SURNAME ABBOTT ABEL GIVENS Michelle Lynn Michael David (Cpl.) ABRAHAMS ABRIC Clifford Sidney Coleman Clifford Sidney Coleman (boy) ABRIC ABRAHAMS PLACE EV B Richmond, BC D Belet Huen, Somalia D Comox D Comox AGE/BORN age 27 born 1907 age 86 NOTES/INFO PAPER DATE PG FP 24-Feb-1993 B11 Dtr/o Doug and Peggy Abbott, 9 lb 14 oz FP 7-May-1993 1 Son of Diana & David Abel of Sidney, BC, see obit 12 May 1993 page B10 Blanche Abrahams FP 28-May-1993 B11 Born Luton, Beds., England, wife died 1985, father of Judy and Jim, history given FP 2-Jun-1993 B10 Family named, lengthy biography SPOUSE B Comox FP Stephanie Patricia B Comox FP ADAMS ADAMSCHEK Conrad Elizabeth "Wally" D not given D Comox AGAR AITKEN AITKEN ALAHAIVALA ALBRECHT ALBRIGHT Mary Emma Alexandra Elizabeth Evelyn Katlyn Maraija James Martin Stephen D B D B M D ALEXANDER David Norman ALI ALLABY Syed Reza Tyler Wayne M Comox, Filberg Park D Victoria, BC B Comox ALLAN Heather ALLARD ALLEN ALLEN Evan Victor Edith Gary Carl ALLEN ALLEN Jeremy Mel M Comox, Filberg Park D Courtenay D not given M Courtenay, St. Andrew's D Victoria D Bates Beach AMBROSE Kristina Nicole Marie D not given AMOS Jim ANDERSEN ANDERSON age 86 age 25 ANDERSON Ivar Carla Dawn "Broady Lee" Douglas Arnold M Victoria, St. Michael's D Comox D Courtenay D At home age 67 Bernice Anderson FP ANDERSON John "Jack" D Courtenay born 1916 Dorothy Anderson FP ANDERSON ANDERSON Katelyn Michelle Lisa Maria B Comox M Comox ANDERSON ANDERSON Michael Chad Ramsay McKenzie B Comox D Comox Comox not given not given not given Comox Victoria born 1900 age 89 Otto RICHTER Wilfred Agar born 1918 age 82 born 1926 age 72 age 77 age 17 not given age 23 Edith OWNER Evelyn Albright FP FP FP FP FP FP Penny Arlene WILKIE not named FP Graeme HIEBERT FP 19-Aug-1992 B2 Dtr/o Pat and Gordon Allan of Brantford, Ont. Photo Walda Allard Ted ALLEN Melanie Lynn BARZILAY FP FP FP 18-Dec-1992 B16 Father of Gal, Arthur and William, bro/o Art and Bill, wife dec'd 7-Jan-1994 B9 Mother of Bryan Allen, service at U.B.C. Faculty Club 5-May-1993 B3 Son of Bruce Allen of Courtenay, photo Mrs. Allen FP FP 29-May-1992 1 Died as a result of motorcycle accident on highway in Bowser 4-Jun-1993 B14 Boating accident, res of Delta, BC. Daughter and son-in-law missing Kent Allen STORIE FP Doreen NOTT FP 17-Dec-1993 B13 Nee Ambrose, dtr/o John & Marion, other family named, "expected daughter" Shekina Glory also died. See Card of Thanks 7 Jan 1994 p. B9 by John & Marni Ambrose 27-Apr-1994 A3 50th anniversary, Open House in Black Creek "Larry Bonnie Denny Sandy; Brenda Earle; Bonnie John" 1-May-1992 B14 Survived by relatives in Norway and USA, no service 14-May-1993 B10 Dtr/o Donella & Willard Anderson, other family named FP FP FP FP Christian Andrew PERRY age 66 FP FP 19-Jan-1994 B7 Son of Steve and Nancy Abric, bro/o Stephanie, other family named. 9 lb 5 oz 1-Apr-1992 B9 Dtr/o Steve and Nancy Abric, gdtr/o George/Buntie, Harvey/Kathie Carnaham 19-Aug-1992 B9 In Memoriam 19-Nov-1993 C1 Nee ADAMSCHEK, born Recklinghausen Germany dtr/o Marie & Rudolf, large family named bur. Courtenay Civic Cemetery 27-May-1992 B9 Widowed in 1969, 5 sons, 6 dtrs not named, service at Piercy FH 29-Apr-1994 B9 Sis to Maranda and Marleah, dtr/o ? 9 lb 18-May-1994 B9 Nee AITKEN, Born at Bevan, BC, family named 31-Jul-1992 B6 Dtr/o Raimo and Laurie Alahaivala, 6 lb 11 oz 3-Aug-1994 18 50th wedding anniversary 10-Jun-1992 B9 Widowed in 1986, father of Reid and Nedra, service at St. Savior's Anglican, Victoria, First Memorial FS 22-Jul-1992 B2 Son of Norman & Sheena Alexander of Courtenay, engagement announcement with photo 1-Dec-1993 B7 Born in Murshidabad, India, dtr & grandchildren named 28-Jan-1994 B12 Son of Jean & Wayne, bro to Tara, Tasha, Teri & Teena, gs/o Edwin & Barbara Sands, Jean Wilson, Percy Allaby. 10 lb 2 oz, 23" Irene Anderson FP FP FP FP 8-Dec-1993 B8 Born in Prince Albert, Sask., son of Zack & Kari, children and other family named 12-Mar-1993 B11 Born in Cumberland, son of Ed and Jean Anderson other family named. Card of Thanks 19 Mar 1993 page B7 30-Apr-1993 B11 Dtr/o Shelley & Jim Anderson, sis for Jessica, born at 4:49 pm 25-Nov-1992 B3 Dtr/o ---t and Frances Anderson of Comox 8-Jan-1993 A19 s/o M/M Randy & Sherri Anderson, bro of Amanda 6-Nov-1992 B11 Father of Stuart, Neil, Richard and James SURNAME ANDERSON GIVENS Richard Philip PLACE EV D not given SPOUSE NOTES/INFO AGE/BORN PAPER DATE PG not given Margaret Anderson FP 11-May-1994 B2 Former res of Courtenay, was Chief Justice Judge of Supreme Court & Appeal Court bro/o Joan McMonnies of Courtenay Mr. IRELAND age 83 FP 16-Apr-1993 B9 Nee ANDERSON, family named born 1906 Stanley Anfield FP 30-Jun-1993 B10 Born Hull, Yorkshire, England, family named born 1955 none FP 9-Oct-1992 B10 Son of Stan Anfield and Mary Loewen, siblings and other family named Edith Anfield age 88 FP 26-Mar-1993 B7 Born Nottingham, England, father of Stanley Jr. and Larry, other family named, history given FP 8-Sep-1993 B9 Son of Brent & Laurie Annand, bro/o Amanda & Nicholas ANDERSON ANFIELD ANFIELD Sarah Grovena Edith Lawrence Dale D not given D Comox D Kelowna ANFIELD Stanley Sr. D Comox ANNAND B not given ANNESS Benjamin Steven Dale Gerald Willis D Victoria, BC age 50 Ruth Anness FP 30-Mar-1994 B13 Son of Willis and Gloria Anness, children and other family named. Admin. Dir. of Diagnostic Imaging at St. Joseph's Comox APPLETON Jeffrey D Victoria age 51 June Appleton FP APPLETON Jeffrey D Victoria age 50 June Wheeler FP APPLEYARD APPS APSOURIS Christopher Coty Albert Raymond Miles Gabriel B Comox D Comox B Comox born 1930 Germaine Apps FP FP FP ARAYA ARBUCKLE Christina Andrea Doris B Comox D Sarnia, Ontario 1-Apr-1992 B9 Born in Liverpool, England, father of Paula, Jacqueline and Peter, other family named, service at Piercy FH 24-Mar-1993 B8 no further info. See 25 Mar 1994 p. B15, In Memoriam by June, Paula, Perry, Peter and Jackie 12-Jun-1992 B10 Son of Len and Clarice Appleyard, bro/o Evan 13-May-1994 B13 Sister, brother & step-children named, native of Cumberland 6-Jan-1993 A18 s/o Warren and Amy Apsouris, nee Schickler, 7 lb. 7 oz, born at 10:05 pm 1-Jun-1994 B9 Dtr/o Rodrigo and Ines Araya 18-Dec-1992 B16 Nee NAYLOR, First husband died 1948, 2nd in 1995, children and other family named ARMSTRONG Matthew James ARMSTRONG Naomi Jocelyn ARMSTRONG Rod J. ARMSTRONG ARNOLD William Lynne Deanne M Horne Lake, BC M Shawinigan Lake M Comox, Filberg Lodge D not given M Courtenay, Westerly Hotel ARTHUR Jody Creig D Burnaby, BC ARTHURS Kathleen Jane "Kate" B not given ARUNDEL Robert William ASH Jennifer ASKEY Gregory ATCHISON Lucas Sidney M Ladner, All Saints Ang. M Courtenay, Christ the King M Courtenay, Christ the King B Vancouver, BC ATKINSON Joseph George D Comox age 56 AUBRY Joseph Mario Jules AUCHTERLONIE John Mann D London, Ontario D age 90 not given Steve ARBUCKLE, Edward CLEMENTS, Hugh DUNN FP FP Jane Lee-Ann BATES Gerald William Frederic WALTON Rene D. McBRIDE FP Mrs. Armstrong Brent Albert DUGUAY FP FP FP FP 24-Jul-1992 B9 Son of Nancy and Jim Garden, gs/o Grace & Jerry Lester of Penticton engagement announced with photo 13-Jul-1994 B9 No further info Special thanks to M/M Rock Fortier, Tammy Davey Paul & Allen Armstrong Sara Shortman Wendy McBride 3-Feb-1993 B7 One son & 4 dtrs named, sister Margaret deceased 10-Feb-1993 B3 Dtr/o Gary & Bonnie Arnold of Courtenay & Powell River, some family named now res New Westminster 16-Sep-1992 B2 Shelley Lynne PARDIAC Gregory ASKEY FP 24-Mar-1993 B8 Son of Jim & Diana Arthur of Comox, bro/o Colin, gs/o Betty Arthur & Tom Lewis 7-Jul-1993 B10 65th birthday, Card of Thanks from Kate Sutherland (formerly Haddon), nee Arthurs 23-Dec-1992 B2 Son of Bob & Kay Arundel of Lions Bay, BC, writeup with photo FP 23-Sep-1992 B2 Dtr/o Sinclair & Helen Ash of Comox. Photo Jennifer ASH FP 23-Sep-1992 B11 Son of James & Fran Askey of Victoria. Photo age 19 FP FP FP Jean Atkinson 3-Dec-1993 C1 Son of Nicole Fleming and Bruce Atchison, 5 lb 6 oz FP 12-Aug-1994 11 Son of George & Elizabeth Atkinson, children and other family named age 33 FP age 81 FP 6-May-1992 B9 Formerly of Comox Valley, son of Chrystal and Paul Aubry, bro/o Nancy, Bob and Claude, service in Chilliwack 11-Sep-1992 B10 Born in Dundee, Scotland Res of Royston owned Cumberland Bakery many relatives bur. Cumberland Cemetery SURNAME AUDETTE AVENT AVERY GIVENS Betty E. Gladys Teresa Mary-Jo AYER Mabel Eliza BABIY Allan John SPOUSE NOTES/INFO AGE/BORN PAPER DATE PG born 1918 Joseph AUDETTE FP 10-Jul-1992 B10 Born in Oxbow, Sask., children and other family named born 1916 Leonard AVENT FP 13-Jul-1994 B9 Born in Pemberton, BC, children and other family named Robert COCHRANE FP 10-Feb-1993 B2 Dtr/o Butch & Elaine Avery, photo see also 12 Feb 1993 page B12. See 19 Aug 1992 p. B2 engagement announcement D Abbotsford, BC age 69 single FP 6-May-1992 B9 Born in Deepdale, Manitoba, sis/o Clifford Ayer and Hazel Harrison, service at Black Creek Mennonite Brethren, bur. Black Creek cemetery, First Memorial Services D Vancouver, BC age 41 FP 9-Jun-1993 B12 Son of Tillie des Meules of Bowser, other family named, cremation BACH BACKLER Anker Rosengren Kenneth Charles D Comox D Courtenay BAGWELL Cole B Victoria, BC BAIKIE Harper Piercy D Campbell River BAILEY Catherine Phipps D Comox BAILEY BAILEY Dora McVene (Mrs.) Lilly Ann D Comox D Cumberland BAILEY Marci-Lyne M Comox, St. Peter's BAIN BAIRD Mary Louise Douglas McKenzie D not given D Comox BAKER Diane Margaret BAKER Marg M Salt Spring Island D BAKER Margaret D Comox age 69 John Baker FP BAKER Rosalie D Cumberland age 97 Stuart Baker FP BAKKE BALDOCK Adolph & Crystal Howard Victor "Bill" M not given D Comox Marie Baldock FP FP BALL Darrell Keith Shanna Lee ISFELD FP BALL Geraldine M Courtenay, Faith Lutheran M Puntledge Park Richard Webster FP 22-Jun-1994 B14 Son of Dorothy and Thomas (dec'd) Ball, engagement ann'd with photo 12-Jun-1992 B8 Photo with caption, parents not named BALL Katrina Rose Dallas Allen MAIDENS FP 8-Jul-1994 A4 Dtr/o Jack & Linda Ball of Courtenay, Engagement announced BALLANTYNE BALLANTYNE Amber Patricia-Lyn W.H.M. "Bill" M Courtenay, St. George's B Comox D Campbell River BALLSON Celena B BALVUCCI BAMBACORTA Ronald Thomas Sandro D Courtenay M Vancouver, BC PLACE EV D not given D Comox M not given born 1905 age 60 Myrtle Bach single FP FP FP born 1907 Myrtle Baikie, Alice Baikie age 91 not given age 93 born 1943 age 82 FP FP not named Harlow Becker FP FP Shawn Peter Joseph GILAROWSKI FP Hank BAIN Paricia Ann BAIRD FP 20-Aug-1993 B6 Born in Vancouver, BC, nee TUESHER, sis of Judi Davis IND 11-May-1995 26 Son of John and Flora Baird, wife died 1984 5 children and other family named, bur. Cumberland Cemetery FP 29-Apr-1992 B2 Dtr/o m/m J.A. Baker Christopher John Gage FP born 1926 age 84 age 32 24-Sep-1993 B6 Born in Farso, Denmark, to Canada 1922, family named 19-Jun-1992 B10 Born in Saskatoon, Sask., bro/o Muriel Watts of Courtenay, service at Piercy FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery 27-May-1994 B9 Son of Renee Bagwell & Chris Ouellet, gs/o Clayton & Ann Marie Bagwell 12-Mar-1993 A7 Born on Denman Island, 3 children named, much information. See obit 17 Mar 1993 page B9 2-Apr-1993 B10 Born in Atton, England, dtr/o Alfred and Ada Bailey, family named Elizabeth "Bobby" Ballantyne Irvine PIERCY not named Donna Marie WEBBER 30-Dec-1992 B10 Sis/o Patty Barnes, Lou & Jay Moreton, Jack Sewell 24-Jan-1992 C1 Born in Gore Bay, Ontario, nee Orr, widowed, siblings, nieces and nephews named, service at St. George's in Courtenay, bur. Courtenay cemetery, Piercy FH 30-Sep-1992 B2 Dtr/o Diane & Jim Bailey of Comox, engagement announced with photo 25-Feb-1994 B9 In Memoriam by the Baker and Merrill families. Also for Damian Merrill who died 26 Feb 1993 6-May-1992 B9 Born in England, resident of Fanny Bay, mother of Tony and Julia, sis/o Henry and Eileen, private cremation, Piercy FH 17-Jan-1992 C1 Born in Buckland, England, widowed, mother of Betty Moore, no service, Piercy FH 28-Jul-1993 A5 50th anniversary, Photo 21-May-1993 B11 Born Balmoral, Manitoba, 4 sons & 2 dtrs named, other family named FP FP 3-Nov-1992 B7 Dtr/o Geoff & Annette Ballantyne, sis for Tyler & Kyle 21-Apr-1993 B12 Father of Peter and Ross FP 90th birthday at Denman Island, dtr/o pioneer H.G. Ballson, married 1923 to grandson of Matthew Piercy, pioneer 29-Sep-1993 1 Heroin overdose at Coast Westerly Hotel 6-Apr-1994 B13 Son of Oraldo & Amelia Gambacorta of Vancouver FP FP 28-Oct-1992 B3 SURNAME BANNON GIVENS Lucy G. PLACE EV D Comox BARBER BAREFOOT Dorothy Agnes Adam Shawn D Comox? M Grantham Hall BAREFOOT B Comox FP BARNES Alexander Lawrence Dean Austin Andrew Hope B not given FP 23-Mar-1994 B9 BARNES Benjamin Douglas D Chilliwack age 73 Evelyn Barnes FP 20-May-1992 B9 BARNES BARNES BARNES Elsie Elsie Mildred Jean Yves D Comox D Comox D Comox age 85 age 51 age 74 Fred Barnes James BARNES Mildred Barnes FP FP FP 27-Apr-1994 B9 13-Apr-1994 B9 24-Apr-1992 C1 BARNES BARNETT Nicole Marie Lisette Elizabeth Ann D at home D Comox born 1941 age 51 Bruce Barnes William James Barnett FP FP 16-Oct-1992 B10 17-Jan-1992 1 BARNETT BARNEY BARNFIELD BARON BARR Elizabeth Ann Delbert William Winnifred Frances Edna Viola Andrew Gordon D D D D D BARRETTE Mark Leon D Campbell River age 28 BARRINGTON BARRON BARRY Frederick Thomas Dorothy Beatrice Gail Ann age 21 age 76 BARZILAY Melanie Lynn BARZILAY BATE BATES Peter Constance Mary Jane Lee-Ann BATHGATE BATTERSBY Sherri Annie D not given D Comox M Courtenay, St. George's M Courtenay, St. Andrew's D Comox D Courtenay M Horne Lake, BC D Curtenay D Courtenay BEALE M. Daphne D not given BEARD Doris D not given BEASSE BEAUDON Dorothy Sharen Alma Phyllis D Fanny Bay D Comox BEAUMONT Dan M Comox BEDFORD BEECH Helen Oscar Edward D Comox D not given Comox Comox Comox Nanaimo SPOUSE AGE/BORN born 1900 Jack COLLINS, Bernard BANNON Robert BARBER age 79 Catherine Leona NICKEL age 68 age 78 age 76 Nettie Barney not named Lorne THOMPSON Joan Barr Elaine Barrington age 18 born 1900 not given Helena Barzilay Reginald BATE Matthew James ARMSTRONG Norman BATTERSBY Donald H. BEALE not given age 72 6-Aug-1993 B6 Son of Jason Barnes & Brandy Henningsgard, gs/o Del & dianne Henningsgard Jack & Myra Barnes, "Valentine's Boy" Born in Natal, BC, wife esides Rosedale, father of Louise, Linda and Douglas, other family named, no service Children named, husband died 1948 Nee MORIN, dtr/o John & Bertha, children & other family named Born in Hull, Quebec, father of Tom, David, Judi and Linda, service at St. Peter's in Comox, Piercy FH Born in Levis, Quebec, children and other family named Died in house fire. Obituary 22 Jan page C1, divorced, mother of Jeff, Brenda and Marie, born in Winnipeg, nee Warren, service at Piercy FH In Memoriam by Mike Hildebrand 4 children named Mother of Jennifer Darbyshire of Courtenay nee BARON, res of Ladysmith, 3 sons named Born at Vancouver, father of Linda ad Joanne, bro/o Alice, Janet and Agnes, service at Parksville FH Formerly of Courtenay IND 18-May-1995 18 Born in London, England, children and other family named FP 13-May-1994 B13 Family named FP 6-Apr-1994 B13 Dtr/o Jim & Karen Barry of Courtenay FP 5-May-1993 B3 Dtr/o John & Margaret Barzilay of Courtenay, photo 4-Nov-1992 B11 Born Rotterdam, Holland, father of Chris, John and Peter 22-Sep-1993 B8 Born in Miami, Manitoba, husband died 1981, two sons named 24-Jul-1992 B9 Dtr/o Roberta Bates of Cumberland & Andy Bates of Horne Lake, engagement announced with photo InD 2-Feb-1995 1 & 2 Suspected Heroin overdose, dtr/o Ms Gerry Fraser FP 18-Aug-1993 B7 Nee BECKENSELL, born in Comox, no family mentioned, husband dec'd. See 26 Nov 1993 p. C7, memorial service at Glacier View Lodge FP 10-Nov-1993 B7 Children and grandchildren named, res 2724 Tatton Rd., Courtenay FP FP FP Roger Beasse Mr. Beaudon FP FP 1-Jul-1992 B1 Nee Beard, sis of Cy Beard, other family named (Isabelle Stubbs column) 2-Jun-1993 1 Motor vehicle accident, res of Mission 19-Feb-1993 B7 Born in Blairmore, Alberta, mother of Lorraine Edge and Karen Brown Caroline DAVIDSON FP 10-Jun-1994 A3 Wedding announcement with photo Bud Bedford Mary Beech FP FP FP age 32 born 1920 7-Jan-1994 B9 Son of Adam & Catherine Barefoot. 8 lb 1 oz FP 14-Jan-1994 B11 FP 12-Nov-1993 B12 IND 29-Dec-1994 20 FP 14-May-1993 B10 FP 26-Jun-1992 B10 FP Stanley Guy HERMAN Gary Carl ALLEN born 1909 born 1902 NOTES/INFO PAPER DATE PG FP 5-Aug-1994 15 Born in Cardiff, Wales mother of Charles Collins, other family named, first husband died 1951 Bernard died 1987 FP 8-Jan-1993 A19 d/o Patrick & Mabel LA PIERRE FP 25-Nov-1992 B2 Son of Dave & Bernice Barefoot of Cumberland 8-Apr-1994 B9 3 dtrs & other family named 8-Apr-1994 B9 Childen & siblings named SURNAME GIVENS Mary A. PLACE EV D Comox BEHAN Dakotah Norman D Comox age 0 BELL D Gold River age 42 D not given D Courtenay D Comox BELYK Charles Francis "Charlie" Osborne "Obbie" Thomas Alexander Walter Alexander "Graham" Bernice Edith D Surrey, BC BERGEY BERNDT BERNDT Graham Star Isabella Graham Wallace Richard B at home D not given D age 71 Age 70 not named none BERRY BESTON BEWES Natacha Lori-Ann James Emmet Irene B not given D Comox D Comox age 62 age 71 John Bewes BIDIUK Nikanor born 1928 Lynne Bidiuk BILINSKI BILLY Dianne Marie Donald Stephen age 33 age 43 Candace Billy FP FP BIRDIR Ila Ruth D Black Creek, BC D not given D At sea near Mittlenatch Island D Courtenay 8-Jul-1994 B8 Born in Comox, dtr/o Austin & Marjorie BLACKBURN, children and other family named, husband dec'd FP 26-Jan-1994 B7 Son of Isabel and Donald IND 10-Nov-1994 27 War bride, mother of Gary Scott, Doug, Bill and Helen FP 26-Aug-1992 B9 Born in Alexandria, Minnesota, Bro/o Ernest (dec'd), Walter, Mrs. Ellen Joel, bro-in-law of Isabella Berndt FP 1-Jul-1994 B6 Dtr/o Kevin & Lori Berry, sis/o Kyle. 7 lb 1 oz FP 28-Jul-1993 B10 Brothers and sisters named FP 18-Mar-1992 B7 Born in Toronto, sister-in-law of Edna Browning, aunt of Maxine Davis, open house at residence FP 22-Jul-1992 B9 Son of Maria Lewkowich of Courtenay, father of Tamyrra and Nissa Liburn Aster HUNT FP BIRNIE BIRNIE BLACK Bradley Alexander Norma Andrew B not given D Courtenay M Victoria Ian Birnie Catherine Coger FP FP FP BLACK Andrew James "Mel" D Campbell River Mary Black FP BLACK Donald B. not given FP FP FP FP FP 6-Apr-1994 22-Apr-1994 27-Jan-1993 25-Sep-1992 7-Aug-1992 BLACKMORE Les Melvin Nicholas William Ryan Aubrey Joseph Raymond Lily Maud Valerie Joan NORMAN Erica NIELSEN Mary Black FP BLACK BLACK BLACKBURN BLACKBURN BLACKHALL M Calgary, Alberta M Nanaimo, BC D B not given B Comox B Victoria, BC D not given born 1902 Henry John BLACKMORE FP BLYTHE Stuart Alexander BODUNGEN Richard B Cold Lake, Alberta D not given BOESE Brady Douglas B not given FP BOETTCHER BOETTCHER Clifford Wayne Heidi Marie D B Comox FP FP 14-Aug-1992 B6 Born in Llanbradach, South Wales, husband died Aug 1950, two daughters named 18-Mar-1994 B9 Son of Christine & Mark Blythe, gs/o Gerry & Gail Turmaine, bro/o Erin 16-Mar-1994 B10 In Memoriam by wife, Ralph, Kirk, Haidee, Kathy & 8 grandchildren (Bur. Courtenay Civic Cemetery) 10-Nov-1993 B7 Son of Doug & Yvonne Boese of Powell River, gs/o Katherine & Donald Boese, Donna and Joseph Larocque 21-Jan-1994 B1 In Memoriam by family 23-Jul-1993 B9 Dtr/o Gord & Donna Boettcher, sis for Laura, 6 lb 15 oz BELL BELL BELL SPOUSE AGE/BORN born 1919 George O'LEARY PAPER DATE PG FP 19-Mar-1993 B7 BEGGS Georgia Bell NOTES/INFO Born Ennisviel, Alberta, dau/o Wm & Grace BEGGS, mother of Gerald (Joanne) O'Leary, Charles O'Leary, June (Noel) Chaboteaux, history given FP 1-Apr-1992 B9 Died at birth, son of Charlene Behan, grandson of Norman/Shirley Behan, service at Catholic chapel, Comox, bur. Courtenay cemetery, Piercy FH IND 29-Sep-1994 31 Son of Bill & Florence Bell, children and other family named age 74 born 1923 Olive Bell Zeta Bell FP FP FP born 1929 John BELYK born 1903 age 63 born 1913 FP FP Joanne Bodungen 10-Nov-1993 B7 In Memoriam by family (no names) 31-Jul-1992 B6 Born in Red Deer, Alberta, children and grandchildren named 15-Jun-1994 B8 Born in Usborne, Ontario, res of Denman Island FP 25-Jun-1993 B6 Dtr/o Marg Pritchard, sis & bros named 28-Oct-1992 A4 Vessel "Sassy Sham" exploded and burned. See also 30 Oct page B10 re family 2-Sep-1992 B11 Nee BIRDIR, born in Oregon, USA, husband died 1978, family named 29-Jan-1993 B10 Son of Rob Birnie and Penny Bindon 4-Feb-1994 B9 Family members named 29-Apr-1992 B2 Son of Ron and Mary Black of Comox, photo and engagement announcement 25-Mar-1994 B15 Father of Rosemarie (Bill) Logan and Wayne (died 20 Sep 1990) 14-Jul-1993 B4 Son of Dr/Mrs. Donald B. Black of Calgary B13 B11 B11 B10 B6 Son of Doug & Pat Black of Comox, engagement announced Card of Thanks by Mary and family Son of Neil & Lorrie Blackburn, bro/o Stewart and Katherine Son of Ken & Elaine Blackburn. 7 lb 2 oz Son of Ken & Penny Blackhall (nee McDonald), bro/o Julian SURNAME BOGNAR BOHNERT BOISSEAU BOISSON GIVENS Tyler Michael Gordon Alfred Cody Anthony Michele Marie EV B D B D BOLEN BOLTON Jessica Lynn Charles Edward B Comox D not given born 1947 BOMBACK BOND Lawrence Mary D not given D Delta, BC age 58 age 90 Barbara Bomback Thomas CONTI FP FP BONIN Noella D Comox age 83 J. Louis Bonin FP BONNELL BONO BOOL Grace Lydia Lauren Dallas Dorothy Lillian D Courtenay B Comox D Comox Harry BONNELL born 1910 Henry BOOL FP FP FP BOOTH Annie Victoria D Penticton, BC not given Mr. BOOTH FP BOSCHERT Belinda Fraser IRWIN FP BOSSOM Cameron M Courtenay, St. George's U.C. B Comox BOTTING BOTTYAN BOUCHARD Robert David Ralta Bertha Agnes Marie D Gold River, BC D Courtenay D Comox born 1940 Lynn Botting born 1916 BOUCHER Gillian Margaret D not given Wilfred Joseph "Blackie" Bouchard Art BOUCHER 13-May-1994 B13 Dtr/o David & Deborah Bossom, gd/o Dave & Shirley Williams Alec & Diane Bossom. 11 lb FP 23-Sep-1992 B10 Born in Kingston, Ontario, family named IND 15-Dec-1994 5 Traffic accident in Courtenay, res of Lantzville FP 15-Jan-1993 B7 Born in Hafford, Sask., husband died 1991, family named BOURRIE BOWBRICK Michael Margaret Elaine D D not given BOWEN BOWLES Jim Taylor Leigh D B not given BOWMAN BRAMMALL Emiliano Lopez George W. B Comox D Comox BRANDON Patricia Pauline "Polly" Michelle Pauline Desirae Lynne Lorne Anna Margaret Lynn Shawnee Agnes Jean Mable Donald Ramsey "Brad" Jacob Michael Daniel Kent D Mt. McKinley, Alaska B not given B Comox M not given D Comox D not given B not given born 1960 D Lazo, BC born 1927 BRASS BRAZIER BRAZIER BREDO BREEDEN BRELAND BREMNER BRENNAN BRIGGS PLACE SPOUSE AGE/BORN PAPER DATE Comox FP 2-Jun-1993 Courtenay born 1927 Marion Bohnert FP 11-Feb-1994 not given FP 11-Sep-1992 Kinistino, Sask. born 1966 Desmond BOISSON FP 20-Oct-1993 B not given B Comox? FP FP PG B10 B16 B10 B9 NOTES/INFO s/o Frank & Lisa Bognar, bro/o Marissa, 7 lb 9 oz, 3:59 am Korean war vet, wife dec'd, children and grandchildren named Son of John Dennis and Judith Boisseau, 8 lb 7 oz Dtr/o James & Grace Coyle, born in Comox, family members named 23-Apr-1993 B11 Dtr of ?, 6 lb 9 oz 6-Jan-1993 A18 Born in New Westminster, son of Charles Bolton Sr. (died 1989) family named bur. Courtenay Civic. See Card of Thanks 22 Jan page B11 3-Nov-1992 B7 Res of Fanny Bay, family names mentioned 8-Jun-1994 B9 Former res of Cumberland, dtr-in-law & grandchildren named husband dec'd nee BOND former res of Cumberland 3-Apr-1992 C1 Born in Ste. Rose, Manitoba, widowed, mother of Steve, Bea, Jeannette and Doris, service at Christ the King church, bur. Courtenay cemetery, Piercy FH 2-Sep-1992 B11 Husband died 1965. Brother, son & dtr named 8-Dec-1993 B8 Dtr/o Ed & Tracy Bono, 7 lb 12.5 oz 19-Mar-1993 B7 Born in Nanaimo, BC, dau/o James & Isabella BELL, sons named 5-Feb-1993 B9 Dtr/o William & Louisa Carroll, born in Vancouver, family named, to Comox Valley 1902 19-Aug-1992 B2 No further info FP born 1944 Gordon BOWBRICK Kathleen Bowen age 80 born 1903 born 1960 Carol Mattoon Pamela MASON Henry Bredo Ruth Bremner 5-Nov-1993 B14 Of Lac la Hache, formerly of Victoria, son of Hilda ACKLAM of Comox, other family named FP 8-Apr-1994 B9 In Memoriam by The Bourries FP 4-Sep-1992 B10 Born in Victoria, dtr/o Alexina Hawkins family members named bur. Courtenay Civic Cemetery FP 24-Nov-1993 B9 In Memoriam by wife and family FP 1-Oct-1993 B6 Dtr/o Cheryl and Bill Bowles, born 7:03 pm, gd/o Mary & Dan Dumont, Joyce & Frank Bowles IND 9-Mar-1995 15 Son of Nora and Jamie Bowman. Born at 1:57 pm FP 28-Feb-1992 C4 Born in Drumheller, Alberta, operated Brammall-Mason Motors, family not named, service at Elks Home FP 20-May-1994 A5 Dtr/o Pat & Ray Brandon, born Coronach, Sask. See also obituary on page B9 FP 20-Jan-1993 A19 Dtr/o James and Pauline Brass, nee Woods, 8 lb 3oz FP 26-Jun-1992 B10 Dtr/o Rick Brazier and Julie Payne FP 19-Mar-1993 A7 First Anniversary, res of Dove Creek FP 5-Aug-1994 15 Children and other family named, husband died 1969 FP 3-Jul-1992 B6 In Memoriam FP 26-May-1993 B12 Dtr/o Mel & Pam Breland, gd/o Ken & Darlene Waterfield Mel & Kim Breland ggd/o Bill & Dorothy Vass FP 19-Aug-1992 B9 Born in Earl Grey, Sask, son of Robert & Mary Bremner, other family named FP 9-Jun-1993 B12 Son of John & Lynn Brennan FP 28-May-1993 B11 Son of Dianne and Ken Briggs, bro of Michael FP SURNAME BRIGGS GIVENS Isabelle Violet "Dot" PLACE EV D Comox BRISBIN BROCKLEHURST BROOKS Mackinlee Catharine William Eric Natalie Maria B Comox D Comox B Comox BROOME BROUGHTON BROWN Rachelle Kimberley Colton William Annie B not given B not given D Vancouver BROWN Glady M. D Comox born 1899 BROWN Herbert Charles D Comox age 49 BROWN BROWN Hollyann Elizabeth Louisa B D Comox BROWN BROWN BROWN Margaret Matt Nicolas Nelson D Comox D Comox B Edmonton BROWN BROWN BROWN BROWN BRUCE Richard Dennis Robert Ryan Alexander Thomas Phillip Ryan Darrell D D B D B BRUNET-COPELAND BRUNO BRYAN Savannah Jean Angela William Alfred James B Comox D Nanaimo, BC D Comox age 34 age 88 Winnifred Bryan FP 23-Dec-1992 B21 FP 6-Oct-1993 A1 IND 1-Dec-1994 27 BRYDEN Gerald D Victoria age 79 Josephine Bryden FP BUCHAN BUDDLINGH BUELL BULLEN Sarah Catherine Simon Jordan Michael Edward Lester B D B D BULLEN BULLIS BUNKER Taylor Noelle Conor Raymond Roy William "Archie" B Comox B Comox D not given BURGOYNE BURKMAR Joan Elizabeth Nellie Maude BURNESKI Frank BURNESKI Lisa Marie D not given D Courtenay, GVL D Courtenay, Laurel Lodge M not given BURNHAM Barbara Ann D Victoria age 50 BURNS BURNS Ina (Robina) Lori Ann D Comox M Courtenay, Faith Lutheran age 89 not given not given Comox not given not given not given Comox Comox Vancouver, BC SPOUSE AGE/BORN not given Harry Briggs PAPER DATE PG IND 3-Nov-1994 29 FP FP FP 1-Jun-1994 B9 10-Jan-1992 C1 4-Dec-1992 B12 FP FP FP 23-Sep-1992 B11 11-Feb-1994 B15 6-Jun-1994 B8 David A. BROWN FP 14-Apr-1993 B10 Sandra Brown FP 24-Jan-1992 C1 born 1902 George BROWN FP FP 13-May-1992 B12 1-Oct-1993 B6 age 61 Born 1905 not named FP FP FP 9-Feb-1994 B9 1-Sep-1993 B9 5-Jun-1992 B10 age 77 Agnes Brocklehurst age 81 FP FP FP FP FP age 89 29-Sep-1993 25-Aug-1993 6-May-1994 22-Jul-1992 22-Jan-1993 B8 B9 B9 B9 B11 NOTES/INFO Children, grandchildren & other family named, husband dec'd, res of Cumberland bur. Cumberland Cemetery Dtr/o Rod & Katherine Brisbin. Born at 6:38 am, 6 lb 14 oz Father of Pat and Ena, service at Comox Legion Dtr/o Petra & Martin Brooks, gd/o Maria & Joseph Brooks, Maria Alberti of Germany Dtr/o Phillip & Catherine Broome, bro/o Daniel, 8 lb 3 oz Son of Ed & Kelly Broughton, bro for Matthew Dtr/o Robert & Annie Brown, siblings and other family named, aunt of Ron Bannerman Born Monmouthshire Wales, husband died 1958 2 children named history bur. Riverside Memorial Park, Regina Son of Freda Brown, father of Deborah, Janice and Alayne, service at Piercy FH, cremation Dtr/o Steve and Maureen Brown Nee SHEPPARD, born in Nanaimo husband died 1973 2 children named bur. Cumberland Cemetery Family named, bur. Courtenay Civic Cemetery Cumberland pioneer, some family named Son of Lyle and Joyanne Brown, 6 lb 13 oz, bro/o Spencer, grandson of Joyce/Hugh Martin, Esther/Earl Brown In Memoriam of "Popper" by Jennifer Born Blackhill, Co. Durham, England, family named Son of Troy and Kristin Brown, nee Devito. 6 lb 10 oz Bro/o Kay Tobacco of Courtenay, Herbert Brown of California Son of Randy & Lon Bruce, nee Blevins gs/o Dick & Joy Bruce Roy & Deanna Blevins. See also 27 Jan page B11 Dtr/o John & Laura Brunet-Copeland. 