Wheatland-Chili Central Schools
Wheatland-Chili Central Schools
Wheatland-Chili Central Schools Electronic Newsletter (www.wheatland.k12.ny.us) May 29, 2015 For Your Support of Our School District The School District strengthens our entire community by delivering educational excellence that prepares our students for successful futures. Our students are successful as a result of their experiences in the District, and your support is critical to their success. The following are the results of the Wheatland-Chili budget vote: Proposition 1 - 2015-2016 School Budget, $17,384,949 Yes - 185; No - 120 PASSED Proposition 2 - School Transportation Purchase, up to $305,000 Yes - 198; No - 104 PASSED Proposition 3 - School Equipment Purchase, up to $15,000 Yes - 214; No - 87 PASSED Board Members: Three-Year Terms: James Musshafen and Tiffany Passmore District Recognized Again in U.S. News and World Report Wheatland-Chili was ranked again this year in the U.S. News and World Report 2015 rankings as one of the top 100 high schools in New York State. As a Silver Ranked school, we are in the top 10.3% of the 19,753 schools in the United States. We are joined from Monroe County with Pittsford, Honeoye Falls-Lima, Hilton, Fairport, and Greece Odyssey. Outstanding Senior Award Senior Abigail Stryker was recognized, at the Monroe County Council of School Superintendents’ Dr. Michael C. O’Laughlin Outstanding Senior Recognition Dinner, as the Outstanding Senior from Wheatland-Chili High School. One senior from each high school in Monroe County is selected, by their superintendent, for this honor based upon their scholarship, service, and character. Tennis Team Wins Sectionals Again Congratulations to the Wheatland-Chili Varsity Tennis Team on winning the Class D Sectionals for the second consecutive year. The team beat Naples 5 -0, and Coach Peets reported that every player stepped up to help achieve the victory. The tennis team’s record was an impressive and undefeated 16-0. The team members are: Evan Walker, Jared Grasso, Ben Gebhardt, Dakota Nash, Jon Sutherland, Taylor Seilheimer, Will Gebhardt, and Ben Czapranski. If you see any of the team members, please be sure to congratulate them. Kindergarten Celebrates Memorial Day To celebrate Memorial Day, T. J. Connor Kindergarteners made signs, noisemakers, patriotic bibs, and pom-poms. They paraded around the school chanting “Hip, Hip, Hooray for the USA.” Once again, T. J. Connor students demonstrated their patriotism and support of our veterans. First Graders Visit Genesee Country Nature Center First graders recently visited the Genesee Country Nature Center for a spring nature walk. They observed the changes that have occurred at the Nature Center since their visit in the fall. Led by a guide, the students saw a variety of plants and animals and paid particular attention to the vernal pond. The trip ended with a picnic lunch. The students had great fun learning outside. Fourth Graders Research Dolphins The fourth-grade classes recently completed a dolphin research project. Pairs of students from each class chose a dolphin to research after reading about the Encantado or Pink Dolphin. Each pair, after completing research about a different dolphin, had to chose a way to present the information they learned. Students reported the similarities and differences in various ways like creating a poster, making a PowerPoint, making a poplet, or using the 30 Hands app. The presentations were very impressive. Fifth Graders Visit Central Library The fifth-grade students traveled to the Central Library downtown to enjoy an author talk with Steven Sheinkin. Mr. Sheinkin talked about his most recent books, including Bomb: The Race to Build-and-Steal the World’s Most Dangerous Weapon, which has won four awards. He also talked about how he spends a great deal of time researching for his books to make sure he gets all the facts correct. The students were able to ask Mr. Sheinkin many questions. After the author talk, students ate lunch in the courtyard and took a tour of the children’s section of the library. They discovered the secret room via the bookcase doorway. They also got to check out some books. A great time was had by all. SADD “Think Before You Drive” Assembly On May 19, juniors and seniors attended the “Think Before You Drive” assembly hosted by SADD (Students Against Destructive Decisions). “Think Before You Drive” is a live presentation, which tells the story of Justin Randall’s life before and since the alcohol-related car crash he survived when he was 21 years old. As a result of that crash, he lives life from a wheelchair, and is unable to walk, speak, or use his left side. Justin’s assistant, Julie, spoke for Justin as she talked with students about the potential consequences of drinking. Students watched a DVD that showcased Justin’s life from when he was a young, vibrant, successful high school athlete to his recovery and life since his car crash. It showed what it cost Justin and his family when he decided to drink and drive. The presentation ended with a question/answer session. A few students had the chance to see what it is like to communicate for Justin, interpreting his responses while he spelled them on his alphabet board. Students were reminded that drunk-driving incidents are 100% preventable. SADD wants to remind our students to be safe at