stresa - Istituto Italiano Imballaggio
stresa - Istituto Italiano Imballaggio
SAVE STRESA THE DATE GRAND HOTEL DINO CORSO GARIBALDI 20 - BAVENO (VB) - ITALY 24 - 25 - 26 SEPTEMBER 2014 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE FOOD CONTACT COMPLIANCE The “FOOD CONTACT COMPLIANCE” Conference, dedicated to some of the WHO WE ARE most important and current themes in the context of disciplines concerning food contact materials, is to be held in the splendid location of Baveno/Stresa, Lago Maggiore (Italy). PROGRAM The event, of international standing, will witness the participation of experts from various countries. The speakers’ contribution will, as a priority, define the state-ofthe-art of R&D, new applications and legislative updates in the field of food contact. The conference will be organized as follows REGISTRATION FORM SOCIAL PROGRAMS - Milan - Stresa SPONSOR GRAND HOTEL DINO The first day is dedicated to the workshops in which will be illustrated: - Procedures for the authorisation of substances at European - and worldwide level; - Two databanks giving knowledge on the legislative situation; - Migration data; - Data on the toxicity of substances used in various food contact materials. The two following days will be dedicated to: - Legislative changes in Europe and worldwide; - Hot topics; - New EFSA approaches regarding risk assessment and cooperation - with member states; - Differences with the FDA; - New Council of Europe Resolution on metals. - Bookings - How to reach us CONFERENCE SECRETARY Phone +39 (0)2 58319624 - E-mail: [email protected] PROGRAM INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE FOOD CONTACT COMPLIANCE BAVENO/STRESA 24 - 25 - 26 SEPTEMBER 2014 ITALY WORKSHOP English-Only 24 SEPTEMBER 2014 10.00 - 10.30 Registration 10.30 - 11.30 DECERNIS Mr. Kevin C. Kenny - Chief Operating Officer, Decernis, Washington DC, USA Database and Red-Light/Green Light for global legislation on food contact substances, food additives, contaminants, flavours, etc. 11.30 - 12.15 ISEGA INSTITUTE Mr. Ralph Derra - Director of Isega, Germany Title to be confirmed 12.15 - 13.00 SCIENTIFIC INSTITUTE OF PUBLIC HEALTH Mr. Fabien Bolle - Scientific Institute of Public Health, Brussels Database of substances known by Council of Europe and used in Food Contact Materials 13.00 - 14.15 LUNCH 14.15 - 15.30 KELLER AND HECKMAN LLP Ms. Joan Baughan - Keller and Heckman LLP, Washington Petitioning in USA, CHINA and JAPAN 15.30 - 16.00 COFFEE BREAK 16.00 - 17.15 KELLER AND HECKMAN LLP Mr. Rob Veraart - Keller and Heckman LLP, Brussels Petitioning in EU and EU-MS 17.15 - 17.45 MINISTRY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Ms. Sumalee - Department of Science Service, Ministry of Science and Technology, Thailand Exporting in Thailand and other ASEAN countries 17.45 - 18.15 Questions and answers with all the speakers of workshop CONFERENCE English-Only 25 SEPTEMBER 2014 09.00 - 09.30 Registration 09.30 - 09.40 Mr. Marco Sachet - Director Istituto Italiano Imballaggio, Milan Introduction to the conference FIRST SESSION: LAWS IN EU 09.40 - 09.45 Moderator: Mr. Luigi Rossi - Independent Strategic Advisor, Keller and Heckman LLP, Brussels 09.45 - 10.25 Mr. Bastiaan Schupp - European Commission, Health and Consumers Directorate General, Innovation and Sustainability, European Commission, Belgium Laws development on plastics, plastic guidances and road map 10.25 - 11.00 Ms. Catherine Simoneau and Mr. Eddo Hoekstra - European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Institute for Health and Consumer Protection, Ispra EC specific guidances on migration and modelling 11.00 - 11.30 COFFEE BREAK 11.30 - 12.00 Mr. Fabien Bolle - Scientific Institute of Public Health, Brussels Council of Europe Resolution on metals. Draft laws on coatings in Belgium 12.00 - 12.30 Ms. Karla Pfaff - Head of Unit Analysis and Exposure Assessment, Department Safety of Consumer Products, Federal Institute for Risk Assessment, Berlin German new drafts (inks, mineral oils) and future developments 12.30 - 13.10 Mr. Rinus Rijk - Consultant at AdFoPack, Utrecht Ms. Rachida Semail - Keller and Heckman LLP, Brussels New draft laws in Netherlands / Laws and draft laws in France 13.10 - 14.30 LUNCH SECOND SESSION: NIAS AND OTHER ISSUES 14.30 - 14.40 Moderator: Mr. Dario Dainelli - Director Analytical & Regulatory Affairs, Sealed Air, Italy 14.40 - 15.10 Mr. Koni Grob - Research Analyst, Official Food Control Authority of the Canton of Zurich How to close the gap between the legal requirements and reality? 