2016 Family Guide - Girl Scouts of Oregon and SW Washington
2016 Family Guide - Girl Scouts of Oregon and SW Washington
COOKIE PROGRAM 2016 Family Guide January 9 — March 13, 2016 Why participate in the Girl Scout Cookie Program? What are your hopes for your Girl Scout? You want her to make good decisions, know how to manage money, and how to set and reach goals like attending college. The Girl Scout Cookie Program helps her succeed today and prepares her for future success. There’s a good reason it’s a beloved family tradition. 1 Goal Setting: Girls set cookie sales goals individually and with their team, create a plan to reach them, and develop cooperation and team-building skills all along the way! 2 Decision Making: Girls help decide how the team will spend their cookie money, furthering their critical-thinking and problem-solving skills. 3 Money Management: Girls take cookie orders, handle customers’ money and gain practical life skills in financial literacy. 4 People Skills: Girls learn how to talk to, listen to and work with all kinds of people while selling cookies. These experiences help them develop healthy relationship and conflictresolution skills they can use throughout their lives. 5 Business Ethics: Girls are honest and responsible at every step of the Cookie Program. Their business ethics here reinforce the positive values they are developing as a Girl Scout. For more information about the Girl Scout Cookie Program, visit girlscouts.org/cookies. Mon manag ey ement! How to sell: IMPORTANT DATES Order Taking • January 9—24 Girl Scouts will start the sale with their order cards and use them to sell to friends, family and anybody who likes to pre-order their favorite Girl Scout Cookies. When girls sell using their order cards, they simply take the customers contact information–name, address and phone number–and the amounts and varieties they would like to purchase on the order card. Do not take payment during the pre-order. Never deliver items without payment first. Girl Scouts who sell 250+ boxes during pre-order will earn the poppin’ paisley bandana and the CEO patch pin. Order cards are due to your troop leader January 25, 2016. Walk-A-Bout • From when cookies are available to March 13 Girl Scout Cookies will be delivered starting February 12, 2016. Once Girl Scout Cookies have arrived, girls should make every effort to deliver all initial order boxes to customers first. They can also continue selling by canvassing their neighborhoods with extra boxes – ask your troop leader how to get extra boxes of cookies. Booth Sales • February 19—March 13 Troop booth sales are scheduled with the troop and give girls an opportunity to work together and sell as a team—ask how you as a parent can support your Girl Scout’s troop by being a booth sale assistant. Independently Registered Girls (IRG’s) can also participate in booth sales with a registered adult member. Contact your service unit product manager (SUPM) for more information. Digital Cookie • January 9—March 13 Digital cookie allows for friends and family from all over the country to purchase Girl Scout Cookies online and have them shipped directly to them. Watch for an email with the subject "Ready. Set. Register for Digital Cookie." If you don't receive a registration email, check your junk email first. If it isn’t there go to digitalcookie.girlscouts.org. Click on the “Forgot Password/Need help” link. For further instructions, contact your SUPM. When is money due to your troop leader? Week of February 22: Money collected for delivered cookie orders due to troop product manager. Week of March 1: Second payment for delivered cookie orders due to troop product manager. Week of March 7: Third payment for cookies due to troop product manager. March 14: Final payment for cookies due to troop product manager. Meet the Did you know? Our cookies have… ɈɈ RSPO Certification (Mass Balance) for Palm Oil ɈɈ NO High-Fructose Corn Syrup ɈɈ NO Artificial Colors ɈɈ ɈɈ Zero Grams Trans Fat per Serving NO Hydrogenated Oils in Five Varieties* ɈɈ Four Nut-Free Varieties** ɈɈ 100% Real Cocoa ɈɈ Nutritious Whole Grain Oats in Rah-Rah Raisins™ and in Do-si-dos® Samoas® $4 Thin Mints® $4 Crisp cookies coated in caramel, sprinkled with toasted coconut, and striped with dark chocolaty coating. Crisp wafers covered in chocolaty coating made with natural oil of peppermint. Trefoils® $4 Tagalongs® $4 Traditional shortbread cookies that are delightfully simple and satisfying. Crispy cookies layered with peanut butter and covered with a chocolaty coating. Do-si-dos® $4 Savannah Smiles® $4 Crunchy oatmeal sandwich cookies with creamy peanut butter filling. Crisp, zesty lemon wedge cookies dusted with powdered sugar. Vegan! Plus... ɈɈ ɈɈ Thin Mints® are Vegan Toffee-Tastic™ cookies are Gluten-Free MIXED Contributes to the production of