Restaurant Ryba na Dache 4 Restaurant Huili 6 Restaurant


Restaurant Ryba na Dache 4 Restaurant Huili 6 Restaurant
Restaurant Ryba na Dache
Restaurant Huili
Restaurant Pristan
Vuosaari Golf Club
Goyer Golf & Country Club
Steve Young's holiday home
Maeda Clinic in Japan
Bikers Ranch
Hoikan Helmi
The nursery of Pusignan
Seniorhouse Emma
Westerwald Tourist Centre
Log Temple
Levi Spirit
Hotel Wallis
Country Lodge
Lahdelma Oasis
Hotel Caro Foresta
Hotel Chalet Ana
Hotel Verbier
Eagle River
Bent Creek Golf
Sea Golf Rönnäs
Hoshinone - The tune of stars
Copper Lake
Honka Family Club
Repino Village
Honka Fusion Terraced House
Photos: © Honka Russia
Floor area:
Terrace area:
Log type:
Banquet hall, banquette rooms,
1588,2 m²
805,2 m²
Square log
St. Petersburg, Russia
Restaurant Huili
The restaurant and café Huili is located in Järvenpää, Finland, near the headquarters of Honkarakenne, on the shore of the Tuusulanjärvi lake. In these same landscapes, many famous Finnish
cultural people of the early 20th century lived: Composer Jean Sibelius, poet Eino Leino and painter
Pekka Halonen, whose homes were built of logs according to their wishes.
The restaurant entrepreneur Jari Sirén and Honkarakenne won
the competition organized by the town of Järvenpää with their
mutual design idea. The spacious building filled with natural
light was designed by Architect Milla Hannonen in close cooperation with the entrepreneur and made of Honka Fusion™.
The shape, direction and views of the building were decided
upon according to the beautiful lake landscape. One of the
restaurant walls is entirely windows. Through these windows,
a panorama opens up to the shore park and lake. The facade
facing the town centre and street is blank.
The functional areas of the restaurant are divided into
three parts: the Entrance, the Kitchen and the Sauna area. Between these three areas is the restaurant hall, an open and
uniting zone. The customers can step to the patio directly from
the hall.
The spa-like ambience of the sauna section is increased by
the two outside bathing tubs under a roof, one of which is on
a high roof platform. In the steaming hot water, bathers can
view the beautiful lake from high up.
The restaurant and café offer versatile catering facilities,
and is located in the middle of a popular outdoor route, which
makes it a good stopping place during all seasons. The outside
patios can seat 300 customers during the summer. The outside
fireplace under a roof gives the patio a pleasant atmosphere
year-round. Music has a full timbre in the restaurant hall and
indeed performers of classical music, have praised the acoustics here.
The heavy massive wood building has a dark gray tone on
the outside. Natural colours were chosen for the interior and
the light-coloured decoration is complemented with lamps by
Finnish Secto Design. The ceilings are made from white lacquered birch plywood.
More information:
Timeless quality
The manager of the restaurant Jari Sirén appreciates
the durability of massive logs. Moreover, the
aesthetic aspects and atmosphere were important
premises for the design. Wood was an easy and
clear choice for the entrepreneur. Authenticity
and ecology are important for increasingly more
restaurant customers, so the natural environment is
”Massive wood was a natural choice. In
addition to its beauty, it is the ecologically correct
decision. Finland has always been in the middle of
trees and forests, and it is good that people living in
urban environments can experience massive wood
in the middle of the town. From one generation to
the next.”
Jari Sirén, restaurant entrepreneur, Järvenpää,
Restaurant: Customer places: Floor area: Log type: Architect: Location: Restaurant hall, kitchen, customer
sauna area, and patio
Hall 100 persons, patio 300 persons,
and sauna 10 persons
290 m2
Square log, 204 mm
Milla Hannonen
Järvenpää, Finland
Photos: © Honka Russia
Restaurant Pristan
The restaurant building is one of the largest public buildings
made from Honka logs in Russia. Its floor area is 1550m², and
it is located in the Yaroslavl area, 350km from Moscow.
The huge wooden building on the bank of the Volga River
has the outward appearance of a Russian manor. All the main
rooms are located on the Volga side of the building. The large
panoramic windows of the banquet hall on the ground floor
offer stunning views of the surrounding area.
The layout of the restaurant is dictated by the functions
required in each room. For example the ground floor has
an banquet hall that seats 110 people, a dance floor and a
VIP area, while the first floor has small restaurant rooms, a
smoking room and a film theatre. For those people who long
for an intellectual pastime, the building has a library with
Russian classics among its selection.
