2.0 project description - County of Santa Barbara
2.0 project description - County of Santa Barbara
2.0 Project Description 2.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION 2.1 PROJECT LOCATION The project is located in the unincorporated community of Isla Vista, which is located in Santa Barbara County approximately nine miles west of the City of Santa Barbara (Figure 2.1-1). Isla Vista is situated on a coastal bluff overlooking the Pacific Ocean and is surrounded on three sides by the campus of UCSB. The predominately urban community is ½ square mile in size, or 320 acres, and is comprised of multi-residential housing, a small commercial downtown, a neighborhood of single family homes, and numerous public parks. The Isla Vista Planning Area, hereafter referred to as the “project area”, extends from Camino Majorca Road and the Camino Corto Vernal Pool Preserve on the west, El Colegio Road on the north, the UCSB main campus on east, and the Pacific Ocean on the south. The project area overlaps with the Redevelopment Project Area boundary, which extends north approximately ½ mile at the western end of the project area to include the UCSB-owned Francisco Torres dormitories and the privately-owned Storke Ranch residential development, as shown in Figure 2.1.2. The analysis in this EIR is on the area covered by the Draft IVMP. 2.2 PROJECT OBJECTIVES The Draft IVMP accomplishes two underlying purposes. First, it identifies general goals, policies, and development standards for Isla Vista that update the existing Countywide Comprehensive Plan, the Goleta Community Plan, and the Coastal Land Use Plan, and complements Isla Vista Redevelopment Plan. Second, the Draft IVMP identifies specific catalyst redevelopment projects. These catalyst projects are designed to eliminate blight and to address specific improvements to the commercial core, housing, transportation, parking, and infrastructure. Redevelopment is an essential tool that will be used to implement these catalyst projects. Through a three year collaborative process involving the County, the County Redevelopment Agency, UCSB, IVRPD, local organizations, and the community at large, the Draft IVMP was developed to eliminate blight through the following objectives: •Improve public infrastructure to address problems such as pedestrian, automobile, and bicycle circulation, parking deficiencies, and inadequate drainage. •Reduce automobile dependency by managing parking, improving public transportation, expanding transportation alternatives, and providing more services and amenities within the community. •Revitalize the downtown by creating incentives for new mixed use development, improving the streetscape and parking, and improving connections to Anisq’Oyo’ Park and the ocean. •Develop and improve the housing stock for people all income levels. Isla Vista Master Plan Final EIR 2-1 2.0 Project Description 1. Create a physically, socially and economically sustainable plan for Isla Vista. 2. Improve the quality of life and sense of community for all Isla Vista residents by enhancing the character and quality of the built environment, promoting a more diverse population, and providing more amenities for residents. 3. Preserve and enhance Isla Vista’s distinctive character and establish a greater sense of community among Isla Vista’s diverse residents by providing venues for social interactions. 4. Design a community based on a mixed-use, sustainable urban village model, where dependence on the automobile is reduced, people can live close to where they work and shop, pedestrian and bicycle traffic is encouraged, and public mass transit is easily accessible and convenient to use. • Automobile traffic and parking should not be allowed to dominate the streets of Isla Vista, detracting from the appearance of the community and making it unpleasant to walk or ride a bicycle. • Streets and other public spaces should be designed and managed to encourage neighbors to meet one another and socialize in public. 5. Develop an efficient parking strategy that minimizes visual impact on the community. 6. Create aesthetically attractive housing to meet the needs of its residents while efficiently using the limited amount of land. • A variety of housing types should be provided that appeal to a range of household sizes, and income levels. 7. Develop a balanced, robust and economically viable commercial core, complete with a variety of uses, services and public open spaces that allow people to gather and socialize in the center of the community. These services should include day-to-day amenities that can raise the general quality of life and decrease automobile dependency. 8. Blur the interface between Isla Vista and UCSB by enhancing the connections through building improvements and the provision and maintenance of public space. • Connections between Isla Vista and UCSB should include commercial and civic activities that appeal to both UCSB students and the larger community, fostering social contact in a civil public setting. 9. Preserve and enhance existing natural resources, such as the beach, wetlands, coastal sage scrub, trees, native species and riparian habitat. 10. Improve existing parks and recreation resources, and expand recreational opportunities and beach access. Isla Vista Master Plan Admin Draft EIR 2.0 Project Description Figure 2.1-1: Regional Location Map Isla Vista Master Plan Final EIR 2-3 2.0 Project Description Figure 2.1-2: Project Area •Enhance downtown parks by improving connections to the downtown commercial area, acquiring additional land, reconfiguring uses, and maintaining natural park areas. •Improve connectivity between UCSB main campus and the Isla Vista community through improvements to buildings and public spaces. •Improve the quality and design of new and existing housing stock while efficiently using the limited land in Isla Vista. •Encourage incremental growth through production of new housing units and housing types that meets a range of household sizes and income levels. •Construct a new community center at Estero Park. •Preserve and enhance the community’s natural resources and parks and expand recreational opportunities and beach access. Isla Vista Master Plan Final EIR 2-4 2.0 Project Description •Preserve Isla Vista’s distinctive character and create a greater sense of community. 2.3 PROJECT DESCRIPTION The Draft IVMP includes a mix of residential, commercial, and recreation land uses development to provide a balance of employment, shopping, housing, and recreational opportunities designed to improve the quality of life for all members in the community. The plan includes public infrastructure improvement, private development, land use and zoning changes, ordinance amendments, along with goals, and policies to stimulate revitalization in the community. The Draft IVMP is organized into six chapters: • • • • • • Transit and Circulation Open Space and Parks Downtown Isla Vista Estero Neighborhood Housing Isla Vista / UCSB Interface Within each chapter, specific goals, policies, development standards, and actions are identified to implement County and RDA programs and projects to guide future private development. Catalyst projects are planned for near-term implementation to help stimulate changes in the community, promote public-private partnerships and encourage re-investment in local properties. Each Catalyst project section includes a project description, which provides additional project details regarding the Catalyst projects. 2.3.1 Transit and Circulation Transit and Circulation is divided into two sections: streets, which addresses physical infrastructure improvements; and Parking and Transit, which outlines programs and projects to address parking and transportation needs. Streets. The Draft IVMP outlines a strategy to enhance the Isla Vista street network to move people safely and effectively, improve its appearance, and reduce automobile traffic. The Draft IVMP describes improvements to the circulation system such as intersection roundabouts and rotaries, a bike boulevard, additional sidewalks and traffic calming devices, street tree planting, and narrower street widths. Specific street catalyst projects identified in the Draft IVMP include: • Pardall Road improvements; • Roundabouts at Embarcadero Del Mar, Embarcadero Del Norte and Pardall Road; • Pardall Road Paseo to Anisq’Oyo’ Park; • Embarcadero Loop street improvements; • El Embarcadero Street improvements; Isla Vista Master Plan Final EIR 2-5 2.0 Project Description • Traffic calming on western streets, including speed tables and small rotaries; • Camino Pescadero Road improvements; • Sabado Tarde Road improvements; • Camino Del Sur Road improvements; • Sueno Road bicycle boulevard; and • Del Playa Drive improvements. The Draft IVMP would amend and update the County’s Circulation Element by: • Identifying new capacity standards and roadway designations for streets with roundabouts; • Amending acceptable level of service (LOS) for streets in the project area; and • Updating Circulation sections of the GCP. The proposed project includes changes to the Goleta Community Plan and the County Circulation Element. Those changes are intented to: • Facilitate urban in-fill development in the community of Isla Vista, • Improve the regional jobs/housing balance, provide needed affordable housing opportunities, • Stimulate economic activity in downtown Isla Vista through redevelopment efforts which will result in increased availability of basic commercial services in downtown isla vista, thereby reducing the need to area residents to drive for basic commercial needs. The specific changes are outlined below. Goleta Community Plan “Objective CIRC-GV-1: The Circulation Element and implementing Transportation Improvement Program shall include long-term improvements to roadways and alternative transportation facilities targeted to provide for Level of Service (LOS) C or better on roadways and intersections within the community at buildout of this Plan, excluding the Isla Vista Master Plan Area and the Los Carneros/Mesa Road intersection. However, over the next ten years a number of roadway segments and intersections will periodically operate at LOS D or below. The roadway and intersection standards shall allow moderate levels of traffic growth while protecting overall operation of the circulation system and the quality of life within the community. Due to the Isla Vista area’s urban infill nature, and the wide variety of alternative transportation options available, within the Vista Master Plan Area and the Los Carneros/Mesa Road intersection, the Circulation Element and implementing Transportation Improvement Program may include long-term improvements to roadways and alternative transportation facilities targeted to provide for LOS D or better on roadways and intersections. Prior to implementing all planned traffic improvements, roadway segments and Isla Vista Master Plan Final EIR 2-6 2.0 Project Description intersections in the Isla Vista Master Plan Area and the Los Carneros/Mesa Road Intersection may operate at LOS F for periods of time during peak hour.” In addition, the following change to both Appendix A of the GCP and the Roadway and Intersection Standards for Determination of Project Consistency section of the County Circulation Element are components of the proposed project. “IV. ROADWAY AND INTERSECTION STANDARDS FOR DETERMINATION OF PROJECT CONSISTENCY Roadway and Intersection Standards for Determination of Project Consistency A. Purpose: This section defines how the acceptable capacity levels that are identified for the classified roadways will be applied in making findings of project consistency, with this Community Plan. This section also defines intersection standards in terms of level of service and provides methodology for determining project consistency with these standards. The intent of this section is to ensure that roadways and intersections in the community plan study area continue to operate at acceptable levels and to ensure that the intent of Circulation Policies is reflected in the determination of project consistency. The standards prescribed in this section shall also serve as a basis for circulation capital improvement planning and funding. E. Exemptions— Roadway and Intersection standards stated above shall not apply to: … g) Projects within the Isla Vista Master Plan Area. The Isla Vista community is located adjacent to the region’s largest employer and is primarily a developed urban area. In addition, it is the intent of the Master Plan to encourage the development of basic commercial services within Isla Vista to minimize the necessity of trips outside the area.” Parking and Transit. The Draft IVMP emphasizes reducing automobile dependency in Isla Vista through: managing the quantity and location of parking in both residential and commercial areas, providing convenient and affordable public transit services, developing a “car-sharing” program, and improving the pedestrian and bicyclist environment. On-site parking standards for the downtown are proposed to be modified to encourage the construction of small units. Parking standards in residential areas are proposed to be adjusted to more accurately account for actual parking demand. A downtown parking structure is identified as a priority project for two reasons. First, the structure is expected to provide parking for downtown businesses. Second, the structure will facilitate the creation of a program whereby new development will pay a fee to use spaces in such a lot in lieu of providing on-site parking. Due to the high cost of construction, the structure would be constructed after the establishment of other parking programs and projects such as a downtown surface parking lot, reconfiguration of private parking lots, potential elimination of some unnecessary red curbs, and after the assessment of the downtown parking meters. A downtown parking meter and parking permit program was approved by the BOS in June 2004, but is on appeal with the California Coastal Commission. Isla Vista Master Plan Final EIR 2-7 2.0 Project Description Parking and Transit catalyst projects identified in the Draft IVMP include: • Car-sharing program; • Simplified transit routes on El Colegio Road, Camino Corto to Embarcadero Del Norte via Abrego Road, Camino Del Sur, Camino Pescadero, Sabado Tarde Road, Segovia Road, and Ocean Road; • Frequent transit service on Sabado Tarde Road and El Colegio Road, (a minimum of 15 minute frequency all day), with connections to Camino Real Marketplace, UCSB, SBCC, and downtown Santa Barbara; • Evening transit service connecting to Camino Real Marketplace, UCSB, and downtown Santa Barbara until at least 11 PM most nights and 2 AM Friday and Saturday; • Consideration of reduced fee transit passes to all Isla Vista residents, much like the City of Boulder’s neighborhood-wide EcoPass; and • Improved transit marketing, including clear branding of frequent and express transit service. • A parking fee program is proposed for the downtown to allow development to pay a fee "in-lieu" of providing parking on-site. 2.3.2 Open Space and Parks The Draft IVMP proposes a redesign and reconfiguration of parks, including Anisq’Oyo’ Park and Estero Park to better serve the community. Overall, the Draft IVMP recognizes the need for additional active recreation in the community and improved links between parks, the downtown, and the ocean. Several improvements are proposed for downtown Anisq’Oyo’ Park that will define the park as a formal gathering place, provide better access and increase recreational opportunities. Specific changes include: • Improve connection to the downtown; • Enhance existing park natural areas; • Relocate amphitheater; • Construct a new multi-use path; and • Improve landscaping. Other open space and parks catalyst projects: • Perfect and People’s Park enhancements; • Long term acquisitions of property within the Embarcadero Loop; and • Estero neighborhood park redesign Isla Vista Master Plan Final EIR 2-8 2.0 Project Description The Draft IVMP identifies amendments to the County’s Parks, Recreation and Trails (PRT) Map to: • Officially designate existing recreational trails in the area; and • Identify potential new trails to increase connectivity between trail segments and new trails to facilitate beach access. 2.3.3 Downtown Isla Vista The Draft IVMP focuses on revitalization of the downtown, which serves as the heart of the community. The revitalization will occur in phases to create a vibrant mixed use downtown comprised of complementary local businesses that meet the basic commercial needs of Isla Vista, combined with the provision of high-quality housing. Streetscape improvements include landscaping, public plazas and art displays, additional bicycle parking, new sidewalks and sidewalk amenities to emphasize the pedestrian environment of downtown. New mixed use development is encouraged through zoning changes and the formation of public and private partnerships. Working with the County RDA and HCD programs to increase the success of existing businesses would include offering a façade improvement program, low-interest loan programs, and encouraging the expansion of the business association or creative marketing cooperative. Related park improvements to strengthen the downtown’s connection to the ocean and Pardall Road are also proposed. Downtown catalyst projects: • Pardall Road streetscape improvements; • Rotaries/roundabouts at the Pardall Road/Embarcadero Del Mar and Embarcadero Del Norte intersections; • New mixed use development – commercial ground floor with second and/or third story residential; • Embarcadero Loop streetscape improvements; • Façade improvement program; and • Parking management: program implementation, surface lot management, and structures. • Outdoor dinning public right of way lease program Complete build-out of the Draft IVMP would result in up to 51,485 square feet (sf) of commercial space and 382 residential units in the downtown. The following policy, along with all policies identified in the Draft IVMP, is included in this project description and analyized in this document. In the downtown Mixed Use Zone District and in the interior of the Embarcadero Loop, The 100-foot Anisq’Oyo Park wetland buffer zone may be adjusted for development on existing developmed lots when all of the following criteria are met: Isla Vista Master Plan Final EIR 2-9 2.0 Project Description • • • 2.3.4 The new structure does not encroach further into the buffer zone than an existing legal or legal nonconforming structure that it is replacing. The new structure is designed to minimize wetland impacts to the maximum extent feasible. If proposed development nonetheless significantly impacts the wetland or buffer area, mitigation measures to enhance the wetland or buffer shall be required. Estero Neighborhood This neighborhood in the western part of the Plan Area includes Estero Park, the Isla Vista Teen Center, and the Isla Vista Youth Projects (IVYP) daycare center. Proposed plans for this neighborhood include improving the park while constructing a community center that serves as a long-term home to IVYP, the Teen Center, and an elder care facility. The facility will also offer a home for inter-generational daycare services, neighborhood-scale commercial amenities within the community center, and multi-use rooms available for a variety of community events. Basketball courts, children’s play equipment, and picnic facilities would also be improved at Estero Park. Partnerships to establish nearby playfields and affordable housing in addition to exploring the feasibility of a skate board park at Estero Park are also proposed. Estero neighborhood catalyst projects: • Community center; • Housing on former IVYP site; • Soccer field; • Skate board park; • Community gardens expansion; and • Recreational amenities expansion. 2.3.5 Housing New Housing Catalyst Sites The Draft IVMP proposes to develop new housing to enhance new housing design and affordability and provide programs to improve the quality of existing housing. Potential affordable housing sites are identified in the Draft IVMP consistent with the County Housing Element. These potential sites are intended to encourage the production of a variety of housing types for residents of all income levels and for-sale units by focusing on community in-fill sites and mixed use downtown development and increasing densities on appropriate sites. The Housing Catalyst Sites are described in more detail in Section 2.3.8 and environmental impacts that are specific to them are set forth in Section 4.1.1. For a map of affordable housing sites in the project area see figure 2.3-5. These sites are: • El Colegio Road and Embarcadero Del Mar - APN 075-034-012 • El Colegio Road and Camino Pescadero Road - APN 075-020-035 Isla Vista Master Plan Final EIR 2-10 2.0 Project Description • Camino Pescadero Road and Cervantes Road - APN 075-032-008 • El Colegio Road and Stadium Road - APN 075-041-012 • Inner-block lot at Picasso and Camino Pescadero Roads (potential public parking) - APN 075-020-007 • Partnership to create affordable housing project and playfields at Camino Del Sur Road and Sueno Road (former IVYP site) - APN 075-101-022 • Pardall Gardens – Mixed use, affordable housing - APN 075-121-008 • Cervantes Road and Embarcadero Del Norte - APN 075-042-001 • Segovia and Embarcadero Del Mar - APN 075-064-001 • Union 76 vacant lot - APN 075-111-014 (C-2) and 075-111-006 (SRH) Land Use / Zoning Changes. The Draft IVMP includes specific changes to zoning and land use that would impact private residential development potential in Isla Vista. Generally, development potential on most property will increase as a result of the proposed changes in land use and zoning. Included in the proposal is the establishment of two new zoning districts to accommodate the new form-based regulating code and associated land uses: Mixed Use Downtown and Isla Vista Residential. A “form-based” regulating code that clearly describes the shape and form of new development, as well as housing types, described in Table 2.3-1(a) is proposed to replace the existing zoning ordinance. New “density unit equivalents” are proposed to eliminate existing incentives that encourage builders to develop fewer large-units, rather than more smaller-units on a site. Under existing zoning regulations, density is calculated in “dwelling units per gross acre,” regardless of the size or character of the “dwelling unit.” In other words, 20 one-bedroom units are equivalent to 20 three-bedroom units. Table 2.3-1 Differences between Conventional Zoning and Form-Based Zoning Unit Size Density Equivalent Studio 0.50 One bedroom 0.66 Two bedroom 1.0 Three or more bedroom 1.5 Four or more bedroom 2.0 Five or more bedroom 2.5 Table 2.3-1(a) Differences between Conventional Zoning and Form-Based Zoning Rule Structure Distance from Street Conventional Zoning Setback Line establishes minimum structure distance from the street. Effect: Building can be setback far from the street. Isla Vista Master Plan Final EIR Form-Based Build To Line determines how close to the street structure must be built. Effect: Uniform street-front created by buildings, more enclosed public space - 2-11 2.0 Project Description Parking Location Building Form Outside Front, Side and Rear Setback Areas Effect: Parking location largely undefined. Not Specified Effect: Creates potentially incompatible building designs pedestrian friendly effect. Located Behind Structures Effect: Minimizes visual impacts. Specified: Shop front, courtyard, linear courtyard, and large home styles. Effect: Increased building articulation. Certainty for developers during permit process New Residential Build-out. The land use/zoning designation changes proposed in the Draft IVMP could increase potential residential build-out from approximately 646 new units under current zoning to a maximum of 1,447 new units. This development could potentially result in a population increase of 4,355 people.1 This number is slightly higher than the numbers shown in the Draft IVMP on page 4-55, which shows a proposed build-out of 1,297 units. The increase in the build-out number is primarily due to the IV PAC/GPAC recommendation to increase the densities on the affordable housing sites as documented in the Board Initiation Staff Report, dated July 2005. This build-out number will fulfill part of the new housing allocation assigned to South Coast Housing Market Area (HMA) currently being finalized by the County Housing Element update. For purposes of the EIR, maximum potential build-out will be analyzed and build-out of private and public improvements is expected to occur over a 25-year period. Build-out was determined by analyzing the number of new units that could be built on vacant land and the maximum number of new units that could be added to existing development on under-developed properties, based on the new land use densities. Table 2.3-2 Build Out Under Current and Proposed Zoning Scenario Build-out under current zoning Build-out under proposed zoning Maximum Physical Capacity 646 1,447 Maximum build-out figures for both current and proposed zoning identify more units than will likely be built, considering lot sizes and shapes and current building patterns. Taking existing development patterns and site constraints into consideration, the probable build-out would likely be 695 units. A large portion of the new units would be developed in the downtown commercial area, currently zoned Retail Commercial (C-2), which would be re-zoned Mixed Use. A majority of the community, currently zoned Student Residential Medium and Student Residential High (SRM-18 and SRH-20), would be rezoned to Isla Vista Residential with densities ranging from 25 – 30 units per acre. No zoning changes are proposed for the Single Family Residential (10-R- 1 Assumes average household size of 3.01 persons/unit (2000 Census – Isla Vista CDP). Isla Vista Master Plan Final EIR 2-12 2.0 Project Description 1) Zone District in the southwest corner of Isla Vista or the Student Residential – Medium Density (SR-M-8) Zone District on the coastal bluff top, south of Del Playa Road. Individual development projects in Isla Vista will continue to be subject to the inclusionary housing policies set forth in CLUP 5-10 and to all applicable provisions of the Housing Element and Housing Element Implementation Guideline. Although the IVMP contemplates possible future changes to the inclusionary housing policy in Isla Vista, those changes are not part of the proposed project. 