April 10 Ezine - Amber Jayanti
April 10 Ezine - Amber Jayanti
W E N l l A The Magickal Light Volume 5 Issue 4 April 1st 2010 Inside this Issue: Interview with Amber Jayanti _______________________________________ Merlin by Gypsy Avalon _______________________________________ The Order of the Everlasting Day By Marcus Katz _______________________________________ Pagan Festival by Frances Billinghurst Image © Pino Longchild Edi to r’ s L et te r Highlights New Zealand Pagan Festival, P.3 Australian High Priestess, Frances Billinghurst, writes about a recent festival she attended. The Meaning of Archangels, P.7 A l l N E W That’s not all though: Marcus Katz provides us with a glimpse at his new magickal project; The Order of the Everlasting Day which seems to be a fascinating new venture. Francis Billinghurst as always provides an Antipodean perspective with her a c co u n t o f a r e ce n t Pa g a n festival in New Zealand. There’s articles too from new contributors Jas dela Luna and L i n a B . Hu m p h r i e s , n o t forgetting the last in the series about C e l t i c-A r t h u r i a n mythology with a look at Merlin by Gypsy Avalon. M erry Meet everyone! I trust that you are all keeping well. Before I tell you about the ezine this month I just want to say a big thank you to Natrob87 and Inkky on the Forum who have recently given it a complete overhaul and upgrade. I think you’ll agree it looks better and we will all benefit from the more advanced security features. This month in the ezine I am delighted to be able to present to you my interview with Amber Jayanti. Amber truly is one of the great Tarot teachers and she wa s an absolute delight to question. Her interview on page 12 is one of the fullest that the ezine has carried and has some fascinating information about the floor of the cathedral in Siena. Just one more thing: You will see some changes to the Magicka Shop over the next couple of m o n t h s . We ’ v e m a d e s o m e decisions to increase the range of stock and will also soon be showca sing some exclusive Magicka jewelry. Watch out for announcements in the coming newsletters. Jas Dela Luna writes about the background to Archangels. Empathy, Development & Control, P.9 Lina B. Humphries discusses what it means to be an Empath. Interview with Amber Jayanti, P.12 Pino interviews one of the most highly respected Tarot teachers. Introducing the Order of the Everlasting Day, That’s it. Enjoy this month’s P.18 ezine. Love and Light, Pino Marcus Katz introduces his new magickal order. Merlin, P.27 Gypsy Avalon concludes the series of Celtic-Arthurian articles. © All text and images in this ezine are copyright of www.magickaschool.com, or of the respective authors, artists and photographers. Please respect the copyright of our contributors. Submissions to the ezine may not be reproduced elsewhere without the written permission of the original author, artist or photographer, except where they are from copyright free or share alike sources as indicated. Inclusion of photography and art taken from copyright free or share alike sources does not mean that these artist and photographers support or approve of Magicka School. If you would like to comtribute to The Magickal Light Ezine please email [email protected] for further details. 2 New Zealand Pagan Festival by Frances Bi"inghurst N ew Zealand, a country located at the bottom of the world, seemingly rather non-eventful (except for when it banned American nuclear warships back in the 1980s which resulted i n t h e “ B i g B ro t h e r ” attempting to impose a trade ban in order to get its own way), known for its sheep population, love of extreme sports, and o u t s t a n d i n g s c e n e r y. However, just below the surface there seems to be another side to this rather laid-back countr y that would not be found in travel books. New Zealand seems to have a long and rather varied occult history which, whilst rather hidden from view, still offers to intrigue those who stumble across it. I first became aware of this history when, in 2003, I attended the 4th annual New Zealand Pagan Fest whereby Roel van Leeuwen, who was investigating this history for his then PhD, presented a lecture on the topic. Roel mentioned that when the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn established the Smaragdum Thallesses Temple in Havelock North (more commonly known as “Whare Ra”) in 1912, it turned out to be one of the last vestibules of that Order, not officially closing until 1978. An offshoot of the Golden Dawn, the Builders of the Ad y t u m ( o r “ B O TA” ) , founded in 1921-22 by Paul Foster Case, was established in New Zealand in 1963 after a visit by its then head, Anne Davies. Other occult and esoteric organisations exist in New Zealand as well, such as A.M.O.R.C., the O.T.O., Society of Guardians, and even the Order of the Nine Angles. During the 2003 Pagan Fest, I worked with Philip CarrFrances at the Festival Gomm, author and Chief Druid of the Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids. From that visit, coinciding with the publication of his then book “Druidcraft”, Philip was also attracted to New Zealand, whereby he established the Av r o n e l l e School of Druidcraft. Over a course of a year, during five weekends, each held around the time of t h e Fu l l Mo o n , P h i l i p , together with 20 others, met at various locations each time a r o u n d Ne w Z e a l a n d t o undertake teachings. Philip Carr-Gomm, Chief Druid Another contact that I made at that initial festival was Mambo Paula Wedo, who at that time was a Vodou Mambo sur point, meaning that she had undergone the second degree Vodou initiation. Since that time, Mambo Paula has returned to Haiti at least twice for various initiations, and more recently to assist in the aftermath of the January earthquake and her Danthor Foundation Drummer at the Festival 3 which was set up to help the orphans in Haiti. When I returned to the New Z e a l a n d Pa g a n Fe s t i n February of this year, some s e v e n y e a r s l a t e r, I w a s accompanied in both the opening and closing rituals by occult philosopher and author Ramsay Dukes. One of my biggest challenges was to write a suitable ritual without having worked with Ramsay before and therefore not really knowing what his ritual influences are. Added to this was my assumption that the New Zealand Pagan scene was still largely solitary, so what I devised was loosely structured to allow for the different individualistic styles and personalities that was also suitable for about 100 participants (compared to the 250 people who attended the 2003 opening ritual). I also blended together a number of techniques, including vibrating Enochian elemental calls, chanting and various movements, to cater for the differing levels of experience. My own invocation of the Goddess reflected my Wiccan training, whereas Ramsay’s call to the God showed him Crowley-influenced with Therion stomping around the circle. This was later embraced when the other men present created an inner circle reciting a version of the God chant I use at various rituals of my own, in comparison to the larger one where the women were circling in the opposite direction reciting the better known Goddess chant. In all, there were about 12 different presenters offering a wide range of talks over the weekend that ranged from the history of European magickal performances (such as