national urban upgrading program
national urban upgrading program
NATIONAL URBAN UPGRADING PROGRAM NATIONAL URBAN UPGRADING STRATEGY AND OVERALL INVESTMENT PLAN FOR URBAN UPGRADING TO YEAR 2020 VIETNAM FINAL REPORT Volume 2 – Appendices April 2008 List of Contents APPENDICES Appendix A Organisational Structures of Local Government in Vietnam Appendix B List of Legal Documents Related to Urban Construction Planning and Investment, Environment and Water Resources Review of Government Policies and Legal Documents Factors of Classifying Urban Centres in Vietnam as per Decree 72/2001/NDCP Inventory of Decisions Creating Cities/Towns and Changing Administrative Boundaries of 25 Cities/Towns 1 2 3 Appendix C 1 2 Review of Statistical Planning Documents Statistical Reports and Administrative Atlas National and Local Planning Documents Appendix D Review of Studies and Reports Appendix E Outline Urban Profiles Appendix F Methodology for the Evaluation, Prioritisation and Selection of Cities and Towns Background General Methodology Criteria for Selection and Prioritisation of 25 Cities and Towns for Initial Study Identification of 8 Priority Cities and Towns for Detailed Evaluation Evaluating the Upgrading Needs of Cities and Towns 1 2 3 4 5 Annex 1 Annex 2 Annex 3 Multi-Criteria Analysis (MCA 5-1, MCA 5-2 and MCA 6) Multi-Criteria Analysis - Option 5 Database and Indicators for Multi-Criteria Analysis Appendix G Urban Upgrading Demand and Investment Cost Appendix H Outline Terms of Reference for the Preparation of Pre-Feasibility Studies, Feasibility Studies, Engineering Designs and Tender Documents for Urban Upgrading in 8 Cities of Vietnam Introduction and Background Objectives Principles, Guidelines and General Scope Summary of Project Preparation Activities and the Required Outputs Institutional Arrangements for Project Implementation Detailed Scope of Work Outputs Inputs 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Annex 1 Annex 2 Annex 3 Annex 4 Annex 5 Annex 6 Priority Cities and Towns Outline Urban Profile Institutional Arrangement For Project Implementation Government Agencies Institutional Arrangements for Project Implementation Consultant Input for Environmental Impact Assessment Data for Resettlement Action Plan Appendix I 1 2 3 4 5 6 Outline Terms of Reference for Preparation of Peri-Urban Area Development Plans Background Objectives of Planning for Peri-Urban Development Areas and for the Assignment Client’s Agencies and Study Methodology Schedule Principles and Framework for Peri-Urban Development Scope of Works National Urban Upgrading Strategy & Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to Year 2020 (NUUP) i Annex 1 Annex 2 Annex 3 Annex 4 Annex 5 Location of Urban Centres by Province and Economic Region Existing and Projected Built-Up Area of Selected Cities and Towns Inputs Outputs Time Schedule for Personnel National Urban Upgrading Strategy & Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to Year 2020 (NUUP) ii APPENDIX A Organisational Structures of Local Governments in Vietnam APPENDIX A Organisational Structures of Local Governments in Vietnam 1. The tasks and authorities of the municipal People’s Committee in carrying out State Management are stipulated in Clause 1 Chapter IV of the Law on Organisation of the People’s Council and People’s Committee, particularly Articles 82-96. In the fields of urban construction, management and development, the municipal People’s Committee exercises the task and authority to organise the establishment, submission and review of regional and urban construction plans within the city’s territory, manage architecture, construction, and building land in accordance with approved plans; and approve plans and investment projects for construction works within its power, manage construction and issue construction permits within the city’s territory. The Municipal People’s Committee also exercises tasks and authorities to direct and inspect the preparation and execution of plans and strategies for the development of the city’s transport network and make it sustainable and in line with the master plan for transport development. 2. Article 3 of Decree 91/CP provides that the Government performs the right of State management over urban planning on the national scale and the People’s Committee at all levels performs the function of urban planning in their localities. The functions included in the State urban planning and management consist of: i) issuing regulations on urban planning management; ii) drawing up and ratifying urban construction projects; iii) managing the transformation and building projects in accordance with approved plans; iv) protecting the urban landscapes and living environment; v) managing the use and exploitation of the urban technical infrastructure; and vi) settling disputes, inspecting and handling violations of regulations on urban management. 3. Two local organisational structures are shown to compare the urban planning organisations of two classes of cities in Vietnam. (Figure 1 refers to the organisational chart of Hanoi which is a special city and Figure 2 is the organisational chart of Tra Vinh which is a class IV city. In Ha Noi, the key department and administrative unit for implementing urban upgrading are the Department of Planning and Architecture and Steering Committee for Site Clearance. In Tra Vinh, the Urban Management Department is responsible for urban planning functions but the Steering Committee for Site Clearance is not shown in its organisational structure. 4. Figure 3 shows the organisational structure of the VUUP Project Management Unit in Hai Phong which is headed by a Director with Deputy Director and Assistant for Director and five divisions consisting of Resettlement and Compensation Division, Planning and Bidding Division, Personnel and Administrative Division, Technical Division and Accounting and Finance Division. National Urban Upgrading Strategy & Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to Year 2020 (NUUP) 1/4 Figure 1. Organisational Chart of Hanoi City Authority HANOI PEOPLE'S COUNCIL HANOI PEOPLE'S COMMITTEE Departments/Organisations Districts Administrative Units/ Institutions • People’s Council Office • Department of Culture and Info • Ba Dinh District I/ UNITS • People’s Committee Office • Department of Health • Cau Giay District • Hanoi TV and Radio • Department of Post and Telecommunication • Department of Construction • Dong Da District • Economy and Urban Newspaper • Department of Industry • City Inspection Committee • Hai Ba Trung District • Hanoi Arts College • Department of Tourism • Council of Reward and Emulation • Hoan Kiem District • Hanoi Teachers’ Trainings College • Department of Education and Training • Population, Family and Children Committee • Hoang Mai District • Le Hong Phong College for management cadres’ trainings • Department of Transportation and Civil Engineering • Committee for Religious Affairs • Long Bien District • Economic and Social Development and Research Institute • Department of Planning and Investment • Authority for Hanoi IPs and EPZ • Tay Ho District • Steering Committee for Thang Long 1000 year celebration • Department of Science and Technology • Sub Department for Forest Inspectors • Thanh Xuan District • Management Board of Ancient Streets Conservation • Department of Labour – Invalids and Social Affairs Organisations under coordination management • Dong Anh District • Steering Committee for Site Clearance • Department of Interior Affairs • Hanoi Police • Gia Lam District • Management Board of Public Transportation Vehicles CC-XD • Foreign Relations Department • Hanoi Taxation Department • Thanh Tri District • Management Board of Tay Ho Investment and Development • Department of Agriculture and Rural Development • Hanoi Treasure • Tu Liem District • Management Board of Key Projects • Department of Planning and Architecture • Hanoi Statistic Department • Soc Son District • Management Board of Hong River Left Bank Infrastructure Project • Department of Environment, Natural Resources, Land and Housing • Hanoi State Bank • Department of Finance • Hanoi Custom II/ UNIONS /ASSOCIATIONS • Hanoi Association of Arts and Literatures • Department of Sports and Physical Training • Hanoi Union of Friendship and Peace Organisations • Department of Trade • Hanoi Union of Sciences and Technical Associations • Department of Justice • Association of Cooperatives • Red-Cross Association • Hanoi Blinds Association • Hanoi Jurisprudents Association • Hanoi Journalists Association • Hanoi Oriental Medicine Association Source: Hanoi Portal Website (Vietnamese Version), 2007. National Urban Upgrading Strategy & Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to Year 2020 (NUUP) 2/4 W1 W2 W3 W4 W5 W6 W7 W8 W9 RADIO PUBLIC ORDER CONTROL TEAM AGRICULTURE – AQUACULTURE DEPT. HEALTH CARE DEPARTMENT CULTURE-INFO COMMUNICATION DEPT POPULATION, FAMILY, CHILDREN COMMITTEE EDUCATION DEPARTMENT PEOPLE’S COMMITTEE OF TOWN PROJECTS MANAGEMENT BOARD MARKET MANGMNT BOARD VOCATIONAL TRAINING CENTRE VERTICAL INSTITUTIONS AND ORGANISATIONS INDUSTRY, TRADE, SCIENCE & TECH DEPT ENVIRONMENT & NATIURAL RESOURCES DEPARMENT PLANNING–FINANCE DEPARTMENT URBAN MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT JUSTICE DEPARTMENT INSPECTION DEPARTMENT ETHNIC AND REGION DEPARTMENT LABOR INVALIDS SOCIAL AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT PEOPLE’S PROSECUTION OF TOWN HEALTH CENTRE STATISTICAL DEPARTMENT COURT EXECUTION TEAM SOCIAL INSUARANCE TAX SUB DEPARTMENT ARMY EXECUTIVE BOARD POLICE STATION PEOPLE COUNCIL OFFICE– PEOPLE COMMITTEE Figure 2. Organisational Chart of Tra Vinh Town Authority PEOPLE’S COUNCIL of TOWN PEOPLE’S COURT OF TOWN PROFESSIONAL DEPARTMENTS WHICH BELONG TO PEOPLE’S COMMITTEE OF TRA VINH TOWN ADMINISTRATIVE ORGANISATIONS AND PUBLIC SERVICES WARD/COMMUNE PEOPLE COUNCILSPEOPLE COMMITTEES DEPENDENT ADMINISTRATIVE UNITS Commune LD Figure 3. Organisational Chart of VUUP PMU of Hai Phong Director of PPMU Assistant for Director Resettlement and Compensation Division Planning and Bidding Division Deputy Director Personnel and Administrative Division Technical Division Accounting and Finance Division Source: Hai Phong Urban Upgrading Project, 18 August 2006. National Urban Upgrading Strategy & Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to Year 2020 (NUUP) 4/4 APPENDIX B List of Legal Documents Related to Urban Construction Planning and Investment, Environment and Water Resources APPENDIX B List of Legal Documents Related to Urban Construction Planning and Investment, Environment and Water Resources 1. Review of Government Policies and Legal Documents The enunciated urban policies directed towards achieving the concept of “Sustainable Urban Development” and to find ways to manage urban growth and service provision are somehow sidetracked by the fast upgrading of cities/town classification lacking supplemental institutional capacity enhancement for local authorities of the newly created or upgraded cities/towns. Improved skills and an organisational structure which more closely relates to the tasks to be performed and a shift in emphasis from a plethora of junior staff to a structure which contains committed senior and middle managers is likely to be the only means of improving matters, with the aim that local governments may be the “employers” with their own appointed staff and in close cooperation with the end-users. Based on the current institutional framework, the process for preparation of long-term investment strategy as well as programme or specific project for investment on construction works need to follow a rather complicated process that involves various state agencies and governmental levels as well as related regulations on different domains. In spite of those, the results obtained from this process could not reflect a comprehensive desirable outcome but present only a simple combination of proposals from different sectors. Date of Issuance Document Code Title of Legal Document 2. 8/1998/QH10 21/2000/QH10 3. 01/2002/QH11 Law on Water Resources Law on Science and Technology recognising professional associations as independent service organisations with the only option available to most development NGOs. Law on State Budget 27/12/2002 4. 13/2003/QH11 Law on Land 26/11/2003 5. 16/2003/QH11 Law on Construction 26 /11/2003 6. 21/2003/L/CTN Law on Organisation 10/12/2003 7. 29/2005/L/CTN Law on Environmental Protection 29/11/2005 8. 56/2005/QH11 Housing Law 29/11/2005 9. 59/2005/QH11 Investment Law 29/11/2005 10. 61/2005/QH11 Bidding Law 29/11/2005 11. 81/2006/QH11 Law on Residence 29/11/2006 12. Decree No. 91/1994/CP Promulgating the Statute on Management of Urban Planning 17/8/1994 13. Decree No. 175/1994/CP Guidelines on the implementation of Law on Evironmental Protection 18/10/1994 14. Decree No. 56/1996/CP Provides for public service state-owned enterprises and states that water service provision is the responsibility of provincial or municipal Water Supply Companies 10/1996 15. Decree No. 26/1996/CP Sanctions against administrative violations on environmental protection 26/4/1996 Regulations on the exercise of democracy in communes 15/5/1998 Amending and supplementing a number of Articles of the regulation on investment in forms of build-operate-transfer contracts, build- transfer-operate contracts and build- 27/1/1999 1. 16. Decree No. 29/1998/ND-CP 17. Decree No. 02/1999/ND-CP 20/5/1998 9/6/2000 National Urban Upgrading Strategy & Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to Year 2020 (NUUP) 1/10 Document Code Title of Legal Document Date of Issuance transfer contracts applicable to foreign investment in Vietnam 18. Decree No. 52/1999/ND-CP Investment and construction regulations 8/7/1999 19. Decree No. 179/1999/ND-CP Implementation of Water Resources Law with the primary purpose of establishing the policies water resources management, rights, obligations of the institutions 30/12/1999 20. Decree No. 02/2000/ND-CP Basis of Build-Operate-Transfer Contracts, Build-Transfer Contracts Applicable to Foreign Investment in Vietnam 15/8/2000 21. Decree No. 24/2000/ND-CP Regulating in detail the implementation of the Law on Foreign Investment ("FIL") in Vietnam 31/7/2000 22. Decree No. 62/2000/ND-CP Promulgating the Regulations on Investment in the Basis of Build-Operate-Transfer Contracts, Build-TransferOperate Contracts and Build-Transfer Contracts Applicable to Foreign Investment in Vietnam 15/8/2000 23. Decree No. 68/2000/ND-CP Application of the contractual regime to a number of jobs in the State administrative agencies and public service units 17/11/2000 24. Decree No. 17/2001/ND-CP Regulation on the management and utilisation of Official Development Assistance with WSS stipulated as priority sector for ODA loans 4/5/2001 25. Decree No. 72/2001/ND-CP Classification of urban centres and urban management levels 5/10/2001 26. Decree No. 86/2002/ND-CP Prescribing the functions, tasks, powers and organisational structures of the ministries and ministeriallevel agencies 05/11/2002 27. Decree No. 91/2002/ND-CP Specifying the mandates functions, responsibility, authority and the organisational structure of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE) 11/11/2002 28. Decree No. 07/2003/ND-CP Amending and supplementing a number of Articles of the investment and construction management regulation promulgated together with the Government's Decree No. 52/1999/ND-CP dated July 8, 1999 and Decree No. 12/2000/ND-CP dated May 5, 2000 30/1/ 2003 29. Decree No. 60/2003/ND-CP Guidelines on the implementation of the State Budget Law 30. Decision No. 64/2003/QD-TTg Approving the plan for thoroughly handling establishments which cause serious environmental pollution 31. Decree No 67/2003/ND-CP Environmental protection charges for waste water 32. Decree No. 73/2003/ND-CP 33. Decree No. 79/2003/ND-CP 34. Decree 88/2003/NDCP 35. Decree No. 162/2003/ND-CP 06/06/2003 22/4/2003 13/6/2003 Regulation on estimate consideration and Decision as well as Local Budget Allocation and Local Budget Settlement Approval 23/06/2003 Regulation on Exercise of Democracy in Communes 7/7/2003 Formation, operation, and state management of associations Regulation on collection, management, exploitation and utilisation of water resources data and information 30/7/2003 19/12/2003 National Urban Upgrading Strategy & Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to Year 2020 (NUUP) 2/10 Document Code Title of Legal Document Date of Issuance 36. Decree No. 171/2004/ND-CP Describing the organisation of professional agencies under the People’s Committees of provinces or centrallyrun cities 29/07/2004 37. Decree No. 209/2004/ND-CP Quality management of construction works 16/12/2004 38. Decree No. 181/2004/ND-CP Providing for implementation of Law on Land 29/10/2004 39. Decree No. 188/2004/ND-CP Method for defining land prices and price-frame of different types of land 16/11/2004 40. Decree No. 197/2004/ND-CP Compensation, financial assistance and resettlement when the State recovers land 03/12/2004 41. Decree No. 08/2005/ND-CP Construction Planning 24/01/2005 42. Decree No. 16/2005/ND-CP Management of investment project of construction work 7/2/2005 43. Decree No. 130/2005/ND-CP Autonomy and self-responsibility mechanism concerning the staffing and budgeting in State organisations 17/10/2005 44. Decree No. 144/2005/ND-CP Stipulations on the coordination among State administrative agencies in developing and verifying the implementation of policies, strategies, planning and plans 16/11/ 2005 45. Decree No. 159/2005/ND-CP Classification of administrative units of Commune, Ward, Town 27/12/2005 46. Decree No. 17/2006/ND-CP Amendment of and addition to a number of Decrees implementing the Law on Land and to Decree No. 187/2004/ND-CP of the Government dated 16 November 2004 on conversion of State owned companies into shareholding companies 27/01/2006 47. Decree No. 80/2006/ND-CP Guidelines on the implementation of the Law on Environmental Protection 09/08/2006 48. Decree No. 81/2006/ND-CP Sanctioning of administrative violations in the domains of environmental protection 09/08/2006 49. Decree No. 112/2006/ND-CP Amending, supplementing some articles of Decree No. 16/2005/ND-CP 29/6/2006 50. Decree No. 108/2006/ND-CP Provides guidelines for implementation of a number of articles of the Law on Investment 22/09/2006 51. Decree No. 111/2006/ND-CP Guidelines for Implementation of Law on Tendering and Selection of Construction Contractors Pursuant to Law on Construction 29/9/2006 52. Decree No. 140/2006/ND-CP Promulgation of regulations on the environmental protection interventions in the formation, appraisal, approval and implementation of the development strategies, planning, plans, programs and projects 22/11/2006 53. Decree No. 99/2007/ND-CP Guidelines on management of expenditure used for investment project 13/6/2007 54. Decree No. 15/2007/ND-CP Classification of provincial or district-levels administrative units 26/1/2007 55. Decree No. Supplementary regulations on issuance of certificate of land use right, recovery of land, implementation of land 25/05/2007 National Urban Upgrading Strategy & Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to Year 2020 (NUUP) 3/10 Document Code Title of Legal Document 84/2007/ND-CP use right, process and procedure of compensation, financial assistance, resettlement when the State recovers the land and resolve of complain against the land Date of Issuance 56. Decree No. 151/2007/ND-CP Organisation and Activities of Collaborative Groups 10/10/2007 57. Decision of the Prime Minister 53/1999/QD-TTg Some measures to encourage foreign direct investments 26/3/1999 58. Decision No. 64/2001/QD- TTG Promulgating the Regulation on the Management and Utilisation of Aid from International Non-Governmental Organisations 26/4/2001 59. Decision No. 35/2002/QĐBKHCNMT Vietnam Environmental Standards 25/6/2002 Strategic Orientation for Sustainable Development in Vietnam (Vietnam Agenda 21) 17/08/2004 Transport Sector Development Strategy to 2020 10/12/2004 62. Decision of the Prime Minister 53/2006/QD-TTg Promulgating the model of working regulation of provincial/municipal People’s Committees 08/03/2006 63. Decision of the Prime Minister 75/2006/QD-TTg Promulgating the model of working regulation of People’s Committees of rural/urban districts and provincial towns and cities 12/06/2006 64. Decision of the Prime Minister 80/2005/QD-TTg Regulation on Investment Supervision by the Community 18/4/2005 65. Decision of the Prime Minister 77/2006/QD-TTg Promulgating the model of working regulation of People’s Committees of communes, wards and district townships 13/04/2006 66. Decision of the Prime Minister 170/2006/QD-TTg Promulgating the Regulation on criteria and norms of equipment and working facilities of state working offices and state cadres and civil servants 18/ 07/2006 67. Decision of the Prime Minister 40/2006/QD-TTg Approving the plan for training and re-training of cadres and civil servants in the 2006-2010 period 15/02/2006 68. Decision No. 82/2002/QD-TTg Establishment, mandate and operations of the Viet Nam Environment Protection Fund 26/6/2002 69. Decision No. 45/QD-TTg Establishment of Provincial Department of Natural Resources and Environment 2/4/2003 70. Decision No. 395/1998/QDBKHCNMT Regulation on environmental protection in searching, exploring, developing, exploiting, storing, transporting and processing oil, gas and other related services Guidelines on the implementation of the Government's Decree No. 149/2004/ND-CP on the issuance of permits for water resource exploration, exploitation and use, or for discharge of wastewater into water sources 10/4/1998 Policies for the use of bare land, denuded hills, forests, 15/9/1992 60. Decision of the Prime Minister 153/2004/QD-TTg 61. Decision of the Prime Minister 206/2004-TTg 71. Decision No. 05-2003/QD-BTNMT 72. Decision No. 27/7/2004 National Urban Upgrading Strategy & Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to Year 2020 (NUUP) 4/10 Document Code 327/1992/CT-HDBT Title of Legal Document Date of Issuance alluvial flats and water bodies. 73. Decision No. 860/1995/TTg Functions, responsibilities, powers and organisation’s machinery of Vietnam Mekong Committee 30/12/1995 74. Decision No. 299/1996/TTg Establishment the Central Steering Committee for prevention, combat against floods and typhoons 13/5/1996 75. Decision No. 63/1998/QD-TTg Orientation on Water Supply Development in Urban Areas by 2020 18/3/1998 76. Decision No. 35/1999/QD-TTg Orientation on Drainage Development in Urban Areas by 2020 5/3/1999 77. Decision 152/1999/QD-TTg of the Prime Minister Approval of Solid Waste Management Strategy in Urban Areas and Industrial Zones of Vietnam towards the year 2020 10/7/1999 78. Decision No. 155/1999/QD-TTg Regulation on hazardous waste management (including hazardous wastewater) 16/7/1999 79. Decision No. 67/2000/QD-TTg Establishment of the National Water Resources Council 15/6/2000 80. Decision No. 104/2000/QD-TTG National Strategy on Clean Water and Environmental Sanitation in Rural Areas 25/8/2000 81. Decision No. 99/2001/QD-TTG Regulation on organisation and operation of National Water Resources Council 28/6/2001 82. Decision No. 357/1997/NNQLN/QD Issuing temporary regulation of implementation of regimes of license and permit for searching, exploring, exploiting and drilling ground water and registration of ground water exploitation works 13/3/1997 83. Decision No. 37/2001/ QD/BNNTCCB Establishment of the Planning Management Council for Cuu Long River Basin 09/4/2001 84. Decision No. 38/2001/QD/BNNTCCB Establishment of the Planning Management Council for Dong Nai River Basin 09/4/2001 85. Decision No. 39/2001/QD/BNNTCCB Establishment of the Planning Management Council for Thai Binh and Red Rivers Basin 09/4/2001 86. Decision No. 1622002-TTg 87. Decision No. 2685/VPCP-QHQT 88. Decision No. 256/2003/QD/TTg Planning of Transportation Development to 2010 and Orientation to 2020 Comprehensive Poverty Reduction and Growth Strategy (CPRGS) Environmental Strategy 2010 12/2003 89. Decision No. 14/2005/QD-BTNMT Defining the functions, tasks, powers and organisational structure of the Environmental Protection Department 2/12/2005 90. Decision No. 27/2005/QD-BGTVT Design Standard for Construction of Traffic Works 13/5/2005 91. Decision No. 305/2005/QĐ-TTg National Statistical Indicator System (NSIS) 24/11/2005 92. Directive No. 200/1994/TTg Ensuring the fresh clean water supply and environmental sanitation for rural areas 29/4/1994 15/11/2002 21/5/2002 National Urban Upgrading Strategy & Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to Year 2020 (NUUP) 5/10 Document Code Title of Legal Document Date of Issuance 93. Directive No. 487/1996 TTg Enhancement of State management of water resources 30/6/1996 94. Directive No. 36/CT-TW Enhancing Environmental Protection in the Period of Modernisation and Industrialisation 25/6/1998 95. Directive No. 04/2004/CT-TTg Improvement of management over clean waster supply and consumption 20/1/2004 96. Directive No. 23/2005/CT-TTg Enhancing the Management of Solid Waste in Urban Centres and Industrial Parks 21/6/2005 97. Circular No. 24/1994/BXD-KTQH Guiding procedure for issuance of construction permits to construction works in urban areas 16/12/1994 98. Circular No. 333/UB/LXT Guidelines on implementation of regulations on investment in the form of Build-Own-Operate-Transfer contracts 28/2/1994 99. Circular No. 40/1998/CT-TTg Strengthening urban water supply development and management 14/12/1998 100 Circular No. 03/1999/BXD Guidelines on pricing and authorisation to set clean water consumption tariffs in urban and residential areas and industrial zones 6/6/1999 101 Circular No. 06/1999/TT-BKH Guidelines on the contents of total investment, dossiers on investment project evaluation and investment reports 24/11/1999 102 Circular No. 12/2000/TT-BKH Guidelines on foreign investment activities in Vietnam 15/9/2000 103 Circular No. 06/2001/TT-BKH Guidelines on the implementation of Decree 17/2001/NDCP 20/9/2001 104 Circular No. 15/2001/TTBTCCBCP Guidelines on the implementation of the Government’s Decree No. 68/2000/ND-CP of November 17, 2000 on the application of contractual regimes to a number of jobs in State administrative agencies and pubic-service units 11/04/2001 105 Joint Circular 02/2003/TTLT-BKHBTC Issuance of a regulation on ODA management and use 17/3/2001 106 Joint-Circular 2/2002/TTLT-BXDTCCBCP Guidelines on classification of urban centres and urban management levels 8/3/2002 107 Circular of MOC 06/2003/TT-BXD Guidelines on the estimation and management of expenditures on construction of works with capital of international donors 14/4/2003 108 Circular of the MoF 59/2003/TT-BTC Guidelines on the implementation the Decree No. 60/2003/ND-CP 23/06/2003 109 Circular of the MoF 60/2003/TT-BTC Regulation on commune budget management and other financial activities of commune, districts and towns 23/06/2003 110 Circular of the MoF 108/2003/TT-BTC Financial mechanism applicable to environmental sanitation projects funded with ODA capital sources 7/11/2003 111 Circular of MoF 116/2004/TT-BTC Guidelines on implementation of Decree No. 197/2004/ND-CP of the Government dated 03/12/2004 on compensation, financial assistance and resettlement when the State recovers land 07/12/2004 National Urban Upgrading Strategy & Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to Year 2020 (NUUP) 6/10 Document Code Title of Legal Document Date of Issuance 112 Circular of MOC 12/2005/TT-BXD Guidelines on the contents of quality management of construction works and capacities of organisations and individual engaged in construction activities 15/07/2005 113 Circular of MOC 15/2005/TT-BXD Guideline for construction planning preparation, appraisal and approval 24/01/2005 114 Circular of MoNRE 08/2006/TT-BTMMT Guidelines for Strategic Environmental Assessment, Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Protection Undertakings 08/09/2006 115 Circular of MOF 40/2005/TT-BTC Financial mechanism applicable to clean water supply projects by ODA 25/5/2005 116 Circular of MoF 107/2006/TT-BTC Guiding the implementation of State budget forecast in 2007 20/11/2006 117 Joint-Circular of the MoF and MOC No. 104/2004/TTLTBTC-BXD Principles, methods and responsibilities for setting and control of clean water consumption tariffs in urban areas, industrial zones and rural population clusters 8/11/2004 118 Joint-Circular of the Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Internal Affairs 03/2006/TTLT-BTCBNV Guidelines on the implementation of Decree No.130/2005/ND-CP 17/01/2006 Guidance of contents for: formulation, appraisal and approval of projects on investment construction of works; construction license and arrangement of managing projects of investment construction of works as stipulated in Decree No. 16/2005/ND-CP dated 07/02/2005 and Decree No. 112/2006/ND-CP dated 29/9/2006 that issued by the Government 14/2/2007 119 Circular of MOC 02/2007/TT-BXD 120 Resolution No. 59/2007/NQ-CP 121 1599/BXD-VP 122 1601/BXD-VP 123 Ordinance A number of solutions to problems in construction investment activities and reform of some administrative procedures applicable to enterprises Base Cost of Engineering Constrution Works Methods and formulae to calculate cost norms Base Cost of Engineering Constrution Works Cost norms Prevention, combat against floods and typhoons 30/11/2007 25/7/2007 25/7/2007 1993 124 Ordinance Supplement and amendment ordinance on prevention, combat against floods and typhoons 2000 125 TCVN 5942-1995 Surface water quality standard 1995 126 TCVN 5943-1995 Coastal water quality standard 1995 127 TCVN 5944-1995 Ground water quality standard 1995 128 TCVN 5945-1995 Industrial wastewater quality standard 1995 129 TCXD 188-1996 Urban effluents standard 1996 130 1329/2002/BYT/QD Drinking water quality standards 2002 131 TCVN 6772-2000 Domestic waste water quality standard 2000 132 22TCN-211-1993 Flexible pavement design standard. 1993 National Urban Upgrading Strategy & Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to Year 2020 (NUUP) 7/10 Document Code Title of Legal Document Date of Issuance 133 22TCN-223-1995 Rigid pavement design standard. 1995 134 20TCN 104-1983 Urban road designing standard. 1983 135 TCVN 4054-1998 Car road designing standard. 1998 136 22TCN 18-1979 Bridge and sewer designing process. 1979 137 33-2006 2006 139 TCVN 51/1985 Vietnam construction standard on water supply network and works. Vietnam construction standard for preventing and fighting fire of household and works. Drainage network and works. 140 TCVN 5945/2005 Regulations for industrial wastewater 2005 141 259-2001 2001 142 5661-1992 Vietnam design standard on man-made lighting outside public works and technical infrastructure in urban areas. Vietnam design standard on high pressure sodium lamp. 143 1835-1994 Vietnam design standard on lighting equipment design. 