Annual Report 2014-15 - Northfield Arts Guild


Annual Report 2014-15 - Northfield Arts Guild
Northfield Arts Guild
Annual Report 2015
Photo by Tania Legvold
The mission of the Northfield Arts Guild is:
to inspire our community by developing, supporting, and providing quality inclusive artistic
The vision of the Northfield Arts Guild is:
an evolving community where the arts fuel vibrant growth.
The guiding values of the Northfield Arts Guild are:
Creativity: We believe in the creative process and that by nurturing, supporting and developing the creative energy of the community we enrich lives.
 Respect: We are dedicated to creating a culture that respects individual abilities and understands and supports the diversity of the artistic disciplines. We know that operating with openness and integrity strengthens connections and fosters trust.
 Collaboration: We embrace the skills, strengths and perspectives of our diverse community
and we will work together, across boundaries, to fulfill our mission. We aim to foster a participatory environment that empowers people to get involved and we believe that understanding
how we are connected makes our work stronger.
 Joy: We recognize and celebrate the arts. We welcome opportunities to openly celebrate individual and group achievement, and congratulate those contributing to Northfield’s artistic
 Quality: We are committed to having the highest possible caliber of staff, programs, performances and volunteers from our community and beyond and are dedicated to continuous
improvement in our work.
 Heritage: We are proud of our long history in the
Northfield community and those who contributed generously of time, talent and resources to lay our foundation.
We honor our traditions and draw on past experiences as
we evolve and innovate for the future.
Alyssa Herzog Melby.......................................Executive Director
Rachel Haider ........................................Performing Arts Manager
Heather Lawrenz .......................................... Visual Arts Manager
Kathy Bjerke ............................................................... Accountant
Walter Wojciechowski ...................... Designer/Technical Director
Thank you to former staff members who are on to new adventures:
Terra LaChance, Lilla Johnson, Sara Pillatzki-Warzeha, Emily
Haskell,2and Mary Werner.
A Letter from the President of the Board of Directors
Dear Northfield Arts Guild Members,
What difference a year can make!
Turn and face the strain. That’s what the Northfield Arts Guild did at the beginning of this past fiscal year. It
was tough, but necessary. Like everything in life, there are ups and downs in any organization. It takes gumption, fortitude, and honesty to deeply look at changes that need to be made—and then make them happen! As
the Guild, together we made it happen!
Last fall, the Board undertook an exhaustive search to find the next leader for the organization, one who could
take the organization on to new levels. What were members wanting to see in new leadership? Who did they
feel had the right skills to pull together the myriad of things the Guild does into a solid, thriving organization?
We involved the community in the process to ensure that their voices were heard. In the end, the Board was
excited to hire Alyssa Herzog Melby all the way from Pittsburgh (but MN native), and we are thrilled with the
changes we’ve seen so far (more on that later).
Simultaneously with the search for a new Executive Director, the Board undertook a massive fundraising
effort in the fall of 2014 to shore up the financial situation and begin the habit again of asking the community
for support. By the end of 2014, the Board raised over $40,000—more than was raised in the entire previous
fiscal year! Members and Donors were happy to be asked to support the Arts Guild and help steer it towards a
brighter future. This lesson is extremely important.
Arriving at the Guild in January, Alyssa demonstrated tremendous energy and leadership. It is infectious. She
revitalized our base of supporters, increasing membership by over 26% in the first half of 2015. The organization underwent a complete staffing restructure that brought on two highly-regarded and beloved local artists,
Rachel Haider and Heather Lawrenz, to lead the Performing Arts and Visual Arts programs, respectively.
Together, the Board, Staff and members revised the Guild’s mission, vision, and values and adopted a comprehensive three-year strategic plan that looks towards growth, awareness, and maximizing resources.
Accomplishments are not just on the administrative end! When you look at the phenomenal work that came
through the Galleries this year, the stellar performances seen onstage at the Theater and with CVRO (35th Anniversary year), the packed houses we had for the 411 Concert Series, a very successful inaugural Purple Door
Youth Theatre, the wonderful YPTW 25th Anniversary, the Family Fun Days and Art & Ale Fundraiser over
the summer that brought in new, fresh faces to the Guild—our other programs had a spectacular year, too. All
in all, a wonderful year!
As I end my time on the Board, I am heartened by the current state of the organization and know it is in great
As always, we are grateful for the continued support of the State Arts Board and WINGS, plus the additional
support from the Legacy Funds and the Southeastern Minnesota Arts Council. But without our new and loyal
Members, Donors, Sponsors, and Volunteers, we couldn’t remain a vital force in our community. You help the
Northfield Arts Guild keep the arts available to people of all ages and abilities in our community — WE
With Gratitude,
Board of Directors 2014-15
Ken Ewald, President
Ken is a 38-year resident of Northfield. He recently retired from United Technologies Aerospace Systems, an
aerospace company based in Burnsville. In the past he's served as Cub Scout Cubmaster, member of Rotary, and
as a Northfield Schools development committee community member (Bridgewater and new Middle School land
purchase). His family has a long history as participants and supporters of the Northfield Arts Guild. "I have always had a strong interest in music, performance arts and the visual arts. I play trombone but I must say Jill
opened my eyes to the richness the arts offer to anyone who looks," he says. "I see a very bright future for the next
50 years of the organization. I am excited to contribute my energy and time, particularly as our community focuses on the arts in these very challenging times. I believe that challenge is the great driver for creativity, artistically and in organizations. It's a great time to a be part of the Northfield Arts Guild."
Sian Muir, Vice President
Sian has been the Entrepreneur in Residence at St. Olaf College since 2004. She has her MBA from Massey University, New Zealand and a Diploma in Management and Certificate in Business Studies, from Otago Polytechnic, New Zealand. Sian brings her experience of arts management and marketing to the Guild.