Morris dancing and the Mummer Plays), and medicinal New Zealand herbs, through to Aleister Crowley’s Book of the Law and the Thelema current, as well as comparing Alexandrian Wicca to modern Wicca. My own presentation was on the Dark Goddess whereby the mantra of KaliMa was chanted as a way of connecting to Deity. There were also a number of practical workshops as well from cord making and knot magick, through to the tarot, past life journeying and power raising, which was a lot of fun. Whilst attendance numbers seemed to be down compared to the 2003 event (largely due to the global financial crisis which had hit New Zealand rather severely), there were still plenty to see, listen and do with demonstrations of belly dancing and medieval archery being had, as well as market stalls. Prior to the closing ritual on the Sunday there was a panel consisting of the presenters sharing our various views and opinions on how to approach covens and finding suitable teachers, as well as the various structures of groups. One thing that I noted that whilst there seems to be a lack of interest with respect to training in more disciplined covens, particularly those which are more traditional in their format (ie, that being Alexandrian or Gardnerian), five of the eight panellists were in fact from that background, with one having actually trained with Alex Sanders himself in London. In the closing ritual, Ramsay took on the role of a Mercurial spirit, whilst I the High Priestess from the Rider Waite tarot cards. As the ritual space was opened, each participant took with them a seed that contained within them many memories of the weekend. A number of comments made over the weekend have been mulling around in my head since February, one being the question of why we were there, at a Pagan festival, as opposed to any other kind of festival? Why do we classify ourselves as Pagans? What does Paganism actually mean to us? What actually sets our practices truly apart from the other spiritual and/or religious beliefs? With what seems to be the push these days for Paganism to be assimilated with the other more orthodox religions in order to “ease” classification and/or clarification (which, to me, tends to be limited to the descriptions of one particular faith in particular, that of Christianity), sometimes it seems hard to differentiate between what is Christian, Buddhist etc and what is Pagan, in particular with the modern concept that one can be a “Pagan Christian” or a “Christian Wytch”. 4 Wi c c a , i n p a r t i c u l a r, h a s seemed to have lost a lot of its b o u n d a r i e s , s o to s p e a k , within the wider community with just about anyone classifying themselves as a Wiccan regardless of whether they have been initiated into the Mystery religion stemming from Gerald Gardner that centres around the duality and polarity of Deity. I am hoping that by the time I return to the 2011 festival, that I may at least have found some answers. Frances Billinghurst is the High Priestess of the Temple of the Dark Moon, an active “progressive” Wiccan coven which offers courses in Wicca including a 13-lecture correspondence course, as we" as holding public Fu" Moon gatherings. For further information, write to her at PO Box 2451, Salisbury Downs SA 5108, visit the Temple's web site. www.templedarkmoon.com, or email [email protected]. 5 The Alchemical Amphitheatre You’re taking the course, now buy the book! Marcus Katz’s The Alchemical Amphitheatre is now available exclusively through Lulu.com Purchase at http://stores.lulu.com/ farawaycentre 6 Wedding & Ceremonial Services Ordained Priestess, Lady Natra I am sanctioned to perform ceremonies and rituals for most religious services. I will make them meaningful for you and your loved ones. Pagan, Wiccan, Christian, Buddhist and Non- Denominational ceremonies provided • • • • • • • • Weddings (Gay or Straight) Affirmation of Love Ceremony Vow Renewal Vows Belly Blessing (Pregnant Women) Rituals for Pregnancy and New Baby House Blessings Funeral Memorial & Eulogy Additional Wedding Services Include: Marriage counselling Assistance with writing personal vows and prayer selection 12 month timeline wedding plan check list I am located in Southern California, but willing to travel with paid expenses (airfare, car rental & motel), you may contact me at: Cost of Service $85.00 [email protected] (please write "MinistryAd" in the memo box so that I know how you heard about my services) or call me at: 714 336-8076 (U.S. Currency) Lifetime Members of Magickaschool get 20% off www.ladynatra.com 7 The Meaning of Archangels By Jas Dela Luna A rchangels serve ONE purpose, they are here to help and serve us. They have no space or time restrictions and can be everywhere at once to aid and assist you. They also serve to offer us Divine guidance, and are simply manifestations of the Divine energy source that flows through all things. The medieval Celestial Hi e r a r c h y i s a m e t h o d f o r classification used still today in angelology. In the Celestial Hierarchy, Archangels fall into the eighth of nine levels. Most Archangels (all of them, other than two that are known), have names that end in the suffix “el”. “El” means “in God” and follows the first part of the archangels’ name and describes the archangels’ “specialty”. Christianity? The names of the fifteen archangels featured in this article are gathered from Jewish, Cabalistic, Christian, and Is l a m i c a n c i e n t s p i r i t u a l practices, texts, and beliefs. These are not the same way that angels are recognized by these religions today, as in ancient times there was a great deal of mysticism involved in each of their practices. For this reason, the Archangels are what I have “Archangels...are heavily influenced by, and rooted in, Judaeo-Christian beliefs.” dubbed “areligious” and worked The Archangels with by practitioners of many paths, religious and nonreligious The list of archangels that I alike. have included in this article is A l a r g e a m o u n t o f t h e not all inclusive. The actual information a vailable f rom number of archangels is not historical texts are written from agreed upon, but these are the a Christian perspective, and it angels that I feel comfortable should be noted that Archangels, l i s t i n g . A l o n g w i t h t h e although “areligious” are heavily A r c h a n g e l ’s n a m e I h a v e influenced by and rooted in included the meaning of their name and the religious origin of Judeo-Christian beliefs. the angel. There was one specific point in Christian history that had a Ariel- The name means “Lion of God”. Ariel is long-lasting effect on the Cabalistic in origin. p u b l i c ’s knowledge of archangels. It was during the Azrael – The name means “reign” of Pope Zachary (741-52 “Whom God helps”. C.E.)of the Roman Catholic Azrael is Hebrew and Church. Pope Zachary believed Muslim in origin. that the public’s interest in the archangels had been approaching idolatry. The Pope Chamuel- The name means then decided to “officially” “He who sees God”. remove the names of seven Chamuel is Judeoarchangels from the accepted Christian in origin. l i s t . Ho we v e r, t h o s e s e v e n archangels are still included in Gabriel- The name means the list I have provided below: “Strength of God”. Gabriel is JudeoChristian in origin. 