1994 138 2622-1995 1995 1985 1992 National Urban Upgrading Strategy & Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to Year 2020 (NUUP) 8/10 2. Factors of Classifying Urban Centres in Vietnam as per Decree 72/2001/ND-CP Factors Urban character Non-agricultural labour Infrastructure Population Population density Special Cases 1 2 3 4 * Represents 90% of the total labour force or higher * Represents 85% of the total labour force or higher ** Represents 80% of the total labour force or higher *** Represents 75% of the total labour force or higher **** Represents 70% of the total labour force or higher Has been or is synchronously and completely built in specific sector Built basically synchronously and completely Built basically synchronously and completely in many aspects Built in many sectors and becoming synchronous and complete Built basically synchronously and completely in each specific sector 1,500,000 500,000 250,000 100,000 50,000 15,000 12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 Notes: Grade also refers to Class (i.e. Grade 1 = Class I). Class 5 is not included in NUUP. *Special cases and grade 1 must be an urban centre with the function as a political, economic, cultural, scientifictechnical, tourist and service centre, a traffic hub, and a domestic and international exchange centre, and playing the role of boosting the socio-economic development of the whole country. **Grades 2 must be an urban centre with the function as a political, economic, cultural, scientific-technical, tourist and service centre, a traffic hub, and a domestic and international exchange centre, and playing the role of boosting the socioeconomic development of an inter-provincial region or the whole country in several domains. ***Grades 3 must be an urban centre with the function as a political, economic, cultural, scientific-technical, tourist and service centre, a traffic hub, and a domestic and international exchange centre, and playing the role of boosting the socioeconomic development of a province or an inter-provincial region in several domains. ****Grades 4 must be an urban centre with the function as a political, economic, cultural, scientific-technical, tourist and service centre, a traffic hub, and a domestic and international exchange centre, and playing the role of boosting the socioeconomic development of a province or a region within a province. National Urban Upgrading Strategy & Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to Year 2020 (NUUP) 9/10 3. Inventory of Decisions Creating Cities/Towns and Changing Administrative Boundaries of 25 Cities/Towns Cities/Towns Decision Number Date of Issuance TP. Huế 209/2005/ND-CP 24 Aug 2005 TP. Huế TP. Biên Hoà TP. Việt Trì TP. Việt Trì TP. Buôn Ma Thuột TP. Hải Dương TP. Thái Bình TP. Quảng Ngãi TP. Đồng Hới TP. Lạng Sơn TX. Hoà Bình TP. Điện Biên Phủ TP. Phan Thiết TP. Cà Mau TP. Mỹ Tho TX. Phủ Lý TX. Sơn Tây TX. Móng Cái TX. Ninh Bình TX. Thủ Dầu Một TX. Cao Bằng TX. Cam Ranh TX. Kon Tum TX. Sóc Trăng TP. Cao Lãnh TX. Vị Thanh 44/2007/ND-CP 219/TTg 180/2004/ND-CP 133/2006/ND-CP ¸ 04 /2004/ND-CP ¸ 88-CP 117/2004/ND-CP 112/2005/ND-CP 156/2004/ND-CP 82/2002/ND-CP 126/2006/ND-CP 110 /2003/ND-CP 81/1999/ND-CP 21/1999/ND-CP 248/2005/QD-TTg 53/2000/ND-CP __/2006/QD-BXD 52/1998/ND-CP 19/2007/ND-CP 115/2007/QD-BXD 77 /2002/ND-CP 21/2000/ND-CP 13/2004/ND-CP 22/2007/ND-CP 10/2007/ND-CP 45/1999/ND-CP 27 March 2003 10 May 1993 14 Oct 2004 10 Nov 2006 2 Jan 2004 6 August 1997 29 April 2004 26 August 2005 16 Aug 2004 17 Oct 2002 27 Oct 2006 29 Sep 2003 25 Aug.1999 14 April 1999 7 Oct 2005 25 Sep 2000 30 May 2006 20 Jul 1998 7 Feb 2007 23 Jan 2007 4 Oct 2002 7. July 2000 8 Jan 2004 8 Feb 2007 16 Jan 2007 1 July 1999 ¸ City Area (km2) Population 22.4531 154.67 38,8962 3 541.495 106.36 36.862 36.268 43.30 37.12 155.54 7.76935 132.7605 60.09 205.86 245.80 49.98 34.2487 113.47 515 4.836,49 88 5.523 684.435 171.79 76.1522 107.1954 111.58 168,462 299.310 143,895 143,925 133,843 130.636 106.110 95,589 70,639 186.404 176,848 215,000 70,495 110,827 78.400 130.517 158.000 47.272 191,066 47056 173,922 149,837 70,456 Other Remarks (Number and area of wards & communes; addition/ subtraction, etc.) Became class I city under Thua Thien Hue province 24 wards, 3 communes (after expanded) 23 wards, 3 communes Became class II city 10 wards, 12 communes 13 wards, 8 communes 11 wards, 2 communes 8 wards, 5 communes 8 wards, 2 communes 10 wards, 6 communes 5 wards, 3 communes 8 wards, 6 communes 7 wards, 1 communes 10 wards, 5 communes 15 administrative units: 8 wards & 7 communes 11 wards, 4 communes 12 wards, 6 communes 6 wards 9 communes 16 wards 10 wards, 4 communes 6 wards, 6 communes 4 wards, 4 communes 9 wards, 18 communes 5 wards, 4 communes 10 wards, 0 commune 8 wards, 7 communes 7 administrative units: 4 wards & 3 communes Decision on city’s expansion. added areas by division of Huong So commune into 2 new wards and division of Thuy An commune into 2 new wards 2 added population 3 Population in 2005 and 604,548 in 2007 ¸ 1 National Urban Upgrading Strategy & Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to Year 2020 (NUUP) 10/10 APPENDIX C Review of Statistical and Planning Documents APPENDIX C Review of Statistical and Planning Documents 1. Statistical Reports and Administrative Atlas In the preparation of data survey at the local level, the consultants reviewed some national statistical reports pertinent to the sampling procedure and results of the Vietnam Household Living Standard Survey (VHLSS) 1999 and 2004, particularly on demographic and household survey. Other sources include publication of General Statistics Office of Vietnam as follows: • Population Change and Family Planning Survey 1 April 2005, Statistical Publishing House, Hanoi 2006. • Socio-Economic Statistical Data of 671 districts, towns and cities under the authority of provinces in Vietnam, Statistical Publishing House, 2006. • Statistical Yearbook of Vietnam 2006, Statistical Publishing House, Hanoi 2007. Among the findings were: • The Statistical Reports usually contain demographic information, agricultural and industrial statistics, investment budget for basic construction, data on trade, tourism, transportation, culture, education, health sports and social affairs. • Temporary residents who comprise a big portion of the total population, particularly in special cities, Classes I and II cities are not clearly distinguished. • There exists no statistics on the number of housing units at the local level. Construction statistics does not indicate the number of structures built by type. • Data on infrastructure are limited. In most cities/towns, there exists no inventory of roads, drainage and sewerage systems, solid waste facilities, among others. • Data on income were itemised as taxes from non-state owned sector (land use, house, transfer of land us rights, fees and charges), state budget allocation and other incomes. • Data on expenditure of cities/towns are not uniformly present. Some reports indicated that the local expenditure was broken into expenses for economic enterprises, education, health, culture, administrative management and budget for communes. Also reviewed were a number of Local Statistical Reports as listed below: • Buon Ma Thuot Statistical Year Book 2005, Dac Lac Provincial Department of Statistics, March 2006. • Ca Mau Statistical Year Book 2005, Ca Mau Provincial Department of Statistics, July 2006. • Cam Ranh Statistical Year Book 2005, Cam Ranh Provincial Department of Statistics, June Cao Bang Statistical Year Book 2005, Ha Noi Publishing house of Statistics, 2006. • Cao Lanh Statistical Year Book 2005 , Dong Thap Provincial Department of Statistics, July 2006. • Hue Statistical Year Book 2005, Thua Thien Hue Provincial Department of Statistics, June 2006. • Kon Tum Statistical Year Book 2005, Kon Tum Provincial Department of Statistics, 2006. • Mong Cai Statistical Year Book 2004, Ha Noi Publishing House of Statistics, 2004. • My Tho Statistical Year Book 2005, My Tho Department of Statistics, 2005. • Ninh Binh Statistical Year Book 2005, Ninh Binh Provincial Department of Statistics, May 2005. • Phan Thiet Statistical Year Book 2005, Phan Thiet Provincial Department of Statistics, 2005. • 2006. • Quang Ngai Statistical Year Book 2001-2005, Quang Ngai Provincial Department of Statistics, March 2006. • Soc Trang Statistical Year Book 2005, Soc Trang Provincial Department of Statistics, April 2006. • Vi Thanh Statistical Yearbook 2005, Hau Giang Department of Statistics, March 2006. • Viet Tri Statistical Year Book 2005, Viet Tri Department of Statistics, March 2005. Also used as a major reference was Vietnam Administrative Atlas, Cartographic Publishing House, September 2005. National Urban Upgrading Strategy & Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to Year 2020 (NUUP) 1/3 2. National and Local Planning Documents While orientation master plans for different sectors are still produced, recent planning undertakings have given birth to another set of planning documents which are referred to as strategies for specified sectors such as transportation, water sector in the urban areas, solid waste management as well as urban upgrading. The central government also formulates regional plans for selected regions of national significance in order to address some socio-economic development concerns (e.g., Socio-Economic Development Orientation of the Northern Key Economic Region toward 2010 and Vision toward 2020 and Decision of Prime Minister on Socio-Economic Development of Mekong Delta Region in the period of 2006-2010). A number master plans, socio-economic plans and detailed urban construction plans of provinces and cities/towns were reviewed.1 The planning documents shown by the local authorities to the consultants are inadequate to guide the local urban managers in addressing the dynamic local population and inadequate and deteriorating infrastructure facilities and utilities. In general, the master plans contain a summary profile of the city or town, evaluation of the implementation of overall plan, targets and projection and orientation of urban development. No situational analysis was provided in the document to support the local plans which generally emanate from the central government or provincial government. Some cities/towns had outdated master plans. A number of cities/towns had no detailed construction plan due to lack of capacity to undertake technical planning and inadequate resources to conduct detailed data-gathering and inventory of infrastructure as well as generate digitised maps.2 Some local governments have urban detailed construction plans which indicate digitised maps of proposed roads, water pipelines, drainage pipelines, street lighting, among others. It was noticed that master plans were prepared by cities/towns in its bid to upgrade its classification. The list of plans reviewed are listed below: 2.1 National Plans • The Five-Year Socio-Economic Development Plan, 2006-2010, Ministry of Planning and Investment, Hanoi, March 2006. • Orientation Master Plan for Urban Development 2020, Construction Publishing House, Hanoi 1999. • Orientation for Housing Development 2001-2010, MPI Ten-Year Infrastructure Plan. • Transportation System Development Strategy to 2020. • Orientation for Urban Water Supply Development to 2020. • National Orientation on Drainage Development in Urban Areas by 2020. • Orientation for Urban Sewerage and Drainage to 2020. • Orientation Water Resources Development Plan to 2000 and Tentative Development Plan to 2010. • Strategy for the Management of Solid Waste in Vietnam Cities and Industrial Parks. • National Strategy for Environmental Protection, 2001-2010. • Water Resources Development Plan to the Year 2000 and Tentative Development Plan to the Year 2010 (MARD, June 1998). • Direction and Duties of Water Resources Development to the Year 2010 (MARD, September 1999). • Strategy for Rural Agriculture Development in the Industrialisation and Modernisation Period to the year 2010 (MARD, July 2000). • Agriculture and Rural Development Plan (2001- 2005) (MARD, August 2000). • National Strategy for Rural Water Supply and Sanitation (NRWSS). • Second National Strategy and Action Plan for Disaster Mitigation and Management in Viet Nam 2001 to 2020 (MARD and Central Committee for Flood and Storm Control, December 2001. 1 Soc Trang had soft copy and hard copy of documents and digitised city maps for 6 out of 10 wards (Wards 2, 3, 5, 6, 8 combined 4 and 9). These were 12 sets of maps (i.e., residential area map, existing situation map of construction and land evaluation, existing and proposed land use map, spatial map, architectural/structural plan, transport plan, drainage, water supply, sewerage system, electrical system, road network and pipeline network). 2 During the Field Study done on 18 October 2007 by MOC3, it was found out that Hai Duong City only had COREL generated maps. National Urban Upgrading Strategy & Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to Year 2020 (NUUP) 2/3 • Strengthening Environmental Protection in the period of National Industrialisation and Modernisation (Communist Party of Viet Nam, Directive No. 36/CT-TW, 1998). • Public Administration Reform Master Program for 2001-2010, 2001. 2.2 Local Plans • Can Tho Development Strategies, World Bank and National Institute for Urban and Rural Planning, Ministry of Construction, 23 July 2006. • Ha Long City’ Development Strategies, World Bank and National Institute for Urban and Rural Planning, Ministry of Construction, 4 July 2006. • City Development Options for Hai Phong. Charting a Path to the Year 2020, 30 July 1998. • Summary Report on detailed land use planning to the year 2015 and the plan for land use to the year 2010 – Him lam Ward, Dien Bien Phu City, Dien Bien Province, November 2005 • Basic Economic and Social Targets 2001-2005 of Hoa Binh Town, Hoa Binh Provincial PC, September, 2005. • Overall Economic and Social Development Plan of Lang Son City, period 2001-2010, Lang Son Provincial PC, August 2001. • Overall Economic and Social Development Plan Of Cam Ranh Town to the year 2020, Khanh Hoa Provincial PC, September 2005. • Overall economic and social development plan of My Tho City, period 1997-2010, My Tho City PC, October 1997. • Summary report on the Detailed Development Plan of Ninh Phong ward, Ninh Binh Town Ninh Binh Province, Ninh Binh Provincial PC and Institute of Urban and Infrastructure development Studies, December, 2005. • Summary Report the amendment of Overall Development Plan of Hai Duong City, Hai Duong province, period 2002-2020, MOC and Institute Of Urban Plan For Rural Areas, September, 2004 • Report the Amendment of Overall Development Plan of Son Tay Town, Ha Tay province to the Year 2020, 2004. • Summary Report on Detailed Land Use Planning to the year 2010, Dong Kinh Ward, Lang Son Town, Lang Son City PC, 2006. • Summary Report on Detailed Land Use Planning to the year 2010 of Dong Hoi City and the Orientation for Land Use to the Year 2020, September 2006. • Summary Report on detailed land use planning to the year 2015 and the plan for land use to the year 2015 of Bac Nghia Ward. National Urban Upgrading Strategy & Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to Year 2020 (NUUP) 3/3 APPENDIX D Review of Studies and Reports APPENDIX D Review of Studies and Reports 1. Comprehensive Poverty Reduction and Growth Strategy, 2002. 2. Document of the National Representative Congress of Vietnamese Communist Party No. IX, April 2001. 3. Enhancing Access of the Urban Poor and Vulnerable Groups in Vietnam to Basic Infrastructure and Housing” was carried out as part of the Cities Alliance work in 2001-2002. 4. Enhancing Access to basic infrastructure services of the urban poor and vulnerable groups in Vietnam. Housing and infrastructure constraints faced by the urban poor. Nguyen Thie Hien, et al., Hanoi, June 2002. 5. Evaluation of Community Upgrading Programs in Metro Manila by Julie G. Viloria and David Williams in Shelter Upgrading for the Urban Poor: Evaluation of Third World Experience edited by Reinhard J. Skinner, et al, Island Publishing House Inc. in cooperation with the United Nations Centre for Human Settlements (Habitat) and the Institute for Housing Studies). 6. “Guidelines for Preparation of Upgrading Projects in Poor Areas with Community Participation,” MOC/World Bank, 2004. 7. Population Change and Family Planning Survey 1 April 2005, General Statistics Office, 2006. 8. Project Operations Manual, Pre-Feasibility and Feasibility Studies for the Four VUUP Pilot Projects. 9. Task 1 Report entitled “Housing and Infrastructure, Constraints faced by the Urban Poor Surveys,” 2002. 10. Task 2 Report entitled “Review of Recent and On-Going Urban Upgrading Programs,” 2002. 11. Task 3 Report entitled “A National Strategy to Enhance Access of the Urban Poor to Basic Infrastructure and Housing,” 2002. 12. Task 4 Report entitled “Development of a Detailed Action Plan for a Selected City (Can Tho)” by Michael Slingsby and Do Xuan Thuy for Cities Alliance, 2002. 13. Socio-Economic Statistical Data of 671 districts, towns, and cities under the Authority of provinces in Vietnam, General Statistics Office, Statistical Publishing House (2006) is the major source of data for 2 Multi-Criteria Analysis. Socio-economic data such as land area (km ), population, number of students, number of classrooms, revenue and expenditure are among the data gathered and stored in the database for NUUP. 14. Statistical Yearbook of Vietnam 2006, Statistical Publishing House, Hanoi, 2007. 15. Statistical Information Compilation of custom indicators generated from the Development Data Platform (DDP). The DDP is a web resource for retrieving and reporting both time series and survey data on several development topics. 16. Sub-Project Formulation of Policies for Urban Upgrading, MOC, 2004. 17. Urban Development Strategy Report: Meeting the challenges of rapid urbanisation and the transition to a market-oriented economy, WB in Vietnam, 2006. 18. Vietnam Administrative Atlas, Cartographic Publishing House is a collection of maps with informative tables, or textual matters on Vietnam which is used to verify location of cities/towns being studied. National Urban Upgrading Strategy and Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to 2020 1/3 19. Vietnam Household Living Standards Survey (VHLSS) 2002 incorporates many aspects of the 199293 and 1997-98 Vietnam Living Standards Survey (VLSS) as well as many characteristics of past Multi-Purpose Household Survey (MPHS). 20. Vietnam Infrastructure Challenge: Infrastructure Strategy. Cross-sectoral issues. The World Bank in Vietnam, 2006. 21. Vietnam Infrastructure Challenge: Power Strategy. Managing growth and reform. The World Bank in Vietnam, 2006. 22. Vietnam Infrastructure Challenge: Transport Strategy. Transition, Reform and Sustainable Management, The World Bank in Vietnam, 2006. 23. Vietnam Infrastructure Challenge: Urban Development Strategy. Meeting the challenges of rapid urbanisation and the transition to a market-oriented economy. The World Bank in Vietnam, 2006. 24. Vietnam Infrastructure Challenge: Water Supply and Sanitation Strategy. Building on a solid foundation, prepared by Camellia Staykova, The World Bank in Vietnam, 2006. 25. Vietnam Poverty Analysis prepared for the Australian Agency for International Development by the Centre for International Economics, Canberra and Sydney, 9 May 2002. 26. Vietnam Urbanisation Issues Paper, July 2004. 27. VUUP – Ho Chi Minh City Sub-Project – Operational Manual, Pre-Feasibility and Feasibility Studies. 28. VUUP – Can Tho Sub-Project – Preparation of Primary and Secondary (Trunk) Infrastructure. 29. VUUP – Sub-Project – Operational Manual (OM)/Sectorial Project No. 1 (Phase I – Component I including the tertiary infrastructure upgrading in Tan Hoa – Lo Gom basin) in Ho Chi Minh City. 30. VUUP – Sub- Project Report: Feasibility Study of Technical Assistance and Strengthening Capacity for Project Management in Ho Chi Minh City Urban Upgrading Project. 31. VUUP – Sub-Project on Infrastructure Upgrading in Low Income Areas of Nam Dinh, Community Upgrading Plan for Van Mieu Low Income Area (Final Version), Nam Dinh, November 2003. 32. VUUP – Sub-Project – Project Operational Manual on Infrastructure Upgrading in Low Income Areas of Nam Dinh, October 2003. 33. VUUP – Sub-Project- Report on the Results of the Socio-Economic Survey in Van Mieu Ward. 34. VUUP - Sub-Project Report: Feasibility Study on Security on Land and House Ownership (Component Project No. 3) in Can Tho. 35. VUUP - Sub-Project: Community Upgrading Plans An Cu Ward. 36. VUUP - Sub-Project: Community Upgrading Plans An Héi Ward. 37. VUUP - Sub-Project Report: Infrastructure Upgrading and Improving Project for Hai Phong Low Income Areas (Feasibility Study Project No. 3: Construction of Resettlement Site and Houses for the Low-Income). 38. VUUP - Sub-Project Report: Survey Results of Socio-Economic Conditions and Project Effects (Component 1 in Phase 1), Hai Phong, March 2003. 39. VUUP - Sub-Project: Construction of Resettlement Site and Houses for the Low-Income. 40. VUUP – Sub-Project Report on Feasibility Study: Revolving Fund for Improvement of House Conditions and Living Standards, Nam Dinh Project Management Board. National Urban Upgrading Strategy and Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to 2020 2/3 41. VUUP Project Appraisal Document on a Proposed Credit to the Socialist Republic of Vietnam for the Urban Upgrading Project, 31 March 2004. 42. VUUP Supervision Mission, Aide Memoire for Can Tho City, 5-7 June 2006. 43. VUUP Supervision Mission, Aide Memoire for Hai Phong City, 29-30 May 2006. 44. VUUP Supervision Mission, Aide Memoire for Ho Chi Minh City, 1-3 June 2006. 45. VUUP Supervision Mission, Aide Memoire-Nam Dinh City, 24-26 May 2006. 46. VUUP Supervision Mission, Aide Memoire for Can Tho City, 11-13 January 2007. 47. VUUP Supervision Mission, Aide Memoire for Hai Phong City, 8-29 January 2007. 48. VUUP Supervision Mission, Aide Memoire for Nam Dinh City, 25-26 January 2007. National Urban Upgrading Strategy and Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to 2020 3/3 APPENDIX E Outline Urban Profiles APPENDIX E Outline Urban Profiles The overall national need and demand for urban upgrading heavily relies on a comprehensive database. The evaluation of cities and towns to determine the extent of infrastructure deficiencies, LIA and periurban development areas that require urban upgrading intervention started with the preparation of a database for each of the 95 cities/towns throughout Vietnam of Class IV status and higher. Data acquired through a desk study, questionnaire and secondary data sources have been adequately formatted and integrated into the database. This broad database was developed using MS Access. The database of 95 cities/towns was further improved, extended and refined by identifying representative sample of 25 cities for field surveys and integrating the field survey results into the database. The database was further enhanced with recently published data and developed into an Outline Urban Profile. Three typical Outline Urban Profiles are presented in this Appendix (i.e., urban profiles of Bien Hoa City, Soc Trang and Vi Than Town). These Outline Urban Profiles may be replicated and continually updated by the local executives in charge of statistics and urban development offices. The data are sorted at different levels, namely, city level, ward level and LIA level. Data at city level include population, area, land use, infrastructure and environment, socio-economic and finance. Data at ward level consist of number of wards, ward population and ward area. Data at LIA level comprise of LIA blocks, area, population, households, number of substandard houses and houses in unsafe areas, households without water supply, without septic tanks, without drainage, houses with uncollected solid waste, length of road in need of upgrading, number and extent of flooded areas, length of road in need of streetlight upgrading. National Urban Upgrading Strategy & Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to Year 2020 (NUUP) 1/17 95 CITIES AND TOWNS DATABASE _ SUMMARY region no. cityarea city km2 wardarea km2 liaarea km2 city population ward population lia population 1 20 1,949 404 47 1,315,106 885,206 258,490 2 18 4,444 899 96 6,890,027 3,960,331 1,067,258 3 22 4,191 946 103 3,966,263 3,019,304 843,283 4 8 2,465 354 39 1,150,990 762,976 204,997 5 8 3,069 905 99 7,303,729 5,711,780 1,595,305 6 19 3,610 961 100 3,580,335 2,117,508 580,047 95 19,728 4,468 484 24,206,450 16,457,105 Grand Total region I 1 2 1 II III IV 2 6 12 2 11 3 S region H L 1 16 4 2 1 4 8 8 3 4 2 2 4 4 5 2 3 2 6 2 8 9 3 Grand Total 2 3 14 38 38 1 2 region 1 Midland and Northern Mountainous Region region 2 Red River Delta region 3 Central Coast region 4 Central Highlands region 5 Sountheast region 6 Mekong River Delta 4,549,380 1 8 16 2 20 1 5 8 6 19 Grand Total 25 LC 67 3 H: Highland L: Lowland LC: Lowland Coastal with specific adverse conditions Vietnam National Urban Upgrading Strategy - Overall Investment Plan to 2020 Final Report Monday, April 28, 2008 Economic Region: Central Coast citiestowns province class topo TP. Quy Nhơn Bình Định II TP. Phan Thiết Bình Thuận TX. Lagi (%) (%) cipogrowth ci%phhs cihfloor 14,732 1.26 6.80 13 40,652 11,280 1.48 0.43 9.7 11,980 13,719 3,240 1.33 8.75 607,879 148,263 169,781 40,105 1.87 19,255 73,859 18,014 20,628 4,872 35,979 8,775 15,101 3,683 4,217 336,605 360,919 88,029 359,000 87,560 56.70 201,500 217,671 53,090 90,897 3.17 28.96 217,313 240,409 58,636 3.11 1.13 10.37 43,992 50,268 79.40 4.32 1.18 10.80 150,173 L 106.82 15.49 4.24 38.72 III L 156.00 22.17 6.06 Quảng Nam III L 60.70 7.35 TP. Tam Kỳ Quảng Nam III H 343.50 TP. Quảng Ngãi Quảng Ngãi III L TX. Đông Hà Quảng Trị IV TX. Quảng Trị Quảng Trị TP. Thanh Hoá ciareakm2 builtupkm2 liaareakm2 warea2005 cipo2000 cipo2005 cihhs2005 wpo2005 whhs2005 liapo liahhs L 216.40 99.34 21.74 198.67 242,616 258,320 63,004 223,305 54,464 62,369 III L 206.00 4.71 1.29 11.77 192,829 207,853 50,695 145,552 41,701 Bình Thuận IV L 182.00 1.29 0.47 4.29 112,558 189,948 46,328 49,120 TP. Đà Nẵng Đà Nẵng I LC 1,256.00 149.17 23.31 213.10 566,000 777,000 186,463 TP. Hà Tĩnh Hà Tĩnh III L 56.00 4.41 1.21 11.03 61,088 78,948 TX. Hồng Lĩnh Hà Tĩnh IV L 58.00 3.08 1.12 10.25 35,417 TP. Nha Trang Khánh Hoà II L 251.00 39.32 8.60 78.64 TX. Cam Ranh Khánh Hoà IV L 696.99 17.01 6.20 TP. Vinh Nghệ An II L 64.00 14.48 TX. Cửa Lò Nghệ An IV L 28.10 TP. Phan Rang - Tháp Chàm Ninh Thuận III L TP. Tuy Hoà Phú Yên III TP. Đồng Hới Quảng Bình TX. Hội An (%) cisubhouse ciroden cidr cidrkm ciwscap (%) (%) (%) ciwwater ciws cisol cislight 3.60 0.80 173 90 68 81 2.52 2.30 474 90 65 81 7.87 2.50 1.73 315 78 20 32 3.50 8 4.53 3.42 4,296 54 90 100 1.33 12.97 19.9 9.85 3.91 219 100 80 96 996 0.32 23.56 4.28 5.00 290 35 60 81 100,269 23,685 1.40 0.30 12.9 1.66 0.65 163 85 70 80 16,633 25,387 4,499 1.49 10.40 9.8 2.70 3.20 2,230 13 70 81 240,000 58,536 67,032 15,834 2.04 7.10 10.70 5.52 353 85 90 81 12,260 30,685 7,484 8,570 2,024 2.70 12.80 7.45 3.83 108 73 40 81 162,531 39,641 133,500 32,560 37,286 8,807 1.59 7.34 10.51 3.67 2.05 163 65 85 90 99,703 162,278 39,580 136,530 33,300 38,133 9,007 0.94 8.62 8 3.31 4.70 502 70 85 64 55.43 94,701 100,815 28,232 65,961 20,310 18,423 5,493 1.17 3.98 12.8 5.68 0.85 133 45 54 57 90 2.01 18.37 78,337 84,296 20,560 59,498 14,511 16,617 3,925 1.48 1.30 15.21 6.00 3.55 215 45 87 72 85 16.46 4.50 41.15 169,869 179,148 43,694 95,889 23,387 26,781 6,326 1.07 8.26 11 3.64 5.80 1,992 41 60 86 100 137.10 14.85 4.06 37.12 110,886 123,505 26,824 116,357 23,203 32,498 6,276 1.85 10.70 18.21 5.82 4.74 650 51 95 70 90 L 72.60 4.77 1.74 15.89 71,055 80,464 19,625 79,026 19,274 22,072 5,213 2.52 5.30 12 10.00 0.88 64 60 80 86 90 IV L 6.40 1.92 0.70 6.40 16,096 16,980 4,141 16,630 4,056 4,644 1,097 1.08 8.45 4.73 1.26 8 45 50 81 Thanh Hoá II L 57.90 11.45 2.50 22.89 185,351 197,245 48,108 143,755 35,062 40,150 9,484 1.25 2.16 14.6 9.40 5.11 296 45 70 75 75 TX. Bỉm Sơn Thanh Hoá IV L 66.90 12.00 4.38 40.00 53,462 55,508 13,538 43,000 10,487 12,009 2,836 0.75 9.40 30 3.04 0.78 52 100 87 35 81 TX. Sầm Sơn Thanh Hoá IV L 17.90 2.46 0.90 8.20 54,806 59,914 14,613 30,690 7,485 8,571 2,024 1.80 5.00 14.8 7.45 3.83 69 10 60 60 29 TP. Huế Thừa Thiên Hu I L 71.00 18.89 2.95 26.98 297,666 326,264 64,385 263,070 50,726 73,475 13,721 1.94 1.94 16.5 41,257 3.82 1.77 126 78 95 90 100 3,966,263 949,476 3,019,304 722,679 843,283 195,476 244.8 126991 12,890 26 29,739 27,171 13,608 15,216 50 75 38 Summary for 'ecoregionname' = Central Coast (22 detail records) Total 4,190.71 468.02 103.47 945.73 3,392,023 3.18 5.34 4.13 3.08 71 75 84 Final Report Vietnam National Urban Upgrading Strategy ‐ Overall Investment Plan to 202 Monday, April 28, 2008 Economic Region: Central Highlands citiestowns province class topo TP. Buôn Ma Thuột Đắc Lăk II TX. Gia Nghĩa Đăk Nông TP. Pleiku (%) (%) cipogrowth ci%phhs cihfloor cisubhouse ciroden 15,077 1.45 8.15 12.6 46,542 4.25 0.74 6,929 1,636 1.33 3.50 20 3.30 31,563 36,144 8,537 1.97 1.78 12 21,613 5,271 6,036 1,425 1.33 8.86 24,078 36,029 8,787 10,062 2,376 0.99 131,983 27,473 82,924 17,566 15,062 3,015 167,709 192,568 46,967 170,200 41,512 47,537 65.00 138,546 150,010 36,587 95,069 23,187 353.72 986,444 1,150,990 282,415 762,976 189,675 ciareakm2 builtupkm2 liaareakm2 warea2005 cipo2000 cipo2005 cihhs2005 wpo2005 whhs2005 liapo liahhs H 377.20 50.75 11.10 101.50 295,095 317,030 83,732 202,918 55,738 56,675 IV H 286.64 19.22 7.01 64.07 35,559 8,672 24,811 6,051 Gia Lai III H 260.60 6.40 1.75 16.00 190,062 46,356 129,412 TX. Ajunpa Gia Lai IV H 287.01 5.18 1.89 17.28 35,058 8,550 TX. An Khê Gia Lai IV H 199.90 6.44 2.35 21.45 93,959 98,720 TX. Kon Tum Kon Tum III H 430.04 13.80 4.73 43.25 118,719 TP. Đà Lạt Lâm Đồng II H 391.10 12.59 2.75 25.18 TX. Bảo Lộc Lâm Đồng IV H 232.40 19.50 7.11 2,464.88 133.88 38.70 172,416 (%) (%) (%) (%) ciwwater ciws cisol cislight 279 65 66 82 95 2.50 717 20 60 80 50 4.35 0.40 104 34 65 90 12.5 3.00 4.00 1,148 30 65 85 85 8.68 12 5.33 2.00 400 30 21 40 85 2.14 5.50 10.68 5.67 4.00 1,720 50 70 60 80 11,229 2.80 6.40 10.9 4.50 2.33 913 100 95 80 100 26,552 6,272 1.60 10.24 4.00 2.33 542 61 74 81 204,997 49,567 21,018 cidr cidrkm ciwscap Summary for 'ecoregionname' = Central Highlands (8 detail records) Total 3.13 6.70 90.68 67560 4.36 2.36 5,823 44 61 72 89 Final Report Vietnam National Urban Upgrading Strategy ‐ Overall Investment Plan to 202 Monday, April 28, 2008 Economic Region: Mekong River Delta citiestowns province class topo TP. Long Xuyên An Giang III TX. Châu Đốc An Giang TX. Bac Liêu ciareakm2 builtupkm2 liaareakm2 warea2005 cipo2000 cipo2005 cihhs2005 wpo2005 whhs2005 L 106.20 42.75 11.69 106.87 252,334 270,238 65,911 263,838 IV L 115.03 11.62 4.24 38.72 106,959 115,067 28,065 Bạc Liêu III L 175.50 19.19 7.00 63.98 132,460 142,420 TX. Bến Tre Bến Tre IV L 67.00 4.03 1.47 13.44 107,631 TP. Cà Mau Cà Mau III L 245.00 15.39 0.74 40.00 182,401 TP. Cần Thơ Cần Thơ II L 1,390.00 147.79 32.34 TP. Cao Lãnh Đồng Tháp III L 107.20 12.08 3.30 30.20 TX. Hồng Ngự Đồng Tháp IV L 122.16 4.87 1.77 16.22 TX. Sa Đéc Đồng Tháp IV L 58.00 6.37 2.32 21.22 TX. Vị Thanh Hậu Giang IV L 119.00 10.91 3.98 TX. Tân Hiệp Hậu Giang IV L 564.00 6.79 TP. Rạch Giá Kiên Giang III L 97.70 TX. Hà Tiên Kiên Giang IV L TX. Tân An Long An IV TP. Sóc Trăng Sóc Trăng TP. Mỹ Tho (%) (%) cipogrowth ci%phhs (%) liapo liahhs 64,350 73,690 17,406 1.38 99,033 24,154 27,660 6,533 1.47 6.42 34,736 26,074 6,359 7,282 1,720 1.46 2.68 116,407 28,391 60,144 14,669 16,798 3,967 1.58 4.38 11 202,316 40,591 120,440 23,977 26,467 5,130 2.06 2.67 11.01 295.57 1,079,891 1,134,500 276,441 507,647 123,816 141,786 33,492 0.97 8.31 149,839 31,476 81,266 16,622 22,697 4,496 0.96 1.28 10.98 64,569 15,748 29,988 7,314 8,375 1,978 1.33 2.00 97,567 102,320 24,956 80,543 19,644 22,495 5,313 0.96 36.37 67,382 71,832 14,378 41,577 7,813 11,612 2,113 2.47 22.62 253,575 269,811 65,807 31,148 7,597 8,699 23.43 6.41 58.58 189,191 207,593 50,632 189,864 46,308 88.50 9.47 3.45 31.57 37,592 42,600 10,390 28,789 L 82.00 11.62 4.24 38.73 115,549 121,363 29,600 III L 76.50 30.60 8.37 76.50 116,023 124,049 Tiền Giang II L 48.30 5.98 1.64 14.95 160,841 TX. Gò Công Tiền Giang IV L 32.10 1.60 0.58 5.34 TX. Trà Vinh Trà Vinh III L 68.04 11.63 1.45 TX. Vĩnh Long Vĩnh Long III L 47.90 8.28 3,610.13 384.39 142,986 cihfloor cisubhouse 13.04 22,601 ciroden cidr cidrkm ciwscap (%) (%) cisol cislight 67 60 81 81 80 81 55 90 81 2.16 3.09 329 3.96 3.05 351 3.16 3.09 543 2.82 3.09 207 55 60 75 81 0.61 0.79 194 47 66 70 81 60 80 90 81 3.50 11,530 (%) ciwwater ciws 70 3.55 3.50 375 28 85 80 95 14 4.90 4.00 489 40 100 80 90 2.19 13.21 6.90 4.00 232 58 84 80 90 1.30 21.55 35 2.06 0.77 92 94 60 81 2,054 1.25 21.00 11.2 3.50 3.50 1,974 15 80 80 65 53,029 12,526 1.87 5.52 13.52 3.50 4.40 430 90 83 70 90 7,021 8,040 1,899 2.53 2.30 3.66 3.09 274 75 48 81 87,008 21,221 24,301 5,740 0.99 4.00 3.00 3.09 254 80 75 81 35,285 124,049 35,285 34,647 9,544 1.35 12.49 17.79 5,254 4.77 3.95 302 81 84 100 170,497 39,619 140,224 28,296 39,164 7,654 1.02 1.08 13.89 12,050 4.57 2.06 99 84 95 96 51,727 53,951 13,158 33,000 8,048 9,216 2,176 0.85 13.28 0.85 1.19 38 85 65 81 29.07 72,199 96,016 22,329 79,066 18,387 17,888 3,898 1.55 6.95 3.16 3.09 211 66 70 81 2.27 20.71 121,236 124,947 30,474 93,810 22,880 26,201 6,189 0.60 5.49 1.52 1.25 60 70 90 70 81 99.74 960.66 3,287,544 3,580,335 857,987 2,117,508 503,761 580,047 133,828 6,452 40 10,134 50 Summary for 'ecoregionname' = Mekong River Delta (19 detail records) Total 1.72 6.95 164.6 61569 3.28 1.79 78 80 83 Final Report Vietnam National Urban Upgrading Strategy ‐ Overall Investment Plan to 202 Monday, April 28, 2008 Economic Region: Midland and Northen Mountainous Region citiestowns province class topo TP. Bắc Giang Bắc Giang III TX. Bắc Cạn Bắc Kạn TX. Cao Bằng (%) (%) cipogrowth ci%phhs cihfloor 4,622 1.98 1.60 15.4 3.96 1.50 48 5,586 1,319 2.10 23.70 10 3.08 0.86 9,418 24,297 6,402 2.14 44,054 9,544 23,886 5,994 3.24 2.32 3,507 9,951 2,427 2,779 656 0.14 13.10 45,028 10,982 32,460 7,917 9,066 2,141 2.74 15.00 13.6 84,019 20,492 69,850 17,167 19,509 4,643 1.17 2.39 19.68 18,561 4,527 13,084 3,191 3,654 863 1.33 13.60 9.2 74,938 78,550 28,519 52,000 23,858 14,523 6,453 0.71 3.67 12 22.93 76,263 86,410 21,075 76,000 18,536 21,226 5,014 2.53 9.15 18.5 2.93 26.79 131,057 145,085 49,225 97,352 36,890 12,446 3,142 2.05 1.27 12 2.08 0.76 6.92 39,575 62,997 15,365 23,180 5,653 6,474 1,529 1.64 3.40 15 13.60 4.08 1.49 13.60 16,260 3,965 16,260 3,965 4,541 1,072 1.33 6.70 H 330.00 4.16 1.52 13.87 75,964 18,527 30,632 7,471 8,555 2,020 2.14 13.11 IV H 10.92 3.28 1.19 10.92 9,340 2,278 9,340 2,278 2,608 616 1.33 17.00 Thái Nguyên II L 177.10 24.09 5.27 48.18 218,038 234,506 57,196 144,688 35,289 40,411 9,545 1.47 6.59 TX. Sông Công Thái Nguyên IV H 83.60 5.43 1.98 18.11 43,244 45,410 11,075 23,725 5,786 6,626 1,565 0.98 TX. Tuyên Quang Tuyên Quang IV H 43.70 1.28 0.47 4.27 53,921 57,152 13,939 26,290 6,412 7,342 1,734 TP. Yên Bái Yên Bái III H 58.00 2.48 0.68 6.19 74,330 78,997 19,267 75,000 18,292 20,947 TX. Nghĩa Lộ Yên Bái IV H 29.70 2.64 0.96 8.79 18,314 26,606 15,925 3,884 4,447 149.29 46.64 885,206 239,943 258,490 ciareakm2 builtupkm2 liaareakm2 warea2005 cipo2000 cipo2005 cihhs2005 wpo2005 whhs2005 L 32.20 2.78 0.76 6.94 94,025 103,685 25,289 70,059 17,087 19,567 IV H 132.00 4.19 1.53 13.96 29,632 32,883 8,020 20,000 4,878 Cao Bằng IV H 55.20 7.40 5.05 22.86 43,150 53,470 13,669 35,356 TP. Điện Biên Phủ Điện Biên III H 64.00 10.35 3.73 34.86 39,050 45,803 12,853 TX. Mường Lay Điện Biên IV H 114.04 15.71 5.73 52.36 9,409 14,379 TX. Hà Giang Hà Giang IV H 166.00 8.66 3.16 28.88 39,341 TP. Hoà Bình Hoà Bình III H 133.00 14.38 3.93 35.95 78,155 TX. Lai Châu Lai Châu IV H 70.80 4.60 1.68 15.34 TP. Lạng Sơn Lạng Sơn III H 77.70 4.84 1.32 12.10 TP. Lào Cai Lào Cai III H 221.50 9.17 2.51 TP. Việt Trì Phú Thọ II L 71.26 17.70 TX. Phú Thọ Phú Thọ IV L 64.50 TX. Mai Sơn Sơn La IV H TX. Sơn La Sơn La IV TX. Mộc Châu Sơn La TP. Thái Nguyên 68,329 liapo liahhs (%) cisubhouse ciroden cidr cidrkm ciwscap (%) (%) (%) ciwwater ciws cisol cislight 20 90 70 90 114 37 80 81 76 75 81 80 92 83 90 20 81 3.8 4,398 0.42 1.50 83 12 2,887 1.15 4.00 256 3.72 2.46 280 0.83 0.96 159 60 70 80 81 3.77 3.62 481 60 95 85 91 1.50 2.46 174 90 35 81 5.90 0.20 16 80 80 80 50 12.10 2.80 620 60 73 60 99 1.10 0.41 29 70 80 80 87 9.40 2.22 143 25 68 50 81 6,724 6,483 15,104 100 81 6.56 2.27 749 30 95 70 81 81 13.3 3.10 3.78 669 3.84 2.71 0.19 1.17 4.83 5.60 4,948 1.23 2.00 1,050 1.33 31.74 7 80 93 80 85 16 10 30 81 2.22 97 40 70 81 5.88 2.22 129 90 80 81 0.13 2.22 66 15 85 81 Summary for 'ecoregionname' = Midland and Northen Mountainous Region (20 detail records) Total 1,948.81 403.83 1,130,771 1,315,106 339,770 65,328 3.07 6.17 161.5 35596 4.70 2.12 4,130 45 76 72 83 Final Report Vietnam National Urban Upgrading Strategy ‐ Overall Investment Plan to 202 Monday, April 28, 2008 Economic Region: Red River Delta citiestowns province class topo TP. Bắc Ninh Bắc Ninh III TX. Phủ Lý Hà Nam TP. Hà Nội (%) (%) cipogrowth ci%phhs cihfloor 6,573 2.32 0.99 13.1 12,833 2,483 1.45 6.34 21.14 452,930 518,667 122,517 5.96 0.35 12 47,005 11,890 13,128 3,216 1.16 12.00 14.8 33,400 87,610 21,368 24,469 5,780 0.35 6.90 143,650 35,036 131,524 32,760 21,814 5,329 3.02 5.50 9 159.72 1,700,530 1,790,300 437,316 613,017 149,516 171,216 40,444 1.06 5.18 79,284 19,337 45,700 11,146 12,764 3,015 1.33 230,575 237,823 58,005 198,900 48,512 55,553 13,122 24.93 