Edge of the Earth - Guysborough Journal
Edge of the Earth - Guysborough Journal
PM: 40013892 Published since 1994 • Serving Guysborough County and Area • Vol. 23, No. 34 • Wednesday, August 20, 2014 • $1 +HST Calendar 2 • Editorial 4 • Arts and Culture 10 • Community 12 • Obituaries 14 • Classifieds 15 R: 2526425 DSM to invest $30 million in Mulgrave expansion SPIRITED YOUNG FILLIES: A fearsome float at the Canso Regatta was the "Waterhole" entry, which took home "Best Overall Float" recognition. Perhaps it was the gun-slinging antics of (l-r) Mya MacKenzie, Maria MacKenzie and Peyton O'Handley that swayed the judges. Susan O'Handley Photo MULGRAVE – DSM Nutritional Products, part of Royal DSM NV, a global leader in developing, manufacturing and marketing essential nutritional ingredients for health markets, announced on Monday, August 18, it is investing at least $30 million in new capital in its Mulgrave facility. "DSM evaluated multiple locations across the Americas for an expansion within our nutritional products division," said Stephan Tanda, managing board member of DSM, responsible for its nutrition business group. "With NSBI's support, along with Nova Scotia's talented and educated workforce and leading universities in the research and development of marine sciences, Nova Scotia was the right choice for this investment." DSM acquired Ocean Nutrition in 2012 and today is one of Nova Scotia's largest employers in the life sciences industry. "DSM has been a flagship operation in Nova Scotia, helping define the natural health products and nutraceuticals sector, and making us globally competitive and recognizable," said Scott Moffitt, managing director of BioNova, the province's life sciences and biotechnology industry association. "Seeing an increased footprint for DSM operations would Continued on page 7 Canso Scouts venture to the 'Edge of the Earth' The 5th Canso & Area Scout Troop leaders and Venture Youth (ages1417) attended the National Venture Scout Jamboree-Adventure 14 on August 2-7, 2014 at Camp Nor'Wes in Newfoundland. The was the largest Scouts Canada camp in Newfoundland and Labrador, nestled on the edge of Terra Nova National Park. It was a unique opportunity to form a composite patrol unit with Venture Youth from Ontario, Manitoba and Nova Scotia. The Flat Earth Society believes that Newfoundland is positioned at one of the four corners of the world, teetering on the edge of the planet. So Scouts Canada invited Venturer Scouts to experience what life is like at the end of the earth. Programming projects included whale watching on Trinity Bay, hikes, biking, whitewater rafting, exploring Terra Nova National Park, science and technology projects, archery, catapult, orienteering and kayaking. Some 650 youth participants attended from across Canada, the United Kingdom, United States and the United Arab Emirates. SCOUTS HONOUR: (left to right) Sheila Luddington, Jared Dixon, Jayden Joel, Scott Sikich, Erik Urabe, Eric Sikich, Robert Feltmate and Harold Roberts. Contributed Photo STRAIGHT DEALS FROM STRAIT AREA DEALERS Page 2 • Guysborough Journal • Wednesday, August 20, 2014 www.guysboroughjournal.com Community Calendar MON. to FRI. AUG. 18 to 22 ••The Guysborough County Sailing Club and the Municipality of the District of Guysborough are offering a Learn to Sail / Cruise! introductory sailing course for adults, on the Guysborough Waterfront. For more information, please call Kate at 870-6567. THURSDAY AUGUST 21 ••Ladies Night at Osprey Golf Resort, continuing throughout the golf season, 6 pm. Sponsored by the MODG Recreation Department and Osprey Golf Resort. FRIDAY AUGUST 22 ••Concert at the Hadleyville Fire Hall, 7 pm. Admission is $5 per person. A lunch will be served. In aid of the Out of the Fog Lighthouse Museum. SATURDAY AUGUST 23 ••Flea Market and Lunch at St. Paul’s Church Hall, West Ecum Secum, from 8 am to 1 pm. ••Dance at the Charlos Cove Community Hall from 9 pm till midnight. Music by the Kevin Beanland Band. For more information, call Joanne Pellerin at 3582103. SATURDAY AUGUST 23, and 30 ••The Guysborough Community Market will take place from 9 am till noon at the Jost Building on the Guysborough waterfront. Come and enjoy a hot beverage and tasty homemade goodies while you browse the wide variety of unique local handcrafts – leather, artwork, fused glass, jewelry, cards, jams, pickles, artisan breads, maple syrup, and knit, crochet and quilted items on display by our local vendors. ••Chase the Ace at the Guysborough Legion. Tickets are sold from 7 to 8:30 pm. Cost is $5 for a strip of five. You can also play cards, darts, cribbage and pool – plus socialize while you wait for the draw and your chance to take home the prize. Open canteen and bar. No entrance fee. SUNDAY AUGUST 24 ••Eastern Guysborough / Mulgrave / Bayfield Pastoral Charge (United Church) services are Guysborough 9 am and Bayfield 11:15 am. Everyone is welcome. ••The Lochaber Blueberry Festival will take place at the Lochaber Centre from 1 to 4 pm. Homemade blueberry desserts, beverages, a 50/50 draw and more. Admission is $5 for adults, $3 for children. Everyone is welcome. Sponsored by the Lochaber Community Development Association. SUNDAY AUGUST 24 and 31 ••Services for St. Mary’s Pastoral Charge, The United Church of Canada are 9:30 am at St. John's in Sherbrooke, 11 am at Kirk in Glenelg and 6:30 pm at Bethany in East River St. Mary's. For more information, please call 833-2920, visit us on facebook or our website at www. stmaryspastoralcharge. blogspot.com. MONDAY AUGUST 25 ••The Guysborough and Area Garden Club will be gathering for our August meeting in Larry’s River, celebrating with a barbecue this month. Feel free to come and join us – we love to welcome new members. We are now tending our plantings and gardens. If you like to garden, you can even help out without being a Garden Club member. Call Marion Lamey-Cole at 358-2051 for more information. FRIDAY AUGUST 29 ••St. Peter's Parish Annual Picnic Weekend at St Peter's Parish Hall in Larry's River: Pub Night from 9 pm to 1 am. Admission is $5 per person. Music by DJ. SATURDAY AUGUST 30 ••Country Harbour Gun Club Land and Sea Poker Rally. Registration is from 1 to 2 pm at the boat launch in Salsman Park. Cost is $10 per hand. You can drive to the checkpoints if you don't have access to a boat. Prizes (based on an estimate of 50 entrants): 1st – $200, 2nd -– $100, 3rd – $50. Free barbecue will be available as well. ••St. Peter's Parish Annual Picnic Weekend at St Peter's Parish Hall in Larry's River: Parade at 1 pm. Games of chance at 2 pm. Hot turkey supper from 4 to 6 pm. Dance from 9:30 pm to 1:30 am; admission is $10 per person, music by Silver Wings. ••Artist's Talk at the Port Bickerton Lighthouse Interpretive Centre from 2 to 4 pm. Susan Paterson, the first Artist-in-Residence at the Port Bickerton Lightkeeper's House will discuss her current work and talk about her experience at the residence. Come meet Susan and see her beautiful work. Refreshments will be served and all are welcome. SUNDAY AUGUST 31 ••St Peter's Parish Annual Picnic Weekend at St Peter's Parish Hall in Larry's River: Sunday liturgy at 11 am. Brunch at noon. Mini boat races at 3 pm, $5 per boat. Concert at 7 pm, admission is $7 per person. ••Eastern Guysborough / Mulgrave / Bayfield Pastoral Charge (United Church) will be having a Joint Service in Bayfield at 11 am followed by a potluck lunch and fellowship. Everyone is welcome. SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 7 ••Eastern Guysborough / Mulgrave / Bayfield Pastoral Charge (United Church) services are Canso 9 am, Guysborough 11 am and Mulgrave 1 pm. Everyone is welcome. and contemporary art festival celebrating Eastern Nova Scotia's rich cultural and artistic community through music and interactive visual arts. Come and experience the exciting acts and artists. SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 28 ••The Gabriel Trio will be singing at Goshen Gospel Church at 11 am. All are invited to come out and enjoy this special musical presentation. SUNDAYS ••The Port Bickerton and Area Planning Association will be hosting a gospel concert at the community centre, featuring the Harpell Family, 7 pm. Light refreshments will be served. Admission is a free will offering with all proceeds in support of the lighthouse project. SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 14 ••Eastern Guysborough / Mulgrave / Bayfield Pastoral Charge (United Church) services are Bayfield 9 am and Boylston 11:15 am. Everyone is welcome. THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 18 ••The Eagles Youth Group of Goshen Gospel church is starting up again. The Juniors are from Grade 1 to 7 and the Seniors from Grade 8 up – and there is lots of room for more to join. Both groups will be together for the opening event at 6 pm – a cookout at the home of Mack and Barb Kinley, 479 W. Lochaber Road. FRI. and SAT. SEPT. 26 and 27 ••The Fifth Annual Antigonight: Art After Dark Festival from 2 to 10 pm (both nights). We are an interactive ••Hot Breakfast, served the last Sunday of every month at the Auld’s Cove Fire Hall from 8 am till noon. Cost is $7 for adults and $3.50 for children under 12. ••Services for Canso Christian Centre, 11 am. ••Services for Canso United Baptist Church, 11 am. Church in Glenelg, every second Sunday at 2 pm. This year’s theme: the Olympics. At each JAM Club, we will focus on a different sport, and using scripture, music, crafts and games, we will