trinity Seminary, 1000 Spring Lake Highway, Brooksville, Florida 34602. This newsletter is sent free of charge to all Seminary benefactors who contribute $75.00 or more annually. If you would like to be on our mailing list, please contact us by mail, or at
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My dear Catholic people,
It has no great cathedrals. It has no great literature. It has
no Mozart or Vivaldi. It has no Michelangelo. It has no
In this month of the Sacred Heart, we should not
Paris or London.
neglect to renew our devotion to this great mystery, comHowever, of all of the nations of Europe, Ireland has
ing as it does at the end of all of
been by far the greatest, since it
the great redemptive mysteries
excelled in the most important aspertaining to Our Lord.
pect of human life — the Catholic
e entire redemptive act of
Our Lord begins with the seaIreland retained the Catholic
son of Advent, and continues
Faith despite the most terrible peruntil the feast of the Sacred
secutions of the English. Although,
Heart. All of the great mysteries
with some exceptions, their Cathoare celebrated, one after the
lic counterparts in England and
other, during this time: the
Scotland caved into the pressures of
promise of the Savior, the Improtestant persecution, Ireland held
maculate Conception, the Inout. From about 450 to 2015, a total
carnation, the Circumcision,
of 1565 years, Ireland remained a
the Flight into Egypt, the comCatholic country.
ing of the Magi, the hidden life
Last month, Ireland voted in a
of Our Lord, the Presentation
referendum concerning homosexual
in the Temple, the Passion, the
marriages. Not less than 62% voted
Resurrection, the Ascension, the
in favor of permitting sodomitic
sending of the Holy Ghost, the
marriage. After fifteen centuries of
Blessed Sacrament. e Feast of
Catholicism, Ireland has plunged
the Sacred Heart is the crown of
into apostasy.
all of these mysteries, because it
There are, no doubt, many in
is the love of God for men, and
Ireland who deplore this break from
particularly sinners, which was
the Catholic Faith. e break, howthe motive of these great re- Saint Patrick driving out the snakes from Ire- ever, took place many decades ago
land. Unfortunately the snakes have returned.
demptive acts of Our Lord. To
by the acceptance of Vatican II and
contemplate the Sacred Heart is
the Novus Ordo religion in general. As I have said in
to peer into the fiery furnace which drives all of God’s
many other places, the essence of Vatican II is relativism
salvific activity toward mankind.
in regard to truth. Vatican II’s root error was to place the
dictates of the human conscience above Catholic dogma.
e apostasy of Ireland. Ireland was never a “great”
Although this vote in Ireland was shocking, it was to
country in the worldly sense. It never possessed tremenbe expected from a country which swallowed Vatican II
dous armies which conquered nations and built empires.
without even a whimper. e traditional movement has
It was never rich; to the contrary it was usually very poor.
been sadly very weak in Ireland since the council. e
“pope.” e grace of God is stronger than the influence
expectation was that the movement would have been
of a heretical “pope.”
strong in Ireland.
It is always to be remembered that the greatest insult
Probably the main factor in Ireland’s downfall is,
to God does not consist in the individual sins of the
ironically, its strong attachment to the Roman Pontiff.
sodomites, but in the approval and protection of law
e central issue between Catholics and protestants is the
which nations give to the perversion. For law is a reflecauthority of the Church, which is embodied in the pope.
tion of God’s eternal and holy will. e perversion of law
Hence Irish Catholics deepened their attachment to
is a far greater perversion than the perversion of somethe pope as a result of the protestant persecutions. Since
one’s body. Ireland’s approval of sodomy is a much more
the Novus Ordo religion came down to us with the
grievous sin than the sin of sodomy itself.
stamp of approval from persons who seemed to be
Obama’s proclamation. In case you do not know,
Catholic popes, Ireland was particularly vulnerable to the
our President has made a proclamation making June as
LGBT month. We read in it:
One might object here that the Irish seem to have
All people deserve to live with dignity and respect,
been punished for their attachment to the pope. is is
free from fear and violence, and protected against
not a valid objecdiscrimination, retion, however. e
gardless of their gensupernatural virtue
der identity or sexual
of faith, inasmuch
as it is infused by
God, and inasIf the reader should
much as it has as
take the trouble to go to
its object truths
Wikipedia, and type in
revealed by God
the words List of
based on the
paraphilias, he would
authority of God
find that there are not
revealing, precedes
less than 102 sexual
our attachment to
orientations listed there.
