Chicora, PA - Progress News
Chicora, PA - Progress News
LYNN, KING & SCHREFFLER, P.C. ATTORNEYS AT LAW #1 Auto Body Repair Facility in Butler County SCOTT W. SCHREFFLER MICHAEL W. SLOAT – Adopting – Bernie’s Barn Service Customers Florist, Greenhouse & Gift Shop 2275 Branchton Rd. Hilliards, PA 16040 724-791-3332 1120 Oneida Valley Road - Route 38 724-282-2933 CLARION CHRYSLER–DODGE–JEEP 1074 East Main Street Clarion, PA • 814-226-9550 “Celebrating 39 years in Business” • • • • • 877.862.9270 Personal Injury & Accident Disability Actions Real Estate & Estates Elder Law /Nursing Home Plan Bankruptcy National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys E-mail: [email protected] 606 Main St., Emlenton, PA 724-867-5921 • Postal Customer • The “ nation under God . . .” Progress News 724-867-1112 ~ 410 Main Street ~ Emlenton, PA 16373 ECRWSS Presort Standard U.S. Postage PAID Permit No. 3 Emlenton, Pa. 16373 Tuesday, May 13, 2014 Megan Divers is pictured here with here cement benches, placed in the school’s courtyard to help her earn her Girl Scout Silver Award. Megan Divers Earns the Girl Scout Silver Award Megan Divers, from Petroleum Valley Girl Scout Troop #21945 earned her Silver Award which is the highest award earned by Girl Scouts at the Cadette age level. Megan is 14 years old, attends Karns City Area High School, and is the daughter of Walter and Cassandra Divers of Petrolia. Megan chose to earn her award by helping the Chicora Elementary School. Working with the Chicora Elementary School principal, Mr Spack, and the art teacher, Mrs. Green, Megan made cement benches to place in the school’s courtyard. The school court yard was being renovated to make it more classroom friendly for the students to use during class time. Part of the renovation included adding benches for the students to sit upon. Mrs. Green was a key person in Megan’s project being tied into her love of art. She demonstrated to Megan how to use broken colored glass to make mosaic scenes on the benches. This technique made the benches a beautiful and colorful addition to the renovated courtyard. Megan gathered all the materials necessary to build and put together two mosaic benches that would last for many years. From the long hours of hard work and dedication, Megan has learned to respect those that work hard and will strive to improve the future for everyone. In addition to this project, Megan also used her leadership skills to then teach this mosaic art project to other children. She instructed about thirty girls at Girl Scout camp in a project where they created their own stepping stones out of cement and used glass marbles to decorate in them a mosaic-type design. All the girls enjoyed learning this new skill! Driving Tour Meeting Don Paul Fall A planning meeting for the Jewelers 2014 edition of the Fall Farm 148 N. Main St. • Butler, PA 16001 & Country Driving Tour is for Wednesday Complete Line of New scheduled May 14th. Anyone interested and Estate Jewelry in participating is welcome to Custom Design, Remount Service, In-Store Custom Repair Shop Same Day Sizing Available on Request Always Buying Gold, Diamonds, Coins, Broken Jewelry (724) 283-3980 / 1-888-682-0246 Free Layaway • 10-6 Daily / 10-2 Sat. 90 Days Same as Cash attend at 7 PM at Baytree Farm; located at the intersection of Route 38 and Rockland Nickleville Road. This year’s event will be held on Saturday October 11th. This is our 6th year and we participants and additional are always looking for new ideas and input. If you have any questions, please call Warren Thomas at 814-6713922. BINGO Every Tuesday Sugarcreek VFD Doors Open at 6:00 PM 1st Annual “Team Cheers” Memorial Cruise-In Pizza & Subs 2003 Oneida Valley Rd. Rt. 38 N.- Just North of Butler Soft Serve Now Available Stop in for some Hershey’s or Soft Serve Ice Cream today! Pickup or “We Deliver” Open 11 am Daily Closed Mondays See Our Specials on Facebook! L-R, Front row: Kierstie Mapes, Hannah Roberts, Brooke Mays, Kelly Daugherty. Back row: Zach Stiglitz, Jena Hall, Shayla Chapman, Tyler Beal. Inducted Into National Honor Society at Keystone High School Pictured above are the newly inducted members of the Keystone High School chapter of the National Honor Society. The induction ceremony took place on Monday, May 5, 2014 at the high school. PennDOT Announces Public Meeting for OC&T Headquarters Project Oil City – The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation and the City of Oil City invite the public to a meeting concerning plans for the OC&T Railroad Headquarters project. The project includes repointing the exterior brick of the Elm Street building, new sidewalks and curb ramps, interior window glass, new glass pane door, painting and a bicycle rack. The meeting will be held as part of a regularly scheduled meeting of Oil City Council. The meeting will be held: Date: Thursday, May 22 Time: 4:30 p.m. Location: Oil City Council Chambers Chambers, Oil 1397 Kerr Ave. Ext. Emlenton, PA PA STATE INSPECTION City Hall Hall, 21 Seneca Street Street, Oil City, PA 16301. The purpose of this meeting is to introduce the project and to receive public input regarding any questions or concerns with the project. MAJOR In Home Family Child Care BRAND TIRE Mud Pye 5501 Emlenton-Clintonville Rd. Rt., 208 - Emlenton, PA Monday thru Friday - Daytime Limit 8 Children 260 High Point Road, Knox, PA OPEN: MON. - FRI. 8 AM TO 5 PM 724-867-0863 814-227-7863 [email protected] Karen Wolfe 814-797-5354 Registered PED. CPR 2 Locations to Serve You! 501 North Main St. Chicora, Pa. 724-445-2445 307 Water Street, East Brady, Pa. 724-232-0155 Mon. thru Sat. 9 AM to 9 PM Sunday - 9 AM to 7 PM Mon. - Fri. 7 AM to 8 PM Sat. - 8 am to 8 pm Sun. - 9 am to 8 pm Part-Time Help Wanted Apply at The Store or at • Complete Automotive Service • Advanced Technology in Computer Diagnostics The meeting location is accessible to anyone with disabilities. Anyone with special needs or requiring assistance should contact Eric Strahl, City Manager, (814) 678-3012 prior to the meeting. Part-Time Summer Help Wanted Apply at The Store or at BMT - (Pepperoni, Salami & Ham) $ 5.00 Foot Long Sub of the Month for May $ 3.00 Select Sub - 6” Roasted Chicken – CALL OR STOP TODAY – FOR AN APPOINTMENT In Memory of Richard “Dick” Cheers Credit/Debit Accepted Of Chicora & East Brady Saturday, May 17th, 2014 12:00 PM to 4:00 PM Rain or Shine Salem Community Park Rt. 208 & Community Road Lamartine, PA • Door Prizes • 50/50 Drawings • Chinese Auction • Playground • Kids Activities • Food • Facilities Available • DJ Provided • 12 PM to 4 PM “No Burnouts” • (Best Entertainment) Dash Plaques to First 50 Cars No Registration Fee Free-Will Donation Accepted All Proceeds Benefit Relay for Life For More Information Please Call: Jeff - 814-657-7408 Dave - 814-319-3292 Becky - 814-227-8631 Funded by: Thrivent Financial Knox, PA 814-797-0060 Allegheny Riv erStone Center FFor or The Arts RiverStone P. O. Box 215 / 42 S. Palmer Street / Foxburg, PA 16036 / 724-659-3153 Email: [email protected] Cabar et Ev ening Cabaret Evening Dane Vannatter and Friends Your Source for: Golf Carts - Parts Service & Rentals We also have trailers ! Saturday Saturday,, May 17 7:00 PM Lincoln Hall Tickets: Adults $25, ARCA Members $20 Limited seating -Selling Quickly! Call NOW! Allegheny RiverStone Center for the Arts receives state arts funding through a grant from the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts, a state agency funded by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the National Endowment for the Arts, a federal agency. To rreserv eserv eservee tickets: Call 724-659-3153 or email ARCA [email protected] Tickets may also be purchased at the door. Visit the Emlenton IGA for their weekly specials: Page A-2 – The Progress News - May 13, 2014 DOUBLE DRIVEL Into The Outdoors A Mother’s Refuge, A Son’s Legacy By: Jerry Costello for The Christophers By Chris Henderson With Dick and Mike Sean Foust recently connected on his first career hole in one. He aced the 166 yard 15TH hole at Butler Country Club using a 7 iron. Rumor has it Sean’s uncle Gary Whittington has been working with Sean on his swing. Wandy Rodriguez is 0-1 with a 10.38 ERA at AA Altoona. Can’t wait to see him back in the bigs. Floyd Money Matweather was paid $32 million for his fight with Marcos Maidana. The fight went 12 rounds so that was 36 minutes. Floyd pocketed $2,666,667 per round, or $888,889 per minute, or $14,815 per second. There are also reports than when the pay per view dollars are added in Floyd’s total could reach $70 million. In 1972 baseball teams used an average of 2.94 relievers per game. In 1992 it was up to 4.29. Today the number is up to 5.96. No wonder some games seem to go on forever. The Steelers first round pick Ryan Shazier may turn out to be a good one, but I think they had other needs that could have been addressed. Shazier played outside linebacker at OSU and now will have to move inside since the Steelers paid big money to Jason Worilds and drafted Jarvis Jones last year. The Steelers could have drafted C J Moseley from Alabama who is an inside linebacker. I thought they would have either tried to find a replacement for aging Ike Taylor at cornerback or found a lineman to replace trouble Mike Adams. After back to back 8-8 seasons I thought Kevin Colbert could have done better. The Steelers home opener might be much more appealing if Johnny Manziel wins the Browns starting quarterback job. Kentucky recently gave raises to 2 assistant basketball coaches now paying them $350,000 per year. 14 head coaches of teams that made the NCAA tournament last year don’t get paid that much. Thought of the week: Eventually all things fall into place. Until then, laugh at the confusion, live for