your sponsorship brochure here


your sponsorship brochure here
Legacy Of Hope Supports the Endowment for:
Legacy Of Hope Supports the Endowment for:
• Financialassistancetofamiliesimpactedbybreastcancer
• Financial assistance to families impacted by breast cancer
• Free screening mammograms to the uninsured and underinsured
• Freescreeningmammogramstotheuninsuredand
• A Children’s Fund to support children in families impacted by
breast cancer
• Breast cancer educational programs and survivor support • assistance
• Breastcancereducationalprogramsandsurvivorsupport
• Mary Beth O’Reilly
Founder / Chair
Major Contributor
• Rob Fulp
• Mary Beth O’Reilly
• Charlie Major
• RobFulp
• MaryBethO’Reilly
• Board
of Trustees
• Bucky (John W.) Buckner, MD • Charlie O’Reilly
• Virginia Fry
• Nancy O’Reilly
• Rob Fulp
• Tom Rankin
• Bucky(JohnW.)Buckner,MD
• CharlieO’Reilly
• Bridgette Leonard
• Rosalie Wooten
• NancyO’Reilly
Board of Trustees
Event Highlights
Event Highlights
Let’s get to bottom of this to help local families affected
to year,
help we
by breast cancer!
are enjoying a sleuthing
adventure with the one-and-only, positively pink Pink
Plaza Convention Center will transform into
1960s Paris where Inspector Clouseau always solves the
case with a series of real squaresville disguises and loads
the Roof forour
of luck.
shoesandbellbottomsandjoinusontheLove Train aswegive
Choose your threads carefully! Impress in head-to-toes
Panther pink, 60s Paris runway fashions or as your
favorite bumbling Clouseau alter ego.
Live Auction
He’s a real chill cat that Pink Panther. With his help, we
will crack the case!
Boogieearly,Boogie often!
Live Auction
Live Entertainment
What a gas! This isn’t your Daddy’s live auction. Bid
your way
to some fab and exclusive itemsshoesoff!Theyareknownfor
and righteous
makeyouGet Up On The Dancefloor!
Live Entertainment
You will simply go ape for Pearl Nation.
• RobFulp
• TomRankin
• BridgetteLeonard
• RosalieWooten
• PatrickMurney
Board of Directors
• BJJoplin,President
• GaryHoos,MD
• GarySchafer,PresidentElect
Board of Directors
• LaurenLipscomb
• GordonKinne,Secretary
• Gary Schafer, President
• GregDeGood,Treasurer
• Gordon Kinne, President Elect
• DebiMurrayBennett
• Greg DeGood, Treasurer
• Dan Cobb, Secretary
• BrianBiggers,MD
• Debi Murray Bennett
• JohnBumberry,MD
• Brian Biggers, MD
• DanCobb
• John Bumberry, MD
• DavidHart
• Roger Holden, MD
• Gary Hoos, MD
• KevinHogan
• BJ Joplin
• RogerHolden,MD
• Lauren Lipscomb
• BrianMcCracken
• Brian McCracken
• Gary• Metzger
• GaryMetzger
• Wayne
• Ryan
• WayneMorelock
• Steve
• RyanO’Reilly
• John Russell
• SteveRoark
• Jami Skrade, MD
• JamiSkrade,MD
• Anne
Smid, MD
• Paul•Windisch
• John• Youngblood
2016 Event
• ChrisDeLong
• KirkElmquist
• Wayne Morelock, Chair
• Chris DeLong
• EmilyLaurie
• Kirk Elmquist
• Emily Laurie
Friday, October 2, 2015
6 p.m.
2015 Event Committee
• WayneMorelock,Chair
Boogie for Hope!
