
Mark your calendar: Jenn Gibbons/ROW and Pink Paddling Power - April 13
Launch Day - May 4
Dock & Yard Day - May 11 Opening Day - May 18
“For the encouragement and promotion of yachting
and the creation of a spirit of good fellowship…”
April 2013
(RYC Constitution, Article II)
Racine Yacht Club Commodore’s Report
My other job. So this week, I get a call from a customer. He was
wondering if I could “stop in”(as in a free courtesy stop) and
take a look at his machine and evaluate it for repair/rebuild.
Being wary of such requests, and his location being relatively
remote, I choose to collect some information and note the
stated problems. When I ran the serial number, the machine
turns out to be 49 years old. It’s hard to figure that any
expertise would be required to determine “worn out”at the
half-century mark.
So it’s really good that we can seek meaning and fulfillment in
other avocational interests; and I am, of course, speaking of the
Racine Yacht Club. There are some unique opportunities to “do
good” that most of us just don’t see in our day jobs. The
mission of “doing good” ought to be considered as a necessary
underlying current of organizations that succeed and are
sustainable. More about that after the break.
Last year, I received an email from a Sea Scout friend in
Chicago regarding a certain Jennifer Gibbons, soon to depart
on a circumnavigation of the lake in an ocean-going rowing
vessel. I contacted her “handler”and suggested that the Racine
harbor would be a pretty reasonable place for a stop and
hoped that she might take advantage of the hospitality we
would provide at the Racine Yacht Club. And that’s the way it
pretty much happened. On the morning of her arrival I
contacted Sgt. Tom Bauer at the Water Patrol and requested
that he may want to offer a little assistance and meet her when
she turns the corner into 25 knots of southwesterly breeze.
Determination and persistence is strong medicine but it turns
out that the antidote is only effective in the 15-18 knot range as
administered to ocean going Clorox jugs. Bauer towed her
over to the 10 minute dock where she adopted the long
respected RYC tradition of tying up there for a couple days.
During Jenn’s visit, we said a few words about her trip after
the Wednesday night races, passed the hat and she explained
her purpose. She was fundraising for an outfit called Recovery
On Water (ROW). Its mission is to provide support and
recovery for post surgical breast cancer survivors. Turns out
that Racine also has a similar program called Pink Paddling
Power, and they’re the people out in the Dragon Boat practicing
in the Root. So, a few words from Jenn, and some encouragement
from others and we raised a few hundred dollars during her
Phones ミ General: (262) 634-8585
Racine, Wisconsin
Jenn Gibbons and PPP
Jenn Gibbons with Recovery On Water and reps from Pink Paddling Power will
visit RYC on April 13 to enlighten us on breast cancer recovery and awareness.
Many of us tracked her progress, up the coast, into Green Bay
and then headed to places in the farthest northerly boundaries,
best described as “big waves adjoined by big rocks”. It was at
this point she was the victim of violence by some skeevy
lowlife while sleeping in her vessel Liv. Some days or a week
to get back on her journey, Jenn courageously peddled across
the north rejoining Liv on the Michigan side and returning to
Chicago, from whence she came.
It’s not often we run into individuals who so clearly demonstrate
persistence, let alone, focused courage. I think it’s a distinct
opportunity if we can glean perspective, insight, and inspiration
from others. In that thought, we asked Jenn and the ladies from
PPP to come back and tell us about the journeys they have
taken on the water, and in their efforts to provide support and
rehabilitation to the cancer survivors they represent. Just like
the forty-nine-year-old machine, nobody rides for free. So let’s
have a little get-together on April 13th.
Here’s the drill. Twenty bucks gets you in the door. You can
have some “themey”drinks, have a nice buffet dinner
(included!) and enjoy live entertainment by Acoustic Soul
(visit www.myspace.com/acousticsoulkeno).Your ticket also
buys you some chances at door prizes. PPP will tell us about
the Dragon Boat competition that took them to the finals in
Hong Kong. And Jenn (<-good speaker alert) will tell us what
it might be like to have formidable fortitude in the face of
adversity. We have a VERY nice Jackson Kayak in a $10 raffle
and all our friends will be doing those baskets that seem very
Continued on page 3
Racine Yacht Club ・ One Barker Street ・ Racine, WI 53402
42 44.24 N - 87 46.69 W
Office, 7:00amミNoon: (262) 634-8587
FAX (262) 634-8971
Web site: www.racineyachtClub.org e-mail: [email protected]
View the Reef Point in color on our Web site!
RYC News in Brief
From the March Board meeting minutes:
Treasurer Frank Randall presented the
February financial report commenting
‘This was a good month” showing an
adjusted monthly income of $9000. His
report shows no unexpected expenses.