2.3.6 Isla Vista/ UCSB Interface The Draft IVMP proposes to improve the orientation of future development in the vicinity of the IV/UCSB interface, recommends enhancement of the adjacent on-campus street landscape and hardscape, and establish circulation connections between the University and Isla Vista along El Colegio Road, Pardall and Ocean Roads. While the County and the Redevelopment Agency have no regulatory land use authority over UCSB-owned property, the Draft IVMP identifies the community’s vision for this area, which will help facilitate UCSB’s on-campus planning process and assist the County as it comments on future University projects. Specific projects recommended in the Draft IVMP include improvements to the Pardall Road bike/pedestrian tunnel, enhancements to Ocean Road, and development of faculty and staff housing on Ocean Road. As a joint sponsor of this planning effort, UCSB has conceptually supported the goals and projects identified in the Draft IVMP. Isla Vista / UCSB Interface catalyst projects: • Extension of bicycle, pedestrian, and public transit networks into UCSB; • Modified bike and pedestrian tunnel at Pardall Road and Ocean Road intersection; • Ocean Road faculty and staff housing; and • Community parking lot partnership. 2.3.7 Implementation Implementation of the IVMP will occur through direct action by the RDA, HCD, County Parks Dept., Public Works, and Planning and Development through coordination with IVRPD and UCSB on joint projects, and with the formation of public-private partnerships. Concurrent with IVMP adoption, the County will update the Comprehensive Plan, adopt the new form-based regulating code, and update the implementation plan for the RDA. Based on funding projections, the RDA will implement IVMP projects and programs until 2030; the year the Agency’s ability to engage in projects expires. Comprehensive Plan, Goleta Community Plan, and CLUP, Housing Element, Coastal Zoning Ordinance Updates A number of amendments and updates to the countywide Comprehensive Plan are identified in the proposed project. Those changes include: Isla Vista Master Plan Final EIR 2-13 2.0 Project Description • Two new zoning districts and land use designations to accommodate the new form-based regulating code and associated land uses: Mixed Use, Isla Vista Residential. • Update the County’s Circulation Element: o Identify new capacity standards and roadway designations for the streets with roundabouts; and o Amend acceptable LOS for streets in the project area. • Update the Comprehensive Plan PRT Map: o Officially designate existing recreational trails in the area; and o Identify potential new trials that increase connectivity between trail segments and new trails to facilitate beach access. • Update the CLUP to add a new policy 2-24 which states that development within the Isla Vista Master Plan Planning Area shall comply with the policies and standards identified in the Isla Vista Master Plan, and attached as an appendix to the LCP. Through a separate process, the County adopted an updated Housing Element in March 2003. The Housing Element included actions committing the county to consider implementing policies and programs intended to encourage the production of a variety of housing types for residents of all income levels as part of a Housing Element Action Phase which is currently ongoing. Proposed Housing Element policies and programs that are currently being studied focus on in-fill and mixed use development with increased densities as well as preservation of the existing housing stock. RDA staff and County planners worked together to ensure consistency between housing policies proposed in the Draft IVMP and the proposed Housing Element Action Phase policies. Redevelopment Plan Amendment The proposed project includes an amendment to the 1990 Redevelopment Plan for Isla Vista. If approved, the amendment results in changes to Sections 400, 501, 503 and 512 of the Redevelopment Plan. The purpose of the amendment is to: • Further clarify that the Agency can not use eminent domain to acquire land; • Allow the Agency the flexibility to acquire land from willing sellers for commercial, housing and mixed use projects; and • Permit the Agency the ability to assist in development or redevelopment projects for purposes and uses consistent with the objectives of the Plan. The California Community Redevelopment Law (CRL) states that the Project Area Committee (PAC) may, if it chooses, prepare a report and recommendations on the Plan (or amendment) for Isla Vista Master Plan Final EIR 2-14 2.0 Project Description submission to the Board of Supervisors. On November 30, 2005 the PAC reviewed the proposed amendment and prepared a report recommending the approval of the amendment. Changes to the Redevelopment Plan are set forth below. In addition, the entire Redevelopment Plan is included in the technical appendix. SECTION IV. (400) REDEVELOPMENT PLAN GOALS Implementation of this Plan is intended to achieve the following goals: “…To develop a balanced, robust and economically viable commercial core, complete with a variety of uses, services and public open spaces that allow people to gather and socialize in the center of the community.” SECTION V. (500) REDEVELOPMENT ACTIONS A. (501) General “…7. Assistance in the development or redevelopment of land and buildings by private enterprise or public agencies for commercial, residential, office and other purposes and uses consistent with the objectives of this Plan.” B. (502) Property Acquisition 1. (503) Acquisition of Real Property “The Agency may acquire real property by any means authorized by law, including by gift, grant, exchange, purchase, cooperative negotiations, lease or any other means authorized by law including excluding eminent domain. The Agency will acquire property only for open space, recreation or parking. The Agency shall not acquire real property on which an existing building is to be continued on its present site and in its present form and use without the consent of the owner, unless (1) such building requires structural alteration, improvement, modernization, or rehabilitation; or (2) the site or lot on which the building is situated requires modification in size, shape, or use; or (3) it is necessary to impose upon such property any tof the standard restrictions and controls of the Plan and the owner fails or refuses to participate in the Plan by executing a participation agreement. Except as otherwise provided herein, or otherwise provided by law, no eminent domain proceeding to acquire property within the Project Area shall be commenced after ten (10) years following the date of adoption of the ordinance approving and adopting this Plan. Such time limitation may be extended only by amendment of this Plan.” “2. (512) Preparation of Sites Isla Vista Master Plan Final EIR 2-15 2.0 Project Description The Agency may develop as a park, open space, or parking site any real property owned or acquired by it in accordance with the goals and actions of this Plan. In connection with such development it may cause, provide, undertake or make provisions with other agencies for the installation, or construction of parking facilities, streets, utilities, parks, open space, playgrounds and other public improvements necessary for carrying out the Plan in the Project Area.” This amendment, along with CRL required reports, will be submitted to the BOS and RDA Board for consideration, either as part of the IVMP adoption package or a separate approval process. Project Phasing The IV PAC/GPAC has identified initial high-priority projects to begin implementation of the IVMP goals and policies. Due to State budget uncertainty, project prioritization at this stage in the process is preliminary. Further refinement of the financial assumptions and additional public review will be provided during Draft IVMP adoption hearings. Projects are prioritized in four phases. Factors used to determine where projects should be placed within the matrix hierarchy included: • Relative positive impact the project will have on the community • Cost of project • Increased tax increment of the project • Ease of implementation • Project’s relationship to other priority projects • Urgency of project The proposed implementation matrix reflects changes recommended by the IV PAC/GPAC for project phasing. Generally, transportation improvements, downtown improvement projects, and the community center were identified as first-phase projects. Early implementation projects should serve to increase the property tax base in the community, thereby creating additional funding for projects in later phases. All expenditures of redevelopment tax increment funds must also meet the requirements of California Redevelopment Law. Health and Safety Code Section 33445 prohibits tax increment expenditures on public improvements unless the expenditure will assist in the elimination of blight, will benefit the project area or the immediate neighborhood, and that no other reasonable means of financing the improvement are available. Redevelopment funds also can not be used for normal maintenance and operation costs. Table 2.3-3 provides an overview of project and program implementation phasing as recommended by the IV PAC/GPAC: Isla Vista Master Plan Final EIR 2-16 2.0 Project Description Table 2.3-3: Project/Program Implementation Map 1 2 3 4 5 * * * Catalyst Projects Pre-adoption Phase Downtown parking meters New downtown on-street parking spaces Downtown street trees Test traffic calming project (excludes speed bumps and parking loss is minimized) Sabado Tarde transit gate Establish Parking and Transportation Administrative Entity Residential parking permit Daily parking permits Responsible Entity RDA/Pw/ Parking Entity Program/ Project Cost Project Funding Source Self Financing Project RDA, PW Project RDA, PW Project RDA, PW, MTD RDA/PW/ Parking Entity Project Program PW <$20K RDA PW < $10K RDA Funded Staff Time UCSB / PW Program Program Phase I: 0 - 5 Years after adoption Highest Priority Phase I Projects 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 * * * * * * Pardall Streetscape improvements and rotaries at the Embarcadero Del Mar and Del Norte/Pardall Road intersections Redevelopment of Pardall properties to mixed use buildings Improve northern side of AO park including connection to Pardall Road and businesses Relocate amphitheater Enhance and realign wetland Complete sidewalks on Sabado Tarde, Abrego, Camino Pescadero, Picasso, and Embarcadero Del Mar. Also on Pardall, Madrid, Seville and Trigo between Camino Pescadero and Embarcadero Del Mar Isla Vista Community Center Building Change Zoning Ordinance to require CUP for alcohol-related projects Create In-lieu parking fee for specific downtown parcels MTD service improvements Downtown Low-interest Loans for Developers RDA, Public Works, HCD Project $1,200,000 RDA Property Owners Project Varies Property Owner RDA, IVRPD Project $500,000 RDA/IVRPD _____ PW/RDA Ongoing facilitated communication between UCSB and Downtown Businesses Residential Façade Improvement Program Isla Vista Master Plan Final EIR RDA, IVRPD Project RDA Program Staff Time IVRPD/Outside/ $2.5Mil RDA RDA RDA, P&D Project/Prog Staff Time RDA RDA, MTD RDA/HCD Project/Prog Program Varies Varies RDA, UCSB, Business and Property Owners RDA/HCD Program Staff Time MTD/Others? RDA will get money back from loan as TI RDA Program Varies RDA 2-17 2.0 Project Description Map Catalyst Projects Responsible Entity Program/ Project Cost Funding Source Additional Phase I Projects 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 * * 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 * * * * Reconfigure existing privately owned parking lots Acquire land for new public parking lot RDA Project $75,000 RDA RDA Project $900,000 Similar landscape, street furniture, and building design on western UCSB Main Campus Implement traffic calming on Sabado Tarde, Abrego, Camino Pescadaro Isla Vista Skate Park Playing Fields on former Isla Vista Youth Projects site (with housing) Sueno Orchard connection and improvements, community garden Car-sharing UCSB Project RDA/ In Lieu fees/other parking revenues/user fees UCSB $80,000 PW/RDA PW, RDA Grants