Gippsland Lakes Boating GuideGippsland Lakes
Gippsland Lakes Boating GuideGippsland Lakes
Ri ve r Nic hol son ht G lan eP Se S RIGBY ISLAND Fl.R.5s 2 AN 2 NEL FRASER Romley Point Fl.Bu.5s Q(9) 15s Fl.G.4s TH E BY 2 Fl.R.3s Kelly Head G RI Fl.G.4s Fl.G.3s Fl.R.3s 5 2 HOPETO UN 2 BUNGA Gippsland Second Blow Hole ARM Park Coastal Lakes NINETY BEACH 74 Fl.G.3s MILE BASS STRAIT Fl.R.2.5s 5 5 2) Fl( s G5 580 tun g 5 Me Fl.Y.5s Oc.4s Fl.R.3s lan J 2 FW 5It is an offence to discharge oil or oily water onto any part of the Port. Offenders 5are liable for fines. Dumping of rubbish or waste is also prohibited. Arm 2 3.5POLLUTION eP LAKES ENTRANCE North 2 H lan 2 1 2 2 3 1 62 Stree Myer 1 67 Itinerant Berthing Post Office 66 78 69 2 3 3 g iin r Sk Wate Lig h Le ad ing C Flagstaff 3 Compass Pile 5 Q.R 1s CUNNINGHAME TH R NO LAKES REEVES CHANNEL & BAR - CAUTIONARY NOTE 0 M AR Periodic dredging is undertaken by a THSD and cutter suction dredge. However, depths in Reeves Channel and on Bar as well as the alignment of the channel across the Bar are constantly changing and therefore charted depth cannot be considered reliable. Crossing the Bar should only be attempted by persons having local knowledge. Mariners should contact Gippsland Ports Lakes Entrance (03) 5155 6999 for the latest information on the Bar. Further information on navigating the ocean entrance and bar may be found at Fl(2) R 5s ENTRANCE No ing t Boaone Z Unrestricted speeds for boats. Water skiing prohibited. itted Perm lub Surf C Surf ack alking Tr W nd da San Fl.Bu.3s Water greater than 5m deep rub Sc Parks and Reserves F1.Bu.1s TY E NIN E EB LIGHTS H Iso.Isophase Oc.Occulting F.Fixed Fl.Flashing Fl.(2)8sA group of 2 flashes every 8 seconds QkFl. Quick Flashing 5 BAR AREA See Note WAVE MONITORING BUOY 10 Mariners are advised that a wave monitoring buoy has been located at approximate position:S 37° 54.9075’ E 147° 57.9379’ (WGS 84) 2.8km SSW of the entrance. A long elastic mooring system has been utilized to secure the buoy and consequently the position of the buoy may vary with tide and currents. The buoy is displaying the following light characteristic: Fl(5) Y 20s Mariners are directed to navigate with caution when transiting the area, and to remain at least 200m clear of the buoy. No vessel is to moor to the buoy at any time. Highway 2 Pile 2 Fl.G.3s FW 15m 5M F1.G.1s & F.Bu FG & Fl.G.3s F.Bu 5 IMPORTANT EXPLANATION and CAUTION This publication is a guide only. The maps are not navigation charts and should not be used for navigation calculations or determining precise locations. The position of navigation marks, channels and other features may not be where they are shown on the maps. Water depths are based on hydrographic surveys believed to have been undertaken around 1986 and the depths shown may have changed since that time. Gippsland Ports staff have taken all reasonable steps to ensure the information in the guide is accurate at the time of publication. But omissions and inaccuracies may exist and therefore vessel operators must be cautious in relying on the information in the guide. No liability whatsoever will be accepted by Gippsland Ports for damages claimed to be sustained as a consequence of using this guide. GGreen RRed WWhite YYellow BuBlue VQkFl. Very Quick Flashing MARKS W Port hand - even numbers N E Starboard hand - odd numbers Isolated Danger (Black and Red) W 