Panache® Gourmet Coffee - Coffee Bean International
Panache® Gourmet Coffee - Coffee Bean International
Panache Gourmet Coffee ® S ELE C T I O N G U I D E To successfully compete in today’s retail coffee business, you need more than just good coffee and a talented staff. You need P a n a c h e. To the French, “Panache” means “style” or “verve”. To Americans, Panache means great coffee. Panache®—CBI’s flagship brand of over 100 delicious specialty coffees—includes rare single-origins, balanced blends, aromatic flavors and delicious espressos. The selection is exceptional and, as one of the world’s leading specialty roasters, CBI unconditionally guarantees Panache coffees to be the best you can offer your customers. Since 1972, CBI has specialized in coffees that are small-batch roasted, but not because this traditional method is quick or easy. In fact, our style of roasting coffee takes years to master and is seldom seen outside of Europe. We roast Panache coffees this way simply because no other process creates the same full spectrum of captivating flavors and aromas. With over thirty years of artisan-roasting coffees, we know consumers will taste the difference and reward the retailers that sell our coffees. This Coffee Selection Guide contains a complete listing of Panache coffees. It’s designed to assist you in creating a selection of coffees for your store by illustrating and explaining each coffee’s unique flavor characteristics. Unlike the large national coffee chains that are locked into a rigid selection of coffees, Panache retailers can easily customize their coffee selections, attracting new business by keeping their stores fresh and interesting while meeting the unique and changing needs of their neighborhood’s customers. If you appreciate our fine, Kosher-certified Panache coffees, we know you will also enjoy CBI’s other high quality products, including our selection of organic Café Tierra® coffees, Xanadu® and Country Spice® teas, Panache Blender Mixes and Panache Cocoas. Remember, wherever our Panache coffees are served, we intend them to be. . . Your neighborhood’s best coffee®. Roasted and distributed by COFFEE BEAN INTERNATIONAL 2181 NW NICOLAI STREET / PORTLAND, OREGON 97210 USA 503-227-4490 / 800-877-0474 / FAX: 503-225-9604 / [email protected] INTRODUCTION TO PANACHE COFFEES ® WELCOME TO THE PANACHE COFFEE SELECTION GUIDE We realize the world of specialty coffees—like fine wines—can sometimes seem overwhelming, because of the vast amount of information that exists about each selection. To help you understand the special qualities of our Panache coffees— without creating text that is impossible to read and enjoy—we have designed this easy-to-follow Coffee Selection Guide to convey the most important information about each coffee. On these first pages, you’ll discover how we have charted each Panache coffees’ unique “profile”, including the name where it’s grown, roast level, primary taste characteristics and interesting information about its origins. Pages 4 through 7 contain all Panache Single-Origin Coffees, arranged geographically by the three regions of the world (Africa, Asia and The A mericas) where these outstanding coffees are grown. Within each geographic section, our coffees are arranged alphabetically and include both estate and darker roast options where available. Our Blended Coffees—arranged alphabetically, with roast level and flavor information—are found on pages 8 and 9. As you will see, we have designed a useful flavor scale in this section to help you select a blend based on its overall strength. Panache professional Espresso Blends are found on page 10, with flavor and crema information for each coffee, as well as a separate strength scale.The full selection of Panache Flavored Coffees is found on page 11, arranged alphabetically for easy lookup. We know you will find our Coffee Selection Guide a useful tool in selecting and selling Panache coffees. If you need additional information about our coffees, please call us at (800) 877-0474, or send an email to us at [email protected]. P ANACHE R OASTS 450º TEMPERATURE BLACK GLISTENING CBI French Roast BROWN /BLACK VERY OILY 430º CBI Italian Roast MAHOGANY OILY 420º DARK BROWN CBI Velvet Roast™ 410º 390º CBI Peak Roast ™ THIN OIL BROWN Common Cinnamon Roast TAN MINUTES: 14 TO SOME OIL DARK BROWN 400º .50 15 .50 16 .50 17 .50 18 .50 19 .50 20 S U I T E V E R Y O N E— L I G H T , M E D I U M , D A R K As coffee roasts longer, its bite begins to mellow and more roast flavors creep into the brew. Our large roast selection allows you to taste the difference roasting makes, while satisfying all types of tastes and brewing methods. During the roasting process the following changes occur to the green coffee bean: beans lose moisture and expand in size, beans darken in color, sugars inside the bean caramelize—bringing oil to the surface of the bean, and flavor develops. PEAK ROAST— Peak Roast is our lightest roast, but most Panache coffees are Peak roasted to a select flavor standard, rather than to a specific color. Peak roasting creates coffees with balanced flavor and full aromatics, allowing connoisseurs to distinguish taste differences due to coffee origins and quality. If one of our coffees does not specify a roast level, it’s Peak Roasted. VELVET ROAST— Similar to a full city roast, Velvet coffees are roasted slightly longer than Peak, to a specific shade of brown. The extended roasting time creates a hearty coffee with moderate aroma and heightened flavor and body. Velvet and other dark-roasted coffees offer more consistent flavor than lighter-roasted coffees, because the roast adds its own distinctive flavor to the coffee. Delicious bittersweet undertones are evident, while any acidic bite tends to diminish. ESPRESSO ROAST— Similar