District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools
District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools
District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools Mrs. Teresa Weatherall Neal, Superintendent 1331 Franklin St SE P.O. Box 117 Grand Rapids, MI 49501-0117 Document Generated On January 21, 2015 TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction 1 Executive Summary Introduction 3 Description of the School System 4 System's Purpose 6 Notable Achievements and Areas of Improvement 7 Additional Information 9 Improvement Plan Stakeholder Involvement Introduction 11 Improvement Planning Process 12 District Additional Requirements Diagnostic Introduction 15 District Additional Requirements Diagnostic 16 DIP 2014-15 Overview 20 Goals Summary 21 Goal 1: All programs in Grand Rapids Public Schools will increase their parent/community involvement. 22 Goal 2: All schools will improve the academic learning behaviors and environment for all students. 26 Goal 3: The District will support all school administrators and teachers in the Teacher Evaluation Process 27 Goal 4: All students in Grand Rapids Public Schools will be proficient readers. 28 Goal 5: All students in Grand Rapids Public Schools will be supported by an adult. 244 Goal 6: All students in Grand Rapids Public Schools will be proficient in Mathematics. 248 Goal 7: All students in Grand Rapids Public Schools will be proficient in Science. 486 Goal 8: All students in Grand Rapids Public Schools will be proficient writers. 636 Goal 9: All students in Grand Rapids Public Schools will be proficient in Social Studies 762 Goal 10: Adults in the District will be supported through leadership opportunitites 820 Activity Summary by Funding Source 825 Activity Summary by School 869 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools Introduction The District Improvement Plan (DIP) has been designed to provide schools and districts with a common planning template that addresses student learning and system needs that have been identified through the schools' Comprehensive Needs Assessment. It has also been designed to address any federal, state and locally required elements that must be contained in a School Improvement Plan. SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 1 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools Executive Summary SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 2 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools Introduction Every school system has its own story to tell. The context in which teaching and learning takes place influences the processes and procedures by which the school system makes decisions around curriculum, instruction, and assessment. The context also impacts the way a school system stays faithful to its vision. Many factors contribute to the overall narrative such as an identification of stakeholders, a description of stakeholder engagement, the trends and issues affecting the school system, and the kinds of programs and services that a school system implements to support student learning. <br><br> The purpose of the Executive Summary (ES) is to provide a school system with an opportunity to describe in narrative form the strengths and challenges it encounters. By doing so, the public and members of the community will have a more complete picture of how the school system perceives itself and the process of self-reflection for continuous improvement. This summary is structured for the school system to reflect on how it provides teaching and learning on a day to day basis. SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 3 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools Description of the School System Describe the school system's size, community/communities, location, and changes it has experienced in the last three years. Include demographic information about the students, staff, and community at large. What unique features and challenges are associated with the community/communities the school system serves? Grand Rapids Public Schools (GRPS) located in the City of Grand Rapids, Michigan is the state's fifth largest public school district and the third largest employer in the City of Grand Rapids, serving more than 17,000 students with 2,800 employees, including 1,500 dedicated teachers. The student population is 36% Latino/Hispanic, 33% African American, and 22% Caucasian; representing nearly 70 countries with 49 different languages spoken. Our mission is to ensure that all students are educated, self-directed and productive members of society! To achieve this, GRPS proudly offers the largest selection of school choices, programs, and services in all of West Michigan to meet the needs of every single child regardless of age, income, ability, or native language. These choices include: the top performing school in West Michigan (City High-Middle), theme schools (Zoo, Blandford, environmental, creative arts, math/science/technology, college prep, global studies, Montessori, dual immersion), Centers of Innovation (design and construction, health science, engineering and bio-medical, business and entrepreneurship, university prep), Language Centers for English Language Learners, schools requiring student uniforms, "community schools" with social, health and mental health services embedded, all day preschool, all day kindergarten, neighborhood schools, center-based special education schools serving all of Kent County, comprehensive athletics K-12, dual enrollment, Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate Middle Years and Diploma Programmes, and much more. Notable achievements and areas of improvement: GRPS has earned state and national recognition as a "model" urban school district for its bold and innovative education reforms that are producing notable academic gains. The systemic changes and improvements happening throughout the district are being driven by a nationally acclaimed "effort-based learning" model that was initiated in 2007 thanks to the generous support of the Doug and Maria DeVos Foundation and a partnership with the University of Pittsburgh's Institute for Learning. In December 2012, the Grand Rapids Board of Education unanimously approved a bold and comprehensive Transformation Plan that focuses on 1) re-investing in, replicating and expanding schools that are succeeding 2) recruiting, retaining, and developing the top principals and teachers and 3) strengthening a culture of high expectations and quality schools for all. The plan is available at www.grps.org/transformationplan. In just two and a half years since Teresa Weatherall Neal was appointed Superintendent, the district has experienced notable academic gains. Twenty seven of the districts forty one schools improved their ranking on the state's Top to Bottom list. Four schools ranked in the top 5% (City High-Middle, Blandford, Zoo, and Center for Economicology). The district also saw a three percent gain in its graduation rate district wide and a five percent gain in the graduate rate for all comprehensive (non-alternative) schools (73.88% up to 78.57%). Two standouts are Grand Rapids Montessori and Ottawa Hills High Schools that saw graduation rates increase by more than ten percentage points. The district is expecting across the board gains again for the 2013-2014 school year. ACT/MME scores also improved for the third consecutive year with students posting the highest MME scores since the test was first administered. Every high school, save for one, saw ACT scores increase with year to year growth. City High-Middle posted the regions highest ACT composite score of 26.3 a 2.4 point increase from the year before. Another point of improvement is the district's overall attendance rate. In 2013-2014, Superintendent Neal launched the Attendance Challenge district wide with the goal of reducing chronic absenteeism. In the first year, the district experienced a 2% reduction. GRPS is also a leader in Michigan on consolidation and cost-sharing services. GRPS currently manages center-based special education programs for all the schools in the Kent Intermediate School District; food services for East Grand Rapids Public Schools, Grand Rapids SY 2013-2014 Page 4 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools Christian Schools, Grand Rapids Child Discovery Center, and two Grand Rapids Catholic Schools; and public safety training for several public and private schools in the area. The district's public safety department has received numerous awards and is recognized as one of the leading school public safety departments that have utilized technology, training, and relationship building to reduce the number of major school incidents for five consecutive years. GRPS has earned a reputation for its sound fiscal management and stewardship. Most recently, Standard & Poor's and Moody's improved the district's bond rating from negative to stable. According to S&P, "The outlook revision is due to our view of the district's improved reserve position and management's ability to implement budgetary adjustments in response to declining enrollment and the uncertainty of state funding." Thanks to a voter approved bond, ten schools are new, state of the art elementary and middle schools buildings with the latest technology and educational designs to support instruction and learning. Eight of the schools are green-built and five are LEED certified; making GRPS a leader in the state and nation on green built schools. Areas of Improvement While GRPS has made notable gains in student growth, ACT/MME, and school/district wide graduation rates, the district still has more work to do. The MEAP scores have remained relatively flat with mixed gains varying by school, grade level, and subject area. The graduation rate is continuing to increase, but the district's alternative education graduation rate is far lower than the state average. There is also far too wide of an achievement gap that exists between Caucasian, African American, and Latino/Hispanic students and the district has been challenged by the federal government due to disproportionately high suspension rates for African American students. Chronic absenteeism is still a major struggle and more effort will be required to significantly improve the overall attendance rate which in turn is expected to have a positive impact on academic achievement. SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 5 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools System's Purpose Provide the school system's purpose statement and ancillary content such as mission, vision, values, and/or beliefs. Describe how the school system embodies its purpose through its program offerings and expectations for students. VISION STATEMENT The GRPS will be a place where ALL students become educated, self-directed, and productive members of society. Upon graduation, all students will be: Educated, and therefore able to: -Apply skills and knowledge learned from a rigorous and relevant core curriculum. -Demonstrate proficiency in current technologies. -Transfer career and employability skills across multiple settings. -Pursue life-long learning to succeed in a changing global community. Self-Directed and therefore able to: -Use a high degree of self-awareness to facilitate making life-directing decisions. -Identify and initiate career-appropriate post-secondary options. Productive, and therefore able to: -Appreciate and respect cultural and individual diversity. -Actively participate as productive members of a democratic society. Graduates will meet the specific credit requirements as defined by the rules of this policy. These requirements will meet or exceed the minimum graduation requirements as defined by the State of Michigan. MISSION STATEMENT The mission of the GRPS is to ensure that ALL students are educated, self-directed and productive members of society by: -Ensuring the achievement of high academic standards by ALL students leading to on-time graduation; -Providing rigorous, high-quality instruction supported by an environment conducive to learning; -Equipping students to successfully meet the demands of a workforce in a technological and global society; -Involving parents and community; -Providing a safe and secure environment conducive to learning. BELIEF STATEMENT Grand Rapids Public Schools belief is that all children can achieve their academic potential through effort, high expectations and quality teaching. SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 6 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools Notable Achievements and Areas of Improvement Describe the school system's notable achievements and areas of improvement in the last three years. Additionally, describe areas for improvement that the school system is striving to achieve in the next three years. Grand Rapids Public Schools (GRPS) located in the City of Grand Rapids, Michigan is the state's fifth largest public school district and the third largest employer in the City of Grand Rapids, serving more than 17,000 students with 2,800 employees, including 1,500 dedicated teachers. The student population is 36% Latino/Hispanic, 33% African American, and 22% Caucasian; representing nearly 70 countries with 49 different languages spoken. Our mission is to ensure that all students are educated, self-directed and productive members of society! To achieve this, GRPS proudly offers the largest selection of school choices, programs, and services in all of West Michigan to meet the needs of every single child regardless of age, income, ability, or native language. These choices include: the top performing school in West Michigan (City High-Middle), theme schools (Zoo, Blandford, environmental, creative arts, math/science/technology, college prep, global studies, Montessori, dual immersion), Centers of Innovation (design and construction, health science, engineering and biomedical, business and entrepreneurship, university prep), Language Centers for English Language Learners, schools requiring student uniforms, "community schools" with social, health and mental health services embedded, all day preschool, all day kindergarten, neighborhood schools, center-based special education schools serving all of Kent County, comprehensive athletics K-12, dual enrollment, Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate Middle Years and Diploma Programmes, and much more. Notable achievements and areas of improvement: GRPS has earned state and national recognition as a "model" urban school district for its bold and innovative education reforms that are producing notable academic gains. The systemic changes and improvements happening throughout the district are being driven by a nationally acclaimed "effort-based learning" model that was initiated in 2007 thanks to the generous support of the Doug and Maria DeVos Foundation and a partnership with the University of Pittsburgh's Institute for Learning. In December 2012, the Grand Rapids Board of Education unanimously approved a bold and comprehensive Transformation Plan that focuses on 1) re-investing in, replicating and expanding schools that are succeeding 2) recruiting, retaining, and developing the top principals and teachers and 3) strengthening a culture of high expectations and quality schools for all. The plan is available at www.grps.org/transformation plan. In just two and a half years since Teresa Weatherall Neal was appointed Superintendent, the district has experienced notable academic gains. Twenty seven of the districts forty one schools improved their ranking on the state's Top to Bottom list, five schools (Union High School, Alger Middle, Brookside Elementary, Mulick Park Elementary, and Westwood Middle) were removed from the bottom 5% Priority list, four schools ranked in the top 5% (City High-Middle, Blandford, Zoo, and Center for Economicology), and one school (Shawmut Hills) was removed from the Focus Schools list. The district also saw a three percent gain in its graduation rate district wide and a five percent gain in the graduate rate for all comprehensive (non-alternative) schools (73.88% up to 78.57%). Two standouts are Grand Rapids Montessori and Ottawa Hills High Schools that saw graduation rates increase by more than ten percentage points. The district is expecting across the board gains again for the 2013-2014 school year. ACT/MME scores also improved for the third consecutive year with students posting the highest MME scores since the test was first administered. Every high school, save for one, saw ACT scores increase with year to year growth. City High-Middle posted the regions highest ACT composite score of 26.3 a 2.4 point increase from the year before. Another point of improvement is the district's overall attendance rate. In 2013-2014, Superintendent Neal launched the Attendance Challenge district wide with the goal of reducing chronic absenteeism. In the first year, the district experienced a 2% reduction. GRPS is also a leader in Michigan on consolidation and cost-sharing services. GRPS currently manages center-based special education SY 2013-2014 Page 7 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools programs for all the schools in the Kent Intermediate School District; food services for East Grand Rapids Public Schools, Grand Rapids Christian Schools, Grand Rapids Child Discovery Center, and two Grand Rapids Catholic Schools; and public safety training for several public and private schools in the area. The district's public safety department has received numerous awards and is recognized as one of the leading school public safety departments that have utilized technology, training, and relationship building to reduce the number of major school incidents for five consecutive years. GRPS has earned a reputation for its sound fiscal management and stewardship. Most recently, Standard & Poor's and Moody's improved the district's bond rating from negative to stable. According to S&P, "The outlook revision is due to our view of the district's improved reserve position and management's ability to implement budgetary adjustments in response to declining enrollment and the uncertainty of state funding." Thanks to a voter approved bond, ten schools are new, state of the art elementary and middle schools buildings with the latest technology and educational designs to support instruction and learning. Eight of the schools are green-built and five are LEED certified; making GRPS a leader in the state and nation on green built schools. Areas of Improvement While GRPS has made notable gains in student growth, ACT/MME, and school/district wide graduation rates, the district still has more work to do. The MEAP scores have remained relatively flat with mixed gains varying by school, grade level, and subject area. The graduation rate is continuing to increase, but the district's alternative education graduation rate is far lower than the state average. There is also far too wide of an achievement gap that exists between Caucasian, African American, and Latino/Hispanic students and the district has been challenged by the federal government due to disproportionately high suspension rates for African American students. Chronic absenteeism is still a major struggle and more effort will be required to significantly improve the overall attendance rate which in turn is expected to have a positive impact on academic achievement. SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 8 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools Additional Information Provide any additional information you would like to share with the public and community that were not prompted in the previous sections. All pertinent information has been included under the previous question. SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 9 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools Improvement Plan Stakeholder Involvement SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 10 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools Introduction The responses should be brief, descriptive, and appropriate for the specific section. It is recommended that the responses are written offline and then transferred into the sections below. SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 11 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools Improvement Planning Process Improvement Planning Process Describe the process used to engage a variety of stakeholders in the development of the institution's improvement plan. Include information on how stakeholders were selected and informed of their roles, and how meetings were scheduled to accommodate them. GRPS values quality teaching and learning. Therefore, stakeholders were chosen who had the greatest impact on teaching and learning and the overall success of the students we serve. The Assessment and Evaluation Department reviews and analyzes District and State data identifying trends found within the content or different subgroups. A&E shares their findings with the Superintendent and Cabinet (Divisional Executive Directors; Business Offfice, Human Resources, Security, Organizational Learning, Community Affairs and Student Services, Facilities and Operations, Academic and Curriculum Directors) the GRPS Board of Education,and Principals in the following divisions: Elementary, K-8/Middle Schools and High Schools, and the Curriculum Supervisors. The District Curriculum Supervisors and Deputy Superintendent of Curriculum use the data findings to begin identifying possible strategies or activities which will improve student achievement across all five content areas (reading, writing, mathematics, science and social studies). The Academic Team (consisting of the Deputy Superintendent of Curriculum, Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources and General Counsel, Assistant Superintendent of Organizational Learning, Executive Directors of Community and Student Affairs, Special Education, Facilities and Operations,ELL, Elementary, K-8/Middle and High School) use the data from A&E and the ideas from the Curriculum Supervisors to begin developing the District's Academic Plan. Once a draft of the Academic Plan is created, it is shared with building administrators and teachers in order for them to provide suggestions and feedback. Most of the information found within the Academic Plan becomes the information that is input into both the District Improvement Plan and the individual buildings' School Improvement Plans.The Business Office shares the yearly budget with all stakeholders to determine how funds will be spent and to ensure an alignment with the District Improvement Plan. More often than not, these stakeholders meet multiple times over the course of a month, being scheduled when most individuals have availability in their schedules. However, there are some meetings that occur on a more regular basis where these topics can be discussed: during regularly scheduled principal meetings at each division, weekly Cabinet meetings and staff meetings occurring in the individual buildings every 1st and 3rd Monday of each month. Describe the representations from stakeholder groups that participated in the development of the improvement plan and their responsibilities in this process. The Superintendent reviews District data and provides input and approval for the Academic Plan, District budgets, and District Improvement Plan.The Board of Education reviews District data, and provides input and approval for the Academic Plan. The Cabinet reviews all District data, participates in designing the Academic Plan and reviews and provides feedback on the District Improvement Plan. The Assistant Superintendent of Organizational Learning reviews District data, leads and participates in the design of the Academic Plan, provides professional development to District and school level staff to support the District Improvement and Academic Improvement Plan.The Executive Director of Special Education reviews District data for all students and communicates the plans for the Special Education Department K-12 to be included in the District Improvement Plan. The Assessment and Evaluation Department compiles and analyzes District-level data (MEAP, NWEA/MAP and MME) and communicates to multiple stakeholder groups. District Curriculum Supervisors use data findings to begin identifying possible strategies or activities which might help improve student achievement across all five content areas (reading, writing, mathematics, science and social studies) and provides input for the development of the DIP. The School Reform Facilitators review District and building level data, applies information from the Academic Plan into the District Improvement Plan and modifies the SY 2013-2014 Page 12 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools District Improvement Plan after receiving Feedback from multiple stakeholders, and provides professional development to school level staff to support School Improvement, District Improvement and Academic Improvement Plans. Building Administrators receive District-level data, provides input/feedback for the Academic Plan and receives a copy of the District Improvement Plan aligned to their school level plans. Teachers receive District-level data through their building administrator, provide input/feedback on the Academic Plan during a staff meetings and may receive a copy of the District Improvement Plan from their building administrator or from the GRPS website. Explain how the final improvement plan was communicated to all stakeholders, and the method and frequency in which stakeholders receive information on its progress. The creation of the District Plan is part of a continuous cycle of reflection and improvement. It is a process that is ongoing throughout the school year. The response provided in the first question lays out what this process looks like in GRPS. The vision and thinking from multiple stakeholders goes into the development of the District Improvement Plan. Pieces of the District Improvement Plan are created throughout the school year and are reviewed by the multiple stakeholders where they provide input and feedback. Once each section has been approved, it is placed in the official ASSIST platform. Updates on progress have been ongoing as pieces of the District Improvement Plan have been completed and approved. The Superintendent and her Cabinet will receive electronic copies of the District Improvement Plan once it is completed. A copy of the District Improvement Plan will be placed on the GRPS website. SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 13 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools District Additional Requirements Diagnostic SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 14 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools Introduction This diagnostic contains certification requirements for Michigan districts. This diagnostic must be completed by all districts. SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 15 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools District Additional Requirements Diagnostic This diagnostic contains certification requirements for Michigan districts. This diagnostic must be completed by all districts. Label Assurance Response The District School Improvement Team reviews Yes the CIMS data. Comment The District Improvement team includes and reviews CIMS data with the special education office. Attachment Label Assurance CIMS data is used to prepare our District Improvement Plan. Comment The District Improvement Team has reviewed CIMS data to improve outcomes for students with IEPs. Attachment Label Assurance Response The District Technology Protection Measure Yes blocks or filters adult and student internet access to inappropriate materials (visual depictions that are obscene, child pornography, or harmful to minors). Comment Attachment The District uses a software filter Filtering Software which will prompt users that their action is being denied due to inappropriate content. Computer Labs in the school buildings have been connected to LAN School which enables staff to view and manage what all students in the lab have on their computer screens (desk top and laptops). Label Assurance The district has a process to monitor adult and student use of the internet. Response Yes Comment Attachment LAN School is used in the Technology Use Computer Labs in the schools to Policy allow staff to view and manage what is being viewed on student's and adult computers (desktop and laptop). Label Assurance The district has an Internet Safety Policy in place. Response Yes Comment Attachment Technology Use Policy Label Assurance The Internet Safety Policy meets the requirements as outlined in the state Technology Planning and CIPA requirements. Response Yes Comment Attachment Response Yes SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 16 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools Label Assurance The district uses school-wide assessments to determine the telecommunication services and hardware support that are needed to support teaching and learning in all schools. Response Yes Comment Attachment The District's MIS Department assesses the technology needs and upgrades required in our buildings to support teaching and learning. Label Assurance Response The district uses the school-wide assessment Yes data to identify the needs of the schools in the following areas: infrastructure (wiring, internet connections T1, etc.) in all classrooms, in all labs, in all media centers, in the main office, in counseling offices, in support staff offices; hardware; software; professional development. If "yes," specify the needs in the comments section. Comment Attachment The District engages in ongoing assessment of school-based technology needs . These needs are detailed and specific for each site, and aggregated where necessary at the District level. Label Assurance Response The district has identified specific actions that Yes promote curriculum and teaching strategies to effectively integrate technology. If "yes," specify the actions in the comments section. Comment See attached listing for District and Building Level Educational Technology and Software. Label Assurance The district adjusts its curriculum to include technology literacy for all students. Comment Attachment The District's Curriculum Supervisors continue to adjust and modify the curriculum in grades K-12 to include and integrate increased technology usage and literacy for all staff and students in order to meet the new CCSS standards. The most recent change is Overdrive library. This allows students to check books out on-line and read on-line. The partnership with the Grand Rapids Public Library allows all our students and staff members to access the GRPL databases for teaching and learning. The teachers can access these databases even if they do not reside in the city of Grand Rapids. Response Yes SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Attachment Technology Response Page 17 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools Label Assurance Response The district adjusts its instructional program to Yes promote technology literacy. If "yes," specify the adjustments in the comments section. Comment Attachment Reading Street Program includes on-line components for instruction and assessments, Use of Gaggle and Kidblog software for students to submit assignments, blog, work collaboratively with peers and showcase their work, MOODLE and its learning are used as a course management tool at the secondary level, Symbaloo training provided to staff to allow for a simple system of linking students, teachers and parents to classroom assignments. In partnership with the GR Public Library system GRPS uses Overdrive to allow students and staff to read and checkout books on line. Label Assurance Response The institution complies with all federal laws Yes and regulations prohibiting discrimination and with all requirements and regulations of the U.S. Department of Education. It is the policy of this institution that no person on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin or ancestry, age, gender, height, weight, marital status or disability shall be subjected to discrimination in any program, service or activity for which the institution is responsible, or for which it receives financial assistance from the U.S. Department of Education. Comment Attachment Non-Discrimination Policy Label Assurance The institution has designated an employee to coordinate efforts to comply with and carry out non-discrimination responsibilities. If "yes," list the name, position, address and telephone number of the employee in the comments section. Response Yes Comment Sharron Pitts Grand Rapids Public Schools Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources and General Counsel 1331 Franklin St. SE Grand Rapids, Michigan 49506 (616) 819-2022 Attachment Label Assurance The District has a District Board Policy that is related to Parent Involvement. Response Yes Comment Attachment Parent-Guardian Involvement Policy Label Assurance The District has additional information necessary to support your improvement plan. Response Yes Comment GRPS Academic Plan attached Attachment 2014-15 Academic Plan SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 18 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools DIP 2014-15 SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 19 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools Overview Plan Name DIP 2014-15 Plan Description Revised 12.18.14 SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 20 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools Goals Summary The following is a summary of the goals encompassed in this plan. The details for each goal are available in the next section. # 1 Goal Name All programs in Grand Rapids Public Schools will increase their parent/community involvement. 2 All schools will improve the academic learning behaviors and environment for all students. 3 The District will support all school administrators and teachers in the Teacher Evaluation Process 4 All students in Grand Rapids Public Schools will be proficient readers. 5 All students in Grand Rapids Public Schools will be supported by an adult. 6 All students in Grand Rapids Public Schools will be proficient in Mathematics. 7 All students in Grand Rapids Public Schools will be proficient in Science. 8 All students in Grand Rapids Public Schools will be proficient writers. 9 All students in Grand Rapids Public Schools will be proficient in Social Studies 10 Adults in the District will be supported through leadership opportunitites Goal Details Objectives:1 Strategies:1 Activities:5 Objectives:1 Strategies:1 Activities:3 Objectives:1 Strategies:1 Activities:1 Objectives:24 Strategies:5 Activities:28 Objectives:1 Strategies:1 Activities:12 Objectives:26 Strategies:5 Activities:28 Objectives:21 Strategies:3 Activities:21 Objectives:14 Strategies:3 Activities:22 Objectives:7 Strategies:3 Activities:21 Objectives:1 Strategies:1 Activities:7 SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Goal Type Organizational Total Funding $727500 Organizational $1005000 Organizational $0 Academic $6666349 Organizational $3703638 Academic $714000 Academic $0 Academic $0 Academic $0 Organizational $428201 Page 21 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools Goal 1: All programs in Grand Rapids Public Schools will increase their parent/community involvement. Measurable Objective 1: collaborate to increase parent and community involvement in our programs by 06/06/2014 as measured by Sign-in Sheets . Strategy 1: Parent/Community Involvement - The District will provide and support a variety of opportunities that will increase parent and community involvement within our programs by providing KSSN workers in some of our programs, scheduling PTCC (Parent Teacher Community Council) meetings and Parent University Events. The 2014-15 Parent Engagement Goals are : 1. Improve student attendance by reducing chronic absenteeism by 10% 2. Increase parental engagement in support of student success Research Cited: Epstein, J. (1995). School/family/community partnerships: Caring for the children we share. Phi Delta Kappan, 72(5), 701-712. “Communicating with parents is one of six major types of parent involvement practices critical to establishing strong working relationships between teachers and parents. Cultivating the teacher-parent relationship is also considered vital to the development of schools as learning communities.” Tier: Activity - Parent Engagement Office Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 22 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will employ individuals who support and develop partnerships of families, schools and community. Parent Involvemen t 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $85000 Other Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding The Office of Parent Engagement will support the work of school, parent and community partnerships. The Parent E Mission will partner together for student success. The Parent Engagement Office oversees the following components of the GRPS Parnet Engagement Plan: Parent Action Leader, Parent University, Parent Engagement Collaborative Schools:All Schools Activity - Parent Teacher Community Council (PTCC) Activity Type The District will provide an avenue and structure for parental involvement at each school which will provide for parental advocacy and leadership, teacher awareness (to increase partnerships with parents), and support of the communityschool culture. Parent Involvemen t Tier Phase Resource Assigned 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Schools:All Schools Activity - Parent Action Leader (P.A.L.) Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Executive Director of Community and Student Affairs, Counselor Coordinator , Supervisor of Community and Student Services, Parent Engageme nt Coordinator Staff Responsibl e No Funding Executive Required Director of Community and Student Affairs, Counselor Coordinator , Supervisor of Community and Student Services, Parent Engageme nt Coordinator Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 23 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will pay one parent per building a stipend who will serve as the liaison between families, schools and the District. Parent Involvemen t 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $35000 General Fund Executive Director of Community and Student Affairs, Counselor Coordinator , Supervisor of Community and Student Services, Parent Engageme nt Coordinator Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Schools:All Schools Activity - Parent University Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Phase Resource Assigned Page 24 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools At the request of parents, Grand Rapids Public Schools and Believe 2 Become have partnered together to open the GRPS/B2B Parent University beginning in the fall of 2013. Other Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $205000 Title I Part A, Other Executive Director of Community and Student Affairs, Counselor Coordinator , Supervisor of Community and Student Services, Parent Engageme nt Coordinator Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e The District will facilitate skill development and opportunities for parents to become full partners in their child's education. The District will offer courses around the following themes: Effective Parenting, Personal Growth and Development, Health and Wellness and Navigating the Educational System Parent University is a community collaborative to help parents become full partners in their child’s education. It will offer modules, activities, workshops, classes, conferences, mentoring and coaching to equip parents for success. Additionally, Parent University Ambassadors will be utilized to assist parents with course enrollment. Our vision is all parents will become confident advocates of their children’s success by receiving the affirmation, support, and reinforcement needed to strengthen their effectiveness. We believe. . . Parents want their children to succeed. Parents have the potential to contribute positively to their child’s success. Parents want respectful partnerships with their child’s school. Parents are looking for solutions. . Schools:All Schools Activity - KSSN Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Page 25 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District, in conjunction with Kent Schools Services Network Parent (KSSN), will provide socio-emotional community oriented Involvemen services and supports for students and their families in the t designated school sites where KSSN providers are assigned. KSSN works directly with teachers to assist them in supporting students in their classrooms who receive services from KSSN. KSSN provides activities for staff to use with parents to build the parental/school relationship in the hopes to increase parental involvement. 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $402500 Title I Part A Schools:Coit Arts Academy, Stocking School, Cesar E. Chavez Elementary, Dickinson School, Burton Middle School, Harrison Park Elementary School, Southwest Community Campus School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy, Burton Elementary School, Sibley School Executive Director of Community and Student Affairs, Counselor Coordinator , Supervisor of Community and Student Services, Parent Engageme nt Coordinator Goal 2: All schools will improve the academic learning behaviors and environment for all students. Measurable Objective 1: collaborate to work with and support all schools as they implement PBIS within their buildings to create an environment that is conducive to learning by 06/12/2014 as measured by SWIS data, building observations and administrative evaluations. Strategy 1: Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports - The District will implement Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports in all schools to improve the academic learning behaviors of students. The District will employ District staff who provide consult services to building level PBIS teams. All staff will be trained to adopt common classroom and building-wide expectations. All students will learn and review expectations, multiple times throughout the building, over the school year. Each building will use SWIS data to determine target areas for improvement allowing staff to differentiate training to meet student and adult identified areas of need. Research Cited: Dunlap, Kelly; Goodman, Steve, Ph.D.; McEvoy, Chris; and Paris, Frances, Ph.D. (2010). School-wide Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports. Implementation Guide 2010. Michigan Department of Education. “Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports has developed into a framework that can be used by any school to help improve the social and learning behaviors of students and decrease disruptions that interfere with instruction. School-wide Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports (PBIS) is a prevention model. It is based on the premise that all students can benefit from well implemented, evidence-based practices for improving student behavior. It provides informed decision-making, based upon data analysis that guides the process of assessing student needs and providing additional levels of behavioral support to students in need.” SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 26 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools Tier: Activity - Professional Learning Activity Type Tier Phase The District will employ personnel who will provide Professiona professional learning opportunities for individuals, small groups l Learning and whole buildings. The professional learning will be differentiated to meet the needs for classrooms and schools across the District who are working toward improving the environment for students in a manner that is conducive to learning. Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Source Of Funding 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $985000 Special Education Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Schools:All Schools Activity - Professional Learning (special education) Activity Type Tier Phase The special education division will provide professional learning Professiona for ancillary and center based program staff to support the l Learning development of Positive Based Intervention Support systems at each building site Resource Assigned 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Schools:All Schools Activity - Behavior Specialist (Focus School) Activity Type The District will employ Behavior Specialists who will work in our identified Priority Schools. They will work closely on both academic achievement and behavioral improvement for identified students in need of these supports. Other Tier Schools:Coit Arts Academy Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $20000 Staff Responsibl e Building Administrat ors, PBIS District Support Team, Building PBIS Teams Staff Responsibl e No Funding Executive Required Director of Special Education, Compliance Officer of Special Education, and Special Education Supervisior s Source Of Funding Title I Part A Staff Responsibl e Behavior Specialists, Director of Special Education and Building Administrat ors Goal 3: The District will support all school administrators and teachers in the Teacher Evaluation Process SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 27 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools Measurable Objective 1: collaborate to improve teaching and learning across the District through the Teaching Evaluation Process by 06/06/2014 as measured by Teacher Evaluations and Student Achievement Data . Strategy 1: Improvement-Focused Teacher Evaluation System - The District will collaborate with building administrators and teachers to implement and use an improvement focused evaluation system. The Districts will train principals and teachers on the cyclical process of classroom observation using the Danielson Rubric to guide feedback and identify areas of improvement. The purpose of the system is to identify quality teaching, provide consistent objective feedback, and targeted professional learning to instructors, to ultimately improve the educational outcomes for GRPS students. Research Cited: “Measures of Effective Teaching Project” January 2013, American Institutes for Research, Cambridge Education, University of Chicago, The Danielson Group, Dartmouth College, Educational Testing Service, Empirical Education, Harvard University, National Board for Professional Teaching Standards, National Math and Science Initiative, New Teacher Center, University of Michigan, RAND, Rutgers University, University of Southern California, Stanford University, Teachscape, University of Texas, University of Virginia, University of Washington , and Westat. “…guiding principles based on three years’ of study, observation, and collaboration with districts…these guiding principles …fall in to three overarching imperatives…Measure Effective teaching; Ensure High-Quality Data; and Invest in Improvement. Well designed evaluation systems will continually improve overtime…” Tier: Activity - Professional Learning Activity Type Tier The District will provide professional learning opportunities for Professiona building administrators and teachers on the Teacher Evaluation l Learning Process. The District will provide training and deepen both building administrator and teacher understanding of the components of the Danielson Rubric and the connection to quality teaching and learning. Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned 09/02/2014 06/02/2015 $0 Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Human Required Resources Department , Building Administrat ors and Teachers Schools:All Schools Goal 4: All students in Grand Rapids Public Schools will be proficient readers. Measurable Objective 1: 75% of Pre-K grade students will demonstrate a proficiency in knowing 10 or more letters in English Language Arts by 06/05/2015 as measured by the District Preschool Assessment. SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 28 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools (shared) Strategy 1: Differentiated Instruction (Preschool) - The District will implement Differentiated Instruction for preschool students to ensure that they are learning skills to prepare them for Kindergarten in a way that is developmentally appropriate for this age group. Research Cited: Cusumano, C. (2007). How Differentiated Instruction Helps struggling Students. Leadership, 36(4), 8-10. "Accelerating learning by examining and aligning three major systems in the school to support differentiation and a consistent focus on improved student learning the school's academic delivery structure, professional development, and human/fiscal resource allocation." Tier: Activity - Preschool Readiness Activity Type Tier The District will employ staff who will differentiate instruction for Other preschool students to ensure their readiness for Kindergarten the following school year. Schools:North Park Montessori Academy, Brookside School, Dickinson School, Buchanan School, Campus Elementary, Palmer School, Congress Elementary, East Leonard School, Harrison Elementary, Gerald R. Ford K8 Academy, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Stocking School, Cesar E. Chavez Elementary, Kent Hills School, Ken-O-Sha EC & SE Center, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy, Southwest Community Campus School, Sibley School, Burton Elementary School Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $1800000 Source Of Funding Other Staff Responsibl e Director of Early Childhood Programs and Deputy Superinten dent of Curriculum and Learning Measurable Objective 2: 75% of Pre-K grade students will demonstrate a proficiency in knowing 10-20 letter sounds in English Language Arts by 06/05/2015 as measured by the District Preschool Assessment. (shared) Strategy 1: Differentiated Instruction (Preschool) - The District will implement Differentiated Instruction for preschool students to ensure that they are learning skills to prepare them for Kindergarten in a way that is developmentally appropriate for this age group. Research Cited: Cusumano, C. (2007). How Differentiated Instruction Helps struggling Students. Leadership, 36(4), 8-10. "Accelerating learning by examining and aligning three major systems in the school to support differentiation and a consistent focus on improved student learning the school's academic delivery structure, professional development, and human/fiscal resource allocation." Tier: SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 29 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools Activity - Preschool Readiness Activity Type Tier Phase The District will employ staff who will differentiate instruction for Other preschool students to ensure their readiness for Kindergarten the following school year. Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $1800000 Source Of Funding Other Schools:North Park Montessori Academy, Brookside School, Dickinson School, Buchanan School, Campus Elementary, Palmer School, Congress Elementary, East Leonard School, Harrison Elementary, Gerald R. Ford K8 Academy, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Stocking School, Cesar E. Chavez Elementary, Kent Hills School, Ken-O-Sha EC & SE Center, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy, Southwest Community Campus School, Sibley School, Burton Elementary School Staff Responsibl e Director of Early Childhood Programs and Deputy Superinten dent of Curriculum and Learning Measurable Objective 3: 57% of Third, Fourth and Fifth grade students will demonstrate a proficiency in reading content in Reading by 06/05/2015 as measured by the state assessment. (shared) Strategy 1: Differentiated Instruction (K-12) - The District will implement Differentiated Instruction through the use and implementation of Professional Learning Opportunities, Project Learning (middle/high), Fluency and Skill Development, SIOP, Data Analysis, Monitoring and Professional Learning Communities (PLCs). Research Cited: Beach, T.A. (2010). Combine Methodologies of Differentiated Instruction in the Heterogeneous Classroom. South Carolina Middle School Association Journal, February 26, 2011. "Offering each student the chance to learn the subject material in ways that address each student individually can benefit children in retaining information that will later be necessary to become thoughtful, productive adults. Through differentiation combined with curriculum layering, teachers can create a student-centered classroom that is supportive to each student." Cusumano, C. (2007). How Differentiated Instruction Helps struggling Students. Leadership, 36(4), 8-10. "Accelerating learning by examining and aligning three major systems in the school to support differentiation and a consistent focus on improved student learning the school's academic delivery structure, professional development, and human/fiscal resource allocation." Tier: Tier 1 Activity - Professional Learning Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 30 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will employ individuals who organize the Professiona Tier 1 professional learning opportunities provided throughout the l Learning District. Professional Learning will be differentiated to meet the needs of the staff who will attend. Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $149000 Title II Part Assistant A Superinten dent of Organizatio nal Learning, Building Administrat ors, and teaching staff Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:All Schools Activity - Project Learning (Middle and High) Activity Type Tier The District Curriculum Supervisor and Curriculum Writing Curriculum Tier 1 Team will design units and lessons that will provide Developme opportunities throughout the school year for students to be nt engaged in a variety of project learning activities that support their instructional goals. These projects will be differentiated in nature and provide choice to students regarding the type of project they will complete and will be rigorous and challenging for all students. Resource Assigned Schools:Westwood Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Ottawa Hills High School, Alger Middle School, Blandford Nature Center, Burton Middle School, Grand Rapids University Preparatory Academy, Riverside Middle School, Union High School, Innovation Central High School, City High Middle School, Center for Economicology Activity - Fluency and Skill Development Activity Type Tier The District will allot time in the daily schedule to allow staff to Curriculum Tier 1 use a variety of activities that will allow students to become Developme fluent with essential foundational skills. The students will nt practice these foundational skills often enough so that they can flexibly engage with the content at a higher level. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding Deputy Required Superinten dent of Curriculum and Learning, Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors, and teaching staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Building Required Administrat ors and Teaching Staff Schools:All Schools Activity - Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP) Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 31 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will employ individuals who will coach and support Academic schools who have populations with second language learners. Support These individuals will train staff on how to implement the SIOP Program framework in their classrooms to support and provide differentiated techniques which will support the learning needs of our Limited English Proficient (LEP) students. Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $200000 Title III Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding ELL Department , Building Administrat or, and Teaching Staff Schools:Brookside School, Dickinson School, Buchanan School, Riverside Middle School, Harrison Park Elementary School, Palmer School, Congress Elementary, Westwood Middle School, Stocking School, Cesar E. Chavez Elementary, Burton Middle School, Union High School, Newcomers Community School, Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Southwest Community Campus School, Sibley School, Burton Elementary School Activity - Data Analysis Activity Type The District will employ staff who will work collaboratively with Other individual schools and the KISD to analyze District-wide data, design user-friendly data reports and to assist schools in understanding their school-wide data in order to support and improve student achievement. This data is used at the building level to support teachers to determine the academic needs of all students in order to differentiate their instruction. Some of this data will be used by school staff who will participate in (Data Dialogues, Governance Boards) to review, reflect and communicate the academic progress in their classroom and identify which activities they are implementing to support continued student achievement. Tier 1 Resource Assigned 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $560860 Schools:All Schools Activity - Monitoring Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Title I Part Data A, Title II Support Part A, Title Specialist, I Part A Assessmen t and Evaluation Department , Divisional Executive Directors, School Reform Facilitators, Building Administrat or,Student Information Services and Teaching Staff. Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 32 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools District Support Staff in conjunction with building administrators, Curriculum Supervisors, and Coaches will monitor the level of use and effectiveness of differentiated instruction in the classrooms through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process. Walkthroug Tier 1 h Monitor 09/04/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, District Curriculum Supervisors , Coaches, and Building Administrat ors Activity - Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) Activity Type Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding The District will implement PLCs to develop staff capacity in providing effective research-based instruction by engaging teachers in frequent collaboration and dialogue. PLCs are an embedded professional development model which includes: the examination of instructional practices, including differentiation, student work, strategies for at-risk students, LearningWalks, Content Focused Coaching, observation and feedback conferences. Participants of PLCs include but are not limited to: District Curriculum Supervisors, Content Coaches, teaching staff and building principals. Professiona Tier 1 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $204000 Title I Part A Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $183829 Title I Part A Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Schools:All Schools Tier Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e District Curriculum Supervisors , Coaches, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Schools:All Schools Activity - Reading Specialist Teacher The District will employ Reading Specialist Teachers within Academic identified Priority Schools who will deliver supplementary Support instruction to identified students. This instructional support will Program reflect state and district content expectations through the use of effective strategies in management, instruction, student motivation and curriculum planning. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Reading Specialist Teacher and Building Administrat ors Schools:Brookside School, Dickinson School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy Activity - Instructional Coaches Activity Type SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Page 33 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will employ Instructional Coaches who will build capacity of instructional staff by engaging in frequent and on-going coaching cycles with feedback around instructional strategies, differentiated strategies and delivery. Academic Support Program Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $92000 Title I Part A Coaches, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $108800 Title III, Title I Part A Staff Responsibl e Title I Office, School Reform Facilitators, Summer School Building Administrat ors and Summer School Teachers Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $334860 Title I Part A Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Schools:Ottawa Hills High School Activity - Summer School The District will fund a summer school program that supports Academic the academic improvement of identified students. The summer Support school program is differentiated to meet the academic needs of Program the students who are enrolled. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Reading Teacher (Alger and Westwood) Activity Type The District will place teachers who will be responsible for Academic providing technical expertise in reading instruction. Support The teachers will be responsible for ensuring that researched- Program based best practices are implemented in grade levels 6-8. This may include conducting model/demonstration lessons in classrooms, coaching and assisting teachers, designing lessons for teachers and providing regular ongoing professional development in reading methods for all staff. The teachers will be responsible for testing students, diagnosing reading problems, and recommending and implementing effective intervention strategies. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Reading Teacher, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Schools:Westwood Middle School, Alger Middle School Activity - Reading Coach (Priority Schools) Activity Type SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Page 34 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will employ coaches in order to support Priority Professiona Tier 2 Schools with their Reform & Redesign Plans, Reading Coaches l Learning will be utilized to assist classroom teachers in successfully implementing best practices as identified in their Reform & Redesign Plans. Reading Coaches will provide leadership for teachers by planning, collaborating, organizing, modeling and facilitating change to improve the instructional program. Reading Coaches will participate in Coaching Cycles, LearningWalks, Professional Learning Communities, Data Analysis Meetings, and lead some professional development for the building staff based on the schools identified areas of need. Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $276000 Title I Part A Reading Coach, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Instructiona l Improveme nt Coach, Building Administrat or, and Teaching Staff Schools:Aberdeen Elementary, Kent Hills School, Campus Elementary Activity - Instructional Improvement Coach (Union) Activity Type Tier Resource Assigned The District will hire an Instructional Improvement Coach, who under the direction of the Building Principal will facilitate learning around content areas and literacy utilizing technology and data that will enable Instructional Staff to effectively meet and transform the performance of GRPS students at Union High School. Professiona Tier 2 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $89000 Title I Part A Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $128000 Schools:Union High School Activity - Literacy Para Professional (Priority Schools) The District will employ Literacy Para Professionals who will be Academic responsible for assisting with promotion of literacy in Support elementary and K-8 buildings by working as a team member Program with the school staff, principal and library director in providing a quality educational program. Responsible for concept/skill reinforcement tasks and providing students the opportunity for additional adult/student relationships. Schools:Mulick Elementary, Brookside School, Aberdeen Elementary, Campus Elementary Resource Assigned Title I Part A Staff Responsibl e Literacy Para Professiona ls, Building Administrat ors, Library Director, and Teaching Staff (shared) Strategy 2: Student Engagement (K-12) - The District will implement Student Engagement by the following means: Professional Learning, Academic Rigor, Accountable Talk, Quality Questioning, Claim, Evidence and Reasoning, Non-Linguistic Representation, Monitoring, Close and Critical Reading, Technology and Clear Expectations. Research Cited: Pickering, Debra J., and Marzano, Robert J. (2011). The Highly Engaged Classroom. Marzano Research Laboratory. SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 35 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools “Engagement is a central aspect of effective teaching. If students are not engaged, there is little, if any, chance that they will learn what is being addressed in class. Student engagement has long been recognized as the core of effective schooling.” Tier: Tier 1 Activity - Professional Learning Activity Type The District will employ individuals who organize the professional learning opportunities provided throughout the District. Some of the Professional Learning opportunities will support teachers and administrators using the teacher evaluation tools which will support the growth of student engagement in the classroom. Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Professiona Tier 1 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:All Schools Activity - Academic Rigor District Staff in conjunction with building administrators will Other monitor that students’ foundations of content are being built by engaging them in the thinking process to deepen their overall content knowledge through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process to ensure that there is academic rigor in the classroom. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Accountable Talk Activity Type SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Assistant Required Superinten dent of Organizatio nal Learning, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, School Reform Facilitators, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 36 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools District Staff in conjunction with building administrators will Academic monitor the application of Accountable Talk moves which have Support been developed through teacher training provided by the Program Institute for Learning (IFL). Accountable Talk will develop students’ abilities to socialize their intelligence as well as increase student engagement by encouraging open discussion and inquiry-based reasoning opportunities. Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, School Reform Facilitators, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:All Schools Activity - Quality Questioning Activity Type The District will implement quality questioning in the classroom Other to increase both student engagement and to support a deeper understanding of the content being taught. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Claim, Evidence and Reasoning (Middle/High) Activity Type The District Curriculum Supervisors will create units/lessons Academic which will increase student engagement through the use of Support clam, evidence and reasoning. While reading complex text, Program staff will have students respond (orally and written) to a topic which will demand them to use textual evidence to support their overall claim. Resource Assigned Schools:Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Ottawa Hills High School, Blandford Nature Center, Dickinson School, Riverside Middle School, CA Frost Environmental Science Academy, Harrison Park Elementary School, Aberdeen Elementary School, Gerald R. Ford K8 Academy, Westwood Middle School, Alger Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Burton Middle School, Grand Rapids University Preparatory Academy, Shawmut Hills School, Union High School, Southwest Community Campus School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy, City High Middle School, Center for Economicology Activity - Non-Linguistic Representation (Middle/High) Activity Type SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Deputy Required Superinten dent of Curriculum and Learning, District Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 37 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District Curriculum Supervisors will create units/lessons Academic which will incorporate the use of non-linguistic representational Support tools such as Thinking Maps and graphic organizers to enable Program students to organize their thinking in a way that will allow them to be more deeply engaged with the content. Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Deputy Required Superinten dent of Curriculum and Instruction, District Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrati on, and Teaching Staff Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Monitor 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:North Park Montessori Academy, Ottawa Hills High School, Blandford Nature Center, CA Frost Environmental Science Academy, Riverside Middle School, Harrison Elementary, Gerald R. Ford K8 Academy, Westwood Middle School, Alger Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Burton Middle School, Grand Rapids University Preparatory Academy, Aberdeen Elementary, Shawmut Hills School, Union High School, Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Innovation Central High School, Southwest Community Campus School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy, City High Middle School, Center for Economicology Activity - Monitoring Activity Type District Staff in conjunction with building administrators, Walkthroug Tier 1 Curriculum Supervisors, and DL Coaches will monitor the level h of use and effectiveness of student engagement in the classrooms through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Close and Critical Reading (Middle/High) Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, District Curriculum Supervisors , Coaches, and Building Administrat ors Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 38 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District Curriculum Supervisors will develop units/lessons Academic which will incorporate close and critical reading. The teaching Support staff will use these units/lessons to teach students how to read Program text closely and to begin to think critically about the content within the text. Teaching staff will utilize the guided highlighted reading technique which will support students’ ability to summarize, retell and synthesize complex text and increase their ability to engage with the text. Teachers will assist students in deepening their academic vocabulary by using it in the context as it appears in the text. Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Deputy Required Superinten dent of Curriculum and Instruction, District Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $40000 Title I Part A Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Schools:North Park Montessori Academy, Ottawa Hills High School, Dickinson School, CA Frost Environmental Science Academy, Riverside Middle School, Harrison Elementary, Gerald R. Ford K8 Academy, Westwood Middle School, Alger Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Burton Middle School, Grand Rapids University Preparatory Academy, Aberdeen Elementary, Shawmut Hills School, Union High School, Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Innovation Central High School, Southwest Community Campus School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy, City High Middle School, Center for Economicology Activity - Technology Activity Type The District will support the use of technology across the Technology Tier 1 district. Technology will be used in a variety of ways to support student learning objectives. Students will engage with technology as a means to demonstrate their learning. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Clear Expectations Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e District Technology Department (MIS), District Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Staff Responsibl e Page 39 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will ensure that teachers are setting clear Other expectations in the classroom through the implementation of the evaluation tools used across the District. Classroom teachers will clearly communicate (oral and written formats) the purpose for learning as it connects to the curriculum framework and standards in a language that is student-friendly. Students will be more actively engaged in their learning when they have a clear understanding of what the purpose is. Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Schools:All Schools (shared) Strategy 3: Learning Targets (K-5) - The District will implement the use of Learning Targets to ensure consistent focus of learning objectives and that standards are being taught. Research Cited: Brookhart, Susan M., and Moss, Connie M. (2012). Learning Targets: Helping Students Aim for Understanding in Today’s Lesson. ASCD. “The most effective teaching and the most meaningful student learning happen when teachers design the right learning targets for today’s lesson and use it along with their students to aim for and assess understanding. Learning targets are student-friendly descriptors of what you intend students to learn or accomplish in a given lesson. When shared, meaningfully, they become actual targets that students can see and direct their efforts toward. They also serve as targets for the adults in the school whose responsibility it is to plan, monitor, and assess, and improve the quality of learning opportunities to raise the achievement of all students.” Tier: Tier 1 Activity - Curriculum Maps Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned The District Curriculum Supervisors will develop curriculum maps which highlight instructional goals around grade-level learning targets that are student-friendly and specific to the needs of individual students in the classroom. Other Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:Brookside School, CA Frost Environmental Science Academy, Congress Elementary, East Leonard School, Harrison Elementary, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Cesar E. Chavez Elementary, Aberdeen Elementary, Kent Hills School, Shawmut Hills School, Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy, Sibley School, Mulick Elementary, North Park Montessori Academy, Dickinson School, Buchanan School, Campus Elementary, Palmer School, Gerald R. Ford K8 Academy, Coit Arts Academy, Stocking School, Ken-O-Sha Park Elementary, Southwest Community Campus School, Burton Elementary School Activity - Monitoring SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding District Required Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 40 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools District Staff in conjunction with building administrators and Curriculum Supervisors will monitor the level of use and effectiveness of Learning Targets in the classrooms through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process. Other Tier 1 Monitor 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Schools:Brookside School, CA Frost Environmental Science Academy, Congress Elementary, East Leonard School, Harrison Elementary, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Cesar E. Chavez Elementary, Aberdeen Elementary, Kent Hills School, Shawmut Hills School, Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy, Sibley School, Mulick Elementary, North Park Montessori Academy, Dickinson School, Buchanan School, Campus Elementary, Palmer School, Gerald R. Ford K8 Academy, Coit Arts Academy, Stocking School, Ken-O-Sha Park Elementary, Southwest Community Campus School, Burton Elementary School No Funding District Required Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrati on, and Teaching Staff Measurable Objective 4: A 15% increase of Kindergarten grade students will demonstrate a proficiency of content in Reading by 06/05/2015 as measured by NWEA/MAP. Strategy 1: All Day Kindergarten - The District will implement all day kindergarten across the system. The District will monitor the progress of students who participate in all day kindergarten to determine if their academic achievement is improving over time and what rate. In addition, the District will closely monitor the strategies and tools being used by kindergarten classroom teachers who have the highest success rate for the purpose of replicating high quality instructional methods. Research Cited: National Education Association and Collaborative Communications Group (2006). Full Day Kindergarten: An Advocacy Guide. NEA NEA recognizes that full-day kindergarten programs close achievement gaps between young children from minority and low-income families and their peers. By providing a solid foundation of learning to children from all backgrounds, full-day kindergarten programs ensure all students' academic, social, and emotional success. Tier: Tier 1 Activity - Evaluate Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 41 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will evaluate the current all day kindergarten Other program and the impact it has on overall student achievement. In addition, the District will closely monitor the strategies and tools being used by kindergarten classroom teachers who have the highest success rate for the purpose of replicating high quality instructional methods. Tier 1 Evaluate 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $2500000 Schools:Brookside School, CA Frost Environmental Science Academy, Congress Elementary, East Leonard School, Harrison Elementary, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Cesar E. Chavez Elementary, Aberdeen Elementary, Kent Hills School, Shawmut Hills School, Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy, Sibley School, Mulick Elementary, North Park Montessori Academy, Dickinson School, Buchanan School, Campus Elementary, Palmer School, Gerald R. Ford K8 Academy, Coit Arts Academy, Stocking School, Ken-O-Sha Park Elementary, Southwest Community Campus School, Burton Elementary School Title I Part A The Executive Director of Community and Student Services, Director to Elementary Schools, Executive Director of K-8/Middle Schools, and Elementary and K8/Middle School Reform Facilitators. Measurable Objective 5: 50% of Third, Fourth and Fifth grade Black or African-American students will demonstrate a proficiency in concepts in Reading by 06/05/2015 as measured by the state assessment. (shared) Strategy 1: Differentiated Instruction (K-12) - The District will implement Differentiated Instruction through the use and implementation of Professional Learning Opportunities, Project Learning (middle/high), Fluency and Skill Development, SIOP, Data Analysis, Monitoring and Professional Learning Communities (PLCs). Research Cited: Beach, T.A. (2010). Combine Methodologies of Differentiated Instruction in the Heterogeneous Classroom. South Carolina Middle School Association Journal, February 26, 2011. "Offering each student the chance to learn the subject material in ways that address each student individually can benefit children in retaining information that will later be necessary to become thoughtful, productive adults. Through differentiation combined with curriculum layering, teachers can create a student-centered classroom that is supportive to each student." Cusumano, C. (2007). How Differentiated Instruction Helps struggling Students. Leadership, 36(4), 8-10. "Accelerating learning by examining and aligning three major systems in the school to support differentiation and a consistent focus on improved student learning the school's academic delivery structure, professional development, and human/fiscal resource allocation." Tier: Tier 1 SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 42 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools Activity - Professional Learning Activity Type Tier The District will employ individuals who organize the Professiona Tier 1 professional learning opportunities provided throughout the l Learning District. Professional Learning will be differentiated to meet the needs of the staff who will attend. Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $149000 Phase Begin Date End Date Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Staff Responsibl e No Funding Building Required Administrat ors and Teaching Staff Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Schools:All Schools Activity - Project Learning (Middle and High) Activity Type Tier The District Curriculum Supervisor and Curriculum Writing Curriculum Tier 1 Team will design units and lessons that will provide Developme opportunities throughout the school year for students to be nt engaged in a variety of project learning activities that support their instructional goals. These projects will be differentiated in nature and provide choice to students regarding the type of project they will complete and will be rigorous and challenging for all students. Resource Assigned Schools:Westwood Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Ottawa Hills High School, Alger Middle School, Blandford Nature Center, Burton Middle School, Grand Rapids University Preparatory Academy, Riverside Middle School, Union High School, Innovation Central High School, City High Middle School, Center for Economicology Activity - Fluency and Skill Development Activity Type Tier The District will allot time in the daily schedule to allow staff to Curriculum Tier 1 use a variety of activities that will allow students to become Developme fluent with essential foundational skills. The students will nt practice these foundational skills often enough so that they can flexibly engage with the content at a higher level. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Title II Part Assistant A Superinten dent of Organizatio nal Learning, Building Administrat ors, and teaching staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Deputy Required Superinten dent of Curriculum and Learning, Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors, and teaching staff Source Of Funding Schools:All Schools Activity - Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP) Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Page 43 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will employ individuals who will coach and support Academic schools who have populations with second language learners. Support These individuals will train staff on how to implement the SIOP Program framework in their classrooms to support and provide differentiated techniques which will support the learning needs of our Limited English Proficient (LEP) students. Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $200000 Title III Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding ELL Department , Building Administrat or, and Teaching Staff Schools:Brookside School, Dickinson School, Buchanan School, Riverside Middle School, Harrison Park Elementary School, Palmer School, Congress Elementary, Westwood Middle School, Stocking School, Cesar E. Chavez Elementary, Burton Middle School, Union High School, Newcomers Community School, Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Southwest Community Campus School, Sibley School, Burton Elementary School Activity - Data Analysis Activity Type The District will employ staff who will work collaboratively with Other individual schools and the KISD to analyze District-wide data, design user-friendly data reports and to assist schools in understanding their school-wide data in order to support and improve student achievement. This data is used at the building level to support teachers to determine the academic needs of all students in order to differentiate their instruction. Some of this data will be used by school staff who will participate in (Data Dialogues, Governance Boards) to review, reflect and communicate the academic progress in their classroom and identify which activities they are implementing to support continued student achievement. Tier 1 Resource Assigned 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $560860 Schools:All Schools Activity - Monitoring Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Title I Part Data A, Title II Support Part A, Title Specialist, I Part A Assessmen t and Evaluation Department , Divisional Executive Directors, School Reform Facilitators, Building Administrat or,Student Information Services and Teaching Staff. Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 44 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools District Support Staff in conjunction with building administrators, Curriculum Supervisors, and Coaches will monitor the level of use and effectiveness of differentiated instruction in the classrooms through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process. Walkthroug Tier 1 h Monitor 09/04/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, District Curriculum Supervisors , Coaches, and Building Administrat ors Activity - Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) Activity Type Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding The District will implement PLCs to develop staff capacity in providing effective research-based instruction by engaging teachers in frequent collaboration and dialogue. PLCs are an embedded professional development model which includes: the examination of instructional practices, including differentiation, student work, strategies for at-risk students, LearningWalks, Content Focused Coaching, observation and feedback conferences. Participants of PLCs include but are not limited to: District Curriculum Supervisors, Content Coaches, teaching staff and building principals. Professiona Tier 1 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $204000 Title I Part A Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $183829 Title I Part A Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Schools:All Schools Tier Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e District Curriculum Supervisors , Coaches, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Schools:All Schools Activity - Reading Specialist Teacher The District will employ Reading Specialist Teachers within Academic identified Priority Schools who will deliver supplementary Support instruction to identified students. This instructional support will Program reflect state and district content expectations through the use of effective strategies in management, instruction, student motivation and curriculum planning. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Reading Specialist Teacher and Building Administrat ors Schools:Brookside School, Dickinson School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy Activity - Instructional Coaches Activity Type SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Page 45 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will employ Instructional Coaches who will build capacity of instructional staff by engaging in frequent and on-going coaching cycles with feedback around instructional strategies, differentiated strategies and delivery. Academic Support Program Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $92000 Title I Part A Coaches, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $108800 Title III, Title I Part A Staff Responsibl e Title I Office, School Reform Facilitators, Summer School Building Administrat ors and Summer School Teachers Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $334860 Title I Part A Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Schools:Ottawa Hills High School Activity - Summer School The District will fund a summer school program that supports Academic the academic improvement of identified students. The summer Support school program is differentiated to meet the academic needs of Program the students who are enrolled. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Reading Teacher (Alger and Westwood) Activity Type The District will place teachers who will be responsible for Academic providing technical expertise in reading instruction. Support The teachers will be responsible for ensuring that researched- Program based best practices are implemented in grade levels 6-8. This may include conducting model/demonstration lessons in classrooms, coaching and assisting teachers, designing lessons for teachers and providing regular ongoing professional development in reading methods for all staff. The teachers will be responsible for testing students, diagnosing reading problems, and recommending and implementing effective intervention strategies. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Reading Teacher, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Schools:Westwood Middle School, Alger Middle School Activity - Reading Coach (Priority Schools) Activity Type SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Page 46 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will employ coaches in order to support Priority Professiona Tier 2 Schools with their Reform & Redesign Plans, Reading Coaches l Learning will be utilized to assist classroom teachers in successfully implementing best practices as identified in their Reform & Redesign Plans. Reading Coaches will provide leadership for teachers by planning, collaborating, organizing, modeling and facilitating change to improve the instructional program. Reading Coaches will participate in Coaching Cycles, LearningWalks, Professional Learning Communities, Data Analysis Meetings, and lead some professional development for the building staff based on the schools identified areas of need. Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $276000 Title I Part A Reading Coach, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Instructiona l Improveme nt Coach, Building Administrat or, and Teaching Staff Schools:Aberdeen Elementary, Kent Hills School, Campus Elementary Activity - Instructional Improvement Coach (Union) Activity Type Tier Resource Assigned The District will hire an Instructional Improvement Coach, who under the direction of the Building Principal will facilitate learning around content areas and literacy utilizing technology and data that will enable Instructional Staff to effectively meet and transform the performance of GRPS students at Union High School. Professiona Tier 2 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $89000 Title I Part A Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $128000 Schools:Union High School Activity - Literacy Para Professional (Priority Schools) The District will employ Literacy Para Professionals who will be Academic responsible for assisting with promotion of literacy in Support elementary and K-8 buildings by working as a team member Program with the school staff, principal and library director in providing a quality educational program. Responsible for concept/skill reinforcement tasks and providing students the opportunity for additional adult/student relationships. Schools:Mulick Elementary, Brookside School, Aberdeen Elementary, Campus Elementary Resource Assigned Title I Part A Staff Responsibl e Literacy Para Professiona ls, Building Administrat ors, Library Director, and Teaching Staff (shared) Strategy 2: Student Engagement (K-12) - The District will implement Student Engagement by the following means: Professional Learning, Academic Rigor, Accountable Talk, Quality Questioning, Claim, Evidence and Reasoning, Non-Linguistic Representation, Monitoring, Close and Critical Reading, Technology and Clear Expectations. Research Cited: Pickering, Debra J., and Marzano, Robert J. (2011). The Highly Engaged Classroom. Marzano Research Laboratory. SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 47 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools “Engagement is a central aspect of effective teaching. If students are not engaged, there is little, if any, chance that they will learn what is being addressed in class. Student engagement has long been recognized as the core of effective schooling.” Tier: Tier 1 Activity - Professional Learning Activity Type The District will employ individuals who organize the professional learning opportunities provided throughout the District. Some of the Professional Learning opportunities will support teachers and administrators using the teacher evaluation tools which will support the growth of student engagement in the classroom. Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Professiona Tier 1 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:All Schools Activity - Academic Rigor District Staff in conjunction with building administrators will Other monitor that students’ foundations of content are being built by engaging them in the thinking process to deepen their overall content knowledge through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process to ensure that there is academic rigor in the classroom. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Accountable Talk Activity Type SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Assistant Required Superinten dent of Organizatio nal Learning, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, School Reform Facilitators, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 48 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools District Staff in conjunction with building administrators will Academic monitor the application of Accountable Talk moves which have Support been developed through teacher training provided by the Program Institute for Learning (IFL). Accountable Talk will develop students’ abilities to socialize their intelligence as well as increase student engagement by encouraging open discussion and inquiry-based reasoning opportunities. Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, School Reform Facilitators, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:All Schools Activity - Quality Questioning Activity Type The District will implement quality questioning in the classroom Other to increase both student engagement and to support a deeper understanding of the content being taught. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Claim, Evidence and Reasoning (Middle/High) Activity Type The District Curriculum Supervisors will create units/lessons Academic which will increase student engagement through the use of Support clam, evidence and reasoning. While reading complex text, Program staff will have students respond (orally and written) to a topic which will demand them to use textual evidence to support their overall claim. Resource Assigned Schools:Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Ottawa Hills High School, Blandford Nature Center, Dickinson School, Riverside Middle School, CA Frost Environmental Science Academy, Harrison Park Elementary School, Aberdeen Elementary School, Gerald R. Ford K8 Academy, Westwood Middle School, Alger Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Burton Middle School, Grand Rapids University Preparatory Academy, Shawmut Hills School, Union High School, Southwest Community Campus School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy, City High Middle School, Center for Economicology Activity - Non-Linguistic Representation (Middle/High) Activity Type SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Deputy Required Superinten dent of Curriculum and Learning, District Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 49 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District Curriculum Supervisors will create units/lessons Academic which will incorporate the use of non-linguistic representational Support tools such as Thinking Maps and graphic organizers to enable Program students to organize their thinking in a way that will allow them to be more deeply engaged with the content. Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Deputy Required Superinten dent of Curriculum and Instruction, District Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrati on, and Teaching Staff Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Monitor 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:North Park Montessori Academy, Ottawa Hills High School, Blandford Nature Center, CA Frost Environmental Science Academy, Riverside Middle School, Harrison Elementary, Gerald R. Ford K8 Academy, Westwood Middle School, Alger Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Burton Middle School, Grand Rapids University Preparatory Academy, Aberdeen Elementary, Shawmut Hills School, Union High School, Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Innovation Central High School, Southwest Community Campus School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy, City High Middle School, Center for Economicology Activity - Monitoring Activity Type District Staff in conjunction with building administrators, Walkthroug Tier 1 Curriculum Supervisors, and DL Coaches will monitor the level h of use and effectiveness of student engagement in the classrooms through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Close and Critical Reading (Middle/High) Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, District Curriculum Supervisors , Coaches, and Building Administrat ors Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 50 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District Curriculum Supervisors will develop units/lessons Academic which will incorporate close and critical reading. The teaching Support staff will use these units/lessons to teach students how to read Program text closely and to begin to think critically about the content within the text. Teaching staff will utilize the guided highlighted reading technique which will support students’ ability to summarize, retell and synthesize complex text and increase their ability to engage with the text. Teachers will assist students in deepening their academic vocabulary by using it in the context as it appears in the text. Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Deputy Required Superinten dent of Curriculum and Instruction, District Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $40000 Title I Part A Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Schools:North Park Montessori Academy, Ottawa Hills High School, Dickinson School, CA Frost Environmental Science Academy, Riverside Middle School, Harrison Elementary, Gerald R. Ford K8 Academy, Westwood Middle School, Alger Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Burton Middle School, Grand Rapids University Preparatory Academy, Aberdeen Elementary, Shawmut Hills School, Union High School, Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Innovation Central High School, Southwest Community Campus School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy, City High Middle School, Center for Economicology Activity - Technology Activity Type The District will support the use of technology across the Technology Tier 1 district. Technology will be used in a variety of ways to support student learning objectives. Students will engage with technology as a means to demonstrate their learning. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Clear Expectations Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e District Technology Department (MIS), District Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Staff Responsibl e Page 51 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will ensure that teachers are setting clear Other expectations in the classroom through the implementation of the evaluation tools used across the District. Classroom teachers will clearly communicate (oral and written formats) the purpose for learning as it connects to the curriculum framework and standards in a language that is student-friendly. Students will be more actively engaged in their learning when they have a clear understanding of what the purpose is. Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Schools:All Schools (shared) Strategy 3: Learning Targets (K-5) - The District will implement the use of Learning Targets to ensure consistent focus of learning objectives and that standards are being taught. Research Cited: Brookhart, Susan M., and Moss, Connie M. (2012). Learning Targets: Helping Students Aim for Understanding in Today’s Lesson. ASCD. “The most effective teaching and the most meaningful student learning happen when teachers design the right learning targets for today’s lesson and use it along with their students to aim for and assess understanding. Learning targets are student-friendly descriptors of what you intend students to learn or accomplish in a given lesson. When shared, meaningfully, they become actual targets that students can see and direct their efforts toward. They also serve as targets for the adults in the school whose responsibility it is to plan, monitor, and assess, and improve the quality of learning opportunities to raise the achievement of all students.” Tier: Tier 1 Activity - Curriculum Maps Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned The District Curriculum Supervisors will develop curriculum maps which highlight instructional goals around grade-level learning targets that are student-friendly and specific to the needs of individual students in the classroom. Other Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:Brookside School, CA Frost Environmental Science Academy, Congress Elementary, East Leonard School, Harrison Elementary, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Cesar E. Chavez Elementary, Aberdeen Elementary, Kent Hills School, Shawmut Hills School, Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy, Sibley School, Mulick Elementary, North Park Montessori Academy, Dickinson School, Buchanan School, Campus Elementary, Palmer School, Gerald R. Ford K8 Academy, Coit Arts Academy, Stocking School, Ken-O-Sha Park Elementary, Southwest Community Campus School, Burton Elementary School Activity - Monitoring SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding District Required Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 52 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools District Staff in conjunction with building administrators and Curriculum Supervisors will monitor the level of use and effectiveness of Learning Targets in the classrooms through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process. Other Tier 1 Monitor 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Schools:Brookside School, CA Frost Environmental Science Academy, Congress Elementary, East Leonard School, Harrison Elementary, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Cesar E. Chavez Elementary, Aberdeen Elementary, Kent Hills School, Shawmut Hills School, Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy, Sibley School, Mulick Elementary, North Park Montessori Academy, Dickinson School, Buchanan School, Campus Elementary, Palmer School, Gerald R. Ford K8 Academy, Coit Arts Academy, Stocking School, Ken-O-Sha Park Elementary, Southwest Community Campus School, Burton Elementary School No Funding District Required Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrati on, and Teaching Staff Measurable Objective 6: 52% of Third, Fourth and Fifth grade Hispanic or Latino students will demonstrate a proficiency in concepts in Reading by 06/05/2015 as measured by the state assessment. (shared) Strategy 1: Differentiated Instruction (K-12) - The District will implement Differentiated Instruction through the use and implementation of Professional Learning Opportunities, Project Learning (middle/high), Fluency and Skill Development, SIOP, Data Analysis, Monitoring and Professional Learning Communities (PLCs). Research Cited: Beach, T.A. (2010). Combine Methodologies of Differentiated Instruction in the Heterogeneous Classroom. South Carolina Middle School Association Journal, February 26, 2011. "Offering each student the chance to learn the subject material in ways that address each student individually can benefit children in retaining information that will later be necessary to become thoughtful, productive adults. Through differentiation combined with curriculum layering, teachers can create a student-centered classroom that is supportive to each student." Cusumano, C. (2007). How Differentiated Instruction Helps struggling Students. Leadership, 36(4), 8-10. "Accelerating learning by examining and aligning three major systems in the school to support differentiation and a consistent focus on improved student learning the school's academic delivery structure, professional development, and human/fiscal resource allocation." Tier: Tier 1 Activity - Professional Learning Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 53 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will employ individuals who organize the Professiona Tier 1 professional learning opportunities provided throughout the l Learning District. Professional Learning will be differentiated to meet the needs of the staff who will attend. Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $149000 Title II Part Assistant A Superinten dent of Organizatio nal Learning, Building Administrat ors, and teaching staff Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:All Schools Activity - Project Learning (Middle and High) Activity Type Tier The District Curriculum Supervisor and Curriculum Writing Curriculum Tier 1 Team will design units and lessons that will provide Developme opportunities throughout the school year for students to be nt engaged in a variety of project learning activities that support their instructional goals. These projects will be differentiated in nature and provide choice to students regarding the type of project they will complete and will be rigorous and challenging for all students. Resource Assigned Schools:Westwood Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Ottawa Hills High School, Alger Middle School, Blandford Nature Center, Burton Middle School, Grand Rapids University Preparatory Academy, Riverside Middle School, Union High School, Innovation Central High School, City High Middle School, Center for Economicology Activity - Fluency and Skill Development Activity Type Tier The District will allot time in the daily schedule to allow staff to Curriculum Tier 1 use a variety of activities that will allow students to become Developme fluent with essential foundational skills. The students will nt practice these foundational skills often enough so that they can flexibly engage with the content at a higher level. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding Deputy Required Superinten dent of Curriculum and Learning, Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors, and teaching staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Building Required Administrat ors and Teaching Staff Schools:All Schools Activity - Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP) Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 54 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will employ individuals who will coach and support Academic schools who have populations with second language learners. Support These individuals will train staff on how to implement the SIOP Program framework in their classrooms to support and provide differentiated techniques which will support the learning needs of our Limited English Proficient (LEP) students. Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $200000 Title III Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding ELL Department , Building Administrat or, and Teaching Staff Schools:Brookside School, Dickinson School, Buchanan School, Riverside Middle School, Harrison Park Elementary School, Palmer School, Congress Elementary, Westwood Middle School, Stocking School, Cesar E. Chavez Elementary, Burton Middle School, Union High School, Newcomers Community School, Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Southwest Community Campus School, Sibley School, Burton Elementary School Activity - Data Analysis Activity Type The District will employ staff who will work collaboratively with Other individual schools and the KISD to analyze District-wide data, design user-friendly data reports and to assist schools in understanding their school-wide data in order to support and improve student achievement. This data is used at the building level to support teachers to determine the academic needs of all students in order to differentiate their instruction. Some of this data will be used by school staff who will participate in (Data Dialogues, Governance Boards) to review, reflect and communicate the academic progress in their classroom and identify which activities they are implementing to support continued student achievement. Tier 1 Resource Assigned 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $560860 Schools:All Schools Activity - Monitoring Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Title I Part Data A, Title II Support Part A, Title Specialist, I Part A Assessmen t and Evaluation Department , Divisional Executive Directors, School Reform Facilitators, Building Administrat or,Student Information Services and Teaching Staff. Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 55 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools District Support Staff in conjunction with building administrators, Curriculum Supervisors, and Coaches will monitor the level of use and effectiveness of differentiated instruction in the classrooms through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process. Walkthroug Tier 1 h Monitor 09/04/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, District Curriculum Supervisors , Coaches, and Building Administrat ors Activity - Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) Activity Type Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding The District will implement PLCs to develop staff capacity in providing effective research-based instruction by engaging teachers in frequent collaboration and dialogue. PLCs are an embedded professional development model which includes: the examination of instructional practices, including differentiation, student work, strategies for at-risk students, LearningWalks, Content Focused Coaching, observation and feedback conferences. Participants of PLCs include but are not limited to: District Curriculum Supervisors, Content Coaches, teaching staff and building principals. Professiona Tier 1 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $204000 Title I Part A Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $183829 Title I Part A Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Schools:All Schools Tier Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e District Curriculum Supervisors , Coaches, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Schools:All Schools Activity - Reading Specialist Teacher The District will employ Reading Specialist Teachers within Academic identified Priority Schools who will deliver supplementary Support instruction to identified students. This instructional support will Program reflect state and district content expectations through the use of effective strategies in management, instruction, student motivation and curriculum planning. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Reading Specialist Teacher and Building Administrat ors Schools:Brookside School, Dickinson School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy Activity - Instructional Coaches Activity Type SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Page 56 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will employ Instructional Coaches who will build capacity of instructional staff by engaging in frequent and on-going coaching cycles with feedback around instructional strategies, differentiated strategies and delivery. Academic Support Program Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $92000 Title I Part A Coaches, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $108800 Title III, Title I Part A Staff Responsibl e Title I Office, School Reform Facilitators, Summer School Building Administrat ors and Summer School Teachers Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $334860 Title I Part A Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Schools:Ottawa Hills High School Activity - Summer School The District will fund a summer school program that supports Academic the academic improvement of identified students. The summer Support school program is differentiated to meet the academic needs of Program the students who are enrolled. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Reading Teacher (Alger and Westwood) Activity Type The District will place teachers who will be responsible for Academic providing technical expertise in reading instruction. Support The teachers will be responsible for ensuring that researched- Program based best practices are implemented in grade levels 6-8. This may include conducting model/demonstration lessons in classrooms, coaching and assisting teachers, designing lessons for teachers and providing regular ongoing professional development in reading methods for all staff. The teachers will be responsible for testing students, diagnosing reading problems, and recommending and implementing effective intervention strategies. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Reading Teacher, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Schools:Westwood Middle School, Alger Middle School Activity - Reading Coach (Priority Schools) Activity Type SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Page 57 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will employ coaches in order to support Priority Professiona Tier 2 Schools with their Reform & Redesign Plans, Reading Coaches l Learning will be utilized to assist classroom teachers in successfully implementing best practices as identified in their Reform & Redesign Plans. Reading Coaches will provide leadership for teachers by planning, collaborating, organizing, modeling and facilitating change to improve the instructional program. Reading Coaches will participate in Coaching Cycles, LearningWalks, Professional Learning Communities, Data Analysis Meetings, and lead some professional development for the building staff based on the schools identified areas of need. Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $276000 Title I Part A Reading Coach, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Instructiona l Improveme nt Coach, Building Administrat or, and Teaching Staff Schools:Aberdeen Elementary, Kent Hills School, Campus Elementary Activity - Instructional Improvement Coach (Union) Activity Type Tier Resource Assigned The District will hire an Instructional Improvement Coach, who under the direction of the Building Principal will facilitate learning around content areas and literacy utilizing technology and data that will enable Instructional Staff to effectively meet and transform the performance of GRPS students at Union High School. Professiona Tier 2 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $89000 Title I Part A Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $128000 Schools:Union High School Activity - Literacy Para Professional (Priority Schools) The District will employ Literacy Para Professionals who will be Academic responsible for assisting with promotion of literacy in Support elementary and K-8 buildings by working as a team member Program with the school staff, principal and library director in providing a quality educational program. Responsible for concept/skill reinforcement tasks and providing students the opportunity for additional adult/student relationships. Schools:Mulick Elementary, Brookside School, Aberdeen Elementary, Campus Elementary Resource Assigned Title I Part A Staff Responsibl e Literacy Para Professiona ls, Building Administrat ors, Library Director, and Teaching Staff (shared) Strategy 2: Student Engagement (K-12) - The District will implement Student Engagement by the following means: Professional Learning, Academic Rigor, Accountable Talk, Quality Questioning, Claim, Evidence and Reasoning, Non-Linguistic Representation, Monitoring, Close and Critical Reading, Technology and Clear Expectations. Research Cited: Pickering, Debra J., and Marzano, Robert J. (2011). The Highly Engaged Classroom. Marzano Research Laboratory. SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 58 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools “Engagement is a central aspect of effective teaching. If students are not engaged, there is little, if any, chance that they will learn what is being addressed in class. Student engagement has long been recognized as the core of effective schooling.” Tier: Tier 1 Activity - Professional Learning Activity Type The District will employ individuals who organize the professional learning opportunities provided throughout the District. Some of the Professional Learning opportunities will support teachers and administrators using the teacher evaluation tools which will support the growth of student engagement in the classroom. Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Professiona Tier 1 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:All Schools Activity - Academic Rigor District Staff in conjunction with building administrators will Other monitor that students’ foundations of content are being built by engaging them in the thinking process to deepen their overall content knowledge through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process to ensure that there is academic rigor in the classroom. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Accountable Talk Activity Type SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Assistant Required Superinten dent of Organizatio nal Learning, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, School Reform Facilitators, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 59 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools District Staff in conjunction with building administrators will Academic monitor the application of Accountable Talk moves which have Support been developed through teacher training provided by the Program Institute for Learning (IFL). Accountable Talk will develop students’ abilities to socialize their intelligence as well as increase student engagement by encouraging open discussion and inquiry-based reasoning opportunities. Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, School Reform Facilitators, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:All Schools Activity - Quality Questioning Activity Type The District will implement quality questioning in the classroom Other to increase both student engagement and to support a deeper understanding of the content being taught. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Claim, Evidence and Reasoning (Middle/High) Activity Type The District Curriculum Supervisors will create units/lessons Academic which will increase student engagement through the use of Support clam, evidence and reasoning. While reading complex text, Program staff will have students respond (orally and written) to a topic which will demand them to use textual evidence to support their overall claim. Resource Assigned Schools:Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Ottawa Hills High School, Blandford Nature Center, Dickinson School, Riverside Middle School, CA Frost Environmental Science Academy, Harrison Park Elementary School, Aberdeen Elementary School, Gerald R. Ford K8 Academy, Westwood Middle School, Alger Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Burton Middle School, Grand Rapids University Preparatory Academy, Shawmut Hills School, Union High School, Southwest Community Campus School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy, City High Middle School, Center for Economicology Activity - Non-Linguistic Representation (Middle/High) Activity Type SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Deputy Required Superinten dent of Curriculum and Learning, District Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 60 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District Curriculum Supervisors will create units/lessons Academic which will incorporate the use of non-linguistic representational Support tools such as Thinking Maps and graphic organizers to enable Program students to organize their thinking in a way that will allow them to be more deeply engaged with the content. Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Deputy Required Superinten dent of Curriculum and Instruction, District Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrati on, and Teaching Staff Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Monitor 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:North Park Montessori Academy, Ottawa Hills High School, Blandford Nature Center, CA Frost Environmental Science Academy, Riverside Middle School, Harrison Elementary, Gerald R. Ford K8 Academy, Westwood Middle School, Alger Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Burton Middle School, Grand Rapids University Preparatory Academy, Aberdeen Elementary, Shawmut Hills School, Union High School, Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Innovation Central High School, Southwest Community Campus School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy, City High Middle School, Center for Economicology Activity - Monitoring Activity Type District Staff in conjunction with building administrators, Walkthroug Tier 1 Curriculum Supervisors, and DL Coaches will monitor the level h of use and effectiveness of student engagement in the classrooms through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Close and Critical Reading (Middle/High) Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, District Curriculum Supervisors , Coaches, and Building Administrat ors Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 61 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District Curriculum Supervisors will develop units/lessons Academic which will incorporate close and critical reading. The teaching Support staff will use these units/lessons to teach students how to read Program text closely and to begin to think critically about the content within the text. Teaching staff will utilize the guided highlighted reading technique which will support students’ ability to summarize, retell and synthesize complex text and increase their ability to engage with the text. Teachers will assist students in deepening their academic vocabulary by using it in the context as it appears in the text. Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Deputy Required Superinten dent of Curriculum and Instruction, District Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $40000 Title I Part A Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Schools:North Park Montessori Academy, Ottawa Hills High School, Dickinson School, CA Frost Environmental Science Academy, Riverside Middle School, Harrison Elementary, Gerald R. Ford K8 Academy, Westwood Middle School, Alger Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Burton Middle School, Grand Rapids University Preparatory Academy, Aberdeen Elementary, Shawmut Hills School, Union High School, Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Innovation Central High School, Southwest Community Campus School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy, City High Middle School, Center for Economicology Activity - Technology Activity Type The District will support the use of technology across the Technology Tier 1 district. Technology will be used in a variety of ways to support student learning objectives. Students will engage with technology as a means to demonstrate their learning. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Clear Expectations Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e District Technology Department (MIS), District Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Staff Responsibl e Page 62 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will ensure that teachers are setting clear Other expectations in the classroom through the implementation of the evaluation tools used across the District. Classroom teachers will clearly communicate (oral and written formats) the purpose for learning as it connects to the curriculum framework and standards in a language that is student-friendly. Students will be more actively engaged in their learning when they have a clear understanding of what the purpose is. Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Schools:All Schools (shared) Strategy 3: Learning Targets (K-5) - The District will implement the use of Learning Targets to ensure consistent focus of learning objectives and that standards are being taught. Research Cited: Brookhart, Susan M., and Moss, Connie M. (2012). Learning Targets: Helping Students Aim for Understanding in Today’s Lesson. ASCD. “The most effective teaching and the most meaningful student learning happen when teachers design the right learning targets for today’s lesson and use it along with their students to aim for and assess understanding. Learning targets are student-friendly descriptors of what you intend students to learn or accomplish in a given lesson. When shared, meaningfully, they become actual targets that students can see and direct their efforts toward. They also serve as targets for the adults in the school whose responsibility it is to plan, monitor, and assess, and improve the quality of learning opportunities to raise the achievement of all students.” Tier: Tier 1 Activity - Curriculum Maps Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned The District Curriculum Supervisors will develop curriculum maps which highlight instructional goals around grade-level learning targets that are student-friendly and specific to the needs of individual students in the classroom. Other Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:Brookside School, CA Frost Environmental Science Academy, Congress Elementary, East Leonard School, Harrison Elementary, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Cesar E. Chavez Elementary, Aberdeen Elementary, Kent Hills School, Shawmut Hills School, Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy, Sibley School, Mulick Elementary, North Park Montessori Academy, Dickinson School, Buchanan School, Campus Elementary, Palmer School, Gerald R. Ford K8 Academy, Coit Arts Academy, Stocking School, Ken-O-Sha Park Elementary, Southwest Community Campus School, Burton Elementary School Activity - Monitoring SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding District Required Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 63 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools District Staff in conjunction with building administrators and Curriculum Supervisors will monitor the level of use and effectiveness of Learning Targets in the classrooms through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process. Other Tier 1 Monitor 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Schools:Brookside School, CA Frost Environmental Science Academy, Congress Elementary, East Leonard School, Harrison Elementary, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Cesar E. Chavez Elementary, Aberdeen Elementary, Kent Hills School, Shawmut Hills School, Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy, Sibley School, Mulick Elementary, North Park Montessori Academy, Dickinson School, Buchanan School, Campus Elementary, Palmer School, Gerald R. Ford K8 Academy, Coit Arts Academy, Stocking School, Ken-O-Sha Park Elementary, Southwest Community Campus School, Burton Elementary School No Funding District Required Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrati on, and Teaching Staff Measurable Objective 7: 73% of Third, Fourth and Fifth grade White students will demonstrate a proficiency in concepts in Reading by 06/05/2015 as measured by the state assessment. (shared) Strategy 1: Differentiated Instruction (K-12) - The District will implement Differentiated Instruction through the use and implementation of Professional Learning Opportunities, Project Learning (middle/high), Fluency and Skill Development, SIOP, Data Analysis, Monitoring and Professional Learning Communities (PLCs). Research Cited: Beach, T.A. (2010). Combine Methodologies of Differentiated Instruction in the Heterogeneous Classroom. South Carolina Middle School Association Journal, February 26, 2011. "Offering each student the chance to learn the subject material in ways that address each student individually can benefit children in retaining information that will later be necessary to become thoughtful, productive adults. Through differentiation combined with curriculum layering, teachers can create a student-centered classroom that is supportive to each student." Cusumano, C. (2007). How Differentiated Instruction Helps struggling Students. Leadership, 36(4), 8-10. "Accelerating learning by examining and aligning three major systems in the school to support differentiation and a consistent focus on improved student learning the school's academic delivery structure, professional development, and human/fiscal resource allocation." Tier: Tier 1 Activity - Professional Learning Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 64 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will employ individuals who organize the Professiona Tier 1 professional learning opportunities provided throughout the l Learning District. Professional Learning will be differentiated to meet the needs of the staff who will attend. Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $149000 Title II Part Assistant A Superinten dent of Organizatio nal Learning, Building Administrat ors, and teaching staff Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:All Schools Activity - Project Learning (Middle and High) Activity Type Tier The District Curriculum Supervisor and Curriculum Writing Curriculum Tier 1 Team will design units and lessons that will provide Developme opportunities throughout the school year for students to be nt engaged in a variety of project learning activities that support their instructional goals. These projects will be differentiated in nature and provide choice to students regarding the type of project they will complete and will be rigorous and challenging for all students. Resource Assigned Schools:Westwood Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Ottawa Hills High School, Alger Middle School, Blandford Nature Center, Burton Middle School, Grand Rapids University Preparatory Academy, Riverside Middle School, Union High School, Innovation Central High School, City High Middle School, Center for Economicology Activity - Fluency and Skill Development Activity Type Tier The District will allot time in the daily schedule to allow staff to Curriculum Tier 1 use a variety of activities that will allow students to become Developme fluent with essential foundational skills. The students will nt practice these foundational skills often enough so that they can flexibly engage with the content at a higher level. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding Deputy Required Superinten dent of Curriculum and Learning, Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors, and teaching staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Building Required Administrat ors and Teaching Staff Schools:All Schools Activity - Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP) Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 65 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will employ individuals who will coach and support Academic schools who have populations with second language learners. Support These individuals will train staff on how to implement the SIOP Program framework in their classrooms to support and provide differentiated techniques which will support the learning needs of our Limited English Proficient (LEP) students. Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $200000 Title III Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding ELL Department , Building Administrat or, and Teaching Staff Schools:Brookside School, Dickinson School, Buchanan School, Riverside Middle School, Harrison Park Elementary School, Palmer School, Congress Elementary, Westwood Middle School, Stocking School, Cesar E. Chavez Elementary, Burton Middle School, Union High School, Newcomers Community School, Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Southwest Community Campus School, Sibley School, Burton Elementary School Activity - Data Analysis Activity Type The District will employ staff who will work collaboratively with Other individual schools and the KISD to analyze District-wide data, design user-friendly data reports and to assist schools in understanding their school-wide data in order to support and improve student achievement. This data is used at the building level to support teachers to determine the academic needs of all students in order to differentiate their instruction. Some of this data will be used by school staff who will participate in (Data Dialogues, Governance Boards) to review, reflect and communicate the academic progress in their classroom and identify which activities they are implementing to support continued student achievement. Tier 1 Resource Assigned 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $560860 Schools:All Schools Activity - Monitoring Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Title II Part Data A, Title I Support Part A, Title Specialist, I Part A Assessmen t and Evaluation Department , Divisional Executive Directors, School Reform Facilitators, Building Administrat or,Student Information Services and Teaching Staff. Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 66 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools District Support Staff in conjunction with building administrators, Curriculum Supervisors, and Coaches will monitor the level of use and effectiveness of differentiated instruction in the classrooms through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process. Walkthroug Tier 1 h Monitor 09/04/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, District Curriculum Supervisors , Coaches, and Building Administrat ors Activity - Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) Activity Type Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding The District will implement PLCs to develop staff capacity in providing effective research-based instruction by engaging teachers in frequent collaboration and dialogue. PLCs are an embedded professional development model which includes: the examination of instructional practices, including differentiation, student work, strategies for at-risk students, LearningWalks, Content Focused Coaching, observation and feedback conferences. Participants of PLCs include but are not limited to: District Curriculum Supervisors, Content Coaches, teaching staff and building principals. Professiona Tier 1 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $204000 Title I Part A Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $183829 Title I Part A Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Schools:All Schools Tier Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e District Curriculum Supervisors , Coaches, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Schools:All Schools Activity - Reading Specialist Teacher The District will employ Reading Specialist Teachers within Academic identified Priority Schools who will deliver supplementary Support instruction to identified students. This instructional support will Program reflect state and district content expectations through the use of effective strategies in management, instruction, student motivation and curriculum planning. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Reading Specialist Teacher and Building Administrat ors Schools:Brookside School, Dickinson School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy Activity - Instructional Coaches Activity Type SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Page 67 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will employ Instructional Coaches who will build capacity of instructional staff by engaging in frequent and on-going coaching cycles with feedback around instructional strategies, differentiated strategies and delivery. Academic Support Program Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $92000 Title I Part A Coaches, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $108800 Title III, Title I Part A Staff Responsibl e Title I Office, School Reform Facilitators, Summer School Building Administrat ors and Summer School Teachers Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $334860 Title I Part A Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Schools:Ottawa Hills High School Activity - Summer School The District will fund a summer school program that supports Academic the academic improvement of identified students. The summer Support school program is differentiated to meet the academic needs of Program the students who are enrolled. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Reading Teacher (Alger and Westwood) Activity Type The District will place teachers who will be responsible for Academic providing technical expertise in reading instruction. Support The teachers will be responsible for ensuring that researched- Program based best practices are implemented in grade levels 6-8. This may include conducting model/demonstration lessons in classrooms, coaching and assisting teachers, designing lessons for teachers and providing regular ongoing professional development in reading methods for all staff. The teachers will be responsible for testing students, diagnosing reading problems, and recommending and implementing effective intervention strategies. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Reading Teacher, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Schools:Westwood Middle School, Alger Middle School Activity - Reading Coach (Priority Schools) Activity Type SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Page 68 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will employ coaches in order to support Priority Professiona Tier 2 Schools with their Reform & Redesign Plans, Reading Coaches l Learning will be utilized to assist classroom teachers in successfully implementing best practices as identified in their Reform & Redesign Plans. Reading Coaches will provide leadership for teachers by planning, collaborating, organizing, modeling and facilitating change to improve the instructional program. Reading Coaches will participate in Coaching Cycles, LearningWalks, Professional Learning Communities, Data Analysis Meetings, and lead some professional development for the building staff based on the schools identified areas of need. Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $276000 Title I Part A Reading Coach, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Instructiona l Improveme nt Coach, Building Administrat or, and Teaching Staff Schools:Aberdeen Elementary, Kent Hills School, Campus Elementary Activity - Instructional Improvement Coach (Union) Activity Type Tier Resource Assigned The District will hire an Instructional Improvement Coach, who under the direction of the Building Principal will facilitate learning around content areas and literacy utilizing technology and data that will enable Instructional Staff to effectively meet and transform the performance of GRPS students at Union High School. Professiona Tier 2 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $89000 Title I Part A Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $128000 Schools:Union High School Activity - Literacy Para Professional (Priority Schools) The District will employ Literacy Para Professionals who will be Academic responsible for assisting with promotion of literacy in Support elementary and K-8 buildings by working as a team member Program with the school staff, principal and library director in providing a quality educational program. Responsible for concept/skill reinforcement tasks and providing students the opportunity for additional adult/student relationships. Schools:Mulick Elementary, Brookside School, Aberdeen Elementary, Campus Elementary Resource Assigned Title I Part A Staff Responsibl e Literacy Para Professiona ls, Building Administrat ors, Library Director, and Teaching Staff (shared) Strategy 2: Student Engagement (K-12) - The District will implement Student Engagement by the following means: Professional Learning, Academic Rigor, Accountable Talk, Quality Questioning, Claim, Evidence and Reasoning, Non-Linguistic Representation, Monitoring, Close and Critical Reading, Technology and Clear Expectations. Research Cited: Pickering, Debra J., and Marzano, Robert J. (2011). The Highly Engaged Classroom. Marzano Research Laboratory. SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 69 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools “Engagement is a central aspect of effective teaching. If students are not engaged, there is little, if any, chance that they will learn what is being addressed in class. Student engagement has long been recognized as the core of effective schooling.” Tier: Tier 1 Activity - Professional Learning Activity Type The District will employ individuals who organize the professional learning opportunities provided throughout the District. Some of the Professional Learning opportunities will support teachers and administrators using the teacher evaluation tools which will support the growth of student engagement in the classroom. Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Professiona Tier 1 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:All Schools Activity - Academic Rigor District Staff in conjunction with building administrators will Other monitor that students’ foundations of content are being built by engaging them in the thinking process to deepen their overall content knowledge through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process to ensure that there is academic rigor in the classroom. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Accountable Talk Activity Type SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Assistant Required Superinten dent of Organizatio nal Learning, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, School Reform Facilitators, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 70 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools District Staff in conjunction with building administrators will Academic monitor the application of Accountable Talk moves which have Support been developed through teacher training provided by the Program Institute for Learning (IFL). Accountable Talk will develop students’ abilities to socialize their intelligence as well as increase student engagement by encouraging open discussion and inquiry-based reasoning opportunities. Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, School Reform Facilitators, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:All Schools Activity - Quality Questioning Activity Type The District will implement quality questioning in the classroom Other to increase both student engagement and to support a deeper understanding of the content being taught. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Claim, Evidence and Reasoning (Middle/High) Activity Type The District Curriculum Supervisors will create units/lessons Academic which will increase student engagement through the use of Support clam, evidence and reasoning. While reading complex text, Program staff will have students respond (orally and written) to a topic which will demand them to use textual evidence to support their overall claim. Resource Assigned Schools:Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Ottawa Hills High School, Blandford Nature Center, Dickinson School, Riverside Middle School, CA Frost Environmental Science Academy, Harrison Park Elementary School, Aberdeen Elementary School, Gerald R. Ford K8 Academy, Westwood Middle School, Alger Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Burton Middle School, Grand Rapids University Preparatory Academy, Shawmut Hills School, Union High School, Southwest Community Campus School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy, City High Middle School, Center for Economicology Activity - Non-Linguistic Representation (Middle/High) Activity Type SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Deputy Required Superinten dent of Curriculum and Learning, District Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 71 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District Curriculum Supervisors will create units/lessons Academic which will incorporate the use of non-linguistic representational Support tools such as Thinking Maps and graphic organizers to enable Program students to organize their thinking in a way that will allow them to be more deeply engaged with the content. Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Deputy Required Superinten dent of Curriculum and Instruction, District Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrati on, and Teaching Staff Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Monitor 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:North Park Montessori Academy, Ottawa Hills High School, Blandford Nature Center, CA Frost Environmental Science Academy, Riverside Middle School, Harrison Elementary, Gerald R. Ford K8 Academy, Westwood Middle School, Alger Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Burton Middle School, Grand Rapids University Preparatory Academy, Aberdeen Elementary, Shawmut Hills School, Union High School, Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Innovation Central High School, Southwest Community Campus School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy, City High Middle School, Center for Economicology Activity - Monitoring Activity Type District Staff in conjunction with building administrators, Walkthroug Tier 1 Curriculum Supervisors, and DL Coaches will monitor the level h of use and effectiveness of student engagement in the classrooms through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Close and Critical Reading (Middle/High) Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, District Curriculum Supervisors , Coaches, and Building Administrat ors Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 72 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District Curriculum Supervisors will develop units/lessons Academic which will incorporate close and critical reading. The teaching Support staff will use these units/lessons to teach students how to read Program text closely and to begin to think critically about the content within the text. Teaching staff will utilize the guided highlighted reading technique which will support students’ ability to summarize, retell and synthesize complex text and increase their ability to engage with the text. Teachers will assist students in deepening their academic vocabulary by using it in the context as it appears in the text. Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Deputy Required Superinten dent of Curriculum and Instruction, District Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $40000 Title I Part A Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Schools:North Park Montessori Academy, Ottawa Hills High School, Dickinson School, CA Frost Environmental Science Academy, Riverside Middle School, Harrison Elementary, Gerald R. Ford K8 Academy, Westwood Middle School, Alger Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Burton Middle School, Grand Rapids University Preparatory Academy, Aberdeen Elementary, Shawmut Hills School, Union High School, Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Innovation Central High School, Southwest Community Campus School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy, City High Middle School, Center for Economicology Activity - Technology Activity Type The District will support the use of technology across the Technology Tier 1 district. Technology will be used in a variety of ways to support student learning objectives. Students will engage with technology as a means to demonstrate their learning. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Clear Expectations Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e District Technology Department (MIS), District Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Staff Responsibl e Page 73 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will ensure that teachers are setting clear Other expectations in the classroom through the implementation of the evaluation tools used across the District. Classroom teachers will clearly communicate (oral and written formats) the purpose for learning as it connects to the curriculum framework and standards in a language that is student-friendly. Students will be more actively engaged in their learning when they have a clear understanding of what the purpose is. Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Schools:All Schools (shared) Strategy 3: Learning Targets (K-5) - The District will implement the use of Learning Targets to ensure consistent focus of learning objectives and that standards are being taught. Research Cited: Brookhart, Susan M., and Moss, Connie M. (2012). Learning Targets: Helping Students Aim for Understanding in Today’s Lesson. ASCD. “The most effective teaching and the most meaningful student learning happen when teachers design the right learning targets for today’s lesson and use it along with their students to aim for and assess understanding. Learning targets are student-friendly descriptors of what you intend students to learn or accomplish in a given lesson. When shared, meaningfully, they become actual targets that students can see and direct their efforts toward. They also serve as targets for the adults in the school whose responsibility it is to plan, monitor, and assess, and improve the quality of learning opportunities to raise the achievement of all students.” Tier: Tier 1 Activity - Curriculum Maps Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned The District Curriculum Supervisors will develop curriculum maps which highlight instructional goals around grade-level learning targets that are student-friendly and specific to the needs of individual students in the classroom. Other Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:Brookside School, CA Frost Environmental Science Academy, Congress Elementary, East Leonard School, Harrison Elementary, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Cesar E. Chavez Elementary, Aberdeen Elementary, Kent Hills School, Shawmut Hills School, Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy, Sibley School, Mulick Elementary, North Park Montessori Academy, Dickinson School, Buchanan School, Campus Elementary, Palmer School, Gerald R. Ford K8 Academy, Coit Arts Academy, Stocking School, Ken-O-Sha Park Elementary, Southwest Community Campus School, Burton Elementary School Activity - Monitoring SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding District Required Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 74 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools District Staff in conjunction with building administrators and Curriculum Supervisors will monitor the level of use and effectiveness of Learning Targets in the classrooms through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process. Other Tier 1 Monitor 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Schools:Brookside School, CA Frost Environmental Science Academy, Congress Elementary, East Leonard School, Harrison Elementary, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Cesar E. Chavez Elementary, Aberdeen Elementary, Kent Hills School, Shawmut Hills School, Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy, Sibley School, Mulick Elementary, North Park Montessori Academy, Dickinson School, Buchanan School, Campus Elementary, Palmer School, Gerald R. Ford K8 Academy, Coit Arts Academy, Stocking School, Ken-O-Sha Park Elementary, Southwest Community Campus School, Burton Elementary School No Funding District Required Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrati on, and Teaching Staff Measurable Objective 8: 54% of Third, Fourth and Fifth grade Economically Disadvantaged students will demonstrate a proficiency in concepts in Reading by 06/05/2015 as measured by the state assessment. (shared) Strategy 1: Differentiated Instruction (K-12) - The District will implement Differentiated Instruction through the use and implementation of Professional Learning Opportunities, Project Learning (middle/high), Fluency and Skill Development, SIOP, Data Analysis, Monitoring and Professional Learning Communities (PLCs). Research Cited: Beach, T.A. (2010). Combine Methodologies of Differentiated Instruction in the Heterogeneous Classroom. South Carolina Middle School Association Journal, February 26, 2011. "Offering each student the chance to learn the subject material in ways that address each student individually can benefit children in retaining information that will later be necessary to become thoughtful, productive adults. Through differentiation combined with curriculum layering, teachers can create a student-centered classroom that is supportive to each student." Cusumano, C. (2007). How Differentiated Instruction Helps struggling Students. Leadership, 36(4), 8-10. "Accelerating learning by examining and aligning three major systems in the school to support differentiation and a consistent focus on improved student learning the school's academic delivery structure, professional development, and human/fiscal resource allocation." Tier: Tier 1 Activity - Professional Learning Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 75 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will employ individuals who organize the Professiona Tier 1 professional learning opportunities provided throughout the l Learning District. Professional Learning will be differentiated to meet the needs of the staff who will attend. Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $149000 Title II Part Assistant A Superinten dent of Organizatio nal Learning, Building Administrat ors, and teaching staff Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:All Schools Activity - Project Learning (Middle and High) Activity Type Tier The District Curriculum Supervisor and Curriculum Writing Curriculum Tier 1 Team will design units and lessons that will provide Developme opportunities throughout the school year for students to be nt engaged in a variety of project learning activities that support their instructional goals. These projects will be differentiated in nature and provide choice to students regarding the type of project they will complete and will be rigorous and challenging for all students. Resource Assigned Schools:Westwood Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Ottawa Hills High School, Alger Middle School, Blandford Nature Center, Burton Middle School, Grand Rapids University Preparatory Academy, Riverside Middle School, Union High School, Innovation Central High School, City High Middle School, Center for Economicology Activity - Fluency and Skill Development Activity Type Tier The District will allot time in the daily schedule to allow staff to Curriculum Tier 1 use a variety of activities that will allow students to become Developme fluent with essential foundational skills. The students will nt practice these foundational skills often enough so that they can flexibly engage with the content at a higher level. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding Deputy Required Superinten dent of Curriculum and Learning, Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors, and teaching staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Building Required Administrat ors and Teaching Staff Schools:All Schools Activity - Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP) Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 76 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will employ individuals who will coach and support Academic schools who have populations with second language learners. Support These individuals will train staff on how to implement the SIOP Program framework in their classrooms to support and provide differentiated techniques which will support the learning needs of our Limited English Proficient (LEP) students. Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $200000 Title III Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding ELL Department , Building Administrat or, and Teaching Staff Schools:Brookside School, Dickinson School, Buchanan School, Riverside Middle School, Harrison Park Elementary School, Palmer School, Congress Elementary, Westwood Middle School, Stocking School, Cesar E. Chavez Elementary, Burton Middle School, Union High School, Newcomers Community School, Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Southwest Community Campus School, Sibley School, Burton Elementary School Activity - Data Analysis Activity Type The District will employ staff who will work collaboratively with Other individual schools and the KISD to analyze District-wide data, design user-friendly data reports and to assist schools in understanding their school-wide data in order to support and improve student achievement. This data is used at the building level to support teachers to determine the academic needs of all students in order to differentiate their instruction. Some of this data will be used by school staff who will participate in (Data Dialogues, Governance Boards) to review, reflect and communicate the academic progress in their classroom and identify which activities they are implementing to support continued student achievement. Tier 1 Resource Assigned 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $560860 Schools:All Schools Activity - Monitoring Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Title I Part Data A, Title II Support Part A, Title Specialist, I Part A Assessmen t and Evaluation Department , Divisional Executive Directors, School Reform Facilitators, Building Administrat or,Student Information Services and Teaching Staff. Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 77 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools District Support Staff in conjunction with building administrators, Curriculum Supervisors, and Coaches will monitor the level of use and effectiveness of differentiated instruction in the classrooms through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process. Walkthroug Tier 1 h Monitor 09/04/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, District Curriculum Supervisors , Coaches, and Building Administrat ors Activity - Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) Activity Type Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding The District will implement PLCs to develop staff capacity in providing effective research-based instruction by engaging teachers in frequent collaboration and dialogue. PLCs are an embedded professional development model which includes: the examination of instructional practices, including differentiation, student work, strategies for at-risk students, LearningWalks, Content Focused Coaching, observation and feedback conferences. Participants of PLCs include but are not limited to: District Curriculum Supervisors, Content Coaches, teaching staff and building principals. Professiona Tier 1 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $204000 Title I Part A Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $183829 Title I Part A Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Schools:All Schools Tier Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e District Curriculum Supervisors , Coaches, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Schools:All Schools Activity - Reading Specialist Teacher The District will employ Reading Specialist Teachers within Academic identified Priority Schools who will deliver supplementary Support instruction to identified students. This instructional support will Program reflect state and district content expectations through the use of effective strategies in management, instruction, student motivation and curriculum planning. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Reading Specialist Teacher and Building Administrat ors Schools:Brookside School, Dickinson School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy Activity - Instructional Coaches Activity Type SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Page 78 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will employ Instructional Coaches who will build capacity of instructional staff by engaging in frequent and on-going coaching cycles with feedback around instructional strategies, differentiated strategies and delivery. Academic Support Program Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $92000 Title I Part A Coaches, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $108800 Title I Part A, Title III Staff Responsibl e Title I Office, School Reform Facilitators, Summer School Building Administrat ors and Summer School Teachers Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $334860 Title I Part A Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Schools:Ottawa Hills High School Activity - Summer School The District will fund a summer school program that supports Academic the academic improvement of identified students. The summer Support school program is differentiated to meet the academic needs of Program the students who are enrolled. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Reading Teacher (Alger and Westwood) Activity Type The District will place teachers who will be responsible for Academic providing technical expertise in reading instruction. Support The teachers will be responsible for ensuring that researched- Program based best practices are implemented in grade levels 6-8. This may include conducting model/demonstration lessons in classrooms, coaching and assisting teachers, designing lessons for teachers and providing regular ongoing professional development in reading methods for all staff. The teachers will be responsible for testing students, diagnosing reading problems, and recommending and implementing effective intervention strategies. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Reading Teacher, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Schools:Westwood Middle School, Alger Middle School Activity - Reading Coach (Priority Schools) Activity Type SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Page 79 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will employ coaches in order to support Priority Professiona Tier 2 Schools with their Reform & Redesign Plans, Reading Coaches l Learning will be utilized to assist classroom teachers in successfully implementing best practices as identified in their Reform & Redesign Plans. Reading Coaches will provide leadership for teachers by planning, collaborating, organizing, modeling and facilitating change to improve the instructional program. Reading Coaches will participate in Coaching Cycles, LearningWalks, Professional Learning Communities, Data Analysis Meetings, and lead some professional development for the building staff based on the schools identified areas of need. Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $276000 Title I Part A Reading Coach, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Instructiona l Improveme nt Coach, Building Administrat or, and Teaching Staff Schools:Aberdeen Elementary, Kent Hills School, Campus Elementary Activity - Instructional Improvement Coach (Union) Activity Type Tier Resource Assigned The District will hire an Instructional Improvement Coach, who under the direction of the Building Principal will facilitate learning around content areas and literacy utilizing technology and data that will enable Instructional Staff to effectively meet and transform the performance of GRPS students at Union High School. Professiona Tier 2 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $89000 Title I Part A Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $128000 Schools:Union High School Activity - Literacy Para Professional (Priority Schools) The District will employ Literacy Para Professionals who will be Academic responsible for assisting with promotion of literacy in Support elementary and K-8 buildings by working as a team member Program with the school staff, principal and library director in providing a quality educational program. Responsible for concept/skill reinforcement tasks and providing students the opportunity for additional adult/student relationships. Schools:Mulick Elementary, Brookside School, Aberdeen Elementary, Campus Elementary Resource Assigned Title I Part A Staff Responsibl e Literacy Para Professiona ls, Building Administrat ors, Library Director, and Teaching Staff (shared) Strategy 2: Student Engagement (K-12) - The District will implement Student Engagement by the following means: Professional Learning, Academic Rigor, Accountable Talk, Quality Questioning, Claim, Evidence and Reasoning, Non-Linguistic Representation, Monitoring, Close and Critical Reading, Technology and Clear Expectations. Research Cited: Pickering, Debra J., and Marzano, Robert J. (2011). The Highly Engaged Classroom. Marzano Research Laboratory. SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 80 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools “Engagement is a central aspect of effective teaching. If students are not engaged, there is little, if any, chance that they will learn what is being addressed in class. Student engagement has long been recognized as the core of effective schooling.” Tier: Tier 1 Activity - Professional Learning Activity Type The District will employ individuals who organize the professional learning opportunities provided throughout the District. Some of the Professional Learning opportunities will support teachers and administrators using the teacher evaluation tools which will support the growth of student engagement in the classroom. Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Professiona Tier 1 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:All Schools Activity - Academic Rigor District Staff in conjunction with building administrators will Other monitor that students’ foundations of content are being built by engaging them in the thinking process to deepen their overall content knowledge through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process to ensure that there is academic rigor in the classroom. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Accountable Talk Activity Type SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Assistant Required Superinten dent of Organizatio nal Learning, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, School Reform Facilitators, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 81 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools District Staff in conjunction with building administrators will Academic monitor the application of Accountable Talk moves which have Support been developed through teacher training provided by the Program Institute for Learning (IFL). Accountable Talk will develop students’ abilities to socialize their intelligence as well as increase student engagement by encouraging open discussion and inquiry-based reasoning opportunities. Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, School Reform Facilitators, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:All Schools Activity - Quality Questioning Activity Type The District will implement quality questioning in the classroom Other to increase both student engagement and to support a deeper understanding of the content being taught. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Claim, Evidence and Reasoning (Middle/High) Activity Type The District Curriculum Supervisors will create units/lessons Academic which will increase student engagement through the use of Support clam, evidence and reasoning. While reading complex text, Program staff will have students respond (orally and written) to a topic which will demand them to use textual evidence to support their overall claim. Resource Assigned Schools:Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Ottawa Hills High School, Blandford Nature Center, Dickinson School, Riverside Middle School, CA Frost Environmental Science Academy, Harrison Park Elementary School, Aberdeen Elementary School, Gerald R. Ford K8 Academy, Westwood Middle School, Alger Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Burton Middle School, Grand Rapids University Preparatory Academy, Shawmut Hills School, Union High School, Southwest Community Campus School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy, City High Middle School, Center for Economicology Activity - Non-Linguistic Representation (Middle/High) Activity Type SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Deputy Required Superinten dent of Curriculum and Learning, District Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 82 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District Curriculum Supervisors will create units/lessons Academic which will incorporate the use of non-linguistic representational Support tools such as Thinking Maps and graphic organizers to enable Program students to organize their thinking in a way that will allow them to be more deeply engaged with the content. Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Deputy Required Superinten dent of Curriculum and Instruction, District Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrati on, and Teaching Staff Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Monitor 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:North Park Montessori Academy, Ottawa Hills High School, Blandford Nature Center, CA Frost Environmental Science Academy, Riverside Middle School, Harrison Elementary, Gerald R. Ford K8 Academy, Westwood Middle School, Alger Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Burton Middle School, Grand Rapids University Preparatory Academy, Aberdeen Elementary, Shawmut Hills School, Union High School, Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Innovation Central High School, Southwest Community Campus School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy, City High Middle School, Center for Economicology Activity - Monitoring Activity Type District Staff in conjunction with building administrators, Walkthroug Tier 1 Curriculum Supervisors, and DL Coaches will monitor the level h of use and effectiveness of student engagement in the classrooms through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Close and Critical Reading (Middle/High) Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, District Curriculum Supervisors , Coaches, and Building Administrat ors Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 83 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District Curriculum Supervisors will develop units/lessons Academic which will incorporate close and critical reading. The teaching Support staff will use these units/lessons to teach students how to read Program text closely and to begin to think critically about the content within the text. Teaching staff will utilize the guided highlighted reading technique which will support students’ ability to summarize, retell and synthesize complex text and increase their ability to engage with the text. Teachers will assist students in deepening their academic vocabulary by using it in the context as it appears in the text. Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Deputy Required Superinten dent of Curriculum and Instruction, District Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $40000 Title I Part A Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Schools:North Park Montessori Academy, Ottawa Hills High School, Dickinson School, CA Frost Environmental Science Academy, Riverside Middle School, Harrison Elementary, Gerald R. Ford K8 Academy, Westwood Middle School, Alger Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Burton Middle School, Grand Rapids University Preparatory Academy, Aberdeen Elementary, Shawmut Hills School, Union High School, Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Innovation Central High School, Southwest Community Campus School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy, City High Middle School, Center for Economicology Activity - Technology Activity Type The District will support the use of technology across the Technology Tier 1 district. Technology will be used in a variety of ways to support student learning objectives. Students will engage with technology as a means to demonstrate their learning. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Clear Expectations Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e District Technology Department (MIS), District Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Staff Responsibl e Page 84 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will ensure that teachers are setting clear Other expectations in the classroom through the implementation of the evaluation tools used across the District. Classroom teachers will clearly communicate (oral and written formats) the purpose for learning as it connects to the curriculum framework and standards in a language that is student-friendly. Students will be more actively engaged in their learning when they have a clear understanding of what the purpose is. Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Schools:All Schools (shared) Strategy 3: Learning Targets (K-5) - The District will implement the use of Learning Targets to ensure consistent focus of learning objectives and that standards are being taught. Research Cited: Brookhart, Susan M., and Moss, Connie M. (2012). Learning Targets: Helping Students Aim for Understanding in Today’s Lesson. ASCD. “The most effective teaching and the most meaningful student learning happen when teachers design the right learning targets for today’s lesson and use it along with their students to aim for and assess understanding. Learning targets are student-friendly descriptors of what you intend students to learn or accomplish in a given lesson. When shared, meaningfully, they become actual targets that students can see and direct their efforts toward. They also serve as targets for the adults in the school whose responsibility it is to plan, monitor, and assess, and improve the quality of learning opportunities to raise the achievement of all students.” Tier: Tier 1 Activity - Curriculum Maps Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned The District Curriculum Supervisors will develop curriculum maps which highlight instructional goals around grade-level learning targets that are student-friendly and specific to the needs of individual students in the classroom. Other Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:Brookside School, CA Frost Environmental Science Academy, Congress Elementary, East Leonard School, Harrison Elementary, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Cesar E. Chavez Elementary, Aberdeen Elementary, Kent Hills School, Shawmut Hills School, Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy, Sibley School, Mulick Elementary, North Park Montessori Academy, Dickinson School, Buchanan School, Campus Elementary, Palmer School, Gerald R. Ford K8 Academy, Coit Arts Academy, Stocking School, Ken-O-Sha Park Elementary, Southwest Community Campus School, Burton Elementary School Activity - Monitoring SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding District Required Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 85 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools District Staff in conjunction with building administrators and Curriculum Supervisors will monitor the level of use and effectiveness of Learning Targets in the classrooms through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process. Other Tier 1 Monitor 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Schools:Brookside School, CA Frost Environmental Science Academy, Congress Elementary, East Leonard School, Harrison Elementary, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Cesar E. Chavez Elementary, Aberdeen Elementary, Kent Hills School, Shawmut Hills School, Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy, Sibley School, Mulick Elementary, North Park Montessori Academy, Dickinson School, Buchanan School, Campus Elementary, Palmer School, Gerald R. Ford K8 Academy, Coit Arts Academy, Stocking School, Ken-O-Sha Park Elementary, Southwest Community Campus School, Burton Elementary School No Funding District Required Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrati on, and Teaching Staff Measurable Objective 9: 41% of Third, Fourth and Fifth grade English Learners students will demonstrate a proficiency in concepts in Reading by 06/05/2015 as measured by the state assessment. (shared) Strategy 1: Differentiated Instruction (K-12) - The District will implement Differentiated Instruction through the use and implementation of Professional Learning Opportunities, Project Learning (middle/high), Fluency and Skill Development, SIOP, Data Analysis, Monitoring and Professional Learning Communities (PLCs). Research Cited: Beach, T.A. (2010). Combine Methodologies of Differentiated Instruction in the Heterogeneous Classroom. South Carolina Middle School Association Journal, February 26, 2011. "Offering each student the chance to learn the subject material in ways that address each student individually can benefit children in retaining information that will later be necessary to become thoughtful, productive adults. Through differentiation combined with curriculum layering, teachers can create a student-centered classroom that is supportive to each student." Cusumano, C. (2007). How Differentiated Instruction Helps struggling Students. Leadership, 36(4), 8-10. "Accelerating learning by examining and aligning three major systems in the school to support differentiation and a consistent focus on improved student learning the school's academic delivery structure, professional development, and human/fiscal resource allocation." Tier: Tier 1 Activity - Professional Learning Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 86 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will employ individuals who organize the Professiona Tier 1 professional learning opportunities provided throughout the l Learning District. Professional Learning will be differentiated to meet the needs of the staff who will attend. Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $149000 Title II Part Assistant A Superinten dent of Organizatio nal Learning, Building Administrat ors, and teaching staff Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:All Schools Activity - Project Learning (Middle and High) Activity Type Tier The District Curriculum Supervisor and Curriculum Writing Curriculum Tier 1 Team will design units and lessons that will provide Developme opportunities throughout the school year for students to be nt engaged in a variety of project learning activities that support their instructional goals. These projects will be differentiated in nature and provide choice to students regarding the type of project they will complete and will be rigorous and challenging for all students. Resource Assigned Schools:Westwood Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Ottawa Hills High School, Alger Middle School, Blandford Nature Center, Burton Middle School, Grand Rapids University Preparatory Academy, Riverside Middle School, Union High School, Innovation Central High School, City High Middle School, Center for Economicology Activity - Fluency and Skill Development Activity Type Tier The District will allot time in the daily schedule to allow staff to Curriculum Tier 1 use a variety of activities that will allow students to become Developme fluent with essential foundational skills. The students will nt practice these foundational skills often enough so that they can flexibly engage with the content at a higher level. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding Deputy Required Superinten dent of Curriculum and Learning, Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors, and teaching staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Building Required Administrat ors and Teaching Staff Schools:All Schools Activity - Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP) Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 87 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will employ individuals who will coach and support Academic schools who have populations with second language learners. Support These individuals will train staff on how to implement the SIOP Program framework in their classrooms to support and provide differentiated techniques which will support the learning needs of our Limited English Proficient (LEP) students. Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $200000 Title III Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding ELL Department , Building Administrat or, and Teaching Staff Schools:Brookside School, Dickinson School, Buchanan School, Riverside Middle School, Harrison Park Elementary School, Palmer School, Congress Elementary, Westwood Middle School, Stocking School, Cesar E. Chavez Elementary, Burton Middle School, Union High School, Newcomers Community School, Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Southwest Community Campus School, Sibley School, Burton Elementary School Activity - Data Analysis Activity Type The District will employ staff who will work collaboratively with Other individual schools and the KISD to analyze District-wide data, design user-friendly data reports and to assist schools in understanding their school-wide data in order to support and improve student achievement. This data is used at the building level to support teachers to determine the academic needs of all students in order to differentiate their instruction. Some of this data will be used by school staff who will participate in (Data Dialogues, Governance Boards) to review, reflect and communicate the academic progress in their classroom and identify which activities they are implementing to support continued student achievement. Tier 1 Resource Assigned 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $560860 Schools:All Schools Activity - Monitoring Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Title I Part Data A, Title I Support Part A, Title Specialist, II Part A Assessmen t and Evaluation Department , Divisional Executive Directors, School Reform Facilitators, Building Administrat or,Student Information Services and Teaching Staff. Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 88 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools District Support Staff in conjunction with building administrators, Curriculum Supervisors, and Coaches will monitor the level of use and effectiveness of differentiated instruction in the classrooms through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process. Walkthroug Tier 1 h Monitor 09/04/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, District Curriculum Supervisors , Coaches, and Building Administrat ors Activity - Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) Activity Type Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding The District will implement PLCs to develop staff capacity in providing effective research-based instruction by engaging teachers in frequent collaboration and dialogue. PLCs are an embedded professional development model which includes: the examination of instructional practices, including differentiation, student work, strategies for at-risk students, LearningWalks, Content Focused Coaching, observation and feedback conferences. Participants of PLCs include but are not limited to: District Curriculum Supervisors, Content Coaches, teaching staff and building principals. Professiona Tier 1 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $204000 Title I Part A Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $183829 Title I Part A Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Schools:All Schools Tier Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e District Curriculum Supervisors , Coaches, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Schools:All Schools Activity - Reading Specialist Teacher The District will employ Reading Specialist Teachers within Academic identified Priority Schools who will deliver supplementary Support instruction to identified students. This instructional support will Program reflect state and district content expectations through the use of effective strategies in management, instruction, student motivation and curriculum planning. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Reading Specialist Teacher and Building Administrat ors Schools:Brookside School, Dickinson School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy Activity - Instructional Coaches Activity Type SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Page 89 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will employ Instructional Coaches who will build capacity of instructional staff by engaging in frequent and on-going coaching cycles with feedback around instructional strategies, differentiated strategies and delivery. Academic Support Program Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $92000 Title I Part A Coaches, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $108800 Title III, Title I Part A Staff Responsibl e Title I Office, School Reform Facilitators, Summer School Building Administrat ors and Summer School Teachers Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $334860 Title I Part A Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Schools:Ottawa Hills High School Activity - Summer School The District will fund a summer school program that supports Academic the academic improvement of identified students. The summer Support school program is differentiated to meet the academic needs of Program the students who are enrolled. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Reading Teacher (Alger and Westwood) Activity Type The District will place teachers who will be responsible for Academic providing technical expertise in reading instruction. Support The teachers will be responsible for ensuring that researched- Program based best practices are implemented in grade levels 6-8. This may include conducting model/demonstration lessons in classrooms, coaching and assisting teachers, designing lessons for teachers and providing regular ongoing professional development in reading methods for all staff. The teachers will be responsible for testing students, diagnosing reading problems, and recommending and implementing effective intervention strategies. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Reading Teacher, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Schools:Westwood Middle School, Alger Middle School Activity - Reading Coach (Priority Schools) Activity Type SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Page 90 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will employ coaches in order to support Priority Professiona Tier 2 Schools with their Reform & Redesign Plans, Reading Coaches l Learning will be utilized to assist classroom teachers in successfully implementing best practices as identified in their Reform & Redesign Plans. Reading Coaches will provide leadership for teachers by planning, collaborating, organizing, modeling and facilitating change to improve the instructional program. Reading Coaches will participate in Coaching Cycles, LearningWalks, Professional Learning Communities, Data Analysis Meetings, and lead some professional development for the building staff based on the schools identified areas of need. Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $276000 Title I Part A Reading Coach, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Instructiona l Improveme nt Coach, Building Administrat or, and Teaching Staff Schools:Aberdeen Elementary, Kent Hills School, Campus Elementary Activity - Instructional Improvement Coach (Union) Activity Type Tier Resource Assigned The District will hire an Instructional Improvement Coach, who under the direction of the Building Principal will facilitate learning around content areas and literacy utilizing technology and data that will enable Instructional Staff to effectively meet and transform the performance of GRPS students at Union High School. Professiona Tier 2 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $89000 Title I Part A Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $128000 Schools:Union High School Activity - Literacy Para Professional (Priority Schools) The District will employ Literacy Para Professionals who will be Academic responsible for assisting with promotion of literacy in Support elementary and K-8 buildings by working as a team member Program with the school staff, principal and library director in providing a quality educational program. Responsible for concept/skill reinforcement tasks and providing students the opportunity for additional adult/student relationships. Schools:Mulick Elementary, Brookside School, Aberdeen Elementary, Campus Elementary Resource Assigned Title I Part A Staff Responsibl e Literacy Para Professiona ls, Building Administrat ors, Library Director, and Teaching Staff (shared) Strategy 2: Student Engagement (K-12) - The District will implement Student Engagement by the following means: Professional Learning, Academic Rigor, Accountable Talk, Quality Questioning, Claim, Evidence and Reasoning, Non-Linguistic Representation, Monitoring, Close and Critical Reading, Technology and Clear Expectations. Research Cited: Pickering, Debra J., and Marzano, Robert J. (2011). The Highly Engaged Classroom. Marzano Research Laboratory. SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 91 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools “Engagement is a central aspect of effective teaching. If students are not engaged, there is little, if any, chance that they will learn what is being addressed in class. Student engagement has long been recognized as the core of effective schooling.” Tier: Tier 1 Activity - Professional Learning Activity Type The District will employ individuals who organize the professional learning opportunities provided throughout the District. Some of the Professional Learning opportunities will support teachers and administrators using the teacher evaluation tools which will support the growth of student engagement in the classroom. Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Professiona Tier 1 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:All Schools Activity - Academic Rigor District Staff in conjunction with building administrators will Other monitor that students’ foundations of content are being built by engaging them in the thinking process to deepen their overall content knowledge through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process to ensure that there is academic rigor in the classroom. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Accountable Talk Activity Type SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Assistant Required Superinten dent of Organizatio nal Learning, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, School Reform Facilitators, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 92 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools District Staff in conjunction with building administrators will Academic monitor the application of Accountable Talk moves which have Support been developed through teacher training provided by the Program Institute for Learning (IFL). Accountable Talk will develop students’ abilities to socialize their intelligence as well as increase student engagement by encouraging open discussion and inquiry-based reasoning opportunities. Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, School Reform Facilitators, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:All Schools Activity - Quality Questioning Activity Type The District will implement quality questioning in the classroom Other to increase both student engagement and to support a deeper understanding of the content being taught. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Claim, Evidence and Reasoning (Middle/High) Activity Type The District Curriculum Supervisors will create units/lessons Academic which will increase student engagement through the use of Support clam, evidence and reasoning. While reading complex text, Program staff will have students respond (orally and written) to a topic which will demand them to use textual evidence to support their overall claim. Resource Assigned Schools:Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Ottawa Hills High School, Blandford Nature Center, Dickinson School, Riverside Middle School, CA Frost Environmental Science Academy, Harrison Park Elementary School, Aberdeen Elementary School, Gerald R. Ford K8 Academy, Westwood Middle School, Alger Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Burton Middle School, Grand Rapids University Preparatory Academy, Shawmut Hills School, Union High School, Southwest Community Campus School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy, City High Middle School, Center for Economicology Activity - Non-Linguistic Representation (Middle/High) Activity Type SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Deputy Required Superinten dent of Curriculum and Learning, District Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 93 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District Curriculum Supervisors will create units/lessons Academic which will incorporate the use of non-linguistic representational Support tools such as Thinking Maps and graphic organizers to enable Program students to organize their thinking in a way that will allow them to be more deeply engaged with the content. Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Deputy Required Superinten dent of Curriculum and Instruction, District Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrati on, and Teaching Staff Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Monitor 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:North Park Montessori Academy, Ottawa Hills High School, Blandford Nature Center, CA Frost Environmental Science Academy, Riverside Middle School, Harrison Elementary, Gerald R. Ford K8 Academy, Westwood Middle School, Alger Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Burton Middle School, Grand Rapids University Preparatory Academy, Aberdeen Elementary, Shawmut Hills School, Union High School, Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Innovation Central High School, Southwest Community Campus School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy, City High Middle School, Center for Economicology Activity - Monitoring Activity Type District Staff in conjunction with building administrators, Walkthroug Tier 1 Curriculum Supervisors, and DL Coaches will monitor the level h of use and effectiveness of student engagement in the classrooms through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Close and Critical Reading (Middle/High) Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, District Curriculum Supervisors , Coaches, and Building Administrat ors Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 94 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District Curriculum Supervisors will develop units/lessons Academic which will incorporate close and critical reading. The teaching Support staff will use these units/lessons to teach students how to read Program text closely and to begin to think critically about the content within the text. Teaching staff will utilize the guided highlighted reading technique which will support students’ ability to summarize, retell and synthesize complex text and increase their ability to engage with the text. Teachers will assist students in deepening their academic vocabulary by using it in the context as it appears in the text. Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Deputy Required Superinten dent of Curriculum and Instruction, District Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $40000 Title I Part A Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Schools:North Park Montessori Academy, Ottawa Hills High School, Dickinson School, CA Frost Environmental Science Academy, Riverside Middle School, Harrison Elementary, Gerald R. Ford K8 Academy, Westwood Middle School, Alger Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Burton Middle School, Grand Rapids University Preparatory Academy, Aberdeen Elementary, Shawmut Hills School, Union High School, Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Innovation Central High School, Southwest Community Campus School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy, City High Middle School, Center for Economicology Activity - Technology Activity Type The District will support the use of technology across the Technology Tier 1 district. Technology will be used in a variety of ways to support student learning objectives. Students will engage with technology as a means to demonstrate their learning. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Clear Expectations Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e District Technology Department (MIS), District Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Staff Responsibl e Page 95 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will ensure that teachers are setting clear Other expectations in the classroom through the implementation of the evaluation tools used across the District. Classroom teachers will clearly communicate (oral and written formats) the purpose for learning as it connects to the curriculum framework and standards in a language that is student-friendly. Students will be more actively engaged in their learning when they have a clear understanding of what the purpose is. Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Schools:All Schools (shared) Strategy 3: Learning Targets (K-5) - The District will implement the use of Learning Targets to ensure consistent focus of learning objectives and that standards are being taught. Research Cited: Brookhart, Susan M., and Moss, Connie M. (2012). Learning Targets: Helping Students Aim for Understanding in Today’s Lesson. ASCD. “The most effective teaching and the most meaningful student learning happen when teachers design the right learning targets for today’s lesson and use it along with their students to aim for and assess understanding. Learning targets are student-friendly descriptors of what you intend students to learn or accomplish in a given lesson. When shared, meaningfully, they become actual targets that students can see and direct their efforts toward. They also serve as targets for the adults in the school whose responsibility it is to plan, monitor, and assess, and improve the quality of learning opportunities to raise the achievement of all students.” Tier: Tier 1 Activity - Curriculum Maps Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned The District Curriculum Supervisors will develop curriculum maps which highlight instructional goals around grade-level learning targets that are student-friendly and specific to the needs of individual students in the classroom. Other Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:Brookside School, CA Frost Environmental Science Academy, Congress Elementary, East Leonard School, Harrison Elementary, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Cesar E. Chavez Elementary, Aberdeen Elementary, Kent Hills School, Shawmut Hills School, Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy, Sibley School, Mulick Elementary, North Park Montessori Academy, Dickinson School, Buchanan School, Campus Elementary, Palmer School, Gerald R. Ford K8 Academy, Coit Arts Academy, Stocking School, Ken-O-Sha Park Elementary, Southwest Community Campus School, Burton Elementary School Activity - Monitoring SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding District Required Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 96 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools District Staff in conjunction with building administrators and Curriculum Supervisors will monitor the level of use and effectiveness of Learning Targets in the classrooms through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process. Other Tier 1 Monitor 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Schools:Brookside School, CA Frost Environmental Science Academy, Congress Elementary, East Leonard School, Harrison Elementary, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Cesar E. Chavez Elementary, Aberdeen Elementary, Kent Hills School, Shawmut Hills School, Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy, Sibley School, Mulick Elementary, North Park Montessori Academy, Dickinson School, Buchanan School, Campus Elementary, Palmer School, Gerald R. Ford K8 Academy, Coit Arts Academy, Stocking School, Ken-O-Sha Park Elementary, Southwest Community Campus School, Burton Elementary School No Funding District Required Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrati on, and Teaching Staff Measurable Objective 10: 41% of Third, Fourth and Fifth grade Students with Disabilities students will demonstrate a proficiency in concepts in Reading by 06/05/2015 as measured by the state assessment. (shared) Strategy 1: Differentiated Instruction (K-12) - The District will implement Differentiated Instruction through the use and implementation of Professional Learning Opportunities, Project Learning (middle/high), Fluency and Skill Development, SIOP, Data Analysis, Monitoring and Professional Learning Communities (PLCs). Research Cited: Beach, T.A. (2010). Combine Methodologies of Differentiated Instruction in the Heterogeneous Classroom. South Carolina Middle School Association Journal, February 26, 2011. "Offering each student the chance to learn the subject material in ways that address each student individually can benefit children in retaining information that will later be necessary to become thoughtful, productive adults. Through differentiation combined with curriculum layering, teachers can create a student-centered classroom that is supportive to each student." Cusumano, C. (2007). How Differentiated Instruction Helps struggling Students. Leadership, 36(4), 8-10. "Accelerating learning by examining and aligning three major systems in the school to support differentiation and a consistent focus on improved student learning the school's academic delivery structure, professional development, and human/fiscal resource allocation." Tier: Tier 1 Activity - Professional Learning Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 97 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will employ individuals who organize the Professiona Tier 1 professional learning opportunities provided throughout the l Learning District. Professional Learning will be differentiated to meet the needs of the staff who will attend. Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $149000 Title II Part Assistant A Superinten dent of Organizatio nal Learning, Building Administrat ors, and teaching staff Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:All Schools Activity - Project Learning (Middle and High) Activity Type Tier The District Curriculum Supervisor and Curriculum Writing Curriculum Tier 1 Team will design units and lessons that will provide Developme opportunities throughout the school year for students to be nt engaged in a variety of project learning activities that support their instructional goals. These projects will be differentiated in nature and provide choice to students regarding the type of project they will complete and will be rigorous and challenging for all students. Resource Assigned Schools:Westwood Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Ottawa Hills High School, Alger Middle School, Blandford Nature Center, Burton Middle School, Grand Rapids University Preparatory Academy, Riverside Middle School, Union High School, Innovation Central High School, City High Middle School, Center for Economicology Activity - Fluency and Skill Development Activity Type Tier The District will allot time in the daily schedule to allow staff to Curriculum Tier 1 use a variety of activities that will allow students to become Developme fluent with essential foundational skills. The students will nt practice these foundational skills often enough so that they can flexibly engage with the content at a higher level. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding Deputy Required Superinten dent of Curriculum and Learning, Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors, and teaching staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Building Required Administrat ors and Teaching Staff Schools:All Schools Activity - Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP) Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 98 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will employ individuals who will coach and support Academic schools who have populations with second language learners. Support These individuals will train staff on how to implement the SIOP Program framework in their classrooms to support and provide differentiated techniques which will support the learning needs of our Limited English Proficient (LEP) students. Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $200000 Title III Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding ELL Department , Building Administrat or, and Teaching Staff Schools:Brookside School, Dickinson School, Buchanan School, Riverside Middle School, Harrison Park Elementary School, Palmer School, Congress Elementary, Westwood Middle School, Stocking School, Cesar E. Chavez Elementary, Burton Middle School, Union High School, Newcomers Community School, Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Southwest Community Campus School, Sibley School, Burton Elementary School Activity - Data Analysis Activity Type The District will employ staff who will work collaboratively with Other individual schools and the KISD to analyze District-wide data, design user-friendly data reports and to assist schools in understanding their school-wide data in order to support and improve student achievement. This data is used at the building level to support teachers to determine the academic needs of all students in order to differentiate their instruction. Some of this data will be used by school staff who will participate in (Data Dialogues, Governance Boards) to review, reflect and communicate the academic progress in their classroom and identify which activities they are implementing to support continued student achievement. Tier 1 Resource Assigned 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $560860 Schools:All Schools Activity - Monitoring Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Title II Part Data A, Title I Support Part A, Title Specialist, I Part A Assessmen t and Evaluation Department , Divisional Executive Directors, School Reform Facilitators, Building Administrat or,Student Information Services and Teaching Staff. Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 99 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools District Support Staff in conjunction with building administrators, Curriculum Supervisors, and Coaches will monitor the level of use and effectiveness of differentiated instruction in the classrooms through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process. Walkthroug Tier 1 h Monitor 09/04/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, District Curriculum Supervisors , Coaches, and Building Administrat ors Activity - Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) Activity Type Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding The District will implement PLCs to develop staff capacity in providing effective research-based instruction by engaging teachers in frequent collaboration and dialogue. PLCs are an embedded professional development model which includes: the examination of instructional practices, including differentiation, student work, strategies for at-risk students, LearningWalks, Content Focused Coaching, observation and feedback conferences. Participants of PLCs include but are not limited to: District Curriculum Supervisors, Content Coaches, teaching staff and building principals. Professiona Tier 1 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $204000 Title I Part A Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $183829 Title I Part A Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Schools:All Schools Tier Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e District Curriculum Supervisors , Coaches, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Schools:All Schools Activity - Reading Specialist Teacher The District will employ Reading Specialist Teachers within Academic identified Priority Schools who will deliver supplementary Support instruction to identified students. This instructional support will Program reflect state and district content expectations through the use of effective strategies in management, instruction, student motivation and curriculum planning. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Reading Specialist Teacher and Building Administrat ors Schools:Brookside School, Dickinson School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy Activity - Instructional Coaches Activity Type SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Page 100 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will employ Instructional Coaches who will build capacity of instructional staff by engaging in frequent and on-going coaching cycles with feedback around instructional strategies, differentiated strategies and delivery. Academic Support Program Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $92000 Title I Part A Coaches, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $108800 Title I Part A, Title III Staff Responsibl e Title I Office, School Reform Facilitators, Summer School Building Administrat ors and Summer School Teachers Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $334860 Title I Part A Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Schools:Ottawa Hills High School Activity - Summer School The District will fund a summer school program that supports Academic the academic improvement of identified students. The summer Support school program is differentiated to meet the academic needs of Program the students who are enrolled. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Reading Teacher (Alger and Westwood) Activity Type The District will place teachers who will be responsible for Academic providing technical expertise in reading instruction. Support The teachers will be responsible for ensuring that researched- Program based best practices are implemented in grade levels 6-8. This may include conducting model/demonstration lessons in classrooms, coaching and assisting teachers, designing lessons for teachers and providing regular ongoing professional development in reading methods for all staff. The teachers will be responsible for testing students, diagnosing reading problems, and recommending and implementing effective intervention strategies. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Reading Teacher, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Schools:Westwood Middle School, Alger Middle School Activity - Reading Coach (Priority Schools) Activity Type SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Page 101 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will employ coaches in order to support Priority Professiona Tier 2 Schools with their Reform & Redesign Plans, Reading Coaches l Learning will be utilized to assist classroom teachers in successfully implementing best practices as identified in their Reform & Redesign Plans. Reading Coaches will provide leadership for teachers by planning, collaborating, organizing, modeling and facilitating change to improve the instructional program. Reading Coaches will participate in Coaching Cycles, LearningWalks, Professional Learning Communities, Data Analysis Meetings, and lead some professional development for the building staff based on the schools identified areas of need. Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $276000 Title I Part A Reading Coach, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Instructiona l Improveme nt Coach, Building Administrat or, and Teaching Staff Schools:Aberdeen Elementary, Kent Hills School, Campus Elementary Activity - Instructional Improvement Coach (Union) Activity Type Tier Resource Assigned The District will hire an Instructional Improvement Coach, who under the direction of the Building Principal will facilitate learning around content areas and literacy utilizing technology and data that will enable Instructional Staff to effectively meet and transform the performance of GRPS students at Union High School. Professiona Tier 2 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $89000 Title I Part A Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $128000 Schools:Union High School Activity - Literacy Para Professional (Priority Schools) The District will employ Literacy Para Professionals who will be Academic responsible for assisting with promotion of literacy in Support elementary and K-8 buildings by working as a team member Program with the school staff, principal and library director in providing a quality educational program. Responsible for concept/skill reinforcement tasks and providing students the opportunity for additional adult/student relationships. Schools:Mulick Elementary, Brookside School, Aberdeen Elementary, Campus Elementary Resource Assigned Title I Part A Staff Responsibl e Literacy Para Professiona ls, Building Administrat ors, Library Director, and Teaching Staff (shared) Strategy 2: Student Engagement (K-12) - The District will implement Student Engagement by the following means: Professional Learning, Academic Rigor, Accountable Talk, Quality Questioning, Claim, Evidence and Reasoning, Non-Linguistic Representation, Monitoring, Close and Critical Reading, Technology and Clear Expectations. Research Cited: Pickering, Debra J., and Marzano, Robert J. (2011). The Highly Engaged Classroom. Marzano Research Laboratory. SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 102 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools “Engagement is a central aspect of effective teaching. If students are not engaged, there is little, if any, chance that they will learn what is being addressed in class. Student engagement has long been recognized as the core of effective schooling.” Tier: Tier 1 Activity - Professional Learning Activity Type The District will employ individuals who organize the professional learning opportunities provided throughout the District. Some of the Professional Learning opportunities will support teachers and administrators using the teacher evaluation tools which will support the growth of student engagement in the classroom. Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Professiona Tier 1 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:All Schools Activity - Academic Rigor District Staff in conjunction with building administrators will Other monitor that students’ foundations of content are being built by engaging them in the thinking process to deepen their overall content knowledge through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process to ensure that there is academic rigor in the classroom. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Accountable Talk Activity Type SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Assistant Required Superinten dent of Organizatio nal Learning, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, School Reform Facilitators, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 103 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools District Staff in conjunction with building administrators will Academic monitor the application of Accountable Talk moves which have Support been developed through teacher training provided by the Program Institute for Learning (IFL). Accountable Talk will develop students’ abilities to socialize their intelligence as well as increase student engagement by encouraging open discussion and inquiry-based reasoning opportunities. Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, School Reform Facilitators, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:All Schools Activity - Quality Questioning Activity Type The District will implement quality questioning in the classroom Other to increase both student engagement and to support a deeper understanding of the content being taught. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Claim, Evidence and Reasoning (Middle/High) Activity Type The District Curriculum Supervisors will create units/lessons Academic which will increase student engagement through the use of Support clam, evidence and reasoning. While reading complex text, Program staff will have students respond (orally and written) to a topic which will demand them to use textual evidence to support their overall claim. Resource Assigned Schools:Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Ottawa Hills High School, Blandford Nature Center, Dickinson School, Riverside Middle School, CA Frost Environmental Science Academy, Harrison Park Elementary School, Aberdeen Elementary School, Gerald R. Ford K8 Academy, Westwood Middle School, Alger Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Burton Middle School, Grand Rapids University Preparatory Academy, Shawmut Hills School, Union High School, Southwest Community Campus School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy, City High Middle School, Center for Economicology Activity - Non-Linguistic Representation (Middle/High) Activity Type SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Deputy Required Superinten dent of Curriculum and Learning, District Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 104 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District Curriculum Supervisors will create units/lessons Academic which will incorporate the use of non-linguistic representational Support tools such as Thinking Maps and graphic organizers to enable Program students to organize their thinking in a way that will allow them to be more deeply engaged with the content. Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Deputy Required Superinten dent of Curriculum and Instruction, District Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrati on, and Teaching Staff Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Monitor 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:North Park Montessori Academy, Ottawa Hills High School, Blandford Nature Center, CA Frost Environmental Science Academy, Riverside Middle School, Harrison Elementary, Gerald R. Ford K8 Academy, Westwood Middle School, Alger Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Burton Middle School, Grand Rapids University Preparatory Academy, Aberdeen Elementary, Shawmut Hills School, Union High School, Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Innovation Central High School, Southwest Community Campus School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy, City High Middle School, Center for Economicology Activity - Monitoring Activity Type District Staff in conjunction with building administrators, Walkthroug Tier 1 Curriculum Supervisors, and DL Coaches will monitor the level h of use and effectiveness of student engagement in the classrooms through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Close and Critical Reading (Middle/High) Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, District Curriculum Supervisors , Coaches, and Building Administrat ors Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 105 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District Curriculum Supervisors will develop units/lessons Academic which will incorporate close and critical reading. The teaching Support staff will use these units/lessons to teach students how to read Program text closely and to begin to think critically about the content within the text. Teaching staff will utilize the guided highlighted reading technique which will support students’ ability to summarize, retell and synthesize complex text and increase their ability to engage with the text. Teachers will assist students in deepening their academic vocabulary by using it in the context as it appears in the text. Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Deputy Required Superinten dent of Curriculum and Instruction, District Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $40000 Title I Part A Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Schools:North Park Montessori Academy, Ottawa Hills High School, Dickinson School, CA Frost Environmental Science Academy, Riverside Middle School, Harrison Elementary, Gerald R. Ford K8 Academy, Westwood Middle School, Alger Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Burton Middle School, Grand Rapids University Preparatory Academy, Aberdeen Elementary, Shawmut Hills School, Union High School, Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Innovation Central High School, Southwest Community Campus School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy, City High Middle School, Center for Economicology Activity - Technology Activity Type The District will support the use of technology across the Technology Tier 1 district. Technology will be used in a variety of ways to support student learning objectives. Students will engage with technology as a means to demonstrate their learning. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Clear Expectations Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e District Technology Department (MIS), District Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Staff Responsibl e Page 106 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will ensure that teachers are setting clear Other expectations in the classroom through the implementation of the evaluation tools used across the District. Classroom teachers will clearly communicate (oral and written formats) the purpose for learning as it connects to the curriculum framework and standards in a language that is student-friendly. Students will be more actively engaged in their learning when they have a clear understanding of what the purpose is. Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Schools:All Schools (shared) Strategy 3: Learning Targets (K-5) - The District will implement the use of Learning Targets to ensure consistent focus of learning objectives and that standards are being taught. Research Cited: Brookhart, Susan M., and Moss, Connie M. (2012). Learning Targets: Helping Students Aim for Understanding in Today’s Lesson. ASCD. “The most effective teaching and the most meaningful student learning happen when teachers design the right learning targets for today’s lesson and use it along with their students to aim for and assess understanding. Learning targets are student-friendly descriptors of what you intend students to learn or accomplish in a given lesson. When shared, meaningfully, they become actual targets that students can see and direct their efforts toward. They also serve as targets for the adults in the school whose responsibility it is to plan, monitor, and assess, and improve the quality of learning opportunities to raise the achievement of all students.” Tier: Tier 1 Activity - Curriculum Maps Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned The District Curriculum Supervisors will develop curriculum maps which highlight instructional goals around grade-level learning targets that are student-friendly and specific to the needs of individual students in the classroom. Other Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:Brookside School, CA Frost Environmental Science Academy, Congress Elementary, East Leonard School, Harrison Elementary, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Cesar E. Chavez Elementary, Aberdeen Elementary, Kent Hills School, Shawmut Hills School, Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy, Sibley School, Mulick Elementary, North Park Montessori Academy, Dickinson School, Buchanan School, Campus Elementary, Palmer School, Gerald R. Ford K8 Academy, Coit Arts Academy, Stocking School, Ken-O-Sha Park Elementary, Southwest Community Campus School, Burton Elementary School Activity - Monitoring SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding District Required Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 107 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools District Staff in conjunction with building administrators and Curriculum Supervisors will monitor the level of use and effectiveness of Learning Targets in the classrooms through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process. Other Tier 1 Monitor 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Schools:Brookside School, CA Frost Environmental Science Academy, Congress Elementary, East Leonard School, Harrison Elementary, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Cesar E. Chavez Elementary, Aberdeen Elementary, Kent Hills School, Shawmut Hills School, Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy, Sibley School, Mulick Elementary, North Park Montessori Academy, Dickinson School, Buchanan School, Campus Elementary, Palmer School, Gerald R. Ford K8 Academy, Coit Arts Academy, Stocking School, Ken-O-Sha Park Elementary, Southwest Community Campus School, Burton Elementary School No Funding District Required Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrati on, and Teaching Staff Measurable Objective 11: 50% of All Students will demonstrate a proficiency ,defined as a Fall to Spring CGI increase of 0.1 compared to the previous year (or an overall schoolwide average CGI of 0.3), in Reading by 06/05/2015 as measured by NWEA/MAP. (shared) Strategy 1: Differentiated Instruction (K-12) - The District will implement Differentiated Instruction through the use and implementation of Professional Learning Opportunities, Project Learning (middle/high), Fluency and Skill Development, SIOP, Data Analysis, Monitoring and Professional Learning Communities (PLCs). Research Cited: Beach, T.A. (2010). Combine Methodologies of Differentiated Instruction in the Heterogeneous Classroom. South Carolina Middle School Association Journal, February 26, 2011. "Offering each student the chance to learn the subject material in ways that address each student individually can benefit children in retaining information that will later be necessary to become thoughtful, productive adults. Through differentiation combined with curriculum layering, teachers can create a student-centered classroom that is supportive to each student." Cusumano, C. (2007). How Differentiated Instruction Helps struggling Students. Leadership, 36(4), 8-10. "Accelerating learning by examining and aligning three major systems in the school to support differentiation and a consistent focus on improved student learning the school's academic delivery structure, professional development, and human/fiscal resource allocation." Tier: Tier 1 Activity - Professional Learning Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 108 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will employ individuals who organize the Professiona Tier 1 professional learning opportunities provided throughout the l Learning District. Professional Learning will be differentiated to meet the needs of the staff who will attend. Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $149000 Title II Part Assistant A Superinten dent of Organizatio nal Learning, Building Administrat ors, and teaching staff Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:All Schools Activity - Project Learning (Middle and High) Activity Type Tier The District Curriculum Supervisor and Curriculum Writing Curriculum Tier 1 Team will design units and lessons that will provide Developme opportunities throughout the school year for students to be nt engaged in a variety of project learning activities that support their instructional goals. These projects will be differentiated in nature and provide choice to students regarding the type of project they will complete and will be rigorous and challenging for all students. Resource Assigned Schools:Westwood Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Ottawa Hills High School, Alger Middle School, Blandford Nature Center, Burton Middle School, Grand Rapids University Preparatory Academy, Riverside Middle School, Union High School, Innovation Central High School, City High Middle School, Center for Economicology Activity - Fluency and Skill Development Activity Type Tier The District will allot time in the daily schedule to allow staff to Curriculum Tier 1 use a variety of activities that will allow students to become Developme fluent with essential foundational skills. The students will nt practice these foundational skills often enough so that they can flexibly engage with the content at a higher level. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding Deputy Required Superinten dent of Curriculum and Learning, Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors, and teaching staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Building Required Administrat ors and Teaching Staff Schools:All Schools Activity - Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP) Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 109 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will employ individuals who will coach and support Academic schools who have populations with second language learners. Support These individuals will train staff on how to implement the SIOP Program framework in their classrooms to support and provide differentiated techniques which will support the learning needs of our Limited English Proficient (LEP) students. Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $200000 Title III Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding ELL Department , Building Administrat or, and Teaching Staff Schools:Brookside School, Dickinson School, Buchanan School, Riverside Middle School, Harrison Park Elementary School, Palmer School, Congress Elementary, Westwood Middle School, Stocking School, Cesar E. Chavez Elementary, Burton Middle School, Union High School, Newcomers Community School, Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Southwest Community Campus School, Sibley School, Burton Elementary School Activity - Data Analysis Activity Type The District will employ staff who will work collaboratively with Other individual schools and the KISD to analyze District-wide data, design user-friendly data reports and to assist schools in understanding their school-wide data in order to support and improve student achievement. This data is used at the building level to support teachers to determine the academic needs of all students in order to differentiate their instruction. Some of this data will be used by school staff who will participate in (Data Dialogues, Governance Boards) to review, reflect and communicate the academic progress in their classroom and identify which activities they are implementing to support continued student achievement. Tier 1 Resource Assigned 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $560860 Schools:All Schools Activity - Monitoring Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Title I Part Data A, Title I Support Part A, Title Specialist, II Part A Assessmen t and Evaluation Department , Divisional Executive Directors, School Reform Facilitators, Building Administrat or,Student Information Services and Teaching Staff. Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 110 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools District Support Staff in conjunction with building administrators, Curriculum Supervisors, and Coaches will monitor the level of use and effectiveness of differentiated instruction in the classrooms through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process. Walkthroug Tier 1 h Monitor 09/04/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, District Curriculum Supervisors , Coaches, and Building Administrat ors Activity - Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) Activity Type Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding The District will implement PLCs to develop staff capacity in providing effective research-based instruction by engaging teachers in frequent collaboration and dialogue. PLCs are an embedded professional development model which includes: the examination of instructional practices, including differentiation, student work, strategies for at-risk students, LearningWalks, Content Focused Coaching, observation and feedback conferences. Participants of PLCs include but are not limited to: District Curriculum Supervisors, Content Coaches, teaching staff and building principals. Professiona Tier 1 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $204000 Title I Part A Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $183829 Title I Part A Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Schools:All Schools Tier Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e District Curriculum Supervisors , Coaches, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Schools:All Schools Activity - Reading Specialist Teacher The District will employ Reading Specialist Teachers within Academic identified Priority Schools who will deliver supplementary Support instruction to identified students. This instructional support will Program reflect state and district content expectations through the use of effective strategies in management, instruction, student motivation and curriculum planning. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Reading Specialist Teacher and Building Administrat ors Schools:Brookside School, Dickinson School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy Activity - Instructional Coaches Activity Type SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Page 111 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will employ Instructional Coaches who will build capacity of instructional staff by engaging in frequent and on-going coaching cycles with feedback around instructional strategies, differentiated strategies and delivery. Academic Support Program Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $92000 Title I Part A Coaches, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $108800 Title I Part A, Title III Staff Responsibl e Title I Office, School Reform Facilitators, Summer School Building Administrat ors and Summer School Teachers Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $334860 Title I Part A Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Schools:Ottawa Hills High School Activity - Summer School The District will fund a summer school program that supports Academic the academic improvement of identified students. The summer Support school program is differentiated to meet the academic needs of Program the students who are enrolled. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Reading Teacher (Alger and Westwood) Activity Type The District will place teachers who will be responsible for Academic providing technical expertise in reading instruction. Support The teachers will be responsible for ensuring that researched- Program based best practices are implemented in grade levels 6-8. This may include conducting model/demonstration lessons in classrooms, coaching and assisting teachers, designing lessons for teachers and providing regular ongoing professional development in reading methods for all staff. The teachers will be responsible for testing students, diagnosing reading problems, and recommending and implementing effective intervention strategies. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Reading Teacher, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Schools:Westwood Middle School, Alger Middle School Activity - Reading Coach (Priority Schools) Activity Type SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Page 112 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will employ coaches in order to support Priority Professiona Tier 2 Schools with their Reform & Redesign Plans, Reading Coaches l Learning will be utilized to assist classroom teachers in successfully implementing best practices as identified in their Reform & Redesign Plans. Reading Coaches will provide leadership for teachers by planning, collaborating, organizing, modeling and facilitating change to improve the instructional program. Reading Coaches will participate in Coaching Cycles, LearningWalks, Professional Learning Communities, Data Analysis Meetings, and lead some professional development for the building staff based on the schools identified areas of need. Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $276000 Title I Part A Reading Coach, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Instructiona l Improveme nt Coach, Building Administrat or, and Teaching Staff Schools:Aberdeen Elementary, Kent Hills School, Campus Elementary Activity - Instructional Improvement Coach (Union) Activity Type Tier Resource Assigned The District will hire an Instructional Improvement Coach, who under the direction of the Building Principal will facilitate learning around content areas and literacy utilizing technology and data that will enable Instructional Staff to effectively meet and transform the performance of GRPS students at Union High School. Professiona Tier 2 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $89000 Title I Part A Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $128000 Schools:Union High School Activity - Literacy Para Professional (Priority Schools) The District will employ Literacy Para Professionals who will be Academic responsible for assisting with promotion of literacy in Support elementary and K-8 buildings by working as a team member Program with the school staff, principal and library director in providing a quality educational program. Responsible for concept/skill reinforcement tasks and providing students the opportunity for additional adult/student relationships. Schools:Mulick Elementary, Brookside School, Aberdeen Elementary, Campus Elementary Resource Assigned Title I Part A Staff Responsibl e Literacy Para Professiona ls, Building Administrat ors, Library Director, and Teaching Staff (shared) Strategy 2: Student Engagement (K-12) - The District will implement Student Engagement by the following means: Professional Learning, Academic Rigor, Accountable Talk, Quality Questioning, Claim, Evidence and Reasoning, Non-Linguistic Representation, Monitoring, Close and Critical Reading, Technology and Clear Expectations. Research Cited: Pickering, Debra J., and Marzano, Robert J. (2011). The Highly Engaged Classroom. Marzano Research Laboratory. SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 113 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools “Engagement is a central aspect of effective teaching. If students are not engaged, there is little, if any, chance that they will learn what is being addressed in class. Student engagement has long been recognized as the core of effective schooling.” Tier: Tier 1 Activity - Professional Learning Activity Type The District will employ individuals who organize the professional learning opportunities provided throughout the District. Some of the Professional Learning opportunities will support teachers and administrators using the teacher evaluation tools which will support the growth of student engagement in the classroom. Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Professiona Tier 1 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:All Schools Activity - Academic Rigor District Staff in conjunction with building administrators will Other monitor that students’ foundations of content are being built by engaging them in the thinking process to deepen their overall content knowledge through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process to ensure that there is academic rigor in the classroom. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Accountable Talk Activity Type SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Assistant Required Superinten dent of Organizatio nal Learning, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, School Reform Facilitators, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 114 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools District Staff in conjunction with building administrators will Academic monitor the application of Accountable Talk moves which have Support been developed through teacher training provided by the Program Institute for Learning (IFL). Accountable Talk will develop students’ abilities to socialize their intelligence as well as increase student engagement by encouraging open discussion and inquiry-based reasoning opportunities. Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, School Reform Facilitators, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:All Schools Activity - Quality Questioning Activity Type The District will implement quality questioning in the classroom Other to increase both student engagement and to support a deeper understanding of the content being taught. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Claim, Evidence and Reasoning (Middle/High) Activity Type The District Curriculum Supervisors will create units/lessons Academic which will increase student engagement through the use of Support clam, evidence and reasoning. While reading complex text, Program staff will have students respond (orally and written) to a topic which will demand them to use textual evidence to support their overall claim. Resource Assigned Schools:Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Ottawa Hills High School, Blandford Nature Center, Dickinson School, Riverside Middle School, CA Frost Environmental Science Academy, Harrison Park Elementary School, Aberdeen Elementary School, Gerald R. Ford K8 Academy, Westwood Middle School, Alger Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Burton Middle School, Grand Rapids University Preparatory Academy, Shawmut Hills School, Union High School, Southwest Community Campus School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy, City High Middle School, Center for Economicology Activity - Non-Linguistic Representation (Middle/High) Activity Type SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Deputy Required Superinten dent of Curriculum and Learning, District Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 115 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District Curriculum Supervisors will create units/lessons Academic which will incorporate the use of non-linguistic representational Support tools such as Thinking Maps and graphic organizers to enable Program students to organize their thinking in a way that will allow them to be more deeply engaged with the content. Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Deputy Required Superinten dent of Curriculum and Instruction, District Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrati on, and Teaching Staff Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Monitor 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:North Park Montessori Academy, Ottawa Hills High School, Blandford Nature Center, CA Frost Environmental Science Academy, Riverside Middle School, Harrison Elementary, Gerald R. Ford K8 Academy, Westwood Middle School, Alger Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Burton Middle School, Grand Rapids University Preparatory Academy, Aberdeen Elementary, Shawmut Hills School, Union High School, Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Innovation Central High School, Southwest Community Campus School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy, City High Middle School, Center for Economicology Activity - Monitoring Activity Type District Staff in conjunction with building administrators, Walkthroug Tier 1 Curriculum Supervisors, and DL Coaches will monitor the level h of use and effectiveness of student engagement in the classrooms through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Close and Critical Reading (Middle/High) Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, District Curriculum Supervisors , Coaches, and Building Administrat ors Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 116 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District Curriculum Supervisors will develop units/lessons Academic which will incorporate close and critical reading. The teaching Support staff will use these units/lessons to teach students how to read Program text closely and to begin to think critically about the content within the text. Teaching staff will utilize the guided highlighted reading technique which will support students’ ability to summarize, retell and synthesize complex text and increase their ability to engage with the text. Teachers will assist students in deepening their academic vocabulary by using it in the context as it appears in the text. Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Deputy Required Superinten dent of Curriculum and Instruction, District Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $40000 Title I Part A Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Schools:North Park Montessori Academy, Ottawa Hills High School, Dickinson School, CA Frost Environmental Science Academy, Riverside Middle School, Harrison Elementary, Gerald R. Ford K8 Academy, Westwood Middle School, Alger Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Burton Middle School, Grand Rapids University Preparatory Academy, Aberdeen Elementary, Shawmut Hills School, Union High School, Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Innovation Central High School, Southwest Community Campus School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy, City High Middle School, Center for Economicology Activity - Technology Activity Type The District will support the use of technology across the Technology Tier 1 district. Technology will be used in a variety of ways to support student learning objectives. Students will engage with technology as a means to demonstrate their learning. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Clear Expectations Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e District Technology Department (MIS), District Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Staff Responsibl e Page 117 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will ensure that teachers are setting clear Other expectations in the classroom through the implementation of the evaluation tools used across the District. Classroom teachers will clearly communicate (oral and written formats) the purpose for learning as it connects to the curriculum framework and standards in a language that is student-friendly. Students will be more actively engaged in their learning when they have a clear understanding of what the purpose is. Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Schools:All Schools (shared) Strategy 3: Learning Targets (K-5) - The District will implement the use of Learning Targets to ensure consistent focus of learning objectives and that standards are being taught. Research Cited: Brookhart, Susan M., and Moss, Connie M. (2012). Learning Targets: Helping Students Aim for Understanding in Today’s Lesson. ASCD. “The most effective teaching and the most meaningful student learning happen when teachers design the right learning targets for today’s lesson and use it along with their students to aim for and assess understanding. Learning targets are student-friendly descriptors of what you intend students to learn or accomplish in a given lesson. When shared, meaningfully, they become actual targets that students can see and direct their efforts toward. They also serve as targets for the adults in the school whose responsibility it is to plan, monitor, and assess, and improve the quality of learning opportunities to raise the achievement of all students.” Tier: Tier 1 Activity - Curriculum Maps Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned The District Curriculum Supervisors will develop curriculum maps which highlight instructional goals around grade-level learning targets that are student-friendly and specific to the needs of individual students in the classroom. Other Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:Brookside School, CA Frost Environmental Science Academy, Congress Elementary, East Leonard School, Harrison Elementary, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Cesar E. Chavez Elementary, Aberdeen Elementary, Kent Hills School, Shawmut Hills School, Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy, Sibley School, Mulick Elementary, North Park Montessori Academy, Dickinson School, Buchanan School, Campus Elementary, Palmer School, Gerald R. Ford K8 Academy, Coit Arts Academy, Stocking School, Ken-O-Sha Park Elementary, Southwest Community Campus School, Burton Elementary School Activity - Monitoring SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding District Required Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 118 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools District Staff in conjunction with building administrators and Curriculum Supervisors will monitor the level of use and effectiveness of Learning Targets in the classrooms through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process. Other Tier 1 Monitor 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Schools:Brookside School, CA Frost Environmental Science Academy, Congress Elementary, East Leonard School, Harrison Elementary, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Cesar E. Chavez Elementary, Aberdeen Elementary, Kent Hills School, Shawmut Hills School, Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy, Sibley School, Mulick Elementary, North Park Montessori Academy, Dickinson School, Buchanan School, Campus Elementary, Palmer School, Gerald R. Ford K8 Academy, Coit Arts Academy, Stocking School, Ken-O-Sha Park Elementary, Southwest Community Campus School, Burton Elementary School No Funding District Required Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrati on, and Teaching Staff Measurable Objective 12: 53% of Sixth, Seventh and Eighth grade students will demonstrate a proficiency with concepts in English Language Arts in Reading by 06/05/2015 as measured by the State assessment. (shared) Strategy 1: Differentiated Instruction (K-12) - The District will implement Differentiated Instruction through the use and implementation of Professional Learning Opportunities, Project Learning (middle/high), Fluency and Skill Development, SIOP, Data Analysis, Monitoring and Professional Learning Communities (PLCs). Research Cited: Beach, T.A. (2010). Combine Methodologies of Differentiated Instruction in the Heterogeneous Classroom. South Carolina Middle School Association Journal, February 26, 2011. "Offering each student the chance to learn the subject material in ways that address each student individually can benefit children in retaining information that will later be necessary to become thoughtful, productive adults. Through differentiation combined with curriculum layering, teachers can create a student-centered classroom that is supportive to each student." Cusumano, C. (2007). How Differentiated Instruction Helps struggling Students. Leadership, 36(4), 8-10. "Accelerating learning by examining and aligning three major systems in the school to support differentiation and a consistent focus on improved student learning the school's academic delivery structure, professional development, and human/fiscal resource allocation." Tier: Tier 1 Activity - Professional Learning Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 119 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will employ individuals who organize the Professiona Tier 1 professional learning opportunities provided throughout the l Learning District. Professional Learning will be differentiated to meet the needs of the staff who will attend. Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $149000 Title II Part Assistant A Superinten dent of Organizatio nal Learning, Building Administrat ors, and teaching staff Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:All Schools Activity - Project Learning (Middle and High) Activity Type Tier The District Curriculum Supervisor and Curriculum Writing Curriculum Tier 1 Team will design units and lessons that will provide Developme opportunities throughout the school year for students to be nt engaged in a variety of project learning activities that support their instructional goals. These projects will be differentiated in nature and provide choice to students regarding the type of project they will complete and will be rigorous and challenging for all students. Resource Assigned Schools:Westwood Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Ottawa Hills High School, Alger Middle School, Blandford Nature Center, Burton Middle School, Grand Rapids University Preparatory Academy, Riverside Middle School, Union High School, Innovation Central High School, City High Middle School, Center for Economicology Activity - Fluency and Skill Development Activity Type Tier The District will allot time in the daily schedule to allow staff to Curriculum Tier 1 use a variety of activities that will allow students to become Developme fluent with essential foundational skills. The students will nt practice these foundational skills often enough so that they can flexibly engage with the content at a higher level. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding Deputy Required Superinten dent of Curriculum and Learning, Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors, and teaching staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Building Required Administrat ors and Teaching Staff Schools:All Schools Activity - Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP) Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 120 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will employ individuals who will coach and support Academic schools who have populations with second language learners. Support These individuals will train staff on how to implement the SIOP Program framework in their classrooms to support and provide differentiated techniques which will support the learning needs of our Limited English Proficient (LEP) students. Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $200000 Title III Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding ELL Department , Building Administrat or, and Teaching Staff Schools:Brookside School, Dickinson School, Buchanan School, Riverside Middle School, Harrison Park Elementary School, Palmer School, Congress Elementary, Westwood Middle School, Stocking School, Cesar E. Chavez Elementary, Burton Middle School, Union High School, Newcomers Community School, Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Southwest Community Campus School, Sibley School, Burton Elementary School Activity - Data Analysis Activity Type The District will employ staff who will work collaboratively with Other individual schools and the KISD to analyze District-wide data, design user-friendly data reports and to assist schools in understanding their school-wide data in order to support and improve student achievement. This data is used at the building level to support teachers to determine the academic needs of all students in order to differentiate their instruction. Some of this data will be used by school staff who will participate in (Data Dialogues, Governance Boards) to review, reflect and communicate the academic progress in their classroom and identify which activities they are implementing to support continued student achievement. Tier 1 Resource Assigned 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $560860 Schools:All Schools Activity - Monitoring Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Title I Part Data A, Title II Support Part A, Title Specialist, I Part A Assessmen t and Evaluation Department , Divisional Executive Directors, School Reform Facilitators, Building Administrat or,Student Information Services and Teaching Staff. Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 121 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools District Support Staff in conjunction with building administrators, Curriculum Supervisors, and Coaches will monitor the level of use and effectiveness of differentiated instruction in the classrooms through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process. Walkthroug Tier 1 h Monitor 09/04/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, District Curriculum Supervisors , Coaches, and Building Administrat ors Activity - Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) Activity Type Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding The District will implement PLCs to develop staff capacity in providing effective research-based instruction by engaging teachers in frequent collaboration and dialogue. PLCs are an embedded professional development model which includes: the examination of instructional practices, including differentiation, student work, strategies for at-risk students, LearningWalks, Content Focused Coaching, observation and feedback conferences. Participants of PLCs include but are not limited to: District Curriculum Supervisors, Content Coaches, teaching staff and building principals. Professiona Tier 1 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $204000 Title I Part A Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $183829 Title I Part A Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Schools:All Schools Tier Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e District Curriculum Supervisors , Coaches, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Schools:All Schools Activity - Reading Specialist Teacher The District will employ Reading Specialist Teachers within Academic identified Priority Schools who will deliver supplementary Support instruction to identified students. This instructional support will Program reflect state and district content expectations through the use of effective strategies in management, instruction, student motivation and curriculum planning. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Reading Specialist Teacher and Building Administrat ors Schools:Brookside School, Dickinson School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy Activity - Instructional Coaches Activity Type SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Page 122 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will employ Instructional Coaches who will build capacity of instructional staff by engaging in frequent and on-going coaching cycles with feedback around instructional strategies, differentiated strategies and delivery. Academic Support Program Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $92000 Title I Part A Coaches, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $108800 Title III, Title I Part A Staff Responsibl e Title I Office, School Reform Facilitators, Summer School Building Administrat ors and Summer School Teachers Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $334860 Title I Part A Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Schools:Ottawa Hills High School Activity - Summer School The District will fund a summer school program that supports Academic the academic improvement of identified students. The summer Support school program is differentiated to meet the academic needs of Program the students who are enrolled. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Reading Teacher (Alger and Westwood) Activity Type The District will place teachers who will be responsible for Academic providing technical expertise in reading instruction. Support The teachers will be responsible for ensuring that researched- Program based best practices are implemented in grade levels 6-8. This may include conducting model/demonstration lessons in classrooms, coaching and assisting teachers, designing lessons for teachers and providing regular ongoing professional development in reading methods for all staff. The teachers will be responsible for testing students, diagnosing reading problems, and recommending and implementing effective intervention strategies. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Reading Teacher, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Schools:Westwood Middle School, Alger Middle School Activity - Reading Coach (Priority Schools) Activity Type SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Page 123 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will employ coaches in order to support Priority Professiona Tier 2 Schools with their Reform & Redesign Plans, Reading Coaches l Learning will be utilized to assist classroom teachers in successfully implementing best practices as identified in their Reform & Redesign Plans. Reading Coaches will provide leadership for teachers by planning, collaborating, organizing, modeling and facilitating change to improve the instructional program. Reading Coaches will participate in Coaching Cycles, LearningWalks, Professional Learning Communities, Data Analysis Meetings, and lead some professional development for the building staff based on the schools identified areas of need. Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $276000 Title I Part A Reading Coach, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Instructiona l Improveme nt Coach, Building Administrat or, and Teaching Staff Schools:Aberdeen Elementary, Kent Hills School, Campus Elementary Activity - Instructional Improvement Coach (Union) Activity Type Tier Resource Assigned The District will hire an Instructional Improvement Coach, who under the direction of the Building Principal will facilitate learning around content areas and literacy utilizing technology and data that will enable Instructional Staff to effectively meet and transform the performance of GRPS students at Union High School. Professiona Tier 2 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $89000 Title I Part A Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $128000 Schools:Union High School Activity - Literacy Para Professional (Priority Schools) The District will employ Literacy Para Professionals who will be Academic responsible for assisting with promotion of literacy in Support elementary and K-8 buildings by working as a team member Program with the school staff, principal and library director in providing a quality educational program. Responsible for concept/skill reinforcement tasks and providing students the opportunity for additional adult/student relationships. Schools:Mulick Elementary, Brookside School, Aberdeen Elementary, Campus Elementary Resource Assigned Title I Part A Staff Responsibl e Literacy Para Professiona ls, Building Administrat ors, Library Director, and Teaching Staff (shared) Strategy 2: Student Engagement (K-12) - The District will implement Student Engagement by the following means: Professional Learning, Academic Rigor, Accountable Talk, Quality Questioning, Claim, Evidence and Reasoning, Non-Linguistic Representation, Monitoring, Close and Critical Reading, Technology and Clear Expectations. Research Cited: Pickering, Debra J., and Marzano, Robert J. (2011). The Highly Engaged Classroom. Marzano Research Laboratory. SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 124 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools “Engagement is a central aspect of effective teaching. If students are not engaged, there is little, if any, chance that they will learn what is being addressed in class. Student engagement has long been recognized as the core of effective schooling.” Tier: Tier 1 Activity - Professional Learning Activity Type The District will employ individuals who organize the professional learning opportunities provided throughout the District. Some of the Professional Learning opportunities will support teachers and administrators using the teacher evaluation tools which will support the growth of student engagement in the classroom. Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Professiona Tier 1 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:All Schools Activity - Academic Rigor District Staff in conjunction with building administrators will Other monitor that students’ foundations of content are being built by engaging them in the thinking process to deepen their overall content knowledge through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process to ensure that there is academic rigor in the classroom. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Accountable Talk Activity Type SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Assistant Required Superinten dent of Organizatio nal Learning, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, School Reform Facilitators, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 125 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools District Staff in conjunction with building administrators will Academic monitor the application of Accountable Talk moves which have Support been developed through teacher training provided by the Program Institute for Learning (IFL). Accountable Talk will develop students’ abilities to socialize their intelligence as well as increase student engagement by encouraging open discussion and inquiry-based reasoning opportunities. Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, School Reform Facilitators, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:All Schools Activity - Quality Questioning Activity Type The District will implement quality questioning in the classroom Other to increase both student engagement and to support a deeper understanding of the content being taught. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Claim, Evidence and Reasoning (Middle/High) Activity Type The District Curriculum Supervisors will create units/lessons Academic which will increase student engagement through the use of Support clam, evidence and reasoning. While reading complex text, Program staff will have students respond (orally and written) to a topic which will demand them to use textual evidence to support their overall claim. Resource Assigned Schools:Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Ottawa Hills High School, Blandford Nature Center, Dickinson School, Riverside Middle School, CA Frost Environmental Science Academy, Harrison Park Elementary School, Aberdeen Elementary School, Gerald R. Ford K8 Academy, Westwood Middle School, Alger Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Burton Middle School, Grand Rapids University Preparatory Academy, Shawmut Hills School, Union High School, Southwest Community Campus School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy, City High Middle School, Center for Economicology Activity - Non-Linguistic Representation (Middle/High) Activity Type SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Deputy Required Superinten dent of Curriculum and Learning, District Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 126 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District Curriculum Supervisors will create units/lessons Academic which will incorporate the use of non-linguistic representational Support tools such as Thinking Maps and graphic organizers to enable Program students to organize their thinking in a way that will allow them to be more deeply engaged with the content. Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Deputy Required Superinten dent of Curriculum and Instruction, District Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrati on, and Teaching Staff Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Monitor 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:North Park Montessori Academy, Ottawa Hills High School, Blandford Nature Center, CA Frost Environmental Science Academy, Riverside Middle School, Harrison Elementary, Gerald R. Ford K8 Academy, Westwood Middle School, Alger Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Burton Middle School, Grand Rapids University Preparatory Academy, Aberdeen Elementary, Shawmut Hills School, Union High School, Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Innovation Central High School, Southwest Community Campus School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy, City High Middle School, Center for Economicology Activity - Monitoring Activity Type District Staff in conjunction with building administrators, Walkthroug Tier 1 Curriculum Supervisors, and DL Coaches will monitor the level h of use and effectiveness of student engagement in the classrooms through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Close and Critical Reading (Middle/High) Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, District Curriculum Supervisors , Coaches, and Building Administrat ors Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 127 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District Curriculum Supervisors will develop units/lessons Academic which will incorporate close and critical reading. The teaching Support staff will use these units/lessons to teach students how to read Program text closely and to begin to think critically about the content within the text. Teaching staff will utilize the guided highlighted reading technique which will support students’ ability to summarize, retell and synthesize complex text and increase their ability to engage with the text. Teachers will assist students in deepening their academic vocabulary by using it in the context as it appears in the text. Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Deputy Required Superinten dent of Curriculum and Instruction, District Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $40000 Title I Part A Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Schools:North Park Montessori Academy, Ottawa Hills High School, Dickinson School, CA Frost Environmental Science Academy, Riverside Middle School, Harrison Elementary, Gerald R. Ford K8 Academy, Westwood Middle School, Alger Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Burton Middle School, Grand Rapids University Preparatory Academy, Aberdeen Elementary, Shawmut Hills School, Union High School, Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Innovation Central High School, Southwest Community Campus School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy, City High Middle School, Center for Economicology Activity - Technology Activity Type The District will support the use of technology across the Technology Tier 1 district. Technology will be used in a variety of ways to support student learning objectives. Students will engage with technology as a means to demonstrate their learning. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Clear Expectations Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e District Technology Department (MIS), District Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Staff Responsibl e Page 128 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will ensure that teachers are setting clear Other expectations in the classroom through the implementation of the evaluation tools used across the District. Classroom teachers will clearly communicate (oral and written formats) the purpose for learning as it connects to the curriculum framework and standards in a language that is student-friendly. Students will be more actively engaged in their learning when they have a clear understanding of what the purpose is. Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Schools:All Schools Measurable Objective 13: 24% of Sixth, Seventh and Eighth grade English Learners students will demonstrate a proficiency in concepts of in Reading by 06/05/2015 as measured by State assessment. (shared) Strategy 1: Differentiated Instruction (K-12) - The District will implement Differentiated Instruction through the use and implementation of Professional Learning Opportunities, Project Learning (middle/high), Fluency and Skill Development, SIOP, Data Analysis, Monitoring and Professional Learning Communities (PLCs). Research Cited: Beach, T.A. (2010). Combine Methodologies of Differentiated Instruction in the Heterogeneous Classroom. South Carolina Middle School Association Journal, February 26, 2011. "Offering each student the chance to learn the subject material in ways that address each student individually can benefit children in retaining information that will later be necessary to become thoughtful, productive adults. Through differentiation combined with curriculum layering, teachers can create a student-centered classroom that is supportive to each student." Cusumano, C. (2007). How Differentiated Instruction Helps struggling Students. Leadership, 36(4), 8-10. "Accelerating learning by examining and aligning three major systems in the school to support differentiation and a consistent focus on improved student learning the school's academic delivery structure, professional development, and human/fiscal resource allocation." Tier: Tier 1 Activity - Professional Learning Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 129 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will employ individuals who organize the Professiona Tier 1 professional learning opportunities provided throughout the l Learning District. Professional Learning will be differentiated to meet the needs of the staff who will attend. Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $149000 Title II Part Assistant A Superinten dent of Organizatio nal Learning, Building Administrat ors, and teaching staff Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:All Schools Activity - Project Learning (Middle and High) Activity Type Tier The District Curriculum Supervisor and Curriculum Writing Curriculum Tier 1 Team will design units and lessons that will provide Developme opportunities throughout the school year for students to be nt engaged in a variety of project learning activities that support their instructional goals. These projects will be differentiated in nature and provide choice to students regarding the type of project they will complete and will be rigorous and challenging for all students. Resource Assigned Schools:Westwood Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Ottawa Hills High School, Alger Middle School, Blandford Nature Center, Burton Middle School, Grand Rapids University Preparatory Academy, Riverside Middle School, Union High School, Innovation Central High School, City High Middle School, Center for Economicology Activity - Fluency and Skill Development Activity Type Tier The District will allot time in the daily schedule to allow staff to Curriculum Tier 1 use a variety of activities that will allow students to become Developme fluent with essential foundational skills. The students will nt practice these foundational skills often enough so that they can flexibly engage with the content at a higher level. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding Deputy Required Superinten dent of Curriculum and Learning, Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors, and teaching staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Building Required Administrat ors and Teaching Staff Schools:All Schools Activity - Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP) Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 130 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will employ individuals who will coach and support Academic schools who have populations with second language learners. Support These individuals will train staff on how to implement the SIOP Program framework in their classrooms to support and provide differentiated techniques which will support the learning needs of our Limited English Proficient (LEP) students. Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $200000 Title III Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding ELL Department , Building Administrat or, and Teaching Staff Schools:Brookside School, Dickinson School, Buchanan School, Riverside Middle School, Harrison Park Elementary School, Palmer School, Congress Elementary, Westwood Middle School, Stocking School, Cesar E. Chavez Elementary, Burton Middle School, Union High School, Newcomers Community School, Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Southwest Community Campus School, Sibley School, Burton Elementary School Activity - Data Analysis Activity Type The District will employ staff who will work collaboratively with Other individual schools and the KISD to analyze District-wide data, design user-friendly data reports and to assist schools in understanding their school-wide data in order to support and improve student achievement. This data is used at the building level to support teachers to determine the academic needs of all students in order to differentiate their instruction. Some of this data will be used by school staff who will participate in (Data Dialogues, Governance Boards) to review, reflect and communicate the academic progress in their classroom and identify which activities they are implementing to support continued student achievement. Tier 1 Resource Assigned 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $560860 Schools:All Schools Activity - Monitoring Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Title I Part Data A, Title II Support Part A, Title Specialist, I Part A Assessmen t and Evaluation Department , Divisional Executive Directors, School Reform Facilitators, Building Administrat or,Student Information Services and Teaching Staff. Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 131 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools District Support Staff in conjunction with building administrators, Curriculum Supervisors, and Coaches will monitor the level of use and effectiveness of differentiated instruction in the classrooms through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process. Walkthroug Tier 1 h Monitor 09/04/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, District Curriculum Supervisors , Coaches, and Building Administrat ors Activity - Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) Activity Type Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding The District will implement PLCs to develop staff capacity in providing effective research-based instruction by engaging teachers in frequent collaboration and dialogue. PLCs are an embedded professional development model which includes: the examination of instructional practices, including differentiation, student work, strategies for at-risk students, LearningWalks, Content Focused Coaching, observation and feedback conferences. Participants of PLCs include but are not limited to: District Curriculum Supervisors, Content Coaches, teaching staff and building principals. Professiona Tier 1 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $204000 Title I Part A Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $183829 Title I Part A Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Schools:All Schools Tier Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e District Curriculum Supervisors , Coaches, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Schools:All Schools Activity - Reading Specialist Teacher The District will employ Reading Specialist Teachers within Academic identified Priority Schools who will deliver supplementary Support instruction to identified students. This instructional support will Program reflect state and district content expectations through the use of effective strategies in management, instruction, student motivation and curriculum planning. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Reading Specialist Teacher and Building Administrat ors Schools:Brookside School, Dickinson School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy Activity - Instructional Coaches Activity Type SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Page 132 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will employ Instructional Coaches who will build capacity of instructional staff by engaging in frequent and on-going coaching cycles with feedback around instructional strategies, differentiated strategies and delivery. Academic Support Program Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $92000 Title I Part A Coaches, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $108800 Title I Part A, Title III Staff Responsibl e Title I Office, School Reform Facilitators, Summer School Building Administrat ors and Summer School Teachers Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $334860 Title I Part A Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Schools:Ottawa Hills High School Activity - Summer School The District will fund a summer school program that supports Academic the academic improvement of identified students. The summer Support school program is differentiated to meet the academic needs of Program the students who are enrolled. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Reading Teacher (Alger and Westwood) Activity Type The District will place teachers who will be responsible for Academic providing technical expertise in reading instruction. Support The teachers will be responsible for ensuring that researched- Program based best practices are implemented in grade levels 6-8. This may include conducting model/demonstration lessons in classrooms, coaching and assisting teachers, designing lessons for teachers and providing regular ongoing professional development in reading methods for all staff. The teachers will be responsible for testing students, diagnosing reading problems, and recommending and implementing effective intervention strategies. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Reading Teacher, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Schools:Westwood Middle School, Alger Middle School Activity - Reading Coach (Priority Schools) Activity Type SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Page 133 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will employ coaches in order to support Priority Professiona Tier 2 Schools with their Reform & Redesign Plans, Reading Coaches l Learning will be utilized to assist classroom teachers in successfully implementing best practices as identified in their Reform & Redesign Plans. Reading Coaches will provide leadership for teachers by planning, collaborating, organizing, modeling and facilitating change to improve the instructional program. Reading Coaches will participate in Coaching Cycles, LearningWalks, Professional Learning Communities, Data Analysis Meetings, and lead some professional development for the building staff based on the schools identified areas of need. Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $276000 Title I Part A Reading Coach, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Instructiona l Improveme nt Coach, Building Administrat or, and Teaching Staff Schools:Aberdeen Elementary, Kent Hills School, Campus Elementary Activity - Instructional Improvement Coach (Union) Activity Type Tier Resource Assigned The District will hire an Instructional Improvement Coach, who under the direction of the Building Principal will facilitate learning around content areas and literacy utilizing technology and data that will enable Instructional Staff to effectively meet and transform the performance of GRPS students at Union High School. Professiona Tier 2 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $89000 Title I Part A Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $128000 Schools:Union High School Activity - Literacy Para Professional (Priority Schools) The District will employ Literacy Para Professionals who will be Academic responsible for assisting with promotion of literacy in Support elementary and K-8 buildings by working as a team member Program with the school staff, principal and library director in providing a quality educational program. Responsible for concept/skill reinforcement tasks and providing students the opportunity for additional adult/student relationships. Schools:Mulick Elementary, Brookside School, Aberdeen Elementary, Campus Elementary Resource Assigned Title I Part A Staff Responsibl e Literacy Para Professiona ls, Building Administrat ors, Library Director, and Teaching Staff (shared) Strategy 2: Student Engagement (K-12) - The District will implement Student Engagement by the following means: Professional Learning, Academic Rigor, Accountable Talk, Quality Questioning, Claim, Evidence and Reasoning, Non-Linguistic Representation, Monitoring, Close and Critical Reading, Technology and Clear Expectations. Research Cited: Pickering, Debra J., and Marzano, Robert J. (2011). The Highly Engaged Classroom. Marzano Research Laboratory. SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 134 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools “Engagement is a central aspect of effective teaching. If students are not engaged, there is little, if any, chance that they will learn what is being addressed in class. Student engagement has long been recognized as the core of effective schooling.” Tier: Tier 1 Activity - Professional Learning Activity Type The District will employ individuals who organize the professional learning opportunities provided throughout the District. Some of the Professional Learning opportunities will support teachers and administrators using the teacher evaluation tools which will support the growth of student engagement in the classroom. Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Professiona Tier 1 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:All Schools Activity - Academic Rigor District Staff in conjunction with building administrators will Other monitor that students’ foundations of content are being built by engaging them in the thinking process to deepen their overall content knowledge through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process to ensure that there is academic rigor in the classroom. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Accountable Talk Activity Type SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Assistant Required Superinten dent of Organizatio nal Learning, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, School Reform Facilitators, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 135 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools District Staff in conjunction with building administrators will Academic monitor the application of Accountable Talk moves which have Support been developed through teacher training provided by the Program Institute for Learning (IFL). Accountable Talk will develop students’ abilities to socialize their intelligence as well as increase student engagement by encouraging open discussion and inquiry-based reasoning opportunities. Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, School Reform Facilitators, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:All Schools Activity - Quality Questioning Activity Type The District will implement quality questioning in the classroom Other to increase both student engagement and to support a deeper understanding of the content being taught. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Claim, Evidence and Reasoning (Middle/High) Activity Type The District Curriculum Supervisors will create units/lessons Academic which will increase student engagement through the use of Support clam, evidence and reasoning. While reading complex text, Program staff will have students respond (orally and written) to a topic which will demand them to use textual evidence to support their overall claim. Resource Assigned Schools:Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Ottawa Hills High School, Blandford Nature Center, Dickinson School, Riverside Middle School, CA Frost Environmental Science Academy, Harrison Park Elementary School, Aberdeen Elementary School, Gerald R. Ford K8 Academy, Westwood Middle School, Alger Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Burton Middle School, Grand Rapids University Preparatory Academy, Shawmut Hills School, Union High School, Southwest Community Campus School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy, City High Middle School, Center for Economicology Activity - Non-Linguistic Representation (Middle/High) Activity Type SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Deputy Required Superinten dent of Curriculum and Learning, District Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 136 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District Curriculum Supervisors will create units/lessons Academic which will incorporate the use of non-linguistic representational Support tools such as Thinking Maps and graphic organizers to enable Program students to organize their thinking in a way that will allow them to be more deeply engaged with the content. Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Deputy Required Superinten dent of Curriculum and Instruction, District Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrati on, and Teaching Staff Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Monitor 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:North Park Montessori Academy, Ottawa Hills High School, Blandford Nature Center, CA Frost Environmental Science Academy, Riverside Middle School, Harrison Elementary, Gerald R. Ford K8 Academy, Westwood Middle School, Alger Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Burton Middle School, Grand Rapids University Preparatory Academy, Aberdeen Elementary, Shawmut Hills School, Union High School, Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Innovation Central High School, Southwest Community Campus School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy, City High Middle School, Center for Economicology Activity - Monitoring Activity Type District Staff in conjunction with building administrators, Walkthroug Tier 1 Curriculum Supervisors, and DL Coaches will monitor the level h of use and effectiveness of student engagement in the classrooms through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Close and Critical Reading (Middle/High) Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, District Curriculum Supervisors , Coaches, and Building Administrat ors Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 137 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District Curriculum Supervisors will develop units/lessons Academic which will incorporate close and critical reading. The teaching Support staff will use these units/lessons to teach students how to read Program text closely and to begin to think critically about the content within the text. Teaching staff will utilize the guided highlighted reading technique which will support students’ ability to summarize, retell and synthesize complex text and increase their ability to engage with the text. Teachers will assist students in deepening their academic vocabulary by using it in the context as it appears in the text. Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Deputy Required Superinten dent of Curriculum and Instruction, District Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $40000 Title I Part A Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Schools:North Park Montessori Academy, Ottawa Hills High School, Dickinson School, CA Frost Environmental Science Academy, Riverside Middle School, Harrison Elementary, Gerald R. Ford K8 Academy, Westwood Middle School, Alger Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Burton Middle School, Grand Rapids University Preparatory Academy, Aberdeen Elementary, Shawmut Hills School, Union High School, Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Innovation Central High School, Southwest Community Campus School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy, City High Middle School, Center for Economicology Activity - Technology Activity Type The District will support the use of technology across the Technology Tier 1 district. Technology will be used in a variety of ways to support student learning objectives. Students will engage with technology as a means to demonstrate their learning. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Clear Expectations Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e District Technology Department (MIS), District Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Staff Responsibl e Page 138 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will ensure that teachers are setting clear Other expectations in the classroom through the implementation of the evaluation tools used across the District. Classroom teachers will clearly communicate (oral and written formats) the purpose for learning as it connects to the curriculum framework and standards in a language that is student-friendly. Students will be more actively engaged in their learning when they have a clear understanding of what the purpose is. Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Schools:All Schools Measurable Objective 14: 26% of Sixth, Seventh and Eighth grade Students with Disabilities students will demonstrate a proficiency in concepts in Reading by 06/05/2015 as measured by the State assessment. (shared) Strategy 1: Differentiated Instruction (K-12) - The District will implement Differentiated Instruction through the use and implementation of Professional Learning Opportunities, Project Learning (middle/high), Fluency and Skill Development, SIOP, Data Analysis, Monitoring and Professional Learning Communities (PLCs). Research Cited: Beach, T.A. (2010). Combine Methodologies of Differentiated Instruction in the Heterogeneous Classroom. South Carolina Middle School Association Journal, February 26, 2011. "Offering each student the chance to learn the subject material in ways that address each student individually can benefit children in retaining information that will later be necessary to become thoughtful, productive adults. Through differentiation combined with curriculum layering, teachers can create a student-centered classroom that is supportive to each student." Cusumano, C. (2007). How Differentiated Instruction Helps struggling Students. Leadership, 36(4), 8-10. "Accelerating learning by examining and aligning three major systems in the school to support differentiation and a consistent focus on improved student learning the school's academic delivery structure, professional development, and human/fiscal resource allocation." Tier: Tier 1 Activity - Professional Learning Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 139 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will employ individuals who organize the Professiona Tier 1 professional learning opportunities provided throughout the l Learning District. Professional Learning will be differentiated to meet the needs of the staff who will attend. Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $149000 Title II Part Assistant A Superinten dent of Organizatio nal Learning, Building Administrat ors, and teaching staff Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:All Schools Activity - Project Learning (Middle and High) Activity Type Tier The District Curriculum Supervisor and Curriculum Writing Curriculum Tier 1 Team will design units and lessons that will provide Developme opportunities throughout the school year for students to be nt engaged in a variety of project learning activities that support their instructional goals. These projects will be differentiated in nature and provide choice to students regarding the type of project they will complete and will be rigorous and challenging for all students. Resource Assigned Schools:Westwood Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Ottawa Hills High School, Alger Middle School, Blandford Nature Center, Burton Middle School, Grand Rapids University Preparatory Academy, Riverside Middle School, Union High School, Innovation Central High School, City High Middle School, Center for Economicology Activity - Fluency and Skill Development Activity Type Tier The District will allot time in the daily schedule to allow staff to Curriculum Tier 1 use a variety of activities that will allow students to become Developme fluent with essential foundational skills. The students will nt practice these foundational skills often enough so that they can flexibly engage with the content at a higher level. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding Deputy Required Superinten dent of Curriculum and Learning, Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors, and teaching staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Building Required Administrat ors and Teaching Staff Schools:All Schools Activity - Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP) Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 140 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will employ individuals who will coach and support Academic schools who have populations with second language learners. Support These individuals will train staff on how to implement the SIOP Program framework in their classrooms to support and provide differentiated techniques which will support the learning needs of our Limited English Proficient (LEP) students. Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $200000 Title III Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding ELL Department , Building Administrat or, and Teaching Staff Schools:Brookside School, Dickinson School, Buchanan School, Riverside Middle School, Harrison Park Elementary School, Palmer School, Congress Elementary, Westwood Middle School, Stocking School, Cesar E. Chavez Elementary, Burton Middle School, Union High School, Newcomers Community School, Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Southwest Community Campus School, Sibley School, Burton Elementary School Activity - Data Analysis Activity Type The District will employ staff who will work collaboratively with Other individual schools and the KISD to analyze District-wide data, design user-friendly data reports and to assist schools in understanding their school-wide data in order to support and improve student achievement. This data is used at the building level to support teachers to determine the academic needs of all students in order to differentiate their instruction. Some of this data will be used by school staff who will participate in (Data Dialogues, Governance Boards) to review, reflect and communicate the academic progress in their classroom and identify which activities they are implementing to support continued student achievement. Tier 1 Resource Assigned 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $560860 Schools:All Schools Activity - Monitoring Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Title I Part Data A, Title II Support Part A, Title Specialist, I Part A Assessmen t and Evaluation Department , Divisional Executive Directors, School Reform Facilitators, Building Administrat or,Student Information Services and Teaching Staff. Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 141 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools District Support Staff in conjunction with building administrators, Curriculum Supervisors, and Coaches will monitor the level of use and effectiveness of differentiated instruction in the classrooms through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process. Walkthroug Tier 1 h Monitor 09/04/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, District Curriculum Supervisors , Coaches, and Building Administrat ors Activity - Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) Activity Type Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding The District will implement PLCs to develop staff capacity in providing effective research-based instruction by engaging teachers in frequent collaboration and dialogue. PLCs are an embedded professional development model which includes: the examination of instructional practices, including differentiation, student work, strategies for at-risk students, LearningWalks, Content Focused Coaching, observation and feedback conferences. Participants of PLCs include but are not limited to: District Curriculum Supervisors, Content Coaches, teaching staff and building principals. Professiona Tier 1 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $204000 Title I Part A Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $183829 Title I Part A Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Schools:All Schools Tier Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e District Curriculum Supervisors , Coaches, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Schools:All Schools Activity - Reading Specialist Teacher The District will employ Reading Specialist Teachers within Academic identified Priority Schools who will deliver supplementary Support instruction to identified students. This instructional support will Program reflect state and district content expectations through the use of effective strategies in management, instruction, student motivation and curriculum planning. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Reading Specialist Teacher and Building Administrat ors Schools:Brookside School, Dickinson School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy Activity - Instructional Coaches Activity Type SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Page 142 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will employ Instructional Coaches who will build capacity of instructional staff by engaging in frequent and on-going coaching cycles with feedback around instructional strategies, differentiated strategies and delivery. Academic Support Program Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $92000 Title I Part A Coaches, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $108800 Title I Part A, Title III Staff Responsibl e Title I Office, School Reform Facilitators, Summer School Building Administrat ors and Summer School Teachers Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $334860 Title I Part A Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Schools:Ottawa Hills High School Activity - Summer School The District will fund a summer school program that supports Academic the academic improvement of identified students. The summer Support school program is differentiated to meet the academic needs of Program the students who are enrolled. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Reading Teacher (Alger and Westwood) Activity Type The District will place teachers who will be responsible for Academic providing technical expertise in reading instruction. Support The teachers will be responsible for ensuring that researched- Program based best practices are implemented in grade levels 6-8. This may include conducting model/demonstration lessons in classrooms, coaching and assisting teachers, designing lessons for teachers and providing regular ongoing professional development in reading methods for all staff. The teachers will be responsible for testing students, diagnosing reading problems, and recommending and implementing effective intervention strategies. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Reading Teacher, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Schools:Westwood Middle School, Alger Middle School Activity - Reading Coach (Priority Schools) Activity Type SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Page 143 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will employ coaches in order to support Priority Professiona Tier 2 Schools with their Reform & Redesign Plans, Reading Coaches l Learning will be utilized to assist classroom teachers in successfully implementing best practices as identified in their Reform & Redesign Plans. Reading Coaches will provide leadership for teachers by planning, collaborating, organizing, modeling and facilitating change to improve the instructional program. Reading Coaches will participate in Coaching Cycles, LearningWalks, Professional Learning Communities, Data Analysis Meetings, and lead some professional development for the building staff based on the schools identified areas of need. Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $276000 Title I Part A Reading Coach, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Instructiona l Improveme nt Coach, Building Administrat or, and Teaching Staff Schools:Aberdeen Elementary, Kent Hills School, Campus Elementary Activity - Instructional Improvement Coach (Union) Activity Type Tier Resource Assigned The District will hire an Instructional Improvement Coach, who under the direction of the Building Principal will facilitate learning around content areas and literacy utilizing technology and data that will enable Instructional Staff to effectively meet and transform the performance of GRPS students at Union High School. Professiona Tier 2 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $89000 Title I Part A Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $128000 Schools:Union High School Activity - Literacy Para Professional (Priority Schools) The District will employ Literacy Para Professionals who will be Academic responsible for assisting with promotion of literacy in Support elementary and K-8 buildings by working as a team member Program with the school staff, principal and library director in providing a quality educational program. Responsible for concept/skill reinforcement tasks and providing students the opportunity for additional adult/student relationships. Schools:Mulick Elementary, Brookside School, Aberdeen Elementary, Campus Elementary Resource Assigned Title I Part A Staff Responsibl e Literacy Para Professiona ls, Building Administrat ors, Library Director, and Teaching Staff (shared) Strategy 2: Student Engagement (K-12) - The District will implement Student Engagement by the following means: Professional Learning, Academic Rigor, Accountable Talk, Quality Questioning, Claim, Evidence and Reasoning, Non-Linguistic Representation, Monitoring, Close and Critical Reading, Technology and Clear Expectations. Research Cited: Pickering, Debra J., and Marzano, Robert J. (2011). The Highly Engaged Classroom. Marzano Research Laboratory. SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 144 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools “Engagement is a central aspect of effective teaching. If students are not engaged, there is little, if any, chance that they will learn what is being addressed in class. Student engagement has long been recognized as the core of effective schooling.” Tier: Tier 1 Activity - Professional Learning Activity Type The District will employ individuals who organize the professional learning opportunities provided throughout the District. Some of the Professional Learning opportunities will support teachers and administrators using the teacher evaluation tools which will support the growth of student engagement in the classroom. Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Professiona Tier 1 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:All Schools Activity - Academic Rigor District Staff in conjunction with building administrators will Other monitor that students’ foundations of content are being built by engaging them in the thinking process to deepen their overall content knowledge through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process to ensure that there is academic rigor in the classroom. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Accountable Talk Activity Type SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Assistant Required Superinten dent of Organizatio nal Learning, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, School Reform Facilitators, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 145 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools District Staff in conjunction with building administrators will Academic monitor the application of Accountable Talk moves which have Support been developed through teacher training provided by the Program Institute for Learning (IFL). Accountable Talk will develop students’ abilities to socialize their intelligence as well as increase student engagement by encouraging open discussion and inquiry-based reasoning opportunities. Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, School Reform Facilitators, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:All Schools Activity - Quality Questioning Activity Type The District will implement quality questioning in the classroom Other to increase both student engagement and to support a deeper understanding of the content being taught. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Claim, Evidence and Reasoning (Middle/High) Activity Type The District Curriculum Supervisors will create units/lessons Academic which will increase student engagement through the use of Support clam, evidence and reasoning. While reading complex text, Program staff will have students respond (orally and written) to a topic which will demand them to use textual evidence to support their overall claim. Resource Assigned Schools:Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Ottawa Hills High School, Blandford Nature Center, Dickinson School, Riverside Middle School, CA Frost Environmental Science Academy, Harrison Park Elementary School, Aberdeen Elementary School, Gerald R. Ford K8 Academy, Westwood Middle School, Alger Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Burton Middle School, Grand Rapids University Preparatory Academy, Shawmut Hills School, Union High School, Southwest Community Campus School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy, City High Middle School, Center for Economicology Activity - Non-Linguistic Representation (Middle/High) Activity Type SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Deputy Required Superinten dent of Curriculum and Learning, District Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 146 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District Curriculum Supervisors will create units/lessons Academic which will incorporate the use of non-linguistic representational Support tools such as Thinking Maps and graphic organizers to enable Program students to organize their thinking in a way that will allow them to be more deeply engaged with the content. Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Deputy Required Superinten dent of Curriculum and Instruction, District Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrati on, and Teaching Staff Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Monitor 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:North Park Montessori Academy, Ottawa Hills High School, Blandford Nature Center, CA Frost Environmental Science Academy, Riverside Middle School, Harrison Elementary, Gerald R. Ford K8 Academy, Westwood Middle School, Alger Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Burton Middle School, Grand Rapids University Preparatory Academy, Aberdeen Elementary, Shawmut Hills School, Union High School, Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Innovation Central High School, Southwest Community Campus School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy, City High Middle School, Center for Economicology Activity - Monitoring Activity Type District Staff in conjunction with building administrators, Walkthroug Tier 1 Curriculum Supervisors, and DL Coaches will monitor the level h of use and effectiveness of student engagement in the classrooms through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Close and Critical Reading (Middle/High) Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, District Curriculum Supervisors , Coaches, and Building Administrat ors Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 147 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District Curriculum Supervisors will develop units/lessons Academic which will incorporate close and critical reading. The teaching Support staff will use these units/lessons to teach students how to read Program text closely and to begin to think critically about the content within the text. Teaching staff will utilize the guided highlighted reading technique which will support students’ ability to summarize, retell and synthesize complex text and increase their ability to engage with the text. Teachers will assist students in deepening their academic vocabulary by using it in the context as it appears in the text. Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Deputy Required Superinten dent of Curriculum and Instruction, District Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $40000 Title I Part A Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Schools:North Park Montessori Academy, Ottawa Hills High School, Dickinson School, CA Frost Environmental Science Academy, Riverside Middle School, Harrison Elementary, Gerald R. Ford K8 Academy, Westwood Middle School, Alger Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Burton Middle School, Grand Rapids University Preparatory Academy, Aberdeen Elementary, Shawmut Hills School, Union High School, Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Innovation Central High School, Southwest Community Campus School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy, City High Middle School, Center for Economicology Activity - Technology Activity Type The District will support the use of technology across the Technology Tier 1 district. Technology will be used in a variety of ways to support student learning objectives. Students will engage with technology as a means to demonstrate their learning. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Clear Expectations Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e District Technology Department (MIS), District Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Staff Responsibl e Page 148 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will ensure that teachers are setting clear Other expectations in the classroom through the implementation of the evaluation tools used across the District. Classroom teachers will clearly communicate (oral and written formats) the purpose for learning as it connects to the curriculum framework and standards in a language that is student-friendly. Students will be more actively engaged in their learning when they have a clear understanding of what the purpose is. Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Schools:All Schools Measurable Objective 15: 70% of Sixth, Seventh and Eighth grade White students will demonstrate a proficiency in concepts in Reading by 06/05/2015 as measured by the State assessment. (shared) Strategy 1: Differentiated Instruction (K-12) - The District will implement Differentiated Instruction through the use and implementation of Professional Learning Opportunities, Project Learning (middle/high), Fluency and Skill Development, SIOP, Data Analysis, Monitoring and Professional Learning Communities (PLCs). Research Cited: Beach, T.A. (2010). Combine Methodologies of Differentiated Instruction in the Heterogeneous Classroom. South Carolina Middle School Association Journal, February 26, 2011. "Offering each student the chance to learn the subject material in ways that address each student individually can benefit children in retaining information that will later be necessary to become thoughtful, productive adults. Through differentiation combined with curriculum layering, teachers can create a student-centered classroom that is supportive to each student." Cusumano, C. (2007). How Differentiated Instruction Helps struggling Students. Leadership, 36(4), 8-10. "Accelerating learning by examining and aligning three major systems in the school to support differentiation and a consistent focus on improved student learning the school's academic delivery structure, professional development, and human/fiscal resource allocation." Tier: Tier 1 Activity - Professional Learning Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 149 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will employ individuals who organize the Professiona Tier 1 professional learning opportunities provided throughout the l Learning District. Professional Learning will be differentiated to meet the needs of the staff who will attend. Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $149000 Title II Part Assistant A Superinten dent of Organizatio nal Learning, Building Administrat ors, and teaching staff Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:All Schools Activity - Project Learning (Middle and High) Activity Type Tier The District Curriculum Supervisor and Curriculum Writing Curriculum Tier 1 Team will design units and lessons that will provide Developme opportunities throughout the school year for students to be nt engaged in a variety of project learning activities that support their instructional goals. These projects will be differentiated in nature and provide choice to students regarding the type of project they will complete and will be rigorous and challenging for all students. Resource Assigned Schools:Westwood Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Ottawa Hills High School, Alger Middle School, Blandford Nature Center, Burton Middle School, Grand Rapids University Preparatory Academy, Riverside Middle School, Union High School, Innovation Central High School, City High Middle School, Center for Economicology Activity - Fluency and Skill Development Activity Type Tier The District will allot time in the daily schedule to allow staff to Curriculum Tier 1 use a variety of activities that will allow students to become Developme fluent with essential foundational skills. The students will nt practice these foundational skills often enough so that they can flexibly engage with the content at a higher level. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding Deputy Required Superinten dent of Curriculum and Learning, Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors, and teaching staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Building Required Administrat ors and Teaching Staff Schools:All Schools Activity - Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP) Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 150 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will employ individuals who will coach and support Academic schools who have populations with second language learners. Support These individuals will train staff on how to implement the SIOP Program framework in their classrooms to support and provide differentiated techniques which will support the learning needs of our Limited English Proficient (LEP) students. Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $200000 Title III Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding ELL Department , Building Administrat or, and Teaching Staff Schools:Brookside School, Dickinson School, Buchanan School, Riverside Middle School, Harrison Park Elementary School, Palmer School, Congress Elementary, Westwood Middle School, Stocking School, Cesar E. Chavez Elementary, Burton Middle School, Union High School, Newcomers Community School, Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Southwest Community Campus School, Sibley School, Burton Elementary School Activity - Data Analysis Activity Type The District will employ staff who will work collaboratively with Other individual schools and the KISD to analyze District-wide data, design user-friendly data reports and to assist schools in understanding their school-wide data in order to support and improve student achievement. This data is used at the building level to support teachers to determine the academic needs of all students in order to differentiate their instruction. Some of this data will be used by school staff who will participate in (Data Dialogues, Governance Boards) to review, reflect and communicate the academic progress in their classroom and identify which activities they are implementing to support continued student achievement. Tier 1 Resource Assigned 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $560860 Schools:All Schools Activity - Monitoring Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Title II Part Data A, Title I Support Part A, Title Specialist, I Part A Assessmen t and Evaluation Department , Divisional Executive Directors, School Reform Facilitators, Building Administrat or,Student Information Services and Teaching Staff. Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 151 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools District Support Staff in conjunction with building administrators, Curriculum Supervisors, and Coaches will monitor the level of use and effectiveness of differentiated instruction in the classrooms through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process. Walkthroug Tier 1 h Monitor 09/04/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, District Curriculum Supervisors , Coaches, and Building Administrat ors Activity - Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) Activity Type Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding The District will implement PLCs to develop staff capacity in providing effective research-based instruction by engaging teachers in frequent collaboration and dialogue. PLCs are an embedded professional development model which includes: the examination of instructional practices, including differentiation, student work, strategies for at-risk students, LearningWalks, Content Focused Coaching, observation and feedback conferences. Participants of PLCs include but are not limited to: District Curriculum Supervisors, Content Coaches, teaching staff and building principals. Professiona Tier 1 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $204000 Title I Part A Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $183829 Title I Part A Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Schools:All Schools Tier Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e District Curriculum Supervisors , Coaches, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Schools:All Schools Activity - Reading Specialist Teacher The District will employ Reading Specialist Teachers within Academic identified Priority Schools who will deliver supplementary Support instruction to identified students. This instructional support will Program reflect state and district content expectations through the use of effective strategies in management, instruction, student motivation and curriculum planning. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Reading Specialist Teacher and Building Administrat ors Schools:Brookside School, Dickinson School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy Activity - Instructional Coaches Activity Type SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Page 152 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will employ Instructional Coaches who will build capacity of instructional staff by engaging in frequent and on-going coaching cycles with feedback around instructional strategies, differentiated strategies and delivery. Academic Support Program Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $92000 Title I Part A Coaches, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $108800 Title III, Title I Part A Staff Responsibl e Title I Office, School Reform Facilitators, Summer School Building Administrat ors and Summer School Teachers Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $334860 Title I Part A Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Schools:Ottawa Hills High School Activity - Summer School The District will fund a summer school program that supports Academic the academic improvement of identified students. The summer Support school program is differentiated to meet the academic needs of Program the students who are enrolled. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Reading Teacher (Alger and Westwood) Activity Type The District will place teachers who will be responsible for Academic providing technical expertise in reading instruction. Support The teachers will be responsible for ensuring that researched- Program based best practices are implemented in grade levels 6-8. This may include conducting model/demonstration lessons in classrooms, coaching and assisting teachers, designing lessons for teachers and providing regular ongoing professional development in reading methods for all staff. The teachers will be responsible for testing students, diagnosing reading problems, and recommending and implementing effective intervention strategies. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Reading Teacher, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Schools:Westwood Middle School, Alger Middle School Activity - Reading Coach (Priority Schools) Activity Type SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Page 153 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will employ coaches in order to support Priority Professiona Tier 2 Schools with their Reform & Redesign Plans, Reading Coaches l Learning will be utilized to assist classroom teachers in successfully implementing best practices as identified in their Reform & Redesign Plans. Reading Coaches will provide leadership for teachers by planning, collaborating, organizing, modeling and facilitating change to improve the instructional program. Reading Coaches will participate in Coaching Cycles, LearningWalks, Professional Learning Communities, Data Analysis Meetings, and lead some professional development for the building staff based on the schools identified areas of need. Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $276000 Title I Part A Reading Coach, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Instructiona l Improveme nt Coach, Building Administrat or, and Teaching Staff Schools:Aberdeen Elementary, Kent Hills School, Campus Elementary Activity - Instructional Improvement Coach (Union) Activity Type Tier Resource Assigned The District will hire an Instructional Improvement Coach, who under the direction of the Building Principal will facilitate learning around content areas and literacy utilizing technology and data that will enable Instructional Staff to effectively meet and transform the performance of GRPS students at Union High School. Professiona Tier 2 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $89000 Title I Part A Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $128000 Schools:Union High School Activity - Literacy Para Professional (Priority Schools) The District will employ Literacy Para Professionals who will be Academic responsible for assisting with promotion of literacy in Support elementary and K-8 buildings by working as a team member Program with the school staff, principal and library director in providing a quality educational program. Responsible for concept/skill reinforcement tasks and providing students the opportunity for additional adult/student relationships. Schools:Mulick Elementary, Brookside School, Aberdeen Elementary, Campus Elementary Resource Assigned Title I Part A Staff Responsibl e Literacy Para Professiona ls, Building Administrat ors, Library Director, and Teaching Staff (shared) Strategy 2: Student Engagement (K-12) - The District will implement Student Engagement by the following means: Professional Learning, Academic Rigor, Accountable Talk, Quality Questioning, Claim, Evidence and Reasoning, Non-Linguistic Representation, Monitoring, Close and Critical Reading, Technology and Clear Expectations. Research Cited: Pickering, Debra J., and Marzano, Robert J. (2011). The Highly Engaged Classroom. Marzano Research Laboratory. SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 154 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools “Engagement is a central aspect of effective teaching. If students are not engaged, there is little, if any, chance that they will learn what is being addressed in class. Student engagement has long been recognized as the core of effective schooling.” Tier: Tier 1 Activity - Professional Learning Activity Type The District will employ individuals who organize the professional learning opportunities provided throughout the District. Some of the Professional Learning opportunities will support teachers and administrators using the teacher evaluation tools which will support the growth of student engagement in the classroom. Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Professiona Tier 1 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:All Schools Activity - Academic Rigor District Staff in conjunction with building administrators will Other monitor that students’ foundations of content are being built by engaging them in the thinking process to deepen their overall content knowledge through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process to ensure that there is academic rigor in the classroom. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Accountable Talk Activity Type SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Assistant Required Superinten dent of Organizatio nal Learning, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, School Reform Facilitators, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 155 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools District Staff in conjunction with building administrators will Academic monitor the application of Accountable Talk moves which have Support been developed through teacher training provided by the Program Institute for Learning (IFL). Accountable Talk will develop students’ abilities to socialize their intelligence as well as increase student engagement by encouraging open discussion and inquiry-based reasoning opportunities. Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, School Reform Facilitators, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:All Schools Activity - Quality Questioning Activity Type The District will implement quality questioning in the classroom Other to increase both student engagement and to support a deeper understanding of the content being taught. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Claim, Evidence and Reasoning (Middle/High) Activity Type The District Curriculum Supervisors will create units/lessons Academic which will increase student engagement through the use of Support clam, evidence and reasoning. While reading complex text, Program staff will have students respond (orally and written) to a topic which will demand them to use textual evidence to support their overall claim. Resource Assigned Schools:Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Ottawa Hills High School, Blandford Nature Center, Dickinson School, Riverside Middle School, CA Frost Environmental Science Academy, Harrison Park Elementary School, Aberdeen Elementary School, Gerald R. Ford K8 Academy, Westwood Middle School, Alger Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Burton Middle School, Grand Rapids University Preparatory Academy, Shawmut Hills School, Union High School, Southwest Community Campus School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy, City High Middle School, Center for Economicology Activity - Non-Linguistic Representation (Middle/High) Activity Type SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Deputy Required Superinten dent of Curriculum and Learning, District Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 156 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District Curriculum Supervisors will create units/lessons Academic which will incorporate the use of non-linguistic representational Support tools such as Thinking Maps and graphic organizers to enable Program students to organize their thinking in a way that will allow them to be more deeply engaged with the content. Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Deputy Required Superinten dent of Curriculum and Instruction, District Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrati on, and Teaching Staff Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Monitor 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:North Park Montessori Academy, Ottawa Hills High School, Blandford Nature Center, CA Frost Environmental Science Academy, Riverside Middle School, Harrison Elementary, Gerald R. Ford K8 Academy, Westwood Middle School, Alger Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Burton Middle School, Grand Rapids University Preparatory Academy, Aberdeen Elementary, Shawmut Hills School, Union High School, Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Innovation Central High School, Southwest Community Campus School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy, City High Middle School, Center for Economicology Activity - Monitoring Activity Type District Staff in conjunction with building administrators, Walkthroug Tier 1 Curriculum Supervisors, and DL Coaches will monitor the level h of use and effectiveness of student engagement in the classrooms through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Close and Critical Reading (Middle/High) Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, District Curriculum Supervisors , Coaches, and Building Administrat ors Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 157 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District Curriculum Supervisors will develop units/lessons Academic which will incorporate close and critical reading. The teaching Support staff will use these units/lessons to teach students how to read Program text closely and to begin to think critically about the content within the text. Teaching staff will utilize the guided highlighted reading technique which will support students’ ability to summarize, retell and synthesize complex text and increase their ability to engage with the text. Teachers will assist students in deepening their academic vocabulary by using it in the context as it appears in the text. Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Deputy Required Superinten dent of Curriculum and Instruction, District Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $40000 Title I Part A Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Schools:North Park Montessori Academy, Ottawa Hills High School, Dickinson School, CA Frost Environmental Science Academy, Riverside Middle School, Harrison Elementary, Gerald R. Ford K8 Academy, Westwood Middle School, Alger Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Burton Middle School, Grand Rapids University Preparatory Academy, Aberdeen Elementary, Shawmut Hills School, Union High School, Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Innovation Central High School, Southwest Community Campus School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy, City High Middle School, Center for Economicology Activity - Technology Activity Type The District will support the use of technology across the Technology Tier 1 district. Technology will be used in a variety of ways to support student learning objectives. Students will engage with technology as a means to demonstrate their learning. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Clear Expectations Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e District Technology Department (MIS), District Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Staff Responsibl e Page 158 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will ensure that teachers are setting clear Other expectations in the classroom through the implementation of the evaluation tools used across the District. Classroom teachers will clearly communicate (oral and written formats) the purpose for learning as it connects to the curriculum framework and standards in a language that is student-friendly. Students will be more actively engaged in their learning when they have a clear understanding of what the purpose is. Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Schools:All Schools Measurable Objective 16: 44% of Sixth, Seventh and Eighth grade Hispanic or Latino students will demonstrate a proficiency in concepts in Reading by 06/05/2015 as measured by the State assessment. (shared) Strategy 1: Differentiated Instruction (K-12) - The District will implement Differentiated Instruction through the use and implementation of Professional Learning Opportunities, Project Learning (middle/high), Fluency and Skill Development, SIOP, Data Analysis, Monitoring and Professional Learning Communities (PLCs). Research Cited: Beach, T.A. (2010). Combine Methodologies of Differentiated Instruction in the Heterogeneous Classroom. South Carolina Middle School Association Journal, February 26, 2011. "Offering each student the chance to learn the subject material in ways that address each student individually can benefit children in retaining information that will later be necessary to become thoughtful, productive adults. Through differentiation combined with curriculum layering, teachers can create a student-centered classroom that is supportive to each student." Cusumano, C. (2007). How Differentiated Instruction Helps struggling Students. Leadership, 36(4), 8-10. "Accelerating learning by examining and aligning three major systems in the school to support differentiation and a consistent focus on improved student learning the school's academic delivery structure, professional development, and human/fiscal resource allocation." Tier: Tier 1 Activity - Professional Learning Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 159 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will employ individuals who organize the Professiona Tier 1 professional learning opportunities provided throughout the l Learning District. Professional Learning will be differentiated to meet the needs of the staff who will attend. Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $149000 Title II Part Assistant A Superinten dent of Organizatio nal Learning, Building Administrat ors, and teaching staff Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:All Schools Activity - Project Learning (Middle and High) Activity Type Tier The District Curriculum Supervisor and Curriculum Writing Curriculum Tier 1 Team will design units and lessons that will provide Developme opportunities throughout the school year for students to be nt engaged in a variety of project learning activities that support their instructional goals. These projects will be differentiated in nature and provide choice to students regarding the type of project they will complete and will be rigorous and challenging for all students. Resource Assigned Schools:Westwood Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Ottawa Hills High School, Alger Middle School, Blandford Nature Center, Burton Middle School, Grand Rapids University Preparatory Academy, Riverside Middle School, Union High School, Innovation Central High School, City High Middle School, Center for Economicology Activity - Fluency and Skill Development Activity Type Tier The District will allot time in the daily schedule to allow staff to Curriculum Tier 1 use a variety of activities that will allow students to become Developme fluent with essential foundational skills. The students will nt practice these foundational skills often enough so that they can flexibly engage with the content at a higher level. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding Deputy Required Superinten dent of Curriculum and Learning, Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors, and teaching staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Building Required Administrat ors and Teaching Staff Schools:All Schools Activity - Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP) Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 160 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will employ individuals who will coach and support Academic schools who have populations with second language learners. Support These individuals will train staff on how to implement the SIOP Program framework in their classrooms to support and provide differentiated techniques which will support the learning needs of our Limited English Proficient (LEP) students. Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $200000 Title III Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding ELL Department , Building Administrat or, and Teaching Staff Schools:Brookside School, Dickinson School, Buchanan School, Riverside Middle School, Harrison Park Elementary School, Palmer School, Congress Elementary, Westwood Middle School, Stocking School, Cesar E. Chavez Elementary, Burton Middle School, Union High School, Newcomers Community School, Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Southwest Community Campus School, Sibley School, Burton Elementary School Activity - Data Analysis Activity Type The District will employ staff who will work collaboratively with Other individual schools and the KISD to analyze District-wide data, design user-friendly data reports and to assist schools in understanding their school-wide data in order to support and improve student achievement. This data is used at the building level to support teachers to determine the academic needs of all students in order to differentiate their instruction. Some of this data will be used by school staff who will participate in (Data Dialogues, Governance Boards) to review, reflect and communicate the academic progress in their classroom and identify which activities they are implementing to support continued student achievement. Tier 1 Resource Assigned 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $560860 Schools:All Schools Activity - Monitoring Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Title I Part Data A, Title II Support Part A, Title Specialist, I Part A Assessmen t and Evaluation Department , Divisional Executive Directors, School Reform Facilitators, Building Administrat or,Student Information Services and Teaching Staff. Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 161 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools District Support Staff in conjunction with building administrators, Curriculum Supervisors, and Coaches will monitor the level of use and effectiveness of differentiated instruction in the classrooms through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process. Walkthroug Tier 1 h Monitor 09/04/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, District Curriculum Supervisors , Coaches, and Building Administrat ors Activity - Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) Activity Type Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding The District will implement PLCs to develop staff capacity in providing effective research-based instruction by engaging teachers in frequent collaboration and dialogue. PLCs are an embedded professional development model which includes: the examination of instructional practices, including differentiation, student work, strategies for at-risk students, LearningWalks, Content Focused Coaching, observation and feedback conferences. Participants of PLCs include but are not limited to: District Curriculum Supervisors, Content Coaches, teaching staff and building principals. Professiona Tier 1 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $204000 Title I Part A Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $183829 Title I Part A Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Schools:All Schools Tier Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e District Curriculum Supervisors , Coaches, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Schools:All Schools Activity - Reading Specialist Teacher The District will employ Reading Specialist Teachers within Academic identified Priority Schools who will deliver supplementary Support instruction to identified students. This instructional support will Program reflect state and district content expectations through the use of effective strategies in management, instruction, student motivation and curriculum planning. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Reading Specialist Teacher and Building Administrat ors Schools:Brookside School, Dickinson School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy Activity - Instructional Coaches Activity Type SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Page 162 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will employ Instructional Coaches who will build capacity of instructional staff by engaging in frequent and on-going coaching cycles with feedback around instructional strategies, differentiated strategies and delivery. Academic Support Program Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $92000 Title I Part A Coaches, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $108800 Title I Part A, Title III Staff Responsibl e Title I Office, School Reform Facilitators, Summer School Building Administrat ors and Summer School Teachers Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $334860 Title I Part A Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Schools:Ottawa Hills High School Activity - Summer School The District will fund a summer school program that supports Academic the academic improvement of identified students. The summer Support school program is differentiated to meet the academic needs of Program the students who are enrolled. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Reading Teacher (Alger and Westwood) Activity Type The District will place teachers who will be responsible for Academic providing technical expertise in reading instruction. Support The teachers will be responsible for ensuring that researched- Program based best practices are implemented in grade levels 6-8. This may include conducting model/demonstration lessons in classrooms, coaching and assisting teachers, designing lessons for teachers and providing regular ongoing professional development in reading methods for all staff. The teachers will be responsible for testing students, diagnosing reading problems, and recommending and implementing effective intervention strategies. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Reading Teacher, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Schools:Westwood Middle School, Alger Middle School Activity - Reading Coach (Priority Schools) Activity Type SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Page 163 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will employ coaches in order to support Priority Professiona Tier 2 Schools with their Reform & Redesign Plans, Reading Coaches l Learning will be utilized to assist classroom teachers in successfully implementing best practices as identified in their Reform & Redesign Plans. Reading Coaches will provide leadership for teachers by planning, collaborating, organizing, modeling and facilitating change to improve the instructional program. Reading Coaches will participate in Coaching Cycles, LearningWalks, Professional Learning Communities, Data Analysis Meetings, and lead some professional development for the building staff based on the schools identified areas of need. Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $276000 Title I Part A Reading Coach, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Instructiona l Improveme nt Coach, Building Administrat or, and Teaching Staff Schools:Aberdeen Elementary, Kent Hills School, Campus Elementary Activity - Instructional Improvement Coach (Union) Activity Type Tier Resource Assigned The District will hire an Instructional Improvement Coach, who under the direction of the Building Principal will facilitate learning around content areas and literacy utilizing technology and data that will enable Instructional Staff to effectively meet and transform the performance of GRPS students at Union High School. Professiona Tier 2 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $89000 Title I Part A Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $128000 Schools:Union High School Activity - Literacy Para Professional (Priority Schools) The District will employ Literacy Para Professionals who will be Academic responsible for assisting with promotion of literacy in Support elementary and K-8 buildings by working as a team member Program with the school staff, principal and library director in providing a quality educational program. Responsible for concept/skill reinforcement tasks and providing students the opportunity for additional adult/student relationships. Schools:Mulick Elementary, Brookside School, Aberdeen Elementary, Campus Elementary Resource Assigned Title I Part A Staff Responsibl e Literacy Para Professiona ls, Building Administrat ors, Library Director, and Teaching Staff Measurable Objective 17: 41% of Sixth, Seventh and Eighth grade Black or African-American students will demonstrate a proficiency in concepts in Reading by 06/05/2015 as measured by the State assessment. (shared) Strategy 1: Differentiated Instruction (K-12) - The District will implement Differentiated Instruction through the use and implementation of Professional Learning Opportunities, SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 164 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools Project Learning (middle/high), Fluency and Skill Development, SIOP, Data Analysis, Monitoring and Professional Learning Communities (PLCs). Research Cited: Beach, T.A. (2010). Combine Methodologies of Differentiated Instruction in the Heterogeneous Classroom. South Carolina Middle School Association Journal, February 26, 2011. "Offering each student the chance to learn the subject material in ways that address each student individually can benefit children in retaining information that will later be necessary to become thoughtful, productive adults. Through differentiation combined with curriculum layering, teachers can create a student-centered classroom that is supportive to each student." Cusumano, C. (2007). How Differentiated Instruction Helps struggling Students. Leadership, 36(4), 8-10. "Accelerating learning by examining and aligning three major systems in the school to support differentiation and a consistent focus on improved student learning the school's academic delivery structure, professional development, and human/fiscal resource allocation." Tier: Tier 1 Activity - Professional Learning Activity Type Tier The District will employ individuals who organize the Professiona Tier 1 professional learning opportunities provided throughout the l Learning District. Professional Learning will be differentiated to meet the needs of the staff who will attend. Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $149000 Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:All Schools Activity - Project Learning (Middle and High) Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Title II Part Assistant A Superinten dent of Organizatio nal Learning, Building Administrat ors, and teaching staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 165 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District Curriculum Supervisor and Curriculum Writing Curriculum Tier 1 Team will design units and lessons that will provide Developme opportunities throughout the school year for students to be nt engaged in a variety of project learning activities that support their instructional goals. These projects will be differentiated in nature and provide choice to students regarding the type of project they will complete and will be rigorous and challenging for all students. Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Deputy Required Superinten dent of Curriculum and Learning, Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors, and teaching staff Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Staff Responsibl e No Funding Building Required Administrat ors and Teaching Staff Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $200000 Title III Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Schools:Westwood Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Ottawa Hills High School, Alger Middle School, Blandford Nature Center, Burton Middle School, Grand Rapids University Preparatory Academy, Riverside Middle School, Union High School, Innovation Central High School, City High Middle School, Center for Economicology Activity - Fluency and Skill Development Activity Type Tier The District will allot time in the daily schedule to allow staff to Curriculum Tier 1 use a variety of activities that will allow students to become Developme fluent with essential foundational skills. The students will nt practice these foundational skills often enough so that they can flexibly engage with the content at a higher level. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP) Activity Type The District will employ individuals who will coach and support Academic schools who have populations with second language learners. Support These individuals will train staff on how to implement the SIOP Program framework in their classrooms to support and provide differentiated techniques which will support the learning needs of our Limited English Proficient (LEP) students. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e ELL Department , Building Administrat or, and Teaching Staff Schools:Brookside School, Dickinson School, Buchanan School, Riverside Middle School, Harrison Park Elementary School, Palmer School, Congress Elementary, Westwood Middle School, Stocking School, Cesar E. Chavez Elementary, Burton Middle School, Union High School, Newcomers Community School, Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Southwest Community Campus School, Sibley School, Burton Elementary School Activity - Data Analysis Activity Type SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Page 166 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will employ staff who will work collaboratively with Other individual schools and the KISD to analyze District-wide data, design user-friendly data reports and to assist schools in understanding their school-wide data in order to support and improve student achievement. This data is used at the building level to support teachers to determine the academic needs of all students in order to differentiate their instruction. Some of this data will be used by school staff who will participate in (Data Dialogues, Governance Boards) to review, reflect and communicate the academic progress in their classroom and identify which activities they are implementing to support continued student achievement. Tier 1 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $560860 Title I Part A, Title I Part A, Title II Part A Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Schools:All Schools Activity - Monitoring Activity Type Tier Resource Assigned District Support Staff in conjunction with building administrators, Curriculum Supervisors, and Coaches will monitor the level of use and effectiveness of differentiated instruction in the classrooms through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process. Walkthroug Tier 1 h Monitor 09/04/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Activity Type Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:All Schools Activity - Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Data Support Specialist, Assessmen t and Evaluation Department , Divisional Executive Directors, School Reform Facilitators, Building Administrat or,Student Information Services and Teaching Staff. Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, District Curriculum Supervisors , Coaches, and Building Administrat ors Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 167 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will implement PLCs to develop staff capacity in providing effective research-based instruction by engaging teachers in frequent collaboration and dialogue. PLCs are an embedded professional development model which includes: the examination of instructional practices, including differentiation, student work, strategies for at-risk students, LearningWalks, Content Focused Coaching, observation and feedback conferences. Participants of PLCs include but are not limited to: District Curriculum Supervisors, Content Coaches, teaching staff and building principals. Professiona Tier 1 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $204000 Title I Part A District Curriculum Supervisors , Coaches, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $183829 Title I Part A Staff Responsibl e Reading Specialist Teacher and Building Administrat ors Source Of Funding Schools:All Schools Activity - Reading Specialist Teacher The District will employ Reading Specialist Teachers within Academic identified Priority Schools who will deliver supplementary Support instruction to identified students. This instructional support will Program reflect state and district content expectations through the use of effective strategies in management, instruction, student motivation and curriculum planning. Resource Assigned Schools:Brookside School, Dickinson School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy Activity - Instructional Coaches Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned The District will employ Instructional Coaches who will build capacity of instructional staff by engaging in frequent and on-going coaching cycles with feedback around instructional strategies, differentiated strategies and delivery. Academic Support Program Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $92000 Title I Part A Staff Responsibl e Coaches, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Schools:Ottawa Hills High School Activity - Summer School SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Page 168 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will fund a summer school program that supports Academic the academic improvement of identified students. The summer Support school program is differentiated to meet the academic needs of Program the students who are enrolled. Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $108800 Title III, Title I Part A Title I Office, School Reform Facilitators, Summer School Building Administrat ors and Summer School Teachers Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $334860 Title I Part A Staff Responsibl e Reading Teacher, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $276000 Schools:All Schools Activity - Reading Teacher (Alger and Westwood) Activity Type The District will place teachers who will be responsible for Academic providing technical expertise in reading instruction. Support The teachers will be responsible for ensuring that researched- Program based best practices are implemented in grade levels 6-8. This may include conducting model/demonstration lessons in classrooms, coaching and assisting teachers, designing lessons for teachers and providing regular ongoing professional development in reading methods for all staff. The teachers will be responsible for testing students, diagnosing reading problems, and recommending and implementing effective intervention strategies. Resource Assigned Schools:Westwood Middle School, Alger Middle School Activity - Reading Coach (Priority Schools) Activity Type The District will employ coaches in order to support Priority Professiona Tier 2 Schools with their Reform & Redesign Plans, Reading Coaches l Learning will be utilized to assist classroom teachers in successfully implementing best practices as identified in their Reform & Redesign Plans. Reading Coaches will provide leadership for teachers by planning, collaborating, organizing, modeling and facilitating change to improve the instructional program. Reading Coaches will participate in Coaching Cycles, LearningWalks, Professional Learning Communities, Data Analysis Meetings, and lead some professional development for the building staff based on the schools identified areas of need. Resource Assigned Title I Part A Staff Responsibl e Reading Coach, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Schools:Aberdeen Elementary, Kent Hills School, Campus Elementary SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 169 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools Activity - Instructional Improvement Coach (Union) Activity Type The District will hire an Instructional Improvement Coach, who under the direction of the Building Principal will facilitate learning around content areas and literacy utilizing technology and data that will enable Instructional Staff to effectively meet and transform the performance of GRPS students at Union High School. Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Professiona Tier 2 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $89000 Title I Part A Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $128000 Schools:Union High School Activity - Literacy Para Professional (Priority Schools) The District will employ Literacy Para Professionals who will be Academic responsible for assisting with promotion of literacy in Support elementary and K-8 buildings by working as a team member Program with the school staff, principal and library director in providing a quality educational program. Responsible for concept/skill reinforcement tasks and providing students the opportunity for additional adult/student relationships. Resource Assigned Title I Part A Schools:Mulick Elementary, Brookside School, Aberdeen Elementary, Campus Elementary Staff Responsibl e Instructiona l Improveme nt Coach, Building Administrat or, and Teaching Staff Staff Responsibl e Literacy Para Professiona ls, Building Administrat ors, Library Director, and Teaching Staff (shared) Strategy 2: Student Engagement (K-12) - The District will implement Student Engagement by the following means: Professional Learning, Academic Rigor, Accountable Talk, Quality Questioning, Claim, Evidence and Reasoning, Non-Linguistic Representation, Monitoring, Close and Critical Reading, Technology and Clear Expectations. Research Cited: Pickering, Debra J., and Marzano, Robert J. (2011). The Highly Engaged Classroom. Marzano Research Laboratory. “Engagement is a central aspect of effective teaching. If students are not engaged, there is little, if any, chance that they will learn what is being addressed in class. Student engagement has long been recognized as the core of effective schooling.” Tier: Tier 1 Activity - Professional Learning Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 170 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will employ individuals who organize the professional learning opportunities provided throughout the District. Some of the Professional Learning opportunities will support teachers and administrators using the teacher evaluation tools which will support the growth of student engagement in the classroom. Professiona Tier 1 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Assistant Required Superinten dent of Organizatio nal Learning, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:All Schools Activity - Academic Rigor District Staff in conjunction with building administrators will Other monitor that students’ foundations of content are being built by engaging them in the thinking process to deepen their overall content knowledge through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process to ensure that there is academic rigor in the classroom. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Accountable Talk Activity Type District Staff in conjunction with building administrators will Academic monitor the application of Accountable Talk moves which have Support been developed through teacher training provided by the Program Institute for Learning (IFL). Accountable Talk will develop students’ abilities to socialize their intelligence as well as increase student engagement by encouraging open discussion and inquiry-based reasoning opportunities. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Quality Questioning Activity Type SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, School Reform Facilitators, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, School Reform Facilitators, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 171 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will implement quality questioning in the classroom Other to increase both student engagement and to support a deeper understanding of the content being taught. Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Schools:All Schools Activity - Claim, Evidence and Reasoning (Middle/High) Activity Type The District Curriculum Supervisors will create units/lessons Academic which will increase student engagement through the use of Support clam, evidence and reasoning. While reading complex text, Program staff will have students respond (orally and written) to a topic which will demand them to use textual evidence to support their overall claim. Resource Assigned Schools:Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Ottawa Hills High School, Blandford Nature Center, Dickinson School, Riverside Middle School, CA Frost Environmental Science Academy, Harrison Park Elementary School, Aberdeen Elementary School, Gerald R. Ford K8 Academy, Westwood Middle School, Alger Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Burton Middle School, Grand Rapids University Preparatory Academy, Shawmut Hills School, Union High School, Southwest Community Campus School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy, City High Middle School, Center for Economicology Activity - Non-Linguistic Representation (Middle/High) Activity Type The District Curriculum Supervisors will create units/lessons Academic which will incorporate the use of non-linguistic representational Support tools such as Thinking Maps and graphic organizers to enable Program students to organize their thinking in a way that will allow them to be more deeply engaged with the content. Schools:North Park Montessori Academy, Ottawa Hills High School, Blandford Nature Center, CA Frost Environmental Science Academy, Riverside Middle School, Harrison Elementary, Gerald R. Ford K8 Academy, Westwood Middle School, Alger Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Burton Middle School, Grand Rapids University Preparatory Academy, Aberdeen Elementary, Shawmut Hills School, Union High School, Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Innovation Central High School, Southwest Community Campus School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy, City High Middle School, Center for Economicology SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding Deputy Required Superinten dent of Curriculum and Learning, District Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Deputy Required Superinten dent of Curriculum and Instruction, District Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrati on, and Teaching Staff Page 172 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools Activity - Monitoring Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Monitor 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Tier Phase Begin Date End Date District Staff in conjunction with building administrators, Walkthroug Tier 1 Curriculum Supervisors, and DL Coaches will monitor the level h of use and effectiveness of student engagement in the classrooms through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Close and Critical Reading (Middle/High) Activity Type The District Curriculum Supervisors will develop units/lessons Academic which will incorporate close and critical reading. The teaching Support staff will use these units/lessons to teach students how to read Program text closely and to begin to think critically about the content within the text. Teaching staff will utilize the guided highlighted reading technique which will support students’ ability to summarize, retell and synthesize complex text and increase their ability to engage with the text. Teachers will assist students in deepening their academic vocabulary by using it in the context as it appears in the text. Resource Assigned Schools:North Park Montessori Academy, Ottawa Hills High School, Dickinson School, CA Frost Environmental Science Academy, Riverside Middle School, Harrison Elementary, Gerald R. Ford K8 Academy, Westwood Middle School, Alger Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Burton Middle School, Grand Rapids University Preparatory Academy, Aberdeen Elementary, Shawmut Hills School, Union High School, Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Innovation Central High School, Southwest Community Campus School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy, City High Middle School, Center for Economicology Activity - Technology Activity Type SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, District Curriculum Supervisors , Coaches, and Building Administrat ors Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Deputy Required Superinten dent of Curriculum and Instruction, District Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 173 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will support the use of technology across the Technology Tier 1 district. Technology will be used in a variety of ways to support student learning objectives. Students will engage with technology as a means to demonstrate their learning. Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $40000 Title I Part A Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Schools:All Schools Activity - Clear Expectations Activity Type The District will ensure that teachers are setting clear Other expectations in the classroom through the implementation of the evaluation tools used across the District. Classroom teachers will clearly communicate (oral and written formats) the purpose for learning as it connects to the curriculum framework and standards in a language that is student-friendly. Students will be more actively engaged in their learning when they have a clear understanding of what the purpose is. Resource Assigned District Technology Department (MIS), District Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Schools:All Schools Measurable Objective 18: 51% of Eleventh grade students will demonstrate a proficiency in Comprehension in Reading by 06/05/2015 as measured by the state assessment. (shared) Strategy 1: Differentiated Instruction (K-12) - The District will implement Differentiated Instruction through the use and implementation of Professional Learning Opportunities, Project Learning (middle/high), Fluency and Skill Development, SIOP, Data Analysis, Monitoring and Professional Learning Communities (PLCs). Research Cited: Beach, T.A. (2010). Combine Methodologies of Differentiated Instruction in the Heterogeneous Classroom. South Carolina Middle School Association Journal, February 26, 2011. "Offering each student the chance to learn the subject material in ways that address each student individually can benefit children in retaining information that will later be necessary to become thoughtful, productive adults. Through differentiation combined with curriculum layering, teachers can create a student-centered classroom that is supportive to each student." Cusumano, C. (2007). How Differentiated Instruction Helps struggling Students. Leadership, 36(4), 8-10. "Accelerating learning by examining and aligning three major systems in the school to support differentiation and a consistent focus on improved student learning the school's academic delivery structure, professional development, and human/fiscal resource allocation." SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 174 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools Tier: Tier 1 Activity - Professional Learning Activity Type Tier The District will employ individuals who organize the Professiona Tier 1 professional learning opportunities provided throughout the l Learning District. Professional Learning will be differentiated to meet the needs of the staff who will attend. Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $149000 Phase Begin Date End Date Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Schools:All Schools Activity - Project Learning (Middle and High) Activity Type Tier The District Curriculum Supervisor and Curriculum Writing Curriculum Tier 1 Team will design units and lessons that will provide Developme opportunities throughout the school year for students to be nt engaged in a variety of project learning activities that support their instructional goals. These projects will be differentiated in nature and provide choice to students regarding the type of project they will complete and will be rigorous and challenging for all students. Resource Assigned Schools:Westwood Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Ottawa Hills High School, Alger Middle School, Blandford Nature Center, Burton Middle School, Grand Rapids University Preparatory Academy, Riverside Middle School, Union High School, Innovation Central High School, City High Middle School, Center for Economicology Activity - Fluency and Skill Development Activity Type Tier The District will allot time in the daily schedule to allow staff to Curriculum Tier 1 use a variety of activities that will allow students to become Developme fluent with essential foundational skills. The students will nt practice these foundational skills often enough so that they can flexibly engage with the content at a higher level. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Title II Part Assistant A Superinten dent of Organizatio nal Learning, Building Administrat ors, and teaching staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Deputy Required Superinten dent of Curriculum and Learning, Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors, and teaching staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Building Required Administrat ors and Teaching Staff Schools:All Schools SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 175 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools Activity - Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP) Activity Type The District will employ individuals who will coach and support Academic schools who have populations with second language learners. Support These individuals will train staff on how to implement the SIOP Program framework in their classrooms to support and provide differentiated techniques which will support the learning needs of our Limited English Proficient (LEP) students. Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $200000 Title III Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e ELL Department , Building Administrat or, and Teaching Staff Schools:Brookside School, Dickinson School, Buchanan School, Riverside Middle School, Harrison Park Elementary School, Palmer School, Congress Elementary, Westwood Middle School, Stocking School, Cesar E. Chavez Elementary, Burton Middle School, Union High School, Newcomers Community School, Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Southwest Community Campus School, Sibley School, Burton Elementary School Activity - Data Analysis Activity Type The District will employ staff who will work collaboratively with Other individual schools and the KISD to analyze District-wide data, design user-friendly data reports and to assist schools in understanding their school-wide data in order to support and improve student achievement. This data is used at the building level to support teachers to determine the academic needs of all students in order to differentiate their instruction. Some of this data will be used by school staff who will participate in (Data Dialogues, Governance Boards) to review, reflect and communicate the academic progress in their classroom and identify which activities they are implementing to support continued student achievement. Tier 1 Resource Assigned 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $560860 Schools:All Schools Activity - Monitoring Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Title I Part Data A, Title I Support Part A, Title Specialist, II Part A Assessmen t and Evaluation Department , Divisional Executive Directors, School Reform Facilitators, Building Administrat or,Student Information Services and Teaching Staff. Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 176 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools District Support Staff in conjunction with building administrators, Curriculum Supervisors, and Coaches will monitor the level of use and effectiveness of differentiated instruction in the classrooms through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process. Walkthroug Tier 1 h Monitor 09/04/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, District Curriculum Supervisors , Coaches, and Building Administrat ors Activity - Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) Activity Type Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding The District will implement PLCs to develop staff capacity in providing effective research-based instruction by engaging teachers in frequent collaboration and dialogue. PLCs are an embedded professional development model which includes: the examination of instructional practices, including differentiation, student work, strategies for at-risk students, LearningWalks, Content Focused Coaching, observation and feedback conferences. Participants of PLCs include but are not limited to: District Curriculum Supervisors, Content Coaches, teaching staff and building principals. Professiona Tier 1 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $204000 Title I Part A Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $183829 Title I Part A Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Schools:All Schools Tier Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e District Curriculum Supervisors , Coaches, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Schools:All Schools Activity - Reading Specialist Teacher The District will employ Reading Specialist Teachers within Academic identified Priority Schools who will deliver supplementary Support instruction to identified students. This instructional support will Program reflect state and district content expectations through the use of effective strategies in management, instruction, student motivation and curriculum planning. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Reading Specialist Teacher and Building Administrat ors Schools:Brookside School, Dickinson School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy Activity - Instructional Coaches Activity Type SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Page 177 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will employ Instructional Coaches who will build capacity of instructional staff by engaging in frequent and on-going coaching cycles with feedback around instructional strategies, differentiated strategies and delivery. Academic Support Program Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $92000 Title I Part A Coaches, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $108800 Title I Part A, Title III Staff Responsibl e Title I Office, School Reform Facilitators, Summer School Building Administrat ors and Summer School Teachers Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $334860 Title I Part A Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Schools:Ottawa Hills High School Activity - Summer School The District will fund a summer school program that supports Academic the academic improvement of identified students. The summer Support school program is differentiated to meet the academic needs of Program the students who are enrolled. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Reading Teacher (Alger and Westwood) Activity Type The District will place teachers who will be responsible for Academic providing technical expertise in reading instruction. Support The teachers will be responsible for ensuring that researched- Program based best practices are implemented in grade levels 6-8. This may include conducting model/demonstration lessons in classrooms, coaching and assisting teachers, designing lessons for teachers and providing regular ongoing professional development in reading methods for all staff. The teachers will be responsible for testing students, diagnosing reading problems, and recommending and implementing effective intervention strategies. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Reading Teacher, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Schools:Westwood Middle School, Alger Middle School Activity - Reading Coach (Priority Schools) Activity Type SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Page 178 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will employ coaches in order to support Priority Professiona Tier 2 Schools with their Reform & Redesign Plans, Reading Coaches l Learning will be utilized to assist classroom teachers in successfully implementing best practices as identified in their Reform & Redesign Plans. Reading Coaches will provide leadership for teachers by planning, collaborating, organizing, modeling and facilitating change to improve the instructional program. Reading Coaches will participate in Coaching Cycles, LearningWalks, Professional Learning Communities, Data Analysis Meetings, and lead some professional development for the building staff based on the schools identified areas of need. Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $276000 Title I Part A Reading Coach, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Instructiona l Improveme nt Coach, Building Administrat or, and Teaching Staff Schools:Aberdeen Elementary, Kent Hills School, Campus Elementary Activity - Instructional Improvement Coach (Union) Activity Type Tier Resource Assigned The District will hire an Instructional Improvement Coach, who under the direction of the Building Principal will facilitate learning around content areas and literacy utilizing technology and data that will enable Instructional Staff to effectively meet and transform the performance of GRPS students at Union High School. Professiona Tier 2 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $89000 Title I Part A Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $128000 Schools:Union High School Activity - Literacy Para Professional (Priority Schools) The District will employ Literacy Para Professionals who will be Academic responsible for assisting with promotion of literacy in Support elementary and K-8 buildings by working as a team member Program with the school staff, principal and library director in providing a quality educational program. Responsible for concept/skill reinforcement tasks and providing students the opportunity for additional adult/student relationships. Schools:Mulick Elementary, Brookside School, Aberdeen Elementary, Campus Elementary Resource Assigned Title I Part A Staff Responsibl e Literacy Para Professiona ls, Building Administrat ors, Library Director, and Teaching Staff (shared) Strategy 2: Student Engagement (K-12) - The District will implement Student Engagement by the following means: Professional Learning, Academic Rigor, Accountable Talk, Quality Questioning, Claim, Evidence and Reasoning, Non-Linguistic Representation, Monitoring, Close and Critical Reading, Technology and Clear Expectations. Research Cited: Pickering, Debra J., and Marzano, Robert J. (2011). The Highly Engaged Classroom. Marzano Research Laboratory. SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 179 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools “Engagement is a central aspect of effective teaching. If students are not engaged, there is little, if any, chance that they will learn what is being addressed in class. Student engagement has long been recognized as the core of effective schooling.” Tier: Tier 1 Activity - Professional Learning Activity Type The District will employ individuals who organize the professional learning opportunities provided throughout the District. Some of the Professional Learning opportunities will support teachers and administrators using the teacher evaluation tools which will support the growth of student engagement in the classroom. Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Professiona Tier 1 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:All Schools Activity - Academic Rigor District Staff in conjunction with building administrators will Other monitor that students’ foundations of content are being built by engaging them in the thinking process to deepen their overall content knowledge through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process to ensure that there is academic rigor in the classroom. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Accountable Talk Activity Type SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Assistant Required Superinten dent of Organizatio nal Learning, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, School Reform Facilitators, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 180 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools District Staff in conjunction with building administrators will Academic monitor the application of Accountable Talk moves which have Support been developed through teacher training provided by the Program Institute for Learning (IFL). Accountable Talk will develop students’ abilities to socialize their intelligence as well as increase student engagement by encouraging open discussion and inquiry-based reasoning opportunities. Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, School Reform Facilitators, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:All Schools Activity - Quality Questioning Activity Type The District will implement quality questioning in the classroom Other to increase both student engagement and to support a deeper understanding of the content being taught. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Claim, Evidence and Reasoning (Middle/High) Activity Type The District Curriculum Supervisors will create units/lessons Academic which will increase student engagement through the use of Support clam, evidence and reasoning. While reading complex text, Program staff will have students respond (orally and written) to a topic which will demand them to use textual evidence to support their overall claim. Resource Assigned Schools:Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Ottawa Hills High School, Blandford Nature Center, Dickinson School, Riverside Middle School, CA Frost Environmental Science Academy, Harrison Park Elementary School, Aberdeen Elementary School, Gerald R. Ford K8 Academy, Westwood Middle School, Alger Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Burton Middle School, Grand Rapids University Preparatory Academy, Shawmut Hills School, Union High School, Southwest Community Campus School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy, City High Middle School, Center for Economicology Activity - Non-Linguistic Representation (Middle/High) Activity Type SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Deputy Required Superinten dent of Curriculum and Learning, District Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 181 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District Curriculum Supervisors will create units/lessons Academic which will incorporate the use of non-linguistic representational Support tools such as Thinking Maps and graphic organizers to enable Program students to organize their thinking in a way that will allow them to be more deeply engaged with the content. Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Deputy Required Superinten dent of Curriculum and Instruction, District Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrati on, and Teaching Staff Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Monitor 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:North Park Montessori Academy, Ottawa Hills High School, Blandford Nature Center, CA Frost Environmental Science Academy, Riverside Middle School, Harrison Elementary, Gerald R. Ford K8 Academy, Westwood Middle School, Alger Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Burton Middle School, Grand Rapids University Preparatory Academy, Aberdeen Elementary, Shawmut Hills School, Union High School, Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Innovation Central High School, Southwest Community Campus School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy, City High Middle School, Center for Economicology Activity - Monitoring Activity Type District Staff in conjunction with building administrators, Walkthroug Tier 1 Curriculum Supervisors, and DL Coaches will monitor the level h of use and effectiveness of student engagement in the classrooms through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Close and Critical Reading (Middle/High) Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, District Curriculum Supervisors , Coaches, and Building Administrat ors Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 182 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District Curriculum Supervisors will develop units/lessons Academic which will incorporate close and critical reading. The teaching Support staff will use these units/lessons to teach students how to read Program text closely and to begin to think critically about the content within the text. Teaching staff will utilize the guided highlighted reading technique which will support students’ ability to summarize, retell and synthesize complex text and increase their ability to engage with the text. Teachers will assist students in deepening their academic vocabulary by using it in the context as it appears in the text. Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Deputy Required Superinten dent of Curriculum and Instruction, District Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $40000 Title I Part A Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Schools:North Park Montessori Academy, Ottawa Hills High School, Dickinson School, CA Frost Environmental Science Academy, Riverside Middle School, Harrison Elementary, Gerald R. Ford K8 Academy, Westwood Middle School, Alger Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Burton Middle School, Grand Rapids University Preparatory Academy, Aberdeen Elementary, Shawmut Hills School, Union High School, Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Innovation Central High School, Southwest Community Campus School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy, City High Middle School, Center for Economicology Activity - Technology Activity Type The District will support the use of technology across the Technology Tier 1 district. Technology will be used in a variety of ways to support student learning objectives. Students will engage with technology as a means to demonstrate their learning. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Clear Expectations Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e District Technology Department (MIS), District Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Staff Responsibl e Page 183 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will ensure that teachers are setting clear Other expectations in the classroom through the implementation of the evaluation tools used across the District. Classroom teachers will clearly communicate (oral and written formats) the purpose for learning as it connects to the curriculum framework and standards in a language that is student-friendly. Students will be more actively engaged in their learning when they have a clear understanding of what the purpose is. Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Schools:All Schools Measurable Objective 19: 40% of Eleventh grade Black or African-American students will demonstrate a proficiency in Comprehension in Reading by 06/05/2015 as measured by the state assessment.. (shared) Strategy 1: Differentiated Instruction (K-12) - The District will implement Differentiated Instruction through the use and implementation of Professional Learning Opportunities, Project Learning (middle/high), Fluency and Skill Development, SIOP, Data Analysis, Monitoring and Professional Learning Communities (PLCs). Research Cited: Beach, T.A. (2010). Combine Methodologies of Differentiated Instruction in the Heterogeneous Classroom. South Carolina Middle School Association Journal, February 26, 2011. "Offering each student the chance to learn the subject material in ways that address each student individually can benefit children in retaining information that will later be necessary to become thoughtful, productive adults. Through differentiation combined with curriculum layering, teachers can create a student-centered classroom that is supportive to each student." Cusumano, C. (2007). How Differentiated Instruction Helps struggling Students. Leadership, 36(4), 8-10. "Accelerating learning by examining and aligning three major systems in the school to support differentiation and a consistent focus on improved student learning the school's academic delivery structure, professional development, and human/fiscal resource allocation." Tier: Tier 1 Activity - Professional Learning Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 184 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will employ individuals who organize the Professiona Tier 1 professional learning opportunities provided throughout the l Learning District. Professional Learning will be differentiated to meet the needs of the staff who will attend. Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $149000 Title II Part Assistant A Superinten dent of Organizatio nal Learning, Building Administrat ors, and teaching staff Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:All Schools Activity - Project Learning (Middle and High) Activity Type Tier The District Curriculum Supervisor and Curriculum Writing Curriculum Tier 1 Team will design units and lessons that will provide Developme opportunities throughout the school year for students to be nt engaged in a variety of project learning activities that support their instructional goals. These projects will be differentiated in nature and provide choice to students regarding the type of project they will complete and will be rigorous and challenging for all students. Resource Assigned Schools:Westwood Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Ottawa Hills High School, Alger Middle School, Blandford Nature Center, Burton Middle School, Grand Rapids University Preparatory Academy, Riverside Middle School, Union High School, Innovation Central High School, City High Middle School, Center for Economicology Activity - Fluency and Skill Development Activity Type Tier The District will allot time in the daily schedule to allow staff to Curriculum Tier 1 use a variety of activities that will allow students to become Developme fluent with essential foundational skills. The students will nt practice these foundational skills often enough so that they can flexibly engage with the content at a higher level. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding Deputy Required Superinten dent of Curriculum and Learning, Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors, and teaching staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Building Required Administrat ors and Teaching Staff Schools:All Schools Activity - Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP) Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 185 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will employ individuals who will coach and support Academic schools who have populations with second language learners. Support These individuals will train staff on how to implement the SIOP Program framework in their classrooms to support and provide differentiated techniques which will support the learning needs of our Limited English Proficient (LEP) students. Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $200000 Title III Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding ELL Department , Building Administrat or, and Teaching Staff Schools:Brookside School, Dickinson School, Buchanan School, Riverside Middle School, Harrison Park Elementary School, Palmer School, Congress Elementary, Westwood Middle School, Stocking School, Cesar E. Chavez Elementary, Burton Middle School, Union High School, Newcomers Community School, Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Southwest Community Campus School, Sibley School, Burton Elementary School Activity - Data Analysis Activity Type The District will employ staff who will work collaboratively with Other individual schools and the KISD to analyze District-wide data, design user-friendly data reports and to assist schools in understanding their school-wide data in order to support and improve student achievement. This data is used at the building level to support teachers to determine the academic needs of all students in order to differentiate their instruction. Some of this data will be used by school staff who will participate in (Data Dialogues, Governance Boards) to review, reflect and communicate the academic progress in their classroom and identify which activities they are implementing to support continued student achievement. Tier 1 Resource Assigned 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $560860 Schools:All Schools Activity - Monitoring Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Title I Part Data A, Title I Support Part A, Title Specialist, II Part A Assessmen t and Evaluation Department , Divisional Executive Directors, School Reform Facilitators, Building Administrat or,Student Information Services and Teaching Staff. Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 186 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools District Support Staff in conjunction with building administrators, Curriculum Supervisors, and Coaches will monitor the level of use and effectiveness of differentiated instruction in the classrooms through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process. Walkthroug Tier 1 h Monitor 09/04/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, District Curriculum Supervisors , Coaches, and Building Administrat ors Activity - Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) Activity Type Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding The District will implement PLCs to develop staff capacity in providing effective research-based instruction by engaging teachers in frequent collaboration and dialogue. PLCs are an embedded professional development model which includes: the examination of instructional practices, including differentiation, student work, strategies for at-risk students, LearningWalks, Content Focused Coaching, observation and feedback conferences. Participants of PLCs include but are not limited to: District Curriculum Supervisors, Content Coaches, teaching staff and building principals. Professiona Tier 1 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $204000 Title I Part A Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $183829 Title I Part A Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Schools:All Schools Tier Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e District Curriculum Supervisors , Coaches, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Schools:All Schools Activity - Reading Specialist Teacher The District will employ Reading Specialist Teachers within Academic identified Priority Schools who will deliver supplementary Support instruction to identified students. This instructional support will Program reflect state and district content expectations through the use of effective strategies in management, instruction, student motivation and curriculum planning. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Reading Specialist Teacher and Building Administrat ors Schools:Brookside School, Dickinson School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy Activity - Instructional Coaches Activity Type SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Page 187 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will employ Instructional Coaches who will build capacity of instructional staff by engaging in frequent and on-going coaching cycles with feedback around instructional strategies, differentiated strategies and delivery. Academic Support Program Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $92000 Title I Part A Coaches, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $108800 Title III, Title I Part A Staff Responsibl e Title I Office, School Reform Facilitators, Summer School Building Administrat ors and Summer School Teachers Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $334860 Title I Part A Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Schools:Ottawa Hills High School Activity - Summer School The District will fund a summer school program that supports Academic the academic improvement of identified students. The summer Support school program is differentiated to meet the academic needs of Program the students who are enrolled. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Reading Teacher (Alger and Westwood) Activity Type The District will place teachers who will be responsible for Academic providing technical expertise in reading instruction. Support The teachers will be responsible for ensuring that researched- Program based best practices are implemented in grade levels 6-8. This may include conducting model/demonstration lessons in classrooms, coaching and assisting teachers, designing lessons for teachers and providing regular ongoing professional development in reading methods for all staff. The teachers will be responsible for testing students, diagnosing reading problems, and recommending and implementing effective intervention strategies. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Reading Teacher, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Schools:Westwood Middle School, Alger Middle School Activity - Reading Coach (Priority Schools) Activity Type SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Page 188 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will employ coaches in order to support Priority Professiona Tier 2 Schools with their Reform & Redesign Plans, Reading Coaches l Learning will be utilized to assist classroom teachers in successfully implementing best practices as identified in their Reform & Redesign Plans. Reading Coaches will provide leadership for teachers by planning, collaborating, organizing, modeling and facilitating change to improve the instructional program. Reading Coaches will participate in Coaching Cycles, LearningWalks, Professional Learning Communities, Data Analysis Meetings, and lead some professional development for the building staff based on the schools identified areas of need. Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $276000 Title I Part A Reading Coach, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Instructiona l Improveme nt Coach, Building Administrat or, and Teaching Staff Schools:Aberdeen Elementary, Kent Hills School, Campus Elementary Activity - Instructional Improvement Coach (Union) Activity Type Tier Resource Assigned The District will hire an Instructional Improvement Coach, who under the direction of the Building Principal will facilitate learning around content areas and literacy utilizing technology and data that will enable Instructional Staff to effectively meet and transform the performance of GRPS students at Union High School. Professiona Tier 2 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $89000 Title I Part A Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $128000 Schools:Union High School Activity - Literacy Para Professional (Priority Schools) The District will employ Literacy Para Professionals who will be Academic responsible for assisting with promotion of literacy in Support elementary and K-8 buildings by working as a team member Program with the school staff, principal and library director in providing a quality educational program. Responsible for concept/skill reinforcement tasks and providing students the opportunity for additional adult/student relationships. Schools:Mulick Elementary, Brookside School, Aberdeen Elementary, Campus Elementary Resource Assigned Title I Part A Staff Responsibl e Literacy Para Professiona ls, Building Administrat ors, Library Director, and Teaching Staff (shared) Strategy 2: Student Engagement (K-12) - The District will implement Student Engagement by the following means: Professional Learning, Academic Rigor, Accountable Talk, Quality Questioning, Claim, Evidence and Reasoning, Non-Linguistic Representation, Monitoring, Close and Critical Reading, Technology and Clear Expectations. Research Cited: Pickering, Debra J., and Marzano, Robert J. (2011). The Highly Engaged Classroom. Marzano Research Laboratory. SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 189 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools “Engagement is a central aspect of effective teaching. If students are not engaged, there is little, if any, chance that they will learn what is being addressed in class. Student engagement has long been recognized as the core of effective schooling.” Tier: Tier 1 Activity - Professional Learning Activity Type The District will employ individuals who organize the professional learning opportunities provided throughout the District. Some of the Professional Learning opportunities will support teachers and administrators using the teacher evaluation tools which will support the growth of student engagement in the classroom. Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Professiona Tier 1 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:All Schools Activity - Academic Rigor District Staff in conjunction with building administrators will Other monitor that students’ foundations of content are being built by engaging them in the thinking process to deepen their overall content knowledge through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process to ensure that there is academic rigor in the classroom. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Accountable Talk Activity Type SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Assistant Required Superinten dent of Organizatio nal Learning, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, School Reform Facilitators, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 190 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools District Staff in conjunction with building administrators will Academic monitor the application of Accountable Talk moves which have Support been developed through teacher training provided by the Program Institute for Learning (IFL). Accountable Talk will develop students’ abilities to socialize their intelligence as well as increase student engagement by encouraging open discussion and inquiry-based reasoning opportunities. Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, School Reform Facilitators, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:All Schools Activity - Quality Questioning Activity Type The District will implement quality questioning in the classroom Other to increase both student engagement and to support a deeper understanding of the content being taught. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Claim, Evidence and Reasoning (Middle/High) Activity Type The District Curriculum Supervisors will create units/lessons Academic which will increase student engagement through the use of Support clam, evidence and reasoning. While reading complex text, Program staff will have students respond (orally and written) to a topic which will demand them to use textual evidence to support their overall claim. Resource Assigned Schools:Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Ottawa Hills High School, Blandford Nature Center, Dickinson School, Riverside Middle School, CA Frost Environmental Science Academy, Harrison Park Elementary School, Aberdeen Elementary School, Gerald R. Ford K8 Academy, Westwood Middle School, Alger Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Burton Middle School, Grand Rapids University Preparatory Academy, Shawmut Hills School, Union High School, Southwest Community Campus School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy, City High Middle School, Center for Economicology Activity - Non-Linguistic Representation (Middle/High) Activity Type SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Deputy Required Superinten dent of Curriculum and Learning, District Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 191 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District Curriculum Supervisors will create units/lessons Academic which will incorporate the use of non-linguistic representational Support tools such as Thinking Maps and graphic organizers to enable Program students to organize their thinking in a way that will allow them to be more deeply engaged with the content. Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Deputy Required Superinten dent of Curriculum and Instruction, District Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrati on, and Teaching Staff Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Monitor 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:North Park Montessori Academy, Ottawa Hills High School, Blandford Nature Center, CA Frost Environmental Science Academy, Riverside Middle School, Harrison Elementary, Gerald R. Ford K8 Academy, Westwood Middle School, Alger Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Burton Middle School, Grand Rapids University Preparatory Academy, Aberdeen Elementary, Shawmut Hills School, Union High School, Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Innovation Central High School, Southwest Community Campus School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy, City High Middle School, Center for Economicology Activity - Monitoring Activity Type District Staff in conjunction with building administrators, Walkthroug Tier 1 Curriculum Supervisors, and DL Coaches will monitor the level h of use and effectiveness of student engagement in the classrooms through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Close and Critical Reading (Middle/High) Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, District Curriculum Supervisors , Coaches, and Building Administrat ors Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 192 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District Curriculum Supervisors will develop units/lessons Academic which will incorporate close and critical reading. The teaching Support staff will use these units/lessons to teach students how to read Program text closely and to begin to think critically about the content within the text. Teaching staff will utilize the guided highlighted reading technique which will support students’ ability to summarize, retell and synthesize complex text and increase their ability to engage with the text. Teachers will assist students in deepening their academic vocabulary by using it in the context as it appears in the text. Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Deputy Required Superinten dent of Curriculum and Instruction, District Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $40000 Title I Part A Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Schools:North Park Montessori Academy, Ottawa Hills High School, Dickinson School, CA Frost Environmental Science Academy, Riverside Middle School, Harrison Elementary, Gerald R. Ford K8 Academy, Westwood Middle School, Alger Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Burton Middle School, Grand Rapids University Preparatory Academy, Aberdeen Elementary, Shawmut Hills School, Union High School, Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Innovation Central High School, Southwest Community Campus School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy, City High Middle School, Center for Economicology Activity - Technology Activity Type The District will support the use of technology across the Technology Tier 1 district. Technology will be used in a variety of ways to support student learning objectives. Students will engage with technology as a means to demonstrate their learning. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Clear Expectations Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e District Technology Department (MIS), District Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Staff Responsibl e Page 193 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will ensure that teachers are setting clear Other expectations in the classroom through the implementation of the evaluation tools used across the District. Classroom teachers will clearly communicate (oral and written formats) the purpose for learning as it connects to the curriculum framework and standards in a language that is student-friendly. Students will be more actively engaged in their learning when they have a clear understanding of what the purpose is. Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Schools:All Schools Measurable Objective 20: 48% of Eleventh grade Hispanic or Latino students will demonstrate a proficiency in Comprehension in Reading by 06/05/2015 as measured by the state assessment.. (shared) Strategy 1: Differentiated Instruction (K-12) - The District will implement Differentiated Instruction through the use and implementation of Professional Learning Opportunities, Project Learning (middle/high), Fluency and Skill Development, SIOP, Data Analysis, Monitoring and Professional Learning Communities (PLCs). Research Cited: Beach, T.A. (2010). Combine Methodologies of Differentiated Instruction in the Heterogeneous Classroom. South Carolina Middle School Association Journal, February 26, 2011. "Offering each student the chance to learn the subject material in ways that address each student individually can benefit children in retaining information that will later be necessary to become thoughtful, productive adults. Through differentiation combined with curriculum layering, teachers can create a student-centered classroom that is supportive to each student." Cusumano, C. (2007). How Differentiated Instruction Helps struggling Students. Leadership, 36(4), 8-10. "Accelerating learning by examining and aligning three major systems in the school to support differentiation and a consistent focus on improved student learning the school's academic delivery structure, professional development, and human/fiscal resource allocation." Tier: Tier 1 Activity - Professional Learning Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 194 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will employ individuals who organize the Professiona Tier 1 professional learning opportunities provided throughout the l Learning District. Professional Learning will be differentiated to meet the needs of the staff who will attend. Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $149000 Title II Part Assistant A Superinten dent of Organizatio nal Learning, Building Administrat ors, and teaching staff Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:All Schools Activity - Project Learning (Middle and High) Activity Type Tier The District Curriculum Supervisor and Curriculum Writing Curriculum Tier 1 Team will design units and lessons that will provide Developme opportunities throughout the school year for students to be nt engaged in a variety of project learning activities that support their instructional goals. These projects will be differentiated in nature and provide choice to students regarding the type of project they will complete and will be rigorous and challenging for all students. Resource Assigned Schools:Westwood Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Ottawa Hills High School, Alger Middle School, Blandford Nature Center, Burton Middle School, Grand Rapids University Preparatory Academy, Riverside Middle School, Union High School, Innovation Central High School, City High Middle School, Center for Economicology Activity - Fluency and Skill Development Activity Type Tier The District will allot time in the daily schedule to allow staff to Curriculum Tier 1 use a variety of activities that will allow students to become Developme fluent with essential foundational skills. The students will nt practice these foundational skills often enough so that they can flexibly engage with the content at a higher level. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding Deputy Required Superinten dent of Curriculum and Learning, Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors, and teaching staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Building Required Administrat ors and Teaching Staff Schools:All Schools Activity - Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP) Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 195 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will employ individuals who will coach and support Academic schools who have populations with second language learners. Support These individuals will train staff on how to implement the SIOP Program framework in their classrooms to support and provide differentiated techniques which will support the learning needs of our Limited English Proficient (LEP) students. Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $200000 Title III Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding ELL Department , Building Administrat or, and Teaching Staff Schools:Brookside School, Dickinson School, Buchanan School, Riverside Middle School, Harrison Park Elementary School, Palmer School, Congress Elementary, Westwood Middle School, Stocking School, Cesar E. Chavez Elementary, Burton Middle School, Union High School, Newcomers Community School, Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Southwest Community Campus School, Sibley School, Burton Elementary School Activity - Data Analysis Activity Type The District will employ staff who will work collaboratively with Other individual schools and the KISD to analyze District-wide data, design user-friendly data reports and to assist schools in understanding their school-wide data in order to support and improve student achievement. This data is used at the building level to support teachers to determine the academic needs of all students in order to differentiate their instruction. Some of this data will be used by school staff who will participate in (Data Dialogues, Governance Boards) to review, reflect and communicate the academic progress in their classroom and identify which activities they are implementing to support continued student achievement. Tier 1 Resource Assigned 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $560860 Schools:All Schools Activity - Monitoring Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Title I Part Data A, Title I Support Part A, Title Specialist, II Part A Assessmen t and Evaluation Department , Divisional Executive Directors, School Reform Facilitators, Building Administrat or,Student Information Services and Teaching Staff. Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 196 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools District Support Staff in conjunction with building administrators, Curriculum Supervisors, and Coaches will monitor the level of use and effectiveness of differentiated instruction in the classrooms through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process. Walkthroug Tier 1 h Monitor 09/04/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, District Curriculum Supervisors , Coaches, and Building Administrat ors Activity - Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) Activity Type Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding The District will implement PLCs to develop staff capacity in providing effective research-based instruction by engaging teachers in frequent collaboration and dialogue. PLCs are an embedded professional development model which includes: the examination of instructional practices, including differentiation, student work, strategies for at-risk students, LearningWalks, Content Focused Coaching, observation and feedback conferences. Participants of PLCs include but are not limited to: District Curriculum Supervisors, Content Coaches, teaching staff and building principals. Professiona Tier 1 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $204000 Title I Part A Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $183829 Title I Part A Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Schools:All Schools Tier Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e District Curriculum Supervisors , Coaches, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Schools:All Schools Activity - Reading Specialist Teacher The District will employ Reading Specialist Teachers within Academic identified Priority Schools who will deliver supplementary Support instruction to identified students. This instructional support will Program reflect state and district content expectations through the use of effective strategies in management, instruction, student motivation and curriculum planning. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Reading Specialist Teacher and Building Administrat ors Schools:Brookside School, Dickinson School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy Activity - Instructional Coaches Activity Type SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Page 197 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will employ Instructional Coaches who will build capacity of instructional staff by engaging in frequent and on-going coaching cycles with feedback around instructional strategies, differentiated strategies and delivery. Academic Support Program Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $92000 Title I Part A Coaches, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $108800 Title III, Title I Part A Staff Responsibl e Title I Office, School Reform Facilitators, Summer School Building Administrat ors and Summer School Teachers Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $334860 Title I Part A Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Schools:Ottawa Hills High School Activity - Summer School The District will fund a summer school program that supports Academic the academic improvement of identified students. The summer Support school program is differentiated to meet the academic needs of Program the students who are enrolled. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Reading Teacher (Alger and Westwood) Activity Type The District will place teachers who will be responsible for Academic providing technical expertise in reading instruction. Support The teachers will be responsible for ensuring that researched- Program based best practices are implemented in grade levels 6-8. This may include conducting model/demonstration lessons in classrooms, coaching and assisting teachers, designing lessons for teachers and providing regular ongoing professional development in reading methods for all staff. The teachers will be responsible for testing students, diagnosing reading problems, and recommending and implementing effective intervention strategies. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Reading Teacher, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Schools:Westwood Middle School, Alger Middle School Activity - Reading Coach (Priority Schools) Activity Type SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Page 198 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will employ coaches in order to support Priority Professiona Tier 2 Schools with their Reform & Redesign Plans, Reading Coaches l Learning will be utilized to assist classroom teachers in successfully implementing best practices as identified in their Reform & Redesign Plans. Reading Coaches will provide leadership for teachers by planning, collaborating, organizing, modeling and facilitating change to improve the instructional program. Reading Coaches will participate in Coaching Cycles, LearningWalks, Professional Learning Communities, Data Analysis Meetings, and lead some professional development for the building staff based on the schools identified areas of need. Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $276000 Title I Part A Reading Coach, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Instructiona l Improveme nt Coach, Building Administrat or, and Teaching Staff Schools:Aberdeen Elementary, Kent Hills School, Campus Elementary Activity - Instructional Improvement Coach (Union) Activity Type Tier Resource Assigned The District will hire an Instructional Improvement Coach, who under the direction of the Building Principal will facilitate learning around content areas and literacy utilizing technology and data that will enable Instructional Staff to effectively meet and transform the performance of GRPS students at Union High School. Professiona Tier 2 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $89000 Title I Part A Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $128000 Schools:Union High School Activity - Literacy Para Professional (Priority Schools) The District will employ Literacy Para Professionals who will be Academic responsible for assisting with promotion of literacy in Support elementary and K-8 buildings by working as a team member Program with the school staff, principal and library director in providing a quality educational program. Responsible for concept/skill reinforcement tasks and providing students the opportunity for additional adult/student relationships. Schools:Mulick Elementary, Brookside School, Aberdeen Elementary, Campus Elementary Resource Assigned Title I Part A Staff Responsibl e Literacy Para Professiona ls, Building Administrat ors, Library Director, and Teaching Staff (shared) Strategy 2: Student Engagement (K-12) - The District will implement Student Engagement by the following means: Professional Learning, Academic Rigor, Accountable Talk, Quality Questioning, Claim, Evidence and Reasoning, Non-Linguistic Representation, Monitoring, Close and Critical Reading, Technology and Clear Expectations. Research Cited: Pickering, Debra J., and Marzano, Robert J. (2011). The Highly Engaged Classroom. Marzano Research Laboratory. SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 199 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools “Engagement is a central aspect of effective teaching. If students are not engaged, there is little, if any, chance that they will learn what is being addressed in class. Student engagement has long been recognized as the core of effective schooling.” Tier: Tier 1 Activity - Professional Learning Activity Type The District will employ individuals who organize the professional learning opportunities provided throughout the District. Some of the Professional Learning opportunities will support teachers and administrators using the teacher evaluation tools which will support the growth of student engagement in the classroom. Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Professiona Tier 1 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:All Schools Activity - Academic Rigor District Staff in conjunction with building administrators will Other monitor that students’ foundations of content are being built by engaging them in the thinking process to deepen their overall content knowledge through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process to ensure that there is academic rigor in the classroom. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Accountable Talk Activity Type SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Assistant Required Superinten dent of Organizatio nal Learning, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, School Reform Facilitators, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 200 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools District Staff in conjunction with building administrators will Academic monitor the application of Accountable Talk moves which have Support been developed through teacher training provided by the Program Institute for Learning (IFL). Accountable Talk will develop students’ abilities to socialize their intelligence as well as increase student engagement by encouraging open discussion and inquiry-based reasoning opportunities. Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, School Reform Facilitators, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:All Schools Activity - Quality Questioning Activity Type The District will implement quality questioning in the classroom Other to increase both student engagement and to support a deeper understanding of the content being taught. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Claim, Evidence and Reasoning (Middle/High) Activity Type The District Curriculum Supervisors will create units/lessons Academic which will increase student engagement through the use of Support clam, evidence and reasoning. While reading complex text, Program staff will have students respond (orally and written) to a topic which will demand them to use textual evidence to support their overall claim. Resource Assigned Schools:Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Ottawa Hills High School, Blandford Nature Center, Dickinson School, Riverside Middle School, CA Frost Environmental Science Academy, Harrison Park Elementary School, Aberdeen Elementary School, Gerald R. Ford K8 Academy, Westwood Middle School, Alger Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Burton Middle School, Grand Rapids University Preparatory Academy, Shawmut Hills School, Union High School, Southwest Community Campus School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy, City High Middle School, Center for Economicology Activity - Non-Linguistic Representation (Middle/High) Activity Type SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Deputy Required Superinten dent of Curriculum and Learning, District Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 201 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District Curriculum Supervisors will create units/lessons Academic which will incorporate the use of non-linguistic representational Support tools such as Thinking Maps and graphic organizers to enable Program students to organize their thinking in a way that will allow them to be more deeply engaged with the content. Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Deputy Required Superinten dent of Curriculum and Instruction, District Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrati on, and Teaching Staff Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Monitor 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:North Park Montessori Academy, Ottawa Hills High School, Blandford Nature Center, CA Frost Environmental Science Academy, Riverside Middle School, Harrison Elementary, Gerald R. Ford K8 Academy, Westwood Middle School, Alger Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Burton Middle School, Grand Rapids University Preparatory Academy, Aberdeen Elementary, Shawmut Hills School, Union High School, Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Innovation Central High School, Southwest Community Campus School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy, City High Middle School, Center for Economicology Activity - Monitoring Activity Type District Staff in conjunction with building administrators, Walkthroug Tier 1 Curriculum Supervisors, and DL Coaches will monitor the level h of use and effectiveness of student engagement in the classrooms through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Close and Critical Reading (Middle/High) Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, District Curriculum Supervisors , Coaches, and Building Administrat ors Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 202 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District Curriculum Supervisors will develop units/lessons Academic which will incorporate close and critical reading. The teaching Support staff will use these units/lessons to teach students how to read Program text closely and to begin to think critically about the content within the text. Teaching staff will utilize the guided highlighted reading technique which will support students’ ability to summarize, retell and synthesize complex text and increase their ability to engage with the text. Teachers will assist students in deepening their academic vocabulary by using it in the context as it appears in the text. Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Deputy Required Superinten dent of Curriculum and Instruction, District Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $40000 Title I Part A Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Schools:North Park Montessori Academy, Ottawa Hills High School, Dickinson School, CA Frost Environmental Science Academy, Riverside Middle School, Harrison Elementary, Gerald R. Ford K8 Academy, Westwood Middle School, Alger Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Burton Middle School, Grand Rapids University Preparatory Academy, Aberdeen Elementary, Shawmut Hills School, Union High School, Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Innovation Central High School, Southwest Community Campus School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy, City High Middle School, Center for Economicology Activity - Technology Activity Type The District will support the use of technology across the Technology Tier 1 district. Technology will be used in a variety of ways to support student learning objectives. Students will engage with technology as a means to demonstrate their learning. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Clear Expectations Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e District Technology Department (MIS), District Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Staff Responsibl e Page 203 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will ensure that teachers are setting clear Other expectations in the classroom through the implementation of the evaluation tools used across the District. Classroom teachers will clearly communicate (oral and written formats) the purpose for learning as it connects to the curriculum framework and standards in a language that is student-friendly. Students will be more actively engaged in their learning when they have a clear understanding of what the purpose is. Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Schools:All Schools Measurable Objective 21: 72% of Eleventh grade White students will demonstrate a proficiency in Comprehension in Reading by 06/05/2015 as measured by the state assessment.. (shared) Strategy 1: Differentiated Instruction (K-12) - The District will implement Differentiated Instruction through the use and implementation of Professional Learning Opportunities, Project Learning (middle/high), Fluency and Skill Development, SIOP, Data Analysis, Monitoring and Professional Learning Communities (PLCs). Research Cited: Beach, T.A. (2010). Combine Methodologies of Differentiated Instruction in the Heterogeneous Classroom. South Carolina Middle School Association Journal, February 26, 2011. "Offering each student the chance to learn the subject material in ways that address each student individually can benefit children in retaining information that will later be necessary to become thoughtful, productive adults. Through differentiation combined with curriculum layering, teachers can create a student-centered classroom that is supportive to each student." Cusumano, C. (2007). How Differentiated Instruction Helps struggling Students. Leadership, 36(4), 8-10. "Accelerating learning by examining and aligning three major systems in the school to support differentiation and a consistent focus on improved student learning the school's academic delivery structure, professional development, and human/fiscal resource allocation." Tier: Tier 1 Activity - Professional Learning Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 204 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will employ individuals who organize the Professiona Tier 1 professional learning opportunities provided throughout the l Learning District. Professional Learning will be differentiated to meet the needs of the staff who will attend. Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $149000 Title II Part Assistant A Superinten dent of Organizatio nal Learning, Building Administrat ors, and teaching staff Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:All Schools Activity - Project Learning (Middle and High) Activity Type Tier The District Curriculum Supervisor and Curriculum Writing Curriculum Tier 1 Team will design units and lessons that will provide Developme opportunities throughout the school year for students to be nt engaged in a variety of project learning activities that support their instructional goals. These projects will be differentiated in nature and provide choice to students regarding the type of project they will complete and will be rigorous and challenging for all students. Resource Assigned Schools:Westwood Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Ottawa Hills High School, Alger Middle School, Blandford Nature Center, Burton Middle School, Grand Rapids University Preparatory Academy, Riverside Middle School, Union High School, Innovation Central High School, City High Middle School, Center for Economicology Activity - Fluency and Skill Development Activity Type Tier The District will allot time in the daily schedule to allow staff to Curriculum Tier 1 use a variety of activities that will allow students to become Developme fluent with essential foundational skills. The students will nt practice these foundational skills often enough so that they can flexibly engage with the content at a higher level. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding Deputy Required Superinten dent of Curriculum and Learning, Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors, and teaching staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Building Required Administrat ors and Teaching Staff Schools:All Schools Activity - Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP) Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 205 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will employ individuals who will coach and support Academic schools who have populations with second language learners. Support These individuals will train staff on how to implement the SIOP Program framework in their classrooms to support and provide differentiated techniques which will support the learning needs of our Limited English Proficient (LEP) students. Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $200000 Title III Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding ELL Department , Building Administrat or, and Teaching Staff Schools:Brookside School, Dickinson School, Buchanan School, Riverside Middle School, Harrison Park Elementary School, Palmer School, Congress Elementary, Westwood Middle School, Stocking School, Cesar E. Chavez Elementary, Burton Middle School, Union High School, Newcomers Community School, Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Southwest Community Campus School, Sibley School, Burton Elementary School Activity - Data Analysis Activity Type The District will employ staff who will work collaboratively with Other individual schools and the KISD to analyze District-wide data, design user-friendly data reports and to assist schools in understanding their school-wide data in order to support and improve student achievement. This data is used at the building level to support teachers to determine the academic needs of all students in order to differentiate their instruction. Some of this data will be used by school staff who will participate in (Data Dialogues, Governance Boards) to review, reflect and communicate the academic progress in their classroom and identify which activities they are implementing to support continued student achievement. Tier 1 Resource Assigned 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $560860 Schools:All Schools Activity - Monitoring Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Title I Part Data A, Title II Support Part A, Title Specialist, I Part A Assessmen t and Evaluation Department , Divisional Executive Directors, School Reform Facilitators, Building Administrat or,Student Information Services and Teaching Staff. Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 206 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools District Support Staff in conjunction with building administrators, Curriculum Supervisors, and Coaches will monitor the level of use and effectiveness of differentiated instruction in the classrooms through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process. Walkthroug Tier 1 h Monitor 09/04/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, District Curriculum Supervisors , Coaches, and Building Administrat ors Activity - Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) Activity Type Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding The District will implement PLCs to develop staff capacity in providing effective research-based instruction by engaging teachers in frequent collaboration and dialogue. PLCs are an embedded professional development model which includes: the examination of instructional practices, including differentiation, student work, strategies for at-risk students, LearningWalks, Content Focused Coaching, observation and feedback conferences. Participants of PLCs include but are not limited to: District Curriculum Supervisors, Content Coaches, teaching staff and building principals. Professiona Tier 1 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $204000 Title I Part A Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $183829 Title I Part A Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Schools:All Schools Tier Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e District Curriculum Supervisors , Coaches, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Schools:All Schools Activity - Reading Specialist Teacher The District will employ Reading Specialist Teachers within Academic identified Priority Schools who will deliver supplementary Support instruction to identified students. This instructional support will Program reflect state and district content expectations through the use of effective strategies in management, instruction, student motivation and curriculum planning. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Reading Specialist Teacher and Building Administrat ors Schools:Brookside School, Dickinson School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy Activity - Instructional Coaches Activity Type SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Page 207 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will employ Instructional Coaches who will build capacity of instructional staff by engaging in frequent and on-going coaching cycles with feedback around instructional strategies, differentiated strategies and delivery. Academic Support Program Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $92000 Title I Part A Coaches, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $108800 Title III, Title I Part A Staff Responsibl e Title I Office, School Reform Facilitators, Summer School Building Administrat ors and Summer School Teachers Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $334860 Title I Part A Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Schools:Ottawa Hills High School Activity - Summer School The District will fund a summer school program that supports Academic the academic improvement of identified students. The summer Support school program is differentiated to meet the academic needs of Program the students who are enrolled. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Reading Teacher (Alger and Westwood) Activity Type The District will place teachers who will be responsible for Academic providing technical expertise in reading instruction. Support The teachers will be responsible for ensuring that researched- Program based best practices are implemented in grade levels 6-8. This may include conducting model/demonstration lessons in classrooms, coaching and assisting teachers, designing lessons for teachers and providing regular ongoing professional development in reading methods for all staff. The teachers will be responsible for testing students, diagnosing reading problems, and recommending and implementing effective intervention strategies. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Reading Teacher, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Schools:Westwood Middle School, Alger Middle School Activity - Reading Coach (Priority Schools) Activity Type SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Page 208 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will employ coaches in order to support Priority Professiona Tier 2 Schools with their Reform & Redesign Plans, Reading Coaches l Learning will be utilized to assist classroom teachers in successfully implementing best practices as identified in their Reform & Redesign Plans. Reading Coaches will provide leadership for teachers by planning, collaborating, organizing, modeling and facilitating change to improve the instructional program. Reading Coaches will participate in Coaching Cycles, LearningWalks, Professional Learning Communities, Data Analysis Meetings, and lead some professional development for the building staff based on the schools identified areas of need. Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $276000 Title I Part A Reading Coach, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Instructiona l Improveme nt Coach, Building Administrat or, and Teaching Staff Schools:Aberdeen Elementary, Kent Hills School, Campus Elementary Activity - Instructional Improvement Coach (Union) Activity Type Tier Resource Assigned The District will hire an Instructional Improvement Coach, who under the direction of the Building Principal will facilitate learning around content areas and literacy utilizing technology and data that will enable Instructional Staff to effectively meet and transform the performance of GRPS students at Union High School. Professiona Tier 2 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $89000 Title I Part A Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $128000 Schools:Union High School Activity - Literacy Para Professional (Priority Schools) The District will employ Literacy Para Professionals who will be Academic responsible for assisting with promotion of literacy in Support elementary and K-8 buildings by working as a team member Program with the school staff, principal and library director in providing a quality educational program. Responsible for concept/skill reinforcement tasks and providing students the opportunity for additional adult/student relationships. Schools:Mulick Elementary, Brookside School, Aberdeen Elementary, Campus Elementary Resource Assigned Title I Part A Staff Responsibl e Literacy Para Professiona ls, Building Administrat ors, Library Director, and Teaching Staff (shared) Strategy 2: Student Engagement (K-12) - The District will implement Student Engagement by the following means: Professional Learning, Academic Rigor, Accountable Talk, Quality Questioning, Claim, Evidence and Reasoning, Non-Linguistic Representation, Monitoring, Close and Critical Reading, Technology and Clear Expectations. Research Cited: Pickering, Debra J., and Marzano, Robert J. (2011). The Highly Engaged Classroom. Marzano Research Laboratory. SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 209 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools “Engagement is a central aspect of effective teaching. If students are not engaged, there is little, if any, chance that they will learn what is being addressed in class. Student engagement has long been recognized as the core of effective schooling.” Tier: Tier 1 Activity - Professional Learning Activity Type The District will employ individuals who organize the professional learning opportunities provided throughout the District. Some of the Professional Learning opportunities will support teachers and administrators using the teacher evaluation tools which will support the growth of student engagement in the classroom. Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Professiona Tier 1 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:All Schools Activity - Academic Rigor District Staff in conjunction with building administrators will Other monitor that students’ foundations of content are being built by engaging them in the thinking process to deepen their overall content knowledge through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process to ensure that there is academic rigor in the classroom. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Accountable Talk Activity Type SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Assistant Required Superinten dent of Organizatio nal Learning, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, School Reform Facilitators, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 210 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools District Staff in conjunction with building administrators will Academic monitor the application of Accountable Talk moves which have Support been developed through teacher training provided by the Program Institute for Learning (IFL). Accountable Talk will develop students’ abilities to socialize their intelligence as well as increase student engagement by encouraging open discussion and inquiry-based reasoning opportunities. Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, School Reform Facilitators, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:All Schools Activity - Quality Questioning Activity Type The District will implement quality questioning in the classroom Other to increase both student engagement and to support a deeper understanding of the content being taught. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Claim, Evidence and Reasoning (Middle/High) Activity Type The District Curriculum Supervisors will create units/lessons Academic which will increase student engagement through the use of Support clam, evidence and reasoning. While reading complex text, Program staff will have students respond (orally and written) to a topic which will demand them to use textual evidence to support their overall claim. Resource Assigned Schools:Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Ottawa Hills High School, Blandford Nature Center, Dickinson School, Riverside Middle School, CA Frost Environmental Science Academy, Harrison Park Elementary School, Aberdeen Elementary School, Gerald R. Ford K8 Academy, Westwood Middle School, Alger Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Burton Middle School, Grand Rapids University Preparatory Academy, Shawmut Hills School, Union High School, Southwest Community Campus School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy, City High Middle School, Center for Economicology Activity - Non-Linguistic Representation (Middle/High) Activity Type SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Deputy Required Superinten dent of Curriculum and Learning, District Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 211 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District Curriculum Supervisors will create units/lessons Academic which will incorporate the use of non-linguistic representational Support tools such as Thinking Maps and graphic organizers to enable Program students to organize their thinking in a way that will allow them to be more deeply engaged with the content. Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Deputy Required Superinten dent of Curriculum and Instruction, District Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrati on, and Teaching Staff Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Monitor 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:North Park Montessori Academy, Ottawa Hills High School, Blandford Nature Center, CA Frost Environmental Science Academy, Riverside Middle School, Harrison Elementary, Gerald R. Ford K8 Academy, Westwood Middle School, Alger Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Burton Middle School, Grand Rapids University Preparatory Academy, Aberdeen Elementary, Shawmut Hills School, Union High School, Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Innovation Central High School, Southwest Community Campus School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy, City High Middle School, Center for Economicology Activity - Monitoring Activity Type District Staff in conjunction with building administrators, Walkthroug Tier 1 Curriculum Supervisors, and DL Coaches will monitor the level h of use and effectiveness of student engagement in the classrooms through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Close and Critical Reading (Middle/High) Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, District Curriculum Supervisors , Coaches, and Building Administrat ors Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 212 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District Curriculum Supervisors will develop units/lessons Academic which will incorporate close and critical reading. The teaching Support staff will use these units/lessons to teach students how to read Program text closely and to begin to think critically about the content within the text. Teaching staff will utilize the guided highlighted reading technique which will support students’ ability to summarize, retell and synthesize complex text and increase their ability to engage with the text. Teachers will assist students in deepening their academic vocabulary by using it in the context as it appears in the text. Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Deputy Required Superinten dent of Curriculum and Instruction, District Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $40000 Title I Part A Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Schools:North Park Montessori Academy, Ottawa Hills High School, Dickinson School, CA Frost Environmental Science Academy, Riverside Middle School, Harrison Elementary, Gerald R. Ford K8 Academy, Westwood Middle School, Alger Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Burton Middle School, Grand Rapids University Preparatory Academy, Aberdeen Elementary, Shawmut Hills School, Union High School, Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Innovation Central High School, Southwest Community Campus School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy, City High Middle School, Center for Economicology Activity - Technology Activity Type The District will support the use of technology across the Technology Tier 1 district. Technology will be used in a variety of ways to support student learning objectives. Students will engage with technology as a means to demonstrate their learning. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Clear Expectations Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e District Technology Department (MIS), District Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Staff Responsibl e Page 213 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will ensure that teachers are setting clear Other expectations in the classroom through the implementation of the evaluation tools used across the District. Classroom teachers will clearly communicate (oral and written formats) the purpose for learning as it connects to the curriculum framework and standards in a language that is student-friendly. Students will be more actively engaged in their learning when they have a clear understanding of what the purpose is. Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Schools:All Schools Measurable Objective 22: 46% of Eleventh grade Economically Disadvantaged students will demonstrate a proficiency in Comprehension in Reading by 06/05/2015 as measured by the state assessment.. (shared) Strategy 1: Differentiated Instruction (K-12) - The District will implement Differentiated Instruction through the use and implementation of Professional Learning Opportunities, Project Learning (middle/high), Fluency and Skill Development, SIOP, Data Analysis, Monitoring and Professional Learning Communities (PLCs). Research Cited: Beach, T.A. (2010). Combine Methodologies of Differentiated Instruction in the Heterogeneous Classroom. South Carolina Middle School Association Journal, February 26, 2011. "Offering each student the chance to learn the subject material in ways that address each student individually can benefit children in retaining information that will later be necessary to become thoughtful, productive adults. Through differentiation combined with curriculum layering, teachers can create a student-centered classroom that is supportive to each student." Cusumano, C. (2007). How Differentiated Instruction Helps struggling Students. Leadership, 36(4), 8-10. "Accelerating learning by examining and aligning three major systems in the school to support differentiation and a consistent focus on improved student learning the school's academic delivery structure, professional development, and human/fiscal resource allocation." Tier: Tier 1 Activity - Professional Learning Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 214 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will employ individuals who organize the Professiona Tier 1 professional learning opportunities provided throughout the l Learning District. Professional Learning will be differentiated to meet the needs of the staff who will attend. Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $149000 Title II Part Assistant A Superinten dent of Organizatio nal Learning, Building Administrat ors, and teaching staff Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:All Schools Activity - Project Learning (Middle and High) Activity Type Tier The District Curriculum Supervisor and Curriculum Writing Curriculum Tier 1 Team will design units and lessons that will provide Developme opportunities throughout the school year for students to be nt engaged in a variety of project learning activities that support their instructional goals. These projects will be differentiated in nature and provide choice to students regarding the type of project they will complete and will be rigorous and challenging for all students. Resource Assigned Schools:Westwood Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Ottawa Hills High School, Alger Middle School, Blandford Nature Center, Burton Middle School, Grand Rapids University Preparatory Academy, Riverside Middle School, Union High School, Innovation Central High School, City High Middle School, Center for Economicology Activity - Fluency and Skill Development Activity Type Tier The District will allot time in the daily schedule to allow staff to Curriculum Tier 1 use a variety of activities that will allow students to become Developme fluent with essential foundational skills. The students will nt practice these foundational skills often enough so that they can flexibly engage with the content at a higher level. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding Deputy Required Superinten dent of Curriculum and Learning, Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors, and teaching staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Building Required Administrat ors and Teaching Staff Schools:All Schools Activity - Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP) Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 215 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will employ individuals who will coach and support Academic schools who have populations with second language learners. Support These individuals will train staff on how to implement the SIOP Program framework in their classrooms to support and provide differentiated techniques which will support the learning needs of our Limited English Proficient (LEP) students. Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $200000 Title III Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding ELL Department , Building Administrat or, and Teaching Staff Schools:Brookside School, Dickinson School, Buchanan School, Riverside Middle School, Harrison Park Elementary School, Palmer School, Congress Elementary, Westwood Middle School, Stocking School, Cesar E. Chavez Elementary, Burton Middle School, Union High School, Newcomers Community School, Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Southwest Community Campus School, Sibley School, Burton Elementary School Activity - Data Analysis Activity Type The District will employ staff who will work collaboratively with Other individual schools and the KISD to analyze District-wide data, design user-friendly data reports and to assist schools in understanding their school-wide data in order to support and improve student achievement. This data is used at the building level to support teachers to determine the academic needs of all students in order to differentiate their instruction. Some of this data will be used by school staff who will participate in (Data Dialogues, Governance Boards) to review, reflect and communicate the academic progress in their classroom and identify which activities they are implementing to support continued student achievement. Tier 1 Resource Assigned 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $560860 Schools:All Schools Activity - Monitoring Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Title I Part Data A, Title I Support Part A, Title Specialist, II Part A Assessmen t and Evaluation Department , Divisional Executive Directors, School Reform Facilitators, Building Administrat or,Student Information Services and Teaching Staff. Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 216 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools District Support Staff in conjunction with building administrators, Curriculum Supervisors, and Coaches will monitor the level of use and effectiveness of differentiated instruction in the classrooms through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process. Walkthroug Tier 1 h Monitor 09/04/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, District Curriculum Supervisors , Coaches, and Building Administrat ors Activity - Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) Activity Type Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding The District will implement PLCs to develop staff capacity in providing effective research-based instruction by engaging teachers in frequent collaboration and dialogue. PLCs are an embedded professional development model which includes: the examination of instructional practices, including differentiation, student work, strategies for at-risk students, LearningWalks, Content Focused Coaching, observation and feedback conferences. Participants of PLCs include but are not limited to: District Curriculum Supervisors, Content Coaches, teaching staff and building principals. Professiona Tier 1 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $204000 Title I Part A Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $183829 Title I Part A Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Schools:All Schools Tier Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e District Curriculum Supervisors , Coaches, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Schools:All Schools Activity - Reading Specialist Teacher The District will employ Reading Specialist Teachers within Academic identified Priority Schools who will deliver supplementary Support instruction to identified students. This instructional support will Program reflect state and district content expectations through the use of effective strategies in management, instruction, student motivation and curriculum planning. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Reading Specialist Teacher and Building Administrat ors Schools:Brookside School, Dickinson School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy Activity - Instructional Coaches Activity Type SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Page 217 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will employ Instructional Coaches who will build capacity of instructional staff by engaging in frequent and on-going coaching cycles with feedback around instructional strategies, differentiated strategies and delivery. Academic Support Program Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $92000 Title I Part A Coaches, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $108800 Title III, Title I Part A Staff Responsibl e Title I Office, School Reform Facilitators, Summer School Building Administrat ors and Summer School Teachers Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $334860 Title I Part A Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Schools:Ottawa Hills High School Activity - Summer School The District will fund a summer school program that supports Academic the academic improvement of identified students. The summer Support school program is differentiated to meet the academic needs of Program the students who are enrolled. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Reading Teacher (Alger and Westwood) Activity Type The District will place teachers who will be responsible for Academic providing technical expertise in reading instruction. Support The teachers will be responsible for ensuring that researched- Program based best practices are implemented in grade levels 6-8. This may include conducting model/demonstration lessons in classrooms, coaching and assisting teachers, designing lessons for teachers and providing regular ongoing professional development in reading methods for all staff. The teachers will be responsible for testing students, diagnosing reading problems, and recommending and implementing effective intervention strategies. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Reading Teacher, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Schools:Westwood Middle School, Alger Middle School Activity - Reading Coach (Priority Schools) Activity Type SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Page 218 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will employ coaches in order to support Priority Professiona Tier 2 Schools with their Reform & Redesign Plans, Reading Coaches l Learning will be utilized to assist classroom teachers in successfully implementing best practices as identified in their Reform & Redesign Plans. Reading Coaches will provide leadership for teachers by planning, collaborating, organizing, modeling and facilitating change to improve the instructional program. Reading Coaches will participate in Coaching Cycles, LearningWalks, Professional Learning Communities, Data Analysis Meetings, and lead some professional development for the building staff based on the schools identified areas of need. Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $276000 Title I Part A Reading Coach, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Instructiona l Improveme nt Coach, Building Administrat or, and Teaching Staff Schools:Aberdeen Elementary, Kent Hills School, Campus Elementary Activity - Instructional Improvement Coach (Union) Activity Type Tier Resource Assigned The District will hire an Instructional Improvement Coach, who under the direction of the Building Principal will facilitate learning around content areas and literacy utilizing technology and data that will enable Instructional Staff to effectively meet and transform the performance of GRPS students at Union High School. Professiona Tier 2 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $89000 Title I Part A Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $128000 Schools:Union High School Activity - Literacy Para Professional (Priority Schools) The District will employ Literacy Para Professionals who will be Academic responsible for assisting with promotion of literacy in Support elementary and K-8 buildings by working as a team member Program with the school staff, principal and library director in providing a quality educational program. Responsible for concept/skill reinforcement tasks and providing students the opportunity for additional adult/student relationships. Schools:Mulick Elementary, Brookside School, Aberdeen Elementary, Campus Elementary Resource Assigned Title I Part A Staff Responsibl e Literacy Para Professiona ls, Building Administrat ors, Library Director, and Teaching Staff (shared) Strategy 2: Student Engagement (K-12) - The District will implement Student Engagement by the following means: Professional Learning, Academic Rigor, Accountable Talk, Quality Questioning, Claim, Evidence and Reasoning, Non-Linguistic Representation, Monitoring, Close and Critical Reading, Technology and Clear Expectations. Research Cited: Pickering, Debra J., and Marzano, Robert J. (2011). The Highly Engaged Classroom. Marzano Research Laboratory. SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 219 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools “Engagement is a central aspect of effective teaching. If students are not engaged, there is little, if any, chance that they will learn what is being addressed in class. Student engagement has long been recognized as the core of effective schooling.” Tier: Tier 1 Activity - Professional Learning Activity Type The District will employ individuals who organize the professional learning opportunities provided throughout the District. Some of the Professional Learning opportunities will support teachers and administrators using the teacher evaluation tools which will support the growth of student engagement in the classroom. Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Professiona Tier 1 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:All Schools Activity - Academic Rigor District Staff in conjunction with building administrators will Other monitor that students’ foundations of content are being built by engaging them in the thinking process to deepen their overall content knowledge through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process to ensure that there is academic rigor in the classroom. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Accountable Talk Activity Type SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Assistant Required Superinten dent of Organizatio nal Learning, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, School Reform Facilitators, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 220 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools District Staff in conjunction with building administrators will Academic monitor the application of Accountable Talk moves which have Support been developed through teacher training provided by the Program Institute for Learning (IFL). Accountable Talk will develop students’ abilities to socialize their intelligence as well as increase student engagement by encouraging open discussion and inquiry-based reasoning opportunities. Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, School Reform Facilitators, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:All Schools Activity - Quality Questioning Activity Type The District will implement quality questioning in the classroom Other to increase both student engagement and to support a deeper understanding of the content being taught. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Claim, Evidence and Reasoning (Middle/High) Activity Type The District Curriculum Supervisors will create units/lessons Academic which will increase student engagement through the use of Support clam, evidence and reasoning. While reading complex text, Program staff will have students respond (orally and written) to a topic which will demand them to use textual evidence to support their overall claim. Resource Assigned Schools:Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Ottawa Hills High School, Blandford Nature Center, Dickinson School, Riverside Middle School, CA Frost Environmental Science Academy, Harrison Park Elementary School, Aberdeen Elementary School, Gerald R. Ford K8 Academy, Westwood Middle School, Alger Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Burton Middle School, Grand Rapids University Preparatory Academy, Shawmut Hills School, Union High School, Southwest Community Campus School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy, City High Middle School, Center for Economicology Activity - Non-Linguistic Representation (Middle/High) Activity Type SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Deputy Required Superinten dent of Curriculum and Learning, District Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 221 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District Curriculum Supervisors will create units/lessons Academic which will incorporate the use of non-linguistic representational Support tools such as Thinking Maps and graphic organizers to enable Program students to organize their thinking in a way that will allow them to be more deeply engaged with the content. Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Deputy Required Superinten dent of Curriculum and Instruction, District Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrati on, and Teaching Staff Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Monitor 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:North Park Montessori Academy, Ottawa Hills High School, Blandford Nature Center, CA Frost Environmental Science Academy, Riverside Middle School, Harrison Elementary, Gerald R. Ford K8 Academy, Westwood Middle School, Alger Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Burton Middle School, Grand Rapids University Preparatory Academy, Aberdeen Elementary, Shawmut Hills School, Union High School, Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Innovation Central High School, Southwest Community Campus School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy, City High Middle School, Center for Economicology Activity - Monitoring Activity Type District Staff in conjunction with building administrators, Walkthroug Tier 1 Curriculum Supervisors, and DL Coaches will monitor the level h of use and effectiveness of student engagement in the classrooms through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Close and Critical Reading (Middle/High) Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, District Curriculum Supervisors , Coaches, and Building Administrat ors Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 222 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District Curriculum Supervisors will develop units/lessons Academic which will incorporate close and critical reading. The teaching Support staff will use these units/lessons to teach students how to read Program text closely and to begin to think critically about the content within the text. Teaching staff will utilize the guided highlighted reading technique which will support students’ ability to summarize, retell and synthesize complex text and increase their ability to engage with the text. Teachers will assist students in deepening their academic vocabulary by using it in the context as it appears in the text. Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Deputy Required Superinten dent of Curriculum and Instruction, District Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $40000 Title I Part A Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Schools:North Park Montessori Academy, Ottawa Hills High School, Dickinson School, CA Frost Environmental Science Academy, Riverside Middle School, Harrison Elementary, Gerald R. Ford K8 Academy, Westwood Middle School, Alger Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Burton Middle School, Grand Rapids University Preparatory Academy, Aberdeen Elementary, Shawmut Hills School, Union High School, Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Innovation Central High School, Southwest Community Campus School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy, City High Middle School, Center for Economicology Activity - Technology Activity Type The District will support the use of technology across the Technology Tier 1 district. Technology will be used in a variety of ways to support student learning objectives. Students will engage with technology as a means to demonstrate their learning. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Clear Expectations Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e District Technology Department (MIS), District Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Staff Responsibl e Page 223 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will ensure that teachers are setting clear Other expectations in the classroom through the implementation of the evaluation tools used across the District. Classroom teachers will clearly communicate (oral and written formats) the purpose for learning as it connects to the curriculum framework and standards in a language that is student-friendly. Students will be more actively engaged in their learning when they have a clear understanding of what the purpose is. Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Schools:All Schools Measurable Objective 23: 27% of Eleventh grade English Learners students will demonstrate a proficiency in Comprehension in Reading by 06/05/2015 as measured by the state assessment.. (shared) Strategy 1: Differentiated Instruction (K-12) - The District will implement Differentiated Instruction through the use and implementation of Professional Learning Opportunities, Project Learning (middle/high), Fluency and Skill Development, SIOP, Data Analysis, Monitoring and Professional Learning Communities (PLCs). Research Cited: Beach, T.A. (2010). Combine Methodologies of Differentiated Instruction in the Heterogeneous Classroom. South Carolina Middle School Association Journal, February 26, 2011. "Offering each student the chance to learn the subject material in ways that address each student individually can benefit children in retaining information that will later be necessary to become thoughtful, productive adults. Through differentiation combined with curriculum layering, teachers can create a student-centered classroom that is supportive to each student." Cusumano, C. (2007). How Differentiated Instruction Helps struggling Students. Leadership, 36(4), 8-10. "Accelerating learning by examining and aligning three major systems in the school to support differentiation and a consistent focus on improved student learning the school's academic delivery structure, professional development, and human/fiscal resource allocation." Tier: Tier 1 Activity - Professional Learning Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 224 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will employ individuals who organize the Professiona Tier 1 professional learning opportunities provided throughout the l Learning District. Professional Learning will be differentiated to meet the needs of the staff who will attend. Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $149000 Title II Part Assistant A Superinten dent of Organizatio nal Learning, Building Administrat ors, and teaching staff Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:All Schools Activity - Project Learning (Middle and High) Activity Type Tier The District Curriculum Supervisor and Curriculum Writing Curriculum Tier 1 Team will design units and lessons that will provide Developme opportunities throughout the school year for students to be nt engaged in a variety of project learning activities that support their instructional goals. These projects will be differentiated in nature and provide choice to students regarding the type of project they will complete and will be rigorous and challenging for all students. Resource Assigned Schools:Westwood Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Ottawa Hills High School, Alger Middle School, Blandford Nature Center, Burton Middle School, Grand Rapids University Preparatory Academy, Riverside Middle School, Union High School, Innovation Central High School, City High Middle School, Center for Economicology Activity - Fluency and Skill Development Activity Type Tier The District will allot time in the daily schedule to allow staff to Curriculum Tier 1 use a variety of activities that will allow students to become Developme fluent with essential foundational skills. The students will nt practice these foundational skills often enough so that they can flexibly engage with the content at a higher level. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding Deputy Required Superinten dent of Curriculum and Learning, Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors, and teaching staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Building Required Administrat ors and Teaching Staff Schools:All Schools Activity - Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP) Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 225 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will employ individuals who will coach and support Academic schools who have populations with second language learners. Support These individuals will train staff on how to implement the SIOP Program framework in their classrooms to support and provide differentiated techniques which will support the learning needs of our Limited English Proficient (LEP) students. Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $200000 Title III Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding ELL Department , Building Administrat or, and Teaching Staff Schools:Brookside School, Dickinson School, Buchanan School, Riverside Middle School, Harrison Park Elementary School, Palmer School, Congress Elementary, Westwood Middle School, Stocking School, Cesar E. Chavez Elementary, Burton Middle School, Union High School, Newcomers Community School, Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Southwest Community Campus School, Sibley School, Burton Elementary School Activity - Data Analysis Activity Type The District will employ staff who will work collaboratively with Other individual schools and the KISD to analyze District-wide data, design user-friendly data reports and to assist schools in understanding their school-wide data in order to support and improve student achievement. This data is used at the building level to support teachers to determine the academic needs of all students in order to differentiate their instruction. Some of this data will be used by school staff who will participate in (Data Dialogues, Governance Boards) to review, reflect and communicate the academic progress in their classroom and identify which activities they are implementing to support continued student achievement. Tier 1 Resource Assigned 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $560860 Schools:All Schools Activity - Monitoring Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Title I Part Data A, Title I Support Part A, Title Specialist, II Part A Assessmen t and Evaluation Department , Divisional Executive Directors, School Reform Facilitators, Building Administrat or,Student Information Services and Teaching Staff. Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 226 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools District Support Staff in conjunction with building administrators, Curriculum Supervisors, and Coaches will monitor the level of use and effectiveness of differentiated instruction in the classrooms through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process. Walkthroug Tier 1 h Monitor 09/04/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, District Curriculum Supervisors , Coaches, and Building Administrat ors Activity - Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) Activity Type Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding The District will implement PLCs to develop staff capacity in providing effective research-based instruction by engaging teachers in frequent collaboration and dialogue. PLCs are an embedded professional development model which includes: the examination of instructional practices, including differentiation, student work, strategies for at-risk students, LearningWalks, Content Focused Coaching, observation and feedback conferences. Participants of PLCs include but are not limited to: District Curriculum Supervisors, Content Coaches, teaching staff and building principals. Professiona Tier 1 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $204000 Title I Part A Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $183829 Title I Part A Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Schools:All Schools Tier Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e District Curriculum Supervisors , Coaches, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Schools:All Schools Activity - Reading Specialist Teacher The District will employ Reading Specialist Teachers within Academic identified Priority Schools who will deliver supplementary Support instruction to identified students. This instructional support will Program reflect state and district content expectations through the use of effective strategies in management, instruction, student motivation and curriculum planning. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Reading Specialist Teacher and Building Administrat ors Schools:Brookside School, Dickinson School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy Activity - Instructional Coaches Activity Type SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Page 227 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will employ Instructional Coaches who will build capacity of instructional staff by engaging in frequent and on-going coaching cycles with feedback around instructional strategies, differentiated strategies and delivery. Academic Support Program Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $92000 Title I Part A Coaches, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $108800 Title III, Title I Part A Staff Responsibl e Title I Office, School Reform Facilitators, Summer School Building Administrat ors and Summer School Teachers Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $334860 Title I Part A Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Schools:Ottawa Hills High School Activity - Summer School The District will fund a summer school program that supports Academic the academic improvement of identified students. The summer Support school program is differentiated to meet the academic needs of Program the students who are enrolled. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Reading Teacher (Alger and Westwood) Activity Type The District will place teachers who will be responsible for Academic providing technical expertise in reading instruction. Support The teachers will be responsible for ensuring that researched- Program based best practices are implemented in grade levels 6-8. This may include conducting model/demonstration lessons in classrooms, coaching and assisting teachers, designing lessons for teachers and providing regular ongoing professional development in reading methods for all staff. The teachers will be responsible for testing students, diagnosing reading problems, and recommending and implementing effective intervention strategies. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Reading Teacher, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Schools:Westwood Middle School, Alger Middle School Activity - Reading Coach (Priority Schools) Activity Type SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Page 228 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will employ coaches in order to support Priority Professiona Tier 2 Schools with their Reform & Redesign Plans, Reading Coaches l Learning will be utilized to assist classroom teachers in successfully implementing best practices as identified in their Reform & Redesign Plans. Reading Coaches will provide leadership for teachers by planning, collaborating, organizing, modeling and facilitating change to improve the instructional program. Reading Coaches will participate in Coaching Cycles, LearningWalks, Professional Learning Communities, Data Analysis Meetings, and lead some professional development for the building staff based on the schools identified areas of need. Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $276000 Title I Part A Reading Coach, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Instructiona l Improveme nt Coach, Building Administrat or, and Teaching Staff Schools:Aberdeen Elementary, Kent Hills School, Campus Elementary Activity - Instructional Improvement Coach (Union) Activity Type Tier Resource Assigned The District will hire an Instructional Improvement Coach, who under the direction of the Building Principal will facilitate learning around content areas and literacy utilizing technology and data that will enable Instructional Staff to effectively meet and transform the performance of GRPS students at Union High School. Professiona Tier 2 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $89000 Title I Part A Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $128000 Schools:Union High School Activity - Literacy Para Professional (Priority Schools) The District will employ Literacy Para Professionals who will be Academic responsible for assisting with promotion of literacy in Support elementary and K-8 buildings by working as a team member Program with the school staff, principal and library director in providing a quality educational program. Responsible for concept/skill reinforcement tasks and providing students the opportunity for additional adult/student relationships. Schools:Mulick Elementary, Brookside School, Aberdeen Elementary, Campus Elementary Resource Assigned Title I Part A Staff Responsibl e Literacy Para Professiona ls, Building Administrat ors, Library Director, and Teaching Staff (shared) Strategy 2: Student Engagement (K-12) - The District will implement Student Engagement by the following means: Professional Learning, Academic Rigor, Accountable Talk, Quality Questioning, Claim, Evidence and Reasoning, Non-Linguistic Representation, Monitoring, Close and Critical Reading, Technology and Clear Expectations. Research Cited: Pickering, Debra J., and Marzano, Robert J. (2011). The Highly Engaged Classroom. Marzano Research Laboratory. SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 229 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools “Engagement is a central aspect of effective teaching. If students are not engaged, there is little, if any, chance that they will learn what is being addressed in class. Student engagement has long been recognized as the core of effective schooling.” Tier: Tier 1 Activity - Professional Learning Activity Type The District will employ individuals who organize the professional learning opportunities provided throughout the District. Some of the Professional Learning opportunities will support teachers and administrators using the teacher evaluation tools which will support the growth of student engagement in the classroom. Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Professiona Tier 1 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:All Schools Activity - Academic Rigor District Staff in conjunction with building administrators will Other monitor that students’ foundations of content are being built by engaging them in the thinking process to deepen their overall content knowledge through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process to ensure that there is academic rigor in the classroom. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Accountable Talk Activity Type SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Assistant Required Superinten dent of Organizatio nal Learning, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, School Reform Facilitators, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 230 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools District Staff in conjunction with building administrators will Academic monitor the application of Accountable Talk moves which have Support been developed through teacher training provided by the Program Institute for Learning (IFL). Accountable Talk will develop students’ abilities to socialize their intelligence as well as increase student engagement by encouraging open discussion and inquiry-based reasoning opportunities. Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, School Reform Facilitators, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:All Schools Activity - Quality Questioning Activity Type The District will implement quality questioning in the classroom Other to increase both student engagement and to support a deeper understanding of the content being taught. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Claim, Evidence and Reasoning (Middle/High) Activity Type The District Curriculum Supervisors will create units/lessons Academic which will increase student engagement through the use of Support clam, evidence and reasoning. While reading complex text, Program staff will have students respond (orally and written) to a topic which will demand them to use textual evidence to support their overall claim. Resource Assigned Schools:Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Ottawa Hills High School, Blandford Nature Center, Dickinson School, Riverside Middle School, CA Frost Environmental Science Academy, Harrison Park Elementary School, Aberdeen Elementary School, Gerald R. Ford K8 Academy, Westwood Middle School, Alger Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Burton Middle School, Grand Rapids University Preparatory Academy, Shawmut Hills School, Union High School, Southwest Community Campus School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy, City High Middle School, Center for Economicology Activity - Non-Linguistic Representation (Middle/High) Activity Type SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Deputy Required Superinten dent of Curriculum and Learning, District Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 231 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District Curriculum Supervisors will create units/lessons Academic which will incorporate the use of non-linguistic representational Support tools such as Thinking Maps and graphic organizers to enable Program students to organize their thinking in a way that will allow them to be more deeply engaged with the content. Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Deputy Required Superinten dent of Curriculum and Instruction, District Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrati on, and Teaching Staff Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Monitor 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:North Park Montessori Academy, Ottawa Hills High School, Blandford Nature Center, CA Frost Environmental Science Academy, Riverside Middle School, Harrison Elementary, Gerald R. Ford K8 Academy, Westwood Middle School, Alger Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Burton Middle School, Grand Rapids University Preparatory Academy, Aberdeen Elementary, Shawmut Hills School, Union High School, Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Innovation Central High School, Southwest Community Campus School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy, City High Middle School, Center for Economicology Activity - Monitoring Activity Type District Staff in conjunction with building administrators, Walkthroug Tier 1 Curriculum Supervisors, and DL Coaches will monitor the level h of use and effectiveness of student engagement in the classrooms through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Close and Critical Reading (Middle/High) Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, District Curriculum Supervisors , Coaches, and Building Administrat ors Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 232 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District Curriculum Supervisors will develop units/lessons Academic which will incorporate close and critical reading. The teaching Support staff will use these units/lessons to teach students how to read Program text closely and to begin to think critically about the content within the text. Teaching staff will utilize the guided highlighted reading technique which will support students’ ability to summarize, retell and synthesize complex text and increase their ability to engage with the text. Teachers will assist students in deepening their academic vocabulary by using it in the context as it appears in the text. Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Deputy Required Superinten dent of Curriculum and Instruction, District Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $40000 Title I Part A Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Schools:North Park Montessori Academy, Ottawa Hills High School, Dickinson School, CA Frost Environmental Science Academy, Riverside Middle School, Harrison Elementary, Gerald R. Ford K8 Academy, Westwood Middle School, Alger Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Burton Middle School, Grand Rapids University Preparatory Academy, Aberdeen Elementary, Shawmut Hills School, Union High School, Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Innovation Central High School, Southwest Community Campus School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy, City High Middle School, Center for Economicology Activity - Technology Activity Type The District will support the use of technology across the Technology Tier 1 district. Technology will be used in a variety of ways to support student learning objectives. Students will engage with technology as a means to demonstrate their learning. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Clear Expectations Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e District Technology Department (MIS), District Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Staff Responsibl e Page 233 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will ensure that teachers are setting clear Other expectations in the classroom through the implementation of the evaluation tools used across the District. Classroom teachers will clearly communicate (oral and written formats) the purpose for learning as it connects to the curriculum framework and standards in a language that is student-friendly. Students will be more actively engaged in their learning when they have a clear understanding of what the purpose is. Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Schools:All Schools Measurable Objective 24: 28% of Eleventh grade Students with Disabilities students will demonstrate a proficiency in Comprehension in Reading by 06/05/2015 as measured by the state assessment.. (shared) Strategy 1: Differentiated Instruction (K-12) - The District will implement Differentiated Instruction through the use and implementation of Professional Learning Opportunities, Project Learning (middle/high), Fluency and Skill Development, SIOP, Data Analysis, Monitoring and Professional Learning Communities (PLCs). Research Cited: Beach, T.A. (2010). Combine Methodologies of Differentiated Instruction in the Heterogeneous Classroom. South Carolina Middle School Association Journal, February 26, 2011. "Offering each student the chance to learn the subject material in ways that address each student individually can benefit children in retaining information that will later be necessary to become thoughtful, productive adults. Through differentiation combined with curriculum layering, teachers can create a student-centered classroom that is supportive to each student." Cusumano, C. (2007). How Differentiated Instruction Helps struggling Students. Leadership, 36(4), 8-10. "Accelerating learning by examining and aligning three major systems in the school to support differentiation and a consistent focus on improved student learning the school's academic delivery structure, professional development, and human/fiscal resource allocation." Tier: Tier 1 Activity - Professional Learning Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 234 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will employ individuals who organize the Professiona Tier 1 professional learning opportunities provided throughout the l Learning District. Professional Learning will be differentiated to meet the needs of the staff who will attend. Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $149000 Title II Part Assistant A Superinten dent of Organizatio nal Learning, Building Administrat ors, and teaching staff Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:All Schools Activity - Project Learning (Middle and High) Activity Type Tier The District Curriculum Supervisor and Curriculum Writing Curriculum Tier 1 Team will design units and lessons that will provide Developme opportunities throughout the school year for students to be nt engaged in a variety of project learning activities that support their instructional goals. These projects will be differentiated in nature and provide choice to students regarding the type of project they will complete and will be rigorous and challenging for all students. Resource Assigned Schools:Westwood Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Ottawa Hills High School, Alger Middle School, Blandford Nature Center, Burton Middle School, Grand Rapids University Preparatory Academy, Riverside Middle School, Union High School, Innovation Central High School, City High Middle School, Center for Economicology Activity - Fluency and Skill Development Activity Type Tier The District will allot time in the daily schedule to allow staff to Curriculum Tier 1 use a variety of activities that will allow students to become Developme fluent with essential foundational skills. The students will nt practice these foundational skills often enough so that they can flexibly engage with the content at a higher level. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding Deputy Required Superinten dent of Curriculum and Learning, Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors, and teaching staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Building Required Administrat ors and Teaching Staff Schools:All Schools Activity - Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP) Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 235 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will employ individuals who will coach and support Academic schools who have populations with second language learners. Support These individuals will train staff on how to implement the SIOP Program framework in their classrooms to support and provide differentiated techniques which will support the learning needs of our Limited English Proficient (LEP) students. Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $200000 Title III Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding ELL Department , Building Administrat or, and Teaching Staff Schools:Brookside School, Dickinson School, Buchanan School, Riverside Middle School, Harrison Park Elementary School, Palmer School, Congress Elementary, Westwood Middle School, Stocking School, Cesar E. Chavez Elementary, Burton Middle School, Union High School, Newcomers Community School, Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Southwest Community Campus School, Sibley School, Burton Elementary School Activity - Data Analysis Activity Type The District will employ staff who will work collaboratively with Other individual schools and the KISD to analyze District-wide data, design user-friendly data reports and to assist schools in understanding their school-wide data in order to support and improve student achievement. This data is used at the building level to support teachers to determine the academic needs of all students in order to differentiate their instruction. Some of this data will be used by school staff who will participate in (Data Dialogues, Governance Boards) to review, reflect and communicate the academic progress in their classroom and identify which activities they are implementing to support continued student achievement. Tier 1 Resource Assigned 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $560860 Schools:All Schools Activity - Monitoring Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Title II Part Data A, Title I Support Part A, Title Specialist, I Part A Assessmen t and Evaluation Department , Divisional Executive Directors, School Reform Facilitators, Building Administrat or,Student Information Services and Teaching Staff. Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 236 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools District Support Staff in conjunction with building administrators, Curriculum Supervisors, and Coaches will monitor the level of use and effectiveness of differentiated instruction in the classrooms through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process. Walkthroug Tier 1 h Monitor 09/04/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, District Curriculum Supervisors , Coaches, and Building Administrat ors Activity - Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) Activity Type Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding The District will implement PLCs to develop staff capacity in providing effective research-based instruction by engaging teachers in frequent collaboration and dialogue. PLCs are an embedded professional development model which includes: the examination of instructional practices, including differentiation, student work, strategies for at-risk students, LearningWalks, Content Focused Coaching, observation and feedback conferences. Participants of PLCs include but are not limited to: District Curriculum Supervisors, Content Coaches, teaching staff and building principals. Professiona Tier 1 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $204000 Title I Part A Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $183829 Title I Part A Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Schools:All Schools Tier Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e District Curriculum Supervisors , Coaches, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Schools:All Schools Activity - Reading Specialist Teacher The District will employ Reading Specialist Teachers within Academic identified Priority Schools who will deliver supplementary Support instruction to identified students. This instructional support will Program reflect state and district content expectations through the use of effective strategies in management, instruction, student motivation and curriculum planning. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Reading Specialist Teacher and Building Administrat ors Schools:Brookside School, Dickinson School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy Activity - Instructional Coaches Activity Type SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Page 237 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will employ Instructional Coaches who will build capacity of instructional staff by engaging in frequent and on-going coaching cycles with feedback around instructional strategies, differentiated strategies and delivery. Academic Support Program Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $92000 Title I Part A Coaches, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $108800 Title III, Title I Part A Staff Responsibl e Title I Office, School Reform Facilitators, Summer School Building Administrat ors and Summer School Teachers Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $334860 Title I Part A Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Schools:Ottawa Hills High School Activity - Summer School The District will fund a summer school program that supports Academic the academic improvement of identified students. The summer Support school program is differentiated to meet the academic needs of Program the students who are enrolled. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Reading Teacher (Alger and Westwood) Activity Type The District will place teachers who will be responsible for Academic providing technical expertise in reading instruction. Support The teachers will be responsible for ensuring that researched- Program based best practices are implemented in grade levels 6-8. This may include conducting model/demonstration lessons in classrooms, coaching and assisting teachers, designing lessons for teachers and providing regular ongoing professional development in reading methods for all staff. The teachers will be responsible for testing students, diagnosing reading problems, and recommending and implementing effective intervention strategies. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Reading Teacher, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Schools:Westwood Middle School, Alger Middle School Activity - Reading Coach (Priority Schools) Activity Type SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Page 238 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will employ coaches in order to support Priority Professiona Tier 2 Schools with their Reform & Redesign Plans, Reading Coaches l Learning will be utilized to assist classroom teachers in successfully implementing best practices as identified in their Reform & Redesign Plans. Reading Coaches will provide leadership for teachers by planning, collaborating, organizing, modeling and facilitating change to improve the instructional program. Reading Coaches will participate in Coaching Cycles, LearningWalks, Professional Learning Communities, Data Analysis Meetings, and lead some professional development for the building staff based on the schools identified areas of need. Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $276000 Title I Part A Reading Coach, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Instructiona l Improveme nt Coach, Building Administrat or, and Teaching Staff Schools:Aberdeen Elementary, Kent Hills School, Campus Elementary Activity - Instructional Improvement Coach (Union) Activity Type Tier Resource Assigned The District will hire an Instructional Improvement Coach, who under the direction of the Building Principal will facilitate learning around content areas and literacy utilizing technology and data that will enable Instructional Staff to effectively meet and transform the performance of GRPS students at Union High School. Professiona Tier 2 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $89000 Title I Part A Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $128000 Schools:Union High School Activity - Literacy Para Professional (Priority Schools) The District will employ Literacy Para Professionals who will be Academic responsible for assisting with promotion of literacy in Support elementary and K-8 buildings by working as a team member Program with the school staff, principal and library director in providing a quality educational program. Responsible for concept/skill reinforcement tasks and providing students the opportunity for additional adult/student relationships. Schools:Mulick Elementary, Brookside School, Aberdeen Elementary, Campus Elementary Resource Assigned Title I Part A Staff Responsibl e Literacy Para Professiona ls, Building Administrat ors, Library Director, and Teaching Staff (shared) Strategy 2: Student Engagement (K-12) - The District will implement Student Engagement by the following means: Professional Learning, Academic Rigor, Accountable Talk, Quality Questioning, Claim, Evidence and Reasoning, Non-Linguistic Representation, Monitoring, Close and Critical Reading, Technology and Clear Expectations. Research Cited: Pickering, Debra J., and Marzano, Robert J. (2011). The Highly Engaged Classroom. Marzano Research Laboratory. SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 239 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools “Engagement is a central aspect of effective teaching. If students are not engaged, there is little, if any, chance that they will learn what is being addressed in class. Student engagement has long been recognized as the core of effective schooling.” Tier: Tier 1 Activity - Professional Learning Activity Type The District will employ individuals who organize the professional learning opportunities provided throughout the District. Some of the Professional Learning opportunities will support teachers and administrators using the teacher evaluation tools which will support the growth of student engagement in the classroom. Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Professiona Tier 1 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:All Schools Activity - Academic Rigor District Staff in conjunction with building administrators will Other monitor that students’ foundations of content are being built by engaging them in the thinking process to deepen their overall content knowledge through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process to ensure that there is academic rigor in the classroom. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Accountable Talk Activity Type SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Assistant Required Superinten dent of Organizatio nal Learning, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, School Reform Facilitators, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 240 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools District Staff in conjunction with building administrators will Academic monitor the application of Accountable Talk moves which have Support been developed through teacher training provided by the Program Institute for Learning (IFL). Accountable Talk will develop students’ abilities to socialize their intelligence as well as increase student engagement by encouraging open discussion and inquiry-based reasoning opportunities. Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, School Reform Facilitators, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:All Schools Activity - Quality Questioning Activity Type The District will implement quality questioning in the classroom Other to increase both student engagement and to support a deeper understanding of the content being taught. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Claim, Evidence and Reasoning (Middle/High) Activity Type The District Curriculum Supervisors will create units/lessons Academic which will increase student engagement through the use of Support clam, evidence and reasoning. While reading complex text, Program staff will have students respond (orally and written) to a topic which will demand them to use textual evidence to support their overall claim. Resource Assigned Schools:Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Ottawa Hills High School, Blandford Nature Center, Dickinson School, Riverside Middle School, CA Frost Environmental Science Academy, Harrison Park Elementary School, Aberdeen Elementary School, Gerald R. Ford K8 Academy, Westwood Middle School, Alger Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Burton Middle School, Grand Rapids University Preparatory Academy, Shawmut Hills School, Union High School, Southwest Community Campus School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy, City High Middle School, Center for Economicology Activity - Non-Linguistic Representation (Middle/High) Activity Type SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Deputy Required Superinten dent of Curriculum and Learning, District Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 241 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District Curriculum Supervisors will create units/lessons Academic which will incorporate the use of non-linguistic representational Support tools such as Thinking Maps and graphic organizers to enable Program students to organize their thinking in a way that will allow them to be more deeply engaged with the content. Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Deputy Required Superinten dent of Curriculum and Instruction, District Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrati on, and Teaching Staff Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Monitor 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:North Park Montessori Academy, Ottawa Hills High School, Blandford Nature Center, CA Frost Environmental Science Academy, Riverside Middle School, Harrison Elementary, Gerald R. Ford K8 Academy, Westwood Middle School, Alger Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Burton Middle School, Grand Rapids University Preparatory Academy, Aberdeen Elementary, Shawmut Hills School, Union High School, Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Innovation Central High School, Southwest Community Campus School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy, City High Middle School, Center for Economicology Activity - Monitoring Activity Type District Staff in conjunction with building administrators, Walkthroug Tier 1 Curriculum Supervisors, and DL Coaches will monitor the level h of use and effectiveness of student engagement in the classrooms through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Close and Critical Reading (Middle/High) Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, District Curriculum Supervisors , Coaches, and Building Administrat ors Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 242 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District Curriculum Supervisors will develop units/lessons Academic which will incorporate close and critical reading. The teaching Support staff will use these units/lessons to teach students how to read Program text closely and to begin to think critically about the content within the text. Teaching staff will utilize the guided highlighted reading technique which will support students’ ability to summarize, retell and synthesize complex text and increase their ability to engage with the text. Teachers will assist students in deepening their academic vocabulary by using it in the context as it appears in the text. Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Deputy Required Superinten dent of Curriculum and Instruction, District Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $40000 Title I Part A Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Schools:North Park Montessori Academy, Ottawa Hills High School, Dickinson School, CA Frost Environmental Science Academy, Riverside Middle School, Harrison Elementary, Gerald R. Ford K8 Academy, Westwood Middle School, Alger Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Burton Middle School, Grand Rapids University Preparatory Academy, Aberdeen Elementary, Shawmut Hills School, Union High School, Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Innovation Central High School, Southwest Community Campus School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy, City High Middle School, Center for Economicology Activity - Technology Activity Type The District will support the use of technology across the Technology Tier 1 district. Technology will be used in a variety of ways to support student learning objectives. Students will engage with technology as a means to demonstrate their learning. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Clear Expectations Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e District Technology Department (MIS), District Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Staff Responsibl e Page 243 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will ensure that teachers are setting clear Other expectations in the classroom through the implementation of the evaluation tools used across the District. Classroom teachers will clearly communicate (oral and written formats) the purpose for learning as it connects to the curriculum framework and standards in a language that is student-friendly. Students will be more actively engaged in their learning when they have a clear understanding of what the purpose is. Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, Building Administrat ors, and Teaching Staff Schools:All Schools Goal 5: All students in Grand Rapids Public Schools will be supported by an adult. Measurable Objective 1: collaborate to support the needs of the whole student by 06/05/2015 as measured by Attendance Data, Suspension/Expulsion Data, Course Grades and Graduation Rate. Strategy 1: School Connectedness - The District will implement School Connectedness with the belief that students who are supported by important adults in their lives are likely to be more engaged in school and learning. Students will be provided this support through the following structures and people: counseling services, School Improvement Facilitator, wheel of support, youth advocates, and the Superintendent’s Drop-Out Challenge. Research Cited: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. School Connectedness: Strategies for Increasing Protective Factors Among Youth. Atlanta, GA: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. 2009. “School Connectedness is the belief by students that adults and peers in the school care about their learning as well as about them as individuals. Children and adolescents’ beliefs about themselves and their abilities are shaped by the extent to which they perceive that the adults in their lives care about them and are involved in their lives. Children and adolescents who feel supported by important adults in their lives are likely to be more engaged in school and learning. In the school setting, students feel supported and cared for when they see school staff dedicating their time, interest, attention, and emotional support to them. Students need to feel that adults care about them as individuals as well as about their academic achievement. “ Tier: Activity - Youth Advocate (Middle and High) Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 244 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will employ Youth Advocates (Middle and High) to support students with academic and social needs. Youth Advocates will maintain a caseload of students and monitor academic and social progress in school utilizing the Safe and Civil School "Interventions" resource to provide targeted interventions to support and meet student needs. Other 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $675500 Title I Part A, Section 31a Building Administrat ors, Teaching Staff, and Youth Advocates Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Building Administrat ors, Teaching Staff, and Counselors Schools:Transition Center at Mayfield, Ottawa Hills High School, CA Frost Environmental Science Academy, Harrison Elementary, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Southeast Career Pathways, Grand Rapids Learning Center, Grand Rapids University Preparatory Academy, Union High School, Bethany Based School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy, Alger Middle School, Sherwood Global Studies Academy, North Park Montessori Academy, Dickinson School, Kent Educational Center South, Riverside Middle School, Aberdeen Elementary School, Westwood Middle School, Gerald R. Ford K8 Academy, City Middle/High School, Burton Middle School, Home Education Site, Southwest Community Campus School, Innovation Central High School Activity - Counseling Services (Middle and High) Activity Type Tier Phase The District will employ counselors who will monitor student's Other academic achievement and will communicate with administrators and staff to ensure that students are being supported academically. Counselors will support individual students on an as needed bases. Counselors will monitor student's Educational Development Plan and communicate with families regarding students's academic and college/career readiness. Resource Assigned 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $490000 Title I Part A Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Schools:All Schools Activity - School Improvement Facilitator Activity Type The District will employ School Improvement Facilitators to monitor classroom instruction, conduct Instructional conversation with teachers and provide feedback on teaching practices. School Improvement Facilitators will ensure that students are bieng supported academically Other Tier Phase Resource Assigned 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $405000 Schools:All Schools Activity - Superintendent's Drop Out Challenge Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Title II Part Building A Administrat or and School Improveme nt Facilitators Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 245 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will support Priority Schools who are participating in Other the Superintendent's Drop Out Challenge. The District will put together a Data File for the identified students through the School Information System (SIS) Department. 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Building Required Administrat or, Teaching Staff, and SIS Staff Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Schools:All Schools Activity - Wheel Of Support (Middle and High) Activity Type Tier Phase The District will employ Public Safety Officers who will Other participate in the "Wheel of Support" in secondary schools. The Public Safety Officers will maintain a caseload of students and will monitor their academic and social progress in school utilizing the Safe and Civil School "Interventions" resources to provide targeted interventions to support and meet students needs. Resource Assigned 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $1432000 Schools:All Schools Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e General Building Fund, Administrat Section 31a ors, District Public Safety Office, Public Safety Officers, and District Counselor Coordinator Activity - Family Support Specialist (Priority Schools) Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding The District will employ Family Support Specialists whose role is to provide intervention for identified at risk students, assist those students in reaching proficiency, and empower the families to support their children's success in school. Other Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $359000 Section 31a, Title I Part A Activity - Support for Homeless Students Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding The District's Homeless Liaison will collaborate to ensure that identified homeless students enrolled in non-Title Schools, will receive transportation services to ensure that continued academic opportunities are provided for these students. Other Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $1250 Schools:Mulick Elementary, Westwood Middle School, Ottawa Hills High School, Alger Middle School, Brookside School, Dickinson School, Aberdeen Elementary, Kent Hills School, Campus Elementary, Union High School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy Resource Assigned Title I Part A Staff Responsibl e Family Support Specialist and Building Administrat ors Staff Responsibl e District Homeless Liaison Schools:City Middle/High School, Blandford Nature Center, John Ball Park Zoo School SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 246 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools Activity - Support for limited English proficient students. Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned The district will employ tutors to support the academic needs of Academic students. Support Program Schools:Burton Middle School Tier 3 Implement 11/13/2014 06/05/2015 $27897 Title III Activity - Migrant Tutor Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding GRPS will employ migrant tutors to support migrant students and families Academic Support Program Tier 3 Implement 11/13/2014 06/05/2015 $53012 Title III Activity - Immigrant Tutors and Supplies Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding GRPS will employ immigrant tutors and purchase supplies to support immigrant student academic needs Academic Support Program Tier 3 Implement 11/13/2014 06/05/2015 $34109 Title III Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 3 Implement 11/13/2014 06/05/2015 $163503 Title I Part D Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Schools:All Schools Resource Assigned Schools:Burton Middle School Activity - Instructional Intervention Support GRPS will employ tutors, a teacher, supervisor and purchase Academic instructional software/supplies to meet the needs of students at Support the Kent County Correctional Facility Program Resource Assigned Schools:Kent Co. Correction Facility Activity - Intervention Instructional Support Activity Type SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Executive Director of Middle School, K-8 and ELL programs. Staff Responsibl e Executive Director of Middle Schools, K8 and ELL Programs Staff Responsibl e Executive Director of Middle Schools, K8 and ELL, building prinicpal Staff Responsibl e Executive Director of High Schools and Alternative Education Staff Responsibl e Page 247 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools GRPS will employ tutors, supervisor and purchase supplies and materials for the Bethaney program Academic Support Program Tier 3 Implement 11/13/2014 06/05/2015 $62367 Title I Part D Schools:Bethany Based School Executive Director of High School and Alternative Education programs Goal 6: All students in Grand Rapids Public Schools will be proficient in Mathematics. Measurable Objective 1: 53% of Sixth, Seventh and Eighth grade students will demonstrate a proficiency in concepts in Mathematics by 06/05/2015 as measured by as measured on the State of Michigan assessment. (shared) Strategy 1: Differentiated Instruction - School level staff will implement and participate in a variety of activities such as: professional learning, academic rigor, project learning, fluency and skill development, SIOP, data analysis, and use PLCs to enable them to differentiate instruction to meet the individualized needs of all students. The teaching staff will develop lessons and units that have a clear structure which allows for different pathways according to student needs. Research Cited: Beach, T.A. (2010). Combine Methodologies of Differentiated Instruction in the Heterogeneous Classroom. South Carolina Middle School Association Journal, February 26, 2011. "Offering each student the chance to learn the subject material in ways that address each student individually can benefit children in retaining information that will later be necessary to become thoughtful, productive adults. Through differentiation combined with curriculum layering, teachers can create a student-centered classroom that is supportive to each student." Cusumano, C. (2007). How Differentiated Instruction Helps struggling Students. Leadership, 36(4), 8-10. "Accelerating learning by examining and aligning three major systems in the school to support differentiation and a consistent focus on improved student learning the school's academic delivery structure, professional development, and human/fiscal resource allocation." Tier: Tier 1 Activity - Professional Learning Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 248 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools All staff will actively participate in professional learning which supports differentiation at their specific grade level and program. Professiona Tier 1 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Assistant Required Superinten dent of Organizatio nal Learning, Executive Directors of Elementary , MS/K-8, High School/Alte rnative Schools, Principals and instructiona l staff Activity Type Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:All Schools Activity - Project Based Learning Tier All staff will provide opportunities throughout the school year for Curriculum Tier 1 students to be engaged in a variety of project learning activities Developme that support the instructional goals. These projects will be nt differentiated in nature and provide choice to students regarding the type of project they will complete and will be rigorous and challenging for all students. Resource Assigned Schools:Alger Middle School, Ottawa Hills High School, Blandford Nature Center, Dickinson School, CA Frost Environmental Science Academy, Aberdeen Elementary School, John Ball Park Zoo School, Harrison Elementary, Gerald R. Ford K8 Academy, Westwood Middle School, Alger Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Burton Middle School, Grand Rapids University Preparatory Academy, Union High School, Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Innovation Central High School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy, City High Middle School, Center for Economicology Activity - Fluency and Skill Development Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding Executive Required Directors of the Elementary , Middle School, K8, High School, Alternative Schools, Special Education, Curriculum Specialists, Deputy Superinten dent of Curriculum and Learning, building principals and teachers. Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 249 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools Fluency and Skill Development: The staff will use a variety of Curriculum Tier 1 activities that will allow students to become fluent with essential Developme foundational skills. The students will practice these nt foundational skills often enough so that they can flexibly engage with the content at a higher level. Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Building Required administrat or and teachers Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Tier 1 Evaluate 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:All Schools Activity - Sheltered Instruction Observational Protocol (SIOP) Activity Type The District will employ individuals who will coach and support Academic schools who Support have populations with second language learners. These Program individuals will train staff on how to implement the SIOP framework in their classrooms to support and provide differentiated techniques which will support the learning needs of our Limited English Proficient (LEP) students. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding ELL Required Department , Building Administrat or s and Teachers Schools:All Schools Activity - Data Analysis Activity Type : The District will employ staff who will work collaboratively Other with individual schools and the KISD to analyze District-wide data, design user-friendly data reports and to assist schools in understanding their school-wide data in order to support and improve student achievement. This data is used at the building level to support teachers to determine the academic needs of all students in order to differentiate their instruction. Some of this data will be used by school staff who will participate in (Data Dialogues, Governance Boards) to review, reflect and communicate the academic progress in their classroom and identify which activities they are implementing to support continued student achievement. The District will employ a Data Support Specialist who will work solely with our identified Priority Schools to support staff in understanding their schoolwide data and ways to use this data to differentiate instruction in order to meet student needs. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding District Required A&E Department , Divisional Executive Directors, School Reform Facilitators, Building Administrat or s and Teachers Schools:All Schools Activity - Monitoring Activity Type SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 250 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools District Support Staff in conjunction with building administrators, Curriculum Supervisors, and Coaches will monitor the level of use and effectiveness of differentiated instruction in the classrooms through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process. Academic Support Program Tier 1 Monitor 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Executive Required Directors of Elementary ,Middle , K8, High and Alternative Schools, Deputy Superinten dent of Curriculum and Learning, Curriculum Supervisors and Building Prinicpals Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:All Schools Activity - Technology The District will support the use of technology across the Curriculum Tier 1 district. Technology will be used in a variety of ways to support Developme student learning objectives. Students will engage with nt technology as a means to demonstrate their learning. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Clear Expectations Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding District Required Technology Department (MIS), District Curriculum Supervisors , Technology and Curriculum Integration and Instructiona l Support Specialist, Building Administrat ors and Teachers Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 251 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will ensure that teachers are setting clear Direct expectations in the classroom through the implementation of Instruction the evaluation tools used across the District. Classroom teachers will clearly communicate (oral and written formats) the purpose for learning as it connects to the curriculum framework and standards in a language that is student-friendly. Students will be more actively engaged in their learning when Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Executive Required Directors, Building Administrat ors and Teachers Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Schools:All Schools Activity - Project Learning (Middle and High Schools) Activity Type Resource Assigned Instructional Coaches: The District will employ Instructional Coaches who will build capacity of instructional staff by engaging in frequent and on-going coaching cycles with feedback around instructional strategies, differentiated strategies and delivery. Curriculum Tier 1 Developme nt Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Staff Responsibl e No Funding and District Required Curriculum Supervisors Schools:Westwood Middle School, Ottawa Hills High School, Union High School, Campus Elementary School, Aberdeen Elementary School Activity - Summer School The District will fund a summer school program that supports Academic the academic improvement of identified students. The summer Support school program is differentiated to meet the academic needs of Program the students who are enrolled. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Math Lab (Middle) Activity Type SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding itle I Required Office, School Reform Facilitators, Summer School Building Administrat ors and Summer School Teachers Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 252 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools Comprehensive Middle Schools will implement the use of an tier two supplemental math intervention course for identified students address missing skills and gaps in math knowledge. Academic Support Program Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $134000 Title I Part A Activity - Instructional Improvement Coach (Union) Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding The District will employ an Instructional Improvement Coach, who under the direction of the Building Principal will facilitate learning around content areas and literacy utilizing technology and data that will enable Instructional Staff to effectively meet and transform the performance of GRPS students at Union High School. Professiona Tier 2 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $310000 Title I Part A Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Schools:Alger Middle School, Westwood Middle School, Burton Middle School, Riverside Middle School Resource Assigned Schools:Union High School Activity - Math Specialist Teacher (Priority Schools) The District will employ Math Specialist Teachers who delivers Academic supplementary instruction to identified students This Support instructional support reflects State and District content Program expectations through the use of effective strategies in management, instruction, student motivation and curriculum planning and is delivered through “In School” push in and/or pull out interventions and/or after school intervention programs. The teachers makes knowledge accessible to all students; develops students’ cognitive capacity and respect for learning; and fosters students’ self-esteem, motivation and sense of civic responsibility. Resource Assigned Deputy Superinten dent of Curriculum and Learning, Curriculum Specialists, and Executive Director of Middle School and K-8 division. Staff Responsibl e No Funding Instructiona Required l Improveme nt Coach, Building Administrat or, and Teaching Staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Math Specialist Teacher, Building Administrati on, and Teaching Staff Schools:Mulick Elementary, Brookside School, Dickinson School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy Activity - Math Coach (Priority Schools) Activity Type SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Page 253 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will employ Math Coaches in order to support Priority Schools with their Reform & Redesign Plans, Math Coaches will be utilized to assist classroom teachers in successfully implementing best practices as identified in their Reform & Redesign Plans. Math Coaches will provide leadership for teachers by planning, collaborating, organizing, modeling and facilitating change to improve the instructional program. Math Coaches will participate in Coaching Cycles, LearningWalks, Professional Learning Communities, Data Analysis Meetings, and lead some professional development for the building staff based on the schools identified areas of need. Professiona Tier 2 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $270000 Title I Part A Activity - Instructional Coaches Activity Type Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding The District will employ Instructional Coaches who will build capacity of instructional staff by engaging in frequent and on-going coaching cycles with feedback around instructional strategies, differentiated strategies and delivery. Professiona Tier 2 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Math Coaches, Building Administrati on, and Teaching Staff Schools:Aberdeen Elementary, Kent Hills School, Campus Elementary Tier Resource Assigned Schools:Ottawa Hills High School Staff Responsibl e No Funding Instructiona Required l Coach, Building Administrati on, and Teaching Staff (shared) Strategy 2: Student Engagement (K-12) - The District will implement Student Engagement by the following means: Professional Learning, Academic Rigor, Accountable Talk, Quality Questioning, Claim, Evidence and Reasoning, Non-Linguistic Representation, Monitoring, Close and Critical Reading, Technology and Clear Expectations. Research Cited: Pickering, Debra J., and Marzano, Robert J. (2011). The Highly Engaged Classroom. Marzano Research Laboratory. “Engagement is a central aspect of effective teaching. If students are not engaged, there is little, if any, chance that they will learn what is being addressed in class. Student engagement has long been recognized as the core of effective schooling.” Tier: Tier 1 Activity - Professional Learning Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 254 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will employ individuals who organize the professional learning opportunities provided throughout the District. Some of the Professional Learning opportunities will support teachers and administrators using the teacher evaluation tools which will support the growth of student engagement in the classroom. Professiona Tier 1 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Assistant Required Superinten dent of Organizatio nal Learning, Building Administrat ors and Teachers Activity Type Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Monitor 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Implement 09/02/2014 06/02/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Implement 09/02/2014 06/02/2015 $0 Schools:All Schools Activity - Academic Rigor Tier District Staff in conjunction with building administrators will Curriculum Tier 1 monitor that students’ foundations of content are being built by Developme engaging them in the thinking process to deepen their overall nt content knowledge through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process to ensure that there is academic rigor in the classroom. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Accountable Talk Activity Type Tier District Staff in conjunction with building administrators will Curriculum Tier 1 monitor the application of Accountable Talk moves which have Developme been developed through teacher training provided by the nt Institute for Learning (IFL). Accountable Talk will develop students’ abilities to socialize their intelligence as well as increase student engagement by encouraging open discussion and inquiry-based reasoning opportunities. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Quality Questioning Activity Type Tier The District will implement quality questioning in the classroom Curriculum to increase both student engagement and to support a deeper Developme understanding of the content being taught. nt Schools:All Schools SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, School Reform Facilitators and Building Administrat ors Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, School Reform Facilitators and Building Administrat ors Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, Building Administrat ors and Teachers Page 255 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools Activity - Monitoring Activity Type Tier District Staff in conjunction with building administrators, Walkthroug Tier 1 Curriculum Supervisors, and DL Coaches will monitor the level h of use and effectiveness of student engagement in the classrooms through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process. Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Monitor 09/02/2014 06/02/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:All Schools Activity - Technology Activity Type Tier The District will support the use of technology across the Technology Tier 1 district. Technology will be used in a variety of ways to support student learning objectives. Students will engage with technology as a means to demonstrate their learning. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Clear Expectations Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, District Curriculum Supervisors , School Reform Facilitators, Instructiona l Coaches and Building Administrat ors Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding District Required Technology Department (MIS), District Curriculum Supervisors , Instructiona l Technology Specialist, Building Administrat ors and Teachers Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 256 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will ensure that teachers are setting clear Direct expectations in the classroom through the implementation of Instruction the evaluation tools used across the District. Classroom teachers will clearly communicate (oral and written formats) the purpose for learning as it connects to the curriculum framework and standards in a language that is student-friendly. Students will be more actively engaged in their learning when they have a clear understanding of what the purpose is. Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/02/2015 $0 No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, Building Administrat ors and Teachers Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Implement 09/02/2014 06/02/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Schools:All Schools Activity - Claim Evidence and Reasoning (Middle/High) Activity Type The District Curriculum Supervisors will create units/lessons Curriculum Tier 1 which will increase student engagement through the use of Developme clam, evidence and reasoning. While reading complex text, nt staff will have students respond (orally and written) to a topic which will demand them to use textual evidence to support their overall claim. Resource Assigned Schools:Westwood Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Ottawa Hills High School, Alger Middle School, City Middle/High School, Burton Middle School, Riverside Middle School, Union High School, Innovation Central High School, Center for Economicology Activity - Non-Linguistic Representation (Middle/High) Activity Type Tier The District Curriculum Supervisors will create units/lessons Curriculum Tier 1 which will incorporate the use of non-linguistic representational Developme tools such as Thinking Maps and graphic organizers to enable nt students to organize their thinking in a way that will allow them to be more deeply engaged with the content. Schools:Alger Middle School, Westwood Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Ottawa Hills High School, City Middle/High School, Southeast Career Pathways, Burton Middle School, Riverside Middle School, Union High School, Innovation Central High School, Center for Economicology Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding Deputy Required Superinten dent, District Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors and Teachers Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Deputy Required Superinten dent, District Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors and Teachers (shared) Strategy 3: Learning Targets - The District will implement and modify Learning Targets in the Elementary Division through the development of Curriculum Maps and through the use of Monitoring. Research Cited: Brookhart, Susan M., and Moss, Connie M. (2012). Learning Targets: Helping Students Aim for Understanding in Today’s Lesson. ASCD. “The most effective teaching and the most meaningful student learning happen when teachers design the right learning targets for today’s lesson and use it along with SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 257 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools their students to aim for and assess understanding. Learning targets are student-friendly descriptors of what you intend students to learn or accomplish in a given lesson. When shared, meaningfully, they become actual targets that students can see and direct their efforts toward. They also serve as targets for the adults in the school whose responsibility it is to plan, monitor, and assess, and improve the quality of learning opportunities to raise the achievement of all students.” Tier: Tier 1 Activity - Curriculum Maps Activity Type The District Curriculum Supervisors will develop curriculum maps which highlight instructional goals around grade-level learning targets that are student-friendly and specific to the needs of individual students in the classroom. Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Curriculum Tier 1 Developme nt Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Activity - Monitor Activity Type Phase Begin Date End Date District Staff in conjunction with building administrators and Curriculum Supervisors will monitor the level of use and effectiveness of Learning Targets in the classrooms through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process. Walkthroug Tier 1 h Monitor 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Schools:Brookside School, CA Frost Environmental Science Academy, Campus Elementary School, Congress Elementary, East Leonard School, Harrison Elementary, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Cesar E. Chavez Elementary, Kent Hills School, Shawmut Hills School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy, Sibley School, Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Mulick Elementary, North Park Montessori Academy, Dickinson School, Buchanan School, Eastern Elementary, Aberdeen Elementary School, Palmer School, Gerald R. Ford K8 Academy, Coit Arts Academy, Stocking Elementary, Ken-OSha Park Elementary, Southwest Community Campus School, Burton Elementary School Tier Resource Assigned Schools:Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Mulick Elementary, North Park Montessori Academy, Brookside School, Dickinson School, Buchanan School, CA Frost Environmental Science Academy, Campus Elementary School, Aberdeen Elementary School, East Leonard School, Harrison Elementary, Coit Arts Academy, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Stocking Elementary, Kent Hills School, Ken-OSha Park Elementary, Shawmut Hills School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy, Sibley School, Burton Elementary School Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Deputy Required Superinten dent, District Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors and Teachers Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Elementary Required Executive Director, School Reform Facilitators and Building Administrat ors Measurable Objective 2: 15% of Kindergarten grade students will demonstrate a proficiency of concepts in Mathematics by 06/05/2015 as measured by NWEA/MAP. SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 258 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools Strategy 1: All Day Kindergarten - The District will implement all day kindergarten across the system. The District will monitor the progress of students who participate in all day kindergarten to determine if their academic achievement is improving over time and what rate. In addition, the District will closely monitor the strategies and tools being used by kindergarten classroom teachers who have the highest success rate for the purpose of replicating high quality instructional methods. Research Cited: National Education Association and Collaborative Communications Group (2006). Full Day Kindergarten: An Advocacy Guide. NEA NEA recognizes that full-day kindergarten programs close achievement gaps between young children from minority and low-income families and their peers. By providing a solid foundation of learning to children from all backgrounds, full-day kindergarten programs ensure all students' academic, social, and emotional success. Tier: Tier 1 Activity - Evaluate Activity Type The District will evaluate the current all day kindergarten Other program and the impact it has on overall student achievement. In addition, the District will closely monitor the strategies and tools being used by kindergarten classroom teachers who have the highest success rate for the purpose of replicating high quality instructional methods. Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Tier 1 Evaluate 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Schools:Brookside School, CA Frost Environmental Science Academy, Congress Elementary, East Leonard School, Harrison Elementary, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Cesar E. Chavez Elementary, Aberdeen Elementary, Kent Hills School, Shawmut Hills School, Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy, Sibley School, Mulick Elementary, North Park Montessori Academy, Dickinson School, Buchanan School, Campus Elementary, Palmer School, Gerald R. Ford K8 Academy, Coit Arts Academy, Stocking Elementary, Ken-O-Sha Park Elementary, Southwest Community Campus School, Burton Elementary School Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding The Required Executive Director of Community and Student Services, Director to Elementary Schools, Executive Director of K-8/Middle Schools, and Elementary and K8/Middle School Reform Facilitators. Measurable Objective 3: 63% of Pre-K grade students will demonstrate a proficiency in counting to 20 in Mathematics by 06/05/2015 as measured by the District Preschool Assessment. Strategy 1: Differentiated Instruction (Pre-K) - The District will implement Differentiated Instruction for preschool students to ensure that they are learning skills to prepare them for Kindergarten in a way that is developmentally appropriate for this age group. Research Cited: Cusumano, C. (2007). How Differentiated Instruction Helps struggling Students. Leadership, 36(4), 8-10. "Accelerating learning by examining and aligning three major systems in the school to support differentiation and a consistent focus on improved student learning the SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 259 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools school's academic delivery structure, professional development, and human/fiscal resource allocation." Tier: Tier 1 Activity - Preschool Readiness Activity Type The District will employ staff who will differentiate instruction for Other preschool students to ensure their readiness for Kindergarten the following school year. Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Schools:North Park Montessori Academy, Brookside School, Dickinson School, Buchanan School, Campus Elementary, Palmer School, Congress Elementary, East Leonard School, Harrison Elementary, Gerald R. Ford K8 Academy, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Stocking School, Cesar E. Chavez Elementary, Kent Hills School, Ken-O-Sha EC & SE Center, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy, Southwest Community Campus School, Sibley School, Burton Elementary School Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Director of Required Early Childhood Programs and Deputy Superinten dent of Curriculum and Learning Measurable Objective 4: 50% of All Students will demonstrate a proficiency , defined as a Fall to Spring CGI increase of 0.1 compared to the previous year (or an overall schoolwide average CGI of 0.3), in Mathematics by 06/05/2015 as measured by NWEA/MAP. (shared) Strategy 1: Differentiated Instruction - School level staff will implement and participate in a variety of activities such as: professional learning, academic rigor, project learning, fluency and skill development, SIOP, data analysis, and use PLCs to enable them to differentiate instruction to meet the individualized needs of all students. The teaching staff will develop lessons and units that have a clear structure which allows for different pathways according to student needs. Research Cited: Beach, T.A. (2010). Combine Methodologies of Differentiated Instruction in the Heterogeneous Classroom. South Carolina Middle School Association Journal, February 26, 2011. "Offering each student the chance to learn the subject material in ways that address each student individually can benefit children in retaining information that will later be necessary to become thoughtful, productive adults. Through differentiation combined with curriculum layering, teachers can create a student-centered classroom that is supportive to each student." Cusumano, C. (2007). How Differentiated Instruction Helps struggling Students. Leadership, 36(4), 8-10. "Accelerating learning by examining and aligning three major systems in the school to support differentiation and a consistent focus on improved student learning the school's academic delivery structure, professional development, and human/fiscal resource allocation." Tier: Tier 1 SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 260 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools Activity - Professional Learning Activity Type All staff will actively participate in professional learning which supports differentiation at their specific grade level and program. Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Professiona Tier 1 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Activity Type Phase Begin Date End Date Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Schools:All Schools Activity - Project Based Learning Tier All staff will provide opportunities throughout the school year for Curriculum Tier 1 students to be engaged in a variety of project learning activities Developme that support the instructional goals. These projects will be nt differentiated in nature and provide choice to students regarding the type of project they will complete and will be rigorous and challenging for all students. Schools:Alger Middle School, Ottawa Hills High School, Blandford Nature Center, Dickinson School, CA Frost Environmental Science Academy, Aberdeen Elementary School, John Ball Park Zoo School, Harrison Elementary, Gerald R. Ford K8 Academy, Westwood Middle School, Alger Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Burton Middle School, Grand Rapids University Preparatory Academy, Union High School, Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Innovation Central High School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy, City High Middle School, Center for Economicology SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Assistant Required Superinten dent of Organizatio nal Learning, Executive Directors of Elementary , MS/K-8, High School/Alte rnative Schools, Principals and instructiona l staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Executive Required Directors of the Elementary , Middle School, K8, High School, Alternative Schools, Special Education, Curriculum Specialists, Deputy Superinten dent of Curriculum and Learning, building principals and teachers. Page 261 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools Activity - Fluency and Skill Development Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Staff Responsibl e No Funding Building Required administrat or and teachers Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Tier 1 Evaluate 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Fluency and Skill Development: The staff will use a variety of Curriculum Tier 1 activities that will allow students to become fluent with essential Developme foundational skills. The students will practice these nt foundational skills often enough so that they can flexibly engage with the content at a higher level. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Schools:All Schools Activity - Sheltered Instruction Observational Protocol (SIOP) Activity Type The District will employ individuals who will coach and support Academic schools who Support have populations with second language learners. These Program individuals will train staff on how to implement the SIOP framework in their classrooms to support and provide differentiated techniques which will support the learning needs of our Limited English Proficient (LEP) students. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding ELL Required Department , Building Administrat or s and Teachers Schools:All Schools Activity - Data Analysis Activity Type : The District will employ staff who will work collaboratively Other with individual schools and the KISD to analyze District-wide data, design user-friendly data reports and to assist schools in understanding their school-wide data in order to support and improve student achievement. This data is used at the building level to support teachers to determine the academic needs of all students in order to differentiate their instruction. Some of this data will be used by school staff who will participate in (Data Dialogues, Governance Boards) to review, reflect and communicate the academic progress in their classroom and identify which activities they are implementing to support continued student achievement. The District will employ a Data Support Specialist who will work solely with our identified Priority Schools to support staff in understanding their schoolwide data and ways to use this data to differentiate instruction in order to meet student needs. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding District Required A&E Department , Divisional Executive Directors, School Reform Facilitators, Building Administrat or s and Teachers Schools:All Schools SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 262 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools Activity - Monitoring Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned District Support Staff in conjunction with building administrators, Curriculum Supervisors, and Coaches will monitor the level of use and effectiveness of differentiated instruction in the classrooms through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process. Academic Support Program Tier 1 Monitor 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:All Schools Activity - Technology The District will support the use of technology across the Curriculum Tier 1 district. Technology will be used in a variety of ways to support Developme student learning objectives. Students will engage with nt technology as a means to demonstrate their learning. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Clear Expectations Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Executive Required Directors of Elementary ,Middle , K8, High and Alternative Schools, Deputy Superinten dent of Curriculum and Learning, Curriculum Supervisors and Building Prinicpals Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding District Required Technology Department (MIS), District Curriculum Supervisors , Technology and Curriculum Integration and Instructiona l Support Specialist, Building Administrat ors and Teachers Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 263 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will ensure that teachers are setting clear Direct expectations in the classroom through the implementation of Instruction the evaluation tools used across the District. Classroom teachers will clearly communicate (oral and written formats) the purpose for learning as it connects to the curriculum framework and standards in a language that is student-friendly. Students will be more actively engaged in their learning when Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Executive Required Directors, Building Administrat ors and Teachers Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Schools:All Schools Activity - Project Learning (Middle and High Schools) Activity Type Resource Assigned Instructional Coaches: The District will employ Instructional Coaches who will build capacity of instructional staff by engaging in frequent and on-going coaching cycles with feedback around instructional strategies, differentiated strategies and delivery. Curriculum Tier 1 Developme nt Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Staff Responsibl e No Funding and District Required Curriculum Supervisors Schools:Westwood Middle School, Ottawa Hills High School, Union High School, Campus Elementary School, Aberdeen Elementary School Activity - Summer School The District will fund a summer school program that supports Academic the academic improvement of identified students. The summer Support school program is differentiated to meet the academic needs of Program the students who are enrolled. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Math Lab (Middle) Activity Type SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding itle I Required Office, School Reform Facilitators, Summer School Building Administrat ors and Summer School Teachers Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 264 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools Comprehensive Middle Schools will implement the use of an tier two supplemental math intervention course for identified students address missing skills and gaps in math knowledge. Academic Support Program Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $134000 Title I Part A Activity - Instructional Improvement Coach (Union) Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding The District will employ an Instructional Improvement Coach, who under the direction of the Building Principal will facilitate learning around content areas and literacy utilizing technology and data that will enable Instructional Staff to effectively meet and transform the performance of GRPS students at Union High School. Professiona Tier 2 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $310000 Title I Part A Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Schools:Alger Middle School, Westwood Middle School, Burton Middle School, Riverside Middle School Resource Assigned Schools:Union High School Activity - Math Specialist Teacher (Priority Schools) The District will employ Math Specialist Teachers who delivers Academic supplementary instruction to identified students This Support instructional support reflects State and District content Program expectations through the use of effective strategies in management, instruction, student motivation and curriculum planning and is delivered through “In School” push in and/or pull out interventions and/or after school intervention programs. The teachers makes knowledge accessible to all students; develops students’ cognitive capacity and respect for learning; and fosters students’ self-esteem, motivation and sense of civic responsibility. Resource Assigned Deputy Superinten dent of Curriculum and Learning, Curriculum Specialists, and Executive Director of Middle School and K-8 division. Staff Responsibl e No Funding Instructiona Required l Improveme nt Coach, Building Administrat or, and Teaching Staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Math Specialist Teacher, Building Administrati on, and Teaching Staff Schools:Mulick Elementary, Brookside School, Dickinson School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy Activity - Math Coach (Priority Schools) Activity Type SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Page 265 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will employ Math Coaches in order to support Priority Schools with their Reform & Redesign Plans, Math Coaches will be utilized to assist classroom teachers in successfully implementing best practices as identified in their Reform & Redesign Plans. Math Coaches will provide leadership for teachers by planning, collaborating, organizing, modeling and facilitating change to improve the instructional program. Math Coaches will participate in Coaching Cycles, LearningWalks, Professional Learning Communities, Data Analysis Meetings, and lead some professional development for the building staff based on the schools identified areas of need. Professiona Tier 2 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $270000 Title I Part A Activity - Instructional Coaches Activity Type Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding The District will employ Instructional Coaches who will build capacity of instructional staff by engaging in frequent and on-going coaching cycles with feedback around instructional strategies, differentiated strategies and delivery. Professiona Tier 2 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Math Coaches, Building Administrati on, and Teaching Staff Schools:Aberdeen Elementary, Kent Hills School, Campus Elementary Tier Resource Assigned Schools:Ottawa Hills High School Staff Responsibl e No Funding Instructiona Required l Coach, Building Administrati on, and Teaching Staff (shared) Strategy 2: Student Engagement (K-12) - The District will implement Student Engagement by the following means: Professional Learning, Academic Rigor, Accountable Talk, Quality Questioning, Claim, Evidence and Reasoning, Non-Linguistic Representation, Monitoring, Close and Critical Reading, Technology and Clear Expectations. Research Cited: Pickering, Debra J., and Marzano, Robert J. (2011). The Highly Engaged Classroom. Marzano Research Laboratory. “Engagement is a central aspect of effective teaching. If students are not engaged, there is little, if any, chance that they will learn what is being addressed in class. Student engagement has long been recognized as the core of effective schooling.” Tier: Tier 1 Activity - Professional Learning Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 266 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will employ individuals who organize the professional learning opportunities provided throughout the District. Some of the Professional Learning opportunities will support teachers and administrators using the teacher evaluation tools which will support the growth of student engagement in the classroom. Professiona Tier 1 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Assistant Required Superinten dent of Organizatio nal Learning, Building Administrat ors and Teachers Activity Type Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Monitor 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Implement 09/02/2014 06/02/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Implement 09/02/2014 06/02/2015 $0 Schools:All Schools Activity - Academic Rigor Tier District Staff in conjunction with building administrators will Curriculum Tier 1 monitor that students’ foundations of content are being built by Developme engaging them in the thinking process to deepen their overall nt content knowledge through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process to ensure that there is academic rigor in the classroom. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Accountable Talk Activity Type Tier District Staff in conjunction with building administrators will Curriculum Tier 1 monitor the application of Accountable Talk moves which have Developme been developed through teacher training provided by the nt Institute for Learning (IFL). Accountable Talk will develop students’ abilities to socialize their intelligence as well as increase student engagement by encouraging open discussion and inquiry-based reasoning opportunities. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Quality Questioning Activity Type Tier The District will implement quality questioning in the classroom Curriculum to increase both student engagement and to support a deeper Developme understanding of the content being taught. nt Schools:All Schools SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, School Reform Facilitators and Building Administrat ors Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, School Reform Facilitators and Building Administrat ors Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, Building Administrat ors and Teachers Page 267 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools Activity - Monitoring Activity Type Tier District Staff in conjunction with building administrators, Walkthroug Tier 1 Curriculum Supervisors, and DL Coaches will monitor the level h of use and effectiveness of student engagement in the classrooms through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process. Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Monitor 09/02/2014 06/02/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:All Schools Activity - Technology Activity Type Tier The District will support the use of technology across the Technology Tier 1 district. Technology will be used in a variety of ways to support student learning objectives. Students will engage with technology as a means to demonstrate their learning. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Clear Expectations Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, District Curriculum Supervisors , School Reform Facilitators, Instructiona l Coaches and Building Administrat ors Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding District Required Technology Department (MIS), District Curriculum Supervisors , Instructiona l Technology Specialist, Building Administrat ors and Teachers Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 268 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will ensure that teachers are setting clear Direct expectations in the classroom through the implementation of Instruction the evaluation tools used across the District. Classroom teachers will clearly communicate (oral and written formats) the purpose for learning as it connects to the curriculum framework and standards in a language that is student-friendly. Students will be more actively engaged in their learning when they have a clear understanding of what the purpose is. Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/02/2015 $0 No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, Building Administrat ors and Teachers Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Implement 09/02/2014 06/02/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Schools:All Schools Activity - Claim Evidence and Reasoning (Middle/High) Activity Type The District Curriculum Supervisors will create units/lessons Curriculum Tier 1 which will increase student engagement through the use of Developme clam, evidence and reasoning. While reading complex text, nt staff will have students respond (orally and written) to a topic which will demand them to use textual evidence to support their overall claim. Resource Assigned Schools:Westwood Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Ottawa Hills High School, Alger Middle School, City Middle/High School, Burton Middle School, Riverside Middle School, Union High School, Innovation Central High School, Center for Economicology Activity - Non-Linguistic Representation (Middle/High) Activity Type Tier The District Curriculum Supervisors will create units/lessons Curriculum Tier 1 which will incorporate the use of non-linguistic representational Developme tools such as Thinking Maps and graphic organizers to enable nt students to organize their thinking in a way that will allow them to be more deeply engaged with the content. Schools:Alger Middle School, Westwood Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Ottawa Hills High School, City Middle/High School, Southeast Career Pathways, Burton Middle School, Riverside Middle School, Union High School, Innovation Central High School, Center for Economicology Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding Deputy Required Superinten dent, District Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors and Teachers Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Deputy Required Superinten dent, District Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors and Teachers (shared) Strategy 3: Learning Targets - The District will implement and modify Learning Targets in the Elementary Division through the development of Curriculum Maps and through the use of Monitoring. Research Cited: Brookhart, Susan M., and Moss, Connie M. (2012). Learning Targets: Helping Students Aim for Understanding in Today’s Lesson. ASCD. “The most effective teaching and the most meaningful student learning happen when teachers design the right learning targets for today’s lesson and use it along with SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 269 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools their students to aim for and assess understanding. Learning targets are student-friendly descriptors of what you intend students to learn or accomplish in a given lesson. When shared, meaningfully, they become actual targets that students can see and direct their efforts toward. They also serve as targets for the adults in the school whose responsibility it is to plan, monitor, and assess, and improve the quality of learning opportunities to raise the achievement of all students.” Tier: Tier 1 Activity - Curriculum Maps Activity Type The District Curriculum Supervisors will develop curriculum maps which highlight instructional goals around grade-level learning targets that are student-friendly and specific to the needs of individual students in the classroom. Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Curriculum Tier 1 Developme nt Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Activity - Monitor Activity Type Phase Begin Date End Date District Staff in conjunction with building administrators and Curriculum Supervisors will monitor the level of use and effectiveness of Learning Targets in the classrooms through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process. Walkthroug Tier 1 h Monitor 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Schools:Brookside School, CA Frost Environmental Science Academy, Campus Elementary School, Congress Elementary, East Leonard School, Harrison Elementary, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Cesar E. Chavez Elementary, Kent Hills School, Shawmut Hills School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy, Sibley School, Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Mulick Elementary, North Park Montessori Academy, Dickinson School, Buchanan School, Eastern Elementary, Aberdeen Elementary School, Palmer School, Gerald R. Ford K8 Academy, Coit Arts Academy, Stocking Elementary, Ken-OSha Park Elementary, Southwest Community Campus School, Burton Elementary School Tier Schools:Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Mulick Elementary, North Park Montessori Academy, Brookside School, Dickinson School, Buchanan School, CA Frost Environmental Science Academy, Campus Elementary School, Aberdeen Elementary School, East Leonard School, Harrison Elementary, Coit Arts Academy, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Stocking Elementary, Kent Hills School, Ken-OSha Park Elementary, Shawmut Hills School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy, Sibley School, Burton Elementary School Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Deputy Required Superinten dent, District Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors and Teachers Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Elementary Required Executive Director, School Reform Facilitators and Building Administrat ors Measurable Objective 5: 40% of Third, Fourth and Fifth grade students will demonstrate a proficiency with concepts in Mathematics by 06/05/2015 as measured by the state assessment. SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 270 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools (shared) Strategy 1: Differentiated Instruction - School level staff will implement and participate in a variety of activities such as: professional learning, academic rigor, project learning, fluency and skill development, SIOP, data analysis, and use PLCs to enable them to differentiate instruction to meet the individualized needs of all students. The teaching staff will develop lessons and units that have a clear structure which allows for different pathways according to student needs. Research Cited: Beach, T.A. (2010). Combine Methodologies of Differentiated Instruction in the Heterogeneous Classroom. South Carolina Middle School Association Journal, February 26, 2011. "Offering each student the chance to learn the subject material in ways that address each student individually can benefit children in retaining information that will later be necessary to become thoughtful, productive adults. Through differentiation combined with curriculum layering, teachers can create a student-centered classroom that is supportive to each student." Cusumano, C. (2007). How Differentiated Instruction Helps struggling Students. Leadership, 36(4), 8-10. "Accelerating learning by examining and aligning three major systems in the school to support differentiation and a consistent focus on improved student learning the school's academic delivery structure, professional development, and human/fiscal resource allocation." Tier: Tier 1 Activity - Professional Learning Activity Type All staff will actively participate in professional learning which supports differentiation at their specific grade level and program. Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Professiona Tier 1 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Activity Type Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:All Schools Activity - Project Based Learning Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Assistant Required Superinten dent of Organizatio nal Learning, Executive Directors of Elementary , MS/K-8, High School/Alte rnative Schools, Principals and instructiona l staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 271 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools All staff will provide opportunities throughout the school year for Curriculum Tier 1 students to be engaged in a variety of project learning activities Developme that support the instructional goals. These projects will be nt differentiated in nature and provide choice to students regarding the type of project they will complete and will be rigorous and challenging for all students. Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Executive Required Directors of the Elementary , Middle School, K8, High School, Alternative Schools, Special Education, Curriculum Specialists, Deputy Superinten dent of Curriculum and Learning, building principals and teachers. Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Staff Responsibl e No Funding Building Required administrat or and teachers Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Schools:Alger Middle School, Ottawa Hills High School, Blandford Nature Center, Dickinson School, CA Frost Environmental Science Academy, Aberdeen Elementary School, John Ball Park Zoo School, Harrison Elementary, Gerald R. Ford K8 Academy, Westwood Middle School, Alger Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Burton Middle School, Grand Rapids University Preparatory Academy, Union High School, Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Innovation Central High School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy, City High Middle School, Center for Economicology Activity - Fluency and Skill Development Activity Type Tier Fluency and Skill Development: The staff will use a variety of Curriculum Tier 1 activities that will allow students to become fluent with essential Developme foundational skills. The students will practice these nt foundational skills often enough so that they can flexibly engage with the content at a higher level. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Sheltered Instruction Observational Protocol (SIOP) Activity Type The District will employ individuals who will coach and support Academic schools who Support have populations with second language learners. These Program individuals will train staff on how to implement the SIOP framework in their classrooms to support and provide differentiated techniques which will support the learning needs of our Limited English Proficient (LEP) students. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding ELL Required Department , Building Administrat or s and Teachers Schools:All Schools SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 272 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools Activity - Data Analysis Activity Type : The District will employ staff who will work collaboratively Other with individual schools and the KISD to analyze District-wide data, design user-friendly data reports and to assist schools in understanding their school-wide data in order to support and improve student achievement. This data is used at the building level to support teachers to determine the academic needs of all students in order to differentiate their instruction. Some of this data will be used by school staff who will participate in (Data Dialogues, Governance Boards) to review, reflect and communicate the academic progress in their classroom and identify which activities they are implementing to support continued student achievement. The District will employ a Data Support Specialist who will work solely with our identified Priority Schools to support staff in understanding their schoolwide data and ways to use this data to differentiate instruction in order to meet student needs. Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Tier 1 Evaluate 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding District Required A&E Department , Divisional Executive Directors, School Reform Facilitators, Building Administrat or s and Teachers Schools:All Schools Activity - Monitoring Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned District Support Staff in conjunction with building administrators, Curriculum Supervisors, and Coaches will monitor the level of use and effectiveness of differentiated instruction in the classrooms through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process. Academic Support Program Tier 1 Monitor 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:All Schools Activity - Technology SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Executive Required Directors of Elementary ,Middle , K8, High and Alternative Schools, Deputy Superinten dent of Curriculum and Learning, Curriculum Supervisors and Building Prinicpals Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 273 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will support the use of technology across the Curriculum Tier 1 district. Technology will be used in a variety of ways to support Developme student learning objectives. Students will engage with nt technology as a means to demonstrate their learning. Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding District Required Technology Department (MIS), District Curriculum Supervisors , Technology and Curriculum Integration and Instructiona l Support Specialist, Building Administrat ors and Teachers Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Schools:All Schools Activity - Clear Expectations Activity Type The District will ensure that teachers are setting clear Direct expectations in the classroom through the implementation of Instruction the evaluation tools used across the District. Classroom teachers will clearly communicate (oral and written formats) the purpose for learning as it connects to the curriculum framework and standards in a language that is student-friendly. Students will be more actively engaged in their learning when Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding Executive Required Directors, Building Administrat ors and Teachers Schools:All Schools Activity - Project Learning (Middle and High Schools) Activity Type Instructional Coaches: The District will employ Instructional Coaches who will build capacity of instructional staff by engaging in frequent and on-going coaching cycles with feedback around instructional strategies, differentiated strategies and delivery. Curriculum Tier 1 Developme nt Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding and District Required Curriculum Supervisors Schools:Westwood Middle School, Ottawa Hills High School, Union High School, Campus Elementary School, Aberdeen Elementary School SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 274 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools Activity - Summer School Activity Type The District will fund a summer school program that supports Academic the academic improvement of identified students. The summer Support school program is differentiated to meet the academic needs of Program the students who are enrolled. Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Schools:All Schools Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding itle I Required Office, School Reform Facilitators, Summer School Building Administrat ors and Summer School Teachers Activity - Math Lab (Middle) Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Comprehensive Middle Schools will implement the use of an tier two supplemental math intervention course for identified students address missing skills and gaps in math knowledge. Academic Support Program Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $134000 Title I Part A Activity - Instructional Improvement Coach (Union) Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding The District will employ an Instructional Improvement Coach, who under the direction of the Building Principal will facilitate learning around content areas and literacy utilizing technology and data that will enable Instructional Staff to effectively meet and transform the performance of GRPS students at Union High School. Professiona Tier 2 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Schools:Alger Middle School, Westwood Middle School, Burton Middle School, Riverside Middle School Schools:Union High School SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Deputy Superinten dent of Curriculum and Learning, Curriculum Specialists, and Executive Director of Middle School and K-8 division. Staff Responsibl e No Funding Instructiona Required l Improveme nt Coach, Building Administrat or, and Teaching Staff Page 275 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools Activity - Math Specialist Teacher (Priority Schools) Activity Type The District will employ Math Specialist Teachers who delivers Academic supplementary instruction to identified students This Support instructional support reflects State and District content Program expectations through the use of effective strategies in management, instruction, student motivation and curriculum planning and is delivered through “In School” push in and/or pull out interventions and/or after school intervention programs. The teachers makes knowledge accessible to all students; develops students’ cognitive capacity and respect for learning; and fosters students’ self-esteem, motivation and sense of civic responsibility. Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $310000 Title I Part A Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Math Specialist Teacher, Building Administrati on, and Teaching Staff Schools:Mulick Elementary, Brookside School, Dickinson School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy Activity - Math Coach (Priority Schools) Activity Type Resource Assigned The District will employ Math Coaches in order to support Priority Schools with their Reform & Redesign Plans, Math Coaches will be utilized to assist classroom teachers in successfully implementing best practices as identified in their Reform & Redesign Plans. Math Coaches will provide leadership for teachers by planning, collaborating, organizing, modeling and facilitating change to improve the instructional program. Math Coaches will participate in Coaching Cycles, LearningWalks, Professional Learning Communities, Data Analysis Meetings, and lead some professional development for the building staff based on the schools identified areas of need. Professiona Tier 2 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $270000 Title I Part A Activity - Instructional Coaches Activity Type Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding The District will employ Instructional Coaches who will build capacity of instructional staff by engaging in frequent and on-going coaching cycles with feedback around instructional strategies, differentiated strategies and delivery. Professiona Tier 2 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Staff Responsibl e Math Coaches, Building Administrati on, and Teaching Staff Schools:Aberdeen Elementary, Kent Hills School, Campus Elementary Tier Schools:Ottawa Hills High School SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding Instructiona Required l Coach, Building Administrati on, and Teaching Staff Page 276 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools (shared) Strategy 2: Student Engagement (K-12) - The District will implement Student Engagement by the following means: Professional Learning, Academic Rigor, Accountable Talk, Quality Questioning, Claim, Evidence and Reasoning, Non-Linguistic Representation, Monitoring, Close and Critical Reading, Technology and Clear Expectations. Research Cited: Pickering, Debra J., and Marzano, Robert J. (2011). The Highly Engaged Classroom. Marzano Research Laboratory. “Engagement is a central aspect of effective teaching. If students are not engaged, there is little, if any, chance that they will learn what is being addressed in class. Student engagement has long been recognized as the core of effective schooling.” Tier: Tier 1 Activity - Professional Learning Activity Type The District will employ individuals who organize the professional learning opportunities provided throughout the District. Some of the Professional Learning opportunities will support teachers and administrators using the teacher evaluation tools which will support the growth of student engagement in the classroom. Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Professiona Tier 1 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Activity Type Phase Begin Date End Date Monitor 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:All Schools Activity - Academic Rigor Tier District Staff in conjunction with building administrators will Curriculum Tier 1 monitor that students’ foundations of content are being built by Developme engaging them in the thinking process to deepen their overall nt content knowledge through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process to ensure that there is academic rigor in the classroom. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Accountable Talk Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Assistant Required Superinten dent of Organizatio nal Learning, Building Administrat ors and Teachers Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, School Reform Facilitators and Building Administrat ors Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 277 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools District Staff in conjunction with building administrators will Curriculum Tier 1 monitor the application of Accountable Talk moves which have Developme been developed through teacher training provided by the nt Institute for Learning (IFL). Accountable Talk will develop students’ abilities to socialize their intelligence as well as increase student engagement by encouraging open discussion and inquiry-based reasoning opportunities. Implement 09/02/2014 06/02/2015 $0 No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, School Reform Facilitators and Building Administrat ors Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Implement 09/02/2014 06/02/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Monitor 09/02/2014 06/02/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:All Schools Activity - Quality Questioning Activity Type Tier The District will implement quality questioning in the classroom Curriculum to increase both student engagement and to support a deeper Developme understanding of the content being taught. nt Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Monitoring Activity Type Tier District Staff in conjunction with building administrators, Walkthroug Tier 1 Curriculum Supervisors, and DL Coaches will monitor the level h of use and effectiveness of student engagement in the classrooms through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Technology Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, Building Administrat ors and Teachers Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, District Curriculum Supervisors , School Reform Facilitators, Instructiona l Coaches and Building Administrat ors Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 278 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will support the use of technology across the Technology Tier 1 district. Technology will be used in a variety of ways to support student learning objectives. Students will engage with technology as a means to demonstrate their learning. Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding District Required Technology Department (MIS), District Curriculum Supervisors , Instructiona l Technology Specialist, Building Administrat ors and Teachers Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/02/2015 $0 Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Implement 09/02/2014 06/02/2015 $0 Schools:All Schools Activity - Clear Expectations Activity Type The District will ensure that teachers are setting clear Direct expectations in the classroom through the implementation of Instruction the evaluation tools used across the District. Classroom teachers will clearly communicate (oral and written formats) the purpose for learning as it connects to the curriculum framework and standards in a language that is student-friendly. Students will be more actively engaged in their learning when they have a clear understanding of what the purpose is. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, Building Administrat ors and Teachers Schools:All Schools Activity - Claim Evidence and Reasoning (Middle/High) Activity Type The District Curriculum Supervisors will create units/lessons Curriculum Tier 1 which will increase student engagement through the use of Developme clam, evidence and reasoning. While reading complex text, nt staff will have students respond (orally and written) to a topic which will demand them to use textual evidence to support their overall claim. Schools:Westwood Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Ottawa Hills High School, Alger Middle School, City Middle/High School, Burton Middle School, Riverside Middle School, Union High School, Innovation Central High School, Center for Economicology SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Deputy Required Superinten dent, District Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors and Teachers Page 279 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools Activity - Non-Linguistic Representation (Middle/High) Activity Type Tier The District Curriculum Supervisors will create units/lessons Curriculum Tier 1 which will incorporate the use of non-linguistic representational Developme tools such as Thinking Maps and graphic organizers to enable nt students to organize their thinking in a way that will allow them to be more deeply engaged with the content. Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Schools:Alger Middle School, Westwood Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Ottawa Hills High School, City Middle/High School, Southeast Career Pathways, Burton Middle School, Riverside Middle School, Union High School, Innovation Central High School, Center for Economicology Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Deputy Required Superinten dent, District Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors and Teachers (shared) Strategy 3: Learning Targets - The District will implement and modify Learning Targets in the Elementary Division through the development of Curriculum Maps and through the use of Monitoring. Research Cited: Brookhart, Susan M., and Moss, Connie M. (2012). Learning Targets: Helping Students Aim for Understanding in Today’s Lesson. ASCD. “The most effective teaching and the most meaningful student learning happen when teachers design the right learning targets for today’s lesson and use it along with their students to aim for and assess understanding. Learning targets are student-friendly descriptors of what you intend students to learn or accomplish in a given lesson. When shared, meaningfully, they become actual targets that students can see and direct their efforts toward. They also serve as targets for the adults in the school whose responsibility it is to plan, monitor, and assess, and improve the quality of learning opportunities to raise the achievement of all students.” Tier: Tier 1 Activity - Curriculum Maps Activity Type Tier The District Curriculum Supervisors will develop curriculum maps which highlight instructional goals around grade-level learning targets that are student-friendly and specific to the needs of individual students in the classroom. Curriculum Tier 1 Developme nt Schools:Brookside School, CA Frost Environmental Science Academy, Campus Elementary School, Congress Elementary, East Leonard School, Harrison Elementary, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Cesar E. Chavez Elementary, Kent Hills School, Shawmut Hills School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy, Sibley School, Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Mulick Elementary, North Park Montessori Academy, Dickinson School, Buchanan School, Eastern Elementary, Aberdeen Elementary School, Palmer School, Gerald R. Ford K8 Academy, Coit Arts Academy, Stocking Elementary, Ken-OSha Park Elementary, Southwest Community Campus School, Burton Elementary School SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Deputy Required Superinten dent, District Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors and Teachers Page 280 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools Activity - Monitor Activity Type Tier District Staff in conjunction with building administrators and Curriculum Supervisors will monitor the level of use and effectiveness of Learning Targets in the classrooms through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process. Walkthroug Tier 1 h Phase Begin Date End Date Monitor 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Schools:Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Mulick Elementary, North Park Montessori Academy, Brookside School, Dickinson School, Buchanan School, CA Frost Environmental Science Academy, Campus Elementary School, Aberdeen Elementary School, East Leonard School, Harrison Elementary, Coit Arts Academy, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Stocking Elementary, Kent Hills School, Ken-OSha Park Elementary, Shawmut Hills School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy, Sibley School, Burton Elementary School Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Elementary Required Executive Director, School Reform Facilitators and Building Administrat ors Measurable Objective 6: 34% of Third, Fourth and Fifth grade Black or African-American students will demonstrate a proficiency with concepts in Mathematics by 06/05/2015 as measured by the state assessment. (shared) Strategy 1: Differentiated Instruction - School level staff will implement and participate in a variety of activities such as: professional learning, academic rigor, project learning, fluency and skill development, SIOP, data analysis, and use PLCs to enable them to differentiate instruction to meet the individualized needs of all students. The teaching staff will develop lessons and units that have a clear structure which allows for different pathways according to student needs. Research Cited: Beach, T.A. (2010). Combine Methodologies of Differentiated Instruction in the Heterogeneous Classroom. South Carolina Middle School Association Journal, February 26, 2011. "Offering each student the chance to learn the subject material in ways that address each student individually can benefit children in retaining information that will later be necessary to become thoughtful, productive adults. Through differentiation combined with curriculum layering, teachers can create a student-centered classroom that is supportive to each student." Cusumano, C. (2007). How Differentiated Instruction Helps struggling Students. Leadership, 36(4), 8-10. "Accelerating learning by examining and aligning three major systems in the school to support differentiation and a consistent focus on improved student learning the school's academic delivery structure, professional development, and human/fiscal resource allocation." Tier: Tier 1 SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 281 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools Activity - Professional Learning Activity Type All staff will actively participate in professional learning which supports differentiation at their specific grade level and program. Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Professiona Tier 1 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Activity Type Phase Begin Date End Date Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Schools:All Schools Activity - Project Based Learning Tier All staff will provide opportunities throughout the school year for Curriculum Tier 1 students to be engaged in a variety of project learning activities Developme that support the instructional goals. These projects will be nt differentiated in nature and provide choice to students regarding the type of project they will complete and will be rigorous and challenging for all students. Schools:Alger Middle School, Ottawa Hills High School, Blandford Nature Center, Dickinson School, CA Frost Environmental Science Academy, Aberdeen Elementary School, John Ball Park Zoo School, Harrison Elementary, Gerald R. Ford K8 Academy, Westwood Middle School, Alger Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Burton Middle School, Grand Rapids University Preparatory Academy, Union High School, Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Innovation Central High School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy, City High Middle School, Center for Economicology SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Assistant Required Superinten dent of Organizatio nal Learning, Executive Directors of Elementary , MS/K-8, High School/Alte rnative Schools, Principals and instructiona l staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Executive Required Directors of the Elementary , Middle School, K8, High School, Alternative Schools, Special Education, Curriculum Specialists, Deputy Superinten dent of Curriculum and Learning, building principals and teachers. Page 282 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools Activity - Fluency and Skill Development Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Staff Responsibl e No Funding Building Required administrat or and teachers Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Tier 1 Evaluate 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Fluency and Skill Development: The staff will use a variety of Curriculum Tier 1 activities that will allow students to become fluent with essential Developme foundational skills. The students will practice these nt foundational skills often enough so that they can flexibly engage with the content at a higher level. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Schools:All Schools Activity - Sheltered Instruction Observational Protocol (SIOP) Activity Type The District will employ individuals who will coach and support Academic schools who Support have populations with second language learners. These Program individuals will train staff on how to implement the SIOP framework in their classrooms to support and provide differentiated techniques which will support the learning needs of our Limited English Proficient (LEP) students. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding ELL Required Department , Building Administrat or s and Teachers Schools:All Schools Activity - Data Analysis Activity Type : The District will employ staff who will work collaboratively Other with individual schools and the KISD to analyze District-wide data, design user-friendly data reports and to assist schools in understanding their school-wide data in order to support and improve student achievement. This data is used at the building level to support teachers to determine the academic needs of all students in order to differentiate their instruction. Some of this data will be used by school staff who will participate in (Data Dialogues, Governance Boards) to review, reflect and communicate the academic progress in their classroom and identify which activities they are implementing to support continued student achievement. The District will employ a Data Support Specialist who will work solely with our identified Priority Schools to support staff in understanding their schoolwide data and ways to use this data to differentiate instruction in order to meet student needs. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding District Required A&E Department , Divisional Executive Directors, School Reform Facilitators, Building Administrat or s and Teachers Schools:All Schools SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 283 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools Activity - Monitoring Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned District Support Staff in conjunction with building administrators, Curriculum Supervisors, and Coaches will monitor the level of use and effectiveness of differentiated instruction in the classrooms through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process. Academic Support Program Tier 1 Monitor 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:All Schools Activity - Technology The District will support the use of technology across the Curriculum Tier 1 district. Technology will be used in a variety of ways to support Developme student learning objectives. Students will engage with nt technology as a means to demonstrate their learning. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Clear Expectations Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Executive Required Directors of Elementary ,Middle , K8, High and Alternative Schools, Deputy Superinten dent of Curriculum and Learning, Curriculum Supervisors and Building Prinicpals Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding District Required Technology Department (MIS), District Curriculum Supervisors , Technology and Curriculum Integration and Instructiona l Support Specialist, Building Administrat ors and Teachers Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 284 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will ensure that teachers are setting clear Direct expectations in the classroom through the implementation of Instruction the evaluation tools used across the District. Classroom teachers will clearly communicate (oral and written formats) the purpose for learning as it connects to the curriculum framework and standards in a language that is student-friendly. Students will be more actively engaged in their learning when Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Executive Required Directors, Building Administrat ors and Teachers Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Schools:All Schools Activity - Project Learning (Middle and High Schools) Activity Type Resource Assigned Instructional Coaches: The District will employ Instructional Coaches who will build capacity of instructional staff by engaging in frequent and on-going coaching cycles with feedback around instructional strategies, differentiated strategies and delivery. Curriculum Tier 1 Developme nt Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Staff Responsibl e No Funding and District Required Curriculum Supervisors Schools:Westwood Middle School, Ottawa Hills High School, Union High School, Campus Elementary School, Aberdeen Elementary School Activity - Summer School The District will fund a summer school program that supports Academic the academic improvement of identified students. The summer Support school program is differentiated to meet the academic needs of Program the students who are enrolled. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Math Lab (Middle) Activity Type SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding itle I Required Office, School Reform Facilitators, Summer School Building Administrat ors and Summer School Teachers Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 285 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools Comprehensive Middle Schools will implement the use of an tier two supplemental math intervention course for identified students address missing skills and gaps in math knowledge. Academic Support Program Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $134000 Title I Part A Activity - Instructional Improvement Coach (Union) Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding The District will employ an Instructional Improvement Coach, who under the direction of the Building Principal will facilitate learning around content areas and literacy utilizing technology and data that will enable Instructional Staff to effectively meet and transform the performance of GRPS students at Union High School. Professiona Tier 2 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $310000 Title I Part A Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Schools:Alger Middle School, Westwood Middle School, Burton Middle School, Riverside Middle School Resource Assigned Schools:Union High School Activity - Math Specialist Teacher (Priority Schools) The District will employ Math Specialist Teachers who delivers Academic supplementary instruction to identified students This Support instructional support reflects State and District content Program expectations through the use of effective strategies in management, instruction, student motivation and curriculum planning and is delivered through “In School” push in and/or pull out interventions and/or after school intervention programs. The teachers makes knowledge accessible to all students; develops students’ cognitive capacity and respect for learning; and fosters students’ self-esteem, motivation and sense of civic responsibility. Resource Assigned Deputy Superinten dent of Curriculum and Learning, Curriculum Specialists, and Executive Director of Middle School and K-8 division. Staff Responsibl e No Funding Instructiona Required l Improveme nt Coach, Building Administrat or, and Teaching Staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Math Specialist Teacher, Building Administrati on, and Teaching Staff Schools:Mulick Elementary, Brookside School, Dickinson School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy Activity - Math Coach (Priority Schools) Activity Type SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Page 286 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will employ Math Coaches in order to support Priority Schools with their Reform & Redesign Plans, Math Coaches will be utilized to assist classroom teachers in successfully implementing best practices as identified in their Reform & Redesign Plans. Math Coaches will provide leadership for teachers by planning, collaborating, organizing, modeling and facilitating change to improve the instructional program. Math Coaches will participate in Coaching Cycles, LearningWalks, Professional Learning Communities, Data Analysis Meetings, and lead some professional development for the building staff based on the schools identified areas of need. Professiona Tier 2 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $270000 Title I Part A Activity - Instructional Coaches Activity Type Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding The District will employ Instructional Coaches who will build capacity of instructional staff by engaging in frequent and on-going coaching cycles with feedback around instructional strategies, differentiated strategies and delivery. Professiona Tier 2 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Math Coaches, Building Administrati on, and Teaching Staff Schools:Aberdeen Elementary, Kent Hills School, Campus Elementary Tier Resource Assigned Schools:Ottawa Hills High School Staff Responsibl e No Funding Instructiona Required l Coach, Building Administrati on, and Teaching Staff (shared) Strategy 2: Student Engagement (K-12) - The District will implement Student Engagement by the following means: Professional Learning, Academic Rigor, Accountable Talk, Quality Questioning, Claim, Evidence and Reasoning, Non-Linguistic Representation, Monitoring, Close and Critical Reading, Technology and Clear Expectations. Research Cited: Pickering, Debra J., and Marzano, Robert J. (2011). The Highly Engaged Classroom. Marzano Research Laboratory. “Engagement is a central aspect of effective teaching. If students are not engaged, there is little, if any, chance that they will learn what is being addressed in class. Student engagement has long been recognized as the core of effective schooling.” Tier: Tier 1 Activity - Professional Learning Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 287 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will employ individuals who organize the professional learning opportunities provided throughout the District. Some of the Professional Learning opportunities will support teachers and administrators using the teacher evaluation tools which will support the growth of student engagement in the classroom. Professiona Tier 1 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Assistant Required Superinten dent of Organizatio nal Learning, Building Administrat ors and Teachers Activity Type Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Monitor 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Implement 09/02/2014 06/02/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Implement 09/02/2014 06/02/2015 $0 Schools:All Schools Activity - Academic Rigor Tier District Staff in conjunction with building administrators will Curriculum Tier 1 monitor that students’ foundations of content are being built by Developme engaging them in the thinking process to deepen their overall nt content knowledge through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process to ensure that there is academic rigor in the classroom. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Accountable Talk Activity Type Tier District Staff in conjunction with building administrators will Curriculum Tier 1 monitor the application of Accountable Talk moves which have Developme been developed through teacher training provided by the nt Institute for Learning (IFL). Accountable Talk will develop students’ abilities to socialize their intelligence as well as increase student engagement by encouraging open discussion and inquiry-based reasoning opportunities. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Quality Questioning Activity Type Tier The District will implement quality questioning in the classroom Curriculum to increase both student engagement and to support a deeper Developme understanding of the content being taught. nt Schools:All Schools SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, School Reform Facilitators and Building Administrat ors Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, School Reform Facilitators and Building Administrat ors Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, Building Administrat ors and Teachers Page 288 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools Activity - Monitoring Activity Type Tier District Staff in conjunction with building administrators, Walkthroug Tier 1 Curriculum Supervisors, and DL Coaches will monitor the level h of use and effectiveness of student engagement in the classrooms through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process. Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Monitor 09/02/2014 06/02/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:All Schools Activity - Technology Activity Type Tier The District will support the use of technology across the Technology Tier 1 district. Technology will be used in a variety of ways to support student learning objectives. Students will engage with technology as a means to demonstrate their learning. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Clear Expectations Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, District Curriculum Supervisors , School Reform Facilitators, Instructiona l Coaches and Building Administrat ors Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding District Required Technology Department (MIS), District Curriculum Supervisors , Instructiona l Technology Specialist, Building Administrat ors and Teachers Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 289 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will ensure that teachers are setting clear Direct expectations in the classroom through the implementation of Instruction the evaluation tools used across the District. Classroom teachers will clearly communicate (oral and written formats) the purpose for learning as it connects to the curriculum framework and standards in a language that is student-friendly. Students will be more actively engaged in their learning when they have a clear understanding of what the purpose is. Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/02/2015 $0 No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, Building Administrat ors and Teachers Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Implement 09/02/2014 06/02/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Schools:All Schools Activity - Claim Evidence and Reasoning (Middle/High) Activity Type The District Curriculum Supervisors will create units/lessons Curriculum Tier 1 which will increase student engagement through the use of Developme clam, evidence and reasoning. While reading complex text, nt staff will have students respond (orally and written) to a topic which will demand them to use textual evidence to support their overall claim. Resource Assigned Schools:Westwood Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Ottawa Hills High School, Alger Middle School, City Middle/High School, Burton Middle School, Riverside Middle School, Union High School, Innovation Central High School, Center for Economicology Activity - Non-Linguistic Representation (Middle/High) Activity Type Tier The District Curriculum Supervisors will create units/lessons Curriculum Tier 1 which will incorporate the use of non-linguistic representational Developme tools such as Thinking Maps and graphic organizers to enable nt students to organize their thinking in a way that will allow them to be more deeply engaged with the content. Schools:Alger Middle School, Westwood Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Ottawa Hills High School, City Middle/High School, Southeast Career Pathways, Burton Middle School, Riverside Middle School, Union High School, Innovation Central High School, Center for Economicology Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding Deputy Required Superinten dent, District Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors and Teachers Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Deputy Required Superinten dent, District Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors and Teachers (shared) Strategy 3: Learning Targets - The District will implement and modify Learning Targets in the Elementary Division through the development of Curriculum Maps and through the use of Monitoring. Research Cited: Brookhart, Susan M., and Moss, Connie M. (2012). Learning Targets: Helping Students Aim for Understanding in Today’s Lesson. ASCD. “The most effective teaching and the most meaningful student learning happen when teachers design the right learning targets for today’s lesson and use it along with SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 290 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools their students to aim for and assess understanding. Learning targets are student-friendly descriptors of what you intend students to learn or accomplish in a given lesson. When shared, meaningfully, they become actual targets that students can see and direct their efforts toward. They also serve as targets for the adults in the school whose responsibility it is to plan, monitor, and assess, and improve the quality of learning opportunities to raise the achievement of all students.” Tier: Tier 1 Activity - Curriculum Maps Activity Type The District Curriculum Supervisors will develop curriculum maps which highlight instructional goals around grade-level learning targets that are student-friendly and specific to the needs of individual students in the classroom. Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Curriculum Tier 1 Developme nt Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Activity - Monitor Activity Type Phase Begin Date End Date District Staff in conjunction with building administrators and Curriculum Supervisors will monitor the level of use and effectiveness of Learning Targets in the classrooms through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process. Walkthroug Tier 1 h Monitor 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Schools:Brookside School, CA Frost Environmental Science Academy, Campus Elementary School, Congress Elementary, East Leonard School, Harrison Elementary, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Cesar E. Chavez Elementary, Kent Hills School, Shawmut Hills School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy, Sibley School, Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Mulick Elementary, North Park Montessori Academy, Dickinson School, Buchanan School, Eastern Elementary, Aberdeen Elementary School, Palmer School, Gerald R. Ford K8 Academy, Coit Arts Academy, Stocking Elementary, Ken-OSha Park Elementary, Southwest Community Campus School, Burton Elementary School Tier Schools:Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Mulick Elementary, North Park Montessori Academy, Brookside School, Dickinson School, Buchanan School, CA Frost Environmental Science Academy, Campus Elementary School, Aberdeen Elementary School, East Leonard School, Harrison Elementary, Coit Arts Academy, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Stocking Elementary, Kent Hills School, Ken-OSha Park Elementary, Shawmut Hills School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy, Sibley School, Burton Elementary School Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Deputy Required Superinten dent, District Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors and Teachers Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Elementary Required Executive Director, School Reform Facilitators and Building Administrat ors Measurable Objective 7: SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 291 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools 37% of Third, Fourth and Fifth grade Hispanic or Latino students will demonstrate a proficiency with concepts in Mathematics by 06/05/2015 as measured by the state assessment. (shared) Strategy 1: Differentiated Instruction - School level staff will implement and participate in a variety of activities such as: professional learning, academic rigor, project learning, fluency and skill development, SIOP, data analysis, and use PLCs to enable them to differentiate instruction to meet the individualized needs of all students. The teaching staff will develop lessons and units that have a clear structure which allows for different pathways according to student needs. Research Cited: Beach, T.A. (2010). Combine Methodologies of Differentiated Instruction in the Heterogeneous Classroom. South Carolina Middle School Association Journal, February 26, 2011. "Offering each student the chance to learn the subject material in ways that address each student individually can benefit children in retaining information that will later be necessary to become thoughtful, productive adults. Through differentiation combined with curriculum layering, teachers can create a student-centered classroom that is supportive to each student." Cusumano, C. (2007). How Differentiated Instruction Helps struggling Students. Leadership, 36(4), 8-10. "Accelerating learning by examining and aligning three major systems in the school to support differentiation and a consistent focus on improved student learning the school's academic delivery structure, professional development, and human/fiscal resource allocation." Tier: Tier 1 Activity - Professional Learning Activity Type Tier All staff will actively participate in professional learning which supports differentiation at their specific grade level and program. Professiona Tier 1 l Learning Schools:All Schools SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Assistant Required Superinten dent of Organizatio nal Learning, Executive Directors of Elementary , MS/K-8, High School/Alte rnative Schools, Principals and instructiona l staff Page 292 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools Activity - Project Based Learning Activity Type Tier All staff will provide opportunities throughout the school year for Curriculum Tier 1 students to be engaged in a variety of project learning activities Developme that support the instructional goals. These projects will be nt differentiated in nature and provide choice to students regarding the type of project they will complete and will be rigorous and challenging for all students. Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Staff Responsibl e No Funding Building Required administrat or and teachers Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Schools:Alger Middle School, Ottawa Hills High School, Blandford Nature Center, Dickinson School, CA Frost Environmental Science Academy, Aberdeen Elementary School, John Ball Park Zoo School, Harrison Elementary, Gerald R. Ford K8 Academy, Westwood Middle School, Alger Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Burton Middle School, Grand Rapids University Preparatory Academy, Union High School, Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Innovation Central High School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy, City High Middle School, Center for Economicology Activity - Fluency and Skill Development Activity Type Tier Fluency and Skill Development: The staff will use a variety of Curriculum Tier 1 activities that will allow students to become fluent with essential Developme foundational skills. The students will practice these nt foundational skills often enough so that they can flexibly engage with the content at a higher level. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Executive Required Directors of the Elementary , Middle School, K8, High School, Alternative Schools, Special Education, Curriculum Specialists, Deputy Superinten dent of Curriculum and Learning, building principals and teachers. Source Of Funding Schools:All Schools Activity - Sheltered Instruction Observational Protocol (SIOP) Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Page 293 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will employ individuals who will coach and support Academic schools who Support have populations with second language learners. These Program individuals will train staff on how to implement the SIOP framework in their classrooms to support and provide differentiated techniques which will support the learning needs of our Limited English Proficient (LEP) students. Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding ELL Required Department , Building Administrat or s and Teachers Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 1 Evaluate 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:All Schools Activity - Data Analysis Activity Type : The District will employ staff who will work collaboratively Other with individual schools and the KISD to analyze District-wide data, design user-friendly data reports and to assist schools in understanding their school-wide data in order to support and improve student achievement. This data is used at the building level to support teachers to determine the academic needs of all students in order to differentiate their instruction. Some of this data will be used by school staff who will participate in (Data Dialogues, Governance Boards) to review, reflect and communicate the academic progress in their classroom and identify which activities they are implementing to support continued student achievement. The District will employ a Data Support Specialist who will work solely with our identified Priority Schools to support staff in understanding their schoolwide data and ways to use this data to differentiate instruction in order to meet student needs. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding District Required A&E Department , Divisional Executive Directors, School Reform Facilitators, Building Administrat or s and Teachers Schools:All Schools Activity - Monitoring Activity Type SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 294 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools District Support Staff in conjunction with building administrators, Curriculum Supervisors, and Coaches will monitor the level of use and effectiveness of differentiated instruction in the classrooms through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process. Academic Support Program Tier 1 Monitor 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Executive Required Directors of Elementary ,Middle , K8, High and Alternative Schools, Deputy Superinten dent of Curriculum and Learning, Curriculum Supervisors and Building Prinicpals Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:All Schools Activity - Technology The District will support the use of technology across the Curriculum Tier 1 district. Technology will be used in a variety of ways to support Developme student learning objectives. Students will engage with nt technology as a means to demonstrate their learning. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Clear Expectations Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding District Required Technology Department (MIS), District Curriculum Supervisors , Technology and Curriculum Integration and Instructiona l Support Specialist, Building Administrat ors and Teachers Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 295 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will ensure that teachers are setting clear Direct expectations in the classroom through the implementation of Instruction the evaluation tools used across the District. Classroom teachers will clearly communicate (oral and written formats) the purpose for learning as it connects to the curriculum framework and standards in a language that is student-friendly. Students will be more actively engaged in their learning when Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Executive Required Directors, Building Administrat ors and Teachers Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Schools:All Schools Activity - Project Learning (Middle and High Schools) Activity Type Resource Assigned Instructional Coaches: The District will employ Instructional Coaches who will build capacity of instructional staff by engaging in frequent and on-going coaching cycles with feedback around instructional strategies, differentiated strategies and delivery. Curriculum Tier 1 Developme nt Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Staff Responsibl e No Funding and District Required Curriculum Supervisors Schools:Westwood Middle School, Ottawa Hills High School, Union High School, Campus Elementary School, Aberdeen Elementary School Activity - Summer School The District will fund a summer school program that supports Academic the academic improvement of identified students. The summer Support school program is differentiated to meet the academic needs of Program the students who are enrolled. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Math Lab (Middle) Activity Type SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding itle I Required Office, School Reform Facilitators, Summer School Building Administrat ors and Summer School Teachers Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 296 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools Comprehensive Middle Schools will implement the use of an tier two supplemental math intervention course for identified students address missing skills and gaps in math knowledge. Academic Support Program Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $134000 Title I Part A Activity - Instructional Improvement Coach (Union) Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding The District will employ an Instructional Improvement Coach, who under the direction of the Building Principal will facilitate learning around content areas and literacy utilizing technology and data that will enable Instructional Staff to effectively meet and transform the performance of GRPS students at Union High School. Professiona Tier 2 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $310000 Title I Part A Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Schools:Alger Middle School, Westwood Middle School, Burton Middle School, Riverside Middle School Resource Assigned Schools:Union High School Activity - Math Specialist Teacher (Priority Schools) The District will employ Math Specialist Teachers who delivers Academic supplementary instruction to identified students This Support instructional support reflects State and District content Program expectations through the use of effective strategies in management, instruction, student motivation and curriculum planning and is delivered through “In School” push in and/or pull out interventions and/or after school intervention programs. The teachers makes knowledge accessible to all students; develops students’ cognitive capacity and respect for learning; and fosters students’ self-esteem, motivation and sense of civic responsibility. Resource Assigned Deputy Superinten dent of Curriculum and Learning, Curriculum Specialists, and Executive Director of Middle School and K-8 division. Staff Responsibl e No Funding Instructiona Required l Improveme nt Coach, Building Administrat or, and Teaching Staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Math Specialist Teacher, Building Administrati on, and Teaching Staff Schools:Mulick Elementary, Brookside School, Dickinson School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy Activity - Math Coach (Priority Schools) Activity Type SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Page 297 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will employ Math Coaches in order to support Priority Schools with their Reform & Redesign Plans, Math Coaches will be utilized to assist classroom teachers in successfully implementing best practices as identified in their Reform & Redesign Plans. Math Coaches will provide leadership for teachers by planning, collaborating, organizing, modeling and facilitating change to improve the instructional program. Math Coaches will participate in Coaching Cycles, LearningWalks, Professional Learning Communities, Data Analysis Meetings, and lead some professional development for the building staff based on the schools identified areas of need. Professiona Tier 2 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $270000 Title I Part A Activity - Instructional Coaches Activity Type Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding The District will employ Instructional Coaches who will build capacity of instructional staff by engaging in frequent and on-going coaching cycles with feedback around instructional strategies, differentiated strategies and delivery. Professiona Tier 2 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Math Coaches, Building Administrati on, and Teaching Staff Schools:Aberdeen Elementary, Kent Hills School, Campus Elementary Tier Resource Assigned Schools:Ottawa Hills High School Staff Responsibl e No Funding Instructiona Required l Coach, Building Administrati on, and Teaching Staff (shared) Strategy 2: Student Engagement (K-12) - The District will implement Student Engagement by the following means: Professional Learning, Academic Rigor, Accountable Talk, Quality Questioning, Claim, Evidence and Reasoning, Non-Linguistic Representation, Monitoring, Close and Critical Reading, Technology and Clear Expectations. Research Cited: Pickering, Debra J., and Marzano, Robert J. (2011). The Highly Engaged Classroom. Marzano Research Laboratory. “Engagement is a central aspect of effective teaching. If students are not engaged, there is little, if any, chance that they will learn what is being addressed in class. Student engagement has long been recognized as the core of effective schooling.” Tier: Tier 1 Activity - Professional Learning Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 298 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will employ individuals who organize the professional learning opportunities provided throughout the District. Some of the Professional Learning opportunities will support teachers and administrators using the teacher evaluation tools which will support the growth of student engagement in the classroom. Professiona Tier 1 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Assistant Required Superinten dent of Organizatio nal Learning, Building Administrat ors and Teachers Activity Type Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Monitor 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Implement 09/02/2014 06/02/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Implement 09/02/2014 06/02/2015 $0 Schools:All Schools Activity - Academic Rigor Tier District Staff in conjunction with building administrators will Curriculum Tier 1 monitor that students’ foundations of content are being built by Developme engaging them in the thinking process to deepen their overall nt content knowledge through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process to ensure that there is academic rigor in the classroom. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Accountable Talk Activity Type Tier District Staff in conjunction with building administrators will Curriculum Tier 1 monitor the application of Accountable Talk moves which have Developme been developed through teacher training provided by the nt Institute for Learning (IFL). Accountable Talk will develop students’ abilities to socialize their intelligence as well as increase student engagement by encouraging open discussion and inquiry-based reasoning opportunities. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Quality Questioning Activity Type Tier The District will implement quality questioning in the classroom Curriculum to increase both student engagement and to support a deeper Developme understanding of the content being taught. nt Schools:All Schools SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, School Reform Facilitators and Building Administrat ors Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, School Reform Facilitators and Building Administrat ors Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, Building Administrat ors and Teachers Page 299 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools Activity - Monitoring Activity Type Tier District Staff in conjunction with building administrators, Walkthroug Tier 1 Curriculum Supervisors, and DL Coaches will monitor the level h of use and effectiveness of student engagement in the classrooms through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process. Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Monitor 09/02/2014 06/02/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:All Schools Activity - Technology Activity Type Tier The District will support the use of technology across the Technology Tier 1 district. Technology will be used in a variety of ways to support student learning objectives. Students will engage with technology as a means to demonstrate their learning. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Clear Expectations Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, District Curriculum Supervisors , School Reform Facilitators, Instructiona l Coaches and Building Administrat ors Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding District Required Technology Department (MIS), District Curriculum Supervisors , Instructiona l Technology Specialist, Building Administrat ors and Teachers Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 300 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will ensure that teachers are setting clear Direct expectations in the classroom through the implementation of Instruction the evaluation tools used across the District. Classroom teachers will clearly communicate (oral and written formats) the purpose for learning as it connects to the curriculum framework and standards in a language that is student-friendly. Students will be more actively engaged in their learning when they have a clear understanding of what the purpose is. Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/02/2015 $0 No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, Building Administrat ors and Teachers Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Implement 09/02/2014 06/02/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Schools:All Schools Activity - Claim Evidence and Reasoning (Middle/High) Activity Type The District Curriculum Supervisors will create units/lessons Curriculum Tier 1 which will increase student engagement through the use of Developme clam, evidence and reasoning. While reading complex text, nt staff will have students respond (orally and written) to a topic which will demand them to use textual evidence to support their overall claim. Resource Assigned Schools:Westwood Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Ottawa Hills High School, Alger Middle School, City Middle/High School, Burton Middle School, Riverside Middle School, Union High School, Innovation Central High School, Center for Economicology Activity - Non-Linguistic Representation (Middle/High) Activity Type Tier The District Curriculum Supervisors will create units/lessons Curriculum Tier 1 which will incorporate the use of non-linguistic representational Developme tools such as Thinking Maps and graphic organizers to enable nt students to organize their thinking in a way that will allow them to be more deeply engaged with the content. Schools:Alger Middle School, Westwood Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Ottawa Hills High School, City Middle/High School, Southeast Career Pathways, Burton Middle School, Riverside Middle School, Union High School, Innovation Central High School, Center for Economicology Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding Deputy Required Superinten dent, District Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors and Teachers Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Deputy Required Superinten dent, District Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors and Teachers (shared) Strategy 3: Learning Targets - The District will implement and modify Learning Targets in the Elementary Division through the development of Curriculum Maps and through the use of Monitoring. Research Cited: Brookhart, Susan M., and Moss, Connie M. (2012). Learning Targets: Helping Students Aim for Understanding in Today’s Lesson. ASCD. “The most effective teaching and the most meaningful student learning happen when teachers design the right learning targets for today’s lesson and use it along with SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 301 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools their students to aim for and assess understanding. Learning targets are student-friendly descriptors of what you intend students to learn or accomplish in a given lesson. When shared, meaningfully, they become actual targets that students can see and direct their efforts toward. They also serve as targets for the adults in the school whose responsibility it is to plan, monitor, and assess, and improve the quality of learning opportunities to raise the achievement of all students.” Tier: Tier 1 Activity - Curriculum Maps Activity Type The District Curriculum Supervisors will develop curriculum maps which highlight instructional goals around grade-level learning targets that are student-friendly and specific to the needs of individual students in the classroom. Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Curriculum Tier 1 Developme nt Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Activity - Monitor Activity Type Phase Begin Date End Date District Staff in conjunction with building administrators and Curriculum Supervisors will monitor the level of use and effectiveness of Learning Targets in the classrooms through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process. Walkthroug Tier 1 h Monitor 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Schools:Brookside School, CA Frost Environmental Science Academy, Campus Elementary School, Congress Elementary, East Leonard School, Harrison Elementary, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Cesar E. Chavez Elementary, Kent Hills School, Shawmut Hills School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy, Sibley School, Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Mulick Elementary, North Park Montessori Academy, Dickinson School, Buchanan School, Eastern Elementary, Aberdeen Elementary School, Palmer School, Gerald R. Ford K8 Academy, Coit Arts Academy, Stocking Elementary, Ken-OSha Park Elementary, Southwest Community Campus School, Burton Elementary School Tier Schools:Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Mulick Elementary, North Park Montessori Academy, Brookside School, Dickinson School, Buchanan School, CA Frost Environmental Science Academy, Campus Elementary School, Aberdeen Elementary School, East Leonard School, Harrison Elementary, Coit Arts Academy, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Stocking Elementary, Kent Hills School, Ken-OSha Park Elementary, Shawmut Hills School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy, Sibley School, Burton Elementary School Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Deputy Required Superinten dent, District Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors and Teachers Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Elementary Required Executive Director, School Reform Facilitators and Building Administrat ors Measurable Objective 8: SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 302 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools 53% of Third, Fourth and Fifth grade White students will demonstrate a proficiency with concepts in Mathematics by 06/05/2015 as measured by the state assessment. (shared) Strategy 1: Differentiated Instruction - School level staff will implement and participate in a variety of activities such as: professional learning, academic rigor, project learning, fluency and skill development, SIOP, data analysis, and use PLCs to enable them to differentiate instruction to meet the individualized needs of all students. The teaching staff will develop lessons and units that have a clear structure which allows for different pathways according to student needs. Research Cited: Beach, T.A. (2010). Combine Methodologies of Differentiated Instruction in the Heterogeneous Classroom. South Carolina Middle School Association Journal, February 26, 2011. "Offering each student the chance to learn the subject material in ways that address each student individually can benefit children in retaining information that will later be necessary to become thoughtful, productive adults. Through differentiation combined with curriculum layering, teachers can create a student-centered classroom that is supportive to each student." Cusumano, C. (2007). How Differentiated Instruction Helps struggling Students. Leadership, 36(4), 8-10. "Accelerating learning by examining and aligning three major systems in the school to support differentiation and a consistent focus on improved student learning the school's academic delivery structure, professional development, and human/fiscal resource allocation." Tier: Tier 1 Activity - Professional Learning Activity Type Tier All staff will actively participate in professional learning which supports differentiation at their specific grade level and program. Professiona Tier 1 l Learning Schools:All Schools SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Assistant Required Superinten dent of Organizatio nal Learning, Executive Directors of Elementary , MS/K-8, High School/Alte rnative Schools, Principals and instructiona l staff Page 303 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools Activity - Project Based Learning Activity Type Tier All staff will provide opportunities throughout the school year for Curriculum Tier 1 students to be engaged in a variety of project learning activities Developme that support the instructional goals. These projects will be nt differentiated in nature and provide choice to students regarding the type of project they will complete and will be rigorous and challenging for all students. Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Staff Responsibl e No Funding Building Required administrat or and teachers Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Schools:Alger Middle School, Ottawa Hills High School, Blandford Nature Center, Dickinson School, CA Frost Environmental Science Academy, Aberdeen Elementary School, John Ball Park Zoo School, Harrison Elementary, Gerald R. Ford K8 Academy, Westwood Middle School, Alger Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Burton Middle School, Grand Rapids University Preparatory Academy, Union High School, Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Innovation Central High School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy, City High Middle School, Center for Economicology Activity - Fluency and Skill Development Activity Type Tier Fluency and Skill Development: The staff will use a variety of Curriculum Tier 1 activities that will allow students to become fluent with essential Developme foundational skills. The students will practice these nt foundational skills often enough so that they can flexibly engage with the content at a higher level. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Executive Required Directors of the Elementary , Middle School, K8, High School, Alternative Schools, Special Education, Curriculum Specialists, Deputy Superinten dent of Curriculum and Learning, building principals and teachers. Source Of Funding Schools:All Schools Activity - Sheltered Instruction Observational Protocol (SIOP) Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Page 304 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will employ individuals who will coach and support Academic schools who Support have populations with second language learners. These Program individuals will train staff on how to implement the SIOP framework in their classrooms to support and provide differentiated techniques which will support the learning needs of our Limited English Proficient (LEP) students. Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding ELL Required Department , Building Administrat or s and Teachers Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 1 Evaluate 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:All Schools Activity - Data Analysis Activity Type : The District will employ staff who will work collaboratively Other with individual schools and the KISD to analyze District-wide data, design user-friendly data reports and to assist schools in understanding their school-wide data in order to support and improve student achievement. This data is used at the building level to support teachers to determine the academic needs of all students in order to differentiate their instruction. Some of this data will be used by school staff who will participate in (Data Dialogues, Governance Boards) to review, reflect and communicate the academic progress in their classroom and identify which activities they are implementing to support continued student achievement. The District will employ a Data Support Specialist who will work solely with our identified Priority Schools to support staff in understanding their schoolwide data and ways to use this data to differentiate instruction in order to meet student needs. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding District Required A&E Department , Divisional Executive Directors, School Reform Facilitators, Building Administrat or s and Teachers Schools:All Schools Activity - Monitoring Activity Type SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 305 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools District Support Staff in conjunction with building administrators, Curriculum Supervisors, and Coaches will monitor the level of use and effectiveness of differentiated instruction in the classrooms through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process. Academic Support Program Tier 1 Monitor 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Executive Required Directors of Elementary ,Middle , K8, High and Alternative Schools, Deputy Superinten dent of Curriculum and Learning, Curriculum Supervisors and Building Prinicpals Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:All Schools Activity - Technology The District will support the use of technology across the Curriculum Tier 1 district. Technology will be used in a variety of ways to support Developme student learning objectives. Students will engage with nt technology as a means to demonstrate their learning. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Clear Expectations Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding District Required Technology Department (MIS), District Curriculum Supervisors , Technology and Curriculum Integration and Instructiona l Support Specialist, Building Administrat ors and Teachers Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 306 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will ensure that teachers are setting clear Direct expectations in the classroom through the implementation of Instruction the evaluation tools used across the District. Classroom teachers will clearly communicate (oral and written formats) the purpose for learning as it connects to the curriculum framework and standards in a language that is student-friendly. Students will be more actively engaged in their learning when Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Executive Required Directors, Building Administrat ors and Teachers Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Schools:All Schools Activity - Project Learning (Middle and High Schools) Activity Type Resource Assigned Instructional Coaches: The District will employ Instructional Coaches who will build capacity of instructional staff by engaging in frequent and on-going coaching cycles with feedback around instructional strategies, differentiated strategies and delivery. Curriculum Tier 1 Developme nt Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Staff Responsibl e No Funding and District Required Curriculum Supervisors Schools:Westwood Middle School, Ottawa Hills High School, Union High School, Campus Elementary School, Aberdeen Elementary School Activity - Summer School The District will fund a summer school program that supports Academic the academic improvement of identified students. The summer Support school program is differentiated to meet the academic needs of Program the students who are enrolled. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Math Lab (Middle) Activity Type SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding itle I Required Office, School Reform Facilitators, Summer School Building Administrat ors and Summer School Teachers Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 307 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools Comprehensive Middle Schools will implement the use of an tier two supplemental math intervention course for identified students address missing skills and gaps in math knowledge. Academic Support Program Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $134000 Title I Part A Activity - Instructional Improvement Coach (Union) Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding The District will employ an Instructional Improvement Coach, who under the direction of the Building Principal will facilitate learning around content areas and literacy utilizing technology and data that will enable Instructional Staff to effectively meet and transform the performance of GRPS students at Union High School. Professiona Tier 2 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $310000 Title I Part A Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Schools:Alger Middle School, Westwood Middle School, Burton Middle School, Riverside Middle School Resource Assigned Schools:Union High School Activity - Math Specialist Teacher (Priority Schools) The District will employ Math Specialist Teachers who delivers Academic supplementary instruction to identified students This Support instructional support reflects State and District content Program expectations through the use of effective strategies in management, instruction, student motivation and curriculum planning and is delivered through “In School” push in and/or pull out interventions and/or after school intervention programs. The teachers makes knowledge accessible to all students; develops students’ cognitive capacity and respect for learning; and fosters students’ self-esteem, motivation and sense of civic responsibility. Resource Assigned Deputy Superinten dent of Curriculum and Learning, Curriculum Specialists, and Executive Director of Middle School and K-8 division. Staff Responsibl e No Funding Instructiona Required l Improveme nt Coach, Building Administrat or, and Teaching Staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Math Specialist Teacher, Building Administrati on, and Teaching Staff Schools:Mulick Elementary, Brookside School, Dickinson School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy Activity - Math Coach (Priority Schools) Activity Type SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Page 308 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will employ Math Coaches in order to support Priority Schools with their Reform & Redesign Plans, Math Coaches will be utilized to assist classroom teachers in successfully implementing best practices as identified in their Reform & Redesign Plans. Math Coaches will provide leadership for teachers by planning, collaborating, organizing, modeling and facilitating change to improve the instructional program. Math Coaches will participate in Coaching Cycles, LearningWalks, Professional Learning Communities, Data Analysis Meetings, and lead some professional development for the building staff based on the schools identified areas of need. Professiona Tier 2 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $270000 Title I Part A Activity - Instructional Coaches Activity Type Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding The District will employ Instructional Coaches who will build capacity of instructional staff by engaging in frequent and on-going coaching cycles with feedback around instructional strategies, differentiated strategies and delivery. Professiona Tier 2 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Math Coaches, Building Administrati on, and Teaching Staff Schools:Aberdeen Elementary, Kent Hills School, Campus Elementary Tier Resource Assigned Schools:Ottawa Hills High School Staff Responsibl e No Funding Instructiona Required l Coach, Building Administrati on, and Teaching Staff (shared) Strategy 2: Student Engagement (K-12) - The District will implement Student Engagement by the following means: Professional Learning, Academic Rigor, Accountable Talk, Quality Questioning, Claim, Evidence and Reasoning, Non-Linguistic Representation, Monitoring, Close and Critical Reading, Technology and Clear Expectations. Research Cited: Pickering, Debra J., and Marzano, Robert J. (2011). The Highly Engaged Classroom. Marzano Research Laboratory. “Engagement is a central aspect of effective teaching. If students are not engaged, there is little, if any, chance that they will learn what is being addressed in class. Student engagement has long been recognized as the core of effective schooling.” Tier: Tier 1 Activity - Professional Learning Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 309 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will employ individuals who organize the professional learning opportunities provided throughout the District. Some of the Professional Learning opportunities will support teachers and administrators using the teacher evaluation tools which will support the growth of student engagement in the classroom. Professiona Tier 1 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Assistant Required Superinten dent of Organizatio nal Learning, Building Administrat ors and Teachers Activity Type Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Monitor 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Implement 09/02/2014 06/02/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Implement 09/02/2014 06/02/2015 $0 Schools:All Schools Activity - Academic Rigor Tier District Staff in conjunction with building administrators will Curriculum Tier 1 monitor that students’ foundations of content are being built by Developme engaging them in the thinking process to deepen their overall nt content knowledge through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process to ensure that there is academic rigor in the classroom. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Accountable Talk Activity Type Tier District Staff in conjunction with building administrators will Curriculum Tier 1 monitor the application of Accountable Talk moves which have Developme been developed through teacher training provided by the nt Institute for Learning (IFL). Accountable Talk will develop students’ abilities to socialize their intelligence as well as increase student engagement by encouraging open discussion and inquiry-based reasoning opportunities. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Quality Questioning Activity Type Tier The District will implement quality questioning in the classroom Curriculum to increase both student engagement and to support a deeper Developme understanding of the content being taught. nt Schools:All Schools SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, School Reform Facilitators and Building Administrat ors Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, School Reform Facilitators and Building Administrat ors Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, Building Administrat ors and Teachers Page 310 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools Activity - Monitoring Activity Type Tier District Staff in conjunction with building administrators, Walkthroug Tier 1 Curriculum Supervisors, and DL Coaches will monitor the level h of use and effectiveness of student engagement in the classrooms through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process. Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Monitor 09/02/2014 06/02/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:All Schools Activity - Technology Activity Type Tier The District will support the use of technology across the Technology Tier 1 district. Technology will be used in a variety of ways to support student learning objectives. Students will engage with technology as a means to demonstrate their learning. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Clear Expectations Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, District Curriculum Supervisors , School Reform Facilitators, Instructiona l Coaches and Building Administrat ors Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding District Required Technology Department (MIS), District Curriculum Supervisors , Instructiona l Technology Specialist, Building Administrat ors and Teachers Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 311 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will ensure that teachers are setting clear Direct expectations in the classroom through the implementation of Instruction the evaluation tools used across the District. Classroom teachers will clearly communicate (oral and written formats) the purpose for learning as it connects to the curriculum framework and standards in a language that is student-friendly. Students will be more actively engaged in their learning when they have a clear understanding of what the purpose is. Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/02/2015 $0 No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, Building Administrat ors and Teachers Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Implement 09/02/2014 06/02/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Schools:All Schools Activity - Claim Evidence and Reasoning (Middle/High) Activity Type The District Curriculum Supervisors will create units/lessons Curriculum Tier 1 which will increase student engagement through the use of Developme clam, evidence and reasoning. While reading complex text, nt staff will have students respond (orally and written) to a topic which will demand them to use textual evidence to support their overall claim. Resource Assigned Schools:Westwood Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Ottawa Hills High School, Alger Middle School, City Middle/High School, Burton Middle School, Riverside Middle School, Union High School, Innovation Central High School, Center for Economicology Activity - Non-Linguistic Representation (Middle/High) Activity Type Tier The District Curriculum Supervisors will create units/lessons Curriculum Tier 1 which will incorporate the use of non-linguistic representational Developme tools such as Thinking Maps and graphic organizers to enable nt students to organize their thinking in a way that will allow them to be more deeply engaged with the content. Schools:Alger Middle School, Westwood Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Ottawa Hills High School, City Middle/High School, Southeast Career Pathways, Burton Middle School, Riverside Middle School, Union High School, Innovation Central High School, Center for Economicology Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding Deputy Required Superinten dent, District Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors and Teachers Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Deputy Required Superinten dent, District Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors and Teachers (shared) Strategy 3: Learning Targets - The District will implement and modify Learning Targets in the Elementary Division through the development of Curriculum Maps and through the use of Monitoring. Research Cited: Brookhart, Susan M., and Moss, Connie M. (2012). Learning Targets: Helping Students Aim for Understanding in Today’s Lesson. ASCD. “The most effective teaching and the most meaningful student learning happen when teachers design the right learning targets for today’s lesson and use it along with SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 312 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools their students to aim for and assess understanding. Learning targets are student-friendly descriptors of what you intend students to learn or accomplish in a given lesson. When shared, meaningfully, they become actual targets that students can see and direct their efforts toward. They also serve as targets for the adults in the school whose responsibility it is to plan, monitor, and assess, and improve the quality of learning opportunities to raise the achievement of all students.” Tier: Tier 1 Activity - Curriculum Maps Activity Type The District Curriculum Supervisors will develop curriculum maps which highlight instructional goals around grade-level learning targets that are student-friendly and specific to the needs of individual students in the classroom. Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Curriculum Tier 1 Developme nt Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Activity - Monitor Activity Type Phase Begin Date End Date District Staff in conjunction with building administrators and Curriculum Supervisors will monitor the level of use and effectiveness of Learning Targets in the classrooms through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process. Walkthroug Tier 1 h Monitor 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Schools:Brookside School, CA Frost Environmental Science Academy, Campus Elementary School, Congress Elementary, East Leonard School, Harrison Elementary, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Cesar E. Chavez Elementary, Kent Hills School, Shawmut Hills School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy, Sibley School, Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Mulick Elementary, North Park Montessori Academy, Dickinson School, Buchanan School, Eastern Elementary, Aberdeen Elementary School, Palmer School, Gerald R. Ford K8 Academy, Coit Arts Academy, Stocking Elementary, Ken-OSha Park Elementary, Southwest Community Campus School, Burton Elementary School Tier Schools:Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Mulick Elementary, North Park Montessori Academy, Brookside School, Dickinson School, Buchanan School, CA Frost Environmental Science Academy, Campus Elementary School, Aberdeen Elementary School, East Leonard School, Harrison Elementary, Coit Arts Academy, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Stocking Elementary, Kent Hills School, Ken-OSha Park Elementary, Shawmut Hills School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy, Sibley School, Burton Elementary School Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Deputy Required Superinten dent, District Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors and Teachers Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Elementary Required Executive Director, School Reform Facilitators and Building Administrat ors Measurable Objective 9: SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 313 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools 38% of Third, Fourth and Fifth grade Economically Disadvantaged students will demonstrate a proficiency with concepts in Mathematics by 06/05/2015 as measured by the state assessment. (shared) Strategy 1: Differentiated Instruction - School level staff will implement and participate in a variety of activities such as: professional learning, academic rigor, project learning, fluency and skill development, SIOP, data analysis, and use PLCs to enable them to differentiate instruction to meet the individualized needs of all students. The teaching staff will develop lessons and units that have a clear structure which allows for different pathways according to student needs. Research Cited: Beach, T.A. (2010). Combine Methodologies of Differentiated Instruction in the Heterogeneous Classroom. South Carolina Middle School Association Journal, February 26, 2011. "Offering each student the chance to learn the subject material in ways that address each student individually can benefit children in retaining information that will later be necessary to become thoughtful, productive adults. Through differentiation combined with curriculum layering, teachers can create a student-centered classroom that is supportive to each student." Cusumano, C. (2007). How Differentiated Instruction Helps struggling Students. Leadership, 36(4), 8-10. "Accelerating learning by examining and aligning three major systems in the school to support differentiation and a consistent focus on improved student learning the school's academic delivery structure, professional development, and human/fiscal resource allocation." Tier: Tier 1 Activity - Professional Learning Activity Type Tier All staff will actively participate in professional learning which supports differentiation at their specific grade level and program. Professiona Tier 1 l Learning Schools:All Schools SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Assistant Required Superinten dent of Organizatio nal Learning, Executive Directors of Elementary , MS/K-8, High School/Alte rnative Schools, Principals and instructiona l staff Page 314 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools Activity - Project Based Learning Activity Type Tier All staff will provide opportunities throughout the school year for Curriculum Tier 1 students to be engaged in a variety of project learning activities Developme that support the instructional goals. These projects will be nt differentiated in nature and provide choice to students regarding the type of project they will complete and will be rigorous and challenging for all students. Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Staff Responsibl e No Funding Building Required administrat or and teachers Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Schools:Alger Middle School, Ottawa Hills High School, Blandford Nature Center, Dickinson School, CA Frost Environmental Science Academy, Aberdeen Elementary School, John Ball Park Zoo School, Harrison Elementary, Gerald R. Ford K8 Academy, Westwood Middle School, Alger Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Burton Middle School, Grand Rapids University Preparatory Academy, Union High School, Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Innovation Central High School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy, City High Middle School, Center for Economicology Activity - Fluency and Skill Development Activity Type Tier Fluency and Skill Development: The staff will use a variety of Curriculum Tier 1 activities that will allow students to become fluent with essential Developme foundational skills. The students will practice these nt foundational skills often enough so that they can flexibly engage with the content at a higher level. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Executive Required Directors of the Elementary , Middle School, K8, High School, Alternative Schools, Special Education, Curriculum Specialists, Deputy Superinten dent of Curriculum and Learning, building principals and teachers. Source Of Funding Schools:All Schools Activity - Sheltered Instruction Observational Protocol (SIOP) Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Page 315 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will employ individuals who will coach and support Academic schools who Support have populations with second language learners. These Program individuals will train staff on how to implement the SIOP framework in their classrooms to support and provide differentiated techniques which will support the learning needs of our Limited English Proficient (LEP) students. Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding ELL Required Department , Building Administrat or s and Teachers Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 1 Evaluate 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:All Schools Activity - Data Analysis Activity Type : The District will employ staff who will work collaboratively Other with individual schools and the KISD to analyze District-wide data, design user-friendly data reports and to assist schools in understanding their school-wide data in order to support and improve student achievement. This data is used at the building level to support teachers to determine the academic needs of all students in order to differentiate their instruction. Some of this data will be used by school staff who will participate in (Data Dialogues, Governance Boards) to review, reflect and communicate the academic progress in their classroom and identify which activities they are implementing to support continued student achievement. The District will employ a Data Support Specialist who will work solely with our identified Priority Schools to support staff in understanding their schoolwide data and ways to use this data to differentiate instruction in order to meet student needs. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding District Required A&E Department , Divisional Executive Directors, School Reform Facilitators, Building Administrat or s and Teachers Schools:All Schools Activity - Monitoring Activity Type SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 316 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools District Support Staff in conjunction with building administrators, Curriculum Supervisors, and Coaches will monitor the level of use and effectiveness of differentiated instruction in the classrooms through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process. Academic Support Program Tier 1 Monitor 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Executive Required Directors of Elementary ,Middle , K8, High and Alternative Schools, Deputy Superinten dent of Curriculum and Learning, Curriculum Supervisors and Building Prinicpals Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:All Schools Activity - Technology The District will support the use of technology across the Curriculum Tier 1 district. Technology will be used in a variety of ways to support Developme student learning objectives. Students will engage with nt technology as a means to demonstrate their learning. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Clear Expectations Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding District Required Technology Department (MIS), District Curriculum Supervisors , Technology and Curriculum Integration and Instructiona l Support Specialist, Building Administrat ors and Teachers Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 317 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will ensure that teachers are setting clear Direct expectations in the classroom through the implementation of Instruction the evaluation tools used across the District. Classroom teachers will clearly communicate (oral and written formats) the purpose for learning as it connects to the curriculum framework and standards in a language that is student-friendly. Students will be more actively engaged in their learning when Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Executive Required Directors, Building Administrat ors and Teachers Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Schools:All Schools Activity - Project Learning (Middle and High Schools) Activity Type Resource Assigned Instructional Coaches: The District will employ Instructional Coaches who will build capacity of instructional staff by engaging in frequent and on-going coaching cycles with feedback around instructional strategies, differentiated strategies and delivery. Curriculum Tier 1 Developme nt Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Staff Responsibl e No Funding and District Required Curriculum Supervisors Schools:Westwood Middle School, Ottawa Hills High School, Union High School, Campus Elementary School, Aberdeen Elementary School Activity - Summer School The District will fund a summer school program that supports Academic the academic improvement of identified students. The summer Support school program is differentiated to meet the academic needs of Program the students who are enrolled. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Math Lab (Middle) Activity Type SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding itle I Required Office, School Reform Facilitators, Summer School Building Administrat ors and Summer School Teachers Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 318 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools Comprehensive Middle Schools will implement the use of an tier two supplemental math intervention course for identified students address missing skills and gaps in math knowledge. Academic Support Program Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $134000 Title I Part A Activity - Instructional Improvement Coach (Union) Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding The District will employ an Instructional Improvement Coach, who under the direction of the Building Principal will facilitate learning around content areas and literacy utilizing technology and data that will enable Instructional Staff to effectively meet and transform the performance of GRPS students at Union High School. Professiona Tier 2 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $310000 Title I Part A Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Schools:Alger Middle School, Westwood Middle School, Burton Middle School, Riverside Middle School Resource Assigned Schools:Union High School Activity - Math Specialist Teacher (Priority Schools) The District will employ Math Specialist Teachers who delivers Academic supplementary instruction to identified students This Support instructional support reflects State and District content Program expectations through the use of effective strategies in management, instruction, student motivation and curriculum planning and is delivered through “In School” push in and/or pull out interventions and/or after school intervention programs. The teachers makes knowledge accessible to all students; develops students’ cognitive capacity and respect for learning; and fosters students’ self-esteem, motivation and sense of civic responsibility. Resource Assigned Deputy Superinten dent of Curriculum and Learning, Curriculum Specialists, and Executive Director of Middle School and K-8 division. Staff Responsibl e No Funding Instructiona Required l Improveme nt Coach, Building Administrat or, and Teaching Staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Math Specialist Teacher, Building Administrati on, and Teaching Staff Schools:Mulick Elementary, Brookside School, Dickinson School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy Activity - Math Coach (Priority Schools) Activity Type SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Page 319 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will employ Math Coaches in order to support Priority Schools with their Reform & Redesign Plans, Math Coaches will be utilized to assist classroom teachers in successfully implementing best practices as identified in their Reform & Redesign Plans. Math Coaches will provide leadership for teachers by planning, collaborating, organizing, modeling and facilitating change to improve the instructional program. Math Coaches will participate in Coaching Cycles, LearningWalks, Professional Learning Communities, Data Analysis Meetings, and lead some professional development for the building staff based on the schools identified areas of need. Professiona Tier 2 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $270000 Title I Part A Activity - Instructional Coaches Activity Type Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding The District will employ Instructional Coaches who will build capacity of instructional staff by engaging in frequent and on-going coaching cycles with feedback around instructional strategies, differentiated strategies and delivery. Professiona Tier 2 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Math Coaches, Building Administrati on, and Teaching Staff Schools:Aberdeen Elementary, Kent Hills School, Campus Elementary Tier Resource Assigned Schools:Ottawa Hills High School Staff Responsibl e No Funding Instructiona Required l Coach, Building Administrati on, and Teaching Staff (shared) Strategy 2: Student Engagement (K-12) - The District will implement Student Engagement by the following means: Professional Learning, Academic Rigor, Accountable Talk, Quality Questioning, Claim, Evidence and Reasoning, Non-Linguistic Representation, Monitoring, Close and Critical Reading, Technology and Clear Expectations. Research Cited: Pickering, Debra J., and Marzano, Robert J. (2011). The Highly Engaged Classroom. Marzano Research Laboratory. “Engagement is a central aspect of effective teaching. If students are not engaged, there is little, if any, chance that they will learn what is being addressed in class. Student engagement has long been recognized as the core of effective schooling.” Tier: Tier 1 Activity - Professional Learning Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 320 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will employ individuals who organize the professional learning opportunities provided throughout the District. Some of the Professional Learning opportunities will support teachers and administrators using the teacher evaluation tools which will support the growth of student engagement in the classroom. Professiona Tier 1 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Assistant Required Superinten dent of Organizatio nal Learning, Building Administrat ors and Teachers Activity Type Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Monitor 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Implement 09/02/2014 06/02/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Implement 09/02/2014 06/02/2015 $0 Schools:All Schools Activity - Academic Rigor Tier District Staff in conjunction with building administrators will Curriculum Tier 1 monitor that students’ foundations of content are being built by Developme engaging them in the thinking process to deepen their overall nt content knowledge through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process to ensure that there is academic rigor in the classroom. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Accountable Talk Activity Type Tier District Staff in conjunction with building administrators will Curriculum Tier 1 monitor the application of Accountable Talk moves which have Developme been developed through teacher training provided by the nt Institute for Learning (IFL). Accountable Talk will develop students’ abilities to socialize their intelligence as well as increase student engagement by encouraging open discussion and inquiry-based reasoning opportunities. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Quality Questioning Activity Type Tier The District will implement quality questioning in the classroom Curriculum to increase both student engagement and to support a deeper Developme understanding of the content being taught. nt Schools:All Schools SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, School Reform Facilitators and Building Administrat ors Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, School Reform Facilitators and Building Administrat ors Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, Building Administrat ors and Teachers Page 321 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools Activity - Monitoring Activity Type Tier District Staff in conjunction with building administrators, Walkthroug Tier 1 Curriculum Supervisors, and DL Coaches will monitor the level h of use and effectiveness of student engagement in the classrooms through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process. Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Monitor 09/02/2014 06/02/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:All Schools Activity - Technology Activity Type Tier The District will support the use of technology across the Technology Tier 1 district. Technology will be used in a variety of ways to support student learning objectives. Students will engage with technology as a means to demonstrate their learning. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Clear Expectations Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, District Curriculum Supervisors , School Reform Facilitators, Instructiona l Coaches and Building Administrat ors Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding District Required Technology Department (MIS), District Curriculum Supervisors , Instructiona l Technology Specialist, Building Administrat ors and Teachers Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 322 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will ensure that teachers are setting clear Direct expectations in the classroom through the implementation of Instruction the evaluation tools used across the District. Classroom teachers will clearly communicate (oral and written formats) the purpose for learning as it connects to the curriculum framework and standards in a language that is student-friendly. Students will be more actively engaged in their learning when they have a clear understanding of what the purpose is. Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/02/2015 $0 No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, Building Administrat ors and Teachers Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Implement 09/02/2014 06/02/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Schools:All Schools Activity - Claim Evidence and Reasoning (Middle/High) Activity Type The District Curriculum Supervisors will create units/lessons Curriculum Tier 1 which will increase student engagement through the use of Developme clam, evidence and reasoning. While reading complex text, nt staff will have students respond (orally and written) to a topic which will demand them to use textual evidence to support their overall claim. Resource Assigned Schools:Westwood Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Ottawa Hills High School, Alger Middle School, City Middle/High School, Burton Middle School, Riverside Middle School, Union High School, Innovation Central High School, Center for Economicology Activity - Non-Linguistic Representation (Middle/High) Activity Type Tier The District Curriculum Supervisors will create units/lessons Curriculum Tier 1 which will incorporate the use of non-linguistic representational Developme tools such as Thinking Maps and graphic organizers to enable nt students to organize their thinking in a way that will allow them to be more deeply engaged with the content. Schools:Alger Middle School, Westwood Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Ottawa Hills High School, City Middle/High School, Southeast Career Pathways, Burton Middle School, Riverside Middle School, Union High School, Innovation Central High School, Center for Economicology Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding Deputy Required Superinten dent, District Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors and Teachers Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Deputy Required Superinten dent, District Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors and Teachers (shared) Strategy 3: Learning Targets - The District will implement and modify Learning Targets in the Elementary Division through the development of Curriculum Maps and through the use of Monitoring. Research Cited: Brookhart, Susan M., and Moss, Connie M. (2012). Learning Targets: Helping Students Aim for Understanding in Today’s Lesson. ASCD. “The most effective teaching and the most meaningful student learning happen when teachers design the right learning targets for today’s lesson and use it along with SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 323 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools their students to aim for and assess understanding. Learning targets are student-friendly descriptors of what you intend students to learn or accomplish in a given lesson. When shared, meaningfully, they become actual targets that students can see and direct their efforts toward. They also serve as targets for the adults in the school whose responsibility it is to plan, monitor, and assess, and improve the quality of learning opportunities to raise the achievement of all students.” Tier: Tier 1 Activity - Curriculum Maps Activity Type The District Curriculum Supervisors will develop curriculum maps which highlight instructional goals around grade-level learning targets that are student-friendly and specific to the needs of individual students in the classroom. Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Curriculum Tier 1 Developme nt Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Activity - Monitor Activity Type Phase Begin Date End Date District Staff in conjunction with building administrators and Curriculum Supervisors will monitor the level of use and effectiveness of Learning Targets in the classrooms through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process. Walkthroug Tier 1 h Monitor 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Schools:Brookside School, CA Frost Environmental Science Academy, Campus Elementary School, Congress Elementary, East Leonard School, Harrison Elementary, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Cesar E. Chavez Elementary, Kent Hills School, Shawmut Hills School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy, Sibley School, Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Mulick Elementary, North Park Montessori Academy, Dickinson School, Buchanan School, Eastern Elementary, Aberdeen Elementary School, Palmer School, Gerald R. Ford K8 Academy, Coit Arts Academy, Stocking Elementary, Ken-OSha Park Elementary, Southwest Community Campus School, Burton Elementary School Tier Schools:Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Mulick Elementary, North Park Montessori Academy, Brookside School, Dickinson School, Buchanan School, CA Frost Environmental Science Academy, Campus Elementary School, Aberdeen Elementary School, East Leonard School, Harrison Elementary, Coit Arts Academy, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Stocking Elementary, Kent Hills School, Ken-OSha Park Elementary, Shawmut Hills School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy, Sibley School, Burton Elementary School Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Deputy Required Superinten dent, District Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors and Teachers Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Elementary Required Executive Director, School Reform Facilitators and Building Administrat ors Measurable Objective 10: SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 324 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools 32% of Third, Fourth and Fifth grade English Learners students will demonstrate a proficiency with concepts in Mathematics by 06/05/2015 as measured by the state assessment. (shared) Strategy 1: Differentiated Instruction - School level staff will implement and participate in a variety of activities such as: professional learning, academic rigor, project learning, fluency and skill development, SIOP, data analysis, and use PLCs to enable them to differentiate instruction to meet the individualized needs of all students. The teaching staff will develop lessons and units that have a clear structure which allows for different pathways according to student needs. Research Cited: Beach, T.A. (2010). Combine Methodologies of Differentiated Instruction in the Heterogeneous Classroom. South Carolina Middle School Association Journal, February 26, 2011. "Offering each student the chance to learn the subject material in ways that address each student individually can benefit children in retaining information that will later be necessary to become thoughtful, productive adults. Through differentiation combined with curriculum layering, teachers can create a student-centered classroom that is supportive to each student." Cusumano, C. (2007). How Differentiated Instruction Helps struggling Students. Leadership, 36(4), 8-10. "Accelerating learning by examining and aligning three major systems in the school to support differentiation and a consistent focus on improved student learning the school's academic delivery structure, professional development, and human/fiscal resource allocation." Tier: Tier 1 Activity - Professional Learning Activity Type Tier All staff will actively participate in professional learning which supports differentiation at their specific grade level and program. Professiona Tier 1 l Learning Schools:All Schools SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Assistant Required Superinten dent of Organizatio nal Learning, Executive Directors of Elementary , MS/K-8, High School/Alte rnative Schools, Principals and instructiona l staff Page 325 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools Activity - Project Based Learning Activity Type Tier All staff will provide opportunities throughout the school year for Curriculum Tier 1 students to be engaged in a variety of project learning activities Developme that support the instructional goals. These projects will be nt differentiated in nature and provide choice to students regarding the type of project they will complete and will be rigorous and challenging for all students. Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Staff Responsibl e No Funding Building Required administrat or and teachers Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Schools:Alger Middle School, Ottawa Hills High School, Blandford Nature Center, Dickinson School, CA Frost Environmental Science Academy, Aberdeen Elementary School, John Ball Park Zoo School, Harrison Elementary, Gerald R. Ford K8 Academy, Westwood Middle School, Alger Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Burton Middle School, Grand Rapids University Preparatory Academy, Union High School, Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Innovation Central High School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy, City High Middle School, Center for Economicology Activity - Fluency and Skill Development Activity Type Tier Fluency and Skill Development: The staff will use a variety of Curriculum Tier 1 activities that will allow students to become fluent with essential Developme foundational skills. The students will practice these nt foundational skills often enough so that they can flexibly engage with the content at a higher level. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Executive Required Directors of the Elementary , Middle School, K8, High School, Alternative Schools, Special Education, Curriculum Specialists, Deputy Superinten dent of Curriculum and Learning, building principals and teachers. Source Of Funding Schools:All Schools Activity - Sheltered Instruction Observational Protocol (SIOP) Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Page 326 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will employ individuals who will coach and support Academic schools who Support have populations with second language learners. These Program individuals will train staff on how to implement the SIOP framework in their classrooms to support and provide differentiated techniques which will support the learning needs of our Limited English Proficient (LEP) students. Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding ELL Required Department , Building Administrat or s and Teachers Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 1 Evaluate 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:All Schools Activity - Data Analysis Activity Type : The District will employ staff who will work collaboratively Other with individual schools and the KISD to analyze District-wide data, design user-friendly data reports and to assist schools in understanding their school-wide data in order to support and improve student achievement. This data is used at the building level to support teachers to determine the academic needs of all students in order to differentiate their instruction. Some of this data will be used by school staff who will participate in (Data Dialogues, Governance Boards) to review, reflect and communicate the academic progress in their classroom and identify which activities they are implementing to support continued student achievement. The District will employ a Data Support Specialist who will work solely with our identified Priority Schools to support staff in understanding their schoolwide data and ways to use this data to differentiate instruction in order to meet student needs. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding District Required A&E Department , Divisional Executive Directors, School Reform Facilitators, Building Administrat or s and Teachers Schools:All Schools Activity - Monitoring Activity Type SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 327 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools District Support Staff in conjunction with building administrators, Curriculum Supervisors, and Coaches will monitor the level of use and effectiveness of differentiated instruction in the classrooms through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process. Academic Support Program Tier 1 Monitor 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Executive Required Directors of Elementary ,Middle , K8, High and Alternative Schools, Deputy Superinten dent of Curriculum and Learning, Curriculum Supervisors and Building Prinicpals Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:All Schools Activity - Technology The District will support the use of technology across the Curriculum Tier 1 district. Technology will be used in a variety of ways to support Developme student learning objectives. Students will engage with nt technology as a means to demonstrate their learning. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Clear Expectations Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding District Required Technology Department (MIS), District Curriculum Supervisors , Technology and Curriculum Integration and Instructiona l Support Specialist, Building Administrat ors and Teachers Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 328 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will ensure that teachers are setting clear Direct expectations in the classroom through the implementation of Instruction the evaluation tools used across the District. Classroom teachers will clearly communicate (oral and written formats) the purpose for learning as it connects to the curriculum framework and standards in a language that is student-friendly. Students will be more actively engaged in their learning when Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Executive Required Directors, Building Administrat ors and Teachers Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Schools:All Schools Activity - Project Learning (Middle and High Schools) Activity Type Resource Assigned Instructional Coaches: The District will employ Instructional Coaches who will build capacity of instructional staff by engaging in frequent and on-going coaching cycles with feedback around instructional strategies, differentiated strategies and delivery. Curriculum Tier 1 Developme nt Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Staff Responsibl e No Funding and District Required Curriculum Supervisors Schools:Westwood Middle School, Ottawa Hills High School, Union High School, Campus Elementary School, Aberdeen Elementary School Activity - Summer School The District will fund a summer school program that supports Academic the academic improvement of identified students. The summer Support school program is differentiated to meet the academic needs of Program the students who are enrolled. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Math Lab (Middle) Activity Type SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding itle I Required Office, School Reform Facilitators, Summer School Building Administrat ors and Summer School Teachers Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 329 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools Comprehensive Middle Schools will implement the use of an tier two supplemental math intervention course for identified students address missing skills and gaps in math knowledge. Academic Support Program Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $134000 Title I Part A Activity - Instructional Improvement Coach (Union) Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding The District will employ an Instructional Improvement Coach, who under the direction of the Building Principal will facilitate learning around content areas and literacy utilizing technology and data that will enable Instructional Staff to effectively meet and transform the performance of GRPS students at Union High School. Professiona Tier 2 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $310000 Title I Part A Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Schools:Alger Middle School, Westwood Middle School, Burton Middle School, Riverside Middle School Resource Assigned Schools:Union High School Activity - Math Specialist Teacher (Priority Schools) The District will employ Math Specialist Teachers who delivers Academic supplementary instruction to identified students This Support instructional support reflects State and District content Program expectations through the use of effective strategies in management, instruction, student motivation and curriculum planning and is delivered through “In School” push in and/or pull out interventions and/or after school intervention programs. The teachers makes knowledge accessible to all students; develops students’ cognitive capacity and respect for learning; and fosters students’ self-esteem, motivation and sense of civic responsibility. Resource Assigned Deputy Superinten dent of Curriculum and Learning, Curriculum Specialists, and Executive Director of Middle School and K-8 division. Staff Responsibl e No Funding Instructiona Required l Improveme nt Coach, Building Administrat or, and Teaching Staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Math Specialist Teacher, Building Administrati on, and Teaching Staff Schools:Mulick Elementary, Brookside School, Dickinson School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy Activity - Math Coach (Priority Schools) Activity Type SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Page 330 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will employ Math Coaches in order to support Priority Schools with their Reform & Redesign Plans, Math Coaches will be utilized to assist classroom teachers in successfully implementing best practices as identified in their Reform & Redesign Plans. Math Coaches will provide leadership for teachers by planning, collaborating, organizing, modeling and facilitating change to improve the instructional program. Math Coaches will participate in Coaching Cycles, LearningWalks, Professional Learning Communities, Data Analysis Meetings, and lead some professional development for the building staff based on the schools identified areas of need. Professiona Tier 2 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $270000 Title I Part A Activity - Instructional Coaches Activity Type Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding The District will employ Instructional Coaches who will build capacity of instructional staff by engaging in frequent and on-going coaching cycles with feedback around instructional strategies, differentiated strategies and delivery. Professiona Tier 2 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Math Coaches, Building Administrati on, and Teaching Staff Schools:Aberdeen Elementary, Kent Hills School, Campus Elementary Tier Resource Assigned Schools:Ottawa Hills High School Staff Responsibl e No Funding Instructiona Required l Coach, Building Administrati on, and Teaching Staff (shared) Strategy 2: Student Engagement (K-12) - The District will implement Student Engagement by the following means: Professional Learning, Academic Rigor, Accountable Talk, Quality Questioning, Claim, Evidence and Reasoning, Non-Linguistic Representation, Monitoring, Close and Critical Reading, Technology and Clear Expectations. Research Cited: Pickering, Debra J., and Marzano, Robert J. (2011). The Highly Engaged Classroom. Marzano Research Laboratory. “Engagement is a central aspect of effective teaching. If students are not engaged, there is little, if any, chance that they will learn what is being addressed in class. Student engagement has long been recognized as the core of effective schooling.” Tier: Tier 1 Activity - Professional Learning Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 331 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will employ individuals who organize the professional learning opportunities provided throughout the District. Some of the Professional Learning opportunities will support teachers and administrators using the teacher evaluation tools which will support the growth of student engagement in the classroom. Professiona Tier 1 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Assistant Required Superinten dent of Organizatio nal Learning, Building Administrat ors and Teachers Activity Type Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Monitor 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Implement 09/02/2014 06/02/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Implement 09/02/2014 06/02/2015 $0 Schools:All Schools Activity - Academic Rigor Tier District Staff in conjunction with building administrators will Curriculum Tier 1 monitor that students’ foundations of content are being built by Developme engaging them in the thinking process to deepen their overall nt content knowledge through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process to ensure that there is academic rigor in the classroom. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Accountable Talk Activity Type Tier District Staff in conjunction with building administrators will Curriculum Tier 1 monitor the application of Accountable Talk moves which have Developme been developed through teacher training provided by the nt Institute for Learning (IFL). Accountable Talk will develop students’ abilities to socialize their intelligence as well as increase student engagement by encouraging open discussion and inquiry-based reasoning opportunities. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Quality Questioning Activity Type Tier The District will implement quality questioning in the classroom Curriculum to increase both student engagement and to support a deeper Developme understanding of the content being taught. nt Schools:All Schools SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, School Reform Facilitators and Building Administrat ors Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, School Reform Facilitators and Building Administrat ors Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, Building Administrat ors and Teachers Page 332 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools Activity - Monitoring Activity Type Tier District Staff in conjunction with building administrators, Walkthroug Tier 1 Curriculum Supervisors, and DL Coaches will monitor the level h of use and effectiveness of student engagement in the classrooms through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process. Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Monitor 09/02/2014 06/02/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:All Schools Activity - Technology Activity Type Tier The District will support the use of technology across the Technology Tier 1 district. Technology will be used in a variety of ways to support student learning objectives. Students will engage with technology as a means to demonstrate their learning. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Clear Expectations Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, District Curriculum Supervisors , School Reform Facilitators, Instructiona l Coaches and Building Administrat ors Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding District Required Technology Department (MIS), District Curriculum Supervisors , Instructiona l Technology Specialist, Building Administrat ors and Teachers Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 333 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will ensure that teachers are setting clear Direct expectations in the classroom through the implementation of Instruction the evaluation tools used across the District. Classroom teachers will clearly communicate (oral and written formats) the purpose for learning as it connects to the curriculum framework and standards in a language that is student-friendly. Students will be more actively engaged in their learning when they have a clear understanding of what the purpose is. Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/02/2015 $0 No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, Building Administrat ors and Teachers Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Implement 09/02/2014 06/02/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Schools:All Schools Activity - Claim Evidence and Reasoning (Middle/High) Activity Type The District Curriculum Supervisors will create units/lessons Curriculum Tier 1 which will increase student engagement through the use of Developme clam, evidence and reasoning. While reading complex text, nt staff will have students respond (orally and written) to a topic which will demand them to use textual evidence to support their overall claim. Resource Assigned Schools:Westwood Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Ottawa Hills High School, Alger Middle School, City Middle/High School, Burton Middle School, Riverside Middle School, Union High School, Innovation Central High School, Center for Economicology Activity - Non-Linguistic Representation (Middle/High) Activity Type Tier The District Curriculum Supervisors will create units/lessons Curriculum Tier 1 which will incorporate the use of non-linguistic representational Developme tools such as Thinking Maps and graphic organizers to enable nt students to organize their thinking in a way that will allow them to be more deeply engaged with the content. Schools:Alger Middle School, Westwood Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Ottawa Hills High School, City Middle/High School, Southeast Career Pathways, Burton Middle School, Riverside Middle School, Union High School, Innovation Central High School, Center for Economicology Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding Deputy Required Superinten dent, District Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors and Teachers Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Deputy Required Superinten dent, District Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors and Teachers (shared) Strategy 3: Learning Targets - The District will implement and modify Learning Targets in the Elementary Division through the development of Curriculum Maps and through the use of Monitoring. Research Cited: Brookhart, Susan M., and Moss, Connie M. (2012). Learning Targets: Helping Students Aim for Understanding in Today’s Lesson. ASCD. “The most effective teaching and the most meaningful student learning happen when teachers design the right learning targets for today’s lesson and use it along with SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 334 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools their students to aim for and assess understanding. Learning targets are student-friendly descriptors of what you intend students to learn or accomplish in a given lesson. When shared, meaningfully, they become actual targets that students can see and direct their efforts toward. They also serve as targets for the adults in the school whose responsibility it is to plan, monitor, and assess, and improve the quality of learning opportunities to raise the achievement of all students.” Tier: Tier 1 Activity - Curriculum Maps Activity Type The District Curriculum Supervisors will develop curriculum maps which highlight instructional goals around grade-level learning targets that are student-friendly and specific to the needs of individual students in the classroom. Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Curriculum Tier 1 Developme nt Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Activity - Monitor Activity Type Phase Begin Date End Date District Staff in conjunction with building administrators and Curriculum Supervisors will monitor the level of use and effectiveness of Learning Targets in the classrooms through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process. Walkthroug Tier 1 h Monitor 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Schools:Brookside School, CA Frost Environmental Science Academy, Campus Elementary School, Congress Elementary, East Leonard School, Harrison Elementary, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Cesar E. Chavez Elementary, Kent Hills School, Shawmut Hills School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy, Sibley School, Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Mulick Elementary, North Park Montessori Academy, Dickinson School, Buchanan School, Eastern Elementary, Aberdeen Elementary School, Palmer School, Gerald R. Ford K8 Academy, Coit Arts Academy, Stocking Elementary, Ken-OSha Park Elementary, Southwest Community Campus School, Burton Elementary School Tier Schools:Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Mulick Elementary, North Park Montessori Academy, Brookside School, Dickinson School, Buchanan School, CA Frost Environmental Science Academy, Campus Elementary School, Aberdeen Elementary School, East Leonard School, Harrison Elementary, Coit Arts Academy, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Stocking Elementary, Kent Hills School, Ken-OSha Park Elementary, Shawmut Hills School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy, Sibley School, Burton Elementary School Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Deputy Required Superinten dent, District Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors and Teachers Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Elementary Required Executive Director, School Reform Facilitators and Building Administrat ors Measurable Objective 11: SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 335 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools 32% of Third, Fourth and Fifth grade Students with Disabilities students will demonstrate a proficiency with concepts in Mathematics by 06/05/2015 as measured by the state assessment. (shared) Strategy 1: Differentiated Instruction - School level staff will implement and participate in a variety of activities such as: professional learning, academic rigor, project learning, fluency and skill development, SIOP, data analysis, and use PLCs to enable them to differentiate instruction to meet the individualized needs of all students. The teaching staff will develop lessons and units that have a clear structure which allows for different pathways according to student needs. Research Cited: Beach, T.A. (2010). Combine Methodologies of Differentiated Instruction in the Heterogeneous Classroom. South Carolina Middle School Association Journal, February 26, 2011. "Offering each student the chance to learn the subject material in ways that address each student individually can benefit children in retaining information that will later be necessary to become thoughtful, productive adults. Through differentiation combined with curriculum layering, teachers can create a student-centered classroom that is supportive to each student." Cusumano, C. (2007). How Differentiated Instruction Helps struggling Students. Leadership, 36(4), 8-10. "Accelerating learning by examining and aligning three major systems in the school to support differentiation and a consistent focus on improved student learning the school's academic delivery structure, professional development, and human/fiscal resource allocation." Tier: Tier 1 Activity - Professional Learning Activity Type Tier All staff will actively participate in professional learning which supports differentiation at their specific grade level and program. Professiona Tier 1 l Learning Schools:All Schools SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Assistant Required Superinten dent of Organizatio nal Learning, Executive Directors of Elementary , MS/K-8, High School/Alte rnative Schools, Principals and instructiona l staff Page 336 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools Activity - Project Based Learning Activity Type Tier All staff will provide opportunities throughout the school year for Curriculum Tier 1 students to be engaged in a variety of project learning activities Developme that support the instructional goals. These projects will be nt differentiated in nature and provide choice to students regarding the type of project they will complete and will be rigorous and challenging for all students. Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Staff Responsibl e No Funding Building Required administrat or and teachers Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Schools:Alger Middle School, Ottawa Hills High School, Blandford Nature Center, Dickinson School, CA Frost Environmental Science Academy, Aberdeen Elementary School, John Ball Park Zoo School, Harrison Elementary, Gerald R. Ford K8 Academy, Westwood Middle School, Alger Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Burton Middle School, Grand Rapids University Preparatory Academy, Union High School, Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Innovation Central High School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy, City High Middle School, Center for Economicology Activity - Fluency and Skill Development Activity Type Tier Fluency and Skill Development: The staff will use a variety of Curriculum Tier 1 activities that will allow students to become fluent with essential Developme foundational skills. The students will practice these nt foundational skills often enough so that they can flexibly engage with the content at a higher level. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Executive Required Directors of the Elementary , Middle School, K8, High School, Alternative Schools, Special Education, Curriculum Specialists, Deputy Superinten dent of Curriculum and Learning, building principals and teachers. Source Of Funding Schools:All Schools Activity - Sheltered Instruction Observational Protocol (SIOP) Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Page 337 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will employ individuals who will coach and support Academic schools who Support have populations with second language learners. These Program individuals will train staff on how to implement the SIOP framework in their classrooms to support and provide differentiated techniques which will support the learning needs of our Limited English Proficient (LEP) students. Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding ELL Required Department , Building Administrat or s and Teachers Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 1 Evaluate 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:All Schools Activity - Data Analysis Activity Type : The District will employ staff who will work collaboratively Other with individual schools and the KISD to analyze District-wide data, design user-friendly data reports and to assist schools in understanding their school-wide data in order to support and improve student achievement. This data is used at the building level to support teachers to determine the academic needs of all students in order to differentiate their instruction. Some of this data will be used by school staff who will participate in (Data Dialogues, Governance Boards) to review, reflect and communicate the academic progress in their classroom and identify which activities they are implementing to support continued student achievement. The District will employ a Data Support Specialist who will work solely with our identified Priority Schools to support staff in understanding their schoolwide data and ways to use this data to differentiate instruction in order to meet student needs. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding District Required A&E Department , Divisional Executive Directors, School Reform Facilitators, Building Administrat or s and Teachers Schools:All Schools Activity - Monitoring Activity Type SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 338 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools District Support Staff in conjunction with building administrators, Curriculum Supervisors, and Coaches will monitor the level of use and effectiveness of differentiated instruction in the classrooms through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process. Academic Support Program Tier 1 Monitor 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Executive Required Directors of Elementary ,Middle , K8, High and Alternative Schools, Deputy Superinten dent of Curriculum and Learning, Curriculum Supervisors and Building Prinicpals Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:All Schools Activity - Technology The District will support the use of technology across the Curriculum Tier 1 district. Technology will be used in a variety of ways to support Developme student learning objectives. Students will engage with nt technology as a means to demonstrate their learning. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Clear Expectations Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding District Required Technology Department (MIS), District Curriculum Supervisors , Technology and Curriculum Integration and Instructiona l Support Specialist, Building Administrat ors and Teachers Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 339 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will ensure that teachers are setting clear Direct expectations in the classroom through the implementation of Instruction the evaluation tools used across the District. Classroom teachers will clearly communicate (oral and written formats) the purpose for learning as it connects to the curriculum framework and standards in a language that is student-friendly. Students will be more actively engaged in their learning when Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Executive Required Directors, Building Administrat ors and Teachers Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Schools:All Schools Activity - Project Learning (Middle and High Schools) Activity Type Resource Assigned Instructional Coaches: The District will employ Instructional Coaches who will build capacity of instructional staff by engaging in frequent and on-going coaching cycles with feedback around instructional strategies, differentiated strategies and delivery. Curriculum Tier 1 Developme nt Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Staff Responsibl e No Funding and District Required Curriculum Supervisors Schools:Westwood Middle School, Ottawa Hills High School, Union High School, Campus Elementary School, Aberdeen Elementary School Activity - Summer School The District will fund a summer school program that supports Academic the academic improvement of identified students. The summer Support school program is differentiated to meet the academic needs of Program the students who are enrolled. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Math Lab (Middle) Activity Type SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding itle I Required Office, School Reform Facilitators, Summer School Building Administrat ors and Summer School Teachers Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 340 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools Comprehensive Middle Schools will implement the use of an tier two supplemental math intervention course for identified students address missing skills and gaps in math knowledge. Academic Support Program Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $134000 Title I Part A Activity - Instructional Improvement Coach (Union) Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding The District will employ an Instructional Improvement Coach, who under the direction of the Building Principal will facilitate learning around content areas and literacy utilizing technology and data that will enable Instructional Staff to effectively meet and transform the performance of GRPS students at Union High School. Professiona Tier 2 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $310000 Title I Part A Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Schools:Alger Middle School, Westwood Middle School, Burton Middle School, Riverside Middle School Resource Assigned Schools:Union High School Activity - Math Specialist Teacher (Priority Schools) The District will employ Math Specialist Teachers who delivers Academic supplementary instruction to identified students This Support instructional support reflects State and District content Program expectations through the use of effective strategies in management, instruction, student motivation and curriculum planning and is delivered through “In School” push in and/or pull out interventions and/or after school intervention programs. The teachers makes knowledge accessible to all students; develops students’ cognitive capacity and respect for learning; and fosters students’ self-esteem, motivation and sense of civic responsibility. Resource Assigned Deputy Superinten dent of Curriculum and Learning, Curriculum Specialists, and Executive Director of Middle School and K-8 division. Staff Responsibl e No Funding Instructiona Required l Improveme nt Coach, Building Administrat or, and Teaching Staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Math Specialist Teacher, Building Administrati on, and Teaching Staff Schools:Mulick Elementary, Brookside School, Dickinson School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy Activity - Math Coach (Priority Schools) Activity Type SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Page 341 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will employ Math Coaches in order to support Priority Schools with their Reform & Redesign Plans, Math Coaches will be utilized to assist classroom teachers in successfully implementing best practices as identified in their Reform & Redesign Plans. Math Coaches will provide leadership for teachers by planning, collaborating, organizing, modeling and facilitating change to improve the instructional program. Math Coaches will participate in Coaching Cycles, LearningWalks, Professional Learning Communities, Data Analysis Meetings, and lead some professional development for the building staff based on the schools identified areas of need. Professiona Tier 2 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $270000 Title I Part A Activity - Instructional Coaches Activity Type Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding The District will employ Instructional Coaches who will build capacity of instructional staff by engaging in frequent and on-going coaching cycles with feedback around instructional strategies, differentiated strategies and delivery. Professiona Tier 2 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Math Coaches, Building Administrati on, and Teaching Staff Schools:Aberdeen Elementary, Kent Hills School, Campus Elementary Tier Resource Assigned Schools:Ottawa Hills High School Staff Responsibl e No Funding Instructiona Required l Coach, Building Administrati on, and Teaching Staff (shared) Strategy 2: Student Engagement (K-12) - The District will implement Student Engagement by the following means: Professional Learning, Academic Rigor, Accountable Talk, Quality Questioning, Claim, Evidence and Reasoning, Non-Linguistic Representation, Monitoring, Close and Critical Reading, Technology and Clear Expectations. Research Cited: Pickering, Debra J., and Marzano, Robert J. (2011). The Highly Engaged Classroom. Marzano Research Laboratory. “Engagement is a central aspect of effective teaching. If students are not engaged, there is little, if any, chance that they will learn what is being addressed in class. Student engagement has long been recognized as the core of effective schooling.” Tier: Tier 1 Activity - Professional Learning Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 342 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will employ individuals who organize the professional learning opportunities provided throughout the District. Some of the Professional Learning opportunities will support teachers and administrators using the teacher evaluation tools which will support the growth of student engagement in the classroom. Professiona Tier 1 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Assistant Required Superinten dent of Organizatio nal Learning, Building Administrat ors and Teachers Activity Type Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Monitor 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Implement 09/02/2014 06/02/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Implement 09/02/2014 06/02/2015 $0 Schools:All Schools Activity - Academic Rigor Tier District Staff in conjunction with building administrators will Curriculum Tier 1 monitor that students’ foundations of content are being built by Developme engaging them in the thinking process to deepen their overall nt content knowledge through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process to ensure that there is academic rigor in the classroom. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Accountable Talk Activity Type Tier District Staff in conjunction with building administrators will Curriculum Tier 1 monitor the application of Accountable Talk moves which have Developme been developed through teacher training provided by the nt Institute for Learning (IFL). Accountable Talk will develop students’ abilities to socialize their intelligence as well as increase student engagement by encouraging open discussion and inquiry-based reasoning opportunities. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Quality Questioning Activity Type Tier The District will implement quality questioning in the classroom Curriculum to increase both student engagement and to support a deeper Developme understanding of the content being taught. nt Schools:All Schools SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, School Reform Facilitators and Building Administrat ors Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, School Reform Facilitators and Building Administrat ors Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, Building Administrat ors and Teachers Page 343 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools Activity - Monitoring Activity Type Tier District Staff in conjunction with building administrators, Walkthroug Tier 1 Curriculum Supervisors, and DL Coaches will monitor the level h of use and effectiveness of student engagement in the classrooms through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process. Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Monitor 09/02/2014 06/02/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:All Schools Activity - Technology Activity Type Tier The District will support the use of technology across the Technology Tier 1 district. Technology will be used in a variety of ways to support student learning objectives. Students will engage with technology as a means to demonstrate their learning. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Clear Expectations Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, District Curriculum Supervisors , School Reform Facilitators, Instructiona l Coaches and Building Administrat ors Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding District Required Technology Department (MIS), District Curriculum Supervisors , Instructiona l Technology Specialist, Building Administrat ors and Teachers Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 344 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will ensure that teachers are setting clear Direct expectations in the classroom through the implementation of Instruction the evaluation tools used across the District. Classroom teachers will clearly communicate (oral and written formats) the purpose for learning as it connects to the curriculum framework and standards in a language that is student-friendly. Students will be more actively engaged in their learning when they have a clear understanding of what the purpose is. Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/02/2015 $0 No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, Building Administrat ors and Teachers Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Implement 09/02/2014 06/02/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Schools:All Schools Activity - Claim Evidence and Reasoning (Middle/High) Activity Type The District Curriculum Supervisors will create units/lessons Curriculum Tier 1 which will increase student engagement through the use of Developme clam, evidence and reasoning. While reading complex text, nt staff will have students respond (orally and written) to a topic which will demand them to use textual evidence to support their overall claim. Resource Assigned Schools:Westwood Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Ottawa Hills High School, Alger Middle School, City Middle/High School, Burton Middle School, Riverside Middle School, Union High School, Innovation Central High School, Center for Economicology Activity - Non-Linguistic Representation (Middle/High) Activity Type Tier The District Curriculum Supervisors will create units/lessons Curriculum Tier 1 which will incorporate the use of non-linguistic representational Developme tools such as Thinking Maps and graphic organizers to enable nt students to organize their thinking in a way that will allow them to be more deeply engaged with the content. Schools:Alger Middle School, Westwood Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Ottawa Hills High School, City Middle/High School, Southeast Career Pathways, Burton Middle School, Riverside Middle School, Union High School, Innovation Central High School, Center for Economicology Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding Deputy Required Superinten dent, District Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors and Teachers Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Deputy Required Superinten dent, District Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors and Teachers (shared) Strategy 3: Learning Targets - The District will implement and modify Learning Targets in the Elementary Division through the development of Curriculum Maps and through the use of Monitoring. Research Cited: Brookhart, Susan M., and Moss, Connie M. (2012). Learning Targets: Helping Students Aim for Understanding in Today’s Lesson. ASCD. “The most effective teaching and the most meaningful student learning happen when teachers design the right learning targets for today’s lesson and use it along with SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 345 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools their students to aim for and assess understanding. Learning targets are student-friendly descriptors of what you intend students to learn or accomplish in a given lesson. When shared, meaningfully, they become actual targets that students can see and direct their efforts toward. They also serve as targets for the adults in the school whose responsibility it is to plan, monitor, and assess, and improve the quality of learning opportunities to raise the achievement of all students.” Tier: Tier 1 Activity - Curriculum Maps Activity Type The District Curriculum Supervisors will develop curriculum maps which highlight instructional goals around grade-level learning targets that are student-friendly and specific to the needs of individual students in the classroom. Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Curriculum Tier 1 Developme nt Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Activity - Monitor Activity Type Phase Begin Date End Date District Staff in conjunction with building administrators and Curriculum Supervisors will monitor the level of use and effectiveness of Learning Targets in the classrooms through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process. Walkthroug Tier 1 h Monitor 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Schools:Brookside School, CA Frost Environmental Science Academy, Campus Elementary School, Congress Elementary, East Leonard School, Harrison Elementary, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Cesar E. Chavez Elementary, Kent Hills School, Shawmut Hills School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy, Sibley School, Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Mulick Elementary, North Park Montessori Academy, Dickinson School, Buchanan School, Eastern Elementary, Aberdeen Elementary School, Palmer School, Gerald R. Ford K8 Academy, Coit Arts Academy, Stocking Elementary, Ken-OSha Park Elementary, Southwest Community Campus School, Burton Elementary School Tier Schools:Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Mulick Elementary, North Park Montessori Academy, Brookside School, Dickinson School, Buchanan School, CA Frost Environmental Science Academy, Campus Elementary School, Aberdeen Elementary School, East Leonard School, Harrison Elementary, Coit Arts Academy, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Stocking Elementary, Kent Hills School, Ken-OSha Park Elementary, Shawmut Hills School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy, Sibley School, Burton Elementary School Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Deputy Required Superinten dent, District Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors and Teachers Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Elementary Required Executive Director, School Reform Facilitators and Building Administrat ors Measurable Objective 12: 36% of Sixth, Seventh and Eighth grade students will demonstrate a proficiency in concepts in Mathematics by 06/05/2015 as measured by the State assessment. SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 346 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools (shared) Strategy 1: Differentiated Instruction - School level staff will implement and participate in a variety of activities such as: professional learning, academic rigor, project learning, fluency and skill development, SIOP, data analysis, and use PLCs to enable them to differentiate instruction to meet the individualized needs of all students. The teaching staff will develop lessons and units that have a clear structure which allows for different pathways according to student needs. Research Cited: Beach, T.A. (2010). Combine Methodologies of Differentiated Instruction in the Heterogeneous Classroom. South Carolina Middle School Association Journal, February 26, 2011. "Offering each student the chance to learn the subject material in ways that address each student individually can benefit children in retaining information that will later be necessary to become thoughtful, productive adults. Through differentiation combined with curriculum layering, teachers can create a student-centered classroom that is supportive to each student." Cusumano, C. (2007). How Differentiated Instruction Helps struggling Students. Leadership, 36(4), 8-10. "Accelerating learning by examining and aligning three major systems in the school to support differentiation and a consistent focus on improved student learning the school's academic delivery structure, professional development, and human/fiscal resource allocation." Tier: Tier 1 Activity - Professional Learning Activity Type All staff will actively participate in professional learning which supports differentiation at their specific grade level and program. Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Professiona Tier 1 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Activity Type Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:All Schools Activity - Project Based Learning Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Assistant Required Superinten dent of Organizatio nal Learning, Executive Directors of Elementary , MS/K-8, High School/Alte rnative Schools, Principals and instructiona l staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 347 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools All staff will provide opportunities throughout the school year for Curriculum Tier 1 students to be engaged in a variety of project learning activities Developme that support the instructional goals. These projects will be nt differentiated in nature and provide choice to students regarding the type of project they will complete and will be rigorous and challenging for all students. Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Executive Required Directors of the Elementary , Middle School, K8, High School, Alternative Schools, Special Education, Curriculum Specialists, Deputy Superinten dent of Curriculum and Learning, building principals and teachers. Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Staff Responsibl e No Funding Building Required administrat or and teachers Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Schools:Alger Middle School, Ottawa Hills High School, Blandford Nature Center, Dickinson School, CA Frost Environmental Science Academy, Aberdeen Elementary School, John Ball Park Zoo School, Harrison Elementary, Gerald R. Ford K8 Academy, Westwood Middle School, Alger Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Burton Middle School, Grand Rapids University Preparatory Academy, Union High School, Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Innovation Central High School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy, City High Middle School, Center for Economicology Activity - Fluency and Skill Development Activity Type Tier Fluency and Skill Development: The staff will use a variety of Curriculum Tier 1 activities that will allow students to become fluent with essential Developme foundational skills. The students will practice these nt foundational skills often enough so that they can flexibly engage with the content at a higher level. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Sheltered Instruction Observational Protocol (SIOP) Activity Type The District will employ individuals who will coach and support Academic schools who Support have populations with second language learners. These Program individuals will train staff on how to implement the SIOP framework in their classrooms to support and provide differentiated techniques which will support the learning needs of our Limited English Proficient (LEP) students. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding ELL Required Department , Building Administrat or s and Teachers Schools:All Schools SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 348 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools Activity - Data Analysis Activity Type : The District will employ staff who will work collaboratively Other with individual schools and the KISD to analyze District-wide data, design user-friendly data reports and to assist schools in understanding their school-wide data in order to support and improve student achievement. This data is used at the building level to support teachers to determine the academic needs of all students in order to differentiate their instruction. Some of this data will be used by school staff who will participate in (Data Dialogues, Governance Boards) to review, reflect and communicate the academic progress in their classroom and identify which activities they are implementing to support continued student achievement. The District will employ a Data Support Specialist who will work solely with our identified Priority Schools to support staff in understanding their schoolwide data and ways to use this data to differentiate instruction in order to meet student needs. Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Tier 1 Evaluate 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding District Required A&E Department , Divisional Executive Directors, School Reform Facilitators, Building Administrat or s and Teachers Schools:All Schools Activity - Monitoring Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned District Support Staff in conjunction with building administrators, Curriculum Supervisors, and Coaches will monitor the level of use and effectiveness of differentiated instruction in the classrooms through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process. Academic Support Program Tier 1 Monitor 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:All Schools Activity - Technology SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Executive Required Directors of Elementary ,Middle , K8, High and Alternative Schools, Deputy Superinten dent of Curriculum and Learning, Curriculum Supervisors and Building Prinicpals Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 349 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will support the use of technology across the Curriculum Tier 1 district. Technology will be used in a variety of ways to support Developme student learning objectives. Students will engage with nt technology as a means to demonstrate their learning. Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding District Required Technology Department (MIS), District Curriculum Supervisors , Technology and Curriculum Integration and Instructiona l Support Specialist, Building Administrat ors and Teachers Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Schools:All Schools Activity - Clear Expectations Activity Type The District will ensure that teachers are setting clear Direct expectations in the classroom through the implementation of Instruction the evaluation tools used across the District. Classroom teachers will clearly communicate (oral and written formats) the purpose for learning as it connects to the curriculum framework and standards in a language that is student-friendly. Students will be more actively engaged in their learning when Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding Executive Required Directors, Building Administrat ors and Teachers Schools:All Schools Activity - Project Learning (Middle and High Schools) Activity Type Instructional Coaches: The District will employ Instructional Coaches who will build capacity of instructional staff by engaging in frequent and on-going coaching cycles with feedback around instructional strategies, differentiated strategies and delivery. Curriculum Tier 1 Developme nt Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding and District Required Curriculum Supervisors Schools:Westwood Middle School, Ottawa Hills High School, Union High School, Campus Elementary School, Aberdeen Elementary School SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 350 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools Activity - Summer School Activity Type The District will fund a summer school program that supports Academic the academic improvement of identified students. The summer Support school program is differentiated to meet the academic needs of Program the students who are enrolled. Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Schools:All Schools Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding itle I Required Office, School Reform Facilitators, Summer School Building Administrat ors and Summer School Teachers Activity - Math Lab (Middle) Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Comprehensive Middle Schools will implement the use of an tier two supplemental math intervention course for identified students address missing skills and gaps in math knowledge. Academic Support Program Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $134000 Title I Part A Activity - Instructional Improvement Coach (Union) Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding The District will employ an Instructional Improvement Coach, who under the direction of the Building Principal will facilitate learning around content areas and literacy utilizing technology and data that will enable Instructional Staff to effectively meet and transform the performance of GRPS students at Union High School. Professiona Tier 2 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Schools:Alger Middle School, Westwood Middle School, Burton Middle School, Riverside Middle School Schools:Union High School SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Deputy Superinten dent of Curriculum and Learning, Curriculum Specialists, and Executive Director of Middle School and K-8 division. Staff Responsibl e No Funding Instructiona Required l Improveme nt Coach, Building Administrat or, and Teaching Staff Page 351 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools Activity - Math Specialist Teacher (Priority Schools) Activity Type The District will employ Math Specialist Teachers who delivers Academic supplementary instruction to identified students This Support instructional support reflects State and District content Program expectations through the use of effective strategies in management, instruction, student motivation and curriculum planning and is delivered through “In School” push in and/or pull out interventions and/or after school intervention programs. The teachers makes knowledge accessible to all students; develops students’ cognitive capacity and respect for learning; and fosters students’ self-esteem, motivation and sense of civic responsibility. Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $310000 Title I Part A Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Math Specialist Teacher, Building Administrati on, and Teaching Staff Schools:Mulick Elementary, Brookside School, Dickinson School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy Activity - Math Coach (Priority Schools) Activity Type Resource Assigned The District will employ Math Coaches in order to support Priority Schools with their Reform & Redesign Plans, Math Coaches will be utilized to assist classroom teachers in successfully implementing best practices as identified in their Reform & Redesign Plans. Math Coaches will provide leadership for teachers by planning, collaborating, organizing, modeling and facilitating change to improve the instructional program. Math Coaches will participate in Coaching Cycles, LearningWalks, Professional Learning Communities, Data Analysis Meetings, and lead some professional development for the building staff based on the schools identified areas of need. Professiona Tier 2 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $270000 Title I Part A Activity - Instructional Coaches Activity Type Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding The District will employ Instructional Coaches who will build capacity of instructional staff by engaging in frequent and on-going coaching cycles with feedback around instructional strategies, differentiated strategies and delivery. Professiona Tier 2 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Staff Responsibl e Math Coaches, Building Administrati on, and Teaching Staff Schools:Aberdeen Elementary, Kent Hills School, Campus Elementary Tier Schools:Ottawa Hills High School SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding Instructiona Required l Coach, Building Administrati on, and Teaching Staff Page 352 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools (shared) Strategy 2: Student Engagement (K-12) - The District will implement Student Engagement by the following means: Professional Learning, Academic Rigor, Accountable Talk, Quality Questioning, Claim, Evidence and Reasoning, Non-Linguistic Representation, Monitoring, Close and Critical Reading, Technology and Clear Expectations. Research Cited: Pickering, Debra J., and Marzano, Robert J. (2011). The Highly Engaged Classroom. Marzano Research Laboratory. “Engagement is a central aspect of effective teaching. If students are not engaged, there is little, if any, chance that they will learn what is being addressed in class. Student engagement has long been recognized as the core of effective schooling.” Tier: Tier 1 Activity - Professional Learning Activity Type The District will employ individuals who organize the professional learning opportunities provided throughout the District. Some of the Professional Learning opportunities will support teachers and administrators using the teacher evaluation tools which will support the growth of student engagement in the classroom. Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Professiona Tier 1 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Activity Type Phase Begin Date End Date Monitor 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:All Schools Activity - Academic Rigor Tier District Staff in conjunction with building administrators will Curriculum Tier 1 monitor that students’ foundations of content are being built by Developme engaging them in the thinking process to deepen their overall nt content knowledge through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process to ensure that there is academic rigor in the classroom. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Accountable Talk Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Assistant Required Superinten dent of Organizatio nal Learning, Building Administrat ors and Teachers Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, School Reform Facilitators and Building Administrat ors Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 353 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools District Staff in conjunction with building administrators will Curriculum Tier 1 monitor the application of Accountable Talk moves which have Developme been developed through teacher training provided by the nt Institute for Learning (IFL). Accountable Talk will develop students’ abilities to socialize their intelligence as well as increase student engagement by encouraging open discussion and inquiry-based reasoning opportunities. Implement 09/02/2014 06/02/2015 $0 No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, School Reform Facilitators and Building Administrat ors Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Implement 09/02/2014 06/02/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Monitor 09/02/2014 06/02/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:All Schools Activity - Quality Questioning Activity Type Tier The District will implement quality questioning in the classroom Curriculum to increase both student engagement and to support a deeper Developme understanding of the content being taught. nt Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Monitoring Activity Type Tier District Staff in conjunction with building administrators, Walkthroug Tier 1 Curriculum Supervisors, and DL Coaches will monitor the level h of use and effectiveness of student engagement in the classrooms through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Technology Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, Building Administrat ors and Teachers Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, District Curriculum Supervisors , School Reform Facilitators, Instructiona l Coaches and Building Administrat ors Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 354 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will support the use of technology across the Technology Tier 1 district. Technology will be used in a variety of ways to support student learning objectives. Students will engage with technology as a means to demonstrate their learning. Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding District Required Technology Department (MIS), District Curriculum Supervisors , Instructiona l Technology Specialist, Building Administrat ors and Teachers Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/02/2015 $0 Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Implement 09/02/2014 06/02/2015 $0 Schools:All Schools Activity - Clear Expectations Activity Type The District will ensure that teachers are setting clear Direct expectations in the classroom through the implementation of Instruction the evaluation tools used across the District. Classroom teachers will clearly communicate (oral and written formats) the purpose for learning as it connects to the curriculum framework and standards in a language that is student-friendly. Students will be more actively engaged in their learning when they have a clear understanding of what the purpose is. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, Building Administrat ors and Teachers Schools:All Schools Activity - Claim Evidence and Reasoning (Middle/High) Activity Type The District Curriculum Supervisors will create units/lessons Curriculum Tier 1 which will increase student engagement through the use of Developme clam, evidence and reasoning. While reading complex text, nt staff will have students respond (orally and written) to a topic which will demand them to use textual evidence to support their overall claim. Schools:Westwood Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Ottawa Hills High School, Alger Middle School, City Middle/High School, Burton Middle School, Riverside Middle School, Union High School, Innovation Central High School, Center for Economicology SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Deputy Required Superinten dent, District Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors and Teachers Page 355 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools Activity - Non-Linguistic Representation (Middle/High) Activity Type Tier The District Curriculum Supervisors will create units/lessons Curriculum Tier 1 which will incorporate the use of non-linguistic representational Developme tools such as Thinking Maps and graphic organizers to enable nt students to organize their thinking in a way that will allow them to be more deeply engaged with the content. Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Schools:Alger Middle School, Westwood Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Ottawa Hills High School, City Middle/High School, Southeast Career Pathways, Burton Middle School, Riverside Middle School, Union High School, Innovation Central High School, Center for Economicology Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Deputy Required Superinten dent, District Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors and Teachers Measurable Objective 13: 33% of Sixth, Seventh and Eighth grade Hispanic or Latino students will demonstrate a proficiency in concepts in Mathematics by 06/05/2015 as measured by the State assessment. (shared) Strategy 1: Differentiated Instruction - School level staff will implement and participate in a variety of activities such as: professional learning, academic rigor, project learning, fluency and skill development, SIOP, data analysis, and use PLCs to enable them to differentiate instruction to meet the individualized needs of all students. The teaching staff will develop lessons and units that have a clear structure which allows for different pathways according to student needs. Research Cited: Beach, T.A. (2010). Combine Methodologies of Differentiated Instruction in the Heterogeneous Classroom. South Carolina Middle School Association Journal, February 26, 2011. "Offering each student the chance to learn the subject material in ways that address each student individually can benefit children in retaining information that will later be necessary to become thoughtful, productive adults. Through differentiation combined with curriculum layering, teachers can create a student-centered classroom that is supportive to each student." Cusumano, C. (2007). How Differentiated Instruction Helps struggling Students. Leadership, 36(4), 8-10. "Accelerating learning by examining and aligning three major systems in the school to support differentiation and a consistent focus on improved student learning the school's academic delivery structure, professional development, and human/fiscal resource allocation." Tier: Tier 1 Activity - Professional Learning Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 356 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools All staff will actively participate in professional learning which supports differentiation at their specific grade level and program. Professiona Tier 1 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Assistant Required Superinten dent of Organizatio nal Learning, Executive Directors of Elementary , MS/K-8, High School/Alte rnative Schools, Principals and instructiona l staff Activity Type Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:All Schools Activity - Project Based Learning Tier All staff will provide opportunities throughout the school year for Curriculum Tier 1 students to be engaged in a variety of project learning activities Developme that support the instructional goals. These projects will be nt differentiated in nature and provide choice to students regarding the type of project they will complete and will be rigorous and challenging for all students. Resource Assigned Schools:Alger Middle School, Ottawa Hills High School, Blandford Nature Center, Dickinson School, CA Frost Environmental Science Academy, Aberdeen Elementary School, John Ball Park Zoo School, Harrison Elementary, Gerald R. Ford K8 Academy, Westwood Middle School, Alger Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Burton Middle School, Grand Rapids University Preparatory Academy, Union High School, Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Innovation Central High School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy, City High Middle School, Center for Economicology Activity - Fluency and Skill Development Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding Executive Required Directors of the Elementary , Middle School, K8, High School, Alternative Schools, Special Education, Curriculum Specialists, Deputy Superinten dent of Curriculum and Learning, building principals and teachers. Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 357 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools Fluency and Skill Development: The staff will use a variety of Curriculum Tier 1 activities that will allow students to become fluent with essential Developme foundational skills. The students will practice these nt foundational skills often enough so that they can flexibly engage with the content at a higher level. Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Building Required administrat or and teachers Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Tier 1 Evaluate 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:All Schools Activity - Sheltered Instruction Observational Protocol (SIOP) Activity Type The District will employ individuals who will coach and support Academic schools who Support have populations with second language learners. These Program individuals will train staff on how to implement the SIOP framework in their classrooms to support and provide differentiated techniques which will support the learning needs of our Limited English Proficient (LEP) students. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding ELL Required Department , Building Administrat or s and Teachers Schools:All Schools Activity - Data Analysis Activity Type : The District will employ staff who will work collaboratively Other with individual schools and the KISD to analyze District-wide data, design user-friendly data reports and to assist schools in understanding their school-wide data in order to support and improve student achievement. This data is used at the building level to support teachers to determine the academic needs of all students in order to differentiate their instruction. Some of this data will be used by school staff who will participate in (Data Dialogues, Governance Boards) to review, reflect and communicate the academic progress in their classroom and identify which activities they are implementing to support continued student achievement. The District will employ a Data Support Specialist who will work solely with our identified Priority Schools to support staff in understanding their schoolwide data and ways to use this data to differentiate instruction in order to meet student needs. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding District Required A&E Department , Divisional Executive Directors, School Reform Facilitators, Building Administrat or s and Teachers Schools:All Schools Activity - Monitoring Activity Type SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 358 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools District Support Staff in conjunction with building administrators, Curriculum Supervisors, and Coaches will monitor the level of use and effectiveness of differentiated instruction in the classrooms through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process. Academic Support Program Tier 1 Monitor 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Executive Required Directors of Elementary ,Middle , K8, High and Alternative Schools, Deputy Superinten dent of Curriculum and Learning, Curriculum Supervisors and Building Prinicpals Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:All Schools Activity - Technology The District will support the use of technology across the Curriculum Tier 1 district. Technology will be used in a variety of ways to support Developme student learning objectives. Students will engage with nt technology as a means to demonstrate their learning. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Clear Expectations Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding District Required Technology Department (MIS), District Curriculum Supervisors , Technology and Curriculum Integration and Instructiona l Support Specialist, Building Administrat ors and Teachers Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 359 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will ensure that teachers are setting clear Direct expectations in the classroom through the implementation of Instruction the evaluation tools used across the District. Classroom teachers will clearly communicate (oral and written formats) the purpose for learning as it connects to the curriculum framework and standards in a language that is student-friendly. Students will be more actively engaged in their learning when Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Executive Required Directors, Building Administrat ors and Teachers Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Schools:All Schools Activity - Project Learning (Middle and High Schools) Activity Type Resource Assigned Instructional Coaches: The District will employ Instructional Coaches who will build capacity of instructional staff by engaging in frequent and on-going coaching cycles with feedback around instructional strategies, differentiated strategies and delivery. Curriculum Tier 1 Developme nt Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Staff Responsibl e No Funding and District Required Curriculum Supervisors Schools:Westwood Middle School, Ottawa Hills High School, Union High School, Campus Elementary School, Aberdeen Elementary School Activity - Summer School The District will fund a summer school program that supports Academic the academic improvement of identified students. The summer Support school program is differentiated to meet the academic needs of Program the students who are enrolled. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Math Lab (Middle) Activity Type SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding itle I Required Office, School Reform Facilitators, Summer School Building Administrat ors and Summer School Teachers Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 360 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools Comprehensive Middle Schools will implement the use of an tier two supplemental math intervention course for identified students address missing skills and gaps in math knowledge. Academic Support Program Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $134000 Title I Part A Activity - Instructional Improvement Coach (Union) Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding The District will employ an Instructional Improvement Coach, who under the direction of the Building Principal will facilitate learning around content areas and literacy utilizing technology and data that will enable Instructional Staff to effectively meet and transform the performance of GRPS students at Union High School. Professiona Tier 2 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $310000 Title I Part A Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Schools:Alger Middle School, Westwood Middle School, Burton Middle School, Riverside Middle School Resource Assigned Schools:Union High School Activity - Math Specialist Teacher (Priority Schools) The District will employ Math Specialist Teachers who delivers Academic supplementary instruction to identified students This Support instructional support reflects State and District content Program expectations through the use of effective strategies in management, instruction, student motivation and curriculum planning and is delivered through “In School” push in and/or pull out interventions and/or after school intervention programs. The teachers makes knowledge accessible to all students; develops students’ cognitive capacity and respect for learning; and fosters students’ self-esteem, motivation and sense of civic responsibility. Resource Assigned Deputy Superinten dent of Curriculum and Learning, Curriculum Specialists, and Executive Director of Middle School and K-8 division. Staff Responsibl e No Funding Instructiona Required l Improveme nt Coach, Building Administrat or, and Teaching Staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Math Specialist Teacher, Building Administrati on, and Teaching Staff Schools:Mulick Elementary, Brookside School, Dickinson School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy Activity - Math Coach (Priority Schools) Activity Type SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Page 361 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will employ Math Coaches in order to support Priority Schools with their Reform & Redesign Plans, Math Coaches will be utilized to assist classroom teachers in successfully implementing best practices as identified in their Reform & Redesign Plans. Math Coaches will provide leadership for teachers by planning, collaborating, organizing, modeling and facilitating change to improve the instructional program. Math Coaches will participate in Coaching Cycles, LearningWalks, Professional Learning Communities, Data Analysis Meetings, and lead some professional development for the building staff based on the schools identified areas of need. Professiona Tier 2 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $270000 Title I Part A Activity - Instructional Coaches Activity Type Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding The District will employ Instructional Coaches who will build capacity of instructional staff by engaging in frequent and on-going coaching cycles with feedback around instructional strategies, differentiated strategies and delivery. Professiona Tier 2 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Math Coaches, Building Administrati on, and Teaching Staff Schools:Aberdeen Elementary, Kent Hills School, Campus Elementary Tier Resource Assigned Schools:Ottawa Hills High School Staff Responsibl e No Funding Instructiona Required l Coach, Building Administrati on, and Teaching Staff (shared) Strategy 2: Student Engagement (K-12) - The District will implement Student Engagement by the following means: Professional Learning, Academic Rigor, Accountable Talk, Quality Questioning, Claim, Evidence and Reasoning, Non-Linguistic Representation, Monitoring, Close and Critical Reading, Technology and Clear Expectations. Research Cited: Pickering, Debra J., and Marzano, Robert J. (2011). The Highly Engaged Classroom. Marzano Research Laboratory. “Engagement is a central aspect of effective teaching. If students are not engaged, there is little, if any, chance that they will learn what is being addressed in class. Student engagement has long been recognized as the core of effective schooling.” Tier: Tier 1 Activity - Professional Learning Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 362 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will employ individuals who organize the professional learning opportunities provided throughout the District. Some of the Professional Learning opportunities will support teachers and administrators using the teacher evaluation tools which will support the growth of student engagement in the classroom. Professiona Tier 1 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Assistant Required Superinten dent of Organizatio nal Learning, Building Administrat ors and Teachers Activity Type Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Monitor 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Implement 09/02/2014 06/02/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Implement 09/02/2014 06/02/2015 $0 Schools:All Schools Activity - Academic Rigor Tier District Staff in conjunction with building administrators will Curriculum Tier 1 monitor that students’ foundations of content are being built by Developme engaging them in the thinking process to deepen their overall nt content knowledge through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process to ensure that there is academic rigor in the classroom. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Accountable Talk Activity Type Tier District Staff in conjunction with building administrators will Curriculum Tier 1 monitor the application of Accountable Talk moves which have Developme been developed through teacher training provided by the nt Institute for Learning (IFL). Accountable Talk will develop students’ abilities to socialize their intelligence as well as increase student engagement by encouraging open discussion and inquiry-based reasoning opportunities. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Quality Questioning Activity Type Tier The District will implement quality questioning in the classroom Curriculum to increase both student engagement and to support a deeper Developme understanding of the content being taught. nt Schools:All Schools SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, School Reform Facilitators and Building Administrat ors Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, School Reform Facilitators and Building Administrat ors Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, Building Administrat ors and Teachers Page 363 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools Activity - Monitoring Activity Type Tier District Staff in conjunction with building administrators, Walkthroug Tier 1 Curriculum Supervisors, and DL Coaches will monitor the level h of use and effectiveness of student engagement in the classrooms through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process. Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Monitor 09/02/2014 06/02/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:All Schools Activity - Technology Activity Type Tier The District will support the use of technology across the Technology Tier 1 district. Technology will be used in a variety of ways to support student learning objectives. Students will engage with technology as a means to demonstrate their learning. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Clear Expectations Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, District Curriculum Supervisors , School Reform Facilitators, Instructiona l Coaches and Building Administrat ors Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding District Required Technology Department (MIS), District Curriculum Supervisors , Instructiona l Technology Specialist, Building Administrat ors and Teachers Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 364 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will ensure that teachers are setting clear Direct expectations in the classroom through the implementation of Instruction the evaluation tools used across the District. Classroom teachers will clearly communicate (oral and written formats) the purpose for learning as it connects to the curriculum framework and standards in a language that is student-friendly. Students will be more actively engaged in their learning when they have a clear understanding of what the purpose is. Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/02/2015 $0 No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, Building Administrat ors and Teachers Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Implement 09/02/2014 06/02/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Schools:All Schools Activity - Claim Evidence and Reasoning (Middle/High) Activity Type The District Curriculum Supervisors will create units/lessons Curriculum Tier 1 which will increase student engagement through the use of Developme clam, evidence and reasoning. While reading complex text, nt staff will have students respond (orally and written) to a topic which will demand them to use textual evidence to support their overall claim. Resource Assigned Schools:Westwood Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Ottawa Hills High School, Alger Middle School, City Middle/High School, Burton Middle School, Riverside Middle School, Union High School, Innovation Central High School, Center for Economicology Activity - Non-Linguistic Representation (Middle/High) Activity Type Tier The District Curriculum Supervisors will create units/lessons Curriculum Tier 1 which will incorporate the use of non-linguistic representational Developme tools such as Thinking Maps and graphic organizers to enable nt students to organize their thinking in a way that will allow them to be more deeply engaged with the content. Schools:Alger Middle School, Westwood Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Ottawa Hills High School, City Middle/High School, Southeast Career Pathways, Burton Middle School, Riverside Middle School, Union High School, Innovation Central High School, Center for Economicology Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding Deputy Required Superinten dent, District Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors and Teachers Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Deputy Required Superinten dent, District Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors and Teachers Measurable Objective 14: 27% of Sixth, Seventh and Eighth grade English Learners students will demonstrate a proficiency in concepts in Mathematics by 06/05/2015 as measured by the State assessment. (shared) Strategy 1: Differentiated Instruction - School level staff will implement and participate in a variety of activities such as: professional learning, academic rigor, project learning, SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 365 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools fluency and skill development, SIOP, data analysis, and use PLCs to enable them to differentiate instruction to meet the individualized needs of all students. The teaching staff will develop lessons and units that have a clear structure which allows for different pathways according to student needs. Research Cited: Beach, T.A. (2010). Combine Methodologies of Differentiated Instruction in the Heterogeneous Classroom. South Carolina Middle School Association Journal, February 26, 2011. "Offering each student the chance to learn the subject material in ways that address each student individually can benefit children in retaining information that will later be necessary to become thoughtful, productive adults. Through differentiation combined with curriculum layering, teachers can create a student-centered classroom that is supportive to each student." Cusumano, C. (2007). How Differentiated Instruction Helps struggling Students. Leadership, 36(4), 8-10. "Accelerating learning by examining and aligning three major systems in the school to support differentiation and a consistent focus on improved student learning the school's academic delivery structure, professional development, and human/fiscal resource allocation." Tier: Tier 1 Activity - Professional Learning Activity Type All staff will actively participate in professional learning which supports differentiation at their specific grade level and program. Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Professiona Tier 1 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Activity Type Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:All Schools Activity - Project Based Learning Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Assistant Required Superinten dent of Organizatio nal Learning, Executive Directors of Elementary , MS/K-8, High School/Alte rnative Schools, Principals and instructiona l staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 366 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools All staff will provide opportunities throughout the school year for Curriculum Tier 1 students to be engaged in a variety of project learning activities Developme that support the instructional goals. These projects will be nt differentiated in nature and provide choice to students regarding the type of project they will complete and will be rigorous and challenging for all students. Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Executive Required Directors of the Elementary , Middle School, K8, High School, Alternative Schools, Special Education, Curriculum Specialists, Deputy Superinten dent of Curriculum and Learning, building principals and teachers. Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Staff Responsibl e No Funding Building Required administrat or and teachers Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Schools:Alger Middle School, Ottawa Hills High School, Blandford Nature Center, Dickinson School, CA Frost Environmental Science Academy, Aberdeen Elementary School, John Ball Park Zoo School, Harrison Elementary, Gerald R. Ford K8 Academy, Westwood Middle School, Alger Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Burton Middle School, Grand Rapids University Preparatory Academy, Union High School, Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Innovation Central High School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy, City High Middle School, Center for Economicology Activity - Fluency and Skill Development Activity Type Tier Fluency and Skill Development: The staff will use a variety of Curriculum Tier 1 activities that will allow students to become fluent with essential Developme foundational skills. The students will practice these nt foundational skills often enough so that they can flexibly engage with the content at a higher level. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Sheltered Instruction Observational Protocol (SIOP) Activity Type The District will employ individuals who will coach and support Academic schools who Support have populations with second language learners. These Program individuals will train staff on how to implement the SIOP framework in their classrooms to support and provide differentiated techniques which will support the learning needs of our Limited English Proficient (LEP) students. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding ELL Required Department , Building Administrat or s and Teachers Schools:All Schools SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 367 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools Activity - Data Analysis Activity Type : The District will employ staff who will work collaboratively Other with individual schools and the KISD to analyze District-wide data, design user-friendly data reports and to assist schools in understanding their school-wide data in order to support and improve student achievement. This data is used at the building level to support teachers to determine the academic needs of all students in order to differentiate their instruction. Some of this data will be used by school staff who will participate in (Data Dialogues, Governance Boards) to review, reflect and communicate the academic progress in their classroom and identify which activities they are implementing to support continued student achievement. The District will employ a Data Support Specialist who will work solely with our identified Priority Schools to support staff in understanding their schoolwide data and ways to use this data to differentiate instruction in order to meet student needs. Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Tier 1 Evaluate 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding District Required A&E Department , Divisional Executive Directors, School Reform Facilitators, Building Administrat or s and Teachers Schools:All Schools Activity - Monitoring Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned District Support Staff in conjunction with building administrators, Curriculum Supervisors, and Coaches will monitor the level of use and effectiveness of differentiated instruction in the classrooms through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process. Academic Support Program Tier 1 Monitor 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:All Schools Activity - Technology SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Executive Required Directors of Elementary ,Middle , K8, High and Alternative Schools, Deputy Superinten dent of Curriculum and Learning, Curriculum Supervisors and Building Prinicpals Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 368 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will support the use of technology across the Curriculum Tier 1 district. Technology will be used in a variety of ways to support Developme student learning objectives. Students will engage with nt technology as a means to demonstrate their learning. Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding District Required Technology Department (MIS), District Curriculum Supervisors , Technology and Curriculum Integration and Instructiona l Support Specialist, Building Administrat ors and Teachers Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Schools:All Schools Activity - Clear Expectations Activity Type The District will ensure that teachers are setting clear Direct expectations in the classroom through the implementation of Instruction the evaluation tools used across the District. Classroom teachers will clearly communicate (oral and written formats) the purpose for learning as it connects to the curriculum framework and standards in a language that is student-friendly. Students will be more actively engaged in their learning when Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding Executive Required Directors, Building Administrat ors and Teachers Schools:All Schools Activity - Project Learning (Middle and High Schools) Activity Type Instructional Coaches: The District will employ Instructional Coaches who will build capacity of instructional staff by engaging in frequent and on-going coaching cycles with feedback around instructional strategies, differentiated strategies and delivery. Curriculum Tier 1 Developme nt Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding and District Required Curriculum Supervisors Schools:Westwood Middle School, Ottawa Hills High School, Union High School, Campus Elementary School, Aberdeen Elementary School SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 369 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools Activity - Summer School Activity Type The District will fund a summer school program that supports Academic the academic improvement of identified students. The summer Support school program is differentiated to meet the academic needs of Program the students who are enrolled. Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Schools:All Schools Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding itle I Required Office, School Reform Facilitators, Summer School Building Administrat ors and Summer School Teachers Activity - Math Lab (Middle) Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Comprehensive Middle Schools will implement the use of an tier two supplemental math intervention course for identified students address missing skills and gaps in math knowledge. Academic Support Program Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $134000 Title I Part A Activity - Instructional Improvement Coach (Union) Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding The District will employ an Instructional Improvement Coach, who under the direction of the Building Principal will facilitate learning around content areas and literacy utilizing technology and data that will enable Instructional Staff to effectively meet and transform the performance of GRPS students at Union High School. Professiona Tier 2 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Schools:Alger Middle School, Westwood Middle School, Burton Middle School, Riverside Middle School Schools:Union High School SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Deputy Superinten dent of Curriculum and Learning, Curriculum Specialists, and Executive Director of Middle School and K-8 division. Staff Responsibl e No Funding Instructiona Required l Improveme nt Coach, Building Administrat or, and Teaching Staff Page 370 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools Activity - Math Specialist Teacher (Priority Schools) Activity Type The District will employ Math Specialist Teachers who delivers Academic supplementary instruction to identified students This Support instructional support reflects State and District content Program expectations through the use of effective strategies in management, instruction, student motivation and curriculum planning and is delivered through “In School” push in and/or pull out interventions and/or after school intervention programs. The teachers makes knowledge accessible to all students; develops students’ cognitive capacity and respect for learning; and fosters students’ self-esteem, motivation and sense of civic responsibility. Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $310000 Title I Part A Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Math Specialist Teacher, Building Administrati on, and Teaching Staff Schools:Mulick Elementary, Brookside School, Dickinson School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy Activity - Math Coach (Priority Schools) Activity Type Resource Assigned The District will employ Math Coaches in order to support Priority Schools with their Reform & Redesign Plans, Math Coaches will be utilized to assist classroom teachers in successfully implementing best practices as identified in their Reform & Redesign Plans. Math Coaches will provide leadership for teachers by planning, collaborating, organizing, modeling and facilitating change to improve the instructional program. Math Coaches will participate in Coaching Cycles, LearningWalks, Professional Learning Communities, Data Analysis Meetings, and lead some professional development for the building staff based on the schools identified areas of need. Professiona Tier 2 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $270000 Title I Part A Activity - Instructional Coaches Activity Type Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding The District will employ Instructional Coaches who will build capacity of instructional staff by engaging in frequent and on-going coaching cycles with feedback around instructional strategies, differentiated strategies and delivery. Professiona Tier 2 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Staff Responsibl e Math Coaches, Building Administrati on, and Teaching Staff Schools:Aberdeen Elementary, Kent Hills School, Campus Elementary Tier Schools:Ottawa Hills High School SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding Instructiona Required l Coach, Building Administrati on, and Teaching Staff Page 371 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools (shared) Strategy 2: Student Engagement (K-12) - The District will implement Student Engagement by the following means: Professional Learning, Academic Rigor, Accountable Talk, Quality Questioning, Claim, Evidence and Reasoning, Non-Linguistic Representation, Monitoring, Close and Critical Reading, Technology and Clear Expectations. Research Cited: Pickering, Debra J., and Marzano, Robert J. (2011). The Highly Engaged Classroom. Marzano Research Laboratory. “Engagement is a central aspect of effective teaching. If students are not engaged, there is little, if any, chance that they will learn what is being addressed in class. Student engagement has long been recognized as the core of effective schooling.” Tier: Tier 1 Activity - Professional Learning Activity Type The District will employ individuals who organize the professional learning opportunities provided throughout the District. Some of the Professional Learning opportunities will support teachers and administrators using the teacher evaluation tools which will support the growth of student engagement in the classroom. Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Professiona Tier 1 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Activity Type Phase Begin Date End Date Monitor 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:All Schools Activity - Academic Rigor Tier District Staff in conjunction with building administrators will Curriculum Tier 1 monitor that students’ foundations of content are being built by Developme engaging them in the thinking process to deepen their overall nt content knowledge through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process to ensure that there is academic rigor in the classroom. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Accountable Talk Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Assistant Required Superinten dent of Organizatio nal Learning, Building Administrat ors and Teachers Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, School Reform Facilitators and Building Administrat ors Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 372 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools District Staff in conjunction with building administrators will Curriculum Tier 1 monitor the application of Accountable Talk moves which have Developme been developed through teacher training provided by the nt Institute for Learning (IFL). Accountable Talk will develop students’ abilities to socialize their intelligence as well as increase student engagement by encouraging open discussion and inquiry-based reasoning opportunities. Implement 09/02/2014 06/02/2015 $0 No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, School Reform Facilitators and Building Administrat ors Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Implement 09/02/2014 06/02/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Monitor 09/02/2014 06/02/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:All Schools Activity - Quality Questioning Activity Type Tier The District will implement quality questioning in the classroom Curriculum to increase both student engagement and to support a deeper Developme understanding of the content being taught. nt Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Monitoring Activity Type Tier District Staff in conjunction with building administrators, Walkthroug Tier 1 Curriculum Supervisors, and DL Coaches will monitor the level h of use and effectiveness of student engagement in the classrooms through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Technology Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, Building Administrat ors and Teachers Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, District Curriculum Supervisors , School Reform Facilitators, Instructiona l Coaches and Building Administrat ors Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 373 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will support the use of technology across the Technology Tier 1 district. Technology will be used in a variety of ways to support student learning objectives. Students will engage with technology as a means to demonstrate their learning. Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding District Required Technology Department (MIS), District Curriculum Supervisors , Instructiona l Technology Specialist, Building Administrat ors and Teachers Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/02/2015 $0 Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Implement 09/02/2014 06/02/2015 $0 Schools:All Schools Activity - Clear Expectations Activity Type The District will ensure that teachers are setting clear Direct expectations in the classroom through the implementation of Instruction the evaluation tools used across the District. Classroom teachers will clearly communicate (oral and written formats) the purpose for learning as it connects to the curriculum framework and standards in a language that is student-friendly. Students will be more actively engaged in their learning when they have a clear understanding of what the purpose is. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, Building Administrat ors and Teachers Schools:All Schools Activity - Claim Evidence and Reasoning (Middle/High) Activity Type The District Curriculum Supervisors will create units/lessons Curriculum Tier 1 which will increase student engagement through the use of Developme clam, evidence and reasoning. While reading complex text, nt staff will have students respond (orally and written) to a topic which will demand them to use textual evidence to support their overall claim. Schools:Westwood Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Ottawa Hills High School, Alger Middle School, City Middle/High School, Burton Middle School, Riverside Middle School, Union High School, Innovation Central High School, Center for Economicology SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Deputy Required Superinten dent, District Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors and Teachers Page 374 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools Activity - Non-Linguistic Representation (Middle/High) Activity Type Tier The District Curriculum Supervisors will create units/lessons Curriculum Tier 1 which will incorporate the use of non-linguistic representational Developme tools such as Thinking Maps and graphic organizers to enable nt students to organize their thinking in a way that will allow them to be more deeply engaged with the content. Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Schools:Alger Middle School, Westwood Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Ottawa Hills High School, City Middle/High School, Southeast Career Pathways, Burton Middle School, Riverside Middle School, Union High School, Innovation Central High School, Center for Economicology Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Deputy Required Superinten dent, District Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors and Teachers Measurable Objective 15: 28% of Sixth, Seventh and Eighth grade Students with Disabilities students will demonstrate a proficiency in concepts in Mathematics by 06/05/2015 as measured by the State assessment. (shared) Strategy 1: Differentiated Instruction - School level staff will implement and participate in a variety of activities such as: professional learning, academic rigor, project learning, fluency and skill development, SIOP, data analysis, and use PLCs to enable them to differentiate instruction to meet the individualized needs of all students. The teaching staff will develop lessons and units that have a clear structure which allows for different pathways according to student needs. Research Cited: Beach, T.A. (2010). Combine Methodologies of Differentiated Instruction in the Heterogeneous Classroom. South Carolina Middle School Association Journal, February 26, 2011. "Offering each student the chance to learn the subject material in ways that address each student individually can benefit children in retaining information that will later be necessary to become thoughtful, productive adults. Through differentiation combined with curriculum layering, teachers can create a student-centered classroom that is supportive to each student." Cusumano, C. (2007). How Differentiated Instruction Helps struggling Students. Leadership, 36(4), 8-10. "Accelerating learning by examining and aligning three major systems in the school to support differentiation and a consistent focus on improved student learning the school's academic delivery structure, professional development, and human/fiscal resource allocation." Tier: Tier 1 Activity - Professional Learning Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 375 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools All staff will actively participate in professional learning which supports differentiation at their specific grade level and program. Professiona Tier 1 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Assistant Required Superinten dent of Organizatio nal Learning, Executive Directors of Elementary , MS/K-8, High School/Alte rnative Schools, Principals and instructiona l staff Activity Type Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:All Schools Activity - Project Based Learning Tier All staff will provide opportunities throughout the school year for Curriculum Tier 1 students to be engaged in a variety of project learning activities Developme that support the instructional goals. These projects will be nt differentiated in nature and provide choice to students regarding the type of project they will complete and will be rigorous and challenging for all students. Resource Assigned Schools:Alger Middle School, Ottawa Hills High School, Blandford Nature Center, Dickinson School, CA Frost Environmental Science Academy, Aberdeen Elementary School, John Ball Park Zoo School, Harrison Elementary, Gerald R. Ford K8 Academy, Westwood Middle School, Alger Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Burton Middle School, Grand Rapids University Preparatory Academy, Union High School, Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Innovation Central High School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy, City High Middle School, Center for Economicology Activity - Fluency and Skill Development Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding Executive Required Directors of the Elementary , Middle School, K8, High School, Alternative Schools, Special Education, Curriculum Specialists, Deputy Superinten dent of Curriculum and Learning, building principals and teachers. Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 376 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools Fluency and Skill Development: The staff will use a variety of Curriculum Tier 1 activities that will allow students to become fluent with essential Developme foundational skills. The students will practice these nt foundational skills often enough so that they can flexibly engage with the content at a higher level. Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Building Required administrat or and teachers Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Tier 1 Evaluate 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:All Schools Activity - Sheltered Instruction Observational Protocol (SIOP) Activity Type The District will employ individuals who will coach and support Academic schools who Support have populations with second language learners. These Program individuals will train staff on how to implement the SIOP framework in their classrooms to support and provide differentiated techniques which will support the learning needs of our Limited English Proficient (LEP) students. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding ELL Required Department , Building Administrat or s and Teachers Schools:All Schools Activity - Data Analysis Activity Type : The District will employ staff who will work collaboratively Other with individual schools and the KISD to analyze District-wide data, design user-friendly data reports and to assist schools in understanding their school-wide data in order to support and improve student achievement. This data is used at the building level to support teachers to determine the academic needs of all students in order to differentiate their instruction. Some of this data will be used by school staff who will participate in (Data Dialogues, Governance Boards) to review, reflect and communicate the academic progress in their classroom and identify which activities they are implementing to support continued student achievement. The District will employ a Data Support Specialist who will work solely with our identified Priority Schools to support staff in understanding their schoolwide data and ways to use this data to differentiate instruction in order to meet student needs. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding District Required A&E Department , Divisional Executive Directors, School Reform Facilitators, Building Administrat or s and Teachers Schools:All Schools Activity - Monitoring Activity Type SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 377 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools District Support Staff in conjunction with building administrators, Curriculum Supervisors, and Coaches will monitor the level of use and effectiveness of differentiated instruction in the classrooms through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process. Academic Support Program Tier 1 Monitor 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Executive Required Directors of Elementary ,Middle , K8, High and Alternative Schools, Deputy Superinten dent of Curriculum and Learning, Curriculum Supervisors and Building Prinicpals Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:All Schools Activity - Technology The District will support the use of technology across the Curriculum Tier 1 district. Technology will be used in a variety of ways to support Developme student learning objectives. Students will engage with nt technology as a means to demonstrate their learning. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Clear Expectations Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding District Required Technology Department (MIS), District Curriculum Supervisors , Technology and Curriculum Integration and Instructiona l Support Specialist, Building Administrat ors and Teachers Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 378 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will ensure that teachers are setting clear Direct expectations in the classroom through the implementation of Instruction the evaluation tools used across the District. Classroom teachers will clearly communicate (oral and written formats) the purpose for learning as it connects to the curriculum framework and standards in a language that is student-friendly. Students will be more actively engaged in their learning when Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Executive Required Directors, Building Administrat ors and Teachers Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Schools:All Schools Activity - Project Learning (Middle and High Schools) Activity Type Resource Assigned Instructional Coaches: The District will employ Instructional Coaches who will build capacity of instructional staff by engaging in frequent and on-going coaching cycles with feedback around instructional strategies, differentiated strategies and delivery. Curriculum Tier 1 Developme nt Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Staff Responsibl e No Funding and District Required Curriculum Supervisors Schools:Westwood Middle School, Ottawa Hills High School, Union High School, Campus Elementary School, Aberdeen Elementary School Activity - Summer School The District will fund a summer school program that supports Academic the academic improvement of identified students. The summer Support school program is differentiated to meet the academic needs of Program the students who are enrolled. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Math Lab (Middle) Activity Type SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding itle I Required Office, School Reform Facilitators, Summer School Building Administrat ors and Summer School Teachers Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 379 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools Comprehensive Middle Schools will implement the use of an tier two supplemental math intervention course for identified students address missing skills and gaps in math knowledge. Academic Support Program Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $134000 Title I Part A Activity - Instructional Improvement Coach (Union) Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding The District will employ an Instructional Improvement Coach, who under the direction of the Building Principal will facilitate learning around content areas and literacy utilizing technology and data that will enable Instructional Staff to effectively meet and transform the performance of GRPS students at Union High School. Professiona Tier 2 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $310000 Title I Part A Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Schools:Alger Middle School, Westwood Middle School, Burton Middle School, Riverside Middle School Resource Assigned Schools:Union High School Activity - Math Specialist Teacher (Priority Schools) The District will employ Math Specialist Teachers who delivers Academic supplementary instruction to identified students This Support instructional support reflects State and District content Program expectations through the use of effective strategies in management, instruction, student motivation and curriculum planning and is delivered through “In School” push in and/or pull out interventions and/or after school intervention programs. The teachers makes knowledge accessible to all students; develops students’ cognitive capacity and respect for learning; and fosters students’ self-esteem, motivation and sense of civic responsibility. Resource Assigned Deputy Superinten dent of Curriculum and Learning, Curriculum Specialists, and Executive Director of Middle School and K-8 division. Staff Responsibl e No Funding Instructiona Required l Improveme nt Coach, Building Administrat or, and Teaching Staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Math Specialist Teacher, Building Administrati on, and Teaching Staff Schools:Mulick Elementary, Brookside School, Dickinson School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy Activity - Math Coach (Priority Schools) Activity Type SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Page 380 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will employ Math Coaches in order to support Priority Schools with their Reform & Redesign Plans, Math Coaches will be utilized to assist classroom teachers in successfully implementing best practices as identified in their Reform & Redesign Plans. Math Coaches will provide leadership for teachers by planning, collaborating, organizing, modeling and facilitating change to improve the instructional program. Math Coaches will participate in Coaching Cycles, LearningWalks, Professional Learning Communities, Data Analysis Meetings, and lead some professional development for the building staff based on the schools identified areas of need. Professiona Tier 2 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $270000 Title I Part A Activity - Instructional Coaches Activity Type Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding The District will employ Instructional Coaches who will build capacity of instructional staff by engaging in frequent and on-going coaching cycles with feedback around instructional strategies, differentiated strategies and delivery. Professiona Tier 2 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Math Coaches, Building Administrati on, and Teaching Staff Schools:Aberdeen Elementary, Kent Hills School, Campus Elementary Tier Resource Assigned Schools:Ottawa Hills High School Staff Responsibl e No Funding Instructiona Required l Coach, Building Administrati on, and Teaching Staff (shared) Strategy 2: Student Engagement (K-12) - The District will implement Student Engagement by the following means: Professional Learning, Academic Rigor, Accountable Talk, Quality Questioning, Claim, Evidence and Reasoning, Non-Linguistic Representation, Monitoring, Close and Critical Reading, Technology and Clear Expectations. Research Cited: Pickering, Debra J., and Marzano, Robert J. (2011). The Highly Engaged Classroom. Marzano Research Laboratory. “Engagement is a central aspect of effective teaching. If students are not engaged, there is little, if any, chance that they will learn what is being addressed in class. Student engagement has long been recognized as the core of effective schooling.” Tier: Tier 1 Activity - Professional Learning Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 381 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will employ individuals who organize the professional learning opportunities provided throughout the District. Some of the Professional Learning opportunities will support teachers and administrators using the teacher evaluation tools which will support the growth of student engagement in the classroom. Professiona Tier 1 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Assistant Required Superinten dent of Organizatio nal Learning, Building Administrat ors and Teachers Activity Type Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Monitor 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Implement 09/02/2014 06/02/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Implement 09/02/2014 06/02/2015 $0 Schools:All Schools Activity - Academic Rigor Tier District Staff in conjunction with building administrators will Curriculum Tier 1 monitor that students’ foundations of content are being built by Developme engaging them in the thinking process to deepen their overall nt content knowledge through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process to ensure that there is academic rigor in the classroom. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Accountable Talk Activity Type Tier District Staff in conjunction with building administrators will Curriculum Tier 1 monitor the application of Accountable Talk moves which have Developme been developed through teacher training provided by the nt Institute for Learning (IFL). Accountable Talk will develop students’ abilities to socialize their intelligence as well as increase student engagement by encouraging open discussion and inquiry-based reasoning opportunities. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Quality Questioning Activity Type Tier The District will implement quality questioning in the classroom Curriculum to increase both student engagement and to support a deeper Developme understanding of the content being taught. nt Schools:All Schools SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, School Reform Facilitators and Building Administrat ors Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, School Reform Facilitators and Building Administrat ors Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, Building Administrat ors and Teachers Page 382 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools Activity - Monitoring Activity Type Tier District Staff in conjunction with building administrators, Walkthroug Tier 1 Curriculum Supervisors, and DL Coaches will monitor the level h of use and effectiveness of student engagement in the classrooms through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process. Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Monitor 09/02/2014 06/02/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:All Schools Activity - Technology Activity Type Tier The District will support the use of technology across the Technology Tier 1 district. Technology will be used in a variety of ways to support student learning objectives. Students will engage with technology as a means to demonstrate their learning. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Clear Expectations Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, District Curriculum Supervisors , School Reform Facilitators, Instructiona l Coaches and Building Administrat ors Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding District Required Technology Department (MIS), District Curriculum Supervisors , Instructiona l Technology Specialist, Building Administrat ors and Teachers Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 383 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will ensure that teachers are setting clear Direct expectations in the classroom through the implementation of Instruction the evaluation tools used across the District. Classroom teachers will clearly communicate (oral and written formats) the purpose for learning as it connects to the curriculum framework and standards in a language that is student-friendly. Students will be more actively engaged in their learning when they have a clear understanding of what the purpose is. Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/02/2015 $0 No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, Building Administrat ors and Teachers Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Implement 09/02/2014 06/02/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Schools:All Schools Activity - Claim Evidence and Reasoning (Middle/High) Activity Type The District Curriculum Supervisors will create units/lessons Curriculum Tier 1 which will increase student engagement through the use of Developme clam, evidence and reasoning. While reading complex text, nt staff will have students respond (orally and written) to a topic which will demand them to use textual evidence to support their overall claim. Resource Assigned Schools:Westwood Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Ottawa Hills High School, Alger Middle School, City Middle/High School, Burton Middle School, Riverside Middle School, Union High School, Innovation Central High School, Center for Economicology Activity - Non-Linguistic Representation (Middle/High) Activity Type Tier The District Curriculum Supervisors will create units/lessons Curriculum Tier 1 which will incorporate the use of non-linguistic representational Developme tools such as Thinking Maps and graphic organizers to enable nt students to organize their thinking in a way that will allow them to be more deeply engaged with the content. Schools:Alger Middle School, Westwood Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Ottawa Hills High School, City Middle/High School, Southeast Career Pathways, Burton Middle School, Riverside Middle School, Union High School, Innovation Central High School, Center for Economicology Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding Deputy Required Superinten dent, District Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors and Teachers Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Deputy Required Superinten dent, District Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors and Teachers Measurable Objective 16: 50% of Sixth, Seventh and Eighth grade White students will demonstrate a proficiency in concepts in Mathematics by 06/05/2014 as measured by the State assessment. (shared) Strategy 1: Differentiated Instruction - School level staff will implement and participate in a variety of activities such as: professional learning, academic rigor, project learning, SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 384 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools fluency and skill development, SIOP, data analysis, and use PLCs to enable them to differentiate instruction to meet the individualized needs of all students. The teaching staff will develop lessons and units that have a clear structure which allows for different pathways according to student needs. Research Cited: Beach, T.A. (2010). Combine Methodologies of Differentiated Instruction in the Heterogeneous Classroom. South Carolina Middle School Association Journal, February 26, 2011. "Offering each student the chance to learn the subject material in ways that address each student individually can benefit children in retaining information that will later be necessary to become thoughtful, productive adults. Through differentiation combined with curriculum layering, teachers can create a student-centered classroom that is supportive to each student." Cusumano, C. (2007). How Differentiated Instruction Helps struggling Students. Leadership, 36(4), 8-10. "Accelerating learning by examining and aligning three major systems in the school to support differentiation and a consistent focus on improved student learning the school's academic delivery structure, professional development, and human/fiscal resource allocation." Tier: Tier 1 Activity - Professional Learning Activity Type All staff will actively participate in professional learning which supports differentiation at their specific grade level and program. Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Professiona Tier 1 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Activity Type Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:All Schools Activity - Project Based Learning Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Assistant Required Superinten dent of Organizatio nal Learning, Executive Directors of Elementary , MS/K-8, High School/Alte rnative Schools, Principals and instructiona l staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 385 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools All staff will provide opportunities throughout the school year for Curriculum Tier 1 students to be engaged in a variety of project learning activities Developme that support the instructional goals. These projects will be nt differentiated in nature and provide choice to students regarding the type of project they will complete and will be rigorous and challenging for all students. Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Executive Required Directors of the Elementary , Middle School, K8, High School, Alternative Schools, Special Education, Curriculum Specialists, Deputy Superinten dent of Curriculum and Learning, building principals and teachers. Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Staff Responsibl e No Funding Building Required administrat or and teachers Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Schools:Alger Middle School, Ottawa Hills High School, Blandford Nature Center, Dickinson School, CA Frost Environmental Science Academy, Aberdeen Elementary School, John Ball Park Zoo School, Harrison Elementary, Gerald R. Ford K8 Academy, Westwood Middle School, Alger Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Burton Middle School, Grand Rapids University Preparatory Academy, Union High School, Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Innovation Central High School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy, City High Middle School, Center for Economicology Activity - Fluency and Skill Development Activity Type Tier Fluency and Skill Development: The staff will use a variety of Curriculum Tier 1 activities that will allow students to become fluent with essential Developme foundational skills. The students will practice these nt foundational skills often enough so that they can flexibly engage with the content at a higher level. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Sheltered Instruction Observational Protocol (SIOP) Activity Type The District will employ individuals who will coach and support Academic schools who Support have populations with second language learners. These Program individuals will train staff on how to implement the SIOP framework in their classrooms to support and provide differentiated techniques which will support the learning needs of our Limited English Proficient (LEP) students. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding ELL Required Department , Building Administrat or s and Teachers Schools:All Schools SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 386 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools Activity - Data Analysis Activity Type : The District will employ staff who will work collaboratively Other with individual schools and the KISD to analyze District-wide data, design user-friendly data reports and to assist schools in understanding their school-wide data in order to support and improve student achievement. This data is used at the building level to support teachers to determine the academic needs of all students in order to differentiate their instruction. Some of this data will be used by school staff who will participate in (Data Dialogues, Governance Boards) to review, reflect and communicate the academic progress in their classroom and identify which activities they are implementing to support continued student achievement. The District will employ a Data Support Specialist who will work solely with our identified Priority Schools to support staff in understanding their schoolwide data and ways to use this data to differentiate instruction in order to meet student needs. Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Tier 1 Evaluate 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding District Required A&E Department , Divisional Executive Directors, School Reform Facilitators, Building Administrat or s and Teachers Schools:All Schools Activity - Monitoring Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned District Support Staff in conjunction with building administrators, Curriculum Supervisors, and Coaches will monitor the level of use and effectiveness of differentiated instruction in the classrooms through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process. Academic Support Program Tier 1 Monitor 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:All Schools Activity - Technology SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Executive Required Directors of Elementary ,Middle , K8, High and Alternative Schools, Deputy Superinten dent of Curriculum and Learning, Curriculum Supervisors and Building Prinicpals Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 387 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will support the use of technology across the Curriculum Tier 1 district. Technology will be used in a variety of ways to support Developme student learning objectives. Students will engage with nt technology as a means to demonstrate their learning. Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding District Required Technology Department (MIS), District Curriculum Supervisors , Technology and Curriculum Integration and Instructiona l Support Specialist, Building Administrat ors and Teachers Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Schools:All Schools Activity - Clear Expectations Activity Type The District will ensure that teachers are setting clear Direct expectations in the classroom through the implementation of Instruction the evaluation tools used across the District. Classroom teachers will clearly communicate (oral and written formats) the purpose for learning as it connects to the curriculum framework and standards in a language that is student-friendly. Students will be more actively engaged in their learning when Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding Executive Required Directors, Building Administrat ors and Teachers Schools:All Schools Activity - Project Learning (Middle and High Schools) Activity Type Instructional Coaches: The District will employ Instructional Coaches who will build capacity of instructional staff by engaging in frequent and on-going coaching cycles with feedback around instructional strategies, differentiated strategies and delivery. Curriculum Tier 1 Developme nt Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding and District Required Curriculum Supervisors Schools:Westwood Middle School, Ottawa Hills High School, Union High School, Campus Elementary School, Aberdeen Elementary School SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 388 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools Activity - Summer School Activity Type The District will fund a summer school program that supports Academic the academic improvement of identified students. The summer Support school program is differentiated to meet the academic needs of Program the students who are enrolled. Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Schools:All Schools Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding itle I Required Office, School Reform Facilitators, Summer School Building Administrat ors and Summer School Teachers Activity - Math Lab (Middle) Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Comprehensive Middle Schools will implement the use of an tier two supplemental math intervention course for identified students address missing skills and gaps in math knowledge. Academic Support Program Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $134000 Title I Part A Activity - Instructional Improvement Coach (Union) Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding The District will employ an Instructional Improvement Coach, who under the direction of the Building Principal will facilitate learning around content areas and literacy utilizing technology and data that will enable Instructional Staff to effectively meet and transform the performance of GRPS students at Union High School. Professiona Tier 2 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Schools:Alger Middle School, Westwood Middle School, Burton Middle School, Riverside Middle School Schools:Union High School SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Deputy Superinten dent of Curriculum and Learning, Curriculum Specialists, and Executive Director of Middle School and K-8 division. Staff Responsibl e No Funding Instructiona Required l Improveme nt Coach, Building Administrat or, and Teaching Staff Page 389 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools Activity - Math Specialist Teacher (Priority Schools) Activity Type The District will employ Math Specialist Teachers who delivers Academic supplementary instruction to identified students This Support instructional support reflects State and District content Program expectations through the use of effective strategies in management, instruction, student motivation and curriculum planning and is delivered through “In School” push in and/or pull out interventions and/or after school intervention programs. The teachers makes knowledge accessible to all students; develops students’ cognitive capacity and respect for learning; and fosters students’ self-esteem, motivation and sense of civic responsibility. Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $310000 Title I Part A Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Math Specialist Teacher, Building Administrati on, and Teaching Staff Schools:Mulick Elementary, Brookside School, Dickinson School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy Activity - Math Coach (Priority Schools) Activity Type Resource Assigned The District will employ Math Coaches in order to support Priority Schools with their Reform & Redesign Plans, Math Coaches will be utilized to assist classroom teachers in successfully implementing best practices as identified in their Reform & Redesign Plans. Math Coaches will provide leadership for teachers by planning, collaborating, organizing, modeling and facilitating change to improve the instructional program. Math Coaches will participate in Coaching Cycles, LearningWalks, Professional Learning Communities, Data Analysis Meetings, and lead some professional development for the building staff based on the schools identified areas of need. Professiona Tier 2 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $270000 Title I Part A Activity - Instructional Coaches Activity Type Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding The District will employ Instructional Coaches who will build capacity of instructional staff by engaging in frequent and on-going coaching cycles with feedback around instructional strategies, differentiated strategies and delivery. Professiona Tier 2 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Staff Responsibl e Math Coaches, Building Administrati on, and Teaching Staff Schools:Aberdeen Elementary, Kent Hills School, Campus Elementary Tier Schools:Ottawa Hills High School SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding Instructiona Required l Coach, Building Administrati on, and Teaching Staff Page 390 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools (shared) Strategy 2: Student Engagement (K-12) - The District will implement Student Engagement by the following means: Professional Learning, Academic Rigor, Accountable Talk, Quality Questioning, Claim, Evidence and Reasoning, Non-Linguistic Representation, Monitoring, Close and Critical Reading, Technology and Clear Expectations. Research Cited: Pickering, Debra J., and Marzano, Robert J. (2011). The Highly Engaged Classroom. Marzano Research Laboratory. “Engagement is a central aspect of effective teaching. If students are not engaged, there is little, if any, chance that they will learn what is being addressed in class. Student engagement has long been recognized as the core of effective schooling.” Tier: Tier 1 Activity - Professional Learning Activity Type The District will employ individuals who organize the professional learning opportunities provided throughout the District. Some of the Professional Learning opportunities will support teachers and administrators using the teacher evaluation tools which will support the growth of student engagement in the classroom. Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Professiona Tier 1 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Activity Type Phase Begin Date End Date Monitor 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:All Schools Activity - Academic Rigor Tier District Staff in conjunction with building administrators will Curriculum Tier 1 monitor that students’ foundations of content are being built by Developme engaging them in the thinking process to deepen their overall nt content knowledge through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process to ensure that there is academic rigor in the classroom. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Accountable Talk Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Assistant Required Superinten dent of Organizatio nal Learning, Building Administrat ors and Teachers Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, School Reform Facilitators and Building Administrat ors Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 391 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools District Staff in conjunction with building administrators will Curriculum Tier 1 monitor the application of Accountable Talk moves which have Developme been developed through teacher training provided by the nt Institute for Learning (IFL). Accountable Talk will develop students’ abilities to socialize their intelligence as well as increase student engagement by encouraging open discussion and inquiry-based reasoning opportunities. Implement 09/02/2014 06/02/2015 $0 No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, School Reform Facilitators and Building Administrat ors Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Implement 09/02/2014 06/02/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Monitor 09/02/2014 06/02/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:All Schools Activity - Quality Questioning Activity Type Tier The District will implement quality questioning in the classroom Curriculum to increase both student engagement and to support a deeper Developme understanding of the content being taught. nt Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Monitoring Activity Type Tier District Staff in conjunction with building administrators, Walkthroug Tier 1 Curriculum Supervisors, and DL Coaches will monitor the level h of use and effectiveness of student engagement in the classrooms through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Technology Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, Building Administrat ors and Teachers Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, District Curriculum Supervisors , School Reform Facilitators, Instructiona l Coaches and Building Administrat ors Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 392 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will support the use of technology across the Technology Tier 1 district. Technology will be used in a variety of ways to support student learning objectives. Students will engage with technology as a means to demonstrate their learning. Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding District Required Technology Department (MIS), District Curriculum Supervisors , Instructiona l Technology Specialist, Building Administrat ors and Teachers Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/02/2015 $0 Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Implement 09/02/2014 06/02/2015 $0 Schools:All Schools Activity - Clear Expectations Activity Type The District will ensure that teachers are setting clear Direct expectations in the classroom through the implementation of Instruction the evaluation tools used across the District. Classroom teachers will clearly communicate (oral and written formats) the purpose for learning as it connects to the curriculum framework and standards in a language that is student-friendly. Students will be more actively engaged in their learning when they have a clear understanding of what the purpose is. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, Building Administrat ors and Teachers Schools:All Schools Activity - Claim Evidence and Reasoning (Middle/High) Activity Type The District Curriculum Supervisors will create units/lessons Curriculum Tier 1 which will increase student engagement through the use of Developme clam, evidence and reasoning. While reading complex text, nt staff will have students respond (orally and written) to a topic which will demand them to use textual evidence to support their overall claim. Schools:Westwood Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Ottawa Hills High School, Alger Middle School, City Middle/High School, Burton Middle School, Riverside Middle School, Union High School, Innovation Central High School, Center for Economicology SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Deputy Required Superinten dent, District Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors and Teachers Page 393 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools Activity - Non-Linguistic Representation (Middle/High) Activity Type Tier The District Curriculum Supervisors will create units/lessons Curriculum Tier 1 which will incorporate the use of non-linguistic representational Developme tools such as Thinking Maps and graphic organizers to enable nt students to organize their thinking in a way that will allow them to be more deeply engaged with the content. Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Schools:Alger Middle School, Westwood Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Ottawa Hills High School, City Middle/High School, Southeast Career Pathways, Burton Middle School, Riverside Middle School, Union High School, Innovation Central High School, Center for Economicology Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Deputy Required Superinten dent, District Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors and Teachers Measurable Objective 17: 30% of Sixth, Seventh and Eighth grade Black or African-American students will demonstrate a proficiency in concepts in Mathematics by 06/05/2015 as measured by the State assessment. (shared) Strategy 1: Differentiated Instruction - School level staff will implement and participate in a variety of activities such as: professional learning, academic rigor, project learning, fluency and skill development, SIOP, data analysis, and use PLCs to enable them to differentiate instruction to meet the individualized needs of all students. The teaching staff will develop lessons and units that have a clear structure which allows for different pathways according to student needs. Research Cited: Beach, T.A. (2010). Combine Methodologies of Differentiated Instruction in the Heterogeneous Classroom. South Carolina Middle School Association Journal, February 26, 2011. "Offering each student the chance to learn the subject material in ways that address each student individually can benefit children in retaining information that will later be necessary to become thoughtful, productive adults. Through differentiation combined with curriculum layering, teachers can create a student-centered classroom that is supportive to each student." Cusumano, C. (2007). How Differentiated Instruction Helps struggling Students. Leadership, 36(4), 8-10. "Accelerating learning by examining and aligning three major systems in the school to support differentiation and a consistent focus on improved student learning the school's academic delivery structure, professional development, and human/fiscal resource allocation." Tier: Tier 1 Activity - Professional Learning Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 394 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools All staff will actively participate in professional learning which supports differentiation at their specific grade level and program. Professiona Tier 1 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Assistant Required Superinten dent of Organizatio nal Learning, Executive Directors of Elementary , MS/K-8, High School/Alte rnative Schools, Principals and instructiona l staff Activity Type Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:All Schools Activity - Project Based Learning Tier All staff will provide opportunities throughout the school year for Curriculum Tier 1 students to be engaged in a variety of project learning activities Developme that support the instructional goals. These projects will be nt differentiated in nature and provide choice to students regarding the type of project they will complete and will be rigorous and challenging for all students. Resource Assigned Schools:Alger Middle School, Ottawa Hills High School, Blandford Nature Center, Dickinson School, CA Frost Environmental Science Academy, Aberdeen Elementary School, John Ball Park Zoo School, Harrison Elementary, Gerald R. Ford K8 Academy, Westwood Middle School, Alger Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Burton Middle School, Grand Rapids University Preparatory Academy, Union High School, Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Innovation Central High School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy, City High Middle School, Center for Economicology Activity - Fluency and Skill Development Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding Executive Required Directors of the Elementary , Middle School, K8, High School, Alternative Schools, Special Education, Curriculum Specialists, Deputy Superinten dent of Curriculum and Learning, building principals and teachers. Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 395 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools Fluency and Skill Development: The staff will use a variety of Curriculum Tier 1 activities that will allow students to become fluent with essential Developme foundational skills. The students will practice these nt foundational skills often enough so that they can flexibly engage with the content at a higher level. Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Building Required administrat or and teachers Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Tier 1 Evaluate 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:All Schools Activity - Sheltered Instruction Observational Protocol (SIOP) Activity Type The District will employ individuals who will coach and support Academic schools who Support have populations with second language learners. These Program individuals will train staff on how to implement the SIOP framework in their classrooms to support and provide differentiated techniques which will support the learning needs of our Limited English Proficient (LEP) students. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding ELL Required Department , Building Administrat or s and Teachers Schools:All Schools Activity - Data Analysis Activity Type : The District will employ staff who will work collaboratively Other with individual schools and the KISD to analyze District-wide data, design user-friendly data reports and to assist schools in understanding their school-wide data in order to support and improve student achievement. This data is used at the building level to support teachers to determine the academic needs of all students in order to differentiate their instruction. Some of this data will be used by school staff who will participate in (Data Dialogues, Governance Boards) to review, reflect and communicate the academic progress in their classroom and identify which activities they are implementing to support continued student achievement. The District will employ a Data Support Specialist who will work solely with our identified Priority Schools to support staff in understanding their schoolwide data and ways to use this data to differentiate instruction in order to meet student needs. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding District Required A&E Department , Divisional Executive Directors, School Reform Facilitators, Building Administrat or s and Teachers Schools:All Schools Activity - Monitoring Activity Type SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 396 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools District Support Staff in conjunction with building administrators, Curriculum Supervisors, and Coaches will monitor the level of use and effectiveness of differentiated instruction in the classrooms through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process. Academic Support Program Tier 1 Monitor 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Executive Required Directors of Elementary ,Middle , K8, High and Alternative Schools, Deputy Superinten dent of Curriculum and Learning, Curriculum Supervisors and Building Prinicpals Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:All Schools Activity - Technology The District will support the use of technology across the Curriculum Tier 1 district. Technology will be used in a variety of ways to support Developme student learning objectives. Students will engage with nt technology as a means to demonstrate their learning. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Clear Expectations Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding District Required Technology Department (MIS), District Curriculum Supervisors , Technology and Curriculum Integration and Instructiona l Support Specialist, Building Administrat ors and Teachers Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 397 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will ensure that teachers are setting clear Direct expectations in the classroom through the implementation of Instruction the evaluation tools used across the District. Classroom teachers will clearly communicate (oral and written formats) the purpose for learning as it connects to the curriculum framework and standards in a language that is student-friendly. Students will be more actively engaged in their learning when Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Executive Required Directors, Building Administrat ors and Teachers Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Schools:All Schools Activity - Project Learning (Middle and High Schools) Activity Type Resource Assigned Instructional Coaches: The District will employ Instructional Coaches who will build capacity of instructional staff by engaging in frequent and on-going coaching cycles with feedback around instructional strategies, differentiated strategies and delivery. Curriculum Tier 1 Developme nt Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Staff Responsibl e No Funding and District Required Curriculum Supervisors Schools:Westwood Middle School, Ottawa Hills High School, Union High School, Campus Elementary School, Aberdeen Elementary School Activity - Summer School The District will fund a summer school program that supports Academic the academic improvement of identified students. The summer Support school program is differentiated to meet the academic needs of Program the students who are enrolled. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Math Lab (Middle) Activity Type SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding itle I Required Office, School Reform Facilitators, Summer School Building Administrat ors and Summer School Teachers Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 398 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools Comprehensive Middle Schools will implement the use of an tier two supplemental math intervention course for identified students address missing skills and gaps in math knowledge. Academic Support Program Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $134000 Title I Part A Activity - Instructional Improvement Coach (Union) Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding The District will employ an Instructional Improvement Coach, who under the direction of the Building Principal will facilitate learning around content areas and literacy utilizing technology and data that will enable Instructional Staff to effectively meet and transform the performance of GRPS students at Union High School. Professiona Tier 2 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $310000 Title I Part A Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Schools:Alger Middle School, Westwood Middle School, Burton Middle School, Riverside Middle School Resource Assigned Schools:Union High School Activity - Math Specialist Teacher (Priority Schools) The District will employ Math Specialist Teachers who delivers Academic supplementary instruction to identified students This Support instructional support reflects State and District content Program expectations through the use of effective strategies in management, instruction, student motivation and curriculum planning and is delivered through “In School” push in and/or pull out interventions and/or after school intervention programs. The teachers makes knowledge accessible to all students; develops students’ cognitive capacity and respect for learning; and fosters students’ self-esteem, motivation and sense of civic responsibility. Resource Assigned Deputy Superinten dent of Curriculum and Learning, Curriculum Specialists, and Executive Director of Middle School and K-8 division. Staff Responsibl e No Funding Instructiona Required l Improveme nt Coach, Building Administrat or, and Teaching Staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Math Specialist Teacher, Building Administrati on, and Teaching Staff Schools:Mulick Elementary, Brookside School, Dickinson School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy Activity - Math Coach (Priority Schools) Activity Type SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Page 399 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will employ Math Coaches in order to support Priority Schools with their Reform & Redesign Plans, Math Coaches will be utilized to assist classroom teachers in successfully implementing best practices as identified in their Reform & Redesign Plans. Math Coaches will provide leadership for teachers by planning, collaborating, organizing, modeling and facilitating change to improve the instructional program. Math Coaches will participate in Coaching Cycles, LearningWalks, Professional Learning Communities, Data Analysis Meetings, and lead some professional development for the building staff based on the schools identified areas of need. Professiona Tier 2 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $270000 Title I Part A Activity - Instructional Coaches Activity Type Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding The District will employ Instructional Coaches who will build capacity of instructional staff by engaging in frequent and on-going coaching cycles with feedback around instructional strategies, differentiated strategies and delivery. Professiona Tier 2 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Math Coaches, Building Administrati on, and Teaching Staff Schools:Aberdeen Elementary, Kent Hills School, Campus Elementary Tier Resource Assigned Schools:Ottawa Hills High School Staff Responsibl e No Funding Instructiona Required l Coach, Building Administrati on, and Teaching Staff (shared) Strategy 2: Student Engagement (K-12) - The District will implement Student Engagement by the following means: Professional Learning, Academic Rigor, Accountable Talk, Quality Questioning, Claim, Evidence and Reasoning, Non-Linguistic Representation, Monitoring, Close and Critical Reading, Technology and Clear Expectations. Research Cited: Pickering, Debra J., and Marzano, Robert J. (2011). The Highly Engaged Classroom. Marzano Research Laboratory. “Engagement is a central aspect of effective teaching. If students are not engaged, there is little, if any, chance that they will learn what is being addressed in class. Student engagement has long been recognized as the core of effective schooling.” Tier: Tier 1 Activity - Professional Learning Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 400 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will employ individuals who organize the professional learning opportunities provided throughout the District. Some of the Professional Learning opportunities will support teachers and administrators using the teacher evaluation tools which will support the growth of student engagement in the classroom. Professiona Tier 1 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Assistant Required Superinten dent of Organizatio nal Learning, Building Administrat ors and Teachers Activity Type Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Monitor 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Implement 09/02/2014 06/02/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Implement 09/02/2014 06/02/2015 $0 Schools:All Schools Activity - Academic Rigor Tier District Staff in conjunction with building administrators will Curriculum Tier 1 monitor that students’ foundations of content are being built by Developme engaging them in the thinking process to deepen their overall nt content knowledge through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process to ensure that there is academic rigor in the classroom. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Accountable Talk Activity Type Tier District Staff in conjunction with building administrators will Curriculum Tier 1 monitor the application of Accountable Talk moves which have Developme been developed through teacher training provided by the nt Institute for Learning (IFL). Accountable Talk will develop students’ abilities to socialize their intelligence as well as increase student engagement by encouraging open discussion and inquiry-based reasoning opportunities. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Quality Questioning Activity Type Tier The District will implement quality questioning in the classroom Curriculum to increase both student engagement and to support a deeper Developme understanding of the content being taught. nt Schools:All Schools SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, School Reform Facilitators and Building Administrat ors Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, School Reform Facilitators and Building Administrat ors Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, Building Administrat ors and Teachers Page 401 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools Activity - Monitoring Activity Type Tier District Staff in conjunction with building administrators, Walkthroug Tier 1 Curriculum Supervisors, and DL Coaches will monitor the level h of use and effectiveness of student engagement in the classrooms through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process. Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Monitor 09/02/2014 06/02/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:All Schools Activity - Technology Activity Type Tier The District will support the use of technology across the Technology Tier 1 district. Technology will be used in a variety of ways to support student learning objectives. Students will engage with technology as a means to demonstrate their learning. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Clear Expectations Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, District Curriculum Supervisors , School Reform Facilitators, Instructiona l Coaches and Building Administrat ors Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding District Required Technology Department (MIS), District Curriculum Supervisors , Instructiona l Technology Specialist, Building Administrat ors and Teachers Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 402 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will ensure that teachers are setting clear Direct expectations in the classroom through the implementation of Instruction the evaluation tools used across the District. Classroom teachers will clearly communicate (oral and written formats) the purpose for learning as it connects to the curriculum framework and standards in a language that is student-friendly. Students will be more actively engaged in their learning when they have a clear understanding of what the purpose is. Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/02/2015 $0 No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, Building Administrat ors and Teachers Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Implement 09/02/2014 06/02/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Schools:All Schools Activity - Claim Evidence and Reasoning (Middle/High) Activity Type The District Curriculum Supervisors will create units/lessons Curriculum Tier 1 which will increase student engagement through the use of Developme clam, evidence and reasoning. While reading complex text, nt staff will have students respond (orally and written) to a topic which will demand them to use textual evidence to support their overall claim. Resource Assigned Schools:Westwood Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Ottawa Hills High School, Alger Middle School, City Middle/High School, Burton Middle School, Riverside Middle School, Union High School, Innovation Central High School, Center for Economicology Activity - Non-Linguistic Representation (Middle/High) Activity Type Tier The District Curriculum Supervisors will create units/lessons Curriculum Tier 1 which will incorporate the use of non-linguistic representational Developme tools such as Thinking Maps and graphic organizers to enable nt students to organize their thinking in a way that will allow them to be more deeply engaged with the content. Schools:Alger Middle School, Westwood Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Ottawa Hills High School, City Middle/High School, Southeast Career Pathways, Burton Middle School, Riverside Middle School, Union High School, Innovation Central High School, Center for Economicology Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding Deputy Required Superinten dent, District Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors and Teachers Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Deputy Required Superinten dent, District Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors and Teachers Measurable Objective 18: 32% of Sixth, Seventh and Eighth grade Economically Disadvantaged students will demonstrate a proficiency in concepts in Mathematics by 06/05/2015 as measured by the State assessment. (shared) Strategy 1: Differentiated Instruction - School level staff will implement and participate in a variety of activities such as: professional learning, academic rigor, project learning, SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 403 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools fluency and skill development, SIOP, data analysis, and use PLCs to enable them to differentiate instruction to meet the individualized needs of all students. The teaching staff will develop lessons and units that have a clear structure which allows for different pathways according to student needs. Research Cited: Beach, T.A. (2010). Combine Methodologies of Differentiated Instruction in the Heterogeneous Classroom. South Carolina Middle School Association Journal, February 26, 2011. "Offering each student the chance to learn the subject material in ways that address each student individually can benefit children in retaining information that will later be necessary to become thoughtful, productive adults. Through differentiation combined with curriculum layering, teachers can create a student-centered classroom that is supportive to each student." Cusumano, C. (2007). How Differentiated Instruction Helps struggling Students. Leadership, 36(4), 8-10. "Accelerating learning by examining and aligning three major systems in the school to support differentiation and a consistent focus on improved student learning the school's academic delivery structure, professional development, and human/fiscal resource allocation." Tier: Tier 1 Activity - Professional Learning Activity Type All staff will actively participate in professional learning which supports differentiation at their specific grade level and program. Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Professiona Tier 1 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Activity Type Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:All Schools Activity - Project Based Learning Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Assistant Required Superinten dent of Organizatio nal Learning, Executive Directors of Elementary , MS/K-8, High School/Alte rnative Schools, Principals and instructiona l staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 404 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools All staff will provide opportunities throughout the school year for Curriculum Tier 1 students to be engaged in a variety of project learning activities Developme that support the instructional goals. These projects will be nt differentiated in nature and provide choice to students regarding the type of project they will complete and will be rigorous and challenging for all students. Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Executive Required Directors of the Elementary , Middle School, K8, High School, Alternative Schools, Special Education, Curriculum Specialists, Deputy Superinten dent of Curriculum and Learning, building principals and teachers. Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Staff Responsibl e No Funding Building Required administrat or and teachers Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Schools:Alger Middle School, Ottawa Hills High School, Blandford Nature Center, Dickinson School, CA Frost Environmental Science Academy, Aberdeen Elementary School, John Ball Park Zoo School, Harrison Elementary, Gerald R. Ford K8 Academy, Westwood Middle School, Alger Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Burton Middle School, Grand Rapids University Preparatory Academy, Union High School, Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Innovation Central High School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy, City High Middle School, Center for Economicology Activity - Fluency and Skill Development Activity Type Tier Fluency and Skill Development: The staff will use a variety of Curriculum Tier 1 activities that will allow students to become fluent with essential Developme foundational skills. The students will practice these nt foundational skills often enough so that they can flexibly engage with the content at a higher level. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Sheltered Instruction Observational Protocol (SIOP) Activity Type The District will employ individuals who will coach and support Academic schools who Support have populations with second language learners. These Program individuals will train staff on how to implement the SIOP framework in their classrooms to support and provide differentiated techniques which will support the learning needs of our Limited English Proficient (LEP) students. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding ELL Required Department , Building Administrat or s and Teachers Schools:All Schools SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 405 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools Activity - Data Analysis Activity Type : The District will employ staff who will work collaboratively Other with individual schools and the KISD to analyze District-wide data, design user-friendly data reports and to assist schools in understanding their school-wide data in order to support and improve student achievement. This data is used at the building level to support teachers to determine the academic needs of all students in order to differentiate their instruction. Some of this data will be used by school staff who will participate in (Data Dialogues, Governance Boards) to review, reflect and communicate the academic progress in their classroom and identify which activities they are implementing to support continued student achievement. The District will employ a Data Support Specialist who will work solely with our identified Priority Schools to support staff in understanding their schoolwide data and ways to use this data to differentiate instruction in order to meet student needs. Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Tier 1 Evaluate 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding District Required A&E Department , Divisional Executive Directors, School Reform Facilitators, Building Administrat or s and Teachers Schools:All Schools Activity - Monitoring Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned District Support Staff in conjunction with building administrators, Curriculum Supervisors, and Coaches will monitor the level of use and effectiveness of differentiated instruction in the classrooms through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process. Academic Support Program Tier 1 Monitor 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:All Schools Activity - Technology SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Executive Required Directors of Elementary ,Middle , K8, High and Alternative Schools, Deputy Superinten dent of Curriculum and Learning, Curriculum Supervisors and Building Prinicpals Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 406 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will support the use of technology across the Curriculum Tier 1 district. Technology will be used in a variety of ways to support Developme student learning objectives. Students will engage with nt technology as a means to demonstrate their learning. Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding District Required Technology Department (MIS), District Curriculum Supervisors , Technology and Curriculum Integration and Instructiona l Support Specialist, Building Administrat ors and Teachers Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Schools:All Schools Activity - Clear Expectations Activity Type The District will ensure that teachers are setting clear Direct expectations in the classroom through the implementation of Instruction the evaluation tools used across the District. Classroom teachers will clearly communicate (oral and written formats) the purpose for learning as it connects to the curriculum framework and standards in a language that is student-friendly. Students will be more actively engaged in their learning when Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding Executive Required Directors, Building Administrat ors and Teachers Schools:All Schools Activity - Project Learning (Middle and High Schools) Activity Type Instructional Coaches: The District will employ Instructional Coaches who will build capacity of instructional staff by engaging in frequent and on-going coaching cycles with feedback around instructional strategies, differentiated strategies and delivery. Curriculum Tier 1 Developme nt Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding and District Required Curriculum Supervisors Schools:Westwood Middle School, Ottawa Hills High School, Union High School, Campus Elementary School, Aberdeen Elementary School SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 407 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools Activity - Summer School Activity Type The District will fund a summer school program that supports Academic the academic improvement of identified students. The summer Support school program is differentiated to meet the academic needs of Program the students who are enrolled. Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Schools:All Schools Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding itle I Required Office, School Reform Facilitators, Summer School Building Administrat ors and Summer School Teachers Activity - Math Lab (Middle) Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Comprehensive Middle Schools will implement the use of an tier two supplemental math intervention course for identified students address missing skills and gaps in math knowledge. Academic Support Program Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $134000 Title I Part A Activity - Instructional Improvement Coach (Union) Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding The District will employ an Instructional Improvement Coach, who under the direction of the Building Principal will facilitate learning around content areas and literacy utilizing technology and data that will enable Instructional Staff to effectively meet and transform the performance of GRPS students at Union High School. Professiona Tier 2 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Schools:Alger Middle School, Westwood Middle School, Burton Middle School, Riverside Middle School Schools:Union High School SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Deputy Superinten dent of Curriculum and Learning, Curriculum Specialists, and Executive Director of Middle School and K-8 division. Staff Responsibl e No Funding Instructiona Required l Improveme nt Coach, Building Administrat or, and Teaching Staff Page 408 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools Activity - Math Specialist Teacher (Priority Schools) Activity Type The District will employ Math Specialist Teachers who delivers Academic supplementary instruction to identified students This Support instructional support reflects State and District content Program expectations through the use of effective strategies in management, instruction, student motivation and curriculum planning and is delivered through “In School” push in and/or pull out interventions and/or after school intervention programs. The teachers makes knowledge accessible to all students; develops students’ cognitive capacity and respect for learning; and fosters students’ self-esteem, motivation and sense of civic responsibility. Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $310000 Title I Part A Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Math Specialist Teacher, Building Administrati on, and Teaching Staff Schools:Mulick Elementary, Brookside School, Dickinson School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy Activity - Math Coach (Priority Schools) Activity Type Resource Assigned The District will employ Math Coaches in order to support Priority Schools with their Reform & Redesign Plans, Math Coaches will be utilized to assist classroom teachers in successfully implementing best practices as identified in their Reform & Redesign Plans. Math Coaches will provide leadership for teachers by planning, collaborating, organizing, modeling and facilitating change to improve the instructional program. Math Coaches will participate in Coaching Cycles, LearningWalks, Professional Learning Communities, Data Analysis Meetings, and lead some professional development for the building staff based on the schools identified areas of need. Professiona Tier 2 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $270000 Title I Part A Activity - Instructional Coaches Activity Type Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding The District will employ Instructional Coaches who will build capacity of instructional staff by engaging in frequent and on-going coaching cycles with feedback around instructional strategies, differentiated strategies and delivery. Professiona Tier 2 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Staff Responsibl e Math Coaches, Building Administrati on, and Teaching Staff Schools:Aberdeen Elementary, Kent Hills School, Campus Elementary Tier Schools:Ottawa Hills High School SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding Instructiona Required l Coach, Building Administrati on, and Teaching Staff Page 409 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools Measurable Objective 19: 34% of Eleventh grade students will demonstrate a proficiency in concepts in Mathematics by 06/05/2015 as measured by the State of Michigan assessment.. (shared) Strategy 1: Differentiated Instruction - School level staff will implement and participate in a variety of activities such as: professional learning, academic rigor, project learning, fluency and skill development, SIOP, data analysis, and use PLCs to enable them to differentiate instruction to meet the individualized needs of all students. The teaching staff will develop lessons and units that have a clear structure which allows for different pathways according to student needs. Research Cited: Beach, T.A. (2010). Combine Methodologies of Differentiated Instruction in the Heterogeneous Classroom. South Carolina Middle School Association Journal, February 26, 2011. "Offering each student the chance to learn the subject material in ways that address each student individually can benefit children in retaining information that will later be necessary to become thoughtful, productive adults. Through differentiation combined with curriculum layering, teachers can create a student-centered classroom that is supportive to each student." Cusumano, C. (2007). How Differentiated Instruction Helps struggling Students. Leadership, 36(4), 8-10. "Accelerating learning by examining and aligning three major systems in the school to support differentiation and a consistent focus on improved student learning the school's academic delivery structure, professional development, and human/fiscal resource allocation." Tier: Tier 1 Activity - Professional Learning Activity Type Tier All staff will actively participate in professional learning which supports differentiation at their specific grade level and program. Professiona Tier 1 l Learning Schools:All Schools SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Assistant Required Superinten dent of Organizatio nal Learning, Executive Directors of Elementary , MS/K-8, High School/Alte rnative Schools, Principals and instructiona l staff Page 410 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools Activity - Project Based Learning Activity Type Tier All staff will provide opportunities throughout the school year for Curriculum Tier 1 students to be engaged in a variety of project learning activities Developme that support the instructional goals. These projects will be nt differentiated in nature and provide choice to students regarding the type of project they will complete and will be rigorous and challenging for all students. Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Staff Responsibl e No Funding Building Required administrat or and teachers Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Schools:Alger Middle School, Ottawa Hills High School, Blandford Nature Center, Dickinson School, CA Frost Environmental Science Academy, Aberdeen Elementary School, John Ball Park Zoo School, Harrison Elementary, Gerald R. Ford K8 Academy, Westwood Middle School, Alger Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Burton Middle School, Grand Rapids University Preparatory Academy, Union High School, Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Innovation Central High School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy, City High Middle School, Center for Economicology Activity - Fluency and Skill Development Activity Type Tier Fluency and Skill Development: The staff will use a variety of Curriculum Tier 1 activities that will allow students to become fluent with essential Developme foundational skills. The students will practice these nt foundational skills often enough so that they can flexibly engage with the content at a higher level. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Executive Required Directors of the Elementary , Middle School, K8, High School, Alternative Schools, Special Education, Curriculum Specialists, Deputy Superinten dent of Curriculum and Learning, building principals and teachers. Source Of Funding Schools:All Schools Activity - Sheltered Instruction Observational Protocol (SIOP) Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Page 411 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will employ individuals who will coach and support Academic schools who Support have populations with second language learners. These Program individuals will train staff on how to implement the SIOP framework in their classrooms to support and provide differentiated techniques which will support the learning needs of our Limited English Proficient (LEP) students. Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding ELL Required Department , Building Administrat or s and Teachers Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 1 Evaluate 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:All Schools Activity - Data Analysis Activity Type : The District will employ staff who will work collaboratively Other with individual schools and the KISD to analyze District-wide data, design user-friendly data reports and to assist schools in understanding their school-wide data in order to support and improve student achievement. This data is used at the building level to support teachers to determine the academic needs of all students in order to differentiate their instruction. Some of this data will be used by school staff who will participate in (Data Dialogues, Governance Boards) to review, reflect and communicate the academic progress in their classroom and identify which activities they are implementing to support continued student achievement. The District will employ a Data Support Specialist who will work solely with our identified Priority Schools to support staff in understanding their schoolwide data and ways to use this data to differentiate instruction in order to meet student needs. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding District Required A&E Department , Divisional Executive Directors, School Reform Facilitators, Building Administrat or s and Teachers Schools:All Schools Activity - Monitoring Activity Type SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 412 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools District Support Staff in conjunction with building administrators, Curriculum Supervisors, and Coaches will monitor the level of use and effectiveness of differentiated instruction in the classrooms through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process. Academic Support Program Tier 1 Monitor 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Executive Required Directors of Elementary ,Middle , K8, High and Alternative Schools, Deputy Superinten dent of Curriculum and Learning, Curriculum Supervisors and Building Prinicpals Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:All Schools Activity - Technology The District will support the use of technology across the Curriculum Tier 1 district. Technology will be used in a variety of ways to support Developme student learning objectives. Students will engage with nt technology as a means to demonstrate their learning. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Clear Expectations Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding District Required Technology Department (MIS), District Curriculum Supervisors , Technology and Curriculum Integration and Instructiona l Support Specialist, Building Administrat ors and Teachers Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 413 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will ensure that teachers are setting clear Direct expectations in the classroom through the implementation of Instruction the evaluation tools used across the District. Classroom teachers will clearly communicate (oral and written formats) the purpose for learning as it connects to the curriculum framework and standards in a language that is student-friendly. Students will be more actively engaged in their learning when Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Executive Required Directors, Building Administrat ors and Teachers Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Schools:All Schools Activity - Project Learning (Middle and High Schools) Activity Type Resource Assigned Instructional Coaches: The District will employ Instructional Coaches who will build capacity of instructional staff by engaging in frequent and on-going coaching cycles with feedback around instructional strategies, differentiated strategies and delivery. Curriculum Tier 1 Developme nt Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Staff Responsibl e No Funding and District Required Curriculum Supervisors Schools:Westwood Middle School, Ottawa Hills High School, Union High School, Campus Elementary School, Aberdeen Elementary School Activity - Summer School The District will fund a summer school program that supports Academic the academic improvement of identified students. The summer Support school program is differentiated to meet the academic needs of Program the students who are enrolled. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Math Lab (Middle) Activity Type SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding itle I Required Office, School Reform Facilitators, Summer School Building Administrat ors and Summer School Teachers Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 414 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools Comprehensive Middle Schools will implement the use of an tier two supplemental math intervention course for identified students address missing skills and gaps in math knowledge. Academic Support Program Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $134000 Title I Part A Activity - Instructional Improvement Coach (Union) Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding The District will employ an Instructional Improvement Coach, who under the direction of the Building Principal will facilitate learning around content areas and literacy utilizing technology and data that will enable Instructional Staff to effectively meet and transform the performance of GRPS students at Union High School. Professiona Tier 2 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $310000 Title I Part A Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Schools:Alger Middle School, Westwood Middle School, Burton Middle School, Riverside Middle School Resource Assigned Schools:Union High School Activity - Math Specialist Teacher (Priority Schools) The District will employ Math Specialist Teachers who delivers Academic supplementary instruction to identified students This Support instructional support reflects State and District content Program expectations through the use of effective strategies in management, instruction, student motivation and curriculum planning and is delivered through “In School” push in and/or pull out interventions and/or after school intervention programs. The teachers makes knowledge accessible to all students; develops students’ cognitive capacity and respect for learning; and fosters students’ self-esteem, motivation and sense of civic responsibility. Resource Assigned Deputy Superinten dent of Curriculum and Learning, Curriculum Specialists, and Executive Director of Middle School and K-8 division. Staff Responsibl e No Funding Instructiona Required l Improveme nt Coach, Building Administrat or, and Teaching Staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Math Specialist Teacher, Building Administrati on, and Teaching Staff Schools:Mulick Elementary, Brookside School, Dickinson School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy Activity - Math Coach (Priority Schools) Activity Type SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Page 415 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will employ Math Coaches in order to support Priority Schools with their Reform & Redesign Plans, Math Coaches will be utilized to assist classroom teachers in successfully implementing best practices as identified in their Reform & Redesign Plans. Math Coaches will provide leadership for teachers by planning, collaborating, organizing, modeling and facilitating change to improve the instructional program. Math Coaches will participate in Coaching Cycles, LearningWalks, Professional Learning Communities, Data Analysis Meetings, and lead some professional development for the building staff based on the schools identified areas of need. Professiona Tier 2 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $270000 Title I Part A Activity - Instructional Coaches Activity Type Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding The District will employ Instructional Coaches who will build capacity of instructional staff by engaging in frequent and on-going coaching cycles with feedback around instructional strategies, differentiated strategies and delivery. Professiona Tier 2 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Math Coaches, Building Administrati on, and Teaching Staff Schools:Aberdeen Elementary, Kent Hills School, Campus Elementary Tier Resource Assigned Schools:Ottawa Hills High School Staff Responsibl e No Funding Instructiona Required l Coach, Building Administrati on, and Teaching Staff (shared) Strategy 2: Student Engagement (K-12) - The District will implement Student Engagement by the following means: Professional Learning, Academic Rigor, Accountable Talk, Quality Questioning, Claim, Evidence and Reasoning, Non-Linguistic Representation, Monitoring, Close and Critical Reading, Technology and Clear Expectations. Research Cited: Pickering, Debra J., and Marzano, Robert J. (2011). The Highly Engaged Classroom. Marzano Research Laboratory. “Engagement is a central aspect of effective teaching. If students are not engaged, there is little, if any, chance that they will learn what is being addressed in class. Student engagement has long been recognized as the core of effective schooling.” Tier: Tier 1 Activity - Professional Learning Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 416 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will employ individuals who organize the professional learning opportunities provided throughout the District. Some of the Professional Learning opportunities will support teachers and administrators using the teacher evaluation tools which will support the growth of student engagement in the classroom. Professiona Tier 1 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Assistant Required Superinten dent of Organizatio nal Learning, Building Administrat ors and Teachers Activity Type Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Monitor 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Implement 09/02/2014 06/02/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Implement 09/02/2014 06/02/2015 $0 Schools:All Schools Activity - Academic Rigor Tier District Staff in conjunction with building administrators will Curriculum Tier 1 monitor that students’ foundations of content are being built by Developme engaging them in the thinking process to deepen their overall nt content knowledge through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process to ensure that there is academic rigor in the classroom. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Accountable Talk Activity Type Tier District Staff in conjunction with building administrators will Curriculum Tier 1 monitor the application of Accountable Talk moves which have Developme been developed through teacher training provided by the nt Institute for Learning (IFL). Accountable Talk will develop students’ abilities to socialize their intelligence as well as increase student engagement by encouraging open discussion and inquiry-based reasoning opportunities. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Quality Questioning Activity Type Tier The District will implement quality questioning in the classroom Curriculum to increase both student engagement and to support a deeper Developme understanding of the content being taught. nt Schools:All Schools SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, School Reform Facilitators and Building Administrat ors Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, School Reform Facilitators and Building Administrat ors Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, Building Administrat ors and Teachers Page 417 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools Activity - Monitoring Activity Type Tier District Staff in conjunction with building administrators, Walkthroug Tier 1 Curriculum Supervisors, and DL Coaches will monitor the level h of use and effectiveness of student engagement in the classrooms through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process. Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Monitor 09/02/2014 06/02/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:All Schools Activity - Technology Activity Type Tier The District will support the use of technology across the Technology Tier 1 district. Technology will be used in a variety of ways to support student learning objectives. Students will engage with technology as a means to demonstrate their learning. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Clear Expectations Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, District Curriculum Supervisors , School Reform Facilitators, Instructiona l Coaches and Building Administrat ors Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding District Required Technology Department (MIS), District Curriculum Supervisors , Instructiona l Technology Specialist, Building Administrat ors and Teachers Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 418 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will ensure that teachers are setting clear Direct expectations in the classroom through the implementation of Instruction the evaluation tools used across the District. Classroom teachers will clearly communicate (oral and written formats) the purpose for learning as it connects to the curriculum framework and standards in a language that is student-friendly. Students will be more actively engaged in their learning when they have a clear understanding of what the purpose is. Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/02/2015 $0 No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, Building Administrat ors and Teachers Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Implement 09/02/2014 06/02/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Schools:All Schools Activity - Claim Evidence and Reasoning (Middle/High) Activity Type The District Curriculum Supervisors will create units/lessons Curriculum Tier 1 which will increase student engagement through the use of Developme clam, evidence and reasoning. While reading complex text, nt staff will have students respond (orally and written) to a topic which will demand them to use textual evidence to support their overall claim. Resource Assigned Schools:Westwood Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Ottawa Hills High School, Alger Middle School, City Middle/High School, Burton Middle School, Riverside Middle School, Union High School, Innovation Central High School, Center for Economicology Activity - Non-Linguistic Representation (Middle/High) Activity Type Tier The District Curriculum Supervisors will create units/lessons Curriculum Tier 1 which will incorporate the use of non-linguistic representational Developme tools such as Thinking Maps and graphic organizers to enable nt students to organize their thinking in a way that will allow them to be more deeply engaged with the content. Schools:Alger Middle School, Westwood Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Ottawa Hills High School, City Middle/High School, Southeast Career Pathways, Burton Middle School, Riverside Middle School, Union High School, Innovation Central High School, Center for Economicology Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding Deputy Required Superinten dent, District Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors and Teachers Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Deputy Required Superinten dent, District Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors and Teachers Measurable Objective 20: 34% of Eleventh grade students will demonstrate a proficiency in concepts in Mathematics by 06/05/2015 as measured by the State of Michigan assessment.. (shared) Strategy 1: Differentiated Instruction - School level staff will implement and participate in a variety of activities such as: professional learning, academic rigor, project learning, fluency and skill development, SIOP, data analysis, and use PLCs to enable them to differentiate instruction to meet the individualized needs of all students. The SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 419 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools teaching staff will develop lessons and units that have a clear structure which allows for different pathways according to student needs. Research Cited: Beach, T.A. (2010). Combine Methodologies of Differentiated Instruction in the Heterogeneous Classroom. South Carolina Middle School Association Journal, February 26, 2011. "Offering each student the chance to learn the subject material in ways that address each student individually can benefit children in retaining information that will later be necessary to become thoughtful, productive adults. Through differentiation combined with curriculum layering, teachers can create a student-centered classroom that is supportive to each student." Cusumano, C. (2007). How Differentiated Instruction Helps struggling Students. Leadership, 36(4), 8-10. "Accelerating learning by examining and aligning three major systems in the school to support differentiation and a consistent focus on improved student learning the school's academic delivery structure, professional development, and human/fiscal resource allocation." Tier: Tier 1 Activity - Professional Learning Activity Type All staff will actively participate in professional learning which supports differentiation at their specific grade level and program. Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Professiona Tier 1 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Activity Type Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:All Schools Activity - Project Based Learning Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Assistant Required Superinten dent of Organizatio nal Learning, Executive Directors of Elementary , MS/K-8, High School/Alte rnative Schools, Principals and instructiona l staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 420 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools All staff will provide opportunities throughout the school year for Curriculum Tier 1 students to be engaged in a variety of project learning activities Developme that support the instructional goals. These projects will be nt differentiated in nature and provide choice to students regarding the type of project they will complete and will be rigorous and challenging for all students. Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Executive Required Directors of the Elementary , Middle School, K8, High School, Alternative Schools, Special Education, Curriculum Specialists, Deputy Superinten dent of Curriculum and Learning, building principals and teachers. Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Staff Responsibl e No Funding Building Required administrat or and teachers Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Schools:Alger Middle School, Ottawa Hills High School, Blandford Nature Center, Dickinson School, CA Frost Environmental Science Academy, Aberdeen Elementary School, John Ball Park Zoo School, Harrison Elementary, Gerald R. Ford K8 Academy, Westwood Middle School, Alger Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Burton Middle School, Grand Rapids University Preparatory Academy, Union High School, Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Innovation Central High School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy, City High Middle School, Center for Economicology Activity - Fluency and Skill Development Activity Type Tier Fluency and Skill Development: The staff will use a variety of Curriculum Tier 1 activities that will allow students to become fluent with essential Developme foundational skills. The students will practice these nt foundational skills often enough so that they can flexibly engage with the content at a higher level. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Sheltered Instruction Observational Protocol (SIOP) Activity Type The District will employ individuals who will coach and support Academic schools who Support have populations with second language learners. These Program individuals will train staff on how to implement the SIOP framework in their classrooms to support and provide differentiated techniques which will support the learning needs of our Limited English Proficient (LEP) students. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding ELL Required Department , Building Administrat or s and Teachers Schools:All Schools SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 421 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools Activity - Data Analysis Activity Type : The District will employ staff who will work collaboratively Other with individual schools and the KISD to analyze District-wide data, design user-friendly data reports and to assist schools in understanding their school-wide data in order to support and improve student achievement. This data is used at the building level to support teachers to determine the academic needs of all students in order to differentiate their instruction. Some of this data will be used by school staff who will participate in (Data Dialogues, Governance Boards) to review, reflect and communicate the academic progress in their classroom and identify which activities they are implementing to support continued student achievement. The District will employ a Data Support Specialist who will work solely with our identified Priority Schools to support staff in understanding their schoolwide data and ways to use this data to differentiate instruction in order to meet student needs. Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Tier 1 Evaluate 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding District Required A&E Department , Divisional Executive Directors, School Reform Facilitators, Building Administrat or s and Teachers Schools:All Schools Activity - Monitoring Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned District Support Staff in conjunction with building administrators, Curriculum Supervisors, and Coaches will monitor the level of use and effectiveness of differentiated instruction in the classrooms through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process. Academic Support Program Tier 1 Monitor 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:All Schools Activity - Technology SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Executive Required Directors of Elementary ,Middle , K8, High and Alternative Schools, Deputy Superinten dent of Curriculum and Learning, Curriculum Supervisors and Building Prinicpals Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 422 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will support the use of technology across the Curriculum Tier 1 district. Technology will be used in a variety of ways to support Developme student learning objectives. Students will engage with nt technology as a means to demonstrate their learning. Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding District Required Technology Department (MIS), District Curriculum Supervisors , Technology and Curriculum Integration and Instructiona l Support Specialist, Building Administrat ors and Teachers Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Schools:All Schools Activity - Clear Expectations Activity Type The District will ensure that teachers are setting clear Direct expectations in the classroom through the implementation of Instruction the evaluation tools used across the District. Classroom teachers will clearly communicate (oral and written formats) the purpose for learning as it connects to the curriculum framework and standards in a language that is student-friendly. Students will be more actively engaged in their learning when Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding Executive Required Directors, Building Administrat ors and Teachers Schools:All Schools Activity - Project Learning (Middle and High Schools) Activity Type Instructional Coaches: The District will employ Instructional Coaches who will build capacity of instructional staff by engaging in frequent and on-going coaching cycles with feedback around instructional strategies, differentiated strategies and delivery. Curriculum Tier 1 Developme nt Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding and District Required Curriculum Supervisors Schools:Westwood Middle School, Ottawa Hills High School, Union High School, Campus Elementary School, Aberdeen Elementary School SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 423 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools Activity - Summer School Activity Type The District will fund a summer school program that supports Academic the academic improvement of identified students. The summer Support school program is differentiated to meet the academic needs of Program the students who are enrolled. Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Schools:All Schools Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding itle I Required Office, School Reform Facilitators, Summer School Building Administrat ors and Summer School Teachers Activity - Math Lab (Middle) Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Comprehensive Middle Schools will implement the use of an tier two supplemental math intervention course for identified students address missing skills and gaps in math knowledge. Academic Support Program Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $134000 Title I Part A Activity - Instructional Improvement Coach (Union) Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding The District will employ an Instructional Improvement Coach, who under the direction of the Building Principal will facilitate learning around content areas and literacy utilizing technology and data that will enable Instructional Staff to effectively meet and transform the performance of GRPS students at Union High School. Professiona Tier 2 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Schools:Alger Middle School, Westwood Middle School, Burton Middle School, Riverside Middle School Schools:Union High School SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Deputy Superinten dent of Curriculum and Learning, Curriculum Specialists, and Executive Director of Middle School and K-8 division. Staff Responsibl e No Funding Instructiona Required l Improveme nt Coach, Building Administrat or, and Teaching Staff Page 424 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools Activity - Math Specialist Teacher (Priority Schools) Activity Type The District will employ Math Specialist Teachers who delivers Academic supplementary instruction to identified students This Support instructional support reflects State and District content Program expectations through the use of effective strategies in management, instruction, student motivation and curriculum planning and is delivered through “In School” push in and/or pull out interventions and/or after school intervention programs. The teachers makes knowledge accessible to all students; develops students’ cognitive capacity and respect for learning; and fosters students’ self-esteem, motivation and sense of civic responsibility. Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $310000 Title I Part A Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Math Specialist Teacher, Building Administrati on, and Teaching Staff Schools:Mulick Elementary, Brookside School, Dickinson School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy Activity - Math Coach (Priority Schools) Activity Type Resource Assigned The District will employ Math Coaches in order to support Priority Schools with their Reform & Redesign Plans, Math Coaches will be utilized to assist classroom teachers in successfully implementing best practices as identified in their Reform & Redesign Plans. Math Coaches will provide leadership for teachers by planning, collaborating, organizing, modeling and facilitating change to improve the instructional program. Math Coaches will participate in Coaching Cycles, LearningWalks, Professional Learning Communities, Data Analysis Meetings, and lead some professional development for the building staff based on the schools identified areas of need. Professiona Tier 2 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $270000 Title I Part A Activity - Instructional Coaches Activity Type Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding The District will employ Instructional Coaches who will build capacity of instructional staff by engaging in frequent and on-going coaching cycles with feedback around instructional strategies, differentiated strategies and delivery. Professiona Tier 2 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Staff Responsibl e Math Coaches, Building Administrati on, and Teaching Staff Schools:Aberdeen Elementary, Kent Hills School, Campus Elementary Tier Schools:Ottawa Hills High School SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding Instructiona Required l Coach, Building Administrati on, and Teaching Staff Page 425 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools (shared) Strategy 2: Student Engagement (K-12) - The District will implement Student Engagement by the following means: Professional Learning, Academic Rigor, Accountable Talk, Quality Questioning, Claim, Evidence and Reasoning, Non-Linguistic Representation, Monitoring, Close and Critical Reading, Technology and Clear Expectations. Research Cited: Pickering, Debra J., and Marzano, Robert J. (2011). The Highly Engaged Classroom. Marzano Research Laboratory. “Engagement is a central aspect of effective teaching. If students are not engaged, there is little, if any, chance that they will learn what is being addressed in class. Student engagement has long been recognized as the core of effective schooling.” Tier: Tier 1 Activity - Professional Learning Activity Type The District will employ individuals who organize the professional learning opportunities provided throughout the District. Some of the Professional Learning opportunities will support teachers and administrators using the teacher evaluation tools which will support the growth of student engagement in the classroom. Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Professiona Tier 1 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Activity Type Phase Begin Date End Date Monitor 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:All Schools Activity - Academic Rigor Tier District Staff in conjunction with building administrators will Curriculum Tier 1 monitor that students’ foundations of content are being built by Developme engaging them in the thinking process to deepen their overall nt content knowledge through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process to ensure that there is academic rigor in the classroom. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Accountable Talk Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Assistant Required Superinten dent of Organizatio nal Learning, Building Administrat ors and Teachers Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, School Reform Facilitators and Building Administrat ors Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 426 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools District Staff in conjunction with building administrators will Curriculum Tier 1 monitor the application of Accountable Talk moves which have Developme been developed through teacher training provided by the nt Institute for Learning (IFL). Accountable Talk will develop students’ abilities to socialize their intelligence as well as increase student engagement by encouraging open discussion and inquiry-based reasoning opportunities. Implement 09/02/2014 06/02/2015 $0 No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, School Reform Facilitators and Building Administrat ors Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Implement 09/02/2014 06/02/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Monitor 09/02/2014 06/02/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:All Schools Activity - Quality Questioning Activity Type Tier The District will implement quality questioning in the classroom Curriculum to increase both student engagement and to support a deeper Developme understanding of the content being taught. nt Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Monitoring Activity Type Tier District Staff in conjunction with building administrators, Walkthroug Tier 1 Curriculum Supervisors, and DL Coaches will monitor the level h of use and effectiveness of student engagement in the classrooms through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Technology Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, Building Administrat ors and Teachers Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, District Curriculum Supervisors , School Reform Facilitators, Instructiona l Coaches and Building Administrat ors Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 427 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will support the use of technology across the Technology Tier 1 district. Technology will be used in a variety of ways to support student learning objectives. Students will engage with technology as a means to demonstrate their learning. Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding District Required Technology Department (MIS), District Curriculum Supervisors , Instructiona l Technology Specialist, Building Administrat ors and Teachers Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/02/2015 $0 Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Implement 09/02/2014 06/02/2015 $0 Schools:All Schools Activity - Clear Expectations Activity Type The District will ensure that teachers are setting clear Direct expectations in the classroom through the implementation of Instruction the evaluation tools used across the District. Classroom teachers will clearly communicate (oral and written formats) the purpose for learning as it connects to the curriculum framework and standards in a language that is student-friendly. Students will be more actively engaged in their learning when they have a clear understanding of what the purpose is. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, Building Administrat ors and Teachers Schools:All Schools Activity - Claim Evidence and Reasoning (Middle/High) Activity Type The District Curriculum Supervisors will create units/lessons Curriculum Tier 1 which will increase student engagement through the use of Developme clam, evidence and reasoning. While reading complex text, nt staff will have students respond (orally and written) to a topic which will demand them to use textual evidence to support their overall claim. Schools:Westwood Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Ottawa Hills High School, Alger Middle School, City Middle/High School, Burton Middle School, Riverside Middle School, Union High School, Innovation Central High School, Center for Economicology SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Deputy Required Superinten dent, District Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors and Teachers Page 428 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools Activity - Non-Linguistic Representation (Middle/High) Activity Type Tier The District Curriculum Supervisors will create units/lessons Curriculum Tier 1 which will incorporate the use of non-linguistic representational Developme tools such as Thinking Maps and graphic organizers to enable nt students to organize their thinking in a way that will allow them to be more deeply engaged with the content. Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Schools:Alger Middle School, Westwood Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Ottawa Hills High School, City Middle/High School, Southeast Career Pathways, Burton Middle School, Riverside Middle School, Union High School, Innovation Central High School, Center for Economicology Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Deputy Required Superinten dent, District Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors and Teachers Measurable Objective 21: 28% of Eleventh grade Black or African-American students will demonstrate a proficiency in concepts in Mathematics by 06/05/2015 as measured by the State of Michigan assessment.. (shared) Strategy 1: Differentiated Instruction - School level staff will implement and participate in a variety of activities such as: professional learning, academic rigor, project learning, fluency and skill development, SIOP, data analysis, and use PLCs to enable them to differentiate instruction to meet the individualized needs of all students. The teaching staff will develop lessons and units that have a clear structure which allows for different pathways according to student needs. Research Cited: Beach, T.A. (2010). Combine Methodologies of Differentiated Instruction in the Heterogeneous Classroom. South Carolina Middle School Association Journal, February 26, 2011. "Offering each student the chance to learn the subject material in ways that address each student individually can benefit children in retaining information that will later be necessary to become thoughtful, productive adults. Through differentiation combined with curriculum layering, teachers can create a student-centered classroom that is supportive to each student." Cusumano, C. (2007). How Differentiated Instruction Helps struggling Students. Leadership, 36(4), 8-10. "Accelerating learning by examining and aligning three major systems in the school to support differentiation and a consistent focus on improved student learning the school's academic delivery structure, professional development, and human/fiscal resource allocation." Tier: Tier 1 Activity - Professional Learning Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 429 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools All staff will actively participate in professional learning which supports differentiation at their specific grade level and program. Professiona Tier 1 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Assistant Required Superinten dent of Organizatio nal Learning, Executive Directors of Elementary , MS/K-8, High School/Alte rnative Schools, Principals and instructiona l staff Activity Type Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:All Schools Activity - Project Based Learning Tier All staff will provide opportunities throughout the school year for Curriculum Tier 1 students to be engaged in a variety of project learning activities Developme that support the instructional goals. These projects will be nt differentiated in nature and provide choice to students regarding the type of project they will complete and will be rigorous and challenging for all students. Resource Assigned Schools:Alger Middle School, Ottawa Hills High School, Blandford Nature Center, Dickinson School, CA Frost Environmental Science Academy, Aberdeen Elementary School, John Ball Park Zoo School, Harrison Elementary, Gerald R. Ford K8 Academy, Westwood Middle School, Alger Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Burton Middle School, Grand Rapids University Preparatory Academy, Union High School, Sherwood Global Studies Academy, Innovation Central High School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy, City High Middle School, Center for Economicology Activity - Fluency and Skill Development Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding Executive Required Directors of the Elementary , Middle School, K8, High School, Alternative Schools, Special Education, Curriculum Specialists, Deputy Superinten dent of Curriculum and Learning, building principals and teachers. Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 430 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools Fluency and Skill Development: The staff will use a variety of Curriculum Tier 1 activities that will allow students to become fluent with essential Developme foundational skills. The students will practice these nt foundational skills often enough so that they can flexibly engage with the content at a higher level. Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Building Required administrat or and teachers Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Tier 1 Evaluate 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:All Schools Activity - Sheltered Instruction Observational Protocol (SIOP) Activity Type The District will employ individuals who will coach and support Academic schools who Support have populations with second language learners. These Program individuals will train staff on how to implement the SIOP framework in their classrooms to support and provide differentiated techniques which will support the learning needs of our Limited English Proficient (LEP) students. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding ELL Required Department , Building Administrat or s and Teachers Schools:All Schools Activity - Data Analysis Activity Type : The District will employ staff who will work collaboratively Other with individual schools and the KISD to analyze District-wide data, design user-friendly data reports and to assist schools in understanding their school-wide data in order to support and improve student achievement. This data is used at the building level to support teachers to determine the academic needs of all students in order to differentiate their instruction. Some of this data will be used by school staff who will participate in (Data Dialogues, Governance Boards) to review, reflect and communicate the academic progress in their classroom and identify which activities they are implementing to support continued student achievement. The District will employ a Data Support Specialist who will work solely with our identified Priority Schools to support staff in understanding their schoolwide data and ways to use this data to differentiate instruction in order to meet student needs. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding District Required A&E Department , Divisional Executive Directors, School Reform Facilitators, Building Administrat or s and Teachers Schools:All Schools Activity - Monitoring Activity Type SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 431 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools District Support Staff in conjunction with building administrators, Curriculum Supervisors, and Coaches will monitor the level of use and effectiveness of differentiated instruction in the classrooms through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process. Academic Support Program Tier 1 Monitor 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Executive Required Directors of Elementary ,Middle , K8, High and Alternative Schools, Deputy Superinten dent of Curriculum and Learning, Curriculum Supervisors and Building Prinicpals Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:All Schools Activity - Technology The District will support the use of technology across the Curriculum Tier 1 district. Technology will be used in a variety of ways to support Developme student learning objectives. Students will engage with nt technology as a means to demonstrate their learning. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Clear Expectations Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding District Required Technology Department (MIS), District Curriculum Supervisors , Technology and Curriculum Integration and Instructiona l Support Specialist, Building Administrat ors and Teachers Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 432 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will ensure that teachers are setting clear Direct expectations in the classroom through the implementation of Instruction the evaluation tools used across the District. Classroom teachers will clearly communicate (oral and written formats) the purpose for learning as it connects to the curriculum framework and standards in a language that is student-friendly. Students will be more actively engaged in their learning when Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Executive Required Directors, Building Administrat ors and Teachers Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Schools:All Schools Activity - Project Learning (Middle and High Schools) Activity Type Resource Assigned Instructional Coaches: The District will employ Instructional Coaches who will build capacity of instructional staff by engaging in frequent and on-going coaching cycles with feedback around instructional strategies, differentiated strategies and delivery. Curriculum Tier 1 Developme nt Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Staff Responsibl e No Funding and District Required Curriculum Supervisors Schools:Westwood Middle School, Ottawa Hills High School, Union High School, Campus Elementary School, Aberdeen Elementary School Activity - Summer School The District will fund a summer school program that supports Academic the academic improvement of identified students. The summer Support school program is differentiated to meet the academic needs of Program the students who are enrolled. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Math Lab (Middle) Activity Type SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding itle I Required Office, School Reform Facilitators, Summer School Building Administrat ors and Summer School Teachers Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 433 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools Comprehensive Middle Schools will implement the use of an tier two supplemental math intervention course for identified students address missing skills and gaps in math knowledge. Academic Support Program Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $134000 Title I Part A Activity - Instructional Improvement Coach (Union) Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding The District will employ an Instructional Improvement Coach, who under the direction of the Building Principal will facilitate learning around content areas and literacy utilizing technology and data that will enable Instructional Staff to effectively meet and transform the performance of GRPS students at Union High School. Professiona Tier 2 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Activity Type Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Tier 2 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $310000 Title I Part A Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Schools:Alger Middle School, Westwood Middle School, Burton Middle School, Riverside Middle School Resource Assigned Schools:Union High School Activity - Math Specialist Teacher (Priority Schools) The District will employ Math Specialist Teachers who delivers Academic supplementary instruction to identified students This Support instructional support reflects State and District content Program expectations through the use of effective strategies in management, instruction, student motivation and curriculum planning and is delivered through “In School” push in and/or pull out interventions and/or after school intervention programs. The teachers makes knowledge accessible to all students; develops students’ cognitive capacity and respect for learning; and fosters students’ self-esteem, motivation and sense of civic responsibility. Resource Assigned Deputy Superinten dent of Curriculum and Learning, Curriculum Specialists, and Executive Director of Middle School and K-8 division. Staff Responsibl e No Funding Instructiona Required l Improveme nt Coach, Building Administrat or, and Teaching Staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Math Specialist Teacher, Building Administrati on, and Teaching Staff Schools:Mulick Elementary, Brookside School, Dickinson School, Martin Luther King Leadership Academy Activity - Math Coach (Priority Schools) Activity Type SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e Page 434 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will employ Math Coaches in order to support Priority Schools with their Reform & Redesign Plans, Math Coaches will be utilized to assist classroom teachers in successfully implementing best practices as identified in their Reform & Redesign Plans. Math Coaches will provide leadership for teachers by planning, collaborating, organizing, modeling and facilitating change to improve the instructional program. Math Coaches will participate in Coaching Cycles, LearningWalks, Professional Learning Communities, Data Analysis Meetings, and lead some professional development for the building staff based on the schools identified areas of need. Professiona Tier 2 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $270000 Title I Part A Activity - Instructional Coaches Activity Type Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding The District will employ Instructional Coaches who will build capacity of instructional staff by engaging in frequent and on-going coaching cycles with feedback around instructional strategies, differentiated strategies and delivery. Professiona Tier 2 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Math Coaches, Building Administrati on, and Teaching Staff Schools:Aberdeen Elementary, Kent Hills School, Campus Elementary Tier Resource Assigned Schools:Ottawa Hills High School Staff Responsibl e No Funding Instructiona Required l Coach, Building Administrati on, and Teaching Staff (shared) Strategy 2: Student Engagement (K-12) - The District will implement Student Engagement by the following means: Professional Learning, Academic Rigor, Accountable Talk, Quality Questioning, Claim, Evidence and Reasoning, Non-Linguistic Representation, Monitoring, Close and Critical Reading, Technology and Clear Expectations. Research Cited: Pickering, Debra J., and Marzano, Robert J. (2011). The Highly Engaged Classroom. Marzano Research Laboratory. “Engagement is a central aspect of effective teaching. If students are not engaged, there is little, if any, chance that they will learn what is being addressed in class. Student engagement has long been recognized as the core of effective schooling.” Tier: Tier 1 Activity - Professional Learning Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 435 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will employ individuals who organize the professional learning opportunities provided throughout the District. Some of the Professional Learning opportunities will support teachers and administrators using the teacher evaluation tools which will support the growth of student engagement in the classroom. Professiona Tier 1 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Assistant Required Superinten dent of Organizatio nal Learning, Building Administrat ors and Teachers Activity Type Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Monitor 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Implement 09/02/2014 06/02/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Implement 09/02/2014 06/02/2015 $0 Schools:All Schools Activity - Academic Rigor Tier District Staff in conjunction with building administrators will Curriculum Tier 1 monitor that students’ foundations of content are being built by Developme engaging them in the thinking process to deepen their overall nt content knowledge through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process to ensure that there is academic rigor in the classroom. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Accountable Talk Activity Type Tier District Staff in conjunction with building administrators will Curriculum Tier 1 monitor the application of Accountable Talk moves which have Developme been developed through teacher training provided by the nt Institute for Learning (IFL). Accountable Talk will develop students’ abilities to socialize their intelligence as well as increase student engagement by encouraging open discussion and inquiry-based reasoning opportunities. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Quality Questioning Activity Type Tier The District will implement quality questioning in the classroom Curriculum to increase both student engagement and to support a deeper Developme understanding of the content being taught. nt Schools:All Schools SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, School Reform Facilitators and Building Administrat ors Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, School Reform Facilitators and Building Administrat ors Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, Building Administrat ors and Teachers Page 436 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools Activity - Monitoring Activity Type Tier District Staff in conjunction with building administrators, Walkthroug Tier 1 Curriculum Supervisors, and DL Coaches will monitor the level h of use and effectiveness of student engagement in the classrooms through LearningWalks, Classroom Observations, and through the teacher evaluation process. Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Monitor 09/02/2014 06/02/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:All Schools Activity - Technology Activity Type Tier The District will support the use of technology across the Technology Tier 1 district. Technology will be used in a variety of ways to support student learning objectives. Students will engage with technology as a means to demonstrate their learning. Resource Assigned Schools:All Schools Activity - Clear Expectations Activity Type Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, District Curriculum Supervisors , School Reform Facilitators, Instructiona l Coaches and Building Administrat ors Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding District Required Technology Department (MIS), District Curriculum Supervisors , Instructiona l Technology Specialist, Building Administrat ors and Teachers Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 437 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools The District will ensure that teachers are setting clear Direct expectations in the classroom through the implementation of Instruction the evaluation tools used across the District. Classroom teachers will clearly communicate (oral and written formats) the purpose for learning as it connects to the curriculum framework and standards in a language that is student-friendly. Students will be more actively engaged in their learning when they have a clear understanding of what the purpose is. Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/02/2015 $0 No Funding Divisional Required Executive Directors, Building Administrat ors and Teachers Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Implement 09/02/2014 06/02/2015 $0 Phase Begin Date End Date Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Schools:All Schools Activity - Claim Evidence and Reasoning (Middle/High) Activity Type The District Curriculum Supervisors will create units/lessons Curriculum Tier 1 which will increase student engagement through the use of Developme clam, evidence and reasoning. While reading complex text, nt staff will have students respond (orally and written) to a topic which will demand them to use textual evidence to support their overall claim. Resource Assigned Schools:Westwood Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Ottawa Hills High School, Alger Middle School, City Middle/High School, Burton Middle School, Riverside Middle School, Union High School, Innovation Central High School, Center for Economicology Activity - Non-Linguistic Representation (Middle/High) Activity Type Tier The District Curriculum Supervisors will create units/lessons Curriculum Tier 1 which will incorporate the use of non-linguistic representational Developme tools such as Thinking Maps and graphic organizers to enable nt students to organize their thinking in a way that will allow them to be more deeply engaged with the content. Schools:Alger Middle School, Westwood Middle School, Grand Rapids Montessori Public School, Ottawa Hills High School, City Middle/High School, Southeast Career Pathways, Burton Middle School, Riverside Middle School, Union High School, Innovation Central High School, Center for Economicology Resource Assigned Staff Responsibl e No Funding Deputy Required Superinten dent, District Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors and Teachers Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Deputy Required Superinten dent, District Curriculum Supervisors , Building Administrat ors and Teachers Measurable Objective 22: 30% of Eleventh grade Hispanic or Latino students will demonstrate a proficiency in concepts in Mathematics by 06/05/2015 as measured by the State of Michigan assessment.. (shared) Strategy 1: Differentiated Instruction - School level staff will implement and participate in a variety of activities such as: professional learning, academic rigor, project learning, SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 438 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools fluency and skill development, SIOP, data analysis, and use PLCs to enable them to differentiate instruction to meet the individualized needs of all students. The teaching staff will develop lessons and units that have a clear structure which allows for different pathways according to student needs. Research Cited: Beach, T.A. (2010). Combine Methodologies of Differentiated Instruction in the Heterogeneous Classroom. South Carolina Middle School Association Journal, February 26, 2011. "Offering each student the chance to learn the subject material in ways that address each student individually can benefit children in retaining information that will later be necessary to become thoughtful, productive adults. Through differentiation combined with curriculum layering, teachers can create a student-centered classroom that is supportive to each student." Cusumano, C. (2007). How Differentiated Instruction Helps struggling Students. Leadership, 36(4), 8-10. "Accelerating learning by examining and aligning three major systems in the school to support differentiation and a consistent focus on improved student learning the school's academic delivery structure, professional development, and human/fiscal resource allocation." Tier: Tier 1 Activity - Professional Learning Activity Type All staff will actively participate in professional learning which supports differentiation at their specific grade level and program. Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Professiona Tier 1 l Learning Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Activity Type Phase Begin Date End Date Schools:All Schools Activity - Project Based Learning Tier SY 2013-2014 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e No Funding Assistant Required Superinten dent of Organizatio nal Learning, Executive Directors of Elementary , MS/K-8, High School/Alte rnative Schools, Principals and instructiona l staff Source Of Funding Staff Responsibl e Page 439 District Improvement Plan Grand Rapids Public Schools All staff will provide opportunities throughout the school year for Curriculum Tier 1 students to be engaged in a variety of project learning activities Developme that support the instructional goals. These projects will be nt differentiated in nature and provide choice to students regarding the type of project they will complete and will be rigorous and challenging for all students. Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 No Funding Executive Required Directors of the Elementary , Middle School, K8, High School, Alternative Schools, Special Education, Curriculum Specialists, Deputy Superinten dent of Curriculum and Learning, building principals and teachers. Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Staff Responsibl e No Funding Building Required administrat or and teachers Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Source Of Funding Tier 1 Implement 09/02/2014 06/05/2015 $0 Schools:Alger Middle School, Ottawa Hills High School, Blandford Nature Center, Dickinson School, CA Frost Environmental Science Academy, Aberdeen Elementary School, John Ball Park Zoo School, Harrison Elementar