2 (Most foreshore area is public land.) COLOUR CODED BERTHING ZONES TEMPORARY BERTHING ZONE • Maximum time limit 48 hours as per Port Services Regulations • Vessel can be unmanned LOADING ZONE • Loading zone for the pick up and drop off of passengers and cargo only. • Vessel has to be manned at all times SHORT TERM ZONE • Time limit as indicated • Vessel can be unmanned PERMIT ONLY ZONE • Berthing prohibited without a permit. • Vessel can be unmanned Indicates a light structure or a light buoy L MI s 5 Water between 0m and 5m deep ch Bea Prince ARM Unrestricted speeds between one hour before sunrise to one hour after sunset except within 50 metres of another boat, bathers. ing FG & Fl.G 3s F.Bu ACH No Anchorage 1 68 NINETY MILE BE 10 5 AC F.W 15m 5M & F.Bu peed Limit 10 knots S (approx 20 kilometers/hr) imm Sw 3 2 A GH IN 5 5 65 ts Watch Your Wash N UN 10 Submarine Cable or Pipe 21 4 64 RM Speed Limit 5 knots (approx 10 kilometers/hr) 57 LAKES ENTRANCE ing A ME 5 10 3 imm Sw 10 t Water Skiing Permitted e Fuel 74 1 Fuelling can be conducted at approved Fuelling Installations. Fuel transfer elsewhere on waterways within the port limits is prohibited without a fuel permit 10 10issued by Gippsland Ports. 10 5 5 10 2 Itinerant Berthing g Zon e 63 75 79 5s 4.5 Bunkering/Fuel 5 ZONES 5 1 e No Boa tin BULLOCK ISLAND 2 Gippsland Lakes Coastal Park 5 17 750 Fl.G.3s Fl. R4s EL 5 53 ANN Fl.G.3s Fl.G.2.5s CH Fl.G.1.5s QG 1s Fl.Bu.5s QG.1s BULLOCK IS. Fl.R.3sSe E Power H8.4m Bridge H1.8m Fl.R.2.5s 19 2 Fl.G.3s 3 21 Fl.R.3s QY.2s L NE Fl.R.1.5s Groynes J Occ.4s 2 1 ARM 1 3 1 Es 1 60 Fl.R.4s Fl(2) G ad plan BOOLE POOLE PENINSULA 23 Mount Barkly 10 5 Fl.G.2s PENINSULA 2 Fl.R.3s ES POOLE ISLAND 77 Rigby Island Reserve S 25 Plan C Yachtsmen are cautioned about the existence of overhead electric cables across rivers and similar areas and should keep a lookout for warning notices on river banks advising of these obstructions and safety heights. Fl.R.3s QkFl(6)+LFl.15s Q(6)+LFl.15s Fl.G.4s Fl.Bu 5s H KALIMNA Fl.R.3s Fl.Y.5s AN CH BOOLE W V REE Fl.R.2s RIGBY Fl.(2).4s Fl.G.3s NA R Fl.G.1.2s RO 2 See 10 5 k 52 2 CH ISLAND ee 2 UN 2. OVERHEAD CABLES Q(6)+LFl.15s 1 2 Fishing Club 10 5 L NE N HA TO E OP Reservoir ek Q(6)+LFl.15s 2 2 2 2 Cre 5 1 KALIMNA WEST Fl.R 1.2s 0.25 arad ne P Mari 61 56 3 Fl.G.3s ga No Water Skiing Q(6)+LFl.15s D YELLOW BAY rch 5 LAN 2 Pe ISLAND 2 Se QY.2s in R IS 5 Fl.R.3s eP eP Se F EL NEL Metres 1 1 2 2 QG 1s 3 2 1 Fl.G.3s 2 55 TH NOR Power H15.2m 12 Fl.G.3s NN CHAN 5 E 2 5 500 3 A CH 2 NE SW 5 Fl.G.1.2s Q.R 1s ar FLANNAGAN XTE 5 Fl.G.3s ES NYERIMILANG Nyerimilang Fl.W.2.5s 2 1 EV 2 Fl.G.3s N W Fl.G 3 s Gippsland Lakes Coastal Park 0 0 Further information on navigating the entrance may be found at Navigation of the ocean entrance to the Lakes system by operators of small boats is dangerous and attention is drawn to the caution notices erected at various points on shore at or near the entrance and at boat ramps in the locality. Drownings have occurred when boats have capsized at the entrance bar. NUNGURNER BEACH 5 12 3 3 2 4 1 5 RE 5 2 1 2 1. NAVIGATION OF THE OCEAN ENTRANCE NE E Special N W Cardinal - Pillar buoy or pile (Yellow and Black) with appropriate black topmark: W S N NORTHEAST S E © Copyright Gippslandports 2012 Road N M Fl.R 1.2s BA Cr Highway 10 M SE 2 Bowran Point lan SW ek Cre xes Bo s R4 Fl. TN FG Fl.R 4s 59 Bridge