use that sport to illustrate God’s great love for each and every one of us. And we always have a snack too. Join a winning team – play for Jesus. ••Monthly Coffee House at the Canso Lions Club from 2 to 5 pm (the first Sunday of every month). Local talent, and light refreshments. Admission is $5 per person. ••Bingo at Maple Hall in Heatherton, 2:30 pm. ••Services for the Abundant Life Centre, 3 pm at the Wesley United Church in Guysborough. ••Services for All Saints Anglican Church, 4 pm. ••Services for Guysborough Baptist Church, 11 am. Come worship the Lord and sing his praises with us. All are welcome. ••Cribbage, 7:30 pm at the Goshen Community Centre. Bring a partner and join us for a few games. First, second and third prizes will be awarded and tickets will be sold on a 50/50 draw (three tickets for $2). Entry fee is $5 per person. Proceeds are for the community centre. ••Baptist Worship Schedule: New Harbour, 11 am; Seal Harbour, the first and third Sunday of the month, 2:30 pm; Goldboro, the second and fourth Sunday of the month, 2:30 pm. ••Services for Holy Trinity Anglican Church in Country Harbour Mines are: the first, third and fifth Sundays of the month, 7 pm; the second and fourth Sundays, 11 am. ••Dog Social from 1 to 3 pm. We will meet at the Guysborough ball field and go for a walk along the shore road. ••Services for the Church of the Good Shepherd in Tor Bay, 7 pm. ••JAM Club – Jesus and Me – St. Mary’s Pastoral Charge, the United Church of Canada. Our charge’s program for children and all ages: Sunday School at Kirk Memorial United ••Sheet Harbour Crib Card Parties at the Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 58, 7:30 pm. Entry fee is $6 per person. For more information call Tom at 654-2211. ••Services for St. James the Martyr Church in Halfway Cove, 11 am. MONDAYS CANCELLED UNTIL A LATER DATE: The Guysborough-Eastern Shore-Tracadie Liberal Association ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING (Originally scheduled for August 23, 2014) VISIT US ONLINE AT WWW.GUYSBOROUGHJOURNAL.COM FOR FULL COMMUNITY CALENDAR AND CLASSIFIED LISTINGS www.guysboroughjournal.com Wednesday, August 20, 2014 • Guysborough Journal • Page 3 Full Steam Coffee now Atlantic Canada’s certified kosher roaster The Full Steam Coffee Co. has achieved kosher certification from COR, becoming Atlantic Canada’s only kosher certified coffee roaster. A certified organic and Fairtrade coffee roaster in the seacoast village of Guysborough, Nova Scotia, Full Steam Coffee’s kosher certification is a further recognition of their high quality standards and is a further step in opening up new markets for the company. “We’re proud to attain kosher status for our Full Steam Coffee,” said Glynn Williams, proprietor. “Our vision at the Authentic Seacoast is to restore our community’s proud trading legacy by producing quality products and this important certification will enable us to reach new customers.” COR is the kosher certification trademark used by the Kashruth Council of Canada, the largest kosher certification agency in Canada. Their inspection team ensures food that is COR certified complies with the highest kosher dietary standards. “We are delighted to welcome Full Steam Coffee as a member of COR,” said Judy Pister, executive assistant and New Client Representative for the Kashruth Council of Canada. “For consumers around the world, COR stands for kosher quality and Full Steam Coffee is fully compliant with our high quality standards.” Wreaths taken to sea CANSO – Under cloudy skies more than 20 fishing vessels from Canso and area formed a boat parade to take wreaths from the Seamen’s Memorial to sea, this past Sunday, Aug. 17. The boats circled Canso Harbour then took the wreaths out to Chadabucto Bay. Rev. Darroch Fagan from All Saints Anglican Church conducted the blessing of the fleet and prayers for those lost at sea. King Lion Barry Lumsden and Lion Ray White placed the first wreaths at sea followed by wreaths by Rev. Fagan, Rod MacKenzie of the Guysborough Inshore Fishermen Association and wreaths from Tiger II with Seamen’s Memorial wreaths. the boats in the parade. After a moment of silence the boats returned to Canso. This moving tribute is held each year as activities in the Canso Regatta come to a close; it is a project of the Canso Lions Club with the support of the fishing community. Local fisherman Rod MacKenzie in Tiger II was the lead boat for the final tribute from the community. Mary Cooke of the "With a Little Help Society" of Erinville presents a cheque for $1000 to Bill Innis, Co-Chair of the Guyborough Memorial Hospital Foundation Fundraising Campaign, as a donation towards the renovation and expansion of Guysborough Memorial Hospital. Contributed Photo Lion Ray White and Reverend Darroch Fagan lay wreaths at sea during the annual boat parade and blessing of the fleet. Canso Lions Club Photos Municipality of the District of St. Mary’s 8296 Hwy #7, Sherbrooke, NS B0J 3C0 (p) 902 522 2049 (f) 902 522 2309 TENDER Sherbrooke Water Utility Water Main Replacement in Historic Sherbrooke Village Sealed tenders addressed to Marian Fraser, Finance Officer/Deputy Clerk, Municipality of the District of St. Mary’s, PO Box 296, Sherbrooke, B0J 3C0 and marked on the envelope or via email to [email protected]. “TENDER – Excavation work for Water Main Replacement” will be received until 12 noon, Wednesday, Sepetember 3rd, 2014 for the removal and disposal of asphalt paving from the streets within the Historic Sherbrooke Village Compound, trench excavation, backfill and compaction of the new water mains and laterals and graveling of the streets. For a full tender package, including the tender bid form and diagrams please contact the Municipality at 902-522- 2049. Tenders must be accompanied by a bid bond or security in favor of the Owner for not less than ten percent (10%) of the amount of the tender as outlined in the tender documents. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Area boats participate in the Seamen’s Memorial Boat Parade. SEND YOUR PHOTOS TO [email protected] Page 4 • Guysborough Journal • Wednesday, August 20, 2014 Editorial www.guysboroughjournal.com Letters Politics is not a game Protecting natural beauty Last week former Conservative staffer Michael Sonna found out the hard way that politics isn't a game. Sonna was found guilty in a Guelph, Ontario courtroom for his role in what has come to be known as the Robocalls controversy. He will be sentenced next month and in theory could get up to five years in jail. While it is unlikely that Sonna will have the book thrown at him, he could face some time in the crowbar hotel. And despite his young age, 25, he does not seem to have much of a future in politics. Sonna more or less personifies the image folks get when they think of the term "boys in short pants," which has become the current way of stereotypically describing the young folks who work on Parliament Hill these days. While you will find those types (we used to call them Type A personalities) in all political parties, it seems that the kids working in the current government have taken their role to a whole new level. From what we read and hear, some of these young guns operate with reckless abandon. They bark out orders from the Prime Minister's Office to MPs and senior public servants. That a 25year- old, with little or no life experience can find herself or himself in a position to have that sort of influence, or at least perceived influence, tells you about all you need to know about the state of politics in Ottawa these days. Many believe Sonna did not act alone and some commentators hold that he should do the right thing and name names. While we should obviously find out who knew what, when and who exactly was in on the scheme, going forward it is far more important that everyone understand what the Robocalls episode represents. Every generation of political watchers holds that the decorum and the state of politics they witnessed is the worst ever. The Diefenbaker years were classics with the old chief fighting with both the Liberal government of Lester Pearson and his own caucus. Pierre Trudeau's famous "fuddle-duddle" remark to an opposition MP in Question Period sort of embodied political tension in the seventies, the then Liberal MP Sheila Copps climbing over chairs to challenge Tory minister Sinclair Stevens at a committee meeting in the 1980s and of course Gomery and other inquiries in the 1990s, have all left bruises on the political landscape in Canada. However, we think it is at a whole new level when a party worker, even unauthorized, feels that he or she can manipulate the democratic process. There are likely many reasons as to why politics has sunk to such a low level. Part of it is social media and technology in general, which makes it easier to spread the message, true or not, about a political opponent. Another is a distinct lack of respect among politicians in Ottawa these days. Justin Trudeau and his Liberal supporters rightly feel as though he is personally being attacked in Conservative advertising. On the other hand Stephen Harper and the Tories would tell you that the Tory messages are lollipops compared to what the governing Liberals were saying about him and his party back in 2005 and 2006. The difference is that technology advancement in the last few years has served to intensify the cynicism and mistrust among politicians themselves, and Canadians' fatigue with politicians generally. So who can