15.10 - 15.40 Ms. Leonor Garcia - Coca-Cola, Europe NIAS and Road Map: industry position 15.40 - 16.10 COFFEE BREAK 16.10 - 16.40 Ms. Rachida Semail - Partner, Keller and Heckman LLP, Brussels Declaration of compliance 16.40 - 17.05 Mr. Juergen Towara - Senior Expert Food Contact, Intertek GMP: compliance with EU Regulation 2023 /2006 and its confirmation 17.05 - 17.30 Ms. Ana Montenegro - Technical Service and Development Polyolefins Manager, REPSOL Main needs to assure food contact quality in Polyolefins packaging 17.30 - 18.00 Ms. Anna Gergely - Director, EHS Regulatory, STEPTOE & JOHNSON LLP, Brussels Relationship between FCM law and REACH 20.00 OFFICIAL DINNER CONFERENCE English-Only 26 SEPTEMBER 2014 THIRD SESSION: EFSA 08.55 - 09.00 Moderator: Ms. Maria Rosaria Milana - Director Unit "Exposure and Risk from Materials" ISS, Rome 09.00 - 09.30 Mr. Vittorio Silano - Member of EFSA Contaminant Panel and Professor at Rome University Role and organization of EFSA and its methodologies in risk assessment 09.30 - 10.00 Mr. Eric Barthélemy - Scientific Officer for Food Contact materials, Food Ingredient and Packaging, EFSA EFSA: Draft of new Guidelines of FCM (TTC approach) 10.00 - 10.30 Mr. Laurence Castle - The Food and Environment Research Agency, York (UK) Estimation of exposure in FDA and in EFSA and the issue of critical population (e.g. childrens) 10.30 - 11.00 Mr. Alexandre Feigenbaum - Scientific coordinator ReSafe network Technopole Alimentec, France The Scientific Cooperation between Member States on non plastic food contact materials: conclusions of the EFSA Working Group and update 11.00 - 11.30 COFFEE BREAK FOURTH SESSION: MAIN INTERNATIONAL LAWS 11.30 - 11.35 Moderator: Mr. Maurizio Bonuomo - Barilla, Parma 11.35 - 12.05 Mr. Devon Hill - Partner, Keller and Heckman LLP, Washington FDA and Canada laws 12.05 - 12.35 Mr. Jeff Keithline - Partner, Keller and Heckman LLP, Shangai New law in China and Japan 12.35 - 13.05 Mr. Kevin C. Kenny - Chief Operating Officer, Decernis, Washington DC, USA Mr. Rinus Rijk - Consultant at AdFoPack, Utrecht Laws in India, Korea, Russia and South Arabia 13.05 - 13.15 Mr. Marco Sachet - Director Istituto Italiano Imballaggio, Milan End of conference 13.15 LUNCH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE FOOD CONTACT COMPLIANCE INFORMATION AND GENERAL CONDITIONS The International Conference will be held the 24-25-26 September 2014 at the Grand Hotel Dino - Corso Garibaldi 20 - Baveno (VB) - Italy Conference attendees can enjoy an especially reduced hotel booking fee. Please click here to access the booking form. PARTICIPATION FEE WORKSHOP CONFERENCE WORKSHOP+CONFERENCE € 370,00 no VAT € 700,00 no VAT € 900,00 no VAT The registration fees include: participation at the study days, coffee breaks, lunch, dinners and speakers minutes. REGISTRATION - Send via fax to n° +39 (0)2 58319677 or via e-mail to the address [email protected] the participation form filled in full and signed as well as a copy of the bankers draught. PAYMENT - Forward payment by bankers draught to: Packaging Meeting Srl Consulenza & Formazione - Unicredit Banca Ag.2, Milano - IBAN: IT16J0200801602000004255458 - Swift code: UNCRITMM VAT and Tax Code n. IT12464120158 CONFERENCE SECRETARY: Phone +39 (0)2 58319624 - E-mail: [email protected] Packaging Meeting Srl reserves the right to make any modifications to the program even during the holding of the same REGISTRATION FORM Company…………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………...……………………… Street …….………………………………………………………………………………...………………………………..………………… City……………………………….…………………....……….…. Zip Code……………..…….… Country ………...………….....…... Telephone/fax ……………………………………..…… e-mail (for invoices)…….…………….………………………………….…... VAT number ……………………..……………………… Tax Code………...……………………………...………………….………… Having read and accepted the “information and general conditions” I/we ask to register for the International Conference - FOOD CONTACT COMPLIANCE 24-25-26 September 2014 - Baveno (VB) - Italy Name and Surname ……………………………………………………………… Role/Rank ………...……………………………………….. E-mail of participant(s) …………………………………………………………………………….…………………………..