the moments, and know everything happens for a reason. Clarion County PASR School Enhancement Mini-Grant At this time of year, most of us outdoor folks are at least somewhat obsessed with fishing. We humans, however, are not the only anglers out there. This week, let’s look at some of the critters with which we compete for fish. One of the best known is the great blue heron. These birds are often mistakenly referred to as cranes, probably due to their resemblance to the sandhill crane. They are often seen standing in the water on their long legs, watching for fish, which they catch with their sword-like beak. They can swallow a fish that is a foot long without difficulty. Something that never fails to amaze me about herons is their ability to fly right next to the water, with their long legs trailing behind. They build their huge nests high in trees, and nesting is occurring more often in this part of the country. The green heron is another angler, although it most often eats minnows and other small fish. They are often called a shite-poke. When I was a little kid, one of these used to visit the creek in our backyard every spring. When I would see him, I would know that winter was finally over. The osprey, also known as the fish hawk, is a large hawk, somewhat smaller than an eagle. They feed almost exclusively on fish, and their body design reflects this. They are capable of diving almost totally underwater, and their wing joints allow them to take off successfully from the water. They were at one time just migratory, but some now nest in Pennsylvania. If you fish at Harbor Acres lake, you are very likely to see them. I’ve sighted them at different times of the year, so I can only assume that they are nesting nearby. One of my very favorite birds is the belted kingfisher. They do most of their fishing in streams and creeks, including the one that runs through our home township. They somewhat resemble a blue jay, although they are larger and have a more pronounced crest. They dive completely underwater to capture small fish, which they then swallow whole. They will also eat crayfish and other small aquatic critters. On very rare occasions, they will eat mice. Their rattling, cackling call is almost unmistakable. Of course, the most magnificent of the other anglers is the bald eagle, our national symbol. For a time in the twentieth century, these wonderful creatures were actually in danger of extinction. Now, they have made a remarkable comeback just about everywhere. In fact, it is no longer unusual to see bald eagles along the Allegheny River. When I was a kid, if you would have said that eagles would appear along the river, I would have suggested that you have your head examined. Three years ago, my son and I had the good fortune to see an eagle capturing a fish and carrying it off. If you’d like to see a nesting pair, all you have to do is go to Oneida Lake. There is a pair nesting in the big pine trees on the Route 38 side of the lake. The best place to observe them is on the opposite side of the lake, with a good spotting scope or pair of binoculars. The “other anglers” are not limited to birds alone. River otters, which are making a comeback here in the Keystone State, are very fond of a fish dinner. Raccoons eat a lot of crayfish, but will not hesitate to eat a fish if they can catch them. So, the next time you are out fishing, and think that you have the angling to yourself, think again. You may have more company than you realize. Clarion County PASR exists to serve the needs of all school retirees and to bring about positive change within our communities. The Clarion chapter recognizes the important foundation laid by public education. They wish to support our public schools in their educational focus and encourage innovative classroom ideas and professional development. This $300 School Enhancement Mini-Grant will provide resources to support high-quality education by funding a variety of projects, both in and out of the classroom. There will be a minimum of one grant per year. CCPASR* is comprised of ALL Clarion County school retirees: teachers, administrators, nurses, counselors, and support personnel, including custodians, cafeteria workers and bus drivers, i.e., everyone who is covered by the Public School Employees’ Retirement System (PSERS). Therefore, any of these employees in the local school system is eligible to receive this award. Applicants must complete the attached request (available on-line at for their proposal and mail the completed forms to: Barb Speer, 119 S. 3rd Ave., Local Man Invents Clarion, PA 16214. Forms need to be postmarked no later Preventative Healthcare Product than May 23, 2014. The award(s) will be presented in Fall, Deadly Bedsores cause approximately 48.5 infection 2014. Questions and concerns should be sent to deaths in Clarion, Butler, Venango, And Armstrong Counties [email protected]. annually. Many people are shocked when they learn that infected bedsores cause 34,320 deaths annually in the USA. This averages out to 686 infections deaths in Pennsylvania and 10.4 The Butler County Dairy County Dairy Princess per county. Researching Clarion, Butler, Venango, and Miranda Lutz will be giving Princess Pageant will be held Armstrong counties, the death rate from infection deaths her farewell speech. Miranda on May 24, 2014 at the Mount turns out to be 11.5 per county, slightly higher than the averChestnut Church on W Old will also welcome in the new age. court for 2014-2015. Route 422, Butler, Pa. The The good news is that even with his wife succumbing to A reception will follow in Pageant will begin at 8:00pm that shocking statistic years ago, Earl Hicks of Salem TownThe 2013-2014 Butler the church social hall…… this time Butler County Dairy ship, Clarion County, Pennsylvania put his positive energy Princess Miranda Lutz and and God given design talents together, inventing Attention our new court will present a NOMORE~BEDSORE®. This preventative healthcare prod2015 ACV Girls “Milk Toast” to honor the uct and application can prevent bedsores (decubitus ulcers) from developing. Mr. Hicks can attest to it personally, having High School Softball Dairy Industry. Players and Parents All are welcome to attend used the application himself, successfully over 4,700 times. The pain, suffering, death, huge medical expenses, lawsuits, On Tuesday, June 3, 2014, the pageant. and penalties under ObamaCare regarding bedsores can be 6:00pm ACV High School ofvirtually eliminated with NOMORE~BEDSORE®. fice parking lot, there will be STEINER’S The local inventor, Earl Hicks, expects his invention to be a meeting to wrap up the OUTDOORS & MORE received by millions of patient-care-givers throughout the 798 St. Rt. 68 2014 softball season and vote world. This life-saving project is being launched in honor of East Brady, PA in new booster officers. (724) 526-3442 his deceased wife, Diane (1949-2003), who died at the age of Those interested in filling the Open 7 Days A Week 53 of sepsis (blood poison) due to a medical facility's neglect. president, vice president, secLive Bait & For a brochure and information on retary or treasurer position Fishing Supplies NOMORE~BEDSORE®, call or write to: Earl Hicks (814) need to contact Tab Wetzel, • Hanging Baskets 797-5340, 2687 Route 208 Knox, PA 16232 or e-mail: • Bedding Plants 724-659-3152, to be put on [email protected] • Vegetable Plants the ballot. If there are no • Flowers & More Submitted by: Earl Hicks people to fill the officer posiCheck Out Our This article is a paid advertisement and does not neccessarily reflect tions the softball booster pro- New Selection of Fountains the views of the Progress News, the Editor, or any of its staff. Visit Us On Facebook! gram will disband. There will be another Mother’s Day this year for Jackie Giblin Bardem. She suffered an unspeakable loss 18 months ago when her 7-yearold son, Daniel, was one of 20 student-victims of a shooter in Newtown, Conn. With special thanks to her childhood parish in the Bronx, in New York City, Daniel’s memory will go on and on, for Mother’s Days down through the years. Her Bronx friends thought that much of her, one of nine little Giblin children who grew up there. And they never forgot. You probably remember Danny. He was the red-haired kid with the gap-tooth smile who broke your heart when you realized what the family must be going through. There’s Mark, Jackie’s husband, and two other children: James, 13, and Natalie, 12. Jackie’s childhood parish, Our Lady of Refuge in the Kingsbridge section of the Bronx, is raising enough money to dedicate its new athletic facility this month in Danny’s honor: the Daniel Bardem Memorial Gym. Denis Hamill wrote about it in the Daily News a couple of months ago, and how on May 17 they’re having the Daniel Bardem Memorial Games there. Jackie Bardem remembers the gym at Our Lady of Refuge when she was just Jackie Giblin. “It was safe and fun,” she recalls. “No drugs, no violence, no gangs. The guys and girls mingled together. There was no social media then. No cell phones. Just kids interacting with each other, laughing, carrying on. We all made friendships that have lasted a lifetime.” The money realized on May 17, as well as that which came from other fund-raising events, will be used for a new gym floor plus refurbishing the entire facility. The honor to her son means a great deal to Jackie. “The idea that the youth center where I learned about life as a kid will be named after my son Daniel is a very special thing for me,” she said. “That other kids will come there to be safe and have fun and learn about life is fitting because Danny was all about helping other kids. One neighbor described Daniel as ‘an old soul in the body of a child.’ He was such an unusual kid, so giving, so kind, always so concerned about others. Just like the people of my old neighborhood.” That goes for the people of Newtown as well. A teacher, Jackie Bardem had stopped working after the massacre, which left 26 dead—six staff members in addition to the 20 young pupils. The world stopped too for a time, but this year Jackie resumed teaching, and all of her family’s friends came through. “Last week,” she said, “I came home and neighbors who knew I’d started working again left prepared meals for us. The kindness here from so many people has been overwhelming. I guess you can say I’ve seen the best people can be. And, of course, the worst. But there are more good people, and that gives me comfort. “Now my son’s name goes up on the youth center. Where I grew up. Amazing.” Reason to count one’s blessings, certainly, this Mother’s Day. And, come to think of it, for many Mother’s Days yet to come. For a free copy of the Christopher News Note, GETTING THROUGH GRIEF WITH GOD, write: The Christophers, 5 Hanover Square, New York, NY 10004; or e-mail: mail@ Dairy Princess Pageant Get your “TO DO” list ready and call Strobel’s Helping Hand Handyman Service Lic. # PA103607 - Call Jeff at 724-822-3546 We’re on your side. As your local Nationwide® agency, we’re on your side Wallace Trucking & Landscape Supply whether you need life, home, auto or business insurance. We’ll make sure you get the best value for your insurance dollars, answer all your questions and make sure your claims are processed quickly. For the service you deserve, please give us a call. Nationwide Is On Your Side® 1320 Chicor a Rd. Chicor a, P A Chicora Chicora, PA Jamie & Dan Kerr Now Open: 724-445-7009 W e r !• Limestone • ive Del • Gravel • • Compost • • Decorative Rock • Topsoil • • Mulch • • Bark • • Shale • We Have Fire Rings Hours: Tues. thru Fri. - 9 am to 5 pm • Saturday - 8 am to 4 pm 522 NORTH MAIN ST. CHICORA, PA 724-445-3825 Nationwide Insurance & Financial Services EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY INSURER Life Insurance underwritten by Nationwide Life Insurance Company, Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company and affiliated companies. Home Office: Columbus OH 43215-2220 The Progress News - May 13, 2014 – Page A-3 Boys & Girls Club Trail Cleanup Scavenger OBITUARIES Hunt Franklin! Ron Rosman and wife, MaryAnn Rosman Educational Talent Search will hold a workshop for 6th - 12th graders entitled "SMART-On the Hunt: A Trek through Franklin" on Saturday, May 17, 2014 from 9:30 am until 2:30 pm. The workshop begins and ends at Neverending Stories, located at 1252 Liberty St., Franklin, PA. Students will decipher hints, complete challenges, and make discoveries as they trek through downtown Franklin. They will meet and chat with local entrepreneurs and complete scavenger hunt challenges. Students can register a team or join others looking for team members to compete in this fun scavenger hunt type race. A service project will be included. Prizes will be awarded and lunch will be provided. Pre-registration required. Call 393-2071 or toll free at 1888-533-6487! Scrubgrass Stone Church Welcomes Ron Rosman Otto Schiberl Memorial Ride Scrubgrass Stone Church welcomes Ron Rosman on May 18th, 2014 at 7:00 pm to our summer concert series. Ron Rosman; former backup vocalist and keyboardist for Tommy James & The Shondells (well-known rock band of the 60's & 70's. Ron toured the United States and several countries sharing the stage with some of the top bands of that era. He shared the stage with Neil Diamond, The Beach Boys, The Temptations, The Supremes, and The Beatles, just to name a Jackson’s Barber Shop 508 S. Jackson Ave. Parker, PA Serving the Area for 53 Years 724-399-2600 Hours: Tues. - 8 am to 5 pm Wed. - 8 am to 5 pm Thurs. - 8 am to 7 pm Parker, PA Smallest City in the USA Tom Jackson - Owner few. He also made an appearance on The Ed Sullivan Show. As time went on, Ron felt a new calling from a higher authority. With the prayers and efforts of his lovely wife, MaryAnn (pictured with Ron), he soon turned his life toward his Lord & Savior which he now shares his ministries through his beautiful music. Come spend an evening of praise & fellowship with us. You'll leave feeling God's love in your heart. Don't miss this inspiring man. Hear "A Man After Your Own Heart" Ron Rosman Any questions, call 724-8670836 for more info. On Saturday, April 26th, eight members of the Boys & Girls Club Along The Allegheny participated in a trail clean up from Foxburg to the Clarion River bridge. The event was initiated by Sally Vereb of Foxburg. The Boys & Girls Club has adopted this stretch of the If you are interested in 3122 after 3:00 pm. The trail as part of their commu- more information, please club is open for kids age 8 nity service and will help keep contact the club at 724-867- to 17 years of age. it clean in years to come. Kids enjoyed looking the most unique object. The winner just happened to find a shoe along the way. Members who help participate were Andrew Bramer, Chase Burrell, Brady Cullen, Rachel Cullen, Tony Izquierdo, Nancy Izquierdo, Jacobey Gilson and Jade Layton. The kids enjoyed pizza afterwards at the Foxburg Pizza Shop. The Boys & Girls Club will be starting their summer hours beginning June 9th. Hours will be Monday thru Friday from 10 am to 4 pm. The club has a variety of educational programs, day camps and activities planned for the summer. Otto’s Tavern of Emlenton will be holding their 6th Annual Memorial Poker Ride on June 7, 2014. The ride is in memory of Otto Schiberl who was the founder of Otto’s tavern. Registration will be from 9:00 am to 10:00 am. Cost is $20 single rider and $30 double rider. Ride along the car for $20, $10 passenger. Retrun at 6:00 pm for a pig roast, 505/50 raffle, flat screen TV raffle, Chinese auction. Benefits the Boys and Girls Club Along The Allegheny. Entertainment provided at 9:00 PM with the band, E53. No cover charge. For information call 724867-0955. – Plant Sale – at the Chicora VFD Bedding Flowers Vegetable Plants Hanging Baskets HOURS: Foxburg Free Library Golf Outing Mon. – Sat.: 8 AM to 5 PM Come join us for a day of golf, fun, food and music on Saturday, June 28, 2014. The Foxburg Free Library will be hosting a golf scramble to help raise money for the historic library. Registration time will be at 12:00 pm with a shotgun start at 1:00 pm at the historic Foxburg Country Club. The 4 person scramble is $75 per individual or $300 for a team. Teams can be comprised of men, women or mixed. The entry fee includes 18 holes with a cart, light lunch during registration, hors d’ oeuvres/Happy Hour, dinner catered by A La Carte Catering and DJ on the porch. Registration is open to the first 48 golfers. Registration forms are available in the Foxburg Country Club Pro Shop or by e-mailing the library at foxburgfree [email protected]. Anyone wishing to sponsor a hole for this event or for more information, call the library at 724-659-3431. Tom’s Sales & Service 10790 Route 322 Top of the Riverhill Shippenville, PA 16254 ➮ Simplicity ➮ Husqvarna ➮ Echo ➮ Snapper We Sell Holland Grills! 814-226-4013 Whyte’s to Special Order Guns Not in Stock Valero Gasoline Prices this ad good PARKER, PA / 724-399-2541 – HOURS – 8-9 MON. THRU SAT. / 8-5 SUNDAY ~ Daily ~ Lunch Specials & Subs to order! Ask for Details Chicora VFD West Slippery Rock Street Chicora, PA 16025 Off All Ammo in Stock Spring 10% Varmit Rifles in Stock Sale No Additional Cost - ATV/UTV Check Out Our Prices on Complete Inspection at Goods, Ammo, ATV/UTV No Charge to Customer Parts, Accessories & Service Stop in and see ED UBER – He’s back at it! – Monday, May 12, 2014 through Sunday, May 17, 2014 VALERO GASOLINE - PAY AT THE PUMP – “BEST YET” STORE BRAND ITEMS Kennerdell Power Sports & Firearms PLAY THE LOTTERY: Daily • Big 4 • Cash 5 • Super 6 • Instant • PowerBall Fueland Savings Rewards - - - Buy Groceries - - - Save on Gasoline 222 Main St., Kennerdell, PA 814-908-0222 - Ask for Denny or Nathan Sugardale 8-oz. 2/$ Pepperoni. . Pepsi Products PARKER HEIGHTS APARTMENTS 3/$ 2-liter Bottles Porterhouse Sugardale or T-Bone Hot Dogs 3/$ Steaks $ 79 5 6 Russer Virginia CHICORA COMMONS APARTMENTS 99 White Bread Deli Lays Hot Chips lb. 3 3/$ 2/$ or Doritos 6 Hanging Baskets Strawberries 2/$ 00 4 Whole Seedless $ Hot House 99 for 2 or 12 more. 4 Inch $ 99 Potted Flowers Watermelons . . 3 Asst. Trays of Flowers and Vegetables Tomatoes. . . lb. $ 69 1 $ 99 3 $ 69 1 3 Mustard. .$.119 10 Inch 1-lb. Sugardale 1-lb. Pkg. Bacon . . 20-oz. loaf $ 99 3 lb. Heinz - 16-oz. Hamburger Dill Sliced 3 Pepper Cheese . lb. Best Yet Baked $ Ham . lb. 5 Pickles. . . Heinz - 17.5-oz. Yellow Heinz 10-oz. 2/$ 00 Relish. . . 3 In Stock Now! 20# Potting Soil 40# Potting Soil Top Soil or Fertilizer Red or “READY FOR SPRING PLANTING” Brown Mulch Page A-4 – The Progress News - May 13, 2014 Hometown Heroes Lecture at Clarion Free Library The Clarion Free Library (CFL) offers a free cultural program the third Thursday of every month. This month's Third Thursday program, happening on May 15th at 6:30 pm, is Clarion's Hometown Heroes: Captain Loomis, Colonel Calvin A. Craig, and Craig E. Fleming. This will be a lively and informative lecture presented by Mary Lea Lucas of the Clarion County Historical Society and Dr. James Maccaferri of Clarion University. In addition to the lecture, historical artifacts related to the lives of these local heroes will be on display. The names Captain Loomis, Colonel Craig, and Craig Fleming have become part of the everyday life in Clarion, but few people know who these men are or where and why their service should be remembered. In advance of Memorial Day, the public is encouraged to come to the library and learn about the exploits of these gallant soldiers. The library has been attempting to offer more programming to enliven and enrich the cultural life in the greater Clarion community. These events, known as "Third Thursdays", will feature something new every month at 6:30 pm in the CFL meeting room. According to Dan Parker, Director of the Clarion Free Library, "We have a particular interest in highlighting the crafts and the talents of people from the region. 