Virginia Lorang, Treasurer
Virginia has lived in Northfield since 1998 with her husband Rich and their three children. She has worked at
Laura Baker Services Association as the Chief Financial Officer since 2003. Over the years, each member of her
family has participated in classes at the Arts Guild and discovered interests in clay, drawing, and painting. She
feels that the guild is a wonderful place for people to explore new interests. As a board member she would like to
work to expand membership and to keep the Arts Guild a healthy, vital place in the Northfield community.
Richard Collman, Secretary
Richard is a minister-musician, retired in Northfield, who has promoted the arts his whole life as a teacher, practicing organist/pianist, and arts administrator. He has served on the Northfield Mayor's Arts and Culture Commission,
founded the Northfield Noontime Organ Recitals in 2007, and most recently worked to organize the Cannon Valley Regional Orchestra and sponsorships. He feels that engaging business, people, and the arts is good for any city,
especially this one.
Susan Carlson
Susan is celebrating 20 seasons with the Northfield Arts Guild Theater, contributing as actor, stage manager, costumer, props and set design, and director for more than 40 productions. She is (once again) a member of the Theater Committee. Previously in Central Park she has directed The Comedy of Errors, A Midsummer Night’s Dream,
and Measure for Measure, as well as appearing in Twelfth Night and The Merry Wives of Windsor. Her most recent projects include directing Macbeth in June 2015 and costuming August: Osage County in February 2015. Her
day job is as Program Coordinator for the Center for Integrative Studies at the Center for Innovation in the Liberal
Arts (St. Olaf College).
Board of Directors 2014-15
Kate Flory
Kate is thrilled to live in a town that cares about the arts. Since arriving in Northfield in 2011, Kate and her family
have enjoyed the exhibitions, classes, and programs at the Arts Guild. She is a non-profit fundraising consultant
who has worked with a variety of clients, including arts organizations, children's museums, and social welfare
agencies. She looks forward to being a part of the Arts Guild board as it works to promote the arts and creativity
in Northfield.
Tim Madigan
Tim retired in 2014 after 35 years in the city management profession, most recently with the cities of Northfield
and Faribault. Also, I was a high school social studies/history teacher for four years before entering the city management field. Past board member/treasurer of the Paradise Center for the Arts in Faribault 2010-2013. Current
board member of the River Bend Nature Center in Faribault.
Wendy Placko
Wendy lives in Northfield with her husband, Kevin, and companion rabbit, Annabell, all of whom have a mutual
respect for good cilantro. She also finds time to take in films, play bassoon with the Cannon Valley Regional Orchestra, participate in community theatre at the Northfield Arts Guild and the Paradise Center for the Arts, try out
new vegan recipes and volunteer as a mentor to a St. Paul high school student.
Anna Lisa Rustad
Anna Lisa has been teaching Music Together at the Arts Guild for the past three years. She majored in Music and
Norwegian while at St. Olaf and went on to get her Masters in Teaching at St. Thomas University in St. Paul. Anna
Lisa also teaches piano. Having lived in Northfield for the past seven years, she has been drawn to the Arts Guild
for classes for her three children and values the authenticity and integrity of the organization. She looks forward to
volunteering for an art organization which keeps its focus on building a strong foundation for all of its participants
of all ages and helps keep Northfield a vital community.
Peggy Sheldon
Peggy founded US Academic Triathlon and has maintained this Middle School creativity competition for about
30 years. She has a background in Mass Communications. She enjoyed teaching in Minnetonka before she moved
here 3 years ago. She and her husband, Dale, have three grown children.
Thank you to all of our fabulous class instructors!
Beth Breilad, Dale Brown, Rafael Estrella, Laura Goodwin, Ann Gregory-Bjorklund Bob Gregory-Bjorklund, Nick
Hager, Rachel Haider, Amy Haslett Marroquin, Melissa Henning, Joe Jorgenson, Christine Kallman, Riki Kölbl Nelson,
Tim Komatsu, Rayna McKinley, T. McKinley, Sasha Middeldorp, Erica Ness, Allison Oberto, Kathleen Pender, Sara
Pillatzki-Warzeha, Anna Lisa Rustad, Christina Schweitz, Shari Setchell, Kelly Lynn Stanton-Nutt, Kate Stuart,5Elly
Annual Members Meeting
1. Call Meeting to Order and Welcome! - KEN & SIAN
2. Approval of 2014 Annual Member Meeting and 2015 Special Member Meeting Minutes KEN
3. Introduce Board and Staff - ALYSSA
4. Celebration of 2015 Accomplishments—KEN & NAG Staff
a. Staffing restructure and hires
b. Increased Membership
c. Financial Stability
d. Program Successes
5. Looking ahead—2016 and beyond—SIAN
a. New Mission, Vision, Values
b. Strategic Plan—Long range and immediate goals
6. Volunteers of the Year Awards - NAG Staff
7. Thank you for Coming! Join us for the Members’ Show Reception and Season Kick-off in
the Gallery!
Boy looking at Tim
Lloyd’s vases during
“Prairie Winds” Gallery
reception, April 2015.
Preliminary and Unaudited
August 31, 2015
August 31, 2014
Other Current Assets
Grants Receivable
Total Current Assets
Land, Buildings & Equipment (Net)
Grants Receivable 2017-19
Total Liabilities
Temporarily Restricted
Permanently Restricted
Total Net Assets
Total Liabilities & Net Assets
Cash in Checking & Savings
Cash held by MN Philanthropy Partners
Noncurrent Assets
Designated: Bequests
Fixed Assets
Temporarily Restricted Revenues
Contributions restricted for future projects
Grants Restricted for future
MSAB Grants for 2016-2019
Net Assets Released from restrictions
September 1, 2014 August 31, 2015
September 1, 2013 August 31, 2014
% Change from
2014 to 2015
Other Grants
Class Fees
Building Use
Shop & Gallery Sales
Event Revenue
$377, 616
Government Grants
McKnight Grant
Endowment Revenue
September 1, 2014 August 31, 2015
September 1, 2013 - % Change from
August 31, 2014
2014 to 2015
Building & Equipment
Shop & Gallery Commissions/Purchases
Expenses by Program Area
Visual Arts
Organization Wide
Served over 30,000 people over the course of the year.