…………………… WORKSHOP 24 September CONFERENCE 25-26 September WORKSHOP+CONFERENCE 24-25-26 September Mode for cancellation/reimbursement: any cancellation should be sent to the offices of Packaging Meeting Srl Consulenza & Formazione via registered letter or fax. Cancellations that reach the organizer’s offices 3 full working days prior to the start of the Conference will be reimbursed. No reimbursements will be granted for cancellations which reach the organizer’s offices outside this deadline. “To protect the right of privacy, it be made known that the compiling of the following document implies your consent so that the data contained in the same be registered by the Istituto Italiano Imballaggio and by Packaging Meeting Srl for the sole purpose of keeping you informed of their institutional activities, before which you may exercise your rights as under art. 13 of Decreto Legislativo 196/2003”. Date .............................………. Stamp and Signature................................................................................................................ Your order number …………………………………………………………..……………..…..………………….…………………….…… ITALY SOCIAL PROGRAMS MILAN SIGHTS IN MILAN Fashion, fine food, culture and business, Milan is as much gloss and glamour as it is business. In spite of its frenetic urban pace, you can sill appreciate Milan’s rich history and culture by visiting its passionate operas, unique art treasures, delightful churches and museums. DUOMO. Dating back to 1300, the Duomo is Milan’s most LA SCALA. Since 1778, this famous opera house is dedicated outstanding artistic and religious monument. Also the world’s third largest Christian church, this Gothic wonder has one of the best views in the city. to Italy’s most celebrated composers and performers. It was here that Rossini made his name, where Verdi premiered most of his works nad Puccini’s “Madame Butterfly” had its first airing. SANTA MARIA DELLE GRAZIE. A pilgrimage for all Leonardo Da Vinci’s fans, this church houses Milan’s greatest art treasure – Leonardo da Vinci’s “The last Supper”. The recently restored fresco can be admired on the refectory wall. And unlike most of the church, the refectory miraculously escaped the bombs of World War II. BE IN VOGUE. Arguably one of the world’s fashion and design capitals, it’s no surprise that shopping is a religion here. Check out via Montenapoleone and via della Spiga, especially if you are a fashionista. ITALY SOCIAL PROGRAMS STRESA BORROMEAN ISLANDS Their name derives from the Borromeo family, which started acquiring them in the early 16th century (Isola Madre) and still owns the majority of them (Isola Madre, Bella, San Giovanni) today. STRESA AND NEIGHBOROGH ISOLA BELLA, named for Isabella, countess Borromeo, was THE GIARDINI BOTANICI VILLA TARANTO originally a largely barren rock; after first improvements and buildings, opened by count Carlo III between 1629 and 1652, his son Vitaliano the 6th built an attractive summer palace, bringing in vast quantities of soil in order to build up a system of ten terraces for the garden. Isola Madre, the largest of the three, is also noted for its gardens, which are maintained from about 1823 in an English style. Isola dei Pescatori is now the only inhabited island in the archipelago. It has a fishing village, which in 1971 had a population of 208. (16 hectares) are botanical gardens located on the western shore of Lake Maggiore The gardens were established 19311940 by Scotsman Neil McEacharn who bought an existing villa and its neighboring estates. They opened to the public in 1952.Today the gardens contain nearly 20,000 plant varieties, representing more than 3,000 species, set among 7 km of paths. Among its collections are azalea, cornus, greenhouses of Victoria amazonica, and 300 types of dahlias. It also contains a small herbarium and the founder's mausoleum. CK OS I L C G LO SUPPORTED by SPONSORED by Grand Hotel Dino Corso Garibaldi, n 20 - 28831 Baveno (VB) Italy INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE FOOD CONTACT COMPLIANCE “ISTITUTO ITALIANO IMBALLAGGIO” 24 – 26 September 2014 ACCOMMODATION FORM To be sent to: GRAND HOTEL DINO - BAVENO (VB) Tel +39 0323 913990 Fax: 0323 913847 e-mail: [email protected] (only for reservation) Reservation form should be sent within SEPTEMBER 10, 2014 Bookings will be handled on a first come first serve basis. FAMILY NAME/FIRST NAME.....................................................................