H6.5m Oc.4s FL.G.3s LA E Mount Barkly Pr ad Fl(2) R 5s KALIMNA s CAUTIONS Ro N No Boating e inc I MN W y Silvershot Landing TN er Fl.W.2.5s PENINSU 0.5 Dolomite Swamp 51 Fl.6s urn Nautical Mile Nautical Mile Harper’s Bight 80 2 5 Fl.WR.4s lan ng STRAIT S ES R Fl. Luderick Point BOOLE P OOLE PLAN J LAKES ENTRANCE 1000 SCALE 1 : 25,000 REEV .5s s 5 54 Bell Point Fl.R.2 METUNG Obs cu Nu eP N Creek 500 ns Chinama d oa gR Me tun NUNGURNER 5 LA ARM 2.5 ces Mosquito Point PENINSU BUNGA Prin 50 Fl.3s 10 wa Shaving Fl.WR.4s Point Baines Swamp 0 5 Fl.6s Kilometres Se Fl.3s SCALE 1 : 100,000 h Hig Fl.Bu. 5s 5 BOOLE P OOLE 0 2 Gippsland Lakes Boating Guide Fl.Bu. 5s H 5 Jubilee Head Tambo Bluff Nautical Mile NW Obs cu BANCROFT BAY d Roa Round Head WOLLASTON BAY LOCH SPORT 12 11 2 8 TAMBO BAY .10s )R Fl(2 5 2 Power H15.05m Footbridge 5 5 Plan Power H22.1m er rn Nungu ad Ro See Fl.Bu.5s Waverley Point 10 2 5 0 SWAN REACH 3 49 5 Tambo 7 Fl.R 5s er Riv 5 King 2 Metres 14 Fl.Bu.5s Pun SWAN REACH BAY Fl.7.5s SE METUNG 5 2 Power H22.1m Fl.G.5s JOHNSONVILLE Lake 19 W 5 RAYMOND ISLAND Point King N 48 d re Revised August 2012 ng irli 2.5 Pelican Point 13 QFl.R 2s 2 Fl.R 3s 0 5 Fl.R.4s e C k. ous erh MILE BASS PLAN D LOCH SPORT MN s t Rd Fl.R 4s Fl.G 4s FR 17 Lake Reeve NINETY 5 2 GIPPSLAND PORTS 47 ad Ro TN Q(3).10s 5 Fl.WR.2s Ocean Grange com PLAN I METUNG TO LAKES ENTRANCE Fl.G 3s d be Sea Fl.Bu.5s ce Bridge H6.6m ROTAMAH ISLAND 5 Wellington St Reeve Lagoon Lookout Tower LOCH SPORT Dries Lake Pa yn es vill e Riv er E m Fl.Bu.5s Trapper Point G g au Sl Campbell Channel Fl.R.5s Roa Head er Sp lan d Head Fl.Bu.5s SPERM WHALE HEAD The Lakes National Park White Cliff ne RANGE Roa Fl.R.4s Fl.G.5s Gippsland Lakes Coastal Park 5 Zo 2 Gippsland Lakes Coastal Park 2 16 lan 2 LA Whale COLLIER HILL See Plan D Q 1.2s Point Wilson Pelican Point Fl.G.2s dge ad R O TR 3 2 5 Point Walker Red Bluff FR Iso.2s Footbri Ro Storm Point Fl.3s in Fl.5s 5 Point Turner g 10 Fl.4s 2 Thalia Point SEACOMBE LAKE COLEMAN 5 Wattle Point Pr eP Point Fullarton Montague Point 2 1.1s Q(9)15s QFl Fl.R.3s 5 2 Lady Bay Bluff Head Banksia 18 Peninsula Victoria Fl.Bu.5s Steel Bay 72 Waddy Point QG.1.2s 2 McL State Game Reserve ch BE Sewerage Farm Morley Swamp n enna Wellington Park Bea BOMBING R IVE rd Pla nC Spoon Bay 10 Boat Ramp fo No.10 Pla nC re d No.6 Jetty ng Lake Fl.R.3s Duck Arm Se d re No.8 Fl.WR.5s No.4 No.2 Lo 2 21 5 Fl. Bu 5S Point Foster EAGLE BAY Fl.Y 3s Fl.Y 3s Fl.Y 3s 20 Fl.R 3s Power H19.5m u.5s Fl.G.5s Fl.G.3s e 15 Fl.B No.11 No.7 Letts ANDREW BAY No.13 No.9 Se Blond Bay State Game Reserve 5 Picnic Arm int DUTSON BULL BAY tle Po MN Bull Point at Road O TN No.1 W Fl.WG.2s Strait Fl.G.4s Plover Point Road PAYNESVILLE Cameron Point re d No 4 Fl.R.5s No 2 Fl.R.5s Wild Dog Shore No.5 No.3 10 No 6 Fl.R.5s s cu No 8 Fl.R.5s PODDY BAY Point 5 Thumb Point Fl.R.4s Fl.R.4s Point Lardner Water Skiing Permitted Blond Bay Ob NICHOLSON y wa No 10 Fl.R.5s 2 PLAN B LATROBE RIVER ENTRANCE Willow Point Tucker Point Eagle Fl.R.3s BAY Power H16.2m H La olla n Rondin ds ad g Jones Bay Victoria Lagoon No 12 Fl.R.5s RANGE k- g Se e BOMBING ee BANDIN BAY S gh Hi DUTSON Cr 5 JONES eP Sheepwash Point e in No 14 Fl.R.5s 2 ing Hol la RA IT ST No 16 Fl.R.5s Forg Nautical Mile Point Bolodun Power H17.5m 0.5 E Bridge H7.0m Power H9.8m Se B eP lan Se Dowds Morass No 18 Fl.R.5s nd Roseneath Point 6 SW