'Third Thursday' is designed to be more a backyard or front porch approach to art and culture." In the coming months, the community can look forward to musical groups, discussions with authors, examples of traditional crafts, and much more in the future. For more information cantact the Clarion Free Library at 814-226-7172 Annual Spring Raffle Loot & Shoot Night 15 Gun Raffle / 5 Cash Prizes Saturday, May 17th Clintonville Volunteer Fire Department Doors Open 5:00 pm • First Drawing at 6:00 PM • Food & Bev. Provided with Ticket Keystone Crowns King & Queen Keystone High School held their 2014 Promenade, Crowning and Prom on Sat., May 3. This year’s King and Queen are Jordan Weeter and Mallory Reed. Jordan is the son of Mark Weeter of Florida and Lori Weeter of Knox. Mallory is the daughter of Dan Reed of Knox and Lori Reed of Clarion. hoto courtesy of Smith Photography Building Healthy Communities in a Stronger Pennsylvania Governor Tom Corbett is committed to ensuring there are resources available to preserve the heritage of Pennsylvania’s communities and to provide the leadership needed to guide them out of financial struggles. As a result, 2014 is starting to show signs of financially healthier communities across Pennsylvania. In February, we saw the City of Harrisburg move out of receivership when the Commonwealth Court officially rescinded the Office of the Receiver. While cities around the country continue to struggle, in two short years, the City of Harrisburg emerged from crisis and is now moving toward long-term fiscal stability. The Borough of Millbourne’s Act 47 status was rescinded in March by Department of Community and Economic Development Secretary C. Alan Walker after working through 21 years in the Act 47 program. The Delaware County community is the first municipality to exit the Act 47 Program in more than seven years. There are many reasons for this positive progress towards financial stability, many of which involve specific initiatives of the Governor’s Center for Local Government Services (the Center). Scenic Valley Coiffures • Persistent technical assistance to these communities throughout the Act 47 process. • The development and implementation of new tax collection legislation, Act 32 of 2008. Early unaudited estimates show that Act 32 has increased revenue in Pennsylvania’s cities by as much as 23 percent. • Pennsylvania’s overall improving economy, driven by the Corbett administration’s pro-growth policies, encouragement of public/private partnerships and proactive local government initiatives. The Center has a number of tools designed to assist communities in need, to help prevent communities from entering the Distressed Communities Program and to ensure that those communities that have exited the program remain in good fiscal health. If you are interested in learning about these tools or have questions about your municipality’s financial situation, I encourage you to contact the Center and speak to someone on our team at 866.466.3972. We are committed to building healthy communities in a stronger Pennsylvania and have a variety of resources to assist. Snow’s Polaris-Victory DEBE SOUTHWORTH OWNER/OPERATOR Shari Courson, Operator 724-445-2765 Rt. 68 • Bottom of the Hill in Chicor Chicoraa 724-867-8942 Snow’s CHICORA DENTAL CARE Domenick DeFrancisis, D.D.S. ** Meredith Fennell, D.M.D. **Assoc. Fellow of the American Academy of Implant Dentistry Fellow of the International College of Oral Implantology ~~~ General and Implant Dentistry I.V. & conscious sedation available for your comfort INVISALIGN-(invisible braces) Advanced teeth whitening Air abrasion technology Customized complete/partial dentures Dental implants • single tooth replacement • alternative to complete dentures • securing of loose dentures New Patients Welcome ~~~ Chicora, PA (724) 445-2558 1) Ruger American 270 Blue Digital Camo /Scope 2) Webley & Scott 12 Ga. Pump 3) $300 Cash 4) Remington Model Five 22LR 50/50 5) Cobra 380 Semi Auto Raffles 6) $300 Cash 7) Remington 783 Bolt Rifle 8) Savage Axis Pkg. 9) $300 Cash 10) KOFS 410 Over and Under 11) Weatherby 12 Ga. Pump Shotgun 12) Ten Point Cross Bow Pkg. 13) $300 Cash 14) Heritage Rough Rider 22 Revolver 15) Thompson Center Inline 50 Cal. 16) Marlin XL7 270 Win. 17) $300 Cash 18) Remington 870 Shotgun 19) Sccy 9 mm Pistol 20) Ruger Blackhawk SS 357 6 1/2” Barrel Gun Added After 600 Tickets sold & 1 every 100 thereafter $ 20.00 Donation - Must Have Ticket to Enter Only 1000 Tickets Sold - Winner Need Not Be Present All State & Federal Laws Apply • Prizes Supplied by Gun Town Mountain, Franklin, PA 814-437-7988 Winner Responsible for Background Check Guns to be picked up at Gun Town Mountain within 30 days of Raffle or will be property of Clintonville Vol. Fire. Dept. McNany Lumber, Inc. The Progress News Building & Plumbing Supplies Main Street, Emlenton, Pa. 724-867-2390 We have all your building & remodeling supplies! 410 Main Street • Emlenton, PA 16373 ~ 724-867-1112 Fax: 724-867-1356 May 13, 2014 Section B – Page 1 Oberlander on Board with Proposal to Protect Regional Oil, Natural Gas Producers From One-Size-Fits-All Regulations Group – All … L-R: Front row - Hayden Fleeger, Mattie Wayland, Eliza Datko, Taylor Cloak, Kaden Hanna, Lillie Hauser, Maggie Snodgrass, Lillian Kiskadden. Row 2, Callie Snodgrass, Jacob Allen, Lila Gourley, Dylan Smail, Reese Runyan, Owen Bohlander, Matthew Weaver. Row 3, Wade Reichelderfer & Ian Lindsey (CUP Men’s Swimming), Lindsey Finke (CUP Women’s Golf); Michelle Kiser, November Simko, Holly Gourley (Clarion Pre-School); Matt Koerper (CUP Football), Eric White (CUP Baseball). Clarion SAAC & Clarion Christian Pre-school Team Up For St. Jude’s (CLARION, PA.): Clarion Christian Pre-School and Clarion University Athletics – specifically the Student Athlete Advisory Committee, teamed up to help raise $1,431 on May 2 for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital in Memphis, Tn. Clarion Christian PreSchool, which is led by director and teacher Holly Gourley, organized a Trikea-Thon with the Clarion SAAC Committee through Associate Athletic Director Wendy Snodgrass, which was held on Friday, May 2 at Waldo S. Tippin Gymna- sium. Sixteen pre-school children ages 4-5, took pledges and pedaled around a course set up at Tippin Gym that resulted in Clarion Christian Pre-School raising the $1,431.00 for children at St. Jude’s. “Each year our preschoolers do a project that encourages them to give back. When we learned of the St. Jude’s Trike-a-Thon, I knew it was a perfect fit for us,” said Gourley. “Our children knew they were riding their bikes to help other kids get the special medicines they need at St. RHEA BUILDING SUPPLY Knox, PA 16232 814-797-1178 Fax: 814-797-0033 JOIN AVON NOW! Call Toll Free: 877-564-8059 $ www .star t.y our .start.y t.your ouraa v passcode: bstaab Bev Staab – [AISR] Jude’s and they liked the idea. The curriculum also taught the children about bike safety, which was another plus. We would like to thank Wendy Snodgrass and the SAAC Committee for helping us organize the event at Tippin Gym, setting up our course and tearing down afterwards. We look forward to working with Wendy, SAAC and Clarion University in the future. The Clarion University SAAC Committee, led by President Emilee Gysegem, V-P Megan Toddy and Treasurer Lindsay Finke, is made up of two members representing each varsity intercollegiate athletic team at Clarion University. The group works on a number of projects during the year, including raising money for Make-A-Wish, and collecting food at Thanksgiving and donating to a local food bank. “We were happy to join with Clarion Christian PreSchool on such a worthwhile project,” said Snodgrass. “We are hoping to make this an annual event.” Chicora Eye Care $ Knox Farmers Market Come Join The Fun at Knox Farmers Market May 16th • 4 pm to 7 pm Knox Community Park Vendors are ready to go with their plants, jewelry, baked goods, beef, crafts & lots more Tractor Parade - 4:00 PM Touch A Truck Kids: Enter The Sunflower / Pumpkin Contest Seeds and Pots will be provided by the Venango 4-H Club PARKER HIGH SCHOOL ALUMNI BANQUET May 24th, 2014 Pe rrrr y To wnship F ehall Fii rrehall in West Freedom Register at 5:30 PM Braised Steak Dinner at 6:00 PM $10.00 per Person Reservations may be made by calling Gerre Slaughenhoupt - 724-399-2001 Kay Caldwell - 724-399-2053 Reservations Deadline is May 17th 724-445-3901 CLARION – PA House Republican Gas and Oil Caucus Chair Rep. Donna Oberlander (R-Clarion/ Armstrong) announced her support today for proposed legislation that would require the state Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) to establish separate regulations for conventional and unconventional drilling operations. “The night-and-day differences between traditional mom and pop oil and natural gas natural producers operating throughout our region versus the much, larger and newer Marcellus Shale industry appear blatantly obvious to virtually everyone, except for DEP officials who are continuing to move forward with regulations that treat them exactly and detrimentally the same,” said Oberlander. “As Republican chair of the Pennsylvania House Gas and Oil Caucus, I fully support this legislation because unlike DEP, it fully and