Limnol. Oceanogr., 34(2), 1989, 368-381 Q 1989, by the American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, Inc. Multivariate statistical analysis of the factors controlling the distribution of scaled chrysophytes Peter A. Siver Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences, Western Connecticut State University, Danbury 068 10 Josephine S. Hamer Department of Mathematics, Western Connecticut State University Abstract A total of 332 collections from 62 water bodies was analyzed for scaled chrysophytes with electron microscopy and correlated with limnological characteristics. The pH and specific conductance were the most important factors controlling the distribution of scaled chrysophytes; temperature and total phosphorus were of lesser importance. A mean of nine and seven taxa per collection were recorded at a pH of 5.5-6.0 and a specific conductance ~40 $S, respectively. Significantly fewer taxa per collection were found as the pH lowered below 5.5 or raised above 6.0 or as the specific conductance increased above 40 $S. Similar distributional patterns were found for the genera Mallomonas, Synura, and Spiniferomonas. A two-factor principal component model explained 70% of the total variance within the data set (n = 1,355). The first principal component explained 80 and 83% of the total variance within the pH and specific conductance variables. The pH and specific conductance also dominated the first principal component for each genus and for 23 of the 25 species tested. A cluster analysis, using within-group linkages, produced five groups of organisms that differed primarily with respect to their distribution along a pH gradient. Despite the importance of scaled chrysophytes in many freshwater systems, very little is known about the roles that different environmental factors play in governing their distribution (Smol et al. 1984; Kristiansen 1986). Until recent years, the scaled chrysophytes had long been considered to be primarily restricted to cold, oligotrophic conditions (Kristiansen and Takahashi 1982). Although some taxa are true indicators of oligotrophic water bodies or are restricted to cool temperatures, such characteristics cannot be used to describe the group as a whole (Kristiansen 1986). Despite the growing volume of information on the ecology of scaled chrysophytes, much of it remains scattered and is only qualitative in nature; there have been very few largescale ecological studies (Kristiansen 1986). Members of the class Chrysophyceae (Hibberd 1976) that bear siliceous scales are placed into one of two families, the Mallomonadaceae or the Paraphysomonadaceae (Preisig and Hibberd 1983). Based on biochemical and ultrastructural characteristics, Andersen (1987) proposed that the silica-scaled Mallomonadaceae be removed from the class Chrysophyceae (sensu Hibberd 1976) and placed into a new class, the Synurophyceae. In this paper, references to scaled chrysophytes refer to genera classified in the Paraphysomonadaceae (e.g. Spiniferomonas and Chrysosphaerella) as well as those transferred by Andersen ( 1987) to the Synurophyceae (e.g. Mallomonas and Synura). Acknowledgments We extend special thanks to Jim Roman0 and Alan Wachtell at the University of Connecticut for use pf and assistance with SEM facilities, Regina Jones for help with fieldwork, and Mary Jane Spring for help with the illustrations. We also thank three anonymous reviewers. This work was supported in part by grants to Peter A. Siver from the 1J.S. Dept. of Interior (14-08-0001. G1412-04) and the CSU-AAUP (1986-1988). 368 Recently, scaled chrysophytes have become integral components of paleolimnological efforts focused on reconstructing past pH conditions in order to establish trends in lake water acidification patterns (Smol 1986; Davis and Smol 1986; Charles and Smol 1988). Such efforts rely on the assumption that lake water pH is the primary 369 Factors controlling chrysophytes Table 1. The number of collections (N) made within different range intervals (I) for pH, specific conductance, water temperature, and total phosphorus levels. The midpoint (MP) values given were used to determine the weighted means for individual taxa. The intervals described here were also used in Figs. l-4 and in the ANOVA results presented in Table 2. <5 25 -=z5.5 ~5.5 < 6 26 -=L6.5 26.5 -=c7 17 < 7.5 27.5 < 8 28 < 8.5 -8.5 Temp Sp cond. (/.tS) PH I MP N 4.75 5.25 5.75 6.25 6.75 7.25 7.75 8.25 8.75 22 6 35 67 