growth and change in the square mile
growth and change in the square mile
NLA ON LOCATION GROWTH AND CHANGE IN THE SQUARE MILE Friday 12 September 2014, 09:00-17:00 The Guildhall, Basinghall Street, London EC2V 7HH In association with Sponsored by @NLALONDON #NLACITYOL CONFERENCE PROGRAMME 09:00 Welcome from Chair PETER MURRAY, NLA Chairman 09:10 Keynote MARK BOLEAT, CITY OF LONDON Chairman of the Policy and Resources Committee SESSION ONE: LONG-TERM COMMERCIAL MIX IN THE CITY 09:20 Special address DAVID LEDGER, AON UK LIMITED Chief Operating Officer 09:30 Long-term commercial mix in the City JON NEALE, JLL Head of UK Research 09:40 Panel discussion ANNIE HAMPSON, CITY OF LONDON Chief Planning Officer and Development Plans Director ALAN WIGHT, BERWIN LEIGHTON PAISNER LLP Partner – Commercial Real Estate ALEXANDER KNAPP, HINES UK Managing Director ROB SAMUEL, CPA President City Property Association & Head of Office Development Management, British Land 2 NLA on Location SESSION TWO: WHAT ARE OCCUPIERS LOOKING FOR? SESSION FOUR: CULTURE AND HERITAGE 10:10 12:00 Office design and flexibility Culture in the City GRANT BROOKER, FOSTER + PARTNERS Senior Executive Partner SIR NICHOLAS KENYON, BARBICAN CENTRE Managing Director 10:20 12:10 Panel discussion Panel discussion PETER BENNETT, CITY OF LONDON City Surveyor MATTHEW FLOOD, LAND SECURITIES Leasing Director PHILIP TIDD, GENSLER Principal STEVE WHYMAN, BROADGATE ESTATES CEO MICHAEL CASSIDY, CULTURAL HUB ADVISORY GROUP Chairman SHARON AMENT, MUSEUM OF LONDON Director MARK DAVY, FUTURECITY Founder NIGEL BARKER, ENGLISH HERITAGE Planning and conservation director – London LUCY MUSGRAVE, PUBLICA Director 10:50 Coffee and networking SESSION THREE: PUBLIC REALM 11:20 Public realm, infrastructure growth and a smarter City 12:45 Lunch 13:45 – 17:00 Afternoon Walking Tours VICTOR CALLISTER, CITY OF LONDON Assistant Director for Environmental Enhancement 11:30 Panel discussion PHILIP EVERETT, CITY OF LONDON Director - Department of the Built Environment PETER HEATH, ATKINS Design Director - Public Realm SAM RICHARDS, CROSSRAIL Head of Urban Integration STEPHEN NICE, BURNS & NICE Director BEN PLOWDEN, TFL Director for Planning and Surface Transport City of London On Location 3 TOURS Afternoon walking tours will be led by key City of London Corporation representatives, Crossrail and other stakeholders where possible. All delegates can pick one tour from the options below, your delegate badge will indicate which tour you have been allocated to. If you have not been allocated a tour, but would like to go on one, please contact staff at the reception desk. Tours will leave from the reception of The Guildhall at 13:50. All tours are on foot, please wear sensible footwear. Please have your coats and bags ready as we will not be returning. TOUR A: ALDGATE AND THE EASTERN GATEWAY This tour will redraw the mental map of Aldgate, exploring the edges of the City of London, covering the cultural east, venturing as far as the Whitechapel Gallery, and Tech City. Tour led by: Victor Callister, Assistant Director for Environmental Enhancement, City of London NLA representative: Hannah Welsh, 07730556799 TOUR B: BARBICAN AND BEYOND This tour will explore the City’s cultural quarter, with an update on proposed enhancements of this area from City of London and Lucy Musgrave of Publica. It will then move on to the Golden Lane Estate before finishing atop Great Arthur House with John Robertson Architects. Tour led by: Paul Robertshaw, Planning Officer, City of London and Steve Miles, Environment Enhancement, City of London Supported by: David Spence, Director of Transformation for the Museum of London; Lucy Musgrave, Founding Director at Publica; Charles Ellis, Project Director, JRA NLA representative: Michelle Haywood, 07834576490 TOUR C: HIGH HOLBORN Holborn has undergone a transformation in recent years, witnessing many new commercial developments. This tour will explore this progress, looking at Holborn Viaduct and including a project overview of 15 Old Bailey with EPR and Sixty London with KPF. Tour led by: Gemma Delves, Planning Officer, City of London and Clive Cornwell, Principal Planning Officer, City of London Supported by: David Jennings, Director, EPR architects and Rosa Rius, Associate Principal at KPF NLA representative: Turiya Coote, 07771508933 4 NLA on Location TOUR D: CITY CLUSTER This tour will examine the evolving City cluster and how these buildings meet the ground, including The Leadenhall Building’s new public realm by RSH+P and 100 Cheapside by EPR, concluding with a view over 70 Mark Lane by Bennetts Associates Architects. Tour led by: Gwyn Richards, Head of Design for City of London and David Stothard from City of London Supported by: Mark Bagley, Director of EPR Architects; Maurice Brennan, Associate at Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners; and Gavin Pike, Associate at Bennetts Associates Architects NLA representative: Jess Cronin, 07815699292 and Lucie Murray, 07970019902 TOUR E: CROSSRAIL IN THE CITY With major Crossrail developments happening across the city this tour will explore the public realm surrounding these new stations, covering Liverpool Street Station, Moorgate (including access to the viewing platform) and Farringdon East. NB. No high heels will be allowed on this tour due to the stairs which are grill. Tour led by: Stuart Croucher, Lead Urban Designer, Crossrail and Richard Hawkes, Development Manager, Crossrail Supported by: John Robertson, Director of John Robertson Architects and Harbinder Girdi, Partner at Hawkins\Brown NLA representative: Molly Nicholson, 07889858845 City of London On Location 5 BIOGRAPHIES NIGEL BARKER Planning and Conservation Director London, English Heritage MARK BOLEAT Chairman, Policy & Resources Committee, City of London Corporation SHARON AMENT Director, Museum of London Sharon, Director of the Museum of London from 2012, is overseeing a transformation programme for both the London Wall and Docklands sites. She sits on the International Advisory Board of the ArtScience Museum, Singapore, and is part of the Mayor’s London Cultural Strategy Group. Her career has focussed on “turning people on to culture and science” and in creating meaningful places and experiences. Projects include; Exhibition Road, The Natural History Museum’s Darwin Centre and Treasures Gallery, museum projects in Dubai and Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Italy and international exhibitions. 6 Nigel moved to London to become Head of Partnerships in 2009 and in 2013 was appointed Planning and Conservation Director for London One of his abiding interests is the challenge of integrating new interventions – physical and cultural- into historic contexts and he has worked closely with CABE (now DCCABE) on developing and delivering the Building in Context toolkit. Nigel is an active member of IHBC, having served on Council as Chairman of the SE Branch and latterly as Editor and then Chairman of the Editorial Board of Context, the journal of the Institute. PETER BENNETT City Surveyor for the City of London Corporation Peter manages over £2.5 billion of investment property in Central London extending to over 16m sq.ft, with about 3m sq.ft under development, either directly or in partnership with a further 1.5m sq.ft. of development opportunities in the pipeline. Peter’s department also provides property services for about 15 Corporation departments with operational property assets in excess of £5 billion. The investment, asset, development, and facilities management of the City Corporation’s overall property holdings now rests in his 250 strong department. Peter also leads the City Property Advisory Team which acts independently in support of City businesses and the City property industry to find solutions for their property related issues in and around the Square Mile. Mark is Chairman of the Policy and Resources Committee of the City of London Corporation, a position he has held since May 2012. He has been an elected member since 2002 and has held a number of other senior positions in the Corporation. As Chairman of the Policy and Resources Committee, Mark is Deputy Chairman of TheCityUK (the promotional body for the UK financial services industry), and the International Regulatory Strategy Group, a Vice Chairman of London Councils, Chairman of Central London Forward (a grouping of eight inner London Authorities) and a member of the board of London and Partners, the promotional body for London. GRANT BROOKER Head of Studio 1, Foster + Partners Grant has been responsible for many built projects in Europe, North America, Saudi Arabia, the UAE, China and South East Asia ranging from airports to masterplans and museums. Projects include the headquarters buildings for Willis, Ernst and Young, residential towers in London; Europe’s tallest towers for Hermitage in Paris; the masterplan for the new Quartermile district in Edinburgh; the courtyard at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington DC; airport expansion projects at Stansted and Heathrow; and most recently the Virgin Galactic Spaceport in New Mexico. NLA on Location MICHAEL CASSIDY Chairman, Cultural Hub Advisory Group MATTHEW FLOOD Leasing Director – Land Securities VICTOR CALLISTER Assistant Director (Environmental Enhancement), City of London Corporation Victor is the Assistant Director (Environmental Enhancement) for the City of London, where the emphasis is creating the highest possible quality of environment for people in the limited and complex space between buildings. Victor manages a team of professional Town Planners and Project Managers, who deliver projects in partnership