to the traditional European espresso roast, Panache Espresso is roasted light enough to retain delicate aromatics, yet dark enough to moderately caramelize sugars within the beans. We apply our Espresso roast to several different coffee blends, rather than just a single variety. Blending builds variation, dimension and flavor into the brews. Espresso roasted 2 P ERFECTION CBI Double French Roast™ / Anniversary Roast 440º ROASTS FOR For more information about Panache call 800-877-0474. / products @ coffees are preferred for espresso beverages, because their aromatic, spicy flavors can be quickly extracted during brewing. ITALIAN ROAST— This roast, the third darkest we offer, creates a stout, bittersweet coffee marked with smooth, mellow undertones and spicy flavor. The extended roasting time causes a profound flavor difference, though an untrained eye may not detect a color difference between Italian and Espresso roasts. Italian roasted coffee is marked by heavy oils on the beans’ outside surface. The heat of roasting causes the beans’ sugars to fully caramelize, creating bittersweet flavor throughout the coffee. Normally, Italian roasted coffees are drip extracted, but they can also be brewed in any espresso maker. FRENCH ROAST— Low in acidity, yet high in spicy bittersweet flavor, this coffee has been a favorite for generations. Legend says French Roast coffee is so named because Old World chefs used frying pans for roasting, giving the coffee a distinctive charcoal (almost black) color. In this roast, delicate coffee aromatics are sacrificed to achieve spicier flavor. DOUBLE FRENCH ROAST— Double French Roast exhibits a spicy, bittersweet flavor that cannot be matched by any lesser roasted coffee. Roasting for a mere 15 seconds longer than our regular French Roast, it is positively amazing how a short variation of time and temperature completely changes a coffee. ANNIVERSARY ROAST— All of the attributes of our Double French Roast, taken to the extreme. HOW TO USE OUR PANACHE COFFEE GUIDE Decaffeination Methods FIVE ELEMENTS TO CONSIDER 1 —What’s in a Name? Identifying name attributes. 2 —Roast Levels. 3 —Coffee Description. 4 —Extra Choices. Packaging and decaffeination options. 5 —How Does it Taste? Scale guide. 1 2 SUMATRA MANDHELING PEAK ROAST Mandheling, the most widely available of the Sumatran coffees, shares many flavor characteristics (such as an earthy, full-bodied and low acidity taste), with its other Sumatran cousins, but is not as expensive. Mandheling is not a regional destination, rather it is a style of coffee. Also available in European decaffeinated. ™ 3 Flavor: Medium Body: Full Acidity: Light Aroma: Delicate, Mild 4 European Process Decaffeination 5 ABOUT OUR SCALE GUIDE We consider four qualities when tasting coffee. Scale guides showcase each coffee’s specific profile by ranking flavor, body, acidity and aroma. These four attributes, when combined in the cup, create the Taste experience. FLAVOR —The inherent sensory impression of the coffee. The flavor intensity of coffee varies from country to country and is influenced by roast. A few terms to describe flavor are: Light, Dark, Intense, Mild, Medium, Strong. BODY —Refers to how coffee feels—rich and thick, in your mouth. It should not be confused with strength, which involves the brewing cycle ratio of coffee to water. A good analogy for understanding body is to compare it to milk; skim milk, with a light, watery feeling in your mouth is like a light bodied coffee; half-and-half, with a heavy, tongue-coating feeling in your mouth, is like a heavy bodied coffee. Many coffees fall in between these two extremes. A few terms to describe Body are: Creamy, Heavy, Light, Medium, Rich, Smooth, Syrupy, Thick, Thin. ACIDITY —The “sharp” or “lively” feeling experienced in the finish, or aftertaste. Coffee with a dry, tart, lingering taste is higher in acidity than a coffee with a clean finish. Acidity does not refer to bitterness. A few terms used to describe Acidity are: Astringent, Bright, Crisp, Dry, Snappy. AROMA —The combination of fragrances experienced before and during drinking. It can be light and floral, or heavy and earthy. Terms used to describe Aroma: Chocolatey, Herbally, Flowery, Fruity, Nutty, Spicy. W H A T’ S Country Ethiopia IN A All coffee grows about 97% caffeine free. The Arabica species of coffee CBI uses grows 98.5% to 99% caffeine free. Yet, to be considered decaffeinated, at least 97% of the coffee’s naturally existing caffeine must be removed. For that to occur, unroasted coffee must be put through a process that causes caffeine to bond with another element, pulling the caffeine away from the coffee bean. CBI coffees are decaffeinated by either one of two methods: This most common method of decaffeinating coffee, uses methylene chloride as the bonding agent. Methylene chloride removes only caffeine from green coffee beans. Coffee connoisseurs often prefer the flavor of methylene chloride decaffeinated coffees. Swiss Water® Decaffeination This method uses water to extract caffeine. Green coffee beans are immersed in hot water, which is then filtered through activated charcoal. The result is a naturally decaffeinated coffee, without the use of decaffeinating chemicals. N A M E? D E C I P H E R I N G S I N G L E- O R I G I N C O F F E E N A M E S. Bean Character Flavor/Style Region Mocha Harrar (Highest grown in Ethiopia) Ethiopia Mocha Yirgacheffe (Yer-go-chef) Kenya AA (Large uniform bean with few defects) Tanzanian Peaberry (One small, roundish shaped bean produced in the cherry, instead of the usual two) Zimbabwe AA (Large, uniform bean with few defects) Country Bean Character Flavor/Style Region Sulawesi Toraja Sumatra Blue Lintong (Bluish appearance of unroasted coffee) Sumatra Mandheling Country Bean Character Flavor/Style