June 16, 2015 - Progress News
June 16, 2015 - Progress News
#1 Auto Body Repair Facility in Butler County LYNN, KING & SCHREFFLER, P.C. ATTORNEYS AT LAW – Adopting – Bernie’s Barn Service Customers CLARION 1120 Oneida Valley Road - Route 38 724-282-2933 www.randyandbobs.com www.clarionchrysler.com “Celebrating 40 years in Business” CHRYSLER–DODGE–JEEP 1074 East Main Street Clarion, PA • 814-226-9550 Florist, Greenhouse & Gift Shop 2275 Branchton Rd. Hilliards, PA 16040 724-791-3332 “Rental Cars Available” SCOTT W. SCHREFFLER MICHAEL W. SLOAT • • • • • Personal Injury & Accident Disability Actions Real Estate & Estates Elder Law /Nursing Home Plan Bankruptcy National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys E-mail: [email protected] 606 Main St., Emlenton, PA 724-867-5921 • Postal Customer • The “..one nation under God . . .” Progress News 724-867-1112 ~ 410 Main Street ~ Emlenton, PA 16373 www.myprogressnews.com Brady’s Bend American Legion Bishop-Madden Post 488 - Elementary School Essay Contest Winners The Brady’s Bend American Legion Bishop-Madden Post 488 held their spring annual essay contest. Any 6th grade student could enter The Jennifer HoganHicks Memorial Essay Contest. The topic is: Name three life changes you would have to make if you found out today that you now have juvenile diabetes. Essays were scored on content, facts, effort, spelling and organization. Jennifer Hogan-Hicks was a resident of East Brady and was diagnosed with juvenile diabetes at the age of 7, and it eventually took her life at the young age of 34. There are as many as 3 million Americans with type 1 diabetes and more than 15,000 children are diagnosed each year. This essay was created in honor of Jennifer and her loving memory. Its purpose is to provide awareness to the community about juvenile diabetes and award students with a monetary prize for their educational future. The winners of the essay contest are pictured right. 1397 Kerr Ave. Ext. Emlenton, PA – CALL OR STOP TODAY – FOR AN APPOINTMENT From Chicora Elementary School: Members of the American Legion went to the six grade promotion ceremony to present the awards. Larry Hogan, Bob Loose and Shawn Denham presented the awards to: Left to right: 1st place winner and receiver of $125.00, Clare Bishop; 2nd place winner and receiver of $75.00, Emily Parker; 3rd Place winner and receiver of $50.00, Matthew Griffiths. From Sugarcreek Elementary School: Members of the American Legion went to the six grade promotion ceremony to present the awards. Larry Hogan and Bob Loose presented the awards to: Left to right: 1st place winner and receiver of $125.00, Mira Codispot; 2nd place winner and receiver of $75.00, Katelyn Grazioli; 3rd Place winner and receiver of $50.00, Alex Conley. See our Ad on B1 Don Paul Jewelers 148 N. Main St. • Butler, PA 16001 Complete Line of New and Estate Jewelry Custom Design, Remount Service, In-Store Custom Repair Shop Same Day Sizing Available on Request Something New To Add to your Sub, Guacamole! Available All Summer Long 501 North Main St. Chicora, Pa. 724-445-2445 Mon. thru Sat. 9 AM to 9 PM Sunday - 9 AM to 7 PM 307 Water Street, East Brady, Pa. 724-232-0155 Open Monday thru Sunday 9AM to 8 PM Credit/Debit Accepted Bob’s Place - P ark er Park arker Phone 724-399-4221 or 4268 Father’s Day Dinner BBQ Pork Medallions or BBQ Chicken Coleslaw / Creamy Cucumbers Roll & Butter / Corn / Green Beans Baked Potato Choice of Beverage and includes dessert . . ! Ice Cream Sundae Strawberry, Pineapple, Chocolate Specially Priced at $ 12.75 + Tax Dinner Starts at 11:00 AM Dine Inside / Also Take-Outs Available Always Buying Gold, Diamonds, Coins, Broken Jewelry (724) 283-3980 / 1-888-682-0246 Free Layaway • 10-6 Daily • Closed Saturdays During Summer 90 Days Same As Cash ECRWSS Presort Standard U.S. Postage PAID Permit No. 3 Emlenton, Pa. 16373 Tuesday, June 16, 2015 St. Michael’s Parishioner Nick Cirell Is Ordained to the Diaconate On May 29, St. Michael the Archangel Church’s Nicholas “Nick” Cirell and 13 other men were ordained to the permanent diaconate during a Mass at St. Peter Cathedral in downtown Erie. They represent the largest class of permanent deacons in the history of the diocese. The permanent diaconate was reestablished in the Diocese of Erie at the direction of Bishop Trautman with its first formation program in 1992. Deacon Cirell began his faith formation to the diaconate in 2010. More than forty St. Michael’s parishioners attended the ordination. The ordination, described by those attending, was both beautiful and very joyful. Nick’s wife Elisa, was also a participant in her husbands faith formation. Wive’s play an important role in the process. Married candidates need their wive’s support throughout their formation. Following ordination deacons are assigned by the bishop to a parish where they can exercise their diaconal ministry. Plus they are given a diocesan ministry of service based on their talents and pastoral needs of the people of God in the diocese. The following are members of this year’s ordination class, with their wives (if applicable), and their home parishes: • Paul Bauman (Mary) — St. Catherine of Siena, DuBois • Nicholas Cirell (Elisa) — St. Michael the Archangel, Emlenton • Michael Dittman (Heather) — St. Mary, Crown; and St. Ann, Marienville • Stephen Frezza (Margaret) —St. Joseph/Bread of Life Community, Erie Bishop Lawrence Persico, Deacon Nicholas Cirell and ordains Deacon Nicholas his wife Elisa. Cirell, with the laying on of hands. • Richard Winschel Photos courtesy of (Rosemary)—St. FaithLife/Faith/Diocese of Erie Gregory Thaumaturgus, • Edward Horneman North East (Diane)—St. Mary of St. Michael’s Church celGrace, Meadville ebrated with special Mass of • Frank Luciani (Tia)—St. Thanksgiving and a recepMichael, Greenville tion at Reminiscence Hall • Tom McAraw (Pam)— on Sunday, June 14th for All Saints, Waterford Deacon Nick and his wife • James Moss Sr. (Jeanne)—St. Luke, Erie Elisa Cirell. • David Romanowicz— Our Lady of the Lake, Edinboro • Stephen Rowan Polaris-Victory (Ruth)—Immaculate Conception, Brookville • Raymond Sobina (Deb)—St. Peter Cathedral, Erie • Todd Sommers 724-445-2765 (Julianne)—St. Brigid, Rt. 68 • Bottom of the Hill in Chicor Chicoraa Meadville Snow’s • Robert Wilson (Sally)— St. Francis of Assisi, www.snowspolaris.com Clearfield Snow’s STEP BACK IN TIME AT DOWNTOWN BUTLER’S OLD FASHIONED ICE CREAM PARLOR 75 Plus Toppings • Frozen Custard & Yogurt Coffee • Seating for 50 • WiFi Hot Spot Birthday Parties • Business Meetings O PEN Y EAR ROUND! 12 PM to 9 PM Monday - Saturday 152 North Main Street • Downtown Butler, PA • 724-256-5466 Visit the Emlenton IGA for their weekly specials: www.emlenton.iga.com Page A-2 – The Progress News - June 16, 2015 DOUBLE DRIVEL Into The Outdoors By: Tony Rossi, Director of Communications, The Christophers With Dick and Mike By Chris Henderson Mike’s Commentary Commentary: For the 1st time in 37 years, I can’t announce that the last winner of Horse Racing’s Triple Crown was Affirmed. Although the 1978 battle that saw all 3 races go down to the wire with Affirmed edging out Alydar in each one will always hold a special place in my heart, the 2015 race for the Triple Crown has landed a new sheriff in town. In what has become one of the toughest feats in sports, American Pharoah beat the odds to claim the title of 2015 Triple Crown Winner. One has to wonder if it will be 37 years before we get to witness horse racing history again. —If you haven’t made it out to a little league baseball or softball game yet this year, do so soon. We are now in the latter half of the season and there are kids from each community giving it their all in the sport that is America’s favorite pastime. —The Pirates are playing much better baseball now that we have entered June. However, catching the Cardinals will be a tall order. It seems like every time that the Pirates win, so does St. Louis. Dick’s Thoughts- One hot rumor has the Pirates getting pitcher Cole Hamels from the Phillies for Gregory Polanco and prospects. I hope this never materializes. The Pirates farm system is good but there are no outfielders there with close the potential Polanco possesses. If the Bucs do make a trade I would rather see a hitter as in playoff series I would take my chances with Cole, Liriano, Burnett, and Morton. After the first 2 games of the NBA Finals LeBron James had as many assists and rebounds as Michael Jordan had in the 1998 Finals (6 games). Through 3 games James had scored 123 points, most ever by a player in the Finals. Game 4 had LeBron held to only 20 points and the Cavs sunk. I don’t think you can have a fair comparison between Jordan and James as both are terrific. But one fair comparison is the supporting casts. Jordan ran with Scottie Pippen while James runs with a cast similar to the guys that used to play old mens basketball at the high school on Monday nights. The NCAA has made a couple of rules changes for next season in basketball. The 35 second shot clock has been reduced to 30 seconds. Now Pitt fans will only have to watch 30 seconds of passing and dribbling before a horrible shot is hoisted. Also timeouts have been reduced from 5 to 4 per game so the last 2 minutes should be completed in less than a half hour. Great news for curling fans as the 2018 Olympic games will now have mixed doubles curling. First North Carolina got busted for academic improprieties and now Texas is under investigation. Does anyone really think that this does not go on at most universities? With the millions and millions of dollars these programs deal with I find it hard