Note Taking Guide - Maryland Fire and Rescue Institute
Note Taking Guide - Maryland Fire and Rescue Institute
FIRE INSPECTOR I Note Taking Guide PILOT Fall 2012 Maryland Fire and Rescue Institute University of Maryland Steven T. Edwards, Director The Maryland Fire and Rescue Institute of the University of Maryland is the State’s comprehensive training and education system for all emergency services. The Institute plans, researches, develops, and delivers quality programs to enhance the ability of emergency service providers to protect life, the environment, and property. Fire Inspector I Lesson 1-1 Duties and Authority of a Fire Inspector Maryland Fire and Rescue Institute Student Performance Objective Given information from discussion, handouts, and reading materials, describe the duties and authority of a fire inspector. MGMT 204-PPT-1-1-1 Overview Fire Inspector Duties Fire Inspector Authority MGMT 204-PPT-1-1-2 1 Fire Inspector Duties Public organizations • Fire and life safety inspection programs may be located in the fire, building, or code enforcement departments • The size and complexity of the local government may determine the location of the program MGMT 204-PPT-1-1-3 Fire Inspector Duties Public organizations • Fire department Fire Marshall Staffing Sworn vs. non non--sworn personnel Common responsibilities MGMT 204-PPT-1-1-4 Fire Inspector Duties Public organizations • Building department Staffing Common responsibilities • Code enforcement department Staffing Common responsibilities MGMT 204-PPT-1-1-5 2 Fire Inspector Duties Private Organizations • Risk management programs • Third Third--party inspectors • Insurance inspectors MGMT 204-PPT-1-1-6 Fire Inspector Duties Inspectors • NFPA 1031, Level I Inspectors Handle citizens complaints related to fire and life safety Interpret and apply adopted codes and standards Perform fire and life safety inspections of new and existing structures MGMT 204-PPT-1-1-7 Fire Inspector Duties Inspectors • NFPA 1031, Level I Inspectors Determine occupancy loads for singlesingle-use buildings Participate in legal proceedings involving fire and life safety code issues Verify water supply fire flow capacity to determine the ability of water supply systems to provide the required level of protection MGMT 204-PPT-1-1-8 3 Fire Inspector Duties MGMT 204-PPT-1-1-9 Fire Inspector Duties Inspectors • NFPA 1031, Level II Inspectors Interpret and apply adopted codes Determine occupancy loads for multimulti-use buildings Testify at legal proceedings Perform plan reviews MGMT 204-PPT-1-1-10 Fire Inspector Duties Inspectors • NFPA 1031, Level II Inspectors Apply fire and life safety codes requirements to complex situations Analyze and recommend modifications to fire and life safety codes Evaluate code compliance in the manufacture, storage, and use of flammable and combustible liquids, gases, and hazardous materials MGMT 204-PPT-1-1-11 4 Fire Inspector Duties Categories of inspections • Annual (routine) • Issuance of a permit • Response to a complaint • Eminent hazard • Change in occupancy • Owner/occupant requests MGMT 204-PPT-1-1-12 Fire Inspector Duties Professional Development • Training requirements • Sources of training • Continuing education • Recertification • Professional organizations MGMT 204-PPT-1-1-13 Fire Inspector Authority Federal laws • Inspectors are not usually responsible for enforcing Federal laws • Federal and some state/provincial p buildings g are not required to comply with local codes MGMT 204-PPT-1-1-14 5 Fire Inspector Authority • Types of Federal laws Employee safety HazMat transportation Health care safety Handicap accessibility Housing standards MGMT 204-PPT-1-1-15 Fire Inspector Authority Federal laws • Federal housing standards • Military facilities • Other Federal facilities MGMT 204-PPT-1-1-16 Fire Inspector Authority • State laws May delegate inspection activities Can define building construction and maintenance details May empower agencies to issue regulations MGMT 204-PPT-1-1-17 6 Fire Inspector Authority Types of state laws – Fire and life safety inspections – Building construction – Labor laws State delegation to local jurisdictions MGMT 204-PPT-1-1-18 Fire Inspector Authority • Local laws and ordinances Adoption of state laws, regulations and codes – By reference – By enabling acts Legal establishment of fire departments Delegation of authority Establishment of fire, life safety and building codes MGMT 204-PPT-1-1-19 Local Laws and Ordinances MGMT 204-PPT-1-1-20 7 Fire Inspector Authority The legal status of inspectors • Defines the amount of authority granted to the inspector, the responsibility to act, and the protection against legal action that the j i di ti provides jurisdiction id MGMT 204-PPT-1-1-21 Fire Inspector Authority • Public sector inspectors Non--sworn vs. sworn employees Non State vs. local authority Chain of command MGMT 204-PPT-1-1-22 Fire Inspector Authority Examples of inspector powers – Arrest or detain – Issue a summons – Issue a citation – File a complaint – Issue a warrant MGMT 204-PPT-1-1-23 8 Fire Inspector Authority • Private sector inspectors May have less specific legal status than that of inspectors in the public sector Must be familiar with legal basis for performing inspection and code enforcement Must be familiar with local codes MGMT 204-PPT-1-1-24 Fire Inspector Authority • Conflict between public and private requirements Insurance companies focus on property conservation Life safety code issues must take precedence over property conservation Public and private efforts must be coordinated MGMT 204-PPT-1-1-25 Fire Inspector Authority Liability considerations • Liability limits Changes resulting from lawsuits and challenges continually alter limits of liability In general, inspectors are not held liable for discretionary acts MGMT 204-PPT-1-1-26 9 Fire Inspector Authority • Liability limits Most model fire codes contain language that limits the liability of the jurisdiction Codes can also limit the liability of inspectors Jurisdictions still have to perform competently MGMT 204-PPT-1-1-27 Fire Inspector Authority • Indemnification Jurisdictions normally indemnify inspectors from personal liability Inspectors have a special duty to protect the public MGMT 204-PPT-1-1-28 Fire Inspector Authority • Duty to inspect Codes normally require enforcement of all aspects of the code Codes do not allow selective enforcement Codes sometimes require a prepre-determined number of inspections for specific occupancies MGMT 204-PPT-1-1-29 10 Fire Inspector Authority • Civil rights Inspectors cannot discriminate against certain groups of people or classifications of businesses Certain practices can result in litigation MGMT 204-PPT-1-1-30 Fire Inspector Authority Outside technical assistance • Unusual or firstfirst-time code reviews may require additional expertise • Outside technical assistance must be executed in accordance with local code MGMT 204-PPT-1-1-31 Fire Inspector Authority Right of entry • Property owners can require a proper warrant to allow inspection Administrative warrant Search warrant • Property owners can sign a refusal form or a consent--to consent to--enter form MGMT 204-PPT-1-1-32 11 Student Performance Objective Given information from discussion, handouts, and reading materials, describe the duties and authority of a fire inspector. MGMT 204-PPT-1-1-33 Review Fire Inspector Duties Fire Inspector Authority MGMT 204-PPT-1-1-34 12 Fire Inspector I Lesson 1-2 Standards, Codes, and Permits (Part ( 1 of 2)) Maryland Fire and Rescue Institute Student Performance Objective Given information from discussion, handouts, and reading materials, describe the standards that guide the development of fire and life safety codes, the implementation and enforcement of such codes, and the permit issuance and review process for specific activities or operations. MGMT 204-PPT-1-2-1 Overview Standards Codes MGMT 204-PPT-1-2-2 13 Standards Consensus standard: A set of principles, protocols, or procedures that is developed by a committees of industry experts through a consensus process MGMT 204-PPT-1-2-3 Standards Consensus standards organizations • National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) NFPA 1, Uniform Fire Code NFPA 13, 13 Standard St d d for f the th Installation I t ll ti off S Sprinkler i kl Systems NFPA 14, Standard for the Installation of Standpipe and Hose Systems MGMT 204-PPT-1-2-4 Standards • NFPA NFPA 25, Standard for the Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance of Water-Based Fire Protection Systems NFPA 70, National Electric Code NFPA 72, National Fire Alarm Code NFPA 101, Life Safety Code MGMT 204-PPT-1-2-5 14 Standards • NFPA NFPA 241, Standard for Safeguarding Construction, Alteration and Demolition Operations NFPA 704, Standard System for the Identification of the Hazardous Materials for Emergency Response NFPA 1031, Standard for Professional Qualifications for Fire Inspector and Plan Examiner NFPA 5000, Building Construction and Safety Code MGMT 204-PPT-1-2-6 Standards • Handbooks to accompany NFPA codes Uniform Fire Code Handbook Life Safety Code Handbook National Fire Alarm Code Handbook Automatic Sprinkler System Handbook Fire Protection Handbook MGMT 204-PPT-1-2-7 Standards • ASTM International E84-07, Standard Test for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials E108-07a, Standard Test Method for Fire Tests of Roof Coverings E119-07a, Standard Test Method for Fire Tests of Building Construction MGMT 204-PPT-1-2-8 15 Standards • Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (UL) UL 260 (2004), Standard for Dry Pipe and Deluge Valves for Fire-Protection Service UL 268 (1996), Standard for Smoke Detectors for Fire Alarm Signaling Systems UL 299 (2002), Dry Chemical Fire Extinguishers MGMT 204-PPT-1-2-9 Standards • UL UL 1626 (2001), Standard for Residential Sprinklers for Fire-Protection Service UL 2244 (1999), Standard for Above-ground Flammable Liquid q Tanks Systems y • Other standards organizations American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Standards Council of Canada MGMT 204-PPT-1-2-10 Codes • Definitions Codes – Legal documents that govern activities at various levels of government Model Codes – A set of requirements developed by standards organizations that can be used as a model by jurisdictions having authority to create codes Code Adoption – The process of using model codes to create local codes MGMT 204-PPT-1-2-11 16 Codes • Model code organizations The International Code Council (ICC) – International Fire Code (IFC) – International Building Code (IBC) MGMT 204-PPT-1-2-12 Codes • Model code organizations The NFPA – NFPA 1, Uniform Fire Code – NFPA 101, Life Safety Code – NFPA 220, Standard on Types of Building Construction – NFPA 5000, Building Construction and Safety Codes MGMT 204-PPT-1-2-13 Codes • Model code organizations The Department of Defense – Unified Facility Criteria (UFC) MGMT 204-PPT-1-2-14 17 Codes • Other pertinent codes (referenced in fire code) Mechanical Electrical Plumbing • Multiple code requirements • Application of codes to new and existing structures MGMT 204-PPT-1-2-15 Codes Current codes and standards • Model code updates • Local code amendments • Transition to revised codes Codes and standards must be consistent • Between the different codes (e.g. fire, life safety, construction, etc.) • Within each individual code MGMT 204-PPT-1-2-16 Codes Performance-based options • Are based on performance outcomes of specific construction assemblies or techniques • Require acceptance of testing criteria, results analysis, and approval procedures • Require extra effort by inspectors to ensure safety over the life of the structure MGMT 204-PPT-1-2-17 18 Codes The Local Code Development Process • Identify why a new code or amendment is needed In most instances, the age of the existing code drives any change A code may need minor changes between major code adoptions because of new situations in the community or technological changes in fire protection MGMT 204-PPT-1-2-18 Codes • Identify affected stakeholders The individuals affected by new codes should be involved in their development Stakeholders may include members of the building industry, y, chambers of commerce,, insurance companies, and local citizen groups – Explain what the benefits of the new code are – Disclose the costs of making the changes MGMT 204-PPT-1-2-19 Codes MGMT 204-PPT-1-2-20 19 Codes • Form a code development task force Conduct meetings Prepare the final report MGMT 204-PPT-1-2-21 Codes • Draft the proposed code The code is written by the fire and life safety code official with the assistance of other fire department members The language of the code should proceed from broad to specific If amendments are being made to model codes, they should be numbered using the same numbering system as the model codes MGMT 204-PPT-1-2-22 Codes • Submit the code for legal review prior to adoption Review by legal counsel will ensure that code meets legal standards of community, state, and federal g governments After the legal review, the final draft is returned to the code drafting committee and then the code official who prepares the proposal for adoption MGMT 204-PPT-1-2-23 20 Codes The Code Adoption Process • Preparation of formal resolution to adopt new code language Nature of the legislation Location of the legislation within framework of municipal code group Authority of community to adopt language MGMT 204-PPT-1-2-24 Codes • Preparation of formal resolution to adopt new code language (continued) Need of the community to adopt a new edition of code to reflect local changes Authority of the community to enforce the legislation Term or sunset provisions Proposed implementation date MGMT 204-PPT-1-2-25 Codes • The study session The proposed code is discussed by the legislative body Proponents and opponents of the legislation express p their views MGMT 204-PPT-1-2-26 21 Codes • Formal consideration by the governing body Formal consideration takes place after the code has progressed through the board study process The presentation is made to the legislative body by one of several people The presentation may include a detailed explanation of code changes Members of the public may make comments MGMT 204-PPT-1-2-27 Codes • Passage After discussion, the board chairperson calls for a motion Once the motion has been made and seconded, a vote of present members is conducted In most communities, a simple majority is required for passage MGMT 204-PPT-1-2-28 Codes • The introduction of new codes The new legislation is posted and the entire code is available for public review The effective enforcement date is contained within the resolution When the new code language is adopted, the code official should immediately begin a formal notification and information process within the community MGMT 204-PPT-1-2-29 22 Codes The code appeals process • The Board of Appeals is composed of three to seven members who have experience in the field • The inspector should be familiar with issues involving the appeals process • Appeals must be submitted within a specified time period MGMT 204-PPT-1-2-30 Student Performance Objective Given information from discussion, handouts, and reading materials, describe the standards that guide the development of fire and life safety codes, the implementation and enforcement of such codes, and the permit issuance and review process for specific activities or operations. MGMT 204-PPT-1-2-31 Review Standards Codes MGMT 204-PPT-1-2-32 23 24 Fire Inspector I Lesson 2-1 Standards, Codes, and Permits (Part ( 2 of 2)) Maryland Fire and Rescue Institute Student Performance Objective Given information from discussion, handouts, and reading materials, describe the standards that guide the development of fire and life safety codes, the implementation and enforcement of such codes, and the permit issuance and review process for specific activities or operations. MGMT 204-PPT-2-1-1 Overview Code Enforcement The Permit Process MGMT 204-PPT-2-1-2 25 Chapter 1 Review Questions 1. List several types of public inspection organizations. 2. What are some duties of a Level I Inspector? 3. List several categories of inspections. 4. Are federal buildings required to comply with local codes? Why or why not? 5. What is a consent-to-enter form? MGMT 204-PPT-2-1-3 Code Enforcement Although compliance is the primary goal, it is occasionally necessary to use stronger measures When exercising enforcement power power, it is essential that the rights of the accused are protected and due process is practiced MGMT 204-PPT-2-1-4 Code Enforcement In assessing the statutes of local jurisdictions dealing with code compliance, the inspector should know • If noncompliance with the code is a criminal or civil violation • The processes employed to achieve compliance • Whether accurate records have been kept • The inducements previously offered to obtain voluntary compliance • Whether penalties are equitable • If the penalties will induce compliance MGMT 204-PPT-2-1-5 26 Code Enforcement Compliance procedures • Notification • Follow-up inspection • Sanction • Prosecution MGMT 204-PPT-2-1-6 Code Enforcement Case prosecution and the role of the inspector • Represent the government • Be unbiased • Assist the prosecutor in case preparation • Follow court procedures and proper courtroom behavior MGMT 204-PPT-2-1-7 Code Enforcement Court procedures and behaviors • Provide evidence that follow-up inspection has occurred • Review files and notes with prosecutor before entering courtroom • Resist attempts by others to modify testimony • Appear in proper uniform or dress neatly MGMT 204-PPT-2-1-8 27 Code Enforcement Court procedures and behaviors • Confine testimony to the facts of the case • Remain impartial and do not give personal opinion p or p prejudice j • State that you are unable to answer if the question is beyond your ability to answer MGMT 204-PPT-2-1-9 The Permit Process Permits are official documents that grant a property owner or other party permission to perform a specific activity Types of permits include • Operational • Construction MGMT 204-PPT-2-1-10 The Permit Process Permits • Ensure that no hazardous situations or conditions are allowed to develop without the knowledge of authorities • Give fire and life safety personnel an opportunity to ensure conditions meet applicable codes • Are issued for a specific condition at a specific location for a specific period of time MGMT 204-PPT-2-1-11 28 The Permit Process Each model code has requirements for permits and permitting processes • ICC fire code • NFPA fire code Local governments may add or subtract from the lists when adopting model codes MGMT 204-PPT-2-1-12 The Permit Process The Permit Process • Application • Review • Issuance • Expiration MGMT 204-PPT-2-1-13 Student Performance Objective Given information from discussion, handouts, and reading materials, describe the standards that guide the development of fire and life safety codes, the implementation and enforcement of such codes, and the permit issuance and review process for specific activities or operations. MGMT 204-PPT-2-1-14 29 Review Code Enforcement The Permit Process MGMT 204-PPT-2-1-15 30 Fire Inspector I Lesson 2-2 Fire Behavior Maryland Fire and Rescue Institute Student Performance Objective Given information from discussion, handouts, and reading materials, describe the nature of fire behavior and how building design, building materials, manufacturing processes, and human behavior can impact fire behavior. MGMT 204-PPT-2-2-1 Overview The Science of Fire Fire Development in a Compartment Fire Control Theory MGMT 204-PPT-2-2-2 31 The Science of Fire The scientific basis of fire Physical and chemical changes • Physical changes— changes—Material remains chemically the same but changes in size size, shape, or appearance • Chemical changes— changes—Substance changes from one type of matter into another MGMT 204-PPT-2-2-3 The Science of Fire • Types of chemical changes Endothermic reaction— reaction—absorption of energy Exothermic reaction— reaction—release of energy Combustion—exothermic reaction giving off heat Combustion— and d lilight ht (fi (fire)) • Oxidation Slow Slow— —rust Rapid— Rapid —combustion MGMT 204-PPT-2-2-4 The Science of Fire Fire tetrahedron – the elements of fire • Heat • Fuel • Oxygen • Chemical chain reaction MGMT 204-PPT-2-2-5 32 The Science of Fire MGMT 204-PPT-2-2-6 The Science of Fire Fuel • Fuel is the material or substance being oxidized or burned in the combustion process • The scientific term for fuel is Reducing g Agent g • Fuel may be inorganic or organic MGMT 204-PPT-2-2-7 The Science of Fire • Solid Fuel Has definite size and shape May react differently when exposed to heat Creates fuel gases and vapors when heated through a process called pyrolysis Decomposes as it is heated, emitting vapors Is the primary fuel found during a fire in a room or compartment, commonly wood, paper, or plastic Has two attributes that contribute to the development of fires, surfacesurface-toto-mass ratio and distribution/ orientation of the material MGMT 204-PPT-2-2-8 33 The Science of Fire • Liquid Fuel Has mass and volume but no definite shape; assumes the shape of its container Has density – Water has specific gravity of 1 – Substances with a specific gravity less than 1 are lighter than water and will float on water – Substances with a specific gravity greater than 1 are heavier than water and will sink in water MGMT 204-PPT-2-2-9 The Science of Fire Characteristics that contribute to the ability to ignite and burn liquid fuels include: – Vaporization – Vapor pressure – Fl h point Flash i t – Flammable or combustible liquids – Surface area – Solubility MGMT 204-PPT-2-2-10 The Science of Fire • Gaseous fuels Have mass but no definite shape or volume Have vapor density, denoting whether the gas is heavier or lighter than air When released from a container, will rise or sink depending on its vapor density MGMT 204-PPT-2-2-11 34 The Science of Fire Oxygen • Oxygen is the primary oxidizing agent in most fires • Air consists of about 21 percent oxygen MGMT 204-PPT-2-2-12 The Science of Fire • Oxygen concentrations At normal ambient temperatures materials ignite and burn at oxygen concentrations as low as 14 percent With limited oxygen concentrations there is diminished flaming combustion but smoldering may continue At high ambient temperatures flaming may continue at lower concentrations Surface combustion can continue when surrounding environment is at a low temperature With higher than normal oxygen concentrations materials exhibit very different burning characteristics • Other oxidizers (Table 33-1) MGMT 204-PPT-2-2-13 The Science of Fire • Flammable range Range of the concentrations of fuel vapor in air required to combust Percent by volume of gas or vapor in air for lower flammable limit (LFL) and upper flammable limit (UFL) The flammable ranges of common gases and liquids are described in Table 33-2 MGMT 204-PPT-2-2-14 35 The Science of Fire Heat is a form of energy which exists in two states • Potential energy: a pile of wood • Kinetic energy: burning wood (moving heat and light energy) MGMT 204-PPT-2-2-15 The Science of Fire • Temperature Temperature measures kinetic energy Heat energy will move from objects of higher temperature to those of lower temperature MGMT 204-PPT-2-2-16 The Science of Fire • As fuel is heated, the temperature increases • Applying enough heat causes: Pyrolysis in solid fuels Vaporization p in liquid q fuels MGMT 204-PPT-2-2-17 36 The Science of Fire • Conversion of energy into heat Starting ignition Piloted ignition Auto Auto--ignition MGMT 204-PPT-2-2-18 The Science of Fire • Sources of heat Chemical heat energy – Is the energy released when two or more chemicals combine and react with one another – Is the most common source of heat in combustion reactions MGMT 204-PPT-2-2-19 The Science of Fire Self--heating or spontaneous heating Self – Self Self--heating or spontaneous heating occurs when material increases in temperature without addition of external heating – For spontaneous ignition to occur: The insulation properties of the material surrounding the fuel must be such that heat cannot dissipate as fast as it is being generated The rate of heat production must be great enough to raise the temperature of the material to its ignition temperature The available air supply in and around material being heated must be sufficient to support combustion MGMT 204-PPT-2-2-20 37 The Science of Fire Electrical heat energy – Is generated as electrical current passes through a conductor – Can generate temperatures high enough to ignite g nearby y combustible materials – Occurs through: Resistance Over Over--current or overload Arcing MGMT 204-PPT-2-2-21 