71 42 22 19 15 MI’ I 120 >20 >40 >60 >80 >loo >120 >140 >160 >180 5 I I I 40 60 80 100 zs 120 5 140 5 160 r 180 10 30 50 70 90 110 130 150 170 190 factor controlling the distribution of species used in the pH inference models. Initial evidence indicates that pH is an important parameter involved in governing the distribution of scaled chrysophytes (Smol et al. 1984; Roijackers and Kessels 1986; Charles and Smol 19SS), but many more data are needed, especially at the species and subspecies levels, to verify the importance of pH (Kristiansen 1986). Our purpose here is to investigate the relative importance of pH, temperature, specific conductance, and total phosphorus levels in controlling the distribution of 25 common taxa of scaled chrysophytes. Materials and methods A total of 332 samples (293 from Connecticut and 39 from the Adirondack Mountain region of New York) from 62 bodies of water (45 from Connecticut and 17 from the Adirondacks) was collected between September 1983 and October 1986 and analyzed with electron microscopy for the presence of scaled chrysophytes. Four major environmental variables, temperature, pH, specific conductance, and total phosphorus, known to influence the distribution of phytoplankton species, were used to characterize each sample; data were analyzed for 299 of the samples (Table 1). Missing data for six total phosphorus measurements were replaced with the mean value for the given lake. The 299 samples (not the lakes) were used to analyze the number of taxa of scaled chrysophytes per collection I N 29 117 46 25 17 23 12 6 10 14 53 >3 I 6 >6 5 9 >9 5 12 >12 I 15 >15 4 18 >18 I 21 ;;; 5 24 TP (pg-P liter-‘) (“C) MP N 1.5 4.5 7.5 10.5 13.5 16.5 19.5 22.5 25.5 34 33 30 22 22 25 61 38 34 I 510 >lO I 20 >20130 >30 I 40 >40 MP N 5 15 25 35 45 90 97 47 29 30 for each of the four environmental variables (see Figs. l-4) and in the principal component analyses (PCA, see below). Complete data sets for additional variables were not available. Sixteen of the Connecticut lakes were sampled at least twice during spring, summcr, fall, and winter; the remaining 29 bodies of water were sampled at least once during each of the respective seasons. Ten of the Adirondack lakes were sampled at least once during each of the spring, summer, and fall seasons; the remaining seven were sampled at most twice (details described by Siver 19886). We caution the reader that we are analyzing the distribution of taxa with respect to environmental variables and not comparing among lakes. Details of water chemistry and the distributions of species for individual lakes can be found elsewhere (Siver 1987, 1988a,b). Horizontal plankton net samples (lo-grn mesh) and water samples were taken at a depth of 2 m from the center of the lake or at a 0.5-m depth along shore. Bodies of water inaccessible by boat were sampled at specific sites along shore. For a given lake, samples were always collected at the same site. Water samples were taken with a horizontal Van Dorn bottle. For collections from under an ice cover, plankton net samples were made by pouring water through the net. Water temperature, pH, specific conductance, and total phosphorus levels were measured in situ or from water taken at the time of collection; methods for analyses were 370 Siver and Hamer as described by Siver (1988b). Samples for pH determination were allowed to equilibrate with air. At certain times of year (e.g. thermal stratification) integrated samples, instead of discre te samples, may have yielded additional taxa, but they were not used because a correlation with a specific set of temperature, pH, specific conductance, and total phosphorus data would not have been possible. Thus, in this study, only collections from discrete depths, correlated with specific chemical data from that depth, were used. A portion of each water sample was con centrated with centrifugation for 8 min a, 2,000 rpm and used for analysis of scaled chrysophytes with scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Plankton net samples were often useful in facilitating species identification by providing larger quantities of material. Portions (1 ml) of each net and water sample were dried onto separate pieces of aluminum foil, rinsed twice with distilled water, trimmed, mounted onto an aluminum stub with Apiezon wax, coated with gold for 4.5 min with a Polaron sputter coater, and observed with a Coates and Welter field emission SEM (15-2 1 