• LaurenLipscomb
• FrankSchwartz
• JenniferVanMatre
• Lauren
• John Russell
• Frank Schwartz
• Jennifer van Matre
• Sponsorship announcement on FOX KRBK television PSAs
• Sponsorship announcements on radio PSAs to air on
105.9 KGBX, Alice 95.5, 100.5 The Wolf, US97, and ESPN 1400
• Logo recognition in 417 Magazine
• Predominant logo recognition in Springfield Business Journal
• Predominant logo recognition on BCFO website and Facebook
• Reception, dinner, and dancing for 24 guests with premium event
seating and premium wine
• Sponsorship recognition at event and on dinner table
Children’s Fund Underwriter $20,000
• Sponsorship announcement on FOX KRBK television PSAs
• Sponsorship announcements on radio PSAs to air on
105.9 KGBX, Alice 95.5, 100.5 The Wolf, US97, and ESPN 1400
• Logo recognition in 417 Magazine
• Predominant logo recognition in Springfield Business Journal
• Predominant logo recognition on BCFO website and Facebook
• Reception, dinner, and dancing for 24 guests with premium event seating and premium wine
• Sponsorship recognition at event and on dinner table
Event Underwriter $15,000
• Sponsorship announcement on FOX KRBK television PSAs
• Sponsorship announcements on radio PSAs to air on
105.9 KGBX, Alice 95.5, 100.5 The Wolf, US97, and ESPN 1400
• Logo recognition in 417 Magazine
• Predominant logo recognition in Springfield Business Journal
• Predominant logo recognition on BCFO website and Facebook
• Reception, dinner, and dancing for 24 guests with premium event seating and premium wine
• Sponsorship recognition at event and on dinner table
Platinum Leadership $10,000
• Sponsorship announcement on FOX KRBK television PSAs
• Sponsorship announcements on radio PSAs to air on 105.9 KGBX, Alice 95.5, 100.5 The Wolf, US97, and ESPN 1400
• Logo recognition in 417 Magazine
• Predominant logo recognition in Springfield Business Journal
• Logo recognition on BCFO website and Facebook
• Reception, dinner, and dancing for 16 guests with premium event seating, and premium wine
• Sponsorship recognition at event and on dinner table
Platinum Plus $7,500
Evening’s Attire
• Sponsorship announcement on FOX KRBK television PSAs
• Sponsorship announcements on radio PSAs to air on
105.9 KGBX, Alice 95.5, 100.5 The Wolf, US97, and ESPN 1400
• Special recognition in 417 Magazine
• Logo recognition in Springfield Business Journal
• Recognition on BCFO website and Facebook
• Reception, dinner, and dancing for 16 guests with premium event seating, and premium wine
• Sponsorship recognition at event and on dinner table
The Seersucker Suit
Wide lapels
Mustache, Trenchcoat
and some groovy swag
Peter Pan collars, Pants suits, pooka dots,
chandelier earrings, thick eyelashes,
flippy hair and large dark shades for that
mysterious look
Platinum $5,000
• Sponsorship announcements on radio PSAs to air on
105.9 KGBX, Alice 95.5, 100.5 The Wolf, US97, and ESPN 1400
• Recognition in 417 Magazine
• Logo recognition in Springfield Business Journal
• Recognition on BCFO website and Facebook
• Reception, dinner, and dancing for eight guests with preferred seating, and premium wine
• Sponsorship recognition at event and on dinner table
Hooked on Dance
r Diamond . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $25,000
r Children’s Fund Underwriter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $20,000
r Event Underwriter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $15,000
r Platinum Leadership . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $10,000
r Platinum Plus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $7,500
r Platinum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5,000
r Gold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,500
r Silver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1,500
r Bronze . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $750
Gold $2,500
• Recognition in Springfield Business Journal
• Recognition on BCFO website
• Reception, dinner, and dancing for eight guests with premium wine
• Sponsorship recognition at event and on dinner table
r Please give my seats to breast cancer survivors & their families.
Silver $1,500
r I’m unable to sponsor but wish to support with a
$_____________ tax deductible donation.
• Recognition in Springfield Business Journal
• Recognition on BCFO website
• Reception, dinner, and dancing for four guests with premium wine
• Sponsorship recognition at event and on dinner table
Fold on dotted line
For recognition purposes, my sponsorship should read:
Bronze $750
• Recognition in Springfield Business Journal
• Reception, dinner, and dancing for two guests with premium wine
Sponsorship information
• For more information, please contact: Crystal Webster | [email protected]
• For recognition in Springfield Business Journal, all sponsorships must be received by:
Friday September 2, 2016
Printing Sponsor
Contact Person (First & Last Name)
Cut on dotted line
Diamond $25,000
Mailing Address:
Total Donation Amount:$
r Check (Make checks payable to “BCFO’s Legacy of Hope”)
r Credit Card#
Expiration Date: V-Code: