July, 2006 - Rachel Williston


July, 2006 - Rachel Williston
JULY 2006
3…..Rogue’s Gallery
4…..I think, therefore I BLOG
6…..Knowing me, knowing you
9…..Polls apart
11…..Lori’s Film Review
15…..Independence Day (why the 4th?)
22…..I’m to sexy – football shirt winner
23…..How many candles?
24…..Plane Crazy!
28…..LBD Competition
31…..Bikini Bonanza
33…..Becky’s Beauty Spot
37…..Health & Beauty
39…..Tartan Army Winner
40…..Tammi’s Torments - Quiz
43…..A Spell with Heather
46…..Readers Thoughts
47…..Humped & Dumped - Article
50…..Art Competition
51…..Leigh Smythe –It’s Agony!!
54…..In the Papers
56…..Hang on a ‘tec!
57…..Across Golden Pond
62…..Quiz Answers
63…..Born to Shop
68…..And now, the end is near…
70…..Coming Next Month
I think, therefore, I
Now, far be it for me to stick my oar in, as you well know, I am so
often on the fence, I don’t get a tan I get a fresh coat of creosote, but I
have to say ‘What part of – FACIAL HAIR IS DISGUSTING! – Don’t
some people understand?
There are two main culprits in the World Wide Web of Facial
Disgustingness, Firstly there are the Grizzly Adams’s amongst us,
invariably from the locale of the Rockies who have taken it upon
themselves to try and become the first humans to grow their own
sleeping bag!
You know the ones, always wear plaid shirts, carry an axe and
spit on their hands a lot. Now, don’t get me wrong, I do appreciate the
practicalities of having such a fungal growth , but , surely they must
recognise too, that having half of last weeks dinner, spare parts to a
Pontiac and half a moose dangling from your chin is not very appetising!
Now the second bunch are inexcusable. Whereas your common or
garden lumberjack has a practical reason for facial hair extensions, I’m
afraid there is no excuse for the folically over-indulgent Bavarians.
Stretching from the Alps (is it just me or does there seem to be a
mountainous link??) to the Med, the Germans, Belgians, and Austrians
are all obsessed with facial decoration.
I can understand that in the Rockies it gets a tad chilly, so a
facial rug has its merits, but rarely do you get an Arctic winter in
Dusseldorf, so what’s the crack? Handle-bar moustaches!!! Gentle
teased, twirled and waxed, I mean! Even the names a give-away – if it’s
got a stupid name – DON’T DO IT!!
I mean, they just look …..silly! What possible practical use can
there be to having the front half of a BMX dangling from your top lip?
None that I can see.
The next group of saddo’s are the ones who have
lossofmyearaphobia. Who? I hear you bleat? Well if you can’t hear then
you may be one of the afflicted! This group of lesser spotted fools
lovingly sport SIDEBURNS!! For those of you unsure of these
creatures, they are the ones who neglect to shave right up to the ear,
leaving a strip of hair down the sides of their face, hence the Latin name
Personally, I cannot for the life of me see any practical use for
such an arrangement, the only benefits that I can see are partial deafness
and ill-fitting glasses. Do these people not realise how stupid they look?
Or maybe they are just too deaf to heed the warnings.
Then there’s the eyebrow brigade!!! At what point do they not
realise that their eye protectors need a trim? We Brits are notorious for
this – especially out politicians for some reason – I think that if I had to
decide on whether to have a centre or a side parting for my eyebrows
,that would be a fairly good time to consider having a trim.
So there you have it, there seems to be a facial hair epidemic on a
global scale. EXCEPT!!! Those lucky people from the Far East, lucky
devils, not only no facial hair, but hair that is
straight and glossy naturally, hateful creatures!
Happy Grooming!
Mandy xxx
“ Knowing me, Knowing you “
OK gang, a complete change to the interview format this
month, but well worth it! Please be warned that this
article covers some extremely graphic topics, but I feel
that this does not detract from the content in any way
Trans-relationships - Becky and Bert
Words by Rebecca Read and Bert Garner
Becky, who writes ‘Becky’s Beauty Spot’, thought it would be
interesting to write very frankly about her relationship her partner Bert.
Bert was born as a natal female but identifies in the gender of male.
They are both aware that their relationship is quite unique. They both
feel they do not ‘fit in’ with the ‘typical’ text book definition of what a
transsexual is. In this article they interview each other about their own
feelings on gender identity
Bert: In past conversations we have had about your gender issues
you have said you would be content living as you put it an
'inbetweeny'. Please explain for the benefit of the readers what
you mean by this?
Becky: I feel that I pass quite well. Our shopping trip (which took
place on the 20th of this month) proved that to me beyond a doubt!
With the aid of IPL and the androgen blockers I use to suppress the
male hormones I now look like a woman. I also have a partner that
accepts me totally, as a female and who would prefer me not to be a
guy at home. I can interact as a female, the fact I have a penis is less of
an issue because of that.
Bert: You have also said to me in the past you don't hate your
penis or want to get rid of it. Some may argue that you are not a
‘real’ or ‘true’ transsexual. How do you feel about this statement?
Becky: To me being a woman is about your soul and essence not about
your penis or vagina. The fact you had your penis inverted into your
body does not make you any more of a woman than me. To me being
female is about the vibe how you act and how you interact with other
people. Does the person serving you in a shop care if you’ve got a
vagina or a penis? I will never have what I truly want, which is to be a
genetic woman, but to think that having srs will fundamentally change
me that is wrong. I live with this reality. With regards to gender and
sexual roles with other partners in the past I was either being an arse to
prove I was a REAL man or being a total girl. Being yourself in bed is
a big problem being ts you seem to have to live your life like your
acting and it's not really you. We should win Oscar’s for our skills!
Bert: Would you miss penetration if you had srs?
Becky: I have really struggled to come to terms with penetration. One
reason is guilt that it's a very masculine act but the other reason is I
really enjoy making love with you and it conflicts with my gender
issues. All I can really say my gender is more to do with my soul than
my genitals.
Becky then interviewed Bert on similar issues…
Becky: How do you balance your life as a natal female and your true
Bert: With great difficulty, it’s a constant source of internal turmoil.
But The Internet has provided a temporary escape because I can be
myself. Shopping for clothes is a nightmare because I feel I’m under
immense pressure to conform to what a female should be.
Becky: In your opinion do you feel that being a female to male
transsexual your issues are marginalized in the transgender
Bert: I feel they are greatly underrepresented and regarded as a
laughing stock by certain groups of individuals in the community. I am
often met with the comments of ‘why would you want to be a man? ....
The clothes are so boring... Why would you want to be a man they are
horrible people'. These comments have been from mostly tv’s and a
few ts. I have also had many transsexuals urge me and pressure me to
take hormones. I'm not sure why there was so much pressure put on
Becky: Did you give in and take hormones?
Bert: No, never. It’s as if there is a race to the operating table. Who
can get there first before anyone else.
Becky: Have you been curious to know the effects on your
Bert: I am curious about what affects it would have on my body. I am
aware that my voice would break, I would grow facial hair and my
body would change shape. I am also aware that if my voice broke and
I got facial hair those effects would be irreversible.
Becky: One thing that I really like about you and I wanted to
bring up in this interview, though a bit unusual is the fact that if
you transitioned you would still dress as a female? So you would
in fact be a male cross dresser/transvestite. Is that correct? I feel
there is a lot of pressure to fit into ‘boxes’ that’s why I support you
fully in your choices.
Bert: I was wondering when you would get to that. I know this is going
to anger a lot of die-hard transsexuals but yes I would cross dress if I
transitioned. I don’t think any psychiatrist would take me seriously but
who is 100% honest with their psychiatrist and doctors when they
decide to transition? Why do I have to conform? What happens if I
don’t? Does it make me any less of a transsexual
Becky: Would you ever view anal sex as a compromise for
penetration if you had srs? Would you as a man see that as a
homosexual act?
Bert: I personally feel being homosexual is to do with finding the same
sex attractive and nothing to do with the act of sexual intercourse. I
have heard from a few people that anal is can be dangerous post op but
I don’t know if this is true or not. I do know this; I do enjoy anal sex
and I think it would be a shame to stop having it if I transitioned.
Questions and Comments [email protected]
OK Gang, stand by your beds, its Poll time. Only the one proper one this
month, sorry about that, but a good one I’ll think you agree! The main premise of
the poll was, well, what gives us away? At what point is ‘passable’ ludicrously
I think this is a constructive Poll, as it gives us a chance to stand back and
see the wood for the trees, none of us kid ourselves that we are 100% dropdrop-dead
female looking
looking Goddesses, but , my god , we do try! So a few pointers in the
right direction can’t do any harm can they?
First up was HAIR of every description, wanted and unwanted. Rule of
thumb on what wig/hair style you choose,
choose, to me,
me, is to go with your natural hair
colour, anything other than that and you are struggling to get your skin tones
to match, we all fancy being that bubbly blonde , but it’s a very hard look to pull
off, congrats to those girls who do!! As for style, that is very much down to your
facial shape, I might do a quick guideline on that next month as it’s a bit of a
As for facial and body hair, well , the simple answer to that is
Facial features next. Admittedly , without vast sums of money, and a
friendly plastic surgeon,
surgeon, there’s not a lot you can do about it, but makemake-up can
be fantastic , if applied right, from plumping your lips , to putting a lil blusher
down the sides of your nose to slim it ( what? Didn’t you
you know that one?)
Adam’s Apple is always a dead givegive-away, but what’s a girl to do? VoiceVoicebox shaving and months of pain? Or a nice pretty scarf? Er… no contest there!!
My personal fav is a cowlcowl-neck jumper, but there yer go.
Hands and feet are the killer, very difficult to hide, feet aren’t such a prob
, believe it or not, not many look that low, but as for hands, one trick is beautiful
long , pale nails , elongate the hand
hand and look darn pretty to boot!
Height, although a givegive-away if your 7 foot tall, but not too much of an
issue nowadays, as the average height of a woman is getting higher and higher,
so it’s the shortshort-arses like me that tend to stand out more now!
Chest and groin are easyeasy-peasy, nothing a nice pair of falsies and a gaff
cant fix. I’ve just been recommended using bags of rice by a friend, and I tell you
bounce,, what
what, they are amazing!!! Mould to your body, nice weight, they bounce
more a girl ask for?
Walk & Mannerisms, again, are just a matter of practice, practice,
practice, trust me , 20+ years in stiletto’s and I’m a natural!!
Featuring highly are the obvious, too many of us pile on the slap and
dress for a night to the Opera , when all were doing is going for a paper!! The old
adage – Less is MoreMore- is a lesson to live and die for, when putting on makemake-up,
remember, you’re a watercolour, NOT an oil painting!!!