change the tone of politics today? The people of course. We must demand of our leaders a certain level of civility where Question Period looks more like a passionate discussion and debate among the representatives of the people and less like a scene from the old World Wrestling Federation. Maybe then we will attract more of the the kind of folks who want to make a positive contribution to government and Canada as opposed to simply trying to manipulate the political system. Politics is not a game to be manipulated. The fact that one person (and maybe others) almost got away with treating it as such and potentially altering the outcome of an election is a warning to all of us. To the Editor, Just read the letter to The Journal by Alicia Horton and Coady Avery. Well written! Perhaps public servants have been schmoozed into devilish deals. We, the people, have a grand opportunity to vi- sualize a different future for the gem of a coast we call home. Twenty years ago protestors young and old captured the attention of global media when teenagers and grandmothers proudly wore prison bracelets. Their crime was to stop the ravaging of old growth forests on Vancouver Island. Today the area is a beloved tourist destination; actions to protect nature made Clayoquot Sound famous! Published every Wednesday by Addington Publications Ltd. Publisher Allan Murphy [email protected] Renee Sagebear Albrecht, Canso Editor In Chief Helen Murphy [email protected] Advertising [email protected] Production Coordinator [email protected] Circulation and Office Manager [email protected] Graphic Design [email protected] PO Box 210 Guysborough, NS B0H 1N0 Tel: 902-533-2851 Fax: 902-533-2750 We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage Publications Mail Agreement #40013898 Registration #2526425 Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to: Circulation Department, 330-123 Main Street, Toronto, Ontario M5W 1A1 Email: [email protected] Creative and colourful parade floats make their way through the streets of Canso on Saturday as part of the Canso Regatta. Renee Sagebear Photos www.guysboroughjournal.com Wednesday, August 20, 2014 • Guysborough Journal • Page 5 Murphy’s Law By Helen Murphy Any It happened as I feared it would. I came home Friday after work to find an unknown male in my home. He was a little fellow, only about a foot long and six inches tall -- but he was strange all the same. Katherine had not alerted me to her last-minute decision to buy a dog that day. She had pretty much decided on the one she wanted, but the timing of the purchase developed a sudden urgency. "Mom they said they were going to sell the dog to a girl and her father from Montreal if I didn't go and buy it today" she said by way of explanation. Yes, it was the old “another buyer is waiting in the wings” routine. I considered making this a teachable moment, but since our household was being turned upside down by nervous little pup, I decided the time wasn't right. So I came home to find my daughter's new puppy cowering in the corner, and my daughter gone to work for the evening. I can't sugar-coat it; that first night the dog didn't like us, and we didn't like the dog. The thing looked like a character from The Lion King -- not the adorable little Simba, but rather the evil uncle Scar, if you can imagine him as a pup. The dog glowered at us from the shadows, snapping if I tried to pet him. And for this pleasure, our daughter paid $500. Let me stress, this dog is not a pure breed. He is half Pekingese and half Pomeranian. I always thought such beasts were called mutts and found accommodation through signs that read, "To give away to a good home..." But no, apparently they are called "designer breeds" and they come kind of dog with a hefty price tag. Katherine has decided to call him Tuuka, after the star Finnish goalie that the Toronto Maple leafs unwisely traded away. Her Dad and I prefer to call him Stitch, after the alien dog in Lilo and Stitch (to whom he also bears a resemblance) or sometimes Verdell, after the dog in the Jack Nicholson movie "As Good as It Gets," just because we know it annoys Katherine. But I have to admit that the ankle-biter (literally) is growing on me. Day two was much better and his little personality is starting to shine. He's not actually a Scar, he's actually a lot like his owner: an uncontrollable bundle of energy who takes frequent naps. Run and crash, run and crash, repeat. I realize now that $500 is just the start. We've only had him a few days and his wardrobe already rivals mine. But it's not my money -- Part II this time. Actually I'm thinking that my role isn't so bad. @_Murphys_Law Our new addition: ugly enough to be cute. Contributed Photo Maybe it's a little like having grandkids. I get to play with him, sneak him treats and then give him back when he's annoying. Central Nova Report 100th anniversary of WWI By Peter MacKay This month marks the 100th anniversary of the start of WWI. It was in August 1914 that the world would be forever changed by the enormity of a conflict that was unfolding. Although fought on shores far from Canada, in the process it would play a defining role in the development of our nation. Our country fought valiantly, and paid a heavy price - fighting alongside British, French and Russian troops against the aggression of the Central Powers. In battles at Ypres, The Somme, Vimy Ridge, and Passchendaele, our Canadian soldiers fought valiantly and incurred important losses of life brave men, all too young to die. The efforts of our soldiers, at these battles in particular, became tremendous sources of national pride. In time, historians have rightly assessed that these battles became defining moments in our nation’s history. The scale of this conflict was staggering, as were the casualties; there were upwards of 70 million combatants nine million of whom never returned home, with equally as many civilians among the casualties. From this number, more than 650,000 Canadians served, 66,000 fell and 172,000 were wounded. This was at a time when our nation’s population was less than eight million people. By today’s standards, that would be the equivalent of nearly three million Canadians fighting. The cumulative war effort consumed nearly all of our nation’s energies. The First World War, which ended with the signing of the Treaty of Versailles on November 11, 1918, was not only significant for its scale but also for the fact that we successfully fought to defend freedom and the rule of law. Many of us had relatives participating in these conflicts whose lives were forever changed. It is for this reason that, 100 years on, stories of their bravery and sacrifice still hit so close to home. That is also why we as Canadians can look back on our sacrifices with such pride, and why milestones like this are so important to mark. Lest we forget. WWW.GUYSBOROUGHJOURNAL.COM INVITATION FOR PROPOSALS THE MUNICIPALITY OF THE DISTRICT OF GUYSBOROUGH IS SEEKING THE PROVISION OF THE INSTALLATION OF A NEW DRY HYDRANT The Municipality of the District of Guysborough invites proposals for the installation of a new dry hydrant located on Dover Road, Little Dover near Maguire Lake. Hydrant must be installed and all associated ground work MUST BE completed prior to SEPTEMBER 30, 2014, no exceptions as per Permits from the Department of Environment. Prices shall include all equipment, materials and associated work, excluding HST. Also include a bid bond or certified cheque for ten (10%) of the tendered price , payable to the Municipality of the District of Guysborough as bid security, Letter of Good Standing with the Workers Compensation Board of Nova Scotia, and proof of liability insurance. NOTE: Tender will only be awarded and work commence upon the receipt of all necessary Provincial Permits/ Requirements. Proposal documents, site location, and specifications for the site are available from the Municipal Office, Guysborough, N.S. Sealed proposals plainly marked "Dry Hydrant" will be received at the office of the Municipality of the District of Guysborough, 33 Pleasant Street, Guysborough until 2:00 P.M., August 22, 2014. Opening 2:05 P.M., August 22, 2014 at same location Proposals which are considered to be informal unbalanced or not in accordance with any aspect of the Proposal Document may be rejected. The Municipality of the District of Guysborough reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, not necessarily accept the lowest proposal or to accept any which it may consider to be in the best interest of the Municipality based on but not limited to construction, suitability, and price. The Municipality also reserves the right to waive formality, informality or technicality in any proposal. Shawn Andrews Protective/IT Services Coordinator Municipality of the District of Guysborough 33 Pleasant Street, P.O.Box 79 Guysborough, NS B0H 1N0 (902) 533-3705 x.231 [email protected] Page 6 • Guysborough Journal • Wednesday, August 20, 2014 www.guysboroughjournal.com Friends, family and fun at Canso Regatta 2014 ABOVE: This past weekend saw many highlights of the 2014 Canso Regatta, including the parade, dory races, trap-hauling competition and community pub crawl. BOTTOM LEFT: Nick Mackenzie takes a turn at bat. BOTTOM CENTRE: Jeff George puts on a brave face awaiting his fate in the Dunk Tank. Susan O'Handley Photos SEND YOUR PHOTOS TO [email protected] www.guysboroughjournal.com Wednesday, August 20, 2014 • Guysborough Journal • Page 7 Mariner’s Day: Moving