Region Brazil Bourbon (Variety of Arabica) Santos Colombia Excelso (Medium to large) Colombia Supremo (Medium to extra large) Costa Rica Tarrazu Guatemala Antigua Haitian Bleu (Bluish appearance of unroasted bean) Jamaica Blue Mt. Kona Extra Fancy (Largest bean size from Kona) Mexican Altura (High grown) Pluma For more information about Panache call 800-877-0474. / products @ 3 SINGLE-ORIGIN: AFRICAN COFFEES KENYA AA PEAK ROAST One of the most beloved coffees in the world, Kenya A A offers beautifully large and uniform beans. Produced on the equatorial slopes of Mt. Kenya, between 4,000 and 6,000 feet in altitude, this coffee has pronounced winey notes, medium body and fruit-like notes. Flavor: Mild Body: Medium A cidity: Snappy Aroma: Sweet OVERVIEW OF SINGE-ORIGIN COFFEES Single-origin coffees come from a specific coffeegrowing region and are named for their country of origin. We roast most of our single-origin coffees to their “Peak”, to maximize the coffee’s inherent taste, without adding flavors from the roast. VELVET ROAST KENYA VELVET ROAST Our dark roast adds spice and flavor to the winey, fruity notes of a fine, medium-bodied Kenya coffee. Flavor: Strong Body: Medium A cidity: Medium Aroma: Fruity ™ Coffees grown in different parts of the world vary in flavor due to different soil and climate conditions, as well as different harvesting processes. In addition, weather variance can cause coffees from the same part of the world to taste slightly different from crop-to-crop (similar to any agricultural product). Coffees of East Africa TANZANIAN PEABERRY PEAK ROAST Grown near the northern border of Tanzania, on the southern flanks of Mount Kilimanjaro, Peaberry beans are the result of one round seed, rather than two flat seeds, forming a small, round bean in the heart of the coffee berry. This medium-bodied coffee brews up rich, with a slight snap. Flavor: Medium Body: Medium A cidity: Vibrant Aroma: Floral ETHIOPIAN MOCHA HARRAR ETHIOPIAN MOCHA YIRGACHEFFE KENYA AA TANZANIAN PEABERRY ZIMBABWE AA East African coffees tend to have a light to medium Body, combined with a medium to high Acidity—which is often characterized as dry. The Flavor varies from mild to intense. The Taste of East African coffees is best described as “wild, complex and subtly berry-like”. ZIMBABWE AA* PEAK ROAST The A A grading denotes that this is the finest quality coffee the country exports. This light and zesty Zimbabwe exhibits a deep, rich flavor, the result of the altitude and climate in which it is grown. Flavor: Deep Body: Light A cidity: Zesty Aroma: Hearty ETHIOPIAN MOCHA HARRAR PEAK ROAST Native farmers grow our Ethiopian Mocha Harrar in the forested, southern slopes of the Ahmar Mountains. Noted for its delicate, winey flavor, this light-bodied Harrar is bright and brews up with subtle peach notes. ™ Flavor: Medium Body: Light A cidity: Bright Aroma: Delicate and Fruity ETHIOPIAN MOCHA YIRGACHEFFE* PEAK ROAST This light-bodied coffee from the Sidamo region of southeastern Ethiopia, where the Great Rift Valley splits Africa North to South, is considered the finest coffee this country produces. A crisp finish complements the subtle berry-like notes. Flavor: Medium Body: Light A cidity: Crisp Aroma: Rich 4 For more information about Panache call 800-877-0474. / products @ Estate Coffees We occasionally discover unique and delicious coffees from little-known estates. O ften available in small quantities or only at certain times of the year, our Estate coffees are the best single-origin coffees we offer. Look for the word “Estate” in the coffee name. *These coffees require additional production time. Same day shipment is not guaranteed. SINGLE-ORIGIN: ASIAN/PACIFIC COFFEES SULAWESI TORAJA (CELEBES)* PEAK ROAST Grown in the Toraja region, on the Indonesian Island of Sulawesi (formerly known as Celebes), this smooth, fullbodied coffee has a mild, earthy taste and a hint of sweetness. This coffee is much prized (especially in Japan) for its richness and full body. Flavor: Medium Body: Full A cidity: Low Aroma: Spicy Coffees of East Asia JAVA ESTATE, NEW GUINEA A ESTATE, SULAWESI TORAJA (CELEBES), SUMATRA BLUE LINTONG, SUMATRA MANDHELING, SUMATRA MANDHELING ESTATE Coffees of Asia possess a heavy, “buttery” and “stout” Body and are notably light in Acidity, creating a “smooth” and “syrupy” sensation on the tongue. The Flavor is mild to intense, and the Taste of Asian coffees is “earthy” and “rich”. These coffees are often considered the antithesis of coffees from The A mericas. PEAK ROAST SUMATRA BLUE LINTONG This rare coffee is grown near the town of Lintongnihuta, south of Lake Toba, in north-central Sumatra. Our Sumatra Blue Lintong offers a smooth, earthy flavor in a full-bodied, low acid cup. Flavor: Medium Body: Full A cidity: Low Aroma: Mild JAVA ESTATE PEAK ROAST True estate Java is rare and difficult to obtain, but you need look no further for an excellent choice. Our Java Estate is from one of the original Dutch coffee plantations and brews up rich and smooth, with a full body and light acidity. Flavor: Strong Body: Full A cidity: Light Aroma: Fragrant ™ NEW GUINEA “A” ESTATE PEAK ROAST Our New Guinea “A” Estate, the best quality New Guinea coffee grown, is produced between 3,000 and 6,000 feet in altitude. The beans produce a mediumbodied, sweet tasting coffee, with a balanced acidity. Flavor: Rich Body: Medium A cidity: Moderate Aroma: Perfumey PEAK ROAST SUMATRA MANDHELING Mandheling, the most widely available of the Sumatran coffees, shares many flavor characteristics (such as an earthy, full-bodied and low acidity taste) with its other Sumatran cousins. Mandheling is not a regional destination, rather it is a style of coffee. Also available in European decaffeinated. Flavor: Medium Body: Full A cidity: Light Aroma: