Features and Benefits


Features and Benefits
“Step-by-Step Formula for Connecting with Her
In this module you will learn:
o The real difference between a FEATURE and a BENEFIT – (this
extremely common mistake turns your copy into a snooze-fest);
o My proven formula to turning phrases into benefit-driven statements
that attract attention - (women buy based on how we believe a
product will make us FEEL);
o The use of psychological hot buttons and mental gymnastics that
hypnotize her into buying - (your copy will practically put her in a
o How to anticipate her objections BEFORE she reads a word of your
copy – (she’s already looking for reasons NOT to buy from you so be
sure you understand her thinking);
o Which EMOTIONAL WORDS entice women to buy from you – while
NOT “selling” them.
Lorrie Morgan-Ferrero
The She Factor Copywriting Bootcamp
© All Rights Reserved
Red Hot Copy
16141 Cohasset St.
| Van Nuys, California 91406
877-293-8311 |
Page 43
Features and Benefits
One of the biggest mistakes I see in copy is that the BENEFITS of the product or
service aren’t played up. Here’s the difference between a feature and a benefit.
Features are specific qualities that are built into a product or service. What those
features mean to prospects and customers are ‘benefits’. Features are the
adjectives, or tangibles, of the product. What does it look like? What does it do?
How does it help? What unique advantage does it offer? How is it different than
other products?
Benefits are the emotional components. How does that particular feature bring
value to the customer? Will they sleep better, eat better, make more money,
what? Finally, there should be one ultimate benefit that stands out. THAT benefit
should be the foundation of all of your copy. (Of course there are always
exceptions.) Each benefit can actually be converted into a headline, sub-head or
bullet point. It is your task to decide on the most compelling benefits. Then build
your copy around it.
People want to know that they made a good purchasing decision. So they WANT to
be convinced and persuaded why your product or service is better emotionally.
One easy way to get there is to do a features and benefits exercise.
When I’m writing copy for a new product here’s what I do. I take a sheet of paper,
draw a vertical line down the center and title each side. On the left is “Features.”
On the right is “Benefits.” (NOTE: Handwriting works best for me on this exercise
– you do what feels right for you. If you want to use a computer, go for it.) Now
list all the features under the FEATURES heading. Next transform each feature into
a powerful advantage, or BENEFIT, to the customer. Mark Twain once said, “There
are two reasons why a man buys anything. The reason he tells his wife and the
real reason.” What he meant by that was we like to think we buy based on logic,
but truthfully we buy based on emotion.
Remember benefits are the solutions people are looking for to solve a problem
they have. Make them big, bold and original. IMPORTANT: Each feature can
have several benefits. Below is an example of a features/benefits exercise for an
acupuncture and pain relief clinic.
Lorrie Morgan-Ferrero
The She Factor Copywriting Bootcamp
© All Rights Reserved
Red Hot Copy
16141 Cohasset St.
| Van Nuys, California 91406
877-293-8311 |
Page 44
Features and Benefits Column Template
Feature (what the
product/service IS)
Ex. Pain relief
Ex. Increased circulation
Ex. Raises immune system
…so that…
…so that…
…so that…
You can enjoy normal
…so that…
You don’t need extra
…so that…
You can lose weight faster
…so that…
You decrease risk of heart
…so that…
You improve your ability to
…so that…
You don’t waste time being
sick and can do what’s
Healthy people around you
don’t get sick from you
…so that…
Ex. Sense of well-being
Benefit (what the
product/service DOES)
Your body can heal
…so that…
You don’t have to take
handfuls of vitamins
…so that…
You are relaxed under
…so that…
You can make calm,
rational decisions
You can put YOU first
…so that…
Lorrie Morgan-Ferrero
The She Factor Copywriting Bootcamp
© All Rights Reserved
Red Hot Copy
16141 Cohasset St.
| Van Nuys, California 91406
877-293-8311 |
Page 45
Your She Factor Copywriting Mission!
Brainstorm about what features you offer to clients and
write them out. Next, for every feature find a
corresponding benefit. Don’t worry about creating
interesting or readable copy at this stage.
YOUR Features and Benefits Column Template
Here’s your fill-in-the blank brainstorm template. Use more pages if you need to.
This is a very important foundation for your copy!
Feature (what the
product/service IS)
…so that…
…so that…
Benefit (what the
product/service DOES)
…so that…
…so that…
…so that…
…so that…
…so that…
Lorrie Morgan-Ferrero
The She Factor Copywriting Bootcamp
© All Rights Reserved
Red Hot Copy
16141 Cohasset St.
| Van Nuys, California 91406
877-293-8311 |
Page 46
Features and Benefits Mind Mapping Template
Mind maps are an innovative tool to organize your thoughts. (And face it, in
copywriting there are A LOT of thoughts). Mind maps really keep you focused.
