Welcome to Essen! Essen campus
Welcome to Essen! Essen campus
Welcome to Essen! Essen campus We would like to bring together students, professors and lecturers of the three European Capitals of Culture 2010 Istanbul and Essen. Universitätsstraße 2 /// 45141 Essen We would like to provide a platform for discussions, agreements, joint project works and international studies. You are cordially invited to participate in workshops and to attend excursions and exhibitions. This forum also provides information about our planned and specific activities. Contacts: Prof. i.V. Dr. Alexander Uhlig, UNI DuE: [email protected] 0049 170 21 44 446 Prof. i.V. Ubbo Kügler, Uni DuE: [email protected] 0049 179 47 94 890 Workshop: R12 R02 B16 Exhibition & Workshop Ünsal Bahtiyar Caféteria University Main Entrance Programme Essen, 07 - 17 October 2010 Thu, 07 Oct. Fri, 08 Oct. Sat, 09 Oct. Sun, 10 Oct. Mon, 11 Oct. Tue, 12 Oct. Wed, 13 Oct. Thu, 14 Oct. Fri, 15 Oct. Sat, 16 Oct. Sun, 17 Oct. Düsseldorf Airport 10:25 h University entrance R12 11:00 h Guided tour of university University Glaspavillon R12 S00 H12 12:00 h Opening Zeche Zollverein 12:00 h - ca. 17:oo h University R12 R02 B16 / CC 09:00 h - 14:00 h University R12 R02 B16 / CC 09:00 h - 16:00 h University R12 R02 B16 / CC 09:00 h - 13:30 h University R12 R02 B16 / CC 09:00 h - OPEN END University R12 R02 B16 / CC 09:00 h - 13:00 h Freetime Düsseldorf Airport 12:00 h WORKSHOP WORKSHOP WORKSHOP WORKSHOP WORKSHOP Arrival lecturers 12:30 h Arrival students Yvo Mathes Kemal Gürbüz & Ünsal Bahiyar Nadine Hartmann & Stefan Hofmann Farewell of students 14:30 h Departure 14:00 h Presentation Workshop results Trip to accommodations -› 1) Refectory of university Lunch Cinemaxx Towers Berliner Platz 5 - Essen 17:00 h Refectory of university Lunch Refectory of university Lunch Refectory of university Lunch Refectory of university Lunch Refectory of university Lunch Meetingtime and -point: Meetingtime and -point: Meetingtime and -point: Meetingtime and -point: University main entrance R12 13:30 h University main entrance R12 15:30 h University main entrance R12 14:30 h University main entrance R12 13:45 h University main entrance R12 16:00 h Trip to Oberhausen Cinemaxx Towers Museumsplatz 1 - Essen 15:00 h Trip to Duisburg -› 2) Duisburg Landschaftspark Nord Emscher Straße 71 Duisburg 17:00 h Introduction workshop Introduction cultural program Cinemaxx Towers 18:30 h „German-Food-Evening“ and get-together Lunch Meetingtime and -point: Walk to Folkwang Museum Welcome-Reception City Essen Katharina Auerswald Walk to Dom (cathedral) Dom Burgplatz 2 - Essen 15:15 h Führung 15:30 h Kulturpfad to Gruga Park Trip to Bochum -› 3) Glaspavillon R12 S00 H12 17:00 h Exhibition closing Bochum Bergbaumuseum Am Bergbaumuseum 28 - Bochum 15:00 h -› 4) Freetime Oberhausen Gasometer Arenastraße 11 - Oberhausen 17:00 h In front of Gasometer 18:45 h Kemal Gürbüz & Ünsal Bahiyar Trip to Bottrop -› 5) „Trash-Pop“ Hotel Shanghai Steeler Straße 33 - Essen Start: 23:00 h Heldenbar Theaterplatz 11 - Essen Start: 23:00 h Evening in Rüttenscheid Evening at the Bermuda-Dreieck Martinstraße in front of Arosa Hotel Kortumstraße 2 - Bochum 20:00 h Tetraeder Bottrop Beckstraße - Bottrop R12 R02 B28 18:30 h „Turkish-Food-Evening“ Premiere short films Café Nord Viehofer Platz 1 - Essen Panic Room Viehofer Platz 2 - Essen Tempel Bar De Prinz Salzmarkt 1 - Essen Isenbergstraße 12 Extra Blatt Goldbar Brandstraße 25 - Essen Rellinghausener Straße 110 Sausalitos Banditen wie wir Am Markt 1 - Essen Cäcilienstraße 8 Café & Bar Celona Limbecker Straße 25 Exhibition 09 - 12 October 2010 Workshop 11 - 12 October 2010 Workshop 11 - 16 October 2010 Kemal Gürbüz & Ünsal Bahtiyar „The Calligraphic Games with Paper“ „turkish - german - turkish: an environmental connection“ You are cordially invited to the opening 09 October 2010, 12:00 Room: R12 S00 H12 ‚Glaspavillon‘ Room: R12 S00 H12, 10:00 - 15:00 Room: R12 R02 B16, 9:00 - 14:00 Maximum number of participants: 20 Registration only by e-mail: [email protected] Subject in e-mail, headline: „Calligraphy“ Participation fee: 20 €, to pay on 11 October 2010 We will search for signs of both ‚cultures‘, collect them and bring them together in an environmental art work. Marmara University, Faculty of Fine Arts Amendments and errors may occur. Date: 28 Sept 2010 by Ünsal Bahtiyar by Alexander Uhlig and Ubbo Kügler The results will be presented on 15 October 2010, 14:00, R12 R02 B16