The Science of Fire Mechanical heat energy – Is generated by friction or compression Moving two surfaces against each other creates heat C Compressing i a gas creates t h heatt MGMT 204-PPT-2-2-22 The Science of Fire • Transmission of heat Heat transfers between objects of different temperatures The rate of transmission is related to the thermal conductivity of the materials involved Transmission is measured as energy flow involving: – Conduction – Convection – Radiation Passive agents affect heat transmission MGMT 204-PPT-2-2-23 38 The Science of Fire MGMT 204-PPT-2-2-24 The Science of Fire Self Self--sustained chemical reaction • Is a complex oxidation process Combustion causes molecules to break apart Free radicals are formed as the chain reaction continues The process results in combustion byproducts MGMT 204-PPT-2-2-25 The Science of Fire • Flaming combustion Is an example of a chemical chain reaction Occurs when heat causes fuel and oxygen to form free radicals and initiate selfself-sustained chemical reaction Results in fire, which will burn until the fuel or oxygen is exhausted or an extinguishing agent is applied MGMT 204-PPT-2-2-26 39 The Science of Fire • Surface combustion Involves oxidation at the surface of a fuel material without initiation or continuation of the chemical chain reaction found in flaming combustion Cannot be extinguished by chemical flame inhibition MGMT 204-PPT-2-2-27 The Science of Fire Products of combustion • Include heat, smoke, and light • Generate toxic smoke, which causes most fire deaths MGMT 204-PPT-2-2-28 The Science of Fire • Common products of combustion include Carbon monoxide (CO) Hydrogen cyanide (HCN) Carbon dioxide (CO2) Vapors Particulates MGMT 204-PPT-2-2-29 40 The Science of Fire Classification of fires • Class A fires – solid combustibles • Class B fires – combustible/flammable liquids • Class C fires – energized electrical equipment • Class D fires – combustible metals • Class K fires – commercial cooking oil/grease MGMT 204-PPT-2-2-30 Fire Development in a Compartment MGMT 204-PPT-2-2-31 Fire Development in a Compartment The process involves • A contained space • Four stages of development Can be • Fuel Fuel--controlled • VentilationVentilation-controlled MGMT 204-PPT-2-2-32 41 Fire Development in a Compartment Stages of fire development • The incipient stage Is the start of combustion I dependent Is d d t on the th characteristics and configuration of the fuel involved MGMT 204-PPT-2-2-33 Fire Development in a Compartment • The incipient stage Fire has not yet influenced the environment Temperatures are slightly above ambient Occupants can safely escape Fire detection, alarm, and suppression systems activate Transition to growth stage occurs quickly MGMT 204-PPT-2-2-34 Fire Development in a Compartment • Growth stage A plume of hot gases and flame rises and mixes with cooler air in the room Hot gases spread horizontally across the ceiling Fire influences the environment Fire is influenced by the configuration of the compartment and the amount of ventilation and fuel MGMT 204-PPT-2-2-35 42 Fire Development in a Compartment Courtesy of NIST MGMT 204-PPT-2-2-36 Fire Development in a Compartment Thermal layering – Gases form layers according to temperature – The hottest gases are in the top layer; cooler gases form the lower layer – Compartment and contents are heated by radiation – Pressure pushes down lower, cooler layers, forcing them out of compartment openings – The pressure of the cool gas layer is lower, allowing air outside compartment to move inward – High and low gases meet at the neutral plane MGMT 204-PPT-2-2-37 Fire Development in a Compartment Courtesy of NIST MGMT 204-PPT-2-2-38 43 Fire Development in a Compartment Isolated flames – As fire moves through growth stage, pockets of flames may be observed moving through hothot-gas layer above neutral plane; called ghosting – I l t d fl Isolated flames are classified l ifi d as fi fire-gas fireignition and may be indicator of developing flashover MGMT 204-PPT-2-2-39 Fire Development in a Compartment Courtesy of NIST MGMT 204-PPT-2-2-40 Fire Development in a Compartment Rollover – Occurs when unburned fire gases accumulated at the top of a compartment ignite and flames propagate through the hothotgas layer or roll across the ceiling – P Precedes d fl flashover h b butt may nott resultlt iin flashover MGMT 204-PPT-2-2-41 44 Fire Development in a Compartment MGMT 204-PPT-2-2-42 Fire Development in a Compartment Flashover – Occurs when the temperature in a compartment results in simultaneous ignition of all combustible contents in space – I preceded Is d db by: Rapidly increasing temperatures Involvement of additional fuel Off--gassing of combustible vapors Off MGMT 204-PPT-2-2-43 Fire Development in a Compartment MGMT 204-PPT-2-2-44 45 Fire Development in a Compartment • Flashover video MGMT 204-PPT-2-2-45 Fire Development in a Compartment Alternative path – Flashover does not occur in every compartment fire – Fuel must have sufficient heat energy to develop flashover conditions – Developing fire must have sufficient oxygen to reach flashover MGMT 204-PPT-2-2-46 Fire Development in a Compartment • The fully developed stage The fully developed stage occurs when – All combustible materials in the compartment are burning – The burning fuels release the maximum heat possible, producing large volumes of fire gases As a result, the fire becomes ventilationventilation-controlled MGMT 204-PPT-2-2-47 46 Fire Development in a Compartment MGMT 204-PPT-2-2-48 Fire Development in a Compartment • Decay stage Consumption of fuel – Fire becomes fuel fuel--controlled – The heat release rate will drop, but the temperature temperat re remains high Limited ventilation – Low oxygen and high release rate can result in backdraft MGMT 204-PPT-2-2-49 Fire Development in a Compartment Backdraft – Space is filled with unburned fuel (smoke) that is at or above ignition temperature – Fuel only lacks sufficient oxygen to burn – Making a horizontal opening provides the missing component (oxygen) and a backdraft results MGMT 204-PPT-2-2-50 47 Fire Development in a Compartment MGMT 204-PPT-2-2-51 Fire Development in a Compartment Factors affecting fire development • Fuel type Impacts amount of heat released and time over which combustion occurs – Mass – Surface area MGMT 204-PPT-2-2-52 Fire Development in a Compartment • Availability and location of additional fuel Building configuration Contents of the building Construction of the building Interior finish materials Fuel proximity and continuity Fire location MGMT 204-PPT-2-2-53 48 Fire Development in a Compartment • Compartment volume and ceiling height A fire in a large compartment will develop more slowly than one in a small compartment The large volume of air in a large compartment will support the development of a larger fire before ventilation becomes a limiting factor MGMT 204-PPT-2-2-54 Fire Development in a Compartment • Ventilation Exchange of air inside structure with air outside structure – Windows and doors – Heating, Heating ventilating, ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC) system Preexisting ventilation MGMT 204-PPT-2-2-55 Fire Development in a Compartment • Thermal properties of a compartment Insulation Heat reflectivity Retention Conductivity MGMT 204-PPT-2-2-56 49 Fire Development in a Compartment • Ambient conditions High humidity and cold temperatures can impede natural movement of smoke Strong winds can significantly influence fire behavior MGMT 204-PPT-2-2-57 Fire Development in a Compartment • Effects of changing conditions Factors influencing fire development can change as the fire extends from one compartment to another Changes in ventilation are likely to be the most significant factor in changing fire behavior MGMT 204-PPT-2-2-58 Fire Control Theory Temperature reduction Fuel removal Oxygen exclusion Chemical chain reaction inhibition MGMT 204-PPT-2-2-59 50 Fire Control Theory Temperature reduction • Is reducing the temperature of fuel to the point where it does not produce sufficient vapor to burn • Is best for use on solid fuels and liquid fuels with high flash points MGMT 204-PPT-2-2-60 Fire Control Theory • Use of water in temperature reduction Water – Must be applied in a large enough quantity to absorb heat being generated by combustion – Can be used to control burning gases and reduce temperature of hot products of combustion – Converts to steam at 212 F and expands 1,700 times; can cool a much larger area than water alone MGMT 204-PPT-2-2-61 Fire Control Theory MGMT 204-PPT-2-2-62 51 Fire Control Theory Fuel removal • Allowing fire to burn until all fuel is consumed • Stopping the flow of liquid or gaseous fuel • Removing solid fuels in the path of the fire MGMT 204-PPT-2-2-63 Fire Control Theory Oxygen exclusion • Reduces fire growth and may completely extinguish fire over time • Is not g generally y used in structure fires,, but can be highly effective MGMT 204-PPT-2-2-64 Fire Control Theory Chemical chain reaction inhibition • Is effective on gas and liquid fuels • Can occur using extinguishing agents, including: Dry chemicals Halogenated agents Halon--replacement agents Halon • Is not effective extinguishing surface fires MGMT 204-PPT-2-2-65 52 Student Performance Objective Given information from discussion, handouts, and reading materials, describe the nature of fire behavior and how building design, building materials, manufacturing processes, and human behavior can impact fire behavior. MGMT 204-PPT-2-2-66 Review The Science of Fire Fire Development in a Compartment Fire Control Theory MGMT 204-PPT-2-2-67 53 54 Fire Inspector I Lesson 3-1 Construction Types and Occupancy Classifications Maryland Fire and Rescue Institute Student Performance Objective Given information from discussion, handouts, and reading materials, describe the types of building construction and the types of building occupancies and their relationship to the field inspection process. MGMT 204-PPT-3-1-1 Overview Construction Types Occupancy Classifications MGMT 204-PPT-3-1-2 55 Review Questions for Chapter 2 1. What is the purpose of ANSI? 2. List several disadvantages of performance-based standards. 3. What is the first step of the code development process? 4. In what ways can the fire and life safety code official notify the community of a new code? 5. What is a sanction? MGMT 204-PPT-3-1-3 Review Questions for Chapter 3 1. What are the four elements of the fire tetrahedron? 2. Define conduction, convection, and radiation. 3. Describe the five classes of fire. 4. What are the stages of fire development in a compartment? 5. What are the factors that influence fire development within a compartment? MGMT 204-PPT-3-1-4 Construction Types Applicable standards • The International Building Code (IBC) and the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) MGMT 204-PPT-3-1-5 56 Construction Types Building elements • Structural frame • Load bearing walls Interior Exterior • Exterior non-bearing walls and partitions MGMT 204-PPT-3-1-6 Construction Types Building elements (continued) • Interior non-bearing walls and partitions • Floor construction • Roof construction MGMT 204-PPT-3-1-7 Construction Types • Type I construction – Fire resistive Has noncombustible or limited combustible structural members Uses high fire-resistive materials Has frame construction using: – Reinforced concrete – Precast concrete – Protected steel Contains combustible contents MGMT 204-PPT-3-1-8 57 Construction Types MGMT 204-PPT-3-1-9 Construction Types • Type II construction – Noncombustible Uses building materials that will not contribute to fire development or spread Allows noncombustible materials that do not meet stricter requirements of Type I Includes protection through fire suppression and detection systems Permits combustible elements MGMT 204-PPT-3-1-10 Construction Types MGMT 204-PPT-3-1-11 58 Construction Types • Type III construction – Ordinary construction Includes churches, schools, apartment dwellings, mercantile structures Has exterior and structural materials that are noncombustible Can have combustible interior members and wood or metal wall studs MGMT 204-PPT-3-1-12 Construction Types • Type III construction Inspectors must consider – Void spaces – Modification to older structures – New materials that do not have the same loadcarrying capacity as the original – Structural load-carrying capacity that exceeds original design MGMT 204-PPT-3-1-13 Construction Types MGMT 204-PPT-3-1-14 59 Construction Types • Type IV construction – Heavy timber Exterior walls are noncombustible Interior elements are solid wood or laminates There are no concealed spaces MGMT 204-PPT-3-1-15 Construction Types MGMT 204-PPT-3-1-16 Construction Types • Type V construction – Wood frame Uses exterior bearing walls composed entirely of wood or other combustible materials Has framing materials that include wood studs, steel or aluminum studs studs, or wooden sill plates Can include wood truss systems MGMT 204-PPT-3-1-17 60 Construction Types MGMT 204-PPT-3-1-18 Occupancy Classifications Classifications • Define the level of hazard Fire load Number and condition of occupants Code life-safety requirements based on risk of occupancy • Establish expectations of protection and risk MGMT 204-PPT-3-1-19 Occupancy Classifications Assembly Residential Business Educational Residential Board and Care Day Care Storage Factory/Industrial Utility/ Miscellaneous Institutional Mercantile Multiple Use MGMT 204-PPT-3-1-20 61 Occupancy Classifications Assembly occupancies • An assembly occupancy is any building, structure, or compartment used for gathering 50 or more people • Sub-classifications are based on activities and perceived hazards MGMT 204-PPT-3-1-21 Occupancy Classifications Business occupancies • Are office environments • Permit large numbers of occupants • Are divided into group areas and work spaces MGMT 204-PPT-3-1-22 Occupancy Classifications Educational occupancies • Hold six or more people • Include preschool through high school settings • Present challenges MGMT 204-PPT-3-1-23 62 Occupancy Classifications Factory/Industrial Occupancies • Can be General p purpose p Special purpose High hazard • Are not classified for storage MGMT 204-PPT-3-1-24 Occupancy Classifications Institutional occupancies • Are where people with physical limitations due to health or age are cared for or provided medical treatment • Are where individuals are detained for penal or correctional purposes • Are classified into five categories in NFPA 1 and NFPA 101 MGMT 204-PPT-3-1-25 Occupancy Classifications Health care occupancies • Health care occupancies are facilities that provide health or medical services to four or more individuals who cannot evacuate themselves during an emergency without assistance MGMT 204-PPT-3-1-26 63 Occupancy Classifications Ambulatory health care occupancies • Ambulatory health care occupancies are buildings that provide medical services to four or more patients on an outpatient basis MGMT 204-PPT-3-1-27 Occupancy Classifications Detention and correctional occupancies • Occupants are held under restraint or security • Occupants are detained behind doors with locks MGMT 204-PPT-3-1-28 Occupancy Classifications Residential board and care occupancies • Provide lodging, boarding, and personal care to four or more residents unrelated to the owner • Have staff members who are responsible for the safety and welfare of the residents, but do not provide medical or nursing care MGMT 204-PPT-3-1-29 64 Occupancy Classifications Day care occupancies • Provide care, maintenance, and supervision of persons of any age for periods of less than 24 hours per day • Provide care by someone other than a relative or legal guardian of the child MGMT 204-PPT-3-1-30 Occupancy Classifications Mercantile occupancies • Are buildings that are used to display or sell merchandise • Contain large g q quantities of combustible materials and potential for high life loss • Have arrangements of merchandise that can result in high fire load and restrict exit access MGMT 204-PPT-3-1-31 Occupancy Classifications MGMT 204-PPT-3-1-32 65 Occupancy Classifications Residential occupancies • Provide sleeping accommodations under conditions other than health care or detention and correctional occupancies • Must meet minimum fire and life safety requirements • Are divided by the NFPA into five categories MGMT 204-PPT-3-1-33 Occupancy Classifications One- or two-family dwellings – Are defined as structures having no more than two dwelling units, including detached units, semidetached units, and duplexes – Are not exempted in the model codes – Are not subject to periodic inspections in most jurisdictions, one exception being military base housing MGMT 204-PPT-3-1-34 Occupancy Classifications Lodging (boarding) or rooming houses – Are defined by the NFPA as guest houses, foster homes, bed and breakfasts, and motels that provide 24-hour accommodations to sixteen or fewer individuals, without cooking facilities – Pose potential problems because it may be hard to determine how many individuals are permitted to be housed in a facility MGMT 204-PPT-3-1-35 66 Occupancy Classifications Hotels – Provide sleeping rooms for transients – Present a wide range of fire and life safety challenges MGMT 204-PPT-3-1-36 Occupancy Classifications Dormitories – Are buildings in which sleeping accommodations are provided to 16 or more people who are not related – May be one room or a series of smaller rooms – Do not have individual cooking facilities MGMT 204-PPT-3-1-37 Occupancy Classifications Apartment buildings – Are single or multi-story structures containing three or more independent dwelling units with cooking and bathroom facilities in each – May have direct access to the exterior or have interior corridors – Are considered high-rise structures if they are more than seven stories MGMT 204-PPT-3-1-38 67 Occupancy Classifications MGMT 204-PPT-3-1-39 Occupancy Classifications Storage occupancies • Are used to store goods, merchandise, products, vehicles, or animals • Are classified by the NFPA as • • • • Warehouses Storage units Freight terminals Parking garages • • • • Aircraft hangars Grain elevators Barns Stables MGMT 204-PPT-3-1-40 Occupancy Classifications Utility/miscellaneous occupancies • The ICC classifies buildings or structures that do not fit into any other classification into the utility/ miscellaneous category • The buildings or structures are generally incidental to the primary occupancy and do not pose a hazard to it MGMT 204-PPT-3-1-41 68 Occupancy Classifications Multiple-use occupancies are a Fire Inspector II topic and not covered in this course MGMT 204-PPT-3-1-42 Student Performance Objective Given information from discussion, handouts, and reading materials, describe the types of building construction and the types of building occupancies and their relationship to the field inspection process. MGMT 204-PPT-3-1-43 Review Construction Types Occupancy Classifications MGMT 204-PPT-3-1-44 69 70 Fire Inspector I Lesson 3-2 Building Construction: Materials and Structural Systems Maryland Fire and Rescue Institute Student Performance Objective Given information from discussion, handouts, and reading materials, describe commonly used building construction materials and structural systems. MGMT 204-PPT-3-2-1 Overview Construction Materials Structural Systems MGMT 204-PPT-3-2-2 71 Construction Materials • The usefulness of materials is determined by their properties or characteristics • Materials have shared properties Combustibility Thermal conductivity Rate of thermal expansion Variation of strength with temperature MGMT 204-PPT-3-2-3 Construction Materials Wood • Advantages Inexpensive to produce Renewable • Disadvantages Is combustible Provides fuel load MGMT 204-PPT-3-2-4 Construction Materials • Types of wood materials Solid lumber Laminated members Panels Manufactured members MGMT 204-PPT-3-2-5 72 Construction Materials Solid lumber MGMT 204-PPT-3-2-6 Construction Materials Laminated members MGMT 204-PPT-3-2-7 Construction Materials Panels MGMT 204-PPT-3-2-8 73 Construction Materials Manufactured members – Are prefabricated from components then shipped to the construction site for erection – Include T Trusses Box beams I beams Panel components MGMT 204-PPT-3-2-9 Construction Materials Fire--retardant treatment Fire – Building codes permit the use of firefire-retardantretardanttreated wood for certain applications – Treated wood R i t iignition Resists iti Has increased fire endurance Should not be confused with materials that are fire resistive MGMT 204-PPT-3-2-10 Construction Materials – The two main methods of firefire-retardant treatment of wood are Surface coating Pressure impregnation MGMT 204-PPT-3-2-11 74 Construction Materials • Masonry Is a fundamental construction technique — stacking individual units on top of one another and bonding them with mortar into a solid mass Is inherently resistant to fire and insects MGMT 204-PPT-3-2-12 Construction Materials • Brick Is produced from a variety of locally available clay and shale Is manufactured by placing clay in molds, then drying Is fired in a kiln; intense heat converts material to a ceramic material MGMT 204-PPT-3-2-13 Construction Materials • Concrete block The most commonly used concrete block is hollow concrete block Concrete blocks are also produced as bricks or solid bl k blocks MGMT 204-PPT-3-2-14 75 Construction Materials • Stone Pieces of rock are removed from a quarry and cut to the desired shape and size MGMT 204-PPT-3-2-15 Construction Materials • Clay tile blocks Are used for foundations and walls where clay is available as a building material Deteriorate over time and are susceptible to d damage ffrom water t and d freezing f i temperatures MGMT 204-PPT-3-2-16 Construction Materials • Gypsum block Can be used for internal partitions but are not applicable for exterior use Are used less now, but can be found in many existing i ti buildings b ildi MGMT 204-PPT-3-2-17 76 Construction Materials Concrete • Is produced from portland cement, coarse and fine aggregates, and water • Gets its strength from Admixtures Reinforcement Water--toWater to-cement ratio MGMT 204-PPT-3-2-18 Construction Materials Steel • Advantages of steel The strongest of structural materials Subject to tight quality control Relatively expensive but can be used in smaller quantities MGMT 204-PPT-3-2-19 Construction Materials • Disadvantages of steel Melts when exposed to very high heat Tends to rust Loses strength when exposed to fire MGMT 204-PPT-3-2-20 77 Construction Materials • Fire protection of steel In old buildings, the steel framework was encased in brick, clay or concrete Structural designers now prefer lightweight materials t i l – Metal lath and plaster – Multiple layers of gypsum board – SpraySpray-on cement cement--like coatings – Mineral and fiberboards – Intumescent coatings MGMT 204-PPT-3-2-21 Construction Materials Other metals used in building construction • Aluminum – the low melting point restricts use • Cast iron – was used in older buildings, but is brittle and tends to fail • Copper – is used for decorative purposes • Zinc – is limited in use; used for construction hardware and in the production of nails MGMT 204-PPT-3-2-22 Construction Materials Glass • Is produced in various types Ordinary, singlesingle-strength annealed Heat Heat--strengthened Fully tempered Laminated Glass block MGMT 204-PPT-3-2-23 78 Construction Materials • FireFire-resistant glass Wired glass Fire--rated glass Fire MGMT 204-PPT-3-2-24 Construction Materials Gypsum board (drywall, wallboard, sheetrock) • Is an inexpensive substitute for lath and plaster • Is used in fire fire--resistive assemblies • Comes in different types and thicknesses • Has a low surface flammability MGMT 204-PPT-3-2-25 Construction Materials • Types of gypsum board Regular – used for most applications Water Water--resistant – used where moisture is present Type yp X – used in firefire-rated assemblies Type C – used in firefire-rated assemblies Foil--backed – used as a vapor barrier Foil Gypsum backing board – used for multimulti-layer assemblies Coreboard – used for shaft walls and solid partitions MGMT 204-PPT-3-2-26 79 Construction Materials Plastic construction materials • Are manman-made • Are used for numerous construction components • Come in a wide variety of types and have a wide variety of uses MGMT 204-PPT-3-2-27 Construction Materials • Significant issues with plastic materials Flammability Fire hazards Thermal barriers Exterior veneers MGMT 204-PPT-3-2-28 Construction Materials Fabric • Is used as part of the enclosing surface in structures known as “membrane structures” • Was long g used for structures such as tents and is now