with City businesses, usually with complex funding arrangements. Many of these projects are delivering on the security needs of the City, but without compromising environmental quality or movement around the Square Mile. Current work is focusing on integrating tall buildings (including the tallest in Europe) in to the already densely developed districts of the City. City of London On Location Michael has had 40 years working in the City with parallel careers in law/finance and as a Council Member at Guildhall. Planning, then Policy Chairman through 1987-1997, he has subsequently Chaired Barbican Arts Centre and Museum of London. He has just been appointed by the Government to Chair Ebbsfleet Garden City project in Kent. MARK DAVY Futurecity Mark founded Futurecity in 2007 to respond to growing interest in culture, placemaking and regeneration. He has worked for clients across the property sector and delivered over 300 culture-led projects and strategies designed to provide identity and narrative for major development sites such as Nine Elms, Greenwich Peninsula, White City and Earls Court and new residential, mixed use and commercial developments across London and the UK. He has developed numerous private sector led public art programmes including Slipstream, the 80 metre long sculpture for Heathrow Terminal 2 and the Crossrail ‘Culture Line’ and has contributed to the City’s cultural strategy the City Art Initiative. PHILIP EVERETT Director of the Built Environment, City of London Corporation Philip is a chartered civil engineer who began his working career with a civil engineering contractor, and then moved to local government where he has worked for 36 years. In 2002 he was appointed the Director of Technical Services and was responsible for projects like the construction of a City Academy at Southwark and the move of Temple Bar back to the City, as well as managing Tower Bridge. In 2005 the department was merged with the Department of Environmental Services, and Philip then also became responsible for such diverse services as the City of London Cemetery, the Animal Reception Centre, and the Port Health Service. As a result of further departmental integration, in 2011, Philip became the Director of the Department of the Built Environment, covering Planning, Building Control, Highways and Cleansing. Matthew is Leasing Director for Land Securities on a range of schemes across the London Portfolio. Current projects include New Ludgate and New Street Square in the City of London and 62 Buckingham Gate and Nova in Victoria. Prior to joining Land Securities in 2013, Matthew worked for DTZ in both occupational and investment agency roles together with acting for a range of occupiers in the financial, legal and professional industries. 7 BIOGRAPHIES CONT. PETER HEATH Design Director – Public Realm, Atkins Global ALEXANDER KNAPP ANNIE HAMPSON Chief Planning Officer and Development Director, City of London Corporation Annie is a Chartered Town Planner and is Chief Planning Officer and Development Director for the City of London Corporation with responsibility for all development, design, heritage, conservation and enforcement matters. In the last 20 years the City has radically risen to the challenge of providing modern, innovative and effective buildings whilst safeguarding its historic character and considerably enhancing its street scene and retail diversity. This has entailed the redevelopment of over a third of the City’s building stock and new construction in opportunity areas. 8 Peter is an architect and town planner, specialising in improving the public realm, with hundreds of UK and international projects, from “accessible, clean and green” community initiatives, to retrofitting or guiding new city squares and districts. For the City of London, he was an Atkins reviewer of his team’s feasibility design work on the initial Aldgate Gyratory proposals. For Land Securities, he identified the design concept, leading to the City’s partnership of funding and implementation of the new gardens, in place of coach parking, south of St. Paul’s Cathedral. SIR NICHOLAS KENYON Managing Director, Barbican Centre Sir Nicholas became Managing Director of the Barbican Centre in October 2007. He was Controller, BBC Radio 3 1992-8, and Director of the BBC Proms from 1996 to 2007. He was a music critic for The New Yorker, The Times and Observer, and editor of Early Music 1983-92. He has lectured widely and published books on Bach, Mozart, Simon Rattle, the BBC Symphony Orchestra and early music. He is a member of Arts Council England, a board member of Sage Gateshead, and a Trustee of the Dartington Hall Trust. He was knighted in the 2008 New Year Honours, and in 2011 received the British Academy President’s medal for outstanding service to the arts and humanities. Managing Director, Hines