Half-halt - Southeast Virginia Dressage Association
Half-halt - Southeast Virginia Dressage Association
Half-halt The Newsletter of the Southeast Virginia Dressage Association SEPTEMBER 2008 SVDA Member Spotlight Volume 23, Issue VIV 2008 Board of Directors ◊ President Janice Mumford 757.986.3037 [email protected] ◊ Vice President Robyn Nunnally 757.986.4498 [email protected] ◊ Secretary Amanda St. John Congratulations to Tina Bodnar on her purchase of a yearling from Marydell Farm in NC. She is out of Don Principe and EM Rising Star (1st in 2007 in Bred mares with 81.350%, out of Rotspon. Dulcinea MF was 6th in USDF Horse of the Year. 804.363.3624 [email protected] ◊ Treasurer Rebecca Kelly 757.426.2174 [email protected] ◊ Schooling Shows Dawn Sherrill 757.482.4138 [email protected] ◊ Scholarships Sandy Johnson 757.582.2989 [email protected] ◊ Newsletter Shes baaaaaack.... Lexi Glagola and "Rosalind" - SVDA SUmmer Dressage at Williamsburg was their first show back after a DEVASTATING tear of the tendon around the hock last spring when the vets told her that they wouldn't know if she would ever be sound again. Rosy is a 5 year old Dutch mare bred by Diana Barnes at TipTop Farm in Suffolk. Lexi painstakingly nursed Rosy back to health with the vets from Woodside Equine clinic. Everyone from Silverleaf Farm who knows them are thrilled to see them compete at their first show and WIN a training level class with over a 65%. Wendy L. Murray 757.328.3700 [email protected] ◊ Membership Danielle Rowland 757.255.0524 [email protected] One Item on Carol Gonyo’s Dressage ◊ Ways and Means “Bucket List” Tristin Hardy One item in my bucket list has been to some day ride my galliant steed through the mari‐ time forest, dunes and ocean waves. Well, my daughter Elisabeth and I did that early this month, and I truly had the time of my life. Tycho was my 17+ hand Percheron com‐ panion for a morning in the surf I will never forget! 757.615.4975 [email protected] ◊ Awards Carol Gonyo 757.436.2374 [email protected] ◊ Clinics and Programs Kathy Rowse 757.255.0524 [email protected] ◊ SOUTHEAST VIRGINIA DRESSAGE ASSOCIATION IS A GROUP MEMBER OF THE UNITED STATES DRESSAGE ASSOCIATION ◊ About Half‐Halt Half‐Halt is published monthly by the SVDA and provided as a service to its members. News items, show results, calendar of events, photos, classifieds and services directory are incorporated into the newsletter. DEADLINE FOR NEWSLETTER IS THE 25th OF EACH MONTH Wendy L. Murray Newsletter Editor/Webmaster [email protected] SVDA encourages its members to submit articles, member updates, information and pictures for publication, however, SVDA reserves the right to edit, reject or use materials as and when deemed appropriate. SVDA Members: Submit your Show Scores for publication in Half-Halt by emailing Wendy at [email protected] SVDA Member Show Scores SVDA Summer Dressage Debbie Basta, Groms' Galena Second Level Test 3 60% Second Place Won USDF Dover AA Medal Made in the Shade Dressage Lexi Glagola (Jr) & Wrosalie TLT3 - 56.8 5th TLT4 - 66.4 3rd TLT3 - 63.2 4th Third place in equitation with an 80 Amanda St John & Frankly Supreme 2nd 1 52.10 3rd 1st 4 62.63 2nd 2nd 1 62.36 1st Kathy & Basie 4th LL 1 67.674 1st 4th LL 2 63.636 1st 4th LL Freestyle 60 2nd High score 4th LL Janice Mumford & Balihi 1st 1 67 2nd 1st 3 64.57 4th 1st 4 61.57 3rd Marylyn Leonard & Fem 1st 1 68.677 1st 1st 4 624th 1st 1 67.50 2nd 1st 4 63.9 1st High Score 1st level Claudia Griffiths (Jr) & Ideal's Diamond TL 4 71.60 1st TL 3 70.4 2nd TL 3 66% 2nd High Score Junior RIder Lexi Glagola & Wrosalie Visit us online: www.gosvda.org TL 3 56.8 5th TL 4 66.4 3rd TL 3 63.2 4th Ryan Spanagel & Alxiis (Dani) TL 3 64% 1st LL 3 64.27 2 | SOUTHEAST VIRGINIA DRESSAGE ASSOCIATION ◊ SEPTEMBER 2008 FOR SALE: Dressage at Devon 2008 Tickets! Great Seats ‐ Will sell out! 3 Friday evening reserved grandstand seats; Section M‐3, Row 3D, Seats 19‐ 21 3 Saturday evening reserved grand‐ stand seats (Already Sold OUT!); Sec‐ tion M‐3, Row 3D, Seats 19‐21 Tickets can be sold in any combination $20 Each Kelly Gettier 639‐4586 PLAN EARLY! 