By Stuart MacLean, CEO Nova Scotia’s fishing communities boast some of the most beautiful scenery in our province: diverse, picturesque shorelines, wharves lined with fishing vessels, and boats bobbing along in the water. These incredible maritime settings can truly take your breath away. They represent a core part of the fabric of our province. In the midst of some of this beautiful scenery, however, also stand large granite monuments, each providing a harsh reminder of the hardship that has long been a part of Nova Scotia’s fishing history. The long lists of names etched into the stones remind us of the lost ships and fishing vessels, and people who have lost their lives at sea. In honour of Mariner’s Day, which is recognized of the toward a future of safe traditions Workers' Compensation Board the second Sunday in August, I recently visited some of these monuments. And I was particularly struck by the ones that are blank. The ones that sit there looming, waiting and anticipating the future names to be engraved, the tragedies yet to happen. The tragedies that no one wants to see. It’s that expectation of fatality – the feeling of it’s not a matter of if, but rather when, the next fishing tragedy will happen – that many of us are working together to change. Although fishing is an industry deeply rooted in tradition, the future is full of opportunity to create new, safe traditions. And many of these are already slowly starting to emerge, take hold and grow within the industry. Every day we see and hear of people not just thinking differently, but acting differently, about fishing safety on wharves and vessels around the province. PFDs are popping up everywhere, and many fishermen are eager to share their stories of wearing them while they work. When a PEI fisherman attended a safety demonstration in Nova Scotia and discovered the importance of having a ladder on board his boat in case a crew member goes overboard, he returned home and wrote an article in his community paper encouraging others to equip their boats with ladders too. And last November, when the fishing season in Southwest Nova was delayed due to weather conditions, we heard fishermen comment in of NS the media with things like, “Safety is the reason, nothing else. You never want to lose anybody,” and “If it saves one man’s life, it’s worth it.” These are just some of the actions we’re seeing and hearing about, but nonetheless, they are a strong sign of a shift in the industry. And we are doing everything we can to help grow this shift. Over the past few months, we at the WCB, along with our partners at the Department of Labour and Advanced Education, the Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture, the Fisheries Safety Association of Nova Scotia and the Nova Scotia Fisheries Sector Council, have been working closely with industry representatives to create a Safe at Sea Alliance. We’ve been engaging fishermen, their families and other community members, bringing leaders together, and visiting wharves and communities across the province to hear about what might be different so that fishing can happen more safely. At the same time, we’ve also been engaging those who can ultimately help facilitate the changes needed, including partners from other associations and various departments and levels of government. Our goal is to create the conditions for success so that our province’s proud fishing traditions carry on in a way that reduces the risk of people not coming home to their families. And ultimately, working together, the Safe at Sea Alliance – industry, government and other partners – will use all of the thoughts, comments and recommendations gathered over the past few months to develop an action plan that will help shape the future fishing in Nova Scotia. Because in order for our future fishery to be bright, vibrant and prosperous, it needs to be safe. As I look to the future of fishing in Nova Scotia, I envision a day when we all believe that workplace injuries are preventable. And, recognizing the risks inherent in the industry, I envision a day when the whole industry embraces health and safety. I firmly believe the key to achieving this lies within all of us continuing to work together and grow the safety culture that has already started to take root. day's announcement is about incenting a global leader to continue to invest, grow and be innovative in Nova Scotia." The Mulgrave facility has been in operation for 15 years, producing more than 175 billion servings of MEG-3 (Omega 3 healthy fish oil), which have been consumed worldwide. For more information on DSM, visit www.dsm. com. DSM to invest $30 million in Mulgrave expansion From page 1 be a significant move to further solidify Nova Scotia as an international player in this market." To ensure DSM invests and grows in the province, Nova Scotia Business Inc. has signed two agreements with the company. NSBI's payroll rebate agreement will encourage DSM to create up to 50 new jobs in Nova Scotia over five years. A second agreement will also encourage a capital investment of at least $30 million to increase capacity at its Mulgrave facility. The company must maintain at least 200 jobs over the five years to be eligible. DSM can earn up to $6,225,000 in rebates through NSBI's Strategic Investment Funds. These two agreements represent more than $86 million in salaries for Nova Scotia's economy, with employees paying provincial person- NOTICE Consultative Process for Approval Under The Environment Act This is to advise that Eastern Shore Haulage Inc. is proposing to operate a Septage Disposal Facility in accordance with the Environmental Act and the Activities Designation Regulations. ••The Proposed Location of Activity is Watts Section, Sheet Harbour, on lands owned by Eastern Shore Haulage Inc. ••Nature and Description of Activity is to provide lime stabilization for septage disposal on their lands in Watts Section. ••Purpose of Activity is to provide a septage pumping and disposal service for the Sheet Harbour area al income taxes of about $10.5 million. "This was a competitive situation and a big win for Nova Scotia," said Peter MacAskill vice-president, Nova Scotia Business Inc. "To- Martin Marietta Materials Canada Limited (MMMCL) is currently accepting applications for the following positions at the Plant located in Auld’s Cove, Nova Scotia: Heavy Equipment Operators Stationary Plant Operators Heavy Duty Mechanic Electrician Labourers The quarry operation located adjacent to the Strait of Canso is a supplier of crushed granite locally and throughout the Eastern Seaboard, the Gulf Coast States, and the Caribbean. This is a unionized environment, offering excellent benefits and working conditions. Resumes may be submitted to the following address: For additional information please contact: Mr. Robert Rowe P.Eng., MPH. Hiltz and Seamone II Co. Ltd. 76 Coldbrook Village Park Drive, Coldbrook, NS B4R 1B9 Phone: 902-678-2774 Comments may also be sent to: Nova Scotia Environment 30 Damascus Road, Suite 115, Bedford, NS B4A 0C1 Phone: 902-424-7773 Martin Marietta Materials P.O. Box 278 Mulgrave, Nova Scotia B0E 2G0 Fax: 902-747-2396 Email: [email protected] No telephone calls please. Only selected candidates will be contacted for interviews. Martin Marietta Materials is an equal opportunity employer. SUBSCRIBERS CAN ALSO ACCESS THE DIGITAL EDITION OF THE GUYSBOROUGH JOURNAL ONLINE AT WWW.GUYSBOROUGHJOURNAL.COM Page 8 • Guysborough Journal • Wednesday, August 20, 2014 www.guysboroughjournal.com uuu Welcome to the Eastern Nova Scotia SCHEDULE OF EVENTS 12:45 p.m. •• Beef Classes (Ring C): Jr. Showmanship, Sr. Showmanship, Champion Showmanship, Shorthorn Calf Heats, Simmental Calf Heats, Limousin Calf Heats, Replacement Heifer Heats, Champion Beef Calf RETURNING IN 2014: Baxter Family Rodeo Friday, August 29 at 7:00 pm Little Moe's Dog Show Saturday, August 30 at 1:15 pm and 5:00 pm 2:45 p.m. •• Grand Champion Showmanship Wednesday, August 27: 4-H Day Tug-of-war weigh-ins will be on Monday August 25, at 8:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. •• Light Horse Classes (Main Arena): Showmanship, Equitation •• Miniature Horse Classes (Outdoor Ring) 9:30 a.m. •• Dog Classes (Ring A): Showmanship, Obedience 4:00 p.m. •• 4-H Tug of War Light & Heavyweight Semi-Finals 9:00 a.m. •• Draft Horse Line Classes (Main Arena): Light & Heavy Clydesdales, Percherons, Belgians, Jr. Showmanship, Sr. Showmanship 6:00 p.m. ••OFFICIAL OPENING of the ENSE 6:30 p.m. •• Line up for 4-H Parade 6:45 p.m. •• 4-H Parade 7:15 p.m. •• 4-H Tug of War Semi-Finals & Finals 7:45 p.m. •• Miss & Master Competition •• Goat Classes (Ring B): Showmanship, Conformation 8:15 p.m. •• 4-H Tug of War Finals 9:45 a.m. •• Sheep Classes (Ring C): Showmanship, Conformation 8:45 p.m. 11:30 a.m. •• Light Horse Classes: Class #10 Road Hack Pony, Class #23, Road Hack Horse – Jr. Rider, Class #24, Road Hack Horse – Sr. Rider, Class #11, Pony Command English or Western 1:00 p.m. •• Clydesdale Team – Light 1:20 p.m. •• Percheron Team – Light 6:00 p.m. ••ENTERTAINMENT (Outdoor Stage): FRASER NEWCOMBE 6:30 p.m. ••GASTONI ATTRACTIONS, Russian Family Circus Entertainment 7:45 p.m. •• Four Horse Hitch – Clydesdale 8:00 p.m. •• Four Horse Hitch – Percheron 8:15 p.m. •• Four Horse Hitch – Belgian 8:30 p.m. ••ATV OBSTACLE COURSE 1:40 p.m. •• Belgian Team – Light 2:00 p.m. ••GASTONI ATTRACTIONS, Russian Family Circus Entertainment 2:40 p.m. •• Light Horse Classes: Class #18 English Pleasure