8 Haniel- The name means “Grace of God”. Haniel is Babylonian and Cabalistic in origin. Jeremiel- The name means “Mercy of God”. Jeremiel is Judaic in origin. Jophiel- The name means “Beauty of God”. Jophiel is JudeoChristian in origin. is Judaic and Cabalistic in origin. Uriel- The name means “God is light”. Uriel is JudeoChristian in origin. Zadkiel- The name means “Righteousness of God”. Zadkiel is Cabalistic in origin. Metatron- The name means “He who occupies the throne next to the divine throne”. Metatron is Judaic and Cabalistic in origin. Michael- The name means “Who is like God”. Michael is JudeoChristian in origin. Raguel- The name means “Friend of God”. Raguel is JudeoChristian in origin. Raphael- The name means “Healing power of God”. Raphael is Judeo-Christian in origin. Raziel- The name means “Secrets of God”. Raziel is Judaic and Cabalistic in origin. Sandalphon- The meaning of the name of Sandalphon is unknown. Sandalphon Michael tramples Satan by Guido Reni, 1636, Capuchin church of Santa Maria de"a Concezione. 9 Empathy, Development and Control by Lina B. Humphries This month Lina discusses what it means to be an Empath and how to control and utilise this ability. mpathy is the ability to read or sense others’ emotions and state of mind. This gift can be quite frustrating as emotional atmospheres can become over whelming for the empath. Being in large crowds where there are considerable amounts of mixed emotions can be a struggle and living in a big city or just going to work or school can become a hardship. For someone who is just discovering that they have this empathetic ability it can be quite a challenge! E Here are a few things to remember from my personal endeavors in controlling my empathetic abilities: - You should begin to take note to how you are feeling, several times a day. Stop what you are doing and pay attention to how you feel and your state of mind. Also take note of your surroundings; for example, whether you are with a group of people or in a h u g e c r o w d . No t e t h e differences between the state of mind induced when in the presence of people and that of how you are when you are alone. This helps teach discernment between yourself and others. - You must meditate or at least sit quietly and learn to watch your thoughts and emotions. The more aware you are about your state of mind and your feelings, the easier you can tell them apart from someone else’s. Meditation is also a great way to develop a sort of shield; a shield that protects you from receiving energy from those around you. It can also be used as a very good way to filter the receiving of energy. There will be a difference in the quantity of feelings you receive when the shield is developed and up, compared to how you feel when your shield is not in use. This shield is a great defense mechanism and one that can be expanded and worked on. help sensitize you to the different "feel" of each person and their emotions/thoughts or state of mind. Everyone is different and they all give off different energies. The goal here is to distinguish what belongs to you and what belongs to others. - Try to find an activity that brings solidity into your physical self. This can help with the extra stress you may have to deal with. It will also help to prevent you from getting sick by keeping the energy circulating. A simple walk or jog is great! - Once you learn to identify your energy and distinguish that from others you have to find a method of releasing it from you. Grounding and centering is a great method of sending the energy back to Earth. There are other methods available as well; these include visualization, the use of song or chanting. Whatever is chosen, make sure that it is done on a regular basis, otherwise the energy will continue to circulate within you and may become heavy and stale. - Practicing a statement such as "This anger belongs to ..., but this is my feeling..." will 10 Empathy, Development and Control by Lina B. Humphries E m p a t h y, l i ke p s y c h i c abilities or telepathy, is a gift. Although at times it may seem as though no good can come of it, once it is fully developed and once it is under control, it can be used for positive things. Helping others during sensitive times when they feel as though no one can understand what they are experiencing is just one example of how this gift may be used. So don’t let being empathetic become too over whelming. Take your time in developing your skills and be proud of what you can accomplish. Advertisement: The Circle of Life Tarot by Maria Distefano Lina returns next month with the beginning of a series on dreams. She is a mentor assistant on the Magicka School Forum Available from Lo Scarabeo, Italy. Imported by Llewellyn Worldwide. 11 Pino Longchild interviews Amber Jayanti I first came across Amber Jayanti many, years ago when I bought her book Living the Tarot in a sma" esoteric shop in Greenwich, London that now no longer exists. I am delighted to be interviewing her for the ezine this month. I want first to ask you about yo u r t h r i l l i n g Ta r o t Illumination Journey, which took place earlier in 2009. It w a s a v a c a t i o n to u r ( o n w h i c h s t u d e n t s w e re invited) that took in some i m p o r t a n t It a l i a n Ta ro t landmarks. Can you tell us about the journey and also do you have anything similar planned for the future? Ahhhhhhhhhhhh, che meraviglia! What a wonderful and illuminating journey this “once in a lifetime” trip, to enjoy the glories of Tarocchi and promote the Italian translation of Tarot for Dummies, aka Tarocchi per Negati, was! Our group: Visited with the prolific, ingenious and most humble Tarocchi artist, Master O s v a l d o Me n e g a z z i a t Il Meneghe"o in Milan; trained to rural Riola to Hermantena and Er nesto’s absolutel y mind- Amber Jayanti Th.D., is a graduate of the Builders of the Adytum's (BOTA) thirteen-year long training in the Qabalistic Mysteries as well as a student of esoteric Hindu, Buddhist and Islamic teachings and practices. Her spare time is dedicated to social and political activism. She is a world renown expert on the Tarot. blowing Museo Dei Tarocchi, a tarocchi dream come tr ue; mar veled at the marble pavement of the The Cathedral of Siena; pilgrima ged to Il Gardino Dei Tarocchi, to embibe the ma gnificent sculpture garden created by the incomparable Niki De Saint Phalle, certainly the 8th wonder of the world; were blessed with the gracious Italian hospitality of the folks from Lo Scarabeo; and luxuriated for a few blissful d a y s a t t h e Fe d e ra t i o n o f Hermes Trismegistus Damanhur, taking classes with their tarot teachers extraordinaire, appreciating The inlaid marble mosaic floor their community and meditating is one of the most sumptuous of in their exquisite temples. its kind in Italy, covering the entire floor of the already The trip was also sprinkled with astounding cathedral. This work p r i v a te Ta r o c c h i co l l e c to r s occurred between the 14th and generously sharing their antique 16th centuries, with about 40 collections. artists making their contribution. The floor consists of 56 panels in different sizes. On part of that tour you They represent the Cumaean, went to the Cathedral of Delphic, Persian and Phrygian Siena. I was unaware that sibyls aka oracles or prophets, t h e c a t h e d ra l h a d Ta ro t scenes from the Old Testament, symbolism on its floor. It allegories and virtues. I believe sounds absolutel y we’re talking