Lastly , and by far the winner, is of course the voice. The hardest nut to
crack, voice
voice therapy, although working to some degree, can never get it 100%, so
what’s a girl to do? Simple, only
only talk if you have to , and
and then, only WHISPER!!!!!
Hi everyone, and welcome to July.
I love this time of year! Us Yanks get to celebrate the fact
that we are no longer oppressed by the evil British empire
(scary bunch, you Brits......) by blowing up small chunks of our
own country with tiny explosives. In case anyone was
wondering, the grand experiment we call America seems to be
doing pretty well. A few hiccups here and there, but hey,
nobody's perfect, right? Us Yanks have much to celebrate.
What other country has a list of credits that includes the
invention of nuclear weapons and sponge Bob square pants?
One of our best gifts to the world has to be Hollywood. After all,
who else can afford to pay its movie stars more for one day of
"work" than most people make in their entire lives? Fantastic!
Anyway, I'm glad that us Yanks and you Brits are now good
friends, and that you lot seem to be cranking out movies almost
as fast as we are. Now that's what I call progress! I'm still
going to blow something up in celebration (tradition can't be
But hey, let’s look at some movies first, shall we?
To start off I'm having a look at
the movie
"Breakfast on Pluto"
(Sony pictures classics, rated R)
Directed by Neil Jordan, and
starring Cillian Murphy, Liam
Neeson, Ruth Negga, and Laurence
To begin with, I'm not really sure
when this film was made. It just
showed up here recently. Its the
first TG themed film I'm going to
review. They seem to be few and
far between.
This film is a British film, and to be honest I got a
little lost. I spent some time In England and Scotland a
long time ago, but still managed to find spots in this
movie where a good translator would have come in
handy. I'm guessing my grasp of the Queens English is
slipping a little......
The movie starts out in Ireland in the 1950's (I think)
with a mother unceremoniously dropping her baby off
on the door step of a kindly catholic priest. The child is
11 the start shows some
placed in foster care, and from
less than masculine tendencies.
One of the things that caught my attention right off was
that Patricia never really seems to care much about
anything. When she dresses up in "Mums" shoes, a dress,
and some makeup at a very young age and ends up getting
caught, its as if its all a big joke. Mum fails to see the
humour. She forces a laughing Patricia to say that she's "a
boy, not a girl" over and over while scrubbing "him" down
thoroughly in the bathtub. Patricia goes to a Catholic
school, and makes no endeavour to fit in what so ever.
Angry catholic priests storming out of confessionals make
for some funny moments in this film.
As the movie progresses and Patricia gets older, she
leaves her home and sets out on her own. She meets men
along the way, one of whom ends up being an IRA terrorist.
One day she finds a pile of guns he has hidden under the
floorboards of the shack he has her living in, and clearly
isn't happy with this discovery. She ends up dumping the
whole pile of guns into the ocean. Not a very well thought
out thing to do if you ask me.....When her terrorist
boyfriend gets home and finds out what she did, he goes
into full panic mode! Patricia doesn't seem a bit worried.
Even when the rest of the bad guys show up and threaten
to kill her if she does not produce the guns, its as if its all a
big joke to Patricia. . The rest of the movie runs along these
same lines. We see terrorism, drugs, and the sex industry
portrayed in this film. Patricia just seems to move through
it all, or the most part, completely indifferent.
All she really seems to care about is just being herself.
She does search for her real Mom and Dad and that part is a
little more serious, but mostly she is perfectly happy with
just getting by. Her flamboyant, careless attitude was quite
fascinating to me actually. I am a married, closeted (for the
most part) CD, in other words probably Patricia's polar
opposite as far as the whole TG experience goes. Still, there
are some things in this film that I can relate to.
The movie itself is formatted almost like a play, with a
series of scenes that are labelled like journal entries. It has
almost no plot (at least I couldn't really detect one) and
tends to get a bit stupid at times. Some scenes seem to be
put in just for shock value as well.
Liam Neesons performance as the kindly Catholic priest
who takes Patricia in as a baby is the one shining spot that
stands out in this film. I found Cillian Murphy's portrayal of
Patricia to be a bit disappointing. It seemed to go a little
overboard to me, but perhaps that was the directors goal.
To put the subject in a film and to try and portray TG
people in general simply isn't going to work. I didn't get
much from this movie. You might, so I'm not going to
suggest you avoid it, just don't have high expectations. Its
not a good kid film. I wouldn't show it to your Grandma
either (much too violent and, dare I say,
controversial...........) I'm going
to give it 2 out of 4 on
my rating scale. If your a Brit, you will probably like it (or
at least get it) a bit better than I did.
I gave you all fair warning a while
back that I was going to review the
occasional kid flick, and its been a
while, so here we are. The movie were
going to look at, new in theatres as of
this last weekend, is the movie
Walt Disney/pixar pictures,
rated G
starring the voice talents of Owen
Wilson, Paul Newman, Bonnie Hunt,
Cheech Marin,Larry the cable guy, and
a whole pile of other people.......
Lightning Mcqueen (Owen Wilson) is a race car on the
fast track of the "piston cup"( a word play on NASCAR'S
former winston cup) racing circuit. When the series first ever
three way tie occurs at the end of the last race of the season,
the cocky racer is invited to a tie breaking race in California
to decide who will win the coveted piston cup trophy.
McQueen wants to make it to California before the other
two cars, and decides to push his tired car hauling truck”
Mack" past his limits. Mack falls asleep, and accidentally
drops the also sleeping McQueen off in the middle of
nowhere without realizing it.
McQueen wakes up disoriented on the outskirts of the
sleepy little town "Radiator springs" and, upon realizing his
predicament, decides to find his way back to the freeway as
quickly as possible. "Sheriff" (Michael Wallis, a real life
expert on the history of the famous route 66) decides
McQueen shouldn't be speeding through his happy little
chunk of the world, and things start to go bad for our race
I'll let you see the rest of the film without spoiling it. I
don't care if your an adult or a kid, your going to like this
one. The film is done completely with computer animation,
and the graphics are a stunning visual treat! I'm talking real
eye candy here! All the characters in this film are, of course,
cars and trucks.
Cars is the age old tale of the great American road trip
told in a whole new way. I don't think anyone on this planet
is as fond of their cars as us yanks, and even though gas
(sorry Mandy, "petrol") prices are through the roof, the love
affair continues.
No question us Yanks are going to get the most out of
this movie. Its themes are all American, but I’m guessing the
rest of you will be able to relate as well. I’m giving it the first
ever 4 out of 4 rating on my movie scale (and not just
cause I'm a Yank, dammit!), and suggest that you take my
word for it and go see it. In fact,
here's a thought, take your
kids to go see it too!
Our last movie came out on video at
some point about a week or so ago,
and I decided to review it just for
fun. The movie were looking at here
"Underworld Evolution"
(Sony pictures, rated R )
starring Kate Beckinsale, Scott
Speedman,Tony Curran, and sir
Derek Jacobi)
This is a horror film, and that being
the case, blood and guts are in no
short supply. Lots of explosives,
guns, knives, other assorted pointy
objects provide plenty of mayhem,
death, and destruction .
It takes up where the last one left off, with a rather
lengthy pre-film explanation for those of you who have never
seen the first one, so that your (supposedly) up to speed on
the plot. Funny that, the plot doesn't really stand out in
either film, so I don't really see the purpose.
The story, about a blood feud between Lycans (Werewolves)
and Death dealers (the Vampires)starts by showing a battle
between the two species taking place at some point in the
distant past in an attempt to give the viewer a historical
perspective on it all. It then jumps to roughly the same group
of undead living in this day and age and goes from there.
Marcus Corvinus (Tony Curran) awakes from a rather
lengthy sleep and takes his place as the boss vampire,
seeking revenge on the vampires who betrayed their kind in
the last film.The very sexy vampire Selene (Kate Beckinsale)
battles the evil Marcus throughout the film with the help of
her friend Michael Corvin (Scott Speedman), a newly minted
Vampire/Werewolf hybrid, who is in turn trying to figure out
just who and what he is.
Marcus is out to free his werewolf brother William who
has been imprisoned for the last couple of centuries in a very
nasty looking cage built by Selenes human father, which is,
in turn, is the reason she ended up being turned into a
vampire to begin with.
The film has lots of twists and turns in it, Im guessing if
you paid it all enough attention you would eventually put the
puzzle pieces together and get the plot figured out, but it
isn't really necessary to do so and still enjoy this movie. I
never really did get it all, and while I'll probably watch it
again some time, I doubt I'll ever really get it worked out.
The visual effects were pretty good in this movie. as well, it
has its share of sex and violence. I add that as a warning, not
as an advertisement for the film. I wouldn't let your kids
watch it if they are very young. No big shocker here,
Grandma probably isn't going to like this one either.....
I'll give it a solid 3 out of 4 on my rating scale. If your up for
a little sexy mayhem without a big investment in brain
power, I say give it a shot and just enjoy the ride!
Why the 4th?
Though the Fourth of July is almost iconic to Americans, some claim the date itself is somewhat arbitrary. New
Englanders had been fighting Britain since April 1775. The first motion in the Continental Congress for
independence was made on June 8. After hard debate, the Congress voted unanimously (12-0), but secretly, for
independence from the Kingdom of Great Britain on July 2 (see Lee Resolution). The Congress reworked the
text of the Declaration until a little after eleven o'clock, July 4th, when thirteen colonies voted for adoption and
released an unsigned copy to the printers. (New York abstained from both votes.) Philadelphia celebrated the
Declaration with public readings and bonfires on July 8. Not until August 2 would a fair printing be signed by
the members of the Congress, but even that was kept secret to protect the members from British reprisal.
John Adams, credited by Thomas Jefferson as the unofficial, tireless whip of the independence-minded, wrote
his wife Abigail on July 3:
The second day of July, 1776, will be the most memorable epoch in the history of America. I am apt to believe
that it will be celebrated by succeeding generations as the great anniversary festival. It ought to be
commemorated as the day of deliverance, by solemn acts of devotion to God Almighty. It ought to be
solemnized with pomp and parade, with shows, games, sports, guns, bells, bonfires, and illuminations, from one
end of this continent to the other, from this time forward forever more.