Hired three new full time staff members: Alyssa Herzog Melby, Executive Director; Rachel Haider,
Performing Arts Manager; and Heather Lawrenz, Visual Arts Manager.
Membership increased by 25% since January 2015.
Contributions from individuals increased by 71% this year.
Ended the year with nothing owed on our line of credit!
Facebook “likes” have increased from 427 on September 1, 2014 to 698 on August 31, 2015
(38% increase!)
Spent six months creating a comprehensive three-year strategic plan for FY2016-2018.
Held first annual “Art & Ale” Fundraiser that raised over $4,000 for the Guild!
Every single theater production in 2014-15 made its ticket sales
goal. Congratulations!
Oliver! sold out for all nine performances!
Had over 25 volunteers on two separate work days re-paint the
exterior and interior of the Theater and organize the scene shop. It
sparkles now thanks to our great volunteers!
Added several new lighting instruments and equipment to our inventory.
Re-graded the exterior of the theater.
Implemented online ticketing.
Visual Arts
We expanded our satellite galleries to include Tandem Bagels
and the new F-Town Brewery in Faribault.
Over the summer of 2015, the gift shop was transitioned back
into a shop that only sells art work of members. We’re here to
serve you!
Our artist receptions have grown this past year, averaging
more than 150 people at each reception.
Had artists from as far away as New Mexico (Mark Horst,
Northfield Native) to right here in our local community, including a retrospective of Stephanie Henriksen’s body of
work and an exhibition featuring the work of 10 local art
Cannon Valley Regional Orchestra celebrated its 35th Anniversary!
Congratulations CVRO and its leader, Paul Niemisto!
 Cannon Valley Regional Orchestra began a new collaboration with the
Cannon Arts Board in Cannon Falls.
 Over 190 musicians were involved with CVRO this year!
 411 Concert Series brought Ruth Moody, Gary Louris, and Tom
Brosseau to Northfield.
 The Arts Guild hosted the grand finale concert of NAG member Martha
Larson’s project, the Gypsy Jazz Jam series, to a sold out house! The concert featured internationallyrenowned guitarist Stephane Wrembel.
Young People’s Theater Workshop celebrated 25
years and honored its co-founders, Myrna Johnson
and Patsy Dew!
Inaugural year of Purple Door Youth Theater was a
smashing success, with a full roster of 40 students and 3 sold
out performances!
The A+ Art Club branched into theater with a widely successful fundraiser, BUZZ. The fundraiser raised almost
$2,000 for the A+ Scholarship fund.
Conducted 41 unique classes over the course of the year
Served over 271 youth (unique) through our education
classes, with 46% taking two or more classes at the NAG!
Our Work, Our Impact
This was my son’s third summer attending
the Lifeworks program at the Arts Guild, and
I’ve had the pleasure of coming along to volunteer with the group each summer as
well...You provide such a wonderful variety
of opportunities; etching/print making, clay
work, movement/dance, painting, and in the
past, photography, sculpture, zendoodle, and
other exploration. All the projects are presented in an enthusiastic way, at an adult
level, and in a way that is easy for our group
to follow and work with. Your guest instructors also do a great job of adapting to the
needs of the group. Our folks are interested and very much engaged in the work on the activities, and with the
arts projects they come away with some wonderful pieces of work. We are so grateful to the Arts Guild for
providing these wonderfully enriching classes.~ Mom of Lifeworks Hastings participant. Lifeworks participants spent 6-weeks working with Laura Goodwin and A+ Art Club volunteers on art-making experiences.
Our family is just one of many families who
has been involved in the Arts Guild, and who
have watched each other grow and develop as
artists and young adults. So many of us have
been glad that the Northfield Arts Guild was
here to make the arts accessible! ~ Lori Oberto,
Parent of YPTW alum, Member, and Donor
My daughter loved being a part of PDYT, eagerly looking
forward to daily rehearsals. The cast developed strong
bonds to each other and to the director and other adults in
the production staff. I was so impressed by how splendidly all the ages got along and how much fun they all
had. Everyone learned from each other and came away
better actors, set designers, costumers, and techies. The
proof of this class was ultimately in the production--the
troupe's excellent efforts came together for three memorable sold-out performances. No one wanted to leave the
cast party at the end. I am so glad that my daughter had
the chance to be part of this full theater experience. Thank you NAG. ~Parent of Purple Door Youth
Theater participant
of favorite Arts Guild memories made me fall in love with the Guild all over again! ~Wendy Smith
when she was featured for #membermonday on Facebook
Volunteers of the Year
Tori Lauseng— Theater
Tori is 17 years old and has completely fallen in love with Theater since her first show two
and a half years ago. She enjoys all aspects of theater, but she especially loves building
sets and stage managing. Some of her favorite roles were stage managing Rock-n-Roll Revival XI at Northfield High School, master painting Oliver! at the NAG, and assistant stage
managing for Tippecanoe and Tyler Too with Underdog Productions. When she is not doing theater she can be found painting or walking her pet Bunny.
Jennifer Sawyer—Governance and Administration
Jennifer Rajala Sawyer is a Principal of Rebound Enterprises. Rebound is an investment
and management service company in hotel, restaurant, manufacturing, banking, and real
estate industries. Sawyer’s primary role for Rebound Enterprises is Leadership Development, Strategic Planning, and Board Governance. She works in both the for-profit and
nonprofit sectors. She currently serves as Board Director and Governance Chair of First
National Bank of Northfield, Board Director of Heywood Bancshares Holding Company,
and Chairman of the Board for both Rebound Hospitality and Bluewater Commercial Real
Estate. Sawyer is passionate about volunteerism and community development. Nonprofit
boards include: Southern Minnesota Initiative Foundation, St. Olaf College Alumni Board,
Junior League of Minneapolis, Northfield YMCA, Northfield Arts Guild, Northfield
Shares, WINGS and Bethel Lutheran Church. Sawyer graduated from St. Olaf College
with degrees in speech-theater and psychology. She resides with her three sons in Northfield, Minnesota.
Clark Ohnesorge—Cannon Valley Regional Orchestra
Clark is a Minneapolis native who started in the Suzuki Violin program when he was 6
years old, studying with Northfield native Mark Bjork. He graduated from St Olaf college
in 1982 and, after a few years of working and traveling, attended UW Madison where he
received a MS and PhD in Learning, Memory and Cognition from the Psychology department. After moving to Northfield to take a teaching position he joined the Cannon Valley
Regional Orchestra as a violinist; after a year or two he joined the CVRO Council and currently serves as its president. Clark is also a member of the board of Just Food Co-op and
the proud father of two excellent kids who enjoyed a number of Northfield Arts Guild programs over the years.
Circles of Giving
Sep. 1, 2014 — Aug. 31, 2015
The Northfield Arts Guild gratefully
acknowledges the following
government agencies, private
foundations, businesses, and
MN State Arts Board
Legacy Funds
Southeastern MN Arts Council
Ken and Jill Ewald
Sue Shepard & Don Helgeson
MN Community Sostek & Street Funds
$1,000 to $4,999
Anonymous Donor (3)
Bob & Lin Bruce
Bill & Charlotte Carlson
Katherine & Richard Collman
Steven Lawler & Joy Riggs
Anne & Ed Lundstrom
Steve Meyer & Kari Nelson
Lori & Norman Oberto
John & Patsy Ophaug
$500 to $999
Nancy Cantwell
Douglas & Ruth Crane
Jim Enestvedt
Sue & Tim Lloyd
Rich & Virginia Lorang
Jennifer Sawyer
Jan Shoger
Bardwell & Charlotte Smith
Lois & Noel Stratmoen
$200 to $499
Beth & Dennis Berry
Bill & Mary Bleckwehl
Bill & Laurie Cowles
Susan Crow & Bill Metz
Mary Dunnewold & Jeff Ondich
Jerry Fox & Kevin Ely
Bob & Sigrid Johnson
Joan Kark &Don Niehaus
Brenda & Rolf Kragseth
Donna & Paul Lawler
David & Ruth Legvold
Janet Petri & Paul Zorn
Mary Ann Polley
Brett Reese
Anne &14
Paul Ruppel
Erika, Dan, & Lois Tallman Godfrey
Clark & Eve Webster
Anne and Robert Aby
Barb & Denny Altstaetter
Jane & Steven Amundson
Lawrence Archbold
Wendell Arneson & Beth Christensen
Lois Bakko
John Barbour & Meg Ojala
John & Joyce Baumann
Dave & Debby Becker
Carl & Joan Behr
Steve Bloom
Becky Boling & Doug Green
Bernard & Linda Borene
Rev Eugene & Marilyn Boschee
Arly Boyum
Marilyn & Wayne Briesacher
Grace & Jon Buck
Vicki Burgess
Susan & Todd Carlson
Janna & Paul Carlson-Donohoe
Alice & Mark Carson
Clark and Lois Cary
Patty & Steve Ciernia
Cliff and Grace Clark
Beth Closner
Thomas Clough & Beth McKinsey
Beth Ann & Kevin Dahle
Sam Demas & Laurel Bradley
Dave & Sharon Detert
Patsy Dew & Tom Pender
Carolyn Dilley
Helen Dillon
Rev Daniel & Cahrene Dimick
Judy Dirks
Larry Dooley
Jacqui Dorsey & Rich Michels
David & Joan Drenth
Barb & Mel Eliason
Duane & Marlene Engstrom
Robert & Sarah Entenmann
Ann & Brendon Etter
Adrienne Falcon & David Geist
Russell & G. Farnsworth
Beverly & James Finholt
Michael Fitzgerald & Judy Kutulas
Bonnie Flom & Gregory Norman
Kate & Andrew Flory
John & Tracy Fossum
Joyce Francis & Dean Christensen
Laura Geissler
Frank & Marie Gery
Paula & Vince Granquist
Bob & Linda Gregerson
Marv Grundhoefer
Jeff & Kirsten Gunn
Eleanor Haase & Paul Sebby
Mary & Steve Hahn
David & Joan Halvorson
Mari Handberg
Alvin Handelman
Jerry & Liz Hankins
Marilyn & Tim Hanson
Vicki Harper
Jeanette Hartley & Fred Rogers
Deanna Haunsperger & Stephen Kennedy
Pierre Hecker & Juliane Shibata
Karen Helland
Alvin & Mary Ho
Andrea & Bryan Hoff
Carolyn & Timothy Hogan
Bill & Jane Horton
Marlys Hudson
Marion Hvistendahl
Andrea & Gary Iseminger
Rika Ito & Mike Flicker
Charles & Marilyn Jacobson
Carol & Ron James
Myrna Johnson
Keith & Natalee Johnson
Lilla Johnson & Dan Olsen
Georgene Johnson
Barbara & Lowell Johnson
Bob & Sigrid Johnson
Pat Johnson
Joann & Paul Jorgensen
Gorden & Yvonne Jorgenson
Joni & Matthew Karl
Virginia & R.P. Kearney
Sheila Kienzle
George & Ginny Kinney
Anne & Paul Klinefelter
Ann & Bob Knutson
Riki Kolbl Nelson
Ruth Krusen
Donna Kuhnau
James & Terra LaChance
Annalee Larson
Marie Larson
Dot Lauer
Ruth Lee & Gretchen Robertson
Elizabeth & Joel Leer
Glynnis Lessing & Juan Fried
Bill & Lullo Lindstrom
Greg Loek & Kathy Rice
Judd & Susan Lohmann
Mary Cay Longley
Barbara Lundergan
Bruce & Diane Lyman
Timothy & Wendie Madigan
Carol & George Marshall
Allan & Paula Mathison
Glen & Joy McAfee
Don & Ruth Mc Carty
Jim & Melinda McKeel
Jane McWilliams
Garhard & Karen Meidt
Lynn & Randy Miland
Jean Miller
Jean Miller
Audrey & Bruce Moe
Amy & Randall Moore
Rob Morrow
Gary & Sian Muir
Marianne Neitzel
Bill & Connie Nelson
Karl Nelson & Kristin Partlo
Allan & Imogene Nelson
Pamela Nerhus
Harry Nordstrom
Katherine Norrie
William North & Victoria Morse
Cathy Oehmke
Steve Omalley
Leona & Steve Openshaw
Dean & Dorothy Ostlie
John Owens
Dorothy Palmquist
Pete & Susan Pedersen
Martha Pederson
Kathleen Pender
Deaun & Paul Peterson
Andrew Peterson
Kathy & Silas Peterson
Joann Polley & Mark Ulmer
Berta Porterfield
Eva Posfay & Pepe Kryzda
Mark & Susan Quinnell
Lori & Paul Ramig
Bryan Reed
Jami & Randolfs Reister
Janice & Bruce Roberts
Cindy & Marc Robinson
Troy Ros
Judy & Kerry Running
Steven & Susan Sanderson
Mary Savina
Rob Schanilec & Felicia Crosby
Emily & Peter J. Schmitz
Christina & David Schwietz
Heather Scott
Shari Setchell & Michael Kirby
Mark & Jennifer Severson
Dale & Peggy Sheldon
Carolyn & Eric Fure-Slocum
Karen & Mark Smetana
Lauren & Nancy Soth
Carolyn & George Soule
Kate Southwick
Edward and Anne Sovik
Philip Spensley & Clare Mather
Bernie Street
Jeffrey & Leanne Stremcha
Michael Swift & Anne Walter
Candy & Cliff Taylor
The Cast of Oliver!