The building is like a riverboat with its panoramic
windows, and the patio surrounding the ground floor has an
air of the outer decks of a boat. Due to its large windows,
the building turns into a shining beacon in the evenings. The
interior has light colours on its ceilings and walls, which also
have hand-painted decorations. The furniture is similar to that
of the 18th and 19th centuries, the carpets and hand-woven
tapestries are aged to suit the general style of the décor,
and the whole affect is pleasently completed with English
paintings in golden frames. The decorative interiors take the
visitor to a world of old Russian bourgeoisie.
More information:
Ground floor: Banquet hall seating 110 people,
dance floor, VIP area, patio
1st floor: Smoking room, film theatre, and library
Floor area:
Log type: Square log, 182 mm
Architect: Svetlana Bednjakova
Interior decoration: Mark Patlis
Location: Demino center for sports and leisure,
Yaroslavl area, Russia
Golf Clubhouse Vuosaari
The 18-hole golf course of Vuosaari is situated in a marine
cove in the Finnish capital, Helsinki. Undulating like dunes,
the landscape ingests a massive solid wood club building of
600 square metres, constructed from Honka's laminated log.
Over 36 metres long and 8 metres wide, the building blends
into the landscape with its dark ebenholz colours and sedum
roofing. The design of this large log building strived for light
appearance with roof shapes and smoothing terrace and
facade structures. The clubhouse is on two floors, the upper
floor serving golfers as a club venue and restaurant. The
first floor houses a golf equipment shop, premises for caddie
masters and saunas. The building is encircled by terraces on
three sides.
More information:
Clubhouse: Restaurant hall, kitchen, patio, caddiemaster
room, golf shop, customer sauna area and
Floor area: 600 m2
Log type: Square log, 182 mm
Location: Helsinki, Finland
Goyer Golf & Country club
This Dutch clubhouse beside the golf course has a colonial
style veranda. Built of log the club mansion provides a cozy
feeling while serving golfers with award-winning cooking. The
Goyer restaurant serves light international style cuisine that
guarantees culinary delight. One can enjoy the sun in the terrace which is overlooking the green of the 18th hole, putting
green and the main pond.
The Goyer is a natural forest and parkland course with
beautiful ponds and exciting shifting sands. Bent grass greens
are built to USGA specifications.
More information:
Log type: Location: 14
Square log
Eemnes, Netherlands
Steve Young's holiday home
Among the largest - and most striking - of the private houses
that Honka has delivered is ex-football player Steve Young’s
stunning holiday home in Park City, Utah, United States. The
massive log walls of the building have been creatively designed
by the architect to fill a number of purposes.
The vivid 1,500-square-metre building was designed by
American architect Mike Upwall in co-operation with the
design office RI-Konsultit in Finland. A great number of hours
were spent on designing and building Mr. Young’s home at
Honka factories and on-site in Utah.
In quintessential American fashion, the rooms are
enormous - even the pantry is 60 square metres in size, and
there is an indoor slide for children, a ballet studio and a fullsize home theatre.
Of course, the house also features a Finnish sauna, with
king-size benches that are unique in design, as are all the
windows and extra-high doors of the building. The architect
created the many fabulous details that are visible in the
columns and lattice windows. The ornaments were carefully
manufactured at Honkarakenne factories.
Size: Location: Holiday home: 1,500m²
Park City, Utah, USA
Several bedrooms and lounges, ballet
studio, indoor slide for children etc.
Maeda Clinic in Japan
The Maeda neurological clinic is at the top of its field and
offers progressive healthcare. The Maeda clinic specializes in
brain diseases. Its main building has a floor area of 1,400m²
and is totally made of Finnish solid logs, as are the patient
rooms. In spite of its homelike atmosphere, the clinic uses
ultra modern technologies. The neurosurgical clinic has
sophisticated special equipment for examining the brain and
for demanding operations.
It was Dr. Maeda’s suggestion to select the natural and
durable solid log as a building material. According to him,
patients who spend long periods of time in a hospital require
a relaxing and soothing environment to improve their spirits
as well as the healing process. Wood mitigates and absorbs
sounds, making the clinic a quiet and harmonic place for
patients recovering from brain surgery.
Thanks to the properties of natural massive wood, the
indoor humidity at the hospital is always at an optimal level
for promoting health. A log building is especially ideal for
those who suffer from allergies or asthma.
Floor area:
Log type:
Square log, 134 mm
Alfa Plan Fuji Inc.
Gotemba, Japan
Homely and open patient rooms
The clinic part of the building is single-storey which makes
it easy for patients to move around, and the whole building
is situated in beautiful natural surroundings. The high ceiling
of the waiting lounge and day rooms make the interior
spacious. The patient rooms in their separate building each
provide access to a balcony looking out over a wooded vista.