Horse – Jr. Rider, Class #19 English Pleasure Horse – Sr. Rider, Class #09 English Pleasure Pony 10:30 a.m. •• Waterfowl Classes (Ring B): Showmanship, Conformation 10:45 a.m. •• Poultry Classes (4-H Barn, in cages): Conformation 3:30 p.m. •• Clydesdale Team – Heavy 10:45 a.m. •• Rabbit Classes (Ring C): Conformation, Showmanship 11:30 a.m. •• Dairy Classes (Ring A): Sr. Showmanship, Jr. Showmanship, Champion Showmanship 12:45 p.m. •• Calf Classes (Ring A): Holstein Calf Heats, Ayrshire Calf Heats, Other Dairy Breed Heats, Champion Dairy Calf ••GASTONI ATTRACTIONS, Russian Family Circus Entertainment 3:45 p.m. •• Percheron Team – Heavy Thursday, August 28 8:30 a.m. •• Light Horse Classes (Outdoor Ring): Class #01 – Grooming & Conditioning Horse, Class #02 – Grooming & Conditioning Pony, Class #03 – Halter Pony, Class #04 – Halter Horse Mare, Class #05 – Halter Horse Gelding, Class #06 – Small Fry Showmanship, Class #07 – Junior Showmanship, Class #08 – Senior Showmanship 4:00 p.m. •• Belgian Team – Heavy 4:15 p.m. •• Light Horse Classes: Class #26 English Command Horse - Jr. Rider, Class #27 English Command Horse - Sr. Rider, Class #16 Hunter Hack Pony, Class #17 Hunter Hack Horse, Class #49 Horse / Pony & Dog Relay, Class #40 Small Fry Pleasure, Class #43 Small Fry Command Friday, August 29 9:00 a.m. •• Light Horse Classes: (Outdoor Ring): Class #12 Cross Rails, Class #13 2′ Hunter Over Fences, Class #21 English Equitation – Jr. Rider, Class #22 English Equitation – Sr. Rider, Class #41 Small Fry Equitation, Class #42 Small Fry Egg & Spoon, Class #30 Western Pleasure Pony, Class #46 Pet Pony, Class #39 Western Reining 8:30 a.m. •• Cattle Show (Main Arena) 1:00 p.m. •• Light Horse Classes: Class #31 Western Pleasure Horse – Jr. Rider, Class #32 Western Pleasure Horse – Sr. Rider www.guysboroughjournal.com Wednesday, August 20, 2014 • Guysborough Journal • Page 9 a Exhibition, August 28 to 31, 2014 uuu NEW FOR 2014: Russian Family Circus Wednesday, August 27 at 8:45 pm Thursday, August 28 at 2:00 pm and 6:30 pm Friday, August 29 at 4:45 pm 1:30 p.m. •• Single Hitch – Percheron 1:45 p.m. •• Light Horse Classes: Class #28 Western Command Horse – Jr. Rider, Class #29 Western Command Horse – Sr. Rider 9:00 p.m. •• Maritime Barrel Racing Heat #1 10:00 p.m. •• MacLean Forestry Pole Bending Heat #1 2:15 p.m. •• Tandem Hitch – Percheron 2:30 p.m. •• Single Hitch – Clydesdale 2:45 p.m. •• Light Horse Class: Class #25 Road Hack Horse Stake – $50 3:10 p.m. •• Tandem Hitch – Clydesdale 3:25 p.m. •• Single Hitch – Belgian 3:40 p.m. •• Light Horse Class: Class #20 English Pleasure Horse Stake Saturday, August 30 3:00 p.m. •• Light Horse Classes: Class #50 Dare to Wear Pink Charity Class, Class #48 Egg & Spoon Class, Class #47 Toilet Paper Pairs 4:30 p.m. •• Best Overall Draft Horse Team (Open to All Breeds) 5:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. •• Maritime Barrel Racing Heat #3 2:15 p.m. •• MacLean Forestry Pole Bending Heat #3 ••LITTLE MOE'S DOG SHOW 6:00 p.m. ••ENTERTAINMENT (Outdoor Stage): SPARROW 6:30 p.m. •• Maritime Barrel Racing Heat #2 7:30 p.m. •• MacLean Forestry Pole Bending Heat #2 3:00 p.m. •• Four Horse Hitch Classic (Open to All Draft Horse Breeds) 8:45 p.m. •• Six in Hand Draft Horse Hitch (Open to All Breeds) •• ENSE Draft Horse $250 Participation Draw 3:15 p.m. •• Four Horse Hitch Driving Competition (Open to All Draft Horse Breeds) 9:15 p.m. •• Tug of War Semi-Finals 3:30 p.m. •• Light Horse High Point Awards 4:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. •• Light Horse Classes: Class #14 2' Hunter Over Fences #2, Class #15 2' Hunter Under Saddle, Class #44 Lead Line ••ENTERTAINMENT (Outdoor Stage): KEVIN BEANLAND 10:00 a.m. •• Unicorn Hitch – Percheron 5:30 p.m. 4:00 p.m. •• Tug-of-War Finals & Consolation ••MARITIME HORSE PULL (Main Arena) 10:15 a.m. •• Unicorn Hitch – Clydesdale 10:30 a.m. •• Unicorn Hitch – Belgian 4:10 p.m. •• Tandem Hitch – Belgian 4:45 p.m. ••GASTONI ATTRACTIONS, Russian Family Circus Entertainment 5:30 p.m. •• Ring Setup 6:00 p.m. ••ENTERTAINMENT (Outdoor Stage): JIM RICHARDS 10:45 a.m. •• Light Horse Class: Class #45 Costume Class 11:00 a.m. •• Draft Horse – Ladies Driving Competition 11:15 a.m. •• Draft Horse – Junior Driving Competition 11:25 a.m. •• Light Horse Classes: Class #51 Exhibition Horse Barrels #1, Class #55 Pony Barrels #1, Class #53 Exhibition Horse Poles #1, Class #57 Pony Poles #1 1:15 p.m. ••LITTLE MOE'S DOG SHOW 1:30 p.m. •• Single Horse Pull (Outdoor Ring) 2:00 p.m. •• Draft Horse – Ladies Cart Class 2:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. ••BAXTER FAMILY RODEO 7:00 p.m. (Draft Horse Barn) •• Draft Horse Shoeing Demonstration •• Heaviest Horse Competition •• Tallest Horse Award •• Best Matched Team in Barn (measured) ••ENTERTAINMENT (Outdoor Stage): ROBERT BOUCHARD 2:15 p.m. •• Draft Horse – Junior Cart Class 2:30 p.m. •• Tug of War The Exhibition will do everything possible to ensure that all events run on time. Sunday, August 31 8:30 a.m. •• Light Horse Classes: Class #36 Pony Trail, Class #37 Horse Trail, Class #38 Open Trail Stake Class – Horse & Pony, Class #34 Western Horsemanship – Jr. Rider, Class #35 Western Horsemanship – Sr. Rider, Class #33 Open Western Pleasure Horse Stake Class, Class #54 Exhibition Horse Poles #2, Class #58 Pony Poles #2, Class #52 Exhibition Horse Barrels #2, Class #56 Pony Barrels #2 However, all times are subject to change. Page 10 • Guysborough Journal • Wednesday, August 20, 2014 Arts www.guysboroughjournal.com and Culture Feature Article Book launch: Canso women share their stories Several years ago Susan O'Handley had an idea about sharing an important aspect of Canso's history. She was looking though the Canso History book and thought about all the women in the area and how they have contributed to their respective communities. She wanted the voices of some of the senior women to be heard. O'Handley often listens to her own mother Winnie Roberts tell stories about growing up in rural Nova Scotia and what it was like, and she knew there were lots of stories to be told. Many women played key roles in developing things like schools, day cares, medical infrastructure and the like. “As a member of society we each play an important role in insuring our communities are all they can be and that each small or large contribution is very important,” says O`Handley. She also believes the most important job in the world is being a mother, so this began her quest to have some wonderful stories put in print. O`Handley has been working with Eastern Communities Youth Association (ECYA) since it began in 1998, so it made sense for her to approach that group with her idea and tie the whole thing together by having a youth do the majority of the work. The "Bridging the Gap" project began with assistance from a federal program. Nadine Blackburn was just out of StFX University with an English background and was excited to be involved. Nadine was hired and the work was started. A small committee consisting of Joe Walsh, Melinda Bouchie, Darren Bennett and O`Handley oversaw the project. There were a few delays in getting this book finished and published that were beyond ECYA's and the committee's control. However, the end project of five short stories from five wonderful ladies was completed. With the delays, only two of the ladies are still alive at the time of the book launch on Sunday, August 17. Gertie MacKenzie, Bertha Murphy and Edna Bond are now deceased. Unfortunately Bernice Bond wasn't feeling well enough to attend the launch, so that left only left one of the storytellers, Winnie Roberts, at the event on Sunday. Family and friends came to celebrate the book launch at the Canso Library. O`Handley gave a short history of the project and then read excerpts from the book, along with Janet Delorey, ECYA chair. Copies of the books were donated to the Canso Library and the Fanning Education Centre/Canso Academy, along with one to Winnie Roberts. A single copy was given to a member of each storyteller's familiy. The remaining books were sold at the event for $15, which was just covering the cost of the book, as this was not a fundraiser, but rather recording a part of our history for future generations. ECYA will do a second printing if people are interested in purchasing the book. Contact ECYA Office at 366-2559 for more information. Winnie Roberts autographing her story. Eastern Communities Youth Association Photos GUYSBOROUGH JOURNAL OFFICE HOURS Monday – 9 am to 1 pm Tuesday – 9 am to 1 pm Wednesday – 9 am to 1 pm Thursday – 9 am to 1 pm TOP: Stella Rideout accepting a book on behalf of Edna Bond's Family. BOTTOM: George Murphy accepting a book on behalf of Bertha Murphy's Family. www.guysboroughjournal.com Wednesday, August 20, 2014 • Guysborough Journal • Page 11 Canso Scouts venture to the 'Edge of the Earth' Mixed scramble at Osprey Resort Nine teams took in a Mixed Scramble at the Osprey Shores Golf Resort on Saturday, August 16. The golfers were treated to great weather and a well-groomed course. Thanks to all who played in this event. The winning team, with a score of 66, was made up of Jack Hart, Evelyne Jamieson, Derek Hart and Glen Rees. Three teams tied for second with scores of 68. One of the teams tied for second was a Junior team made up of Daniel Warner, Mitchell Contributed Photos Warner, Avery Warner and Kristen Hartley. It was great to see young members playing in this event. Tie was broken by drawing names. The winner of closest to the