Bruce & Alice Thomas
Teresa Tillson
Rebecca & Larry Tolle
Jill Trescott
Solveig Velde
Margaret Velde
Ginny Vermillion
Linda & Gary Wagenbach
Janet Watchman & Joel Weisberg
Mona Weselmann
Blanche & Carl White
Bradley & Veronica Wille
Jerry Williams
Karen & Howard Wilson
Virgil & Ordell Witte
Bill & Molly Woehrlin
Barbara Zaveruha & Glen Castore
In Memory of Dick Cantwell
John & Joyce Baumann
Nancy Cantwell
Myrna Johnson
Virginia & R.P. Kearney
Ann & Bob Knutson
Annalee Larson
Jane McWilliams
Marianne Neitzel
Pete & Susan Pedersen
Paul Peterson
Janet Petri & Paul Zorn
Janice & Bruce Roberts
Mary Savina
Lois & Noel Stratmoen
Ginny Vermillion
Linda & Gary Wagenbach
In Memory of Ross Shoger
David & Joan Halvorson
Bob & Sigrid Johnson
David & Ruth Legvold
In Kind
Mary Ellen Frame
Jerry & Liz Hankins
Jerri Hurlbutt & Lisa Ebert
James & Terra LaChance
Jean Odegaard
Juliette Reiland
Michael & Patricia Remes
Marjorie Tarr
Jerry Williams
Guild Plus ($150)
Diana & Mark Abbott
Arcadia Charter School
Wendell Arneson & Beth Christensen
John Barbour & Meg Ojala
Sarah Bardenwerper & Ken Cherney
Gene & Susan Bauer
Carl & Joan Behr
Dominique Bereiter
Kathy Bjerke & Jim Haas
Debra Bjornard
Catherine Bjorum
Jane Blockhus & Henry Emmons
Fritz Bogott & Rachel Matney
Sara & Tom Brice
Dick Brown & Susan Dunhaupt
Bob & Lin Bruce
Nancy Cantwell
Mary Carlsen & Peter Dahlen
Bill & Charlotte Carlson
Susan & Todd Carlson
Robert & Suzannah Ciernia
Heidi & Merrill Cole
Katherine & Richard Collman
Ray & Sherry Coudret
Bill & Laurie Cowles
Susan Crow & Bill Metz
Sam Demas & Laurel Bradley
David & Mary Emery
Jill & Ken Ewald
Michael Fitzgerald & Judy Kutulas
Jerry Fox & Kevin Ely
Cynthia & Bob Gilbertson
Kristine & Richard Goodwin
Paula & Vince Granquist
Beret Griffith & Paul Noah
Jeff & Kirsten Gunn
Mary & Steve Hahn
Jerry & Liz Hankins
Nancy & Darin Hegland
Karen Helland
Alyssa Herzog Melby & Jake Melby
Andrea & Bryan Hoff
Myrna Johnson
Joni & Matthew Karl
Bonnie Keeler & Daniel Hernandez
David & Jennifer Koenig
Brenda & Rolf Kragseth
Barbara & Paul Krause
Ruth Krusen
Mark Labenski & Jane Runzheimer
Bunny Lantz
Rich & Annie Larson
Steven Lawler & Joy Riggs
Elizabeth & Joel Leer
David & Ruth Legvold
Michael Legvold & Tania Larson Legvold
Greg & Janet Lewis Muth
Catherine McBride
Amy & Saul McBroom
Steve Meyer & Kari Nelson
Minnesota Center for Book Arts
Alfred Montero & Mar Valdecantos
Jane & Tom Morrison
Julie Neiworth & Jerry Bilek 15
Lori & Norman Oberto
Elizabeth Olson
Janet Petri & Paul Zorn
Brett Reese
Colleen Riley & Donovan Palmquist
Brynhild Rowberg
Anna Lisa & Dan Rustad
Jennifer Sawyer
Karen Saxe & Peter Webb
Elaine Schaffner
ReJean & Richard Schulte
Christina & David Schwietz
Sue Shepard & Don Helgeson
Jan Shoger
Marci Sortor & Daniel Ferro
Margaret Spear
Erika, Dan, & Lois Tallman Godfrey
Ann & Frank Wright
Household ($95)
Amy & Kevin Allin
Barb & Denny Altstaetter
Stephanie Aman
Chris & Lisa Ash
Peter Balaam & Suzie Nakasian
John Battiste & Susannah Ottaway
Theresa Bentz
Daniel Bergeson & Tripp Ryder
Becky Boling & Doug Green
Karl Bouvin & Carolyn Joyce
Doug Bratland & Amy Boxrud
Tim Braulick & Leslie Schultz
Beth Breiland
Marilyn & Wayne Briesacher
Chris Brunelle & Serena Zabin
Najwa Bukhari
Birch Carlson
Janna & Paul Carlson-Donohoe
Doug & Kathleen Casson
Heidi & Benjamin Chadwick
William & Nancy Child
Thomas Clough & Beth McKinsey
Eric Cole & Kate Stuart
Marybeth Coyle & Alan Saunders
Douglas & Ruth Crane
Barbara & Richard Crouter
Mark Daehlin & Suzanne White
Josh Davis & Sarah Titus
Bart & Susan de Malignon
Sarah Deel & Sean Fox
Jacqui Dorsey & Rich Michels
David & Joan Drenth
Matt Drenth & Amy Elliott
Mary Dunnewold & Jeff Ondich
Melissa & Roberto Eblen-Zayas
Amy & Steve Edwards
Rachel Egeberg & Adam Hoffman
Barb & Gary Eliason
Alan & Marla Erickson
Rafael & Rachel Estrella
Ann & Brendon Etter
Adrienne Falcon & David Geist