Because copywriting is NOT a linear process, but a more creative one I’ve found
mind mapping to be one of my favorite copywriting tools. (I personally use specific
software to mind map but you can easily do it by hand). It works basically like
Write down a central idea (in this case your product or service) on a large
piece of unlined paper.
2. Brainstorm your ideas in branches off the central topic. Put down
EVERYTHING without editing or judging.
3. Look for relationships among ideas and group them together.
4. Remember a feature may have several benefits.
I like www.MindJet.com for PC and www.NovaMind.com for Mac as a mind
mapping software options. There are also several free versions available. Do a
search on Google and you’ll find many options, a lot of them for free.
Frankly it’s just as easy to create a mind map the old fashioned way with a piece
of paper and a pen but I like having a file I can save on my computer. Even if you
have never mind mapped before, you’ll quickly see how easy it is to organize your
On the next page is an example of a features/benefits exercise for the same
acupuncture and pain relief clinic used in the column exercise.
Lorrie Morgan-Ferrero
The She Factor Copywriting Bootcamp
© All Rights Reserved
Red Hot Copy
16141 Cohasset St.
| Van Nuys, California 91406
877-293-8311 |
Page 47
Acupuncture Client Example for Features and Benefits
Lorrie Morgan-Ferrero
The She Factor Copywriting Bootcamp
© All Rights Reserved
Red Hot Copy
16141 Cohasset St.
| Van Nuys, California 91406
877-293-8311 |
Page 48
Your She Factor Copywriting Mission!
This exercise starts off like the Column Exercise.
Brainstorm about what features you offer to clients and
write them out on the following page. Next, for every
feature find a corresponding benefit.
Instead of setting them up in columns, use the bubbles
of a mind map and see which learning system works best
for you.
Lorrie Morgan-Ferrero
The She Factor Copywriting Bootcamp
© All Rights Reserved
Red Hot Copy
16141 Cohasset St.
| Van Nuys, California 91406
877-293-8311 |
Page 49
Your Mind Map Template for Features and Benefits
Lorrie Morgan-Ferrero
The She Factor Copywriting Bootcamp
© All Rights Reserved
Red Hot Copy
16141 Cohasset St.
| Van Nuys, California 91406
877-293-8311 |
Page 50
Frequently Asked Questions
When a prospect is interested in what you offer as a product/service, she comes to
the table with questions. With copy, you’re not there to answer those questions so
you have to anticipate what those questions might be to overcome potential
objections in the copy. Those are the frequently asked questions or FAQs.
Review the blueprint you filled out as your first mission, and be able to answer
questions like:
1. What is this product/service?
2. Why do I need it?
3. When do I get results?
4. How do I order the product/service?
5. When does the product/service arrive?
6. How much is it?
7. What is included?
8. Is there a guarantee or return policy?
9. Why is this different than Joe Schmoe’s product/service?
Does it come in different colors?
Because products/services are different and target markets are different, the FAQs
will be different for most of us.
Online formatting note: List all FAQs in a chunk without answering them. Then
break them out one by one and add the answers. In other words, you’re going to
have a list with no answers but with hyperlinks that link to the answers. Get it?
That way, the prospect won’t bag out if she doesn’t see her question right away.
1. What do I do with this?
2. How is your product better than Joe Schmoe’s?
3. Can I get it in different colors?
Lorrie Morgan-Ferrero
The She Factor Copywriting Bootcamp
© All Rights Reserved
Red Hot Copy
16141 Cohasset St.
| Van Nuys, California 91406
877-293-8311 |
Page 51
1. What do I do with this?
This widget will wash your car and vacuum your house in less than 30 minutes.
All you do is charge it in the electrical outlet overnight, then turn it loose on
your car. Don’t forget to answer the door when it comes in from the garage to
vacuum your house.
2. How is your product better than Joe Schmoe’s?
Well Joe is a good friend of our company who often comes to us for advice. See
we’ve been in business for 15 years longer than Joe Schmoe. So we actually
pioneered this widget. We don’t consider ourselves in competition with Joe
3. Can I get it in different colors?
The widget comes in chartreuse, magenta and lemon yellow.
Your She Factor Copywriting Mission!
What the heck is in her head? Climb in there and try to
figure it out. Your next mission is to write out the
answers to every possible thing that could be going on in
her mind regarding your product or service.
Lorrie Morgan-Ferrero
The She Factor Copywriting Bootcamp
© All Rights Reserved
Red Hot Copy
16141 Cohasset St.
| Van Nuys, California 91406
877-293-8311 |
Page 52