6.5 lb Car accident on Hornby Island, Brian Hugh Page also killed Born in London, England, wife died 1986, father of June and Derek not given FP FP FP FP 31-Jan-1992 C4 Born in Victoria, widowed, father of Laurie and Susan, bro/o Lucy and Peter, service at St. George's in Courtenay 23-Jul-1993 B9 Dtr/o Cathy and Robert Buchan, grandparents and brother named 14-Jan-1994 B5 "In Remembrance" by Piercy's Funeral Home 2-Jul-1993 B6 Son of Michael 7 Kelly Buell, 6 lb 6 oz 22-Jun-1994 B8 RCAF in WW2, career in education, no family named born 1924 Olive Bunker FP FP FP 4-Jun-1993 B9 Parents not named, sis/o Hailey, 8 lb 11.5 oz 17-Jul-1992 B10 Son of Chris & Heather Bullis, born at 5:20 pm, 8 lb 1 oz 31-Dec-1993 B6 Born in Oshawa, Ontario, father of Bruce, step-children named age 60 born 1898 Norm BURGOYNE Mark PIMLOTT IND FP Margaret Burneski FP 26-Jan-1995 20 6 children, 10 grandchildren named, other family 4-Mar-1994 B9 Nee BURKMAR, born in London, England, husband died 1946, children & other family named 1-Jun-1994 B9 Children named Christopher James TOMKO Lee Burnham FP 28-Aug-1992 B10 Dtr/o John and Ann Burneski, engagement announced FP 21-Feb-1992 C4 Nee Learie, mother of Teresa, Greg, Charlene and Clint,, service at CFB Comox Protestant chapel 5-Jan-1994 B7 Family named. See card of thanks 12 Jan page B7 29-Jun-1994 B2 aka Mrs. Lori Ann Weaver, dtr/o Mrs. Ida Burns Cyril BURNS Richard Michael GUNTER FP FP SURNAME BURNS BURROWS BURROWS BUSH GIVENS Patrick Kyle Jeremy Fredrick Nelson Roy George Lowell EV D B D D BUSH Peter Louis M BUSH BUSSEY BUTLER Robert Louise Etta Malcolm M D D BUTLER Matthew BUXTON Julie Ann M Courtenay, St. George's M Victoria, BC BUZIAK BYRNES Henry and Martha Herbert Philip M Kamloops, BC D Comox not given Marie Byrnes FP FP BYRON Charles Howard D not given born 1940 Susan Byron FP CADWELL CALDICOTT CALDWELL CALLA CALNAN Gordon "Gordie" Betty Aileen Mabel Ruth Justin Michael Bruce Edward Carol Cadwell Frank STEVEN David CALDWELL FP FP FP FP FP CALVERT CAMERON Mark Andrew Jane D D Comox D Comox B D New York, NY, USA D not given D Comox age 31 born 1900 Bill WHEELER FP IND CAMERON Michael Derek D not given not given not named FP CAMPBELL CAMPBELL Annie Taylor Corinne Renatat Tom Campbell Robert KOSCHAK FP FP CAMPBELL CAMPBELL Dorothy Marshall Richard D Comox M Comox, Filberg Park D Comox B not given born 1925 John Campbell FP FP CAMPBELL D age 59 Myrtle Campbell FP CAMPO Wilfred Lawrence "Bill" Cecil Jeffrey not given Marjorie Campo FP CANFIELD Joseph Wesley D Vernon, BC age 96 Muriel Irene Canfield FP CANNING Donica Lynn M Sidney, BC FP 15-Jan-1992 B9 Dtr/o Mary and Glen Canning of Sidney CARLSON Erick Hammar D Comox age 69 Tyrone Darryl Sparkes Paulina Carlson FP CARMICHAEL Neil Clifford D Victoria born 1918 Marie Carmichael FP CARPENTER Trina M not given Rick WHITE FP 15-Apr-1992 B13 Born at Spearhill, Manitoba, divorced, father of Barry and Kathy, bro/o Elsa, Freda and Hannah, bur. in Winnipeg 5-May-1993 B14 Born in Demorestville, Ont., father of Richard, Vance, Bonnie & Carolyn 8-Jun-1994 A3 Dtr/o Art & Bev Carpenter, engagement announced with photo PLACE SPOUSE AGE/BORN not given not given not given Sadie Burrows Calgary, Born 1928 Alberta Comox, Filberg Susan Alexandria Lodge WHARRAM not given Lisa McMILLAN Comox age 71 Comox born 1906 Donald BUTLER D Comox age 69 age 69 age 84 PG B13 B9 B7 A18 NOTES/INFO In Memoriam by Mum & family Son of Fred & Sandra Burrows, 9 lb 2 oz In Memoriam Born in St. Louis, Missouri, relatives listed, bur. in Alberta FP 19-Aug-1992 B2 Son of Mrs. Janine Reinolds of Toronto, Ont. FP FP FP 1-Sep-1993 B3 Son of Jack and Jan Bush, wedding photo 18-May-1994 B9 Brothers and children named, bur. Capilano View Cemetery 6-Oct-1993 B9 Nee HOOD, born in Carlyle, Sask., dtr/o Rev. James Hood and Ida Isabel URQUHART, other relatives named, husband dec'd, bur. Courtenay Civic 16-Dec-1992 B2 Son of Steve & Sharon Butler of Victoria, See 16 Sep 1992 p. B2 re engagement 23-Jun-1993 B3 Dau/o Ken & Anita Buxton of Black Creek Jennifer ROYER FP Douglas John FRANKLIN FP not given age 92 PAPER DATE FP 23-Feb-1994 FP 24-Nov-1993 FP 19-Jan-1994 FP 6-Jan-1993 29-Apr-1994 A2 50th anniversary with photo 1-Jul-1994 B6 Son of Elizabeth & Harold Byrnes (both dec'd), children and other family named 2-Mar-1994 B11 Son of Howard Byron of Saltspring Island, 5 children named. See 25 Feb page 1 Freak log accident 16-Sep-1992 B11 Wife in Coquitlam, children, grandchildren and brother named 28-Jul-1993 B10 Nee CALDICOTT, family named 8-Jun-1994 B9 Cumberland resident, husband dec'd, 5 children 16-Sep-1992 B11 Son of Sam and Laura Calla 17-Nov-1993 B10 Son of Alice and Horace of Campbell River, other family named 10-Jun-1994 B13 See also 8 Jun 1994 page 1 "Merville Man dies of overdose" 8-Dec-1994 23 Born in Pumpherston, Scotland, dtr/o Ellen and Samuel CAMERON, sisters and brother named, was Parksville Citizen of the Year 6-Jul-1994 B8 Son of John & Margaret Cameron of Comox, children and other family named 7-Jul-1993 B10 Former res of Union Bay, family named, husband died 1972 8-Sep-1993 B2 Wedding photo, no other info 19-May-1993 B10 Born Aberdeen, Scotland, daughters and brothers named 8-Sep-1993 B9 Son of Stewart & Denise Campbell, gs/o Frank & Betty Campbell, Rick & Jan Brown 24-Nov-1993 B9 Father of Brian & Norm, grandchildren named 27-Apr-1994 B9 Two children and grandchildren named, bro/o Ralph Campo of Westlock, AB 15-Apr-1992 B13 Born at Bedford Basin, Nova Scotia, father of Glen, Claude, Cathy and Lloy, widowed 1985, son Glen died in WW2, service in Vernon SURNAME GIVENS Rhoda PLACE EV D Comox CARRIER Glen D Fanny Bay, BC age 38 CARROLL Annie Victoria D Penticton, BC not given Mr. BOOTH FP CARSON John William D not given not given not named FP CARTER CARTER Cory Fraser "Beep" D D not given age 80 Mary Carter and Margaret Carter CARTER CARTER Percy and Mabel Samuel J. "Sam" M not given D not given age 79 Elizabeth Carter FP FP CARTER Walter D Comox born 1916 Mary ISENOR FP CARTWRIGHT Helena "Nellie" D Victoria born 1900 not named FP CARWITHEN Margaret Alice D Comox born 1916 Alan WOODROW FP CASANAVE Dawson James Barry B Comox CASAVANT Lucy Edith D not given age 75 CAVE Mary Elizabeth D Nanaimo age 78 Joseph Edward CASAVANT Charlie Cave CAVIN CHAFER Donald William Art D Comox D Comox age 82 age 71 Kate CAVIN Phyl Chafer CHAFER CHAYKO CHERNASKI CHILDS Colin Eric William Eddie James Gwen D D D B CHRISTIANSON Taylor Ann B Comox CHRYSLER Howard Loren D San Francisco age 64 CLAPP CLARK Lee Connor Ashley B Comox? D Comox age 89 CLARK CLARK CLARK CLARK Don Michael Arthur Myrtle Robert John "Bob" CLARK CLARK CLARKE Ryan Michael Tom and Pegi Joseph Luke M not given B Comox B D Black Creek, BC B not given M D not given Squamish, BC Comox Comox not given SPOUSE AGE/BORN age 95 single NOTES/INFO PAPER DATE PG FP 3-Jan-1992 B7 Born in Twickenham, England, aunt of Dr. Rodney Poisson, Virginia Sutherland, Bernard Flett, Vivienne Bridges and Peter Carr, service at Christ the King, Piercy FH FP 18-May-1994 1 Fatal shooting article CARR born 1923 not given age 64 Edna Chafer Olive Chayko Trudy Chernaski Clara Clark Tammy LOGAN age 68 Audrey Clark age 73 Ellen Clarke FP FP 5-Feb-1993 B9 Dtr/o William & Louisa Carroll, born in Vancouver, family named, to Comox Valley 1902 20-Jul-1994 B9 Son of Warren and Elizabeth Carson, children and other family named 10-Nov-1993 B7 In Memoriam by Mom, Dad, sister Denise 8-Jan-1993 A19 Res of Union Bay, family listed FP 14-Jan-1994 A2 50th anniversary, card of thanks 5-Aug-1994 15 Res of Nanaimo, born in Victoria, father of Diane Willychuk, brothers and sisters named 23-Dec-1992 B21 Born in Victoria, children, grandchildren & other family named. Married 21 Dec 1940 10-Nov-1993 B2 Born at Mapplebro' Green, Redditch Worc. England. Isabelle Stubbs column another article on Page A11. See IND 3 Nov 1994 p. 29 In Memoriam by grandchildren Beryl Gene Andree 16-Oct-1992 B10 Dtr/o Chris & Anne Carwithen of Cumberland, pioneers, 6 children named 4-Mar-1994 B9 Son of Leah and Jim Casanave Jr. FP 19-Feb-1993 B7 Family named, bur. Kimberley, BC FP 12-Feb-1992 B9 Born at Queen Charlotte City, mother of Sheila, Shannan, Shirley, Sheron and Chuck, other family named, service at Mt. Benson FH in Nanaimo IND 19-Jan-1995 19 Fanny Bay resident, family named FP 11-Aug-1993 B10 Family named, lengthy obituary. See Card of Thanks 10 Sep page B6 by Phyl Sharon Carol & families FP 3-Jun-1994 B13 Born in Newington, England, bro/o Art Chafer (dec'd) of Royston FP 22-Apr-1994 B11 Children and other family named FP 4-May-1994 B13 Family named FP 7-Jan-1994 B9 85th birthday celebration, Maureen & Marcel DeRycke and Marvin Childs FP 2-Feb-1994 B8 Dtr/o Darcy & Verona, sis/o Tanner, gd/o Gary & Sharon Folkard, Doug & Evelyn Christianson FP 7-Feb-1992 C4 Son of Juanita Shewchuck of Courtenay, father of Kathy, Kim ad Danny, bro/o Lenord and Rodney, service at Piercy FH FP 8-Jan-1993 A19 s/o M/M Ed & Janice Clapp, bro/o Caitie FP 28-Apr-1993 B14 Father of Trevor and Arthur, service in Kingston Ont. See 20 Apr 1994 p. B9 In Memoriam by wife & sons Trevor and Arthur FP 15-Jul-1992 B2 Engagement announced with photo FP 11-Nov-1992 B11 Son of Larry & Sandy Clark FP 17-Jul-1992 A6 75th birthday with photo FP 6-Nov-1992 B11 Born in Moose Jaw, Sask. family named Dorothy died Feb 1972. Card of Thanks FP 6-Nov-1992 B11 Son of Kevin & Carol Clark. 9 lb FP 27-Apr-1994 B9 Card of Thanks re 50th anniversary IND 8-Dec-1994 23 To Comox Valley 1967, military, 6 children named. See "Thank You" 5 Jan 1995 page 16 SURNAME CLARKE GIVENS Patricia Ann PLACE EV D Port McNeill CLARKSON CLAYDON CLAYTON-WILSON Katherine Elizabeth Andrew Edward Helen B Comox B Comox? D Comox born 1929 CLEASON Frances D Comox age 76 CLEGG D Courtenay or Comox D Cumberland D Comox age 89 CLELAND CLEMENT Elizabeth Tyler "Betty" Jennie Addison Roy CLEMENTS Doris D Sarnia, Ontario CLEMENTS Raechel Reavy D Comox CLIFFE George Palmer D not given CLIFFE Roy Boxer D Comox CLOUGH Reginald not given COBBETT Margaret D Cumberland, BC D Comox COBURN COCHRAN COCHRANE Arthur Eugene Gordon Webster John George D Comox D Comox D Comox? COCHRANE Paige Noelle B Winnipeg, MB COCHRANE Robert COCHRANE Taylor Leigh M Comox, Filberg Lodge B not given COFIELD COGER Carley Anne Catherine B not given M Victoria COLEMAN COLES Jacob Scott Olive B Vancouver D Comox COLLICOTT Aaron James Claude B Vancouver COLLING COLLING COLLINS Ben Elizabeth "Bessie" Lucy G. D Langley, BC D not given D Comox SPOUSE AGE/BORN age 34 Ken Crane NOTES/INFO PAPER DATE PG FP 31-Jan-1992 C4 Born in Comox, Nee Greenhill, mother of Nicole, Kensey and Ryan, siblings and other family named, service at Salvation Army, Piercy FH Roy F. CLAYTON, James H. WILSON Robert CLEASON, Jack MEIER, Earl CORNEIL Howard CLEGG FP FP FP FP FP Lorne CLELAND Barbara McBryde FP FP age 90 Steve ARBUCKLE, Edward CLEMENTS, Hugh DUNN FP age 86 FP born 1920 Robert Young Clements Inez Cliffe age 89 Ethel KNIGHT FP Alta Clough FP age 85 William Cobbett FP born 1912 age 64 Born 1919 Joan Coburn Eileen MARTIN not named FP FP FP not given age 75 FP FP Mary-Jo AVERY FP FP age 94 Andrew Black FP FP Aubrey Coles FP FP FP born 1934 born 1913 born 1900 Wilfred COLLING Jack COLLINS, Bernard BANNON FP FP FP 14-Jan-1994 B11 Dtr/o Tom & Joanna Clarkson, sis for Joey. 8 lb 4 oz 13-Jan-1993 B9 s/o M/M Tony Claydon, nee Diane Grossman, bro/o Bill 17-Sep-1993 B6 Born in North Star, Alberta dtr/o Louie and Vera PAULOVICH family members named bur. Courtenay Civic Cemetery 5-May-1993 B14 Dtr/o Olive & Laughlin McFAYDEN, born Melfort Sask. Husbands died 196119641984Two dtrs named 6-Apr-1994 B9 Nee BURNS, dtr/o Ernest W. Burns, UEL, two dtrs named, husband dec'd 16-Dec-1992 B13 Relatives named 6-Mar-1992 C3 Citizen of the Year in 1991, father of Danny and Barbara, born in Sherbrooke, Quebec, service at St. George's in Courtenay. See also 4 March, page 1. 18-Dec-1992 B16 Nee NAYLOR, First husband died 1948, 2nd in 1995, children and other family named 15-Apr-1992 B13 Born in Antrim Co., Ireland, widowed 1978, son Robert died 1970, mother of Rae, Alta, George and David, private family gathering 4-May-1994 B13 Born in Comox, son of pioneers George and Winnie Cliffe, children and grandchildren named 23-Sep-1992 B11 Wife died 1980, other family named. See also photo & article on page A7 20-Jan-1993 A19 Res of Courtenay, family named 8-Apr-1992 B10 Born in New Brunswick, nee Miller, widowed, Four dtrs, nine sons not named, service at Union Bay United Church, Memorial Society of BC 15-Jun-1994 B8 Born in Trochu, Alberta, informative obituary 26-Jan-1994 B7 Children and other family named 21-Oct-1992 B15 Death resulted from highway accident 24 July, born in Willingdon Alberta bur. Courtenay Civic Cemetery 23-Feb-1994 B13 Dtr/o Bob Cochrane & Mary-Jo Avery, gd/o Jim & Sharon Cochrane. 2 lb 13 oz 10-Feb-1993 B2 Son of Jim and Sharon Cochrane, photo. See also 12 Feb 1993 page B12. Engagement announced 19 Aug 1992, page B2 14-Aug-1992 B6 Dtr/o Steven & Andrea Cochrane, gd/o George & Myrna Cochrane Larry & Nancy Mitchell. 6 lb 11 oz 16-May-1994 B9 Dtr/o of ?, 8 lb 1 oz 29-Apr-1992 B2 Dtr/o Carl and Margret Coger of Victoria, photo and engagement announcement 5-Jun-1992 B10 Son of Debbie Brill and Doug Coleman, bro/o Neil and Katie 5-Jun-1992 B10 Born in Chiswick, England, widowed 1981, mother of Judy and Desmond, other family named, service at St. George's in Courtenay 10-Jan-1992 C1 Son of Dianne an Gary Collicott, grandson of Doris & Jim Gillespie, Ruth & Claude Collicott, 4:57 pm, 7 lb 11.5 oz 17-Nov-1993 B10 Family not named, bur. Cumberland Cemetery 19-Jan-1994 B7 In Memoriam 5-Aug-1994 15 Born in Cardiff, Wales mother of Charles Collins other family named first husband died 1951 Bernard died 1987 SURNAME COLMER GIVENS Shawn Kelly COMAR Mickey and Ellen COMELY Peter PLACE EV M Courtenay, St. George's U.C. M Winnipeg, Manitoba D not given CONN CONSTABLE CONTI Amelia "Mary" Muir Archibald Mary D Cumberland D Victoria, BC D Delta, BC age 77 age 83 age 90 Robert Conn Thomas CONTI FP FP FP COOK COOK Arthur Henry Elmer Burton D Victoria, BC D Comox age 79 age 80 Dorothy Cook Pearl Cook FP FP COOK COOKE Vincent Joseph Margaret Edna D Comox D not given age 64 born 1914 Sid COOKE FP FP COOMBS COONEY Vincent Norman Wilf D Comox D at home age 67 age 65 Doreen Coombs Linda Cooney FP FP COONS Craig Leslie D Courtenay age 33 COPE Lin D Campbell River Born 1926 CORKLE Minnie Gertrude D Campbell River CORLETT Kay CORNEIL AGE/BORN SPOUSE Michelle Anne NOWIK NOTES/INFO PAPER DATE PG FP 19-Aug-1992 B2 Son of Evelyn Colmer of Port Hardy and Don Colmer of Vancouver, other family named. Photo. FP 30-Jun-1993 B4 50th wedding anniversary, with photo FP FP 11-Mar-1994 B7 Son of Maureen & Christopher Robin Comely, memorial service at St. Peter's Comox 16-Jun-1993 B10 Family named 6-Jul-1994 B3 Mentioned in Isabelle Stubbs column 8-Jun-1994 B9 Former res of Cumberland, dtr-in-law & grandchildren named husband dec'd nee BOND former res of Cumberland 9-Jun-1993 B12 Born in Cumberland, family named, Cremation at Royal Oak 21-Feb-1992 C4 Father of Burton and Shirley, bro/o George, Edna, Les and Ethel, no service, Piercy FH 27-May-1994 B11 Family named 16-Mar-1994 B10 Nee HODGINS, born at Metchosin, dtr/o Joseph & Grace. Many family members named 11-May-1994 B10 Children and other family named 4-Sep-1992 B10 Born on Portage Inlet, children and grandchildren named, more info 3-Mar-1993 A23 Died in House fire (see page 1), s/o late Leslie/Mrs. Leithia Coons of Qualicum. See obit 5 Mar 1993 page B7 17-Dec-1993 B13 Formerly of West Vancouver, born in Liverpool, England, mother of Wendy and Paul 28-Apr-1993 B14 Husband deceased, two daughters named not named FP age 91 James Corkle FP D Victoria, BC age 66 Arthur CORLETT FP Frances D Comox age 76 FP CORNWALL Margaet Sydney age 86 CORRIGAL CORRIGAL Caitlin Marie Kerry Paul COSBY Shirley Margaret Ann D White Rock, BC B not given M Courtenay, St. George's D at home Robert CLEASON, Jack MEIER, Earl CORNEIL not named age 60 Sandra Louise KENNEDY Kevin Cosby IND 24-Nov-1994 24 Family named COTE COTTER COTTON Daniel Joseph Roger Betty Irene John "Jack" age 35 Les Cotter Jessie Cotton FP FP FP COULTER Kerri Ellen D at home D Comox D Royston, at home M Courtenay COULTER COUPER COUSENS Wade Preston Mattie Doris Kathleen B Comox D Cumberland D Comox age 74 born 1900 not named Reginald COUSENS FP FP FP 21-May-1993 B11 Son of Glen & Debbie Coulter 30-Dec-1992 B10 Family named 30-Sep-1992 B11 Born in Wales, husband died 1989, 3 daughters COVENEY Robert Vincent D not given born 1907 Anne Coveney FP COWARD Marie D Victoria, BC age 38 Mike COWARD FP COX David Howard D Comox age 62 Phyllis Cox FP 12-Aug-1992 B9 Born in Owen Sound, Ont., 2 daughters & 1 son named, wife died 1966 17-Sep-1993 B6 dtr/o Mrs. Agnes DUECK. Res of Black Creek sons and other family named bur. Black Creek Cemetery 12-Feb-1992 B9 Born in Duncan, father of Larry, Grant, Randy, Bradley, Kenneth and Kathleen, siblings also named, service at Lion's Den, Piercy FH not given John Stephen Henley FP FP FP FP 2-Sep-1992 B11 Formerly of Comox, husband died 1981, daughter and other family named 5-May-1993 B14 Dtr/o Olive & Laughlin McFAYDEN, born Melfort Sask. Husbands died 1961,1964,K15181984Two dtrs named 26-Jan-1994 B7 Mother of Judy and Tanis, gm/o Erin & Nanuk 4-Aug-1993 B6 Dtr/o Ryan Corrigal and Melissa Pyke, 7 lb 5.5 oz 7-Aug-1992 B6 Son of Dave & Pam Corrigall of Courtenay, engagement announced 21-May-1993 B11 Son of Cecile and Eugene Cote of Courtenay, other family named 31-Dec-1993 B6 Mother of Rob and Pixie 10-Nov-1993 B7 Bro/o Marguerite Powell of Winnipeg, Anglican service, cremation 6-May-1992 B9 Dtr/o Charlie and Joan Coulter, engagement announcement SURNAME PLACE SPOUSE NOTES/INFO EV AGE/BORN PAPER DATE PG Harry Cox D not given age 72 FP 29-Sep-1993 B8 4 children: Harry, Mervyn, Alan, Beryl D Kinistino, Sask. born 1966 Desmond BOISSON FP 20-Oct-1993 B9 Dtr/o James & Grace Coyle, born in Comox, family members named COX COYLE GIVENS Pat Michele Marie CRAVEIRO Alexandra Nicole "Ali" B not given FP CRAVEIRO Alexandra Nicole "Ali" B not given FP CREAMER D not given age 62 Betty-Ann Creamer IND CRESSWELL CRISP Franklin William Spence Muriel Gordon D D Comox Age 79 age 69 Harold Cresswell FP FP CRISP Jordan William B not given CRISP Kenneth William D at home CROSS Geraldine Pearl D Courtenay CROSS CROSSMAN CROY CRUMBACK Rob Kimberly Sharon Maya Elizabeth Tracy Lynn M B Comox B not given D not given CULLEN Hilda Lottie D Comox Valley? CULLEN CUNNINGHAM CURE CURREY Katie Dot Lionel Joseph Evelyn B D D B CURRIE Alexander Ross CZECK CZERNIAK DAHL D D D Comox age 79 age 71 Jeanne Dahl FP 22-Apr-1994 B11 "In Memoriam" by daughter, 40th wedding anniversary today FP 26-Nov-1993 C1 Artist, no family named IND 1-Dec-1994 28 Res since 1965, no children DALBY Stan and Edie Romuald Desmond Vernon "Des" Wilton Henry Francis D Comox age 77 single FP DALSKOG Karl Einar "Ernie" D not given Marge Dalskog FP DALZIEL DALZIEL DAME DANE DARROCH DAUNCEY DAVID Inglis & Fay Nell Alan Edith M. Edward John Sid and Ann Gordon A. M D M D D M D Lori HOUSE Harold Dane Gladys Darroch age 71 FP FP FP FP FP FP FP DAVID Jacklyn D Winter Harbour age 17 FP Comox not given Comox Epplesby, Yorkshire, England B not given not given not given not given not given Comox not given Courtenay FP age 66 born 1906 not named FP Frederick CROSS FP Kim THORNTON FP FP FP FP Born 1913 Douglas CRUMBACK Mr. Cullen born 1934 age 85 Ernie Cunningham Bertha Cure FP FP FP FP FP FP born 1904 born 1910 born 1909 8-Jul-1992 B9 Dtr/o John and Wendy Craveiro, named after late grandfather, born at 10:15 am, 8 lb 9 oz 10-Jul-1992 B10 Dtr/o John & Wendy Craveiro, sis for Sarah, born at 10:15 am, 8 lb 9 oz 12-Jan-1995 16 Retired RCAF, 7 children and 8 grandchildren named 26-Nov-1993 c1 In Memoriam by husband and dtr Charlyene 3-Apr-1992 C1 Son of William & Catherine, bro/o Sidney, Victor, Leo, Lena, Kenneth, Cynthia, Kathleen, Verna and Yvonne, privaate service, bur. Courtenay cemetery, Piercy FH 15-Jun-1994 B8 Son of Kelly Williams and David Crisp, grandparents & ggpts named 23-Oct-1992 B14 Son of William & Catherine Crisp, children and other relatives named bur. Courtenay Civic Cemetery 25-Aug-1993 B9 Born Calgary, Alberta mother of Gordon and Fred GOUDY Bill CROSS and Shirley ZAPP. See 26 Nov page C7 re Resident of Glacier View Lodge, memorial service. 5-Mar-1993 B7 Engagement announced 1-Sep-1993 B9 Dtr/o Doug & Lynn Crossman, sis for Katie 6-May-1994 B9 Dtr/o Cherie and Bob Croy 23-Dec-1992 B21 Dtr/o Margaret HARRIS of Courtenay, children and other family named 13-Jan-1993 B9 "Footprints" prayer for "Gram" family not named open house at 3656 Minto Road 18-Mar-1994 B9 Dtr/o Michael Cullen and Cathy Wolfe. 8 lb 4 oz, 02:23 hrs. 7-Oct-1992 B13 In Memoriam by Ernie, sons, dtrs, grandchildren & friends 24-Dec-1993 B10 Res of Comox Valley, children named, wife dec'd 27-Apr-1994 A14 Nee RIDFORD, dtr/o George & Emma married 1)Arthur Hobson 2) James Currey mother of Mayor George Hobson, more info in writeup on 100th birthday 8-Jul-1994 B8 Son of Matt & Penny Currie, bro/o Brandon and Amanda. 7 lb 15 oz 4-Mar-1992 B7 Born in Cumberland, bro/o Val, Lorna, Floreen, uncle of Pat, Ron, Gordon and Robert, no service, Piercy FH 4-Nov-1992 B11 Born Finland, history given father of Karl and Delphine and Lois. See also 30 Oct page A3 Brought the Union into logging camps. 23-Sep-1992 B11 50th anniversary celebration at Florence Filberg Centre 5-Jan-1994 B7 In Memoriam 19-Feb-1993 19 Announcement by Wendy Pirart, no date of marriage 10-Mar-1993 B8 Former teacher in Comox and res of Union Bay, relatives named 31-Mar-1993 B10 Born in Kamloops, BC, stepchildren named 16-Jul-1993 B3 40th anniversary, at Royston 29-Jun-1994 B8 Son of Edward and Cecelia David, other family named, not married 8-Jul-1994 1 Fatal auto accident, res of Black Creek SURNAME DAVIDSON GIVENS Caoline PLACE EV M Comox, CFB DAVIDSON Charlotte Mary D Nanaimo DAVIDSON DAVIES DAVIES Lena Emilie Bert Chantelle Marie B not given D D Cumberland DAVIES DAVIS DAVIS DAVIS Delores Mae Allan Goss Arleigh Ione Charles Kenneth D D D D DAVIS D Comox born 1906 DAVIS Charles Kenneth "Boots" David E. "Yenna" D not given not given DAVIS DAVISON DAWSON Krista Elizabeth Joseph J. Devon Lee DAWSON DAWSON Edward "Ted" Michael Jeremy DAWSON DAYMAN Pat Bobbi-jo Dione DE LOOZE DEAN DEAN Jon Stephanie Kathleen Verna Felton DECOSTE Damien DEES DELEO Chris Melody DEMPSTER DENHOLM Helen Cindy Freda D Comox M Lake Cowichan United DENHOLM Sheilah DENNEY May DENNIS Deborah Star DEPTUCK DEROME DERRICK DEVEER Comox Courtenay Comox Comox AGE/BORN age 82 SPOUSE Dan BEAUMONT Hugh Davidson Jean Davies age 6 age 61 born 1915 not given age 84 John DAVIES Ann Davis Maxine Davis Jenny Davis FP 12-Feb-1992 B9 Widowed, nee Church, mother of Fred, Bill and Christine, other family named, service at Ladysmith United Church, Memorial Society of BC 17-Jun-1994 B12 Dtr/o Randy & Stephanie Davidson, sis/o Cleo 22-Apr-1994 B11 In Memoriam by Jean and family 3-Mar-1993 1 Died in house fire. d/o Melanie Davies & Lionel Souther. See 25 Feb 1994 page B9 IND 15-Dec-1994 23 Dtr/o Mrs. Bertha Kilgour, children and other family named FP 17-Mar-1993 B9 Born Ashcroft BC, WW2 vet, 1 son 2 dtrs, other family named FP 12-Jan-1994 B7 Port Hardy pioneer, children and other family named FP 8-Apr-1992 B10 Born at Pine Lake, Alberta, father of Jim, Benny, Suzanne and Martha, stepfather of Bob, Chip, Johanna, Liz, service at Piercy FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery FP 2-Apr-1993 B10 Born Pine Lake, Alberta FP FP FP Charles ---------- 17-Nov-1993 B10 Formerly of Cumberland & Oyster Bay, children and other family named same obit in 19 Nov page C1 FP 25-Nov-1992 B12 Dtr/o Don and Tonie Davis. 7 lb 6 oz FP 12-Jun-1992 B8 Son of m/m Robert Davison FP 27-Apr-1994 B9 Twin son of Ada and Frank Dawson, gs/o Marlene Morrison, Nellie Fisher, Art & Sandy Dawson IND 29-Sep-1994 31 Owner of Comox Garage, children and grandchildren named FP 27-Apr-1994 B9 Twin son of Ada and Frank Dawson, gs/o Marlene Morrison, Nellie Fisher, Art & Sandy Dawson FP 19-Aug-1992 B9 Father of Ian and Glenda, 4 brothers, 6 sisters FP 6-Apr-1994 B13 Dtr/o M/M Joseph Dayman of 100 Mile House, former res of Comox Valley, engagement announced FP 11-Nov-1992 B11 Former caretaker of Fields Sawmill FP 5-Aug-1992 B9 dtr/o Lloyd & Sandi Dean of Whistler, gd/o John and Marnie Dean FP 24-Nov-1993 B9 Foster dtr Signe (Ron) Smith of Chipman, service at Lamond U.C. Beverly HARRIS FP Naida ROBINSON FP FP age 76 William Dempster Daniel Robert LONGFIELD FP FP D Comox age 91 George Denholm FP age 92 Theodore Lance LOCK Nicholas STEELE Kody Michael Roy Edward D Cumberland, BC M Comox, Filberg Lodge B not given D Comox age 73 Mary Derome Pearl Margaret D not given D not given B not given M Courtenay B Fort St. John, BC D Comox B Fort St. John, BC D not given M 100 Mile House, BC D not given B not given D Chipman, Alberta M Comox, Filberg Park M Courtenay NC Norah Davis NOTES/INFO PAPER DATE PG FP 10-Jun-1994 A3 Dtr/o Bob & Maureen Davidson, wedding announcement with photo Joyce Payne age 82 Daisy Dawson age 54 Margaret Dawson Peter Jeffrey SUND age 105 age 82 John JACKSON age 94 FP 30-Jun-1993 B2 Son of Robert & Evelyn Decoste of Newbury Park, Cal., engagement and photo 15-Oct-1993 B7 Engagement announced 7-Oct-1992 B10 Name changed from Melody Michelle Dawn PLAXTON, also children Kyla Melody and Angela Kathryn 22-Apr-1994 B11 Born in Scotland, 3 dtrs named & other family 22-Jul-1994 B9 Engagement announced 22-Jan-1992 C1 Born in England, nee Davidson, married 1925 in India, widowed, mother of Pam FP 14-Apr-1993 B10 Nee DENNEY, Born Chester, England, husband and one son deceased, mother of Jane FP 20-Oct-1993 B2 Dtr/o George & Gloria Dennis of Comox, attending Vet College in Saskatoon FP 30-Sep-1992 B11 Son of Ron and Cindy Deptuck, sis for Kristie. 8 lb 9 oz IND 27-Oct-1994 27 Father of Bonnie Wiegele of Banff AB stepson of Paula Derome of Courtenay wife died 1982 operated Roy's News FP 15-Jan-1993 B7 Res of Courtenay, 8 children named (nee DERRICK?) FP 23-Sep-1992 B11 Res of Black Creek, service at United Mennonite Church, bur. Black Creek Cemetery SURNAME DICASTRI DICK DICKIE GIVENS Logan Joseph Archie and Kay Edward Rheese PLACE EV B Comox M not given D at home DICKINSON DICKINSON DIGNARD David Earl Peter Richard Peter D Comox D not given M Courtenay DIXON DIXON DIXON DOBERSTEIN DOBERSTEIN DODD DODGE DOHERTY DOHERTY DOLAN DOLL DONALDSON Carol Doreen John Sylvia Sabrina Marlene Taylor Blake Kailey Anne Kelly Connor Craig George Edward Meghan Elizabeth Eugene J. Denny D D D B B B D B D B D D DONALDSON Donald Morrison D Comox DORAN James Stanley DORE not given AGE/BORN age 81 SPOUSE Margaret Dickie Born abt 1912 Dorothy Dickinson Rose Dickinson age 78 Constance Arlene Gayle FOSTER age 44 PAPER DATE FP 28-Jan-1994 FP 23-Jul-1993 FP 1-Apr-1994 FP FP FP NOTES/INFO PG B12 Son of Joe & Michelle DiCastri, bro for Jesse. 8 lb 14 oz A12 50th anniversary with photo B9 Father of Peter, bro/o Marjorie Conway (dec'd), wife died 1987, other family amed 22-Jan-1993 B11 Family named, 10-Jul-1992 B10 Res of Cumberland, son Stanley in 1945, brother John in 1990 25-Aug-1993 B2 Son of Elizabeth Dignard 13-Aug-1993 4-Nov-1992 26-Nov-1993 8-Oct-1993 15-Jan-1993 28-Jan-1994 25-Feb-1994 22-Jul-1994 15-Jan-1993 26-Nov-1993 19-Aug-1992 20-May-1992 age 63 Dorothy Doherty age 90 age 70 Ora Jean MacLEOD Maisie Donaldson born 1926 Josie Donaldson FP 9-Dec-1992 B11 D not given born 1957 Jenny Doran FP 17-Sep-1993 B6 Lynda Louise D Nanaimo? age 37 Denis DORE FP 19-Nov-1993 C1 DOUGALL Wendy Lou D Burns Lake age 43 Martin Dougall FP 24-Jan-1992 C1 DOUMONT DOWLER Glenn Andrew Peggy 11-Aug-1993 B3 7-Jul-1993 B10 Kathleen May Lori Ann NELSON Thorge Thomas Dowler Michael William Downey FP FP DOWNEY M Lantzville, BC D Comox, at home D Prince Rupert FP DOWNEY Patricia Ann "Pat" D Courtenay not given not named FP DOWNEY Paul "Rex" D Vancouver, BC born 1939 not married FP 17-Jan-1992 C1 Born in Vancouver, nee Mulcahy, widowed 1985, mother of Grace and Kathleen, other family named, mass at Christ the King Catholic church. See also 22 Jan, page 10 19-Mar-1993 B7 Born in Victoria, mother of Sannon Jack Michael Margaret. See 18 Mar 1994 page B9 In Memoriam 1-Oct-1993 B6 Born in Comox, son of Jack & Evis Downey, other family named DOYLE Erinn Leah FP 27-Nov-1992 B10 Dtr/o Heather Campbell, sis/o Lindsay and Thomas Walker DREGER Arthur D Courtenay, at home D Comox Beth Dreger FP 26-Feb-1992 B11 Resident of Comox Valley, widowed, father of Brian and Wayne, bro/o Walter and Fred, service at Piercy FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery DREW DREW DROESSE DRUMMOND Marjorie Emily Mildred Ann Ferdinand "Fred" Irene Beatrice "Meg" D D D D MUSGRAVE Dr. Richard BELL Marjory Droesse Harvey Drummond FP FP FP FP 15-Jul-1994 9-Jul-1993 14-Apr-1993 22-Sep-1993 DUARY Loman Edward Courtenay not given not given not given Port Hardy Comox not given not given Comox not given Duncan, BC Comox Courtenay, Glacier View Lodge D at home born 1906 age 23 age 72 age 86 age 13 age 69 not given born 1940 age 75 born 1902 age 45 FP B6 B11 C7 B11 B7 B12 B9 B9 B7 C1 B9 B9 Many relatives named In Memoriam Resident of Glacier View Lodge, memorial service held 17 Nov Dau/o Jim and Sarah Ann Doberstein, 8 lb 2 oz, 8:00 am Dtr/o Fred & Lori Doberstein Dtr/o Karen & Ron Dodd, born at 4:22 am In Memoriam by Mum, Dad & family Son of Paul & Carolyn Doherty. 7 lb 4 oz, 9:34 am Res of Cumberland, family named, bur. Cumberland Cemetery Dtr/o Daniel Dolan and Patty Keeler, sis for Sarah, 8 lb 1 oz Wife dec'd, two children named Served in WW2, father of Barrie, other family named, service at Comox Legion, Piercy FH Father of Miles and Patti, bro/o Archie, Andy, Jim, Nancy, other family named Son of Stanl & Corrie Doran, 3 dtrs & 3 sisters named. Also in 15 Sep 1993 page B7 of Nanaimo, dtr/o Helena Mary (dec'd) and Val HORNBY, other family named Born in Cumberland, nee Nicholas, mother of Darryl and Michelle, service at Cumberland United church, bur. Cumberland cemetery, Piercy FH Son of Ken & Bev Doumont of Lantzville Family named FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP B12 B6 B10 B8 Nee DREW, children and friend named Born in Cumberland, nee DREW, children and sisters named Wife deceased, sons and daughters named Born in Rossland BC, husband died 1972, mother of Alistair (dec'd) and Mervyn 3-Feb-1993 A1 Accident with 5th wheel, family named, see also 5 Feb page B9 re funeral SURNAME DUCCA GIVENS Joseph PLACE EV D Comox DUECK Russell "Rusty" DUFFKE Charlotte Helen M Courtenay, St. George's D Campbell River DUFOUR Kevin Cyril DUGGAN DUGUAY Lukad Brent Albert DUNBAR DUNCAN DUNCAN DUNK Robert George Fraser Francis William Alexander Peter DUNN Doris D Comox D D Courtenay M St. Thomas, Virgin Islands D Sarnia, Ontario DUNN DUNNET DURANT DUTTON DUYNDAM Patrick Christopher Madeline Jane-Marie D. F. "Don" William Peter B B D D D DYCK Lorina Kathleen DYER Muriel Irene M Saratoga Beach D Nanaimo DYER DYER Shelby Kai Thomas Murray DYKE SPOUSE AGE/BORN born 1911 Anne Ducca Karen KNUDSEN age 74 B Greenwood, NS B Comox M Courtenay, Westerly Hotel not given Comox Royston, BC at home North Vancouver, BC NOTES/INFO PAPER DATE PG FP 10-Mar-1993 B8 Born in Union Bay, son of Joseph & Margarita Ducca other relatives named. See also 17 Mar 1993 page B2, history given. FP 4-Nov-1992 B2 Res of Black Creek. Photo Werner Duffke Lynn Deanne ARNOLD age 77 Nancy Dunbar born 1898 Lauri Opperman age 90 born 1940 not given born 1908 Steve ARBUCKLE, Edward CLEMENTS, Hugh DUNN Gail Durant Mary Dutton Adrianna Duyndam IND 6-Oct-1994 27 Res of Black Creek, daughter Bettina and sisters named FP 19-Feb-1992 B9 Son of Marc and Amber Dufour of Greenwood, 9 lb 1 oz FP FP 23-Jul-1993 B9 Son of Barb and Brian Duggan 10-Feb-1993 B3 Son of Delphis & Shirley Duguay, other family named, now res New Westminster FP FP FP FP 8-Jan-1993 12-Nov-1993 26-Mar-1993 29-Jan-1992 FP 18-Dec-1992 B16 Nee NAYLOR, First husband died 1948, 2nd in 1995, children and other family named FP FP FP FP FP 22-Jul-1994 17-Jun-1994 26-Aug-1992 8-Apr-1994 20-May-1994 A19 B12 B7 B2 B9 B12 B9 B9 B9 Family named, service at Piercy's In Memoriam by dtr Joan Mercer Bro/o Barbara Marriott and Margaret Stevenson Son of m/m J. Dunk of Worthing, England Son of Patrick & Christine Dunn Dtr/o Alan and Jane Dunnet. 