Nora & Doug Felton
Bonnie Jean Flom & Gregory Norman
Kate & Andrew Flory
Doug Foxgrover
Kathleen Galotti
Tim Gamble & Karolyn Bertelsen
Laura & Charles Geissler
Jackie & Mac Gimse
Mark Gleason & Kristi Wermager
Laura Goering & Greg Smith
Amy & Richard Goerwitz
Elizabeth Goodell & Janet Scannell
John & Barbara Greenfield
Eleanor Haase & Paul Sebby
Melissa & Paul Hager
Bob & Rachel Haider
David & Joan Halvorson
Robert Hanson & Debbie Hadas
Emily Haskell & CJ Boswell
Jean & William Haslett
Deanna Haunsperger & Stephen Kennedy
Corrine & Elvin Heiberg
Stephanie Henriksen & David Kamis
Penelope Hillemann & David Keyes
Sonja Hillestad
Tom Holt & Mary Loven
Bill & Jane Horton
Curtis Huber
Denise Intihar Lum & Donald Lum
Carol & Ron James
Barbara Jenkins
Carolyn & Kenneth Jennings
Kirsten & Jay Johnson
Tracy Jonkman Watters
Chris & Daniel Kallman
Joan Kark & Don Niehaus
James & Michelle Kelly
Gwenn & Robin Kirby
Stacey Klempnauer & Kevin Keane
Kathy Kramer & Jim Pierret
Kevin Krein & Wendy Placko
Perry & Ruth Kruse
Charles & Dianne Kyte
Terra & James LaChance
Amy & Gary Larsen
David Lefkowitz & Elizabeth Lathrop
Glynnis Lessing & Juan Fried
Christine Lienke
Erik & Sally Lindell
Sue & Tim Lloyd
Greg Loek & Kathy Rice
Rich & Virginia Lorang
Chris Ludewig & Tammy McDonough
Ann & Edward Lufkin
Timothy & Wendie Madigan
Michelle Martin & George Shuffelton
Allan & Paula Mathison
Jane & Jim McDonnell
Joan McGorry
Charlotte Melin & Matthew Rohn
Callista & William Meyer
Myrna & Owen Mibus
Abraham & Lori Middeldorp
Kathy Miller & David Griffith
Michelle & Jay Moad
Emily & Art Monaghan
Sian & Gary Muir
Janine Nelson
Marilyn & Tom Nelson
Brad & Kathy Ness
Elinor & Paul Niemisto
Raymonde & Richard Noer
Katherine Norrie
William North & Victoria Morse
Ann & John Occhiato
Deb Olien
Amy Olson & Thomas Sola
Curtis & Lisa Olson
John & Patsy Ophaug
Brad & Nancy Ordahl Kmoch
Arnold Ostebee & Kay Smith
Dean & Dorothy Ostlie
Steven Pak & Katherine Tegtmeyer Pak
Bonnie & David Pape
Lisa & Benjamin Percy
Bob & Sue Peterson
Kathy & Silas Peterson
Paul Peterson
Tim & Lori Peterson
Jessica Peterson White & Nathan White
Alexandra Pitsavas & Luis Wakely
Dimitri & Sofia Pitsavas
Jo Ann Polley & Mark Ulmer
Charisse & Noel Ponder
Eva Posfay & Pepe Kryzda
Melody & Perry Pringle
Joanna Rawson & Stephen Mohring
Bryan & Marty Reed
Juliette & Paul Reiland
Jami & Randolph Reister
Lucky & Connie Rimpila
Dennis & Jane Rinehart
Pamela Rivera
Cindy & Marc Robinson
Katie & Tom Rohs
Janine & Glen Rosenhamer
Jim Rossow & Betsy Spethmann
Ellen & Tom Roster
Aaron & Jen Rothmeyer
Rebecca & C. Dale Rustad
Mary Savina
Rob Schanilec & Felicia Crosby
Lori & Steven Schmidt
Heather Scott
Shari Setchell & Michael Kirby
Jennifer & Samuel Severtsgaard
Charles & Lorraine Sewich
Dale & Peggy Sheldon
Susan Shirk
Jennifer Simpson Dahl
Bardwell & Charlotte Smith
Wendy Smith & Dave Drentlaw
Kate & Roger Southwick
Nancy & Michael Sparby
Philip Spensley & Clare Mather
Lois & Noel Stratmoen
Curtis & Karen Swenson
Katherine & Steven Tegtmeyer Pak
Linda & Troy Temple
Bruce & Alice Thomas
Valerie Thomas
Jill Trescott
Christa & Joe Udelhofen
Tim & Jean Vick
Al & Shari Wadleigh
Tom Willis & Judy Saye-Willis
Karen & Howard Wilson
Bill & Molly Woehrlin
Mark & Sari Zach
David & Jennifer Wolff
Gerald Young & Ann Wieber Young
Dick Zawacki & Terri Lindgren Zawacki
Individual ($60)
Geeg Aaker
Siro Amerson
Kathy Anderson
Lisa Anderson
Diane Angell & Richard Swearer
Maribeth & Paul Beck
Joel & Melissa Beithon
Andrew Berglund
Bill & Mary Bleckwehl
Teri Bloch
Diane Boyum
Judy Broske
Carla Brown
Judith Brown
Bud Bullivant
Lois & Clark Cary
Elizabeth Childs
Nancy Cho
Jerry Chrisman
Christie Clarke
Beth Closner
Cathy Collison
Tom Cornish
Keith & Judy Covey
Penny Cupp
Patsy Dew & Tom Pender
Carolyn Dilley
Helen Dillon
Carol Donelan
Mona Eastman
Rosalyn & Nicholas Eaton-Neeb
Jennifer & Steven Edwins