2008 SVDA Calendar of Events AUGUST 1‐2 2‐3 2‐3 14‐15 17 Patti Pierucci Clinic @ Silverleaf 1‐2 Farm. Kathy Rowse: [email protected] Jim Koford Clinic @ Silverleaf 8‐9 Farm. Kathy Rowse: [email protected] USDF Region 1 Adult Team 9 Competition, Culpeper, VA. Wendy Murray: [email protected] 6‐7 Patti Pierucci Clinic @ Silverleaf Farm. Kathy Rowse: [email protected] 16‐17 SVDA Summer Dressage@ Carlton Farm, Williamsburg, VA. Robyn Nunnally: [email protected] NOVEMBER SVDA YEAR END AWARDS Jim Koford Clinic @ Silverleaf Farm. Kathy Rowse: [email protected] DEADLINE IS DECEMBER 9, 2008 Patti Pierucci Clinic @ Silverleaf Farm. Kathy Rowse: [email protected] SVDA Championship Show www.gosvda.org DECEMBER Jim Koford Clinic @ Silverleaf Farm. Kathy Rowse: [email protected] Patti Pierucci Clinic @ Silverleaf Farm. Kathy Rowse: [email protected] SEPTEMBER 6‐7 14 14‐15 21 Jim Koford Clinic @ Silverleaf Farm. Kathy Rowse: [email protected] SVDA Schooling Show @ Princess Anne Farms www.gosvda.org IT’S THAT TIME AGAIN! IT’S TIME TO SUBMIT NOMINATIONS FOR THE SHEL GAFFORD AWARD Each year VADA honors one of its members with the Shel Gafford Award for Patti Pierucci Clinic @ Silverleaf Excellence in Sportsmanship. This Award is voted on by the VADA membership Farm. Kathy Rowse: based on nominations submitted by VADA members. The purpose of the Award is to recognize those of our members who, like Shel, personify the characteristics of good [email protected] sportsmanship, and to encourage all our members to aspire to the principles of good sportsmanship that were so much a part of Shel’s personality. We lost Shel 13 years Bridlewood Estates Dressage ago, but hopefully through this Award, his influence will live on. Please take a few Schooling Show– Sanctioned by minutes to nominate someone that you feel upholds the spirit of this award. Nominations should be 200 words long and should be submitted by October 15, 2008. DeSVDA. Jennifer Hippensteel: tails are available on page 28 of the 2008 VADA “Purple Book”. For anyone who [email protected] cringes at the thought of a written essay, 200 words go by really quickly. Most people write two to three times that and then have to edit it down. The slate of nominations OCTOBER will appear in all the VADA Chapter November Newsletters, and each chapter will 11‐12 Jim Koford Clinic @ Silverleaf tally its members’ votes by December 15, 2008. So please take a few minutes and nominate any VADA member you feel is deserving of this Award. This is definitely a Farm. Kathy Rowse: case where it’s an honor just to be nominated. [email protected] 12 17 SVDA Schooling Show @Wellington Farm. www.gosvda.org Patti Pierucci Clinic @ Silverleaf Farm,[email protected] Submit written nominations to: E-mail (preferred): Snail Mail: [email protected] Louise West 3 | SOUTHEAST VIRGINIA DRESSAGE ASSOCIATION ◊ SEPTEMBER 2008 29400 Secretariat Rd. Ruther Glen, VA 22546-4128 VADA BOARD MEETING August 23, 2008 Members Present: Alison Douglas, Jane Palmer, Sarah Kern, Dianne Boyd, Janet Brown, Katherine Graman, Robin Dannels, Alison Head, Beth Rippel, Melyni Worth, Tina Longaker, Tammy Hryczaniuk, Casey Hobaugh, and Sharon Ackley. The VADA Board met Saturday, Aug 23, 2008 at the Double Tree Hotel in Charlottesville. Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Melyni added that she will not have a booth at the Equine Extravaganza in Richmond as stated. Beth advised that USDF will however go forward with a booth. In the absence of Jessie Ginsburg, there was no official treasurer’s report but Alison Head reported a combined balance of approximately $72,796.00. Tina provided a profit and loss statement for the USDF Region I Adult Team Challenge that showed a gross income of $20,810.00 and expenses of $21,931.74 for a loss of $1,121.74. Nancy Lowey, as show manager, provided a written report of the event, which hosted 24 teams. She has applied for a USDF grant in the amount of $500.00 which would lessen the loss. Mostly positive feedback was given by those who had been at the