comprehensively takes into account the significant differences be- The Progress News Memorial Day Tribute Page The Progress News will be publishing our annual Memorial Day Tribute page on Tuesday, May 20th. Anyone wishing to pay tribute with a memorial for any past Veteran may submit to the Progress News by Noon on Friday, May 16th. Cost for a Memorial with a photo is $15.00. Any business wishing to place an ad may send information to: sales@ or via over the counter. You may also mail your memorials to: The Progress News, P.O. Box A, Emlenton, PA 16373. We will also be listing any services that will be held in the local area. tween conventional and unconventional energy development, while doing absolutely no regulatory harm to the future survival of this 150-yearold homegrown industry that still provides thousands of local family-sustaining jobs.” The soon-to-be-introduced legislation would direct the DEP’s Environmental Quality Board (EQB) to separate the drilling, alteration, operation and plugging regulations for unconventional gas wells from those regulations applicable to conventional oil and gas wells in the Commonwealth. Once introduced, Oberlander expects the proposed bill to be referred to the House Environmental Resources and Energy Committee, of which she is a member, for consideration. “Last February, as a member of the House Appropriations Committee, I extensively questioned Pennsylvania’s Environmental Protection Sec- retary Christopher Abruzzo regarding what specific actions DEP is taking to repair its longstanding and farreaching reputation as the ‘biggest impediment to job creation in Pennsylvania,’” said Oberlander. “I also presented the concerns expressed to me by many of our region’s smaller conventional oil and gas producers regarding the devastating economic impacts that DEP’s proposed, one-size-fits-all, broadly imposed, Chapter 78 regulatory revisions would have on their survival. I am supporting this proposed legislation because one-size-fits-all-regulations are always the wrong answer when it comes to preserving our natural resources, Pennsylvania’s rich natural gas development heritage and the revenue-generating, job creation and energy saving benefits that continue to reignite our state and local economies.” Benefit for Donnie Keene III Set For Saturday, May 17th The Riverstone Nightclub, Parker VFW, and Parker House will be hosting a triathalon on Saturday, May 17th which will include a pool tournament, beer pong, and corn hole tournament, along with a 50/50 raffle and Chinese auction. All proceeds will go to help the family of Donnie Keene III. Events: All signups start one hour before event Beer Pong starts at 8 pm at the Parker VFW, $5/ team. \Pool Tournament starts at 5 pm at Riversone Nightclub, is $10/player with single elimination and winner receives 1/2 the pot. Cornhole starts at 3 pm in the back parking lot of the VFW, sponsored by the Parker House. The cost is $5/team with double elimination. A Chinese auction will be located at the Parker VFW and drawing starts at 9 pm at Riverstone by DJ Brant. 50/50 drawing will be at 9 pm as well. Music provided by DJ Brant & Digital Stylez. Donations can be dropped off at Riverstone bar. For more information on event, contact: Kyle Stewart - 814-319-4920; Vicky McCord - 724-9741179; Martina Felix - 724504-8011. Donnie Keene III was born on January 28th, 2014 diagnosed with hypo plastic left heart syndrome. He has already had one open heart surgery when he was 10 days old, a second one will be in April, 2014 and a third one will be when he is 2 - 3 years old. The parents, Donne Keene Jr. and Cortnee Garvin, have been staying at the Ronald McDonald house while Donnie is undergoing treatment at Children's Hospital in Pittsburgh, Pa. The Progress News Page B-2 R.W. Hovis Auto Sales 5079 Emlenton-Clintonville Rd. Emlenton, PA 16373 724-867-0380 ‘04 Hyundai Elantra, As Is ....... $999 ‘04 Chevy Aveo, 5 Spd ... $3299 ‘05 Hyundai Elantra ......... $3399 ‘05 PT Cruiser ................... $3499 ‘03 Buick Century ............. $3799 ‘03 Chevy Malibu .............. $3799 ‘03 Chevy Cavalier, 4dr ... $3899 ‘03 Grand Caravan ........... $3999 ‘02 Honda Odessy Van .... $3999 ‘07 Ford Taurus. ............... $3999 ‘06 Kia Spectra, 5 Spd ...... $5799 ‘06 Chevy Impala .............. $6999 ‘07 Gr. Caravan (Stow N Go) ... $7299 ‘03 Chevy 2500 HD ............. $8499 HERBERT HOVIS AUTO Rt. 208 at Lisbon 5089 Emlenton-Clintonville Rd. Emlenton, PA 16373 (724) 867-2342 AUTOS ‘99 PONTIAC SUNFIRE CPE, 4 CYL, AUTO, AS IS ....... $1,595 ‘02 SATURN 4 DR SDN, 4 CYL, AUTO ................. $2,595 ‘03 SATURN ION SDN, 4 CYL, AUTO, 91K ......... $2,995 ‘01 DODGE STRATUS SDN, 4 CYL, AUTO ................. $2,995 ‘04 BUICK CENTURY SDN, V-6, AUTO .................... $2,995 ‘04 CHEVY MALIBU CLASSIC SDN, 4 CYL, AUTO ................. $3,295 ‘04 PONTIAC GRAND AM GT CPE, V-6, AUTO, ................... $3,595 ‘06 CHEVY IMPALA LT SDN, V-6, AUTO, ................... $4,995 ★ EVENTS ★ ★ FOR RENT ★ Spaghetti Dinner on May 13th from 4:00 pm to 6:30 pm at St. Paul’s Church, 2167, SR 268, Chicora. $6.00 Adults; $3.00 Children. All proceeds benefit Mission Fund. Take-Outs Available for Additional Fee. 5/12 Country Gospel Jam - God’s Country Paradise Park on Rt. 268, Cowansville Re-Opening. Country Gospel Jam on Friday, May 16th at 6:30 PM. Everyone Welcome. Staff Band welcomes new Musicians and Singers. Parker - Upstairs Apartment for 1 or 2 Adults. Utilities included. No Smoking, No Pets. Security Required. Outside entrance with steps. 724791-2742. 5/6 “Bingo, Thursday, May 15th at 6:30 PM at the St. Petersburg Firehall. Payout is half of what we take in. The kitchen will be open. Benefits the SPVFD. Thank you for your support!” 5/12 “St. Petersburg Volunteer Fire Department presents: “The Men of Class” Male Revue Fundraiser. Friday, May 16th from 8:00pm - 11:00 PM at the St. Petersburg Firehall. Must be 21 and over. BYOB. 50/50 Raffle. Pure Romance Booth, Sizzling Entertainment DJ Services. PreSale Tickets are $15, Tickets at the door are $20. For the presale tickets call Angie at 814-431-9681. Benefits the St. Petersburg Vol. Fire Co.” 5/13 Scrubgrass Senior Centerlocated in the Scrubgrass Grange building, is holding their annual yard/bake sale on Friday, May 23 and Saturday, May 24 from 10:00a.m. to 2:00p.m. Food and beverSpecialty ages available to purchase. Table rental for $5.00/day by ‘97 BMW 328 IS, CPE, 6 CYL Lois at 814-385-6482. AUTO, 51,000 MILES .... $7,500 calling 5/13 TRUCKS – VANS & 4x4’s ‘00 GMC SAFARI AWD VAN V-6, AUTO, ................... $2,595 ‘00 OLDS BRAVADA AWD SW V-6, AUTO, ................... $3,295 DON 814-797-1025 Poor Credit? Stop By! Exit 53 • I-80 Yard Sale - Maple Lane, St. Petersburg, PA on May 17th starting at 10:00 am. Books, tools, collecatables, - free cookbook with a purchase of $10 or more; includes dishes, cookware, household goods as we can get them out for display. ★ FOR RENT ★ 2 bedroom rental, lg. kitchen with appliances, laundry hook-ups, central air, deck and carport, includes most utilities. No pets. No smoking. Available July 1. References a must. $625 +deposit. (724)753-2780 after 6pm. TFN Duplex with 2 Br. Apts. Kaylor - KC School District. Security Deposit and References required. Stove and Refrigerator provided. No Pets, NonSmokers preferred. Section 8 housing candidates considered. $350.00. 724-5265403. 5/13 ★ FOR SALE ★ Herb plants, heirloom tomatoes and miniature plants for fairy gardens at The Herb Shed, Knox. Hours: Tue. – Sat. 10:00 to 5:00. 814-797-1667 Rolland Amp Jazz Chorus 120 - $285. Yamaha 30 amp - $60.00 Large Safe, 32”x32”, 24” high 724-791-2242 ★ HELP WANTED ★ National Tank Carrier looking for Dispatch/ Clerical Person in Parker, PA. Strong computer skills and dispatch Exp. Excellent Benefit Package. Salary based on Exp. Call 814-209-4104. 5/13 Looking for motivated individual for weed eating & general upkeep & maintenance. Must have some flexibility in time schedule and weekend work. Your own vehicle is a plus. Greater production equals greater pay. Call 412867-1816 TFN Drivers: Regional OTR CDLA. Mail Route drivers needed in Zelienople, PA. ★ EVENTS ★ $19.18/hour plus $4.65/hour Moving Sale - 593 Rt. 58, USPS Health & Welfare. Not a 2 Houses for rent, both 3 Foxburg, next to golf course. Local Position. www.eagle bdrm, 1 ba in Parker. One be10 am to 7 pm daily til gone! 5/27 Furniture, Yard Equipment, side park, washer & dryer. ALL NEW dry wall, paint, etc. Call 724-659-0043 for Accounting Assistant, East flooring, windows, bathroom info. or directions. Brady, 3 Days per week, & furnace. 2nd house is 2 Strong Bookkeeping ExperiMulti-Family Yard Sale - May story, new paint & flooring, ence Required. Specialized newer furnace, dry wall, 16th & 17th, 9am-3pm at 215 Staffing & Industry Recruiters. South Drive, Butler. Furniture, kitchen & windows. Both very The Best Work With Us. 724baby clothes, toys, refrigera- clean & very nice. No smok- 287-8380. tor, home decor, and much ers, no pets. 1st, last & secu- rity deposit. $750.00 Month more. 5/20 plus Utilities. 724-290-7321 CREW Positions, with a vari5/6 Spaghetti Dinner on Tuesday, May 13th at the Eau 2 or 3 Bedroom House in ety of Shifts available beWasher,Dryer, tween 5 am and midngiht, are Claire United Methodist Emlenton. Church. Serving from 4:30 pm Stove, Fridge, Dishwasher. available immediately at to 6:30 pm. Cost: Donation. $395.00 month. Call 724- BURGER KING, Barkeyville Exit off of I-80, Exit 29. We of5/13 679-2500. 