UK Alexander joined Hines in 2008 and focuses on investment and development projects in the UK, principally in London. He has led the acquisition of over £600m of assets across the risk spectrum from core to ground-up development, while also serving as the Project Director for the 280 High Holborn, a mixed-use development in Midtown. Prior to joining Hines, Alexander spent five years at the Renzo Piano Building Workshop in Paris, France and Genoa, Italy. He obtained a Master’s Degree in Real Estate Development from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and also holds a Bachelor of Architecture from Rice University. DAVID LEDGER CEO, Aon Benfield UK / COO, Aon UK Limited David joined Aon in 1993 to lead the North American reinsurance team and since then has had many different management roles across the firm. He joined the Board of Aon UK Limited in 2007 and assumed the role of COO earlier in 2014. He also represents Aon on various London Market Association and Management Boards. NLA on Location PETER MURRAY Chairman, NLA BEN PLOWDEN Peter trained as an architect and was editor of Building Design and RIBA Journal before starting Blueprint Magazine in 1983. He has curated a number of major architectural exhibitions and is Chairman of the communications consultancy Wordsearch. He is founder of both NLA and the London Festival of Architecture and is author of various architectural books including “The Saga of Sydney Opera House” and “A Passion to Build”. He is a Visiting Professor at IE University in Madrid and Hon. Sec. of the Bedford Park Society. LUCY MUSGRAVE Director, Publica Lucy is founding Director of the public realm consultancy Publica. The practice specialises in understanding the identity of urban neighbourhoods and providing advice on the integration of new development. Over a 20 year career, Lucy has played a key role in policy recommendations, strategic planning and urban design frameworks and in the advocacy of design quality. Lucy is a current member of the RIBA Awards Group; the New London Sounding Board; the West End Partnership Public Realm Task Group; and the panel assisting Sir Terry Farrell’s Review of Architecture and the Built Environment. City of London On Location Director of Surface Strategy and Planning, TfL JON NEALE JLL Jon is Head of UK Research at JLL, and is responsible for the team’s outputs across all commercial and residential property sectors. As well as providing advisory services to clients and publishing market-leading research output, he regularly speaks on property issues at conferences and is often quoted in the mainstream press. His recent work includes Digital London, an acclaimed project looking at the business base in Shoreditch, Clerkenwell and Aldgate. He also contributed to the City of London/ CPA publication Getting the Balance Right, looking at the future trajectory of the square mile. STEPHEN NICE Director, Burns + Nice Stephen is one of the founding Directors of Burns + Nice and is a specialist in urban planning and design. He is a chartered landscape architect, transport planner and urban designer with over 30 years experience of public realm strategies and design, urban masterplanning, transport planning, open space design and community consultation. His experience has been gained worldwide and includes many projects in central London for clients who include the City of London, Greater London Authority, Transport for London, Crossrail, The Royal Parks and many private sector organisations. Ben has extensive experience of the workings of both national and local government, both from the “outside” as an environmental campaigner and from the “inside” as a senior director at Transport for London (TfL). Ben is currently Director of Strategy and Planning, Surface Transport at TfL, a position he has held since 2011. Ben’s responsibilities include providing the overall strategic direction for Surface Transport and delivery of cycling, walking, public realm, road safety, freight, bus priority and Travel Demand Management. 9 BIOGRAPHIES CONT. STEVE WHYMAN CEO, Broadgate Estates PHILIP TIDD Principal, Gensler SAM RICHARDS Head of Urban Integration, Crossrail ROB SAMUEL President City Property Association & Head of Office Development Management British Land Sam joined Crossrail in 2008 as Head of Urban Integration Previously he worked at Transport for London as Head of Land Use Planning and as Chief of Staff to the Commissioner. He started his career working as a town planner for the London Boroughs of Southwark and Hounslow and has also worked for London Underground on the Jubilee Line Extension and for the Local Government Association on national planning and transport policy. 