7 lb 1 oz Born in New Annan, PEI, large family named Son of William and Ethel Dutton, other family named Born in Holland, former res of Comox FP 21-Oct-1992 B2 Dtr/o Gordon & Charlotte Dyck, attendants named age 85 Jason Sennan FITZGERALD Dick Dyer FP B Comox D Campbell River age 78 Pat Dyer FP FP Harry D Comox age 82 Renee Dyke FP DYKE DZUBA EAGLE James Alexander Anne Kenneth William Edith Dyke Mr. Dzuba Debra Ann WALLACE FP FP FP EASTERBROOK John Warren FP 15-Jun-1994 B8 Born in Cumberland, son of Joe and Madeline Easterbrook EBY EDMONDS Taylor James Robert Harold D Comox D Comox M Comox, Filberg Lodge D Cumberland, BC B Comox D Comox 3-Jun-1992 B9 Born in Cazaville, Quebec, nee Stewart, widowed 1986, mother of Jean and Doreen, sis/o Jean Bonnell, formerly of Courtenay, service at St. George's in Courtenay 15-Apr-1992 B13 Dtr/o Scot and Tammy Dyer, 8 lb 2 oz 12-Jun-1992 B10 Wife and son Gerald Wayne, bros Harry and Dick dec'd, other family named, service at Sutton FH, Campbell River 20-Aug-1993 B6 Family named, married in 1941. See Card of Thanks 10 Sep 1993 page B6 20-Apr-1994 B9 Children and many other family members named 30-Mar-1994 B13 6 sons named, 2 brothers and 2 sisters 13-Oct-1993 B13 Son of M/M Desmond Eagle of Comox, guests listed EDWARDS EDWARDS EGELAND EILERTS EINARSON Bob Margaret Dorothy Hank Grace Kathleen Evelyn Marie D D not given D B not given D Comox not given age 81 born 1947 age 84 Edith Edmonds age 87 Stanley Edwards Harvey Einarson FP 11-Mar-1994 B7 Son of James & Heidi Eby, born 8:47 pm, 10 lb 1 oz IND 27-Oct-1994 28 Born in Culbertson, Montana, bro/o Dorothy Azerido of California, wife died 1988 FP 15-Apr-1994 B9 In Memoriam by Sue Edwards and family FP 18-Jun-1993 B6 Sis/o Ernest Chantler of Courtenay FP 25-Mar-1994 B15 In Memoriam by wife and family FP 3-Jul-1992 B6 Dtr/o Lee and Rosemary Eilerts FP 8-Apr-1992 B10 Born in Ontario, widowed, mother of Heather Locke, sis/o Ardell and Erwin Meiers, Piercy FH SURNAME ELDER GIVENS Jordan Emory ELDER Michael Jeffrey ELGIE Robert John PLACE EV B Prince George, BC B Prince George, BC D not given ELGIE Winnifred D Comox ELLIK Edward D Kamloops, BC ELLISON Charlene D not given EMMERSON EMSLIE ENGH EOCHOFF Harry Rosborough William Stewart Erica Nicole Doris Frances Annie D Comox D not given B D Comox EREBDI ERICKSON Ellen Klara Chris Lee D Comox D Courtenay ERICKSON ERVING Robyn Kelly William James "Will" B Victoria, BC D Comox ETTER Aleda Valborg D Courtenay age 83 Albert Etter EVANS EVANS EVANS Emily Reed John Merlin Ray B not given D Courtenay D Comox born 1921 born 1913 Lisa Evans Betty Evans EVERETT Holly Amanda EVERSON EVORA Zachery Richard Gordon John B Tenterden, Kent (England?) B not given EWING Williams James M Comox, CFB Chapel D Comox EYOLFUR Gunnarson "Eyli" FAIRHURST AGE/BORN age 87 SPOUSE Winnifred Elgie born 1907 Bob ELGIE age 91 Ceceila Ellik Mr. ELLISON not given age 69 Millie Emmerson Joyce Emslie age 95 Nick Eochoff age 80 age 18 Boris Erebdi not given not given NOTES/INFO PAPER DATE PG FP 2-Dec-1992 B11 Twin son of Jeff & Lori Elder, bro/o Katelyn, gs/o Jeanne & Wilf Elder, Bev & Fred Pisto FP 2-Dec-1992 B11 Twin son of Jeff & Lori Elder, bro/o Katelyn, gs/o Jeanne & Wilf Elder, Bev & Fred Pisto FP 8-Sep-1993 B9 Res of Black Creek, father of David, bro/o Lantz Low of Manville, Alberta FP 7-Oct-1992 B13 Nee MAXWELL, Born in Viking Alberta married 29 Jun 1935 mother of David Elgie other family named FP 15-Dec-1993 B8 Father of Peggy Barron, other family named, wife died 1983, bur. Courtenay Cemetery FP 23-Dec-1992 B21 Dtr/o Warren and Yvonne FLEENOR, gd/o Howard & Lela Fleenor, Violet Godin FP 19-Jan-1994 B7 Children and other family named, wife died 1982 FP 9-Jun-1993 B12 Res of Comox, Children, grandchildren, sister & nephew named FP 5-Jun-1992 B10 Dtr/o Gary and Susan Engh FP 11-Mar-1992 B9 Resident of Cumberland, widowed, mother of Bill and Marjory, private service, bur. Courtenay cemetery, Piercy FH FP 28-May-1993 B11 Husband died 1974 FP 6-May-1994 1 Died after ingesting toxic mushrooms. See obituary 11 May 1994 p. B10 and Card of Thanks 20 May 1994 p. B9 FP 1-Sep-1993 B9 dtr/o Mark & Kathy Erickson, nee CUNNINGHAM, 9 lb 9.5 oz FP 10-Dec-1993 C1 Father of Larry & Betty, bro/o Christine. See obit 29 Dec page B7 under "EWING" FP 20-Mar-1992 C1 Nee Murtsell, mother of Edward Mitchell and Mary Gustafsson, private service, Piercy FH FP 22-Sep-1993 B8 Dtr/o Kimm & Patrick Evans, sis for Megan, 7 lb 15 oz FP 9-Jul-1993 B6 Born in Wales, RAF in India, family named FP 26-Mar-1993 B7 Born Springside, Sask. res of Cumberland father of Philip Evans other family named. See Card of Thanks 7 Apr 1993 page B9 FP 23-Jun-1993 A5 Dau/o Amanda & Simon Everett, gd/o Bud & Heather Hayward of Royston photo included 6 lb 2 oz FP Shannon POOLE FP not given not given FP D not given born 1907 Anna Eyolfur FP Arnold D not given age 88 Winnifred Fairhurst FP FAIRWEATHER Mackenzie Ann B Comox FP FALK Jacob & Louise M not given FP FAMINOW Tyler Wayne FP FARR FAUBERT FEDORUK Chad Hal Justine Karen Janice April B New Westminster, BC D not given B not given M Courtenay not given Barry Frederick LUCK FP FP FP 29-Apr-1994 B9 Son of Rick and Wendy Everson, nee Gibson gs/o Ruth & Barry Gibson Wayne & Mary Everson. 9 lb 11 oz 18-May-1994 B3 Engagement announced with photo 29-Dec-1993 B7 Father of Larry & Betty, bro/o Christine. See obit 10 Dec page C1 under "ERVING" 23-Oct-1992 B23 Born in Iceland, to Campbell River 1941, wife died 1987, children and other family named 6-Apr-1994 B9 Father of Ann Grover & Lynn Robertson, wife dec'd, other family named 26-Nov-1993 C1 Dtr/o Dave & Debbie Fairweather, gd/o Donald & Ann Fairweather of Kelowna Bill & Kay Griffey of Sidney 6-Oct-1993 B2 70th wedding anniversary, Black Creek pioneers, 6 children not named 14-Apr-1993 B10 Son of Can & Jackie (nee Erhardt) Faminow, grandparents named, born 2:10 am, 8 lb 2 oz 19-Mar-1993 B7 Son of Ilona & Jerry FARR 6-Aug-1993 B6 Dtr/o Michele and Dave Faubert, sis to Andrew, 9 lb 5 oz 29-Jun-1994 B2 Dtr/o Mrs. June Stewart of Courtenay SURNAME SPOUSE AGE/BORN age 70 Eileen Fee NOTES/INFO PAPER DATE PG FP 5-Feb-1992 B9 Resident of Courtenay, born in Calgary, father of Sharon Richardson, service at Piercy FH FP 27-Apr-1994 B3 Son of August & Grace Feller of Campbell River, engagement announced with photo FP 17-Jun-1994 B12 Dtr/o Brian & Tannya. 8 lb 10 oz, born at 9:24 am FP 10-Sep-1993 B6 Husband deceased, 3 dtrs named FEE GIVENS Henry John PLACE EV D Richmond FELLER Brian Keith M not given FENNELL or FLINN FETHERSTONHAUGH Brooke Leigh Anne Louise B Langley, BC D Comox FIDLER Elsie D not given FIELD Alexandra Michelle B FP FIELD Brandon McKenzie B Whistler, BC FP FIELD Charlotte Alexandra D Comox born 1903 Roy FIELD FP FIELD John Ronald "Ron" D Comox Born 1905 Lillian FIELD FP FINDLEY Yvonne Muriel D Comox not given Fernand VACHON FP FISCHER FISCHER Kayla Maria Michael Edward B not given D not given FISCHER Shawn Richard FITZGERALD Gerry D Prince George, BC B New Westminster FITZGERALD Jason Sennan FITZGERALD Leo FITZGERALD Myles B New Westminster FLACH Clayton J. (3PPCL1) FLAMANK Stata Naomi M Victoria, Oak Bay U.C. D Comox FLAWSE FLEENOR Hope Eileen Charlene B not given D not given Mr. ELLISON FP FP FLEMING Alison M not given Paul MacPHERSON FP FLETCHER Frances Eileen D Nelson, BC age 77 Alfred FLETCHER FP FLETCHER Ivy Hazel age 91 Clifford LeRoy Fletcher FP FLINN or FENNELL FODEN FOGG Brooke Leigh Anne Stuart Clayton Sylvia May D Langley Memorial Hospital B Langley, BC D At home D Comox Angelika Elke FOLLIOTT age 89 Born 1915 Mark Fetherstonhaugh Bill FIDLER FP 2-Oct-1992 B10 Dtr/o Doris & Brian FISCHER/FUNK, sis/o Darrell & Mandi 25-Aug-1993 B9 Son of Dick & Mary Fischer. See page 1 "young man killed on motorcycle". See 3 Sep 1993 page B7, Card of Thanks IND 26-Jan-1995 21 Son of Dick & Mary Fischer, other family named not given FP Lorina Kathleen DYCK FP FP FP age 95 age 48 7-Jan-1994 B9 Born in Apple River, NS built Field Sawmill with bro Roy children named see Card of Thanks same page 24-Nov-1993 B9 Born in Halifax, Nova Scotia dtr/o John & Theresa FINDLEY children & other family named. See Card of Thanks 1 Dec 1993 page B7 FP FP age 23 M Saratoga Beach B New Westminster 23-Feb-1994 B13 Nee RATCLIFFE, born in Fernie BC sis/o Mrs. Slous Annie Hastings & Willie bur. Royal Oak Victoria 4-Sep-1992 B10 Dtr/o Stacey & Shane Field of Whistler, gd/o Diane & Keith Field Gail & Don Wensley Diana & Garry Buchan, other family named 19-Jan-1994 B7 Son of Shane & Stacey Field, bro/o Alexandra, gs/o Gail Wensley and Keith Field. Born at 6:35 am 15-Jul-1994 B12 Born in Ladner, BC, children and other family named, husband dec'd Tara Aiko WOTHE FP George Charles Geoffry Flamank FP Margaret Foden Robert Alan Fogg FP FP FP 1-Sep-1993 B9 Triplet, Son of Dale & Janet Fitzgerald of Port Alberni, gs/o Gerry & Violet Fitzgerald of Port Alberta Eileen & Rod BRUCE and Joan CONN 21-Oct-1992 B2 Son of Chris & Jean Fitzgerald of Black Creek, attendants named 1-Sep-1993 B9 Triplet, Son of Dale & Janet Fitzgerald of Port Alberni, gs/o Gerry & Violet Fitzgerald of Port Alberta Eileen & Rod BRUCE and Joan CONN 1-Sep-1993 B9 Triplet, Son of Dale & Janet Fitzgerald of Port Alberni, gs/o Gerry & Violet Fitzgerald of Port Alberta Eileen & Rod BRUCE and Joan CONN 18-Aug-1993 B10 Son of Rick Flach & Jacqueline Walton of Edmonton 6-Aug-1993 B6 Children named 19-Aug-1992 B9 Dtr/o Claudette & Doug Flawse, sis of Aaron & Garrett 23-Dec-1992 B21 Dtr/o Warren and Yvonne FLEENOR, gd/o Howard & Lela Fleenor, Violet Godin 23-Dec-1992 B2 Dtr/o Heather & Alistair Fleming of Comox, photo 8-Dec-1993 B8 Formerly of Comox, children & other family named, husband died 1973 30-Sep-1992 B11 Mother of 3 daughters, sis-in-law of Russell Fletcher, bur. Courtenay Civic Cemetery 17-Jun-1994 B12 Dtr/o Brian & Tannya. 8 lb 10 oz, born at 9:24 am 21-Apr-1993 B12 Father of Katy, Julie, Daniel and John 3-Apr-1992 C1 Born in Yorkshire, England, nee Fudge, mother of Steven, Leslie and Annette, service at St. Peter's in Comox, Piercy FH SURNAME PLACE NOTES/INFO PAPER DATE PG FP 30-Mar-1994 B13 In Memoriam by Alan, Annette, Lester, Steven, grandchildren Aaron, Lindsy, Mathew Victor Harry Foggitt FP 31-Jul-1992 B6 Born in Winnipeg, MB dtr/o Ernest & Annie JOLIFFE husband died 1984 children and other family named. See also 24 Jul page B10 FOGG GIVENS Sylvia May EV D FOGGITT Joyce Ernestine D Calgary, Alberta FOLLIOTT Angelika Elke M not given Brian Keith FELLER FORBES FORD Ian Frederick Robert Oliver Judith Sarah LANYON FORGET Chantal Danika B Comox M Courtenay, St. George's B Comox FORREST FORREST FORREST FORSTER Lewella Nora Jane William Charles Kayla Ann D D D B Courtenay Kamloops Comox not given FOSKETT Jane M. FOSTER FOSTER FOURNIER FOWLER Constance Arlene Gayle John Joyce Iona Alexander R.J. D Comox, at home M Courtenay FRAME AGE/BORN born 1924 SPOUSE FP FP FP 27-Apr-1994 B3 Dtr/o Bill & Doris Folliott of Comox. Engagement announced with photo 9-Feb-1994 B9 Son of Laura & Richard Forbes, bro/o Brandon & Justin. 6 lb 28-Oct-1992 B3 Son of Don and Millie Ford of Lund, BC FP 20-May-1994 B9 Dtr/o Daniel & Mary Forget, gd/o Paul & Loretta Jensen of Comox Herve & Denise Forget of Montreal. Born at 7:43 am, 7 lb 5 oz, 18" born 1913 age 85 not given FP FP FP FP 26-Nov-1993 23-Dec-1992 8-Jun-1994 6-Aug-1993 born 1913 FP C7 B21 B9 B6 Resident of Glacier View Lodge, memorial service held 17 Nov Sister of Peggy (dec'd), Ann and Charlie Forrest Bro/o Ann, Peggy & Nora, all dec'd Dtr/o Richard Forster and Sharon Smith, born at 7:59 pm, 8 lb 5 oz 8-Jul-1992 B9 Born in London, England D Comox D Courtenay B born 1931 Richard Peter DIGNARD Hilda Foster Ed Fournier FP 25-Aug-1993 B2 Dtr/o Kenneth and Geraldine Foster of Courtenay FP FP FP 31-Dec-1993 B6 Formerly of Williams Lake, son of Lillian Foster, children named 30-Oct-1992 B10 Children, grandchildren, sisters, nephews named, husband dec'd 12-Nov-1993 A6 Son of Geri & Sean Fowler, other family John & Fran, Uncle Rob, 7 lb 9.5 oz 16-Mar-1994 B10 Born in Crowsnest Pass, children & other family named Bertha D Campbell River born 1913 Muir FRAME FP FRAME Elizabeth Asquew D Comox born 1903 FP FRAME FRANCESCINI James Hunter Domenica D not given D Cumberland age 60 age 89 FRANCIOLI Mary D Nanaimo age 85 James Hunter FRAME Minnie Frame Abbondio "Bundy" Francescini Jim ROBERTSON FRANKLIN FRASER FRASER FRASER FRAZER FREDENBURG Douglas John Bill Cole Ryan William Ellen Bertha "Bert" Goldie Nina M D B D D M Julie Ann BUXTON FP FP FP FP FP FP 23-Jun-1993 10-Jul-1992 13-Mar-1992 27-May-1994 27-Apr-1994 10-Jul-1992 FREEMAN Audrey Victoria, BC not given Comox Cumberland Comox Eugene, Oregon D Comox FP FREEMAN FREMONT FRIESEN FROEHLER Brittany Cheyenne John Percy John and Alice Meagan Alise B D M B FROST Valborg "Val" FULLERTON FUNK 29-Jan-1992 B13 Born in Pulman, Washington, widowed 1960, mother of Donna, Keith, Philip and Lois, sis/o Jack Hays, service at Piercy FH 15-Jul-1994 B12 Dtr/o Ron and Tracy Freeman, sis/o Jacob. 7 lb 8 oz, 11:29 am 27-Apr-1994 B9 Children and grandchildren named, wife died Nov 1993 5-Mar-1993 B3 50th anniversary photo 5-Nov-1993 B14 Dtr/o Brad & Stephanie Froehler, gd/o Janet & Steve Camm of St. Ives England Stan & Beryl Froehler of Comox 1-Jul-1994 B6 Born in Sweden, husband died 18 Jun 1975, children and other family named 30-Mar-1994 B13 Son of Stewart and Mary Fullerton, born in Glasgow Scotland children and other family named. Retired U.C. minister 2-Oct-1992 B10 Dtr/o Doris & Brian FISCHER/FUNK, sis/o Darrell & Mandi FP FP FP age 84 not named Charles Frazer John Grover McQUINN Don Freeman age 86 Winifred Fremont D Comox age 91 Charles FROST FP John (Rev.) D Comox born 1916 Maud Fullerton FP Kayla Maria B not given not given Comox not given not given age 66 born 1916 age 19 FP FP FP FP FP 23-Apr-1993 B11 Born in Cowdenheath, Fife, Scotland, husband died 1986, was postmistress in Bevan, family named 19-Feb-1993 B7 Res of Cumberland, family named, bur. Cumberland Cemetery 11-Dec-1992 B12 Son Joe and other family named, husband died 1995 2-Feb-1994 B8 Nee FRANCIOLI, children & other family named, husband died 1991 B3 B10 C3 B9 B9 1 Son of Dale & Jackie Franklin of Teslin, Yukon "In Memoriam" by Fran Jack Gerry Sheri and Butch Son of Brad and Sandy Fraser, 7 lb 12 oz, bro/o Ashlee Father of Bill, Bob and Dave Born in Edmonton, AB, married 1933, two sons named, other info 100th birthday with photo and marriage info SURNAME GABRYCH GIVENS Robert PLACE EV D Denman Island GAGE Christopher John GAGE GALLAWAY Neil Gordon Corrie L. M Salt Spring Island B not given M Victoria, BC GAMBLE GAMBLE/PAIGE GARDNER GAROZ Neil Patrick Dayton Douglas Victor Tylor John Myrtle GARVEY GEDDES GEJDOS John Kevin Reid Kelly Darren GEORGE Frederick Laverne GERMAN GERRARD Bernard Stephen "Barney" Rose Elizabeth GIBBIN SPOUSE AGE/BORN age 35 Diane Margaret Baker Eric R. WHITE B Comox B Comox D Nanaimo D Comox PAPER FP DATE NOTES/INFO PG 6-Jul-1994 B8 Son of Florence, partner of Michael, other family named FP 29-Apr-1992 B2 Son of the late m/m Walter Gage FP FP 27-Nov-1992 B10 Son of Denys & Susa, bro/o Brian and Karen 2-Sep-1992 B2 Dtr/o Bill & Sandra Gallaway, to res Victoria, wedding party named FP 2-Jun-1993 B10 s/o Greg & Susan Gamble IND 30-Mar-1995 21 Son of Chris Paige and Tracey Gamble born 1904 Gerald GAROZ FP FP 30-Mar-1994 B13 Son of Darrell Gardner and Felicity Camp 13-Oct-1993 B9 Nee RENNISON, born in Courtenay, bros & sis named, husband died Dec 1987 9-Jun-1993 B12 Courtenay resident, family named 23-Oct-1992 B14 Son of Dunja and Lloyd Geddes. 9 lb 10 oz 28-Dec-1992 B2 Son of M/M Frank Gejdos of Fort St. John, photo D not given B not given M Grande Prairie, AB D Comox age 72 Jean Garvey age 70 Rhonda Gayle OSMOND Pat George D Lazo, BC age 42 not named born 1891 John Henry VAUGHAN FP Leslie D New Westminster, BC D Comox age 82 Mavis Gibbin FP GIBSON GIBSON Carman Lawrence Gordon "Randy" D Cumberland D Port Alice, BC age 92 born 1951 Eva Gibson Lesley Gibson FP FP GIBSON Mallory Olivia B not given GILAROWSKI Shawn Peter Joseph GILCHRIST William David M St. Peters Anglican D Comox GILES Sally D Black Creek GILKIN Audrey D Not given not given GILL GILLESPIE Harold Robert Sandra Lynne D not given D Kamloops age 81 age 35 GILLESPY Donald Frederick D not given age 50 GILLESPY Eileen D Comox born 1914 Herbert Gillespy FP 22-Jun-1994 B8 Dtr/o Peter & Karen Gibson, born during Game 7 of Stanley Cup Finals. 7 lb 12 oz 30-Sep-1992 B2 Son of Georgina & Pete Gilarowski of Nepean, Ont., engagement announced with photo 8-Jan-1992 B7 Retired RCMP, father of Bill, Linda and Janice, bro/o Ian, Jean, Annabel and Grace, service at Comox United Church, Piercy FH 19-Jun-1992 B10 Resident of Black Creek, dtr/o Bill and Helen Giles, mother of Levon and Arlin, service at United Mennonite church, Sutton FH 17-Sep-1993 B6 In Memoriam for "Nana" by Aaron, Clint Brodie Lyndsie Alanna. Another on page B9 by Margaret Ann 15-Jan-1993 B7 Res of Comox, family named 5-Feb-1992 B9 Children not named, dtr/o Marlene Easy, sis/o Gary, gdtr/o Wally and Edna Graves, service in Kamloops 28-Oct-1992 B13 Res of Gold River, son of Eileen & Herbert Gillespy of Courtenay, other family named 30-Oct-1992 B10 Born in Victoria, BC, family named, bur. Courtenay Civic Cemetery GILLIES Violet Alberta D Comox born 1903 Thomas Baird Gillies FP 16-Oct-1992 B10 Children and other family named, husband died 1963 in Winnipeg, GILMAN Dorothy D Comox born 1908 Mac McDONALD FP GINGELL Beau Anthony B not given 4-Nov-1992 B11 Nee GILMAN, husband died 1989, Ladysmith Citizen of Year 1988, family named 15-Jul-1994 B12 Son of Rick & Tammy Gingell, grandparents and other family named. 10 lb 1 oz FP FP FP FP 11-Mar-1992 B9 Resident of Saratoga Beach, father of Gordon and Vicki, bro/o Harold, service at St. George's in Courtenay, Piercy FH. See also 13 March page C3 IND 27-Oct-1994 27 In Memoriam by Grace, Doug, Kevin, Naomi FP Marci-Lyne BAILEY FP age 59 Betty Gilchrist FP age 44 Joe Bye FP Mr. Gilkin FP single FP FP FP FP 9-Mar-1994 B9 Nee GERRARD, War Bride born Tintinhull Somerset England res Cumberland 60 years children named, husband died 1986, bur. Cumberland Cemetery 14-Aug-1992 B6 Born in Castleford, Yorkshire England wife deceased father of Angela of Nanoose Bay other family named 27-May-1994 B11 Born Smith Falls, Ontario, two children and grandchildren named 19-Jan-1994 B7 Son of Alma Gibson, children and other family named. See page A6 re logging mishap. See also IND 12 Jan 1995 p. 16 re Memorial SURNAME GIRARD GIRLING GIRLING GIRODAY GIVENS (boy) Kelly Lee Lynn Warren Calvin Ian Dan GITTENS GLAZNER GODIN Sarah Katherine Margaret Patrick Charles Paulette GOODMAN GOODSELL GOODWIN David Ernest Donald Robert Taryn Marie D not given M Aldergrove BC U.C. D Courtenay D not given B Victoria, BC GORMAN GOULD GOZZANO Madison Christine Robert Antonia "Toni" B D D Victoria, BC born 1902 Fred STORR GRACEFFO GRAHAM Nicolas Donald Ernest B Comox D not given born 1903 May Graham, Mildred Graham GRAHAM GRAINGER Hilary Lindsay Dorothy Mabel B Comox D Nanaimo born 1919 Irv GRAINGER GRAINGER Monica Clair D Comox age 61 Leslie Grainger GRAMS GRANT Maxine Helen Ethel Decima "Decie" D Victoria D at home age 70 age 93 Larry Grams Arthur GRANT 29-May-1992 B10 Dtr/o James and Wendy Graham, sis/o Amy 3-Nov-1992 B7 Nee STERLING, born in Melita Manitoba 4 children named service at First Memorial Nanaimo FP 19-Aug-1994 12 Dtr/o Ethel Jaynes of Williams Lake, two dtrs, grandchildren and sister named IND 16-Feb-1995 23 Many family members named, res of Comox Valley since 1945 FP 23-Apr-1993 B11 Three sons named GRANT William D Yuma, Arizona age 61 Donna Grant FP GRATTON William Albert D not given born 1925 Adele BURLEIGH FP GRAVES GRAWBARGER Cecil Archibald Jesse Robert D Comox B Comox born 1924 Inza ILMSTEAD FP FP GRAWBARGER Mikayla Mary GRAY Elsie B Belleville, Ontario D Comox GREEN GREENHILL Ann Christina Janessa Lynn GREENHILL Jenna Kaylyn D Victoria, BC B New Westminster, BC B Nanaimo, BC GREENHILL Tianna Marie B Comox GREENLAW Scott GREWAR Shaneal Heavenlee Amythyst Doris M Courtenay, St. George's B Comox GRIERSON EV B D D B PLACE Comox Comox Courtenay Comox AGE/BORN infant born 1928 SPOUSE Mrs. Girling B Victoria, BC D not given PAPER DATE FP 15-Sep-1993 FP 16-Jul-1993 FP 7-May-1993 FP 30-Sep-1992 FP born 1950 Margo McLoughlin Stephane JALBERT FP FP not given age 73 Janette McCANNEL Mildred Goodsell FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP age 81 Gordon Gray FP age 37 not named FP FP FP FP FP FP age 64 David POUCHER, Ellis GRIERSON 9-Feb-1994 B9 Family named 21-Jul-1993 B8 Family named, bro/o Jennie Jonsson 18-May-1994 B9 Dtr/o Brian and Deb Goodwin, sis/o Jordan. Weighed 1 lb 8 oz, came home 5 Feb 1994 25-Mar-1992 B9 Dtr/o Bob and Becki Gorman, 8 lb 10 oz 3-Dec-1993 C1 In Memoriam by family 8-Apr-1994 B9 Nee GOZZANO, born in Aglie, Italy, to Cumberland 1909, children and other family named 28-Jan-1994 B12 Son of Joe & Linda Graceffo, bro to Leo. 8 lb 11 oz, 12:35 pm 1-Jul-1994 B6 May died Aug 1979, children and other family named FP FP FP Laura MacLAREN NOTES/INFO Son of Shane & Christine Girard, 7 lb 10 oz Dtr/o Barry and Nicole Girling Born Ingersoll, Ont., two sons named Son of Wayne and Barb Giroday nee Penston, gs/o Ann & Bill Penston Ruth De la Giroday. Born at 4:34 am, 6 lb 12 oz 27-Aug-1993 B8 Dtr/o of David and Glinis (Standish) Gittens, 7 lb 5 oz, grandparents named 11-Aug-1993 B10 Born in Vernon, BC, parents and other family named 15-Sep-1993 B3 Dtr/o M/M Paul Godin of Courtenay. Photo PG B7 B6 B12 B11 FP 4-Mar-1994 B9 Res of Merville, son of Daisy O'Heir, 3 dtrs & other family named 28-Oct-1992 B13 Born in Brandon, MB, son of Herbert & Florence Gratton, other family named 9-Sep-1992 B11 Born in Matheson, Ontario, lengthy obituary, family named 29-Apr-1992 B12 Son of Gord and Janine Grawbarger, 4:41 pm, grandson of Ron/Mo Fidell, Gordon/Mary Grawbarger of Powassan, Ontario 6-May-1994 B9 Dtr/o Gord & Janine Grawbarger, gd/o Gord & Mary Grawbarger, Maureen & Ron Fidell 15-May-1992 B9 Widowed by first husband Philip Gibson, mother of Betty, John and Roger, no funeral, Piercy FH 21-May-1993 B11 Res of Courtenay, mother of Jamie and Stephen 22-Jul-1992 B9 Dtr/o M/M Greenhill, nee Cindy Scherr, of Pitt Meadows. Born at 6:42 am, 9 lb 6 oz 10-Sep-1993 B6 Dtr/o Vern & Julie Greenhill, nee Chapman, 6 lb 15 oz, born at 2:33 am 3-Jun-1994 B13 Dtr/o Glen and Cindy Greenhill, nee Scherr. Born at 12:04 pm, 9 lb 2 oz 19-May-1993 B3 Engagement with photo 27-Nov-1992 B10 Dtr/o Neil Grewar and Candilynn Jentzsch, sis for Ashlynn Mistique Angela others named. Born at 4:12 am 19-Nov-1993 C1 Both husbands dec'd, children and other family named SURNAME PLACE GIVENS George Henry EV D GRIFFITHS GRIMSTEAD GROSECLOSE John M. Sara Lynn Dianne Kathleen born 1914 Olive Griffiths born 1957 Dean MARTIN GROVES GRUNDY Barbara B.M. Dorothy D Comox B not given D Salmon Arm, BC D Comox D Nanaimo born 1910 not given GUDMUNDSON Bertha Agnas D Nanaimo, BC born 1912 Russell Groves Spence ?, Paul GRUNDY Eric Gudmundson GUELPH GUILBEAULT GULLACHER-CHAMPIS Oscar & Lynda Molly Patrick Morgan M D Comox B Comox GUNTER Bradley Robert B Comox GUNTER GUNTER GUNTER Kristie Ann Megan Lynn Richard Michael GUNTER Tyler Robert Edward B Comox B Comox M Courtenay, Faith Lutheran B Campbell River GUTENSOHN GUY HADLEY HAFFENDEN Mary Elizabeth Genni Clarence "George" Genevieve D M D D not given not given Comox not given born 1919 HAGARTY Edwin Foran "Ted" D Victoria, BC born 1917 Marjorie Hagarty FP HAGG HALBE Marion Kathleen Agatha D not given D Campbell River age 63 not given Carl "Charlie" Hagg not named FP FP HALEY Ingrid Emmajean B At home FP HALEY/FRAME Chase Daniel B Comox FP HALL HALL HALLGREN Kenneth Pettler W. I. "Bill" Mildred Isabelle D Comox D Richmond, BC D Comox HALLS HALLWORTH Leslie William Norman D not given D Comox HALMING HAMES HAMES HAMILTON HAMILTON Margaret Gertrude Eleanor Maria Chrissy Monique D D D M M not given Comox Comox not given Jamaica SPOUSE AGE/BORN born 1922 Joyce GRIEVE NOTES/INFO PAPER DATE PG FP 31-Jul-1992 B6 Born in Comox Valley, son of Edith & Harry Grieve, other family named FP 23-Jul-1993 B9 Born in Saskatchewan, family named FP 4-Jun-1993 B9 d/o Doug & Cathy Grimstead, 8 lb 14 oz. FP 3-Dec-1993 C1 Born in North Vancouver, Dtr/o Hilliard & Margaret Groseclose, 5 Bros. & 4 Children Named FP 22-Jun-1994 B8 Born in Montclair, New Jersey, children and grandchildren named IND 1-Dec-1994 27 Both husbands dec'd, mother of Bonnie Paugh, Barrie WALKER, sis/o Jack & Bill HAMILTON FP 18-Nov-1992 B11 Mother of Dorothy Smith of Parksville, bur. Courtenay Civic Cemetery GRIEVE age 73 Hank GUILBEAULT Mrs. Lori Ann WEAVER FP 15-Jul-1992 A6 50th wedding anniversary, with photo IND 2-Feb-1995 19 Mother of Don and Lorri FP 23-Dec-1992 B21 Son of Lance & Sonya Gullacher-Champis, gs/o Len & Noreen Gullacher Lou & Anne Champis, other family named. 6 lb 7 oz, 8:13 am FP 22-Dec-1993 B10 Son of Dennis & Janice Gunter, gs/o Danny & Jeanetta Kilpatrick, Robert & Beverley Gunter FP 5-Jun-1992 B10 Dtr/o John and Trina Gunter, sis/o Jessica, 8 lb 1.5 oz FP 18-May-1994 B9 Dtr/o John and Trina Gunter, sis/o Jessica and Kristie FP 29-Jun-1994 B2 Son of Louise and John Gunter of Courtenay 4-Jun-1993 B9 s/o Martina & Harry Gunter, gs/o Bev & Bob Gunter, Ziggy & Margaret Rose Jack PHILLIPS FP 27-Jan-1993 B11 Nee GUTENSOHN, family named, service on Denman Island David STIGANT FP 14-May-1993 B10 Engagement announced, res of Saturna Island not named FP 30-Dec-1992 B10 Father of Dee and Lawrence, gf/o Nicky, lengthy obituary Gary SMITHERMAN, IND 8-Jun-1995 20 Mother of Aunitta Dittmar, other family named, husbands died 1979 Eric WILSONand 1986 HAFFENDEN FP age 96 age 88 born 1922 age 77 age 83 age 43 born 1914 age 86 Janet Hall not named FP FP FP Jane Hallworth FP FP Jack Hames Mr. Hames Corey KENNEDY Ryan SCRASE FP FP FP FP FP 21-Aug-1992 B10 Son of Bill and Agnes Hagarty, born in New Westminster, children and other family named 4-Jun-1993 B9 Sis/o Clarence (Sharon) 22-Apr-1994 B11 Children and other family named, bur. Black Creek Cemetery 25-Feb-1994 B9 Dtr/o Tim & Marcia Haley, sis for Nina, Jennifer, Milena, David, Jason & Ilya 24-Feb-1993 B11 Son of Danny and Shannon, sis for Cindy, grandparents named, 6:21 am, 8 lb 1/2 oz 9-Oct-1992 B10 Born in New Westminster, children and other family named 17-Nov-1993 B10 Memorial service at Bowser Legion, no family mentioned 6-Jul-1994 B8 Mother of Neva Martin of Fanny Bay, other family named. See also page A6 14-Apr-1993 B10 In Memoriam 4-Mar-1992 B7 Father of Lisa and Dawn, bro/o David and Bill, service at Halbe Hall in Black Creek 16-Apr-1993 B9 In Memoriam 20-Aug-1993 B6 Born in Cranbrook, BC, 12 grandchildren named 31-Mar-1993 B10 Born in Finland, mother of Buch and Arfie 22-Jun-1994 A4 Dtr/o Rick and Gail Hamilton 29-Apr-1994 A3 Dtr/o M/M Jim Hamilton of Courtenay, engagement announced with photo. See also 4 May page A3 re reception SURNAME HAMLING GIVENS Kayla Margaret PLACE EV B Vancouver, BC HAMLING HAMULA Margaret Augustina Rosa D D Comox age 62 HANDEL HANNA Douglas Frederick Murray Herbert D Comox D Comox born 1919 age 70 HANNAH HANSEN HANSEN Alice May Caleb Michael Dorothy Mabel D Victoria, BC B Comox D Courtenay not given HANSEN Kathleen "Kitty" HARAMBOURE SPOUSE AGE/BORN NOTES/INFO PAPER DATE PG FP 29-Jul-1992 B9 Dtr/o Bill & Holly Hamling, 5 lb 15 oz, 18.5 inches FP FP Betty Handel Patricia Hanna, Flossie Hanna Gordon Hannah FP FP 20-Apr-1994 B9 In Memoriam by Ruth, Helen, Stan, Bob, Joan, Bill & Holly 25-Aug-1993 B9 Mother of John Isbister of Denman Island, Susan Goertzen and Laurie Perrault 23-Jun-1993 B8 Children named 25-Jun-1993 B6 3 dtrs, 3 stepsons named, first wife deceased FP FP 22-Jan-1993 B11 Family named, cremation, no service. See also 27 Jan page B11 17-Jun-1992 B15 Son of Paul and Lisa Hansen, 8 lb 4.5 oz, bro/o Kuman 12-Jun-1992 B10 Born in Cheltenham, England, widowed 1976, mother of David and Ivan, service at Piercy FH 21-May-1993 B11 Husband dec'd, mother of Bill Miles (dec'd) Joan Jelly and Jack of Comox 3-Aug-1994 20 Nee QUINN, son Raymon, grandsons, siblings named, husband dec'd 16-Dec-1992 B2 Son of M/M H. Harder of Hanley, Sask. engagement announced. See 14 Jul 1993 page B4 marriage 17-Jun-1994 B12 Born in Comox, bur. Comox Indian Cemetery 19-May-1993 B10 Born in Nanaimo, 6 dtrs & 2 sons named, WW2 vet 7-Jan-1994 B9 Born in Fort William, Ont., husband died 13 May 1993, children and other family named 16-Apr-1993 B9 Res of Fanny Bay, dtr/o William Guzda and Kathleen Dufresne mother of Kristine & Karolyn bur. Colwood, BC 3-Jul-1992 B6 In Memoriam 2-Jun-1993 B10 s/o Neil & Sandy Harper, 7 lb 10 oz, 8:43 pm Damien DECOSTE FP 30-Jun-1993 B2 Dtr/o Walt & Mary Harris of Comox, engagement and photo age 94 Emil Alfred Hansen D Comox age 85 Amy Elizabeth D not given age 77 HARDER Vernon M Courtenay Clarence "Gus" Hansen John HARAMBOURE Jodi NICHOLS HARDY HARGREAVES HARGREAVES Kenneth Richard James Marie Louise HAROLDSON Barbara Helene D not given D Comox D Salmon Arm, BC D not given HARPER HARPER HARRIS Lillian Tyler Richard Thomas Beverly HARRIS FP FP FP FP FP FP born 1938 born 1922 born 1914 Marie Hargreaves James Hargreaves FP FP FP age 45 Ted HAROLDSON FP D not given B Comox Emily Emma M Comox, Filberg Park D Comox age 88 Sydney Harris FP HARRIS Gary Joseph D Comox age 53 single FP HARRIS Jeffrey Trina HEWLETT FP HARRIS HARRIS Katelynd Marie Orval C. M Vancouver, Stanley Park B Comox D not given 21-Apr-1993 B12 Husband died 1974 in England, mother of Chris (Hazel) Harris of Courtenay 31-Jan-1992 C4 Son of Joseph and Nellie Harris, bro/o Dorothy, private family service, Piercy FH 21-Jul-1993 B3 Engagement with photo FP FP 24-Jan-1992 C1 Dtr/o Garth and Bonny Harris, 4:20 am, 6 lb 11 oz 14-Aug-1992 B6 In Memoriam by Phil, Marg & Dot, Theresa, Cindy, Shannon, Orval Jr. HARRIS Tracy Lynn D not given FP HARRISON HARRISON HARRISON Ellen Gordon Gavin Jennifer Kerry D Courtenay D not given B Comox Douglas CRUMBACK George Harrison Anne Harrison HARRISON John Arthur D Comox age 76 Mary Harrison FP HARRY Martha Kathleen age 77 Hugh age 79 Mervin HARRY, Peter RATHWELL Marjory Dorward FP HART D Maple Ridge, BC D Comox 23-Dec-1992 B21 Dtr/o Margaret HARRIS of Courtenay, children and other family named 16-Jun-1993 B10 Family named 21-Aug-1992 B10 Son of Hazel and Earl Harrison, children and other family named 20-Mar-1992 C1 Dtr/o Vince and Susan Harrison, 6 lb 13 oz, sis/o Christopher and Alexandra 3-Mar-1993 A23 Born in Victoria, BC father of Jack of Gold River Margaret of Victoria Katherine Janet & Heather of Comox 18-Dec-1992 B16 5 children named, first husband dec'd FP 1-Jan-1992 HART Margaret Ann D Hope, BC age 99 William Hart FP HARTLEY Cindy Lynn D not given Mr. PATRICK FP 22-May-1992 B10 Born on Isle of Lewis, Scotland, nee Matheson, widowed, mother of Gordon, Donald, Norman, Margaret, Cris, Bea, Charles, Ken, Jim, Milton, Joe, John and Sheila, formerly of Eriksdale, Manitoba 19-Aug-1992 B9 Nee HARTLEY born 1906 age 75 FP FP FP 18 Born in Vancouver, father of Bryan and Gregg, service at Piercy FH SURNAME HARTMAN NOTES/INFO PAPER DATE PG FP 21-Apr-1993 B12 Born in Kansas, USA father of Stuart born 1942 interesting history. See Card of Thanks same page Marion Hartnell FP 13-Nov-1992 B13 Res of Denman Island, family named Ross Hartwell FP 19-Aug-1994 5 Auto accident near Cougar Creek with dtr Kory Jocelan Hartwell of Calgary Henry Hatch FP 18-Aug-1993 B7 Born in Sheffield, England sis/o Fred 4 sons & in-laws named. Card of Thanks 10 Sep 1993 page B6 by Henry & family Daniel Craig TACK FP 18-Jun-1993 B6 Dau/Kenneth & Marilyn Hatch of Union Bay, wedding announcement column Gavin JENKINSON FP 23-Sep-1992 B2 From Victoria Allan Hawryluk FP 12-Jan-1994 B7 Res of Maple Ridge, BC children and other family named. See Card of Thanks 19 Jan 1994 page B7 Winnifred Mary R. FP 18-Dec-1992 B16 Wife died 21 Nov 1973 at Comox, age 60. 