to believe that it is not common practice. Sad to note the passing of Dusty Rhodes one of the greatest wrestlers of our era. Thought of the week: Everyone needs a poker face. Revealing everything to everyone isn’t honesty, it is foolishness. Basketball Skills Camp Summer Adventures for Youth Are you ready for a summer full of fun and adventures? Do you enjoy spending time with friends and learning new things? Here is a great opportunity for you. The 4-H program in Clarion County is sponsoring a summer day camp series for all youth age 8-14. It will be held at the Crawford Center in Emlenton. Space is limited so register early. Registration deadline is until the camp is full. All registrations can be found under upcoming events on the 4-H webpage http:// extension.psu.edu/4-h/counties/clarion 4-H Summer Adventures Day Camps Open to all youth age 814 space is limited register early. Registration info is under each event. Call 814-223-9028 for more information What A Subway Ride Taught Me About Evangelization Junior Einstein Science Camp June 22-24, 2015 Science Camp – Sizzle, Boom, Pop! Explore many science experiments guaranteed to make your Beaker overflow with Fun! http://extension.psu.edu/4-h/ counties/clarion/events/junioreinsteins Camp Jump Start July 15-17, 2015 Sports and health camp. Calling all sports fanatics here is your chance work on those Muscles to keep you Fit for Life. http://extension.psu.edu/4-h/ counties/clarion/events/campjump-start. A Robotics Camp will be held July 20-23rd. If you are a member of the Boys and Girls Club Along The Allegheny athe club will pay your fee. I know that I have written a lot about birds recently, but this seems to be an exceptionally good year for observing our feathered friends. One of these is the rose breasted grosbeak. I have to think that God was in a good mood when he made the male of this species, as they are so beautiful. They are among the latest to arrive and the earliest to leave our area. Up until this year, I considered myself lucky to see the occasional grosbeak at our backyard feeders. For whatever reason, this year is an exception. I see them almost daily, both males and females. My pastor, Father John Butler, has actually seen flocks of both males and females at his feeder. The females lack the colors of the males, but the large beak still makes them fairly easy to identify. Any time you see one of these birds, especially the males, it just has to brighten up your day. The female is harder to identify, as she is colored much like a sparrow, but if you get the chance to look closely, the large (gros in German) beak is clearly visible. They make a cup like nest. Both the male and female care for the nest, and the male often sings softly while doing his parenting duties. This has also been a good year for woodpeckers. In fact, a pileated woodpecker visited our feeder recently. This was a real treat, as these large birds are, for the most part, creatures of the deep woods. In the past week, I have also sighted a northern flicker and a red headed woodpecker in the backyard. I know that most woodpeckers have red heads, but there is one that actually claims the title. On another front, Saturday, June 13th, marks the general opening of bass season here in the Keystone State. Some of the regulations are pretty complicated, so be sure to read your manual before heading out, so that you can stay out of trouble. We are fortunate in this area to live close to some of the best bass fishing in the state. Lake Arthur and Kahle Lake both contain good populations of some truly big largemouth bass. The Allegheny and Clarion rivers offer excellent fishing for smallmouth bass, or “bronzebacks.” This week, let’s focus on the smallmouth. Pound for pound, it could be argued that the smallmouth bass is the best fighting and most sporting of all freshwater gamefish. Even if you hook a tiny one, it nearly always jumps a time or two. They’re pure fight. Just like their lake-dwelling cousins, river bass are very structure oriented. The rocky shorelines of the Allegheny offer lots of great places for smallmouths to hide and ambush prey. Boat docks can be very productive, too, although they usually can’t equal the rocky areas. The best times to fish are early morning, late evening and night. When the sun gets bright, the fish head for the deep water in the middle of the river, where they’re much harder to find and catch. During these times, however, you can still pick up some fish around such structures as mid-river bridge piers, where the water is fairly deep. As kids, my friends and I did virtually all of our fishing, for any species, with live bait, and it’s still my favorite today. Small to medium-sized minnows are great. So are nightcrawlers. Hook the minnows through the lips. With crawlers, bunch them up on the hook with a trailer left behind. Use as little added weight as possible for adequate casting. When I can, I fish with no sinker at all. That way, when you cast into the rocky shallows, you don’t spook the fish, and you don’t have the problem of your sinker getting hung up on the rocks. As anyone who has ever used them can attest, the soft shelled crayfish is probably the best bait there is for taking river smallies. For some reason, fish just can’t seem to resist them. Unfortunately, they’re rather hard to catch and expensive to buy, and every other fish in the river likes them, too. It’s pretty frustrating to feed such bait to rock bass and small catfish. Bass fishing on a river is one of the greatest things about summer. Get out there and get ‘em. Tom’s Sales & Service 10790 Route 322 Top of the Riverhill Shippenville, PA 16254 ➮ Simplicity ➮ Husqvarna ➮ Echo ➮ Snapper We Sell Holland Grills! A few months ago in this column, I shared a story about a subway ride to work during which the conductor asked everyone to smile and be more friendly to the strangers we encounter every day. Well, today I’ve got another subway story, this one having to do with evangelization. It started when a man stepped onto the train and asked for everyone’s attention. When you’re jammed into a subway early in the morning, this kind of greeting usually results in sighs of exasperation—mine included. But this time was different. Here’s the gist of what this man had to say: “I’m not here to ask for money so relax. I’m just here to share a bit of news. I was originally at the L train station but it wasn’t running so I made my way over here. On the way, I kept telling people I passed that the L train wasn’t running, but they all just ignored me. Another passerby asked me why I was telling everybody about the train when they were ignoring me. I told him that I’m just responsible for passing on the message. What other people choose to do with it is up to them. But spreading the message is on me. So let me tell you this message this morning. God loves you. We need to look out for each other and be our brother’s keeper. Let kids and the elderly have a seat on the train. Consider what God wants you to do.” Then he got off the train. I’ve heard many a preacher on New York subways. They often adopt scolding tones or yell about repentance and sin. They hammer you over the head with the message that you have to accept Jesus, but I often find they do it in such a way that it’s more likely to drive people away from Jesus. On the other hand, you have this man who got people’s attention, then started with a story and point that were non-religious and that most people could understand and relate to. He met people where they were at, not from some lofty religious height that morning commuters might automatically shut out. Finally, he brought God into his message in a positive, loving way—asking people to perform some concrete action and give a little thought to what God wants from them. And then he left. It was the first time I remember liking a “subway preacher” and I wonder if his approach was more effective than most of the people who do this. It was a “soft sell,” so to speak. That’s not to say that the message of repentance isn’t important, but when you’re standing on a crowded subway early in the morning, you’re already a little aggravated. Some stranger coming in and yelling that you’re a sinner is likely to just make you more aggravated. But when a man comes in speaking confidently yet humbly that God loves you, that message might linger. It might be one of those scattered seeds that falls on fertile ground and slowly takes root over time. It’s an approach that The Christophers have been using successfully for 70 years by highlighting the concept, “It’s better to light one candle than to curse the darkness.” And it’s an approach all of us should remember if we’re given opportunities to share our faith. Start with, “God loves you,” and let Him lead you from there. For a free copy of the Christopher News Note, BUILDING A RELATIONSHIP WITH JESUS, write: The Christophers, 5 Hanover Square, New York, NY 10004; or e-mail: mail@ christophers.org. STEINER’S OUTDOORS & MORE 798 St. Rt. 68 East Brady, PA (724) 526-3442 Open 7 Days A Week 814-226-4013 Great Selection of Fishing Tackle & Fly Tying Supplies Lots of Great Father’s Day Gifts tomssalesandservice.com Catfish Contest June 27th Live Bait “YOUR SPORTSMANS CONVENIENCE STORE” Father’s Day Gift Ideas Heritage Rough Rider 22 Revolver.......$169.00 325 Rds. Federal 22 Long Riffle Ammo....