Thesis (Vu_2009_02Thesis)
Thesis (Vu_2009_02Thesis)
Bioaffinity Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometry for Direct Screening of Natural Product Extracts Submitted in fulfilment of the requirements of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy By HOAN VU (M.Chem. Eng., Post Gra.Dip. Sc.) School of Science Griffith University May, 2008 DECLARATION I declare that this work has not previously been submitted for a degree or diploma in any university. To the best of my knowledge and belief, the thesis contains no material previously published or written by another person except where due reference is made in the thesis itself. Hoan Vu Date i ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Firstly, I would like to express my sincere appreciation to Professor Ron Quinn for his advice and encouragement, sharing his enthusiasm with me throughout my PhD studies. Ron offered invaluable guidance, yet allowed me the necessary independence and flexibility to pursue my own research priorities and methodologies. I would like to thank Dr. Sally-Ann Poulsen for giving me the chance to start the project on the FTICR-MS instrument. Many technical problems with the instrument were encountered and overcome. In the process, I acquired mechanical and electrical knowledge relevant to the operation of the instrument, as well as important, complex and varied application techniques. I am grateful to Dr. Ngoc Pham for the indispensable advice and assistance with NMR instrument techniques and the elucidation of natural products compound structures. I acknowledge the financial support of AstraZeneca Scholarship and also the funding by the Australian Research Council for equipment support. Finally I would like to express my thanks to my family and friends for all their love and support. Very special thanks to Ngoc, who has always supported and encouraged my work. iii ABBREVIATIONS ALIS automated ligand identification system AMP adenosine-5’-monophosphate ANG human angiogenin bCA II bovine carbonic anhydrase A CID collision induced dissociation CRM charge residue mechanism DNA deoxyribonucleic acid ECD electron capture dissociation ECP eosinophil cationic protein EDN eosinophil-derived neurotoxin EI electron impact ionization ESI-MS electrospray ionization mass spectrometry FAB fast atom bombardement FFD fractional factorial design FKBP FK506 binding protein FP fluorescence polarization FRET fluorescence resonance energy transfer FTICR Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance HAT human alpha thrombin HEWL hen egg-white lysozyme HIV human immunodeficiency virus HPLC high performance liquid chromatography HSA human serum albumin HTS high throughput screening ICR ion cyclotron resonance i.d. internal diameter IEM ion evaporation mechanism IRMPD infrared multiphoton dissociation LC liquid chromatography MALDI matrix assisted laser desorption ionization MHz mega hertz iv MM molecular mass MMCO molecular mass cut-off MS n multistage mass spectrometry NAG N-acetylglucosamine NCE new chemical entities NH4OAc ammonium acetate NMR nuclear magnetic resonance o.d. outer diameter PBS phosphate buffered saline PD plasma desorption PEEK polyetheretherketone PPACK D-Phe-Pro-Arg-chloromethylketone Ras-GDP ras-guanosine diphosphate Ras-GTP ras-guanosine triphosphate RF radio frequency RNA ribonucleic acid RNase A ribonuclease A SDS sodium dodecylsulphate SDS-PAGE sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel SEC size exclusion chromatography SORI sustained off resonance irradiation SPA scintillation proximity assay S/N signal to noise ratio SWIFT stored waveform inverse Fourier transform TFA trifluoro acetic acid TR-FRET time resolved fluorescence resonance energy transfer v vi ABSTRACT The search for new drugs in natural products involves the screening of natural product extracts on therapeutic targets for the presence of active compounds and subsequent investigation of their biological activities. Towards this end, a rapid and effective strategy to identify the noncovalent interactions between active ligands from natural product extracts with therapeutic protein targets without false positive or negative results is critical. The current thesis presents the outcomes of research exploring a novel approach of biological screening of natural product extracts using bioaffinity ESI-FTICR-MS as a detection means. A research plan containing three major steps has been undertaken in this study. Step one examines the current challenges in identifying protein complexes by ESI-MS and developing optimized conditions for ESI-FTICR-MS. Step two involves the development of methods for identifying complexes of targets with various molecular mass values (600 – 66,000 Da) in the setting of crude extracts. Step three uses these methods to screen natural product extracts and identify active natural product compound – protein complexes, obtaining accurate molecular mass of active compounds and their mass fingerprint. On this basis, a mass-directed purification experiment was performed to isolate the identified active compounds. The binding of the pure active compounds with the protein target was then confirmed by competition experiments with a specific inhibitor of the protein. The procedure to achieve the optimal ESI-MS condition for detecting protein - small molecule complex has been successfully developed using bCA II as the test target protein and fractional factorial design (FFD) approach. Key instrumental factors controlling the desolvation process, as well as the interactions between these factors, have been identified using FFD experiment. It has been found that flow rate, nebulizer gas pressure and drying gas flow rate are factors that greatly affect the sensitivity of the complex detection. Capillary exit voltage also has a great effect on the desolvation in vacuum and on the preservation of the complex. These factors have been found to interact with each other and contribute to the final response, and therefore, have been incorporated in a second FFD experiment which focuses on minimum moment aberration. It has been found that the best condition is achieved vii when the capillary exit voltage is at the highest setting, and the flow rate, drying gas flow rate and nebulizing gas are at medium settings. The development of ESI-FTICR-MS methods for identifying noncovalent complexes in the environment of crude extracts has been accomplished using targets with various molecular mass values. In particular, ESI-FTICR-MS has been used to successfully detect hemin (< 1 kDa) and its complex with artemisinin. Accurate mass for artemisinin has been deduced with high resolution (deviation from theoretical value of less than 5 ppm). Screening 50 plant and marine sponge biota with hemin returned four active extracts. One of the four active natural product compounds had the molecular mass very close to artemisinin (Δ = 0.002 Da). The artemisinin identity of the active component has been confirmed using the MS2 pattern of artemisinin and the suspect artemisinin active component. A flavonoid was also detected in one of the active extracts and the structure elucidation of this active flavonoid has been proposed by comparing its diagnostic fragmentation patterns in multiple stage MS with those of other flavonones and flavonols. The first MS3 fragment ions of these 4 flavones and 2 flavonols are also presented in this study. The third and fourth active compounds have been isolated based on their accurate mass information using mass-directed purification. Their structures have also been determined by NMR. They are diacarnoic acids and are epi-isomers at position 3. MS2 experiments have been performed and can discriminate between these two compounds. Methods have also been developed for proteins having higher molecular masses using three target proteins ranging from 13 to 66 kDa. Using these methods, ESI-FTICR-MS or SEC-FTICR-MS have successfully identified these proteins and their complexes in a clean matrix, as well as in a natural product extract matrix. The use of microdialysis and SEC has been found to be a suitable method for protein desalting and buffer exchange, and for natural product extract filtering. The results support the conclusion that the ability of FTICR-MS to give accurate molecular mass of the inhibitors represents a powerful means for screening natural product extracts in a drug discovery process of finding diversified small molecule inhibitors. The methods developed for both direct infusion and online SEC-FTICR-MS have been successfully employed to screen 85 raw methanolic plant extracts with bCA II. A noncovalent complex has been detected and the active compound which viii binds to bCA II is identified. The specificity of the binding has also been confirmed by competition experiments with a specific inhibitor of the target protein. The outcomes of this work have been reported in the Journal of Biomolecular Screening (first published online on March 18, 2008). One of the key advantages of using ESIFTICR-MS and associated methods is that the screening of the crude extracts is carried out without any preparation work such as pre-chromatographed, or prepurification steps, thus avoiding any contamination which may lead to false positive or negative results. Information on the exact mass of the active compound also provides insights into the chemical composition or structural class of the compounds, thus shortening the long process of lead identification and allowing rapid massdirected purification to isolate the active compounds. The demonstration of a coupled SEC-ESI-FTICR-MS procedure is superior to a batch method assay, whereby crude extracts are fractionated and subsequently bio-assayed until the active compound is found. Furthermore, this approach yields molecular masses in real time allowing subsequent mass-directed purification. ix TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Chapter one Introduction ― A new approach to identify noncovalent complexes between natural product extracts and proteins using bioaffinity mass spectrometry 1.1 Small molecule – protein complexes 1 1.2 Mass spectrometry – a method to identify noncovalent complexes 3 1.2.1 History of mass spectrometry in biological applications 4 1.2.2 Bioaffinity MS in the identification of noncovalent complex 5 and potential drugs 1.3 Natural products – an infinite source of medicines 6 1.4 Rapid and effective screening of natural products – the challenges 9 1.5 Objectives 10 1.6 Research Plan 11 1.7 References 12 Chapter two Mass spectrometry technique and its approaches in drug screening - Perspectives and challenges for screening natural product extracts 2.1 Mass spectrometry background 15 2.1.1 Maldi-MS 16 2.1.2 ESI-MS 17 2.1.3 ESI-MS and conformational changes in protein 21 2.2 Identifying active compounds via detection of noncovalent complexes 22 by ESI-MS 2.2.1 Indirect noncovalent complex screening methods Indirect size exclusion - reversed phase liquid chromatography- 23 24 mass spectrometry method Indirect ultrafiltration mass spectrometry method 25 Indirect frontal affinity chromatography mass spectrometry method 26 2.2.2 27 Direct noncovalent complex screening method Desalting and buffer exchange equilibrium dialysis 28 Desalting and buffer exchange -gel filtration 28 x 2.3 Direct identification of noncovalent complex using ESI-FTICR-MS 29 2.4 FTICR-MS 30 2.4.1 From ICR-MS to FTICR-MS 30 2.4.2 FTICR-MS background theory 31 2.4.3 FTICR-MS instrumentation 33 2.4.4 ESI-FTICR-MS 34 2.4.5 Instrument used in this thesis 35 ESI source 36 Ion transfer line 38 ICR cell 39 2.4.6 Time sequence for ESI-FTICR-MS experiments 41 2.4.7 Liquid chromatography-FTICR-MS (LC-FTICR-MS) 42 2.5 Challenges for screening natural product extracts 42 using ESI-FTICR-MS 2.6 References 43 Chapter three Optimization strategy for mass spectrometry in the observation of noncovalent complexes 3.1 Introduction 51 3.2 Materials and methods 54 3.2.1 Materials 54 3.2.2 Instrument 55 3.3 Results and discussion 55 3.3.1 Step1: Assay buffer condition 55 3.3.2 Step 2: Experimental value region for ESI-MS parameters 56 3.3.3 Step 3: Interaction between instrumental factors 61 Main factors 63 Parameter interactions 65 3.3.4 Step 4: Fractional Factorial Design for Optimum Condition 73 3.4 Summary 75 3.5 References 75 xi Chapter four FTICR-MS as a detector for small complex (<2000 Da) and ligand structure recognition tool - a study for fragmentation patterns of active ligands in the binding of natural product extracts to hemin 4.1 Introduction 79 4.1.1 Natural products as a source of antimalarial drugs 80 4.1.2 MS as a detector of complexes formed with hemin in a search for 82 antimalarial drugs 4.1.3 Ligand structure recognition– A strategic approach to speed up the 84 identification of new drugs in natural products Accurate mass 84 Multistage MS 86 4.2 Materials and methods 88 4.2.1 Materials 88 4.2.2 Sample preparation 89 4.2.3 Mass spectrometry 89 4.2.4 Extraction and purification 90 4.3 Results and discussion 92 4.3.1 Identification of hemin and hemin-artemisinin complex 92 4.3.2 Identification of active extracts via complexes formed with hemin 93 4.3.3 Confirmation of artemisinin existence in crude extract 97 by fragmentation patterns MS2 optimisation – artemisinin patterns 97 Active compound for QID027261 – MS2 fragmentation –Confirmed 98 artemisinin 4.3.4 Hemin - QID015773 complex 100 MS2 for flavones and flavonols – Background 101 Analysis of flavone and its recognition patterns using FTICR-MS 101 Analysis of flavonol and its recognition patterns using FTICR-MS 109 4.3.5 115 Structure determination of an active component in crude extract QID015773 4.3.6 Hemin - QID10644 and Hemin - QID2280289 complexes Active compounds isolated from marine sponge extracts xii 120 120 Purification of active compounds 121 MS2 fragmentation pattern of active components of QID16044 121 2 MS fragmentation pattern of active component 35 of QID2280289 123 4.4 Summary 125 4.5 References 126 Chapter five Mass spectrometry in the recognition of intact protein complex from 13 KDa to 66 KDa – method development for protein complexes in natural product extract matrix 5.1 Introduction 131 5.2 Ribonuclease A (MM ~ 13,700 Da) 132 5.2.1 Materials and methods 133 Materials 133 Methods 133 Instrument conditions 134 5.2.2 MS characterization of RNase A 134 5.2.3 Identification of RNase A – inhibitor complex 136 5.2.4 Identification of RNase A –inhibitor complex in natura product 138 crude extracts Increasing signal to noise by size exclusion liquid chromatography 138 Molecular mass of inhibitors 140 5.3 Human alpha thrombin (MM ~ 37 KDa) 146 5.3.1 Material and methods 147 Materials 147 Methods 147 Instrument conditions 148 Online microdialysis 148 5.3.2 Identification of HAT by ESI-FTICR-MS 149 HAT buffer exchange using online microdialysis 150 HAT desalting and buffer exchange using SEC 152 5.3.3 154 Identification of HAT–inhibitor complex Observation of HAT - PPACK complex using online microdialysis- 154 ESI-FTICR-MS xiii Observation of HAT–dysinosine A complex using online 155 SEC-ESI-FTICR-MS Observation of HAT – PPACK complex in natural product 156 crude extracts using online SEC-ESI-FTICR-MS Observation of HAT-dysinosin A in a natural product crude 157 extract using online SEC-FTICR-MS 5.3.5 Molecular mass of inhibitor 158 Molecular mass of PPACK 158 Molecular mass of dysinosin A 159 5.4 Human serum albumin (HSA, MM ~ 67 kDa) 160 5.4.1 Materials and methods 160 Materials 160 Methods 161 Instrument conditions 161 5.4.2 161 Identification of HSA by ESI-FTICR-MS Direct infusion with HSA 161 Online SEC-ESI-FTICR-MS for HSA 163 5.4.3 164 Identification of HSA-warfarin complex Direct infusion analysis 164 Online size exclusion chromatography 164 5.4.4 Identification of HSA-warfarin in crude extract 165 5.4.5 Molecular mass of inhibitor 166 5.5 Summary 168 5.6 References 169 Chapter six Direct screening of natural product extracts using mass spectrometry 6.1 Introduction 172 6.2 Materials and methods 173 6.2.1 Materials 173 6.2.2 Natural product extracts 174 For bCA II-inhibitor in natural matrix experiments 174 For raw methanolic extract screening 174 6.2.3 175 ESI-FTICR-MS analysis xiv 6.2.4 Other instruments 175 6.2.5 Extraction and isolation of the active natural product compound 176 6.2.6 6-(1S-hydroxy-3-methylbutyl)-7-methoxy-2H-chromen-2-one 176 (Compound 42) 6.3 Results and discussion 176 6.3.1 Detection of protein by ESI-FTICR-MS in physiological pH 176 6.3.2 Detection of protein-inhibitor complex 178 6.3.3 Detection of complex formed between protein target and its ligand 179 in natural product extract matrix Determination of ligand molecular mass from complex 181 in natural product extract matrix Determination of dissociation constant 183 Sensitivity of the ESI-FTICR-MS screening methodology 187 6.3.4 188 Detection of protein-ligand noncovalent complex in crude extract Method for screening raw methanolic extracts 188 Size exclusion chromatography 188 Determination of ligand mass 191 6.3.5 Structure elucidation of active compound from Rutaceae leisomia 192 6.3.6 Confirmation and characterization of the binding 194 6.3.7 Increasing high throughput 195 6.4 Summary 196 6.5 References Conclusion 199 Appendix 1 202 Appendix 2 203 Appendix 3 207 xv LIST OF FIGURES Page Figure 1.1 “Lock and Key” model 2 Figure 2.1 A flow chart of a typical mass spectrometer 16 Figure 2.2 A schematic of MALDI-MS 17 Figure 2.3 A schematic of ESI-MS 18 Figure 2.4 A diagram of an ESI source 19 Figure 2.5 A schematic of two proposed ESI mechanisms 20 Figure 2.6 Spectrum of ubiquitin at a denatured state (pH 3) 21 Figure 2.7 An illustration of conformational changes in protein 22 acquired by ESI-MS Figure 2.8 A schematic of two ESI-MS approaches 23 Figure 2.9 A schematic of indirect SEC-MS method 24 Figure 2.10 A schematic of indirect ultrafiltration MS method 25 Figure 2.11 A schematic of FAC-MS method 26 Figure 2.12 A schematic of direct noncovalent complex screening 27 MS method Figure 2.13 A schematic of protein buffer exchange 28 using equilibrium dialysis Figure 2.14 A schematic of desalting and buffer exchange using gel 29 filtration technique Figure 2.15 Movement of an ion in a homogenous magnetic field 31 Figure 2.16 A schematic of a typical FTICR-MS 34 Figure 2.17 ESI-FTICR-MS instrument, Bruker 4.7 Tesla 36 Figure 2.18 A schematic cutaway view of FTICR-MS instrument 36 Figure 2.19 ESI -Apollo source diagram 37 Figure 2.20 Xmass tune page for ESI source 39 Figure 2.21 A schematic of the ion transfer line 39 Figure 2.22 Electric potential values of the ion transfer optic line 40 Figure 2.23 Bruker Infinity cell 41 xvi Figure 2.24 A standard sequence of an ESI-FTICR-MS experiment 42 Figure 2.25 HPLC coupled to ESI-FTICR-MS 42 Figure 3.1 bCA II-ethoxzolamide intensity in 10 mM 56 ammonium acetate and in 10mM ammonium bicarbonate buffer Figure 3.2 A schematic of Apollo ESI-MS ion source 58 Figure 3.3 Mass spectra of the mixture of bCA II with ethoxyzolamide 60 under capillary exit voltages 100, 110, 120, 130, 140, 150, 160V Figure 3.4 Mass spectra of the mixture of bCA II with ethoxyzolamide 60 undercapillary exit voltages 100, 90, 80, 70V Figure 3.5 Effect of capillary exit voltage to the complex 61 Figure 3.6 Main effects plot for each parameter 64 Figure 3.7 Pearson product moment correlation coefficients 65 Figure 3.8 Interaction of flow rate on other parameters 66 Figure 3.9 Interaction of nebulizer pressure on other parameters 67 Figure 3.10 Interaction of drying gas on other parameters 68 Figure 3.11 Interaction of gas temperature on other parameters 69 Figure 3.12 Interaction of end plate voltage 70 Figure 3.13 Interaction of capillary voltage 70 Figure 3.14 Interaction of capillary exit voltage 71 Figure 3.15 Interaction of skimmer 1 72 Figure 3.16 Interaction of skimmer 2 72 Figure 4.1 A dual nebulizer Apollo ESI-source 86 Figure 4.2 Comparison of a product ion scan performed 87 by a space-based and a time-based instrument Figure 4.3 Hemin and its complex with artemisinine 93 Figure 4.4 MS spectrum of QID027261 incubated with hemin, showing 94 a complex at m/z 898.3226 Figure 4.5 MS spectrum of QID015773 incubated with hemin, showing 94 a complex at m/z 960.2027 Figure 4.6 MS spectrum of QID016044 incubated with hemin, showing 95 a complex at m/z 1022.4855 Figure 4.7 MS spectrum of QID02280289 incubated with hemin showing a complex at m/z 1022.4841 xvii 95 Figure 4.8 MS spectrum of complex formed by 97 hemin-extract QID027261 Figure 4.9 MS2 fragment ions for artemisinin in FTICR-MS 98 Figure 4.10 MS2 fragment ions for active compound in QID027261 99 Figure 4.11 Fragmentation patterns of flavonoids 101 Figure 4.12 MS2 fragmentation of apigenin (27), using m/z 271 104 as the precursor Figure 4.13 MS2 fragmentation of chrysin (28), using m/z 255 104 as the precursor Figure 4.14 MS2 fragmentation of 7-hydroxyflavone (29), 105 using m/z 239 as the precursor Figure 4.15 MS2 fragmentation of 5-hydroxy-7-methoxyflavone (30), 105 using m/z 269 as the precursor Figure 4.16 MS3 fragmentation of apigenin (27), using m/z 153 107 as the precursor Figure 4.17 MS3 fragmentation of chrysin (28), using m/z 153 107 as the precursor Figure 4.18 MS3 fragmentation of 7-hydroxyflavone (29), 108 using m/z 137 as the precursor Figure 4.19 MS3 fragmentation of 5-hydroxy-7-methoxyflavone (30), 108 using m/z 167 as the precursor Figure 4.20 MS2 pattern of 3,7-dihydroxyflavonol (31), using m/z 255 111 as the precursor Figure 4.21 MS2 pattern of fisetin (32), using m/z 287 as the precursor 111 Figure 4.22 MS3 fragmentation of 3,7-dihydroxyflavonol, 112 1,3 + using m/z 137 ([ A+H] ) as the precursor Figure 4.23 MS3 fragmentation of fisetin, using m/z 137 ([1,3A+H]+) as 113 the precursor Figure 4.24 MS3 fragmentation of 3,7-dihydroxyflavonol, using m/z 149 113 ([0,2A+H]+) as the precursor Figure 4.25 MS3 fragmentation of fisetin, using m/z 149 ([0,2A+H]+) as 114 the precursor Figure 4.26 MS of complex of hemin with QID015773 crude extract xviii 115 Figure 4.27 MS2 fragmentation of compound 33, using m/z 345 117 ([M+H]+) as the precursor Figure 4.28 MS3 fragmentation pattern of 33, using m/z 330 117 ([M-CH3+H]+) as the precursor Figure 4.29 MS4 fragmentation pattern of 33, using m/z 169 ([1,3A+H]+) 118 as the precursor Figure 4.30 MS2 fragmentation of active compound 34 2 123 Figure 4.31 MS fragmentation of active compound 35 124 Figure 5.1 a) MS spectrum of RNase A in ammonium bicarbonate at 135 charge state 6+, 7+, 8+ b) Experimental isotopic spectrum of RNase A at charge state 8+ c) Theoretical isotopic spectrum of RNase A at charge state 8+ Figure 5.2 a) Experimental MS isotopic spectrum of RNase A and 137 RNase A-AMP complex in ammonium bicarbonate at charge state 8+ b) Theoretical isotopic spectrum of RNase A - AMP complex at charge state 8+ c) Experimental isotopic spectrum of RNase A - AMP complex at charge state 8+ Figure 5.3 a) MS spectrum of RNase A in denaturing condition at 138 charge state 6+, 7+, 8+, 9 +, and 10+ b) MS spectrum of RNase A-AMP in denaturing condition at charge state 6+, 7+, 8+, 9+, and 10+ Figure 5.4 a) Spectrum of RNase A - AMP in crude extract analyzed 139 by direct infusion ESI-FTICR-MS b) Spectrum of RNase A - AMP in crude extract analyzed by size exclusion ESI-FTICR-MS Figure 5.5 Diagram of the online setup method using HPLC 140 Figure 5.6 MS spectrum of a complex at a charge state z 141 Figure 5.7 MS spectrum of RNase A-AMP complex 142 Figure 5.8 A schematic of trapping technique 143 xix Figure 5.9 MS spectrum of a dissociated RNase A-AMP complex 144 Figure 5.10 Switching valve used for trapping technique 145 Figure 5.11 A photo of the microdialysis device used in this thesis 149 Figure 5.12 MS spectrum of HAT without desalting and buffer exchange 150 Figure 5.13 A diagram of the microdialysis cell used in 151 buffer-exchange step for HAT Figure 5.14 MS spectrum of HAT desalting and buffer exchange using 152 online microdialysis Figure 5.15 MS spectrum of HAT desalting and buffer exchange using 153 offline SEC Figure 5.16 MS spectrum of HAT desalting and buffer exchange 154 using SEC Figure 5.17 MS spectrum of HAT-PPACK using online microdialysis 155 Figure 5.18 MS spectrum of HAT-PPACK complexes 156 Figure 5.19 MS spectrum of HAT-PPACK in crude extracts 157 Figure 5.20 MS spectrum of HAT-dysinosin A in a crude extract 158 Figure 5.21 Mass spectrum of HSA acquired by direct infusion 163 (native condition) Figure 5.22 Mass spectrum of HSA acquired by direct infusion under 163 denatured condition (pH 3) Figure 5.23 MS spectrum of HSA-warfarin complex acquired by 165 SEC-FTICR-MS Figure 5.24 MS spectrum of HSA-warfarin complex in natural product 166 crude extract acquired by SEC-FTICR-MS Figure 5.25 Protein-ligand complex dissociated into protein and ligand 167 by using in source CID Figure 5.26 MS spectrum of disrupted HSA-warfarin complex 168 using in source CID Figure 6.1 MS spectra of bCA II-marine sponge extracts and 177 bCA II-spiked marine sponge extracts Figure 6.2 Mass spectrum of bCA II acquired under denatured condition 177 Figure 6.3 Mass spectrum of bCA II-sulfanilamide (native condition) Figure 6.4 Mass spectrum of bCA II-sulfanilamide (denatured condition) 179 xx 178 Figure 6.5 Spectra of bCA II-marine sponge extracts and bCAII- 180 inhibitor-marine sponge extracts Figure 6.6 MS spectra of control bCA II, bCA II-ethoxzolamide 181 complex and bCA II-sulfanilamide complex Figure 6.7 MS spectrum of bCA II in low resolution mode 182 Figure 6.8 MS spectrum of bCA II-ethoxzolamide complex in low 182 resolution mode Figure 6.9 a) Isotopically resolved spectrum of bCA II-ethoxzolamide 183 complex obtained in high resolution mode b) Isotopically resolved spectrum of bCA II-sulfanilamide complex obtained in high resolution mode. Figure 6.10 Titration of sulfanilamide in bCA II for the 186 determination of Kd Figure 6.11 MS spectra of bCA II-extract with and 189 without size exclusion column Figure 6.12 Isotopically resolved spectrum of complex bCA II- ligand 192 from active extract obtained in high resolution mode Figure 6.13 MS spectrum of bCA II-42 complex 194 Figure 6.14 Competition experiment spectra 195 Figure 6.15 A working diagram of using ten-port switching valve 196 xxi LIST OF TABLES Page Table 1.1 Timeline of biological mass spectrometry 5 Table 2.1 Timeline of FTICR-MS development 31 Table 3.1 Structure and binding constant of ethoxzolamide, 54 an inhibitor of bCA II Table 3.2 Parameter levels for FFD 61 Table 3.3 Results of FFD for factor interactions 62 Table 3.4 Effects of factors on the MS response 63 Table 3.5 Fractional Factorial Design (FFD) experiment for optimum 74 condition Table 4.1 List of plant biota 91 Table 4.2 List of marine sponge biota 91 Table 4.3 Molecular mass of active compounds from natural product 96 extracts Table 4.4 Formula, observed mass, calculated mass, mass error (ppm) 98 and fragment scheme identity of fragment ions observed in the MS2 spectrum of the sodiated artemisinin Table 4.5 Formula, observed mass, calculated mass, mass error (ppm) 100 and fragment scheme identity of fragment ions observed in the MS2 spectrum of the active compound in extract QID027261 Table 4.6 FT-MS2 product ions obtained from the [M+H]+ ions 102 of compounds 27-30 Table 4.7 FTMS3 product ions obtained from the 1,3A+ ions 106 of compounds 27-30 Table 4.8 FT-MS2 product ions obtained from the [M+H]+ ions 110 of compounds 31 and 32 Table 4.9 FT-MS3 product ions obtained from the 1.3A+ ions 112 of compounds 31-32 Table 4.10 FT-MS3 product ions obtained from the 0,2A+ ions xxii 112 of compounds 31-32 Table 4.11 FT-MS3 product ions obtained from the [M+H]+ ions 118 of compounds 33 Table 4.12 FTMS4 product ions obtained from the 1,3A+ ions 118 of compounds 33 Table 4.13 Formula of neutral loss, observed mass, calculated mass, 122 mass error (Da) and fragment identity observed in the MS2 spectrum of the active compound 34 Table 4.14 Formula of neutral loss, observed mass, calculated mass, 124 mass error (Da) and fragment identity observed in the MS2 spectrum of the active compound 35 Table 5.1 Result of m/z AMP detected by SEC-FTICR-MS 142 Table 5.2 List of flow rates trialed with HAT 152 Table 5.3 m/z values of HAT-PPACK complex, HAT at 11+charge 157 state and average molecular mass of PPACK Table 5.4 Signal intensity for HSA by direct infusion analysis 162 Table 5.5 Signal intensity for HSA and HSA-warfarin complex using 164 SEC-FTICR-MS analysis Table 6.1 Structures and binding constants of the bCA II inhibitors 174 used in this study Table 6.2 Concentration of ligand free and protein complex 185 Table 6.3 Results for the determination of Kd and its curve fitness 186 (calculated from Prism, v. 3.0) Table 6.4 Properties of the size exclusion resins tested for this study 190 Table 6.5 NMR data for compound 42 in DMSO-d6 193 xxiii LIST OF CHARTS/SCHEMES Page Chart 1.1 Research Plan 11 Scheme 4.1 Strategy for early detection of known drugs 80 or known structural class of active compounds Scheme 4.2 Proposed mechanism for MS3 fragment ions of precursor ion Scheme 4.3 1,3 109 + A of compounds 27-30 Proposed mechanism for MS3 fragment ions of 114 precursor ion 0,2A+ of compounds 31 (similarly for compound 32) Scheme 4.4 Proposed mechanism for MS2 fragment ions of 119 precursor ion [M+H]+ of compound 33 Scheme 4.5 Proposed mechanism for MS4 fragment ions of 120 precursor ion 1,3A+ of compound 33 Scheme 4.6 Proposed fragment ions for compound 34 122 Scheme 4.7 Proposed fragment ions for compound 35 125 Scheme 6.1 Screening work-flow 183 xxiv LIST OF PUBLISHED WORKS IN THE COURSE OF THE RESEARCH Direct screening of natural product extracts using mass spectrometry Hoan Vu, Ngoc B. Pham, and Ronald J. Quinn, Journal of biomolecular screening, 2008, 13: 265-275. CONFERENCE POSTERS PRESENTED 1) Electrospray ionization fourier transform ion cycloton resonance mass spectrometry as an affinity screen to detect noncovalent complexes from natural product extracts Presented at the Australian New Zealand Society for Mass Spectrometry (ANZSMS 20) conference at Adelaide 30th January 2005 2) Bioaffinity Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry for direct screening of natural product extracts Presented at the international mass spectrometry conference (IMSC 2006) at Prague 27th August 2006 xxv xxvi Chapter one CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION ― A NEW APPROACH TO IDENTIFY ACTIVE COMPOUNDS FROM NATURAL PRODUCT EXTRACTS USING BIOAFFINITY MASS SPECTROMETRY Abstract: This chapter presents an overview of the concept of noncovalent complexes, including the binding products of small molecule drugs and their therapeutical targets. In a similar fashion, natural product crude extracts, a rich source of small molecules with high chemical diversity that occupy a more drug-like chemical space than synthetic sources, form noncovalent complexes with targets. Identifying such complexes is a precondition for a drug discovery program and as such an efficient, effective and accurate method is critically required. Mass spectrometry, particularly coupled with electrospray ionization technique (ESI-MS), is a promising analytical tool in biological research for a wide variety of biomolecules such as small molecular mass compounds (<600 Da), DNA, RNA and proteins. Bioaffinity mass spectrometry, characterized by its speed and sensitivity, offers a desirable approach for the identification of these noncovalent complexes 1.1 SMALL MOLECULE – PROTEIN COMPLEXES Paul Ehrlich introduced the concept of the interaction of physiologically active substances with specific receptors into immunology throughout his works during the 1880s and 1890s.1 Its application has expanded to histology, haematology, and cell physiology and resonates in today’s biomedical science. The key point of this concept is the recognition of chemically based receptors where the binding of a chemical molecule (i.e. the ligand) to a biological target (i.e. the receptor) mediates most physiological functions. This concept of a receptor germinated in 1877 when Ehrlich studied the effect of dyes on a variety of tissues and under a variety of conditions. In his publication,1 he proved that tissue staining reactions are purely chemical rather than physical and certain dyes react preferentially with certain cells or structures. This implied that the dye attaches to some sort of receptor, based upon ionic charge or other characteristics. He also found that different groups attached to the aniline core of the dye affected not only the 1 Chapter one molecular charge, but also the solubility and strength of the attachment. Thus, the chemical diversity of a core defined its biological function. The comprehension of the concept of a receptor and a ligand has been improved by the ‘lock and key’ theory. Being introduced by Emil Fischer2 at the same time with the concept of chemically based receptors, the ‘lock and key’ is a model for the basic scientific explanation of the binding between a ligand and a receptor. In this theory, the ‘key’ symbolizes the small molecule or inhibitor and the ‘lock’ represents the enzyme, protein or other biological targets. The lock and key theory proposes that only the correct geometrically sized key fits into the keyhole (active site) of the lock. Wrong key sizes (smaller or bigger sizes or sizes of incorrect geometry) will fail this analogy and thus binding cannot occur. The two concepts have put together the foremost requirement for a physiological effect between a small molecule and its receptor: the suited core group of the small molecule together with its substitution diversity. As a result of the binding, a small molecule - protein complex is formed. Figure 1.1 “Lock and Key” model: the red key (ligand) has the right shape for the lock (protein) and can interact with the protein to form a ligand - protein complex. The blue key with unsuitable shape for the lock cannot fit and thus no complex is formed. The study of small molecule – protein interactions is but a subset of the broader field of important interactions in which proteins participate. A chemical 2 Chapter one bond between a molecule and a protein can be classified as covalent or noncovalent. In a covalent bond, there is a new chemical bond formed by sharing pairs of electrons between atoms of the two molecules. In a noncovalent bond, there are different types of interaction responsible for the binding.3 These noncovalent interactions include ionic bonds, hydrophobic interactions, hydrogen bonds, van der Waals forces and dipole-dipole bonds. When a noncovalent bond is formed between two biomolecules, the new entity is called a noncovalent complex. Most of the drugs on the market now elicit physiological effects by forming a noncovalent complex with a biological therapeutic target.4 A binding equilibrium of a small molecule - protein complex is expressed as kon PL P+L koff where • P stands for protein, L for ligand or small molecule and PL for complex • kon is a bimolecular rate constant that is a measure of probability of productive encounters between unbound protein and ligand (kon is diffusion controlled and is limited to a rate 107 -108 M-1s-1). • koff is a unimolecular rate constant that is inversely proportional to τ, the lifetime of the complex. The binding affinity is calculated by equilibrium dissociation constant Kd = [P][L]/[PL] = koff/kon As a rough approximation, a tight binding characterized by a slow exchange rate will have a Kd in the low μM range. A weak binding or fast exchange will have a Kd in the high μM range. Both tight and weak binding can be detected by mass spectrometry techniques.5-9 1.2 MASS SPECTROMETRY – A METHOD TO IDENTIFY NONCOVALENT COMPLEXES Mass spectrometry (MS) is a useful analysis tool in a wide range of scientific fields since it is a versatile instrument. It can provide qualitative and quantitative information about the isotopic, elemental and molecular composition of organic and inorganic samples. These samples can be analyzed in the gas, solution or solid phase. 3 Chapter one The analyzed masses can range from several Da (single atom),10 to 1 MDa (human immunoglobulin M).11 Compared with traditional techniques of determining biomolecule mass such as SDS-PAGE (sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis) and gel permeation chromatography, MS can offer a mass accuracy of better than 0.01%.12 Although MS does not provide as high resolution structures of biomolecules as NMR or X-ray diffraction, MS has the advantages of speed, sensitivity and accuracy when used for studying noncovalent complexes. 