The clinic is situated in peaceful Gotemba, surrounded by
lush greenery and has the air of a holiday resort. Inside, the
building has a warm and health-promoting atmosphere.
Safety was one factor in the choice of the building
material, since Honka log buildings endure earthquakes
well. Honka has extensive experience in earthquake-proof
construction in Japan. The durable solid log is also fireproof.
Bikers Ranch
High-quality mountain bikes have a space that they deserve
in this mtb bike centre that is located between Cologne and
The Westerwald region has perfect surroundings for
cycling. There are plenty of altitudinal differences and forest
The Honka centre in Wiesensee is only a 10-minute drive
from this cyclists’ mecca. The Bikers Ranch was built in American ranch style. The front of the house is dominated by a
large porch. The roof framework and high rooms inside create
an impressive look. There is a spacious bicycle showroom on
the loft.
More information:
Ground floor:
261,9 m²
1st floor:
Log type:
Location: 202,7 m²
Round log, 210 mm
Honka Blockhaus GmbH
Niederroßbach, Central Germany
Hoikan Helmi
The quality of the indoor air has a significant effect on human health. Therefore, the meeting, sauna,
and ceremony building of Finnish Pulmonary Association Heli, called Hoikan Helmi, which is designed
for recreational use, fulfills the requirements for a healthy building.
Hoikan Helmi is situated in Western Finland, in the naturally beautiful Karkku village in Sastamala. Hoikan Helmi and
its surroundings offer the ideal circumstances for healthy activities for the whole family. The area has a family-oriented
adventure and exercise park, whose equipment is suitable for
people of different ages and conditions. The beautiful massive
wood house with a floor area of 300 square meters was built
in the area by Honka in 2005.
Hoikan Helmi with its two meeting rooms and two saunas, a large patio, inside and outside fireplaces, together with
the lit exercise track and other exercise services of the majestic lakeside area create a uniquely grand experience.
Good quality of air was set as a main objective of the
project, since the house is often used for organizing various
trainings. Massive wood can absorb moisture and release it
into the inside atmosphere, which keeps the humidity levels
in the rooms pleasant.
Visitors enjoy a clean sauna experience in
Hoikan Helmi
Going to the sauna has been an important tradition for
Finns for thousands of years. Almost all Finns still go to the
sauna at least once a week. The relaxing effect of a sauna is
widely known, and has also been noted to promote human
Two spacious saunas were built in Hoikan Helmi with the
correct airflow in mind. It is in this way that visitors with pulmonary diseases can also enjoy the saunas.
Floor area: Log type: Architect: Location: 274 m2
Square log, 182 mm
Architect Office Stenvall-Timola-Varhi Oy
Quality and
natural features
are combined
in a genuine
wood building
in the best
possible way.
The nursery
of Pusignan
The project near Lyon in France involved building the extension
within a reasonable budget and in a very limited period of time,
with natural materials in harmony with the site. The value for
money was optimized to offer an eco-friendly solution that
meets the contextual constraints of the specifications and the
imperatives of sustainable construction for future generations.
A demanding calendar was set.
The choice of solid wood construction with Honka Fusion
walls allowed for the simultaneous creation of a load bearing
structure and a ready-to-occupy space. The quality of Honka
solid northern pine requires two coats of stain for optimal
protection of the exterior wood facades against weather and UV
rays. The interior walls were left unfinished. The tilt-and-turn
windows have triple glazing. The high-tech prefabrication of the
wood elements significantly reduces the assembly time.
Floor area: 100 m2, enlargement
Log type: Honka Fusion™ wall FXL 128 mm
Insulation in walls: 140 mm, wooden fiber
Location: 69 Pusignan, near to Lyon, France
20 children
Seniorhouse Emma
Living here is so natural that it feels as if you are on a holiday" is a spontaneous comment on a first visit. The cozy atmosphere of a Honka log house provides a good environment
for a family-like living community in the senior home Emma,
which is located in Pottum, Central Germany.
Senior home Emma gives its residents as much independence as possible and offers the necessary amount of support
along with individual care programmes. Here, the residents
can be independent and enjoy their lives.
All the rooms have been designed to be easily accessible
and the private rooms upstairs can be reached easily with
a platform lift. A 60m² lounging and dining area is located
downstairs. It is a good place for spending time together as
well as for hobbies. Residents can take part in the everyday
chores and shared activities according to their preferences and
The senior home Emma offers the elderly and handicapped a pleasant home
within idyllic surroundings in Pottum,
Central Germany.