used as part of existing walls and roofs of permanent structures • Must be non non--combustible • Can have flammable framework, which must be protected MGMT 204-PPT-3-2-29 80 Structural Systems Concrete • Is used in the construction of all buildings • Is most commonly used to form Foundation stem walls Floor slabs Driveways Walks MGMT 204-PPT-3-2-30 Structural Systems Precast concrete – Is placed in forms and cured at a precasting plant away from the job site – Has the following advantages There Th iis a hi higher h d degree off quality lit control t l Buildings can be built using whole precast modular units Elements can be assembled in several ways MGMT 204-PPT-3-2-31 Structural Systems MGMT 204-PPT-3-2-32 81 Structural Systems CastCast-in in--place concrete – Does not develop strength until after placed – May be used with several types of frames Flat--slab concrete frame Flat Slab and beam frame Waffle construction MGMT 204-PPT-3-2-33 Structural Systems Concrete systems – Buildings supported by a concrete frame are usually enclosed by a nonbearing curtain wall – The curtain wall is the building’s exterior enclosure and can be made of a variety of materials – Knowledge of the concrete system is required to understand the capability of the system MGMT 204-PPT-3-2-34 Structural Systems Steel • Is used for construction of the structural framework that supports floors, roof, and exterior walls • Can be used to construct Beam and girder frames Steel trusses Rigid frames Steel arches Steel suspension systems Steel columns MGMT 204-PPT-3-2-35 82 Structural Systems • Beam and girder frames The design of the connections in steelsteel-framed buildings is extremely important Some means of bracing must also be provided to resist i t wind i d lload d and d other th llateral t l fforces Beam and girder frames are classified as – Rigid – SemiSemi-rigid – Simple MGMT 204-PPT-3-2-36 Structural Systems • Steel trusses Can carry loads across greater spans more economically than can beams May be – Open web joists – Bar joists – Joist girders MGMT 204-PPT-3-2-37 Structural Systems • Rigid frames Allow an increase in interior clear space Are fabricated by welding or bolting steel shapes and plates together Have crowns and knees that are designed as rigid joints with no rotation between members MGMT 204-PPT-3-2-38 83 Structural Systems • Steel arches Support roofs on buildings where large unobstructed floors are needed Come in two types – Girder arches – Trussed arches MGMT 204-PPT-3-2-39 Structural Systems Steel suspension systems • Because of its strength steel can be used for slender forms such as rods and cables • Slender shapes are subject to buckling and therefore are limited to the support of tension forces • Steel rods and cables are sometimes used in suspension systems to support roofs MGMT 204-PPT-3-2-40 Structural Systems • Steel columns The cross section of steel columns can be very small compared to their length and this increases the possibility of buckling St l column Steel l design d i can range ffrom simple i l tto complex Columns are critical to structural integrity MGMT 204-PPT-3-2-41 84 Structural Systems Masonry structures • LoadLoad-bearing walls • NonNon-load load--bearing curtain or partition walls • Architectural veneer • Exterior walls MGMT 204-PPT-3-2-42 Structural Systems • Masonry walls Have thickness that varies and depends on the height and construction method Offer strength and stability MGMT 204-PPT-3-2-43 Structural Systems Reinforcement MGMT 204-PPT-3-2-44 85 Structural Systems Openings Parapet extension Para MGMT 204-PPT-3-2-45 Structural Systems • Interior structural framing The composition of interior structural framing Beam and joist placement – Beam pocket – Fire cut MGMT 204-PPT-3-2-46 Structural Systems • Fire resistance of masonry walls The fire resistance – Depends on the type of masonry and the thickness of the wall – Can be rated from 2 to 4 hours MGMT 204-PPT-3-2-47 86 Structural Systems • Deterioration of masonry walls Results from mortar erosion C Causes cracks and misalignment Can be affected by rotting wooden interior members MGMT 204-PPT-3-2-48 Structural Systems Wood structures • Wood is the basic structural material • Wood structures are combustible Wood contributes fuel to the fire The structural system loses integrity as the wood is consumed Lighter-weight wood assemblies increase the Lighterspeed of failure MGMT 204-PPT-3-2-49 Structural Systems • Heavy timber design The framework consists of beams and columns made of timbers Columns are a minimum of 8” x 8” timber Beams are a minimum of 6” x 10” There are load transferring connections Spans longer than 20’ use laminated members or trusses MGMT 204-PPT-3-2-50 87 Structural Systems • Post and beam Dimensions of columns and beams are less than those used in heavy timber framing but greater than light--frame construction light I t i wood Interior d surfaces f are lleft ft exposed d MGMT 204-PPT-3-2-51 Structural Systems • Light wood Light wood framing uses 22-inch nominal pieces of lumber Walls are formed from studs Floors are supported by joists or trusses Inclined roofs are supported by rafters or light trusses MGMT 204-PPT-3-2-52 Structural Systems • Balloon framing Uses closely spaced studs continuous from the foundation to the roof Contributes to rapid fire spread • Platform framing Each floor is a platform constructed on top of the floor below The plate installed on the top of the studs acts as a fire stop between floors MGMT 204-PPT-3-2-53 88 Structural Systems MGMT 204-PPT-3-2-54 Structural Systems • Exterior wall materials Sheathing Siding material Insulation – Loose fill material – Blown Blown--in or hand packed – Foam plastics MGMT 204-PPT-3-2-55 Structural Systems • Brick veneer Is less expensive than actual masonry walls Is tied to a wood wood--frame wallll Adds to thermal insulation Can look like masonry MGMT 204-PPT-3-2-56 89 Student Performance Objective Given information from discussion, handouts, and reading materials, describe commonly used building construction materials and structural systems. MGMT 204-PPT-3-2-57 Review Construction Materials Structural Systems MGMT 204-PPT-3-2-58 90 Inspector I Lesson 4-1 Building Construction: Components Maryland Fire and Rescue Institute Student Performance Objective Given information from discussion, handouts, and reading materials, describe the non non-structural components of a building. MGMT 204-PPT-4-1-1 Overview Walls Roofs Floors Ceilings Stairs Doors MGMT 204-PPT-4-1-2 91 Overview Fire Doors Windows Interior Finishes Building Services MGMT 204-PPT-4-1-3 Review Questions for Chapter 4 1. How many types of construction are recognized by the International Building Code® (IBC®)? 2. What is heavy timber construction? 3 What type of occupancy is a jail? 3. 4. How many stories must an apartment building be to be considered a highhigh-rise structure? 5. List several types of incidentalincidental-use areas. MGMT 204-PPT-4-1-4 Review Questions for Chapter 5 1. What are some disadvantages of wood as a building construction material? 2. In what ways can firefire-retardant treatment be applied to wood? 3 How 3. H can glass l b be used d when h fifire resistance i t iis required? 4. What advantages are presented by the use of fabric as a construction material? 5. Discuss several ways in which masonry walls can be reinforced. MGMT 204-PPT-4-1-5 92 Walls Fire walls • Limit the maximum spread of fire • Act as absolute barriers to fires under conditions of a total burnout on either side • Are freestanding or tied MGMT 204-PPT-4-1-6 Walls MGMT 204-PPT-4-1-7 Walls • Fire walls Must extend beyond walls and roofs to prevent the radiant heat of flames from igniting adjacent surfaces Subdivide a building into smaller areas so that a fire in one portion of a building is limited to that area and does not destroy the entire building MGMT 204-PPT-4-1-8 93 Walls MGMT 204-PPT-4-1-9 Walls • Fire wall openings All door openings in fire walls must be protected by automatic or selfself-closing fire doors When Wh ducts d t ffor h heating, ti ventilating, til ti and d airair iconditioning (HVAC) systems penetrate fire walls with a firefire-resistance rating of 2 hours or more, ducts must be equipped with fire and smoke dampers MGMT 204-PPT-4-1-10 Walls Party walls Fire partitions and fire barriers Enclosure and shaft walls Curtain walls MGMT 204-PPT-4-1-11 94 Walls MGMT 204-PPT-4-1-12 Walls Movable partitions • Make it possible to subdivide the interior of a building to suit different needs MGMT 204-PPT-4-1-13 Roofs Roofs • Are fundamental parts of all buildings • Provide protection from weather • Can contribute to fire hazards in a building MGMT 204-PPT-4-1-14 95 Roofs MGMT 204-PPT-4-1-15 Roofs Trusses • Are framed structural units made of a group of triangles in one plane • Are vulnerable to earlyy failure under fire conditions due to reduced mass of components and interdependence of those components MGMT 204-PPT-4-1-16 Roofs Roof coverings • Roof coverings provide water water--resistant barriers for roof systems • The type of roof used for a structure depends on The form of the roof structure The climate The desired appearance MGMT 204-PPT-4-1-17 96 Roofs Roof coverings • Asphalt shingles • Wood shingles and shakes • Clay, Clay slate slate, and cement tiles • Metal MGMT 204-PPT-4-1-18 Floors Floor construction materials • Concrete • Terrazzo • Clay tiles • Wood • Brick MGMT 204-PPT-4-1-19 Floors Floor supports • Steel • Wood • Masonry MGMT 204-PPT-4-1-20 97 Floors Floor coverings • Include: Carpet Paint Laminated wood Vinyl Ceramic tile • Can conceal the actual floor system beneath • Can be flammable MGMT 204-PPT-4-1-21 Floors Floor penetrations and openings • Elevators, stairways and service shafts must include firefire-resistive enclosures • Large g multi multi--storyy open p areas like shopping pp g malls and atriums should have automatic sprinklers and smoke management systems • Unprotected openings contribute to fire and smoke spread MGMT 204-PPT-4-1-22 Ceilings Ceilings • Are a nonnon-structural component • Frequently have a functional role • Can be used as return return--air plenums • If used as a plenum, should be inspected to ensure that materials are noncombustible or rated for plenum use MGMT 204-PPT-4-1-23 98 Stairs Types of stairs • Protected or enclosed stairs Are part of the required means of egress; must provide protection for occupants as they travel to safety f t • Access or convenience stairs Are not required to be a part of means of egress system and typically connect no more than two levels MGMT 204-PPT-4-1-24 Stairs MGMT 204-PPT-4-1-25 Stairs MGMT 204-PPT-4-1-26 99 Stairs • Stairs provide a means of egress from all levels of a structure • Several types of stairs are used to protect occupants when escaping from a fire Protected stairs Exterior stairs Fire escapes Smoke--proof enclosures Smoke Unprotected stairs MGMT 204-PPT-4-1-27 Stairs • Protected stairs Are enclosed, with firefire-rated construction depending on building height Generally serve two or more stories and are partt off the th required i d means off egress • Exterior stairs Are open to air or enclosed Are protected by limiting openings near stairs MGMT 204-PPT-4-1-28 Stairs • Fire escapes Are open metal stairs and landings attached to the outside of a building Are not permitted in new construction May not be able to support the required live load created during emergency evacuations or fire suppression operations MGMT 204-PPT-4-1-29 100 Stairs • SmokeSmoke-proof stair enclosures Smoke-proof stair enclosures are required Smokeby building codes under certain circumstances Stair enclosures use either active or passive smoke control – Mechanical ventilation – Natural ventilation MGMT 204-PPT-4-1-30 Stairs • Unprotected stairs Are not protected from fire and smoke in the buildings they serve Are not enclosed with firefire-rated construction and thus may serve as paths of spread for fire Are allowed in buildings when connecting only two adjacent floors above basement level Can be used as part of an exit system in a twotwo-story building – Open stairs are allowed in buildings equipped with automatic sprinkler systems MGMT 204-PPT-4-1-31 Doors MGMT 204-PPT-4-1-32 101 Doors • Swinging doors Rotate around a vertical axis by means of hinges secured to side jambs of doorway framing C b Can be single i l or d double bl acting ti Are generally required as exit doors in means of egress MGMT 204-PPT-4-1-33 Doors • Sliding doors Are suspended from an overhead track Are never allowed as part of a means of egress • Folding F ldi d doors Are hung from an overhead track with rollers Must meet very specific requirements and be tested and listed for use in a means of egress MGMT 204-PPT-4-1-34 Doors • Vertical doors Can be raised manually, mechanically via chain hoist, or powerpower-operated Must meet code requirements • Revolving doors Are constructed with three or four sections Are designed to minimize flow of air through a door opening Are required to employ a collapsing mechanism MGMT 204-PPT-4-1-35 102 Doors Door construction • The materials used in constructing a door influence its effectiveness as a fire barrier and the degree to which it can be forced open during an emergency Fire resistance • The fire resistance rating is not based on the materials of construction • Doors are manufactured according to specific requirements established by an independent testing laboratory MGMT 204-PPT-4-1-36 Doors • Wood panel and flush doors Panel door Flush door (slab door)) – Solid Solid--core – Hollow Hollow--core MGMT 204-PPT-4-1-37 Doors • Glass doors Are used for both exterior and interior applications Can be frameless or framed Must be made of tempered p g glass that resists breakage • Metal doors Are commonly hollow and made from steel or aluminum Can be constructed of heavy corrugated steel MGMT 204-PPT-4-1-38 103 Fire Doors Fire doors • Protect openings in firefire-rated walls • Are effective at limiting the spread of fire and total fire damage g • Are different from ordinary doors MGMT 204-PPT-4-1-39 Fire Doors Classifying fire doors • Fire doors can be classified by An hourly firefire-protection rating An alphabetical letter designation A combination of hour and letter – Alphabetical letter designations and combination hour/letter designations are no longer used but may be encountered • Inconsistencies may exist between door ratings and enclosure ratings MGMT 204-PPT-4-1-40 Fire Doors Testing fire doors • Fire doors are tested in accordance with NFPA 252, Standard Methods of Fire Tests of Door Assemblies • Rated fire doors are identified with a label MGMT 204-PPT-4-1-41 104 Fire Doors Door frames and hardware • The door must be equipped with hardware that holds the door closed under stresses and pressures created by fire exposure • If the door is installed in a frame, the frame must also withstand exposure • Hardware has two classifications Builder’s Fire door MGMT 204-PPT-4-1-42 Fire Doors Rolling Steel MGMT 204-PPT-4-1-43 Fire Doors MGMT 204-PPT-4-1-44 105 Fire Doors MGMT 204-PPT-4-1-45 Fire Doors • Special types – available for several uses Passenger and freight elevators Service counter openings Securityy doors Dumbwaiters Chutes MGMT 204-PPT-4-1-46 Fire Doors • Glass door panels Glass door panels can be used on doors rated up to 3 hours Restrictions exist on the allowable area of glass l • Louver doors Permit ventilation while the door is closed Must close in the event of fire to protect the opening MGMT 204-PPT-4-1-47 106 Fire Doors • Door closing devices Automatic closing door Self--closing door Self Fire door closers Electromagnetic door holders Door operating devices MGMT 204-PPT-4-1-48 Fire Doors • For a fire door to close, some type of detection device must first sense a fire or smoke from a fire Fusible link Smoke detector MGMT 204-PPT-4-1-49 Windows MGMT 204-PPT-4-1-50 107 Windows Window types • Fixed windows (non(nonoperable) • Movable windows MGMT 204-PPT-4-1-51 Windows MGMT 204-PPT-4-1-52 Windows Window security • May be especially important where windows are accessible from the ground or adjacent roofs • May include bars and metal screens • May make access difficult for firefighters MGMT 204-PPT-4-1-53 108 Windows Fire windows • Fire windows are manufactured with steel frames • Wire g glass is the most commonly y used for exterior openings • A fire window is used where it is necessary to block the communication of fire through a window opening • Fire windows are the most practical protection from a standpoint of cost or appearance MGMT 204-PPT-4-1-54 Interior Finishes Interior finishes are materials used for exposed surfaces of the walls and ceilings of a building MGMT 204-PPT-4-1-55 Interior Finishes An interior finish contributes to combustibility • Contributes to fire extension by flame spread • Affects rate of fire growth to flashover • Adds intensity to a fire because it contributes fuel • Produces smoke and toxic gases that can contribute to life hazard MGMT 204-PPT-4-1-56 109 Interior Finishes • Flame spread ratings The Steiner Tunnel Test – Produces a numerical evaluation of the flammability of interior materials – Compares the surface flammability of a material to standard materials under controlled test conditions (flame(flame-spread rating) MGMT 204-PPT-4-1-57 Interior Finishes • The smokesmoke-developed rating Is provided by the tunnel test Is a measure of the relative visual obscurity created by smoke from a tested material – Measured by a photoelectric cell and a light source located at the end of the tunnel furnace MGMT 204-PPT-4-1-58 Interior Finishes • FireFire-retardant coatings Can reduce flameflame-spread rating of some interior finishes May be – Intumescent paints – Mastics – GasGas-forming paints – Cementitious and mineral mineral--fiber coatings MGMT 204-PPT-4-1-59 110 Building Services The elevator hoistway • Is the vertical shaft in which the elevator car travels; includes elevator pit The pit extends from lowest floor landing to the bottom of the hoistway • Is constructed of firefire-resistive materials • Is equipped with firefire-rated door assemblies MGMT 204-PPT-4-1-60 Building Services MGMT 204-PPT-4-1-61 Building Services MGMT 204-PPT-4-1-62 111 Building Services Moving stairs MGMT 204-PPT-4-1-63 Building Services Utility chases • Vertical pathways in a building that contain building services, including: Plumbing Electrical raceways Telecommunications Data cables Ductwork for HVAC and grease MGMT 204-PPT-4-1-64 Building Services Vertical shafts • Refuse chutes • Linen chutes • Grease ducts • Light shafts • Material lifts MGMT 204-PPT-4-1-65 112 Building Services Heating, ventilation, and airair-conditioning systems (HVAC) • Are provided in buildings to maintain a comfortable environment for occupants • Have the potential to significantly affect any fire event by providing a path for smoke and flames • Are governed by codes Codes specify requirements for smoke and fire dampers and smoke detection devices MGMT 204-PPT-4-1-66 Building Services MGMT 204-PPT-4-1-67 Building Services Conveyor systems • Are used to transport items and materials • Provide a horizontal path through fire barriers • Must be protected MGMT 204-PPT-4-1-68 113 Building Services Electrical systems • Electrical service panels • Switch gears • Generators • Transformers • Emergency power supplies MGMT 204-PPT-4-1-69 Student Performance Objective Given information from discussion, handouts, and reading materials, describe the non non-structural components of a building. MGMT 204-PPT-4-1-70 Review Walls Roofs Floors Ceilings Stairs Doors MGMT 204-PPT-4-1-71 114 Review Fire Doors Windows Interior Finishes Building Services MGMT 204-PPT-4-1-72 115 116 Fire Inspector I Lesson 4-2 Means of Egress Maryland Fire and Rescue Institute Student Performance Objective Given information from discussion, handouts, and reading materials, describe the requirements of and relationship between means of egress systems; occupant load; and the calculations to determine the required number of exits in a structure. MGMT 204-PPT-4-2-1 Overview Means of Egress Systems Occupant Load Means of Egress Calculations MGMT 204-PPT-4-2-2 117 Means of Egress Systems Egress systems are continuous and unobstructed paths of vertical and horizontal egress or exit that travel from any occupied point in a building or structure to a public way MGMT 204-PPT-4-2-3 Means of Egress Systems Egress systems • Rely on a number of components • Must be accessible to persons who are wheelchair wheelchair--bound • Must terminate in a public way MGMT 204-PPT-4-2-4 Means of Egress Systems Elements of a means of egress system • Exit access • Exit Exit passageways Horizontal exits Smoke--proof enclosures Smoke • Exit discharge MGMT 204-PPT-4-2-5 118 Means of Egress Systems MGMT 204-PPT-4-2-6 Means of Egress Systems • Doors Must open in the direction of exit travel Must be wide enough to accommodate the expected number of people traveling through Must provide a minimum clearance of 32” Must open easily when the building is occupied MGMT 204-PPT-4-2-7 Means of Egress Systems • Doors Cannot obstruct more than half of the required exit width during any point of the swing radius Must have appropriate panic hardware as required by code May be self closing May only use locking devices approved by local code MGMT 204-PPT-4-2-8 119 Means of Egress Systems • Walls Are used to separate designated exits from other parts of the building or structure Are firefire-resistance resistance--rated Are finished with various materials depending on the type of occupancy group MGMT 204-PPT-4-2-9 Means of Egress Systems • Ceilings Complete the enclosure for the exit or exitexit-access corridor May conceal heating, ventilating, and airairconditioning (HVAC) ductwork ductwork, or wiring May act as return air plenums MGMT 204-PPT-4-2-10 Means of Egress Systems • Floors Must be constructed with approved materials allowed by building code May be constructed with unapproved materials used during remodeling – Floor coverings must meet flame and smoke tests and be installed in accordance with code MGMT 204-PPT-4-2-11 120 Means of Egress Systems • Stairs Stairs must be separated from other parts of the building with firefire-resistant construction Stairs must be protected by selfself-closing, fire fire-resistance-rated exit doors resistanceExit stairways should not be used for any purpose other than means of egress Exterior stairs are permitted with codecode-compliant construction MGMT 204-PPT-4-2-12 Means of Egress Systems • Ramps Must be at least 44 inches wide with a maximum slope of 1 to 12 (1 foot of rise for every 12 feet of horizontal distance) Can have a maximum length of 30 feet without a landing Must be enclosed by firefire-resistance resistance--rated construction MGMT 204-PPT-4-2-13 Means of Egress Systems • Fire escape stairs May not be used in new construction Are still allowed on old buildings Must be exposed to the smallest number of door or window openings possible MGMT 204-PPT-4-2-14 121 Means of Egress Systems MGMT 204-PPT-4-2-15 Means of Egress Systems • Fire escape ladders and slides Ladders are allowed only for limited purposes Slides (slidescapes) – Are used where specifically authorized – Must be an approved type and rated at one exit unit per slide with a rated capacity of 60 persons MGMT 204-PPT-4-2-16 Means of Egress Systems MGMT 204-PPT-4-2-17 122 Means of Egress Systems • Exit illumination and markings The NFPA has standards for illumination and marking Requirements for illumination and markings vary with the occupancy classification When illumination is required, it must be continuous while the building is occupied Lighting must be configured so that the failure of any one unit will not leave an area in darkness MGMT 204-PPT-4-2-18 Means of Egress Systems • Illumination Emergency lights are powered by batteries or an auxiliary power system Emergency lights must provide the proper amount of illumination when normal power for lighting is interrupted MGMT 204-PPT-4-2-19 Means of Egress Systems • Markings Direct occupants through a structure to the nearest exit Are positioned so that no point in the exit access is more than 100 feet from the nearest visible sign MGMT 204-PPT-4-2-20 123 Means of Egress Systems • Floor Floor--level exit signs Allow occupants crawling through smoke to identify the exits Are used in addition to standard signs Must be between 6 and 8 inches above the floor surface MGMT 204-PPT-4-2-21 Means of Egress Systems MGMT 204-PPT-4-2-22 Means of Egress Systems • Auxiliary power Can originate from batteries or generators Is used to power emergency lighting and exit signs Should have a switchover device Must be tested monthly and annually in accordance with code MGMT 204-PPT-4-2-23 124 Occupant Load Occupant load • Is the total number of persons who may occupy a building or a portion of it at any one time • Should be established during gp plans review • Must be posted on a sign near the building entry MGMT 204-PPT-4-2-24 Occupant Load Model codes • Give officials the ability to determine the number of people who may safely occupy a building • Provide the means to determine how manyy people may safely exit a structure during an emergency • Provide building officials a means to determine several aspects of occupant load MGMT 204-PPT-4-2-25 Occupant Load Occupant load = Net floor area/area per person • Factor: Table 7.1 from the IBC • Maximum floor allowances per occupant • Occupancy type • Gross vs. net MGMT 204-PPT-4-2-26 125 Occupant Load MGMT 204-PPT-4-2-27 Occupant Load Examples from the textbook page 279 • Example 1: Occupant load calculation for single single-use occupancy • Example p 2: Occupant p load calculation for singlesingle g use occupancy • Example 3: Occupant load calculation for multimultiuse occupancy • Example 4: Occupant load calculation for multiple occupancies in one structure MGMT 204-PPT-4-2-28 Means of Egress Calculations Capacity • Exit capacity • Total exit capacity • Required number of exits MGMT 204-PPT-4-2-29 126 Means of Egress Calculations Arrangement • Location of exits • Maximum travel distance to an exit Dead Dead--end corridor Common path of travel MGMT 204-PPT-4-2-30 Means of Egress Calculations For an inspector to determine whether means of egress in a particular structure meets code requirements, he must determine • The occupant load • The clear width of each component • The egress capacity of each component • The most restrictive component of each route • If egress capacity is sufficient MGMT 204-PPT-4-2-31 Student Performance Objective Given information from discussion, handouts, and reading materials, describe the requirements of and relationship between means of egress systems; occupant load; and the calculations to determine the required number of exits in a structure. MGMT 204-PPT-4-2-32 127 Review Means of Egress Systems Occupant Load Means of Egress Calculations MGMT 204-PPT-4-2-33 128 Fire Inspector I Lesson 5-1 Water Supply Distribution Systems Maryland Fire and Rescue Institute Student Performance Objective Given information from discussion, handouts, and reading materials, describe water supply distribution systems and their importance in waterwater-based firefire-suppression systems. MGMT 204-PPT-5-1-1 Overview Public Water Supply Systems Private Water Supply Systems Water Supply Analysis MGMT 204-PPT-5-1-2 129 Review Questions for Chapter 6 1. What is the purpose of fire walls? 