(aoo) ear-rzzo (nre) soa-ozzr
(aoo) ear-rzzo (nre) soa-ozzr
U.S. Department of Labor Material Safety Data Sheet May be used to comply with Administration OSHA's Hazard Communication Standard, 29 CFR 1910.1200.Standard must be consultedfor uirements. Occupational Safety and Health (Non-Mandatory Form) Form Approved OMB No. LZLS'0072 (As Used on Label and List) IDENTITY NOTE: Blank spacesare not permitted. If any item is not applicable, or no information is available, the space must be marked to indicate that. Interface Light Cured Cavity Liner SectionI Emergency Telephone Number Manufacturer's Name Temrex Corporation Address (Number, Street, City, State, and ZIP Code) 112 Albanv Avenue (aoo) ear-rzzo Telephone Number for Information (nre) soa-ozzr Date Prepared Januarv 24.zOlL P.O. Box 182 Signature of Preparer (optional) Freenort.t{Y 11520 Sectionll - Hazardouslneredients/ldentitv lnformation (Specific ldentitv:CommonName(s)) Components Chemical Hazardous Recommended %(optional) PEL OSHA OtherLimits TLV ACGIH None listed. Sectionlll - Physical/ChemicalCharacteristics SpecificGravity(H2O= 1) N/A MeltingPoint N/A (Butyl Acetote= 7) Rate Evaporation N/A BoilingPoint Above200'C. (mmHg.) VaporPressure 30mmHeat 20'C. VaporDensity(AlR= 1) 1 Solubilityin Water Virtuallyinsoluble. Appearanceand Odor lisht paste;slight,specificodor. HazardD€ta SectionlV Fireand Explosion LEt Limits Flammable FfashPoint(MethodUsed) N/A N/A cup. 150'C closed Above Media Extinguishing Watersprav,CO2,Foamareall acceptable. SpecialFireFightingProcedures UEL N/A No particular procedure, Hazards UnusualFireand Explosion None Page1 (Reproduce Locolly) 1985 OSHA174, Sept. SectionV - Data Stability Unstable Conditionsto Avoid Avoid exposureto elevated temperatures and high intensity light. Stable x Incompatibility(Materiols to Avoid) Freeradicalinitiator,whenstoredin bulk. Hazardous Decomposition or Byproducts None Hazardous Polymerization MayOccur Conditions to Avoid Will Not Occur Avoid extreme temperature or light when stored in bulk. x Section Vl - Health Hazard Data Route(s)of Entry: Skin? Yes lnhalation? N/A Ingestion? Yes Skin:Washwith cooiousamountsof water. Eves:Flushwith cooiousamountsof water. lneestion: Acute toric effects are unlikelv- HealthHazards(Acuteand Chronic) None known. Carcinogenicity: NTP? N/A IARCMonographs? N/A OSHARegulated? N/A SignsandSymptomsof Exposure None known. by Exposure MedicalConditions GenerallyAggravated Noneknown. Emergency and FirstAid Procedures section Vll - Precautions for Safe HandlinE and Use or Spilled Stepsto BeTakenin CaseMaterialis Released Wioe uo: incineratelareequantities. WasteDisposalMethod Incinerate if larse ouantities are involved. to BeTakenin HandlingandStoring Precautions Avoidorolonsedexoosureto temDeratures above30'Cand lieht. OtherPrecautions SectionVlll - ControlMeasures RespiratoryProtection(SpecifyType) Not required. Venthilation LocalExhaust Special N/A (Generol) Mechanical N/A Other N/A EyeProtection ProtectiveGloves Onlywith bulkquantities. Requiredonlvwhen workingwith bulkquantities. OtherProtectiveClothingor Equipment Not requiredundernormalhandling. Work/HygienicPractices with soapandwater. Avoidcontactwith skin;if it occurs,washimmediately Page2 * U.S.6.P.O.: 1966-491529145775
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IDENTITY (As Usedon Labe| and List)