Bridge H2.5m ad Ro Fl.WR.5s s 2 No 20 Fl.R.5s La Metres 0.0 Bo atin ad Ro Lake Wellington Fl.G.5s Fl.G.3s nd 1000 No y 10 lla 500 NN ANDREW BAY Ba r Rive The Heart Landing Ho Mc obe 0 Lake Victoria AN Marlay Point THE HEART Latr LE ad ale - wy Ro Pole cu dH South 5 GREBE BAY u Power H11.8m rt bs ea N NE Griffin Point sc rH N M we The waters of Gippsland Lakes are safe and pleasant to navigate but there are areas of shallow water which may not be identified by navigation aids. For this reason it is advisable to carry a compass and obtain good local knowledge of the Lakes system. Care should be taken at night time when on passage from Metung to Paynesville or when navigating south of Raymond Island owing to the existence of shoals and shallow water. Lake Wellington is relatively shallow and winds from the east or west can create a short choppy sea. Without a compass, a boat owner voyaging from Latrobe River entrance to McLennans Strait and vice versa can become disorientated, particularly in daytime, and fail to find the entrance/exit to Lake Wellington. However, there are a number of single pile beacons marking the route across the lake. At the eastern end of the Lakes System, in Reeves Channel and Cunningham Arm, a boat operator can expect to find the waters shared with large seagoing fishing vessels and a knowledge of the Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea is very necessary in this area. The following is an extract of a port regulation governing the navigation of the entrance to Gippsland Lakes and applies to all vessels less than 40 metres in length. (The master of a vessel means the person in charge of it). (a) The master of a vessel when departing Cunningham Arm shall keep out of the way of every vessel navigating Reeves Channel. (b) When two vessels in Reeves Channel are approaching each other in reciprocal or near reciprocal courses at its junction with Cunningham Arm the master of the vessel stemming the tide shall keep out of the way of the vessel proceeding with the tide and nothing in this Rule shall exempt the master of either vessel from complying with the requirements of Rule 34 of the Regulation of Preventing Collisions at Sea. (c) The master of a vessel when proceeding to sea and when navigating the waters of the port between the seaward end of the entrance moles and the offshore bar shall keep out of the way of any vessel inward bound into the port. 5 The master of a vessel navigating the waters of the port between the seaward end (d) of the entrance moles and the seaward (outer) edge of the offshore bar shall maintain a distance of 100 metres astern of any other vessel proceeding in the same direction as his vessel and shall not overtake any vessel proceeding in the same direction as his vessel. 10 All vessels whether inward or outward bound should not attempt to pass any (e) dredge whilst dredging between the seaward end of the entrance moles and the outer edge of the seaward bar or when engaged in swinging at the landward side of the bar. W Ob Lo DISHER BAY No.8 No.10 10 5 HOLLANDS LANDING 9 Fl.WG.2s 5 GIPPSLAND LAKES TN SE Fl.W.7s 2 ure Medusa Point BAIRNSDALE EAST Power H15.7m Gippsland Ports controls and administers activities on the Gippsland Lakes such as navigation of ships and boats, the provision of navigation aids, dredging of channels, surveying, and the provision of wharves, jetties