Floor area:
Log type:
205,7 m2
Round log, 210 mm
Pottum, Central Germany
Westerwald Tourist Centre
The Westerwald tourist centre is located in the small village
of Stahlhofen, in Central Germany. The area is part of
Westerwald’s low mountain area, which is a popular tourist
destination due to its many hiking routes, among other
things. The artificial lake Wiesensee is also located near the
In the left-hand section of the multidimensional building,
there is a tourist centre, and in the right wing, a kiosk. Honka
sales office and Café Seewies can be found in the middle. The
café and the tourist centre are the starting and endpoints of
many outdoor routes, which start right from the corner of
the building.
Floor area:
Log type:
312 m2
Square log, 204 mm
Stahlhofen, Central Germany
Log Temple
The log temple in Holland, one of the largest log buildings in Europe, was supplied by Honka. Over
70 metres long, the temple has been built with architectural solutions reflecting its purpose of use.
This log building is 75 metres long and 10 metres wide. The
floor area of the two-floor building totals an impressive 1,840
square metres.
Constructed for practitioners of Transcendental
Meditation, the building's design solutions reflect its purpose
of use. The main elevation is precisely east-facing, towards
the rising sun. Room plans have also been implemented to
manifest the laws of nature and harmony in accordance with
the users' worldview as well as possible.
The oriental facade gives the temple a very interesting
look, as do the various details used in the building.
Made from laminated log, the temple was manufactured
at the Honka factory in Alajärvi, Finland.
Floor area:
Log type:
Square log, 180 mm
Levi Spirit
The unique Levi Spirit luxury vacation homes are situated in
Levi, in the Finnish Lapland. They are set in the middle of nature
and vast wilderness areas, 170 km north of the Arctic Circle.
Levi is a small holiday town offering an extensive selection of
first-rate services to its guests from Finland and abroad.
Levi Spirit is the first luxury villa area in the Arctic for private and business customers. The villas are designed and built
with special know-how and astonishing craftsmanship, with
a close eye to every detail. The practical arrangement of the
interior spaces, the high quality materials and state-of-the-art
technology create a totally unique and pleasant living experience in the Arctic. The villas designed by Kari Lappalainen offer
their residents a total balance with the surrounding pristine
Levi Spirit respects the extremely fragile northern ecosystem. Only environmentally friendly high-quality natural materials were used in the construction, which ensures that the future generations will also be able to enjoy the Levi Spirit villas.
The two-storey Levi Spirit villa has a floor area of 460m².
The villas were built from the best natural materials - stone,
wood and glass. Honka has implemented the massive wood
frame of the Levi Spirit villas according to the wishes of the
designer. This state-of-the-art modern design product fits the
landscape of the Taalovaara fell beautifully. The Ounasjoki River
that runs next to the villas offers the best views in Lapland.
All the villas are designed by the architect Kari Lappalainen.
Even though all the villas look alike from the outside, their
varied interiors and furniture make each one unique.
More information:
Floor areas: Architect : Location: 167 m2 – 460 m2
Kari Lappalainen
Levi, in Lappland, Finland
The Levi Spirit villa XXL, room for 10 people: one double main bedroom, three double bedrooms and a twin loft room.
Each bedroom has a private bathroom. In addition, the building has a living room, dining room, kitchen, fireplace, two
balconies, lounge, sauna, dressing room, shower, toilet, carport, drying room, equipment storage, entrance and two patios.
"Anyone looking for space, peace and privacy will discover that the Levi Spirit villa with its surroundings is a unique
space in a unique location: it was built with astounding skill down to the smallest detail. The practical arrangement
of the interior spaces, high quality materials and state-of-the-art technology form pleasant surroundings."
2. kerros
Kari Lappalainen,
Hotel Wallis
There is a charming small Alpine hotel in the village of HauteNendaz in the Valais area of the Swiss Alps. It is a chalet hotel
that was designed by the architect Jean-Michel Martignoni
and his wife, and was built in 2004. The building follows
the traditional Alpine style of building, and has a floor area
of 270m² in three storeys. It can be rented by the skiing and
hiking tourists arriving in the area.
The plot is partly on the side of a hill, so the accommodation
is split across the three levels. The basement has the sauna
area, maintenance room and garage. The main entrance is
situated on the ground floor, which also has a hall, an open
kitchen, a dining room, living room, one bedroom, and toilet.
The top floor has three bedrooms, two bathrooms, and a loft.
The Swiss Alpine chalet is located in a very sunny place
and with the combination of stone, glass and logs creates
a natural ”heating system”. The wood stores the sun’s heat
and releases it into the rooms. Heat also radiates inside
through the panoramic windows. The builder of the house,
the architect Martignoni, holds contact with nature dear.
As an architect, nature and the beauty of natural
surroundings are very close to Martignoni’s heart and log
buildings fulfil that passion with their genuine solid log
walls, providing a tangible contact with nature and enabling
a harmonious way of living. Light is important, and due to the
large window surfaces, the warmth of the sun can be utilised
to its full extent to heat the house. The rest of the heating is
managed through ground heating.
