Until - September 2013 - v17i09


Until - September 2013 - v17i09
Examining current events
in the light of
God’s prophetic Word
Jimmy DeYoung’s
Until Newsletter
Visit our website: jimmydeyoung.com
News In Brief
Russian Warns US Not
To Attack Syria
Russia is a steadfast supporter of Syria as Western
powers including the US and
its allies discuss and prepare
for an attack on Syria. Russia
in fact is doubling down. Russia has moved naval ships into
the Mediterranean as Vladimir
Putin warns Western powers
not to attack Syria.
In fact one report says that
the Russian leader has warned
if the West does indeed attack
Syria, Russia will attack Saudi
Arabia. The world is now
standing by to see if the Middle
East will explode should the
Western powers attack Syria.
Jews Around The World
Celebrate The New Year
Rosh Hashanah, the new year
for the Jewish people marks
5774 on the Jewish calendar
and is one of the seven Jewish
feast days that the Jews celebrate on a yearly basis. It is a
feast also known as the Feast
of Trumpets, a holy day that is
very family oriented in the
Jewish community.
The Jews believe that it was
5774 years ago when God
created the heavens, the earth
and all that in them is, a fact
that lends itself to the belief
that we are living on a young
Egypt Declares A State
Of Emergency
The streets of Cairo and other
cities across Egypt are in chaos
as security forces move to dismantle the strongholds of supporters for the deposed president Mohamed Morsi. Morsi
supporters are calling for the
ousted leader to be reinstated.
Egyptian government military forces confronted Morsi
supporters killing over five
hundred of them and wounding
thousands.World leaders are
calling for calm in Egypt
which does not look possible in
the near future.
September, 2013
Published by
Shofar Communications, Inc.
Chattanooga, TN
Volume 17 Issue 09
SPECIAL REPORT: The Status Of The Next Temple
JERUSALEM - Recently, the
President of the Palestinian
Authority, Mahmoud Abbas
said that the Israeli government
is getting ready to build a Temple on the Temple Mount.
Rabbi Yoel Keren claims that
Abbas' rhetoric is a "typical
tactic we that that they use
whenever [the PA feels] they
are in trouble." He said that
Abbas is"hanging on to what
little bit of power and money
he has by a thread and he is
trying to bolster himself." He
believes that the PA "feel it
helps rally people to their side
to scream out about the Al
Aqsa Mosque and things like
Keren said that the current
Israeli government is not supportive of building a Temple on
the Temple Mount, but "one
day they will... I wish there
was a Jewish government that
wanted to build the Temple,
unfortunately there is not."
Keren referred to a statement
made by Ministry of Housing
and Construction Minister Uri
Ariel in which Ariel claimed
that the Jewish people had
"built a lot of small temples."
However, Keren explains that
"in Hebrew that is used as the
nickname for synagogue." But
the Rabbi was quick to point
out that "There is only one
Temple. He says we've created
a lot of small temples, but that
is not what we want. We do not
want buildings that look like
temples. We do not want buildings that we nickname temples.
We want to build the Temple
on the Temple Mount."
In a documentary produced
by Jimmy DeYoung, Jr., another leading rabbi in Jerusalem says that he believes the
next Jewish temple will be
rebuilt on the Temple Mount in
his lifetime and he says everything is ready to build that
temple today. Rabbi Nachman
Kahane, the rabbi who has
guided many Jewish students
of the Scriptures on the subject
of the temple has been the
main source of serious study
and preparations to build the
Jewish temple basically because that is what the Bible
calls for from the religious
In Rabbi Kahane's Yeshiva,
which is a place of learning for
Jewish young men, the rabbi
trained all the leaders of this
effort to rebuild the temple in
Jerusalem and it was his students that started the Temple
Institute which has accumulated all the implements for the
next temple and trained the
men to operate that temple.