Randall added several more
demographic charts to his report regarding
membership age and retention. Copies are
posted on the hall bulletin board.
There was no report from the Commodore.
He is busy working on the ROW/Pink
Paddlers fundraising event.
Vice Commodore Gregg Henning
reported the assets report has been filed
with the City. He has met with the Long
Range Planning Committee and scheduled
monthly meetings. The Committee is
working on plans through 2020 which they
hope to publish by October of this year.
Rear Commodore John Stanley reported
changes were necessary to the summer
sailing school schedule. See the web site for
Membership Secretary Nick Ponsonby
presented a new member request:
NEW MEMBERS: Charles and Debra
LeCrone, Active, in county
The motion to accept was unanimously
approved. There were no other status
Discussion on past due accounts was
tabled until the Board has input from the
Office Manager.
Commodore Charlie Manning reported
in House Director Rooney’s absence that
some work has been completed on the
conversion to Time Warner, with some
work left to do on the Internet side.
Pier Director Mark Lukow provided a
written report:
Ice Protection
Ice Eaters are off, almost certainly for the
season. No ice damage observed to date.
Water levels & slip assignments
The Army Corp of Engineers current
projection for May 1st is 8 inches below
LWD, same as last October 1st. The range
of possible May 1st water levels, based on
historical precipitation in the watershed, is
4 to 13 inches below LWD. I plan to take
some extra soundings before making first
pass slip assignments.
Slip contracts
As of noon March 12 we have 47 contracts
in hand, 5 verbal commitments (Arena,
Debernadini, Erdmann, Lattomus and
Reinert) and two solid prospects from
potential new members. If the two
prospects work out as expected that will be
54 slips sold versus a budget of 50. We have
room for just a few more boats this summer.
I look forward to referring our overflow to
other marinas in the port of Racine!
Yard Director Jack Landwehr provided a
written report:
Once the snow is gone the water hose will
be set out along with garbage containers
placed throughout in the Dry Sail Area.
Refurbished Dry Sail Area Storage
contracts are available for Board Member’s
review. The goal of the new contract is to
provide winter and summer storage for
RYC members at a competitive price,
increase the number of winter storage
contracts by offering competitive price,
and simplifying summer dry sail area
storage formulation based on location and
size of storage space. The refurbished
contract has a new formulation to
determine winter storage fees; while
summer storage fee is based on location
and size of storage space.
2012 Summer Dry Sail Area Storage
was at very close to capacity. 2013 Summer
Dry Sail Area Storage contracts will be sent
out to 2012 contract holders on Monday
March 25. Storage areas will be assigned
based on 2012 assignments.
To avoid a $50 late filing fee, Dry Sail
Area Storage contracts are due by noon on
Yard and Dock Day. As a courtesy to other
RYC members, RYC Yard Director
Landwehr asks that 2012 contracts holders
renew their contracts ASAP so that the
number of storage spaces available for
RYC members signed up on the Dry Sail
Area Summer Storage waiting list can be
Visit RYC’s Website at www.racineyachtClub.org
for the most up-to-date information, events and race results.
Meetings/Club Hours
See this month’s calendar on page 4
for additional coming events.
4 7:00pm 11 7:00pm
18 7:00pm New Member Meeting
Board Meeting
General Membership
2 7:00pm 9 7:00pm
16 7:00pm New Member Meeting
Board Meeting
General Membership
Mon., Tues. – Closed
Thurs – 4PM to 9PM*
Wed., Fri. – 11AM to 9PM*
Saturday – 11AM to 9PM*
Sunday 8AM to 9PM*
*Closing times are determined at the
bartender’s discretion; Club is typically open
until 9:00 if there are patrons present.
WED and FRI Lunch............... 11:00-2:00
FRIDAY Dinner .........................5:00-9:00
SATURDAY Lunch................... 11:00-2:00
SUNDAY Breakfast..................8:00-12:00
SUNDAY Lunch.......................12:00-2:00
Last year’s contract holders can renew
their contract three different ways:
1) Downloading and sending in
contract from the RYC web site
2) Picking up and completing a contract
at RYC
3) Contacting RYC Yard Director
Landwehr in person, by phone or e-mail.
To be placed on the 2013 Summer Dry
Sail Area Storage waiting list, eligible RYC
members can contact RYC Yard Director
Landwehr in person, by phone (262) 8801253 or e-mail [email protected].