hole on hole number 2 for the Ladies was Kim Brow, who also won longest drive for the Ladies on hole number 4. Derek Hart won closest to the hole for Men on hole number 2. Avery Warner won longest drive on for Men on hole number 5. Lois MacDonald won closest to the line on hole number 1. Special thanks to the management and staff of Osprey Shores Golf Resort for their hospitality and to the course staff for having the course in great shape. Thanks to our Municipal Recreation Department for their support. Men’s Night is held each Tuesday night at 6 pm and Ladies' Night on Thursdays at 6 pm at Osprey Shores Golf Resort. Guests are welcome on both nights. TOP: The winning team of (left to right) Glen Rees, Jack Hart, Evelyne Jamieson and Derek Hart. BOTTOM: the runner-up team of (left to right) Daniel Warner, Mitchell Warner, Avery Warner and Kristen Hartley. Contributed Photos Page 12 • Guysborough Journal • Wednesday, August 20, 2014 www.guysboroughjournal.com Community News Charlo’s Cove and Area by Russell Richard Festival Savalette brought many visitors to Larry’s River last week. John and Eileen Power had their daughter Nicolle from Scarborough, ON, visiting with them. Ed and Theresa Pellerin welcomed their daughter Deborah and her husband Rory Dolan and twin grandsons Sam and Justin, from Kingston, ON. Lorraine Black and Barbara Fowlie spent the week at Lorraine’s cottage. Visiting for Savalette days at the old homestead of Bertha and Allan Pellerin were their families: Camille Avery, Bernice Evans, Jean Joudrey, Esther Pellerin, Margie Robertson and their children and grandchildren; Doug Avery and Jerry, Gerard Avery, Tracey, Kyle and Brandon, Lynn Marlstone, Daren, Emily and Christopher, Glenn Pellerin and Rosalie, Carol Robertson, Tim and Laura, Joanne and Louis Goossine, Sandra MacNeil, Dave and Marin. Spending the week with their parents Jackie and Dianne Pellerin were their son Derek and Ashley, along with their children Jaylen, Alexis, Damon and Khole from Antigonish and their daughter Adrienne and Jason George and their children Jocelyn, Addison Cameron and Landon from Cold Lake, AB. Monique and son Jake spent a couple of days with her parents Rod and Hilda Richard at their cottage in the Cove, before leaving on their journey and move to Franklin, Tennessee. Visiting with Tracy Dixon for a few weeks is her sister-in-law Connie Lefler from Irma, AB. Visiting Herman and Shirley England for a few Happy 90th Birthday Frank Lombardo days are their daughter Andrea and husband Mike. Keith Pettipas is home for a few weeks with his family before they all return to Hay River, NWT. Welcome home Keith. Francis and Mary Ann Delorey have returned to Hay River after visiting family for a few weeks. Harold and Ann Whitewood are visiting the Cove for a few days; always nice to see you back. Gordie Pettipas has gone back to work in Regina after a short retirement. Hughie and Geraldine will be spending a few days in the city visiting their son Hugh Jr. and Lisa and grandchildren Stephen and Nicole. They will also be spending some time with Geraldine’s family in Beaver Bank. Lisa and Nicole spent a few days with Lisa’s mother Beatrice Pettipas, and they also spent some time visiting her mother and father-in-law Hugh and Geraldine Richard. Beatrice also had her son Michael visit for a couple of days. Sympathy to the family of the late Christine Pellerin: to her brother Danny (Karen) and nephews Jonathan and Jay, to special aunt Regina Richard and Helen Delorey and special friend Lorraine Black; our thoughts and prayers are with you. Rod and Hilda Richard spent a week at their cottage and attended the funeral of Christine Pellerin. Claire Pellerin, Leduc, AB is spending a week with her sister Dianne and Jackie Pellerin. Claire was also here to attend the funeral of Christine Pellerin. Michael and Marie Pellerin , Ardoise, attended the funeral and spent the weekend with Rod and Hilda. That’s all for this week; see you on August 31. Till then, be well! Isaac’s Harbour and Area by Alfreda Tate Very nice in Isaac's Harbour today; great place to be during the summer months. The ongoing Flea Market at the District Health Centre has been quite successful. It will soon be coming to a close, as the summer student will not be working after August 22. The Fitness Centre has been quite busy, considering people now like to do more walking during the fine weather. The Black Loyalist people held their yearly Memorial service in Goldboro, on Sunday, August 10. It's been good to have lots of visitors in the area. Judy and Leonard Silver, Ontario, are spending some time in the Goldboro area visiting family and friends. Marion St. Pierre, London, Ontario will be spending three weeks in the area visiting with family and friends. Jim Tate, Truro, visited with his parents Harlan and Alfreda on Sunday, August 10. Kerry and Lisa Publicover visited with Harlan and Alfreda Tate on Wednesday, August 6. Congratulations to Chelsea MacLeod and Travis Burke who were married in Stormont on Saturday, August 9, at Salsman Park. A couple of reminders: Church time at the Anglican Church, Country Harbour Mines, are 9 am and 7 pm, not 11 am. The New to You Shop is open every day from 1 to 3 pm. Nice to see Harbourview Days on in New Harbour. Activities have been held during the past week. Evie Sinclair spent the past weekend in Antigonish, visiting with her daughter Hazel and Jim Veniotte. Quote : Have you heard the story about the little boy who came down stairs one morning to find his mother looking in the cake tin with a puzzled expression on her face ? "There were two pieces of cake when I put it away last night, and now there is only one," she said, " Thomas , can you explain what happened ?" "Yes, Mum," Thomas replied , " It was dark and I couldn't see the other piece!" Have a great week! Seaside Festival cardboard boat races Open House Invitation: Frank Lombardo of Guysborough is turning 90 years young this month and his family would like to invite all his friends, family, community members and fellow Legion members to drop by an open house to celebrate. The open house will be held at the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 81 Guysborough, on Tuesday, August 26 from 3 to 5 pm. Best wishes only! SEND YOUR PHOTOS TO [email protected] SHEET HARBOUR: The annual Lions Seaside Festival Cardboard boat races took place at the Lions Playground Sunday evening. The event concludes ten days of activities, suppers, barbeques, ball tournaments, dances and games. Following the race was a fireworks display to end the festival. Janice Christie Photos www.guysboroughjournal.com Ray’s Opinion by Ray Bates A rotten apple spoils the barrel There is a proverb that states: “a rotten apple spoils the barrel”, meaning that a bad person influences everyone he or she comes in contact with thus making them bad too. Can it be possible that such a thought could be altered to apply to some individuals who find themselves to be in situations of authority and then they adjust their initial good intentions into self-rewarding and entitlement mindsets thereby making their positions into “rotten apples”? Recently the media has reported on individuals who have been accused of misappropriating public funds (taxpayers’ dollars). I am certain that many of us are able to cite the names of others who too have behaved improperly, or possibly illegally, with their dealings with government money (again taxpayers’ dollars). I shall only refer to three of those media-referenced individuals: former Alberta premier Alison Redford (alleged to have misused public money); Senator Mike Duffy (alleged to have fraudulent expenses); and Mayor Susan Fennell, Brampton, Ontario, (alleged to have inappropriately charged $172,608 to expense accounts). Sadly those three individuals are not the first to misbehave nor, unfortunately, will they be the last. It boggles my mind when I think of politicians and political operatives who behave badly once they are installed into positions of authority and/or responsibility. Having stated my puzzlement for those “rotten apples”, I also must express my admiration for the many good and honest individuals who too occupy publicly-funded stations and strive to always do their best so as to be of value to those they represent or serve. To be fair to our elected and appointed representatives, many other occupations also are tainted by the few who tarnish the good reputations and deeds of the many. I can recall inappropriate and unlawful situations that involved members of the police, clergy and teachers - to bring other scoundrels to mind. Somewhere along the line a sense of entitlement has crept into the mindsets of many -- be they political, corporate or otherwise. When or where the belief began that people are entitled to unjust shares of public money is unknown to me; it is like a cancer that has appeared but the body does not indicate its primary source. I can’t speak for others but I do wonder what went wrong with our financial accountability standards so as to enable such practices of entitlement to exist and sometimes appear to flourish. To my way of thinking, whenever someone (individual, business, organization, etc.) gets the mythical government money, then accountability and transparency must reign supreme. Redford, Duffy and Fennell did submit expense vouchers which were subsequently approved by individuals in overseer positions so how did the alleged transgressions occur? I do not believe there was an organized