All the preparations have
been made to rebuild the next
Jewish temple in Jerusalem
which is in essence a page out
of Bible prophecy for the end
of times. Twenty years ago I
sat with Rabbi Nachman Ka-
hane as he was beginning his
quest to rebuild the Jewish
temple in Jerusalem on the
Temple Mount. Now twenty
years later the rabbi believes
that the temple will indeed be
rebuilt in his lifetime. That is a
quote from the rabbi on a
documentary released on the
subject that shows the rabbi
plus many others who also
agree that the temple could be
standing in Jerusalem in the
very near future.
Rabbi Yehuda Glick, the
former head of the Temple Institute, says even the priestly
garments are ready and the
temple will stand in full operation very soon. Rabbi Chaim
Richman, who is the leading
authority on the red heifer, says
the temple will be built at the
spot of the original site of the
Garden of Eden which he says
is the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. Rabbi Yoel Keren says
that there will be a Jewish temple in Jerusalem that follows
the details in Ezekiel 40-46 but
first the Jewish people will
build a less extravagant temple
as they did when the Second
Temple was rebuilt 2,500 years
ago. The priests have been
trained, the implements made
to operate the temple, even the
Menorah, the seven branched
candelabra, and there are ten
stringed harps for the Levites
to play as called for by King
David in 1 Chronicles 23:5.
The US & Russia On The Verge Of A New Cold War?
MOSCOW - A report from a
Russian expert reveals that the
United States and Russia are in
danger of plunging into a second cold war. The report
claims that Washington's policies towards Moscow are the
blame for the growing tensions
between these two global superpowers and that Russian
President (and former KGB
officer) Vladimir Putin's pent
up anti-American sentiment
may be coming to the surface
as well as these tensions increase.
The so-called “reset” between the two nations is dead
as the Obama administration
has never truly cooperated with
Moscow, but instead they keep
pushing the same policies imposed on the Russians for the
last 20 years.
The current US policy of
advancing NATO towards Russia's borders, building missile
defense systems on Russia's
borders, and interfering in Russia's internal politics have
brought about these tensions
that have plunged the two nations into another Cold War.
The last Cold War between
these two nations lasted from
1947 to 1991.
Jimmy DeYoung’s Until Newsletter
Volume 17 Issue 09 Page 2
Prophecy is Practical
the LORD shall return,
Therefore the redeemed of ing
unto Zion;
and come with sing
upon their head:
and everlasting joy
they shall obtain gladness and
e away.
and sorrow
- Isaiah 51:11 (For further study -
that contains great
book of Isaiah is like a songbook
The 51st chapter in the prophetic
le doctrine.
songs with lyrics, made up of Bib
almost hear the
Read slowly Isaiah 51:11 and you can
verse speak of
Our key verse is a prime example.
these words. In fact, the wor
Zion, to Jerumelody that has been assigned to
that have been redeemed will
singing and joy as the way those
piness which is
joy that is forever. This is not hap
you have godly
that comes from the Lord. When
e away.
d - sorrow and mourning shall fle
Creator of all
ng with a song for us to sing is the
The One that gives us that joy alo"Lord thy maker". The One who "stretched forth the
things, Isaiah 51:13 & 15. He is the
the seas."
of the earth," the One who "divided
heavens, and laid the foundations
ator is the
sing and everlasting joy. The Cre
of trembling" is
As the Cre
Isaiah 51:16 & 23. The phrase "cup
g back to
same One
power, the ones the Lord will brin
speaking of
reality through judgment.
lain the truth
k back to Isaiah 51:3 and let me exp
Before we leave this passage, loo
e of real estate in
is speaking of the most sacred piec
found in this passage. This verse
the world, Eden, the Garden of the
of Eden. (See my
the original sight of the Garden
The Temple Mount in Jerusalem is
audio series, "Return to Eden".)
n of the Temple
Garden of Eden is on the locatio
joy, gladness, thanksWord says that this is where all
ing, emanates from in our old wor
giving, and the voice of melody, sing
in the last days,
d will return this spot to the Jewstrong desire to
But notice the verse again, the Lor
of course is the reason for Isla
Ezekiel 36:35 and Joel 2:3. This
in Jerusalem.
take control of the Temple Mount
in the last
ple Mount, He will return there
Where the
n on the location of the Creator's
days. It will
in Jerusalem.
headquarters, the Temple Mount
Temple Mount, at
away the Jewish presence on the
Islam’s continuing effort to explain
unt in Jerusalem is
to keep Jews off the Temple Mo
anytime in history, and its effort
king up...
closer to being fulfilled. Keep loo
evidence Bible prophecy is moving
Jimmy D eYoung
our joy - true joy, everlasting joy
in You!
