Assisted Living May 2014


Assisted Living May 2014
Birthday Bash
Hey, hey, it’s your birthday, and
you’re the guest of honor! We’d like
to celebrate you with a toast and
warm wishes. All are welcome, but
if you’re celebrating a birthday this
month, you are definitely invited! This is a great
time to get out, enjoy music, and fellowship. So
mark your calendar and plan to join us on the
third Wednesday of the month. We will see you in
the Gathering Place at 3:00 pm on May 21st! Be
sure to wish the following folks a great birthday!
Be sure to wish the following folks a
great birthday!
William T. 5/1
Ruth B. 5/16
Rita R. 5/4
Penny S. 5/16
Joan M. 5/11
Dorothy W. 5/21
Terry M. 5/ 15
Josephine P. 5/30
Bird houses for Hospice
Every Monday in May at 1:00 pm we will meet
in the Gathering Place to build and decorate
birdhouses for Hospice. Every unit at the Hospice
house will have a birdhouse outside their room.
The residents at The Barrington are invited to
be a part of this wonderful service project.
Your birdhouse could cheer up a resident at
the Hospice House. We will provide paint and
supplies or feel free to bring your own. It would be
great to have many different styles of birdhouses
to donate. Be sure to invite your neighbors for this
meaningful event.
Bayada Summer
Cook Out
Join us in the Courtyard on May
31st at 5:00 pm for a special
cookout. Mary Jane will be the
“hostess with the mostess”. You
will enjoy great food, drinks and
great time of fellowship. Every
event that Bayada sponsors with Mary
Jane is always an awesome time.
Mark your calendar now, invite your
neighbors and join the fun. (The dining
room will be serving meals at normal times).
Summer Backyard Games
When I was young, my parents
would sit in our backyard and all of
the kids would gather together and
play fun games. On Friday, May 23rd at 1:30 pm
we will meet in the Gathering Place and turn back
the clock and play many of those wild and crazy
games. At 3:00 pm we will have watermelon and
drinks just like we did back in the day. The only
difference will be, we have no curfew! Bring a
friend and plan now to join us!
National Limerick Month
Did you know that May is National
Limerick Month?
A Limerick, a small poem has 5 lines,
Those 5 lines hopefully, always rhyme,
Two in the middle,
Are always little,
Be sure to join us for this poetic fun time!
On Friday May the 9th at 1:00pm we will compose
our very own limericks and at 3:00 pm we will
share them with the Happy Hour bunch! Bring
your creative juices and join us for this fun time!
Armed Forces Day
We would like to show our thanks
for all of our Veterans here at The
Barrington. Our freedom came at a
high price and every Veteran shared in
that cost to give us the freedom that we
enjoy every day. We will be celebrating
Armed Forces Day on Friday, May 16th at 3:00 pm
with special music and drinks. Mark your calendar
and invite your friends.
Kentucky Derby Day
May 3rd is the running of the
ponies at the Kentucky Derby! Join
us in the Gathering Place for Horse
Racing and a special Happy Hour drink. At 1:00
pm we will have our own horse race event and at
3:00 pm will be our special drinks and fun. Ladies
wear your hats and show them off at our very own
Kentucky Derby Happy Hour. Invite your friends
and neighbors to join the fun. Come bet on your
horses and enjoy!
Like Us!
Assisted Living
901 Seminole Blvd. • Largo, FL 33770 • 727-585-5900 •
May 2014
A Note from the Executive Director
As Spring is upon us and we see new life
everywhere; it encourages me to want to be active
and live life to the fullest. Living life to the fullest
during your golden years is about doing things that
make you the happiest.
Some ways of living life to the fullest and feeling
good every day include:
• Staying socially connected. Get out of your
apartments and join in a game of Wii bowling,
play Pokeno or Bingo, join an exercise class, or
take a dip in the pool with friends.
• Volunteering. Volunteerism is an amazing
way of feeling connected with the world around
you and gives you an amazing sense of purpose.
You could volunteer as a library assistant, join
a welcoming committee, volunteer to run the
general store, or to assist in running activities.
• Staying physically active. You will feel better
overall and will be able to live a more active
lifestyle if you stay physically active. Exercise
classes are offered Monday through Friday every
week. There is also a full gym that is open to the
Luau Party
residents on the 3rd floor. You could take a swim
in the pool or join a water aerobics class.
• Staying mentally active. Keeping your mind
sharp is just as important as keeping your body
active. You could read in the library, join in brain
games that are offered throughout the week,
engage in coffee and conversation or even
play Bingo!
It is my goal to make sure that
every resident is happy and has
the opportunity to live each day
to the fullest. If there is an
activity, game, or educational
topic that you would like to
see explored at The Barrington
please let us know!
I would like to leave you with a
quote from Joe Lewis, “You only
live once, but if you do it right,
once is enough”.