1.2.1 History of mass spectrometry in biological applications The first mass spectrometer was constructed in 1907 by J. J. Thomson.13 It was primarily to study the atomic mass of the elements, and was improved by F.W. Aston to discover naturally occurring isotopes and measure relative isotope abundances of most of the elements.14 These early instruments were later used for studying heavy isotopes in different biological systems.15 In the early 1940s a mass spectrometer was developed to analyze simple organic compounds, primarily petroleum hydrocarbons.16,17 During the 1950s, a broad applicability of mass spectrometric analysis for a wide range of organic compounds was introduced.18 In 1959 mass spectrometry was first used to sequence peptides.19 Routine structural analysis of large peptides and very small proteins was not possible until 1981 with the use of plasma desorption ionization (PD)20 and fast atom bombardement ionization (FAB).21 The advent of two ionization techniques, matrix assisted laser desorption ionization (MALDI, 1984) and electrospray ionization (ESI, 1988), marked the beginning of a new era in biological applications for mass spectrometry. These ESI and MALDI techniques further improved the ability of ionizing large molecules, thus making MS an essential tool in characterizing structures of nucleotides, proteins and noncovalent complexes.22 This growing importance of MS was recognized in 2002 when the Nobel Prize for Chemistry was awarded to John Fenn and Koichi Tanaka, who invented the ESI and MALDI techniques, respectively, to be used for the study of bio-macromolecules. 4 Chapter one Table 1.1 Timeline of biological mass spectrometry Time Use 1907-1940 Atomic mass-heavy isotopes 1940-1958 Organic compounds 1959-1980 Peptide sequencing 1981 till now Protein, large molecules 1.2.2 Bioaffinity mass spectrometry in the identification of noncovalent complex and potential drugs The use of mass spectrometry to identify noncovalent complexes is called bioaffinity mass spectrometry. Under well-controlled ESI-experimental conditions, the weak specific-noncovalent interaction in a physiological solution can be preserved and transferred intact into the gas phase.23 This nondenaturing ESI-MS has identified many small molecule-protein noncovalent complexes. Ganem et al 24 first reported the use of nondenaturing ESI-MS to detect noncovalent receptor-ligand complexes formed between the immunosuppressive agents, FK506 and rapamycin, with their naturally-occurring cytoplasmic receptor FKBP, a member of the immunophilin family of immunosuppressive binding proteins. In another report Ganem et al25 detected noncovalent enzyme-substrate and enzyme-product complexes formed by hen egg-white lysozyme (HEWL) and various Nacetylglucosamine (NAG) oligosaccharides under physiological condition (NH4OAc buffer, pH 5). Ganguly et al26 detected the ras-guanosine diphosphate (ras-GDP) and ras-guanosine triphosphate (ras-GTP) complexes under physiological condition (2 mM NH4OAc, pH 5.2) by ESI-MS. These complexes were important to the study of abnormal cell growth, as well as to the development of anticancer drugs. More studies about small molecule - protein noncovalent complexes were reviewed extensively by Loo and Ashcroft.27,28 Nondenaturing ESI-MS has been used not only to identify noncovalent complexes but also characterize them. Features of noncovalent binding such as specificity, stoichiometry, association constant and binding sites have been studied by nondenaturing ESI-MS.6,29-31 The identification of potential drugs that bind to a therapeutic target with high affinity and selectivity requires screening libraries of compounds. The progress in robotic techniques has allowed the development of high throughput screening 5 Chapter one (HTS) which can process large numbers of compounds (more than 100,000 compounds per screen). The assays which are frequently used in HTS are scintillation proximity assay (SPA),32 fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET),33 time resolved fluorescence resonance energy transfer (TR-FRET),34 and fluorescence polarization (FP).35 They are the first choices for HTS since they allow automation and assay miniaturization. However, relying on cascade assays HTS suffers from a lack of direct reading of the interaction between active compounds and targets, which limits the ability to distinguish specific binding from non-specific binding. For example, in FRET assay, HTS cannot discriminate between inhibition and fluorescence quenching by an inner-filter effect of the test substance, which then might lead to false-positive readings. This observable fact is very common in natural product screening since a natural product extract contains a diverse pool of unknown compounds of which the chance of being fluorescent is high. As a result of this disadvantage a high number of false positives generates a considerable amount of unnecessary work. In response to this limitation, nondenaturing ESI-MS has been introduced as a complement to HTS campaigns. Nondenaturing ESI-MS utilizes the soft ionization technique to detect intact small (< 2000 Da) or large (up to 66,000 Da) noncovalent complexes. Nondenaturing ESI-MS can provide the direct reading of the small molecule drug - protein interaction. MS signals of unbound proteins and protein complexes are observed and can be differentiated. The visualization of the protein complex MS signal is the advantage of the nondenaturing ESI-MS technique in which false positive readings can be minimized. 1.3 NATURAL PRODUCTS – AN INFINITE SOURCE OF MEDICINES Natural products have historically been invaluable as a source of therapeutic agents and traditional medicines. An impressive number of drugs have come from natural sources. Well-known examples include erythromycin (1) and its derivatives as antibiotics, cyclosporine A (2) and tacrolimus (3) as immunosuppressive agents, doxorubicin (4) as antitumor agent, lovastatin (5) and derivatives as the best selling anticholestoremic agents, reserpine (6) as an antihypertensive agent, ephedrine (7) as an anti-asthma agent, aspirin (8) a derivative of natural products as an anti- 6 Chapter one inflammatory agent, morphine (9) as an analgesic agent, and quinine (10) and its derivatives for antimalarial agents. Ο O O OH O ΗΝ O Ν OH O OH O HO Ο ΟΗ O H Ο O Ο Ο Ν Ν Η Ο N Ν Ο Ο OH O HO HO Ο O Ο Η Ν Ν Ο O O ΗΟ Ν Ο N O Ν Ν Η O O H O HO O O (1) O (2) OH HO O (3) O OH OH O O O N N H H O H O O O OH H O H O OCH3 O OCH3 H3COOC OCH3 NH2OH (4) (5) OCH3 (6) OH HO N O OH OH H N N O O N H CH3 (7) O O HO (8) (9) (10) The rapid progress in genomics-based technologies yielding new potential therapeutic targets,36 coupled with the high capacity of screening hundreds of thousands of compounds in high throughput screening (HTS) on large libraries of compounds have led many pharmaceutical companies to lean towards the massproduced combinatorial libraries, and cut back on their natural product research programs.37 However, HTS of combinatorial compounds did not produce the expected surge in the number of New Chemical Entities (NCE). For the twenty five year period, from 1981 to 2006, there is only one synthetic combinatorial NCE approved as cancer drug (sorafenib from Bayer, 2005).38 In contrast, the total number of commercial drugs from natural products is much higher. From 1981 to 2002, products from the natural world have provided leads for 60% of the anticancer 7 Chapter one drugs and 75% of the anti-infectious disease drugs.39 In 2004, of 24 NCE, 28% of these were natural products. In 2005, 24% of 54 NCE were natural products or natural product derived. Nature has designed a remarkable diversity of core structures and functional groups for specific biological activities in the course of evolution. Natural products are diverse in chemical structures and show a variety of biological activities. Taxol (11), a compound with complex structure, shows anticancer activities.40 Vancomycin (12), an antibiotic with a complicated structure, is useful in the treatment of Grampositive bacterial infections.41,42 Histamine (13), a simple compound, shows wellcharacterized activities such as bronchocontriction, vasodilation, gastric acid secretion and neurotransmission.43 The chemical diversity of natural products is illustrated in a significant number of different core structures and in various combinations of functional groups. Compared with synthetic compounds, natural products generally have a higher number of stereogenic centres and more architectural complexity. These functional groups or the precursors to such groups play a critical role in biological activity. For example, the unsual trisulphide and quinone in two antitumour antibiotics, calicheamicin (14)44 and dynemicin (15)45 are redox–activated triggers that initiate aromatization cascades leading to the formation of diradical intermediates that damage the DNA. Structural analysis of collections of natural products also shows that they are more similar to the chemical space occupied by drug molecules than synthetic compounds.46,47 Beyond doubt, natural products are rich in terms of chemical diversity and occupy both different and larger chemical spaces than that which the products of synthetic chemistry can offer,48 and have proven their potential as an infinite source of medicines. 8 Chapter one OH O O HO H N OH HO OH NH O O HN Cl O O HO OH O H N O O O HO O NH2 O O O OH HO O O O O O O Cl O NH NH O HO O NH H N OH O HO O H2N N NH2 HN (11) (12) (13) O O HN O OH O O C HO O O HO I O O O S O OH O N H S S OH OH O HN O OH C O O HN OH (14) 1.4 O C O O O C S O OH (15) RAPID AND EFFECTIVE SCREENING OF NATURAL PRODUCTS – THE CHALLENGES Recognizing a noncovalent complex formed between a biologically active natural product and a therapeutical target, typically a protein is a key task in a drug discovery program. A current popular way of searching for new drugs in natural products is screening natural product extracts on therapeutic targets for the presence of active compounds and subsequent investigation of their biological activities.49 This process involves bioassay-guided fractionation, which includes fractionating an active extract and resubmitting each individual fraction to the high throughput biological assay. This practice is time and labor intensive, as these steps have to be repeated until the active compound is found. Bioassay-guided fractionation screening of natural products also has a high rate of false positives and false negatives due to the complex nature of natural product extracts. It prompts a requirement for a quicker, simpler, more sensitive and effective method to screen 9 Chapter one natural product extracts. The new method should have the capacity to detect the true binder within a complex crude extract and give as much information as possible about the active constituent, such as molecular mass for a rapid isolation of the active constituent. One of the approaches is to use nondenaturing ESI-MS as a screening tool because the analysis can provide the speed and sensitivity as well as insightful information on ligand compositions and structures. 1.5 OBJECTIVES The screening of natural product crude extracts for possible therapeutic compounds is a complex process. It involves the identification of the noncovalent complex formed by the interactions between the active components (ligands) in the extract and a protein target. The challenges facing us, to date, are not only the false positive and false negative results, but also the extensive time and labour required for the identification and purification of those active components. This thesis aims at developing an optimal strategy to: (i) detect the noncovalent complex using nondenaturing ESI-MS; and (ii) provide molecular mass of the active components. Once the ligand mass information is known, mass– directed purification can replace the traditional bioassay guided fractionation, thus time for the isolation of active component from crude extracts will be shortened. To achieve these objectives, the following tasks must be fulfilled: • a successful direct reading of protein in native form by ESI-MS; • a successful direct reading of noncovalent complex by ESI-MS; • a successful direct reading of noncovalent complex in natural product crude extract; and • a successful deduction of ligand mass information from noncovalent complex mass information. Additional information on chemical structure information of the ligand can also be used as an early identification of known drugs or known class of drugs. This information can be used in a screening program to avoid the reinvention of the known drugs or to prioritize projects. 10 Chapter one 1.6 RESEARCH PLAN This research has recognized natural products as invaluable sources of biological active components and the advantages of electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) for the identification of small molecule - protein complexes. With an aim to identify noncovalent complexes and to obtain chemical information of active compounds at the screening stage, a research plan containing 3 major steps has been undertaken in this study (Chart 1.1). Step one includes examining the current challenges in identifying protein complexes by nondenaturing ESI-MS (Chapter 2) and developing optimized conditions for electrosparay ionization Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (ESI-FTICR-MS) (Chapter 3). Step two involves the developing of methods for identifying complexes of targets at various molecular mass values (600 – 66,000 Da) in the setting of crude extracts (Chapter 4 and 5). Step three aims at using these methods to screen natural product extracts and identify noncovalent complexes formed by active natural product ligand and protein targets, obtaining accurate molecular mass of active components and their mass fingerprint. The active ligands are then purified. The binding of the pure compounds with proteins is validated to confirm the accomplishment of the research project (Chapter 4 and 6). Chart 1.1 Research Plan 11 Chapter one 1.7 REFERENCES 1. Silverstein AM: History of immunology: development of the concept of immunologic specificity: II. Cell Immunol 1982; 71: 183-195. 2. Fischer E: Influence of configuration on the action of enzymes. Berichte der Deutschen Chemischen Gesellschaft 1894; 27: 2985-2993. 3. 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Feher M, Schmidt JM: Property distributions: Differences between drugs, natural products, and molecules from combinatorial chemistry. J Chem Inf Comput Sci 2003; 43: 218-227. 48. Harvey AL: Natural products as a screening resource. Curr Opin Chem Biol 2007; 11: 480484. 49. Koehn FE, Carter GT: The evolving role of natural products in drug discovery. Nat Rev Drug Discovery 2005; 4: 206-220. 14 CHAPTER TWO MASS SPECTROMETRY TECHNIQUE AND ITS APPROACHES IN DRUG SCREENING – PERSPECTIVES AND CHALLENGES FOR SCREENING NATURAL PRODUCT EXTRACTS Abstract: An overview about MS, ESI-MS, and ESI-MS screening approaches for finding active drug compounds is presented. Background of Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (FTICR-MS) technique and the FTICR-MS instrument used in this work are described. ESI-FTICR-MS direct detection of noncovalent complexes is the approach chosen for this thesis. Significant challenges still exist in the application of this method for natural product crude extracts. 2.1 MASS SPECTROMETRY BACKGROUND Mass spectrometry is an analytical technique used to separate ions according to their mass to charge ratio. In general, a typical mass spectrometer comprises of three main parts, the ion source, the analyzer and the detector (Figure 2.1). Ions are produced in an ion source, separated in a mass analyzer, and then detected and transformed into a usable signal by a detector. The mass spectrometer must have a good vacuum system to maintain the pressure far below the atmospheric pressure (<10-6 mbar). A computer system is required to control and vary the analyzing electric fields, introduce samples, create ions from the sample, transfer them into the analyzer, and collect the analyzed ions; and display or record the results. Within these shared requirements, different sources of samples, modes of ionization, and types of analyzers have resulted in a broad set of different mass spectrometers. For biologically related applications, MALDI and ESI have been the ionization techniques of choice. 15 Chapter two Ion source Ion source ESI MALDI Computer Figure 2.1 2.1.1 Membrane Denatured protein Native protein Vacuum System Membrane Denatured protein Native protein Vacuum System Membrane Denat red A flow chart of a typical mass spectrometer MALDI-MS MALDI was developed by Tanaka et al.1 The analyte sample is co- crystallized with a chemical matrix.2-4 A laser pulse results in the sublimation of the matrix carrying the analyte into the gas phase (Figure 2.2).1,5,6 Ions are formed during this process due to a combination of different mechanisms.7 MALDI-MS is mostly used for protein sequencing. One of the most popular techniques is peptide mass fingerprinting. In this technique, the protein is first digested and the masses of the proteolytic peptides are obtained by MALDI-MS. The sequence of the protein is determined by comparing these peptide masses with the fragment database obtained from over 50,000 proteins.8-10 Small molecule-protein noncovalent complexes can not be observed with the standard method of MALDI-MS since the protein is denatured under the acidic matrix condition. However there have been reports of using modified procedures to successfully analyze some protein-protein noncovalent complexes by MALDI-MS.11 16 Chapter two Mass Analyzer Desorbed ion Laser pulse Matrix Sample Sample Plate Figure 2.2 2.1.2 A schematic of matrix assisted laser desorption ionization (MALDI) ESI-MS The concept of coupling an ESI to a MS analyzer was first introduced in 1968 by Dole et al12 However, successful generation and detection of biomolecule ions came later in 1984.13,14 Completely desolvated analyte ions acquired from the ionization, evaporation and/or desorption processes in the ESI source are delivered to MS analyzer under a force created by a combination of the electric field and the pressure gradient. Ions of different mass, velocity and charge are moved differently by the electrical field(s). If the field is carefully controlled, ions of different masses and charges can be separated and categorized according to mass, charge and abundance (Figure 2.3) 17 Chapter two transfer capillary skimmer Mass analyzer flow rate atmospheric pressure vacuum stage 1 Figure 2.3 vacuum stage 2 vacuum stage 2 A schematic of ESI-MS showing different vacuum transfer stages (pressure gradient) and electric field between the spray needle and the mass analyzer. The ESI source can be considered as an electrolytic cell (Figure 2.4). A high potential of 2-5kV is generally applied to one side, the ESI emitter or the MS entrance, and the other grounded. In positive ESI mode, the emitter is the anode (oxidation) and the MS entrance the cathode (reduction). An electrolyte solution is introduced into the emitter. The electric field provokes the separation of the positive and negative charges in the solution. The positive charges accumulate at the emitter tip and on the liquid surface. If the electric field is strong enough, a Taylor cone will protrude from the emitter. A small liquid jet is then formed, from which charged droplets are generated as a fine mist. The charged droplets produced by ESI are situated in a hot atmosphere, which helps the evaporation of the solvent molecules of the droplets. While traveling towards the entry of the mass spectrometer, the droplet radius will decrease until the limiting radius of Rayleigh is reached, at which the repulsive Coulombic force is equal to the surface tension force.15 The droplet becomes unstable and produces smaller droplets, called offspring droplets. This Coulomb fission process is repeated until there are small highly charged droplets. The production of gas phase ions from these highly charged droplets is explained by two theories; their mechanisms16 are illustrated in Figure 2.5. 18 Chapter two Taylor cone ESI droplets Sample solution mass analyzer Oxidation analyte ion High voltage power supply Figure 2.4 A diagram of an ESI source The first mechanism, the charge residue mechanism (CRM), was first introduced by Dole et al. in 1968,12 and again in 1970.17 This mechanism proposes that as the solvent evaporates, the offspring droplet decreases in size until the droplet becomes unstable due to the large charge density on a small volume and large surface tension of the droplet. When the repelling Coulombic forces come close to their cohesion forces, the droplet divides into smaller droplets in order to get to a stable state. The process continues until one droplet contains only one charged molecule. This last droplet evaporates to give a completely desolvated ion. The second mechanism, the ion evaporation mechanism (IEM), was introduced by Iribarne and Thomson in 1975.18 It assumes that when a droplet is highly charged, the electric field becomes large enough for the desorption of ions from the surface to occur. The major difference between CRM and IEM is that the final ion in CRM is formed by evaporation of solvent from the droplet, whereas the final ion in IEM is formed by desorption. The CRM is more likely to be valid for macromolecules, whereas the IEM would be more plausible for small ions.19-23 19 Chapter two a) Charge residue mechanism ESI droplets analyte ion EVAPORATION b) Ion evaporation mechanism FISSION DESORPTION Figure 2.5 A schematic of two proposed ESI mechanisms a) charge residue mechanism (CRM) b) ion evaporation mechanism (IEM). Evaporation and fission of droplets into smaller droplets leading to evaporation or desorption of analyte ion. As a soft ionization technique, ESI transfers ions from a solution into the gas phase in micro-droplets and produces a multi-charge effect for large molecules.24 The formation of ions is a result of the chemical process and of the accumulation of charge in the droplets. The multiple charging effect in ESI brings the mass-to-charge ratio (m/z) of large peptides and proteins within the nominal m/z upper limits for mass analysis of 2000 to 5000 Da of most commonly availble mass analyzers. Of particular importance for this thesis is that FTMS analyzer performance decreases with increasing m/z, so the multiple charging effect of ESI is important to bring the m/z of peptides and proteins into the range where FTMS has excellent performance. Figure 2.6 shows a multi-charge effect obtained for ubiquitin (MM ~ 8,600 Da), with the major ions produced being between 9+ to 13+. 20 Chapter two Figure 2.6 Spectrum of ubiquitin at a denatured state (pH 3) with different charge states. Spectrum was obtained by ESI on a Bruker FTICR-MS 4.7 Tesla 2.1.3 ESI-MS and conformational changes in protein ESI mass spectra of a protein can reveal whether a protein remains in its native folded state (pH = 7) or exists as a denatured state (pH = 1-3) in solution phase. Figure 2.7 illustrates the correlation between the charge state of protein in the gaseous phase and their folding structure in the original solution/solid phase. A broad, low charge state protein mass spectrum (high m/z) is correlated to folded (native) protein in solution, whereas a narrower, high charge state protein mass spectrum (low m/z) corresponds to unfolded (denatured) protein.25 21 Chapter two 7+ a) 6+ 8+ Membrane Denatured b) 15+ 18+ 13+ 20+ Membrane Denatured m/z Figure 2.7 An illustration of conformational changes in protein acquired by ESI- MS. a) Charge states at high m/z for folded protein (in red) b) Charge states at low m/z for unfolded protein (in green) 2.2 IDENTIFYING ACTIVE COMPOUNDS VIA DETECTION OF NONCOVALENT COMPLEXES BY NONDENATURING ESI-MS As described in the previous chapter, nondenaturing ESI-MS has been used for detecting noncovalent complexes. The noncovalent complex ESI-MS screening process consists of two steps. The first step is a formation of a complex using a biological assay. In this step, a pure compound, mixture of compounds or a crude extract is incubated with a biological target in which an active ligand then forms a noncovalent interaction with the target and hence becomes a new entity together as a complex. The second step is the detection of the formation of the noncovalent complex by ESI-MS. There are two methods for this step. If the complex is detected, the approach is called a direct method. If the active ligand is detected after the dissociation of a complex, the method is called indirect. 22 Chapter two DIRECT METHOD Detection of active cpds by recognising noncovalent complex INCUBATION INTERACTION Target + mixture of compounds Noncovalent complexes (Target & active cpds) SEPARATION DISSOCIATION OF PROTEIN COMPLEX protein complex from unbound compds Step 1 Figure 2.8 Step 2 INDERCT METHOD Detection of active compounds Step 3 A schematic of two ESI-MS approaches: direct (noncovalent complex detection) and indirect (active compound detection) 2.2.1 Indirect noncovalent complex screening methods This screening method is quite popularly applied in pharmaceutical industry for screening combinatorial compound libraries. Traditional separation techniques such as ultrafiltration, gel filtration or mobile separation techniques such as frontal affinity chromatography can separate protein-ligand complexes from unbound compounds (Figure 2.8). After being separated from unbound small molecule compounds, the noncovalent complexes are dissociated by organic or acidic mobile phase, then the small molecule ligands are analyzed by MS. The indirect approach is widely used since it does not require a high-end MS technology. Any ESI mass spectrometers such as quadrupole MS or time of flight MS can detect small molecular ligands. However, this approach cannot see directly the noncovalent complex or provide information about the stoichiometry of a complex. There are other issues to be considered. Premature dissociation can happen in step 2 when the complex is subjected to gel resins, ultrafiltration membranes or organic solvents. The loss of protein complexes can give false negative results in step 3. Contaminations can also happen at the separation stage between protein complexes and inactive/unbound compounds (stage 2, Figure 2.8). The inactive/unbound compound co-eluted with the protein complex in stage 2 can be detected as an active compound by MS in stage 3, leading to false positive readings. 23 Chapter two Indirect size exclusion - reversed phase liquid chromatography- mass spectrometry method Owing to a large difference in molecular mass between protein complex and unbound small molecular mass ligands, physical separation of a complex from unbound small ligands can be achieved on size-exclusion medium (Figure 2.9) After being isolated, the complex is then dissociated. Several options are available for ligand dissociation and the subsequent analysis. One of them is the dissociation of bound compounds from the target protein directly on a reversed phase column coupled to mass spectrometer for ligand determination.26 A simple alternative would be the dissociation of a noncovalent complex by denaturing it with acidic organic solvent.27 A large number of improvements for this technique have been reported by pharmaceutical companies to screen large mixtures of compounds, such as SpeedScreen by Novartis,28 and Automated Ligand Identification System (ALIS) by Neogenesis.29 Different formats of gel columns from spin columns to well-plate gel size-exclusion columns are used to improve the screening throughput.27,28,30 The binding affinity can also be calculated from this method, as MS can be used as a quantification technique to calculate the concentration of ligand bound to the target protein.26,31 Figure 2.9 A schematic of indirect size exclusion reversed phase liquid chromatography mass spectrometry method. 24 Chapter two Indirect ultrafiltration mass spectrometry method Ultrafiltration has been used for screening combinatorial compound libraries and natural product extracts against protein targets such as adenosine deaminase,32 dihydrofolate reductase,33 cyclooxygenase-2,34 human serum albumin,35 and estrogen receptors.36 The assay sample is placed in the ultrafiltration apparatus which consists of two reservoirs separated by a molecular mass cut-off (MMCO) membrane (Figure 2.10). Upon centrifugation, the free protein and complexes are retained and concentrated in a small volume of retained solvent and free ligands with solvent pass through the membrane. The complexes are then dissociated by either organic or acidic solvents. Small molecule ligands formerly bound to the protein are collected and identified by ESI-MS. In the ultrafiltration technique, excessive centrifugation can cause false negative results and should be avoided. During centrifugation, the dynamic equilibrium between protein and drug concentrations is also disturbed. As the solvent with the free drug passes through the membrane, the drug is depleted towards the right-hand side reservoir of the apparatus. As a result, a re-establishment of the equilibrium between the protein and drug will happen in favour of more discharge of free drugs. Thus the complex is further dissociated. This effect is severe for weakly bound complexes. Figure 2.10 A diagram of indirect ultrafiltration mass spectrometry method 25 Chapter two Indirect frontal affinity chromatography mass spectrometry method Frontal affinity chromatography has been used for screening combinatorial compound libraries against protein targets such as epidermal growth factor receptor,36 N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase V,37 estrogen receptor.38 This method utilizes an affinity column. A protein target is covalently or noncovalently immobilized on to the column beads. The compound mixture is continuously pumped though the column (Figure 2.11). A mass spectrometer is connected to the output of the column as a detector. A compound that has affinity for the immobilized target will experience a delay in elution because it is retained, while a compound with no affinity will elute quickly and will be in the void volume of the column. As the flow rate through the column is known, the delay in elution of the bound compound can be converted into a volume of the solution. The amount of the bound compound in this volume is the amount interacting with the immobilized target at equilibrium, the dissociation constant of ligand from target can be determined with knowledge of the amount of target in the column.39 In this method large numbers of compounds can be easily screened, the affinity column can be reused, throughput can be increased with screening mixtures of compounds (up to 1000 components).37 However while being immobilized, the protein target can lose its biological function, and therefore validation must be carried out to determine the protein function. Figure 2.11 A schematic of frontal affinity chromatography mass spectrometry method 26 Chapter two 2.2.2 Direct noncovalent complex screening method A direct approach detects noncovalent complexes and looks at the molecular mass of the noncovalent complex itself, from which the molecular mass of the active bound ligand is deduced.40 This approach has the advantages of being able to provide the stoichiometry of the complex,41 no sample contamination through artefact binding with separation materials, and the ability to study the complex in solution at physiologically relevant pH values.42 However, technical hurdles of this direct screening has prevented the application of this method to all available proteins. As proteins and complexes are normally preserved in detergents and buffers such as Tris-buffer, phosphate buffers that are non-compatible with ESIMS,43,44 a buffer exchange process should be performed. The buffer exchange method is critical in ESI-MS, and has been investigated extensively and is discussed below. When a direct identification of a complex is coupled to a separation technique for buffer exchange or semi-purification of unbound compounds, similar shortcomings of the separation steps such as contaminations and premature dissociation can occur. However, these aspects do not affect the readings of the direct method as in the indirect method. For example, the unbound compounds can elute together with the complexes. They might appear on the MS spectrum but since they are not used as result readings the contamination effect can be ignored. As for the premature dissociation, some considerations should be taken, for example the separation setup should be validated on known complex models to test the complex preservation capacity of the separation technique. Figure 2.12 A schematic of direct noncovalent complex screening method 27 Chapter two Desalting and buffer exchange - equilibrium dialysis A MS incompatible, non-volatile buffer can be replaced with a MS compatible, volatile buffer in a protein solution by a semi-permeable membrane. This technique is known as equilibrium dialysis. The system consists of dialysis tubing formed by a semi-permeable membrane, available in a wide range of MMCO. This dialysis tubing is inserted in a larger volume container which holds the exchanging buffer (volatile buffer). The protein in non-volatile buffer is introduced into the dialysis tube. Large-sized protein which exceeds MMCO will remain inside the tubing, small molecular mass volatile and non-volatile anions/cations will transport in and out of the membrane. When the exchange reaches equilibrium, the concentration of the non-volatile buffer outside and inside the tubing is equal. Over time, the volatile buffer in the container will be renewed. At the end of the process, the protein shall be in the volatile buffer, suitable for MS analysis. This method requires time for the system to reach the equilibrium state and can only be performed manually. Figure 2.13 A schematic of buffer exchange using equilibrium dialysis Desalting and buffer exchange - gel filtration Gel filtration uses size exclusion to separate proteins from small molecules. The separation takes place due to different access to the porous beads (gel filtration media). Small molecules permeate to the pores of the gel filtration media, while proteins are excluded from the pores and elute faster. Based on this characteristic, 28 Chapter two gel filtration is used for the desalting and buffer exchanging of proteins in nonvolatile buffer. The gel column is first equilibrated with the volatile buffer. The protein is introduced to the column with volatile buffer constantly passing through. Small nonvolatile buffer molecules diffuse into the pores and elute later, whereas the protein elute first together with the volatile buffer. There are many commercial gel columns for desalting and buffer exchanging. The gel filtration process can be automated, thus sample preparation time is shortened. . nonvolatile salt/buffer protein coelute with volatile slat/buffer Gel Figure 2.14 A schematic of desalting and buffer exchange using gel filtration technique 2.3 DIRECT IDENTIFICATION OF NONCOVALENT COMPLEX USING BIOAFFINITY ESI-FTICR-MS Noncovalent complex identification is a complicated process. It deals with multi-components in mass spectra, which generate a lot of difficulties in data analysis and interpretation. A mass spectrometer, which performs with high efficiency in making distinctions between different components, makes the task easier. The performance of a mass spectrometer is determined by different factors, such as: - resolution: the capability to separate the peaks in the mass spectra. - sensitivity: the ability to detect the lowest amount of the compound of interest. - mass accuracy: the precision of molecular mass determination. 29 Chapter two - dynamic range: the ratio of the most abundant ion intensity to the lowest abundant ion intensity in a spectrum. - speed: the time required to obtain a mass spectrum. The ultra-high mass resolution, non-destructive detection, high sensitivity, multistage MSn, and accurate mass-to-charge ratios (m/z) of ESI-FTICR-MS have made it a valuable tool for the identification of noncovalent complexes. A successful drug discovery and development program is heavily dependent on insightful information about active small molecules early in the screening campaign. By this standard, bioaffinity ESI-FTICR-MS as a screening method is increasingly attractive in the pharmaceutical industry. Moreover, bioaffinity ESI-FTICR-MS also offers a combination of techniques in which compositional, structural and thermodynamic information on active ligands and ligand-protein complexes can be deduced.45-47 Therefore, this direct detection method is chosen in this thesis to identify noncovalent complexes in natural products crude extracts. 