prom, graduation, and other celebrations. T. J. Connor Band and Chorus Perform Spring Concert T. J. Connor’s Fifth-Grade Band and Fourth- and Fifth-Grade Chorus recently performed two concerts, one during the school day for the whole school, and the other followed that evening. The band entertained the audience with a variety of traditional and contemporary numbers. Andrew Nolan and Ava Cody were featured trumpet soloists during the song, “The Silver Scepter.” The chorus then performed several numbers, including “Disco Fever,” featuring the recorders and students showing off their disco dancing. The song, “Turn up the Music,” featured soloists Sarah Rocha and Kendall Austin. The Fifth-Grade Band joined the Sixth- and Seventh-Grade band to perform in the Memorial Day Parade. They entertained parade goers with “Yankee Doodle” and “Let’s Go, Wheatland!” What an amazing group of talented musicians we have at T. J. Connor. Girls’ Softball Sectional Victory The softball team had its first victory in Sectional competition in over twenty years. The 11th seeded Wildcats beat 4th seeded Naples on Wednesday, May 20, by a score of 9-3. The girls advanced to the quarter-final round of Sectionals, playing 1st seeded Bolivar-Richburg this past Friday night. Although the girls did not win in this round, we are proud of them for their Sectional win. High School Student Honors Fallen Deputies at Scottsville Park As part of his Eagle Scout work, Corey Ingham took it upon himself to make a difference in the local Scottsville community. He helped honor three Monroe County Sheriff's Office Deputies who died in the line of duty by planning and building a garden around their memorial. The new permanent memorial, which was dedicated recently, is located next to the American Legion Post 367 in Scottsville Park. Deputy Simon Bermingham died in 1912 when he was shot and killed on Caledonia Avenue. Deputy Frank Dombroski was killed in a car crash in 1970, and Deputy William Marshall died in 1946 after he crashed his patrol car. This occasion provided an opportunity for all of us to recognize these men for their service and sacrifice. The Sheriff's Office Association of Retirees, the Badge of Honor Association, and Corey all helped put the memorial together. He did a great job offering a few words of reflection at the ceremony. Monroe County Executive Maggie Brooks and Sheriff Patrick O'Flynn also addressed the crowd of approximately 100 people. We appreciate Corey’s dedication to the Scouts and commitment to our community. We are proud to call him, as well as his brother Connor, Wheatland-Chili students. National Honor Society Participates in On Sunday, May 17, 2015, members of the Wheatland-Chili National Honor Society participated in the annual Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) Walk to Cure Diabetes at Rochester Institute of Technology. JDRF is the leading global organization funding Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) research, sponsoring more than $568 million in scientific research in 17 countries. For more than eight years, the NHS has supported the Dawson family’s walk team, Connor’s Crusaders, by selling sneakers and collecting individual donations. The Connor’s Crusaders Family would like to thank the NHS for their years of participation and service in our final year of walking. Student Recites Pledge at Board Meeting One student from the High School led the community in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance at the beginning of the Board of Education meeting held on May 26, 2015. Varsity Golf Team at Mill Creek On May 20, the Wheatland-Chili Varsity Golf team had their last home match of the 2015 season at Mill Creek Golf Course. Three seniors, Connor Dawson, Zachary Lambert, and Aaron Brown (not pictured) enjoyed a spring season with fellow teammates Josh Hall and Jordon Webb. Anyone interested in playing golf next year is asked to see Coach Keydel. Players are needed to complete a team so that a scratch does not happen. Do not miss out on playing on one of the most scenic and beautiful golf courses in the area. Where Are Our Graduates? If you are a Wheatland-Chili graduate and would like to share the story of your accomplishments and how WCCSD helped you achieve your success, please email [email protected] with details. You may consider sharing the story of your military service, the college you attended and how it led to a successful career, how WEMOCO provided the foundation for your career choice, etc. Help us inspire our current Wheatland-Chili students by sharing your stories. View Past Editions of our Electronic Newsletter In an effort to reach more of our community members and parents, we are distributing copies of the newsletter at the Village and Town Halls, Libraries, and at local businesses. Past editions of our newsletter can be found by accessing the District website at www.wheatland.k12.ny.us and selecting the QUICK LINKS tab on the left-hand side of the page for the Electronic Newsletter. WHEATLAND-CHILI CENTRAL SCHOOL DISTRICT 13 Beckwith Avenue, Scottsville, NY 14546 Phone: (585) 889.4500 Fax: (585) 889.6284 Board of Education Kim Snyder, President Carol Davis, Vice President Shanna Fraser James Musshafen Courtney Panek Tiffany Passmore Michelle Rocha Deborah Leh, Ed.D., Superintendent
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