Delicate, Mild SUMATRA MANDHELING ESTATE PEAK ROAST Sweet and slightly earthy, with a heavy body and almost no acidity, this coffee is the finest Sumatran we offer. Flavor: Rich Body: Full A cidity: Low Aroma: Mild Panache 12 oz. Retail Bags VELVET ROAST SUMATRA VELVET ROAST This award-winning brew is full-bodied with fruity and earthy undertones. It was judged best Afterdinner Coffee in the Portland Cup coffee-tasting competition. Also available in European decaffeinated. ™ Coffees pictured below are available in 12 oz bags. Additional coffees are available in 12 oz bags during the holiday season. All 12 oz coffees are available ground or whole bean. Flavor: Intense Body: Full A cidity: Light Aroma: Deep and Rich P A N A C H E C O F F E E S A V A I L A B L E I N 1 2 O Z . B A G S CINNAMON COOKIE F L A V O R E D *These coffees require additional production time. Same day shipment is not guaranteed. C O F F E E For more information about Panache call 800-877-0474. / products @ 5 SINGLE-ORIGIN: COFFEES OF THE AMERICAS COSTA RICA TARRAZU PEAK ROAST Tarrazu is a premier coffee district in the Pacific Mountains of Costa Rica. Our Costa Rica Tarrazu is a medium-bodied coffee with flavorful, nutty undertones accented with a slightly crisp bite. Available in 12 oz. packaging. Flavor: Medium Body: Medium A cidity: Crisp Aroma: Bright Coffees of The Americas BRAZIL BOURBON SANTOS COLOMBIA EXCELSO COLOMBIA SUPREMO COSTA RICA TARRAZU GUATEMALA ANTIGUA HAITIAN BLEU JAMAICA BLUE MOUNTAIN KONA EXTRA FANCY MEXICAN ALTURA PLUMA Coffees from The A mericas tend to have a light to medium Body and a moderate to high Acidity— characterized by their mild Flavor, and clean, sharp Taste. These coffees are often referred to as round or balanced with no extremes in Aroma. PEAK ROAST COSTA RICA ESTATE An extraordinary example of a strictly hard bean (S HB) “Tres Rios” coffee, our Costa Rica Estate is produced on one of the finest estates in this Central A merican country. It is recognized by its snappy acidity, moderate body and smooth taste. Flavor: Rich Body: Moderate A cidity: Snappy Aroma: Lively BRAZIL BOURBON SANTOS PEAK ROAST Brazil is the largest supplier of coffees in the world. Bourbon is acknowledged to be the best Brazilian coffee, due to its good balance and light, sweet flavor. Interestingly, “Bourbon” is the tree variety, and “Santos” the port of export. ™ Flavor: Mild Body: Medium A cidity: Light Aroma: Mellow COLOMBIA EXCELSO PEAK ROAST “Excelso” is a sizing grade, established by Colombia, indicating a large, even bean. Enjoy Colombia Excelso’s medium body, bright acidity and clean, sweet taste. Also available in Swiss Water® decaffeinated and European decaffeinated. Flavor: Mild Body: Medium A cidity: Bright Aroma: Sweet, Toasty PEAK ROAST COLOMBIA SUPREMO “Supremo” is the largest, most evenly graded Colombian coffee. A premium coffee, Supremo is renowned for its rich, mild flavor and balance of body and acidity. Available in 12 oz. packaging. Flavor: Mild Body: Medium A cidity: Medium Aroma: Sweet, Toasty COLOMBIA VELVET ROAST VELVET ROAST One of the first coffees we offered when we began roasting in 1972, Colombia Velvet Roast remains popular for its sweet, mellow flavor and smooth body. Also available in European decaffeinated. Flavor: Medium Body: Medium A cidity: Medium Aroma: Sweet and Rich ™ 6 For more information about Panache call 800-877-0474. / products @ PEAK ROAST GUATEMALA ANTIGUA Guatemala’s Antigua region, nestled in the Southwest mountains on the Pacific side of the country, produces a rich tasting, light-bodied coffee, with subtle chocolate notes and marked acidity. Flavor: Intense Body: Light A cidity: Very Bright Aroma: Delicate, Mild GUATEMALA VELVET ROAST VELVET ROAST The rich, subtle chocolate notes of our Guatemalan coffee are enhanced by a slightly darker roast, while a slightly crisp acidity remains. Flavor: Deep Body: Moderate A cidity: Slightly Crisp Aroma: Bright and Rich JAMAICA BLUE MOUNTAIN* PEAK ROAST Grown within a very small region in eastern Jamaica, surrounding the misty Blue Mountain, this is the world’s most treasured coffee. Jamaica Blue Mountain coffee is sweet, smooth—distinctly different from any other coffee on earth. Flavor: Sweet Body: Full A cidity: Light Aroma: Delicate KONA EXTRA FANCY* PEAK ROAST Extra Fancy beans, Hawaii’s largest and best quality grade, boast the most flavor of the Hawaiian Islands coffees —light-bodied, clean and sweet, with a vibrant acidity. Flavor: Smooth Body: Light A cidity: Vibrant Aroma: Soft SINGLE-ORIGIN: COFFEES OF THE AMERICAS CAFE ALDEA™ VELVET ROAST Balanced flavor with brightly dimensioned chocolate-like notes. A significant portion of your purchase directly benefits Nicaraguan coffee farmers. Flavor: Balanced Body: Moderate A cidity: Medium Aroma: Bright, Clean ™ MEXICAN ALTURA PLUMA PEAK ROAST To qualify as an Altura, the coffee must be grown at 4,000 feet or higher in altitude. The lingering, dry, aftertaste of our light-bodied Mexican Altura Pluma is similar to that of a fine wine. Flavor: Mild Body: Light A cidity: Medium Aroma: Bright, Clean ™ MEXICAN ALTURA VELVET ROAST VELVET ROAST Roasting our Mexican Altura to a Velvet depth adds a rich body, light acidity and bold sweetness. Flavor: Sweet Body: Moderate A cidity: Light Aroma: Bold and Rich FAIR TRADE COFFEES All Fair Trade Certified by Transfair USA. Farmer Photo Image © 1999 Susan Meiselas/Magnum Photos. TransFair Logo Registered Trademark of TransFair USA. Panache Fair Trade coffees are certified by TransFair U S A, an independent non-profit organization that monitors and certifies Fair Trade products in the United States. TransFair U S A doesn’t provide aid or charity, but instead promotes self-reliance and equality for farmers who are often disadvantaged under present trading