Adams was off by two days, however. Certainly, the vote on July 2 was the decisive act. But July 4 is the date
on the Declaration itself. Jefferson's stirring prose, as edited by the Congress, was first adopted by the vote of
the 4th. It was also the first day Philadelphians heard the official news of independence from the Continental
Congress, as opposed to rumors in the street about secret votes
In 1777, British officers noted the firing of 13 guns, once at morning and again as evening fell, on July 4 in
Bristol, Rhode Island. Philadelphia celebrated the first anniversary in a manner a modern American would find
quite familiar: an official dinner for the Continental Congress, toasts, 13-gun salutes, speeches, prayers, music,
parades, troop reviews and fireworks. Ships were decked with red, white and blue bunting.
n 1778, General George Washington marked the Fourth with a double ration of rum for his soldiers and an
artillery salute. Across the sea, ambassadors John Adams and Benjamin Franklin held a dinner for their fellow
Americans in Paris, France.
In 1779, the Fourth fell on a Sunday. The holiday was celebrated on Monday, July 5.
In 1781, Massachusetts was the first legislature to recognize Independence Day.
In 1791, First recorded under "Independence Day" name.[1]
In 1870, the U.S. Congress made July 4 an unpaid holiday for federal employees.
Originally entitled Yankee Doodle, this is one of several versions of a scene painted by A. M. Willard that came
to be known as The Spirit of '76. Often imitated (or parodied), it is a familiar symbol of American patriotism.
Independence Day, as the only holiday celebrating the United States as a whole, is a national holiday marked by
patriotic displays. Many politicians make it a point on this day to appear at a public event to praise the nation's
heritage, society and people. Families often mark the Fourth with a picnic or barbecue, and often gather with
family relatives, taking advantage of the longer weekend or day off from work. Parades are often held the
morning of the Fourth, afternoon baseball games are not uncommon, and the evening is usually marked by
public displays of fireworks.In many states, smaller fireworks are sold for personal use or as an alternative to a
public show. Concerns about safety have led some states to ban fireworks or limit the sizes and types allowed,
but illicit traffic brings some of the more powerful firecrackers in from less restrictive border states.
One colorful annual Independence Day event is the Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest in Coney Island,
Brooklyn, New York City, which supposedly started on July 4, 1916 as a way to settle a dispute among four
immigrants as to who was the most patriotic.
The town of Bristol, Rhode Island is noted for having the oldest, continuous Independence Day celebration in
the United States.
Minor League Baseball and Major League Baseball games are also played on Independence Day. Since 1959,
NASCAR has held the Pepsi Firecracker 400 on July 4th, or the Saturday of July 4th weekend.
Despite the genesis of Independence Day, it is largely uncommon for Americans to express anti-British
sentiment on the day or to view it as a celebration of anti-colonialism. Indeed, most Americans today consider
the United Kingdom their greatest ally. Rather, contemporary Americans generally perceive the holiday as a
celebration of the U.S.A. itself, rather than specifically as an opportunity to commemorate the end of British
rule in the 18th century.
4th of July Lemon Bar Flags
Shortbread Crust
1/2 cup (1 stick) butter , softened
1/2 cup firmly packed light-brown sugar
1 1/2 cups all purpose flour
1 teaspoon grated lemon rind
Lemon Filling
1 1/2 cups sugar
1/2 cup lemon juice
1/2 cup water
2 tablespoons cornstarch
2 eggs
2 teaspoons grated lemon zest
1/4 cup confectioners sugar
1/4 cup blueberries
1 tube red gel frosting
Heat the oven to 350°F. Grease a 9-inch square baking pan.
Prepare the shortbread crust: In a large bowl, with an electric mixer on
medium speed, beat the butter and brown sugar until light and fluffy. Reduce
the mixer speed low, and beat in the flour and lemon rind until well combined;
pat the mixture evenly into the prepared pan. Bake the crust 15 minutes, or
until golden. Cool the crust in the pan on a wire rack.
Meanwhile, prepare the Lemon Filling: In a 2-quart saucepan, mix 1 cup
granulated sugar, the lemon juice, water, and cornstarch until well combined.
Heat the mixture to boiling over medium-high heat, stirring constantly; cook 1
to 2 minutes longer or until the mixture thickens. Remove from the heat.
In a medium-size bowl, with a wire whisk, beat the remaining 1/2 cup
granulated sugar, eggs and the lemon rind until thick and lemon colored. Slowly
beat the lemon mixture into the egg mixture until well combined. Pour the filling
into the prepared crust.
Bake the cookies 15 to 20 minutes, or until the filling is firm. Cool the cookies
completely in the pan on a wire rack.
Cut the cookies into 6 rectangular bars. Place the bars on a serving plate.
Sprinkle confectioners sugar over the cookies. Create stripes across the bars
with the red gel frosting. Place 6 blueberries in the top corner of each bar.
Rachel xx
The state I live in has an almost total ban on personal use
fireworks, and includes the menacingly deadly "firecracker" on its list
of prohibited items. Hefty fines can result if one is caught with any of
the contraband items. Fortunately, numerous nearby states don't have
such bans in place, and a good selection of 4th of July fun can be had
if one doesn't mind a short road trip to acquire them, and the
associated risk of getting caught importing them back in on ones
A few years back (I believe it was during the late Jurassic period if
memory serves me correctly......) one such road trip was successfully
conducted by myself and a couple of friends in preparation for the
upcoming 4th of July holiday.
The happy day arrived, and we proceeded to get good and drunk,
always a good idea if one is going to add illegal explosives to any
celebration (right!)
I remember stumbling out into the street I lived on with a very
large string of firecrackers, lighting the fuse, and tossing them behind
me. Looking up, I noticed a car bumper a few feet away, and it
occurred to me that by wandering into the street in a dazed stupor
without really paying much attention to my surroundings, I had forced
this car to stop to avoid running me over. That was bad. What was
worse was the fact that it was a very large Ford crown Victoria,
complete with a lovely set of red and blue lights on its top, and the
local police departments logo prominently displayed on its side. I
imagine the cop (or cops) we're having a seriously good laugh at my
expense, but I was too embarrassed to notice. I stumbled back out of
the street and into my yard. The cops were kind enough to wait for
the rest of the firecrackers to go off before continuing their journey.
I don't know why I wasn't ticketed, they probably figured the stupid
look on my face and my obvious embarrassment was payment
enough. My friends thought it was pretty funny as well. After that
close call, we decided to take it easy by going to a local school and
firing bottle rockets at each other. It would seem some people never
learn, but at least I began looking for cars before crossing the
Oh, say, can you see, by the dawn's early light,
What so proudly we hail'd at the twilight's last gleaming?
Whose broad stripes and bright stars, thro' the perilous fight,
O'er the ramparts we watch'd, were so gallantly streaming?
And the rockets' red glare, the bombs bursting in air,
Gave proof thro' the night that our flag was still there.
O say, does that star-spangled banner yet wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave?
On the shore dimly seen thro' the mists of the deep,
Where the foe's haughty host in dread silence reposes,
What is that which the breeze, o'er the towering steep,
As it fitfully blows, half conceals, half discloses?
Now it catches the gleam of the morning's first beam,
In full glory reflected, now shines on the stream:
'T is the star-spangled banner: O, long may it wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!
And where is that band who so vauntingly swore
That the havoc of war and the battle's confusion
A home and a country should leave us no more?
Their blood has wash'd out their foul footsteps' pollution.
No refuge could save the hireling and slave
From the terror of flight or the gloom of the grave:
And the star-spangled banner in triumph doth wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave.
O, thus be it ever when freemen shall stand,
Between their lov'd homes and the war's desolation;
Blest with vict'ry and peace, may the heav'n-rescued land
Praise the Pow'r that hath made and preserv'd us as a nation!
Then conquer we must, when our cause is just,
And this be our motto: "In God is our trust"
And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!
I’m too
for my…
(July 10th – 1961)
(July 10th – 1955)
AND to the guys and girls who didn’t send me
their details.
Amelia Mary Earhart
July 24 1897
Atchison, Kansas
July 2, 1937, en route from Lae,
New Guinea to Howland Island
February 7, 1931, to George
Despite having to attend six different high schools, she was able to graduate on time.
Earhart was called "Lady Lindy" because her slim build and facial features resembled that of
Charles Lindbergh.
Earhart refused to don typical flying gear -she wore a suit or dress instead of the "high-bread
aviation togs," a close-fitting hat instead of a helmet, didn't put on her goggles until she
taxied to the end of the field and removed them immediately upon landing.
She developed a friendship with Eleanor Roosevelt, who wanted to learn how to fly. Earhart
had planned to teach her, for which the First Lady even got her student permit.
Earhart met Orville Wright at the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia in 1937, the same year
she disappeared.
Earhart had such an impression on public that people often wrote and told her about naming
babies, lakes and even homing pigeons "Amelia."
The United States government spent $4 million looking for Earhart, which made it the most
costly and intensive air and sea search in history at that time.
She was the first woman to receive a pilot's license from the FAI.
Quote by Amelia Earhart
"After midnight the moon set and I was alone with the stars. I have
often said that the lure of flying is the lure of beauty, and I need no
other flight to convince me that the reason flyers fly, whether they
know it or not, is the aesthetic appeal of flying."
Rules of the Air:
The strength of the turbulence is directly proportional to the temperature of your coffee.
The three worst things to hear in the cockpit: The second officer says, "Damn it!" The first officer
says, "I have an idea!" The captain says, "Hey, watch this!"
"Both optimists and pessimists contribute to the society. The optimist invents the aeroplane, the
pessimist the parachute." --- George Bernard Shaw
"The scientific theory I like best is that the rings of Saturn are composed entirely of lost airline
luggage." --- Mark Russell
When asked why he was referred to as 'Ace: "Because during World War Two, I was
responsible for the destruction of six aircraft, fortunately three were enemy." --- Captain Ray
Lancaster, USAAF
If helicopters are so safe, how come there are no vintage/classic helicopter fly-ins?
Death is just nature's way of telling you to watch your airspeed.
"I never liked riding in helicopters because there's a fair probability the bottom part will get going
around as fast as the top part." --- Lt. Co= l. John Wittenborn, USAFR
"Real planes use only a single stick to fly. This is why bulldozers and helicopters -- in that order - need two." --- Paul Slattery
"I've flown every seat on this airplane, can someone tell me why the other two are always
occupied by idiots?" --- Don Taylor
As a new copilot on an airliner, I was told to say these three things and to otherwise keep my
mouth shut and not touch anything:
1. Clear on the right
2. Outer (marker) on the double (indicator)
3. I'll eat the chicken (Crew meals consisted of one steak and one chicken to avoid possible
food poisoning of the cockpit crew).
You can't fly forever without getting killed.
As a pilot only two bad things can happen to you and one of them will:
a. One day you will walk out to the aircraft knowing that it is your last flight in an airplane.
b. One day you will walk out to the airplane not knowing that it is your last flight in an airplane..