59,398 109,847 33,917 83,706 27,114 18,007 2.36 21.55 49,268 52,510 12,807 27,717 6,760 64.95 14.21 129.90 185,405 195,047 47,572 184,470 335.80 5.56 1.52 13.90 152,154 160,282 39,093 LC 515.00 8.76 3.20 29.21 70,159 75,622 IV L 240.40 52.12 19.01 173.75 92,186 Thái Bình III L 42.10 5.14 1.41 12.86 TP. Vĩnh Yên Vĩnh Phúc III L 50.80 5.49 1.50 TX. Phúc Yên Vĩnh Phúc IV L 123.33 6.44 4,444.39 519.97 ciareakm2 builtupkm2 liaareakm2 warea2005 cipo2000 cipo2005 cihhs2005 wpo2005 whhs2005 L 26.34 7.36 2.01 18.40 75,606 111,900 27,292 99,630 24,300 27,826 III L 34.25 2.04 0.74 6.79 71,521 82,050 17,392 45,948 9,182 Hà Nội S L 921.00 196.42 21.49 516,820 1,857,015 TP. Sơn Tây Hà Tây III L 103.17 3.90 1.07 9.74 113,150 120,732 25,932 TP. Hà Đông Hà Tây III L 32.90 3.49 0.96 8.73 97,958 136,943 TP. Hải Dương Hải Dương III L 36.20 9.34 1.36 23.34 128,885 TP. Hải Phòng Hải Phòng I LC 1,526.00 111.80 17.47 TX. Hưng Yên Hưng Yên III L 46.80 8.06 2.20 20.15 41,709 TP. Nam Định Nam Định II L 46.40 7.11 1.55 14.21 TP. Ninh Bình Ninh Bình III L 48.40 15.53 2.04 TX. Tam Điệp Ninh Bình IV L 106.80 6.47 TP. Hạ Long Quảng Ninh II L 208.70 TX. Cẩm Phả Quảng Ninh III L TX. Móng Cái Quảng Ninh III TX. Uông Bí Quảng Ninh TP. Thái Bình 196.42 1,586,500 3,149,800 liapo liahhs (%) cisubhouse 5,292 ciroden cidr cidrkm ciwscap (%) (%) cisol cislight 4.92 3.91 103 60 81 70 70 4.50 3.50 120 60 90 75 81 80 95 81 7.00 12,284 (%) ciwwater ciws 3.64 4.90 505 65 95 70 100 7.38 2.39 79 60 85 70 95 2.50 1.40 51 60 85 65 100 7.33 4.20 3.60 5,494 60 80 80 80 5.80 12 3.57 2.29 107 65 72 81 0.62 6.49 9 4.40 3.97 184 40 94 80 100 4,515 1.33 2.30 24.1 4.20 3.00 145 65 85 75 87 7,741 1,828 1.28 8.80 4.40 3.97 423 25 75 81 44,992 51,522 12,170 1.02 3.34 12 5.60 4.53 945 70 90 70 100 157,082 38,312 43,873 10,363 1.05 2.22 14.97 5.60 4.00 1,343 60 85 85 90 18,786 27,283 7,039 7,620 1,904 1.53 7.59 16.57 2.40 6.15 3,167 65 26 90 68 97,824 23,859 91,524 22,322 25,562 6,038 1.19 1.41 4.40 3.97 953 74 74 81 131,761 138,088 40,093 103,325 24,904 28,858 6,736 0.75 6.74 12.59 3.50 5.50 232 85 50 95 90 13.73 70,559 122,568 29,894 109,288 26,655 11,956 2,916 2.91 4.26 12.26 2.49 2.70 137 90 85 100 100 2.35 21.46 81,316 85,757 20,916 49,587 12,094 13,849 3,271 0.81 9.42 5.60 2.22 274 85 70 81 96.45 898.78 4,938,640 2,846 4,969 9,977 26,772 Summary for 'ecoregionname' = Red River Delta (18 detail records) Total 6,890,027 1,437,467 3,960,331 971,796 ######## 252,220 6.89 3.03 190.9 62140 4.77 3.21 14,262 31 80 86 84 Final Report Vietnam National Urban Upgrading Strategy ‐ Overall Investment Plan to 202 Monday, April 28, 2008 Economic Region: Southeast citiestowns province TP. Vũng Tàu Bà Rịa Vũng Tà II TX. Bà Rịa class topo (%) (%) cipogrowth ci%phhs cihfloor 16,079 3.45 4.00 14.9 7.49 3.12 438 18,143 4,285 1.18 0.32 5 4.49 1.37 124 11,734 30,973 3,174 1.99 0.40 18.48 4.48 4.74 417 38,496 9,389 10,751 2,539 3.36 4.94 3.46 3.12 132,071 505,595 66,819 141,213 18,074 2.04 1.59 1.50 34,284 52,364 12,771 14,625 3,454 1.47 0.45 1,127,540 ######### 305,000 2.78 7.80 4,804 4.03 2.31 ciareakm2 builtupkm2 liaareakm2 warea2005 cipo2000 cipo2005 cihhs2005 wpo2005 whhs2005 liapo liahhs L 140.10 41.26 9.03 82.53 216,637 256,677 62,604 243,726 59,445 68,073 Bà Rịa Vũng Tà III L 90.60 16.72 6.10 55.74 79,790 84,607 20,635 64,960 15,843 TX. Thủ Dầu Một Bình Dương III L 87.90 12.46 3.41 31.15 148,626 171,331 41,788 110,895 TX. Đồng Xoài Bình Phước IV L 168.50 10.50 3.83 35.00 55,286 65,212 15,905 TP. Biên Hoà Đồng Nai II L 154.70 67.43 14.75 134.86 488,100 541,495 TX. Long Khánh Đồng Nai III L 195.00 2.67 0.73 6.68 130,675 140,566 TP. Hồ Chí Minh Hồ Chí Minh S L 2,095.00 538.31 58.89 TX. Tây Ninh Tây Ninh IV L 137.40 6.24 2.28 20.81 3,069.20 695.60 99.02 905.08 5,544,504 538.31 4,380,700 5,911,600 44,690 132,241 1,225,399 4,622,917 32,253 72,827 17,762 20,340 (%) 8 cisubhouse 18,003 41,460 11 ciroden cidr cidrkm ciwscap (%) (%) (%) ciwwater ciws cisol cislight 83 75 81 10 80 92 100 90 20 90 81 526 50 80 81 8.20 1,269 87 80 81 8.15 4.03 786 74 95 81 4.10 0.55 1,152 85 82 81 4.00 3.12 429 70 40 81 Summary for 'ecoregionname' = Southeast (8 detail records) Total 7,303,729 1,564,939 5,711,780 1,321,303 ######## 357,409 5.67 6.68 57.38 59463 4.36 1.67 5,140 2 83 81 82 Final Report Vietnam National Urban Upgrading Strategy ‐ Overall Investment Plan to 202 Monday, April 28, 2008 3 OUTLINE URBAN PROFILE Province Typology L Class TP. Biên Hoà Đồng Nai Economic Region Southeast Geographic Region SE II Urbanisation Sub-Region Southern Key Zone and Southeast WARD/COMMUNE PROFILE Number of Wards click for more details Number of Commune LIAs PROFILE Number of LIAs click for more details POPULATION AND AREA AREA KM2 City/Town Ward Commune Built-up LIAs POPULATION 2005 HOUSEHOLD 2005 PO DENSITY 2005 154.7 541,495 132,071 3,421 134.9 505,595 66,819 3,749 19.8 35,900 67.4 14.8 141,213 18,074 LAND USE Agriculture land Forest land Residential land Intensive landuse Water bodies Open space Others km2 km2 km2 km2 km2 km2 km2 (water bodies, rivers, cannals, wetlands...) INFRASTRUCTURE AND ENVIRONMENT Water supply Drainage density Solid waste Road density Housing Street lighting 87 % hhs with water supply 8.2 km/km2 80 % of SW collected 1.5 km/km2 31 % of sub standard housing 81 % street with lighting SOCIO ECONOMIC AND FINANCE Poverty rate Per person income Eco growth rate Annual revenue Annual revenue Annual expense Annual OM expense ODA by province State investment 1.6 % 1,875 USD per year 14.6 % 34.3 USD Mil. period of (2002-2006) USD Mil. period of (2002-2006) reallocated to City/Town 14.9 USD Mil. period of (2002-2006) USD Mil. period of (2002-2006) 37 USD Mil. period of (1997-2008) 2,032 USD per capita for 5 years Close This Data Form Vietnam National Urban Upgrading Strategy Overall Investment Plan to 2020) Final Database Format WARD AND COMMUNE PROFILE TP. Biên Hoà name of c area km2 Xã Hòa An Xã Tân Hạnh 6.06 Xã Hiệp Hoà 6.97 Sub Total name of w built up % LIAs % km2 km2 8,000 11,714 19,714 13.03 area km2 Phường Long Bình Phường Tân Vạn Phường Tam Hiệp Phường Tam Hòa Phường Tân Hòa Phường Tân Phong Phường Trung Dũng Phường Hòa Bình Phường Thanh Bình 0.36 Phường Quang Vinh 1.10 Phường Bình Đa 1.27 Phường Tân Tiến 1.31 Phường Tân Mai 1.37 Phường Quyết Thắng 1.42 Phường Thống Nhất 3.43 Phường Tân Hiệp 3.47 Phường Hố Nai 3.89 Phường Bửu Hoà 4.18 Phường Bửu Long 5.76 population person built up % LIAs % km2 km2 population person Phường Tân Biên 6.14 Phường An Bình 10.42 Phường Long Bình Tân 11.44 Phường Trảng Dài 14.59 Sub Total 70.14 7,141 17,127 18,219 18,129 19,537 18,451 21,931 23,802 29,180 16,645 19,885 33,500 37,382 32,442 36,254 349,625 Total 83.17 369,339 household 1,601 2,690 4,291 household poverty % 1 2 1 poverty % water supply % 40 30 33 water supply % 1,381 3,153 3,131 2,569 1 2 0 2 3,376 4,441 4,558 6,350 3,216 3,340 6,450 6,464 6,554 7,595 62,578 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 0 0 1 1 100 99 62 85 100 100 98 80 25 86 96 20 95 74 16 66 66,869 1 64 Vietnam National Urban Upgrading Strategy Overall Investment Plan to 2020 drainage km drainage km septic tank % solid waste % earthroad km 95 91 92 75 46 57 septic tank % solid waste % 100 100 100 100 100 100 97 100 10 98 100 100 100 90 92 89 98 100 98 100 91 91 100 60 78 100 70 100 80 55 81 52.00 77.90 3,073 6,289 37,490 95 94 100 70 100 90 60 60 40 75 60 70 25 40 70 66 89 79 93.34 41,460 64 1.05 14.39 15.44 earthroad km 0.90 1.20 4.50 0.90 12.51 5.89 substandard housing 1,280 2,690 3,970 substandard housing 691 2,409 2,442 2,200 668 3,903 2,443 2,900 3,216 2,741 4,515 streetlighting % 40 55 54 streetlighting % Final Repo Saturday, May 03, 200 85 OUTLINE URBAN PROFILE Province Typology L Class TP. Sóc Trăng Sóc Trăng Economic Region Mekong River Delta Geographic Region MRD III Urbanisation Sub-Region Mekong River Delta WARD/COMMUNE PROFILE Number of Wards click for more details Number of Commune LIAs PROFILE Number of LIAs click for more details POPULATION AND AREA AREA KM2 City/Town Ward Commune Built-up LIAs POPULATION 2005 HOUSEHOLD 2005 PO DENSITY 2005 76.5 124,049 35,285 1,600 76.5 124,049 35,285 1,621 0 30.6 8.4 34,647 9,544 LAND USE Agriculture land Forest land Residential land Intensive landuse Water bodies Open space Others km2 km2 km2 km2 km2 km2 km2 (water bodies, rivers, cannals, wetlands...) INFRASTRUCTURE AND ENVIRONMENT Water supply Drainage density Solid waste Road density Housing Street lighting 81 % hhs with water supply 4.0 km/km2 84 % of SW collected 4.8 km/km2 15 % of sub standard housing 100 % street with lighting SOCIO ECONOMIC AND FINANCE Poverty rate Per person income Eco growth rate Annual revenue Annual revenue Annual expense Annual OM expense ODA by province State investment 12.5 % 1,377 USD per year 19.3 % 27.8 USD Mil. period of (2002-2006) 26.4 USD Mil. period of (2002-2006) reallocated to City/Town 6.0 USD Mil. period of (2002-2006) USD Mil. period of (2002-2006) 2 USD Mil. period of (1997-2008) 118 USD per capita for 5 years Close This Data Form Vietnam National Urban Upgrading Strategy Overall Investment Plan to 2020) Final Database Format WARD AND COMMUNE PROFILE TP. Sóc Trăng name of w area km2 built up % LIAs % km2 km2 population person Phường 4 8.89 Phường 8 10.10 Phường 5 21.69 Sub Total 76.47 9,294 14,633 7,945 22,213 21,159 3,785 6,405 12,490 12,542 12,626 123,092 Total 76.47 123,092 Phường 1 0.29 Phường 6 2.17 Phường 9 5.28 Phường 3 6.17 Phường 2 6.27 Phường 10 7.53 Phường 7 8.07 household poverty % water supply % 1,566 2,777 1,571 4,622 4,395 868 1,498 12,490 0 8 12 7 7 23 12 2 2,816 32,603 28 9 100 97 91 96 67 93 65 98 96 75 90 32,603 9 90 Vietnam National Urban Upgrading Strategy Overall Investment Plan to 2020 drainage km septic tank % solid waste % 98 93 81 86 99 92 95 94 92 86 92 100 92 51 80 69 93 100 92 earthroad km 0.00 0.00 0.30 substandard housing 194 streetlighting % 67 18 44 0.88 4.88 2.00 1.11 0.00 1.49 10.66 5,254 100 97 100 98 89 76 95 100 71 75 87 44 10.66 5,254 87 304 1,300 838 1,208 1,011 399 Final Repo Saturday, May 03, 200 82 OUTLINE URBAN PROFILE Province Typology L Class TX. Vị Thanh Hậu Giang Economic Region Mekong River Delta Geographic Region MRD IV Urbanisation Sub-Region Mekong River Delta WARD/COMMUNE PROFILE Number of Wards click for more details Number of Commune LIAs PROFILE Number of LIAs click for more details POPULATION AND AREA AREA KM2 City/Town Ward Commune Built-up LIAs POPULATION 2005 HOUSEHOLD 2005 PO DENSITY 2005 119 71,832 14,378 596 36.4 41,577 7,813 1,143 82.6 30,255 10.9 4.0 11,612 2,113 LAND USE Agriculture land Forest land Residential land Intensive landuse Water bodies Open space Others km2 km2 km2 km2 km2 km2 km2 (water bodies, rivers, cannals, wetlands...) INFRASTRUCTURE AND ENVIRONMENT Water supply Drainage density Solid waste Road density Housing Street lighting 94 % hhs with water supply 0.8 km/km2 60 % of SW collected 2.1 km/km2 70 % of sub standard housing 81 % street with lighting SOCIO ECONOMIC AND FINANCE Poverty rate Per person income Eco growth rate Annual revenue Annual revenue Annual expense Annual OM expense ODA by province State investment 21.6 % 553 USD per year 15.3 % 2.4 USD Mil. period of (2002-2006) 2.4 USD Mil. period of (2002-2006) reallocated to City/Town 7.6 USD Mil. period of (2002-2006) USD Mil. period of (2002-2006) 0 USD Mil. period of (1997-2008) 504 USD per capita for 5 years Close This Data Form Vietnam National Urban Upgrading Strategy Overall Investment Plan to 2020) Final Database Format WARD AND COMMUNE PROFILE TX. Vị Thanh name of c area km2 Xã Hoả Lựu 17.39 Xã Vị Tân 22.57 Xã Hoả Tiễn 42.34 Sub Total 82.30 name of w area km2 Phường 1 0.74 Phường 7 6.16 Phường 5 7.79 Phường 4 8.32 Phường 3 133.36 Sub Total Total built up % LIAs % km2 km2 population person 7,260 11,320 12,159 30,739 built up % LIAs % km2 km2 population person household 2,588 2,526 5,114 household poverty % 27 14 26 poverty % water supply % 11 15 21 18 water supply % 1,367 0 156.37 6,193 7,128 7,046 11,308 6,692 38,367 1,478 2,151 1,313 6,309 12 10 29 15 100 40 95 63 40 74 238.68 69,106 11,423 20 49 Vietnam National Urban Upgrading Strategy Overall Investment Plan to 2020 drainage km drainage km septic tank % solid waste % earthroad km 19 35 85 60 95 47 0.03 67.08 34.23 101.34 septic tank % solid waste % earthroad km 100 65 25 10 65 44 100 95 95 94 94 96 0.43 553 665 1,478 39.25 39.68 1,451 4,147 90 35 25 10 0 3 51 74 141.02 10,134 1 0.00 substandard housing 1,449 2,012 2,526 5,987 substandard housing streetlighting % 0 0 streetlighting % Final Repo Saturday, May 03, 200 APPENDIX F Methodology for the Evaluation, Prioritisation and Selection of Cities and Towns APPENDIX F Methodology for the Evaluation Prioritisation and Selection of Cities and Towns 1. Background 1. Viet Nam comprises 64 provinces and approximately 718 cities and towns (urban centres). The urban centres are classified mainly on the basis of population size, in July 2006, the classification was into 6 classes as follows: Special class: 2 (Ha Noi and Ho Chi Minh City) Class 1: 3 (Da Nang, Hai Phong and Hue) Class 2: 14 (cities) Class 3: 36 (cities and towns) Class 4: 40 (towns) Class 5: 595 (small towns) _______________________________ TOTAL: 690 2. Due to population growth and migration from the rural areas to the urban centres, the cities and towns are growing rapidly. Based on this population growth, the local administrations’ frequently seek to have their respective urban centres reclassified to the next highest category. Some urban centres also merge with neighbours, or expand to other’s nearby settlements and thus create a new larger urban centre that qualifies for a higher class rating. Consequently, the number of urban centres under each class is subject to frequent change. 3. The general objectives of the National Urban Upgrading Programme (NUUP) are to: • Upgrade tertiary infrastructure on a multi-sector, area (rather than sector) basis; • Alleviate poverty in urban areas by improving the living and environmental conditions of the urban poor; and • Promote participatory planning methods for urban upgrading that are more responsive to people’s demands. 4. The specific objectives of this assignment are to: • Assess the demand for urban upgrading nationwide; • Develop a clear strategy and investment plan for NUUP to year 2020 to cover all cities and towns of Class IV status and above (i.e. 95 cities/towns); • Develop institutional arrangements for investment preparation and upgrading implementation; and • Assess the need for improved peri-urban planning and development in order to prevent the creation of new, informal, low income-areas. 5. To achieve these objectives the following methodology has been followed: • Carry out a desk study of all relevant data available for 95 cities and towns currently identified as being of class IV and above and, • In consultation with Project management Unit (PMU) select 25 towns for visits, discussions and detailed, local data collection. The data collection will be undertaken by other consultants working under MOC4. • From this list of 25 towns and cities prepare a shortlist of 8 priority towns and cities for more detailed LIA participatory mapping, data collection, information on infrastructure standards and service levels, cost information for low income areas (LIA) . These are the likely candidates for the next urban upgrading project. 6. As of 31 October 2006, there were 95 cities/towns identified as Class IV and above. From the 25 cities and towns were selected for the initial study. The Strategy & Investment Plan for all 95 cities and towns was developed based on the survey results. A detailed investment and implementation plan for upgrading 8 cities and towns (2008–2015) was also prepared. This process was undertaken through participant and technical assessments. The detailed methodology used for evaluation, prioritisation and selection of the cities and towns is described in this Appendix. National Urban Upgrading Strategy & Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to Year 2020 (NUUP) 1/63 2. General Methodology 7. Technical assessment methods such as analysis of the results of surveys, rapid assessment of the ward, city/town, regional and national environment were modified to allow extensive participation of the key stakeholders. This approach strengthens the accuracy of the final technical analysis, as popular knowledge and expert opinion are checked against each other. This approach also maximizes the public education benefits of assessment activities. An example of technical assessment is the analysis tool referred to as the Multi-Criteria Analysis (MCA) that assisted Government in making rational plans and policy-decisions. Examples of participant assessment are the workshop discussions during the National Workshop and the survey and questionnaires answered by concerned stakeholders. 8. MCA is a decision-making tool developed for complex problems. It involves a variety of decision-making techniques that incorporate different criteria on which to base a decision, rather than techniques based solely on one criterion. For example, the main role of financial analysis is to deal with large amounts of complex information in a consistent way, which can otherwise create difficulties for decision-makers. MCA techniques can be used to identify a single preferred plan, to rank options, as short-listing tools to select options for more detailed assessment, or to differentiate among acceptable and unacceptable plans. MCA techniques generally include the use of weighted and scored matrices, and hence require the establishment of measurable criteria, whether qualitative or quantitative, to assess the extent to which objectives may be fulfilled. MCA emphasizes the judgment of the decision-making team, in the selection of the evaluation criteria, estimating weights and in assessing the contribution of options to each performance criterion. The associated subjectivity can be a matter of concern, but consultation is used to debate and agree the subjective scores and weights. However, the method is transparent because the criteria, weights and scores used are not hidden. 9. The initially recommended factors to be used for MCA to select cities and towns were: • Cities and towns to be class IV and above • Rate of urbanisation • Level of poverty • Environmental conditions • Infrastructure deficiencies (tertiary infrastructure and primary and secondary infrastructure to support the tertiary) • Population density • Vulnerability to natural calamities (different topology, e.g. lowland, coastal, highland) 10. Eventually, simple criteria for prioritizing cities/towns for upgrading were developed and modified. Many different indicators and criteria that covered all aspects in MCA were considered but lack of availability and incomplete data for all cities/towns was a constraint. After a number of attempts to obtain data from general sources/references and through questionnaires, 22 sets of data were gathered, of which 15 were indicators for the initial 7 criteria. The MCA criteria and indicators were developed, modified and refined. The modified criteria for prioritising cities/towns were also discussed by participants on the Workshop Discussion held on 30 October 2006: • Option 1 (MCA1) – Based on Terms of References (7 criteria) • Option 2 (MCA2) – MCA1 criteria plus extent of Investment in Technical/Social Infrastructure Projects • Option 3 (MCA3) - MCA2 criteria plus Housing Typology • Option 4 (MCA4) - MCA3 criteria plus Significant Economic Indicators • Option 5 (MCA5) - MCA4 criteria and other criteria cited by the Stakeholders/ Participants to the First National Workshop 3. Criteria for Selection and Prioritisation of 25 Cities and Towns for Initial Study 3.1. 11. Criteria for Selection and Prioritisation based on Terms of Reference (TOR) (MCA1) identified seven factors to be considered in selecting and prioritizing cities and towns for the next urban upgrading as follows: a. Cities/towns to be Class 4 and above All cities and towns pertaining to the initial list of 96 (as of 31 October 2006) are of class IV and above and meet this criterion. b. Rate of urbanisation 12. The rate of urbanisation describes the expansion rate of urban areas from slow to fast and should be consistent with the “Orientation for Urban Development in Vietnam to 2020” (MOC National Urban Upgrading Strategy & Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to Year 2020 (NUUP) 2/63 1998). The data used i.e. growth rate of city population provides a quick indicator on urban expansion. For this purpose, urbanisation the rate refers to the percentage change of population in 2000 compared with population in 2004. c. High level of poverty 13. Despite of the country’s fast economic growth, poverty remains high with about one-third of the population living below the poverty line in 2000. Poverty alleviation in urban areas is one of the core objectives of the Viet Nam Urban Upgrading Programme (VUUP). The majority of the poor in work in the informal sector and many are unregistered migrants to the cities and towns. The poor generally live in areas where infrastructure is poor and access to municipal services and utilities limited. The Project is expected to have a positive impact by improving the living conditions in low-income areas. Therefore, the level of poverty in cities and towns was regarded as the main prioritisation criteria for the upcoming urban upgrading projects. 14. Appropriate rating has been allocated to each city/town to reflect the number of household living below the poverty line.1 The primary source of information is the recent Household Living Standard Survey.2 The poverty levels are based on the specific poverty lines set for different provinces. These differ from the national poverty line and have been set to match with different living standards and costs. The purpose of this project is to reach the poverty-stricken areas where infrastructure is poor and access to municipal services and utilities are limited. Since NUUP is expected to have a positive impact on the living conditions in low income areas, high level of poverty is a major prioritisation criteria at 25%. d. Degree of environmental pollution 15. Most of the growth of Vietnam’s urban population leads to the development of low-income areas where infrastructure and utility service investments lag behind demand. Most newly developed areas lack formal planning, and often encroach on canals and rivers. This generates levels of pollution in adjacent waterways. Most houses do not have sewerage connections and flooding occurs due to inadequate drainage. Sanitation is usually poor, with toilets discharging directly in watercourses. The poorest families mainly live along or on top of these watercourses. Consequently, the residents are living in degraded environmental conditions and are exposed to health hazards. Available environmental reports have limited information on the extent of waste water and solid waste treatment to mitigate the negative effects on the environment. 16. The scoring of the various cities should have been based on environmental parameters provided in the State-of-Environment (SOE) Report, 2005 issued by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment. Some preliminary indicators have been derived from water quality as measured in seven monitoring stations located in the Hong, Cam, Lam, Huong, Han, Saigon, and Hau rivers. Additional data were also available from the SOE report for the Cau and NhueDay rivers. A scoring has been allocated to each city and town in view of the water properties in the concerned rivers. The scoring was based on the water quality indicators (i) BOD5 (Biological Oxygen Demand in mg/l) which is a major indicator in connection with micro-organism processes; (ii) Nitrogen in ammonium NH4 in mg/l; (iii) TSS (Total Suspended Solid in mg/l) reflecting the degree of turbidity of the water; and (iv) Coli-forms per 100ml. Such data from SOE Report do not however give a conclusive description of the state-of-the environment for each of the 93 cities/towns. Thus, MCA1 applies the rate of disposed waste water and rate of solid waste collected as indicators for this environmental criterion. e. Infrastructure deficiencies 17. Poor areas are generally found to have deficient infrastructure, low density of roads, low number of water supply connections, underprovided drainage system, among others. According to the sub-project “Formulation of Policies for Urban Upgrading Final Report” (January 2004), there are poor areas with no connection to basic infrastructure such as water supply, electric supply, drainage water system. The report likewise cited basic infrastructures (sewer, drain, water supply networks, electric supply, solid waste treatment and roads as criteria for determining the poor households and urban poor areas. High priority is given to cities/towns which have significant infrastructure deficiencies. This means that the poorer infrastructure or the greater deficiency, the higher the ranking the city/town gets for this criterion. A rating within appropriate scale (0-100) was assigned to each city and town to reflect the rate of infrastructure development. This exercise requires collection of detailed data on infrastructure such as the density of 1 The poverty line standard issued by the Prime Minister and applied for period 2006-2010 is 260,000 VND per person per month in urban area (200,000 VND per person per month in rural area). 2 2004 Household Living Standard Survey, General Statistics Office (GSO). National Urban Upgrading Strategy & Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to Year 2020 (NUUP) 3/63 roadways/transportation area in percent of total land area, percentage of population having access to an improved water source, percentage of households with sewerage, electricity and garbage collection. Technical Infrastructure 18. The criteria for technical infrastructure are: • Road density (km/km2) - defined as the length or roads found in a given area of land • Proportion of transportation area to total urban area • Rate of households with water supply – percentage of households with water supply • Drainage pipes density (km/km2) • Electricity supply (KWH/person/year) • Rate of main street lighting • Presence/absence of landfill 19. Roads have direct and indirect impacts on population. Road networks are valuable for accessing areas for social function (schools and hospitals), economic purpose (markets, shops, banks), among others. Because of the overwhelming presence of roads associated with urbanisation, it is important to include road density as an indicator. Likewise, the proportion of transportation area to total urban area gives us measure of the land area coverage of transport development in the cities/towns. The rate of households with water supply, drainage pipes density (km/km2), electricity supply (KWH/person/year) and rate of main street lighting are among the non-transport indicators which are available for analysis. 20. A landfill is a site for the disposal of waste materials. Historically, landfills have been one of the most common methods of organized waste management in many places around the world. Landfills may include internal waste disposal sites (where a producer of waste carries out their own waste disposal at the place of production) as well as sites used by many producers. Many landfills are also used for other waste management purposes, such as the temporary storage, consolidation and transfer, or processing of waste material (sorting, treatment, or recycling). For NUUP purpose, alleviating poverty in urban areas by improving the living and environmental conditions of the urban poor is a paramount objective. Thus, provision of tertiary infrastructure such as landfill for solid waste management becomes necessary. As such, high priority is given to cities/towns without landfill. Social Infrastructure 21. Average number of students per classroom - student population data and number of classrooms per city are used to calculate the student: classroom ratio for the cities and towns. 22. Social infrastructure indicator only refers to the number of classrooms per number students. It is noted that the universal standard of student per teacher is 25:1. According to an assessment report by “Education for All in 2000”, at the elementary level, Japan has the lowest pupil-teacher ratio at less than 20:1, followed by Malaysia and Thailand at 21:1 and 21.5:1. The closest to the Philippines is Laos (31:1) and Vietnam (30:1). This indicator, however, does not provide a measure of the school infrastructure requirement but a measure of the maximum number of students which can be accommodated by one teacher without significantly hampering delivery of the given educational program. Likewise, the number of students and number of schools ratio does not accurately indicate school infrastructure deficiency. A closer basis is to measure the number of students per classroom also referred to as student/classroom ratio or classroom capacity calculation which refers to the maximum number of students which can be accommodated in a classroom without significantly hampering delivery of the given educational programme. f. Population density 23. Although Vietnam currently has the lowest level of urbanisation in East Asia, with only 23% of the population living in cities, it is anticipated that it will reach 33% by 2010 due to mechanisation of agriculture, higher incomes available in cities and migration from the rural to the urban areas. This is likely to bolster migration of the poor to urban areas and increase pressure on existing low-income areas. Despite considerable progress achieved in the past decade by the Government in improving the policy and institutional framework for housing provision, there is a severe shortage of housing in Vietnam’s cities, with an average per capita living space of only 8 m2 and much less in low income areas otherwise lacking basic infrastructure. High population density is an indicator of likely low-income area where urban upgrading is needed. As such, population density combined with available floor area per person is used as a prioritisation criterion. This criterion is measured in terms population density (person/km2) or number of National Urban Upgrading Strategy & Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to Year 2020 (NUUP) 4/63 persons per given area. City/town population density indicates the concentration of the total city/town population over the total area of the city/town. g. Vulnerability to Natural Calamities (Towns to include those of differing typology, e.g., low lying area, lowland and coastal, highland) 24. In some towns and cities, there are areas which are vulnerable to adverse natural calamities that worsen the living conditions and affect the population, particularly in LIAs. For instance coastal town in the central regions of Vietnam are exposed to typhoons and frequent flooding, some towns of the highlands are remote from large urban centres and have lower levels of income per capita than national average. Such cities/towns with different typology are given special advantage in the prioritisation process. Thus such adverse natural environmental conditions are made a prioritisation criterion rated in appropriate scale e.g., severe conditions = 100, adverse conditions =75, normal conditions = 50. 3.2 Criteria for Selection and Prioritisation based on TOR Criteria plus Quantity and Scope of Urban Upgrading Project (MCA2) Amount of Investment in Technical/Social Infrastructure Projects 25. The objective of the VUUP is to upgrade tertiary infrastructure to improve the living conditions of the urban poor and alleviate poverty in urban areas. Since areas with infrastructure deficiencies are not expected to receive many investment projects, infrastructure deficiencies was one of the core criteria for prioritisation and selection of cities and towns for further investigations which was already used in the first MCA. For further probing, MCA2 attempts to use another criterion in terms of the quantity and scope of urban upgrading project in order to reflect the overall level of development of urban infrastructure (roads, drainage, water supply, sewerage). This criterion will be measured in terms of total cost investment projects in the cities/towns and average investment per capita. 3.3 Criteria for Selection and Prioritisation based on MCA2 Criteria plus Housing Typology (MCA3) Housing Typology 26. The Guidelines for Preparation, Management and Implementation of Upgrading Projects in Poor Urban Areas with Community Participation3 provide for design standards for low-income housing and social housing development, respectively. Housing improvements is among the components that must be addressed by NUUP. As such, housing typology measured in terms of percentage of population with poor housing or insufficient floor area per person becomes a significant criterion for selection of priority cities/town. The floor area (m2/person) indicator refers to the average floor area of the house which is rated against the design standard for urban poor areas. 3.4 Criteria for Selection and Prioritisation based on MCA3 Criteria Plus Significant Economic Indicators (MCA4) 27. The proliferation of urban poor areas is a consequence of many economic factors. One of which is industrialization which creates employment and generates income for the people. A rating within appropriate scale (0-100) was assigned to each city and town to reflect the rate of economic indicators. This exercise uses data as follows: • Industrial output value at current prices – total amount of industrial output value at current prices from state and non-state industries • Unemployment rate – percentage of unemployed person over total labour force • Average monthly income per capita (x1000 VnD) 3.5 Criteria for Selection and Prioritisation based on MCA4 and other Criteria cited by the Stakeholders/Participants to the First National Workshop (MCA5) 28. The results of the survey and Workshop Discussions to be conducted during the First National Workshop will be the inputs of important stakeholders. This will help in carrying out participative assessment which is used to involve national and local planners and other stakeholders in the planning process for urban upgrading. 