conditions. CAMPESINO BLEND™ VELVET AND FRENCH ROAST A blend of Fair Trade Certified Mexican with a moderate portion of very dark French roasted Sumatran. This blend brews up rich and crisp, with a lingering aftertaste and captivating aroma. In addition, for each pound sold 15¢ is donated to Coffee Kids®, an international organization that assists coffee-growing families. Also available in Swiss Water® decaffeinated. Available in 12 oz. packaging. Flavor: Rich Body: Medium A cidity: Bright Aroma: Heady VELVET ROAST DARK MEXICAN Certified organic and Fair Trade Certified, this coffee is mild, with a balance of rich flavor and brightness. A wonderful morning coffee, with a fabulous, earthy aroma. Flavor: Rich Body: Full A cidity: Medium Aroma: Earthy DARK SUMATRAN VELVET ROAST Certified organic and Fair Trade Certified, our Dark Sumatran brews up a rich cup that is exceptionally smooth, medium-bodied and flavorful. Flavor: Deep Body: Moderate A cidity: Medium Aroma: Full ECOTRADE ESPRESSO™ VELVET ROAST Smooth flavor, with a little attitude! Fair Trade Certified for the growers, Shade Grown and Certified Organic for the earth, delicious for the rest of us. Available in 12 oz. packaging. Flavor: Smooth Body: Full A cidity: Medium Aroma: Rich HAITIAN BLEU® PEAK ROAST Believed to be the Western Hemisphere’s predecessor to the legendary Jamaica Blue Mountain, Haitian Bleu is an extraordinary coffee that perfectly balances body and acidity. This rare coffee—exclusive to CBI and a handful of other roasters—is purchased directly from the farmers’ co-operative, which financially assists the growers. Flavor: Medium Body: Mild A cidity: Mild Aroma: Clean HAITIAN BLEU® VELVET ROAST VELVET ROAST Rare Caribbean coffees have always been treasured for their rich flavor, smooth body, and mild acidity. Our Velvet roast builds on the natural strengths for which this coffee is known, while adding a counterbalancing aroma and depth. Flavor: Full Body: Full A cidity: Mild Aroma: Rich *These coffees require additional production time. Same day shipment is not guaranteed. The following Fair Trade coffes are also certified organic: Campesino Blend Dark Mexican Dark Sumatran EcoTrade Espresso OCIA Certified Organic Coffee. For more information about Panache call 800-877-0474. / products @ 7 COFFEE BLENDS Unique Blends Blends are a mixture of two or more single-origin coffees, sometimes at different roast levels. Blends are used to create a specific taste by utilizing the best qualities of different coffees. Exceptional balance and depth of flavor characterize CBI’s blends. We achieve this by designing blends using top quality single-origin coffees. Harmony and balance are created by building up specific taste attributes, such as acidity or flavor, to perfect levels. Many of our best selling blends contain very dark-roasted coffees, developing depth without adding bitterness. AFTERDINNER BLEND PEAK ROAST Roasted fairly light, this blend contains a carefully balanced mix of coffees from all four of the world’s primary growing regions (Central A merica for brightness, South A merica for flavor, Indonesia for body and Africa for aroma). Flavor: Mellow Body: Full A cidity: Low Aroma: Bright, Complex ™ ANNIVERSARY ROAST ANNIVERSARY BLEND This strong-yet-smooth blend, with a lingering taste, is our darkest roast. It is perfect for lovers of stout coffee. Flavor: Intense Body: Full A cidity: Light Aroma: Spicy ARTISAN BLEND™ VELVET , ESPRESSO AND ITALIAN ROASTS Dark, smooth and aromatic, Artisan Blend brings together select coffees from Latin A merica, Indonesia and Africa — the world's premier growing regions. Following a special recipe known only to a select few, each coffee is individually artisan-roasted and carefully combined to create this perfectly balanced blend. Available in 12 oz packaging. Flavor: Intense Body: Light A cidity: Mild Aroma: Rich ™ BARCELONA BLEND PEAK AND ESPRESSO ROAST A lively, spicy, light-bodied brew results from the blending of Central and South A merican coffees, combined with two African coffees. Flavor: Medium Body: Light A cidity: Lively Aroma: Bright BLACK MAGIC BLEND™ VELVET, ESPRESSO & ITALIAN ROASTS One of our best sellers, Black Magic is a full-bodied, magical blend, that brews up bright and spicy, with a distinctive toasty aroma. Also available in European decaffeinated. Flavor: Intense Body: Full A cidity: Bright Aroma: Toasty BREAKFAST BLEND PEAK ROAST Wake up quickly with this invigorating blend of flavorful Central A merican and South A merican coffees. This brew is aromatic, light and delicate, with low acidity. Flavor: Mild Body: Light A cidity: Mild Aroma: Clean 8 For more information about Panache call 800-877-0474. / products @ CONTINENTAL BLEND PEAK, VELVET AND FRENCH ROASTS The base of this blend is Central and South A merican coffees roasted to our Peak roast, which adds a bright acidity. On top of this base are several Velvet roasted coffees, which contribute body. The blend is completed by a small amount of dark roast, for added depth and spice. Flavor: Rich and Smooth Body: Smooth A cidity: Medium Aroma: Full and Satisfying DOUBLE FRENCH ROAST DOUBLE FRENCH ROAST™ We’ve turned up the heat on our classic French Roast, creating our smokiest dark roast. This unique blend of Central and South A merican high grown coffees really packs a punch! Also available in European decaffeinated. Flavor: Intense Body: Moderate A cidity: Medium Aroma: Strong FRENCH ROAST FRENCH ROAST The definitive coffee for aficionados of hearty brews. Our blend of Central and South A merican beans create a dynamic dark brew. Our French Roast is full and rich, slightly spicy and never bitter. Also available in Swiss Water® decaffeinated and European decaffeinated. Flavor: Strong Body: Mild A cidity: Medium Aroma: Moderate HAITIAN