Health - Naturalives
Health - Naturalives
Health What Is Wellness? Wellness is not a static state. It's a constantly evolving process toward the fullest realization of physical and mental potential. I It takes constant effort to achieve your best level of wellness. It's different for everyone. *- Ask yourself: Do I need to make a positive change? Can I improve my diet? Do I need to get more sleep? Do I need to be more active? Healthcare professionals believe in supplements! 72% of physicians and 89% of nurses personally use dietary supplements? Could I give my body better nutrition? If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, it's time to take a look at Mannatech. We offer solutions for your pursuit of wellness. Whether it's a powerhouse multivitamin, a unique fat loss product or a superchargedantioxidant supplement, we've got a product that fits your lifestyle. Wellness begins within. And it begins with you. YOU control your Be a Wellness Champion Wellness is not a quick fix, It is a conscious decision you make daily to give your body what it needs to be well. Good nutrition is critical. 5 When you supply your cells with the 2 right nutrients, your cells can help keep you well. own nutrition. Everything you put in your body becomes the basic ingredients that your body uses to create good health. To help your body work like it's supposed to, you must have good nutrition.Your body needs an ongoing supply of essential ingredients seven days a week, 365 days a year. Your body is constantly changing. Everyone'swellness is at different levels and is influenced by things like diet, environment and stress. So, achieving good nutrition takes time-its not a one-time quick fix! @ Awa - Create. Nourish. Protect. Balance. Your food goes to your cells, which help build your tissues which are part of your organ$, . which make up your entire body. - Helps Restore Balance to Randtech - *2007 Health Care ProfessionalsImpact study, Council for Responsible Nutrition 1 I PhytoMatrixBCaplets What nature intended all along Ask yourself: Am I giving my body the natural nutrition it needs? Probably not. Our PhytoMatrix caplets are better for your body. What's missing in your diet can have big effects on your health and energy level.Thatls why it's essential to supplement the vitamins your body craves with our PhytoMatrix caplets, which are packed with concentrated, plant-sourced minerals from hydroponically grown mustard sprouts, as well as phytonutrients from natural fruit and vegetable sources. And, they can help produce energy, promote heart health and support healthy eyesight." PhytoMatrix Caplets: Are a natural, real-food vitamin complex for maximum absorption* Support the production of energy with B vitamins* Offer antioxidant and immune system support* L IS PhytoMatrix caplets are gluten-free and suitable for vegetarians* PhytoMatrix caplets are one of the most advanced multivitamins on the market. 1 p Some minerals are made v from rocks. Some are taken from salt. But Mannatech's minerals are plant-sourced, making them easy for your body Keep your hormones in check. to absorb. PLUS" caplets keep your glands ship shape. When your endocrine system is a go, you feel great and perform even better. Because a healthy, well-running endocrine system is essential for your cells, organs and body systems. OU-r PLUS caplets can help your qlands produce hormones your body'needs to stay balanced and function a t i t s best.* And because they're plant-sourced, they're C That's a huge dose of healthy for your whole body. Formulated with a unique blend of standardized nutrients, PLUS also helps support: breast health bone health prostate health colon health heart health more concentrated. That means you're getting more for your money! Now that's called having great balance. *These statements have not been evaluatedby the Food and DrugAdministration. Then productrarenot intendedto diagnose, trea cure w prevent any disease. I Am brotose AO@Capsules Stress doesn't have to be so stressful With Ambrotose AO's natural antioxidant protection Sure, everyone has stress-it's unavoidable in today's fast-paced world. But can oxidative stress damage your DNA? Many scientists believe it can. Every day, our bodies are taxed by our diets, activities and the environments we live in. That's why Mannatech developed Ambrotose AO, a product clinically proven to provide superior antioxidant protection. Just two capsules a day provide 200% more protection than five servings of fruits and vegetables! So, while you might get stressed, you don't have to let stress get to you. Add antioxidants t o your diet. Antioxidants help neutralize free radicals and reduce oxidative stress that can harm your cells aren't always optimal. But there's n o reason For Those on the Go! Try aur Optimal Support Packets. Each packet is power-loaded with: 2 PhytoMatrix caplets 2 PLUS caplets 1 Ambrotose A 0 capsule Take the hassle out of healthy. Get your vitamins, minerals and powerful antioxidants in one convenient packet! Convenient. Healthy. Complete. ( *Ihea statements have not been maluted by the Food and Drug Administration These pmductsarenot intendedto diagnw, treat cure OT prevent any d i i s e I At Mannatech, we believe in total integrated wellrress. Wellness is more than just an apple a day-it's a daily conscious choice to eat well, stay active and provide your body with everything it needs to create healthy cells, which in turn build healthy tissue, which make up organs and organ systems working together to create YOU! We all know daily proper nutrition is ideal for a healthy body. But whether our foods fail us nutritionally or we fail ourselves (think drivethrough) there is often a nutritional void in our diets that must be filled. Mannatech believes the only way to truly supplement the body is through natural, whole food-based , complexes that are scktxifica backed and formulated for optimal results. '- Through our Health Solution, Weight and Fitness and Skin Care products, we are confident that you will see results and find a balance of wellness you may have thought was out of reach. Don't just wonder about wellness. Live it, believe it, fight for it. Become a Wellness Champion today. Nu sts rec mend eating five to 13 servings of fresh fruits and vegetaples per day to suppart health, but only 110/o of Americans meet this goal. Am brotose" Products Boost Your Brain Power When your brain is supported with healthful, natural supplements,your whole body benefits from it! Mannatech's Ambrotose products not only boost cognitive brain function and memory recall, they also support your immune system. It's a full-body wellness weapon. Ambrotose Products: - - 2 - Maximize your immune system performance Keep your digestive system running smoothly Boost your brain power Improve your mood Decrease irritability Note: Benefits vary by product. "These statements have not been evaluatedby the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intendedto diagnose, beat, cure or prevent any disease. Take Your First Step Toward WeIIness Today Find out more about our company, our complete product line and the opportunities that await from'the Mannatech Associate who shared this brochure with you. Our Associates are Wellness Champions: passionate about sharing physical and financial wellness with others! Proven. Trusted. Science-Based. Mannatech's Health Solutions products are NSF International-Certified.NSF International is a not-for-profit public health certification organization that ensures a product's label reflects the contents of the supplement, that all ingredients are openly disclosed on the label and the product's purity is ensured. our products are sold in twelve countries around the world. 100 Percent Guarantee We believe in our products. We know they'll improve your quality of life. In fact, we're so confident that we back them up with a six-month 100% Satisfaction Guarantee.? Why six months? Because wellness is a process, not a quick fix. It takes your body time to do what comes naturally: maintain wellness. Discover It for Yourself! To learn more about our health products for you and your family, contact: Enriching Quality of Life" 600S. Royal Lane, Suite 2M) Coppell,TX 75019 I 7 6 ~36 ; /- ~ 5 4 6 ~ Ask f&c L 522 7'7 @ 2cW Mannatech, Incorporated. All r~ghtsresewed. For distribution in the US. only C nc /f,hc/L tlf not completely sat~sfied,contact Customer Care and return the product withln 180 days for a full refund. See mannatechcom for full details. Mannatech, Advanced Ambrotose, Ambrotose AQ Ambroroze, MTech A 0 Blend, PhyroMatrix PLUS, Enriching Qual~ty of Life and Intelligent Supplementationare trademarks of Mannatech, Incorporated Item Number: 1267401
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