Christine Ellison
Carol Emery
Jill Enestvedt
Linda Ferber
Peggy & Kevin Fink
Desiree Fintel & Curtis Ingvoldstadt
Mary Ellen Frame
Joyce Francis & Dean Christensen
Joanna Franklin
Beret & Joel Froehle
Ruth Froiland Hansen
Joy Ganyo
Marie Gery
Gretchen & Jim Gillis
James T Glover
Laura Goodwin
Michelle Gransee
Bob & Linda Gregerson
Anne Groton
Fred Gustafson
Nancy Halling
Sue Hammes-Knopf
Marilyn & Tim Hanson
Peggy Hanson
Karna Hauck
Marilyn Haugen
Susan Hayes
Pierre Hecker & Juliane Shibata
Carl & Mary Caroline Henry
Sharon Henry
LuAnn & Louise Heyer
Kristine Hites
Torild & Keith Homstad
Marion Hvistendahl
Susan Hvistendahl
Todd Jacobs
Rose Marie & Randy James
Georgene Johnson
Joannie Johnson
Lilla Johnson & Dan Olsen
Margit & Eric Johnson
Becky Jokela
Julia Jordan
Beth & Stephen Kallestad
Teresa Kauffmann
Marsha Kitchel
Nadine Kivens
Jo Ann & Richard Kleber
Riki Kolbl Nelson
Kari Kruempel
Kristi Kuder
Martha Larson
Krisi Lillie
Kathy Mack
Kathryn Margolis
Carol Marshall
Anne Mayer
Dennis McClintock
Layl McDill
Janet McGrath
Jane McWilliams
Kathleen Mellstrom
Janet Mitchell
Paula Moon
Michael Morris
Sharol Nau
Arnold & Jeanette Nelson
Karl Nelson & Kristin Partlo
Erica Ness
Kip O'Krongly
Catherine Olson
Kristine Palm Mortensen
Dorothy Palmquist
Sue Pariseau
Pam Percy & Roger Jackson
Bobbie Peterson
Candace Peterson
Bob & Thora Phelps
Sara Pillatzki-Warzeha & Brian Warzeha
Berta & Mike Porterfield
Nancy Rechtzigel
Jule Rentz
Carol Richards
Liz & Neil Rowley
Robert & Cora Scholz
David & Mary Alice Sipfle
Amy Smith
Avis & Fred Somers
Anne Sovik
Anna Stein
Shannon Stordahl
Marjorie Tarr
Rebecca & Larry Tolle
Risa Tritabaugh
Rhoda Van Tassel
Mary Warner & Dennis Wilcox
DeWayne & Theo Wee
Michon & David Weeks
Teresa Wheeler
Blanche & Carl White
Cathy Yandell & Mark McNeil
Barbara Zaveruha & Glen Castore
Student ($25)
Payton Carlson
We want to make sure we
recognize our generous supporters
as best we can! Please contact the
Northfield Arts Guild
Office if you notice any
inaccuracies. Thank you (and our
sincerest apologies) to any one we
may have missed!
Arcadia Charter School
Archer House River Inn
By All Means Graphics
Carleton College
Community Resource Bank
Countryside Animal Hospital
Culligan Water
Firehouse Liquors
First National Bank
Frandsen Bank & Trust
Labor Arbitration Institute
Leota Goodney CPA, PA
Luis Enrique Salon
MN Hardwood Floor Renewal
Neuger Communications Group
The Grand
The Ole Store
The Tavern
The Sketchy Artist
Steve Schmidt Construction
Streitz Heating & Cooling
St. Olaf College
Wells Fargo
Northfield Arts Guild Activities are made possible
in part by a grant provided by the Minnesota State
Arts Board through an appropriation by the MN
State Legislature & from the Minnesota arts and
cultural heritage fund with money from the vote of
the people of Minnesota on November 4, 2008.
Many thanks to our local legislators, Senator Kevin
Dahle and Representative David Bly, for their
continued support of the Legacy Amendment!
Support businesses
that support the
Thrivent Choice® makes a meaningful impact
Choice Dollars® directions can help support the Northfield Arts Guild! Think of the impact you—along with
other eligible Thrivent members—can help make by directing Choice Dollars® to the Northfield Arts Guild.
The grant funding we receive from Thrivent Financial through this program can help us inspire our community by ensure everyone has access to and can participate in quality artistic opportunities!
Directing Choice Dollars is easy. Simply go to to learn more and find program
terms and conditions. Or call 800-847-4836 and say “Thrivent Choice” after the prompt. Together, we can
do even more to help strengthen communities and change lives.
In 2015, the Arts Guild joined the Thrivent Choice® network.
Thank you to Steve Openshaw for being the first to direct your Choice Dollars to the Arts Guild!
