Surname ABBOT Given Ev en Date of Event t Place D 1-Mar-1959 Oyster Bay ABERNETHY ADAM Arthur James (girl) Bruce B M 8-Oct-1957 Comox 6-Jun-1959 Parksville ADAMS ADAMS (boy) (boy) B B ADAMS M ADAMSCHEK ADAMSCHEK Margaret Lillian (girl) Herbert 11-Dec-1956 Comox, BC 25-Dec-1958 Campbell River, BC 27-Aug-1956 Campbell River 3-Apr-1956 Comox 7-Dec-1958 Courtenay, St. George's ADAMSCHEK Marie D ADAMSON Sharon M ADYE Arthur Oscar (boy) (girl) William James M AIGNER Michael D AIKEN (girl) B AIKMAN (boy) B AITKEN (girl) B AITKEN (girl) B AITKEN Annie D AITKEN John (Mr. and Mrs.) M AGER AGER AGER B M B B M age/dob age 65 Spouse Mrs. Abbot Louise MOSSEY Kenneth Neil McDONALD Rosalie Ann MORSON Pape Date Issued r ARG ARG ARG 19-Dec-1956 31-Dec-1958 ARG 5-Sep-1956 10 d/o M/M G.G. Adams, sis/o Mrs. Bruce Webster. See 22 Aug page 2 shower "Willow Point news" 4-Apr-1956 6 d/o M/M Ernest Adamschek of Merville 10-Dec-1958 B6 s/o M/M Max Adamschek of Merville ARG ARG 12-Apr-1956 Cumberland age 56 22-Dec-1957 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 22-Mar-1957 Campbell River 19-May-1958 Cumberland Hospital 2-Jun-1959 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 27-Mar-1958 Cumberland Mar 1861 Hospital 10-Aug-1908 Stirling, Scotland 8 M/M Fred Kidd of Nanaimo 9-Oct-1957 4 d/o M/M Ronald Abernethy of Cumberland 10-Jun-1959 10 Cumberland news Rudolf ARG ADAMSCHEK Len JOHNSON ARG Marilyn Georgina DEFTY Info/Kin ARG ARG 26-Jun-1958 Merville, at age 77 home bef 8 Feb not given 1956 9-Aug-1958 Shawnigan U.C. 14-Dec-1956 Victoria, BC 28-Dec-1958 Comox, BC 7-Apr-1956 Esquimalt U.C. Carol Anne BROOKS 4-Mar-1959 Pg 9-Jul-1958 7 s/o M/M Douglas Adams of Campbell River 5 s/o M/M Earl "Buddy" Adams 8 To Merville 1928, family named 8-Feb-1956 10 Shower for Union Bay bride, d/o M/M Tom Adamson ARG 27-Aug-1958 B4 s/o M/M R.S. Adye of Comox ARG ARG ARG 26-Dec-1956 31-Dec-1958 11-Apr-1956 ARG ARG 18-Apr-1956 10 Born in Extension BC, to Cumberland 1952, miner, siblings named, bur. Cedar Valley Mem. Gardens 8-Jan-1958 7 d/o M/M David Aiken, RCAF ARG 27-Mar-1957 2 s/o M/M Lawrence Aikman, Campbell River ARG 21-May-1958 6 d/o M/M R. Aitken, nee Mary Jones ARG 10-Jun-1959 10 d/o M/M Daniel Aitken, RCAF Andrew Aitken ARG 2-Apr-1958 ARG 13-Aug-1958 6 s/o M/M James W. Ager, nee Marilyn DEFTY 4 d/o M/M William J. Ager of Campbell River 7 s/o M/M T.R. Ager of Trascona, Manitoba 4 Born Co. Derry, Ireland. Mr. Aitken died 1927. Married Mr. Paterson in NJ 1 50th anniversary. Mr. Aitken had 1st telegraph & express office in Courtenay Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t Place AITKEN Robert Campbell D AITKEN Ronald James M AITKEN ALDERMAN ALEXANDER ALEXANDER Sharon Lee (girl) (boy) (boy) C hr B B B ALEXANDER (girl) B ALEXANDER Samuel Robert M 13-Oct-1956 Courtenay, St. George's ALLEN (girl) B ALLEN (girl) B 1-Apr-1956 Campbell River 7-Jun-1958 St. Joseph's, Comox ALLEN Frank John D [John Franklin] ALLEN Gloria Grace Kenneth Robert Melodie ALLEN ALLEN M M D ALLEN Robert D Harold Lee ALLYN Norah ALSPAUGH Marlene J. M AMSTUTZ twin boys M B age/dob 2-Dec-1956 Cumberland age 50 17-Aug-1957 Courtenay, Can. Martyrs Spouse Helen Hunter CAMERON ARG 19-Sep-1957 Comox 3-Oct-1957 Comox 8-Jun-1959 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 7-Jun-1958 St. Joseph's, Comox Pg Info/Kin 5-Dec-1956 10 Children and relatives named. See ARG 27 Nov 1957 page 5 re Memoriam by wife Nellie, children Roberta, Ron, Mary 21-Aug-1957 5 s/o Mrs/late Robert Aitken of Cumberland 8-Oct-1958 6 Baptism, d/o Daniel Aitken ARG ARG ARG 25-Sep-1957 4 d/o M/M Philip Alderman, RCAF Comox 9-Oct-1957 4 s/o M/M Samuel Alexander of Courtenay 10-Jun-1959 10 s/o M/M Samuel Alexander of Courtenay ARG 11-Jun-1958 4 d/o M/M Sidney Alexander ARG 17-Oct-1956 3 s/o M/M F.A. Alexander of Sioux Lookout, Ontario ARG 4-Apr-1956 ARG 11-Jun-1958 4 d/o M/M Leonard Allen ARG 26-Nov-1958 8 Born Botsford County, New Brunswick, relatives named, bur. Campbell River Bruno Eugene ARG SARTOR Flora Isabel ARG MacDONALD ARG 5-Sep-1956 Myrna Hilda HARRISON 19-Nov-1958 Willow Point age 68 4-Mar-1957 Campbell age 11 River months 24-Oct-1948 Cougar infant Creek (Fanny Bay) 15-Nov-1958 Victoria, St. Mary's 16-Jun-1956 Coos Bay, California 13-Feb-1957 Campbell River ARG Mary Elizabeth ARG JONES 1-Oct-1958 RCAF base? 9 months 1-Sep-1956 Campbell River 4-Jul-1959 not given Pape Date Issued r David MacADAM Thomas S. TYMCHUK 17-Jun-1959 6 d/o M/M Robert Allen of Campbell River 3 Foster d/o Mrs. M. Beaton of Courtenay 5 Engagement announced. Marriage not confirmed 13-Mar-1957 16 d/o M/M Robert Allen of Campbell River ARG 22-Oct-1958 B2 10 years ago ARG 26-Nov-1958 9 Res of Comox ARG 18-Jul-1956 2 Of Port Orford ARG 20-Feb-1957 5 sons of M/M Peter Amstutz Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t ANAKA ANDERS (boy) Frank C. B M ANDERSON (boy) B ANDERSON ANDERSON (boy) (boy) B B ANDERSON (girl) B ANDERSON ANDERSON (girl) (Mrs. C. H.) Darrell ANDERSON Place age/dob 21-Jul-1956 Comox 6-Nov-1958 Vancouver, BC 16-Feb-1956 Campbell River 6-Jul-1956 Comox 14-Apr-1958 St. Joseph's, Comox 22-Jan-1958 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox B 20-Aug-1958 SJH B 15 Feb 1881 not given B Spouse Mrs. Hartley LLOYD [Noel] 5 s/o M/M Harry Anaka of Courtenay 9 No further info ARG 29-Feb-1956 7 s/o M/M Ralph Anderson of Campbell River ARG ARG 11-Jul-1956 16-Apr-1958 2 s/o M/M John Anderson of Comox 7 s/o M/M Lewis Anderson of Comox ARG 29-Jan-1958 4 d/o M/M Wesley Anderson, RCAF ANDERSON ANDERSON Edward M Eric C Gordon hr Sutherland ANDERSON Gladys June John William M bef 8 Oct 1958 Vancouver, BC M 16-Aug-1958 Mill Bay United Edward Paul ARG CARLSON Thelma ARG Frances SCOTT-WADE ANDERSON Mildred M Jack D. ARG GEORGIANNI ANDERSON M ANDERSON ANDERSON Ronald George (LAC) Shirley Sigfred ANDERSON Sigfried M ANDERSSEN Herdis (twin) B ANDERSON M M 1-Aug-1958 Sandwick, St. Andrew's 27-Jul-1957 Can. Martyrs, Courtenay 5-May-1956 Vancouver 13-Sep-1958 North Vancouver 13-Sep-1958 North Vancouver, Mt Olive Lutheran 25-Jul-1956 Comox Rita Benice STOWE Info/Kin 25-Jul-1956 26-Nov-1958 ARG Janet MILLER Pg ARG ARG ARG C. H. Anderson ARG 27-Jan-1950 not given 5-Mar-1913 Cumberland 11-May-1958 Comox, St. infant Peter's Pape Date Issued r ARG ARG ARG not named ARG Helen LARKIN ARG Helen LARKIN ARG ARG 3-Sep-1958 10 d/o M/M George Anderson of Courtenay 25-Feb-1959 9 78th birthday, in Comox news 1-Feb-1956 3 6th birthday, nephew of Mrs. A. Cullen, guests named 13-Mar-1959 10 46th anniversary, in Union Bay news 21-May-1958 10 s/o Dr/Mrs. L.S. Anderson 8-Oct-1958 20-Aug-1958 3 d/o M/M Norman L. Anderson, res of Chase, BC. See also 19 Nov p. 6 Open House 3 s/o Carl & late Mrs. Anderson of Courtenay 13-Aug-1958 2 d/o M/M Thomas L. Anderson of Merville 31-Jul-1957 13 s/o M/M G.N. Anderson of Montreal 9-May-1956 27-Aug-1958 5 Niece of M/M H.G. Ransom, in Courtenay news 4 s/o Mr. Anders Anderson of N. Vancouver, engagement notice 22-Oct-1958 B3 s/o Mr. S. Anderson of North Vancouver 1-Aug-1956 2 twin d/o M/M Peter Anderssen of Courtenay. Also on page 3 Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t Place age/dob Spouse Pape Date Issued r Pg Info/Kin ANDERSSEN Lene (twin) B 25-Jul-1956 Comox ARG 1-Aug-1956 ANDERTON ANDERTON (boy) (boy) ARG ARG 10-Jul-1957 16-Jul-1958 ANDERTON Hugh John M 9-Jul-1957 Comox 14-Jul-1958 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 2-Jul-1956 Victoria, St. Andrew's 2 twin d/o M/M Peter Anderssen of Courtenay. See also page 3 6 s/o M/M Hugh Anderton of Comox 2 s/o M/M Hugh Anderton 4-Jul-1956 3 s/o Mrs. J. Anderton of Comox & late Joseph Anderton ANDERTON P. Leo M ANDREWS ANDREWS (boy) (boy) B B Jessica ARG Frances LAHMER Rosebud Mary ARG WHELAN ARG ARG ANDREWS (girl) B ANFIELD (boy) B ANFIELD (girl) ANFIELD Lawrence ANGELL (girl) B bef 29 Oct Vancouver, 1958 BC M 1-Apr-1959 Comox, St. Peter's B 22-Jun-1958 St. Joseph's, Comox ANGELL M ANHELEGAR ANSARA ANSHELM ANSHELM Frederick Wayne (LAC) (girl) (girl) (boy) (boy) ANSHELM Avis B ANSHELM Emily B ANTAYA APPLETON (girl) (girl) B B B B B B B B 21-Apr-1909 Comox 17-Jan-1956 Comox 25-May-1959 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 17-Mar-1957 Campbell River 4-May-1959 St. Joseph's, Comox 4-Feb-1958 Comox, RCAF Chapel 17-Jul-1956 Comox 20-Jul-1956 Comox 22-May-1956 Comox, BC 9-Feb-1959 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox abt 15 Apr not given 1952 abt 15 Apr not given 1954 20-Dec-1958 Comox, BC 22-Mar-1956 Comox Rosalie June TOBACCO Mary Ellen TURNER (LAW) 22-Apr-1959 1 50th anniversary. See also page 3, Rotary Anns column, and 29 Apr p. 10 & 11 18-Jan-1956 11 s/o M/M Nicholas Andrews of Cumberland 27-May-1959 6 s/o M/M Frank Andrews, RCAF ARG 20-Mar-1957 5 d/o M/M Harry Andrews, Campbell River ARG 6-May-1959 6 s/o M/M Lawrence Anfield of Comox ARG 29-Oct-1958 5 d/o M/M Stan Anfield Jr. of Vancouver ARG 8-Apr-1959 5 s/o M/M Stanley Anfield of Comox ARG 25-Jun-1958 4 d/o M/M Frederick Angell, Comox ARG 12-Feb-1958 4 No further info ARG ARG ARG ARG 25-Jul-1956 25-Jul-1956 23-May-1956 11-Feb-1959 5 5 2 4 ARG 22-Apr-1959 9 7th birthday, d/o M/M C. Anshelm, in Merville news ARG 22-Apr-1959 9 d/o M/M C. Anshelm, 5th birthday, in Merville news ARG ARG 24-Dec-1958 28-Mar-1956 6 d/o M/M Elair Antaya, RCAF 3 d/o M/M Donald Appleton, RCAF, Courtenay d/o M/M Edmond Anhelgar, RCAF Comox d/o M/M Chas. Ansara of Courtenay s/o M/M Clifford Anshelm of Merville s/o M/M Clifford Anshelm of Merville Surname APPS Given Ev en Date of Event t Place age/dob Spouse Pape Date Issued r Pg Info/Kin C 21-Dec-1958 Holy Trinity, 14 months hr Cumberland B abt Dec 1937 not given ARG 7-Jan-1959 7 d/o M/M Ted Apps, other family named APPS Brenda Joyce Donald ARG 7-Jan-1959 7 21st birthday, s/o M/M George E. Apps, twin of Doreen APPS Doreen B abt Dec 1937 ARG 7-Jan-1959 7 21st birthday, d/o M/M George E. Apps, twin of Donald ARBEIDER M ARG 19-Jun-1957 3 s/o M/M G. Arbeider of Oliver, BC ARG ARG 4-Apr-1956 29-May-1957 6 s/o M/M Damas Arcand of Courtenay 5 s/o Constable/Mrs. George Archer of Vancouver ARCHIBALD Gerhard Dolfin (boy) Leonard Trevis (girl) ARG 8-Jan-1958 ARMSTRONG ARMSTRONG (boy) (girl) ARG ARG 3-Dec-1959 20-Mar-1957 4 s/o M/M Wm. Armstrong, RCAF 5 d/o M/M John W. Armstrong, Heriot Bay ARMSTRONG ARMSTRONG (girl) Linda ARG ARG 11-Sep-1957 4-Jan-1956 5 d/o M/M Jack Armstrong of Courtenay 8 9th birthday, d/o Mrs. P. Armstrong, Quadra Island news ARMSTRONG B ARG 18-Mar-1959 6 s/o M/M William Armstrong, Cumberland ARNASON Thomas William Albert ARG 20-Nov-1957 2 Drowned, children named ARNASON Margaret B ARG 29-Apr-1959 10 13th birthday, d/o Mrs. A. Arnason, in Willow Point news ARNEIL ARNETT ARNGRIMSON ARNOLD (girl) (girl) Sigbjorn (girl) B B D B ARNOLD Charles M 17-Aug-1957 Courtenay ARNOLD Mrs. Tommy Robert James D (girl) William B M 8-Apr-1959 Edmonton, Alberta 27-Sep-1958 Courtenay, Four Square Gospel 16-Sep-1957 Comox 28-May-1957 Vancouver ARCAND ARCHER ARNOTT ARROWSMITH ARTHUR not given 15-Jun-1957 Courtenay B 27-Mar-1956 Comox M bef 29 May Duncan 1957 B 5-Jan-1958 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox B 30-Nov-1958 Comox B 16-Mar-1957 Campbell River B 8-Sep-1957 Comox B 29-Dec-1946 Not given D M 9-Mar-1959 Cumberland G.H. 14-Nov-1957 Campbell age 44 River abt 21 Apr not given 1946 13-Feb-1956 Comox 17-May-1957 Comox 13-Apr-1959 Vancouver age 72 2-Jun-1958 Hope Phyllis Marie WENSINK Ruth Lillian CAIRNS Mrs. Arnason ARG ARG ARG ARG Nellie ARG ODEBUST Tommy Arnold ARG Hildegarde SAUDER Joyce Ann HOGARTH 7 d/o M/M J. Bruce Archibald, RCAF 22-Feb-1956 7 22-May-1957 7 22-Apr-1959 3 18-Jun-1958 7B d/o M/M Clayton Arneil of Little River d/o M/M Robert Arnett of Courtenay Uncle of Mrs. A. Arnason, in Willow Point news d/o m/m C. Arnold, nee Nellie Odebust (Merville News) 21-Aug-1957 13 s/o M/M Arnold of Lytton 15-Apr-1959 12 Niece of Mrs. O.J. Dahl ARG 1-Oct-1958 ARG ARG 18-Sep-1957 15-May-1956 3 s/o M/M Norman Arnott of Alberni 5 d/o M/M Wallace Arrowsmith of Campbell River 6 Engagement announced, marriage not found. Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t Place ASHTON (boy) B ASSU (boy) B ASSU Jean Elizabeth M ATKINS (boy) B ATKINS M M 1-Jul-1957 Cumberland ATTFIELD Michael Donald James Howard (boy) 17-Jan-1959 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 12-Apr-1957 Campbell River 9-May-1958 Cape Mudge, Walker Church 5-Sep-1956 Campbell River 20-Apr-1957 Vancouver ATTFIELD (girl) AUCHINVOLE William AUCHTERLONIE M AUCHTERLONIE AULT Frances Ann Nonie (boy) AULT Brian M AUTERSON BAAK (girl) Andy Karl B M BABCOCK (boy) B BABCOCK BABCOCK BAGGALEY BAIKIE (girl) (girl) (girl) William Edward B B B M BAILEY (boy) B ATKINSON 3-Mar-1956 Campbell River B bef 25 Jan Campbell 1956 River M 19-Apr-1958 Union Bay age/dob Spouse Anthony NEWTON Elinor Anne JOHNSON Betty Joan GRAY M B 5-Aug-1958 Waikiki, Hawaii aft 8 Oct 1958 not given 17-Mar-1958 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 6-Apr-1957 Sydney, Australia 24-Jun-1957 Comox 16-May-1959 Courtenay, St. George's Pg Info/Kin ARG 21-Jan-1959 6 s/o M/M Gary Ashton, RCAF ARG 17-Apr-1957 4 s/o M/M Herbert Assu of Quathiaski Cove ARG 14-May-1958 ARG 12-Sep-1956 12 s/o M/M Milner Atkins of Campbell River 3 d/o M/M Harry Assu of Cape Mudge ARG 8-May-1957 7 s/o M/M E.W. Atkins of Victoria ARG 10-Jul-1957 2 s/o M/M T. G. Atkinson of Armstrong ARG 14-Mar-1956 7 s/o M/M Alfred Attfield of Campbell River ARG 25-Jan-1956 2 d/o M/M Kenneth Attfield, Campbell River Thelma UNKNOWN Jim GIBSON ARG 23-Apr-1958 4 No further info ARG 3-Sep-1958 not given ARG ARG 8-Oct-1958 19-Mar-1958 B age 54 Pape Date Issued r Jane PARRISH ARG 9 d/o M/M Wilburt Auchterlonie of Cumberland 4 Shower held, no wedding found in paper 4 s/o M/M Bryn Ault, nee Jane Parrish 5-Jun-1957 17 Photo and short writeup ARG Janny Christine ARG DUYNDAM 26-Jun-1957 20-May-1959 5 d/o M/M Leo Auterson, nee Toni Savoie, Comox 2 s/o M/M J. Baak of New Westminster 17-Jun-1958 St. Joseph's, Comox ARG 18-Jun-1958 2 s/o M/M Hunter Babcock, Courtenay 19-Jan-1956 10-May-1957 2-Jan-1956 15-Sep-1956 ARG ARG ARG ARG 25-Jan-1956 2 d/o M/M Hunter Babcock of Courtenay 15-May-1957 3 d/o M/M Hunter Babcock of Courtenay 4-Jan-1956 11 d/o M/M Keith Baggaley, RCAF 19-Sep-1956 5 s/o M/M Harper Baikie of Campbell River, wedding writeup. See 29 Aug p. 6 Engagement Comox Comox Comox, BC Comox, St. Peter's 4-Jul-1956 Comox Sandra Heather McQUILLAN ARG 4-Jul-1956 6 s/o M/M Stephen Bailey, RCAF Comox Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t BAILEY (girl) B BAILEY Edna M BAILEY Laura Margaret M BAILLIE BAILLIE (girl) (girl) B B BAILY (boy) B BAIN BAIN BAIN BAIRD (girl) Katharyn Mark Donna Lynn (boy) (boy) (boy) (boy) B B B M B D BAKER (girl) Arthur Irwin Colleen BAKER Joy M BALAGNO Mary BALDASSI BALDWIN BAKAWAY BAKER BAKER BAKER BAKER BAKER B B B B Place age/dob 25-May-1959 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 24-May-1958 Courtenay, St. George's 12-Jul-1957 Courtenay 21-May-1956 Comox, BC 2-Mar-1958 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 9-Dec-1956 Cumberland, BC 10-Jul-1957 Comox 3-Sep-1955 not given 23-Jan-1954 not known 13-Apr-1956 Courtenay, St. John's 2-Oct-1957 Comox 2-Feb-1957 Comox 11-Sep-1958 Comox 20-May-1959 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 16-Mar-1958 Ladysmith 3-Oct-1958 Courtenay, age 76 BC abt 9 Jan 1952 not given Spouse Pape Date Issued r Pg Info/Kin ARG 27-May-1959 Norman Victor ARG NUNN 4-Jun-1958 LeRoy Eldwood ROOPE 17-Jul-1957 11 d/o M/M G.E. Bailey of Courtenay. Engagement 19 Jun page 6 ARG 6 d/o M/M Stephen Bailey, RCAF 8 d/o M/M Geo. Bailey of Courtenay ARG ARG 23-May-1956 5-Mar-1958 2 d/o M/M William Baillie, RCAF 2 d/o M/M Raymond Baillie, RCAF ARG 12-Dec-1956 7 Son of M/M Eugene Baily of Campbell River ARG ARG ARG Joseph Robert ARG McINTOSH ARG ARG ARG ARG 17-Jul-1957 12 d/o M/M Ronald Bain of Comox 10-Sep-1958 5 d/o M/M E. Bain, 3rd birthday 30-Jan-1957 14 3rd birthday party, Merville 18-Apr-1956 7 d/o Mrs. Flossie Baird. wedding writeup. See 21 Mar p. 6 Engagement and 28 Mar p. 11 Showers 9-Oct-1957 4 s/o M/M Leo Bakaway of Courtenay 6-Feb-1957 7 s/o M/M Norman Baker of Point Holmes 17-Sep-1958 6 s/o M/M N. Baker of Comox 20-May-1959 6 s/o M/M John Baker, Bowser ARG ARG 26-Mar-1958 B5 d/o M/M Hugh Baker, formerly of willow Point 8-Oct-1958 1 Funeral at Piercy's ARG 18-Jan-1956 28-Jul-1956 not given James Leonard ARG McCORMICK, RCAF 1-Aug-1956 M 19-Oct-1907 Cumberland Victor FRELONE (boy) B Edwin George D 27-Aug-1958 Nanaimo General Hospital 18-Jul-1956 Nanaimo, BC 2-Oct-1957 11 50th anniversary, res of Cumberland. See also 16 Oct page B3 3-Sep-1958 12 s/o M/M Bruno Baldassi of Nanaimo, ggs/o Mrs. Marie Cartwright of Cumberland B ARG ARG age 79 Emily BALDWIN ARG 25-Jul-1956 2 4th birthday, d/o Mrs. Fred Baker, Willow Point news 6 d/o Joel and Helen Margaret Hughes Baker of Courtenay 8 Born Herefordshire, England, family named Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t Place BALLANTYNE Peter BALMER Connie (Mrs.) BANDHAUER BANKS BANKS BANKS Richard Hayes (girl) (girl) (Mrs. T.) BANKS Carol Rose M BANKS M 31-Mar-1956 Victoria M 15-Feb-1958 Cumberland BANNERMAN Harold Irvin Robert Clive (girl) B BANSENER (girl) B BARAGER (boy) B BARBER William Francis M BARKER BARKER (girl) James Albert Ann Catherine George Vernon B M (girl) Alice BANKS BARLOW BARLOW BARR BARR age/dob B abt 25 Feb not given 1938 M 11-Aug-1956 Victoria, St. Aidan's Ang. D B B B 10-Oct-1958 Castlegar, BC 28-Feb-1958 Comox 21-Aug-1958 SJH abt 10 Feb not given 1871 29-Nov-1958 Courtenay Spouse Pape Date Issued r Info/Kin ARG 25-Feb-1959 2 21st birthday, party at Scouts Donald Charles ARG SMITH 22-Aug-1956 5 Sis-in-law of Mr. J. Butcher. See 25 Jul p. 8 & 8 Aug p. 6 Showers ARG 15-Oct-1958 5 Formerly of Comox/Courtenay ARG ARG ARG 6-Mar-1957 5 d/o M/M Harold Banks of Courtenay 3-Sep-1958 10 d/o M/M Robert Banks of Royston 18-Feb-1959 2 88th birthday party, in Cumberland news age 81 Ronald Alaric LEESON ARG 3-Dec-1958 Sheila Lois WILKINSON Laurel Anne MARTIN ARG 22-Feb-1956 ARG 26-Feb-1958 6 s/o M/M H. Banks of Cumberland, engagement announced 7 At home of C. Tobacco 18-May-1958 St. Joseph's, Comox ARG 21-May-1958 6 d/o M/M W. Bannerman of Courtenay 6-May-1959 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 31-May-1959 Victoria, Jubilee Hospital 17-Dec-1955 Courtenay, Can. Martyrs ARG 13-May-1959 6 d/o M/M Fred Bansener of Courtenay ARG 3-Jun-1959 ARG 11-Jan-1956 ARG ARG 31-Jul-1957 5 d/o M/M James Barker of Courtenay 26-Sep-1956 13 s/o M/M Barker of Bruce, Alberta Myrna Helen DEWAR 27-Jul-1957 Comox 22-Sep-1956 Courtenay, Foursquare 20-Jan-1959 Toronto G.H. Agnes May STOTTS ARG 4-Feb-1959 M 26-Apr-1958 Toronto, St. Paul's Joan Winnifred ARG THOMSON 14-May-1958 b D 14-Nov-1956 Comox, BC 19-Jun-1959 St. Joseph's age 73 Hospital, Comox ARG Andrew BARR ARG 14-Nov-1956 24-Jun-1959 B Pg 2 d/o M/M Clive Banks of Cumberland gd/o J.C. Thomas of New Westminster. Showers 29 Oct p. 5 & 5 Nov p. 5 4 s/o Cst./Mrs. C.A. Barager, nee Valerie Cliffe, Colwood 8 s/o M/M R. Barber of Halifax 4 d/o M/M G.V. Barlow, nee Joan Thomson 4 s/o M/M R. Barlow of San Jose California. See also 19 Mar p. 5 Engagement and p. 6 Shower, 23 Apr p. 4 Courtenay news 5 d/o M/M Mervil Barr, RCAF, Courtenay 5 Born in Liverpool, Eng, to Canada 1908, family named. See also p. 5 Card of thanks Surname Given BARRANYAL (girl) BARRIE Don M. BARRIE BARTOLDI BARTON BASSON BATES BATES Ev en Date of Event t B Place Info/Kin 4 d/o M/M Stevan Barranyal D bef 19 Nov Red Deer, 1958 Alberta Joan M 31-Aug-1956 Vancouver, Marlene BC Margherita B abt 28 Nov not given 1884 S. E. M abt 9 May Cumberland, 1936 BC (boy) B 31-Aug-1958 SJH (boy) B 13-Nov-1956 Cumberland, BC (girl) B 9-Jun-1958 St. Joseph's, Comox ARG 19-Nov-1958 1 Formerly of Courtenay, s/o RCMP Const. Lyall Barrie Arthur Edward ARG THOMPSON ARG 5-Sep-1956 5 d/o M/M Lyall Barrie. See 8 Aug p. 6 Engagement 3-Dec-1958 4 74th birthday, guests named Ada SLADE 9-May-1956 4 "20 Years Ago" quiet wedding George Herbert John Hamilton Leishman (Mr.) B George David Robert Arthur D M 6-Jun-1959 Courtenay, St. George's BEARDSWORTH (girl) B BEATH BEATTIE BEAULIEU (boy) Kim (girl) B B B BECK BECK (boy) (boy) B B 7-Feb-1956 Campbell River 1-Apr-1956 Comox 5-Feb-1954 not known 10-Sep-1956 Campbell River 1-Dec-1956 Comox, BC 21-Sep-1958 Cumberland, BC BEAL Pg 11-Jun-1958 BATES BEADNELL Pape Date Issued r ARG Elizabeth I. D BAYLY Spouse 4-Jun-1958 St. Joseph's, Comox BATES BATES age/dob D ARG ARG 3-Sep-1958 12 s/o M/M Robert Basson of Comox 14-Nov-1956 5 s/o M/M Andrew Bates of Cumberland ARG 11-Jun-1958 Thomas Bates ARG 2-May-1956 ARG 8-Feb-1956 Victoria BONO ARG 2-Apr-1958 ? ARG 11-Jul-1956 age 88 ARG 28-Apr-1956 Cumberland age 66 2-Feb-1956 Comox 24-Mar-1958 Cumberland age 56 D bef 11 Jul 1956 ? 25-Nov-1958 Comox, BC ARG Eileen Kathleen WRIGHT ARG 4 d/o M/M George Bates 3 Born in Wellington, to district 1921, 6 sons & 3 dtrs named, see floral tributes same page 3 s/o M/M George Bates Jr. RR2 Courtenay. See 2 May 1956 p. 8 re chritening & ancestral history 4 No further info 6 Card of Thanks signed Stella Bayly & sons (possibly Herbert BAYLEY who died at Esquimalt 24 Jun 1956 age 74) 3-Dec-1958 B1 well-known pioneer, bur. Fillongley Park on Denman Island. See also 26 Nov 1958 p. 4 col. 2 10-Jun-1959 7 s/o Mrs. Lillian Beal of Bellevue, Alberta. See 20 May p. 7 engagement, and p. 10 shower ARG 22-Feb-1956 7 d/o M/M Wm. Beardsworth of Campbell River ARG ARG ARG 4-Apr-1956 6 s/o M/M McDonald Beath, RCAF, Royston 13-Feb-1957 13 3rd birthday, d/o M/M J. L. Beattie, Kye Bay 3-Oct-1956 13 d/o M/M Benjamin Beaulieu of Manson's Landing ARG ARG 12-Dec-1956 24-Sep-1958 7 Son of M/M Gordon Beck of Sayward 4 s/o M/M Harold Beck Ev en Date of Event t Surname Given BECKENSELL Margaret Esther BECKENSELL BECKER BECKER Tom D (boy) B Alvin Jack M BECKMORE BEDFORD B M BEDUZ (boy) Bernard Maxfield (girl) BEDUZ Annie B BEDWELL BEECH Barbara (boy) B B BEECH (girl) B BEECH BEECROFT Norman (boy) B B BEECROFT BEGGS (girl) (boy) B B BEGON (boy) B BEIRNES (boy) BELEC BELL BELL BELL BELL BELL BELL BELL BELL D Place age 58 Spouse Pape Date Issued r Pg Info/Kin A. T. ARG BECKENSELL 28-Mar-1956 5 Nee HORNAL, native of Cumberland, md at Sandwick 1915, family named not known ARG ARG ARG 18-Mar-1959 2-Jan-1957 2-May-1956 4 "20 Years Ago" 7 s/o M/M Jack Becker, RCAF 3 s/o M/M Becker of Eatonia, Sask. ARG ARG 24-Dec-1958 20-May-1959 6 s/o M/M Douglas Beckmore, RCAF 7 Engagement announced. Marriage not confirmed ARG 5-Nov-1958 ARG 17-Jun-1959 8 4th birthday, sis/o Lucy, Mark, Barbara; guests named 19-Feb-1941 not given 11-Nov-1956 Campbell River, BC 3-Sep-1957 Campbell River 6-Oct-1958 Comox 11-Jun-1958 St. Joseph's, Comox ARG ARG 29-Feb-1956 14-Nov-1956 9 15th birthday, d/o Sgt/Mrs. Bedwell 5 s/o M/M Leslie Beech of Quathiaski Cove ARG 11-Sep-1957 5 d/o M/M Stanley Beech of Quathiaski Cove ARG ARG 8-Oct-1958 18-Jun-1958 8 s/o M/M Thomas Beech, Courtenay 2 s/o M/M Robert Beecroft, Cumberland ARG ARG 15-May-1957 16-Jan-1957 3 d/o M.M Wayne Beecroft of Cumberland 5 s/o M/M Robert Beggs of Campbell River ARG 24-Apr-1957 B 9-May-1957 Comox 4-Jan-1957 Campbell River 17-Apr-1957 Campbell River 21-Dec-1956 Comox ARG 2-Jan-1957 (girl) (boy) (boy) (boy) (boy) (boy) (girl) (girl) B B B B B B B B 21-Jun-1957 15-Feb-1956 30-Jun-1956 17-Dec-1956 15-Feb-1957 23-Oct-1957 20-Aug-1956 9-Apr-1957 ARG ARG ARG ARG ARG ARG ARG ARG 26-Jun-1957 22-Feb-1956 4-Jul-1956 19-Dec-1956 20-Feb-1957 30-Oct-1957 2-Aug-1956 17-Apr-1957 7 s/o M/M Ronald Beirnes, RCAF. Name corrected 9 Jan p. 7 5 d/o M/M John Belec, RCAF, Comox 7 s/o M/M J. Edward Bell of Courtenay 6 s/o M/M Gerald Bell of Royston 7 s/o M/M Brian Bell, RCAF, Comox 5 s/o M/M J. R. Bell, Courtenay 4 s/o M/M Gerald Bell of Royston 5 d/o M/M Ralph Bell of Cumberland 4 d/o M/M N. Bell, nee Joan ELLIS (girl) B ARG 17-Apr-1957 4 d/o M/M N. Bell, nee Joan Ellis B 22-Mar-1956 North Vancouver age/dob 2-Mar-1939 Courtenay age 89 21-Dec-1956 Comox 28-Apr-1956 Courtenay, St. John's 22-Dec-1958 Comox, BC 20-Jun-1959 Saskatoon, SK 31-Oct-1958 Cumberland, BC 13-Jun-1955 not given Comox Comox Comox Comox, BC Comox Comox Comox San Francisco, California 9-Apr-1957 San Francisco, California Anita Loretta HOLST Ellen Irene SACHT 6 d/o M/M Lewis Beduz of Union Bay 6 s/o M/M G. Begon of Campbell River Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t BELL BELL (girl) (girl) B B BELL (girl) B BELL Beverley Ann M BELL Beverley Jean M BELL Daniel Graham M BELL Maude Louise Joy (Mrs. M.) D (boy) Nicholas Jacob Alice Joanne B M BENNETT BENNIE BENNIE Joanne (boy) (girl) B B B BENNIE Jack Douglas M BENNIE Larry Duncan B BENOIT BENOIT BERES BERG (boy) (boy) (boy) (girl) B B B B BELYK BENGERT BENGERT BENNETT Place age/dob 30-May-1957 Cumberland 5-Mar-1958 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 24-May-1959 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 10-Aug-1958 Courtenay, St. George's 23-Aug-1958 Comox, Protestant Chapel 16-May-1959 Courtenay, St. George's 12-May-1959 Cumberland 30 Sep G.H. 1897 M not given not given M 28-Nov-1956 Comox, BC 6-Apr-1956 RCAF RC Chapel 18-Jan-1958 Courtenay, St. George's 18-Feb-1945 not given 8-Oct-1957 Comox 7-Apr-1957 Campbell River 20-Sep-1958 Cumberland U.C. 5-May-1959 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 1-Mar-1957 Comox 27-Sep-1958 Comox, BC 7-Apr-1957 Comox 12-Dec-1956 Campbell River, BC Spouse Pape Date Issued r Pg Info/Kin ARG ARG 5-Jun-1957 12-Mar-1958 4 d/o M/M Alex Bell of Cumberland 4 d/o M/M Henry Bell ARG 27-May-1959 6 d/o M/M Gerald Bell of Royston Raymond ARG Harold DODGE 20-Aug-1958 3 d/o M/M Obbie Bell. See engagement 30 Jul p. 7 Norman ROGERS ARG 27-Aug-1958 2 d/o M/M Leo Bell, Buckley Bay Doreen Enid HODGINS ARG 20-May-1959 2 s/o M/M O.R. Bell of Courtenay Adrian John BELL not named ARG 13-May-1959 Barbara Joan DAY Duncan H. PRICE Jacqueline Ruth THEXTON ARG 6 nee GIBSON, Born in Cumberland, family named, married 1927 in Vancouver 3-Sep-1958 10 nee Joy THOMPSON, d/o Mrs. Wm Thompson, shower held, husband not named, No wedding found in paper ARG ARG 5-Dec-1956 8 s/o M/M Bengert, RCAF, Comox 18-Apr-1956 14 s/o M/M C.P. Bengert of Gravelberg, Sask. ARG 29-Jan-1958 3 d/o M/M Len L. Bennett of Pt. Holmes ARG ARG ARG 29-Feb-1956 9-Oct-1957 10-Apr-1957 9 11th birthday, Comox news 4 s/o M/M Robert Bennie of RR2 Courtenay 2 d/o M/M James Arthur Bennie of Camp 5 Bloedel ARG 24-Sep-1958 B3 s/o Mrs. Rae & late D. Bennie of Union Bay. See also 1 Oct page 8 ARG 13-May-1959 6 s/o M/M Jack Bennie of Cumberland. See 20 May p. 3, Union Bay news ARG ARG ARG ARG 6-Mar-1957 1-Oct-1958 10-Apr-1957 19-Dec-1956 5 6 2 7 s/o M/M Jean Roger Benoit of Comox s/o M/M Jean Benoit, RCAF s/o M/M Joseph Beres of Courtenay d/o M/M Alec Berg of Quathiaski Cove Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t BERGEN (girl) B BERGENER BERGSMA BERGSMA Ulrich (boy) (boy) D B B BERGSMA BERKELEY (girl) (girl) B B BERKELEY (twin boys) B BERKELEY John M BERKELEY Robert Drew M BERKENSTOCK (boy) B BERKENSTOCK BERKENSTOCK (girl) Marie Anne B M BERKLEY BERNTSEN Donald (boy) B B BERREY Frances Anita (boy) (boy) Iris Elizabeth (boy) C hr B B M (girl) Arnold Everett (boy) B D Elva Ramona M BERROW BERRY BERRY BERTON BESTON BETCHER BETHEL BETT B B Place age/dob Spouse 26-Jan-1957 Campbell River 10-Apr-1959 Comox age 66 7-Jul-1957 Comox 25-May-1959 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 7-Jul-1956 Comox bef 16 Jul St. Joseph's 1958 Hospital, Comox 15-May-1957 Comox Pape Date Issued r Pg Info/Kin ARG 6-Feb-1957 ARG ARG ARG 22-Apr-1959 10-Jul-1957 27-May-1959 ARG ARG 11-Jul-1956 16-Jul-1958 ARG 22-May-1957 1-Jan-1939 Comox Valley 2-Feb-1957 not given Jean ARG CROCKETT June Beverly ARG HEMSWORTH 14-Jan-1959 9-Jan-1957 6 Engagement notice, wedding writeup not found 19-Feb-1958 Campbell River 2-Oct-1958 Comox 20-Sep-1957 Comox, RCAF Chapel 14-Apr-1945 not given 19-Feb-1959 St. Paul's Hosp. bef 8 Oct 1958 not given ARG 5-Mar-1958 2 s/o M/M Ray Berkenstock ARG ARG 8-Oct-1958 25-Sep-1957 ARG ARG 24-Apr-1957 12 12th birthday party 25-Feb-1959 6 s/o M/M Lloyd Berntsen, nee Ellen Stephens, Courtenay John William HUNTER infant 20-Oct-1956 Comox, BC 30-Mar-1956 Comox 26-Apr-1957 Comox 17-Nov-1956 Campbell River, BC 9-May-1957 Comox 26-Nov-1956 Comox, BC 9-Mar-1958 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 28-Dec-1956 Vancouver, BC Kenneth NOBBS age 42 Beatrice Irene CANTALOPE John CRAIG 9 d/o M/M Jacob Bergen 9 Born in Grindlewald kanton, Bern, Switzerland 6 s/o M/M George Bergsma of Courtenay 6 s/o M/M George Bergsma of Courtenay 2 d/o M/M George Bergsma, Courtenay 2 d/o M/M Bob Berkeley of Cumberland 7 Sons of M/M Robert Berkeley of Courtenay. Both babies died 4 "20 Years Ago" 8 s/o M/M Bud Berkenstock of Courtenay 9 d/o M/M O. Berkenstock of Royston ARG 8-Oct-1958 6 Baptism, d/o M/M Percival Berry of Briscoe, BC ARG ARG ARG 31-Oct-1956 4-Apr-1956 8-May-1957 ARG 21-Nov-1956 ARG ARG 15-May-1957 28-Nov-1956 ARG 12-Mar-1958 3 d/o M/M Patrick Beston, Kelsey Bay 7 Born in Milestone, marr. 1937, Father of Gordon, bur. Courtenay Cem. 4 s/o M/M Roderick Bethel, RCAF ARG 23-Jan-1957 6 d/o M/M D. Sangster of Vancouver 5 s/o M/M Reg Berrow of Fanny Bay 6 s/o M/M James Berry of Nanaimo 3 d/o M/M Oscar Berry of Isle Maligne, Quebec. Also on page 7 5 s/o M/M Robert Berton of Redonda Bay Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t BEVANPRITCHARD (boy) BEVERIDGE Jane Anne D BEVIN BICKFORD BICKFORD (boy) (boy) (boy) B B B BICKLE M BIGGS Philip Edward William George Cyrus (girl) BIGLER (boy) B BILLIE BILLS BIRD BIRNIE BIRTWISTLE (boy) (boy) (girl) (boy) Emily Gray B B B B D BIRTWISTLE Worsley D BIRTWISTLE Worsley M BISCOE BLACK (boy) Lilly Ellen B M BLACKBURN BLACKBURN (boy) (boy) B B BLACKBURN BLACKHALL (girl) B 4-Jan-1957 Comox Harry B abt 8 Mar not given William G. 1875 (girl) B 25-Dec-1956 Campbell River BIGELOW BLAKELY B Place D B age/dob 28-Jul-1958 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 17-Oct-1958 Cumberland age 75 1-Jul-1957 Comox 29-Feb-1956 Comox 22-Feb-1958 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 10-May-1958 Victoria, St. John's 29-Dec-1956 Courtenay age 84 (Vancouver) 30-Jul-1957 Campbell River 6-May-1959 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 5-Oct-1956 Comox 10-Aug-1957 Comox 21-Jan-1957 Comox 11-Apr-1957 Comox 13-Dec-1958 Victoria age 77 1-May-1958 St. Joseph's, age 80 Comox 15-Apr-1908 Lancashire, England 5-Jul-1956 Victoria 3-Nov-1908 Vancouver, BC 12-Sep-1956 Comox, BC 9-Apr-1959 St. Joseph's, Comox Spouse William BEVERIDGE Pape Date Issued r ARG 30-Jul-1958 ARG 22-Oct-1958 ARG ARG ARG Cheryl Mae CRUMMY Worsley BIRTWISTLE Emily GRAY Emily GRAY Frederick Arthur LUND Pg Info/Kin 6 s/o M/M Bevan-Pritchard of Courtenay 4 Nee MacKINNON, born Jarrow-on-Tyne, England, to Canada 1910, family named 3-Jul-1957 11 s/o M/M Joseph Bevin, RCAF 7-Mar-1956 10 s/o M/M L. Bickford of Courtenay 26-Feb-1958 4 s/o M/M Robert Bickford, RCAF ARG 4-Jun-1958 8 s/o M/M E.W. Bickle of Courtenay ARG 2-Jan-1957 12 Piercy's Funeral Home ARG 14-Aug-1957 5 d/o M/M Raymond Biggs of Camp 5 Bloedel ARG 13-May-1959 6 s/o M/M Alexander Bigler of Courtenay ARG ARG ARG ARG ARG 10-Oct-1956 2 14-Aug-1957 5 6-Feb-1957 9 17-Apr-1957 4 17-Dec-1958 B5 ARG 7-May-1958 s/o M/M Emmerson Billie of Courtenay s/o M/M Ashley P. Bills of Courtenay d/o M/M Albert Bird of Courtenay s/o M/M G. Birnie Nee GRAY, born in Stubbins, Lancs., England, husband died 1 May 1958, family named 4 Father of Walter Birtwistle, foster f/o Jean Brock ARG 16-Apr-1958 8 50th anniversary ARG ARG 11-Jul-1956 12-Nov-1958 ARG ARG 19-Sep-1956 15-Apr-1959 2 s/o M/M R. Fraser Biscoe of Victoria 3 50th anniversary, Fanny Bay news, family named. See also page 5 more info & photo 7 s/o M/M Fred Blackburn 6 s/o M/M Fred Blackburn of Courtenay ARG ARG 9-Jan-1957 14-Mar-1956 7 d/o M/M Gordon Blackburn of Comox 5 81st birthday, Open House ARG 9-Jan-1957 7 d/o M/M Edward Blakely of Campbell River Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t BLINSTON Robert Eric M BLOK (boy) B BLOMQUIST (girl) B BLOOMQUIST Fjolar T. D BLOXHAM BOARDMAN (boy) Kenneth B M BODENHAM (girl) B BODEUNGEN BODNAR (boy) (girl) B B BODNER (boy) B BODUNGEN (girl) B BOE (girl) B BOFFY BOFFY B D BOFFY (girl) Jenny (Miss) Sarah BOGG (girl) B BOGO Andrew D BOGSETH (boy) B BOGUSKIE (girl) B D Place age/dob 1-Jul-1957 Union Bay 29-Feb-1956 Campbell River 27-May-1959 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 6-Aug-1957 Courtenay, age 33 at home 25-Aug-1956 Comox 19-May-1958 Elim Gospel Hall, Courtenay 29-Sep-1956 Campbell River, BC 12-Oct-1956 Comox 1-May-1959 St. Joseph's, Comox 22-Feb-1957 Campbell River 24-Jul-1958 Cumberland G.H. 8-May-1959 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 29-Dec-1956 Comox 16-Jul-1957 Campbell River 13-Nov-1957 Comox age 63 11-Feb-1959 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 5-Jun-1957 Cumberland age 71 20-May-1959 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 28-Jan-1959 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox Spouse Loretta Frances COTTINI Margaret BURNS John Henry Boffy Caroline TOBACCO Pape Date Issued r ARG Pg Info/Kin 3-Jul-1957 11 s/o M/M Harold Blinston ARG 14-Mar-1956 7 s/o M/M Bruce Blok of Campbell River ARG 3-Jun-1959 ARG 18-Dec-1957 1 Inquest, accidental overdose, no family info ARG ARG 29-Aug-1956 4-Jun-1958 7 s/o M/M W. Bloxham, RCMP Zeballos 8 s/o M/M Harry Boardman of Vancouver. See 30 Apr p. 7 Engagement ARG 3-Oct-1956 ARG ARG 17-Oct-1956 6-May-1959 ARG 6-Mar-1957 5 s/o M/M John Bodner, Campbell River ARG 30-Jul-1958 6 d/o M/M R. Bodungen of Cumberland ARG 13-May-1959 ARG ARG 2-Jan-1957 24-Jul-1957 ARG 12-Nov-1958 7 In Memoriam. See 27 Nov 1957 page 4, family named ARG 18-Feb-1959 6 d/o M/M H. Bogg of Courtenay ARG 12-Jun-1957 7 Married in 1908, long writeup ARG 20-May-1959 6 s/o M/M Rocklee Bogseth, RCAF ARG 4-Feb-1959 4 d/o M/M Carl Blomquist, Courtenay 5 d/o M/M Kenneth Bodenham of Campbell River 2 s/o M/M Richard Bodeungen of Courtenay 6 d/o M/M Bruce Bodnar, RCAF 6 d/o M/M Elmer Boe of Courtenay 7 d/o M/M J. Boffy. Name correct 9 Jan p. 7 7 Aunt of Mrs. Ed Williams Sr., Sutton's Funeral 4 d/o M/M Walter Boguskie, Courtenay Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t Place age/dob Spouse D 10-Sep-1957 Union Bay BOKSTROM (boy) B BOLES Gordon Lawrence Beverly D BOMFORD BOND BOND BONO Sharon (boy) (girl) John "Ting" B B B D 25-Nov-1956 Campbell River, BC 12-Aug-1958 Comox, age 16 Goose Spit 8-May-1956 Wetaskiwin, Alberta 3-Jun-1947 not given 2-Aug-1957 Tofino 25-Jan-1956 tofino, BC 22-Dec-1958 Cumberland, age 59 BC BONO C hr B 13-Oct-1956 Cumberland age 6 United months 5-Feb-1952 not given ARG BONO Sheila Elizabeth Trudy 17-Jun-1959 8 12th birthday, parents not named 7-Aug-1957 10 s/o M/M David Bond, nee Yvonne Hunden 25-Jan-1956 8 d/o M/M L. Bond of Tofino 24-Dec-1958 8 s/o Mrs. Peter Bono, born in Cumberland, other family named, bur. Cumberland Cemetery. See ,31 Dec page 8, Card of Thanks & Floral tributes 17-Oct-1956 3 d/o M/M Reno Bono of Cumberland ARG 11-Feb-1959 BOOD (boy) B ARG 12-Mar-1958 BOOL Kenneth B ARG 15-Feb-1956 3 13th birthday, s/o M/M H. Bool, Courtenay news BOONE BOOTH BOOTH (boy) (girl) (Mrs. T.) B B B ARG ARG ARG 29-Oct-1958 21-Nov-1956 18-Feb-1959 6 s/o M/M James Boone of Courtenay 5 d/o M/M Kenneth Booth of Courtenay 1 92nd birthday at The Fort Hospital, a pioneer resident BOOTH William D 7-Mar-1958 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox bef 15 Feb not given 1943 25-Oct-1958 Comox, BC 16-Nov-1956 Comox, BC abt 16 Feb not given 1867 19-Feb-1959 Comox age 67 2 8th birthday, d/o Mrs. Fred Bono of Cumberland, guests named 4 s/o M/M Martin Bood ARG 25-Feb-1959 BORMKE (boy) B ARG 4-Feb-1959 1 Son of Mrs. T. Booth, other family named, wife died 1948 4 s/o M/M George Bormke, RCAF BORMKE BORN (girl) Peter Jacob (girl) Frank B D Innes (male) B BORTOLETTO BOSKILL BOSOMWORTH B M 28-Jan-1959 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 27-Dec-1956 Comox 16-Apr-1956 Clearbrook, age 85 BC 14-Sep-1957 Cumberland 30-Jun-1956 Home of Robt McKay, Fanny Bay? 17-Feb-1938 not given William WALTON not married Ivy Cornelia BOOTH Mrs. Born Mrs. Jessie McKENZIE 11-Sep-1957 ARG 28-Nov-1956 ARG 20-Aug-1958 ARG 9-May-1956 Info/Kin Maureen M ARG Pg BOHN BOLSTEID age 9 Pape Date Issued r ARG ARG ARG ARG 1 d/o Paul & Lillian Bohn of Union Bay, accidental shooting 7 s/o M/M Clifford Bokstrom of Kelsey Bay 1 Drowning death of Sea Cadet from Ft. Saskatchewan, AB 3 Hornby Island news ARG ARG 2-Jan-1957 7 d/o M/M George Bormke, RCAF 25-Apr-1956 14 F/o Mr. Born & Mrs. Peters of Black Creek ARG ARG 18-Sep-1957 4-Jul-1956 5 d/o M/M Louis Bortoletto 4 No further info ARG 29-Feb-1956 2 18th birthday, s/o M/M J. Bosomworth Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t Place BOSTWICK (boy) B BOTTERILL Hugh Frederick Germaine Doris Lorraine Vivian (girl) (boy) John D BOWCOTT BOWDEN (boy) Helen Claire B M BOWDEN William John H. (girl) Ina (Mrs.) (boy) Katherine Jane Charles Andrew Ellen Christina M M BOYER BOYES Ralph Spencer (girl) (girl) BOYKO James M 25-Aug-1956 Comox United 24-Jan-1957 Comox 26-Sep-1956 Campbell River, BC 1-Dec-1956 Comox BRACCONIER Gilbert M 21-Jun-1958 Cumberland BRACE BRADLEY (girl) Arthur B D BRADLEY Darlene B 11-Dec-1956 Comox, BC 13-Sep-1958 Union Bay, BC 14-Feb-1950 not given BOUCHARD BOUCHARD BOULET BOULT BOURASSA BOWEN BOWEN BOWIE BOWRAN BOYD BOYD BOYD M M B B M B B B D M M B B 5-Oct-1956 Campbell River 23-Aug-1958 Victoria age/dob ARG 27-Aug-1958 8 Formerly of Royston, survived by 2 sisters ARG ARG 11-Apr-1956 12 d/o M/M W.A. Bouchard of Cumberland. See 4 Apr p. 6 Engagement 26-Nov-1958 9 d/o M/M Wilfred A. Bouchard of Cumberland ARG ARG ARG 31-Dec-1958 19-Dec-1956 8-Oct-1958 4 d/o M/M Gerry Boulet of Royston 7 s/o M/M Albert Boult RCAF, Comox 3 s/o M/M J. Bourassa of Radville, Sask. ARG Wilton Matthew ARG BROWN 22-Feb-1956 1-Aug-1956 7 s/o M/M Dennis Bowcott, RCAF Comox 2 d/o M/M James W. Bowden. Showers 25 Jul p. 11 & 4 Jul p. 6. Engagement 11 Jul p. 6 Clara Ann GRAY ARG ARG ARG ARG 12-Dec-1956 14 50th anniversary, parents of Mrs. Fred Peters of Union Bay 20-Mar-1957 5 d/o M/M Monte Bowen 17-Oct-1956 7 Mother of nine, all named, grandmother of 24 23-May-1956 2 s/o M/M Robert Bowie of Courtenay 21-Mar-1956 7 Husband died 1940, sis/o Elsa Formby, other family named 21-Nov-1956 32 s/o M/M Edward Boyd of Cumberland ARG 28-Nov-1956 3 d/o M/M J.E. Boyd of Courtenay ARG 29-Aug-1956 ARG ARG 6-Feb-1957 3-Oct-1956 8 s/o M/M Wm Boyd of Minto, other family named. See 15 Aug p. 6 Engagement 9 d/o M/M Gordon Boyer of Bowser 5 d/o M/M William Boyes of Sayward ARG 5-Dec-1956 3 s/o M/M E. Boyko of Courtenay ARG 25-Jun-1958 ARG Robert BOWRAN Helen HARDY ARG Alexander James GARDINER Anne Carroll MENZIES Marilyn Marie SCHMIDT HUDSON, Wilburta Jeanette age 77 Info/Kin 2 s/o M/M Norman Bostwick of Campbell River Rosebud CRYER 1-Nov-1956 Prince George, BC 9-Nov-1956 Vancouver, BC Pg 10-Oct-1956 Carl Kenneh IVERSON Dennis Oliver GRAUMAN age 85 Pape Date Issued r ARG age 77 6-Apr-1956 Cumberland R.C. 22-Nov-1958 Cumberland U.C. manse 29-Dec-1958 Comox, BC 17-Dec-1956 Comox, BC 3-Oct-1958 Campbell River, BC 21-Feb-1956 Comox 27-Jul-1956 Union Bay U.C. 4-Dec-1906 Nanaimo, BC 12-Mar-1957 Comox 14 Oct 1886 not given 22-May-1956 Comox, BC 10-Mar-1956 Ladysmith Spouse Mrs. Bradley ARG 12-Dec-1956 ARG 17 Sepp 1958 ARG 22-Feb-1956 2 s/o Mrs. Peter Lacourse, Cumberland 7 D/o M/M L. Brace, RCAF, Comox 3 Res. of Buckley Bay, children named, see also 17 Sep page 6 2 6th birthday at Union Bay Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t BRADLEY Iris Beryl BRAMMALL Rose Alice D BRANCHI BRANCHI (girl) (girl) B B BRAND Jim D BRAUN Henry John (girl) D bef 16 May 1956 B 4-Dec-1958 M ? 1959 B 12-Aug-1957 B 1-Apr-1957 BRAY BREEN BRENTON BREWER BREWER BREWER (boy) (girl) M BREWSTER BREWSTER Clark M BRIGGINS (girl) B BRIGGINS Charles Albert (LAC) Roy Cecil M BRIGGS age/dob 24-Nov-1956 RCAF Chapel, Comox 19-May-1958 Comox age 67 Hospital 21-Sep-1956 Comox 14-Mar-1959 St. Joseph's, Comox 8-Feb-1956 Courtenay age 75 B M BRIMACOMBE BRITTON Tillman A. D (Dr.) (boy) B (boy) B BRITTON BROADFOOT (girl) (boy) B B Spouse Pape Date Issued r 28-Nov-1956 3 d/o Mrs. E. Bradley of Winnipeg. See 28 Nov p. 18 Shower William BRAMMALL ARG 21-May-1958 6 Family members named, bur. Courtenay Cemetery ARG ARG 3-Oct-1956 13 d/o M/M Constantine Branchi of Fanny Bay 18-Mar-1959 6 d/o M/M C. Branchi of Fanny Bay ARG ARG ARG ARG ARG 22-Feb-1956 12 Found dead, sis in Scotland, no other known relatives. BC Archives =James Brand BARRIE 16-May-1956 6 A.k.a. Henry DRIEDIGER, estate notice by Mrs. Maria Harms 10-Dec-1958 8 d/o F/L & Mrs. J.S. Bray, RCAF 14-Jan-1959 7 Engagement announced. Marriage not confirmed 14-Aug-1957 5 s/o M/M Frank Brenton of Gold River 10-Apr-1957 2 d/o M/M Eli Brewer of Bloedel ARG ARG 6-May-1959 10 5th birthday, s/o M/M Brewer of Willow Point 14-Jan-1959 3 At home of N. Dingler, baby shower, in Willow Pt. news ARG 31-Dec-1958 5 s/o M/M E. Brewster, Willow Point news ARG 10-Dec-1958 ARG 15-Oct-1958 4 RCAF Comox, s/o M/M A. Brewster of Albert, NB. See wedding writeup 17 Dec page 6 6 d/o M/M C. Briggins, nee Ann Buchanan, Cumberland ARG 12-Sep-1956 13 s/o Mrs. John Briggins of Nova Scotia. See 25 Jul p. 6 Announcement not married COOKE Jeanette COTTINI 27-Jul-1956 Cumberland, Holy Trinity Ann Elizabeth BUCHANAN 10-May-1958 Comox, St. Peter's Info/Kin ARG ARG 22-Dec-1958 Campbell River, BC 13-Dec-1958 Courtenay, U.C. Manse 7-Oct-1958 France Pg Terrance W. MUNDAY not given Comox, BC ? Comox Campbell River B 30-Apr-1954 not given B bef 7 Jan 1959 not given Danny Robert Wayne (boy) BRIGGS Place Gertrude ARG Alberta MADDEN Hazel V. Briggs ARG 14-May-1958 4 s/o M/M Cecil Briggs of Cresswell, DBY, England 23-Apr-1958 4 Well known local docor, bur. Courtenay Cemetery 13-Mar-1957 Comox 10-Jan-1956 Cumberland ARG ARG 20-Mar-1957 11-Jan-1956 19-Jun-1957 Cumberland 8-Sep-1957 Campbell River ARG ARG 26-Jun-1957 25-Sep-1957 5 s/o M/M Ronald Brimacombe of Courtenay 8 s/o M/M Wesley A. Britton of Cumberland, New Year's Baby 5 d/o M/M Allan Britton of Cumberland 4 s/o M/M Albert Broadfoot of Campbell River 20-Apr-1958 Nanaimo age 72 Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t BROCKLEHURST Aaron Ashton D BRODDY BRODIE B D Place age/dob 20-Jun-1959 St. Joseph's age 75 Hospital, Comox 16-Jul-1957 Comox 2-Jul-1956 Bowser abt 60 (62) BROMLEY BROMLEY BROOKS (boy) Florence Mabel (boy) (girl) (boy) BROOKS BROOKS (girl) B Carol Anne M BROOKSON (boy) B BROUGH (girl) B BROWN BROWN BROWN (boy) (boy) (girl) B B B BROWN (girl) B BROWN (girl) B BROWN (girl) B BROWN Christina Michael D BROWN G. (Mr. and Mrs.) George M 4-Oct-1957 Comox 6-Oct-1958 Comox 24-Mar-1957 Campbell River 6-Oct-1956 Comox 9-Aug-1958 Shawnigan U.C. 24-Mar-1957 Campbell River 31-Mar-1958 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 10-May-1957 Comox 22-Oct-1957 Comox 21-Feb-1958 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 30-Jun-1958 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 19-Jan-1959 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 11-Feb-1959 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 22-May-1959 Courtenay, age 72 Cliffe Ave. home 1-Nov-1933 Cumberland M 18-May-1957 Courtenay George (Mr. and Mrs.) M BROWN BROWN B B B 1-Mar-1934 Cumberland United Spouse Pape Date Issued r Lucy ARG BROCKLEHUR ST ARG Dr. Frederick ARG BRODIE ARG ARG ARG Arthur Oscar ADYE Walter BROWN Carol Juanita Maryellen CRANDALL ARG ARG 24-Jun-1959 Pg Info/Kin 1 Born Hayfield, DBY, England, to Canada 1911, res of Sandwick 17-Jul-1957 12 s/o M/M Leslie Broddy of Courtenay 4-Jul-1956 1 Res of Ganges 9-Oct-1957 8-Oct-1958 3-Apr-1957 4 s/o M/M R.J. Bromley, RCAF Comox 8 d/o M/M Robert Bromley, RCAF 5 s/o M/M Roy Brooks of Campbell River 10-Oct-1956 2 D/o M/M William Brooks of Courtenay 27-Aug-1958 B4 d/o M/M C.A. Brooks of Port Alice ARG 3-Apr-1957 5 s/o M/M Alvin Brookson of Campbell River ARG 2-Apr-1958 4 d/o M/M Duncan Brough, RCAF ARG ARG ARG 15-May-1957 23-Oct-1957 26-Feb-1958 3 s/o M/M Ralph Brown of Comox 4 s/o M/M Wm. Brown of Comox 4 d/o M/M Robert Brown, RCAF ARG 2-Jul-1958 5 d/o M/M Ralph Brown, RCAF ARG 21-Jan-1959 6 d/o M/M Peter Brown, RCAF ARG 18-Feb-1959 6 d/o M/M Bernard Brown of Courtenay ARG 27-May-1959 1 Born Kenmay, SCT, to Courtenay 1913, family named. See also 3 Jun p. 6 ARG 19-Nov-1958 11 25th anniversary, parents of Mrs. W. Bennie Jr. ARG 22-May-1957 ARG 1-Apr-1959 4 s/o M/M George Brown Sr. of Campbell River 5 25th anniversary, res Victoria Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t Place age/dob BROWN BROWN James James Herbert D M 26-Mar-1956 Vancouver age 82 2-Feb-1957 Cumberland BROWN John Simpson M 5-Jun-1959 Courtenay, age 80 Ang. Church BROWN John Wesley Robert Allan D BROWN Robert John M 8-Jun-1957 Campbell age 78 River 18-May-1957 HMCS Naden, Victoria 6-Jun-1959 Cumberland U.C. BROWN Tammy Lyne Wilton Matthew Geoff B bef 14 Jan not given 1959 M 27-Jul-1956 Union Bay U.C. M 28-Mar-1959 Victoria, St. Mathias M 21-Jul-1956 Vancouver, St. Peter & St. Paul B 7-Mar-1956 Comox B 3-Mar-1958 Cumberland B 13-Mar-1959 Cumberland G.H. M 30-Nov-1957 Port Moody, St. Joseph's RC M 4-Aug-1957 Cumberland BROWN BROWN BROWNING BROWNING Mary Kathleen BRUCK BRUINSMA BRUINSMA (boy) (girl) (girl) BRUINSMA Paul Edward BRUINSMA BRYANT Thomas John (boy) (boy) (boy) Edward Richard Doris BRYDON (boy) BRYAN BRYAN BRYAN BRYAN M B B B M 18-May-1956 21-Nov-1956 23-Dec-1958 11-Jul-1956 M ? 1959 B Comox, BC Comox, BC Comox, BC Comox ? 13-Mar-1958 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox Spouse Pape Date Issued r Pg Info/Kin ARG Hazel Elizabeth ARG THORSEN 28-Mar-1956 10 Brother of Tom & Bill of Cumberland, Bob of Royston 6-Feb-1957 5 s/o M/M J. M. Brown of Cumberland Mrs. Beatrice May JOHNSON Mary SCANNELL Gayle Marie STEFANSON ARG 10-Jun-1959 1 Pioneer Cumberland coal miner, father of Matt Brown ARG 12-Jun-1957 ARG 5-Jun-1957 7 3 dtrs, 1 son named, stage coach driver between Nanaimo, Alberni & Cumberland at turn of century 2 s/o M/M G.C. Brown of Pelly, Sask. Marguerite Josephine MILBURN ARG 10-Jun-1959 7 s/o M/M Magnus Brown of Gibson's Landing. See 27 May p. 7 Engagement and 17 Jun p. 2 ,photo ARG 14-Jan-1959 Helen Claire ARG BOWDEN Mrs. Gwen ARG DALBY John Rowland ARG SMITH 1-Aug-1956 5 d/o M/M Ray Brown, gd/o Mrs. Grace Haines, ggd/o M/M R. Haines, in Quadra news 2 s/o M/M Geo. W. Brown of Courtenay ARG ARG ARG 4-Apr-1956 5-Mar-1958 18-Mar-1959 6 s/o M/M David Bruck of Qualicum Beach 2 d/o M/M Tom Bruinsma, nee J. Ferguson 6 d/o M/M Tom Bruinsma of Cumberland Frances Anne KARK ARG 18-Dec-1957 5 s/o M/M J.M. Williamson of Cumberland, other family named Patricia Joan FERGUSON ARG 28-Aug-1957 4 Parents not named, bro/o Paul Bruinsma of Port Alberni ARG ARG ARG ARG 23-May-1956 2 5-Dec-1956 8 31-Dec-1958 4 18-Jul-1956 16 ARG 13-May-1959 2 Shower, in Willow Point news. Marriage not confirmed ARG 19-Mar-1958 4 s/o M/M Glen Brydon, RCAF Mrs. Elizabeth Mary MEIERS not known 1-Apr-1959 1 Res of Courtenay. See 15 Apr p. 6, Reception at Native Sons Hall 1-Aug-1956 13 d/o M/M F. E. Browning of Vancouver, BC s/o M/M Gregory Bryan of Courtenay s/o M/M Edward Bryan of Courtenay s/o M/M Gregory Bryan of Courtenay No further info Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t Place BRYER Patricia Duncan M BUCHANAN Ann Elizabeth M BUCHART B BUCKLAND William Garry (boy) BUDYNSKI BUDYNSKI (boy) O. R. 21-Jan-1957 Campbell River B 14-Jul-1957 Comox M bef 3 Oct 1956 not given BULATOVICH (girl) B BULATOVICH Peter Michael M BULCOCK Betty B BULCOCK Susan B BULL Hilda Laura Emily Kenneth D M 16-Jan-1956 Victoria, BC BUNDY Mabel (Mrs.) (girl) B BURCHELL BURCHELL (girl) B Clement C. D 19-Mar-1957 Campbell River 16-May-1957 Comox 17-Feb-1956 Comox BURGESS (boy) B BURGESS Claire Louise M BURGI (girl) B BULLER BULLOCK age/dob 28-Jan-1956 Courtenay, Foursquare Ch. 27-Jul-1956 Cumberland, Holy Trinity Spouse George Leslie MOODY ARG B M age 58 13-Feb-1956 Comox age 70 1-Feb-1956 Pg Info/Kin 5 d/o M/M Charles S. Bryer. Shower for bride-elect 1 Feb p. 3 12-Sep-1956 13 d/o M/M John H. Buchanan of Cumberland, gd/o Mrs. Rose Taylor & Mrs. M. Buckanan. See 25 Jul 1956 p. 6 Announcement, also 5 Sep p. 5 & 29 Aug p. 15 Showers 26-Feb-1958 B4 s/o M/M Clinton Buchart, nee Betty Reid ARG 6-Feb-1957 ARG ARG 17-Jul-1957 12 s/o M/M Orville Budynski, RCAF, Comox 3-Aug-1956 13 Post-nuptial shower held, no marriage writeup ARG 6-May-1959 Lorraine Marie ARG STACK 24-Jul-1957 ARG 15-Aug-1956 2 5th birthday, d/o M/M J.P. Bulcock ARG 15-Aug-1956 2 8th birthday, d/o M/M J.P. Bulcock Roy BULL ARG 29-Apr-1959 9 In Fanny Bay news, funeral 25 Apr, Roy died 4 Sep 1966 Erika UNRUH ARG 18-Jul-1956 8 From Terrace, BC Percy FOREMAN ARG 1-Feb-1956 5 from Courtenay, to reside Victoria ARG 27-Mar-1957 ARG ARG 22-May-1957 22-Feb-1956 Janet ROBINSON 15-Jul-1956 Black Creek, United Mennonite 23-Jun-1957 Campbell River 25-Feb-1956 Courtenay, Ang. Church ARG Charles Albert ARG BRIGGINS 19-Feb-1958 Salmon Arm 25-Apr-1959 Kelowna G.H. 13-Jul-1957 Quesnel, BC, St. Ann's RC abt 13 Aug not given 1951 abt 13 Aug not given 1948 14-Apr-1959 Comox Pape Date Issued r Mrs. Burchell ARG Murray Campbell DOWN 9 s/o M/M Edward John Buckland of Campbell River 3 d/o M/M Peter Bulatovich, sis/o Marcia, gd/o M/M Mike Bulatovich (page 6) 3 s/o M/M Michael Bulatovich of Cumberland, teacher in Kelowna 2 d/o M/M Joseph Bundy, Campbell River 7 d/o M/M Harvey Billings of Courtenay 2 Born Chapel, Essex, England, son & dtr named, bur. Ang. cemetery. See 29 Feb page 6 Card of Thanks 3-Jul-1957 11 s/o M/M Hartley Burgess of Campbell River ARG 8-Feb-1956 ARG 22-Feb-1956 6 d/o M/M Bill Burgess, wedding announcement. Also on 15 Feb p. 6. See wedding writeup 29 Feb page 2 7 d/o M/M Kenneth Burgi of Black Creek Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t BURNES Allan Robert C hr BURNHAM BURNS (girl) (girl) B B BURNS M BURNS Lawrence Frederick Margaret BURNS Patrick M BURTON (boy) B BURZUIK Roberta Margaret Joan (boy) M John Albert (girl) M BUSH BUSH BUSHAW BUSHAW BUTCHERS M B Place age/dob 26-Oct-1958 Comox, RCAF Chapel 24-Oct-1958 Comox, BC 3-May-1959 Ocean Falls Hosp. 20-Apr-1957 Courtenay 19-May-1958 Elim Gospel Hall, Courtenay 14-Dec-1957 Courtenay, U.C. Manse 18-Dec-1957 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 11-May-1957 Winnipeg, Manitoba BUTLER BUTLER Edith Jean M BUTLER Michael Frank M BUTTERS (boy) B BUTTRUM Charles F. D B 20-May-1959 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 11-May-1957 Comox 4-Aug-1956 Cumberland, St. John's RC 1-Sep-1956 Campbell River 19-Feb-1957 Comox age 79 Pape Date Issued r Pg Info/Kin ARG 29-Oct-1958 11 s/o Cpl./Mrs. R.O. Burnes ARG ARG 29-Oct-1958 6-May-1959 Margaret McGIFFORD Kenneth BOARDMAN ARG 24-Apr-1957 11 Engagement 10 Apr page 6, shower page 8 ARG 4-Jun-1958 Fay GIBSON ARG 18-Dec-1957 ARG 8-Jan-1958 7 s/o M/M Anothony Burton (sic) Benedict John ARG SMALL 1-May-1957 6 d/o M/M Michael Burzuik ARG 1-Apr-1959 25-Mar-1959 St. Joseph's, Comox 8-Mar-1957 Vancouver, BC B 17-Aug-1957 Campbell River M ? 