Vo l um e 9 , Is su e 47 S U N Y Co lle g e a t O n eo n ta A p r il 0 1— M ay 1 5 T HE B UZZ A publication of Charles W. Hunt College Union INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Famous Last Words 1 Poetry Slam 1 The Regurgitator 2 Bobby Miyamoto 2 Chet Wild 2 Dr. Jack Levin 3 Dragon’s Liar 3 Safe Space Trainings 4 Dialogue Sessions 4 Movies at the Red Dragon Theatre: ― T H E M O S T I M P O R TA N T QUESTIONS‖ ―We live at a time, and in a society, unlike any other in human history. Personal success and fulfillment appear to be almost entirely defined by power, status and the acquisition of wealth, leaving us with the wrong answers to the most important questions.‖ Mr. Roger Sullivan has over 30 years experience in higher education; in 1996, he joined the College at Oneonta. Prior to his current appointment as Associate Vice President for Enrollment Management, he served as Director of Admissions at Oneonta from 1996-1999. Before coming to Oneonta, Mr. Sullivan served in a variety of student development and enrollment related positions across SUNY. He holds an M.A. in College Student Personnel from Bowling Green State University and a B.A. degree in Secondary English Education from SUNY at Potsdam. A number of enrollment services areas at Oneonta currently report to Mr. Sullivan including Academic Advisement and Orientation, Admissions, Career Development, the Educational Opportunity Program, Financial Aid, the First Year Experience Office, and the College Assistance Migrant Program. Mr. Roger Sullivan—Student Development/Enrollment Management Yes Man 4/17-19 Revolutionary Road 4/24-26 Paul Blart Mall Cop 5/1-3 Famous Last Words is a program in which a faculty or staff member has been nominated by Omicron Delta Kappa to present their ―last lecture.‖ Co-sponsored by Hunt Union, CME, FYE, and ODK 2ND ANNUAL ALL FACULTY & STAFF POETRY SLAM #63 Date: April 23 Time: 8:00 PM Place: The Waterfront The second annual All Faculty & Staff Poetry Slam to celebrate National Poetry Month and William Shakespeare’s birthday. Limited to the first 12–13 Oneonta State Faculty and Staff who register in advance. For more information or to enter the grand spectacle please contact either Dr. George Hovis ([email protected]) x2571 or Robb Thibault ([email protected]) x3013. The deadline to register by email is high noon on April 1. This will be a no-holds-barred event as poets may use props, wear costumes, use musical accompaniment and/or deliver poetry with another member of the college community. All traditional poetry slam rules will be void except for time and the creation of an original composition. Feature Poet: Geoffrey Jason Kagan Trenchard A member of the performance poetry troupe, The Suicide Kings. Their play ―In Spite of Everything‖ has opened in theaters internationally. Pag e 2 Vo l um e 9 , Is su e 47 Stevie Starr: The Regurgitator Date: Wednesday, April 15 Time: 9:00 PM Place: The Ballroom Free for students, $3 for others, CUAC is funded by SA A bizarre phenomenon to the world of showbiz, this ginger haired, slightly built, thirtyfour year old baffles his audience by swallowing a variety of items and then bringing them up again, not only dry and clean, but.....TO ORDER!! Whether it be large coins, Rubic's cubes, ladies rings or live goldfish, Stevie never fails to return them without injury to himself or the fish! The idea may seem unbelievable, but after Stevie has smoked a cigarette without exhaling any smoke and then injested and returned a billiard ball, all doubts give way to wonder, excitement and applause from an audience that cannot believe their eyes. Next to disappear down Stevie's throat is a miniature Rubic's cube and when he returns it - SURPRISE - all the rows have been turned. Among the other amazing stunts Stevie performs is swallowing a bowl-full of dry sugar followed by a glass or two of water and then bringing the sugar back bone dry. Or how about swallowing a gentleman's ring followed by a locked padlock and Not for the Feint Hearted! the key and returning them with the ring locked inside the padlock! Maybe the stunned audience would like a card trick (swallowed, of course) before Stevie swallows two live goldfish, only to return them unharmed at the end of the show (having drunk enough water to keep them swimming happily inside). For television shows Stevie can swallow numbered coins and return whatever number the audience requests. From one to ten he produces the correct coin every time! Stevie Starr spent the first eighteen years of his life in a children's home in Glasgow, and it was there that he discovered his own very special talent. "I think I was about four when I started swallowing my pocket money", says Stevie, "and then I tried other things like going out into the garden and swallowing a bumble bee and then bringing him back and letting him fly away." A stunt he repeated many years later on his second appearance on the American TV show 'That's Incredible'. The resulting show is one of rare distinction and a delight to all ages. Paul Daniels described it as the most exciting act that he'd had on his show! C UA C L A U G H - I N : B O B B Y M I Y A M O T O Date: Monday, April 20 Time: 9:00 PM Place: The Ballroom Free for students, $3 for others, CUAC is funded by SA Raised in Boise, Idaho, Bobby was one of a handful of Asians that grew up in Boise. After attending Arizona State University where he developed an offbeat sense of humor, he began traveling the country and performing for all types of crowds. As seen on ABC's "Comics Unleashed" and Comedy Central's "Premium Blend," Bobby Miyamoto is sure to keep you laughing no matter where you come from. C UA C L A U G H - I N : C H E T W I L D AND GUESTS Date: Monday, May 4 Time: 9:00 PM Place: The Ballroom Free for students, $3 for others, CUAC is funded by SA The first series of episodes for The Chet Wild Show aired Monday evenings on "91.3FM WBNY Buffalo's Original Alternative" during October/November 2008. Unfortunately, Chet/Ryan and the station programming director butted heads on what they felt was appropriate content for radio. The result? Since Chet didn't want to clean up his act, WBNY will be