2016 Traditional Care Network
2016 Traditional Care Network
2016 Traditional Care Network (TCN) Benefits at a glance for Chrysler UAW Trust members Group Number: 71400 Contents Traditional Care Network ................................................................ 2 Cost sharing summary and benefits at a glance.......................... 4 Understanding important terms ..................................................... 5 Explanation of benefits.................................................................. 14 Claims questions and appeals..................................................... 16 Contact information ......................................................Back cover 1 Traditional Care Network You have many options when it comes to choosing health care. Thank you for choosing the Blues. ms/definitions Hospital care Call/nursing telephone support Hospital and other services Alternatives to hospital care Plan benefits Ready to join Maternity care We offer: • Traditional Care Network (TCN) health plan (for members under and over 65 years old) Who can join • Medicare Advantage health plan (for members enrolled in Medicare who are at least 65 or deemed eligible for Medicare) and other services es to hospital care nal medicare Plan benefits Ready to join Maternity care Other services Mental health and substance abuse treatment Questions Leaving the hospital DME Organ transp • Blue Care Network and Blue Care Network Advantage health plans (in Michigan only) Who can join Member Physicians/Providers As a member of the UAW Retiree Medical Benefits Trust, you can choose one of several Blue plans that meet your needs and those of your family. Each plan offers you the same great benefits that come with being a Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan member. he hospital Questions DME Preventive care Prescription drugs Deductible, coinsurance and dollar maximums Reasons to join Physicians/Providers Call/nursing telephone support Eye car Organ transplant Member Missouri Customer service There is always extra value when you choose Blue. With every Blue card, you receive additional support. Some of the programs we offer members include: Important terms/definitions com/online/live n drugs MyBlue Medicare Magazine Deductible, coinsurance and dollar maximums Important terms/definitions Hospital care Physician office services Reasons to join Hospital care Outpatient diagnostic services Hospital and other services Alternatives to hospital care Surgical services Call/nursing telephone support Beyond original medicare Tobacco cessation Surgical services heart failure or COPD SilverSneakers Facing a complex medical condition hearing Hospital and other services Alternatives to hospital care care PlanEye benefits Ready to join Other services Emergency hearing services Shot Who can join Pneumonia Customer service Mental health and substance abuse Leaving the hospital treatment Coping with heart failure or COPD Facing a complex medical condition Questions DME Where am i covered Who can join Research monitors Case Management solutions that assist with medical issues, give you access to experts who can coordinate treatments, and provide guidance and support. Questions Other services Mental health and substance abuse Leaving the hospital DME treatment You can call 1-800-845-5982 for direction. Shot Beyond original medicare Ready to join Our tobacco cessation program that teaches you self-management and coping skills for smoking intervention and cessation. You can call 1-800-775-2583 to get started. Missouri s diagnostic services Plan benefits Where am i covered Pneumonia Preventive care Member Physicians/Providers Prescription drugs Research monitors Deductible, coinsurance and dollar maximums Reasons to join Physicians/Providers Online health resources at bcbsm.com that include more than 90,000 medically reviewed resources in a number of formats, such as: Missouri SilverSneakers Internet/bcbsm.com/online/live coaching Preventive care Prescription drugs – libraries, encyclopedias and directories MyBlue Medicare Magazine Physician office services Outpatient diagnostic services Deductible, coinsurance and dollar Surgical servicesmaximums Customer ser Reasons to join hearing Shot – videos, calculators, podcasts, and animations Pneumonia Missouri – decision making guides and interactive quizzes Internet/bcbsm.com/online/live Everyday savings coaching MyBlue Medicare Magazine Tobacco cessation Physician office services Emergency services Outpatient diagnostic services Coping with heart failure or COPD Surgical services Facing a complex medical condition hearing Where am i covered Research monitors Shot Pneum Healthy Blue XtrasSM and Blue 365® programs offering discounts and exclusive savings on products, nutrition, travel, recreation, and gym memberships. 