Il Parco del Monte Subasio e i suoi dintorni


Il Parco del Monte Subasio e i suoi dintorni
Il Parco del Monte Subasio e i suoi dintorni
una settimana per scoprire boschi, eremi, torrenti , silenzi e panorami
LUNEDI’ : (bicicletta) PAESAGGI Spello– Cannara pedalando per la valle
Una semplice
pedalata (in pianura) per attraversare la valle Umbra e godersi la vista del Subasio, Spello, Assisi, tra campi, stalle, torri e alberi. Visita di Cannara, tipico borgo umbro di origine medievale
e dei suoi dintorni con vigneti e colline. Breve degustazione di vino. Partenza ore 9.00 parcheggio di Spello Rientro ore 12.30, Difficoltà: facile (20 km) Costo €25 (compreso noleggio
bici), €15 escluso noleggio bici
MARTEDI’ (a piedi) ACQUA La forra del Monte Subasio Semplice percorso che costeggia il fiume Tescio la cui acqua, ha solcato la montagna scavando una splendida e profondissima forra. Partenza: Ponte la Pieve, (5km da Assisi) ore 14.30 Rientro ore 17.30 Difficoltà:
facile . Costo €10
MERCOLEDI’ (a piedi) BOSCHI Il sentiero Francescano Tra Assisi e Costa di Trex
Una bella passeggiata lungo un percorso ricco di storia che vide San Francesco morente ritornare da Nocera Umbra nella sua Assisi. Ci accompagnerà nel cammino, la selvaggia e profonda, valle del Tescio,le pinete e i lecci del Subasio. Partenza ore 9.00 parcheggio di p.zza Matteotti, Rientro ore 13.00, Difficoltà: media costo €15
GIOVEDI’ (a piedi) EREMI Collepino e gli eremi del Subasio Partenza da Collepino alla volta di alcuni luoghi di intensa Spiritualità: l’Abbazia di San Silvestro , La Madonna della Spella
e il suo panorama vastissimo e Madonna di Colpernieri, una piccola chiesa nata per opera
dell’ordine dei Camaldolesi. Si camminerà tra boschi, prati sommitali... il cuore e la mente si
riempiranno di spazi e immagini indimenticabili. Partenza ore 9.00 da Collepino (6 km da
Spello), Rientro ore 13.00, Difficoltà facile, Costo €15
VENERDI’ Biciclette in libertà NOLEGGIO BICICLETTE(Mountain Bike e City Bike con
caschetto e conta km)per itinerari a piacere senza guida al seguito. In collaborazione con coop.
Ecomoving. Partenza ore 9.00 parcheggio Lyrik S. Maria degli Angeli, ORE 10.00 Parcheggio di
Spello Ritrovo ore 16.00 parcheggio Lyrik; ore 17.00 parcheggio di Spello Costo €18
SABATO (a piedi) ACQUA Lungo l’antico acquedotto da Spello a Collepino Un percorso
molto suggestivo per i paesaggi che offre e per il valore storico-archeologico, si ripercorre
l’antico acquedotto di età romana che da Spello ci condurrà a Collepino e viceversa. Faranno
da sfondo alla passeggiata i resti dell’acquedotto e le piccole valli della zona. Partenza ore 9.00
da Spello P.zza della Repubblica (P.zza Comune), rientro ore 13.00, diff. Facile. Costo €10
DOMENICA (a piedi) EREMI Lungo la via Francigena di san Francesco Assisi-Eremo delle
carceri-boschi del Subasio Un percorso bellissimo che ripercorre la via Francigena di San
Francesco (che collega La Verna a Roma) e ci porta a visitare uno dei più importanti luoghi di
preghiera francescani. Dopo aver visitato l’eremo ci immergeremo nei boschi del Subasio come
antichi pellegrini. Partenza da Assisi ore 8.30 parcheggio P.zza Matteotti. Rientro ore 13.00
circa. Difficoltà: media Costo €15
Per tutte le escursioni: SCARPE CHIUSE, ABBIGLIAMENTO COMODO, ACQUA MINIMO 6 PARTECIPANTI Sconto del 50% per minorenni. Attività rivolte ai soci Solearia: tessera €1 per adulti, gratis per
minorenni. L’associazione si avvale di guide escursionistiche riconosciute dalla Regione Umbria. Possibilità di concordare escursioni in tutta l’Umbria o richiedere il noleggio bici . Possibilità di trasporto partecipanti in macchina per e da il luogo di partenza E’ necessario prenotare: Antonella Tucci
(guida esc. Reg.) 328/6178307, [email protected]
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A week to discover the forests, hermitages and rivers with their silence and panorama.
MONDAY: (cycling) Route – Spello-Cannara cycling downstream. A simple ride (in the
plains) through Umbria enjoying the views of Mount Subasio from Spello and Assisi between
fields, rivers and trees. Visit Cannara, a typical medieval village and its surrounding vineyards
and hills. DEPARTING at 9.00am from the Spello car park and returning at 12.30pm. Difficulty: Easy (20km.) Price €25 (including bike hire) €15 without bike hire.