kV). Weighted mean values of pH, water temperature, specific conductance, and total phosphorus were calculated for 25 taxa with the equation weighted factor mean n ,= I n i=l where Pi is frequency of occurrence of the taxon in the ith interval (Table 1), X, is midpoint of the ith interval, and n is number of intervals. Calculations of weighted mean pH values were made directly from pH measurements (geometric mean of hydrogen ion concentrations) (see Middleton and Rovers 1986). Categories for pH, originally defined by Hustedt (1939) to describe the distributions of diatom taxa, have been used in a similar fashion for species of scaled chrysophytes (Takahashi 1978; Roijackers and Kessels 1986; Kristiansen 1986). By observing frequency distributions with respect to pH and weighted mean pH values, each of 25 scaled chrysophyte taxa was assigned to a specific Hustcdt category (see Table 7). Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to determine differences in the number of taxa found per collection among intervals for each environmental factor; this determination was done for all taxa as a group as well as for the genera Mallomonas, Synura, and Spinijkomonas. Principal component analysis (PCA) was used to extract a two-factor model that explained the maximal percentage of the total variability within data sets for all taxa; the genera MaZZowonas, Synura, and Spiniferomonas; and ,ach of 25 species. Standardized measurements of pH, specific conductance, water temperature, and total phosphorus were used to construct the covariance matrices for the PCA. Log,, transformations were also used in PCA for several of the more common species; since the results were not considerably different from those found without the transformation, they were not reported. Analyses for individual species (or subspecific taxa) were done for only those organisms found in 15 or more of the collections. Data for three rare species (Mallomonas canina, Mallomonas hindonii, and Mailomonas pugio), all found under similar environmental conditions (e.g. the same localities), were combined for statistical analysis; too few records existed for any one of these species. Cluster analysis, with average within-group linkages (Niirusis 1985), was used to group the 25 taxa into naturally occurring assemblages. Differences between groups were measured with squared Euclidean distance values according to the equation distance = (Xi - 1q)2 + (Yi - Y,)2 where X, and Xj are the mean first principal component scores for the ith and jth groups and Yi and Yj are the mean second principal component scores for the ith andjth groups. The ANOVA, PCA, and cluster analysis were done on a VAX 8550 computer with SPSSX (version 3.0) statistical programs (Nijrusis 1985). Results Number of taxa per collection-Total phosphorus (TP) content and water tem- 371 Factors controlling chrysophytes ALL SPECIES 1 I” I C SYNURA D I SPINIFEROMONAS 5 0 0 5 15 25 35 TOTAL >40 5 PHOSPHOROUS I5 ( yg - P LITER 25 >40 -’ 1 Fig. 1. The mean number of species of scaled chrysophytes found per collection phosphorus. The definition of each range is given in Table 1. perature had little effect on the number of scaled chrysophyte taxa per collection (Figs. 1 and 2). For each range of TP tested, no significant differences in the number of taxa per collection were found for all species, as well as for the genera Mallomonas, Synura, or Spiniferomonas (Fig. 1). Likewise, no differences in the number of scaled chrysophyte taxa, Mallomonas species, or Spiniferomonas species were found among the nine categories of water temperatures tested. Significantly fewer species of Synura and Spin@&-omonaswere found, however, above 2 1” or below 6°C respectively (Fig. 2 and Table 2). The pH and specific conductance had significant effects on the number of scaled chrysophyte taxa per collection (Figs. 3 and 4). A mean of nine species of scaled chrysophytes per collection was recorded between a pH range of 5.5 and 6.0 (Fig. 3A). Fewer taxa were found as the pH increased above 6.0; fewer than two taxa per collection were 35 for different ranges of total found above pH 8.0 (Fig. 3A). Likewise, the number of taxa per collection was reduced significantly in waters with a pH < 5.5, but four-five taxa per collection were still present. The same pattern was found for the genera Mallomonas and Synura (Fig. 3B, C). No differences in the number of species of Spiniferomonas were found between pH values