Any flight over water in a single engine airplane will absolutely guarantee abnormal engine
noises and vibrations.
There are Rules and there are Laws. The rules are made by men who think that they know
better how to fly your airplane than you. Laws (of Physics) were made by the Great One. You
can, and sometimes should, suspend the Rules but you can never suspend the Laws.
More about Rules:
a. The rules are a good place to hide if you don't have a better idea and the talent to execute it.
b. If you deviate from a rule, it must be a flawless performance. (e.g., If you fly under a bridge,
don't hit the bridge.)
The pilot is the highest form of life on earth.
The ideal pilot is the perfect blend of discipline and aggressiveness.
About check rides:
a. The only real objective of a check ride is to complete it and get the bastard out of your
b. It has never occurred to any flight examiner that the examinee couldn't care less what the
examiner's opinion of his flying ability really is.
The medical profession is the natural enemy of the aviation profession.
The job of the Wing Commander is to worry incessantly that his career depends solely on the
abilities of his aviators to fly their airplanes without mishap and that their only minuscule
contribution to the effort is to bet their lives on it.
If you're gonna fly low, do not fly slow! ASW (Anti-Submarine Warfare) pilots know this only too
It is solely the pilot's responsibility to never let any other thing touch his aircraft.
If you can learn how to fly as an Ensign or a Second Lieutenant, and not forget how to fly by the
time you're a Commander or Colonel, you will have lived a happy life.
Night flying:
a. Remember that the airplane doesn't know that it's dark.
b. On a clear, moonless night, never fly between the tanker's lights.
c. There are certain aircraft sounds that can only be heard at night.
d. If you're going to night fly, it might as well be in the weather so you can double count your
exposure to both hazards.
e. Night formation is really an endless series of near misses in equilibrium with each other.
f. You would have to pay a lot of money at a lot of amusement parks and perhaps add a few
drugs, to get the same blend of psychedelic sensations as a single engine night weather flight.
At the end of the day, the controllers, operations supervisors, maintenance guys, weather
guessers, and birds; they're all trying to kill you and your job is to not let them!
The concept of "controlling" airspace with radar is just a form of FAA sarcasm directed at pilots
to see if they're gullible enough to swallow it. Or to put it another way, when's the last time the
FAA ever shot anyone down?
If a mother has the slightest suspicion that her infant might grow up to be a pilot, she had better
teach him to put things back where he got them.
The ultimate responsibility of the pilot is to fulfil the dreams of the countless millions of earthbound
ancestors who could only stare skyward... and wish.
A True
True Classic!
VOTE #1 - Dana
VOTE #3 - Gilly
VOTE #2 - Joanne
VOTE #4 - Michelle
VOTE #5 - Heather
VOTE #6 - Dawn
VOTE #7 - BrendaMarie
VOTE #8 - Leigh
VOTE #9 - Paula
VOTE #10 - Kirsty
VOTE #11 - Carrie
VOTE #12 - Mandy
<-VOTE #13 - Joan
VOTE #14 – Dee ->
VOTE #15 – Lynn->
<-VOTE #16 - Mary
The weathers HOT , the
beach is calling, hard though
it is , to look cool with sand
crammed into every orifice,
here’s a few ideas to get you
Row #1- Andres Sarda(£92.oo), Anita(£39.00), Anita(£41.00)< Anita(£50.00), Azzollini(£88.00),
Azzollini(£100.00), Blugirl(£72.00), D&G(£65.00)
Row #2 – Diesel(£45.00), Emamo(£135.00), Feraud(£115.00), Flamingo Sands(£135), French
Connection(£30.00), Gottex Gold(£128.00), Huit(£50.00), Jenna De Rosnay(£45.00)
Row #3 – Jenna De Rosnay(£48), Malizia(£82.00), Quicksilver Roxy(£50.00), Rasurel(£88.00),
Zimmerman(£102.00), Tommy Hillfiger(£45.00), Paul Smith(£69.00), Seafolly(£80.00)
Beauty Spot
In our house we often use sugar mixed with soap to clean dirty hands, this leaves
your hands beautifully soft. I did a little research and found a nice simple recipe for a
sugar body scrub. I’m afraid this is rather messy for your bath but results are more than
worth the effort.
Take half a cup of sugar,
Half a cup of olive oil
Mix the two together and apply to your body in gentle circular motions you can apply
this to you face but please be very gentle. I use it while in the bath and shower off after
and pat myself dry.
The only draw back is it can cause a slight redness so don’t use if you’re going out the
next night.
It’s now the hay fever season and you eyes feel really gritty
I use cucumber to cool my eyes in the evening. I just leave them on for 20 minutes..
This is a great one for them over shopped feet soak you feet in a cooling refreshing
and invigorating cucumber and mint foot bath.
Fill a bowl with cold water add six or seven drops of tea tree oil, two dozen slices of
cucumber and a hand full of torn mint leaves.
Soak for twenty minutes. The cucumber is a mild astringent the tea tree oil is an
antibacterial mint imparts a fresh scent.
Here’s a different one for you, a cabbage leaf mask.
Crush 2 or 3 cabbage leaves save the juice and dissolve into it a quarter of a tea spoon of
yeast, mix in a large teaspoon of honey. Stir well and apply liberally to the face and
neck You should leave on for 15 minutes and wash of with Luke warm water. Hopefully
this should give your skin a health bloom.
Tomatoes are really good for the skin if you apply the pulp liberally to the face
and leave for an hour and repeat daily you will soon end up with a glowing complexion.
This will also help with any spot problem you have.
Till Next Month xxxx
well who is Michelle?
I guess the best way to
describe her is someone
who is
is going through a
very interesting
Since a very early
early age
she always knew she
was different...couldn’t
Stand boy stuff just
loved having girlies as
her best friends.(even
shared the
same pram with
Somehow she managed
to dull down her girlie
side did the usual boy
stuff, Football, hockey,
cross country
running. even had a
fight or so but
somehow that wasn't
It was only in 1998
she found
found herself and
what an experience.
For the first time she
was alone in a
strange city. all by
herself, so. taking
advantage of this
unusual situation
Michael became
Michelle. She would
walk the streets, talk
with the working
girls in Rotton Park
Road. even visit a
few clubs.
The problem was that
she was still very much
in the closet and so it
went on. more and
more Michelle took over.
The clothes gave her the
confidence to try new
things and she
discovered that she was
ok in terms of looks,
she could hack it
having ok legs and a
small frame. mind she
had just lost 4 stone
and that seemed to
spur her on. in fact she
went mental
and found that the new
Michelle was a complete
The more weight she lost the shorter
the skirts .oh and the walk though
the streets during the night got
riskier ..Acting the working girl
enjoying the motorists driving
Alongside asking if she wanted
anything. Then one night she went
for it. and yes you have guessed it,
got pulled up by the police. Saying
that she
she was researching a book
(can you believe) they let her off
with a stern warning. Michelle
went back into her shell.
5 years later redundancy made
Michelle a home alone girl. she
amassed a huge clothing stock
(shoved into every conceivable
secret spacespace-of course) when
she happened upon kTM Girls. Now
she could dress all day without fear
of discovery
And that was it,
it, dressing with a
vengeance and soon she amassed
over 1000 photos. She had a few
happenings along the way and
discovered that what she really
wanted was to be a slut sub....she is
still waiting but hopeful that one
day it will happen. So Michelle is
still somewhat a closet girl but
maybe there is someone out there
who might. just might listen to her
inner feelings
How To Give Yourself A Manicure
Whether you prefer your nails to be long or short, they can still look stunning with a
little know-how.
1. Wash and dry your hands.
and then repeat giving equal time
to the other hand.
2. Using a double-sided emery
board, file nails using a gentle
stroke. Avoid corners of your
nails as this can weaken them.
9. Before color is applied to nails,
they must be cleaned and the
easiest way to do this is with an
orange stick that has been
wrapped with cotton. Dip into nail
polish remover and then rub over
the surface of the nail. Check the
nail for any creamy residue.
When none remains, your nails
will be ready for polishing.
3. Begin to shape your nails. The
most popular shape to use is oval,
but choose what is most suited to
your hand and finger shape.
4. Check to see how well you
have done. Run your nails over an
old pair of pantyhose. Your nails
should not snag the hose.
5. Apply a softener to your
cuticles. Allow to site for a
minute or so.
10. Time for color. Pick up a
small amount of polish on your
brush and paint one stroke down
the center of your nail. Your
brush should hold just enough
color to accomplish this. Stroke
the sides of the nail and you are
done. The nail should be
completely colored in three
strokes. Allow to set for a minute
or so before applying the second
6.Transfer hands to a bowl of
warm water and soak for an
additional few minutes.
7. Gently push back the cuticles.
This should not be painful. If
hangnails are present, carefully
clip them.
11. Wait until polish is set (dry to
the touch) and then apply the top
coat. Don't skip this step as it not
only adds life to your manicure, it
will protect your nails as well.
. 8. Apply hand lotion and begin
to massage the palm of your hand
with the thumb of your other
hand. This will help to circulate
the blood. Work your way over
the remainder of the hand
12. Sanitize all of your equipment
with alcohol and when they are
dry, store them away until the
next manicure.
Everyone wants nails to be proud of so if yours are less than perfect
here are a few quick tips to get them in great condition in no time.
• Apply nail varnish remover before doing your nails even if don’t need to
remove any old polish, it prepares the nails by removing any grease so that
your polish will last longer
• If you’re having trouble achieving the perfect French Manicure try using a
white nail pencil underneath the nail tip instead of white polish you’ll find it’s
much easier
• Give your nail varnish plenty of time for each layer to dry to ensure a lasting
finish. If you’re likely to get impatient waiting around opt for a quick drying
formula like Lancome Vernis Instant Magnetic or L’Oreal Jet Set
• Always wipe the top of the nail varnish bottle with a cotton bud to get rid of
any excess polish, this will prevent the bottle from becoming glued shut
• Lots of beauty companies have nail polishes available with matching lip
colour for whose seeking a totally co-ordinated look, ask at your local beauty
• Remember it’s much better to apply lots of thin coats of colour rather that
one thick one, it will dry quicker and last longer
• Try not to remove and reapply polish more than once or twice a week, as it
will dry out your nails. Choosing a remover with built in moisturisers will help
limit the damage
• A hand massage will boost your circulation and encourage nail growth and
is the perfect way to pamper yourself.