2 Everyday savings Tobacco cessation Emergency services Coping with heart failure or COPD Facing a complex medical condition Where am i covered Research monitors With the Traditional Care Network product (referred to as TCN), you have access to the largest network of doctors, hospitals, and other health care providers from which to choose within our preferred provider care organization (PPO). Our large network gives your family access to thousands of doctors and hospitals. More than likely, any doctor or hospital you choose will be in the network. Along with our expansive network, you will usually pay less when you use an in-network provider. Deductibles, co-insurance, copayments, and overall out of pocket expenses are less when you choose to use an in-network provider. If you go outside of the vast network of providers however, you will have to pay more for services. It’s easy to check to see if your provider is in the network by calling customer service at 1-877-832-2829 or going to bcbsm.com and searching under “Find A Doctor.” If you ever have any questions about • your coverage • bills you may have received • your explanation of benefits contact customer service at 1-877-832-2829. You can always find that number on the back of your card. Customer service representatives will be happy to answer any questions you may have. Thank you for being a member of Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan. Thank you for choosing the Traditional Care Network product. 3 Plan benefits Ready to join 2016 Questions Benefits at a glance with cost sharing summary Maternity care Who can join DME Organ transplant Monthly contribution and out-of-pocket expenses Member Physicians/Providers Deductible, coinsurance and dollar maximums You pay In network Reasons to join Monthly contribution – Eye care The monthly amount you must payMissouri in order to have coverage Customer service for yourself and your dependents hearing Deductible – per calendar year Surgical services Shot Pneumonia Coinsurance am i covered Out‑of‑pocketWhere maximum – per calendar year Research monitors Facing a complex medical condition Combination of deductible and coinsurance 4 Out of network Individual: $17 Family: $34 Individual: $385 Individual: $1,000 Family: $650 Family: $1,700 10% 30% Individual: $755 Individual: $3,000 Family: $1,395 Family: $5,550 Understanding important terms Important terms/definitions Hospital care Call/nursing telephone support Hospital and other services Alternatives to hospital care Beyond original medicare Other services Mental health and substance abuse treatment Leaving the hospital Plan benefits Ready to join Insurance pays 100% Out-of-pocket maximum met Questions DME $$$ Coinsurance SilverSneakers Preventive care Deductible met Internet/bcbsm.com/online/live coaching MyBlue Medicare Magazine Prescription drugs (you andDeductible, insurance coinsurance and dollar maximums share cost) Reasons to join $$ Physician office services Outpatient diagnostic services Surgical services hearing Deductible (you pay) Everyday savings Tobacco cessation Emergency services Coping with heart failure or COPD Facing a complex medical condition Where am i covered Deductible — The amount you must pay toward covered medical services within a calendar year before the Plan begins to pay. This does not apply to services that require a copay. Coinsurance — The percentage you pay for covered services after you have met your deductible. Out-of–pocket maximum — The total amount you will pay in a calendar year. It is a combination of the deductible and coinsurance. Once paid, all covered services are paid at 100% for the rest of the calendar year. Copayment (copay) — A fixed amount you pay to receive a medical service, usually at the time the service is performed (office visits, emergency room, urgent care). Note that the copayment does not go toward paying the deductible, coinsurance or out-of-pocket maximum. Copays are separate and continue even after your out-of-pocket maximums are met. In-network providers — Providers (i.e., hospitals and doctors, etc.) that sign a contract agreeing to accept the allowed amount for a service as payment in full so that members will not be billed for the balance. Out-of-network providers — Providers (i.e., hospital and doctors, etc.) that have not signed a contract with the Blues to accept the approved amount and may bill for balances. Out-of-network providers may result in higher out-of-pocket costs. 5 Who can join 2016 Benefits at a glance Mental health and substance abuse treatment Leaving the hospital Questions DME Organ transplant Member You pay Physicians/Providers Preventive services Preventive care Prescription drugs Deductible, coinsurance and dollar maximums In network Out of network Covered – 100% Covered – subject to deductible and coinsurance Customer service Reasons to join Pap Smear Screenings — one per calendar year Missouri Mammography Screening Routine and high-risk mammogram screening in accordance with guidelines established by the American Physician office services Outpatient diagnostic services Surgical services hearing Cancer Society – one routine exam per calendar year beginning at age 40. Under age 40, one per calendar year, if high-risk factors