On May 15th at 6:00 pm we will meet at the pool, enjoy snacks and drinks and have
a great time at our yearly Luau party. Dig out that Hawaiian shirt, your Mumu, and be
ready to have a great time. We will have special drinks, entertainment and delicious snacks.
This is great opportunity to enjoy our beautiful weather and our pool. Plan now to invite
your family and friends for this awesome event.
May 2014
Billiards Room - BR
Courtyard - CY
Covered Parking - CP
Creation Studio - CS
Fitness Room - FR
Activities Subject to Change
Flag Pole - FP
Library - Ll
Lobby - L
Pool - Pool
Reflections Restaurant - RR
Resident Apartments - RA
Shuffle board Court - SBC
The Gathering Place - GP
Workshop - VVS
Craft Room - CR
10am Chair Yoga with Kelly, CS
10:30am Word Games, CS
12:30pm Senior Variety Band
1pm General Store, SR
1pm Building bird houses, CS
2pm Bridge, LI
3pm Cinco De Mayo Party, GP
8am Church Trips, L
10am Let’s Shoot Pool, BR
10am Sunday Movies, CS
2pm Games w/ Liz, CS
3pm Skip Bo , Li
3pm Church Service w/ Mike, GP
10am Chair Yoga with Kelly, CS
10:30am Word Games, CS
12:30pm Senior Variety Band
1pm General Store, SR
1pm Building birdhouses, CS
2pm Bridge, LI
3pm Bingo, GP
8am Church Trips, L
10am Let’s Shoot Pool, BR
10am Sunday Movies, CS
2pm Games w/ Liz, CS
3pm Skip Bo , Li
3pm Church Service w/ Bob, GP
8am Church Trips, L
10am Let’s Shoot Pool, BR
10am Sunday Movies, CS
2pm Games w/ Liz, CS
3pm Skip Bo , Li
3pm Church Service w/ Phil, GP
8am Church Trips, L
10am Let’s Shoot Pool, BR
10am Sunday Movies, CS
2pm Games w/ Liz, CS
3pm Skip Bo , Li
3pm Church Service w/ Mike, GP
10am Chair Yoga with Kelly, CS
10:30am Word Games, CS
12:30pm Senior Variety Band
Practice, GP
1pm General Store,SR
1pm Building birdhouses, CS
2pm Bridge, LI
3pm Bingo, GP
10am Chair Yoga with Kelly, CS
10:30am Word Games, CS
12:30pm Senior Variety Band
Practice, GP
1pm General Store, SR
1pm Building birdhouses, CS
2pm Bridge, LI
3pm Bingo, GP
9am Bob Evans Hearing clinic, GP 6
9am Bank Trip, L
9:30am Fun w/ Wii, CS
10:30am Left, Right, Center, CS
11am Tai Chi, GP
11:30am lunch out at PJ’S, L
1pm Sing-A-Long w/ Ol’ time music, GP
1pm General Store, SR
1pm You be the judge, CS
3pm Pokeno, GP
6:30pm Coffee & Convo, GP
9:30am Fun w/ Wii, CS
10:30am Left, Right, Center, CS 13
11am Tai Chi, GP
1pm Sing-A-Long w/ Ol’ time music, GP
1pm General Store, SR
1pm You be the judge, CS
3pm Pokeno, GP
6:30pm Coffee & Convo, GP
9am Bank Trip, L
9:30am Fun w/ Wii, CS
10:30am Left, Right, Center, CS
11am Tai Chi, GP
1pm Sing-A-Long w/ Ol’ time music, GP
1pm General Store, SR
1pm You Be the Judge, CS
3pm Pokeno, GP
6:30pm Coffee & Convo, GP
9:30am Fun w/ Wii, CS
10:30am Left, Right, Center, CS
11am Chair fitness with Mike, GP
1pm Sing-A-Long w/ Ol’ time music, GP
1pm General Store, SR
1pm You Be the Judge, CS
3pm Pokeno, GP
6:30pm Coffee & Convo, GP
9am Catholic Service, LI
9:30am Fun w/ Wii, CS
10am Explore the Bible, GP
10:30am Card Games, CS
11am Sit and Be fit, GP
1pm All About Nails w/
Kelly, CS
1:30pm Sign Language Class, GP
2pm General Store, SR
3pm AL Resident meeting, CS
2pm Bridge, LI
6:30pm Bingo, GP
9am Catholic Service, LI
9:30am Fun w/ Wii, CS
10am Explore the Bible, GP
10:30am Card Games, CS
11am Sit and Be fit, GP
1:30pm Hobby Day, GP
2pm General Store, SR
2pm Bridge, LI
6:30pm Bingo, GP
9am Catholic Service, LI
9:30am Fun w/ Wii, CS
10am Explore the Bible, GP