3 By Ministry of Construction/World Bank (2004) and Housing Law (2005) National Urban Upgrading Strategy & Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to Year 2020 (NUUP) 5/63 29. Application of MCA thus becomes not only for technical consultants but also for the participants in the planning process for NUUP. The weighting factor based on the responses of the participants of the first National Workshop will be analysed and interfaced with the results of the MCAs conducted by the technical consultants. This makes MCA an effective tool to rationally analyse the different factors for decision-making based on the judgment of people representing different sectors and different disciplines. 3.6 Weighting Factor for Prioritisation Criteria of Initial MCA Options 1 to 4 30. The two principle criteria used for “short-listing” were: • Cities and towns having many LIAs in need of Urban Upgrading • Cities and towns having no ongoing or planned projects or/and the ongoing and planned projects do not cover all sectors or/and the whole urban area. 31. These two criteria were not part of the MCA but were used for initial screening of cities/towns. Accordingly, the four cities with ongoing Vietnam Urban Upgrading Projects, Ho Chi Minh City, Hai Phong City, Can Tho City and Nam Dinh, although included in the analysis, are not included in the initial prioritisation. 32. It was recommended by PMU that the ratio of developed areas and LIAs for each city/town would be analysed and considered. Criteria which are too general should be avoided as such can lead to difficulties in selecting the cities/towns. Accordingly, attention was focused on the prescribed selection criteria. The selection criteria and weighting factors are summarized in Table 1 with the corresponding calculation method. Every cities/towns have been rated for their merit in respect of each of the criteria, in 0-100 scale. It was agreed with PMU that different sets of weighting factors should apply to the different classes of cities/towns to balance the particular characters attached to “big” and “small” towns. Small towns are mostly deprived of primary and secondary infrastructure. Priority should not be governed by the availability of tertiary infrastructure in this case, as much as in large cities where primary and secondary networks are already in place. In similar fashion, where urbanisation rate is deemed fast in many small towns, this criterion is not deemed as critical as in bigger cities where the scale of problems caused by rapid urbanisation is _ a higher degree of priority. Small towns will be relatively more affected by high urban population densities and vulnerability to natural calamities than bigger cities. Accordingly, different “keys” of weighting factors have been devised for the different classes of cities and towns, in accordance with PMU’s request. As MOC3 developed other MCA options, corresponding weighting factors have been adjusted as indicated in Tables 1-4. For significant infrastructure deficiency indicators, the following weights are given. Technical Infrastructure • Road density (km/km2): defined as the length or roads found in a given area of land (15%) • Proportion of transportation area to total urban area (15%) • Rate of households with water supply: percentage of households with water supply (20%) • Drainage pipes density (km/km2) (15%) • Electricity supply (KWH/person/year) (5%) • Rate of main street-lighting (5%) • Presence/absence of landfill (5%) Social infrastructure • Number of classrooms per number students (10%) 33. The lower percentages are placed upon electricity, main street lighting and landfill which are not directly related to the components of NUUP. 34. Vulnerability to natural calamities is a factor of typology. For example, coastal towns in the central regions of Vietnam are exposed to typhoons and frequent flooding. However, vulnerability to natural calamities is not necessarily affected by the Class of city/town; thus a uniform weight is placed recognizing that all classes equally need to consider the implication of being in a location which is vulnerable to the impact of natural calamities. 35. It is important to put some weights on the amount of investment in technical/social infrastructure projects. High consideration must be given to Class IV cities/towns which generally lag behind in terms of infrastructure and low consideration for Class I which usually have better infrastructure compared to other classes. National Urban Upgrading Strategy & Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to Year 2020 (NUUP) 6/63 Table 1. Selection Criteria and Weighting Factors for MCA1 Criterion Proposed Weights City/Town Class I II III IV 0 0 0 0 a) Class IV and above b) High Rate of Urbanisation c) High Level of Poverty d) High Degree of Environmental Pollution e) Significant Infrastructure Deficiencies f) Areas with High Population Densities g) Vulnerability to Natural Calamities Total 20% 15% 15% 10% 25% 25% 25% 25% 15% 15% 15% 15% 15% 15% 10% 10% 15% 15% 20% 20% 10% 15% 15% 20% 100% 100% 100% 100% Method of Calculation No weight but a criterion for consideration Based on the growth rate of city/town population over the 4 years from 2000-2004 Based on the number of poor households Based on degree of pollution in the rivers, lakes, canals in the particular city/town Based on the availability of technical and social infrastructure Based on the city/town population density combined with the floor area per person. Based on the topology of land (low land, highland, coastal, exposed to severe climatic conditions) Notes: The proposed weights for significant infrastructure weights for Classes I to IV differ. Classes I and II have 15% while Classes III and IV have 10%. A lesser weight is placed on vulnerability to natural calamities criterion of MCA1 since it is not only attributed to typology such as lowland, coastal or highland but many other physical factors such as geological factors, soil composition, slope, among others. Detailed data collection, however, for indicators of such factors which make an area vulnerable to calamities would entail more time and cost. Table 2. Selection Criteria and Weighting Factors for MCA2 Criterion Proposed Weights City/Town Class I II III IV a) Class IV and above b) Method of Calculation 0 0 0 0 High Rate of Urbanisation 20% 15% 15% 15% c) High Level of Poverty 25% 25% 25% 25% d) High Degree of Environmental Pollution 15% 15% 15% 15% e) Significant Infrastructure Deficiencies 15% 15% 10% 10% f) Areas with High Population Densities 10% 10% 15% 15% g) Vulnerability to Natural Calamities 10% 10% 10% 10% 5% 10% 10% 10% 100% 100% 100% 100% h) Amount of Investment in Technical/Social Infrastructure Projects Total No weight but a criterion for consideration Based on the growth rate of city/town population over the 4 years from 2000-2004 Based on the number of poor households Based on degree of pollution in the rivers, lakes, canals in the particular city/town Based on the availability of technical and social infrastructure Based on the city/town population density combined with the floor area per person. Based on the topology of land (low land, highland, coastal, exposed to severe climatic conditions) Based on the total cost investment projects in the cities/towns and average investment per capita Notes: The weight for areas with high population densities of Classes I to IV cities/towns was reduced by 5% and vulnerability to natural calamities was made uniform at 10% each for all Classes. National Urban Upgrading Strategy & Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to Year 2020 (NUUP) 7/63 Table 3 Selection Criteria and Weighting Factors for MCA3 Criterion City/Town Class a) Class IV and above b) Proposed Weights II III I Method of Calculation IV 0 0 0 0 High Rate of Urbanisation 20% 15% 15% 10% c) High Level of Poverty 20% 20% 20% 20% d) High Degree of Environmental Pollution 10% 10% 10% 10% e) Significant Infrastructure Deficiencies 15% 15% 10% 10% f) Areas with High Population Densities 10% 10% 10% 15% g) Vulnerability to Natural Calamities 10% 10% 10% 10% h) Amount of Investment in Technical/Social Infrastructure Projects 5% 10% 15% 15% i) Housing Typology 10% 10% 10% 10% 100% 100% 100% 100% Total No weight but a criterion for consideration Based on the growth rate of city/town population over the 4 years from 2000-2004 Based on the number of poor households Based on degree of pollution in terms of rate of solid waste collected and waste water disposed Based on the availability of technical and social infrastructure Based on the city/town population density combined with the floor area per person Based on the topology of land (low land, highland, coastal, exposure to severe climatic conditions) Based on the total cost investment projects in the cities/towns and average investment per capita Based on the percentage of population with poor housing or insufficient floor area per person Notes: The weights for the criterion high level of poverty of Classes I to IV cities/towns was reduced by five percent and the criterion high degree of environmental pollution was made uniform at 10% each as it is deemed important to put a percentage weight on housing typology. High level of poverty is only measured in terms of the percentage of poor households while high degree of environmental pollution is only measured in terms of the rate of waste water disposed, solid wastes collected and area of green trees per person. More weight is given to the amount of investment in technical/social infrastructure projects for Classes III and IV. Housing typology is measured in terms of the percentage of population with poor housing and the insufficient floor area per person which are considered significant indicators for analysis and decision-making. A uniform 10% is given to all City/Town Classes. National Urban Upgrading Strategy & Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to Year 2020 (NUUP) 8/63 Table 4 Selection Criteria and Weighting Factors for MCA4 Criterion City/Town Class a) Class IV and above b) Proposed Weights II III I Method of Calculation IV 0 0 0 0 High Rate of Urbanisation 20% 15% 15% 10% c) High Level of Poverty 20% 20% 20% 20% d) High Degree of Environmental Pollution 10% 10% 10% 10% e) Significant Infrastructure Deficiencies 15% 15% 10% 10% f) Areas with High Population Densities 10% 10% 10% 15% g) Vulnerability to Natural Calamities 5% 5% 5% 5% h) Amount of Investment in Technical/Social Infrastructure Projects 5% 10% 15% 15% i) Housing Typology 10% 10% 10% 10% j) Significant Economic Indicators 5% 5% 5% 5% 100% 100% 100% 100% Total No weight but a criterion for consideration Based on the growth rate of city/town population over the 4 years from 2000-2004 Based on the number of poor households Based on degree of pollution in terms of rate of solid waste collected and waste water disposed Based on the availability of technical and social infrastructure Based on the city/town population density combined with the floor area per person Based on topology of land (low land, highland, coastal, exposure to severe climatic conditions) Based on total cost investment projects in the cities/towns & average investment per capita Based on percentage of population with poor housing or insufficient floor area per person Based on total amount of industrial output value at current prices from state & non-state industries, unemployment rate and average monthly income per capita (x1000 VnD) Notes: The weights for the criterion high level of poverty was uniformly reduced by five percent to give weight to other significant economic indicators such as industrial output value at current prices – total amount of industrial output value at current prices from state and non-state industries, unemployment rate and average monthly income per capita (x1000 VnD). The amount of industrial output indicates the extent of industrial activity, unemployment and income which can be generated in a particular city/town which influence people’s movement, thus becoming an important criterion for selecting cities/towns for prioritization. 3.7 Weighting Factor for Prioritisation Criteria of Simplified MCA Options (after the National Workshop) a. Simplified Criteria, Indicators and Ranking Method 36. After the first National Workshop, the international and national consultants, international advisor and PMU had a brainstorming to discuss simplification of MCA based on the results of the workshop discussion, the details of which are in the Proceedings. The criteria and indicators have been simplified. The outcome of the MCA has been refined in line with the comments obtained from the PMU-NUUP and the outcome from participation of the stakeholders in the first National Workshop for NUUP which is the essence of combining technical and participative assessments. The Workshop participants already indicated their comments on the initially developed criteria and indicators for MCA1 to MCA4 options (section 4.5). In a brainstorming session held, PMU, MOC1, MOC3 and MOC4 analysed the results of the three Workshop Discussions and the responses from the participants to the questionnaires about the criteria and indicators used for MCA. MOC3 already conferred with MOC4 to finalise data requirements and collection. The simplification of indicators was based on brainstorming among the international and local consultants and PMU and workshop discussions with key stakeholders during the National Workshop. Exhausting all sources and basing on the results of Workshop Discussion and brainstorming among technical consultants, the kind and number indicators were streamlined to 10. Table 5 shows the simplified criteria and indicators and the ranking method. National Urban Upgrading Strategy & Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to Year 2020 (NUUP) 9/63 Table 5 Simplified Criteria and Indicators and Ranking Method Criteria Indicators 1) % of families/households living below national poverty line; 1 Poverty ii) % of Class 4 (Temporary) housing in city/town i) Road density (km/km2 of city/town area). Infrastructure ii) % of H/H with piped water supply 2 Deficiencies iii) % of drainage (pipes) per km2 of town area iv) Students per classroom i) Solid waste collected as % of total 3 Environment generated (based on Vnd standards) i) Average annual population growth 4 Urbanisation rate (%) between 2000 – 2004 (5 years) i) Population Density (persons/ha) at 5 Population Density 2004 Amount of Investment i) Total investment (Vnd millions/ 6 in Technical and population) at 2004 Social Infrastructure b. Ranking Method For a) and b) higher percentages will mean higher priority in ranking a) High = low rank b) High = low rank c) High = low rank d) High = high rank a) High= low rank a) High= high rank a) High=high rank a) High = low rank Simplified Weighting Factor for MCA5 37. The proposed weights were adjusted based on the combined technical and participant assessment. As a result of the Workshop discussions combined with technical assessment, the criteria and indicators were simplified into six criteria as indicated in Table 6. A set of uniform weight for the 6 simplified criteria for all classes of cities/towns has been placed. Table 6 Selection Criteria and Weighting Factors for MCA5 Proposed Criterion Method of Calculation Weights High Rate of Based on the growth rate of city/town population over a) 10% Urbanisation the 4 years from 2000-2004 Based on the percentage of households living below b) High Level of Poverty 25% poverty threshold and percentage of population with poor housing Significant Based on the availability of technical and social c) Infrastructure 30% infrastructure Deficiencies Amount of Investment Based on the average investment in technical/social d) in Technical/Social 10% infrastructure projects per capita for the last past five Infrastructure Projects (2001-2005) Areas with High Based on the city/town population density combined e) 10% Population Densities with the floor area per person High Degree of Based on degree of pollution in terms of rate of solid f) Environmental 15% waste collected and waste water disposed Pollution Total 100% 38. The participants’ assessment gathered during the Workshop discussions resulted in highlighting two major criteria for selecting priority cities and towns, namely poverty and infrastructure criteria. As such, bigger weights for the poverty and infrastructure criteria were given. 39. For simplified MCA5, it is noted that all classes of cities/towns for the 10 urbanisation regions have uniform weighting factors regardless of their distinct character, physical attributes, regional thrust/policies, etc. Further discussion and analysis noted that the MCA must cover not only the typical statistical profile but also distinct character, physical attributes, regional thrusts/policies which are significant in rationalizing MCA. Hence, MCA5 has been developed/modified further into MCA5-1 (simplified rating of indicators based on actual figures/value and MCA5-2 (modified rating based on standing against national average and range of data). National Urban Upgrading Strategy & Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to Year 2020 (NUUP) 10/63 c. Simplified Rating based on Statistical Merit & Weighting Factor of Indicators (MCA5-1) 40. All cities/towns have been rated for their merit in respect of each of the criteria. For percentage of poor households, percentage of households with poor housing, percentage of solid waste collected over total solid waste generated, average annual population growth rate (20002004), population density and total investment for infrastructure per capita, a 0-100 rating scale was used. This means using a formula of 100/highest value of for a particular indicator. For example, the rating scale for percentage of poor households is 100/city with the highest percentage of poor household = 2.59. To get each city’s first round of ranking for percentage of poor household, the formula is 2.59 multiply by the figure (percentage of poor household of that city), that is 2.59 x 6.34 percentage of poor households in Hung Yen = 13. 41. High Level of Poverty criteria 25% for Class I and 30% for Class II to IV will be equally divided to the two indicators: 1) percentage of households living below poverty threshold, and 2) percentage of population with poor housing. This means that for higher percentages of households living below the poverty threshold and household with poor housing will mean higher priority in ranking. 42. For infrastructure, criteria are of two types, namely: 1) Significant Infrastructure Deficiencies with a weight factor of 30% which will be distributed to four indicators, and 2) Amount of investment in technical/social infrastructure projects per capita for the last five years with a weight factor of 10%. It must be noted that Significant Infrastructure Deficiencies refers to the extent of availability and adequacy of technical and social infrastructure in the cities/towns which are measured in terms of the following indicators: 1) availability of technical and social infrastructure; and 2) average investment in technical/social infrastructure projects per capita for the last past five (2001-2005). 2 43. This means that cities/towns with high road density (km/km ), percentage of households with piped water supply and percentage of drainage (pipes) per km2 of town area will have a low ranking while cities/towns with high students per classroom ratio would have high rank. It is noted that road density is widely available data for cities classified as Class 4 and above. It is also noted that road density varied depending on the length of road per land area and the extent of usage. The cities/towns located in North Coastal and Mekong Delta regions have lower road density due to the physical nature of the area. This distinct case will be addressed in the modified rating for MCA 5-2. 44. Student/classroom ratio as an indicator does not refer to the size of classroom. For this purpose, student population data and number of classrooms per city were used to calculate the student/classroom ratio for the cities/towns. Based on the available data in Vietnam, the average number of students per classroom is 44.6. If the universal standard is 25 students per teacher, to accommodate an average of 44.6 students per classroom has implications for delivery of the given educational program. The highest student/classroom ratio is 70:1 (Phan Thiet City) and the lowest 6 (Hai Phong and Can Tho). 45. The amount of investment in technical/social infrastructure projects (10%) pertains to the amount of investment in technical/social infrastructure projects for the past five years per capita for cities/towns. Cities/towns with high amount of investment in technical and social infrastructure per capita for the past five years (VND millions/population at 2000-2004) would have low rank. 46. High degree of urbanisation, high degree of population densities and high degree of environmental pollution are criteria which have lower weight in comparison with high level of poverty and significant infrastructure deficiencies. For all classes, 10% is placed upon all cities/town for two demographic indicators, namely: high degree of urbanisation, high degree of population densities. Cities/towns with high urbanisation rate measured in terms of average annual population growth rate between 2000–2004 (5 years) will have a high rank. Likewise, cities/towns with high population density (population per total city/town area in 2004) will have high rank. 47. For a high degree of environmental pollution, a uniform weight of 15% is assigned to all cities/towns from Class I to IV. The degree of environmental pollution is measured in terms of the percentage of solid waste collected over total waste generated by the city/town. Cities/towns with high percentage of solid waste collected over total waste generated by the city/town would have low rank. National Urban Upgrading Strategy & Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to Year 2020 (NUUP) 11/63 d. Modified Rating of Indicators based on the National Average, Midpoint and Highest Ranges and Weighting Factor of Indicators (MCA5-2) 48. As previously mentioned, rating per city/town across all regions and classes should be rationalised in order to include significant factors in MCA. Analysis not only focus on the outright value of the statistical data but also consider all other significant factors such as the distinct character, physical attributes, regional thrusts/policies which are significant in rationalising MCA. 49. The updated database shows varied ranges of data for all indicators. As such, to use rank based on individual merit results in a wide rating gap for all indicators. This does not reflect the geographical differences. For instance, cities/towns with high percentage of solid waste collected tend to have a low rate for environmental criteria thus making its overall ranking low. When using 0-100 rating scale as in MCA5-1, a city which has the highest percentage of solid waste collection gets 100% and 0 rating for high degree of environmental pollution thus making is overall ranking low. Hence, MCA5-2 is developed/modified to reduce the rating gap which groups the cities/towns based on its standing against the national average. 50. For percentage of poor households, percentage of households with poor housing, average annual population growth rate (2000-2004), and population density, the rating scale and weighting for MCA5-2 will be divided into three rating scale as follows: • 50 for below the national average • 75 for above the national average • 100 for above midpoint range (arranging the national average to highest range) 51. For infrastructure deficiency such as road density, rate of household with water supply and drainage pipes density, and percentage of solid waste collected over total solid waste generated and total average investment on infrastructure per capita, MCA5-2 will be divided into three rating scale as follows: • 50 for above the national average • 75 for below the national average • 100 for below midpoint range (arranging the national average to lowest range) 52. Refer to Table 7 for the basis of the rating scale. A rating of 50 is given to a city which is below the national average, 75 to a city which is above the national average and 100 for a city above the average of midpoint and highest range. e. Modified Rating of Indicators based on the varied Cities/towns Classes Attributes and Regional Location and Weighting Factor of Indicators (MCA6) 53. MCA5-1 uses the individual merit of each city/town while MC5-2 is subject to the national average and highest range for percentage of poor households, percentage of households with poor housing, average annual population growth rate (2000-2004), and population density, or lowest range for infrastructure deficiency such as road density, rate of household with water supply and drainage pipes density, and percentage of solid waste collected over total solid waste generated and total average investment on infrastructure per capita. 54. Another method is developed to analyse in order to reflect regional setting. The weighting for MCA6 is based on the averages of urbanisation region and class for each indicator. Table 8 shows the regional average of ten indicators. For weighting factor of MCA6, proportionate weight is placed depending on the proportion of the regional average to the national average and proportional cities/towns class average to the national average. National Urban Upgrading Strategy & Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to Year 2020 (NUUP) 12/63 Table 7 Rating Scale Basis based on National Average Indicators % of families/ households living below national poverty line % of Class 4 (Temporary) housing Road density (km/km2 of city/town area % of HH with piped water supply % of drainage (pipes) per km2 of town area Students per classroom Solid waste collected as % of total generated (based on Vn standards) Average annual population growth rate (%) between 2000 – 2004 (5 years) Population Density (persons/km2) at 2004 Total investment (Vnd millions/population) (2000-2004) National Average Lowest Midpoint Highest 12.12 1.26 23.90 35.68 28 4.4 73.1 2.95 44.6 2.50 0.13 10 % 0.19 5.78 50.50 2.28 41.55 1.57 57.12 72.86 12.10 100 % 9.30 69.61 73.5 20.00 46.77 100.00 2.9% 0.00 12.40% 21.90% 1,507 30.00 4101.48 6696.19 12 0.13 5.89 68.74 Table 8 Scale Rating and Weighting Factor Based on Urbanisation Region Urbanisation SubRegion Percentage of poor households Percentage of household with poor housing 2 Road density (km/km ) Rate of households with water supply Drainage pipes density 2 (km/km ) Number of Students per classroom Percentage of solid waste collected over total solid waste generated Average Annual Pop. Growth Rate (2000-2004) Population Density (Person/Km2) Total Investment (VnD mil./cap.) for 5 years (2002004) 1 2 7.10 11.92 8 9 10 National Average 3 4 5 6 7 3.81 16.57 16.44 14.51 29.00 18.43 8.77 17.14 7.51 12.12 29.70 25.44 21.46 28.93 33.51 16.19 22.08 30.31 51.22 28.14 4.40 4.75 6.67 3.72 5.60 3.72 7.45 2.77 3.60 3.08 4.42 73.65 74.05 72.81 67.33 67.88 90.00 72.83 62.14 60.73 81.17 73.11 3.97 3.12 2.92 1.40 2.22 2.46 3.83 2.99 2.33 2.96 2.95 47.18 50.10 45.81 41.28 38.96 41.01 44.77 60.33 49.00 49.17 44.62 74.36 78.14 77.38 72.14 74.44 62.00 62.86 66.67 74.29 75.09 73.54 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.04 0.02 0.03 0.02 0.03 0.02 0.03 1906 1422 1577 1478 1040 411 2888 1146 475 1529 1507 13.66 19.71 10.95 9.37 12.74 9.01 21.00 4.71 6.62 8.22 11.65 3.8 Results of MCA5-1, MCA5-2 and MCA6 (Prioritisation of Cities/Towns) a. Initial Ranking 55. The tentative results of MCA1 using the 7 criteria were already presented in the Inception Report. MCA2 to MCA4 options were no longer processed after documenting the opinion of the stakeholders on the indicators and criteria for selecting priority cities/tows. It was realised that a number of the indicators were difficult to obtain and be completed for 96 cities/towns to operationalise the ranking for corresponding criteria. Some indicators do not provide clear picture of the state of the city/town, for instance, the absence or presence of a landfill facility do not necessarily reflect good or deficient environmental quality. 56. For each class of city/towns, the criteria defined have been combined using weighting coefficients reflecting the desired emphasis on each aspect (poverty, infrastructure deficiencies, population density, etc). In so doing the MCA5-1 highlights the merits of each city/town and produces a ranking in order of priority for the proposed set of criteria and weighting factors within each group of cities and towns of comparable size. Table 9 shows the top 25 cities/towns using the simplified MCA (MCA5-1). National Urban Upgrading Strategy & Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to Year 2020 (NUUP) 13/63 L H L L L L L H L L LC L H L L Ranking IV III III IV IV IV III IV IV IV IV III IV IV IV Overall Merit Bình Thuận Điện Biên An Giang Đồng Tháp Phú Thọ Tây Ninh Bình Thuận Bắc Kạn Vĩnh Long Hưng Yên Tiền Giang Ninh Thuận Hà Giang Kiên Giang Hà Tây f) Low in Technical & Social Infrastructure Investment 8 6 10 10 5 2 8 4 10 1 10 8 5 10 1 e) Areas with High Population Densities H H LC LC H H H H LC H d) High Rate of Urbanisation III IV IV IV IV IV IV IV IV III c) High Degree of Environmental Pollution Lai Châu Điện Biên Trà Vinh Quảng Trị Thái Nguyên Yên Bái Gia Lai Cao Bằng Hà Tĩnh Gia Lai b) Significant Infrastructure Deficiencies Lowland, Highland, Coastal 6 6 10 3 4 5 9 4 7 9 a) High Level of Poverty Class TX. Lai Châu TX. Mường Lay TX. Trà Vinh TX. Quảng Trị TX. Sông Công TX. Nghĩa Lộ TX. An Khê TX. Cao Bằng TX. Hồng Lĩnh TP. Pleiku TX. Lagi và Huyện Hàm Tân TP. Điện Biên Phủ TP. Long Xuyên TX. Cao Lãnh TX. Phú Thọ TX. Tây Ninh TP. Phan Thiết TX. Bắc Cạn TX. Vĩnh Long TX. Hưng Yên TX. Gò Công TX. Phan Rang-Tháp Chàm TX. Hà Giang TX. Hà Tiên TX. Hà Đông Province CITY/TOWN Urbanisation Sub-Region Table 9. Top 25 Cities/Towns using the Simplified MCA (MCA5-1). 25% 30% 15% 10% 10% 10% 100% 76 57 65 9 5 95 56.75 1 76 59 80 0 3 74 56.4 2 67 63 30 26 26 85 53.85 3 47 66 50 4 51 92 53.75 4 34 79 70 4 10 96 53.7 5 45 78 15 49 17 94 52.9 6 47 72 60 4 6 94 52.75 7 58 67 25 25 18 97 52.35 8 67 63 40 1 12 90 51.95 9 47 76 35 9 14 87 50.8 10 30 76 40 50 38 39 30 64 42 13 41 37 53 44 18 68 58 63 69 46 55 81 70 63 61 65 68 63 57 49 80 0 0 21 40 6 20 4 50 64 60 17 30 6 20 9 30 2 28 100 35 3 15 7 20 13 51 12 30 44 12 15 49 30 19 18 19 4 50 32 32 39 5 9 81 94 50.5 99 49.9 91 49.5 93 48.9 97 48.8 98 48.55 97 48.5 69 48.2 80 47.1 80 46.95 82 46.7 99 46.4 94 46.35 84 46.25 99 46.10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Notes: 4 shaded cities/towns are included in the 25 cities/towns selected for pilot survey. 