are present Covered – 100% Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) Screening Screening test for asymptomatic males age 40 and older when performed in accordance with guidelines established Emergency services Coping with heart failure or COPD Facing a complex medical condiWhere am i covered tion by the American Cancer Society – one per calendar year Covered – 100% Shot Covered – subject to deductible and coinsurance Pneumonia Research monitors Covered – subject to deductible and coinsurance Early Detection Screening Tests Early detection screening for colon and rectal cancers when performed in accordance with guidelines established by the American Cancer Society. Barium Enema X-ray — one every 5 years age 50 and over (or at any age if risk factors are present); or Colonoscopy — one every 10 years age 50 and over (or at any age if risk factors are present); or Covered – 100% Not covered Hepatitis C (HCV) Screening For enrollees who are at risk or when signs or symptoms are present which may indicate a Hepatitis C infection Covered – 100% Covered – subject to deductible and coinsurance Well Baby – Six visits up to age 2 Covered – 100% Not covered Immunizations — age and frequency limitations for selected medically recognized immunizations at doctor’s office, retail health clinic, and certain immunizations at a pharmacy. Covered – 100% Not covered Not covered Not covered Sigmoidoscopy — one every five years age 50 and over (or at any age if risk factors are present) Fecal Occult Blood Test — one per calendar year beginning at age 50 Total serum cholesterol with low density lipoprotein (LDL) — one test every 5 years beginning at age 20 Bone Marrow Screening 6 Eye care Physicians/Providers Preventive care Prescription drugs Deductible, coinsurance and dollar maximums Reasons to join Eye care Missouri You pay Physician office services Call/nursing telephone support Hospital and other services Outpatienttodiagnostic services Alternatives hospital care Physician office services Plan benefits Non-Medicare members — Covered with $25 Shot copayment for the first sixPneumonia office visitsWho tocanajoinPrimary Care Physician, per year per member. 100% member Where am i covered copayment for specialists Research monitors and subsequent office visits at a discounted rate. hearing Office Visits — not subject to deductibles or Coping with heart failure or COPD Facing a complex medical condiout-of-pocket maximums Questions tion Leaving the hospital Out of network Ready to join Surgical services Emergency services Mental health and substance abuse treatment In network Customer service DME Maternity care Not covered Organ transplant Member Physicians/Providers Medicare members have coverage through Medicare. Office Consultation & Outpatient Consultations — not subject to deductibles or out-of-pocket maximums Covered at a 100% member copayment for Missouriprocedure codes certain Customer service allowed at discounted rate Not covered Retail Health Clinics Covered – $50 copayment Not covered Preventive care Physician office services Prescription drugs Outpatient diagnostic services Deductible, coinsurance and dollar maximums Surgical services Reasons to join Eye care hearing Shot Emergency medical care Hospital Room Emergency services Emergency Coping with heart failure or COPD Facing a complex medical condiWhere am i covered tion Services rendered in the emergency room of a hospital for initial examination and treatment of condition resulting from accidental injury or qualifying medical emergency are covered. Medical emergencies will be considered to exist only if medical treatment is secured within 72 hours after the onset of condition. Physician Qualified Medical Emergency & First Aid Services Initial examination and treatment of a qualifying condition resulting from accidental injury or qualifying medical emergency. Medical emergencies will be considered to exist only if medical treatment is secured within 72 hours after the onset of condition. Urgent Care Centers Ground Ambulance — medically necessary transport Air/Water Ambulance Covers one-way transport from the scene of an emergency incident to the nearest available facility qualified to treat the patient, or transporting a patient one-way or round-trip from home to the nearest available facility qualified to treat the patient. Medical emergency/accidental injury patients are provided one-way transportation from home to the facility. Home bound patients are provided round trip transportation from home to the facility and back when medically necessary and when other means of transportation could not be used without endangering the patient’s health. Medical Emergency/Accidental Injury: Follow-Up Care Pneumonia You pay In network Out of network Research monitors Covered – $125 copayment waived if admitted Covered – $125 copayment waived if admitted Covered – 100% Covered – 100% Covered – $50 copayment Covered – subject to deductible and coinsurance Not covered Covered – subject to deductible and coinsurance Covered – 100% up to the allowed amount Covered – 100% up to the allowed amount Not covered Not covered 7 ice Member 2016 Benefits at a glance Physicians/Providers Prescription drugs Deductible, coinsurance and dollar maximums Reasons to join Diagnostic services Eye care Missouri Customer service Outpatient Magnetic Imaging (MRI), Surgical services Resonance hearing Magnetic Resonance Angiography (MRA) Use of MRI for diagnostic examination for all body Shot parts when ordered by a physician and performed on approved equipment. Must be performed at approved facilities. You pay In network Out of network Covered – subject to deductible and coinsurance Covered – subject to deductible and coinsurance Covered – subject to deductible and coinsurance Covered – subject to deductible and coinsurance Covered – subject to deductible and coinsurance Covered – subject to deductible and coinsurance Outpatient diagnostic services Preauthorization may Facing a complexbe medicalrequired. condiWhere am i covered Coping with heart failure or COPD tion Other Outpatient Diagnostic Tests, X-rays, Laboratory & Pathology, PET, CAT Scans and Nuclear Medicine Pneumonia Research monitors Preauthorization may be required. Radiation Therapy — for the diagnosis of condition, disease or injury. Preauthorization may be required. Maternity services provided by a physician You pay In network Out of network Pre-Natal and Post-Natal Care Covered – subject to deductible and coinsurance Covered – subject to deductible and coinsurance Delivery and Nursery Care Covered – subject to deductible and coinsurance Covered – subject to deductible and coinsurance Covered – subject to deductible and coinsurance Covered – subject to deductible and coinsurance Covered – subject to deductible and coinsurance Covered – subject to deductible and coinsurance Maternity care Organ transplant Abortions — must be medically necessary. For medically induced abortion by oral ingestion of medication when medically necessary Certified Nurse Midwife Eye care For a given uncomplicated pregnancy, reimbursement for such care would be to the physician or certified nurse midwife, but not both. Obstetrical services by certified nurse midwives are limited to basic antepartum care, normal vaginal deliveries, and postpartum care. Certified nurse midwives are reimbursed only for deliveries occurring in the inpatient setting or in a birthing center that is hospital affiliated, state licensed and accredited and approved by the carrier. The certified nurse midwife must be legally qualified and registered, certified nurse and/or licensed, as applicable, to perform these health care services. 8 port e abuse You pay Hospital care Hospital care Call/nursing telephone support Hospital and other services Alternatives to hospital care In network Plan benefits Semi-Private Room, General Nursing Services, Meals and Special Diets Mental health and substance abuse treatment Leaving the hospital Who can join Questions DME Inpatient Medical Care MyBlue Medicare Magazine Physician office services Plan benefits Prescription drugs Outpatient diagnostic services Deductible, coinsurance and dollar maximums Reasons to join Emergency services Surgical services Questions Coping with heart failure or COPD Facing a complex medical condition Covered – subject to deductible and coinsurance Covered – subject to deductible and coinsurance Research monitors Hospice Care (Provider approval required) Coping with heart failure or COPD Surgical services Facing a complex medical condition Not covered Limited to 100 days per benefit period. Renewable after 60 days of continuous non-confinement. Covered – subject to deductible and coinsurance Not covered Limited to 2 days of hospice care for each remaining inpatient hospital day. Lifetime maximum of 210 days. Covered – subject to deductible and coinsurance Not covered Organ transplant Member Out of network Eye care Missouri Outpatient diagnostic services You pay In network DME Reasons to join Pneumonia Maternity care Where am i covered Physicians/Providers Deductible, coinsurance and dollar maximums Eye care Customer service Shot Ready to join Skilled Nursing Facility (Must be an approved BCBS Skilled Nursing Facility) Prescription drugs Covered – subject to deductible and coinsurance Organ transplant hearing Who can join Leaving the hospital Covered – subject to deductible and coinsurance Missouri Ambulatory Surgical Centers (Facility must satisfy Program requirements and be an approved facility) Tobacco cessation Covered – subject to deductible and coinsurance Physicians/Providers Alternatives to hospital care Hospital and other services Alternatives to hospital care Covered – subject to deductible and coinsurance Member Chemotherapy Coverage is provided for treatment of malignant disease and Hodgkins disease, except when the treatment is considered experimental or investigational. Preventive care Covered – subject to deductible and coinsurance Maternity care Maximum 365 days for each continuous period of hospital confinement or for successive periods of confinement separated by less than 60 days. (Predetermination required for non-Medicare members) Other services Out of network Covered – subject to deductible and coinsurance Ready to join Customer service hearing Where am i covered Home Health Care (Facility approval required) Shot Pneumonia Research monitors Limited to 3 home health care visits for each remaining day of the inpatient hospital benefit period as long as the patient is medically eligible. Not covered Each visit by member of the home health care team, and each home health aide visit is considered the equivalent of 1 home visit. 