$19.95 NORTH WASHINGTON, PA LOGANSGUNGALLERY.COM (724) 894-2260 An Invitation from US Mineral Rights and River River Valley Valley Energy, LLC. to attend a River Valley Landowner Group Meeting Stock Up Now All Other Ammo 10% off Sale Ends June 27, 2015 OPEN MON-FRI 10 AM - 9 PM SAT 10 AM - 4:00 PM ONLY 15 MINUTES NORTH OF BUTLER AT RT 38/138 OR SOUTH OF I-80 AT EXIT 42 June 2015 SUN MON TUE WED THUR FRI SAT 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Tuesday, June 23rd meeting will be held at: Reminisce Banquet Center 340 Ferree Road / (Route 208/38, Off I-80, Exit 45) Emlenton, PA 16373 – Please call or email with any questions. – Kim Blair – US Mineral Rights WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY TYPOGRAPHICAL ERRORS & RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. 717 Parview Drive • Gibsonia, PA 15044 Ph: 724-822-3332 or email: [email protected] July Meeting: Tuesday, July 21, 2015 – 6:00 PM River Valley Land Group is a collaboration between River Valley Energy and US Mineral Rights. RVE has advocated for local landowners leasing interests for the past 5 years in negotiations with SWEPI, Chevron, and Halcon, among others. There is clear evidence that landowners joining together achieve higher bonuses, better share of royalties, and more landowner friendly leases. Trips to local courthouses show recorded leases, that have the best terms and addendums, are those through landowner groups. RVE realizes this effort demands an experienced partner in achieving goals of maximum lease value and protection to you, the landowner. That is why RVE selected US Mineral Rights, based in Gibsonia, PA to manage and direct our future efforts. River Valley Energy wants to share the US Mineral Rights story with area landowners. We invite you to join us for our June meeting Tuesday, June 23rd at 6:00 PM at the Reminisce Center, on Routes 38 and 208, (3 miles east of Emlenton), just off I-80, Exit 45. Thank you, Drew Orient and Curtis Hovis founding members of RVE. Visit our three locations for even more great deals: Rt. 338 Knox Mon-Sat 7 AM–9 PM Main St. Rimersburg Sunday 8 AM–6 PM Broad St. New Bethlehem The Progress News - June 16, 2015 – Page A-3 Letters To The Editors Dave: I enjoyed your Newspaper history article in the May 12 issue. Rasta’s son Mark (Youngstown, OH) was a contemporary of my dad, and I still have copies of reminiscing letters between them. In my time, I had known Clarence Stewart, and Bert Wilbert (who lived in the former Cubbison house adjoining the News office). I’m enclosing a bit of even more ancient history copied from my old volume which is due to be turned over to the P.J. Museum. I have already turned over a clear-bound 1859 (pre-petroleum) copy of The Allegheny Valley Echo. I’m enclosing copy from Venango County Histories - both 1878 and 1890. I’m glad to see your expanding circulation, and a sign that communities can join efforts while still keeping their identities. Over Memorial Day weekend, our son Todd with Roberta and me visited in town, and enjoyed a lot of reunion. Our visit with Art Steffee revealed the stumbling block to completion of the Rails to Trails between Emlenton and Foxburg. I would appreciate your giving me a few lines, per as follows:My visit to the old home town was a happy reunion, and brought to life much of what I keep abreast of through The Progress News. I can see what an asset the Rails to Trails project can be, and I was saddened to understand the hold-up on the Emlenton - Foxburg leg. Guy ‘Junior’ Shoup was an old schoolmate of mine, and his family trucking enterprise has been an asset to the area. It’s ironic that it is now apparently unable to permit connection of the developing Trail route, inevitably retarding its progress. I’ll be working through Kathy Powell’s project to help create a drama show on Emlenton History, and I’m sure she’ll be soliciting others, including The Progress News. Regards, Arch R. Newton Evanston, IL To the Editor On behalf of the students who ride ACV School Bus 16, I would like to thank the drivers in Scrubgrass township for their patience and consideration during the past school year. Because of your careful consideration of bus safety rules, the students had a safe ride to and from school each day. Each year has its own challenges and the winter of 2015 was no exception. I especially want to thank the DTA-LP drivers, Scrubgrass Generating Plant, and Scrubgrass Township maintenance. The DTA-LP drivers are very conscientious. Not only do they adjust their runs so they limit the time they are on the road during bus runs, but when they do stop for the students to board, they allow ample space between truck and bus. By using their flashers, they also warn other drivers of the safety situation. The Generating Plant allows the use of their parking area as a turn around for the bus: a much safer option than turning at the intersection. Scrubgrass maintenance must have the best snow removal in the area. I never had difficulty traveling the side roads, especially off Lisbon Road. The corners were always ashed, and even some of the stops had ashes where the road became exceptionally slippery. I can even give a plug to Penn-Dot too, because the Emlenton hill was always open for travel and clear of snow. Thanks also to the parents who had their children ready on time. Keeping to the scheduled times ensures that other students do not have to wait in snowy, rainy, or very cold weather. We also get to school on time. Another thank you to the parents who assisted with your child’s behavior. Many of you gave me excellent advice to improve behavior on the bus. Finally, I want to thank Hunter’s Truck Sales. You helped keep the bus on the road and I really appreciate all those thoughtful things you did for me. I try to be a considerate driver, allowing cars and trucks to pass when convenient. With everyone’s cooperation we had a very successful school year. Enjoy your summer and I hope to see you in August. Bibiana Chestnut Driver - ACV School Bus 16 Completed Quilts Delivered to Parker Personal Care Home Residents The Family and Consumer Science II class at A-C Valley High School completed a project which combined community service with sewing concepts, recycling, and historical research. Dakota Keefer, Shaylen Sherer, Katie Stumpner, Heather Zacherl, Emily Brenneman, Trapper Ferris, Brooke Scott, Emily Mechling, Cheyenne Page, and Brady Feicht created hand-made quilts which were donated to the residents at the Parker Personal Care Home in Parker, PA. Students researched and discussed the Great Depression and the effects it had on people at the time. Reusing, recycling, and repurposing was an overarching principle, and students were tasked with completing each quilt Lily Jane Heeter - May 26, 2015 Birth Announcement David and Kari Heeter, currently from Brookville, PA welcomed Lily Jane Heeter into the world on May 26, 2015. She was born at Penn Highlands DuBois at 8:12 am. She weighed 8 lbs 12 oz, and was 21 inches long. She is also welcomed by her older brother Wyatt Heeter and sister Jenessa Seigworth. Maternal grandparents are Samuel and Marsha Barber from Knox, PA and Robin and the late David Delavern from Emlenton, PA. Paternal grandparents are Ed and Sue Heeter from Emlenton, PA. “Kindness Is Loving People More Than They Deserve” Open: By Appointment Only April thru November Foxburg, PA 16036 724-659-0180 E-Mail: [email protected] Wallace Trucking & Landscape Supply 1320 Chicor a Rd. Chicor a, P A Chicora Chicora, PA Open: 724-445-7009 W e r !• Limestone • ive Del • Gravel • • Compost • • Decorative Rock Foxburg Free Library News Come golf with us! On Friday, June 26th, we will be having our second annual Golf Benefit at the Foxburg Country Club. Please contact the library for a registration form. Registration begins at noon, with a shotgun start at 1 p.m. Lunch will be provided during registration and dinner will be served after golfing. Cost is $75 per individual or $300 per team. Custom Embroidery & Screen Printing Now Offereing JANOME Sales & Service Fabric – Quilting Sewing Notions 10% Off All Ammo in Stock Varmit Rifles in Stock No Additional Cost to Special Order Guns Not in Stock - ATV/UTV Check Out Our Prices on Complete Inspection at Goods, Ammo, ATV/UTV No Charge to Customer Parts, Accessories & Service Ask for Details Kennerdell Power Sports & Firearms 222 Main St., Kennerdell, PA 814-908-0222 - Ask for Denny or Nathan It’s Time to SHAPE UP at THE EMLENTON FITNESS CENTER $53 Adult Membership (Per Year) $90 Family Membership (Per Year) Sign up Now! We Have Fire Rings Hours: Tues. thru Fri. - 9 am to 5 pm • Saturday - 8 am to 4 pm Chicora VFD Fall Gun Raffle Saturday,August 29th • Chicora Community Park 1. Ruger LC9 or $300 2. Ruger LC9 w/Lazar or $400 3. Ruger LCR 357 Mag or $400 4. Ruger MK2 22-45 Blue or $250 5. $250.00 Choice of Ammo or Cash 6. Ruger GP 100 357 mag. Blue or $450.00 7. Ruger American 270 or 30-06 or $300 8. Ruger American 7mm08 or $350.00 9. Ruger Blackhawk 44 mag or $325.00 10. Taurus 738 Stainless or $250.00 11. Taurus Judge 3” mag Stainless or $500.00 12. Smith & Wesson 637 38 sp. or $350 13. Cash Prize - $250.00 14. Smith & Wesson 686+357 Mag or $600 15. Smith & Wesson 637 38 sp. or $350 16. Smith & Wesson SD9VE 9mm or $300.00 17. Smith & Wesson Body Guard 380 w/Lazar or $300 18. $350.00 Choice of Ammo or Cash 19. Smith & Wesson AR-15/22LR or $375 20. Remington 700 SPS Choic of Cal. or $500.00 21. Remington 1911 r1 45ACP Black Oxide - $525.00 22. Remington 870 Express, Laminated or $300.00 23. Remington 11-87 Sportsman Super Mag. or $600.00 24. Remington 783 308 or $360.00 25. Cash Prize - $250.00 Mail In Form - Mail To : Chicora VFD, P.O. Box F, Chicora, PA 16025 Name:___________________________________ Address__________________________________ City__________________State_____Zip________ Hours: Mon., Wed., & Friday: 9 am to 1 pm • Mon., Tues., Wed., Thurs., 4pm to 7 pm Located Phillips Medical Center Main Street, Emlenton 724-867-0405 Certif icates Certificates • Topsoil • • Mulch • • Bark • • Shale • Drawings and Meal Begins at 12 Noon 611 Main St., Emlenton, PA 16373 - 724-867-0880 www.amazingstitches.net Fall Sale without purchasing any supplies. They utilized donated fabrics as well as items repurposed from previous projects. The students combined block and strip designs which allowed them to make the most of the fabrics they had on hand. “Strip quilting” has recently become more popular due to its economical use of leftover fabric “strips” or pieces. The students invested many hours to create the quilts and were quite pleased with their accomplishments. Upon completion of the quilts, the class hosted a reception at the school for family and community members to view their handiwork. The students presented during this reception regarding what they learned throughout this unit. This was followed by a visit to the Parker Personal Care Home to donate the quilts to the residents and to spend time with them. The class also served refreshments they had prepared. This culminating activity was a highlight to the unit as it allowed the students to see the joy their projects brought to the recipients. Pictured at left are ACV students with some of the Personal Care Home residents. A vailable Phone #__________________________________ No. Of Tickets @ $25.00 ________ = $___________ Make Checks Payable to Chicora VFD 26. Thompson Center Venture - Blue Syn. Choice of Cal. or $400 27. Taurus 709 Blue 9mm or $300.00 28. Cash Prize - $500 29. Savage 212 Slug Blue 12 Ga. or $475 30. Savage 220 SLug Blue 20 Ga. or $400 31. Savage 11-111 Hunter XP w/Bushnell 3-9, Choice of Cal. or $350 32. Savage 25 Walking Varmint Blue-Syn., Choice of Cal. or $400 33. Savage 93R17 BTVS 17HMR or $350 34. Savage 11-11 FCNS Choice of Cal. or $500.00 35. Savage Mark II 22LR or $275.00 36. Savage Axis Youth w/Scope 243 or $300 37. Savage Axis Adult - Choice of Cal. or $250 38. Heritage Rough Rider 22LR/22 Mag or $200 39. Cash Prize - $250.00 40. Weatherby Vanguard Blue Syn. 300 w/ Mag. or $450 41. Weatherby Vanguard Blue Syn.300 30-06 or $450 42. Weatherby PA-459 Camo Turkey Pump or $400 43. Weatherby SA08 Syn. 12 Ga. or $425 44. Weatherby PA-08 Upland Youth 20 Ga. or $300 45. Hi Point 9MM CP 9MM or $150 46. $500.00 Choice of Ammo or Cash 47. Hi Point 995TS Carbine 9 mm or $225 48. Howa 1500 Blue Syn. Choice of Cal. or $350 49. Bushmaster AR-15 556 or $70.00 50. Cash Prize - $1000.00 For Tickets Call: 724-445-2220 or See Any Fireman Must Have Ticket Stub to Enter Must Have Photo ID to Consume Alcohol Tickets are $25.00 Substitutes Due to Availability Guns & Tickets Supplied by Sportsman’s Supply All Prizes Must be Claimed within 30 Days Small Games of Chance Lic. # 2826 Special Raffle Permit #15-24 All Winners Subject to Federal, State and Local Firearm Control Laws. Chicora VFD Not Responsible for Typographical Errors Dollar General Knox • Emlenton www.dollargeneral.com Page A-4 – The Progress News - June 16, 2015 Sugarcreek Elementary School Honor Roll – 4th 9 Weeks High Honor 3 rd Grade Emylia Bowser Angelica Forester Ava Fox Toni Infantino Zander Kiser Mason Martin 4 th Grade Eric Booher Reese Booher Ansley Lauer McKenna Martin Brock McCollim Taylor Miller Cecilia Morrow Caleb Sapp Katherine Seybert Meghan Sirich Emma Slaugenhoup Malynn Weibel 5 th Grade Elizabeth Carnahan Anthony Cordek Ashley Fox Delaney Hindman Nathan Lessner Amber Maurer Taryn Scherer Kiara Simpson Dawson Sloan 6 th Grade Augustin Forester Katelyn Grazioli Jillian Morrow Jordan Rottman Honor 3rd Grade Kennedy Brink Abigail Brothers Trey Codispot Cayley Craig Richard Crissman Taylor Dailey Zane Everetts Karissa Hawk Shawn Heeter Myles McCully Jada Polczynski Robert Rodgers Catherine Scherer Emily Sherman Dustin Shuler Jacob Vlassich Landon Wilson Leah Wilson 4th Grade Emma Dailey Malia Hertweck Alexis John Shaylah Klein Dannika Love Abigail Simmons Piper Stewart 5th Grade Luke Anderson Caralyn Craig Brittany Crissman Austin Farone Cecelia Henry Sarah Johns Tyler Raymond Adam Reddinger Melanie Shuler Caleigh Tack 6th Grade Madison Bowser Mira Codispot Alexander Conley Jakob Fisher Zachary Scherer Kaden Sohngen-Green Brayden Stuchell Karns City H. S. Class of 1990 Reunion The Karns City High School Class of 1990, which is planning its 25th reunion on Aug. 14th, is still accepting RSVPs until June 30th. Contact information on the following classmates is also needed: Ryan Shipkowski, Rich Claypoole, Ed Uber, Allen Rumbaugh and Todd Hartle. For further information about the reunion or to provide contact information about the listed classmates, please contact Kathy at 724-910-1420 or 747 South 6th Street Indiana Pa 15701. Army’s 2nd Infantry Division - Reunion Planned – Fox Lake, IL - The Second (Indianhead) Division Association is searching for anyone who served in the Army’s 2nd Infantry Division at any time. For information about the association and our 94th annual reunion in San Antonio, Texas from September 22 - 26, 2015, contact secretary-treasurer, Bob Haynes, at [email protected] or 224225-1202. . . . Happy Father’s Day Top Grain Leather RECLINER 599 $ Chaise Rocker RECLINER $ 299 Huge Inventory of LIFT RECLINERS Large Selection of Dual Reclining SOFA & LOVESEAT $ 999 FOR THE SET TWO SETS TO CHOOSE FROM Closeout Prices 40% HIGH END LEATHER BARCALOUNGERS Off Retail Bendal’s Berry Patch & More 1 Mile East of Fryburg on Route 208 814-744-8078 Strawberries Are Ready! Open 8-8 Daily Berries pick your own or already picked. Summer Business Directory Support Your Local Retailers Fisher’s Greenhouse 1039 Airport Rd., Emlenton, PA • Open Daily • • • • • • Vegetables Beautiful Flowers Planters Hanging Baskets Seed Potatoes Seasonal Produce 724-867-0121 Travis Cratty Heating & Air Conditioning Service • Installation Custom Duct Work Small Appliance Repair Fully Insured! 724-679-0756 Trim-Rite Tree Service 814-358-2770 Stump Grinding and Tree Removal McKinley Funeral Home 611 Main St., Emlenton, PA 724-867-0880 “Your Hometown Screen Printing and Embroidery Shop” www.amazingstitches.net McMillen’s Carpet Outlet Service is Our Tradition. Caring for Clintonville Families Since the 1800’s. All Your Dirt Work Needs! • Mulching • Seeding Call • Bulldozer Today! • Excavator • Skid Steer • Dump Truck Driveway Need Some Work? - Call Us for a Free Estimate Brad - 724-822-4033 Butch - 724-290-7932 Good Tire Service Carpet - Hardwood Tile and Vinyl 2274 W. Sunbury Rd. • Boyers, PA 724-735-4004 Rt. 66 - 1 Mile South of I-80 • Exit 64 4 Miles from Downtown Clarion Pizza, Wings, Wedgies, Stromboli, Calzones & More! 814-764-5651 109 Emlenton St. Clintonville, PA 16372 814-385-6615 A&K Excavating Let Us Cater Your Next Event! 5636 Canoe Ripple Rd., Knox, PA 1-800-858-5766 Locally Owned & Operated for 43 Years Knox Bakery McEntire -Weaver Funeral Home Tuesday - Friday 5:00 AM to 3:30 PM Saturday: 5:00 AM to 1:00 PM Owner: Leonore Landers-Stewart 504 West Penn Ave. Knox, PA 16232 814-797-5265 814-797-1154 Continuing The Compassionate Service You Have Come To Expect! Knox, PA 814-797-0060 - Golf Carts Sales, Service, Rental and Parts Knox, PA 814-797-0060 Cargo Trailer Utililty Trailers & Car Trailers McNany Lumber, Inc. The June 16, 2015 Building & Plumbing Supplies Progress News Main Street, Emlenton, Pa. 724-867-2390 We have all your building & remodeling supplies! 410 Main Street • Emlenton, PA 16373 ~ 724-867-1112 Fax: 724-867-1356 Section B – Page 1 $5,800 Raised For The Boys and Girls Club Along The Allegheny Otto Schiberl Memorial Ride Sets Record in Money Raised Lucky Seven ? If number seven is a lucky number, then the Boys and Girls Club Along The Allegheny had the full experience of it on Saturday, June 6th at the Annual Memorial Otto Schiberl ride sponsored by Otto’s Tavern of E m l e n t o n . “Lucky” and blessed to be chosen as a recipient for the past seven years. The seventh proved to be A view of the many riders that participated in the 7th a gusher! Annual Otto Schiberl Memorial Ride at Otto’s Tavern. Over 215 riders participated on what turned out to be a fanThe memorial ride started The winner of the 50-50 tastic day in memory of a wonderful man, Otto with registration at Otto’s raffle was Sarah Butler. and traveled The Boys and Girls Club Schiberl. In the end, $5,800 Tavern was raised for the Boys and through the Allegheny Na- Along The Allegheny and Girls Club Along The Allegh- tional Forest with stops at Otto’s Tavern would like to eny. It surpassed last year’s The Knotty Pines, Ray’s Hot thank all who worked so Spot, The Blue Jay, Cougar hard to make it mark by $2,800. Bob’s and the Seldom Inn. happen...from the EmlenAll riders enjoyed a pig ton Borough for lending us roast and a variety of foods barricades for the lot to all afterwards at Otto’s Tav- who donated items for raffle ern. A special thanks to all to the Americorps volun1397 Kerr Ave. Ext. who donated and prepared teers to Jerry Marzik and Joe Emlenton, PA food for this event. for cooking the pig to those DJ Scott provided the en- who cooked/prepared food TATE tertainment starting at 5:30 to all the stops that accompm and throughout the modated us but most of all NSPECTION evening. to YOU....for those who The day featured a huge participated in the ride, Undercoating special auction which fea- bought tickets and took the tured over 70 items that time to remember Otto. We • Complete Automotive were donated by the com- love you all and this little Service munity and surrounding town that we call home. • Advanced Technology in businesses. Thank You From The BotComputer Diagnostics A 50’ flat screen TV was tom of Our Hearts! – CALL OR STOP TODAY – also raffled off and won by Tim Balsamo of Meeting June 17th FOR AN APPOINTMENT Clintonville. The Clearwater Kayak 2015 was won by Candy Meyers Fall of Parker.