2. Why do fire escapes pose a high level of potential danger? 3. In what ways does the combustibility of an interior finish contribute to the behavior of fire? 4. What is a smokesmoke-developed rating? 5. List three components of a heating, ventilating, and air air--conditioning (HVAC) system. MGMT 204-PPT-5-1-3 Review Questions for Chapter 7 1. What are the three basic elements of a means of egress system? 2. Where do exit discharges exist? 3. What is the purpose of firefire-resistantresistant-rated walls? 4. What is the purpose of emergency lighting? 5. How is occupant calculated? MGMT 204-PPT-5-1-4 Public Water Supply Systems MGMT 204-PPT-5-1-5 130 Public Water Supply Systems Water sources • Groundwater • Aquifer • Ocean MGMT 204-PPT-5-1-6 Public Water Supply Systems Treatment or processing facilities • Water must be processed to remove impurities and minerals • Water is treated at: Water treatment plants Desalination plants Filtration systems MGMT 204-PPT-5-1-7 Public Water Supply Systems Means of moving water • Gravity systems • Direct pumping systems • Combination systems MGMT 204-PPT-5-1-8 131 Public Water Supply Systems Distribution systems • Are networks that carry water under pressure • Are located throughout a community or service area • Include the following components: Piping Storage tanks Control valves Fire hydrants MGMT 204-PPT-5-1-9 Public Water Supply Systems • Piping Grid or gridiron Primary feeders Secondary feeders Distributors MGMT 204-PPT-5-1-10 Public Water Supply Systems • Storage tanks Are elevated and located throughout the system Create pressure on the system through gravity Generate higher head pressure with higher elevations MGMT 204-PPT-5-1-11 132 Public Water Supply Systems • Control valves Interrupt the flow of water in a designated part of the water system Should be exercised once a year Can be indicating or nonnon-indicating MGMT 204-PPT-5-1-12 Public Water Supply Systems MGMT 204-PPT-5-1-13 Public Water Supply Systems • The drydry-barrel hydrant Is used in climates with freezing temperatures p Has a control valve on a distribution line located below the frost line MGMT 204-PPT-5-1-14 133 Public Water Supply Systems • The wet wet--barrel hydrant Is filled with water at all times Is used in mild climates MGMT 204-PPT-5-1-15 Public Water Supply Systems • Standard hydrant discharge outlets Pumper outlet nozzle or steamer connection ((4 or 4½ -inch outlet) Two hose outlet nozzles for 2½ inch hose couplings MGMT 204-PPT-5-1-16 Private Water Supply Systems MGMT 204-PPT-5-1-17 134 Private Water Supply Systems Water sources • Reservoirs • Suction tanks • Pressure tanks • Gravity tanks MGMT 204-PPT-5-1-18 Private Water Supply Systems Piping, valves, and fire hydrants • Are located on private property • Are maintained by the property owner • Are housed in small structures containing standpipe connections and large hoselines reconnected to a discharge outlet • May have fixed nozzles that can be directed at potential hazards MGMT 204-PPT-5-1-19 Water Supply Analysis Water supply should be analyzed: • Periodically • When the distribution system is altered or expanded p • When applications are made for new construction MGMT 204-PPT-5-1-20 135 Water Supply Analysis Types of analysis • Actual flow testing • Review of data supplied by water provider Terms • Static pressure • Residual pressure • Fire flow • Water flow MGMT 204-PPT-5-1-21 Water Supply Analysis Fire--flow tests Fire • Amount of water flow from individual hydrants • WaterWater-flow pressures • Gallons available at any pressure • Pressure available across a wide range of flows MGMT 204-PPT-5-1-22 Water Supply Analysis Fire hydrant inspections • Are performed on an annual basis to monitor physical condition of hydrants • Mayy be performed p as p part of firefire-flow tests • May be performed by inspectors or emergency response companies MGMT 204-PPT-5-1-23 136 Water Supply Analysis What to check for during hydrant inspections • Obstructions near hydrant • Direction of hydrant outlets • Mechanical damage to the hydrant • Condition of paint for rust or corrosion; ensure discharge outlet caps are not painted shut • Water flow, by having the hydrant fully opened • DryDry-barrel hydrants drain when the valve is closed MGMT 204-PPT-5-1-24 Water Supply Analysis MGMT 204-PPT-5-1-25 Water Supply Analysis Using a pitot tube and gauge • Step 1 – Open petcock • Step 2 – Edge blade into stream • Step 3 – Read the velocity pressure • Step 4 – Drain the petcock MGMT 204-PPT-5-1-26 137 Water Supply Analysis Fire flow calculation • Gpm = (29.83) x Cd x d2 x √P • Where: Cd = Coefficient of discharge d = Actual diameter of hydrant or nozzle orifice in inches P = Pressure in psi as read at orifice The constant (29.83) is derived from physical laws MGMT 204-PPT-5-1-27 Water Supply Analysis Required residual pressure • The required residual pressure is established by firefire-protection engineers as 20 psi minimum when computing the available water in i a flflow ttestt • Enough pressure is needed to overcome friction inside any of the following: A short 66-inch branch pipe A hydrant An apparatus intake hose MGMT 204-PPT-5-1-28 Water Supply Analysis Fire flow test procedures MGMT 204-PPT-5-1-29 138 Water Supply Analysis Fire flow test • Enough hydrants should be opened to drop static pressure by at least 10 percent; 25 percent for more accurate results MGMT 204-PPT-5-1-30 Water Supply Analysis • Precautions to be taken before firefire-flow test Notify water department official Notify residents and businesses in the area to reduce the number of false reports of water main breaks Wear protective equipment Use traffic safety devices MGMT 204-PPT-5-1-31 Water Supply Analysis • Obstructions Encrustations Sedimentation deposits Malfunctioning valves Malfunctioning pipes Malfunctioning pumps Foreign matter other than deposits Increased friction loss MGMT 204-PPT-5-1-32 139 Water Supply Analysis • Available firefire-flow test results computations Graphical analysis method – Determine which gpm scale should be used – Locate and plot the static pressure on the vertical scale at 0 gpm – Locate the total water flow measured during test on the chart – Locate the residual pressure noted during test on the chart MGMT 204-PPT-5-1-33 Water Supply Analysis Plot the residual pressure above the total water flow measured Draw a straight line from the static pressure point through residual pressure point on the waterwater-flow scale Read the gpm available at 20 psi and record the figure; this reading represents the total available water MGMT 204-PPT-5-1-34 Water Supply Analysis Mathematical method • Qr = (Q (Qf x hr0.54) ÷ hf0.54 Qr = the flow available at the desired residual pressure Qf = the flow during test hr = the drop in residual pressure hf = the pressure drop during test MGMT 204-PPT-5-1-35 140 Student Performance Objective Given information from discussion, handouts, and reading materials, describe water supply distribution systems and their importance in waterwater-based firefire-suppression systems. MGMT 204-PPT-5-1-36 Review Public Water Supply Systems Private Water Supply Systems Water Supply Analysis MGMT 204-PPT-5-1-37 141 142 Fire Inspector I Lesson 5-2 Water-Based Fire-Suppression Systems Maryland Fire and Rescue Institute Student Performance Objective Given information from discussion, handouts, and reading materials, describe the installation, inspection, testing and maintenance of waterwater-based firefiresuppression systems. MGMT 204-PPT-5-2-1 Overview Automatic Sprinkler Systems Water Spray Fixed Systems Water Mist Systems Foam--Water Systems Foam Standpipe and Hose Systems Stationary Fire Pumps Inspection and Testing MGMT 204-PPT-5-2-2 143 Automatic Sprinkler Systems Automatic Sprinkler Systems • Are the first line of defense against fires • Must be simple, reliable, and automatic • Should use an inexpensive extinguishing agent MGMT 204-PPT-5-2-3 Automatic Sprinkler Systems • Automatic sprinkler systems can fail under the following conditions Improperly maintained Inadequate/shut off water supply Incorrect design Obstructed spaces Partially protected spaces Intentionally set fires • There are four basic types of automated sprinkler systems MGMT 204-PPT-5-2-4 Automatic Sprinkler Systems MGMT 204-PPT-5-2-5 144 Automatic Sprinkler Systems MGMT 204-PPT-5-2-6 Automatic Sprinkler Systems MGMT 204-PPT-5-2-7 Automatic Sprinkler Systems MGMT 204-PPT-5-2-8 145 Automatic Sprinkler Systems • Other types of automatic sprinkler systems Antifreeze sprinkler system Circulating closedclosed-loop sprinkler system Combined dry pipe and prepre-action sprinkler system Gridded sprinkler system Looped sprinkler system Multi--cycle sprinkler system Multi MGMT 204-PPT-5-2-9 Automatic Sprinkler Systems MGMT 204-PPT-5-2-10 Automatic Sprinkler Systems Components of automatic sprinkler systems • Water supplies • Water Water--flow control valves • Operating valves • Water distribution pipes • Sprinklers • Detection and activation devices MGMT 204-PPT-5-2-11 146 Automatic Sprinkler Systems • Water supplies Must have adequate volume and pressure Must have a reliable source Must have adequate q water flow for: – The hazard being protected – The occupancy classification – The fuel fuel--loading of the occupancy MGMT 204-PPT-5-2-12 Automatic Sprinkler Systems • Water supplies Must be able to deliver required volume to highest or most remote sprinkler while maintaining a minimum residual pressure in the system Must have a primary water source Can be required to have a secondary water source MGMT 204-PPT-5-2-13 Automatic Sprinkler Systems • Water Water--flow control valves Are installed on either side of the check valve Are used to turn off or isolate the water supply to the system Are located between the water supply and the sprinkler system MGMT 204-PPT-5-2-14 147 Automatic Sprinkler Systems Outside Stem and Yoke (OS&Y) MGMT 204-PPT-5-2-15 Automatic Sprinkler Systems Post Indicator Valve (PIV) MGMT 204-PPT-5-2-16 Automatic Sprinkler Systems Wall Post Indicator Valve (WPIV) MGMT 204-PPT-5-2-17 148 Automatic Sprinkler Systems Post Indicator Valve Assembly (PIVA) MGMT 204-PPT-5-2-18 Automatic Sprinkler Systems • Operating valves Alarm--test valves Alarm Check valves Drain valves Globe valves Ball Ball--drip valves MGMT 204-PPT-5-2-19 Automatic Sprinkler Systems • Water distribution pipes include: An underground water supply main System risers Cross mains • Requirements for piping are determined by: Pipe schedule tables from NFPA 13 Hydraulic calculations MGMT 204-PPT-5-2-20 149 Automatic Sprinkler Systems • Sprinklers Apply water or foam to a fire or other hazard Emit water in form of small droplets over a given i area Are defined by orientation or by NFPA definitions MGMT 204-PPT-5-2-21 Automatic Sprinkler Systems NFPA 13 types of sprinklers – Early suppression fastfast-response (ESFR) – Extended coverage (EC) – Large drop – Old style or conventional – Open – Quick Quick--response early suppression (QRES) MGMT 204-PPT-5-2-22 Automatic Sprinkler Systems NFPA 13 types of sprinklers – Residential (RES) – Special – Specific application control mode – Standard spray (SS) – Nozzle MGMT 204-PPT-5-2-23 150 Automatic Sprinkler Systems Sprinkler variations – CorrosionCorrosion-resistant – Dry – Institutional – Intermediate level or rack storage – Ornamental or decorative MGMT 204-PPT-5-2-24 Automatic Sprinkler Systems Sprinkler orientation – Concealed – Flush – Pendent – Recessed – Sidewall – Upright MGMT 204-PPT-5-2-25 Automatic Sprinkler Systems Detection and activation devices – Sprinkler activation MGMT 204-PPT-5-2-26 151 Automatic Sprinkler Systems Electronic heat detector MGMT 204-PPT-5-2-27 Automatic Sprinkler Systems Water Water--flow alarms MGMT 204-PPT-5-2-28 Automatic Sprinkler Systems Residential systems • Design and operation Operate more quickly Have less coverage • Water supply and flow Have lower supply requirements Are normally connected to the public water supply MGMT 204-PPT-5-2-29 152 Water Spray Fixed Systems Water Spray Fixed Systems • Are not automatic sprinkler systems • Discharge water over an area or surface • Provide protection to specific hazards or hazardous processes • May be activated by automatic heat heat--detection system or manual activation system • Are covered by NFPA 15 MGMT 204-PPT-5-2-30 Water Spray Fixed Systems Components of water spray fixed systems • Reliable water supply • Piping • Automatic or manual detection and activation device • Water Water--flow control valve • Water spray nozzles MGMT 204-PPT-5-2-31 Water Spray Fixed Systems MGMT 204-PPT-5-2-32 153 Water Mist Systems Water Mist Systems • Control or extinguish fire by displacing oxygen and blocking radiant heat production • Raise humidity of room high enough to halt combustion • Are limited in use • Are replacements for fixed firefire-suppression systems that used halogenated hydrocarbon agents • Work similarly to traditional deluge sprinkler systems MGMT 204-PPT-5-2-33 Water Mist Systems Three types of water mist systems • Low Low--pressure system • Intermediate Intermediate--pressure system • High High--pressure system MGMT 204-PPT-5-2-34 Water Mist Systems MGMT 204-PPT-5-2-35 154 Foam--Water Systems Foam Foam--water systems Foam • Are hybrid sprinkler systems • Are manual or automatic • Discharge water water, foam or both intermittently MGMT 204-PPT-5-2-36 Foam--Water Systems Foam MGMT 204-PPT-5-2-37 Standpipe and Hose Systems Components of standpipe and hose systems • Hose stations • Water supplies • Water Water--flow control valves • Risers • Pressure Pressure--regulating devices • Fire department connections (FDCs) MGMT 204-PPT-5-2-38 155 Standpipe and Hose Systems Class I - Firefighters MGMT 204-PPT-5-2-39 Standpipe and Hose Systems Class II – Trained building occupants MGMT 204-PPT-5-2-40 Standpipe and Hose Systems Class III - Combination MGMT 204-PPT-5-2-41 156 Standpipe and Hose Systems Types of standpipe and hose systems • Automatic Automatic--wet • Automatic Automatic--dry • Semiautomatic Semiautomatic--dry • Manual Manual--dry • Manual Manual--wet MGMT 204-PPT-5-2-42 Standpipe and Hose Systems MGMT 204-PPT-5-2-43 Standpipe and Hose Systems Water supplies and residual pressure • Water supply depends on: Size of standpipe Needed fire stream Length of time to be used • Class I and III must supply 500 GPM for 30 minutes with a residual pressure of 100 psi • Class II must supply 100 GPM for 30 minutes with a residual pressure of 65 psi MGMT 204-PPT-5-2-44 157 Standpipe and Hose Systems High--rise buildings High • The height of the building and the class of service determine the size of the standpipe riser • Classes I and III require 4-inch risers for buildings under 100’ high 6-inch risers for buildings over 100’ high • Class II requires 2-inch risers for buildings under 50’ high 2 ½½-inch risers for buildings over 50’ high MGMT 204-PPT-5-2-45 Standpipe and Hose Systems High--rise buildings High • Combination standpipe and sprinkler systems require a 66-inch riser Standpipe p p connections should be within 130’ of any portion of the floor Standpipe connections must be with 6’ of the floor Class I or III require a 2½” roof outlet under certain conditions MGMT 204-PPT-5-2-46 Standpipe and Hose Systems MGMT 204-PPT-5-2-47 158 Standpipe and Hose Systems Pressure--regulating Pressure devices • Categories Pressure Pressure--restricting Pressure--control Pressure Pressure--reducing Pressure MGMT 204-PPT-5-2-48 Standpipe and Hose Systems Fire department connections (FDCs) • Class I or III buildings require one or more FDCs • When working in high rises rises, note that A normal engine cannot supply above 450’ High rises require special highhigh-pressure engines and piping in system MGMT 204-PPT-5-2-49 Standpipe and Hose Systems • Fire department connections Should have no shutoffs between the FDC and the standpipe Must have a female National Standard Thread (NST), National Standard (NS) or National Thread (NT) connection Must be equipped with standard cap plugs or approved breakaway covers MGMT 204-PPT-5-2-50 159 Standpipe and Hose Systems • Fire department connections May be protected with Knox® locking intake caps that require a special key Must be designated by a raisedraised-letter sign on a plate l t or fitting fitti MGMT 204-PPT-5-2-51 Stationary Fire Pumps Stationary Fire Pumps • Increase the pressure of water • Are needed to supply sprinkler or standpipe systems y because the available water supply pp y source does not have adequate pressure MGMT 204-PPT-5-2-52 Stationary Fire Pumps Horizontal split-case pump MGMT 204-PPT-5-2-53 160 Stationary Fire Pumps Vertical split-case pump MGMT 204-PPT-5-2-54 Stationary Fire Pumps Vertical inline pump MGMT 204-PPT-5-2-55 Stationary Fire Pumps Vertical turbine pump MGMT 204-PPT-5-2-56 161 Stationary Fire Pumps End suction pump MGMT 204-PPT-5-2-57 Stationary Fire Pumps Pressure-maintenance pump MGMT 204-PPT-5-2-58 Stationary Fire Pumps Pump drivers • Electric motor driver • Diesel engine driver • Steam turbine MGMT 204-PPT-5-2-59 162 Stationary Fire Pumps Controllers • Are used to start pumps automatically whenever the firefire-suppression system starts • Can have Electric motors Diesel motors MGMT 204-PPT-5-2-60 Inspection and Testing Opportunities to review, inspect, and witness tests • During plans review and approval process • During construction phase • During acceptance test • During periodic inspections, tests, or reviews MGMT 204-PPT-5-2-61 Inspection and Testing Plans review must determine if the firefiresuppression system is: • Appropriate for type of occupancy, hazard, and construction type • Correctly designed • In compliance with NFPA® and building code requirements • In possession of all documentation to permit an accurate assessment of design MGMT 204-PPT-5-2-62 163 Inspection and Testing Pre--acceptance inspection Pre • Is performed during installation • Should include a comparison of the installed components p to those shown on the p plans or construction documents; any changes must be justified MGMT 204-PPT-5-2-63 Inspection and Testing • Steps to be taken before an inspection Review records of previous inspections and identify make, model, and type of equipment, including area protected by system Determine whether occupancy classification has changed Review building permits to determine whether any approved alterations have been made to structure or facility Obtain permission from owner/occupant MGMT 204-PPT-5-2-64 Inspection and Testing • Automatic sprinkler systems Systems should be inspected during any scheduled building inspection Firefighters must ensure that all valves controlling water supplies to sprinkler system and within system are open MGMT 204-PPT-5-2-65 164 Inspection and Testing • Automatic sprinkler systems Check the water water--flow control valve Examine the main drain Perform a main drain test Inspect the drydry-pipe sprinkler system Observe an alarmalarm-trip test Inspect the sprinkler cabinet and sprinklers Examine the sprinkler piping and hangers MGMT 204-PPT-5-2-66 Inspection and Testing • Water spray fixed systems Inspecting water spray fixed systems is similar to inspecting automatic sprinklers MGMT 204-PPT-5-2-67 Inspection and Testing • Verify servicing of water mist systems Lubricating control valve stems Adjusting packing glands Bleeding moisture and condensation from air compressors and air lines Cleaning strainers Replacing corroded or painted nozzles Replacing damaged or missing pipe hangers Replacing damaged valve seats or gaskets MGMT 204-PPT-5-2-68 165 Inspection and Testing • Foam Foam--water systems Inspect the water side of the system Inspect the foam side of the system – Determine the type yp of p proportioner p – Verify the valve position based on the type of proportioner MGMT 204-PPT-5-2-69 Inspection and Testing • Standpipe and hose systems Verify that building management has performed monthly tests Check standpipe and hose systems – All water supply valves are sealed in open position – Power is available to fire pump, and it is in operating condition – Individual hose valves are free of paint, corrosion, and other impediments MGMT 204-PPT-5-2-70 Inspection and Testing Checking standpipe and hose systems – Individual hose valves are operable – Hose valve threads are not damaged – Hose valve wheels are present and not damaged d d – Hose cabinets are accessible – Hose is in good condition, is dry, and is properly positioned on rack or reel – Discharge outlets in dry systems are closed MGMT 204-PPT-5-2-71 166 Inspection and Testing Checking standpipe and hose systems – Dry standpipe is drained of moisture – Access to the FDC is not blocked – The FDC is free of obstruction, swivels rotate f l and freely, d caps iin place l – Water supply tanks are filled to proper level – PressurePressure-regulating devices are tested as manufacturer requires – DryDry-pipe systems are hydrostatically tested every 5 years MGMT 204-PPT-5-2-72 Inspection and Testing • Stationary fire pumps Building management personnel should have the pump tested weekly Some codes require inspectors to witness t t periodically tests i di ll Electrical power should be verified Incoming water pressure should be checked Flow tests should be conducted MGMT 204-PPT-5-2-73 Inspection and Testing • Private water supply systems Flow tests should be performed every five years Hydrant tests should be performed every year Gravity tanks, pressure tanks, and groundground-level reservoirs should be inspected to ensure that they are full Hose houses must contain required items Monitors must be unobstructed, accessible, and operational MGMT 204-PPT-5-2-74 167 Student Performance Objective Given information from discussion, handouts, and reading materials, describe the installation, inspection, testing and maintenance of waterwater-based firefiresuppression systems. MGMT 204-PPT-5-2-75 Review Automatic Sprinkler Systems Water Spray Fixed Systems Water Mist Systems Foam--Water Systems Foam Standpipe and Hose Systems Stationary Fire Pumps Inspection and Testing MGMT 204-PPT-5-2-76 168 Fire Inspector I Lesson 6-1 Special-Agent Fire-Extinguishing Systems and Extinguishers Maryland Fire and Rescue Institute Student Performance Objective Given information from discussion, handouts, and reading materials, describe the installation, inspection, testing and maintenance of specialspecial-agent fire fire-suppression systems and extinguishers. MGMT 204-PPT-6-1-1 Overview Special--Agent FireSpecial Fire-Extinguishing Systems Portable Fire Extinguishers MGMT 204-PPT-6-1-2 169 Review Questions for Chapter 8 1. What is the primary source of water in North America? 