Jimmy DeYoung’s Until Newsletter
Volume 17 Issue 09 Page 3
The EU Adds 28th Member-State
BRUSSELS - Croatia has become the 28th member-state of
the EU and the EU says they
may add additional member
states in the future. Broadcast
partner Dr. Rob Congdon says
that the addition of Croatia to
the EU member states is significant, but he also says that
they will need to develop a
core group to give direction to
this economic political power
in the future.
Dr. Rob Congdon: It is going
to be a pragmatic solution I
think. What you have, and we
can already see it, the commission is the main power, 28
members are in the commission, the main power, directing
power of the EU. They have
already said it is getting difficult. They do not want to be
like a parliament with several
hundred members. They want
to have just the key leadership
and 28 is a lot to coordinate, if
you get up to 109 it is impossible. What I believe is pragmatically as some have already
started suggesting is we have to
develop an inner core of countries to be the guidance of the
When they were originally
designed, the original plan of
the EU was to have what they
called the higher authority, and
this was a very limited group
that would have the ultimate
power of the EU. With each
new member, the pressure is
going to grow to say how do
we reduce it and we have said
before one of the favorite numbers in the EU is based on the
number 10. So, obviously I
suggest they will break into
geographic regions and be ten
regions with their commissioner or leader of the high
authority in those ten.
Dr. Jimmy DeYoung has shared the vision of a virtual
band of solders for Jesus Christ will be brought together
to learn Bible prophecy and sent out to recruit and equip
others, in their generation and the next, to this important
task - learning and then teaching the truths of Bible
To this end, Dr. DeYoung has formed the Prophetic
Army of Senior Saints, also known as P.A.S.S..
The Mission statement of P.A.S.S. can be found in 2
Timothy 2:2 and is fleshed out in Titus 2.
"And the things that thou hast heard of me among
many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men,
who shall be able to teach others also."
To learn more, visit: prophecytoday.com/pass
Prophecy Today Intelligence Briefing is a 15-minute broadcast of current events with a report from one of our
Broadcast Partners with more details behind the headlines of the news. You can hear a new "briefing" every day
on the home page of prophecytoday.com or download it and listen to it whenever is most convenient to you.
Prophecy Teaching CDs $25 per set
Return to Eden Jerusalem: Past, Present, and Prophetic
To the Jew First
Malachi: A Middle East News Update
Age of Antichrist
Joel’s Journal on the Day of the Lord
The Daniel Papers
Satan, Angels, and the End Times
The Feasts of God
Ezekiel: Retribution or Restoration
The Babylon Factor
Creation, the Flood, and Prophecy
Thy Kingdom Come
Major Cities of Bible prophecy
Angels and Prophecy
The Passion and the Prophecy
As in the Days of Noah
Jeremiah: A Unique Prophecy
Clear and Present Danger The Judgment Seat of Christ
Alignment of the Nations
The Zechariah Prospective
Esau and the Palestinians
Ishmael’s Islamic Invasion
Micah: Who is like Yahweh?