Here are the guidelines to follow for improving the health of your nails:
Eat a diet composed of 50% fruit and raw vegetables in order to supply
necessary vitamins, minerals and enzymes. Eat foods rich in sulfur and
silicon, such as broccoli, fish and onions. Include foods rich in biotin
such as soy, brewer’s yeast and whole grains.
Drink plenty of water and other liquids.
You may supplement your diet with royal jelly, spirulina or kelp, which
are rich in silica, zinc and B vitamins and help to strengthen your nails.
Drink fresh carrot juice daily, this is high in calcium and phosphorus and
is excellent for strengthening nails
The best place to store your nail polish Don't store polish in a warm place as
the polish will change consistency. Contrary to popular belief, it is a good idea to
store it in the refrigerator
To file or not to file
The corner of your nails should never be filed. Why? Filing the corners of your
nails will weaken the nail and you will find that they will break more easily as a
The most common nail wreckers are harsh detergents and water, which can
stress nail fibers. So be sure to put rubber gloves on while you clean or do
dishes. Also, avoid using perfume lotions that usually contain alcohol if your
nails are brittle. It will only make your nails worse. It may be possible that your
calcium intake is low, as well
Tartan Army!!
Uxáà VÉáàâÅx WÜtÅt
Don’t panic, it’s just for fun!!!
OK Gang, Tammi’s come up with something a bit different this month, so get your thinking caps on!!
Just make the connections as we connect Jennifer Aniston to Seether
Jenifer Aniston stared in a Godly movie with which funny man???
_________ is well known for his role as a puzzling villain of?
__________ was played on TV by Adam West who is the president of this family cartoon?
________ includes the voice talents of this Idle Hands star?
_____ played as a Werwolf on this long running vampire fest show????
_______ the movie stared which actor as Merrick Jamison-Smythe???
_______ son has had the worse day of his life. Who is he?
_______ was a sniper teaching a man a life lesson in Phone Booth along side?
_______ stared as Bullseye in which Marvel Comic Film?
______ song was song by ________ of Evanescence
____ who ft on the song Broken by Seether!!!!!!
Second one for you all!!!!
Nicholas Cage to Jennifer Saunders
Nicolas cage is staring in this Marvel stunt rider Movie??
_____ was created by Stan Lee who also created which group of mutant hero’s???
_____ the last stand stars which ex footballer tough man???
______ stared in a remake of the movie The Longest Yard called
______ also stared which transporting star???
_______ stared in the remake on which mini adventure????
______ was originally filmed in 1968 staring which actor???
______ was in which groovy super spy movie???
______ was based on which 00 agent???
______ Gadgets were made by Q but he retired and was replaced with R played by????
_______ did the voice for King Harold in this fairytale movie
_______ stared Jennifer Saunders as the Fairy god mother
A man takes his dead grandmother vase for a valuation. The old man
turned the vase over in his hands. He noted the white marble cravings the
300 BC and Trafford date and creator stamp. He combed the surface and
could not find any marks or nicks. How much did he offer him??? Within
£10 Smarty pants with in £50 good going and £100 not bad
What mathematical symbol can be placed between 2 and 3 which will
give a number larger than 2 but smaller than 3
Tammi’s mum has 3 kids. The first she called April the second she called
May. What she call her 3rd child?
A Spell with
Modern Wicca
Heather Willis
In the last article we looked at the history of Wicca from the earliest
times up to the 20th century. Now we will take a gander into Modern
We could see clearly that there was a division that divided Paganism and
Wicca, when the patriarchal societies had overrun the earlier
matriarchal societies, but these two groups, however did manage to live
next to each other with what would be said was minimal at least, but not
for long with the new religion (Christianity) began to take over and
dominate the world.
The term Pagan is of Latin origin “paganus” simply means “a country
dweller. Heathen simply means “one who lives on the heath” or rural
areas. It was this new religion “Christianity” who were the ones giving
out these names to the people, cause they wouldn’t be intimidated by
them to join the Christian (New) religion. To the Christian people
pagans/Wiccans were backwards and uncivilized, but however, this was
totally to the contrary of what the Christian thought. They were a forced
that could recognized a forceful take over (coup) when they saw it
coming and didn’t want to have any part in it, and being told how to live
their lives, etc.
Also, there was another point of contention is the fact the Pagans did
have women priestesses and also women healers of which these two were
highly respected in their community for their wisdom(knowledge) and
skills. These women priestesses and healers were part this secret all
female groups that would be recognized and become the ancestress of
today’s Witches.
Both of the Pagan priests and priestesses didn’t think twice about
pointing out these dangers of Christianity to those who were less
educated (common folk). With teaching them that they could
communicate with the deities of their respected pantheons, which was an
anathema, since the Christians said that they could communicate with
deities through a male priest, and also that there are only male priest
and one god who was male.
And the last straw for the Pagans and Witches was the condemnation by
the Christian Church and their attempts at abolishing all the goddesses.
The religious history along with the regular history is always rewritten
by those in power (the fanatics) who have the largest and strongest
military, could use that might or power.
With these people of power (fanatical rulers, as well as Kings) joined
forces with Christianity with an attempt to rid themselves from all the
bad (negative) actions of the past in a move to run from the Law of
Karma (better known to us witches as the Threefold Law), the common
folk had to follow suit with this or else karma would get threefold or
more. So the Pagans and Wiccan ended up going underground until the
In the early 1950’s there seemed to be a comeback or resurgence in the old
religions in both Britain and the United States. Most of the people did hold
on to the old ways and began to so more openness with their beliefs. Some
of them started to teach others who were outside their family network or
group. Pagans and Wiccans saw a growth again, which provided avenues
for the spiritual growth of the independent thinkers.
There are a few differences between the two (Paganism and Wicca), other
than their ages: We know that Wicca can be dated back to the Stone Age,
with Paganism (authentic) came about much later within the patriarchal
Paganism is based primarily on a specific pantheon of gods and goddesses
(i.e.: Norse, Celtic, and Egyptian) as some Wiccan groups. Some of the
Pagans cast circles to do from within their cast circles to perform the
rituals and some pagans don’t. Similar to those in Wicca, some pagans
claim to be practicing authentic ancient rituals, since these historic details,
so sketchy to say the least to be use to make any such claim. The pagan
groups will frequently try to incorporate the aspects of Wicca along with
ceremonial magick into their teachings, as well as with some of the Wiccan
groups. Possibly the greatest differences with these two groups is that with
Paganism doesn’t usually seem to hold the Goddess in the higher esteem
than with the God.
We know that Wicca is most likely the oldest Western religion. Wicca is
usually both a nature–oriented religion as well as a magickal system.
Wicca focuses on the Goddess and her consort, while it isn’t based on a
human leader or dogma or a scared book. Most of the Wiccan rituals
along with spellworkings are perform within a consecrated circle. There is
so much more to Wicca than any simple explanation. Wicca is a way of
life, a way of seeing what’s around you, as well as seeing and knowing
what is deep within that is everything in the universe, that is connected to
or is a part of a higher (supreme) creating power, which is frequently
called the Great Mother or Great Goddess.
It seems to be more semantically (PC) correct in which to call all
adherents of these modern versions of these ancient religions as NeoPagans and Neo-Wiccans, since they aren’t exact duplicates of ancient
Witches and Pagans are in many ways independent rebels and don’t care
about semantics to correct. They are more interested in furthering their
spiritual growth, while exploring their connections with Goddess and the
God as well as be able to practice their religion as they see fit to do so.
Modern-day Wicca or Witchcraft, even though it is based on ancient
Pagan ideas and deities, it is very flexible. Witches can be solitary
practitioners or be with a coven and graft parts of the ancient traditions
into what they are already practicing.
Witches need to move with the times in order to survive and were very
adaptable and were very good at changing their rituals so suit their needs.
Wicca, as with paganism is not a one size fits all religion, because we have
so many branches to it. The Wiccan response to all of this is similar to
lamasery. With those Wiccans who are outside are invited to join a
particular group (Coven) for ritual, and consider it a common courtesy to
follow all the procedures of that particular group (coven), and when larges
groups (Covens) come together for large regional gatherings, the ritual
needs to be joint effort or there will be frictions (major), this can happen
even though witches tend to agree more than disagree on points of rituals.
Here in the States, The Council of American Witches in 1973 met in
Minnesota discuss as well as coming up the definition of Wicca and a creed
of beliefs. This was a difficult undertaking, since us witches don’t
recognize any authoritarian hierarchy, so these articles of belief were very
short. From this meeting of the Council of American Witches came our
Principles of Belief.
Two following the Council of American Witches, another group met in
North California. This gathering was known as the Covenant of the
Goddess. This group added a few more beliefs to the Council’s articles.
Even though there had been differences within the craft, Witches were
able to pull together (unite) whenever they felt their religious freedom is
The United States Government recognizes Wicca and Paganisms are
considered legitimate religions and are list with and on the books of
military chaplains.
I just felt compelled to write this after reading the amazing
interview in your magazine.
It brought everything home to me and just reminded me that me and my
lovely wife are not the only ones in this world and that being TG is
not a terrible affliction or makes you a freak.
Well done for being so frank and thanks to you both for opening up
your life and showing us that we should not hide away and think we have
some kind of illness
Sarah J Walsh
“ I was very impressed that you and Joanna shared so much of
yourselves. Very moving. And fun. “
Na Tairsainn Muir
English translation from the Scots
Across the Ocean
Many troubles now before us,
Highlander and Lowlander
As I keep one eye on history, one
eye on my children,
Keep belief in your life, joy in
your heart
This is not the end of the road,
but the start of a new age.
‘Humped and dumped’
“The topic this month concerns the issue of low self-esteem and
unprotected sex”
Words by Bert Garner
Transgender issues are often over looked and even ignored. There are a few
groups of individuals outside the TG community that believe they do not exist. I can
not comment on the LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender) or its
equivalent in America but here in the UK there is an assumption amongst LGBT that
Trans-issues and transgender are simply myths. Another assumption is that all
transgender people are incapable of having a heterosexual orientation. What may
concern you even more is the ignorance actually within the TG community
concerning Trans-issues.
Ignorance is not bliss….
Lets face it there is a lot of sexual activity taking place in the TG scene and
the majority I’m afraid to say is unprotected, but it is not anymore greater than in any
other subculture of our society. The point I’m trying to make is that I am not aware of
any health promotion campaigns specifically for transgender. This concerns me
We have all been conditioned (raised) in this society to believe that any kind
of sexual activity is wrong, dirty, immoral or vulgar. This rings true especially to
those of you that have been raised in religious households
Unprotected intercourse or ‘bare-back’ can feel both wonderfully liberating
and extremely frightening all at the same time. The closeness experienced can take
the bond you have with your lover/partner to a whole new level of intimacy. But on
the other hand the fear of disease can be devastating to confidence.