10 Rob is a Director and Head of Office Development Management at British Land. Having joined British Land in 2005, he was previously with Orbit Developments and Knight Frank. His responsibilities and experience over the last 20 years includes the conception, implementation and completion of a range of projects covering office, retail and residential developments predominantly in Central London. Rob is President of The City Property Association, which champions the built environment in the City of London, bringing together property owners, developers, occupiers and professional advisors to inform policy makers and drive the economic prosperity of the City. As one of the global Leaders of the Consulting Practice, Philip focuses on directing Gensler’s consultancy business, with a strong focus on global client accounts and on the EMEA region. A Gensler Principal, Philip has over 20 years of experience in workplace consultancy, real estate advisory and design and urban strategy services. His career includes over 18 years working across mainland Europe helping global organisations implement workplace programmes attuned to the region’s many cultural and legislative variations. He has also advised numerous European public sector organizations on ways in which enhanced work environments can lead to improved performance. Steve joined Broadgate Estates in April 2010. Prior to this his experience includes management consultancy with Coopers & Lybrand, Operations Director of an apparel business, ten years in operational and commercial roles with DHL, and five years on the Executive Board of the retailer Halfords. He has worked with multi-national service businesses from diverse sectors including retail, consumer electronics, automotive and apparel. Steve is a Trustee of CYCLE TO... and a Governor of the leading children’s charity Coram. ALAN WIGHT Partner, Berwin Leighton Paisner Alan is a partner in Berwin Leighton Paisner’s real estate department specialising in the development, pre-letting and subsequent sale of large office buildings in the City of London and Docklands. Recent projects with which Alan has been involved include 20 Fenchurch Street, Cannon Place, Canary Wharf, 5 Broadgate, Watermark Place and Land Securities’ Nova and Zig Zag schemes. NLA on Location DELEGATE LIST ORGANISATION ADP Aecom Allen & Overy AON Arup Arup Atkins Atkins Barbican Centre Barratt London Barratt London Stratford Barton Willmore Ben Adams Architects Bennetts Associates Architects Berwin Leighton Paisner Bouygues UK Broadgate Estates Buckley Gray Yeoman Burns & Nice Buro Happold Ltd Canary Wharf Group Canary Wharf Group Canary Wharf Group CarVal Investors CBRE CBRE CBRE Child Graddon Lewis Chris Dyson Architects City of London Corporation City of London Corporation City of London Corporation City of London Corporation City of London Corporation City of London Corporation City of London Corporation City of London Corporation City of London Corporation City of London Corporation City of London Corporation City of London Corporation City of London Corporation City of London Corporation City of London Corporation City of London Corporation City of London Corporation City of London Corporation City of London Corporation City of London Corporation City of London Corporation City of London Corporation City of London Corporation City of London On Location NAME Louis Bonay Chris Trew Edward Mackaness David Ledger Joanna Kesson Martin Reed Peter Heath Steve Katesmark SirNicholas Kenyon Sasha Rifaat Phil Davidson Jenny Ellender Ben Adams Gavin Pike Alan Wight Jesse James Steve Whyman James Greenaway Stephen Nice John Macmillan Emma Dandy Jason Larkin Emily Webster Serge Maton Emma Davies Neeraj Dixit James Penfold Lesley Bell Chris Dyson Steve Bage Peter Bennett Mark Boleat Victor Callister Lewis Claridge David Clements Philip Everett Nick Gill George Gillon Annie Hampson Patrick Hegarty Michael Hudson Sean Jordan Huw Lewis Simon McGinn Trevor Nelson Nancy Pound Ted Rayment Gwyn Richards Peter Shadbolt David Strothard Jacqueline Watson Bill Welch JOB TITLE Associate Director Director, Cost Management General Manager Chief Operating Officer And Deputy Chief Executive Senior Planner Associate Design Director - Public Realm Atkins Senior Transport Planner Managing Director Communications Manager Senior Development Manager Planning Associate Director Associate Partner Senior Business Developer Managing Director Associate Director Director Business Development Manager Planning Manager Head of Planning Planner Director Executive Director - Managing Director of Planning Director Associate Director, Planning Director principal architect Strategic Infrastructure Advisor City Surveyor Chairman of the Policy and Resources Committee Assistant Director for Environmental Enhancement Planning Officer Policy District Surveyor Director - Department of Built Environment Investment Property Group Director Member Chief Planning Officer and Development Plans Director