3 children: Clive, Pamela Hawtree and Carol Harold Herbert HAY FP 1-Oct-1993 B6 Born in Shipley, England, sis/o Maurice LUPTON, children and other family named IND 18-May-1995 18 Born in Winnipeg, gardener and idealist FP 15-Apr-1992 B13 Dtr/o Dighton and Debbie Haynes, 8 ob 1 oz, sis/o Jennifer and Taylor, gdtr/o Betty Fisher, Bill/Kathy Haynes Rick SHAW FP 18-Mar-1994 B9 Nee HAYWARD, dtr/o Leslie & Lillian of Courtenay children and other family named. Res of Airdrie, Alberta PLACE EV D Comox? HARTNELL HARTWELL GIVENS Lawrence Alexander "Larry" Tony Deanna HATCH Gladys "Annie" HATCH Leya Denise HAWKSFORD HAWRYLUK Kari Joy Maxine D Union Bay, at home M Courtenay, 4 Square M Duncan, BC D not given HAWTREE Thomas Charles D Fanny Bay HAY Elsie D not given HAY HAYNES Mary Elizabeth Lynsey Ann D Merville, BC B Terrace, BC HAYWARD Janet L. HAYWARD Marlene HAZLE Ernest Claude HEAD MaryLynn (Miss) D Alberta, Peter Lougheed Hospital M Comox, Filberg Park D Cumberland, BC D not given HEDICAN HEDLEY Kristin Leigh Frank (Major) B not given M CFB Comox Teresa HAUGHN HEIN HEMINGSON Lori Nadine Leta M Comox D Comox Wayne STE. CROIX FP Ellsworth Hemingson FP HENDERSON Elizabeth Cowan "Liz" D not given age 93 not named LOWERY FP HENDRY HENDRY Ada Elyse Joan D Comox B Comox age 85 not married FP FP HENLEY John Stephen M Courtenay Kerri Ellen Coulter FP HENLEY-LEWIS HENWOOD HERKEL HERMAN David William "Bill" Stephanie Taylor Blayne Robert Stanley Guy D B B M Linda Henley-Lewis FP FP FP FP HERMANNS HEWITT Jeffrey Jennie May D D Victoria HEWLETT Trina HICKS Anthony Dennis John M Vancouver, Stanley Park B Comox D Comox D Fanny Bay, BC Victoria, BC Comox not given Courtenay, St. George's SPOUSE AGE/BORN Clara Hartman age 82 age 72 age 56 born 1921 age 54 age 84 born 1909 age 49 age 84 Brodie LEACH FP 29-Dec-1993 B2 Dtr/o M.M Cameron O. Hayward of Comox Mary HAZLE FP 14-Apr-1993 B10 Father of Murray, Ronald, Jim, Claude, Lynn, other family named FP 23-Feb-1994 B13 Dtr/o Vivian & Don Head of Comox, born in Edmonton, siblings named 27-Jan-1993 B11 Dtr/o Tom & Michele Hedican 14-Jul-1993 B4 Son of M/M Harold Hedley of Woodstock, Ont. Engagement with photo 10 Mar 1993 page B3 14-Jul-1993 B12 Dtr/o M/M Gary R. Hein, under "Weddings" in Classified 29-May-1992 B10 Mother of Donna, Bruce, Brian, Keith and Terry, 8 grandchildren named, no service 16-Oct-1992 B10 To Cumberland 1911, dtr/o Wm. Henderson, bur. Cumberland Cemetery 31-Dec-1993 B6 Sisters and brothers named 6-May-1992 B9 Dtr/o Gavin and Kelly Hendry, 7 lb 4 oz, grdtr of Jim Hendry, Bill/Roberta Roses. 6-May-1992 B9 Son of Alan and Sheila Henley of Victoria, engagement announcement 29-Jul-1992 B9 Son of Jack & Rita Henley-Lewis, other family named 9-Apr-1993 B9 Dtr/o Kelly and Christine Henwood, sis/o Lindsay, 8 lb 2.5 oz 10-Sep-1993 B6 Son of Chris & Julie Herkel, bro/o Travis, 8 lb 14 oz 6-Apr-1994 B13 Son of Bill & Larona Herman of Courtenay age 33 born 1940 Gail Ann BARRY FP FP FP 18-Mar-1994 B9 In Memoriam by Cliff, Chris, Ajana, David 8-Jun-1994 B9 Born Findlay, Manitoba Former matron of Shawnigan Lake Boys' School ashes bur. St. John's Cobble Hill 21-Jul-1993 B3 Engagement with photo FP 19-Aug-1992 B9 Son of Darryl & Cory Hicks, bro/o Katie. 10 lb. FP FP Born 1906 Jeffrey HARRIS SURNAME HIEBERT GIVENS Graeme HIGH John Raymond HIGH Reginald John Hargrave Marie Tony HILL HILL PLACE SPOUSE EV AGE/BORN Heather ALLAN M Comox, Filberg Park D Vancouver, BC born 1962 D at home age 71 D D Bella Coola, BC D Comox age 77 D Courtenay age 29 HILLIARD Thomas Wilfred Cullum Richard John HIND Keithley D Comox age 83 HINDERKS Donald D Comox age 70 HINSHAW Dylan James HITCHCOCK Robert Ch Comox, HMCS Quadra D Comox born 1924 HITCHEN Joseph D Victoria not given HOBSON Evelyn HODGINS HODGINS HODGSON HOEKVEEN HOEKVEEN HOFFHEINZ HOGGAN HOHM Ernest Alvin Walter & Ev Mary Lydia Dorothy Frank George Alexander and Marjorie Patricia Jean "Trisha" B Epplesby, Yorkshire, England D Victoria M not given D Comox D Courtenay? D Comox D Comox M not given HOLDAS HOLLAND HILLIAR NOTES/INFO PAPER DATE PG FP 19-Aug-1992 B2 Son of Naida and Norman Hiebert of Courtenay. Photo FP Olive High FP Cecil Hill FP FP Edith Ann Hilliar FP FP Agnes Margaret HIND Amy Hinderks infant Biddy Hitchcock FP Marie HODGINS 1-Oct-1993 B6 Many relatives named 22-Jul-1992 B9 In Memoriam by family Doug, Don, Vi & Judy 7-Oct-1992 B13 In Memoriam by mother, step-father & bro Brian Ray Sandi Heath & Ryan Farmer. Lost on the "Dean" 29-Sep-1993 B8 To Comox Valley 1948, family named, other relatives in England 19-Aug-1994 12 Accident, son of Rose (dec'd) & Thomas Hilliard, sisters and brothers named 17-Mar-1993 B9 Father of Philip and Margaret FP 15-Apr-1992 B13 Born in Watson, Sask., father of Doneida and Debra, bro/o Art and Jerry, no service FP 8-Jul-1992 A8 Christened, son of Cmdr/Mrs. R.A. Hinshaw, sis for Shayla Rea (christened 19 Aug 1990) FP 18-Dec-1992 B16 Father of Wendy, Edward Robert Daryl bro/o Cecil. See 8 Dec 1993 p. B8 In Memoriam by Biddy & Family IND 30-Mar-1995 2 Former Courtenay Mayor, alderman & owner of Joe Hitchen Furniture FP age 69 19-Aug-1992 B9 Son of Andrew & Helen High of Courtenay, other family named FP FP FP FP FP FP FP 27-Apr-1994 A14 Nee RIDFORD, dtr/o George & Emma married 1)Arthur Hobson 2) James Currey mother of Mayor George Hobson, more info in writeup on 100th birthday 12-May-1993 B10 Of Merville, father of Faye and Danny, other family named 1-Apr-1994 B9 50th anniversary, card of thanks 18-Aug-1993 B7 Born in Punechy, Sask., family named 10-Jun-1994 B13 Family named, husband dec'd 6-Oct-1993 B9 Mother and family in Holland, 3 children named 21-Jan-1994 B11 Brother, dtr & other family named 17-Jun-1994 A5 50th anniversary, with photo born 1917 age 78 age 70 age 88 Wally Hodgson Frank HOEKVEEN Dorothy WHITLEY Violet Hoffheinz D Comox born 1933 Herb HOHM FP Kim Laura Grace D not given B Comox born 1954 Gary Holdas FP FP 25-May-1994 B9 Mother of Dan and Kristi, other family named 3-Jun-1992 B9 Dtr/o Carol and Mike Holland, gdtr/o Michael/Anna Butler, Bill Holland HOLMGREN Sheila Kathleen 15-Sep-1993 B2 Dtr/o Dr/Mrs. Grant Holmgren. Photo Joe Lunwood Etta Malcolm age 61 born 1906 Patrick Stewart REYNOLDS Vera Hong Donald BUTLER FP HONG HOOD M Comox, Holmgren yard D Comox D Comox FP FP HOOLSEMA Courtney Johanna HOPKINS HOPPS Edith Mary Ivy HORBURY Grace B New Westminster, BC D Comox D Courtenay, at home D Comox 1-Apr-1992 B9 Father of Henry, no service 6-Oct-1993 B9 Nee HOOD, born in Carlyle Sask. dtr/o Rev. James Hood and Ida Isabel URQUHART other relatives named, husband dec'd, bur. Courtenay Civic 15-Jun-1994 B8 Dtr/o Jason and Nancy-Ann Hoolsema, nee Bakker HORBURY John D not given FP age 81 age 63 Norton HOPKINS George Hopps FP FP age 81 Benjamin Horbury FP born 1911 FP 5-Nov-1993 B14 6 children, 8 grandchildren, 3 sisters, 6 brothers, some named 1-Dec-1993 B7 Family and friends named 4-Dec-1992 B12 Mother of Kathy, gm/o Shannon, Deanna, Jesse 10-Jun-1992 B9 Resident of Cumberland, widowed, mother of Marlene Stelfox, sis/o Claire Ross, private family service, Piercy FH 25-Jun-1993 B6 Born in Cumberland, long obituary SURNAME HORNBY GIVENS Lynda Louise PLACE EV D Nanaimo? HORSMAN HOUSE HOWARD Shirley Edith Lori George D Comox M not given D not given age 54 HOWARD HOWARD Richard A. Vicki Sharleen D Comox M not given Born 1911 HOWARTH HOWARTH HOWELL Ken Norman Henry Donna Rae D not given D not given D Comox age 77 age 79 age 41 HOWLAND Stephanie Lynne B not given HOYT Edith D Nanaimo, BC HRYKO HUDSON HUGHES Dillon Lorne Hugh Clara B D Comox D Comox HUGHES J. Melvin D not given HUMPHREY Joan Margaret HUMPHREY HUMPHREYS SPOUSE AGE/BORN Denis DORE age 37 age 73 Mel Horsman Alan DAME Jackie Howard NOTES/INFO PAPER DATE PG FP 19-Nov-1993 C1 of Nanaimo, dtr/o Helena Mary (dec'd) and Val HORNBY, other family named FP 12-Aug-1994 11 Dtr/o Evelyn Hoy of Kelowna, children and other family named FP 19-Feb-1993 B10 Engagement announced, no date of marriage FP 13-May-1994 B13 Family members named, long military career, bur. Roselea, Alberta not named FP FP 22-Apr-1994 B11 Born in Winnipeg, two dtrs named 14-Jan-1994 B11 Dtr/o Jeanie Bruneau and Douglas Howard, engagement announced Madge Howarth Jean Howarth not named SARRAZIN FP FP FP 13-Jan-1993 B9 Family named, funeral at Piercy's 30-Dec-1992 B10 Family named, personal history 7-Jan-1994 B9 Dtr/o Irene and Niel HOWELL of Comox, gd/o Ruby Maho-Lenhn of Saskatoon, Leslie Howell of Calgary, other family named 26-Mar-1993 B7 sis/o Michelle gd/o Denis & Rita Hebert of Winnipeg Larry & Hazel Howland of Comox 7-Jan-1994 B9 Nee SENINI, born in Ladysmith, BC, children and other family named FP age 71 FP FP FP FP born 1911 George Edward Hughes Mary Hughes D Comox age 65 Percy Humphrey FP Philip D. Kelly Dale D Comox M Victoria, BC age 64 Joyce Humphrey Robin Jae SIDDONS FP FP HUNGNESS Kevin Stuart D Comox age 22 HUNT Ada D Comox age 97 HUNT Cara Christine HUNT HUNT George Ila Ruth M Comox United Church D Comox D Courtenay HUNTER Zachary William B Comox HUPPIE HURFORD HURLEY HURLEY Edmund John Jack and Kay Lavergne Micheal Donald Joseph Drew Nicole Daniel Frank Arthur D M D B HUTCHINSON HUTSON HUTTON HUXHAM HYMERS John Nickolas John Michael Candace Comox not given not given Nanaimo B D San Jose, California D Royston B Comox D age 74 Geoff HOYT age 79 born 1903 FP FP James Hunt FP Chad Vincent Jerrett FP Elyse Hunt Liburn Aster HUNT FP FP Phyllis Huppie not given Lorraine Hurley not given Barbara Lee Hutson age 85 born 1956 Eona Hutton 13-May-1992 B12 Memorial service held at her home. Born in London, England 12 Jan 1895 12-Jun-1992 B9 Resident of Ladner 6-Aug-1993 B6 First wife not named, family named 2-Sep-1992 B11 Nee BIRDIR, born in Oregon, USA, husband died 1978, family named FP FP FP FP 11-Feb-1994 B15 Son of Rick & Anita, bro/o Dylan gs/o Gerry & Leslie Hunter ggs/o Marg Hunter Jack & Phyllis Shilton 18-Jun-1993 B6 Born in Grandin, Alberta, children named, cremation 17-Jun-1994 B12 50th wedding anniversary 7-Aug-1992 B6 Children and other family named 8-Apr-1992 B10 Son of Lynnette and Shawn, 7 lb 8.5 oz FP FP 3-Dec-1993 C1 Parents not named, born at 9:49 pm, 6 lb 5 oz 16-Oct-1992 B10 Car accident, to Canada 1971, Piercy's Funeral Home FP born 1931 13-May-1992 B12 Son of Joe and Carol Hryko, nee Jenkins, 6 lb 13 oz 1-Jul-1992 B9 "Thanks" from Charlotte Patrick and Julia 19-Jun-1992 B10 Born in London, England, sis/o Rose Cope in England, private burial in Courtenay cemetery, Piercy FH 23-Oct-1992 B14 Born in Ontario, wife died 1985, daughter and other family named, bur. Ocean View Vancouver 27-May-1992 B9 Husband died 1991, mother of Richard, Tim, Derek and John, sis/o of Archie and Jim Patrick-Maxwell, service at d'Esterre Cetre in Comox, Piercy FH 8-Apr-1994 B9 9 children & ther family named, res of Merville 4-Nov-1992 B2 Son of Ivor Denzil & Elsie Nancy Humphreys of Winnipeg Beach, Manitoba, with photo 22-Dec-1993 1 Res of Merville, car accident on Macaulay Rd. D.O.A. hospital son of Margaret CAMP & Kenneth HUNGNESS, see obit 24 Dec page B10 FP FP 9-Dec-1992 B11 Father of Gail and Brenda, bro/o Stewart, Ann and Dorothy 3-Mar-1993 A23 A brother for Dawn and Heather FP 5-May-1993 B14 In Memoriam SURNAME HYMERS GIVENS Tyler David Ronald PLACE EV D not given HYNES HYRA Karen Jean Gladys B Comox D Comox IGNACZ Michael Victor Jr. INKSTER Ada Addison M Pembroke, Ont. D Comox age 86 INNES IRELAND Alexander Ross Sarah Grovena B not given D Comox age 83 Mr. IRELAND FP FP IRVINE IRWIN William James "Bill" Fraser age 77 Agnes Irvine Belinda BOSCHERT IND 22-Dec-1994 20 Res of Courtenay, father of Terry (Linda), gf/o Kristie & Kelly FP 19-Aug-1992 B2 Son of Lorne and Karen Irwin ISBISTER Kelly Leigh Christian Pierre STREIT FP ISENOR ISFELD ISFELD ISFELD Daryl Wayne Gudmunder Bjorgvin Arilius Mark (Cpl) Shanna Lee D Comox M Courtenay, St. George's U.C. M Courtenay, RC Church D Unknown D Comox JACKSON JACKSON JACKSON Georgina Ann Pearl Stephen D Croatia M Courtenay, Faith Lutheran D Courtenay D not given D Ladysmith, BC JACOBSON Keith M Courtenay JACOBSON JAGOW JALBERT Lisa Marie Kari Ellen Stephane JAMES Richard "Tucker" D not given B not given M Aldergrive BC U.C. D not given JAMES Vicki JAMIESON AGE/BORN age 5 days SPOUSE age 85 Laurie Catherine JORDAN Thomas Milford Inkster NOTES/INFO PAPER DATE PG IND 15-Dec-1994 23 Son of Justyn & Tatiana Hymers, grandparents and ggparents named, died of SIDS FP 30-Sep-1992 B11 Dtr/o Hal and Janet Hynes. 6 lb 7 oz FP 22-Jun-1994 B8 Res of Fanny Bay, bur. Ocean View, Burnaby, no family mentioned FP 27-Jan-1993 B3 Son of M/M Michael Ignacz FP 28-Feb-1992 C4 Born in Whitehaven, England, widowed, mother of Theda and JaneClair, sis/o Muriel McKay-Ross, service at Piercy FH 12-Feb-1993 B9 Son of Peter & Claire Innes, first son 16-Apr-1993 B9 Nee ANDERSON, family named. See 28 Apr p. B14 In Memoriam by Ruth & Barry Gibson Bub & Anne Ireland, Velma Larson 20-Jul-1994 B13 Wedding photo Steinnun JONSSON FP FP age 31 Kelly Isfeld Darrell Keith BALL FP FP 27-Apr-1994 B9 In Memoriam for "best friend" 6-Jul-1994 B8 Born in Gimli, Manitoba wife died Jan 1987 father of Brian Isfeld of Courtenay gf/o Mark Isfeld (died in Afghanistan) 24-Jun-1994 1 & 3 Died serving overseas, long article 22-Jun-1994 B14 Dtr/o Theon and Elaine Isfeld, engagement ann't with photo age 83 George Jackson John JACKSON Olive ANDERTON FP FP FP 29-Jan-1992 B13 Widowed 1986, sis/o Christina Michaud, service at Piercy FH 15-Jan-1993 B7 Res of Courtenay, 8 children named (nee DERRICK?) 15-Oct-1993 B7 Born in Wigan, England, 6 children & 3 sisters named, wife deceased Tracy Lynne MACKENZIE Ron SEWARD FP Paulette GODIN FP FP FP 19-Aug-1992 B2 Son of Arnold & Norma Jacobson of St. Albert, Alberta, engagement announced 19-Aug-1994 12 Dtr/o Moses Jacobson & Rose Billy, other family named 16-Apr-1993 B9 Dau/o Laura and Wayne Jagow, 7 lb 10 oz 15-Sep-1993 B3 From Niagara Falls, Ontario. Photo Ruth James FP 28-Jul-1993 B10 In Memoriam from Helen, Stan, Bob, Joan, Bill, Holly and wife Ruth M not given Lane McDONALD FP 23-Jul-1993 A5 25th anniversary, with photo, couple identified by Shirley Kitchener Ross M Vancouver, BC Vicky WOODS FP 14 ul 1993 JAMIESON William David D Comox age 69 Neita Jackson FP JANCOWSKI Richard William D not given age 78 FP JANSON James D not given born 1926 JARVIS Ida Elizabeth D Comox age 80 Kathleen "Kay" Jancowski Barbara Jean Janson Bill JARVIS JELLETT Donald George D Fanny Bay age 79 Margaret Stein FP JENKINS JENKINSON Samantha Rae Gavin B Comox M Duncan, BC Kari HAWKSFORD FP FP age 22 born 1913 born 1911 age 34 FP FP B4 Son of Duncan and Penni Jamieson, photo 19-Jun-1992 B10 Resident of Sayward, widowed, father of Scott and Murray, bro/o Mary and Maggie, service at Sayward Legion, Piercy FH 10-Jun-1994 B13 Born in Nanaimo, res of Royston, children named 9-Oct-1992 B10 Daughter, sister and other family named. See 6 Oct 1993 p. B9 In Memoriam by Barb Deb Paul, Ali and Justin 6-Oct-1993 B9 Children named, husband died 1985, bur. Courtenay Civic, res of Courtenay 17-Jun-1992 B15 Resident of Fanny Bay, widowed, father of Barbara, James, David and Craig, bro/o Robert, private service, Piercy FH 14-Jul-1993 B12 Dtr/o Edward and Carol Jenkins, sis for Jessica, 8 lb 1 oz 23-Sep-1992 B2 Son of M/M Gordon Jenkinson SURNAME JENSEN GIVENS John Ingvard PLACE EV AGE/BORN D Courtenay, age 19 Island Highway JENSEN Knute Helge D Courtenay JENTZSCH B Comox JERNSLETT JERRETT Shaneal Heavenlee Amythyst Errol Chad Vincent JESS-DICK Daniel Adam JESS-DICK age 87 SPOUSE NOTES/INFO PAPER DATE PG FP 21-Oct-1992 A1 Son of Marlene Scott of Fanny Bay, other family named, Robert John Martin also killed, 7 others injured, bur. Courtenay Civic Cemetery Oda Jensen FP FP Daniel Adam D not given M Comox United Church B Calgary, Alberta D Comox age 1 yr JOHANNES Don D Miracle Beach age 42 not known FP JOHES Phyllis Ruby D North Vancouver, BC not given not named FP JOHN JOHNS H. Glen Dick D Comox D not given born 1922 Rose JOHN FP FP JOHNSON Brandon Richard B Surrey JOHNSTON Albert Gordon D Courtenay age 62 JOHNSTON Byron Robert D Zeballos, BC age 31 JOHNSTONE Alex Burns D Nanaimo age 68 JOINSON Kate Winnifred "Kit" D not given JOLIFFE Joyce Ernestine JONES Margaret D Calgary, Alberta D Comox JONES JONSSON JONSSON Mary & Dave Aaron Grant Ray M not given B not given M not given JORDAN Laurie Catherine JORGENSEN Michael Hans M Pembroke, Ont. D Vancouver, BC JOSSUL Terrence William D not given age 47 JOURDAIN JOYCE Nelson Germaine William Frederick D Courtenay D Comox age 57 born 1938 JOYNSON Charles Sterling M Manotick, Ontario age 53 Peggy Jernslet Cara Christine Hunt FP FP FP FP 15-Jan-1992 B9 Born in Denmark, wife died 1976, father of Lilian and Jean, service at Piercy FH 27-Nov-1992 B10 Dtr/o Neil Grewar and Candilynn Jentzsch, sis for Ashlynn Mistique Angela others named. Born at 4:12 am 6-Jan-1993 A18 Son of Alice and late Frithjot Jernslet 12-Jun-1992 B9 Resident of Ladner 19-Jan-1994 B7 Son of Verna Jess and Bob Dick. See obituary on same page, family named 19-Jan-1994 B7 gs/o Dan & Karen Jess Gerry White Robert Dick other family named 24-Nov-1993 A12 Drowned off Quadra Island from "Lady Lian", res of Delta body found at Miracle Beach. See lengthy item 5 Nov p. B14 11-Dec-1992 B12 Mother of Sandy, Wendy, Stephen, Gordon, grandchildren named Beryl Johnstone FP not given Fred Joinson FP born 1924 Victor Harry FOGGITT Steve Jones FP FP Kim MONTGOMERY FP FP FP 17-Nov-1993 B10 In Memoriam by Lucille, Born in Victoria, BC. 3 children named 28-Aug-1992 B10 Norton Jenny Dawn & Theresa (Possibly Harry Charles Johns who died 13 Aug 1985 in Vancouver, age 74) 26-Feb-1992 B11 Son of Jack and Carrie Johnson, nee Dillabough, 9 lb 8 oz, bro/o Angelina, grandson of Jim/Muriel Ashton, Rich/Dianne Dillabough 9-Dec-1992 B11 Father of Terry and Cheryl, bro/o Ed, Cliffe, Herb, Clarence, Freda, Beatrice, other family named 20-Jul-1994 B9 Born in New Westminster, BC son of Patricia Jorgensen and Vern Johnston other family named, boating accident 13-Mar-1992 C3 Formerly of Courtenay, father of Tim and Mark, service at Kingdom Hall in Cassidy 26-Jan-1994 B7 Former res of Parksville & Union Bay, 3 children and other family named 31-Jul-1992 B6 Born in Winnipeg, Manitoba dtr/o Ernest & Annie JOLIFFE husband died 24 Dec 1984 children and other family named 3-Jan-1992 B7 Widowed 1986, born in England, nee O'Neill, sis/o Bridget Loftus,mother of Thomas, Gwyneth, Mary and Stephanie, Christ the King Catholic church, bur. Courtenay cemetery, Piercy FH 22-Jul-1992 A3 60th anniversary with photo 25-Feb-1994 A10 Son of Gary & Debbie Jonsson, photo of baby 5-Aug-1992 B2 Marriage photo FP 27-Jan-1993 B3 Dtr/o M/M R.W. Jordan FP 3-Jul-1992 B6 Son of Hans & Shirley Jorgensen. See IND 27 Oct 1994 page 3 re Inquest re industrial accidents, WCB, penalties 4-Nov-1992 B11 Res of Gibsons, BC, dtr/o Helen BARRETT of Cumberland, other family named 16-Jun-1993 B10 Family named. See Card of Thanks 23 Jun page B8 30-Mar-1994 B13 Son of Maisie Hudson of Annapolis Royal, NS, father of Erin, other family named 13-Jul-1994 B13 Son of Al and Phyllis Joynson of Comox, engagement announced with photo FP age 83 Shirley Johnston FP FP Michael Victor IGNACZ Jr. Linda Jossul FP Dianne Jourdain Deborah Joyce FP FP Laurie Lynne Joanne SCHWARTZ FP SURNAME JYLHA GIVENS Meini Naimi PLACE EV D Courtenay KALTIO Tracey Lynn M not given KAMANN KANNIS James Conroy Craig D Comox D Winter Harbour age 62 age 20 KASSIMEN-PETERSON KATOVIC Barbara Lee Naomi Niki D Comox M not given age 34 KAULBACK KEANE Rebecca Nicole B John Cecil Bloomfield D not given KELLY Leanne Winnifred KELLY KELLY KELLY KELSEY KENDELL Loreen Norman Douglas Robert Mark Andrew Nicholas Adonis KENNEDY KENNEDY KENNEDY Corey Garry Andrew Sandra Louise KENNY KENT KENTZIGER KERN James Allen Miranda Leigh Lea Marie Ivy KERR KERR KESTER Jessica Nicole Paula Anthony "Tony" M not given D Vancouver M Courtenay, St. George's B not given B Singapore D Comox D Innisfail, Alberta B D Comox M KIDDER Earl D KIERSTEAD KILLEEN KILMURY KING John Theodore "Ted" Thomas Patrick Troy Devin Alice May D Comox D B Comox? D not given KING KIPPEL Matthew William Christine Anne B not given M not given KIRSCHMAN Robert Emil D at home KITCHING Kelsey Nicole KIZUK KLEIN Helen Marjorie Thomas Peter B Bonnyville, Alberta D Courtenay D Merville KLUNCK Harry Alphonse D Cumberland M Denman Island U.C. D Saanich, BC D Cumberland D Comox B B not given SPOUSE AGE/BORN born 1899 Waino JYLHA born 1917 age 74 age 79 age 45 age 81 age 80 Nicolas Aaron WHYTE Mary Kamann Brian KASSIMEN Nico Jacobus Hendrikus TE WINKEL David Gerard PELLEY Roby KELLY May DOUGLAS Chrissy HAMILTON Merrilee Kennedy Kerry Paul CORRIGALL Henri KENTZIGER Richard "Ram" Kerr Shauna MacKAY NOTES/INFO PAPER DATE PG FP 29-Jun-1994 B8 Born in Kalvia, Finland, husband deceased, mother of Ruth Franklin (Ken) FP 22-Sep-1993 B2 Dtr/o Bill and Sharon Pomponio. Photo FP FP 23-Jun-1993 B8 Many relatives named 8-Jul-1994 1 Fatal auto accident, from Calmera, Alberta FP FP 8-Jun-1994 B9 Born in Edmonton, Alberta, family named 12-Aug-1992 B3 Dtr/o Steve & Leona Katovic of Union Bay. Photo FP FP 10-Jun-1992 B9 Dtr/o Cheryl Eccleston and Mike Kaulback, 6 lb 13 oz 7-Oct-1992 B16 Estate Notice, also 9 Oct page B13 FP 21-Oct-1992 B3 Dtr/o George & Hazel Kelly, attendants & ushers named FP FP FP FP FP 16-Oct-1992 1-Jun-1994 15-Jun-1994 29-May-1992 24-Mar-1993 FP FP FP 22-Jun-1994 A4 2-Sep-1992 B11 7-Aug-1992 B6 FP FP FP FP 1-Jul-1992 29-Jan-1993 20-Jul-1994 13-Aug-1993 FP FP FP 21-May-1993 B11 Dtr/o Duane & Corinne Kerr 12-May-1993 B10 Sis of Jack Wiegerinck, Doris Ohlenschlager, husband died 1985 8-Jul-1994 B8 Son of Edwin & Fenella Kester of Burlington, Ont., engagement announced 9-Mar-1994 B9 In Memoriam by Lindsay, Earl & Jaret Kidder, also for Annabelle McNAUGHTON 7-May-1993 B12 Born in Campbellton, New Brunswick, 3 children named 17-Jul-1992 B10 Children and other family named 8-Jan-1993 A19 s/o Kevin & Kerry Kilmury, bro/o Alora 17-Feb-1993 B9 Res of Comox, family named, bur. Greenwood Cemetery, Burlington, Ontario 2-Jun-1993 B10 s/o Paulette & Bill King, gs/o Joyce & Bob Williams of Comox 6-Oct-1993 B2 Dau/o Major & Mrs. Kippel, engagement announced FP born 1907 age 83 Vivian Kierstead Anne Killeen age 96 born 1932 Robert John MERCER Shirley Ann Kirschman FP FP FP FP FP FP IND FP born 1919 age 30 Alex KIZUK FP FP age 79 Janet Klunck FP B10 B9 B8 B10 B8 B9 B10 B9 B6 Born in Regina, Sask., 5 children and other family named Born on Isle of Man, wife res Fanny Bay, children named Numerous family named To Chris, Susan and John Kelsey, 6 lb 6 oz Son of Trevor & Jennifer Kendell, gs/o Tom & Louise Webber of Tsolum John & Marjorie Kendell of King's Point Nfld, 5 lb 10 oz Son of Wayne and Donna Kennedy Son of Douglas & Pearl Kennedy, siblings named Dtr/o Harold & Donna-Rae Kennedy of Union Bay, engagement announced Son of Allan and Marlene Kenny, bro/o Robin Dtr/o Jacqueline and David Kent Dtr/o Arthur & Marie TURENNE, children and other family named Family named 20-Oct-1994 35 Born in Galahad, Alberta, 6 children, bro & sis named, 4 grandchildren 30-Sep-1992 B11 Dtr/o Bob & Gail Kitching, gd/o Gary & Dorothy Wiffen, Rex & Mary Kitching. 7 lb 4 oz 30-Mar-1994 B13 Mother of Randy, Rodney & Jeffrey 27-May-1992 1 Crashed into tractor/trailer unit carrying a house, resident of Campbell River 10-Apr-1992 C3 Father of Janet MacFarlane, bro/o Margaret Ferrie, graveside service at Cumberland cemetery, Piercy FH SURNAME KNIGHT KNIGHT KNOTSON KNOWLES KNOX GIVENS Mary Ozine Norman Doreen Samuel Norman Tammi Marie PLACE SPOUSE EV AGE/BORN PAPER DATE not named D Comox age 97 FP 4-Dec-1992 D FP 9-Dec-1992 D FP 6-Apr-1994 Agnes Knowles D not given age 86 FP 23-Mar-1994 Johannes Christiaan FP 21-Aug-1992 M Comox, Filberg Lodge teWINKEL KNUDSEN Karen KNUTSON KOOP Doreen Mae Abraham KOPPA Alexis Marie M Courtenay, St. George's D D Swift Current, Sask. B not given KOSCHAK Robert KOSKI Toivo Arthur KOVACS Bob KOVACS Jennie KOWALSKI Tilly KRAJNC Dora D Monarch Icefield D Monarch Icefield D Winnipeg, Manitoba D Campbell River KRAUSE KRAYDEN KRISTENSEN William Thomas John Aase D Comox D not given D Comox KRYSIUK KUEBER KURSTEINER Sophia Arnold Kelly Barry D Courtenay D not given M Campbell River age 87 Bill KRYSIUK Kerry Kueber Andrea Joan Setter LA PIERRE LAFOUNTAIN Dorothy Agnes Trevor Victor D Comox? B Comox age 79 Robert BARBER LAMARRE D Comox not given Matt LAMARRE LANG Marie Gilberte Jacqueline Albert Peter Georg D Comox age 65 not married LANGDON LANGHORN Ray Edward Bryce D Comox D at home age 71 age 5 Jordie Langdon FP FP 14-Apr-1993 B10 Res of Black Creek, two dtrs and other family named 3-Sep-1993 B7 Son of Bill & Barbara Langhorn, other family named bur. Courtenay Civic Cemetery. See Card of Thanks 17 Sep 1993, page B6 LANYON Judith Sarah Robert Oliver FORD FP 28-Oct-1992 B3 Dtr/o Don and Bev Lanyon, more info re wedding party LANYON Lyal Henry M Courtenay, St. George's D Victoria, BC Nora Lanyon FP LANYON Verna May D Comox? Howard Lanyon FP LAPP Alyssa Danielle B Halifax, Nova Scotia 26-Jan-1994 B7 Born in Radway, Alberta 4 dtrs & many other relatives named. See 18 Feb p. B13 Card of Thanks 6-Jan-1993 A18 Born near Radway, Alberta to Comox 1943 family listed. See 29 Dec p. B7 In Memoriam by Howard & sons: Lorne, Alan, Susan & Spencer, Gregory, Jan, Winston & Mitchell 20-Apr-1994 B9 Dtr/o Dal & Nancy Lapp of Halifax, gd/o Al & Vicki Lapp, Ted & Linda Dodd M Comox, Filberg Park D Comox Russell "Rusty" DUECK born 1914 Helen Koop PG B12 B11 B9 B9 A9 NOTES/INFO Mother of Irv and Ron In Memoriam by Verna and Howard Lanyon In Memoriam by family 5 children and other family named Dtr/o M/M Roy Knox of Union Bay, engagement announced FP 4-Nov-1992 B2 Photo FP FP 2-Apr-1993 B10 In Memoriam 14-Jul-1993 B12 Bible school teacher, born in Russia, large family named FP 1-Jul-1992 B9 Dtr/o Randy and Christine Koppa, sis for Adam and Evan, 7 lb 7 oz FP 8-Sep-1993 B2 Wedding photo, no other info age 89 Corinne Renata CAMPBELL Bertha Koski FP age 33 Jennie Kovacs FP 7-Feb-1992 C4 Born in Kaustinen, Finland, father of Miriam Piikkila, resident of Merville, First Memorial Society 5-Aug-1992 A1 Husband and wife both died age 24 Bob Kovacs FP 5-Aug-1992 A1 Husband and wife both died 28-Jul-1993 B10 Nee MINGO, ashes bur. in mother's grave at Courtenay Civic Cemetery IND 29-Sep-1994 32 Res of Campbell River, nee ADAMSCHEK?, dtr/o Elizabeth Brownlee, other family named FP 18-May-1994 B9 Father of Tim of Whitehorse, two sisters named, born in Alberta FP 2-Feb-1994 B8 "In Memoriam" FP 7-Jan-1994 B9 Dtr/o Askel and Emma (BOLDT?), husband dec'd, children and other family named FP 14-May-1993 B10 Res of Courtenay, mother of John and Bill FP 17-Sep-1993 B6 In Memoriam by wife Kerry FP 12-Jun-1992 B8 Son of m/m Roy E. Kursteiner of Campbell River, photo with caption, engagement announced FP 8-Jan-1993 A19 d/o Patrick & Mabel LA PIERRE FP 11-Mar-1992 B9 Son of Susan and Craig LaFountain, 8:15 am, 8 lb 8 oz, bro/o Nicholas, grandson of Joe/Donna McKay, June/Ken McLeod FP 22-Jul-1994 B9 Mother of Robert "Bobby" Major (dec'd 1969), siblings and other relatives named husband died 1972 FP 29-Sep-1993 B8 Born in Velburg, Germany, bro/o Karl & Hedwig, bur. Courtenay Civic FP Jack Krajnc born 1923 not given born 1928 Dorene Krause Elizabeth Krayden Ove Kristensen FP SURNAME LARDE LARIVIERE GIVENS Mandy Nicole Adam James PLACE EV B Comox B not given LARSEN LARSEN LARSEN LARSON LAUGHINGTON LAVALLEE Carter Johannes Joan John Estella Agnes Tia Tina Neomi Eva Marie B D D D B D LAVOIE Joseph Leslie Robert Gregory James B Comox FP LAW Douglas Sean FP 23-Oct-1992 B14 Son of Garry and Susan Law, nee Weaver LAWDER John Ormsby LAWLOR LAWRENCE June Elizabeth Donald Tyler 4-Mar-1992 B7 Former physician in Comox, first wife Marion, father of Shannon and Shelley 19-Jan-1994 B7 Born in Vancouver, children and grandchildren named 19-Aug-1992 B2 Engagement announced LAWRENCE LAWRENCE Marjorie Katherine Ryan Tyler B Calgary, Alberta D London, England D not given M Forbidden Plateau Lodge D Comox B LEACH Brodie LEAKEY Arthur Wood M Comox, Filberg Park D not given LEBLANC Diane D Victoria, BC LEDGARD Pamela LEDGARD LEE LEE LEESON Ronald S. Connor David Marion Iris John Douglas M Comox, Filbert Lodge D not given B Surrey D Comox D not given LEFLEY Bessie Hunter D Comox LEFORT LEGER Chuck & Vicki Maurice M D Courtenay LEGGETT Annie "Nan" D Comox age 100 LEHMAN Mary Regina D Comox LEMMON LENNOX Andrew George Gord LENNOX-RECALMA LEONG AGE/BORN not given Comox not given age 62 age 76 not given Comox not given SPOUSE Carl LARSEN Pearl Larsen Rosaire POIRIER, Guy LAVALLEE NOTES/INFO PAPER DATE PG FP 29-Apr-1994 B9 Dtr/o Bruce and Vicky Larde. 7 lb FP 23-Feb-1994 B13 Son of Jim & Pat Lariviere (nee STARK), bro for Amanda gs/o M/M Gerald R. Stark of Portage la Prairie FP 16-Mar-1994 B10 Son of Keith & Cathy Larsen FP 2-Jun-1993 B10 Children and siblings named FP 30-Oct-1992 B10 3 sons & 1 dtr named, see 6 Nov 1992 page B11 Card of Thanks FP 3-Dec-1993 C1 In Memoriam by Cheryl FP 20-Jul-1994 B9 Dtr/o Jason & Tina Laughington. 9 lb 5 oz, born at 1:58 pm FP 9-Feb-1994 B9 First husband dec'd, numerous family named 5-Mar-1993 B7 Son of Debbie Lavoie, born 11:15 pm, 6 lb 15 oz age 59 Deborah Lawder FP born 1922 Robert Lawlor Natalie Charlene MUNN Philip Lawrence FP FP Marlene HAYWARD FP 3-Dec-1993 C1 Mother of Shelagh & Michael, other family named 8-Dec-1993 A2 Son of Don & Natalie Lawrence, gs/o Cliff & Lena Jenkins Carl & Helen Munn Tom & Sylvia Lawrence, 7 lb 2.5 oz 29-Dec-1993 B2 Son of Dennis Leach of Powell River and Joan Leach of Comox age 75 FP 24-Feb-1993 B11 Born in Parksville, BC, family named, bur. Courtenay Civic Cemetery Dr. Pearse O'DONOGHUE Philip MARCO FP FP 12-Feb-1993 B9 Nee LEBLANC, d/o Germain & Clara LeBlanc res of Y.K. 1964-84 Mother of Paul & Fiona of Victoria 21-Oct-1992 B3 Dtr/o Ronald Ledgard, to res Port Orchard, Washington Mona Ledgard FP FP FP FP 26-Mar-1993 17-Apr-1992 17-Jun-1994 22-Dec-1993 FP 22-Jun-1994 B8 FP FP 17-Jul-1992 A2 15-Jul-1992 B9 Fred C. Leggett FP 10-Jan-1992 C1 age 80 Jonathan Lehman FP age 85 Jessie Lemmon Jody MOHR FP FP (girl) D Comox M Courtenay, St. George's B not given 22-May-1992 B10 Resident of Cumberland, widowed 1950, mother of Delphine, Jonathan, Donald and Valmore, sis/o Sam, Val and Bob Fischer, 6 sisters also named, service at Piercy FH 7-Jul-1993 B10 Long life history 19-Aug-1994 4 Son of Jim & Sharon Lennox of Union Bay, engagement announced You Jong D Victoria, BC age 93 Not Given not given age 63 age 70 Howard LEE Audrey Leeson born 1914 Edward Robert LEFLEY age 25 FP FP FP King Ying FP B7 C1 B12 B10 Father of Judith (dec'd), Patricia and Pamela Son of Lori and Dave Lee, grandson of Irv and Shirley Knight Family named Born in Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia, children and other family named Born at Bevan, BC, parents, children and other family named, husband dec'd #NAME? Born in Bertrand, New Brunswick, survived by Valerie Gemme of Comox and others Born in Leith County, Scotland, widowed 1972, mother of Pat, Lois, Robert, Stanley, other family named, family gathering, Piercy FH 20-Aug-1993 B6 Dtr/o Joanne Lennox and Arnold Recalma, sis for Leslie, Jamie, Ashley, 8 lb 3 oz 26-Jan-1994 B7 Born in Yin Ping, China, to Canada 1920, childen and other family named SURNAME LEPAGE GIVENS Travis Joseph PLACE EV B not given LETSOS Florence D Nanaimo born 1905 LEUNG Annie Lin Oi D Cumberland, at home born 1905 Gang LEUNG FP LEVESQUE Margaret Helen D not given not given Bernard LEVESQUE FP LEWIS LEWIS (boy) Amanda Marie B not given B Vancouver, BC LEWIS LEWIS Clarence Richard Kevin LEWIS LEWIS LIDSTER Wendy Grace Zachary Andrew Sylvia Barbara LINDHORST Erna Margrethe D Comox M Comox, Filberg Lodge D Wolf Lake B not given D at home, Burnaby? D not given LINDQUIST Megan Nicole B Comox LINDSAY Frederick Barry D at home born 1928 Lee Lindsay LINDSAY LINDSTROM Gabrielle Rheann Anita May B not given D Victoria, BC born 1920 Uno LINDSTROM, Andy LORD LIPOHAR Jacob Peter Stesan LITTLE LITWEN LIVESLEY William David Jessie Russell Nina Eleanor B Orange Park, Florida D Comox D not given D Nanaimo, BC LLOYD Frances Annabelle D Comox LLOYD LOCK Roy Henry May LOEWEN LOGAN LOGAN LOGAN LOGAN Isaac David John David Kathleen Eleanor Ron Ronald Norman D not given D Cumberland, BC B not given D Comox D not given D not given D Comox LOGAN Tammy M not given LOISELLE-PRYDE Robyn Kristi D Powell River LONG Tanner B AGE/BORN NOTES/INFO PAPER DATE PG FP 12-Aug-1992 B9 Son of Tracey Norris & Charles Lepage, gs/o Erny & Joan Norris, Claude & Bibiane Lepage Alexander LETSOS, FP 8-Dec-1993 B8 Nee BLANK, dtr/o Wilhem & Mary Eilz born in Yellow Point Alfred Alfred THOMAS died 1988 children & other family named SPOUSE FP FP born 1912 Lil Lewis FP Michelle VALENTINE FP age 42 age 71 George Wallace Lidster Magnus LINDHORST 27-May-1992 1 Victim of double homicide, bodies found 17 May 22-Jun-1994 B8 Son of Sara Leslie and Karl Lewis. 