The RYC Bird Abatement program has
two phases. The first phase consists of a
high tech bird barrier that will be installed
next Tuesday. The second phase requires
Continued on page 3
In Memoriam
Blaise Arena’s mother and Charlie
Gagnon’s brother both passed away
recently. RYC extends sincere sympathies
to both families during this difficult time.
News in Brief, cont’d
members to walk their dog along the shore
east basin. Both phases create a negative
impact on the environment as far as geese
and sea gulls are concerned. These birds
find other places in the area to feed, nest
and roost. The 2012 inaugural RYC Bird
Abatement program was very successful.
Manning urged Landwehr to continue
with egg shaking in the Bird Abatement
Entertainment Director Kurt Lasson
reported he has spoken with representatives
from the other Racine clubs to establish
June 29th as the date for the Tri Club party.
Discussion followed on other possible club
events to retain, attract and entertain
members, perhaps including a “Sail a Small
Boat Day” inviting outsiders and a Dinghy
Polo Match for members.
Kim’s Korner
Annual Membership Dues is due and
payable by MAY 1, 2013.
Quarterly payments are allowable. If
you choose to pay your dues in quarterly
installments,they are billed MARCH/
Contact the office if you wish to change the
way you pay your dues.
As per our recent bylaws change...
Minimum Spending will increase to (at the
start of the new dues year)...
$42.00 for Active/Associate Members and
$84.00 for Social Members.
Commodore’s Report, cont’d
Race Director Bob Sample provided a
written report:
A. Parking area reservations for August
regattas have been approved for our
summer events by the Park Board.
B.The Central Coast Catamaran
Championship promotion will be sending
information to Board members regarding
their summer event.
C. The NOR for the Catalina 30 National
Championship Regatta is complete.
Promotion has begun.
D. The 2013 Racing Schedule will be
finalized week of March 18th. Registration
materials will be available beginning April
1. All skippers will be required to complete
a 2013 RRS test with their registration.
E. Talks continue with AREA 3 and
PHRF fleets in Chicago regarding a
distance race incorporating their fleets
with ours.
Adult Sailing Program
RYC’s Adult Sailing Program will
commence with orientation on May 5.
For more information, visit www.
Register soon, as class size is limited!
popular. I promise that I will have a
couple “guy”baskets with tools ‘n stuff
(no makeup, sparkly sandals, or spa
treatments). That’s what we are offering…
your end of the bargain is to help these
organizations deliver the promise of their
stated mission. That’s what good
organizations like ours do. We build
bridges to the people of our community
and, in that bridging process, we grow
stronger. Once again, it’s April 13th, 5ish.
It’s very cool when the Club is packed.
Tickets to the event or for the Jackson
Kayak raffle may be purchased at the bar
or in the office. Help show our guests
how truly great clubs operate. Please.
Easter (was this past) weekend. How
come we don’t have the kids that we have
for Christmas, at Easter? Heck, they can
even be the same kids, right? Can we get
that tradition extended? Easter baskets
and picking up eggs out of the flower
Somebody stepped in to fill the void left
by West Marine in downtown Racine.
Stop in at Riverside Marine and check out
Launching up
the Racine
great Yacht
job Club
of its 2013 Adult Sailing Program…
where West left off. They’re all members
to all adults
over 21 with littlethem
and This
if I mentioned
no experience in sailing. Those of you who are more
in the
experienced are also welcome to come and hone yourcase
sailing skills. free.
The program
will consist
of: me, I’ll be
of VC-17m
If you
• 4 – two- to three-hour classroom sessions
• 4 – two- to three-hour on-the-water sessions
– Charlie
and orientation
will be held Sunday,
May 5, at 2:00 p.m. at the Racine Yacht Club,
located at 1 Barker Street (at the Lake) in Racine.
The classroom sessions will begin Tuesday, May 7, at
5:30 p.m. and continue each Tuesday evening through
May 28. These four sessions include dinner in the RYC
dining room with other students.
Boat US Membership has many benefits.
Check out their website at: www.boatus.com
We just renewed our cooperating
agreement and members can receive a
discount! Contact Kim at RYC for details.
The on-the-water sessions will start at 5:30 p.m.
beginning June 4 and will continue on Tuesday evenings
through June 25. Ending times for each on-the-water
session may vary depending on weather conditions.
All course materials, including a student handbook and
workbook will be provided. Topics to be taught during
the classroom sessions include:
• Sailing and sailboat nomenclature
• Points of sail
• Basic sail handling
• Basic navigation
• Basic Right-of-Way rules
• Seamanship (knots, man overboard, yachting
etiquette, safety at sea)
We have lockers available in both the
Men’s and Ladies Locker Rooms. If you
would like to rent a space for the Summer,
please contact the office. Rental Fee is
$35.00 per year.