of 5 and 8, but significantly fewer species were found below pH 5 and above pH 8 (Fig. 3D and Table 2). An average of seven species of scaled chrysophytes per collection was found for all samples from waters with specific conductance values ~40 PS (Fig. 4A). Significantly fewer species per collection were recorded as the specific conductance increased above 40 pS; fewer than two taxa per collection were found in waters above 160 PLS (Table 2). A similar trend was found for species of Mallomonas, Synura, and Spiniferomonas (Fig. 4B, C, D). For each genus and for all scaled chrysophytes, slightly few- No R.H. on this page!! . . . MALLOMONAS ALL SPECIES 6 I .4 0 1.5 19.5 135 7.5 25.5 TEMPERATURE Fig. 2. As Fig. I, but for different RANGE (“C ) ranges of water temperature. ALL SPECIES 8 6 6.75 775 SPINIFEROMONAS D SYNURA 8.75 4.75 575 pH RANGE Fie. 3. As Fig. 1, but for different ranges of pH. 675 775 8.75 Factors controlling chrysophytes Table 2. Results of ANOVA for the number of taxa found per collection based on modified categories of pH, specific conductance, and water temperature. The criteria defining each modified category are listed below. (Asterisks: *- significant at 0.05 level; **-significant at 0.01 level.) Taxon PH Sp cond. Temp 1,2** 3** 3** 3** 3* 4** 5** Total Mallomonas Synura Spiniferomonas Category criteria: 1 -pH 5 5 vs. pH >5<8; 2-pH >518 vs. pH 2 8; 3-flS 5 40 vs. pS > 40; 4--“C 5 21 vs. “C > 21; 5--“C 5 6 vs. “C z 6. er species per collection were found in bodies ofwater with specific conductance values ~20 PS when compared to those between 21 and 40 $S (Fig. 4). Principal component analysis-A twofactor model with PCA explained 70% of the total variance within the data set for all scaled chrysophytes (n = 1,35 5); a similar percentage of the total variance was explained with a two-factor model for the genera Mallomonas (7 lo/o), Synura (67%), and 373 Spiniferomonas (7 1%) (Table 3). In each instance, the first PC was strongly dominated by both pH and specific conductance. Considering this model, for all species, the first PC explained 83 and 80% of the total variance of specific conductance and pH (Table 3); similar results were found for the genera Mallomonas and Spiniferomonas. Although the first PC was still dominated by pH and specific conductance for Synura, a slightly lower percentage (-70%) of the total variance was explained. The second PC was dominated by either temperature (Mallomonas), total phosphorus (Synura), or both (Spiniferomonas and all species). Similar results of PCA were found for individual taxa of Mallomonas, Synura, and Spiniferomonas (Tables 4, 5, and 6). Between 6 1 and 83% of the total variance in the data sets were explained by a two-factor model for all 25 taxa. Except for Mallomonas galeiformis and Mallomonas acaroides v. muskokana, pH and specific conductance strongly dominated the first PC (Tables 4-6). There were many instances ALL SPECIES MALLOMONAS 3 6 . 0 0 IO 50 90 I30 170 CONDUCTIVITY Fig. 4. As Fig. 1, but for different IO 50 90 (JJS ) ranges of specific conductance. 13Q 170 Siver and Hamer 374 analysis for the scaled chrysophyte genera Mallomonas, Synura, The percentage (% 2: F) of the total variation within each data set explained by a two-factor model is presented. The variables that dominate (dom. var.) each of the first (PC 1) and second (PC 2) principal components, as well as the percentage of the variation (% S2) within those variables explained by the respective PC are given. Table 3. Results of principal component Spin$?romonas, and all species collectively. PC I -Taxon No. cases O/oz s-2 Mallomonas 724 71 Synura 380 67 Spiniferomonas 252 71 1,355 70 All species Dom. PC 2 % s* Cond. PH PH Cond. Dom. 86 77 70 68 85 83 83 80 PH Cond. Cond. PH var. % s2 Temp 72 TP 99 TP Temp Temp TP 64 50 62 51 the first PC for only M. galeijbrmis and M. acaroides v. muskokana; total phosphorus never dominated the first PC. For individual taxa the second PC was usually dominated by water temperature, tota.l phosphorus, or both. Water tempera- where > 80% of the total variance in the pH, specific conductance, or both were accounted for by the first PC; for four species, e.g. Spin$eromonas coronacircumspina, 90% or more of the variance was explained. Water temperature was a dominant variable for Table 4. var. As Table 3, but for species of Malfomonas. - = - -~ -= PC 1 -Taxon No. cases % z s Dom. var. M. canina/pugiolhindonii 15 83 PH