Walk Through Revelation
Alpha & Omega: The Beginning and the End
Genesis: The Foundation of Biblical Prophecy
God’s Plan through the Ages
Prophecy Teaching DVDs - $25 each
Return to Eden
Jerusalem: City Reborn, Eternal City
Israel Under Fire
The Promise of Christmas
The Daniel Papers
Israel: A Land in Conflict
Revelation Walk Thru
Esau and the Palestinians
Ready to Rebuild: Revisited
Mount, Walls, & Waters of Jerusalem
Bethlehem: Beyond the Christmas Story
Mysteries of the Temple
Signs of the End Times
The End Times
Prophecy Teaching Books
Sound the Trumpets Israel Under Fire
Jimmy DeYoung Jimmy DeYoung Elwood McQuaid
Holy War for the The EU and the
A Chronology
Promised Land
Jimmy DeYoung
David Dolan
Rob Congdon
Find these and much more at
Jimmy DeYoung’s Until Newsletter
Volume 17 Issue 09 Page 4
"Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you"
In Matthew 28:18-20, we read the giving of the Great Commission. Jesus commands His followers to go
and teach all nations what He had taught and commanded them. In Acts 1:1-11 (particularly verse 3) we see
that for the 40 days following His resurrection, Christ was teaching His disciples "things pertaining to the
kingdom of God."
That is a phrase referring to the coming Kingdom, that is not yet in operation, but will be in the future,
according to Bible prophecy. The disciples understood that the Kingdom was yet future, because the last
thing they asked Jesus before His ascension was when He would restore the Kingdom (Acts 1:6).
For the last 40 days of His earthly ministry, Jesus Christ taught His disciples Bible prophecy. He could
have spent this time teaching them how to run a church, or how to preach with more power, or how to be a
better witness, or how to argue in defense of the faith... But rather, before He sent them out to "the uttermost
parts of the Earth" He taught them the prophetic truths of God's Word.
In a few weeks, Jimmy DeYoung, Jr. will be obeying the command to "Go... and teach all nations." He
will be boarding a plane to Romania where he will share the same truths with pastors, preachers, and Bible
teachers of Romanian churches that Jesus shared with His disciples - the prophetic Word of God. And he is
doing so by faith.
We do not yet have all the funds needed to put on this intense and focused Bible prophecy conference for
the leaders of the Romanian Christian community - but the ticket has already been purchased. Two days of
the Pastors' conference, then services on Sunday in a local Romanian church, and a meeting with missionaries to the Romanian people. It will be a busy few days - but a productive and rewarding few days.
Would you like to be a part of this ministry outreach?
As Jimmy steps out in faith, you have the opportunity to share in this ministry. Please pray that God will
use him in a mighty way to share the truth of God's prophetic Word and help turn the tide of a false and
incorrect understanding of Bible prophecy that has overtaken much of Eastern Europe.
Please pray, and if you can, invest in this effort to make an eternal impact on Eastern Europe. If you can
help financially, please visit our Romania page to donate online. prophecytoday.com/romaniaconference
If you would rather send a check, please write it to:
"Life Impact for Eternity"
put "Romania Conference" in the memo line,
and send it to:
Prophecy Today PO Box 2510 Chattanooga, TN 37409
Or visit our website,
today to make an online donation.
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Jimmy DeYoung’s Until Newsletter
Volume 17 Issue 09 Page 5
Netanyahu: Israel Will Respond To A Syrian Attack
DAMASCUS - With the threat
of a strike on Syria by US led
forces in response to Syria's
use of chemical weapons of
mass destruction the Syrian
leader says that if attacked,
they will strike Israel. Prophecy Today’s broadcast partner
David Dolan weighed in on
whether this threat from Syria
was of concern to Israel.
David Dolan: It is ultimately
because they can be fitted
chemical warheads on long
range and medium range mis-
siles of which Syria possesses
hundreds, if not thousands, that
can strike virtually every part
of Israel. [That] certainly is
something that the Israelis
think is a strong possibility.
And then we have reports that
activists associated with the
Syrian opposition have smuggled samples of soil and other
contaminated clothing and
other things to a team of
United Nations experts and
while there, this attack apparently took place.
I think the International
Community will rise up, of
course not Russia [or] China,
but the Western powers in particular and take some sort of
action. That obviously interests
Israel very much. As Prime
Minister Netanyahu said, Iran
in particular is watching how
the world responds, how the
West responds and if they just
sit back and do nothing, that
will encourage them in their
nuclear program and their goal
to annihilate Israel.