1959 ? M 20-Dec-1909 not given Sylvia George (Mr. & Mrs.) (girl) Spouse 6 d/o M/M Piers Burnham, RCAF 6 d/o M/M Paddy Burns, nee Fae Gibson, of Ocean Falls 8 d/o M/M Cyril Burns. See 30 Apr p. 7 Engagement 5 s/o Mrs. Evelyn/late John Burns of Dove Creek 6 s/o M/M Jack Bush, RCAF Janet Ramsay ARG CRAFTER ARG 13-Mar-1957 B1 s/o M/M Arden Bush of Enderby, BC 1 29-Aug-1956 7 d/o M/M Fred Bushaw of Campbell River not known ARG ARG 3-Jun-1959 3 Shower held. Marriage not confirmed 17-Dec-1958 B5 49th anniversary, Comox news. See also 24 Dec page 6 family named, Comox news ARG 20-May-1959 6 d/o M/M Michael Butler of Courtenay Joseph William ARG LANG (RCAF) 15-May-1957 7 d/o Mrs. Mabel Butler. See 17 Apr 1957 p. 6 Engagement Anna Velma GOLICZ ARG 8-Aug-1956 10 s/o M/M Robert Butler of Errington. See also 11 Jul page 6 Engagement and 8 Aug page 14 Cumberland News 12-Sep-1956 20 s/o M/M Dennis J. Butters of Campbell River ARG 27-Feb-1957 not known ARG 6 Res. of Hornby Island Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t Place BYERS Dorothy Loraine M 29-Aug-1958 Courtenay, St. George's CABLE CAHILL CAIRNS (girl) (girl) (girl) B B B 13-Dec-1957 Comox 22-Sep-1958 Comox, BC 27-Jan-1959 not given CAIRNS Andrew D CAIRNS CALDWELL CALLAHAN age/dob 29-May-1959 Cumberland age 72 G.H. Ruth Lillian M bef 29 May Duncan 1957 (boy) B 23-Jan-1958 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox (girl) B 2-May-1959 St. Joseph's, Comox CALLOW (girl) B CALLOW (girl) B CALLOW Georgina D CALNAN CALVERT Christophe C r Ross hr (boy) B CALVERT CALVERT CAMERON (girl) (girl) (girl) B B B CAMERON M CAMIRE Bertha Isabelle (boy) CAMPBELL CAMPBELL (boy) (boy) B B CAMPBELL CAMPBELL (girl) (girl) B B CAMPBELL (girl) B B Spouse Martin WYDENES Christine CAIRNS Lenard Trevis ARCHER 6-Jul-1956 Campbell River 31-Jul-1957 Campbell River 3-Mar-1959 Campbell 18 months River 12-Oct-1958 Cumberland United 25-Jul-1957 Campbell River 1-Oct-1956 Comox, BC 7-Nov-1956 Comox, BC 1-Dec-1956 Campbell River, BC 26-Jul-1906 Cumberland Charles PARNHAM 20-Nov-1956 Campbell River, BC 11-Dec-1957 Comox 25-Mar-1958 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 22-Feb-1956 Comox 29-Sep-1956 Campbell River, BC 21-Mar-1957 Comox Pape Date Issued r Pg Info/Kin ARG 3-Sep-1958 2 d/o M/M C. Byers of Courtenay, other family named. See also p. 5 Shower ARG ARG ARG 18-Dec-1957 24-Sep-1958 4-Feb-1959 ARG 3-Jun-1959 ARG 29-May-1957 ARG 29-Jan-1958 ARG 6-May-1959 6 d/o M/M John Callahan, RCAF ARG 11-Jul-1956 ARG 14-Aug-1957 2 d/o M/M George Callow, Camp 5 Bloedel (near Campbell River) 5 d/o M/M George Callow of Camp 5 Bloedel ARG 1-Apr-1959 6 d/o M/M Frederick Cable, RCAF 4 d/o M/M Joseph Cahill, RCAF 4 d/o M/M Jim Cairns of Chase, BC, gd/o M/M John Cairns 2 Born in Fife, SCT, bro/o Effie Cairns of W. Lothian, SCT 5 d/o M/M Robert Cairns of Duncan, niece/o Mrs. J.L. Cairns of Courtenay 4 s/o M/M Allan Caldwell ARG 1 d/o Mr. George Matthew Callow, who was charged with manslaughter, see 9 Apr p. 1 15-Oct-1958 B6 s/o M/M Wm. O. Calnan, Langford, godparents M/M Jack Robinson of Cumberland 31-Jul-1957 5 s/o M/M Norman Calvert of Campbell River ARG ARG ARG 3-Oct-1956 14-Nov-1956 5-Dec-1956 ARG ARG 5 d/o M/M Gordon Calvert, RCAF Comox 5 d/o M/M Samuel Calvert, RCAF Comox 8 d/o M/M Don Cameron of Campbell River 1-Aug-1956 14 50th wedding anniversary ARG 28-Nov-1956 7 s/o M/M Alfred R.J. Camire of Campbell River ARG ARG 18-Dec-1957 2-Apr-1958 6 s/o M/M Melvin Campbell of Courtenay 4 s/o M/M Roy Campbell of Sayward ARG ARG 29-Feb-1956 3-Oct-1956 7 d/o M/M Melvin Campbell of Courtenay 5 d/o M/M Allan A. Campbell ARG 27-Mar-1957 5 d/o M/M Dan Campbell of Courtenay Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t Place CAMPBELL Angus Robert M CAMPBELL CAMPBELL Annie Daniel B Jan 1870 not given D 5-Dec-1958 Nanaimo, BC CAMPBELL Donald Burt Douglas Fraser Alexander Hannah Adamson (boy) (girl) M B CARDINAL CARDINAL Susan Dorothy (girl) (girl) B B CARDINAL (girl) B CARKNER Robert Thomas M CARLING Thomas Graham D CARLSON CARLSON (boy) (girl) B B CARLSON Edward Paul Edward Paul (boy) CAMPBELL CAMPBELL CAMPBELL CAOUETTE CAPE CAPE CARLSON CARMICHAEL D D D B B age/dob 12-Apr-1958 Sandwick Spouse Pape Date Issued r Pg Info/Kin Gladys "Lynne" ARG Van VALKENBURG 23-Apr-1958 7 d/o M/M G. Campbell of Vancouver ARG ARG 21-Jan-1959 10-Dec-1958 1 89th birthday, of Mission Hill 5 Born Whitehaven, Cumberland, England, bur. Nanaimo Cemetery, family named, wife died 6 months ago ARG 30-Jan-1957 5 s/o M/M Thomas Campbell of Union Bay ARG ARG ARG ARG 21-May-1958 1 Lived at Union Bay, car accident 17-Dec-1958 B5 Funeral mentioned in Comox news, bur. Courtenay Cemetery 22-Apr-1959 10 To Canada 1923, family named, bur. Cumberland Cemetery, card of thanks p. 7 31-Oct-1956 5 s/o M/M Joseph Caouette of Courtenay 28-May-1958 6 d/o M/M Geo. Cape of Comox 23-May-1958 Comox ARG 28-May-1958 6 d/o M/M George Cape of Comox, baptism 8 Oct page 6 17-Dec-1956 Comox, BC 3-Feb-1958 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 9-Aug-1958 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 23-May-1959 Can. Memorial Church 11-Jun-1958 St. Joseph's, Comox ARG ARG 19-Dec-1956 5-Feb-1958 7 d/o M/M Jack Cardinal of Royston 6 d/o M/M Gaston Cardinal, RCAF ARG 13-Aug-1958 4 d/o M/M John Cardinal of Royston ARG 10-Jun-1959 7 s/o M/M George T. Carkner of Vancouver ARG 18-Jun-1958 3 Hornby resident, Step/f/o Harold Walton ARG ARG 18-Sep-1957 14-Aug-1957 5 s/o M/M Carl Carlson of Cumberland 5 d/o M/M Earl Carlson of Campbell River 22-Dec-1956 Invermere, BC 21-May-1958 Union Bay 10-Dec-1958 Courtenay age 75 Eleanor Campbell Aileen May JOHNSON age 19 age 58 Gwen Campbell William CAMPBELL 15-Apr-1959 Cumberland age 67 G.H. 17-Oct-1956 Comox, BC 23-May-1958 St. Joseph's, Comox 16-Sep-1957 Comox 6-Aug-1957 Campbell River M bef 8 Oct 1958 Vancouver, BC M bef 8 Oct 1958 Vancouver, BC B 26-Mar-1957 Campbell River Nanatte Marie WALKER 71 Gladys June ANDERSON Gladys June ANDERSON ARG ARG ARG ARG 8-Oct-1958 B3 s/o M/M Paul Carlson of Courtenay, see also Social Notes page 3, and 15 Oct page 5 8-Oct-1958 3 s/o M/M Paul Carlson of Courtenay, see Social Notes, also 19 Nov p. 6 Open House 3-Apr-1957 5 s/o M/M Roy Carmichael of Campbell River Surname Given CARMICHAEL Billy CARMICHAEL Shirley Malvina Enid Enid Martha (boy) CARNEY CARNEY CARNIE Ev en Date of Event t age/dob B abt 20 Apr not given 1942 M 7-Dec-1957 Comox, Knox home D 20-Oct-1957 Comox age 44 D 20-Oct-1957 Oyster River age 43 bridge B 20-Jul-1957 Campbell River M 8-Sep-1956 Courtenay, St. George's CARNIE Catherine Rose CARR CARRUTHERS CARRUTHERS (girl) (boy) Roderick William B B M CARSON CARSTENS (boy) Joan Louise B M CARSWELL CARSWELL (boy) William B M CARTER (boy) B CARTER (boy) B CARTER CARTER Danny Gordon B B CARTO Samuel Philip (girl) (girl) D CARWITHEN CARWITHEN Place B B 27-Jul-1957 Comox 14-May-1957 Comox 5-May-1956 New Westminster , St. Barnabas 12-Apr-1956 Comox 5-May-1956 New Westminster , St. Barnabas 20-Jun-1957 Comox 14-Jul-1956 Spokane, Washington, Audubon Methodist 30-Jun-1956 Campbell River 2-Jun-1959 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 9-Jun-1955 not given 14-Nov-1950 Comox Valley 8-Apr-1959 Vancouver 14-Feb-10 13-Jul-1957 Comox 16-May-1958 St. Joseph's, Comox Spouse Pape Date Issued r Pg Info/Kin ARG 25-Apr-1956 9 14th birthday at Cavin home, Fanny Bay news ARG 18-Dec-1957 ARG ARG 23-Oct-1957 5-Mar-1958 5 d/o M/M Malcolm Carmichael of Hardwicke Island. Guests listed in Section 2, page 8 1 Car accident, 3 killed 1 Accidental death, coroner's inquest ARG 24-Jul-1957 4 s/o M/M William Carnie of Black Creek Robert Samuel ARG SHAW 12-Sep-1956 5 d/o M/M Fritz SIDEEN of Comox. See 15 Aug p. 6 Announcement, and 29 Aug p. 7 Shower ARG ARG ARG 31-Jul-1957 22-May-1957 9-May-1956 5 d/o M/M Ronald Carr of Royston 7 s/o M/M Roderick Carruthers of North Burnaby 5 s/o M/M W.R. Carruthers of North Burnaby ARG Roderick ARG William CARRUTHERS 18-Apr-1956 9-May-1956 5 s/o M/M George Carson of Courtenay 5 d/o M/M John Carstens of New Westminster ARG ARG 26-Jun-1957 15-Aug-1956 5 s/o M/M John Carswell of Comox 9 s/o M/M Frank Carswell of Comox ARG 4-Jul-1956 ARG 3-Jun-1959 ARG ARG 17-Jun-1959 19-Nov-1958 ARG 29-Apr-1959 Charles Huh KNOX Henry Carney Mr. Carney Joan Louise CARSTENS Lora L. HEMPHILL Lenora RUSSELL ARG ARG 6 s/o M/M Norman Carter of Campbell River 4 s/o M/M Terry Carter of Royston 3 4th birthday, s/o Mrs. Marmie Carter, guests named 9 8th birthday party 5 s/o M/M Philip Carto, born in Comox, Md Sep 1942, 6 sis & 4 bros named, no children, wife died 1955 17-Jul-1957 12 d/o M/M Malcolm Carwithen of Courtenay 21-May-1958 6 d/o M/M G. Carwithen Surname CARWITHEN Given Ev en Date of Event t Place George William Terry Minnie Elizabeth D D 5-Dec-1957 Comox D 28-Dec-1955 Elk Falls CASMAN CASORZO Albert Donald (girl) Charles B M CASORZO Leontine D CASS Henry M CASSIDY (boy) B CASSIDY (girl) B CASTLE Elsie May D 8-May-1956 Comox, BC 7-Jul-1956 Nanaimo, Haliberton U.C. 23-Jul-1958 Nanaimo G. age 72 H. 18-Oct-1958 Vancouver, BC 1-Mar-1956 Campbell River 11-Sep-1957 Campbell River 19-Jul-1957 Comox age 41 CATCHPOLE John Daniel William (boy) Bob D 26-Aug-1958 SJH CASE CASEY CAVERLEY CAVIN CAVIN CAVIN CESSFORD CESSFORD Don (Mr. and Mrs.) Robert 17-Dec-1956 Comox, BC age/dob age 78 age 38 (41) age 81 Spouse 18-Sep-1907 Duncan, BC B D 11-Dec-1958 Comox 21-Apr-1957 Duncan CHALMERS (girl) William Wallace Thomas CHAMBERLAIN CHAMBERLIN Vickie Lea B (boy) B D 7-May-1956 Ladysmith, BC 19-Dec-1956 2 s/o Reg Carwithen, first settler, family named, wife deceased Frank Case and John Walsh Mrs. Casey ARG 11-Dec-1957 9 Formerly Mrs. Frank Case, children named Beverly FRANCIS Charles CASORZO Bernice ROZELL 20-Nov-1956 Comox, BC 9-Aug-1958 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox ARG ARG ARG 4-Jan-1956 12 Accidental death at paper mill 16-May-1956 7 d/o M/M Steve Casman of Royston 25-Jul-1956 13 s/o M/M C. Casorzo of Cumberland. See also 1 Aug page 12 ARG 30-Jul-1958 6 2 sons, 2 dtrs named ARG 29-Oct-1958 ARG 14-Mar-1956 9 s/o Mrs. Jack Noble of Cumbereland & late Henry CASS of Cumberland 7 s/o M/M George Cassidy of Campbell River ARG 25-Sep-1957 4 d/o M/M George Cassidy of Campbell River Victor CASTLE ARG 31-Jul-1957 7 Born in Dauphin, Manitoba, married 1935, Louisa Harriet KERTON ARG 3-Sep-1958 8 Born Rotherbithe, London, England 12 Feb 1877, see also Comox news on same page ARG ARG 29-Oct-1958 25-Feb-1959 Mary CHAPMAN age 84 Info/Kin ARG ARG age 65 Pg Edith Lillian CARWITHEN B 22-Oct-1958 Comox, BC B abt 22 Feb not given 1881 M abt Sep 1939 not given M Pape Date Issued r 6 s/o M/M Ronald J. Caverley, RCAF 5 78th birthday, res of Cobble Hill, father of D. Cavin 5-Sep-1956 14 17th wedding anniversary ARG 20-Oct-1957 4 50th anniversary attended by Fanny Bay family ARG [Vena ARG Mcdonald] Margaret ARG Agnes PIERCY 17-Dec-1958 1-May-1957 2 d/o M/M Albert Cessford of Courtenay 4 Former res of Courtenay ARG ARG 28-Nov-1956 13-Aug-1958 9-May-1956 1 Pioneer of Denman Island, born in Orkney Islands, bur. Denman, family named 7 d/o M/M Douglas Chamberlain of Headquarters 4 s/o M/M Douglas K. Chamberlin of Courtenay Ev en Date of Event t Surname Given CHAMBERLIN M CHAPMAN Ardythe Maureen (girl) (boy) Yuen Kwing (boy) CHAPMAN (girl) B CHAPMAN CHAPMAN (girl) Anne B B CHAPMAN CHAPMAN CHAPPEL Karen Mary (girl) B M B 30-Jul-1945 not given 18-Sep-1907 Duncan, BC 26-Mar-1959 St. Joseph's, Comox CHAPPEL James Douglas M 5-Apr-1958 Courtenay CHAPPELL CHAPPLE Frances (boy) M B CHARLES CHARPENTIER (girl) (girl) B B CHATTEN (girl) B 28-Dec-1957 not given 13-May-1959 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 2-Apr-1956 Comox 26-May-1959 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 9-Jun-1958 St. Joseph's, Comox CHAUVIN Flora D CHAYKOWSKI CHEIDECKER (boy) John (Mr. and Mrs.) Walter Albert (LAC) B M CHAMP CHANDLER CHANG CHENEY B B D B M Place age/dob 5-Oct-1956 Comox age 18 United 22-Jan-1957 Comox 24-Jan-1957 Cumberland 13-Jan-1958 Cumberland age 76 (Chinatown) 8-Jul-1958 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 26-Dec-1956 Campbell River 12-Mar-1959 not given abt 6 Oct 1940 not given 8-Mar-1959 Courtenay (Comox) 1-Nov-1957 Comox 1-Nov-1911 not given 16-Nov-1956 Courtenay, St. George's Spouse Leonard ARG Samuel WALL ARG ARG ARG 6-Feb-1957 6-Feb-1957 15-Jan-1958 ARG 9-Jul-1958 ARG 9-Jan-1957 ARG ARG 10-Oct-1956 8-Aug-1956 2-Oct-1957 1-Apr-1959 Doreen Marjory ARG HOLLOWAY 23-Apr-1958 Bud YORK Pg Info/Kin 1 d/o M/M D.E. Chamberlin of Comox. See Showers 3 Oct page 12, Engagement 5 Sep p. 6 9 d/o M/M Richard Champ 9 s/o M/M Peter Chandler 1 Believed to have died of natural causes, inquiry ordered 5 s/o M/M Raymond Chapman 7 d/o M/M James Chapman, Campbell River 18-Mar-1959 6 d/o M/M Paul Chapman, RCAF 10-Oct-1956 12 16th birthday, d/o M/M Robert Chapman of Dove Creek ARG ARG ARG Robert CAVIN age 55 Pape Date Issued r 5 11th birthday, d/o M/M S.C. Chapman 4 50th anniversary 6 d/o M/M James D. Chappel, nee Doreen Holloway, of Comox 7 s/o M/M Albert Chappel of Midland, Ont. ARG ARG 11-Dec-1957 20-May-1959 5 Shower at home of Mrs. Heyman in Merville 6 s/o M/M Terrance Chapple, RCAF, Comox ARG ARG 4-Apr-1956 27-May-1959 6 d/o M/M Armand Charles, RCAF Comox 6 d/o M/M Harold Charpentier, Point Holmes ARG 11-Jun-1958 4 d/o M/M Vernon Chatten Mr. Chauvin ARG 11-Mar-1959 1 Fatal car accident in Courtenay, res of Vancouver [Anna Mary] ARG ARG 6-Nov-1957 26-Nov-1958 4 s/o M/M Paul Chaykowski of Cumberland 8 47th anniversary, res of Point Holmes, 2 dtrs named ARG 21-Nov-1956 2 s/o M/M A. Cheney of Woodstock, N.B. Stanis Sylvia SINCLAIR Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t CHESTER (girl) B CHESTER Kenneth Albert (F/O) (boy) M CHICKITE CHILDS CHIN Jane (Mrs.) Lily Place age/dob Spouse 14-Mar-1959 St. Joseph's, Comox Pape Date Issued r 18-Mar-1959 17-May-1958 RCAF Chapel, Comox B 3-Aug-1957 Campbell River B Aug 1873 Sandwick Patricia Louise ARG ENNS 4-Jun-1958 ARG 14-Aug-1957 5 s/o M/M Arthur Chickite of Quathiaski Cove ARG 13-Aug-1958 M CHOW-CHIN, Bill Irene Gwendolyn WILLIAMS ARG 13-Aug-1958 4 85th birthday, photo. Probably Jennie FINLEY who married Frank Alfred CHILDS 28 Jan 1897, at Comox 2 d/o M/M On CHIN ARG 9-Oct-1957 2-Aug-1958 Nanaimo Anthony John M 28-Sep-1957 Montreal, St. Malachy's CHOQUETTE CHOW-CHIN CHRISTENSEN (girl) Bill Jytte B M M CHRISTIE Alma Agnes Ann Edith D 24-Apr-1957 Comox 2-Aug-1958 Nanaimo 28-Dec-1957 Courtenay, U.C. manse 9-Aug-1958 Union Bay age 54 ARG Lily CHIN ARG Christian ARG KJAER Alex CHRISTIE ARG M M 1-Aug-1956 Nova Scotia 28-Jun-1958 Vancouver, St. Andrew's M CHRISTIE Herbert Read John CHRISTIE Robert D 2-Jun-1924 Sapperton, BC 1-Sep-1958 Cumberland age 62 Hospital 22-Apr-1956 Nanaimo age 57 Not named Johann TAUSCHMAN N Edith Esther G. WOOD not given CHRISTOF M CHURCH Malinda Anna (boy) CLAIR CLAPHAM CLARK (boy) (girl) (boy) B B B CLARK (girl) B CHRISTIE Info/Kin ARG CHOPIN CHRISTIE CHRISTIE Pg D B 22-Dec-1956 Courtenay, St. John's 26-May-1958 St. Joseph's, Comox ARG ARG 8 s/o M/M H. A. Chester of Mission City 6 s/o M/M Aloysius Chopin 1-May-1957 3 d/o M/M Gerald Choquette of Courtenay 13-Aug-1958 2 s/o M/M Dere Shere CHOW, formerly of Cumberland 1-Jan-1958 11 Nuptial blessing sung in Danish by Erick and Otto Kjaer 13-Aug-1958 8-Aug-1956 9-Jul-1958 4 d/o M/M Jack Scott of Denman Island, dtr Margaret named 5 d/o M/M H.R. Christie, no marriage writeup 7 d/o M/M H. Christie, sis/o Dr. Christie ARG 10-Jun-1959 10 35th anniversary at home of N.C. Hopkins, Fanny Bay ARG 3-Sep-1958 12 Born in Scotland, miner, bur. Cumberland Cemetery, see also 10 Sep page 6 Card of Thanks 25-Apr-1956 9 Was building home on Tom Piket farm on Denman Island 2-Jan-1957 8 d/o M/M J. L. Christof ARG Dale Edward WIEDENMAN 6 d/o M/M Kenneth Chester ARG ARG 28-May-1958 6 s/o M/M Bernard Church 5-Dec-1958 Comox, BC 31-Oct-1958 Comox, BC 27-Apr-1959 St. Joseph's, Comox ARG ARG ARG 10-Dec-1958 5-Nov-1958 29-Apr-1959 8 s/o M/M Hubert Clair, Cumberland 6 d/o M/M Raymond Clapham of Courtenay 6 s/o M/M Cecil Clark, RCAF 21-Aug-1956 Comox ARG 2-Aug-1956 5 d/o M/M Jack Clark, RCAF Comox Surname Given CLARK Alice CLARK Alice E.J. (Mrs.) Andrew Betty Lou CLARK CLARK CLARK CLARK Ev en Date of Event t B abt 4 Feb 1870 B 28 Jan 1871 Place not given ARG 1-Feb-1956 7 85th birthday of Mrs. H.R. Clark, in Courtenay news ARG ARG 9-May-1956 27-May-1959 5 80th birthday, f/o Mrs. Nellie Lister, guests named 3 d/o M/M Louis Clark of Cumberland Elva Florence GARDINER ARG 11-Sep-1957 4 s/o M/M A. Clark of Vancouver 8-Nov-1958 Courtenay, St. John's 18-Feb-1959 St. Joseph's, Comox George HIPWELL ARG 12-Nov-1958 11 d/o M/M Lewis Clark of Cumberland. See 12 Nov page 2 shower 25-Feb-1959 6 d/o M/M George Clarke, RCAF Daisy Bonwick ARG McNEIL 21-Mar-1956 ARG 10-Jul-1957 6 s/o M/M James Clarkson of Campbell River ARG Alice Clarkson ARG 3-Oct-1956 31-Jul-1957 ARG 14-Aug-1957 5 d/o M/M Barry Clarkson, RCAF Comox 7 Born Scotland, in Canada 47 years, wife deceased, miner from Bevan, 2 sons 5 s/o M/M Eric I Clayton of Stuart Island Rosaline Eileen ARG PRIDY 18-Apr-1956 2 Wedding writeup, s/o M/M L.H. Clayton of Campbell River. See 4 Apr page 6 Engagement John B. Cleland ARG 16-Jul-1958 8 Former Courtenay residet, husband deceased ARG ARG 24-Apr-1957 6 d/o M/M Wayne Clement of Comox 6-Mar-1957 10 d/o M/M Addison Clement, christened ARG 25-Feb-1959 ARG 11-Mar-1959 9 Res of Campbell River, niece of M/M James Wilson, in Comox news 2 s/o George & Pat Cliffe of Comox Ethel HIGGINS ARG 13-Aug-1958 1 Valley native, family named M 10-Mar-1956 Victoria CLARKSON B CLARKSON CLARKSON (girl) Duncan B D 5-Jul-1957 Campbell River 30-Sep-1956 Comox, BC 26-Jul-1957 Nanaimo CLAYTON (boy) B CLAYTON Dwight Glen M CLELAND D CLIFF Isabella Anna (girl) Barbara Gilchrist Lucille CLIFFE (boy) B CLIFFE Edward Toynbee D B C hr M Info/Kin 4 89th birthday, held at St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox Charles John (RCN) (boy) CLEMENT CLEMENT Pg 4-Feb-1959 M CLARKE Pape Date Issued r ARG B 5 May 1876 not given M 23-May-1959 Courtenay, 4 Square Gospel Donald M 24-Aug-1957 Vancouver, Alexander St. Andrew's B Spouse not given Margaret Rose (girl) CLARKE age/dob Archie FERGUSON ARG age 67 7-Aug-1957 Campbell River 14-Apr-1956 Courtenay, St. George's 6-Jul-1958 North age 78 Vancouver 16-Apr-1957 Comox 2-Mar-1957 Cumberelan age 8 d U.C. months 21-Feb-1959 Nanaimo 8-Mar-1959 St. Joseph's, Comox 12-Aug-1958 St. Joseph's age 74 Hospital, Comox Herbert A. WESLAY 7 s/o Mrs. John Clarke of Bridgeway, Ont. Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t age/dob Myra CLIFFE Myrna Ann M CLIFFORD CLIFFORD CLIFFORD CLIFFORD (boy) (boy) (girl) Dennis Melville Earl Lawrence Mabel Kathleen Maralyn Alma B B B M M 27-Jun-1959 Courtenay, Can. Martyrs Janet Lillian JENSEN Ann Louise LOKKEN Jonathan CLIFFORD Leo George GARDNER M CLUCHEY Shirley Dowena (girl) CLUCHEY CLUE Pape Date Issued r Pg Info/Kin Joseph THOMSON ARG 12-Mar-1958 2 50th anniversary, many relatives and friends listed in long article Dr. Andrew Neil McTAGGART ARG 8-May-1957 3 d/o M/M Joe Cliffe of North Vancouver. Engagement announced 27 Mar page 6 ARG ARG ARG ARG 5-Dec-1956 31-Dec-1958 18-Dec-1957 16-May-1956 ARG 11-Jun-1958 ARG 4-Apr-1956 4 20 Years Ago, pioneer of Merville ARG 3-Jun-1959 3 d/o Mrs. T. Clifford. Engagement 10 Jun page 5, shower 27 May page 6. Marriage not confirmed Gerald Joseph ARG SAVE ARG 16-Jan-1957 B 2-Jan-1957 Comox, RCAF 11-Jun-1958 Vancouver Gordon M 18-May-1957 Courtenay Carolyn Joyce MURTSELL ARG 22-May-1957 B 7-Aug-1958 Penticton Hospital 17-Sep-1957 Comox 18 Oct 1888 not given 22-Nov-1956 Comox, BC 4-Jun-1958 St. Joseph's, Comox ARG 27-Aug-1958 B2 Grt grandson of Mrs. Marie Cartwright of Cumberland COATES COATS COBB COCHLAN Charles David (girl) Frank Sr. (girl) (boy) ARG ARG ARG ARG 18-Sep-1957 5 d/o M/M Gerald Coates, RCAF, Comox 22-Oct-1958 10 70th birthday party, family named 28-Nov-1956 7 d/o Dr/Mrs. Charles Cobb of Courtenay 11-Jun-1958 4 s/o M/M Fred Cochlan COCHRANE (girl) B ARG 18-Jan-1956 11 d/o M/M Alexander Cochrane of Campbell River COCHRANE (girl) B 13-Jan-1956 Campbell River 5-May-1958 St. Joseph's, Comox COCHRANE Robert Ivan (boy) (boy) D 13-Oct-1957 Comox B B 17-Sep-1957 Comox 8-Aug-1957 Cumberland CLIFFORD CLIFFORD CLIFTON COE COFIELD M D B B B B 2-Mar-1908 Courtenay, St. Andrew's Spouse CLIFFE CLIFFORD M Place 26-Apr-1957 Vancouver 1-Dec-1956 25-Dec-1958 13-Dec-1957 12-May-1956 Comox, BC Comox, BC Comox Courtenay 7-Jun-1958 Courtenay, U.C. 2-Apr-1936 Merville, BC age 51 age 65 Annslie Maud MAYNARD 8 4 6 7 s/o M/M Dennis Clifford of Cumberland s/o M/M Dennis Clifford of Cumberland d/o M/M Fred Clifford of Merville s/o M/M T.H. Clifford of Merville, wedding writeup on page 9. See 25 Apr 1956 p. 6, Engagement 2 s/o M/M Thomas Clifford. See 28 May p. 7 Engagement 8 d/o M/M Robert P. Clifton 18-Jun-1958 7B d/o m/m G. Cluchey nee Carol Murtsell (Merville News) 4 s/o M/M Cluchey of Vancouver ARG 7-May-1958 4 d/o M/M Gordon Cochrane ARG 16-Oct-1957 ARG ARG 18-Sep-1957 14-Aug-1957 4 Born in Grenville Co., Ontario, family named, bur. Courtenay Civic 5 s/o M/M Leslie Coe of Union Bay 5 s/o M/M Donald E. Cofield of Cumberland Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t Place age/dob COHOON (boy) B 23-Mar-1959 St. Joseph's, Comox COHOON M COLBOW John Walter (L.A.C.) Sharon 25-Feb-1958 RCAF Catholic Chapel 8-Jan-1948 not given COLBY COLE (boy) (girl) B B COLEMAN (boy) B COLETTI COLLINS COMB (boy) (boy) Elizabeth B 1-Mar-1958 Nelson B 1-Aug-1957 Comox M 15 Jul 1897 Sandwick COMIS CONARROE CONN CONN (girl) Ruth (boy) Floyd B 21-Aug-1958 B abt Sep 1935 B 28-Aug-1956 M 11-Aug-1956 CONN Robert CONN Thomas CONN Thomas CONNERS (girl) M abt 2 May Cumberland 1934 D 9-Apr-1959 Cumberland age 77 G.H. M 4-Apr-1908 Red Lodge, Montana B 19-Jun-1958 St. Joseph's, Comox CONNON (boy) B CONNORS COOK (girl) (boy) B B COOK Leslie D Douglas Michael A. M bef 13 May 1959 COOK B Spouse Phyllis Rita FULERTON (L.A.C.) 15-Aug-1956 Comox 28-Oct-1956 Campbell River, BC 19-Apr-1958 St. Joseph's, Comox Matthew PIERCY SJH not given Comox Port Alberni, St. Andrew's U.C. 7-Mar-1956 Campbell River 17-Dec-1956 Comox, BC 6-Nov-1956 Campbell River, BC 10-Mar-1959 Chilliwack Comox, St. Peter's Elaine Marie JOHNSON age 5 McMILLAN Pape Date Issued r Pg Info/Kin ARG 25-Mar-1959 6 s/o M/M John Cohoon of Comox ARG 12-Mar-1958 8 No further info ARG 11-Jan-1956 ARG ARG 2-Aug-1956 31-Oct-1956 8 8th birthday, d/o Mrs. W.L. Colbow, gd/o M/M W. Colbow, Pete Sirlee and Mrs. Cal Smith 5 s/o M/M Bruce Colby of Comox 5 d/o M/M Harry Cole of Campbell River ARG 23-Apr-1958 4 s/o Dr/M D. C. Coleman ARG ARG ARG 5-Mar-1958 2 s/o M/M George Coletti of Nelson 7-Aug-1957 10 s/o M/M James Cass, RCAF Comox 17-Jul-1957 7 60th anniversary, see photo 10 Jul page 1 and 17 Jul page 7 re Piercy family 3-Sep-1958 10 d/o M/M Donald Comis of Courtenay 12-Sep-1956 18 21st birthday, d/o M/M F.W. Conarroe 29-Aug-1956 7 s/o M/M J. Conn, RCAF Comox 15-Aug-1956 12 s/o M/M Robert Conn of Alberni, formerly of Cumberland, more info ARG ARG ARG ARG ARG 13-May-1959 10 25th anniversary Janet LENNOX ARG 15-Apr-1959 Janet LENNOX ARG 16-Apr-1958 ARG 25-Jun-1958 2 Family named in good write-up. 22 Apr p. 7 Card of Thanks 8 50th anniversary at home of dtr Ella, Mrs. Wilburt Hudson, see also 26 Mar p. 3 4 d/o M/M Rivlyn Conners, Comox ARG 14-Mar-1956 7 d/o M/M Patrick Moloney of Campbell River ARG ARG 19-Dec-1956 14-Nov-1956 7 d/o M/M Rinlyn Connors, RCAF, Comox 5 s/o M/M Vincent Cook of Sayward ARG 18-Mar-1959 11 Hit by a truck, s/o M/M Leslie Cook, former residents Donna Darlene ARG WILSON 13-May-1959 10 s/o M/M Fred Cook of Alert Bay Surname Given COOKE (girl) COOKE Shirley Joyce (LAW) William Roden COOKE Ev en Date of Event t Place age/dob B bef 18 Jan Campbell 1956 River M 26-Apr-1958 RCAF Chapel, Comox D 20-Nov-1958 Victoria, BC age 73 Spouse Pape Date Issued r Info/Kin ARG 18-Jan-1956 2 d/o M/M Vince Cooke, in Sayward Valley news Jacob Erich ARG WIELER (LAC) 14-May-1958 4 d/o M/M W. H. Cooke of New Glasgow, NS Beatrice COOKE BREEN ARG 26-Nov-1958 ARG ARG 14-Jan-1959 25-Mar-1959 1 Former resident & merchant, WWI vet. See also 2nd section page 1 7 Engagement announced. Marriage not confirmed 6 s/o M/M James Coolen, RCAF ARG 26-Mar-1958 A4 s/o M/M Thomas Cooper ARG 16-Oct-1957 ARG 17-Jun-1959 COOKE COOLEN (boy) M ? 1959 ? B 23-Mar-1959 St. Joseph's, Comox COOPER (boy) B COOPER COOPER A. (Mr. and M abt 12 Oct not given Mrs.) 1917 Brenda B 1-Jun-1954 not given COOPER Kay M 11-Aug-1956 Nanaimo, St. Paul's Ang. John Wolfgang ARG RAUTENBERG 22-Aug-1956 COOPER Larona May M 9-May-1959 Courtenay, St. George's William Walter ARG HERMAN 13-May-1959 COOPER Mary D Wesley M CORKER Barbara Judith M George ARG COOPER Sr. Margaret Ruth ARG HAMILTON Verne Norman ARG MARZOLF 5-Nov-1958 COPELAND CORKER Elizabeth Ann M CORMIER D B D 25-Sep-1957 Comox 14-Jul-1957 Comox age 4 ARG ARG COTTINGHAM Cecil Burton (boy) Marianne Lucille Mary Anne 28-Oct-1958 Cumberland, age 69 BC 29-Nov-1958 Courtenay, U.C. Manse 20-Jul-1957 St. Alban's Anglican, Brighouse 6-Sep-1956 St. Alban's Ang., Brighouse, Vancouver 29-Nov-1958 Comox age 41 D 14-Jul-1957 Comox age 4 ARG 17-Jul-1957 COTTINI (boy) B 25-Aug-1956 Comox ARG 29-Aug-1956 COSMAN COTTINGHAM Pg 24-Mar-1958 St. Joseph's, Comox Philip Alan LAWRENCE 3 40th anniversary, parents of Mrs. A. Bills of Courtenay, 13 grandchildren 8 5th birthday, d/o Mrs. George Cooper, in Union Bay news 3 d/o M/M Leonard Cooper of Cumberland. See 18 Jul p. 6 Engagement & 25 Jul p. 3 Shower 8 d/o M/M Aaron Cooper. See 15 Apr p. 7 Engagement, 6 May p. 9 Shower 6 Res of Union Bay, born Manchester, England, family named 3-Dec-1958 B7 s/o M/M L. Copeland of Pincher Creek, AB 31-Jul-1957 13 d/o Mrs. Barbara Corker of Richmond, gd/o late Canon A./Mrs. Corker of Comox, more info ARG 12-Sep-1956 2 Of Richmond, formerly Comox, d/o Mrs. Barbara M. Corker, family named. See also page 18, Comox news ARG 17-Dec-1958 B7 Vet of WW2 & Korean War, no family mentioned, bur. Courtenay Cemetery 25-Sep-1957 4 s/o M/M Steve Cosman of Royston 16-Jul-1958 7 "In Memoriam" by "Daddy, Mommy, Ray, Marilyn & Cy" 1 Car accident, d/o Sgt/Mrs W.E. Cottingham, new residents 7 s/o M/M Lewis Cottini of Fanny Bay Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t Place age/dob Spouse Info/Kin Jeanette M COTTINI Loretta Frances Maxine Sylvia Barrie Janes M 13-Dec-1958 Courtenay, U.C. Manse 1-Jul-1957 Union Bay M 20-Jun-1958 Courtenay D COULING COULSON COUNDLEY (boy) Ronnie Beatrice B B M 12-Jan-1956 New age 23 Westminster , BC 13-Dec-1957 Comox 23-Apr-1950 not given 21-May-1906 Cumberland COURT Frederick Thomas D COUSINS COVENEY (boy) Ruth Marilyn B M 17-Nov-1958 North Vancouver, BC 5-Apr-1956 Comox 24-May-1958 Courtenay COVERDALE COWIE B B 15-Mar-1959 Comox 25-Feb-1956 Comox COWMAN (boy) Margaret Ann (boy) B 2-Oct-1957 not given ARG COX (boy) B ARG COX (girl) B ARG 21-Nov-1956 CRAFTER M ARG CRAIG Janet Ramsay (boy) 11-Sep-1956 Campbell River 17-Nov-1956 Campbell River, BC 8-Mar-1957 Vancouver, BC 22-Jan-1956 Cumberland 18-Mar-1959 6 s/o M/M Leonard Coverdale of Comox 7-Mar-1956 13 d/o M/M G. Cowie, gd/o Mrs. L. Savoie, Hornby Island news. See also 29 Feb page 7 New Arrivals 9-Oct-1957 4 s/o M/M David Cowman, RCAF Alert Bay, nee Bunty Wells 19-Sep-1956 7 s/o M/M Chas. Cox of Campbell River CRAIG (boy) B ARG 13-Mar-1957 B1 d/o Robert Ramsay Crafter of Little River & Mrs. B.R. 1 Crafter of Whitehorse 25-Jan-1956 2 s/o M/M Sammy Craig of Cumberland, ggs/o M/M R.T. Brown of Royston 24-Jul-1957 4 s/o M/M John Craig of Campbell River CRAIG (girl) B ARG 10-Apr-1957 2 d/o M/M Samuel Craig of Campbell River CRAIG John M ARG 19-Dec-1956 6 s/o M/M James Craig of Cumberland CRAIG John M ARG 23-Jan-1957 6 s/o M/M James Craig of Cumberland COULDERY B 22-Jul-1957 Campbell River 6-Apr-1957 Campbell River 28-Dec-1956 Vancouver, BC 28-Dec-1956 Vancouver, BC age 62 ARG Pg COTTINI COTTON Clark BREWSTER Robert Eric BLINSTON GEE, John Marvin Pape Date Issued r ARG 10-Dec-1958 4 d/o M/M Louis Cottini, Fanny Bay, Shower. See wedding writeup 17 Dec page 6 3-Jul-1957 11 d/o M/M Louis Cottini of Fanny Bay ARG 25-Jun-1958 2 d/o m/m Joseph COTTON, Courtenay ARG 18-Jan-1956 3 s/o Mrs. C.A. Couldery of Royston & late G.A. Couldery, bur. Denman Island ARG ARG ARG 18-Dec-1957 25-Apr-1956 9-May-1956 6 s/o M/M Roland Couling, RCAF 7 6th birthday, s/o Mrs. C. Coulson, guests named 1 50th anniversary. Writeup and Photo 23 May 1956 p. 5 ARG 26-Nov-1958 4 Bur. Field of Honour, North Vancouver, f/o Fredrick of Burnaby, other family named ARG Walter Sterling ARG McPHEE 18-Apr-1956 4-Jun-1958 5 s/o M/M Melvin Cousins of Courtenay 8 d/o M/M R.V. Coveney of Courtenay Charles Hugh GRANT Mrs. Court ARG ARG John Albert BUSH ARG Elva Ramona BETT Elva Ramona BETT 5 d/o M/M Ralph Cox of Campbell River Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t CRAIG Mary Ann Gillson M CRANDALL CRANDALL B M CRATCHLEY CRAWFORD (boy) Carol Juanita Maryellen Stan (F/O) Helen Ina CREELMAN (girl) CREELMAN Neil D Alexander Neil D Alexander Frederick M CREELMAN CREESE CREIGHTON CRESSWELL Place age/dob Spouse Pape Date Issued r Pg Info/Kin 21-Mar-1916 South Wellington, BC 8-Sep-1956 Comox 18-May-1957 Courtenay Harry VATON D M 24-Jan-1957 Powell River age 21 15-Sep-1956 Courtenay, St. George's ARG Fandall William ARG PEEBLES B 11-Feb-1956 Campbell River 19-Oct-1957 Oyster River age 50 ARG 22-Feb-1956 7 d/o M/M Kenneth Creelman of Campbell River ARG 23-Oct-1957 1 Car accident, 3 killed 19-Oct-1957 Oyster River age 50 bridge 14-Sep-1957 Courtenay, St. George's ARG 5-Mar-1958 1 Accidental death, coroner's inquest Doreene ARG Louise GILLIS 2-Oct-1957 5 Parents not named ARG ARG 3-Dec-1958 24-Jun-1959 6 Born in London, England, bro/o J.B. Creighton 8 Engagement announced. Marriage not confirmed ARG 26-Feb-1958 4 s/o M/M Val Cretney, RCAF ARG ARG ARG ARG ARG 14-Nov-1956 5 16-Oct-1957 4 27-Mar-1957 5 25-Sep-1957 4 14-Jan-1959 12 CRETNEY William C. D Donna M Marie (boy) B CRISP CRISP CRISP CRISP CRISP (boy) (boy) (girl) (girl) (girl) B B B B B CRISP (girl) B CRISP Sydney M CRISP William D 29-Nov-1958 Duncan, BC age 69 27-Jun-1959 Comox, St. Peter's 20-Feb-1958 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 11-Nov-1956 Comox, BC 12-Oct-1957 Comox 21-Mar-1957 Comox 24-Sep-1957 Comox 12-Jan-1959 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 28-Jan-1959 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 14-Dec-1957 Nanaimo, Holson home 27-May-1959 St. Joseph's age 73 Hospital, Comox George BROWN Doug NEWSON ARG 28-Mar-1956 11 40th Anniversary, Cumberland news ARG ARG 12-Sep-1956 12 s/o M/M Donald Crandall, RCAF, Comox 22-May-1957 4 d/o M/M Collier Crandall of Headquarters 30-Jan-1957 9B Plane crash, pilot only 19-Sep-1956 5 d/o M/M A.W. Crawford of Courtenay. See 12 Sep p. 5 & 19 Sep p. 2 showers s/o M/M Ernest Crisp, RCAF, Comox s/o M/M Ernest Crisp of Comox d/o M/M Kenneth Crisp of Courtenay d/o M/M Hector Crisp, RR2 Courtenay d/o M/M H. Crisp of Courtenay ARG 4-Feb-1959 Mina ARG GODBERSON 18-Dec-1957 5 s/o M/M S. Crisp of Grantham Rhoda CRISP 10-Jun-1959 2 Born in England, to Canada 1924, 4 dtrs & 5 sons named ARG 4 d/o M/M Kenneth Crisp Surname CROCKER Given Ev en Date of Event t M CROCKETT Sonia Evelyn May Jean CROCKETT John B CROCKETT CROISDALE John C Douglas hr Karen Ann C hr (girl) B CROOKSHANK CROOKSHANK (girl) (girl) B B CROSFIELD CROSS (boy) (girl) B B CRUMMY Cheryl Mae M CRUMP Annie D CRYER Rosebud M CULLEN Jacqueline M Ann (girl) B CROCKETT CUMMING CUNARD M D CURRIE CURSON Charles Kaye (girl) (boy) CURTIS (girl) B CUTHBERTSON (girl) B B B Place age/dob 2-Mar-1957 Victoria, BC 1-Jan-1939 Comox Valley 7 Sep 1877 Northern Ireland 13-Dec-1958 St. Andrews infant Ang. 13-Dec-1958 St. Andrews infant Ang. 16-Apr-1959 St. Joseph's, Comox 11-Aug-1956 Comox 19-Dec-1957 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 3-Oct-1957 not given 3-Jul-1957 Vancouver, BC 10-May-1958 Victoria, st. John's 2-May-1956 Comox, BC age 65 3-Oct-1958 Campbell River, BC bef 24 Oct Union Bay, 1956 BC 16-May-1959 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 25-Mar-1956 Vancouver, age 77 BC 23-Apr-1957 not given 18-Feb-1959 St. Joseph's, Comox 24-Feb-1958 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 16-Aug-1956 Comox Spouse Pape Date Issued r Pg Info/Kin Brian Dale McMILLAN ARG 13-Mar-1957 11 d/o M/M F. Crocker of Victoria. Engagement announced 6 Feb page 6 col. 2 John BERKELEY ARG 14-Jan-1959 ARG 11-Sep-1957 14 80th birthday event ARG ARG 17-Dec-1958 B8 s/o M/M G. F. Crockett of Crofton, gs/o M/M John Crockett Sr. 17-Dec-1958 B8 d/o M/M John W. Crockett, gd/o M/M John Crockett Sr. & M/M Sorensen of Denman Island 22-Apr-1959 6 d/o M/M Robert Croisdale of Comox ARG ARG 15-Aug-1956 8-Jan-1958 ARG ARG 9-Oct-1957 10-Jul-1957 4 s/o M/M J. Crosfield of Cumberland 6 d/o M/M R. Cross of Cumberland ARG 4-Jun-1958 8 d/o M/M N. H. McClary of Prince Rupert ARG 9-May-1956 5 Sis/o Mrs. Mary Berray, born at Qualicum Beach ARG 8-Oct-1958 ARG 24-Oct-1956 ARG 20-May-1959 ARG 4-Apr-1956 ARG ARG 15-May-1957 25-Feb-1959 2 Formerly of Cumberland, father of sons Kay & Janes, bur. Forest Lawn 3 d/o Cpl/Mrs. G.R. Currie of Germany 6 s/o M/M Dennis Curson, RCAF ARG 24-Feb-1958 4 d/o M/M Robert Curtis, RCAF ARG 2-Aug-1956 ARG Philip Edward William BICKLE Samuel CRUMP John BOURASSA Harold William PARKIN Mrs. Cunard 4 "20 Years Ago" 2 d/o M/M Robert Crookshank, RCMP, Courtenay 7 d/o M/M Robert Crookshank, Courtenay 3 d/o M/M John Cryer 3 d/o M/M A. Cullen of Union Bay. See 10 Oct p. 14 Shower 6 d/o M/M Robert Cumming, RCAF, Comox 5 d/o M/M John Cuthbertson of Royston Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t Place age/dob Spouse Pape Date Issued r Pg Info/Kin CUTLER (boy) B 1-Mar-1959 St. Joseph's, Comox ARG 4-Mar-1959 CUTSEY CUTTRELL DAILEY (girl) (boy) J. Oliver B B M 8-Jul-1956 Comox 12-Jan-1957 Comox, BC 11-Oct-1958 Courtenay, St. George's ARG ARG ARG 11-Jul-1956 16-Jan-1957 15-Oct-1958 DAKIN DALBY (girl) B Mrs. Gwen M ARG ARG 25-Jul-1956 1-Apr-1959 DALE DALEY DALEY DALEY Martin W. (girl) (girl) (girl) D B B B ARG ARG ARG ARG 19-Jun-1957 21-Mar-1956 26-Jun-1957 25-Jun-1958 DALLY (boy) B ARG 18-Feb-1959 11 s/o M/M R. E. Dally, in Willow Point news DALTON DALTON (boy) B Albert M Edward Charles D Rutherford ARG ARG 24-Sep-1958 24-Dec-1958 4 s/o M/M Robert Dalton of Comox 6 s/o M/M B. Dalton of Comox ARG 14-Mar-1956 2 Born in Durham, England, to Canada 1910, bur. Cumberland Cem., stepf/o A. Francessini of Vancouver ARG 10-Oct-1956 ARG 8-Feb-1956 9 Denman Island news. See 24 Oct p. 12 re celebration at Union Bay. Also on page 11 Shower 7 2nd birthday, s/o M/M Ron Dalziel of Hornby Island ARG 25-Apr-1956 ARG 1-Aug-1956 ARG 29-Apr-1959 ARG 5-Dec-1956 11 Died as result of auto accident. Mother of Gordon Daniels. 3-Oct-1956 5 d/o M/M Louis Dansereaux, RCAF Comox 22-Feb-1956 7 d/o M/M Leo Danyluk of Campbell River DALTON 19-Jul-1956 Comox 28-Mar-1959 Victoria, St. Mathias 15-Jun-1957 Comox age 55 13-Mar-1956 Comox 21-Jun-1957 Comox 20-Jun-1958 St. Joseph's, Comox Geoff BROWNING 9-Feb-1959 Campbell River 23-Sep-1958 Comox, BC 20-Dec-1958 Comox, St. Doris Susan Peter's Ang. HIEBERT 23-Feb-1956 Cumberland Born 1879 Delina Dalton DALZIEL James DALZIEL Melvin DAMITZ Otto 28-Sep-1956 Courtenay, U.C. manse B bef 1 Feb not given 1953 M 5-May-1956 Victoria, BC DAMONTE Joseph D DANIEL (boy) B 25-Apr-1959 St. Joseph's, Comox DANIELS Leona Blanche (girl) (girl) D 30-Nov-1956 Victoria, BC age 62 B B 26-Sep-1956 Comox, BC 11-Feb-1956 Campbell River DANSEREAUX DANYLUK Kathleen Ann PEARCE M 2-Jul-1956 Cumberland age 80 Mrs. Tena PLUMP Sylvania Irene THEXTON Mrs. Damonte Mr. Daniels ARG ARG 6 s/o M/M Hugh Cutler, RCAF 2 d/o M/M Paul Cutsey, RCAF, Comox 5 s/o M/M Warren Cuttrell, RCAF Comox 2 s/o R.W. Dailey of Alberni, family named. See 3 Sep page 7 Engagement 5 d/o M/M Ronald Dakin of Courtenay 1 Res of Courtenay. See 15 Apr p. 6, Reception at Native Sons Hall 5 Resident of Victoria 2 d/o M/M Donald Daley, RCAF, Comox 5 d/o M/M Donald Daley, RCAF, Comox 4 d/o M/M Donald Daley, Comox 6 Engagement announced. See 2 May p. 3 Shower. No wedding writeup 9 Born in Italy, family named, wife died 1939, bur. Cumberland Cemetery. See Card of Thanks on page 6 6 s/o M/M Donald Daniel, RCAF Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t Place DARGIE (boy) B 26-Sep-1958 Comox, BC DARGIE DARGIE (girl) Peter William B C hr 4-Apr-1957 Comox 26-May-1959 Royston DARRACH (girl) B bef 21 Jan 1959 DARROCH (boy) B 2-Jun-1959 DAVENPORT DAVIDSON DAVIDSON (boy) (boy) (boy) B B B 13-Dec-1956 1-Mar-1956 26-Mar-1957 DAVIDSON (Mrs. W.) DAVIDSON Alex D bef 21 Jan 1959 M 14-Jan-1959 Nanaimo DAVIDSON Elspeth C. D DAVIDSON DAVIDSON DAVIES DAVIES Hugh Wright Martin Proud Thomas (girl) (girl) DAVIES (girl) B DAVIES DAVIES Daniel Edith Beverley Anne Harold Leslie (boy) (boy) D C hr 24-Dec-1958 Alberni 5-Apr-1958 not given M 20-Apr-1957 Comox U.C. B B 15-Jun-1957 Comox 13-Jul-1957 Comox DAVIDSON DAVIES DAVIS DAVIS age/dob 8 months St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox Comox, BC Comox Campbell River Victoria 21-Jul-1956 Comox age 81 D 17-Feb-1956 Comox age 80 D 17-Dec-1956 Cumberland, age 65 BC 19-Feb-1956 Victoria age 58 23-Aug-1956 Comox 28-Jan-1959 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 5-Mar-1959 St. Joseph's, Comox D B B Spouse age 84 9 months Pape Date Issued r Pg Info/Kin ARG 1-Oct-1958 6 s/o M/M Robert Dargie of Courtenay, nee Joyce Williams of Royston 2 d/o M/M Robert Dargie of Courtenay 6 s/o M/M Robert Dargie, Courtenay, christened, gs/o M/M A.D. Williams of Royston and M/M ,P.B. Dargie of Courtenay, other family named 6 d/o M/M Peter Darrach, RCAF ARG ARG 10-Apr-1957 3-Jun-1959 ARG 21-Jan-1959 ARG 10-Jun-1959 10 s/o M/M Creelman Darroch, RCAF ARG ARG ARG 19-Dec-1956 7 s/o M/M Richard Davenport of Cumberland 7-Mar-1956 10 s/o M/M John Davidson, RCAF, Comox 3-Apr-1957 5 s/o M/M Ross Davidson of Campbell River W. DAVIDSON ARG 21-Jan-1959 6 Aunt of Mr. Mort Graham, in Cumberland news Mrs. Dorothy ARG KIRBY Hugh ARG DAVIDSON Mrs. Davidson ARG 14-Jan-1959 6 No further info ARG Mrs. Davidson ARG ARG ARG ARG 25-Jul-1956 10 Born Thurso, Scotland, family named. Hugh died 17 Feb 1956 at Comox age 80 22-Feb-1956 1 Former logger, father of Hugh W. Davidson 26-Dec-1956 12 Train conductor with Comox Logging, family named, bur. Sandwick Cemetery 22-Feb-1956 7 Born Seaham Harbour, England, son & 2 dtrs named 29-Aug-1956 7 d/o M/M Ronald Davies of Royston 4-Feb-1959 4 d/o M/M Lawrence Davies, RCAF 11-Mar-1959 2 d/o M/M T. Davies of Courtenay Janet DAVIES ARG ARG 7-Jan-1959 7 F/o Mrs. E.A. Munroe, other family named 23-Apr-1958 B6 d/o M/M Robert Davies of Cumberland, christened in Victoria Brenda Kaye TAYLOR 8-May-1957 ARG ARG ARG 3 s/o M/M Thomas Davies of Comox 19-Jun-1957 4 s/o M/M Ronald Davis of Union Bay 17-Jul-1957 12 s/o M/M David Davis of Campbell River Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t Place DAVIS Cecil D DAVIS DAVIS Cliffe J. D. (Mr. and Mrs.) Ronald Wynne B 8-Jul-1948 not given M abt 30 Jun not given 1906 M 1-Oct-1956 Qualicum Beach DAWE (girl) B DAWE (girl) B DAWE George M Mercer (Sgt) Marie D Wilhelmine 16-Feb-1957 Comox, RCAF Chapel 13-Dec-1957 Comox Shirley Marie Stanley M DAY DAY DAY (boy) (girl) Barbara Joan B B M 14-Mar-1959 Comox, St. Peter's 7-Jan-1956 North Bay, Ontario 28-Nov-1956 Comox, BC 16-Jul-1957 Comox 6-Apr-1956 RCAF RC Chapel DAYMAN DE LUCRY DE PAPE (girl) (boy) Raymond B B D DE WITT Ann M DEFTY Marilyn Georgina (girl) Mario M DAVIS DAWSON DAWSON DAWSON DEL CASINO DEL CASINO M B M 6-Mar-1958 Merville age/dob age 60 Spouse Pearl Agnes MALLOREY Christine Margaret VENNBERG 2-Jan-1958 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 26-Feb-1959 St. Joseph's, Comox 17-May-1956 Comox, BC 19-Mar-1956 Comox 3-Oct-1956 Stave Lake, age 23 BC 28-Apr-1956 Courtenay, St. George's 7-Apr-1956 Esquimalt U.C. 1-Nov-1957 Cumberland 17-Nov-1956 Courtenay R.C. Pg Info/Kin ARG 12-Mar-1958 ARG ARG 25-Jul-1956 3 8th birthday, s/o M/M Clifford Davis 4-Jul-1956 12 50th anniversary, parents of Mrs. J. Mary Monks of Comox Lake and Wm. Davis of Denver, Colorado 24-Oct-1956 3 s/o M/M Roy Davis of Royston. See Engagement 5 Sep 1956 p. 6 ARG 4 Born Indiana 1898, father of Mrs. Vera Kvisle ARG 8-Jan-1958 7 d/o M/M Gerald Dawe, RCAF ARG 4-Mar-1959 6 d/o M/M Gerald Dawe, RCAF ARG 6-Mar-1957 5 s/o M/M F. Dawe of Vernon, BC Charles ARG William DAWSON Murray Cooper ARG MACKIE Anita ARG LALANDE ARG ARG Nicholas Jacob ARG BENGERT 18-Dec-1957 5 Nee DICKENSON, born in Chestefield, England, to Canada 1913, family named 25-Mar-1959 3 d/o Mrs. E. F. Dawson. See 11 Mar p. 2 & 18 Mar p. 11, Showers 8 s/o M/M Clifford Dawson of Sandwick ARG ARG ARG 23-May-1956 21-Mar-1956 10-Oct-1956 ARG 2-May-1956 William James ARG AGER ARG Georgina ARG Marilyn HAMILTON 11-Apr-1956 7 d/o M/M Wm. Defty of Comox. See 4 Apr p. 8 shower 6-Nov-1957 28-Nov-1956 4 d/o M/M Mario Del Casino 3 s/o M/M C. Del Casino of Cumberland, sis/o Lena. Engagement 7 Nov p. 6 Rosalie Marie NEUWLY age 75 Pape Date Issued r Bram Van der PUTTEN 25-Jan-1956 5-Dec-1956 8 s/o M/M Kenneth Day of Courtenay 17-Jul-1957 12 d/o M/M Kenneth Day, RCAF, Comox 18-Apr-1956 14 d/o M/M Bert Day, Culing, Newfoundland 2 d/o M/M Albert Dayman, RCAF 2 s/o M/M David De Lucry, RCAF, Courtenay 1 Logging accident, s/o M/M George de Pape, formerly of Hornby Island 7 d/o M/M C.J. De witt of Holland, wedding writeup. See 11 Apr p. 6 engagement See Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t DELANEY Ronald D DELAU Erhard M DELLER DEMERS DENNIS B B M DENNISON DENNISON Keith (boy) Rosemary Frances (girl) Lorraine DEPAPE DEPTUCK DEPTUCK (boy) (boy) (boy) B B B DERBY DES ROCHE DESROSIERS Place age/dob 5-Nov-1956 Cumberland, age 72 BC 17-Aug-1957 Courtenay not married Pape Date Issued r ARG Margarete VON ARG SCHILLING Info/Kin 7 Born in Scotland, res of Cumberland 21-Aug-1957 13 s/o M/M Delau of Germany (also spelled DELAV in paper) ARG ARG 5-Dec-1956 Comox, BC 18-Dec-1956 Comox, BC 12-Jun-1958 St. Joseph's, Comox ARG ARG ARG 12-Dec-1956 19-Dec-1956 18-Jun-1958 7 son of M/M Robert DePape of Hornby Island 7 s/o M/M John Deptuck of Courtenay 2 s/o M/M John Deptuck, Courtenay (girl) B (boy) B Ares Albert M 21-Jun-1957 Comox 14-Dec-1957 Comox 5-Apr-1958 Courtenay, St. George's ARG ARG Doreen Alverda ARG WILSON 26-Jun-1957 18-Dec-1957 30-Apr-1958 5 d/o M/M Joseph Derby, RCAF, Comox 6 s/o M/M E. "Dishey" Des Roche (page 1) 6 No further info DESROSIERS Ross D 26-Nov-1956 Comox, BC Mary Luella Desrosiers ARG 28-Nov-1956 7 Daughters named DETWILER (girl) B ARG 11-Apr-1956 7 d/o M/M Kenneth Detwiler of Camp 5 Bloedel DEVAN DEWAR (boy) Myrna Helen B M 8-Apr-1956 Campbell River 19-Sep-1958 Comox, BC 17-Dec-1955 Courtenay, Can. Martyrs ARG William Francis ARG BARBER 24-Sep-1958 11-Jan-1956 4 s/o M/M David Devan, RCAF 8 d/o M/M Gordon Dewar of Vancouver. See page 9 Shower, Courtenay news DEYOUNG D ARG 7-Aug-1957 DICK William Henry (boy) ARG 16-May-1956 7 s/o M/M Ivan Dick of Quathiaski Cove DICK Stella D ARG 18-Dec-1957 1 Drowned when fishing boat sank, 20 saved, 2 lost. DICKENSON David ARG 14-Mar-1956 3 11th birthday, in Comox news DICKINSON John Charles B abt 10 Mar not given 1945 C 7-Oct-1956 Comox hr United Church ARG 10-Oct-1956 10 s/o M/M D. Earl Dickinson of Comox B 5-Aug-1957 Comox Lloyd WALTERS age 66 age 70 10-May-1956 Campbell River 14-Dec-1957 Cape Mudge age 8 Harbour "small son" ARG ARG ARG 28-Nov-1956 Pg 7-Jan-1959 3 5th birthday, in Comox news 17-Jul-1957 12 s/o M/M Leo Demers of Courtenay 11-Apr-1956 9 d/o H.J./late Mrs. Dennis of Comox. See 28 Mar p. 3 & 11 Apr p. 10 showers 17-Sep-1958 6 d/o M/M Robert Dennison, RCAF Comox 8-Feb-1956 12 17th birthday, d/o M/M C.O. Dennison, Fanny Bay news B B 1-Jan-1954 not given 12-Jul-1957 Comox 7-Apr-1956 Comox, St. John Bap. 14-Sep-1958 Comox 4-Feb-1939 not given Spouse 7 Born in Holland, res Denman Island Surname DICKSON Given Ev en Date of Event t Place age/dob M DIONNE James Leonard (Sgt) (boy) DIONNE (girl) B DIRKS (boy) B DIRKS boy B DITCHBURN DIXON B D D 25-Mar-1956 Victoria, BC age 80 Dorothy Edith STOCKAND M. Dobell DOBOS (boy) Frank Edward Mabel Blanche William 23-Dec-1958 Campbell River, BC 18-Sep-1957 Campbell River 7-May-1957 Campbell River 19-Feb-1957 Campbell River 12-Dec-1957 Comox 31-Dec-1956 Cumberland age 40 D 18-May-1956 Bloedel Mrs. Dobos DODD (boy) B DODD (boy) B DODD James Edward C hr DODDS DODDS DODDS (boy) James John B B M DODDS John (Mr. and Mrs.) (girl) M DODGE Raymond Harold M DOHERTY (girl) B DOBELL DODGE B B 7-Jun-1957 Courtenay Spouse 2-Feb-1959 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 10-Feb-1959 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox bef 22 Jan RCAF 1958 Comox Prot. chapel 12-Sep-1957 Comox 20-Jan-1935 not known 25-Dec-1933 Riddie, SCT, St. Enoch Hoggenfield Church 25-Dec-1933 Riddrie, Scotland 31-May-1959 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 10-Aug-1958 Courtenay, St. George's 25-Jan-1957 Comox Evelyn May JACKSON age 27 Janet McGeoch Kennedy SMITH Beverley Ann BELL Pape Date Issued r Pg Info/Kin ARG 26-Jun-1957 2 s/o M/M James Dickson of Victoria ARG 31-Dec-1958 5 s/o M/M Dennis Dionne, Willow Point news ARG 25-Sep-1957 4 d/o M/M Daniel Dionne of Campbell River ARG 15-May-1957 3 s/o M/M Werner Dirks of Black Creek ARG 6-Mar-1957 ARG ARG 18-Dec-1957 2-Jan-1957 ARG 4-Apr-1956 5 s/o M/M Walter Dirks, Black Creek 6 s/o M/M Anthony Ditchburn, RCAF, Comox 1 Coal mine cave-in, see 9 Jan p. 1 re inquest ARG 2 Mother of Lester Dobell, former Mayor. Born in Gravesend, England 23-May-1956 11 Drowned at logging camp, father of two, not named, bur. Abbotsford 4-Feb-1959 4 s/o M/M Donald Dodd, RCAF ARG 11-Feb-1959 4 s/o M/M Thomas E. Dodd, RCAF ARG 22-Jan-1958 3 Christened, s/o F/O & Mrs. T.E. Dodd ARG ARG ARG 18-Sep-1957 9-Jan-1957 17-Dec-1958 5 s/o M/M Thomas Dodds, RCAF, Comox 3 21st birthday, column 4 5 s/o M/M William Dodds, Mayfield Farm, Stevenston, Ayrshire. Silver wedding announcement ARG 31-Dec-1958 3 25th anniversary ARG 3-Jun-1959 ARG 20-Aug-1958 ARG 6-Feb-1957 ARG 4 d/o M/M Raymond Dodge, Courtenay 3 s/o M/M William Dodge of Barriere, BC. See also 30 Jul p. 7 engagement 9 d/o M/M Joseh Doherty of Royston Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t DOHERTY DOLAN DOLTON DOMBOWSKY (girl) Diana (girl) (girl) B B B B DOMBROWSKY John Joseph A.C. Elizabeth Jean M DOOLEY Bern M DOUCETTE DOUGLAS (girl) (boy) B B DOUGLAS DOUGLAS (girl) (girl) B B DOUGLAS Janet B (Mrs.) John (Able M Seaman) (girl) B DONALD DOVER DOWARD M Place SJH not given Comox St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 27-Apr-1957 Comox age/dob Spouse 26-Aug-1958 14-Nov-1949 7-May-1957 30-Jan-1958 17-May-1958 Vancouver, Can. Memorial bef 14 Aug Halifax, St. 1957 Joseph's 17-Jul-1956 Comox 9-Apr-1957 Campbell River 10-May-1956 Comox, BC 15-Mar-1958 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 11 Dec 1877 not given 1-Jan-1959 Comox, St. Peter's 24-Mar-1959 St. Joseph's, Comox DOWN DOWN DOWN (boy) (boy) Murray Campbell B B M 6-Sep-1957 Comox 13-Nov-1958 Comox 25-Feb-1956 Courtenay, Ang. Church DOWNEY DOWNEY DOWNEY (boy) (girl) Grace B B M 16-Dec-1956 Comox, BC 1-Nov-1957 Comox 2-Feb-1957 Courtenay, Can. Martyrs DOWNEY Grenda Joan C hr DOWNEY Kathleen Ann M 13-May-1956 Courtenay, St. John's Ang. 7-Sep-1957 Courtenay Pape Date Issued r ARG ARG ARG ARG Marie Carmen ARG Rosalind WINSLOW Thomas Emlyn ARG WYNNE Victoria Ann HUCULAK Ruth Joan TOWERS Claire Louise BURGESS Peter SVETICH David Roy HARRISON Pg Info/Kin 3-Sep-1958 10 d/o M/M Joseph Doherty of Royston 21-Nov-1956 8 7th birthday, d/o M/M T. Dolan 15-May-1957 3 d/o M/M Robert Dolton, Kye Bay Rd. 5-Feb-1958 6 d/o M/M John Dombowsky, RCAF 8-May-1957 3 s/o M/M J. B. Dombrowsky of Claybank, Sask. 4-Jun-1958 8 d/o M/M John Donald of Vancouver ARG 14-Aug-1957 9 s/o Mrs. Margaret/late John Dooley of Newfoundland ARG ARG 25-Jul-1956 17-Apr-1957 5 d/o M/M James Doucette of Courtenay 4 s/o M/M Stan Douglas of Campbell River ARG ARG 16-May-1956 19-Mar-1958 ARG 17-Dec-1958 B7 81st birthday, in Willow Point news 7 d/o M/M Gordon Douglas of Courtenay 4 d/o M/M Donald Douglas, RCAF ARG 4-Feb-1959 3 s/o M/M E. H. Dover of Edmonton ARG 1-Apr-1959 6 d/o M/M Malcolm Doward of Courtenay ARG ARG ARG 11-Sep-1957 19-Nov-1958 8-Feb-1956 ARG ARG ARG 19-Dec-1956 6-Nov-1957 6-Feb-1957 5 s/o M/M Murray Down of Courtenay 6 s/o M/M Murray Down 6 s/o M/M G. Down of Lillooet, BC, wedding announcement. Also on 15 Feb p. 6. See wedding writeup 29 Feb page 2 7 s/o M/M Richard Downey of Courtenay 4 d/o M/M Raymond Downey of Campbell River 5 d/o M/M J. T. Downey ARG 16-May-1956 2 d/o M/M R.J. Downey of Courtenay, christened ARG 11-Sep-1957 4 d/o M/M M.W. Downey of Courtenay. See 1 Sep page 13, two showers Surname DOWNIE Given Ev en Date of Event t Place age/dob M DRAB Audrey Loretta Allan DRAKE DRAKE (boy) (boy) B B DRAKE (girl) B DRAPER (girl) B DRESEN DRESEN (boy) Ellen Elizabeth B M DRESEN Kenneth Neil C hr 25-Dec-1958 Courtenay, child St. George's DRYBURGH DUBE B M DUBOIS (boy) Mary Pauline (boy) 10-Nov-1958 Comox 23-Dec-1955 Ottawa, Ontario 8-Apr-1959 St. Joseph's, Comox DUCCA Michael D 17-Apr-1959 Cumberland age 83 G.H. DUDZIACK (boy) B DUECK DUECK (boy) (girl) B B 18-Apr-1956 Campbell River 16-Mar-1956 Comox 28-Jan-1956 Comox, BC DUECK DUERDEN DUERDON DUNBAR DUNCAN (girl) (boy) (girl) (boy) Elmer DUNKLEY (boy) B 28-Jan-1956 B 24-Jul-1957 B 13-Aug-1958 B 4-Jun-1957 D bef 25 Apr 1956 B 16-May-1959 M B 19-Sep-1958 Vancouver, BC 23-Nov-1957 Vancouver, BC 12-Apr-1956 Comox 1-Sep-1957 Campbell River bef 8 Feb Campbell 1956 River 28-Mar-1959 St. Joseph's, Comox 5-Jul-1957 Comox 8-Dec-1956 Comox, BC Comox Comox Comox Comox Seattle, Washington St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox Spouse Bryan WILLIAMS Shirley Marie UPPGARD Donald McNaughton McDOUGALL Const. Alan SIMPSON not married? Mrs. Duncan Pape Date Issued r ARG Pg Info/Kin ARG 8-Oct-1958 B3 Photo on page 3, writeup in 2nd section page 3, family named 11-Dec-1957 5 s/o M/M George Drab of Chemainus ARG ARG 18-Apr-1956 11-Sep-1957 5 s/o M/M Augustus Drake of Courtenay 5 s/o M/M Douglas Drake of Campbell River ARG 8-Feb-1956 3 d/o M/M Douglas Drake of Campbell River ARG 1-Apr-1959 6 d/o M/M Dennis Draper, RCAF ARG ARG 10-Jul-1957 19-Dec-1956 6 s/o M/M Neil Dresen of Courtenay 9 d/o M/M Karl Dresen of Comox. See 28 Nov page 8 Shower ARG 31-Dec-1958 6 s/o M/M K. N. Dresen ARG ARG ARG 12-Nov-1958 12 s/o M/M Bruce Dryburgh, RCAF 1-Feb-1956 10 s/o M/M Arthur Dube of Manor Park. Announcement 7 Dec 1955 p. 4 15-Apr-1959 6 s/o M/M Norbert Dubois, RCAF ARG 29-Apr-1959 ARG 25-Apr-1956 ARG ARG 21-Mar-1956 1-Feb-1956 ARG ARG ARG ARG ARG 8-Feb-1956 31-Jul-1957 27-Aug-1958 5-Jun-1957 25-Apr-1956 ARG 20-May-1959 3 Born in Russia, in Cumberland 35 yrs, friend of Martin Sinel, niece in US not named, bur. Cumberland Cem. as "Mike DUCKO" 8 s/o M/M Stanley Dudziack of Campbell River 2 s/o M/M Ben Dueck of Black Creek 6 d/o M/M D. Dueck, Black Creek news. See also 8 Feb p. 8 New Arrivals 8 d/o M/M D. Dueck of Black Creek 5 s/o M/M George Duerden of Courtenay B2 d/o M/M George V. Duerdon of Courtenay 4 s/o M/M Lawrence Dunbar, RCAF 10 Bro/o G.R. Duncan of Sayward & Mrs. O.E. Skogan in Upper Sayward 6 s/o M/M John Dunkley, RCAF, Comox Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t Place DUNKLEY (girl) B 18-Mar-1958 St. Joseph's, Comox DUNN Martha Beatty Martin (boy) (boy) (girl) D 22-Jan-1957 Royston B B B B 16-Apr-1953 11-Aug-1957 18-Oct-1957 28-Dec-1956 DUYNDAM Janny Christine M DUYVEJONCK Dorothy Frances (Mrs.) Shirley Jean D M 28-Jun-1958 Fanny Bay DYER John Gaeton Sidney D DYRDA (boy) B 12-Jun-1958 Fort Hospital, Comox 9-Mar-1959 St. Joseph's, Comox DYSTANT (boy) B EAKIN EASTERBROOK (boy) Frances B D EASTLAND EASTMAN EASTON EASTWOOD (girl) Marie (girl) (boy) B B B B EBBERT (boy) B ECCLESTON (boy) B DUNN DUNNETT DURRER DUSHENKA DUYVEWAARDT DUYVEWAERT B age/dob age 73 not given Comox Comox Campbell River 16-May-1959 Courtenay, St. George's Spouse Pg Info/Kin ARG 26-Mar-1958 A4 d/o M/M John Dunkley, RCAF ARG 23-Jan-1957 1 See also writeup 6 Feb page 8, Column 1 ARG ARG ARG ARG 18-Apr-1956 14-Aug-1957 23-Oct-1957 9-Jan-1957 3 5 4 7 Andy Karl BAK ARG 20-May-1959 2 d/o M/M p. Duyndam of Comox, see p. 10 & 11 Showers, 13 May p. 2 prenuptial shower ARG 10-Apr-1957 1 Murdered by boyfriend Leland Eugene MILLER, both from Victoria ARG 21-Jan-1959 6 d/o M/M John Duyvewaardt, RCAF. Christened 19 April (see ARG 22 Apr p. 5) ARG 2-Jul-1958 ARG 18-Jun-1958 7 s/o M/M A.E. Duyvewaert of Hudson Heights, Quebec. See also 16 Jul p. 6 3 father of Richard, Tom & Harry, wife died 1946 ARG 11-Mar-1959 2 s/o M/M Harry Dyrda, RCAF Comox ARG 29-May-1957 4 s/o M/M Hazen Roy Dystant, Campbell River A. C. "Yorky" Dunn 2-Apr-1957 Courtenay, age 31 Grieve Manor 16-Jan-1959 St. Joseph's, Comox 20-May-1957 Campbell River 6-Jul-1956 Comox 25-Feb-1959 Nanaimo age 78 G.H. 19-Jan-1956 Comox 24 May 1877 not given 7-Nov-1958 Comox 28-Jun-1957 Campbell River 14-Dec-1956 Campbell River, BC 20-May-1959 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox Pape Date Issued r Patricia Violet WATERMAN 80 Mrs. Dyer Charles Easterbrook 3rd birthday, s/o Mrs. Arthur Dunn, Union Bay news s/o M/M John Dunnett of Comox s/o M/M Ernest Durrer of Royston d/o M/M Karl Dushenka ARG ARG 11-Jul-1956 2 s/o M/M Clifton Eakin, RCAF, Comox 4-Mar-1959 10 Born in Aspatria, Cumberland, England, family listed ARG ARG ARG ARG 25-Jan-1956 2 d/o M/M Wm. Harold Eastland, Courtenay 3-Jun-1959 6 82nd birthday, first Temple Mother of Pythian Sisters 12-Nov-1958 12 d/o M/M James Easton, RCAF 3-Jul-1957 11 s/o M/M Harry Eastwood ARG 19-Dec-1956 7 s/o M/M Earl Ebbert of Campbell River ARG 27-May-1959 6 s/o M/M Kenneth Eccleston, Union Bay Surname ECCLESTON Given Ev en Date of Event t EDGE Kenneth M Sydney Virginia M May Linda Rae C hr Murray C Albert hr (boy) B EDGETT EDIN EDIN (girl) (girl) Janis Lila EDIN ECCLESTON ECKSTROM ECKSTROM Place age/dob Spouse June Marlene SPENCER Eugene KOZELETSKI Pape Date Issued r 6-Sep-1957 Union Bay, BC 23-Nov-1957 Union Bay U.C. 13-Oct-1957 Fnny Bay ARG 18-Sep-1957 ARG 27-Nov-1957 age 2 ARG 13-Oct-1957 Fanny Bay infant ARG Pg Info/Kin 5 s/o M/M Sydney Eccleston of Courtenay 2 Engagement 6 Nov p. 5, Shower held, d/o M/M Syd Eccleston of Union Bay. Marriage writeup not found 16-Oct-1957 B3 d/o M/M Ray Eckstrom of Buckley Bay, 2nd birthday party, godparents & guests named 16-Oct-1957 B3 s/o M/M Ray Eckstrom of Buckley Bay, godparents & guests named 8-Jan-1958 7 s/o M/M William Edge, RCAF, nee Lorraine BEAUDIN. See 18 Dec 1957 p. 7 re baby shower. ARG B B C hr 30-Dec-1957 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 12-Mar-1957 Comox 29-Aug-1957 Comox 25-Dec-1958 Courtenay, child St. George's ARG ARG ARG 20-Mar-1957 4-Sep-1957 31-Dec-1958 5 d/o M/M James Edgett of Cumberland 4 d/o M/M Milton Edin of Courtenay 6 d/o M/M M. O. Edin Kenneth Noel C hr 25-Dec-1958 Courtenay, child St. George's ARG 31-Dec-1958 6 s/o M/M M. O. Edin EDMONDS (boy) B 21-May-1958 St. Joseph's, Comox ARG 28-May-1958 6 s/o M/M Richard Edmonds EDMONDS EDWARDS (girl) A. J. (Mr. and Mrs.) Lionel Herbert B M 15-Aug-1956 Comox 8-Jun-1908 Lowestoft, England 28-Mar-1959 Courtenay, St. George's ARG ARG 2-Aug-1956 5 d/o M/M Richard Edmonds, RCAF Comox 11-Jun-1958 B4 50th anniversary, Reside Royston, photo on page A4 EDWARDS Mary Elizabeth M 31-Mar-1956 Cumberland U.C. EDWARDS William Victor M 28-Mar-1959 St. Andrew's Anglican EGGENBERGER EGGER (girl) Louis B D 9-Oct-1958 Comox, BC 27-Apr-1956 Victoria EIGLER EINARSON (boy) (girl) B B EIRIKSSON Halldor D 25-Sep-1956 Comox, BC 2-Mar-1956 Campbell River 3-May-1958 St. Joseph's, age 68 Comox EDWARDS M age 56 Patricia Donalene TILBE Gordon McLELLAN ARG 1-Apr-1959 6 s/o M/M L.H. Edwards of Victoria. See also 4 Mar p. 7 Engagement & 8 Apr p. 5 Photo ARG 4-Apr-1956 2 d/o M/M J. Edwards of Cumberland, wedding writeup. See 14 Mar p. 6 Engagement, & 28 Mar p. 10 Shower Donna Margaret PIERCY ARG 8-Apr-1959 5 s/o M/M John Edwards, Cumberland, wedding photo. See also 18 Mar p. 7 Engagement ARG ARG 15-Oct-1958 2-May-1956 ARG ARG 3-Oct-1956 14-Mar-1956 6 d/o M/M John Eggenberger, RCAF 7 Father of Bobby, in Minto news. More info 9 May p. 2, born in Australia, bur. Cumberland Cemetery 5 s/o M/M Alex Vander Eigler 7 d/o M/M Stanley Einarson of Campbell River Margaret Elsie ARG MALCOLM 7-May-1958 Mrs. Egger 4 Pioneer of Dog Lake, MB, family named Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t Place EISENHAUR EIVINDSON (boy) B Arnuf Ulve M Bruun 4-Jan-1957 Comox 28-Jun-1958 Sandwick, St. Andrew's EKDAHL Gary David C hr (boy) B (boy) B EKSTROM ELDRIDGE ARG 8-Apr-1959 3 s/o M/M J. Ekdahl, christened, gs/o Mrs. B. Elliot 15-Sep-1956 Comox, BC 14-Apr-1958 St. Joseph's, Comox ARG ARG 19-Sep-1956 16-Apr-1958 2-Nov-1958 13-Nov-1956 28-Apr-1957 2-Aug-1957 26-Oct-1951 12-Apr-1958 ARG ARG ARG ARG ARG ARG 5-Nov-1958 6 d/o M/M Thomas Elliott, RCAF 14-Nov-1956 5 s/o M/M James Ellis of Cumberland 1-May-1957 3 s/o M/M Edwin Ellis of Courtenay 7-Aug-1957 10 s/o M/M Marvin Ellis of Anderton Road 29-Oct-1958 11 d/o M/M E. J. Ellis of Victoria, sis/o Joseph Randall 16-Apr-1958 10 s/o M. Ellis of Vancouver ARG ARG ARG 29-Oct-1958 11 s/o M/M E.J. Ellis of Victoria, sis/o Catherine (her 7th birthday), gs/o M/M J.G. McQuinn 17-Jun-1959 3 Shower held. Marriage not confirmed 18-Jul-1956 1 Mine accident at Tsable River, inquest to be held ARG ARG 25-Jul-1956 23-May-1956 ARG 8-Feb-1956 ARG abt 84 (83) Bessie ARG CAMPBELL age 67 A. E. Embleton ARG 13-Feb-1957 4-Jul-1956 ELMORE ELSINER Joseph Randall Gerry Henry Laurence (boy) Barbara EMBLEM Marjorie EMBLETON EMBLETON (girl) Adam Edgar Elizabeth C 26-Oct-1958 Comox U.C. hr M ? 