Car-sharing non-profit RDA, PW Program $300,000 Initial RDA or grant subsidy PW/RDA $150,000 RDA/Property Owner UCSB $2,500,000 RDA/Grants UCSB Street trees Phase II: 6 - 10 Years after adoption Pardall Paseo Property Owners/RDA Ocean Road Faculty and Staff UCSB Housing with pedestrian oriented access facing Ocean Road AO Park acquisitions RDA/IVRPD Pardall Road bike and pedestrian UCSB tunnel Implement traffic calming on Camino Corto and Camino Del Sur Implement El Embarcadero improvements Complete sidewalks on Del Playa, Sueno, Camion Corto, Camino Del Sur, El Greco, Segovia, Cordoba, Cervantes Parking structure (225 spaces RDA $20,000 per space) Project Street Trees RDA, PW Phase III: 11 - 20 Years after adoption Complete RDA/PW remaining sidewalks Street trees RDA, PW Project RDA/in lieu fees/parking revenues/user fees PW/RDA Project PW/RDA Project Project Project Project $550,000 Project 4500000 Programs/Projects not shown on map, but listed * The schedule in Table 2.3-3 provides and estimated timeframe for catalyst projects by numerous agencies and does not provide a definitive schedule. This timeframe for project implementation Isla Vista Master Plan Final EIR 2-18 2.0 Project Description was the best prediction based on consultation with the various responsible entities, such as UCSB, IVRPD, MTD, and other County departments Figure 2.3-1 See Table 2.3-3 Project/Program Implementation for the list of projects corresponding to this map. Isla Vista Master Plan Final EIR 2-19 2.0 Project Description Figure 2.3-2 See Table 2.3-3 Project/Program Implementation for the list of projects corresponding to this map. Isla Vista Master Plan Final EIR 2-20 2.0 Project Description Figure 2.3-3 See Table 2.3-3 Project/Program Implementation for the list of projects corresponding to this map. 2.3.8 Catalyst Projects Several catalyst projects have been identified in the Draft IVMP as high priority, near-term projects that should be implemented to improve infrastructure deficiencies, change the character of the area and begin to encourage re-investment in other properties. To the extent that details regarding these projects are available at this time, the environmental impacts of these projects are assessed in this CEQA document (CEQA Guidelines §15180). No subsequent environmental review will be required for these catalyst projects unless a subsequent or supplemental EIR would be required under CEQA §21166 or CEQA Guidelines §15162. Isla Vista Master Plan Final EIR 2-21 2.0 Project Description Downtown Isla Vista Revitalization The downtown area generally consists of parcels that surround the Embarcadero Loop and the downtown parks, and parcels along the Pardall Road corridor starting at the UCSB main campus and ending just west of Embarcadero Del Mar. Boundaries of the downtown area are depicted in Figure 2.3-7. The downtown encompasses a total of 22 acres and includes all parcels currently zoned for commercial uses and parcels that would be rezoned from Residential to Mixed Use. Figure 2.3-4: Downtown area boundaries The overall plan for revitalizing the downtown consists of four components: 1. Parking management: program implementation, surface lot management, and structures, etc. 2. Likely new private mixed use buildings throughout the commercial district 3. Pardall Road and Embarcadero Loop streetscape improvements Business façade improvement program and low interest loans for property redevelopment These revitalization components are described in detail below. Isla Vista Master Plan Final EIR 2-22 2.0 Project Description 1. Mixed Use Developments. The Draft IVMP creates regulatory incentives to encourage the redevelopment and infill of lots in the downtown such as: o Increase in permitted residential densities; and o Elimination of regulations resulting in commercial-only development. Development will likely consist of two and three story mixed use buildings. Ground floors will consist of commercial-only uses and the second or third stories will consist of residential or commercial uses. Because the new form-based regulating code will require “build-to-lines”, building facades will be built up to the sidewalk edge. Ground level commercial development will be required to have a high degree of fenestration (windows and doorways) at ground level to facilitate interactions between the street and the new buildings. Parking lots will be located behind structures and will be screened from view. Street curb cuts should be minimized, especially along the Embarcadero Loop and Pardall Road to minimize automobile/pedestrian conflicts. Parking entrances will be located on secondary streets as feasible. Buildings along the southern side of Pardall Road between the Loop will have two frontages. One side will face Pardall Road and one will face toward Anisq’Oyo’ Park. Building height restrictions are proposed to allow 3-story developments that are less than 40 feet tall. As part of the Draft IVMP process, downtown design guidelines have been developed. These guidelines establish a ‘classic beach town’ design style for new downtown development. This style generally includes simply massed buildings, exposed roofing rafters, with porches and balconies that appear as architectural additions rather than integrated into the building itself. Downtown Build-out As proposed, total build-out of the downtown will result in approximately 382 additional residential units and 51,485 sf of new commercial space. Using existing downtown businesses as a baseline, it is anticipated that a majority of the new commercial uses will consist of restaurants and retail shops. Some office spaces are likely, but not expected to be prevalent in the downtown. Table 2.3-8 illustrates anticipated downtown area build-out. Table 2.3-4 Downtown Build-out Existing Proposed Additional Build-out TOTAL Commercial SF 186,000 sf 51,485 sf 237,485 sf Residential Units 45 382 427 Parking The Draft IVMP proposes new on-site parking requirements for downtown residential and commercial uses, as shown in Table 2.3-9. There are currently a total of 682 existing downtown Isla Vista Master Plan Final EIR 2-23 2.0 Project Description parking spaces. Approximately 130 of these spaces are located in the public right-of-way on the street. The remaining 552 spaces are located on privately owned properties. Table 2.3-5 Downtown On-Site Parking Requirements Commercial Existing Proposed Project 1 per 500 sf 1 per 500 sf Studio One Two Three Bedroom Bedroom Bedroom 1.2 per unit (1 covered + 1 visitor space per 5 units) 0.6 1.0 1.5 2.0 There is currently 186,000 sf of commercial development in downtown Isla Vista, much of which does not currently meet the existing parking requirements. Under the new parking requirements, a total of 600 additional off-street parking spaces would be required to accommodate the build-out of 51,485 sf of commercial space and 382 residential units. A total of 1,022 off-street parking spaces would be required to accommodate both the proposed new residential and commercial development as well as all the existing non-conforming developments. An in-lieu parking fee program for the downtown will be established that will allow developers to pay a fee to the County or RDA in-lieu of providing on-site parking. Funds collected by the County or RDA will be used to fund downtown parking and transit solutions, including a parking lot or structure to serve those properties that paid the in-lieu fee. As development on the south side of Pardall Road will face both the Pardall and Anisq’Oyo’ Park, there will be limited opportunities to offer parking on-site. As a result, it is expected that many of the 127 spaces required at build-out on these parcels would be located at a remote site. Therefore, applicants for redevelopment of properties along the south side of Pardall Road would pay in-lieu fees instead of providing on-site parking spaces. Parking access points to downtown businesses and residential units will be located on secondary streets where possible and be configured to minimize curb cuts. Parking will be consolidated in rear lots behind the building frontages. 2. Pardall Road and Embarcadero Loop Streetscape Improvements: These improvements are identified in the Draft IVMP to enhance the public spaces in the downtown. These improvements will help to visually establish the downtown, especially Pardall Road, as the community’s main street. Pardall Road serves as the main gateway to Isla Vista from the UCSB main campus. On a daily basis, thousands of bicyclists and pedestrians use the Pardall Road corridor as their main thoroughfare. The road extends from Ocean Road, along the western edge of the UCSB campus, terminating at Camino Pescadero Road. Streetscape improvements will be implemented throughout all three blocks of Pardall Road, with special emphasis on the segment between Embarcadero Del Mar and Embarcadero Del Norte. Improvements include: o Pedestrian paseo which will connect Anisq’Oyo’ Park to Pardall Road. The intent is to draw pedestrian activity from Pardall Road into the park, in addition to providing active Isla Vista Master Plan Final EIR 2-24 2.0 Project Description public space. The paseo provides commercial opportunities for downtown businesses and should include fountains, public art and landscaping. The paseo will have pedestrian-oriented design and lighting, directional signage and seating. o Traffic calming measures such as landscaped bump outs at key intersections and installation of rotaries at the intersections of Pardall Road and the Embarcadero Del Mar and Embarcadero Del Norte. Rotary centers may include public art, architectural features, or landscaping, in accordance with roadway line of sight requirements, to provide visual cues that designate Pardall Road as the community’s downtown. These large rotaries have been recommended to alleviate circulation conflicts caused by the large numbers of bicyclists traveling throughout the downtown. These rotaries require that automobiles and bicyclists yield to one another in the roundabout while providing a gateway into the downtown area. The rotaries at each intersection are intended to improve the safety of pedestrians, bicyclists and automobiles, to reduce intersection delays, and to enhance the visual character of the intersection. Installation of raised stone pavers or stamped concrete at crosswalks is an additional traffic calming measure that may be implemented. In addition, Pardall Road may be narrowed to allow the construction of widened sidewalks to enhance pedestrian travel. Closing the road to automobile traffic for special events could be facilitated by the placement of temporary bollards at the intersections. o Streetscape amenities are proposed in the Draft IVMP to enhance public spaces. Improvements consist of new landscaping and the installation of street trees, including native and non-native vegetation which are designed to provide shade and enhance the downtown’s look and appearance. The Draft IVMP includes a recommended street tree list for the downtown. The selected street tree for areas within the Embarcadero Loop is the Chinese Flame tree. Outside of the Loop, the Pistacia tree will be planted along Pardall Road. Each tree species has vibrantly colored flowers which bloom during the summer and early fall. Additional landscaping will be planted in the public right-of-way and at the time individual properties redevelop. Downtown streetscape improvements will also include the installation of a variety of streetscape amenities including benches, bus shelters, litter receptacles, plant containers, tree grates and guards, pedestrian oriented lighting fixtures, bicycle racks, bollards, kiosks and fountains. The purpose of these improvements is to create a visually cohesive downtown that encourages pedestrian usage. 3. Façade improvement program. The Draft IVMP includes policies that direct County HCD and RDA to implement incentive programs for private parties to construct façade improvements in the downtown. These incentives could take the form of low-cost loans to business and property owners. Façade improvement programs often take the form of reduced rate or zero interest loans for projects that enhance the views of a building from public spaces. Such programs have been effective in other redevelopment project areas, such as Paso Robles. 