Speaking from my own experience, when I first discovered that the majority of
my transgender friends and also those that I had slept with had in fact slept together
I did not freak out or disown them. But naturally I was upset. I was concerned firstly
for the health of myself and secondly for the health of my friends. Another concern
was the affect it would have on the friendship group. This situation made me think
about my own lack of self-esteem.
Tranny wreck host Rebecca Nay (who is now unfortunately ‘positive’)
explained in one of her shows that when she was pre-transition and living as a male
she would seek out natal males for sex. She went on to say that having a male
ejaculate inside her through anal penetration made her feel more like a woman. The
situation also provided Rebecca with an outlet of escape from the pressures that
came with living in a male role in society.
We all seek to feel accepted, loved and wanted as our true selves whatever
transgender orientation we happen to be. But how many of us can honestly say ‘yes
I am completely accepted in the community?’
It seems there is a raging battle for survival. Who can ‘pass’ the most, which
has the nicest outfit, etc. If you are bubbly, outgoing and funny t-girl and you don’t
wear the right clothes nor have the right opinions you can forget being completely
It does puzzle me though, how could an individual who would be rejected by
everyday society for being openly transgender then be rejected by the subculture
they solely identify with?
If you find yourself not directly identifying with the ‘niche’ you are labelled as
not genuine or not worthy of friendships. This situation can be compared to the
negative experiences that the majority of us have had in school. For anyone that
was unpopular or even bullied this form of rejection can bring those memories
flooding back.
Signs of low self-esteem can rear its ugly head in many forms. Some are
easier to spot than others. While the traits that make us dislike other people can be
forms of low self-esteem. I am a believer that the bitchiest t-girl has some element of
low self-esteem about them.
Below are some examples of the ways in which a lack of self-esteem can
manifest itself
Negative thoughts about yourself – I am not worthy / I do not deserve love
from anyone,
Self-blame – I am to blame for my parents not accepting my gender issues,
Constantly criticising others – She only likes to date rg’s/gg’s and is
therefore not worthy of my friendship. She does not date other t-girls or
admirers. She is less of a t-girl because of that fact.
Fear of change / Fear of judgement – I have to keep my gender issues are
secret from my partner through fear of rejection and judgement.
Regularly comparing your self to others – I don’t deserve to be her friend
because I can’t apply my eye shadow as well as she can.
Frequent regrets – I wish I had not ‘come out’, I wish I had not bought the
pair of shoes for myself that I really liked on ebay.
Reacting overly emotionally – While in a TG chat room and a friend logs
online. They do not greet me when they enter. I begin to feel paranoid and
suspicious. The climax of this insecurity comes to head when this person and
I are in the same bar at the same time. I march over to ask her what her
problem was when there wasn’t a problem at all.
Always taking things personally – I haven’t heard from my partner all day. I
begin to wonder if I’ve done something to upset them. I begin to believe this
the reason why I haven’t heard from them. The real reason is that they were
very busy at work.
The drive to feel accepted can be so great that in some cases we are prepared
to risk our own health, the health of others and our relationships. No amount of
free lubricant and condoms can console someone who feels the pressure to take
part in sexual activity.
The one thought that is always on my mind is that I wished we could all try to
love ourselves a bit more. Loving yourself can only come from inside ourselves
and not from ‘passing’, not from being surrounded by attractive t-girls and not from
a natal male ejaculating inside you.
Only by beginning to deal with our own self-esteem can we begin to
understand ourselves. Here are some steps I suggest in helping you on the long
road to overcoming low self-esteem issues. There is no time limit to complete
each task. The point is to breakdown complex issues into manageable tasks.
• Do something you have been putting off
Do something you are good at
Do something to de-stress and relax (I suggest a hot bath with lots of
Make a list of five achievements you have made in your life, they
don’t have to be major life changes
Make an effort to lead a healthier life style
Take the opportunity to find out something new each day
And finally…
Masturbate (Yes I said masturbate!)
Questions and Comments [email protected]
De Vinci?...PAH!!
VOTE #1 - Cierra
VOTE #2 - Bert
OK Gang – here’s your
chance to become the
new Picasso, Liam’s Art
Competition – keep
them coming in , a poll
will follow
Be All, 2006
Dateline: Chicago, Ill., USA, (well,,,,,, maybe, "place line"?? <giggles>)
On June 6th through June 11th, the 24th annual Be All convention was held in Chicago.
It was a rousing success!!!!! (Oh, I suppose you were looking for a little more, huh? <more
This is intended as a "one girl's eye view" of the proceedings. I don't claim to accurate-leigh
represent the full scope of the affair, but to chronicle and give personal observations.
As you may have noted from last Narcisse (June, to be specific) I'm 59, now, and enjoying being a
"girl" for only the last one year plus. To me, the Be All was an opportunity to be in make up, and
nails, and heels, for 4 glorious days. Well, yeah, you're right, I wore a bit more than just that
<giggling again>. I made a skirt out of a shower curtain (not the rubber one - the decorative one
that hangs outside it, sil-leigh), added "touches" to a blouse, and embellished a LBD. You can see
it here with the headdress, feather boa, and opera gloves with Mariboo trim.
I had no preconceived idea of just how it would go. I was
meeting friends, dear friends, and new friends. Some
dear friends from the Chicago area, and some wonderful
new friends from my own cities in Minnesota, Minneapolis,
and St. Paul. And adding to my friends from all over the
The vendor area was a treat as I found things I
needed. Yeah, SHOPPING!!!! Well, "needed" is probableigh a bit of a reach. I didn't need the feather boa, I
guess, but it went so well with the headdress (that I
obvious-leigh needed, real-leigh needed!!) And, besides,
Jessie Ventura had a boa, and he got to be governor of
Minnesota. Well, maybe, there's a little more to that, ya
think? So, rings, and wigs, and things later, I had met
some pretty nice people and got some great ideas on
make up, and other stuff.
I was total-leigh impressed with the attendees that I met. To the gurl, they were the kindest and
sweetest bunch. I, also, met a gurl delegate, Heather, from the Southern Comfort delegation, which
is held in Atlanta, Georgia, in the month of September, who has the most darling southern accent,
and all the delicious mannerisms and expressions, and was incredib-leigh adept in getting her point
across. What wonderful fun, If I can just figure a way to get there. <hmmm... thinking>
Held in the Sheraton Hotel, the facilities were top notch, and at no time did anyone, EVER, give any
of us the least hassle (at least that I know of). We used the ladies facilities with no concern, at
all. Every GG that came in while I was in that space was gracious, and very complimentary of our
efforts to be what we are. I, also, had the opportunities to go out of "the envelope" and get things at
a "normal" drug store, restaurant, and drive around town, without the slightest problem, too!
I could not get there until Thursday, due to work constraints, (OK, you bondage babes, settle down,
and quit panting) I hit the vendor area that afternoon, and browsed. That night, we dolled up to go
to a party thrown at a local Chicago haunt, "Durty Nellies". The party was hosted by the Doctor's
Zukowski, Ousterhout, Meltzer, and Kaufman, a local contingent of very special surgeons,
specializing in "us". A special party room was available with a crow's nest eye view of the band, but
the gurls ranged all over the place and had a great time. Dancing was not over until after 2 AM.
Friday, was vendor day for me, but there were many meaningful seminars for a variety of useful
subjects. Friday night was a Gala banquet, and my first drag queen appearance. I mean, Drag
You see, I've discovered, in myself, that I don't have a
problem with being, shall we say, "obvious". Looking like
Mae West, I sat off to the side, after dinner and speeches,
and watched the Drag Show, by Stella Productions, (of
Miss Continental Pageant fame.) The performers were
astounding, and I couldn't help rocking (in my sitting
position) to the songs they had chosen for their acts. I love
that "bump and grind" music!! Sooooo...... after the first 2
acts, I noticed all the girls positioned themselves during
their performances, in such a way that the spot light
couldn't help but shine on themselves, but, also, -- RIGHT
ON ME!!!! I LOVED IT!! (No, I know this is not my
imagination, because after the show, I went with a friend, to
take pictures and one of them kinda winked when I
mentioned it. Here are 2 of the girls. They were such
Saturday was more socializing, vendoring, then prep for the final banquet. We heard a marvellous
inspirational speech by Mara Keisling, of the National Center for Transgender Equality. I had to
fight tears several times, during that talk. The theme of the speech was, look how far we've
come!! And, we should be proud and show the "normal" world that we are a part of them, and
belong in this world!!
After the banquet and festivities, and meeting all the wonderful people that put this convention on
the map, was the dancing. Many girls went to private parties, many to the suite of the Doctors, and
enjoyed each others company. I went with some friends to Hunter's. Its the local bar/club/hang out
for the gay, lesbian, bi, trans community. There are many others, but everyone knows Hunters.
I danced, and danced, and danced. Later, I heard
some of my friends telling all the places I went. It
seems that there was a trail of black feathers that
left no doubt. For the trip, I had borrowed my xwife’s car, and she even called, after I returned it,
to ask about the feathers she found and giggled. (I
have to confess that I, kinda, didn't pick those two
feathers out of her car <wink> <forgive me for the
"eat your heart out" moment>.
One last thought. There were over 400 girls
attending. I met many new friends of all
classifications, if one were to try to
classify. There were NONE who weren't sweet,
fun to talk to and very curious about you. If you
have not gone to a convention of this kind, you
have to plan on it. I saw, and accepted as
friends, TS girls, exhibiting all the feminine wiles
and behaviours, Tgirls, who could pass quite well,
Tgirls, who were easily identifiable, but with great
personalities and carriage, but could never hide
their "male" origin. And I have one
observation. When you are there, you bathe in
an acceptance that can't be equalled anywhere,
anytime. All, seem to understand things about
the nature of the species that most "normal"
males, and many "normal" females will never
begin to understand. I think, I can only see this,
my nature, as a blessing, cause I am so much
closer to my deity, through my inner self than I
could ever have imagined, and sometimes, in the
madness of our days, in the thoughts we can
never share, the feelings that allow us to
transcend whatever "normal" may be defined as,
I can feel the whispers of the universe, of the
deity, oh so clear-leigh, saying my name with love
that I can't explain. I can only immerse myself in it
with pure joy of being!!! ….TRANS!!!!!
In the
Extracted from The SUN Newspaper Wednesday, May 24th, 2006
“ Lusty Calum Best has been snogging a
transvestite – without knowing SHE is really a
Ladies’ man Calum 25, played tonsil tennis with
19-year-old “Gemma” – real name Anthony Gee
– on a sofa after a London party.