certified sustainable palm oil. www.rspo.org RSPO-1106186 * No hydrogenated oils in Do-si-dos, Trefoils, Savannah Smiles, Toffee-Tastic and Rah-Rah Raisins. **No peanuts or tree nuts in Thin Mints, Trefoils, Toffee-Tastic or Rah-Rah Raisins. Product formulations can change at any time. We encourage you to check the ingredient statement on each package you purchase for the most up-todate information on the ingredients contained in that product. Toffee-Tastic™ $5 Rah-Rah Raisins™ $4 Gluten Free! Rich, buttery cookies with sweet crunchy toffee bits. Hearty oatmeal cookies with plump raisins and Greek yogurt-flavored chunks. Girl Scout SAFETY RULES Show you’re a Girl Scout Wear the Girl Scout membership pin and/or Girl Scout clothing to identify yourself as a Girl Scout. Buddy up Always use the buddy system. It’s not just safe, it’s more fun! Be prepared Become familiar with the areas and neighborhoods where you will be selling Girl Scout Cookies. Partner with adults Adults must accompany Girl Scout Daisies, Brownies and Juniors when they are taking orders, selling or delivering product. Girls grades 6-12 must be supervised by an adult when selling door-to-door and must never sell alone. Adults should be present at a cookie booth in any public place at all times. Plan ahead Always have a plan for safeguarding money, and avoid walking around with large amounts of it or keeping it at home or school. Give proceeds to supervising adults, who should deposit it as directed by Girl Scouts OSW as soon as possible. Contact your troop product manager if you have questions about money. Do not enter Never enter the home or vehicle of a person when you are selling or making deliveries. Avoid selling to people in vehicles or going into alleys. Sell in the daytime Sell only during daylight hours, unless accompanied by an adult. Protect privacy Girls’ names, addresses, or email addresses should never be given out to customers. Use a group contact number or address overseen by an adult for customers to request information, reorder or give comments. Protect customer privacy by not sharing their information except for the product program. Girls should never take credit card numbers. Be safe on the road Always follow safe pedestrian practices, especially when crossing at intersections or walking along roadways. Be aware of traffic when unloading product and passengers from vehicles. Be web wise Take the GSUSA Internet Safety Pledge before going online and follow the specific guidelines related to marketing online. PROCEEDS Troop Proceeds Through selling Girl Scout Cookies, troops earn proceeds to support your girl’s Girl Scout Leadership Experience. Troops earn between $0.65 to $0.90 per box sold. Girl Rewards and Cookie Credits Not only does the troop earn funds, but each individual girl can set goals and earn many great rewards and Cookie Credit used for Girl Scout programs. Cookie Credit is used just like cash—so treat it that way and don’t lose it! Cookie Credit will be mailed to each girl that earns it. Cookie Credit can be used by girls for: ɈɈ Girl annual membership dues ɈɈ Girl Scouts OSW and service unit-sponsored activities ɈɈ Girl Scouts OSW resident camp session ɈɈ Volunteer-run day camps ɈɈ Merchandise from the Girl Scouts OSW shops Cookie Credit cannot be redeemed for cash. Girl Scouts OSW is not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged Cookie Credit cards or any unauthorized card use. There is a $3 replacement fee for lost cards. You may check your balance at valutec.net. Cards expire September 15, 2017. But that’s not all! In addition to Cookie Credit, your girl will earn amazing rewards based on the number of boxes she sells during the Cookie Program. See below for 2016 Rewards. GIRL PRE-ORDER AWARDS 2016 Cookie Sale Rewards Participation Certificate 1 box Theme Patch 30+ boxes 250+ boxes Bag Tag Trilogy 65+ boxes Worth Sharing Keepsake Box PLUS $10 Cookie Credit 100+ boxes Charm & Bracelet Daisy Belle Cow OR OR $4 Cookie Credit $5 Cookie Credit PLUS PLUS $15 Cookie Credit $20 Cookie Credit 160+ boxes 225+ boxes Big Ideas Journal & Samoa Beach Bag OR $7 Cookie Credit PLUS $25 Cookie Credit 300+ boxes Poppin’ Paisley Bandana CEO Patch Pin TROOP PRE-ORDER REWARD PGA of 225+ boxes will receive one apron for each girl selling and one apron for the troop leader. Comfy Cow Neck Pillow & Follow Your Dreams Projection Night Light OR $14 Cookie Credit PLUS $30 Cookie Credit 400+ boxes Pretty in Paisley Fedora & Mint-to-be T-shirt OR $20 Cookie Credit PLUS $50 Cookie Credit 550+ boxes Personalized 750 Club Letterman Jacket (logo & personalized) OR $75 Cookie Credit PLUS $60 Cookie Credit 750+ boxes Great Wolf Lodge April 29, April 30, May 13, or May 14 OR $100 Cookie Credit PLUS $80 Cookie Credit 1000+ boxes Pictures are representative only. Please see website for