2.4 FTICR-MS 2.4.1 From ICR-MS to FTICR-MS The theory of ICR was first reported in the early 1930s by Lawrence and Livingston.48 Ions which were excited simultaneously by a radio frequency electric field and a uniform magnetic field, followed a spiral path in the analyzer chamber, were detected sequentially by scanning the radio frequency or magnetic field. In the late 1940s Hipple, Sommer, and Thomas built the first ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometer, the Omegatron, as a method to determine the Faraday constant.49 It used a variable radio frequency field to excite the cyclotron motion of ions of successive m/z to a radius at which they could collide with a collector plate as detector. Wobschall introduced the marginal oscillator detector which measured the ion resonant power absorption instead of counting ions on a collector plate.50 The first commercialized marginal oscillator-type ICR-MS, was introduced in 1966 by Varian.51 Until 1973 the marginal-oscillator detector was the most commonly employed detection method for ICR-MS. This detection method was slow as it required that the magnetic field be swept to bring ions of a single m/z at a time into resonance with the marginal-oscillator frequency. In 1973 the concept of Fourier transformation as the basis for ICR detection was introduced by Comisarow and 30 Chapter two Marshall.52 With this idea, a whole spectrum of different m/z ions is excited and detected at once. This development resulted in a new mass spectrometer, Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometer (FTICR-MS). FTICR-MS has been continuously improved in mass range, mass resolving power and sensitivity. Modern FTICR-MS has been extensively applied in various fields.53 Valaskovic et al reported characterization of proteins (8-29 kDa) in low attomole concentration, with a resolving power about 60000 and errors smaller than 1 Da.54 Resolving power of 8,000,000 was reported for molecular mass determination,55 and of 900,000 for MS/MS sequencing of bovine ubiquitin (8.6 kDa).56 The molecular mass and sequences of DNA and RNA verified with a mass error smaller than 10 ppm was reported.57 These capabilities have made FTICR-MS an extremely powerful analytical tool in analyzing noncovalent complexes in complicated matrices. Table 2.1 Timeline of FTICR-MS development Time Author Subject 1930 Lawrence & Livingstone ICR theory 1940 Hipple, Sommer & Thomas First ICR-MS 1965 Wobschall Marginal oscillator 1966 Llewellyn First commercial ICR-MS 1973 Marshall & Comisarow FTICR-MS 2.4.2 FTICR-MS background theory Figure 2.15 Movement of an ion in a homogenous magnetic field FTICR-MS is based on the ICR principle. Ions generated by electron impact ionization (EI), matrix assisted laser desorption ionization (MALDI), electrospray ionization (ESI), or other ionization methods are trapped in the ICR cell which is 31 Chapter two located in a homogenous magnetic field of a superconducting magnet. In the absence of an electrical field, an ion with mass m and charge q moves in circular motion as a result of the Lorentz force and the centrifugal force working on it in opposite direction (Figure 2.15). qvB = mv2/r The angular frequency of this motion is given by: ωc = v/r = qB/m (1) In which ωc is the cyclotron frequency in radians per second, B is the magnetic field strength in Tesla, and m/q is the mass to charge ratio of the ions in kg/C. The total charge on an ion can be described as: q = ze In which z is the net number of electronic charges on the ion and e is the charge per electron in Coulomb (1e = 1.6022 x 10-19 C). Equation (1) can be rewritten as: fc = zeB/2πm = 15357 z B/m (2) In which fc is the cyclotron frequency in Hertz, z is the charge state of the ion, and m is the mass of the ion in Da (1 Da = 1.66054 x 10-27 kg) Following (2) it is evident that ICR frequency is independent of ion velocity, or of kinetic energy. Ions of a given mass will have the same ion cyclotron frequency, regardless of the spread in the ions’ kinetic energy distribution. This avoids the peak broadening and achieves ultra high mass resolution. The equation (1) is the unperturbed cyclotron frequency in which there is only a uniform magnetic field applied on the ICR cell. In reality an electrostatic DC is applied to the trapping plate of the ICR cell to prevent the ions escaping along the z axis. The combination of the magnetic field and the electrostatic field create three motions in the cell: the axial trapping motion, the magnetron motion and the cyclotron motion, and lead to the real cyclotron frequency which is smaller than that of equation (1). ωc real = ωc -ωm in which ωm is the magnetron frequency. To obtain high resolution and mass accuracy, the magnetron motion has to be eliminated or minimized. High trap potentials and ion density increase the growth of 32 Chapter two magnetron motion, whereas on-axis injection and longer injection times to increase the symmetry of the trapped ion cloud minimize magnetron motion. Coulomb interactions occur between an orbiting ion packet and other ion packets or with the electrostatic trapping plates, cause frequency shifts and peak coalescence effect (coupling of cyclotron frequencies) and affect the resolution and mass accuracy. These so-called “space-charge” effects, which have been investigated in recent years by a large number of research groups,58-64 can be generally avoided by reducing the number of ions and using low trap voltages. Furthermore, inhomogeneous electrostatic and magnetic fields can produce frequency shifts that limit performance for FTICR-MS experiments.63,65 It is foreseen that the detection of noncovalent complexes in crude natural product extracts will seriously impact on the frequency shifts due to high ion population and complex mixture of high and low abundant components.66,67 2.4.3 FTICR-MS instrumentation A combination of ICR analyzer cell and FT methodology makes the FTICR- MS available. The ICR analyzer cell is located inside a superconducting magnet with fields of 3.0, 4.7, 7.0, 9.4, 12.0, and recently 15.0 Tesla. The higher the field, the better the resolution and sensitivity.68 The ICR cell shown in Figure 2.16 is composed of three opposed pairs of electrode: trapping, excitation and detection. Ions generated from external ion sources, ESI or MALDI, are trapped inside by a low DC potential applied to the trapping electrodes and by the axial magnetic field. The applied trapping potentials will confine the ions in the axial direction, but it also creates a potential hill in the radial direction to pull the ions away from the centre of the trap in the radial plane. However, the axial magnetic field will prevent the ions from hitting the cell wall because the Lorentz force on the ions forces them into a circular orbit. All ions with different cyclotron frequencies (or different m/z) in the cell are excited by applying a radio frequency (RF) sweep, over the range of cyclotron frequencies of the ions, to the excitation electrodes parallel to the magnetic field. Ions with the same m/z, which have the same frequency, are excited to a large radius and form phase-coherent ion packets. These orbiting ion packets induce charges or an imaged current on another pair of electrodes, detection electrodes. A broadband amplifier magnifies this induced current which is a composite of the 33 Chapter two cyclotron frequencies (or m/z) of all ions. Fast Fourier transform is applied to extract the frequency and amplitude for each component by converting this induced current from the time domain into the frequency domain. The frequency spectrum is converted to the m/z spectrum by applying the cyclotron equation (2).53,69 Figure 2.16 A schematic of a typical FTICR-MS, from ion trapping, excitation, detection and Fourier transformation (from time domain to frequency or mass domain). Excitation can be performed by using different wave form methods such as single frequency chirp, correlated frequency chirp, or stored-waveform inverse Fourier transform (SWIFT). Further ion excitation can be used to eject ions from the trap in multistage MS (MSn) or to increase kinetic energy above the threshold required for dissociation. Image current detection is attractive for several reasons. First, the derived signal increases linearly with ion number, which makes quantitation possible.70 Second, the non-destructive detection allows ion remeasurement contributing to ultrahigh-resolution measurements and particularly for applications with scarce sample.71,72 Finally, the signals from any m/z ratio can be detected simultaneously and sorted out by Fourier transform giving FTICR-MS a multi-channel advantage over scanning instruments.73 34 Chapter two 2.4.4 ESI-FTICR-MS The coupling of electrospray ionization (ESI) to FTICR-MS has greatly advanced the capabilities of mass spectrometry for biological applications.74 Due to its high mass accuracy, and superior mass resolving power, many applications of ESI-FTICR-MS involve the determination of the chemical composition of molecules based on accurate mass.75,76 ESI-FTICR-MS is useful in dealing with complex mixtures without prior separation,77 allowing the signals of two ions of similar mass to charge (m/z) to be detected as distinct ions. The high resolution of FTICR-MS and the multiple charging of ESI make ESI-FTICR-MS extremely useful in determining accurately the mass of large biomolecules such as proteins or protein complexes.78 The exact stoichiometry of the complex can be deduced from this exact mass information.41 Another advantage of using ESI-FTICR-MS for detecting intact noncovalent complexes is that the parameters of desolvation process with ESIFTICR-MS, sufficient heating and activation for ion desolvation, can be adjusted to preserve noncovalent complexes well.79 2.4.5 Instrument used in this thesis A picture of the ESI-FTICR-MS used in this thesis is shown in Figure 2.17. An actively shielded 4.7 Tesla superconducting magnet (Magnex Scientific Ltd., Oxford, U.K.) is cooled in a cryosystem by liquid helium to 4.2 Kelvin. The horizontal bore of the magnet is lined up with a metal frame supporting a vacuum system, ion sources and a gas inlet system. Data acquisition and analysis is performed using Xmass software running on a 1200 MHz Pentium III data station under Windows 2000 operating system. 35 Chapter two Figure 2.17 ESI-FTICR-MS instrument, Bruker 4.7 Tesla A schematic cutaway view shows different pressure regions of the ESIFTICR-MS (Figure 2.18). The vacuum system has two regions, the ultra high vacuum analyzer and the source vacuum. The ultra high vacuum system is capable of sustaining a base pressure of below 4 × 10-10 mbar using two Alcatel turbomolecular pumps backed by an Edwards rotary pump. The source vacuum system has a base pressure of 10-6 mbar using also two turbomolecular pumps, one Alcatel and the other Edwards, backed by an Edwards rotary pump. Figure 2.18 A schematic cutaway view of FTICR-MS instrument (Bruker manual) Besides a superconducting magnet and a good ultra high vacuum system, a FTICR-MS instrument has three other main parts: - External ion sources: any kind of existing ion sources such as ESI, MALDI where the ions are generated. 36 Chapter two - Ion transfer line: ion optics to transfer the ions through the differential pumping restrictions to the cell. - ICR cell: where the ions are trapped, excited and detected ESI source The ESI source of our FTICR-MS is called Apollo source (Figure 2.19). The main components of this source are: the off-axis grounded nebulizer, high voltage endplate, glass ion transport capillary, skimmer 1, pre-hexapole, skimmer 2, main hexapole, and the trapping/extracting electrode. Figure 2.19 ESI -Apollo source diagram (Bruker manual) The nebulizer is off-axis and grounded. The distance from the nebulizer to the end plate is about 1.5mmm. Sample solution is introduced into the spray chamber through the nebulizer. A fine spray of charged droplets is generated by means of an electrical field between the inner chamber wall and the end cap, with the assistance of a nebulizer nitrogen gas. Heated drying nitrogen gas, flowing counter current to 37 Chapter two the stream of the droplets, facilitates the desolvation and thus the ionization of the droplets. Ions are attracted by the electric force towards the inlet glass capillary, 15 cm in length, 0.5 mm in diameter and platinum capping at both ends. The capillary is the interface between the atmospheric pressure and the vacuum. Ions are transferred through the capillary, out of the capillary exit and enter into the source vacuum. Figure 2.19 illustrates that ions pass from the capillary exit through skimmer 1 and enter into pre-hexapole which is biased at the same voltage as skimmer 2. After streaming through the pre-hexapole and skimmer 2, ions are accumulated in the main hexapole which is biased at a DC offset voltage. Ions are now trapped between the skimmer 2 and the trap/extract electrode (the gate) by applying a positive voltage, for positive ions, to the electrode. After a user pre-determined time (d1), the voltage of the trap/extract electrode is dropped and ions emerge from the hexapole. The gate remains open for a user defined time (d2). At the end of the gate pulse, the voltage applied to the trap/extract electrode is raised again and the next cycle of ion accumulation in the hexapole begins. With this trap/extract setup, ions can be injected in ion pulses from a continuous ESI source into the ICR cell. Raising the potential difference between the transfer capillary exit and the skimmer 1, the collisions convert the kinetic energy of the sample ions into internal energy inducing fragmentation of the ions by which structural information can be obtained. This process is called in source Collision Induced Dissociation (CID). All source parameters which control the desolvation and dissociation process such as flow rate, desolvation nebulising gas pressure, drying gas, end plate voltage, capillary voltage, temperature, capillary exit voltage, skimmer 1, and skimmer 2 can be accessed within Xmass tune page shown in Figure 2.20. 38 Chapter two Figure 2.20 Xmass tune page for ESI source Ion transfer line The electrostatic ion transfer line is a combination of deflection plates: PL1, PL2 and PL4, high acceleration voltage: XDFL and YDFL, and Einzel lens: FOCL1, PL9 and FOCL2 (Figure 2.21). Ions which are produced from the ESI source are focused through differential pumping restrictions by accelerating them to high potential energy. A high energy ion beam can be focused more tightly than a lower energy beam. Ions are then de-accelerated to facilitate ion capture in the analyzer or trapping cell. Figure 2.21 A schematic of the ion transfer line (Bruker Manual) 39 Chapter two The values of the electric field potentials, which can be plotted against the transfer optic coordinate, show the acceleration and de-acceleration of the ions towards the analyzer cell (Figure 2.22). Figure 2.22 Electric potential values of the ion transfer optic line (Bruker manual). A decrease voltage value from +1 V to -2.5 kV helps to accelerate the ions. An increase voltage from -2.5 kV to +1 V makes the ions slowly enter into the ICR cell ICR cell The quest for higher resolution has led many researchers to explore different FTICR-MS cell designs. Most cell designs are a compromise of resolution, mass accuracy, ion capacity and complexity. Dozens of cell designs have been evaluated, but the majority of cells in use today still are of the simple cubic or cylindrical design. As shown in Figure 2.23, the Bruker analyzer ICR cell or Infinity cell has six electrodes: two trap electrodes with trapping voltages PV1 and PV2, two excitation electrodes and two detection electrodes. The Infinity cell has also two sidekick electrodes which are used for sidekick trapping technique, which is very useful in LC-FTICR-MS.80 40 Chapter two Figure 2.23 a) a photo of Bruker Infinity cell b) a drawing of Bruker Infinity cell 2.4.6 Time sequence for ESI-FTICR-MS experiments A standard ESI-FTICR-MS experimental time sequence is shown in Figure 2.24a. The experiment starts with a cell quench by applying a negative potential (15V for ESI positive mode) on the rear trapping so that all ions are surely ejected from the ICR cell. The next step is the introduction of ions into the cell. Excitation of the ions is carried out by frequency chirp excitation. The excitation is switched off before the detection takes place. The experimental time sequence of a MS2 experiment is illustrated in Figure 2.24b. After the ions are trapped in the cell, isolation of the ions of interest is performed by correlated sweep or correlated shot excitation. The aim of the isolation pulse is to eliminate all unwanted ions by exciting them to collide with the cell wall. MS2 experiment begins with the pumping of argon gas into the cell. The selected ions are collided with the argon gas, and activated by on resonance or sustained off resonance irradiation (SORI). After a pumping delay to allow the ultra high vacuum of the ICR cell to return to normal, the excitation and detection event of the fragmented ions follows. Similarly the sequence of a MS3 experiment can be designed by adding an isolation event and MS3 activation step. The results of MS2, MS3, and MS4 experiments are described in Chapter 4. Different fragmentation methods used for the MS2, MS3 or MSn experiments are on resonance CID, SORI-CID, infrared multiphoton dissociation (IRMPD) and electron capture dissociation (ECD). The advantage of SORI-CID, the method used in this thesis (Chapter 4), has the advantage that it can use low activation energy for multiple collisions between the selected ions and the inert gas (argon) for an efficient fragmentation. 41 Chapter two Figure 2.24 a) A standard time sequence of an ESI-FTICR-MS experiment b) A time sequence of an ESI-FTICR-MS2 experiment using on-resonance CID or SORICID method. 2.4.7 Liquid chromatography-FTICR-MS (LC-FTICR-MS) LC-FTICR-MS experiments are carried out by the coupling of an Agilent 1100 series HPLC (high performance liquid chromatography) with FTICR-MS (Figure 2.25) The Agilent HPLC is controlled by Chemstation software. The Bruker Xmass software for control of the FTICR-MS is triggered for data acquisition by a contact closure connected to the Agilent HPLC autosampler. Xmass pulse programming is adapted for running LC-FTICR-MS experiments and also for unattended automated operations. Figure 2.25 HPLC coupled to ESI-FTICR-MS 42 Chapter two 2.5 CHALLENGES FOR SCREENING NATURAL PRODUCT EXTRACTS USING BIOAFFINITY ESI-FTICR-MS ESI-FTICR-MS has proven to be a powerful tool in the study of noncovalent complexes,81-83 particularly because the method is well suited for high throughput affinity screening, and a variety of types of complexes are able to be analyzed. For example RNA has been used as a target for drug discovery in an assay called multitarget affinity-specificity screening.84 Synthetic and natural products libraries are screened in a robust manner by taking advantage of the high resolution and high precision mass measurements of intact RNA-ligand complexes. With this assay, the identity of the small molecules that bind, the RNA target to which it binds and the compound-specific binding affinity can be determined in one set of rapid experiments. Other examples of RNA binding include the determination of stoichiometry and affinity with HIV-1 nucleocapsid protein,45 or the investigation of binding modes and structural determinants of noncovalent complexes formed by aminoglycoside antibiotics with Ψ-RNA.85 Protein-ligand complexes are also studied by ESI-FTICR-MS for ligands including oligosaccharides,86 peptides,87 and other proteins.88 A screening of a compound library of about 300 peptide compounds against bovine carbonic anhydrase II using bioaffinity ESI-FTICR-MS was performed by Gao et al89 Bioaffinity characterization mass spectrometry, a highly sensitive and high resolution method using FTICR-MS, without the use of separations has been reported by Bruce et al90 to support drug development. Despite its strengths, in pursuit of the ultimate goal of the identification of protein complexes in their physiological setting and in natural product extract matrix, bioaffinity ESI-FTICR-MS is still in need of improvement. For example, bioaffinity ESI-FTICR-MS still has technical limitations, particularly when ion signals of the complexes (multicharged ions) exceed a few thousand m/z, which is above the typical m/z range of FTICR-MS, and/or form large adduct clusters,76 or when the sample matrix is complicated as in natural product crude extracts,23,91-93 or when the sample preparation is intricate, such as protein with a nonvolatile buffer which is incompatible with the ESI process.94 Problems of the same or a more complicated nature will be undertaken in this research. For example, the challenge of obtaining an optimal condition for the complex desolvation and preservation when many instrumental factors control the whole process will be investigated in Chapter 43 Chapter two 3 and the problem of buffer unsuitability, buffer exchange and natural product matrix will be examined in Chapter 5. Mass accuracy for ligands will be enhanced by the use of dual spray ESI-source for internal calibration (Chapter 4) or by the use of different methods such as the deduction from the MS spectrum method and the trapping method with in source and SORI-CID dissociation technique (Chapter 5 and Chapter 6). Application of different MS techniques such as SORI-CID and multistage MS is employed for additional information on small ligands (Chapter 4). 2.6 REFERENCES 1. Tanaka K, Waki H, Ido Y, Akita S, Yoshida Y, Yohida T: Protein and polymer analyses up to m/z 100,000 by laser ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry. Rapid Commun Mass Spectrom 1988; 2: 151-153. 2. 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Spectroscopy (Amsterdam, Neth) 2004; 18: 339-345. 50 CHAPTER THREE OPTIMIZATION STRATEGY FOR MASS SPECTROMETRY IN THE OBSERVATION OF NONCOVALENT COMPLEXES Abstract: An optimization strategy for ESI-MS in the identification of noncovalent complexes is proposed. Two sets of three level fractional factorial designs were employed using nine instrumental parameters to obtain a high signal to noise ratio for protein complexes. Significant effects of factors were determined graphically and statistically. An understanding of the parameters that are most influential and the effects of these parameters on the mass spectrum is required for optimization. The optimization route examined carbonic anhydrase complexed with ethoxzolamide as a model. 3.1 INTRODUCTION In the drug discovery process, the sensitivity of detection instruments is a critical issue for a successful outcome. The response of instruments or methodology is sometimes governed by many interdependent factors, of which the number of factors can be up to 7.1 The complexity created by many influential factors on an instrument has led to many studies on optimization methods. One of the methods that has been greatly investigated in the last decade is fractional factorial design. Compared with the old non-economical approach of varying one factor at a time, fractional factorial design approach (FFD) is more efficient. FFD allows analyzing major effects, determining main secondary interaction and confounding some interactions on a small number of experiments.2-4 Mathematic algorithms have been used to design sets of experiments to suit certain optimization objectives such as factor screening, factor interaction and ultimately optimal conditions. These designs have been applied in many scientific fields such as instrumental optimization,5,6 or procedures in synthetic chemistry,7 or animal toxicity studies in pharmaceutical industry,8 leading to useful savings of scientific resources.9-12 A FFD consists of a number of runs (N) and a number of factors (n), represented as a N x n matrix. In this matrix, each run (treatment combination) represented by row and each factor by column. A three-level FFD has each column 51 Chapter three taking on three different value levels: low (-1), medium (0) and high (+1). If nine parameters are investigated in three value levels (low, medium, and high), there should be 39 or 19683 experiments to be performed to obtain the optimum tuning condition for noncovalent protein complex ions. This difficult task can be eased using FFD in which a smaller number of experiments can also accomplish the same objective. Research by Xu13 on ranking FFDs using minimum aberration criterion has provided a complete collection of designs with 27 runs. These models are designed especially for optimization experiments in which factors are treated equally. Another study by Xu, Cheng and Wu14 on projection and moment aberration criterion has proposed designs for factor screening, projection and interaction detection. These two sets of designs will be used in this study for determining the optimum condition to detect bovine carbonic anhydrase (bCA II) protein complex by ESI-FTICR-MS. Two processes control the identification and the determination of a protein complex by ESI-MS: the preservation of the protein complex and the desolvation of complex ions. In the preservation process, proper solution conditions should be determined to keep a protein complex in its folded and native state. Acidified solutions containing a high proportion of an organic solvent (e.g., methanol, acetonitrile) are typically used for ESI-MS. However, proteins and protein complexes will be denatured in these organic solvents. Biological assays normally use detergents, salts, or buffers as assay media. Detergents often used to extract proteins from various organisms such as sodium dodecylsulfate (SDS), sodium taurocholate, Triton X-100, n-dodecyl sucrose have been found to strongly decrease ESI signals due partly to the contamination of the non-volatile properties. Nonvolatile salts have been shown to rapidly accumulate on the surface of electrospray source parts and degrade the MS detection sensitivity.15 Nonvolatile materials also suppress the formation of small droplets, which in turn negatively affects the production of gas phase analyte ions.16 Buffers, which have physiological characteristics to preserve proteins, have been studied. To date, the volatile buffers which have been mostly used with ESI-MS to investigate proteins in a nondenaturing state are ammonium acetate and ammonium bicarbonate.17 Ammonium acetate and ammonium bicarbonate do not form extensive gas phase adducts with the macromolecules. The background ion formation is also reduced 52 Chapter three without significant reduction in protein ion formation. Buffer concentrations are normally at the 5-50 mM concentration levels, but sometimes can be as high as 500 mM to maintain protein dimerization.18 In the desolvation process, an efficient and effective evaporation condition for the ESI-generated droplets is the key factor for a successful MS ionization and should be established. Parameters such as flow rate, nebulizing gas pressure, drying gas, end plate voltage, capillary voltage, temperature, capillary exit voltage, skimmer 1, and skimmer 2 are the instrumental factors affecting the desolvation. These mentioned 9 parameters provide energy for solvent evaporation along the path from the atmospheric region to the high vacuum region, focusing the ions and at the same time potentially causing complex dissociation. Although ESI-MS is a gentle ionization process that can transfer intact noncovalent complexes from solution phase into the gas phase, noncovalent complexes, however, can be disrupted under harsh experimental conditions, if these parameters are not chosen properly. A balanced distribution of energy by these parameters for complete desolvation, but still preserving complex ions requires a study on the interactions among these parameters. Knowledge of the main parameters is very significant towards the achievement of optimum conditions for protein complex detection. The following approach is proposed for identifying the optimal condition of protein complexes by ESI-MS: Step 1: Investigation of the MS response when protein complex interacted with ammonium acetate or ammonium bicarbonate. Suitable assay buffer condition is to be identified. Step 2: A large range in values of a parameter is good for a general and broad view of interactions between factors, but not without a sacrifice of experimental resolution. Therefore, with the aim of achieving the optimum condition, experimental values of factors are to be chosen in a moderately narrow region. In step 2, experiments will be performed to determine the appropriate range for capillary exit voltage, a factor known to control the dissociation of complexes.19 Step 3: Identification of main factors using FFD for factor screening and interaction. The interaction and effect of these parameters will be investigated using a FFD design by Xu, Cheng and Wu.14 Factors that are considered important will be studied in the second FFD for optimal condition. (Step 4) 53 Chapter three Step 4: The optimal condition is to be determined using FFD with minimum aberration criterion. FFD will be applied to design experiments using the major factors identified in Step 3 with three different levels in order to obtain the optimal tuning condition for the observation of the noncovalent complex bCA IIethoxzolamide. Treating all these factors as being equally important, a twenty-sevenrun experiment at three levels with minimum aberration studied by Xu.13 is to be employed. 3.2 MATERIALS AND METHODS 3.2.1 Materials Bovine carbonic anhydrase II (bCA II, EC, MM 29089 Da) was purchased from Sigma-Aldrich, and used without further purification. It was dissolved in ammonium bicarbonate (10 mM, pH 8) to generate stock solution (34 µM). Ethoxzolamide (16) was also purchased from Sigma-Aldrich. It was dissolved in methanol to generate stock solutions (400 µM). Table 3.1 Structure and binding constant of ethoxzolamide, an inhibitor of bCA II Inhibitor name Ethoxzolamide20,21 Inhibitor structure C2H5O Kd 0.25 x 10-9 M/ S SO2NH2 0.15 x 10-9 M N (16) 3.2.2 Instrument For step 1: Samples were injected directly by a Cole-Parmer syringe pump with a flow rate of 2 μL per minute. The end plate voltage was biased at -4000V and the capillary voltage at -4500V relative to the ESI needle during data acquisition. A nebulizing N2 gas with a pressure of 50 psi and a counter-current drying N2 gas with a flow of 30 L/min were employed. The drying gas temperature was maintained at 125°C for direct infusion analysis. The capillary exit voltage was tuned at 140 V, and skimmer 1 voltage at 23.5 V, and skimmer 2 at 16 V. 54 Chapter three For step 2: The parameters were the same as for step 1, except capillary exit voltage values were varied from 70 to 160 V with an increment of 10 V. For steps 3 and 4: Parameter values are listed in Table 3.2. 3.3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.3.1 Step 1: Assay buffer condition For nondenaturing ESI-MS, the buffer pH and choice of buffer are two important factors. The buffer pH must be the same as that of physiological condition so that denaturing of protein does not occur and the formation of protein-ligand complex can take place. In this case, the pH of the ammonium bicarbonate solution was at 8.0 and of ammonium acetate was at 6.9. Both were in the range of physiological condition needed for the protein to maintain in its native form Nonvolatile buffers which have been mostly used in biological process are not compatible with ESI–MS as they interfere with the ESI process and cause loss of sensitivity.22 The study using ammonium acetate and ammonium bicarbonate at 10 mM showed that protein complexes were observed at a good signal to noise ratio (S/N). The S/N for the complex in acetate solution is 80,000/scan and for bicarbonate solution is 120,000/scan. The results showed that both buffers were suitable for the detection of protein complexes. However, there was a significant increase of about 1.5 times in signal intensity of bCA II-ethoxzolamide complex when 10 mM ammonium bicarbonate buffer was used, compared with 10 mM ammonium acetate buffer under the same instrument tuning condition (Figure 3.1). The better response observed when the complex was in ammonium bicarbonate can be explained by its higher heat of vaporization. It is known that ion species in the ESI source receive energy from the applied voltage at various steps in the ESI source, part of this energy is used for this desolvation process. When the desolvation is completed, the remaining energy is deposited as internal energy on the fully desolvated ions. As this internal energy is the available energy for the dissociation of protein complexes, the smaller the energy the better the preservation of complex ions will be. Since the bicarbonate anion has higher hydration energy than the acetate, an energy of 710 kJ/mol for bicarbonate anion and of 695 kJ/mol for acetate anion,23 a greater amount of energy was needed for the desolvation of protein complexes interacting with bicarbonate. After the desolvation step, it is obvious that the internal 55 Chapter three energy deposited on complexes associated with bicarbonate buffer should be smaller than the one deposited on complexes in acetate buffer. Therefore, in the experimental conditions, protein complexes in ammonimum bicarbonate were preserved better than in ammonimum acetate, as shown in Figure 3.1. Ammonium bicarbonate has a good buffering capacity at pH 8, is stable at room temperature, decomposing at temperature above 60 oC to form ammonia, carbon dioxide and water. These physical and chemical properties make ammonium bicarbonate compatible with MS. It is also noted that ammonium bicarbonate buffer vaporizes rapidly in the MS source leaving no residues. Therefore the MS system has no contamination and does not need frequent cleaning. Ammonium bicarbonate was therefore chosen as a buffer for steps 2-4. Figure 3.1 Difference in intensity of bCA II-ethoxzolamide in 10 mM ammonium acetate and in 10 mM ammonium bicarbonate buffer 3.3.2 Step 2: Experimental value region for ESI-MS parameters Figure 3.2 shows the diagram of the ESI-MS ion source used in this thesis. Protein complexes are delivered into the ESI-MS spray chamber at a low flow rate (normally 1-10 μL/min). This solution is sprayed into a limited space in the chamber by nitrogen gas coaxially applied at a suitable flow rate. An electrospray of this protein complex is produced if a strong electric field is applied with a potential difference of 3-6 kV between the needle and the end plate. Charged droplets are then created and also become desolvated in the spray chamber. These charged droplets are channeled from the spray chamber at atmospheric pressure to the vacuum region 56 Chapter three by a difference of potentials between end plate and capillary and gas flow. The general differences are normally in the range of 500-700 V. In the region between the end plate and the capillary, the sprayed complex ions are desolvated further by the nitrogen drying gas. Heat is applied in this region to maintain the high rate of evaporation because during evaporation there is a strong evaporative cooling of the drop.24 The droplets and desolvated ions are moved completely by the gas flowing from the atmospheric end or entrance of the capillary to the vacuum end or exit of the capillary. The high potential on the capillary entrance is there to promote the ESI process. The capillary exit needs to be at a lower potential to gently push the ions out as they exit the capillary without fragmenting them. The potential difference between the capillary exit and skimmer 1 pushes the ions in the same direction of the gas flow. If this potential difference is increased, the ions can be pushed out faster than the gas flow. As a result, energetic collisions between ions and background gas occur, assisting in desolvation. If the capillary exit voltage is too high, then the collisions are more energetic and fragmentation occurs. The source design is further optimized by two closely coupled stages of differentially pumped skimmers. The values of the voltages chosen for the skimmers are decisive in focusing complex ions and repelling small-molecule ions (solvents) in the ion beam. It was known that the higher the m/z complex ion value, the bigger skimmer 1 and the smaller skimmer 2 voltages should be.25 57 Chapter three Figure 3.2 A schematic of Apollo ESI-MS ion source and typical potentials for each portion of measurement in atmospheric pressure and in vacuum (Bruker manual) Based on previous studies on electrospray ionization process,26 independent variables that impact the degree of collisional activation include the flow rate and temperature of the countercurrent drying gas, desolvation capillary temperature, capillary - skimmer potential difference, droplet size, and pressure in the region of the supersonic expansion beyond the desolvation capillary. However, it was suggested in the study by Griffrey et al27 that the capillary - skimmer potential difference has the main effect in protein complex preservation. In an ESI source with an unheated desolvation capillary and a 165V capillary exit – skimmer potential leads to complete desolvation of a 27-nucleotide RNA model of the 16S rRNA Asite. A decrease in this potential to 115V generates an ammonium adducted complex ion. Another study showed the effect of temperature of a heated metal capillary interface on the mass spectra.26 At a capillary temperature of 100 oC, ions for the streptavidin homotetramer complex are poorly desolvated. Increasing the temperature to 200 oC improved the desolvation process. However, the noncovalent complex is extremely fragile in the gas phase state. Excess heat or high collision energy in the atmospheric pressure or vacuum interface can dissociate complexes.2830 A few studies have suggested that weak complex signals are due to high 58 Chapter three collisional activation that occurs along the path from the atmospheric region to the high vacuum region. This effect is controlled primarily by the capillary exit voltage. Therefore in this step, an experiment was performed to study the effect of the capillary exit voltage on the complex signal. This experiment was conducted on the approach of one–factor-at-a-time; it was not intended to fully investigate the effect of the capillary exit voltage or to find the optimum value. The experiment was planned to narrow the experimental region for this factor to a region where the complexes are not dissociated due to excessively high voltage. The value range of the capillary exit voltage was chosen in the range of 70 V to 160 V. Noncovalent complexes formed by bCA II and its specific inhibitor were observed when the capillary exit voltage values were from 70 V to 140 V. At values of 150 and 160 V, the complex signals disappeared (Figure 3.3). Response signals had highest intensity when the capillary exit voltage was held at 100 V. Raising it above 100 V resulted in significant amounts of dissociation of the gas phase complex (Figure 3.3); lowering it under 100 V resulted in significant loss of signal to noise ratio due to incomplete desolvation (Figure 3.4). Figure 3.5 shows the relation between the complex intensity and the capillary exit voltage. Under the instrument setting, the higher the capillary exit voltage the lower the complex signals. The complexes were preserved best at a voltage from 100 to 140 V. Hence, for optimization steps, all of the above 9 parameters (flow rate, nebulizing gas pressure, dry gas flow rate, temperature, end plate voltage, capillary voltage, capillary exit, skimmer 1, skimmer 2) known to be involved in the ionization process are chosen for step 3. Moderate values for these parameters will be used to construct three-level FFD to avoid protein complex dissociation. Based on the results of this experiment, the parameter values used in this step are chosen as medium level (level 0) for the next experiments. High and low level values are selected on both sides of the medium level values. Values of capillary exit voltage will be in the region of 100- 140 V (Table 3.2). 