…. ADDRESS:...........................................................................................................…. CITY:....................................................POSTAL CODE.........................……………. PHONE NR:............................................FAX NR ....................................................... E-MAIL : …………………………………………………………………………… ARRIVAL DATE..................…………DEPARTURE DATE......………...………… SINGLE ROOM HOTEL SIMPLON € 120.-- +VAT 10% (x 1 person) DOUBLE ROOM HOTEL SIMPLON € 150.-- +VAT 10% (x 2 persons) DOUBLE IN SINGLE USE G.H.DINO € 140.-- +VAT 10% (x 1 person) DOUBLE ROOM OR TWIN ROOM G.H.DINO € 170.-- +VAT 10% (x 2 persons) ABOVE RATES INCLUDE BREAKFAST BUFFET AND WIFI CONNECTION TOURIST TAX € 1.50.—PER PERSON/PER NIGHT NOT INCLUDED (The Hotel Simplon and Grand Hotel Dino are connected by an Art Gallery) Cancellation from 30 to 15 days prior to arrival: Cancellation from 14 days prior to arrival : No-Show 1 night charge FULL reserved stay will be charged FULL reserved stay will be charged RESERVATION GUARANTEE BY CREDIT CARD: CREDIT CARD: □VISA □ AMERICAN EXPRESS □MASTERCARD CREDIT CARD HOLDER………………………………………………………. CREDIT CARD NUMBER…………………………………………………. EXPIRY DATE…………………. Reservation are not accepted without the credit card details DATE........................................... SIGNATURE....................................……........ □ I authorize you to process my personal data in accordance with D.Lgs. 196/03 (please tick the box) Hotel Address for the meeting Grand Hotel Dino Corso Garibaldi n 20 28831 Baveno (VB) - Italy tel +39 0323 922201 (do not use for reservation) How to reach us BAVENO STRESA ITALY GRAND HOTE L DINO - CO RSO G ARIB AL DI 20 - B AVEN O (VB) - ITALY We suggest you some indications of how to reach the Hotel which is situated in BavenoStresa (VB) - Italy. BY CAR From Sempione Pass Switzerland, we suggest to go forward when SS 33 becomes Highway A26 and exit at Baveno-Stresa. From San Bernardino-Bellinzona-Locarno Switzerland just follow the main road keeping the lake always on your left hand side until you reach Stresa (SS 34 until Verbania, then SS 33 direction Milan). If you come from Milan, get A8 in direction of the lakes (Laghi Sesto Calende), go on to A26 direction Gravellona Toce. On highway A26 you may exit at Arona and then follow SS 33 up to Stresa for about 18 Km keeping the lake on scenic road on your right hand side. You may also go forward on A26 and exit at Carpugnino (forbidden to buses) where you'll find a narrow road going down to Stresa (5 Km) with a wonderful panoramic view. Otherwise you can continue going till the exit Baveno-Stresa where the road will immediately reach the lakeside: you'll need to drive back to Stresa for about 5 Km with the lake on your left hand side. BAVENO Main driving distances and times: Firenze Km 390 (4 hours driving) Milano Km 80 (50 min driving) Roma Km 650 (7 hours driving) Torino Km 135 (90 min driving) Venezia Km 350 (4 hours driving) Verbania Km 15 (10 min driving) Locarno Switzerland Km 45 (50 min driving). BY PLAIN The nearest airport is Milan Malpensa. From the airport you can reach Stresa by car, by bus, by train. The taxi service is available upon request at the moment of booking. From the airport you can also take an autobus till the railway station of Gallarate and from there take a train till Stresa (line Milan-Domodossola). Moreover there is a service Alibus, the new shuttle bus direct from the airport to the main towns of the Lake Maggiore, can be booked upon request. If you prefer renting a car, go from the airport to highway A8 and then follow the above directions in the "by car" section. Milano Linate National Airport Km 110 (75 min driving) Milano Malpensa International Airport Km 45 (50 min driving) Turin Airport Km 150 (2 hours driving). BY TRAIN Most of the frequent trains on the Milan-Domodossola line stop in Stresa. Furthermore daily trains from/to Milan, Turin, Venice and, through the Simplon Pass to/from Bruxelles, Geneva and Basel are direct to/from the Railway Station of Stresa, which is situated in the center of the town. It takes about 50 minutes (Intercity) and 80 minutes (local trains) to reach the Central Station of Milan.
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