The Aerogramme - NorthEastern Drone Society
The Aerogramme - NorthEastern Drone Society
The Aerogramme Official Publication of the NorthEastern Drone Society June 2015 AMA Club #187 Minutes of the NEDS meeting of May 7, 2015 The meeting was held at the Buchanan Center in Mansfield at 7 pm with 21 members present. The June meeting will be at the Coventry field. Officers: President: Curt Gould Vice President: Matt Dauteuil Secretary: Jim Knox Treasurer: Gary Warzocha Instructors: Aero/Glider Billy G. 860-4291046 Ron V. 860-2053277 Treasurer's Report for April, 2015: Income Donation Dues Raffle Hat sales Expenses Contest prizes Club Funfly Postage Porta John Raffle prize Net Gain Cash and Checking Investment Account $1000.00 48.00 912.00 20.00 20.00 $327.30 150.00 59.08 10.00 37.22 71.00 $672.70 $1953.54 $4023.92 Announcements and Business: Treasurer Gary W. said that the club now has 43 paid-up members. President Curt G. strongly urged members to keep their planes away from the tree line by the houses in Coventry. Gas/fuel flyers should use a muffler if they don't already. We may measure dB levels occasionally. It may be useful to experiment with different props of smaller pitch or diameter to reduce noise levels. Aero/Heli/ Multirotor: Greg W. 860-508- Ray Bettencourt was thanked for mowing Coventry last week. Al Gobin was 2394 begged to roll Mansfield, and a cash bribe was offered him to do so. Rich P. 860-6143915 The club voted to give a $100 donation to the Mansfield library in appreciation for allowing us to use their public room. Aero: Matt D. 860-2282059 Introductory Pilots: Rich P. Ron V. Field Marshals: Don M. Ray B. Curt announced that the club's application for AMA Leader Club status was approved by the national office. Flying with kids. As part of our Leader outreach activities, we will have several show-and-tell sessions with youth groups throughout the summer. The first will be Monday May 18 at the Coventry field at 6 pm. Bring your planes and a buddy box if you have one. Curt also arranged two sessions for Mansfield library kids. The first will be a Saturday demo for a teen group on June 27, involving trainers and buddy Page 1 boxes. . The second is for very young kids on July 8 at 11am. Details will follow. Jim K. has arranged for us to do demonstration flights at the Webster Boy Scout camp on Rt 44 in Ashford. The camp has a large lake for float flying too. Demos will start in late June and go through the summer. He will be asking for volunteers on week-by-week dates to be announced. Rich P. mentioned another way to contact younger folks: Put us on Facebook with public access, with a link to our website. He will manage our Facebook page, and add photos and videos. Because of our packed outreach schedule this summer, the club decided it was not able to combine with Propbusters in a joint activity this year. Al Gobin asked if we wanted his wife to make club hats with a lighter 'summer' color, and with a new logo. The members decided on a beige/tan color with a purple logo and our .org address. Building Contest. The long-awaited building contest opened with many entries this year: 10 people with scratch/kit built models, and 3 with ARFs. Two gift certificates to Hog Heaven were awarded in each category, with $50 for 1st place and $25 for 2nd. In the scratch group, Ray B. won 1st place with a biplane, and Curt G. was 2nd place with a home-made 'Air Bus' his granddaughter liked. Don McD won the ARF division with a giant Stick, and Bill Tripp got 2nd place with a 540 Edge. Don McD convinced everyone that we should move next year's contest to April so that we can have the May meeting outdoors. Raffle. VP Matt D's raffle prize was an altitude sensor made by Eagletree. Upcoming Events: May 18 demo with Cub Scouts at Coventry field, 6 pm. Float Fly dates at Mansfield Hollow are: June 7, July 19, and September 13. Coffee and donuts will be provided. Recorder: Jim Knox Page 2 -Top left: Don M.’s 1st place ARF -Top right: Ray B.’s 1st place kit. -Right: Don M.’s ARF (again) -Bottom left: Curt G’s 2nd place kit. -Bottom Right: Bill T.’s 2nd place ARF Page 3 Ron Vernier III 206 Twin Hills Drive Coventry, CT 06238 Place Stamp Here 12