59 Chapter three Figure 3.3 Mass spectra of the mixture of bCA II with ethoxzolamide under capillary exit voltages 100, 110, 120, 130, 140, 150, 160V. *bCA II-ethoxzolamide complex is dissociated under high capillary exit voltage Figure 3.4 Mass spectra of the mixture of bCA II with ethoxzolamide under capillary exit voltages 100, 90, 80, 70V. The relative intensity of *bCA II- ethoxzolamide complex was higher with capexit smaller than 100V, but the overall spectra are poorer in sensitivity due to the sub-optimal desolvation of the sample 60 Relative intensity of BCAII-Ethoxyzolamide complex Chapter three 0.75 0.50 0.25 0.00 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 Capillary exit voltage [Volt] Figure 3.5 Effect of capillary exit voltage to the complex Table 3.2 Parameter levels for FFD Parameters Low level (-1) Medium level (0) High level (+1) Flow rate 1 μl/min 2 μl/min 3 μl/min Nebulizing gas pressure 40 psi 50 psi 60 psi Dry gas 20 L/min 30 L/min 50 L/min Temperature 100 oC 125 oC 150 oC End plate voltage -4000 V -3600 V -3200 V Capillary voltage -4800 V -4500 V -4200 V Capillary exit voltage 100 V 120 V 140 V Skimmer 1 15 V 20 V 25 V Skimmer 2 5V 8V 12 V 3.3.3 Step 3: Interaction between instrumental factors In order to investigate the interaction between these nine factors, a fractional factorial design was planned. The design (27x9) used in this section has been proposed by Xu et al.13 It is based on its high eligibility and efficiency with a view of interaction projection as the primary task. The experiment consisted of 27 runs and 9 factors, represented as a 27x9 matrix, where each row corresponds to a run or a treatment of combination of factors and each column a factor. They are three-level FF designs as each column takes on 3 different values: low, medium and high. Three levels were chosen, in the ranges, for flow rate from 1 μL/min to 3 μL/min, nebulizing gas pressure from 40 psi to 60 psi, drying gas flow from 20 L/min to 50 61 Chapter three L/min, drying gas temperature from 100°C to 150°C, capillary voltage from -4200 V to -4800 V, end plate voltage from -3200 V to -4000 V, capillary exit voltage from 100 V to 140 V, skimmer 1 from 15 V to 25 V and skimmer 2 from 5 V to 12 V. Results of this experiment are shown in Table 3.3. Intensity of complex signals varied from 40,000 to 424,950 units. Table 3.3 Results of FFD for factor interactions Run flow neb gas temp end capll capexit skim1 skim2 Intensity 1 1 40 50 150 -3600 -4800 140 20 8 286400 2 1 50 50 125 -3200 -4500 120 15 12 228860 3 1 60 20 150 -3200 -4800 100 25 12 129640 4 1 40 30 125 -4000 -4200 100 25 12 180000 5 1 50 30 100 -4000 -4500 140 15 8 396910 6 1 60 30 100 -3200 -4200 120 20 8 235980 7 1 40 20 100 -3600 -4800 120 15 5 230570 8 1 50 20 125 -3600 -4200 140 25 5 208160 9 1 60 50 150 -4000 -4500 100 20 5 340210 10 2 40 30 150 -4000 -4500 120 25 5 366370 11 2 50 20 150 -3600 -4500 120 20 12 195000 12 2 60 20 150 -4000 -4200 140 15 8 50000 13 2 40 50 125 -3200 -4200 140 20 5 380110 14 2 50 50 100 -4000 -4800 140 25 12 424950 15 2 60 50 100 -3600 -4200 100 15 12 195000 16 2 40 20 125 -3200 -4500 100 15 8 60000 17 2 50 30 100 -3200 -4800 100 20 5 300000 18 2 60 30 125 -3600 -4800 120 25 8 150000 19 3 40 20 100 -4000 -4200 120 20 12 100000 20 3 50 50 150 -3200 -4200 120 25 8 200000 21 3 60 50 125 -4000 -4800 120 15 5 250000 22 3 40 30 150 -3200 -4800 140 15 12 230000 23 3 50 20 125 -4000 -4800 100 20 8 40000 24 3 60 30 125 -3600 -4500 140 20 12 150000 25 3 40 50 100 -3600 -4500 100 25 8 220000 26 3 50 30 150 -3600 -4200 100 15 5 130000 27 3 60 20 100 -3200 -4500 140 25 5 90000 62 Chapter three Main Factors A graph was constructed on the data results to identify the main factors. A mean was calculated for the 9 sets of runs exposed to high flow rate, for the 9 sets of runs exposed to the medium level of flow rate, and for the 9 sets of runs exposed to the low flow rate. These three mean values were plotted on a graph and connected with a line. Next, a mean was calculated for each set of runs exposed to high, medium and low levels of nebulizing gas pressure. These three means were plotted next to the flow rate variable means. This procedure was continued for all the factors included in this design. This graphing technique allowed the effects of each variable to be compared with the effects of all other variables in a single graph. Using this analysis, a steep slope of one line is an indicator that the parameter has a large effect. Figure 3.6 shows the graph obtained and Table 3.4 shows the slopes of these lines using linear regression. The slope calculation and graphing were performed using Excel statistical analysis. The graph and slopes calculated for each parameter reveal that the most influential instrument parameters were flow rate (slope= -45,929) and drying gas (slope= 79,009). Other factors such as nebulizing gas pressure, temperature, end plate voltage, capillary voltage, capillary exit and skimmer 2 voltages were also influential to the response but to a smaller extent. Skimmer 1 voltage showed the least effect (slope= 10,988). Table 3.4 Factors Slope Effects of factors on the MS response Flow Neb. Dry rate Press. gas -45929 -25701 79009 Temp. -14766 Endplate -16325 63 Capll -20128 Capll Skim exit 1 34538 10988 Skim 2 -25665 Chapter three Effects of ESI-MS Factors 300000 Flow Avg. MS response 280000 260000 Neb 240000 Drying gas 220000 Temp 200000 End 180000 Capll 160000 Capexit 140000 Skim1 120000 Skim2 100000 level level level level level level level level level level level level level level (-1) (+1) (0) (-1) (+1) (0) (-1) (+1) (0) (-1) (+1) (0) (-1) (+1) Factor Levels Figure 3.6 Main effects plot for each parameter Another analysis method to identify main factors in FFD is constructing a correlation of each factor with the response is used to determine a relationship between each factor with the MS response. Pearson product moment correlation coefficients between these parameters with MS response were calculated using Analysis Toolpak in Microsoft Excel (Figure 3.7). This analysis tool and its formulas measure the relationship between two data sets that are scaled to be independent of the unit of measurement (i.e. flow rate vs. response, drying gas vs. response…). The population correlation calculation returns the covariance of two data sets divided by the product of their standard deviations. The resulting correlation graph shows whether the parameter has a positive or negative or unrelated (zero) correlation with the MS response. Figure 3.7 shows that drying gas, capillary exit voltage and skimmer 1 had positive correlations with the detection of the protein complexes; the high values of these parameters would increase protein complex signals. On the other hand, flow rate, nebulizing gas pressure, temperature, end plate voltage, capillary voltage and skimmer 2 gave negative correlations. It is important to note that under the chosen conditions the interactions between flow rate, dry gas flow and nebulizing gas pressure were found significant, confirming that droplet size, solvent amount, and evaporation method are critical in the desolvation process. 64 Chapter three Relationship of MS Response and Factors 0.8 0.4 0.2 Intensity 1 it 2 Sk im Sk im -0.4 ca pe x ca pl l en d p te m dr y -0.2 ne b 0 f lo w Correlation 0.6 -0.6 Factors Figure 3.7 Pearson product moment correlation coefficients Parameter Interactions An interaction graph of one factor versus the other factor was constructed based on the average response observed for the two factors when they were at a combination of two levels (+1) and (-1). The first point of the graph is the mean intensity measured when both parameters are at levels +1. The second point is the mean intensity when the first factor is at level (+1) and the second factor at level (1). The third point is when the factor value levels are in the order of (-1, +1), and the fourth point is the intensity for the two factors at (-1, -1) levels. Steeply sloped lines connecting these points indicate important interactions between two parameters. (1) Flow rate Figure 3.8 clearly shows that signal intensity had a high response when flow rate was at 1 μL/min (level (-1)). At 3 μL/min, mean intensity was low, regardless of other factors whether they are at their minimum or maximum levels. At high flow rate, the amount of solvent needed to be evaporated was significantly large so that none of the conditions could provide suitable energy for the desolvation. As the flow rate was as low as 1 μL/min (level -1), the drying gas and the capillary exit values still had to be at their highest levels (50 L/min and 140 V, respectively) to be able to deliver a good response. At low flow rate level (-1), temperature, skimmer 1 and 2 values were preferably at low level. This is almost certainly due to the fact that at low flow rate, the amount of ions getting into the capillary was not dense, the 65 Chapter three cooling effect due to evaporation was less important, the temperature required for this process is not important. When the concentration of ions was not high, the aggregation or clustering of ions in the capillary was not vital; skimmer 1 and 2 values therefore were low. Interaction of flow rate with other parameters Mean intensity 350000 300000 flow-neb 250000 flow-dry 200000 flow-temp 150000 flow-end 100000 flow-capll flow-capexit 50000 flow-skim1 0 (+1,+1) (+1, -1) (-1, +1) (-1, -1) flow-skim2 Levels . Figure 3.8 Interaction of flow rate on other parameters (2) Nebulizing gas pressure: The nebulizing gas in combination with applied high pressure was utilised to assist droplet generation and solvent evaporation. In Figure 3.9, complex ions were observed at low intensity when nebulizing gas pressure and the other factors at high level (+1, +1). At high gas pressure value, small droplets might be sprayed out to the chamber at high speed and out of the working space of heated drying gas where desolvation can occur. This result showed that there was a loss of droplets at 60 psi and also revealed that limited exposure of droplets to nitrogen gas was detrimental. At high gas pressure, the migration time of remaining droplets from needle to end plate was shortened, leading to the short exposure of droplets to nebulizing gas. The desolvation carried out by the nebulizing gas was therefore not efficient. To compensate for this short exposure, more gas should be applied and flow rate should be a at low level. High mean responses at point (+1, +1) for nebulizing gas pressure and dry gas flow and at point (+ 1, -1) for gas pressure and flow rate have confirmed the importance of the exposure of complex ions to drying gas, as expected. Better 66 Chapter three MS response was observed for low gas pressure and high values for drying gas, temperature and capillary exit (-1, +1). It is interesting to note that when the gas pressure was low, complex ions were intense at low skimmer 2, high skimmer 1 and high capillary exit. These parameters were the ones that control the collisional energy in low pressure region. At the mentioned values, ions received high energy which facilitated the already slow solvent evaporation caused by limited exposure to drying gas. The final step of desolvation inside the capillary and at skimmers 1 and 2 was then important in this case. Mean intensity Interaction of nebuliser pressure with other parameters 350000 300000 250000 200000 150000 100000 50000 0 neb-dry neb-temp neb-end neb-capll neb-capexit neb-skim1 neb-skim2 (+1,+1) (+1, -1) (-1, +1) (-1, -1) neb-flow Levels Figure 3.9 Interaction of nebulizer pressure with other parameters 67 Chapter three (3) Drying gas flow Figure 3.10 shows two distinct areas for the behaviour of drying gas flow at low and high levels in atmospheric pressure region. The drying gas in ESI was used to accelerate buffer desolvation, to increase sensitivity, and to avoid the entry of undesirable ions into the MS. Drying gas with high value caused a better desolvation in the atmospheric region. The experimental results indicated that the high drying gas flow was the most important factor for buffer desolvation. All experiments with the minimum level of drying gas flow showed very low MS responses. Accordingly, all experiments with the maximum level of drying gas showed very high signals. Mean intensity Interaction of drying gas flow with other parameters 400000 350000 300000 250000 200000 150000 100000 50000 0 dry-temp dry-end dry-capll dry-capexit dry-skim1 dry-skim2 dry-flow (+1,+1) (+1, -1) (-1, +1) (-1, -1) dry-neb Levels Figure 3.10 Interaction of drying gas with other parameters (4) Drying gas temperature Within the range of drying gas temperature from 100 oC to 150 oC, there was no clear effect of the high or low levels on MS response (Figure 3.11). Low values of flow rate, nebulizing gas pressure, end plate voltage, capillary voltage, skimmer 2 voltage were the preferred settings for both low and high gas temperature values. This observation demonstrated that at chosen values temperature was not a major factor in the desolvation, although it showed strong interactions with other parameters. 68 Chapter three Mean intensity Interaction of gas temperature with other parameters 350000 300000 temp-end 250000 temp-capll 200000 150000 100000 temp-capexit temp-skim1 temp-skim2 50000 0 temp-flow temp-neb (+1,+1) (+1, -1) (-1, +1) (-1, -1) temp-dry Levels Figure 3.11 Interaction of gas temperature with other parameters (5) End plate voltage: The steep decrease in MS response in the interaction curve between end plate voltage and dry gas flow at both high and low levels for this voltage factor was not unexpected since drying gas was identified as a main effect of this experiment (Figure 3.12). Decrease in response was observed when the end plate voltage was at low level (-1) and capillary is at high level (+1). In other words, a low potential (200 V) between these two voltages was detrimental for MS response. At this low potential difference between end plate and capillary, ion pulling into the vacuum system was not efficient. The loss of ions led to weak complex signals. A low level (-1) of end plate voltage was generally preferred. 69 Chapter three Mean intensity Interaction of end plate voltage with other parameters 400000 350000 300000 250000 200000 150000 100000 50000 0 end-capll end-capexit end-skim1 end-skim2 end-flow end-neb (+1,+1) (+1, -1) (-1, +1) (-1, -1) end-dry end-temp Levels Figure 3.12 Interaction of end plate voltage with other parameters (6) Capillary voltage: Figure 3.13 shows that the low level (-1) of capillary voltage gave a high intensity signal. It was not surprising because at level (-1) the potentials created between end plate and capillary tip and between capillary tip and capillary exit were high. Due to these high potentials, better collision activation for complex ions was created and the last step of solvent evaporation was, thus, more easily achieved. Mean intensity Interaction of capillary voltage with other parameters 350000 300000 250000 200000 capll-capexit capll-skim1 capll-skim2 150000 100000 50000 0 capll-flow capll-neb capll-dry capll-temp (+1,+1) (+1, -1) (-1, +1) (-1, -1) capll-end Levels Figure 3.13 Interaction of capillary voltage with other parameters 70 Chapter three (7) Capillary exit voltage: Figure 3.14 shows two clear areas for the behaviour of capillary exit at low and high levels. High level of capillary exit voltage always gave high MS response. This analysis agreed with the correlation analysis, which showed that this factor is an important parameter in the low pressure of the ion source. The high setting of capillary exit voltage was found in this experiment to be optimal, which also agrees with observations for pesticides in water by Crescenzi et al.,31 and for synthetic polymers by Hunt et al.32 In Hunt’s work, shifts in the relative intensities of oligomer ions are found to accompany changes in cone potential or capillary exit voltage in the ESI source. The effects of capillary exit voltage have been modeled mathematically, from which it is concluded that capillary exit voltages exert a focusing effect dependent on the m/z of ions. To the authors, this focusing effect determines the dependence of oligomer ion intensities upon capillary exit voltage in the ESI mass spectra of polymers. Mean intensity Interaction of capillary exit voltage with other parameters 400000 350000 300000 250000 200000 150000 100000 50000 0 capexit-skim1 capexit-skim2 capexit-flow capexit-neb capexit-dry capexit-temp capexit-end (+1,+1) (+1, -1) (-1, +1) (-1, -1) capexit-capll Levels Figure 3.14 Interaction of capillary exit voltage with other parameters (8) Skimmer 1 and skimmer 2 At high capillary exit voltage, the complex ions have high internal energy. When they leave the capillary exit to enter the skimmer 1-skimmer 2 zone, they receive a kinetic energy caused by the potential difference between skimmer 1 and skimmer 2. If the setting of skimmer 1 and skimmer 2 is (+1, -1), the high potential 71 Chapter three difference will provide a large kinetic energy that might exceed the dissociation threshold of the already high energy complex ions. As a result, small MS response for the complex ions was observed. On the contrary, if the setting of skimmer 1 and skimmer 2 is (+1,+1), the low potential difference, as in the experimental values, was not detrimental to the complex ions. Interaction of skim 1 with other parameters Mean intensity 350000 300000 skim1-flow 250000 skim1-neb 200000 skim1-dry 150000 skim1-temp 100000 skim1-end 50000 skim1-capll 0 skim1-cape (+1,+1) (+1, -1) (-1, +1) (-1, -1) skim1-2 Levels Figure 3.15 Interaction of skimmer 1 with other parameters Interaction of skim 2 with other parameters Mean intensity 350000 300000 skim2-flow 250000 skim2-neb 200000 skim2-dry 150000 skim2-temp 100000 skim2-end 50000 skim2-capll 0 skim2-cape (+1,+1) (+1, -1) (-1, +1) (-1, -1) Levels Figure 3.16 Interaction of skimmer 2 with other parameters 72 skim2-skim1 Chapter three 3.3.4 Step 4: Fractional Factorial Design for Optimum Condition When there is little or no information on the relative sizes of the effects, it is common to choose a minimum aberration design because it has good overall properties. The minimum aberration criterion,33 an extension of the maximum resolution criterion,34 has been used explicitly or implicitly in the construction of design tables in National Bureau of Standards.35 This study used a three-level fractional design with 27 runs calculated by Xu13 with a minimum aberration criterion. A new 27 run fractional factorial design was setup. According to the results in step 3, all nine factors have contributions to the MS response of protein complex of bCA II and ethoxzolamide. Thus, three levels of the nine factors were chosen for the new FFD with the same value ranges as in step 3. Results for this FFD showed that the intensity of the complex signal varied from 0 to 575,000 units with run 14 having the maximum absolute intensity of complex and therefore was selected as the optimum tuning condition (Table 3.5). It was confirmed in this experiment that the drying gas, which is used to support the desolvation process, has a great impact on the intensity of the complex. An increase of drying gas flow rate tended to increase the intensity of the complex. The average intensity of the complex for drying gas at 20, 30 and 50 L/min in 27 experiments was 151,111, 254,444, and 341,666, respectively. The capillary exit voltage was also found to be an important factor. It influenced the kinetic energy of the complex ions during their transfer to the gas phase. The average intensity of the complex for capillary exit at 100, 120 and 140 V in 27 experiments are 142,777, 246,111 and 358,333, respectively. Maintaining capillary exit voltage at 100 V while changing other factors reduced the complex signal intensity from 260,000 to 230,000, 225,000, 160,000, 125,000, 120,000, 105,000, 60,000 and to 0 (experiments 15, 12, 18, 20, 23, 26, 7, 1, 4). The optimal condition of parameters for the detection of carbonic anhydrase complex is found to be in run 14 (flow rate: 2 μL/min, nebulizing gas pressure: 50 psi, drying gas flow rate: 30 L/min, drying gas temperature: 100 oC, end plate voltage -3200 V, capillary voltage: -4500 V, capillary exit voltage 140 V, skimmer 1: 15 V, skimmer 2: 12V) 73 Chapter three Table 3.5 Fractional Factorial Design (FFD) experiment for optimum condition Run flow neb dry temp end capll capexit Skim1 Skim2 Int. 1 1 40 20 100 3200 4200 100 15 5 60000 2 1 40 30 125 3200 4800 120 25 12 210000 3 1 40 50 150 3200 4500 140 20 8 290000 4 1 50 20 125 4000 4500 100 20 12 0 5 1 50 30 150 4000 4200 120 15 8 100000 6 1 50 50 100 4000 4800 140 25 5 270000 7 1 60 20 150 3600 4800 100 25 8 105000 8 1 60 30 100 3600 4500 120 20 5 300000 9 1 60 50 125 3600 4200 140 15 12 520000 10 2 40 20 125 3600 4500 120 15 8 145000 11 2 40 30 150 3600 4200 140 25 5 350000 12 2 40 50 100 3600 4800 100 20 12 230000 13 2 50 20 150 3200 4800 120 20 5 180000 14 2 50 30 100 3200 4500 140 15 12 575000 15 2 50 50 125 3200 4200 100 25 8 260000 16 2 60 20 100 4000 4200 120 25 12 0 17 2 60 30 125 4000 4800 140 20 8 350000 18 2 60 50 150 4000 4500 100 15 5 225000 19 3 40 20 150 4000 4800 140 15 12 190000 20 3 40 30 100 4000 4500 100 25 8 160000 21 3 40 50 125 4000 4200 120 20 5 270000 22 3 50 20 100 3600 4200 140 20 8 340000 23 3 50 30 125 3600 4800 100 15 5 125000 24 3 50 50 150 3600 4500 120 25 12 460000 25 3 60 20 125 3200 4500 140 25 5 340000 26 3 60 30 150 3200 4200 100 20 12 120000 27 3 60 50 100 3200 4800 120 15 8 550000 74 Chapter three 3.4 SUMMARY In this chapter, a procedure to achieve the optimal ESI-MS condition for detecting bCA II - small molecule complex has been successfully developed using fractional factorial design (FFD) approach. In particular, FDD has been used in experiments designed to investigate the key instrumental factors controlling the desolvation process, as well as the interactions between these factors. It has been found that flow rate, nebulizer gas pressure and drying gas flow are factors that greatly affect the sensitivity of the complex detection. Capillary exit voltage also has a great effect on the desolvation in vacuum and on the preservation of the complex. These factors have been found to interact with each other and contribute to the final response. Therefore, to achieve optimal ESI-MS conditions, the effects of all of these factors and their interactions have to be considered. These factors are incorporated in a second FDD which focuses on minimum moment aberration. It has been found that the best condition is achieved when the capillary exit voltage is at the highest setting, and the flow rate, drying gas flow rate and nebulizing gas are at medium settings. 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A set of plant (25) and marine sponge (25) extracts were used for a study with hemin. Owing to high resolution of FTICR-MS, the molecular formula can be generated, and artemisinin in its crude extract was identified. Using trapping and dissociation techniques, MS2 can be obtained to confirm artemisinin by its fragmentation patterns and MS3 for assignment of chemical structural class of flavones and flavonols. Mechanism pathways are proposed for the fragmentation of the ions. An active flavone was isolated from the methanol extract of the plant Artemisia argyi by mass directed purification (LC/MS) and its activity with hemin was confirmed. Its structure was proposed by MS3 and confirmed by NMR. Another two active compounds in two marine sponge extracts were also isolated based on their molecular mass. Their structures were established by NMR. A MS2 fragmentation for the two marine compounds was performed and is a start for establishing a recognition pattern of the cyclic peroxide structural class. 4.1 INTRODUCTION This chapter investigates the application of MS techniques such as high resolution MS and multistage MS to identify known inhibitors or a structural class of compounds. These known compounds need to be identified early in the screening step to avoid reinventing known drugs. Hemin and artemisinin were used as a protein and ligand model. Hemin was chosen because it contains no interfering factors such as unsuitable buffers or nonvolatile salts. Thus, the investigation on the multistage MS technique and high resolution will be the main focus. Hemin also has interesting therapeutic applications and has molecular mass of less than 1,000 Da. It is also in the plan of the thesis to 79 Chapter four include a wide range of protein/target molecular masses. A strategy for this study is proposed as below: Scheme 4.1 Strategy for early detection of known drugs or known structural class of active compounds 4.1.1 Natural products as a source of antimalarial drugs Most antimalarial drugs have come from natural sources.1,2 The first natural product antimalarial agent was quinine (10). It is an alkaloid extracted from the bark of the South American Cinchona tree. It was first used to treat malaria in Rome in 1631. Later, different derivatives of quinine were synthesized and used in the treatment of malaria. The second natural product antimalarial agent is artemisinin (17), extracted from the leaves of Artemisia annua. Artemisia has been used by Chinese herbalists for more than a thousand years in the treatment of many illnesses, such as skin diseases and malaria. In 1972 artemisinin was identified as the active constituent, and is now the most efficient drug to treat multi-drug resistant strains of falciparum malaria. Other natural products that are active in strains of falciparum malaria include flavonoids (18),3-5 80 neolignan (19),6 phenylacetylene, Chapter four phenylheptatriyne (20),7 terpene isonitriles (21-24),8 cyclic peroxide (25).9 Taking into account that the isolation of lead compounds is very time-consuming for active natural product extracts, the efficient and early identification of previously isolated compounds is essential. OMe O O O O O H H N N X H O X = H, Flavone X = OH, Flavonol O H OH Quinine (10) Artemisinin (17) MeO (18) OMe OMe H OMe O OH OMe polysyphorin (19) (20) H H H i-Pr N+ C- H CN H H H H H (21) H H NC (22) 81 H NC (23) Chapter four NCS H H H H O H O NC (24) 4.1.2 OMe O Cyclic peroxide (25) MS as a detector of complexes formed with hemin in a search for antimalarial drugs Malaria is an infection caused by Plasmodium falciparum parasites and transmitted to human beings by the bite of infected female mosquitoes, Anopheles spp. According to an estimation of the World Health Organization (Fact sheet No94, May 2007), this disease infects between three and five hundred million people and causes around one to three million deaths annually. South and Central America, South and East Asia, the Caribbean, Oceania, Central Asia and the Middle East are all affected by malaria, with Africa being the most affected region. Ninety percent of all malaria deaths occur in tropical Africa, mostly children under five. Despite efforts in reducing transmission using mosquito nets and increasing medical treatment, malaria is still a major global health problem, with the death rate of one child every thirty seconds in Africa. It is estimated that the death rate may double in the next twenty years. Thus, the need for malaria vaccines, non-resistant drugs, and effective control methods is urgent.10 To achieve new drugs which are highly adaptive to the character of the malaria parasite, a quick, reliable and effective screening assay is required. Various target locations and their associated pathways or mechanisms have been investigated for antimalarial assays such as cytosol with folate metabolism,11 parasite membrane with phospolipid synthesis,12 mitochondria with electron transport,13 apicoplast with fatty acid synthesis,14 and food vacuole with heme polymerization.15 Since 1981, after a publication in Science on the study of the chloroquinehemin complex on malaria parasites,16 hemin has attracted a large number of investigations concerning its mechanism with chloroquine and artemisinin. Hemin appears to be the site of action of a number of existing antimalarial drugs and thus 82 Chapter four offers as a new screening target for malaria.17 Inside the red blood cells, the malarial parasite must degrade the hemoglobin for the acquisition of essential amino acids, which the parasite requires to construct its own protein and for energy metabolism. This is essential for parasitic growth and division inside the red blood cell. This process is carried out in the digestive vacuole of the parasite. During this process, heme is released from hemoglobin into the food vacuole of the parasite. Heme is very toxic to the parasite because it causes damage to its cell membranes.18 To avoid being destroyed by this molecule, the parasite polymerizes heme to form hemozoin, a non-toxic molecule. Hemozoin collects in the digestive vacuole as insoluble crystals. The heme moiety consists of Fe(II)-protoporphyrin IX (FP). In the process of polymerizing heme, the parasite converts Fe(II) to Fe(III) which is hemin or ferric protoporphyrin (26). Antimalarial agents bind to heme, inhibiting the polymerization process. It may be possible to exploit this unique polymerization pathway as one of the strategic targets in a screening program for antimalarial drugs. Hemin has a cationic mass of 616.1772. A compound forming a complex with hemin can be easily detected by MS. Antimalarial drugs interacting with heme have been studied using ESI-MS as a detection method.19 The study by Pashynska and colleagues19,20 has demonstrated that stable noncovalent complexes can be formed between Fe(III)-heme and antimalarial agents (i.e. quinine, artemisinin, and the artemisinin derivatives). Differences in the binding behavior of the examined drugs with Fe(III)-heme and the stability of the drug-heme complexes are established by using collision-induced dissociation tandem mass spectrometry (ESI-MS/CID/MS). The results show that all tested antimalarial agents form a drug-heme complex with a 1:1 stoichiometry but that quinine also results in a second complex with the heme dimer or β-hematin. ESI-MS experiments performed on mixtures of the various antimalarial agents with heme indicate that quinine binds preferentially to Fe(III)-heme, while ESI-MS/CID/MS shows that the quinine-heme complex is more stable than the complexes formed between heme and artemisinin and its derivatives. The study illustrates that electrospray ionization mass spectrometry and collision-induced dissociation tandem mass spectrometry are suitable tools to probe noncovalent interactions between heme and antimalarial agents. 83 Chapter four O Me Me - HO O- N- N + Fe 3 N- N Me O Me .2 H+ O- Hemin (26) 4.1.3 Ligand structure recognition – A strategic approach to speed up the identification of new drugs in natural products In the course of detecting the complex formed between an active natural product compound and heme, besides identifying the true active constituent of the natural product extract, MS also offers valuable information such as accurate molecular mass, empirical formula, and may allow detection of functional groups and other substituents, determination of over-all skeleton and finally structure elucidation.21-23 Accurate mass Accurate mass information is essential for structural confirmation of a compound. FTICR-MS offers the highest mass accuracy of any mass spectrometer.24 The ability to accurately measure an ion’s cyclotron frequency while it is trapped inside the FTICR cell is governed by instrumental and experimental conditions such as variations in magnetic field strength, trapping potentials, excitation variables and ion populations.25-28 A large ion population can create ion space charge effects due to Coulombic interactions between the ions themselves in the FTICR-MS cell, thus shifting the cyclotron frequency, and leading to mass errors.25,29 Calibration methods, external or internal, have been used to overcome the issue of deterioration in mass accuracy due to space charge. Using external calibration protocols, mass accuracy of better than 1 ppm mass error can be expected for a pure compound.30 However, this degree of mass accuracy is only achievable providing strict experimental protocols are observed. Further improvement in mass accuracy can be 84 Chapter four attained by using an internal mass calibration method.31 In this approach, space charge effects, trapping, and detection factors are basically identical for all ions in the cell. However, drawbacks have been encountered for analyzing a pre-mixed solution of analyte and internal calibrant. There is a potential for preferential ionization when different properties and/or concentrations of the analyte and the internal calibrant are present in the pre-mixed solution32,33 It is always challenging to achieve the required comparable signal intensity between pre-mixed internal calibrants and analytes when dealing with biological samples especially with an unknown composition and concentration. To overcome the limitation caused by incorporation of an analyte and an internal calibrant in solution, a dual emitter for the ESI source that allows simultaneous introduction of sample and internal calibrant have been developed for infusion injection method.26 Two ESI emitters are sequentially positioned in front of the heated metal capillary inlet of the ionization source. The switching time between the analyte emitter and internal calibrant emitter is smaller than 50 ms, which allows the analyte and internal calibrant to be accumulated almost simultaneously in the hexapole and injected as a single ion packet into the ICR cell. Ion abundances, for the analyte and internal standards are matched by adjusting the hexapole accumulation times. The mass accuracy measurement was greatly improved. Average mass errors were from 41 ppm down to 1.1 ppm for an oligonucleotide with theoretical mass of 4548.769 Da. The use of dual ESI-source for internal calibration is necessary, particularly when dealing with a complex mixture like natural product extracts, because significant different solution concentrations of each compound and large ion population are a real challenge in obtaining accurate mass measurements. The above mentioned dynamic approach should require complex fabrication of the dual source in comparison with the approach used in this thesis. A simpler, static source design was therefore employed with two discrete sprayers where the calibrant and analyte are introduced into the MS at the same time. This approach has proved to be very robust, simple, and particularly very effective in LC-FTICR-MS.34 The calibrant ion abundance can be independently adjusted by changing the flow rate. Furthermore the sample preparation time is less since there is no need for mixing analytes with the calibrants. 