After the classroom sessions, you’ll be able to put
your new skills to work, sailing on Racine Yacht Club
member’s sailboats. Many of RYC’s members are
volunteering their time and their vessels to allow you
to use your experience – “hands on” – sailing on Lake
Michigan. You will put up sails, trim them, take them
down and learn first-hand how to sail. You’ll probably
get several opportunities to take the helm.
Racine Yacht Club
Come j
Who kn
be invit
Please n
• Class s
• Due to
of can
is not
course m
Following the final on-the-water session, you will be
treated to a pizza party at the Club, with a certificate
presentation indicating your completion of the course.
If you’ve ever wanted to learn how to sail, this is your
There i
If you are aware of any dates or events that should be included in upcoming calendars, please contact the RYC office or e-mail information to the Reef Point editor.
RYC Calendar of Events — April-May
Sunday Grand Easter
Club Opens
@ 11:00
lunch Served
Club Opens
@ 4:00
New Member Meeting
Club Opens
@ 11:00
lunch Served 11-2:00
Club Opens
@ 11:00
lunch Served 11-2:00
Club Opens
@ 11:00
lunch Served 11:00-2:00
Dinner Served 5:00-9:00
7:00 pm
Served 8-12:00
lunch Served 12-2:00
Served 8-12:00
lunch Served 12-2:00
Jam Night
Club Opens
@ 11:00
lunch Served
Club Opens
@ 11:00
lunch Served
Club Opens
@ 4:00
Board Meeting 7:00 pm
Club Opens
@ 4:00
General Membership
Meeting 7:00 pm
Club Opens
@ 11:00
lunch Served 11:00-2:00
Dinner Served 5:00-9:00
Club Opens
@ 11:00
lunch Served 11:00-2:00
Club Opens
@ 11:00
lunch Served 11:00-2:00
Club Opens
@ 11:00
lunch Served
Club Opens
@ 4:00
Club Opens
@ 11:00
lunch Served 11:00-2:00
Dinner Served 5:00-9:00
lunch Served 12-2:00
Club Opens
@ 11:00
lunch Served
Club Opens
@ 4:00
Club Opens
@ 11:00
lunch Served 11:00-2:00
Dinner Served 5:00-9:00
New Member Meeting
Mark Your Calendar
Upcoming Entertainment/Events
You Row, Girl! Recovery on
Water (ROW) and Pink Paddlers
Event with Jenn Gibbons and
PPP.......................................April 13
Launch Day........................... May 4
Dock & Yard Day............... May 11
Opening Day......................May 18
Join us for RYC’s off-season
events! Celebration, camaraderie,
laughs and good times. It’s what
Racine Yacht Club is all about – so
come on down and be a part of
the fun!
Launch day
7:00 pm
Club Opens
@ 11:00
lunch Served 11-2:00
You Row, Girl! 5:00
Club Opens
@ 11:00
lunch Served 11:00-2:00
Dinner Served 5:00-9:00
lunch Served 12-2:00
Jam Night
Hello Yachtee Friends.
It looks like winter is finally behind us.
The St. Patrick’s Day Bash was a smash
Thanks all of you involved
in the cooking and the delivery of the feast.
A major applause to you.
To Sandy Mott: You Rock!
By popular demand, I will bring back
the complete band of Larry Pascale.
You will see them this summer.
You Row, Girl
Saturday, April 13th. is selling quickly.
Get your tickets from a board member or call Kim.
Bringing back: “Acoustic Soul” for entertainment.
They played the Awards Dinner but were
cut short because of all the award yaking...
JAM NIGHT is starting
and continuing on thru the Summer
The 1st. Thursday of every month.
Bring your guitar, harmonica,
accordion, flute, juice harp...
And join in, or have a listen.
Here we goooooooo ! ! !
Newport Harbor YC – San Diego YC Islands Race
By John Stanley
With a great iceboating season coming to an end, I ventured out
west with the Sin Duda! crew to race the Newport Harbor YC
Island Race. This race takes us from Long Beach, outside of
Catalina and San Clemente Islands finishing in San Diego -140
All predictions had a fast and windy race and Sin Duda!, a Santa
Cruz 52 was ready for it. A early morning delivery from
Newport to LA was rainy but flat seas. Starting in Long Beach
harbor, about 50 boats headed out to the northern most gate in
the harbor. We cleared Angles gate and headed towards Catalina
in good position with our fleet. A beat all afternoon in a beautiful
setting California sun was just what the doctor ordered.