57. MCA5-2 highlights the merits of each city and town against the national average and highest/lowest range and produces a ranking in order of priority for the proposed set of criteria and weighting factors within each group of cities and towns of comparable size. Table 10 shows the individual merit of the top 25 cities/towns scaled against the national average and highest/lowest range using the simplified MCA (MCA5-2). Table 11 shows the top 25 cities/towns using the simplified MCA (MCA5-2) method. National Urban Upgrading Strategy & Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to Year 2020 (NUUP) 14/63 Population Density (person/km2) Average Annual Population Growth Rate (2000-2004) Percentage of solid waste collected over total solid waste generated Number of Students per Classroom Drainage pipes density (km/km2) Rate of households with water supply Road density (km/km2) Percentage of poor households City/Town Percentage of household with poor housing Table 10 Top 25 Cities/Towns and Corresponding Individual Merits Rated Against the National Average and Highest/Lowest Range Using the Simplified MCA (MCA5-2). Environment Urbanisation Density Poverty Infrastructure Deficiencies 0.00 0.00 4.00 70 2.90 0 70 0.0% 0 12.00 28.00 2.28 42 1.57 30 47 3.0% 1510 2.90 50.50 0.00 0 0.00 57 0 12.0% 4100 50% 50% 25% 25% 25% 25% 100% 100% 100% TX. Cao Bằng TP. Điện Biên Phủ TX. Quảng Trị TX. Lai Châu TX. Nghĩa Lộ TX. Gò Công TX. Cao Lãnh TX. Hà Giang TX. An Khê TP. Long Xuyên TX. Vĩnh Long TX. Tây Ninh TX. Sông Công TP. Pleiku TX. Trà Vinh TP. Bắc Giang TP. Phan Thiết 27.01 35.68 19.40 35.68 13.91 6.15 7.11 19.08 18.18 6.15 7.56 5.48 16.09 18.18 13.51 9.34 5.77 34.2 43.45 32.27 43.45 39.87 48.15 60.7 41.68 35.32 47.76 48.26 47.5 19.98 35.32 72.86 11.02 33.33 2.23 2.54 4.73 1.50 0.13 0.85 0.59 0.83 5.33 2.16 1.52 4.00 2.71 4.35 4.4 3.96 0.84 70 80 45 73.1 15 85 80 70 21.08 66.8 90 70 10 34 66 90 50 0.66 1.48 1.26 2.95 2.95 1.19 0.91 0.96 2 2.95 1.25 2.95 0.19 0.4 2.95 1.5 2.95 46 36 44 44.6 37 47 52 29 54 51 47 40 38 57 55 52 70 75 100 50 35 85 65 80 80 40 60 70 40 30 65 70 70 70 5.6% 4.7% 1.1% 2.9% 10.8% 0.9% 1.0% 2.9% 1.3% 1.4% 0.6% 3.7% 1.0% 2.0% 5.8% 2.0% 1.5% 959 773 2,646 262 885 1,667 1,531 264 317 2,510 2,591 925 538 715 1,351 3,158 993 TX. Phan Rang-Tháp Chàm 13.35 29.14 3.67 65 2.05 64 85 1.6% 2,015 TX. Phú Thọ TX. Hà Đông TX. Hà Tĩnh 12.51 9.79 22.55 32.1 8.88 25.9 9.40 7.38 9.85 73.1 85 100 2.95 2.39 3.91 37 49 44 50 70 80 14.2% 9.8% 7.3% 977 4,148 6,696 TX. Gia Nghĩa và huyện Đăk Klong 17.01 23.93 3.30 60 2.5 39 80 10.1% 30 TX. Bắc Cạn TP. Cà Mau TP. Mỹ Tho 30.74 36.35 7.71 46.28 6.54 48.15 3.08 1.40 4.57 37 84 95 0.86 1.17 4.71 38 56 51 80 66.2 90 2.2% 2.1% 1.0% 244 808 3,468 National Urban Upgrading Strategy & Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to Year 2020 (NUUP) 15/63 Table 11 Top 25 Cities/Towns using the Simplified MCA (MCA5-2). Scoring Scales of Criteria & Weighting Factors 50 50 50 50 50 50 75 75 65 75 75 75 Scale 100 100 70 100 100 100 e) Areas with High Population Densities f) Low in Technical & Social Infrastructure Investment Overall Merit Ranking 4 6 3 6 5 10 10 5 9 10 10 2 4 9 10 4 8 Cao Bằng Điện Biên Quảng Trị Lai Châu Yên Bái Tiền Giang Đồng Tháp Hà Giang Gia Lai An Giang Vĩnh Long Tây Ninh Thái Nguyên Gia Lai Trà Vinh Bắc Giang Bình Thuận IV III IV III IV IV IV IV IV III IV IV IV III IV III III H H LC H H LC L H H L L L H H LC L L 87 100 75 100 75 75 75 87 75 75 75 75 62 75 87 50 62 87 75 81 68 81 87 87 81 81 75 87 68 87 87 68 81 87 50 50 70 70 50 70 50 50 70 65 70 70 70 65 65 65 65 75 75 50 50 100 50 50 50 50 50 50 75 50 50 75 50 50 50 50 75 50 50 75 75 50 50 75 75 50 50 50 50 100 50 100 100 100 100 100 75 100 100 100 100 50 100 100 75 75 100 100 77.9 77.5 76.1 75.9 75.6 75.4 74.9 73.6 73.6 73.5 72.9 72.2 72.1 72.1 71.9 71.6 71.4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 10 11 12 13 13 15 16 17 8 Ninh Thuận III L 75 75 50 50 75 100 71.3 18 5 1 7 Phú Thọ Hà Tây Hà Tĩnh IV IV III L L LC 75 50 75 56 68 56 70 70 50 100 75 75 50 100 100 100 100 100 71.1 70.9 70.6 19 20 21 9 Đăk Nông IV H 62 75 50 100 50 100 70.5 22 TX. Bắc Cạn TP. Cà Mau TP. Mỹ Tho 4 Bắc Kạn 10 Cà Mau 10 Tiền Giang IV III III H LC L 87 75 75 87 87 62 50 70 50 50 50 50 50 50 100 50 50 100 70.4 70.4 69.9 23 24 25 Province TX. Cao Bằng TP. Điện Biên Phủ TX. Quảng Trị TX. Lai Châu TX. Nghĩa Lộ TX. Gò Công TX. Cao Lãnh TX. Hà Giang TX. An Khê TP. Long Xuyên TX. Vĩnh Long TX. Tây Ninh TX. Sông Công TP. Pleiku TX. Trà Vinh TP. Bắc Giang TP. Phan Thiết TX. Phan Rang Tháp Chàm TX. Phú Thọ TX. Hà Đông TX. Hà Tĩnh TX. Gia Nghĩa và huyện Đăk Klong City/Town Urbanisation Sub-Region d) High Rate of Urbanisation 10% 100% c) High Degree of Environmental Pollution 10% b) Significant Infrastructure Deficiencies 10% a) High Level of Poverty 15% Lowland, Highland, Coastal 30% Class 25% National Urban Upgrading Strategy & Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to Year 2020 (NUUP) 16/63 58. As mentioned in the previous discussion, the weighting factor for MCA6 attempts to put into consideration the regional situation. Table 12 shows the average regional data for the 10 indicators, national average and weighting factor as per Table 6 (Selection Criteria and Weighting Factors for MCA5). It is noted that the percentage for poor households in Regions 6, 7, 9, 3, 4 and 5 is much higher than the national average while it is much lower in Regions 1, 2, 8 and 10. The percentage of households with poor housing in Regions 2, 5, 6, 8 and 10 is higher than the national average while the rest of the Regions are lower. Table 12 Regional Averages, National Average & Simplified MCA5 Weighting Factors MCA5 National Weighting Average Factor Indicator 1 7.10 3.81 16.57 16.44 14.51 29.00 18.43 8.77 17.14 7.51 12.12 12.50% Indicator 2 11.92 29.70 25.44 21.46 28.93 33.51 16.19 22.08 30.31 51.22 28.14 12.50% Indicator 3 4.40 4.75 6.67 3.72 5.60 3.72 7.45 2.77 3.60 3.08 4.42 7.50% Indicator 4 73.65 74.05 72.81 67.33 67.88 90.00 72.83 62.14 60.73 81.17 73.11 7.50% Indicator 5 3.97 3.12 2.92 1.40 2.22 2.46 3.83 2.99 2.33 2.96 2.95 7.50% Indicator 6 47.18 50.10 45.81 41.28 38.96 41.01 44.77 60.33 49.00 49.17 44.62 7.50% Indicator 7 74.36 78.14 77.38 72.14 74.44 62.00 62.86 66.67 74.29 75.09 73.54 15.00% Indicator 8 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.04 0.02 0.03 0.02 0.03 0.02 0.03 10.00% Indicator 9 1906.00 1422.00 1577.17 1478.14 1040.44 411.00 2888.74 1146.14 475.14 1529.29 1506.77 10.00% Indicator 10 13.66 19.71 10.95 9.37 12.74 9.01 21.00 4.71 6.62 8.22 11.65 10.00% Region 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Legend: Indicator 1 - Percentage of poor households Indicator 2 - Percentage of household with poor housing 2 Indicator 3 - Road density (km/km ) Indicator 4 - Rate of households with water supply 2 Indicator 5 - Drainage pipes density (km/km ) Indicator 6 - Number of students per classroom Indicator 7 - Percentage of solid waste collected over total solid waste generated Indicator 8 - Average annual population growth rate (2000-2004) 2 Indicator 9 - Population density (person/km ) Indicator 10 - Total investment (VND million/capita) for 5 years (2000-2004) Table 13 MCA-6 Weighting Factors of Indicators based on Proportion of City Indicators to National Average Region 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Indicator 1 7.3% 3.9% 17.1% 17.0% 15.0% 29.9% 19.0% 9.0% 17.7% 7.7% Indicator 2 5.3% 13.2% 11.3% 9.5% 12.8% 14.9% 7.2% 9.8% 13.5% 22.8% Indicator 3 7.5% 8.1% 11.3% 6.3% 9.5% 6.3% 12.6% 4.7% 6.1% 5.2% Indicator 4 7.6% 7.6% 7.5% 6.9% 7.0% 9.2% 7.5% 6.4% 6.2% 8.3% Indicator 5 10.1% 7.9% 7.4% 3.6% 5.6% 6.3% 9.7% 7.6% 5.9% 7.5% Indicator 6 7.9% 8.4% 7.7% 6.9% 6.5% 6.9% 7.5% 10.1% 8.2% 8.3% Indicator 7 15.2% 15.9% 15.8% 14.7% 15.2% 12.6% 12.8% 13.6% 15.2% 15.3% Indicator 8 15.1% 8.7% 5.4% 7.6% 14.5% 6.6% 9.5% 5.3% 10.9% 5.6% Indicator 9 12.6% 9.4% 10.5% 9.8% 6.9% 2.7% 19.2% 7.6% 3.2% 10.1% Indicator 10 11.7% 16.9% 9.4% 8.0% 10.9% 7.7% 18.0% 4.0% 5.7% 7.1% Legend: Indicator 1 - Percentage of poor households Indicator 2 - Percentage of household with poor housing 2 Indicator 3 - Road density (km/km ) Indicator 4 - Rate of households with water supply 2 Indicator 5 - Drainage pipes density (km/km ) Indicator 6 - Number of students per classroom Indicator 7 - Percentage of solid waste collected over total solid waste generated Indicator 8 - Average annual population growth rate (2000-2004) 2 Indicator 9 - Population density (person/km ) Indicator 10 - Total investment (VND million/capita) for 5 years (2000-2004) National Urban Upgrading Strategy & Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to Year 2020 (NUUP) 17/63 59. For MCA6, the weighting factor is derived by relating the regional average to the national average and getting its proportion to the MCA5 weighting factor which was based on the results of combining technical assessment and participant assessment (workshop discussion and responses to the questionnaires). 60. The formula for the MCA weighting factor is the regional average multiplied by MCA5 weighting factor divided by the national average. Hence, the weighting factor for percentage of poor households in Region 1 is 7.35%, for Region 2 is 3.9%, Region 3 is 17.1%, Region 4 is 17.0%, Region 5 is 15%, Region 6 is 29.9%, Region 7 is 19%, Region 8 is 9%, Region 9 is 17.7%, Region 10 is 7.7%. The weighting factor for percentage of household with poor housing in Region 1 is 5.3%, Region 2 is 13.2%, Region 3 is 11.3%, Region 4 is 9.5%, Region 5 is 15%, Region 6 is 14.9%, Region 7 is 7.2%, Region 8 is 9.8%, Region 9 is 13.5% and Region 10 is 22.8%. The weighting factor for Indicator 3 in Region 1 7.5%, Region 2 is 8.1, Region 3 is 11.3% and so on. Table 14 shows the weighting factors per region. It is observed in Table 14 that when the indicators’ regional average is far below the national average the weighting factors becomes lower. This holds true for Indicators 1 for Regions 1, 3, 8 and 10 which are lower than the national average. Conversely, indicators with regional average which are generally higher than the national average, the weighting average becomes higher, for example, e.g. Regions 3, 5, 6 and 7 which have higher regional average compared with the national average. As such, adjustments were made to rationalise derivation of weighting factors and ensure that the sum of the weighting factor should be within 100 percent. The weighting factor of indicators for particular criterions are summed up to comprise the total weighting factor shown for MCA6 is uniform among city/town classes within the urbanisation sub-region. 61. This weighting factor per region is used to compute the overall merit of the 96 cities/ towns. MCA6 does not factor in difference among city /town classes it only subjects MCA to the regional average in relation to the national average and MCA5 weighting factors. Based on MCA6, the top 25 cities/towns are indicated in Table 15. It is noted that TX. Cao Bằng, TP. Điện Biên Phủ, TX. Cao Lãnh and TP. Phan Thiết are among the top 25 cities/towns in MCA5-1, MCA5-2 and MCA6 which are also included in the top 25 cities for pilot survey. TP. Cà Mau and TP. Hải Dương, which also ranked in the top 25 cities/towns in MCA6 are also included in the 25 cities for pilot survey. 62. The results of the MCA5-1, MCA5-2 and MCA6 have also been sorted by overall ranking, urbanisation sub-regions and by class as shown in Table 5. b. Second Ranking Process 63. Further discussion to factor in other significant criteria will be undertaken to ensure obtaining rational MCA results and be in accordance with national framework. In order to be in line with national urbanisation policies and ascertain that selected priority cities/towns represent the low income areas of all types of classification and topography and with consideration of vulnerability to natural calamities and willingness to participate, the MCA results will be subject to second screening in order to: • Ensure that the selected projects are typical of the whole region and surrounding cities/ towns • Accord with current government urbanisation/economic zoning policy • Accord with the need of upgrading investment of cities/towns. 64. After the first ranking using the simplified criteria and indicators for MCA, a second level of ranking would be conducted to ensure that selection of 25 cities/towns are within the regional policy framework (i.e. urbanisation regions and class of towns), topographical features, vulnerability of cities/towns and willingness of the cities/towns to participate in NUUP are given paramount consideration (Table 16). The criteria in the second screening were agreed upon by the PMU, MOC1, MOC3 and MOC4 after deliberating and assessing the results of discussion during the first National Workshop held on 30 October 2006. It was noted that some of the indicators and criteria suggested by some participants cannot be measured or are irrelevant to urban upgrading such as the rate of water loss, grave site, number of universities, among others. The results of the workshop discussions are comprehensively presented in the Proceedings of the NUUP first National Workshop submitted to PMU on 29 January 2007. Until revised, the ten urbanisation regions remain a rational basis to ascertain that a city/town is selected strategically, i.e. at least 1 city/town in each sub-region. Likewise, the second level of screening considers that at National Urban Upgrading Strategy & Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to Year 2020 (NUUP) 18/63 least 1 city/town is selected per class, at least 1 city/town is selected in a vulnerable area and that all selected cities/towns are willing to participate in the NUUP. Table 14 MCA6 Weighting Factors Region 2 1 a) High Level of Poverty 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I 12.50% 17.10% 28.00% 28.00% 27.00% 44.00% 22.00% 22.48% 32.39% 30.82% II 12.50% 17.10% 28.00% 28.00% 27.00% 44.00% 22.00% 22.48% 32.39% 30.82% III 12.50% 17.10% 28.00% 28.00% 27.00% 44.00% 22.00% 22.48% 32.39% 30.82% IV 12.50% 17.10% 28.00% 28.00% 27.00% 44.00% 22.00% 22.48% 32.39% 30.82% b) Significant Infrastructure Deficiencies 33.40% 32.00% 33.00% I 25.00% 28.00% 28.00% 33.00% 32.45% 27.76% 29.68% 29.68% II 33.40% 32.00% 33.00% 25.00% 28.00% 28.00% 33.00% 32.45% 27.76% III 33.40% 32.00% 33.00% 25.00% 28.00% 28.00% 33.00% 32.45% 27.76% 29.68% IV 33.40% 32.00% 33.00% 25.00% 28.00% 28.00% 33.00% 32.45% 27.76% 29.68% c) High Degree of Environmental Pollution I 15.00% 15.90% 15.00% 16.00% 15.00% 12.25% 9.00% 17.23% 16.40% 15.65% 16.00% 15.00% 12.25% 9.00% 17.23% 16.40% 15.65% III 15.00% 15.90% 15.00% 15.00% 15.90% 15.00% 16.00% 15.00% 12.25% 9.00% 17.23% 16.40% 15.65% IV 15.00% 15.90% 15.00% 16.00% 15.00% 12.25% 9.00% 17.23% 16.40% 15.65% II d) High Rate of Urbanisation I 15.00% 8.70% 5.00% 9.00% 14.00% 6.25% 6.00% 8.95% 12.13% 5.98% 5.00% 9.00% 14.00% 6.25% 6.00% 8.95% 12.13% 5.98% III 15.00% 8.70% 15.00% 8.70% 5.00% 9.00% 14.00% 6.25% 6.00% 8.95% 12.13% 5.98% IV 15.00% 8.70% 5.00% 9.00% 14.00% 6.25% 6.00% 8.95% 12.13% 5.98% II e) Areas with High Population Densities I 12.60% 9.40% 10.00% 11.00% 6.00% 2.25% 16.00% 11.23% 4.40% 10.48% 10.00% 11.00% 6.00% 2.25% 16.00% 11.23% 4.40% 10.48% III 12.60% 9.40% 12.60% 9.40% 10.00% 11.00% 6.00% 2.25% 16.00% 11.23% 4.40% 10.48% IV 12.60% 9.40% 10.00% 11.00% 6.00% 2.25% 16.00% 11.23% 4.40% 10.48% f) Low in Technical & Social Infrastructure Investment I 11.50% 16.90% 9.00% 11.00% 10.00% 7.25% 14.00% 7.66% 6.92% 7.39% 7.39% II II III IV 11.50% 16.90% 11.50% 16.90% 11.50% 16.90% 9.00% 11.00% 10.00% 7.25% 14.00% 7.66% 6.92% 9.00% 11.00% 10.00% 7.25% 14.00% 7.66% 6.92% 7.39% 9.00% 11.00% 10.00% 7.25% 14.00% 7.66% 6.92% 7.39% National Urban Upgrading Strategy & Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to Year 2020 (NUUP) 19/63 Lowland, Highland, Coastal a) High Level of Poverty d) High Rate of Urbanisation e) Areas with High Population Densities f) Low in Technical & Social Infrastructure Investment Overall Merit Ranking H 100 75 50 75 50 100 84.2 1 6 Lai Châu III H 100 68 70 50 50 100 83.1 2 6 Điện Biên IV H 100 62 70 50 50 50 77.8 3 TX. Nghĩa Lộ 5 Yên Bái IV H 75 81 50 100 50 100 77.4 4 TX. Cao Bằng 4 Cao Bằng IV H 87 87 50 75 50 100 77.4 5 TX. Quảng Trị 3 Quảng Trị IV LC 75 81 70 50 75 100 77.2 6 TX. Gò Công 10 Tiền Giang IV LC 75 87 70 50 75 75 76.3 7 TX. Cao Lãnh 10 Đồng Tháp IV L 75 87 50 50 75 100 75.0 8 TX. Hà Đông 1 Hà Tây IV L 50 68 70 75 100 100 74.8 9 TX. Vĩnh Long 10 Vĩnh Long IV L 75 87 70 50 75 50 74.4 10 TX. Hà Tĩnh 7 Hà Tĩnh III LC 75 56 50 75 100 100 74.0 11 TX. Tây Ninh 2 Tây Ninh IV L 75 68 70 75 50 100 73.8 12 TP. Long Xuyên 10 An Giang III L 75 75 65 50 75 100 73.8 13 TX. Hà Giang 5 Hà Giang IV H 87 81 50 50 50 100 73.7 14 TX. An Khê 9 Gia Lai IV H 75 81 70 50 50 100 73.4 15 TX. Phú Thọ 5 Phú Thọ IV L 75 56 70 100 50 100 73.4 16 TX. Đồng Xoài 2 Bình Phước IV L 62 81 50 75 50 100 72.6 17 TP. Pleiku 9 Gia Lai III H 75 87 65 50 50 75 72.6 18 TX. Trà Vinh 10 Trà Vinh IV LC 87 68 65 75 50 75 72.4 19 TX. Sầm Sơn 7 Thanh Hoá IV LC 62 68 70 50 100 75 71.9 20 TP. Cà Mau 10 Cà Mau III LC 75 87 70 50 50 50 71.8 21 TP. Hải Dương 1 Hải Dương III L 50 87 70 50 100 50 71.7 22 TX. Sông Công 4 Thái Nguyên IV H 62 87 70 50 50 100 71.3 23 TP. Bắc Giang 4 Bắc Giang III L 50 81 65 50 100 100 71.2 24 TP. Phan Thiết 8 Bình Thuận III L 62 87 65 50 50 100 71.1 25 TP. Điện Biên Phủ 6 Điện Biên TX. Lai Châu TX. Mường Lay Province III City/Town Urbanisation Sub-Region Class b) Significant Infrastructure Deficiencies c) High Degree of Environmental Pollution Table 15 Top 25 Cities/Towns using the Modified Rating of Indicators based on the varied Cities/ Towns Classes Attributes and Regional Location and Weighting Factor of Indicators (MCA6) Table 16 Selection Criteria Second Level of Ranking Criteria Methodology/Consideration No weight but a criterion for consideration 1 Urbanisation Sub-regions At least 1 city/town in each sub-region No weight but a criterion for consideration 2 Class of city/town At least 1 town in each of the 4 classes No weight but a criterion for consideration 3 Topography Include at least 1 town in high, low and coastal area No weight but a criterion for consideration. Include at least 1 town 4 Vulnerability in a vulnerable area (exposure to natural calamities such as severe climatic conditions, flooding, earthquake, etc.) No weight but a criterion for consideration 5 Willingness to participate Supply of data is a measure of interest/willingness to participate National Urban Upgrading Strategy & Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to Year 2020 (NUUP) 20/63 65. Vulnerability to natural calamities is given paramount consideration after getting records of data on damages to life and property brought about by floods, typhoons, among other calamities. For example, coastal town in the central regions of Vietnam are exposed to typhoons and frequent flooding. Urbanisation Regions 66. The results of MCA5-1, MCA5-2 and MCA6 show that the 10 urbanisation sub-regions are represented by the top 25 cities/towns based on overall merit. However, the results of MCA5-1, MCA5-2 and MCA6 do not have representation for Class I and Class II city/town from among the top 25 cities/towns. The results of the initial ranking of MCA5-1, MCA5-2 and MCA6 also do not guarantee an equitable spread of cities/towns among the three type of topography. Such initial ranking do not also ascertain that vulnerable areas are included. Thus, this calls for the rejection of some cities/towns under Class III and IV cities/towns that ranked lowest among the initially ranked top 25 cities/towns in order to satisfy Second Ranking Criteria as stated in Table 16 (i.e. Class of cities/town, topography, vulnerability to natural calamity and willingness to participate. Class of City/Town 67. For MCA5-1 Class I and Class II cities are not represented in the top 25 cities as shown in Table 5.8. TX. Hà Tiên (Class IV), a lowland area in Urbanisation Region 10, Province of Kien Giang, which has an overall merit of 46.25 and rank 24 and TX. Hà Đông Class IV), also a lowland area in Urbanisation Region 1, Province of Hà Tây with an overall merit of 46.10 and rank 25 will be rejected being the lowest among the 25 top cities using MCA5-1 to accommodate 1 Class I city and 1 Class II city. TP. Cần Thơ (Class I) of Urbanisation Region 10 has the highest overall merit (44.1) among the Class I cities based on MCA6 but is already a VUUP city. So then the next ranking Class I city is considered (Annex 1), i.e. TP. Huế of Urbanisation Region 3, Province of Hue is the Class I city which has the second highest overall merit (33.1) among the Class I cities. TP. Biên Hoà (Class II), a lowland area in the Urbanisation Region 2, province of Đồng Nai which gets the highest overall merit (42) among Class II cities for MCA5-1 is given consideration. As a result the top 25 cities/towns using MCA5-1 process can be seen in Table 21. 68. For MCA5-2 Class I and Class II cities are not represented in the top 25 cities as shown in Table 5.22. Hence, Gia Nghĩa và huyện Đăk Klong (Class IV) of Urbanisation Region 9, Province of Đăk Nông and Bắc Cạn (Class IV) of Urbanisation Region 4, Province of Bắc Kạn which got the lowest overall merit of the top 25 will be rejected to include one city representing Class I and Class II. Huế of Urbanisation Region 3, Province of Hue is the Class I city which has the highest overall merit among the Class I cities. Việt Trì of Urbanisation Region 5, Province of Phú Thọ is the Class II city which got the highest overall merit at 67.4 of all Class II cities. 69. For MCA6 there is no representation for Class I and Class II cities from among the top 25 cities as shown in Table 5.23. Hence, Sông Công (Class IV) of Urbanisation Region 4, Province of Thái Nguyên and Bắc Giang (Class III) of Region 4, Province of Bắc Giang which got the lowest overall merit (71.3 and 71.2, respectively) of the top 25 will be rejected to include one city representing Class I and Class II. Cần Thơ (Class I) of Urbanisation Region 10 has the highest overall merit (64.3) among the Class I cities based on MCA6 but it is already a VUUP cities. So then the next ranking Class I city is considered, i.e. Huế of Urbanisation Region 3, Province of Hue is the Class I city which has the second highest overall merit (59) among the Class I cities. TP. Việt Trì of Urbanisation Region 5, Province of Phú Thọ is the Class II city which got the highest overall merit at 66.6 of all Class II cities. Topography 70. Basically, topography is simply classified as being in a lowland and not (highland and coastal). Table 17 shows the class and topology of the 96 cities/towns by class. Since only 25 cities/towns are selected for initial studies, allocation of cities/towns by topography is stratified. Tables 18 and 19 were prepared to show the allocation of cities/towns by topology for 25 cities/towns. The closest to the proportion of the actual number of cities/towns for highland (24%), lowland (45%) and coastal (27%) is shown in Table 19. As such, rejection of some cities/town which are in the top 25 cities/towns using MCA5-1, MCA5-2 and MCA6 will be done in order to ensure an equitable allocation of cities/town with varied topography according to the percentage allocation stated in Table 19. National Urban Upgrading Strategy & Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to Year 2020 (NUUP) 21/63 Table 17. Class 4 and above Cities/Towns by Topography Class Highland Lowland Coastal Total Percentage Special Cities 0 2 0 2 2.08 Class I 0 3 1 4 4.17 Class II 2 6 4 12 12.50 Class III 6 11 8 25 26.04 Class IV 16 23 14 53 55.21 Total 24 45 27 96 100.00 25.00 46.88 28.13 100.00 Percentage Table 18 Percentage Allocation of 25 Cities/Towns for Initial Study Topography Figure Percent (%) Highland 7 28% Lowland 12 44% Low coastal 7 28% TOTAL 25 100% Table 19 Percentage Allocation of 25 Cities/Towns Topography Figure Percent (%) Highland 6 24% Lowland 13 52% Low coastal 6 24% TOTAL 25 100% MCA5-1 71. From the top 25 cities/towns based on MCA5-1 initial results, there are only 10 highland, 12 lowland and 4 low coastal areas. However, the result of MCA5-1 excluded two lowland towns Hà Tiên in Urbanisation Region 10, Province of TX. Hà Tiên which has an overall merit of 46.25 and rank 24 and Hà Đông in Urbanisation Region 1, Province of Hà Tây with an overall merit of 46.10 and rank 25 and included Huế, a low coastal city in Region 3, Province of Hue is the Class I city which has the second highest overall merit (33.1) among the Class I cities and Biên Hoà (Class II), a lowland area in the Urbanisation Region 2, province of Đồng Nai which gets the highest overall merit (42) among Class II cities for MCA5-1. As such, the top 25 cities/towns for MCA5-1 are distributed by topography in Table 20. 72. In accordance with Matrix 11, cities/towns that belong to highland should only be 6 or 24%, 13 or 52% for lowland and 6 or 24% for low coastal. This would mean reducing 4 highland cities/towns from the initial MCA5-1 results, adding 3 cities/towns to lowland and 1 city/town for low coastal. The 4 cities/towns with the least overall merit as per MCA5-1 results are Pleiku, Điện Biên Phủ, Bắc Cạn and Hà Giang. The 3 cities/towns in the lowland area to be added are the 3 cities/town with succeeding high overall merit and rank in the low land (i.e, Can Tho, Mong Cai and Đồng Xoài). Since Can Tho is already among the 4 VUUP pilot cities, it will excluded and the city the succeeding ranking will be selected, i.e. Bắc Giang. The low coastal city/town to be accepted is Sầm Sơn (Class IV) of Urbanisation Region 7, Province of Thanh Hoá with an overall merit of 45.5. MCA5-2 73. From the top 25 cities/towns based on MCA5-2 results, there are only 10 highland, 10 lowland and 5 low coastal areas. The result of MCA5-2 excluded two lowland Gia Nghĩa và huyện Đăk Klong (Class IV) of Urbanisation Region 9, Province of Đăk Nông with an overall merit of 70.5 and rank 24, and Bắc Cạn (Class IV) of Urbanisation Region 4, Province of Bắc Kạn with an overall merit of 70.4 rank 25 and included Huế, a low coastal city in Region 3, Province of Hue is the Class I city which has the second highest overall merit (58.6) among the Class I cities and Việt Trì of Urbanisation Region 5, Province of Phú Thọ is the Class II city which got the highest National Urban Upgrading Strategy & Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to Year 2020 (NUUP) 22/63 overall merit at 67.4 of all Class II cities using MCA5-2. As such, the top 25 cities/towns for MCA5-1 are distributed by topography as follows: Table 20. Percentage Allocation of 25 Cities/Towns using MCA5-1 Topography Figure Percent (%) Highland 10 40% Lowland 10 40% Low coastal 5 20% TOTAL 25 100% Table 21 Percentage Allocation of 25 Cities/Towns using MCA5-2 Topography Figure Percent (%) Highland 8 32% Lowland 11 44% Low coastal 6 24% TOTAL 25 100% Table 22 Percentage Allocation of 25 Cities/Towns using MCA6 Topography Figure Percent (%) Highland 8 32% Lowland 10 40% Low coastal 7 28% TOTAL 40 100% 74. Based on Table 21, cities/towns that belong to highland should only be 6 or 24%, 13 or 52% for lowland and 6 or 24% for low coastal. As such, 2 highland cities/towns with the least overall merit and rank will be excluded and 2 lowland cities/towns following will be included. The 2 cities in the highland area with the least overall merit among the top 25 and to be rejected are Sông Công (Class IV) of the Province of Thái Nguyên and Pleiku (Class III) of the Province of Gia Lai, both have an overall merit of 72.1 The 2 cities in the lowland area with the next high overall merit following the top 25 and to be accepted are Đồng Xoài (Class IV) of the Province of Bình Phước with an overall merit of 69.8 and Móng Cái (Class IV) of the Province of Quảng Ninh with an overall merit of 69.2. MCA6 75. From the top 25 cities/towns based on MCA6 results, there are only 8 highland, 11 lowland and 6 low coastal areas. The result of MCA6 excluded two lowland towns Hà Tiên in Urbanisation Region 10, Province of Hà Tiên which has an overall merit of 46.25 and rank 24 and Hà Đông in Urbanisation Region 1, Province of Hà Tây with an overall merit of 46.10 and rank 25 and included Huế, a low coastal city in Region 3, Province of Hue is the Class I city which has the second highest overall merit (58.9) among the Class I cities and Việt Trì of Urbanisation Region 5, Province of Phú Thọ is the Class II city which got the highest overall merit at 66.6 among all Class II cities using MCA6. As such, the top 25 cities/towns for MCA6 are distributed by topography are indicated in Table 22. National Urban Upgrading Strategy & Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to Year 2020 (NUUP) 23/63 ) Table 23. MCA5-1 Results for Second Level Ranking No Prioritisation Criteria (Weighting Factors) City/Town, Class, Province, Region e) Areas with High Population Densities f) Low in Technical & Social Infrastructure Investment Overall Merit Ranking III IV IV IV IV IV IV IV IV H H LC LC H H H H LC 76 76 67 47 34 45 47 58 67 57 59 63 66 79 78 72 67 63 65 80 30 50 70 15 60 25 40 9 0 26 4 4 49 4 25 1 5 3 26 51 10 17 6 18 12 95 74 85 92 96 94 94 97 90 56.8 56.4 53.9 53.8 53.7 52.9 52.8 52.4 52.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 8 Bình Thuận IV L 30 68 80 0 12 94 50.5 10 10 10 5 2 8 10 1 10 An Giang Đồng Tháp Phú Thọ Tây Ninh Bình Thuận Vĩnh Long Hưng Yên Tiền Giang III IV IV IV III IV IV IV L L L L L L L LC 40 50 38 39 30 42 13 41 63 69 46 55 81 63 61 65 40 20 50 60 30 30 28 35 6 4 64 17 6 2 100 3 49 30 19 18 19 50 32 32 91 93 97 98 97 80 80 82 49.5 48.9 48.8 48.6 48.5 47.1 47.0 46.7 8 Ninh Thuận III L 37 68 15 7 39 99 46.4 19 10 7 8 2 3 10 7 7 III IV II II I IV IV III LC LC LC L LC L LC LC 41 31 19 19 23 43 31 67 68 52 70 69 32 47 59 34 33 40 30 25 0 0 65 20 9 12 6 9 9 6 12 32 15 64 27 67 88 11 16 26 80 85 93 52 80 88 74 94 46.0 45.5 42.9 42.0 33.1 35.4 45.4 45.2 6 6 10 3 4 5 9 4 7 Province d) High Rate of Urbanisation 10% 100% c) High Degree of Environmental Pollution 75 58 60 16 22 83 57 54 10% b) Significant Infrastructure Deficiencies 63 10% a) High Level of Poverty 74 81 42 21 62 89 12 87 15% Topography: Lowland, Highland, Coastal 65 TX. Lai Châu TX. Mường Lay TX. Trà Vinh TX. Quảng Trị TX. Sông Công TX. Nghĩa Lộ TX. An Khê TX. Cao Bằng TX. Hồng Lĩnh TX. Lagi và Huyện Hàm Tân TP. Long Xuyên TX. Cao Lãnh TX. Phú Thọ TX. Tây Ninh TP. Phan Thiết TX. Vĩnh Long TX. Hưng Yên TX. Gò Công TX. Phan Rang – Tháp Chàm TP. Cà Mau TX. Sầm Sơn TP. Nha Trang TP. Biên Hoà TP. Huế TX. Vị Thanh TX. Bỉm Sơn TX. Hà Tĩnh 30% Class 46 47 88 27 35 44 70 34 55 City/Town Urbanisation Sub-Region MOC-4 Re. Number 25% Lai Châu Điện Biên Trà Vinh Quảng Trị Thái Nguyên Yên Bái Gia Lai Cao Bằng Hà Tĩnh Cà Mau Thanh Hoá Khánh Hoà Đồng Nai Huế Hậu Giang Thanh Hoá Hà Tĩnh 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 22 23 24 72 24 25 76. According to the Table 24, cities/towns that belong to highland should only be 6 or 24%, 13 or 52% for lowland and 6 or 24% for low coastal. As such, 2 cities/towns in the highland area and 1 city/town in the coastal area with the least overall merit and rank from the top 25 cities/towns using MCA6 will be excluded and 3 lowland cities/towns following will be included. The 2 cities/towns in the highland area to be excluded are An Khê and Pleiku of the Province of Gia Lai with an overall merit of 73.4 and 72.6 respectively as per MCA6 result. The city in the low coastal area to be rejected is Cà Mau with an overall merit of 71.3 as per MCA6 result. The 3 cities/towns in the lowland area to be accepted in top 25 for MCA6 are Hưng Yên (Class IV) of Urbanisation Region 1 with an overall merit of 70.6, Phan Rang-Tháp Chàm (Class III) of Urbanisation Region National Urban Upgrading Strategy & Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to Year 2020 (NUUP) 24/63 8, Province of Ninh Thuận with an overall merit of 70.4 and Mỹ Tho (Class III) of Urbanisation Region 8, Province of Tiền Giang with an overall merit of 69.6. Table 24. MCA5-2 Results for Second Level Ranking 50 50 50 50 50 50 30% 15% 10% 10% 10% 100% TX. Cao Bằng 4 Cao Bằng IV H 87 87 50 75 50 100 77.9 1 45 TP. Điện Biên Phủ 6 Điện Biên III H 100 75 50 75 50 100 77.5 2 27 TX. Quảng Trị 3 Quảng Trị IV LC 75 81 70 50 75 100 76.1 3 46 TX. Lai Châu 6 Lai Châu III H 100 68 70 50 50 100 75.9 4 44 TX. Nghĩa Lộ 5 Yên Bái IV H 75 81 50 100 50 100 75.6 5 87 TX. Gò Công 10 Tiền Giang IV LC 75 87 70 50 75 75 75.4 6 81 TX. Cao Lãnh 10 Đồng Tháp IV L 75 87 50 50 75 100 74.9 7 41 TX. Hà Giang 5 Hà Giang IV H 87 81 50 50 50 100 73.6 8 70 TX. An Khê 9 Gia Lai IV H 75 81 70 50 50 100 73.6 9 74 TP. Long Xuyên 10 An Giang III L 75 75 65 50 75 100 73.5 10 89 TX. Vĩnh Long 10 Vĩnh Long IV L 75 87 70 50 75 50 72.9 11 21 TX. Tây Ninh 2 Tây Ninh IV L 75 68 70 75 50 100 72.2 12 88 TX. Trà Vinh 10 Trà Vinh IV LC 87 68 65 75 50 75 71.9 13 31 TP. Bắc Giang 4 Bắc Giang III L 50 81 65 50 100 100 71.6 14 62 TP. Phan Thiết TX. Phan Rang-Tháp Chàm 8 Bình Thuận III L 62 87 65 50 50 100 71.4 15 8 Ninh Thuận III L 75 75 50 50 75 100 71.3 16 42 TX. Phú Thọ 5 Phú Thọ IV L 75 56 70 100 50 100 71.1 17 9 TX. Hà Đông 1 Hà Tây IV L 50 68 70 75 100 100 70.9 18 54 TX. Hà Tĩnh 7 Hà Tĩnh III LC 75 56 50 75 100 100 70.6 19 75 TP. Cà Mau 10 Cà Mau III LC 75 87 70 50 50 50 70.4 20 77 TP. Mỹ Tho 10 Tiền Giang III L 75 62 50 50 100 100 69.9 21 22 TP. Huế 3 Huế I LC 50 62 50 50 100 50 58.6 22 36 TP. Việt Trì 5 Phú Thọ II L 75 62 50 50 75 100 67.4 23 19 TX. Đồng Xoài 2 Bình Phước IV L 62 81 50 75 50 100 69.8 24 6 TX. Móng Cái 1 Quảng Ninh IV L 75 93 50 50 50 50 69.2 25 83 TX. Vị Thanh 10 Hậu Giang IV L 75 62 50 50 50 75 62.4 26 Province MOC-4 Re. Number 63 Ranking 34 City/Town Urbanisation Sub-Region Overall Merit 25% Scale f) Low in Technical & Social Infrastructure Investment 75 100 e) Areas with High Population Densities 75 100 d) High Rate of Urbanisation 75 100 c) High Degree of Environmental Pollution 65 70 b) Significant Infrastructure Deficiencies 75 100 a) High Level of Poverty 75 100 Lowland, Highland, Coastal City/Town, Class, Province, Region Class No Typology Scoring Scales of Criteria & Weighting Factors National Urban Upgrading Strategy & Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to Year 2020 (NUUP) 25/63 Vulnerability to natural calamity 77. From 1997 to present, the northeast, central, and the Mekong delta regions have been vulnerable to natural calamities. The 1997 storm devastated Hai Duong, Son Tay, Hoa Binh, Viet Ri and Phu Ly. In 1998, more than 6,000 houses were destroyed in Soc Trang, Vi Thanh and My Tho. In 2003, people were missing, lives and properties were damaged by typhoon Linda in Soc Trang, Cam Ranh and Phan Thiet Toi. In 2003, Quang Ngai City was damaged by flood and river overflow while Buong Me Thuot experienced loss of lives and properties. Loss of lives, damage to roads and landslide were the results of the 2004 flooding in Cao Bang. The typhoon Damrey affected Mong Cai, Thai Binh and Ninh Binh in 2005. Thai Binh was again affected by typhoon Xang Sane in 2006. 100 100 100 H H L LC L L L LC L H 100 87 75 75 50 62 75 50 50 87 75 87 87 87 87 87 62 87 68 56 50 50 50 70 70 65 50 70 50 50 75 75 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 75 50 100 50 100 50 100 50 100 100 100 50 50 100 100 100 100 50 84.2 77.4 75.0 71.8 71.7 71.1 70.2 69.3 68.1 68.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ranking III IV IV III III III III IV III IV Overall Merit Điện Biên Cao Bằng Đồng Tháp Cà Mau Hải Dương Bình Thuận Tiền Giang Khánh Hoà Thái Bình Hoà Bình City/Town 6 4 10 10 1 8 10 8 1 6 MOC-4 Re. Number TP. Điện Biên Phủ TX. Cao Bằng TX. Cao Lãnh TP. Cà Mau TP. Hải Dương TP. Phan Thiết TP. Mỹ Tho TX. Cam Ranh TP. Thái Bình TX. Hoà Bình Scale 70 f) Low in Technical & Social Infrastructure Investment 100 45 34 81 75 4 62 77 64 5 48 50 e) Areas with High Population Densities 75 100 d) High Rate of Urbanisation 75 c) High Degree of Environmental Pollution 50 75 b) Significant Infrastructure Deficiencies 50 65 a) High Level of Poverty 50 75 Lowland, Highland, Coastal 50 75 Class 50 Province City/Town, Class, Province, Region Scoring Scales of Criteria Urbanisation Sub-Region No Typology Table 25 MCA6 Results for Second Level Ranking 6 TX. Móng Cái 1 Quảng Ninh IV L 75 93 50 50 50 50 67.5 11 36 25 72 86 83 16 13 8 66 22 10 TP. Việt Trì TP. Quảng Ngãi TX. Kon Tum TX. Sóc Trăng TX. Vị Thanh TP. Biên Hoà TX. Ninh Bình TX. Phủ Lý TP. Buôn Ma Thuột TP. Huế TX. Sơn Tây 5 3 9 10 10 2 1 1 9 3 1 II III IV IV IV II IV IV II I IV L LC H LC L L L L H LC L 75 62 75 62 75 50 50 62 62 50 50 62 68 75 62 62 75 56 62 68 62 68 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 70 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 100 50 50 50 50 75 100 50 75 50 100 75 75 50 100 50 100 75 50 100 75 50 50 50 75 50 75 66.6 66.6 65.0 63.6 63.1 62.7 62.7 61.7 60.6 59.0 58.9 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 18 32 23 TX. Thủ Dầu Một TP. Lạng Sơn TP. Đồng Hới 2 4 3 Phú Thọ Quảng Ngãi Kon Tum Sóc Trăng Hậu Giang Đồng Nai Ninh Bình Hà Nam Đắc Lăk Huế Hà Tây Bình Dương Lạng Sơn Quảng Bình IV III III L H LC 50 62 62 68 56 62 50 50 50 50 50 50 75 50 50 50 75 50 58.1 57.6 57.3 23 24 25 National Urban Upgrading Strategy & Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to Year 2020 (NUUP) 26/63 78. For MCA6 in Table 25, this criterion allows the cities/towns recorded to have devastated by strong typhoons, flood and other calamities to be accepted in the 25 selected cities/towns for the initial study (period 2006-2020) as follows: 1) Vi Thanh Town (Class IV) 2) Cao Lãnh (Class IV) 3) Phan Thiết (Class III) 4) Mỹ Tho (Class III) 5) Cam Ranh (Class I) 6) Thái Bình (Class III) 7) Hoà Bình (Class III) 8) Móng Cái (Class IV) 9) Quảng Ngãi (Class III) 10) Kon Tum (Class IV) 11) Sóc Trăng (Class IV) 12) Biên Hoà (Class II) 13) Ninh Bình (Class IV) 14) Phủ Lý (Class IV) 15) Buôn Ma Thuột (Class II) 16) Sơn Tây (Class IV) 17) Thủ Dầu Một (Class IV) 18) Lạng Sơn (Class III) 19) Đồng Hới (Class III) Willingness to participate 79. Willingness to participate in NUUP was raised in the discussion to be one of the criteria for selecting 25 cities/towns. This criterion for second level of ranking is highly subjective. To rationalize the weighting factor for this criterion would mean to get the response from the concerned local authority with regards to their willingness to participate in NUUP. One indicative basis could be the response of the representatives from the local authorities who responded to the questionnaire distributed during the first National Workshop for NUUP. Hence, the general consideration is that all the cities/towns are willing to participate in NUUP, unless otherwise a representative from the local authority explicitly said no or not willing. 