85 Chapter four Figure 4.1 A dual nebulizer Apollo ESI-source Multiple Stage MS Multiple stage MS (MSn) has been used widely for elucidation of structure, determination of fragmentation mechanism, and determination of elementary composition. MSn is an additional requirement for ESI mode because this soft ionization does not yield fragmentation. Structure elucidation using MS fragmentation has been demonstrated for a few classes of compounds, such as nodulation factors and flavonoids. When fragment ions correspond to features known to a class of compounds, based on the known mass fragmentation pattern, structure of the compound can be determined or confirmed. MSn can only be performed on ion-trap and FTICR instruments. It uses dissociation techniques to gain structural information about precursor ions and to study pathways of fragmentation. In some structural classes these pathways form a pattern. A normal MS2 experiment includes a step to isolate a precursor ion of interest and a second step of excitation of the ion to yield product ions and neutral fragments. The MS2 experiment ends here as the product ions are consumed by the detector. In MSn, the product ions are trapped allowing another isolation and fragmentation to be performed. It is possible to increase the number of steps by selecting ions of the first fragmentation as a precursor for the next MS experiment. The number of steps can be increased further to reach an MSn experiment where n is the number of generations of ions being analyzed. The number of steps is dependent 86 Chapter four on the intensity of precursor ions and on the physical dimensions of the instrument. At least 3 stages can be performed on a 4.7 Tesla instrument,35 and at leat 5 on a 7.0 Tesla instrument.36 Although most MS instruments enable MS2 experiments in space, using a first analyzer for the isolation of precursor ions and a second analyzer for detection of product ions, FTICR-MS allows tandem MS in time by performing an appropriate sequence of events in an ion storage device. Time-based instruments (ion-trap or FTICR-MS) are known to have better sensitivity due to their capability of ions preservation. Figure 4.2 demonstrates the difference of a product ion scan performed by a space-based and a time-based instrument. Figure 4.2 Comparison of a product ion scan performed by a space-based and a time-based instrument Ion activation is an important step in multiple MS and can be accomplished by several means, such as collision with a gaseous or solid target, or absorption of photons. In FTICR-MS, collision-induced dissociation (CID) with argon gas has been traditionally used. For CID experiments in FTICR-MS, collisional energies are in the range of 1-500 eV. Although dissociated by low collisional energies, the large 87 Chapter four number of collisions in conjunction with the long time-scale between activation and detection allows for relatively efficient fragmentation of precursor ions.37 However, low-energy CID also has drawbacks. Ions are excited to orbital radii smaller than 5 mm, representing only about 20% of the available ion radius in a 2-inch cubic cell. Such small cyclotron radii do not always allow sufficient spatial separation of the excited ion cloud from the other ions in the cell. As a result of a high charge density near the center of the cell, electric and magnetic shielding is formed. Consequently, the excitation field is reduced, leading to shifts of the observed frequencies to lower values during detection.38,39 This effect can be lessened by decreasing the number of ions in the cell, but at the sacrifice of sensitivity of the experiment. CID is a pulsed, on-resonance excitation of the parent ion concomitantly with a pressure burst of a collision gas. This normally produces only single energetic collisions between the parent ion and the collision gas, thus resulting in potentially low efficiencies for parent to product ion conversion. Sustained off-resonance irradiation (SORI-CID) is a modified method, which employs a lower energy, off-resonance RF pulse during a high-pressure burst of gas. The effect is such that multiple collisions can occur between the parent ion and the collision gas driving remaining parent ions to fragmentation. The off-resonance method takes advantage of the fact that ion excitation can also be achieved by the application of an off-resonance electric field pulse with the irradiated frequency 500-2000 Hz away from the cyclotron frequency of the precursor ion. As a consequence, ions undergo multiple accelerationdeceleration cycles with a period corresponding to the difference between the irradiation frequency and their natural cyclotron frequency. Collisional energies are less than 10 eV, and ions are allowed to undergo multiple collisions prior to fragmentation, allowing the lowest energy fragmentation pathways to be observed. Fragmentation efficiencies well over 90% were obtained for the SORI-CID of small organic ions.37 4.2 MATERIALS AND METHODS 4.2.1 Materials Hemin chloride [Fe (III) protoporphyrin IX chloride (C34H32ClFeN4O4, MM 651.94615 Da, purity > 98 %, hemin C34H31FeN4O4, MM 616.1772 Da), NaI, CsI, artemisinin (C15H22O5, MM 282.14672 Da), aspiginin, 7-hydroxyflavone, 5- 88 Chapter four hydroxy-7-methoxyflavone, chrysin, 3,7-dihydroxyflavonol and fisetin were purchased from Sigma Aldrich. 4.2.2 Sample preparation Heme stock solution (10 mM) was prepared using hemin in MeOH (plus a drop of NH4OH to solubilize heme). Artemisinin stock solution (10 mM) was prepared in MeOH. Drug-heme mixtures with a molar concentration ratio 1:1 contained drug (100 μM) and heme (100 μM) in MeOH:H2O (3:1; v/v). In the case of crude extract, 1μL of crude extract was dissolved in MeOH (100 μL) and was incubated with heme (100 μM) in MeOH:H2O (3:1; v/v). The final pH of the drugheme mixture was 7.0, at which pH the iron atom in the heme molecule is known to be in the Fe(III) state. The final mixture was subjected to ESI-FTICR-MS. 4.2.3 Mass Spectrometry Mass spectral data was obtained in the positive ion mode on a Bruker Apex III 4.7 Tesla, which was equipped with an ESI Apollo source (described in Chapter 2). Samples were directly infused by a Cole-Parmer syringe pump with a flow rate of 2 μL per minute. The end plate or counter electrode voltage was biased at 4000V and the capillary voltage at 4400 V relative to the ESI needle. N2 gas was used as nebulizing gas with a pressure of 40 psi and as counter-current drying N2 gas with a flow of 20 L/min. The drying gas temperature was maintained at 125ºC. The capillary exit voltage was tuned at 100 V. ESI mass spectra were recorded in the mass range m/z 50-1500. SORI-CID was used for fragmentation in FTMSn experiments. Data acquisition and processing were performed using Xmass software. Parameters for MS2 were correlated sweep pulse length, 1000 μs; correlated sweep attenuation, 21.4 dB; ejection safety belt, 0 Hz; user pulse length, 40000 μs; ion activation pulse length, 250000 μs; ion activation attenuation, 42.0 dB; frequency offset from activation mass, 500 Hz; user delay length, 7s. Parameters for MS3 were correlated sweep pulse length, 600 μs; correlated sweep attenuation, 42.5 dB; ejection safety belt, 0 Hz; user pulse length, 40000 μs; ion activation pulse length, 250000 μs; ion activation attenuation, 42.0 dB; frequency offset from activation mass, 500 Hz; user delay length, 7s. 89 Chapter four Argon gas was pulsed into the cell with a peak pressure of 1 x 10-7 mbar. The activation energy (attenuation) was adjusted to give nearly complete reduction of the precursor ion signal. 4.2.4 Extraction and purification Fifty plant and marine sponge biota (200 mg, Table 4.1 and 4.2) were extracted exhaustively with methanol. The extracts were dried and re-dissolved in methanol (8 mL). 1 μL of the extracts were used for screening. The active extracts from the screening results were subjected to mass directed purification. The chosen biota (5 mg) was extracted with methanol (300 mL). The extract was evaporated and pre-absorbed onto C18 (~1 g) and packed dry into a small cartridge, which was connected to a semi-preparative C18 column (Betasil C18, 150 mm x 21.2 mm, 5μm, Thermo Electro Corporation). Pure compounds of mass of interest were isolated using mass-directed purification on an online LC/MS Agilent HP1100 LC/MSD. The extract was eluted at 10 mL/min with a gradient solvent system starting with 100% water (1%TFA) gradient to 60% acetonitrile (1%TFA)- 40 water (1 TFA) in 50 min, then a gradient to 100% actonitrile (1%TFA) in the next 10 min. 2D NMR data was acquired using a cold probe attached to a Varian INOVA 600 MHz NMR spectrometer. Pure compounds from this purification step were tested again in the screening assay to confirm activity. 90 Chapter four Table 4.1 List of plant biota Sample ID Family Genus Species Source 1 QID014838 Asteraceae Artemisia anomala China 2 QID022878 Asteraceae Artemisia scoparia China 3 QID022889 Asteraceae Artemisia simulens China 4 QID023012 Asteraceae Artemisia japonica China 5 QID023018 Asteraceae Artemisia scoparia China 6 QID023025 Asteraceae Artemisia simulens China 7 QID023148 Asteraceae Artemisia simulens China 8 QID023109 Asteraceae Artemisia japonica China 9 QID023115 Asteraceae Artemisia japonica China 10 QID024118 Asteraceae Artemisia sp. China 11 QID024169 Asteraceae Artemisia sp. China 12 QID024376 Asteraceae Artemisia roxburghiana bess China 13 QID024309 Asteraceae Artemisia sp. China 14 QID015360 Asteraceae Artemisia anomala China 15 QID015361 Asteraceae Artemisia anomala China 16 QID027056 Asteraceae Artemisia annua l. China 17 QID027277 Asteraceae Artemisia lactiflora wall. China 18 QID027280 Asteraceae Artemisia annua l. China 19 QID015773 Asteraceae Artemisia argyi China 20 QID015777 Asteraceae Artemisia argyi China 21 QID027258 Asteraceae Artemisia annua l. China 22 QID027261 Asteraceae Artemisia annua l. China 23 QID100065 Asteraceae Artemisia annua China 24 QID100066 Asteraceae Artemisia annua China 25 QID101493 Asteraceae Artemisia frgida willd China Table 4.2 List of marine sponge biota Sample ID Order Family Genus Species 1 QID5821894 Poecilosclerida Podospongiidae Diacarnus levii 2 QID5821803 Poecilosclerida Podospongiidae Diacarnus levii 3 QID6008053 Poecilosclerida Cladorhizidae Diacarnus spinipoculum 4 QID6009558 Poecilosclerida Podospongiidae Diacarnus 3248 5 QID6009717 Poecilosclerida Podospongiidae Diacarnus 3248 6 QID016044 Poecilosclerida Podospongiidae Diacarnus spinipoculum 7 QID019935 Poecilosclerida Podospongiidae Diacarnus levii 8 QID027908 Poecilosclerida Podospongiidae Diacarnus 9 QID2174823 Poecilosclerida Cladorhizidae Diacarnus levii 10 QID011577 Poecilosclerida Podospongiidae Diacarnus spinipoculum 91 2663 Chapter four 11 QID012499 Poecilosclerida Cladorhizidae Diacarnus spinipoculum 12 QID018285 Poecilosclerida Podospongiidae Diacarnus 2663 13 QID011571 Poecilosclerida Podospongiidae Diacarnus spinipoculum 14 QID008062 Poecilosclerida Podospongiidae Diacarnus levii 15 QID2165368 Poecilosclerida Cladorhizidae Diacarnus levii 16 QID006867 Poecilosclerida Cladorhizidae Diacarnus levii 17 QID020013 Poecilosclerida Cladorhizidae Diacarnus spinipoculum 18 QID2280289 Poecilosclerida Podospongiidae Diacarnus levii 19 QID5820459 Poecilosclerida Podospongiidae Diacarnus levii 20 QID6004785 Poecilosclerida Podospongiidae Diacarnus 3248 21 QID6004766 Poecilosclerida Cladorhizidae Diacarnus 3247 22 QID6004807 Poecilosclerida Podospongiidae Diacarnus 3248 23 QID6004572 Poecilosclerida Cladorhizidae Diacarnus 2663 24 QID6011588 Poecilosclerida Podospongiidae Diacarnus 25 QID6013591 Poecilosclerida Cladorhizidae Diacarnus sp. 3953 4.3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 4.3.1 Identification of hemin and hemin-artemisinin complex In positive-ion mode, optimized desolvation conditions (capillary temperature 150 °C, capillary exit voltage 120 V) allow the detection of hemin and intact hemin-ligand complexes. The intact protein complex was observed as a strong ion signal in the mass spectra. The ESI mass spectrum obtained for the heminartemisinin complex is shown in Figure 4.3. The hemin-artemisinin noncovalent complex (m/z 898.3236) was the most abundant ion in the spectrum. Free hemin was also seen at m/z 616.1775 Da. Artemisinin molecular mass was calculated from the spectra as 282.1461 which is only 0.0006 Da or 2 ppm error. This result confirms the accuracy of the method and the instrument. 92 Chapter four Figure 4.3 4.3.2 Hemin and its complex with artemisinin Identification of active extracts via complexes formed with hemin Screening 50 plant and marine sponge extracts with hemin resulted in four active extracts from Table 4.1 (QID015773 and QID027261) and Table 4.2 (QID10644 and QID2280289). The extracts were reanalyzed for mass accuracy of the complexes. To achieve the mass accuracy measurement using internal calibration, a setup of dual ESI emitters was positioned in front of the heated metal capillary inlet of the ionzation source in the FTICR-MS. Ion abundances, for the analyte and internal calibrants were matched by adjusting the introduction flow rate of the calibrants. This system was performed on those active extracts. Figures 4.4-7 show the complex signals for these crude extracts. Free hemin signals in these samples were observed at values, which differ from 0.0001 Da to 0.0060 Da from the calculated mass. Complex signals were observed at m/z 898.3226, 960.2627, 1022.4513 and 1022.4460. The molecular mass (MM) of active components was calculated based on the difference between the m/z of the complex and hemin. They are 282.1453 Da (QID027261), 344.09030 Da (QID015773), 406.2760 Da (QID016044) and 406.2750 Da (QID2280289). 93 Chapter four Figure 4.4 MS spectrum of QID027261 incubated with hemin, showing a complex at m/z 898.3226 Figure 4.5 MS spectrum of QID015773 incubated with hemin, showing complex at m/z 960.2027 94 Chapter four Figure 4.6 MS spectrum of QID016044 incubated with hemin, showing complex at m/z 1022.4855 Figure 4.7 MS spectrum of QID02280289 incubated with hemin showing complex at m/z 1022.4841 95 Chapter four Table 4.3 shows the MMs of compounds forming complexes with hemin. Based on the information of MM and taxonomy of the biota containing these active compounds, different approaches were carried out. Table 4.3 Molecular mass of active compounds from natural product extracts Biota m/z complex m/z hemin MM compound Approaches QID027261 898.3226 616.1773 282.1453 Section 4.3.3 QID015773 960.2627 616.1724 344.09030 Section 4.3.4 & 4.3.5 QID10644 1022.4513 616.1753 406.2760 Section 4.3.6 QID2280289 1022.4460 616.1710 406.2750 Section 4.3.6 In QID027261, Artemisia annua, the active compound has a MM of 282.1453 which is only 0.0014 Da different from artemisinin, the antimalarial agent isolated from the same plant species. Thus a FTICR-MS spectrum for artemisinin is needed for a comparison. MS2 fragmentation patterns for artemisinin and the active compound of QID027251 are also required to confirm the whether the compound is artemisinin. This approach was performed and reported in 4.3.3. In QID015773, the accurate mass of the active component does not direct to a specific compound, but proposes a molecular formula suggesting the structural class of flavonoids, which are also known antimalarial agents. MS2 and MS3 spectra were obtained for known flavonoids and the active component in its crude extract for comparision (Sections 4.3.4 and 4.3.5) In QID10644 and QID2280289, the accurate mass of the active components was used for mass-directed purification of the compounds. Activity of the compounds was confirmed after purification. Structures of the compounds were elucidated by NMR techniques. MS2 spectra of these compounds were performed as a start for a mass fingerprint collection of their structural class (Section 4.3.6). 96 Chapter four Figure 4.8 4.3.3 MS spectrum of complex formed by hemin-extract QID027261 Confirmation of artemisinin existence in crude extract by fragmentation patterns MS2 optimisation – artemisinin patterns The active plant was Artemisia annua, and the active compound had a MM of 282.1453 which was only 0.0014 Da different from the theoretical MM of artemisinin. The plant was expected to contain artemisinin as the active contituent. Thus, pure artemisinin was used to generate a MS2 fragmentation pattern and to compare with the MS2 fragmentation of the active compound. The existence of artemisinin in the active extract and its activity thus would be confirmed. Precursor ion for artemisinin was obtained during infusion of acetonitrile solutions containing the analyte into the FTICR-MS. Using the ESI Apollo source equipped with dual emitters pumped with NaI/CsI as a reference calibrant in positive mode, the analyte yielded predominantly sodium adduct ions at m/z 305.137485. The precursor ion was subjected to collision-induced dissociation to determine the resulting product ions. The product ion spectrum showed the fragmentation pattern at m/z 263.127604, 245.115913, 231.133766 and 209.154099 (Figure 4.8). Results showed the m/z values of fragment ions were within a mass error of less than 5 ppm compared to theoretical values (Table 4.4). Due to the NaI/CsI calibrant used, some fragment ions 97 Chapter four had sodium adducts. The smallest fragment ion m/z 209 was protonated and showed the loss of sodium adduct ion. Figure 4.9 MS2 fragment ions for artemisinin in FTICR-MS Table 4.4 Formula, observed mass, calculated mass, mass error (ppm) and fragment scheme identity of fragment ions observed in the MS2 spectrum of the sodiated artemisinin Formula Observed Calculated Error Identity mass mass (ppm) C15H22O5Na+ 305.137034 305.13594 3.56 [M+Na]+ C13H20O4Na+ 263.127604 263.12538 0.69 [M+Na-C2H2O]+ C13H18O3Na+ 245.115913 245.11482 4.4 [M+Na-C2H4O2]+ C13H20O2Na+ 231.133766 231.13555 5.0 [M+Na-C2H2O2]+ C13H21O2+ 209.154099 209.15361 2.0 [M+H-C2H2O2]+ Active compound for QID027261 – MS2 fragmentation –Confirmed artemisinin The hemin-active compound complex was observed as a singly charged ion at m/z 898.3226, if it was used as a precursor ion for MS2 experiment, the pre- 98 Chapter four charged hemin would keep the positive charge and be observed in the mass spectrum. The active component, dissociated from the complex as a neutral species, which could not be detected by ESI-MS and thus could not be used further as a precursor ion for fragmentation pattern. Therefore in this study, the free active component in the non-binding state was used as a precursor ion instead. The active component with a molecular mass of 282.1453 Da as calculated in Table 4.3, was observed as a sodium adduct at m/z 305.135622 in the condition of the assay (Figure 4.10). This sodium adduct was used as a precursor for the MS2 fragmentation. MS2 fragmentation of the active component in its assay solution (crude extract and hemin) showed a fragmentation pattern at m/z 305.135434, 263.124670, 245.114800, 231.135233, 209.154160 (Figure 4.10 and Table 4.5). These fragmentation species were the same as artemisinin fragment ions. Thus, the active component was confirmed as artemisinin. Owing to the MS2 fragmentation pattern, the active component was elucidated without any chromatography process. Figure 4.10 MS2 fragment ions for active compound in QID027261 99 Chapter four Table 4.5 Formula, observed mass, calculated mass, mass error (ppm) and fragment scheme identity of fragment ions observed in the MS2 spectrum of the active compound in extract QID027261. Formula Observed Calculated Error mass mass (ppm) C15H22O5Na+ 305.135434 305.13594 1.65 [M+Na]+ C13H20O4Na+ 263.124670 263.12538 2.69 [M+Na-C2H2O]+ C13H18O3Na+ 245.114800 245.11482 0.08 [M+Na-C2H4O2]+ C13H20O2Na+ 231.135233 231.13555 1.3 [M+Na-C2H2O2]+ C13H21O2+ 209.154160 209.15361 2.6 [M+H-C2H2O2]+ 4.3.4 Identity Hemin - QID015773 complex Methanol extract of Artemisia argyi biota (QID015773) displayed a complex with hemin at m/z 960.262721. The accurate mass of the active constituent was deduced as 344.090319 and proposed a molecular formula of C18H16O7 as the closest possibility. A Dictionary of Natural Products search on this formula returned 146 hits, 74 of these belong to the flavonoid structural class. As the aim of this study is to quickly identify known compounds or known structural class of compounds to help prioritizing projects, a set of known flavonoids was used to generate diagnostic MS fragmentation patterns (MS2 and MS3) for the structural class. MS2 fragmentation of flavonoids has been studied by other MS techniques, however to the best of our knowledge flavonoids have not been subjected to ESI-FTICR-MS and to MS3 fragmentation. It is expected there is a similarity in MS2 fragmentation patterns between techniques if the same desolvation source is used (i.e. ESI). However, the high resolution of FTICR-MS can confirm the fragment identity which is lacking in other studies. Furthermore, it can provide more structural information in MS3 fragmentation. Flavones and flavonols are the two major groups for flavonoids and were chosen for the study model set. These patterns were then used to characterize the active compound in QID015773. To demonstrate the utility of these fragmentation patterns, the active compound was purified and its structure was elucidated by NMR techniques. 100 Chapter four MS2 for flavones and flavonols – Background FAB/MS/MS,40 EI/MS/MS, APCI/MS/MS41-43 have been employed for structure determination of flavonoids. Collisional activation of [M+H]+ or [M+H]led to the sequential loss of moieties characteristic for flavones or flavonols. Although different ion sources and activation techniques were used on these compounds, there is an agreement in fragment ions and pathways for flavones and flavonols. There are five common fragmentation pathways observed in the dissociation of flavonoids (Figure 4.11). These fragmentations are normally labeled with bond positions and rings involved such as i,jA+ or i,jB-. These symbols designate primary product ions containing intact A or B ring in which the subscript i,j indicate the C-ring bonds that have been broken. Characteristics fragments for flavonoids are 1,3 A+ and 0,2 + 0,2 A+, 0,2A+-CO, 1,3B+-2H and 1,3A+-C2H2O. B . Characteristics for flavones are 0,4 + B and 1,3 + B , for flavonols are H+ 1,3 + A 0,2 + A B 0 O 1 2 A 0,2 + B 3 4 O 1,3 + B Figure 4.11 Fragmentation patterns of flavonoids Analysis of flavone and its recognition patterns using FTICR-MS (a) MS2 for flavones by FTICR-MS In this study, four hydroxy flavones namely apigenin (27), chrysin (28), 7hydroxyflavone (29), 5-hydroxy-7-methoxyflavone (30), with different substitution of hydroxyl or methoxy groups were first investigated by full scan ESI-MS. The protonated biomolecule ions [M+H]+ were observed. They were then isolated and ESI-MS2 spectra were obtained (Figures 4.12-15). The fragmentation pathways exhibit some common features for flavones and also show variations due to the difference in substitution groups. The fragmentations such as 1,3A+, 1,3B+, 0,4B+-H2O, [M-C3O2]+ were observed and summarized in Table 4.6. These common fragments 101 Chapter four mostly are in agreement with previously reported observations in other MS techniques. The only difference was the absence of the cleavage 0/2 of the C ring, which was reported when high energy CID was used (30keV caesium ions). OH HO O OH O HO O Apigenin (27) HO O OH Chrysin (28) O O O OH O 7-Hydroxyflavone (29) O 5-Hydroxy-7-methoxyflavone (30) The most useful fragmentations for flavone identification are those that involve the cleavage of two C-C bonds at positions 1/3 and 0/4 of the C ring, resulting in structurally informative 1,3 A+ and 0,4 + B -H2O. This result is in agreement with other results obtained using other ion sources. High resolution of FTICR-MS allowed the assignment of the leaving neutral species. It was noticed the loss of 28 Da was observed for compounds 27, 29, and 30. Because both CO and C2H4 have an average molecular mass of 28.0 Da, an accurate mass of this loss can confirm which one was the leaving species. A difference between the compound m/z and the fragment signal m/z was accurately calculated as 27.997052 Da, which is much closer to the accurate mass of CO (27.994915 calculated mass, Δ = 0.002 Da) than C2H2 (28.03130, Δ = 0.034 Da). Thus, it was confirmed that the leaving species is CO. Similarly, other leaving fragments are calculated on the same basis. 102 Chapter four Table 4.6 FT-MS2 product ions obtained from the [M+H]+ ions of compounds 27-30 M Apigenin Chrysin (28) 7- (27) 5-Hydroxy-7- Hydroxyflavo methoxyflavon ne (29) e (30) Calculated [M+H]+ 271.0611 255.0652 239.0703 269.0808 [M+H]+ 271.06095 255.065198 239.070278 269.080426 [1,3A+H]+ 153.018248 153.018199 137.023302 167.034428 [1,4A++2H+H]+ - - - - + 119.051998 103.055366 103.055693 - [0,4B+H]+ 163.037005 - - - [0,4B-H2O+H]+ 145.028396 129.033509 129.033505 129.034923 [0,2B+H]+ - - - - [M-CO+H]+ 243.060750 - 211.073853 226.062541* 183.080170 - 1,3 [ B+H] [M-CO-CO+H]+ [M-CH2O2+H]+ 225.053486 209.060250 - 209.059910* [M-C2H2O+H]+ 229.050832 213.062462 - - [M-C3O2+H]+ 203.070245 187.076314 171.078895 - [M-CH3+H+ - - - 254.059593 The loss of small neutral species from the protonated molecules is used to identify the presence of specific functional groups. For example, the presence of a methoxyl group in compound 30 can be easily detected by the loss of CH3 from the protonated molecule resulting in the base peak at m/z 254. The experiments showed that the fragmentation mechanism also related to the substitution site, and the number of methoxyl groups and hydroxyl groups. A methoxy group in ring A would change the intensity of the 1,3 A+ ion. This cleavage in compound 30 was not a preference cleavage resulting in a low intensity of the ion when compared with fragment ions 1,3A+ of compounds 27-29, where a hydroxyl group was a substitution group instead of a methoxyl group. According to the MS2 patterns for the four flavones, the diagnostic signals for flavones under ESI-FTICR-MS are suggested to be at [1,3A+H]+, [1,3B+H]+, [0,4B-H2O+H]+, [M-CO+H]+, and [ M-CH2O2+H]+. 103 Chapter four Figure 4.12 MS2 fragmentation of apigenin (27), using m/z 271 as the precursor Figure 4.13 MS2 fragmentation of chrysin (28), using m/z 255 as the precursor 104 Chapter four Figure 4.14 MS2 fragmentation of 7-hydroxyflavone (29), using m/z 239 as the precursor Figure 4.15 MS2 fragmentation of 5-hydroxy-7-methoxyflavone (30), using m/z 269 as the precursor 105 Chapter four (b) MS3 for flavones by FTICR-MS MS3 fragmentation patterns for the four flavones are shown in Figures 4.1619 and Table 4.7. They all display the same loss of CO groups in tandem. MS3 experiments on 1,3 A+ gave detailed information on the substitution of ring A. A fragment ion at m/z 67 were observed for compounds 27, 28, and 30 which share the same substitution pattern of being oxygenated at position 5 and 7. A proposed mechanism for these fragment ions is presented in Scheme 4.2. Diagnostic cleavage for flavones in MS3 were found to be at [1,3A-CO+H]+, [1,3A-CO-CO+H]+. Table 4.7 FTMS3 product ions obtained from the 1,3A+ ions of compounds 27-30 M Apigenin (precursor) (27) Chrysin (28) 7- 5-Hydroxy-7- Hydroxyflavone methoxyflavone (29) (30) [1,3A+H]+ 153.011519 153.017361 137.021453 167.035501 [1,3A-CO+H]+ 125.018406 125.024410 109.029951 - [1,3A-CO- 97.031118 97.029590 81.035392 67.017648 67.019291 - CO+H] + [1,3A-CO-CO- 67.01901* COH2+H]+ Figure 4.16 MS3 fragmentation of apigenin (27), using m/z 153 as the precursor 106 Chapter four Figure 4.17 MS3 fragmentation of chrysin (28), using m/z 153 as the precursor Figure 4.18 MS3 fragmentation of 7-hydroxyflavone (29), using m/z 137 as the precursor 107 Chapter four Figure 4.19 MS3 fragmentation of 5-hydroxy-7-methoxyflavone (30), using m/z 167 as the precursor 108 Chapter four O HO C O HO O HO C C O O O OH OH OH Exact Mass: 152.01041 O HO HO HO -CO C C C O O O OH OH OH Exact Mass: 124.0155 -CO H HO HO HO HO HO H OH OH H OH Exact Mass: 96.02058 HO O H H HO H HO H Exact Mass: 42.01002 H Exact Mass: 66.01002 Scheme 4.2 Proposed mechanism for MS3 fragment ions of precursor ion compounds 27-30. Analysis of flavonol and its recognition patterns using FTICR-MS OH OH HO HO O O OH OH O O 3,7-Dihydroxyflavonol (31) Fisetin (32) 109 1,3 A+ of Chapter four The MS2 spectra of [M+H]+ ions of flavonols 31 and 32 are summarized in Table 4.8. The spectra for 31 and 32 are in Figure 4.20 and 4.21. The two fragmentation routes gave rise to 1,3 A+ and 0,2 A+ ions at m/z 137 and 149 for both compounds 31 and 32, respectively. One fragmentation route resulted in 1,3 A+, however 1,3B+ ions that was formed in all cases of tested flavones was not observed. 0,2 + Instead, B ions were found at m/z 105 and m/z 137 for 31 and 32, respectively. Similarly to flavone, losses of CO, (CO)2 and CH2O2 from the molecular mass were seen in flavonol class. An MS3 experiment on 0,2 A+ ions gave rise to m/z 121 due to a loss of one CO group and m/z 93 due to a loss of two CO groups. The loss of two CO groups from 0,2 A+ ions was diagnostic for flavonols due to the existence of the hydroxyl group at position 3. Proposed mechanism of this fragmentation is in Scheme 4.3. It is concluded that fragment ions of 0,2B+ and 0,2A+ ions in MS2 and fragment ions of 0,2A+-CO and 0,2A+-CO-CO in MS3 are diagnostic for flavonols. FT-MS2 product ions obtained from the [M+H]+ ions of compounds Table 4.8 31 and 32 Flavonols 3,7-Dihydroxyflavonol (31) Fisetin (32) 255.06519 287.05502 [M+H]+ (precursor) 255.06491 287.05494 1,3 A+H+ 137.02294 137.02322 0,2 A+H+ 149.02385 149.02346 0,2 A-CO+H+ - 121.03020 1,3 B-CO+H+ - 149.02346 0,2 B+H+ 105.03543 137.02322 M-CO-CO+H+ 199.08325 231.06362 M-CH2O2+H+ 209.06385 241.04537 M-C2H2O3+H+ 181.06819 213.05165 - 269.04096 Calculated [M+H] + M-H2O+H + 110 Chapter four Figure 4.20 MS2 pattern of 3,7-dihydroxyflavonol (31), using m/z 255 as the precursor Figure 4.21 MS2 pattern of fisetin (32), using m/z 287 as the precursor 111 Chapter four Table 4.9 FT-MS3 product ions obtained from the 1.3 A+ ions of compounds 31- 32 3,7-Dihydroxyflavonol (31) Fisetin (32) [1,3A+H]+ (precursor) 137.027966 137.023966 [1,3A-CO+H]+ 109.029169 Table 4.10 109.030008 FT-MS3 product ions obtained from the 0,2 A+ ions of compounds 31- 32 3,7-Dihydroxyflavonol (31) 0,2 + Fisetin (32) [ A+H] (precursor) 149.016303 149.023887 [0,2A –CO+H]+ 121.026732 121.028754 [0,2A -CO-CO+H]+ 93.034412 93.036353 Figure 4.22 MS3 fragmentation of 3,7-dihydroxyflavonol, using m/z 137 ([1,3A+H]+) as the precursor 112 Chapter four Figure 4.23 MS3 fragmentation of fisetin, using m/z 137 ([1,3A+H]+) as the precursor Figure 4.24 MS3 fragmentation of 3,7-dihydroxyflavonol, using m/z 149 ([0,2A+H]+) as the precursor 113 Chapter four Figure 4.25 MS3 fragmentation of fisetin, using m/z 149 ([0,2A+H]+) as the precursor HO O HO 0,2 + A O OH O O HO HO -CO O O O Exact Mass: 120.02058 Exact Mass: 148.0155 HO HO -CO Exact Mass: 92.02567 O Scheme 4.3 Proposed mechanism for MS3 fragment ions of precursor ion compounds 31 (similarly for compound 32) 114 0,2 A+ of Chapter four 4.3.5 Structure determination of an active component in crude extract QID015773 Figure 4.26 MS of complex of hemin with QID015773 crude extract Screening crude plant extracts with hemin showed that there was an extract which displayed a complex with hemin at m/z 960.262721 (Figure 4.26). The formula of this active component (33) was deduced from its exact mass as C18H16O7 with an accuracy of 0.0007 Da (344.0896 calculated vs. 344.0903 measured). A free active compound in a non-binding state at m/z of 345.0951 with and accuracy of 0.0017 Da was also observed. An MS2 experiment was performed on the m/z 345 ion in crude extract and the spectrum is illustrated in Figure 4.27 and Table 4.11. The loss of two neutral CH3 group was deduced (15.0255, with an error of 0.002 Da) and the m/z 169 ion is designated as 1,3 A+* (the symbol * represents the parent molecule ion with a loss of CH3 group), diagnostic for the base component of a flavonoid (Scheme 4.4) To determine whether the second loss of the CH3 group is related to the m/z 300 ion, an MS3 experiment was performed on the m/z 330 ion. The hypothesis that the m/z 315 originated from the m/z 330 has been confirmed (Figure 4.28, Table 4.11). Continuing to perform the experiment on the m/z 315 ion did not show any loss of CH3 group confirming the compound has at least two methoxyl groups. The MS3 on m/z 330 data showed the fragment moiety m/z 169 which is 1,3A+*. The existence of the m/z 169 at the experiment on m/z 330 showed that one of the two OCH3 groups is 115 Chapter four at ring A. Further fragmentation of the ion did not show any loss of 15 amu showing the possibility of the existence of one methoxyl group in ring A. Thus, it was concluded that the remaining two methoxyl groups should be in ring B. MS4 experiment on 113 and 1,3 1,3 A+* at m/z 169 showed 1,3 A+*-CO at m/z 141, 1,3 A+*-(CO)2 at m/z A+*-(CO)3 at m/z 85 (Figure 4.29), suggesting that 33 has two hydroxyl and one methoxyl groups in ring A. Therefore 33 is a flavone with 5 substitution groups. Two methoxyl and two hydroxyl groups were confirmed by MS2 and MS4 experiments and the other methoxyl group was deduced by its accurate mass. These substitution groups are arranged in the two rings A and B. Based on the substitution pattern recognition concluded by MS4 data by FTICR-MS, one hydroxyl group at ring A should be in position 5 due to the fragmentation at m/z 85. Proposal for this fragmentation is presented in Scheme 4.5. The existence of m/z 169 also suggested that the methoxy group had to be at position 6 for the proton transfer step involving a 5- member transference, to be possible. The pure compound (33) was also purified and its NMR data confirmed the suggested structure (Appendix 1). O HO O O O 6 5 OH O (33) 116 Chapter four Figure 4.27 MS2 fragmentation of compound 33, using m/z 345 ([M+H]+) as the precursor Figure 4.28 MS3 fragmentation pattern of 33, using m/z 330 ([M-CH3+H]+) as the precursor 117 Chapter four Figure 4.29 MS4 fragmentation pattern of 33, using m/z 169 ([1,3A+H]+) as the precursor Table 4.11 FT-MS3 product ions obtained from the [M+H]+ ions of compounds 33 Compound 33 [M-CH3+H]+ (precursor) [1,3A+H]+ 169.013103* [0,2B+H]+ 165.055543? [M-CO+H]+ 287.056216* [M-CO-CO+H]+ 259.061477* + 269.043867* [M*-CH2O2+H] [M-CH3+H]+ 330.077086/ 315.048646 * means the moiety was fragment from M-CH3 instead of M Table 4.12 FTMS4 product ions obtained from the 1,3A+ ions of compounds 33 Compound 33 [1,3A+H]+ (precursor) 169.01498 [1,3A-CO+H]+ 141.018217 [1,3A-CO-CO+H]+ 113.023515 [1,3A-CO-CO-CO+H]+ 85.030030 118 Chapter four O HO O O O HO O O -CH3 O H O O OH O O H -CH3 O O HO HO O O O O HO H HO O O O O Exact Mass: 314.04265 O 1,3 * HO O HO C A O HO O O HO OH OH O Exact Mass: 168.00532 Scheme 4.4 Proposed mechanism for MS2 fragment ions of precursor ion [M+H]+ of compound 33 119 Chapter four HO O HO C HO O HO C O HO O HO C O O OH OH OH Exact Mass: 168.00532 HO HO HO HO C C HO O HO C O O O OH OH OH Exact Mass: 140.01041 H HO HO HO HO OH HO HO HO OH H HO O O H Exact Mass: 112.0155 HO HO Exact Mass: 84.02058 Scheme 4.5 Proposed mechanism for MS4 fragment ions of precursor ion 1,3A+ of compound 33 4.3.6 Hemin - QID10644 and Hemin - QID2280289 complexes Active compounds isolated from marine sponge extracts Screening QID10644 crude plant extracts with hemin showed that there was a complex with hemin at m/z 1022.4855 and a free active compound in a nonbinding state at m/z of 407.2750. The formula of this active component (34) was deduced from its exact mass as C24H38O5 with a mass accuracy of 0.004 Da compared with the calculated MM (406.2719 Da). Similarly with QID2280289, an unbound active compound has MS signal at m/z 407.2746. The formula of C24H38O5 (35) was deduced for this biota with a mass accuracy of 0.004 Da. It was noticed that it is same formula as for QID016044. A search on Dictionary of Natural Products for the formula returned 73 possibilities 120 Chapter four with a variety of structural classes. Due to the uncertain conclusion from this search, a mass-directed purification was performed for the biota. Purification of active compounds Based on the molecular mass of active component, mass directed purification was conducted leading to two pure compounds. The HPLC fraction that contained m/z 407.2 was collected. This fraction contained a pure active compound. High resolution mass spectrometer was performed and confirmed the compound formula. Their activity on hemin was also confirmed. These compounds were subjected to NMR techniques for structure elucidation. The compounds were determined as diacarnoic acid, which is also reported as an antimalarial agent. A literature search on this compound revealed no data on NMR or its stereochemistry. Differences in proton and carbon NMR shifts were observed for the proton at position 3 and the methyl group at position 2. NMR data are listed in Appendix 2. Optical rotation values ([α]D) of the two compounds were +16.74o (c = 0.1, CH2Cl2) and +47.31o (c = 0.1, CH2Cl2) for 34 and 35, respectively The active compounds isolated here were proposed to be epi-isomers at position 3. Their structures are presented as compound 34 (erythro at C2-C3, QID016044) and 35 (threo at C2-C3, QID2280289). O O O 3 H O O OH 2 OH H O Rel O (34) O Rel (35) MS2 fragmentation pattern of active component 34 of QID16044 Figure 4.30 shows MS2 fragmentation pattern for the precursor m/z 407.2750, signals at m/z 411, 385, 367, 355, were the major fragment ions observed. High mass accuracy of the technique showed that the neutral loss species were H2O, CO2, C2H6O2, and C3H6O2. Scheme 4.6 proposes the fragment ions observed for compound 34. 