Bridge Rehabilitation with Structural Lightweight Concrete
Bridge Rehabilitation with Structural Lightweight Concrete
Bridge Rehabilitation Permits Higher Live Loads By Dennis w. Stolldorf, PE(l) and Thomas A. Holm, PE(2) Abstract The elevated section of the Whitehurst Freeway was upgraded to an HS20 loading criteria during the rehabilitation of the Washington, DC corridor system .structure with only limited modifications to the steel framing superstructure. Improved load carrying capacity was obtained becauseof the significant dead load reduction brought about by using structural lightweight aggregateconcrete to replace the ordinary concrete and asphalt overlay in the original deck slab. The original elevated freeway structure was designed for H20 live load according to the AASHTO 1941 specifications. With the new lighter replacement concrete deck, a minimum of the structural steel framing required strengthening and little interruption at the street level below was required to upgrade the substructure to an HS20 live load criteria. Structural steel rehabilitation details and physical properties of the concrete are reported. Figure 1. Whitehurst Freeway in background Figure 2. Whitehurst Freeway, Washington, DC Introduction The Whitehurst Freeway is an elevated roadway bound by the Georgetown section of Washington, DC adjacent to and paralleling the Potomac River (Fig.l,2,3). The Whitehurst Freeway is a heavily traveled artery essential to the flow of traffic between downtown Washington, DC , the Key Bridge to Virginia and the canal roads leading to the Maryland suburbs. Figure 3. Whitehurst Freeway Elevated Structure a'v'Ol aN'v' )(:)n~l --B -G- sau~pVO7 frfr-O'lSH puv frfr-O'lH O.LHSVV .s a.lna~d :iO lHf)13M l'v'lOl .-~ =M ~ [¥IQJ 8- ! I . I ,.-rM;Ol- - ~== I~ I~ -h S8lOO0"v~ S8l OOO'~ I. I 1 Mm ~.. "l;:j o.~~ . .0 I~ I~ S8lOO0'v~ S8l OOO'G£ 1- I~ S81 000'9 tt-SI.SH S81 000'9 tt-O~SH I I , ~--~-~-}... 01 ~t S81000.t"l' S81 000'"l' II I rM'L .~ O...L . '0 I~ 000'8 S81 000'9 S81 tt-SI.H tt-O"lH J '.:~ .sP~ol ~;)ru:J OZH fJ.rn;) O:JP~ua'!S~P An~u!a'!lO S~M ~lm;)nIJS ~qJ, .A~p~AO :Jl~qds~ (.U! z) UlUl O~ ~ q:J!M q~ls ~;)!q:J (.U! ~. L) UlUl 161 ~ S~M ~;)~P ~a'P!lq I~U!a'!l° ~qJ, .t .a'!d U! UMOqS S! UO!:J;)~S-SSOl;)~;)!dA:J V .~P!S l~A!~ ;)~Ulo:J°d ~q:J pJBMO:JP~U~P!M S~M ~lm;)nIJS ~q:J '(:J~d~JBd a'U!:JS!X~~q:JJo (.:JJ z) Ul ~. U!q:J!M ~l~M Sa'U!Pl!nq l~l~A~S) ~lm;)ru:JS ~q:JJO ~P!S ~UB;) ~q:JUO S:JU!~l:JSUO;) ~q:JJO ~sn~;)~H .q:Ja'U~1s:J!Jo :JSOUlqa'noJq:J (lJ 8) Ul tt.Z Al~:J~Ul!XOldd~ Aq a'U!U~P!M lOJ p~n~;) ~lm;)nIJS1~dns A~M~~ld :JSlnq~:J!qM ~q:JJO UO!:J~:J!I!q~q~l ~q:JJO S:JU~Ul~l!nb~~ u8!s;)(lIB.lnJ;)n.lJS The Washington, DC Department of Public Works and the Federal Highway Administration decided that in order to eliminate the past practice of having large trucks exit into the Georgetown streets, the new replacement elevated structure should be upgraded to H20-S 16 truck loading (Fig.5). The Whitehurst Freeway elevated structure consists of longitudinally reinforced slabs with stringers placed transversely. The stringers are supported on longitudinal girders spacedat a maximum of 5.95 m (19 ft. 6 in.) on center. The longitudinal girders frame into cross-girders which are supported at their ends on steel columns. The span between columns varies, but is normally 18 m (59 ft.) center to center. The span for longitudinal girders is from 12.2 to 22.9 m (40 to 75 ft.) with the majority in the range of 13.7 to 16.8 m (45 to 55 ft.). AsphaltConcrete The longitudinal girdOverlay ers are attached to the Bare Deck. ~ ~~ . --* -shear +C> 0 O (} o o 64 mm (2.5L .Cro= -.c ~I.t) .Qjcn~ 0 0 0 '0 '\ ~") O O o O - $:Q)-wE O 0- ro'-E E~o 0°C) z().