Vacation hotel: Three floors for living, open
kitchen, living room, four
bedrooms and sauna area
Ground floor: 90 m2
1st floor: 90 m2
Basement: 90 m2
270 m2
Log type: Square log, 182 mm
Architect: Jean-Michel Martignoni
Location: Haute Nendaz,
Country Lodge
If you are looking for natural experiences - you will find here!
At Country Lodge you can live in harmony with nature.
Country Lodge is situated in Sauerland, Germany between
beautiful valleys. Sauerland area is famous for good hiking
routes. After a hike, you return to the comfort of the lodge
and enjoy a relaxing coffee or enjoy a sumptuous dinner
in the adjoining restaurant. The restaurant of the Country
Lodge offers you the unique log cabin atmosphere, a variety
of individual food and beverages.
The Country Lodge is home to two comfortable double
rooms in a separate cabin, three comfortable double rooms
in the main building and a cottage. The rooms are bright and
friendly, and have a bath and toilet and a sauna in the cottage.
The equipment and the atmosphere, in addition provide a
beautiful view of nature for relaxation and wellbeing. In small
but fine lodges - all with panoramic views – you can relax
actively or passively.
More information:
Details for the restaurant building:
Floor area:
120 m2
Log type: Round log, 210 mm
Location: Arnsberg, Central Germany
Lahdelma Oasis
Lahdelma is a tourist farm with a spa named Lahdelma Oasis
in Eastern Finland. The farm of the Lahdelma family has
engaged in organic farming and rural tourism for over 20
The new Lahdelma Oasis has six rooms, each at least 14m²
with a terrace or balcony. In the cellar there is a large spa area
with shower facilities, a jet steam shower, a cold waterfall,
and an exclusive sauna heated by wood or electricity and an
Lahdelma Oasis has two whirlpools, one indoors and
one outdoors, offering unforgettable experiences. At the
entire Lahdelma Farm there is a small gym, lakeside sauna,
traditional smoke sauna, outdoor bath barrel, own sandy
swimming beach, a covered grilling area and rowing boats.
For more information:
Ground floor:
Log type:
174,0 m2
72,5 m2
180,0 m2
426,5 m2
Square log, 112 mm
+ 150mm additional insulation
Pertunmaa, Eastern Finland
Hotel Caro Foresta
Caro Foresta Elfo bids pets and pet owners, as well as all animal-loving people, a warm
welcome to relax and enjoy their stay at the natural and unique holiday resort. Caro Foresta is
Italian and means "love the forest".
The Caro Foresta Elfo hotel is situated on a lake in a vacation
area near Mount Fuji that is popular among Tokyo citizens
in Japan. The hotel is primarily intended for people traveling
with dogs, but other pets are also welcome in the hotel. Even
though the main building is made of concrete, its extension
was made of logs in 2006. The hotel is currently a vacation
resort that is well-known for its natural atmosphere. The fresh
forests can be felt in the building made from Finnish pines.
The hotel has four suites, all of which with different furnishings. All four suites have their own outside bath tub,
"rotenburo" in Japanese. Each suite has access to a small back
yard separate from the others, where dogs are free to enjoy
the outdoors. There are also paw washing basins for the dogs
both in the hotel lobby and in each room. The hotel yard has
an agility course for the dogs to play and train on. Typically for
a small hotel, the service is personal and takes care of even the
smaller details. People and their pets are lovingly welcomed.
More information:
Log type:
Square log, 134 mm
Alfa Plan Fuji Inc.
Near Tokyo, Japan
Hotel Chalet Ana
This warm and eco-friendly hotel is located in the heart of
the Pyrenees Mountains in France. The hotel is nestled between ski slopes and a lake. The surroundings and views are
Chalet Ana offers 8 prestigious apartments from double
room to 8 persons en suites, all individually designed. Services
of Chalet Ana are unique in this region of the Pyrenees.
Hotel Chalet Ana highlights green building details and
abundant daylight, making for natural and confortable holidays. It’s the first hotel of massive wood in France to receive
the European Eco label.
In the Pyrenees, the hotel Chalet Ana is the only hotel built
of massive wood to offer individual accommodation in an
eco-friendly environment in harmony with nature. The hotel is
situated in Pyrenees in the very heart of Les Angles ski resort.