------- PA S I Sign up Now! June 27th Rimersburg Fairgrounds Hope For Your Future 2nd Annual Race 5k/10k Run • 2 mile Walk Superhero Run 18.6 Mile Road Bike Race Followed by Family Fun Day Activies/Food Runsignup.com to register PARKER HEIGHTS APARTMENTS Income Guidelines 1 Person - $20,700 2 Person - $23,650 Driving Tour The Fall Driving Tour will be holding a planning meeting on June 17th. Dixie Gordon has graciously offered her Classroom for the meeting. The Classroom is on Main Street in Emlenton, several doors down from Amazing Stitches. We will begin at 6 PM. If you cannot make this but want to be included, please call Warren Thomas at 814671-3922. Any ideas or suggestions are always appreciated as well. Thanks! 2015-16 Butler County Dairy Princess and her Court. Left to Right: Morgan Teets, Lil Miss; Maggie Bowser, Lil Miss; Maggie Rasp, Dairy Maid; Butler County Dairy Princess, Robin Peters; Emma Bowser, Dairy Miss; Lily Ansell, Lil Miss; Bailee Magill, Lil Miss. Missing from photo Jenna Felker, Dairy Maid. Butler County Dairy Princess Crowned 2015-16 Butler County Dairy Princess, Robin Peters Butler County has a new Dairy Princess, she is Robin Peters, daughter of Lona and Steve Peters of Connoquenessing. This year’s Dairy Princess Pageant was held on May 29, 2015 at the Mount Chestnut Presbyterian Church. Robin, 17, is currently a junior at Butler Senior High School; a past member of the Butler Marching Band and currently plays clarinet in the symphonic band. Robin belongs to three 4-H clubs, the Butler County Dairy Club, B & B Judging Team and Media Arts club and is the president in all three clubs. She is a member of the Pennsylvania and National Ayrshire Association and the Pennsylvania and National Holstein Association. She enjoys showing her animals in area fairs and farm shows as well as in district shows, and in both state and national shows from Harrisburg to Louisville Kentucky. Robin owns 3 Regis- tered Holsteins and 9 Registered Ayshires. Animal projects in 4-H have been lambs, hogs, rabbits and a steer. Robin’s sister Brooklyn is also an active 4-H member. Robin and her family live on 2 ½ acres beside the 180 acre Rader Farm / Homestead Acres Farm beside her grandparents, Harold and Barb Rader and Great Grandparent Evelyn and the late Clinton Rader. In 1999 the farm sold out their milking herd, however they continue to raise dairy replacement heifers and some beef cattle. Members of the 2014-2015 court are: Dairy Maid, Maggie Rasp , daughter of Charles and Carin Rasp of Evans City, Pa. Maggie is a 4th generation Dairy Farmer. She is a student at Seneca Valley. Maggie is a Continued on B-3 40 Main Street • Foxburg, PA 724.659.5701 • www.alleghenygrille.com • Find us on facebook! New Hours: Mon. thru Thurs.: 11:30 AM to 10:00 PM Fri. and Sat. 11:30 AM to 11:00 PM • Sun.: 11:00 AM to 9:00 PM June 16 Tuesday Night Entertainment On The Patio Samantha Sears 6:00 to 9:00 PM Take Dad Out for our Famous Father’s Day Sunday Brunch Tuesday is also $5.00 Burger Night Try one of our 10 items under $10 on our Dinner Menu Mon., Tues., Wed., and Thurs. Nights LITZENBERG DRILLING COMPLETE WATER WELL DRILLING 5 YEAR GUARANTEE ON ALL WELLS Water Well Drilling Complete Pump Systems Prompt Courteous Service CHICORA COMMONS APARTMENTS Income Guidelines 1 Person - $29,220 2 Person - $33,360 MAJOR CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED 724-894-2776 724-894-2074 875 HOOKER ROAD, KARNS CITY, PA (ROUTE 38 HOOKER) Page B-2 June 16, 2015 The Progress News ★ AUTOS ★ R.W. Hovis Auto Sales 5079 Emlenton-Clintonville Rd. Emlenton, PA 16373 724-867-0380 ‘00 Cavalier “As Is”. .......... $799 ‘03 Chevy Malibu, 4 Dr.. .. $2399 ‘02 Ford Escape, AWD. ... $2499 ‘00 S-10 Blazer, 4 Dr. ....... $2799 ‘03 Chevy S10 Blazer,4Dr $2799 ‘06 Chevy Aveo ................. $2999 ‘05 Kia Optima .................. $2999 ‘02 Saturn SL2 .................. $2999 ‘03 Hyuandai Elantra GT . $2999 ‘03 Chevy Cavalier, 4dr ... $2999 ‘03 Chevy S10 Blazer, 4dr $3499 ‘03 PT Cruiser ................... $3799 ‘05 Chrysler T&C “Show & Go” $3799 ‘03 Mustang Convertible ..... $3799 ‘05 Chevy Cavalier, 2dr ... $3799 ‘01 Chevy 1500 4x4, ........ $3999 ‘04 Ford F150, 4x4, .......... $4299 ‘06 Chrysler Town & Country, ...... $4899 ‘08 Hyundai Accent, 4dr . $5299 ‘06 Kia Spectra, 5 Spd ...... $4799 ‘05 Nissan Altima, ............ $5999 ‘07 GMC Envoy, ................ $6499 ‘08 Harley Davidson Sportster, Low Rider ....................... $5999 Seidle Chevrolet Buick-GMC 1141 E. Main St. Clarion, PA New Chevy Spark, Only........ $9,990 New Chevy Sonic LT, Turbo $14,990 2014 Impala LTZ, Leather.....$16,990 New Equinox AWD, Only.. ....$22,781 New Crew Cab, #5105 ................................Save over $9,000 (15) Chevy Cruze’s, Starting At.................................... $11,990 Prices Good Thru June 21, 2015 Photos & More Info at: www.seidlechevy.com or call: 1-800-242-7544 Seidle Chevrolet Buick-GMC 814-226-8300 1141 E. Main St. Clarion, PA 16214 www.seidlechevy.com HERBERT HOVIS AUTO Rt. 208 at Lisbon 5089 Emlenton-Clintonville Rd. L&J Automotive Located on Rt. 208/38 3 miles North of Emlenton 724-867-0730 FAST FRIENDLY, DEPENDABLE SERVICE ON ALL YOUR GENERAL AUTO REPAIR AND STATE INSPECTION NEEDS. MINOR COLLISION REPAIR! ★ EVENTS ★ In Door Yard Sale Parker Height's Apt's 302 N. Wayne Ave. Parker June 26 & 27 9–2 both days Lunch will be available. Bake Sale! 6/23 Fairy Festival at The Herb Shed in Knox on Thursday, June 18 from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm. Children Must be accompanied by a parent. Flower Fairy costumes will be judged and prizes awarded. Children can hunt for Treasures, make fairy dust ($2.00), play games, face painting, etc. Festival is cancelled if raining. Greenhouse and shop will be open. 814-797-1667. Hoagie Sale on Saturday, June 20th from 8 am til 11:00 AM at the St. Petersburg Firemens Social Hall - 12” Hoagie - $7.00. To order call 724-659-3876. Benefits the St. Petersburg V.F.D. Thank you for your support. 6/16 Garage Sale on June 1920th from 9 am to 5 pm, 1576 Gibson Rd., Knox. Books, Tools, Kitchen, Mowers, 2006 Wildwood LE 30’ Queen Bed, Bunk Room, Awning, Nice! (724) 867-2342 AUTOS ★ HELP WANTED ★ ‘02 SATURN 4 DR SDN, 4 CYL, AUTO .............. $2,495 ‘04 CHEVY MALIBU C LASSIC, SDN, 4 CYL., AUTO, ... $2,795 ‘04 BUICK CENTURY SDN, V-6, AUTO .................. $2,795 ‘03 CHEVY CAVALIER SDN, 4 CYL,, AUTO, 91K ..... $2,995 ‘04 CHRYSLER SEBRING, SDN 4 CYL., AUTO, ............ $3,295 ‘03 CHEVY MALIBU, SEDAN V-6, AUTO, 94K .......... $3,295 TRUCKS – VANS & 4x4’s ‘01 CHEVY BLAZER, 4X4, S.W., V-6, AUTO, LEATHER, 90K ...... $2,995 ‘04 CHEVY BLAZER, 4X4, S.W., V-6, AUTO ..................... $3,295 ‘06 SATURN VUE, SW, 4 CYL., AUTO ................ $3,595 DON 814-797-1025 Poor Credit? Stop By! Exit 53 • I-80 ★ FOR RENT ★ Parker - 2 Br. Apt., W/D HookUp - $400 month plus deposit. Includes Water, Sewage and Gas. Call 724-867-0015. ★ LEGAL NOTICE ★ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Articles of Incorporation have been filed with the Department of State, in Harrisburg, PA under the provisions of the BCL of 1988. The name of the corporation is West Freedom Water Association, Inc. Lynn, King & Schreffler, PC Attorneys at Law 606 Main St., P.O. Box 99 Emlenton, PA 16373 724-867-5921. Perry Township / Clarion County will accept sealed bids until July 1, 2015 at 11:00 am for a 1984 General Army Truck. This truck has all new tires, engine and transmission. It will have a current inspection on it. IT has a canvas top. Minimum Bid reserve is $8,300.00. The township reserves the right to reject any or all bids on this piece of equipment. This truck can be viewed at 5687 Doc Walker Road, Parker, PA 16049. Please call in advance if you wish to test drive this truck before placing a bid. 814358-2661. 6/23 ★ MEMORIUM ★ 12-27-50 to 6-20-05 Denny and Molly Missed and Remembered Every Day! Kenny, Shiela & Alley ★ FOR SALE ★ Strawberries - Picked or You Pick! 6 Miles East of Butler on Rt. 68 East towards Chicora. 724-445-3116. 6/23 19' x 31' above ground pools $899 inc. FREE install, deck, & complete pkg. Site prep extra. BBB accredited – Estab. 1969. 800-548-1923 7/28 Remodeling Tech - Basic Carpentry and general construction. Able to lift 80lbs. Call Today For Appointment! 440-540-4596. 6/16 Life Guard Needed Daily Mid June til Labor Day at All Saints Camp, 110 All Saint Rd., Emlenton, PA 16373. Call 724-867-5811 or 412331-2362. 6/16 Food Service Management Company looking to fill F/T prep cook position. Competitive Wages. Must maintain all PA clearance. Send Resume to: Mid Atlantic Youth Services Corp. 12 Dakota Drive Emlenton, PA 16373 Attention: Holly 6/23 Great Gifts for Dear Old DaD Drivers: Need a Change? More hometime this SumFather’s Day is right around mer? 60K+ Per Year. Full the corner, and the time has Benefit Package + Bonuses. come once again to begin CDL-A 1 Yr. Exp. 855-454- searching for a gift for dear 0392. 6/16 Car & Bike Cruise on June 20, 2015 at 1:00 PM. Butler North KOA at Peaceful Valley Campground - 231 Peaceful Valley Rd., West Sunbury, PA 16061. Concession Stand and DJ Oldies Music. 