5/13 fer flexible scheduling that fits your lifestyle. Advancement opportunities are available BUSINESS LIQUIDATION AUCTION for ambitious and capable CONNER'S PLUMBING & HEATING employees who demonstrate SAT MAY 17, 2014 10AM good leadership skills. Apply 118 State Route 1034 Templeton PA 16259 in person at the restaurant. REAL ESTATE, EQUIPMENT, EOE. 5/20 TOOLS, VEHICLES, SUPPLIES Help Wanted - ASAP - Deli, 01 Harley Davidson Softail, 05 BMW 325 CI 105K Miles, Register, Stock boy. Taking 07 GMC Work Van 94K Miles, Werner Ladders, Craftsman applications. Will train at Hand Tools, Torches & Gauges, Safety Harness, CraftsWhyte’s Comet Market, man Roll Away Tool Box, Rigid Power 700 Threaded, Parker, PA. Turbo Propane Heater, Conduit Benders, Miamian Electric Jack Hammer, Rigid Hand Threaded, Green Lee ★ NOTICE ★ Threaded, Dewalt Angle Drill, EZ Bend Heated Conduit The Emlenton Area AmbuBender, B&D Angle Drill& Bits. Milwaukee Saw all, & Hammer Drills, LSM Air Roofing Guns, Wolf Safety Lamp, Green lance General Membership Leaf Punch Sets, & Punches, WIRSBO Quick & Easy, Meeting will be held on May BACHARACH Combustible Gas Gauge, Robin-Aired Cool 14, 2014 at 7:00 pm. 511 Tech Vacuum Pump, HILTY Hammer & Core Drills, Dewalt Main St., Emlenton, PA. 5/13 Eow. Cordless Tools, RIGID Pipe Wrenches, Sump Pumps, TOWNSHIPBacharach Refrigerant Recovery System, Electric Heaters, FAIRVIEW Sears Battery Charger, Ammo Boxes, Dewalt Nibbler, Hilty Fairview Township will hold Air Compressor, FLAGLER Snap Lock Machine Model their annual spring clean-up 20HSBL, Central Bench Grinder, LOCK FORM 12464 Duct day for Township residents Work Shaper, Flanging Attachment, LOCK WORK H7821 on Saturday May 31, from Shaper, Steel Work Bench, TIN KNOCKER Model 1652 8:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M. at the Tin Shearer, STIHL Chainsaw, Model SP2 Spot Welder, Township Park- 1571 Hooker LOCK FORM Cleat Former, Metal Brake, AMERICAN Se- Road, Karns City. Hazardous curity Gun Safe, Wood Burner, RR Lantern, 100’s of Plumb- materials, tires, electronics, ing Fittings, Wire Spool, Furnace Nozzles, Copper Tubing, computers, TVs, and appliNails, Brand New Toilets, Sinks & Bath Tubs, Faucets, S/S ances will not be accepted. Kitchen Single & Double Bowl Sinks & Faucets, Duct Work For more information, call Dusty Neff at 724-756-0069 Fitting. Terms 10% Buyer Premium CASH or CREDIT CARD ONLY AY2074 The Photo & complete listing CLASSIFIED AD FORM FOR THE PROGRESS NEWS Progress News Classifieds CLASSIFICATION: ___________________ 1.__________ 2.__________ 3.__________ To send in a classified ad to the Progress News, 4.__________ 5.__________ 6.__________ simply fill out the blanks to the right and drop it off at the office or mail it in along with your payment 7.__________ 8.__________ 9.__________ to: 10._________ 11._________ 12._________ The Progress News 13._________ 14._________ 15._________ 410 Main Street / P.O. Box A Emlenton, PA 16373 CLASSIFIED AD RATES FOR THE PROGRESS NEWS ARE: PERSONAL CLASSIFIED: $8.00 for the first 25 words and 30¢ for each additional word. BUSINESS CLASSIFIED: $10.00 for the first 25 words and 40¢ for each additional word. NOTICES: (Includes Meeting Notices & Reunions): $10.00 for 25 words and 40¢ for each additional word. MEMORIUMS: $10.00 for 25 words and 40¢ for each additional word. THANK YOU NOTES: $10.00 for 25 words and 40¢ for each word thereafter. HAPPY ADS: $15.00 - includes b/w picture and 20 words with border. Approx. 1 x 3 1/2”. VFW Helps Support Local Group Over The Course Of The Past Year Our Puzzled Life Autism Support Group Has Worked On Community Involvement Activities And Reaching Out To Local Families In Need Of Extra Support For Social Interaction Opportunities For Their Children. Several Opportunities Have Been Made Possible By Local VFW Post 7073 Of Parker. The VFW Post 7073 Helped Provide Funds Last Year To Assist The Support Group In Setting Up A Local School Supply Drive That Provided Over 100 Children With Needed School Supplies. The VFW Also Hosted A Christmas Party In December With The Support Group That Gave Families A Chance To See Santa Clause And Participate In Many Craft Activities. During This Event Each Child Was Given A Gift From Santa, Commander Dave Slaugenhoup. VFW Post 7073 Has Continued To Make A Positive Impact For Autism Awareness Month With A Generous Donation Of $500 To Continue Our Community Projects And Activities. Thanks To Their Donation Our Support Group Will Be Able To Plan A Trip To Living Treasures Animal Park For 20 Individuals. If Interested In Attending Please Contact Kimberly Brewer at [email protected] Or By Phone (814) 227-9232. Those With Autistic Children Are Encouraged To Participate. All Vacant Spots Will Then Be Filled On A First Come First Served Basis. 16._________ 17._________ 18._________ 19._________ 20._________ 21._________ 22._________ 23._________ 24._________ 25._________ Additional: 1.__________ 2.__________3.__________4.__________ 5.__________ 6.__________ 7.__________ 8.__________9.__________ 10.__________ CLASSIFIEDS placed in the Progress News must be paid for when the ad is submitted or mailed in. It is the policy of the paper not to take classified ads over the phone and the ad must be received by noon on Friday to be included in the next issue of The Progress News. We cannot accept classified ads over the internet or phone without a credit card. ENGLISH AUTO 1003 WEST MAIN ST. GROVE CITY, PA 16127 724-458-5100 or (888) 458-0066 MON., TUES., THURS. 9 to 8 WED. & FRI. 9 to 5 • SAT 9 to 1 Adult Facebook Classes at the Clarion Free Library 19' x 31' above ground pools $699 inc. FREE install, deck, The Clarion Free Library & complete pkg. Site prep exwill be offering free Facebook tra. BBB accredited – Estab. 1969. 800-548-1923 8/5 classes to adults of every age. Brady’s Bend - 2 Stall Garage for rent - 25x31. $150.00 month. 3 Storage Rooms for Rent. Call 724-679-0884. BILL ANDERSON AUCTIONEERS LLC 724-327-3344 May 13, 2014 This program will be a two week series starting on May 13th and concluding on May 20th. The classes will begin at 10 am on Tuesday May 13th; each session is limited to fifteen people, so pre-registration is required. Please sign up at the front desk of the Clarion Free Library. It is also a requirement to have an active e-mail account to take these classes. The first session will teach the very basics of Facebook, including signing up for Facebook, building a profile, posting photos and links, and finding friends. The second session will focus more on the advanced uses of Facebook, such as privacy settings, creating friend groups, and privacy settings. After the Facebook classes in May, the library will be conducting another six week series of free Basic Computer Literacy Classes starting June 3rd, preregistration for those classes is also required. Please contact the library at 814-2267172 with any questions. ★ NOTICES ★ The Graduating Class of A.C.V H.S. of 1964 is looking for addresses for the following classmates: Carol Ann Roberts Deitzer, Ottis Bowser, James Bell, William Ditty, Mae Fair Rossman. Please call Susan at 724867-2230 with your information. Thanks. ★ REAL ESTATE ★ ★ WORK WANTED ★ LESSNER TREE SERVICE, Free Estimates on removals, trimming and stump grinding. Insured. Call anytime: 724753-2724 / Cell 724-9913800. TFN Adams Contracting & Misc. Work 724-841-4792. Roofing, Soffit/Fascia, Gutters, Interior Remodeling, Dry wall, Decks, Doors, Windows, Siding, Mowing, Weed eating, Tree removal, Leaf removal, Hedge trimming, Gutter cleaning, Window cleaning and more. 6/10 Cleaning Basements, Garages and Attics. Hauling away old appliances, furniture and junk of all kinds. Inside or out. 724-867-1065 or 724-679-3105. TFN Piano Lessons: Experienced teacher of 15 yrs. offering lessons to children or adults. Daytime or evening available. Please call Dorene Boudreau at 724-791-0184 5/13 Green Valley Construction, Knox: Metal Roofing, Pole Buildings, and Decks. 40 yr. warranty on the metal. Free estimates. Message phone: 724-216-7049. 6/3 ★ WANTED TO BUY ★ Buying Junk Cars, towable TFN or not. 724-290-4750. Wanted to Buy - Used Mobile Homes - We Move Them! 814-221-1360. TFN BOB ENGLISH•JOE KING MICHAEL AUTO BODY For all your auto body repairs. Specializing in Complete Restoration, Collision, Repairs, Stripping and Detailing. LOCATION: 2 Miles North of Eau Claire Take East Unity Road to Route 3010, Turn Right go 1/8 mile. Open: M-F: 8-5 (724) 791-2349 Saturday: 8-12 Rodgers Estate Auction 1006 Meadville Pike / Franklin, PA 16323 May 17, 2014 • 9:00 AM This is Day T wo of a Two Day Auction Tw 1993 Crown Vic • JD Garden Tractor • Stair Lift • Furniture • Canoe Small Farm Implements • Lawn & Garden • Piano 1000s of Sewing Notions & Fabric • Ceramic Kilns • China • Glassware • Household DIRECTIONS: From Franklin take Rt. 322 West to Patchel Run Road, turn right. Follow to Meadville Pike (the first stop sign), turn left and follow to auction. Watch for Baker & Bellis Auctioneers signs. CAR: 1993 Crown Victoria, 4 dr., sedan, 85K; TOOLS, TRACTOR, CANOE, LAWN & GARDEN, SMALL FARM IMPLEMENTS: John Deere GT225 Garden Tractor; KGrow riding lawn mower; 7’ back blade; 5’ woods brush hog; JD 5’ disc; JD sickle bar mower; JD 2 btm plows; 7’ cultivator; 3 pt scoop bucket; elec. cement mixer; lawn carts; ready heater; Homelite chainsaw; hand tools; Weed Eater featherlite; Craftsman band saw, table saw, and router; FURNITURE, CHAIR LIFT, APPLIANCES, PIANO: 8 pc. cherry queen bedroom suite; upright cherry Story & Clark piano; 4 pc. full bedroom suite; Singer treadle sewing machine; Wurlitzer organ; 3 pc. Bassett dining room suite; wicker patio furniture; 3 pc. living room suite; Stannah 420 stair lift, like new; wardrobe cabinets; patio furniture; lamp stand; ornate kitchen table; trunks; GE freezer; Maytag Atlantic elec. dryer; Whirlpool washer and dryer; metal cabinets; shelving; CLOCKS, VINTAGE STOVE: wall grandfather clocks; mantel clocks; vintage Detroit Jewel cook stove; VINTAGE