9 s Organ transplant 2016 Benefits at a glance Member Physicians/Providers Deductible, coinsurance and dollar maximums Reasons to join Eye care Missouri You pay Customer service Outpatient surgical services hearing Surgery — includes materials, supplies, preoperative and postoperative care, and suture removal Shot Pneumonia Surgical services Maternity care OPD Voluntary Sterilization — excludes reversal sterilization Facing a complex medical condition Where am i covered Research monitors In network Out of network Covered – subject to deductible and coinsurance Covered – subject to deductible and coinsurance Covered – subject to deductible and coinsurance Covered – subject to deductible and coinsurance You pay Human organ transplants In network Out of network Covered – subject to deductible and coinsurance Covered – subject to deductible and coinsurance Organ transplant Specified Organ Transplants Preauthorization by Human Organ Transplant Program is required. All members must be enrolled in Case Management. Must be performed in a Blue Distinction Center. Call/nursing telephone support Eye care Hospital and other services Alternatives to hospital care Plan benefits Ready to join Maternity care Mental health care and substance abuse treatment Mental health and substance abuse treatment Leaving the hospital Questions You pay Who can join In network Out of network Inpatient: Up to 45 days treatment each for psychiatric and substance abuse covered — 100% up to the allowed amount. DME Organ transplant Member Physicians/Providers Preventive care Prescription drugs Deductible, coinsurance and dollar maximums Reasons to join Eye care Missouri Services must be preauthorized by ValueOptions. For preauthorization, call 1-877-228-3912 (not mandatory for Medicare enrollees) Physician office services Outpatient diagnostic services Surgical services hearing Shot Emergency services 10 Coping with heart failure or COPD Facing a complex medical condition Where am i covered Outpatient: Mental Health: Up to 35 visits covered per benefit period — Visits 1-20: 100% up to the allowed amount, Visits 21-35: 75% up to the allowed amount. Customer service Pneumonia Substance Abuse: Up to 35 visits per benefit period covered at 100% up to the allowed amount. Research monitors Inpatient: Not covered unless medical emergency admission. Outpatient: Mental Health: Up to 35 visits covered per benefit period — Visits 1-20: 100% up to the allowed amount, Visits 21-35: up to 75% of the allowed amount. Substance Abuse: Up to 35 visits per benefit period covered at 100% up to the allowed amount. e Hospital care Call/nursing telephone support Hospital and other services Alternatives to hospital care Plan benefits Ready to join Maternity care Other services Allergy Testing Other services Mental health and substance abuse treatment Leaving the hospital In network Questions DME Allergy Therapy/Serum Physician office services Not covered Not covered Covered – subject to deductible and coinsurance Covered – subject to deductible and coinsurance Covered – subject to deductible and coinsurance Covered – subject to deductible and coinsurance Prescription drugs Deductible, coinsurance and dollar maximums Reasons to join Outpatient diagnostic services Surgical services Missouri Emergency services Coping with heart failure or COPD Facing a complex medical condition Durable Medical Equipment* Prosthetic and Orthotic Appliances Hair Pieces and Wigs — Wigs and appropriate related supplies (stand and tape) are covered for any age for an individual who is suffering hair loss from the effects of chemotherapy, radiation therapy or other treatments for cancer. For the initial purchase of wig and related supplies, the maximum benefit is $250. Thereafter, the maximum annual benefit is $125. Prosthetic and Orthotic: Jaw Motion Rehabilitation (Jaw motion rehabilitation system and related items) Diabetes Education Covers comprehensive American Diabetes Associationapproved education classes for newly-diagnosed or uncontrolled diabetics. Cardiac Rehabilitation – Only Phases I and II are covered Must begin within 3 months of a cardiac event and be completed within 6 months. Customer service Pneumonia Limited to 60 combined visits per calendar year, per condition. Where am i covered Outpatient Physical, Speech and Occupational Therapy (medical necessity required) Eye care Covered – subject to deductible and coinsurance