roots of the fascinating, who put the Renaissance Tarocchis. The symbolism there and why? earliest scenes were made by a Are there other religious graffito technique: drilling tiny buildings that contain such holes and scratching lines in the symbols? marble then filling these with 12 bitumen or mineral pitch. In a later stage black, white, green, red and blue marble intarsia were used. The uncovered floor can only be viewed for 6-10 weeks each year, generally including the month of September. The earliest panel is probably the Wheel of Fortune depicted in almost ever y Tarocchi deck, laid in 1372. Wheel of Fortune, Duomo Siena The Four Virtues (Temperance, Prudence, Justice and Strength) and Mercy date from 1406, are seen in the remarkable Tarocchi Du Mantegna that dates from the m i d - 1 4 0 0 ’s , t h e C a r y -Ya l e Visconti Tarocchi and numerous other tarot decks down through the ages. Of course, there is an awesome depiction of Hermes Trismegistus reputed to be a source of hermetic, magical, alchemical and, hence, Qabalistic wisdom and inspiration since antiquity. investigation of Hinduism, Buddhism and Sufism/Islam; traditions that are lightly touched upon in the BOTA studies. These most enriching and inspirational endeavors have more than convinced me that the Qabalistic Tarot and Tree of Life form a bridge between the inner traditions of the East and West. The recent release of “closet” Qabalist, Carl Jung’s Red Book, has further underscored this for me. Yo u a re p ro b a b l y b e s t known for your book Tarot for Dummies, which was a best seller in the USA and provides a starting point for many who are interested in the Tarot. Where, though, did your studies with the cards originate, and can you include h e re yo u r My personal favourite work associations with BOTA of yours is Living the Tarot. (Builders of the Adytum). What distinguishes it from m a n y Ta ro t b o o k s i s i t s Like so many love affairs, it was emphasis on application and lo ve at first sight in 1967. i n t e g r a t i o n . C o u l d yo u Perhaps the draw came from explain to our readers why previous lifetimes, as it’s been this is so important? suggested, or from my intense hunger to make sense of/get Yes, the book’s emphasis on p e r s p e c t i v e o n w h a t w a s taking the teachings discussed happening in my life and the and integrating them into one’s world. life is an elaboration on seeds planted within me from the A f t e r r e a d i n g j u s t a b o u t BOTA lessons. Agonizing it can everything I could find on the be at times, I feel obliged to subject, which was not very encourage others to also “walk much at the time, I began the talk.” That is, to take the looking for teachers. A tarot tarot out of the world of the teacher and student of BOTA, theoretical into the world of suggested I give the lessons a practical spirituality. (That’s why t r y. We l l , t h e c o u r s e w o r k one of my students started r e s o n a t e d d e e p l y. Ha v i n g calling me a “practical mystic.” completed the BOTA studies, I Although it’s a title that isn’t feel blessed to have given it the always a breeze for me to live up time and attention it so richly to, it has stuck—because it does deserved. Although some tarot give me something to live up to!) folks say that BOTA does not offer anything new, a geless Studying the symbolism and Wisdom is certainly not new! All meanings of the Major Arcana, of the mystico-spiritual systems and for that matter the entire being propa gated today are deck, is certainly valuable, yet some kind of reconfiguration of learning such on a cellular level, such Wisdom. by putting the teachings into use —living the cards, on a daily I was stirred to extend my basis has an essential role in BOTA learning with travel to understanding the symbolism. India, Nepal, Thailand, Turkey and Egypt. Such resulted in my 13 This aspect of the book deems S t u d y a n d p r a c t i c e o f t h e the Qabalistic Tarot to be a esoteric side of these teachings viable spiritual tradition. has shown me what they have in common with Judaism and I best mention that I had the Christianity. For instance: the pleasure of doing a new edition, e n t i r e p h y s i c a l u n i v e r s e i s Living the Qabalistic Tarot (RED Divinity ‘coming into being,’ the WHEEL WEISER 2004), with emphasis of loving kindness as the addition of more details on well as the workings of “cause the Qabalistic Tree of Life. and effect,” aka Karma. Over Here’s a thanks to Mar y K. times I have come to see the Greer for helping me to publish Tarot to be a system of symbols the book’s first edition in 1988, communicating and honoring twenty-two years ago. the core principles of the world’s great religio-spiritual traditions. What is your favourite Tarot To r e i t e r a t e , f o r m e t h e deck and why? Qabalistic Tarot and Tree of Life create a bridge between the Each deck, like both its maker traditions of East and West. As a and each one of us, is unique, peace activist since the 60s, I beautiful and beloved in its own experience the Tarot promoting way. For some teaching I use the peaceful co-existence between coloring book style black and r e l i g i o u s g r o u p s , h e n c e white BOTA deck as students countries. can color each card not only as an aspect of themselves, but In the mid 1970s you set up with their particular skin and the Santa Cruz School for hair tones, etc. I also use this Tarot and Qabalah Study. deck because coloring-in a card What are the aims of this i s a f o r m o f m e d i t a t i o n - - - o rg a n i z a t i o n a n d h o w offering the opportunity to successful has it been in recall a card’s meaning, intuit its realizing them? deeper significance and imprint its symbolism. The Santa Cruz School for Tarot & Qabalah Study was founded in Of course, much like learning 1975 to make the study and classical music helps one to experience of the Qabalistic improvise, learning the classical Tarot and Tree of Life more tarot helps one to work with accessible. Instruction aims at other decks. For this reason, I guiding and supporting each greatly appreciate the Rider- student's development (physical, Smith-Waite as so much has mental, emotional and spiritual) been written about it and there a n d t o h e i g h t e n h e r / h i s are so many variations of it—the a w a r e n e s s o f Re a l i t y - - t h e Albano Waite, Universal Waite, inseparability of spirit and Golden Rider, and so on. matter. Emphasis is on a balance of theor y and the practical application and integration of You describe yourself as a spiritual principles into everyday student of “Hindu, Buddhist life. and Sufi/Islamic teachings.” Have these faiths influenced The curriculum also teaches how you see the Tarot and if students to use what they have so how? lear ned to help foster this developmental process in others. Over the years I’ve had the joy of guiding hundreds of students through the school’s program that now offers 6 years of material. While the school is often a tremendous amount of work, I feel truly honored to be passing the Great Work along to others. Yo u r w o r k , St e p p i n g Through Addictive and Cod e p e n d e n t B e ha v i o u r i s designed to show the correlation between 12 step support programs and the l a s t s e v e n c a rd s o f t h e Tarot's Major Arcana. How effective a compliment to mainstream therapy do you regard the Tarot