More information:
Vacation hotel:
8 apartments, each flat is private with a fitted
kitchen, lounge, one or more bedrooms
Ground floor:
1st floor:
Floor 3 & 4:
Log type:
111 m2, reception, spa
160 m2, 4 apartments
308 m2, 4 duplex
220 m2
800 m2
EC label
Round log, 230 mm
66 Les Angles, France
Verbier Lodge
Favoured by ski bums, royals and celebrities alike, the village
of Verbier lies in the canton of Valais in southwestern
Switzerland. Les 4 Vallées, one of the largest skiing areas
in the Alps is spread around Verbier providing over 400
kilometres of skiing slopes across four valleys. Verbier is
known as the paradise for freeriders, and it is a perfect winter
sports destination as soon as snow starts to fall.
The resort is popular among more experienced skiers
thanks to its difficult slopes and off-piste trails, although it
has easier slopes as well. If you still have some energy left
after skiing, you can try hang gliding, ice climbing or sledging,
for example. The village also has a large sports centre with
squash courts, a gym, an ice rink and more.
The three-floor round-log Verbier Lodge supplied by
Honka is situated only 250 metres from the ski lift, so you
can easily walk there from the hotel in your ski boots.
Verbier Lodge is a perfect spot for a holiday with family
and friends. This picturesque chalet can accommodate up
to 18 adults in seven beautifully decorated luxurious rooms
and two fabulous Master suites. Each room provides a
fantastic view to the valley. In addition, the kid's bunkroom
can accommodate six children. You will feel the warmth of
the chalet as soon as you walk in, as guests are met with a
friendly welcome in the reception hall with an open fireplace.
Dining is one of the holiday highlights, and the open
kitchen of The Lodge provides an excellent opportunity to
observe the chef at work. The menu in the restaurant is a
mixture of Swiss and international dishes. The restaurant has
dining options from four-course gourmet dinners to lighter
children's options. The restaurant wine cellar houses a wide
selection of wines for you to sample.
Vacation hotel:
7 luxury bedrooms and two stunning Master Suites, kid's
bunkroom for six children, restaurant, wine cellar, party
area, indoor pool, steam room and indoor and outdoor
Jacuzzis, gym, croquet on the lawn in summer, skating and
curling on The Lodge's own mini ice rink
Location: Verbier, Switzerland
More information:
Photos: © Honka Russia
In the beginning of 21st century Honka started to build its
biggest project of all times to Sochi, Russia. Sochi is a resort
city in Krasnodar Krai and it lies on the southern border of
Russia, by the Black Sea. In the background of the city are
the snow-capped peaks of the Caucasus Mountains. The
2014 Winter Olympics will be held in the neighborhood of
the resort, with spectacular views over the snowy mountains.
This complex building with its twenty surrounding houses
was a massive operation even to the world’s largest log house
manufacturer, Honka. The site is situated in the middle of
mountains with lots of snow and in an area that was hard to
reach. The area is also known for earth quakes.
The main building is 4500m² which is the largest building
in the world made of logs. It was designed to function as
a high level conference meeting place for 20-30 eminent
guests and to fulfill all the special wishes of the customer.
The main building also includes four luxurious suites of
150 m² and a inside swimming pool. There are additional
20 luxurious houses for accomodation purposes, each of
them 200-300 m² angned with individual interiors.
Eagle River
Eagle River is situated in the Rocky Mountains, Colorado,
United States, between the skiing centers of Vail and Beaver Creek, on the magnificent Eagle River. Trout swim in the
stream, which reflects the majestic mountains. The landscape
is purely breathtaking.
The area has 14 recreational houses and a luxurious
club building. The houses are situated to give each home a
magnificent view of the surrounding nature. The ends of the
two-storey buildings have large panoramic windows. The side
walls have smaller windows that create an air of privacy, but
still allow a lot of natural light to enter the houses.
The residents’ association takes care of the maintenance,
monitoring and janitor work for the area, so that the residents can concentrate on enjoying their holidays and can
leave their villas in good care when they are away. The floor
areas of the houses range from 67 to 76 m². The residents
had the choice of several basic styles to suit their tastes, and
could improve the equipment level upon request. One of the
houses has a larger window reaching all the way to the roof
on the middle floor of the building, and another has a larger
bedroom on the top floor. The apartments are compact and
the floor area is utilized to the maximum.
”We chose Honka because of their high-quality products,
professional design and engineering skills, and precise
schedules. Honka has been an honest partner. They offered
our customers cost-effective ways to make unique changes
to the plans along with the possibility to select a better
equipment level for their homes”, says the founder of Eagle
Ground floor: 1st floor:
Log type: Location: 61,2 m2
24,8 m2
57,6 m2
Round log, 190 mm
Colorado, USA
Bent Creek Golf Village
Discover the breathtaking blue mist of the surrounding
mountains while relaxing in your own well-appointed accommodations. At Bent Creek Golf Village you can enjoy the
splendor of every season and the adventure that awaits you
in nearby Gatlinburg, in Tennessee, USA.