Technical Manager Member Planning & Projects Officer Director of Property Projects Group CPAT Manager Assistant Director, City Fund Business Liaison Manager Assistant Director Development Management Senior Planning Officer Assistant Director Planning Policy Assistant Director Development Management Business Liaison Assistant Assistant District Surveyor 11 DELEGATE LIST CONT. ORGANISATION City of London Corporation City of Westminster City Planning Newsletter City Property Association City Property Association City Property Association Conran and Partners Consultancy for the Built Environment CORE (City Offices Real Estate) Crossrail Crossrail Crossrail Cultural Hub Advisory Group Cundall Cushman & Wakefield Daiwa Europe Bank plc David Walker Architects Development Intelligence DLA Piper DP9 Ltd dRMM Ltd Eckersley O'Callaghan English Heritage EPR Architects EPR Architects Farebrother Farebrother Fletcher Priest Architects Fletcher Priest Architects Foster + Partners Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP Futurecity Gensler Gensler Gensler Gensler Gerald Eve Management Services Limited Gerald Eve Management Services Limited Goldman Sachs International Grimshaw GVA GVA GVA GVA GVA Hawkins\Brown Hawkins\Brown Hayes Davidson Hayes Davidson Hermantes Basha 12 NAME Colin Wilcox Roger Austin Chris Bown Nick Dyson Archie Galloway Rob Samuel Nigel Lea Richard Saxon Stephen Black Stuart Croucher Richard Hawkes Sam Richards Michael Cassidy Matthew Hyden Azar Laghaei Ian Davidson David Walker Nick Keable Jackie McLaughlin Barnaby Collins William Howard Ray Hoyte Nigel Barker Mark Bagley David Jennings Malcolm Brackley Alastair Hilton Francesca Gernone Ed Williams Grant Brooker Adam Regan Charlie Williamson Mark Davy Ian Mulcahey Anna Robinson Duncan Swinhoe Philip Tidd Jeremy Randall Lisa Webb Laurie Burrell Jolyon Brewis Martin Hall Tony Joyce Hilary Meanchoff Tom Payne Jeremy Prosser Harbinder Birdi Roger Hawkins David Bullock Luis Inciarte Venessa Hermantes JOB TITLE Assistant Director, City's Estates & Bridge Estates Programme Manager Deputy Editor Marketing and Membership Coordinator Honorary Member President Director Principal Senior Development Manager Lead Urban Designer Development Manager Head of Urban Integration Chairman Associate Research Analyst Executive Director, Administration Managing Director Chief Executive Director of Facilities Director Architect Project Director Planning and Conservation Director for London Director Director Partner Partner Head of Interiors Partner Senior Executive Partner Associate Associate Founder Managing Director Associate Managing Director Principal Partner Partner Associate Chief Executive Principal Planner Senior Director, City Agency Research Analyst Graduate Planner Director, City Agency Partner Partner Partner Associate Partner Design Director NLA on Location Legal excellence in uncertain times The standout practice of the past year Chambers 2014 Our track record speaks for itself. Ranked number one in planning by the leading legal directories for 15 years, we have been involved in some of the largest and most pioneering schemes, including: • The Shard • Westfield London • The London Eye • Liverpool One • Olympic Park and Venues • Bluewater Shopping Centre • The “Walkie Talkie” Building • New US Embassy • Portcullis House • O2 Centre and Greenwich Peninsula • Quayside Newcastle • Victoria Transport Interchange • Abberton Reservoir • Thames Tideway Tunnels Contact Tim Hellier Partner Head of Planning and Environment T: +44 (0)20 3400 4243 [email protected] Expert legal advice to help make your project a reality. An extraordinary world needs a remarkable legal service. City of London On Location 13 DELEGATE LIST CONT. ORGANISATION Hilson Moran Hilson Moran Hines Hines Hopkins Architects Partnership LLP Ian McChesney ING Media Jefferies International Ltd Jefferies International Ltd JLL JLL JLL JMP Consultants Ltd John Robertson Architects John Robertson Architects Karakusevic Carson Architects KPF KPF KPF KPF Land Securities LB Islington LB Islington LB Southwark LB Tower Hamlets Lend Lease London Chamber of Commerce London Chamber of Commerce London Chamber of Commerce London Communications Agency LS Estates M3 Consulting M3 Consulting Mace Mace Mace Mackay & Partners llp Merrill Lynch Mitsubishi Electric Mitsubishi Electric MOLA (Museum of London Archaeology) Montagu Evans Museum of London Museum of London Museum of London Nicholas Hare Architects NLA (Chair) Ordnance Survey Ordnance Survey Pell Frischmann Pembroke Real Esate 14 NAME Caroline Stephens Vince Ugarow Katharina Vandamme-Eybesfeld Alexander Knapp David Selby Ian Mcchesney Tom Elliott Karen Hunt Craig Paterson Guy Bransby Jeremy Gardner Jon Neale Kelly Rose Charles Ellis John Robertson Paul Karakusevic Charles Olsen Rosa Rius Luuc Schutte John Bushell