as being? Effectiveness has to do with the ability of both the therapist/ consultant to work with the Tarot as well as the client’s openness to working with the cards. Here intention is key. That is, how the Tarot is being used -as a mirror, diagnostic tool or indicator of future events. I experience the Ta r o t functioning as a potent adjunct to psychotherapy via the Jungian-type exploration of: archetypes, the phenomena of synchronicity, the collective unconscious and personal subconscious. Also, as compelling means of diagnosis similar to the Roarschach, Meyers-Briggs and Thematic Apperception tests, among others. As you know, trans-personal approach to psychotherapy is one that has come to the fore within the last 20 years or so. Certain Ta r o t clients periodically come in for what they jestingly label, “my double therapy appointment.” When a client is ready, this approach takes her/his attention beyond 14 the personal or “little me” picture, to the trans-personal, “big me” picture of what’s occurring in one’s life. I believe I stated earlier that the aforementioned is what attracted me to the Tarot in the first place. recognized by most scientists. There’s an article on my website that tells more about this. http:// www.practical-mystic.com/ You created Oils of the Tarot for the Pe r f u m e r ’s Apprentice Shop. Scent can be a key to path working, can you tell us about the connection between scent and Tarot? In Cosmologist and Mystics Meet you have written about the relationship between science and mysticism. Do you believe it’s important that they meet and if so, L i n d a f r o m t h e Pe r f u m e r ’s why? Apprentice enjoyed helping me create essential oils for Qabalistic It has been my experience that Tarot and Tree of Life for me. science and mysticism are two With only a couple of variations, sides of the same coin. I believe the scents I use were codified by the “meeting” of science and the Order of the Golden Dawn mysticism breaks down another (1888). barrier to interpersonal communication, and therefore Of course, research in the fields facilitates spiritual development. o f n e u r o p s y c h o l o g y a n d Science and mysticism teach aromatherapy has shown that many of the same things, yet in our sense of smell brings up different terms or languages. memories faster and for longer durations than any of our other In regard to the concept of the senses. Since the beginning of S i x D a y s o f Cr e a t i o n , o u r human histor y, alchemists, understanding may be greatly s h a m a n s , g u r u s a n d o t h e r improved if we change our mystico-spiritual practitioners human concept of days into that have used resins, and floral of Divine Days. Doing this essence, in the form of oils and allows each "day" to refer to an incense, to alter, modify and entire Age. On the first day of heighten awareness. This is why c r e a t i o n t h e Mo s t H i g h I recommend usa ge of the commands, "Let there be light scented oil associated with each (aka sub-atomic photons): and of the Qabalistic Tarot Cards there was light." Cosmologists and sephiroth (spheres) on the state that gravity became a Tr e e o f L i f e a s a w a y o f separate force, tearing away contributing to a deeper, more from the still unified basic f u l l b o d i e d a n d a u to m a t i c forces of nature. Here too, the recollection of its principles. still expanding universe teems Along this line, I wear the scent with the primary components of of a card or sphere on the Tree life-with quarks and anti-quarks, of Life as I’m studying, writing the smallest known constituents about, teaching or living it. of matter-along with electrons and other exotic par ticles, You are a Th. D (Doctor of emanating from the exploded Theology) what main things nebula giving forth light. This has your study of religions explosion, or the "Big Bang," is shown you? the first sta ge of evolution First, with regard to that Th.D, I’d like to clarify how I came by it. After reading my voluminous writings, my Builders of the Ad y t u m m e n t o r, a n d t h e n Pr e s i d e n t o f t h e O r d e r, commented that I had earned, and should use, the title of Th.D. Because titles are often superfluous status symbols, it took me a few years to actually add the letters to my name. Okay, on to your question. My s t u d y a n d p r a c t i c e o f numerous esoteric religions and spiritual traditions has repeatedly shown, the presence of the One Divine Consciousness in the manyness of creation. For example: the teachings of Advaita Vedanta can be perfectly aligned with the journey up the Qabalistic Tree of Life’s middle pil lar and consequently, and the path that Christ and Buddha, amongst others, took to enlightenment. I ’ l l c a l l o n t h e Sh e m a , t h e “watchwords,” of the ancient He b r e w p e o p l e to f u r t h e r answer this question. The Shema, the most sacred of the ancient Hebrew “Words of Po w e r, ” o r “ m a n t r a s . ” w a s handed down to Moses along with the Ten Commandments on Mt. Sinai. When translated from the Hebrew, the word Shema means, “Listen.” It is a call to attention from the Most High to the Hebrew people. However, from my point of view, the Shema is a “heads up” not only to the Jewish people, but to all people, as it affirms that all of c r e a t i o n , t h e a n i m a te a n d inanimate, creatures great are small, is divine in essence and origin. In addition to emphasizing the sacredness of life in all forms, these teachings have shown me 15 what I can do to eliminate suffering -be it human, animal and/or planetary. Last but not least, the physical world is a proving ground for the soul and the certainty that everything fits together in the greater scheme of things. W h a t a re projects? yo u r district different from mine to help remove a corrupt politician from office, or getting on a bus or plane etc. when it has the potential to help build the critical mass for a better world. What makes Amber Jayanti laugh or sing? latest Ta k i n g c a r e o f m y “ L i v i n g Temple,” is an ongoing project. This includes remaining healthy by swimming, biking and eating well, but not too much. Doing this balances out the rest of what I do, helping me to be the best person and Qabalistic Tarot facilitator that I can be. When I’m on the Tree of Life’s middle pil lar, the absolute absurdity of what’s going on in the world—sometimes referred to as the P L AY of consciousness, makes me laugh. Sing? I love to sing and chant? Like most singers, my feelings--love, joy, sadness, anger and so on move me to express myself through song. Chanting, whether in Sanskrit, Hebrew, Latin or English etc., gives me a “time- out” from the world so that I can return to it ready for the next round. I am in the process of getting a timely book on the Qabalistic Tree of Life ready for online purchase. Looking forward to teaching at the London School of Tarot for two weekends in With Respect & Love, September: 11-12/18-19 and some Amber Jayanti other work in Europe that’s in www.practical-mystic.com the process of jelling. Since, what I regard to be the Amber Jayanti, thankyou. coup d’etat occurring in the U.S. in 2000 when Bush, Inc. did their power grab, I’ve felt compelled to be more politically active. Working in the Peace Mo v e m e n t l o c a l l y a n d i n Washington DC with Codepink, involved in Election Protection--being part of the grassroots