6/16 Piano - Best Offer! Call 724791-2290. Emlenton, PA 16373 ★ HELP WANTED ★ old dad. Father’s Day gift shoppers have long since abandoned the notion that a new necktie is what dad really wants, but finding a gift that expresses your love and appreciation for the old man can still prove somewhat challenging. Oftentimes, the best gifts are the ones that fulfill a need or want, and Father’s Day gifts are no exception. The following are a handful of Father’s Day gift ideas for The Movie Mogul dads whose hobbies run the Some dads simply can’t get gamut. enough of the silver screen, The Sports Nut and a streaming service that Dads who cannot get allows dad to watch many of his favorite movies on de★ REAL ESTATE ★ mand from the comforts of House for Sale: 2 Bedroom, home might make the perSingle Bath, Dining Room, fect gifts for film-loving faFull Basement, Single Gathers. Services like Netflix and rage, 1/2 acre in Parker. $35,000. Call 724-636-0226. Amazon Prime offer hundreds of titles, and monthly or ★ THANK YOU ★ yearly subscriptions cost relaOur hearts are broken with tively little money. the passing of our loved one, Gary Kamerer. Wonderful son, Father, Poppy, brother, uncle and friend. But our hearts are also full of joy, love and thankfulness from the outpouring of love we have received. Thanks to everyone for your love, caring, prayers, cards and phone calls this last several months. The outpouring of love since Gary’s passing has helped us through this difficult time. Thanks for the food brought to our home and the funeral dinner served by St. Paul’s Community Church family. Thanks pastor Ryan Lucas for your prayers, love and concern. Our heartfelt thanks to our dear friend, Pastor Ken Tack for the touching funeral service. Thanks to the Sugarcreek Fire Co. for the honor of escort for Gary. May God’s love and blessings surround all of you. With Love and Thanks, Ruby Kamerer & Family ★ WANTED TO BUY ★ A Birthday Tribute for Our Brother Donald Gardner June 11th Buying Junk Cars, towable or not. 724-290-4750. TFN Wanted to Buy - Used Mobile Homes - We Move Them! 814-221-1360. TFN We wish you were here today, even for just a little while So we could say, Happy Birthday Brother and see your beautiful smile. May the angles hold you close and sing you a happy song. We’ll be sending wishes to you today and all year long. ★ WORK WANTED ★ Love forever and always (Bobo) Your Sister’s and Brother ★ REAL ESTATE ★ Turn of the Century Family home in East Brady. Fantastic view of the Allegheny. 3 or 4 bedrooms, central air, spacious newly remodeled eat-in kitchen,detached garage. 724.525.6563 $99,999.00. Make a Great Summer Home! Established Auto Dealership seeking Auto Body Technician. Clean, Modern Facility! Wages Commensurate with Experience. Send resume or apply in person at John Truscott Auto Sales 15506, Rt. 322, Clarion, PA 16214. No Phone Calls. 6/30 The Progress News Classifieds Get Results! Workshop/Test Drive - June 20, 2015 Stitchin’ in the Kitchen with Janome! Enjoy creating fun projects in the hoop and discover the ease and dependability of Janome sewing and embroidery machines. No experience needed. Machines and kits provided. Limited Seating - Call Today. Kit Cost $29.99 This is a $500 Value for Attendees The Class runs from 10 AM to 6 PM Custom Embroidery & Screen Printing 611 Main St., Emlenton, PA 16373 - 724-867-0880 www.amazingstitches.net enough of their favorite teams would no doubt appreciate some new gear or even tickets to see their favorite teams play. If you opt to buy tickets to a ballgame, make it a family affair, as dad would no doubt appreciate an afternoon at the ballpark with his kids and/or grandkids. For a father who no longer lives in the market where his teams play, consider purchasing a streaming service or television package that allows the old man to see his favorite team no matter where he’s living. Will Haul Anything - Scrap, and Junk of all kinds. Also mowing and weed eating. Call Rich for pricing. 724-2905389. TFN LESSNER TREE SERVICE, Free Estimates on removals, trimming and stump grinding. Insured. Call anytime: 724753-2724 / Cell 724-9913800. TFN Cleaning Basements, Garages and Attics. Hauling away old appliances, furniture and junk of all kinds. Inside or out. 724-867-1065 or 724-679-3105. TFN Hamilton’s Lawn Care & Landscape - Mowing, Mulching, Seeding, Pruning & More. Call 724-756-2333 or 724-841-5490. 9//29 The Outdoorsman Fathers who love the great outdoors might appreciate some new camping gear, a new fishing pole or even some comfortable hiking boots. When shopping for the outdoorsman in your life, consider which outdoor activity is his favorite (i.e., boating, fishing, kayaking, etc.) and try to find the latest useful gadget or newest product made for such enthusiasts. If you don’t share the same passion for the great outdoors and are hesitant to buy something you’re unsure about, a gift certificate to an outdoorsman or sporting goods store will suffice. The Doting Grandfather Some men simply want to spend more time with family, especially grandfathers who never tire of afternoons with their grandchildren. If dad has retired and moved away, a trip to see his grandkids might make the ideal gift this FatherÕs Day. Arrange the dates with mom so you are not surprising dad with a trip at a time when he already has plans, and make sure to schedule some fun activities for those days when dad is in town. Father’s Day is a time each year when dads are told how much they are loved and appreciated. This year, a gift that implies both those sentiments is sure to make dad smile. REAL ESTATE AUCTION THUR., JULY 2 – 7:00 PM LOCATED- Martha Roadarmel residence, 430 E. State St., Knox, PA. On Rt.208 near Rhea Lumber Co. REAL ESTATE- Early 1900’s 2-Story, 4 BR, 1½ Bath home (nearly all original w/ newer roof) on 50’x188’ city lot. Detached garage (facing alley). All Utilities. TAXES: $1,264. TERMS: $3,000.00 Non-Refundable Deposit / Balance at Closing. VIEWING: 814-797-1052. Note: Auction Begins at 4:00 PM with Contents. RANKIN AUCTION SERVICE 814-764-3502 or 379-9862 GARY 2418L – DAN 3604L www.AuctionZip.com ID# 1585 Estate Auction SAT., JUNE 20 – 9:00 AM LOCATED- Neil Emerick Farm, 9217 Rt.208, Shippenville, PA 16254. On Rt.208 between Shippenville& Knox at Elk City. FARM/ SHED/ CARPORTS- 12’x21’ Outdoor wood shed on skids; 18’x20’ &12’x20’ Metal carports; Chain-link kennels; Starcraft 16’ alum. boat & Load Rite trailer; 5’x8’ Landscape trailer; Truck tool box; 2” Receiver hitch; Old Suzuki motorcycle; Maple & Black Cherry 1” air-dried lumber; Conveyor roller; Sucker rods; Oil field tools; Lots/ Scrap; R11 & R19 insulation; Stock tank; 10’ Bunk feeder; 10’ & 12’ Pipe-frame gates; Surge milkers& vac. pump; M/F M.41 3PTH mowing machine (belt); 8’x16’ Flat-bed wagon; Lawn trailer; OLD FARM/ SHOP- McCormick floor corn sheller; Fanning mill; Platform & Steelyard scales; Shovel& Walking plows; Horse-drawn cultivator; Buggy wheel & shafts; Hay knife; Crosscut; Old tools; Wall drill press; Welding table; Chain falls; Rope blocks; Eagle Anvil; Coleman 2500W gen.; Air comp.; Wood lathe & tools; ANTIQUES& COLLECTIBLES- Qtr.-sawed Oak bookcase/secretary w/ carved head; Mahog fall-front desk; Walnut oval parlor table; Smoker’s stand; Howell treadle sewing mac.; Empire washstand w/ harp; Wardrobe chest; Trunks; Cedar chests; Maple drop-leaf table, chairs & dbl. bed; Pine cabinets & chest; Cherry& Dep. BR suites; 3’ Drysink; Kirakah 12’x 13.5” rug; Ornate gas reznor (Mercer); Wood shutters; Rockers; Chairs; Misc. Furniture; Work tables; Wood& Granite wares; Several Daisy, Tin & Glass churns; Milk bottles & cans; Hotplate; C/I kettles & skillets; Hand wringer; Meat tub; Coffee grinder; Butter press; Barn & RR lanterns; Copper washboiler & sm. kettle w/stand; Crown Pottery banded water cooler; Crocks & Jugs (up to 20 gal.; Louis Marx tractor; Gilbert Erector set; Zane Grey books; Keystone Yearbooks (50’s); Old cameras & Bell & Howell Filmosound 185 projector; Runner sleds; Youth chair; Gas lights; Lightening rod; 1800’s Books; Framed Lord’s Prayer; Old China & Glassware; Dep. glass; HH- Gas range; Washer; Elec. dryer; Window AC unit; Sm. chest freezer; Klaussner mircofiber sofa (New); Kero. & Ventless heaters; Metal wardrobes; Safe; Office chair. NOTE: Lots/ Old Farm & Misc. Not Listed. TERMS: ID Required to Register / Cash or PA Check. RANKIN AUCTION SERVICE 814-764-3502 or 379-9862 GARY 2418L – DAN 3604L www.AuctionZip.com ID# 1585 Hatch Estate Auction 778 East Sandy Road, Kennerdell, PA 16374 “Rockland Area” Saturday, June 20, 2015 • 9:00 AM ANTIQUES • TRACTORS • TOOLS • HOUSEHOLD • GUNS LOG SPLITTER • ANTIQUE FURNITURE • FARM IMPLEMENTS KOKEN BARBER CHAIR • SCRAP Directions: From Cranberry take Cranberry Rockland Road towards Rockland. Go to Coal City Road, turn right, follow to East Sandy Road, turn right. Follow to auction, watch for Baker & Bellis Auctioneers signs. Antique Furniture: early writing desk/dresser; smoking stand; mid century furniture; Victorian platform rocker; oak chest of drawers; mahogany dresser; book shelf; lg and sml chests; oak dresser w/mirror; wicker chair; gentleman’s chest; white porcelain Koken barber chair, great patina; Antiques & Collectibles: crocks & crock jugs; early dog print; rod iron pc; quilt; early books; vintage catchers mask; RR & barn lanterns; saddle; snow shoes; vintage bikes; cast iron cookware; copper kettle, hole; runner sleds; Guns: Excel 12 ga; HSB and Company 16 ga.; Stevens mdl 59A 410 ga., bolt; Ithaca double barrel 12 ga.; *Note: All guns need a little work. Furniture: silent rocker; tea cart; 2 pc. dining room suite; living room furniture; chairs; kneehole desk; Tractors, Skid Steer, Farm Implements: Farmall McCormick 230; Farmall Cub; Minneapolis Moline mdl 7, needs restored; John