1959 ? D 14-Jul-1956 Vancouver, BC B 20-Jul-1956 Comox M 5-May-1956 Williams Lake, BC D abt Feb 1936 Seattle, Washington B 9-Feb-1957 Comox D 30-Jun-1956 Courtenay ENDERSBY (boy) (girl) Ross Andrew (girl) ENGEMOEN Janice ENNS (boy) B B M Info/Kin 29-Mar-1959 Vancouver ELLIS EMERSON EMERY EMMERSON Pg 7 s/o M/M Donald Eisenhaur, RCAF 7 s/o Mrs. A. Bruun Eivindson of Oslo, Norway B B B B B C hr D Pape Date Issued r 9-Jan-1957 9-Jul-1958 (girl) (boy) (boy) (boy) Catherine Guy Bradley EMBLETON Spouse ARG Sybil Barbara ARG RICHARDSON ELLIOTT ELLIS ELLIS ELLIS ELLIS ELLIS ELLISON ELLISON age/dob Comox, BC Comox, BC Comox Comox not given Courtenay, Can. Martyrs 7-Aug-1936 Courtenay 19-Apr-1957 Comox 5-Nov-1957 Comox 26-Oct-1956 Courtenay U.C. B 13-Apr-1957 Campbell River B abt 7 Feb not given 1948 B 6-Jul-1956 Comox age 4 mos. not known age 57 James GRIFFITH Richard EMBLEM Dorothy Mae HARRIS 15-Aug-1956 7 s/o M/M Raymond Ekstrom of Fanny Bay 7 s/o M/M Edward Eldridge, RCAF 5 s/o M/M Don Elmore, RCAF Comox 7 d/o M/M Carol Elsiner of Hawkins Lake, Hornby Island news 4 "20 Years Ago" nee BURCHELL , bride of 3 days died of influenza on honeymoon 5 d/o M/M Ross Embleton of Kyuquot, BC 1 Born Harvey Station, NB, married 1913, Wife deceased, more info 4 "20 Years Ago" prominent church and lodge worker ARG ARG ARG 24-Apr-1957 6 s/o M/M Ross Emerson of Courtenay 6-Nov-1957 4 d/o M/M John R. Emery, RCAF, Comox 31-Oct-1956 15 s/o M/M J.E. Emmerson of Calgary ARG 17-Apr-1957 4 d/o M/M D. F. Endersby of Quathiaski Cove ARG 15-Feb-1956 8 8th birthday, Sandwick news, d/o M/M Lyle Engemoen ARG 11-Jul-1956 2 s/o M/M Aron Enns of Black Creek Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t Place age/dob ENNS (girl) B ENNS Patricia Louise M EPP Arnold Arlie M 30-Aug-1957 Courtenay, St. George's ERICKSON (boy) B ERICKSON Axel Emanuel David Frederick Eileen D 7-Jan-1959 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 31-Aug-1956 Courtenay age 65 Franklin John Gunnar M Inga Lucille Louise M 6-Jul-1957 Comox M 3-Jul-1957 Courtenay ERICKSON Mitchell David C hr ERICKSON Murray Franklin C hr ERICKSON Robert Douglas Roy Susan Margaret (girl) C 16-Nov-1958 Ladysmith hr M ? 1959 ? C 16-Nov-1958 Ladysmith hr B 18-Jul-1957 Comox ERICKSON ERICKSON ERICKSON ERICKSON ERICKSON ERICKSON ERICKSON ERICKSON ERVING M M M 26-Mar-1958 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 17-May-1958 RCAF Chapel, Comox 5-Jan-1957 Courtenay, St. John's 28-Mar-1959 Campbell River, St. Peter's 1-Jul-1958 Courtenay, St. John's 16-Feb-1957 Courtenay Spouse Pape Date Issued r Pg Info/Kin ARG 2-Apr-1958 4 d/o M/M John Enns Kenneth Albert ARG CHESTER (F/O) 4-Jun-1958 8 d/o Mr. & late Mrs. D. Enns Gwenyth Eleanor JONES 4-Sep-1957 4 s/o Isaac/late Mrs. Epp of Nipawin, Sask. ARG ARG ARG Bonnie May ARG KELLY Roland HARTT ARG Andrea Pearl ARG FOSTER Madeline Betty ARG MISKOFSKI David Brian ROBERTS Joseph LUSTER (RCMP) 14-Jan-1959 12 s/o M/M Frank Erickson of Merville 5-Sep-1956 10 Res of Sandwick, born Brache, Sweden, to BC 1911, to Comox 1926, family named 9-Jan-1957 3 s/o M/M Fred Erickson of Merville. See 2 Jan p. 6 Engagement 1-Apr-1959 9 d/o M/M Martin Erickson of Willow Point. See also 18 Mar p. 2 Shower 6-Jul-1958 11 s/o M/M Fred Erickson of Merville 27-Feb-1957 2 See also 30 Jan p. 6 engagement announced ARG 10-Jul-1957 14 d/o M/M Haldor Erickson of Comox, photo 17 Jul page 9 ARG 10-Jul-1957 2 d/o Mrs. Jessie Erlandson of Hornby Island 30-May-1959 Courtenay, 11 months St. Andrew's ARG 3-Jun-1959 2 s/o M/M David Erickson, christened 30-May-1959 Courtenay, 4 months St. Andrew's ARG 3-Jun-1959 8 s/o M/M Frank Erickson, christened ARG 19-Nov-1958 child Judy NIXON child ARG ARG ARG 6 s/o M/M Harry Erickson of Ladysmith, gd/o M/M Fred Erickson of Merville, twin to Susan 25-Feb-1959 10 Engagement announced. Marriage not confirmed 19-Nov-1958 6 d/o M/M Harry Erickson of Ladysmith, gd/o M/M Fred Erickson of Merville, twin to Robert 24-Jul-1957 4 d/o M/M Mueller Erving of Bowser Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t Place ESSLER (girl) B ESTLIN Ed M ETHIER (boy) B ETHIER EVANS (girl) (boy) B B EVANS (girl) B EVANS Marjorie Erfyl M 7-Dec-1957 Sandwick, St. Andrews EVANS Terence J. M (W/C) EVANS Timothy C Scott hr Anita May M 17-Aug-1957 Comox, RCAF Station 8-Feb-1959 RCAF Prot. Chapel 29-Nov-1958 Powell River, St. John's 10-Sep-1957 Comox EVERETT EYRE D EYRE Charles Archibald "Roy" Marilyn FAHIE FALK (boy) (boy) B B FALK FALK FARMER (girl) (girl) (girl) B B B FARMER Barbara Lynn M age/dob 9-Aug-1957 Campbell River 5-May-1956 Vancouver Spouse Pape Date Issued r Pg Info/Kin ARG 14-Aug-1957 ARG 9-May-1956 17-May-1958 St. Joseph's, Comox ARG 21-May-1958 2-Mar-1957 Comox 5-Jul-1958 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 14-May-1958 St. Joseph's, Comox ARG ARG 6-Mar-1957 9-Jul-1958 ARG 21-May-1958 6 d/o M/M W. Evans of Royston John Edward ARG Redding HARRIS Jean Eleanore ARG NEWHOUSE 11-Dec-1957 5 d/o M/M David E. Evans of Sandwick ARG 11-Feb-1959 Leslie Robert SHELTON ARG 10-Dec-1958 B6 d/o M/M Edwin G.H. Everett, Wildwood Alma G. Eyre ARG 11-Sep-1957 1 Suicide, family named, bur. Vancouver. See also 18 Sep page 5 William ROBERTS ARG 1-Feb-1956 ARG ARG 6-Feb-1957 23-Apr-1958 5 d/o Mrs. R. Eyre, gd/o Mrs. O. Kidd, shower for bride Jan. 20. Engagement 21 Dec 1955 p. 5 7 s/o M/M Joseph Fahie 4 s/o M/M Bernard Falk ARG ARG ARG 30-Oct-1957 5-Nov-1958 7-Jan-1959 4 d/o M/M Herman Falk of Black Creek 6 d/o M/M Herman Falk of Black Creek 4 d/o M/M John Farmer, RCAF ARG 9-Oct-1957 not named 7 months age 43 19-Dec-1955 RCAF Chapel 3-Feb-1957 Comox 19-Apr-1958 St. Joseph's, Comox 24-Oct-1957 Comox 29-Oct-1958 Comox, BC 3-Jan-1959 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox C bef 9 Oct 1957 Courtenay, age 7 hr St. George's months 5 d/o M/M Kenneth W. Essler of Quathiaski Cove 5 Cousin of Judy Estlin of Courtenay, in Courtenay news 6 s/o M/M E. Ethier of Cumberland 5 d/o M/M Edmund Ethier of Cumberland 5 s/o M/M Terry Evans of Comox 28-Aug-1957 11 s/o Mrs. J. Evans of Toronto & late Mr. Evans 7 s/o W.C. & Mrs. Terry Evans of Holberg 7 d/o M/M T.V. Farmer Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t FARNSWORTH Ralph FARQUHARSON Ian James C hr FARRELL Bernard Royden FARTHING FARWELL FAULDS (girl) B 15-Oct-1956 (twin girls) B bef 23 May 1956 Dean C bef 8 Oct 1958 Trevor hr (boy) B 1-Jul-1957 FAUNCH FAVERO (girl) Norma B M FEARING FEARING FEARN Donna Sarita John George (boy) (girl) Lorraine June B B D B B M 9-Apr-1956 Comox 21-May-1957 Comox 29-Jun-1957 Cumberland FENWICK (girl) B FERGUSON FERGUSON (boy) Archie B M FERGUSON Betty M FERGUSON FERGUSON Bill Patricia Joan B M 26-Jul-1957 Campbell River 20-Jan-1956 Comox 23-May-1959 Courtenay, 4 Square Gospel bef 5 Feb not given 1958 abt Feb 1882 not given 24-Aug-1957 Cumberland FAST FEE FEE FEELY D Place M age/dob Spouse 27-Oct-1957 Port Alberni, age 58 BC 12-Apr-1958 Courtenay, age 4.5 St. George's months Pape Date Issued r Pg Info/Kin ARG 6-Nov-1957 ARG 16-Apr-1958 ARG 6-Feb-1957 ARG ARG 17-Oct-1956 23-May-1956 age 4 months ARG 8-Oct-1958 6 Baptism, s/o Cpl/Mrs John Fast, RCAF New Westminster , BC 30-Apr-1957 Comox aft 11 Jan not given 1956 22-Apr-1944 not given 17-Apr-1951 not given 23-Dec-1956 Comox age 89 ARG 10-Jul-1957 6 s/o M/M James Faulds, formerly of Cumberland ARG ARG 1-May-1957 11-Jan-1956 ARG ARG ARG 6-May-1959 10 15th birthday, d/o M/M Fearing of Willow Point 6-May-1959 10 8th birthday, d/o M/M Fearing of Willow Point 9-Jan-1957 12 One sister in Durham, England. Children's whereabouts unknown 18-Apr-1956 5 s/o M/M W. Fee of Qualicum Beach 22-May-1957 7 d/o M/M Walter Fee of Qualicum Beach 10-Jul-1957 2 d/o M/M T. Feely of Royston 26-Jan-1957 Comox Comox Campbell River, BC not given Constance Dorothy HARDY David WARREN Mrs. Fearn Stanley Auchterlonie MOUNCE Betty Lou CLARK Ted McKAY Thomas John BRUINSMA ARG ARG ARG ARG 31-Jul-1957 ARG ARG 25-Jan-1956 27-May-1959 ARG 5-Feb-1958 ARG ARG 25-Feb-1959 28-Aug-1957 3 Freak accident at Arrowsmith Farms, bro-in-law of Melvin Wilson, res of Errington 8 s/o M/M John Farquharson, grandparents & great grandparents named 5 s/o M/M Leo Farrell of Pakingham, Ontario 2 d/o M/M Alastair Farthing of Courtenay 2 daughters of M/M Gerald Farwell of Campbell River 3 d/o M/M Walter Faunch, RCAF Comox 8 Engagement announced at Farewell Party for David 5 d/o M/M Thomas L. Fenwick of Campbell River 2 s/o M/M Harry Ferguson, RCAF Comox 3 s/o Angus Ferguson of Fairholme, Sask. 3 No further info 2 77th birthday at home of Mrs. Harry Squire Sr. 4 Parents not named Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t FERRARIO Mary Ann M FIDELAK Elsie M FIELD Flora Embree Flora Maud Naomi Lynne B 6 Nov 1876 FIELD Place age/dob 11-Aug-1956 West Vancouver, St. Anthony's RC 27-Sep-1957 Port Alberni, Grace Lutheran not given Pape Date Issued r Pg Info/Kin Terrance Donne NICHOLLS ARG 15-Aug-1956 3 d/o M/M Cleto Ferrario, teacher in Comox. See also 25 Jul p. 13 Announcement James TRONSON ARG 16-Oct-1957 2 d/o M/M William Fidelak of Barrhead, Alberta Clarence R. ARG Field Clarence Field ARG 28-Nov-1956 9 80th birthday, 3 sons & wives named D 25-Feb-1959 Comox M 28-Jan-1956 Courtenay, St. George's (boy) Mary Kathleen Florence Charlotte Robert McCormac k Evaldo (Rev.) B D 22-Jul-1957 Comox 13-Dec-1958 Comox age 60 J. Fielding D 6-Sep-1958 Comox age 62 10-Sep-1958 12 Born Rush City, Minnesota, family named M 14-Feb-1956 Georgia, USA Robert J. ARG FILBERG Marie Scanlon ARG FOLEY 22-Feb-1956 7 s/o M/M Robert J. Filberg, to res Comox M 14-Feb-1959 Courtenay, 4 Sq. Gospel Doreen LAPP ARG 18-Feb-1959 6 Resident of Vancouver. See also 28 Jan p. 7 Engagement FINLAYSON FISHER (boy) (girl) B B 12-Aug-1957 Comox 11-May-1958 St. Joseph's, Comox ARG ARG 14-Aug-1957 14-May-1958 5 s/o M/M Archie Finlayson of Courtenay 4 d/o M/M Ken Fisher FITZGERALD FITZGERALD FITZGERALD FITZGERALD (boy) (boy) (boy) (boy) B B B B 17-Jan-1956 29-Aug-1956 12-Sep-1957 12-Sep-1957 ARG ARG ARG ARG 18-Jan-1956 11 s/o M/M J.E. Fitzgerald of Courtenay 5-Sep-1956 2 s/o M/M Brian Fitzgerald of Courtenay 18-Sep-1957 5 s/o M/M Joseph Fizgerald of Courtenay 25-Sep-1957 4 s/o M/M Ronald Fitzgerald of Campbell River FITZGERALD FITZGERALD FITZGERALD FITZGERALD (boy) (boy) (girl) (girl) B B B B 19-Sep-1957 21-Aug-1958 28-Mar-1957 15-Apr-1959 ARG ARG ARG ARG 25-Sep-1957 4 s/o M/M John Fitzgerald of Courtenay 3-Sep-1958 10 s/o M/M Brian Fitzgerald of Courtenay 3-Apr-1957 5 d/o M/M Dennis Fitzgerald of Courtenay 22-Apr-1959 6 d/o M/M Gerald Fitzgerald of Courtenay FIELD FIELDING FIELDING FILBERG FILBERG FILIPPONI Comox Comox Comox Campbell River Comox SJH Comox St. Joseph's, Comox age 82 Spouse Runar Edwin HAGG 4-Mar-1959 7 Card of Thanks, no further info ARG 1-Feb-1956 5 d/o M/M J. Ronald Field. Engagement 11 Jan p. 7. Showers 25 Jan p. 10 & 1 Feb p. 3 ARG ARG 24-Jul-1957 17-Dec-1958 4 s/o M/M Donald Fielding, RCAF 5 Card of Thanks by Mr. Fielding & family Surname FITZGERALD Given Ev en Date of Event t Mary Louise (girl) M FLEMING Alice Patricia M FLEMING Edith Florence Marcia M (girl) Brian Graves Clifford Elwyn B B M FLETT Clifford Elwyn (boy) FLETT FLOWER (girl) (boy) B B FLOWER FLOWERS (girl) (boy) B B FLYNN FLYNN Shawn C Alexander hr Thomas M FOGG (boy) B FOLEY (boy) B FOLEY Marie Scanlon M FOLLACK FOLSTER (boy) (girl) B B FLAMAN FLESH FLETCHER FLETCHER FLETCHER FLETCHER B M D B Place age/dob 1-Feb-1958 Vancouver, First United 30-May-1957 Campbell River 25-Oct-1958 St. John's RC 23-Aug-1958 Cumberland United aft 29 Aug not given 1956 2-Jun-1957 Comox 2-Aug-1958 Brantford, Ontario 25-May-1958 St. Joseph's, age 28 Comox 16-Jun-1956 Brantford, Ontario 21-Feb-1958 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 19-Feb-1956 Comox 14-Mar-1959 St. Joseph's, Comox 27-Sep-1957 Comox 28-Oct-1956 Campbell River, BC 18-May-1958 Comox, St. Peter's 29-Apr-1957 Campbell River 20-Feb-1956 Campbell River 11-Feb-1956 Campbell River 14-Feb-1956 Georgia, USA 8-Oct-1958 Comox, BC 17-Feb-1957 Campbell River Spouse Pape Date Issued r Pg Info/Kin Donald Wilbert ARG HUDSON ARG 12-Feb-1958 Ernest HARDY ARG 29-Oct-1958 6 d/o Mrs. Robert Lidgate of N. Vancouver, telephone operator, guests named. See also 22 Oct p. 10 shower Deane Milton HOOPER Not known ARG 27-Aug-1958 2 d/o M/M James Fleming of Cumberland ARG 29-Aug-1956 3 Shower held, res of Sayward, no marriage writeup found ARG ARG 5-Jun-1957 13-Aug-1958 June Elizabeth ARG GRAVES 28-May-1958 4 d/o M/M Cliff Fletcher of Courtenay 4 s/o Mrs. C.E. & late Elwyn Fletcher, gs/o M/M C.L. Fletcher of Courtenay 2 formerly resident of Nelson Road 5-Jun-1957 4 No further info 4 d/o M/M Joseph Flaman June Elizabeth ARG GRAVES ARG 26-Feb-1958 4 s/o M/M Stuart Flett of Cumberland ARG ARG 22-Feb-1956 18-Mar-1959 7 d/o M/M Stewart Flett of Cumberland 6 s/o M/M Joseph Flower of Cumberland ARG ARG 2-Oct-1957 31-Oct-1956 4 d/o M/M Joseph Flower of Cumberland 5 s/o M/M Gerald Flowers of Campbell River infant ARG Kim Estelle WILLIAMS Robert McCormack FILBERG 18-Jul-1956 11 s/o M/M C. L. Fletcher 21-May-1958 10 Christened, s/o M/M H.P. Flynn ARG 8-May-1957 3 s/o M/M R. J. Flynn of Victoria ARG 29-Feb-1956 7 s/o M/M Walter Fogg of Campbell ARG 22-Feb-1956 7 s/o M/M John Foley of Campbell River ARG 22-Feb-1956 7 d/o M/M Harold S. Foley, reception at home of M/M Roswell King ARG ARG 15-Oct-1958 20-Feb-1957 6 s/o M/M Wilfred Follack, RCAF 5 d/o M/M Stanley Folster of Campbell River Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t FOORT (girl) B FORD Joseph D FORD FORDE Robert Lee C hr Kenneth D FOREMAN Percy M FORSLIN (boy) B FORSYTH FORSYTH (boy) Linda FOSTER FOSTER Place age/dob Spouse Pape Date Issued r Pg Info/Kin 11-Feb-1956 Campbell River 9-Jan-1956 Victoria, BC age 75 ARG 22-Feb-1956 ARG 11-Jan-1956 17-May-1959 Campbell infant River U.C. 14-Mar-1959 Georgia age 19 Strait 16-Jan-1956 Victoria, BC ARG 1 s/o first settler on Hornby Is., family named, bur. Victoria. See also 18 Jan page 2 20-May-1959 11 Christened, s/o M/M C.R. Ford of Big Rock ARG 18-Mar-1959 ARG 1-Feb-1956 12-Mar-1959 St. Joseph's, Comox ARG 18-Mar-1959 6 s/o M/M Carl Forslin, RCAF B B 8-Dec-1958 Comox, BC 24-Jul-1951 not given ARG ARG 10-Dec-1958 25-Jul-1956 (girl) B ARG 16-Jul-1958 M ARG 6-Aug-1958 11 d/o M/M Andrew Foster of Merville ARG 6-Mar-1957 ARG ARG ARG ARG 5-Sep-1956 10-Dec-1958 4-Jul-1956 10-Jul-1957 ARG ARG 15-Aug-1956 13-May-1959 ARG ARG 31-Jul-1957 18-Sep-1957 FRANCIS Andrea Pearl Joanne Leslie (boy) (boy) (girl) Robert John (boy) Rebecca Hunter (boy) John Ronald (boy) 11-Jul-1958 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 1-Jul-1958 Courtenay, St. John's 1-Mar-1957 Comox 8 s/o M/M Anthony Forsyth, RCAF 9 5th birthday, d/o M/M J.B. Forsyth, niece/o Sharon Mauro of Vancouver 2 d/o M/M Andrew Foster of Merville ARG 6-Feb-1957 FRANCIS (girl) B ARG 28-Jan-1959 FRANCIS Beverley M FOSTER FOULDS FOULDS FOWLER FOWLER FRAME FRAME FRANCESCHINI FRANCIOLI B B B B M 1-Sep-1956 7-Dec-1958 27-Jun-1956 6-Jul-1957 B 14-Aug-1956 D bef 9 May 1959 B 28-Jul-1957 M 14-Sep-1957 B Comox Comox, BC Comox Sandwick Mrs. Mabel BULLOCK Franklin John ERICKSON Iris Blodwen ROGERS Comox Kilbridy SCT age 85 Cumberland Vancouver, BC 27-Jan-1957 Campbell River 26-Jan-1959 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 7-Jul-1956 Nanaimo, Haliburton U.C. Anita Laverne TURCOT Charles CASORZO ARG 7 d/o M/M Wm. Foort of Heriot Bay 1 Missing plane, presumed dead, see 25 Mar page 1, Memorial service 5 Residing in Victoria 5 d/o M/M John Foster of Union Bay. See 9 Oct p. 7 re christening 2 s/o M/M Elwood Foulds of Courtenay 8 s/o M/M Elwood Foulds, Thurlow Island 6 d/o M/M Roy Fowler, RCAF Comox 2 s/o M/M J. C. Fowler of Victoria 2 s/o M/M Andrew Frame, RCAF Comox 2 M/o James Frame of Cumberland, former res of Bevan, family named 5 s/o M/M Joe Franceschini of Cumberland 5 s/o M/M Louis Francioli 9 s/o M/M Wilson Francis, Stuart Island 6 d/o M/M Leonard Francis of Comox 25-Jul-1956 13 d/o M/M C. Francis of Oliver, BC. See also 1 Aug page 12 Shower Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t FRANCIS Hillas John M FRANK (boy) FRANK Place age/dob Pape Date Issued r Pg Info/Kin Barbara Phyllis ARG HARLOCK 10-Oct-1956 ARG 20-May-1959 6 s/o M/M James Frank, RCAF, Comox April Anne C hr 15-May-1959 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 25-Dec-1958 Courtenay, child St. George's ARG 31-Dec-1958 6 d/o M/M Norman Frank FRANK Kerry B 14-Mar-1949 not given ARG FRANK FRANK Kerry Kerry Norman B C hr 14-Mar-1949 not given 25-Dec-1958 Courtenay, child St. George's ARG ARG 21-Mar-1956 11 7th birthday, d/o Mrs. Norman Frank, guests named, Comox news 25-Mar-1959 9 10th birthday, s/o M/M Norman Frank, guests named 31-Dec-1958 6 s/o M/M Norman Frank FRANKLIN Kenneth W. M FRASER FRASER FRASER FRASER (boy) (girl) (girl) Shirley Lee B B B M 31-Aug-1956 7-Nov-1956 10-Feb-1957 1-Oct-1957 FRASER Thomas Henry Maisie Pearl D 17-Apr-1956 Cumberland age 69 M 30-Jun-1956 Cumberland, Holy Trinity FREEMAN Donna Maria M bef 25 Jul 1956 FRELONE FRELONE (boy) Victor B M 17-Jan-1957 Comox 19-Oct-1907 Cumberland FRENCH (boy) B FRENCH Rhonda C Deanne hr Susan May C hr Alan B 13-Aug-1956 Campbell River 17-May-1959 Campbell River U.C. 17-May-1959 Campbell River U.C. 21-Sep-1936 not given FREAKE FRENCH FREW B 3-Nov-1956 Salmon Arm, BC Spouse 5-Apr-1958 Courtenay, St. George's Comox Comox, BC Comox Montreal Ruth Elizabeth ARG JYHLA 19-Mar-1958 5 Engagement notice ARG ARG ARG ARG 5-Sep-1956 14-Nov-1956 13-Feb-1957 2-Oct-1957 2 5 5 6 ARG 18-Apr-1956 Michael MORRIS (RCAF) Vancouver 6 s/o M/M W.J. Francis of Belloy, Alberta. Engagement announced. No marriage writeup found Ian Baird MORTIMER ARG Raymond Leslie MARSHALL ARG 1 Retired coal miner, 2 sis in USA, 1 bro in Winnipeg. See also 25 Apr p. 2 4-Jul-1956 12 d/o M/M S. C. Freake of Joe Batts Arm, Nfld, in Cumberland news. See also 4 Jul p. 5 shower 25-Jul-1956 2 d/o M/M Robert Freeman of Vancouver, sis/o Mrs. Dawn Shipley ARG 6-Feb-1957 9 s/o M/M Roy Frelone 2-Oct-1957 11 50th anniversary, res of Cumberland. See also 16 Oct page B3 29-Aug-1956 7 s/o M/M Robert French of Campbell River infant ARG 20-May-1959 11 Christened, d/o M/M Gordon T. French of Willow Point infant ARG 20-May-1959 11 Christened, d/o M/M Gordon T. French of Willow Point ARG 25-Sep-1957 13 21st birthday, s/o M/M Alex Frew of Denman Island Mary BALAGNO ARG ARG s/o M/M Wm. Fraser, RCAF, Comox d/o M/M Edward Fraser, RCAF Comox d/o M/M George Fraser, RCAF d/o M/M Percy Fraser of Sydney, N.S., Engagement notice Surname FREW Given Ev en Date of Event t B 22 Sep 1875 FREY FRIESEN Rose (Mrs.) (girl) (boy) FRIESEN FRIESEN FRIESEN FRIESEN FRIESEN FRIESEN Place age/dob Spouse Pape Date Issued r Pg Info/Kin not given ARG 25-Sep-1957 13 82nd birthday, mother of Mrs. Ed Hunden of Courtenay B B 17-Oct-1957 Comox 30-Dec-1955 not given ARG ARG (boy) (boy) (boy) B B B ARG ARG ARG B B B ARG ARG ARG 22-Oct-1958 22-May-1957 8-Feb-1956 FRIZZLEY (boy) (girl) Raymond Peter John Watson+B 1351 (boy) 1-Feb-1956 Comox 10-Dec-1956 Comox, BC 26-Mar-1958 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 16-Oct-1958 Comox 21-May-1957 Comox 1-Feb-1956 Comox, BC 23-Oct-1957 4 d/o M/M C. Frey of Comox 4-Jan-1956 11 s/o M/M Allan Friesen, nee Edna Warriner, RCAF Comox, formerly of St. Hubert, Quebec 8-Feb-1956 3 s/o M/M Peter Friesen, Black Creek 12-Dec-1956 7 Son of M/M Allan Friesen of Campbell River 2-Apr-1958 4 s/o M/M Allan Friesen of Campbell River FROST FRYATT FUGERE (boy) (boy) (boy) B B B FULERTON Phyllis Rita M (L.A.W.) FULHAM (girl) B FULLER (boy) B FULLER D FULTZ Edwin William (boy) FURLETTI FURMAN (girl) (boy) B B FURNELL William James D FRIZZELL 4 s/o M/M Gerald Friesen, RCAF 7 d/o M/M Gary Friesen, RCAF Comox 2 s/o M/M Peter Friesen, Black Creek news, also on page 3 New Arrivals 4 Newphew/o M/M J.W. Watson, cousin/o Kay Watson, in Cumberland news D 23-Dec-1958 Vancouver, BC age 42 ARG 31-Dec-1958 B 14-Apr-1959 Vancouver Hosp. 12-Oct-1958 Comox, BC 12-Feb-1957 Comox 16-Aug-1956 Campbell River 25-Feb-1958 RCAF Catholic Chapel 28-Feb-1958 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 9-Jul-1958 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 28-Aug-1958 Courtenay, age 68 BC 26-Mar-1956 Campbell River 26-May-1957 Cumberland 30-Mar-1957 Campbell River 26-Mar-1957 Courtenay age 67 ARG 22-Apr-1959 3 s/o M/M George Frizzley ARG ARG ARG 15-Oct-1958 13-Feb-1957 29-Aug-1956 6 s/o M/M Norman Frost, RCAF 5 s/o M/M Walter Fryatt, RCAF 7 s/o M/M Clement Fugere of Campbell River ARG 12-Mar-1958 8 No further info ARG 26-Feb-1958 4 d/o M/M Stanley Fulham, RCAF ARG 16-Jul-1958 ARG 3-Sep-1958 12 No further info ARG 4-Apr-1956 ARG ARG 29-May-1957 3-Apr-1957 4 d/o M/M Aldo Furletti of Cumberland 5 s/o M/M Douglas Furman of Campbell River Minnie PIERCY ARG 27-Mar-1957 5 Father of Alma and Lorne B John Walter COHOON (L.A.C.) not given 2 s/o M/M John Fuller, RCAF 6 s/o M/M Austin Fultz of Campbell River Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t GABLE (girl) GABRIEL Winifred J. M GAGNE (boy) GALEAZZI (girl) GALEAZZI Raymond Thomas 10-Nov-1956 Campbell River, BC B 23 ul 1958 Cumberland G.H. M 18-Apr-1959 Cumberland U.C. GALEAZZI Thomas M GAMMON Kathleen Maud Norman Patrick Alexander James Elva Florence C hr D GANNON GARDINER GARDINER B Place age/dob 21-May-1959 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 20-Aug-1906 Victoria, BC Spouse John CROCKETT B M M Helen Doreen THOMSON 9-Nov-1956 Vancouver, BC 24-Aug-1957 Vancouver GARDNER Edna May M 28-Jan-1956 Nanaimo GARDNER Leo George M 27-Jun-1959 Courtenay, Can. Martyrs GARLAND (boy) B GARLIC GARNER GARROWAY GARSETH GARSETH GASKELL Cathleen (girl) (boy) (girl) Darleen (boy) B B B B B B 29-Mar-1958 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 24-Mar-1947 not given 30-Dec-1955 Comox, BC 17-Nov-1956 Comox, BC 7-Oct-1956 Comox 3-Apr-1951 not given 18-Jun-1958 St. Joseph's, Comox GASKINS Walter S. D 3-Sep-1958 Boote Lake age 66 Info/Kin 27-May-1959 6 d/o M/M Richard Gable of Courtenay ARG 22-Aug-1956 6 50th anniversary, family info. Photo 29 Aug p. 7. See also 47th anniversary at Sandwick (27 Aug 1952 page 3) ARG 14-Nov-1956 5 s/o M/M Leon Gagne of Campbell River ARG 30-Jul-1958 6 d/o MM D. Galeazzi of Cumberland 22-Apr-1959 10 s/o M/M Dorino Galeazzi of Cumberland ARG 1-Oct-1958 ARG 7-Aug-1957 not married ARG 12-Mar-1958 Ellen Christina BOYD Donald Alexander CLARK Allan Norman KIDD Maralyn Alma CLIFFORD ARG 28-Nov-1956 3 s/o M/M Peter Galeazzi of Cumberland. See also 27 Aug page 5 engagement, 24 Sep page 9 Cumberland news 7 d/o M/M John S. Gammon of Vancouver, gd/o Mrs. G.H. Ellis 1 Accident on Back Road near Comox. See also 26 Mar p. A1 3 s/o M/M H.R. Gardiner of Vancouver, family named ARG 11-Sep-1957 4 d/o M/M Harold H. Gardiner of Vancouver ARG 22-Feb-1956 9 d/o M/M Harold Gardner, formerly of Campbell River ARG 3-Jun-1959 3 Shower held for bride. Marriage not confirmed ARG 2-Apr-1958 4 s/o M/M Gordon Garland 25-Jul-1957 not given age 19 Pg ARG Prentice Louise ARG SEIGLAR 20-Sep-1958 Cumberland U.C. 10-Mar-1958 Comox Pape Date Issued r ARG ARG ARG ARG ARG ARG 8-Mar-1956 13 9th birthday, Comox news 4-Jan-1956 11 d/o M/M R. Garner 21-Nov-1956 5 s/o M/M David Garroway, RCAF, Comox 10-Oct-1956 2 D/o M/M Lodar Garseth of Alberni 11-Apr-1956 10 d/o M/M L. Garseth, 5th birthday 25-Jun-1958 4 s/o M/M Edward Gaskell ARG 10-Sep-1958 1 Family not named Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t Place GASSMAN (girl) B 3-Feb-1956 Kitimat, BC GAWRYLUK Joseph M 29-Aug-1957 Cumberland GEARY (girl) B GEE (girl) B 26-Jan-1959 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 5-Apr-1959 St. Joseph's, Comox GEE M 20-Jun-1958 Courtenay GEIDT John Marvin (girl) B GEIDT (girl) B GEIDT D GEIDT Bernard Lloyd Denny GEORGE GEORGIANNI (boy) Jack D. B M GERARD GERARD GERLING (girl) (girl) (boy) B B B GERZANIK GIASSON (boy) Ralph B D GIBBENS GIBBENS Andrew D Ansell Jessie May D GIBBON (boy) B GIBBONS (boy) B M age/dob Spouse Pape Date Issued r ARG Pg Info/Kin 8-Feb-1956 10 d/o M/M E. Gassman, gd/o M/M Fred Giddings, Cumberland news 4-Sep-1957 4 s/o M/M John Gawryluk of Hosmer, BC Evelyn Ritchie ARG SHAW ARG 28-Jan-1959 ARG 8-Apr-1959 ARG 25-Jun-1958 2 s/o m/m Allan RAE, Campbell River 21-May-1957 Comox ARG 22-May-1957 24-Feb-1958 Vancouver G.H. 22-Oct-1938 Cumberland age 34 ARG 26-Feb-1958 7 d/o M/M Douglas Geidt, nee Janette Glover, of Courtenay 4 d/o M/M Denny Geidt, nee Sheila O'Brien ARG 22-Oct-1958 B2 20 years ago, bur. Sandwick Ang. Cem. ARG 11-Jul-1956 11 s/o M/M W. G. Geidt COTTON, Maxine Sylvia 7-Jul-1956 Vancouver, BC 23-May-1956 Comox, BC 1-Aug-1958 Sandwick, St. Andrew's 28-Apr-1957 Comox 25-Oct-1958 Comox, BC 27-Apr-1956 Campbell River 4-Apr-1957 Comox 23-Feb-1959 East Redonda Island 22-Jan-1956 Alert Bay, BC 26-Dec-1955 Alert Bay, BC 2-Feb-1959 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 11-Jun-1959 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox Sheila O'BRIEN Mildred ANDERSON 6 d/o M/M Robert Geary of Union Bay 6 d/o M/M John Gee of Courtenay ARG ARG 23-May-1956 13-Aug-1958 2 s/o M/M Edmond George, RCAF 2 s/o M/M S. Georgianni of Barrie, Ontario ARG ARG ARG 1-May-1957 29-Oct-1958 2-May-1956 3 d/o M/M Carl Gerard, RCAF Comox 6 d/o M/M Carl Gerard, RCAF 5 s/o M/M Elldee Gerling of Campbell River 2 s/o M/M Frank Gerzanick, RCAF, Comox 1 Plane crash, 5 men died, res of Campbell River age 38 not known ARG ARG 10-Apr-1957 25-Feb-1959 age 78 (92) age 59 Mrs. Gibbens ARG 1-Feb-1956 ARG 1-Feb-1956 2 From Iowa 1909, father of Mrs. C. Polden and Mrs. Roy Simpson 2 Aunt of Mrs. C. Polden and Mrs. Roy Simpson ARG 4-Feb-1959 4 s/o MM Harold Gibbon of Courtenay ARG 17-Jun-1959 4 s/o M/M Edgar Gibbons, RCAF Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t Place GIBSON (boy) B 24-May-1958 St. Joseph's, Comox GIBSON Fay M GIBSON Jim (Sgt.) M 14-Dec-1957 Courtenay, U.C. Manse 5-Aug-1958 Waikiki, Hawaii GIESE GILCHRIST GILES GILES B B B C hr B 17-Mar-1957 29-Jun-1956 22-Sep-1958 8-Feb-1959 B M 13-Nov-1956 Comox, BC 14-Sep-1957 Courtenay GINGRAS GIRARD GIRLING (boy) (boy) (boy) David Warren Robert Matthew (girl) Doreene Louise (girl) Mary Alice Eva (boy) (girl) (boy) GIROUX GLOVER GLOVER GLOVER (girl) (boy) (boy) (girl) B B B B GLOVER Herbert D GLOVER Jacqueline M Claire GLOVER Patricia Winnifred (girl) GILLCASH GILLESPIE GILLIS GILMER GILSTRAP GLOWASKY B D B B B M B Comox Comox Comox, BC RCAF Prot. Chapel 24-Nov-1957 Comox 6-Sep-1957 Comox 2-Apr-1959 Victoria age/dob 5 months Spouse Pg Info/Kin ARG 28-May-1958 6 s/o M/M Doug Gibson of Cumberland Patrick BURNS ARG 18-Dec-1957 Frances Ann ARG AUCHTERLON IE ARG ARG ARG ARG 3-Sep-1958 5 d/o Mrs. Gibson of Cumberland & Ken gibson of Blairmore, Alberta. 9 s/o M/M D.W. Gibson of Shreveport, Louisiana 20-Mar-1957 4-Jul-1956 24-Sep-1958 11-Feb-1959 5 6 4 7 ARG 11-Dec-1957 6 s/o M/M G.M. Gillcash ARG ARG 14-Nov-1956 2-Oct-1957 5 d/o M/M Ronald Gillespie, RCAF, Comox 5 d/o Mrs. D. Gray of Victoria ARG ARG 11-Sep-1957 8-Apr-1959 5 d/o M/M Gilmer of Comox 9 Family named ARG ARG ARG 22-Oct-1958 4 s/o M/M Andre Gingras, RCAF 3-Oct-1956 13 d/o M/M John C. Girard, RCAF Comox 16-May-1956 7 s/o M/M Harry E. Girling of Campbell River ARG ARG ARG ARG 20-Mar-1957 15-Aug-1956 22-May-1957 11-Jun-1958 Frederick CREESE age 85 Pape Date Issued r Mr. Gilstrap 17-Oct-1958 Comox 23-Sep-1956 Comox 8-May-1956 Campbell River 13-Mar-1957 Comox 11-Aug-1956 Comox 17-May-1957 Comox 4-Jun-1958 St. Joseph's, Comox 30-Mar-1959 Cumberland age 92 G.H. 17-Aug-1956 Courtenay, St. John's Aida M.C. GLOVER Robert Bruce GORDON ARG 1-Apr-1959 ARG 22-Aug-1956 19-Sep-1958 Union Bay U.C. 1-Jun-1959 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox Robert A. WHITE ARG 8-Oct-1958 ARG 3-Jun-1959 5 2 7 4 s/o M/M Alvin Giese of Courtenay s/o M/M Vede Gilchrist, RCAF Comox s/o M/M Harold Giles, RCAF s/o S/L & Mrs. J. Giles d/o M/M Fernand Giroux of Courtenay s/o M/M Bruce Glover, RCAF Comox s/o M/M John Glover, RCAF Comox d/o M/M Andrew Glover of Campbell River 1 Born in Stourbridge, England, family named 5 d/o M/M J. Harry Glover of Union Bay, other family named. See 25 Jul p. 6 Engagement, 15 Aug p. 8 Shower 3 d/o M/M Wilfred S. Glover of Union Bay. Engagement 3 Sep p. 7, Shower 1 Oct p. 9 4 d/o M/M John Glowasky, Courtenay Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t GODBERSON Mina M GODDARD GODDARD (boy) Jack B D GODFREY GODFREY GODWIN (boy) twin (girl) twin Helen Isabelle B B M GOERZ Margaret M GOLICZ Anna Velma M GOLICZ Mike M GONYER (boy) B GOOD Ellen Mary D GOOD Jessie D GOODALL GORDON GORDON (boy) (girl) Diane Arlene B B M GORDON Heather Ann C hr GORDON Robert Bruce M GORRIE Brian Tillman Michael George B B GORRIE Place age/dob 14-Dec-1957 Nanaimo, Holson home 19-May-1957 Comox 16-Jun-1959 Comox 14-Aug-1956 Comox 14-Aug-1956 Comox 28-Jul-1956 Vancouver, St. Peter & Paul 26-Aug-1956 Black Creek Mennonite Brethren 4-Aug-1956 Cumberland, St. John's RC 30-Jun-1956 Courtenay, St. George's Spouse Pape Date Issued r Pg Info/Kin Sydney CRISP ARG 18-Dec-1957 5 d/o M/M R. Godberson of Nanaimo ARG ARG 22-May-1957 18-Jun-1958 7 s/o M/M Don Goddard, rCAF Comox 3 bro. Charles in Australia ARG ARG ARG 15-Aug-1956 15-Aug-1956 1-Aug-1956 2 Twin s/o M/M Thomas Godfrey of Merville 2 Twin d/o M/M Thomas Godfrey of Merville 8 d/o M/M S. Godwin of Courtenay. Engagement & photo 4 Jul page 5 & 6 Florence Goddard Ronald F. MacISAAC Albert WEDEL ARG 12-Sep-1956 14 d/o Rev/Mrs. J.A. Goerz of Black Creek Michael Frank BUTLER ARG Janice TILBE ARG 4-Jul-1956 ARG 7-Nov-1956 Mr. Good ARG 10-Jun-1959 2 Mother of 2 sons, 2 dtrs, 1 stepson, all named, husband died 1947. Mr. L. Good ARG 31-Dec-1958 ARG ARG ARG 19-Sep-1956 27-Feb-1957 2-Oct-1957 1 Born in Ontario, to Courtenay 1925, bur. Courtenay Cemetery, family named 7 s/o M/M Kenneth Goodall, RCAF Comox 7 d/o M/M Alexander Gordon, RCAF, Comox 5 d/o Cpl/Mrs. R. F. Gordon of Comox ARG 2-Jul-1958 ARG 22-Aug-1956 7-May-1957 Toronto ARG 5-Jun-1957 4 s/o M/M T.G. Gorrie, nee Marie Briggs 25-Jan-1956 Toronto ARG 8-Feb-1956 8 s/o M/M P. George Gorrie, nee Marie BRIGGS 31-Oct-1956 Campbell River 6-Jun-1959 St. Joseph's age 77 Hospital, Comox 30-Dec-1958 Comox, BC age 54 12-Sep-1957 Comox, BC 20-Feb-1957 Comox 14-Sep-1957 Comox, RCAF Prot. Chapel 29-Jun-1958 Sandwick, infant St. Andrew's 17-Aug-1956 Courtenay, St. John's Keith Robert JONES (LAC) Jacqueline Claire GLOVER 8-Aug-1956 10 d/o M/M Mike Golicz Sr. of Cumberland. See also 11 Jul page 6 Engagement and 8 Aug page 14 Shower 2 s/o M/M M. Golicz 3 s/o M/M Samuel G. Gonyer of Campbell River 8 Christened, d/o M/M R. Gordon 5 s/o Dr/Mrs. W. Bruce Gordon, bro/o Don Gordon. See 25 Jul p. 6 Engagement Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t Place age/dob GOZZANO Emilio D GRACE (boy) B GRAFTON Bob GRAFTON Tom 30-Mar-1958 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox M bef 18 Feb not given 1959 M ? 1959 ? GRAHAM GRAHAM GRAHAM (boy) (boy) (boy) B B B GRAHAM (boy) B GRAHAM GRAHAM (girl) (girl) B B GRAHAM (girl) B GRAHAM Catherine Maxine M GRAHAM D 15-Apr-1957 Sydney, BC age 87 GRAMF George A. (Capt.) Thomas Richard (girl) C hr B GRANT GRANT GRANT GRANT GRANT GRANT (boy) (boy) (boy) (girl) (girl) (girl) B B B B B B 9-Sep-1956 St. Peter's, infant Comox 9-Apr-1958 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 16-Apr-1956 Comox 20-Jun-1957 Comox 20-Jun-1957 Comox 17-Jan-1956 Comox 14-Dec-1956 Comox, BC 26-Jan-1959 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox GRAHAM 22-Oct-1957 Cumberland age 78 Spouse Catterina Gozzano Pape Date Issued r Pg Info/Kin ARG 30-Oct-1957 4 Children named, wife died 7 Apr 1956 ARG 2-Apr-1958 not known ARG 18-Feb-1959 Betty LONG ARG 6-May-1959 10-Apr-1956 Comox 29-Mar-1957 Comox 13-Mar-1958 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 19-Feb-1959 St. Joseph's, Comox ARG ARG ARG 18-Apr-1956 3-Apr-1957 19-Mar-1958 3 Shower, Quadra Island social notes. Marriage not confirmed 9 Engagement party, Quadra Island news. Marriage not confirmed 5 s/o M/M Dick Graham of Comox 5 s/o M/M John Graham, RCAF, Comox 4 s/o M/M Richard Graham, Comox ARG 25-Feb-1959 6 s/o M/M John Graham of Courtenay 9-Mar-1956 Comox 19-May-1957 Campbell River 2-Jun-1959 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 9-Aug-1957 Union Bay U.C. ARG ARG 14-Mar-1956 29-May-1957 7 d/o M/M John M. Graham, RCAF, Courtenay 4 d/o M/M John Graham, Campbell River ARG 3-Jun-1959 Gerald STEWART ARG 14-Aug-1957 Minnie SWAN ARG 1-May-1957 4 s/o M/M Loyal Grace, RCAF 4 d/o M/M Richard Graham, Comox 9 d/o M/M Albert Graham of Buckley Bay. See Showers 14 Aug p. 13 & 24 Jul page 8. Also 14 Aug page 14 re ferry "Catherine Graham" 4 No further info ARG 12-Sep-1956 10 s/o M/M R.D. Graham, christened ARG 16-Apr-1958 7 d/o M/M Lawrence Gramf ARG ARG ARG ARG ARG ARG 18-Apr-1956 26-Jun-1957 26-Jun-1957 25-Jan-1956 19-Dec-1956 28-Jan-1959 5 5 5 2 7 6 s/o M/M Hughie Grant of Courtenay s/o M/M Marcus Grant of Royston s/o M/M Gerald Grant of Comox d/o M/M Arthur Grant of Courtenay d/o M/M Frederick Grant of Comox d/o M/M Elvy G. Grant of Sayward Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t GRANT Ada Louise D GRANT Albert GRANT Charles Hugh Dougald Robert Place age/dob 22-Jan-1959 Gartley age 84 Beach, Royston B 1 Apr 1864 Pictou, Nova Scotia M 21-May-1906 Cumberland Spouse Pape Date Issued r Pg Info/Kin Ernest GRANT ARG 28-Jan-1959 6 Born in Prinswick, Eng., to Canada 1912, husb. d. 1935, 3 children named ARG 4-Apr-1956 ARG 9-May-1956 ARG 19-Nov-1958 2 s/o M/M D. Grant of Cumberland ARG 16-Nov-1957 2 51st Anniversary. See ARG 5 Dec 1956 page 8 re 50th 3-Jul-1957 11 s/o M/M Ward Grauman of Courtenay 25-Apr-1956 8 d/o M/M Ward Grauman of Courtenay 11-Mar-1959 2 d/o M/M Grauman of Courtenay 2 92nd birthday, family named M. 15-Nov-1958 Courtenay, St. George's Beatrice COUNDLEY Marie Ellen LAFOND Robert Henry (boy) (girl) (girl) M 29-Nov-1906 Sandwick Annie GRAY B B B 30-Jun-1957 Comox 21-Apr-1956 Comox 6-Mar-1959 St. Joseph's, Comox ARG ARG ARG M Lorraine Vivian ARG BOUCHARD ARG ARG 9 s/o M/M Albert Grauman of Courtenay 10-Apr-1957 29-Jan-1958 2 s/o M/M Guy Gravel, RCAF, Comox 4 s/o M/M Guy Gravel, RCAF GRAVEL (girl) B 22-Nov-1958 Cumberland U.C. manse 8-Apr-1957 Comox 28-Jan-1958 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 1-Apr-1959 St. Joseph's, Comox 26-Nov-1958 GRAVEL GRAVEL Dennis Oliver (boy) (boy) ARG 8-Apr-1959 GRAVES M ARG 18-Jul-1956 11 d/o M/M Ross W. Graves of Brantford GRAY Annie M 16-Jun-1956 Brantford, Ontario 11-Aug-1956 Comox 18-Sep-1957 Comox 7-Dec-1958 Campbell River 29-Nov-1906 Sandwick Clifford Elwyn FLETCHER GRAY GRAY GRAY June Elizabeth (girl) (girl) (girl) GRAY Betty Joan M 1-Jul-1957 Cumberland GRAY Clara Ann M GRAY Emily M GRAY Nola Lynne M 4-Dec-1906 Nanaimo, BC 15-Apr-1908 Lancashire, England 2-Aug-1958 Cumberland GRANT GRANT GRAUMAN GRAUMAN GRAUMAN GRAUMAN B B B B B Robert Henry GRANT James Howard ATKINSON William John H. BOWDEN Worsley BIRTWISTLE Douglas Albert PHYE 1 50th anniversary. Writeup and Photo 23 May 1956 p. 5 6 d/o M/M Joseph Gravel, RCAF ARG ARG ARG 15-Aug-1956 2 d/o M/M Laurence Gray of Headquarters 25-Sep-1957 4 d/o M/M Leonard Gray of Kelsey Bay 17-Dec-1958 B3 d/o M/M Paddy Gray of Cape Mudge, in Quadra Is. news ARG 16-Nov-1957 ARG 10-Jul-1957 ARG ARG ARG 2 51st Anniversary. See ARG 5 Dec 1956 page 8 re 50th 2 d/o M/M W. H. Gray of Cumberland 12-Dec-1956 14 50th anniversary, parents of Mrs. Fred Peters of Union Bay 16-Apr-1958 8 50th anniversary 6-Aug-1958 11 d/o M/M William Gray of Cumberland Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t GREANEY Charles D GREEN GREEN (boy) (boy) B B GREEN GREEN GREEN (girl) B (girl) B Annie Bell D GREEN Helen Robertson Eason (girl) (girl) Roy Murdoch Ella Dolena (boy) D M GRIEVE Catherine Grace Lorne GRIEVE Lorne M GRIFFITH James M GRILLS GRIMMER (girl) (girl) B B GRISINTHWAITE GROVES GROVES GRUNDY (girl) (boy) (boy) Thomas B B B M GUDMUNDSON Dorothy Margaret M GREENHILL GREENHILL GREENING GREENSHIELDS GREGORY GRIEDER Place 29-Mar-1956 Campbell age 76 River 7-May-1956 Comox, BC 13-Apr-1959 St. Joseph's, Comox 20-Feb-1956 Comox 1-Sep-1958 SJH 27-May-1959 Nanaimo Hospital 7-Jan-1957 Comox B B M 10-Sep-1957 not given 2-Nov-1958 Comox, BC 27-Dec-1958 Kelowna, BC D 18-May-1957 Nanaimo B M age/dob 1-Sep-1956 Campbell River 5-Jul-1958 Comox, St. Peter's 26-Oct-1957 Campbell River 26-Oct-1957 Campbell River 5-May-1956 Williams Lake, BC 16-Sep-1957 Comox 19-Sep-1956 Campbell River 2-Feb-1957 Comox 1-Feb-1956 Comox 26-Sep-1958 Comox, BC 8 Mar 1899 Tyldesley, Lancs, England 17-Oct-1958 Courtenay, St. George's age 70 age 78 age 58 Spouse not married Edgar BRIDGES, James M. GREEN George GREEN Beverley Joan TEEL Capt. J.M. Greenshields John William MONKS Nora HAMILTON Nora Irene HAMILTON Barbara ELSINER Alice MARTIN Pape Date Issued r Pg Info/Kin ARG 4-Apr-1956 ARG ARG 16-May-1956 15-Apr-1959 ARG ARG ARG 29-Feb-1956 7 d/o M/M Alvin Green of Courtenay 3-Sep-1958 12 d/o M/M James Green of Cumberland 3-Jun-1959 2 nee STOCKAND, 6 bros named, bur. Nanaimo Cemetery ARG 7 Was telegraph operator at Rock Bay 7 s/o M/M John Green of Courtenay 6 s/o M/M Aldwin Green 9-Jan-1957 12 Two daughters and 2 sisters named ARG ARG ARG 11-Sep-1957 5-Nov-1958 31-Dec-1958 5 d/o M/M Kenneth Greenhill of Camp 5 Bloedel 6 d/o M/M Kenneth Greenhill of Courtenay 5 Engagement Announcement 10 Dec page 5, s/o M/M B.T. Greening of Kelowna 3 Born in Comox. Husband deceased ARG 29-May-1957 ARG 12-Sep-1956 20 s/o M/M Lloyd Gregory of Campbell River ARG 16-Jul-1958 ARG 23-Oct-1957 6 d/o M/M J. Grieder of Denman Island. See also 25 Jun p. 4 Kitchen shower 7 Shower, Willow Point news ARG 30-Nov-1957 7 s/o M/M J. Grieve of Vancouver ARG 23-May-1956 ARG ARG 7 s/o Mrs. J. Griffith of Hornby Island, gs/o Mrs. James Strachan, Hornby Island news 18-Sep-1957 5 d/o M/M Neil Grills of Courtenay 3-Oct-1956 13 d/o M/M John Grimmer of Campbell River ARG ARG ARG ARG 6-Feb-1957 7 8-Feb-1956 3 1-Oct-1958 6 11-Mar-1959 B1 Barry Campbell ARG SMITH d/o M/M Grisinthwaite s/o M/M Donald Groves, RCAF s/o M/M W.J. Groves, RCAF 60th anniversary at Union Bay, photo on page 4 22-Oct-1958 B3 d/o M/M Eric Gudmundson of Merville. See also page B4 shower Surname GULLET GULLETT Given Ev en Date of Event t Place (girl) Heather Jane (girl) E. (Mr. and Mrs.) B D Bonnie Lee Charlene Zelma Nancy Maureen B 3-Jul-1956 Comox 14-Feb-1908 Bredenbury, Saskatchew an 3-Sep-1957 Comox M 22-Mar-1957 Courtenay B GUSTAVSON (boy) B GWILT GWINNE (girl) (boy) Spouse Pape Date Issued r Pg Info/Kin ARG ARG 11-Dec-1957 31-Jul-1957 ARG ARG 4-Jul-1956 19-Feb-1958 ARG 4-Sep-1957 ARG 27-Mar-1957 3 Engagement announced 13 Mar page B6 6-Feb-1959 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 15-Mar-1957 Comox ARG 11-Feb-1959 4 d/o Robert Gunter and Beverley (Ward) ARG 20-Mar-1957 B B 14-Apr-1957 Comox 11-Apr-1959 St. Joseph's, Comox ARG ARG 17-Apr-1957 15-Apr-1959 5 s/o late Conrad & Mrs. Gustavson of Courtenay. He died 16 Oct 1956 at Quinsam, age 33 4 d/o M/M T. Gwilt of Bowser 6 s/o M/M John Gwinne HAAS Janet Mae M 27-Dec-1958 Courtenay, Can. Martyrs ARG 31-Dec-1958 7 d/o M/M Donald Haas of Royston, engagement announced 3 Dec page 5. Shower 24 Dec page 8 HACKETT (boy) ARG 29-Feb-1956 7 s/o M/M Gerald Hackett of Churchhouse HACKETT (twin boys) B ARG 10-Jul-1957 HADLEY Emma D ARG 19-Dec-1956 5 Missing woman found dead, res of Denman Island HAGG HAGG HAGG (boy) (girl) Carl Wilhelm B B M 26-Feb-1956 Campbell River 2-Jul-1957 Campbell River 20-Aug-1956 Union Bay, BC 12-Jan-1957 Comox, BC 3-Dec-1956 Comox, BC 21-Sep-1957 Courtenay, BC 16-Jan-1957 5-Dec-1956 25-Sep-1957 5 s/o M/M Runar Hagg, RR2 Courtenay 8 d/o M/M Roy Hagg of Courtenay 9 s/o M/M K.N. Hagg of Sandwick HAGG Runar Edwin M 28-Jan-1956 Courtenay, St. George's Marion Kathleen LONGLAND Naomi Lynne FIELD ARG ARG ARG ARG 1-Feb-1956 5 s/o M/M N. Hagg HAGG Ruth Margaret M 28-Dec-1956 Courtenay, St. George's Grant Archibald ARG McLEAN 9-Jan-1957 3 d/o M/M N. Hagg of Sandwick HAGGART Grace D 23-May-1959 Vancouver David HAGGART ARG 3-Jun-1959 HAGGERTY (girl) B ARG 14-Nov-1956 2 Nee ALDER, siblings and children named, husband died 1939 5 d/o M/M William Haggerty, RCAF, Courtenay GUNN GUNNERSON GUNTER GUNTER GUNTER B M B 9-Dec-1957 Comox 23-Jul-1957 Comox age/dob 6-Nov-1956 Comox, BC age 2 Meinhard Henry KLEIN Roy Joseph PARDIAC age 76 age 62 Mr. Hadley 6 d/o M/M James Gullet of Courtenay 7 d/o M/M J. Gullett of Comox, funeral at Piercy's, see also page 13 re visitors 6 d/o M/M G. Gunn, RCAF Comox 6 50th Anniversary 4 d/o Bob and Bev Gunter, nee Ward 6 sons of M/M Walter Hackett of Church House Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t Place age/dob Info/Kin M HALL (boy) ARG 21-May-1958 6 s/o M/M D.A.B. Hall HALL (girl) B bef 21 May Vancouver 1958 General B 17-Jun-1958 St. Joseph's, Comox ARG 18-Jun-1958 2 d/o M/M Robert Hall, Courtenay HALL (girl) B ARG 11-Feb-1959 4 d/o M/M Frank Hall of Courtenay HALLAM (girl) B ARG 1-Apr-1959 HALLET HALLIDAY HALLS HALSTEAD HALSTROM B D B B M 17-Sep-1956 26-Apr-1936 4-Jul-1957 20-Nov-1958 31-Dec-1933 ARG ARG ARG ARG ARG 19-Sep-1956 25-Apr-1956 10-Jul-1957 4-Nov-1958 31-Dec-1958 M 14-Sep-1957 Union Bay, BC 4-Jun-1957 Comox 28-Apr-1957 Comox ARG 18-Sep-1957 ARG W.A.W. Hames ARG 5-Jun-1957 1-May-1957 HAMILTON HAMILTON (girl) Jessie (girl) (girl) Fred and Anna Frederick Raymond (girl) Sylvia Edith (boy) (boy) ARG ARG 23-May-1956 19-Mar-1958 HAMILTON (boy) B ARG 2-Jul-1958 HAMILTON HAMILTON (girl) (girl) B B ARG ARG 16-Oct-1957 21-May-1958 4 d/o M/M Wm. Hamilton of Union Bay 6 d/o M/M F. Hamilton HAMILTON (girl) B ARG 11-Mar-1959 2 d/o Angus & Dulcie Hamilton, Comox HAMILTON A. (Mr. and M abt 20 Sep not given Mrs.) 1933 David B 21-May-1956 not given ARG 24-Sep-1958 2 25th wedding anniversary, Willow Point ARG 27-May-1959 10 3rd birthday, s/o Mrs W. Hamilton, gs/o Mrs. J. Hamilton HAMILTON B D B B 3-Feb-1959 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 30-Mar-1959 St. Joseph's, Comox Comox, BC Sandwick Comox Comox, BC not given 21-May-1956 Comox, BC 17-Mar-1958 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 29-Jun-1958 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 8-Oct-1957 Comox 15-May-1958 Cumberland Hospital 8-Mar-1959 St. Joseph's, Comox age 48 M.R. Halliday Audrey Freda TRELOAR age 75 ARG Pg Roy HAMES HAMES Sylvia PASCHUK Pape Date Issued r HAHN HAMER 27-Jul-1957 Campbell River Baptist Spouse 7-Aug-1957 13 s/o M/M R. Hahn (letters missing in first name) 6 d/o M/M E. Hallam, RCAF 7 4 6 4 5 d/o M/M Robert Hallet of Courtenay "20 Years Ago" pioneer resident d/o M/M Ronald Halls of Courtenay d/o M/M Donald Halstead of Courtenay 25th anniversary, Card of Thanks. See also page 6, sis/o Mrs. Ronald Bain 5 s/o M/M Joseph Hamer of Cumberland 4 d/o M/M Harold Hames 4 Survived by 3 sons, 3 dtrs 2 s/o M/M William Hamilton of Union Bay 4 s/o M/M Bob Hamilton, Comox 5 s/o M/M Ian Hamilton, RCAF Surname HAMILTON Given Ev en Date of Event t Place age/dob David William Georgina Marilyn Judy C hr M M HAMILTON Margaret Ruth Nora HAMILTON Nora Irene M HAMILTON Pat (Mrs. E. Schmidt) Patricia Diane Robert M C hr D 30-Nov-1958 Union Bay, BC 12-Apr-1956 Nanaimo Robin Patricia (girl) Laurel Josephine C hr B M 18-Nov-1956 Cumberland age 3 months 6-Apr-1957 Comox 5-Apr-1958 Courtenay, St. George's HAMMONS HAMPTON HAMPTON HANDLEN (girl) (girl) (girl) Georgina HANSEN HANSEN (boy) (boy) B 9-Jul-1956 B 16-Oct-1956 B 8-Apr-1957 B abt 9 Mar 1949 B 9-Oct-1956 B 17-May-1959 HANSEN (girl) B HANSEN D HANSON Sarah Louise (boy) B HANSON HANSON (boy) (girl) B B HAMILTON HAMILTON HAMILTON HAMILTON HAMILTON HAMILTON HAMLING HAMLING B M 30-Nov-1958 Union Bay, infant BC 17-Nov-1956 Courtenay R.C. abt 11 Jul not given 1944 29-Nov-1958 Courtenay, U.C. Manse 26-Oct-1957 Campbell River 26-Oct-1957 Campbell River 1958? not given Spouse Pape Date Issued r ARG Mario DEL CASINO Info/Kin 3-Dec-1958 B6 s/o M/M Wm. Hamilton, christened at Union Bay U.C. ARG 28-Nov-1956 ARG 18-Jul-1956 3 d/o Mrs. I. Brennan of Courtenay and Mr. R. Hamilton of Mt. Sheer. See Engagement 7 Nov p. 6 3 12th birthday, d/o Mrs. A. Hamilton Wesley ARG COPELAND Lorne GRIEVE ARG 23-Oct-1957 7 Shower, Willow Point news Lorne GRIEVE ARG 30-Nov-1957 7 d/o M/M Albert Hamilton not named 22-Oct-1958 6 Nee Pat HAMILTON, shower held, husband not named, No wedding found in paper ARG ARG age 55 Pg Martha Hamilton ARG ARG 3-Dec-1958 B7 d/o M/M J. Hamilton. See also page B3, shower 3-Dec-1958 B6 d/o M/M Wm. Hamilton christened at Union Bay U.C. 18-Apr-1956 10 Born in Linlithgow, Scotland, to Canada 1921, 6 children named, bur. Nanaimo Cemetery 21-Nov-1956 2 d/o M/M Charles Hamilton of Cumberland, christened ARG Gerald Thomas ARG MAXWELL 10-Apr-1957 16-Apr-1958 2 d/o M/M Joseph Hamling of Courtenay 6 No further info Comox Comox Comox not given ARG ARG ARG ARG 11-Jul-1956 17-Oct-1956 10-Apr-1957 14-Mar-1956 2 2 2 6 Comox Cumberland G.H. 8-Jun-1958 Cumberland G.H. 2-Apr-1957 Comox age 86 ARG ARG 10-Oct-1956 20-May-1959 2 s/o M/M Gerald Hansen, RCAF 6 s/o M/M John Hansen, RR1 Cumberland ARG 11-Jun-1958 4 d/o M/M John Hansen of RR1 Cumberland ARG 10-Apr-1957 4 Husband deceased, family named 11-May-1958 St. Joseph's, Comox ARG 14-May-1958 4 s/o M/M Arthur Hanson 14-Dec-1958 Comox 11-Apr-1957 Comox ARG ARG 17-Dec-1958 17-Apr-1957 2 s/o M/M Leonard Hanson, Nanaimo 4 d/o M/M R. Hanson of Courtenay Christian HANSEN d/o M/M Keith Hammons, RCAF, Comox d/o M/M Howard Hampton of Courtenay d/o M/M Edward Hampton of Courtenay 7th birthday, d/o Mrs. J. Handlen Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t HANSON Perry D HARDER (girl) B HARDY (girl) B HARDY Place age/dob Spouse 6-Jun-1959 St. Joseph's age 78 Hospital, Comox 5-Jan-1956 Campbell River 26-Apr-1959 St. Joseph's, Comox not married Constance M Dorothy 26-Jan-1957 Comox HARDY Ernest M HARDY Helen M HARGREAVES Lorette May M HARIS HARLEY HARLOCK (girl) Isabella Barbara Phyllis, R.N. (boy) B D M 25-Oct-1958 St. John's RC 1-Nov-1956 Prince George, BC 17-Aug-1956 RCAF Chapel, Comox 27-Aug-1957 Comox 11-Aug-1958 Vancouver age 84 3-Nov-1956 Salmon Arm, BC (girl) Dorothy Mae John Edward Redding Oliver (boy) David Roy B M D B M 2-Mar-1957 Comox 5-Oct-1957 Comox 7-Sep-1957 Courtenay age 48 Mrs. Harris HARRISON Elizabeth Ann D age 81 HARRISON George Fernie M 24-Jan-1959 Fort Hospital, Comox 23-Mar-1956 Courtenay, St. John's Kathleen Ann DOWNEY Mr. Harrison HARNELL HARRIS HARRIS HARRIS HARRIS HARRISON HARRISON B M 17-Nov-1956 Campbell River 30-Apr-1957 Comox 26-Oct-1956 Courtenay, U.C. 7-Dec-1957 Sandwick, St. Andrew's Pape Date Issued r Pg Info/Kin ARG 10-Jun-1959 1 Born in Sweden, former Courtenay alderman, uncle of Mrs. Robert Stark, sis in U.S. ARG 11-Jan-1956 2 d/o M/M Edwin Harder of Campbell River ARG 29-Apr-1959 6 d/o M/M Ernest Hardy of Courtenay Bernard ARG Royden FARRELL Alice FLEMING ARG 6-Feb-1957 Charles ARG Andrew BOYD Wayne Fraser ARG STUBBINGTO N ARG Mr. Harley ARG Hillas John ARG FRANCIS 29-Oct-1958 5 d/o Mrs. Hardy of Comox & late Mr. Hardy 6 s/o Mrs. Addie Hardy of Comox 21-Nov-1956 32 d/o M/M T.W. Hardy of Victoria 29-Aug-1956 13 d/o M/M C. Hargreaves of Courtenay, sis/o June Hargreaves 4-Sep-1957 20-Aug-1958 10-Oct-1956 4 d/o M/M Jack Harris of Courtenay 5 sis/o Mrs. Joseph Taylor of Cumberland 6 d/o M/M Eric Harlock of Comox. Engagement announced. No marriage writeup found aRG 21-Nov-1956 5 s/o M/M John Harnell of Campbell River ARG ARG 1-May-1957 3 d/o M/M Bert Harris of Merville 31-Oct-1956 15 d/o M/M O.C. Harris. See 17 Oct 1956 p. 7 re shower ARG 11-Dec-1957 ARG ARG ARG 13-Mar-1957 16 Wife, 2 sons, 2 dtrs not named 9-Oct-1957 4 s/o M/M George Harrison Jr. of Courtenay 11-Sep-1957 4 s/o M/M R. H. Harrison of Courtenay ARG 28-Jan-1959 6 Owned Harrison Beach Auto Court in Parksville Florence ARG Margaret KING 28-Mar-1956 3 s/o M/M George Harrison of Courtenay. Engagement 14 Mar p. 6 Ross Andrew EMMERSON Marjorie Erfyl EVANS 5 s/o M/M J.W. Harris of Alberni Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t Place age/dob HARRISON Myrna Hilda M HARRISON Richard Walter C hr HARRISON Thomas J. D HART D HART Frederick William Henry Theresa 1-Apr-1956 Millard's age 67 Creek (Courtenay) 21-May-1957 Comox age 83 D 19-Jul-1956 Cumberland age 81 HARTSFIELD HARTT (boy) Roland B M HARVIE (boy) B HARWOOD George D Howe Arthur (Mr. M & Mrs.) 9-Aug-1957 Comox 28-Mar-1959 Campbell River, St. Peter's 10-Jun-1958 Cumberland G.H. 22-Jul-1958 Union Bay age 68 HASTINGS HASTINGS Bobby B HASTINGS Donald M HASTINGS Donald Shayne B HASTINGS Gertrude Pearl Joseph D HASTINGS HATCH HATCHER HATFIELD HATFIELD HATFIELD boy William Justus (boy) (girl) (girl) 13-Oct-1956 Courtenay, St. George's Pape Date Issued r Pg Info/Kin Samuel Robert ARG ALEXANDER 17-Oct-1956 3 d/o M/M R.R. Harrison of Courtenay. See 10 Oct p. 11 re shower ARG 20-May-1959 9 Christened, s/o M/M L. Harrison of Chilliwack, gs/o M/M R. Birnie Mrs. Harrison ARG 4-Apr-1956 Josephine MORTON ARG 29-May-1957 Mr. Hart ARG ARG ARG 25-Jul-1956 14 Born Standish, Lancashire, England, res of Union Bay, 2 children named 14-Aug-1957 5 s/o M/M Robert Hartsfield of Courtenay 1-Apr-1959 9 s/o M/M R. Hartt of Oyster Bay ARG 11-Jun-1958 ARG 16-Jul-1958 2 See also 6 Aug p. 9 Union Bay news ARG 15-Oct-1958 2 25th anniversary at Union Bay, married at Trinity United, parents of Donald Hastings ARG 6-May-1959 26-Sep-1958 Union Bay, United Church 30-Apr-1959 St. Joseph's, Comox Patricia Arlene ARG POWELL 3-Sep-1958 6 7th birthday, s/o Mrs. Annie Hastings of West Vancouver, guests named 7 Engagement announced, s/o M/M Arthur Hastings of Union Bay. No wedding found in paper ARG 6-May-1959 19-Feb-1959 White Rock age 75 Donald ARG HASTINGS Annie Hastings ARG 25-Feb-1959 6 No further info 14-May-1958 ARG ARG 6-Mar-1957 5-Jun-1957 4 Possible drowning death (see 23 Apr p. 1), f/o Frances and James 5 s/o M/M Henry B. Hatch of Union Bay 8 5 sons 3 dtrs named 17-May-1959 Courtenay, not known St. George's Eileen ERICKSON 7-Oct-1933 Vancouver, BC 2-May-1952 not given D bef 23 Apr 1958 B 3-Mar-1957 D 24-May-1957 B B B Spouse near Quadra age 47 Island Cumberland Cumberland age 69 5-Sep-1958 SJH 26-Feb-1957 Comox 29-Aug-1958 SJH Beatrice Thatcher ARG ARG ARG 1 To Canada 1902, former res of Comox. See 11 Apr page 6 Card of Thanks 3 Father of William Henry Hart 4 s/o M/M Andrew Harvie 3 s/o M/M Donald Hastings of Union Bay, also on page 6 10-Sep-1958 6 s/o M/M Bennett Hatfield, RCAF 27-Feb-1957 7 d/o M/M John Hatfield, Comox 3-Sep-1958 12 d/o M/M John Hatfield of Comox Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t HATTON (boy) B HATTON (boy) B HAUGHN HAVARD (girl) (boy) B B HAWKINS HAWKINS (boy) (boy) B B HAWKINS HAWKINS (girl) (girl) B B HAWKINS HAWKINS (girl) Brenda Ruth Kathleen Mary B C hr M HAWKINS HAWN HAYES HAYMAN HAYMAN HAYWARD HAYWARD William Raymond JESSE Pape Date Issued r ARG 26-Feb-1958 3 s/o M/M John Hatton, nee Dora Erickson, gs/o M/M H. Erickson, in Comox news 4 s/o M/M stanley Hatton, RCAF ARG ARG 23-Oct-1957 21-Jan-1959 4 d/o M/M Thomas Haughn of Royston 6 s/o M/M Harry Havard of Courtenay ARG ARG 6-Feb-1957 28-May-1958 9 s/o M/M Ronald Hawkins, RCAF 6 s/o M/M Herbert Hawkins of Union Bay ARG ARG 28-Nov-1956 7 d/o M/M Arthur Hawkins, RCAF, Comox 3-Jul-1957 11 d/o M/M William Hawkins of Campbell River ARG ARG 3-Dec-1958 11-Feb-1959 ARG 2-Jul-1958 6-Feb-1957 15-May-1957 age 74 William+B D 1452 (girl) B Beverley M Doreen 3-Oct-1956 Comox, BC age 74 Bertha Hayman ARG 10-Oct-1956 ARG ARG 11-Jan-1956 14-May-1958 ARG 5-Jun-1957 HEAL Louise Margaret Beatrice Winnifred Ona M Robert Edward D Roy SHIELDS 28 Oct 1876 2-Aug-1958 Victoria, St. Alban's 29-Nov-1956 Victoria, BC age 58 M bef 22 Apr Victoria 1959 D 9-Apr-1956 Bradley Creek age 57 Arthur HAYWOOD David Bruce MASON Ed HEARD Info/Kin 1-Feb-1956 3-Oct-1956 Comox, BC 5-Jan-1956 Comox 26-Apr-1958 Comox, Wallace gardens 1-Jun-1957 Comox Pg ARG ARG Bernard Henry ARG WELLENBRIN K Bertha Hayman ARG D HEARLE 13-Jan-1956 Vancouver, BC 19-Feb-1958 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 22-Oct-1957 Comox 17-Jan-1959 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 28-Jan-1957 Comox 22-May-1958 Cumberland Hospital 21-Nov-1956 Comox, BC 21-Jun-1957 Campbell River 26-Nov-1958 Comox 8-Feb-1959 RCAF Prot. 3 months Chapel 21-Jun-1958 Comox, St. Peter's Spouse 28-Jan-1957 Comox 11-May-1957 Courtenay, St. John's Eleanor HEARD age/dob (boy) B Tanya M Gwendolyn e William D HAYWOOD HEARD Place ARG ARG Granville ARG HENDERSON Jessie ARG MacKENZIE 1-Oct-1958 4 d/o M/M Ronald Hawkins, RCAF 7 Christening, d/o F/O & Mrs. R. Hawkins, gd/o M/M W. M. Lane of London, Ont. 8 See 28 May p. 7 Engagement 9 s/o M/M Murray Hawn, Courtenay 7 d/o M/M Rex Hayes of Campbell River. See photo in 15 May page 17 7 In Memoriam, by Dorothy, Paul and family 8 Born in Nova Scotia, family named 2 d/o M/M Norman Hayward of Royston 3 d/o M/M G.E. Hayward of Merville 8 Born in Co. Antrim, Ireland. First husband not named. Arthur Haywood deceased 6-Aug-1958 11 d/o M/M Horace J. Heal, Myrtle Ave., Victoria 5-Dec-1956 11 Res of Comox, born England, family named, funeral at St. John's Anglican 22-Apr-1959 2 Former res of Dove Creek, in Dove Creek news 11-Apr-1956 1 Well-know logger, family named, bur. Courtenay Civic Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t Place age/dob HEBERT HEBRON HEGGIE (boy) (girl) (boy) B B B HEILIGER HEIN HELMCKE (girl) David Theodore B D D HEMPHILL Lora L. M HEMSWORTH HEMSWORTH B M HENDERSON HENDERSON HENDERSON (boy) June Beverly William S. Jr. (boy) (girl) Cathie HENDERSON Granville HENDREN HENLY (girl) (boy) HENSCHKE HENSHALL William Sigfrid (girl) HEPNER HERD HERMAN (girl) William (girl) HERMAN William Walter M bef 22 Apr Victoria 1959 B 4-Jan-1957 Comox B 28-Feb-1958 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox D 5-Nov-1956 Port Hardy, age 36 BC B 8-Feb-1956 Campbell River B 16-Nov-1956 Comox, BC D 10-Jun-1957 Cumberland age 77 B 10-Apr-1957 Campbell River M 9-May-1959 Courtenay, St. George's HERNYHOUGH (girl) B HESS Barbara Jean M HENCHKE D B B B 29-Sep-1957 Comox 14-Sep-1958 Comox 27-Dec-1956 Camapbell River 5-Nov-1956 Comox, BC 28-Nov-1956 Comox, BC age 79 10-Apr-1936 Camp 3, age 33 Merville 14-Jul-1956 Spokane, Washington, Audubon Methodist 17-May-1957 Comox 2-Feb-1957 not given 4-Nov-1956 Port Hardy, BC 6-Dec-1956 Comox, BC 6-Jan-1957 Comox 22-Nov-1949 not given 12-Oct-1956 Campbell River, BC 15-Jun-1957 Seattle, Washington Spouse Mrs. Hein William CARSWELL Robert Drew BERKELEY age 36 Ona HEARD Mrs. Herd Larona May COOPER Douglas Reid WARD Pape Date Issued r Pg Info/Kin ARG ARG ARG 2-Oct-1957 17-Sep-1958 9-Jan-1957 4 s/o M/M Russell Hebert of Comox 6 d/o M/M George Hebron, RCAF Comox 7 s/o M/M Allan Heggie of Campbell River ARG ARG ARG 7-Nov-1956 3 d/o M/M Robin Heiliger, RCAF Comox 5-Dec-1956 13 Born in USA, f/o Louis, Funeral in Cumberland 18-Apr-1956 4 Logging accident, "20 Years Ago" ARG 15-Aug-1956 9 d/o M/M Roy Hemphill of Spokane ARG ARG 22-May-1957 9-Jan-1957 7 s/o M/M Douglas Hemsworth, Comox 6 Engagement notice, Wedding writeup not found ARG 30-Oct-1956 ARG ARG ARG 12-Dec-1956 7 Son of M/M James Henderson, RCAF, Comox 9-Jan-1957 7 d/o M/M David Henderson, RCAF 3-Dec-1958 B8 9th birthday, d/o Mrs. Murray Henderson, guests named ARG 22-Apr-1959 ARG ARG 9-Jan-1957 5-Mar-1958 7 d/o M/M Donald Hendren, RCAF 2 s/o M/M Arthur Henly, RCAF ARG 5-Nov-1958 ARG 22-Feb-1956 7 In Memoriam. Presumed drowned 5 Nov, body found 17 Dec 1956 7 d/o M/M Robt. Henshall of Heriot Bay ARG ARG ARG 21-Nov-1956 12-Jun-1957 17-Apr-1957 5 d/o M/M Milton Hepner of Courtenay 7 2 dtrs named 4 d/o M/M J. E. Herman of Bloedel ARG 13-May-1959 8 s/o M/M W. Herman of Comox 5 Presumed drowned, body recovered 17 Dec 1956. 2 Dove Creek news ARG 24-Oct-1956 10 d/o M/M Frederic Hernyhough ARG 26-Jun-1957 2 d/o M/M L. J. Hess of North Vancouver Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t Place HETHERINGTON Troy Roberta C hr HEWISON (girl) B HEYES Martha Alice Marilyn Ann M M 18-May-1957 Courtenay, Can. Martyrs HIBBERSON HICKMORE (boy) Elaine Irene B M HIEBERT (boy) B 17-Oct-1958 Comox 21-Aug-1956 Kitimat, BC, Anglican Hall 15-Jan-1959 Port Moody HIEBERT Doris Susan John Eric F. M M 20-Dec-1958 Comox, St. Peter's Ang. 29-Sep-1956 Comox, BC HIGH Andrew M 10-May-1957 Courtenay HIGH John D Thompson 14-Apr-1956 Abbotsford, BC HIGHWAY HIGHWAY (girl) Elaine Amy Peter Isaac George Albert 15-Sep-1956 Comox, BC 15-Apr-1957 Courtenay, St. John's 27-Feb-1957 Comox HEYMAN HIEBERT HILDEBRAND HILL HILL HILL HILLIS HILLYER B C hr D 26-Oct-1958 Comox, RCAF Chapel 11-Nov-1956 Campbell River 31-Dec-1908 Comox, BC age/dob Spouse age 10 mos. 29-Oct-1958 11 d/o F/L & Mrs. L.H. Hetherington ARG 14-Nov-1956 5 d/o M/M Timothy Hewison of Campbell River Thomas D. ARG ROBERTSON James Richard ARG MUCKLE 31-Dec-1958 4 50th anniversary, in Cumberland news 22-May-1957 8 d/o M/M Paul Heyman of Merville. See 24 Apr p. 8 Engagement Albert Edward DALTON Eileen Marguerite SMITH Helen Iral JESSE single 22-Oct-1958 4 s/o M/M George Hibberson, RCAF 29-Aug-1956 10 d/o M/M S.H. Hickmore of Kitimat ARG 21-Jan-1959 ARG 24-Dec-1958 ARG 3-Oct-1956 ARG 15-May-1957 ARG 18-Apr-1956 6 s/o M/M Eric Hiebert, nee Eileen Smith, formerly of Little River 6 d/o M/M Philip Hiebert of Abbotsford 3 s/o Mrs. T. Moortele of Port Moody 7 s/o M/M George High of Cumberland 1 Two killed in car accident. S/o M/M George High of Cumberland. Banks Funeral Home. See 25 Apr p. 16 re Funeral & list of floral tributes 19-Sep-1956 7 d/o M/M Gordon Highway of Courtenay 24-Apr-1957 11 d/o M/M Gordon Highway, christened Easter Monday age 15 ARG 6-Mar-1957 ARG 16-Apr-1958 6 No further info ARG ARG 28-Jan-1959 3-Sep-1958 3 7th birthday party, guests named, d/o M/M Jack Hill 9 d/o Mrs. E.F. Hill of Edmonton, gd/o M/M D. Arnett of Courtenay, christened ARG 22-May-1957 5 Daughter and son named ARG 4-Jul-1956 Doris Evangeline MOODY Benjamin Arthur (boy) Flora May HEBB B ARG ARG ARG ARG 5-Apr-1958 4 Sq. Gospel, Courtenay Judy B 20-Jan-1952 not given Peggy-Ann C bef 3 Sep Courtenay, infant Marilyne hr 1958 St. George's 14-May-1957 Denman Island 1-Jul-1956 Comox Info/Kin 7 months M D Pg ARG Thomas Edward ISBISTER age 21 Pape Date Issued r age 72 1 Accident on bicycle at Black Creek 6 s/o M/M Donald Hillyer, RCAF Comox Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t Place age/dob HILLYER (boy) B HILTON Arthur Mansfield (Major) Margaret D Mary Elizabeth Robert D D 22-Apr-1954 Cumberland age 45 woods 15-May-1956 Courtenay age 8 (boy) Carl (Mr. and Mrs.) (girl) George James B M 13-May-1956 Comox, BC 18-Mar-1931 not given B M HITCHEN John Charles M HLECK HOBSON HOCKLEY HODGETTS (boy) (girl) (girl) Karen B B B B 18-Jun-1957 Comox 8-Nov-1958 Courtenay, St. John's Ang. 27-Jun-1958 Victoria, Oaklands Chapel 30-Mar-1956 Comox 25-Sep-1957 Comox 18-Feb-1956 Comox 20-Mar-1950 not given HODGINS (boy) B HODGINS (girl) B HODGINS Doreen Enid M HODGINS Herbert D Gerald Donald M William (F/O) Jacqueline M Mildred HILTON HILTON HILTON HINCKE HINCKE HIPKINS HIPWELL HOEPPNER HOFFHEINZ 17-Mar-1958 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 21-Feb-1958 North age 85 Vancouver Spouse Pape Date Issued r Pg Info/Kin ARG 17-Mar-1958 4 s/o M/M Donald Hillyer, RCAF ARG 26-Feb-1958 4 No further info ARG ARG 5-Nov-1958 10 85th birthday, m/o Mrs. L.A. Leonard of Towler Rd., Courtenay 29-May-1957 1 Remains found in April 1957 ARG 16-May-1956 ARG ARG 16-May-1956 28-Mar-1956 ARG ARG 19-Jun-1957 12-Nov-1958 ARG 9-Jul-1958 ARG ARG ARG ARG 4-Apr-1956 25-Sep-1957 22-Feb-1956 28-Mar-1956 16-May-1958 St. Joseph's, Comox ARG 21-May-1958 31-May-1957 Campbell River 16-May-1959 Courtenay, St. George's ARG 5-Jun-1957 Daniel Graham ARG BELL 20-May-1959 Mrs. Hodgins ARG 17-Dec-1958 Evonne Georgene WOOD Raymond James Van IEPEREN ARG 18-Jun-1958 ARG 3-Dec-1958 B 31 Oct 1853 Eva Hilton not given 15-Dec-1958 Courtenay, age 52 BC 11-Jul-1958 Comox, RCAF Chapel 29-Nov-1958 Courtenay, St. George's John Hilton Margaret CLARK Patricia Ann MILLS 1 Drowned in Courtenay River, s/o M/M Jack Hilton. See 23 May 1956 p. 6 Card of Thanks 7 s/o M/M Albert Hincke, RCAF, Comox 13 25th anniversary, res of Mission, BC, parents of Albert Hincke of Comox 4 d/o M/M Harold Hipkins of Comox 11 s/o M/M Uruski of Courtenay 7 s/o M/M Joseph Hitchen, formerly of Courtenay 6 4 7 9 s/o M/M Nicholas Hleck of Point Holmes d/o M/M Edgar Hobson, RCAF Comox d/o M/M Arthur Hockley of Courtenay 6th birthday, d/o Mrs. Jim Hodgetts of Union Bay, ggd/o Mrs. M. Wynne 6 s/o M/M G. Hodgins 4 d/o M/M Charles J. Hodgins of Campbell River 2 d/o late Herbert Hodgins, niece of M/M E.A. Hodgins of Merville. See 29 Apr p. 7 Engagement, 13 May p. 3 Shower 1 Born Ardrosson, AB, f/o Doreen and Lorne, other family not named. Bur. Courtenay Cemetery 5 Engagement announced, Shower 16 Jul p. 9. No wedding found in paper 2 d/o M/M John Hoffheinz of Cumberland, guests named Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t HOFFHEINZ Margaret Louise M HOFFMAN (boy) B HOFLIN HOFSTRAND HOGARTH HOGLO HOLDSWORTH Place age/dob 28-Jul-1956 Courtenay, St. George's St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox (boy) B 30-Jun-1957 Campbell River Debbie B abt 15 Nov 1955 Joyce Ann M 28-May-1957 Vancouver Spouse Robert James JOHNSON Mar 1958 Pape Date Issued r ARG 8-Aug-1956 ARG 12-Mar-1958 ARG 10-Jul-1957 Pg Info/Kin 5 d/o M/M John Hoffheinz of Cumberland, other family named. See also 18 Jul page 9 Shower 4 s/o M/M Allan Hoffman, RCAF 6 s/o M/M Albert Hoflin of Campbell River ARG 19-Nov-1958 11 3rd birthday, d/o Mrs. Hugh Hofstrand of Cumberland ARG 15-May-1956 11-Apr-1956 Comox 13-Sep-1957 Duncan, BC Born 1872 Effie Pearl Holdsworth B bef 7 Jan 1959 Campbell River Hosp. M 31-Jan-1959 Courtenay, Elizabeth Can. Martyrs VANYO ARG ARG 18-Apr-1956 16-Oct-1957 ARG 7-Jan-1959 ARG 11-Feb-1959 B4 Photo. Res. of Nanaimo. See also 14 Jan p. 7 Engagement ARG 20-Feb-1957 5 s/o M/M Stanley Hollingshead of Campbell River James Douglas ARG CHAPPEL 23-Apr-1958 7 d/o M/M Robert Holloway of Comox 1 Born Whitehaven, Cumberland, England, family named, husband died 1948, See also 25 Jan p.5 funeral in Ladysmith & floral tributes p. 6 Card of Thanks William ARTHUR B D 6 Engagement announced. Marriage not found. See also 5 Jun page 13 Shower 5 s/o M/M John Hoglo of Courtenay 4 Born in Preemption Twp, Illinois, to Canada 1905, to Cumberland 1940, family named, bur Mountain View 7 s/o M/M Holland of Willow Point HOLLAND (boy) Thomas Doonan (boy) HOLLAND Leonard HOLLINGSHEAD (boy) B HOLLOWAY Doreen Marjory M 11-Feb-1957 Campbell River 5-Apr-1958 Courtenay HOLMES Annie D 16-Jan-1956 Cumberland age 89 Mr. HOLMES ARG 18-Jan-1956 HOLST M ARG 2-May-1956 ARG 23-May-1956 3 d/o M/M John Holst of Courtenay. See 18 Apr p. 2 shower 5 Res of Merville, drowned HOLSTER (boy) B ARG 21-Nov-1956 5 s/o M/M W. Holster of Campbell River HOLT HOLT (girl) B Julia Ellen D 28-Apr-1956 Courtenay, St. John's 2-May-1956 Cowichan age 20 River near Duncan 14-Nov-1956 Campbell River, BC 10-Sep-1956 Comox 4-Apr-1959 St. Joseph's, age 71 Comox Alvin Jack BECKER HOLST Anita Loretta Clarence ARG ARG 12-Sep-1956 12 d/o M/M Martin Holt of Courtenay 8-Apr-1959 2 Born in Yorkshire, England, family named HONG Mah ARG 25-Jan-1956 D D 20-Jan-1956 Cumberland age 73 Frank HOLT 1 Traffic accident at Union Bay, one nephew in Vancouver. Buried Cumberland Chinese Cemetery. Listed as Hong MAH on BC Archives Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t Place age/dob Spouse HOOPER (boy) HOOPER HOOVER Deane Milton (girl) 15-Jun-1959 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox M 23-Aug-1958 Cumberland United B bef 4 Jan 1956 not given HOPKINS (boy) B HOPKINSON Harold Robert C hr HORBURY Harriet D HORN HORNBY HORNBY HORNBY B B B M HORNE (girl) (boy) (boy) James Valentine Althea HORSFIELD HORSFIELD HORTON (boy) (boy) (boy) B B B HORTON (girl) B HORTON George D HOUGH John William Betsy D 25-Aug-1958 Victoria age 70 May HOUGH D age 50 HOWARD John Morgan D 16-Dec-1956 Nanoose Bay, BC 14-Feb-1956 Nanaimo HOWES (Mrs. J.B.) B Mar 1877 HOWARD B B ARG 17-Jun-1959 Edith Florence ARG FLEMING ARG 27-Aug-1958 not given age 80 Pg Info/Kin 4 s/o M/M Dean Hooper, RCAF ARG 2 s/o M/M Pauline Armstrong & late F. Hooper of Wells, BC 4-Jan-1956 11 d/o M/M Leslie Hoover, nee Betty Griffith, of Campbell River, Hornby Island news 15-Apr-1959 6 s/o M/M Harold Hopkins, RCAF ARG 29-Oct-1958 11 s/o LAC/Mrs. H.G. Hopkinson ARG 26-Feb-1958 4 Res of Cumberland since 1898 ARG ARG ARG ARG 3-Dec-1958 10-Oct-1956 3-Dec-1958 25-Jan-1956 4 2 4 7 ARG ARG ARG 20-Mar-1957 24-Dec-1958 16-Jul-1958 5 s/o M/M Everest Horsfield of Courtenay 6 s/o M/M Ernest Horsfield of Courtenay 2 s/o M/M Oswald Horton ARG 17-Jun-1959 4 d/o M/M Anton Horton of Courtenay ARG 18-Jun-1958 7B resident of Glacier View Home ARG 27-Aug-1958 1 Family named John Morgan ARG HOWARD Betsy Gertrude ARG Howard 19-Dec-1956 29-Feb-1956 8 Former res of Comox, accidental death, husband deceased 3 Former res of Comox Valley, born in Wales ARG 11-Mar-1959 3 82nd birthday, in Comox news, m/o Ivan Howes 9-Apr-1959 St. Joseph's, Comox 26-Oct-1958 Comox, age 6 RCAF mos. Chapel 11-Feb-1958 Fort age 81 Hospital, Comox 1-Dec-1958 Comox 7-Oct-1956 Comox 30-Nov-1958 Comox 21-Jan-1956 Sandwick Anglican abt 1 Mar not given 1950 16-Mar-1957 Comox 16-Dec-1958 Comox, BC 10-Jul-1958 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 16-Jun-1959 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 11-Jun-1958 St. Joseph's, Comox Pape Date Issued r not married Helena Mary WARREN ARG d/o M/M W. Horn, Courtenay s/o M/M James Hornby of Courtenay s/o M/M James Hornby, Courtenay s/o M/M J. Hornby of Sandwick (dec'd), guests named. See 11 Jan p. 7 engagement 7-Mar-1956 11 6th birthday, d/o Mrs. Gordon Horne Surname HOY Given Ev en Date of Event t Place age/dob Patricia May Anna Pauline M 17-Mar-1956 Victoria D 26-Dec-1958 New age 81 Westminster Hollie Victoria Ann (boy) B abt Nov 1955 M bef 14 Aug 1957 B 27-Mar-1959 M HUGHES HULTGREN Donald Wilbert Wilburta Jeanette (boy) Emma HUME HUMPHRIES (boy) John B D HUNCHUK HUNCHUK (boy) (boy) B B HUNT (boy) B HUNT M HUNTER HUNTER HUNTER HUNTER HUNTER HUNTER HUNTER Shirley Ann Thomas Robert (boy) (boy) (girl) (girl) (girl) (girl) Andrew HUNTER Cecilia HOYBAK HUCKAMA HUCULAK HUDSON HUDSON HUDSON HUNT M B M Spouse Frederick Elmer ORR Axel Emil HOYBAK Pape Date Issued r ARG 29-Feb-1956 ARG 7-Jan-1959 Pg Info/Kin 6 d/o M/M David Hoy of Victoria, engagement announced. See 21 Mar page 7 Wedding & shower. 7 Born in Norway, husband died 1948, family named. See also page 3, Hornby Island news not given Halifax, St. Joseph's St. Joseph's, Comox ARG Bern DOOLEY ARG ARG 1-Apr-1959 1-Feb-1958 Vancouver, First United 21-Jun-1958 Cumberland Mary Louise ARG FITZGERALD BRACCONIER, ARG Gilbert ARG Karl LINDER ARG 12-Feb-1958 4 No further info 25-Jun-1958 2 d/o m/m Wilburt Hudson, cumberland 6-Feb-1957 24-Jul-1957 7 s/o M/M Harry Hughes of Courtenay 3 50th anniversary in Eckville, Alberta ARG ARG 25-Jul-1956 23-Feb-1958 ARG ARG 25-Jan-1956 22-Apr-1959 ARG 6-Aug-1958 ARG 25-Sep-1957 ARG 14-Mar-1956 12 Parents not named, bur. Comox Indian Cemetery 19-Jun-1957 24-Sep-1958 29-Feb-1956 19-Sep-1956 23-Oct-1957 31-Dec-1958 11-Sep-1957 29-Jan-1958 29-Jan-1957 Comox 13-Jul-1907 Portland, Oregon 21-Jul-1956 Comox bef 23 Feb near Quadra 1958 Island 21-Jan-1956 Comox 19-Apr-1959 St. Joseph's, Comox D 4-Aug-1958 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 30-Aug-1957 Vancouver, BC 12-Mar-1956 Nanaimo age 16 B B B B B B D 14-Jun-1957 18-Sep-1958 27-Feb-1956 17-Sep-1956 22-Oct-1957 29-Dec-1958 8-Sep-1957 D 21-Jan-1958 Red Deer, Alberta Comox Comox, BC Comox Comox, BC Comox Comox, BC Victoria Donald Keith WHITE age 64 Mae Hunter ARG ARG ARG ARG ARG ARG ARG age 79 not known ARG 3-Dec-1958 B7 3rd birthday, gd/o Mrs. Kuchma Sr. of Stevenston 14-Aug-1957 9 d/o Mrs. Annie/late Nick Huculak of Cumberland 6 s/o M/M Raymond Hudson, RCAF 5 s/o M/M Daniel Hume, RCAF Comox 1 Drowned and body found by skin diver (not found in BC Archives) 2 s/o M/M Waldo Hunchuk of Courtenay 6 s/o M/M William Hunchuk of Merville 2 s/o M/M Stanley, Hunt, RCAF 9 d/o M/M Sidney Hunt of Vancouver, born in Cumberland 4 4 7 7 4 4 7 s/o M/M Harry Hunter of Comox s/o M/M J. Hunter of Courtenay d/o M/M Ralph Hunter of Cumberland d/o M/M Charles Hunter of Courtenay d/o M/M Ralph Hunter d/o M/M Ralph Hunter, Cumberland Native of Nanaimo, bro/o Mrs. Joe Taylor of Cumberland, children named 4 Former Courtenay resident Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t HUNTER John William M HUNTER D HURFORD William Gullion (boy) HURFORD (girl) B HUSBAND Norman Keefer (boy) (girl) Joyce D Percival Taylor (Major) (girl) (girl) D M IDIENS IDIENS Joe and Elsie John Rosanne ILOTT (girl) INGRAM (girl) B INKSTER D INMAN Peter Russell (boy) INMAN (boy) B HUTCHINSON HUTCHINSON HUTCHINSON HYATT HYDE HYSLOP IDIENS B Place 20-Sep-1957 Comox, RCAF Chapel 23-Jan-1956 Nanaimo, age 66 BC 27-Jul-1958 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 21-Mar-1958 St. Joseph's, Comox 8-Feb-1956 Courtenay (Comox) B 21-Oct-1958 Comox, BC B 9-Sep-1956 Comox M Apr 1956? not given B B age/dob age 72 25-Sep-1957 ARG 30-Jul-1958 Mrs. Husband 2-Feb-1958 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 4-Jun-1959 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox not known Margaret Inkster Pg Info/Kin 9 s/o M/M John Hunter of Vulcan, Alberta 1-Feb-1956 11 bro/o Mrs. Joseph Taylor parents to Nanaimo in 1852 6 s/o M/M Herbert Hurford of Courtenay ARG 26-Mar-1958 4A d/o M/M George Hurford ARG 15-Feb-1956 ARG ARG Bob WILLIAMS ARG 19-Feb-1956 Comox 23-Apr-1957 Campbell River 11-Jan-1908 not given 25-Jan-1958 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 22-Feb-1958 Nanaimo age 78 Pape Date Issued r Marie Anne ARG BERKENSTOC K ARG 6-Apr-1957 Victoria, BC age 69 D 13-Jan-1939 Comox age 86 B bef 8 Feb not given 1943 B 9-Mar-1959 St. Joseph's, Comox B Spouse 7 F/o Mrs. Helmer of Sayward ARG 29-Oct-1958 6 s/o M/M Charles W. Hutchinson, RCAF 12-Sep-1956 12 d/o M/M Charles Hutchinson, RCAF, Comox 28-Mar-1956 12 Shower held. See also 4 Apr p. 8. No marriage writeup found 17-Apr-1957 4 Former Denman Island resident ARG ARG 22-Feb-1956 1-May-1957 ARG 15-Jan-1958 7 d/o M.M Eric Hyde, RCAF, Comox 3 d/o M/M Gary Hyslop of Campbell River ARG 2 50th wedding anniversary, at home of Cyril Idiens of Comox 28-Jan-1959 4 "20 Years Ago" 8-Feb-1956 11 13th birthday d/o Mrs. Cyril Idiens of Comox, guests named 11-Mar-1959 2 d/o M/M R. Ilott, RCAF Comox ARG 29-Jan-1958 4 d/o M/M Thomas Ingram ARG 26-Feb-1958 4 Former mayor of Courtenay ARG 5-Feb-1958 ARG ARG ARG 6 s/o M/M Harold Inman 10-Jun-1959 10 s/o M/M Harold Inman, Courtenay Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t Place INMAN Harold Leo M John 28-Sep-1957 Courtenay, St. George's INRIG (boy) B INWOOD D IRVINE Edward George (boy) 25-Mar-1957 Campbell River 17-Nov-1958 Comox IRVINE George M. M IRVING (boy) B IRVING Norine Jane M IRWING ISBISTER (girl) (boy) B B ISBISTER (boy) B ISBISTER (boy) B ISBISTER Hazel M 17-Sep-1956 Comox, BC 16-Nov-1956 Campbell River, BC 24-Feb-1958 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 14-Jul-1958 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 16-Mar-1957 Courtenay ISBISTER Helen Rosalie John Craigie Peter Baikie Thomas Edward M 31-Aug-1957 Courtenay D 14-May-1959 Vancouver G.H. 3-Aug-1957 Courtenay ISENOR (boy) B ISENOR D.M. (Mr. and Mrs.) M ISBISTER ISBISTER ISBISTER B M M age/dob Wilhelmina NIEDRAUER age 47 14-Jun-1959 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 15-Jun-1957 Victoria Pg Info/Kin ARG 2-Oct-1957 5 s/o M/M John Inman ARG 3-Apr-1957 5 s/o M/M James Inrig of Campbell River 19-Nov-1958 12 Res of Courtenay ARG 17-Jun-1959 4 s/o M/M Kenneth Irvine of Comox ARG 19-Jun-1957 3 s/o M/M R. Irvine of Victoria ARG 2-Jul-1958 ARG 24-Sep-1958 3 d/o Mrs. David Irving of Campbell River. See also 17 Sep page 7 engagement, page 5 shower ARG ARG 19-Sep-1956 21-Nov-1956 7 d/o M/M John Orwing of Port Hardy 5 s/o M/M William Isbister of Campbell River ARG 26-Feb-1958 4 s/o M/M Peter Isbister (Julie Vanyo) ARG 16-Jul-1958 2 s/o M/M Thomas Isbister of Royston George KELLY ARG 20-Mar-1957 7 d/o M/M T. Isbister of Denman Island David Beaton McGOWAN Jemima Isbister Julia VANYO ARG 11-Sep-1957 ARG 4 d/o M/M Thomas Isbister of Denman Island. See 7 Aug page 6 Engagement 20-May-1959 1 Born at Birsay, Orkney Is., funeral on Denman 17 May, see obit on page 11, family named 28-Aug-1957 11 s/o M/M T. Isbister of Denman Island, photo included Elaine Irene HICKMORE ARG 29-Aug-1956 10 s/o M/M Thomas Isbister of Denman Island Charles Terrance TOBACCO age 69 Pape Date Issued r ARG Ceta Mary JACKSON 26-Jun-1958 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 20-Sep-1958 Campbell River U.C. 21-Aug-1956 Kitimat, BC Anglican Hall 27-Dec-1957 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 27-Sep-1906 Halifax, Nova Scotia Spouse ARG ARG 8-Jan-1958 ARG 19-Sep-1956 5 s/o M/M John Irving, Port Hardy 7 s/o M/M Richard Isenor of Courtenay 8 50th anniversary, six children named, some history. See 3 Oct page 1 Photo Surname ISENOR Given Ev en Date of Event t M ISNOR Frank Edward (LAC) (girl) IVAN Walter E. D IVERSON IVERSON IVERSON (boy) (boy) Carl Kenneth B B M JACKSON (girl) B JACKSON (girl) B JACKSON Ceta Mary M JACKSON Evelyn May M JACKSON M JACKSON Harold Morris (RCN) William JACOWENIK William M JAMES (boy) B JAMES JAMES (boy) (girl) B B JAMES Richard JAMES Thomas B Place age/dob 15-Feb-1958 RCAF Chapel, Comox 23-Apr-1959 St. Joseph's, Comox 7-Jul-1956 Campbell age 48 River, Gooseneck Lake 27-Jul-1956 Comox 15-Sep-1958 Comox 6-Apr-1956 Cumberland R.C. Spouse Mary Noella SCHECK Pape Date Issued r Pg Info/Kin ARG 26-Feb-1958 7 No further info ARG 29-Apr-1959 6 d/o M/M Frank Isnor, RCAF ARG 11-Jul-1956 1 Drowned, from Woodfibre, BC ARG ARG ARG 1-Aug-1956 2 s/o M/M Carl Iverson of Courtenay 17-Sep-1958 6 s/o M/M Edward Iverson, RCAF Comox 11-Apr-1956 12 s/o M/M C. Iverson of Grantham. See 4 Apr p. 6 Engagement ARG 29-Jan-1958 4 d/o M/M A. L. Jackson ARG 18-Jun-1958 2 d/o M/M Bernard Jackson, RCAF George M. ARG IRVINE James Leonard ARG DICKSON (Sgt) 19-Jun-1957 3 d/o M/M S. Jackson of Surrey 26-Jun-1957 2 d/o M/M S.D. Jackson of Swift Current, Sask. Elaine Lenore ARG McCLELLAND 22-Aug-1956 3 s/o M/M R.C. Jackson of The Pas, Manitoba Ann Jackson ARG 16-May-1956 10 To Nanaimo from Yorkshire 1908, family named Orah Yvonne LONGLAND ARG 15-Feb-1956 11 Of Cumberland, s/o M/M F. Jacowenik of Vancover D 18-Aug-1956 Comox, RCAF Chapel 10-May-1956 Campbell age 58 River 4-Feb-1956 Comox, St. Peter's 7-Jul-1957 Campbell River 2-Jan-1959 Ocean Falls 8-Oct-1958 Cumberland ? 29-Aug-1956 Comox age 34 D 29-Nov-1955 Cumberland age 72 D Germaine Doris BOUCHARD 24-Jan-1958 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 12-Jun-1958 St. Joseph's, Comox 15-Jun-1957 Victoria 7-Jun-1957 Courtenay Ethel ELLIS ARG 10-Jul-1957 6 s/o M/M R.C. James of Campbell River ARG ARG 7-Jan-1959 15-Oct-1958 4 s/o M/M Bert James, nee Darlene Lloyd 6 d/o M/M Gary James of Cumberland ARG 5-Sep-1956 ARG 25-Apr-1956 1 Born in Cumberland, logging accident at Brown's River, family named, bur. Cumberland Cemetery 6 Estate Notice Ev en Date of Event t Surname Given JANCZEWSKI Tadeusz D JANE JANE (girl) (girl) B B JANE R. E. (Dr.) D JANE(S) C hr C hr B M JARROWAY Heather Ann Joanne Lynn (girl) Doris Marie (girl) JARVIS Charles M JASBEC Melvin M JEBB JEBB George B 12 Jan 1876 not given George W. D 17-Feb-1959 St. Joseph's 12 Jan Hospital, 1875 Comox (girl) B 12-Jan-1959 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox Alan B 4-Feb-1935 not given Allan M 18-May-1957 Courtenay Daniel (boy) B 15-Dec-1956 Campbell River, BC (boy) B 26-Jun-1957 Comox Hayward M 24-Nov-1956 Courtenay Gordon William B 20-Oct-1958 Comox Hayward William D 17-Dec-1958 not given 2 months Hayward JANE(S) JANES JANES JEFFERSON JEFFERSON JEFFERSON JEFFREY JENKINS JENKINS JENKINS JENKINS B Place age/dob 25-May-1959 Sonora age 29 Island 27-Jan-1956 Vancouver 3-Jul-1958 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox bef 17 Dec Montreal 1958 28-Dec-1958 Denman infant Island 28-Dec-1958 Denman infant Island 12-Oct-1957 Comox 4-May-1957 Baltimore, Maryland 13-Apr-1958 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox abt Sep 1898 Ackley, Iowa 12-Oct-1956 Sandwick, St. Andrew's Spouse Mrs. Jane Pape Date Issued r ARG 27-May-1959 ARG ARG 8-Feb-1956 9-Jul-1958 ARG Frances RUMAN 3 d/o M/M Wilfred Jane of Vancouver 5 d/o M/M Kenneth Jane of Comox ARG 16-Apr-1958 Susie Elizabeth ARG LAMBRIGHT Alice B. BOILTON 6 Logging accident, inquest at Campbell River ARG ARG ARG Shiela RUSSELL Info/Kin 17-Dec-1958 B7 bro/o Arthur & Ernest Jane of Comox, f/o Dorothy and Margaret 31-Dec-1958 6 d/o M/M Kenneth Janes, nee Millard, gd/o M/M Janes & M/M Millard 31-Dec-1958 6 d/o M/M Donald Janes, nee Millard, gd/o M/M Janes & M/M Millard 16-Oct-1957 4 d/o M/M Donald Janes, Little River 24-Apr-1957 8 d/o M/M Norman Janes of Sandwick ARG Palma T. VALDIVEA Pg 7 d/o M/M Ivor Jarroway, RCAF 8-Oct-1958 B1 60th anniversary at Grantham ARG 17-Oct-1956 5 s/o M/M M. Jasbec Jr. of Black Creek ARG ARG 18-Jan-1956 25-Feb-1959 2 80th birthday, vet of S. African war, guests named 6 No further info ARG 14-Jan-1959 12 d/o M/M Vaughn Jefferson of Comox ARG ARG 15-Feb-1956 11 21st birthday, s/o Mrs. V.R. jefferson of Comox 22-May-1957 4 s/o M/M Vaughn R. Jefferson of Comox ARG 19-Dec-1956 ARG Kathleen Anna ARG SPINKS ARG ARG 7 s/o M/M Norman Jeffrey of Campbell River 3-Jul-1957 11 s/o M/M Hayward Jenkins of Courtenay 28-Nov-1956 2 s/o M/M G.A. Jenkins of Courtenay, bro/o Lloyd 22-Oct-1958 4 s/o M/M Haywad Jenkins of Courtenay 31-Dec-1958 5 s/o M/M Hayward Jenkins of Courtenay, other family named Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t JENSEN JENSEN (boy) (boy) B B JENSEN JENSEN (girl) (girl) B B JENSEN Ester Maxine Janet Lillian M M M JILL JOBSON JOHANSON Helen Iral William Raymond (girl) (boy) (boy) JOHANSSEN JOHNSEN (boy) (girl) B B JOHNSON JOHNSON (boy) (boy) B B JOHNSON JOHNSON (boy) (boy) B B JOHNSON (girl) B JOHNSON (girl) B JOHNSON JOHNSON JOHNSON (girl) (girl) (girl) B B B JOHNSON (girl) B JENSEN JESSE JESSE M B B B Place 1-Oct-1956 Comox, BC 9-Aug-1958 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 7-Dec-1957 Comox 13-Jun-1959 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 10-Nov-1956 Courtenay, BC 12-May-1956 Courtenay, BC 10-May-1957 Courtenay 21-Jun-1958 Comox, St. Peter's 6-Aug-1957 Comox 5-Apr-1957 Comox 5-Aug-1958 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 9-Aug-1956 Comox 11-Oct-1958 Campbell River 31-Aug-1956 Comox 1-Oct-1956 Campbell River 2-Jan-1957 Comox 23-Dec-1957 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 8-Mar-1956 Campbell River 30-Oct-1956 Campbell River 3-Dec-1956 Comox, BC 26-Oct-1957 Comox 16-Feb-1959 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox bef 17 Dec Campbell 1958 River age/dob Spouse Pape Date Issued r Pg Info/Kin ARG ARG 3-Oct-1956 13-Aug-1958 5 s/o M/M Thor Jensen of Courtenay 4 s/o M/M Sarem Jensen of Qualicum ARG ARG 11-Dec-1957 17-Jun-1959 6 d/o M/M Ernest Jensen of Comox 4 d/o M/M Ernest Jensen of Comox Robert Edward ARG WEBBER Dennis Melville ARG CLIFFORD Andrew HIGH ARG Kathleen Mary ARG HAWKINS ARG ARG ARG 21-Nov-1956 12 d/o M/M J.C. Jensen. See 31 Oct p. 6 re engagement 16-May-1956 15-May-1957 2-Jul-1958 7 d/o M/M J.C. Jensen of Happy Valley. Showers held, wedding writeup on page 9. See 25 Apr 1956 p. 6 Engagement 7 d/o M/M E. R. Jesse of Comox 8 See 28 May p. 7 Engagement 7-Aug-1957 10 d/o M/M Wm. Francis Jill of Cumberland 10-Apr-1957 2 s/o M/M Wm. Jobson of Courtenay 6-Aug-1958 2 s/o M/M Dwain Johanson, RCAF ARG ARG 15-Aug-1956 2 s/o M/M John Johanssen of Comox 15-Oct-1958 12 d/o M/M Kjell Johnsen of Shelter Point ARG ARG 5-Sep-1956 10-Oct-1956 ARG ARG 2-Jan-1957 8-Jan-1958 ARG 14-Mar-1956 ARG 7-Nov-1956 ARG ARG ARG 5-Dec-1956 30-Oct-1957 18-Feb-1959 ARG 17-Dec-1958 B6 d/o M/M Kenneth Johnson of Harrison Lake, Willow Point news 2 s/o M/M Alec Johnson of Courtenay 2 s/o M/M Norman Johnson of Campbell River 7 s/o M/M Gerald Johnson of Royston 7 s/o M/M Alex G. Johnson, RCAF 7 d/o M/M Kenneth Johnson of Campbell River 3 d/o M/M John Johnson of Sayward 8 d/o M/M Anselm Johnson of Courtenay 4 d/o M/M Ernest Johnson, RCAF Comox 1 d/o M/M Carl Johnson, born premature 1 lb. 2 oz. See also 25 Feb p. 1, died within 24 hrs Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t JOHNSON Aileen May M JOHNSON Place age/dob Spouse Pape Date Issued r Pg Info/Kin 5 d/o E. Johnson of Invermere & late Mr. Johnson M Donald Burt ARG CAMPBELL John Simpson ARG BROWN 30-Jan-1957 Beatrice May 22-Dec-1956 Invermere, BC 5-Jun-1959 Courtenay, age 77 Ang. Church 10-Jun-1959 1 Res of Royston JOHNSON C. N. ARG 8-Apr-1959 JOHNSON Elaine Marie D bef 8 Apr 1959 Campbell age 55 River M 11-Aug-1956 Port Alberni, St. Andrew's U.C. JOHNSON Elinor Anne M JOHNSON Len JOHNSON Robert Janes M bef 8 Feb not given 1956 M 28-Jul-1956 Courtenay, St. George's JOHNSON D JOHNSON Sigford Eugene Warner JOHNSTON (boy) B JOHNSTON (girl) B JOHNSTON Edna M JOHNSTON D JOLLIFFY John R.B1611 (girl) JONES (boy) B JONES (boy) B JONES JONES JONES (girl) (girl) (girl) B B B M B 20-Apr-1957 Vancouver 19-Nov-1957 Port Moody, age 61 BC aft 10 Jun not given 1959 6-Mar-1958 Cumberland Hosp. 14-Aug-1958 Cumberland G.H. 21-Jun-1958 Comox United 24-Oct-1958 Vancouver, age 80 BC 5-Mar-1959 St. Joseph's, Comox 23-Apr-1957 Campbell River 15-Jun-1959 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 17-Jan-1957 Comox 18-Feb-1957 Comox 14-Nov-1958 Comox Floyd CONN ARG 1 Logging accident near Port Neville (not found in BC Archives) 15-Aug-1956 12 d/o M/M Alex Johnson of Alberni, more info Michael Donald ARG ATKINS 8-May-1957 Sharon ADAMSON Margaret Louise HOFFHEINZ Mrs. Johnson ARG 8-Feb-1956 10 Shower for Union Bay bride, to reside Vancouver ARG 8-Aug-1956 ARG 27-Nov-1957 Eileen YORK ARG Edward McCONNELL (LAC) Mrs. Johnston 7 d/o M/M Godfrey T. Johnson of Vancouver 5 s/o M/M Wm. Johnson of Minto, bro/o Joan and Margaret 4 Car-train accident, father of Mrs. John Queen of Comox 3-Jun-1959 10 Did marry, later divorced ARG 12-Mar-1958 4 s/o M/M Jack Johnston ARG 27-Aug-1958 2B d/o M/M John Johnston of Royston ARG 2-Jul-1958 8 d/o M/M J.F. Holmgren of Cloverdale ARG 5-Nov-1958 ARG 11-Mar-1959 2 d/o M/M Albert Jolliffy, RCAF Comox ARG 1-May-1957 3 s/o M/M Eric Jones of Campbell River ARG 17-Jun-1959 4 s/o M/M Robert H. Jones of Comox ARG ARG ARG 6-Feb-1957 20-Feb-1957 19-Nov-1958 9 d/o M/M David "Sonny" Jones 5 s/o M/M Edmund Jones, RCAF 6 d/o M/M Keith Jones, RCAF 7 Formerly of Courtenay & Union Bay, 3 sons Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t Place JONES Cyril D abt Jul 1936 JONES Darrell E. M 28-Sep-1957 Courtenay, St. George's JONES Gwenyth Eleanor M 30-Aug-1957 Courtenay, St. George's JONES Jane D 15-Sep-1956 Comox, BC JONES Keith M Robert (LAC) Mabel Ann D JONES age/dob Spouse not given Pape Date Issued r Pg Info/Kin ARG 4-Jul-1956 Elois Fay MERCER ARG 2-Oct-1957 Arnold Arlie EPP ARG 4-Sep-1957 Mr. Jones ARG 19-Sep-1956 14-Sep-1957 Comox, RCAF Prot. Chapel 23-Jul-1958 Cumberland age 73 G.H. 21-Dec-1958 St. John's Ang. Diane Arlene GORDON ARG 2-Oct-1957 9 Merville settler since 1919, m/o Allen Jones in South Burnaby 5 s/o M/M Jones of Windsor, Ontario Samuel ARG JONES Thomas ARG Brawett SIMMS 30-Jul-1958 6 Buried in Cumberland Cemetery 1-Jan-1958 3 d/o M/M Harold Jones, Rev. J.J. VanderLesst 21-Aug-1957 5 d/o M/M S.M. Jones of Courtenay. See also 31 Jul p. & 7 Aug p. 13 Shower, guests ARG 3-Sep-1958 ARG 21-Nov-1956 9 d/o M/M Gunner Jonnson of Courtenay, family named, see also 13 Aug page 4 Engagement 5 s/o M/M Russell Jordan of Campbell River age 83 4 Drowning accident "20 Years Ago" (not found in BC Archives) 5 RCAF, s/o M/M R.C. Jones of Clementsport, Nova Scotia 4 d/o M/M David Jones of Sandwick. See page 14 Shower JONES Marilyn Mae M JONES Mary Elizabeth M 17-Aug-1957 Courtenay, Can. Martyrs Ronald James ARG AITKEN JONNSON Edith Christina (boy) M John Howard MOLLAND M ARG 4-Sep-1957 JORGENSEN JORGENSEN JORGENSEN JORGENSEN JORGENSEN Elvira Kathleen (boy) (boy) (boy) (girl) John 30-Aug-1958 St. John's, Courtenay 18-Nov-1956 Campbell River, BC 30-Aug-1957 Courtenay B B B B D 6-Sep-1957 10-Dec-1958 12-Dec-1958 16-Jan-1956 7-Oct-1956 ARG ARG ARG ARG Marie JENSEN ARG 11-Sep-1957 17-Dec-1958 17-Dec-1958 18-Jan-1956 17-Oct-1956 JORGENSON JOYCE (boy) (boy) B B 13-Sep-1957 Comox 2-Feb-1959 not given ARG ARG 18-Sep-1957 11-Feb-1959 JOYCE Arthur Valdez Ruth Elizabeth D ARG 11-Mar-1959 5 s/o M/M Frederick Jorgenson of Courtenay 4 s/o M/M Percy Joyce, nee Luoma, gs/o Mrs. R.J. Luoma of Granite Bay, in Quadra Island news 3 First white boy born on Quadra Island, siblings named ARG 19-Mar-1958 5 Engagement notice (boy) B JORDAN JORDT JYHLA KAMPEN B M Comox Comox Comox Comox Comox Edward MAURICE age 69 2-Mar-1959 Quadra age 64 Island 5-Apr-1958 Courtenay, St. George's 31-Jul-1957 Comox Kenneth W. FRANKLIN ARG 4 d/o M/M Peter Jordt of Salmon River. See 28 Aug page 6 Engagement 5 s/o M/M Ejner Jorgensen of Courtenay 2 s/o M/M Henry Jorgensen of Jeune Landing 2 s/o M/M Alf Jorgensen of Courtenay 11 d/o M/M H. Jorgensen of Campbell River 5 F/o Mrs. H. Squire of Royston, 5 sons named 7-Aug-1957 10 s/o M/M Von Kampen of Kelsey Bay Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t Place KANNGIESSER (boy) B KARK Frances Anne M KEENAN KEENAN B M KEEPING KEHLER (boy) Isabelle Kathleen Catherine Edith (boy) (boy) KEIR KEITH (girl) (boy) B B KELLY (boy) B KELLY KELLY (girl) Bonnie May B M 23-Oct-1957 Comox 5-Jan-1957 Courtenay, St. John's KELLY George M 16-Mar-1957 Courtenay KEMPTON (boy) B KENDELL KENNEDY (girl) (boy) B B 29-Nov-1956 Campbell River, BC 26-Jun-1957 Comox 28-Oct-1957 Vernon, BC KENNEDY (boy) B KENNEDY KENNEDY (girl) (girl) KENNEDY Alan Murray KEENE D B b age/dob 9-May-1959 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 30-Nov-1957 Port Moody, St. Joseph's RC 30-Apr-1957 Comox 26-Apr-1957 Nanaimo Spouse Pape Date Issued r Pg Info/Kin ARG 13-May-1959 6 s/o M/M Gordon Kanngiesser, RCAF ARG 18-Dec-1957 5 d/o M/M F. Kark of Port Moody ARG ARG 1-May-1957 1-May-1957 3 s/o M/M Kenneth Keenan of Fanny Bay 6 d/o Mrs. Charles Keenan, wedding announcement ARG 17-Jul-1957 8 Nee CRICKMAY, long article 2-Jul-1956 Comox 22-Oct-1956 Campbell River, BC 18-Oct-1957 Comox 7-Jun-1958 St. Joseph's, Comox ARG ARG 4-Jul-1956 31-Oct-1956 6 s/o M/M Albert Keeping, RCAF Courtenay 5 s/o M/M Abraham Kehler of Campbell River ARG ARG 23-Oct-1957 11-Jun-1958 4 d/o M/M Kenneth Keir of Comox 4 s/o M/M Robert Keith 7-Apr-1959 St. Joseph's, Comox ARG 15-Apr-1959 6 s/o M/M George Kelly of Royston ARG ARG 30-Oct-1957 9-Jan-1957 4 d/o M/M George Kelly of Royston 3 d/o Emily Kelly of Vancouver and Mr. W. Kelly of Prince George. See 2 Jan p. 6 Engagement ARG 20-Mar-1957 7 s/o M/M Kelly of Cumberland ARG 5-Dec-1956 5-Jul-1957 Victoria 24-May-1959 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox B 14-Jul-1956 Comox B bef 25 Jan not given 1956 M 27-Oct-1956 Courtenay, St. George's Paul Edward BRUINSMA age 99 Billy Irvine KNADLE William Lever KEENE David Frederick ERICKSON Hazel ISBISTER ARG ARG ARG ARG ARG Ellen Roberta LUND ARG 8 s/o M/M Clarence W. Kempton of Campbell River 3-Jul-1957 11 d/o M/M George Kendell, RCAF 6-Nov-1957 8 s/o MM Allan Kennedy of Vernon, ggs/o M/M Fred Lundy, gs/o M/M Fred Lundy Jr. 27-May-1959 6 s/o M/M Harold Kennedy, Union Bay 25-Jul-1956 5 d/o M/M Allan Kennedy of Qualicum Beach 25-Jan-1956 14 d/o M/M Bill Kennedy, nee Nadine Perse, of Minto, gd/o M/M Walter (Bush) Pearse 31-Oct-1956 15 Engagement 10 Oct 1956 p. 6 Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t Place KENNEDY Donald M 25-Aug-1956 Courtenay, St. George's KENNEDY Ronald Murray B 26-Apr-1959 St. Joseph's, Comox KENNEDY Tommy KENNELLY (boy) KENNELLY Sherman Patrick KERNOVICH (girl) KERTON KERTON (boy) Ethel Annie Fred (Mr. and Mrs.) Kathleen Faye Isabelle (Mrs.) Allan Norman Oscar (M+B1675r . and Mrs.) B abt 23 May not given 1953 B 24-Nov-1958 Vancouver, BC M 21-Apr-1956 RCAF Chapel, Comox B ? Oct 1956 Campbell River B 17-Apr-1957 Comox D 11-Sep-1956 Courtenay KERTON KERTON KEYES KIDD KIDD age/dob Spouse Rae Gwendolyn SHEPHERD Elizabeth Louise MIDDLETON age 70 Fred. Pape Date Issued r 13-Aug-1956 13 s/o M/M M. Kennedy of Union Bay, bro/o Harold and Wayne ARG 29-Apr-1959 ARG 3-Jun-1959 ARG 3-Dec-1958 B4 s/o M/M Pat Kennelly, gs/o M/M T.C. Kennelly ARG 2-May-1956 14 s/o M/M T. Kennelly of Comox ARG 10-Oct-1956 2 d/o M/M Charles Kernovich of Bloedel ARG ARG 24-Apr-1957 19-Sep-1956 ARG 18-Jan-1956 6-Nov-1957 6 s/o M/M Victor Kerton of Courtenay 5 Sis/o Mrs. E. Hayes & E.G. Everett. See 19 Sep page 6 card of thanks, and page 12 family named 6 45th anniversary, guests & family named. Also Fred's 74th birthday 3 d/o M/M Harry Kerton of Courtenay, family named. See 6 Nov p. 6 re shower 7 sis/o Dr. Gilbert Gemeroy of Courtenay 1-Jan-1911 Not given M M 1-Nov-1957 Courtenay, U.C. manse 19-Apr-1957 Vancouver Robert James ARG LOGAN Lloyd E. REES ARG M 28-Jan-1956 Nanaimo Edna May GARDNER M 30-Oct-1906 Portland, Ontario ARG ARG 8-May-1957 22-Feb-1956 (girl) Kerry B B 30-Jul-1956 Comox 14-Sep-1951 not given ARG ARG 1-Aug-1956 17-Sep-1958 KINE KINE KING KING KING KING KING (boy) (girl) (boy) (girl) (girl) (girl) Florence Margaret John B B B B B B M 28-Aug-1958 3-Nov-1956 14-Mar-1956 18-May-1956 4-Oct-1956 12-Oct-1956 23-Mar-1956 ARG ARG ARG ARG ARG ARG ARG 3-Sep-1958 7-Nov-1956 21-Mar-1956 23-May-1956 10-Oct-1956 17-Oct-1956 28-Mar-1956 ARG 19-Sep-1956 KING D age 75 6 s/o M/M Allen Kennedy of Union Bay, see also 6 May page 3 3 6th birthday, s/o Mrs. E.B. Kennedy of Oyster Bay 9 7-Nov-1956 12 50th anniversary at Comox, parents of Mrs. Roy Eyre and Mr. Clyde Kidd KIETH KILLORAN George HARRISON Info/Kin ARG M SJH Comox, BC Comox Comox, BC Comox Comox Courtenay, St. John's 9-Sep-1956 Comox Pg 2 d/o M/M Robert Kieth of Courtenay 6 7th birthday, d/o Sgt/Mrs. R.R. Killoran, gd/o Mrs. J. McQuhae, other family named 12 s/o M/M Ernest Kine of Union Bay 3 d/o M/M Ernest Kine of Union Bay 2 s/o M/M William King of Courtenay 2 d/o M/M James King, RCAF 2 d/o M/M James King, RCAF Comox 2 d/o M/M George King of Cumberland 3 d/o M/M Jack King of Calgary. See also Engagement 14 Mar p. 6 and shower 21 Mar p. 7 6 Elderly recluse on Hornby Island. See also 12 Sep page 7, Hornby Island news Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t Place KING KIRBY John (boy) D B KIRBY KIRK Dorothy (Mrs.) Gordon Lennox (Sgt.) (girl) KIRK (girl) B KIRKPATRICK (girl) B KIRKWOOD William Henry D KITCHEN D KIZISKY George Albert Carol Annette Michael KJAER Christian M 28-Dec-1957 Courtenay, U.C. manse KLAN (girl) B KLASSEN KLASSEN (boy) (boy) B B KLASSEN KLEIN KLEIN KLEIN (girl) (boy) (girl) Meinhard Henry B B B M 3-Apr-1957 Campbell River 7-Nov-1956 Comox, BC 12-Feb-1959 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 27-Nov-1958 Comox 22-May-1956 Comox, BC 20-Sep-1957 Comox 22-Mar-1957 Courtenay KLEINSCHROTH KLEINSCHROTH (girl) (girl) B B 16-Feb-1957 Comox 27-Sep-1958 Comox, BC KIRBY KITCHENER age/dob Spouse Pape Date Issued r Pg Info/Kin age 81 Mrs. King ARG ARG 5-Nov-1958 17-Apr-1957 6 Father of Eston & John of Alix, Alberta 4 s/o M/M Roy Kirby of Bloedel M 2-Nov-1958 Comox, BC 14-Apr-1957 Campbell River 14-Jan-1959 Nanaimo ARG 14-Jan-1959 6 No further info D 1-Jan-1956 Courtenay age 42 Alex DAVIDSON Dorothy Kirby ARG 4-Jan-1956 ARG 14-Nov-1956 ARG 26-Mar-1958 A4 d/o Ruth and David Kirk ARG 22-Feb-1956 7 d/o M/M Gerald Kirkpatrick of Campbell River ARG 25-Sep-1957 1 First Courtenay alderman ARG 29-Apr-1959 B B D 13-Nov-1956 Vancouver, BC 24-Mar-1958 Vancouver, St. Paul's 9-Feb-1956 Campbell River 20-Sep-1957 New age 78 Westminster , BC 24-Apr-1959 Nanaimo age 42 G.H. 22-Aug-1958 Comox 3-Apr-1956 Cumberland, age 66 BC Margaret KITCHEN ARG Hannah KIZISKY 1 Died suddenly in wife's arms, left wife, 3 sons & mother 5 d/o M.M David Kirk, nee Ruth Howey. 5.5 lbs. 2 Formerly of Cumberland & Gartley Beach, born in Redcliff AB, family named 3-Sep-1958 10 d/o M/M Sidney Kitchener (Isabelle) of Courtenay ARG 11-Apr-1956 Jytte ARG CHRISTENSE N ARG 10-Apr-1957 2 d/o M/M Edmund Klan of Campbell River ARG ARG 14-Nov-1956 18-Feb-1959 5 s/o M/M David Klassen of Black Creek 6 s/o M/M G. Klassen of Black Creek ARG ARG ARG ARG 3-Dec-1958 23-May-1956 25-Sep-1957 27-Mar-1957 4 2 4 3 ARG ARG 20-Feb-1957 1-Oct-1958 5 d/o M/M Jene Kleinschroth, RCAF 6 d/o M/M Jene Kleinschroth, RCAF Charlene Zelma GUNTER 5 Born in Odessa, Russia, to Canada 1913, f/o George Brown of Victoria, bur. Cumberland Cemetery. See Card of Thanks on page 6 1-Jan-1958 11 Nuptial blessing sung in Danish by Erick & Otto Kjaer d/o M/M Jacob Klassen, RCAF s/o M/M Arvend Klein of Fanny Bay d/o M/M Meinhard Klein of Fanny Bay Engagement announced 13 Mar page B6 Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t Place KNADLE Billy Irvine M 26-Apr-1957 Nanaimo KNAPPETT (girl) B KNAPPETT B D B B KNOWLES David James Lewis Arthur (boy) (boy & girl) twins (girl) 23-Dec-1958 Windsor, Ontario 30-Apr-1957 Windsor, Ontario 18-Apr-1958 Victoria B KNOWLES John D KNOWLES Margaret Eva Charles Hugh D 3-Jun-1958 Victoria M 7-Dec-1957 Comox, Knox home KNIGHT KNODEL KNOWLES KNOX KOBE KOBIERSKI (girl) B Betty-Ann M KOHN (boy) B KOHN (boy) B KOHN Michael B KONSCHAK KORSA (boy) (boy) B B KOZELETSKI Eugene M KRAUSE (boy) B KRENTZ Marion Rose M age/dob Spouse Pg Info/Kin ARG 1-May-1957 6 Wedding announcement ARG 7-Jan-1959 6 d/o M/M Herbert Knappett of Windsor, in Royston news ARG 1-May-1957 3 s/o M/M Herbert Knappett of Windsor ARG 23-Apr-1958 4 former Knight Road resident & Comox farmer 25-Mar-1956 Comox 12-May-1957 Comox ARG ARG 28-Mar-1956 15-May-1957 3 s/o M/M Emil Knodel of Comox 3 Children of M.M John Knowles of Courtenay 16-Feb-1959 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 3-Dec-1957 Victoria age 73 ARG 18-Feb-1959 6 d/o M/M John Knowles of Courtenay Annie May ARG KNOWLES 37 Richard ARG Knowles Shirley Malvina ARG CARMICHAEL 11-Dec-1957 9 F/o Clifford Knowles of Cumberland 18-Jun-1958 3 sis of Mrs. Clifford (Ethel) Knowles, Cumberland 18-Dec-1957 5 s/o M/M R.C. Knox of Comox. Guests listed in Section 2, page 8 13-Oct-1956 Comox 9-Aug-1958 Campbellton R.C. church 24-Apr-1956 Campbell River 11-Apr-1957 Campbell River abt 4 Aug not given 1951 29-Apr-1957 Comox 27-Mar-1957 Campbell River 23-Nov-1956 Union Bay U.C. 10-Feb-1957 Campbell River 1-Sep-1956 Comox, St. John the Bap. Isabelle Kathleen KEENAN Pape Date Issued r age 75 Gertrude TEMPLE Graeme STRACHAN ARG ARG 17-Oct-1956 2 d/o M/M Ernest Kobe, RCAF Comox 27-Aug-1958 B4 d/o M/M Michael Kobierski. See also 30 Jul p. 7 engagement ARG 2-May-1956 5 s/o M/M Rudi Kohn of Campbell River ARG 17-Apr-1957 4 s/o M/M R. Kohn of Campbell River ARG 8-Aug-1956 ARG ARG 1-May-1957 3-Apr-1957 ARG 27-Nov-1957 ARG 13-Feb-1957 2 Son of M/M Kozeletski of Courtenay. Engagement 6 Nov p. 5, Shower held. No marriage writeup 5 s/o M/M Lloyd Krause of Campbell River Francis ARG Alphone RICHARDSON 5-Sep-1956 2 d/o M/M Peter Krentz of Bruno, Sask., family named Virginia May ECCLESTON 8 5th birthday, s/o Mrs. R. Kohn of Willow Point, bro/o Timothy 3 s/o M/M Richard Konschak of Courtenay 5 s/o M/M Joseph Korsa of Campbell River Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t Place KROEKER John Peter D 13-Feb-1956 Comox KROGH (boy) B KRPAN Marie M KRUEGER (girl) B KRUELL KRYSANOWSKI (girl) (boy) B B KUHN (boy) B KUSSAUER (boy) B 8-Aug-1956 North Vancouver 10-May-1958 Cumberland U.C. 6-Feb-1959 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 23-Oct-1956 Comox, BC 21-Dec-1957 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 2-Jul-1957 Campbell River 23-Apr-1959 St. Joseph's, Comox LA FORTUNE D 7-Jan-1959 Courtenay M 4-Oct-1958 Sea Island, BC 30-Apr-1956 Comox 26-Jan-1956 Comox 22-Sep-1956 Comox 16-Sep-1958 Comox 30-Sep-1956 Comox, BC LADEROUTE Teresa Kathleen Eugene (LAC) (boy) (boy) (boy) (girl) (twins, boy & girl) (girl) LADOUCIER LADRET LADRET LADRET (boy) (boy) (boy) (girl) B B B B LAFFERE Henry W. L. D LAFLEUR (boy) B LABASSEUI LABLOMB LaCASSE LACHAPELLE LACHOSKI LADAUSEUR B B B B B B age/dob age 63 Frank NEZIC age 4 13-Oct-1956 Campbell River, BC 15-May-1957 Comox 17-Jan-1956 Comox 17-Dec-1957 Comox 11-Jan-1959 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 4-May-1958 New age 88 Westminster 3-Sep-1957 Campbell River Spouse Patricia MOXLEY Pape Date Issued r Info/Kin ARG 22-Feb-1956 7 Bur. Black Creek Cemetery, bro & sis in Ont. not named ARG 15-Aug-1956 2 s/o M/M E. Krogh, nee Eleanor Dresen, of Deep Cove ARG 14-May-1958 4 Formerly of Port Alberni ARG 11-Feb-1959 4 d/o M/M Albert Krueger of Courtenay ARG ARG 31-Oct-1956 8-Jan-1958 5 d/o M/M Walter Kruell of Black Creek 7 s/o M/M Walter Krysanowski of Merville ARG 10-Jul-1957 6 s/o M/M D. Kuhn of Campbell River ARG 29-Apr-1959 6 s/o M/M Sigfried Kussauer of Black Creek ARG 14-Jan-1959 1 Died in fire, d/o M/M John La Fortune ARG 15-Oct-1958 2 s/o M/M L.E. Labasseui of Manitoba ARG ARG ARG ARG ARG 2-May-1956 5 s/o M/M Paul Lablomb, RCAF, Courtenay 8-Feb-1956 8 s/o M/M David LaCasse, RCAF 3-Oct-1956 13 s/o M/M Joseph Lachapelle, RCAF Comox 17-Sep-1958 6 d/o M/M William Lachoski, RCAF Comox 3-Oct-1956 5 Children of M/M Leo Ladauseur of Qualicum ARG 24-Oct-1956 10 d/o M/M Antole Laderoute ARG ARG ARG ARG Annie CHURCHLAN D Pg 22-May-1957 7 25-Jan-1956 2 18-Dec-1957 6 14-Jan-1959 12 ARG 7-May-1958 ARG 11-Sep-1957 s/o M/M Harold Ladoucier of Fort Nelson s/o M/M Delbert Ladret of Courtenay s/o M?M Marvin Ladret of Cumberland d/o M/M D. Ladret of Courtenay 4 Had 1 son, 5 dtrs, married 8 Jan 1901 5 s/o M/M Ernest LaFleur of Campbell River Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t Place age/dob Spouse Pape Date Issued r Pg Info/Kin LAFOND Marie Ellen M 15-Nov-1958 Courtenay, St. George's Dougald ARG Robert GRANT 19-Nov-1958 2 d/o M/M John H. Lafond of Merville. See 5 Nov p. 7 engagement, 5 Nov p. 5 & 12 Nov p. 2 showers LAFONTAINE (boy) B ARG 15-May-1957 3 s/o M/M N. LaFontaine of Campbell River LAFORGE LAGOS (boy) (girl) B B ARG ARG 22-Feb-1956 11-Jan-1956 7 s/o M/M N. LaForge of Courtenay 2 d/o M/M Raymond Lagos, Quathiaski Cove LAHMER M ARG 4-Jul-1956 LAIDLAW Jessica Frances (boy) ARG 29-Aug-1956 3 Of Victoria, d/o Mrs. E. Lahmer & late Arthur Lahmer, bro/o Alan Lahmer 7 s/o M/M William Laidlaw of Campbell River LAING (boy) B ARG 21-Nov-1956 5 s/o M/M Ronald Laing of Campbell River LALANDE Anita M ARG 25-Jan-1956 8 Resident of North Bay LAMB (boy) B 6-May-1957 Campbell River 8-Feb-1956 Comox 6-Jan-1956 Campbell River 2-Jul-1956 Victoria, St. Andrew's 17-Aug-1956 Campbell River 12-Nov-1956 Campbell River, BC 7-Jan-1956 North Bay, Ontario 14-Mar-1959 St. Joseph's, Comox ARG 18-Mar-1959 6 s/o M/M William Lamb of Courtenay LAMBRIGHT Susie Elizabeth George Albert (boy) Donna Elaine M abt Sep 1898 LAMINMAN B 13-Nov-1956 Comox, BC B M 8-May-1957 Comox 27-Jun-1959 Courtenay, St. George's B M 13-Oct-1958 Comox, BC 11-May-1957 Comox LANGE LANGHORN LANSALL (boy) Joseph William (RCAF) (boy) (boy) (boy) B B b LANSDAAL (boy) B LANTHIER LANYON LANYON (girl) Allan Catherine Marie B B B 21-Jul-1957 Cumberland 21-Apr-1957 Comox 26-Mar-1957 Campbell River 14-Apr-1957 Campbell River 24-Apr-1957 Cumberland 18-Apr-1957 not given 30-Jan-1956 Comox LANDREAULT LANG STanley DAWSON Ackley, Iowa D LAMOTHE LANDERS Hugh John ANDERTON age 55 Charles ARG JARVIS Mrs. Laminman ARG 14-Nov-1956 ARG ARG 15-May-1957 3-Jun-1959 ARG ARG 15-Oct-1958 15-May-1957 ARG ARG ARG 24-Jul-1957 24-Apr-1957 3-Apr-1957 4 s/o M/M Henry Lange 6 s/o M/M Alfred Langhorn 5 s/o M/M Roy Lansall of Owel Bay ARG 17-Apr-1957 4 s/o M/M Herman Lansdaal of Campbell River ARG ARG ARG 1-May-1957 25-Apr-1956 8-Feb-1956 3 d/o M/M G. Lanthier of Courtenay 7 9th birthday, s/o Mrs. H. Lanyon 8 d/o M/M Lyal Lanyon of Cumberland. See ARG 10 Oct 1956 p. 10 re christening Arthur Marvin WATSON Edith Jean BUTLER 8-Oct-1958 B1 60th anniversary at Grantham 5 Manager of Ogilvies, from Mission 1955, family named. See also 28 Nov p. 7 re Funeral 3 s/o M/M Peter Lamothe, Anderton Rd. 5 d/o Mrs. D. Landers, engagement. See also 17 Jun p. 3&8 and 3 Jun p. 4 showers 6 s/o M/M R. Landreault, Comox 7 s/o M/M C. Lang of Monetville, Ont. See 17 Apr 1957 p. 6 Engagement Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t Place age/dob LANYON Gordon David C hr LANYON John William Doreen Ann D 13-Aug-1957 Royston M 14-Feb-1959 Courtenay, 4 Sq. Gospel D 18-Oct-1957 Comox LARKIN George William Helen M LARKIN LARKIN Hulda Mildred D M LARNER LARRIGAN (boy) B James W. D 13-Sep-1958 North Vancouver, Mt Olive Lutheran 20-Mar-1959 Merville age 70 17-Mar-1956 Vancouver, Can. Memorial 8-Apr-1957 Comox 1-May-1956 Cumberland age 76 LARSEN LARSEN (boy) (boy) LARSEN LARSEN Hans Peter M and Marie C. Lisa M LARSON (girl) B LARSON Frederick D LASKIE Alice LAUREN (girl) LAW LAW (boy) (girl) D bef 24 Jun Seattle, WA age 67 1959 B 19-Sep-1956 Campbell River B 27-May-1957 Comox B 28-Oct-1956 Campbell River, BC LAPP LAPP B B Spouse 29-Jul-1956 Courtenay, St. George's Pape Date Issued r ARG Pg Info/Kin 1-Aug-1956 13 s/o M/M Donald Lanyon christened, newphew of M/M P. Lapp, godparents age 38 Dean Lanyon ARG 14-Aug-1957 ARG 18-Feb-1959 age 72 Rev. Evaldo Richardo FILIPPONI Alice Susan SMITH Sigfried ANDERSON ARG 23-Oct-1957 ARG 22-Oct-1958 B3 d/o M/M John Larkin of Merville 11-Jan-1959 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 8-Feb-1939 Essondale age 86 4 Born Maryland, USA, 15 children not named Mr. LARKIN ARG Richard ARG George SMITH 25-Mar-1959 21-Mar-1956 1 Born in Sweden, 2 dtrs named 2 d/o M/M John Larkin of Merville, to res Vancouver ARG ARG 10-Apr-1957 9-May-1956 ARG ARG 19-Sep-1956 9-Jan-1957 2 s/o M/M Edward Larner, RCAF, Kye Bay 3 Born in Scotland, family of 1 bro & 1 sis named, no wife or children, bur. Cumberland Cemetery 7 s/o M/M John Larsen of Courtenay 7 s/o M/M Sven Larsen ARG 9-Jul-1958 ARG 25-Apr-1956 ARG 14-Jan-1959 12 d/o M/M O. Larson of Jarvis Inlet 12-Sep-1956 Comox, BC 29-Dec-1956 Campbell River 2-Jun-1908 Wisconsin 14-Apr-1956 Courtenay, St. George's 1 Logging accident, res of Millard's Creek, large family. See also 21 Aug page 1 6 d/o Mrs. Lapp (late G.W. Lapp), family named. See also 28 Jan p. 7 Engagement Gilbert NIKOAISEN Annette ARG LARSON August LASKIE ARG ARG ARG ARG 2 50th anniversary, photo, 9 children named. (Both bur. Courtenay Cemetery) 2 d/o Joe Larsen of Courtenay 11-Feb-1959 B2 "20 Years Ago" 24-Jun-1959 3 nee Isherwood, family named 3-Oct-1956 13 d/o M/M Peter Lauren of Campbell River 29-May-1957 31-Oct-1956 4 s/o M/M George Law of Courtenay 5 d/o M/M Clifton Law of Campbell River Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t Place LAW William S. D LAWLOR LAWRENCE LAWRENCE (girl) B (boy) B Philip Alan M LE MARE John David D LEACH LEACH LEACH (girl) (girl) (girl) B B B LEAF (boy) B LEAKE (girl) B LEAS LEBRUN (boy) Philip Leonard twin boys B 17-Mar-1956 M bef 8 May 1957 B 5-Jun-1959 B B M LECOURSE LEDRET (boy) (girl) Joseph Vincent (girl) (twin boys) Comox Mimico, Ontario HMCS Churchill, Manitoba 30-Jan-1957 Comox 14-Feb-1957 Comox 11-Oct-1958 Burnaby B B LEE (girl) LEE Frances LEBRUN LECHTANWALD LECHTI LECLAIR age/dob 16-Jun-1958 Lourdes age 78 Hospital, Campbell River 11-Jan-1957 Comox, BC 30-Oct-1956 Comox, BC 6-Sep-1956 St. Alban's Ang., Brighouse, Vancouver 23-Jul-1943 Crete (World age 26 War 2) Spouse Louise LAW Pape Date Issued r ARG Pg Info/Kin 9-Jul-1958 10 Children named ARG ARG ARG 16-Jan-1957 7-Nov-1956 12-Sep-1956 5 d/o M/M Robert Lawlor 3 s/o M/M John Lawrence of Comox 2 s/o M/M Geoffrey Lawrence of Vancouver, family named. See also page 18, Comox news ARG 12-Nov-1958 7 In Memoriam, reported missing after air raid ARG ARG ARG 18-Apr-1956 3-Apr-1957 2-Jul-1958 5 d/o M/M Ernest Leach of Comox 5 d/o M/M Ernest Leach of Comox 5 d/o M/M Ernest Leach of Comox ARG 28-Mar-1956 15 s/o M/M Bill Leaf, Sayward, bro/o David ARG 18-Mar-1959 6 d/o M/M Charles Leake, RCAF ARG ARG 21-Mar-1956 8-May-1957 2 s/o M/M W. Leas of Kelsey Bay 3 s/o M/M J. A. Lebrun of Point Holmes ARG 10-Jun-1959 10 Sons of M/M Arthur Lebrun, nee Mary Clelland, gs/o M/M Joe Lebrun of Pt. Holmes ARG ARG ARG 6-Feb-1957 7 s/o M/M Otto Lechtanwald, RCAF 20-Feb-1957 5 d/o M/M Hurst Lechti 12-Nov-1958 11 s/o Mrs. P.R. Le Clair, North Rustico, PEI 14-Nov-1956 Comox, BC 11-Oct-1956 Comox ARG ARG 14-Nov-1956 17-Oct-1956 5 d/o M/M Lecourse of Cumberland 2 sons of M/M Marvin Ledret of Sayward B 19-Mar-1957 Comox ARG 20-Mar-1957 5 d/o M/M Delbert Lee of Royston. See also 27 Mar p. 5 D 12-Apr-1959 St. Joseph's, age 78 Comox ARG 15-Apr-1959 5 Glacier View news Elizabeth Ann CORKER 16-Apr-1956 Comox 29-Mar-1957 Comox 28-Jun-1958 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 17-Mar-1956 Campbell River 15-Mar-1959 St. Joseph's, Comox Carol Ann NELSON Yvonne Maud WHITE Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t Place age/dob LEESON (boy) B LEESON Ronald Alaric Arlene Gayle M 4-Jun-1959 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 29-Nov-1958 Courtenay M 12-Jul-1957 Courtenay LEFLEY Ethel D 13-Jul-1957 Comox age 62 LEGGIE LEGOFFE B D 1-Apr-1956 Comox 30-Aug-1958 Qualicum age 19 LeGRAND (girl) William (LAC) (girl) B LEGROS (boy) B LEHTONEN LEIGHTON LEISCH LEISCH LEISCH LeMAIRE (girl) (boy) (boy) (boy) (girl) Raymond Victor B B B B B D LEMBERG Lennart Albin M LENNER Leo Henry M LENNON Leslie John LENNON Vera Diane M LENNOX LENNOX (girl) Janet LENNOX Steven LEFLEY D B M Spouse Pape Date Issued r ARG Carol Rose ARG BANKS William Gordon ARG MacSWAIN Info/Kin 10-Jun-1959 10 s/o M/M Ronald Leeson, Courtenay 3-Dec-1958 2 s/o M/M Harry Leeson of Cumberland 17-Jul-1957 11 d/o M/M Edward Lefley of Courtenay. Engagement 3 Jul page 8 ARG 17-Jul-1957 ARG ARG 4-Apr-1956 3-Sep-1958 8-May-1959 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 12-Apr-1959 St. Joseph's, Comox ARG 13-May-1959 ARG 15-Apr-1959 6 s/o M/M Arthur LeGros, RCAF 18-Jul-1956 23-Jan-1956 24-Nov-1956 20-Dec-1958 29-Dec-1958 30-Oct-1958 ARG ARG ARG ARG ARG ARG 25-Jul-1956 25-Jan-1956 28-Nov-1956 24-Dec-1958 31-Dec-1958 5-Nov-1958 5 2 7 6 4 6 Margaret Aileen MUCKLE Shirley Irene TRELOAR ARG 14-Nov-1956 13 s/o M/M E.A. Lemberg of Haney. Engagement 24 Oct p. 6 ARG 26-Feb-1958 7 No further info Molly Lennon ARG 12-Sep-1956 1 Res of Courtenay, drowned OBELL, George Ion ARG 18-Jun-1958 4B d/o m/m H. Lennon, Courtenay Comox Comox Comox, BC Comox, BC Comox, BC Nanaimo, BC (at home) 10-Nov-1956 Courtenay 7-Feb-1958 Union Bay, United Church 30-Aug-1956 Upper Campbell River 11-Jun-1958 Courtenay 14-Sep-1956 Comox, BC 4-Apr-1908 Red Lodge, Montana B abt 24 Apr not given 1954 age 55 age 56 Robert F. LEFLEY Pg Muriel LeMAIRE ARG Thomas CONN ARG 19-Sep-1956 16-Apr-1958 ARG 29-Apr-1959 8 Nee CESSFORD, born in Cumberland, m/o Edward Lefley of Courtenay 6 d/o M/M Norman Legge, RCAF Comox 1 Car accident, Comox airman from Richibucto, NB 6 d/o M/M Wilson LeGrand of Bowser d/o M/M Olaf Lehtonen of Merville s/o M/M Arthur Leighton of Courtenay s/o M/M Glen Leisch, RR2 Courtenay s/o M/M Glen Leisch of Courtenay d/o M/M Paul Leisch, Cumberland Born in Belgium in 1903, family named 7 d/o M/M Ronald Lennox of Union Bay 8 50th anniversary at home of dtr Ella, Mrs. Wilburt Hudson 2 s/o M/M Bob Lennox, in Union Bay news, guests named Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t LENTING LEONARD LEONARD John (boy) (boy) M B B LEONARD Harry (LAC) M LEONG LEONG (boy) (boy) B B LEONG (girl) B LEONG Sim Jan M LEPAGE LESACK (boy) (boy) B B LESEBRE (girl) B LESLIE LESTER (boy) (girl) B B LESTOCK-KAY (boy) B LEUNG LEUNG (boy) (boy) B B LEUNG LEUNG (girl) Coleen B B LEUNG Fred M LEUNG Gary B LEVER Kathleen Margaret Louise Kathleen May M LEVESQUE B Place 6-Jul-1957 Cumberland 3-Oct-1958 Comox 26-May-1959 Cumberland G.H. 15-Feb-1958 RCAF Chapel, Comox 29-Oct-1957 Comox 19-Apr-1958 St. Joseph's, Comox 16-Feb-1959 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 24-Jul-1957 St. John's Anglican 13-Feb-1956 Comox 5-Jun-1958 Cumberland G.H. 17-Apr-1959 St. Joseph's, Comox age/dob Spouse Pg Info/Kin Jean LOGAN ARG ARG ARG 10-Jul-1957 8-Oct-1958 3-Jun-1959 Valerie SQUIRES ARG 26-Feb-1958 7 No further info ARG ARG 30-Oct-1957 23-Apr-1958 4 s/o M/M Fred Leong of Courtenay 4 s/o M/M Sim Jan Leong ARG 18-Feb-1959 6 d/o M/M Fred Leong, Courtenay ARG ARG ARG 31-Jul-1957 13 s/o M/M Charles Leong of Courtenay, first Chinese couple to be married at this church, more info 22-Feb-1956 7 s/o M/M Lionel Lepage, RCAF Comox 11-Jun-1958 4 s/o Dr/Mrs. Bohden Lesack ARG 22-Apr-1959 Say Ying MORE 6-Aug-1957 Comox 16-Feb-1959 Toronto 13-May-1959 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 18-Jan-1956 Comox 26-May-1959 Cumberland G.H. 10-Sep-1957 Cumberland abt 20 Feb not given 1955 bef 11 Dec not given 1957 abt 20 Feb not given 1956 15-Dec-1956 RCAF Chapel, Comox 17-Aug-1957 Chilliwack Pape Date Issued r ARG ARG 2 s/o M/M G.H. Lenting of Claresholm, Alberta 8 s/o M/M George R. Leonard, RCAF 4 s/o M/M L. Leonard of Union Bay 6 d/o M/M Leo Lesebre, RCAF ARG 7-Aug-1957 10 s/o M/M Donald Leslie of Comox 18-Mar-1959 11 d/o M/M Allan Lester, formerly of Kye Bay, in Comox news 20-May-1959 6 s/o M/M Peter Lestock-Kay, Courtenay ARG ARG 25-Jan-1956 3-Jun-1959 2 s/o M/M Norman Leung of Courtenay 4 s/o M/M John Leung of Cumberland ARG ARG 18-Sep-1957 25-Feb-1959 5 d/o M/M John Leung of Cumberland 5 4th birthday, d/o Mrs. John Leung ARG 11-Dec-1957 ARG 25-Feb-1959 8 Sarina from Hong Kong, party for newly-wed teacher, Cumberland High School 5 3rd birthday, s/o Mrs. John Leung (LAC) Cyril ARG Richard PRICE 19-Dec-1956 9 d/o M/M Tom Lever. See 21 Nov page 6 Engagement ARG 4-Sep-1957 Sarina 6 d/o M/M G. Levesque, nee Ella May JOYCE Surname LEVINS Given Ev en Date of Event t Place D 3-Feb-1959 Victoria O LEWIS William Nicholas Walter Paul (boy) LEWIS LEWIS (girl) David B B LEWIS John M 27-Jan-1959 Campbell River 22-Jun-1957 Campbell River 12-Oct-1956 Comox abt 14 Mar not given 1945 24-Jan-1906 Cumberland LIDBERG (boy) B LIDDLE LIESCH Francis D Geoffrey (Dr.) David (Mr. M and Mrs.) Paul Garry M LIGHTBURN LILLY (boy) (boy) B B LIND LIND B D LINDER (boy) Frederick Warren (girl) LINDER Karl LINDER Norma Jean Lis Birgit LEWANDOWSKI LIESCH LINDHORST LINDMAN LINDMAN LINDMAN (girl) (girl) Edna Maxine B age 90 3-May-1958 Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 29-Apr-1957 Comox 29-Jul-1956 Capbell River 21-Nov-1956 Comox, BC 15-May-1959 Ladysmith 2-Mar-1956 Comox 13-Jul-1957 Comox 23-Aug-1958 Knox United, Prince George, BC Spouse Grace CHAPMAN Pape Date Issued r ARG 11-Feb-1959 ARG 28-Jan-1959 ARG Elizabeth STANT 15-Mar-1958 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 3-Aug-1958 St. Joseph's age 88 Hospital, Comox 1-Nov-1923 not given B bef 7 Mar not given 1956 M 13-Jul-1907 Portland, Oregon B 7-Jul-1957 Eckville, Alberta M 28-Dec-1956 Comox B B M age/dob Pg Info/Kin 5 Born in Ont., retired from Gilbert Plains, MB, family named. Full obit on page 8 7 Notice of change of name to LEWAND 3-Jul-1957 11 s/o M/M G. Lewis of Campbell River ARG ARG 17-Oct-1956 14-Mar-1956 2 d/o M/M Harry Lewis, RCAF Comox 9 11th birthday, s/o M/M H.G. Lewis of Sayward ARG 25-Jan-1956 ARG 19-Mar-1958 3 50th anniversary in Cumberland. See also 1 Feb p. 12 writeup and p. 6 Card of Thanks 4 s/o M/M Carl Lidberg Margaret Liddle ARG 6-Aug-1958 12 Valley veterinarian, retired. See 13 Aug p. 1B obituary, wife deceased Lezzie ARG 19-Nov-1958 6 35th anniversary Susan MORTIMER ARG 14-May-1958 4 s/o M/M D. Liesch of Merville ARG ARG 1-May-1957 4-Jul-1956 ARG ARG age 54 Emma HULTGREN Willis Allen ROBBINS (LAC) Richard Emerson UNGER 3 s/o M/M Lightburn, RCAF Comox 6 s/o M/M John F. Lilly of Campbell River 28-Nov-1956 7 s/o Dr/Mrs. Fred Lind of Courtenay 27-May-1959 11 Crew member of Atlin Post, gov't fisheries ARG 7-Mar-1956 3 d/o M/M Dan Linder, Merville news ARG 24-Jul-1957 3 50th anniversary in Eckville, Alberta ARG 24-Jul-1957 ARG 2-Jan-1957 4 d/o M/M Irving Linder of Eckvill, gd/o M/M H. Shelby of Campbell River 8 d/o LAC/Mrs. M. Lindhorst of Comox ARG ARG ARG 7-Mar-1956 10 d/o M/M Donald Lindman of Black Creek 17-Jul-1957 12 s/o M/M Donald Lindman of Black Creek 3-Sep-1958 9 d/o M/M Ivor Lindman of Cumberland Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t LINTON Oliver R. D LISBORG LITTLE (boy) (boy) B B LITTLE (boy) B LITTLE LITTLE Katherine D Louise Robert D (Archdeac on) Roy D LITTLE Thomas D LITTLE Thomas D LIVINGSTON Freda Doreene M LIVINGSTON Mavis M LIVINGSTON Rita B LLOYD LLOYD LLOYD LLOYD (girl) (girl) (girl) [Noel] Mrs. Hartley LLOYD LLOYD Place age/dob 12-Dec-1956 Selkirk, Scotland 6-Nov-1958 Comox 20-May-1956 Campbell River, BC 6-Jul-1957 Campbell River 26-May-1959 Fanny Bay age 69 25-Sep-1956 Colwood, BC 17-Feb-1959 Prince Rupert 27-Apr-1959 Quadra Island 7-May-1959 Alberni Spouse Mrs. Linton Pape Date Issued r ARG ARG ARG Pg Info/Kin 26-Dec-1956 7 1919 settler of Merville, returned to Scotland, bro/o W.R. Linton, wife died 1951, more info 12-Nov-1958 12 s/o M/M T. Lisborg of Comox 23-May-1956 2 s/o M/M William G. Little of Campbell River ARG 10-Jul-1957 6 s/o M/M W.G. Little of Campbell River ARG 3-Jun-1959 age 74 Charles LITTLE Mrs. Little ARG 26-Sep-1956 7 Born in Belfast, Ireland, nee MAHOOD, siblings and children named 1 Former Anglican priest in Courtenay age 28 Ann Little ARG 18-Feb-1959 age 80 Mrs. Noble ARG 6-May-1959 age 52 Mrs. Little ARG 13-May-1959 William O'CONNER ARG 15-Aug-1956 Malcolm Harold ARG STRACHAN 22-Feb-1956 22-Oct-1951 not given ARG 29-Oct-1958 B B B M 23-Jul-1957 10-Sep-1958 3-Oct-1958 6-Nov-1958 ARG ARG ARG ARG 24-Jul-1957 17-Sep-1958 8-Oct-1958 26-Nov-1958 B D 5-May-1949 not given 12-Oct-1956 Comox age 83 Mrs. Lloyd aRG ARG 9-May-1956 17-Oct-1956 5 7th birthday, d/o M/M P. Lloyd, guests named 5 Born Wales, to Canada 1898, children named D 30-Nov-1957 Comox age 68 Mrs. Lloyd ARG 11-Dec-1957 7 Family in Vernon named LOCKHART LOGAN Barbara Edward (Capt.) Hartly Dunfor Margaret (boy) B B ARG ARG 9-May-1956 1-Feb-1956 LOGAN (boy) B 4-May-1945 not given 20-Jan-1956 Vancouver, BC 15-Aug-1956 Cumberland ARG 2-Aug-1956 LITTLE LLOYD age 86 9-Aug-1956 Campbell River, St. Peter's 17-Feb-1956 Campbell River U.C. Comox Comox Comox Vancouver, BC Frank C. ANDERS 6 Fire in apartment, wife & son Terry saved, other family named, see also 25 Feb p. 11 funeral service 9 From Lancs, England 1910, wife died 1921, family named 6 Married at Cumberland abt 1936, Mrs. Little aunt of Mrs. Mary Walker 2 Of Willow Point, formerly of Ochre River, Manitoba, d/o M/M R. Livingston of Willow Point. See ARG 1 Aug 1956 p. 6 Shower 8 d/o M/M Shirley Livingston, Willow Point. See wedding announcement 8 Feb page 6, 15 Feb page 2 and 7 Mar page 7 Showers. 