the pope in order
ey are too weird and
of causality and
disgusting to mention
time. In other
here. If the President is
Sodomites revel as they hear the news of Ireland’s 62% approval of perwords, we are
consistent, he will have
verted “marriage,” marking Ireland’s apostasy from the Catholic Faith
attached to the
to add another 102 letafter fifteen centuries.
pope because of
ters to LGBT in order
our faith, that is,
to be all-inclusive.
we see the necessity of submitting to the pope because of
Among these deviants are those attracted to feces (coprosupernatural faith.
philia) and those attracted to vomit (emetophilia). I
In the practical order this means that when faced
would hate to see the Coprophiliac Pride Parade.
with the problem of a pope’s teaching heresy, we must
Should kleptophiliacs, those attracted to stealing, be
not side with the heresy-teaching pope, but with the dicallowed to work in banks or jewelry stores? Should pyrotates of the Catholic Faith. For these dictates — Catholic
philiacs, those attracted to fire, be allowed to work in oil
dogmas — come to us from God Himself, and are
refineries? Should zoophiles, those attracted to animals,
merely proposed to us by the pope. If he should propose
be allowed to work in zoos?
to us something contrary to faith, one must adhere to the
If nature is disregarded, and if any human attraction
faith and reject the heretic as a false pope. For it is imposis considered “normal,” it does not take much intelligence
sible that a true pope teach false doctrine to the entire
to figure out that all of the perversions of human beings
Church. is we know by the infallibility and indefectiwill have to be protected by law, and that to discriminate
bility of the Catholic Church, both of which are objects
against those addicted to any of these perversions will
of divine faith.
become illegal.
It means that the Irish failed the test of faith just as
Imagine the horror of a child’s being adopted by zooso many others did. For God is faithful to His graces, and
philes, that is, those who practice bestiality. Imagine livno one falls from the true faith except through his own
ing next door to a zoophile couple. Imagine making a
fault. is is true whether or not there is a heretical
cake for a zoophile marriage.
Any perversion of nature involves a revolt against
almighty God, who is the Author of nature. It is for this
very reason that these perversions are promoted by our
liberal society, that is, for the very fact that they represent a
revolt against God. e percentage of the population that
will engage in unnatural sexual activity is very low. e
general population, besotted with liberalism, which approves and legalizes these “orientations”, does so in order
to mount a revolt against the law of God. To attack the
natural law is to attack God in the deepest and most fundamental way, since this law is written in our hearts, as
Saint Paul says. To rebel against God in the matter of
natural law is actually worse than to rebel against His
revelation, inasmuch as the law of nature is knowable to
all. It makes the rebellion more deliberate.
It should not be forgotten that the natural law was
consigned to the dustbin many decades ago through the
practice of artificial birth control and abortion. Artificial
birth control contains within itself all of the logic of homosexual sin, for it deliberately and positively detaches
the reproductive act from reproduction. It therefore
makes gratification the unique purpose of sexual activity.
e conclusion is clear: anything at all is permissible, as
long as you find it gratifying.
Worse yet, abortion contains not only all of the logic
of artificial birth control, for it is a form of it, but also
condones murder. One’s right to life is a dictate of the
natural law which is far more knowable and far more
fundamental than what concerns sexual morality. It is not
too surprising, therefore, that the natural law should be
abandoned in what pertains to sexual perversions.
finally distinguish and separate the true Catholic from
the false.