2. Discuss methods for moving water through a system. y 3. How do dry dry--barrel hydrants work? 4. For what purpose are gravity tanks used? 5. What can cause encrustations on inside walls of water mains? MGMT 204-PPT-6-1-3 Review Questions for Chapter 9 1. How does a looped sprinkler system work? 2. What is the traditional method for designing sprinkler systems? 3 What is a jockey pump? 3. 4. Discuss the steps in performing a main drain test. 5. What general items on a water spray fixed system should be inspected? MGMT 204-PPT-6-1-4 Special--Agent Special Fire--Extinguishing Systems Fire • Special Special--Agent Fire Extinguishing Systems Are used where waterwater-based systems are not appropriate Are used in areas containing: – Flammable and combustible liquids and gases – Water Water--reactive metals or chemicals – Food Food--preparation equipment – File storage or archives – Sensitive electronic equipment – Electrical transformers and switches MGMT 204-PPT-6-1-5 170 Special--Agent Special Fire--Extinguishing Systems Fire • Classification system Based on type of fire they extinguish Found on labels affixed to tanks – Class A: Ordinary solid combustibles – Class B: Flammable liquids and gases – Class C: Energized electrical equipment – Class D: Combustible metals – Class K: Commercial cooking oil/grease MGMT 204-PPT-6-1-6 Special--Agent Special Fire--Extinguishing Systems Fire DryDry-chemical firefire-extinguishing systems • Are used for rapid fire extinguishment with unlikely rere-ignition • Most M t commonly l protect: Flammable liquid storage Dip tanks Paint spray booths Exhaust duct systems MGMT 204-PPT-6-1-7 Special--Agent Special Fire--Extinguishing Systems Fire • Dry chemical fixed systems Consist of agent storage tanks, expellant storage tanks, heatheat-detection and activation system, piping, and nozzles • Dry chemical handheld hoseline systems Rely on trained personnel to apply dry chemical from hose stations connected directly to the agent and expellant storage containers MGMT 204-PPT-6-1-8 171 Special--Agent Special Fire--Extinguishing Systems Fire • DryDry-chemical fire fire--extinguishing agents Sodium bicarbonate (Class B/C) Potassium bicarbonate (Purple K) (Class B/C) Monoammonium phosphate (Class A/B/C) Class D agents – NA NA--X – MET MET--L-X – LITH LITH--X MGMT 204-PPT-6-1-9 Special--Agent Special Fire--Extinguishing Systems Fire • Components Storage containers for the drydry-chemical agent and/or expellant gas – May contain agent and pressurized expellant gas – Have a pressure gauge that indicates the stored pressure (ranges from 30 to 100 psi) – Must be located as close to the discharge point as possible – Must be in areas with temperature ranges of -40oF to 120oF MGMT 204-PPT-6-1-10 Special--Agent Special Fire--Extinguishing Systems Fire Piping to carry the agent and gas – Piping to carry the agent and gas is pre pre--engineered and designed to account for the unique flow characteristics of the specific agent – Design requirements include: Pipe size Number of bends and fittings Pressure drop (friction loss) Nozzles to disperse the agent – Are attached to system of fixed piping – Have no standard nozzle design MGMT 204-PPT-6-1-11 172 Special--Agent Special Fire--Extinguishing Systems Fire The actuating mechanism – Releases the agent into the piping system in response to an activated heatheat-detection device – Allows the flow of the agent and expellant gas by melting a fusible link that activates a mechanical or electrical release device MGMT 204-PPT-6-1-12 Special--Agent Special Fire--Extinguishing Systems Fire Systems with automatic actuation should be equipped with an audible warning signal Most systems are capable of manual release and are equipped with automatic fuel or power shutoffs MGMT 204-PPT-6-1-13 Special--Agent Special Fire--Extinguishing Systems Fire • Maintenance of dry chemical systems The maintenance of dry chemical systems is the responsibility of firefire-protection system companies Owner/occupant representatives or fire inspectors should be able to inspect for: – The presence of mechanical damage or corrosion – Proper nozzle positioning – Proper pressures readings MGMT 204-PPT-6-1-14 173 Special--Agent Special Fire--Extinguishing Systems Fire Inspection procedures for dry chemical systems – Records should be kept indicating when periodic inspections were made – Problems should be corrected immediately – Semi Semi--annual inspection must be conducted MGMT 204-PPT-6-1-15 Special--Agent Special Fire--Extinguishing Systems Fire – If the system actuator is controlled by a fusible link, the link should be replaced: At least annually More frequently, if specified by the manufacturer More frequently if it is distorted from heat exposure – Hydrostatic tests must be conducted every 12 years – Auxiliary functions should be checked during the inspection Visual or audible alarms Power shutshut-down devices for equipment or ventilation fans MGMT 204-PPT-6-1-16 Special--Agent Special Fire--Extinguishing Systems Fire WetWet-chemical extinguishing systems • Are best suited for applications in: Commercial cooking hoods Plenums Ducts Associated cooking appliances • Contain extinguishing agents effective for fires involving: Flammable liquids Gas Grease Ordinary combustibles MGMT 204-PPT-6-1-17 174 Special--Agent Special Fire--Extinguishing Systems Fire • WetWet-chemical system agents Are composed of water and either potassium carbonate, potassium citrate, or potassium acetate delivered in spray form Can use alkaline alkaline--type extinguishing agents for Class K fires (commercial cooking grease or oil) MGMT 204-PPT-6-1-18 Special--Agent Special Fire--Extinguishing Systems Fire • Inspection of wet wet--chemical systems All systems parts are in correct location All manual actuators are unobstructed Tamper indicator/seals are intact Maintenance tags are in place and up to date Any obvious damage is noted Gauges are within operational limits Any equipment modifications or repairs are noted MGMT 204-PPT-6-1-19 Special--Agent Special Fire--Extinguishing Systems Fire CleanClean-agent fire extinguishing systems • Are effective on Class A, B, and C fires • Will not conduct electricity • Must have room integrity to ensure total flooding of the agent • Leave no residue • Are stored as a liquid • Cool and smother burning materials MGMT 204-PPT-6-1-20 175 Special--Agent Special Fire--Extinguishing Systems Fire CleanClean-agent fire extinguishing systems • Are approved by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) • Formerly halogenated F l used dh l t d agents, t which hi h damaged the atmosphere when released • Now use new agents that cause no damage to atmosphere • Can be fixed systems for local application or total flooding MGMT 204-PPT-6-1-21 Special--Agent Special Fire--Extinguishing Systems Fire Clean--agent fire extinguishing systems Clean • Agents include: Halotron Inergen FM-200 ECARO-25 FE-36 • Components include: – Fixed systems (local or total flooding) – Actuation devices – Agent storage containers – Piping – Discharge nozzles MGMT 204-PPT-6-1-22 Special--Agent Special Fire--Extinguishing Systems Fire • Inspection of clean agent systems Inspection must be conducted annually by qualified personnel The quantity and pressure of the clean agent must be checked semiannually Inspection records must be maintained and available for review Storage containers require hydrostatic testing Hoses must be pressure tested annually Protected enclosures must be inspected annually The inspector may be required to witness installation acceptance tests MGMT 204-PPT-6-1-23 176 Special--Agent Special Fire--Extinguishing Systems Fire Carbon dioxide systems (CO2) • Are effective for extinguishing most combustible material fires • Have limitations due to life safety issues Pose an asphyxiation hazard Can freeze skin • Displace oxygen from the atmosphere to extinguish fires MGMT 204-PPT-6-1-24 Special--Agent Special Fire--Extinguishing Systems Fire • CO2 components Means of actuation – Automatic operation – Normal manual operation – Emergency manual operation High-- or lowHigh low-pressure systems Containers, connected to discharge nozzles through fixed piping Nozzles – HighHigh-velocity – Low Low--velocity MGMT 204-PPT-6-1-25 Special--Agent Special Fire--Extinguishing Systems Fire • CO2 inspection Maintenance and testing is performed only by firefiresuppression system contractors who are licensed representatives of the system manufacturer Agent cylinders should be checked semiannually and changed if necessary Hydrostatic testing is required for storage containers MGMT 204-PPT-6-1-26 177 Special--Agent Special Fire--Extinguishing Systems Fire • Foam firefire-extinguishing systems work through Smothering Separating Cooling Suppressing • Foam firefire-extinguishing systems create a foam blanket which Is generally formed by foam applied on top of burning fuel Excludes oxygen Stops the burning process Cools adjoining hot surfaces MGMT 204-PPT-6-1-27 Special--Agent Special Fire--Extinguishing Systems Fire Fixed foam systems • Are complete installations piped from the central foam station • Automatically A t ti ll di discharge h ffoam th through h fifixed d delivery outlets Fixed foam system pumps (where required) are usually permanently installed MGMT 204-PPT-6-1-28 Special--Agent Special Fire--Extinguishing Systems Fire MGMT 204-PPT-6-1-29 178 Special--Agent Special Fire--Extinguishing Systems Fire Semi--fixed type A foam systems Semi • The foam discharge piping is in place, but the pipes are not attached to a permanent foam source • p q A separate mobile foamfoam-solution source is required Semi--fixed type B foam systems Semi • A foam solution is delivered to foam hydrants for connection to hoselines and portable foam application devices • The system provides a foam solution source that is piped throughout a facility MGMT 204-PPT-6-1-30 Special--Agent Special Fire--Extinguishing Systems Fire MGMT 204-PPT-6-1-31 Special--Agent Special Fire--Extinguishing Systems Fire High expansion foam systems • Are designed for local applications or total flooding in commercial and industrial applications MGMT 204-PPT-6-1-32 179 Special--Agent Special Fire--Extinguishing Systems Fire Foam--water systems Foam • Foam Foam--water systems are deluge sprinkler systems with foam introduced • FoamFoam -water are used the ffoam F t systems t d where h th concentrate supply is limited but the water supply is unlimited • If the foam supply becomes depleted, the system operates as water water--based automatic sprinkler system MGMT 204-PPT-6-1-33 Special--Agent Special Fire--Extinguishing Systems Fire • Foam generation There are two stages – Proportioning – Aerating Components must be hydraulically engineered and matched to work effectively MGMT 204-PPT-6-1-34 Special--Agent Special Fire--Extinguishing Systems Fire MGMT 204-PPT-6-1-35 180 Special--Agent Special Fire--Extinguishing Systems Fire • Foam proportioning rates Concentrations Foam concentrates and type of fuel – Foams for hydrocarbon fires will not extinguish polar solvents fires – Foams for polar solvents fires may be used on hydrocarbon fires MGMT 204-PPT-6-1-36 Special--Agent Special Fire--Extinguishing Systems Fire • Foam expansion rates Low Medium High MGMT 204-PPT-6-1-37 Special--Agent Special Fire--Extinguishing Systems Fire • Foam concentrate types Fluoroprotein foam Film forming fluoroprotein ((FPPP)) foam Aqueous film forming foam (AFFF) Alcohol-resistant aqueous film forming foam Alcohol(AR--AFFF) (AR Medium Medium--and highhigh-expansion foams MGMT 204-PPT-6-1-38 181 Special--Agent Special Fire--Extinguishing Systems Fire • Proportioner types Balanced pressure proportioner Around Around--thethe-pump proportioner Pressure proportioning tank system Coupled water motormotor-pump proportioner MGMT 204-PPT-6-1-39 Special--Agent Special Fire--Extinguishing Systems Fire MGMT 204-PPT-6-1-40 Special--Agent Special Fire--Extinguishing Systems Fire • Inspection and testing of foam systems Valves and alarms must be checked semiannually Foam concentrates,, foam equipment, q p , and foam proportioning systems must be checked annually Qualitative tests must be performed on the concentrate and the condition of the concentrate tank MGMT 204-PPT-6-1-41 182 Portable Fire Extinguishers Portable Fire Extinguishers • Are the first line of defense against incipient fire • Are not substitutes for automatic firefire-detection or g g systems y fire fire--extinguishing • Must meet the following requirements Readily visible and accessible Suitable for the hazard being protected In good working order Of a sufficient size to control a fire MGMT 204-PPT-6-1-42 Portable Fire Extinguishers Classification systems • No single extinguisher is suitable for use on every type of burning fuel • The Th system t iis b based d on th the fifive classifications l ifi ti of fire (A,B,C,D,K) • The labels indicate the appropriate class of fire MGMT 204-PPT-6-1-43 Portable Fire Extinguishers Ratings • The rating system determines the amount of fire that can be extinguished Class A: 1A to 40A Class B: 1B to 640B Class C: No numerical rating Class D: No numerical rating Class K: Same rating as Class A • The pictorial system shows the class of fire with a picture • The letter letter--symbol system shows the class of fire with a letter MGMT 204-PPT-6-1-44 183 Portable Fire Extinguishers MGMT 204-PPT-6-1-45 Portable Fire Extinguishers MGMT 204-PPT-6-1-46 Portable Fire Extinguishers Types • Water extinguishers Are used to extinguish fires in class A materials Work primarily by cooling burning fuel MGMT 204-PPT-6-1-47 184 Portable Fire Extinguishers • Carbon dioxide (CO2) extinguishers Contain a colorless, noncombustible gas that is heavier than air Are suitable for Class B and C fires MGMT 204-PPT-6-1-48 Portable Fire Extinguishers • Foam extinguishers Contain a foam concentrate, which is added to water to increase extinguishment effectiveness May y contain AFFF or FFFP solutions Are suitable for Class A and Class B fires Are effective on: – Class A Fuels – Tightly packed fuels – Flammable liquid fires MGMT 204-PPT-6-1-49 Portable Fire Extinguishers • Dry chemical agents The agent consists of very small solid particles The agent g does not dissipate p into the atmosphere as rapidly as gases, making it especially suitable for outdoor fires MGMT 204-PPT-6-1-50 185 Portable Fire Extinguishers • Dry chemical agents Sodium bicarbonate Potassium bicarbonate Monoammonium phosphate Urea potassium bicarbonate Potassium chloride MGMT 204-PPT-6-1-51 Portable Fire Extinguishers • Wet chemical extinguishers Contain water and one of the following agents: – Potassium carbonate – Potassium citrate – Potassium acetate Are intended for use with: – Class K fixed systems – Commercial kitchens MGMT 204-PPT-6-1-52 Portable Fire Extinguishers • Clean agent extinguishers Clean agent extinguishers leave no residue Extinguishers using halon halon--replacement agents contain inert g gases MGMT 204-PPT-6-1-53 186 Portable Fire Extinguishers • StoredStored-pressure extinguishers: Contain expellant gas and an extinguishing agent in a single chamber g g a Have g gas p pressure that forces the agent though siphon tube Usually require special charging equipment for pressurization MGMT 204-PPT-6-1-54 Portable Fire Extinguishers MGMT 204-PPT-6-1-55 Portable Fire Extinguishers • Cartridge Cartridge--operated extinguishers A cartridgecartridge-operated extinguisher stores expellant gas in a separate cartridge attached to the side of the agent cylinder Expellant gas is released into the agent cylinder when the extinguisher is actuated The pressure of the gas forces the agent into the application hose Discharge is controlled by a handheld nozzle/lever MGMT 204-PPT-6-1-56 187 Portable Fire Extinguishers • PumpPump-operated extinguishers Discharge the agent by manual operation of a pump Are limited to the use of water as an extinguishing agent MGMT 204-PPT-6-1-57 Portable Fire Extinguishers Selection and location of extinguishers • Number and types of extinguishers • Location of extinguishers • Nature of hazard to be mitigated NFPA® 10 classifications – Light Light--hazard occupancy – Ordinary Ordinary--hazard occupancy – Extra Extra--hazard occupancy MGMT 204-PPT-6-1-58 Portable Fire Extinguishers Extinguisher size is determined by the quantity of burning fuel an extinguisher can extinguish – Class A fuels – Class B fuels – Class C fuels – Class D fuels – Class K fuels MGMT 204-PPT-6-1-59 188 Portable Fire Extinguishers Installation and placement • Must be readily visible and marked with legible signage • Must not be blocked byy storage g or equipment • Should be near points of egress or ingress • Should be near normal paths of travel MGMT 204-PPT-6-1-60 Extinguisher Standard Mounting Heights Standard mounting height and weight • The gross weight cannot exceed 40 pounds • The top of the extinguisher cannot be more than 5 ffeett above b th the floor fl MGMT 204-PPT-6-1-61 Portable Fire Extinguishers • When the gross weight is greater than 40 pounds (except wheeled extinguishers) the top of the extinguisher cannot be more than 3½ feet above the floor • The clearance between the bottom of the extinguisher and the floor should never be less than 4 inches MGMT 204-PPT-6-1-62 189 Portable Fire Extinguishers • Physical environment Temperature Other factors: – Snow – Rain – Corrosive fumes • Outdoors, extinguishers can be protected with plastic bags or placed in cabinets MGMT 204-PPT-6-1-63 Portable Fire Extinguishers • Situations that can impair extinguisher readiness include Stolen, misplaced, or obstructed devices Damage as result of being struck by vehicle Lack of pressure Use on a fire and then replacement on the mount without being recharged Clogged discharge hose or nozzle MGMT 204-PPT-6-1-64 Portable Fire Extinguishers Periodic inspections • • • NFPA® 10 recommends monthly inspections Accurate records must be maintained Verification of inspections is the responsibility of the jurisdiction’s fire inspectors What to look for during an inspection: Proper location Lock pin intact Unobstructed access No physical damage Collar tag current Signage in place Tag up to date Fully charged Instructions legible Nozzle/hose not obstructed Pressure gauge at operating level Appropriate type for hazard present MGMT 204-PPT-6-1-65 190 Portable Fire Extinguishers MGMT 204-PPT-6-1-66 Portable Fire Extinguishers Maintenance • Should be performed when the inspection reveals a need or when due as required by the manufacturer • Must be performed by trained, certified personnel MGMT 204-PPT-6-1-67 Portable Fire Extinguishers Training • The effectiveness of extinguishers is limited by the ability of those who use them • The Th inspector i t is i nott responsible ibl ffor ttraining i i b butt can inquire about how well well / how often potential users are trained • Fire departments can provide training if no other source is available MGMT 204-PPT-6-1-68 191 Student Performance Objective Given information from discussion, handouts, and reading materials, describe the installation, inspection, testing and maintenance of specialspecial-agent fire fire-suppression systems and extinguishers. MGMT 204-PPT-6-1-69 Review Special--Agent FireSpecial Fire-Extinguishing Systems Portable Fire Extinguishers MGMT 204-PPT-6-1-70 192 Fire Inspector I Lesson 6-2 Fire Detection and Alarm Systems (Part 1 of 2) Maryland Fire and Rescue Institute Student Performance Objective Given information from discussion, handouts, and reading materials, describe fire detection and alarm systems. MGMT 204-PPT-6-2-1 Overview Detection and Alarm System Components Automatic Alarm Alarm--Initiating Devices MGMT 204-PPT-6-2-2 193 Detection and Alarm System Components Detection and Alarm System Components • Are designed by fire protection engineers or technical personnel • Mayy require q code authority y approval pp of design g and installation • Should be tested by nationallynationally-recognized testing laboratories MGMT 204-PPT-6-2-3 Detection and Alarm System Components Fire alarm control panels (FACPs) • Process signals from detection devices • Transmit signals to alarm system alerting devices • Contain C t i allll controls t l ffor th the system t • May also control the security system MGMT 204-PPT-6-2-4 Detection and Alarm System Components MGMT 204-PPT-6-2-5 194 Detection and Alarm System Components Power supplies • Primary supply • Secondary supply • Trouble signal indicator MGMT 204-PPT-6-2-6 Detection and Alarm System Components Alarm initiating system devices • Are activated manually or automatically • Can be activated by the presence of fire,, smoke,, flame,, or heat p • Send a signal to the FACP • Include signaling devices such as: Alarm bells Recorded announcements MGMT 204-PPT-6-2-7 Automatic Alarm Alarm--Initiating Devices Automatic alarm alarm--initiating devices • Continuously monitor the atmosphere of a structure or area • Send a signal to the FACP when the atmosphere changes • Come in four basic types based on detection method Heat Smoke Fire gases Flames MGMT 204-PPT-6-2-8 195 Automatic Alarm Alarm--Initiating Devices MGMT 204-PPT-6-2-9 Automatic Alarm Alarm--Initiating Devices Fixed--temperature heat detectors Fixed • Are placed in areas where heat is expected to accumulate • Have a temperature rating that is slightly above normal ceiling temps expected in area • Are colorcolor-coded and marked with operating temperatures MGMT 204-PPT-6-2-10 Automatic Alarm Alarm--Initiating Devices • FixedFixed-temperature heat detectors use one of the following principles of physics to detect heat Heat causes expansion of various materials Heat causes melting of certain materials Heated materials have thermoelectric properties that are detectable MGMT 204-PPT-6-2-11 196 Automatic Alarm Alarm--Initiating Devices Fusible links – Hold open a spring device in the detector – Melt and drop away when melting point is reached – Cause the spring to release and touch an electrical contact that completes circuit and sends an alarm signal – If activated, must be replaced to restore the detector MGMT 204-PPT-6-2-12 Automatic Alarm Alarm--Initiating Devices MGMT 204-PPT-6-2-13 Automatic Alarm Alarm--Initiating Devices The frangible bulb – The frangible bulb holds two electrical contacts apart – Liquid in the bulb expands as the temperature increases, compressing an air bubble in glass and causing the bulb to shatter – The contacts are closed to complete the circuit and send an alarm signal – If activated, the bulb must be replaced to restore the detector MGMT 204-PPT-6-2-14 197 Automatic Alarm Alarm--Initiating Devices Bimetallic heat detectors – Use two types of metal with different heat heat-expansion ratios that are bonded together – Work because when heated, one metal expands faster than the other other, causing the strip to arch and complete a circuit – May be positioned with one or both ends secured in the device – Automatically reset, but should be checked for damage MGMT 204-PPT-6-2-15 Automatic Alarm Alarm--Initiating Devices MGMT 204-PPT-6-2-16 Automatic Alarm Alarm--Initiating Devices MGMT 204-PPT-6-2-17 198 Automatic Alarm Alarm--Initiating Devices Rate--of Rate of--rise heat detectors • Send a signal when the rise in temperature exceeds 12° 12° to 15° 15°F per minute • Are reliable and not subject j to false activations MGMT 204-PPT-6-2-18 Automatic Alarm Alarm--Initiating Devices • Pneumatic raterate-of of--rise line heat detector Metal pneumatic tubing is arranged over a wide area A flexible diaphragm responds to increases in pressure from f heated h t d air i in the tubing The diaphragm activates the alarm signal MGMT 204-PPT-6-2-19 Automatic Alarm Alarm--Initiating Devices The pneumatic raterate-ofof-rise spot heat detector – Operates on the same principle as the pneumatic raterate-of of-rise line heat detector – Differs from the rate rate--of of-rise line heat detector because The spot heat detector is self self--contained The alarm wiring extends from the detector to the FACP MGMT 204-PPT-6-2-20 199 Automatic Alarm Alarm--Initiating Devices RateRate-compensation heat detectors – Are used in areas subject to regular temperature changes at rates slower than those of fire conditions – Have outer bimetallic sleeves MGMT 204-PPT-6-2-21 Automatic Alarm Alarm--Initiating Devices The electronic spotspot-type heat detector – Consists of one or more thermistors – Is activated when there are large amounts of current flow – Bleeds or dissipates small amounts of current to reduce the chance of a small temperature change activating the alarm MGMT 204-PPT-6-2-22 Automatic Alarm Alarm--Initiating Devices Smoke detectors • Sense fire more quickly than heatheat-detection devices • Must be tested,, certified,, and listed by y thirdthirdparty testing services • Must respond to the same fire tests regardless of type MGMT 204-PPT-6-2-23 200 Automatic Alarm Alarm--Initiating Devices • Photoelectric smoke detectors Respond more quickly to smoldering fires Consist of a photoelectric cell with a specific light source Include two types – Projected Projected--beam – Refractory MGMT 204-PPT-6-2-24 Automatic Alarm Alarm--Initiating Devices MGMT 204-PPT-6-2-25 Automatic Alarm Alarm--Initiating Devices MGMT 204-PPT-6-2-26 201 Automatic Alarm Alarm--Initiating Devices Ionization Smoke Detectors MGMT 204-PPT-6-2-27 Automatic Alarm Alarm--Initiating Devices Flame detectors • Are also called light detectors and are of three types UV detectors IR detectors Combination UV/IR detectors MGMT 204-PPT-6-2-28 Automatic Alarm Alarm--Initiating Devices MGMT 204-PPT-6-2-29 202 Automatic Alarm Alarm--Initiating Devices Fire--gas detectors Fire • Monitor carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide • Operate faster than heat detectors but not as fast as smoke detectors • Use semiconductors or catalytic elements to sense gas and trigger an alarm MGMT 204-PPT-6-2-30 Automatic Alarm Alarm--Initiating Devices Combination detectors • Include Fixed rate/raterate/rate-ofof-rise detectors H t/ Heat/smoke k d detectors t t Smoke/fire Smoke/fire--gas detectors • Have the benefit of the complementary protection offered by each type of detector MGMT 204-PPT-6-2-31 Automatic Alarm Alarm--Initiating Devices Water--flow devices Water • Are automatic initiating devices required on automatic sprinkler systems • Activate a gong or bell when water begins flowing through system • May notify the FACP MGMT 204-PPT-6-2-32 203 Automatic Alarm Alarm--Initiating Devices Tamper switches • Supervise automatic sprinkler systems Monitor the main water shutoff valve that supplies the sprinkler system Monitor the air pressure in drydry-pipe sprinkler systems • Display a trouble signal on the FACP when activated MGMT 204-PPT-6-2-33 Student Performance Objective Given information from discussion, handouts, and reading materials, describe fire detection and alarm systems. MGMT 204-PPT-6-2-34 Review Detection and Alarm System Components Automatic Alarm Alarm--Initiating Devices MGMT 204-PPT-6-2-35 204 Fire Inspector I Lesson 7-1 Fire Detection and Alarm Systems (Part 2 of 2) Maryland Fire and Rescue Institute Student Performance Objective Given information from discussion, handouts, and reading materials, describe fire detection and alarm systems. MGMT 204-PPT-7-1-1 Overview Manual AlarmAlarm-Initiating Devices Alarm--Signaling Systems Alarm Inspection and Testing of Detection and Alarm Systems MGMT 204-PPT-7-1-2 205 Review Questions for Chapter 10 1. What is the purpose of an actuating mechanism? 