and other engineering works. NW Bridge H6.8 2 LUCKNOW Bridge H6m 4 MN No.2 No.4 No.6 d STRATHFIELDSAYE Lake Wellington Yacht Club 10 O bsc rry Pe EAST SALE BULL BAY 5 r ve Ri G ip psla n ad ve Ri 5 CLYDEBANK Sale Aerodrome RAAF Base Power H13.6m Ro r Power H12.95m Bridge H3.8 n TN AUTHORITY 76 Mitch ell worde Fl.R.3s BAIRNSDALE Bairnsd Beng EASTERN ENTRANCE 2 rd nds L an d tfo d Hw y ra n r 1 5 SALE es St VICTORIA LAGOON re nc Avo ve Ri Pri PLAN C McLENNAN STRAIGHT Bull Point PERRY BRIDGE Nichols on PLAN A SALE TO LAKES ENTRANCE SOUTHWEST S Zone marker buoy (No Boating Zone) Zone marker buoy Overhead power lines S Fl. Bu 5s 11 12 LOCH SPORT Lookout Tower ISLAND Lake Reeve RIVER 2 ree k NICHOLSON Sla ug hte rho use C N E SW 1 1 2 2 1 5 lub tC ch y e Boundar 5 Knot Zon E N SW 10 5 3 2 BOOLE POOLE PENINSULA 2 3 ad Ro ng Metu s s H Pla n ra it R. Fl .R .2 Fl .(2 ) 5 Jubilee Head Fl .R s .4 (03) 5155 6900 (03) 5155 6950 (03) 5155 6931 (03) 5155 6911 (03) 5155 6901 paynesville Boatyard and WATERWAY SERVICES Slip Road, (P.O. Box 79), Paynesville, Victoria 3880 Telephone: Fax: Salt Lake Purran Corner 10 (03) 5156 6352 (03) 5156 6816 Other Sources for Information WADDY IS POOLE BOOLE 71 WALLABY ISLAND CRESCENT IS BASS 10 See St 10 10 Park Boundary ROTTEN IS. 3 2 3 3 E N 5 Round Head Fl.6s See Pla 10 O Fl.Bu 5s Fl.Bu 5s Fl.WR.4s WOLLASTON BAY Point Jones Point Best Ocean Grange NINETY Luderick Point 2 2 No Boating 10 nE Pla ROTAMAH Lake Reeve METUNG Bullock Island, Lakes Entrance, Victoria 3909 Depot Telephone: Boatyard Telephone: Fax: SAND MANAGEMENT Office: Telephone: Fax: GIPPSLAND MILE BUNGA LAKES BEACH STRAIT 5 ARM PENINSULA GIPPSLAND LAKES COASTAL PARK COASTAL First Blow Hole PARK Second Blow Hole Emergencies000 Australian Volunteer Coast Guard (Lakes Entrance) 5155 1601 Australian Volunteer Coast Guard (Paynesville) 5156 0106 Department of Sustainability and Environment 136 186 Environment Protection Authority 9695 2722 Fisheries Victoria 136 186 Government Information Centre 1300 366 356 Marine Safety Victoria 1800 223 022 Surf Life Saving Victoria 9676 6900 Wildlife Rescue 1300 094 535 © Copyright Gippslandports 2012 Waverley Point 10 17 Dolomite Swamp Pla d SCALE 1 : 50,000 GIPPSLAND LAKES COASTAL PARK 14 See cure Nautical Mile 1 Fl.R.4s Bank Mud BARTON IS. Fl.Bu.5s (Very Shallow) st Air 2 Kilometres 0.5 Fl.G.5s Fl. Bu 5s 2 0 Lerna Point 2.5 5 13 2 bs nC O Lake Reeve 2 nF 5 5 rhous e Road Paynesville - ale sd irn Ba Trapper Point Gergon 2 Radford Bank Shallow rip 2 Fl.R.3s . Fl (03) 5688 1303 (03) 5688 1658 Lakes Entrance s 5 R. 2 THE LAKES NATIONAL PARK Fl.G.3s Lewis Street, Port Welshpool, Victoria 3965 Telephone: Fax: 2 See Plan D Red Bluff 2 NEL Pelican Point CHAN Thalia Point SPERM WHALE HEAD 5 5 2 Fl.R.3s PORT WELSHPOOL Fl.3s ed cur bs Lake Killarney 2 5 97 Main Street, (P.O. Box 388), Bairnsdale, Victoria 3875 Telephone: (03) 5150 0500 Fax: (03) 5150 0501 email: [email protected] Fl.3s 5 10 Point 16 Wilson Green Hill Point 5 Hybla Point 2 2 Cherry Tree Beach Hickey Swamp Tambo bluff Fl.R.5s Fl.G.3s EL CHANN Fl.4s Point Walker Trouser Point MAH u.5s Fl.B LAKE Storm Point VICTORIA 5 2 Fl.7.5s 2 QG 1.2s Q 1.2s 2 HEaD Office Carstairs Bank AURORA Waddy Point ROTA See 10 5 72 KING Point Scott 10 CAMPBELL CHANNEL Obscured Miasma Point t Point Turner Fl.3s Fl.WR.4s 3 15 10 2 Fl.G. 2s 45 41 Fl.6s ISLAND 10 2 5 5 5 2 4 Bluff Head BAY KING 19 Harrington Point BANCROFT Fl.Y 2s in 6 Q(9)15s LADY BAY 3 2 Fl. R 2s Point King 5 Watch Your Wash in this area. 5 LAKE 2 RAYMOND S Po 8 2 15 Elbow Point DUCK ARM 18 BANKSIA PENINSULA 5 2 2 Reedy Point BLOND BAY STATE GAME RESERVE Fl.R.3s BANDIN BAY Wattle Point Fl.R.3s James Point Fl.G 2.5s TAMBO BAY n illa Q. 1.1s E 5 Fl. Bu 5s RIVER O TAMB FR FR M c M N Fl.Y 3s 40 5 2 5 PAYNESVILLE Fl. Bu 5s 43 Fl.G 4s Fl.R 4s Fl.R 4s Montague Point MASON BAY 44 SWAN REACH BAY MN W 5 Fl.WR.2s Iso.2s 5 Griffin Point Terrace Point 2 d RA 5 Fl.G 5s Fl.R 5s TN g 5 5 Tannin Point Toms Point nG M Reef Point Fl.5s 5 E SE ure IT 10 PICNIC ARM Q(3).10s Pla 5 Water Skiing Permitted Fl.G 5s Fl.R 5s Fl.G 5s Fl.R 5s u Sla LAKE Fl.R 3s Point Fullarton 2 SW 2 BULL BAY Compass Piles Broome Point Fl.G 5s Fl.R 5s Newland NE Cameron Point sc Fl.WG.2s 1 5 k Cree g e u et Fl.R 4s Fl.R 5s 5 Ro in rg N S Ob Fl.Y 3s Fl.Y 3s 2 W BAY Shires Point Fl.Y 3s Fl.Y 3s Fo ng SE 20 m BLOND See EAGLE BAY Ar Lethé Point BAY ad NW JONES Ro Point Foster Fl. Bu 5S N Luff Point 0 EAGLE POINT ad Thumb Point Fl.R 4s Point Dawson 5 Fl.Y 4s 46 0.25 Nautical Mile Fl.G.3s 2 2 Metres 0 Fl.G 5s Point Lotnamard nd lla Ho ing LAGOON LEN • 100 tonne Travel Lift • 12 tonne crane & loader • Full underground services including air, 240V & 415V power. • Bilge water reception & washdown. • Anti Fouling painting & polishing • Environmentally responsible boatyard. Telephone: (03) 5155 6950 Fax: (03) 5156 6951 Eagle Poi nt Road M VICTORIA N NA BULLOCK ISLAND, Lakes Entrance - PLAN K McLENNAN STRAIGHT TO METUNG nd ST Creek PLAN H METUNG Fl.G 2s 5 Point Lardner 21 Masons Bend 400 Fl.R 2s Fl.R.3s RIVER TN La HOLLANDS LANDING Forge 0 av 2 2 2 SCALE 1 : 25,000 2 2 2 Real-time Tides/Waves/Weather and webcams are available on Gippsland Ports website Tidal predictions at the entrance to the Gippsland Lakes are published by the Bureau of Meteorology and can be accessed by the Bureau's website 0 SCALE 1 : 25,000 Nautical Mile Point Norgate 2 0.5 Nautical Mile Sh 1&2 TIDES/WAVES/WEATHER & WEBCAMS Y ET NIN 1000 0.0 0.5 5 2 1&2 2 2 Do not wait for water to half fill your boat, keep low in the boat and start bailing out any water. 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 Point Bolodun JONES BAY 500 Metres 3 1&2 00 0 1.0 5 PLAN K Look for changes in cloud formation, particularly in the western sky, as these often indicate a sudden change of weather bringing strong winds. Strong wind gusts and squalls can cause distress and danger to a boat and its occupants, particularly open boats. If caught in a dangerous sea keep your boat’s bow pointing into the wind and sea and ride it out. Learn the advantages of using a sea anchor. 05 0.5 KING W 1&2 2 2 2 58 LAKE Kilometres ses u Ho 22 5 Fl.5s CH N 2 Fl.Bu.5s L L Special care should be taken when boating in windy weather. Do not be fooled by winds which may appear light when you are on shore, they may be much stronger on the water. Keep informed of weather conditions. Refer to before leaving home. Carry a portable radio to obtain current weather forecasts. 