movement that brought election fraud to the attention of the general public and media. I’m presently working towards “Health Care for All.” For me being spiritual means having a social and political conscience, yet without undue attachment to the results -like the sphinx in the Wheel of Fortune. Also, relinquishing my aversion to canvassing a neighborhood in a voting 16 The Babylonian Tarot Before Egypt... ...There was Babylon Over four thousand years ago, the Sumerians built the world's first cities near the floodplains of ancient Mesopotamia, sometimes called Babylonia. Their sophisticated civilization was so influential that elements of Sumerian culture, including mythology and the system of writing, would survive for millennia. The "Land between the Rivers" was a land that lived and breathed magic, where celestial gods and capricious spirits watched over human activity. According to the author and tarot artist Sandra Tabatha Cicero, the powerful deities and mysterious incantations of ancient Babylonia can be seen as the very root of the Western Magical Tradition. The Babylonian Tarot by Sandra Tabatha Cicero ISBN 0-7387-0716-3 www.llewellyn.com The Babylonian Tarot is the only deck ever published on the deities, legends, and magical symbolism of ancient Mesopotamia, the oldest civilization on Earth. Beautifully original in concept and design, this deck remains faithful to tarot tradition. The Babylonian Tarot includes five extra cards—one Trump and four court cards—yet retains the traditional zodiacal, elemental, and planetary associations of modern decks. The companion book included, A Guide to the Babylonian Tarot, gives detailed descriptions of each card, including the deity or spirit depicted and its mythological significance, as well as divinatory interpretations for both upright and reversed positions. This guidebook also contains two new spreads designed specifically for The Babylonian Tarot, and a table of elemental, astrological, and qabalistic correspondences. www.freewebs.com/babylonian-tarot/index.shtml 17 Growing Up Pagan Finally, a children's workbook designed for Pagan families! Rich, exciting stories to read together and discuss, as well as activities to reinforce lessons in a fun way. Chock-full of puzzles, games, mythology, beautiful illustrations, and Pagan symbols, this workbook teaches the basic Wiccan belief system. Let this be a family affair, with parents, older siblings, and young children taking part in a "something-for -everyone" Pagan experience. A teaching tool for Pagan families, or others who want to teach their children diversity. Raine Hill says: The publisher did such a wonderful job on the layout and the fact that it is full-color inside and out is just breathtaking. I hope you and your Pagan child/ren enjoy! I am offering personalized copies for sale at http://www.myspace.com/rainehill and at http://www.rainehill.com Where To Buy: Chain bookstores, online stores and many small, independent stores will be carrying this book. If you favourite store doesn't have "Growing Up Pagan", please ask them to order it! http://www.schifferbooks.com Check your bookstores first! 18 The Order of the Everlasting Day Introducing the Order of the Everlasting Day n this unique Voice of the Seasons column, I would like to introduce r e a d e r s to t h e O r d e r o f Everlasting Day, a new form of Occult Order based on ancient principles, which is now accepting candidates. It has taken me some 25 years to develop this system, called WEIS (Western Esoteric Initiator y System) and I would particularly here like to discuss apprenticeship and t e a c h i n g . Yo u m a y s e e elsewhere on Magicka and at the end of this column for details on joining the Order of Everlasting Day (OED) which is open to all students of any background. I Introduction “On an evening before Easter Day, I sat at a table, and having (as my custom was) in my humble prayer sufficiently conversed with my Creator, and considered many great mysteries (whereof the Father of Lights his Majesty had shown me not a few) and being now ready to prepare in my heart, together with my dear Paschal Lamb, a sma", unleavened, undefiled cake; a" of a sudden arose so horrible a tempest, that I imagined no other but that through its mighty force, the hi" on which my little house was founded would fly into pieces.” So begins the first section of t h e C h e m i c a l We d d i n g o f Christian Rosencreutz, dated 1616, a bewildering and bedazzling allegor y of spiritual progress through Alchemy. What follows in the story is an invitation to a wedding, presented by “a fair and glorious lady, whose garments were all skycoloured, and curiously (like Heaven) bespangled with golden stars”. The journey which the character then proceeds upon, and their experience at the Wedding, is a clear depiction of inner growth and development, through the complex s y m b o l i s m o f c h e m i s t r y, romance and magick. You can read the entire piece at the link I have provided at the end of this column, along with two other allegories of the spiritual ascent in the WEIS. 19 These are study pieces and in true esoteric fashion make more sense the further along the path one travels. It is the romance and magick of this journey that I would like to write about in this column. We have yet another Easter day just today, as I write this, and I would wish to offer a similar invitation to a wonderful new journey of the spirit for all readers. However, we must first look at apprenticeship and what it m e a n s i n t h e We s t e r n Esoteric Initiatory System. Apprenticeship The concept of apprenticeship has almost vanished from western society outside of specialist trades and certain professions. In our educational system, we are taught from the outside in, and the modes of learning are constrained within propositional knowledge and logico-deductive reasoning. [1] We rarely learn how to be creative, intuitive, nor the nature of belief, our place in the world, and the nature of awareness and our relationship to the Universe. Our spiritual nature is stifled. It ha s been the Wester n Esoteric Initiatory System (WEIS) which has maintained the personal route to spiritual ascent, through hermetic and Gnostic teachings, against the preoccupation with science, wealth and formal education. Unfortunately, this tradition – this route – has been viewed as through a glass dimly for many generations. It is now experiencing a new renaissance; scholars are reco vering va st tracts of forgotten material, practitioners are sharing more experience more rapidly, and together we are generating a new esotericism. Arguably, the first seeds of which were seen in the birth of neo-paganism and the revival of the Witchcraft, Wiccan, Druidic and Pagan movements. But to find an authentic teacher requires that they be experienced in the journey. A wonderful demonstration of this journey and the role of the teacher (and the outcome) is to be found in the film, The Silent Flute (1978, also known as the Circle of Iron). This was co-writtten by martial artist Bruce Lee, drawing on Ta o i s m , Z e n a n d t h e teachings of Krishnamurti. Even should we find a teacher, our resistance is profound, for we are taught a lack of trust in our own early educational experience. The gifted C.S. No t t , a s t u d e n t o f G. I . Gurdjieff, whilst talking about how Gurdjieff ’s teachings would often provoke friction, also writes: In my childhood, and indeed later on in life, a" sorts of persons, .om my parents to my superior officers in the army, were constantly te"ing me what to think, feel and do. Outwardly I accepted their views, inwardly I doubted them: I doubted whether they were speaking .om inner conviction due to direct experience. Now I had met a man who, I was convinced, was speaking .om his own experience when he pointed out my faults and weaknesses. By his own efforts he had overcome these things, and he fu"y understood my needs. The older pupils also, when they answered my questions about the system, spoke only .om their own direct experience.