- ..0-tU= ..c-oo ~- t °Q) Q) E only; therefore, all spans are simple. ! Jl +-' c O)Q)O) +-'cE 0).'-'0) ~"'§E ..CoC') C>~O 0- cross-glrders wIth connections Uo)U c>'oo..Q 00.£ o -.J()C\I Initial studies were directed at increasing the rated load capacity 0) using regular weight concrete while 25 mm (1") - ]a: 0 {3 strengthening the -L -*psf existing structure. psf Rehab Deck kg/m2 Original Deck kg/m2 77 A new 203 mm (8 in) 94 203 mm LTWT Concrete Slab = 376 190 mm Concrete Slab = 459 ordinary concrete deck 25 I).WT = 581 -376 = 205 kgm2 50 mm Asphalt = 122 119 (119- 77 = 42 psf) Total 581 would have weighed less than the original Figure 6. Original and Rehabilitated Decks for Whitehurst Freeway 191 mm (7.5 in) concrete plus 50 mm (2 in) overlay. However, difficulties arose in applying the increase in live loading to the existing longitudinal and cross-girders. A 40% increase in live load occurs in a 15.3 m (50 ft) span when upgrading from H20 to HS20. The only practical way to allow rehabilitation of the existing structure was to use structurallightweight concrete. The use of lightweight concrete allowed the new deck to be placed with a net savings of 205 kg/m2 (42 psf), more than one-third of the original deck weight. Fig. 6 shows a comparison of slab weights between the original and rehabilitated structure. This reduction in self weight greatly off Q °c o ,. set the increase in loading due to both additional bridge width as well as the increased live load requirements. The transverse stringers remained adequateexcept on the river side where the widening necessitated greater cantilever dimensions. Of 180 existing longitudinal girders, only 42 required strengthening. Overload of the existing structural members was low enough to allow the strengthening repair to be accomplished by adding flange plates bolted to the existing wide flange beams. The strengthening was completed while the deck was removed. The plates were attached using high strength bolts (Fig 7). The existing girders were analyzed in their partially unloaded condition with a live load restriction of H10 on the half of the structure remaining in service. Plates were added to the bottom of the top and bottom flange to eliminate the need for disturbing the transverse stringers. New plates were added to -3- -v- .gU!U~A~ ~q~ U! punoq~no O~ gU!WOlli ~q~ U! punoqU! lliO1J gU!Sl~A~l M.OlJ :)!JJB1~~q~ q~!M. IRUO!~:)~l!P ~pRlli SRM.:)YJR1~~q.L .S~lli!~ IIR ~RP~U!R~U!Rlli ~1~M. '\7 IRU!g!lO ~q~ Jo ~no :)YJR1~JO s~URI 'l ~I!qM. p~u~q~gu~IJS SRM.~ln~:)ru~sl~dns ~q.L .(.8 g!d) P~IIR~SU! s~Ioq .S.H ~q~ pUR 'q~M. ~q~ qgnoJq~ P~II!lP s~Ioq ~q~ pUR P~~:)~l~ ~IgUR gU!:)lOJU!~l ~q~ 'P~AOlli~l u~q~ SRM. q~M. ~q~ JO ~P!S ~~!soddo ~q~ UO l~U~JJ!~S ~q.L .~IgUR gU!:)lOJU!~l M.~U ~q~ JO UO!~:)~l~ ~!lUl~d o~ ~n:) I.Isno -!A~ld qn~s l~U~JJ!~S pUR ~IgUR ~gURlJ gU!~S!X~ ~q~ U~~M.~~q p~q:)R~~RSRM.~IgUR l~U~JJ!~S I.lRlodlli~~ V .q~M. ~q~ O~P~~Ioq ~OUSRM.~IgUR gU!:)lOJU!~l M.~U ~q.L .I.Iuo ~P!S ~Rq~UO ~IgUR l~U~JJ!~S ~q:) gU!AOlli~ll~~JR ~Sly ~P!S ~UO UO q~M. ~q~ O~p~q:)R~~R~1~M. s~IgUR gU!:)lOJll!~l U!Rlli ~q.L .S~lli!~ IIR ~R q~M. ~q~ JO ~P!S ~UO UO P~U!R~U!Rlli ~1~M. Sl~U~JJ!~S~Sl~ASUR1.L .Sl~Pl!g gU!~S!X~ ~q~ JO 1.~!lg~~U! ~q~ U!R~U!Rlli O~ S~gR~SP~lO~!UOlli I.IInJ~m:) U! 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