ROSS CENTRAL PARK CRUISER BICYCLES BICYCLES; AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: At advertising deadline we are still unpacking the attic of the house. Many more smalls to come from there for the auction. Another all day auction with many items not listed. All items to be removed day of auction. Road parking, use caution Food and drink by the Rolling Bistro. TERMS: Cash and PA check. No out of state checks will be accepted. Bill Bellis, Jr Jr.. • 814-671-1978 PAA, CAGA ~ AU003805-L Any auctioneer can sell at auction, but doing it right is what we do best. IUP To Host Inaugural REACH Conference Focusing On Violence And Trauma INDIANA, Pa. –The Inaugural Research, Education and Advocacy for Community Health (REACH) Conference “Understanding and Responding to Violence and Trauma: A Community Health Initiative” will be held May 20-23, 2014 at Indiana University of Pennsylvania. This cross-disciplinary conference will provide an indepth focus on prevention, response and coping with violence and trauma in the context of families, schools, medical settings, workplace, and in the military. It is especially designed for supervisors and principals in schools. For each of the four days of training, there will be nationally-renowned keynote speakers as well as a variety of breakout sessions focused on both research and clinical training. Daily panels within the larger conference are organized according to subthemes. Evening sessions focused on in-depth training on special topics including ethical practice in clinical work with trauma victims. Conference proceedings are beneficial for practitioners and researchers in social, behavioral and medical science disciplines, agencies and professions, but are open to anyone interested in this important topic. “When it comes to reducing violence and trauma in our communities, we want to be leaders in the PASSHE, state and nation,” said Dr. Christian Vaccaro, assistant professor of sociology at IUP and one of the organizers of this event. “The REACH conference bolsters our already stellar reputation in this area.” “While the causes of violence are complex, we can prevent most incidences of violence if we work together as a community; this is the guiding principle that led us to develop this conference,” said Dr. Pearl Berman, assistant chair, and professor of psychology at IUP. “We are invested in the perspective that knowledge and education can contribute to the reduction of violence and the alleviation of pain for victims. This conference is the inaugural event for our violence education curriculum. Through this conference and our violence education curriculum we hope to successfully address violence in our region,” said, Dr. Maureen McHugh, professor of psychology at IUP. “In light of the tragic events at Franklin Regional High School, right here in our region, this is a topic that should be important to everyone, including parents and members of the community,” she said. Continuing education units for educators, social workers, psychologists and nurses are being offered. Approved Continuing Education Units include: APA, PA SW, PCB, NBCC, CRCC, and Act 48. The organizers have developed undergraduate and graduate academic courses in sociology and psychology to be offered in conjunction with Marcia’s 7201 U.S. Rt. 322 Cranberry, Pa. • 814-678-3853 Swing into Summer at Marcia’s Full Line of BINGO Supplies Page B-3 The Progress News May 13, 2014 Amish Furniture, Swings, Gliders, Picnic Tables Open: 10 am to 5 pm Mon.–Sat. Sunday 1 to 5 Call 814-678-3853 “Make Someone Laugh” Foxburg, PA 16036 724-659-0180 the conference: Understanding and Responding to Violence and Trauma, PSYC 481 & SOC 481, Introduction to Poly-Victimization: Child and Adult Advocacy Studies, PSYC 981& SOC 781/881. The courses will require attendance to the conference and will feature supplemental readings from the keynote speakers. Course participants must attend all four days of the REACH conference at IUP; the rest of the course will occur on-line. The cost of attendance at the conference will be covered by tuition. Attendees can select from single day at $50 per day or full conference registration at $150. IUP students receive a discounted per day rate of $25. Contact the Office of Adult and Continuing Education for registration at 724-357-2292. The conference will offer five keynote speakers throughout, including Ed Gondolf, a professor emeritus and former director of the Mid-Atlantic Addiction Research and Training Institute (MARTI) and founding president of Domestic Abuse Counseling Center of Pittsburgh and expert evaluator of batterer intervention programs. Other presenters are David Finkelhor ,director of the Crimes Against Children Research Center renowned advocate and expert on child victimization, child maltreatment and family violence; Coreen Farris, associate behavioral scientist at the Rand Corporation, expert researcher on military sexual trauma, and program evaluator for psychological health following a military deployment; Nan Stein, senior research scientist at Wellesley Centers for Women, director of national research projects on sexual harassment, gender violence, and bullying in schools; Victor Veith, director of the National Child Protection Training Center acclaimed trainer of child-protection professionals on numerous topics pertaining to child abuse investigations, prosecutions, and prevention. IUP is a member of Pennsylvania’s State System of Higher Education. Hilarious & Funny E-Mail: [email protected] Parade of Stars “Spoof” Friday, June 13th at 7:30 PM at the Union Presbyterian Church Emlenton Street Clintonville, PA Tickets: $5.00 ea. Available from Church Members and at the Door Parking . . . and Entrance at the rear of the church. Allegheny Riv erStone Center FFor or The Arts RiverStone P. O. Box 215 / 42 S. Palmer Street / Foxburg, PA 16036 / Email: [email protected] presents: River City Brass Band First Appearance In Emlenton The nationally acclaimed and world-traveled River City Brass will perform in Emlenton’s Crawford Center for the first time on Friday, June 20, 2014 at 8:00 PM. Swing to the classics of the Big Band era delivered by the full 28-piece ensemble—America’s Favorite Brass Band! EARL Y BIRD DISCOUNT Y 1-31: ADUL TS $15, STUDENTS $5 EARLY DISCOUNT:: MA MAY ADULTS REGULAR PRICING: JUNE 1-20: ADUL TS $18, STUDENTS $8 ADULTS FOR TICKETS, CALL THE FOXBURG INN (Credit card/Check) at 724-659-3116. CALL NOW!! Allegheny RiverStone Center for the Arts receives state arts funding through a grant from the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts, a state agency funded by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the National Endowment for the Arts, a federal agency. Clarion University Small Business Development Center Hosts Programs Clarion University Small Business Development Center (SBDC) will host multiple businessrelated programs, all open to the public. Doing Business with the Government Learn how to market your product or service to the federal, state or local government, and then how to contract with them. This seminar will provide practical and successful strategies to attract business from the government at any level and do business with it. The seminar is free. Topics of discussion will include: · Federal agency requirements on establish contracts with small businesses · Types of products and services for which the government contracts · State and local government contracting strategies · The Women Owned Small Business contracting program and its requirements · Industries that the WOSB targets This free seminar will meet from 5 to 7 p.m. June 18 at Best Western, 82 North Park Place, Dubois. QuickBooks 2013 Level I If you’ve recently purchased QuickBooks or plan to in the near future, we can help you learn the basics. Learn to create, use and maintain your books with ease. Keep track of your payables and receivables. This seminar includes: · Setting up a company file · Navigating the program · Accounts payable (entering/paying bills) · Accounts receivable (invoicing customers/receiving payment) · Bank reconciliation This course is approved for 8 CPE credits through the Center for Accounting Education & Research. The course will meet from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (registration begins at 8:15, lunch on your own) June 11 at Armstrong Education Trust, 81 Glade Drive, Kittanning. Registration deadline is June 6. Level II– Now that you’re familiar with the basics, come and see what else this amazing accounting program can do for you. Learn how to run professional-looking reports, personalize your forms, send letters through Microsoft Word, export to Excel and more. The seminar includes: · Tracking and paying sales tax · Inventory (tracking/ adjusting) · Payroll (processing/ reports) · Reports (balance sheet/income statement) · Customizing forms and reports This course approved for eight CPE credits through the Center for Accounting Education & Research. The class will meet from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (registration begins at 8:15, lunch on your own) June 18 at Armstrong Education Trust, 81 Glade Drive, Kittanning. Registration deadline is June 13. (This course will be offered in Clarion in October. Refer to the class schedule at Make checks payable to Clarion University of Pennsylvania. Mail payment to: Attn SBDC Training Coordinator, Clarion University of Pennsylvania, 330 North Point Drive, Suite 100, Clarion PA 16214-3873. For credit card payments call the SBDC at 814-3932060 or toll-free at 877292-1843. A. Crivelli o The Land of ome t c l e W Page B-4 Franklin - Chevrolet-Subaru Franklin - Ford - Mercury Reno - Buick - GMC The Progress News OBITUARIES Lori Ann Rottman Campbell Lori