Short tacking up the northern shore of Catalina with the 70’s and
coming within 100 yards of the steep rock walls was pretty
spectacular. We did have a local navigator, so the nerves stayed
calm, but still, tacking within sight of the grass.
We all have taken chances, prepare the best we can, train for the
worst and always say “it can’t happen to me,” but it does
happen to us. We lost a fellow racer, and we may not know why
the crew wasn’t picked up off of the disabled boat on the first
call. The Coast Guard was called back and did an outstanding
job pulling the six crew from the surf. The second boat had parts
ordered and the Coast Guard delivering them so they could
safely return to port.
Our crew had a lovely crew dinner back in Newport and a long
debrief about the race. This was the tune-up for the 800 mile
Newport to Cabo race at the end of the month. We need some
sail, spin pole, and hydraulic work and the boats ready. The
crew was performing great, communication and response to
emergency was clear and quick.
I am looking forward to the Cabo race, maybe some more big
winds and waves. The one comment that came out of this race
was “Good thing it was dark, if we were racing in the daylight,
we’d be scared “sh@#less.”
Rounding the north tip around 5:30, we were able to ease sails
and quickly build speed. As expected, the wind did build and As of publication time, John has now completed the Cabo race. Watch
the seas grew. Jib reaching well into the teens was fun and by for his account of this new adventure.
8:00 the wind had clocked enough to set the A5 kite. The 15-16
knots boat speed quickly grew and 20 was the norm. Wave
height was also building with an estimate of 12-14
foot. With no moon, the ocean was black, only our
Win a Regal kayak from Jackson Kayak - raffle tickets are on sale now! Call RYC at (262) 634-8585 or inquire at the RYC bar.
bow and stern lights giving any idea of the size of the
Top speed for our trip was 24 knots, at the same time
we saw the wind hit 30. One or the other was the limit
for the tack ring as it blew out of the A5 and the kite
needed to come down. Up with a jib top and we kept
speed in the high teens.
As we reached our next waypoint at San Clemente,
we eased some more and set a 1.5 runner, speed grew
back into the 20’s. We cleared the island and gybed
towards San Diego. As soon as the pole was made and
kite loaded up, the pole snapped in two. Back up with
the jib top. We must have stressed the pole with the A5
earlier but hadn’t seen the damage. We were able to
patch the pole with a sleeve and had the 1.5 runner
back up in about an hour.
You Row, Girl!
Join us to hear about
Journeys in Survivorship
Sponsored in part by Jackson Kayak
Hosted by the Racine Yacht Club
We finished in San Diego at about
3:30am and made the mad dash to the club to dry off.
We finished second for the race but soon heard of
other boats having problems. Several boats withdrew
due to conditions and two boats lost rudders, both 30
footers. One was near San Clemente; the crew called
Coast Guard and fellow racers, doing just the right
thing. The Coast Guard responded but was asked to
stand down as the owner called a tow service to
rescue the boat. The owner had many years of racing
and this was a new boat. This turned bad as the tow
service was unable to respond due to conditions. The
boat ended up breaking apart in the surf with the loss
of one crew.
Firsthand stories of “on the water” programs for breast cancer survivors:
Recovery on Water’s Jenn Gibbons and her circumnavigation of Lake Michigan
Pink Paddling Power of Racine, a National Championship Dragon Boat team and support program
Cocktails at 5PM Buffet Dinner 6PM Presentations 7PM Door Prizes, Kayak Raffle, Silent Auction Live Entertainment by Acoustic Soul
Advanced Purchase $20; at the door, $25 (50% of the ticket price benefits these qualified charitable organizations)
April 13, 2013 at the Racine Yacht Club
Foot of Barker St. at Lake Michigan
For tickets, call: 262.634.8585
Weather was nice. I spent lots of time at the pool or in the hot tub. Our next port of call was Tahiti. We took a 4wd into the mountains of the island. Raining but Synopsis of my Cruise to Sydney
Synopsis of my cruise to Sydney On January 27th I boarded a cruise ship, the Pacific Princess in Ft. Lauderdale and we headed south to Limon, Costa Rica. After a 10 hour stop we continued south to the Panama Canal. We spent the day going up & down the locks of the canal. – by Joe McGauran