hearing Shot Tobacco cessation Organ transplant Physicians/Providers Excludes adjustment manipulation and initial office visit MyBlue Medicare Magazine Out of network Member Chiropractic Care Emergency first aid and diagnostic X-ray of the spine only. Preventive care You pay Who can join Research monitors Services are covered when performed in the outpatient department of the hospital or approved freestanding facility. Therapy is also covered when provided by an in-network independent physical therapist, an independent occupational therapist, or speech and language pathologist. Not covered Covered – 100% Not covered Covered – 100% Prosthetic & Orthotic appliances are not covered with the exception of wigs Not covered Not covered Covered – 100% Not covered Up to 36 sessions (3 sessions per week for 12 weeks) covered at 100% up to the allowed amount Not covered *Durable Medical Equipment — Subject to deductible and coinsurance when processed as part of inpatient services or office services. 11 nd dollar condi- 2016 Benefits at a glance DME Organ transplant Member Physicians/Providers Reasons to join Eye care Hearing care Missouri must be a participating provider hearing Audiometric exam — once every 36 months Shot Pneumonia Hearing aid evaluation — once every 36 months Where am i covered Maternity care You pay Customer service Research monitors In network 100% up to the allowed amount 100% up to the allowed amount Out of network Not covered Not covered 100% up to the standard hearing aid allowance. Not covered Binaural hearing aids for children 19 and under — once every 36 months 100% up to the allowed amount. Not covered Hearing aid conformity test — once every 36 months 100% up to the allowed amount Not covered Ordering and fitting the hearing aid (one monaural) standard or digital — every 36 months Organ transplant Vision care Eye care medical coverage Routine exam You pay In network Out of network Under the medical coverage, one routine vision exam covered with a $25 copayment, once every 24 months. Under the medical coverage, one routine vision exam covered with a $25 copayment, once every 24 months. Routine exams, frames, lenses and additional services -- Contact Davis Vision at 1-888-234-5164. 12 use Questions Leaving the hospital DME Organ transplant Member Physicians/Providers Prescription drugs You pay Coverage administered by Express Scripts 866-662-0274 Prescription drugs Deductible, coinsurance and dollar maximums Reasons to join Retail (One-Month Supply) Mail Order Outpatient diagnostic services Surgical services (90-Day Supply) Tier 1: Generic $12 Tier 2: Preferred Brand $40 Missouri Customer service Tier 3: Non-preferred Brand $100 Tier 1: Generic $24 Tier 2: Preferred Brand $80 hearing Tier 3: Non-preferred Brand $200 Shot Coping with heart failure or COPD Facing a complex medical condition Eye care Where am i covered Prescription Drug Categories Pneumonia Research monitors Tier 1: Generic Medications (Equivalents or Alternatives) Important terms/definitions Tier (Single Source, Sensitive Drug Classes) Hospital2: care Brand Medications Call/nursing telephone support Hospital and other services Preferred Plan benefitsBrand, andReady to join Alternatives to hospital care Tier 3: Brand Medications (Multi-Source or Non-Preferred Brand) Who can join Beyond original medicare Other services Mental health and substance abuse treatment Leaving the hospital Questions DME M Physicians/Providers SilverSneakers Preventive care Prescription drugs Deductible, coinsurance and dollar maximums Reasons to join Missouri Internet/bcbsm.com/online/live coaching MyBlue Medicare Magazine Physician office services Outpatient diagnostic services Surgical services hearing Shot Everyday savings Tobacco cessation Emergency services Coping with heart failure or COPD Facing a complex medical condition Where am i covered Pneumonia Research monitors 13 “EOB” stands for Explanation of Benefits As a member of the Traditional Care Network plan, once you have services performed, you will receive an Explanation of Benefits, or EOB. The EOB will show you: • What services you had and what the provider billed • What your Plan paid and any Blue Cross discounts that were applied • The amount you may owe through deductibles, coinsurance or copayments • Any non-covered services that were not payable through your benefit plan Reviewing your EOB statements is a good way to keep track of your medical care. EOB Statement Details 1 Identifies who this EOB statement is for. 2 Summarizes claims by doctor, hospital, or other health care provider as follows: A The amount submitted to Blue Cross on the claim. B What you saved by being a Blue Cross member. C What Blue Cross paid. D Amounts any other insurance(s) paid. E What you pay. You may have already paid or may still owe this amount. You should never be asked to pay more than this amount. 3 Shows the balances to date for deductibles and out-ofpocket maximums for your current benefit period. 