More Bergoglio-isms. A very recent outrageous
comment was the following:
Together today, I here in Rome and you over there,
we will ask our Father to send the Spirit of Jesus,
the Holy Spirit, and to give us the grace to be one,
“so that the world may believe”. I feel like saying
something that may be controversial, or even
heretical, perhaps. But there is someone who
“knows” that, despite our differences, we are one. It
is he who is persecuting us. It is he who is persecuting Christians today, he who is anointing us with
(the blood of ) martyrdom. He knows that Christians are disciples of Christ: that they are one, that
they are brothers! He doesn’t care if they are Evangelicals, or Orthodox, Lutherans, Catholics or Apostolic…he doesn’t care! ey are Christians. And
that blood (of martyrdom) unites. Today, dear
brothers and sisters, we are living an “ecumenism of
blood”. is must encourage us to do what we are
doing today: to pray, to dialogue together, to
shorten the distance between us, to strengthen our
bonds of brotherhood.
Bergoglio is talking here about the “ecumenism of
blood,” a heresy which he has pronounced before. e
context is that he is sending greetings to a Christian
Unity event in the United States. e heresy is that anyone who is a baptized “christian,” even if he should be a
heretic, deserves to be called a martyr if he sheds his
blood for Christ.
It is a heresy, since it directly contradicts the solemn
magisterium of the Council of Florence.
What is interesting in this second installment of the
heresy, however, is his admission that he knows or at least
suspects that it is heretical. He says it anyway.
is statement, which I have emphasized in the text,
explodes two ludicrous arguments: (1) that he is ignorant
of the Catholic Faith, and therefore only a material heretic; (2) that because he is a liberal he is incapable of heresy, since he cannot think of a fixed truth. is is known
as mentevacantism. For Bergoglio is obviously thinking of
the teaching of Florence as he says this, but has no care of
it. It shows that he is capable of heresy, since he mentions
the very word and realizes that he may be saying something heretical.
e other Bergoglio-ism is this: While speaking to
reporters on June 7th, he closed the meeting with them
with these words: “Pray for me, and if some of you
can’t pray because you are not believers, send me good
vibrations.” Any comment which I could make would
be superfluous.
Preparation for the Antichrist. is legalization of
what is contrary to the natural law is all part of the
preparation for the Antichrist. He is the Man of Sin, and
in order to be the ruler of a kingdom, he needs to find it
prepared for him by the embracing of sin. is means
that he needs not only a sinful race, but a race which
justifies sin, known as sin, a race which repudiates all law
and morality, which rejects even nature itself.
e Antichrist needs a world which is not merely
sinful, but which enthrones sin to the same extent that
Catholic civilization enthroned Christ. e support
which liberals give to perverse sexual activity is primarily
motivated by a satanic enthronement of sin as the ultimate and complete defiance of God.
ere will be no place for Catholics in such a world.
For Novus Ordites, yes, but not for Catholics. e whoam-I-to-judge comment of Bergoglio gave enormous impetus to this coronation of perversion. e Novus Ordites will welcome the Antichrist. Catholics, however, will
have much to suffer. e time of the Antichrist, nonetheless, will console Catholics, in my opinion, since it will
e dreaded oral examination. is year we instituted the oral examination for what we call our “major”
courses, which consist, for the most part, of philosophy
and sacred theology. e oral examination is not given in
courses such as church history or canon law, for example.
e seminarian, therefore, in the major courses faces not
only the written examination, but a second one, consisting of an interview with his professor. Usually two other
professors are there, who may also ask questions.
We do this not to make life miserable for them, but
to perfect them all the more in their knowledge of the
Catholic Faith and the sciences which serve it and explain
it, namely scholastic philosophy and sacred theology.
Toward the end of June, the seminarians will be taking these examinations. Please keep them in your prayers,
because we need priests and well-educated ones.
Vero Beach is about midway between Jacksonville
and Miami on Florida’s Atlantic coast. It is 81 miles north
of West Palm Beach.
Mass in the San Diego area. We are trying to establish a Mass Center in the San Diego area. If anyone is
interested, please contact us at the email address which
you see at the top of this newsletter.
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Most Rev. Donald J. Sanborn
Mass in Vero Beach. We have recently opened a
Mass center in Vero Beach, Florida. e Mass takes place
every Sunday at the Women’s Club, at 10:00 A.M. e
address is 1524 21st Street, Vero Beach, Florida 32960.
Father Despósito grills one of the seminarians in an oral examination. At right is Father Fliess,
and at left is Bishop Sanborn, who seems to be somewhat skeptical about the answers.