80. The response of the concerned cities/towns officials on the surveys conducted for NUUP, attendance and participation of local authorities to the first National Workshop indicates willingness to participate in NUUP. Thus, all cities/towns have equal weights for this criterion. 3.9 Results of Second Ranking 81. Apart from the technical consideration, consultation with the civil society and the private sector becomes an integral part of the MCA process. Both technical assessment and participant assessment methods were used in parallel to achieve a consensus MCA analysis. Participant assessment exercises involved the various stakeholders represented by the national agencies, provincial and local authorities, NGOs, academe, financing institution/donor institutions in identifying the technical and non-technical criteria. A combination of statistical analysis, technical researches and workshop discussions were exhausted to identify appropriate indicators and criteria for MCA in order to select the 25 cities/towns. 82. Given the technical data deficiencies at the local (city/town) level, non-technical criteria were also used in addition to the agreed acceptable technical criteria such as the high level of poverty, significant infrastructure deficiencies, high degree of environmental pollution, high rate of urbanisation, areas with high population densities, low in technical and social infrastructure investment. Thus, the technical assessment as shown in MCA5-1 (Table 21) MCA5-2 (Table 22) required a second level of screening using non-technical indicators considering the results of the workshops discussion in order to ensure geographical spread in order to capture the assessment of the participants who are important stakeholders in this planning exercise, current government urbanisation/economic zoning policy and be in accord with the need of upgrading investment of cities/towns.. 83. The two-day brainstorming activities among the international and local consultants, advisors, and PMU-MOC took place to reconcile the technical indicators and results of the participants’ assessment of the indicators and criteria for MCA. Many indicators proposed by the participants were not available for all 96 cities/towns. Other indicators cited by the participants were not relevant and meaningless for urban upgrading such as: level of accessibility of transportation, rate or number of universities/colleges/vocational training schools, number of cemeteries, among others. The final MCA6 applied the refined criteria and indicators mentioned in the first level of screening and the non-technical indicators for the second level of screening including other indicators such as sub-urbanisation region, class of cities/towns, topography and willingness to participate. 84. Taking into account the availability and relevance of the agreed indicators and criteria, MCA was run for the sixth time herein referred to as MCA6. MCA6 superseded the results of MCA5 National Urban Upgrading Strategy & Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to Year 2020 (NUUP) 27/63 which were processed using 2 iterations (MCA5-1 in Table 21 and MCA5-2 in Table 22). MCA6 results in Table 25 show the rating, overall merit and ranking and final list of selected 25 cities/towns as follows: 1) TP. Điện Biên Phủ 2) TX. Cao Bằng 3) TX. Cao Lãnh 4) TP. Cà Mau 5) TP. Hải Dương 6) TP. Phan Thiết 7) TP. Mỹ Tho 8) TX. Cam Ranh 9) TP. Thái Bình 10) TX. Hoà Bình 11) TX. Móng Cái 12) TP. Việt Trì 13) TP. Quảng Ngãi 14) TX. Kon Tum 15) TX. Sóc Trăng 16) TX. Vị Thanh 17) TP. Biên Hoà 18) TX. Ninh Bình 19) TX. Phủ Lý 20) TP. Buôn Ma Thuột 21) TP. Huế 22) TX. Sơn Tây 23) TX. Thủ Dầu Một 24) TP. Lạng Sơn 25) TP. Đồng Hới 85. Table 26 shows the class, geographical area, province and typical characteristics of the selected 25 cities/towns for the initial NUUP study. Of the 25 cities/towns selected for the initial study, 5 cities/towns (20%) are from the Red River Delta Region, another 5 (20%) are from the Mekong Delta Region, 4 cities. Towns (16%) are from Mekong River Delta, 3 cities/towns (12%) are from the central region and the remaining regions have 2 representative cities/towns in this initial study (Table 27). 86. As shown in Table 28, the number of cities/towns selected for each Class is approximately 20%, except for Class III cities/towns, mainly provincial cities/towns under the development process with a lot of issues, which accounts for 42%. Table 29 depicts the number of cities/towns selected by topography selected for the initial study. There are 14 lowland cities/towns (56%), 7 highland cities/towns (28%) and 4 low coastal cities/towns (16%). Annex 1 shows the tabulated MCA analysis of MCA 5-1, 5-2 and 6. National Urban Upgrading Strategy & Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to Year 2020 (NUUP) 28/63 Table 26 No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Selected 25 Cities/Towns for Initial NUUP Study (to be continued) Geographical Cities/Towns Class Province Typical characteristics area Dien Bien city III Northwest Dien Provincial city close to the northwest Bien border, which is internationally known for the Dien Bien Phu Battle. Vietnam’s decisive engagement in the first of the Indochina wars (1946-54) that marked the end of French involvement in Southeast Asia Hoa Binh III Northwest Hoa Provincial capital in the northwest town Binh mountainous area with the Hoa Binh Hydroelectricity Station; many LIAs where resided by the old work force of the hydroelectrical station. Mong Cai IV Northeast Quang Border gate town in a focused economic town Ninh zone and coastal area. Also known as the “market city” having five big markets located in the city center. With the highest volume of trade among the border gates of Vietnam-China. Cao Bang IV Northeast Cao Provincial capital in the northwest border town Bang area with many politically famous spots. home to many people belonging to Home to Vietnam's ethnic minority groups, most notable of these are the Tay, Nung, Dao, and Hmong. Lang Son city III Northeast Lạng Provincial city in the northwest border Son area, an important border gate with China. Viet Tri city II Northeast Phu Tho Provincial city with the historical spots of Midland the formation of the country and a number of factories built since 1960s, causing environmental pollution. Phu Ly town IV The Red river Ha Nam Provincial capital in the Red river delta Delta with a high population density and many LIAs. Ninh Binh IV The Red river Ninh Provincial capital close to the ecological town Delta Binh tourism area of Trang An. Son Tay town IV The Red river Ha Tay Provincial town with a lot of historicDelta cultural heritage; a developing town. Hai Duong III The Red river Hai Provincial capital in the Red river delta city Delta Duong with many new developing industrial zones; and market centre for a rich ricegrowing region; one of the most densely populated cities. Thai Binh city III Red river Thai Provincial city in the Red river delta with a Delta Binh dense population. Dong Hoi city III Red river Quang Provincial capital with many LIA’s being Delta Binh covered by the urban development strategy financed by Switzerland. Quang Ngai III Central Quang Provincial capital in the coastal area; a city Ngai developing town. National Urban Upgrading Strategy & Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to Year 2020 (NUUP) 29/63 Table 26 No. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Selected 25 Cities/Towns for Initial NUUP Study (continuation) Geographical Cities/Towns Class Province Typical characteristics area Hue city I Central Thua Provincial city, the old capital which has Thien been recognized as the World Cultural Hue Heritage by UNESCO, with squatters living in floating slums on the Huong river. Phan Thiet III South central Binh Provincial capital on the coastal area with town Thuan many LIAs a long the coast and the river. Cam Ranh IV South central Khanh A fast developing town, host to one of the town Hoa finest seaports in the world. The continental shelf of Southeast Asia is relatively narrow at Cam Ranh Bay; forming many LIAs; with an international airport. Buon Ma II Highland Dac Lac Provincial city; a fast developing city, Thuot city tourist attraction for natural surroundings; forming many LIAs. Kon Tum IV Highland Kon Tum Provincial capital in the marginal area of town the Highland with a number of unregistered populations near the Yaly Hydroelectrity Station; a traditional trading centre for hides, horses, and sesame, and it ranks with Pleiku as one of the two most important highland. Thu Dau Mot IV Southeast Binh Provincial capital; many new industrial town Duong zones where formed; with highest number of schizophrenics in the Eastern Hemisphere due to high levels of arsenic in their water supplies (eastern medical journal, 2001, A & C black publishers); many areas of slums. Bien Hoa city II Southeast Dong Provincial capital; many new industrial Nai zones where formed many LIAs. Cao Lanh IV Mekong river Dong Provincial capital where frequently town Delta Thap inundated; reflects 100 years of French colonialism in architecture and civil engineering; many LIAs. Soc Trang IV Mekong river Soc Provincial capital where the majority of the town Delta Trang Khmer reside; many LIAs. Vi Thanh IV Mekong river Hau Newly formed provincial capital; frequently town Delta Giang flooded; many LIAs. My Tho city III Mekong river Tien Provincial city with a long history of Delta Giang development; starting point for tourists to take a boat trip on the Mekong; many LIAs. Provincial city in the far southern pole of Ca Mau city III Mekong river Ca Mau the country; characterized by its system Delta of transport canals and most goods are transported here by boats and barges; many LIAs. National Urban Upgrading Strategy & Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to Year 2020 (NUUP) 30/63 Table 27 Number and Percentage Allocation of Selected 25 Cities/Towns by Geographical Areas Number of Cities/ Geographical Areas Percentage to Total Towns Selected Northwest 2 8 Northeast 4 16 Red River Delta 5 20 Central 3 12 South Central 2 8 South East 2 8 High Land 2 8 Mekong River Delta 5 20 Total 25 100% Table 28 Number and Percentage Allocation of Selected 25 Cities/Towns by Classes Number of selected Class Total Percentage (%) cities/towns Special Class and Class I 5 1 20.00% Class II 13 3 23.00% Class III 24 10 42.00% Class IV 54 11 20.40% TOTAL 25 100.00% Table 29 Number and Percentage Allocation of Selected Cities/Towns by Topography Topography Figure Percent (%) Highland 7 28% Lowland 14 56% Low coastal 4 16% TOTAL 40 100% 4.0 Identification of 8 Priority Cities and Towns for Detailed Evaluation 4.1 Background 87. Section 3 of MOC TOR mentions the third methodology for carrying out the main part of the study as follows: iii) From this selected list of about 20 a shortlist of priority towns (5 to 7) will be chosen for more detailed LIA participatory mapping, data collection, information on infrastructure standards/service levels, other requirements, costing information etc. These may be grouped geographically and are likely to be candidates for the next urban upgrading project(s). 88. In a meeting that transpired during the first Interim period, it was agreed that 25 cities/towns will be selected for the initial survey instead of 20 cities/towns only from which the 8 cities and towns referred to in the TOR will be selected. The consultants undertook a selection process of the 25 cities/towns as presented in Section 5 of Interim Report I. More detailed data on the 25 cities/towns, particularly at the ward level, were obtained by MOC4 and sent to MOC3 for analysis and interpretation. Based on the results of the survey conducted by MOC4 for the selected 25 cities/towns, the consultants reviewed the extent and quality of data gathered to identify the simplified criteria and indicators to be used in the selection of 8 cities/towns for detailed studies. 4.2 Methodology and Stratification of Selection 89. As such, the selection of 8 cities/towns takes into consideration topographic factors, suburbanisation regions and class of cities/towns. Section 5 of Interim I Report discussed in details the simplified criteria and indicators as well as the methodology employed to select the 25 cities/towns taking into consideration the class of cities/towns, sub-urbanisation region, topology and vulnerability to natural calamities. A two-level screening process using Multi-Criteria Analysis (MCA) as a tool was employed in order to ensure representation among the different topologies, regional location and classes of cities/towns. While the Orientation Master Plan remains in effect until its revision is approved, classification of urban administrative areas and sub-urbanisations National Urban Upgrading Strategy & Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to Year 2020 (NUUP) 31/63 region remains in effect and a mandated basis for urban development planning, urban upgrading included. 90. As of 31 December 2005, there are 29 cities under provinces and 43 urban districts in Vietnam. Of these 29 cities under provinces, 8 cities comprised of Hai Duong, Thai Binh, Lang Son, Dien Bien Phu, Hue, Quang Ngai, Buon Ma Thuot and Ca Mau are included in the selected 25 cities/towns for initial study. 91. Table 30 shows the distribution of 96 cities/towns by topology and class, of which 48 are in the lowland, 24 in the low coastal and 24 in the highland. Table 31, on the other hand, reflects the distribution of 25 cities/towns by topographic factors and class, wherein 6 are highland, 14 are lowland and 5 are coastal cities/towns. Table 32 lists the distribution of the 96 cities/towns (Class IV) and above by urbanisation region and topology while Table 33 shows corresponding distribution of the selected 25 cities/towns by urbanisation region and topology. 92. Table 33 refers to the distribution of 96 cities/towns (Class IV and above) selected 25 cities/towns by urbanisation regions and class. Table 30 Distribution of 96 Cities/Towns by Topology and Class (as of May 2007) Topographic Factors Special Cases Class 1 Class 2 Highland Lowland 2 Low coastal Total 2 Class 3 2 8 Class 4 Total 14 24 3 7 17 16 45 1 4 9 13 27 4 13 34 43 96 Table 31 Distribution of 25 Cities/Towns by Topology and Class (as of May 2007) Topographic Factors Special Cases Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 Class 4 Total Highland None 1 4 1 6 Lowland None 2 9 1 14 Low coastal None 4 1 5 17 3 25 1 Total 1 4 Table 32 Distribution of 96 Cities/Towns by Urbanisation Region and Topology Urbanisation Regions 1 Special Cases 1 2 1 2 3 4 Total 1 2 8 5 17 - 2 2 2 6 3 3 0 4 2 8 4 - 1 3 3 7 5 - 1 3 4 8 6 - 0 3 4 7 7 - 2 1 4 7 8 - 2 3 2 7 - 2 2 4 8 10 9 1 1 1 5 13 21 Total 2 4 13 34 43 96 National Urban Upgrading Strategy & Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to Year 2020 (NUUP) 32/63 Table 33 Distribution of 25 Cities/Towns by Urbanisation Region and Class (as of May 2007) Urbanisation Regions Class 1 Class 2 1 6 2 3 Class 3 1 1 0 1 1 Total 6 2 2 4 5 Class 4 3 1 1 2 1 6 2 8 1 2 1 2 9 1 1 10 1 3 1 5 4 17 3 25 Total 1 2 93. Table 34 shows distribution of the 96 cities/towns (Class IV and above) by urbanisation region and topology while Table 35 reflects the distribution of 25 cities/towns by class. Table 34 Distribution of 96 Cities/Towns by Urbanisation Region and Topology Urbanisation Total Cities Highland Lowland Coastal Regions 2 2 1 15 12 3 2 7 7 3 8 1 1 6 4 7 3 4 5 9 5 4 6 7 7 7 7 3 4 8 7 4 3 9 8 8 10 19 11 8 Total 96 24 48 24 Table 35 Distribution of 25 Cities/Towns by Urbanisation Region and Topology Urbanisation Total Cities Highland Lowland Coastal Regions 1 6 6 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 2 2 5 1 1 6 2 2 8 2 1 1 9 2 2 10 5 3 2 Total 25 6 13 6 94. By ratio and proportion, selection of 8 cities/towns area will be stratified in accordance with the distribution on 96 cities/towns Class IV and above and the selected 25 cities/towns. Refer to Tables 36 to 38 which reflect the distribution of the cities/towns to be selected for LIAs. This stratification process simplifies the selection procedure and ensures that the varied characteristics of cities/towns and urban areas are represented. Some 7 priority cities/towns from the initially selected 25 cities/towns will be shortlisted for inclusion in the detailed LIA participatory mapping and data collection. The cities/towns which usually occur in the stratification process and those which have big ward areas, ward population and number of ward households are marked and compared. National Urban Upgrading Strategy & Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to Year 2020 (NUUP) 33/63 Table 36 Distribution of Cities/Towns by Class of 96 Cities/Towns, 25 Cities/Towns and 7 Cities/Towns (Class IV and above) of 25 Cities/Towns, 1995, 2000 and 2005 (as of May 2007) 96 Cities/Towns 25 Cities/Towns 7 out of 11 Cities/Towns Class 1 4 1 1 Class 2 12 4 1 Class 3 26+6=32 10+7=17 3+1=4 Class 4 Special Cities 52-9=43 11-8=3 3-1=2 2 - - Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh 96 25 7 Hue, Buon Ma Thuot, Ca Mau, Soc Trang, Thai Binh, Phan Thiet, Cam Ranh and Kon Tum Class Total Stratified Cities/Towns Hue Buon Ma Thuot, Bien Hoa, Viet Tri, My Tho Ca Mau, Soc Trang, Thai Binh, Phan Thiet, Ninh Binh, Kon Tum, Son Tay, Quang Ngai, Hai Duong, Cao Lanh, Dien Bien Phu, Dong Hoi, Mong Cai, Lang Son Hoa Binh, Phu Ly and Thu Dau Muot Cam Ranh, Vi Thanh, Cao Bang, Notes: Between March to July 2007, 5 Class 4 cities/towns were upgraded to Class 3, subject to Decree 72/2001. This would have some implications on the number of cities/towns to represent Class 3 and Class 4. Table 37 Distribution of Cities/Towns by Topographic Factor of 96 Cities/Towns, 25 Cities/Towns and 8 Cities/Towns (Class IV and above) Topology 96 Cities/Towns 25 Cities/Towns 7 out of 11 Cities/Towns Highland 24 6 2 Lowland 48 13 4 Low coastal 24 6 1 Cam Ranh, Hue, Ca Mau ,Quang Ngai, Dong Hoi and Soc Trang Special Cities 2 - - Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh Total 96 25 7 Buon Ma Thuot, Kon Tum, Viet Tri, Bien Hoa, Thai Binh, Vi Thanh and Cam Ranh Stratified Cities/Towns Buon Ma Thuot, Kon Tum, Cao Bang, Dien Bien Phu, Lang Son and Hoa Binh Viet Tri, Bien Hoa, Thai Binh, Vi Thanh, Phan Thiet, Phu Ly, Hai Duong, My Tho, Son Tay, Mong Cai, Ninh Binh, Thu Dau Mot and Cao Lanh National Urban Upgrading Strategy & Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to Year 2020 (NUUP) 34/63 Table 38 Distribution of Cities/Towns by Sub-Urbanisation Region of 96 Cities/Towns, 25 Cities/Towns and 8 Cities/Towns (Class IV and above) of 25 Cities/Towns, 1995, 2000 and 2005 Urbanisation Region 96 Cities/Towns 25 Cities/Towns 7 out of 11 Cities/Towns 15 6 2 Stratified Cities/Towns 2 7 2 1 Thai Binh, Ninh Binh, Son Tay, Phu Ly, Hai Duong, and Mong Cai Bien Hoa and Thu Dau Mot 3 8 3 1 Hue, Quang Ngai and Dong Hoi 4 7 2 1 Cao Bang and Lang Son 5 9 1 1 Viet Tri 6 7 2 1 Dien Bien Phu and Hoa Binh 7 7 - - none 8 7 2 1 Cam Ranh and Phan Thiet 9 8 2 1 10 19 5 2 Buon Ma Thuot and Kon Tum Ca Mau, Soc Trang, Vi Thanh, My Tho and Cao Lanh Special Cities 2 - - 1 Total 96 25 11 Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh Thai Binh, Ninh Binh, Bien Hoa, Hue, Cao Bang, Vie Tri, Dien Bien Phu, Cam Ranh, Buon Ma Thuot, Ca Mau and Soc Trang Notes: There are 11 highest ranking cities/towns by urbanisation region in the list. Based on the ranking method by overall merit, the 7 highest ranking cities can be taken from the 11 cities/towns listed in Table 5.7. 4.3 Definition of Simplified Criteria and Indicators for Selecting 8 Cities/Towns 95. In order to rationalise the selection process of 8 cities/towns, MOC3 subject the 25 cities/towns to a simplified MCA as confirmed by the result of the Workshop discussions combining technical assessment with participants’ assessment of the criteria and indicators. Thorough scrutiny of data obtained, processed and analysed led MOC3 to conclude that the 7 criteria with 18 indicators used in the analysis are sufficient basis for ranking the 25 cities/towns in order to assist PMU in selecting the 8 cities/towns for LIAs. High Level of Poverty 96. Despite of the country’s fast economic growth, poverty remains high with about one-third of the population living below the poverty line in 2000. Poverty alleviation in urban areas is one of the core objectives of the VUUP. TOR noted that a majority of the poor work in the informal sector and many are unregistered migrants to the cities and towns. They generally live in areas where infrastructure is poor and access to municipal services and utilities limited. The Project is expected to have a positive impact by improving the living conditions in low-income areas. Therefore, the level of poverty in cities and towns was regarded as the main prioritisation criteria for the upcoming Urban Upgrading projects, thus, a relatively higher weight at 25% is placed. The indicators used are the number of households4 living below the MOLISA5 the poverty line which is set at VND260,000 per month. Housing 97. Another criterion distinguished in this process is the housing aspect which relates to the three components of urban upgrading (i.e., Component 3–Resettlement Housing; Component 4–Land and Housing Management System; and Component 5–Housing Improvement Loans Program). For housing criterion (10%), the four indicators which share equal weights are: 4 2004 Household Living Standard Survey, General Statistics Office (GSO) As per Decision No. 170/2005/QD-TTg of MOLISA dated 8 July 2005 issued by the Prime Minister, the poverty line standard applied for period 2006-2010 is 260,000 VND per person per month in urban area (200,000 VND per person per month in rural area). 5 National Urban Upgrading Strategy & Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to Year 2020 (NUUP) 35/63 Average housing floor area Number of temporary and class IV housing Number of households in unsafe areas (landslide, flooded areas) in wards Number of houses to be removed due to construction, infrastructure projects and urban development in ward areas Significant Infrastructure Deficiencies 98. Poor areas are generally found to have deficient infrastructure, low density of roads, low number of water supply connections, underprovided drainage system, inadequate social infrastructure such as classrooms, etc. According to the sub-project “Formulation of Policies for Urban Upgrading Final Report” (January 2004), there were poor areas with no connection to basic infrastructure such as water supply, drainage system and no access to good quality roads. The report likewise cited basic infrastructures (sewer, drain, water supply networks, treatment and roads as indicators for determining the poor households and urban poor areas). As such, high priority is given to cities/towns which have significant infrastructure deficiencies. This means that the poorer infrastructure or the greater deficiency, the higher the ranking the city/town gets for this criterion. 99. For infrastructure deficiencies, the indicators used are: Road density (km/km2) Length of earth/macadam road (km2) Number of households with water supply Drainage pipes density (km/km2) High Degree of Environmental Pollution 100. As a general rule the rapid growth of Vietnam’s urban population is inherent to development of low-income areas where infrastructure and utility service investments are lagging behind demand. The newly developed urban areas lack formal planning, often encroaching on canals and rivers, thereby generating high levels of pollution in adjacent waterways. These areas lack utilities and services, most houses do not have septic tanks and flooding occurs often due to inadequate drainage. Sanitation is usually poor, with toilets discharging directly in watercourses. The poorest families tend to live directly along or on top of these noxious watercourses. Solid wastes are often uncollected. As a result the residents are living in poor environmental conditions and undergo health hazards. Available environmental reports have limited information on the extent of waste water and solid waste treatment to mitigate the negative effects on the environment. Hence, only three indicators are used as follows: Areas with constant stagnant waste water (ha) Volume of uncollected waste (ton/day) Number of households without septic tanks High Rate of Urbanisation 101. Although the most recent statistics show that Vietnam has the lowest level of urbanisation in East Asia with only 23.68% of the population living in the urban areas, it is anticipates that it will reach 33% by 2010 due to mechanisation of agriculture and higher incomes available in the urban areas. This is likely to bolster migration of the poor to urban areas increasing pressure on existing low-income areas as well as on land. As mentioned in the previous reports, the commonly referred to as urban areas in Vietnam as legally defined in Decree 72/2001/ND-CP are actually not fully urbanised in terms of land attributes and pertinent infrastructure. The survey of 25 cities/towns shows that ward areas represent not more than 40% of the total land area and more than 60% comprise commune area which are characterised by paddy fields and rural attributes. 102. Urbanisation per se is defined as the proportion of population living in urban areas of cities/towns. Hence, the rate of urbanisation is referred to the change (increase/decrease) in the proportion of people living in towns and cities. As discussed in Chapter 2, the definition of urban area in the Vietnamese context refers to the total area of the administrative boundary of a city/town which includes both wards and communes. Agreeing that communes are highly rural, only data of wards are included in the analysis. Understanding that extent ward population National Urban Upgrading Strategy & Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to Year 2020 (NUUP) 36/63 increase in the selected 25 cities/towns were not generally due to simple birth and migration factors but also attributed to the increase in the size (area) of wards as a result of annexation of districts, wards and communes, the level of urbanisation is measured by correlating ward population change with ward area change from 2000 and 2005. Hence, the 25 cities/towns were rated based on the formula that clearly indicate the impact of population increase on urbanisation not as a matter of inclusion of some wards or conversion of communes to wards that result in ward area increase thus increasing the population. 103. For urbanisation criterion, the rate of urbanisation or magnitude of the change (increase/decrease) in ward population and ward areas are measured using the following indicators: Average annual ward area growth rate (2000-2005) Average annual ward population growth rate (2000-2005) = 1 + ward population change (2000-2005) 1 + ward area change (2000-2005) Areas with High Population Density 104. City/town population density indicates the concentration of the total city/town population over the total area of the city/town. It is measured in terms of the number of persons per given area, particularly in ward areas of the cities/towns. High population density is an indicator of likely lowincome area where urban upgrading is needed. Deeper probing has shown low-income areas are spread all over the cities/towns. Since urban upgrading is only concerned with urban areas, commune population and commune areas are not considered in the analysis. Hence, the indicator refers to the concentration population of ward population over the total ward area (i.e., ward population divided by ward areas is applied) as shown in the following formula: = ward population (2005) ward area in km2 (2005) = ward population density (persons/km2) for 2005 Low in Technical and Social Infrastructure Investment 105. The very objective of the VUUP is to upgrade tertiary infrastructure to improve the living conditions of the urban poor and alleviate poverty in urban areas. Low technical and social infrastructure investment results in significant infrastructure deficiencies. Since areas with infrastructure deficiencies were not expected to receive many other related investment projects, infrastructure deficiencies was one of the core criteria for prioritisation and selection of cities and towns for further investigations which was already used in the first MCA. In order to reflect the overall level of development of urban infrastructure (i.e. roads, drainage, water supply, sewerage), the selection process applies another criterion in terms of the extent of urban upgrading project funded by ODA and total investment per capita for 5 years measured in terms two indicators as follows: ODA Investment (US$M) Total Investment (VNDM /capita for 5 years, 2000-2005) 106. These indicators are used to rate the 25 cities/towns in accordance with the amount of investments on technical and infrastructure from all sources in order to ensure that funds for investment are equitably distributed. Cities/towns with high amount of investment in technical and social infrastructure per capita for the past five years (VND millions/population at 2000-2004) would have low rank. 4.4 Methodological Options of Multi-Criteria Analysis and Ranking Process 107. The simplified criteria include high level of poverty, housing deficiency, significant infrastructure deficiencies, high level of urbanisation rate (ward area and population growth rate), high degree of environmental pollution, high rate of urbanisation, and areas with high population density, low infrastructure investment. These 7 criteria were operationalised by different indicators, weights, and scaling and ranking processes. Data referring/relating to the ward National Urban Upgrading Strategy & Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to Year 2020 (NUUP) 37/63 population and ward areas being associated with urban areas are analysed and interpreted to rationalise the selection process. Option 1 108. Option 1 refers to the MCA process employing 7 criteria and 18 indicators at its real value based on the initial survey conducted for 25 cities/towns (Table 37). The weight factor was based on the feedback gathered from the various stakeholders during the first NUUP National Workshop. It may be noted that the indicators were taken into account on its real value as it relates to the criteria cited. 109. This option only uses 1 indicator for high level of poverty which is measured in terms of the number of poor households accounting for a total of 25% of the total weight factor for all criteria. This simply measures the extent of poor households and ranks the cities/towns based on the number of households living below the poverty threshold as per MOLISA standard. It must be noted that Option 1 takes into account housing deficiency as an additional criterion which is not elaborated on the previous MCA for the selection of 25 cities/towns for initial study. The indicators for housing are comprised of the average housing floor area per capita, number of households in unsafe areas (landslide/flooded areas), number of temporary and class 4 housing units, number of houses to be affected by proposed infrastructure projects and urban development. 110. This option also has 3 additional indicators for environmental criterion (i.e., areas with constant stagnant water, volume of uncollected solid waste and households without septic tanks). Additional modification is the inclusion of changes in the land use from agricultural use to urban use as additional indicator for high degree of urbanisation besides the change in urban population. High degree of urbanisation in this option is seen as a factor in terms of conversion of communes to ward areas and changes of urban population as a result of natural birth and movement of people. 111. It must be noted that the figures in Option 1 were the real value of the statistical data. Option 1 looks into the individual merit in terms of the number not rate nor percentage (e.g., number of poor households is used not the percentage of households which are poor). 112. Stratification process in this option is based on class, topology and urbanisation region. 