supporting The Chet Wild Show through on-air advertisements and the show will keep its integrity in content by sticking to a podcast format. The show is currently on hiatus, but will be back in the near future once it's retooled. Badass? Maybe. Th e Bu zz Page 3 SERIAL KILLERS AND SADISTIC MURDERERS: UP CLOS E A ND PE RS ONA L W ITH DR. JAC K LE VI N Date: Monday, April 27 Time: 9:00 PM Place: The Ballroom Free for students, $3 for others, CUAC is funded by SA In Serial Killers and Sadistic Murderers-Up Close and Personal, I relate my professional and personal experiences with murderers and other violent criminals. Each encounter conveys an important point about the characteristics and motivations of murderers. The book is unique in its approach and objective. Unlike many true crime volumes, this is not a detailed account of a single case of murder. Unlike academic works, this is not an abstract analysis. Instead, I seek to make a number of significant points in the form of lessons I have learned about murder as illustrated by my experiences as a criminologist who specializes in analyzing extreme violence and who has met, observed, and corresponded with a number of serial killers and other murderers. Over the past 25 years, I have specialized in the study of murder, especially of the most irrational and despicable sorts. My interview with the Hillside Strangler took place early in my career as a criminologist, but I have had many more opportunities since then to examine the methods and mentality of brutal killers and other violent criminals. Thus, I have conducted face-to-face interviews and corresponded by mail and phone with killers, their family members, their lovers, and their neighbors. I have also testified in criminal and civil court cases, consulted with prosecution and defense attorneys, and assisted the police in apprehending violent predators. Finally, I have often been asked to comment on newsworthy incidents of homicide for all major network news programs including NBC Nightly News, ABC World News Tonight, CBS Evening News, 20/20, 48 Hours, and Dateline NBC and most national talk shows including Today, Good Morning America, Serial Killers and Sadistic Murderers Oprah, Larry King Live, and The O Reilly Factor. Even in the green room," I have had lengthy disBy Dr. Jack Levin cussions with killers, victims, killer groupies, as well as the family and friends of both killers and victims. The net result of my research into the motives, minds, and modus operandi of the murderer has taught me a number of important lessons that I wish to share with readers. My personal experiences are interesting in themselves, but they are also useful for making some crucial points about the conditions under which serial murder occurs." - Jack Levin New pricing in April- pay for what you play for…. $2.99 an hour for College at Oneonta Students and Employees $4.99 an hour for Guests New Hours Monday & Wednesday Tuesday & Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 4pm-11pm 3pm-11pm 3pm – 1am 3pm-12am Closed Greek Nights- Wednesdays for Recognized Greeks- wear your letters and play for $1.99 per hour Residence Hall Days - Play for $1.99 per hour April 14 April 20 April 21 April 27 April 28 Huntington Hall Littell Hall MacDuff Matteson Hall Sherman Hall TOURNEY’s April 17: Street Fighter 4 TOURNEY Time: 6-11pm Entry fee: 6$ Prize: 30$ Round Robin - Time 60 secs/single life Bracket - Unlimited/ Double Elimination 2/3 For more info on upcoming Tourneys & Happenings Goto S U NY C ol l eg e a t O n e o n t a Safe Space Program Mission For information contact Robb Thibault Phone: 607-436-3013 E-mail: [email protected] The mission of the Oneonta Safe Space Program is to support the campus in its effort to foster a biasfree learning and working environment for LGBTQ persons by providing education and training for the campus community. The Oneonta Safe Space Program will build awareness of the issues affecting LGBTQ persons as well as develop skills for allies. The program works to create more campus spaces where LGBTQ persons and their allies feel safe, supported, and valued as members of our college community. All faculty, staff, and students are welcome. New faculty & staff are especially encouraged to attend! http:// To register contact the Gender and Sexuality Resource Center: x2190 or [email protected] “You have a place here” Monday, April 20 & 27 2:00 PM-4:30 PM, Waterfront T H E G E N D E R & S E X UA L I T Y R E S O U R C E C E N T E R PRESENTS DIALOGUE SESSIONS Day: Thursdays Time: 7–9 pm Place: GSRC 219 Hunt Union For more information contact x2190 or [email protected] April 2 Gay 101 for Interested Heteros Based on the facilitator’s life experience and the book Is It A Choice? (Answers to 300 of the Most Frequently Asked Questions About Gay and Lesbian People), this workshop will give curious minds a chance to ask any questions you may have without embarrassment or retribution. [Bill Harcleroad] April 16 Media Representations of Race, Gender, and Sexuality How does the media shape our perceptions of race, gender, class, and sexuality in modern society. Are media representations of marginalized groups raising awareness of subordination, or are they simply perpetuating power and difference? [Brittany Soblick] April 23 What Does Pink Have to do With It?: Cancer, Body Image, and Femininity Every 3 minutes a woman in the United States is diagnosed with breast cancer. Now this country’s most visible of ―women’s‖ diseases—as shown by all those pink ribbons—breast cancer, experienced through our families, our friends, and ourselves, confronts us with challenging questions about body image, beauty, sexuality, and survival. [Susan Bernadin] April 30 Gay, Homosexual, LGBT, Queer: Are All Names Created Equal? In 1969, the Gay Liberation Front declared that the word ―homosexual‖ was old-fashioned and bigoted, and everyone should use ―gay‖ instead. Forty years later, why are students still being taught that ―homosexual‖ is proper? Is ―gay‖ that much better, or does it have its own connotations of bigotry and exclusion? What about LGBT or queer? Does the term you use really make a difference? [Jeffery Dennis]