And the pair have exchanged saucy texts in
which George Best’s son made it clear he fancies
full sex. But he had no idea that Gemma, who has
had a boob job, is still a fella with full wedding
The Sun broke the grim news
yesterday to Celebrity Love
Island star Calum – now in
America filming another reality
He screamed “NO!” down the
phone when his agent Dave Read
called him. And Dave said “He
can’t believe it. He’s not
One of Calum’s texts read:
“You looked so sexy in that little
skirt – those dimples on your
lower back.”
Gemma, a hairdresser in central
London, said he had planned to
come clean. The tranny, showing
an Adam’s apple, right, added:
“Calum and I have kissed and he
wanted sex but I said ‘No’.”
A pal said: “Calum will never
live this down.”
The next day, this was printed, predictable don’t you think?
IF you have any comment, or see an interesting article in the
news , please send to the usual address
(PS. They all are! Go girls!!)
Tenuous Link ~3947563 – Fingerprints first used in July 1858
Hang on a
O.K. My favourite detective is/was Nick Charles, Nick and Nora,
movies titled "The Thin Man". Are the rings in my limbs
showing?? I loved the repartee' between the two of them. William
Powell and Myrna Loy. She had such wonderful clothes!!!
And guess who my #2 is?? Charlie Chan!! Both Warren (oh, my get
set for a bad spell <giggles>) Ormand, and Sidney (something).
So, now, that you are all back from the bathroom, a breath mint
might be in order.
I was always a big fan of the Avengers, not least because I wanted to be Diana Rigg,
come to think of it Still would and I would challenge any self respecting T-Girl who
wouldn't :o) I also used to be a Remington Steele fan and even though I was just a
young un at the time I told my mother that Pierce Brosnan should be James Bond). I
suppose it could be a parody for Trannies in that although it was a man who fronted the
agency it was really the girl who was the star.
I also used to like Charlie Chan when I was young, or perhaps that should be Yung. DOH!
Hope this helps
xxx xxx
Someone must have taken out an advertisement in the newspaper so
that everyone would be there on Delaware Avenue. I think the entire
population of Albany was out on the street on Friday night. And they
were all standing there in between the parking lot and the theatre. It’s
the only explanation I can come up with for it. It was the most
frightening thing I had seen in years. Why was that? You might ask.
I had a rare night alone on that particular Friday night as my
spousal unit was out of town and my little super-kid was off at a
slumber/birthday party. For the first time in ages, I was a bachelor.
OK. It was only for one night. Kind of a Cinderella Liberty, but hey! I
take what I can get. Being closeted, in the sense that wife does not
know and wouldn’t be “wife” is she found out (too long a story for right
now) I’m sure you can guess exactly what my first thought was. Right you
are! Which of my local TG pals is also free and wants to go out. There
was no way I was staying home in drab and watching “Are You Being
Served” re-runs on the Beeb. (Yes, our cable provider actually offers
the BBC on it’s own channel here. Amazing isn’t it? I suspect they pay
only a “brass farthing” for it though since every program they show on
it was cancelled about ten years ago.)
Turns out that only one girl was even in town. Josephine was the
only one of the girls who regularly go out and about that did not hike
off to the mid west for “Be All”. All the others in town are just as
shut in as I am. What to do? Josephine, being the dear that she is,
immediately chimed in that we “simply must go do something”. In making
plans we thought it would be only the two of us but then my dear, dear
Jen said that if she had the right excuse she might be able to join us.
Jen, you see, is in the exact same situation as I am. Well there was
nothing for it was there? I had to come up with something. And so we
did. A message left on the answering machine from one of Jen’s “male
buddies” telling Mrs. Jen that I needed help and could I please prevail
on her good graces to relinquish her husband for the evening did the
So the three of us made plans to set off for dinner and a movie.
Pretty tame night out, you say? Well it’s true, it is. But when you
consider that of the three of us, the only one who had been in general
public to any extent at all was Josephine, I’m sure you can appreciate
the size of this step. I have been to the shopping malls twice, but it
was very early or very late when there were almost no people about. Jen
had not been in general public at all. And so her we were, making plans
to go to a movie, in an 8 screen mulitplex, and then on to dinner at a
real honest-to-God restaurant with non TG type people all around us.
What were we thinking!?!
Of course, comes the big day and there appears to be nothing we
want to see showing at the Spectrum Theater. Hmmmm.. Well, we’re going
anyway. We’ll just pick one. Which we did. Not one any of us would have
chosen but it wasn’t important since the movie itself didn’t matter, it
was the getting out. Which almost didn’t happen for me. It was my fault
really. I got a late start and we missed the beginning of the movie we
had settled on so we simply chose one of the next ones playing. I’m
quick to assume responsibility for this because the film we actually did
see, turned out to be excellent and very appropriate.
We saw a film called “Kinky Boots” And yes, it really is what
you think. Well maybe not exactly, but close enough. The description on
the theatre’s web site said:
Kinky Boots
(PG13) In this charming British comedy, Joel
Edgerton plays Charlie Price who is forced by the sudden death of his
father to take the helm of the family shoe business. Unfortunately,
Price and Sons, provincial manufacturers of traditional men's shoes, has
seen better days. In fact, bankruptcy looks inevitable until Charlie,
through a chance encounter with Lola, a Soho transvestite (played to
rave reviews by Chiwetel Ejiofor), is inspired to take the business in a
new direction. Lola is recruited to design a new line of erotic women's
boots for a male market. But the workers at the shoe factory are plenty
sceptical, and so is Charlie's girlfriend! Will the line come together
in time for the fast-approaching and all-important Milan
Shoe Fair? 106 min.
Those of you in “Merry Olde” may have already seen this or at
least heard of it, but if you haven’t. You should find where it’s
playing and go see it. It’s a hoot! And Ejiofor is dazzling as Lola.
Great fun, and loaded with insights and poignant moments. But I’ve
gotten off course here. When we arrived at the theatre, the parking lot
was full and we had to go a block away to another lot and walk back.
That’s where the
crowd came in. (See opening paragraph) I was terrified at the prospect
of running the gamut of all those fine, upright and non trans citizens
for an entire block just to get to the theatre, where there would be
even more fine, upright , non trans citizens inside. Gulp.
Visions of my early years when I believed that if I ever went outdoors
there would be a huge flashing neon sign over my head that would light
up with great fanfare and flashing arrows pointing right at me saying
“CROSSDRESSER” in letters four foot tall. Everyone would turn and look
at me, point and laugh. Everyone would know exactly who I was, really.
Even if I had never seen them before in my life. I had paralyzing fears
that the next thing I would hear would be the local TV news anchor
coming on saying “We interrupt this program to bring you this breaking
news. Man dressed as a woman seen in public. Film at 11". Sounds silly
now but those feelings and fears were intensely real to me back then.
Not all that long ago I would have turned tail and hidden under the
nearest dump truck.
But I was determined to not be the first one to bolt. We didn’t
talk about it specifically, but I know Jen well enough to say that I’ll
bet my next pension check that she was feeling just the same. To
Josephine, it’s old hat. She strode right on through, head held high.
Jen and I took her lead and did the same, feeling a little like
ducklings trying to tag along after mama duck and look like we were all
grown up too. Once committed, we had no choice but to go through with
it. Any other course would have called more attention to us than simply
acting like we belonged there. Of course, we did belong there. We had
every right to be there. How we were dressed meant nothing. And that’s
exactly what we got from those folks on the street. Nothing. No one even
glanced at us. At least no one that we saw. Maybe behind our backs, but
that’s something that we didn’t see and can take as either cowardice
(they don’t want to be caught looking) or possibly respect (they didn’t
want to embarrass us. Or maybe it was themselves they didn’t want to
embarrass). Maybe it was urban blase. “Oh, there are some crossdressers. Yes. They come to the movies here a lot. Aren’t I terribly up
to date? I know all about them and I’m not scandalized” Yup. Sure.
The folks at the ticket counter were perfectly friendly and
nice to us. Helping us get to a film that we hadn’t missed the first 15
minutes of. (Ooh. Poor sentence
construction.. Sister Mary Albertine would rap my knuckles with her
After the movie, we exited with the crowd and walked the block
back to the car. At least the gamut of people had thinned by then. But
what do you know? No one cared about us. No one paid us any attention.
On to the restaurant. A little out of the way place in Cohoes NY
called The Black Cat. Off on a side street and reputed to be Tfriendly, we expected no one to be there at 9:15 pm since the kitchen
closes at ten. Wrong again. There were loads of people there. And some
did look us over on the way in. By then though, I had a “so what”
attitude. I resisted the urge to wiggle my butt at the guys at the bar.
That would
have been over the top. The wait staff were delightful and gave us
excellent attention. The food was delicious and quite reasonably priced.
I opted for Chicken Caesar Salad thinking that I could stand to lose
some weight and a salad, particularly that late, would be better than a
heavy meal. The salad I was presented with would have fed an entire
family of refugees for a month! Josephine was in a seafood frame of
mind. I’m so glad she didn’t order fried clams. Seeing an order of fried
clams always reminds me that I need to clean the litter box. You might
guess that I’m not a big fan of seafood although I do enjoy a properly
prepared and served fish and chips now and then. I got to thinking about
it once and realized that most of the things I refuse to eat are
seafood. I cannot eat escargot. I know what they do for a living. And
oysters? Tell me who it was that first picked up a raw oyster and
looking at it quivering in its shell, thought it looked like food.
Decorum prevents me from telling you what it looks like to me. And given
what fried clams remind me of, you can imagine what visions oysters
conjure up. But I’m digressing again. Jen played it safe with a
grilled chicken sandwich and Josephine had lobster tails and crab cakes.
Everyone agreed that the food was excellent. After coffee and paying up
the tab we headed back for Josephine’s house where Jen had to change
before going home. Josephine and I talked for another hour or so and I
left for home remembering that I should let the dog out before I needed
to shampoo the carpet.
So that was it. My big night out. Pretty dull, huh? But it was
a special night for me. And for Jen. All you girls who go out in public
all the time and go to Sparkles every year or to First Event here in the
colonies, who go shopping every week en femme , you have every right to
be nodding off about now. Wake up. It’s almost over. We all have a
first time out. It’s like a Confirmation or Bar Mitzvah. (Hmmm, I
wonder, would a trans person have a Bar Mitzvah or a Bat Mitzvah?
Something to ponder at 2AM) Anyway,
it’s a right of passage. Taking the first steps out into the real world,
unprotected and unashamed. My dear friend, Jen and I now feel different.
Like we’ve taken things to another level. It’s a great feeling.