[2] The roles of teacher and student in the WEIS are complex and mutable. Whilst we have no formal mystery school or guild structure, the Order of Everlasting Day (OED) does operate according to a graduated system of teaching and this is paramount to the success of the Work. The nature of hierarchy and control is moot, in that any self-organising and natural process has an inevitable hierarchy of function. 20 The Teacher State So what sort of teacher should y o u e x p e c t to f i n d ? T h e teacher of the WEIS is not particularly given to the role o f Ad e p t , Gu r u o r S i f u . Indeed, outside of cult-like groups, the role of authoritative teacher is difficult to maintain without resorting to controlling behaviour. The experience of the state of a contemporary teacher is best depicted in the late Da Free John’s short piece, the Ma n of Understanding. In one section, he writes: The man of understanding is not entranced. He is not elsewhere. He is not having an experience. He is not passionless and inoffensive. He is awake. He is present. He knows no obstruction in the form of mind, identity, differentiation and desire. He uses mind, identity, differentiation and desire. He is passionate. His quality is an offense to those who are entranced, elsewhere, contained in the mechanics of experience, asleep, living as various forms of identity, separation and dependence. He is acceptable only to those who understand. He may appear no different .om any other man. How could he appear otherwise? There is nothing by which to appear except the qualities of life...[3] The Student’s Journey T h e We s t e r n h e r m e t i c tradition contains a description of the trials and tribulations you will face as you progress in the initiatory system. You will also see that it is a process which exhausts all possibility of attachment and escape as you come to realise the truth. And even at the last stage, there is still the potential to be ensnared by illusion: Thence the human being rushes up through the cosmic .amework, at the first zone surrendering the energy of increase and decrease; at the second evil machination, a device now inactive; at the third the i"usion of longing, now inactive; at the fourth the ruler’s arrogance, now .eed of excess; at the fi/h unholy presumption and daring recklessness; at the sixth the evil impulses that come .om wealth, now inactive; and the seventh zone the deceit that lies in ambush.[4] Here we see a clear depiction of a way of exhaustion; as each zone or grade is attained, the psychic devices of the “earthborn man” (“child of earth” in the Golden Dawn Ne o p h y te i n i t i a t i o n ) a r e disabled, in order that the next grade can be attained, and ultimately entry into the “ogdoadic region” is attained. [5] It is this teaching that I present to candidates to the OED. It is a difficult but authentic path, and one to which not all are suited, for it is also a long journey requiring patience and dedication. It leads to what is called the Knowledge and Conversation of your Holy Guardian Angel. The Scale of the Journey The WEIS is graduated into specific “grades” or states of awareness. These are modelled on the Tree of Life, but also from earlier texts which are rarely known, dating a century prior to the Golden Dawn. The Golden Dawn offered Grades within several months of the preceding Grade, or suggested that only a nine-month period w a s a m i n i m u m b e t we e n significant steps in the system. In practice, it is my experience that in most cases, several years may be required between Grades. In a work of this scope, the normal process of ageing is a key component of the spiritual work. 21 The everyday experience of life provides more opportunities to learn and g r o w i n Wi s d o m a n d Understanding (in Kabbalah, Ma l k u t h , experience; Chockmah, Wisdom; Binah, Understanding) and growth comes from this constant teaching. The contemporary mystic Bernadette Roberts, in her “Experience of No-Self ” and “Path to No-Self ” books, writes of the mystical path being undertaken naturally as we age, if we are open to it. Inevitably, physical birth is a primary initiation, and death a sacrifice of the self. We have no choice in this matter. The patience required to make progress is phenomenal and this is in part why the first grades are extremely slow and require discipline and dedication. To some extent, these train the faith of the candidate. We must remember that faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen – one of my teachers once said, “Hope is waiting for the bus because you are at a bus station and have read the bus timetable. Faith is getting on the bus”. a cherished hope that you will accept the invitation to take part in the activities of the Order and engage with spiritual progress in the heart of the initiator y system. There has never been a better time for such teaching to be p r e s e n t e d a n e w. I l o o k forward to welcoming you soon. The Worker is hidden in the Workshop. You can join the Order now as a Candidate: http:// www.everlastingday.org Reading Suggestions (i) Vision of Zosimos h t t p : / / w w w. l e v i t y. c o m / alchemy/zosimos.html (ii) Chymical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz h t t p : / / w w w. l e v i t y. c o m / alchemy/chymwed1.html (iii) The Wake-World, Aleister Crowley www.hermetic.com/crowley/ libers/liber095.pdf Notes [1] Ken Robinson, Out of Our Minds: Learning to be Creative, p. 61 [2] C. S. Nott, Teachings of Gurdjieff, p. 55 [3] Da Free John, ‘The Man of Understanding’, in The Knee of Listening, p.269 {4] Brian P. Copenhaver, Hermetica (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992) p. 6. See also Salaman, van Oyen, Wharton & Mahé, The Way of Hermes (London: Duckworth, 1999) p. 23 Tarosophy by Marcus Katz "From the first steps in reading Tarot through metaphysical correspondences and on to professional marketing, this book has it all! Marcus Katz's Tarosophy is a work of intelligence and depth, featuring tons of Tarot tips and exercises that will help you explore the wisdom of the cards in a manner that is accessible, playful and practical.Highly recommended." —Mary K. Greer, author of 21 Ways to Read a Tarot Card [5] Copenhaver, Ibid, p. 6 Conclusion I hope in this column I have provoked your interest in the WEIS and the OED, the Order of Everlasting Day. It is Marcus Katz www.farawaycentre.com www.tarotprofessionals.com 22 Marcus Katz Marcus Katz has been studying and teaching Witchcraft and Magick for over thirty years. He is an initiated Witch and teaches Magick, Kabbalah and Witchcraft at the Far Away Centre in the heart of the English Lake District. He is the Director of Tarot Professionals and the first person in the world to be awarded