event and all agreed the footing and setting were ideal. VADA will present a proposal at the November 2 Region I meeting at Morven Park to host the event again next year at Commonwealth Park. More participation by VADA chapters will be encouraged. Dianne Boyd reported on the planning progress for the 2008 BLM Championships. Holly Voloso is the volunteer coordinator. Casey Hobaugh has created lots of interest in sponsors this year and is working on local support. Chapters are asked to again contribute $45.00 for the breakfast cars. Casey reported there are twelve confirmed vendors. There is still a need for class sponsors which costs $35.00 per class. Chapters are encouraged to be class sponsors. Robin Dannels is publishing the program and stressed that the deadline for the program is September 15. Sharon Ackley is again handling the awards and ribbons for the championships. A variety of items have been secured for prizes as well as gift certificates. Diane has been working on various menus with the new food vender at the Horse Center. VADA will provide all the drinks for the duration of the event, which will help to hold down food costs. Alison will do the stabling layout in coordination with the VHC, which will handle the daily stable management. Alison reported that the 2009 clinic contract with Anne Gribbon has been signed. The clinic is scheduled for April 4-5, 2009 at Morven Park. Format and the rider selection process are still under consideration. Beth provided a quote from Dietrich Equine Insurance Services for D&O insurance coverage for VADA and for those chapters who submitted financials. Due to the high cost, individual chapters will have to purchase their own policy and cover the cost if they decide it is needed. As an alternative to a D&O policy, it was suggested that chapters investigate the costs of bonding their financial officer. Robin moved that VADA buy the coverage for D&O insurance offered by Dietrich for $998.00 per year. Tina seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved. New Business: Publishing the Purple Book vs. making a CD was discussed. All agree that chapters should provide more support by purchasing more ads. Robin will present a proposal on ways chapters could contribute. There is definite interest in continuing on with the hard copy and various ways of financing it will be considered. The printing cost and mailing is approximately $5000.00. In regard to the 2008 Purple Book, Robin clarified that there is an FEI award for the schooling shows in the VADA awards section. A total of 3 scores must be submitted. Alison Douglas requested that drop off places be established by chapters for donations to the silent auction for the VADA banquet. Each chapter should designate a person (coordinator) to be the collector. She will send a form to be used. The Feb. 8, 2008 awards banquet will again be held at the Double Tree Hotel in Charlottesville. It will be a sit-down dinner this year. Chapters were encouraged to contribute to the USDF convention basket by bringing items to the next VADA meeting. Members interested in attending the Dec.3-6 convention in Denver should contact Beth. The meeting was adjourned at 1:25 p.m. The next VADA Board meeting is Nov. 16 at the Double Tree, 11:00 a.m. These minutes are subject to review and correction at the next VADA Board meeting. Respectfully submitted , Jane Palmer, Secretary Elfenridge Dressage Schooling Show September 21st, 2008 At Bridlewood Estates, 2601 Nansemond Parkway, Suffolk, VA 23434 **SHOW IS SANCTIONED BY SVDA – COUNTS FOR YEAR END AWARDS and CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW QUALIFICATIONS!!!