September 29 - October 2
• Trinity Baptist Church
• Oxford, AL
October 6 - 9
• First Baptist Church
• Glencoe, AL
October 13
• First Baptist Church
• Guin, AL
October 18 - 20
ROME - When asked about the problem within Rome will place in Catholic seminaries. • Salem Bible Church
gay lobby in the Vatican, Pope continue until the issue of celi- The book is entitled "Goodbye • New Holland, PA
Francis responded with the bacy is looked at. The Roman Good Men" by author Michael
October 22 - 25
statement that we should not Catholic church needs recog- Rose, and he said in his book •
Word of Life Institute
judge gay people but instead nize that as long as it forbids its according to former seminari• Schroon Lake, NY
integrate them into society. Our clergy people to marry that ans and recently ordained
broadcast partner Mike Gen- they are going to have to have priests that this gay subculture October 27 - 29
dron in Dallas, TX reports what some form of sexual expres- is so prominent at certain • First Baptist Church
the official stand on sodomy is sion and oftentimes this results seminaries that these institu- • Waldoboro, ME
in the Catholic church.
in homosexuality.
tions have earned nicknames. It
Mike Gendron: The cataclysm
There's an ongoing problem has been said that over half of November 3
• Bayside Baptist Church
of the Catholic church does not and I think what's happening the Roman Catholic priests are
condemn homosexuality out- here in the Vatican is really the now homosexuals and seminar- • Chattanooga, TN
right, it merely teaches that tip of the iceberg because in ies are but a proven ground for November 10 - 12
homosexual acts are intrinsi- 2002 there is a book that really them to come out and put on a • First Coast Baptist Church
cally disordered. That is one of exposed much of the scandal collar and hide their sinful • Jacksonville, FL
the problems. This homosexual and perversions that are taking condition.
November 17 - 19
• First Baptist Church
Indian Trail - East Campus
TEHERAN - With the installa- man has looked at his record a new opening towards Teheran
tion of the Iranian President and has come to the conclusion with the new president under • Marshville, NC
Hassan Rouhani, world leaders that Hassan Rouhani is a mem- the guise that the new Iranian November 24
have been surprised to find out ber of the ruling clerical elite in president is a moderate?
• Ino Baptist Church
that he is as radical as former the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Or will they look at his re- • Ina, AL
Iranian President Ahmadinejad His views are not all that dif- cord, his past statements, the
only with a more pleasant ap- ferent from those of the su- people that he's putting in December 1
p r e m e l e a d e r Ay a t o l l a h power and agree with Mr. • New Rocky Creek Baptist
Prophecy Today's broadcast Khomeini who also believes Timmerman, that Rouhani is
partner Ken Timmerman says that Israel is a gaping wound in "simply the puppet of Ayatol- • Mansfield, GA
that Rouhani is being painted the fabric of the Muslim world. lah Khomeini who hasn't December 29
by some people in Washington,
Washington must respond. changed one iota in his deter- •
Woodland Park Baptist
the Obama White House in Will the Obama Administration mination to destroy Israel and
particular, as some great new do as they have suggested they to destroy America"? Only
• Chattanooga, TN
moderate. However, Timmer- will do? Will Washington have time will tell.
Pope Says The World Should Not Judge Gay People
Iran’s Hassan Rouhani As Radical As Ahmadinejad
Are you a serious student of Bible prophecy? Interested in studying Advanced Prophetics at
the graduate level? Sign up for more information about the School of Prophets on our website schoolofprophets.org, call us at 8-PROPHECY-8 (877-674-3298).
Jimmy DeYoung’s Until Newsletter
Volume 17 Issue 09 Page 6
Jimmy DeYoung’s
Prophetic Prospective on the News
The European Union Will Continue To Expand
The fact that the EU may setup a core leadership group of ten member states sounds
very similar to the prophetic scenario for the end times that is found in Bible prophecy.