Minutes of Northfield Arts Guild Annual Members Meeting
October 25, 2014
Call to order at 5:37 p. m. at the Guild Theater by Board Chairman Ken Ewald.
Minutes of the November 2013 meeting were approved.
Summary of last year August 2013 to August 2014 (fiscal year) was provided by board members Sian M.,
Anna Lisa R., Ken E., and Richard Collman.
This overview included successes:
350 plus cast and crew members in the theater; 98 plus events and performances;
1250 plus artists' works presented; 300 plus professional artists and 1250 plus youth artists;
Grant Capstone Agent to One Local Artists and partnerships with MN Center for Book Arts,
Weavers Guild, and Minneapolis Institute for the Arts;
NEA invitation with matching funds;
256 CVRO (Cannon Valley Regional Orchestra) musicians and volunteers;
Highly successful 411 music series featuring major acoustic artists;
160 plus classes offered to 600 plus students; Cannon River Roots Festival the end of July.
More than 34,000 people served in this last year.
The Challenges this past year have included retaining and expanding our donor base, financial solvency while
still carrying a deficit; needing more board members, and now recruiting of a new executive director with a
timeline to do by Jan. 1, 2015.
Recognitions: Ann Mosey, retiring Executive Director (slide show and gift) after nearly six years for her grant
work, organization, and community outreach; Terra K. LaChance, Office Manager; Kathy Bjerke, Accountant;
Emily Haskell, Shop Manager; Lilla Johnson, Gallery Program Coordinator; Mary Warner, Education Program
Coordinator; Sara Pillatzki-Warzeha, Theater Coordinator; Rafael Estrella, retiring Secretary of the Board
Organization Structure Change: Sian Muir said that the Board, though now smaller, has restructured itself into
three committees that include community persons in task forces: financial analysis, fund-raising, and board
culture. Please join a committee of the Board itself.
2014/2015 projected budget - Ken E and Richard C. projected the budget with projected income of $376,720
and projected expenses of $384,702. Approximately 25% of the budget comes from contributions; we are carrying a $50,000 deficit which we hope to eliminate by the end of December; Ken challenged members to double their giving. Richard said that the Guild has not recently asked enough for money, nor have people given
enough in recent years. (projected budget not in report)
Sian Muir reported on the time line for a new Executive Director. The search has begun and the Board hopes
to hire someone by January 1 of 2015.
Volunteer of the year awards and gifts: Tania Legvold for the costume project (moving them and marketing
them for sale; Ray Coudret and Dan Rustad for the 411 music series; Jan Shoger for the print studio and A+ art
Adjournment at 6:08 p. m.; Introduction of Theater Season party host by Ken for season preview.
Minutes submitted by Richard Collman, Secretary of the Board of Directors.
Minutes of Northfield Arts Guild Special Members Meeting
April 20, 2015
President Ken Ewald called the meeting to order at 7:06 p. m. in the Gallery of the Guild.
He welcomed all there (approximately 30 persons) and introduced the present board members.
A scene from Oliver! was presented by Mr. Bumble, the undertakers, Oliver, accompanied by the pianist. It was
well received by all. The production will continue to run from Thursday, April 23-Saturday, May 2.
Executive Director Alyssa Herzog Melby presented three areas:
New Leader - she is happy to be here. She is mother, cook, gardener, camper, former performer, and arts administrator.
New Layout – 1) staff restructure: with resignations since January, the Guild may go to three full-time positions:
ED, performing arts manager, and visual arts manager. 2) The Guild is beginning to think globally with support
across all the divisions. 3) The difference between members, donors, and sponsors was highlighted. The website
will soon offer a matrix of benefits for each membership level as well as for artists (such as exhibition opportunities in satellite galleries Member gallery, Up Gallery, Allina Clinic, and Archer House.
New Level – 1) strategic planning on the part of the Board in Feb. and April, little things that matter (like a toilet
paper holder in the upstairs bathroom!), 2) "Yes, and..." attitude that propels us forward. 3) Volunteer opportunities were laid out on a purple sheet for committees, programs, and general support.
Finance Update by Virginia Lorang
She presented the simplified "scoreboard" which showed membership revenue about even with last year, donations more than doubled over last year ($50K cf. to 23K), profit of $37,500 this over over $5,000 last year, line
of credit balance paid off with available credit of $60,000, and capital expenses way down compared to last year
($686 this year cf. to $7,000 last year).
President Ewald introduced Candidates for the Board of Directors and asked them to speak briefly on their own
behalf. Susan Carlson, active in theatre; Tim Madigan active on arts boards but now retired as city administrator; Wendy Placko in CVROrchestra and computers; Peggy Sheldon in educational creativity. Bob Bruce
moved to accept them, seconded, carried.
Voting on by-law changes: Kate Flory on behalf of Board Development presented these changes to provide for
more flexibility on the part of the Board and transparency. (approved by-laws at the end of this document).
Article III. Member Meetings D eliminated - perhaps change to simply members present for a quorum.
Article IV Directors with changes from election of Directors at only the annual meeting and three year terms
for better clarity and simplicity. Perhaps add what number of Board members need to be present for a
Article VI Standing Committees delete ("Just my 2 cents"), part A. name only Executive and Finance committees to provide for more flexibility in the future, and delete c. d. and e. Section D. clarified that all members of standing committees shall be members of the NAG but not necessarily program committees. After
discussion, Rolf Krogseth moved to adopt, Steve Lawler seconded, carried.
2015-16 Theater Season Announcement: A Streetcar Named Desire Oct. 2-11; Winter Wonderettes Dec. 11-20;
Robin Hood (PDYT) Feb. 19-21, 2016; Crimes of the Heart April 8-17; Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike
June 17-25 Central Park; Grease July 29-Aug. 14.
Free ticket drawing held. Susan Shirk won a pair of season tickets for the 2015-16 Theater Season.
Adjournment at 8:15 p. m., moved by Brad Ness, seconded, carried. Refreshments & visiting followed.
Minutes submitted by Richard Collman, Secretary for the Board of Directors