Deere 375, skid steer, needs injector pump work; John Deere No. 12A, pull combine; 5x8 trailer w/title; 6 ft. King Kutter brush hog; New Idea 4210 Hay Tedder; Earthquake tiller; Yard Machine log splitter; Fast Hitch 2 btm plows; Toro tiller; 2 row corn planter; sickle bar mower; Tools: Stihl chainsaw and others; Craftsman router and table; chainsaw chain sharpner; Companion pressure washer; benchtop tools to include band saw, table saw, drill press, and parts washer; trash pump; Lincoln AC 225 welder; battery charger; many Craftsman tool sets, hand tools, and others; Forney welder; 2 pc. Homak tool chest and others; tool cart; long tools; misc. garage and tool items; Auctioneer’s Note: We are still finding items daily, many items not listed or photographed at the time of this ad. Plan to attend this great estate auction. Terms: Cash, PA check, credit cards. No out of state checks. All items to be removed the day of the auction unless noted the day of the auction. Bill Bellis, Jr Jr.. 814-671-1978 PAA, CAGA ~ AU003805-L Any auctioneer can sell at auction, but doing it right is what we do best. www.bba411.com Follow us on Facebook June 16, 2015 Page B-3 – The Progress News – Don Lewis Likes To Make A Difference With $50,000 YMCA Gift CLARION-Don Lewis is a person who likes to make a difference. His decision to make a personal donation of $50,000 for a new full-service Clarion County YMCA was made with the knowledge that new YMCA is close to becoming a reality through the diligence of planning and community support of such a project. “The gift is a stretch for me and I will be making pledge payments over the years, but I wanted to contribute and a level where I know I can make a difference,” said Lewis. “I was impressed with the need for such a facility in Clarion County and the planning that has guided the project.” Lewis is no stranger to making a difference in Clarion County, from being one of the founders of Structural Modulars, Inc. (SMI) to serving on a number of boards such as the Workforce Investment Board to being a past recipient of the Clarion Area Chamber Citizen of the Year Award. “I really didn’t want any publicity about my donation, but if it can help the campaign, so be it,” said Lewis. “No one person can make the campaign a success, but if we do it as a group we can build a fullservice YMCA.” Milissa Bauer and Al Lander, co-chairs of the Campaign Cabinet said their initial contacts with Lewis were to keep him in- 511 Hill Street • Emlenton, PA 16373 In the lower level-Crawford Center 724-867-3122 Thank You! Don Lewis (second from left) is one person who likes to make a difference in his community. Welcoming his $50,000 donation to the new Clarion County YMCA are Al Lander and Milissa Bauer, campaign cabinet co-chairs, and Jesse Kelley, Clarion County YMCA branch manager. formed about the project and the more he learned, the more interested he became. “We are now in the process of meeting with community leaders and local business owners like Don Lewis to let them know about our project and why it is being so well received,” said Bauer and Lander. The $8.1 million full-service Clarion County YMCA will be located near Exit 62 of I-80 and the Clarion Oaks Golf Course. The campaign’s silent phase raised over $5.4 million (almost 70 percent) from lead gifts and commitments by a small group of key individuals, including more than $600,000 in pledges from the local YMCA Board. “A community campaign for the remaining $2.7 million launched a little over one month ago has now raised nearly $800,000, mostly from local community leaders,” said Bauer and Lander. The project is now almost 80 percent funded towards its goal. The new building, among other facilities, will bring access to a swimming/therapy pool and other year-round recreation activities. The YMCA is a not-for-profit 501(c) 3 entity. We would like to Thank Everyone at Otto’s Tavern for Their Efforts in Raising $5,800.00 for us on Saturday, June 6th. Over the past 7 years, they have donated over $20,000 to our Organization. Thank You to the many, many people who came out and participated and bought tickets over the past several weeks. A special Thank You to Nadine for her guidance and extra effort along the way! We are truely blessed to live in such a great community that gives back! On behalf of the Board of Directors and Myself, We are Thankful and grateful for all you do! Sincerely, Brad Rapp, Exec. Director Butler County Dairy Princess Continued from B-1 member of the Butler County 4H Dairy Club, the B&B Judging Team, the Butler County Youth Group, Seneca Valley Marching Band and Grace Community Church Youth Group. She and her family live on a 79 acre farm, housing Holsteins, Brown Swiss and Jersey’s. Maggie has been a member of the Promotion Team for 4 years. Dairy Maid, Jenna Felker, is the daughter of Sharon Felker of Evans City, Pa. Jenna’s schooling is through Agora Cyber Charter School. She is the proud owner of Holstein and Jersey Dairy Cows. Jenna also is a member of the Butler County 4H Dairy Club. Dairy Miss, Emma Bowser, is the daughter of Wesley and Tabitha Bowser of Slippery Rock, Pa. She is a 5th grader at Dassa McKinney Elementary School. Emma and her family raise Jersey Cows on their 20 acre farm. A member of the Butler County 4H Dairy Club, the B&B Judging Team, 4-H Camps and activities; she enjoys showing her cows in 4H events. Emma “best friend” is her cow named Rapunzel! Emma has been involved in Dairy Promotion for 3 years. Lil Dairy Miss, Maggie Bowser, daughter of Wesley and Tabitha Bowser of Slippery Rock, Pa. Maggie like her sister, attends Dassa McKinney Elementary School. She enjoys showing her cows at fairs and farm shows. Maggie is a member of the Butler County 4H Dairy Club and EMLENTON TRAVEL PLAZA AND RESTAURANT the B & B Judging Team. Maggie has been involved in Dairy Promotion for 3 years. Lil Dairy Miss, Morgan Teets, is the daughter of Joshua and Jodi Teets of Slippery Rock, Pa. Morgan is a member of the Slippery Rock Eels Swim Team and has earned many ribbons. Her favorite Dairy Product is Cottage Cheese. Morgan attends Dassa McKinney Elementary School where she will be going into the 3rd. grade. Morgan is a member of the St. Johns United Methodist Church. Morgan has been involved in Dairy Promotion for 3 years Lil Dairy Miss,Lily Mae Ansell, is the daughter of Jeff and Nicole Ansell of Renfrew, Pa. Lily is a member of Evans City Elementary School and is in 2nd grade. Lily owns dairy cattle. She is a member of the Butler County 4-H Dairy Club and the SV North Softball Team. Lily enjoys playing softball and basketball and drinking her favorite dairy product, Chocolate Milk. Lily has 2 little brothers. Lilly’s father is the manager of Marburger Dairy Farm where there is a herd size of 300 Dairy cattle and they are currently is milking 105 cows. Farm size 600 acres. This is Lily’s second year on the Dairy Promotion Team. Father’s Day Buffet Sunday, June 21st ~ 11 am - 7 pm Adults Hot Sausage With Salad Bar $ 13.95 Fried Chicken & Garlic Bread Sticks Children 7 - 10 Meatloaf $ 9.95 Baked Beans & Franks Children 6 &Under Mashed Potatoes & Gravy - FREE Corn on The Cob Assorted Desserts including Baked Beans Strawberry Short Cake Reservations Accepted! Plaza Restaurant Exit 42 off I-80 / Rt. 38/208 • Emlenton, PA 16373 • 724-867-9171 You could SWIP&WIN one of 100 100 BMWs in DAYS By using your FRN Rewards Card Air “We Make Buying Appliances & TVs Easy” • Every Day Low Prices - This Father’s Day Get The Best For The Best FRN Members Pay Less for Fuel! INSTANTLY Save at Least ¢ /gal. 3 ON EVERY FILL-UP WITH YOUR REWARDS CARD Swipe your Fuel Rewards® card or enter your Fuel Rewards Alt ID to earn sweepstakes entries. • Select Shell V-Power® NiTRO+ Premium Gasoline and receive 10 entries • Select Regular, Plus or Diesel and receive 1 entry. DON’T HAVE A CARD? Pick up your FREE Fuel Rewards card and information at the Emlenton Travel Plaza just off I-80 at exit 42 - Emlenton, PA Smokey Mountain Cooker™ Genesis Series Original Kettle “Premium 22” 3 Stainless steel burners, Stainless steel Flavorizer® bars, Porcelain-enameled bowl and Sear Station® burner: 10,000 BTU- lid, Plated steel hinged cooking per-hour input grate Visit Us Online at: www.parkersappliancetv.com Porcelain-enameled bowl and lid, Two plated steel cooking grates. “We Service What We Sell” Rt. 68 “Top of the Hill” Chicora, PA 724-445-3931• Phone Or der Order derss Accepted Emlenton, PA Phone: (724) 867-1511 Open Monday & Friday: 9 am – 8 pm Tues., Wed. & Thurs.: 9 am – 5 pm • Saturday 9 am - 12:30 pm Page B-4 – The Progress News - June 16, 2015 OBITUARIES Eleanor Cleora Smith Eleanor Cleora Smith, age 89 of Chicora, PA, closed her eyes to this world and opened them in Heaven to see the face of Jesus on June the 8th, 2015 in the Chicora Medical Center. Born April 29, 1926 in Chicora, Butler County, she was the daughter of Harold R. and Dorothy Moore McGarvey. She was a lifetime member of St. John’s Reformed Church of Chicora, where she taught the Children’s Sunday School Class and Vacation Bible School for 40 years and later attended the Chicora CMA Church. She is survived by her sons Gale L. Smith and wife Jean of Chicora, Michael J. Smith and wife Darla of East Brady, Richard Neil Smith of Bruin, daughters Linda D Sheakley and husband Rodney of Petrolia, PA, Pamela J. Emery and husband John of Bruin, PA. Also surviving are sisters Alene Larkin of Texas, Annabelle McKinnis of Cabot, and a brother Victor McGarvey of Chicora along with grandchildren Matthew (Lori) Sheakley of Harrisville, PA, Shannon (Greg) Thorhauer of Karns