** ENTRIES OPEN: AUGUST 25th, 2008 ENTRIES CLOSE: SEPTEMBER 8th, 2008 Entry fees: $20/Class for SVDA Members (+$5 for non-members) Judge: Kris Montgomery “L” Make Checks payable to: Elfenridge Dressage *Negative Coggins must be mailed with entry-ON FILE WITH SVDA DOES NOT COUNT. We need for our own farm records-Sorry! *USEF Rules Apply * Musical Freestyle* Intro through FEI *Jr. Test of Choice (TL – 2) *Dressage Equitation, Dressage Suitability, Lead Line Equitation ($5 per class) *Dressage Suitability, Dressage Seat Equitation (specify division - Lead Line / Walk Trot / Walk Trot Canter+) ($10/class) ENTRY SECRETARY: Jennifer Hippensteel 215 Marsh Landing #208 Carrollton, VA 23314 [email protected] (757) 642-3967 A late of $5 per class will apply ($25 per ride for SVDA members; $30 per ride for non-members) if you enter after the closing date or if your signed entry is not received paid in full with a Coggins test before the show day. The current bank rate charge will apply to a RETURNED check for ANY reason. Elfenridge Dressage will contact member to arrange payment. If payment is not made with 30 days, Elfenridge Dressage will notify SVDA and the membership will be suspended with all rights and privileges revoked until payment is made. Suspended members will NOT receive credit for scores earned while on suspension or be eligible for year end awards. HORSE: __________________________________ RIDER: ________________________ TESTS: _________________________________________________________________ TOTAL FEES: _____________________ I enclose $__________ and Coggins test for the above entries which are made at my own risk and subject to the conditions of Elfenridge Dressage and Bridlewood Estates, Suffolk, VA. AGREEMENT AND HOLD HARMLESS: I acknowledge that the rules applicable to the Dressage Competition specified elsewhere on this Competition entry form have been made available to me and, if applicable, to my child, and that I am (we are) familiar with them. I (we) agree that the organization holding this Competition has the right to refuse this entry for cause which the organization shall deem to be sufficient. IN CONSIDERATION of the acceptance of the Entry and of the holding of this Competition and the opportunity for me (my child) to win prize money, ribbons or trophies, I agree to defend and to hold Elfenridge Dressage, Bridlewood Estates, and Indian Point Farms, The United States Equestrian Federation, the United States Dressage Federation, Inc., their Directors, officers, members and agents, the owners, directors, officers and agents of the competition ground which the Competition is to be conducted, and any employees of the aforementioned parties, harmless from any claim for loss of injury which may be alleged to have been caused directly or indirectly to any person or thing by the act of my (my child's) horse while in or upon the competition premises or grounds or near any entrance thereto, and I personally assume all responsibility and liability for any such claim, and I further agree to hold the aforementioned parties harmless from any claim for loss of my (my child's) horse by disappearance, theft, death, or otherwise, and for any claim for damage or injury to the said aforementioned, or by the negligence of any other person or any other cause or causes.. I HEREBY ASSUME the sole responsibility for and agree to defend, indemnify, and save the aforementioned parties harmless from any and all loss and expense (including legal fees) by reason of the liability imposed by laws upon any of the aforementioned parties for damage because of bodily injuries, including death, at any time arising out of or in consequence of my (my child's) participation in this Competition howsoever such injuries, whether or not the same may have been caused by the negligence of the aforementioned parties, or by any other person. SIGNED:_______________________________________________ DATE:__________ Parent signs if under 18 years of age. Phone:___________________________ Email: _________________________________ How to Successfully Enter an SVDA Schooling Show or Clinic SVDA wants our members to participate in all SVDA activities! But first, you must fill out and submit your entry forms or clinic applications correctly. Please use these guidelines when entering SVDA events: • Make sure you mail your entry to the correct entry secretary or clinic chairperson. Check the website for the event’s date, secretary’s name and address. • • • Emailed