2. List several types of hazards that CO2 can protect. 3 How does a fixed foam fire3. fire-extinguishing system work? 4. What is an aroundaround-thethe-pump proportioner? 5. List several situations that can impair extinguisher readiness. MGMT 204-PPT-7-1-3 Manual Alarm Alarm--Initiating Devices Manual AlarmAlarm-Initiating Devices • Allow occupants to manually initiate a fire alarm signaling system • Must be red with white lettering g • May be protected with glass, wire, or plastic MGMT 204-PPT-7-1-4 Manual Alarm Alarm--Initiating Devices Location requirements of NFPA 72 • On the wall between 3.5 and 4.5 feet from the floor • In p plain sight g without obstruction • At least one station per floor • No more than 200 feet from any point on the floor • Within 5 feet of every exit MGMT 204-PPT-7-1-5 206 Manual Alarm Alarm--Initiating Devices MGMT 204-PPT-7-1-6 Manual Alarm Alarm--Initiating Devices The single single--action pull station device • The singlesingle-action pull station is operated by single motion • When the lever is pulled, the lever is moved into alarm position and a signal is sent to the FACP MGMT 204-PPT-7-1-7 Manual Alarm Alarm--Initiating Devices The doubledouble-action pull station device • The operator lifts a cover to access alarm control • An alarm lever, switch, or button is then operated to send a signal to the FACP MGMT 204-PPT-7-1-8 207 Alarm--Signaling Systems Alarm Alarm Signaling Systems • Quickly alert occupants and emergency response organizations • Range from simple to complex • Have requirements contained in NFPA 72 • Include five major types of systems Protected premises (local) Auxiliary firefire-alarm system Proprietary system Central station system Remote receiving system MGMT 204-PPT-7-1-9 Alarm--Signaling Systems Alarm • Alarm Signaling Systems— Systems—two additional types Emergency voice/alarm communications system (notifies occupants of emergency and directs them in proper course of action) Parallel telephone system (connects fire alarm boxes or protected occupancies directly to fire department) MGMT 204-PPT-7-1-10 Alarm--Signaling Systems Alarm A protected premises alarm system • Transmits a visible and audible alarm within the immediate premises • Does D nott reportt offoff ff-site it • Can be activated manually or automatically • May supervise itself MGMT 204-PPT-7-1-11 208 Alarm--Signaling Systems Alarm • A nonnon-coded local alarm system When an alarmalarm-initiating device sends a signal to the FACP, all devices operate simultaneously The FACP is not able to identify a specific device; personnel must check visually Non-coded alarm systems are practical only in small Nonoccupancies MGMT 204-PPT-7-1-12 Alarm--Signaling Systems Alarm • A nonnon-coded local alarm system (continued) The FACP – Serves as a local control unit – Enables the fire alarm to have a distinct sound Non-coded alarm systems can be simple or complex Nonsystems MGMT 204-PPT-7-1-13 Alarm--Signaling Systems Alarm • A zoned/annunciated alarm system Enables responders to identify the general location of a fire quickly and accurately Indicates an area coinciding i idi with ith th the location of an operating alarmalarminitiating device Identifies zones within the structure on an annunciator panel MGMT 204-PPT-7-1-14 209 Alarm--Signaling Systems Alarm • An addressable alarm system Each alarmalarm-initiating device is connected to a specific, visible indicator on the FACP or annunciator panel The system pinpoints a specific activated device The system reduces the time it takes to locate and respond to actual emergencies MGMT 204-PPT-7-1-15 Alarm--Signaling Systems Alarm An auxiliary fire alarm system • Alarms are transmitted to a public fire tele tele-communications center where the appropriate response is arranged • There are two types of systems Local energy systems Shunt systems MGMT 204-PPT-7-1-16 Alarm--Signaling Systems Alarm Proprietary systems • Each building/area has its own system wired to a common, remote receiving point • A trained operator p summons the fire department • The system may also monitor the security system MGMT 204-PPT-7-1-17 210 Alarm--Signaling Systems Alarm MGMT 204-PPT-7-1-18 Alarm--Signaling Systems Alarm Central stations • A receiving point is located outside protected premises and monitored by a contracted services provider • Central station employees receive the alarm information and notify the fire department and the occupants MGMT 204-PPT-7-1-19 Alarm--Signaling Systems Alarm Remote receiving systems • Are connected directly to fire department telecommunications centers via radio or leased telephone line • Should still have a local alarm capability MGMT 204-PPT-7-1-20 211 Alarm--Signaling Systems Alarm Emergency voice/alarm communication systems • Are supplementary signal systems • Mayy be stand alone or integrated g directly y into the overall system • Are of two types One--way systems One TwoTwo-way systems • Have emergency phones connected in the stairwells and other locations MGMT 204-PPT-7-1-21 Alarm--Signaling Systems Alarm Parallel telephone systems • Are dedicated telephone lines between each alarm box or protected property and the fire department telecommunications center • Should not be used for any other purpose MGMT 204-PPT-7-1-22 Inspection and Testing of Detection and Alarm Systems Service testing and periodic inspection • General inspection should be conducted and documented on a routine basis by the AHJ and the building owner/occupant • Testing and inspection intervals vary with local codes/ordinances • Inspectors need to have a working knowledge of the systems MGMT 204-PPT-7-1-23 212 Inspection and Testing of Detection and Alarm Systems • Testing and inspection of alarmalarm-initiating devices Alarm-initiating devices must be in working order or the Alarmentire system is ineffective Items to check are listed on pages 478/479 of the textbook Inspection should be conducted in accordance with local guidelines, manufacturer’s specifications, and NFPA 72 Permanent records must be maintained MGMT 204-PPT-7-1-24 Inspection and Testing of Detection and Alarm Systems Periodic tests recommended by NFPA 72 and the manufacturer include inspection of – Restorable heat detection devices – Fusible Fusible--link detectors with replaceable links – Pneumatic detectors – Smoke detectors – Flame and gas detection devices MGMT 204-PPT-7-1-25 Inspection and Testing of Detection and Alarm Systems • Testing and inspection of fire alarm control panels (FACPs) Check to ensure all parts are working properly, including – Auxiliaryy devices – Receiving signals MGMT 204-PPT-7-1-26 213 Inspection and Testing of Detection and Alarm Systems Timetables for inspection and testing • Local alarm systems • Central station systems • Auxiliary firefire-alarm systems • Remote station and proprietary systems • Emergency voice/alarm systems MGMT 204-PPT-7-1-27 Student Performance Objective Given information from discussion, handouts, and reading materials, describe fire detection and alarm systems. MGMT 204-PPT-7-1-28 Review Manual AlarmAlarm-Initiating Devices Alarm--Signaling Systems Alarm Inspection and Testing of Detection and Alarm Systems MGMT 204-PPT-7-1-29 214 Fire Inspector I Lesson 7-2 Fire Hazard Recognition Maryland Fire and Rescue Institute Student Performance Objective Given information from discussion, handouts, and reading materials, describe behaviors and conditions that constitute a fire hazard. MGMT 204-PPT-7-2-1 Overview Unsafe Behaviors Unsafe Conditions MGMT 204-PPT-7-2-2 215 Unsafe Behaviors Poor housekeeping Ignoring ignition sources Open burning Improper use of electricity Careless use of flammable and combustible liquids MGMT 204-PPT-7-2-3 Unsafe Conditions Electrical hazard conditions • Worn electrical equipment • Improper use of electrical equipment • Defective or improper electrical installations • Power surges • Static electricity MGMT 204-PPT-7-2-4 Unsafe Conditions Electrical hazard conditions • There are two ways to dissipate static electricity Bonding Grounding MGMT 204-PPT-7-2-5 216 Unsafe Conditions Material storage • Lumberyards Open Open--storage yards Big Big--box retail lumber outlets MGMT 204-PPT-7-2-6 Unsafe Conditions Material storage facilities • Warehouses and high high--piled storage Heavy fuel load Wide variety of material Overwhelmed fire suppression systems MGMT 204-PPT-7-2-7 Unsafe Conditions • Tire storage facilities Fires produce intense heat and enormous amounts of smoke and toxic oil Codes must be followed for – Inside storage – Outside storage MGMT 204-PPT-7-2-8 217 Unsafe Conditions • Pallet storage facilities Wrapping materials may hinder fire suppression efforts Wrapping may fail in a fire causing collapse of materials Space between pallets creates a natural path for fire spread MGMT 204-PPT-7-2-9 Unsafe Conditions • Recycling facilities The primary dangers are – Bulk storage of combustibles co bus b es – Hazardous processes MaterialMaterial-handling equipment is also located inside facilities Trucks may have access inside facilities MGMT 204-PPT-7-2-10 Unsafe Conditions • Waste Waste--handling facilities Carry out disposal of nonnon-recyclable materials Potentially involve hazardous waste May transfer materials to a dump site Present a significant risk to communities and emergency response personnel MGMT 204-PPT-7-2-11 218 Unsafe Conditions • Incinerators Reduce the bulk of waste as much as 95 percent Due to air quality concerns, are less common Are found in the disposal of hazardous waste MGMT 204-PPT-7-2-12 Unsafe Conditions HVAC equipment • HVAC systems have a variety of components • HVAC system rooms are found in large facilities • HVAC systems present two primary hazards Heating appliances introduce heat and fuel to the structure Fire and smoke can spread through the ventilation system MGMT 204-PPT-7-2-13 Unsafe Conditions • Boilers Boilers come in two common types – Fire Fire--tube – W WaterWater t -tube t b The combustion process in a boiler results from a continual introduction of fuel and air in a flammable mixture Operators must receive proper training Proper housekeeping is essential MGMT 204-PPT-7-2-14 219 Unsafe Conditions • Types of furnaces Gravity (no fans) Forced--air Forced Floor Wall MGMT 204-PPT-7-2-15 Unsafe Conditions • Unit heaters Unit heaters are – Self Self--contained devices – A tomaticall Automatically controlled – Mounted on floors or suspended from walls or ceilings The heating element and fan are enclosed in a common operating unit MGMT 204-PPT-7-2-16 Unsafe Conditions • Room heaters Are self self--contained units designed to heat the immediate surrounding area Use the circulation of radiant heat as the heating medium Include solid fuel heaters, which have significant hazards MGMT 204-PPT-7-2-17 220 Unsafe Conditions • Temporary/portable heating equipment Temporary and portable heating equipment is extremely hazardous Inspectors should verify specific information regarding use MGMT 204-PPT-7-2-18 Unsafe Conditions • Air conditioning systems Are refrigeration systems where air is filtered, cooled, and dehumidified Use a variety of liquids and gases MGMT 204-PPT-7-2-19 Unsafe Conditions • Ventilating systems Provide air movement where no cooling or heating of air occurs Present a potential source for fire and smoke spread Are usually tied into the HVAC system MGMT 204-PPT-7-2-20 221 Unsafe Conditions • Filtering devices Filtering devices clean air and remove particulate dust and pollens Underwriters Laboratories classifies filters into two categories based on flame propagation and smoke development – Class 1 filters – Class 2 filters MGMT 204-PPT-7-2-21 Unsafe Conditions • Smoke Smoke--control devices Are used to control smoke, instead of the HVAC system – Smoke Smoke--control devices are common in atriums, high rises, ses, a and d aud auditoriums o u s – If the HVAC is used for smoke control, it operates in a special mode Maintain smokesmoke- and heat heat--free exit routes for occupants Give occupants sufficient time to evacuate MGMT 204-PPT-7-2-22 Unsafe Conditions Cooking equipment • Residential and commercial occupancies • Commercial cooking equipment MGMT 204-PPT-7-2-23 222 Unsafe Conditions • General conditions to look for in commercial kitchens Proper clearance is maintained from combustible materials E i Equipment t iis iin proper working ki order There is no excess grease and dirt buildup Proper fire extinguishers are present MGMT 204-PPT-7-2-24 Unsafe Conditions • Ventilation hood, exhaust, and firefire-protection systems Protect by drydry- or wetwet-chemical firefire-extinguishing systems Inspect MGMT 204-PPT-7-2-25 Unsafe Conditions • SolidSolid-fuel cooking equipment Protect with ventilation system Make sure spark arrestors and grease removal devices are present Clean once a week Install on noncombustible floors Allow only a oneone-day fuel supply inside the same room as the appliance MGMT 204-PPT-7-2-26 223 Unsafe Conditions Industrial furnaces and ovens • Furnaces and ovens are found in a number of industrial applications • Explosions p constitute a p potential loss of life,, property, and production • Hazards can be reduced with proper housekeeping • Safety controls must be present MGMT 204-PPT-7-2-27 Unsafe Conditions Powered industrial trucks • Industrial trucks use a variety of fuels • When inspecting facilities that contain powered industrial trucks,, ensure that Chargers for batterybatteryoperated units are clear of combustible materials Trucks are not fueled inside the building MGMT 204-PPT-7-2-28 Unsafe Conditions • When inspecting facilities that contain powered industrial trucks, ensure that: (continued) Repairs are made in designated areas Trucks are used only in the intended atmosphere Trucks are properly marked for safe use Trucks are maintained in accordance with manufacturer’s specifications Trucks are clean and free of lint, oil, and grease Fuel is stored in accordance with code MGMT 204-PPT-7-2-29 224 Unsafe Conditions Tents and air air--supported membrane structures must • Be made of flameflameresistant materials • Meet the NFPA 701 standard • Be located according to adopted fire and building codes • Meet means of egress requirements MGMT 204-PPT-7-2-30 Unsafe Conditions Tents and air air--supported membrane structures (continued) • Tents must have at least 10 feet between stake lines • Use of pyrotechnics or flames is prohibited in tents • Tents must be kept free of vegetation inside and outside up to 10 feet around MGMT 204-PPT-7-2-31 Student Performance Objective Given information from discussion, handouts, and reading materials, describe behaviors and conditions that constitute a fire hazard. MGMT 204-PPT-7-2-32 225 Review Unsafe Behaviors Unsafe Conditions MGMT 204-PPT-7-2-33 226 Fire Inspector I Lesson 7-3 Site Access Maryland Fire and Rescue Institute Student Performance Objective Given information from discussion, handouts, and reading materials, describe the requirements for fire department access to building and facility sites. MGMT 204-PPT-7-3-1 Overview Fire Lanes and Fire Apparatus Access Roads Construction and Demolition Sites Structure Access Barriers MGMT 204-PPT-7-3-2 227 Fire Lanes and Fire Apparatus Access Roads Fire lanes • Are roads or passageways required to ensure means of access and parking for fire apparatus and other emergency vehicles • Are not designed or intended for other purposes • Must be designated and identified; unauthorized parking must be prohibited MGMT 204-PPT-7-3-3 Fire Lanes and Fire Apparatus Access Roads Fire apparatus access roads – streets or highways that provides access for emergency vehicles MGMT 204-PPT-7-3-4 Fire Lanes and Fire Apparatus Access Roads Fire lanes and fire apparatus access roads • Must be wide enough to allow unimpeded passage around facility • Must p provide the radius of turns based on requirements of vehicles expected to use them • Are usually required to extend to within 150 feet of all portions of a building MGMT 204-PPT-7-3-5 228 Fire Lanes and Fire Apparatus Access Roads Fire lanes and fire apparatus access roads • Must meet minimum width requirements 16 feet for oneone-way travel 24 feet for twotwo-way travel • Must have a vertical clearance over passage passage-ways of 13.5 feet minimum • Must be designed and maintained to support the expected load of emergency vehicles that will use them MGMT 204-PPT-7-3-6 Fire Lanes and Fire Apparatus Access Roads MGMT 204-PPT-7-3-7 Fire Lanes and Fire Apparatus Access Roads Dead--end access roads Dead • Are those that extend farther than 150 feet from a public street or road • If g greater than 150 feet,, must conform to turnaround requirements T or hammerhead Cul--de Cul de--sac Alley dock • Must be marked and maintained and parking and materials storage must be prohibited MGMT 204-PPT-7-3-8 229 Fire Lanes and Fire Apparatus Access Roads MGMT 204-PPT-7-3-9 Fire Lanes and Fire Apparatus Access Roads MGMT 204-PPT-7-3-10 Fire Lanes and Fire Apparatus Access Roads MGMT 204-PPT-7-3-11 230 Fire Lanes and Fire Apparatus Access Roads Road markings and signs • Provide indications to Emergency personnel about what areas will support the weight of apparatus and what the mostt efficient ffi i t access paths th are The public about the areas that must be kept clear for emergency operations MGMT 204-PPT-7-3-12 Fire Lanes and Fire Apparatus Access Roads Road markings and signs • Have two primary forms Painted curbs Signs • Must be present in multistory structures that are surrounded by parking garages, indicating fire lanes and the areas that will support the weight of fire apparatus MGMT 204-PPT-7-3-13 Fire Lanes and Fire Apparatus Access Roads MGMT 204-PPT-7-3-14 231 Construction and Demolition Sites Buildings under construction are dangerous • Buildings under construction are subject to rapid fire spread Lack of doors and walls Lack of fire protection systems • There is increased fire load due to the materials present MGMT 204-PPT-7-3-15 Construction and Demolition Sites Buildings being demolished are dangerous • Fire protection systems may be disabled • There is high collapse potential MGMT 204-PPT-7-3-16 Construction and Demolition Sites Site monitoring • Sites should be inspected regularly • Inspectors should understand the code requirements q for the work being g done • Site access must be maintained MGMT 204-PPT-7-3-17 232 Construction and Demolition Sites Site access • Should be maintained during the construction and demolition processes • Should be included in architectural drawings g and site plans • Must be kept unobstructed and maintained in serviceable condition MGMT 204-PPT-7-3-18 Construction and Demolition Sites Additional site requirements • Lock boxes • Portable firefire-extinguishing equipment • Command post • Other access requirements MGMT 204-PPT-7-3-19 Structure Access Barriers Exterior access • Access should be unobstructed for firefighters to use and position apparatus and equipment • The existence of obstructions should be noted during an inspection • The AHJ should specify driveway and entrance requirements MGMT 204-PPT-7-3-20 233 Structure Access Barriers Exterior access • Access requirements should be based on the largest fire apparatus available • The design g of driveways y should be performanceperformance p based and designated as fire lanes or fire apparatus access roads with the applicable criteria • Illegal parking must be prohibited MGMT 204-PPT-7-3-21 Structure Access Barriers Exterior access • Access inspection must also consider: Overhead obstructions Landscape issues Topographical conditions Seasonal climate conditions MGMT 204-PPT-7-3-22 Structure Access Barriers Interior access • Requirements are included in current building codes • Access mayy be insufficient in existing, g, older buildings • Most codes require that windowless stories or buildings be protected by automatic sprinkler systems MGMT 204-PPT-7-3-23 234 Structure Access Barriers Interior access • Inspectors must be able to determine acceptable alternatives if installing a sprinkler system on an existing building is not possible. • Underground structures are considered windowless structures MGMT 204-PPT-7-3-24 Structure Access Barriers Interior access • Inspectors must consider fire department access Building door access Fence and gate access Fire escapes Roof access Below Below--grade access MGMT 204-PPT-7-3-25 Student Performance Objective Given information from discussion, handouts, and reading materials, describe the requirements for fire department access to building and facility sites. MGMT 204-PPT-7-3-26 235 Review Fire Lanes and Fire Apparatus Access Roads Construction and Demolition Sites Structure Access Barriers MGMT 204-PPT-7-3-27 236 Fire Inspector I Lesson 8-1 Hazardous Materials: Descriptions and Identification Methods Maryland Fire and Rescue Institute Student Performance Objective Given information from discussion, handouts, and reading materials, describe hazardous materials classifications and identification methods. MGMT 204-PPT-8-1-1 Overview Hazardous Materials Descriptions Hazardous Materials Identification Methods MGMT 204-PPT-8-1-2 237 Review Questions – Chapter 11 1. Discuss the two models of continuouscontinuous-line heat detectors. 2. What is a photoelectric smoke detector? 3. How do twotwo-way emergency voice/alarm communications systems work? 4. What information should be included in the record of a detector test? 5. How often should auxiliary firefire-alarm systems be inspected and tested? MGMT 204-PPT-8-1-3 Review Questions – Chapter 12 1. What are some unsafe behaviors related to ignition sources? 