10 7th birthday, sis/o Caroline, Brenda, Glen, cousins also named, in Willow Point news 4 d/o M/M Bruce Lloyd of Courtenay 6 d/o M/M Bruce Lloyd of Courtenay 8 d/o M/M Albert Lloyd of Courtenay 9 Res of Comox. Hartley died 1957 5 11th birthday, d/o M/M Dave Lockhart, guests named 3 s/o M/M Gerald Logan, nee Phyllis Knight, gs/o M/M Arthur Knight, in Comox news 5 s/o M/M W. Logan of Royston Road, Cumberland Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t LOGAN (boy) LOGAN LOGAN LOGAN (girl) B Jean M Jean D Greenshiel ds+B1912 LOGAN LOGAN John Reid Robert Bruce Robert James (girl) LOGAN LOGIE LOISELLE LOKKEN LONEY LONG LONG B Place age/dob Spouse 31-Mar-1958 St. Joseph's, Comox Pape Date Issued r ARG 2-Apr-1958 11-Feb-1957 Cumberland 6-Jul-1957 Cumberland 11-Aug-1957 Nanaimo age 72 ARG John LENTING ARG David Logan ARG 20-Feb-1957 10-Jul-1957 14-Aug-1957 B 9 Jun 1872 Not known B 9-Jun-1958 Cumberland G.H. M 1-Nov-1957 Courtenay, U.C. manse B 27-May-1959 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox Goldie D 20-Apr-1956 Campbell age 56 Caroline River Ann Louise M 7-Jun-1958 Courtenay U.C. Marguerite M bef 14 Jan Berkeley Joyce 1959 U.C. (Ont.?) (boy) B 1-Oct-1956 Comox, BC Betty M ? 1959 ? ARG ARG LONG Betty Delores M 9-Nov-1957 Courtenay LONG M LONGLAND LONGLAND Pauline Frances (boy) (boy) 10-Nov-1956 Courtenay, St. Georges 27-Sep-1956 Comox, BC 26-Apr-1959 St. Joseph's, Comox LONGLAND LONGLAND (girl) (girl) B B LONGLAND Marion Kathleen M B B 27-Aug-1956 Comox 15-Feb-1959 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 21-Sep-1957 Courtenay Kathleen Faye ARG KERTON ARG A. Loiselle ARG Earl Lawrence ARG CLIFFORD George Barry ARG WARD ARG Tom ARG GRAFTON Gerard Neil ARG Hugh MACAULAY Barry ARG PILKINGTON ARG ARG Carl Wilhelm HAGG Pg Info/Kin 4 s/o M/M David Logan of Comox 5 d/o M/M Dave Logan Jr. of Cumberland 2 d/o M/M Robert Logan of Royston 2 Born Bailestow, Scotland, to US 1912, then to Cumberland, many descendants 18-Jun-1958 5B 86th birthday at Fort (Fort Hospital, Comox) 11-Jun-1958 4 s/o M/M Robert Logan, nee Faye Kerton, Royston 6-Nov-1957 3-Jun-1959 3 s/o M/M Robert Logan of Cumberland, guests & wedding party named 4 d/o M/M Raymond Logie, Comox 25-Apr-1956 10 One son at Port Alberni, former res of Alberta 11-Jun-1958 14-Jan-1959 3-Oct-1956 6-May-1959 13-Nov-1957 2 d/o M/M Henry Lokken of Oyster. See 28 May p. 7 Engagement 5 d/o M/M Alvin Loney of Berkeley 5 s/o M/M Donald Long of Courtenay 9 Engagement party. Marriage not confirmed 5 d/o M/M P. Long of Courtenay. See 13 Nov p. 7 shower 14-Nov-1956 13 d/o M/M Percy H. Long of Courtenay, lengthy item 3-Oct-1956 29-Apr-1959 5 s/o M/M Frank Longland of Courtenay 6 s/o M/M William Longland of Comox ARG ARG 29-Aug-1956 18-Feb-1959 7 d/o M/M W. Longland of Comox 6 d/o M/M Louis Longland, Comox ARG 25-Sep-1957 9 d/o M/M A.H. Longland of Courtenay. See also page 13 Shower Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t Place age/dob LONGLAND Michael Charles C bef 9 Oct 1957 Courtenay, 1 year old hr St. George's LONGLAND Orah Yvonne Beryl Loreen M LOPUCH LORANGER (girl) (boy) B B LORE Say Ying M LOUCKS LOVE (boy) (boy) B B LOVE (boy) B LOW LOWE LOWE (girl) (girl) (girl) B B B LOXAM Lorraine M LUCK Emma D LUCY Brian B Wayne (girl) B A+B2008l D ma Axelina LONSDALE LUDVIGSON LUDVIGSON M 4-Feb-1956 Comox, St. Peter's 25-Oct-1958 Comox, RCAF Chapel 20-Nov-1958 Comox, BC 24-Apr-1956 Campbell River 24-Jul-1957 St. John's Anglican 31-Oct-1958 Comox, BC 2-Mar-1958 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 10-Mar-1959 St. Joseph's, Comox 11-Sep-1957 Cumberland 27-Mar-1956 Comox 30-Sep-1956 Cumberland, BC 18-May-1957 Royston, Campbell home 21-Feb-1959 Richmond, age 88 BC bef 31 Oct not given 1956 29-Sep-1958 Comox, BC 30-Jun-1956 Courtenay age 69 Spouse Pape Date Issued r ARG William ARG JACOWENIK Arthur Victor ARG STUBBINGTO N ARG ARG Sim Jan LEONG Info/Kin 7 s/o M/M F. Longland 15-Feb-1956 11 d/o M/M R. E. Longland of Comox. See also 29 Feb page 5 Shower 29-Oct-1958 9 Reception at home of groom's mother 26-Nov-1958 11 d/o M/M Steven Lopuch of Courtenay 2-May-1956 5 s/o M/M Steven Loranger of Campbell River ARG ARG 31-Aug-1957 13 d/o M/M Yuel Lore of Hong Kong, first Chinese couple to be married at this church 5-Nov-1958 6 s/o M/M James Loucks of Courtenay 5-Mar-1958 2 s/o M/M George Love, RCAF ARG 18-Mar-1959 6 s/o M/M G. Love, RCAF ARG ARG ARG 18-Sep-1957 28-Mar-1956 3-Oct-1956 5 d/o M/M Chung Yin Low 3 d/o M/M Chas. Lowe of Courtenay 5 d/o M/M Chung Yin Lowe of Courtenay Franklin Robert ARG MOODY 5-Jun-1957 Phillip Luck 4-Mar-1959 10 Family named, born in Sussex, England Mr. Ludvigson ARG 9-Oct-1957 Pg ARG ARG 31-Oct-1956 ARG ARG 1-Oct-1958 4-Jul-1956 2 d/o M/M Arthur Loxam of Cumberland. See 29 May p. 9 re shower at Cumberland 2 Baby shower, s/o Mrs. M.E. Lucy 6 d/o M/M Gunnar Ludvigson 1 Struck by a car, born Sweden, in Canada 34 years, m/o Gunnar and John LUDWICK Elinor Joyce C hr 25-Dec-1958 Courtenay, child St. George's ARG 31-Dec-1958 6 d/o M/M A. L. Ludwick LUDWICK Gergory Milne C hr 25-Dec-1958 Courtenay, child St. George's ARG 31-Dec-1958 6 s/o M/M A. L. Ludwick Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t Place age/dob LUMMERDING (girl) B LUMMERDING Ronald M LUNAM Douglas LUNAM John LUND Billy LUND LUND Carolyn Ellen Roberta B M 4-Mar-1949 not given 27-Oct-1956 Courtenay, St. George's LUND Frederick Arthur M LUNDRIGAN LUNDY (girl) B Charles W. D 3-Nov-1908 Vancouver, Presb. Church 20-Aug-1958 SJH 29-Dec-1955 Victoria, BC age 61 LUSSIER LUSTER Audrey (boy) B B LUSTER Joseph (RCMP) (boy) (girl) Alexander Lawrence M MABLEY (girl) B MacADAM David M MacALLISTER (boy) B MacAULAY Gerard M Neil Hugh Douglas D LUZYZYN LYON LYTTLE MacDERMID 26-Apr-1959 St. Joseph's, Comox 28-Jun-1958 Can. Martyrs, Courtenay B abt 10 Mar not given 1946 B abt 10 Mar not given 1947 B 1-Jan-1951 not given B B D Spouse Louise Marie SCHMIDT Alan Murray KENNEDY 14-Feb-1945 not given 7-Jun-1959 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 3-Jul-1957 Courtenay Lilly Ellen BLACK not known 15-Nov-1958 Victoria, St. Mary's 6-Oct-1958 Victoria, BC Norah ALLYN 9-Nov-1957 Courtenay Betty Delores LONG age 32 Info/Kin 29-Apr-1959 ARG 9-Jul-1958 ARG 14-Mar-1956 3 10th birthday, in Comox news aRG 14-Mar-1956 3 9th birthday, in Comox news ARG 21-Jan-1959 5 s/o Mrs. Herbert Lund, 8th birthday, in Union Bay news ARG ARG 11-Mar-1959 B3 10th birthday, d/o Mrs. H. Lund, guests named 31-Oct-1956 15 d/o M/M Fred Lund Jr. of Fanny Bay. Engagement 10 Oct p. 6, shower 24 Oct p. 9, Fanny Bay news 31 Oct p. 3 12-Nov-1958 3 50th anniversary, Fanny Bay, family named. See also page 5, article and photo ARG ARG ARG Louise ERICKSON Pg ARG ARG ARG 4-Mar-1958 Cumberland 10-Dec-1956 Comox 23-Feb-1959 East age 41 Redonda Island 29-Apr-1958 St. Joseph's, Comox 16-May-1952 Comox Pape Date Issued r 6 d/o M/M Wm Lummerding, nee Schmidt, RCAF 7 s/o M/M W. Lummerding of Saskatchewan 3-Sep-1958 10 d/o M/M George Lundrigan, RCAF 4-Jan-1956 1 Deputy Minister of Welfare, funeral in Victoria 31 Dec 29-Feb-1956 9 d/o Mrs. Jean Lussier, 11th birthday, Comox news 10-Jun-1959 10 s/o M/M Joseph Luster, RCMP, Courtenay ARG 10-Jul-1957 2 s/o M/M J. Luster of Kendal, Sask. ARG ARG ARG 12-Mar-1958 12-Dec-1956 25-Feb-1959 ARG 7-May-1958 ARG 26-Nov-1958 9 No further info ARG 15-Oct-1958 ARG 13-Nov-1957 6 s/o M/M J. MacAllister, nee Hilda SCAVARDA, of Cumberland 5 s/o late M/M C. MacAulay of Headquarters ARG 13-May-1959 6 In Memoriam by parents 4 s/o M/M Wm. Luzyzin 7 D/o M?M Thomas Lyon, RCAF, Courtenay 1 Pilot of Plane that crashed, 5 men died, res of West Vancouver 4 d/o M/M G. Mabley of Comox Surname MacDERMID Given Ev en Date of Event t Place MacDONALD MacDONALD G.A. (Mr. and Mrs.) (boy) (boy) MacDONALD (boy) MacDONALD MacDONALD (girl) (girl) MacDONALD MacDONALD MacDONALD (girl) (girl) (girl) MacDONALD Edith MacDONALD Flora Isabel (boy) B 8-Dec-1958 Comox, BC James (Mr. M abt 1909 not given and Mrs.) MacDORMAND MacDOWELL age/dob M abt 15 Jan not given 1902 B 9-Oct-1956 Comox B 1-Aug-1957 Campbell River B 27-Mar-1958 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox B 28-Feb-1957 Cumberland B 26-Apr-1957 Campbell River B 11-Aug-1957 Comox B 17-Oct-1958 Comox B 16-Jan-1959 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox D 17-Feb-1957 Comox, age 63 Point Holmes M 4-Jul-1959 not given MACINROY (boy) MACINTYRE MacINTYRE (girl) (girl) MacISAAC Ronald F. M MacIVER MACK MACK MacKENZIE (boy) (boy) (girl) Fred B B B B MACKIE MACKIE Darlene Murray Cooper B M Spouse Pg Info/Kin ARG 16-Jan-1957 11 55th anniversary at O.A.P.O. meeting, photo of 4 ARG ARG 10-Oct-1956 14-Aug-1957 2 S/O M/M Gerald MacDonald, RCAF 5 s/o M/M Ambrose MacDonald of Campbell River ARG 2-Apr-1958 4 s/o M/M Kenneth MacDonald of Campbell River ARG ARG 6-Mar-1957 1-May-1957 5 d/o M/M Arthur MacDonald of Union Bay 3 d/o M/M Archibald MacDonald of Campbell River ARG ARG ARG 14-Aug-1957 22-Oct-1958 21-Jan-1959 5 d/o M/M Ronald MacDonald of Royston 4 d/o M/M Ronald MacDonald of Courtenay 6 d/o M/M Kenneth V. MacDonald, RCAF ARG 20-Feb-1957 5 Family named Kenneth ARG Robert ALLEN ARG THOMPSON ARG 17-Jun-1959 10-Dec-1958 15-Apr-1959 5 Engagement annouced. See also 24 Jun pages 6 & 7, showers. Marriage not confirmed 8 s/o M/M Robert MacDormand, RCAF 2 50th anniversary, bro-in-law & sis of Henry Thompson ARG 16-May-1956 7 s/o M/M Keith Macinroy, RCAF Comox ARG ARG 24-Sep-1958 17-Jun-1959 4 d/o M/M Donald Macintyre of Courtenay 8 d/o Doug & Elma MacIntyre, formerly of Hornby Island, now at Sandspit Helen Isabelle ARG GODWIN 1-Aug-1956 E. L. MacDonald B 8-May-1956 Cumberland, BC B 21-Sep-1958 Comox, BC B bef 17 Jun New 1959 Westminster 28-Jul-1956 Vancouver, St. Peter & St. Paul 16-Oct-1956 Comox 29-Apr-1957 Comox 7-Mar-1956 Comox abt 16 Jan not given 1948 15-Jan-1957 Cumberland 14-Mar-1959 Comox, St. Peter's Pape Date Issued r Shirley Marie DAWSON 8 s/o M/M J.J.F. MacIsaac of Prince Albert, Sask. Engagement & photo 4 Jul page 5 & 6 ARG ARG ARG ARG 17-Oct-1956 2 1-May-1957 3 14-Mar-1956 7 21-Jan-1959 11 ARG ARG 13-Feb-1957 25-Mar-1959 s/o M/M Robert MacIver of Kokish s/o M/M Jack Mack of Courtenay d/o M/M Jack Mack of Courtenay 11th birthday, s/o Mrs. N. MacKenzie 6 d/o M/M Alex Mackie 3 s/o M/M C. V. Mackie of Victoria, works for Bank of Commerce in Nelson Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t Place age/dob MACKINTOSH Verna Lucille M 12-Jan-1957 Vancouver, BC MACLEAN (boy) B 30-Sep-1956 Mission, BC MacLEAN MacLEAN (girl) Elizabeth B D MacLEOD D MacMILLAN Marsh Kenneth (boy) MacNAUGHTON (boy) B MacPHERSON (boy) & B (girl) twins MacPHERSON William Shaw William Gordon Gertrude Alberta (girl) (girl) Lena D 7-Dec-1958 Comox, BC 25-Jan-1958 St. Joseph's age 70 Hospital, Comox 28-Mar-1956 Vancouver, age 72 BC 5-Jan-1956 Campbell River 31-Dec-1958 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 27-Jan-1959 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 9-Oct-1958 Comox age 67 Marilyn Margaret (boy) M D MAH Elsie Lillian (boy) MAH Wing Sun M MAHONEY (boy) MacSWAIN MADDEN MAGEE MAGEE MAGEE MAGEE MAGNUSSON MAGOWAN B M M B B D B B B 12-Jul-1957 Courtenay 10-May-1958 Comox, St. Peter's 8-Feb-1956 Comox 26-Sep-1958 Comox, BC 28-Jan-1959 Cumberland age 48 G.H. 5-Jul-1958 Cumberland United 6-Jan-1959 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 8-Apr-1958 Courtenay age 43 12-Jun-1959 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 9-Apr-1958 Comox United 22-Sep-1957 Comox Spouse Raymond Thomas MONKS Pape Date Issued r Pg Info/Kin ARG 16-Jan-1957 8 d/o M/M C. H. Mackintosh of Cumberland ARG 31-Oct-1956 ARG ARG 10-Dec-1958 29-Jan-1958 5 s/o M/M Jim Maclean of Harison Mills, formerly of Cumberland 8 d/o M/M Hugh MacLean, Sprout Lake 4 Born in Chicago, husband deceased ARG 4-Apr-1956 ARG 11-Jan-1956 ARG 7-Jan-1959 ARG 28-Jan-1959 not known ARG 14-Jan-1959 Arlene Gayle LEFLEY Roy Cecil BRIGGS ARG 17-Jul-1957 ARG 14-May-1958 ARG ARG Walter MAGEE ARG 22-Feb-1956 1-Oct-1958 4-Feb-1959 Murdoch MacLEAN Mrs. MacLeod John William MONKS Raymond Magowan Yim Sun WONG ARG 9-Jul-1958 2 Died after car accident, father of Bill MacLeod, in Kelsey Bay/Sayward news 2 s/o M/M Kenneth MacMillan of Campbell River 4 s/o M/M William K. MacNaughton of Cumbereland 6 ch/o M/M Erving MacPherson, RCAF 7 Estate notice, formerly of Courtenay. Also 24 Dec 1958 page 7 11 s/o M/M J.D. MacSwain of Burnaby. Engagement 3 Jul page 8 4 d/o M/M T. Madden of Vancouver. See 30 Apr p. 7 Engagement 7 d/o M/M George Magee, RCAF Comox 6 d/o M/M George E. Magee, RCAF 4 Card of thanks 11 Feb 1959, page 4 7 d/o M/M Walter Magee of Royston ARG 14-Jan-1959 12 s/o M/M Cliff Magnusson of Revelstoke ARG 16-Apr-1958 6 No further info ARG 17-Jun-1959 4 s/o M/M Wing Mah of Comox ARG 23-Apr-1958 7 No further info ARG 25-Sep-1957 4 s/o M/M Clement L. Mahoney of Courtenay Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t MAIERS Shelly Mae B MAIN David C Alexander hr MAIN Michael Steven MAITLAND Place age/dob Spouse Pg Info/Kin ARG 17-Jun-1959 17-May-1959 Willow Point age 2 S.S. Hall mos. ARG 20-May-1959 11 s/o M/M Kenneth Main C hr 17-May-1959 Willow Point age 21 S.S. Hall mos. ARG 20-May-1959 11 s/o M/M Kenneth Main (girl) B ARG 26-Feb-1958 MALLATTA MALONE MANDSETH (girl) (girl) (boy) B B B ARG ARG ARG 29-Feb-1956 7 d/o M/M Dominic Mallatta, RCAF Comox 31-Dec-1958 4 d/o M/M Robert Malone, RCAF 12-Sep-1956 20 s/o M/M Carl Mandseth of Campbell River MANDSETH (girl) B ARG 25-Sep-1957 MANGLES (girl) B 20-Feb-1958 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 23-Feb-1956 Comox 25-Dec-1958 Comox, BC 1-Sep-1956 Campbell River 20-Sep-1957 Campbell River 22-Mar-1958 St. Joseph's, Comox ARG 26-Mar-1958 A4 d/o M/M Arthur Mangles MANGLES (girl) B ARG 10-Jun-1959 10 d/o M/M Ted Mangles, Courtenay MANGLES Robert Newton (boy) John D 4-Jun-1959 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 10-Mar-1958 Sandwick age 74 ARG 12-Mar-1958 ARG ARG 10-Oct-1956 2 s/o M/M Keith Manicom, RCAF Comox 16-Jan-1957 16 Pioner of Cortes Island (Manson's Landing) MANSON Leta Varley M MAR MAR MAR MARC (boy) (boy) (girl) (boy) B B B B 24-Feb-1956 13-Aug-1958 29-Apr-1957 20-Feb-1956 MARC (girl) B MARCUS (boy) B MARINUS (boy) B 23-Jul-1958 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 2-Apr-1957 Campbell River 27-Sep-1957 Comox MANICOM MANSON B D 9-Jun-1952 not givn Pape Date Issued r 3-Oct-1956 Comox 5-Jan-1957 Campbell age 88 River 1-Sep-1956 Courtenay, St. George's U.C. Comox SJH Comox Comox Grace MANGLES Keith E. MARLING ARG ARG ARG ARG ARG 5-Sep-1956 8 7th birthday, d/o Mrs. F. Maiers, in Willow Point news 4 d/o M/M Donald Maitland, RCAF 4 d/o M/M Carl Mandseth of Campbell River 4 No further info 2 d/o M/M W.R. Manson of Nanaimo, family amed. See 15 Aug p. 6 engagement 29-Feb-1956 7 s/o M/M A. Mar of Union Bay 27-Aug-1958 B1 s/o M/M Thos Mar of Union Bay 1-May-1957 3 d/o M/M Tom Mar of Union Bay 22-Feb-1956 7 s/o M/M Jacques Marc, nee Linda Williams, of Sayward ARG 30-Jul-1958 6 d/o M/M Jacques Marc of Kelsey Bay ARG 10-Apr-1957 2 s/o M/M Thomas Marcus of Campbell River ARG 2-Oct-1957 4 s/o M/M Cornelius Marinus of Courtenay Surname MARINUS MARINUS Given Ev en Date of Event t Place age/dob Spouse Pape Date Issued r (boy) twins (girl and boy) (girl) B B 22-Dec-1958 Comox, BC 2-Apr-1956 Comox ARG ARG B ARG B B D MARLING (boy) (girl) Thomas Llewlyn (boy) Ervin A. (LAC) Keith E. 20-Sep-1956 Campbell River 14-Feb-1956 Comox 19-Jun-1957 Comox 23-Nov-1958 Courtenay [Comox] 3-Dec-1956 Comox, BC 19-Jan-1958 Comox M 1-Sep-1956 Courtenay, St. George's MARLOW Jean D 7-May-1958 Nanaimo MAROCCHI MAROCCHI Douglas John Rosa C hr D MARPOLE Hannah D MARPOLE John Evans Barbara Ann D MARION MARK MARK MARK MARKS MARLEAU MARRIOTT MARSDEN MARSDEN MARSDEN MARSH MARSHALL MARSHALL MARSHALL (girl) Patricia B D M 25-Jun-1958 Royston 24-Dec-1958 4-Apr-1956 Pg Info/Kin 6 s/o M/M Cornelius Marinus of Courtenay 6 To M/M Cornelis Marinus of Courtenay 3-Oct-1956 13 d/o M/M Maurice Marion of Campbell River age 46 ARG ARG ARG 22-Feb-1956 26-Jun-1957 26-Nov-1958 7 s/o M/M Freddie Mark of Courtenay 5 d/o M/M Freddie Mark of Courtenay 7 Bro/o Mrs. Tommy Bates Jr., in Cumberland news age 24 ARG ARG 5-Dec-1956 19-Feb-1958 8 s/o M/M Joseph Marks, RCAF, Comox 1 Overdose of sleeping pills Leta Varley MANSON ARG 5-Sep-1956 William MARLOW ARG 14-May-1958 4 Nee PATTERSON, md 10 Jul 1922, sis/o Jack Patterson of Cumberland (Jane MERLO in BC Archives) ARG 25-Jun-1958 3 Christened, s/o M/M R. Marocchi, family named ARG 26-Nov-1958 2 "Twenty Years Ago" ARG 7-Mar-1956 10 Born in Comox, family named, service at Banks Funeral Parlor. See also 14 March page 10 14-Jan-1959 2 F/o 2 sons, 2 dtrs named, bur. Cumberland Cemetery age 54 11 months 22-Nov-1938 Cumberland, age 68 BC 3-Mar-1956 Cumberland age 64 J. E. Marpole 12-Jan-1959 Cumberland age 79 G.H. 22-Feb-1958 Regina, Sask. Hannah ARG MARPOLE Walter Sanford ARG PARKER B 16-Jul-1957 Comox M bef 26 Nov not given 1958 Violet D 22-May-1959 St. Joseph's age 53 Catherine Hospital, Comox (boy) B 18-Apr-1957 Campbell River (boy) B 27-May-1959 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox (girl) B 13-Sep-1956 (Mrs. J. H.) B 8 May 1870 not given Dale PYETTE John MARSDEN J. H. marshall 5-Mar-1958 ARG ARG 24-Jul-1957 26-Nov-1958 ARG 27-May-1959 ARG 24-Apr-1957 ARG 3-Jun-1959 ARG ARG 19-Sep-1956 9-May-1956 2 s/o M/M Marling of Vancouver, family najed. See 15 Aug p. 6 engagement 3 No further info 4 d/o M/M Wm Marsden of Courtenay 9 Honeymooning on the Island, from Kelowna, in Merville news 2 Born in Nanaimo, res of Merville, family named, bur. Cumberland Cem. 6 s/o M/M Edward Marsh of Campbell River 4 s/o M/M Brian Marshall, RCAF 7 d/o M/M G. Marshall Jr., nee Pat Westfield 5 86th birthday, gm/o Mrs. Gordon Carwithen, res of Hilliers (Dove Creek news) Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t MARSHALL Alice Marie D MARSHALL Edward D Robert George M Alexander Irene M Margaret MARSHALL MARSHALL MARSHALL Place age/dob Spouse 1-Nov-1958 Victoria 24-Feb-1959 18-Feb-1956 12-Oct-1957 age 84 Mr. R. (78) MARSHALL Courtenay, Born 1896 Catherine at home BRYCE Courtenay, Patricia Esme U.C. manse WESTFIELD Cumberland Norman U.C. Hargreaves PEARSE Vancouver Donna Maria FREEMAN St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox Campbell River Campbell River Comox Comox St. Joseph's, Comox Pape Date Issued r Pg Info/Kin ARG 12-Nov-1958 3 Merville news, mother of Roy Marshall of Victoria ARG ARG 4-Mar-1959 10 Born in Armadel, SCT, 2 children & others named, Card of Thanks on page 7 22-Feb-1956 8 s/o M/M George Marshall, Cumberland ARG 16-Oct-1957 2 d/o M/M R.K. Marshall of Cumberland. See 16 Oct page 3B Shower ARG 25-Jul-1956 ARG 28-Jan-1959 2 s/o M/M Leslie Marshall of Courtenay, bro/o Frank Marshall 6 s/o M/M Wm. Marson, RCAF ARG 11-Jul-1956 2 d/o M/M Jacob Martens, Campbell River ARG 14-Mar-1956 7 d/o M/M Philip Martin of Campbell River ARG ARG ARG 6-Mar-1957 4-Sep-1957 21-May-1958 5 d/o M/M Fred Martin of Union Bay 4 d/o M/M Neil Martin of Comox 6 d/o M/M R. Martin, RCAF 11-Mar-1959 B1 60th anniversary at Union Bay, photo on page 4 MARSON Raymond Leslie (boy) M bef 25 Jul 1956 B 21-Jan-1959 MARTENS (girl) B 8-Jul-1956 MARTIN (girl) B 4-Mar-1956 MARTIN MARTIN MARTIN (girl) (girl) (girl) B B B 28-Feb-1957 8-Aug-1957 17-May-1958 MARTIN Alice M 8 Mar 1899 Thomas GRUNDY ARG MARTIN Charles Robinson Frederick D not known ARG 2-Apr-1958 ARG 21-Aug-1957 James Laurel Anne (girl) D M Mary McNULTY Sadie Martin Robert Clive BANKS ARG ARG 27-Mar-1957 26-Feb-1958 ARG 18-Jan-1956 11 d/o M/M Jack Marvel of Campbell River MARZOLF Verne Norman M MASKELL MASON MASON (boy) (girl) (girl) B B B MARTIN MARTIN MARTIN MARVEL D B Tyldesley, Lancs, England 20-Mar-1958 Cumberland age 82 Hospital 18-Aug-1957 Cumberland 16 Aug 1887 21-Mar-1957 Duncan, BC age 76 15-Feb-1958 Cumberland 13-Jan-1956 Campbell River 20-Jul-1957 St. Alban's Anglica, Brighouse 19-Oct-1957 Comox 19-Mar-1956 Comox 24-Oct-1957 Comox Barbara Judith ARG CORKER ARG ARG ARG 4 No further info 3 Born Lincoln, Nebraska, married Oct 1913 in Cumberland 5 Former Courtenay resident, family named 7 Niece of M/M C. Tobacco 31-Jul-1957 13 s/o M/M W. Marzolf, Seattle, more info 23-Oct-1957 21-Mar-1956 30-Oct-1957 4 s/o M/M Kenneth Maskell of Cumberland 2 d/o M/M David Mason of Courtenay 4 d/o M.M Cecil Mason, RCAF Comox Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t Place age/dob Spouse Pape Date Issued r MASON David Bruce M 2-Aug-1958 Victoria, St. Alban's Louise ARG Margaret HEAL MASSON MASTERS B M MATHERS (boy) George Walter Martha 23-Jun-1957 Comox 14-Jan-1957 Courtenay, BC 14-May-1952 Comox MATHESON Gordon M MATHEWSON D MATTHEWS Hugh Patrick (boy) ARG Wilma Camille ARG ROBSON James ARG MATHERS Lorna Grace ARG McCUBBING ARG MATTHEWS (girl) B MATTHEWS (girl) B MAURICE (boy) B MAURICE (boy) B MAURICE Edward Felix M MAWSON (girl) B MAXIMICK (girl) B MAXIMICK (girl) B MAXIMICK Stephen Francis (girl) D MAXWELL Gerald Thomas M MAXWELL Mary Ellen D MAXWELL D B B age 74 30-Nov-1957 Brandon, Manitoba 10-Jan-1956 Coquitlam, age 54 BC 28-Nov-1956 Campbell River, BC 16-Sep-1956 Campbell River, BC 2-Mar-1957 Campbell River 23-Jan-1958 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 11-Apr-1958 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 30-Aug-1957 Courtenay 17-Sep-1957 Campbell River 2-Apr-1956 Campbell River 30-Mar-1957 Campbell River 1-Sep-1958 Comox 30-Oct-1958 Port Alberni, BC 5-Apr-1958 Courtenay, St. George's age 67 Pg Info/Kin 6-Aug-1958 11 s/o M/M David Mason of Ladysmith 26-Jun-1957 23-Jan-1957 6-May-1959 5 s/o M/M George Masson, RCAF 6 s/o Mrs. R. Masters & late Mr. Masters, Campbell River 7 In Memoriam, husband and family 13-Nov-1957 5 Engagement announced. No marriage writeup found 18-Jan-1956 7 Retired RCMP, bro/o Mrs. R. James ARG 5-Dec-1956 ARG 19-Sep-1956 ARG 6-Mar-1957 ARG 29-Jan-1958 4 s/o M/M Edward Maurice ARG 16-Apr-1958 7 s/o M/M Reynen Maurice Elvira Kathleen ARG JORDT 4-Sep-1957 ARG 25-Sep-1957 4 d/o M/M Robert A. Mawson of Campbell River ARG 11-Apr-1956 7 d/o M/M John V. Maximick of Campbell River ARG 3-Apr-1957 Mrs. Maximick ARG 17-Sep-1958 ARG 5-Nov-1958 ARG 16-Apr-1958 ARG 29-Oct-1958 Laurel Josephine HAMLING 27-Oct-1958 Cumberland, born 1884 Alex BC MAXWELL 8 s/o M/M Donald H. Matthews of Campbell River 7 d/o M/M Gordon Matthews of Campbell River 5 d/o M/M Douglas Matthews, Campbell River 4 s/o M/M Philias Maurice of Ste. Anne, Manitoba. See 28 Aug page 6 Engagement 5 d/o M/M John Maximick of Campbell River 2 Born in Poland, coal miner, children named 6 d/o M/M Robert Maxwell of Port Alberni, gd/o M/M Alfred Maxwell of Cumberland 6 No further info 1 Nee WALKER, born Departure Bay, married 1 Jan 1903, husband was mayor of Cumberland, family named Surname MAXWELL Given Ev en Date of Event t Place age/dob Pg Info/Kin MAY MAY (boy) B MAY (girl) B MAY Monica M Jean Rosemary D 13-Dec-1958 Victoria, BC D 28-Jan-1958 Comox McADAM Allan Patrick (boy) B ARG 16-Apr-1958 McALLISTER McALLISTER McARTHUR (boy) (boy) (boy) B B B 10-Apr-1958 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 16-Jan-1958 Comox 8-Dec-1958 Comox, BC 2-May-1959 St. Joseph's, Comox ARG ARG ARG 18-Jan-1958 11 s/o M/M Robert McAllister of Courtenay 10-Dec-1958 8 s/o M/M Richard McAllister, RCAF 6-May-1959 6 s/o M/M Robert MacArthur, RCAF McARTHUR McARTHUR (girl) (girl) B B ARG ARG McARTHUR Peter John D Corfield 27-Jun-1957 Comox 6-Jul-1958 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 18-Jul-1957 Fanny Bay, age 61 BC McASKILL McBEE McBRIDE McBRIDE (boy) Melvin F. Douglas Elynor B D B D McBRIDE Kathleen Margaret M Comox Comox not given Oakville, Ontario 7-Dec-1956 Union Bay McCABE McCABE (boy) twin boys B B 28-May-1957 Comox 30-Oct-1958 Comox, BC MAYNE Shirley Marie OSTERBERG Pape Date Issued r Robert M Alexander (boy) B MAY 17-Mar-1956 Qualicum Spouse ARG 28-Mar-1956 12 s/o M/M Alfred Maxwell of Cumberland 15-Feb-1957 Campbell River 17-Apr-1958 St. Joseph's, Comox ARG 20-Feb-1957 5 s/o M/M George May of Campbell River ARG 23-Apr-1958 4 s/o M/M William May 3-Apr-1959 St. Joseph's, Comox ARG 8-Apr-1959 ARG 24-Dec-1958 5 d/o M/M Sydney A. May of Courtenay ARG 25-Jun-1958 1 Car accident, Lake Trail, see photo page 4 ARG 12-Feb-1958 6 Born Dublin, Ireland 7 s/o M/M Donald McAdam Glen Harvey McDONALD 18-Jun-1958 St. Joseph's, Comox 5-Oct-1957 8-Mar-1956 5-Jan-1946 8-Oct-1957 12 age 62 age 67 Ada May MAYNE Mary WILD Born 1926 Ronald T. McBRIDE Donald RHINDRESS (LAC) 6 d/o LAC & Mrs. Wm May, RCAF 3-Jul-1957 11 d/o M/M Robert McArthur, RCAF 9-Jul-1958 5 d/o M/M Thomas McArthur of Courtenay ARG 24-Jul-1957 1 Accidental death, cleaner at Fanny Bay Mill, brother in St. Boniface, MB ARG ARG ARG ARG 9-Oct-1957 14-Mar-1956 11-Jan-1956 16-Oct-1957 ARG 19-Dec-1956 s/o M/M James McAskill of Courtenay From Springfield, Oregon and Alberta, family named 10th birthday, s/o Mrs. P. McBride Union Bay news Car accident, d/o M/M Roger L. Cobb of Ladysmith, 3 children and other family named 9 d/o M/M Matt McBride of Union Bay ARG ARG 29-May-1957 5-Nov-1958 4 s/o M/M Jerry McCabe, RCAF, Courtenay 6 sons of M/M Jeremy McCabe of Courtenay 4 2 9 4 Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t Place age/dob McCALL (girl) B McCANN McCARTHY (boy) (boy) B B McCAULEY Mary Natalie M McCLELLAND Elaine Lenore M McCLURE McCLURE McCLURE (boy) (girl) Douglas B B M 28-Jun-1957 Campbell River 2-Nov-1957 Comox 9-May-1957 Campbell River 27-Dec-1955 RCAF Catholic Chapel 18-Aug-1956 RCAF Chapel, Comox 22-Sep-1958 Comox, BC 13-Dec-1958 Comox 15-Feb-1958 Courtenay McCLURE Kenneth Douglas C hr 29-Mar-1959 Courtenay, St. George's McCLURE Sharon McCOLL McCOLL (boy) Jessie McCONNELL (girl) McCONNELL Edward (LAC) (boy) B abt 11 Sep not given 1948 B 30-Dec-1958 Comox, BC D 31-Mar-1958 St. Joseph's age 81 Hospital, Comox B 21-May-1959 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox M 21-Jun-1958 Comox United B 8-May-1959 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox B 20-Oct-1956 Comox, BC M 2-Apr-1956 Courtenay, Can. Martyrs McCOOEY McCOOEY McCOOEY (girl) Leighton Vincent McCORMICK McCORMICK (girl) Daniel Crozier James Leonard Catherine McCORMICK McCREATH Spouse Pape Date Issued r ARG Gordon Fieldend TAYLOR Harold Morris JACKSON (RCN) Glenda Anne MONTGOMER Y Mack McColl Edna JOHNSTON Stella Jocelyn STEPHENS B M 2-Oct-1956 Comox, BC 5-Jan-1957 Cumberland M 28-Jul-1956 not given Ruby Irene SACHT Joy BAKER M 2-Feb-1957 Courtenay John WHITE Pg Info/Kin 3-Jul-1957 11 d/o M/M Lewis E. McCall ARG ARG 6-Nov-1957 15-May-1957 4 s/o M/M Arthur McCann of Comox 3 s/o M/M Leo A. McCarthy of Campbell River ARG 4-Jan-1956 6 d/o M/M George McCauley of Mulgrave, NS ARG 22-Aug-1956 3 Res of Victoria, d/o Mrs. M. McClelland of Flin Flon, Manitoba ARG ARG ARG 1-Oct-1958 17-Dec-1958 26-Feb-1958 6 s/o M/M Douglas McClure of Courtenay 2 d/o M/M Melvin McClure of Union Bay 7 No further info ARG 1-Apr-1959 ARG 17-Sep-1958 9 10th birthday, Union Bay ARG ARG 31-Dec-1958 2-Apr-1958 4 s/o M/M George P. McColl, RCAF 4 Res of Bowser ARG 27-May-1959 6 d/o M/M Edward McConnell, RCAF ARG 2-Jul-1958 ARG 13-May-1959 ARG ARG 2 Young son of M/M D. McClure 8 s/o M/M A. McConnell of Creston, BC 6 s/o M/M Leighton McCooey, RCAF 31-Oct-1956 5 d/o M/M Leighton McCooey, RCAF 25-Apr-1956 11 s/o M/M E.A. McCooey of Grand Falls, New Brunswick ARG ARG 3-Oct-1956 9-Jan-1957 5 d/o M/M Leonard McCormick, RCAF Courtenay 7 No further info ARG 1-Aug-1956 ARG 13-Feb-1957 6 s/o Charles McCormick of Toronto, res RCAF base, Comox 3 From Victoria Surname McCUBBING Given Ev en Date of Event t Place age/dob Spouse M McCULLOCH McCULLOCH McCULLOUGH McCUSKER Lorna Grace (boy) (girl) (girl) (boy) McDIARMID McDONALD McDONALD Douglas (boy) (boy) D B B MCDONALD (girl) B McDONALD McDOUGALL Glen Harvey Kenneth Neil (girl) McDOUGALL (girl) B McDOUGALL David B 10-Feb-1958 not given ARG McDOUGALL David Colin C hr 25-Dec-1958 Courtenay, child St. George's ARG McDOUGALL McEACHEN Donald M McNaught on (girl) B McFADDEN McFARLANE (girl) James B M McGAW McGEE McGEE Agnes (girl) Gordon D B M McDONALD 30-Nov-1957 Brandon, Manitoba 18-Apr-1957 Comox 29-Nov-1956 Comox, BC 20-Sep-1957 Comox 20-Sep-1957 Campbell River 16-May-1952 not given 20-Jan-1956 Cumberland 24-Jun-1957 Campbell River 15-Jun-1958 St. Joseph's, Comox Gordon MATHESON M 13-Dec-1958 Victoria M 27-Aug-1956 Campbell River 12-Feb-1957 Campbell River 27-Mar-1959 St. Joseph's, Comox Pape Date Issued r B B B B B 8-Dec-1956 Comox, BC 29-Jul-1957 Campbell River 4-Dec-1957 Comox 3-Oct-1956 Comox RCAF Chapel 26-Apr-1959 Victoria 29-Oct-1957 Comox 20-Apr-1957 not known Pg Info/Kin ARG 13-Nov-1957 5 Engagement announced. No marriage writeup found ARG ARG ARG ARG 24-Apr-1957 5-Dec-1956 25-Sep-1957 25-Sep-1957 6 8 4 4 ARG ARG aRG 16-May-1956 6 "In Memoriam" by Mother and Dad 25-Jan-1956 2 s/o M/M Arthur McDonald of Union Bay 3-Jul-1957 11 s/o M/M William McDonald of Campbell River ARG 18-Jun-1958 2 d/o M/M Campbell McDonald Monica Jean ARG MAY Margaret Lillian ARG ADAMS ARG 24-Dec-1958 5 s/o M/M Allen McDonald of Flin Flon, MB, guests named ARG 1-Apr-1959 s/o M/M Wilfred McCulloch, RCAF d/o M/M Henry McCulloch of Parksville d/o M/M Thomas McCullough of Courtenay s/o M/M William B. McCusker of Campbell River 5-Sep-1956 10 s/o M/M Neil McDonald 20-Feb-1957 5 d/o M/M Richard E. McDougall 6 d/o M/M Donald McDougall of Comox 18-Feb-1959 10 s/o M/M Donald McDougall, nee Dresen, in Comox news, 1st birthday, guests named 31-Dec-1958 6 s/o M/M D. N. McDougall Ellen Elizabeth ARG DRIESEN 19-Dec-1956 9 s/o M/M Colin McDougall of Powell River ARG 14-Aug-1957 5 d/o M/M Steven McEachen of Campbell River ARG Mrs. Alice ARG PENDLEBURY 11-Dec-1957 17-Oct-1956 6 d/o M/M Stan McFadden, RCAF Comox 3 Courtenay resident age 78 Lavina WYNNE (Mrs.) ARG ARG ARG 29-Apr-1959 6 Aunt of Mrs. G. Harrigan & Robert Mitchell 30-Oct-1957 4 d/o M/M James McGee of Denman Island 1-May-1957 15 s/o M/M Jack McGee of Denman Island. See 24 Apr p. 8 Wedding reception & Fanny Bay news, also 8 May p. 7 Surname McGEE Given Ev en Date of Event t Place Judy Blanche Margaret C bef 11 Dec Denman hr 1957 Island M 20-Apr-1957 Courtenay B 10-May-1950 not given B Aug 1881 not given McGINNIS Heather Elizabeth K. (Mrs.) Rosina McGOVERN Herbert D McGOWAN David M Beaton (girl) B Harold (Mr. M and Mrs.) 31-Aug-1957 Courtenay McGUIRE McINTOSH McINTOSH (girl) (boy) (girl) McINTOSH McINTYRE George D Thomson Joseph M Robert Shirley Ella M McKAY (boy) B MCKAY (boy) B McKAY (boy) B McKAY McKAY (gil) Bonita Agnes Brian B M McGIFFORD McGILL McGIMPSEY McGREGOR McGREGOR McINTOSH McKAY Spouse age one month Lawrence Frederick BURNS Pape Date Issued r Pg Info/Kin ARG 11-Dec-1957 4 d/o M/M Jim McGee of Denman Island ARG 24-Apr-1957 11 Engagement 10 Apr page 6, shower page 8 ARG ARG 16-May-1956 3-Sep-1958 ARG 8-Apr-1959 ARG 4-Mar-1959 ARG 11-Sep-1957 12-Aug-1957 Comox 17-Dec-1956 Vancouver, BC ARG ARG 14-Aug-1957 27-Dec-1956 2 60th anniversary, photo on page 1, family named, long writeup. See also 1 Apr p. 12 and 15 Apr p. 2 8 s/o Alice McGovern, 3 sisters named, in Cumberland news, obit 11 Mar p. B1, bur. Mt. View Cemetery 4 s/o M/M M. McGowan of Vancouver. See 7 Aug page 6 Engagement 5 d/o M/M John McGregor, RCAF Comox 5 Post nuptial shower for local couple, see item re names 14-Feb-1957 Comox 31-Mar-1957 Comox 22-May-1958 St. Joseph's, Comox ARG ARG ARG 20-Feb-1957 3-Apr-1957 28-May-1958 5 d/o M/M Gerald McGuire, RCAF 5 s/o M/M Joseph McIntosh of Courtenay (stillborn) 6 d/o M/M Joseph McIntosh 30-Dec-1955 Vancouver, age 79 BC 13-Apr-1956 Courtenay, St. John's 13-Oct-1956 Vancouver, BC 30-Dec-1956 Campbell River 17-Jun-1958 St. Joseph's, Comox ARG 4-Jan-1956 M 2 Apr 1899 B B B age/dob Hamilton, Scotland 27-Feb-1959 Vancouver 1-Jun-1959 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 8-Oct-1957 Comox 26-Oct-1957 Courtenay B abt 9 Aug 1949 not given Henry THOMPSON 12-Sep-21 not married Helen Rosalie ISBISTER Donna Lynn BAIRD Harold Leslie NISSILA ARG ARG 3 6th birthday, d/o M/M Millar McGill, in Comox news 5 77th birthday at The Fort (seniors home) 7 Born in Dundee, SCT, to Revelstoke 1910, to Merville 1919, wife died 1945, bro/o Mrs. Jack Fraser 18-Apr-1956 7 s/o late W.R. McIntosh & Mrs. Daniel Waddington, wedding writeup. See 21 Mar p. 6 Engagement 24-Oct-1956 16 d/o M/M H.H. McIntyre of Denman Island ARG 9-Jan-1957 7 s/o M/M Roy McKay ARG 18-Jun-1958 ARG 3-Jun-1959 ARG Donald Joseph ARG PARDIAC ARG 16-Oct-1957 6-Nov-1957 4 d/o M/M Sidney McKay of Union Bay 7 d/o M/M Neil McKay. See 23 Oct p. 6 two showers 14-Aug-1957 7 8th birthday, s/o Mrs. Stan McKay, also 7th birthday of Brian RODONETS 2 s/o M/M Neil McKay, Courtenay 4 s/o M/M Robert McKay, Union Bay Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t Place McKAY Jean M 7-Jan-1957 Cumberland McKAY Lloyd George B 5-Apr-1959 St. Joseph's, Comox or Cumberland Hospital McKAY Marjorie Helen D McKAY Robert D McKAY Ted M McKAY William D McKEEVER James C. D McKELVIE MCKENDRY (girl) (boy) B B McKENZIE McKENZIE (boy) Jack McKENZIE McKENZIE Jack Jessie (Mrs) McKENZIE John D McKENZIE Lillian Mary Louise M McKINNON Sara Mary D McLAREN John (F/O) D abt 16 Dec 1958 age/dob Spouse George Victor PARKIN Pape Date Issued r Pg Info/Kin ARG 9-Jan-1957 7 No further info ARG 8-Apr-1959 6 s/o M/M Sidney McKay of Union Bay. See also 22 Apr p. 5, Union Bay news John McKay ARG 30-Jul-1958 6 M/o William & Neil McKay Betty McKay ARG 1-Apr-1959 Betty FERGUSON ARG 5-Feb-1958 6 s/o M/M Robert McKay Sr. of Union Bay, died from a beating, Card of Thanks 8 Apr p. 7 3 No further info ARG 29-Aug-1956 ARG 17-Dec-1958 B7 Bur. Dauphin, MB, family not named (wife died 1938) 23-Mar-1956 Comox 14-Jun-1958 St. Joseph's, Comox ARG ARG 28-Mar-1956 18-Jun-1958 3 d/o M/M Robin McKelvie of Comox 2 s/o M/M Ross McKendry, comox B 18-Apr-1956 Comox B 24 Oct 1863 Uptergrove, Ontario B Oct 1863 not given M 30-Jun-1956 Home of Robt McKay, Fanny Bay? ARG ARG 18-Apr-1956 24-Oct-1956 5 s/o M/M Ronald McKenzie of Campbell River 5 93rd birthday, res of Nob Hill, Comox, family named ARG ARG 4-Apr-1956 4-Jul-1956 Maude CLIFFE ARG 24-Dec-1958 Ernest Samuel ARG MONTGOMER Y 13-May-1959 Alexander McKINNON 23-Jan-1957 11 Nee STEWART, born Grey Co., Ontario 1873, family named 24-Dec-1958 1 Jet plane crashed, still missing. See 17 Dec page 1 21-Jul-1958 St. Joseph's age 76 Hospital, Comox abt 20 Mar Edmonton age 34 1959 bef 5 Feb not given 1958 bef 29 Aug White Rock, 1956 BC 12-Dec-1958 Comox age 76 19-Dec-1958 Comox, BC Frank BOSKILL 24 Oct 1863 2-May-1959 Nanaimo, St. Andrew's 18-Jan-1957 Cumberland age 84 Oyster Bay, BC Florence J. McKeever ARG ARG 3 Res of Buckley Bay, father/o Mrs. W.S. Swan 2 92 years old, attended party for Albert Grant 4 No further info 1 Born in Uptergrove, Ont., to Bc 1887, md Jan 1895, family named on page 12. See 31 Dec page 8 Card of Thanks by Bill, Rose, Wilma, Jack, Ella, Myrtle 2 d/o M/M J.M. McKenzie of Nanaimo Ev en Date of Event t Surname Given McLAUCHLIN Donald Thomas D McLAUGHLIN (girl) B McLAUGHLIN Abrahm D Rippon+B2 221 (girl) B (girl) B McLEAN McLEAN Place age/dob Spouse 10-Oct-1957 East age 52 Thurlow Island 18-May-1958 St. Joseph's, Comox not married 28-Feb-1958 Courtenay Mrs. McLaughlin 11-Aug-1956 Comox 19-Jan-1959 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 21-Jan-1959 Cumberland 28-Dec-1956 Courtenay, St. George's age 51 Pape Date Issued r ARG 16-Oct-1957 ARG 21-May-1958 ARG Pg Info/Kin 1 s/o M/M Abe McLauchlin, bro/o Wade, logging accident, see obit on page 4 6 d/o M/M John McLaughlin Jr. 5-Mar-1958 10 Heart attack, had son & dtr ARG ARG 15-Aug-1956 21-Jan-1959 2 d/o M/M Norman McLean of Courtenay 6 d/o M/M Bruce McLean of Courtenay ARG Ruth Margaret ARG HAGG 28-Jan-1959 9-Jan-1957 6 d/o M/M Anthony J. McLean 3 s/o M/M J. H. McLean of Black Creek ARG ARG ARG Mary Elizabeth ARG EDWARDS 29-Feb-1956 2-Jan-1957 13-Feb-1957 4-Apr-1956 7 7 5 2 2 2nd birthday, d/o Mrs. W. McLellan of Cumberland, guests named 2 s/o J/M James McLeod of Nanaimo 5 s/o M/M Lawrence E. McLeod, Campbell River McLEAN McLEAN (girl) Grant Archibald B M McLELLAN McLELLAN McLELLAN McLELLAN (boy) (boy) (girl) Gordon B B B M McLELLAN Vickie B 7-Feb-1957 not given ARG 11-Feb-1959 McLEOD McLEOD (boy) (boy) B B ARG ARG 11-Jul-1957 6-Mar-1957 McLEOD Carol B 6-Jul-1956 Comox 25-Feb-1957 Campbell River 16-Mar-1942 not given ARG 21-Mar-1956 11 14th birthday, d/o M/M ? McLeod, Comox, guests named McLOUGHLIN McLOUGHLIN McLOUGHLIN McLOUGHLIN (boy) (boy) (boy) (boy) B B B B 13-Feb-1956 4-Jul-1957 25-Oct-1957 1-May-1959 Comox Comox Comox St. Joseph's, Comox ARG ARG ARG ARG 22-Feb-1956 10-Jul-1957 30-Oct-1957 6-May-1959 7 6 4 6 McLOUGHLIN (girl) B 18-May-1958 St. Joseph's, Comox ARG 21-May-1958 6 d/o M/M John McLoughlin Jr. McLOUGHLIN (girl) B 18-Mar-1959 St. Joseph's, Comox ARG 25-Mar-1959 6 d/o M/M Terrance McLoughlin of Courtenay 22-Feb-1956 19-Dec-1956 9-Feb-1957 31-Mar-1956 Comox Comox Comox Cumberland U.C. s/o M/M Peter McLellan of Fanny Bay s/o M/M Gordon McLellan of Fanny Bay d/o M/M William McLellan of Cumberland s/o M/M J. McLellan of Fanny Bay. See 14 Mar p. 6 Engagement s/o M/M Paul McLoughlin of Courtenay s/o M/M John McLoughlin of Courtenay s/o M/M Paul McLoughlin of Courtenay s/o M/M John McLoughlin of Courtenay Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t McLOUGHLIN (girl) B McMANN McMANUS McMILLAN (girl) (girl) (boy) B B B McMILLAN (boy) B McMILLAN McMILLAN (girl) (girl) B B McMILLAN Brian Dale M McMILLAN Herbert M 31-Dec-1915 (Mr. & Mrs.) Isabel D 7-Dec-1958 Johnstone not known M abt 2 May 1934 (boy) B 10-Sep-1957 (boy) B 27-Dec-1958 (girl) B 19-Sep-1956 McMILLAN McMILLAN McMILLER McMONNIES McMULDOCH McNAUGHTON McNAUGHTON McNAUGHTON McNEIL Place 17-Jun-1959 ARG ARG ARG 8-Feb-1956 6-Nov-1957 3-Oct-1956 ARG 11-Jun-1958 4-Mar-1956 Comox 23-Feb-1957 Campbell River 2-Mar-1957 Victoria, BC ARG ARG Sonia Evelyn May CROCKER not given Cumberland age 72 Cumberland Comox Comox, BC Campbell River Comox, BC Comox Comox Victoria 28-Sep-1958 16-Jan-1956 14-Feb-1957 10-Mar-1956 B M McPHAIL McPHAIL (girl) (girl) B B McPHEE (boy) B 16-May-1957 Vernon, BC 19-May-1956 Sandwick Anglican 28-Sep-1957 RCAF Protestant Chapel, Comox 16-Sep-1956 Comox, BC 5-Jan-1958 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 15-Mar-1957 Comox M Pape Date Issued r ARG B B B M McORMOND Spouse 14-Jun-1959 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 6-Feb-1956 Comox 4-Nov-1957 Comox 1-Oct-1956 Cumberland, BC 3-Jun-1958 Victoria (boy) (girl) (girl) Daisy Bonwick (boy) Fay Frances Leonard Lloyd (Cpl.) McNISH McNISH age/dob John F. McMillan Robert CONN Charles John CLARKE Pg Info/Kin 4 d/o M/M Paul McLoughlin of Courtenay 3 d/o M/M Glen McMann of Quinsam 4 d/o M/M Michael McManus of Courtenay 5 s/o M/M Archie McMillan "Skip" of Victoria 4 s/o M/M Brian McMillan, RCNVR, gs/o M/M H. McMillan of Cumberland 7-Mar-1956 10 d/o M/M John McMillan of Qualicum 6-Mar-1957 5 d/o M/M Norman McMillan, Campbell River ARG 13-Mar-1957 11 s/o M/M Archibald McMillan of Cumberland. Engagement announced 6 Feb page 6 ARG 11-Jan-1956 ARG 17-Dec-1958 8 40th anniversary ARG 2 res of Royston, sis/o Mrs. R.E. Hayward of Portland, Oregon 13-May-1959 10 d/o M/M T. McMillan, 25th anniversary ARG ARG ARG 10-Sep-1957 5 s/o M/M Donald McMiller of Bowser 31-Dec-1958 4 s/o M/M Angus McMonnies of Courtenay 3-Oct-1956 13 d/o M/M John McMuldoch of Campbell River ARG ARG ARG ARG 1-Oct-1958 6 s/o M/M John McNaughton, Courtenay 18-Jan-1956 11 d/o M/M J. McNaughton of Courtenay 20-Feb-1957 5 d/o M/M Bill McNaughton, Cumberland 21-Mar-1956 7 d/o M/M D. McNeil of Victoria, formerly of Cumberland ARG Arthur ARG RATHWELL Mary Elizabeth ARG WATERS 22-May-1957 7 s/o M/M John McNish, nee Grace Downey, of Vernon 23-May-1956 11 d/o M/M Fred McNish of Grantham. See 2 May 1956 p. 6 Engagement and 16 May 1956 p. 12 Shower 9-Oct-1957 13 s/o M/M Roy McOrmond of Sudbury, Ontario ARG ARG 19-Sep-1956 8-Jan-1958 7 d/o M/M Donald McPhail, TCAF Comox 7 d/o M/M Don McPhail, RCAF ARG 20-Mar-1957 5 s/o M/M John McPhee, RR1 Courtenay Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t Place McPHEE McPHEE (boy) (boy) B B McPHEE McPHEE (girl) Joseph Noel Walter Sterling (girl) B D D McQUARRIE Elspet Bremner Robert E. M 2-Nov-1957 Sandwick, St. Andrew's Ang. McQUEEN McQUILLAN (boy) (boy) B B McQUILLAN (boy) B 8-Sep-1958 SJH 28-Mar-1957 Campbell River 20-Feb-1959 St. Joseph's, Comox McQUILLAN McQUILLAN (girl) Jessie B D 10-Dec-1956 Comox, BC 23-Dec-1958 Courtenay McQUILLAN Sandra Heather M 15-Sep-1956 Comox, St. Peter's McQUINN (boy) B McQUINN McQUINN McQUINN McTURK McVEY (girl) B Jacqui B Nina Jane C hr Andrew M Neil (Dr.) (girl) B (boy) B MEARNS (girl) McPHEE McPHERSON McPHERSON McTAGGART M B B age/dob 21-Jul-1957 Comox 15-Jan-1959 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 17-Dec-1957 Comox 5-Oct-1956 Comox, BC age 20 months 24-May-1958 Courtenay 1-Jan-1956 Campbell River, BC 23-Feb-1959 Vancouver age 70 Spouse Ruth Marilyn COVENEY Pape Date Issued r Pg Info/Kin ARG ARG 24-Jul-1957 21-Jan-1959 4 s/o M/M Donald McPhee of Comox 6 s/o M/M Walter McPhee of Courtenay ARG ARG 18-Dec-1957 10-Oct-1956 6 d/o M/M Robert McPhee 8 s/o M/M R.G. McPhee of Courtenay ARG 4-Jun-1958 8 s/o M/M J. G. McPhee of Courtenay ARG 4-Jan-1956 11 d/o M/M Alex McPherson of Campbell River Mr. ARG McPHERSON Josephine Ann ARG SMITH 25-Feb-1959 ARG ARG 10-Sep-1958 3-Apr-1957 6 s/o M/M George McQueen of Comox 5 s/o M/M Keith McQuillan of Campbell River ARG 25-Feb-1959 6 s/o M/M Darell H. McQuillan of Comox ARG R. R. ARG McQuillan William Edward ARG BAIKIE 12-Dec-1956 24-Dec-1958 21-Apr-1956 Powell River ARG 25-Apr-1956 7 D/o M/M Darrell McQuillan of Comox 1 Pioneer, m/o MP Harry McQuillan, other family not named. See also 7 Jan page 3 5 d/o Mrs. Winnifred McQuillan of W. Vancouver & Thomas McQuillan of Courtenay, wedding ,writeup. See 29 Aug p. 6 Engagement 8 s/o M/M R.A. McQuinn, nee Diana Robertson, 7 lbs 3 oz 2-Jul-1957 Powell River 14-Jul-1946 not given 7-Oct-1956 Comox "small United daughter" 26-Apr-1957 Vancouver Myrna Ann CLIFFE 22-Dec-1956 Comox 6-Jun-1959 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 27-Apr-1957 Campbell River ARG ARG ARG 3-Jul-1957 11 d/o M/M Richard McQuinn 1-Aug-1956 10 10th birthday, d/o M/M Johnny McQuinn 10-Oct-1956 10 d/o M/M John McQuinn of Comox ARG 8-May-1957 age 81 ARG ARG ARG 6-Nov-1957 19-Sep-1956 1 Born Aberdeen, SCT, writeup with family, See 4 Mar p. 7 Card of Thanks 3 Of San Francisco 3 s/o M/M George McTaggart of Vancouver. Engagement announced 27 Mar page 6 2-Jan-1957 7 d/o M/M John McTurk of Courtenay 10-Jun-1959 10 s/o M/M Donald McVey, RCAF 1-May-1957 3 s/o M/M Allan Mearns of Squirrel Cove Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t MEDRICH Agnes B abt 6 Mar (Mrs. Jack) 1874 MEDRICH John MEIER MEIER Place age/dob Spouse Pape Date Issued r not given ARG 7-Mar-1956 D 1-Dec-1957 Cumberland age 74 ARG 18-Dec-1957 (boy) B ARG 14-Nov-1956 M Brian POPE ARG 18-Jun-1958 Edward Richard BRYAN Bernard WALKER ARG MELLING Dorothy Erica Elizabeth Mary (Mrs.) Shirley Ann (girl) 6-Nov-1956 Campbell River, BC 11-Jul-1958 Comox, St. John's 11-Jul-1956 Comox MELVILLE (girl) MENZIES MERCER MERCER MERCER Anne Carroll (boy) (girl) Elois Fay MERCER John B MEREDITH MERRITHEW Gail (girl) B B MERRYMAN Thomas D 3-Nov-1958 Nanaimo METZ Arthur Lorne (girl) (girl) B 6-Oct-1958 not given MEIERS MELLER MICHALCAK MIDDLETON M M abt 10 Jun Willow Point 1959 B 23-Jan-1958 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox B 31-Dec-1957 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox M 25-Aug-1956 Comox United B 27-Jul-1957 Comox B 29-Oct-1958 Comox, BC M 28-Sep-1957 Courtenay, St. George's B B 7 82nd birthday, Union Bay news 5 Born in Victoria, wife died May 1956, Banks F.H. See also Card of Thanks 11 Dec p. 7 5 s/o M/M Edward Meier of Campbell River 5 Engagement announced, Shower 16 Jul p. 9 Merville news, no wedding found in paper 18-Jul-1956 16 No further info 10-Jun-1959 10 Willow Point news ARG 29-Jan-1958 4 d/o M/M Joseph Melling ARG 8-Jan-1958 7 d/o M/M Gordon Melville Ralph Spencer ARG BOYD ARG ARG Darrell E. ARG JONES 29-Aug-1956 ARG 10-Dec-1958 14-Apr-1940 not given 13-May-1958 St. Joseph's, Comox 15-Jun-1957 Comox 9-Feb-1959 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox Info/Kin ARG 1-Dec-1950 not given age 85 Pg Sarah E. Merryman 31-Jul-1957 5-Nov-1958 2-Oct-1957 8 d/o M/M Thomas Menzies of Sandwick. See 15 Aug p. 6 Engagement & 22 Aug p. 13 Shower 5 s/o M/M John Mercer, RR1 Comox 6 d/o M/M James W. mercer 5 RCAF, d/o M/M M.E. Mercer of Wartime, Sask. ARG ARG 2 8th birthday, s/o M/M J.W. Mercer, guests named, Comox news 18-Apr-1956 12 16th birthday, d/o M/M W. Meredith of Comox 14-May-1958 4 d/o M/M Bruce Merrithew of Comox ARG 12-Nov-1958 ARG 22-Oct-1958 ARG ARG 19-Jun-1957 11-Feb-1959 9 Father-in-law of Mr. Reg Windley, Sarah died 8 Jan 1958 9 s/o Cpl/Mrs. Harvey Metz, France, gs/o M/M L. Cleland of Courtenay 4 d/o M/M Joseph Michalcak of Courtenay 4 d/o M/M James Middleton of Comox Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t Place age/dob MIDDLETON Elizabeth Louise M MIDWINTER Charles Cliffe M MILBURN (boy) B MILBURN Marguerite M Josephine MILBURN M MILES MILLARD MILLARD Raymond Edward (boy) (girl) Catherine MILLARD Morley M 30-May-1959 Comox MILLER MILLER (boy) (boy) B B MILLER MILLER (boy) (boy) B B MILLER (boy) B MILLER (girl) B MILLER D MILLER George Archibald Janet MILLER MILLER MILLER Lloyd Lloyd Roy B B B 23-Mar-1946 not given 23-Mar-1946 not given 7-Mar-1954 not given MILLER Stanley D 18-Mar-1944 [Wolfe Lake] age 27 MILLIGAN MILLS (girl) (boy) B B 23-Jan-1956 Comox 21-May-1957 Campbell River B B D M 21-Apr-1956 RCAF Chapel, Comox 11-Jan-1958 St. Helen's Ang., Vancouver 27-May-1959 Cumberland G.H. 6-Jun-1959 Cumberland U.C. 18-Jul-1959 Cumberland U.C. 24-Oct-1958 Cumberland 4-Jul-1956 Comox 5-Mar-1957 Comox age 87 Spouse Sherman Patrick KENNELLY Sheila Madeline PEACOCK Pape Date Issued r ARG Pg Info/Kin 2-May-1956 14 d/o M/M A.J. Middleton. See 18 Apr p. 8 & 25 Apr p.16 re showers ARG 29-Jan-1958 ARG 3-Jun-1959 Robert John BROWN ARG 10-Jun-1959 Lois Janet WATSON ARG 24-Jun-1959 ARG ARG ARG 29-Oct-1958 6 s/o M/M Ken Miles of Nanaimo 4-Jul-1956 6 d/o M/M David Millard of Courtenay 13-Mar-1957 16 Husband deceased, 8 sons & 4 dtrs named Harry MILLARD Peggy WESTWOOD 3 s/o M/M H. E. Stewart of Medicine Hat, AB, gs/o late M/M L.R. Cliffe 4 s/o M/M John Milburn of Cumberland 7 d/o M/M Joseph Milburn of Cumberland. See also 27 May p. 7 engagement, and 13 May p. 6, ,10 Jun p. 2 & 6 Showers, 17 Jun p. 2 photo 5 Engagement announced. Marriage not confirmed ARG 3-Jun-1959 13-Aug-1956 not given 2-Sep-1957 Campbell River 25-Jan-1958 Cumberland 25-Mar-1958 St. Joseph's, Comox ARG ARG 29-Aug-1956 11-Sep-1957 ARG ARG 29-Jan-1958 4 s/o M/M H. Miller 26-Mar-1958 A4 s/o Dr. & Mrs. D. Miller 9-Aug-1958 Cumberland G.H. 5-Nov-1956 Cumberland, BC 30-Jan-1957 Comox age 48 ARG 13-Aug-1958 4 s/o M/M Hugh Miller of Cumberland ARG 7-Nov-1956 3 d/o M/M Hugh Miller of Cumberland not known ARG 4-Feb-1959 5 Memoriam from Bud, Audrey and family Edward ANDERSON ARG 18-Mar-1959 10 46th anniversary, in Union Bay news ARG ARG ARG 28-Mar-1956 16 10th birthday, Cumberland news 27-Mar-1957 11 11th birthday at Cumberland, s/o M/M Harold Miller 11-Mar-1959 B6 5th birthday, s/o M/M Harold Miller, in Cumberland news ARG 14-Mar-1956 6 Memoriam by Dad, Mother & son Glen ARG ARG 25-Jan-1956 29-May-1957 2 d/o M/M Archibald Milligan of Courtenay 4 s/o M/M Joseph R. Mills of Kelsey Bay 5-Mar-1913 Cumberland not given 7 s/o M/M E. Millard, in Denman Island news 7 s/o M/M Valdi Miller of Campbell River 5 s/o M/M Ray Miller of Kelsey Bay Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t Place MILLS (boy) MILLS MILLS (girl) Patricia Ann MINARY Mona Victoria Lulu May M D Dawson Creek, BC Comox Victoria, Oaklands Chapel 21-Jul-1956 Nanaimo U.C. 8-Dec-1957 Comox M 16-Feb-1957 Courtenay MITCHELL MITCHELL Madeline Betty (boy) (boy) B B MITCHELL (boy) B MITCHELL (boy) B MITCHELL (girl) B 22-Apr-1956 Comox 7-May-1957 Campbell River 18-Dec-1957 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 11-Aug-1958 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 25-Apr-1959 St. Joseph's, Comox MITCHELL Annette D MITCHELL Guy Darrel C hr MITCHELL Henrietta Jane Lee Magnus D C hr 18-Jan-1959 Courtenay, St. George's D 20-Jan-1957 Comox MITLAND William Bennet (boy) B MOBLEY (girl) B 28-May-1959 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 11-Apr-1958 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox MINDLIN MISKOFSKI MITCHELL MITCHELL age/dob B bef 8 Feb 1956 B 11-Nov-1958 M 27-Jun-1958 14-Apr-1956 Abbotsford, BC Spouse Pape Date Issued r ARG John Charles HITCHEN age 76 Calvin James WOODS Morris MINDLIN Gunnar ERICKSON age 17 18-Jan-1959 Courtenay, St. George's 9-Oct-1956 Victoria, BC age 71 age 65 Andy MITCHELL ARG ARG 8-Feb-1956 Pg Info/Kin 3 s/o M/M Frederick Mills of Dawson Creek 12-Nov-1958 12 d/o M/M Kenneth Mills, RCAF 9-Jul-1958 7 d/o Mrs. T. Mills ARG 8-Aug-1956 7 d/o Mona/late James Victor MINARY, sis/o Cecil. See also 11 Jul page 8 Shower 5 Born in England, to district 1936, family named, husband deceased 2 See also 30 Jan p. y engagement ann't, 20 Feb p. 2 shower 8 d/o M/M James Mitchell of Courtenay 3 s/o M/M James Mitchell of Campbell River ARG 18-Dec-1957 ARG 27-Feb-1957 ARG ARG 25-Apr-1956 15-May-1957 ARG 8-Jan-1958 ARG 13-Aug-1958 4 s/o M/M Laurence Mitchell, nee Elsie Hoglo ARG 29-Apr-1959 6 d/o M/M Rolland Mitchell of Courtenay ARG 18-Apr-1956 7 s/o M/M Roland A. Mitchell of Courtenay ARG 1 Killed in car accident, d/o M/M Nick Mitchell, gd/o Mrs. Polly Williams (see page 10), bur. Cumberland Cemetery 21-Jan-1959 11 s/o M/M L. Mitchell, Brem River, Toba Inlet. "Little boy" ARG 17-Oct-1956 ARG 5 Born Isle of Man, m/o Mrs. Harrigan of Victoria, Robert M. of Courtenay, husband deceased 21-Jan-1959 11 s/o M/M L. Mitchell, Brem River, Toba Inlet. "Little boy." ARG 20-Feb-1957 ARG 3-Jun-1959 4 s/o M/M Donald Mitland, RCAF ARG 16-Apr-1958 7 d/o M/M Frank Mobley, RCAF 5 Res of Denman Island, and buried there Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t Place MODIN (boy) B MODIN (girl) B MODIN (girl) B MODIN (girl) B MOLLAND John Howard Joan M Joan Margaret (boy) (boy) (girl) Janice M MONKS John William M MONKS John William (LAC) Raymond Thomas (boy) (boy) Ernest Samuel M 5-Jul-1958 Comox, St. Peter's M 12-Jan-1957 Vancouver, BC 30-Jul-1957 Comox 28-Dec-1958 Comox, BC 2-May-1959 Nanaimo, St. Andrew's Glenda Anne (boy) (boy) (girl) Doris Evangeline M 15-Feb-1958 Courtenay B B B M 21-Nov-1956 29-Sep-1957 27-Nov-1958 5-Apr-1958 MOLLGARD MOLLGARD MONCRIEF MONKS MONKS MONKS MONKS MONTGOMERY MONTGOMERY MONTGOMERY MONTGOMERY MOODY MOODY MOODY MOODY M B B B B B B M 5-Apr-1957 Campbell River 1-Jan-1956 Campbell River 13-Jan-1959 Campbell River bef 4 Jan 1956 Campbell River, BC 30-Aug-1958 St. John's Courtenay 17-Mar-1956 Victoria 17-Mar-1956 Victoria, St. Luke's 1-Oct-1957 not given 9-Dec-1957 Comox 14-Nov-1958 Comox 12-Jun-1955 Lourdes Hospital, Campbell River 5-Jul-1958 Cumberland United Comox, BC Comox Comox Courtenay, 4 Sq. Gospel age/dob Spouse Pape Date Issued r Pg Info/Kin ARG 10-Apr-1957 2 s/o M/M Carl Modin of Campbell River ARG 11-Jan-1956 5 d/o M/M Carl Modin of Willow Point, New Year's Baby ARG 28-Jan-1959 9 d/o M/M C. Modin, in Willow Point news ARG Edith Christina ARG JONNSON Donald ARG STRANK Donald John ARG STRANK ARG ARG ARG ARG Marilyn ARG Margaret MAGEE Catherine ARG Grace GRIEDER Verna Lucille ARG MACKINTOSH ARG ARG Lillian Mary ARG Louise McKENZIE Douglas ARG McCLURE ARG ARG ARG George Albert ARG HILL 4-Jan-1956 11 d/o M/M Carl Modin of Campbell River 3-Sep-1958 21-Mar-1956 9 s/o M/M Howard Molland of Minto, see also 13 Aug page 4 Engagement 3 Parents not named, Cumberland news 28-Mar-1956 12 d/o M/M K. Mollgard of Victoria 9-Oct-1957 11-Dec-1957 19-Nov-1958 17-Jun-1959 4 6 6 3 s/o M/M Moncrief Jr. of Cumberland s/o M/M George Monks of Courtenay d/o M/M John Monks, RCAF 4th birthday, gd/o M/M Tom Monks, d/o M/M Jim Monks of Shelter Point. See ARG 15 Jun 1955 p. 5 Birth Announcement 9-Jul-1958 7 s/o M/M John Monks of Comox Lake 16-Jul-1958 6 See also 25 Jun p. 4 Kitchen shower 16-Jan-1957 8 s/o M/M Thomas Monks of Cumberland 31-Jul-1957 31-Dec-1958 13-May-1959 5 s/o M/M Gerald Montgomery of Courtenay 4 s/o M/M Gerald Montgomery of Courtenay 2 s/o M/M E.B. Montgomery of Courtenay 26-Feb-1958 7 No further info 28-Nov-1956 2-Oct-1957 3-Dec-1958 16-Apr-1958 7 4 4 6 s/o M/M George Moody of Courtenay s/o M/M Frank Moody of Courtenay d/o M/M Frank Moody, Cumberland No further info Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t Place MOODY Franklin Robert M MOODY George Leslie M MOON D MOON Randall Bentley Shirley MOORE (boy) B MOORE MOORE (girl) (girl) B B MOORE Eliza D MOORE Jeffrey David C hr MOORE Kathleen Margaret M MOORE Susan D MOORE William Roy D MORELLO MORGAN Alexandro D Dennis M Campbell MORONEY (girl) B [Mar 1956] MORRIS Michael (Cpl., RCAF) (boy) (boy) M Campbell River 1-Oct-1957 Montreal B B 7-Nov-1956 Comox, BC 12-Jul-1957 Comox MORRISON MORRISON D age/dob 18-May-1957 Royston, Campbell home 28-Jan-1956 Courtenay, Foursquare C. 6-Oct-1956 Comox, BC Spouse Pape Date Issued r Pg Info/Kin Lorraine LOXAM ARG 5-Jun-1957 2 s/o Mrs. Moody & late Les Moody of Courtenay Patricia Duncan BRYER Nellie KING ARG 1-Feb-1956 5 s/o M/M Leslie Moody ARG 10-Oct-1956 ARG 18-Dec-1957 5 Born at Burr Oak, Kansas, family named. See also page 16 Comox news 1 Drowned when foshing boat sank, 20 saved, 2 lost. 15-Jun-1958 St. Joseph's, Comox ARG 18-Jun-1958 2 s/o M/M Wilfred Moore, Courtenay 29-May-1957 Comox 28-Jan-1959 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 4-Oct-1958 Nanaimo, BC 26-Oct-1958 Comox, RCAF Chapel 5-Apr-1958 RCAF Chapel, Comox 5-Aug-1956 Comox ARG ARG 29-May-1957 4-Feb-1959 4 d/o M/M Bill Moore, Courtenay 4 d/o M/M Stanley Moore 22 Nov 1888 14-Dec-1957 Cape Mudge age 9 Harbour 3-Feb-1956 Comox age 86 Mr. Moore age 4 mos. ARG 15-Oct-1958 12 Mother of Mr. John Moore ARG 29-Oct-1958 11 s/o Sgt/Mrs. W. M. Moore Tony WLASUK ARG age 89 age 68 15-Feb-1957 Cumberland age 71 22-Feb-1958 Victoria William MOORE Margaret CAMPBELL Patricia Margaret WESTFIELD Shirley Lee FRASER 16-Apr-1958 ARG 8-Aug-1956 ARG 8-Feb-1956 ARG ARG 20-Feb-1957 5-Mar-1958 ARG 21-Mar-1956 ARG 2-Oct-1957 ARG ARG 6 No further info 5 Born Cambridgeshire, England 1867, mother of Mrs. N.W. Spinks, funeral 8 Aug at Anglican Church 3 Father of W.C. Moore, MLA & Roy Moore, other family named, born at Oak Lake, MB, married 1926 in Vancouver 5 Buried in Cumberland Cemetery 3 No further info 2 d/o M/M Jeremiah Moroney of Campbell River (no date given) 6 s/o M/M D.L. Morris of Comox, Engagement notice 14-Nov-1956 5 s/o M/M John Morrison of Comox 17-Jul-1957 12 s/o M/M Malcolm Morrison of Courtenay Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t Place age/dob Spouse Pape Date Issued r Pg Info/Kin MORRISON (boy) B 14-May-1958 St. Joseph's, Comox ARG 21-May-1958 6 s/o M/M Johnnie Morrison MORRISON (boy) B 4-Sep-1958 St. Joseph's, Comox ARG 10-Sep-1958 6 s/o M/M John D. Morrison MORRISON MORRISON MORRISON (girl) (girl) (girl) B B B 28-Jun-1956 Comox 30-Jun-1957 Comox 29-Apr-1958 St. Joseph's, Comox ARG ARG ARG MORRISON Brian D ARG 3-Apr-1957 MORRISON Eva May M Everett Ralph WHITE ARG 29-Jan-1958 3 d/o M/M Roy Morrison of Merville MORRISON Hughie D 22-Mar-1957 Courtenay age 21 South 25-Jan-1958 United Church manse 19-Nov-1958 Comox Lake age 28 Mrs. Morrison ARG 19-Nov-1958 MORRISON Jacalyn Ann Jamie Robin B ARG 7-Nov-1956 3 months ARG 27-Feb-1957 1 s/o M/M Malcolm Morrison of Courtenay. See 26 Nov p. 1 re inquest 3 d/o M/M Don Morrison of Cumberland. See 14 Nov p. 5 re RH blood emergency and photo 2 Christened, d/o M/M J. Morrison age 5 mos. ARG 29-Oct-1958 11 s/o M/M J.J. Morrison C. Morson ARG 28-Nov-1956 Herbert ADAMSCHEK ARG 7 Born in England, family named. See 27 Nov 1957 p. 5, In Memoriam, no names 10-Dec-1958 B6 d/o M/M Wm. Morson of Courtenay ARG ARG 17-Apr-1957 4 s/o M/M Ian Mortimer of Cumberland 4-Jul-1956 12 s/o M/M A.N.B. Mortimer of Cumberland. 