1&2 2 2 0 NE ROTAMAH 24 ISLAND MI R. Fl.G 2.5s 5 LE EL WEATHER CONDITIONS 1&2 CH CH When returning towards the entrance the situation would be reversed. GE IT 2 CRESCENT ISLAND AN Fl.R 4s 2 A BE 23 BO M TA Fl.R 4s Fl.Bu.5s Fl.R 3s M A boat operator entering the lakes from seaward and retaining an inward direction to his destination would keep all green starboard-hand marks on his starboard side and red port-hand marks on his port side. Orange lights refer to Port closure. • 40 tonne Travel Lift, 150 tonne Slipway. • 3.7 tonne Tele Handler & attachments • Engineering, Fabricating, Fitting & Welding. • Shipwright Repairs & Rebuilds. • Antifouling, Fibre Glass Work & Painting. • Condition Reports. • Undercover workspace for for vessels up to 38'. • Bilge water reception & washdown. • Environmentally responsible boatyard. Telephone: (03) 5156 6352 Fax: (03) 5156 6816 GR nd Sa d an b ru Sc Fl.W 3s Fl.G 1.5s VQ (3) 5s Fl.G 5s Fl.R 4s Fl.R 2s Fl.G 1.5s AN VICTORIA k Loch Sport Mooring Jetty Victoria Parade Boat Ramp Loch Sport Marina Seagull Drive Boat Ramp Boulevard Boat Ramp Wattle Point Sperm Whale Head Rotamah Island Duck & Picnic Arms Resides Jetty Eagle Point Mitchell River Boat Ramp Waddy Point PAYNESVILLE: LAKE BANK BARTON ISLAND Shallow ee 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 72 2 Nautical Mile Fl.G.2s Cr Drew’s Jetty North Arm Boat Ramp North Arm Bridge Boat Ramp Marine Pde East Boat Ramp North Arm Jetty Reeves Landing Tourist Information Centre Fishermans Co-op (LEFCOL) Gippsland Ports Depot and Boatyard West/Central/East Boat Harbour Post Office Jetty Lakes Entrance Slipway Eastern Wharf Flagstaff Jetty Bank Jetty Bullock Island Wharf Cunninghame Quay SEAMEC 0.5 RADFORD ROTTEN ISLAND Fl.R 1.5s WALLABY IS. 5 R IV ER Metres 0.0 3 Fl.G.5s 71 Fl.R 5s SO N Harrington Point Rotten Point Fl.R 1.5s 1 Fl.G 4s Ya 5 Clear Point WADDY ISLAND NE Fl.G.4s Fl.R 5s L Fl.R 5s Fl.G 5s 5 N O RT BA IS. Fl.R 4s AN Fl.R 5s Fl.G 5s HOL S. NI TE T RO 1000 GIPPSLAND PORTS BOATYARDS BU CH 5 1 2 3 A Fl.R 5s Fl.G 5s NIC o d Ra Shall 500 Navigation aids within Gippsland Lakes conform with the International Association of Lighthouse Authorities (IALA) Buoyage System “A”. Starboard-hand marks are green, port-hand marks are red. Cardinal marks (yellow and black) and plain yellow marks have special significance. R Fl.R 5s awson Point D 5 2 1 Stirling Road No 9 Fl.G.3s .5s ME ER RIV NG G Fl. 2 k an Montague d B Point w for NAVIGATION AIDS Q(6) + LFl MIT AR Fl.G.3s EA No 12 Fl.R. 3s No 7 Fl.G.3s 2 0 In using the system it is essential to remember that the direction of buoyage is taken from the seaward entrance to Gippsland Lakes. 1&2 5 ISLAND ST LL E CH M ISLAND Fl.R 3s Q 1.2s Fl.G 5s E S MULLET BAY Reef Point hte 2 2 1&2 3 Ma Pa EL ANN 1&2 NN EL EL L CA M PB 2 5 rin Mc a M 2 ILLA N RAYMOND M Bo rk Q(9).15s No 8 Fl.R. 3s No 10 Fl.R. 3s 2 ary Bou nda ry Q(9)15s No 5 Fl.G.3s GOAT Fl.R. 1.5s Broome Point 5 Q(3).10s 2 1 Fl.G 5s Stevenson Point W No 6 Fl.R 3s Fl.R 4s 39 N Jubilee Head 5 3 d un ud MN SW Road Slip d 1.1s STR AIT 5 Strait McM illan 28 n rgo Ge SWAN REACH BAY No 4 Fl.R 3s No 3 Fl.G 3s Keep clear of cable ferry vehicular nk Ba 29 25 55 2 2 5 Par k Iso.2s No Boating Zone 26 Grassy Pt. 5 Fl.Y 3s int Q Po on ls Wi 16 34 27 Fl.R.3s Fl.R 4s TN L 2 Butler Point de 36 Fl.G.3s NE CH 2 1 CH A 5 F DAWSON COVE 10 lana Fl.G.3s BANK AN 2 S Mud CH 5 Po .3s Water Skiing Permitted l 1 - Access to surf beach from facility. 2 - Access to lake front beach from facility. 74 55 56 57 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 75 78 79 SPOON BAY 5int Turn P 1 - Sewage pump out facility in operation. 2 - Sewage disposal hopper. 