121 Chapter four Table 4.13 Formula of neutral loss, observed mass, calculated mass, mass error (Da) and fragment identity observed in the MS2 spectrum of the active compound 34 Precursor Fragment Neutral Observed Calculated Error ions loss mass mass 429.1880 (Da) 429.2617 -0.0763 429.1880 411.1906 H2O 17.9974 18.01056 -0.0132 429.1880 385.2097 CO2 43.9783 43.9893 -0.0110 429.1880 367.1922 C2H6O2 61.9958 62.03678 -0.0410 429.1880 355.1734 C3H6O2 74.0146 74.03678 -0.0222 O O O O OH -CO2 H O O O Exact Mass: 406.27192 Exact Mass: 362.2821 [M + Na]+, m/z 385.2719 + [M + Na] , m/z 429.2617 -C2H6O2 -C3H6O2 O O O O O O Exact Mass: 332.2346 Exact Mass: 344.2346 [M + Na]+, m/z 355.2249 [M + Na]+, m/z 367.2249 Scheme 4.6 Proposed fragment ions for compound 34 122 Chapter four Figure 4.30 MS2 fragmentation of active compound 34 MS2 fragmentation pattern of active component 35 of QID2280289 Figure 4.31 shows the MS2 fragmentation pattern of 35 using the precursor m/z 407.2746. MS signals at m/z 385, 367, 355, 341, and 243 were observed. Comparing this fragmentation pattern with the one of compound 34, it was noticed that they had similar fragmentations at m/z 385, 367 and 355. Mass accuracy on these fragment ions showed that these ions from compound 34 and 35 were identical. Thus, it is concluded that the two compounds share the same structural moieties that led to the same cleavage in MS2. Compound 35 showed two extra signals at m/z 341 and 243. These two signals were much stronger in intensity than the other signals. High mass accuracy of the technique proved that the signals at m/z 341 and m/z 243 were M-C4H8O2 and MC9H14O4, respectively (Table 4.14, Scheme 4.7). Collectively, MS2 fragmentation patterns were constructed for the cyclic peroxide compounds and could discriminate the two stereoisomers. However, for diagnostic fragmentation pattern of this structural class, a larger number of compounds of this class are required to confirm the fragmentation pattern. 123 Chapter four Figure 4.31 MS2 fragmentation of active compound 35 Table 4.14 Formula of neutral loss, observed mass, calculated mass, mass error (Da) and fragment identity observed in the MS2 spectrum of the active compound 35 Precursor Fragment Neutral Observed Calculated Error ions loss mass mass 429.1854 (Da) 429.2617 -0.07629 429.1854 385.1857 CO2 43.9997 43.9893 0.0104 429.1854 367.2036 C2H6O2 61.9818 62.03678 -0.05498 429.1854 355.1807 C3H6O2 74.0047 74.03678 -0.03208 429.1854 341.155 C4H8O2 88.0304 88.05243 -0.02203 429.1854 243.1076 C9H14O4 186.0778 186.0892 -0.01141 124 Chapter four O O O O OH -C4H8O2 H O O O Exact Mass: 318.21895 Exact Mass: 406.27192 [M + Na]+, m/z 314.2093 + [M + Na] , m/z 429.2617 -C9H14O4 O Exact Mass: 220.18272 [M + Na]+, m/z 243.1725 Scheme 4.7 4.4 Proposed fragment ions for compound 35 SUMMARY Hemin (target < 1000 Da) and its complex with artemisinin were successfully detected using ESI-FTICR-MS. The accurate mass for artemisinin was deduced with high resolution (deviation from theoretical value of less than 5 ppm). Screening 50 plant and marine sponge biota with hemin returned 4 active extracts. One of the four active natural product compounds had the molecular mass very close to artemisinin (Δ = 0.002 Da). The MS2 pattern of artemisinin and the suspect artemisinin active component were used to confirm the identity of the active component as artemisinin. Flavonoid structural class was also detected in one of the active extracts based on its MS2 pattern. Structure elucidation of this active flavonoid was proposed by comparing its MS3 with the MS3 fragmentation patterns of other flavonones and flavonols. The first MS3 fragment ions of these 4 flavones and 2 flavonols were also presented in this study. The third and fourth active compounds were isolated based on their accurate mass information using mass-directed purification. Their structures were determined by NMR. They are diacarnoic acids and are epi-isomers at position 3. A MS2 experiment was performed and could discriminate between these two compounds. 125 Chapter four This study demonstrates that known drugs can be detected, and the rediscovery of known drugs can be prevented, using a screening campaign. Multiple stage MS is an effective approach to recognize a structural class based on diagnostic fragmentation patterns. For a successful screening of natural product extracts, accurate MS and multistage MS are powerful techniques and should be used in addition to ligand-protein complex detection. 4.5 REFERENCES 1. Caniato R, Puricelli L: Review: natural antimalarial agents (1995-2001). Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences 2003; 22: 79-105. 2. Christensen SB, Kharazmi A: Antimalarial natural products. Bioactive Compounds from Natural Sources 2001; 379-431. 3. 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Difficulties in the identification process of protein complexes are non-volatile assay buffers, protein impurities, the complexity of natural product extract matrix, the high molecular mass of proteins and the dissociation of protein complexes. Direct infusion, microdialysis, off-line size exclusion and on-line size exclusion were used to resolve these difficulties. 5.1 INTRODUCTION The chapter aims at: (1) Setting up a method for screening natural product extracts using ESI- FTICR-MS for different target proteins. (2) Developing online methods for screening with natural product extracts. (3) Mining data for chemical information of inhibitors from MS spectra. For aim (1), this chapter presents a stepwise detection methodology for a successful screening setup. This methodology aims at a high signal to noise (S/N) ratio for the protein and protein-ligand complex in a clean matrix by ESI-MS. It extends out to the application of the identification of protein complex in a complex assay matrix such as natural product extracts. During the process to accomplish aim (2), techniques such as direct infusion analysis, offline and online size exclusion, and online microdialysis were employed and developed. For aim (3) different approaches such as deduction method and trapping method combined with in source CID or SORI-CID technique were employed to determine the ligand molecular mass. 131 Chapter five The problems normally encountered for ESI-MS are the assay buffer incompatibility, the protein impurities, the complexity of natural product extract matrix, the identification of high molecular mass ions, and the dissociation of protein-ligand complexes. These factors affecting the direct detection of the complexes by nondenaturing ESI technique makes it necessary to select and handle these factors in a step-by-step manner. This detection methodology involves: (1) Identification of a protein. (2) Identification of a protein-ligand complex in clean matrix. (3) Identification of a protein-ligand complex in a natural product crude extract matrix. These steps are discussed in connection with three proteins: bovine pancreatic ribonuclease A, human alpha thrombin, and human serum albumin. Optimization steps for ESI source as presented in Chapter 3 are used when necessary throughout the procedure. 5.2 RIBONUCLEASE A (MM ~ 13,700 Da) The bovine pancreatic ribonuclease A (RNase A) superfamily, the only enzyme family restricted to vertebrates1 has been identified in the human genome 13 and localized in chromosome 14.2 RNase A catalyzes the cleavage of RNA. Select homologs of RNase A use this activity to effect diverse biological phenomena, especially pathological side effects during cancer and inflammatory disorder. These homologs include human angiogenin (ANG) a potent inducer of neovascularization involved in cancer and in vascular and rheumatoid diseases, eosinophil-derived neurotoxin (EDN), and eosinophil cationic protein (ECP), two neurotoxins implicated in hypereosinophilic syndromes and allergy. EDN has been also implicated in the soluble HIV-1 inhibitory activity by lymphocytes. These biological activities are critically dependent on their ribonucleolytic activity, leading to a fact that RNase A is an appealing target for the development of therapeutic intervention for those disorders. Therefore RNase A has been the molecular target for the development of small molecule inhibitors. These inhibitors are being developed with the goal of restraining the biological activities of different RNase A homologs in a variety of pathological conditions. Small molecule inhibitors of the active site of RNase A could be of therapeutic benefit in RNase-related disorders. Molecular 132 Chapter five modelling and crystal structures of RNase-inhibitor complexes 3,4 have led to efforts to design such molecules using RNase A as a convenient model system.5 5.2.1 Materials and Methods Materials RNase A (EC#, MM ~13,700 Da) is a single chain polypeptide, isolated from bovine pancreas, containing 4 disulfide bridges. It was purchased from Sigma Aldrich, stored at –20oC, supplied as an essentially protease, a salt-free lyophilized powder, and used without further purification. The protein was dissolved in ammonium bicarbonate (10 mM, pH 8) to generate stock solution (1mg/ml). Adenosine-5’- monophosphate (AMP) (C10H14N5O7P, MM 347.22 Da) was also purchased from Sigma-Aldrich in the form of adenosine-5’-monophosphate monohydrate (C10H14N5O7P. H2O). It was dissolved in MeOH to generate stock solution (10 mM). Sephadex G 25 and Biogel P-6 were purchased from Pharmacia and Bio-Rad, respectively. Agilent tuning mixture (P/N G2421A) was used to calibrate the instrument. NH2 N N N N OH O OH HO OH P O O Adenosine -5’-monophosphate (36) Methods Five plant biota were chosen randomly from the Eskitis Institute biota library. These biota (200 mg) were extracted with methanol (8 mL). The extracts were evaporated and re-constituted in 800 μL methanol as a stock solution. 1 μL of this stock solution is equivalent to 250 μg of dry weight biota. RNase A was prepared in ammonium bicarbonate (10 mM, pH 8) at 73 μM and 7.3 μM for online SEC-ESI-FTICR-MS and direct infusion ESI-FTICR-MS, respectively. Incubation assay was performed in a molar ratio of 1:4 for RNase A:AMP. The total volume of each sample was 200 μl. The sample was incubated for 133 Chapter five 1 hour, and directly infused to the MS at a flow rate of 2 μL/min. The protein complex – natural product extract samples were prepared as above with an addition of 1 μL of the stock natural product extract. They were incubated for one hour at room temperature before being analyzed by MS. Instrument conditions (1) For direct infusion analysis ESI mass spectra were obtained in the positive mode with a sample flow rate of 2 μL/min, a nebulizing N2 gas pressure of 50 psi, a counter-current drying N2 gas flow of 30 L/min, a drying gas temperature of 125°C, a capillary voltage of 4000V, an end voltage of 4500 V, a capillary exit voltage of 140 V, a skimmer 1 voltage of 20 V and a skimmer 2 voltage of 12 V. (2) For size exclusion chromatography (SEC) analysis ESI mass spectra was obtained in the positive mode with a flow rate of 100 μL/min unless not other stated, a nebulizing N2 gas of 60 psi, a counter-current drying N2 gas of 50 L/min, a drying gas temperature of 180°C, a capillary voltage of 4000V, an end voltage of 4500 V, a capillary exit voltage of 140 V, a skimmer 1 voltage of 15 V and a skimmer 2 voltage of 8 V. 5.2.2 MS Characterization of RNase A ESI-FTICR-MS analysis, even in broad-band (m/z 200-6000) mode acquisition, gave the high-resolution mass spectrum of RNase A in ammonium bicarbonate (10 mM, pH 8) (Figure 5.1a). With the nondenaturing solution condition used, three charge states at 6+, 7+, and 8+ were observed. The charge state 7+ was the major one. Figure 5.1b represents an expansion of the charge state 8+, in which m/z values were displayed in isotopic peaks. To verify the accuracy of the mass measurements, the experimental isotopic distribution of each ion was compared to the theoretical simulation (Figure 5.1c). As shown in Figure 5.1b and 1c, the deviation (mass error) between the measured and theoretical mass to charge ratios for the most abundant isotopic peak of the RNase A ions is 0.46 ppm, indicating the high mass accuracy of the FTICR-MS technique. Figure 5.1b also shows that the resolving power (m/Δm), of nearly 20000, can differentiate an m/z of 2000.0 and an 134 Chapter five m/z of 2000.1. Owing to this high-resolution spectrum, the charge state z of RNase A can be confirmed by inverting the mass difference between adjacent isotope peaks. Figure 5.1 a) MS spectrum of RNase A in ammonium bicarbonate at charge state of 6+, 7+, 8+ b) Experimental isotopic spectrum of RNase A at charge state 8+ c) Theoretical isotopic spectrum of RNase A at charge state 8+ 135 Chapter five 5.2.3 Identification of RNase A – inhibitor complex The RNase A solution (0.1mg/mL or 7.3 μM) was mixed with a 3-fold molar excess of AMP in ammonium bicarbonate (10 mM, pH 8), and analyzed by direct infusion into ESI-FTICR-MS. The Rnase A- AMP complex was also observed at the charge states of 6+, 7+, and 8+. Figure 5.2 shows the [M]8+ion for unbound RNase A and bound Rnase A. The high resolution mass spectrum exhibited ions at m/z 1712.1662 and 1755.5677, corresponding to the charge state 8+ of free RNase A and RNAse-AMP complex, respectively. The m/z shift of 43.3905 at charge state 8+ in the spectrum corresponds to the presence of one AMP molecule in the RNase A binding site. The binding stoichiometry of the complex is thus one AMP molecule to one RNase A molecule. It is noted that the average molecular mass of AMP is calculated as: m/z shift x z = 43.3905 x 8 = 347.124 (Theoretical average MMAMP = 347.221) 136 Chapter five Figure 5.2 a) Experimental MS isotopic spectrum of RNase A and RNase A- AMP complex in ammonium bicarbonate at charge state 8+ b) Theoretical isotopic spectrum of RNase A - AMP complex at charge state 8+ c) Experimental isotopic spectrum of RNase A - AMP complex at charge state 8+ The RNase A - AMP mixture sample was also analyzed by ESI-FTICR-MS under a denaturing condition (H2O/MeOH/CH3COOH, 50/50/1, pH 3) (Figure 5.3b). Comparing this spectrum with the spectrum of RNase A acquired under the same denaturing condition (Figure 5.3 a), only the pattern of protein signals at the same charge states of 6+, 7+, 8+, 9+ and 10+ was observed and there was no signal of the RNase A-AMP complex. The absence of complex signals under the denaturing condition gave strong evidence that the binding of AMP to RNase A was specific. 137 Chapter five Figure 5.3 a) MS spectrum of RNase A in denaturing condition at charge states of 6+, 7+, 8+, 9 +, and 10+ b) MS spectrum of RNase A-AMP in denaturing condition at charge states of 6+, 7+, 8+, 9+, and 10+. No complex signal observed 5.2.4 Identification of RNase A –inhibitor complex in natural product crude extracts Increasing signal to noise by size exclusion liquid chromatography Following the successful observation of the RNase A - AMP complex, the ability of identification of RNase A - inhibitor in crude natural product extracts was investigated. RNase A was incubated with AMP in methanol extracts of five randomly chosen plants, and analyzed by direct infusion ESI-FTICR-MS. Results showed that the S/N for the unbound protein and complexes were so low that signals for the expected species could not be detected (Figure 5.4 a). It was not unexpected since natural product extracts contained many heavy residues, which prevented protein ions from being ionized or desolvated. In the incubation step, if there were active compounds in natural product extracts, these compounds would bind to the proteins. The unwanted and unbound materials, which were detrimental to the electrospray ionization step, should be removed. 138 Chapter five Figure 5.4 a) Spectrum of RNase A - AMP in crude extract analyzed by direct infusion ESI-FTICR-MS. b) Spectrum of RNase A - AMP in crude extract analyzed by size exclusion ESI-FTICR-MS Owing to the difference in molecular masses of the large molecular protein and the small molecular compounds in natural product extracts, size exclusion was utilized here to separate the high molecular mass protein from the low molecular mass natural products. The choice of resin and the dimension of the column together with the flow rate were designed in a trial and error mode. The flow rate had to be set at a higher value than at the infusion mode (2 μL/min). However, it should be kept as small as possible to maintain a similar concentration of protein entering the ESI source. The amount of size-exclusion resin used should be large enough for an efficient separation. The diameter of the column should not be too wide because the flow rate should be kept at a minimal value. The length of the column should not be too long because dissociation of protein complexes might happen if they interacted too long with the resin. It should also not be too short because there would be no separation of the natural product matrix and protein. After trials with two different resins: Biogel P-6 and Sephadex G 25, and flow rates of 100 μL/min, 400 μL/min and 1 mL/min on columns of dimension 4.6 mm x 50 mm and 4 mm x 10 mm, a condition for the pre-purification column was chosen. A column (4.6 mm x 50 mm) was slurry-packed with Sephadex G-25 fine resin. The resin was prepared in NH4HCO3 and swollen overnight. This column was used for semi-purification of 139 Chapter five RNase A and its complex from the natural product matrix. Due to the limitation in sizes of the available column shells, columns with i.d smaller than 4 mm were not obtainable. The smallest optimum flow rate in this online SEC setup was 1 mL/min. Therefore the protein injected had to be 10 times more concentrated (1 mg/mL) than that of direct infusion experiments. A flow rate of 1 mL/min passed through the column and a post-column splitter at a ratio of 1:9 delivered a flow rate of 0.1 ml/min to the ESI source. With an injection of 20 μL of RNase A-AMP-crude extract sample, results showed that for all samples incubated with natural products, the protein and protein complex signals were observed at a high S/N ratio (Figure 5.4 b). This size exclusion purification process was also designed to operate as an online method using HPLC automation contact closure to trigger the MS software. This setup could allow a set of 500 samples to be acquired overnight (2 min/sample). The flow rate was set at 1 mL/min, which can be accurately delivered using an HPLC pump. An injection volume of 20 μL is also in the range designed for a normal HPLC auto-injector. A splitter was used to deliver the same flow rate as in the infusion method, which has been in the optimal zone (Figure 5.5). Keeping the flow rate at this level would cut back the number of experiments for another instrument optimization, although modification of instrument parameter values have always been performed throughout the experiment when needed. Splitter Sample Column MS waste Figure 5.5 Diagram of the online setup method using HPLC Molecular mass of inhibitors Knowledge of the molecular mass of an active component (ligand) in crude extracts is the key issue to reduce the bottleneck in the isolation process in natural product discovery. If the molecular mass is known, the commonly used and timeconsuming process of bioassay-guided fractionation will be shortened. There are two different methods to determine the ligand molecular mass. 140 Chapter five (1) Deduction from MS spectrum This method is used to calculate the molecular mass of the ligand by using the difference of a noncovalent complex m/z and a free protein m/z. In ESI positive mode, the m/z of a compound seen on a spectrum is calculated by the following equation: (m/z) = (MM + zH)/z where MM is the molecular mass of the compound, H is the mass of the proton charge carrier, and z is the number of protons in a particular charge state. In a spectrum of a protein complex, we can observe (m/z)complex and (m/z)protein at the same charge state z. (m/z)complex = (MMcomplex + zH)/z (1) (m/z)protein = (MMprotein + zH)/z (2) The molecular mass of the ligand can be deduced from (1) and (2): MMligand = MMcomplex - MMprotein = [(m/z)complex - (m/z)protein] x z Figure 5.6 MS spectrum of a complex at a charge state z. Two different peaks on the spectrum: the free protein m/z and the complex m/z Figure 5.7 shows the spectrum of RNase-AMP complex in a crude natural product extract. The molecular mass of AMP could be quickly deduced and calculated as follows: 141 Chapter five MMAMP = (2007.1728 – 1957. 5957) x 7 = 347.0397 Figure 5.7 MS spectrum of RNase A-AMP complex. Peaks of RNase A and RNase A-AMP complex at the charge states of 7+ and 8+ were observed It was calculated that for the 5 examples of protein complex in crude extracts (Table 5.1) the experimental molecular mass of inhibitor (AMP) had an error of 0.13 Da to 0.42 Da from the theoretical molecular mass of AMP. This result shows that the external calibration of the instrument used in this study is very effective in the m/z region used in this work. The ligand mass information is satisfactory with respect to the error range for mass-directed purification. A method to deduce more exactly the ligand mass from isotopic spectra will be discussed in Chapter 6. Table 5.1 Result of m/z AMP detected by SEC-FTICR-MS Sample RNaseA-AMP-ext1 RNaseA-AMP-ext2 RNaseA-AMP-ext3 RNaseA-AMP-ext4 RNaseA-AMP-ext5 m/z RNase A- m/z RNase AMP A at 7+ complex at 7+ charge charge state state 2007.0693 1957.4052 2007.2784 1957.6567 2007.2703 1957.6071 2007.1728 1957.5957 2007.3365 1957.678 142 Experimental MM of AMP Theoretical MM of AMP Error in Da 347.6487 347.3519 347.6424 347.0397 347.6095 347.2218 347.2218 347.2218 347.2218 347.2218 0.4269 0.1301 0.4206 -0.1821 0.3877 Chapter five (2) Trapping technique This method aimed at visualizing the m/z of the ligand binding to the protein and then directly identifying its molecular mass. The identification of the ligand molecular mass is illustrated in Figure 5.8. The ligand-protein complex was first isolated in the ICR cell. Sustained off-resonance irradiation collision induced dissociation (SORI-CID), which was discussed in 4.2.3, was applied to dissociate the complex into the protein and the ligand. Figure 5.8 A schematic of the trapping technique. Ligand-protein complex isolated and dissociated into ligand and protein using SORI-CID Rnase A-AMP complex was observed at m/z 2005.3819 at a charge state of 7+. This (RNase A-AMP)7+ complex was isolated in the ICR cell. SORI-CID dissociated the complex into the 6+ charge state protein ([RNase A]6+) and singly charged positive ions of the inhibitor ([AMP]1+) at m/z 348.0545. Signal for the 7+ charge state of the RNase A-AMP complex ([RNase A-AMP]7+) was also observed because the dissociation process did not fully go to completion (Figure 5.9). The experimental m/z of AMP, which had an error of 0.015 Da compared with the theoretical value, illustrated the good mass accuracy achieved by this method. Furthermore this trapping and dissociation method, which directly determined the ligand m/z itself, had the benefit of utilizing a better MS performance at low m/z region and of eliminating the effects of the possible formation of buffer and cation adducts with the complexes. 143 Chapter five Figure 5.9 MS spectrum of a dissociated RNase A-AMP complex. Peaks of RNasa A-AMP complex at 7+ charge state, RNase A at 6+ charge state, and singly charged AMP (m/z 348.0545) A good signal from the detached ligand is dependent on its abundance. In general, an accumulation of 32 scans with a data set of 32,000 data points is needed for a good signal intensity of the ligand peak (AMP). The isolation and dissociation of the [RNase A-AMP]7+ complex required at least 6 minutes to complete this acquisition. Since the protein band eluting the size exclusion column lasted only 20 seconds, the maximum number of scans obtained would be only one scan, resulting in a low signal to noise ratio of the ligand AMP peak. A switching valve (Figure 5.10) was therefore installed after the pre-purification column and replaced the splitter setup in Figure 5.5. At the retention time of the protein complex, the valve changed from position 1 to position 2 and the entire amount of complex was stored in the loop with a volume of 100 μL. When this collection was finished, the valve switched to position 1 again. At this time, a syringe pump was used to deliver the protein complex from the loop into the MS, at a flow rate of 2 μL/min. The switching of the valve from one position to the other was incorporated in the Agilent Chemstation software. This setup could deliver the RNase A-AMP complex to the MS at a reasonable concentration for at least 50 minutes. This amount of injection 144 Chapter five time provided a sufficient accumulation of scans required for a good intensity of the ligand peak. LOOP SYRINGE PUMP FTMS COLUMN (B) (A) HPLC PUMP HPLC PUMP TRAPPING POSITION Figure 5.10 ANALYSING POSITION Switching valve used for the trapping technique 145 Chapter five 5.3 HUMAN ALPHA THROMBIN (MM ~ 37 kDa) Thromboemolitic disorders, such as stroke, deep vein thrombosis and myocardial infaction are some of the largest medical causes of morbidity and mortality in western society.6 The past decade has seen a great focus on the development of antithrombotic agents. However, the progress in this pursuit nowhere parallels the severity of the problem due to the many disadvantages of current medicines. Medicines used to control the generation of thrombin such as heparins, hirudin and hirulog must be administered as either intravenous infusion in hospital or subcutaneous injections several times a day. Medicines for other pathways, like warfarin, an oral anticoagulant agent, effective on the vitamin-Kdependent coagulation shows a slow onset of action, requires dietary restriction, and exhibits drug-drug interactions. The need for better drugs, which are smaller and noncovalent-based compounds, is urgent. In the course of pursuing orally bioavailable inhibitors, knowledge of the disorders at the molecular level continues to be expanded. Knowledge of blood coagulation pathways has been built up in detail. More specific targets have been developed in high throughput screening (HTS). This HTS assay is a spectrophotometric assay measuring the increase in absorbance at 405 nm. The enzyme FIXa cleaves the chromogenic substrate Pefachrome FIX into a peptide and pNA. Peptide-pNA Peptide-COOH + pNA (yellow) Although HTS technology has been achieved, its application is only suitable for screening pure compound libraries. Vast potential drug sources such as natural products cannot be explored efficiently due to interference of existing fluorescent compounds in the natural product source with the detection absorbance wavelength of screening technology. An alternative screening method is therefore needed. Nondenaturing ESI-MS is a method to detect active compounds via the recognition of the molecular mass of active ligand-protein complex. This technique can eliminate the interference of fluorescent compounds described above. So far, there are no reports on using this technique for the identification of complexes formed between inhibitors and human alpha thrombin (HAT). In this chapter, difficulties and approaches for detecting a commercial high molecular mass protein in ESIFTICR-MS as well as complexes in pure form and in plant natural product matrix 146 Chapter five are discussed. PPACK (D-Phe-Pro-Arg-chloromethlketone), a small molecular mass inhibitor, was spiked into a matrix of plant extract. 5.3.1 Material and methods Materials HAT (lot # P09007, 13.3 mg/mL, MM ~37 kDa) was purchased from Haematologic Technologies Inc. as a buffered solution in 50% glycerol/water (v/v), frozen at -20oC at a concentration of 13.3 mg/ml. PPACK (D-Phe-Pro-Arg chloromethylketone, MM 451 Da) was purchased from Sapphire Bioscience Pty. Ltd. with a concentration of 0.5 mg/mL in ammonium acetate in the TFA salt form (H-D-Phe-Pro-Arg-chloromethylketone. TFA) (C21H31ClN6O3.C2HF3O2). It was used as stock solution. Dysinosine A (0.01mg, C26H44N6O10S, MM 632.74 Da) was obtained from the Eskitis Institute Natural Product compound library. The compound was purified by HPLC, its purity (>95%) was confirmed by MS and NMR.7 It was dissolved in methanol to generate stock solution (20 μM). Bradford test reagent was purchased from Sigma. Phosphate buffered saline (PBS) (pH 7.4) was purchased from Introvigen. bCA II was from Sigma-Aldrich and used without further purification. Agilent tuning mixture (P/N G2421A) was used to calibrate the instrument. H OH N HN NH2 H2N N HO O H O H N O COCH2Cl NH N HN OSO3 O D-Phe 3 N H NH2 H3CO PPACK (37) Dysinosin A (38) Methods Although ammonium bicarbonate was found to be a better buffer for the bCA II-inhibitor complexes, ammonium acetate was still a suitable buffer for HATinhibitor complexes. 147 Chapter five Three natural product plants were chosen randomly from Eskitis Institute biota library. These biota (200 mg) were extracted with methanol (8 mL). The extracts were evaporated and constituted in 800 μL methanol as a stock solution. 1μL of this stock solution is equivalent to 250 μg of dry weight biota. Incubation assay was performed in a molar ratio of 1:5 for HAT:PPACK. The total sample volume was 30 μL. The final protein and ligand concentration is 7.3 and 36 μM, respectively. The mixture was incubated for 1.5 hour at room temperature. Protein complex–natural product extract samples were prepared as above with an addition of 1 μL of the stock natural product extract (QID2312883, QID2312884, and QID007482) and dysinosin A (0.01mg). Instrument conditions (1) For direct infusion and online microdialysis experiments ESI mass spectra was obtained in the positive mode with a sample flow rate of 2 μL/min unless stated otherwise, a nebulizing N2 gas pressure of 40 psi, a counter-current drying N2 gas flow of 20 L/min, a drying gas temperature of 125°C, a capillary voltage of 4000V, an end voltage of 4500 V, a capillary exit voltage of 140 V, a skimmer 1 voltage of 15V and a skimmer 2 voltage of 8 V. (2) For size exclusion chromatography (SEC) experiments ESI mass spectra were obtained in the positive mode with a flow rate of 100 μL/min, a nebulizing N2 gas of 60 psi, a counter-current drying N2 gas of 50 L/min, a drying gas temperature of 180°C, a capillary voltage of 3800 V, an end voltage of 4500 V, a capillary exit voltage of 140 V, a skimmer 1 voltage of 20 V and a skimmer 2 voltage of 8 V. Online microdialysis Online microdialysis was performed by means of a microdialysis device (Figure 5.11). The device was assembled following the work of Liu et al8 and later modified by Benkestock et al.9 The microdialysis hollow fibre membrane (190 mm length, 200 μm i.d., 216 μm o.d.), with a molecular mass cut-off (MMCO) of 13kDa, was made from regenerated cellulose and purchased from Spectrum Laboratories. Two stainless steel T-unions (0.0625’’) from Swagelok were used as end fittings. Polyetheretherketone (PEEK) tubes were purchased from Upchurch. Two 8-mm 148 Chapter five long sleeves were made from PEEK tubing (0.03’’ i.d., 0.0625’’ o.d). PEEK tubes (i.d. 0.013”, o.d. 0.025’’) were inserted inside the sleeves, and used as inlet and outlet of the T-union. The membrane was inserted into the inner PEEK tubes and tightened to the T-union by a ferrule and a nut. The counter flow in the dialysis was delivered by means of an Agilent HPLC pump at 300 μL/min. The sample solution was infused at a flow rate of 2 μL/min by a Cole-Parmer syringe pump. T-Union Figure 5.11 5.3.2 Membrane d PEEK tubing A photo of the microdialysis device used in this thesis Identification of HAT by ESI-FTICR-MS The purchased HAT stored in glycerol was analyzed by direct infusion ESI- FTICR-MS at a concentration of 1 mg/mL in ammonium acetate (10 mM, pH 7). Due to the viscosity of the glycerol in the sample there was no protein signal observed, although ESI parameters were increased for higher energy (Figure 5.12). Drying gas and temperature were trialed at values of almost two times greater than that with the volatile buffer, ammonium acetate. Results show that HAT had ionization problems caused by glycerol (non-volatile buffer). A pre-cleaning or treatment step of HAT is needed for ESI analysis. 149 Chapter five Figure 5.12 MS spectrum of HAT without desalting and buffer exchange HAT desalting and buffer exchange using online microdialysis Microdialysis is the modified form of equlibrium dialysis described in Chapter 2. Equilibrium dialysis has a disadvantage in that it requires a long time to reach the equilibrium state. Microdialysis can overcome this problem, and furthermore it can be easily set up for online automation. Like equilibrium dialysis, microdialysis was first used to monitor unbound concentrations of active neurotransmitter compounds in the interstitial space fluid by Ungerstedt et al.10 Later, it was used for cleaning up samples of macromolecules for mass spectrometry analysis by Liu et al.8 In this work sodium ions were greatly reduced from oligonucleotides prior to the ESI-MS analysis. Signal intensities were enhanced compared to the direct infusion analysis of the original samples. Intact noncovalent complexes were preserved while migrating through microdialysis membrane by a study of Severs et al.11 In this work, an intact myoglobin (protein-heme group) 150 Chapter five complex migrated through the capillary column via the microdialysis junction and could be detected as an intact complex by ESI-MS. In this application, samples of HAT in glycerol were delivered to the hollow fibre at a flow rate of 300 μL/min. While being in the fibre, the sample was in contact with ammonium acetate, the dialysis counter solvent. This counter solvent was chosen from suitable solvents for MS ionization (e.g. ammonium acetate or ammonium bicarbonate). As the molecular mass cut off (MMCO) of the membrane was ~13 kDa, the system allowed materials of smaller molecular masses than this MMCO pass through the membrane and go to waste. Glycerol therefore left the protein solution. HAT, with a molecular mass of ~37 kDa, remained in the hollow fibre and was delivered to the MS in a solution suitable for the ionization step (ammonium acetate or ammonium bicarbonate). As a result, the ionization efficiency of HAT was increased owing to the reduced level of glycerol. Waste Detector Sample Dialysis counterflow hollow fiber Figure 5.13 A diagram of the microdialysis cell used in the buffer exchange step for HAT An experiment was performed with HAT to test the microdialysis device and to choose the optimal flow rates. The flow rate of the sample and of the counter current buffer affecting the signal intensity of HAT is illustrated in Table 5.2. The best HAT signal intensity was obtained with the sample flow rate of 300 μL/hour and the counter buffer flow rate of 0.05 mL/min. 151 Chapter five Table 5.2 List of flow rates trialed with HAT Sample flow rate (μl/hour) Counter buffer flow rate (ml/min) Intensity (per scan) 500 0.1 ~270000 300 0.05 ~300000 240 0.05 ~200000 After passing through the online microdialysis system, a clear improvement of the protein signal was observed at the charge states of 10+, 11+, and 12+ (Figure 5.14), compared to no protein signal observed during the direct infusion analysis (Figure 5.12). Figure 5.14 MS spectrum of HAT desalting and buffer exchange using online microdialysis HAT desalting and buffer exchange using size exclusion chromatography (1) Offline size exclusion chromatography using NAP5 column Sample buffer (glycerol) was exchanged into ammonium acetate using NAP5, a commercial Sephadex G25 DNA grade gel filtration column (Amersham Biociences). HAT protein was dissolved in ammonium acetate before being injected into the column. 0.2 mg of the protein in 200 μL of ammonium acetate at pH 7 was packed into a NAP5. Thirteen fractions were collected; each fraction was about 5 drops. Each fraction was tested using Bradford reagents (10 μL of Bradford reagent 152 Chapter five was added to 5 μL of each fraction). Fractions 2 and 3, which changed to blue color, were normally the ones containing protein. MS analysis of these fractions confirmed the successful replacing of glycerol by ammonium acetate (Figure 5.15). Since this manual desalting and buffer exchange process was time-consuming, an online SEC was set up for further experiments. Figure 5.15 MS spectrum of HAT desalting and buffer exchange using offline SEC (2) Online size exclusion chromatography A SEC setup with BioGel P-6 and Sephadex G25 was used for HAT. The column dimension (4 mm x10 mm) was different from the column used in RNase A. Protein came out at 2.1 to 2.6 min at the flow rate of 100 μL/min. Results showed that after passing through size exclusion resins, HAT was free from its original buffer (glycerol), staying in ammonium acetate buffer, and was successfully detected in ammonium acetate. The spectrum obtained for HAT leaving Sephadex G25 column was shown in Figure 5.16. 