and/or telephoned entries ARE NOT ACCEPTED! Your entry must be received by the secretary AFTER the opening date. Your entry must be postmarked ON OR BEFORE the closing date. Be sure to use enough postage. • Please print your information legibly and include a phone number and email address. Entry forms for shows and/or clinics must be signed! • Make sure to add late fees and/or non‐member fees, if applicable. Enclose a signed check in the correct amount, made payable to SVDA. • Call or email the secretary to be sure your entry has arrived. IT IS THE RIDER’S RESPONSIBILITY TO ENSURE AN ENTRY IS RECEIVED. • Note the rider’s name in the memo section of the check if it’s different from the name on the check. • SVDA keeps Coggins tests on file until they expire. You only need to submit a Coggins with your first entry of the year, after that, we’ll have it until the expiration date. Make sure all information on your Coggins is legible. The name of the horse on the Coggins must match the name of the horse on the entry form. • The entry secretary is not required to call riders with the scheduled ride times. The schedule is generally posted on the website the Wednesday before a show or the rider can contact the secretary Wednesday through Friday before the show. • For schooling shows, entries scratched after the closing date forfeit their entry fees unless a vet note is presented. For clinics, there are no refunds whatsoever after the closing date unless you find someone to fill your spot. • If your entry is late, you will be placed on a waiting list. The secretary will call you if there is a scratch that you could possibly fill. There is no guarantee that late entries will be given a ride time. • Entry secretaries (and other SVDA workers) are volunteers! Please treat them respectfully. • For schooling shows: We cannot honor everyone’s special requests for ride times. We will ATTEMPT to honor REASONABLE special requests, such as if you are trailering in another exhibitor. There are many factors that influence how shows are scheduled, so please be courteous and do not make a request that is for your convenience only. • For clinics: You must clearly request any needs – such as if you are trailering with someone, or if you can only ride in the morning or afternoon due to work obligations. Ride times cannot be scheduled around your volunteer times, or vice versa. If you wish to volunteer and ride at the same show, you must get your ride times first, then volunteer for a morning or afternoon job opposite your test time (i.e., if your ride times are in the morning, you can volunteer in the afternoon). We hope this helps clarify the entry process. Full and pasture horse board available Suffolk,VA Established Horse Farm at 1913 Whaleyville Blvd. Suffolk, VA 25+ Years Experience, Personalized Care, No Hidden Fees!! Facilities Include: ‐12x12 Stalls in Heated Barn ‐Automatic Waterers indoors and out ‐Indoor Riding Arena with new sand/rubber footing ‐Outdoor Lighted Riding Arena ‐Covered Lighted Round Pen ‐Ample Pasture Space with run in sheds / Trails ‐Climate controlled office and tack lounge Full Board: $ 450.00 / mth (or $25/day) Full Board with 1 Lesson a Week is only $ 550.00 /mth (SAVE $80) Pasture Board: $ 250.00/ mth LESSONS ‐ TRAINING ‐ SALES ‐ CONSIGNMENTS TRAIN WITH A CERTIFIED, GERMAN BEREITER‐FN! VISIT US ONLINE AT WWW.HAPPYVALLEYEQUESTRIAN.COM Reservations: 757.328.3700 or [email protected] Stalls are Filling up Fast, but a few spaces are left! SVDA VOLUNTEER Hours SVDA VOLUNTEERS Date: September 14 Location: Princess Anne Entry Secretary (1): Joanne McClellan 1332 Holly Point Road VA Beach, VA 23454 j‐[email protected] 757‐481‐2407 Show Secretary A.M. (1): Sarah Miller Show Secretary P.M. (1): Ring Set up: (4) Carol Smith Joanne McClellan Lunches & snacks (1): D. Stenstrum Scribe A.M. (1): Scribe P.M. (1): Ring Steward A.M. (1): Laura Griffiths Ring Steward P.M. (1): B. Strobach Runner A.M. (1): C. Jordan Runner P. M. (1): Ring Take Down (4): Carol Smith Joanne McClellan SVDA Representative – Dawn Sherrill all day