Cond. M. tonsurata 48 82 M. porlae-ferreae 15 - 80 M. crassisquama 96 77 M. pseudocoronata 29 77 M. acaroides v. acaroides 15 77 PH Cond. Cond. PH PH Cond. Cond. PH PH Cond. M. punctifera 25 76 PH Cond. M. heterospina 21 76 M. corymbosa 15 76 M. akrokomos 71 74 M. galeiformis 28 73 PH Cond. Cond. PH Cond. PH Cond. Temp 156 72 M. acaroides v. muskokana 37 70 M. hamata 86 69 M. caudata PH Cond. Temp PH PH Cond. PC 2 % s2 87 77 90 87 85 82 84 81 88 70 83 76 84 62 83 71 86 58 90 68 75 62 84 84 74 68 85 72 Dom. var. --% s2 80 TP Temp Temp TP Temp TP TP 72 73 64 66 63 81 Temp 91 Temp 99 TP Temp Temp 67 53 74 Temp 94 Temp 91 TP PH TP Temp TP Cond. TP 64 64 60 58 66 58 78 375 Factors controlling chrysophytes Table 5. As Table 3, but for species of Synura. PC 2 PC 1 Taxon No. cases S. uvella 29 % z s2 Dom. 83 PH var. Cond. S. spinosa 68 72 PH Cond. S. petersenii 156 71 PH Cond. S. echinulata S. sphagnicola 65 38 66 PH 61 Cond. Cond. PH ture strongly dominated the second PC for Mallomonas pseudocoronata (9 1O/o),Mallomonas acaroides v. acaroides (99%), Mallomonas heterospina (74%), Mallomonas corymbosa (94%) Mallomonas akrokomos (9 lo/o), and Synura echinulata (87%) (Tables 4 and 5). Total phosphorus strongly dominated the second PC for Synura spinosa (94%), Synura petersenii (96%) and Spiniferomonas bourrellyi (99%) (Tables 5 and 6). Cluster analysis of taxa-A cluster analysis using within-group linkages and based on the first and second principal component scores produced five clusters (Fig. 5). The clusters differed, and were generally well distinguished when projected onto an ordination plot, by their mean pH and specific conductance values (Fig. 6 and Table 7). Taxa within group 1 had weighted mean pH and specific conductance values ranging from 6.0 to 6.9 and 33 to 59 PS and were either acidophilous or pH-indifferent in na- O/os2 Dom. var. % 5-2 88 77 86 67 78 71 72 50 65 39 TP 61 TP 94 TP 96 Temp 87 TP Temp 65 53 ture (Table 7). Species of group 1 had weighted mean temperature values commonly found during spring and fall months and moderate levels of TP. Group 2 comprised taxa with the lowest weighted mean pH, specific conductance, and TP values (Table 7). Except for Mallomonas punctifera, all species in group 2 were acidobiontic in nature and commonly found in waters with pH < 5.5. Although M. punctzjera disappeared below a pH of about 5.5, it was an acidophilous species restricted to localities with a pH <7 and low in specific conductancc. Both M. punctijera and AL acaroides v. muskokana were warm-water species. Mallomonas tonsurata, the only species in group 3, had high weighted pH, specific conductance, temperature, and TP means (Table 7); it clearly separated from the other clusters on its PC scores (Figs. 5 and 6). Species within group 4 had weighted mean pH values ranging from 6.0 to 6.5 and pre- Table 6. As Table 3, but for species of Spinijkomonas. PC I Taxon S. bilacunosa No. casts 27 % z s 82 Dom. var. Cond. PH S. coronacircumspina 27 75 Cond. PH S. bourrellyi 34 73 Cond. PH S. trioralis S. serrata 102 30 70 PH 70 Cond. Cond. PH PC2 % L1’2 92 76 94 93 83 81 81 80 75 72 Dom. var. % s2 TP Temp Temp TP TP 76 64 57 54 99 TP Temp TP Temp 61 56 64 62 Siver and Hamer 376 Taxon Group AVERAGE WITHIN-GROUP DISPERSION AS PERCENT OF TOTAL --S. uvella C. longispina Sp. serrata S. petersenii Sp. bourrellyi S. spinosa Sp. bilacunosa M. crassisquama M. caudata Sp. coronacircumspina CM. tonsurata M. akrokomos a. v. acaroides M. portae-ferreae 5P--l- - Fig. 5. Result of a cluster analysis for 25 taxa of scaled chrysophytes based on their distributions with respect to pH, specific conductance, water temperature, and total phosphorus in 62 bodies of water. The mean values of the first and second principal component scores were used as the clustering variables. Five naturally occurring clusters (groups) are recognized. Weighted mean, pH, specific conductance, temperature, and total phosphorus values fdF all-25 taxa are-given in Table 7. ferred relatively low specific conductance values and low to moderate phosphorus Levels (Table 7). Mallomonas heterospina, with the lowest weighted mean temperature, did not join group 4 until the within-group dispersion (Niirusis 1985) was 75%; the dispersion between the other three taxa within group 4 was much less (Figs. 5 and 6). Group 5 comprised species with weighted mean pH and specific conductance values above 7.1 and 8 1 PS and high levels of TP; all taxa in group 