153 Chapter five Figure 5.16 MS spectrum of HAT desalting and buffer exchange using online SEC 5.3.3 Identification of HAT–inhibitor complex Dysinosin A, a noncovalent inhibitor of HAT, was used in one experiment with SEC-FTICR-MS for a demonstration of the detection of HAT-dysinosin A noncovalent complex in a natural product matrix. The isolation of this natural product is laborious, plus the existence of this natural product in the source is scarce. In other experiments PPACK, an irreversible (covalent) inhibitor of HAT, was used. Observation of HAT-PPACK complex using online microdialysis ESIFTICR-MS The mass spectrum of the HAT-PPACK complex was obtained using online microdialysis coupled with ESI-FTICR-MS (Figure 5.17). The complex was maintained and detected at the charge state of 11+ (m/z 3326) while passing the microdialysis device. The unbound protein HAT peak was also observed at 11+ charge state (m/z 3289). Although the present work demonstrates the validity of the application of online microdialysis for HAT and HAT-PPACK analysis by ESIFTICR-MS, there are several issues to consider, such as the robustness of the microdialysis device in terms of membrane fouling. Blockages of the membranes are likely if all the fine particulates are precipitated. The capture of the protein complex and subsequent elution is needed to be efficient and reproducible. It is possible that 154 Chapter five unknown small molecules and large particles in natural product extracts have diffused into the membrane pores and built up on the membrane, causing the fouling effect and affecting the efficiency of the dialysis of larger molecules. Five samples of HAT-natural product extract were prepared by mixing HAT (25 μL of 8.6 μM) and 1 μL of natural product extract stock solution. The samples were incubated for one hour at room temperature and then analysed by using online microdialysis FTICR-MS. The protein signal was observed but the dialysis membrane was blocked after the fifth sample analysis. It was time consuming preparing a microdialysis device. A long delay time was required (~6min) from the starting point to the acquisition point, therefore online SEC was a more practical choice for analyzing HAT-small inhibitor complexes. Figure 5.17 MS spectrum of HAT-PPACK using online microdialysis Observation of HAT – PPACK complex using online SEC-ESI-FTICR-MS The protein complex solution of HAT-PPACK was injected into the online SEC coupled with FTICR-MS. The HAT-PPACK complex signal was observed at 10+, 11+, and 12+ charge states and shown in Figure 5.18. 155 Chapter five Figure 5.18 a) MS spectrum of HAT-PPACK using online SEC b) MS spectrum of HAT using online SEC Observation of HAT-PPACK in natural product crude extracts using online SEC-FTICR-MS HAT-PPACK was mixed together and spiked with three plant extracts (Table 5.3). The samples were incubated for one hour at room temperature before analyzing by SEC-ESI-FTICR-MS. The spectra show that the complex survived while passing through the column, and was detected in the setting of natural product extracts (Figure 5.19a). The complexes formed in all three samples together with the unbound protein were detected at the charge state of 11+. Their m/z values are presented on Table 5.3. From these m/z values the average molecular mass of PPACK was deduced (Section 156 Chapter five Table 5.3 m/z values of HAT-PPACK complex, HAT at 11+charge state and average molecular mass of PPACK Sample m/z HAT-PPACK m/z HAT (charge MMavg complex (charge 11+) (PPACK) 3327.2261 3289.4482 415.55 3327.2621 3289.4637 415.78 3327.1745 3289.4482 415.0 11+) HAT-PPACKQID2312883 HAT-PPACKQID2312884 HAT-PPACKQID007482 Figure 5.19 a) MS spectrum of HAT-PPACK complex in crude extract QID23122883, b) MS spectrum of HAT in crude extract QID23122883 Observation of HAT–dysinosin A complex in crude extract using online SEC-ESI-FTICR-MS HAT-dysinosin A was mixed together and spiked with 1 μL of a plant extract. The mixture was incubated for one hour at room temperature before 157 Chapter five analysis. A HPLC flow rate of 0.1 mL/min was used so the entire flow could enter the ESI source. Instead of using a splitter to direct a small ratio of the protein from the column to the MS, as in the case of RNase A, the use of low flow rate aimed to minimize the loss of protein to the waste line. A dissociation of HAT-dysinosin A complex was detected when a low flow rate was employed in the column setup for RNase A (4.6 mm x 50 mm). It was thought that when flow rate was small, the amount of time the complex was exposed to the resin became longer and dissociation of the complex might occur. Therefore, to shorten the interaction time between the complex and the resin, a shorter column was used. A new self-packed column (4 mm x 10 mm) was prepared. Figure 5.20 shows the MS spectrum for the HAT-dysinosin A complex. The complex was maintained while passing through the column. Figure 5.20 MS spectrum of HAT-dysinosin A complex in crude extract acquired by SEC-FTICR-MS 5.3.5 Molecular mass of inhibitor Molecular mass of PPACK The average molecular mass of the active part of PPACK was deduced from the spectra of HAT-PPACK complex and HAT (Figure 5.19). MM ligand = (3327.2261 – 3289.4482) x 11 = 415.55 158 Chapter five An experimental mass of the active ligand was 415.55 Da. This value did not correspond to the theoretical average mass of PPACK (450.96218 Da). The difference of 35.5 Da was too big for an acceptable error. Literature searches were performed on reaction mechanisms between PPACK and HAT, however no explaination was found. A search at the protein databank for the X-ray crystallization of HAT with PPACK revealed the ligand structure. The amino acid sequence for PPACK is Phe-Pro-Arg-methylene-chloride, however in the crystal structure the active ligand is Phe-Pro-Arg-methylene. Chlorine is a leaving group in the reaction forming a covalent bond between PPACK and HAT. The theoretical average mass of the active moiety Phe-Pro-Arg-methylene is 415.51 Da. Thus the MS result here was very consistent with the X-ray structure analysis, confirming the active moiety of PPACK when binding to HAT. This interesting result confirms FTICR-MS is a powerful technique for drug development and will invite further study for investigation of the binding sites for PPACK. Molecular mass of dysinosin A The average molecular mass of dysinosin A was deduced from the MS spectrum (Figure 5.20). MMaverage = (3337.0781 – 3279.5402) x 11 = 632.91 There was an error of 0.17 Da when compared with the exact average molecular mass of dysinosin A (632.74 Da). This error is in the accepted error range for MS acquired in low-resolution mode and for mass directed purification. This information will help researchers to isolate the active compound using mass-directed purification. 159 Chapter five 5.4 Human serum albumin (HSA, MM ~ 67 kDa) Human serum albumin (HSA) is the most abundant plasma protein, contributing 60% w/w of the total protein content of the plasma. A molecule of HSA consists of a single non-glycosylated polypeptide chain of 585 amino acids and having a molecular mass of 66,500. The amino acid sequence of HSA has been established by protein sequence analysis 12 and more recently by genetic analysis.13 HSA contributes 85% of the osmotic effect of normal plasma. Thus HSA is the principal regulator of plasma volume. Besides contributing to colloid osmotic blood pressure HSA aids in the transport, distribution and metabolism of many endogenous and exogenous ligands. It is involved in the transfer of many ligands across organcirculatory interfaces such as in the liver, intestine, kidney and brain.14 HSA is used in this study as a protein target for screening because it is desirable to develop a detection method that can quickly identify compounds transferable by HSA. HSA can also be used as an off-target protein, to which too much drug binding or irreversible binding can lower the active concentration of the drug as well as affecting the pharmacokinetic, pharmacodynamic and toxicological properties of the drug. HSA is chosen here as a model to test whether our FTMS (4.7 Tesla) can detect protein complex above 66 kDa. The bioaffinity MS screening is rapid and can provide valuable information early in the drug development process. 5.4.1 Materials and Methods Materials. HSA (MM ~ 66,500 Da) was purchased from Sigma-Aldrich and used without further purification. It was dissolved in ammonium acetate (10 mM, pH 7) to generate stock solution (10 mg/mL). Warfarin (C19H16O4, MM 308.3287 Da) was purchased from Sigma-Aldrich and dissolved in MeOH to generate stock solution (1 mg/mL). The Agilent tuning mixture (P/N G2421A) was used to calibrate the instrument. One natural product plant was chosen randomly from Eskitis Institute biota library. The dried, ground plant material (200 mg) was extracted with methanol (5 mL). 10 μL of this raw methanolic solution is equivalent to 400 μg of dry weight biota. 160 Chapter five O O OH O Warfarin (39) Methods HSA (190 µL, 2mg/ml) was mixed with warfarin (10 µL, 1mg/mL) to the molar ratio of 1:6 (HAS:warfarin). The total sample volume was 200 μL. The mixture was incubated for one hour at room temperature prior to analysis. The HSAwarfarin-natural product extract sample was prepared as above with an addition of 10 µL of the stock marine extract. The marine extract was prepared from 200 mg dry weight of material in 5 mL MeOH. Ammonium acetate was used as a buffer for this HSA complex. Instrument conditions (1) For direct infusion experiments ESI mass spectra were obtained in the positive mode with a sample flow rate of 2 μL/min, a nebulizing N2 gas pressure of 50 psi, a counter-current drying N2 gas flow of 30 L/min, a drying gas temperature of 125°C, a capillary voltage of 4000V, an end voltage of 4500 V, a capillary exit voltage of 140 V, a skimmer 1 voltage of 15V and a skimmer 2 voltage of 8 V. (2) For size exclusion chromatography (SEC) experiments ESI mass spectra were obtained in the positive mode with a flow rate of 100 μL/min, a nebulizing N2 gas of 60 psi, a counter-current drying N2 gas of 60 L/min, a drying gas temperature of 180°C, a capillary voltage of 3700 V, an end voltage of 4500 V, a capillary exit voltage of 140 V, a skimmer 1 voltage of 23 V and a skimmer 2 voltage of 15 V. 161 Chapter five 5.4.2 Identification of HSA by ESI-FTICR-MS Direct infusion with HSA HSA (2 mg/mL) was dissolved in ammonium acetate buffer (10 mM, pH 7), and infused directly to the ESI-FTICR-MS. The mass spectra of this sample under three different capillary exit voltages: 100 V, 140 V and 200 V are shown in Table 5.4. The spectra at capillary exit 100 V and 140 V showed low S/N signal indicating that the desolvation was not efficient at these voltages. Another remark is that the higher the capillary exit voltage was, the better the signal of HSA was (Table 5.4). Capillary exit voltage was indeed an important factor in the desolvation process of high molecular mass sample ions (discussed in Chapter 3). Table 5.4 Signal intensity for HSA by direct infusion analysis Capexit (V) Intensity of HSA 100 4000 140 16000 200 76360 The stability of the protein was also studied in two experiments. The physiological condition was obtained using ammonium acetate at pH 7.0. The denaturing condition was prepared using H2O/MeOH/2% acetic acid; pH 3. Mass spectra for the protein in these two conditions showed a clear difference in the behavior of protein charge states. In the physiological condition, the highest intensity of the protein signal was at charge 17+ (Figure 5.21). However, in the denaturing condition (H2O/MeOH/2% acetic acid; pH 3), the charge envelope of the protein changed to higher charge states (Figure 5.22). The shift from charge 17+ to charge 31+ was a clear indication that ammonium acetate was the right buffer condition for the study and the addition of an organic solvent and organic/inorganic acids as routinely used for ESI-MS would destroy the native form of the protein. 162 Chapter five Figure 5.21 Mass spectrum of HSA acquired by direct infusion with capillary exit voltage 200 V, HSA 17+ charge state was the major peak. Figure 5.22 Mass spectrum of HSA acquired by direct infusion under denatured condition (pH 3) with capillary exit voltage 200 V, HSA 31+ charge state was the major peak. Online size exclusion chromatography for HSA HSA was prepared as in the direct infusion experiment (at physiological condition). It was injected by the auto-sampler of an Agilent HPLC to a self-packed Sephadex G-25 column (4 mm x 10 mm). The injection volume was 20 μL, the elution solvent was ammonium acetate, and the flow rate was 0.1 mL/min. The protein eluted at a retention time of 2.2 min. Experiments were performed with three different capillary exit voltages: 100 V, 140 V and 200 V. With each capillary exit 163 Chapter five voltage, the S/N ratio of the protein (HSA) was much better than that observed in direct infusion analysis (Table 5.5). Online SEC was employed further for the experiments with HSA–warfarin sample. Table 5.5 Signal intensity for HSA and HSA-warfarin complex using SEC- FTICR-MS analysis Capexit (V) Intensity of HSA/scan Intensity of HSA-warfarin/scan 100 6500 not observed 140 29000 7000 200 20000 not observed ( complex disruption) 5.4.3 Identification of HSA-warfarin complex Direct infusion analysis The HSA-warfarin sample was analyzed by direct infusion ESI-FTICR-MS. No signal was observed at capillary exit voltage of 100 V and 140 V. At capillary exit voltage of 200 V there was a signal of HSA but no signal of HSA-warfarin complex observed (Table 5.5). It was possible that in the purchased HSA there were impurities preventing the ionization efficiency of the ESI process, and therefore the observation of protein complex signal could not occur at a low capillary exit voltage. At a high capillary exit voltage the protein HSA-warfarin noncovalent complex could not survive the harsh conditions and was dissociated. To prove this, the purchased HSA and HSA-warfarin samples were analyzed by using SEC-FTICRMS. Online size exclusion chromatography Experiments performed for three different capillary exit voltages showed that at a capillary exit voltage of 100V, the complex S/N ratio was very low. At 200 V the complex signal was not observed (Table 5.5). At 140 V, although the complex signal was not great, the complex still remained intact and was observed at the charge states of 16+, 17 + and 18+. The 17+ charge state was the major peak at m/z 3931.6134 (Figure 5.23 a). The HSA sample was also analyzed at the capillary exit voltage 140V, giving the signals at charge states of 16+, 17+ and 18+. The peak of 17+ charge state was the highest peak at m/z 3913.5579 (Figure 5.23 b). 164 Chapter five Figure 5.23 a) MS spectrum of HSA-warfarin complex acquired by SEC-FTICR- MS at capillary exit 140 V, b) MS spectrum of HSA acquired by SEC-FTICR-MS at capillary exit 140 V 5.4.4 Identification of HSA-warfarin in crude extract The HSA-warfarin-natural product extract sample was analyzed by SEC- FTICR-MS under capillary exit voltage of 140 V. The complex signal was observed at charge states of 16+, 17+ and 18+. The major charge state for the complex was the 17+ charge state with m/z 3932.4370 (Figure 5.24a). Similarly the HSA-natural product extract sample was analyzed by SEC-FTICR-MS. The protein HSA signal was also observed at the charge states of 16+, 17+ and 18+. The major peak was at the 17+ charge state with m/z 3914.2236 (Figure 5.24b). 165 Chapter five Figure 5.24 a) MS spectrum of HSA-warfarin complex in natural product crude extract acquired by SEC-FTICR-MS, b) MS spectrum of HSA in natural product crude extract acquired by SEC-FTICR-MS 5.4.5 Molecular mass of inhibitor The average molecular mass of warfarin was calculated based on the difference of the signals for the protein complex and unbound protein at the same charge. MM warfarin = {(m/z) [HSA-warfarin]17+ - (m/z)[HSA]17+}x 17 = (3932.4370 – 3914.2236) x 17 = 309.62 The average molecular mass was 309.62. Compared with the theoretical average molecular mass of warfarin (308.3287), the error is greater than 1 Da, which is not acceptable for the minimal acceptable mass tolerance for mass-directed purification (i.e. 0.5 Da). To determine accurately the molecular mass of the inhibitor (warfarin), the trapped method was used. This method was described earlier in this chapter (Section A switching valve (Figure 5.10) was used to trap the HSA-warfarin noncovalent complex. The sample HSA-warfarin-natural product extract was injected into the size exclusion column. At 2.1 min the switching valve went to the 166 Chapter five position 2 to trap the complex in a loop. At 2.6 minutes the valve switched to the position 1 and a syringe pump pushed the complex into the MS. The MS2 experiment was first performed with the isolation of the complex in the ICR cell. The complex was subsequently dissociated into the protein and ligand ions using SORI-CID. The isolation step was not successfully carried out. Therefore a variation of SORI-CID, in-source CID was used here. In-source CID is a dissociation technique where the ion fragmentation process happens in the ESI source. The ligand-protein complex ions are transferred intact from the solution phase into the ESI source where they are fragmented into the protein and the ligand by increasing the capillary exit-skimmer voltage (Figure 5.25). With this technique there is no need to isolate the proteinligand complex, thus it is applicable to cases where the isolation step in the ICR cell is not easy to achieve. Furthermore the reading of the molecular mass of small molecule ligands happens in the low m/z region of a spectrum where the MS performance achieved better results. Figure 5.25 Protein-ligand complex dissociated into protein and ligand by using in source CID For the HSA-warfarin complex it was found that at the capillary exit voltage of 200 V the complex was dissociated (Table 5.5). Therefore the in-source CID was applied to the HSA-warfarin complex under this capillary exit voltage. Figure 5.26 showed the signal for singly charge state warfarin at m/z of 309.14. Comparing with the theoretical m/z of warfarin of 309.11, the acquired m/z has a mass accuracy of 0.03 Da, which is an acceptable tolerance for the mass-directed purification step. 167 Chapter five Figure 5.26 MS spectrum of disrupted HSA-warfarin complex using in source CID 5.5 SUMMARY In this chapter, the successful identification of three target proteins, their protein complexes in a clean matrix and in a natural product extract matrix has confirmed that ESI-FTICR-MS can contribute to a drug discovery process in an active and essential way. In particular, methods have been developed to overcome problems caused by inherent buffers in proteins, protein impurity and the complicated natural product extract matrix. These methods can be performed manually, or in an automated way. It has been found that microdialysis and size exclusion chromatography are suitable methods for protein desalting and buffer exchange in clean matrix. However, in a natural product matrix, microdialysis resulted in blockages due to fouling. On the other hand, size exclusion chromatography has proved to be superior both in its function as a separator, and also in its high throughput performance. ESI-FTICR-MS or SEC-FTICR-MS can detect protein and protein noncovalent complexes in a natural product matrix from 13 kDa up to 66 kDa. The results support the conclusion that the ability of FTICRMS to give accurate molecular mass of the inhibitors represents a powerful means for screening natural product extracts in the drug discovery process of finding diversified small molecule inhibitors. 168 Chapter five 5.6 REFERENCES 1. Finishing the euchromatic sequence of the human genome. Nature (London, United Kingdom) 2004; 431: 931-945. 2. Cho S, Beintema JJ, Zhang J: The ribonuclease A superfamily of mammals and birds: identifying new members and tracing evolutionary histories. Genomics 2005; 85: 208-220. 3. 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The study used 10 alkaloid-enriched plant extracts and 8 desalted marine sponge extracts, spiked with specific inhibitors of bovine carbonic anhydrase II (bCA II; EC4.2.1.1), as a model set to test the ability of the method to identify protein noncovalent complexes . The spiked extracts were incubated with bCA II and then analyzed by ESI-FTICR-MS. The noncovalent complexes were detected and the specific inhibitors were re-identified. There was no interference from the desalted/alkaloid-enriched extracts to the formation of the noncovalent complexes. The method allowed quick identification of the molecular mass of the bound ligand. The quantification of the ligand binding to bCA II was illustrated by measuring the dissociation constant for the bCA II-sulfanilamide complex. This method was then applied to identify natural product compounds binding bCA II. Direct infusion and online size-exclusion chromatography electrospray ionization Fourier transform ion cyclotron mass spectrometry (SEC-ESI-FTICRMS) were employed to detect intact target-ligand complex. Eighty-five methanolic plant extracts were screened against bCA II, by direct infusion ESI-FTICR-MS and by online SEC-ESI-FTICR-MS. One noncovalent complex was identified from the same plant extract by both methods. The molecular mass of the bound ligand from this extract was determined. Mass directed purification gave 6-(1S-hydroxy-3-methylbutyl)-7-methoxy-2H-chromen-2one (42), as the active compound. Subsequently, the binding to bCA II was confirmed by ESI-FTICR-MS. The binding specificity was determined by competition experiments between 42 and furosemide, a specific ligand of bCA II. 171 Chapter six 6.1 INTRODUCTION This chapter demonstrates the ability of ESI-FTICR-MS in detecting noncovalent complexes and identifying the active ligands in natural product extracts in a high throughput mode. The target selected for this study was bovine carbonic anhydrase II (bCA II) with the molecular mass of 29 kDa. Carbonic anhydrases (CAs) (EC4.2.1.1) are metalloenzymes that catalyze the following reversible reaction: CO2 + H2O ↔ HCO-3 + H+ CAs can be divided into three classes: α, β, and γ. CA II is catalytically the fastest member of the zinc-dependent α-class CA family.1 The reversible interconversion of carbon dioxide and bicarbonate is important in many physiological and biochemical processes. CA has been exploited clinically for many decades and recently there has been renewed interest due to the discovery of carbonic anhydrase isoforms in cancer cells.2,3 Inhibitors and activators of CA have applications as treatments of glaucoma, osteoporosis, and cancer.4 CA II is catalytically the fastest member of the zinc-dependent α-class CA family.1 bCA II is commercially available and is a good model for the human homologue with 79.5% sequence homology.5 This protein was chosen as a model target protein in various studies for screening of combinatorial library compounds.6-8 There is no report, to date, for choosing it as a target protein for screening natural product extracts. To demonstrate the ability of ESI-FTICR-MS in detecting noncovalent complexes, and identifying the active ligands, natural product extracts were prepared using desalted marine sponge crude extracts and plant alkaloid-enriched crude extracts and incubated with bCA II. Extracts were spiked with known specific bCA II inhibitors, ethoxzolamide with a binding constant in the nanomolar range, and sulfanilamide in the micromolar range. This study shows that the developed technique can identify a complex of the protein-ligand in an extract mixture and detect both known strong and weak ligands of bCA II. The dissociation constant was calculated for bCA II-sulfanilamide to confirm the ability of the technique in the preservation of intact protein complexes. ESI-FTICR-MS was then applied to screen plant extracts based on the formation of a noncovalent complex between a protein target and active constituents. Eighty-five methanolic plant extracts incubated with bCA II were analyzed by ESI- 172 Chapter six FTICR-MS using two methods, direct infusion analysis and online size exclusion analysis. One active extract was identified by both methods. The active naturally occurring coumarin-type compound isolated from this extract was confirmed to specifically bind to bCA II. A rapid online size exclusion chromatography coupled with ESI-FTICR-MS (SEC-ESI-FTICR-MS) was successfully developed, thus enhancing the sensitivity of complex detection and reducing acquisition time. 6.2 MATERIALS AND METHODS 6.2.1 Materials Bovine carbonic anhydrase II (EC, 29089 Da) was purchased from Sigma-Aldrich, and used without further purification. It was dissolved in ammonium bicarbonate (10 mM, pH 8) to generate stock solution (34 µM). Sephadex G25 was purchased from Pharmacia. The inhibitors of bCA II used in this study were from Sigma-Aldrich, and listed in Table 6.1. They were dissolved in methanol to generate stock solutions (400 µM). Table 6.1 Structures and binding constants of the bCA II inhibitors used in this study Inhibitor name 9,10 (1) Ethoxzolamide Inhibitor structure Kd C2H5O 0.25 x 10-9 M/ S SO2NH2 N 0.15 x 10-9 M C9H10N2O3S2 Exact Mass: 258.01328 (16) (2) Sulfanilamide11 4.4 x 10-6 M NH2 SO2NH2 C6H8N2O2S Exact Mass: 172.03065 (40) (3) Furosemide12 6.4 x 10-7 M OH O HN SO2NH2 O Cl C12H11ClN2O5S Exact Mass: 330.00772 (41) 173 Chapter six 6.2.2 Natural product extracts bCA II- inhibitor in natural matrix experiments For the bCA II-inhibitor in natural matrix experiments, 10 dried, ground plant samples (200 mg) were extracted with methanol. These methanol extracts were eluted through a strong cation exchange column. The column was flushed with ammonia (20 %)- methanol (80%) solution to generate alkaloid - enriched extracts. These extracts were dried, and reconstituted with methanol (800 μL). Eight freeze-dried, ground marine sponge sample (200 mg) were extracted with methanol. The methanol was evaporated from the extracts. The extracts were then desalted using C18 cartridge and water. The desalted materials were eluted with methanol and dichloromethane, and subsequently reconstituted with methanol (800 μl). Three sets of samples for proof of concept experiments were prepared as follows: Set 1: eighteen extracts (1µL) were incubated with bCA II (3.4 μM) in ammonium bicarbonate (10 mM, pH 8). Set 2: eighteen extracts (1 µL) spiked with ethoxzolamide were incubated with bCA II (3.4 μM) in ammonium bicarbonate (10 mM, pH 8). The final concentration of ethoxozolamide was 1 μM. Set 3: eighteen extracts (1 µL) spiked with sulfanilamide were incubated with bCA II (3.4 μM) in ammonium bicarbonate (10 mM, pH 8). The final concentration of sulfanilamide was 5 μM. The total volume of each sample was 200 μL. These 54 samples were incubated for one hour at room temperature, and analyzed by ESI-FTICR-MS. Raw methanolic extract screening For the natural product extract screening, 85 biota (200 mg) of plant material, randomly chosen from the Eskitis Institute biota library, were extracted with 5 mL methanol. Eighty-five samples were prepared by incubating natural product methanol extract (10 µL) with bCA II at 34 μM in ammonium bicarbonate (10 mM, pH 8) for online SEC-ESI-FTICR-MS, and with bCA II at 3.4 μM in ammonium bicarbonate (10 mM, pH 8) for direct infusion ESI-FTICR-MS. The total volume of 174 Chapter six each sample was 200 μL. They were incubated for 1 hour at room temperature before being analyzed by MS. A list of 85 biota is in Appendix 3. 6.2.3 ESI-FTICR-MS analysis All experiments were performed at the optimum condition found for bCA II- ethoxzolamide complex on a Bruker Apex III 4.7 Tesla external ESI source FTICR mass spectrometer. Samples were injected directly by a Cole-Parmer syringe pump with a flow rate of 2 μL per minute or were flow injected by a HPLC pump with a flowrate of 100 μL per minute. The end plate voltage was biased at 3200V and the capillary voltage at 4500V relative to the ESI needle during data acquisition. A nebulizing N2 gas with a pressure of 50 psi and a counter-current drying N2 gas with a flow of 30 L/min were employed. The drying gas temperature was maintained at 180ºC for online SEC-ESI-FTICR-MS and at 100°C for direct infusion ESI-FTICRMS. The capillary exit voltage was tuned at 140 V and skimmer 1 voltage at 15 V. Ions were accumulated in an external ion reservoir comprised of an rf-only hexapole, a skimmer cone (skimmer 2) with a tuning voltage of 12 V, and an auxiliary gate electrode, prior to injection into the cylindrical InfinityTM analyzer cell, where they were mass analyzed. Mass spectra were recorded in the positive ion mode with mass range 1606000 m/z for broadband low-resolution acquisition. Each spectrum was an average of 128 transients (scans) composed of 32000 data points for high-resolution mode and 32 transients of 32000 data points for low-resolution mode. All aspects of pulse sequence control and data acquisition were performed on a 1200 MHz Pentium III data station running Bruker’s Xmass software under Windows operating system. 6.2.4 Other Instruments NMR spectra were recorded at 30oC on a Varian 500 MHz spectrometer. The 1 H and 13C chemical shifts were referenced to the solvent peak for DMSO-d6 at 2.50 and 39.5 ppm, respectively. Optical rotation was measured with a Jasco P-1020 polarimeter. (+)-HRESIMS measure acquired on a Bruker Daltonics Apex III 4.7e Fourier Transform Mass Spectrometer, fitted with Apollo API Source. Optical rotatory dispersion was measured with a Jasco J-715 Spectropolarimeter Circular Dichroism/ Optical Rotatory Dispersion. FTIR and UV spectra were recorded on a 175 Chapter six Bruker Tensor 27 spectrometer and Camspec M501 spectrometer. Mass directed purification was performed on the Agilent HP1100 LC/MSD. 6.2.5 Extraction and Isolation of the Active Natural Product Compound The ground material (5 g), a Rutaceae Leionema ellipticum (Queensland Herbarium) was extracted with methanol. The extract was evaporated and preabsorbed onto C18 (2 g) and packed dry into a small cartridge, which was connected to a preparative C18 column (Betasil C18, 150 x 21.2 mm, 5 μm, Thermo Electro Corporation). This fraction was chromatographed using mass-directed purification on a HP1100 LC/MS, eluted at 10 mL/min with a gradient solvent system starting with 100% water (1% TFA) gradient to 60% acetonitrile (1% TFA)- 40% water (1% TFA) in 50 min, then gradient to 100% acetonitrile (1% TFA) in the next 10 min. Compound 42 (20 mg) eluted at 20-22 min. 6.2.6 6-(1S-hydroxy-3-methylbutyl)-7-methoxy-2H-chromen-2-one (Compound 42) Yellow oil, [α]D +30.2o (c=0.13, methanol); ORD (mdeg), 310 (+40), 320 (+50), 325 (+75), 330 (+153), 335 (+75) 350 (0) nm; IR (film) νmax 3436, 2954, 1731, 1619, 1561, 1494, 1465, 1370, 1273, 1206, 1139, 1018, 903, 822, 505 cm-1; UV (MeOH) λmax (ε) 221.6 (3287), 226.0 (3349), 228 (3168), 230 (2959), 242 (2306), 253 (1886), 262 (733), 295 (2620), 317 (3242), 321 (3219), 334 (3158), 345 nm (2578) for 1H and 13 C NMR (DMSO-d6) spectra see Table 6.5; (+)-HRESIMS m/z 263.1279 (calcd for C15H19O4, 263.1278), acquired on a Bruker Daltonics Apex III 4.7e Fourier Transform Mass Spectrometer, fitted with Apollo API Source. 6.3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION PART ONE: METHOD SETUP 6.3.1 Detection of protein by ESI-FTICR-MS in physiological pH bCA II (3.4 μM) was dissolved in ammonium acetate (10 mM) at a pH of 7. Mass spectrum of bCA II acquired under this physiological pH showed the peaks at charge states of 10+, 11+ and 12+ with the major peak at the charge state of 11+ (Figure 6.1). In another experiment, bCA II (3.4 μM) was dissolved in water/methanol/2% acetic acid at pH 3. The mass spectrum of this bCA II showed 176 Chapter six there was a marked change in the charge state distribution. There was a shift of lower charge states (10+, 11+, and 12+) to higher charge states (21+, 22+, and 23+) (Figure 6.2). This increase in charge states showed that the bCA II conformation changed from a native state to a denatured state at different pHs. Therefore, it is recommended that the MS condition be kept at a pH between 6-8. Acidic conditions normally used to enhance the intensity of signals in MS analysis are not appropriate in the identification of proteins in their native form. Figure 6.1 Mass spectrum of bCA II acquired under native condition Figure 6.2 Mass spectrum of bCA II acquired under denatured condition 177 Chapter six 6.3.2 Detection of protein-inhibitor complex In similar experiments as in 6.3.1, an bCA II-sulfanilamide assay was performed in ammonium acetate (10 mM) at pH 7. Mass spectrum of this bCA IIinhibitor sample was acquired and showed peaks of bCA II-sulfanilamide noncovalent complexes at the charge states of 10+, 11+ and 12+ with the major peak at the 11+ (Figure 6.3). In the denaturing condition, the bCA II-sulfanilamide sample in ammonium acetate/acetic acid (30/70) at pH 3 was analyzed by ESIFTICR-MS. The spectrum of the bCA II-sulfanilamide sample in acetic acid did not show any signal of the protein complex (Figure 6.4), giving evidence for sulfanilamide specificity. In the mass spectrum of the denatured bCA II, there was a loss of 65 Da from the protein signal. It is deduced that there is a Zn molecule leaving the bCA II when the protein becomes denatured.13 Figure 6.3 Mass spectrum of bCA II-sulfanilamide noncovalent complex (native condition) 178 Chapter six Figure 6.4 Mass spectrum of bCA II-sulfanilamide (denatured condition). No complex was observed (compared with Figure 6.2). Zn left the denatured bCA II (compared with Figure 6.1) 6.3.3 Detection of complex formed between protein target and its ligand in natural product extract matrix This study chose the widely investigated natural product platforms, marine sponge and plant biota. The marine sponge extracts were desalted before being incubated with bCA II since nonvolatile inorganic salt is known to suppress MS signals due to its interference in the desolvation of ESI. Plant extracts were refined to alkaloid-enriched crude extracts. Natural products are well known for their chemical diversity, however small molecules which have drug-like properties will deliver high rates of success in the drug discovery pipeline.14 Alkaloid-enriched crude extracts were used to meet this requirement at the front end of the process. All 54 incubated samples were directly infused to the ESI-FTICR-MS. In the natural product matrix, the spiked ligands in all 36 samples showed complex formation with bCA II. No complex was observed in the 18 natural product extractbCA II samples, confirming the complexes identified in the bCA II-inhibitor-natural product extract samples originated from the interaction between the inhibitors (ethoxzolamide or sulfanilamide) and bCA II. All 54 incubated samples showed signals of unbound protein or complexes. Some raw spectra of bCA II-natural product extract and bCA II-inhibitor-natural product extract samples are presented in Figure 6.5. 179 Chapter six Figure 6.5 Spectra of bCA II-marine sponge extracts and bCA II-inhibitor- marine sponge extracts The 36 natural product-ligand-bCA II spectra were then compared with the control bCA II spectrum (Figure 6.6). The masses of the charge states, from 10+ to 12+, confirm the molecular mass of the protein to be 29,088 ± 0.5 Da were in excellent agreement for low-resolution mode with the calculated mass (29,089) obtained from the amino acid composition. It was observed that the complex remained intact and there was still free protein in the assay solution. For natural product–ethoxzolamide-bCA II sample, the three charge states from 10+ to 12+ corresponding in mass to 29,345 ± 0.5 Da were in close agreement with the calculated mass of 29,347 Da for the 1:1 complex formed between bCA II and the ligand. For natural product-sulfanilamide-bCA II samples, the one charge state 11+ corresponding in mass to 29,261 ± 0.5 Da was in close agreement with the calculated mass of 29,261 Da for the 1:1 complex formed between bCA II and sulfanilamide. The experiment was performed in a low-resolution mode for a quick turn around time (2 minutes per run). 