7 lb 8 oz 23-Sep-1992 B11 Born in New Westminster, res of Burnaby, 4 children & other family named, married 50 years IND 22-Dec-1994 19 Born in Denmark, husband died 1989, children and other family named. See 5 Jan 1995 page 16, Card of Thanks by dtr Kris Bush FP FP FP FP Marjorie Little John Litwen James LIVESLEY, John MAXWELL John McNAUGHTON FP FP FP not given age 92 Dorain Lloyd Theodore Lance LOCK FP FP age 77 Kathleen Logan Dave Logan Debby Logan Florence Logan FP FP FP FP FP Don CLARK FP born 1909 age 62 born 1931 age 60 born 1993 19-Nov-1993 C1 Father of Ray and Wendy, other family named 28-Aug-1992 B10 Son of Ray & Joanne Lewis of Courtenay, engagement announced FP FP FP FP age 73 25-Sep-1992 B10 Born in Cumberland, dtr/o Hock Shun and Pon Shee Lowe husband died 1960 7 surviving children. See Card of Thanks 30 Sep, page B11 8-Apr-1994 B9 Nee WILLIAMS, mother of Elizabeth, Marie & Margaret, gm/o Pamela, Justin, Mark, Colin & Kelly 23-Dec-1992 B21 Son of Wedy & Patrick Lewis, bro for Bailey. 6 lb 14 oz 15-Jun-1994 B8 Dtr/o Bill and Deena Lewis. 3 lb 3 oz FP FP FP 4-Aug-1993 B6 Dtr/o Bruce & Cheryl Lindquist, gd/o Lorne & Karen Grieve, Ivan & Audrey Lindquist of Union Bay, sis for Kyle 23-Feb-1994 B13 Bro/o Dennis & Jacqui, uncle of Jody & Barry, born in Vancouver. See Card of Thanks 2 Mar page B11 15-Apr-1994 B9 Dtr/o Tracey & Bruce Lindsay, gd/o Luey & Gordon Kent 20-Apr-1994 B9 Born in Penticton, BC, children & other family named, bur. St. Andrews Anglican Cemetery 12-Jan-1994 B7 Son of Peter and Jodi Lipohar, gs/o Peter and Carol Chellew, other family named. 7 lb 15 oz 20-Oct-1993 B9 Res of Marsden Road, father of Richard, Ted and John, bro/o Ken 12-Aug-1992 B9 In Memoriam by Dtrs Sharon, Lorna & families 30-Mar-1994 B13 Born in Vancouver, dtr/o Capt. Edward & Alexandria LLOYD, first husb. died 1969, 2nd husb. died 1985 17-Mar-1993 B9 Dau/o late Bruce/Amelia Lloyd. other family named. See 19 Mar page B7 Card of Thanks. See CVR 9 Mar 2007 page B20, In Memoriam 11-Feb-1994 B16 Family named. See Card of Thanks 4 Mar p. B9 14-Apr-1993 B10 Nee DENNEY, Born Chester, England, husband and one son deceased, mother of Jane 30-Dec-1992 B10 Son of David and Lisa Loewen. 8 lb 1 oz 11-Mar-1994 B7 Res of Cumberland, children & other family named 28-Jul-1993 B10 Res of Comox Valley for 60+ years, family named 8-Apr-1994 B9 In Memoriam by Debby 15-Apr-1992 B13 Father George died 1971, son Thomas in 1981, father of Brenda and Debby, other family named, service at Piercy FH 15-Jul-1992 B2 Dtr/o M/M Bud Logan of Cumberland, engagement announced with photo 27-Jul-1994 19 Dtr/o Geordie Pryde & Michelle Loiselle of Courtenay, brothers and grandparents named 28-Aug-1992 B10 Son of Steve & Marie Long, bro/o Tyler & Matthew SURNAME LONGFIELD GIVENS Daniel Robert PLACE SPOUSE EV AGE/BORN Cindy Freda M Lake Cowichan United DENHOLM LONGLAND Delilah D Comox born 1909 Reg LONGLAND FP LONGLAND William D not given born 1916 Betty Longland FP LONSDALE Christopher (Rev.) D Victoria, BC Born 1910 Mrs. Lonsdale FP LORD Anita May D Victoria, BC born 1920 Uno LINDSTROM, Andy LORD FP LORD LOSKILL Heather Louise Elizabeth D Comox? D Courtenay age 41 age 83 LOUCH Fred Earl D Comox age 56 LOVE LOWE LUCAS Victoria Olga Charles Chung Foo Candice Louise D Comox D Comox M Courtenay age 78 LUCK Barry Frederick M Courtenay LUCK Frederick Arthur D Comox age 84 LUCK Wilfred Sidney "Wilf" D Comox LUKAS John E. (Dr.) D Abbotsford, BC LUNDQUIST Darren Jeffrey B not given LUNN Daniel D not given Born 1913 Olive Lunn FP LUNN LUTZ LYONS Doris "Olive" Calvin Donnie Elizabeth born 1915 Dan Lunn FP FP FP LYTTLE Chiqa Shalyn D at home D M Victoria, Oak Bay U.C. B not given MACAULAY Donald Sutherland D Nanaimo, BC age 40 not named FP MacAULAY Fern Judith age 80 Harry MacAulay FP MacDONNELL Richard John Scott D White Rock, BC D Mexico MACEY MACEY MacGREGOR MACHAM Caitlin Brooke Kirsten Ashley Sandra Gail Muriel May B B B D Vancouver Vancouver Comox Cumberland Nikolaus SCHNEIDER, William LOSKILL Sheron Fullerton NOTES/INFO PAPER DATE PG FP 22-Jul-1994 B9 Son of M/M R. Longfield of Courtenay, engagement announced FP FP FP 29-Jan-1993 B10 Born in Cumberland, husband died 1986 large family named sis/o Clarence Clyde & Les LEWIS, Audrey Loveridge 19-Jan-1994 B7 Children named, writeup lists construction projects and Longlands Golf Course 22-Sep-1993 B2 Former rector of St. Peter's Ang. Church in Comox, born in India,family not named (Isabelle Stubbs column). See obit 15 Sep 1993 page B7 20-Apr-1994 B9 Born in Penticton, BC, children & other family named, bur. St. Andrews Anglican Cemetery 8-Jan-1993 A19 Motor Vehicle accident, family listed, taught school 11-Nov-1992 B11 Nee WEDEL, Many family members named 15-Jan-1992 B9 Born at S. Dorchester, Ontario, father of Richard, Belinda and Gus, other family named, service at Piercy FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Tom LOVE Marie LOWE Christopher Mark WORTHINGTON Janice April FEDORUK Mary Luck IND 27-Oct-1994 27 Mother of Bobby CLUFF of Hawaii & Linda KELLY of Whitehorse IND 23-Mar-1995 18 Daughters and sons named FP 16-Sep-1992 B2 Dtr/o Pat & sis/o Dan Lucas, engagement announced born 1913 Peggy Luck FP age 88 Mabel Lukas FP FP 29-Jun-1994 B2 Son of Mrs. Peggy Luck of Courtenay FP 12-Jun-1992 B10 Born in Rye, England, widowed 1989, father of Anne, Jeanne, Florence and Bill, service at Piercy FH 19-Mar-1993 B7 Born in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Father of Ted (Kathy) and Barry (Janice) 1-Oct-1993 B6 Former visitor to Valley, family named FP Rodney Edwin VAN NESS FP age 18 FP age 79 FP FP FP FP Bernard Macham 7-Aug-1992 B6 Son of Daliah & Daniel Lundquist, gs/o Malinda & Dale Wiedenman Pauline & Roy Lundquist 7 lb 5.5 oz 27-Jul-1994 19 Born in Clinton, wife died Sep 1993, sons, granddaughter and brother named 29-Sep-1993 B8 Born in Vancouver, family named 18-Mar-1994 B9 In Memoriam by Cliff, Chris Ajana, David 3-Jul-1992 B9 Dtr/o M/M Jack Lyons of Comox, gd/o Beth Lyons and Gladys Pearl Allen 20-Jul-1994 B9 Dtr/o Jeff & Amy Lyttle, gd/o Clay & Lesley Gray Len Schmuland Doris Lyttle other family named. Born at 1:35 pm 13-Apr-1994 B9 Son of Margaret Macaulay, father of Dustin, other family named, res Black Creek 11-Feb-1994 B15 Born in Bevan, family named 27-Nov-1992 B10 Son of Mort & Diana MacDonnell, bro/o Sharon gs/o Fred & Peggy Gray Jack & Nina MacDonnell. See writeup on page 1. See 24 Nov 1993 p. B9, In Memoriam 24-Jun-1992 B11 Twin dtr/o Janine and Duane Macey 24-Jun-1992 B11 Twin dtr/o Janine and Duane Macey 20-Apr-1994 B9 Dtr/o Karen & Kevin MacGregor, gd/o Stan & Carol McKay 26-Jun-1992 B10 Born in Deepdale, Manitoba, nee Booth, mother of Ron, Gary, Rusty, Bernice and Jeanette, service at Courtenay Baptist churh, Piercy FH SURNAME MACHIN MacKAY GIVENS R. George John PLACE EV D Comox D MACKAY Margaret Jane D Comox MacKAY Shauna M MACKENZIE MacKENZIE MacKENZIE Doreen Elsi Jumuki Norman D Comox D at home D not given MacKENZIE Norman Miller D Cumberland MACKENZIE MACKENZIE Tracy Lynne William Loring M Courtenay D not given MACKIE B not given MACKIE MACKIE Cecelia Angel Joanne Juliet Augusta Lillian Ruth MacLAREN Laura MacPHERSON MacSWEEN Paul Tessa MADDEN MADDOCK Velma Jean Ronald M Courtenay, St. George's M not given M Comox United Church D Comox D not given MAGGETT Jade M. B not given MAGNISON Arne Roland MAIDENS MAIDENS Bev Dallas Allen MALBOEUF born 1957 MANDIN MANGLES Pierre Richard Joseph "Peter" Olivia Arlene Arthur Newton D North Vancouver D M Courtenay, St. George's D Royston, BC B Comox D Comox born 1919 Connie STAFFORD FP FP MANN Alison Watson D Comox born 1902 Alexander G. MANN FP MANNING MANNING George George Percy D ng D Courtenay Jean Manning Jean Manning FP FP MANOUCHEHRI Elisabeth Ivy Zhaleh B Prince George FP MANOUCHEHRI Rebecca Sharon Akhtar Darrel Douglas B Ottawa, Ontario M Victoria, BC FP MANSON B Comox D Campbell River SPOUSE AGE/BORN Lilian Machin age 73 born 1906 Mary MacKay born 1897 Born 1927 age 4 months NOTES/INFO PAPER DATE PG FP 31-Jul-1992 B6 Born in Comox, father of Janet Crockett, Keith and John FP 11-Sep-1992 B10 Born in Sunderland, England, wife dec'd, father of 6 sons, 2 dtrs, etc. William MILLER FP Anthony "Tony" KESTER Arthur Mackenzie FP Mr. Mackie FP FP 2-Mar-1994 B11 Born in Burnaby, BC, children & sister named 5-Nov-1993 B14 Missed by Chevy, Kioshi, MIshi, friends Don and Judi 21-Apr-1993 B12 In Memoriam by son Fred and daughter Joan. See also 22 Apr 1994 p. B11 24-Apr-1992 C1 Born in Victoria, BC, father of Joan and Fred, bro/o Gordon, Grace and Anna, service at Cumberland United church, bur. Cumberland cemetery, Piercy FH 19-Aug-1992 B2 Dtr/o Dan & Verna Mackenzie of Comox, engagement announced 7-Jan-1994 B9 Son of Lillian & Loring Mackenzie of Lockport, NS, children and other family named 30-Oct-1992 B10 Dtr/o Kevin and Marie Mackie, sis/o Cheryl and Sara. 6 lb 7 oz, 2:00 pm 8-Jul-1994 B8 Dtr/o Cathy Richardson and Richard Mackie 7-Apr-1993 B9 Res of Campbell River, two daughters of Sayward named Scott GREENLAW FP 19-May-1993 B3 Dtr/o Phil and Ardie MacLaren, engagement with photo Alison FLEMING Jim STEWART FP FP 23-Dec-1992 B2 Son of Sylvia & Mark MacPherson of Victoria, photo 20-Jul-1994 B3 Dtr/o Dave & Robyn MacSween, engagement announced with photo Jim MADDEN Elizabeth Maddock FP FP 7-Jan-1994 B9 Children and other family named 16-Oct-1992 B10 Son of Marjorie Campbell, served in RCN & RCAF, bur. Courtenay Civic Cemetery 13-Jul-1994 B9 Son of Nelson & Louise Maggett, grandparents and great grandparents named 25-Mar-1992 B9 Remembered by Olive Miller, sons Marvin and Ken, dtr Kim. Born at Barrows, Manitoba, widowed 4-Nov-1992 B11 In Memoriam, signed by 11 named. Also 3 Nov 1993 p. B7 8-Jul-1994 A4 Son of Doug & Vicki Maidens & late Beverly Maidens of Courtenay, Engagement announced 29-Jun-1994 B8 Born in St. Foy, Quebec children and other family named. See also 15 Jun pages 1 and B8 suspected drug overdose 15-Jun-1994 B8 Dtr/o Ross & Yvonne Mandin 30-Dec-1992 B10 Born Youngstown, Alberta, family named. See 22 Dec 1993 p. B10, In Memoriam. 24-Mar-1993 B8 Born in Lochgelly, Fife, Scotland, Mother of Catherine (Stan) Heal, other relatives named 2-Apr-1993 B10 In Memoriam. See also 6 Apr 1994 page B9 3-Apr-1992 C1 First wife Mary died 1969, father of Catherine, Jane, Linda, Terry, Sharon, George, Donald, Peter and Michael, 3 sisters named, born in Edmonton, Alberta, service at St. George's in Courtenay 10-Apr-1992 C3 Dtr/o Ali and Sharon Manouchehri, 8 lb 15 oz, gdtr/o Rose Offersen of Black Creek 13-Jul-1994 B9 Dtr/o Ali & Sharon Manouchehri, gd/o Mrs. Rose Offersen of Black Creek sis for Lisa. 8 lb 9 oz 16-Jun-1993 B14 Grandson of Mrs. Jean Manson of Comox Maud MacKenzie FP FP FP age 79 Maude MacKenzie FP not given Keith JACOBSON Sonja NAGY FP FP FP age 78 not given born 1930 FP age 79 age 78 19-Aug-1992 B9 Nee MILLER, born in Clacknaharry Scotland husband died 19 Jun 1960 children and other family named 8-Jul-1994 B8 Dtr/o Lowell & Donna MacKay, engagement announced Mary Mackenzie FP Katrina Rose BALL FP FP FP Karen Michelle SKINNER FP SURNAME MANTHA MARAPODI MARCO GIVENS Uschi Angelo Dominico "Angie" (male) Philip MARINUS MARINUS MARSHALL PLACE EV D not given D Comox NOTES/INFO PAPER DATE PG FP 21-Jul-1993 B8 Family named FP 31-Mar-1993 B10 Born Cranbrook, BC son of Francs Marapodi of Burnaby BC father of Jessie Wolfe wife died 1990 Pamela LEDGARD FP 21-Oct-1992 B3 U.S. Navy, attendants named, to res Port Orchard, Washington SPOUSE AGE/BORN born 1964 Joe Mantha Betty Marapodi age 79 Justice Riley Kyle Riley Don "Smoothy" M Comox, Filbert Lodge B Comox B Comox D Campbell River not given Audrey Marshall FP FP FP MARSHALL MARSHALL Duncan Robert Kerr "Rab" D not given D Parksville, BC born 1911 Born 1913 Marge Marshall Ueanna Marshall FP FP MARSHALL William D Richmond, BC age 88 MARTIN Dianne Kathleen born 1957 MARTIN Hugh MARTIN John Henry MARTIN MARTIN Paulette Ida William Gregory D Salmon Arm, BC M Vancouver, St. Andrew's Wesley D Cumberland, at home D Comox D not given MARTINELLI Frederick D Vancouver, BC MARTINICH Alexander D Victoria? MASON MASSON M not given B Vancouver, BC MATA Pamela Alexandra Mary Elizabeth Andrew MATCHIE MATHIEU MATHIEU Dennis Mitchell Emile "Matt" Emile Joseph D Royston D not given D Comox MATTSON MAURER Dorothy Jean Peter D Comox D Nanaimo, BC MAWHINNEY Margaret Lady Mary D Courtenay age 74 not named Marjorie Peggy" Maurer" Norman H. SEELY MAXTED MAXWELL Albertine Mildred Jane age 89 Stanley Maxted MAXWELL Nina Eleanor D Comox B Cumberland, BC D Nanaimo, BC born 1909 MAY Thelma Noreen D not given born 1934 MAYES MAYNARD Patricia Anne Andre Laurent D not given D Menzies Bay FP Dean MARTIN FP Hazel May "Joyce" STANLEY FP born 1920 Valerie Martin FP age 88 born 1957 Mr. Martin FP FP born 1923 Connie Martinelli FP age 96 FP Lorne BRAZIER D Comox FP FP FP age 37 age 64 born 1910 age 68 age 59 age 62 Helen Mathieu James LIVESLEY, John MAXWELL George MAY Cam Mayes Denise Maynard FP FP FP FP FP 21-May-1993 B11 Son of Daryl & Aprile Marinus 28-May-1993 B11 Son of Walter and Loreen Marinus, 8 lb 12 oz 24-Dec-1993 B10 Father of Dawn Marie, other family named. 25 Mar 1994 p. B15 Card of Thanks by Audrey Dawn, Marie & family. Son of William & Mary Marshall, bur. Cumberland Cemetery 1-Jun-1994 B9 Brother of Nettie Jones 17-Sep-1993 B6 Born in Scotland, to Cumberland 1920, father of Robert, Dolores and Irene 15-Jun-1994 B8 Born in Cumberland, eldest of 5 children of William and Mary Marshall of Union Bay 3-Dec-1993 C1 Born in North Vancouver, Dtr/o Hilliard & Margaret GROSECLOSE 5 Bros. & 4 Children Named 22-Apr-1994 A8 50th anniversary, see photo on page A2 23-Sep-1992 A8 Long obituary, children and other family, friends named. See also 16 Sep p. B11 16-Mar-1994 B10 Mother of Charleen Montgomery, other family named 30-Mar-1994 B13 Born in St. Hyacinthe, Quebec son of Bruce & Barbara Martin grandparents & many other relatives named 25-Sep-1992 B10 Bro/Viola Kerton, other family named companion Mabel Crowley. Also in 18 Sep page B10 and 16 Sep p. B11 3-Mar-1993 A11 Born in Ladner, BC, WW1 Veteran, Knight of Columbus, former res of Courtenay 19-Mar-1993 A7 First Anniversary, res of Dove Creek 27-Jan-1993 B11 Dtr/o Steve & Kelly Masson, bro/o Jeremy, 3 lb 2 oz 9-Oct-1992 B10 Two bros, 3 sis, mother in Hungary named, other family in US and Germany 28-Oct-1992 A2 Highway accident, 1 dead, 10 injured (named) 28-Apr-1993 B14 In Memoriam by Helen. See also 29 Apr 1994, page B9 6-May-1992 B9 Born in Carlton County, Ontario, father of Gerald, Sharon, Brian and Sandra, service at St. George's in Courtenay, bur. Courtenay cemetery, Piercy FH 17-Jun-1994 B12 Two sons and other family named, res of Cumberland 30-Jun-1993 B10 Long obituary and biography IND 25-May-1995 19 Dtr/o Arthur and Jean MAWHINNEY, born in Nanaimo children and other family named incl. Thomas William ARMSTRONG FP 6-May-1992 B9 Mother of Maxine and Darline, private family service, bur. Victoria FP 6-Oct-1993 B2 Dtr/o Alex and Mary Ann (Walker) Maxwell, 90th birthday celebration, 6 children named FP 30-Mar-1994 B13 Born in Vancouver, dtr/o Capt. Edward & Alexandria LLOYD first husb. died 1969 2nd husb. died 1985 FP 14-Jan-1994 B11 Born in Comox, dtr/o Orol and Elva McNEIL 2 sons and other family named service in Campbell River FP 5-Mar-1993 B7 Res of Courtenay, dtr/o Gwenny A. Bryan, other family named FP 9-Dec-1992 A1 Fatal accident. See also 11 Dec page A16, col. 1 SURNAME MAYNE GIVENS (twin boys) PLACE EV B Owen Sound, Ontario D Comox MAYNE Louis Joseph MAYNE Ryan Preston McANDREW McARTHUR McAULEY McBRIDE Roy G. Viola Tyler James Rene D. McCARTNEY Barbara Elizabeth McCONNELL McCORMACK Margaret Ellen Kelsey Theresa McCOURT McCRAE Irene Letitia Malcolm T. D Cowichan, BC B Maple Ridge, BC D Victoria D Courtenay McCULLOCH Ivy Mae D Comox McDERMID Rosella McDONALD Dorothy D McKay, Australia D Comox McDONALD Elizabeth W. D McDONALD Lane M not given McDONALD McDONELL McEACHREN Norman Sean Joseph Bill D Comox B Comox D not given McFADDEN/GREAVES Clayton Douglas B McFARLANE Jessica M Vancouver McFAYDEN Frances D Comox age 76 McGEACHY Alice Ferne D Comox age 69 McGUIRE Matthew William George Douglas Bruce B Nanaimo, BC B Owen Sound, Ontario D Comox D Nanaimo B Comox M Comox, Filberg Lodge D Comox AGE/BORN born 1896 FP 7-Jan-1994 B9 Born in Antwerp, Belgium, father of Des Mayne, other family named FP FP 13-Apr-1994 B9 Son of Jeff & Penny Mayne, bro/o Kyle & Cory gs/o Des & Marie Mayne Jack & Wendy Porter. 7 lb 14-Feb-1992 C4 Card of Thanks from Pearl and family 26-Feb-1992 B11 Mother of Vern, Roy and Judy, service at Sands FH in Nanaimo 26-Mar-1993 B7 1:41 pm, 7 lb 8 oz, son of Reg & Simonne McAuley, bro/o Jason 16-Sep-1992 B2 Special thanks to M/M Rock Fortier, Tammy Davey Paul & Allen Armstrong Sara Shortman Wendy McBride 21-Apr-1993 B12 Born Bingley, England, dtr/o Angie & William HODGSON, children named 30-Jul-1993 B6 Born in Thunder Bay, Ont., Children named, bur. Duncan, BC 25-Sep-1992 B10 Dtr/o Shawn & Karen McCormack (nee Marinus?). 7 lb 4 oz James McCourt Mrs. McCrae FP FP 6-Jan-1993 A18 Husband died 1987, m/o 4 dtrs, 4 sons 24-Jun-1994 B10 Father of Dr. Gary McCrae, bur. Musselwhite Cemetery, Abbotsford Oliver C. Harris FP born 1918 George McDERMID FP born 1908 Mac McDONALD FP born 1924 William McDONALD FP 11-Mar-1992 B9 Born in Hunterville, Alberta, widowed 1957, mother of Orval who died 1990, Phil, Marg and Dot, sis/o Gib Stuart, service at Foursquare church, bur. Courtenay cemetery, Piercy FH 5-Nov-1993 B14 Born in Victoria, husband died 1978, some family members named, service at Sardis, BC 4-Nov-1992 B11 Nee GILMAN, husband died 1989, Ladysmith Citizen of Year 1988, family named 24-Nov-1993 B9 Children and grandchildren named, husband died 1985 Vicki JAMES FP born 1920 Lillian McDonald born 1936 Carol McEachren FP FP FP age 66 age 83 Pearl McAndrew Angus McArthur born 1920 born 1943 Rod J. ARMSTRONG Robert Samuel McCARTNEY Dale McConnell born 1915 age 80 age 77 FP FP FP FP FP FP Bill RICHARDSON FP Robert CLEASON, FP Jack MEIER, Earl CORNEIL Norman McGEACHY FP FP not given D Comox age 95 McKENZIE Barbara Elizabeth "Bessie" Hugh Donald D Victoria McKENZIE Vaughan Innes D Comox McKAY not named NOTES/INFO PAPER DATE PG FP 31-Jul-1992 B6 Sons of Jeff Mayne and Penny Porter-Mayne FP D Comox McINDOE SPOUSE Ann McIndoe FP FP born 1916 Andrew James McKAY Marie McKenzie born 1929 Mavis McKenzie FP FP 23-Jul-1993 A5 25th anniversary, with photo, couple identified by Shirley Kitchener 27-Jan-1993 B11 Born in Port Arthur, Ont., family named, bur. Courtenay Civic 10-Mar-1993 B8 Son of Duncan 7 Mary Jean McDonell, 9 lb 4 oz 23-Mar-1994 B9 Born in Comox, son of William (dec'd) and Margaret McEachren 1 son & other relatives named wife dec'd. Card of Thanks 13 Apr 1994 page B9 1-Apr-1992 B9 Son of Jacqueline McFadden and Terry Greaves, 7 lb 15 oz, bro/o Keith 6-Apr-1994 B13 Dtr/o Robert & Joyce McFarlane of Qualicum Beach, married on the "Island Jewel" 5-May-1993 B14 Dtr/o Olive & Laughlin McFAYDEN, born Melfort Sask. Husbands died 196119641984Two dtrs named 6-Jul-1994 B8 Mother of Nancy (Barry) Allingham, gm/o Todd of Campbell River 22-Jun-1994 B8 Son of Kevin & Terry McGuire. 6 lb 10 oz 2-Mar-1994 B11 Son of Hazel McIndoe of Vancouver, children named. See Card of Thanks 11 Mar page B7 7-May-1993 B12 Of Union Bay, 6 sons & 3 dtrs named 17-Nov-1993 B10 Born in Courtenay, son of John & Maida McKenzie pioneer family many family members named 17-Feb-1993 B9 Born in Winnipeg, Manitoba, family named SURNAME McKINNON GIVENS Catherine Anne PLACE EV D not given McKINNON McKINNON Greg Tammy Lynn Louise McLEAN Myrtle Ella McLELLAN George C. D Comox M CFB Chapel, Comox D Parksville, Trillium Lodge D Campbell River McLEOD Donald Edwin D not given born 1949 Dorothy McLeod McLEOD Hibbert D Comox born 1914 Margaret "Betty" McLeod McLEOD McLOUGHLIN McLOUGHLIN Margaret Hilary Christina Shirley W. D Courtenay B not given D Comox born 1904 McMANUS Robert Reid D Comox McMILLAN McMILLAN Lisa Wally M not given D not given McMULLAN McMULLIN McNALLY Daniel Lawrence Stanley Alexander Kenneth Henry D Comox D D not given age 85 McNARY McNAUGHTON Maureen Joy Frances Annabelle D at home D Comox age 40 born 1930 McNEIL Thelma Noreen D not given born 1934 McNUTT McPHAIL McPHEDRAIN D Comox D D Courtenay age 25 born 1932 born 1908 McPHERSON McQUADE Lee James Robert Marshall John Harvard "Harvey" Frona Henry Lawrence D Comox D Comox born 1915 age 78 McQUEEN McQUILLAN George and Nell Dorothy Ellen M not given D Comox age 91 McQUILLAN McQUINN Patricia Lillian Gladys E. D Gold River, BC D Little River age 48 age 67 McQUINN Goldie Nina D Comox McQUINN McQUINN Helen Edesse John Grover D not given D not given age 75 age 71 McQUINN John Grover M Eugene, Oregon age 19 SPOUSE AGE/BORN not named age 49 not given NOTES/INFO PAPER DATE PG IND 15-Dec-1994 22 Dtr/o Mrs. Mary Wells, mother of Trudy Schmidt, other family named Margaret McKinnon Donald Graham MORISON born 1903 age 83 age 86 age 62 born 1897 age 51 born 1892 Violet Sarvis Peter C. McLOUGHLIN not named Robert BUSH Herb McMILLAN Nell McMullan Evelyn McKNIGHT Pearl McNally John McNAUGHTON George MAY Norma McPhail Elizabeth SINGLETON George McPherson Frances Mary McQuade IND FP 3-Nov-1994 29 Father of Blair, Camille and Sandra, bro/o Lewis, Scott, Ambur 6-Apr-1994 B13 Dtr/o ?, to res Calgary FP 3-Mar-1993 A23 Born in Holland, Manitoba, family named FP 14-Feb-1992 C4 Formerly of Cumberland, first wife Jean dec'd, father of Bill, stepfather of Joyce and Carol, service in Campbell River IND 15-Dec-1994 22 Born in North Vancouver, son of Donald and Bertha McLeod father of Anna and Scotty other family named FP 23-Feb-1994 B13 Born in Cumberland, children and other family named FP 26-Nov-1993 C7 Resident of Glacier View Lodge, memorial service held 17 Nov IND 19-Jan-1995 19 Dtr/o Wayne and Michele McLOUGHLIN. 8 lb 12 oz FP 16-Dec-1992 B13 Relatives named, husband dec'd. See 26 Nov 1993 p. C7 re Memorial Service at Glacier View Lodge IND 23-Mar-1995 18 Son of Charles & Isabella McManus, children and other family named FP 1-Sep-1993 B3 Dtr/o Bill and Helen SIM, wedding photo IND 10-Nov-1994 26 Dtr/o Marie & Ernst SCHMIDT, born in Germany to Canada 1907 children named husband dec'd FP 15-Apr-1992 B13 Born in Manitoba, widowed 1990, father of Bill, Don and Sheila, FP 16-Sep-1992 B11 Children named FP 11-Mar-1994 B7 Res of Black Creek, born in Alberta, son of Mildred McNally, children & other family named FP 31-Mar-1993 B10 Dtr/o Bill McNary, mother of 4 children, fiancee of Russ FP 17-Mar-1993 B9 Nee LLOYD, family named. See Card of Thanks 19 Mar page B7. See 9 Mar 1994 p. B9 and CVR 9 Mar 2007 page B20, In Memoriam 14-Jan-1994 B11 Born in Comox, dtr/o Orol and Elva McNEIL 2 sons and other family named service in Campbell River FP 24-Jul-1992 B10 Son of Gerry & Bess McNutt, bro/o Jim, gs/o Anne FP 7-Oct-1992 B13 Son of Alexander and Margaret, children and other family named IND 22-Dec-1994 19 Born in Ethelbert, MB to Comox Valley 1959 wife died Jul 1989 children and other family named FP 18-Aug-1993 B7 Family named, husband dec'd FP 11-Dec-1992 B12 1 dtr, 2 sons, bros & sis, 8 grandchildren named, wife died 1956 FP FP FP Robert James McQuillan Roland McQuillan single FP FP John G. McQuinn Sr. FP John McQuinn Goldie Nina FREDENBURG Goldie Nina FREDENBURG FP FP FP 10-Sep-1993 B7 50th anniversary. See Card of Thanks 10 Sep 1993 page B6 11-Aug-1993 B10 Husband died 1976, mother of 11 children 27 grandchildren 46 ggchildren. See long article by Isabelle Stubbs on page 4 11-Aug-1993 B10 Born in Comox, family named 13-May-1992 B12 Born at Headquarters, known as "Mym", wake to be held at beach property 22-Sep-1993 B8 Born in Brownsville, Oregon large family named. See also Card of Thanks same page. 100th Birthday with photo 10 Jul 1992 page 1 16-Jun-1993 B10 4 dtrs & 2 brothers named, husband deceased 10-Jul-1992 1 Goldie's 100th birthday gives date of husband's death, 11 children, family history done 10-Jul-1992 1 Goldie's 100th birthday with photo and marriage info SURNAME McRAE Don PLACE EV M Courtenay McWILLIAM Greg M McWILLIAM Tracy Lynn MEATH Lloyd Thomas M Courtenay, St. George's D not given age 77 MEDLEY Marjorie Lillian D Courtenay age 82 MEIER Frances D Comox age 76 MEISE MELLING John F. (Cpl., C.D.) Emily D not given D Comox MERCER MERCER MERCER MERCER Bryan Victor Keegan Matthew Liam Thomas Robert John B B B M MERRICK Dorothy "Dot" D not given MERRIFIELD Isabella Jane D Sechelt MERRILL Damian Richard D Courtenay MESSENT MILANOVICH MILBURN MILES Frank Jasper Loriana "Lori" Joe and Ada Andrew Leigh B D M D not given not given not given Victoria, BC MILLER MILLER MILLER MILLER Caelan Robert Christopher Wade Corey Gerald James Edward B D B D Comox Comox Comox Cumberland MILLER Margaret Jane D Comox born 1897 Elsie May "Nellie" Miller William MILLER MILLER MILLER Marion Margaret Sheila Marie D Victoria, BC D not given born 1920 age 36 Mr. Osmars Lloyd MILLER MILLER Trevor Scott D Campbell River age 35 MILLER William Dilworth "Dusty" William Henry D not given age 87 Ivy Miller D Courtenay age 83 Betty Miller Andrew Malcolm "Ambo" D Oaxaca, Mexico MILLER MILLS GIVENS AGE/BORN SPOUSE Deanne Michelle WEBBER Kate TAYLESS NOTES/INFO PAPER DATE PG FP 6-Apr-1994 B13 Son of Doug & Beth McRae of Comox, engagement announced FP Marc Andrew Violette FP not given Comox Comox Comox not given born 1907 age 81 FP 12-Feb-1993 B9 Res of Fanny Bay, born in Winnipeg, Man., RCAF, family not named Fred Medley FP Robert CLEASON, Jack MEIER, Earl CORNEIL Ethel Meise Joe MELLING FP 24-Apr-1992 C1 Born in Worcester, England, widowed, mother of Barry, Fred and Don, service at Piercy FH 5-May-1993 B14 Dtr/o Olive & Laughlin McFAYDEN, born Melfort Sask. Husbands died 196119641984Two dtrs named Christine Anne KIPPEL James MERRICK Leslie Merrifield age 8 age 92 FP FP 17-Nov-1993 B10 In Memoriam by wife, children, grandchildren, etc. 26-Aug-1992 B9 7 dtrs, 1 son, 5 sisters, 3 brothers all named. Husband died 1988 FP FP FP FP 12-Feb-1992 4-Mar-1992 4-Mar-1992 6-Oct-1993 FP 14-Oct-1992 B11 Nee SHAW, Formerly of Calgary Black Creek husband died 1987 children and other family named 1-May-1992 B14 Born in Cumberland, nee Herd, widowed, mother of Jane Metcalfe, sis/o Marguerite, service in Sechelt, BC 3-Mar-1993 A23 Died in house fire (see page 1), son of Hilda and Ryan Merrill bro/o Ryan Sarah and Amy. See 5 Mar 1993 p. B7 obituary. See 25 Feb 1994 page B9 In Memoriam by the Baker & Merrill families FP FP born 1976 born 1965 20-Jul-1994 B2 Son of Gary & Julie McWilliam of Comox, engagement announced with photo 1-Jan-1992 19 Dtr/o m/m Gary McWilliam of Comox not married Mrs. Mills FP FP FP FP B9 B7 B7 B2 Son of Joan and Stephen Mercer, 7 lb 7.5 oz Twin Son of Kevin and Julie Mercer, 7 lb 8 oz Twin Son of Kevin and Julie Mercer,6 lb 15 oz Son of M/M Randy Mercer, engagement announced 30-Jul-1993 B6 Son of John & Suzanne Messent, bro/o Jade, Amber & Matthew 17-Sep-1993 B6 In Memoriam, poem by Tarisa McMillan 1-Jun-1994 A2 60th anniversary, with photo 22-Dec-1993 1 Beaten by Kevin Peter Thackeray (charged with manslaughter), res of Royston. See also obit 24 Dec page B10 son of William H. & Sheila M. Miles other family named. In Memory 13 Apr 1994 page B9 FP 14-Oct-1992 B11 Son of Robert and Gail Miller, bro/o Danny FP 22-Dec-1993 1 Res of Black Creek, car accident on Macaulay Rd, DOA hospital FP 4-Feb-1994 B9 Son of Len & Sonja Miller. 