TUESDAY (by foot) Acqua The Forra of Mount Subasio. A simple walk along the riverbanks
of River Tescio whose water has grooved out a deep and beautiful passage. DEPARTING at
14.30 from Ponte la Pieve (5km from Assisi) and returning at 17.30. Difficulty: Easy. Price
WEDNESDAY (by foot) Forests – The Franciscan path between Assisi and Costa di
Trex A beautiful walk along a path rich with the story of the life and death of St Francis
returning to Nocera Umbra from his Assisi. To accompany you along the way is the wildness
and beauty of the River Tescio and the pines and oaks of Subasio. DEPARTING at 9.00am from
the car park of Piazza Matteotti and returning at 13,00. Difficulty: medium. Price €15,00.
THURSDAY (by foot) Collepino and the hermitages of Subasio Leaving from Collepino and
including places of intense spirituality: The abbey of San Silvestro, The Madonna of Spella and
its beautiful panorama and Madonna of Colpernieri, a small church of the Camadolse order.
The walk takes you through forest and fields… the heart and mind filling with space and unforgettable images. DEPARTING at 9.00am from Collepino (6km from Spello) and returning at
13,00. Difficulty: Easy. Price €15,00.
FRIDAY (free-cycling) RENT A BIKE (mountain or city bike with carrier and km counter) for a
free programme without guide. In collaboration with Coop Ecomoving. DEPARTING at 9,00
from the Lyrick Theatre Car Park at Santa Maria degli Angeli or at 10,00 from the Spello car
park and returning to the Lyrick at 16,00 or the Spello car park at 17,00. Price €18,00.
SATURDAY (by foot) Water – the long, antique Roman acquaduct of Spello and Collepino
A really interesting route for walkers that covers historical and archeological values, it takes
you back over the antique Roman acquaduct that runs from Spello to Collepino and vice versa.
The walk allows you to see the remaining part of the acquaduct and the small things of interest in the area. DEPARTING at 9,00 from Spello Piazza della Repubblica (Piazza Comune) and
returning at 13,00. Difficulty: Easy. Price €10,00.
SUNDAY (by foot) The hermitages along the Francescan route of St Francis, Assisi-Ermo
delle Carceri and the forest of Subasio. A beautiful route that covers the route of San Francis (which connects La Verna and Rome) and brings you to one of the most important prayer
places of St Francis. After visiting the hermitage, you can immerse yourself in the forest of
Subasio like a true antique pilgrim.
DEPARTING at 8,30 from the Piazza Matteotti car park and returning at around 13,00. Difficulty: medium. Price €15,00.
FOR ALL EXCURSIONS: closed shoes, comfortable clothing, water. Minimum of 6 participants. Discount of 50% for minors. Activities directed by the members of Solearia: Membership €1,00 per adult, free for minors. The association uses endorsed guides known by the
Umbria Council. It is possible to arrange excursions in all of Umbria or to rent bikes. Possibility to arrange transport for participants in cars to and from the tour places. IT IS NECESSARY
TO BOOK: Antonella Tucci (registered guide) Tel: 328 617 8307m [email protected]
SATURDAY 3 April, (by foot) Water – the long, antique Roman acquaduct of Spello
and Collepino A really interesting route for walkers that covers historical and archeological values, it takes you back over the antique Roman acquaduct that runs from
Spello to Collepino and vice versa. The walk allows you to see the remaining part of the
acquaduct and the small things of interest in the area. DEPARTING at 9,00 from Spello
Piazza della Repubblica (Piazza Comune) and returning at 13,00. Difficulty: Easy.
Price €10,00.
SUNDAY 4 April, (by foot) The hermitages along the Francescan route of St
Francis, Assisi-Ermo delle Carceri and the forest of Subasio. A beautiful route that
covers the route of San Francis (which connects La Verna and Rome) and brings you to
one of the most important prayer places of St Francis. After visiting the hermitage, you
can immerse yourself in the forest of Subasio like a true antique pilgrim. DEPARTING
at 8,30 from the Piazza Matteotti car park and returning at around 13,00. Difficulty:
medium. Price €15,00.
MONDAY 5 April: (cycling) Route – Spello-Cannara cycling downstream. A simple
ride (in the plains) through Umbria enjoying the views of Mount Subasio from Spello
and Assisi between fields, rivers and trees. Visit Cannara, a typical medieval village
and its surrounding vineyards and hills. DEPARTING at 9.00am from the Spello car
park and returning at 12.30pm. Difficulty: Easy (20km.) Price €20 (including bike
hire) €15 without bike hire.
MONDAY 5 April : (by foot) Acqua The Forra of Mount Subasio. A simple walk
along the riverbanks of River Tescio whose water has grooved out a deep and beautiful
passage. DEPARTING at 9.00 from the Piazza Matteotti car park, at 9.30 from Ponte la
Pieve (5km from Assisi) and returning at 12.30. Difficulty: Easy. Price €10,00.
FOR ALL EXCURSIONS: closed shoes, comfortable clothing, water. Minimum of 6
participants. Discount of 50% for minors. Activities directed by the members of
Solearia: Membership €1,00 per adult, free for minors. The association uses endorsed
guides known by the Umbria Council. It is possible to arrange excursions in all of
Umbria or to rent bikes. Possibility to arrange transport for participants in cars to and
from the tour places. IT IS NECESSARY TO BOOK: Antonella Tucci (registered guide)
Tel: 328 617 8307m [email protected]