2. What is a power surge? 3. What is the difference between bonding and grounding? 4. What information should be gathered at a warehouse inspection? 5. How do firefire-tube boilers work? MGMT 204-PPT-8-1-4 Review Questions – Chapter 13 1. What is the difference between a fire lane and fire apparatus access road? 2. What is a culcul-de de--sac? 3. How may fire lanes and fire apparatus access roads be marked? 4. What conditions must exist at construction and demolition sites? 5. How might thunderstorms restrict site access? MGMT 204-PPT-8-1-5 238 Hazardous Materials Descriptions • Hazardous materials are everywhere • Inspectors must be familiar with the types of hazardous materials encountered, their properties and the need for safe storage, handling and use MGMT 204-PPT-8-1-6 Hazardous Materials Descriptions Flammable and combustible liquids • Flammable and combustible liquids are hazardous because the vapors they give off will ignite • Flammable and combustible liquids have a flashpoint, which is the temperature where a particular liquid will give off sufficient vapor to ignite • Flammable liquids have a flashpoint below 100o F • Combustible liquids have a flashpoint at or above 100o F MGMT 204-PPT-8-1-7 Hazardous Materials Descriptions Flammable liquids include Class Flashpoint Boiling Point Examples Class I A Below 73o F Below 100o F Acetaldehyde Cyclohexane Ethel ether Class I B Below 73o F At or above 100o F Acetone Benzene Gasoline Class I C At or above 73o F Below 100o F Hydrazine Styrene Turpentine MGMT 204-PPT-8-1-8 239 Hazardous Materials Descriptions Combustible liquids include Class Flashpoint Boiling Point Examples Class II At or above 100o F Below 140o F Acetic acid Diesel fuel Naptha Stoddard solvent Class III A At or above 140o F Below 200o F Cyclohexanol Formic Acid Nitrobenzene Class III B At or above 200o F N/A Formalin Motor oil Picric acid MGMT 204-PPT-8-1-9 Hazardous Materials Descriptions Compressed and liquefied gases • Compressed gases exist as a gas when compressed at normal temperatures • Liquefied q g gases exist as both a liquid q and a gas when compressed at normal temperatures • Both types of gases represent a significant fire and life safety hazard MGMT 204-PPT-8-1-10 Hazardous Materials Descriptions Compressed and liquefied gases • Have four classifications based on use Fuel gases Industrial gases Medical gases Specialized toxic gases • Must be used, stored and secured properly MGMT 204-PPT-8-1-11 240 Hazardous Materials Descriptions Cryogenic liquids • Exist as gas is turned into liquid through refrigeration • Have a boiling gp point of -130 130°°F • Are hazardous because The gas itself can be a hazard (can burn or explode) The expansion rate upon release is very high The liquid is stored at extremely low temperatures that can damage human tissue MGMT 204-PPT-8-1-12 Hazardous Materials Descriptions Flammable solids • Are any solids other than explosives that are capable of causing a fire through Friction Absorption of moisture Spontaneous chemical reaction Retained heat MGMT 204-PPT-8-1-13 Hazardous Materials Descriptions Flammable solids • Have an ignition temperature of less than 212 212°°F • Include a varietyy of materials with specific p hazards Can spontaneously combust Can generate heat when exposed to air Can explode when exposed to water MGMT 204-PPT-8-1-14 241 Hazardous Materials Descriptions Toxic materials • Can cause serious illness or death upon exposure • Have threshold limit values (TLVs) that describe the amount of material that will cause harm • Have two levels of exposure hazard Acute toxicity – damage from a single exposure Chronic toxicity – damage from long long--term exposure MGMT 204-PPT-8-1-15 Hazardous Materials Descriptions Toxic materials may enter the body through various paths MGMT 204-PPT-8-1-16 Hazardous Materials Descriptions Oxidizers • Are chemicals that initiate or promote combustion in other materials, causing fire by themselves or through the release of oxygen or other th gases • Decompose when exposed to heat • Can cause rapidly accelerated fire growth, explosions or spontaneous combustion MGMT 204-PPT-8-1-17 242 Hazardous Materials Descriptions • Common oxidizers include: Sodium nitrate Potassium nitrate Cellulose nitrate Nitric acid Potassium chlorate Calcium hypochloride Perchloric acid MGMT 204-PPT-8-1-18 Hazardous Materials Descriptions Radioactive materials • Can be found in a wide variety of quantities and forms • Have distinct markings g and labels that inspectors must recognize • Should be protected from fire MGMT 204-PPT-8-1-19 Hazardous Materials Descriptions • Radioactive materials exist as ionizing radiation in 5 forms Alpha – the least penetrating; can be stopped by cloth or paper Beta – can be stopped by aluminum Gamma – easily penetrates human tissue, must be shielded with concrete or lead X-Ray – can be stopped by a thin layer of lead Neutron – can be stopped by hydrogenhydrogen-rich material such as water or polyethelene MGMT 204-PPT-8-1-20 243 Hazardous Materials Descriptions Corrosive materials • Cause visible destruction or irreversible harm to skin tissue • Are classified as acids or bases • Can be liquid or solid • Can be flammable or combustible • Can release toxic or explosive products MGMT 204-PPT-8-1-21 Hazardous Materials Descriptions Explosives and blasting agents • Inspectors must understand the nature of these materials, as well as the precautions needed to protect them • Inspectors must become familiar with the locally adopted codes governing explosives storage and handling MGMT 204-PPT-8-1-22 Hazardous Materials Descriptions • Explosives are classified into six divisions Division 1.1 – mass explosion hazard Division 1.2 – projected explosion hazard Division 1 1.3 3 – fire hazard and minor blast hazard Division 1.4 – minor explosive hazard Division 1.5 – insensitive explosives Division 1.6 – extremely insensitive explosives MGMT 204-PPT-8-1-23 244 Hazardous Materials Identification Methods Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) • Are prepared by manufacturers to give information on: Hazardous ingredients Ph i l and Physical d chemical h i l properties ti Physical and health hazards Routes of exposure Precautions for handling and use Emergency response Control measures • Are available at the site or through CHEMTREC MGMT 204-PPT-8-1-24 Hazardous Materials Identification Methods Transportation placards, labels, and markings • The UN system Identifies 9 classes of hazards Serves as the basis for the Department of Transportation (DOT) system • UN commodity identification numbers Are fourfour-digit identifiers Are contained in the Emergency Response Guide (ERG) MGMT 204-PPT-8-1-25 Hazardous Materials Identification Methods • DOT placards Are diamonddiamond-shaped, color color--coded signs that shippers provide to identify materials in transportation containers • DOT labels DOT labels are the printed matter on 3.93.9-inch square square--onon-point diamonds Each hazard class has assigned pictograms and division numbers MGMT 204-PPT-8-1-26 245 Hazardous Materials Identification Methods • DOT markings DOT markings are descriptive names, identification numbers, weights, or specifications that include instructions, cautions, or UN marks DOT markings are required on the outer packaging of hazardous materials or goods MGMT 204-PPT-8-1-27 Hazardous Materials Identification Methods • Review of DOT tables Table 14.9 – Unique DOT labels Table 14.10 – Unique DOT markings Table 14.11 – Hazardous materials placard requirements MGMT 204-PPT-8-1-28 Hazardous Materials Identification Methods • Other markings Manufacturer’s labels and warning words – CAUTION – WARNING – DANGER – POISON MGMT 204-PPT-8-1-29 246 Hazardous Materials Identification Methods Military markings – Are used on fixed facilities – May be used on military vehicles – Are not necessarily uniform – May not be marked on some buildings/areas for security reasons Markings are described in Table 14.12 MGMT 204-PPT-8-1-30 Hazardous Materials Identification Methods Pipeline markings – Must be at sufficient intervals to identify the pipe’s location to anyone working in the rightright-of of--way – Do not always mark the exact location of the pipeline – Include signal words Warning Danger MGMT 204-PPT-8-1-31 The NFPA® 704 System – The NFPA 704 system is not designed for transportation or general public use – The ratings use a system of numbers from 0 (minimal hazard) to 4 (severe hazard) MGMT 204-PPT-8-1-32 247 Hazardous Materials Identification Methods • Resource guidebooks The Emergency Response Guidebook (ERG) – Identifies the UN identification number in the yellowyellowbordered pages – Identifies material names in the bl blue bluee-bordered pages – Identifies transportation placards and the threethree-digit guide codes in the table of placards and initial response guide MGMT 204-PPT-8-1-33 Hazardous Materials Identification Methods The NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards (NPG) – Is a reference source for general industrial hygiene information – Provides key information/data for over 600 chemicals or groups of chemicals – Is designed for occupational safety personnel, employers, and employees MGMT 204-PPT-8-1-34 Hazardous Materials Identification Methods The Hazardous Materials Guide for First Responders – Was prepared as a result of study by the USFA to determine the resources available to emergency responders – Contains material not found in the ERG or NPG MGMT 204-PPT-8-1-35 248 Hazardous Materials Identification Methods The Hazardous Materials Information Resource System (HMIRS) – Is an automated DoD system – Serves as a central repository for SDSs for the U.S. military services and civil agencies – Contains information including HAZCOM warning labels and transportation information MGMT 204-PPT-8-1-36 Student Performance Objective Given information from discussion, handouts, and reading materials, describe hazardous materials classifications and identification methods. MGMT 204-PPT-8-1-37 Review Hazardous Materials Descriptions Hazardous Materials Identification Methods MGMT 204-PPT-8-1-38 249 250 Fire Inspector I Lesson 8-2 Hazardous Materials: Storing, Handling, Dispensing, Transporting, Using, and Disposing Of Maryland Fire and Rescue Institute Student Performance Objective Given information from discussion, handouts, and reading materials, describe the storage and transportation of hazardous materials and the concerns this creates for inspectors. MGMT 204-PPT-8-2-1 Overview Hazardous Materials Storage and Transport Containers Hazardous Materials Inspection Concerns MGMT 204-PPT-8-2-2 251 Hazardous Materials Storage and Transport Containers Fixed--site storage tanks Fixed • Vary in capacity • Have three classifications Above--ground Above Underground Inside buildings • Must be installed in accordance with nationally recognized standard or code MGMT 204-PPT-8-2-3 Hazardous Materials Storage and Transport Containers • Above Above--ground fixed fixed--site storage tanks May contain flammable and combustible liquids, compressed and liquefied gases, or cryogenic liquids Are designed and classified based on pressures they are intended to contain – Atmospheric pressure – Low pressure – High pressure MGMT 204-PPT-8-2-4 Hazardous Materials Storage and Transport Containers Courtesy of Rich Mahaney MGMT 204-PPT-8-2-5 252 Hazardous Materials Storage and Transport Containers MGMT 204-PPT-8-2-6 Hazardous Materials Storage and Transport Containers Above-ground storage tanks should be inspected to Aboveconfirm: – Adequate support, mounting and anchoring to a foundation – Protection from impact or collision by vehicles or other objects – Fire protection for tank supports – The absence of stored materials near tanks – Appropriate setset-back as required by codes MGMT 204-PPT-8-2-7 Hazardous Materials Storage and Transport Containers Above-ground storage tanks should be inspected to Aboveconfirm: – Proper spacing between tanks – Proper emergency pressure pressure--relief venting – Appropriate structural integrity of the tank – Compliance with codes for the specific type of tank installed MGMT 204-PPT-8-2-8 253 Hazardous Materials Storage and Transport Containers • Underground storage tanks Are possibly the safest form of storage for flammable and combustible liquids Are of two basic types – Buried – Vaulted MGMT 204-PPT-8-2-9 Hazardous Materials Storage and Transport Containers Underground storage tanks must be designed for the intended use and be installed correctly, considering: – The pressure exerted by soil/pavement – Water table levels – Appropriate construction materials and protection in the ground – Code Code--compliant fillfill-pipe configuration MGMT 204-PPT-8-2-10 Hazardous Materials Storage and Transport Containers • Tanks inside buildings Tanks inside buildings are used to store fuel oil for heating or waste oil If the amount stored is greater than 660 gallons, that portion of the building must be considered a hazardous occupancy and be isolated from the rest of the building in a firefire-resistant room or enclosure MGMT 204-PPT-8-2-11 254 Hazardous Materials Storage and Transport Containers • Tanks inside buildings (continued) The enclosure must have a raised, noncombustible door or liquidliquid-tight ramp installed at all door openings into the tank room to prevent liquid from flowing into the structure if a leak occurs Tanks containing Classes IA through IC, Class II, or Class IIIA liquids must have overflow protection MGMT 204-PPT-8-2-12 Hazardous Materials Storage and Transport Containers • Ventilation Proper ventilation is required for all types of tanks Vents used in underground storage tanks must be large enough to prevent liquid or vapor being forced out of the tank during filling Vents must be protected to prevent clogs Vents must have flame arresters MGMT 204-PPT-8-2-13 Hazardous Materials Storage and Transport Containers Tanks with more than one fill or discharge connection must have vents with sizes based on maximum possible simultaneous flow Vent discharges must be arranged to prevent flame impingement on any part of the tank or nearby tanks MGMT 204-PPT-8-2-14 255 Hazardous Materials Storage and Transport Containers Common pressurepressure-relief devices to control pressure in cryogenic containers include – PressurePressure-relief valves – Frangible disks – Safety vents in insulation space MGMT 204-PPT-8-2-15 Hazardous Materials Storage and Transport Containers NonNon-bulk packaging • The DOT defines non non--bulk packaging as vessels or containers used to transport or store liquids in quantities of 119 gallons or less • The many types of non non--bulk packaging include: Cans Carboys Bottles Cylinders Drums Bags Boxes MGMT 204-PPT-8-2-16 Hazardous Materials Storage and Transport Containers • Flammable and combustible liquids containers Flammable and combustible liquids containers may be stored inside or outside structures The amount of liquid stored depends upon: – Occupancy classification – Storage conditions – Local fire codes MGMT 204-PPT-8-2-17 256 Hazardous Materials Storage and Transport Containers Storage requirements Occupancy Class IA through IC or Class II Class III A Dwellings (3 or fewer fe er units) nits) No more than 25 gallons No more than 60 gallons Assembly spaces No more than 10 gallons No more than 60 gallons Office, education and health care Quantities needed for operations, 2 gallon or less containers Mercantile and retail No more than needed for display or operations Normal operating areas Small quantities in approved storage cabinets MGMT 204-PPT-8-2-18 Hazardous Materials Storage and Transport Containers Types of containers for flammable and combustible liquids include – Glass containers : suitable for corrosives, amount of flammable/combustible liquids restricted – Metal containers : cans up to 10 gallons and drums up to 55 gallons – Safety cans : maximum of 5 gallons – Polyethylene containers: used for compatible materials MGMT 204-PPT-8-2-19 Hazardous Materials Storage and Transport Containers Types of containers for flammable and combustible liquids include (continued) – Storage cabinets: designed primarily for flammable/combustible liquids, required by OSHA – Storage rooms: storage of quantities beyond the capability of storage cabinets, requirements detailed in model codes – Outside containers: require fencing or other security measures, must have spill containment capability, approved location and approved construction materials MGMT 204-PPT-8-2-20 257 Hazardous Materials Storage and Transport Containers MGMT 204-PPT-8-2-21 Hazardous Materials Storage and Transport Containers • Compressed and liquefied gas containers Contents should be marked in large letters near top of cylinder There are numerous storage considerations Cylinders must be built according to DOT specifications MGMT 204-PPT-8-2-22 Hazardous Materials Storage and Transport Containers • Flammable solids packaging There are a variety of containers Design strategies are employed to prevent contact with elements that will cause reactions Correct labeling must be present Incompatible materials should not be stored or handled near each other MGMT 204-PPT-8-2-23 258 Hazardous Materials Storage and Transport Containers • Oxidizer containers Come in a variety of sizes and types Must be transported in accordance with DOT standards Must be stored in accordance with local codes MGMT 204-PPT-8-2-24 Hazardous Materials Storage and Transport Containers • Radioactive materials packaging Container and packaging requirements are defined in Title 49 CFR 143 Materials are generally found in small quantities State and Federal laws specify warning sign and label requirements as well as storage container requirements MGMT 204-PPT-8-2-25 Hazardous Materials Storage and Transport Containers • Corrosive materials containers Inside storage and material handling requirements are outlined in model codes The containers used depend on the properties of the materials Corrosive liquids are heavier than other liquids, which must be considered when storing them MGMT 204-PPT-8-2-26 259 Hazardous Materials Storage and Transport Containers • Explosives and blasting agents containers Consist of wood, plastic, fiberboard, or metal Have internal cushioning of polystyrene foam padding May be singlesingle-use or multi multi--use Must be marked in accordance with federal regulations MGMT 204-PPT-8-2-27 Hazardous Materials Storage and Transport Containers Explosives and blasting agents containers must be stored in specially designed facilities called magazines, which are of 5 types – Type 1: permanent facilities – T Type 2 : portable t bl or mobile bil ffacilities iliti – Type 3 : portable, temporary storage that is guarded – Type 4: for explosives that are not bullet sensitive – Type 5: facilities that store blasting agents MGMT 204-PPT-8-2-28 Hazardous Materials Storage and Transport Containers Bulk packaging • Bulk packaging refers to packaging, other than that on a ship or barge, in which materials are loaded with no intermediate form of containment • Transport vehicles, freight containers, intermediate bulk containers (IBCs), and intermodal (IM) containers are bulk packaging types MGMT 204-PPT-8-2-29 260 Hazardous Materials Storage and Transport Containers • To be considered bulk packaging, one of the following criteria must be met Maximum capacity is greater than 119 gallons as a receptacle for a liquid Maximum net mass is greater than 882 pounds, or maximum capacity is greater than 119 gallons as a receptacle for a solid Water capacity is 1,001 pounds or greater as a receptacle for gas MGMT 204-PPT-8-2-30 Hazardous Materials Storage and Transport Containers • Bulk packaging can be divided into three main categories Railroad cars (railway transportation) Cargo tank trucks (highway transportation) Intermodal containers (railway, highway and/or marine vessel transportation) MGMT 204-PPT-8-2-31 Hazardous Materials Storage and Transport Containers • Railroad tank cars Tank cars – Non Non--pressure – Pressure – Cryogenic liquid Hopper cars Box cars High--pressure tube cars High MGMT 204-PPT-8-2-32 261 Hazardous Materials Storage and Transport Containers • Cargo tank trucks Transport hazardous materials via roadways Are covered by DOT tanktank-safety specifications Have motor carrier (MC) designations and a three three-digit code If not constructed to meet one of the common MC or DOT/TC specifications, are referred to as nonnon-spec tanks MGMT 204-PPT-8-2-33 Hazardous Materials Storage and Transport Containers • Intermodal containers Are freight containers used interchangeably in multiple modes of transport Fall into two categories – Freight containers – Tank containers MGMT 204-PPT-8-2-34 Hazardous Materials Inspection Concerns Storage of hazardous materials is controlled by federal and state regulations, which cover: • Design and construction of containers and storage buildings • Fire and explosion separation requirements • Fire Fire--suppression system requirements • Hazard identification markings MGMT 204-PPT-8-2-35 262 Hazardous Materials Inspection Concerns • Storage of flammable/combustible liquids and compressed/liquefied/cryogenic gases No sources of ignition Closed storage containers or systems Correct tank identification markings Containment dikes as required Adequate ventilation No combustibles stored in the containment area Portable fire extinguishers and trained personnel to use them MGMT 204-PPT-8-2-36 Hazardous Materials Inspection Concerns • Storage of flammable solids Tightly secured lids Containers filled with an inert medium or liquid as appropriate Proper container marking Portable fire extinguishers and trained personnel MGMT 204-PPT-8-2-37 Hazardous Materials Inspection Concerns • Storage of toxic materials Tightly sealed containers Personal protective equipment Fixed detection systems and decontamination stations MGMT 204-PPT-8-2-38 263 Hazardous Materials Inspection Concerns • Storage of oxidizers Manual or automatic shutoff valves Spill containment and drainage features Tank separation distances Heat and smoke venting systems Explosion--control systems Explosion Standby power MGMT 204-PPT-8-2-39 Hazardous Materials Inspection Concerns • Storage of explosives and blasting agents Elimination of detonatordetonator-initiating devices, flammable/combustible liquids, and sparksparkproducing tools Separation of lowlow-density oxidizers and fuels Powder kegs stored in proper orientation MGMT 204-PPT-8-2-40 Hazardous Materials Inspection Concerns • Storage of explosives and blasting agents (continued) Explosives stored according to brand and grade, with markings visible No storage of ammunition with explosives Proper warning and content signs visible Portable fire extinguishers and trained personnel MGMT 204-PPT-8-2-41 264 Hazardous Materials Inspection Concerns • Storage of radioactive material Radiation detection devices in storage areas Alarm panels located away from the storage area Radioactive warning signs at entrances to storage areas Storage in appropriate containers Outside storage in firefire-resistant containers MGMT 204-PPT-8-2-42 Hazardous Materials Inspection Concerns Handling of hazardous materials includes: • Moving hazardous materials from storage areas to the place of use • Using U i h hazardous d materials t i l • Dispensing hazardous materials • Disposing of hazardous materials MGMT 204-PPT-8-2-43 Hazardous Materials Inspection Concerns • Handling of small amounts of flammable/ combustible liquids Classes IA through IC and Class II liquids must be kept in covered safety containers Classes IA through IC liquids must not be used in the presence of any possible ignition source Classes IA through IC liquids cannot be stored in containers that are pressurized with air Appropriate electrical bonding and grounding procedures must always be followed MGMT 204-PPT-8-2-44 265 Hazardous Materials Inspection Concerns MGMT 204-PPT-8-2-45 Hazardous Materials Inspection Concerns • Handling of compressed and liquefied gases Workers must be properly trained and under competent supervision Company administrative and engineering control policies/guidelines should be reviewed to identify potential unsafe behavior Control of hazards must be exercised MGMT 204-PPT-8-2-46 Hazardous Materials Inspection Concerns Dispensing hazardous materials • Hazardous liquids Loading and unloading stations for Class IA through IC liquids must be at least 25 feet from storage tanks, property lines or structures Loading and unloading stations for Class II and Classes III A and III B must be at least 15 feet from tanks, property lines or structures MGMT 204-PPT-8-2-47 266 Hazardous Materials Inspection Concerns