113. As per Table 36, the number of cities/towns to represent by Class should be: • • • • at least 1 city/town represent Class I; at least 1 city/town represent Class II; at least 3 cities/towns for Class III; and at least 2 cities/towns for Class IV National Urban Upgrading Strategy & Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to Year 2020 (NUUP) 38/63 Table 39 Selection Criteria and Weighting Factors for Option 1 Proposed Criteria Weight Indicators and Method of Calculation Factor 1) High Level of Poverty 25% • Number of poor households (100%) • Average housing floor area (m2) (25%) • Number of Temporary and Class IV housing • Number of houses in unsafe areas 2) Housing Deficiency 10% (landslide/flooded areas) of wards (25%) • Number of houses removed due to construction of infrastructure projects and urban planning in ward area (25%) • Road density (km/km2) (30%) • Number of households without water supply (20%) Significant Infrastructure 3) 25% • Drainage pipes density (km/km2) (20%) Deficiencies • Number of students per classroom (Primary, Lower Secondary and Upper Secondary Schools) (15%) • Areas with constant stagnant waste water (ha) (25%) High Degree of 4) 10% Environmental Pollution • Volume of uncollected waste (ton/day) (50%) • Households without septic tanks (25%) • Average Annual Ward Area Growth Rate (20002005) over 5) High Rate of Urbanisation 10% Average Annual Population Growth Rate (20002005) Areas with High Population 6) 10% • Ward population density (100%) Densities • ODA Investment (US$M) (50%) Low Infrastructure 7) 10% • Total Investment (VnDM/capita for 5 years, 2000Investment 2005) (50%) Total 100% Option 2 114. Based on Vietnam Household Living Standard Survey (VHSS) through which the General Statistics Office collected on household consumption expenditure and income in 1993, 1998 and 2002, poverty mapping showing incidence and depth of poverty associated with geography revealed that poor areas were well-served by infrastructure (i.e., fewer roads, fewer electricity connection, and more fragile links to the rest of the country, etc.).6 This study likewise showed that more than half of the total ethnic minority population lives in the northern uplands and Mekong Delta. Ethnicity map and poverty map provided a striking visual evidence of the association between being an ethnic minority and being poor. World Bank estimates showed that by 2010, 19 percent of the total population may still live in poverty and that 42 percent of which may be from ethnic minority groups. Figure 1 shows the maps elevation and transportation infrastructure and density of poverty depicting that poverty is also deeper in the highland and river delta region. 115. As such, Option 1 has been modified resulting into the formulation of Option 2 which has 7 criteria and 20 indicators. This option also puts into consideration the ethnic population in the poverty criterion and adds the length of earth and macadam road (>6m width and 2.5-6m width) into significant infrastructure deficiencies criterion. 6 Background paper for the PAC Conference, 24-26 November 2004 presented by Rob Swinkels and Carrie Turk, World Bank, Vietnam. National Urban Upgrading Strategy & Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to Year 2020 (NUUP) 39/63 116. Another significant feature of Option 2 is that population density is ranked in relation to its meeting the standard set in Decree 72/2002 (i.e., 12,000 persons/km2 for Class I, 12,000 persons/km2 for Class II, 10,000 persons/km2 for Class III and 8,000 persons/km2 for Class IV). 117. The weighting factors were also modified giving higher weight on 3 criteria (i.e., high degree of environmental pollution, infrastructure deficiencies and low infrastructure investment) and reducing the weight factor of high level of poverty by 15% (i.e., from 25% to 10%) to increase the weight factor of the 3 criteria by 5% each. (Table 40) 118. What makes Option 2 significantly different from Option 1 lies on its ethnic and environmental sensitivity and responsiveness to cities/towns with high infrastructure deficiencies, less ODA and less investment per capita, sensitivity to government policy and legal mandate on factors for classifying urban centres, particularly on population density, and having more indicators as basis for decision-making. 119. Similar to the second level of screening for Option 1, Option 2 employs the following terms: By Class: • • • • at least 1 city/town represent Class I; at least 1 city/town represent Class II; at least 3 cities/towns for Class III; and at least 2 cities/towns for Class IV National Urban Upgrading Strategy & Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to Year 2020 (NUUP) 40/63 By Topology • at least 2 cities/towns per topology (highland, lowland and coastal) 120. As per Table 36, there are more cities and towns in Region 1 and Region 10. Hence, there should be a proportionate representation as follows: • Region 1 should have 2 prioritised cities/towns for detailed mapping; Region 10 should also have 2 cities/towns; and the rest of the 3 cities/towns should be represented by at least 1 city/town per urbanisation region. Table 40 Selection Criteria and Weighting Factors for Option 2 Proposed Criteria Weight Indicators and Method of Calculation Factor • Number of poor households (70%) 1) High Level of Poverty 10% • Percentage of Ethnic Population over Total Population (30%) • Average housing floor area (m2) (25%) • Number of Temporary and Class IV housing • Number of HHs in unsafe areas 2) Housing Deficiency 10% (landslide/flooded areas) of wards (25%) • Number of houses removed due to construction of infrastructure projects and urban planning in ward area (25%) 2 • Road density (km/km ) (25%) • Km of earth/macadam road 2.5-6m width (25%) • Number of households without water supply Significant Infrastructure (20%) 3) 30% Deficiencies • Drainage pipes density (km/km2) (20%) • Number of students per classroom (Primary, Lower Secondary and Upper Secondary Schools) (10%) • Areas with constant stagnant waste water (ha) (25%) High Degree of Environmental 4) 15% • Volume of uncollected waste (ton/day) (50%) Pollution • Percentage of households without septic tanks over total households (25%) • Average Annual Ward Area Growth Rate (2000-2005) over 5) High Rate of Urbanisation 10% Average Annual Population Growth Rate (2000-2005) Areas with High Population • Rate of meeting the standard set ward 6) 10% Density population density in Decree 72/20027 (100%) • ODA Investment (US$M) (50%) 7) Low Infrastructure Investment 15% • Total Investment (VnDM/capita for 5 years, 2000-2005) (50%) Total 100% 7 Ward population density divided by the population density factor by Class as per Decree 72/2001/ND-CP. National Urban Upgrading Strategy & Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to Year 2020 (NUUP) 41/63 Option 3 121. Option 3 takes into consideration that the 4 cities prioritised for VUUP belong to Class I and II (i.e., Ho Chi Minh, Hai Phong, Nam Dinh and Can Tho) and no Class III and IV cities/towns was included. Hence, this methodological option gives paramount consideration to Class III and IV cities/towns by applying different weight factor depending on the classes of cities/towns. It is premised that the proposed weights for significant infrastructure weights for Class I to IV should be different in order to balance the particular characters attached to “big” and “small” cities/towns. 122. Small towns are mostly deprived from any primary and secondary infrastructure in this case, as much as in large cities where primary and secondary networks are already in place. High consideration must be given to Class III and IV cities/towns which generally lag behind in terms of infrastructure and low consideration for Class I which usually have better infrastructure compared to other classes. Hence, Cities of Class I and II status have 30% weight factor while Class III and IV have 20%. 123. In similar fashion, where urbanisation rate is deemed fast in many small towns, this criterion is not deemed as much critical as in bigger cities where the scale of problems caused by rapid urbanisation is deemed to deserve a higher degree of priority. Small towns will be relatively more affected by high urban population densities than bigger cities. Accordingly, different “keys” of weighting factors have been devised for the different classes of cities and towns as shown in Tables 41. For high rate of urbanisation and areas with high population densities, Class I and II cities are given 10% while Class III and IV are given 15% weights. 124. Option 3 MCA process ranks the 25 cities/towns based on merit given the weight factor per indicator and criteria stated in Table 39. A second level of screening is also undertaken in order to ensure that from the shortlist of 25 priority cities/towns the 7 cities/towns which will be chosen for more detailed LIA participatory mapping equitably represents the different classes of cities/towns, topology and urbanisation region ensuring that there is a representation of: 1) at least 1 city/town represent Class I and II; 2) at least 2 cities/towns represent Class III and IV; 3) at least 2 cities per topology; and 4) at least 1 city/town for Regions 2-9 and at least 2 for Regions 1 and 10 with an expectation that some regions will not be represented because there are 10 urbanisation regions and only 7 will be selected. 125. What makes Option 3 different from Options 1 and 2 also lies on having higher priorities on Class III and Class IV cities/towns and not putting a condition that there should be at least 1 city representing Class I and/or II cities considering that VUUP pilot-cities come from Special, Class I and Class II cities. 126. Similar to Option 2, there should be at least 2 cities/towns per topology (highland, lowland and coastal). National Urban Upgrading Strategy & Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to Year 2020 (NUUP) 42/63 Table 41 Selection Criteria and Weighting Factors for Option 3 Criteria 1) High Level of Poverty Proposed Weight Factor Class Class Class I Class II III IV 10% 10% 10% 10% Indicators and Method of Calculation Number of poor households (100%) Average housing floor area (m2 ) (25%) Number of Temporary and Class IV housing (25%) 2) Housing Deficiency 10% 10% 10% 10% Number of HHs in unsafe areas (landslide/flooded areas) of wards (25%) Number of houses removed due to construction of infrastructure projects and urban planning in ward area (25%) Road density (km/km2) (30%) Km of earth/macadam road >6m width (10%) Km of earth/macadam road 2.5-6m width (10%) 3) Significant Infrastructure Deficiencies 30% 30% 20% 20% Number of households without water supply (20%) Drainage pipes density (km/km2) (20%) Number of students per classroom (Primary, Lower Secondary & Upper Secondary Schools) (15%) Areas with constant stagnant waste water (ha) (25%) 4) High Degree of Environmental Pollution 10% 10% 10% 10% • Volume of uncollected waste (ton/day) (50%) Households without septic tanks (25%) Average Annual Ward Area Growth Rate (2000-2005) 5) High Rate of Urbanisation 10% 10% 15% 15% 6) Areas with High Population Density 10% 10% 15% 15% Ward population density (100%) ODA Investment (US$M) (50%) Total Investment (VnDM/capita for 5 years, 2000-2005) (50%) 7) Low Infrastructure Investment 15% 15% 15% 15% Total 100% 100% 100% 100% Average Annual Population Growth Rate (2000-2005) Option 4 National Urban Upgrading Strategy & Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to Year 2020 (NUUP) 43/63 127. Option 4 is a more complex methodology in undertaking MCA process in order to select the 7 cities/towns involving scaling factors depending on the range (lowest or highest) and midpoint of data. The 7 criteria and 18 indicators of this option have evolved from Option 1, which do not include the ethnic population. The indicators were at percentage basis with reference to the total number of households in the city/town (Table 42). Table 42 Selection Criteria and Weighting Factors for Option 4 Criteria Proposed Weight Factor Indicators and Method of Calculation • Number of poor households (70%) • Percentage of Ethnic Population over Total Population (30%) • Average housing floor area (25%) • Percentage of Temporary and Class IV housing • Percentage of houses in unsafe areas (landslide/flooded areas) of wards (25%) • Percentage of houses removed due to construction of infrastructure projects and urban planning in ward area (25%) 2 • Road density (km/km ) (30%) • Percentage of road width =<2.5m (10%) • Km of earth/macadam road 2.5-6m width (10%) • Number of households without water supply (20%) • Drainage pipes density (km/km2) (20%) • Number of students per classroom (Primary, Lower Secondary and Upper Secondary Schools) (10%) • Areas with constant stagnant waste water (ha) (25%) • Volume of uncollected waste (ton/day) (50%) • Percentage of households without septic tanks over total households (25%) • Average Annual Ward Area Growth Rate (2000-2005) over Average Annual Population Growth Rate (2000-2005) 1) High Level of Poverty 20% 2) Housing Deficiency 10% 3) Significant Infrastructure Deficiencies 30% 4) High Degree of Environmental Pollution 10% 5) High Rate of Urbanisation 10% 6) Areas with High Population Density 10% • Ward population density (2005) 7) Low Infrastructure Investment 10% • ODA Investment (US$M) (50%) • Total Investment (VnDM/capita for 5 years, 2000-2005) (50%) Total 100% National Urban Upgrading Strategy & Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to Year 2020 (NUUP) 44/63 128. A rating within appropriate scale (0-100) was assigned to each city and town to reflect the rate of poverty and infrastructure development depending on the highest, midpoint or lowest in the range as follows: Poverty Rate 6% and above = 100 1% to below 6% = 75 Below 1% = 50 2 Average housing floor area (m /person) >14 m2/person = 0 2 9-14 m /person = 50 2 4-9 m /person = 75 Below 4 m2/person = 100 Percentage of households with temporary and Class IV housing Above 75% = 100 and Below 75% = 75 Percentage of HHs in unsafe areas (landslide/flooded areas) of wards Above 10% = 100 Below 10% = 50 Percentage of houses removed due to infrastructure projects and urban planning in ward area Above 17% = 100 4% to below 17% = 75 1% to below 4% = 25 Road density (km/km2) Above 2.5 = 100 Below 2.5 = 50 Percentage of road width =<2.5m Percentage of earth/macadam road Above 80 = 100 Below 280 = 50 Percentage of households without water supply Above 30% = 100 15% to below 30% = 75 Below 15% = 50 Drainage pipes density (km/km2) Above 4 = 50 1.5 to below 4 = 75 Below 1.5 = 100 Number of students per classroom (Primary, Lower and Upper Secondary Schools) Above 40 = 100 Below 40 = 50 Areas with constant stagnant waste water Households without septic tanks Above 200 ha = 100 Below 200 ha = 50 Above 30% = 100 Below 30% = 50 Percentage of uncollected waste (ton/day) Above 40% = 100 25% below to 40% = 75 Below 25% = 50 Average Annual Ward Area Growth Rate (20002005) Average Annual Population Growth Rate (2000-2005) Above 25% = 100 8% to below 20% = 75 Below 8% = 50 10% and above = 100 >2% to <10% = 75 <2% = 50 National Urban Upgrading Strategy & Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to Year 2020 (NUUP) 45/63 Ward population density (2005) Above 5000 = 100 3000 to < 5000 = 75 Below <3000 = 50 Total Investment (VNDM/capita for 5 years, ODA Investment (US$M) (2000-2005) 2000-2005) Above US$25M = 100 Below US$25M = 50 Above VND25M = 100 Below VND25M = 50 129. This option did not pay so much consideration on the representation by class resulting in the absence of representation of Class I and Class II simply because VUUP pilot-cities generally represent the Special Cities (Ho Chi Minh), Class I (Hai Phong and Can Tho) and Class II (Nam Dinh). Hence, the absence of representation from Class I and II should be compensated by having additional 2 towns representing Class IV. Option 5 130. Option 5 analysis looks into the grouping of all cities/towns to ensure an equitable distribution of opportunities among the 96 cities/towns for urban upgrading. There are about 12 groups dividing the 96 cities by class and topology as shown in Table 43. Before undertaking the Multi-Criteria Analysis, the grouping and class of the pilot-cities of the previous urban upgrading projects were reviewed. It was observed that the four VUUP pilot-cities (Ho Chi Minh, Hai Phong Can Tho and Nam Dinh) already represent the special cities, Class I and Class II. Hence, the premise for selecting the 8 cities/towns for the next urban upgrading would give paramount consideration to Class III and Class IV with different topologies (highland, lowland and coastal). While there are more cities/town in the lowland, the selection process simply provides equal distribution of cities/towns among the three topologies, i.e., at least 2 for highland, 2 for lowland and 2 for low coastal cities/towns. Table 43 Grouping of Cities/Towns (Class IV and above) Description Group Cities/Towns (Class IV and above) (Class/Topology) 1 Class I – Lowland 3 – Can Tho, Hai Phong and Danang 2 Class I – Low coastal 1 – Hue 3 Class II – Highland 2 – Đà Lạt and Buôn Ma Thuột 7 – Việt Trì, Thái Nguyên, Mỹ Tho, Nam Định, Biên Hoà, 4 Class II – Lowland Vinh, Vũng Tàu, 5 Class II – Low coastal 4 - Nha Trang, Quy Nhơn, Thanh Hoá and Hạ Long 8 - Điện Biên Phủ, Lai Châu, Pleiku, Kon Tum, Yên Bái, 6 Class III – Highland Hoà Bình, Lạng Sơn and Lào Cai 17 - Cao Lãnh, Long Xuyên, Phan Rang - Tháp Chàm, Hà Đông, Phan Thiết, Bắc Giang, Móng Cái, Thái Bình, Ninh 7 Class III – Lowland Bình, Tuy Hoà, Phủ Lý, Sơn Tây, Long Khánh, Thủ Dầu Một, Vĩnh Yên, Hải Dương and Bắc Ninh 9 - Hà Tĩnh, Rạch Giá, Cà Mau, Quảng Ngãi, Tam Kỳ, 8 Class III – Low coastal Sóc Trăng, Cẩm Phả, Đồng Hới and Hội An 14 - Lộ, Cao Bằng, Sông Công, An Khê, Hà Giang, 9 Class IV – Highland Mường Lay,Gia Nghĩa và huyện Đăk Klong, Bảo Lộc, Bắc Cạn, Ajunpa, Sơn La, Tuyên Quang, Mộc Châu, Mai Sơn 16 - Phú Thọ, Tây Ninh, Sa Đéc, Đồng Xoài, Lagi và Huyện Hàm Tân, Hưng Yên, Vĩnh Long, Châu Đốc, Tân 10 Class IV – Lowland An, Hà Tiên, Hồng Ngự, Tam Điệp, Vị Thanh, Uông Bí, Phúc Yên and Bà Rịa 13 - Trà Vinh, Quảng Trị, Hồng Lĩnh, Bac Liêu, Gò Công, 11 Class IV – Low coastal Sầm Sơn, Tân Hiệp và Huyện, Phụng Hiệp, Cam Ranh, Đông Hà, Bỉm Sơn, Bến Tre, Đồ Sơn and Cửa Lò 12 Special Cities-Lowland 2 - Hồ Chí Minh and Hà Nội 131. A review of the extent and depth of poverty the five poverty maps in Figure 2. The dark shades show the incidence of poverty for each district and commune, density, depth and severity of poverty concentrating on Regions 1, 4, 6 and 10. This serves as a guide in the selection of National Urban Upgrading Strategy & Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to Year 2020 (NUUP) 46/63 cities/towns to be prioritised of investment. These poverty maps serve as guide in the strategic selection of cities/towns to be prioritised for the next urban upgrading project. 132. Option 5 uses the same six criteria but more simple indicators based on the available data for the 96 cities/towns (Class IV and above) with corresponding weight factors as follows: • High Level of Poverty – 25% • Significant Infrastructure Deficiencies – 20% • High Degree of Environmental Pollution – 5% • High Rate of Urbanisation – 10% • Areas with High Population Densities – 10% • Low in Technical & Social Infrastructure Investment – 30% National Urban Upgrading Strategy & Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to Year 2020 (NUUP) 47/63 133. The 10 indicators for the above-cited criteria include: • Percentage of poor households – 50% of the weight factor of High Level of Poverty criterion • Percentage of household with poor housing – 50% of the weight factor of High Level of Poverty criterion • Road density (km/km2) – 35% of the weight factor of Significant Infrastructure Deficiencies criterion • Rate of households with water supply – 25% of the weight factor of Significant Infrastructure Deficiencies criterion 2 • Drainage pipes density (km/km ) – 20% of the weight factor of Significant Infrastructure Deficiencies criterion • Number of students per classroom – 20% of the weight factor of Significant Infrastructure Deficiencies criterion • Percentage of solid waste collected over total solid waste generated – 100% of the weight factor of the High Degree of Environmental Pollution criterion • Average annual population growth rate (2000-2004) – 100% of the weight factor of the High Rate of Urbanisation criterion • Population density (person/km2) – 100% of the weight factor of the Areas with High Population Densities criterion • Total investment (VND million/capita) for 5 years (2000-2004) – 100% of the weight factor of the Low in Technical & Social Infrastructure Investment criterion 134. It must be noted that a very low weight factor is given to the percentage of solid waste collected over total solid waste generated indicator and high degree of environmental pollution criterion since the importance of the percentage of solid waste collected over total solid waste generated indicator is not as heavy as the other indicators. It would be total discriminating for a city/town to get the highest overall merit due to the high weight factor to be accorded with percentage of solid waste collected over total solid waste generated indicator. 135. A big percentage weight is given to low technical and social infrastructure investment (30%) compared with high level of poverty (25%) significant infrastructure deficiencies (20%) and others with only 10% and 5% weight factors. 136. What makes Option 5 different from the four other options lies on its analysis of the 96 cities/towns characteristics together with the geographic analysis of poverty in Vietnam using GIS generated poverty maps (Figure 2). The second level of screening for Option 5 also uses the stratification by urbanisation region (Table 36) and equal representation by topology which should be at least 2 cities/towns representing each topology. Results of Five Methodological Options of MCA and Ranking Process 137. Annex 2 shows the results of the MCA ranking process which are presented the fifth option applying different simplified criteria and indicators, scaling and weight factors from which the final decision would be based upon. National Urban Upgrading Strategy & Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to Year 2020 (NUUP) 48/63 Option 1: Top 7 Cities Ranked by Overall Individual Merit 138. By ranking based on the individual city/town merit (Table 44), the first highest 7 cities/towns are: Cam Ranh, Thai Binh, Viet Tri, My Tho, Cao Bang, Ca Mau and Lang Son. Table 44 Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Option 1 Top 7 Cities/Towns by Overall Merit Cities/Towns Class Topology Sub-Urbanisation Region8 Cam Ranh IV Low coastal Region 8 Thai Binh III Lowland Region 1 Viet Tri II Lowland Region 5 My Tho III Low coastal Region 10 Cao Bang III Highland Region 4 Ca Mau III Lowland Region 10 Lang Son III Highland Region 4 139. Recognising that analysis should not only focus on the outright value of the statistical data and individual merit of the cities/towns, ranking by overall merit is further subjected to other factors to rationalise the selection of 7 cities/towns. These factors should be in accordance with the national framework which up to now holds on to the urban policies indicated in the Orientation Master Plan for Urban Development to 2020 in order to be in line with national urbanisation policies and ascertain that selected priority cities/towns represent the low income areas of all types of classification, topology and urbanisation by regional representation. 140. Based on ranking by topology, the top 2 highest ranking city/towns for highlands are Cao Bang and Lang Son; the top 4 highest ranking cities/towns for lowland are Thai Binh, Viet Tri, My Tho and Ca Mau; and the top 2 highest ranking coastal cities/towns are Cam Ranh and Hue. 141. Referring to the stratification in Table 30, Class 2 should be represented by 1 city/town only. Buon Ma Thuot (highland), Viet Tri (lowland) and Bien Hoa (lowland) represent Class II. If Buon Ma Thuot is selected for being the highest when ranked based on individual merit and by class, then Viet Tri and Bien Hoa are disqualified. It must be noted, however, that Viet Tri has much higher ward density than Buon Ma Thuot. Furthermore, Buon Ma Thuot has already received so much ODA and investments. Buon Ma Thuot only became second highest ranking in terms of overall merit because of high level of poverty which is understandable due to its being mountainous. Therefore, Viet Tri (lowland) is given next priority, instead of Buon Ma Thuot for selection of 1 Class II city. 142. If there should be at least 4 cities/towns representing Class III and based on stratification in Table 34 (ranked by Class), the 3 cities/towns should represent lowland and 2 cities/towns should represent highland. This means that Thai Binh (lowland), Viet Tri (lowland) and Ca Mau already satisfied the stratified number of cities/towns for lowland. While there are already 2 highland cities (Cao Bang and Kon Tum) in Table 41, there is a need to only consider Cao Bang to represent the highland in Region 4, another highland city must come from central Vietnam (i.e., Kon Tum). 143. For low coastal cities/towns, Cam Ranh and My Tho are found in the ranking by overall merit of Option 1, thus enlisted in Table 45. According to Table 37, there should only be at least 1 low coastal city and 4 low land cities. So then, My Tho (low coastal) would have to be replaced by a lowland area which is preferably from Region 1 to satisfy the requirements in Table 38. This would mean considering Ninh Binh (lowland and Region 1) is in the list of 7 cities/towns in Option 1. 144. So then, there is a need to select to 2 cities/towns in highland (1 Class III and 1 Class IV). Based on Table 37 and criteria in Table 37 of Option 1, the 2 highest ranking are Buon Ma Thuot 8 The 10 Urbanisation regions are: 1) Northe Region 1 – North Key Zone and Red River Delta Region 2 - Southern Key Zone & Eastern South Region Region 3 - Central Key Zone & Central Coast Region Region 4 - Cao Bang- Thai Nguyen-Lang Son-Bac Giang -Bac Ninh-Bac Can Region Region 5 - Lao Cai-Yen Bai -Ha Giang -Tuyen Quang - Phu Tho-Vinh Phuc Region Region 6 - Western North Region Region 7 - North Central Coast Region Region 8 - South Central Coast Region Region 9 - Central Highland Region Region 10 - Mekong River Delta RegionRed River Delta region; 2) North Central Coast region; 4) Cao Bang- Lang Son-Bac National Urban Upgrading Strategy & Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to Year 2020 (NUUP) 49/63 and Kon Tum. However, Buon Ma Thuot is out already to give way to Viet Tri. The next step is to choose Cao Bang (Class IV) or Dien Bien Phu (Class III). 145. It should also be noted that Buon Ma Thuot is always one step higher than Kon Tum when ranked by topology, urbanisation region and number of ethnic population. Kon Tum, however, is given consideration since Buon Ma Thuot has received much more ODA compared to Kon Tum. The extent of ODA to the city, however, does not necessarily mean that for all intents and purposes that its infrastructure deficiencies have been addressed and poverty has been alleviated as reflected in the amount of ODA and total investment per capita for the past 5 years. Buon Ma Thuot, as the data reveal, have the biggest number of households below the poverty line, biggest number of temporary and Class IV housing, and third highest number of households without water supply. Table 45. Option 1 Top 7 Cities/Towns by Overall Merit Rank Cities/Towns Class Topology Sub-Urbanisation Region9 1 Cam Ranh IV Low coastal Region 8 2 Thai Binh III Lowland Region 1 3 Viet Tri II Lowland Region 5 4 My Tho III Low coastal Region 10 5 Cao Bang III Highland Region 4 6 Ca Mau III Lowland Region 10 7 Lang Son III Highland Region 4 Option 1: Recommended for Shortlist of Priority (5-7 Cities/Towns) for Detailed Studies 146. Table 46 shows the top 7 cities/towns based on overall merit of the cities/towns using the simplified multi-criteria analysis with 7 criteria with 18 indicators used. This result, however, does not give an equitable allocation of cities/towns to represent each class of cities/towns (Class 1 to 4), each topology (highland, lowland and coastal) and each urbanisation region (Regions 1 to 10). Hence, the Consultants had to undertake a second ranking method which strategically factors in the 3 conditions based on class, topology and urbanisation region. As indicated in Table 44, the result of the second level of screening recommends the 7 cities/towns (Cam Ranh, Thai Binh, Viet Tri, Cao Bang, Ca Mau, Kon Tum and Ninh Binh) for detailed studies. Table 46. Option 1 Recommended 7 Cities/Towns for Detailed Studies Rank Cities/Towns Class Topology Sub-Urbanisation Region3 1 Cam Ranh IV Low coastal Region 8 2 Thai Binh III Lowland Region 1 3 Viet Tri II Lowland Region 5 4 Cao Bang III Highland Region 4 5 Ca Mau III Lowland Region 10 6 Kon Tum IV Highland Region 9 7 Ninh Binh III Lowland Region 1 Option 2: Top 7 Cities/Towns Ranked by Overall Individual Merit 147. The results of the MCA using the criteria and indicators in Option 2 are shown in Table 47 of Option 2 and summarised in Table 45. Based on Option 2 ranked by overall merit, the top 7 cities based on overall merit are Cam Ranh, Hue, Cao Bang, Viet Tri, Ca Mau, Soc Trang and Thai Binh. Of these 7 cities, only 1 represents the highland when based on stratification by topology as per Table 36, there should be at least 2 highland cities/towns, 3 lowland cities/towns and 1 low coastal cities/towns. There are 48 lowland cities/towns, only 24 coastal cities/towns of the 96 cities/towns (Class IV and above). So then Soc Trang which also belongs to Region 10 and Thai 9 The 10 Urbanisation regions are: 1) Northe Region 1 – North Key Zone and Red River Delta Region 2 - Southern Key Zone & Eastern South Region Region 3 - Central Key Zone & Central Coast Region Region 4 - Cao Bang- Thai Nguyen-Lang Son-Bac Giang -Bac Ninh-Bac Can Region Region 5 - Lao Cai-Yen Bai -Ha Giang -Tuyen Quang - Phu Tho-Vinh Phuc Region Region 6 - Western North Region Region 7 - North Central Coast Region Region 8 - South Central Coast Region Region 9 - Central Highland Region Region 10 - Mekong River Delta RegionRed River Delta region; 2) North Central Coast region; 4) Cao Bang- Lang Son-Bac National Urban Upgrading Strategy & Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to Year 2020 (NUUP) 50/63 Binh must be replaced by the next ranking Class III or Class IV cities/towns in order to equitable distribute representation by class, topology and urbanisation region. 148. Until revised, the ten urbanisation sub-regions remain a rational basis to ascertain that a city/town is selected strategically and proportionately with the distribution by class, topology and urbanisation region of 96 cities/towns. Hence, the second level of screening of Option 2 also takes into account the following conditions: • At least 1 city/town represents Class I and II • At least 2 cities/towns represent each topology (highland, low land and low coastal) • At least 1 city/town for Regions 2-9 and at least 2 for Regions 1 and 10 with an expectation that some regions will not be represented because there are 10 urbanisation regions and only 7 will be selected. Table 47. Option 2 Top 7 Cities/Towns by Overall Merit Rank Cities/Towns Class Topology Sub-Urbanisation Region10 1 Cam Ranh IV Low coastal Region 8 2 Hue I Low coastal Region 3 3 Cao Bang IV Highland Region 4 4 Viet Tri II Lowland Region 5 5 Ca Mau III Lowland Region 10 6 Soc Trang III Low coastal Region 10 7 Thai Binh I Lowland Region 1 Option 2: Recommended for Shortlist of Priority (5-7 Cities/Towns) for Detailed Studies 149. Observing the conditions for second screening, the 7 cities/towns recommended employing Option 2 are Cam Ranh, Hue, Cao Bang, Viet Tri, Ca Mau, Thai Binh and Dien Bien Phu as listed on Table 48. Table 48. Option 2: Recommended for Shortlist of Priority (5-7 Cities/Towns) for Detailed Studies Rank Cities/Towns Class Topology Sub-Urbanisation Region3 1 Cam Ranh IV Low coastal Region 8 2 Hue I Low coastal Region 3 3 Cao Bang IV Highland Region 4 4 Viet Tri II Lowland Region 5 5 Ca Mau III Lowland Region 10 6 Thai Binh III Lowland Region 1 7 Dien Bien Phu III Highland Region 6 Option 3: Overall Individual Merit 150. The results of the MCA using the criteria and indicators of the third option are summarised in Table 49. Based on Option 3, the top 7 cities/towns ranked by overall merit are Cam Ranh, Thai Binh, Viet Tri, My Tho, Cao Bang, Ca Mau and Lang Son. Of these 7 cities, only 1 represents the low coastal. Hence, there is a need to replace 1 lowland city to accommodate 1 low coastal city in order to equitably distribute representation by topology while considering the proportional distribution by class and urbanisation region. Table 50 also shows that there are 4 lowland cities in the top 7 cities/towns using Option 3 and the seventh ranking city is Lang Son which also has similar characteristics with Cao Bang being Class III and located in Region 4. Reviewing the total investment per capita for the past 5 years, Lang Son has received more compared with Cao Bang; therefore, the latter is most likely to be replaced to accommodate 1 10 The 10 Urbanisation regions are: 1) Northe Region 1 – North Key Zone and Red River Delta Region 2 - Southern Key Zone & Eastern South Region Region 3 - Central Key Zone & Central Coast Region Region 4 - Cao Bang- Thai Nguyen-Lang Son-Bac Giang -Bac Ninh-Bac Can Region Region 5 - Lao Cai-Yen Bai -Ha Giang -Tuyen Quang - Phu Tho-Vinh Phuc Region Region 6 - Western North Region Region 7 - North Central Coast Region Region 8 - South Central Coast Region Region 9 - Central Highland Region Region 10 - Mekong River Delta RegionRed River Delta region; 2) North Central Coast region; 4) Cao Bang- Lang Son-Bac National Urban Upgrading Strategy & Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to Year 2020 (NUUP) 51/63 highland city. Likewise, 1 lowland city/town has to be replaced to accommodate 1 low coastal city/town. Ca Mau in the sixth rank and with similar characteristics as My Tho (Class III and located in Region 10) plus the fact that the former has received more investment per capita for the past 5 years compared with the latter. Therefore, Ca Mau is most likely to be replaced to accommodate 1 highland so that proportional distribution is ensured. Table 49. Option 3: Top 7 Cities/Towns by Overall Merit Rank Cities/Towns Class Topology Sub-Urbanisation Region11 1 Cam Ranh IV Low coastal Region 8 2 Thai Binh III Lowland Region 1 3 Viet Tri II Lowland Region 5 4 My Tho III Lowland Region 10 5 Cao Bang IV Highland Region 4 6 Ca Mau III Lowland Region 10 7 Lang Son III Highland Region 4 Table 50. Option 3: Top 7 Cities/Town after Second Screening based on Class and Topology Rank Cities/Towns Class Topology Sub-Urbanisation Region4 1 Cam Ranh IV Low coastal Region 8 2 Thai Binh III Lowland Region 1 3 Viet Tri II Lowland Region 5 4 My Tho III Lowland Region 10 5 Cao Bang IV Highland Region 4 6 Ca Mau III Lowland Region 10 7 Hue I Low coastal Region 1 Option 3: Recommended for Shortlist of Priority (5-7 Cities/Towns) for Detailed Studies 151. Reviewing Option 3 MCA Results in Table 46, Hue is the next ranking low coastal city which is located in Region 10 which rationalises the distribution by urbanisation region as per Table 38. Reviewing the results after inclusion of Hue (Table 51), it is noted that the highland city which should replace Ca Mau to complete the list must be Class III. 152. While Buon Ma Thuot (Class III) is the next ranking highland city, Kon Tum is given paramount consideration because the former is a Class II city. Viet Tri (Class II) is already considered and it would not be rational to add another Class II; hence, Kon Tum is included in the recommended 7 cities/towns. As shown in Table 48, the recommended 7 cities/towns in Option 3 are Cam Ranh, Thai Binh, Viet Tri, My Tho, Cao Bang, Hue and Kon Tum. Table 51. Option 3: Recommended for Shortlist of Priority (5-7 Cities/Towns) for Detailed Studies Rank Cities/Towns Class Topology Sub-Urbanisation Region4 1 Cam Ranh IV Low coastal Region 8 2 Thai Binh III Lowland Region 1 3 Viet Tri II Lowland Region 5 4 My Tho III Lowland Region 10 5 Cao Bang IV Highland Region 4 6 Hue I Low coastal Region 1 7 Kon Tum III Highland Region 9 11 The 10 Urbanisation regions are: 1) Northe Region 1 – North Key Zone and Red River Delta Region 2 - Southern Key Zone & Eastern South Region Region 3 - Central Key Zone & Central Coast Region Region 4 - Cao Bang- Thai Nguyen-Lang Son-Bac Giang -Bac Ninh-Bac Can Region Region 5 - Lao Cai-Yen Bai -Ha Giang -Tuyen Quang - Phu Tho-Vinh Phuc Region Region 6 - Western North Region Region 7 - North Central Coast Region Region 8 - South Central Coast Region Region 9 - Central Highland Region Region 10 - Mekong River Delta RegionRed River Delta region; 2) North Central Coast region; 4) Cao Bang- Lang Son-Bac National Urban Upgrading Strategy & Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to Year 2020 (NUUP) 52/63 Option 4: Overall Individual Merit 153. Table 52 shows the top 7 cities/towns using MCA Option 4 including Kon Tum, Cao Bang, Vi Thanh, Ca Mau, Dien Bien Phu, Cam Ranh and Dong Hoi. 154. In order to equitably and strategically distribute the cities/towns by topology based on Table 37, there should be at least 2 cities/towns from the highland, at least 3 from the lowland and at least 2 from the low coastal areas. This would mean that from the list of top 7 cities/towns, 1 Class IV town would have to be replaced by a Class III city. Hence, Cam Ranh incurring the lowest overall merit among the 4 Class IV cities in Table 46 will be replaced by the next ranking Class III city (i.e., Ninh Binh as shown in Table 50 Option 4 MCA Results ranked by overall merit and by class). 