4. Parking management. The Draft IVMP proposes that the RDA work with private property owners to consolidate downtown private parking lots to create additional parking spaces. To Isla Vista Master Plan Final EIR 2-25 2.0 Project Description implement these changes the RDA could facilitate the connection of existing lots to allow more efficient parking layouts. Phasing Downtown revitalization is scheduled to occur over a period of 10-15 years. Built into the Draft IVMP are a series of prioritized improvements. First priority projects include intersection improvements to Pardall and the Embarcadero Loop, streetscape improvements along Pardall Road, the parking management program and improvements to Anisq’Oyo’ Park. Additional improvements to the downtown parks will follow, in addition to a building façade improvement program. It is anticipated that private redevelopment of individual building sites will be redeveloped at different rates. Downtown Park Improvements Anisq’Oyo’ Park, Perfect Park and People’s Park form a large urban park providing both active and passive recreational opportunities in downtown Isla Vista. Collectively these parks total almost 5 acres, which is almost one-quarter of the proposed downtown area acreage. Anisq’Oyo’ Park includes a playground, a man-made pond, and a small outdoor amphitheater on a man-made mound which serves as the location of many community events. While the pond is designated as an environmentally sensitive habitat area (ESHA), it requires extensive maintenance and an artificial water source, especially during summer months. Although Anisq’Oyo’ Park is located at the center of the downtown, it does not currently serve as the community’s focal point due to poor physical and visual connectivity to the downtown retail businesses surrounding the park. Perfect Park is connected to Anisq’Oyo’ Park and is located at the southern end of the Embarcadero Loop. Maintained trails wind through the south portion of the park, which features native vegetation. People’s Park provides a large lawn area directly northeast of Perfect Park. Several buildings, which include St. Athanasius Orthodox Church, a commercial building, the Isla Vista Medical Center, and UCSB-owned Embarcadero Hall, are located within the area of the park loop. The Draft IVMP proposes a series of specific improvements that will occur over a period of 1015 years as described below. The purpose of these improvements is to refocus the community’s attention on this downtown asset so the area serves as a focal point, adding to the overall revitalization of the downtown. Project Components. As part of the downtown revitalization project, a pedestrian paseo will be created in coordination with new mixed use retail development along Pardall Road. This effort will help connect the downtown to the park. To connect the paseo to usable areas of the Park, the amphitheater will be relocated to the southern portion of the park. Relocating the amphitheater away from Pardall Road corridor will allow for a connection between the Park and Pardall Road to be created and reduce large event noise impacts experienced by adjacent businesses in this area. Isla Vista Master Plan Final EIR 2-26 2.0 Project Description With the relocation of the amphitheater and the creation of the pedestrian paseo, uses throughout the Park will need to be reconfigured. This includes relocating the children’s play equipment and some of the other active recreation facilities located in the park. As part of the reconfiguration of the park, the interface between the park and the streetscape is proposed to change. The berms located at the western edge of Anisq’Oyo’ Park are proposed to be removed to improve physical and visual access into the Park. In addition, native and nonnative landscaping throughout the park, but particularly along the Embarcadero Loop, is proposed to be removed to further enhance visual access into the Park. The man-made pond, which was constructed in 1974, collects street runoff from the adjacent area. IVRPD adds water to the pond in the summer and fall to maintain water levels. A fence surrounds the pond and two foot bridges cross the pond. Physical changes and re-alignment to the urban pond are proposed. Potential restoration efforts include: (1) periodic removal of nonnative vegetation; (2) re-vegetation with native wetland species; (3) reduction of fertilizer input to pond; (4) improved filtration system of urban run-off prior to it entering the pond; and (5) reconfigure the pond to require less water in the summer and fall and accommodate additional transitional upland/wetland habitat. Over the long term, the private property located on the interior of the loop could be acquired and the businesses located on those properties could be relocated to sites on the exterior of the Embarcadero Loop. These would facilitate the creation of a contiguous downtown park. This project may be implemented in phases with initial construction activity expected to begin two to three years after IVMP adoption, with IRVPD sponsoring the project. Affordable Housing Sites A lack of housing, most notably affordable housing, is one of the most significant issues facing the Isla Vista community. Despite Isla Vista’s large proportion of multi-family housing, the demand for new housing remains high. There is also a strong desire to protect the community’s unique character. The Draft IVMP proposes to add housing to the downtown, incrementally add housing units in the surrounding underutilized residential neighborhoods, and provide incentives for property owners to improve existing properties. Specific to this process is the identification of affordable housing sites. The Draft IVMP proposes to classify a total of 10 properties as affordable housing sites (Figure 2.3-5). Sites were selected based on the absence of significant biological and physical constraints and proximity to community services such as public transportation, schools, and commercial amenities. These proposed affordable housing sites will be rezoned for Design Residential, 35 units per acre. Design Residential is intended to ensure comprehensively planned and well-designed single family and multiple residential developments. Isla Vista Master Plan Final EIR 2-27 2.0 Project Description Figure 2.3-5: Affordable Housing Sites All of the properties identified for affordable housing are presently zoned Student Residential High Density except for one parcel that is zoned Student Residential Medium Density. Proposed land use designations include 35 units per acre for all sites, except for sites 7 and 10. These two sites are located in the proposed downtown mixed use area. The proposed land use designation for these sites is 40 units per acre. Information about each property is listed in Table 2.3-6. Collectively, these 10 sites total 6.34 acres. Assuming the sites are built out at the proposed densities, they could generate approximately 241 new residential units. The percentage of affordable units associated with each potential project has not yet been determined. If these sites are proposed as affordable housing projects, and meet the State mandated affordability targets, they are eligible for a density bonus. Table 2.3-6 provides a brief analysis of the number of units the sites could provide. Isla Vista Master Plan Final EIR 2-28 2.0 Project Description Table 2.3-6 Proposed Affordable Housing Sites Site 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Informal Name Address APN El Colegio and Embarcadero del Mar SE corner of El Colegio Road and Embarcadero del Mar Friendship Manor vacant lot SW corner of El Colegio Road and Camino Pescadero Bus Storage lot SE corner of Camino Pescadero 075-032-008 and Cervantes Road El Colegio and Ocean Road SW corner of El Colegio Road and Stadium Road Pardall Gardens Cervantes lot 10 Union 76 Site 35 units/acre 9 1.2 35 units/acre 42 0.33* 35 units/acre 8 1.2 35 units/acre 36 0.82 35 units/acre 28 2.0 35 units/acre 70 0.18 40 units/acre 7 1.4 35 units/acre 12 0.49 35 units/acre 13 0.33 40 units/acre 16 075-041-012 075-101-022 IVRPD owned park, on N side of Pardall Road (6500 block) 075-121-008 S side of 6500 Cervantes Road eastern end 075-042-001 NW corner of Pardall Rd and Embarcadero del Mar 0.33 075-020-035 NE corner of Camino del Sur and Sueno Road, across from Estero Park and proposed Community Center Gerrity property on SE corner of Segovia and Segovia Embarcadero del Mar Zoning 075-064-001 075-111-014 (C-2) 075-111-006 (SRH) Total Potential Build-out 075-034-012 Inner-block Picasso Inner-block at Picasso Road and 075-020-007 lot Camino Pescadero Korean Methodist Church Acres 6.34 acres 241 units * Bus Storage Lot Affordable Housing Site is approximately 1/3 of a one-acre parcel. Park History Prior to 1972, Perfect Park was the only developed park in Isla Vista (Ziegler-McPherson 1998). In June 1970, Perfect Park was associated with the social protests referenced in the comment. Since Anisq’oyo' Park was bought and developed after the events of the early 70s it does not have any significance in relation to those events or to any other significant historical events that we are aware of. In the early 1970’s, Perfect Park was generally an undeveloped open space that allowed large groups of people to congregate. Since that time Perfect Park has been graded to create rolling topography, landscaped with dense vegetation in places, and park improvements have been installed, including an approximately 50-space parking lot. Therefore, the historical context of Perfect Park has been compromised since the 1970s when demonstrations occurred. The proposed project for Perfect Park includes relocation of a public amphitheatre to this site. Isla Vista Master Plan Final EIR 2-29 2.0 Project Description The amphitheatre would be used for community assembly and events, recreating the site’s original association with the social protest demonstrations held in the 1970s. The existing Perfect Park Peace Monument would be relocated and integrated into the new amphitheater. Therefore the proposed improvements to Perfect Park will not result in an adverse effect to historic or cultural resources. Isla Vista Community Center The IVRPD is proposing to construct a new community center at the east end of Estero Park. The park is comprised of eight parcels owned by the IVRPD and is located at the eastern end of Estero Road between Camino Corto and Camino Del Sur Roads. Seven of the parcels are zoned Recreation (REC) and one parcel is zoned Professional/Institutional (PI). Surrounding land uses are multi- and single-family residential and recreation. Present park amenities include the Isla Vista Teen Center, 2.5 basketball courts, a playfield, a children’s play area, picnic tables and benches, a 9-hole Frisbee golf course, community gardens and oak woodland area. The eastern half of Estero Road is closed to thru traffic and is used for the basketball courts and parking. Currently, over 120 people use the park on a daily basis. Existing buildings in the park include the Isla Vista Teen Center, the Red Barn, which is used for park maintenance equipment storage, a greenhouse, and public restrooms. Figure 2.3-12 shows the existing layout of the park and surrounding uses. Figure 2.3-6 Estero Park Layout The proposed project includes the construction of 42,550 sf of building space, a soccer field, three basketball courts (2 full courts and 2 half courts), a skateboard park, accessory structures to Isla Vista Master Plan Final EIR 2-30 2.0 Project Description facilitate the passive recreational use of the property, and a complete re-landscaping of the property, e.g., picnic tables, interpretive signs, and drinking fountains. The project also includes the alteration of the existing bio-swale and construction of a new bio-swale to drain and treat storm water runoff. The Red Barn and greenhouse will be relocated to Sueno Orchard, which is located on the south side of Sueno Road just east of Camino Del Sur Road; the 9-hole Frisbee golf course would be removed. The community garden will also be relocated to Sueno Orchard. Figure 2.3-13 depicts the site plan for the proposed project and includes information for Sueno Orchard. Two new buildings will be constructed as part of the development. The Community Center will be a one-story building with a footprint of approximately 5,919 sf and a maximum building height of 35 feet. The Community Center will provide a venue for alternative social activities, such as group meetings, classes, conventions, social gatherings, and other traditional community center purposes. The Community Center will be open to the public from 6:00 AM to 12:00 AM on weekdays and from 9:00 AM to 12:00 AM on weekends. Events may occasionally be held during the daytime on weekdays. Facility capacity will be less than 100 people. The Intergenerational Center will be a two-story (35 feet tall) building with a footprint of approximately 24,838 sf. The second floor will be approximately 11,792 sf, for a total of approximately 36,630 sf of floor space. The Intergenerational Center will accommodate the Isla Vista Youth Projects Isla Vista Teen Center, ONEgeneration, and two rooms for general community use and rentals. The Isla Vista Youth Projects facility is currently located at 892 Camino Del Sur Road, across the street from Estero Park, but will relocate to the new community center after it is constructed. The existing facility currently serves 100 children on a daily basis and will increase daycare capacity to 120 children per day when relocation is complete. The