5 were alkalibiontic or alkaliphilous in nature (Table 7). Discussion In recent years great emphasis has been placed on analyzing stratigraphic profiles of siliceous microalgal populations from lake sediments in order to reconstruct historical lake water conditions (e.g. Bradbury 1975; Battarbee 1986; Munch 1980; Davis et al. 1983; Davis and Anderson 198 5; Charles and Norton 1986; Smol et al. 1986). The bulk of this research has focused on the reconstruction of past pH conditions in order to establish trends in lake water acidity caused by naturally occurring events, disturbances to the watershed, or acid deposition (Davis and Smol 1986). Diatoms have been used in most studies, but scaled chrysophytes have become an increasingly integral part OF such paleolimnological efforts (Smol 1986; Charles and Smol 1988; Davis and Smol 1986). Kristiansen (1986) listed three prerequisites for an organism to be a useful biolog- 377 Factors controlling chrysophytes 5- ___--- __--- - ia, '2 \ I '\ '\ '\\\ El j \ '\ II \\ \\ I “\d 0 -5--iO-15-20 I IO I 20 FIRST I 30 PRINCIPAL '\\ , 40 I 50 COMPONENT \ '\\ I 60 @j I 70 SCORE Fig. 6. Ordination plot of 25 species of scaled chrysophytes on the first and second principal component axes. Five clusters (groups), each defined by dashed lines, are as determined by the cluster analysis presented in Fig. 5. The numbers refer to the species number given in Table 7. The taxa are primarily separated along the first PC axis according to their wcightcd mean pH and specific conductance values. Symbols reflect the weighted mean pH for each taxon (O-pH < 6; O-6 I pH < 7; O-pH 2 7). ical indicator: it must be taxonomically well defined; it must be easily identifiable and not be confused with other taxa; and it must be distributed within a “narrow ecological spectrum.” In addition, it is essential that the occurrence of the organism in a given body of water be primarily related to and controlled by the environmental factor in question (e.g. pH). Thus, the relative importance of lake water acidity vs. other parameters in determining the distribution of a given species should be known before its use as an indicator for pH. Since the 1960s when electron microscopy became a standard tool in identifying species of scaled chrysophytes, the results from many studies have collectively documented the distributions of taxa in lake regions throughout the world. Although many of these works lack critical environmental data, a few have provided valuable insight into the importance of pH as a factor regulating the distribution of scaled chrysophytes. Takahashi (1967) concluded that differences in pH were more important than water temperature in controlling the distribution of species. Kristiansen (1975) pro- vided pH and temperature frequency distribution records for species of Synura and concluded that some taxa were more commonly found in acidic (e.g. Synura sphagnicola) or alkaline (e.g. Synura uvella) waters although others (e.g. S. petersenii) were indifferent to pH. Similarly, Takahashi (1978) arranged 33 species of scaled chrysophytes into the pH categories of Hustedt (1939). Kristiansen (1985) reported the presence of 33 species in a highly eutrophic lake with a pH range from 8.2 to 9.1; because many of the taxa had not previously been reported at such a high pH, yet had been reported from habitats as low as pH 4-5, he (Kristiansen 1986) stressed that caution must be exercised in using species as indicators of PH. None of the above-cited works dealing with living populations addressed, using proper statistical methods, the relative importance of pH as compared to other environmental parameters in controlling the distribution of scaled chrysophytes. In the present study, PCA was used to demonstrate that lake water pH or pH in combination with specific conductance was in- 378 Siver and Hamer Table 7. Weighted mean pH, specific conductance, temperature, and total phosphorus values for 25 taxa separated into five groups by cluster analysis. The cluster analysis used within-group linkages and was based on the first and second principal component scores for each taxon. The pH categories are according to Hustedt’s (1939) system (ACB-acidobiontic; ACF-acidophilous; IND-pH-indifferent; ALKF-alkaliphilous; ALKBalkalibiontic). Species No. correspond to the numbers on Fig. 6. Species No. Hustedt 46 29 38 28 39 37 31 13 36 35 9 C. longispina S. spinosa Sp. bourrel[vi S. petersenii Sp. serrata