(soo) oas-rzzo (sro) eoa-ozzr
(soo) oas-rzzo (sro) eoa-ozzr
U.S. Department of Labor Material Safety Data Sheet May be used to comply with Administration OSIIA's Hazard Communication Standard, 29 CFR 1910.1200.Standardmust be consulted for IDENTITY OccupationalSafety and Health (Non-Mandatory Form) Form Approved OMB No. 1218'0072 (As (Ised on Labe[ and List) NOTE: Blank spacesare not permitted. If any item is not applicable, or no information is available, the space must be marked to indicate TemrexCR Plus Section I Manufacturer's Name Emergency Telephone Number (soo) oas-rzzo Telephone Number for Information (sro)eoa-ozzr Temrex Cornoration Address (Number, Street, City, State, and ZIP Code) 112 A]banv Avenue Date Prepared P.O. Box 182 Januarv 24.2011 Signature of Preparer (optional) Freeport, NY 11520 Section II - Hazardous Ingredientslldentity Information HazardousComnonents(SpecificChemicalIdentitv: CommonName(s)) 7"(ontional) OSHA PEL ACGIH TLV OtherLimits Recommended None listed Sectionlll - Phvsical/ChemicalCharacteristics BoilingPoint N/A Specific Gravity (H2O = 7) -1.5 (mmHg.) VaporPressure N/A VaporDensity(AlR= 1) N/A Solubilityin Water MeltingPoint N/A EvaporationRate(Butyl Acetdte= 7) N/A Not soluble. Appearance andOdor White oaste with mild odor. SectionlV - Fire and ExplosionHazard Data Limits LEt FfashPoint (Method Used) Flammable Vervlow. N/A UEL N/A N/A Extinguishing Media Water, Foam,COz SpecialFireFightingProcedures N/A UnusualFireand Explosion Hazards N/A Page1 (ReproduceLocally) 174,Sept.7985 OSHA Section V Stability Data Conditionsto Avoid Unstable None. Stable x fncompatibility(Materiolsto Avoid) Strong acids. Decomposition or Byproducts Hazardous None known. Hazardous Polymerization to Avoid Conditions May Occur to flame. Exposure Will Not Occur x SectionVI - Health HazardData Inhalation? N/A Route(s) of Entry: Skin? Yes Ingestion? Yes HealthHazards(Acuteand Chronic) Noneknownor anticioated. OSHARegulated? IARCMonographs? NTP? No ingredients listed as a carcinosen. Carcinogenicity: SignsandSymptomsof Exposure Noneknown. by Exposure MedicalConditions GenerallyAggravated Noneknown. Emergency and FirstAid Procedures Skin:Washwith soapandwater. Eves:Washwith copiousamountsof water; seekmedicalattentionif irritation persists.Ingestion:Smallamounts-no perceivable hazard;seekmedicalattentionif largeamountof materialis swallowed. Section Vtl - Precautions for Safe HandlinE and Use or Spilled Stepsto BeTakenin CaseMaterialis Released Collectsoillandwashaffectedareas, WasteDisposal Method Smallamountsmaybe dislosedinlo landfill. Disoose all federal. state and local repulations. Precautions to BeTakenin HandlingandStoring OtherPrecautions SectionVlll - ControlMeasures RespiratoryProtection(SpectfyType) Nonerequired. Venthilation LocalExhaust Special N/A N/A Mechanical(Generql) N/A Other N/A N/A EyeProtection Not required. Protective Gloves Nonerequired. OtherProtectiveClothingor Equipment Nonerequired. Work/HygienicPractices Avoid prolonged skin contact. Page2 * U.S.G.P.O.: 1966-491 - 52914577s
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