180 Chapter six Figure 6.6 Spectra of control bCA II, bCA II-ethoxzolamide complex and bCA IIsulfanilamide complex Determination of ligand molecular mass from complex in natural product extract matrix Knowledge of molecular mass of an active component (ligand) in crude extracts is the key issue to reduce the bottleneck in the isolation process in natural product discovery. If the molecular mass is known, the commonly used and timeconsuming process of bio-guided fractionation will be shortened. Owing to the high resolution of the FTICR-MS, the molecular mass of the ligand can be deduced from the mass-to-charge ratio (m/z) of the protein-ligand complex. In this experiment, ESI-FTICR-MS analysis of bCA II yielded the ESI positive ion mass spectrum (Figure 6.7). Peaks corresponding to the 10+ to 12+ charge states of bCA II were observed, with the 11+ charge state the highest peak. This charge state envelope demonstrates that bCA II retained its compact, tightly folded structure and is in a nondenaturing condition.13 ESI-FTICR-MS analysis of the mixture of bCA IIinhibitor-natural product extracts also gave spectra with similarly charge state 181 Chapter six envelope (Figure 6.8). Each charge state consisted of a grouping of two peaks: one peak at a lower m/z value corresponded to free bCA II, and the other peak at higher m/z corresponded to bCA II-ligand complex. Because of the impurity of the bCA II used for this experiment, the protein has an extra m/z peak at 2686.6 (11+ charge state) seen in control sample. This explains the identity of the m/z peak at 2710.1 (2686.6 + 23.5, m/z ethoxzolamide at 11+ charge state), seen in bCA IIethoxzolamide-natural product extract samples. Figure 6.7 Spectrum of bCA II in crude extract acquired in low-resolution mode Figure 6.8 Spectrum of bCA II-ethoxzolamide complex in crude extract acquired in low-resolution mode 182 Chapter six High resolution FTICR-MS spectra showing isotopic distribution were obtained for the bCA II complexes. Figure 6.9 shows the isotopically resolved spectra of complexes formed by bCA II-extract spiked with ethoxzolamide and sulfanilamide at the 11+ charge state. The average molecular mass of the bound ligands were calculated with high mass accuracy as.15 MMethoxzolamide = [m/z(bCA II-ethoxzolamide complex) – m/z(free bCA II)] x (z) = [2669.0269 – 2645.5385] x 11 = 258.3724 Da MMsulfanilamide = [m/z(bCA II-sulfanilamide complex) – m/z(free bCA II)] x (z) = [2661.1790 – 2645.5305] x 11 = 172.1335 Da The identified ligands were 258.3724Da for ethoxzolamide, which has an error of 0.055 Da compared with the calculated molecular mass of 258.3173 Da, and 172.1335 Da for sulfanilamide with an error of 0.071 Da compared with the calculated molecular mass of 172.2049 Da. Figure 6.9 a) Isotopically resolved spectrum of bCA II-ethoxzolamide complex obtained in high-resolution mode. b) Isotopically resolved spectrum of bCA IIsulfanilamide complex obtained in high-resolution mode. Determination of dissociation constant kon P+L PL koff Where P is protein, L is ligand, PL is protein-ligand complex Kd = [P][L]/[PL] 183 Chapter six Typical equilibrium binding experiments cannot be quantitatively analyzed on the basis of classical mathematical equations when the receptor concentration is so high that a significant fraction of the added radioligand concentration is in the bound form. In a study by S. Swillens 16 the appropriate equations are derived and used in a commercial graphics package to estimate the binding parameters, by applying nonlinear regression to pseudo-experimental data. From the law of mass action, total binding follows this equation. Total binding = Specific binding + non-specific binding Total Binding = (Bmax x [Ligand]free/Kd + [Ligand]free ) + [Ligand]free x NS Where Non-specific binding (NS) is assumed to be proportional to free ligand concentration Bmax is maximal binding, or the total number of binding sites The concentration of free ligand is not known, but it equals the concentration added minus the concentration that bound (specific and nonspecific). Defining X to be the amount of ligand added and Y to be total binding, the total binding equation becomes Y= [Bmax(X – Y)/Kd + (X – Y)] + (X –Y)NS For one side binding the total binding becomes Y = Bmax X/(Kd+X) The dissociation constant is most often measured by a titration experiment where the equilibrium population of relevant species is monitored in a series of solutions incorporating a constant concentration of protein and increasing concentrations of ligand. The dissociation constant can be obtained as a parameter of curve fit into the titration data using a nonlinear model relating experimentally observed intensities and total concentrations of the protein and the ligand. ESI-MS titration experiments were performed to determine binding constants for protein-inhibitor complexes. To get an accurate value in an ESI titration experiment, the protein concentration is generally below the expected Kd value and the ligand concentration is titrated through the expected Kd.17 With our instrument, a bCA II concentration less than 0.1 mg/mL (3.4 μM) was experimentally difficult due to the nondenaturing ESI-MS conditions to detect noncovalent complexes. Therefore the titration experiments were carried out with bCA II at a fixed concentration of 3.4 184 Chapter six μM in 10 mM ammonium bicarbonate buffer (pH 8) and the sulfanilamide at a varied concentration from 2 μM to 50 μM in nine values (2 μM, 3 μM, 4 μM, 5 μM, 6 μM, 8 μM, 10 μM, 40 μM, 50 μM). Appropriate aliquots of bCA II and sulfanilamide solutions (200 μL) were prepared to obtain the titration samples. These samples were incubated at room temperature for one hour before MS analyses. Triplicate values of titration were used for the calculation of Kd. To obtain the binding of the ligand L to the protein P, the law of mass conservation is applied. In solution phase, a binding equilibrium of a protein-ligand complex expressed as: P+L PL It is assumed that the observed protein ion intensity reflects the true protein concentrations.18 Either peak height or peak area can be used for quantitation method.19 The peak height intensity of the bCA II at 11+ charge state was used here for the calculation of the bound bCA II because the bCA II peak height intensity at other charge states was in low abundance. The bound bCA II was calculated as follows: [PL] = [P] total – [P]free or Intensity of PL = intensity of P total – intensity of P free The intensity of PL was calculated by subtracting the intensity of Pfree from Ptotal instead of the readout of intensity of the complex because the higher S/N was seen for the protein signal. Results for MS response for PL based on charge 11+, responding to various ligand concentrations are shown in Table 6.2 Table 6.2 Conc. (μM) 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 40.0 50.0 Concentration of ligand free and protein complex MS Response for MS Response for MS Response for PL (run1) PL (run2) PL (run 3) 436000.0 967700.0 834500.0 874900.0 997900.0 1293300.0 1240000.0 1445300.0 1532900.0 1435000.0 1567600.0 1653500.0 1426500.0 1567100.0 2003100.0 1470500.0 1656400.0 2057800.0 2603000.0 2146900.0 2792500.0 2602800.0 2588430.0 3211300.0 2848250.0 2680530.0 3401870.0 185 Chapter six The Prism software was used to plot the intensity of the bound protein (bCA II-sulfanilamide complex) against the total ligand concentration, sulfanilamide (Figure 6.10). The software calculated the value of Kd for sulfanilamide as 5.765 μM with the goodness of fit of 0.86. An error of 1.3 μM comparing with the literature value of 4.4 μM was found in this experiment. Complex instensity 4000000 3000000 2000000 1000000 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 [Ligand] total (µM) Figure 6.10 Titration of sulfanilamide in bCA II for the determination of Kd Table 6.3 Results for the determination of Kd and its curve fitness (calculated from Prism, v. 3.0) Equation: Y=Bmax*X/(Kd+X) Best-fit values BMAX KD Std. Error BMAX KD 95% Confidence Intervals BMAX KD Goodness of Fit Degrees of Freedom R² Absolute Sum of Squares Sy.x Data Number of X values Number of Y replicates Total number of values Number of missing values 3.3220e+006 5.765 172434 0.8337 2.9670e+006 to 3.6780e+006 4.047 to 7.482 25 0.8641 2.1500e+012 293278 9 3 27 0 186 Chapter six Sensitivity of the ESI-FTICR-MS screening methodology For ESI-MS technique, the detection limit is under the control of parameters that influence the preservation of protein complexes prior to detection. The optimum condition was used to determine the detection limit. Extracts from 200 mg dry weight were dissolved in 800 μL of methanol (0.250 mg/μL). The extract volume used for each sample was 1 μL. The total sample volume was 200 μL. The compounds, ethoxzolamide and sulfanilamide, were titrated in a range from 2 to 0.5 μM with an increment of 0.5 for ethoxzolamide, and from 6 to 4.5 μM with an increment of 0.5 for sulfanilamide, in the presence of protein and natural product extracts. The protein-ligand complexes for ethoxzolamide were detected at 1 μM, and for sulfanilamide were detected at 5 μM, at the flow rate of 2 μL per minute. Thus specific binding for ethoxzolamide was detected at a concentration of 0.02% of the total dry weight ((0.2x258x10-6/0.250) x 100%). Similarly specific binding for sulfanilamide was detected at a concentration of 0.06% of the total dry weight ((0.2x172x5x10-6/0.250) x 100%). It is noted that, for a mixture of bCA II and ethoxzolamide without natural product extracts, the bCA II-ethoxzolamide complex was detected at concentration of 3.4 μM-0.5 μM, respectively. It proved that the natural product extracts actually suppressed the ionization process and decreased the MS sensitivity. A minimum concentration of 0.1 mg/ml (3.4 μM) of protein target bCA II should be used, as a poor signal to noise ratio was obtained with a bCA II concentration less than 0.1 mg/ml. It took two minutes and required 13.6 pmol of bCA II (2 μl/min x 2 min x 3.4 x 10-6 M) for screening of one extract. 187 Chapter six PART TWO: BIO-AFFINITY SCREENING OF NATURAL PRODUCTS FOR bCA II INHIBITORS 6.3.4 Detection of noncovalent complexes of protein and ligands in crude extract Method for screening natural product extracts The screening method is summarized as in scheme 6.1. Scheme 6.1 Screening work-flow Samples were injected to MS using an Agilent autosampler. Mass spectra were recorded when receiving a signal from the autosampler. For online SECFTICR-MS, data was acquired for 1 min. For the direct infusion method, data were accumulated up to 8 to 16 min for a good signal-to-noise ratio. Two sets of data were recorded for 85 incubated extracts, one for SEC-ESI-FTICR-MS and the other for direct infusion ESI-FTICR-MS. Data processing was done by comparing the spectrum of pure bCA II with spectra of bCA II-crude extracts. While all the 85 spectra of SEC-ESI-FTICR-MS showed the unbound bCA II, only 47 spectra of direct infusion ESI-FTICR-MS showed signals for the unbound protein. However, both methods showed a positive result for the same extract. Due to the low signal-tonoise ratio, more data accumulation was required for direct infusion ESI-FTICR-MS, resulting in longer acquisition time (8-16 min/sample). For SEC-ESI-FTICR-MS, the elution time for the protein complex was 1.1-2.1 min, thus the run time was reduced to only 2.1 min per sample. Size exclusion chromatography A size exclusion column was used to separate large proteins or protein complexes from small, unbound compounds, thus eliminating nuisance interferences 188 Chapter six from crude extracts. Small molecular mass interferences are generally the main cause of false negatives and false positives in crude extracts. Figure 5 shows four different spectra, two obtained by direct infusion ESI-FTICR-MS and the other two by online SEC-ESI-FTICR-MS. The spectrum obtained when incubated extracts passed through the column is cleaner (Figure 6.11). Figure 6.11 Spectra of bCA II-extract with and without size exclusion column A main concern with online SEC is the dissociation of noncovalent complex while it passes through the column. To minimize that problem, the residence time of the noncovalent complex in the size exclusion column must be well controlled by factors such as column length, flow rate, and gel bead size. A size exclusion column must meet two criteria. First, it has to be short enough to preserve the noncovalent complex. Second, it has to be long enough to be able to separate large molecules from interferences. Experiments were done with different commercial size exclusion columns including TosoHass column (part 18762, 4.6 mm x 30mm) and Phenomenex BioSep-SEC-S2000 column (4.6 mm x 30mm). Although large molecules were very well separated from smaller ones, noncovalent complexes 189 Chapter six could not be maintained while passing through those columns. A column was made using a guard column (4 mm x 10 mm) and packed with Sephadex G25. It was successfully tested with sulfanilamide, a specific inhibitor of bCA II with an inhibition constant Kd = 4.4 x 10-6 M.11 The bCA II-sulfanilamide noncovalent complex was retained through the self-packed column. This Sephadex G25 selfpacked column proved to be suitable for preserving a complex with a weak-binding inhibitor such as sulfanilamide, and was used in the screening of 85 plant extracts incubated with bCA II. It is noted that the SEC-FTICR-MS spectra still showed some signals (m/z < 500), which belonged to the natural product extracts. The column was designed under the restraint of a few factors discussed above; therefore it could not totally separate the complex from the natural product matrix. Table 6.4 Properties of the size exclusion resins tested for this study Sizeexclusion material Diameter (μm) MMcutoff (Da) Pore size (A°) Sephadex G-25 20-80 1-5 na Biogel P-6 <45 6-40 na TosoHass (TSK-Gel SW) 10 na na Biosep-SEC-S2000 na na na The most important factor for increasing the best separation between protein and buffer salts is matching the flow rate to the internal diameter of the column. The manufacturer recommended for a linear flow rate between 2 and 10 cm/h.20 Using 4 mm i.d. column, the linear flow velocity is 94 cm/h when the flow rate is 200 μL/min, an acceptable flow rate for the ESI source. Although this condition is not within the optimal condition for the gel filtration media, it is impractical to increase the i.d. column or decrease the flow rate since increased band spreading, analysis time, and complex disruption result without any further signal enhancement. The deleterious effect of overloading a sample is important in buffer exchanging and desalting. To avoid that effect, the optimal injection volume should be about 25% of the total column volume.21,22 The volume of this column is about 120 μL. An injection volume of 20 μL was chosen for the experiment. 190 Chapter six Determination of ligand mass The extract showing a noncovalent complex was re-analyzed in highresolution mode to determine the molecular mass of the bound ligand. An assay volume of 10 μL of the re-analyzed extract was injected to the size exclusion column at a flow rate of 200 μL/min. The unbound protein and protein complex eluted at a retention time of 1.6 min with a bandwidth of 1.0 min. A switching valve, described in Chapter 5, was turned to position 1 from time of 1.1 min to 2.1 min to trap the noncovalent complex in a loop of 200 μL. It was then switched to position 2 for the trapped purified complex to be injected into the FTICR-MS using a syringe pump. A syringe flow rate of 2 μL/min delivered enough protein complexes to the ESI source for data accumulation in high-resolution mode. Molecular mass of the bound ligand was deduced from the isotopic mass of the complex. The isotopically resolved spectrum of noncovalent complex formed by bCA II and the active extract is shown in Figure 6.12. Peaks corresponding to the +11 charge state of bCA II-ligand complex were observed. The ligand mass is the difference between the average molecular mass of the complex and the average molecular mass of bCA II. The isotopic spectrum of noncovalent complex is needed to obtain the average molecular mass of bound ligand with high accuracy.15 It was calculated as 262.04 Da as follows. MMboundligand = [m/z(bCA II complex) – m/z(free bCA II)] x z = [2669.3654 – 2645.5436] x 11 = 262.04 Da Mass directed purification was used to isolate this compound from the crude extract. 191 Chapter six Figure 6.12 Isotopically resolved spectrum of complex bCA II- ligand from active extract obtained in high-resolution mode 6.3.5 Structure elucidation of active compound from Leionema ellipticum The active extract identified by both methods is a Queensland plant, Rutaceae Leionema ellipticum. Mass-directed purification of the ion peak at m/z 263 (M+H)+ in ESI-MS positive mode afforded compound 42. Compound 42, a yellow viscous oil, [α]D +30.2o (c=0.13, methanol) was assigned the molecular formula C15H18O4 by HR-MS. The UV spectrum of compound 42 in methanol indicated the presence of a 7-hydroxylated 6-(or 8-) substituted coumarin due to absorption of the shoulders at 241, 253 and 295 nm.23 The coumarin nucleus was further supported by the IR band at 1732 and 1619 cm-1, and typical AB-type signals at δ 6.25 and 8.01 (each 1H, d, J = 9.5Hz) for H-3 and H-4 in the HNMR spectrum. The 7hydroxylation was confirmed by HMBC correlation of the methoxyl signal at δ 3.85 to carbon 7 at δ 159 ppm. The 6-substitution was confirmed by the two singlet aromatic proton at δ 6.98 (H-8) and δ 7.68 (H-5), which displayed HMBC correlations to C-6, C-7, C-9, C-10 and C-4, C-6, C-7, C-9, C-10, and C-11, respectively. The remaining signals arising from a 1-hydroxy-3-methylbutyl group were two sets of three-proton doublet at δ 0.86 (J =7.0 Hz) and δ 0.91(J =7.0 Hz) corresponding to two methyl groups, a one-proton multiplet at δ 1.76 (m), a two– proton methylene multiplet at δ 1.36 (m) and a one proton methine doublet of doublet at δ 4.9 (J=9.5, 4.0 Hz). The assignment and connectivity of these five carbons having a hydroxyl groups were determined by COSY correlations, HMBC correlations and HSQC data (Table 3). This interpretation was supported by the IR bands at 3436 cm-1 and fragments at m/z 245 [M-H2O]+, and m/z 230 [M-H2O-CH3]- 192 Chapter six .24 This 1-hydroxy-3-methylbutyl moiety, which was connected to the coumarin nucleus at C-6, was further confirmed by the HMBC correlations of H-11 (δ 4.90, dd, J = 9.5, 4.0 Hz) to C5, C6 and C7. According to the literature the configuration of C-11 is determined from its ORD curve.25 If the configuration of C-11 was S the ORD should present a positive curve. Since the compound showed a positive plane curve, its C-11 should have the S-configuration. Thus, compound 42 was identified as 6-(1S-hydroxy-3-methylbutyl)-7-methoxy-2H-chromen-2-one. This compound had previously been reported as a synthetic product from a hydrogenation reaction of a natural product.26 However, there was no NMR data reported for this compound. OH 5 11 O 6 4 10 7 9 8 3 O 2 O 42 NMR data for compound 42 in DMSO-d6. Table 6.5 Position 1 2 - 161.8 - - 3 6.25 (d, 9.5) 112.5 4 2, 9 4 8.01 (d, 9.5) 144.8 3 2, 3, 5, 9, 10 5 7.68 (s) 125.5 - 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11 6 - 133.0 - - 7 - 159.2 - - 8 6.98 (s) 98.5 - 6, 7, 9, 10, 11 9 - 154.6 - - 10 - 111.5 - - 11 4.90 (dd, 9.5, 4.0) 64.5 12 5, 6, 7, 12, 13 12 1.36 (m) 48.6 11, 13 6, 11, 13, 14, 15 13 1.76 (m) 25.0 12, 13, 14 11, 12, 14, 15 14 0.86 (d, 7.0) 23.0 13 12, 13, 15 15 0.91 (d, 7.0) 22.5 13 12, 14, 15 16 3.85 (s) 56.1 - 7 H NMR (mult., Hz) 13 C NMR * COSY (*) values deduced from HSQC data 193 HMBC Chapter six 6.3.6 Confirmation and characterization of the binding The isolated ligand with molecular mass of 262.04 (42), purified by mass directed purification, was mixed with bCA II and analyzed by ESI-FTICR-MS (direct infusion analysis). The noncovalent complex was confirmed with the one charge state 11+ corresponded in mass to 29,350 ± 0.5 Da, in close agreement with the calculated mass of 29,351 for the 1:1 complex formed between bCA II and compound 42 (Figure 6.13). Figure 6.13 Spectrum of bCA II-42 complex The binding specificity of this ligand was determined by performing the competition experiments between bCA II specific inhibitor, furosemide and compound 42 (Figure 6.14). In this competition experiment, if compound 42 is a specific inhibitor it will compete with furosemide for the same binding site of bCA II.27 Assays were performed with the concentration of furosemide of 2, 3, and 4 µM. Figure 6.14 a shows bCA II-compound 42 complex at 11+ charge state at concentration of 3.4 µM-20 µM, respectively. The spectra shown in Figures 6.14 b-d were obtained after mixing furosemide together with the bCA II-compound 42 complex. At the concentration of 2 µM of furosemide, the peak height intensity of bCA II-compound 42 complex reduced from 837,630 to 462,890, and the bCA IIfurosemide complex appeared with the peak height intensity of 836,050. At the concentration of 3 µM, the bCA II-compound 42 complex reduced further to 377,370, and the bCA II-furosemide complex increased to 1,156,300. At the concentration of 4 µM, only bCA II-furosemide complex was seen with the peak height intensity of 1,449,800. This experiment proved that compound 42, the natural product ligand identified by the screening method, was a specific inhibitor of bCA II. 194 Chapter six Figure 6.14 Competition experiment spectra. 1 bCA II-42 complex. 2 bCA II- furosemide complex 6.3.7 Increasing high- throughput There is always a demand to develop a screening method with the ability to screen as many samples as quickly as possible. Mass spectrometry based screening techniques, which are easily coupled to automated liquid chromatography, have the advantage of reaching the high-throughput goal. A ten-port switching valve was used to increase the high throughput of the screening (Figure 6.15). In position 1, column A was for the analysis and column B was regenerated. In position 2, column A was regenerated and column B was for the analysis. It took two minutes for screening one crude extract. Automated unattended operation has been easily achieved through interface of HPLC with FTICR-MS. 195 Chapter six Figure 6.15 A working diagram of using ten-port switching valve for increasing high throughput (Gilson manual) 6.4 SUMMARY This work successfully demonstrates that direct bioafinity screening using ESI-FTICR-MS can detect a protein-ligand complex in a complex natural product extract. Dissociation constant measured by the technique for bCA II-sulfanilamide complex confirmed that the complex was preserved in the experimental conditions. The same range of dissociation constant measured in this study compared with other methods (5.75 μM vs 4.4 μM) confirmed that ESI-MS is a validated method in the detection of noncovalent complexes. There was no interference from the desalted/alkaloid-enriched extracts to the formation of the noncovalent complexes, offering a possibility of wide applicability of this technique as a screening method. The direct infusion method could detect unbound protein/complexes from all fiftyfour samples originated from desalted/alkaloid-enriched extracts. The method can determine the ligand mass with an error of less than 0.08 Da and identify bioactive compounds, if present, in a natural product extract down to the level of 0.02% dry weight. The results also establish that direct infusion and online SEC-ESI-FTICRMS is a superior method to screen crude natural product extracts for identifying true binding ligands to bCA II. The direct infusion ESI-FTICR-MS method was able to identify the protein in about 60% of protein- methanol extract mixtures, and successfully identified one protein-ligand complex. The SEC-ESI-FTICR-MS method was able to identify 100% protein-methanol extract mixtures and identified one extract producing protein-ligand complex. The key advantage of the method is that it can screen crude extracts without any preparation or fractionation work. With 196 Chapter six a running time of 2 minutes per sample, up to several hundred crude extracts can be screened a day. Direct screening can eliminate the bottleneck of bioassay-guided fractionation as it allows direct isolation of active components from natural product crude extracts using ligand mass information for mass-directed purification. This direct bioaffinity screening mass spectrometry has great potential to become a widely used screening method in natural product drug discovery owing to its sensitivity, reliability and speed. 6.5 REFERENCES 1. Lindskog S: Structure and mechanism of carbonic anhydrase. Pharmacol Ther 1997; 74: 120. 2. Scozzafava A, Owa T, Mastrolorenzo A, Supuran CT: Anticancer and antiviral sulfonamides. Curr Med Chem 2003; 10: 925-953. 3. Pastorekova S, Casini A, Scozzafava A, Vullo D, Pastorek J, Supuran CT: Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors: the first selective, membrane-impermeant inhibitors targeting the tumor-associated isozyme IX. Bioorg Med Chem Lett 2004; 14: 869-873. 4. Pastorekova S, Parkkila S, Pastorek J, Supuran CT: Carbonic anhydrases: current state of the art, therapeutic applications and future prospects. J Enzyme Inhib Med Chem 2004; 19: 199229. 5. Saito R, Sato T, Ikai A, Tanaka N: Structure of bovine carbonic anhydrase II at 1.95 .ANG. resolution. 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Methods to optimize instrumental conditions for an efficient desolvation, while still maintaining the intact non-denatured protein complexes in the gas phase, have been established during the course of the research. It has been shown that under optimal conditions that maximize speed, sensitivity and provide high resolution, ESI-FTICR-MS may be used as a rapid and effective means to detect noncovalent complexes in physiological conditions and to identify active compounds from natural product crude extracts which interact with therapeutic proteins. The direct detection of noncovalent complexes using ESI-FTICR-MS has been successfully tested using an extensive range of targets with m/z varying from less than 1,000 Da to more than 66,000 Da. There has been no interference from the natural product extracts to the formation of the noncovalent complexes. The method has allowed quick identification of the molecular mass of the bound ligand. The ability of the technique in preserving intact protein-ligand complexes has been confirmed by acquiring and comparing the spectra of these complexes under nondenaturing and denaturing condition, or by calculating the dissociation constant for these complexes. It is critical that the detection and analysis of the protein-ligand complexes be accurately determined under physiological conditions to reflect the real biological activity. This requirement, coupled with the complexity of natural product extract matrix, present considerable challenges. These challenges have been successfully met by the development of an online SEC-FTICR-MS. Direct infusion of ESI- and online SEC-FTICR-MS allow accurate determination of molecular masses of the active compounds of natural product extracts which interact with the target proteins. An automation setup via HPLC coupled to FTICR-MS has also been established to facilitate unattended operations with the running time of 2 min for screening one extract using online SEC-FTICR-MS analysis. 199 The presence of nonvolatile salts, detergents, surfactants in protein media, and other species in a natural product matrix introduces suppression effects on the ESI process, thus hindering the detection of proteins, protein-specific ligand complexes, protein-natural product ligand complexes, and may lead to false negative results. In this thesis we report a near elimination of suppression effects by choosing suitable buffers, optimizing instrumental conditions using FFD, using online microdialysis, offline-, and online-SEC to perform desalting and buffer exchange. The existence of weak noncovalent binding needs mild conditions during the ESI desolvation process and also needs fast and efficient separation during the SEC desalting or buffer exchange process as applied in this thesis. FFD was exercised in setting the instrumental parameters such as flow rate, dry gas temperature, capillary exit voltage for mild and efficient desolvation in ESI source. Trial and error experiments were carried out in defining the optimal parameters for pore size, flow rate, column length in SEC to minimize the impact of unintentional dissociation of weak noncovalent complexes. While the unavoidable dissociation of existing insolution noncovalent complexes in the gas phase is always an issue, this thesis demonstrated the identification of all experimental target-natural product extract complexes. Most notable is the successful screening of 85 raw methanolic plant extracts with bCA II using both direct infusion and online SEC-FTICR-MS. A noncovalent complex has been detected and the active compound which binds to bCA II identified. The specificity of the binding has also been confirmed by competition experiments with a specific inhibitor of the protein target. The outcomes of this work have been reported in the Journal of Biomolecular Screening (first published online on March 18, 2008). One of the key advantages of using ESI-FTICR-MS and associated methods is that the screening of the crude extracts is carried out without any preparation work such as pre-chromatographed, or pre-purification steps, thus avoiding any contamination which may lead to false positive or negative results. Information on the exact mass of the active compound also provides insights into the chemical composition or structural class of the compounds, thus shortening the long process of lead identification and allowing rapid mass-directed purification to isolate the active compounds. A schematic of the optimal strategy for screening natural product extracts is illustrated below: 200 DIAGRAM OF AN OPTIMAL STRATEGY FOR SCREENING NATURAL PRODUCTS EXTRACTS USING ESI-FTICRMS 201 APPENDIX 1 1 H and 13C NMR data of compound 33 O HO O 9 2 3' 1' O 3 O 4 5 OH O Position 1 Ha 13 b 2 - 163.3 3 6.88 (s) 103.4 4 - 182.1 5 6.60 (s) 94.6 6 - 152.7 7 - 131.7 8 - 152.7 9 - 158.5 10 - 103.8 1’ - 123.1 2’ 7.52 (s) 109.5 3’ - 149.1 4’ - 152.2 5’ - 111.8 6’ 7.64 (s) 120.1 7-OMe 3.74 (s) 60.0 C 3’-OMe 3.86 (s) 55.95 4’-OMe 3.84 (s) 55.80 8-OH - 12.8(b, s) a Spectrum was recorded in DMSO-d6 at 25oC (500 MHz), b Spectrum was recorded in DMSO-d6 at 25oC (125 MHz) 202 APPENDIX 2 1 H, 13C NMR, g-COSY and HMBC data of compound 34 O O 3 H O Rel O Position 1 1 Ha OH 2 13 b g-COSYa g-HMBCa - 178.8 - - 2 2.65 42.5 1, 3, 24 3 4.27 eq 81.4 1, 2, 24 4 1.77 (m) 22.4 3, 5 5 1.71 (m) 32.5 6 - 80.0 - 7 1.55 (m) 38.5 6, 8, 23 C 1.65 (m) 8 2.30 (dd, 22.8 6, 7, 9, 10, 17 9 - 167.8 - 10 - 130.1 - 11 - 200.4 - 12a 2.36 (m) 35.1 11, 13, 17, 18 12b 2.50 (dd, 17.4, 10, 11, 13, 17, 3.6) 18 13 - 41.1 14 1.27 (m) 41.3 - 1.48 (m) 15 1.63 (m) 18.5 16 1.34 35.7 9, 17, 21 1.95 17, 18 17 - 41.2 18 1.68 (d) 50.2 9, 11, 12, 13, 203 14, 17, 19, 20, 21 a 19 0.90 (d, 5.4) 33.0 13, 14, 18, 20 20 0.93(d, 5.4) 21.3 13, 14, 18, 19 21 1.08 (s) 18.02 9, 16, 17, 18 22 1.76 (s) 11.2 9, 10, 11 23 1.38 (s) ax 20.1 5, 6, 7 24 1.21 (d, 7.2) 12.7 1, 2, 3 o b Spectrum was recorded in DMSO-d6 at 25 C (500 MHz), Assignments were based on HMQC and HMBC data. 204 1 H, 13C NMR, g-COSY, HMBC and ROESY data of compound 35 O O OH H Rel O 1 a H O Compound 35 C gg-HMBCa 13 b ROESYa CO SYa 1 - 177.6 - - - 2 2.70 (m) 42.7 3, - - 24 3 4.18 (dd) 81.0 3, 4 1, 2, 24 5, 24 4 1.83 (m) 23.3 4, 5 6 - 5 1.71 (m) 31.8 5, 4 3, 4, 6, 22 6 - 80.0 - - - 7 1.55 37.8 8 6, 8, 9 - 1.71 (m) 6, 8, 9, 20 8 2.30 (t, 9) 22.9 7 6, 7, 9, 10, 17 21, 23 9 - 167.9 7 - - 10 - 130.1 - - - 11 - 200.3 - - - 12 2.37 (dd, 17.4, 35.2 18 11, 13, 14, 17, 18, 20, 21 17.4) 19 2.51 (dd, 17.4, 10, 11, 13, 14, 17, 3.6) 18, 19 13 - 41.1 14 1.20, 1.48 41. 15 1.62 18.6 1.70 16 1.36 - - 19 15, 20 14, - 16 35.8 15 205 9, 17, 21 8 1.96 17 - 41.3 18 1.70 (dd, 3.6, 50.3 17, 18 8, 21 - - - 12 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 19 14.4) 17, 19, 20, 21 19 0.90 (d, 5.4) 33.0 - 13, 14, 18, 20 20 0.93(d, 5.4) 21.3 - 13, 14, 18, 19 21 1.09 (s) 18.1 - 9, 16, 17, 18 12b,14, 16, 8, 12a, 15, 20 22 1.77 (s) 11.2 - 9, 10, 11 8, 23 1.36 (s) 20.6 - 5, 6, 7 5, 7 24 1.31 (d, 7.2) 13.4 2 1, 2, 3 3 a Spectrum was recorded in DMSO-d6 at 25oC (500 MHz), b Assignments were based on HMQC and HMBC data. 206 APPENDIX 3 A3.1 List of plant and marine sponge extracts used for the spiking experiment in Chapter 6 A3.2 No Sample ID Family Genus Species 1 QID6000207 n/a clavelina cylyndrica 2 QID6000212 n/a clavelina cylyndrica 3 QID6000228 n/a clavelina pseudobau 4 QID6003649 clavelinidae clavelina cylindrica 5 QID024144 ranunculaceae clematis armandi fr. 6 QID024189 ranunculaceae clematis armandi fr. 7 QID027428 ranunculaceae clematis loureiana 8 QID101150 ranunculaceae anemone hupehensis 9 QID101151 ranunculaceae anemone hupehensis 10 QID101155 ranunculaceae clematis parviloba 11 QID2312811 ranunculaceae clematis finetiana 12 QID2312812 ranunculaceae clematis crassifolia 13 QID2312813 ranunculaceae clematis crassifolia 14 QID2313033 ranunculaceae clematis crassifolia 15 QID026298 ranunculaceae clematis armandii fr. 16 QID026384 ranunculaceae clematis armandii fr. 17 QID026462 ranunculaceae clematis armandii fr. 18 QID026468 ranunculaceae clematis armandii fr. List of plant extracts used for screening experiment in Chapter 6 No Sample ID Order Family Genus Species 1 QID6000207 n/a n/a clavelina cylyndrica 2 QID6000212 n/a n/a clavelina cylyndrica 3 QID6000228 n/a n/a clavelina pseudobau 4 QID6003649 enterogona clavelinidae clavelina cylindrica 5 QID024144 n/a ranunculaceae clematis armandi fr. 6 QID024189 n/a ranunculaceae clematis armandi fr. 7 QID027428 n/a ranunculaceae clematis loureiana 8 QID101150 n/a ranunculaceae anemone hupehensis 9 QID101151 n/a ranunculaceae anemone hupehensis 207 10 QID101155 n/a ranunculaceae clematis parviloba 11 QID2312811 <none> ranunculaceae clematis finetiana 12 QID2312812 <none> ranunculaceae clematis crassifolia 13 QID2312813 <none> ranunculaceae clematis crassifolia 14 QID2313033 <none> ranunculaceae clematis crassifolia 15 QID026298 n/a ranunculaceae clematis armandii fr. 16 QID026384 n/a ranunculaceae clematis armandii fr. 17 QID026462 n/a ranunculaceae clematis armandii fr. 18 QID026468 n/a ranunculaceae clematis armandii fr. 19 QID027425 n/a ranunculaceae clematis filamentosa 20 QID027436 n/a ranunculaceae clematis trullifera 21 QID101156 n/a ranunculaceae clematis meyeniana 22 QID027427 n/a ranunculaceae clematis loureiana 23 QID027434 n/a ranunculaceae clematis trullifera 24 QID100771 n/a ranunculaceae clematis apiifolia 25 QID101153 n/a ranunculaceae ranunculus cantoniens 26 QID101154 n/a ranunculaceae ranunculus cantoniens 27 QID002326 n/a ranunculaceae clematis n/a 28 QID002329 n/a ranunculaceae clematis n/a 29 QID002330 n/a ranunculaceae clematis n/a 30 QID009536 n/a ranunculaceae clematis n/a 31 QID009949 n/a ranunculaceae ranunculus n/a 32 QID018645 n/a ranunculaceae ranunculus n/a 33 QID018647 n/a ranunculaceae ranunculus n/a 34 QID018708 n/a ranunculaceae ranunculus n/a 35 QID025563 n/a ranunculaceae ranunculus n/a 36 QID025583 n/a ranunculaceae clematis n/a 37 QID031946 n/a ranunculaceae ranunculus n/a 38 QID6000795 n/a ranunculaceae n/a n/a 39 QID001799 n/a rutaceae leionema n/a 40 QID001574 n/a rutaceae leionema n/a 41 QID032421 n/a rutaceae leionema n/a 42 QID001796 n/a rutaceae leionema n/a 43 QID032183 n/a rutaceae leionema n/a 44 QID1994728 n/a rutaceae leionema n/a 45 QID009091 n/a rutaceae leionema n/a 46 QID009109 n/a rutaceae leionema n/a 47 QID032423 n/a rutaceae leionema n/a 208 48 QID032431 n/a rutaceae leionema n/a 49 QID008840 n/a rutaceae leionema n/a 50 QID001763 n/a rutaceae leionema n/a 51 QID001800 n/a rutaceae leionema n/a 52 QID000555 n/a strychnaceae strychnos n/a 53 QID000606 n/a strychnaceae strychnos n/a 54 QID003564 n/a strychnaceae strychnos n/a 55 QID003568 n/a strychnaceae strychnos n/a 56 QID006371 n/a strychnaceae strychnos n/a 57 QID006381 n/a strychnaceae strychnos n/a 58 QID006390 n/a strychnaceae strychnos n/a 59 QID006392 n/a strychnaceae strychnos n/a 60 QID010866 n/a strychnaceae strychnos n/a 61 QID010872 n/a strychnaceae strychnos n/a 62 QID023945 n/a strychnaceae strychnos n/a 63 QID024011 n/a strychnaceae strychnos n/a 64 QID024101 n/a strychnaceae strychnos n/a 65 QID024110 n/a strychnaceae strychnos n/a 66 QID024406 n/a strychnaceae strychnos n/a 67 QID025601 n/a strychnaceae strychnos n/a 68 QID025605 n/a strychnaceae strychnos n/a 69 QID032378 n/a strychnaceae strychnos n/a 70 QID032384 n/a strychnaceae strychnos n/a 71 QID032386 n/a strychnaceae strychnos n/a 72 QID032387 n/a strychnaceae strychnos n/a 73 QID5866362 <none> strychnaceae strychnos <none> 74 QID5866368 <none> strychnaceae strychnos <none> 75 QID5866373 <none> strychnaceae strychnos <none> 76 QID1989853 n/a strychnaceae strychnos n/a 77 QID2165974 n/a strychnaceae strychnos n/a 78 QID016842 enterogona clavelinidae clavelina australis 79 QID015499 <none> loganiaceae strychnos <none> 80 QID021428 n/a ranunculaceae clematis clemasie 81 QID024719 <none> ranunculaceae clematis <none> 82 QID028308 n/a ranunculaceae clematis sp. 83 QID028568 n/a ranunculaceae clematis sp. 84 QID022503 n/a asteraceae peucedanum decursivun 85 QID022510 n/a asteraceae peucedanum decursivun 209 210