What’s going on here?
Most of the girls are in Chicago for Be All 2006. I’ll add the
url here so you can see what you missed since it’s over as I write this.
But it’s still something to think about for next year.
This weekend was also the Capital District TransPride weekend
Still awaiting reports from folks who attended. More in a later column.
Next Saturday night is the monthly meeting of the Schenectady
Gender Alternative. More a social gathering than a meeting, it’s always
well attended. The group meets at Yours Jazz Club on Barrett St in
Schenectady. Things get under way about 7pm and run on till midnight.
Rhea’s café will be held this month and henceforth on the third
Thursday of the month at Christa Stroud’s studio in Troy. Christa is a
Mary Kay rep and very supportive of the T community.
That about takes care of things on this side of the pond. At
least in the great northeast part of it. Sure would be nice if it
stopped raining here tho. We’re thinking about building an ark.
“Ladies and gentlemen, and those who have yet to make up your minds...”
(Lola in “Kinky Boots”) I wish you all a long and happy summer. Til next
Peace and serenity.
For Issue 6 May 2006
ROUND 1 – When????
1955 (50’s)
21st October
ROUND 2 – Where????
New Zealand
Switzerland & Italy
ROUND 3 – Who????
Pat Garrett
John Wayne
Debra Messing
ROUND 4 – What????
Dr Spock’s Baby and Child care
A Crozier
ROUND 5 – Picture quiz
Tom Jones
Jerry Springer
Leonard Nimoy
Elizabeth Taylor
Barry White
Professor Hawkins
Paul McCartney
“ Spooky “ Mulder
Mickey Roonie
We all love to shop, but as we all know , from personal
experience, some are…er…friendlier than others. Here’s a few of
the better ones, as recommended by you.
This is my own personal recommendation. The girls the Notting Hill branch
were superb. They couldn’t be friendlier, more welcoming, and professional too.
They have a fantastic range of wigs of all lengths , colours and prices , and I can
not recommend this branch of stores enough
Open till 6, by appointment – latest 5 o’clock
1) The Casket store: http://www.casketfurniture.com/caskets_coffins.php
A unique store offering casket shaped furniture for the gothic’s
2) The Baroness: Ok rubber and latex fetish store I have seen better and more but
the craftsman-ship looks good and styles are their own
3) JT's Stockroom offers a wide range of fetish things from bondage beds to
fetish toys, not a gigantic selection but enough to satisfy the novice and
4) Lydia’s offers a ok selection of transgender and cross-dressing items again not
a wide selection but a ok one for the beginner and part time.
5)Corset Connection: Offers a very wide selection for all types of corsets
everything from waist training to under-bust and to men to woman training
corsets, and for those who never have laced their own corsets they offer a online
training film for corset lacing A+.
6) Xtrax, I love this store humungus selection for the naughty little Goth Girls
and boys a wide wide selection for everything A+.
7) Extreme Restraint is a awesome store I cant wait to order from them they have
everything and anything from sex machines to the simplest anal plug.
Born to
“ Hi Mandy, I have a review for you, Wigsrus ltd in Southport. Recently
been there for a new style they are great. Hugs Julie Hi Ladies, After asking
around for some advice on wigs I plucked up the courage to go and try a new style
and I decided to have it fitted. I took the advise of an Angel and looked up
www.wigsrusltd.com at Southport. This meant going out en femme for the first
time and having a stranger see me as Julie. I made an appointment with Jennie and
ventured out into the world as Julie. Jennie is a fantastic understanding lady; she
puts you at ease straight away. All appointments are one to one and you can try as
many styles on as you like. Jennie will give you advise on styles and colour. After
you have chosen your new hair, Jennie will do the final styling and trim if
required. The service was excellent and Jennie was wonderful, highly
recommended. I felt so good and confident With my new style I had a walk
around Southport, then decided to drive over to the Trafford centre and had a walk
around the shops not bad for my first day out.“
Hugs Julie
www.frillys.co.uk is a friendly dressing service in Droylsden a town
about 4miles from the centre and gay village in Manchester. The owner is called
Julie and she now offers self catering accommodation above her shop.
HOTELS- I use Travelodge and the special offers of £10 & £26 a night per room
are great value. I have never had any problems at these hotels. The only problem I
have had at an hotel was at a gay hotel in Torquay where I got a really frosty
welcome to say the least.
MAKEUP- I don't use Dermablend because it is expensive and difficult to apply
so I use a Boots No17 cover stick or a Rimmel cover stick both are on sale at
about £2.50. “
Hi Mandy!
I order make-up from http://www.blushedcosmetics.co.uk/ . They are
very reliable and discreet with their deliveries even to Holland. And you know the
all in price straight away, no need to email asking for price of postage. And they
have a 50p and GBP1.00 corner!
Contact us on: Tel: +44 1376 322209 or Mobile: +44 7887 723239
Email your general enquiries to: [email protected]
Email your website enquiries to: [email protected]
Here at the Amazing Costume Company we stock over 3000 costumes
for hire and sell a wide variety of fancy dress and theatrical accessories.
Whatever you need to make your party a success - you will find it here!
We are a business that has built a strong reputation based on efficiency,
professionalism and style. We provide a one-stop resource for all your
requirements so that organising parties and events need not be stressful
or time-consuming.
Where appropriate, all our costumes come with accessories to help you
complete the character such as wigs, boots, hats, jewellery and weapons
which is all within the price quoted.
To the left are some of the things we have available, there are far too
many to list so if you don’t see what your looking for. or wish to hire,
please contact us on 020 8859 7747 or visit our shop in Sidcup.
As well as our diverse selection of costumes we have to offer we are also
well known for our genuine 2nd World War uniforms as well as our
superb Medieval costumes, perfect for weddings, banquets & functions.
Proprietor Mr J Griffin
Amazing Costume Company
745 Sidcup Road
New Eltham
Tel: 020 8859 7747 email:[email protected]
Web site: www.amazingcostume.co.uk
Born to
In this lovely country of ours there is a place that is oft forgotten. A place
where the temperatures are warmer, where palm trees grow in some of the
streets but, sadly where it has been a desert for those of us who dress. That
place is Plymouth in Devon.
But now there is a place, a wonderful place, a place where girls can go
without any fear of anyone casting them those ‘sideways looks’ that we get
sometimes. Somewhere that they can find clothes to die for. That place is the
Painted Lady.
The shop was started three years ago as a ladies clothes shop, with some
new and some second hand items in it. But then for whatever reason Lyn, the
lady who owns the place changed some of the clientele. Or maybe the clientele
changed the place for her without it being realised. She had no problems with
having TV’s and CD’s as customers and that was the change. The word soon
got around and before long tv’s were talking about The Painted Lady. Lyn’s
business soon began to pick up and now she has skirts, blouses, dresses of all
types and designs, even wedding dresses.
There is some underwear in the
shop as well although it isn’t a lingerie shop per se. But there are also wigs
and shoes (the larger one’s for tv’s).
Everything is at wonderful prices,
well within the price range of most girls. But, if someone can’t afford
something then Lyn has a ‘put by’ system and also a ‘Saver Club’ something
akin to a Xmas Club where someone can put money by until they have
enough to buy that long wanted item. What else is there???? Mail Order, is
something new that she is going to hopefully get into. There is also a storage
facility for those who have difficulty keeping their precious things at home
and a mail drop system, where girls can have mail posted to the shop for
The lovely lady has also, with the great work done by her husband, converted
their garage into a meeting room for girls. The room, which has a dvd, vcr,
television, computer (net connected) plus coffee making facilities, is a lovely
comfy room with a few soft seats and a settee, so that we can meet up and
chat, do make up etc. The whole idea being to enhance our existence a little.
All of this is at an hourly rental.
This review doesn’t really cover it properly, but should anyone be interested
in more they can go to www.paintedlady.co.uk which is the shops website. The
site is still in it’s infancy stage at the moment. But eventually we’re hoping to
be able to take photo’s of some of the local girls wearing some of the items
that are on sale in the shop.
I have even created a yahoo group for local girls
http://uk.groups.yahoo.com/group/paintedladyfriends/. If anyone wants to
know any more then drop Lyn a line, contact address on the web site
for the shop or you can always drop me a line at [email protected]
If you’re local, then please do drop in and see Lyn and if any of the girls
are there say hello.
Hugs to all
“ And now,
The end is near …..”
Well, there you go then, a 70 page bonanza in a lil under 3 weeks! Can’t be bad!!
rstly, I HAVE to thank each and every one of you who has helped this month; you
AZING job!
all pulled together for me, and have done a simply AM
For those of you who may be wondering why this months Narcisse is so early, let
me explain. On the 24th of this month, with the help and charity of some very dear
Misss Sparkles. How I
friends I will be in Manchester, England, for the Final of Mis
fluked my way to this honour is beyond me, money must have changed hands, is all
I can say!
So, what else is news? As you know, the site
is going so well that I have had to open
LIlboutique2! Obviously, I want it to be as
popular as the first and we have lots of lovely
space to fill, I apologise for the pictures I have
put on there already, had to be done,
done, some of
them make me CRINGE!!! But I thought that
you all deserved a laugh!
So, what shall we do with it? Please get your
thinking caps on, and any CLEAN
suggestions will be given
given due consideration.
One thing you can do is put more of your
pictures on, if you wish, just don’t go mad,
Next on the agenda, may I thank all the
girls who have sent in pictures for the monthly
competitions, you all look amazing,
amazing, keep it up
girls! Each month it’s getting more and more
popular, so well done all xxx
Don’t forget I am running a special ART
competition too, thanks to my son for
for the idea,
this will be open for the next 2 months, gives
you plenty of time for a Picasso moment!
Lastly, and by no means least, I
will be bringing
bringing out a minimini-Narcisse,
early next month , briefly covering
the Sparkles weekend , as seen
seen by me
and a few friends.
friends. It won’t be
accurate, it won’t be informative, it
will be the ramblings of a few
few crazed
girlfriends unleashed on a strange
city, so should be fun!!!.
To be honest, I don’t care whether
whether I
win , lose or draw the contest, as long
as I have fun , and have my friends,
that’s all that matters,
matters, but it would be
kinda neat , wouldn’t it?
This is my first proper
competition, so I am slightly pooping
myself to say the least, so please,
wish me luck, and think of me on the
Right, that’s me done, time to
Take care and have a fantastic 4th July!!
Mandy xxx
AUG 2006
Mae West – The TG’s crumpet
Hitchcock – Man or Miss
Stockings competition
Rachel Pastel Centrefold
News, Views,
Health & Beauty
Blimey, what more can you
OUT AUG 1st!!!