BLEU® VOODOO ESPRESSO ROAST A tantalizing combination of dark roasted Haitian Bleu coffee, blended with coffees from Asia and South A merica, creates a bewitching, high octane blend with rich flavor and smoky aroma. This also brews up exceptionally well as an espresso. Flavor: Rich Body: Full A cidity: Medium Aroma: Smoky HOUSE BLEND PEAK ROAST CBI’s House Blend contains five different coffees from Latin A merica, all taken to the same relatively light roast. This coffee offers an interesting mix of bright, slightly nutty flavors, combined with a medium body and acidity. Also available in European decaffeinated. Flavor: Light Body: Medium A cidity: Medium Aroma: Mild and Clean ITALIAN ROAST ITALIAN ROAST Central and South A merican coffees are combined with winey African beans and taken to a dark roast level, creating a smooth, toasty blend. Flavor: Dark Body: Mild A cidity: Medium Aroma: Enticing COFFEE BLENDS KONA BLEND PEAK ROAST CBI’s medium-bodied Kona blend contains 20% pure Kona coffee. The balance of the blend is comprised of similar mild profile coffees from Latin A merica, giving the coffee a smooth and sweet taste with bright acidity. Flavor: Light Body: Medium A cidity: Medium Aroma: Clean ™ MIDNIGHT SATIN BLEND™ VELVET™, ESPRESSO AND ITALIAN ROASTS A smooth, dark blend of two coffee combinations roasted separately to two different roast levels, accented with a third dark roasted, full-bodied Indonesian coffee. Flavor: Rich Body: Mild A cidity: Medium Aroma: Moderate PEAK ROAST MOCHA JAVA BLEND Historically known as the world’s first coffee blend, Mocha Java remains popular two centuries later. Its captivating, mild, semi-sweet undertones are balanced in this medium bodied coffee with crisp acidity. Also available in European decaffeinated. Flavor: Medium Body: Medium A cidity: Medium Aroma: Sweet OLD TOWN BLEND PEAK AND ITALIAN ROASTS Central A merican coffees with a hint of dark roast make up this compelling blend, which is a perfect coffee for allday sipping. Ideal for new gourmet coffee drinkers who want full flavor without too much bite. Flavor: Medium Body: Medium A cidity: Light Aroma: Rich OLYMPIC BLEND PEAK, VELVET AND FRENCH ROASTS This blend combines three roast levels; Peak, Velvet and French, to bring out a distinctively spicy, bright, mediumbodied taste. Flavor: Rich Body: Medium A cidity: Moderate Aroma: Invigorating OREGON ROAST™ PEAK ROAST One of the lighter, brighter coffee blends we offer, Oregon Roast contains a mix of three Latin A merican coffees, delivering a balanced, mild flavor and aroma, with a touch of crispness. Flavor: Light Body: Light A cidity: Bright Aroma: Delicate PORTLAND BLEND™ PEAK, VELVET AND FRENCH ROASTS In all parts of the country, this is our most popular blend, We start with a light and bright mix of Central and South A merican coffees, for brightness and aroma. Added to this base are Velvet-roasted Latin A merican and Indonesian coffees for a full, rich flavor. We top this blend off with a moderate portion of French roast, for depth and a bit of spice in the cup. Also available in European decaffeinated. Flavor: Rich w/Sweet Udrtns. Body: Moderate A cidity: Medium Aroma: Complex VELVET ROAST ROASTER’S CHOICE™ A popular blend from Central A merica, South A merica, Indonesia and Africa. All are roasted to the same slightly darker Velvet roast, yielding a cup that is deeply flavorful and well balanced, with a satisfying aroma and smooth finish. Available in 12 oz packaging. Flavor: Balanced Body: Full A cidity: High Aroma: Moderate VELVET AND DOUBLE FRENCH ROASTS SILKY JAZZ™ We created this intensely flavorful, full-bodied blend by combining our Double French Roast with Velvet roasted beans from Asia, South A merica, and Africa. A blend for serious coffee drinkers! Available in 12 oz packaging. Flavor: Deep Body: Full A cidity: Medium Aroma: Spicy PEAK AND ITALIAN ROASTS VIENNESE BLEND Dark roasted coffees make this brew smooth and dessertlike, while a hint of lighter roast adds vibrancy and enhances the subtle nuances of the blend. Also available in European decaffeinated. Flavor: Deep Body: Moderate A cidity: Bright Aroma: Toasty Defining the Strength of our Blends So that you and your customers may better understand how our blends brew up, the list to the right is a subjective ranking of our blends’ brew flavors. This list ranks our coffees from strongest to mildest flavor, using a standard 3 oz. drop size. S T R O N G E R ANNIVERSARY BLEND DOUBLE FRENCH ROAST FRENCH ROAST ITALIAN ROAST BLACK MAGIC SILKY JAZZ ARTISAN BLEND MIDNIGHT SATIN HAITIAN BLEU VOODOO VIENNESE BLEND PORTLAND BLEND CONTINENTAL BLEND OLYMPIC BLEND ROASTER’S CHOICE OLD TOWN BLEND AFTERDINNER BLEND BARCELONA BLEND M I L D E R MOCHA JAVA BREAKFAST BLEND HOUSE BLEND KONA BLEND OREGON ROAST For more information about Panache call 800-877-0474. / products @ 9 ESPRESSO BLENDS Espresso Ranking Listed in order of taste, from stronger to milder. S T R O N G E R M I L D E R ESPRESSO BARISTA MARRAKESH ESPRESSO ESPRESSO EUROPEAN HAITIAN BLEU VOODOO ECOTRADE ESPRESSO ESPRESSO DOLCE NORTHWEST ESPRESSO ESPRESSO CONTINENTAL ESPRESSO DELUXE ECOTRADE ESPRESSO™ MODERATE CREMA Smooth flavor, with a little attitude! Fair Trade Certified for the growers, Shade Grown and Certified Organic for the earth, delicious for the rest of us. Available in 12 oz. packaging. Flavor: Smooth Body: Full A cidity: Medium Aroma: Rich HIGH CREMA ESPRESSO BARISTA® Created expressly for professional use, our ultra-premium Espresso Barista delivers a high-octane boost and bold flavor. This blend of coffees from Asia, Africa and Indonesia produces a high crema for a luscious presentation. Flavor: Strong Body: Full A cidity: Light Aroma: Spicy MEDIUM CREMA ESPRESSO CONTINENTAL Snappy and slightly sweet, our Continental has a grand