Ann Rottman Campbell, 41, of Karns City, passed away Tuesday, May 6, 2014 at Good Samaritan Hospice in Cabot. Born on May 13, 1972 Lori was the daughter of Bob Rottman Sr. and Gloria Slaugenhoup Fair. She was raised by her paternal grandparents, Ludwig and Mary Jane (Sheakley) Rottman of Karns City. Lori was a 1990 graduate of Karns City High School and had been active in choir, band, and volleyball. She had been employed at Taylors Riverside in Petrolia as assistant manager from 19881996 and also at Marmon Keystone in East Butler as a value added supervisor from 1997 – 2013. Lori was protestant and attended Fairview Presbyterian Church as a youth. She enjoyed painting, gardening, and spending time with family and friends. Lori was a baseball coach for the Petrolia Valley from 1997 – 2000 and enjoyed attending her son Cole’s UAA games. Lori was a loving wife, mother, sister, and aunt. She is survived by her husband, Mike, whom she married on November 23, 2007. Also surviving is her son, Cole Rottman of Karns City, her mother, Gloria (Slaugenhoup) Fair of Karns City, her father, Bob Rottman Sr. of Karns City, her siblings, Tammy Rottman Patton and Lori Ann Rottman Campbell her husband, Paul, of Butler, Bob Rottman Jr. and his wife, Jen, of Eau Claire, and Jason Rottman of Knox; her nieces and nephews, Jayden Rose, Madison Faith, Elizabeth Grace, Wilbert Michael, Abigail Elizabeth, Brianna Joelle, and Greyson Brooke; her mother-in-law and fatherin-law, Brian and Michelle (Henry) Campbell of Knox. She was preceded in death by her maternal grandparents, Frank and Eleanor Slaugenhoup, her paternal grandparents, Ludwig and Mary Jane Rottman, and her step father, Daniel Fair. A private funeral service officiated by the Rev. Brent McMasters, pastor of Six Points Church of God of Prophecy, will be held at the Hile Funeral Home of Karns City. Online condolences may be sent by visiting Albie L. Smith Albie L. Smith, 50, of Parker, Pa., passed away Wednesday afternoon, May 7, 2014, at the UPMC Northwest Hospital after a sudden illness. Born on March 9, 1964, he was the son of Gene and Eva Stewart Smith who survive. Parker Is held Every Tuesday evening at the Parker Fire Hall Community Center Starting at 7:00 PM Doors open at 5:00 PM 204 S. Wayne Avenue, Parker, PA Like Us on Facebook “Bingo Bingo” Albie was a truck driver for most of his life and was working for Mathy Trucking of Minnesota, before his illness prevented him from driving. In addition to his parents, Albie his survived by: four daughters: Monica Smith of Knox, Pa.; Rebecca (Justin) Hartzell of Knox, Pa; Katherine Smith of Knox, Pa; and Cassie Schwalm of Knox, Pa.; and two sons: Dwayne Rubio and Justin Richmond, both of Parker, Pa. He is also survived by one granddaughter, Emma Jean Rubio; one grandson, Michael Ortz; and four sisters and six brothers. Albie was preceded in death by one sister and one brother. Friends were received at the H. Jack Buzard Funeral Home (201 S. Wayne St.) Parker, Pa. on Saturday, May 10, 2014, from 2-4 & 6-8PM. At the family’s request the service was at the same time. To view/send condolences, sympathy cards, flowers, visit May 13, 2014 New Art Exhibition Coming To The Red Brick Gallery In Foxburg Spring is in full swing in Foxburg and adding to things to do while in town, the Red Brick Gallery and Shop the artist cooperative sponsored by Allegheny RiverStone Center for the Arts (ARCA) is please to announce its second guest art exhibition of the season “Two Voices in Fiber” in the Upstairs Gallery. “Two Voices in Fiber” will feature the colorful and exquisitely intricate works of Rhoda Taylor and Barbara Frohne beginning Friday May 23rd with an Opening Reception Saturday May 24th from 3:30 PM to 5:30 PM. Ms. Taylor and Ms. Frohne are dear friends. Both are Western Pennsylvania artists, both retired educators, both now reside in Slippery Rock, PA and are bonded by art of the hand and eye, Barbara the quilter and Rhoda the fiber artist. Rhoda Taylor is a Red Brick artist member who works mainly with fabrics. She has drawn, painted, sewed fabric, knitted, crocheted, embroidered, and done some form of art as long as she can remember. Following retirement as a university professor of biology she took quilting classes, fell in love with commercially available fabrics, and felt compelled to make fabric wall hangings. -She joined the Fiber Arts Guild of Pittsburgh and began taking a number of workshops from nationally known artists through the Guild, and other sources in which she learned a variety of techniques. As a biologist, she is fascinated by the patterns and colors which occur in nature and produces patterns on fabric by hand dying, bleach discharging, and rust-printing. It is exciting --to her to iron the damp dyed, discharged or rustprinted fabrics and see wonderful marks and patterns develop almost serendipitously! She then “paints” with these patterned fabrics, assembling and stitching them with commercial fabrics, including coffee filters, into works of art. Rhoda’s work has been juried into more than 35 art exhibitions. She has solo exhibits in Maryland, including one later this year. She shows and sells her work at the Pittsburgh Center for the Arts, as well as the Red Brick and two galleries in North Carolina. She belongs to the Fiberarts Guild of Pittsburgh, Associated Artists of Pittsburgh, the Pittsburgh Society of Artists, and the Studio Art Quilt Associates, Inc. (SAQA). Barbara while teaching at high schools in Venango County became interested in quilting which continued as her life long pursuit and now her Seidle Chevrolet Buick-GMC 1141 E. Main St. Clarion, PA ‘14 Jeep Compass LATITUDE 4X4, 12K MILES ........ $21,190 7 USED SILVERADOS CALL OR SEE SEIDLECHEVY.COM Entrance of the Red Brick Gallery, Main St., Foxburg Color Explosion by Rhoda Taylor passion since retirement. Her beautiful and colorful patterns accent both the traditional quilt and what are now termed “Wall Hanging Art Quilts”. She enthusiastically shares her skill and the Art of Quilting through teaching at Institute for Learning in Retirement (ILR) which holds classes at Slippery Rock University. This is her first major show with Rhoda Taylor and she is enthused to be sharing the space with a fellow fiber artist who also a friend. Have the opportunity to meet both artists at the opening reception on Saturday afternoon May 24th. The Red Brick is located at 17 Main Street in “downtown” Foxburg and is open on weekends. The artist cooperative is composed of local and regional artists who include painters, weavers, photographers, and potters. The members in turn all share shifts of gallery time to enable the Red Brick to be open. To know more about ARCA and its mission, as well as the Red Brick Gallery and Shop visit The current Upstairs show is Fritz Keck’s “Oil Portraits of Historic Pittsburgh” now through May 18th; which is a nostalgic moment down memory lane of Pittsburgh neighborhoods. Viewers often invoke, “I remember that place” and then launch into a story. The Gallery phone number is 724-659-0003, and during open hours will be answered by the current artist at the Red Brick. Callers during non open hours can leave a message for a call back at a later time. The new extended Gallery hours are FURLONG’S SER VICE SERVICE QUALITY SALES & SERVICE CLARION, PA 814-226-8380 ‘08 Avalanche, LEATHER ROOF, ORANGE, 61K, ............ $27,490 ‘04 Chevy Malibu, LOCAL ONE OWNER, 59K MILES ....... $8,490 ‘96 SEBRING CONVERTIBLE CLEAN, 82K MILES ..... $5,990 Seidle Chevrolet Buick-GMC Geometry is Fun by Barbara Frohne 814-226-8300 Friday Noon to 8 PM, Saturday 11 AM to 8 PM and Sunday 11 AM to 4 PM. 1141 E. Main St. Clarion, PA 16214 Insurance Needs? Let Us Provide You a Quote Today! Causey Insurance Agency 144 Church St., St. Petersburg Amanda Causey - Owner / Agent Open: Mon. - Fri. 9 am to 5 pm 724-290-3146 Go Green * Go Green * Go Green * Go Green G o G r e e n * G o Fisher’s Greenhouse 1039 Airport Rd. Emlenton, PA 724-867-0121 Open Daily 9 am to 7 pm Buy Direct from the Grower and Save! * o •Ferns •Perennials G G •Hosta •Geraniums •Spikes r r •Pro-Mix Potting Soil e e •Organic Potting Soil e e •Onion Sets •Creeping Phlox n n •Seed Potatoes •Mulch •Pansies •Viola •Marigold * * •Vinca Vines •Petunias G G •Rhubarb Plants •Garlic •Cabbage o •Naturally Grown Vegetable Plants (Heirlooms) o •Zucchini •Peppers •Herbs G G •Retail Wholesale r r •Seasonal Produce e e e e n n Life’s a Garden Dig It Up! Go Green * Go Green * Go Green * Go Green STEPANIAN & MENCHYK, LLP Of Butler, PA has opened a Satellite Office in Chicora, PA Featuring: Monday - Kids Eat Free - With Adult Purchase Served: 3:00 PM to 9:00 PM Tuesday - All You Can Eat Chicken Stew Friday Served: 11:00 AM to 9:00 PM - All You Can Eat Fish - With 2 Sides Served: 11:00 AM to 9:00 PM Saturday: 2 For 1 Dinner Special Two Dinners for $20.00 Stuffed Pork Chop or Stuffed Chicken Breast Special: Served from 4 pm to 9 pm Sunday - Buffet - Served from11 AM to 7 PM The Plaza Restaurant Exit 42 off I-80 / Rt. 38 - 208 / Emlenton, PA 724-867-9171 Visit JoJo’s Travel Store 724-867-1511 G r e e n Grave Site Planting G The Law Firm Of Plaza Restaurant G o To Serve The Residents of: Chicora - Karns City - Petrolia - Bruin Parker and Surrounding Communities Hours: Tuesday & Thursday 1:30 PM - 4:30 PM American Legion Building West Slippery Rock Street - Chicora General Law Practice • Civil Cases (Personal Injury & Accidents) • Business & Corporate Law (Corporations -Fictitious Names) Real Estate Law (Deed, Leases, Title Exams) • • Wills, Powers of Attorney, Estates • Elder Law (Social Security, Living Wills) • Municipal & Zoning Law • Oil & Gas Law (Including Marcellus Shale) Walk-ins Welcome or for an appointment Call Holly 724-285-1717