Isla Vista Youth Project operates the Children's Center during the daytime throughout the work week and the Family Resource Center is open during the evenings. The Isla Vista Teen Center currently operates out of a portable building at Estero Park and serves an average of 35 teens per day. The Teen Center does not have plans to increase services when the new facilities are built. Programming is occasionally provided on weekends. ONEgeneration provides supervised adult day/health care and has current operations in Los Angeles, but not in the project area. They propose to serve 60 persons per day at Estero Park. ONEgeneration will operate programming from 7:00 AM to 6:00 PM on weekdays. Evening activities such as staff meetings, caregiver education workshops, and caregiver support groups, would number approximately three per month with about 20-25 people attending. No services are provided on weekends. The basketball courts and soccer field will be open to the public during daylight hours. The soccer fields will not be lit for evening sports activities. Organized local sporting activities will occur on the soccer field. Although the sports facilities will not have lights for night use, low level lighting is proposed throughout the park for safety. The proposed skateboard park will operate from 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM on weekdays and on holidays and weekends from 10:00 AM to sunset. The skate park use will require a membership and the use of safety equipment. All activities will be supervised. Isla Vista Master Plan Final EIR 2-31 2.0 Project Description Access to the community center and park will be from Camino Corto and Camino Del Sur Roads. The eastern part of Estero Road will be removed. Parking will be located along western Estero Road and two parking lots: one at the end of Estero Road (west plaza) and the other off Camino Del Sur Road (east plaza). A total of 114 parking spaces will be provided as part of the proposed project. Forty-four spaces will be provided along the western half of Estero Road, which would be restricted for community center use and residents living on Estero Road, subject to encroachment permit from County Public Works Department. Ten of the 44 spaces would be allocated to the adjacent residents on Estero Road. The west plaza parking lot will provide an additional 40 spaces for peak demand and overflow during community center events. These spaces would be used as half-court basketball courts when not in use during peak demand. The east plaza parking lot will provide 30 spaces for drop-off and short term parking. Additionally, the IVRPD intends to negotiate a reciprocal agreement with the Korean Methodist Church to allow for mutual use of parking spaces when needed. New paved sidewalks will be installed to allow for park circulation. Isla Vista Master Plan Final EIR 2-32 2.0 Project Description Figure 2.3-7 Proposed Site Plan for Isla Vista Community Center Construction of the proposed project will require demolition of the existing 3,417 sf Teen Center trailer and 150 sf restroom facilities. Approximately 10,000 cubic yards (cy) of grading (2,200 cy of cut and 7,800 cy of fill) will be needed in order to prepare the site for development and to direct runoff to bio-swales in the western and southern areas of Estero Park. The proposed project would result in the removal of 105 of the 279 trees found at Estero Park and Sueno Orchard. This includes 16 oaks, ranging from 1” to 18” in trunk diameter, 57 fruit trees in Sueno Orchard, and 32 miscellaneous non-native trees, as identified by a registered arborist. Water for the new and existing facilities at Estero Park will be supplied by the Goleta Water District and the Goleta West Sanitary District will provide sanitary services. Construction will require the relocation of a 2” gas line and 8” waterline. Sueno Bicycle Boulevard The Draft IVMP proposes implementation of a bicycle boulevard along Sueno Road. A bicycle boulevard, sometimes called a “bicycle priority street,” is a street where all types of Isla Vista Master Plan Final EIR 2-33 2.0 Project Description vehicles are allowed, but the roadway is modified as needed to enhance bicycle safety and convenience. Typically, these modifications will also calm traffic and improve pedestrian safety. The project will involve the use of special painting, signage and physical improvements such as roadway surface traffic calming at intersections and at key locations mid-block. Because this road is heavily traveled by bicyclists, the intent of these improvements is to signal the presence of bicyclists to motorists driving along the street. The Sueno Road bicycle boulevard is proposed to extend from the beginning of the 6600 block to the end of the 6700 block with the purpose of providing a major west-east bike travel corridor from Isla Vista neighborhoods to the UCSB Main Campus. Parking Lot/Structure The Draft IVMP proposes implementation and construction of at least one public parking lot in Isla Vista. Current concepts are being explored in the downtown area. At this time, the project location has not been identified, nor have all the project details been determined. Desired general location would be near the downtown to serve new mixed use development and downtown business patrons. It is anticipated that the site will be approximately ½ - 1 acre in size and will contain between 50-250 spaces. A surface parking lot would be landscaped to visually screen the lot from public viewing areas. If a parking structure is ultimately built, the structure could be three stories high, include below grade parking, and could potentially contain commercial or residential development consistent with allowed zoning on the ground level to better integrate into the existing neighborhoods. 2.3.9 Cumulative Project List Pursuant to CEQA Section 15130(1)(A), this EIR identifies those “past, present, and probable future projects” that, when considered together with the proposed project components, would considerably compound or increase the severity of existing cumulative environmental impacts. The environmental analysis discussions in Section 3.0 consider the proposed project’s contribution to existing cumulative impacts when combined with the projects listed in Table 2.3-7, cumulative projects list, and mapped on Figure 2.3-8. Isla Vista Master Plan Final EIR 2-34 2.0 Project Description Figure 2.3-8: Cumulative Project Map Isla Vista Master Plan Final EIR 2-35 2.0 Project Description Table 2.3-7 Cumulative City of Goleta, University and County Development Projects1,2 March 2004 Project Description/Location3 Jurisdiction Status 16,885 sf mixed use building City Pending City Pending 900 sf addition to an existing fast food restaurant City Pending City Pending City Pending City Pending City Pending City of Goleta Projects 01 Fairview Commercial Center 01-SB-DP; CUP (10,115 sf retail space, 5,460 sf office space) 2 one-bedroom development units (1,310 sf) 151 S. Fairview APN 073-080-019 02 Dwight Gregory 02-057-LUP 2,346 sf commercial addition 879 S. Kellogg APN 071-170-063 03 Price Restaurant 02-075-CUP APN 073-100-008 04 Zodo’s Enclosure 1,100 sf patio enclosure 02-076-MNM 5925 Calle Real APN 069-110-051 05 Bermant: Technology Drive Industrial (KS 7A) 02-081-PD et al TM of 8 lots; 68,000 sf among 8 commercial/industrial buildings and 92,070 sf outside storage area or 265,695 sf outside storage area West side of Technology Drive APN 071-170-079, 071-170-080 06 Stokes Industrial Building 02-084-PD 5,000 sf industrial building East side of Technology Drive APN 071-170-085 07 University Properties TPM of 4 parcels and 25-SB-PM; 26-SB-PD 5,427 sf industrial building SEC Technology and Isla Vista Master Plan Final EIR 2-36 2.0 Project Description Project APN 071-170-085 08 Porter Plaza 42-SB-PD Description/Location3 Thornwood Jurisdiction Status 5200 sf new commercial building City Pending City Pending City Pending TPM for 2 parcels 12,040 sf (net new) professional institutional 5383 Hollister 5385 Hollister City Pending New 2,232 sf office building City Pending City Pending City Pending City Pending City Pending 5955 Calle Real APN 069-110-018 09 Cox Communications Parking Lot Only 03-016-MNM 750 Technology Drive APN 071-170-084 10 Islamic Society of Santa Barbara 03-051-PD; CUP 7,185 sf building for Islamic Center and attached apartment (1 DU) NEC Los Carneros and Calle Real APN 077-160-035 11 Pacific Technology Center/GRC Lot split 03-062-PM; PD et al APN 071-130-047 12 Winnikoff APN 073-100-032 13 Info Genesis 260 Storke Road Parking Lot Only 03-073-MJM 6860 Cortona APN 073-140-015 14 Hawkes Commercial Building 20-SB-PD 3,067 sf commercial building 7433 Hollister APN 079-554-042 15 Happy Harry’s Produce APN 077-155-003 16 BDC/Joslyn 2,984 sf neighborhood produce market 7020 Calle Real TPM of 3 parcels 171,526 sf commercial industrial buildings and a chiller 6830 Cortona Drive APN 073-140-016 Isla Vista Master Plan Final EIR 2-37 2.0 Project Description 17 Project Description/Location3 Jurisdiction Status Los Carneros Pointe 31,051 sf commercial development including a day-care facility, restaurant, shops, and office City Pending City Pending City Pending 2,700 sf commercial building addition 5669 Calle Real City Pending City Pending City Pending City Pending City Pending City Pending Los Carneros Road/ Los Carneros Way APN 073-330-030 and others 18 Schipper TPM TPM of 3 parcels (Albertson’s) (48-SB-TM) (property already fully developed) 5801 Calle Real APN 069-110-096 19 McClean’s Auto Body APN 071-152-019 20 Town and Country 24-SB-PD APN 069-160-055 21 Schwann Brothers TPM Lot split. 27-SB-PM 67 Depot Development Plan for 1963 sf auto body shop 5989 Daley APN 071-041-032 22 Nuovo Edificio 28-SB-PD 3,385 sf industrial building 747 S. Kellogg APN 071-170-068 23 Old Town Inn and Village TPM for 2 lots and 1-lot TM for condominiums 58,189 sf 104-room hotel 57,688 sf for 38 condominiums and garages 1,140 sf retail/commercial space 5665 Hollister Avenue APN 071-130-047 24 Meyer-Thrifty APN 071-182-007 25 Gordan mixed use < 2000 sf car rental agency office (retail) 5971 Placencia 49-SB-CUP/LUP Mixed use: 3,400 sf total including commercial use and 2 units (apartments) 345 Pine Avenue Isla Vista Master Plan Final EIR 2-38 2.0 Project Description Project Description/Location3 Jurisdiction Status City Pending City Pending City Pending City Pending City Pending City Pending City Pending City Pending City Pending DP APN 071-115-007 26 Page Hotel 247-Room hotel 35-SB-PD et al 11,000 sf Spa and 6,000 sf Restaurant No assigned address; W. side of Kellogg at Ekwill alignment APN 071-130-023 27 Hendry Telephone 36-SB-MJM 2,800 sf storage space (built, zoning violation) 6767 Hollister APN 073-450-005 28 Cabrillo Business Park 37-SB-PD et al Business Park with new structures totaling 704,600 sf (R&D, self storage, onsite service related uses) 6767 Hollister Avenue APN 073-450-005 29 Costco Gas Station 40-SB-PD 10,800 sf 4-island gas station 7095 Marketplace Dr. APN 073-330-024, 073-330-027 30 Ellwood – Devereux Joint Proposal City park and open space area including 75-space parking lot, restrooms 7800 block of Hollister Ave. APN 079-210-067, 079-210-024, and others 31 Comstock Homes 78 single-family unit subdivision, 2,934 to 4,500 SF each 7800 block of Hollister Ave. APN 079-210-067 32 Villages at Los Carneros 264 condos S. Los Carneros Cortona/Castilian APN 073-330-024, 073-330-027 33 Taylor Parcel Map 3 new parcels 590 N. Kellogg APN 069-100-003 34 Hollipat Apartments 35 units (apartments) SE Hollister/ Patterson (Time Isla Vista Master Plan Final EIR 2-39 2.0 Project Description Project APN 065-090-028 35 Pekarek Duplex 03-038-LUP Description/Location3 Jurisdiction Status Ext) 2 unit duplex home 2,841 sf City Pending (and unlikely) 5790 Armitos APN 071-032-035 36 RR Ranch 1 1,400 sf ag worker dwelling (mobile home) City Pending City Pending City Pending City PreApplicati on City Inactive, but no withdraw al letter received 87 unit multi-family housing; 800-1,000 sf each 0 Cortona Drive City PreApplicati on 2 manufacturing/office buildings totaling 204,000 sf S. Los Carneros Road Cortona/Castilian City Approve d (on hold during processin g of Villages at Los Carneros project) 7400 Cathedral Oaks APN 077-530-019 37 Schwann DP 03-116-DP 115 linear ft retaining wall; “as-built” permit for existing structures 20 S. Kellogg APN 38 071-090-022 Certified Farmer’s Market Farmer’s Market 03-123-CUP 7004 Marketplace APN 073-440-015 39 Hira Mixed Use Project 22,099 sf among 22 residential units 1,827 sf retail space 5718 Hollister Avenue APN 071-081-035 40 Sandpiper Golf Course Renovations (32-SB-DP, et al) Renovation and redevelopment of existing golf course: reconfiguration of course layout, demolish existing 8,924 sf clubhouse and build new 2,7651 sf clubhouse, and lot split 7925 Hollister Ave APN 079-210-059 41 Cortona Courts (03-058-PRE) APN 42 073-140-004 Campus