As the EU continues to grow, it becomes more and more like what will be the infrastructure for the revived Roman Empire. Daniel 7:7, 23, 24 are verses in Bible prophecy foretelling of a governmental and economic power in place during the seven year Tribulation
The recent addition of Croatia to the EU member states is indeed setting the stage for
Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
A Jewish Temple Will Once Again Stand In Jerusalem
Jewish activists preparing to build a Temple in Jerusalem is in line with Bible prophecy.
Though the Israeli government is not ready to build a Temple on the Temple Mount in
Jerusalem, there are those that have made preparations to rebuild the Jewish Temple on the
Temple Mount. God's Word does say that this will happen, Daniel 9:27, Matthew 24:15, II
Thessalonians 2:4, and Rev 11:1-2.
The accusations by the Palestinian leader that the Israeli government is preparing to
build a Temple on the Temple Mount are actually false. However, there are Jews that are
preparing to build that Temple and all the preparations are finished indicating that Bible
prophecy will indeed be fulfilled.
“As In The Days Of Lot” Sodomy Is Being Accepted
Sodomy, homosexuality in the Catholic church is a sign that Jesus is about to return to
the earth, that is according to Bible prophecy.
Jesus warned in Luke 17:28 that He would return to the earth when our society was like
the days of Lot 4,000 years ago. In that day, sodomy, homosexuality was prevalent in
Sodom and Gomorrah. Men were having sexual relationships with other men. Our society
today is once again immersed in sodomy approved by many people even the leaders of our
nation. who commit sodomy and even those who approve of it. The Apostle Paul wrote that
God rejects this lifestyle of sodomy, homosexuality and will judge those who commit sodomy and even those who approve of it, Romans 1:24-32.
Syrian Violence Will One Day Reach Into Israel
As Western powers discuss and prepare to punish Bashar Assad's government for the use
of chemical weapons of mass destruction, Russia is steadfast in its defense of Assad on the
issue of chemical weapons of mass destruction usage in Syria. This standoff between Russia and the West may well become a major conflict in the Middle East.
This scenario is actually found in Bible prophecy. Daniel, the ancient Jewish prophet
reveals that Syria is the nation that will make the first move against the Jewish state of Israel, Daniel 11:40. Isaiah, another of the ancient Jewish prophets also foretold of the destruction of the city of Damascus, Isaiah 17 and Isaiah revealed that this will happen at the
same time in history when Syria does attack the Jewish state.
The ancient Jewish prophet Ezekiel wrote in Ezekiel 38:2 that Russia (referred to as Magog in the passage) will lead the last days conflict in the Middle East with an attack on Israel as the end result. Daniel another ancient Jewish prophet, said in Daniel 11:40 that
Syria (referred to as the King of the North) will be aligned with Russia in this move against
Syria in fact has threatened to burn Israel if the West does attack its homeland and Russia stands ready to join forces with Syria in this explosive conflict. According to the prophetic scenario found in God's Word the ancient Jewish prophets indeed talk about an
alignment of nations that will come against the Jewish state and Syria will make the first
move to destroy the Jewish state of Israel.
These developments in the Middle East are indeed setting the stage for Bible prophecy
to be fulfilled.
The supposed reset of relationship between the US and
Russia did not work for whatever reason and now every
issue gets bigger and bigger.
The tensions between these
two have intensified also because of the concerns that Russia is trying to regain its superpower status by making decisions that fly in the face of
what is best for America.
Ezekiel 38:2 says Magog
will lead an alignment of nations that will move to destroy
the Jewish state of Israel. In
Genesis 10:1-5, Noah’s son
Japheth has a son named Magog who raised his family,
taught them a new language,
and moved to a location just
North of the Caspian and
Black Sea, (a place that is
called Russia today). Ezekiel
38:12 foretells that Russia will
be the leader of many nations
who will attack Israel to annihilate the Jewish state.
There is clear evidence that
we are now very close to that
attack, however before that can
happen, the Rapture of the
Church must take place, and
that could be today. So let’s
keep looking up...
Jimmy DeYoung
Communications Inc
PO Box 2510
Chattanooga, TN 37409
Jimmy DeYoung
Associate Editor
Chad W. Smith
Leslie Faircloth
© 2013