City, PA, Nathaniel J. Smith of Butler, PA, Tyler J. Smith of East Brady, PA, Alisa Buzzard of Chicora, Tiffany J. (Bryan) Sherman of Bruin, PA, Troy Emery of Bruin, PA and great grandchildren Kally Smith, Jesse Sheakley, Cole Thorhauer, Austin Buzzard. Along with her parents, Janice L. Bowser Eiler Eleanor Cleora Smith she is preceded in death by her husband: Robert (Bob) Gordon Smith whom she married on March 20, 1948. He went home to Heaven September 24, 1980 where they now reside together with their Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Friends were received at Steighner Funeral Home at 111 E. Slippery Rock and Main Streets Down Town Chicora, PA on Wednesday, June 10, 2015. Funeral Services were held on Thursday June 11, 2015 at Christian and Missionary Alliance Church at 310 East Slippery Rock Street Chicora, PA with Reverend Mark Wallace, Pastor and Reverend Gerry Pyle, Associate Pastor. Interment was at St. John’s Reformed Church Cemetery West Slippery Rock Street Chicora, PA. For more information and to extend condolences to the family go to: www.steighnerfuneral home.com. Gary L. Kamerer Gary L. Kamerer, 70, of East Brady passed away Friday at ACMH Hospital.Born on March 22, 1945, in Butler, he was the son of Ruby (Buzzard) and the late Herbert Kamerer. Mr. Kamerer worked as a laborer and owned Kamerer’s Country Store in Frogtown. He served in the U.S. Army Reserves. He was a member of the Sugarcreek Township Volunteer Fire Department. He liked mowing his grass and keeping his yard neat. Surviving him are his daughters, Brenda (James) Rutter Jr. of Kittanning and Beverly Kamerer of East Brady; the light of his life granddaughter, Lierin Rutter of Kittanning; his mother, Ruby (Buzzard) Kamerer of East Brady; his very close friend, Pat of East Brady; three brothers, Terry (Janet) JANICE L. BOWSER EILER, 78, of Orchard Manor, Grove City passed away Tuesday morning, June 9, 2015 at the Manor following an extended illness. Born in Perry Twp., Clarion Co., Pa. on Dec. 2, 1936, she was the daughter of the late Lawrence L. “Red” and Vera Everetts Bowser. In earlier years, she was a member of the Callensburg Church of God, and continued her faith in the Church of God as long as health permitted. For many years, she was employed as a caregiver in a number of personal care facilities. Surviving are her husband, Donald R. Eiler of Emlenton; two daughters, Bonnie (Chuck) Cooper of Boyers and Darla (Tom) Aughton of Emlenton; four sons: Barry Eiler of Eau Claire, Eric (Mindy) Eiler of Parker, Donald ( Charlene) Eiler of Harrisville, and Jay (Tracie) Eiler of Hilliards; eighteen grandchildren, twenty-seven great-grandchildren, and one great great-grandchild; two broth- Belva J. Grantz Janice L. Bowser Eiler ers: John (Betty) Bowser of Callensburg and Jack (Jackie) Bowser of Grove City, and a number of nieces and nephews. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by a sister, Virginia Jean Perkins. Friends were received at H. Jack Buzard Funeral Home, 201 So. Wash. St., Eau Claire, where funeral services were held. Burial followed at Allegheny Cemetery, near Parker. To view/send condolences, sympathy cards, flowers, visit: www.buzard funeralhomes .com. Gerald L. Logue, MD LOGUE - Gerald L. MD, of Williamsville, NY, formerly of Emlenton died on June 7, 2015 at age 73. He was the beloved husband of Joelle (nee Bronstein) Logue; dearest father of Christopher John (Andrea) Logue, Timothy Charles Logue and Nicolas Frank (Taurie) Logue; loving grandfather of Grace and Luke Logue; devoted son of Wiloven and the late Charles A. Logue; brother-in-law of Sally Moatz; uncle of Laura (Steve) Graham. The family was present on Thursday 2-4 and 7-9 at the PERNA, DENGLER, ROBERTS FUNERAL HOME, 1671 Maple Rd., Williamsville, NY, where a funeral service was held on Friday at 9:30 AM. Friends were invited. A Memorial Service will be held at a later date. Flowers gratefully declined. If desired, memorials may be made to the Scenic Valley Coiffures DEBE SOUTHWORTH OWNER/OPERATOR Shari Courson, Operator Strobel’s Helping Hand Handyman Service Lic. # PA103607 - Call Jeff at 724-822-3546 724-867-8942 Chairs in Pairs at Bear’s Sale 2 for 1 Recliner Sale Just in Time for Father’s Day Belva J. Grantz ber of nieces, nephews, and cousins. She was preceded in death by a granddaughter, Jacqueline, a sister-in-law, Rose McGinnis, and a brotherin-law, Camillus Shirey. Friends were received at the Hile Funeral Home Inc., 1204 Kerr Ave., Emlenton, PA. A funeral service was held from the funeral home with the Rev. Korona Say, pastor of Turkey City Church of God, officiating. Interment was in Scrubgrass Cemetery. Memorial contributions may be made to ALS at www.als.org. For additional information or to send a condolence, please visit www.hilefh.com. MAJOR Clarion Canine Obedience Club Dedicated to promoting responsible dog ownership through training, education and love for dogs. www.ccoc4dogs.org BRAND TIRE 260 High Point Road, Knox, PA OPEN: MON. - FRI. 8 AM TO 5 PM Year Round Puppy Kindergarten and Obedience Classes for Older Dogs For Information: Kamerer of Chicora, Brian (Ginger) Kamerer of Butler and Dan Kamerer of Tionesta; and his sister, Carol (Renny) King of Cowansville. Mr. Kamerer was preceded in death by his father, Herbert Gerald L. Logue, MD Kamerer. and his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse BuzGerald Logue, MD memorial zard St. and Mr. and Mrs. D. fund at the UB School of Oscar Kamerer. Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, c/o the UB FounFriends of Gary L. Kamerer, dation, PO Box 900, Bufwho died Friday, May 29, falo, NY 14226. 2015, were received at the Online condolences may Snyder-Crissman Funeral be made to: denglerroberts Home, Cowansville. pernafuneral.com. Service was held at the funeral home with the Rev. Ken ACV Class of 1975 Tack officiating. 40th Class Reunion Notice Interment took place in Oak Grove Cemetery. August 1, 2015 / 7:00 pm / Foxburg Country Club You may sign the guest There will be no dinner served, there will be snacks, ice book at www.butlereagle tea, lemonade and water. It is NOT BYOB, the club has a bar where beer and drinks can be purchased. A donation will be .com. For more information, visit taken to pay for the rental of the Club. No invitations will be sent out, so if you know of any classwww.snydercrissman. com. mates, please let them know about the Reunion. Get your “TO DO” list ready and call Belva J. Grantz, 71, of Sligo, formerly of Corsica, passed away Wednesday evening, June 10, 2015 at Clarview Nursing Home in Sligo. Belva was born in Foxburg on June 19, 1943. She was the daughter of the late Marcus Wayne and Mary Alice Wade McGinnis. Belva enjoyed reading, crocheting, gardening, and was of the Christian faith. She graduated from AlleghenyClarion Valley High School in 1961 and from the Licensed Practical Nursing Program at Clarion County Vo-Tech. She was employed for many years as an LPN at UPMC Northwest and retired in 2009. Surviving are three daughters, Laura J. Silvis of Strattanville, Linda M. Clark and her husband, Gerald, of Corsica, and Lisa E. Mattern and her husband, Steven, of St. Petersburg; five grandchildren, Cayla, Nicole, Kelly, Amanda, and Kaylee; three great grandchildren, Malerie, Leighton, and Emma; four brothers, David McGinnis, John McGinnis and his wife, Marian, Thomas McGinnis and his wife, Romaine, George McGinnis and his wife, Kris; three sisters, Mary Savage and her husband, John, Phyllis McGinnis, and Elaine Shirey, as well as a num- Dogs (over 6 months) 814-354-6387 Puppies (2-5 months) 814-354-6387 FURLONG’S SER VICE SERVICE www.majorbrandtirepa.com. Buchanan Painting • Interior • Exterior • Aluminum Siding • Vinyl Siding • Decks - Power Washing - QUALITY SALES & SERVICE CLARION, PA 814-226-8380 • Shingle Roof • Sidewalks • Driveway • Decks Call Rick at 724-636-0932 RHEA BUILDING SUPPLY Knox, PA 16232 814-797-1178 Allegheny RiverStone Arts 814-797-5354 Fax: 814-797-0033 Reserve Tickets: 724-659-3153 Or buy online at: www.alleghenyriverstone.org Glorious Music and Art in the Beautiful Allegheny River Valley C Street Brass – Music of the Americas – “A fantastic and imaginative approach to brass quintet music..”, Chris Botti Saturday Saturday,, June 20, 2015 7:00 PM Lincoln Hall, FFoxb oxb ur A oxbur urgg PPA Tickets: Adults $25; Members $20 Students $5; Children under 6 Free Buy tickets online at: www.alleghenyriverstone.org or call 724-659-3153 to reserve tickets. Ashley Rocker Recliner (Pranit) Ashley Rocker Recliner (Raulo) Best Rocker Recliner (2NW67) LA-Z-BOY Rocker Recliner (Connor) 2 for $ 499 2 for $ 599 2 for $ 699 2 for $ 799 Offer Valid through June 20, 2015 Bear’s Furniture Franklin Route 322 West 814-437-7823 www.bearsfurniture.com Monday thru Thursday 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM Friday 9:00 AM – 7:00 PM • Saturday 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM Red Brick Gallery Main eet oxb ur g, AA Street oxbur urg, Main Str Str eet •• FFoxb FFoxb oxb ur g, PPA PPA Street oxbur urg, New Exhibit - June 5 to July 12 Seth McClaine Impressionistic Landscapes and Streetscapes Opening Reception: Saturday, June 6, 5:00 - 7:00 PM Gallery Hours: Friday 2:00 to 6:00 PM; Saturday 11:00 AM to 7:00 PM, Sunday 12:00 PM to 4:00 PM Allegheny RiverStone Center for the Arts receives state arts funding through a grant from the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts, a state agency funded by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the National Endowment for the Arts, a federal agency.
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