8-Feb-1956 10 13th birthday party at Cumberland, d/o M/M A.N.B. Mortimer, guests named 31-Jul-1957 7 s/o M/M Ian Mortimer, more info MORRISON C hr 3-Nov-1956 Cumberland, BC bef 27 Feb Comox, 1957 RCAF Chapel 26-Oct-1958 Comox, RCAF Chapel 28-Nov-1956 Courtenay MORRISON Joel Scott C hr MORSON Julia D MORSON Rosalie Ann M 7-Dec-1958 Courtenay, St. George's MORTIMER MORTIMER (boy) Ian Baird B M 14-Apr-1957 Comox 30-Jun-1956 Cumberland, Holy Trinity MORTIMER Norie B 3-Feb-1943 not given ARG MORTIMER Scot Douglas Susan Agnes C hr M 21-Jul-1957 Cumberland infant ARG MORTIMER 3-May-1958 Coeur d'Alene, Idaho age 85 Maisie Pearl FREAKE Paul Garry LIESCH ARG 4-Jul-1956 6 d/o M/M Norman Morrison, Courtenay 3-Jul-1957 11 s/o M/M Frank Morrison, RCAF 7-May-1958 4 d/o M/M Norman Morrison 14-May-1958 1 Traffic death at Marriotts corner 4 d/o M/M A.N.B. Mortimer of Cumberland Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t Place MOSELEY (boy) B MOSHER MOSS MOSSEY MOUAT B B M D MOULD (girl) (girl) Louise Edward Arthur (girl) MOUNCE Joy MOUNCE MOWAT Stanley M Auchterloni e (girl) B MOWATT (boy) B MOXLEY Patricia M MOYER MOYER (boy) Vera Lynne (boy) (boy) James Richard B D B B M 4-Feb-1957 Comox 5-Sep-1958 Comox 18-May-1957 Courtenay, Can. Martyrs M 10-Nov-1956 Courtenay MUDGE MUGFORD MUGFORD Margaret Aileen Roberta (girl) Everett MUILENBURG (boy) MUIR Florence Campbell (girl) MOYNAHAN MUCKLE MUCKLE MUCKLE MULLETT age/dob 1-Mar-1959 St. Joseph's, Comox Comox Comox Parksville Salt Spring age 1 Island B [Mar 1956] Campbell River M 31-Dec-1956 Cumberland 12-Dec-1958 11-Apr-1956 6-Jun-1959 28-Jun-1956 29-Jun-1957 Cumberland 3-Feb-1959 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 11-Dec-1956 Campbell River, BC 4-Oct-1958 Sea Island, BC 6-Aug-1957 Comox 12-Dec-1958 Comox age 6 D B D 4-Sep-1956 Comox age 39 31-Jul-1956 Comox 18-May-1959 Vancouver age 73 (Coquitlam) B [Mar 1956] Campbell River M 15-Jan-1908 Enderby B Spouse 1-Mar-1956 Campbell River Pape Date Issued r ARG Bruce ADAM ARG ARG ARG ARG ARG Ronald W. PHIPPS Lorraine June FEELY Eugene LABASSEUI Marilyn Ann HEYMAN Lennart Albin LEMBERG Mr. Mudge Robert WADDELL 4-Mar-1959 Pg Info/Kin 6 s/o M/M Stanley Moseley, RCAF 17-Dec-1958 2 d/o M/M Charles Mosher of Comox 18-Apr-1956 5 d/o M/M H. Moss of Courtenay 10-Jun-1959 10 Niece of Tom & Pete Mossey, in Cumberland news 4-Jul-1956 12 Related to Greig, Harrison & Sillence families, Royston news 21-Mar-1956 2 d/o M/M Chas Mould of Campbell River (no date given) ARG 2-Jan-1957 12 d/o M/M C.E. Mounce of Cumberland ARG 10-Jul-1957 2 s/o M/M S. Mounce of Cumberland ARG 11-Feb-1959 4 d/o M/M Harry B. Mowat of Comox ARG 19-Dec-1956 7 s/o M/M Harry B. Mowatt of Campbell River ARG 15-Oct-1958 2 d/o M/M P. Maddigan of Sooke ARG ARG 7-Aug-1957 10 s/o M/M Ralph Moyer, RCAF Comox 17-Dec-1958 6 twin d/o Sgt/Mrs. R.E. Moyer, RCAF, other family named ARG ARG ARG 6-Feb-1957 10-Sep-1958 22-May-1957 ARG ARG ARG ARG 14-Nov-1956 13 d/o M/M W.J. Muckle of Merville. Engagement 24 Oct p. 6 5-Sep-1956 1 Accidental death. See 19 Sep page 10, inquest 1-Aug-1956 2 d/o M/M Donald Mugford, RCAF 27-May-1959 10 Former res of Union Bay, funeral 21 May ARG 21-Mar-1956 ARG 5-Feb-1958 ARG 14-Mar-1956 7 s/o M/M Ernest Moynahan, RCAF 6 s/o M/M James R. Muckle 4 s/o M/M W. J. Muckle of Merville. See 24 Apr p. 8 Engagement 2 s/o M/M Murray T. Muilenburg of Campbell River (no date given) 5 50th anniversary 7 d/o M/M Stanley Mullett of Campbell River Surname MUMFORD Given Ev en Date of Event t Place T. H. (Mr. and Mrs.) Terrance W. M 16-Apr-1906 not given M MUNDY (girl) B MUNN MUNRO (girl) (boy) B B MUNRO MUNRO (girl) B Mary Rose M Marie 24-Nov-1956 RCAF Chapel, Comox bef 23 May Campbell 1956 River, BC 27-Oct-1958 Comox, BC 31-Dec-1955 Campbell River, BC 9-Jan-1956 Comox 29-Dec-1955 Union Bay U.C. MUNROE MURDOCH Marion Louise (boy) MURDOCK MUNDAY age/dob Spouse Iris Beryl BRADLEY Pape Date Issued r Pg Info/Kin ARG 18-Apr-1956 10 50th anniversary, Cumberland news ARG 28-Nov-1956 3 s/o M/M T.W. Munday of Montreal, Quebec ARG 23-May-1956 2 d/o M/M Charles Mundy of Campbell River ARG ARG 29-Oct-1958 6 d/o M/M Graham Munn, RCAF 4-Jan-1956 11 s/o M/M Thomas Munro of Campbell River ARG ARG 11-Jan-1956 4-Jan-1956 C Palm Sunday Sunday hr 1959 School hall B 25-Mar-1959 St. Joseph's, Comox ARG 1-Apr-1959 9 d/o M/M Bill Munroe, in Willow Point news ARG 1-Apr-1959 6 s/o M/M John Murdoch of Cumberland Gracie B ARG 11-Jan-1956 MURLAK Christine ARG 31-Oct-1956 15 d/o M/M M. Murlak, sis/o Mrs. L. Ellis of Vancouver MURPHY MURPHY (boy) (boy) ARG ARG 5-Sep-1956 18-Mar-1959 2 s/o M/M Patrick Murphy of Courtenay 6 s/o M/M Gerald Murphy of Cumberland MURPHY MURPHY MURPHY MURPHY MURPHY (girl) (girl) (girl) (girl) (girl) ARG ARG ARG ARG ARG 22-Feb-1956 28-Mar-1956 6-Feb-1957 10-Jul-1957 18-Mar-1959 7 3 9 6 6 MURPHY Brenda Alyss ARG 23-Oct-1957 MURPHY Patrick Joseph ARG 9-Oct-1957 7 s/o M/M P.J. Murphy MURPHY Rosa Ceone M bef 31 Oct Trail, BC 1956 B 4-Sep-1956 Comox B 13-Mar-1959 Cumberland G.H. B 9-Feb-1956 Comox B 23-Mar-1956 Comox B 17-Jan-1957 Comox B 2-Jul-1957 Cumberland B 13-Mar-1959 Cumberland G.H. M 11-Oct-1957 Comox, RCAF Chapel C 6-Oct-1957 Courtenay, age 13 hr St. John's months Ang. M 14-Mar-1959 RCAF Chapel Stanley Gordon ARG OLOFSSON 1-Apr-1959 6 d/o M/M F. Murphy of Pioneer, BC MURRAY MURRAY (boy) (girl) B B ARG ARG 4-Jul-1956 12-Dec-1956 Reginald OLIGNY 4-Jan-1949 not given 29-Jun-1956 Comox 6-Dec-1956 Comox, BC John Samual STEWART Frederick Charles WARWICK 2 d/o M/M James Munro, RCAF 8 d/o M/M C. O'Meara, sis/o Shirley Munro, bridesmaid. See 21 Dec 1955 p. 5 Engagement 9 7th birthday, d/o Mrs. Gordon Murdock, Union Bay news d/o M/M Douglas Murphy of Courtenay d/o M/M Robert Murphy, RCAF, Comox d/o M/M Douglas Murphy of Courtenay d/o M/M Gerald Murphy of Cumberland d/o M/M Gerald Murphy of Cumberland, Correction 25 Mar p. 6, girl not boy 5 d/o F/S & Mrs. R.J. Murphy of Comox. Photo included. See 16 Oct p. B3 Shower 6 s/o M/M Ian Murray, Comox 7 D/o M/M Harry Murray of Courtenay Surname MURRAY Given Ev en Date of Event t Place age/dob M 20-Oct-1956 Courtenay M 18-May-1957 Courtenay MURTSELL Frances Grace Carolyn Joyce Frank D MYERS NADASDI (boy) Margarite B M NAIRN (girl) B NAPIER Elizabeth+ D B2443 (girl) B 14-Jan-1957 Vancouver age 74 [Coquitlam] 8-Aug-1956 Comox 2-Nov-1957 Cumberland United manse 20-Feb-1958 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 2-Jul-1956 Bowser (age 57) (Comox) 8-Apr-1958 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 11-Oct-1958 St. Johns infant Anglican, Courtenay 2-Mar-1958 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 9-Sep-1956 Comox 19-Jan-1957 Comox 21-Mar-1946 not given 1-Jul-1957 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 13-May-1956 Campbell River 6-Sep-1956 Campbell River 23-Nov-1956 Comox, BC 3-Aug-1957 Campbell River 7-Sep-1956 Campbell River 16-Mar-1959 St. Joseph's, Comox MURTSELL NARTUB NAYLOR Sherry Lynne C hr NEGRIN (girl) B NEIDRAUER NEIDRAUER NEILSON NEIMI (boy) (girl) Billy Debra B B B B NELSON (boy) B NELSON (boy) B NELSON NELSON (boy) (boy) B B NELSON (girl) B NELSON (girl) B Spouse Richard THATCHER Gordon CLUCHEY Pape Date Issued r Pg ARG 24-Oct-1956 ARG 22-May-1957 ARG 23-Jan-1957 12 Born Sweden in 1883 Info/Kin 3 d/o M/M Wm Frank Murray. See Engagement 3 Oct p. 6 and Showers 17 Oct p. 16 4 d/o M/M Edwin Murtsell of Merville ARG David WAUGH ARG (Cpl.) 15-Aug-1956 6-Nov-1957 2 s/o M/M Robert Myers of Fanny Bay 3 d/o M/M Paul Nadasdi of Cumberland. See 30 Oct p. 6 & 13 Nov p. 5 Showers ARG 20-Feb-1958 4 d/o M/M William Nairn, Headquarters ARG 4-Jul-1956 1 Of Ganges, former teacher in Victoria ARG 16-Apr-1958 7 d/o M/M Robert Martin, Port Neville ARG 22-Oct-1958 8 d/o M/M Bruce Naylor of Victoria ARG 5-Mar-1958 Mr. Napier 2 d/o M/M Bruno Negrin, Oyster River ARG ARG ARG ARG 12-Sep-1956 12 s/o M/M Delbert Neidrauer of Courtenay 6-Feb-1957 9 d/o M/M Dalbert Neidrauer of Courtenay 28-Mar-1956 12 10th birthday, Denman Island news 30-Jul-1958 10 d/o M/M A.O. Neimi of Lake Trail, 1st birthday ARG 16-May-1956 ARG 12-Sep-1956 12 s/o M/M Gerald Nelson of Campbell River ARG ARG 28-Nov-1956 14-Aug-1957 ARG 12-Sep-1956 12 d/o M/M Earl Nelson of Campbell River ARG 18-Mar-1959 7 s/o M/M Gordon Nelson of Quathiaski Cove 7 s/o M/M Howard Nelson, RR2 Courtenay 5 s/o M/M Leslie Nelson of Campbell River 6 d/o M/M Harvey Nelson of Courtenay Surname NELSON Given Ev en Date of Event t Place NESSILA Carol Ann M bef 8 May Mimico, 1957 Ontario (girl) B 10-Sep-1958 Comox NEUFELD (boy) B NEUWLY Rosalie Marie Jean Eleanore M NEWMAN NEWSON (girl) Doug B M NEWTON Anthony M NEZIC Frank M NEZIC Lilyan D NICHOLLS Terrance Donne M NICHOLS B NICKLIN Barbara Gail Barbara Gail Marjorie NICOL (boy) B NIEDRAUER Wilhelmina M NIEMI NIKOLAISEN (girl) (boy) NEWHOUSE NICHOLS M D D B B age/dob 16-May-1957 Campbell River 16-Feb-1957 Comox, CAF Chapel 17-Aug-1957 Comox, RCAF Station 14-Mar-1959 not given 27-Jun-1959 Comox, St. Peter's 9-May-1958 Cape Mudge, Walker Church 10-May-1958 Cumberland United Church 23-Jan-1958 Vancouver age 44 G.H. 11-Aug-1956 West Vancouver, St. Anthony's RC 6-Feb-1956 Comox Spouse Philip Leonard ARG LEBRUN ARG 17-Sep-1958 ARG 29-May-1957 Sgt. George ARG Mercer DAWE W/C Terence ARG J. EVANS 6-Mar-1957 ARG Donna Marie ARG CRESSWELL Jean Elizabeth ARG ASSU 8-May-1957 Pg Info/Kin 3 d/o M/M W. Nelson of Toronto 6 d/o M/M Harold Nessila of Courtenay. See also Denman Island news, page 3 4 s/o M/M David G. Neufeld of Campbell River 5 d/o M/M J. Neuwly of New Westminster 28-Aug-1957 11 d/o Mr. E.M. Newhouse of Seattle & Mrs. C.M. Newhouse of Oakland, CA 18-Mar-1959 24-Jun-1959 6 d/o M/M Jack Newman, RCAF 8 Engagement announced. Marriage not confirmed 14-May-1958 3 s/o M/M Wm. Roberts of Campbell River Marie KRPAN ARG 14-May-1958 4 Res of Cumberland Frank NEZIC ARG 29-Sep-1958 4 Nee PICKETTI of Cumberland Mary Ann FERRARIO ARG 15-Aug-1956 3 s/o M/M Donne Nicholls. See also 25 Jul p. 13 announcement ARG 8-Feb-1956 3-Nov-1956 Vancouver, 06-Feb-56 BC 9-Jan-1957 Vancouver, age 45 Francis Arthur BC NICKLIN 9-Jan-1956 Campbell River 28-Sep-1957 Courtenay, Harold Leo St. George's John INMAN 16-Jul-1957 Comox 6-Feb-1957 Campbell River Pape Date Issued r 3 d/o M/M Stanley Nichols, RCAF ARG 14-Nov-1956 10 Christened 26 Feb 1956, lengthy illness ARG 16-Dec-1957 ARG 18-Jan-1956 11 s/o M/M Raymond Nicol of Bloedel ARG 2-Oct-1957 ARG ARG 24-Jul-1957 13-Feb-1957 3 Res of Aspen Grove, funeral at Merritt, BC 5 d/o M/M D. Niedrauer of Courtenay 4 d/o M/M A.O. Niemi of Courtenay 5 s/o M/M Gilbert Nikolaisen of Campbell River Surname NIKOLAISEN Given Ev en Date of Event t Place C. (Mr. and M Mrs.) Gilbert M 26-Feb-1924 not given 14-Apr-1956 Courtenay, St. George's NIKOLAISEN Helen M Marie Janet Ann B 25-Jan-1957 Cumberland, BC 25-Mar-1956 Comox NIKOLAISON (boy) NINATTI (girl) NISSILA Harold Leslie Judy NIKOLAISEN NIKOLAISEN NIXON NOBBS age/dob 2-Apr-1959 Campbell River G.H. B 18-Mar-1959 Cumberland Hospital M 13-Oct-1956 Vancouver, BC M ? 1959 ? 26-Apr-1957 Comox NOBLE NOBLE (boy) B NOBLE (boy) B NOBLE (boy) B NOBLE (boy) B NOBLE NOBLE NOBLE John Robert William Herbert John+B24 77 D B M 18-May-1957 Nanaimo age 83 25-Aug-1949 not given 2-Feb-1957 Cumberland D 3-Nov-1957 Cumberland age 73 NORDIN (boy) B NUGENT NUNN (girl) Carol B B Pg Info/Kin 4-Mar-1959 Lisa LARSEN ARG 25-Apr-1956 2 s/o M/M Chris Nikolaisen James WILLIAMS ARG 30-Jan-1957 5 d/o Mrs. Arthur Nankivel of Victoria ARG 28-Mar-1956 Shirley Ella McINTYRE Roy ERICKSON Iris Elizabeth BERRY 15-Dec-1956 Campbell River, BC 19-Sep-1957 Cumberland, BC 2-Mar-1958 Vancouver G.H. 10-Apr-1958 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 20-Apr-1958 St. Joseph's, Comox 25-Oct-1958 North Surrey, BC 13-Mar-1957 Comox 17-May-1944 not given Pape Date Issued r ARG B Kenneth+B M 2456 (boy) B NORD Spouse Louise Noble Dorothy Ann NUNNS 6 35th anniversary, guests named, parents of Bob and Jim ARG 3 d/o M/M R.Nikolaisen, bro/o Chris, christened, ARG 18 Jul p. 14 18-Apr-1959 12 s/o Mrs. G. Nikolaison, in Willow Point news ARG 25-Mar-1959 ARG 24-Oct-1956 16 Bro/o Keo Nissila, best man ARG ARG 25-Feb-1959 10 Engagement announced, Hornby Island news. Marriage not confirmed 8-May-1957 3 s/o M/M Nobbs of Calgary. Also on page 7 ARG 19-Dec-1956 7 s/o M/M John Noble of Surge Narrows ARG 25-Sep-1957 4 s/o M/M George Noble of Cumberland ARG 5-Mar-1958 ARG 16-Apr-1958 7 s/o M/M Raymond Noble ARG 23-Apr-1958 4 s/o M/M John Noble of Whaletown ARG ARG ARG 5-Jun-1957 10-Sep-1958 6-Feb-1957 8 7 sons 2 dtrs not named 5 9th birthday, s/o M/M George Noble 5 s/o M/M W. H. Noble of North Vancouver ARG 6-Nov-1957 ARG 29-Oct-1958 ARG ARG 20-Mar-1957 23-May-1956 6 d/o M/M Norman Ninatti 2 s/o M/M Herbert Noble, nee Dorothy Nunns 6 Born in Nova Scotia, 60 years in Cumberland, no family mentioned. See Card of Thanks 13 Nov page 5 6 s/o M/M C. J. Nordin 5 d/o M/M Terence Nugent of Courtenay 8 12th birthday, d/o Mrs. G. Nunn, Willow Point news Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t Place NUNN Connie B NUNN Norman Victor M 24-May-1958 Courtenay, St. George's NUNNS Dorothy Ann M 2-Feb-1957 Cumberland NURMI D NUTBROWN Heikki Andew (girl) NUTTALL (boy) NUTTALL Bob NYLUND (boy) OAK (girl) B OAKES (girl) B OBELL M O'BRENNAN O'BRENNAN O'BRIEN George Ion, LAC (boy) (girl) Sheila O'CONNER William M O'CONNOR ODEBUST (girl) Nellie B M ODOWICHUK (girl) B OFFERSEN Henning M OHS (girl) B age/dob Spouse 3-Feb-1943 not given B B M 8-May-1956 Comox, BC 6-Nov-1958 Comox 7-Jul-1956 Vancouver, BC 9-Aug-1956 Campbell River, St. Peter's 12-Oct-1958 not given 17-Aug-1957 Courtenay 19-Sep-1956 Campbell River 11-Jul-1959 Courtenay, St. John's 17-Feb-1956 Comox Info/Kin 11-Feb-1959 ARG 4-Jun-1958 8 s/o M/M David Victor Nunn, West Saanich, Royal Oak, Victoria William herbert ARG NOBLE 6-Feb-1957 5 d/o M/M A. R. Nunns of Cumberland ARG 18-Sep-1957 5 s/o Mrs. Nurmi of Finland, bro/o Eli Nurmi of Merville ARG 21-Jan-1959 6 d/o M/M Brenton Nutbrown, RCAF Edna Joyce BAILEY B 11-Mar-1958 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 29-Jun-1957 Campbell River 11-Jun-1958 Courtenay Pg ARG 13-Sep-1957 Merville, BC age 50 16-Jan-1959 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox B 19-Sep-1956 Campbell River M bef 7 Mar not given 1956 B 20-Jun-1958 St. Joseph's, Comox Pape Date Issued r ARG 5 16th birthday, d/o Mrs. Dorothy Nunn, Willow Point news 3-Oct-1956 13 s/o M/M Robert Nuttall Jr. of Campbell River Shirley WELLS ARG 7-Mar-1956 ARG 25-Jun-1958 4 s/o M/M John Nylund, Qualicum ARG 12-Mar-1958 4 d/o M/M Ray Oak, RCAF ARG LENNON, Vera ARG Diane ARG ARG Denny GEIDT ARG Freda Doreene ARG LIVINGSTON Charles ARNOLD ARG ARG ARG Ivy Rose STURGESS 6 Shower for bride of Campbell River 3-Jul-1957 11 d/o M/M Cleland Oakes 18-Jun-1958 4B s/o m/m Ion Orbell, Regina, SK 16-May-1956 7 s/o M/M Morley O'Brennan of Kelsey Bay 12-Nov-1958 12 d/o M/M M. O'Brennan of Kelsey Bay 11-Jul-1956 11 d/o M/M M. O'Brien of Dove Creek 15-Aug-1956 2 s/o Mrs. Ann O'Conner of Makinak, Manitoba 15-Oct-1958 12 d/o M/M Bill O'Connor, Willow Point news 21-Aug-1957 13 d/o M/M O. Odebust of Merville 3-Oct-1956 13 d/o M/M Mike Odowichuk of Campbell River ARG 24-Jun-1959 ARG 22-Feb-1956 5 s/o M/M E. Offersen of Farum, Denmark, engagement announced. Marriage not confirmed 7 d/o MM Donald Ohs of Courtenay Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t OLAFSON Florence OLDALE OLIGNY Thomas (Mr. and Mrs.) (girl) (girl) Roxanne Jeanette (boy) OLIGNY Reginald OLNEY Anna Jane M OLOFSSON M OLSON Stanley Gordon Adolph Bernhard Barbara (twin) Joanne (twin) Charles O'MALLEY O'NEIL OLDER OLDER OLIGNEY OLSEN OLSEN OLSEN O'NEILL ORBELL ORR ORR ORR OSTERBERG Place age/dob M 1-Mar-1956 Courtenay U.C. M abt Mar 1900 Sheffield, England B B B B M D Spouse John STELFOX Pape Date Issued r ARG ARG 10-Oct-1957 Comox 9-Nov-1958 Comox 25-Jul-1956 Cumberland 14-May-1958 Cumberland Hospital 29-Dec-1955 Union Bay U.C. 12-May-1956 Campbell River, St. Peter's 14-Mar-1959 RCAF Chapel 31-Mar-1956 Courtenay age 81 Pg Info/Kin 29-Feb-1956 6 d/o M/M O. Olafson of Moose Jaw, Sask., announcement. Writeup on 7 Mar page 6 7-Mar-1956 11 56th anniversary, children named ARG ARG ARG 16-Oct-1957 4 d/o M/M Arthur Older, RCAF 12-Nov-1958 12 d/o M/M Arthur Older of Courtenay 1-Aug-1956 11 d/o M/M Reg Oligney ARG 21-May-1958 Marie MUNRO ARG 4-Jan-1956 William Walter ARG SACHT 16-May-1956 Rosa Ceone MURPHY ARG 1-Apr-1959 ARG 4-Apr-1956 6 s/o M/M John Oligny of Fanny Bay 8 Reception at home of Nat Oligny. See 21 Dec 1955 p. 5 Engagement 2 d/o Mr. Julian Olney of Alert Bay 6 s/o M/M J. Olofsson of Vancouver B 10-Apr-1945 not given ARG 1 Heart attack at train station, res of Minto. See 11 April page 12, father of Mr. A.L. Olsen, service held 18-Apr-1956 12 11th birthday, d/o Mrs. Doris Olsen of Comox B 10-Apr-1945 not given ARG 18-Apr-1956 12 11th birthday, d/o Mrs. Doris Olsen of Comox M 12-Nov-1908 Phoenix, BC ARG 19-Nov-1958 (boy) B ARG 5-Mar-1958 2 s/o M/M Robert O'Malley, RCAF Steven Robert Thomas Francis B 26-Feb-1958 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 4-Oct-1958 Comox ARG 8-Oct-1958 M 9-Feb-1958 Esquimalt Dorothy Anne ARG May TOWERS 26-Feb-1958 8 s/o M/M Robert O'Neil, RCAF, see 3 Dec 1958 page 6, baptism 7 No further info (girl) (boy) Alexander Richard Frederick Elmer Shirley Marie B B D M 8-Dec-1958 Comox, BC 1-Jul-1957 Comox 11-Nov-1938 Campbell River 17-Mar-1956 Victoria M 17-Mar-1956 Qualicum Hilma BRUSK age 28 Patricia May HOY Robert Alexander MAXWELL 2 50th anniversary, interesting article ARG ARG ARG 10-Dec-1958 8 d/o M/M I.G. Orbell, RCAF 3-Jul-1957 11 s/o M/M Fred Orr of Courtenay 19-Nov-1958 4 "20 years ago" logging accident ARG 29-Feb-1956 ARG 6 Parents not named, engagement announcement. See 21 Mar page 7 Wedding, s/o Elmer Orr 28-Mar-1956 12 d/o M/M E. Osterberg of Franklin River Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t OSTROM Mary Gladys M OSTRUM Paul M OTTERSON OULTON (boy) (girl) B B OVINGTON (boy) B OVINGTON Donnie OWEN Julia Ada PAGDIN Joanne Mae Joanne Mae PAGDIN 25-Jan-1958 Vancouver, Our Lady of Sorrows 1-Aug-1956 Vancouver Spouse Pape Date Issued r 4 No further info not given ARG 15-Aug-1956 3 Cousin of Mrs. H.A. McNicol of Dove Creek, Social news ARG ARG 24-Sep-1958 23-Apr-1958 4 s/o M/M Ivan Otterson of Kelsey Bay 4 d/o M/M George Oulton, RCAF ARG 19-Dec-1956 7 s/o M/M Ovington of Cumberland 20-Sep-1958 Comox, BC 15-Apr-1958 St. Joseph's, Comox Percy OWEN ARG 3-Dec-1958 B3 s/o Mrs. J. Ovington, Merville news, 4th birthday ARG 1-Oct-1958 ARG 18-Apr-1956 ARG 29-Jan-1957 Comox 5-Apr-1957 Comox 27-Jun-1957 Campbell River 3-Apr-1956 Comox 21-May-1957 Campbell River 5-Jan-1956 Campbell River ARG ARG ARG PALMER PALMER (girl) (girl) B B PALMGREN Henry D PAPP (boy) B PAPSO Michael D PARDIAC Donald Joseph Roy Joseph M Dr. Allan F. M 19-Jul-1958 New Westminster 5 d/o M/M Tom Pagdin of Courtenay, gd/o M/M L.B. Long of Edmonton. See 29 Aug page 10 christening 29-Aug-1956 10 d/o M/M Tom Pagdin of Courtenay, gd/o M/M L.B. Long of Edmonton 6-Feb-1957 7 d/o M/M Nesto Page, RCAF 10-Apr-1957 2 s/o M/M Donald Palmer, RCAF, Comox 3-Jul-1957 11 s/o M/M Raymond O. Palmer of Campbell River 4-Apr-1956 29-May-1957 6 d/o M/M Thomas Palmer, RCAF, Courtenay 4 d/o M/M Alexander D.J. Palmer, Campbell River age 81 yrs Mrs. Palmgren ARG 11 mos 11-Jan-1956 ARG 11-Mar-1959 8 Born in Sweden 1874, family named. See page 7, Card of Thanks by Mrs. Astrid Pearson, Martin & Carl Palmgren 2 s/o M/M F. Papp of Black Creek Mrs. Papso ARG 8-Apr-1959 Bonita Agnes McKAY Janet Mae HAAS ARG 6-Nov-1957 ARG 31-Dec-1958 7 s/o M/M A. Pardiac, Courtenay, engagement announced 3 Dec page 5 Diana Joan STEWART ARG 13-Aug-1958 2 s/o M/M Fred H. Parfitt of New Westminster, to res. Courtenay 2-Apr-1959 Campbell age 48 River Hosp. 26-Oct-1957 Courtenay 27-Dec-1958 Courtenay, Can. Martyrs 1 Born St. Ives, England, m/o 1 son, 5 dtrs ARG ARG 8-Mar-1959 St. Joseph's, Comox M Info/Kin 12-Feb-1958 19-Aug-1956 Courtenay, St. George's B B B Pg Adrian Gregory ARG SMITH C hr (girl) (boy) (boy) PARFITT age/dob 18-Dec-1956 Cumberland, BC B abt 22 Nov not given 1954 D 25-Sep-1958 Little River, age 67 BC B 15-Apr-1956 Comox PAGE PALMER PALMER PARDIAC Place 1 Born in Czechoslovakia, wife died abt 1950, children named, bur. Courtenay Cemetery 7 s/o M/M Adam Pardiac. See 23 Oct p. 6 two showers Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t Place PARKER PARKER PARKER PARKER (boy) (girl) (girl) (girl) B B B B PARKER (girl) B PARKER Ann D 13-Aug-1956 Comox PARKER Charles Edward M PARKER Walter Sanford (boy) M George Victor Harold William George John Irene H. M PARLBY age/dob Spouse Info/Kin 17-Dec-1958 27-Mar-1957 3-Apr-1957 14-Aug-1957 2 5 5 5 ARG 23-Apr-1958 4 d/o M/M Chales Parker of Comox Mr. Parker ARG 15-Aug-1956 29-Jun-1956 Courtenay, St. George's Vanda Shirley YORK ARG 22-Feb-1958 Regina, Sask. 8-Feb-1959 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 7-Jan-1957 Cumberland Barbara Ann MARRIOTT ARG 5-Mar-1958 ARG 11-Feb-1959 ARG 9-Jan-1957 M bef 24 Oct Union Bay, 1956 BC D 17-Apr-1958 Willow Point age 84 Jacqueline Ann ARG CULLEN Mrs. Parkinson ARG 24-Oct-1956 3 s/o M/M W.E. Parkin of Courtenay 23-Apr-1958 4 Lived with stepson G. G. Adams M 13-Jul-1957 Courtenay, St. George's Sidney Richard ARG WOODS 24-Jul-1957 3 d/o M/M D. J. Parlby of Royston Reginald Bernard M 18-Aug-1956 Courtenay, St. George's Patricia Allison ARG TREEN PARLEE Carolyn ARG PARNHAM Charles B abt 15 Apr not given 1943 M 26-Jul-1906 Cumberland PARRISH Jane M PARRY (boy) B PASCHUK Sylvia M PARKIN PARKIN PARKINSON PARLBY B Comox Comox Comox Campbell River 21-Apr-1958 St. Joseph's, Comox Pg ARG ARG ARG ARG PARKIN 11-Dec-1958 26-Mar-1957 26-Mar-1957 31-Jul-1957 Pape Date Issued r 6-Apr-1957 New South Wales, Australia 19-May-1956 Campbell River, BC 27-Jul-1957 Campbell River Baptist age 90 Jean McKAY s/o M/M Charles Parker of Comox d/o M/M Charles Parker d/o M/M Charles Parker of Comox d/o M/M Earl Parker of Campbell River 7 Born Yorkshire, England, res of Qualicum, funeral at St. Stephen's U.C., Qualicum 4-Jul-1956 13 S/o M/M C.E. Parker of Comox 3 No further info 4 s/o M/M John Parkin of Courtenay 7 No further info 22-Aug-1956 11 s/o M/M R.C. Parlby of Victoria, other family named. See 18 Jul p. 6 Engagement 18-Apr-1956 3 13th birthday, Kelsey Bay/Sayward news Bertha Isabelle ARG CAMERON 1-Aug-1956 14 50th wedding anniversary Brian AULT 5-Jun-1957 17 d/o M/M B. Parrish of Courtenay. See 20 Mar p. 6 Engagement ARG ARG Roy Hahn ARG 23-May-1956 2 s/o M/M John L. Parry of Campbell River 7-Aug-1957 13 d/o Mrs. Mary Paschuk of Chilliwack (letters missing in first name). See page 13 Shower Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t Place PATRICK PATTEN (girl) (boy) B B PATTERSON (boy) B PATTERSON PATTERSON (girl) Brenda B B PATTERSON James D PAUL (girl) B PAULS (girl) B PAVELOCK Fabian M 28-Dec-1957 Port Alberni, Holy Family PEACEY Irene Maude M 2-May-1959 Cumberland, Holy Trinity PEACOCK Sheila Madeline M PEARCE Kathleen Ann M 11-Jan-1958 Vancouver, St. Helen's Ang. 11-Oct-1958 Courtenay, St. George's PEARSE PEARSE (girl) (girl) B B PEARSE Norman Hargreave s (boy) (girl) Gloria Alice M PEBERNAT PEBERNAT PECKHAM age/dob Spouse 14-Dec-1956 Comox, BC 10-May-1956 Campbell River 18-Dec-1958 Cumberland, BC 13-Feb-1957 Cumberland 17-Jan-1953 not given 9-Apr-1959 Nanaimo age 65 23-Feb-1957 Campbell River 17-Apr-1958 St. Joseph's, Comox 13-Apr-1956 Comox 10-Aug-1958 Cumberland G.H. 12-Oct-1957 Cumbeland U.C. B B M PEDERSEN S. 21-Jul-1956 Comox 24-Jun-1957 Comox 4-Aug-1956 RCAF Prot. Chapel, Comox B abt 7 Jan 1876 not given PEDERSON (boy) B 22-Oct-1958 Comox, BC Pape Date Issued r Pg Info/Kin ARG ARG 19-Dec-1956 16-May-1956 7 d/o M/M George Patrick, RCAF, Comox 7 s/o M/M Garnet A. Patten of Quathiaski Cove ARG 24-Dec-1958 6 s/o M/M Henry Patterson of Cumberland ARG ARG 20-Feb-1957 1-Feb-1956 ARG 15-Apr-1959 ARG 6-Mar-1957 5 d/o M/M Henry Patterson of Cumberland 8 3rd birthday, guests named (not parents), Cumberland news 2 bro/o Jack Patterson, uncle/o M/M Wm. Slaughter and Henry Patterson 5 d/o M/M Noel B. Paul, Campbell River ARG 23-Apr-1958 4 d/o M/M Peter Pauls Gladys Elizabeth WALE William ROTHERY ARG ARG 13-May-1959 6 d/o M/M E. Peacey of Millard's Beach. See 22 Apr p. 8 Shower Charles Cliffe MIDWINTER ARG 29-Jan-1958 3 d/o M/M George D. Peacock of Haney J. Oliver DAILEY ARG 15-Oct-1958 ARG ARG 18-Apr-1956 13-Aug-1958 2 d/o M/M H.C. Pearce of Courtenay. See also page 5, and 3 Sep page 7 engagement and 8 Oct page 3, 15 Oct page 2 Showers 5 d/o M/M Benny Pearse of Cumberland 4 d/o M/M Norman Pearse of Cumbeland Irene Margaret ARG MARSHALL 16-Oct-1957 2 s/o M/M W. Pearse of Minto ARG ARG ARG 25-Jul-1956 26-Jun-1957 15-Aug-1956 5 s/o M/M Stanley Pebernat of Bella Coola 5 d/o M/M Leonard Pebernat of Courtenay 5 d/o F/S & Mrs. D.W. Peckham of Wallace Gardens, Comox. See 25 Jul p. 13 Shower ARG 11-Jan-1956 8 80th birthday, father of Mr. Ollie Pedersen of Courtenay ARG 29-Oct-1958 6 s/o M/M Robert Pederson of Courtenay David TABBERNOR (RCAF) 8-Jan-1958 11 RCMP constable, s/o M/M F. N. Pavelock of Kenaston, Sask. Surname PEDERSON Given Ev en Date of Event t Place Severin (Mr. and Mrs.) Randall William M 10 Aug 1898 M 15-Sep-1956 Courtenay, St. George's PEERSON (girl) B 25-Feb-1959 St. Joseph's, Comox PEETS Jimmy PELLETIER PEMBERTON (girl) (boy) PENDLEBURY Alice (Mrs.) PENNER (girl) M bef 3 Dec not given 1958 B 28-Feb-1956 Comox B 5-Jan-1959 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox M 3-Oct-1956 Comox RCAF Chapel B 10-Mar-1959 St. Joseph's, Comox PENNER (girl) B 17-Mar-1959 St. Joseph's, Comox PENNER M 21-Oct-1957 St. Thomas PERRIMAN Marvel Irene (boy) PETERS (boy) PETERS (girl) PETERSEN Karen Elizabeth PETERSON PETERSON (boy) (girl) B B PETERSON (girl) B PEEBLES age/dob Spouse Norway 10-Nov-1956 Campbell River, BC B 23-Jan-1959 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox B bef 24 Dec West 1958 Vancouver, BC M 27-Jun-1959 Comox U.C. Helen Ina CRAWFORD Carolyn ? James McFARLANE Eric M. ROBERTS B 29-Aug-1958 SJH 16-Apr-1957 Campbell River 26-Jan-1958 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox Peter Lawrence SANFORD Pape Date Issued r Pg Info/Kin ARG 13-Aug-1958 6 60th anniversary, 12 childen, 33 grandch, 32 great grandch. ARG 19-Sep-1956 5 s/o late J.R./Mrs. Peebles of Quesnel, wedding writeup ARG 4-Mar-1959 6 d/o M/M John Peerson, RCAF ARG 10-Dec-1958 B2 Shower for couple, Quadra Island news ARG ARG 29-Feb-1956 7-Jan-1959 7 d/o M/M Jean Paul Pelletier, RCAF Comox 4 s/o M/M Roland Pemberton, RCAF ARG 17-Oct-1956 3 Owner of Buckley Bay store ARG 18-Mar-1959 6 d/o M/M Jake Penner of Black Creek ARG 18-Mar-1959 6 d/o M/M Edward Penner, RCAF ARG 6-Nov-1957 ARG 14-Nov-1956 5 s/o M/M Donald Perriman of Campbell River ARG 28-Jan-1959 6 s/o M/M Carroll Peters, RCAF ARG 24-Dec-1958 5 d/o M/M Milton Peters of West Vancouver, gd/o Mrs. T.A.L. Smith, formerly of Hornby Island ARG 27-May-1959 7 d/o Mrs. Anna D. Petersen, engagement announced 7 d/o M/M Peter Penner ARG ARG 3-Sep-1958 12 s/o M/M Elwood Peterson of Black Creek 24-Apr-1957 6 d/o M/M Carl Peterson of Heriot Bay ARG 29-Jan-1958 4 d/o M/M Sigurd Peterson Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t PETERSON (girl) B PETERSON PETIT PETIT PETTERSEN Gerry (boy) (girl) Beverly Louise PETTERSEN Place age/dob Spouse Pape Date Issued r Info/Kin ARG B B B C hr 1-Mar-1958 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 10-Nov-1948 not given 24-May-1957 Comox 6-Nov-1958 Comox 25-Dec-1958 Courtenay, child St. George's ARG ARG ARG ARG 14-Nov-1956 5 8th birthday, s/o M/M S.B. Peterson, bro/o Grant 29-May-1957 4 s/o M/M Gilbert Petit, RCAF Comox 12-Nov-1958 12 d/o M/M G. Petit, RCAF 31-Dec-1958 6 d/o M/M O. R. Pettersen Carol Dorothy C hr 25-Dec-1958 Courtenay, child St. George's ARG 31-Dec-1958 PEZEL PEZEL (girl) Linda B D ARG ARG 6-Mar-1957 5-Nov-1958 PHILLIPS (girl) B ARG 1-May-1957 PHILLIPS PHILLIPS Barbara Barbara B B 1-Mar-1957 Comox 30-Oct-1958 Qualicum Beach, BC 22-Apr-1957 Campbell River 2-Feb-1947 not given 2-Feb-1947 not given PHILLIPSON (boy) B 24-May-1958 St. Joseph's, Comox ARG PHILP (girl) B ARG PHIPPS PHYE Ronald W. M Douglas M Albert Alfred T. D 21-Feb-1958 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 31-Dec-1956 Cumberland 2-Aug-1958 Cumberland PICKARD PICKARD PICKERING PICKERING PICKERING PICKLES Philip Harvey (boy) Keith (LAC) D Russell Albert (RCN) (boy) M B M B age 19 mos. 9-May-1958 Charlottetow age 79 n, PEI 25-Oct-1958 Wetaskiwin, Alberta 24-Sep-1956 Comox 16-Mar-1956 Comox, RCAF Chapel 26-Oct-1956 Naden Church, Esquimalt 21-Jul-1956 Comox ARG ARG Joy MOUNCE Nola Lynn GRAY Mrs. Pickard ARG ARG 5-Mar-1958 Pg 2 d/o M/M Martin Peterson 6 d/o M/M O. R. Pettersen 5 d/o M/M P. Pezel of Qualicum 6 Born in Comox, gd/o M/M Potkonjak of Cumberland, sis/o John & Michael Pezel 3 d/o M/M Raymond Phillips of Campbell River 8-Feb-1956 10 9th birthday at Cumberland, guests named 11-Feb-1959 2 12th birthday, d/o Mrs. Wally Phillips of Cumberland, gd/o Mrs. Pete Phillips 28-May-1958 6 s/o M/M Alvin Phillipson of Black Creek (paper says THRILIPPSEN) 26-Feb-1958 4 d/o M/M Joseph Philp, Comox 2-Jan-1957 12 s/o M/M G. Phipps of Penticton 6-Aug-1958 11 s/o M/M Albert Phye of Merville ARG 21-May-1958 ARG 29-Oct-1958 6 Uncle of Gordon Pickard & Nora Fitzgerald 6 s/o M/M W. J. Pickard, other family ARG Barbara SMITH ARG 3-Oct-1956 13 s/o M/M Cyril Pickering, RCAF Comox 28-Mar-1956 11 No further info Joyce Edwina STEFANSON 14-Nov-1956 13 s/o M/M G.H. Pickering of Sault Ste Marie, Ont., lengthy item ARG ARG 25-Jul-1956 5 s/o M/M Fred Pickles of Courtenay Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t Place PICKWICK (boy) B 5-May-1958 St. Joseph's, Comox PIDCOCK PIERCY (boy) Donna Margaret B M 24-Aug-1956 Comox 28-Mar-1959 St. Andrew's Anglican PIERCY George Elliott Isabella B bef 19 Sep not given 1956 D 15-Nov-1957 Comox PIERCY Kenneth Irvine B PIERCY Lola Irene M PIERCY Matthew M 15 Jul 1897 PIERCY D 4-Dec-1957 Courtenay PIERPOINT PIKET Matthew Austin (girl) (boy) B B 13-Sep-1958 Comox 9-May-1958 St. Joseph's, Comox PIKET Gerrit M 4-Apr-1959 Vancouver, First United PIKET PIKET PILKEY PILKINGTON Judy Trudy (boy) (girl) B B B B 25-Oct-1950 25-Oct-1950 27-Jan-1957 10-May-1958 PILKINGTON Barry PILKINGTON Valerie Mae PILLBEAM S.A. (Mrs.) B abt 1 Nov 1868 PIERCY age/dob Spouse Pape Date Issued r Pg Info/Kin ARG 7-May-1958 ARG ARG 29-Aug-1956 8-Apr-1959 7 s/o M/M Richard Pidcock of Courtenay 5 d/o M/M Ward Piercy, Photo. See also 18 Mar p. 7 Engagement ARG 19-Sep-1956 ARG 20-Nov-1957 ARG 15-Oct-1958 5 s/o Dr/Mrs. G. Piercy of New Westminster, Denman Island news 1 Nee GRIEVE, 4 daughters named, long article. See also 27 Nov p. 3 re funeral & 12 Nov 1958 ,p. 7 In Memoriam 3 5th birthday, Denman Island news, s/o M/M Wes Piercy, christened 18 Sep 1955 (ARG 21 Sep page 8) ARG 15-Oct-1958 2 Photo & writeup. See also 3 Sep page 7 engagement; 1 Oct pages 3 and 10 ARG 10-Jul-1957 ARG 18-Dec-1957 ARG ARG 17-Sep-1958 14-May-1958 1 60th anniversary in Courtenay. See also 17 Jul page 7 re family 5 Born in Grantham, 2 bros & 1 sis. See card of thanks 11 Dec p. 7 6 d/o M/M John Pierpoint, RCAF 4 s/o M/M Harold Piket of Fanny Bay ARG 15-Apr-1959 not given not given Comox St. Joseph's, Comox ARG ARG ARG ARG 5-Nov-1958 5-Nov-1958 6-Feb-1957 14-May-1958 M 10-Nov-1956 Courtenay, St. George's Pauline ARG Frances LONG C hr 17-May-1959 Willow Point age 1 S.S. Hall William Victor EDWARDS age 95 Sam PIERCY 1-Oct-1953 not given 27-Sep-1958 St. Andrew's Anglican Maclyn Wallace SINCLAIR Elizabeth COMB Sandwick Kent, England age 67 Gladys Winnifred SKINNER ARG ARG 4 s/o M/M Ferdinand Pickwick 6 s/o M/M Derick Piket of Vancouver. See 4 Feb p. 5 Engagement, 1 Apr p. 5 shower & party 3 3 9 4 8th birthday, twin do M/M L. Piket of Union Bay 8th birthday, twin do M/M L. Piket of Union Bay s/o M/M Alfred Pilkey, RCAF d/o M/M Barrie Pilkington of Campbell River (says TILKINGTON but should be PILKINGTON) 14-Nov-1956 13 s/o M/M William Pilkington of Victoria, lengthy item 20-May-1959 11 d/o M/M G. Pilkington, Willow Point 5-Nov-1958 2 90th birthday, m/o Mr. L. Pillbeam of Portland, Oregon, celebrated 60th anniversary in 1954 Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t Place PILUSO (boy) B PILUSO (girl) B PIMLOTT (boy) B PIMLOTT PIMLOTT PIMLOTT PISTO PISTO PISTO PISTO (boy) (girl) Donnalynn Marie (boy) (boy) (girl) Lori Ann B B C hr B B B C hr PLANIDEN PLATO (boy) (boy) B B PLATT (boy) B PLATT ? Mr. D 23-Oct-1948 not known PLAXTON Nairne D 14-Feb-1959 Vancouver PLOWRIGHT Frances M PLOWRIGHT Francis Edward Tena (Mrs.) D B D POLKINGHORNE (girl) Alice Norah Charles POLLARD (boy) B POLLOCK Malcolm Beaton D PLUMP PLUMSTEAD POCOCK M M age/dob Spouse Pape Date Issued r Pg Info/Kin 26-Mar-1957 Campbell River 27-Apr-1956 Campbell River 16-Apr-1956 Campbell River 21-Nov-1958 Comox, BC 24-May-1957 Comox 13-Apr-1958 Merville, St. infant? Mary's 8-Mar-1956 Comox 6-Feb-1957 Comox 11-Sep-1958 Comox 25-Dec-1958 Courtenay, child St. George's ARG 3-Apr-1957 5 s/o M/M Carmen Piluso of Campbell River ARG 2-May-1956 5 d/o M/M Carmen Piluso of Campbell River ARG 25-Apr-1956 8 s/o M/M Thos. A. Pimlott of Campbell River ARG ARG ARG 26-Nov-1958 29-May-1957 30-Apr-1958 4 s/o M/M George Pimlott of Courtenay 4 d/o M/M Charles Pimlott, Courtenay 9 d/o M/M Chas. Brian Pimlott of Grantham ARG ARG ARG ARG 14-Mar-1956 30-Jan-1957 17-Sep-1958 31-Dec-1958 7 7 6 6 17-Sep-1957 Comox 6-Dec-1956 Campbell River 6-Jun-1958 St. Joseph's, Comox ARG ARG 18-Sep-1957 12-Dec-1956 5 s/o M/M Paul Planiden of Comox 7 S/o M/M Walter L. Plato of Campbell River ARG 11-Jun-1958 4 s/o M/M Thomas Platt not known ARG 22-Oct-1958 Doris PLAXTON William Alexander ROBERTSON ARG age 59 8-Apr-1901 Toronto Ont. 28-Oct-1957 Vancouver, age 68 BC 28-Sep-1956 Courtenay, U.C. manse 25-Oct-1958 Comox, BC 11-Sep-1956 Deep Bay, BC 12-Jun-1917 Nanaimo 26-Mar-1956 Campbell River 25-Jan-1959 Victoria age 84 age 91 James DALZIEL ARG 5 In Memoriam, f/o Miles & Mary Platt of Calgary. Father not named, just "dad" 18-Feb-1959 6 Born in Winnipeg, family named, bur. Courtenay Cemetery 27-Aug-1958 B8 from obituary of William Robertson ARG 30-Oct-1957 ARG 10-Oct-1956 9 & Nee Damonte of Union Bay. See 24 Oct p. 12 re 12 celebration at Union Bay and 10 Oct p. 11 re shower ARG Montague ARG Pocock Margaret Elnor ARG RICHARDS ARG Mrs. Pollock s/o M/M Ernest Pisto of Comox s/o Fred and Mrs. Pisto of Courtenay d/o M/M F. Pisto of Courtenay d/o M/M A. Pisto ARG 1 Accidentally shot in Courtenay 29-Oct-1958 6 d/o F/O & Mrs. Marten Plumstead, RCAF 19-Sep-1956 12 Children named 19-Jun-1957 28-Mar-1956 5 40th Anniversary in Chase River, formerly of Cumberland 3 s/o M/M Robert Pollard of Campbell River 4-Feb-1959 B3 Born in Bruce Co., Ont, writeup with family. See also page B4 Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t PONTO POOLE POPE (boy) (boy) Brian B B M PORCHER (Miss) M PORTER (boy) B POTTAGE POTTER POWELL (boy) (boy) (girl) B B B POWELL Julia M POWELL Patricia Arlene M POWER (girl) B PRAIN PRAIN PRATT PRATT (boy) Catherine (boy) Allan Ronald B D B B PRENDERGAST (boy) B PRESTON PRICE (boy) (boy) B B PRICE (boy) B PRICE (boy) B PRICE (girl) B PRICE (girl) B Place age/dob 14-Dec-1956 Comox, BC 2-Oct-1957 Comox 11-Jul-1958 Comox, St. John's 27-Mar-1932 Winnipeg, Manitoba 11-May-1959 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 7-Dec-1956 Comox, BC 14-Oct-1956 Comox 4-Jul-1958 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 18-Feb-1956 not given 26-Sep-1958 Union Bay, United Church 2-Jul-1958 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 9-Nov-1956 Comox, BC 11-Jan-1957 Courtenay age 71 25-Mar-1957 Comox 13-Apr-1959 St. Joseph's, Comox 24-Apr-1956 Campbell River 25-Jul-1956 Comox 25-Sep-1956 Cumberland, BC 3-Sep-1957 Campbell River 4-Aug-1958 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 31-Jul-1958 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 9-Feb-1959 not given Spouse Pape Date Issued r Pg Info/Kin ARG ARG ARG 19-Dec-1956 9-Oct-1957 18-Jun-1958 ARG 3-Apr-1957 ARG 13-May-1959 6 s/o M/M Ralph Porter, RCAF ARG ARG ARG 12-Dec-1956 17-Oct-1956 9-Jul-1958 7 Son of M/M Alan Pottage of Miracle Beach 2 s/o M/M John Potter of Union Bay 5 d/o M/M Peter Powell of Comox Joe ULRICH ARG 22-Feb-1956 Donald HASTINGS ARG 3-Sep-1958 ARG 2-Jul-1958 2 Shower for Dove Creek bride. Wedding writeup on 7 Mar page 13 7 Engagement announced, d/o M/M Winston R. Powell of Parksville. See also 15 Oct p. 12 shower. No wedding found in paper. 5 d/o Dr/Mrs P.G. Power of Comox ARG John Prain Sr. ARG ARG ARG 14-Nov-1956 16-Jan-1957 27-Mar-1957 15-Apr-1959 ARG 2-May-1956 5 s/o M/M Leslie Prendergast of Quathiaski Cove ARG ARG 25-Jul-1956 3-Oct-1956 5 s/o M/M Frank Preston of Courtenay 5 ARG 11-Sep-1957 ARG 6-Aug-1958 2 s/o M/M Cyril Price, RCAF ARG 6-Aug-1958 2 d/o M/M Duncan Price, Courtenay ARG 18-Feb-1959 Dorothy Erica MEIER Henry STEFANSON 7 s/o M/M Raymond Ponto, RCAF, of Royston 4 s/o M/M Kenneth Poole of Courtenay 5 Engagement announced, no wedding found in paper 9 25th wedding anniversary, Comox 5 8 5 6 s/o M/M Gordon Prain of Courtenay Many relatives mentioned s/o M/M Gordon Pratt of Comox s/o M/M Ronald Pratt. See also 22 Apr p. 5 5 s/o M/M Robert Price of Campbell River 3 d/o M/M Norman Price of Cape Mudge, Quadra Island news Surname PRICE Given Ev en Date of Event t Place age/dob Cyril M Richard (LAC) Duncan H. M 15-Dec-1956 RCAF Chapel, Comox 18-Jan-1958 Courtenay, St. George's Thomas Babe (boy) Rosaline Eileen D 3-Feb-1958 Campbell age 13 River 22-Mar-1957 Comox 14-Apr-1956 Courtenay, St. George's PRITCHARD PRITCHARD (girl) (girl) B B PRIVATE Nicolas D PROCTOR PUGH (boy) (girl) B B PUGH B bef 29 May Vancouver 1957 M 31-Dec-1957 Comox, St. Peter's PULLEN PYETTE David Richard Edwin Gale (L.A.C.) (boy) Dale QNUDSON (girl) QUIBELL QUINN (boy) Mary QUINN QUOCKSISTER Rosalie (boy) QUOCKSISTER (girl) QUOCKSISTER (girl) PRICE PRICE PRIDY PRIDY PUGH B M Spouse Pape Date Issued r Pg Info/Kin Margaret ARG Louise LEVER 19-Dec-1956 9 d/o M/M C.A. Price of Cordova Bay, Victoria. See 21 Nov page 6 Engagement Alice Joanne BENNETT ARG 29-Jan-1958 3 s/o Ross H. Price of Cumberland ARG 5-Feb-1958 ARG ARG 27-Mar-1957 18-Apr-1956 4-Jul-1956 Comox 2-Mar-1958 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 19-Oct-1958 Comox age 74 ARG ARG 4-Jul-1956 5-Mar-1958 ARG 22-Oct-1958 4 Born in Belgium, to Canada 1912, bur. Cumberland Cemetery. Paper reversed name to "Private NICOLAS" 18-Jun-1957 Comox 19-Apr-1959 St. Joseph's, Comox ARG ARG 19-Jun-1957 22-Apr-1959 4 s/o M/M John Proctor, RCAF 6 d/o M/M Edwin Pugh, RCAF ARG ARG 29-May-1957 11 s/o M/M R. Pugh, nee Cherry Saaristo, gs/o Mrs. A. Saaristo of Merville, in Merville news 8-Jan-1958 11 s/o M/M James Pugh of Boissevain, MB ARG ARG 10-Apr-1957 26-Nov-1958 ARG 31-Dec-1958 ARG ARG 25-Jul-1956 11-Apr-1956 B 8-Apr-1957 Comox M bef 26 Nov not given 1958 B 21-Dec-1958 Campbell River, BC B 24-Jul-1956 Comox D 4-Apr-1956 Cumberland, age 62 BC B 8-Mar-1951 not given B 29-Aug-1956 Campbell River B 30-Jul-1957 Campbell River B 10-Sep-1957 Campbell River Dwight Glen CLAYTON Muriel Jean WILSON (L.A.W.) Patricia MARSDEN James A. QUINN 1 s/o M/M Tom Price, Campbell River Indian Reserve (not found in BC Archives) 5 s/o M/M John Pridy of Comox 2 d/o Mrs. Rose Ungarian of Manning, AB & Greg Pridy of New Westminster, wedding writeup. See 28 Mar p. 2 Shower and 4 Apr p. 6 Engagement 6 d/o M/M Donald Pritchard, Courtenay 2 d/o M/M Don Pritchard 2 s/o M/M Leonard Pullen, RCAF, Comox 9 Honeymooning on the Island from Kelowna, Merville news 5 d/o M/M J. Qnudson, in Willow Point news ARG ARG 5 s/o M/M Floyd Quibell of Courtenay 6 Mother of Mrs. C. Bryson Parnham, other family named, Banks Funeral Home 14-Mar-1956 2 5th birthday, d/o Mrs. A. Quinn 12-Sep-1956 20 s/o M/M George Quocksister of Campbell River ARG 14-Aug-1957 5 d/o M/M Joseph Quocksister of Campbell River ARG 25-Sep-1957 4 d/o M/M George Quocksister of Campbell River Surname RADFORD RADFORD Given Ev en Date of Event t Place age/dob Spouse Pape Date Issued r Info/Kin B D 20-May-1957 Comox 4-Dec-1956 Comox, BC age 81 D 13-Aug-1956 Comox age 55 D 15-Sep-1956 Victoria, BC age 25 E. A. RAE ARG D Mr. Rafter ARG ARG 28-Nov-1956 RAGA (boy) B ARG 6-Aug-1958 RAGA RAHN RAJOLA (girl) (boy) (boy) B B B ARG ARG ARG 18-Apr-1956 3-Apr-1957 5-Jun-1957 RANGER Linda B ARG 3-Dec-1958 RANKIN Archibald Edgar M 6-May-1957 Nanaimo age 58 [Vancouver] 24-Nov-1956 Cumberland, BC 2-Aug-1958 Campbell River G.H. 15-Apr-1956 Cumberland 2-Apr-1957 Comox 1-Jun-1957 Campbell River abt 30 Nov not given 1949 5-Oct-1957 Comox U.C. 19-Sep-1956 12 d/o Mrs. Blaseckie of Oyster Bay, leaves 2 dtrs, Kathy 5, Patti 4 22-May-1957 5 sis/ Mrs. Jessie Harvey of Courtenay RAGA (boy) Florence S. Harry Wallace Anne Kathleen Elizabeth B. (boy) ARG 9-Oct-1957 13 s/o M/M James P. Rankin of Courtenay RANKIN James Phillips D Norma Kathleen SMITH Alice Rankin ARG 28-Jan-1959 RATHWELL M Fay Frances McNISH ARG RATUSHNIAK Arthur Joseph (girl) 23-May-1956 11 From Valleyview, Alberta. See 2 May 1956 p. 6 Engagement 16-May-1956 7 d/o M/M Harry Ratushniak of Campbell River RAUSER Keith B RAUTENBERG (boy) B RAUTENBERG John Wolfgang M RAVEN RAY REABURN (boy) B (boy) B Alexander D RADFORD RAE RAFTER B B 21-Jan-1959 St. Joseph's age 54 Hospital, Comox 19-May-1956 Sandwick Anglican 9-May-1956 Campbell River abt 18 Apr not given 1952 30-Apr-1958 St. Joseph's, Comox 11-Aug-1956 Nanaimo, St. Paul's Ang. 10-Sep-1958 Comox 8-Sep-1956 Comox 26-Jul-1957 Cumberland born 1890 Artur L. RADFORD Edith Radford ARG ARG Pg ARG ARG Kay COOPER 22-May-1957 12-Dec-1956 7 s/o M/M Thomas Radford, Campbell River 9 Nee CLIFFE, pioneer family, born at Sandwick 3 Nov 1875, family named 15-Aug-1956 12 Family named 7 s/o M/M Norman Raga of Cumberland 2 s/o M/M George E. Raga 5 d/o M/M George Raga Jr. of Cumberland 5 s/o M/M John Rahn of Courtenay 4 s/o M/M Olavi Rajola of Campbell River 6 9th birthday, d/o M/M Ed Ranger, Cumberland news 3 F/o Archibald & Maurice, bur. Courtenay Cemetery ARG 22-Apr-1959 3 7th birthday, s/o Mrs. R. Rauser, in Willow Point news ARG 7-May-1958 4 s/o M/M J.W. Rautenberg ARG 22-Aug-1956 ARG ARG ARG 17-Sep-1958 6 s/o M/M William T. Raven of Bowser 12-Sep-1956 12 s/o M/M Kenneth Ray, RCAF, Comox 31-Jul-1957 7 Born Scotland, to Canada 1920, Banks Funeral, more info 3 s/o M/M J. E. Rautenberg of Courtenay Surname READ Given Ev en Date of Event t Place D 17-Oct-1958 Comox READY RECALMA RECALMA Richard David "Will" (girl) (girl) (girl) B B B RECALMA (girl) B REEDEL (girl) B REES Lloyd E. M REGAN (boy) REGNIER (girl) REID (boy) REID (girl) REID (girl) REID (girl) B bef 17 Dec at home 1958 B 26-Feb-1956 Campbell River B 16-Mar-1957 Campbell River B 1-Mar-1957 Campbell River B 11-Sep-1957 Campbell River B 21-Apr-1958 St. Joseph's, Comox REID D REINHOLD Agnes W.J. Francis Edward (girl) REMILLARD REMILLARD (girl) (girl) B B REMPEL RENNIE RENNIE (girl) B (girl) B Peter D Macmillan REID D B age/dob Spouse age 23 Pape Date Issued r Pg Info/Kin ARG 22-Oct-1958 1 RCAF, born Winnipeg, photo & writeup, car accident inquest 2-Dec-1956 Comox, BC 18-Mar-1956 Comox 31-Jan-1959 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 30-Apr-1959 St. Joseph's, Comox ARG ARG ARG 5-Dec-1956 21-Mar-1956 4-Feb-1959 8 d/o M/M Charles Ready of Comox 2 d/o M/M Raymond Recalma of Qualicum 4 d/o M/M Raymond Recalma, Qualicum ARG 6-May-1959 6 d/o M/M Arnold Recalma of Qualicum Beach 25-Dec-1956 Campbell River 19-Apr-1957 Vancouver ARG 9-Jan-1957 7 d/o M/M Irvine Reedel of Whaletown ARG 8-May-1957 7 s/o Mr. Kingman Rees of South Burnaby 22-Aug-1957 Langford, age 72 Victoria 3-Mar-1959 Courtenay age 16 (Comox) 15-Jan-1959 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 11-Aug-1956 Comox 14-Apr-1958 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 26-Jan-1957 Comox 20-Oct-1957 Comox 27-Dec-1955 Comox age 71 Mrs. Isabelle KEYES Peter Fowler REID ARG 17-Dec-1958 B3 s/o M/M D. Regan, Quadra Is. news ARG 29-Feb-1956 7 d/o M/M Andrew Regnier, Camp 1 Bloedel ARG 20-Mar-1957 5 s/o M/M H. Reid, Thurlow Island ARG 6-Mar-1957 5 d/o M/M D. Reid, Campbell River ARG 25-Sep-1957 4 d/o M/M Alexander Reid of Campbell River ARG 23-Apr-1958 4 d/o M/M Donald Reid of Qualicum ARG 18-Sep-1957 ARG 4-Mar-1959 ARG 21-Jan-1959 5 Former Union Bay nurse, m/o James M. Reid. See also 25 Sep p. 5 memorial service 1 s/o M/M John Reid of Marsden Road, Car accident on Cumberland Road 6 d/o M/M Frederick Reinhold, Black Creek ARG ARG 15-Aug-1956 16-Apr-1958 2 d/o M/M Paul Remillard, RCAF, Comox 7 d/o M/M Paul Remillard, RCAF ARG ARG ARG 6-Feb-1957 23-Oct-1957 11-Jan-1956 9 d/o M/M John Rempel, RCAF 4 d/o M/M James Rennie of Comox 7 Card of Thanks by family Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t Place age/dob RESTON (girl) B RETZER REYNOLDS REYNOLDS RHENDRESS RHINDRESS (girl) (boy) B 26-Feb-1956 Comox B 17-Jul-1957 Comox M ? 