beautiful. Went to the city, Papeete, sent e-­‐mails and shopped for rum. We then headed southwest for Auckland, NZ. During this leg we crossed the International Date Line and I lost a day. We arrived in Auckland early in the morning and I was very happy to get ashore. So I jumped on a ferry and crossed the Hauraki Gulf to a suburb called Devenport where I rode a Segway. Great time and fun to ride. We then crossed the equator and I became a shellback instead of a pollywog. Our next stop was Guayaquil, Ecuador, a shipping port of 2.5 million people. We were there long enough to tour the city and stretch our legs. We continued south along South America to Lima. We overnight there so we were to do more exploring. We then headed west to Easter Island. When we arrived the Captain We were then off to Tasmania. We crossed a very rough Tasman sea and docked in Burnie. We took a tour of the north end of Tasmania with a stop at an animal
declared it was too rough to let us get into the tenders to go ashore so we slowly circled the island and I was able to photograph the famous statues. We then continued west to Pitcairn Island. The Islanders came aboard and I met the 7th farm. That evening we took off to Sydney. We arrived early in the AM and tied up in the Circular Cay between the opera house and the bridge. I spent two days in Sydney before I flew home. Sydney is the most beautiful city I have yet visited. generation grandson of Fletcher Christian. Soon we were headed west again. Weather was nice. I spent lots of time at the pool or in the hot tub. Our next port of call was Tahiti. We took a 4wd into the mountains of the island. Raining but This was a once in a lifetime trip. I’m glad I went and I met friends I will never forget. Now I start planning the next one. For the complete log, it will be posted on the RYC web site if I ever get it done. beautiful. Went to the city, Papeete, sent e-­‐mails and shopped for rum. We then headed southwest for Auckland, NZ. During this leg we crossed the International Date Line and I lost a day. We arrived in Auckland early in the morning and Clothing
I was very happy to get ashore. So I jumped on a ferry and crossed the Hauraki Gulf to a suburb called Devenport where I rode a Segway. Great time and fun to ride. Corner
prints, but this season, designers put the
emphasis on strong black-and-white looks
(OK, there were a few floral prints, too).
Appropriate to wear year-round, easy to pull
Spring’s 2013 Most Wearable Fashion off at every budget, and sleek enough to
work at the office or on date night, this trend
is thesea definition
We were then off to Tasmania. We crossed a very rough Tasman and docked of wearable.
in Burnie. We tTrend:
ook a tour of the north end of Tasmania with a stop at an animal
The slouchy, cool-girl shorts that were all Spring 2013 Trend: Statement Sunglasses
over the New York runways this season are Want to add a runway feel to your everyday
perfect for every girl who never felt like she basics? Pick up a pair of spring’s OMGcould pull off those cheek-baring cutoffs so worthy sunglasses. They hit the runway in
and size, each pair louder and
beloved on Instagram (i.e., most of us). every shape
than the next. (Case in point:
They’re ultra chic, fam-friendly, and
reality glasses even
farm. That evening we took off to Sydney. We arrived early Google’s
in the AM and tied flattering; seriously, what’s not to love?
up in the Circular Cay between the opera house and the bridge. I spent two on
days took
a turn
the catwalk.)
and White
in Sydney before I flew hBlack
ome. Sydney is the most beautiful city I have yet visited. “Spring trends” might typically call to mind Spring 2013 Trend: Bold Stripes
Easter-egg colors and happy-go-lucky floral If those Rorschach-esque digital prints are
To put you in the mood for Spring and RYC’s
highly anticipated new Spring fashions
which will be debuting in May on Opening
Weekend -
too OTT for your style, take spring’s big,
bold, uncomplicated stripes for a spin
instead. With denim, they’re all-American;
with navy, they’re nautical-chic; and worn
head-to-toe, they’re just plain cool. Bonus:
You’ll definitely be able to wear them for
seasons—even years—to come.
Spring 2013 Trend: Sporty Dresses
Spring’s sporty dresses—with their flirty
A-line skirts and shoulder-showcasing
bodices—are going to distract quite a few
dudes next season, we guarantee it. We love
them because they work just as easily with
wedges and high-heel sandals as they do
with comfy canvas sneakers. Go all Saved by
the Bell with the addition of a collegiate
cardigan or letterman jacket.
Midwest Women’s Sailing Conference
Betsy Alison to be Keynote Speaker at
Midwest Women’s Sailing Conference!
The third annual Midwest Women’s
Sailing Conference is being held on
May 11, 2013 at the Milwaukee
Community Sailing Center. We are
very excited to announce that this
year’s keynote speaker is Betsy Alison.
The seminars offered at the conference
are taught by women for women.
Seminars are offered in everything
from beginning sailing to diesel
engines, safety at sea, racing tactics,
sail care and weather just to mention a
few of the offerings. Included with the
conference are, breakfast, lunch and a
cocktail hour after the events of the
day. We also have a silent auction and
raffle items during the day. The
conference offers women a great
opportunity to meet and network with
other women sailors in the Midwest.
