guttering - Mitre 10
guttering - Mitre 10
WHAT YOU’LL NEED Take this into store with you to make sure you get everything in one trip. For this project the following materials and equipment are required: TOOLS: Cordless drill/driver Measuring tape Chalk line Pencil Hack saw Ladder Set square CONNECT GUTTERING TO DOWNPIPES There are a number of corner joints and downpipes available to use, so you’ll need to select the right parts for your particular situation. For this job we’ll be connecting the guttering into an existing down pipe with a T-Joint, a 90° elbow joint, and a short length of pipe. HOW TO INSTALL GUTTERING MATERIALS: PVC Solvent Welding Cement Spouting attachments 25mm stainless steel screws Guttering and required attachments First, we placed the elbow joint onto the downpipe, positioned the T-Joint, and marked the section to be removed from the existing downpipe. The T-Joint is then glued into the missing section of the downpipe and the rest of the pieces are simply glued into place. the elbow joint, or downpipe into the expansion outlet/dropper. FCB 9328 Screw M10 9328 How to install guttering v5.indd 1-4 Get all the help you need online at 18/02/16 2:52 pm HOW TO Firstly, you’ll need to select the right style of guttering for your house. There are a few different profiles, so make sure you match the style that’s currently on your house. If you’re not sure, just take a photo and bring it into Mitre 10 and they’ll sort you out with the right guttering. CUT GUTTERING TO LENGTH Now cut your guttering to length with a hacksaw. Guttering generally comes in 3m or 5m lengths, so if you need to join any pieces together just use a joiner to connect your two pieces, glued together with PVC Solvent Welding Cement. If your guttering is more than 10m long you’ll need to use an expansion joint, as guttering can expand and contract according to temperature. FIND YOUR HIGH & LOW POINTS Establish your high point and your low point. The low point can be identified by existing downpipes or stormwater outlets. Create a stringline, or chalk line between the high point and the low point. You’ll need a fall of 5mm per 10metres so the water can drain properly. ATTACH BRACKETS Attach your first bracket to the high point on your facia. Inside the expansion outlet you’ll need to line the guttering up with the marked temperature graduations. Slide the guttering in until it lines up with the temperature of the day. If you need to, glue an end cap on the end of your guttering. Attach the dropper or expansion outlet to the low point – making sure you maintain your fall. If you need an end cap on your dropper, glue it on before installing using PVC Solvent Welding Cement. INSTALL GUTTERING Limitation of Liability If you’ve got a roof structure, then guttering is a must, because council regulations require all your rainwater to be contained. Installing guttering yourself isn’t hard. Install Attach the rest of your brackets no more than 500mm apart, or 300mm apart in areas prone to high rain or snow. your guttering onto the brackets. Position the front of the guttering into the front of the bracket, then roll the spouting into the back of the bracket so it clicks securely into place. This project planner has been produced to provide basic information and our experienced staff are available to answer any questions you may have. Because this planner is general in nature, neither your Mitre 10 supplier nor their staff are responsible for the application of these design principles in any particular case, as the contents of this brochure may need to be modified for the particular site and circumstances. Mitre 10 is not responsible for the quality of work carried out on the goods by the consumer and is not responsible for the design or construction of any structure in which the goods are incorporated. Where applicable consumers should ensure that they comply with The New Zealand Building Code and/or Local Body Bylaws in respect of any such structures. Consumers are advised to call a qualified tradesman such as a builder, electrician or plumber where expert services are required. Mitre 10 will not be liable for any consequential loss howsoever arising from the use of goods sold, nor for any loss caused by defective or inadequate structures in which goods are incorporated. For more Easy As Guides visit M10 9328 How to install guttering v5.indd 5-8 18/02/16 2:53 pm