Sp. bilacunosa S. uvella M. caudata Sp. coronacircumspina Sp. trioralis M. crassisquama Group ACF ACF ACF ACF/IND ACF IND IND IND IND IND IND 52 51 6 30 4 M. pugio/caninalhindonii M. acaroides v. muskokana S. sphagnicola S. echinulata M. punctifera 1 2 5 7 8 --- Taxon* --~-~ 12 3 11 53 PH Sp cond. @S) Temp (“C) TP (pg-P liter-‘) -- 1 6.0 6.1 6.1 6.2 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.7 6.7 6.9 40 41 41 45 33 47 53 54 59 56 57 14.8 11.3 13.8 12.6 15.3 19.5 17 15 17.4 17.2 15 16 17 17 17 18 18 20 17 14 19 19 Group 2 ACB ACB ACB ACB/ACF ACF 4.9 5.3 5.3 5.9 5.9 37 28 30 40 32 14 20 14 15 20 11 12 8 17 16.8 M. tonsurala Group 3 ALKF/ALKB 7.6 83 17 28 M. hamata A4. heterospina M. galeiformis M. akrokomos Group 4 ACB/ACF ACF ACF 1ND 6.0 6.3 6.3 6.5 36 60 29 50 13.7 6 18.5 12 13 17 11 17 M. M. AL M. Group 5 ALKF ALKF ALKF ALKB 7.1 7.3 7.7 8.1 86 81 99 112 15 19 15.6 14.1 21 17 25 24.5 * Chrysosphaerella-C.; portae-ferreae pseudocoronata corymbosa acaroides v. acaroides Synura-S.; Spinl~~rornonas-Sp.; -- ~-- Mallomonas-M. strumental in controlling the occurrence of taxa at the class, genus, species, and subspecies levels; water temperature and TP played secondary roles in governing the distributions of taxa. Perhaps water temperature and TP are more instrumental in controlling when, and to what degree, a population of a given species develops in a given lake. Such a conclusion is supported by two additional studies where multivariate statistical procedures were used on large data sets of scaled chrysophytes. In a study of scaled chrysophytes in 50 bodies of water from the Netherlands, Roijackers and Kessels (1986) found that the first PC was strongly dominated by pH and accounted for 57% of the total variance in the data set. The second PC, identified as water temperature, accounted for an additional 35% of the variance. Roijackers and Kessels ( 1986) concluded that pH was the more important variable for determining the presence of scale-bearing taxa in a given body of water, whereas water temperature controlled biomass levels. In an excellent study using reciprocal averaging, Smol et al. (1984) examined the relationships between scaled chrysophyte assemblages in surficial sediments and 17 characteristics for 38 lakes in the Adirondack Mountains of New York. They found that the first reciprocal averaging axis was highly correlated with pH (r = 0.79) and pH-related parameters. Factors controlling chrysophytes 379 in studies where electron microscopy is not There is little question that pH is instrumental in governing the distributions of used. For example, in electron microscopic work, Siver (1988a) found species of Spiniscaled chrysophyte taxa. The effects that factors which covary with pH play in the feromonas in 40% of the 113 collections Skogstad distribution of this algal group, however, are from localities in Connecticut; ( 19 86) observed populations of Spiniferofor the most part unknown. It is possible monas in 23 of 27 localities from southern that one or more of the covarying parameters exerts equal or greater influence on the Norway. Similarly, Nicholls (1984) reportdistribution of a given species used as an ed the occurrence of Spimj?eromonas triorah from 40% of all collections from Onindicator organism for pH. In this situation, and pH inference would be correct only if the tario lakes. Despite the common worldwide distribution of the genus Spinicorrelation between the controlling factor(s) and pH remained constant (Davis and Smol feromonas, it has not been recorded in many 1986). Yet pH and specific conductance were studies (e.g. Schindler and Holmgren 197 1; Duthic and Ostrofsky 1974; Arvola 1986; significantly correlated in collections from Connecticut lakes. Thus, additional re- Kwiatkowski and Roff 1976). A similar case can be made for many species of Mallosearch is needed to further explore the relmonas and Synura. The underestimation of ative importance of pH, specific conducsilica-bearing taxa in light microscopic tance, and other possible covarying factors studies is due, in part, to the poor preserin controlling the distributions of individual vation of cells and the resultant disarticuspecies. Culture and field experiments will lation of the siliceous coat (Wee 1983; Taybe instrumental in answering this question. lor et al. 1986). Since pH and specific conductance dominated the first PC for most species of scaled It is well known that the acidification of chrysophytes, it was not surprising that these lakes results in a major reduction in the factors were most significant in controlling species richness and diversity of phytothe number of species present in a given plankton communities (e.g. Hornstrom et body of water. In general, the largest numal. 