Resort highlights besides the fabulous golf course are BBQ
area, game room, concierge assistance, housekeeping service,
indoor heated pool and outdoor pool. Nearby activities are
several, including fishing, hiking, horseback riding, parks, river
rafting, shopping, downhill skiing and theatres.
The village involves 4 duplex Honka massive wooden
houses. Each house has its own uniqueness with kitchen,
fireplace and two to three bedrooms.
Majestic waterfalls and hemlock-covered forests glisten
beneath the breathtaking sunrises and legendary blue mist
of the Great Smoky Mountains. When you want good oldfashioned family fun, head for Gatlinburg and a holiday with
a touch of Americana.
Log type: Location: 4 duplex houses
Round log, 190 mm
Tennessee, USA
Photos: © Honka Russia
A Suburban Community on the Istra River is a new neighbourhood on the shore of the Istra Reservoir, one of the most
interesting and attractive locations in the Moscow Region.
The project included the construction of three types of
houses: 8 houses of 510 m², 8 houses of 420 m² and 9 houses
of 330 m².
All houses are two-story and feature terraces and panoramic glazing. They have been designed in the traditional
Scandinavian style with pitched roofs and painted in warm
pastel shades. Wall material is six-layer profiled glued laminated timber.
Description of the area:
7 hectare area
Number of houses: The area has 25 Honka houses.
Plot sizes:
1,700-4,000 m²
Houses: Built from Honka round logs and
square laminated logs, all according
to individual plans.
Location: Moscow Region,
in the vicinity of Trusovo village.
Building years: 2009 – 2011
Family club with a gym,
billiards and a hall with a fireplac, visitor
parking spaces, playground, arbours and lawns
on the shore, developed beach zone
Rönnäs Golf Club
The maritime Rönnäs golf centre is located just short of an
hour's drive east from the Finnish capital, Helsinki, by the sea.
The area has its own small boat harbour for yachters. Apart
from golf, other leisure time activities include tennis, fishing
and riding.
Rönnäs golf centre includes the Sea Golf Rönnäs Golf
Club building and several holiday homes in three different
stages, all supplied by Honka. The restaurant located in the
golf clubhouse is ideal for good wining and dining and open
to anyone. The restaurant has about 55 seats inside and a
covered, sunny outside terrace. The clubhouse also has sauna
facilities for men and women as well as a small snug for
about ten people.
Stylish and very high quality holiday homes are on the
seashore and provide provide quality conscious customers
with excellent surroundings for holidays or conferences.
More information about the clubhouse:
More information about holiday homes:
Restaurant: Customer places: Region: Log type: Location: Restaurant hall, cabinet,kitchen, customer
sauna area, and patio
Hall 55 persons
20 holiday homes, from 63 m² to 195 m²
Square log
Isnäs, Finland
Hoshinone - The tune of stars
The Hoshinone vacation village is in a mountain
area in the middle of Japan, 150km west of
Tokyo. The village’s name means ”the tune of
stars”, and it provides visitors with an escape
from the busy city life to an environment that fills
their senses with nature.
Thirty log houses by Honka blend into the
surroundings at the foot of the mountain. The houses
are located on the southern slope and can thereby
guarantee a large amount of sunlight. The Kamogawa
River runs on the western side of the area, and can
be used for fishing.
The houses were originally designed for the
nearby hotel for rental use, but due to customer
feedback they were in turn sold to private customers
as all-included packages. Due to their equipment, the houses can be
used both as holiday homes and residential homes. All the houses
have practical lofts and high ceilings. In addition, some of the houses
have jacuzzis on their terrace.
The area also has a hot spring spa, ”onsen” in Japanese, which
can be used by vacationers, along with a restaurant and a reception
building that is open 24 hours a day. The house maintenance services
are arranged so that the residents can concentrate on enjoying their
Region: Log type: Architect: Location: 30 recreational homes
Square log, 112 mm
CRI Design Office Inc.
Yatsugatake, Hokuto, Japan
Sisääntulo kerros
Toinen kerros
Photos: © Honka Russia
Copper Lake
Together with its Russian representative, Rossa Rakenne,
Honka built the Copper Lake luxury housing area in the
greater St. Petersburg area in 2004-2007. On the 32 hectare
area there are 45 luxury homes, each more grand and massive
than the next, which Honka has delivered according to
individual plans by the customers.
Director Aleksander Tsarev from Rossa Rakenne, explains
that housing areas that are located within peaceful, natural
surroundings are very much in demand in Russia. Every year,
increasingly more Russians seek to work inside the city, but
live outside of it.