additional details/restrictions on prizes 750 and above. Fitbit OR Camp/Travel Certificate OR $150 Cookie Credit PLUS $150 Cookie Credit 1500+ boxes GoPro & 2016 year Bar OR $200 Cookie Credit PLUS $225 Cookie Credit 2016+ boxes Bar Patches awarded for highest level earned ALL RECOGNITIONS/REWARDS ARE CUMULATIVE Girl Inspired Rewards! Girl Scouts of Oregon & Southwest Washington Council reserves the right to replace an item of equal or higher value Follow GSUSA and council guidelines for online marketing. Top5ways families can support girls! Help her sell online Hosted by Girl Scouts of the USA, Digital Cookie enables girls to set up their own personalized sales pages, take credit card payments and ship cookies directly to their customers. Encourage goal-setting Goal-setting is an important life skill. She’ll go far if she knows how to set a high goal and reach it. ɈɈ Ask about her group’s goals and help her set personal goals. ɈɈ Help her complete the order card section that explains her group’s goal. ɈɈ Guide her to set practical and useful goals about what she wants to learn and earn. ɈɈ Encourage her to share her goal with customers. Customers want to help girls succeed. Support her sales She needs you to be on her side as she develops the confidence to ask people for orders. ɈɈ ɈɈ ɈɈ ɈɈ Ask her questions and help her practice her sales message. Help her take orders or arrange booth site sales at work, places of worship or other locations frequented by people who love Girl Scout Cookies. Go with her to sell and deliver cookies. Help her network with family and friends, but let her do the “ask” so she can learn important business skills. Share email addresses of family and friends for online orders. Volunteer Her group needs help chaperoning booth sales, picking up cookies and more. Talk with your troop leader for details. Practice safety Help your girl understand the Girl Scout safety rules, found at girlscouts.org/cookies. Girl Scouts of Oregon and Southwest Washington 2016 Cookie Program Parent/Guardian Permission & Responsibility Agreement My Girl Scout , a member of troop/group has my permission to participate in the 2016 Girl Scout Cookie Program. I will see that she honors any and all rules and procedures as set by Girl Scouts of Oregon and Southwest Washington (GSOSW) and that she has adult supervision and guidance. My signature below indicates agreement with the following items: 1. My Girl Scout must be currently and officially registered with the Girl Scouts of the USA in order to participate. 2. I accept personal financial responsibility for all product ordered and received and monies collected as payment from customers. I should expect a copy of a signed receipt for any product I receive. 3. I understand that the 2016 Girl Scout Cookie Program proceeds are troop/group and GSOSW property and that the income from product sales does not become the property of individual girl members. 4. I agree that all money collected must never be deposited into a personal account and must be given to my Girl Scout’s troop by GSOSW deadlines. I should expect a copy of a signed receipt for any monies I submit. 5. GSOSW reserves the right to seek the services of a collection agency and/or pursue legal action for delinquent accounts. Outstanding balances may impact your Girl Scout’s ability to receive her rewards. 6. Any Girl Scout found to be selling before January 9, 2016 through prohibited methods, or blatantly sold by persons other than the girl member will not receive recognition items or credit for those orders. 7. Unsold product cannot be returned. Your troop product manager can attempt to help you with unsold product if notified in a timely manner. 8. Adults serve in a supporting role for girls to help them develop the five key skills of the product sale. Adults do not sell products. 9. Girls may use social media as a marketing tool to let family and friends know about the programs and can use the online tools provided by and through GSOSW and the product vendors. 10. Digital Cookie, part of the Cookie Program, is the only permitted online ordering allowed for GSOSW. For Digital Cookie, parents/guardians need to read and accept the appropriate terms and conditions for participation in Digital Cookie, and girls need to read and accept the “Girl Scouts Digital Cookie Pledge.” 11. Only girl(s) and the adult(s) chaperoning the booth sale are permitted to be at the booth. Your troop product manager will let you know additional requirements for booth sales. ***Please turn this form in to your troop leader *** Parent/Guardian Name (print) Email Address (print) Home Address City, State Zip Home Phone Cell Phone SignatureDate 9620 SW Barbur Blvd, Portland, OR 97219 • (503) 977-6800 • Fax (503) 977-6801 • girlscoutsosw.org
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