Attendees from past years have come
from as far away as Kansas and the
Netherlands! Don’t miss this
It’s Time to Live Your Dream
Sun Odyssey 379
Blue Jacket 40
A perfect balance of comfort and
performance with special attention to
the easy sail handling, ergonomics and
the modern aesthetics.
This stunning Tim Jackett designed, Island
Packet built yacht redefines the term
performance cruiser. Come see all the
differences for yourself.
In-Stock And Ready For Spring Delivery
opportunity to attend the Midwest
Women’s Sailing Conference. For
registration materials check out our
website at www.womenssailing.org
and for conference gear check out
www.shopmwsc.org. The registration
materials link is in the top left corner of
the home page. See you May 11th!
2011 Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 45DS – Trades welcome Call “Captain Ed”
2006 Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 45 – Trades welcome . . . . . . . . . . $247,500
2003 Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 43 – One owner, light use . . . . . . $179,000
1979 Polaris 43 Cutter – Robert Perry designed double ender . $82,500
2007 Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 42i – Commissioned in 2009 . . . $210,000
2003 Island Packet 420 – Unusually clean, priced below market$306,000
1985 Beneteau First 42 – Cruise or Race . . . . . . . . . . . . Reduced $57,500
2000 Dufour 38 Classic – Comfort underway & in port . . . . . . . . .$114,500
1988 Hunter Legend 37 – Walk around centerline . . . . . . . . . . . . $51,000
1981 WD Schock New York 36 – recent major refit . . . . . . . . . . . $35,000
1984 Baltic 35 – Fine Danish craftsmanship Make an Offer . . $115,000
2007 Tartan 3400 – Like new, low ask from motivate seller . . . $184,900
1980 Tartan T-33 – Quality boat at a very attractive ask . . . . . . . $32,000
2000 Beneteau 311 – Full batten main w/cars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $59,900
1984 Hunter 31 – Family fun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $19,500
1976 Bombay Clipper 31 – Predecessor to Island Packet . . . . . . $10,000
1979 S2 9 .2A – Affordable fun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $20,000
1988 Capital Newport 27 MKIII – Well cared for Bring Offers . . . $19,000
1997 Shamrock 260 Mackinaw – Protected prop & rudder . . . . . $29,900
1985 Nonsuch 26 Classic – Simple rig and large interior . . . . . . $34,800
1994 Cruisers 2470 Rogue w/trailer – Store it in the driveway . . $19,600
Blue Jacket 40
Tim Jackett designed,
Island Packet built yacht.
NEW Sun Odyssey 379
Sun Odyssey 45DS w/ 360 Docking
Sun Odyssey 409
Your Source For:
Stop By To See How “Captain Ed” Can Help
You With All Your Boating Needs
Ed Jirsa
NEW LOCATION: 520 S. Water St, Milwaukee, WI 53204 Email: [email protected] • Phone: (262) 498-2969 • www.larsenmarine.com
When the Experience Counts
Racine Riverside Marine
950 Erie St., Racine, WI 53402 262-636-8020 fax 262-636-8022
www.racineriverside.com e-mail: [email protected]
Representing Hunter Marine and Mainship Trawlers
Hunter: 31, 33, 36, 38, 41, 41DS, 44, 44DS, 45CC, 46 Mainship: 34, 39, 40, 43, Pilot 30 and Pilot 34
Riverside Marine Sales Listings
Yacht Brokerage
AB & Achilles Inflatables
Boat Slips
Ship’s Store
Winter Storage
Full Service Yacht Yard
Nissan Outboard Motors
Fiberglass & Gelcoat Work
visit our website for our complete listing
50’ Hunter 50 CC 50’ Hunter 50 CC 45’ Hunter 45 CC 45’ Hunter Legend 45 44’ Hunter 426 44’ Hunter 44 AC 44’ Hunter 44 Deck Salon 42’ 2 “ Hunter 45 Center Cockpit 41’ Hunter 41 Deck Salon 41’ Hunter 41DS 40’ Hunter 40 40’ Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 40 38’ 2 “ Hunter 38 38’ Hunter H380 37’ Express 37 37’ Hunter 37 Legend 36’ Hunter 356 35’ 11 “ Hunter 36 35’ Pearson 34’ O’Day 34 34’ Tartan 34-2 33’ 1 “ Hunter 33e 33’ Camper & Nicholsons Ni... 33’ Hunter 33.5 32’ Bristol 32’SLOOP 30’ Hunter 30 30’ Irwin Citation 30 29’ 5 “ J Boats J-29 29’ Gulf Pilothouse 28’ 2 “ Sabre 28 28’ Hunter 280 27’ Catalina 27 27’ Hunter 27 26’ 7 “ Hunter 26.5 POWER