reputation for producing outstanding espresso beverages. This medium-roasted blend of Central and South A merican beans has exceptional flavor both as a straight espresso shot and as a drip brew. Flavor: Smooth Body: Full A cidity: Light Aroma: Sweet ESPRESSO DELUXE MEDIUM CREMA The mildest and best selling espresso that we offer. Our special age-old blend creates a rich and tangy coffee that is both soothing and invigorating. This brew has been described as the ultimate espresso experience! Also available in European decaffeinated. Flavor: Mild Body: Full A cidity: Light Aroma: Mild ESPRESSO DOLCE HIGH CREMA Patterned after classic Italian espressos, this blend offers a surprisingly deep flavor despite its lighter roast. A complex blend of beans from Indonesia, Central and South A merica produces a deep crema and a captivating aroma. Also available in European decaffeinated. Flavor: Deep Body: Full A cidity: Light Aroma: Toasty ™ Limited Edition Coffees create unique selling opportunities. 10 MODERATE CREMA HAITIAN BLEU™ VOODOO A tantalizing combination of dark roasted Haitian Bleu coffee blended with coffees from Asia and South A merica, creates a bewitching, high octane blend with rich flavor and smoky aroma. This also brews up exceptionally well in a drip coffee maker. Flavor: Rich Body: Full A cidity: Medium Aroma: Smoky MARRAKESH ESPRESSO™ HIGH CREMA Speed on toward midnight with this bold, zesty espresso blend. Created for the espresso professional, the high crema, complex flavor, and incredible aroma of the blend take you on the ride of your life. Also available in European decaffeinated. Flavor: Dark Body: Full A cidity: Light Aroma: Strong MODERATE CREMA NORTHWEST ESPRESSO™ This delicious blend represents a style of espresso popularized here in the Pacific Northwest featuring a remarkably sweet flavor and distinctively smooth body all topped with a thick, rich crema. Northwest Espresso is a blend of premium South and Central A merican beans, balanced with a rare Indonesian coffee, all taken to a relatively light Velvet Roast™. Flavor: Sweet Body: Smooth A cidity: Mild Aroma: Bright INDIA ELKHILL For more information about Panache call 800-877-0474. / products @ TANZANIAN ESTATE CBI’s coffee buyer sometimes uncovers coffees of unusual merit, but not in sufficient quantities to publish in our catalog. We call these our Limited Edition Coffees, and we offer them on a first come, first serve, basis. We create beautiful and unique point-of-sale materials, offered at no charge, to help our retail customers promote these Coffees. We will announce the availability of these coffees through flyers, our web site——your account manager and our customer service department. Don’t overlook this opportunity to obtain rare coffees that can give you a competitive edge in your neighborhood. ESPRESSO EUROPEAN™ HIGH CREMA An authentic Espresso blend similar to those found in Southern Italy, our Espresso European creates high crema, with a zippy, zesty flavor and bittersweet undertones that are truly memorable. Flavor: Dark Body: Full A cidity: Light Aroma: Deep Limited Edition Coffee RICH AND SMOOTH FLAVOR, WITH SPICY NOTE. - RUVUMA - LIMITED EDITION MEDIUM ROAST African Tanzanian Ruvuma possesses a distinctive rich flavor, with moderate acidity and a full, smooth body. The deep aroma of the brewed coffee is complex, with hints of floral and spice around the edges. ___________________ Your neighborhood’s best coffee. ™ FLAVORED COFFEES AMARETTO The classic afterdinner liqueur, made from the meats of almonds, inspires this grand coffee. Also available in European decaffeinated. FRENCH VANILLA A passionate kiss of vanilla wraps itself around perfectly roasted coffee beans for a creamy, bright-flavored brew. Also available in European decaffeinated. BUTTER RUM Aromatic and buttery smooth, Butter Rum is incredibly rich and creamy. GERMAN CHOCOLATE TORTE Rich chocolate, creamy coconut and buttery pecans flavor this luxurious coffee. An incredible treat! CAPPUCCINO FUDGE Dark chocolate, rich coffee and a luxuriously creamy flavor together in one coffee. Try this with whipped cream! GOLDEN PECAN We mix chunks of buttery southern pecans right into this popular flavored coffee. Lusciously rich, it’s delicious! Available in European decaffeinated. Also available in 12 oz packaging. CARAMELLA Luscious, decadent caramel flavor in rich coffee. Creamy, soothing and satisfying. Available in 12 oz packaging. CHOCOLATE CRÈME BRÛLÉE We take elegant French custard flavor and add the finest dessert chocolate for a treat that makes you say, “Ooh la la!” Also available in European decaffeinated. CHOCOLATE MACADAMIA NUT* Rich chocolate and luscious Hawaiian macadamia nuts. Also available in European decaffeinated. CHOCOLATE ORANGE Tangy orange meets rich chocolate in this brilliant brew. CHOCOLATE RASPBERRY* The flavor of fresh ripe raspberries covered with creamy smooth chocolate. Also available in European decaffeinated. CINNAMON HAZELNUT PRALINE A warm and nutty coffee, accented with a bit of cinnamon spice and sweet pralines flavor. Also available in European decaffeinated. ® HAZELNUT SUPREME™ Oregon hazelnuts, reputed to be the best in the world, flavor this popular, nutty and creamy coffee. Available in European decaffeinated. Also available in 12 oz packaging. IRISH CREAM* The minty, creamy essence of a vibrant Irish liqueur is showcased in this popular coffee. Also available in European decaffeinated. MACADAMIA NUT The milky sweetness of the macadamia nut perfectly complements this coffee. Taste this! NUTTY CHOCOLATE MOUSSE Rich chocolate, creamy marshmallow and buttery almonds create a delectable treat. Save room for seconds! SWISS CHOCOLATE ALMOND There’s nothing better than creamy, milk chocolate with fresh, delicate almonds. It’s like