Date: October 5 Location: Bridlewood Estates, Suffolk, VA Entry Secretary (1): Wendy Murray 124 Rockland Terrace, Suffolk, VA 23434 Show Secretary A.M. (1): Show Secretary P.M. (1): Becky Kelly Ring Transportation to (1): Ring Set up: (4) Lunches & snacks (1): Alexis Albright Jayme Albright Debbie Basta Tina Bodnar Emma Burdette Pam Burdette Melissa Chamberlain Robin Criswell Lisa Croxton Sharon Decant Lisa Dickman Reeta Edmondson Ginger Endresson Kenzie Endresson Kya Endresson Susan Erb Femme Sole Susan Forrester Carol Gonyo Veronica Gregory Claudia Griffiths Tristin Hardy Valerie Harrell Jennifer Hippensteel Sandy Johnson Stacy Johnson Nikki Jordan Rebecca Kelly Denise Kutta Marylyn Leonard Laura Liskey Ariana Mahek Barbara McArthur Joan McClellan Joanne McClellan Sarah Miller Kris Montgomery Janice Mumford Wendy Murray Carly Nunn Robyn Nunnally Michelle O'Connor Kelly Piland 6 6 4 4 10 4 1 10 5 10 4 4 8 8 9 4 2 4 33 8 32 36 12 16 16 7 4 16 9 14 4 14 8 4 4 28 4 42 20 8 43 2 4 Susan Redmondini Anita Rees Beth Rippel Diane Rombs Danielle Rowland Kathy Rowse Dawn Sherrill Julie Shilling Carol Smith Ryan Spanagel Julie Spencer Koryn Staehling Evin Stovall Bettina Stroback Amanda St. John Alexis Taves Allison Taylor Susan Watkins Yolanda Williamson Mary Winchell Abby Zezeski Jessica Zoskey Contact Robyn Nunnally 986-4498 To Volunteer Scribe A.M. (1): Stacie Burgess Scribe P.M. (1): Stacie Burgess Ring Steward A.M. (1): Rita Edmondson Please NOTE! Ring Steward P.M. (1): Rita Edmondson VADA Year End Awards Banquet Runner A.M. (1): Will Be Held February 8th, 2009 Runner P. M. (1): Lisa Croxton Ring Take Down (4): At the Ring Transportation from (1): Doubletree Hotel in Charlottesville SVDA Representative – Tristin Hardy am/Becky Kelly pm More details to Come! 8| SOUTHEAST VIRGINIA DRESSAGE ASSOCIATION ◊ SEPTEMBER 2008 4 13 22 8 33 50 44 9 15 8 4 5 1 4 26 3 21 8 19 37 4 4 Taking the Mystery Out of Fullseat Breeches Long in the Rise? Short in the Leg? Too Tight? Too Loose? Not Flattering? Different Brands for Different Bodies We’ve Got Your Seat Covered! Chesapeake Saddlery 757-482-7800 www.chesapeakesaddleryva.com 9| SOUTHEAST VIRGINIA DRESSAGE ASSOCIATION ◊ SEPTEMBER 2008 SVDA SCHOOLING SHOW ENTRY Entry Fees: $20.00/Class (+$5.00 for non-members) Show Date: ______________________________________________ Refunds: Vet Certificate Only! Make Checks Payable to SVDA, Inc. Location: ________________________________________________ *Negative Coggins with Entry *USEF Rules Apply *Musical Freestyle *Introductory Level through FEI *Jr. Test of Choice (Training - 2) *Dressage Equitation ($5.00/class) *Dressage Suitability ($5.00/class) A late fee of $5.00 per class will apply ($25 per ride for SVDA members, $30 per ride for non-members,) if you enter after the closing date or if your signed entry is not received paid in full with a Coggins test copy before the show day. Closing date is Monday, two (2) weeks prior to show. The current bank rate charge will apply to a RETURNED check for ANY reason. SVDA Treasurer will contact member to arrange payment. If payment is not made within 30 day the member will be suspended with all rights and privileges revoked until payment is made. Suspended members WILL NOT receive credit for scores earned while on suspension and will not be eligible for year end awards. HORSE: ___________________________________________________________________________________ RIDER: ____________________________________________________________________________________ TESTS: ____________________________________________________________________________________ (Riders must be prepared to ride in a small arena for Introductory Level through First Level Test 2.) TOTAL FEES: ___________________________ I enclose $__________ and Coggins test copy for the above entries which are made at my own risk and subject to conditions of the SVDA. AGREEMENT AND HOLD HARMLESS.