Pointe 34-SB-PD, 38-SB-PM et al (Lots 2 and 5) Isla Vista Master Plan Final EIR 2-40 2.0 Project Description Project APN 073-330-024, 073-330-027 43 Fairview Corporate Center Description/Location3 Jurisdiction Status 65,600 sf M-RP building City Approved City Approved City Approved City Approved City Approved City Approved City Approved City Approved Non-retail commercial 420 S. Fairview Ave. APN 071-130-026 44 Yardi Mixed Use: 6 units (apartments) and 51,850 sf office/retail (44,000 SF for office and 7,850 sf for retail) 5901, 5949, 5959, and 5979 Hollister Avenue APN 45 071-111-002, 071-111-005, 071111-006, 071-111-007, 071-111008, 071-111-040, 071-111-045 Sumida Storage Building 3,720 sf warehouse 03-005-DP 5410 Hollister APN 071-330-011 46 Robinson LLArelated lots Adjust 19 lot lines in the creation of 18 total lots Potential for 6-8 additional homes to be built. Awaiting permit applications. Robinson to build a total of 13 homes on Baker, Violet and Daffodil Lanes APN 077-141-053, 077-141-070 and others 47 Artman/Schott 03-075-PD 3,882 sf office buildings and warehouse (conversion of existing GWD facilities) 6770 Cortona APN 073-150-028 48 Fairview Shopping Center 8,000 sf (office) 99-DP-055 125 N. Fairview APN 077-170-036 49 Sumida Gardens 200 units (apartments) 5501 Overpass Road APN 071-330-001 50 El Encanto Apts 16 units (apartments) 7388 Calle Real Isla Vista Master Plan Final EIR 2-41 2.0 Project Description Project APN 077-490-039 51 Ellwood Apts Description/Location3 Jurisdiction Status 8 units (apartments) City Approved City Approved City Under Construct ion City Under Construct ion City Partially Occupied City Partially Occupied 360 Ellwood Beach Dr. APN 079-551-011 52 Quixote Fund 2 units (apartments) 275 Mathilda Dr. APN 079-554-009 53 Fairview Corporate Center (Bldg 2) 62,400 sf M-RP building 430 N. Fairview Ave APN 54 071-130-052 Fairview Shopping Center (99-DP-055) 16,441 sf additions to existing retail center (net new retail space) 125 N. Fairview APN 077-170-036 55 Willow Springs 235 units (apartments) East of Calle Koral/Camino Vista APN 073-060-050, 073-070-070 56 Maravilla Senior housing development: 271 units total (116 for assisted living and (155 for independent living) 5486 Calle Real APN 069-160-036 University Projects 57 58 59 Project Description/Location3 Jurisdiction Status/A pproxim ate ASF3 Davidson Library Addition Expansion to main library including study space, office, storage, etc. University Planning Stages Engineering II Addition Faculty Club Expansion Isla Vista Master Plan Final EIR th 72,000 Addition to 4 floor of existing Engineering II building; to include dry research labs and offices for faculty, graduate students, and staff. University Site located between Parking Lot 23 and the Campus Lagoon; addition may include dining room and kitchen expansion as University Planning Stages 7,700 Planning Stages 24,027 2-42 2.0 Project Description 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 Project Description/Location3 well as the addition of 50 rooms (lodging). Jurisdiction Status Public Safety Building Addition Addition to existing Public Safety Building on Mesa Road. Will house dispatch/ communications, patrol and investigations, EMT/paramedics quarters and administration. University Planning Stages Location unknown; to house research laboratories, classrooms, laboratory support, and academic and administrative offices. University Expansion of existing building to the west; to house research laboratories, classrooms, laboratory support, and academic and administrative offices for the Geological Sciences department. University Widen to four lanes between Ocean Road and Los Carneros. University Located at the site of existing Parking Lot 22. The structure would hold approximately 1,000 cars. University Extended Learning Services Building Located south of and adjacent to Campus Parking Structure 3 on Parking Lot No. 22. The project would provide office space for the Extended Learning Services program University Alumni House Site at the southeast corner of the intersection of University and Mesa Road in Parking Lot 12. University San Clemente Graduate Student Housing Site along El Colegio Road and Los Carneros Road. 976 bed spaces of graduate student housing would be provided. University Education and Social Sciences Building and Film, TV and Media Center Site is across Ocean Rd. from Rob Gym on existing Parking Lot 2021; project may include University Physics II Webb Hall Expansion Mesa Road Widening Campus Parking Structure 3 Isla Vista Master Plan Final EIR 11,520 Planning Stages 70,000 Planning Stages 10,000 Planning Stages N/A Pending/ N/A Pending/ 10,000 Pending/ 9,250 Pending/ N/A Pending/ 125,000 2-43 2.0 Project Description Project Description/Location3 60,000 ASF for the Graduate School of Education, 60,000 ASF for the College of Letters and Science, 5,000 ASF for a lecture hall. Film, TV and Media Center to include 325-seat film theater, editing room, and viewing studios. Jurisdiction Status 69 North Campus Housing 236 faculty housing units (duplex, village cluster, and courtyard housing types) adjacent to Phelps Road north of Ocean Meadows Golf Course. 151 family student housing units on a site at the intersection of Storke Road and Whittier Drive. University Pending 70 Psychology Building Addition ** Addition to existing Psych. Building on UCen Rd.; will house research laboratories, classrooms, laboratory support, and academic and administrative offices. University Approved / Site located east of Parking Lot 23 and south of the Event Center; addition to existing Snidecor Hall. University Site located in the northern portion of Parking Lot 23; to include women’s center, children’s center, dean of students, educational opportunity program, tutorial program, and international student scholar offices. University An approximately 8,100 GSF addition to the eastern end of the Materials Research Lab. The project is north of Engineering I on the Main Campus. University 71 72 73 Snidecor Hall Office Wing Replacement ** Student Resource Building Materials Research Lab Addition Isla Vista Master Plan Final EIR 12,000 (21,268 GSF) Approved / 7,000 (new ASF) Approved / 43,100 Approved / 8,100 GSF 2-44 2.0 Project Description 74 75 76 77 78 Project Description/Location3 Jurisdiction Status Residential Life Resource Center Building to be a two-story office-type building providing space for the Office of Residential Life, Student Resident Assignment Services and associated administrative space. Site is adjacent to the existing Housing and Residential Services Administrative Offices off of Channel Islands Road. University Approved / Project is under construction on Lagoon Rd. Building to house research laboratories and laboratory support (16,022 sf), academic and administrative offices (16,840 sf) and education and outreach facilities (5,156 sf). University Project is under construction on UCen Rd. Four-story building to house research laboratories, classrooms (including a 150-seat lecture hall), laboratory support, and academic and administrative offices. University Project is under construction beneath a portion of the south bleachers at Harder Stadium on the University’s Storke Campus. Project will provide surge space (basic generic office/dry teaching/research space) for the temporary relocation of occupants during other construction projects. University Project is under construction west of Robertson Gym. To provide new studentathlete training facilities, offices for coaches and administrative facilities. University Marine Sciences Research Building** Life Sciences Building** Harder Stadium Offices** Intercollegiate Athletics Building** Isla Vista Master Plan Final EIR 5,700 (9,200 GSF) Under Construct ion/ 38,000 (61,405 GSF) Under Construct ion/ 47,500 (78,600 GSF) Under Construct ion/ 10,165 (12,565 GSF) Under Construct ion/ 28,600 (40,000 GSF) 2-45 2.0 Project Description 79 80 81 82 Project Description/Location3 Jurisdiction Status Recreation and Aquatics Center Expansion** Site west of existing Recreation and Aquatics Center. Facilities include an indoor multi-activity court, climbing wall, locker rooms, weight and cardiovascular training rooms, class and meeting rooms. University Under Construct ion/ Near the East Gate entrance to Main Campus at existing parking Lot 10. The project includes an auditorium, laboratory, office, classrooms, parking structure for approx. 600 cars and a ground-level café in the parking structure. University Addition of a two-story wing at the eastern end of the courtyard of the existing Kohn Hall, near the East Gate entrance to Main Campus. Includes offices, a 50-seat seminar room and small breakout/interactive areas. University Reconstruction of the existing food service facility located west of Davidson Library. The existing 900 GSF facility would be enlarged to 3,300 ASF. University 5,400 SF In Three New Buildings In the AG-I-10 Zone District For Stone Carving Business County Pending Modular office (14,405 sf) Non-retail commercial County Pending 41,407 sf educational facility Non-retail commercial 4125 Paloma Drive County Pending CNSI Building and Campus Parking Structure 2** Kohn Hall Expansion ** Arbor Food Service ** 37,600 (56,100 GSF) Under Construct ion/ 70,000 Under Construct ion/ 5,000 Under Construct ion/ 3,300 GSF County Projects 83 Firefox Masonry 02CUP 00000 00038 Industrial 5381 Ekwill Street APN 84 071-140-071 Goleta Water/Modular Office APN 061-051-032 85 Laguna Blanca School Master Plan 03CUP 00000 00035 APN 063-141-029 Isla Vista Master Plan Final EIR 2-46 2.0 Project Description 86 Project Description/Location3 Jurisdiction Status Por La Mar/Caird Greenhouses Development plan for a total of 1,498,961 sf of new greenhouse space, coolers and loading dock, accessory structures, and a six employee units on 61.26 acres, zoned AG-I10 within both the Coastal Zone and Inland Area County Pending County Pending New Church Facility, Temple, Chapel, Fellowship Hall Non-retail commercial Hollister/Ekwill Street County Pending Mixed Use Commercial Residential County Pending County Pending County Pending 00-DP-021 Non-retail commercial 905 South Patterson APN 071-190-036 87 Raintree Ranch Equestrian Center 03CUP 00000 00041 Commercial animal boarding and riding stables Non-retail commercial 6040 La Goleta Road APN 077-130-002 88 St. Anthanasius Church 01CUP 00000 00152 APN 071-140-072 89 Turnpike Shopping Center Demo existing 7,818 commercial buildings and add 18,000 sf to Vons, build new 2,500 sf building, and build 15 units above Vons and 16 in NE corner of retail commercial lot 149-189 South Turnpike Road APN 065-040-042 90 Unocal Mixed Use*** 2,650 sf of retail space 03PRE 00000 00003 Retail commercial 881 Embarcadero Del Mar APN 075-111-014 91 Abrego Road Investments 01DVP-00000-00032 Demo 2 SFDs and construct 3 new triplex units. One existing duplex to remain. Multi-Family Residential Isla Vista Master Plan Final EIR 2-47 2.0 Project Description Project Description/Location3 Jurisdiction Status County Pending County Pending County Pending County Pending County Pending County Pending County Pending County Pending 6639 Abrego Road APN 075-052-007 92 Camino Campana Subdivide existing single family lot into 11 new parcels Single Family Residential 600 Camino Campana APN 069-262-009 93 Anderson Lot Split TPM 14,437 Reconfigure 2 lots (2 net new, 3 total) Single Family Residential 1550 Fairview Avenue APN 069-010-001 94 Cavaletto/Noel Housing 01GPA-00000-00009 General Plan Amendment from agriculture to residential Multi-Family Residential 560 Merida Drive APN 069-100-006 95 Hacienda Vieja Five new lots (4 net new) 02TRM-00000-00002 Single Family Residential 4865 Vieja Drive APN 065-240-020 96 Hourigan Tract Map Nine new lots (8 net new) 02TRM-00000-00005 Single Family Residential 1118 North Patterson Avenue APN 069-060-040 97 La Franella Cove TPM 14,612 Lot split resulting in 4 net new lots Single Family Residential 780 North Patterson Avenue APN 067-110-027 98 Ocean Meadows Tract Map TPM 14,628 Sub-division of 70 acre single lot into 32 individual lots and 22 apartments Single Family Residential 6925 Whittier Drive APN 073-090-062 99 Park Hills Estates 14 single acre lots TM 14,484 Single Family Residential 4700 Via Los Santos Isla Vista Master Plan Final EIR 2-48 2.0 Project Description Project APN 059-290-041 100 Pebble Hill Place Lot Split 02TPM-00000-00012 Description/Location3 Jurisdiction Status 4-Way lot split (3 net new) County Pending County Pending County Pending County Pending County Pending County Pending County Pending County Proposed County Proposed Single Family Residential 342 Pebble Hill Place APN 067-210-031 101 Preserve at San Marcos 01DVP-00000-00071 The residential lots would be clustered into 5 lots at the end of Via Gaitero on the westside and 11 lots clustered at the ends of Cieneguitas and Cocopah Single Family Residential APN 055-010-006 and others 102 Rainbolt 3 