43’ 2 “ Tiara 43 Convertible S... 38’ Chris Craft Commander ... 37’ 6 “ Cruisers Yachts 3672 E... 35’ Cruiser’s Inc 3375 33’ 6 “ Sea Ray 340 Sundancer 28’ Marinette Sedan Bridge 28 27’ Chaparral Signature 27 24’ Wellcraft Martinique 2400 21’ Carver montego 21 15’ Avon 15’ 14’ Walker Bay 450 13’ 1 “ Walker Bay Generation 400 12’ 10 “ Walker Bay Generation 390 11’ 10 “ Walker Bay Generation 360 11’ 10 “ Walker Bay 360 w/30 h... 11’ Achilles 350dx 10’ 6 “ AB Inflatables Ventus ... 10’ 2 “ Walker Bay Console Gen... 10’ 2 “ Walker Bay Genesis 310FTD 10’ 2 “ Walker Bay Odyssey 310... April 5, 2013
2013 2013 2008 1987 2003 2003 2006 2007 2011 2008 2013 1999 2007 2000 1987 1989 2003 2013 1971 1984 1986 2013 1976 1988 1977 1977 1979 1983 1982 1975 1996 1985 2008 1988 $ 457,185 $ 457,185 $ 289,900 $ 98,900 $ 174,900 $ 197,900 $ 228,900 $ 238,900 $ 239,813 $ 204,950 $ 247,409 $ 114,900 $ 159,900 $ 99,900 $ 73,500 $ 57,900 $ 95,000 $ 188,900 $ 30,500 $ 31,500 $ 58,900 $ 136,900 $ 19,900 $ 32,900 $ 14,900 $ 7,450 $ 12,300 $ 8,995 $ 12,500 $ 14,900 $ 29,900 $ 12,500 $ 56,900 $ 9,990 S N S D FG S N S D FG S N S D FG S U S D FG S U S D FG S U S D FG S U S D FG S U S D FG S N S D FG S U S D FG S U S FG S U S D FG S U S D FG S U S D FG S U S D FG S U S D FG S U S D FG S N S FG S U S G FG S U S D FG S U S D FG S N S D FG S U S D FG S U S D FG S U S D FG S U S D FG S U S D FG S U S G FG S U S FG S U S G FG S U S D FG S U S D FG S U S D FG S U S G FG Racine, WI
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Racine, WI
Racine, WI
Chicago, WI
Toronto, ON, Can
Racine, WI
Racine, WI
Racine, USA
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Sturgeon Bay, WI
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Racine, WI
Kenosha, WI
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Milwaukee, WI
Winthrop Harbor, IL
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1995 1982 2000 2000 2000 1979 1995 1995 1989 1990 2013 2012 2011 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 $ 165,900 $ 10,300 $ 89,995 $ 66,900 $ 79,999 $ 14,500 $ 17,900 $ 14,999 $ 9,995 $ 4,695 $ 25,995 $ 24,900 $ 22,532 $ 18,900 $ 16,900 $ 4,995 $ 3,595 $ 9,795 $ 3,195 $ 1,274 P U T D FG P U T G FG P U T FG P U T G FG P U T G FG P U T G AL P U S G FG P U S G FG P U S G FG P U S G HP P N S HP P N S G HP P N S G HP P N S G HP P N S G HP P N S G HP P N S G FG P N S G PV P N S G PV P N S G PV Racine, WI
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Winthrop Harbor, IL
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Racine, USA
Sale Pending
Racine, WI
Sale Pending
Racine, USA
Racine, WI
Racine, WI
ontribut i n g
Marsha Connet
Judy Cook
Reef Point Editor
Coordinator and
Contributing Writer
RYC Members
Photos & Articles
Gregg Henning
Paul Tobias
RYC Webmaster
Deadline for articles is
the 20th of the month
PRIOR to publication.
We like to include photos of members’ activities, so
take your camera along next time you go to the Club,
while you’re racing or cruising – or even vacationing!
Digital photos work best – just e-mail them. You can
get your photos, news and event info to us by using
the mailbox in RYC’s office, or you can mail, fax or
e-mail to:
Reef Point Editor One Barker Street
Racine, WI 53402 Fax (262) 634-8971
e-mail: [email protected]
Please support our
advertisers — they support us!
Advertise with your
business card
only $10/month
Contact Kim in the office,
or e-mail Paul at [email protected]
Steinberg Financial
Financial Management
and Asset Preservation
for Mature Investors
Michael R. Steinberg
Securities and advisory
services offered through
SII Investments, Inc., member
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Racine, WI 53405
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