2 PLAN J Mc N E 2 Hot showers available in the vicinity of the facility. A fee may apply. er Esp The FR GERGON No 2 Fl.R 3s RA AH 2 PLAN I 10 SW Camping facilities available in the vicinity of the facility. A fee may apply 2 IN EN Zone Drive 35 Po 10 B 5 5 AU RO Watch your wash in this area. 10 73 No 1 Fl.G 3s Fl.G 2s E Thumb Point BOOLE POOLE PENINSULA 2 Chinaman’s Creek Riviera Nautic Boxes Creek Bury’s Slipway Nungurner Kalimna Jetty Barrier Landing Winery Landing Drew’s Jetty Rigby Island Harper’s Bight N int DY LA Y Boating BA FR W Point Best 2 No.6 TAM 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 74 77 80 es NEWLANDSJam ARM AY LA 2 UCK B SU BA F 2s Power H22.9m RO Lake King Jetty Shaving Point Moorings Jetty Metung Wharf Silvershot Landing Metung Yacht Club Marina No 18 IA KS . l.G 3 32 30 g S t L NE 40 41 43 44 45 46 PLAN H Ogilvey 5 Point D 2 PAYNESVILLE luff Head d 37 31 n gto rrin Ha Point Mo AN Mitchell River Landing Newlan 38 int Kin 5 Fl.R 3s Po ue g nta CH 39 Fl Qk Butler Point AH PLAN G 5 2 Barbecues, either wood or electric, in the vicinity of the facility. A fee may apply. 1&2 2 Water Skiing Permitted Picnic tables available in vicinity of facility. 1&2 1&2 Arm M Ocean Grange Jetty Steamer Landing Jetty Rotamah Island Sewage Hopper Barge New D Fl.R 2s 5 No.4 D AN ON YM RA 1 2 MN N 1 PLAN F Ogilvey Point land Cafe and/or restaurant in vicinity of facility. 2 YN Ro ad ISL FR E V ES PA King Fort 5 33 3 5 SE 2 Fl.Y 4s TN Point Jones W 2 5 Post Office and/or public transport in vicinity of facility. 2 2 2 Road ILL Point Lotnamard Shops or general store in vicinity of facility. 1&2 10 5 No.2 2 2 1&2 Paynes Roa 2 Fl.G.2s Rd Kings Newlands Arm Public house in near vicinity of the facility. 2 3 1&2 1&2 _ ville Fuelling installation for boats. All types of fuel usually available. BANK N Boardwalk/Landing Jetty Gippsland Lakes Yacht Club Paynesville Wharf Raymond Island Boat Ramp Raymond Island Jetty Bulls Cruisers Jetty Gippsland Ports Boat Yard & Marina Raymond Is. Steamer Landing Fort King Birrell’s Peninsula / Dawson Cove Commissioner Point/Sunset Cove Progress Jetty Slip Bight Marina Paynesville Motor Cruiser Club King Street Boat Ramp dale See Plan I 2 2 PLAN E Bairns 1 - Fresh water available with facility to fill boat tanks. 2 - Fresh water available for drinking purposes only. 2 2 2 2 2 CARSTAIRS E Mai n 1&2 2 Fl.(2) R 4s Fl.(2) R 5s PLAN G NICHOLSON, MITCHELL & TAMBO RIVERS SE PLAN D 2 Fl.(2) R 4s S Public toilets available in the vicinity of facility. 2 Fl.R 2s 5 Fl.R.5s W N PLAN C Loch Sport Mooring Jetty Victoria Parade Boat Ramp Loch Sport Marina Seagull Drive Boat Ramp The Boulevard Boat Ramp W Time limit of 48 hrs applies to all public jetties, unless denoted otherwise by signs. 2 Fl.(2) G 5s 3 PLAN F AURORA CHANNEL Harrington Point 1 Swing mooring buoy available for public use. 2 SWAMP N TA RO 22 23 24 71 2 Fl.(2) G 4s RAYMOND ISLAND Fl.WR.2s SE Hollands Landing Jetty/Wharf available for casual berthing. 1&2 Fl.G 2s Fl.(2) G 4s MN W N 9 2 TN 5 PLAN A Port of Sale Marlay Point Seacombe Landing Bairnsdale Butter Factory Wharf Bairnsdale Town Wharf Nicholson Johnsonville Swan Reach Howitt Park 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 73 PLAN E PAYNESVILLE LAKE KING Point Fullarton Boat ramp with car parking. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 76 10 11 12 13 14 LEGEND 3 PUBLIC BOATING FACILITIES