- I acknowledge that the rules applicable to the Dressage Competition specified elsewhere on this Competition entry form have been made available to me and, if applicable, to my child, and that I am (we are) familiar with them. I (we) agree that the organization holding this Competition has the right to refuse this entry for cause, which the organization shall deem to be sufficient. IN CONSIDERATION of the acceptance of the Entry and of the holding of this Competition and the opportunity for me (my child) to win prize money, ribbons or trophies, I agree to defend and to hold this organization, The American Horse Shows Association, Inc., the United States Dressage Federation, Inc., their Directors, officers, members and agents, the owners, directors, officers and agents of the competition ground which the Competition is to be conducted, and any employees of the aforementioned parties, harmless from any claim for loss or injury which may be alleged to have been caused directly or indirectly to any person or thing by the act of my (my child's) horse while in or upon the competition premises or grounds or near any entrance thereto, and I personally assume all responsibility and liability for any such claim, and I further agree to hold the aforementioned parties harmless from any claim for loss of my (my child's) horse by disappearance, theft, death, or otherwise, and for any claim for damage or injury to the said aforementioned, or by the negligence of any other person or any other cause or causes. I HEREBY ASSUME the sole responsibility for and agree to defend, indemnify, and save the aforementioned parties harmless from any and all loss and expense (including legal fees) by reason of the liability imposed by laws upon any of the aforementioned parties for damage because of bodily injuries, including death at any time arising out of or in consequence of my (my child's) participation in this Competition howsoever such injuries, death, or damage to property may be caused and whether or not the same may have been caused by the negligence of the aforementioned parties, or by any other person. Signed: ________________________________________________________________________________________________Parent must sign if rider is under 18 years of age. Date: ____________ Phone: ______________________ E-mail: ___________________________________ Note: Not all Entry Secretaries e-mail ride times. Please call if you have not received an e-mail by the Friday prior to the show. 10 | SOUTHEAST VIRGINIA DRESSAGE ASSOCIATION ◊ SEPTEMBER 2008 SVDA CLINIC with Pati Pierucci October 18-19, 2008 Patti Pierucci Highlights: USDF Gold Medalist Long Listed 1999-2000 Listed as High as 47th in BCM Rankings! October 18th at Silverleaf Farm, Suffolk October 19th at Princess Anne Farms, Va Beach Discount Cost to SVDA Members: $65.00* per lesson! Open Date: September 1, 2008 Close Date: October 4, 2008 Applications MUST be received by the close date-not the postmark! RIDER APPLICATION RIDER NAME: ______________________________________ HORSE ‘S NAME: __________________________________ LEVEL SHOWING: ___________________________________ LEVEL RIDER HAS RIDDEN TO: _______________________ HOME PHONE: ________________________________ CELL PHONE: ________________________________ E-MAIL ADDRESS: ___________________________________ CIRCLE ONE: SATURDAY OCTOBER 18 AM / PM Preferences? ____________________________________________ SUNDAY OCTOBER 19 AM / PM Preferences? ____________________________________________ PLEASE INCLUDE COPY OF CURRENT COGGINS, CHECK PAYABLE TO SVDA AND MAIL TO: Kathy Rowse 1468 Peppercorn Lane Suffolk, VA 23432 CLASSIFIEDS HORSES FOR LEASE 16.1 Chestnut Gelding, 1st level, schooling 2nd,Has competed in horse trials and recognized dressage shows successfully. Quiet, well mannered, sensitive to the rider, fun horse with a big personality, looking for someone to ride and have fun with. Owner lacks time due to a new baby. Call Michelle 343-4818 or email [email protected] TACK PRESTIGE OPTIMAX dressage saddle 32cm tree 17" seat. Used part of one season. In perfect shape. $2800.00 obo. contact Sandy at 582‐2939. ALBION ULTRA SLK, Medium Tree, Long Flaps, 181/2 seat. 2 years old used for 1 year great