7 lb 13 oz, 3:10 pm IND 29-Dec-1994 20 Father of Russel Edgar, Gerald Edward, James R.G. Married almost 73 years FP 19-Aug-1992 B9 Nee MILLER, born in Clacknaharry Scotland husband died 19 Jun 1960 children and other family named FP 9-Apr-1993 B9 Nee MILLER, born Cumberland, family named FP 12-Aug-1992 B9 Dtr/o M/M Charles FITCH, brother Darrell and other family named. See also 5 Aug p. A1 FP 24-Mar-1993 B8 Son of Harvey & Helen Miller of Courtenay, gs/o Paul Graff of Regina bro/o Greg Miller of Edmonton FP 4-Sep-1992 B10 Res of Cumberland, wife died 1974, brother, nieces & nephews named FP 12-Jun-1992 B10 Born in Newcastle, England, father of Judy and Bill, bro/o Effie, Ida, Maude and Highmoor, family service at Piercy FH FP 11-Jun-1993 B12 Survived by dtr, parents & siblings in Comox Valley. See also 25 Jun page B6 SURNAME MILLS GIVENS Eva Blanche PLACE EV D Comox MILNE Rita D Vancouver MINGO Tilly MISIEVITCH MITCHELL MOCHIZUKI MOHR William Alexander Jonathan Kyoshi Jody MOLE Norma and Allan MOLLOY MONCRIEFF Nancy Doris J. D Winnipeg, Manitoba D Comox D Comox B Comox M Courtenay, St. George's M Vancouver, St. Paul's M not given D Comox MONK MONROE MONTGOMERY MOON MOONEY Scott Allan Thomas Douglas William Owen Kim Pat Harold Alexander MOORE MOORE Frank Lila and Frank MOORE SPOUSE AGE/BORN John Mills age 91 age 29 age 89 age 85 4-Aug-1993 KOWALSKI FP 28-Jul-1993 B10 Bep Misievitch Mildred Mitchell FP FP FP FP 16-Jun-1993 B10 15-Jul-1994 B12 4-Sep-1992 B10 19-Aug-1994 4 FP 29-Dec-1993 A3 50th anniversary cngrats from friends & family: Richard, Trudy, Colin FP FP FP 14-May-1993 B10 Engagement announced, from Nova Scotia 3-Dec-1993 C1 Mother of Gwenyth and Mitch. In Memoriam by Monty, Mitch Brenda Gwen Josh Melanie Shannon, Amanda & Tyler 19-Feb-1992 B9 Son of Angie Andrews and Darren Monk FP FP FP FP 27-Aug-1993 5-Aug-1992 29-Jan-1993 23-Feb-1994 Andrew STIGANT Laurence MONCRIEF B D M B D Courtenay not given not given Victoria age 77 Terry Monroe Ray JONSSON born 1907 Gladys CARTHEW born 1914 Lila Moore Robert David D not given M Winnipeg, Manitoba D not given MORFITT Lois Jane D At home born 1951 MORGAN Jean Murray D Comox age 74 MORGAN MORIARTY MORIN MORIN MORISON John Percy Kathleen Margaret Elsie Mildred Richard Paul Donald Graham (Lt.) D D D D M MORRISON MORRISON Malcolm William "Scotty" not given not given Comox not given CFB Chapel, Comox D not given D Comox MORRISON-MEADE MORTON MOSIMANN MOSLEY MOSORONCHON Barrie Palmerston Harry Judy Louise Stan and Vera Rhonda B D D M M MOSSEY MOUNCE Peter Nelson Vivian Josephine Comox Courtenay Comox not given Black Creek U.M. D Cumberland D Cumberland MOWBRAY MOYLS MUIR Walter Grant "Moe" Jeana Louise Lucy Mary D Comox B D 9-Jun-1993 B12 10-Jul-1992 A3 FP 21-Apr-1993 B12 Tom Morfitt FP 16-Sep-1992 B11 Douglas Morgan FP 15-May-1992 B9 Rita Morgan FP FP FP FP FP 6-Apr-1994 16-Apr-1993 13-Apr-1994 17-Nov-1993 6-Apr-1994 James BARNES Tammy Lynn Louise McKINNON not given age 83 Mary Morrison born 1908 Elmer MOSIMANN Craig WELTON age 82 age 86 Doris Mossey Clifton Mounce age 70 Ruth Mowbray born 1899 B8 B2 A3 B13 FP FP age 33 born 1914 age 83 age 51 born 1955 1 Died after being stabbed. See also 6 Aug page B6, obituary mentions family Nee MINGO, ashes bur. in mother's grave at Courtenay Civic Cemetery Lengthy obituary No children, wife died 1987, niece and her daughter named Son of Rod & Kathy Mochizuki, sis for Alyssa, 8 lb 9 oz Dtr/o Mike & Dawn Mohr of Prince George FP Gord LENNOX born 1918 NOTES/INFO PAPER DATE PG FP 5-Jan-1994 B7 Mother of Christopher Mills of New Hampshire, husband deceased Edward Muir B9 B9 B9 B10 B13 Family named Marriage photo 50th birthday (maiden name unknown) from Wilf, Karen & Allan Born in Elkhorn, MB, Doctor here 1936-1974, children and grandchildren named, wife died 1987 Born in Yorkton, Sask., family named 50th wedding anniversary with photo, two daughters & grandson named Res of Grande Prairie, Alberta son of Robert and Dolores Moore of Comox Valley other family named Born in Saskatoon, Sask., dtr/o Larry and Dorothy Peters, other family named. See also Thank-you note Widowed 1988, mother of Linda and Pam, dtr/o Jean Foster, sis/o Peggy McCullough, service at Piercy FH Father of David (Darlene) of Sherwood Park, AB Res of Cumberland, family named, bur. Cumberland Cemetery Nee MORIN, dtr/o John & Bertha, children & other family named In Memoriam by Jacquelin, Yvette and Clay Son of ?, to res Calgary 24-Nov-1993 B9 In Memoriam by Darlene & Gavin, Karen & Leanne 10-Dec-1993 C1 Born in Scotland, father of Jack & Rosina wife dec'd bur. Cumberland Cemetery. See Card of Thanks 7 Jan 1994 p. B9 by Jack Morrison & family, Rosina Ball FP 2-Feb-1994 B8 Son of Pam-Ski and Ray FP 26-Nov-1993 C7 Resident of Glacier View Lodge, memorial service held 17 Nov IND 18-May-1995 18 Sis/o Jack and James, service at United Mennonite, Black Creek FP 18-Nov-1992 B3 50th anniversary with photo, reception held in Surrey, BC FP 19-Aug-1992 B3 Dtr/o Richard & Diane Mosoronchon of Saratoga Beach, other family named FP 30-Apr-1993 B11 Father of Betty Tivey of Port Alberni, Joan Taylor of Comox FP 5-Feb-1992 B9 Hosband died 1962, mother of Joy and Trudean, sis/o Gloria Tweedhope, service at Christ the King, Piercy FH FP 18-Aug-1993 B7 Son and grandsons named FP 26-Aug-1992 B9 Dtr/o Glen & Tanis Moyls, sis/o Cameron. 4 lb 12 oz FP 29-Jul-1992 B9 Born in Surrey, England, father of Robert and Rose Muir FP FP SURNAME GIVENS Natalie Charlene MUNRO Rachel Rose PLACE EV M Forbidden Plateau Lodge B Burnaby, BC MURDOCK Gordon H. D Comox MURDOCK Rita M Victoria, BC MURNAGHAN MURPHY Alan Michael Dennis Michael D not given D Comox MURPHY Laura Jane B not given MUSGRAVE NADASDI NASWELL Marjorie Emily Barbara Anne Jasmine Nicole D not given D Comox B not given NASWELL B FP NASWELL NASWELL-McGUIRE Jordan Theodore Lawrence Katelyn Marie Trevor Sean B not given B not given FP FP NAYLOR Doris D Sarnia, Ontario NEILL NEILSEN Bill Erica D M Nanaimo, BC NELSON NELSON Aaron Michael Carol Ann NELSON NELSON George James Elwood Albert B D Seattle, Washington D not given D Kamloops NELSON NELSON Janet Lori Ann D not given M Lantzville, BC NELSON Lyle R. NEROS NESTRANSKY NEUFELD NEUMANN NEVILLE NEW NEWBOLD NEWMAN Olav Peter Paul Joseph Bryan Arnost Lillian Thomas Dennis Alan William James "Red" M Courtenay, St. George's D not given D Comox? M not given D Courtenay D not given D At home D Victoria, BC D Comox NICHOLS Jodi M Courtenay NICHOLSON Robert Bruce D not given AGE/BORN SPOUSE Donald Tyler LAWRENCE PAPER DATE PG FP 19-Aug-1992 B2 Engagement announced MUNN FP age 69 not given born 1913 Lil Murdock FP James VOLKERS FP Wendy Murnaghan Constance Ann Murray FP FP FP not given born 1912 age 90 MUSGRAVE Paul NADASDI Steve ARBUCKLE, Edward CLEMENTS, Hugh DUNN Les BLACK born 1953 age 83 age 74 age 58 age 63 born 1910 age 56 age 83 born 1926 age 59 born 1915 born 1937 Mr. NELSON, Charlie JOHNSTON not married Bertha Nelson Ron NELSON Glenn Andrew DOUMONT Christina J. SHARP FP FP FP NOTES/INFO 25-Feb-1994 B9 Dtr/o Rocky & Rosalie, gd/o Jean Munro, Selma Nasland & John Spangler 18-Mar-1994 B9 Born in Cumberland, children and other family named. See Card of Thanks 1 Apr 1994 page B9 13-Jul-1994 B13 Dtr/o M/M Dave Murdock of Williams Lake, engagement announced with photo 12-Aug-1992 B9 Children, grandchildren, sisters and brothers named 24-Jun-1994 B10 Born in Saskatoon, Sask., children and other family named 5-Mar-1993 B7 dtr/o Richard & Lisa Murphy, sis/o Kendra gd/o Mack & Sally Dreury of Cartwright MB Pat & Florence Murphy of Courtenay 15-Jul-1994 B12 Nee DREW, children and friend named 25-Aug-1993 B9 Husband deceased, one son and one daughter named 11-Nov-1992 B11 Dtr/o Shayna & Murray Naswell, gd/o Marcy & Bob Weston, Isabel & Larry Naswell. 8 lb 3-Apr-1992 C1 Son of Greg and Angela Naswell, gson of Larry/Isabelle Naswell, Ted/Bea Miller, bro/o Miranda 17-Jun-1994 B12 Dtr/o Shayna & Murray Naswell, sis/o Jasmine Nicole 4-Aug-1993 B6 Grandson of Bill & Babs McGuire, Dot & Doug Pearce, Earl Naswell FP 18-Dec-1992 B16 Nee NAYLOR, First husband died 1948, 2nd in 1995, children and other family named FP FP 8-Jul-1992 B9 Died riding his Harley Davidson motorcycle, In Memoriam 6-Apr-1994 B13 Dtr/o Ray & Eleanor Nielsen of Nanaimo, Engagement announced FP FP FP FP FP FP 4-Sep-1992 B10 Son of Dennis & Patti Nelson, bro for James and Kyle, 8 lb 13 oz 19-Mar-1993 B7 Born in Comox, Dau/o Jimmy & Edna WHITWORTH, sis/o Lynn (Jim) McNabb of Vancouver 17-Sep-1993 B6 Bro/o Elizabeth ORR of lower mainland 21-Feb-1992 C4 Born in Medicine Hat, Alberta, father of Kenny, Lat, Danny, Noreen and Kandi, service in Kamloops 25-Feb-1994 B9 Res of Hornby Island, children & grandchildren named 11-Aug-1993 B3 Dtr/o Dennis Nelson and Mrs. Lena Whyte FP 27 an 1993 B3 Son of Sharon and Russ Nelson, engagement announced, photo 5 Feb page A11 A23 Res of Royston, mother Olga deceased B11 Born Struan, Sask., Father of Blair, Elsa, Lorna and Susan B11 Very brief info with photo B7 8 children, grandchildren and brothers named B13 Mother of Harold and Bill, other family named, husband died 1976 B11 Born in London, England, family named B12 Sons 7 dtrs named, 35 years in RCAF B9 Born in Estevan, Sask., res of Cumberland, family named Helen Nestransky Lynn WATERMAN Jean Neumann Harold Neville Betty New Barbara Newbold Betty Newman FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP 3-Mar-1993 28-May-1993 11-Nov-1992 19-Jan-1994 30-Mar-1994 22-Jan-1993 9-Jun-1993 17-Feb-1993 Vernon HARDER FP Jennifer Nicholson FP 16-Dec-1992 B2 Dtr/o Brian and Doreen Nichols, engagement announced. See 14 Jul 1993 page B4, marriage 28-May-1993 B11 Born in Saskatchewan, father of Sherry, Angie, Trevor and Skipper, other family named SURNAME GIVENS Catherine Leona PLACE EV M Grantham Hall NICKEL NICKEL NIELSON Robert Murvin Stephanie Ann Jean Lillian Maria D Comox B D Comox NIKOLAISEN NIXON Ann and Bob Dayton Chase M not given B not given NIXON James "Harry" NORMAN NORMAN Adam Michael Valerie Joan NOTT Doreen NOVITS NOWIK Elizabeth Michelle Anne NOWOTNY Carla M. D Crofton, BC, at home B Comox M Calgary, Alberta M Victoria, St. Michael's D Comox M Courtenay, St. George's U.C. D Nanaimo NYDAM OAKFORD Willem Cody Lane D not given B Comox age 64 FP FP OBEAR D not given born 1928 FP ODLAND O'DONOGHUE Howard Gordon "Bush" Adelle Dorothy Diane B not given D Victoria, BC not given OFFERSEN OGG Henning Jeffrey Glen D Comox D Kipling, Sask. born 1975 O'KANE O'KEEFE O'LEARY Lawrence Patrick Thomas Harold Mary A. D Comox D Comox D Comox age 79 born 1931 born 1919 OLIGNY OLNEY OLSEN Joseph Napoleon Naomi Lynn Fred Walter (Capt.) OLSON OLSON OLSON OLSON Amara Breanne Brayden James Brayden James Kodye Leeland O'NEIL Jonathan David D Comox B not given D Queen Charlotte City, BC B Cold Lake, AB B B not given D Cold Lake, Alberta B not given OPPEL Phyllis Victoria D Abbotsford, BC AGE/BORN born 1917 age 81 SPOUSE Adam Shawn BAREFOOT Beth Nickel NOTES/INFO PAPER DATE PG FP 25-Nov-1992 B2 Dtr/o Jake & Carol Nickel of Oyster River NICKEL not named FP FP FP FP FP age 80 born 1905 age 35 age 95 born 1907 Claire Nixon FP Donald B. BLACK FP FP Jim AMOS FP Mr. Novits Shawn Kelly COLMER Thomas Nowotny FP FP Dr. Pearse O'DONOGHUE Ivy Rose Offersen FP FP FP FP FP Marie O'Kane Lillian O'Keefe George O'LEARY FP FP FP Mrs. Oligny FP FP FP Winnie Olsen FP FP FP FP infant FP age 81 not named FP 10-Mar-1993 B8 Born in Silver Creek, Manitoba, biography 15-Apr-1992 B13 Dtr/o Joe and Sandy Nickel 25-Nov-1992 13 Mother of Joan Forward. See 24 Nov 1993 p. B9 In Memoriam by Joan and Frank 7-Jan-1994 B9 40th anniversary, Open House 20-Jan-1993 A2 New Year's Baby, son of Doug Nixon and Jillian Gathright of Hornby Island 4-Aug-1993 B6 Wife deceased, large family 5-Nov-1993 B14 Son of Brian & Noreen Norman, bro/o Sammy, 8 lb 12 oz 14-Jul-1993 B4 Dtr/o M/M Richard B. Norman of Qualicum Beach 27-Apr-1994 A3 50th anniversary, Open House in Black Creek "Larry Bonnie Denny Sandy; Brenda Earle; Bonnie John" 21-Jul-1993 B8 Born in Froeme, Ontario, 4 dtrs & 1 son named, more info 19-Aug-1992 B2 Dtr/o Roy and Sandy Nowik of Courtenay, other family named. Photo 1-May-1992 B14 Substitute teacher of Courtenay died in car accident on Island highway in Bowser. (See 29 April page 1). Dtr/o John and Olive Jones, sis/o Geordie, service in Victoria, remembrance ceremony in Courtenay 3-Aug-1994 20 Brother, sister, nieces and nephews in Holland 1-Apr-1994 B9 Grandson of Penny & Lee Oakford, George & Ruth Falconer, born at 11:11 pm 1-Jul-1992 B9 In Memoriam by Flo, Tim & Tara (monument near Rotary Trail by Puntledge River) 21-Apr-1993 B12 Dtr/o Brent & Bridget Odland, sis for Emma 12-Feb-1993 B9 Nee LEBLANC, d/o Germain & Clara LeBlanc res of Y.K. 1964-84 Mother of Paul & Fiona of Victoria 28-Jul-1993 B10 In Memoriam from Rose Offersen 10-Nov-1993 B7 Born in Williams Lake, BC son of Dennis & Phyllis (LEACH) OGG grandparents & other family named. Bur. McCreary MB Municipal Cemetery 29-Jan-1992 B13 Service at Piercy FH conducted by Courtenay Legion 21-May-1993 B11 Born Chicago, Illinois, father of Madeline, other family named 19-Mar-1993 B7 Born Ennisviel, Alberta dau/o Wm & Grace BEGGS mother of Gerald (Joanne) O'Leary Charles O'Leary, June (Noel) Chaboteaux, history given 13-Oct-1993 B9 Father of Reg, wife not named, bur. Courtenay Cemetery 10-Jun-1994 B13 Gd/o Carey & Cheryl Olney 24-Mar-1993 B8 Born in New Westminster, BC son of Roy Olsen father of Gerry Robert Carl; gf/o Ole and Kris, history given 11-Mar-1994 24-Apr-1992 31-Mar-1993 11-Nov-1992 B7 C1 B6 B11 Dtr/o Jardy & Charlyene (Cresswell) Olson. 7 lb 2 oz Son of Pete and Kelly Olson, 10 lb 5 oz, bro/o Jon and Tyler Son of Pete & Kelly Olson, photo Stillborn 15-Jul-1994 B12 Son of Paulette & David TAYLOR, gs/o Lea O'Neil Jeanine & Chris Taylor all of Courtenay. 7 lb 8 oz 4-Dec-1992 B12 Mother of Wilfred, Lloyd, Louise, Marion, Ruth SURNAME OPPERMAN Lauri ORR OSBORNE OSBORNE Shawn Darcy Elsie Frances Olive Beatrice PLACE EV M St. Thomas, Virgin Islands B Vancouver D Comox D Courtenay OSBORNE OSMARS OSMOND OSMOND Shannon Dale Marion Margaret Edward Hopkins Rhomda Gayle D D D M OSTERGAARD OUSEY Aksel Mowton Megan Louise OWEN Shirley Alice Ethel OWENS OWNER PACHOLOK Lee Dale Edith William Alexander B1161 Brian Hugh D Comox Lake M Comox D Courtenay age 24 D Hornby Island age 41 B Comox PAIMEN Dayton Douglas Victor Terry 6-Oct-1993 A1 Res of Penticton, car accident on Hornby Island, Angela Bruno of Hornby also killed IND 30-Mar-1995 21 Son of Chris Paige and Tracey Gamble D Campbell River age 32 FP 19-Aug-1992 PAISLEY PAISLEY Lyn-nae Alesandra Michael Richard B D Comox born 1948 Glenys Paisley FP FP PALMER Josephine Margaret D not given not given Mr. PALMER FP PAPINEAU Amanda Marie Diane B Comox 17-Feb-1993 B9 Dtr/o Russ & Nanette Paisley, sis for Zachary, 7 lb 14 oz 18-Nov-1992 B11 Born in Rossland, BC. Parents, wife, 2 sons & brother named. See FP 5 Nov 1993 p. B14 and CVR 1 Nov 2002 re In Memoriam 27-Jan-1993 B11 Born in Ontario, dtr/o Phil & Hilda PHELAN, relatives listed, service in Timmins, Ont. 10-Jun-1994 B13 Dtr/o Tim and Ginny Papineau. Born at 1:55 pm, 9 lb 2 oz PAPINEAU PAPINEAU Kenneth Roy Shauna-Lee D Mexico D Comox PARDIAC Kayla Mae B Comox PARDIAC Shelley Lynne M Ladner, BC, All Saints Ang. PARK PARKER PARKER PARKER John Wilmot (boy) Cody David Joan Elise D B B D Comox Comox? not given Comox age 71 PARKIN Anna Elizabeth D not given PARKIN Florence Marie PARLBY Douglas Joshua "Jack" D Campbell River, BC D Comox PAGE PAIGE GIVENS tofino, BC Victoria, BC Scotland? Grande Prairie, AB D not given B Trenton, Ontario D Comox AGE/BORN SPOUSE Peter Dunk age 69 born 1905 Fred Osborne James Osborne born 1955 born 1920 age 72 NOTES/INFO PAPER DATE PG FP 29-Jan-1992 B2 Dtr/o m/m L.R. Opperman of Comox FP FP FP 13-Nov-1992 B13 Son of Randy & Janette Orr. 5 lb 12 oz 11-May-1994 B10 Family named 10-Feb-1993 B11 Husband died 1975, family named, bur. Masonic Cemetery, Burnaby FP FP FP FP 22-Jun-1994 9-Apr-1993 16-Apr-1993 23-Dec-1992 FP FP 7-Jul-1993 B10 Family named 29-Apr-1994 B9 Dtr/o David and Linda Ousey, nee Gardner. 7 lb 11 oz age 69 Mr. Osmars Mary Osmond Kelly Darren BEJDOS Edith Ostergaard age 70 Dick WALKER IND James ALBRECHT FP FP FP Family named Nee MILLER, born Cumberland, family named Of Galasheils, Scotland, father of Joan, Mary, Michael, Pamela Dtr/o M/M Ken Osmond, photo 3-Nov-1994 29 Nee OWEN, Mother of Gail Reid of Coquitlam, other family named 20-May-1992 1 Diving accident atComox Lake Dam, resident of Port Alberni 3-Aug-1994 18 50th wedding anniversary 15-Jul-1994 B12 Service in Vernon FP FP age 29 age 16 B8 B9 B9 B2 Christina Papineau 1 No further info FP FP 13-Jan-1993 B9 Died suddenly, family named, service at Piercy's Truck accident, sis of Bill Papineau, other family named, bur. Black 24-Feb-1993 A1 & B11 Creek Cemetery. See also 26 Feb page A3 re tribute and photo FP Robert William ARUNDEL FP 18-Jun-1993 B6 Dau/o Ken & Donna Pardiac, sis/o Jesse, gd/o Roy & Janet Pardiac, Stuart & Shirley Phillips, 8lb 9 oz 23-Dec-1992 B2 Dtr/o Roy & Janet Pardiac, writeup with photo Evelyn Park not named FP FP FP FP 29-Jul-1992 13-Jan-1993 15-Jul-1992 9-Dec-1992 age 75 William PORRITT FP age 83 Alvin Parkin FP age 77 Olive Parlby FP Dtr and sons named, bro/o Don, Bryce & Gordon of Ontario It's a boy Arch! A Christmas present for Ali & Carly. Son of Bill & Lori Parker, sis for Kendra, 7 lb 1 oz Son of Elsie Griffiths of Comox, mother of Judy and Joan, grandchildren named 6-Oct-1993 B9 Nee PARKIN, dtr/o Robert & Welhelmina Parkin, other relatives named 3-Mar-1993 A23 Husband died 1978 B9 B9 B9 B11 16-Sep-1992 B11 Born in Victoria, res of Cumberland, father of 1 son, 2 dtrs, other family SURNAME PARTRIDGE GIVENS Leanne Joy PATERSON PATRICK PATRICK Dorothy Gertrude Cindy Lynn Harry "Pat" PLACE EV M Christchurch, New Zealand D Comox D not given D Kelowna, BC PATTERSON Henry D Comox born 1920 Martha MOSSEY PAULOVICH Helen D Comox born 1929 PAVEY Edna Mary D Comox age 84 Roy F. CLAYTON, James H. WILSON Roy Pavey PAVLIK Helen D Comox age 87 Joseph Pavlik PAYNE PAYNE Joyce Kenneth Osborne M Courtenay D not given PAYNE Paul Maurice D New Westminster age 38 Ethel Payne PEACEY Edwin Wilfred "Ted" D not given age 91 Maud Peacey FP PEACHEY Stephen F. D Vancouver, BC age 64 Kathy Peachey FP PEARSE PEARSE PEARSE Ellen Margaret Maxine Dorothy D Comox B not given D Princeton, BC age 84 Mr. Pearse Malcolm PEARSE FP FP FP PEARSON Barbara Iris D Victoria, BC Nelson WARREN FP PEARSON Clifford Albert D Comox born 1924 Isabel Pearson FP PEDLAR John Henry D Edmonton? age 68 FP PEEKE-VOUT Ada St. Clair D Comox Dorothy Joyce Pedlar Mel Peeke-Vout PELLEY David Gerard Hazel Margaret FP 2-Sep-1992 B11 Sis/o Leroy PAGE of Ross, California, bur. Courtenay Civic Cemetery PERRY Christian Andrew M Comox Leanne Winnifred KELLY Willoughby Pendlebury Lisa Maria ANDERSON FP PENDLEBURY M Denman Island U.C. D 16-Mar-1994 B10 7 children, 1 sister, 1 brother named. Also in 18 Mar page B9 22-Jul-1994 B9 80th birthday 4-Nov-1992 B11 Born Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, husband died 1981, mother of Pamela Pearse-Greaves 24-Nov-1993 B9 nee PEARSON, mother of Fern, Heather, Sharon, Charles & Maureen 17-Nov-1993 B10 Born in Dinant, Alberta, many relatives named, bur. Courtenay Civic Cemetery 28-May-1993 B11 Res of Edmonton, formerly of Comox, father of Fred of Spruce Grove, AB, other family named 10-Nov-1993 B7 Born in Foam Lake, Sask., married 52 years, children & other family named 21-Oct-1992 B3 Son of Leo and Marion Pelley, attenants named PERRY PETERS B not given D Comox PETERS PETERSEN PETERSEN Gareth Thomas Helen Ferguson Gellatly Joseph Egan Vladimar Martin "Blondie" D Courtenay D ng D Comox age 34 age 67 born 1927 PETERSON PETERSON Barbara Lee Carl Byron age 34 age 48 Brian KASSIMEN PETERSON John D Comox D Campbell River, BC D Comox age 65 Jean Peterson AGE/BORN age 90 age 74 SPOUSE NOTES/INFO PAPER DATE PG Russell Todd WEAR FP 16-Jun-1993 B4 Dau/o Keith & Maureen Partridge John Paterson Mr. PATRICK Rita Patrick Joseph J. Davison born 1952 not given not given age 100 age 59 William Peters Rena BEVAN Edith Petersen Sheila Petersen 25-Jun-1995 B6 2 sons, 1 dtr named, husband died 1972 19-Aug-1992 B9 Nee HARTLEY 17-Jul-1992 B10 Res of Peachland, son of William & Maryna Patrick (dec'd) of Edson, AB, other family named IND 10-Nov-1994 27 Born in Nanaimo, first wife Davidine dec'd, children and step-children named FP 17-Sep-1993 B6 Born in North Star, Alberta, dtr/o Louie and Vera PAULOVICH, family members named, bur. Courtenay Civic Cemetery FP 19-Jun-1992 B10 Born in Darwen, England, nee Horne, mother of Roy, Harry, Ruth and Edna, sis/o Winnifred Horne, service at Piercy FH FP 8-May-1992 B10 Born in Czechoslovakia, widowed 1950, mother of John, Joe, Zita and Lillian, service at St. Joseph's Hospital chapel, First memorial Society FP 12-Jun-1992 B8 Parents not named, photo with caption FP 16-Mar-1994 B10 Son of Jack & Daphne Payne, friend of Kathy Leiter, other family named FP 18-Mar-1992 B7 Formerly of Courtenay, born in Windsor, Ontario, father of Amanda, Scott and Celeste, service at St. Michael's church, Musqueam FP FP FP FP FP 3-Feb-1993 B7 Born in Vancouver 1901, wife died 1989, 5 children and other famiy named, long obituary 20-Jan-1993 A19 Family named, service at Oceanview Funeral Home, Burnaby 25-Nov-1992 B3 Son of Cliffe and Grace Perry 19-Aug-1992 A6 Son of Ron and Leona Perry. 6 lb 7 oz. Photo 18-Mar-1992 B7 Husband died 1990, mother of Susan and Ian Ford, service at Christ the King church, bur. Courtenay cemetery IND 8-Jun-1995 1 & 3 Fatal shooting of native carver, inquest in Alert Bay FP 7-Apr-1993 B9 Res of Comox, 5 children named IND 27-Oct-1994 28 Born in Drumheller, AB children, and other family named. See also 10 Nov p. 27 Card of Thanks FP 8-Jun-1994 B9 Born in Edmonton, Alberta, family named FP 22-Jun-1994 A6 Boating accident on tug "Savage Warrior" FP FP IND 8-Dec-1994 23 Father of Sandra, Doug, Barbara (died Jun 1994) SURNAME PETERSON GIVENS Pandora PETERSON Samantha Dawn B Comox PETROWITZ Henrietta Grace D Comox born 1910 PETZINGER Elizabeth Anna D Comox age 83 PHELAN Josephine Margaret D not given not given PHILIPCHALK PHILLIPS Peter Adam Ethel D not given D not given age 73 age 72 Vera Philipchalk Bert Phillips PHILLIPS PHILLIPS PHILLIPS/WATSON PHILP Mary Elizabeth Reta Andrew James Hilda Grace D D B D born 1919 age 91 Jack PHILLIPS Larry PHILLIPS PHILP PHYE Hilda Grace Gladys Lavina D not given D not given PICKETT PIERCY Lilian Celena D not iven B not given PIERCY PIMLOTT John Edward Nellie Maude PLATT Bill D D Courtenay, GVL D Comox PLAXTON PLEWIS POJE Melody Michelle Dawn Penelope Lynn Alexander Lewis POKOL William D Victoria POKOL POLESCHUK William Bertha D Victoria, BC D Comox POLLARD Karen Eve POLLOCK-HARMS POOLE POOLE Emma Randy Douglas Shannon PORRITT PLACE EV D Denman Island not given not given Comox Comox AGE/BORN age 2 SPOUSE John EVORA 20-Apr-1994 B9 Dtr/o Scott & Carolin Peterson, gd/o Ken & Effie Dyer of Carlyle Sask., Sandi & Jim Howard of Burns Lake BC FP 24-Mar-1993 B8 Born in Prince Albert, Sask. Mother of Tom Petrowitz, Penny (Roy) Macey, other relatives named FP 12-Feb-1992 B9 Nee Beil, widowed, mother of Marianne, John, Chris, Gina and Pat, service at Christ the King in Courtenay, Piercy FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery FP 27-Jan-1993 B11 Born in Ontario, dtr/o Phil & Hilda PHELAN, relatives listed, service in Timmins, Ont. FP 12-Mar-1993 B11 Res of Merville, 2 sons & 2 daughters, other family named IND 29-Sep-1994 31 Husband dec'd, companion Ed Schiller died 1992, children and other family named FP 27-Jan-1993 B11 Nee GUTENSOHN, family named, service on Denman Island FP 17-Nov-1993 B10 Husband died 1977, children and other family named FP 13-May-1994 B13 Son of Megan Watson and Doug Phillips. 2 lb 13 oz, 8:40 am FP 28-Feb-1992 C4 Widowed, mother of Bob (dec'd), Mary Taylor and Patricia Robinson, service to be announced FP 23-Feb-1994 B13 In Memoriam by Mary, Terry, Coral, Rose & David FP 23-Oct-1992 B14 Res of Courtenay, dtr/o Tom & Alice "Dolly" FEELY mother of Georgia other family named FP 23-Oct-1992 B14 Born in Aylesbury, England, children and other family named FP 28-Oct-1992 B3 90th birthday at Denman Island, dtr/o pioneer H.G. Ballson married 1923 to grandson of Matthew Piercy, pioneer FP 7-Oct-1992 B13 Son of Irvine & Celena, pioneer family, bur. Denman Island FP 4-Mar-1994 B9 Nee BURKMAR, born in London, England, husband died 1946, children & other family named FP 6-Apr-1993 B9 Father of Diane and Douglas, 3 sisters in Scotland named. See In Memoriam 8 Apr 1994 page B9 FP 7-Oct-1992 B10 Name changed to Melody DELEO, also children Kyla Melody and Angela Kathryn FP 10-Mar-1993 1 Car accident FP 6-Apr-1994 B9 Father of Glenn of Courtenay, other family named, grew up in Nanaimo FP 24-Jun-1992 B11 Born in Mistatim, Sask., father of Theresa and Susan, service at Bay Community church, Piercy FH FP 3-Jul-1992 B6 Born in Mistatim, Sask., family named FP 12-Jun-1992 B10 Resident of Saratoga Beach, mother of Larry and Ken, sis/o Ella Dembicki, service in Arborg, Manitoba FP 2-Oct-1992 B13 Name changed TO Karen Eve SEGEE, Site 338, C14, RR3, Courtenay V9N 5M8, 338-1620 FP 4-Feb-1994 B9 Stillbirth, sadly missed by Glen, Chris & Tyrone FP 29-May-1992 B10 Son of Douglas and Sandra Poole, 7 lb 12 oz FP 18-May-1994 B3 Dtr/o M/M Bernard Poole, engagement announced with photo age 75 William PORRITT FP age 91 age 22 Bronko Potkonjak FP FP FP age 89 Fred PETROWITZ Frank Petzinger Mr. PALMER Horace Philp Robert PHYE age 83 George PICKETT Irvine PIERCY age 63 born 1898 Mark PIMLOTT age 88 Mary Ellen Platt NC D Courtenay, BC D Comox age 33 born 1914 not given not named age 58 Ann Pokol born 1934 age 65 Ann Pokol Harry Poleschuk NC not given Anna Elizabeth D not given B M Comox, CFB Chapel D not given POTKONJAK POTTER Milka Buddy D Cumberland D Terrace, BC POTTER Megan Rae B Comox NOTES/INFO PAPER DATE PG FP 22-Apr-1994 A13 Accidental drowning, parents not named FP 6-Oct-1993 B9 Nee PARKIN, dtr/o Robert & Welhelmina Parkin, other relatives named 4-Dec-1992 B12 Mother of Paul, Mary, Helen and Mike, husband died 1980 27-May-1992 B9 Born at Terrace, BC, son of Stan and Viki, died in an accident, boyfriend of Arlene Hoggan, bro/o Dwayne and Michael, service at Potter residence 6-Jan-1993 A18 d/o Arlene/late Buddy Potter, gs/o Pat & Marg Hogan, Stan & Pierette Potter, Vicki & George Hoscroft, weight 7 lb 13 oz. SURNAME POTTRUFF GIVENS Wallace Rankin PLACE EV D Comox POUCHER Doris D not given POZIN Piotre "Pete" D Campbell River born 1909 POZIN PREISS Theresa Gunter "Gordon" D Nelson, BC D Victoria, BC age 53 born 1925 PRICE Edna Eliza D Cumberland age 89 PRIDGE PRIMEAU Jacob Sr. Arthur Lex D not given D Campbell River age 29 FP FP PROCTER PROCTER PROWSE PUGH Dayne Hayton Tessa Alexandra Dorothy Ethyl Ida B B D D age 69 Born 1902 Lester PROWSE Silas PUGH FP FP FP FP PUNCHER Peter D not given Winnifred Puncher PURCELL K.E. "Betty" D Comox born 1932 QUIBELL QUIGLEY QUINN Germaine Patricia Amberlea Danielle Amy Elizabeth D Comox B Comox D not given RABY RAGA Donald Charles Mary Ann "Sis" D Hope, BC D Comox age 60 RAINVILLE Soleil Charlotte B Victoria, BC RAINVILLE Stephane Luc M Victoria, BC RAMSAY Grace Elizabeth D Comox RANDALL Alfie RANDALL RANDALL RANDALL RASMUSSEN RASMUSSEN Bertha Edna Jennette Roy Harold Alice Jenny Else Margrethe B Northington, Hampshire England D D Comox D Comox? D Comox D Courtenay RASMUSSEN RATHWELL Harold Martha Kathleen RAY RAYCEVICH RAZMUS REBER Patricia Lynn Daniel Michael Sydney Tara Karl Herman not given not given Union Bay Comox D Comox D Maple Ridge, BC B not given D Victoria, BC B Comox D not given SPOUSE AGE/BORN Elsie Pottruff age 71 age 64 David POUCHER, Ellis GRIERSON Katarina HRYKO NOTES/INFO PAPER DATE PG FP 14-May-1993 B10 Born in Winnipeg. Manitoba wife died 1984 father of Gordon, bro/o Douglas & Jean, history given FP 19-Nov-1993 C1 Both husbands dec'd, children and other family named FP 20-Jul-1994 B9 Born in Poland, son and stepsons named, also grandchildren Michael Pozin FP FP 20-Jul-1994 B9 Mentioned in obituary for Piotre Pozin 10-Jun-1994 B13 Born in Leobshutz, Germany, uncle of Manfred Foak of Black Creek Paddy Price FP FP 3-Apr-1992 C1 Husband died 1972, mother of George, Duncan, Lorna and Patricia, service at Cumberland Legion, Piercy FH 11-Jun-1993 B12 "In Memoriam" 11-Dec-1992 A1 Murder of accused murderer in Wolf Lake murders. See also 16 Dec page A3, column 1 17-Jun-1994 B12 Son of Glenn & Jennifer Procter. 8 lb 5 oz 21-Aug-1992 B10 Dtr/o Glenn and Jennifer Procter. 7 lb 8 oz 8-Jul-1994 B8 Children and other family named 31-Jul-1992 B6 Nee SMITH, born in Yorkshire, England, children and other family named 8-Apr-1994 B9 Bro/o Neil & Roy in England. Card of Thanks 20 Apr 1994 page B9 Ken Purcell FP 5-Aug-1992 B9 Born in Victoria, BC, husband dec'd, children & other family named born 1932 Thomas Quibell age 77 John HARAMBOURE Gerry Raby George RAGA FP FP FP 14-Jul-1993 B12 Born in Guelph, Ontario, family named 5-Jun-1992 B10 Dtr/o Clive and Cindy Quigley, 6 lb 10 oz 3-Aug-1994 20 Nee QUINN, son Raymon, grandsons, siblings named, husband dec'd 14-Jan-1994 B11 Children and other family named 2-Sep-1992 B11 Res of Cumberland 78 years, husband deceased, sis of Samuel & Tom Williams (dec'd), other family named 19-Aug-1994 12 Dtr/o Stephane & Theresa Rainville, gd/o John & Lorraine Renaud, Graham & Bernice Rice. 6 lb 10.5 oz, 8:05 pm 22-Dec-1993 B4 Engagement announced with photo age 60 FP FP FP born 1903 Teresa Charlotte RENAUD James RAMSAY FP FP FP age 68 born 1907 age 75 age 77 age 82 age 77 Mr. Randall John W. Randall Marie Randall not named Egon RASMUSSEN Alice Rasmussen Mervin HARRY, Peter RATHWELL born 1941 Born 1918 Hella Reber 24-Sep-1993 B6 Nee GALE, born in Saskatoon Sask., husband died 1984, other family named, bur. Valley View Memorial, Surrey 30-Mar-1994 A9 100th birthday, to Canada 1915, res Denman Island, wife died 1955, no relatives FP 9-Sep-1992 B11 On son, 2 dtrs, 7 grandchildren named FP 13-Aug-1993 B6 Born in Winnipeg, Manitoba, husband dec'd, family named FP 6-Jan-1993 A18 Born in Rocky Mounain House, Alberta, family listed FP 19-Aug-1994 12 Daughter and sons, grandchildren named IND 5-Jan-1995 16 Children, grandchildren and sisters named & brother Egon of Denmark FP 3-Dec-1993 C1 Children and other family named FP 18-Dec-1992 B16 5 children named, first husband dec'd FP FP FP FP 4-Feb-1994 13-Aug-1993 2-Mar-1994 22-Sep-1993 B9 B6 B11 B6 Dtr/o Cliff & Linda Ray Born in Vancouver, died suddenly, service at Fanny Bay Dtr/o Suzanne & Stanley Razmus, sis of Shayne Born in Koln, Germany, children and one sister named. 24 Sep 1993 page B6 Card of Thanks from family: Hella, Sandy, Mark, Stephanie, Kathy, Daniel SURNAME RECALMA-LENNOX (girl) PLACE EV B not given REGNIER REID REID/BRYANT RENAUD Morris Gladys Ryan James Teresa Charlotte D D B M RENNIE James Richard D Cumberland age 78 Stephane Luc RAINVILLE Margaret Rennie RENNISON Charles Clement D Courtenay age 84 Thelma Rennison FP RENNISON Myrtle D Comox born 1904 Gerald GAROZ FP RENNISON W. Arnold D Comox age 86 Vesta Rennison FP REYNOLDS REYNOLDS Charleen Ann G. Eleanor D Burnaby, Bc D Comox age 60 Jack Reynolds (?) Ken "Duke" Reynolds FP FP REYNOLDS Patrick Stewart Sheila Kathleen HOLMGREN FP RICARD RICHARDS Emily Sky Christopher Joseph M Comox, Holmgren yard B Comox B Comox RICHARDSON Arthur Frank D Comox RICHARDSON Bill M Vancouver RICHARDSON Karen Laura M Comox RICHARDSON RICHMOND RICHTER Michael Robert Desmond Earl Elizabeth "Wally" B Comox D Comox D Comox RICKSON RIDDOCH RIDEOUT RIDFORD Kaitlyn Anne Edna Erin Lynn Evelyn RIVEST Gerard Joseph B B not given B Comox B Epplesby, Yorkshire, England D At Home born 1921 Betty Rivest FP ROBBINS ROBBINS Kelli Dawn Raymond M not given D Comox born 1910 Ronald VERBOOM Gertrude Robbins FP FP ROBERTS Christopher Emil D Cumberland born 1904 Marjorie PUGH FP ROBERTS Keith Mason "Robbie" D not given born 1921 Phyllis DIXON FP 7-Jan-1994 B9 Father of Ann and Craig, other family named, wife dec'd ROBERTS Lisa born 1966 FP 14-Aug-1992 A17 In Memoriam by M/M Stuart and Patricia Roberts & family GIVENS not given not given Powell River Victoria, BC D Vancouver, BC AGE/BORN SPOUSE born 1930 NOTES/INFO PAPER DATE PG FP 20-Aug-1993 B6 Dtr/o Joanne Lennox and Arnold Recalma, sis for Leslie, Jamie, Ashley, 8 lb 3 oz IND 22-Sep-1994 23 In Memoriam by Sandi, Megan & Marissa FP 17-Nov-1993 B10 In Memoriam by family and friends (no names) FP 3-Apr-1992 C1 Son of Ashley and Wayne, 10 lb 7 oz FP 22-Dec-1993 B4 Dtr/o John & Lorraine Renaud of Calgary, engagement announced with photo FP 17-Jun-1992 B15 Born in Vegreville, Alberta, father of Pat and Rick, service at Christ the King Catholic church, bur. Courtenay cemetery, Piercy FH FP FP age 66 born 1928 born 1900 Mabel Richardson FP Jessica McFARLANE Bruce Carl WALGREN FP Edna Richmond Otto RICHTER FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP 24-Jul-1992 B10 Son of Walter & Edith Rennison, pioneers, many family members named 13-Oct-1993 B9 Nee RENNISON, born in Courtenay, bros & sis named, husband died Dec 1987 12-Jun-1992 B10 Born in Courtenay, father of Arthur and Joan, bro/o Charles, Stan, Myrtle and Mildred, service at St. George's in Courtenay 29-Jun-1994 B8 Mother of Brenda, dtr/o Raymond 8-Jan-1992 B7 Born in Vancouver, Nee Green, widowed 1987, mother of Ron, Dawn, David, Gary, Kathy, Kerry and Greg, dtr/o Lorena Cochran, other family named, first husband Don Welde, service at Salvation Army, Piercy FH 15-Sep-1993 B2 Son of M/M Jim Reynolds of Vancouver. Photo 9-Jun-1993 B12 Dtr/o Chris & Marlene Ricard 17-Dec-1993 B13 Son of Don & Tracy Richards, gs/o Margaret & Ralph Schulte, Margaret & Andy Richards, born 8:00 am, 8 lb 9 oz 26-Jun-1992 B10 Born in northern England, father of Brian, Dot, Anne, Raymond, Joan, Joanne, Gordon, Rod, Laura, Barry and Mary 6-Apr-1994 B13 Son of Garry & Lucille Richardson of Comox, married on the "Island Jewel" 19-May-1993 B3 Engagement with photo 22-Sep-1993 B8 Son of Rob & Nicole Richardson, 6 lb 8 oz 20-May-1994 B9 Family named 19-Nov-1993 C1 Nee ADAMSCHEK, born Recklinghausen Germany, dtr/o Marie & Rudolf, large family named, bur. Courtenay Civic Cemetery 4-Sep-1992 B10 Dtr/o Graeme & Julia Rickson, 8 lb 10 oz 28-Jul-1993 B10 85th birthday announcement 18-Nov-1992 B11 Dtr/o Christine and Wayne Rideout. 