Matthew Flood Alistair Gale Kristian Kamiński Gary Rice Gareth Gwynne Simone Santi Angela Reed Rajeev Singhal Dean Wade Hanna Smith Mark Swetman Gary Tompkins Barbara Paagman Phil Day Simon Healey David Stephens Ken Mackay Paul Flynn Samuel Cannon Hazel Gaylor Robin Nielsen David Reid Sharon Ament Nigel Ludlow David Spence Jayne Bird Peter Murray Gary McDonald David Roberts Eddie Jump David Burke JOB TITLE Client Relations Manager Director Associate Managing Director Senior Partner Director Associate Director Head of Facilities Business Continuity Manager Lead Director Director Head of Research Associate Project Director Director Director Architect Associate Principal Architect Principal Leasing Director Principal Housing Development Project Manager Deputy Manager, Design and Conservation Head of Development Management Pre Applications Team Senior Development Manager Sponsorship & Promotions Manager Strategic Partnerships Manager Membership Executive Account Manager Director Operations Director Project Manager Associate Director Director of Private Sector Project Management Senior Project Manager Senior Partner Director of Real Estate EMEA Partner Programme Project Coordinator Partner Programme Operations Manager Senior Project Manager Partner Director Director of Assets from the museum Director of Transformation Partner Chairman Strategic Relationship Manager Strategic Relationship Manager Technical Director Head of European Asset Management NLA on Location City of London Corporation & the City Property Advisory Team (CPAT) The City of London is a uniquely diverse organisation with three main aims: to support and promote the City as the world leader in international finance and business services; to provide high quality local services and policing for the Square Mile; and to provide valued services to London and the nation as a whole. Within the organisation the City Surveyor’s Department manages commercial property with a value in excess of £2bn. As part of the City Corporation’s service, the City Property Advisory Team (CPAT) acts as a facilitator and adviser between the City of London Departments, City businesses and the property industry. The Team has a wide remit that involves working with occupiers, developers, investors, agents and utilities companies, as well as other property stakeholders such as retail businesses and inward investment bodies. All of CPAT’s services are free of charge and confidential. CPAT can: • • • • • • • • Provide the widest range of details on available property in the City and the City Fringe Help with planning, highways, and legislative issues Unlock bureaucracy Identify long term development potential Help with site assemblies Assist on infrastructure matters, e.g. electricity and telecoms Liaise with other departments at the Corporation on your behalf Promote and co-ordinate delivery of projects on behalf of businesses/developers Commissioned research informs CPAT’s understanding of the complex issues affecting the UK property industry. The team shares this valuable knowledge through reports, discussion forums, and other events. [email protected] 020 73323496 City Surveyor’s Department, Guildhall, London EC2P 2EJ City of London On Location 15 DELEGATE LIST CONT. ORGANISATION Pilbrow & Partners Planning Resolution Partnership Plowman Craven PLP Architecture Pringle Brandon Perkins+Will Pringle Brandon Perkins+Will Pringle Brandon Perkins+Will Publica Publica Richard Coleman Citydesigner Robin Partington & Partners Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners Rolfe Judd Royal Bank of Scotland Royal Bank of Scotland Savills Scott Brownrigg Sweett Group Sweett Group The Theatres Trust tp bennett tp bennett Transport for London TTA Property Turley Vanguard WestonWilliamson+Partners Willmott Dixon Interiors Limited Willmott Dixon Interiors Limited Willmott Dixon Interiors Limited Wragge Lawrence Graham WRBC Development UK Limited WYG Zaha Hadid Architects Zaha Hadid Architects Zaha Hadid Architects 16 NAME Fred Pilbrow Philip Atkins Alison Woodley Karen Cook Therese Bak John Drew John Kinnaird Lucy Musgrave Victoria Wagner Sanchita Raghunathan Nathaniel Lee Maurice Brennan Ceri Edmonds Ray Carneiro Tom Matthews Ed Green John Watson Tom Locking Catalina Zbar Mhora Samuel Peter Davis Mike Ibbott Ben Plowden Charles Begley Paul Crisp Mark Dawes Christian Bocci Steve Cooper Joan Hillcock Bev Williams Clare Fielding Andrew Reynolds Christopher Tennant Nils-peter Fischer Viviana Muscettola Michele Pasca Di Magliano JOB TITLE Partner Partner Account Manager Partner Associate Principal Principal Technical Director Director Associate Scheme Manager Partner Associate Associate Head of Location & Property Strategy Area Property Manager Analyst Planning Director Global Client Relationships Director Marketing and Proposals Executive Director