Loading and unloading stations must be constructed on level ground Curbs, drains, natural ground slope or other means are required to keep spills in the area of origin Adequate ventilation must be maintained for loading and unloading stations Tanks must be bonded and grounded to prevent static buildup Flow must not be gravity or siphoning fed Control valves must be located at easily accessible points along piping to control flow MGMT 204-PPT-8-2-48 Hazardous Materials Inspection Concerns • Compressed/liquefied gases Compressed/liquefied gases are usually transferred by refilling cylinders or replacing cylinders SOPs must exist for the transfer process MGMT 204-PPT-8-2-49 Hazardous Materials Inspection Concerns • Flammable solids, explosives or blasting agents Spills of flammable solids or explosive are easier to contain, clean up than liquids Disposal of spills must conform to regulations MGMT 204-PPT-8-2-50 267 Hazardous Materials Inspection Concerns Transporting hazardous materials • Inspectors must be familiar with the local fire and zoning codes regulating parking of hazardous materials vehicles • Inspectors must be aware of mixed--content shipments mixed where hazardous materials are part of a larger shipment MGMT 204-PPT-8-2-51 Hazardous Materials Inspection Concerns Guidelines for use of hazardous materials • Wear correct PPE • Provide proper ventilation • Separate products containing chlorine from ammonia or acidacid-based cleaners • Limit the use of flammable or combustible materials to areas without ignition sources MGMT 204-PPT-8-2-52 Hazardous Materials Inspection Concerns Guidelines for use of hazardous materials • Keep hazardous materials in their original containers or in approved and marked secondary containers • Check storage twice a year • Never combine or mix products • Keep storage and work areas clean MGMT 204-PPT-8-2-53 268 Hazardous Materials Inspection Concerns Guidelines for use of hazardous materials • Prohibit eating, drinking, and smoking while working with hazardous materials • Wash W hh hands, d fface, and d other th exposed d areas with soap and water • Ensure that employees are familiar with the SDS MGMT 204-PPT-8-2-54 Hazardous Materials Inspection Concerns Guidelines for use of hazardous materials • Ensure that containers are clearly labeled as to their contents • Ensure E that th t employees l follow f ll established t bli h d emergency preparedness procedures MGMT 204-PPT-8-2-55 Hazardous Materials Inspection Concerns Disposal of hazardous materials • Disposing of hazardous materials waste is strictly controlled by federal and state authorities • Improper disposal can result in fires, fatalities, illnesses, or environmental damage • Inspectors may notify the appropriate authority when a violation is suspected MGMT 204-PPT-8-2-56 269 Hazardous Materials Inspection Concerns Disposal of hazardous materials • Spills, releases, and leaks must be contained and cleaned up immediately • Nonreturnable flammable/combustible liquid and compressed/liquefied gas containers must be disposed of properly • Empty packing materials used to store and transport explosives and blasting agents must be disposed of by remote burning by trained personnel MGMT 204-PPT-8-2-57 Student Performance Objective Given information from discussion, handouts, and reading materials, describe the storage and transportation of hazardous materials and the concerns this creates for inspectors. p MGMT 204-PPT-8-2-58 Review Hazardous Materials Storage and Transport Containers Hazardous Materials Inspection Concerns MGMT 204-PPT-8-2-59 270 Fire Inspector I Lesson 9-1 Plans Review and Field Verifications Maryland Fire and Rescue Institute Student Performance Objective Given information from discussion, handouts, and reading materials, describe building/ structure plan views and system plans and field verification procedures. MGMT 204-PPT-9-1-1 Overview Plan Views and System Plans Field Verification Procedures MGMT 204-PPT-9-1-2 271 Review Questions for Chapter 14 1. What is a weapon of mass destruction (WMD)? 2. What test methods can determine flash points? 3. Where may inspectors find compressed and liquefied q g gases in use? 4. What is a toxic material? 5. How do oxidizers react when exposed to heat? MGMT 204-PPT-9-1-3 Review Questions for Chapter 14 6. With what types of ionizing radiation should inspectors be familiar? 7. How are explosives classified? 8. What sections must be included in a safetyy data sheet (SDS)? 9. What is a DOT marking? 10. How does the NFPA® 704 system work? MGMT 204-PPT-9-1-4 Review Questions for Chapter 15 1. What is an emergencyemergency-relief device? 2. What types of containers may be used for packaging flammable solid materials? 3. What are the categories of bulk packaging? 4. Upon what factors do the requirements for storing oxidizers depend? 5. What are the restrictions of transporting explosives? MGMT 204-PPT-9-1-5 272 Plan Views and System Plans There are four primary views in working drawings • Plan • Elevation • Sectional • Detailed MGMT 204-PPT-9-1-6 Plan Views and System Plans Each plan view includes a title block MGMT 204-PPT-9-1-7 Plan Views and System Plans Plan views • Are twotwo-dimensional views of the site or building as seen from directly above the area • Provide information concerning g the overall layout of the site or building MGMT 204-PPT-9-1-8 273 Plan Views and System Plans MGMT 204-PPT-9-1-9 Plan Views and System Plans MGMT 204-PPT-9-1-10 Plan Views and System Plans MGMT 204-PPT-9-1-11 274 Plan Views and System Plans Elevation views • Elevation views are twotwo-dimensional views of a building as seen from the exterior • There are four exterior elevation views on anyy rectangular building, labeled using one of two methods Compass orientation Street orientation MGMT 204-PPT-9-1-12 Plan Views and System Plans Elevation views • Contain information about exterior components • Include utility service line connection points and FDCs MGMT 204-PPT-9-1-13 Plan Views and System Plans Sectional views • Are vertical views of a building • Show the internal construction of each assembly y • Are of three types Cross section of the complete building Typical cross section of a common construction feature (like a wall) Detailed cross section of a construction feature (like an atrium) MGMT 204-PPT-9-1-14 275 Sectional Views MGMT 204-PPT-9-1-15 Plan Views and System Plans Detailed views • Show features in larger size than what is on the small--scale floor plan or elevation drawings small • Are p provided on a separate p drawing g sheet MGMT 204-PPT-9-1-16 Plan Views and System Plans MGMT 204-PPT-9-1-17 276 Plan Views and System Plans • Mechanical systems Provide the building’s occupants with mechanical services – HVAC – Plumbing Pl bi and d electric l ti – Elevators, escalators and lifts Should be designed by a mechanical engineer or building systems engineer Include detection and alarm systems and control dampers MGMT 204-PPT-9-1-18 Plan Views and System Plans • Mechanical systems Should include fire and/or smoke dampers where ductwork penetrates firefire-resistive walls or floors Include code requirements for structures containing commercial kitchens MGMT 204-PPT-9-1-19 Plan Views and System Plans MGMT 204-PPT-9-1-20 277 Plan Views and System Plans • Electrical systems Must be designed and installed in accordance with NFPA 70, National Electrical Code Must have adequate exit illumination Also include components such as: – Auxiliary power supplies – Electronic door locks MGMT 204-PPT-9-1-21 Plan Views and System Plans MGMT 204-PPT-9-1-22 Plan Views and System Plans • Plumbing systems Include the layout of the water distribution system in the structure Must be reviewed to determine if the water supply is adequate to support fire fire--protection systems in the structure MGMT 204-PPT-9-1-23 278 Plan Views and System Plans • Sprinkler systems A field inspection checklist is included in the text, Appendix I Inspectors must determine the applicable standard prior to inspection inspection, as determined by: – Occupancy hazard – Storage commodity Inspectors must verify the design, system components, and water supply MGMT 204-PPT-9-1-24 Plan Views and System Plans MGMT 204-PPT-9-1-25 Plan Views and System Plans • Standpipe and hose systems Plans should be used to determine – System type – System classification – FDC location – Water supply main location and capacity – Riser control valve type and location MGMT 204-PPT-9-1-26 279 Plan Views and System Plans Plans should be used to determine (continued) – Location of hose cabinets or discharges – Discharge control valve locations – Pressurized air supply type, capacity, and locations Combination standpipe and sprinkler systems must include waterwater-flow calculations MGMT 204-PPT-9-1-27 Plan Views and System Plans • Special Special--agent fire fire--extinguishing systems Definition of area or equipment to be protected Type of system Type of extinguishing agent Amount of agent required Concentration of extinguishing agent Storage container size Type of expellant gas MGMT 204-PPT-9-1-28 Plan Views and System Plans • Special Special--agent fire fire--extinguishing systems Rate of discharge Duration of flow Layout and type of piping included Location and type of discharge nozzles Methods of actuation and auxiliary alarm functions Type of prepre-signaling devices used Area and volume of the protected space MGMT 204-PPT-9-1-29 280 Plan Views and System Plans • Fire detection and alarm systems Components used System functions Sources for system information – Manufacturers – Construction documents Detailed system specifications MGMT 204-PPT-9-1-30 Field Verification Procedures Field verifications are conducted to verify that construction activities conform to approved plans submitted for review and permit Field verifications require a team effort because inspections are frequently carried out by inspectors other than the plan reviewer Plan changes may not be approved during field verification inspections Inspectors must have appropriate PPE Inspections must be documented MGMT 204-PPT-9-1-31 Student Performance Objective Given information from discussion, handouts, and reading materials, describe building/structure plan views and system plans and field verification procedures. MGMT 204-PPT-9-1-32 281 Review Plan Views and System Plans Field Verification Procedures MGMT 204-PPT-9-1-33 Review Questions – Chapter 16 1. What is the purpose of a site plan? 2. How is a sectional view drawn? 3. What is detailed view? 4 4. What information should be included in documentation of special special--agent fire fire-extinguishing systems? 5. What clothing and equipment is approved for site visits? MGMT 204-PPT-9-1-34 282 Fire Inspector I Lesson 9-2 Inspection Procedures Maryland Fire and Rescue Institute Student Performance Objective Given information from discussion, handouts, and reading materials, describe the procedures necessary to inspect an occupancy. MGMT 204-PPT-9-2-1 Overview Interpersonal Communications Inspection Preparation Inspection Procedures Follow Follow--Up Inspections Emergency Planning and Preparedness Complaint Management Administrative Duties MGMT 204-PPT-9-2-2 283 Interpersonal Communications Listening skills • Attending – focusing on the speaker • Understanding – interpreting what is said • Remembering – who said what what, when • Evaluating – analyzing what was said • Responding – giving feedback based on what was said Hearing versus listening – hearing is physiological; listening is a skill MGMT 204-PPT-9-2-3 Interpersonal Communications • Methods to improve listening skills Listen to speeches or stories on audiotape Take notes while listening Focus on the speaker and the message Overcome the distraction of your own internal voice Overcome psychological barriers MGMT 204-PPT-9-2-4 Interpersonal Communications Conversing skills • Involve exchanging thoughts and opinions in speech • Consist of verbal and nonverbal communications • Can be improved MGMT 204-PPT-9-2-5 284 Interpersonal Communications MGMT 204-PPT-9-2-6 Interpersonal Communications • To improve verbal communication Engage in dual perspective Take responsibility for personal feelings and thoughts Show respect for the feelings and thoughts of the other person Be aware of any special needs of the receiver Avoid speaking or addressing a problem while angry or emotional MGMT 204-PPT-9-2-7 Interpersonal Communications • Improving nonverbal communication Eye contact Body language Facial expression Gestures Poise Personal appearance Touch Proximity Use of time MGMT 204-PPT-9-2-8 285 Interpersonal Communications • Persuading skills Attention Need Satisfaction Visualization Action MGMT 204-PPT-9-2-9 Inspection Preparation Personal appearance • The inspector must look professional • The inspector p may y be dressed in a uniform or in civilian attire, but neat appearance is always mandatory MGMT 204-PPT-9-2-10 Inspection Preparation Equipment lists • Items commonly used for fire inspection PPE Equipment Reference materials MGMT 204-PPT-9-2-11 286 Inspection Preparation Scheduling an inspection • Factors that influence the length and complexity of inspection y or occupancy p y Size of facility Complexity of operations or processes in the occupancy Whether the inspection is a regular inspection or followfollow-up Location Familiarity with occupancy MGMT 204-PPT-9-2-12 Inspection Preparation Scheduling an inspection • Use of electronic scheduling tools • Scheduling the inspection and notifying the owner/occupant p • Unscheduled inspections • The need to inspect during business hours MGMT 204-PPT-9-2-13 Inspection Preparation Inspection records review • Reports First inspection Previous inspections • Special hazards • Code review • Emergency incident reports MGMT 204-PPT-9-2-14 287 Inspection Procedures General inspection practices • Inspections are a series of activities resulting in a complete examination of a facility or occupancy • Begin inspections before arriving for the scheduled inspection; the inspector can make observations regarding the general vicinity and the exterior of the premises MGMT 204-PPT-9-2-15 Inspection Procedures • Observations made from a distance Conditions, barriers, or obstructions that may affect fire fire--department access Locations of all hydrants, alternative water sources, and FDCs Building name and address Address numbers Exterior maintenance or housekeeping problems Type of occupancy MGMT 204-PPT-9-2-16 Inspection Procedures • Observations made from a distance Number of stories of the structure Proximity to other structures or potential exposures Construction, renovation, or demolition activities MGMT 204-PPT-9-2-17 288 Inspection Procedures • Inspections should begin at the scheduled time • Inspectors should immediately greet the owner/occupant or building representative and provide official identification MGMT 204-PPT-9-2-18 Inspection Procedures • The inspector should explain the purpose of the visit and answer any questions • Established routines should be followed Exterior inspection routine Interior inspection routine MGMT 204-PPT-9-2-19 Inspection Procedures Inspection concerns • Code requirements • Table 17.1, Occupancy Category Requirements MGMT 204-PPT-9-2-20 289 Inspection Procedures Photographs • Illustrate existing conditions and serious problems • Are used in conjunction j with sketches and drawings • Provide an accurate portrayal of the scene MGMT 204-PPT-9-2-21 Inspection Procedures Photographs • Document violations that result in a citation or legal action • May be taken when the occupancy is safe and in compliance MGMT 204-PPT-9-2-22 Inspection Procedures Inspection checklists • Provide a reminder of common items to be checked during inspection • Establish a record of the inspection p • Can be purchased commercially and modified to reflect local codes • Should include the items listed on page 740 of the textbook MGMT 204-PPT-9-2-23 290 Inspection Procedures Inspection drawings • Field sketches Are rough drawings Are not to scale, but note dimensions Are of three types – Plot plan – Floor plan – Elevation view MGMT 204-PPT-9-2-24 Inspection Procedures Inspection drawings • Final inspection drawings Are retained in the inspection file Must have a title or label Must have a creation date May be created with a computer graphics program MGMT 204-PPT-9-2-25 Inspection Procedures Building occupancy changes • Building occupancy changes occur when old structures are remodeled remodeled / renovated • Changes g in occupancy p y can affect several fire and life safety code requirements Egress Fire detection/protection systems Emergency lighting Occupancy load MGMT 204-PPT-9-2-26 291 Inspection Procedures Results interviews • Discuss the results of inspection with owner/occupant or property manager • Note both g good and bad conditions • Discuss in general terms • Prepare followfollow-up written documentation • Deal with the reactions of the owner/occupant • Treat the inspection as a learning opportunity MGMT 204-PPT-9-2-27 Inspection Procedures • When discussing violations, Ensure that codecode-related issues are correct Listen to the owner/occupant concerns Treat all owner/occupants fairly Offer solutions to correct the problems Set a date for a followfollow-up inspection MGMT 204-PPT-9-2-28 Inspection Procedures InspectionInspection-related letters and reports • Are the official record of an inspection • Serve as the basis for legal action when required • Must clearly present the results of the inspection • Are not necessarily required to be formal MGMT 204-PPT-9-2-29 292 Inspection Procedures InspectionInspection-related letters and reports • Must include an explanation of the violations noted • Should be sent byy registered g mail,, sent via a process service, or handhand-delivered by the inspector MGMT 204-PPT-9-2-30 Follow--Up Inspections Follow Follow Follow--up inspections • Are conducted to ensure that violations found during the inspection have been corrected • Are p performed only y on p problem areas • May be followed by an additional inspection if work has started but is not yet complete • May require the dispensing of a final notice if no effort has been made to correct violations MGMT 204-PPT-9-2-31 Emergency Planning and Preparedness Plans and procedures are needed for evacuation and preparation of occupants, residents, and facility staff members to respond p to any y type of emergency Requirements for planning and occupant training are addressed in the model codes MGMT 204-PPT-9-2-32 293 Emergency Planning and Preparedness Plans must establish • Evacuation routes • Monitor duties • Employee/occupant duties MGMT 204-PPT-9-2-33 Emergency Planning and Preparedness Emergency evacuation drills are • Performed regularly to test the effectiveness of evacuation plans • Discussed with all levels of management g and supervisory staff • Conducted in all types of occupancies • Conducted at least twice per year, at different times of the day MGMT 204-PPT-9-2-34 Emergency Planning and Preparedness • Emergency evacuation drills in educational facilities All persons in building must participate Drills may be required monthly Drills should be executed at different times of day Direction should be provided on where and how students should report if an alarm sounds at times other than normal hours MGMT 204-PPT-9-2-35 294 Emergency Planning and Preparedness • Emergency evacuation drills in health care facilities Conduct drills quarterly on each shift Include all emergency notification signals Include an update of the written plan if modification is needed MGMT 204-PPT-9-2-36 Emergency Planning and Preparedness • Emergency evacuation drills in health care facilities Phase 1 activities – a single room Phase 2 activities – an entire zone Phase 3 activities – an entire floor and zones above the incident Phase 4 activities – the entire building MGMT 204-PPT-9-2-37 Emergency Planning and Preparedness • Emergency evacuation drills in correctional facilities Must include maintenance of the firefire-detection system, keykey-control system, and written emergency preparedness p p p plan Must be made available to inmates Must be constantly reviewed and upgraded depending on changing conditions, especially inmate population Must include two means of access to each main cell block MGMT 204-PPT-9-2-38 295 Emergency Planning and Preparedness • Emergency evaluation drills in hotels and motels Require installation of reliable fire detection and alarm systems Must include employee training MGMT 204-PPT-9-2-39 Complaint Management Citizen complaints • Should be met with courtesy and genuine interest • Should be promptly investigated MGMT 204-PPT-9-2-40 Complaint Management Complaint procedures • Respond consistently to each complaint • Record all pertinent information • Give owner/occupant advance notice if possible • Carry and display appropriate identification MGMT 204-PPT-9-2-41 296 Complaint Management Complaint procedures • Explain purpose of inspection, especially if it is unannounced • Formallyy notifyy and thank person p that lodged g the complaint • Remember that accurate recordkeeping is essential MGMT 204-PPT-9-2-42 Complaint Management Complaint form information • Date/time complaint received • Location of perceived violation • Name of person reporting complaint • Name of owner/occupant • Nature of complaint or perceived violation MGMT 204-PPT-9-2-43 Complaint Management Complaint form information • Date/time of inspection • Date/time of followfollow-up inspection • Resolution of complaint MGMT 204-PPT-9-2-44 297 Complaint Management Courtesy of Ralph E. Tingley MGMT 204-PPT-9-2-45 Administrative Duties Written communications • Are required of all inspectors • Can include Memos Email Formal letters Reports MGMT 204-PPT-9-2-46 Administrative Duties • Memos Are short documents intended to convey simple messages for interoffice use Are designed to serve as permanent records of decisions and can be somewhat informal MGMT 204-PPT-9-2-47 298 Administrative Duties MGMT 204-PPT-9-2-48 Administrative Duties • E-mail Has limitations Is considered to be an official document Should be saved as a record of communication; hard copies should be printed and placed in the inspection file Is neither private nor protected under First Amendment rights MGMT 204-PPT-9-2-49 Administrative Duties • Formal business letters Must not be misleading, threatening, rude, or poorly written Must be grammatically correct, neatly formatted, and reflect a positive professional attitude MGMT 204-PPT-9-2-50 299 Administrative Duties MGMT 204-PPT-9-2-51 Administrative Duties • Reports Document serious or numerous fire code violations Put in writing construction plans reviews Must be neat and legible May be typewritten or computercomputer-generated Must be written in complete, grammatically correct sentences Should use words in the appropriate context, spelled correctly MGMT 204-PPT-9-2-52 Administrative Duties Files and records • Provide a historical perspective of inspection and code enforcement f t activities ti iti • Provide the basis for all future inspection and code enforcement activities MGMT 204-PPT-9-2-53 300 Administrative Duties Files and records • Must be kept within the organization’s records--management system records • Are normallyy maintained by y the inspection p organization MGMT 204-PPT-9-2-54 Administrative Duties • Retention of files and records Records should be maintained for all properties or facilities At a minimum, records should be maintained on certain occupancies Records should be maintained on a building or facility for its lifetime Files and records are considered public domain documents MGMT 204-PPT-9-2-55 Administrative Duties Hard copy: old inspection records generated before computerization or hard copy documents used in addition to computer files – Cataloging and storing – Microfilm/microfiche MGMT 204-PPT-9-2-56 301 Administrative Duties Electronic records – Methods of retention – Considerations to be made MGMT 204-PPT-9-2-57 Student Performance Objective Given information from discussion, handouts, and reading materials, describe the procedures necessary to inspect an occupancy. MGMT 204-PPT-9-2-58 Review Interpersonal Communications Inspection Preparation Inspection Procedures Follow Follow--Up Inspections Emergency Planning and Preparedness Complaint Management Administrative Duties MGMT 204-PPT-9-2-59 302 Review Questions for Chapter 17 1. What is the difference between hearing and listening? 2. What nonverbal communications concepts should be applied by inspectors? 3. How does electronic scheduling work? 4. What inspection items can be observed from a distance? 5. What are the primary methods by which data may be logged into a computer system? MGMT 204-PPT-9-2-60 303 304