7 lb 5 oz, 8:40 pm 27-Apr-1994 A14 Nee RIDFORD, dtr/o George & Emma, married 1)Arthur Hobson 2) James Currey, mother of Mayor George Hobson, more info in writeup on 100th birthday 6-Oct-1993 B9 Father of Pam & Gerry, Other Family Named, Born in Montreal Quebec 30-Jun-1993 B2 Dtr/o Mrs. Gertrude Robbins, engagement and photo 1-Jul-1992 B9 Born in Fort William Ont. Family named. See 8 July page B9 re 2 Cards of Thanks one by wife, one by Gendron family, named 21-Oct-1992 B15 Born in Peoria, Illinois, to Comox Valley 1940, some family named SURNAME ROBERTS ROBERTSON ROBERTSON ROBERTSON ROBERTSON GIVENS PLACE EV Mary Helen Nicholson D Qualicum Beach Caitlin Anne B Comox Dave and Hazel M not given John Marsden Jr. D Comox Kenneth G. D Comox ROBERTSON ROBERTSON Mabel Mary D not given D Nanaimo ROBINSON John Edwin ROBINSON Maisie "Paddy" D Comox, at home D Comox ROBINSON RODBOURN Naida Doris Bessie M Courtenay D not given RODGERS Beth RODONETS Michael Frank ROESCH Herb D Stratford, Ontario D Cumberland, at home D not given ROGERS Rees William D Comox ROLAND ROLLINS Devan Johan Brianna Lynn B not given B Victoria ROOT Jean Emma D Campbell River ROSS ROSS Cliff Robert Jack M not given D not given ROSS ROSSITER Ruby Ethel Arthur Lance ROTHGORDT Charles Arthur D Comox D Comox, at home D not given ROWLAND ROWLANDSON Christine Anne ElizabethBarbara B Comox B ROWLANDSON ROYER Emily Kristine Jenifer B not given M Courtenay ROYER RUMNEY Joey Michael Kaye B Comox D Parksville, BC RUMNEY RYAN Kaye Elsie May D Parksville, BC D Comox SABOURIN SAMBORSKY David Oswald Ted M Victoria, BC D not given SPOUSE AGE/BORN Frederick Ainslie age 83 ROBERTS NOTES/INFO PAPER DATE PG IND 15-Dec-1994 22 Husband died 1989, children and other family named, formerly of Parksville FP 18-Mar-1992 B7 Dtr/o Debbie and Arthur Robertson FP 29-Jan-1993 B10 45th wedding anniversary FP 4-Jun-1993 B9 Children named FP 3-Apr-1992 C1 Son of Hazel and Ken Sr., father of Ken, David, Alex and Cheryl, stepfather of Robert Hall, no service FP 13-Aug-1993 B6 Husband dec'd, survived by many friends FP 2-Feb-1994 B8 Nee FRANCIOLI, children & other family named, husband died 1991 age 43 age 66 Marie Robertson age 85 Scotch Robertson Jim ROBERTSON age 72 Catharine Robinson FP 18-Aug-1993 B7 Relatives and family named Stan ROBINSON FP 17-Mar-1993 B9 Born in Olny, Bucks., England, history given. Mother of Terry and Joanne 15-Oct-1993 B7 Dtr of Mrs. Sandra Corbett, engagement announced 15-Sep-1993 B7 Husband died 3 Sep 1986, nephews and nieces named Born 1935 Chris DEES Philip Victor RODBOURN born abt 1903 John Rodgers age 89 FP FP born 1928 Ruby Rodonets FP 22-Jan-1993 B11 Family in BC and Ont. named, husband died 29 Aug 1972, bur. Courtenay Civic 11-Aug-1993 B10 Born in Winnipegosis, Manitoba, family named born 1912 Tarjer Roesch, Mary Roesch Blodwen Rogers FP 23-Sep-1992 B11 Born in Powell River, first wife dec'd, large family named FP 23-Apr-1993 B11 Born Thickets Meade, Somerset, England, wife died 1987, other family named 16-Jul-1993 A4 Son of Tammy & Darren Morris, bro/o Alysha Chrystine, 7 lb 4 oz 3-Apr-1992 C1 Dtr/o Mory and Brenda Rollins, gdtr/o Harley/Loresah Rollins, Lillian Parsons 3-Nov-1994 29 Mother of Sheldon and Don, other family named age 90 FP FP FP not named IND Lynnea SHAW FP FP born 1922 age 78 Andy Ross not named FP FP 1-Sep-1993 B3 Dtr/o Ralph & Elaine Shaw, wedding photo, no further info 15-Jan-1993 B7 Born in Scollard, Alberta, retired RCMP Deputy Commissioner, family named 1-Jun-1994 B9 Born in Courtenay, large family named 1-Jun-1994 B9 Family named born 1954 Sheila Rothgordt FP 19-Aug-1994 12 Son of Tom (dec'd) and Shirley Rothgordt, 4 bros and 1 sister named FP FP 15-May-1992 B9 Dtr/o Norm and Andrea, 7 lb 2 oz, sis/o Kimberly 29-Apr-1992 B12 Dtr/o Glenn and Charlene Rowlandson, 9 lb 14.5 oz, gdtr/o Lee Burnham and Art/Sylvia Rowlandson 22-Jun-1994 B8 Dtr/o Glenn & Charlene Rowlandson. 8 lb 12 oz 16-Dec-1992 B2 Dtr/o Denis & Gloria Royer of Union Bay. See 16 Sep 1992 p. B2 re engagement 29-Apr-1994 B9 Son of Karen and Steven Royer. 8 lb 14 oz 23-Sep-1992 B11 Dtr/o Katherine & Charles, mother of Pat (Harold) Waterfield of Union Bay 23-Sep-1992 B11 Daughter, sister and brother named 15-Jan-1992 B9 Born at Poppleton, England, widowed, mother of Mary, Eileen, Philip, Terry and Archie, service at Piercy FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery age 82 born 1924 Matthew BUTLER FP FP not given not named FP FP not given age 97 Mrs. Rumney James Gordon Ryan FP FP Lynne WEAVER FP IND age 87 16-Jun-1993 B2 Engagement announced with photo 6-Apr-1995 16 No family mentioned, bur. Courtenay Civic Cemetery SURNAME SPOUSE NOTES/INFO PAPER DATE PG Karen SAWATZKY FP 17-Jul-1992 B10 Son of M/M Victor Sandri of Cumberland, engagement announced SANDRI GIVENS Stephano PLACE EV M not given SARRAZIN Donna Rae D Comox age 41 not named FP SAUNDERS SAUNDERS "Doc" Robert Henry D not given D Campbell River age 81 Mrs. Saunders FP FP SAVIN Terry M not given SAVOIE Albert Joseph D Comox SAVOIE George Joseph D Hornby Island SAWATZKY SAWATZKY-JESPERSON Karen Rachael Mary-Anne M not given B not given SAWYER Corrine D not given SCARFE SCARVARDA SCHAEFER SCHECK Marie Elizabeth Charlie Whitney Gina George D D B D SCHEFFLER Walter Hugo D Comox SCHELLINCK SCHMIDT Teresa Amelia "Tucky" Wally SCHNEIDER AGE/BORN 7-Jan-1994 B9 Dtr/o Irene and Niel HOWELL of Comox, gd/o Ruby Maho-Lenhn of Saskatoon, Leslie Howell of Calgary, other family named 7-Oct-1992 B13 In Memoriam by Dian and family 8-Sep-1993 B9 Born in Melville, Sask. father of Gloria & Gordon, other family named, companion Belle MOULD 14-Jan-1994 B11 Son of Elizabeth Eggar and Peter Savin, engagement announced Vicki Sharleen HOWARD Margaret Savoie FP single FP Stephano SANDRI FP FP Ron Sawyer FP 24-Nov-1993 B9 Born in Edmonton, Alberta, built Hornby Island ferry, children & other family named 1-Apr-1992 B9 Missed by Margaret, Albert, Josephine, Muriel, Francis, Patricia, Doris, Helen, Alex, service and burial on Hornby Island 17-Jul-1992 B10 Dtr/o M/M Harry Sawatzky of Merville, engagement announced 2-Feb-1994 B8 Dtr/o Dave & Helen, sis/o Michelle, Richard & Krista. 7 lb 6 oz, 4:06 pm 28-May-1993 B11 Res of Comox, mother of Ron, Ken and Cathy, other family named age 64 born 1920 Brian Scarfe Phyllis Scavarda age 82 Rosalie Scheck FP FP FP FP 10-Jun-1994 8-Jun-1994 13-Jan-1993 24-Jun-1992 age 90 FP 23-Feb-1994 B13 Bro/o Gertrude, Elfriede & Otto, uncle of John Adolph of Maple Ridge D at home age 68 Henry SCHELLINCK IND D not given born 1897 Elizabeth D Courtenay age 83 SCHNEIDER Henry "Red" D Comox age 63 SCHNEIDER SCHNOOR Henry "Red" Steve D not given D SCHNURCH SCHOFIELD Gerda Erna Alice May D not given D not given age 71 age 90 Rudolf SCHNURCH not named FP FP SCHREINER Anna Margaret D Comox age 91 Thomas Schreiner FP SCHREINER SCHREY Carson John Herb E. B not given D not given SCHROEDER D Comox age 68 SCHULZ Egon Friedrich Wilhelm Henry H. D Comox born 1911 SCHWARTZ Laurie Lynne Joanne M Manotick, Ontario Comox not given Comox? Comox born 1906 age 77 age 55 Herb McMILLAN Nikolaus SCHNEIDER, William LOSKILL Barbara Knudtson FP Family named Born in Cumberland, children and other family named d/o Ray & Cathy Schaefer, sis/o Carlee, 9 lb. 1 oz. Resident of Black Creek, father of Patrick, Arnold and Ron, service at Christ the King Catholic church, bur. Courtenay cemetery, Piercy FH 8-Dec-1994 3 & 23Well-known citizen, many awards, 7 children named, sis/o Austin RIVERS IND 10-Nov-1994 26 Dtr/o Marie & Ernst SCHMIDT, born in Germany to Canada 1907 children named husband dec'd FP 11-Nov-1992 B11 Nee WEDEL, Many family members named FP FP FP born 1932 B13 B9 B9 B11 8-Jan-1992 B7 Born in Romania, father of Brian, Barry, Brenda and Bonnie-Jean, bro/o Anthony, Michael, John, Anne and Eileen, service at Covenant Congregational church, Piercy FH 5-Jan-1993 B7 In Memoriam from Gladys, Helmut, Wendy & Jess 7-Jan-1994 B9 "In Memoriam for little brother" by sister Hanna and Jim Carly and Katie 14-Jul-1993 B12 Family not named 1-Jul-1994 B6 Born in Belfast, Ireland, Father of Sheila Trenholm, Wayne Brown, Don Hardy 22-Apr-1992 B10 Born in West Point, nebraska, widowed, mother of Frank and Arnold, service in St. Catherines, Ontario, bur. Victoria Lawn cemetery Ruby Schroeder 19-Feb-1996 B7 Son of Gord and Cheryl Schreiner, brother for Kala and Garret 10-Feb-1993 B11 Some family named, see also Thank You in 12 Feb page B9. See 2 Feb 1994 p. B8 In Memoriam IND 12-Jan-1995 17 Father of Donna Capling, Barbara Shepherd, Monika Berry Eugenie SCHULZ FP Charles Sterling JOYNSON FP Marge Schrey FP FP 5-Aug-1994 15 Son of Henry Schulz & Elisabet WARKENTIN, born in Alexjefeld Siberia Russia, more details in paper 13-Jul-1994 B13 Dtr/o Herman Schwartz of Shawville, Quebec, engagement announced with photo SURNAME SCHWEERS GIVENS Katherine PLACE EV D Coquitlam, BC SCOTT Gerald Edwin D Courtenay SCOTT SCOTT Glenn Robert Marjorie Irene D Comox D Comox SCOTT Ronald Andrew M Vancouver SCRABA D Minnesota, USA M Jamaica not given SCRASE Jason Conrad William Ryan SEELY Margaret Lady Mary D Courtenay age 74 SEGEE Karen Eve NC not given SEGUIN Lara Lynne M Vancouver SELLENTIN John Alfred D not given SELZER Gladys D Comox SENFT SEPPALA SERVANT Leon Douglas Bob Elsie B D D Comox SETTER Andrea Joan M Campbell River SETTLER Mary SHARP SPOUSE AGE/BORN Joe SCHWEERS age 99 Louise Scott FP Verna Sellentin FP not named FP born 1907 Paul Servant FP FP FP FP born 1906 Christina J. D Qualicum Beach M Courtenay Kelly Barry Kursteiner not named Lyle NELSON FP SHAW Beatrice A. D not given not given FP SHAW SHAW Corol Dawn Monique D Comox D Courtenay age 79 born 1986 William ENGLISH, Bob SHAW John Shaw SHAW Dorothy "Dot" D not given born 1907 James MERRICK FP SHAW Jacob Jason Stephen B Comox SHAW Janet L. SHAW SHAW SHEARER SHEARER Lynnea Robert Samuel Elizabeth Mollie D Alberta, Peter Lougheed Hospital M not given D not given B not given D Comox age 71 PAPER FP not given age 79 born 1914 age 82 6-May-1992 B9 Born in Woodstock, New Brunswick, father of Bob and Margaret, bro/o Denny, Bill, Charlie, Hilda and Marjorie, service at Courtenay Legion, Piercy FH Alice Scott FP 23-Mar-1994 B9 Children and other relatives named Caesar Scott FP 22-Jan-1992 C1 Born in Carlyle, Sask., widowed, step-mother of Sydney and Cecil, service at St. George's Courtenay, bur. Courtenay cemetery, Piercy FH Lara Lynne Seguin FP 29-Apr-1992 B2 Son of m/m J. Scott of Port Coquitlam, photo and engagement announcement FP 29-Jun-1994 B8 Son of Gerald Scraba of Calgary and Natanya Birkhaven of Fanny Bay, died in superbike racing accident Monique HAMILTON FP 29-Apr-1994 A3 Son of Tom & Sheila Scrase of Courtenay, engagement announced with photo. See also 4 May page A3 re reception Norman H. SEELY IND 25-May-1995 19 Dtr/o Arthur and Jean MAWHINNEY, born in Nanaimo children and other family named incl. Thomas William ARMSTRONG FP 2-Oct-1992 B13 Name changed from Karen Eve POLLARD, Site 338, C14, RR3, Courtenay V9N 5M8, 338-1620 Ronald Andrew Scott FP 29-Apr-1992 B2 Dtr/o Joan and Keith Seguin, photo and engagement announcement FP FP FP FP Rick SHAW FP born 1930 Cliff ROSS Beatrice SHAW age 77 Claude Shearer FP FP FP FP age 49 DATE NOTES/INFO PG 8-Jul-1992 B9 Born in Bismarck, North Dakota, husband died 1975, family named 2-Oct-1992 B10 Wife Dec'd, children, sisters & friend Irene mentioned, bur. Woodlands Cemetery, Texada Is. 13-Apr-1994 B9 Born in Elgin, Ont. mother of Don Ted & Jane JOHNSON sis/o Margaret ARN of Aylmer Ont., bur. Toronto. See Card of Thanks same page 8-Apr-1992 B10 Son of Ann Joslin and Douglas Senft, bro/o Emma 3-Dec-1993 C1 In Memoriam by Jo-Anne, Perry & Amy 30-Apr-1993 B11 Born Liverpool, England, husband died 1974, mother of Paul and Gary 12-Jun-1992 B8 Dtr/o m/m E. Robert Setter of Courtenay, photo with caption, engagement announced 18-Feb-1994 B13 Born in Mafeking, Manitoba, sons & grandchildren named 27-Jan-1993 B3 Dtr/o Penny and Robert Sharp, engagement announced, photo 5 Feb page A11 13-Aug-1993 B6 Mother of George English, sis & bro also named, first husband dec'd 8-Jun-1994 B9 Family named 4-Nov-1992 A5 Murdered, dtr/o Ron & Carol Ann Shaw. See also 28 Oct page A1, 30 Oct page A1 and B10 14-Oct-1992 B11 Nee SHAW, Formerly of Calgary, Black Creek, husband died 1987, children and other family named 6-May-1992 B9 Son of Juanita and Jason Shaw, 7 lb 12 oz, 12:37 am, grandson of Stev/Donna Shaw, Marg/Phil Cyr, Patricia/Joseph Yateman 18-Mar-1994 B9 Nee HAYWARD, dtr/o Leslie & Lillian of Courtenay, children and other family named. Res of Airdrie, Alberta 1-Sep-1993 22-Jul-1994 11-Feb-1994 5-Feb-1992 B3 B9 A3 B9 Wedding photo, no further info Son, Dtr & brothers named, wife died 1993 107th birthday, res of Comox Valley for 80 years, photo Born in Calgary, Alberta, nee Holden, widowed, mother of Barbara Wilson, service at Piercy FH SURNAME SHEARLAW Emily PLACE EV D Comox SHEPHERD SHEPPARD William Alfred Louisa D Victoria, BC D Comox age 80 born 1902 Mrs. Shepherd George BROWN SHERBURN SHERDAHL Harry Grace Gloria D Victoria, BC D Comox age 70 born 1908 Gladys Sherburn Mr. Sherdahl SHERRITT Megghan Sara B not given SHETLIN SHEWFELT SHILTON SHOLDICE Shane Darlene Mary Jack and Phyllis Wayne G. D D not given M not given D Fanny Bay, Bc age 30 Steven Shewfelt SHORT SIBA SIDDONS Dayne Ann Frank Robin Jae B not given D Comox M Victoria, BC age 75 SIDEEN Elsie D Comox age 83 Rosina Siba Kelly D. HUMPHREYS Fritz Sideen SIDEEN SILLIKER Fritz Manfred Gary Lee D Comox D Surrey age 85 age 29 Elsie Sideen single SILLIKER Joe D Comox born 1919 Gertrude Silliker SIMMS SIMON Gertrude Cody Louis D Courtenay B Comox born 1914 not named SIMPER D Comox SIMPKINS Dorothea Julianna Elizabeth Amy Marie SINCLAIR Hazel L. D Comox SINCLAIR SJODIN SJODIN John Jack C. Marlene R.L. D not given D not given D not given age 86 born 1949 not given SJODIN Marlene Rhoda D Burnaby age 51 SKINNER Karen Michelle M Victoria, BC SKINNER SLADE SLOAN Mary Hazel Nellie Phyllis Margaret D Courtenay D Comox D Cumberland SMALE SMITH SMITH Roy Eldon Annie Baird Carli Alexandra D not given D Comox B not given SMITH SMITH Charles Henry Charlotte Elizabeth D Comox B Kentville, NS GIVENS SPOUSE AGE/BORN born 1913 Douglas Shearlaw not given age 77 Edward Simper age 78 James Sinclair B Comox born 1916 age 94 age 89 age 76 age 99 born 1917 Ina Sinclair Marlene R.L. Sjodin Jack Sjodin Darrel Douglas MANSON Jack Skinner Sydney Slade Bob Sloan NOTES/INFO PAPER DATE PG FP 6-Jan-1993 A18 Born in Carrot Creek, Alberta, cremation here, service in Calgary, family named FP 14-Aug-1992 B6 Daughters and other family named FP 1-Oct-1993 B6 Nee SHEPPARD, born in Nanaimo, husband died 1973, 2 children named, bur. Cumberland Cemetery FP 28-Aug-1992 B10 Mother died 1978, father 1971, brother Robert 1964 FP 23-Mar-1994 B9 Born in Toronto, Ont. children & other family named. Mother of Lois Smith who died 14 Mar 1994 (same paper) IND 10-Nov-1994 26 Dtr/o Jodi & Kim Sherritt, gd/o Ken & Dorothy Oson, Keith & Margaret Sherritt, other family named FP 1-Jul-1992 B9 In Memoriam by Gramma & Grampa FP 21-Jul-1993 B8 Large family named, bur. Cumberland Cemetery FP 15-Jan-1993 B7 50th anniversary at Royston Hall. See also 22 Jan page B11 FP 24-Sep-1993 B6 No family named FP FP FP 3-Jul-1992 B6 Dtr/o Dave and Kathy Short 20-May-1994 B9 7 children named, worked at Fanny Bay Shingle Mill 4-Nov-1992 B2 Dtr/o Rosemary and Gordon Siddons, with photo FP 1-Apr-1992 B9 Born in Scotland, mother of Sheila, Marie, Catherine, Sharon, William, Leon and Jack, no service, Memorial Society IND 27-Oct-1994 28 Children and siblings named, wife died 1992 FP 1-Apr-1992 B9 Family not mentioned, service at St. John the Divine in Courtenay (Son of Joseph Silliker and Gertrude Turcotte) FP 8-Jul-1992 B9 Born in Brandon, Manitoba family named (4 children 11 grandchildren one brother vet of WW2) FP 10-Jun-1994 B13 Born in Truro, Nova Scotia, 2 sisters, 2 dtrs named FP 14-Feb-1992 C4 Son of Joe and Judy Simon, nee Boone, 9:32 am, 9 lb 4 oz, grandson of Danny & Shirley Boone, Reg & Liz Simon FP 21-Feb-1992 C4 Resident of Black Creek, widowed 1992, mother of Pat, Randy, Joan, Terry and Wendy, service at Piercy FH FP 6-Jan-1993 A18 d/o Steve & Cindy Simpkins, gd/o Neil & Trudy Black, Ted & Barb Simpkins, bro/o Ryan FP 14-Feb-1992 C4 Husband and son Larry dec'd, mother Nedra, Lynda and Sharlene, sis/o Henry and Ivan Renner FP 5-Feb-1993 B9 Family named, bur. Cumberland Cemetery FP 12-May-1993 B10 Father of Sheryl, Michael, Jack, Marlene, other family named FP 17-Mar-1993 B9 "In Memoriam". See also 25 Feb 1994 p. B9 In Memoriam by granchildren Bradley, Christopher, Damian & Desarae FP 13-Mar-1992 C3 Born in Comox Valley, mother of Michael, Jack, Sheryl and Marlene, dtr/o Rhoda nd Leonard Pebernat, siblings named, service at Foursquare church FP 16-Jun-1993 B14 Dtr/o M/M Karl Skinner FP FP FP Anne Smale Fred Smith FP FP FP Dorothy Smith FP FP 27-May-1994 B11 Born Crossfield, Alberta, family named 4-May-1994 B13 Family named, bur. Courtenay Civic Cemetery 27-Mar-1992 C3 Born in Carluke, Scotland, widowed, mother of Jean (dec'd), Margaret and Diane, no service 2-Jul-1993 B6 Large family named 23-Dec-1992 B21 Mother of Fred Jr. (dec'd) and Franklin, other family named 20-Aug-1993 B6 Dtr/o Vince & Gina Smith, sis/o Kelsey gd/o Al & Louise Waterman Clarence & Sharon Longland 20-May-1994 B9 Born in Spruce Home, Sask., family named, occupations history 10-Jun-1992 B9 Dtr/o Chris and Jan Smith of Royston SURNAME SMITH GIVENS Darrian Maazi PLACE EV B not given SMITH Geoffrey William D Comox born 1930 SMITH George "Jock" D Comox? age 78 SMITH SMITH Harry Rider Ida D Comox D Comox born 1930 Born 1902 Margaret "Peggy" Smith Mary-Jean Smith Silas PUGH SMITH SMITH James William Lois Lorraine D Comox D Comox Born 1910 born 1927 Violet Smith Fred Smith SMITH Mandi Kendalyn B not given SMITH Matthew Allen B not given SMITH SMITH Reg Shelby Anne Marie D D not given Born 1916 child Mickey SMITH SMITH Sherman Delbert B Edmonton SMITH Ted D Kamloops, BC Born 1934 SMYTH SMYTH Constance Victoria Mabel Joan D Courtenay D Comox Bertha Smith, Claudia Smith Jock" Smith Ernest Harold Smyth SMYTHE SNYDER SOMERVILLE Austin James Aubrey Lynne Arthur E. B not given B not given D not given SOMERVILLE Mildred Jane B Cumberland SOMMEN La Veada D not given SOPP SORENSEN SOUTHER Gordon Leslie Bruce Casey D not given D Courtenay D Cumberland SOUTHER SPARKES Trista Danielle Bianca B 100 Mile House, BC Tyrone Darryl M Sidney, BC SPELAY SPELAY SPENCER Michelle Kirsten Shanon Lynn Margaret Mary B Comox B not given D at home SPENCER SPINDOR D not given B Comox SPROUT Pauline Nicholas Gordon Keith Donald SPROUT Ronald SQUIRE Brodie Edward B Comox (probable) B Comox (probable) B not given AGE/BORN age 76 age 71 born 1931 age 77 SPOUSE Barbara Smith FP 11-Nov-1992 B11 Family named 17-Jun-1992 B15 Born in Wales, widowed, mother of Robert (dec'd), Ernest, Joan and Sarah, no service, First Memorial FS 31-Mar-1993 B6 Son of Hugh and Shawna Smythe, photo 17-Jun-1994 B12 Dtr/o Clayton and Cynthia Snyder 3-Feb-1993 B7 Born in Cumberland, bro/o Alec (Ellie) Dobbie Terry (Clarice) Donald father of David and Stephen 6-Oct-1993 B2 Nee MAXWELL, dtr/o Alex & Mary Ann (Walker) Maxwell, 90th birthday celebration, good family history, 6 children named 2-Feb-1994 B8 2 children, bros & sis named, bur. Cumberland Cemetery. See Card of Thanks 9 Feb page B9 9-Jun-1993 B12 "In Memoriam" 25-Aug-1993 1 Photo and writeup of multi-vehicle accident on Mission Hill 3-Mar-1993 1 Died in house fire, d/o Melanie Davis & Lionel Souther. See 25 Feb 1994 page B9 In Memoriam by The Rumors 3-Mar-1993 A23 other family named, former res of Halifax, bur. Lower Sackville, NS FP 15-Jan-1992 B9 Son of June and Russell Sparkes of Deer Lake, newfoundland FP FP FP 17-Jun-1992 B15 Dtr/o Dawn and Blaine Spelay, 6 lb 11oz 24-Jun-1994 B10 Dtr/o Dawn and Blaine Spelay. 7 lb 10 oz 29-Sep-1994 31 Dtr/o Charles and Margaret WILLIAMS (Williams Beach), born in Cumberland, husband dec'd, other family named 23-Apr-1993 B11 Bur. Forest Lawn Cemetery, Burnaby 15-Oct-1993 B7 Son of Gord & Karen Spindor, bro/o Vanessa & Victoria, 8 lb 14 oz, 9:17 pm 7-Jul-1993 B3 60th birthday party at Sayward for twins Donald and Ronald from Merville 7-Jul-1993 B3 60th birthday party at Sayward for twins Donald and Ronald from Merville 3-Sep-1993 B7 Son of Chris & Maureen Squire, bro/o Meghan FP FP Trudy Somerville Alex Somerville FP Hugh James L.S.M. Sommen FP FP FP FP Donica Lynn Canning age 92 30-Oct-1992 B10 Born in Bashaw, Alberta, 3 sons & 2 dtrs named 31-Jul-1992 B6 Nee SMITH, born in Yorkshire, England, children and other family named FP 18-Sep-1992 B10 Born in Windsor, England, family named FP 23-Mar-1994 B9 Dtr/o Grace Sherdahl who died 5 days later, children & other family named FP 2-Apr-1993 B10 Dtr/o Dale & Heather Lynne Smith, 6 lb 13 oz, gd/o Linton Machin of Courtenay and M/M Ken Smith of Campbell River FP 26-May-1993 B12 Son of Bud & Lynn Smith, bro/o Jennifer and Thomas gs/o Gary & Dorothy Wiften Allen & June Smith of Comox IND 6-Apr-1995 16 Born in Boxhill, England, many relatives named, long obit FP 28-Apr-1993 B14 In Memoriam by Mom, Dad, Teal and Tegan. Also 27 Apr 1994 page B9 FP 29-May-1992 B10 Son of Sherman and Susanna Smith, 6 lb 12 oz, bro/o Carlos, grandson of Eleanor Smith and Conchita Mariscal de Perez FP 28-Apr-1993 B14 Born in Victoria, BC, history given, family named FP FP FP FP FP not given age 32 age 4 born 1902 NOTES/INFO PAPER DATE PG IND 10-Nov-1994 26 Dtr/o Dale & Heather-Lynne Smith, sis for Mandi gd/o M/M Ken Smith of Campbell River Mr. H.L. Machin of Courtenay. 7 lb 7 oz FP 8-Jun-1994 B9 Born in Manchester. England ashes spread at Point Holmes. See also 27 Apr p. B9 children and sister named FP 18-Nov-1992 B11 1 son, 4 dtrs named Leonard F.F. SPENCER FP FP FP FP FP SURNAME STALKER GIVENS W. J. "Bill" STANLEY Hazel May "Joyce" STANNARD STANTON Evelyn Sheri STANTON STAR/BERGEY STARK Walter Graham Elsie STE. CROIX STEELE Wayne Nicholas STEEVES STENABAUGH STEPHENS STEPHENS STEPHENSON PLACE EV D Edmonton, Alberta M Vancouver, St. Andrew's Wesley D not given M Comox, CFB Chapel M at home B at home D Comox SPOUSE AGE/BORN Doris Stalker age 85 Hugh MARTIN born 1918 Stacy WOOD Eunice BELL age 82 Bob Stark 18-May-1994 B9 Nee AITKEN, Born at Bevan, BC, family named 4-May-1994 B17 Dtr/o M/M Gerald Stanton of Courtenay, engagement announced with photo FP 9-Dec-1992 B2 Renewal of marriage vows FP 26-Jan-1994 B7 Son of Isabel and Donald IND 9-Feb-1995 18 Sis/o Algot Quick of USA, niece of Perry Hanse, Courtenay alderman FP FP Zoe Katreine Robert Hartley Kay Stella S. Allan M Comox M Comox, Filberg Lodge B not given D At home D Comox D Cumberland D Curtenay Born 1923 born 1907 born 1913 not given STERLING Dorothy Mabel D Nanaimo born 1919 Fred Stephens Charlotte Stephenson Irv GRAINGER STEVEN STEVENSON Betty Aileen Dana Kathryn D Comox B Comox age 69 Frank STEVEN FP FP STEVENSON Donald Edward D Comox not given Lena Stevenson, Rose Stevenson FP STEVENSON Kaila Justine B Langley STEWART STEWART STEWART Gordon Lawrence Jarrett Royce Jim age 22 STEWART Larry D Comox B Comox M Comox United Church D Mt. Washington Road STEWART D not given age 94 Joseph STEWART FP D D Comox age 76 Marjorie Stewart Jeanne Stewart FP FP STIGANT STIGANT STILLIN Violet Elizabeth Montague William H. Woodrow Wilson Anthony Andrew "Big Red" David Peter Anders M not given M not given D Courtenay Nancy MOLLOY Genni GUY FP FP FP STODDARD Monica Margaret D Comox age 69 FP STOKES Mary Kathryn D Powell River age 75 STORIE Kristina Nicole Marie D not given age 23 James oscar Stoddard Arthur Edward Stokes Kent Allen STORIE STEWART STEWART Lori Nadine HEIN Deborah Star DENNIS NOTES/INFO PAPER DATE PG FP 30-Sep-1992 B11 From Yellowknife to Comox 1972, wife died Dec 1984, 2 dtrs & 3 grandchildren. FP 22-Apr-1994 A8 50th Anniversary, see photo on page A2 Marie Stenabaugh FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP single Tessa MacSWEEN age 31 FP FP FP FP born 1943 FP FP 14-Jul-1993 B12 Under "Weddings" in Classified 20-Oct-1993 B2 Res of Vancouver, now in Saskatoon where Debbie attends Vet College 12-Mar-1993 B11 Dau/o Carlene & Greg Steeves, sis/o Dwayne & Aaron, 7 lb 2 oz 23-Sep-1992 B11 Born at Mount Forest, Ontario, family named 5-Aug-1994 15 Born in Saskatchewan 9-Jul-1993 B6 Born in Stave Falls, BC, family named, husband died 1985 12-Aug-1992 B9 Daughter Susan and other relatives named 3-Nov-1992 B7 Nee STERLING, born in Melita, Manitoba, 4 children named, service at First Memorial Nanaimo 28-Jul-1993 B10 Nee CALDICOTT, family named 10-Jan-1992 C1 Dtr/o Gary and Deb Stevenson, sis/o Lauren, gdtr/o Steven and Vera Stevenson, Jim & Pat Maksuta 1-Jul-1994 B6 Lena died 1987, daughter, sister & other family named 25-Mar-1992 B9 Dtr/o Jim and Cheryl Stevenson, nee Forbes, of Clearbrook, gdtr/o Lou/Connie Forbes, Joanne Stevenson 29-Apr-1992 1 Nanaimo resident died in car accident in Royston 3-Jan-1992 1 Son of Darlene and John Stewart, first new year's baby 20-Jul-1994 B13 Son of Gerald & Clarise Stewart of Victoria, engagement announced with photo 30-Mar-1994 B13 Son of Diane and Bob Stewart of Comox, other family named. See page 1 died in truck crash. Card of Thanks 15 Apr 1994 page B9 8-Dec-1993 B8 From Ireland 1926, husband died 1973, 5 children named, bur. Courtenay Cemetery 28-Jan-1994 B12 In Memoriam by wife 22-Jun-1994 B8 Family named, bur. Rockland, Sask. 14-May-1993 B10 Engagement announced. Nancy from Nova Scotia 14-May-1993 B10 Engagement announced. Genni from Saturna Island 13-Jul-1994 B9 Born in Ladysmith, BC, Son of M/M Jacob Stillin, brothers and sisters named 29-Apr-1992 B12 Born in Edmonton, Alberta, mother of Al, Bonnie and Sherry, sis/o Ron Limer, service at Piercy FH 9-Dec-1992 B11 Mother of Terry, grandchildren named, husband died 1980 17-Dec-1993 B13 nee AMBROSE, dtr/o John & Marion other family named "expected daughter" Shekinah Glory also died. See Card of Thanks 7 Jan 1994 p. B9 by John & Marni Ambrose SURNAME STORR GIVENS Antonia "Toni" PLACE EV D Victoria, BC SPOUSE AGE/BORN born 1902 Fred STORR STRACHAN Cheyenne Mariah B STRACHAN Flora May D Campbell River age 88 Hugh Strachan STRACHAN Josephine Marie D Courtenay age 80 Walter Strachan STRANDBERG Deana Marie B not given STREET Gladys Jane D Comox STREET STREIT John C. Christian Pierre STRICKLER STUBBS SUMMERS SUND Veryl Elisabeth Merrie "Libby" Eric Douglas Peter Jeffrey D Comox M Courtenay, RC Church D Comox B Comox SUNDIN Dorothy May B Comox M 100 Mile House, BC D not given SUPER Paulina Breann SURGENOR NOTES/INFO PAPER DATE PG FP 8-Apr-1994 B9 Nee GOZZANO, born in Aglie, Italy, to Cumberland 1909, children and other family named FP 5-Jun-1992 B10 Dtr/o Kevin and Joni Strachan, 7 lb, sis/o Jared, gdtr/o Neicy Strachan, Andrew/Helen High FP 4-Jun-1993 B9 Husband deceased, 8 sons, 4 dtrs, 31 grandchildren, 18 ggchildren FP 10-Jun-1992 B9 Resident of Courtenay, widowed, mother of David, sis/o Albert and Francis Savoie, Muriel Cowie, service on Hornby Island, Piercy FH FP 5-Aug-1992 B9 Dtr/o Debbie & Mike Strandberg of Gold River, gd/o John and Marnie Dean 28-Oct-1992 B13 Born on Denman Island, husband died 1985, son and daughter named, bur. Denman Cemetery 28-Feb-1992 C4 Father of Kath and Dan, no service 20-Jul-1994 B13 Wedding photo Frank STREET FP FP FP age 81 Vi Street Kelly Leigh ISBISTER not named Age 84 Bobbi-jo Dione DAYMAN Carl SUNDIN not given age 78 IND 25-May-1995 19 Res of Courtenay, children named FP 6-Jan-1993 A18 d/o Simon & Gina Stubbs, sis/o Karli, 8 lb. 3 oz. FP FP 27-Mar-1992 C3 Son of Roy and Dawn Summers, 7 lb 9 oz 6-Apr-1994 B13 Son of Peter Sund & Mrs. Val Barrett, engagement announced FP 17-Mar-1993 B9 Born in Matheson, Ontario, two children named, husband deceased B not given FP Jack William B Comox FP SURTEES SUTHERLAND Edward "Ted" Agnes SUTHERLAND SUTHERLAND SUTTON SUTTON Jock Pearl Evangeline Ethel V. Isadore D Vancouver D West Vancouver D ng D Courtenay D Comox D Courtenay SUURONEN Margit Heidi D Comox SVETICH SWATEZ TACK Matilda "Baba" Braeden Cale Daniel Craig TAIT-RASMUSSEN TALBOT TANTRUM TANTRUM TAPPIN TARNOWSKI TARVES TASCHE TAYLESS Wynne Nicole Lilja Autumn Rebecca Meghan Katie Roger Harry Josie Kirsten Gorli Christopher Richard Kate D not given B M Courtenay, 4 Square D not given B not given B not given B not given D Victoria, BC D Courtenay B Comox B not given M TAYLOR Dustin Jay B not given age 94 age 81 age 81 not given born 1904 age 48 Caroline Surtees Arthur WILSON FP FP 22-Sep-1993 B8 Dtr/o Terri-Ann and Tony Super, gd/o John & Linda Super, Norman & Maureen Ring 23-Jul-1993 B9 Son of Angie and Bob Surgenor, grandparents, born 8:41 am, 7 lb 13 oz 12-May-1993 B10 Wife died 1987, one son John and other family named 16-Feb-1994 B13 Nee SUTHERLAND, family named Pearl Sutherland "Jock" Sutherland not married FP FP FP FP 7-Apr-1993 21-Jul-1993 16-Jun-1993 14-Oct-1992 Paavo Suuronen FP 4-Mar-1992 B7 Leya Denise HATCH FP FP FP 22-Jun-1994 B8 13-May-1992 B12 18-Jun-1993 B6 FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP 21-Aug-1992 20-Jan-1993 22-Apr-1994 3-Jul-1992 6-Jan-1993 18-Nov-1992 15-Dec-1993 2-Jun-1993 20-Jul-1994 born 1899 age 86 Marie CARELL not named Greg McWILLIAM FP B9 B8 B10 B11 In Memoriam by Pearl, Larry & Myrna, Marje & Shirley Husband died 1989, res Courtenay 60 years, son & 3 dtrs named Many relatives named Dtr/o John and Jeannie Sutton, sisters and brother named, born in Pennsylvania, USA Born in Koristanz, Germany, mother of Andy Martin, service at Faith Lutheran church, bur. Black Creek cemetery, Piercy FH Born Yugoslavia, no further info Son of Channing and Gina, 8 lb 10 oz, br/o Rachael Son of David & Saundra Tack, wedding announcement column "In Loving Memory" photo with family names Dtr/o Dan and Angela Talbot Dtr/o Darren & Lisa Tantrum, sis/o Ashley & Meghan Dtr/o Darren and Lisa Tantrum Res of Duncan, BC, bur. Hatley Memorial No further info Dtr/o Roger & Shirley Tarves, 7 lb 11 oz s/o Clinton & Angela Tasche. See also 28 May page B11 Dtr/o John & Fiona Tayless of Comox, engagement announced with photo 4-Mar-1994 B9 Son of Gary and Sandy Taylor, bro/o Jessie, Roberta, Samantha & April, born at 11:04 pm A5 A19 B11 B6 A18 B11 B8 B10 B2 SURNAME TAYLOR TAYLOR TE WINKEL TEEL GIVENS Wayne William "Murray" Nico Jacobus Hendrikus Reg "Missouri" PLACE EV D Courtenay D Comox M not given teWINKEL Johannes Christiaan THAPTON Jean D Qualicum, Arranglen Lodge M Comox, Filbert Lodge D Comox THIBODEAU Joseph Noel Laval D THOMAS THOMAS Emily Ann Florence B Comox? D Nanaimo THOMAS THOMPSON THOMPSON THOMPSON THOMPSON THOMPSON THOMPSON D D D D D D B THOMPSON William F. Brian Christopher Edna Viola Iris May John "J.T." Kenneth James Mitchell Gordon Carson Sidney Clifford THOMPSON Vernon B. D Courtenay born 1931 THOMSEN THOMSON THOMSON Dean Allen (boy) Anne D Courtenay B not given D Courtenay age 22 THOMSON THORNHILL THORNTON Dagny Elise "Rose" Brandon Lee Kim THORSEN THURBER TICKELL TIDBURY TJART TOBACCA TODD TODD TODD TOLLEFSEN not given Comox Comox Courtenay Thunder Bay D Campbell River SPOUSE AGE/BORN age 37 Nellie Taylor age 80 Naomi Niki KATOVIC Born abt 1907 Fern Teel, Elenora Teel NOTES/INFO PAPER DATE PG IND 9-Mar-1995 4 Died after street fight FP 26-Jan-1994 B7 Two children and other family named FP 12-Aug-1992 B3 Son of Hans & Corrie Te Winkel of Courtenay. Photo FP 18-Sep-1992 B10 Fern died 18 Sep 1984, step-family named, see also 23 Sep page B11 Tammi Marie KNOX FP 21-Aug-1992 A9 Son of Hans & Corrie teWinkel of Courtenay, engagement announced age 77 Stuart Thapton FP age 60 Catherine Thibodeau FP 17-Jan-1992 C1 Born in Hardisty, Alberta, widowed 1989, mother of Katherine (died 1980), sis/o Kay Kerr, private service, Piercy FH 16-Sep-1992 B11 Res of Comox, children and other family not named born 1905 Alexander LETSOS, Alfred THOMAS born 1957 born 1911 born 1945 age 29 28-May-1993 B11 Dtr/o Geoff and Kerri Thomas, grandparents named, 6 lb 10 oz 8-Dec-1993 B8 Nee BLANK, dtr/o Wilhem & Mary Eilz born in Yellow Point Alfred died 1988 children & other family named FP FP FP IND FP FP FP 24-Apr-1992 12-Aug-1994 14-May-1993 26-Jan-1995 12-Nov-1993 16-Feb-1994 5-Jun-1992 C1 11 B10 21 B12 1 B10 Memorial Service to be held at Lions Den in Comox 25 April. In Memoriam by Dad, Pat & family nee BARON, res of Ladysmith, 3 sons named Formerly of Powell River, children and other family named In Memoriam by dtr, son, grandchildren & sisters Accidental Death on front page, no obituary Son of Jason and Nancy Thompson, grandson of Ralph and Lois Thompson Born in Carnduff, Sask., father of Lila, Ora, Sidney, Heather and Jackie, service at Piercy FH Born in Galveston, Texas, father of Heather Foster and Jennifer Wilson, other family named Vehicle accident on Mission Hill Son of Gary & Cindy Thomson Born in Prague, Czechoslovakia, mother of Louise Hotsenpiller, family gathering Born in Sweden, children named Son of Thornhill/Shaw, brother to Mat, Ben & Trista, 7 lb 4 oz Dtr/o Karen and Ken Thornton of Courtenay, engagement announced Jean Thompson FP 29-Apr-1992 B12 Esther THOMPSON FP 1-Jul-1994 A5 age 90 John R. Thomson FP FP FP 28-Aug-1992 1 25-Feb-1994 B9 17-Apr-1992 C1 D Nanaimo B not given M age 82 Mr. Thomson FP FP FP 18-Jun-1993 B6 30-Jul-1993 B6 5-Mar-1993 B7 Martin T. Isaac Patrick James Dorothy Irene Albert C. Tyler Jordan Randy Gene Adam Grant Margery Maud Melissa Lorene Rolf Clarence D B D D B D B D B D age 87 Juanita Thorsen age 80 Harold Tickell Lettice Tidbury age 36 Barb Tobacca age 79 Lester Todd FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP TOMKO Christopher James M not given 15-Apr-1992 B13 Born in Nezperce, Idaho, fathr of Gary, Marsha and Ron, 16-Jun-1993 B10 Son of Steve & Shawn Thurber, 9 lb 5 oz 21-Jul-1993 B8 Children and brother named 4-Dec-1992 B12 Father of John, David, Joan and Jean, bro/o Harold in England 4-Dec-1992 B12 Son of Gord & Regina Tjart 21-Jul-19931 & B9Suicide, son of Eloise Tobacca, other family named on page B9 22-Jun-1994 B8 Son of Howie & Diane Todd. 6 lb 6 oz 10-Mar-1993 B8 Relatives named 6-May-1992 B9 Dtr/o David and Sandy Todd, 7 lb, gdtr/o Todd and Kerr 10-Jun-1994 B13 Family members named, his and hers. See Card of Thanks 1 Jul 1994 page B6 28-Aug-1992 B10 Son of John and Gwen Tomko of Comox, engagement announced TOMKO Jackson James B Comox FP TOMKO TOMLINSON Tucker Cole Dale B not given D FP FP Comox not given Comox Edmonton, AB not given not given not given Comox Victoria age 82 Lorne THOMPSON not named FP FP Rob CROSS not given Mary Tollefsen Lisa Marie BURNESKI FP 17-Dec-1993 B13 Son of Chris & Lena Tomko, gs/o John & Anna Burneski, John & Gwen Tomko, 9 lb. 9-Jun-1993 B12 Son of Pete & Laurie Tomko, bro/o Zachary, 8 lb 14.5 oz 9-Mar-1994 B9 In Memoriam by Cherie, Steve Mom SURNAME TOOMER TORRY TOWNSEND GIVENS Virginia Theresa Eileen (boy) PLACE EV D Comox D Comox B not given TOWNSEND TOWNSEND TOWNSEND Bradley Lorne Chantelle Leeza Kelly John B Comox B Comox M Courtenay TOZAR Claudia Margarita Del M Colombia, Socorro Anza South America TREMBLAY TRIBE TROUTMAN Rosaire Kelly Lee Roy Leonard D Comox D not given D Nanaimo age 71 age 23 age 46 Emma Tremblay Debbie Tribe Betty Troutman FP FP FP TRUEFITT TRYSSENAAR Hazel Irene Peter G. D Comox D Comox age 92 age 73 George Truefitt Doreen Tryssenaar FP FP TUDWAY Doris D Comox age 87 Charles Tudway FP TUESHER TUESHER TUFNAIL Esther Mary Louise Phyllis Nellie D Comox D not given D Courtenay age 77 born 1943 age 85 Hank Tuesher Hank BAIN George TUFNAIL FP FP FP TUMBER Gordon Kay SIMPSON FP TURENNE TURNBULL TURNBULL Lea Marie Alan Smith John Murray D Northern Ontario D Comox D Comox D Courtenay age 81 age 72 age 83 Henri KENTZIGER Marcelle Turnbull Evelyn Turnbull FP FP FP TURNBULL TURNER Robert Henry Lee Stephen Richard D Victoria, BC B not given Born 1912 Edith Mary Turnbull FP FP ULLEY Milton John D Joan Ulley FP UPTON VACHON Corrine Sherry Yvonne Muriel D Wolf Lake D Comox Fernand VACHON FP FP VADEBONCOEUR D Campbell River VALE Alexander Rudolph Olivier Kirsten Alexandra VALENTINE Michelle VALLEE Matthew Alexander M Comox Filberg Lodge B Vancouver, BC VAN DER MAATEN Nicolaas D Comox VAN NESS Rodney Edwin VAN VELZEN Shyanne Nicole M Victoria, Oak Bay U.C. B Comox D Courtenay SPOUSE AGE/BORN born 1920 Walter Toomer age 72 Jim Torry Grace Elizabeth WELLS David Thor Alexander Wesley age 71 age 29 not given age 94 Marie-Louise VADEBONCOEUR born 1970 FP FP FP FP FP Jessie Van der Maaten Connie Elizabeth LYONS NOTES/INFO PG A19 Born in Tilburn East, Ont., relatives listed, bur. Tilbury B9 Mother of Dorothy (dec'd), Janice, Bill and John, B10 Son of Tracey & Dean Townsend, gs/o Cathy & Brian Watson, ggs/o Irene & Henry Watson 16-Feb-1994 B13 Son of Rena & Jeff Townsend 15-Jul-1994 B12 Dtr/o John Townsend & Kelley Giorgiani 4-Aug-1993 B8 Son of Bob & Pauline Townsend of Courtenay, photo and writeup 1-Apr-1992 B3 Wedding announcement with photo 27-May-1994 B11 Family named, ashes to Chicoutimi, Quebec 5-Aug-1992 B9 Son of Walter and Mildred Tribe, children and other family named 29-Jan-1992 1 Died in plane crash in Nanaimo harbour, resident of Comox Valley. See 31 Jan page 1, father of Lowell, Lance, Dylan, Sierra, Jacinda and Browyn, service at St. Albert, Alberta 29-Jan-1993 B10 Sons and daughter named, sis/o Gordie & Robert McDONALD 15-Apr-1992 B13 Father of Adrian, bro/o Theo, Lien, Laurence and Johanna, also relatives in Holland, no service, Piercy FH 10-Jun-1992 B9 Born in Blackfalds, Alberta, widowed 1991, mother of Dianne, sis/o Cy Beard, service at Piercy FH 16-Jun-1993 B10 Two daughters named, husband died 1976 20-Aug-1993 B6 Born in Vancouver, BC, nee TUESHER, sis of Judi Davis 2-Feb-1994 B8 Children & other family named, bur. Courtenay Civic Cemetery, husband died 1984 30-Jun-1993 B10 World War 2 pilot, etc. 20-Jul-1994 B9 Dtr/o Arthur & Marie TURENNE, children and other family named 27-Nov-1992 B10 Father of Gordon, other family named 1-May-1992 B14 Father of Sherran, John, Sid, Russ and Vicky, service at Comox Legion 29-Jun-1994 B8 Born in Two Creeks, Manitoba, sisters and children named 13-Apr-1994 B9 Son of Barbara & Richard Turer, gs/o Diane & Mark Frostrup Mike & Barb Mintz Carol Wappell 19-May-1993 B10 Born in Montreal, father of Warren John of Vancouver, Susan Jane Wells of Calgary 27-May-1992 1 Victim of double homicide, bodies found 17 May, a.k.a. Lafleur 24-Nov-1993 B9 Born in Halifax, Nova Scotia dtr/o John & Theresa FINDLEY children & other family named. See Card of Thanks 1 Dec 1993 page B7 6-Jul-1994 B8 Father of Ben & Martial (dec'd), other family named FP 9-Jul-1993 B6 Drowned at Medicine Bowls, born in North York, Ontario, see 7 Jul 1993 page 1 28-Aug-1992 B10 Dtr/o Carol & Rick Valentine of Merville, engagement announced FP 22-Jun-1994 B8 Son of (possibly) Lyle and Karen FP 21-Jan-1994 B11 Born in Rotterdam, Holland, sons & dtrs named, bur. Cumberland Cemetery 3-Jul-1992 B9 Son of Mrs. Wendy LEE of Victoria and Mr. Stanley Van Ness of Duncan 4-Feb-1994 B9 Dtr/o Lisa and Rudy Van Velzen FP Kevin LEWIS born 1903 PAPER DATE FP 8-Jan-1993 FP 6-May-1992 FP 24-Jun-1994 FP FP SURNAME VANDERHEIDE GIVENS Emily May PLACE EV D Comox VANDERHORST Adrian Hendrikes D Comox VANDERHORST Woutera "Henny" D Cumberland VANDERLINDEN Ade "Art" D Comox VANDERVEEN Jan VARKONJA VATON VAUGHAN Dylan James Jessica Elizabeth Rose Elizabeth VENESS Myra D Union Bay North B Comox D Burnaby, BC D New Westminster, BC D Denman Island VENESS VERBOOM Steve Ronald VERSCHOOR VERSTEEGH SPOUSE NOTES/INFO AGE/BORN PAPER DATE PG born 1918 Henry Vanderheide IND 20-Oct-1994 35 Born in Viking, Alberta, sis/o Gordon & George WRIGHT, Betty Christensen, no children age 75 Henny Vanderhorst FP 1-Jan-1992 18 Dtr Jeanette died Aug 1991, father of Ben, Steve, Thea, Johanna, Nettie and Audrey, moved from Holland 1952, service at Christ the King, Courtenay, bur. Courtenay cemetery born 1917 Adrian Vanderhorst FP 18-May-1994 B9 Born in Amsterdam, wife dec'd, large family named, bur. Courtenay Civic Cemetery born 1753 FP 23-Sep-1992 B11 Born in the Hague, Holland, family named, bur. Courtenay Cemetery IND 16-Feb-1995 age 80 born 1891 John VATON John Henry VAUGHAN FP FP FP 3 Highway accident 19-Feb-1993 B7 First child of Paul & Melissa Varkonja, grandparents named 30-Apr-1993 B11 Mother of Len and Laurance, sis of Molly in Williams Lake 9-Mar-1994 B9 Nee GERRARD, War Bride born Tintinhull Somerset England res Cumberland 60 years children named, husband died 1986, bur. Cumberland Cemetery 10-Sep-1993 B6 No relatives listed, bur. Denman Island Cemetery age 98 FP D at home M not given age 98 Myra VENESS FP Kelli Dawn ROBBINS FP 17-Mar-1993 B9 Res of Denman Island 30-Jun-1993 B2 Son of Joe and Edith Verboom, engagement and photo John William Cornelius Johan Francois "Frank" D not given D Comox age 51 born 1922 Pat Verschoor Rosemary VERSTEEGH-REES FP FP 23-Dec-1992 B21 Son of Elsie Verschoor, 3 brothers and 1 sister named 26-Aug-1992 B9 Born in Jakarta, many family members named VIBERG Harland John D not given Sherrie Viberg VIOLETTE Marc Andrew VIX VOELTZ Russell Derek Tracy Lynn McWilliam Audrey Vix VOLKERS VON BODUNGEN James Richard M Courtenay, St. George's D Royston D Black Creek, BC M Victoria, BC D not given IND 11-May-1995 26 Born in Shelbrooke, Sask., son of Edwin and Gladys Viberg, children and other family named FP 1-Jan-1992 19 Son of m/m Jean Marc Violette of St. Leonard, New Brunswick VOSE Yvonne Alison D Comox VOTH Peter Isaac D Saanich WADSWORTH Keith Harold D Vancouver, BC WAGNER Gordon Gilbert Henry WALDEN WALES WALGREN James Baronet Katelynn Jennifer Bruce Carl D Comox, at home D Alert Bay, BC B Comox M Comox WALKER Shirley Alice Ethel D Comox WALKOW WALLACE Lacey Ann Debra Ann WALLACE WALLACE W.S.C. "Spence" Wylie Alexander D not given age 6 months M Comox, Filberg Lodge D at home age 74 D Parksville, BC born 1902 Ria MURDOCK Joanne Bodungen FP FP age 63 Raymond Vose FP age 72 Katherine Voth FP born 1924 Merle Wadsworth FP 8-Jul-1992 B9 Family named 31-Mar-1993 B10 Born in Williams Lake, BC son of Mary and Walter Voeltz. See 17 Mar page 1 died in car accident 13-Jul-1994 B13 Son of M/M Jake Volkers, engagement announced with photo 16-Mar-1994 B10 In Memoriam by Wife, Ralph Kirk Haidee Kathy & 8 grandchildren (Bur. Courtenay Civic Cemetery) 31-Jan-1992 C4 Born in Montreal, nee Hutton, divorced, mother of Kathleen and Robert, service at Piercy FH 22-Jan-1992 C1 Born in Ischalka, Ukraine, father of Diane and Lee, service at Saanich Community church, McCalls FH 30-Jul-1993 B6 Born in Hartney, Manitoba, numerous family named born 1914 Ivy Wagner IND 20-Oct-1994 35 4 children, sisters and brother named, well known surveyor and writer born 1923 Marjorie Walden 28-Aug-1992 B10 Born on Cracroft Island, children and other family named 10-Apr-1992 C3 Dtr/o Andrew and Sheryl Wales, 8 lb 8 oz 19-May-1993 B3 Engagement with photo, son of M/M C.F. Walgren of Balfour, BC age 70 Karen Laura RICHARDSON Dick WALKER FP FP FP IND Kenneth William EAGLE Doris Wallace Mrs. Wallace 1-Apr-1994 B9 Dtr/o Gabriele and Dan Walkow, other family named 13-Oct-1993 B13 Dau/o David Wallace of Courtenay, sis/o Sandra Schlitt Joy Wirrell Terry Sartorius guests named IND 19-Jan-1995 20 Family named FP 30-Sep-1992 B11 Born in Toronto, Ont, father of Rick and Gary born 1921 born 1969 FP FP FP FP 3-Nov-1994 29 Nee OWEN, Mother of Gail Reid of Coquitlam, other family named SURNAME WALTERS GIVENS Minnie Pearl PLACE SPOUSE EV AGE/BORN D Campbell River age 82 Leslie Gordon WALTON WANGLER WARD WARD Gerald William Frederic Cody William Cecil James Charlotte Rose M Shawinigan Lake B not given D Comox D Victoria WARD Frances Christine age 79 WARD WARD WARE WARREN Jack and Maureen Nathan Thomas Stanley Barbara Iris D Courtenay, at home M not given B not given D Comox D Victoria, BC WASILIEW Marlene WATCHMAN Naomi Jocelyn ARMSTRONG born 1925 age 43 NOTES/INFO PAPER DATE PG FP 8-Apr-1992 B10 Resident of Campbell River, widowed, mother of Glenys, Joanne and Valerie, sis/o Elbert and Norris Lowry, no service, Sutton FH, Campbell River FP 13-Jul-1994 B9 No further info FP 11-Feb-1994 B15 Parents not named, brother for Jesse Christine Ward FP 31-Mar-1993 B10 Born in London, England, 3 children named Charles Gillis WARD IND 10-Nov-1994 27 Children, step-children, siblings & step-siblings named Cecil James WARD FP 20-Oct-1993 B9 Husband died in March 1993, 3 children named age 81 Muriel Ware Nelson WARREN FP FP FP FP 4-Aug-1993 5-Jan-1994 25-May-1994 24-Nov-1993 D not given age 56 Bill Wasiliew FP 11-Feb-1994 B15 Connie Eileen D Comox age 43 Jack Watchman FP 22-May-1992 B10 WATERMAN WATERS WATERS Lynn Brendon William Craig Robert Bryan NEUFELD 11-Nov-1992 B11 23-Sep-1992 B11 12-Jan-1994 B7 WATKINS Evelyn Elizabeth M not given B not given D Courtenay, at home D Comox WATKINS Robert Jeffery D Comox WATSON WATSON (boy) Beatrice B not given D Comox WATSON Henry Tolson WATSON WATSON James James "Carrot" D Cumberland, BC D Comox D not given WATSON/PHILLIPS WATT WATTERS WAUGH WEAR Andrew James Alexander Robert Robert Albert Russell Todd B D D D M WEAVER Lori Ann (Mrs.) WEAVER WEBBER Lynne Deanne Michelle Comox Comox not given Victoria, BC Christchurch, New Zealand M Courtenay, Faith Lutheran M Victoria, BC M Courtenay WEBBER Donna Marie M Vancouver, BC WEBBER WEBBER Leslie Robert "Dunc" D not given D ng WEBSTER Alexander B Mayerthorpe, Alberta age 37 Susan WOOD FP FP FP age 84 Jeffrey Watkins IND A5 B7 B9 B9 40th anniversary photo Son of Shawna & Shane Ward, grandparents named, 8 lb 14 oz Bur. Whaletown Cemetery, Cortes Island nee PEARSON, mother of Fern, Heather, Sharon, Charles & Maureen Mother and children named. Service at Labroquierie in St. Joachim Catholic Church Dtr/o Ted and Emily Harrison, mother of Christa and Gregory, other family named, private family service, Piercy FH Very brief info with photo Son of Jason & Carol Waters Son of Patricia Waters, children and other family named Tommy WATSON 26-Jan-1995 20 Born in Minnesota, raised in Medicine Hat, AB, husband died 1965, other family named FP 26-Jan-1994 B7 Formerly of Medicine Hat, son of Jeffery & Evelyn Watkins, brother and son named FP 22-Jun-1994 B8 Son of Tracey and Dean WATSON (or TOWNSEND) IND 29-Sep-1994 31 Res of Cumberland, mother of Grace Witt (dec'd) and Lois Milburn born 1909 Irene Watson FP age 89 Neva Watson IND 22-Sep-1994 23 Born in Kelwood, Manitoba, children and other family named FP 6-Oct-1993 B9 In Memoriam by Mirna, Jim, Danny & families. Another by John, Elaine, Dana & Kendra FP 13-May-1994 B13 Son of Doug Phillips and Megan Watson. 2 lb 13 oz, 8:40 am FP 5-Aug-1994 15 Father of Robert, James, Jo-Anne and Margaret FP 11-Nov-1992 B11 Formerly a Langley farmer, wife res Vancouver FP 11-Aug-1993 B10 Born in Nanaimo, long obituary with history and family names FP 16-Jun-1993 B4 Son of Joseph & Lori Wear not given age 87 age 82 age 77 born 1928 not named Evelyn Watters Doris Waugh Leanne Joy PARTRIDGE Richard Michael GUNTER David SABOURIN Don McRAE Sandro GAMBACORTA Doreen Webber 15-Jun-1994 B8 Born in Cumberland, England, very long obituary FP 29-Jun-1994 B2 Dtr/o Mrs. Ida Burns FP FP 16-Jun-1993 B2 Engagement announced with photo 6-Apr-1994 B13 Dtr/o Ron & Lorraine Webber of Courtenay, engagement announced FP 6-Apr-1994 B13 Dtr/o Ron & Lorraine Webber of Courtenay, engagement announced FP FP 17-Sep-1993 B6 In Memoriam by wife Doreen 31-Mar-1993 B10 Card of Thanks by Esther, David Sherry Rick Stacey & Jamie. See 16 Mar 1994 page B10 In Memoriam 15-Apr-1992 B13 Son of Lori and Bob Webster, nee Hutchison, grandson of Edith and Jack Hoult of Comox FP SURNAME WEBSTER GIVENS Richard PLACE SPOUSE EV AGE/BORN M Puntledge Park Geraldine Ball WEDEL Elizabeth D Courtenay age 83 WEDGE WEIS WELLS Daniel Joseph Keenan Grace Elizabeth D not given B Comox M Courtenay born 1964 WELTON Craig WESLEY Nikolaus SCHNEIDER, William LOSKILL FP Kelly John TOWNSEND Rhonda MOSORONCHON Claudia Margarita Del Socorro Anza Tozar M Black Creek U.M. David Thor Alexander M Colombia, South America WESTFALL Michelle Lee B Comox WHARRAM Susan Alexandria WHEELER Jane M Comox, Filberg Lodge D Comox WHITE WHITE Adrienne Evelyn David Geoffrey WHITE Eric R. B not given D Stories Beach near Campbell River M Victoria, BC WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITWORTH Megan Louise Norman Douglas Rick Carol Ann B D M D WHYTE WHYTE Douglas Bruce Nicolas Aaron Comox not given not given Seattle, Washington D Comox M not given WICKETT WIDDOWS Gregg Mackenzie Michael D B not given WIDNER Blayne Daniel B not given WIEBE Jake born 1931 WIERENGA Ted D Prince George, BC D Victoria WILANDER WILDE Viola Irene "Vi" Gregory Percival D not given D Victoria born 1915 age 29 WILEY Jonathan Christopher D not given age 23 WILKIE Penny Arlene WILLARD Theodore Quinton M Comox, Filberg Park D near Campbell River NOTES/INFO PAPER DATE PG FP 12-Jun-1992 B8 Son of m/m Charles Webster, photo with caption FP 11-Nov-1992 B11 Nee WEDEL, Many family members named FP FP FP 5-Aug-1992 A3 In Memory with photo 16-Jun-1993 B10 Son of Niko & Tracy Weis 4-Aug-1993 B8 Dtr/o Melvyn & Marguerite Wells of Courtenay, photo & writeup FP 19-Aug-1992 B3 Son of Mel & Lillian Welton of East Wenatchee, Washington, other famiy named 1-Apr-1992 B3 Son of Ron and Gertie Wesley, photo and wedding announcement FP FP born 1900 Peter Louis BUSH FP Bill WHEELER IND 8-Dec-1994 23 Born in Pumpherston, Scotland dtr/o Ellen and Samuel CAMERON sisters and brother named was Parksville Citizen of the Year FP FP 25-Aug-1993 B9 Dtr/o Dan and Lisa White, sis to Alec 12-May-1993 A3 Died in traffic accident, son of Sid and Joyce White. See also 21 May page B11 FP 2-Sep-1992 B2 Son of Nancy & Roger White, to res Victoria, wedding party named age 41 Corrie L. GALLAWAY born 1937 born 1953 born 1945 FP 22-Jan-1993 B11 Dtr/o Mike & Carol White, 8 lb 12 oz IND 22-Sep-1994 23 No names mentioned, reception in Campbell River Trina CARPENTER FP 8-Jun-1994 A3 Son of Dan & Miora White, engagement announced with photo Mr. NELSON, FP 19-Mar-1993 B7 Born in Comox, Dau/o Jimmy & Edna WHITWORTH, sis/o Lynn (Jim) Charlie JOHNSTON McNabb of Vancouver Barbara Whyte FP 15-Jun-1994 B8 Born in Collingwood, Ontario, family named, died suddenly Tracey Lynn KALTIO FP 22-Sep-1993 B2 Son of Darlene Parker of Comox and Clarke Whyte of Chamainus. Photo FP 10-Nov-1993 B7 Card of Thanks by Don and Jean Wickett FP 11-Mar-1994 B7 Son of Sharon & Michael Widdows bro/o Morgan, Chelsea, Brittney FP age 73 age 38 5-Aug-1992 B9 Dtr/o Dwayne & Sandy Westfall, gd/o Ruth McLellan & Margaret Wetfall. 6 lb 4 oz 19-Aug-1992 B2 Dtr/o M/M Stephen Wharram of Comox 10-Feb-1993 B11 Son of Chris & Cindy Widner, bro for Tammy, Chris, Mike, Steve & Shann, 8 lb 3 oz 21-Apr-1993 B12 Born Bannerman, Manitoba, 4 dtrs named and other relatives Ann Wiebe FP Jenny Wierenga FP Mr. Wilander single FP FP single FP David Norman ALEXANDER FP 22-Jul-1992 B2 Engagement announcement with photo FP 6-Nov-1992 A7 Res of Tahsis, car accident 22-May-1992 B10 Born in Holland, father of Mitch, Art, John and Shirley, service at Piercy FH 17-Dec-1993 B13 Born in Brandon, Manitoba, mother of Jack, other family named 29-Apr-1992 B12 Formerly of Courtenay, son of Percy and Anne Wilde, bro/o Rob, grandson of Villa Gibbon, service at St. George's in Courtenay, Haywards FH, Victoria 28-Oct-1992 B13 Son of John P. Wiley and Monica Millar, other family named SURNAME WILLETTS GIVENS Walter John WILLIAM(S) Quinton Ray B Comox? WILLIAMS WILLIAMS Candace Elizabeth Cecil John B Comox D Comox age 70 WILLIAMS Cynthia D Comox born 1914 WILLIAMS E. Dennis D not given WILLIAMS Garrett David Lee B WILLIAMS D Golden, BC WILLIAMS Lionel Charles "Willie" Margaret Helen D not given WILLIAMS Margaret Mary D at home WILLIAMS WILLIAMS WILLIAMS WILLIAMS Melissa Louise Robert Donald Stan Stanley Douglas B D D D WILLIAMS Tamara Lynn D Vancouver, BC WILLIS Hilary WILSON Agnes WILSON WILSON Anna Christine Bernice Elizabeth B Godalming, Surrey, England D West Vancouver B D Comox WILSON WILSON WILSON WILSON Delbert Eugene "Willy" Frederick Arthur Helen Herbert Edward "Ted" WILSON James Robert WILSON WINDLEY PLACE EV D Comox not given Comox not given Comox D Comox SPOUSE AGE/BORN age 74 Margaret Willetts age 83 Merle Williams not named Anne Williams NOTES/INFO PAPER DATE PG FP 17-Jan-1992 C1 Born in Bristol, England, father of Ruth, service at St. John Anglican, Piercy FH FP 28-May-1993 B11 Son of George and Melanie William(s), gs/o Joan & Erny Norris, Anne & George Seigler FP 21-Jul-1993 B8 Dtr/o Charlie and Tammy Williams, 9 lb 10 oz FP 9-Mar-1994 B9 To Canada 1930, 2 dtrs & 1 son (dec'd) named, see Card of Thanks 18 Mar p. B9 IND 25-May-1995 19 Born at Puntledge, near Cumberland, children and other family named FP 23-Apr-1993 B11 Res of Metchosin, history given, father of Helen (Tim) Carr, other family named FP 22-May-1992 B10 Son of Gary and Susan Williams, bro/o Trista and Stephanie, grandson of Dave/Shirley Williams, Corky/Shirley Hansen, 7 lb 8 oz Millie Williams FP not given Bernard LEVESQUE FP born 1902 Leonard F.F. SPENCER FP age 82 Cynthia Williams Cynthia Williams FP FP FP FP age 25 Javier Williams FP born 1930 FP age 81 born 1905 age 59 age 29 born 1923 born 1911 Karl Pauline D Black Creek D Comox D not given (Comox?) D Courtenay, at home B Comox D WINGFIELD Donald Frederick D Victoria born 1928 WINNIG Frieda D Comox WINTERBOTTOM WIPER WISEMAN Ken Virgil Sidney Virginia D Comox D Comox B not given age 23 Arthur WILSON FP Mr. Wilson FP FP Teresa Wilson FP Jom Wilson Gladys Mary FARMERE not married 15-Jul-1994 B12 7 children named and 1 sister 8-Apr-1994 B9 Nee WILLIAMSm mother of Elizabeth Marie & Margaret gm/o Pamela Justin Mark Colin & Kelly 29-Sep-1994 31 Dtr/o Charles and Margaret Williams (Williams Beach), born in Cumberland, husband dec'd other family named 11-Jun-1993 B12 Dtr/o Louise & Blake Williams, 7 lb 3 oz, grandparents named 11-May-1994 B10 Born at Comox, son of Blanche and Arthur Williams 8-Jul-1992 B9 Card of Thanks 10-Jun-1992 B9 Born in New Westminster, father of Lois and Douglas, other family named, service at St. George's in Courtenay 7-Aug-1992 B6 Dtr/o Idina Williams, mother of Tia Lynn, other family named 11-Mar-1994 A14 105th birthday, dtr/o Reginald Charles Bruce WILLIS & Adelaide Henrietta WALE wife of Harry WEARNE, married 14 Apr 1920 at New Westminster BC 16-Feb-1994 B13 Nee SUTHERLAND, family named 14-Feb-1992 C4 Dtr/o Cathy and Pete Wilson, sis/o Megan 16-Apr-1993 B9 Born in Amherst, Nova Scotia mother of Shirley (Cliff) Fletcher of Courtenay sis/o Seward MILNER of Amherst and Frances Brown of Tennessee 1-Oct-1993 B6 Children and other family named FP FP FP 29-Jan-1992 1 Body found near BC Hydro right-of-way, resident of Black Creek 25-Mar-1994 B15 3 children named, sis/o Howard LITSTER 17-Sep-1993 B6 Born in Lythan, Lancs. England son of Edith & Thomas Wilson mar. 1942 nephew of Capt. G.R. Bates, other family named FP 20-Oct-1993 B9 Son of Glenda and Paul Wilson, other family named. See Cards of Thanks 10 Nov page B7 IND 5-Jan-1995 14 Son of Doris Wilson, "first baby of 1995" born at 8:29 am FP 28-Oct-1992 B12 In Memoriam by Agnes & George, sis/-in-law Valdene, Ed & family FP born 1902 Jacqueline Dorothy BOYD Fritz Winnig born 1911 born 1921 Mary Winterbottom Dorothy Wiper FP FP FP FP 14-May-1993 B10 Born in Edmonton, Alberta, son of Evelyn Lorena Wingfield, daughters named, history given 20-May-1994 B9 Born in Germany, husband dec'd, family named. See Card of Thanks 25 May page B9 16-Oct-1992 B10 Born in Portland, Oregon, 2 children & other family named 14-Apr-1993 B10 Res of Courtenay, father of Karen and Kerry, other family named 15-Jun-1994 B8 Dtr/o Jenny JACKSON and Danny WISEMAN SURNAME WOOD GIVENS George Edwin PLACE EV D not given WOOD John H.S. D at home WOOD WOOD Norman Mouat Stacy WOOD WOODASON WOODROW Sydney Alexandria Kathleen Brian James Margaret Alice D not given M Comox, CFB Chapel B not given WOODRUFF WOODRUFF SPOUSE AGE/BORN born 1912 Eva Wood born 1929 Frieda Wood born abt 1924 Ann Wood Sheri STANTON NOTES/INFO PAPER DATE PG IND 13-Oct-1994 27 Born in Cumberland, desc/o Corrigal family on Denman Island wife dec'd children and other family named FP 31-Dec-1993 B6 Son of Jerbert & Mary Louise Wood, 3 children and other family named FP 22-Jan-1993 B11 Res of Campbell River, family named, service in Campbell River FP 4-May-1994 B17 Son of M/M William Wood of Bathhurst, NB, engagement announced with photo FP 11-Nov-1992 B11 Dtr/o Ruth and Dave Wood. 10:50 am B Comox D Comox born 1916 Alan WOODROW Edward C. "Ted" Frances D Victoria D Comox age 73 not given WOODS John Herbert D Comox age 74 Joan Woodruff WOODRUFF, Lou LEFEBER single FP WOODS Lillian D Comox not given Thomas WOODS FP WOODS Vicky M Vancouver, BC Ross JAMIESON FP WORK WORTHINGTON Gertrude "Gaye" Alice D Victoria D Cumberland Lloyd Work Tom Worthington FP FP 6-Aug-1993 B6 Born in Winnipegosis, Manitoba, family named 15-Jan-1992 B9 Born in Atherton, England, widowed, mother of Tony, grandmother of Sean and Chris, sis/o Mary, First Memorial Society WORTHINGTON Christopher Mark M Courtenay FP 16-Sep-1992 B2 Son of Tony & Eileen Worthington, engagement announced WOTHE Tara Aiko FP 18-Aug-1993 B10 Dtr of Bill and Aiko Wothe WREN WREST Ivy Vernon M Victoria, Oak Bay U.C. D Courtenay D Comox Candice Louise LUCAS Clayton J. FLACH WRIGHT Emily May D Comox WRIGHT WRIGHTON WROTNOSKI M not given D Comox D Comox age 72 age 95 June WRIGHTON WYLLYCHUCK Helen and Fred Robert James Ladislau Alfred Joseph Nick D Courtenay age 83 Katie Wyllychuck YATES Mildred Lillian D Comox YEOMANS Cass McDade B Comox YEOMANS YEREX YORK YOUDE YOUNG Marian Kaylan Blair George Wesley Leah Philip Lloyd Cyril D B D D D ZALESKI Hazel D ZANINI Miriam D at home not given not given not given Victoria, BC Bella Bella age 68 age 92 born 1905 Dorothy Wrest born 1918 Henry VANDERHEIDE bor 1912 born 1919 age 76 age 71 age 29 Walter YEOMANS Joan York Victor YOUDE Kari Lind-Young Joe Zaleski born 1913 John Zanini FP FP FP FP 21-Oct-1992 B15 Son of Lorill and Ian Woodason. 8 lb 1 oz 16-Oct-1992 B10 Dtr/o Chris & Anne Carwithen of Cumberland, pioneers, 6 children named 19-Nov-1993 C1 5th generation in Comox Valley, children and other family named 6-Apr-1994 B9 Nee HARRISON, children and other family named 22-Apr-1992 B10 Born in Lancashire, England, son of William and Amelia, friend of Audrey Dobree, bro/o William and Ben Woods and Gladys Colling, service at Piercy FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery 23-Feb-1994 B13 Mother of Robert, Calvin & Gloria, sis/o Rose Phye, husband died 1954. See 25 Mar page B15 Card of Thanks 14-Jul-1993 B4 Dtr/o Vic Woods and Judy Plewis, photo FP 26-Nov-1993 C7 Resident of Glacier View Lodge, memorial service held 17 Nov IND 8-Dec-1994 22 Res of Courtenay, wife died 1979, father of Lynn, sister and brothers named IND 20-Oct-1994 35 Born in Viking, Alberta, sis/o Gordon & George WRIGHT, Betty Christensen, no children FP 24-Jun-1994 B3 50th wedding anniversary FP 24-Mar-1993 B8 Father of Bob of Courtenay FP 1-Jun-1994 B9 Known as Fred, bur. Port Alberni FP 12-Feb-1992 B9 Resident of Courtenay, widowed 1977, father of Don, Marjorie and Patricia. FP 26-May-1993 B12 Born Whiteby, Washington, USA. Resident of Glacier View Lodge, memorial service held, see 26 Nov 1993 page C7 FP 5-Jan-1994 A3 Son of Bruce Yeomans & Shelley McDade, photo of First Baby of 1994 FP 8-Oct-1993 B11 Born in Saint John, New Brunswick, mother of Pam Wonnacott FP 20-May-1994 B9 Dtr/o Darita & Keith Yerex. 7 lb 11 oz IND 6-Oct-1994 27 Wife died 1981, children and other family named FP 15-Jun-1994 B8 Husband died Jan 1994, family named FP 6-May-1992 1 Killed when rescue helicopter crashed, member of 442 Squadron at CFB Comox FP 9-Dec-1992 B11 In Memoriam by Janice, Dan, Lisa, Stephen, Dennis. See also 8 Dec 1993 page B8 FP 25-Sep-1992 B10 Nee GIBBON, service at Elim Chapel, no further info SURNAME ZAPP GIVENS Anton "Tony" PLACE EV D not given ZARAN Aed D Comox SPOUSE AGE/BORN Shirley Zapp age 67 born 1908 Barbara Zaran NOTES/INFO PAPER DATE PG FP 30-Dec-1992 B10 Numerous family named. See Thank You from Shirley 20 Jan 1993 page A19. See 22 Dec 1993, page B10, In Memoriam FP 8-Jul-1994 B8 Children, step-children and other family named
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