a Masters Degree in Western Esotericism at the prestigious University of Exeter. He is presently a PhD Researcher in the history of Occult Groups. His courses on Magicka include the Magician’s Kabbalah and the Zodiacal Rituals. Websites: http://www.farawaycentre.com http://www.tarotprofessionals.com 23 Advertisements Five Sto!es from Janet Farrar Including: Kagan and the Wind, Onessa, Jack-be Nimble and Sean O’Malley and the Banshee http:// zbudapest.com/ goddess.html Available from: www.wicca.utvinternet.com/ dvdsale.htm http://wicca.dianicwicca.com 24 Secrets of a Golden Dawn Temple The act of constructing a wand or other ritual object is an act of magic. The magician spends an extraordinary amount of time creating ritual objects, not because it is only through these objects that magic can rightly be performed, but because the act of creating is a magical process of growth, one which initiates the development of the will in accordance with the divine intent or purpose. This in turn contributes to the success of the ritual. This is the most complete book to date on the construction of the many tools used in the Golden Dawn system of magic. Here is a unique compilation of the various tools of the Golden Dawn, all described in full: wands, swords, elemental tools, Enochian Tablets, altars, temple furniture, banners, pillars, thrones, lamens, mantles & robes, ritual headdresses and ceremonial clothing, admission badges, and much more. This book provides complete step-by-step instructions for the construction of nearly 80 different implements, all displayed in photographs or drawings, along with the exact symbolism behind each and every item. Secrets of a Golden Dawn Temple by Chic Cicero & Sandra Tabatha Cicero ISBN 1-870450-64-7 http://www.thoth.co.uk/index.html www.hermeticgoldendawn.org 25 Mer lin By Gy p s y Ava l o n M Pictures and Links erlin The boy was found but revealed The character of Merlin has that there was a hollowed out t a ke n o n m a n y g u i s e s stone beneath the base where a throughout A r t h u r i a n red and white dragon were fighting. The dragons were dug Mythology. out and the boy interpreted their fighting as a war between Myrddin Wylt (Wild) the Britons and the Saxons. Myrddin Wylt was a court prophet of Gwenddleu. He had Merlin poetic skills and wrote long changes Ut h e r poems. When Gwenddleu was Me r l i n defeated in battle, Myrddin Pendragon into the likeness of succumbed to his grief at losing Gorlois, husband of Igraine, his master and fled into the which results in the birth of woods where he lived as a wild Arthur. man. The Grail Quest Lailoken Celtic Origins In this stor y, Lailoken was The cauldron of the Dagda was rescued from the woods and o n e o f t h e f o u r m y s t i c a l brought back to court. He symbols revered by the Celts. It eventually began prophesising had two magickal properties. It again and also took on the role c o u l d p r o d u c e u n l i m i t e d of the court’s fool. supplies of food and it could r e g e n e r a t e l i f e . It w a s Ambrosius associated with the cauldron given to the King of Ireland by This figure is combined with Bran the ancient king or god of Myrrdin Wylt in the time of Britain whose head was buried Vortigen. Vortigen attempted at the Tower of London in to construct a castle yet it kept o r d e r t o g u a r d t h e l a n d . collapsing. His seer advised him Another magick cauldron in to sacrifice a young fatherless Celtic mythology is that of boy and sprinkle his blood on Cerridwen, which bestowed the the foundations. gifts of prophecy Merlin, C13th Manuscript Depicted in the Nuremberg Chronicle 1493 Enlisting the help of a giant to build Stonehenge (MS British Library, Egerton 3208) 26 and inspiration on the great Their only religious counselors were the holy hermits they met Welsh bard Taliesin. at remote shrines on their Taliesin himself was the author j o u r n e y s - r e m n a n t s o f t h e of the early poem Preiddeu a n c i e n t C e l t i c m o n a s t i c Annwn in which Arthur and his settlements. This alternative companion set off in the ship source of religious teaching P r y d w e n t o r e c o v e r a provided the appropriate setting m y s t e r i o u s p e a r l r i m m e d for the mysterious Grail. cauldron guarded by the nine C e l t i c p r i e s t e s s e s i n t h e Avalon Other world kingdom of Annwn. Its properties included The “isle of apples” was the final perpetual nourishment and resting place of Arthur. Arthur’s fer tility. They made se ven death takes place in the last expeditions and at the end only battle, where he and his son seven knights returned. It is not Mordred fight and impale one known if they ever found the another with their spears. cauldron, but it may be the same cauldron Bran tried to The dying king asks his knight bring back from Ireland in the Bedivere to cast excalibur into Ma b i n o g i o n . O t h e r C e l t i c the lake and makes this request sources speak of the magickal three times as Bedivere cannot cup of the sea god Manannan find it in his heart to dispose of mac Lir, which h a d the sword. discriminating properties in that it would break into pieces On the third request the sword is cast and a lady’s hand rises if a lie were told over it. from the lake, catches it and From Celtic sources, then we brandishes it three times in the ha ve the idea of a ma gick air then returns under the water. cauldron, a severed head and a Excalibur has at last returned to discriminating cup. All these its final resting place. symbols reappear in the various When Bedivere returns he finds retellings of the Grail Legend Arthur has been taken by a barge, escorted by the nine sisters of Avalon, including his The Grail and Arthur In some respects the stories of sister, Morgan Le Fay back to the Holy Grail sit uneasily Avalon. within Arthurian mythology. It is the ultimate quest for the knights and for many a hopeless one. The flower of Arthur's knights go after it and the fellowship of the Round Table is effectively broken. Yet in other respects the Arthurian setting is the only one capable of bearing such a story. We have seen how the individual quests of the knights made them autonomous figures in their search for self mastery. Arthur’s Return A tale is told that once in the hills of Gwynedd, a shepherd boy stumbled upon a cave entrance under a hazel tree and crawling into the cave came upon a circle of seven knights sleeping and Arthur himself sitting asleep at a stone table in the middle of them. His hair and fingernails had grown long and a hor n and sword lay beside him on the table. When the boy tried to lift the sword, Arthur half roused from sleep, demanded to know if it was time yet, where upon the boy ran away in fear. Other versions of the stor y have the boy blowing the horn twice and half waking the sleepers who again demand 'Is it time?', but the boy flees rather than daring to blow the horn a a third time and wake them completely. The idea of an enchanted cave in which Arthur lies with his best knights ready to wake and defend the land in need is a powerful one and brings us back full circle to the Celtic origins of his kingship. This conclude the series on Celtic and Arthurian Mythology. I hope you have enjoyed journeying into these mystical realms which my Celtic-Arthurian Wicca is based on. Avalon Blessings, Gypsy 27
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