Lot net increase TPM 14,444, 97-DP-020 Single Family Residential 4835 Vieja Drive APN 065-240-025 103 Rancho Danza Del Sol 3-Way lot split (2 new) TPM 14,447 Single Family Residential 1140 Via Regina APN 059-010-079 104 Rennick Lot Split 4-Way lot split 03TPM-00000-00009 Single Family Residential APN 067-120-01 105 Sueno Student Housing 02NEW-00000-00195 New apartment building consisting of four one bedroom units and two 450 sf attached garages Multi-Family Residential 6736 Sueno Road APN 075-091-035 106 The Villas Housing Development TM 14,615/ 02TRM-00000-00009/02D 16 Units (15 net increase), 10 market rate, 6 affordable Multi-Family Residential 4986 Calle Real APN 067-210-039 107 Tremigo Condos 01-GP-001, 02TRM-00000-00006 Condominium development 50% affordable Multi-Family Residential 385 Hollister Avenue APN 061-092-021 108 University San Clemente GSH Isla Vista Master Plan Final EIR University San Clemente 2-49 2.0 Project Description Project Description/Location3 Graduate Student Housing Project (120 acres, 371 units) Jurisdiction Status County Approved Medical Clinic to move into existing 4,815 sf building Non-Retail Commercial 4129 State Street County Approve d 17,440 sf building for classrooms and admin offices, an attached 9,523 sf gymnasium, a soccer field, and other playfields, picnic areas, etc. Non-Retail Commercial 4973 Hollister Avenue County Approve d Development Plan for 1,897 sf of market space, 1,810 sf of office space, and 58,449 sf of ministorage space for a total of 62,156 sf in the C-1 zone district. County Approved County Approved County Approved Multi-Family Residential South side of Storke field along El Colegio APN 073-120-014 109 Absolute MiniStorage 99-DP-028, 99-CP-061, 99-RZ-007 70,000 sf 3-story mini storage building Non-Retail Commercial 4001 State Street APN 061-120-003 110 Aegis Medical Clinic 02CUP-00000-00073 APN 111 061-110-029 Girls Inc. 99-DP-050 APN 065-180-035 112 Patterson Packing Mini-Storage 01-DP-006 Non-Retail Commercial 4973 Hollister Avenue APN 069-160-054, 069-160-052 113 Andrach*** 00-LUS-704 GO, Commercial building with 2 units (Mixed Use) 00-CP-126, 00-V-01 Multi-Family Residential 4422 Hollister Avenue APN 061-083-005 114 Devereux School Master Plan 91-DPF-025 AM01 33 Acres and 20 residential units Multi-Family Residential 701 Storke Road APN 073-090-029 Isla Vista Master Plan Final EIR 2-50 2.0 Project Description 115 Project Description/Location3 Jurisdiction Status Forte Ranch Phase II 57 Residential units plus three 7-acre RR-5 lots (52 built, 5 remaining) 30 acres County Approved County Approved County Approved County Approved County Approved County Approved County Under Construct ion/ TM 14,340 94-DPF-008 Single Family Residential 273 San Antonio Road APN 116 059-480-CA1 and others Funke Lot Split TPM 14,493 4 Residential lots (3 net new) 5 acres Single Family Residential 1240San Antonio Creek Road APN 059-440-017 117 Las Brisas at More Mesa 8 Residential lots, 4 acres 98-DP-041 Single Family Residential Calle las Brisas @ Mockingbird Lane APN 065-680-039 118 Pozzato/La Riata TM 14,281 24 Residential lots, 28 acres 93-DP-016 AP01 Single Family Residential 1300 La Riata Lane APN 059-460-025 119 Vintage Ranch TM 14,357 MC 97-LUS-440 GO 11 Residential lots, 10 occupied, 1 barn, 1 commercial horse boarding facility (1.36 acres) on 7 acres Single Family Residential 745 Puente Drive APN 061-271-023, 061-271-025 120 Warkentin Lot Split TPM 14,464 4 Residential lots (3 new lots) 4 acres Single Family Residential 1100 San Antonio Creek Road APN 059-440-020 121 Bezek/New SFD 02BDP 00000 01312 9089 sf new SFD, 1,334 sf garage, and 500 sf porch Single Family Residential Building Permit Issued APN 063-110-010 122 Bezek/New SFD Isla Vista Master Plan Final EIR New 1,604 sf mobile County Under 2-51 2.0 Project Description Project 01BDP 00000 00323 Description/Location3 home Jurisdiction Single Family Residential Status Construct ion/ Building Permit Issued APN 059-221-011 123 Biegen/Mobile Home 01-BDP-00000-00323 New 1,604 sf mobile home County Under Construct ion/ Building Permit Issued APN 059-221-011 124 Brown New SFD/ Attached Car/Storage New SFD with attached garage and storage 01BDP 00000 00716 Single Family Residential County Under Construct ion/ Building Permit Issued APN 077-030-013 125 Castaneda/New Mobil Home Install new mobile home 02BDP 00000 00332 Single Family Residential County Under Construct ion/ Building Permit Issued APN 559-243-099 126 Clark/New SFD 01BDP 00000 01172 New SFD and attached garage below County Single Family Residential Under Construct ion/ Building Permit Issued APN 067-270-002 127 Douglas Keep/New Single Family Dwelling New SFD County Single Family Residential 01BDP 00000 00102 Under Construct ion/ Building Permit Issued APN 065-310-010 128 ENG/New SFD 02BDP 00000 00972 New 2,774 sf SFD with attached garage Single Family Residential County Under Construct ion/ Building Permit Issued APN 065-310-022 Isla Vista Master Plan Final EIR 2-52 2.0 Project Description 129 Project Description/Location3 Jurisdiction Status Erburu/New SFD New 9,833 sf SFD, 1057 sf garage, and 1495 sf porch County Under Construct ion/ 01BDP 00000 01278 Single Family Residential APN 130 Building Permit Issued 063-132-001 Fingal/M.H. Install Mobil home install 01CNP 00000 01384 Single Family Residential County Under Construct ion/ Building Permit Issued APN 559-180-073 131 Forouzandeh/New SFD 02BDP 00000 01718 New 1,410 sf SFD, 410 sf garage, and 155 sf porch County Single Family Residential Under Construct ion/ Building Permit Issued APN 061-091-004 132 Forouzandeh 3 Condo Unit 3 condo unit (detached) 01BDP 00000 00012 Multi-Family Residential County Under Construct ion/ Building Permit Issued APN 133 061-092-018 Gabler/SFD New SFD 12,492 sf 01BDP 00000 01366 Single Family Residential County Under Construct ion/ Building Permit Issued APN 061-122-001 134 Godkin/New SFR New SFD 01BDP 00000 01590 Single Family Residential County Under Construct ion/ Building Permit Issued APN 061-271-025 135 Hermitage #23 /New Mobile Home With Awning Install new mobile home with awning 02BDP 00000 00904 Single Family Residential County Under Construct ion/ Building Permit Issued APN 559-240-023 Isla Vista Master Plan Final EIR 2-53 2.0 Project Description 136 Project Description/Location3 Jurisdiction Status Hermitage /New Mobile Home Install new mobile home with 5’ x 16’ awning County Under Construct ion/ 02BDP 00000 00514 Single Family Residential Building Permit Issued APN 137 559-243-001 Hermitage /Mobile Home Install 03CNP 00000 00904 Install new mobile home (52’ x 24’) with 572 sf carport, 198 sf awning County Single Family Residential APN 559-183-023 138 Johnson/(02IVP-011) New Duplex West 02BDP 00000 00182 Addition of appx. 2,008 sf 2nd story duplex to existing 2,363 SFD Building Permit Issued County Single Family Residential APN 075-091-043 139 Jones/New Mobile Home Install new mobile home 02BDP 00000 00189 Single Family Residential Under Construct ion/ Under Construct ion/ Building Permit Issued County Under Construct ion/ Building Permit Issued APN 559-243-049 140 Knaus/New SFD New 900 sf SFD 02BDP 00000 01471 Single Family Residential County Under Construct ion/ Building Permit Issued APN 077-080-033 141 Lopez/Mobile Home Install Mobile home install 02CNP 00000 00787 Single Family Residential County Under Construct ion/ Building Permit Issued APN 559-243-009 142 Magid/Detached Residential Unit 600 SF Detached second residential unit 01BDP 00000 00571 Single Family Residential County Under Construct ion/ Building Permit Issued APN 065-202-003 Isla Vista Master Plan Final EIR 2-54 2.0 Project Description 143 Project Description/Location3 Jurisdiction Status Mobile Home New mobile home installation County Under Construct ion/ 01CNP 00000 00101 Single Family Residential Building Permit Issued APN 559-243-074 144 Nelson/New SFD 01BDP 00000 00035 New single-family residence and 2nd unit County Single Family Residential Under Construct ion/ Building Permit Issued APN 067-171-021 145 Nelson/New SFD 01BDP 00000 01620 New SFD one story lot #10 County Single Family Residential Under Construct ion/ Building Permit Issued APN 061-271-023 146 Nunez SFD 98BP5 01253 01804 New single family dwelling permit #266093 County Single Family Residential Under Construct ion/ Building Permit Issued APN 147 059-010-084 Pratt New SFD and Garage New SFD and garage 02BDP 00000 02101 Single Family Residential County Under Construct ion/ Building Permit Issued APN 063-045-009 148 Ralphs New Grocery Store Ralphs new grocery store 02BDP 00000 01417 Retail Commercial County Under Construct ion/ Building Permit Issued APN 065-080-027 149 Rimer Mobile Home 02CNP 00000 00398 New mobile home installation. No porches, awnings, or decks Single Family Residential Isla Vista Master Plan Final EIR County Under Construct ion/ Building Permit Issued 2-55 2.0 Project Description Project Description/Location3 Jurisdiction Status County Under Construct ion/ APN 059-240-008 150 Salster New Mobile Home Install New Mobile Home 03CNP 00000 00356 Single Family Residential Building Permit Issued APN 059-160-007 151 Sanchez/New SFD 01BDP 00000 00947 New 1,450 sf with attach 516 sf garage County Single Family Residential Under Construct ion/ Building Permit Issued APN 152 059-222-016 St. George/ 4 Unit Conversion 02BDP 00000 01081 Conversion of SFD to new 4 unit multi-family dwelling County Single Family Residential APN 075-201-014 153 UYESAKA/New Mobile Home 03CNP 00000 00006 New mobile home (52’ x 24’) with carport awning and 2 entry porches Building Permit Issued County Single Family Residential APN 559-182-024 154 Waters New SFD 01BDP 00000 01203 3,821 sf new SFD, 720 sf garage, and 423 sf porch Under Construct ion/ Under Construct ion/ Building Permit Issued County Single Family Residential Under Construct ion/ Building Permit Issued APN 067-100-003 155 County Parks/South Coast RR Museum/Visitor Center New 768 sf visitors center County Non-retail commercial 01BDP 00000 01432 Under Construct ion/ Building Permit Issued APN 077-160-057 156 Minke/New Mobile Home 02BDP 00000 00377 Install new manufactured home Single Family Residential County Under Construct ion/ Building Permit Isla Vista Master Plan Final EIR 2-56 2.0 Project Description Project Description/Location3 Jurisdiction Status Issued County Under Construct ion/ APN 579-120-035 157 SB Humane Society/Spay and Neuter Clinic Spay and neuter clinic of 1,875 sf 01BDP 00000 02158 Non-Retail Commercial Building Permit Issued APN 071-220-036 158 Traphagen/New Mobile Home New Mobile Home Unit 02BDP 00000 01093 Single Family Residential County Under Construct ion/ Building Permit Issued APN 579-210-015 City of Santa Barbara - Airport 159 Aviation Facilities Plan (AFP) APN 073-450-003 160 Airport Industrial Specific Plan Airfield Safety Projects including relocation of main runway (Runway 7/25) and creation of runway safety areas; and new Taxiway M. Expand Terminal Facility (existing 43,500 sf, with 20,000 SF in existing terminal building and 23,500 sf in other buildings with Terminal-related functions). Terminal facility would be expanded to approximately 67,000 total sf in Phase 1 and up to 95,000 total sf in Phase 2. New 15,000 sf Air Cargo facility and 50 T-hangars. City of Santa Barbara The AFP was approved in 2002. The Airfield Safety Projects (runway and taxiway projects) are approved. Terminal Phase I is pending and tentatively scheduled for construction in 2006-2007. 20 Thangars are pending and scheduled for construction in 2005. Remaining T-hangars, air cargo building and terminal phase 2 are long-term projects and not currently scheduled for implementation. Add up to 240,000 sf of industrial/commercial, research City of Santa Barbara Industrial Specific Plan adopted in 1997. Isla Vista Master Plan Final EIR 2-57 2.0 Project Description APN Multiple; approved project located on 073-080-065. and development, aviationrelated and recreational uses and demolish and replace up to 172,000 sf of existing buildings. Add 55 T-hangars. A 160,000 SF office and RandD project with 20,000 SF of retail space was approved on 15 acres in the Specific Plan Area in 1999. The project approval is valid until 2008. The Airport recently released an RFP soliciting a developer for this project. 1 Note: There are 9 Wireless Projects proposed. These are not included in this table. Source: Office of Budget and Planning, September, 2003, City of Goleta, County of Santa Barbara. ASF – Assignable Square Footage; GSF – Gross Square Footage; Parking and residential square footage is not monitored under the requirements of the LRDP. Note: ** Under construction or approved and awaiting construction. *** Projects with both Commercial/Industrial and Residential uses are listed once under each of these sections. Square footage is totaled in the Commercial/Industrial section and units are totaled in the Residential section. 2 3 Isla Vista Master Plan Final EIR 2-58