conspiracy Wednesday, August 20, 2014 • Guysborough Journal • Page 13 to commit illegal acts; I think the accountability rules were too relaxed and/or those three individuals’ positions of power intimidated their underlings. If you, as have I, ever occupied an employment position in which you were accountable to an authority person who had the power to impact upon your career, whether it was directly or subtly, you too will probably admit that such unchecked power does influence what a subordinate acknowledges or ignores. It is irritating to hear of justification for misused public moneys being supported by statements such as the following: “the guidelines were followed”; to that I say “bunk”. Guidelines might have been observed but those particular parameters to protect our tax dollars are occasionally simply too slack and/or overly generous. I have no problem with all justifiable expenses incurred in the performance of the duties of a position being subsequently reimbursed but those costs must be scrutinized and reasonable. Every time people wrongly or unjustifiably dip into our public funds to obtain rewards for themselves or others via a self-serving sense of entitlement, our systems of government are weakened. The “rotten apples” are spoiling the honourable positions of serving for the public good. Those few “rotten apples” are applying more tarnish to the dwindling levels of respect that electors hold for the many holding public offices, thereby also eroding the amount of participation within our democratic system. Thoughts about Ray’s Opinion? Email bates@ ns.sympatico.ca. Thank You I would like to express my deepest gratitude for the kindness and support shown to me by my family and friends during my recent illness. Special thanks for the prayers said for me, floral tributes, get-well cards and for the visits and telephone calls I received while in the hospital and at home. Special thanks to Drs. Foley, Bell and Rangeni, nursing staff of Guysborough Memorial Hospital, Drs. Boyd, Abdelgader, and Dr. Pereirra nursing staff of PCU St. Martha's Hospital, Father Neil McKenna and Father Tom MacNeil for their spiritual support, and to those who brought food to our home. Words cannot express my appreciation for the caring support I received the past several weeks. Once again, thank you. Elizabeth Connolly SEND YOUR NEWS TO [email protected] From the Cruiser :Guysborough County Guysborough County District RCMP responded to 30 calls for police service between August 11th and August 17th, 2014. There were also nine stationary checkstops conducted within the county during this same period. These checkstops support police efforts to improve road safety in the area. There were fifteen written warnings and four motor vehicle charges laid. •• 2014-08-11 11:41 hours, a request was received to assist a client in contacting a family member living in Vancouver. Police assisted the client to the best of their abilities. •• 2014-08-12 17:47 hours, RCMP investigated a traffic collision in the Eight Island Lake area. A single vehicle crashed after avoiding a deer on the roadway. The driver was not injured and there were no charges laid. •• 2014-08-12 19:03 hours, Police were called to a home in Goldenville due to a disagreement regarding firearms. There was no illegal activity. Police assisted by transporting an individual for other support as required. •• 2014-08-12 20:00 hours, RCMP received a 911 call in the Little Dover area. •• •• •• •• Police attended the home and the call was made in error. No charges were necessary. 2014-08-13 12:37 hours, a historical sexual assault was reported by a Third Party, but the alleged victim has declined to become involved. This incident has been recorded for now. 2014-08-13 13:29 hours, RCMP responded to a report of Criminal Harassment complaint in the Cooks Cove area. Advice was given regarding peace bonds and the complaint was unfounded at this point. The situation will be monitored and the client will return when and if necessary. 2014-08-13 18:22 hours, RCMP responded to a report of Criminal Harassment complaint in the Upper Whitehead area. Advice was given regarding peace bonds and the complaint was unfounded at this point. 2014-08-15 17:17 hours, the RCMP received a complaint which fell under the Municipal Bylaws. This involved a complaint about noise from a blueberry field in the Boylston area. Patrol made and the situation will be resolved when the harvesting takes place in the next few days. •• 2014-08-16 03:58 hours, there was a collision near Halfway Cove involving a vehicle and a deer. No injuries reported. •• 2014-08-16 04:23 hours, an adult male has been charged for Aggravated Assault after an incident in Canso area which left an adult male injured and requiring medical treatment. •• 2014-08-16 12:04 hours, RCMP are currently investigating a complaint of an assault in the Private Harbour area. This matter is still under investigation. •• 2014-08-16 17:26 hours, RCMP received a complaint of shots fired in the Durrell's Island area of Canso. A patrol was made and it was discovered that it was people skeet shooting. Nothing illegal happening and safety precautions were found in place. •• 2014-08-17 01:21 hours, a Canso area man is facing charges of impaired driving, several Motor Vehicle Act charges and overnight incarceration in Antigonish after being stopped by police during the Canso Regatta activities. •• 2014-08-17 22:41 hours, a report of an abandoned vehicle was received. Police patrolled to the Lincolnville area. Investigation revealed the vehicle had broken down. Page 14 • Guysborough Journal • Wednesday, August 20, 2014 www.guysboroughjournal.com AGR Fastpitch League Standings TEAM REC. W% GB H A RF RA LAST 10 STREAK Heatherton Warriors 10-5 .667 1.5 6-0 4-5 99 69 8-2 Lost 1 Guysborough Broadhorns 9-7 .563 3 8-1 1-6 89 47 5-5 Won 2 Arisaig Blues 9-7 .563 3 4-3 5-4 75 60 6-4 Lost 1 Trenton Rangers 9-1 .900 - 4-1 5-0 72 29 9-1 Won 4 We'koqma'q Warriors 5-7 .417 5 4-2 1-5 44 76 4-6 Lost 6 St. Andrew's Flyers 4-12 .250 8 2-6 2-6 61 123 2-8 Lost 6 St. Joseph's Farmer's Mutual Chiefs 4-11 .267 7.5 3-6 1-5 61 97 3-7 Won 1 AGR PLAYOFFS – TUESDAY, AUGUST 19 Game 1: St. Joseph's at Guysborough (7:00 pm) Game 2: St. Andrews at Arisaig (6:00 pm) Game 3: We'koqma'q at Trenton (7:00 pm) AGR PLAYOFFS – WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 20 Game 4: Winner of Game 3 at Heatherton (6:30 pm) Game 5*: Winners of Games 1 and 2 Game 6*: Losers of Games 1 and 2 * Games 5 and 6 will take place at the higher seed's home field. The rest of the schedule will be determined as the games are being played. These games will be in Pomquet on Friday and Saturday (rain date is Sunday). END of REGULAR SEASON STATISTICS: PITCHINGTEAMW LSO Adam Rodgers Guysborough 6264 Pat MacDougallArisaig4 2 6 Lawrence MacPherson Arisaig 3424 HOMERUNSTEAMHR Aaron LongGuysborough5 Fabian DoironGuysborough3 Luke BrownArisaig2 Shawn LongGuysborough2 Trent MacDonaldArisaig2 Lyndon ConnollyGuysborough2 RUNS BATTED INTEAMRBI Fabian DoironGuysborough13 Shawn LongGuysborough12 Lawrence MacPhersonArisaig10 Shane CookeGuysborough9 Luke BrownArisaig8 Aaron LongGuysborough8 Trent MacDonaldArisaig7 Drama HAIRSTYLE Pink Highlights HOT PEPPERS MAKE YOU LOSE WEIGHT! EXCLUSIVE Love is in the air! FASHION FOR LADIES Obituaries CAMPBELL, Ethel Louise (Fraser) of MacPhersons Mills, passed away Aug 6, 2014, in the Aberdeen Hospital. Born November 23, 1918, near Lyndhurst Hampshire, England, she was the eldest child of Thomas James Fraser of Goldenville, Guysborough County and Lillian Ethel Street of Hampshire, England. She moved to Willowdale, Pictou County in 1919. She moved back to England in 1938, served in World War ll as an air- raid warden, receiving the Volunteer Medal, Sterling Silver Medal, Overseas Medal and the Defence Medal. Ethel married her husband in 1941 in the Garden of Eden, Pictou County. She was a life member of the Sunlight Rebekah Lodge in East River St. Mary’s and later joined Dorcas Rebekah Lodge in Thorburn. She is survived by two daughters Mary (Gerry) Kienas of B.C; Ruth (David) MacLeod of MacPhersons Mills; chosen daughter Pat MacDonald of New Glasgow; four grandchildren, Heather (Jack) Lees, Laurel (Rob) MacLeod, Elizabeth (Don) Lees, Kathy (Lauren) Hine; several great-grandchildren; last surviving sibling Isabel (Dennis) Moat in England; nieces Louise (James) Durie in Scotland; Matthew Fraser Moat in England. She was predeceased by her husband James (Jim), two daughters Isabel and Margie, brother Lachlan (Bud), a sister Margaret, age five, and a great-grandchild Christian. Funeral service was August 8 in the H.W. Angus Funeral Home, New Glasgow, Rev. Jeff Lackie officiating. Burial will be in the Garden of Eden Cemetery at a later date. Donations in Ethel's memory can be made to the VON or the Aberdeen Palliative Care Society. FOUGERE, (Wood) Mary Catherine (85) of Auld’s Cove died peacefully, with family members by her side, in the R.K. MacDonald Nursing Home, Antigonish on Monday, August 11, 2014. Born in Antigonish, she was a daughter of the late Johnny and Jessie (MacAskill) Wood. She was a devoted wife, mother, grandmother and great-grandmother. Mary remained in Auld’s Cove after the passing of her husband, until she moved to Linwood. She took ill in September, 2011, and was cared for by her family until she was moved to the R.K. MacDonald Nursing Home in April, 2014. She loved gardening; she was a wonderful cook and displayed this by her many