4 Important information about your coverage, tips to lower health care costs, and ways to improve overall health. 5 Customer Service information if you have questions about something on your statement. 14 5 1 2 A B C D E 3 4 The statement shown is general and for illustrative purposes only. Your actual statement may look slightly different depending on your benefit plan. 6 Detailed information about each claim we processed. The sum of all claims in this section for the same provider should match the numbers in the Claim Summary section. F Information your provider puts on the claim to identify the medical service you received. G The unique number Blue Cross assigns to a claim. You can reference this number if you need to call us about this claim. Important terms/definitions Hospital care 6 F G Page 2 of your statement shows your appeal rights and what you can do if you disagree with any of the benefit decisions made for a claim. You can also find definitions for terms used on the statement. Call/nursing telephone support Hospital and other services Alternatives to hospital care Plan benefits Ready to join Who Beyond original medicare Other services Mental health and substance abuse treatment Leaving the hospital Questions DME Physicians/Provi SilverSneakers Preventive care Prescription drugs Deductible, coinsurance and dollar maximums Reasons to join Online EOBs Internet/bcbsm.com/online/live coaching Everyday savings Missouri Log in at bcbsm.com if you want to view recent claims, deductibles, coinsurance MyBlue Medicare Magazine Physician office services Outpatient diagnostic services Surgical services hearing balances, and other information. It’s easy: 1. Go to bcbsm.com and follow steps to create a login account. 2. After logging in, select Claims in the blue bar near the top. 3.Tobacco Click on Explanation of Benefits statements. cessation Emergency services Coping with heart failure or COPD Facing a complex medical condition Shot Where am i covered Research m Help us prevent fraud Call/nursing telephone support Checking to make sure you actually received services as shown on the EOB helps us prevent error and fraud. Call your customer service number 1-877-832-2829, if you have questions about a claim or EOB. Hospital and other services Alternatives to hospital care Plan benefits Ready to join Maternity care Who can join Mental health and substance abuse treatment Leaving the hospital Questions DME 15 Claim questions and appeals 1 To confirm you are paying the right amount, compare the EOB and the provider bill side-by-side. Match the service dates and the amounts. If they match, pay the provider that amount and file the EOB for your records. 16 After your claims are submitted to BCBS by your providers, you will receive an Explanation of Benefits. In addition, you will most likely receive a billing statement from your provider, showing any outstanding balances you may owe. 2 3 If the amounts do not match, or if you have questions, call customer service at 1-877-832-2829, as shown on the back of your BCBS identification card. A BCBS representative will be happy to review the EOB statement and answer your questions. If you are not satisfied with the response or outcome from customer service, you may file an appeal with BCBS by completing an Auto/Inquiry Appeal form. The BCBS customer service representative can help you obtain the form. 4 5 Once you receive the form, make sure to attach an explanation of your concern and copies of the statements in question. Check the Appeal Box on the form and mail to: If the issue remains unresolved, you may file an appeal with the UAW Trust. Please see your Summary Plan for details. Auto National Appeal Unit 600 Lafayette East – Mail Code #2004 Detroit, Michigan 48226-2998 17 Contact information Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan ValueOptions – Help Line Hospital, Surgical/Medical Services For questions on benefits, claims or how to locate providers, 8 a. m. - 8 p.m. Eastern time, Monday – Friday Precertification — Mental Health and Substance Abuse (required for non-Medicare members only) 1-877-228-3912 1-877-832-2829 Mailing Address (for claim inquiries): Blue Card Access — National Provider Network UAW Auto Retiree Service Center Information on participating network providers at home and while traveling P.O. Box 311088 Detroit, Michigan 48231 1-800-810-2583 Case Management Coordination of health care Express Scripts (formerly Medco Health) 1-800-845-5982 Mail Order and Retail (Drug Stores) Prescription drug questions 1-866-662-0274 Retiree Health Care Connect The UAW Trust eligibility and call center Eligibility, membership, address changes, and ID card requests. Delta Dental 1-800-524-0149 1-866-637-7555 Davis Vision Tobacco Cessation 1-888-234-5164 1-800-775-2583 Medicare Veterans Health Administration medicare.gov va.gov/health 1-800-633-4227 1-877-222-8387 UAW Retiree Medical Benefits Trust uawtrust.org Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan is proudly represented by the UAW R041223
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