drinking a candy bar! CINNAMON COOKIE Savor the flavor of a snickerdoodle cookie. An aromatic brew, with just a hint of baked cinnamon. Available in 12 oz packaging. VANILLA CRÈME BRÛLÉE The flavor of a caramelized custard wraps itself around rich coffee. This is a fabulous brew steaming with creamy undertones and splashed with a note of smooth vanilla. CINNAMON VIENNESE A hint of fresh cinnamon spritzed across perfectly roasted coffee creates a mild brew with a spicy accent. VANILLA NUT CREAM Vanilla and nuts combine delectably in this exceptionally creamy, fragrant brew. Available in European decaffeinated. Also available in 12 oz packaging. COCONUT CREAM For a taste of the tropics, our Coconut Cream can’t be beat. Chunks of unsweetened coconut are added into the blend. Also available in European decaffeinated. We coat a freshly roasted and mild bean with only the best quality flavoring, handselected to deliver the taste they promise. We add nuts to many of our flavored coffees, both for the body and flavor they add, and for their luxurious appearance. Chunks of unsweetened coconut are added to Coconut Cream. Coconut and pecans flavor our German Chocolate Torte. Macadamia nuts are present in both our Macadamia Nut and Chocolate Macadamia Nut. Golden Pecan is flavored with southern pecans. Oregon hazelnuts can be found in our Cinnamon Hazelnut Praline, and almonds flavor our Swiss Chocolate Almond. VIENNA STRUDEL The buttery, cinnamony and nutty flavors of a homemade pastry come alive in this tasty coffee. Very aromatic! COSTA RICA TARRAZU Cinnamon Cookie Ummm, savor the flavor of this aromatic brew that tastes just like a snickerdoodle cookie. Flavored Coffees Tarrazu is a premier coffee district in the Pacific Mountains of Costa Rica. This medium-bodied coffee has flavorful, nutty undertones accented with a slightly crisp bite. KBOlendNA M I L D F L A V O R As unique as each ocean wave, the inimitable flavor and aroma of Kona coffee surfaces brilliantly in this blend. C.3 5/00 Featured Coffee of the Month. Every month we feature a coffee and offer special discounted pricing. Our purpose is to introduce our customers to all of our great coffees. We encourage you to feature these selected coffees to your customers every month. We offer free custom-designed airpot labels for every featured product of the month. Please ask your Account Manager or Customer Service about this program. Information on our featured Coffee of the Month is also available on our web site— CP.4 9/02 *These coffees require additional production time. Same day shipment is not guaranteed. For more information about Panache call 800-877-0474. / products @ 11 5 FUNDAMENTALS OF COFFEE BREWING One pound of coffee, at a 3 oz. drop weight, yields approximately 30-12 oz. cups of coffee. One pound of coffee, at 7 grams per shot, yields approximately 65 single shots of espresso. 1—FRESHNESS Oxygen and humidity are coffee’s enemies— they break down the oils of the bean and cause the taste to deteriorate. To ensure you receive the freshest coffee possible, we package our 5 lb. and 12 oz. coffees within an hour of roasting, in nitrogen-flushed, oxygen-sealed bags. Each bag has a one-way valve that allows the carbon dioxide released from the roasted coffee to escape, but does not allow oxygen or humidity to enter. Our packaging keeps coffee fresh for a minimum of three months. Once a bag has been opened, we recommend that whole bean coffee be used within 7-10 days. We encourage our customers to order only enough coffee for a maximum of 2 weeks. Coffee should always be rotated: first in, first out. 2—WATER Water is 98-99% of the cup, so water greatly affects the taste of coffee. Use only filtered or bottled water in your brewing equipment, and ensure your filters are changed on a regular basis. (Frequency depends on many factors—consult your local service company for more information.) Water temperature should be 195ºF—205ºF to ensure proper extraction. 3—GRIND The correct grind ensures a flavorful, balanced extraction. Too coarse a grind results in a weak tasting cup of coffee, too fine a grind results in a bitter tasting cup of coffee. (If you need assistance in selecting the right grind, please contact your Account Representative, our Customer Service Department, or your service company.) 4—PROPORTION Proportion refers to the amount of ground coffee used, in relation to the amount of water, when brewing a pot of coffee. We commonly refer to this as “drop weight”. We recommend 3-4 oz. of coffee per 1/2 gallon (64 oz.) of water. 5—HOLDING TIME Holding time refers to the length of time the coffee is allowed to remain in an airpot or on a burner, and still remain fresh. We recommend the following hold times: Glass carafe on a burner 15-20 minutes Satellite on Warmer 30-60 minutes Airpot/Thermal Server 60-90 minutes For more information about Panache Gourmet Coffee, please call us at (800) 877-0474 or find us at IT’S THE PERFECT BEGINNING (OR END) TO THE PERFECT DAY. ® TAKE ME HOME TODAY! Ask about our Newest Panache Merchandising Materials Our new merchandising sales materials (POS and action ware) are available to further promote your neighborhood’s best coffee. Ask us for more information about these great sales tools. P R O U D L Y S E R V I N G Shown: table tent, display cards, window sign, ceiling dangler, coffee description easel-backed Your neighborhood’s best coffee. sign, 12 oz. coffee display with coffee bags, airpot rack header and t-shirt (available in short or long sleeve). ™ COFFEE BEAN INTERNATIONAL 2181 NW NICOLAI STREET / PORTLAND, OREGON 97210 USA 503-227-4490 / 800-877-0474 / FAX: 503-225-9604 / [email protected] © 2003 COFFEE BEAN INTERNATIONAL, INC. 9/03 Prices, selection and specifications are subject to change without notice. 516-0151