1959 ? B 5-Sep-1957 Comox M 7-Dec-1956 Union Bay RICE (girl) B RICHARDS (boy) B RICHARDS (girl) B RICHARDS Margaret Elnor M RICHARDS RICHARDSON Martin (boy) B B RICHARDSON (girl) B RICHARDSON Edward Roger Gibson Francis Alphone D RICHARDSON Judith Kathleen M RICHARDSON Ruth Agnes Sybil Barbara D 15-Apr-1956 Cumberland age 75 M 28-Jun-1958 Sandwick, St. Andrew's (boy) B 21-Feb-1956 Comox RICHARDSON RICHARDSON RICHMOND (girl) Donald (LAC) M Spouse 3-Apr-1959 St. Joseph's, Comox Pape Date Issued r Pg Info/Kin ARG 8-Apr-1959 ARG ARG ARG ARG ARG 29-Feb-1956 24-Jul-1957 10-Jun-1959 11-Sep-1957 19-Dec-1956 7 4 7 5 9 21-May-1958 St. Joseph's, Comox ARG 21-May-1958 6 d/o M/M D. Rice 20-May-1957 Campbell River 11-Oct-1956 Campbell River, BC 12-Jun-1917 Nanaimo ARG 29-May-1957 4 s/o M/M Howard Richards, Quathiaski Cove 3-Sep-1958 SJH 13-Apr-1957 Campbell River 4-Jan-1958 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 25-Jan-1957 Courtenay age 56 1-Sep-1956 Comox, St. John the Bap. 6-Jul-1957 Comox STOCKHALL Kathleen Margaret McBRIDE ARG 3 d/o M/M P. Reston, nee Phyllis Liesch of Kelsey Bay, in Merville news. See also page 6 d/o M/M Herbert Retzer, RCAF Comox s/o M/M Wilfred Reynolds of Courtenay Shower held. Marriage not confirmed d/o M/M Donald Rhendress, RCAF, Comox s/o M/M V. Rhindress of Wallace, Nova Scotia 24-Oct-1956 10 d/o M/M Reginald Richards of Quathiaski Cove Charles ARG POLKINGHOR NE ARG ARG 19-Jun-1957 5 40th Anniversary in Chase River, formerly of Cumberland 10-Sep-1958 17-Apr-1957 6 s/o M/M John T. Richards, see also 17 Sep page 5 4 s/o M/M Frank J. Richardson of Campbell River ARG 8-Jan-1958 Dorothy Richardson ARG 30-Jan-1957 Marion Rose KRENTZ ARG 5-Sep-1956 Bertram ARG Kimberley SACHT George ARG RICHARDSON Arnuf Ulve ARG Bruun EIVINDSON ARG 7 d/o M/M Leroy Richardson of Union Bay 1 Principal of Courtenay High, big article 2 s/o M/M C. Richardson of Benedict, Sask., family named 10-Jul-1957 14 d/o Mrs. Dorothy/late Ted Richardson, Engagement 19 Jun page 6 18-Apr-1956 9-Jul-1958 22-Feb-1956 3 nee HAYWOOD, born Pennsylvania, md 1900 in Cumberland, family named, bur. Sandwick Cemetery 7 d/o Mrs. G. Richardson of Penticton 7 s/o M/M Edward Richmond, RCAF, Comox Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t Place age/dob RICHMOND (boy) B RICHMOND RICHMOND (girl) Bruce Gordon (girl) B C hr B RICKMAN RICKWOOD RIDDOCH RIDDOCH (boy) (boy) (boy) William Henry B B B M 19-Jun-1957 Comox 1-Apr-1956 Comox, St. infant Peter's 19-Nov-1956 Campbell River, BC 4-Apr-1957 Comox 3-Oct-1958 Comox 30-Jan-1958 Cumberland 11-May-1957 Courtenay RIDDOCK William Henry M 11-May-1957 Courtenay ROBARGE Emily (Mrs.) Margarite Rose B abt Aug 1900 RICKETTS ROBB D Spouse 30-Apr-1958 St. Joseph's, Comox ARG ARG ARG Deanna Yvonne TWEEDIE Deanna Yvonne TWEEDIE not given 8-Apr-1956 Nanoose Bay, BC ROBBINS ROBBINS ROBBINS (girl) B (girl) B Willis Allen M (LAC) 8-Feb-1956 Comox 21-Apr-1957 Comox 28-Dec-1956 Comox ROBERTS (boy) B ROBERTS (boy) B ROBERTS ROBERTS (girl) (girl) B B 14-Dec-1956 Campbell River, BC 24-May-1959 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 6-Nov-1957 Comox 23-Jun-1958 St. Joseph's, Comox ROBERTS M ROBERTS David Brian Eric M. M 21-Oct-1957 St. Thomas ROBERTS Jean D 30-Apr-1956 Comox Pape Date Issued r age 28 M. Robb Lis Birgit LINDHORST 6-Jul-1957 Comox age 70 7-May-1958 Pg Info/Kin 4 s/o M/M Desmond Richmond, RCAF ARG 26-Jun-1957 5 d/o M/M E. Richmond, RCAF, Comox 4-Apr-1956 10 Christened, s/o M/M A.C. Richmond, gs/o Mrs. George Ellis 28-Nov-1956 7 d/o M/M Bruce Ricketts of Ocean Falls, BC ARG ARG ARG ARG 10-Apr-1957 8-Oct-1958 5-Feb-1958 15-May-1957 2 8 6 7 ARG 15-May-1957 7 s/o M/M William Riddock of Comox ARG 3-Sep-1958 ARG 11-Apr-1956 ARG ARG ARG 22-Feb-1956 24-Apr-1957 2-Jan-1957 2 Car accident, dtr-in-law of Mrs. Lillian Edwards of Fanny Bay, mother of 5 children, not named. BC Archives="BOB" 7 d/o M/M Ray Robbins of Royston 6 d/o M/M Raymond Robbins of Royston 8 s/o M/M W.R. Robbins of Cartwright, Manitoba ARG 19-Dec-1956 7 s/o M/M David Roberts of Campbell River ARG 27-May-1959 6 s/o M/M John Roberts, RCAF ARG ARG 6-Nov-1957 25-Jun-1958 4 d/o M/M Joh Roberts of Comox 4 d/o m/m Eric Roberts Inga Lucille ARG ERICKSON Marvel Irene ARG PENNER Griffith Roberts ARG s/o M/M Herbert Rickman, RCAF, Comox s/o M/M Ralph Rickwood, RCAF s/o M/M W. Riddoch s/o M/M William Riddoch of Comox 5 Birthday party at The Fort (seniors' home) 10-Jul-1957 14 s/o M/M C.A. Roberts of Courtenay, photo 17 Jul page 9 6-Nov-1957 7 s/o M/M C. Roberts of Courtenay 2-May-1956 7 Born Scotland, to Comox 1949, cremation in Vancouver Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t Place ROBERTS Joan Catherine M 3-May-1958 Courtenay, St. George's ROBERTS B 7-Sep-1956 Comox ROBERTS Margot Jane Mary Marshall Pamela ROBERTS William M ROBERTSON ROBERTSON ROBERTSON (boy) (boy) (boy) B B B ROBERTSON ROBERTSON ROBERTSON ROBERTSON (girl) (girl) (girl) Frances Vera B B B D ROBERTSON ROBERTSON ROBERTSON Joan B Ricky B Thomas D. M 10-Apr-1956 not given 19-Jan-1954 not given 31-Dec-1908 Comox, BC ROBERTSON 8-Apr-1906 not given ROBINS William M (Mr. and Mrs.) William D Alexander (girl) B ROBINSON (boy) B ROBINSON (boy) B ROBINSON ROBINSON (girl) (girl) B B ROBINSON Edward D ROBERTS ROBERTSON age/dob Bruce WOODROW D 24-Jan-1959 Vancouver D 1-May-1956 Nanaimo, age 1 BC 19-Dec-1955 RCAF Chapel, Comox 26-Jan-1956 Comox 13-May-1956 Comox, BC 27-Feb-1958 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 10-Apr-1956 Comox 15-Jan-1957 Comox, BC 15-Jan-1957 Comox 4-Mar-1957 South age 59 Burnaby, BC 15-Aug-1958 Comox Spouse age 71 Mr. Roberts Marilyn EYRE Dave Robertson 22-Feb-1956 Campbell River 6-Sep-1956 Campbell River 20-Mar-1957 Campbell River 22-May-1956 Comox, BC 5-Jan-1959 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 6-May-1957 Cumberland age 74 Frances S. PLOWRIGHT Pg Info/Kin ARG 14-May-1958 ARG 12-Sep-1956 12 d/o M/M William Roberts, RCAF, Comox. Baptism ARG 31 Oct 1956 p. 14 4-Feb-1959 3 Sis/o Herbert and Tom McMillan, see also 2nd section page 3 9-May-1956 8 Accidental death, niece of Mrs. Frank Ryan of Sayward ARG ARG Martha Alice HEYES age 88 Pape Date Issued r 3 d/o Mrs. Roberts of Victoria ARG 1-Feb-1956 3 Shower for Bride on 20 Jan ARG ARG ARG 8-Feb-1956 16-May-1956 5-Mar-1958 ARG ARG ARG ARG 18-Apr-1956 5 16-Jan-1957 5 6-Feb-1957 9 13-Mar-1957 16 ARG ARG ARG 15-Apr-1959 3 3rd birthday, d/o Mrs. Hughie Robertson 23-Jan-1957 14 3rd birthday, s/o M/M Hugh Robertson, Union Bay 31-Dec-1958 4 50th anniversary, in Cumberland news ARG 11-Apr-1956 10 50th anniversary, parents of Mrs. D.L. Morris ARG ARG 27-Aug-1958 B8 Born 1870 Simcoe Co. Ont., married 8 Apr 1901, father of Mrs. D.L. Moris and Mrs. J. Ternan 29-Feb-1956 7 d/o M/M Wilbur Robins of Campbell River ARG 12-Sep-1956 12 s/o M/M Nelson Robinson of Campbell River ARG 27-Mar-1957 2 s/o M/M Harry Robinson, Campbell River ARG ARG 23-May-1956 7-Jan-1959 2 d/o M/M Norman Robinson of Qualicum Beach 4 d/o M/M Norman Robinson of Qualicum ARG 8-May-1957 8 s/o M/M Walter Robertson of Courtenay 7 s/o M/M John Robertson of Courtenay 2 s/o M/M Omar Robertson, Qualicum Bay d/o M/M Hugh Robertson of Fanny Bay d/o M/M James Robertson of Merville d/o M/M James Robertson of Merville Husband died 1949, bur. Cumberland Cemetery 1 No further info Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t Place age/dob Spouse Pape Date Issued r ROBINSON Eli D 13-Jul-1957 Comox age 89 Ellen FROATS ARG 17-Jul-1957 ROBINSON D 28-Jan-1950 Comox age 88 ARG 25-Jan-1956 ROBINSON Jane Elizabeth Janet ROBINSON Peter D ROBINSON ROBOTHAM ROBSON ROBSON Robert (boy) (boy) (boy) D B B B ROBSON (boy) B ROBSON ROBSON (girl) Wilma B M ROBSON Wilma Camille Philip Victor (girl) M (girl) Dorris Bessie Richard Frederick B M ROGERS (boy) B ROGERS ROGERS (boy) (boy) ROGERS (girl) ROGERS Dianne Carol RODBOURN RODDIE RODONETS RODWELL ROESCH M bef 3 Oct 1956 not given M B D O. R. BUDYNSKI 25-Dec-1955 Vancouver, age 83 BC 8 Dec 1853 Comox age 59 27-Aug-1957 Comox 8-Aug-1957 Comox 27-Mar-1959 St. Joseph's, Comox 23-May-1959 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 10-Dec-1957 Comox bef 30 Jan not given 1957 14-Jan-1957 Courtenay, BC 28-Jun-1958 Comox United 8-Feb-1956 Campbell River 16-Jun-1957 Cumberland 28-Jun-1958 Comox United 24-Jul-1956 New age 16 Westminster 3-Oct-1956 Campbell River B 7-Jul-1957 Comox B bef 22 Oct Seattle? 1958 B 11-Jun-1958 St. Joseph's, Comox C hr 15-Apr-1957 Courtenay, St. John's infant ARG ARG Ivy Robinson ARG ARG ARG ARG Pg Info/Kin 8 Former principal of Courtenay High School, wife deceased 6 In Memoriam by son George 3-Aug-1956 13 d/o Cpl/Mrs. R.C.M. Robinson of Comox, post-nuptial shower held, no marriage writeup 4-Jan-1956 11 Stepfather/o Eric Reynolds, bur. Hornby Island Cemetery 3-Dec-1958 5 In Memoriam by Ivy, Muriel, Bill 4-Sep-1957 4 s/o M/M Bob Robotham of Courtenay 4-Sep-1957 4 s/o M/M Robert Robson 1-Apr-1959 6 s/o M/M Stuart Robson of Courtenay ARG 27-May-1959 6 s/o M/M Robert Robson of Courtenay ARG W. MASTERS ARG 11-Dec-1957 30-Jan-1957 6 d/o M/M Stuart Robson of Courtenay 2 Shower for new bride George Walter ARG MASTERS Dorris Bessie ARG RODWELL ARG 23-Jan-1957 6 d/o M/M J. L. Robson & late Mr. Robson 22-Feb-1956 8 s/o Mrs. Henry James Rodbourn of Lambourne, Berkshire, Eng. 7 d/o M/M Terrence Roddie of Campbell River ARG ARG 19-Jun-1957 2-Jul-1958 4 d/o M/M Michael Rodonets of Cumberland 8 d/o late Mr. & Mrs. James Arthur Rodwell ARG 1-Aug-1956 ARG 10-Oct-1956 2 s/o M/M George Rogers of Campbell River ARG ARG 10-Jul-1957 22-Oct-1958 ARG 18-Jun-1958 6 s/o M/M Andrew Rogers of Fanny Bay 7 s/o M/M Vernon Rogers of Seattle, newphew/o Mrs. W. Cowden of Fanny Bay 2 d/o M/M Raymond Rogers ARG 24-Mar-1957 11 d/o M/M Ray Rogers of Courtenay Philip Victor RODBOURN 2-Jul-1958 9 Stepbro/o H.G. Roesch of Courtenay, in Comox news Surname ROGERS Given Ev en Date of Event t Place age/dob Robert John FOWLER Beverley Jean BELL Pape Date Issued r Pg Info/Kin M ROGERS Iris Blodwen norman ROHRMOSER (boy) B RONEY (boy) B ROOPE LeRoy Eldwood M 23-Aug-1958 Comox, Protestant Chapel 16-Dec-1956 Campbell River, BC 1-Oct-1956 Campbell River 12-Jul-1957 Courtenay ROSE Queenie D 15-Dec-1958 Comox, BC ROSS ROSS ROSS (boy) (boy) (girl) B B B ARG ARG ARG ROSS David B 26-Feb-1958 not given 1-Nov-1958 Comox, BC 22-Apr-1956 Campbell River 20-May-1959 Copenhagen 24-Dec-1958 11 Born near London, England, to Canada 1914, children named, Quadra Is. news 5-Mar-1958 2 s/o M/M Robert Ross, RCMP, Courtenay 5-Nov-1958 6 s/o M/M Kenneth Ross, RCAF 25-Apr-1956 8 d/o M/M Donald Ross of Campbell River ARG 20-May-1959 6 s/o M/M Bob Ross of London, England ROSS Joanna B ARG 16-Jul-1958 6 Article on Joanna in Community Portrait ROSSON (girl) B ARG 8-Jan-1958 7 d/o M/M Gilmore Rosson, RR2 Courtenay ROSYCHUK (girl) B ARG 6-Feb-1957 7 d/o M/M James Rosychuk of Sylvan Lake, Alberta ROTHERY William (RCAF) M 11-Jul-1935 Beaconsfield , Bucks., England 22-Dec-1957 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 29-Jan-1957 Campbell River 2-May-1959 Cumberland, Holy Trinity ARG 13-May-1959 6 Res of Victoria, s/o M/M Wm Rothery ROWAT (boy) B ARG 13-May-1959 6 s/o M/M William Rowat, RCAF ROWAT ROWED (girl) (boy) B B 11-May-1959 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 30-Mar-1957 Comox 1-Jan-1956 Comox, BC ARG ARG 3-Apr-1957 4-Jan-1956 ROWED ROXBURGH ROZELL (boy) (boy) Bernice B B M ARG ARG ARG 3-Dec-1958 4-Apr-1956 29-Oct-1958 ROZEN RUBIN (boy) (girl) B B 1-Dec-1958 Comox 31-Mar-1956 Comox 18-Oct-1958 Vancouver BC 13-Aug-1958 SJH 23-May-1957 Comox M 6-Jul-1957 Sandwick Spouse ARG 10-Jul-1957 ARG 27-Aug-1958 2 s/o M/M Rees Rogers, Courtenay ARG 19-Dec-1956 7 s/o M/M Hermann Rohrmoser of Campbell River ARG 10-Oct-1956 2 s/o M/M Robert Roney of Campbell River Laura Margaret ARG BAILEY age 75 Mr. Rose Irene Maude PEACEY Henry CASS ARG ARG ARG 2 d/o M/M R.W. Rogers. Engagement 22 May page 6 17-Jul-1957 11 s/o Mrs. N. Roope of Creston. Engagement 19 Jun page 6 5 d/o M/M W. Rowat, RCAF, Comox 1 New Year's Baby, s/o M/M Ivan G. Rowed of Courtenay, bro/o Donna who is 8 4 s/o M/M L. G. Rowed of Courtenay 6 s/o M/M John Roxburgh of Comox 9 d/o Mr. A. Berkett 27-Aug-1958 B2 s/o M/M Henry Rozen 29-May-1957 4 d/o M/M John Rubin, Comox Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t Place RUENKE RUMAN (boy) Frances B M 13-Jun-1957 Comox 18-May-1957 Courtenay RUNACRES (girl) B RUNCHEY Robert C. M RUOHONIEMI (boy) B 2-May-1959 Campbell River G.H. 11-Feb-1903 Raven Lake, Manitoba 30-Mar-1959 St. Joseph's, Comox RUSHTON RUSHTON B B RUSSELL RUSSELL (girl) Janice Lynn (boy) (boy) RUSSELL RUSSELL RUSSELL (girl) (girl) (girl) B B B RUSSELL C hr D RUSSELL Loretta Louise Margaret Jane Sheila RUTHERFORD (girl) B RUTHERFORD RUTLEDGE Bob (Mr. M and Mrs.) Linda Jean B RYAN RYAN (boy) Gordon RYAN Thomas G. M SACHT (girl) RUSSELL B B M B D B age/dob Spouse Allan Daniel JEFFERSON Charlotte SAUNDERS 31-Aug-1958 SJH 1-Feb-1957 Comox Reubina SHILLITO Pg Info/Kin ARG ARG 19-Jun-1957 22-May-1957 4 s/o M/M Carl Ruenke, RCAF 4 d/o M/M Louis Ruman of Lethbridge, Alberta ARG 13-May-1959 2 d/o M/M Art Runacres, Willow Pt news ARG 12-Feb-1958 ARG 1-Apr-1959 2 55th anniversary at home of dtr Mrs. Harry Watson, Mission Hill 6 s/o M/M John Ruohoniemi, RCAF ARG ARG 10-Apr-1957 Comox 14-Jun-1959 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 1-May-1956 Comox 1-May-1956 Comox, BC 3-Feb-1959 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 30-Nov-1958 RCAF 8 months Chapel 20-Mar-1956 Comox born 1883 Gavin RUSSELL 12-Oct-1956 St. Melvin Andrew's, JASBEC Sandwick 22-Mar-1956 Campbell River bef 4 Jan 1956 Heriot Bay 10-Sep-1958 Campbell River Hospital 10-Feb-1957 Comox 1-Mar-1957 Victoria, BC age 18 days 22-Dec-1956 Union Bay U.C. 9-Nov-1956 Campbell River, BC Pape Date Issued r ARG ARG 3-Sep-1958 12 d/o M/M Stanley Rushton of Courtenay 6-Feb-1957 7 d/o M/M Stan Rushton, RR2 Courtenay. See 9 Oct p. 7 re christening 17-Apr-1957 4 s/o M/M Robert Russell of Comox 17-Jun-1959 4 s/o M/M Douglas Russell, RCAF ARG ARG ARG 2-May-1956 16-May-1956 4-Feb-1959 ARG 3-Dec-1958 ARG 5 d/o M/M Donald Russell of Comox 7 d/o M/M Don Russell of Comox 4 d/o M/M Robert Russell of Comox 6 d/o LAC/Mrs. R.K. Russell, gd/o M/M Albert Waters ARG 21-Mar-1956 10 Born on Denman Island, nee McMILLAN, see 28 Mar p. 13 re funeral 17-Oct-1956 5 d/o M/M H. Russell of Comox ARG 28-Mar-1956 ARG 3 d/o M/M Donald Rutherford of Campbell River 4-Jan-1956 11 Newlyweds of Heriot Bay, in Quadra Island news ARG 17-Sep-1958 5 d/o M/M R. Rutledge ARG ARG 13-Feb-1957 5 s/o M/M Terrence Ryan of Comox 13-Mar-1957 16 s/o M/M T. G. Ryan of Courtenay ARG 26-Dec-1956 6 Res of Fanny Bay. See 12 Dec p. 6 Engagement ARG 14-Nov-1956 5 d/o M/M Walter Sacht of Sayward Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t SACHT (girl) SACHT Bertram M Kimberley SACHT Ellen Irene M SACHT Ruby Irene M SACHT William Walter M SALISBURY Charles M SALMOND SALSBURY Alexander D Sydney D Carlyle SAMPSON SAMPSON D M SANDERSON Hannah Ned (Mr. and Mrs.) (boy) (girl) John August (boy) SANDERSON (girl) B SANDS (boy) B SANDULAK (girl) B SANDULAK (girl) B SAMUELS SANDBERG SANDBERG B B B D B Place age/dob 23-Jan-1958 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 6-Jul-1957 Comox Judith Kathleen ARG RICHARDSON Bernard Maxfield BEDFORD Daniel Crozier McCORMICK Anna Jane OLNEY 5-Jan-1957 Cumberland 10-Dec-1956 Campbell River, BC 27-Jan-1959 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 25-Feb-1958 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 4-Feb-1959 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox Pape Date Issued r ARG 20-Jun-1959 Saskatoon, SK 12-May-1956 Campbell River, St. Peter's 12-Apr-1958 Can. Martyrs, Courtenay 31-Aug-1958 SJH 31-Jan-1958 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 26-Nov-1957 Nanaimo 5-Oct-1932 Presbyterian Church 2-Feb-1956 Comox 12-Aug-1956 Comox 28-Jan-1958 Cumberland G.H. 24-Apr-1959 St. Joseph's, Comox Spouse age 72 age 78 20-May-1959 ARG 9-Jan-1957 ARG 16-May-1956 Dorothea ARG Marjorie SCHMIDT not given ARG Mary Salsbury ARG 23-Apr-1958 Winnifred Lea Sandberg Info/Kin 4 d/o M/M Kimberly Sacht of Sayward 10-Jul-1957 14 s/o M/M Louis Sacht of Sayward ARG age 79 age 57 29-Jan-1958 Pg 7 Engagement announced. Marriage not confirmed 7 No further info 2 s/o M/M W.W. Sacht of Kelsey Bay 7 s/o M/M C. Salisbury of Saltcoats, SK 3-Sep-1958 12 Logger, see also 10 Sep page 7, Card of Thanks 12-Feb-1958 6 F/o Mrs. Art Chafer of Royston ARG ARG 11-Dec-1957 7 Card of Thanks 16-Oct-1957 B3 25th anniversary celebrated in Cumberland ARG ARG ARG 8-Feb-1956 15-Aug-1956 12-Feb-1958 3 s/o M/M Victor Samuels, RCAF 2 d/o M/M Ralph Sandberg of Cumberland 6 Born in Sweden ARG 29-Apr-1959 6 s/o M/M Alan Sanderson, RCAF ARG 19-Dec-1956 7 d/o M/M Gordon Sanderson of Campbell River ARG 28-Jan-1959 6 s/o M/M Henry H. Sands, RCAF ARG 5-Mar-1958 ARG 11-Feb-1959 2 d/o M/M Mervin Sandulak 4 d/o M/M Mervin Sandulak of Merville Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t Place SANFORD Peter Lawrence M 27-Jun-1959 Comox U.C. SARRASIN SARSIAT (boy) (boy) B B SARTOR SAUDER Bruno M Eugene Hildegarde M SAUNDERS Charlotte M SAVE Gerald Joseph M 6-Oct-1957 Comox 23-Feb-1956 Campbell River 1-Sep-1956 Campbell River 27-Sep-1958 Courtenay, Four Square Gospel 11-Feb-1903 Raven Lake, Manitoba 2-Jan-1957 Comox, RCAF SAVOIE Leo M SAVOIE Mary Geraldine B SAWCHUK (girl) B SCHAEFER SCHAEFER SCHECK (boy) (girl) Mary Noella B B M SCHELLINCK SCHILLER SCHILLER Marion (boy) (boy) B B B SCHILLING SCHLEPPE (boy) (girl) B B SCHLEPPE SCHMIDT Martha (boy) B B SCHMIDT (girl) B 14-Feb-1956 Edmonton, AB 4-Apr-1959 St. Joseph's, Comox 9-Mar-1958 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 25-Dec-1958 Comox, BC 25-Jul-1957 Comox 15-Feb-1958 RCAF Chapel, Comox 13-Jul-1949 not given 28-Aug-1956 Comox 20-Feb-1959 St. Joseph's, Comox 17-Sep-1958 Comox, BC 24-Feb-1958 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 1-Jan-1945 not given 1-Feb-1959 Cumberland G.H. 9-Feb-1956 Comox age/dob Spouse Karen Elizabeth PETERSEN Pape Date Issued r Pg Info/Kin ARG 27-May-1959 7 Engagement announced ARG ARG 9-Oct-1957 29-Feb-1956 4 s/o M/M Ludovic Sarrasin of Courtenay 7 s/o M/M Earl Sarsiat of Campbell River Gloria Grace ALLEN Robert James ARNOTT ARG 5-Sep-1956 3 s/o M/M Luigi Sartor of Riese Piox, Italy ARG 1-Oct-1958 3 d/o M/M John Macklin Robert RUNCHEY Shirley Dowene CLIFTON Doris UPRIGHT ARG 12-Feb-1958 2 55th anniversary, dtr Mrs. Harry Watson, Mission Hill ARG 16-Jan-1957 8 Parents not named Frank Edward ISENOR (LAC) ARG 8-Feb-1956 11 Hornby Island news. Wedding writeup 7 Mar page 2 ARG 8-Apr-1959 ARG 12-Mar-1958 4 d/o M/M E. Sawchuk, Fanny Bay ARG ARG ARG 31-Dec-1958 31-Jul-1957 26-Feb-1958 4 s/o M/M I. Schaefer of Courtenay 5 d/o M/M I. Schaefer of Courtenay 7 ARG ARG ARG 18-Jul-1956 29-Aug-1956 25-Feb-1959 3 7th birthday, d/o M/M Hank (H.E.) Schellinck 7 s/o M/M Harold "Duke" Schiller of Courtenay 6 s/o M/M Harold Schiller of Courtenay ARG ARG 24-Sep-1958 26-Feb-1958 4 s/o M/M Heini Schilling of Merville 4 d/o M/M Joseph Schleppe ARG ARG 29-Jan-1958 4-Feb-1959 ARG 22-Feb-1956 7 13th birthday 4 s/o M/M Isadore Schmidt of Cumberland. See also 11 Feb p. 5 7 d/o M/M Isadore Schmidt of Cumberland 6 d/o M/M Leo Savoie of Hornby Island. See also 22 Apr p. 3 Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t Place SCHMIDT (girl) B SCHMIDT (girl) B SCHMIDT Dorothea Marjorie M 12-Apr-1958 Can. Matyrs, Courtenay SCHMIDT Ernest Julius D 12-Nov-1958 Victoria SCHMIDT Eunice B abt 5 Jun 1951 not given SCHMIDT SCHMIDT Linda Louise Marie B M SCHMIDT M SCHMULAND Marilyn Marie Pat (Mrs. E.) (girl) SCHNARR William D SCHOONART B SCHUBERT Kathleen Joan (girl) SCHULTE SCHULZ (girl) Marlene B B SCHUMAKER (girl) B SCHWARTZ (girl) B SCOTT (boy) B SCOTT (boy) B SCHMIDT B Spouse 1-Mar-1956 Campbell River 27-Mar-1959 St. Joseph's, Comox age 85 1-Aug-1944 not given 28-Jun-1958 Can. Martyrs, Courtenay 1-Dec-1956 Comox M 1958? B age/dob not given 11-Feb-1956 Campbell River 27-Oct-1956 Abbotsford, BC 30-Nov-1957 not given 9-Jan-1959 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 2-Apr-1956 Comox bef 8 Feb not given 1956 15-May-1957 Campbell River 15-Jan-1959 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 8-Sep-1956 Campbell River 30-Jul-1957 Campbell River Pg Info/Kin ARG 14-Mar-1956 ARG 1-Apr-1959 Charles SALISBURY ARG 23-Apr-1958 7 d/o M/M W. L. Schmidt of Minto Mrs. Schmidt ARG 19-Nov-1958 ARG 10-Jun-1959 2 Born in Saxon, Germany 18 Oct 1872, wife deceased, more info. See also page 11 Cumberland Notes and 19 Nov p. 7 Card of Thanks 3 8th birthday, parents not named, Denman Island news ARG Ronald ARG LUMMERDING 29-Aug-1956 9-Jul-1958 3 12th birthday, d/o (Walter?) Schmidt 7 d/o M/M W. Schmidt of Minto James BOYKO ARG 5-Dec-1956 not named age 68 Pape Date Issued r 7 d/o M/M Adam Schmidt of Campbell River 6 d/o M/M Edmond Schmidt, RCAF ARG 22-Oct-1958 ARG 22-Feb-1956 3 d/o M/M E.W. Schmidt of Courtenay. Showers 21 Nov p. 2 & 5 Dec p. 14 6 Nee Pat HAMILTON, shower held, husband not named, No wedding found in paper 7 d/o M/M Albert Schmuland of Campbell River ARG 12-Dec-1956 3 Kelsey Bay news ARG 3-Dec-1958 B6 Christened on 1st birthday, d/o M/M Schoonart of Cumberland, gd/o M/M Laskovitch 14-Jan-1959 12 d/o M/M Eric Schubert of Black Creek ARG ARG ARG 4-Apr-1956 8-Feb-1956 ARG 29-May-1957 6 d/o M/M Joseph Schulte of Black Creek 2 d/o Mrs. Peter Schulz, Black Creek, guests named, baby shower 4 d/o M/M Ronald Schumaker of Campbell River ARG 21-Jan-1959 6 d/o M/M Harry Schwartz of Courtenay ARG 12-Sep-1956 12 s/o M/M Murray Scott of Campbell River ARG 14-Aug-1957 5 s/o M/M Fred H. Scott of Campbell River Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t Place SCOTT (boy) B SCOTT (girl) B SCOTT (girl) B SCOTT John William D SCOTT John William Mary Malvina Mary Spence (girl) M Thelma Frances Alice Florence, Mrs. Elizabeth Anne M Alfred Thomas Betty Agnes D SEIGLAR Prentice Louise M SELBY Edward Wiley M 26-Apr-1958 Courtenay, St. George's SEPPALA Leo William M 6-Sep-1958 Courtenay U.C. SCOTT SCOTT SCOTTS SCOTT-WADE SEABORNE SEALE SEARLE SEARS SEEGUG D D B D M B B age/dob Spouse 21-Mar-1958 St. Joseph's, Comox 1-Jan-1956 Vancouver, Grace Hospital 14-Apr-1957 Campbell River 30-Aug-1958 Denman Island (Comox) 26 May 1899 Denman Island 17-Feb-1957 Comox Pape Date Issued r ARG ARG age 83 age 62 Info/Kin 26-Mar-1958 4A s/o M/M Norman Scott, RCAF 4-Jan-1956 11 d/o M/M Len Scott of Vancouver ARG 17-Apr-1957 Mary MILNER ARG 10-Sep-1958 12 Born Wiarton, Ont., bur. Denman Island cemetery Mary MILLER ARG Mr. Scott ARG 27-Jan-1959 Denman age 88 John Scott Island 23-Jul-1958 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 16-Aug-1958 Mill Bay John William United ANDERSON 13-Jun-1958 St. Joseph's, 78 C.D. Comox SEABORNE 12-Jun-1959 Vancouver, St. Andrews Wesley 3-Nov-1957 Vancouver, age 72 BC 17-Jan-1949 not given abt Dec 1858 Masset, Queen Charlotte Islands 18-Apr-1959 Cumberland U.C. Pg ARG ARG 4 d/o M/M K. Scott of Campbell River 4-Jun-1958 B1 59th anniversary, parents of Caesar Scott 20-Feb-1957 5 Husband deceased, children named 4-Feb-1959 B3 Born at Evie, Orkney Island, bur. Denman Cemetery, husb. dec'd 30-Jul-1958 6 d/o M/M Frank Scotts of Courtenay ARG 20-Aug-1958 3 d/o Mrs. Dorothy Soctt-Wade of Cobble Hill ARG 18-Jun-1958 3 M/o Mrs. E.R. Radford, Comox & Mrs. J.C. Yates, Vancouver John Gerald STOKLE ARG 3-Jun-1959 Mrs. Searle ARG 6-Nov-1957 ARG ARG 5 d/o M/M Peter R. Seale, engagement announced, see also page 2, shower. Marriage not confirmed 3 Former owner of Searle's Shoes, 50th wedding anniversary in summer, former alderman 1-Feb-1956 7 7th birthday, d/o Mrs. O. Sears, Willow Point news 3-Dec-1958 B1 Widow of Amos RUSS, d/o Chief SEEGUG, m/o Mrs. Peter Kelley, knows she is over 100 Raymond Thomas BALEAZZI Jean Marie ZIOLKOWSKI ARG 22-Apr-1959 10 d/o M/M C.F. Holloway of Royston. See also 15 Apr p. 10, shower ARG 30-Apr-1958 Maureen WEBBER ARG 17-Sep-1958 11 s/o M/M William Seppala of Chitek Lake, Sask. 6 s/o M/M G. Selby of Sandwick Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t SERHAN (boy) B SERVICE H. E (Dr.) D SHARP SHARP (boy) (girl) B B SHARP John Thornton (boy) D SHAW SHAW (boy) Beverley Joan B B SHAW Bob M SHAW Eliza D SHAW M SHAW Evelyn Ritchie George SHAW SHAW John Louise SHAW Robert Samuel SHEARD Georgie SHEARD Theresa SHEARER Catherine SHEASGREEN Joan Kathleen D SHEFLEY Roy Sveinn D SHARPE B Place age/dob 17-Aug-1956 Campbell River bef 17 Jun Ingersoll, age 87 1959 Ontario 7-Aug-1957 Comox 20-Sep-1956 Campbell River 28-Apr-1956 Duncan, BC age 43 26-Apr-1957 Campbell River 9-Sep-1957 Comox 3-Jan-1959 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox bef 12 Oct not given 1956 9-May-1956 Comox age 85 29-Aug-1957 Cumberland M bef 30 Oct not given 1957 B abt Jan 1935 not given D 4-Mar-1957 Vancouver, age 55 BC M 8-Sep-1956 Courtenay, St. George's Spouse Jean Adele Sharp Pape Date Issued r Pg ARG 29-Aug-1956 ARG 17-Jun-1959 10 Former res of Royston Info/Kin 7 s/o M/M John Serhan of Campbell River ARG ARG 7-Aug-1957 10 s/o M/M Norman Sharp of Qualicum 3-Oct-1956 13 d/o M/M Richard Sharp of Simoon Sound ARG 9-May-1956 11 Formerly of Comox, born in Vancouver, s/o G.T. Sharp, other family named 1-May-1957 3 s/o M/M Raymond Sharpe of Campbell River ARG ARG ARG 11-Sep-1957 7-Jan-1959 5 s/o M/M Robert Shaw of Courtenay 1 d/o M/M Bob Shaw Catherine CARNIE Mr. Shaw ARG 17-Oct-1956 13 Housewarming for newlyweds ARG 9-May-1956 Joseph GAWRYLUK Miss STEELE ARG 4-Sep-1957 ARG 30-Oct-1957 1 Born in Ardenshaw, Lancs., England, to Canada 1919, 3 children named, Sutton's F.H. See Funeral writeup 23 May 1956 p. 8 4 d/o M/M John Shaw of Cumberland. See 2page 2 re Shower on Aug 26 6 "Bridal Couple Honored" but no wedding writeup found ARG Norman SHAW ARG 18-Jan-1956 11 21st birthday, s/o M/M Harold Shaw 13-Mar-1957 16 Resident of Minto Catherine Rose ARG CARNIE 12-Sep-1956 5 s/o M/M Harold Shaw of Courtenay. See 15 Aug p. 6 Announcement ARG 14-Jan-1959 3 3rd birthday, s/o Mrs. G. Sheard, in Comox news ARG 14-Jan-1959 3 6th birthday, d/o Mrs. G. Sheard, in Comox news ARG 12-Feb-1958 6 Husband died 13 Jun 1949 25-Mar-1958 Vancouver, age 50 St. Vincent's ARG 2-Apr-1958 4 Born Farnham, England, worked at St. Joseph's Hospital 20-Sep-1957 New age 48 Westminster , BC ARG 2-Oct-1957 7 Hornby Island news B abt 14 Jan not given 1956 B abt 14 Jan not given 1953 D 8-Feb-1958 Vancouver age 82 Frank Angus SHEARER Surname SHELBY SHELTON Given Herbert William Leslie Robert Ev en Date of Event t D M SHEPHERD SHEPHERD (girl) B Rae M Gwendolyn SHEPPARD M SHIDLER SHIELDS (Mr. and Mrs.) (boy) (girl) b B SHIELDS (girl) B SHIELDS Roy (RCAF) M SHIGEOKA (boy) B SHIGROKA SHILLITO (boy) Reubina B M Place 27-Feb-1959 Campbell age 66 River 29-Nov-1958 Powell River, St. John's 2-Apr-1957 Comox 25-Aug-1956 Courtenay, St. George's Mrs. Shelby ARG Anita May EVERETT ARG Pg Info/Kin 18-Mar-1959 11 Res of Campbell River, f/o Mrs. Irvine Linder, in Comox news 10-Dec-1958 B6 s/o M/M James L. Shelton of Westview 17-Oct-1932 not given ARG 17-Oct-1956 21-Feb-1956 Comox 10-Jan-1956 Vancouver, St. Paul's 27-Feb-1959 St. Joseph's, Comox ARG ARG 29-Feb-1956 11-Jan-1956 ARG 4-Mar-1959 ARG 14-May-1958 ARG 8-Jan-1958 ARG ARG 3-Oct-1956 26-Dec-1956 26-Apr-1958 Comox, Wallace gardens 27-Dec-1957 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 26 Sep 1756 Comox, BC 22-Dec-1956 Union Bay U.C. 30-Aug-1958 SJH SHOLEA (girl) B SHOPLAND Isaak Victor (boy) D 13-Nov-1957 Comox B 12-Mar-1959 St. Joseph's, Comox (boy) John Falkner (girl) (boy) (girl) B D 29-Sep-1957 Comox 8-Jan-1959 Victoria B B B 2-Oct-1958 Comox 10-May-1957 Comox 28-Oct-1958 Comox, BC SHORTTS SHULTE SIAGRIS Pape Date Issued r 3-Apr-1957 5 d/o M/M Arthur Shepherd, RCAF, Royston 13-Aug-1956 13 d/o M/M William A. Shepherd, family named. See also 8 Aug p. 6 Engagement & 29 Aug p. 9, two showers B SHORTT SHORTT Spouse ARG ARG SHIPPERBOTTOM (girl) SHORT age/dob Donald KENNEDY Beverley Doreen HAYWARD Thomas G. RYAN ARG 9-Jun-1958 St. Joseph's, Comox age 68 age 71 Lila Shopland Margaret SHORTT 3 25th anniversary at Cumberland, possibly nee MURDOCK 7 s/o M/M Harold Shidler of Courtenay 2 d/o M/M Dennis Shields of Vancouver, nee Dorothy Edwards of Cumberland 6 d/o M/M Roy Shields, RCAF 3 s/o M/M C.W. Shields of North Battleford, SK 7 s/o M/M James Shigeoka of Courtenay 5 s/o M/M James Shigroka, RCAF Comox 6 d/o M/M Charles Shillito of Union Bay. See 12 Dec p. 6 Engagement and 19 Dec p. 7 Shower 3-Sep-1958 12 d/o M/M Kenneth Shipperbottom of Comox ARG 11-Jun-1958 4 d/o M/M John Sholea of Comox ARG 13-Nov-1957 1 Came to Sandwick in 1908, children named ARG 18-Mar-1959 6 s/o M/M Wm Short, RCAF ARG ARG 2-Oct-1957 4 s/o M/M Ronald W. Shortt of Courtenay 14-Jan-1959 12 Found dead in hotel room, former Cumberland resident ARG ARG ARG 8-Oct-1958 15-May-1957 5-Nov-1958 8 d/o M/M Ronald W. Shortts, Courtenay 3 s/o M/M Joseph Shulte of Black Creek 6 d/o M/M Charles Siagris, RCAF Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t SIBA (girl) B SIGURNJAK (girl) B SILION SIM (boy) Isabella B D SIMEON (boy) B SIMISTER Elizabeth D SIMMS SIMMS (boy) (boy) B B SIMMS D SIMONEAU SIMPSON Charlotte Annie Thomas Brawett (girl) (boy) SIMPSON (boy) B SIMPSON (girl) B SIMPSON Alan (Const.) Teresa (Mrs.) (boy) (boy) M James Scott Larry B Maclyn Wallace M SIMMS SIMPSON SINCLAIR SINCLAIR SINCLAIR SINCLAIR SINCLAIR M B B M B B D Place age/dob 4-Mar-1959 Cumberland G.H. 4-Jul-1956 Campbell River 30-Sep-1956 Comox, BC 14-Feb-1956 Cumberland age 59 [Comox] 1-Dec-1956 Campbell River, BC 20-Sep-1957 Vancouver age 71 (New Westminster ) 6-Sep-1958 SJH 1-May-1959 Vancouver G.H. 10-Apr-1958 Cumberland age 73 21-Dec-1958 St. John's Ang. 4-Mar-1957 Comox 27-Jun-1957 Campbell River 25-Mar-1959 Nanaimo Hospital 3-Feb-1957 Grace Hospital 23-Dec-1955 Ottawa, Ontario 7-Sep-1957 Nanaimo Spouse Pg Info/Kin ARG 11-Mar-1959 ARG 11-Jul-1956 ARG ARG 3-Oct-1956 22-Feb-1956 ARG 5-Dec-1956 ARG 25-Sep-1957 5 sis/o Mrs. Tom Ball of Cumberland ARG ARG 10-Sep-1958 6-May-1959 6 s/o M/M Bertram Simms, RCAF 6 s/o M/M T.B. Simms, nee Marilyn Jones H. A. Simms ARG 16-Apr-1958 6 M/o George R. Nunn who died 1950 Marilyn Mae JONES ARG 1-Jan-1958 ARG ARG 6-Mar-1957 5 d/o M/M Jacques Simoneau of Comox 3-Jul-1957 11 s/o M/M John Simpson of Campbell River ARG 1-Apr-1959 ARG 6-Feb-1957 Peter M. Sim Mr. Simister 2 d/o M/M Frank Siba of Union Bay 2 d/o M/M Robert Sigurnjak, Camapbell River 5 s/o M/M Etienne Silion, RCAF, Courtenay 7 2 sis & 1 bro in Scotland, Banks Funeral Home, bur. Cumberland Cemetery 8 s/o M/M Edward Simeon of Quathiaski Cove 3 s/o M/M Henry Simms, Rev. J.J. Van der Leest 8 s/o M/M Archie Simpson, gs/o Mrs. Edythe Hicks ARG 7 d/o M/M Alan Simpson of Ottawa, gd/o Mrs. Teresa Simpson 1-Feb-1956 10 s/o M/M George W. Simpson of Courtenay. Announcement 7 Dec 1955 p. 4 25-Sep-1957 9 d/o M/M R.B. Coupe of Tunstall, Staffordshire, England ARG ARG 2-Oct-1957 20-May-1959 ARG 8-Oct-1958 nee ARG WOOLDRIDGE 25-Feb-1959 1 Plane crash, father-in-law & brother-in-law also died Lola Irene PIERCY 15-Oct-1958 2 s/o Mrs. H.F. Sinclair of Courtenay. See also 3 Sep page 7 engagement, and 10 Sep page 7 Mary Pauline DUBE Frank Enos SMITH 28-Sep-1957 Comox 12-May-1959 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 28-Sep-1957 not given 23-Feb-1959 East age 22 Redonda Island 27-Sep-1958 St. Andrew's Anglican Pape Date Issued r ARG ARG 4 s/o M/M Finlay Sinclair of Cumberland 6 s/o M/M Finlay Sinclair, RCAF, Comox 6 Baptism on first birthday, s/o Sgt/Mrs. Findlay Sinclair Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t Place age/dob SINCLAIR Stanis Sylvia M 16-Nov-1956 Courtenay, St. George's SJUBERG SKEARD (girl) (boy) B B SKELTON James D SKINNER M SLACK Gladys Winnifred (boy) 9-Dec-1956 Comox, BC 5-Feb-1957 Campbell River 14-Mar-1959 Georgia age 23 Strait 4-Apr-1959 Vancouver, First United 27-Apr-1959 St. Joseph's, Comox SLADE Ada SLATER SLATER (girl) Gwenda Lorraine M abt 9 May 1935 B 28-Aug-1957 M 5-Jul-1958 SLOAN SLOAT (boy) (girl) B B SMALL Benedict John M SMILEY (girl) B 25-May-1958 St. Joseph's, Comox SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH (boy) (boy) (boy) (boy) B B B B 22-Jan-1956 2-Mar-1956 17-Apr-1957 20-Apr-1957 SMITH SMITH SMITH (boy) (boy) (boy) B B B 28-Apr-1957 15-Jun-1957 29-Jul-1957 SMITH SMITH (boy) (boy) B B 11-Aug-1957 4-Mar-1958 B Cumberland, BC Comox Sandwick, St. Andrew's 25-Oct-1957 Comox 9-Mar-1956 Campbell River 11-May-1957 Winnipeg, Manitoba Comox Comox Comox Campbell River Comox Comox Campbell River Comox St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox Spouse Walter Albert CHENEY (LAC) Pape Date Issued r Pg Info/Kin ARG 21-Nov-1956 2 d/o M/M D.G. Sinclair of Courtenay. See page 10 re shower ARG ARG 12-Dec-1956 13-Feb-1957 7 D/o M/M Ernest Sjuberg of Cumberland 5 s/o M/M Chesley Skeard of Campbell River ARG 18-Mar-1959 ARG 15-Apr-1959 ARG 29-Apr-1959 1 Missing plane, presumed dead, see 25 Mar page 1, Memorial service 6 d/o Mrs. Lyla & late James Skinner of Royston. See 4 Feb p. 5 Engagement, 1 Apr p. 5 shower & party 6 s/o M/M Roy Slack of Courtenay S. E. BARTON ARG 9-May-1956 4 "20 Years Ago" quiet wedding ARG ARG 4-Sep-1957 9-Jul-1958 4 d/o M/M Ernest Slater of Courtenay 7 d/o M/M E. Slater of Grantham ARG ARG 30-Oct-1957 14-Mar-1956 Roberta ARG Margaret Joan BURZUIK ARG 1-May-1957 6 Formerly of Courtenay 28-May-1958 6 d/o M/M Jeffrey Smiley ARG ARG ARG ARG 25-Jan-1956 14-Mar-1956 24-Apr-1957 24-Apr-1957 2 7 6 6 ARG ARG ARG 1-May-1957 19-Jun-1957 14-Aug-1957 3 s/o M/M Lewis Smith 4 s/o M/M Doug Smith of Qualicum 5 s/o M/M Ritchie Smith of Minstrel Island ARG ARG 14-Aug-1957 12-Mar-1958 5 s/o M/M Charles Smith of Royston 4 s/o M/M Gerald Smith, RCAF Gerrit PIKET Arthur Herbert SMITH (LAC) 4 s/o M/M Allen Sloan of Comox 7 d/o M/M Cecil Sloat of Campbell River s/o M/M George Smith of Fanny Bay s/o M/M Franklin Smith of Courtenay s/o M/M Kenneth Smith of Campbell River s/o M/M D. Smith of Campbell River Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t Place age/dob Spouse Pape Date Issued r Pg Info/Kin SMITH (boy) B 11-Mar-1959 St. Joseph's, Comox ARG 18-Mar-1959 SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH (girl) (girl) (girl) (girl) (girl) (girl) Adrian Gregory B B B B B B M 18-Feb-1956 2-Mar-1956 29-Jul-1956 10-Nov-1956 2-Oct-1957 2-Nov-1958 25-Jan-1958 ARG ARG ARG ARG ARG ARG ARG 22-Feb-1956 7 d/o M/M Geoffrey Smith of Comox 7-Mar-1956 10 d/o M/M Alex Smith of Fanny Bay 1-Aug-1956 2 d/o M/M William Smith, RCAF, Comox 14-Nov-1956 5 d/o M/M Walter Smith, RCAF, Comox 9-Oct-1957 4 d/o M/M Bud Smith of Qualicum Bay 5-Nov-1958 6 d/o M/M George Smith of Courtenay 12-Feb-1958 4 s/o M/M Arthur Smith of Comox SMITH Arthur Herbert (LAC) Barbara M SMITH Barry Campbell M SMITH Dolores Margaret M SMITH Donald Charles M SMITH SMITH Eileen M 29-Sep-1956 Marguerite Frank M 7-Sep-1957 Enos Helen D bef 2 Apr 1958 SMITH Herbert D SMITH SMITH Horace Janet Harding D C hr SMITH SMITH M Comox Comox Comox Comox, BC Comox Comox, BC Vancouver, Our Lady of Sorrows 5-Jul-1958 Sandwick, St. Andrew's Mary Gladys OSTROM Gwenda Lorraine SLATER Keith PICKERING 16-Mar-1956 Comox, RCAF Chapel 17-Oct-1958 Courtenay, St. Georges ARG ARG 9-Jul-1958 6 s/o M/M Barry Smith of Courtenay 7 s/o M/M F. Smith of Nerlberg, Sask. 28-Mar-1956 11 Niece of W.M. Smith, Dove Creek. Shower 21 Mar 1956 p.13 22-Oct-1958 B3 s/o Mr. Frank Smith of Dove Creek 25-May-1957 Courtenay, St. George's Dorothy ARG Margaret GUDMUNDSO N Lavern G. VAN ARG DER MAATEN 11-Aug-1956 Victoria, St. Aidan's Ang. Mrs. Connie BALMER ARG 22-Aug-1956 John Eric F. HIEBERT Mrs. Teresa SIMPSON not married ARG 3-Oct-1956 ARG 25-Sep-1957 ARG 2-Apr-1958 4 Sis/o Mrs. Fred Geddings of Grant Road Bertha Louisita ARG BRIDAL 8-Apr-1959 1 Born in Dundee, SCT, md 1903 in Kent, Eng., family named, to Courtenay 1922, see Card of Thanks p. 7 Comox, BC Nanaimo, BC England not given 2-Apr-1959 St. Joseph's, age 83 Comox 18-Jul-1936 Comox 4-May-1958 Comox United Church age 67 16 months ARG ARG 5-Jun-1957 2 d/o M/M H. J. Smith of Happy Valley 5 No further info. See 19 Sep page 9, party for newlyweds, guests listed. 3 d/o M/M W.R. Smith of Little River. See 20 Sep page 7 Shower 9 s/o Mr. A.E./late Mrs. Smith of Glen Sutton, Quebec 18-Jul-1956 4 "Out of the Past" column 7-May-1958 B3 d/o M/M Edward C. Smith of Comox Surname SMITH SMITH SMITH Given Janet McGeoch Kennedy Jennie Mary John Rowland Ev en Date of Event t M Place age/dob 25-Dec-1933 Riddrie, SCT D 3-Apr-1956 Comox M 21-Jul-1956 Vancouver, St. Peter & St. Paul 2-Nov-1957 Sandwick, St. Andrew's Ang. age 73 Spouse Pape Date Issued r John DODDS ARG W. M. Smith ARG ARG 6-Nov-1957 Thomas A. L. Smith ARG 11-Mar-1959 B6 90th birthday, to Hornby Island 1902 ARG 18-Apr-1956 5 81st birthday, Courtenay news ARG 24-Jun-1959 5 d/o M/M F. Gordon Smith of Courtenay, engagement announced. Marriage not confirmed Margaretta B 7 Mar 1869 M. SMITH Mrs. B 17 Apr 1875 Herbert Muriel M 18-Jul-1959 Courtenay, Emily May St. John's Ronald John ZIMMER SMITH Norma Kathleen M Archibald ARG Edgar RANKIN SMITH Randy SMITH Richard George SMITH Rickey B abt 12 Apr not given 1957 M 17-Mar-1956 Vancuver, Can. Memorial B 19-May-1948 not given SMITH Sharon SMITH SMITH SMITHERAM B abt 10 Mar 1944 T. Stewart D bef 1 May 1957 Wilfred M abt 14 Feb (Mr. and 1934 Mrs.) (boy) B 27-Mar-1957 SMITHERINGALE (boy) B Mildred LARKIN not given Seattle, age 53 Washington not given Campbell River 2-Jul-1956 Campbell River 4-Apr-1956 12 Res of Parksville, family named Robert E. McQUARRIE SMITH 5-Oct-1957 Comox U.C. 5 d/o M/M J. Smith of Le-Haven, Riddrie, SCT. Silver Wedding announcement 1-Aug-1956 13 s/o M/M A. Smith of Comox, other family named, res Campbell River Josephine M Ann SMITH Info/Kin Mary Kathleen ARG BROWNING SMITH Co. Wicklow, Ireland not given 17-Dec-1958 Pg Dorothy Smith 3 d/o M/late Mrs. James Smith, lengthy article. See also 30 Oct p. 7 & 6 Nov p. 6 showers 9-Oct-1957 13 d/o Mrs./late Mr. David Smith of Comox. See Showers 2 Oct p. 11 & 16 Oct p. B3 ARG 15-Apr-1959 12 2nd birthday, s/o Mrs. K. Smith ARG 21-Mar-1956 ARG 20-May-1959 11 11th birthday, s/o Mrs. K. Smith, in Willow Point news ARG 14-Mar-1956 ARG 1-May-1957 ARG 25-Feb-1959 ARG 3-Apr-1957 5 s/o M/M Francis Smitheram of Campbell River ARG 11-Jul-1956 2 s/o M/M Edward Smitheringale, Campbell River 2 From Grande Prairie, AB, to res Vancouver 3 12th birthday, guests named, Comox news 4 s/o M/M Herbert Smith of Courtenay 2 25th anniversary Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t Place age/dob Spouse Pape Date Issued r Pg Info/Kin SNAITH Geoffrey Arnot C hr 15-Feb-1959 Cumberland, age 7 Holy Trinity ARG 18-Feb-1959 6 Christened, s/o Leslie & Bernice Snaith SNAITH John Alexander Humrid Marilyn Leon C hr 15-Feb-1959 Cumberland, age 1 Holy Trinity ARG 18-Feb-1959 6 Christened, s/o Leslie & Bernice Snaith C hr 15-Feb-1959 Cumberland, age 6 Holy Trinity ARG 18-Feb-1959 6 Christened, d/o Leslie & Bernice Snaith SNAITH Sharon Elizabeth C hr 15-Feb-1959 Cumberland, age 3 Holy Trinity ARG 18-Feb-1959 6 Christened, d/o Leslie & Bernice Snaith SOGANIC SONNE Gloria Maxine Mary B D 3-Dec-1943 not given 20-Feb-1959 Vancouver SOOMES (girl) B SORENSON Doris (Mrs.) M 14-Jan-1956 Campbell River 19-Jun-1959 Cumberland United SORENSON Elmer D SOUTER (girl) B SPENCE SPENCER (girl) June Marlene B M SPIERS SPIERS (boy) (girl) B B SPINKS Kathleen Anna M SPRATT SPRATT Newell M. Newell M. (Dr.) (boy) (boy) D M SNAITH SPROUT SPROUT B B ARG 18-Jan-29 Eddie SONNE ARG 1-Jan-1958 Happy age 47 Valley 28-Jan-1958 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 27-Oct-1956 Comox, BC 6-Sep-1957 Union Bay, BC 4-Mar-1957 Comox 22-Dec-1958 Campbell River, BC 24-Nov-1956 Courtenay Ang. 5-Jun-1957 Comox 10-Oct-1956 Wellington, BC 8-Aug-1956 Comox 31-Jan-1959 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox ARG 17-Dec-1958 B6 15th birthday, Willow Point news, guests named 4-Mar-1959 8 d/o Alexander FRASER and Mrs. W. Callow, gd/o Mary Berray, other family named, born in Qualicum Beach 18-Jan-1956 11 d/o M/M Clare Soomes of Campbell River Lewellyn ARG Edward TREMBLAY Doris Sorenson ARG 24-Jun-1959 ARG 29-Jan-1958 4 d/o M/M George Souter, RCAF Comox ARG ARG 31-Oct-1956 18-Sep-1957 5 d/o M/M Robert Spence of Courtenay 5 d/o M/M L. G. Spencer of Courtenay ARG ARG 6-Mar-1957 24-Dec-1958 5 s/o M/M Leroy Spiers of Campbell River 6 d/o M/M LeRoy Spiers, sis/o Janis & Randy ARG 28-Nov-1956 2 d/o M/M N.W. Spinks of Courtenay, sis/o Joan and Nancy ARG ARG 12-Jun-1957 17-Oct-1956 7 3 dtrs named, cremation 7 Res of Courtenay ARG ARG 15-Aug-1956 4-Feb-1959 2 s/o M/M Ronald Sprout of Courtenay 4 s/o M/M Donald Sprout of Kelsey Bay Kenneth Sydney ECCLESTON Hayward Gordon JENKINS Mrs. Spratt Mary STEWART 8-Jan-1958 6 d/o Mrs. S. Andrews of Minto 6 Born Leavitt, Alberta, suicide, family named Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t Place SPROUT (girl) B SQUIRE M SQUIRES SQUIRES Harry William (girl) Valerie ST. AUBIN STACEY Paul (boy) D B STACEY STACK (boy) Lorraine Marie B M STADE George Henry David G. D D 6-Oct-1957 Comox 15-Feb-1958 RCAF Chapel, Comox 15-Oct-1956 Comox 30-Mar-1957 Campbell River 18-Nov-1958 Comox, BC 13-Jul-1957 Quesnel, BC, St. Ann's RC 16-Jul-1957 Miracle Beach 31-May-1957 Vancouver M 1-Nov-1933 not given STANOY Heinrich (Mr. and Mrs.) (girl) STANT STANTON Elizabeth (boy) M B STAVDAL STEEL (girl) David Thomas (girl) (Miss) B D STEELE STEFANSON Fred Gayle Marie D M STEFANSON Henry M STAFFORD STAMME STEELE STEELE B M B B M age/dob 6-Jul-1958 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 2-Mar-1957 Courtenay Spouse 17-Nov-1956 Winnipeg, Manitoba 24-Jan-1906 Cumberland 1-Mar-1958 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 11-Oct-1958 Comox, BC 19-Jul-1957 Salt Spring age 80 Island 29-Nov-1956 Comox, BC bef 30 Oct not given 1957 3-Feb-1957 Vancouver age 29 18-May-1957 HMCS Naden, Victoria 27-Mar-1932 Winnipeg, Manitoba Pg Info/Kin ARG 9-Jul-1958 Doris Jeanette ARG VOKES ARG Harry ARG LEONARD 20-Mar-1957 7 Engagement announced 6 Feb page 6 9-Oct-1957 26-Feb-1958 4 d/o M/M Harry Squires Jr. of Courtenay 7 No further info ARG ARG 17-Oct-1956 3-Apr-1957 1 Lived at Riverside Hotel, Courtenay 5 s/o M/M Melvin Stacey of Campbell River ARG Peter Michael ARG BULATOVICH 26-Nov-1958 24-Jul-1957 4 s/o M/M Eric Stacey of Courtenay 3 d/o M/M D. Arthur Stack of Quesnel age 69 age 75 Pape Date Issued r 5 d/o M/M Ronald Sprout of Courtenay Mrs. Stade ARG 24-Jul-1957 4 Presumed drowned, boat found Janet Stafford ARG 5-Jun-1957 ARG 19-Nov-1958 5 Former master mechanic at Headquarters (Comox Logging), 3 sons 2 bros named 6 25th anniversary, in Merville news ARG 21-Nov-1956 5 d/o M/M Mark Stanoy, nee Phyllis Steele ARG ARG 25-Jan-1956 5-Mar-1958 3 50th anniversary in Cumberland 2 s/o M/M John Stanton of Royston ARG ARG 15-Oct-1958 24-Jul-1957 ARG George SHAW ARG 5-Dec-1956 30-Oct-1957 6 d/o M/M William Stavdal of Courtenay 7 Born in Lanarkshire, SCT, to Hamilton, ON, family named 8 d/o M/M Robert Steele, RCAF, Comox 6 "Bridal couple honored" no wedding writeup found Mrs. Steele Robert Allan BROWN ARG ARG 20-Feb-1957 5-Jun-1957 5 Son of local couple, had wife & four children 2 d/o M/M Ed Stefanson, Victoria (Miss) PORCHER ARG 3-Apr-1957 John LEWIS Mary Steel 9 25th wedding anniversary, Comox Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t STEFANSON Joyce Edwina M STELFOX Doreen M STELFOX John M STENHOUSE Mary Ethel D STEPHEN Holly STEPHENS Edith Grace Herb Francis Stella Jocelyn STEPHENS STEPHENS Place age/dob 26-Oct-1956 Esquimalt, Naden Church 21-Mar-1957 Courtenay 1-Mar-1956 Courtenay U.C. 4-Jun-1959 Vancouver age 70 B abt 21 Apr not given 1952 D 23-Dec-1956 Cumberland age 71 D 30-Mar-1959 Duncan Spouse Russell Albert PICKERING (RCN) Albert Edgar WOLFE (RCAF) Florence OLAFSON Mr. Stenhouse Mr. Stephens age 56 Leighton Vincent McCOOEY Pape Date Issued r Pg Info/Kin ARG 14-Nov-1956 13 Twin d/o M/M Edwin Stefanson of Victoria, formerly of Comox, lengthy item ARG 27-Mar-1957 3 d/o M/M Jack Stelfox of Courtenay ARG 29-Feb-1956 ARG 10-Jun-1959 6 s/o M/M J. L. Stelfox of Courtenay, announcement. Writeup on 7 Mar page 6. Photo 14 Mar on page 7 2 M/o Ralph Stenhouse & Mrs. Janet Huck ARG 29-Apr-1959 10 7th birthday, d/o M/M G.D. Stephen ARG 2-Jan-1957 12 M/o Mrs. Frank Johnson of Cumberland ARG 1-Apr-1959 ARG 6 Formerly of Courtenay, s/o Mr. M.S. Stephens of Courtenay 25-Apr-1956 11 d/o M/M A.H. Stephens of Royston. See 25 Apr p. 7 & 2 May p. 6 showers M 2-Apr-1956 Courtenay, Can. Martyrs 5-Jul-1956 Campbell River 15-Sep-1956 Campbell River, BC 2-Oct-1957 Comox 22-Apr-1957 Comox 29-Jan-1958 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 16-Feb-1956 Campbell River 29-Jul-1956 Comox 22-Sep-1958 Comox, BC 23-Dec-1956 Comox, BC 21-May-1958 St. Joseph's, Comox ARG 11-Jul-1956 2 s/o M/M William Stephenson, Campbell River ARG 19-Sep-1956 7 s/o M/M John Stephenson of Campbell River ARG ARG ARG 2-Oct-1957 24-Apr-1957 5-Feb-1958 4 s/o M/M Bertram Stevens, RCAF, Comox 6 d/o M/M Rober Stevens of Royston 6 s/o M/M Donald Stevenson, RCAF ARG 29-Feb-1956 7 d/o M/M Edward Stevenson of Kelsey Bay ARG ARG ARG ARG 1-Aug-1956 1-Oct-1958 26-Dec-1956 28-May-1958 2 6 6 6 STEPHENSON (boy) B STEPHENSON (boy) B STEVENS STEVENS STEVENSON (boy) (girl) (boy) B B B STEVENSON (girl) B STEVENSON STEVENSON STEWART STEWART (girl) (girl) (boy) (boy) B B B B STEWART (boy) B 25-Apr-1959 St. Joseph's, Comox ARG 29-Apr-1959 6 s/o M/M Albert Stewart of Comox STEWART (girl) B 17-Feb-1956 Campbell River ARG 29-Feb-1956 7 d/o M/M James Stewart of Campbell River d/o M/M Kenneth Stevenson, RCAF d/o M/M Kenneth Stevenson, RCAF s/o M/M Hale Stewart of Courtenay s/o M/M James Stewart Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t Place age/dob STEWART (girl) B STEWART Brenda Elizabeth B STEWART Diana Joan M 19-Jul-1958 New Westminster STEWART Eva Catherine Gerald John D 3-Nov-1958 North Vancouver 9-Aug-1957 Union Bay U.C. STEWART John Samual Mary STEWART Norm STEWART Ronald Mcdonald STILES STILLIN (girl) twin boys STOCKAND STOCKAND STOCKAND STOCKAND (boy) (boy) Coleen Henry "Harry" Robert M bef 31 Oct Trail, BC 1956 M 10-Oct-1956 Wellington, BC B abt May 1946- not given 7 D 3-May-1958 Queen age 76 Charlotte City B 21-Aug-1958 SJH B bef 25 Jan Campbell 1956 River B 25-Oct-1957 Cumberland B 26-Jan-1959 Cumberland B 25-Nov-1954 not given D 6-Jan-1956 Cumberland age 59 STEWART STEWART STOCKAND STOCKAND STOCKHALL STOKES STOKLE STONEHOUSE Susan Darlene (boy) John Gerald (boy) M D B M B M B Spouse 15-Jul-1958 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 11-Apr-1959 St. Joseph's, Comox age 41 Pg Info/Kin ARG 16-Jul-1958 6 d/o M/M H. K. Stewart, Courtenay ARG 15-Apr-1959 6 d/o M/M Gerald Stewart. See also 22 Apr p. 5 Dr. Allan F. PARFITT ARG 13-Aug-1958 2 d/o M/M A. J. Stewart of New Westminster Ronald M. STEWART Catherine Maxine GRAHAM Christine MURLAK Newell M. SPRATT (Dr.) ARG 12-Nov-1958 ARG 14-Aug-1957 3 M/o 3 sons, 1 dtr, dtr-in-law of Mrs. Ronald Stewart of Comox 9 s/o M/M Joseph Stewart of Union Bay ARG 31-Oct-1956 15 s/o M/M S. Stewart of Syringa Creek ARG 17-Oct-1956 Mrs. Stewart Rubina PATTERSON 1-May-1956 Buttle Lake, age 19 BC 20-Dec-1958 Cumberland, BC ? 1959 ? 14-Feb-1956 Comox 12-Jun-1959 Vancouver, St. Andrews Wesley 5-May-1956 Campbell River Pape Date Issued r 7 M/o Mrs. Charles Blomquist of Wellington ARG 27-May-1959 10 Birthday party, s/o M/M Joe Stewart of Union Bay ARG 21-May-1958 ARG ARG 3-Sep-1958 10 d/o M/M George Styles, RCAF 25-Jan-1956 2 sons of M/M Jacob Stillin, Quathiaski Cove ARG ARG ARG ARG 30-Oct-1957 4 s/o M/M George Stockand of Cumberland 28-Jan-1959 6 s/o M/M Albert Stockand of Cumberland 3-Dec-1958 B8 4th birthday, d/o M/M Clarence Stockand 11-Jan-1956 2 Born in Vicoria, former miner, family named, wife died 1951. See 11 Jan p. 7 Card of Thanks 2-May-1956 1 Logging accident, s/o MM Ed Stockand of Cumberland. See 16 May p. 3 re funeral, bur. Cumberland Cemetery, long list of tributes 24-Dec-1958 6 d/o M/M Clarence Stockand of Cumberland ARG ARG REYNOLDS 6 Res of Masset, sons named but not wife ARG ARG Elizabeth Anne ARG SEALE 10-Jun-1959 22-Feb-1956 3-Jun-1959 7 Shower held. Marriage not confirmed 7 s/o M/M Harold Stokes of Courtenay 5 s/o M/M J.W. Stokle of Rutherglen, Glasgow, Scotland. Engagement announced. Marriage not confirmed ARG 16-May-1956 7 s/o M/M Keith Stonehouse of Hornby Island Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t Place age/dob Spouse Pape Date Issued r not given ARG B 18-Oct-1958 not given ARG D 22-Jun-1958 The Fort, Comox 22-Sep-1956 Courtenay, Foursquare 27-Jul-1957 Can. Martyrs, Courtenay Pg Info/Kin STONEHOUSE Susan B abt Feb 1949 STOR (boy) STORIE William STOTTS Agnes May M STOWE Rita Bernice M STRACHAN STRACHAN STRACHAN (boy) (boy) (boy) B B B 3-Jan-1956 Comox, BC 11-Dec-1956 Comox, BC 6-May-1958 St. Joseph's, Comox ARG ARG ARG STRACHAN STRACHAN (girl) (girl) B B ARG ARG 25-Jul-1956 2-Apr-1958 STRACHAN (girl) B ARG 11-Feb-1959 STRACHAN Graeme M 22-Jul-1956 Comox 27-Mar-1958 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 10-Feb-1959 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 9-Aug-1958 Campbellton R.C. Church Betty-Ann KOBIERSKI ARG 27-Aug-1958 B4 s/o M/M Hugh Strachan. See also 30 Jul p. 7 engagement STRACHAN James D Martha FORD ARG 14-Mar-1956 STRACHAN Jean D STRACHAN John M STRACHAN Kevin John B STRACHAN Leanne Rose B STRACHAN Malcolm Harold M age 86 8-Mar-1956 Campbell age 89 River 20-Nov-1956 Cumberland, age 45 BC 28-Mar-1959 Nanaimo, St. Andrew's Hannah ARG BEECH James Albert ARG BARKER Ronald George ARG ANDERSON (LAC) John Strachan ARG Mrs. Kathleen STUBBS 3-Jan-1956 Comox 30-Jan-1958 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 17-Feb-1956 Campbell River U.C. ARG ARG ARG Mavis LIVINGSTON ARG 18-Feb-1959 11 10th birthday on Hornby Island, d/o M/M Keith Stonehouse 22-Oct-1958 4 s/o M/M O. Stor of Vancouver, bro for Sheila & Janette 9-Jul-1958 8 Children named. See FP 15 Nov 1928 p. 2 & 7 re death of infant son 26-Sep-1956 13 d/o M/M F.W. Stotts. See 3 Oct 1956 p. 7 Shower 31-Jul-1957 13 d/o M/M G.N. Stowe of Courtenay. See also Shower page 14 and 31 Jul page 2 4-Jan-1956 11 s/o M/M Harvey Strachan 12-Dec-1956 7 Son of M/M Harvey Strachan of Hornby Island 7-May-1958 4 s/o M/M James Strachan of Cumberland 5 d/o M/M Alec Strachan of Courtenay 4 d/o M/M Malcolm Strachan 4 d/o M/M Alexander Strachan of Courtenay 8 Born in Scotland, 7 children named. See 21 Mar p. 11 re funeral 28-Nov-1956 12 Card of Thanks by John Strachan & family. See page 7, born Cecil, Penn., family named 8-Apr-1959 5 Res of Cumberland 4-Jan-1956 11 s/o M/M Harvey Strachan, see also 18 Jan p. 2 Hornby Island news (not page 11) 5-Feb-1958 6 d/o M/M Harvey Strachan, Hornby Island, 9th child 22-Feb-1956 8 d/o M/M Hugh Strachan, Courtenay. See wedding announcement 8 Feb page 6, 15 Feb page 2 and 7 Mar page 7 Showers. Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t Place STRACHAN Richard Colin B 10-Apr-1959 St. Joseph's, Comox STRAND STRAND STRANK STRANK (boy) (girl) (girl) Donald John (boy) Pamela Lynn (boy) B B B M 4-May-1956 14-Aug-1958 1-Sep-1956 17-Mar-1956 STUBBINGTON Arthur Victor M STUBBINGTON Wayne Fraser (LAC) (boy) (boy) Cecil Vernon M STUBBS Jane STUBBS Joanna STUBBS Kathleen (Mrs.) B abt 4 Feb not given 1954 B abt 4 Feb not given 1951 M 28-Mar-1959 Nanaimo, St. Andrew's STUBBS Mary Ann D 16-Apr-1958 Cobble Hill STUPE (girl) B 19-Jun-1958 St. Joseph's, Comox STURGEON D STURGESS Benjamin Howard Ivy Rose SUGGITT (girl) B STROBL STROUKEN STUBBINGTON STUBBS STUBBS STUBBS B B B B B D M age/dob ARG ARG ARG Joan Margaret ARG MOLLGARD ARG ARG 24-May-1959 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 25-Oct-1958 Comox, RCAF Chapel 17-Aug-1956 RCAF Chapel, Comox 1-May-1956 Comox, BC 28-Feb-1957 Comox 9-Apr-1956 Union Bay age 55 11-Jul-1959 Courtenay, St. John's 25-Feb-1957 Campbell River Pape Date Issued r ARG Comox, BC SJH Victoria, BC Victoria, St. Luke's 12-Nov-1958 Comox 7-Mar-1959 not given 5-Sep-1957 Comox Spouse Beryl Loreen LONSDALE 16-May-1956 7 s/o M/M Mel Strand of Courtenay 27-Aug-1958 B2 d/o M/M Mel Strand, RR2 Courtenay 12-Sep-1956 20 d/o M/M Donald Strank of Cumberland 28-Mar-1956 12 s/o M/M D.D. Strank of Cumberland ARG 27-May-1959 6 s/o M/M Arthur Stubbington, Pat Bay ARG 29-Oct-1958 ARG ARG ARG ARG age 84 3 s/o M/M Harvey Strachan of Hornby Island. See also 15 April p. 6 6 s/o M/M Richard Strobl, RCAF 5 d/o M/M Gerry Strouken ARG John STRACHAN Info/Kin 19-Nov-1958 19-Mar-1959 Lorette May ARG HARGREAVES Kathleen HAGGART 22-Apr-1959 Pg ARG 9 Reception at home groom's mother 29-Aug-1956 13 s/o M/M M. Stubbington of Sault St. Marie, Ontario 16-May-1956 6-Mar-1957 11-Apr-1956 7 s/o M/M Gerry Stubbs, RCAF, Comox 5 s/o M/M James Stubbs of Comox 1 Garage operator, family named, bur. Cumberland Cemetery. See 18 Apr p. 4 letter of tribute, page 6 Card of Thanks, p. 8 Floral tributes 8-Feb-1956 11 2nd birthday, d/o M/M James Stubbs of Comox, guests named 8-Feb-1956 11 5th birthday, d/o M/M James Stubbs of Comox, guests named 8-Apr-1959 5 sis/o Mrs. R. Bennie, res of Union Bay Frank STUBBS ARG 23-Apr-1958 4 m/o Mr. G. W. Stubbs of Courtenay ARG 25-Jun-1958 4 d/o M/M Albert Stupe, RCAF ARG 8-Jan-1958 ARG 24-Jun-1959 ARG 6-Mar-1957 age 80 Henning OFFERSEN 7 Estate notice 5 d/o M/M R.L. Sturgess of Black Creek, engagement announced. Marriage not confirmed 5 d/o M/M Fred R. Suggitt, Campbell River Surname SULLIVAN SULLIVAN SULLIVAN Given Ev en Date of Event t Alexander D 28-Jan-1956 Joseph Sammy D bef 18 June 1958 Wallace D 11-Feb-1957 Alexander Comox, BC Gros Tenquin, France Comox Comox, BC Comox, BC Bowser (girl) (boy) (girl) Ila Maud B B B D SUMMERS SUMNER SUNNERS (girl) W. (Mr. and Mrs.) (boy) SURNAME GIVEN SUTCLIFFE SUTHERLAND (girl) (boy) B 19-Dec-1958 Comox, BC M abt 3 Feb not given 1921 B 10-May-1905 New Zealand E Date of event Place V B 23-Oct-1958 Comox, BC B 15-Mar-1959 St. Joseph's, Comox SUTHERLAND Ethel D SUTTON D SVETICH Charles Edward Gertrude May Peter SWAILE SWAN (boy) (girl) B B SWAN Minnie Rose William Kelly (girl) D SWAN SWANSON D M D B age/dob age 49 Mrs. Sullivan Pape Date Issued r Pg Info/Kin 1-Feb-1956 ARG 18-Jun-1958 3 formerly Cumberland, family named age 24 ARG 20-Feb-1957 5 s/o Mrs. Fred Benson of Port Alberni age 54 ARG ARG ARG Mr. Summerfelt ARG 5-Sep-1956 3-Oct-1956 1-Oct-1958 24-Jul-1957 65 Janet Sullivan 17-Feb-1956 Vancouver, BC 9-Sep-1955 Oyster age 43 River, BC 6-Jan-1959 Cumberland age 69 2-Feb-1957 Courtenay, Can. Martyrs 3-Apr-1957 Comox 24-Dec-1957 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 21-Dec-1936 Sandwick, age 56 BC 23-Apr-1956 Comox age 94 12-Sep-1957 Campbell River Spouse ARG Vancouver SULYMA SUMMERFELT SUMMERFELT SUMMERFELT SUTTON 30-Aug-1956 30-Sep-1956 29-Sep-1958 16-Jul-1957 Place ARG ARG 1 Buried Courtenay Civic, children named 2 5 6 4 d/o M/M George Sulyma of Texada Island s/o M/M Lyle Summerfelt of Qualicum d/o M/M Lyle Summerfelt of Bowser Born Deloraine, MB, sis/o Mr. Grant Finch, family named, Willow Point news, see also page 7 24-Dec-1958 6 d/o M/M Keith Summers, RCAF 8-Feb-1956 13 35th anniversary, Dove Creek news ARG Spouse 17-Dec-1958 B3 s/o M/M Richard Sunners, who returned from 8 mos in NZ Pape Issue date Pa Other information r g ARG 29-Oct-1958 6 d/o M/M Donald S. Sutcliffe, RCAF ARG 18-Mar-1959 6 s/o M/M Raymond Sutherland, RCAF Walter ARG SUTHERLAND ARG Charles E. SUTTON Grace DOWNEY Fred SWAN 22-Feb-1956 7 Sisters & sis-in-law named, bur. Campbell River cemetery ARG 4-Jan-1956 11 Estate Notice, a.k.a. Charles Sutton Jr. late of Cumberland 14-Jan-1959 2 Born in Abersychan, Wales, 4 sons named, bur. Cumberland Cemetery 6-Feb-1957 5 s/o M/M R. Svetich ARG ARG 10-Apr-1957 8-Jan-1958 2 s/o M/M Richard Swaile of Sayward 7 d/o M/M Cecil H. Swan of Courtenay ARG 26-Dec-1956 4 "20 Years Ago" nee BERKELEY, daughter of pioneers ARG 25-Apr-1956 ARG 25-Sep-1957 1 Born Harvey Station, New Brunswick, to BC 1888, 3 newphews, 2 nieces named, bur. Courtenay Civic 4 d/o M/M Russell Swanson of Heriot Bay ARG Surname SWAYZE SWERHUN SWINDELL SYKES SYMONDS Given Darlene Dawn (boy) (girl) (girl) (boy) Ev en Date of Event t C hr B B B B Place age/dob 1-Oct-1958 RCAF base? 4 months Comox, BC Comox Comox, BC Campbell River 4-Aug-1956 Comox, RCAF Prot. Chapel 9-Jun-1959 St. Joseph's age 83 Hospital, Comox 6-Jul-1957 Cumberland 4-Mar-1957 Comox 1-Sep-1956 Port Alberni, BC ARG Marjorie ARG WYLLYCHUCK David M Keith (Cpl.) TABER Edward Moss D TAIT Eleanor Joanne (girl) Lloyd M B D 11-Feb-1957 Cumberland 10-Jan-1939 Cumberland age 81 M TATE TATEISHI TATTON (girl) Lucy Amanda Walter and Josie (boy) Mr. (boy) TAUSCHMANN Johann M 17-Apr-1905 Round Hill, AB 19-May-1956 Comox, BC 30-Apr-1959 Toronto 3-Nov-1956 Campbell River 28-Jun-1958 Vancouver, St. Andrew's TAYLOR (boy) B TAYLOR TAYLOR (boy) (boy) B B TAYLOR (boy) B TAYLOR (girl) TAYLOR TAYLOR (girl) (girl) TANTRUM TARBELL TARNOWSKI B M B D B Pape Date Issued r ARG 12-Dec-1956 4-Aug-1957 9-Oct-1958 7-Sep-1956 TABBERNOR TAJE TAMBS Spouse 8-Oct-1958 Pg Info/Kin 6 Baptism, d/o Cpl/Mrs. Douglas Swayze ARG ARG ARG ARG 19-Dec-1956 7 s/o M/M Swerhun of Courtenay 7-Aug-1957 10 d/o M/M Thomas Swindell, RCAF, Kin Beach 15-Oct-1958 6 d/o M/M James Sykes, RCAF 12-Sep-1956 12 s/o M/M John Symonds of Campbell River Gloria Alice PECKHAM ARG 15-Aug-1956 5 s/o Mrs. D.P. Tabbernor of New Westminster Mrs. Taber ARG 10-Jun-1959 4 Born in Bristol, Que., 4 dtrs named, bur. Courtenay Cem. Joseph Arthur WILSON ARG 10-Jul-1957 C. H. TARBELL ARG ARG 20-Feb-1957 14-Jan-1959 ARG 29-Apr-1959 ARG ARG ARG Edith CHRISTIE 2 d/o M/M George Tait of Cumberland. Engagement 12 Jun page 8 6-Mar-1957 5 d/o M/M Alex Taje of Royston 5-Sep-1956 12 No further info ARG ARG B 30-Dec-1955 Victoria, Royal Jubilee 12-May-1956 Comox, BC 1-Nov-1958 Cumberland, BC bef 12 Mar Lakefield, 1958 Alberta 15-Apr-1956 Cumberland B B 30-May-1957 Cumberland 31-Aug-1957 Comox 5 d/o M/M Jack Tantrum 4 20 Years Ago 9 25th anniversary, in Fanny Bay news, parents/o Joe and Clifford 23-May-1956 2 s/o M/M Robert Tate, RCAF 6-May-1959 10 Former res of Dove Creek 7-Nov-1956 3 s/o M/M Cameron Tatton of Ramsay Arm, BC 9-Jul-1958 7 Parents not mentioned 4-Jan-1956 11 s/o M/M R.D. Taylor of Victoria, nee Margaret Dando of Cumberland ARG ARG 16-May-1956 5-Nov-1958 7 s/o M/M Ken Taylor of Courtenay 6 s/o M/M Herbert Taylor of Cumberland ARG 12-Mar-1958 4 s/o M/M J. H. Taylor ARG 18-Apr-1956 ARG ARG 5-Jun-1957 4-Sep-1957 5 d/o M/M Herbert Taylor, nee Dorothy Hudson, of Cumberland 4 d/o M/M J. H. Taylor of Cumberland 4 d/o M/M Charles Taylor of Courtenay Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t Place age/dob TAYLOR (girl) B TAYLOR Ann B 1-Feb-1958 Victoria Jubilee 25-Feb-1944 not given TAYLOR Brenda Kaye Gordon Fieldend (F/O) Mary Natalie M 20-Apr-1957 Comox U.C. M Beverley Irene Samuel M 27-Dec-1955 RCAF Catholic Chapel 4-Jan-1956 Mojave age 25 Desert, California 27-Dec-1958 Kelowna, BC D 4-Dec-1958 Duncan, BC age 67 TERRY TERRY (boy) Albert (RCMP) B M 11-Oct-1958 Comox, BC 4-Feb-1957 Courtenay, U.C. TERRY Edward Stephen C hr 25-Dec-1958 Courtenay, child St. George's THATCHER Richard M THATCHER William THEXTON TAYLOR TAYLOR TEEL TEMBEY THEXTON THEXTON THIBAULT THOMAS THOMAS D Spouse Pape Date Issued r ARG 5-Feb-1958 ARG Pg Info/Kin 6 d/o MM R. D. Taylor of Victoria Harold Leslie DAVIES Mary Natalie McCAULEY ARG 7-Mar-1956 13 12th birthday, gd/o Mrs. P.O. Stickland of Heriot Bay, Quadra Island news 8-May-1957 3 d/o M/M T. E. Taylor of Vancouver ARG 4-Jan-1956 Gordon TAYLOR ARG 11-Jan-1956 Roy Murdoch ARG GREENING Annie Tembey ARG 31-Dec-1958 6 s/o M/M William Taylor, Blackpool, England 1 Nee MacAulay, accidental death on honeymoon, married at RCAF Comox, wedding photo ARG ARG 5 Engagement announced 10 Dec page 5, d/o M/M R. Teel of Oyster Bay, BC 10-Dec-1958 B5 Born Cumberland, England, family named, wife died 1954, bur. Nanaimo 15-Oct-1958 6 s/o Const./Mrs. Albert Terry of Courtenay 27-Feb-1957 2 s/o M/M A. J. Terry of Amisk, Sask. ARG 31-Dec-1958 6 s/o Const/Mrs. A. J. Terry 20-Oct-1956 Courtenay Frances Grace ARG MURRAY 24-Oct-1956 3 s/o M/M Wm Thatcher of Cumberland M 15-Jun-1957 Courtenay Dorothy Josephine ZIMMER ARG 19-Jun-1957 3 s/o Mrs/late Mr. William Thatcher of Cumberland Christophe r Edward Jacqueline Ruth Sylvania Irene Patricia Emily Louisa (girl) D 2-Oct-1958 Port Alberni, age 77 BC 20-Sep-1958 Cumberland U.C. 5-May-1956 Victoria, BC ARG Elizabeth Ann D Phyllis Margaret WILLIAMSON B 21-Mar-1959 St. Joseph's, Comox ARG 8-Oct-1958 B1 Born in England, Cumberland connections, bur. Port Alberni 24-Sep-1958 B3 d/o M/M Roy Thexton of Cumberland, see also 1 Oct page 8 25-Apr-1956 6 Engagement announced. See 2 May p. 3 Shower. No wedding writeup 25-Mar-1959 6 d/o M/M G. H. Thibault B 8-Apr-1959 St. Joseph's, Comox ARG 15-Apr-1959 ARG 8-Apr-1959 M M 21-Mar-1959 Comox age 76 Jack Douglas BENNIE Otto DAMITZ Isaac Thomas ARG ARG 6 d/o M/M Albert Thomas, RCAF 7 Card of Thanks, bur. Courtenay Cemetery Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t Place age/dob THOMAS Hugh Basil D THOMPSON THOMPSON THOMPSON (boy) (boy) (boy) B B B THOMPSON Arthur Edward Edward Allen M THOMPSON Henry M THOMPSON Joy (Mrs. M M. BELYK) THOMSON Helen Doreen M THOMSON Joan Winnifred M THOMSON Joseph M 2-Mar-1908 Courtenay, St. Andrew's THORPE THORSEN (boy) Hazel Elizabeth (boy) B M 13-Oct-1958 Comox, BC 2-Feb-1957 Cumberland B 24-Nov-1956 Campbell River, BC 13-Nov-1958 Campbell age 93 River 18-Aug-1956 Cumberland THOMPSON THULIN THULIN C hr 28-Jul-1958 Comox, at age 70 home 31-Aug-1958 Cumberland 16-Oct-1958 Comox 23-Apr-1959 Cumberland G.H. 31-Aug-1956 Vancouver, BC 6-May-1956 Courtenay, infant St. John's Ang. 2 Apr 1899 Hamilton, Scotland not given not given Spouse Gwendolin Evelyn DAVIS Joan Marlene BARRIE Pape Date Issued r Info/Kin ARG 30-Jul-1958 ARG ARG ARG 3-Sep-1958 12 s/o M/M John G. Thompson of Cumberland 22-Oct-1958 4 s/o M/M Terrance Thompson, RCAF 6-May-1959 6 s/o M/M Gary Thompson of Cumberland ARG ARG 5 Res of Courtenay, s/o M/M J.E. Thompson of Ashcroft, BC. Gs/o M/M W.A.W. Hames 9-May-1956 10 Christened, s/o M/M J.E. Thompson of Courtenay ARG 20-Sep-1958 Cumberland U.C. Thomas GALEAZZI ARG 1-Oct-1958 26-Apr-1958 Toronto, St. Paul's George Vernon ARG BARLOW 14-May-1958 Myra CLIFFE 12-Mar-1958 ARG ARG 6 Family named 5-Sep-1956 Rosina McGINNIS not named 8-Apr-1959 2 60th anniversary, photo on p. 1, family named, long writeup, see also 1 Apr p. 12 3-Sep-1958 10 nee Joy THOMPSON, d/o Mrs. Wm Thompson, shower held, husband not named, No wedding found in paper 3 d/o M/M Robert Thomson. See 27 Aug page 5 engagement, 10 Sep p. 6, 17 Sep p. 5, 24 Sep p. 3 Showers 4 d/o M/M J Thomson of Royston. See also 19 Mar p. 5 Engagement, and p. 6 Shower, 23 Apr p. 4 Courtenay news 2 50th anniversary, many relatives and friends listed in long article ARG 15-Oct-1958 James Herbert ARG 6-Feb-1957 BROWN ARG 38 Nov 1956 6 s/o Rev./Mrs. Leonard Thorpe 5 d/o M/M Haakens Breeke of Bella Coola Charles THULIN 3 Mother of Carol, Lily and Elin TIERNEY Mary D Josephine (girl) B TILBE Janice M 30-Jun-1956 Courtenay, St. George's Mike GOLICZ ARG 4-Jul-1956 TILBE Patricia Donalene M 28-Mar-1959 Courtenay, St. George's Lionel Herbert EDWARDS ARG 1-Apr-1959 TILBURT (boy) B ARG 11-Sep-1957 5-Sep-1957 Comox Pg ARG 19-Nov-1958 ARG 2-Aug-1956 7 s/o M/M Carl A. Thulin of Campbell River 5 d/o M/M James Tierney of Cumberland, gd/o Mrs. Rose Frew 2 d/o M/M A.H. tilbe, Courtenay, sis/o Mrs. J. Robertson & Donalene Robertson 6 d/o M/M A. H. Tilbe, see also photo in 8 Apr p. 5. Engagement 4 Mar p. 7 5 s/o M/M Jack Tilburt of Courtenay Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t TILKINGTON (girl) B TIPPING William James D bef 24 Dec 1958 TISTO (boy) B TJART TJART (boy) (girl) B B TOBACCO (boy) B TOBACCO M TODD TODD TONKIN Charles Terrance Laurie Lynn Rosalie June (boy) (boy) (girl) TOOLE Allan M. D TOWER TOWERS (girl) B Dorothy M Anne May TOWERS Ruth Joan M TOWNSLEY TREEN (girl) Patricia Allison B M TRELOAR TRELOAR (boy) Audrey Freda B M TRELOAR Robert John C bef 3 Sep hr 1958 TOBACCO TOBACCO B M B B B Place age/dob Spouse 10-May-1958 St. Joseph's, Comox Pape Date Issued r Pg Info/Kin ARG 14-May-1958 4 d/o M/M Barrie Tilkington of Campbell River (says TILKINGTON but should be PILKINGTON) ARG 24-Dec-1958 6 Father of Brenda ARG 25-Mar-1959 6 s/o M/M Ernest Tisto of Comox 15-Apr-1957 Comox 15-Apr-1959 St. Joseph's, Comox ARG ARG 17-Apr-1957 22-Apr-1959 4 s/o M/M R. Tjart of Black Creek 6 d/o M/M Nick Tjart of Black Creek 18-Dec-1956 Cumberland, BC 20-Sep-1958 Campbell River U.C. 19-Jan-1959 Cumberland G.H. 1-Apr-1959 Comox, St. Peter's 8-May-1956 Comox, BC 2-Sep-1958 SJH 29-Jun-1957 Campbell River 20-Oct-1956 Willow Point, age 19 BC 3-Sep-1958 SJH 9-Feb-1958 Esquimalt ARG 19-Dec-1956 7 s/o M/M Ray Tobacco of Cumberland ARG 24-Sep-1958 ARG 21-Jan-1959 ARG 8-Apr-1959 3 s/o M/M Charles Tobacco of Cumberland.. See also 17 Sep page 7 engagement 6 d/o M/M Charles Tobacco Jr. First Cumberland baby of 1959 (photo) ARG 28 Jan p. 11 5 d/o M/M S. Tobacco of Cumberland West age 58 Didsbury, England 23-Mar-1959 St. Joseph's, Comox 1-Jan-1959 Comox, St. Peter's 21-May-1957 Cumberland 18-Aug-1956 Courtenay, St. George's Norine Jane IRVING Lawrence ANFIELD ARG ARG ARG Thomas Francis O'NEILL John DOVER Reginald Bernard PARLBY 28-Oct-1958 Comox, BC 14-Sep-1957 Union Bay, BC not given Mrs. Tipping Frederick Raymond HAMER infant 16-May-1956 7 s/o M/M Jack Todd, RCAF, Comox 10-Sep-1958 6 s/o M/M Jackson Todd, RCAF 3-Jul-1957 11 d/o M/M Charles of Campbell River ARG 24-Oct-1956 1 Car crash, 1 dead, 3 injued ARG ARG 10-Sep-1958 26-Feb-1958 6 d/o M/M John Tower, RCAF 7 formerly of Courtenay and Port Alice ARG 4-Feb-1959 3 d/o M/M John Towers of Comox ARG ARG 29-May-1957 4 d/o M/M Bill Townsley of Cumberland 22-Aug-1956 11 d/o M/M Hector J. Treen of Courtenay. See 18 Jul p. 6 Engagement ARG ARG 29-Oct-1958 18-Sep-1957 ARG 3-Sep-1958 6 s/o M/M Robert Treloar of Union Bay 5 d/o M/M F. Treloar of Union Bay. See 18 Sep p. 11 shower 3 Christened, s/o M/M Robert Treloar of Union Bay Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t TRELOAR Shirley Irene M TREMBLAY Helga M. D TREMBLAY Lewellyn Edward M TREMBLAY TRIGGS TRILLER Rheta (girl) (girl) D B B TRONSON James M TRONSON Ludvig M. D TROTTER Arthur M TUCKER TUCKER (girl) B Lora Jean D TUDWAY TULL TURCOT B D M TUREENE Dianne Ethel Anita Laverne (girl) TURGOOSE Christine D TURKINGTON TURNBULL (girl) Robert B D TURNBULL D TURNER TURNER TURNER Roberta Hope (R.N.) (boy) (girl) (girl) TURNER (girl) B B B B B Place age/dob 7-Feb-1958 Union Bay, United Church 19-Oct-1957 Oyster River age 40 bridge 19-Jun-1959 Cumberland United 19-Oct-1957 Pyster River age 40 19-May-1957 Comox 18-Apr-1956 Campbell River 27-Sep-1957 Port Alberni, Grace Lutheran 1-Mar-1957 Comox 24-Sep-1906 Winnipeg, Manitoba 15-Nov-1958 Comox 5-May-1956 Vancouver, BC 30-Mar-1938 not given 11-Aug-1957 Victoria 14-Sep-1957 Vancouver, BC 28-Jan-1958 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 12-Nov-1958 Campbell River 20-Sep-1958 Comox, BC 12-May-1958 Victoria, St. Joseph's 5-Sep-1956 Hastings, England 11-Nov-1958 Comox 21-Sep-1956 Comox 20-May-1957 Campbell River 28-Aug-1957 Comox age 74 Spouse Pg Info/Kin Leo Henry LENNER ARG 26-Feb-1958 Mr. Tremblay ARG 5-Mar-1958 Doris SORENSON (Mrs.) Mr. Tremblay ARG 24-Jun-1959 6 Of Alberni ARG ARG ARG 23-Oct-1957 22-May-1957 25-Apr-1956 1 Car accident, 3 killed 7 d/o M/M Stanley Triggs of Royston 8 d/o M/M Karl Triller of Campbell River Elsie FIDELAK ARG 16-Oct-1957 2 s/o late M/M L.M. Tronson of Comox Signe (Edin) TRONSON Elizabeth Gibson VINT ARG 13-Mar-1957 16 Wife deceased, family named ARG 26-Sep-1956 ARG ARG 19-Nov-1958 16-May-1956 ARG ARG ARG 4-Apr-1956 14-Aug-1957 18-Sep-1957 ARG 5-Feb-1958 ARG 26-Nov-1958 ARG ARG 24-Sep-1958 21-May-1958 ARG 12-Sep-1956 17 d/o M/late Mrs. R.E. Turnbull, former res of Little River, family writeup ARG ARG ARG 12-Nov-1958 12 s/o M/M W. Turner of Comox 3-Oct-1956 13 d/o M/M Brian Turner, RCAF, Courtenay 29-May-1957 4 d/o M/M Robt. J. Turner, Campbell River age 36 Mr. Tucker age 72 Fred TULL John Ronald FRANCIOLI age 77 Mr. Turgoose age 82 Mrs. Turnbull (dec'd) age 43 Pape Date Issued r ARG 4-Sep-1957 7 No further info 1 Accidental death, coroner's inquest 1 50th anniversary, photo of parents & 5 children, named, page 1, writeup on page 3 6 d/o M/M Francis Tucker, RCAF 8 d/o Mr. J.J. Ellis, husband & children not named, Kelsey Bay/Sayward news 8 18th birthday, guests named 5 Former res of Courtenay/Comox, family named 5 d/o Mrs. Eileen Turcot 6 d/o M/M Leo Tureene, RCAF 4 Mother of Mrs. M. Brethour, funeral in Victoria, Willow Point news 4 d/o M/M James Turkington, RCAF 6 One son, two dtrs not named, 7 grandchildren 4 d/o M/M Turner of Comox Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t TURNER Mary Ellen M (LAW) TWEEDHOPE TWEEDHOPE TWEEDIE (boy) (girl) (boy) TWEEDIE Place age/dob Spouse Frederick Wayne ANGELL B B B 4-Feb-1958 Comox, RCAF Chapel 30-Jan-1957 Comox 24-Apr-1957 Cumberland 1-Sep-1958 SJH M 11-May-1957 Courtenay M 11-May-1957 Courtenay William Henry RIDDOCK William Henry RIDDOCH B TYMCHUK Deanna Yvonne Deanna Yvonne Kerry Robin Thomas S. TYNES (boy) B 12-Jan-1959 Readsport, Oregon 16-Jun-1956 Coos Bay, California 13-May-1958 St. Joseph's, Comox TYREMAN (boy and girl twins) B ULLYOT ULRICH UNETT UNGER (girl) Joe (girl) Richard Emerson B M B M UNROW (girl) B UNRUH Erika M UPPGARD Shirley Marie Doris M Matthew (Dr.) John Kennedy M TWEEDIE TYMCHUK UPRIGHT URIE URQUHART M M D 25-Mar-1956 Campbell River 15-Jul-1956 Black Creek, United Mennonite 23-Nov-1957 Vancouver, BC 14-Feb-1956 Edmonton, AB 29-Sep-1956 Port Alberni 29-Jan-1956 Vancouver, BC age 76 Pg Info/Kin ARG 12-Feb-1958 ARG ARG ARG ARG 6-Feb-1957 7 s/o M/M Norman Tweedhope of Cumberland 1-May-1957 3 d/o M/M Jack Tweedhope of Cumberland 3-Sep-1958 12 s/o M/M Gerald Keith Tweedie of Nanaimo, see also 10 Sep page 8 (congrats) 15-May-1957 7 d/o M/M Charles Tweedie of Fanny Bay ARG 15-May-1957 ARG ARG 14-Jan-1959 12 s/o M/M Tm S. Tymchuk, gs/o Mrs. Len Pepper of Cumberland 18-Jul-1956 2 Married in Presbyterian Church ARG 14-May-1958 4 s/o M/M Clarence Tynes, RCAF ARG 12-Mar-1958 4 ch/o M/M T. E. Tyreman, RCAF ARG Julia POWELL ARG ARG Edna Maxine ARG LINDMAN 9-Jan-1957 22-Feb-1956 18-Sep-1957 3-Sep-1958 7 2 5 9 ARG 28-Mar-1956 3 d/o M/M Melvin Unrow of Campbell River Kenneth BULLER ARG 18-Jul-1956 Allan DRAB ARG 11-Dec-1957 Leo SAVOIE ARG Valentine Eva WALLACE ARG Marlene J. ALSPAUGH 9-Mar-1958 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 2-Jan-1957 Comox 18-Feb-1956 not given 13-Sep-1957 Comox 23-Aug-1958 Knox United, Prince George, BC Pape Date Issued r ARG 4 No further info 7 d/o M/M Glen Ullyot, RCAF No further info. Wedding writeup on 7 Mar page 13 d/o M/M Francis Unett, RCAF, Comox s/o M/M Henry Unger of Hixon, BC 8 d/o M/M John T. Unruh of Black Creek, to res Terrace, BC 5 d/o M/M Victor Uppgard of Ladysmith 8-Feb-1956 11 Hornby Island news. Wedding writeup 7 Mar page 2 17-Oct-1956 10 s/o Mrs. Isabella Kerr Urie of Comox & late Arthur Urie of Paisley, SCT 22-Feb-1956 12 Born Courtenay, bro/o Mrs. Walter McPhee & Mrs. W.E. Akenhead Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t Place VALDIVEA Palma T. M VALDIVIA (girl) B VALENTINE VALLEE (boy) (boy) B B VAN DER BRAND (girl) VAN DER EAST Judy B B VAN DER LEEST VAN DER MAATEN VAN DER MAATEN Van der MAATEN (girl) (boy) B B 25-Jan-1956 Comox 17-Jan-1957 Comox (girl) B 19-Jan-1956 Comox Lavern G. M age/dob 4-May-1957 Baltimore, Maryland 19-Apr-1959 Baltimore, Maryland 5-Sep-1957 Comox 29-Jul-1958 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 12-Dec-1958 Comox abt 15 Feb not given 1938 Spouse Doris Marie JANES 25-May-1957 Courtenay, St. George's B 16-Mar-1959 St. Joseph's, Comox VAN DER PUTTEN Bram M 28-Apr-1956 Courtenay, St. George's VAN DYK (girl) B VAN HENERT Thomas D 14-Apr-1958 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 19-Jan-1956 Los Angeles, age 31 CA VAN IEPEREN Raymond James M 29-Nov-1958 Courtenay, St. George's VAN MATTEN (girl) B VAN NES Van VALKENBURG VANDALE (girl) Gladys Lynne Mathilda Marie B M 30-Mar-1958 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 7-Nov-1956 Comox, BC 12-Apr-1958 Sandwick D 10-Apr-1957 Comox Info/Kin 24-Apr-1957 8 No further info ARG 22-Apr-1959 6 d/o M/M P.T. Valdivia Jr., nee Doris Janes ARG ARG 11-Sep-1957 6-Aug-1958 5 s/o M/M Earl Valentine of Comox 2 s/o M/M Paul Vallee, Comox ARG ARG ARG ARG 17-Dec-1958 2 d/o M/M M. Van der Brand of Courtenay 7-Mar-1956 13 18th birthday, d/o M/M Lenard van der East, in Quadra Island news. See also 14 Mar page 5, spelled VANDEREST 8-Feb-1956 8 d/o Rev/Mrs. Van der Leest of Courtenay 6-Feb-1957 9 s/o M/M Robert Van Der Maaten of Cumberland ARG 25-Jan-1956 ARG 5-Jun-1957 ARG 18-Mar-1959 ARG 2-May-1956 7 s/o M/M John Van der Putten of Holland, wedding writeup. See 11 Apr p. 6 engagement ARG 16-Apr-1958 7 d/o M/M Andy Van Dyk of Merville Kannie Van Henert ARG 25-Jan-1956 10 Former Courtenay resident, s/o Della Van Henert of Los Angeles Jacqueline Mildred HOFFHEINTZ ARG 3-Dec-1958 2 s/o M/M F.H. Van Ieperen of North Surrey, BC; guests named ARG 2-Apr-1958 4 d/o M/M Lavern Van Matten ARG ARG 14-Nov-1956 23-Apr-1958 5 d/o M/M Leslie Van Nes, RCAF Comox 7 d/o M/M G. Van Valkenburg ARG 17-Apr-1957 4 Five sons, 4 dtrs named Ann DE WITT age 55 Pg ARG Dolores Margareg SMITH VAN DER PUTTEN (boy) Pape Date Issued r Angus Robert CAMPBELL Mr. Vandale 2 d/o M/M John Van der Maaten of Cumberland 2 s/o M/M M. Van der Maaten of Cumberland 6 s/o M/M A. Van der Putten of Courtenay Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t Place age/dob VANYO Elizabeth M 31-Jan-1959 Courtenay, Can. Martyrs VANYO Julia M VASS VASS VASS (girl) (girl) Mary Ann B B D 21-Aug-1956 Comox 20-Feb-1957 Comox 6-Mar-1959 Victoria VATON Harry M VATON Mary Ann D 21-Mar-1916 South Wellington, BC 28-Feb-1959 Cumberland age 61 Hosp. VAUGHAN VAUGHN Thomas H. M (Mr. and Mrs.) Thomas H. M (Mr. and Mrs.) Debbie B VEILLEUX VEITCH VEITCH VEITCH (girl) (boy) (boy) (girl) VEITCH VENNBERG 3-Aug-1957 Courtenay age 65 Spouse Pape Date Issued r Pg Info/Kin Leonard HOLLAND ARG 11-Feb-1959 B4 Photo, d/o Mrs. Arthur Vanyo. See also 14 Jan p. 7 Engagement and 4 Feb p. 4 Shower Peter Baikie ISBISTER ARG 28-Aug-1957 11 d/o M/M Andrew Vanyo. Photo included ARG ARG ARG 29-Aug-1956 27-Feb-1957 11-Mar-1959 William VASS Mary Ann ARG Gillson CRAIG ARG 4-Mar-1959 1-Dec-1907 Toronto, Ontario ARG 11-Dec-1957 11-Dec-1907 not given ARG 17-Dec-1958 B3 51st anniversary, Comox Lake, family and guests named 30-Aug-1955 not given ARG 12-Sep-1956 14 1st birthday, d/o Mrs. Lloyd Vaughn, gd/o M/M D. Long B B B B 28-Oct-1958 30-Apr-1956 7-Oct-1956 22-Apr-1959 ARG ARG ARG ARG 29-Oct-1958 2-May-1956 10-Oct-1956 29-Apr-1959 Isabella D 13-Mar-1956 Courtenay ARG 14-Mar-1956 12 Born in Scotland, to district 1942, 4 sons & 1 sis named M Ronald Wynne ARG DAVIS ARG ARG 24-Oct-1956 VERWOLF VERWOLFE Christine Margaret (boy) (girl) VIAU (girl) B ARG 11-Sep-1957 VIENNEAU Robert John Elizabeth Gibson ARG 1-Apr-1959 ARG 26-Sep-1956 VAUGHAN VINT Harry VATON 7 d/o M/M W. Vass of Fanny Bay 7 d/o M/M Sam Vass, Courtenay 4 4 sons named, bur. Courtenay Cemetery, nee GEE. See also 18 Mar p. 6 28-Mar-1956 11 40th Anniversary, Cumberland news Comox, BC Comox Comox St. Joseph's, Comox 1-Oct-1956 Qualicum Beach, BC B 12-Jul-1957 Comox B 3 Mar 159 St. Joseph's, Comox 6-Sep-1957 Campbell River C Palm Sunday Sunday hr 1959 School hall M 24-Sep-1906 Winnipeg, Manitoba age 91 Mr. Veitch Arthur TROTTER 2 Nee CRAIG, born in Glen Buck, SCT, family named. See also p. 8 and obit 11 Mar p. B1 & floral tributes on p. 3 6 50th anniversary at Comox Lake 6 5 2 6 d/o M/M Richard Veilleux, RCAF s/o M/M John Veitch of Courtenay s/o M/M Earl Veitch of Courtenay d/o M/M Earl Veitch of Courtenay 3 d/o M/M O.C. Vennberg of Qualicum Beach. See Engagement 5 Sep 1956 p. 6 17-Jul-1957 12 s/o M/M Johannes Verwolf of Denman Island 4-Mar-1959 6 d/o M/M J. Verwolfe, Denman Island 5 d/o M/M Pierre Viau 9 Christened, s/o M/M Pat Vienneau, in Willow Point news 1 50th anniversary, photo on page 1, writeup on page 3 Surname VIVIENT VOKES Given Ev en Date of Event t B M VON ARX VON ARX (girl) Doris Jeanette Gerard John (girl) Max (Dr.) VON POSER (girl) B VON SCHILLING (Mr. and Mrs.) Douglas Walter M VOLK VON SCHILLING C hr B D C hr Place 18-May-1956 Comox, BC 2-Mar-1957 Courtenay 3-Jul-1957 Comox 16-Jan-1956 Powell River, BC 15-Feb-1956 Campbell River bef 19 Nov not given 1933 15-Feb-1959 Courtenay, Faith Lutheran abt 16 Apr not given 1879 Margaret B (Baroness) VONARX (girl) VONSCHILLING Margarete M 11-Jul-1958 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 17-Aug-1957 Courtenay VOSBURGH WADDELL (boy) Robert B M 23-Sep-1956 Comox 15-Jan-1908 Enderby WADLAND WAGAR (girl) Harold Bristol (girl) Gladys Elizabeth B D 13-Oct-1956 Comox 6-Jul-1936 Fanny Bay B M 1-Dec-1958 Comox 28-Dec-1957 Port Alberni, Holy Family WALKER (boy) B WALKER WALKER WALKER (boy) (boy) (boy) B B B WALKER (girl) B 13-Apr-1956 New Westminster , BC 27-Jun-1956 Comox 8-Sep-1956 Comox 4-Aug-1957 Campbell River 26-Oct-1956 Comox, BC WAITE WALE Spouse Harry William SQUIRE 3-Mar-1957 Port Alberni infant VON SCHILLING B age/dob age 63 Pape Date Issued r ARG ARG ARG Emmy Von ARX infant ARG ARG Fabian PAVELOCK 23-May-1956 20-Mar-1957 2 d/o M/M Charles Vivient of Courtenay 7 Engagement announced 6 Feb p. 6. See also 6 Mar p. 7 shower 13-Mar-1957 10 s/o former Mary Huculak of Cumberland 3-Jul-1957 11 d/o M/M Robert Von Arx of Courtenay 1-Feb-1956 2 In Sandwick and Dove Creek news 29-Feb-1956 7 d/o M/M Klaus von Poser of Campbell River ARG 19-Nov-1958 6 25th anniversary, in Merville news 4-Mar-1959 11 s/o M/M H. Von Schilling, christened ARG 29-Apr-1959 11 80th birthday, m/o Mrs. Oscar Redlick of Cumberland ARG 16-Jul-1958 Erhard DELAU ARG age 38 Info/Kin ARG ARG Florence Campbell MUIR Pg 2 d/o M/M Robert Vonarx of Courtenay ARG ARG 21-Aug-1957 13 d/o M/M Von Schilling of Merville. See 14 Aug p. 11 & 13 Showers 3-Oct-1956 13 s/o M/M Walter Vosburgh of Cumberland 5-Feb-1958 5 50th anniversary ARG ARG 17-Oct-1956 11-Jul-1956 ARG ARG 2 d/o M/M Edward Wadland of Courtenay 4 Drowned, "20 Years Ago" 3-Dec-1958 4 d/o M/M Richard Waite, RCAF 8-Jan-1958 11 d/o M/M Louis F. Wale of Port Alberni ARG 18-Apr-1956 3 s/o M/M Wm. Walker of New Westminster, gs/o M/M Carl Wagner, ggs/o M/M Bert Baker, Willow Point news ARG ARG ARG 4-Jul-1956 6 s/o M/M Harry Walker of Courtenay 12-Sep-1956 12 s/o M/M James Walker, RCAF, Comox 14-Aug-1957 5 s/o M/M David L. Walker of Campbell River ARG 31-Oct-1956 5 d/o M/M Robert Walker of Creekside Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t WALKER (girl) B WALKER ? D ? Feb 1956 WALKER WALKER Barry Bernard WALKER Bonnie WALKER Bonnie WALKER WALKER WALKER WALKER WALKER WALKEY WALKEY WALL WALL WALLACE WALLACE WALLACE WALLACE Place age/dob Spouse 23-Mar-1959 St. Joseph's, Comox Vancouver, not given BC B 21-Mar-1952 not given M abt 10 Jun Willow Point 1959 B 1-Feb-1948 not given B abt 22 Feb not given 1948 Elthea B 1-Apr-1947 not given Janet D 25-Dec-1955 Glasgow, Craig Scotland Nanatte M 23-May-1959 Can. Marie Memorial Church Robert D 29-Jan-1959 Vancouver, Christophe St. Paul's r Winnifred D 11-Apr-1957 Vancouver, Agnes St. Paul's (boy) B 24-May-1957 Comox (girl) B 6-Feb-1959 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox Leonard D 6-Oct-1956 Port Alberni, Samuel BC (F/O) Leonard M 5-Oct-1956 Comox Samuel United (F/O) (girl) B 1-Apr-1957 Campbell River (girl) B 20-Jun-1957 Campbell River [David D 26-Jul-1956 Campbell Alfred] River Lawrence Jessica D 6-Mar-1958 Duncan age 25 25-Mar-1959 ARG 8-Feb-1956 6 d/o M/M George Walker of Merville ARG 20-Feb-1957 15 9th birthday, d/o M/M Spence Walker, Union Bay news ARG 25-Feb-1959 5 11th birthday, in Union Bay news ARG ARG 18-Apr-1956 4-Jan-1956 3 9th birthday, d/o Mrs. E. Walker Willow Point news 8 M/o Mrs. Wally Allen, 4 sisters & 2 grandsons named Robert Thomas ARG CARKNER 10-Jun-1959 7 d/o M/M James Walker of Vancouver Mrs. Walker ARG 4-Feb-1959 B3 Born in Montreal, bur. Nanaimo Cemetery, writeup with family ARG 24-Apr-1957 ARG ARG 29-May-1957 11-Feb-1959 Ardythe ARG Maureen CHAMBERLIN Ardythe ARG Maureen CHAMBERLIN ARG 10-Oct-1956 1 s/o M/M C.T. Wall of Decker, Manitoba, accidental death on honeymoon 10-Oct-1956 1 From Portage la Prairie, s/o M/M C.T. Wall of Decker, Manitoba. See 5 Sep page 6 Engagement 10-Apr-1957 2 d/o M/M Jeffrey Wallace of Quathiaski Cove ARG child age 62 Info/Kin ARG ARG Shirley Ann MELLER age 64 age 25 ARG Pg 2 Father of Mrs. Sid Lewis. Not enough info to ID on BC Archives 25-Mar-1959 2 7th birthday, s/o M/M Spence Walker, guests listed 10-Jun-1959 10 Nephew of Mrs. A. Label of Hardwick Island Mr. Walker age 77 Pape Date Issued r W. Wallace 7 Born bef 1893, cremated remains in Quadra Cemetery 4 s/o M/M Lorne Walkey, RCAF, Courtenay 4 d/o M/M Lorne Walkey, RCAF 3-Jul-1957 11 d/o M/M John Wallace of Campbell River ARG 1-Aug-1956 ARG 12-Mar-1958 2 Funeral on Quadra Island 1 Fanny Bay resident, accident at Duncan. See also page 4 Surname WALLACE Given Ev en Date of Event t Place Valentine Eva (girl) (girl) M Douglas Steve (boy) (girl) Larry Raymond Minnie Elizabeth B D B B B WALTERS WALTERS (boy) (boy) B B 1-Dec-1956 Comox, BC 20-May-1957 Victoria WALTERS WALTERS (girl) Lloyd B M 1-Dec-1956 Comox, BC 7-Apr-1956 Comox, St. John Bap. WALTON (girl) B WALTON William M WANGLER WANGLER (boy) (girl) B B 28-Mar-1958 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 8-May-1956 Wetaskiwin, Alberta 28-Jul-1957 Comox 1-Dec-1956 Comox, BC WARD WARD (girl) Douglas Reid George Barry (LAC) Harold+B3 442 Jan B M WALLIS WALLIS WALLIS WALLIS WALSH WALSH WALSH WALSH WARD WARD WARD WARD RoseMarie B B D age/dob 29-Sep-1956 Port Alberni 11-Nov-1956 Comox, BC 10-Apr-1958 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 4-Mar-1955 not given 5-Mar-1959 Saanich age 35 15-Aug-1956 Comox 27-Sep-1956 Comox, BC bef 1 Oct 1958 Cold Lake, AB 5-Dec-1957 Comox 8-Jul-1956 Comox B abt 30 Sep not given 1955 B 4-Oct-1936 not given Frank Case and John Walsh Beverly BOLSTEID Barbara Jean HESS Marguerite Joyce LONEY age 68 Pape Date Issued r Matthew URIE ARG (Dr.) ARG ARG Rosemary Frances DENNIS 17-Dec-1957 Comox 15-Jun-1957 Seattle, Washington M bef 14 Jan Berkeley 1959 U.C. (Ont.?) D Spouse Mrs. Ward Pg Info/Kin 17-Oct-1956 10 d/o Mrs. Eva Wallace of Dublin, Ireland 14-Nov-1956 16-Apr-1958 5 d/o M/M Edward Wallis, RCAF, Comox 7 d/o M/M E. Wallis, RCAF ARG ARG ARG ARG ARG 11-Mar-1959 3 4th birthday, s/o Mrs. E. Wallis, in Comox news 18-Mar-1959 10 bro/o Mrs. W. Shepherd, in Royston news 2-Aug-1956 5 s/o M/M Wm. J. Walsh, RCAF Comox 3-Oct-1956 5 d/o M/M Raymond Walsh, RCAF Courtenay 1-Oct-1958 6 s/o LAC/Mrs. J. R. Walsh, gs/o M/M C.L. Fletcher ARG 11-Dec-1957 9 Formerly Mrs. Frank Case, children named ARG ARG 5-Dec-1956 22-May-1957 ARG ARG 5-Dec-1956 11-Apr-1956 8 s/o M/M Glenn Walters of Merville 7 s/o M/M Lloyd Walters, nee Rosemary Dennis, of Victoria 8 d/o M/M Francis Walters of Courtenay 9 s/o M/M A.H. Walters of Fulford Harbour ARG 2-Apr-1958 ARG 9-May-1956 3 s/o M/M Harold Walton of Hornby Island ARG ARG 31-Jul-1957 5-Dec-1956 ARG ARG 18-Dec-1957 26-Jun-1957 5 s/o M/M Bernard Wangler of Courtenay 8 d/o M/M Peter Wangler of Courtenay. See also 31 Oct page 2 re baby shower, other family named 6 d/o M/M William Ward of Courtenay 2 s/o M/M C. Ward of Comox ARG 14-Jan-1959 5 s/o M/M Carl Reid Ward of Comox ARG 4 d/o M/M Wm. Walton, RCAF ARG 11-Jul-1956 10 Born Grimsbury, England, res of Union Bay, family named 1-Oct-1958 10 d/o Mrs. Jack Ward of Union Bay, 2nd birthday ARG 9-Oct-1957 2 21st birthday, Dove Creek news, sis/o Mrs. W. Winnig Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t Place WARD Teresa Ann B WARE (boy) B WARING (boy) B WARING (girl) B WARNE WARREN (girl) David B M WARREN Helena Mary M WARREN Ivor John D WARRINER Mary Anne D WARWICK (boy) B WARWICK Frederick Charles M WATERMAN Patricia Violet M WATERS (girl) B 18-May-1958 St. Joseph's, Comox WATERS Mary Elizabeth M WATKINS (girl) B WATKINS WATKINS (girl) Darlene Lois B C hr 28-Sep-1957 RCAF Protestant Chapel, Comox 3-Aug-1958 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 14-Dec-1958 Comox 11-Jan-1959 St. John's RC, Cumberland age/dob Spouse 1-May-1959 St. Joseph's, Comox 2-Oct-1956 Campbell River 5-Aug-1957 Campbell River 26-Feb-1956 Campbell River 13-Oct-1956 Comox aft 11 Jan not given 1956 21-Jan-1956 Sandwick Anglican 9-Jul-1946 Cumberland age 20 [18] 4-Sep-1956 Victoria, BC 1 Mar 1871 15-Jun-1958 St. Joseph's, Comox 11-Oct-1957 Comox, RCAF Chapel 28-Jun-1958 Fanny Bay Pape Date Issued r Pg Info/Kin ARG 6-May-1959 3 d/o M/M Jack Ward of Union Bay, in Union Bay news, also on page 6 ARG 10-Oct-1956 2 s/o M/M Keith Ware of Cumberland ARG 14-Aug-1957 5 s/o M/M Robert Waring of Cortez Island ARG 29-Feb-1956 7 d/o M/M Robert Waring of Squirrel Cove ARG ARG 17-Oct-1956 11-Jan-1956 2 d/o M/M William Warne of Courtenay 8 Engagement announced at Farewell Party ARG 25-Jan-1956 7 d/o M/M Charlie Warren (dec'd) of Courtenay. See 11 Jan p. 7 engagement and 18 Jan p. 6 shower ARG 11-Jul-1956 ARG 19-Sep-1956 ARG 18-Jun-1958 ARG 23-Oct-1957 John Gaeton ARG DUYVEWAER T ARG 2-Jul-1958 Norma FAVERO James Valentine HORNBY Moses WARRINER Brenda Alyss MURPHY Leonard Lloyd McORMOND (Cpl.) 21-May-1958 4 Mine accident "10 Years Ago" 3 Nee RICHARDSON, born Essex Co., Ont., see writeup with history and family, husband deceased 2 s/o M/M Frederick Warwick, Comox 5 s/o M/M F.J. Warwick of Leamington, Ontario. Photo included 7 d/o M/M W. Waterman of Fanny Bay. See also 16 Jul p. 6 6 d/o M/M R. Waters of Comox ARG 9-Oct-1957 13 d/o M/M A.M. Waters of Point Holmes. See 16 Oct p. B3 Shower ARG 6-Aug-1958 ARG ARG 17-Dec-1958 28-Jan-1959 2 d/o M/M Wilbert C. Watkins 2 d/o M/M Oliver Watkins, Cumberland 3 d/o M/M Oliver Watkins of Cumberland, christened Surname WATKINS Given Ev en Date of Event t Place age/dob D 11-Jun-1959 Vancouver WATKINSON WATLER WATSON WATSON WATSON WATSON John William (boy) (girl) (boy) (boy) (girl) (girl) B B B B B B 27-Sep-1956 13-Sep-1958 20-Mar-1956 23-May-1957 11-Jul-1956 13-Dec-1956 WATSON (girl) B 28-Jan-1958 WATSON WATSON WATSON Coleen Gary Gary B B B 16-Jan-1951 4-Jan-1949 16-Jan-1949 WATSON Joe (Mr. and Mrs.) Lee-Ann Marie Lois Janet M 13-Apr-1907 Aspatria, England 26-Dec-1957 Holy Trinity, 17.5 Cumberland months 18-Jul-1959 Cumberland U.C. B 2 Feb 1865 WATSON Margaret Jane Margaret Jane Robert WATTIE twin girls B WATTS (girl) B WAUGH (boy) B WAUGH David M WEARING WEBBER WEBBER WEBBER (boy) (boy) (boy) (boy) B B B B WATSON WATSON WATSON WATSON C hr M Spouse Mrs. Watkins Comox, BC Comox Cumberland Cumberland Cumberland Cumberland, BC St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox not given not known not given Pape Date Issued r not given Info/Kin ARG 17-Jun-1959 8 F/o C. Watkins of Willow Point ARG ARG ARG ARG ARG ARG 3-Oct-1956 17-Sep-1958 28-Mar-1956 29-May-1957 25-Jul-1956 19-Dec-1956 5 6 3 4 6 7 ARG 5-Feb-1958 s/o M/M Wilbert Watkinson of Courtenay d/o M/M K. Watler, RCAF Comox s/o M/M Jack Watson of Cumberland s/o M/M James Watson of Cumberland d/o M/M Leland Watson of Cumberland d/o M/M Henry Watson of Cumberland, sis for Brian, David, Gary, Bobby 6 d/o M/M John M. Watson ARG ARG ARG 28-Jan-1959 5 8th birthday, d/o M/M Jack Watson, guests named 14-Jan-1959 11 10th bithday, s/o M/M Henry Watson 8-Feb-1956 12 7th birthday, s/o M/M Henry Watson, Cumberland news ARG 17-Apr-1957 11 50th anniversary at Cumberland, 3 sons, 2 dtrs named ARG Raymond Edward MILBURN Pg ARG ARG 1-Jan-1958 5 d/o M/M Leland Watson, godparents named, Rev. J. Davenport 24-Jun-1959 5 d/o M/M Thomas Watson of Cumberland. Engagement announced. See also 17 Jun page 8 shower. Marriage not confirmed 8-Feb-1956 10 91st birthday, Cumberland news, m/o Mrs. J. Entwistle D 5-Aug-1956 Cumberland age 91 Mr. Watson ARG 8-Aug-1956 5 Born Sunny Brae, Nova Scotia, family named D 27-Mar-1959 Victoria, St. age 70 Joseph's 4-Aug-1957 Campbell River 30-Mar-1958 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 6-May-1958 St. Joseph's, Comox Mrs. Watson ARG 1-Apr-1959 3 Born in Stellarton, NS, family named ARG 14-Aug-1957 ARG 2-Apr-1958 ARG 7-May-1958 2-Nov-1957 Cumberland U.C. manse 17-Jul-1957 Comox 26-Apr-1956 Comox 22-Sep-1957 Comox 29-Aug-1958 Cumberland Margarite NADASDI ARG 6-Nov-1957 ARG ARG ARG ARG 24-Jul-1957 2-May-1956 25-Sep-1957 3-Sep-1958 5 dtrs/o M/M Robet B. Wattie of Campbell River 4 d/o M/M Thomas Watts 4 s/o M/M David Waugh, RCAF 3 s/o late W. Waugh & Janet Simpson, many family named 4 s/o M/M Thomas Wearing of Comox 5 s/o M/M Wm. Webber of Bevan 4 s/o M/M Edward R. Webber of Cumberland 12 s/o M/M George Webber of Cumberland Surname WEBBER Given Ev en Date of Event t Place age/dob C hr M WEBER Joy Marlene Maureen Joan Robert Edward (girl) WEBSTER WEBSTER WEBSTER (boy) (boy) (boy) B B B WEBSTER WEBSTER (girl) Jackie B B WEBSTER Kathie WEBSTER Norman B abt 26 Nov not given 1950 D 11-Mar-1959 St. Joseph's, age 49 Comox WEDEL WEDEL WEDEL (boy) (girl) Albert B B M WEIBE WEIBE (girl) (girl) B B WEIR (boy) B WEIR WEIR WELCH (boy) twin (girl) twin Herbert John Bernard Henry B B D M 11-May-1957 Courtenay, St. John's (girl) B 21-Sep-1957 Campbell River WEBBER WEBBER WELLENBRINK WELLS M B 5-Apr-1958 Courtenay, age 5 St. John's 6-Sep-1958 Courtenay, U.C. 10-Nov-1956 Courtenay, BC 25-Mar-1957 Campbell River 27-Apr-1956 Comox 21-Jul-1956 Comox 18-Mar-1958 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 22-Oct-1957 Comox 1-Oct-1948 not given 28-May-1957 Comox 26-Sep-1958 Comox, BC 26-Aug-1956 Black Creek Mennonite Brethren 10-Mar-1956 Comox 25-Feb-1958 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 2-Jul-1957 Ladysmith, BC 16-Jul-1956 Cumberland 16-Jul-1956 Cumberland 27-Apr-1959 Victoria age 64 Spouse Leo William SEPPALA Ester Maxine JENSEN Margaret GOERZ Mrs. Stella GUMMOW Tanya Gwendolyne HAYES Pape Date Issued r Pg Info/Kin ARG 16-Apr-1958 10 d/o M/M Leslie Webber ARG ARG 17-Sep-1958 11 d/o Jack and Ada Webber, family named. See also 3 Sep page 12 shower 21-Nov-1956 12 s/o Mrs. Ada Webber of Bevan. See 31 Oct p. 6 re engagement 3-Apr-1957 5 d/o M/M Walter C. Weber of Sayward ARG ARG ARG 2-May-1956 25-Jul-1956 19-Mar-1958 ARG ARG ARG 23-Oct-1957 4 d/o M/M Norman Webster of Fanny Bay 3-Oct-1956 13 8th birthday, s/o Mrs. Gordon Webster of Union Bay. Note date misprinted as Sept 26-Nov-1958 4 d/o Mrs. G. Webster, 8th birthday, Union Bay news ARG 18-Mar-1959 ARG ARG ARG 29-May-1957 4 s/o M.M Peter Wedel, Black Creek 1-Oct-1958 6 d/o M/M Albert Wedel of Black Creek 12-Sep-1956 14 s/o M/M J. Wedel of Black Creek ARG ARG 14-Mar-1956 26-Feb-1958 ARG 10-Jul-1957 6 s/o M/M E. Weir, formerly of Cumberland ARG ARG ARG 25-Jul-1956 25-Jul-1956 29-Apr-1959 ARG 15-May-1957 6 s/o M/M Robert Weir of Cumberland 6 d/o M/M Robert Weir of Cumberland 1 Born in New Westminster, former MLA for Comox, married Nov 1958. See also 6 May p. 2 re funeral 7 s/o M/M Wm. Wellenbrink of Courtenay. See 15 Mayy p. 17 photo ARG 25-Sep-1957 ARG 5 s/o M/M Gordon Webster, RCAF, Comox 5 s/o M/M James Webster of Thurlow Island 4 s/o M/M James Webster, Thurlow (Island?) BC 6 Brn in Victoria Mines, Ont., s/o M/M Horace Webster, res of Buckley Bay 7 d/o M/M Jake Weibe of Black Creek 6 d/o M/M Walter Wiebe 4 d/o M/M Ivan Wells of Campbell River Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t Place WELLS Gary Irwin C bef 22 Jan hr 1958 WELLS Pearson David D WELLS Shirley WENSINK M bef 7 Mar not given 1956 M 15-Jun-1957 Courtenay Phyllis Marie Herbert A. M (boy) B WESLAY WEST RCAF Comox Prot. chapel 1-May-1958 St. Joseph's, age 67 Comox 21-Feb-1959 Nanaimo 29-Dec-1957 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 18-May-1956 Comox, BC 18-Feb-1956 Courtenay, U.C. manse WESTBROOK WESTFIELD (boy) Patricia Esme B M WESTFIELD Patricia Margaret M 22-Feb-1958 Victoria WESTHAVER (girl) B WESTWOOD (girl) B WESTWOOD Peggy M 20-Oct-1957 Kirkland, Washington, USA 3-Jul-1957 Campbell River 30-May-1959 Comox WHARTON (girl) B WHARTON Thirza D WHELAN Rosebud Mary (girl) (girl) (girl) M Donald Keith Duayne M WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE B B B B age/dob 8-Dec-1956 Campbell River 23-Apr-1959 Nanaimo G.H. 21-Apr-1909 Comox 27-Jun-1956 Comox 1-Nov-1956 Comox, BC 27-Nov-1956 Campbell River, BC 30-Aug-1957 Vancouver, BC 28-Sep-1958 Powell River, BC Spouse Pg Info/Kin ARG 22-Jan-1958 3 Christened, s/o M/M W. Wells, godparents from Innisfail AB ARG 21-May-1958 6 Brother of George Wells Bob NUTTALL ARG 7-Mar-1956 Gerhard Dolfin ARG ARBEIDER Lucille CLIFF ARG ARG 19-Jun-1957 25-Feb-1959 8-Jan-1958 ARG ARG 23-May-1956 22-Feb-1956 ARG 5-Mar-1958 ARG 30-Oct-1957 4 d/o M/M M. Westhaver, nee June Vahle of Cumberland ARG 10-Jul-1957 6 d/o M/M Donald Westwood of Campbell River ARG 3-Jun-1959 7 No further info. Engagement announced 6 May page 10 ARG 12-Dec-1956 ARG 29-Apr-1959 11 Family named ARG 22-Apr-1959 ARG ARG ARG 4-Jul-1956 7-Nov-1956 5-Dec-1956 ARG 25-Sep-1957 9 s/o M/M Carey White of Vancouver ARG 15-Oct-1958 3 s/o M/M Archie White of Powell River, gs/o Alfred Ernest White, Dove Creek news not married George Alexander MARSHALL Dennis Campbell MORGAN Morley MILLARD age 73 Pape Date Issued r Walter Wharton P. Leo ANDERTON Shirley Ann HUNT 6 Shower for bride of Campbell River 3 d/o M/M John Wensink of Courtenay. Engagement 22 May p. 6, Shower 12 Jun p. 30 9 Res of Nanaimo 7 s/o M/M Gordon West of Courtenay 2 s/o M/M William Westbrook, RCAF 8 d/o M/M Harry Westfield, Cumberland. See 15 Feb 1956 p. 5 Shower for bride in Cumberland 3 No further info 7 D/o M/M Stephen Wharton of Campbell River 1 50th anniversary. See also page 3, Rotary Anns column 6 d/o M/M Archie White, Courtenay 3 d/o M/M Gerald White 8 d/o M/M Frank White of Campbell River Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t WHITE Everett Ralph M WHITE John M WHITE Margaret D WHITE Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. WHITE WHITE WHITEHEAD WHITEHEAD WHITELAW Yvonne Maud (boy) Place 25-Jan-1958 United Church manse 2-Feb-1957 Courtenay 19-Sep-1956 Nanaimo, BC M abt 21 Apr not given 1898 or 1908 M 19-Sep-1958 Union Bay U.C. M 11-Oct-1958 Burnaby B 13-May-1956 Campbell River 21-Dec-1955 Comox James D David (F/O) James D Allen Hogg age/dob Spouse Eva May MORRISON age 89 Pg Info/Kin ARG 29-Jan-1958 3 s/o M/M A.E. White of Dove Creek Catherine ARG McCREATH Joseph WHITE ARG 13-Feb-1957 3 From Courtenay, to res Vancouver 10-Oct-1956 ARG 29-Apr-1959 9 Born Clackmannan, Scotland, husband died 1905, Jenkins F.H. 2 51st or 61st anniversary, in OAPO news ARG 8-Oct-1958 Patricia Winnifred GLOVER Joseph V. LECLAIR age 19 19-Feb-1959 Cumberland age 71 Pape Date Issued r Janet DONNELLY 3 s/o Mr. C.A. White of Courtenay, engagement 3 Sep page 7 ARG 12-Nov-1958 11 d/o M/M W.A. White of Comox ARG 16-May-1956 7 s/o M/M A.J. Whitehead of Campbell River ARG 25-Jan-1956 1 Neil Salmon charged with criminal negligence. See 18 Jan 1956 page 1 re inquest ARG 25-Feb-1959 5 Born in Galston, SCT, family named. See also 4 Mar p. 7 Card of Thanks, and 25 Feb p. 10 Tribute ARG ARG WHITEWORTH WHITWORTH (girl) James Edward B D 9-Mar-1956 Comox 21-Sep-1956 Victoria, BC age 70 WICKS WIEBE (boy) (girl) B B 4-Jan-1957 Comox 14-Mar-1959 St. Joseph's, Comox ARG ARG 14-Mar-1956 7 d/o M/M James Whiteworth of Royston 3-Oct-1956 13 Born in Chorley, England, to Canada 1924, bur. Cumberland Cemetery, family named. Note date misprinted as "Sept" 9-Jan-1957 7 s/o M/M Lorne Wicks, Fanny Bay 18-Mar-1959 6 d/o M/M Henry Wiebe of Black Creek WIEDEMAN (girl) B ARG 24-Apr-1957 WIEDENMAN Dale Edward (girl) M 18-Apr-1957 Campbell River 22-Dec-1957 Courtenay, St. John's 26-Feb-1959 St. Joseph's, Comox ARG 2-Jan-1957 8 s/o M/M E. Wiedenman of Cumberland ARG 4-Mar-1959 6 d/o M/M Jacob Wieler, RCAF Jacob Erich (LAC) (boy) M Shirley Joyce ARG COOKE (LAW) 14-May-1958 4 s/o M/M F. J. Wieler of Saskatoon ARG 14-Jan-1959 3 s/o M/M Wally Wiggins, in Willow Point news WIELER WIELER WIGGINS B B 26-Apr-1958 RCAF Chapel, Comox 5-Jan-1959 Campbell River Rachael BOLTON Malinda Anna CHRISTOF 6 d/o M/M William Wiedeman of Campbell River Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t WIGHTMAN Mr. WILCOX WILE Bill (Mr. and Mrs.) (boy) WILEY (boy) WILEY WILHELM WILKIE (girl) (boy) (girl) WILKINSON WILKINSON (boy) B Sheila Lois M WILKISON (girl) B WILKS (boy) B WILKS WILKS WILLARD B B D WILLIAMS WILLIAMS (girl) (girl) Bertha (Mrs.) (boy) (boy) WILLIAMS WILLIAMS (boy) (boy) B B WILLIAMS WILLIAMS WILLIAMS (girl) (girl) (girl) B B B WILLIAMS Bob M Apr 1956? Place age/dob Spouse D bef 15 Oct 1958 Pape Date Issued r Pg Info/Kin Owen Sound, Ontario M bef 31 Dec res 1958 Ladysmith B 2-Jun-1959 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox B 19-Apr-1959 St. Joseph's, Comox ARG 15-Oct-1958 11 Father of Mrs. G. Fillman ARG 31-Dec-1958 B B B B B 7-Nov-1956 Comox, BC 7-May-1957 Comox 9-Apr-1957 Vancouver, BC 6-Sep-1956 Comox 31-Mar-1956 Victoria, St. John's Ang. 4-Jul-1958 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 10-Jun-1959 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 6-Sep-1956 Comox 22-Oct-1957 Comox 22-Mar-1957 Victoria, Oak age 52 Bay 14-Feb-1956 Comox 15-Feb-1956 Campbell River 25-Aug-1956 Comox 27-Mar-1957 Campbell River 4-May-1956 Comox, BC 28-Sep-1957 Comox 3-Jun-1958 St. Joseph's, Comox not given Harold Irwin BANKS C. N. Willard ARG 4 Spending honeymoon on Vanc. Is., gd/o M/M T.D. Robertson, in Cumberland news 10-Jun-1959 10 s/o M/M Cecil Wile, RCAF ARG 22-Apr-1959 ARG ARG ARG 14-Nov-1956 15-May-1957 17-Apr-1957 ARG ARG 12-Sep-1956 12 s/o M/M Richard John Wilkinson, RCAF, Courtenay 4-Apr-1956 2 d/o M/M Eric Wilkinson of Victoria, wedding writeup. See 22 Feb p. 6 Engagement. See 2 May p. 3 shower 6 s/o M/M Ralph Wiley of Courtenay 5 d/o M/M Ralph Wiley of Courtenay 3 s/o M/M Karl Wilhelm of Cumberland 4 d/o M/M G. Wilkie, nee Corrie Chard ARG 9-Jul-1958 ARG 17-Jun-1959 ARG ARG ARG ARG ARG 12-Sep-1956 12 d/o M/M Arthur Wilks, RCAF, Comox 23-Oct-1957 4 d/o M/M Arthur Wilks, RCAF Comox 27-Mar-1957 5 Sis/o Mrs. Tom Lever of Grantham, had one dtr, one grandson, one brother 22-Feb-1956 7 s/o Dr/Mrs. Henry Williams of Comox 29-Feb-1956 7 s/o M/M Melvin Williams of Campbell River ARG ARG 29-Aug-1956 3-Apr-1957 7 s/o M/M Roy Williams of Courtenay 5 s/o M/M Arnold Williams of Campbell River ARG ARG ARG 16-May-1956 2-Oct-1957 11-Jun-1958 7 d/o M/M T. Williams of Courtenay 4 d/o M/M Roy Williams of Courtenay 4 d/o M/M Kenneth Williams Joyce ARG HUTCHINSON 5 d/o M/M Richard Wilkison of Comox 4 s/o M/M Arthur Wilks, RCAF 28-Mar-1956 12 Shower held. See also 4 Apr p. 8. No marriage writeup found Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t age/dob WILLIAMS Bryan WILLIAMS Cadwaladr D 8-Mar-1957 Cumberland age 61 WILLIAMS Daryll Samuel Donald Allen Irene Gwendolyn C hr C hr M 4-Aug-1957 Courtenay WILLIAMS James M WILLIAMS Kim Estelle M WILLIAMS Mary Alice D WILLIAMS WILLIAMSON Roan (girl) WILLIAMSON Donna WILLIAMSON WILLIAMSON Janice John WILLIAMSON M WILSON WILSON Phyllis Margaret (boy) (boy) WILSON WILSON (girl) (girl) B B WILSON WILSON WILSON (girl) (girl) Charles Mountain Donna Darlene B B D WILLIAMS WILLIAMS WILSON M Place 19-Sep-1958 Vancouver, BC 25-Jan-1957 Cumberland, BC 29-Apr-1957 Campbell River 10-Mar-1958 Cumberland age 70 Hosp. 1-Oct-1956 Victoria, BC age 83 2-Oct-1958 Cumberland ? M bef 15 Oct Union Bay 1958 U.C. B 6-Aug-1952 not given B 3 May 1869 not given 4-Feb-1957 Courtenay U.C. 25-May-1957 Comox 13-Jul-1958 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 16-May-1956 Comox, BC 29-Sep-1956 Campbell River, BC 11-Nov-1956 Comox, BC 2-Nov-1958 Comox, BC 12-Dec-1957 Nanaimo age 84 St. Peter's, Comox Lillian Williams ARG age 5 19-Apr-1958 Courtenay 3 months (probably) 28-Sep-1957 Montreal, St. Malachy's M bef 13 May 1959 Pape Date Issued r Audrey Lorretta ARG DOWNIE D B B B Spouse 8-Oct-1958 Pg Info/Kin 3 Photo, see writeup page B3 and Social notes 17 Sep p. 5 & 11 13-Mar-1957 16 Bur. Cumberland Cemetery ARG 7-Aug-1957 ARG 30-Apr-1958 Anthony John CHOPIN ARG 9-Oct-1957 Helen Marie NIKOLAISEN Thomas FLYNN Thomas Edward WILLIAMS Mrs. Williams ARG 30-Jan-1957 ARG 8-May-1957 ARG 12-Mar-1958 ARG ARG 3-Oct-1956 10 Gf/o David Dobell of Port Alberni 15-Oct-1958 6 d/o M/M James Williamson of Cumberland Harold Edwin WOOD(S) ARG 15-Oct-1958 6 d/o M/M E. Williamson ARG ARG 15-Aug-1956 9-May-1956 ARG 27-Feb-1957 2 4th birthday party 5 87th birthday, gf/o Ron Williamson, Dove Creek news, pioneer since 1919 2 d/o M.M E. Williamson of Courtenay ARG ARG 29-May-1957 16-Jul-1958 4 s/o M/M Delbert Wilson, RCAF, Courtenay 2 s/o M/M James Wilson of Courtenay ARG ARG 23-May-1956 3-Oct-1956 2 d/o M/M James Wilson of Courtenay 5 d/o M/M Thos. Wilson of Quathiaski Cove ARG ARG ARG 14-Nov-1956 5-Nov-1958 18-Dec-1957 Albert TERRY (RCMP) Mrs. Wilson Michael A. COOK ARG 7 s/o M/M Don Williams, christened at home, bro/o Ann Denise 5 s/o M/M Donald Williams 6 d/o M/M Arthur David Williams 5 s/o Mrs. George Lindsay & late Benjamin Williams 3 d/o M/M W. Williams of Fort St. John 4 Born Wrexham, Wales. Husband killed in mine explosion 1923 5 d/o M/M James Wilson of Cumberland 6 d/o M/M Thomas Wilson of Courtenay 5 Fort Rupert Indian Chief "Nargagee" family named, more info 13-May-1959 10 d/o M/M Charles Wilson of Comox Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t WILSON Doreen M WILSON Frank D WILSON D WILSON Harriet Annie G. Joseph Arthur Louisa WILSON Mary Ann D WILSON M WINDLAY Muriel Jean (L.A.W.) Ann WINDLEY WINDLEY (boy) Anne B D WINDLEY Jennie Maria (boy) (boy) Edward D Place age/dob 5-Apr-1958 Courtenay, St. George's Spouse Pape Date Issued r Ares Albert ARG DESROSIERS 6 See 2 Apr p. 4 Shower 1 Killed with a knife wound in the chest, from Church House Indian community 6 Mother of daughter and son ARG 22-Apr-1959 ARG 27-Feb-1957 ARG 10-Jul-1957 B B D 6-May-1956 Vancouver, BC 15-Jul-1957 Cumberland 6-May-1956 Vancouver, BC 2-Sep-1958 Vancouver, BC 19-Sep-1958 Comox, BC 24-Jul-1956 Comox 14-Feb-1956 Cumberland M 27-Apr-1957 Comox WIRTA WITT WITT Marie Carmen Rosalind (girl) Janice Lois WITZER (girl) B WLASUK Tony M WOCKNITZ (boy) B WOITTE (girl) B WINDSOR WINNIG WINRAM WINSLOW M D D B 20-Feb-1956 Vancouver B 1-Dec-1955 not given B abt 8 Oct 1951 not given 10-Dec-1956 Campbell River, BC 5-Apr-1958 RCAF Chapel, Comox 8-Feb-1959 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 11-Dec-1956 Comox, BC ARG ARG ARG Info/Kin 30-Apr-1958 17-Apr-1959 Pendrell 25 Sound 22-Feb-1957 Comox, at age 84 Samuel home WILSON 6-Jul-1957 Cumberland Eleanor Joanne TAIT 3-Feb-1956 Comox age 84 Hubert Hill WILSON 9-Oct-1958 Cumberland, age 81 Jonathan BC WILSON 31-Dec-1957 Comox, St. Edwin Gale Peter's PUGH WILSON Pg 2 s/o M/M Robert Paul Wilson of Brockville, Ontario. Engagement 12 Jun page 8 22-Feb-1956 12 Mar. 1903 in Calgary, family named, bur. Sandwick cemetery 15-Oct-1958 5 Formerly of Errington, sons and dtrs named, see also page 7 Card of Thanks and 22 Oct page 4 8-Jan-1958 11 d/o M/M M. H. Wilson of Regina age 84 Mr. Windlay ARG age 83 Mr. Windley ARG ARG 17-Jul-1957 12 s/o M/M Norval Windley of Cumberland 16-May-1956 8 M/o Reginald Windley of Cumberland age 62 Mr. Windley ARG 10-Sep-1958 12 Burial in Nanaimo Mrs. Winram ARG ARG ARG 24-Sep-1958 4 s/o M/M Ronald Windsor, RCAF 25-Jul-1956 5 s/o M/M Otto Winnig of Courtenay 7-Mar-1956 13 Funeral and burial in Winnipeg, wife died 1944, other family named 8-May-1957 3 d/o M/M D. E. Winslow of Sherbrooke, Quebec age 90 John Joseph ARG DOMBROWSK Y ARG ARG ARG Kathleen Margaret MOOR 9-May-1956 3 Mother of Reg Windlay, Cumberland news 22-Feb-1956 7 d/o M/M Elmer Wirta of Courtenay, 7 lbs. 12 oz. 3-Dec-1958 B1 d/o Mrs. Louis Witt, guests named, 3rd birthday 15-Oct-1958 6 7th birthday on 8 Oct, d/o Mrs. Lou Witt of Cumberland ARG 19-Dec-1956 7 d/o M/M Robert Witzer of Campbell River ARG 16-Apr-1958 6 No further info ARG 11-Feb-1959 4 s/o M/M Albert Wocknitz of Courtenay ARG 12-Dec-1956 7 D/o M/M Paul Woitte, RCAF, Comox Surname WOLFE Given Ev en Date of Event t Place age/dob Spouse Pape Date Issued r Pg Info/Kin M 21-Mar-1957 Courtenay Doreen STELFOX ARG 27-Mar-1957 3 s/o M/M Frederick Wolfe, Highland Village, Nova Scotia WONG Albert Edgar (RCAF) Yim Sun M Wing Sun MAH ARG 23-Apr-1958 7 No further info WOOD (boy) B ARG 24-Sep-1958 4 s/o M/M Geo. Wood of Cumberland WOOD (boy) B ARG 3-Jun-1959 4 s/o M/M Harold Wood of Courtenay WOOD (girl) B ARG 2-May-1956 5 d/o M/M John D. Wood of Campbell River WOOD (girl) B ARG 4-Jul-1956 6 d/o M/M Robert Wood of Campbell River WOOD (girl) B ARG 24-Apr-1957 WOOD (girl) B ARG 2-Apr-1958 WOOD Edith D ARG 16-May-1956 WOOD Edith M Esther G. Evonne M Georgene 9-Apr-1958 Comox United 23-Sep-1958 Cumberland, BC 29-May-1959 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 28-Apr-1956 Campbell River 28-Jun-1956 Campbell River 17-Apr-1957 Campbell River 29-Mar-1958 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 10-May-1956 Brighton, England 2-Jun-1924 Sapperton, BC 11-Jul-1958 RCAF Chapel, Comox WOOD WOOD Janet B WOOD WOOD(S) WOODROW WOODROW Marguerite Harold Edwin (boy) Bruce B 2-Aug-1952 M bef 15 Oct 1958 B 25-Feb-1956 M 3-May-1958 not given Union Bay U.C. Comox Courtenay, St. George's WOODRUFF WOODRUFF WOODRUFF WOODRUFF (boy) (boy) (boy) (boy) B B B B Comox Comox Comox St. Joseph's, Comox Mr. Wood Herbert Read ARG CHRISTIE Donald William ARG HOEPPNER (F/O) 7-Jan-1949 not given 14-Apr-1956 7-Oct-1956 13-Oct-1957 6-May-1958 ARG Donna WILLIAMSON ARG ARG 6 d/o M/M C. Wood of Campbell River 4 d/o M/M Calvin Wood 5 Former res, m/o Mrs. Bobbie Harvey 10-Jun-1959 10 35th anniversary at home of N.C. Hopkins, Fanny Bay 18-Jun-1958 5 Engagement announced, Shower 16 Jul p. 9, no wedding found in paper 11-Jan-1956 5 7th birthday, d/o Mrs. Mike Wood, guests named, Willow Point news 8-Aug-1956 8 4th birthday, d/o MM R. Wood 15-Oct-1958 B6 s/o M/M George Wood(s) of Union Bay ARG Joan Catherine ARG ROBERTS 29-Feb-1956 14-May-1958 7 s/o M/M Richard Woodrow of Courtenay 3 s/o Margaret & Allen Woodrow of Sandwick ARG ARG ARG ARG 18-Apr-1956 10-Oct-1956 16-Oct-1957 14-May-1958 5 2 4 4 s/o M/M Albert Woodruff of Comox (stillborn) s/o M/M Robert Woodruff of Kelsey Bay s/o M/M Vernon Woodruff of Courtenay s/o M/M Albert Woodruff of Comox Surname Given Ev en Date of Event t Place age/dob WOODS (boy) B WOODS WOODS (boy) (boy) B B WOODS WOODS (girl) Calvin James B M 23-Sep-1957 Comox 21-Jul-1956 Nanaimo U.C. WOODS Marie Lillian Sidney Richard D 16-Aug-1958 Powell River age 56 WOODWARD (girl) B WOODWORTH (boy) B WOOLDRIDGE WOOLDRIDGE (girl) Cecil Herbert B D WOOLDRIDGE Murray Maxwell D WORTMAN WRIGHT (boy) (girl) B B WRIGHT (girl) B WRIGHT Eileen Kathleen M WRIGHT WYDENES WYDENES Maggie (boy) Martin D B M 2-May-1953 not given 20-Nov-1958 Comox, BC 29-Aug-1958 Courtenay, St. George's WYLLYCHUCK Marjorie M WYNDHAM (boy) B 1-Sep-1956 Port Alberni, BC 1-Dec-1956 Comox, BC WOODS M Spouse 2-Jul-1957 Campbell River 31-Aug-1957 Comox 11-Mar-1959 St. Joseph's, Comox 13-Jul-1957 Courtenay, St. George's 14-Sep-1956 Campbell River, BC 15-Mar-1957 Campbell River 20-Oct-1958 Comox 23-Feb-1959 East age 48 Redonda Island 23-Feb-1959 East age 23 Redonda Island 26-Apr-1956 Comox 20-Mar-1956 Campbell River 9-Jul-1958 St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox 6-Jun-1959 Courtenay, St. George's Pape Date Issued r Pg Info/Kin ARG 10-Jul-1957 6 s/o M/M Albert Woods of Kelsey Bay ARG ARG 4-Sep-1957 18-Mar-1959 4 s/o M/M Robert Woods 6 s/o M/M Sidney Woods of Courtenay ARG Mona Victoria ARG DeGrott MINARY William Woods ARG 25-Sep-1957 8-Aug-1956 4 d/o M/M Earl Woods, RR2 Courtenay 7 s/o Lillian/late Thomas Woods, bro/o Robert Thomas Woods of Courtenay Irene H. PARLBY Mrs. Wooldridge not known Robert A. BEAL Dorothy Loraine BYERS Lloyd TAMBS 27-Aug-1958 B6 Res of Sechelt, formerly of Courtenay ARG 24-Jul-1957 3 s/o Mr. S. Woods of Courtenay ARG 19-Sep-1956 7 d/o M/M Ernest Woodward of Campbell River ARG 20-Mar-1957 5 s/o M/M George Woodworth ARG ARG 20-Oct-1958 25-Feb-1959 4 d/o M/M Garry Wooldridge of Cumberland 1 Plane crash, 5 men died, son & son-in-law also killed ARG 25-Feb-1959 1 Plane crash, 5 men died, father & brother-in-law also killed ARG ARG 2-May-1956 28-Mar-1956 5 s/o M/M Frank Wortman of Courtenay 3 d/o M/M Gordon Wright of Campbell River ARG 16-Jul-1958 ARG 10-Jun-1959 7 d/o M/M C.E. Wright of Courtenay. See 20 May p. 7 engagement, and p. 10 shower ARG ARG ARG 25-Apr-1956 26-Nov-1958 3-Sep-1958 6 In Memoriam by sister Catherine Prain 4 s/o M/M John Wydenes of Merville 2 s/o M/M J. Wydenes of Minto, twin of Peter, best man 2 d/o M/M Rob Wright ARG 5-Sep-1956 12 No further info ARG 5-Dec-1956 8 s/o M/M Charles Wyndham, RCAF, Comox Surname WYNNE WYNNE Given Lavina (Mrs.) Thomas Emlyn Ev en Date of Event t M M Place 20-Apr-1957 not known 17-May-1958 Vancouver, Can. Memorial 25-Nov-1956 Cumberland, age 60 BC 7-Apr-1956 Victoria, BC age 68 WYNNE Thomas M. D YEAMANS Polly YEO Ernest Roy D YEREX Edward Cecil Charles Ebenezer D D 7-Sep-1956 Courtenay, BC 18-Jul-1956 Coquitlam, BC 16-Oct-1956 Nelson, BC YORK Bud M 28-Dec-1957 not given YORK Eileen YORK Vanda Shirley M aft 10 Jun not given 1959 M 29-Jun-1956 Courtenay, St. George's YOUDEN YOUNG YOUNG (girl) (boy) Anne B 28-Aug-1956 Comox B 18-Sep-1956 Comox, BC B abt 6 Oct 1950 not given YOCKNEY D age/dob Spouse Pape Date Issued r Gordon ARG McGEE Elizabeth Jean ARG DONALD Dorothy PHILLIPS ARG 28-Nov-1956 ARG 11-Apr-1956 19-Sep-1956 12 Family named Ethel YEO ARG age 79 Mrs. Yerex ARG 1-Aug-1956 age 78 Isabella Yockney ARG 17-Oct-1956 D 13-Sep-1957 Nanaimo, BC age 39 ZACHER (girl) B 12-Jun-1958 St. Joseph's, Comox ZERECKI ZILKIE ZIMMER B 26-Jan-1957 Comox B ? Mar 1956 Comox M 15-Jun-1957 Courtenay ZIMMER (boy) (girl) Dorothy Josephine John D 22-Jan-1959 Courtenay age 83 William THATCHER Mrs. Zimmer ZIMMER Katherine D 25-Apr-1956 Comox age 76 John Zimmer 7 Born Wales, miner in Cumberland, Father of Thomas E., more info 5 sis/o Mrs. G. Ellis, in Courtenay news, funeral in Victoria 9 Father of V.S. Yerex of Comox ARG 5 Born Seven Oaks, England, farmed Calhoun Ranch at Sandwick, family named. Wife died 4 Feb 1954. See 24 Oct p. 11 re funeral 11-Dec-1957 5 Shower for Frances Dec 6 at home of Mrs. Heyman in Merville 3-Jun-1959 10 Shower, see also 10 Jun page 3. Did marry, later divorced 4-Jul-1956 13 d/o M/M J.M. York, Cove Creek. See also p. 11 shower ARG ARG ARG 5-Sep-1956 2 d/o M/M Jack Youden of Campbell River 19-Sep-1956 7 s/o M/M Robert G. Young, RCAF, Courtenay 10-Oct-1956 10 6th birthday, d/o M/M J.E. Young, sis/o Patricia ARG YOUNGHUSBAND William Info/Kin 1-May-1957 15 d/o late M/M D. Stewart. Fanny Bay news. See also 24 Apr p. 8 and 8 May p. 7 4-Jun-1958 8 s/o Mrs. D. Wynne of Vancouver & late Thomas Wynne, formerly of Cumberland age 66 Warner JOHNSON Charles Edward PARKER Pg ARG Isabel ARG Younghusband 25-Sep-1957 4 Family named ARG 18-Jun-1958 2 d/o M/M Edward Zacher, Courtenay ARG ARG ARG 6-Feb-1957 14-Mar-1956 19-Jun-1957 9 s/o M/M Paul Zerecki, RCAF 7 d/o M/M William Zilkie of Courtenay 3 d/o M/M John Zimmer. See 12 Jun p. 2 Pantry shower ARG 28-Jan-1959 6 Born in Hidegkute, Hungary, to Canada 1909, family in Vancouver named. Bur. Forest Lawn Cem. Vancouver ARG 2-May-1956 13 Born in Hungary, to Canada 1909, family named, bur. Forest Lawn, Vancouver Surname ZIMMER Given Ev en Date of Event t Place ZIOLKOWSKI Ronald M John Jean Marie M 18-Jul-1959 Courtenay, St. John's 26-Apr-1958 Courtenay, St. George's ZURCH ZURCH (boy) (girl) 20-Jan-1959 Cumberland 17-Jun-1957 Cumberland B B age/dob Spouse Muriel Emily May SMITH Edward Wiley SELBY Pape Date Issued r ARG 24-Jun-1959 ARG 30-Apr-1958 ARG ARG 28-Jan-1959 19-Jun-1957 Pg Info/Kin 5 s/o M/M John Zimmer of Courtenay, engagement announced. Marriage not confirmed 6 d/o Mrs. Frank Wortman, see also 2 Apr p. 5 Engagement 6 s/o M/M J. Zurch of Fanny Bay 4 d/o M/M John Zurch of Royston
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