”Countryside houses are no longer just summer homes,
but have become a new standard of living. People not
only seek to buy a house on an ecologically clean area for
themselves and their families, but also want to create a
certain lifestyle which includes a house of the highest quality
with all the comforts, in a 'country club' kind of atmosphere.
The neighbouring families share their values and views.
The operations of Rossa Rakenne play an important part in
the design and implementation of housing areas outside
cities. I can say, hand on heart, that there is nothing similar
across the whole of Russia to the residential areas we have
created, using the highest quality Honka houses”, says Tsarev
Photos: © Honka Russia
Description of the area:
32 hectare area, of which 17
hectares are designated as a park
Plots: The area has 45 Honka houses.
Plot sizes:
Houses: Built of Honka round logs and
square laminated logs, all according
to individual plans.
Location: In the greater St. Petersburg area, on
Lake Mednoye Ozero.
Building years: 2004–2007
Management building, exercise areas and children’s
play areas, store, cafeteria and pharmacist,
maintained beach and pier, tennis courts
Photos: © Honka Russia
Honka Family Club
Honka Family Club villa community is a unique development
created for true connoisseurs of beauty where everything is
perfectly tuned for a comfortable suburban life and expression of one’s individuality.
This elite neighbourhood consists of 22 houses located in
Yukki village in the vicinity of Saint Petersburg.
Yukki has always been a favourite holiday resort for residents of Saint Petersburg. It is not a coincidence that the
unique natural landscape of this area is protected by UNESCO.
The picturesque parcel of hilly land occupies an area of
6.9 ha on the shore of the Tokhkolodskoye Lake and borders
the Yukki nature reserve. You will be able to enjoy the majestic scenery directly from your own house, with the windows
offering a panoramic view of the lake surrounded by a pine
and birch forest.
A mere 30 minute driving time to the centre of Saint Petersburg makes this neighbourhood suitable for living all year
round in the nature’s lap while maintaining a lifestyle habitual
for city residents.
Each house has an individual architectural design, enabling
the owners to make their dreams of a perfect home come true
and to fit the houses naturally into the surrounding landscape.
The use of wood as a main building material emphasises the
common style of all houses and installations in the community.
All this creates a homogenous architectural and spatial solution for the neighbourhood while preserving the uniqueness
of each house.
Description of the area:
6,9 hectare area
Houses: 22 genuine HONKA houses from Finland
Individual design of each house
Plot sizes:
2,000 - 3,000 m²
Houses: Built of Honka round logs and
square laminated logs, all according
to individual plans.
Location: In the greater St. Petersburg area, Russia
Sports and fitness centre with a swimming
pool, tennis court, playing fields and
playgrounds, developed beach zone
with a pier, city utility lines, high level of
comfort and security
Photos: © Honka Russia
Repino Village
The Repino Village hotel is located in one of the best St. Petersburg suburbs, right on the shore of the Gulf of Finland.
The architectural solution for the building was largely influenced by the image of St. Petersburg “dachas” (summer cottages), where city intellectuals spent their summers between
the 19th and 20th centuries. The town-house-type compact
planning is due to the size of the area, but it also re-creates
the atmosphere of a street, whose inhabitants find pleasure
in communicating with each other. At the same time, the terraces below the main hall windows that are hidden thanks to
special façade projections give you the feeling of privacy and
quiet rest. This style - the atmosphere of comfort and privacy
- governs the building structure and the landscape design.
The complex consists of 14 interlocked buildings, each
containing three to eight apartments, and four buildings
with twin apartments.
Each apartment has a kitchen combined with a dining
room, a main hall with a fireplace, sauna, open terrace and
bedrooms on the second floor.
Region: Apartments:
Log type: Location: 76
14 interlocked buildings
Kitchen combined with a dining room,
a main hall with a fireplace, sauna, open terrace
and bedrooms on the second floor
Square log
St. Petersburg suburbs, Russia
Honka Fusion Terraced House
This five-apartment terraced house with a Honka Fusion
structure is located in the magnificent Thousand Lakes area
in Central Finland, overlooking Lake Päijänne. The frame
of the house is constructed of unique non-settling Honka
Fusion logs, with the logs left visible inside the house. The
stone and wood clad property provides apartment hotel
accommodation for one night or a longer period. The
recreational opportunities in the area are excellent: hiking
paths, a marina and a beach are located right next to the
house and a golf course is also close by. Jyväskylä, the capital
of Central Finland, with all its activities and amusements is
just minutes away. Each of the two-bedroom apartments is
allergy-free and fully decorated with its own fireplace, wellequipped kitchen, sauna and a utility room.
More information:
Apartments: 5
Apartment sizes: 84.5 m² in apartment hotel and
104,5 m² as private flats
Location: Central Finland