shape asking $2,950.00. Call Deborah @ 757‐306‐1004 or e‐mail me at [email protected] (10/08) HORSES FOR SALE Last Laugh 6 year old 17.2 hand unraced bay TB gelding by Rockpoint Big, handsome guy who looks like a warmblood with his uphill build and good bone. Sound and sane. Schooling Training level with some First level. Truly a "10" mover. More information at www.RhineEquestrian.com owner is asking $10,500 to good home only! PRESTIGE 2000 Dressage Saddle, 18" 34 Tree (MW‐W), Awesome con‐ dition, very comfortable. [email protected] Michelle 343‐4818 (10/08) BOARDING Full Board and Pasture Board available in August at Happy Valley Farm in Suffolk, VA. Full$450 mth/Pasture $250 mth. Optional training and lessons available with certified German Instructor/BereiterFN Brigitte Peterson. Space is limited, reserve your spot today. Call 757.328.3700 or email [email protected] (10/08) Stall availability in Chesapeake (Bowers Hill area). Full care only. Please contact Sandy for more information. 757-582-2939(10/08) DRESSAGE SADDLE‐Like New‐European Made by NICE Saddlery‐Black Leather‐ Includes Stirrups & Leathers‐17" Seat‐ Medium Tree‐$250 ‐Call 333‐3973 or [email protected] Ortho‐Flex UK Dressage Saddle 17” seat, flexible panels flex to fit all sizes and shapes of horses. Because of flex, it does not pinch shoulders and the horse can move freely. Is extremely comfortable for both horse and rider. This saddle needs no other padding except the boo‐ tie that you see pictured with saddle. Stirrups and girth not included, but if you really want them, we can talk about it. $1100.00 Please call 646‐0223 or e‐mail [email protected] (11/07) 11 | SOUTHEAST VIRGINIA DRESSAGE ASSOCIATION ◊ SEPTEMBER 2008 REAL ESTATE FOR RENT 800+ sq. ft. detached garage apartment on horse farm in southern Suffolk. Just remodeled. Very private. Large deck with beautiful views, ceiling fans plus all appli‐ ances. Use of two bay garage for wood‐ shop or a workout room is available. Small yard available if interested in gar‐ dening. There is also a stall available ($400) if you have a horse. Water is in‐ cluded. $800.00 plus deposit (references required). Ready August 5, 2008. CALL (757) 650‐9668 Boarding/Training Facility Starlite Dressage at Happy Valley SVDA SERVICES DIRECTORY 1913 Whaleyville Blvd. Elfenridge Dressage @Bridlewood Estates Suffolk, VA 23434 2601 Nansemond Pky Suffolk 304.445.2031 757.615.4975 [email protected] [email protected] www.happyvalleyequestrian.com www.elfenridge.com Indian Point Farm 821 Kings Fork Road Suffolk, VA 23434 757.923.3276 [email protected] www.indianpointfarm.com Trainer Directory Tristin Hardy Dressage 757.615‐4975 [email protected] Kathy Rowse Dressage 757.255.0524 [email protected] www.Silverleaffarm.org www.elfenridge.com Sandy Johnson Dressage 757.582.2939 [email protected] Janice Mumford Dressage 757.986.3037 [email protected] Robyn Nunnally Dressage 757.986‐4498 [email protected] Brigitte Peterson‐Bereiter FN Feed/Tack Stores Chesapeake Saddlery 2337 Mt. Pleasant Rd. Chesapeake, VA www.chesapeakesaddleryva.com Old Dominion Hay 21090 Roff Lane Smithfield, VA www.olddominionhayva.com Sesroh Tack Shoppe 1408 South Church Street Smithfield, VA 23430 www.sesrohtackshoppe.com Dressage,Eventers,Jumpers 304.445.2031 [email protected] www.happyvalleyequestrian.com PRECISION FIT SADDLERY Danielle Rowland Dressage …superior fit for superior performance… 757.255.0524 Carol Cocke [email protected] Professional Saddlefitter Virginia Beach. Virginia (757) 721-6560 13 | SOUTHEAST VIRGINIA DRESSAGE ASSOCIATION ◊ SEPTEMBER 2008 Barn Calls Demo Saddles Custom Saddles Flair™Air Saddles The Newsletter of the Southeast Virginia Dressage Association Wendy L. Murray 124 Rockland Terrace Suffolk, VA 23434 Tel. 757.328.3700 E-Mail: [email protected] Web: www.gosvda.org We’re on the Web! example.microsoft.com 2008 Nominations for VADA’s Shel Tag line goes here. Gafford Award Deadline: October 15, 2008 Please E‐Mail Nomination Essay to: [email protected] See page 3 for details….
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