Project Director Director Director for Planning and Surface Transport Senior Partner Associate Director, Heritage Regional Facilities & Operations Coordinator Partner Account & Framework Manager - SCAPE Commercial Sector Manager Sales Director Partner Managing Director Head of Planning - London Associate Associate Associate NLA on Location Join us on the London Stand 10th-13th March 2015 The right place to do business at MIPIM Packages start from £3,600 +VAT For more information call Hannah Welsh on 020 7636 4044 City of London On Location – @londonatmipim – 17 NLA - Driving the agenda to shape a better city In association with: Programme Sponsors: Borough Partners: Partners and Event Sponsors: Members Adam Architecture | Adjaye Associates | ADREM Group | Aggreko | Agenda 21 Architects | AHR London Limited | Alma-nac Collaborative Architecture | Apex Lifts | Architecture for Humanity UK | Ardmore | Atrium Ltd | Audley Retirement | Avanti Architects | BAM Construct UK | Barr Gazetas | Barton Willmore | Bellenden | Bell Phillips Architects | Benoy | Better Bankside | Bond Bryan Architects | bptw partnership | Brick Development Association | British Council for Offices | Brockton Capital | Buchanan Associates Architects | Burns + Nice | Buro Four | Adam Happold | burwell deakins: architects | Cabe | Calford Seaden | Camargue PR | Capita Property and Infrastructure | Carey Group Plc | Caro Communications | Cartwright Pickard Architects | Cathedral Group | Central London Partnership | Chapman Taylor | citizenM hotels | City Property Association | Clancy Consulting | Collado Collins | Conisbee | Construction Products Association | Consultancy to the built environment | Colwyn Foulkes | Cousins & Cousins | CSK Architects | Cullinan Studio | Cundall | Cushman & Wakefield | CZWG Architects LLP | David Gallagher Associates | David Miller Architects | David Morley Architects | Delancey | Deloitte | Desco | Development Securities plc | Dexter Moren Associates | Donald Insall Associates | DP9 | DPP | dRMM | Eckersley O'Callaghan | Edelman | Elliott Wood Partnership | Emrys Architects | Eric Parry Architects | Exterion Media | Faithful + Gould | Falconer Chester Hall | Feilden + Mawson LLP | Flanagan Lawrence | FORM Design Architecture | Four Communications | Future City | Future Designs | Gardiner & Theobald | Garnett+Partners LLP | Gerald Eve | Grontmij | Hammersmith London | Hassell | Hayes Davidson | Helical Bar | Henley Halebrown Rorrison Architects | HOK | Home Group | Hopkins Architects Partnership LLP | Hunters | HÛT | IFC Group | Indigo Planning | ING Media | Innes Associates | Institution of Civil Engineers | Integral Engineering Design | Jackson Coles | JMP Consultants Ltd | John McAslan + Partners | Karakusevic Carson Architects | Kier Construction | Kinnear Landscape Architects | KSR Architects | KSS Group | Landscape Institute | LDA Design | London & Continental Railways | London Forum of Amenity & Civic Societies | Londonewcastle | Made Expo | Marks Barfield Architects | Max Fordham | Maxwell Winward | McDowell + Benedetti | Metaphorm Architects | Metropolitan Workshop | Mitsubishi Electric | Mobile Studio | Morgan Sindall | Morrow + Lorraine Architects | Mossessian & Partners | Mott MacDonald | MSMR | Museum of London Archaeology | New Image Stone Ltd | New West End Company | Orms | Parsons Brinkerhoff | Pascall & Watson | Pell Frischmann | Pellings LLP | Penoyre & Prasad | Peter Dann Ltd | Piercy & Co | Pitman Tozer | Planning Resolution | Platform 5 Architects | PLP Architecture | Populous | Powerday | Pozzoni | PPS Group | Purcell | Price & Myers | Qatari Diar UK Limited | Quod | RCKa | PCKO | Rafael Vinoly Architects PC | REHAU | Remarkable Group | Rick Mather Architects | RMA Architects | Robin Partington & Partners | Rolfe Judd | SCG London | Scott Brownrigg | SCOTT Lighting | Shepherd Epstein Hunter | Skanska Construction | Skidmore, Owings & Merrill | Snapdragon Consulting | Sonnemann Toon Architects | South Bank Employers Group | Spacehub | Spacelab | SPPARC | Stantec Anshen + Allen | Stephen Davy Peter Smith Architects | Stockwool | Spark Architects | Stride Treglown | totality | tp bennett | Turkington Martin | Twelve Architects | UK Green Building Council | University College of London (UCL) | Urban Design London | Vauxhall One | VIRTUS Contracts Ltd | Wagstaffs Design | Walters & Cohen Architects | Waterman Group | Wates Construction | WATG | Westminster Property Association | Whitbread | White Arkitekter | Wilkinson Eyre | Willmott Dixon | Wilmotte UK Ltd | Woods Bagot | Wragge Lawrence Graham | WT Partnership | WYG Group | Zehnder | ZZA NLA is a member supported organisation NOTES City of London On Location 19 BRINGING PEOPLE AND IDEAS TOGETHER TO SHAPE A BETTER CITY NLA The Building Centre 26 Store Street London WC1E 7BT 020 7636 4044 Twitter: @nlalondon