1973; Hendrey et al. 1976; Almer et al. ber of taxa would most often be found in 1974, 1978; Yan and Stokes 1978; Eloranta acidic bodies of water with a pH > 5.5 and 1986). The largest reduction in species richspecific conductance ~40 pS. Water temness is usually recorded from pH 6 to 5. The perature and TP concentrations were usu- most striking change is the virtual disapally of secondary importance in controlling pearance of most planktonic species of diathe occurrence of individual species and had toms and blue-greens at a pH between 5.5 little effect on the number of species found and 5. In our study the reduction in the per collection. Such an observation sup- number of species of scaled chrysophytes ports the “new” idea that chrysophytes are below a pH of 5-5.5 was significant but less not restricted to oligotrophic habitats (Krisdramatic than that reported for the Baciltiansen 198 5, 1986) and cold tcmperaturcs lariophyceae and Cyanophyceae. Species (Kristiansen and Takahashi 1982). within groups 3 and 5 were alkalibiontic or Most phytoplankton studies that do not alkaliphilous, rarely found below a pH of incorporate electron microscopy rarely re- 6.3 and never recorded below pH 5.5. The cord more than a few species of scaled maximal frequencies of occurrences for the chrysophytes in a given sample. Since it was acidophilous and pH-indifferent species common to find more than seven species within groups 1 and 4 were generally beper sample, it is safe to conclude that the tween pH 5.5 and 6.5; except for Malloimportance of scaled chrysophytes in phymonas hamata, however, each taxon within toplankton floras is often underestimated. groups 1 and 4 either disappeared or had a By electron microscopy, many species of significantly reduced occurrence below pH scaled chrysophytes have been shown to be 5.5. Except for M. punctzjkra, which also very common in nature (Takahashi 1978; disappeared below a pH of 5, all taxa within Kristiansen 1986; Roijackers and Kessels group 2 and M. hamata were as common 1986). but thev are seldom if ever reported or had maximal frequencies of occurrence I 380 Siver and Hamer below pH 5.5. In general, taxa within groups 3 and 5 were restricted to more hard-water habitats and not found in the same lakes as species within group 2. The slight reduction in number of taxa per collection at < 20 PS was due to the fact that most of the samples with a pH < 5 also had specific conductance values ~20 pS. When the collections with a pH ~5 were removed from the data set, no decrease in the number of species in samples at <20 PS was observed. Many of the most commonly reported species of scaled chrysophytes that are found over wide ranges of environmental conditions clustered into group 1. For example, S. petersenii (Nicholls and Gerrath 1985; Siver 1987), Mallomonas crassisquama (Siver and Skogstad 1988), and Spinij&omonas trioralis (Nicholls 1984; Siver 1988a) are generally regarded as the most commonly occurring species within their respective genera; each of these species and Mallomonas caudata, the most abundant taxon in this study, clustered into group 1. Most taxa for which water temperature dominated either the first or second PC had fairly restricted distributions with respect to temperature. Maliomonas galellformis and A!I. acaroides v. muskokana, the only species for which water temperature dominated the first PC, were both strictly warm-water forms. Synura echinulata, not found during the warmer summer months, had maximal occurrence between 6” and 20°C. Mallomonas heterospina and A4 akrokomos were most often found at low temperatures, M. pseudocoronata during spring and summer months, and M. corymbosa during spring and fall. Mallomonas acaroides v. acaroides had a variable occurrence with respect to water temperature. Synura sphagnicola, known to be a warmwater species (Asmund 1968; Kristiansen 1975; Siver 1987), was found only during summer and early fall months. Because it was also restricted to bodies of water low in TP, however, it is not surprising that both temperature and TP controlled the second PC. 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