10:30am Card Games, CS
11am Sit and Be fit, GP
1pm All About Nails w/ Kelly, CS
2pm General Store, SR
2pm Bridge, LI
3pm Birthday Bash
w/ Craig, GP
6:30pm Bingo, GP
9am Catholic Service, LI
9:30am Fun w/ Wii, CS
10am Explore the Bible, GP
10:30am Card Games, CS
11am Sit and Be fit, GP
1pm All About Nails w/ Kelly, CS
2pm Piano w/ Bob, L
2pm General Store, SR
2pm Bridge, LI
6:30pm Bingo, GP
9am Publix, L
9:30am Fun w/ Wii, CS
10:30am Yahtzee, CS
11am Chat w/ Shelby, LI
11am Tai Chi, GP
1pm Made You Think, CS
1pm General Store, SR
2pm Publix, L
3pm Pokeno, GP
6:30pm Coffee & Convo, GP
9am Publix, L
9:30am Fun w/ Wii, CS
10:30am Yahtzee, CS
11am Chat w/ Shelby, LI
11am Tai Chi, GP
1pm Made You Think, CS
1pm General Store, SR
1:30pm Arthritis Awareness Clinic, GP
2pm Publix, L
3pm Pokeno, GP
6:30pm Coffee & Convo, GP
9am Publix, L
9:30am Fun w/ Wii, CS
10:30am Yahtzee, CS
11am Chat w/ Shelby, LI
11am Tai Chi, GP
1pm Made You Think, CS
1pm General Store, SR
1:30pm Indian Rocks
Christian School Choir, GP
1:30pm Ask a Nurse, LI
2pm Publix, L
3pm Pokeno,GP
6:30pm Coffee & Convo, GP
9am Publix, L
9:30am Fun w/ Wii, CS
10am Avon, L
10:30am Yahtzee, CS
11am Chat w/ Shelby, LI
11:30am $1 Hot Dogs, CY
1pm Made You Think, CS
1pm General Store, SR
2pm Publix, L
3pm Pokeno,GP
6:30pm Coffee & Convo, GP
9am Publix, L
9:30am Fun w/ Wii, CS
10:30am Yahtzee, CS
11am Chair fitness with Mike, GP
11am Chat w/ Shelby, LI
1pm Made You Think, CS
1pm General Store, SR
3pm Pokeno,GP
2pm Publix, L
4:30pm Dinner at Double Tree, L
6:30pm Coffee & Convo, GP
Private Dining Room - PDR
Sundry Room - SR
9am Pokeno, CS
9:30am Scrabble, LI
11am Largo mall, L
1pm Volleyball with Bayada, L
1pm Left, Right, Center, GP
2:30pm Bingo with Gary, GP
6:30pm Movie & Popcorn, CS
7pm poker, BR
8am Coffee & Donuts, GP
9:30am Chair yoga, CS
10am Dominoes, CS
1pm Walmart Trip, L
1pm Horse Racing, GP
1pm General Store, SR
3pm Kentucky Derby
Happy Hour with Steve, GP
6:30pm Movie Time, CS
9am St. Johns Hearing Clinic, GP
9:30am Chair yoga, CS
10am Dominoes, CS
1pm Trivia, CS
1pm General Store, SR
1pm Walgreens/CVS, L
1pm Building Your Limerick, GP
2:30pm Limerick Happy Hour with
Dale, GP
6:30pm Movie Time, CS
9:30am Chair yoga, CS
9 9am Pokeno, CS
9:30am Scrabble, LI
11am Largo mall, L
1pm Left, Right, Center, GP
2:30pm Bingo with Gary, GP
3pm Music with Eric, L
6:30pm Movie & Popcorn, CS
7pm Poker, BR
9am Pokeno, CS
15 10am Dominoes, CS
16 9:30am Scrabble, LI
22 9:30am Chair yoga, CS
23 9am Pokeno, CS
1pm Trivia, CS
1pm General Store, SR
1pm Walmart Trip, L
3pm Armed Forces Happy Hour with
6:30pm Movie Time, CS
10am Dominoes, CS
1pm Trivia, CS
1pm General Store, SR
1pm Bealls, L
3pm Backyard Games Happy Hour
with Nancy, GP
6:30pm Movie Time, CS
11am Largo mall, L
1pm Volleyball with Bayada, L
1pm Left, Right, Center, GP
1:30pm Jerry on the Accordion, L
2:30pm Bingo with Gary, GP
6:30pm Movie & Popcorn, CS
7pm poker, BR
9:30am Scrabble, LI
11am Regal Theatre at Largo Mall, L
1pm Left, Right, Center, GP
2:30pm Bingo with Gary, GP
6:30pm Movie & Popcorn, CS
7pm poker, BR
9:30am Chair yoga, CS
10am Dominoes, CS
1pm Trivia, CS
1pm General Store, SR
1pm Thrift Store, L
3pm Summer Vacation Happy Hour
With Sing-A-long band, GP
6:30pm Movie Time, CS
9:30am Scrabble, LI
9am Pokeno, CS
11am Largo mall, L
1pm Left, Right, Center, GP
2:30pm Bingo with Gary, GP
6:30pm Movie & Popcorn, CS
7pm poker, BR