years of preparing Sunday dinners for all of her family. She was a member of St. Lawrence Roman Catholic Church, Mulgrave and CWL. She was also a member of the Ladies Auxiliary of Auld’s Cove Fire Department. She was prede- ceased by her husband Vincent Adrian Fougere; son John Wayne; daughter-in-law Barbara; infant grandson John; sisters Laura Fougere and Mary Carol in infancy; brothers, Jackie, Bernie, Allan and Ronnie. She is survived by sons, Glen (Helen), Auld’s Cove; Carmen (Kate), NL; daughter, Karen (Roddy Bennett), Linwood; brothers, Ken (Catherine), Joe (Chrissy), Larry (Linda), all of Auld’s Cove; Danny (Jean), Cape Jack; Vincent (Annie), Port Hawkesbury; sisters, Margie (Leo) Meagher, Auld’s Cove; Barbara Thompson, Antigonish; sisters-in-law, Eileen Wood and Mary Wood, Auld’s Cove; grandchildren, John, Joel, Phillip, Angela, Jeffery, Stephanie, Mary Ann, Josh, Sandra, Brandon and Matthew; great-grandchildren, Cassidy, Lucas, Rory, Jacqueline, Logan, Jacob, Kaylen, MacKenzie and Gianna. . Funeral mass was 11 am Thursday from St. Lawrence Roman Catholic Church, Mulgrave with Father Wade DeCoste officiating. Burial in the parish cemetery. Memorial donations may be made to Heart and Stroke Foundation of Nova Scotia or to a charity of one’s choice. Arrangements under the care and direction of Dennis Haverstock Funeral Home, Port Hawkesbury. Words of comfort may be forwarded to the family at www.haverstocks.com. Send your memoriams to: [email protected] or [email protected] Please include your name, address and telephone number BELIEVE IT? How do Canadians know if it’s true (or not)? They turn to the trusted source: Newspapers in print, online, tablet and phone. And, research finds that they trust the ads there too – more than those in any other medium. Be where Canadians look. www.guysboroughjournal.com Wednesday, August 20, 2014 • Guysborough Journal • Page 15 Classifieds FOR SALE ••Fisherman’s Paradise on Highway 16 at Half Island Cove, Guysborough County. The land crosses the Old Canso Road to the back line, approximately oneand-a-quarter miles in length and 300 feet wide. Cut 20 years ago and coming back nicely. From the back line you have, within walking distance, Dobson’s and Black Duck Lakes, Ice Lakes, Cooey Coff chain of lakes (to the Atlantic Ocean), and are a few feet to the Round Lake. These waters are noted for being better than average trout lakes. The land also abuts the Old Gold Mine Road. Call 4633385 or email bob. [email protected]. ••Four computer workstations and office desks. Very good condition, $25 and $50. Call 5332851. ••Walker travelling wheelchair. Call 870-6772. ••SAWMILLS from only $4397 – MAKE MONEY and SAVE MONEY with your own bandmill – Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. FREE Info and DVD: www.NorwoodSawmills. com/400OT, 1-800566-6899 Ext:400OT. ENERGY 132240 NOW HIRING Agricultural Tours Australia & New Zealand January 4 - 31, 2015 – 28 Days India February 27 - March 16, 2015 – 18 Days South America January 16 - February 7, 2015 – 23 Days 1-877-214-5367 www.targettours.ca JOURNEYPERSON PIPEFITTERS, ($40+/hr) MILLWRIGHTS ($40+/hr) & SCAFFOLDERS ($38+/hr) for IMMEDIATE SHUTDOWN WORK on an industrial project in Vanscoy, SK $2/hour retention and $2/hour completion bonuses. 14/7 shift rotation, 10 hr days, night shifts available, +$3/hr for nights Living out allowance of $145 per day worked and travel allowance for those who qualify. We offer paid benefits, pension plan, RRSPs. Other Details: Pre-access A&D test and CSTS-09 required. Email: [email protected] Fax: 1-888-398-0725 Phone: 780-468-8026 9744-45th Ave. Edmonton, AB T6E 5C5 ••DSL or Cable highspeed internet service, add Digital home phone service for $14.95 a month, includes all features and free long distance service. 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Guysborough Insurance Personal Service / Solid Advice Call: 902-533-2005 Toll Free: 1-877-363-6766 Web: macleodlorway.com Member of The Macleod Lorway Financial Group The Directory is the affordable way to advertise Only $9 per week. Monthly rates also available. Call: 902-533-2851 or Email: [email protected] TESTOSTERONE Proposed Class Action Lawsuit Recently published information regarding Testosterone therapy treatment (a common form of treatment for Low-T) suggests a correlation between Testosterone and serious medical conditions such as heart attack, stroke, and various thrombolytic events which may result in death. If you, or someone you know, have been diagnosed with any of the above, you may contact Wagners Law Firm: Wagners Halifax, NS Phone: 902-425-7330 Toll-Free: 1-800-465-8794 Email: [email protected] Anniversaries, birthdays, thank you ads and more. Have a personal ad you’d like to run? No problem! Ads must be submitted either in digital format or typed / neatly printed. Handwritten submissions will not be accepted. To ensure prompt and proper placement, please be sure to include your name, billing address and phone number. Email submissions to: [email protected] Mail submissions to: The Guysborough Journal Box 210, Guysborough, NS B0H 1N0 Put a NEW KIND of ENERGY in YOUR CAREER. GRAVEL ••STEEL BUILDINGS – "STEEL OVERSTOCK ADS AREN’T JUST FOR BUSINESSES! BUSINESSES SERVING GUYSBOROUGH COUNTY and AREA Breton Petroleum Ltd. STEEL BUILDINGS ••STEEL BUILDINGS / METAL BUILDINGS 60 PERCENT OFF! 20X28, 30X40, 40X62, 45X90, 50X120, 60X150, 80X100 sell for balance owed! Call 1-800457-2206 or visit www. crownsteelbuildings.ca. We are currently recruiting for the following positions for our operations in Grande Prairie, Alberta. Experience an asset. THE DIRECTORY FUNERAL SERVICES ••DATING SERVICE. Long-term / short-term relationships. Free to try! 1-877-297-9883. Live intimate conversation, Call #7878 or 1-888-534-6984. Live adult one-on-one. Call 1-866-311-9640 or #5015. Meet local single ladies. 1-877804-5381. (18+). SALE!” 20X20 $4055. 25X24 $4650. 30X32 $6586. 32X34 $7677. 40X48 $12,851. 47X70 $17,899. One End-wall Included. Pioneer Steel: 1-800-6685422, www.pioneersteel.ca. Southwood Trucking Ltd is a family owned forestry contractor based in Grande Prairie, Alberta with operations throughout northern Alberta. @GysboroJournal FUEL PERSONALS Entrusted with supplying safe, reliable and efficient energy to the citizens of Nunavut, through both traditional and alternative sources, Qulliq Energy Corporation (QEC) offers many opportunities for those seeking to convert their skills and expertise into professional success. Sounds like you? Join our team! Wide-open spaces, rewarding work in a variety of settings, and the chance to contribute to the well-being of all Nunavummiut will bring new energy to your career – now and in the future. SENIOR ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGIST – Ref. No. QEC-14-071 Iqaluit, NU ELECTRICAL TECHNOLOGIST- Ref. No. QEC-13-049 Iqaluit, NU FOR DETAILS REGARDING DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES, REQUIRED QUALIFICATIONS, AND DESIRABLE SKILLS AND EXPERIENCE PLEASE VISIT OUR WEBSITE: www.qec.nu.ca We offer a competitive salary and comprehensive benefits package, including a Northern Living Allowance per annum and relocation assistance. These positions are included in the Nunavut Employees Union. Preference will be given to beneficiaries of the Nunavut Land Claims Agreement. E-mail: [email protected] Apply in writing to: Human Resources,Qulliq Energy Corporation P.O. Box 420, Baker Lake, NU X0C 0A0. We thank all applicants for their interest; however, only those selected for further consideration will be contacted. nunavut power.com Put a NEW KIND of ENERGY in YOUR CAREER. Entrusted with supplying safe, reliable and efficient energy to the citizens of Nunavut, through both traditional and alternative sources, Qulliq Energy Corporation (QEC) offers many opportunities for those seeking to convert their skills and expertise into professional success. Sounds like you? Join our team! Wide-open spaces, rewarding work in a variety of settings, and the chance to contribute to the well-being of all Nunavummiut will bring new energy to your career – now and in the future. JOURNEYMAN ELECTRICIAN - Ref. No. QEC-14-085 Cambridge Bay & Rankin Inlet, NU JOURNEYMAN LINEMAN- Ref. No. QEC-14-087 Anticipatory, Multiple Locations, Nunavut JOURNEYMAN MECHANIC– Ref. No. QEC-14-086 Anticipatory, Multiple Locations, Nunavut FOR DETAILS REGARDING DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES, REQUIRED QUALIFICATIONS, AND DESIRABLE SKILLS AND EXPERIENCE PLEASE VISIT OUR WEBSITE: www.qec.nu.ca We offer a competitive salary and comprehensive benefits package, including a Northern Living Allowance per annum and relocation assistance. These positions are included in the Nunavut Employees Union. Preference will be given to beneficiaries of the Nunavut Land Claims Agreement. E-mail: [email protected] Apply in writing to: Human Resources,Qulliq Energy Corporation P.O. Box 420, Baker Lake, NU X0C 0A0. We thank all applicants for their interest; however, only those selected for further nunavut power.com consideration will be contacted. VISIT US ONLINE AT WWW.GUYSBOROUGHJOURNAL.COM FOR FULL COMMUNITY CALENDAR AND CLASSIFIED LISTINGS Page 16 • Guysborough Journal • Wednesday, August 20, 2014 www.guysboroughjournal.com SEND YOUR NEWS, PHOTOS, AND COMMUNITY EVENTS TO [email protected] SUBSCRIBERS CAN ALSO ACCESS THE DIGITAL EDITION OF THE GUYSBOROUGH JOURNAL ONLINE AT WWW.GUYSBOROUGHJOURNAL.COM
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