155. Table 50 shows the results of the second screening wherein Cam Ranh is replaced by Ninh Binh to strategically satisfy the proportion of Class III cities corresponding to the distribution in Table 36. The results, however, indicates that there is a need for another Class III city that should come from Region 1 to completely satisfy the strategic distribution in Table 38 stating that there should be 2 cities/towns from Region 1. Table 52. Option 4: Top 7 Cities/Towns by Overall Merit Rank Cities/Towns Class Topology Sub-Urbanisation Region12 1 Kon Tum 4 Highland Region 9 2 Cao Bang 4 Highland Region 4 3 Vi Thanh 4 Lowland Region 10 4 Ca Mau 3 Lowland Region 10 5 Dien Bien Phu 3 Highland Region 6 6 Cam Ranh 4 Low coastal Region 8 7 Dong Hoi 3 Low coastal Region 1 Option 4: Recommended for Shortlist of Priority (5-7 Cities/Towns) for Detailed Studies 156. The second level of screening shows that there are 3 Class III cities which should be at least 5 in order to strategically distribute representation of cities/towns. This would mean that the lowest ranking Class 4 town (i.e. Vi Thanh) should be replaced by a Class III city which should represent Region 1 in order to strategically distribute in proportion to the distribution of 96 cities/towns by urbanisation region as per Table 38 indicating that at least 2 cities/towns should represent Region 1. The replacement should be a Class III city in lowland and Region 1. Going back to the MCA results in Annex 5.0-Option 4, Hai Duong fits the description of the replacement in order to complete the list of the recommended for shortlist of priority (5-7 cities/towns) for detailed studies. As shown in Table 53, the recommended cities/towns for a shortlist of priority 7 cities/towns for detailed studies are Kon Tum, Cao Bang, Ca Mau, Dien Bien Phu, Dong Hoi, Ninh Binh and Hai Duong. 12 The 10 Urbanisation regions are: 1) Northe Region 1 – North Key Zone and Red River Delta Region 2 - Southern Key Zone & Eastern South Region Region 3 - Central Key Zone & Central Coast Region Region 4 - Cao Bang- Thai Nguyen-Lang Son-Bac Giang -Bac Ninh-Bac Can Region Region 5 - Lao Cai-Yen Bai -Ha Giang -Tuyen Quang - Phu Tho-Vinh Phuc Region Region 6 - Western North Region Region 7 - North Central Coast Region Region 8 - South Central Coast Region Region 9 - Central Highland Region Region 10 - Mekong River Delta RegionRed River Delta region; 2) North Central Coast region; 4) Cao Bang- Lang Son-Bac National Urban Upgrading Strategy & Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to Year 2020 (NUUP) 53/63 Table 53. Option 4: Top 7 Cities/Town after Second Screening based on Class and Topology Rank Cities/Towns Class Topology Sub-Urbanisation Region5 1 Kon Tum IV Highland Region 9 2 Cao Bang IV Highland Region 4 3 Vi Thanh IV Lowland Region 10 4 Ca Mau III Lowland Region 10 5 Dien Bien Phu III Highland Region 6 6 Dong Hoi III Low coastal Region 3 7 Ninh Binh III Lowland Region 1 Option 5: Overall Individual Merit 157. Applying the criteria and indicators for Option 5, the top 7 cities/towns using MCA Option 5 include Điện Biên Phủ, Lai Châu, Nghĩa Lộ, Cao Bằng, Trà Vinh, Quảng Trị, Hồng Lĩnh (Table 54). The details of the results of Option 5 analysis by overall merit are shown in Option 5-1 tabulation Annex 5.0. Điện Biên Phủ ranks number one by overall merit. 158. In order to avoid over representation of cities/towns from the northwest regions (Regions 5 and 6) and ensure that representation of cities/towns are based on the reliable poverty maps (Figure 2) indicating the incidence, depth and severity of poverty, a second level of screening is undertaken. 159. The second level of screening gives paramount consideration to the areas consistently marked with high incidence, depth and severity of poverty are regions in the north and south (i.e., particularly Region 1 – North Key Zone and Red River Delta, Region 4 - Cao Bang-Thai NguyenLang Son-Bac Giang -Bac Ninh-Bac Can Region, Region 6 - Western North Region, Region 10 Mekong River Delta Region, and some portions of Region 9 - Central Highland Region). The number of cities/towns to be selected from the identified regions are based on the stratification analysis by urbanisation region in Table 36. Table 54. Option 5: Top 7 Cities/Towns by Overall Merit 13 Rank Cities/Towns Class Topology Sub-Urbanisation Region 1 Dien Bien Phu III Highland Region 6 2 Lai Châu III Highland Region 6 3 Nghĩa Lộ IV Highland Region 5 4 Cao Bang IV Highland Region 4 5 Tra Vinh IV Low coastal Region 10 6 Quảng Trị IV Low coastal Region 3 7 Hồng Lĩnh IV Low coastal Region 7 Option 5: Recommended for Shortlist of Priority (5-7 Cities/Towns) for Detailed Studies 160. Considering the requirements of Option 5 methodology as previously discussed, a second level of screening was undertaken to select the recommended cities/towns for prioritisation. 161. Since Dien Bien Phu (Class III-highland in Region 6 is selected already, Lai Châu and Nghĩa Lộ which belong to Region 5 and 6 cannot be included in order to consider another city/town from Regions 1, 4 and 10. Cao Bằng of Region 4 and Trà Vinh of Region 10 which rank fourth and fifth by overall merit are considered to represent Group 9 (Class IV-highland) and Group 11 (Class IV-low coastal) in Table 43. 13 The 10 Urbanisation regions are: 1) Northe Region 1 – North Key Zone and Red River Delta Region 2 - Southern Key Zone & Eastern South Region Region 3 - Central Key Zone & Central Coast Region Region 4 - Cao Bang- Thai Nguyen-Lang Son-Bac Giang -Bac Ninh-Bac Can Region Region 5 - Lao Cai-Yen Bai -Ha Giang -Tuyen Quang - Phu Tho-Vinh Phuc Region Region 6 - Western North Region Region 7 - North Central Coast Region Region 8 - South Central Coast Region Region 9 - Central Highland Region Region 10 - Mekong River Delta RegionRed River Delta rgion; 2) North Central Coast region; 4) Cao Bang- Lang Son-Bac National Urban Upgrading Strategy & Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to Year 2020 (NUUP) 54/63 162. Referring to the stratification analysis in Table 36, there should 2 cities/towns to represent Region 1 and another 2 cities/towns to represent Region 10. This means that the remaining cities/towns to be selected should be 2 cities/towns from Region 1 and 1 from Region 10 since Trà Vinh of Region 10 is already considered. Going back to the topology aspect which requires that at least 2 cities/towns should represent each topology, another 2 lowland cities/towns and 1 low coastal city/town from Regions 1 and 10 need to be selected considering that there are already 2 highland cities/towns in the priority list (i.e., Điện Biên Phủ and Cao Bằng). Since there are Trà Vinh and Cao Bằng already filled up the requirements for 2 Class IV towns and only Điện Biên Phủ represents Class III, there is a need to select 3 cities from Class III in order to satisfy the requirement of Table 5.7 stratifying the cities/towns to be prioritised by Class. 163. Of the 96 cities/towns (Class IV and above), there area 17 Class III-lowland cities/towns and 9 Class III-low coastal cities/towns. Further analytical probing was conducted in order to ascertain that the lowland and low coastal Class III cities from Regions 1 and 10 to be prioritised were in need of infrastructure upgrading. As shown in the results of the analysis of Option 5-2 in Annex 5.0, Ca Mau ranks high among other cities belonging to Class III-low coastal in Region 10. With Ca Mau’s inclusion in the list, the remaining cities to be selected must come from Region 1, Class III and lowland. Mong Cai, Ninh Binh, Hai Duong Thai Binh and Ha Dong are among the candidates. Thoroughly reviewing the results of the Option 5-2 analysis in Annex 2, it is noted that Mong Cai slightly ranks higher in terms of significant infrastructure deficiencies but has a lower rate of urbanisation, ward population and population density compared with Ninh Binh and Hai Duong. A deeper probing on relevant data was done in order to ensure that alternative benefits would be maximised in the selection process. As such, a critical decision has to be made in order to maximise the opportunity of providing more benefits to a greater number of people than infrastructure extent. Forgoing Mong Cai would incur more benefits per capita if the next high ranking cities with similar characteristics (i.e., Class III-lowland in Region 1 shown in Option 5-2 tabulation) would be considered. Hence, Ninh Binh and Hai Duong are recommended to be prioritised. 164. Option 5 selection process concludes with a recommendation to prioritise 6 cities/towns for urban upgrading as shown in Table 55. Table 55. Option 5: Recommended for Shortlist of Priority (5-7 Cities/Towns) for Detailed Studies Rank Cities/Towns Class Topology Sub-Urbanisation Region6 1 Cao Bang IV Highland Region 4 2 Ca Mau III Lowland Region 10 3 Dien Bien Phu III Highland Region 6 4 Ninh Binh III Lowland Region 1 5 Hai Duong III Lowland Region 1 6 Tra Vinh III Low coastal Region 10 7 Viet Tri II Lowland Region 5 8 Kon Tum IV Highland Region 9 4.5 Some Conclusions The Consultants have presented four MCA methodological options indicating different results. Based on varied rationale, these four options have different indicators, weighing factors and rating as previously explained. It must be noted that Options 1 to 3 are common in one aspect (i.e., using the numerical or percentage value of the data which are so varied). Such methodologies give paramount importance on individual merit without interpreting the data considering other surrounding factors and the spread of data among the 25 cities/towns. Hence, Option 4 has been developed to rate the cities/towns considering the highest point, midpoint and lowest point of data. The results of the four options ranked by overall merit are summarized as follows: Option 1 – Cam Ranh, Thai Binh, Viet Tri, My Tho, Cao Bang, Ca Mau and Lang Son Option 2 – Cam Ranh, Hue, Cao Bang, Viet Tri, Ca Mau, Soc Trang and Thai Binh Option 3 – Cam Ranh Thai Binh, Viet Tri, My Tho, Cao Bang, Ca Mau and Lang Son Option 4 – Kon Tum, Cao Bang, Vi Thanh, Ca Mau, Dien Bien Phu, Cam Ranh and Dong Hoi Option 5 – Điện Biên Phủ, Lai Châu, Nghĩa Lộ, Cao Bằng, Trà Vinh, Quảng Trị and Hồng Lĩnh National Urban Upgrading Strategy & Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to Year 2020 (NUUP) 55/63 165. After the second level of screening, the results are as follows: Option 1 – Cam Ranh, Thai Binh, Viet Tri, Cao Bang, Ca Mau, Kon Tum and Ninh Binh Option 2 – Cam Ranh, Hue, Cao Bang, Viet Tri, Ca Mau, Thai Binh and Dien Bien Phu Option 3 – Cam Ranh, Thai Binh, Viet Tri, My Tho, Cao Bang, Hue and Kon Tum Option 4 – Kon Tum, Cao Bang, Ca Mau, Dien Bien Phu, Dong Hoi, Ninh Binh, and Hai Duong Option 5 – Điện Biên Phủ, Cao Bằng, Trà Vinh, Cà Mau, Ninh Bình, Hải Dương and Kon Tum14 166. A notable observation is that Cao Bang and Ca Mau are the consistently common cities in the top 7 cities/towns in the four options by overall merit and second level of screening. Dien Bien Phu appeared 3 times in the selected cities/towns to be prioritised, particularly in the final results of Options 2, 4 and 5. Viet Tri and Ninh Binh also appeared 3 times in the selected cities/towns to be prioritised, particularly in the final results of Options 1,2,3 and 1, 4 and 5 accordingly. 167. Of the four options, Option 4 did not put a second condition pertaining to the representation by class but simply relied on the results of the ranking by rating scale. Option 4 ranking by overall merit did not have Class I and II cities but simply resulted in having representation from Class III and Class IV which can be considered since the previous VUUP pilot-cities are comprised of Special Cities, Class I and II cities (i.e., Ho Chi Minh, Hai Phong, Nam Dinh and Can Tho). The process employed in Option 4 rating within appropriate scale assigned to each city/town depending on the range (highest, midpoint and lowest) reflect even values for each indicator. 168. Also similar in the results of the four options is the insufficient representation of low coastal cities/towns and Region 10 (Mekong Delta Region). Hence, the proposed number of 8 cities/towns in the TOR is proposed to be revised adding 1 city/town in the shortlist of priority towns to make it 8 cities/towns instead of 8 cities/towns as quoted herein below: iii) From this selected list of about 20 a shortlist of priority towns (5 to 7) will be chosen for more detailed LIA participatory mapping, data collection, information on infrastructure standards/service levels, other requirements, costing information etc. These may be grouped geographically and are likely to be candidates for the next urban upgrading project(s). 169. Selection of the city/town to complete the recommended list in Option 4 will be based on the MCA results by overall merit of 96 cities/towns with a condition that the selected city/town should be low coastal and in Region 10. Reviewing the results of MCA 5-1 ranked by overall merit (Annex 1) shows that of the 96 cities/towns (Class IV and above) analysed, the highest ranking city/town which is low coastal in Region 10 is Tra Vinh town. 170. Option 5 provides a broader range of cities/towns totaling 96 cities/towns (Class IV and above) compared with Options 2-4 which basically analysed the 25 cities/towns initially surveyed. Analysis and methodology for selecting cities to be prioritised are very sensitive to poverty incidence, depth and severity giving paramount consideration to classes of cities/towns which are not represented in the first VUUP pilot-cities (Special, Class I and Class II cities). Hence, only one city belonging to Class II is selected. Viet Tri for consistently appearing as the only class 2 cities in the options mentioned. 171. Therefore, the conclusive recommendation lists 8 cities/towns for a more detailed LIA mapping including Dien Bien Phu, Tra Vinh, Cao Bang, Ca Mau, Ninh Binh, Hai Duong, Viet Tri and Kon Tum as described in Table 56. 14 The eight city to be prioritised may be selected depending on government policy; 1 representative from the central region may be selected. It must be noted that poverty maps in Figure 2 show that portions of Region 9 has high incidence, depth and severity of poverty. National Urban Upgrading Strategy & Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to Year 2020 (NUUP) 56/63 Table 56. Proposed List of 8 Selected Urban Centres for Detailed LIA Survey and Mapping Cities/Towns Province Class Tx Cao Bằng Cao Bằng IV Tp Điện Biên Điện Biên III Tp Hải Dương Hải Dương III Tp Ninh Bình Ninh Bình III Tx Trà Vinh Trà Vinh IV Tp Cà Mau Cà Mau III Viet Tri Phu To II Kon Tum Kon Tum III 5. Typical Characteristics Provincial capital in the northeast border area with many politically famous spots; home to Vietnam’s ethnic minority groups, most notable of these are the Tay, Nung, Dao and Hmong. Provincial city in the northwest border; Internationally known for Dien Bien Phu Battle which is Vietnam’s decisive engagement in the first of the Indochina wars (1946-54) that marked the end of French involvement in Southeast Asia. Provincial capital in the Red River Delta with many developing industrial zones; and market centre for a rich rice growing region; one of the most densely populated cities in Vietnam. Located in the Red River Delta, provincial capital close to the ecological tourism area of Trang An. Provincial capital of Tra Vinh Province located in the Mekong Delta region in Southern part of Vietnam; Famous for Khmer pagodas due to the large number of Cambodians who reside there. Provincial city in the south characterised by a canal-based transport system where most goods are transported by boats and barges. Many LIAs. Provincial city with historical spots and location of the factories built in the 1960s. Environmentally polluted city. Provincial capital in the marginal area of the central highland region with a big number of unregistered population. Located near the Yaly Hydroelectric Station; a traditional trading centre for hides, horses, and sesame. Evaluating the Upgrading Needs of Cities and Towns 172. The remaining 87 cities and towns have been evaluated by overall merit of development using the key criteria and indicators applied in the MCA in order to set the direction for investment. A selection process using the MCA was undertaken to evaluate these cities and towns by their level of development. This analysis was used to guide the NUUP plan and implementation strategy. The same MCA technique was applied to evaluate, group and distribute the cities and towns by economic region and implementation tranches from 2008 to 2020. The urban areas have been evaluated based on the level of development using the following criteria: i) level of poverty; ii) degree of deficiency of infrastructures and services; iii) degree of environmental pollution; iv) rate of urbanisation; v) population density; v) level of technical and social infrastructure in terms of State investment and ODA; and vii) regional significance. Regional significance is measured in terms of the explicit citation of priority development for cities and towns in the Socio-Economic Development Plan prepared by the Ministry of Planning and Investment. Infrastructure development for cities and towns mentioned in the Socio-Economic Development Plan has financing ramifications in terms of timing for financing. 173. The percentage weights given to the various criteria were: (i) low technical and social infrastructure investment 30%; (ii) high level of poverty (25%); (iii) significant infrastructure deficiencies (20%); (iv) high rate of urbanisation and population density (10%) and (v) degree of environment pollution (5%). Annex 3 shows the indicators and criteria to evaluate, group and distribute the cities and towns by economic region and implementation tranches from 2008 to 2020. National Urban Upgrading Strategy & Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to Year 2020 (NUUP) 57/63 Annex 1 MULTI-CRITERIA ANALYSIS 5-1 CITY/TOWN PROFILE CRITERIA FOR CITIES/TOWNS SELECTION Percentage of household with poor housing Road density (km/km2) Rate of households with water supply Drainage pipes density (km/km2) Number of Students per Classroom 43.45 43.45 72.86 32.27 19.98 39.87 35.32 34.2 25.9 35.32 33.33 43.45 47.76 60.7 32.1 47.5 33.33 36.35 48.26 7.03 48.15 29.14 41.68 53.33 8.88 46.28 14.54 14.54 25.9 58.4 12.64 53.33 23.93 53.44 40.5 55.71 26 44 26.44 39.26 11.02 60.7 16.07 47.76 48.15 24.64 35.32 30.22 11.86 35.81 47.76 14.05 23.93 26.44 48.15 32.27 39.87 6.86 30.42 32.1 60.7 24.99 31.44 19.98 27.56 24.26 10.55 11.86 23.95 14.54 15.98 7.75 23 59 23.59 53.44 15.56 8.72 6.09 8.96 8.47 25.95 8.96 25.49 6.02 14.53 3.2 11.23 8.88 8.47 19.95 6.02 25.95 2.5 8.72 24.64 6.02 6.44 24.26 24.26 1.50 3.7 3.2 4.73 2.71 0.13 5.33 2.23 4.28 4.35 2.50 2.54 2.16 0.59 9.40 4.00 0.84 3.08 1.52 3.57 0.85 3.67 0.83 3.66 7.38 1.40 7.5 3.04 9.85 3.2 2.17 3.50 3.30 3.50 1.54 2.82 4 00 4.00 3.46 3.96 6.90 1.66 3.00 4.57 2.10 3.00 5.6 4.20 0.31 3.96 3.60 4.01 4.50 3.50 10.00 5.88 1.7 7.20 8.40 4.90 9.98 4.28 3.10 12.10 6.56 4.77 4.4 3.64 9.40 3.31 4.4 6 00 6.00 2.50 5.68 4.4 3.72 7.5 5.6 7.49 10.70 7.24 4.4 10.67 4.92 4.10 3.46 2.49 3.56 5.60 4.49 7.00 4.20 8.15 5.60 4.53 90.0 90.0 66 45 10 15 21.08 70 35 34 78 80 66.8 80 67.9 70 50 37 90 65 85 65 70 75 85 84 60 87 100 55 22 83 60 80 25.5 59.9 60.7 50 90 84.25 85 80 95 61.3 65 40 85 70 81 90 80 95 80 80 90 85 70 85 100 95 95 93 73 95 92.8 25 60 70 70 94 86 83 86.83 93.5 70 73 80 72.8 85 83 85 90 73.7 100 81.3 85.34 95 85 100 85 80 80 80 74.1 90 53.96 2.46 2.46 3.09 1.26 0.19 2.22 2 0.66 3.83 0.4 1.73 1.48 3.09 0.91 2.22 3.12 1.62 0.86 1.25 2.3 1.19 2.05 0.96 3.09 2.39 1.17 3.83 0.78 3.91 3.09 0.229 4.4 2.5 7.10 3.81 16.57 16.44 14.51 29.00 23.02 8.77 17.14 7.51 12.46 12 30 25 21 29 34 16 22 30 51 28 4.4 4.8 6.7 3.7 5.6 3.7 7.5 2.5 3.6 3.2 4.4 73.7 74.1 72.8 67.3 67.9 90.0 72.8 65.7 60.7 80.6 73.3 Density Investment Prioritization Criteria (Weighting Factors) 456.65 Average Annual Pop. Growth Rate (2000-2004) 100% 0.02 100% 100% 3.6 4.03 4.53 3.42 41.0 59 55 44 38 37 54 46 46 57 63 36 51 52 37 40 70 38 47 47 47 64 29 48 49 56 49 41 44 52 60.3 46 39 6 55 43 54 48 52 52 60.3 47 51 63 49.0 46 40 40 46 57 48 51 48 45 41 47 39 33 49.2 54 35 40 36 34 55 37 50 45 48 36 44 41 38 58 50 42 50 56 47 37 48 55 38 8 45 42 50 55 42 7 6 51 62 7 35 20 70 50 30 85 40 75 60 65 20 100 60 80 50 40 70 80 70 72 65 85 80 48.08 70 66.2 60 35 80 90 70 70 80 90 90 75 74.2 80 70 80 70 75.0 90 75 85 70 75 90 80 67.7 80 80 80 86 80 60 36 75 80 90 85 80 60 70 72.2 75 86.25 75 85 80 72 100 80 74.4 90 40 70 75 90 100 74.4 100 70 82 90 100 90 85 92 95 80 95 70 90 4.7% 1.4% 1.0% 14.2% 3.7% 1.5% 2.2% 0.6% 21.9% 0.9% 1.6% 2.9% 2.6% 9.8% 2.1% 2.7% 2.7% 7.0% 1.5% 1.5% 1.9% 10.1% 15.0% 1.6% 1.6% 1 6% 1.6% 3.5% 2.0% 1.0% 1.4% 1.0% 1.0% 2.1% 3.1% 1.2% 16.2% 2.7% 1.5% 1.3% 1.5% 2.9% 1.3% 2.6% 1.2% 1.0% 1.5% 1.3% 1.6% 1.9% 1.2% 1.5% 2.6% 2.2% 1.4% 1.3% 1.1% 1.3% 0.9% 0.6% 1 5% 1.5% 1.3% 1.2% 2.2% 0.8% 2.8% 0.8% 3.6% 2.1% 0.7% 1.2% 2.0% 2.4% 2.9% 1.2% 3.0% 2.1% 1.1% 1.2% 6.5% 4.8% 1.5% 1.0% 1.9% 3,214 616 1,305 380 225 1,600 485 516 3,365 1,592 5,099 1 369 1,369 596 636 1,058 3,225 1,741 698 1,771 3,682 992 402 4,529 3,151 2,735 1,044 1,580 1,830 472 923 3,347 1,160 710 925 609 3.97 3.12 2.92 1.40 2.22 2.46 3.83 1.62 2.33 3.09 2.86 47.8 50.1 45.8 41.3 39.0 41.0 44.8 60.3 49.0 49.2 44.7 74.4 78.1 77.4 72.1 74.4 62.0 62.9 67.7 74.2 75.0 73.7 4.4% 2.5% 1.6% 2.2% 4.2% 2.1% 2.7% 1.4% 3.1% 1.6% 2.9% 5848.2 2904.3 2976.9 4302.4 2925.3 518.6 4266.5 5087.2 5299.1 4180.0 4293.6 1.37 3.09 2.33 3.12 1.5 4 0.65 3.09 4.71 3.12 4 2.22 3 3 3.05 0.8 2.1 2.33 3.5 0.88 2.22 1.2 9.3 2.42 4 2.05 3.62 3.78 2.8 2.27 3.95 3.97 5.8 5.11 4.7 3.97 3 55 3.55 5 3.99 3.97 6.68 3.83 2.22 3.12 5.52 1.40 3.97 5.6 3.91 0.55 4.89 2.7 3.97 4 1.37 2.1% 0.1% 5.8% 1.1% 1.0% 10.8% 1.0% 5.6% 0.3% 2.0% 1.45 Total Investment (VND mil./cap.) for 5 years (200-2004) Percentage of poor households 35.68 35.68 13.51 19.40 16.09 13.91 18.18 27.01 38.62 18.18 6.07 35.68 6.15 7.11 12.51 5.48 5.77 30.74 7.56 6.34 6.15 13.35 19.08 6.25 9.79 7.71 16.43 16.43 38.62 7.92 6.22 6.25 17.01 5.21 7.59 9.26 15 72 15.72 7.94 9.34 7.11 6.22 6.11 6.54 2.08 18.18 10.63 7.99 17.15 6.15 10.14 17.01 15.72 6.54 19.40 13.91 8.47 9.48 12.51 7.11 13.96 27.43 16.09 29.56 22.85 12.49 7.99 14.31 16.43 13.62 6.86 14 31 14.31 5.21 18.06 5.57 6.08 17.32 9.24 3.72 17.32 12.75 4.47 10.69 3.05 1.26 9.79 9.24 1.68 4.47 3.72 2.25 5.57 2.08 4.47 1.83 22.85 22.85 Percentage of solid waste collected over total solid waste generated 25% Urbanization 262 179 1,351 2,646 538 885 317 959 618 715 616 773 2,510 1,531 977 925 993 244 2,591 1,672 1,667 2,015 264 469 4,148 808 3,295 824 1,376 800 210 2,085 30 808 145 1,710 635 374 3,158 1,747 1,418 1,466 3,468 3,421 1,293 2,097 307 1,127 1,179 843 479 472 1,082 1,345 3,697 2,215 1,942 3.2 17.19 10.06 5.07 2.39 3.83 4.06 1.61 6.43 8.6 3.74 0.53 5.75 4.32 1.51 0.74 1.5 20.91 13.22 13.09 11.74 0.54 3.7 10.54 0.13 13.4 9.69 17.33 3.87 5.3 4.43 7.5 5.43 8.04 13.5 32.14 3 56 3.56 1.21 2.32 2.96 4.43 7.19 4.86 32.51 7.2 20.16 21.02 12.85 1.2 4.77 9.4 1.83 4.87 8.63 13.18 43.6 14.77 1.77 2.96 6.88 17.46 2.39 28.06 13.86 1.89 0.4 2.42 21.17 13.53 22.46 25 95 25.95 8.06 16.77 14.3 3.27 68.74 15.9 35.34 19.8 6.37 1.71 13.6 29.57 22.22 7.09 26.52 20.59 1.04 35.34 26.81 14.3 12.26 34.81 14.73 5.4 5.4 25% 30% 15% 10% 10% 10% Ranking 3,214 616 1,305 380 225 1,600 485 516 3,365 1,592 5,099 1 369 1,369 596 636 1,058 3,225 1,741 698 1,771 3,682 992 402 4,529 3,151 2,735 1,044 1,580 1,830 472 923 3,347 1,160 710 925 609 25% 10.75 Overall Merit 110,886 78,155 218,038 76,263 68,329 116,023 49,268 169,869 185,351 99,703 230,575 78 337 78,337 67,382 94,701 31,989 131,761 43,992 81,316 216,637 217,313 74,938 92,186 297,666 75,606 4,380,700 113,150 70,559 148,626 152,154 79,790 1,586,500 593,200 130,675 185,405 566,000 25% 1.00 f) Low in Technical & Social Infrastructure Investment 1,293 2,097 307 1,127 1,179 843 479 472 1,082 1,345 3,697 2,215 1,942 50% 8.26 e) Areas with High Population Densities 56,491 101,514 128,829 113,398 255,100 312,571 187,318 266,483 78,488 78,041 133,848 75,763 138,360 31,110 119,306 81,888 231,116 84,278 74,372 122,437 51,845 177,253 194,807 103,489 236,356 83 069 83,069 70,968 99,197 34,812 135,752 48,945 83,996 248,117 235,602 77,081 96,670 321,498 82,864 4,888,300 118,505 79,141 160,826 158,623 83,621 1,999,800 708,000 138,530 193,080 609,500 61,088 132,460 201,500 189,191 37,487 349,700 70,159 107,631 138 546 138,546 55,286 94,025 97,567 336,605 115,549 160,841 488,100 Environment 50% 1.37 d) High Rate of Urbanization 262 179 1,351 2,646 538 885 317 959 618 715 616 773 2,510 1,531 977 925 993 244 2,591 1,672 1,667 2,015 264 469 4,148 808 3,295 824 1,376 800 210 2,085 30 808 145 1,710 635 374 3,158 1,747 1,418 1,466 3,468 3,421 39,050 252,334 142,986 39,575 112,893 192,829 29,632 121,236 41,709 51,727 150,173 39,341 37,592 97,958 182,401 53,921 61,639 116,206 106,959 242,616 295,095 167,709 253,575 71,055 74,330 128,723 71,521 131,496 Population Density (Person/Km2) Population (2004) 18,561 9,463 88,925 16,800 44,969 26,257 97,749 52,984 35,866 186,394 112,558 46,372 266,559 148,530 61,983 127,114 204,517 32,206 124,196 78,244 53,499 159,981 43,829 41,548 136,462 197,931 58,856 55,093 78,300 140,370 213,751 203,775 52,560 559,500 74,538 114,597 147 644 147,644 63,094 101,677 101,352 355,920 120,178 167,514 529,196 9,409 72,199 16,096 43,244 18,314 93,959 43,219 35,417 172,416 Infrastructure Deficiencies Indicator Rating 1.44 1.00 Criteria Rating 25% 100% 2.59 c) High Degree of Environmental Pollution 43.7 48.4 420 100.6 216.4 371 391.1 564 72.6 58 36.2 34.2 71.3 8.7874 137.1 133 177.1 221.5 330 76.5 106.8 343.5 57.9 65 46.4 60 7 60.7 119 156 32.9 42.1 28.1 120.3 140.1 64 77.7 240.4 71 26.3 2095 113.5 50.1 87.9 335.8 90.6 921 1526 195 208.7 1256 Density b) Significant Infrastructure Deficiencies 70.8 53 65.8 6.4 83.6 29.7 199.9 55.2 58 260.6 182.8 60 106.2 97 63.4 137.4 206 132 47.9 46.8 32.1 79.4 166 88.5 32.9 245 17.9 66.9 56 175.5 690 97.7 1729 1390 520 67 232 4 232.4 168.5 32.2 58 251 82 48.3 154.7 Population Population (2000) City Area (Km2) Lowland, Highland, Coastal H H LC LC H H H H LC H L H L L L L L H L L LC L H L L LC LC LC LC LC LC LC H L L LC H L L L LC L L L H H L H L LC H H LC LC H L L L L LC H L H H LC L LC LC L L LC L LC LC L LC L L L H L LC L L L L L LC L L L L LC L H H Area a) High Level of Poverty TX. Lai Châu 6 Lai Châu III TX. Mường Lay 6 Điện Biên IV TX. Trà Vinh 10 Trà Vinh IV TX. Quảng Trị 3 Quảng Trị IV TX. Sông Công 4 Thái Nguyên IV TX. Nghĩa Lộ 5 Yên Bái IV TX. An Khê 9 Gia Lai IV TX. Cao Bằng 4 Cao Bằng IV TX. Hồng Lĩnh 7 Hà Tĩnh IV TP. Pleiku 9 Gia Lai III TX. Lagi và Huyện Hàm Tân 8 Bình Thuận IV TP. Điện Biên Phủ 6 Điện Biên III TP. Long Xuyên 10 An Giang III TX. Cao Lãnh 10 Đồng Tháp IV TX. Phú Thọ 5 Phú Thọ IV TX. Tây Ninh 2 Tây Ninh IV TP. Phan Thiết 8 Bình Thuận III TX. Bắc Cạn 4 Bắc Kạn IV TX. Vĩnh Long 10 Vĩnh Long IV TX. Hưng Yên 1 Hưng Yên IV TX. Gò Công 10 Tiền Giang IV 8 Ninh Thuận III TX. Phan Rang - Tháp Chàm TX. Hà Giang 5 Hà Giang IV TX. Hà Tiên 10 Kiên Giang IV TX. Hà Đông 1 Hà Tây IV TP. Cà Mau 10 Cà Mau III TX. Sầm Sơn 7 Thanh Hoá IV TX. Bỉm Sơn 7 Thanh Hoá IV TX. Hà Tĩnh 7 Hà Tĩnh III TX. Bac Liêu 10 Bạc Liêu IV TX. Cam Ranh 8 Khánh Hoà IV TP. Rạch Giá 10 Kiên Giang III TX. Gia Nghĩa và huyện Đăk 9 Đăk Nông IV TP. Cần Thơ I TX. Móng Cái 1 Quảng Ninh IV TX. Bến Tre 10 Bến Tre IV TX Bảo Lộc TX. 9 Lâm Đồng IV TX. Đồng Xoài 2 Bình Phước IV TP. Bắc Giang 4 Bắc Giang III TX. Sa Đéc 10 Đồng Tháp IV TP. Nha Trang 8 Khánh Hoà II TX. Tân An 10 Long An IV TP. Mỹ Tho 10 Tiền Giang III TP. Biên Hoà 2 Đồng Nai II TX. Ajunpa 9 Gia Lai IV TX. Tuyên Quang 5 Tuyên Quang IV TX. Ninh Bình 1 Ninh Bình IV TX. Kon Tum 9 Kon Tum IV TX. Châu Đốc 10 An Giang IV TP. Quy Nhơn 8 Bình Định II TP. Buôn Ma Thuột 9 Đắc Lăk II TP. Đà Lạt 9 Lâm Đồng II 10 Hậu Giang IV TX. Tân Hiệp và Huyện Phụn TX. Đông Hà 3 Quảng Trị IV TP. Yên Bái 5 Yên Bái III TP. Hải Dương 1 Hải Dương III TX. Phủ Lý 1 Hà Nam IV TP. Việt Trì 5 Phú Thọ II Hồng Ngự 10 Đồng Tháp IV TP. Quảng Ngãi 3 Quảng Ngãi III TX. Hoà Bình 6 Hoà Bình IV TP. Thái Nguyên 4 Thái Nguyên II TP. Lào Cai 5 Lào Cai III TX. Sơn La 6 Sơn La IV TX. Sóc Trăng 10 Sóc Trăng IV TX. Tam Điệp 1 Ninh Bình IV TX. Tam Kỳ 3 Quảng Nam III TP. Thanh Hoá 7 Thanh Hoá II TP. Tuy Hoà 8 Phú Yên III TP. Nam Định 1 Nam Định II TX Hội An TX. 3 Quảng Nam III TX. Vị Thanh 10 Hậu Giang IV TP. Đồng Hới 3 Quảng Bình III TX. Đồ Sơn 1 Hải Phòng IV TP. Thái Bình 1 Thái Bình III TX. Cửa Lò 7 Nghệ An IV TX. Phúc Yên 5 Vĩnh Phúc IV TP. Vũng Tàu 2 Bà Rịa Vũng Tàu II TP. Vinh 7 Nghệ An II TP. Lạng Sơn 4 Lạng Sơn III TX. Uông Bí 1 Quảng Ninh IV TP. Huế 3 Huế I TP. Bắc Ninh 4 Bắc Ninh III TP. Hồ Chí Minh special TX. Sơn Tây 1 Hà Tây IV TX. Vĩnh Yên 5 Vĩnh Phúc III TX. Thủ Dầu Một 2 Bình Dương IV TX. Cẩm Phả 1 Quảng Ninh III TX. Bà Rịa 2 Bà Rịa Vũng Tàu IV TP. Hà Nội special TP. Hải Phòng I TX. Long Khánh 2 Đồng Nai III TP. Hạ Long 1 Quảng Ninh II TP. Đà Nẵng I TX. Mai Sơn 6 Sơn La IV TX. Mộc Châu 6 Sơn La IV Values in Dark Green = Estiamted value based on regional average Sub-Urbanization Region 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Overall National Urban Upgrading Strategy Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading Strategy to Year 2020 (NUUP) D:\NUUPMINH\Final Report\Appendix_EN_Finalreport\ApF_Annex1_MCA-5-1 15 Nov 2006.xls Typology Class Province Urbanization Sub-Region City/Town MOC-4 Re. Number 46 47 88 27 35 44 70 34 55 69 65 45 74 81 42 21 62 33 89 12 87 63 41 84 9 75 58 57 54 79 64 76 68 95 6 80 73 19 31 82 60 85 77 16 71 43 13 72 78 59 66 67 90 26 39 4 8 36 96 25 48 29 38 49 86 14 24 53 61 2 28 83 23 11 5 56 40 15 52 32 7 22 30 92 10 37 18 3 20 91 93 17 1 94 50 51 City/Town, Class, Province, Region Population Density (Person/Km2) Poverty No FIRST ROUND OF RANKING 100% 76 76 67 47 34 45 47 58 67 47 30 76 40 50 38 39 30 64 42 13 41 37 53 44 18 41 31 31 67 50 16 44 38 43 37 50 38 37 19 50 19 40 41 19 47 34 18 46 40 22 38 38 41 47 45 15 33 38 50 35 57 34 57 46 23 18 34 31 28 14 34 43 34 13 12 28 17 22 28 33 9 23 6 9 18 17 15 9 22 4 13 19 9 6 46 46 57 59 63 66 79 78 72 67 63 76 68 58 63 69 46 55 81 70 63 61 65 68 63 57 49 68 52 59 34 65 86 51 60 49 81 61 64 64 58 47 70 57 47 69 59 63 51 63 54 63 58 54 55 48 49 63 31 41 46 44 45 49 36 43 50 62 54 40 55 44 47 47 48 57 47 46 54 50 33 47 54 32 47 46 47 56 49 51 56 43 38 47 50 45 0 0 65 80 30 50 70 15 60 25 40 35 80 0 40 20 50 60 30 20 30 28 35 15 20 51 30 33 40 65 20 10 30 30 20 10 10 25 25 20 30 20 30 24 10 25 15 30 25 10 20 32 20 20 20 14 20 40 64 25 20 10 15 20 40 30 27 25 13 25 15 20 28 0 20 25 10 60 30 25 10 0 25 0 30 18 10 0 10 15 8 5 20 5 30 10 0 0 9 0 26 4 4 49 4 25 1 9 0 21 6 4 64 17 6 9 2 100 3 7 13 12 44 9 12 12 32 6 6 8 45 68 7 7 7 16 9 4 6 4 4 9 14 5 73 12 6 5 6 13 5 11 5 4 6 5 7 8 5 6 11 10 6 5 4 5 4 2 6 6 5 10 3 12 3 16 9 3 5 9 10 13 5 13 9 4 5 29 22 6 4 8 0 0 5 3 26 51 10 17 6 18 12 14 12 15 49 30 19 18 19 4 50 32 32 39 5 9 81 15 64 16 26 15 4 40 0 15 2 33 12 7 61 34 27 28 68 67 0 25 41 6 22 23 16 9 9 21 26 72 43 38 0 63 12 25 7 4 31 9 10 65 31 100 26 11 12 20 63 34 13 34 72 19 7 88 61 53 20 30 35 9 18 65 22 13 18 11 0 0 95 74 85 92 96 94 94 97 90 87 94 99 91 93 97 98 97 69 80 80 82 99 94 84 99 80 85 74 94 92 93 89 92 88 80 53 94 98 96 95 93 89 92 52 89 70 69 81 98 93 86 97 92 87 80 36 78 97 95 89 74 96 59 79 97 99 96 69 80 67 62 88 75 79 95 0 76 48 71 90 97 80 56 67 89 61 70 98 48 60 79 82 49 78 92 92 56.8 56.4 53.9 53.8 53.7 52.9 52.8 52.4 52.0 50.8 50.5 49.9 49.5 48.9 48.8 48.6 48.5 48.2 47.1 47.0 46.7 46.4 46.4 46.3 46.1 46.0 45.5 45.4 45.2 44.8 44.6 44.5 44.2 44.1 44.0 43.9 43 8 43.8 43.6 43.3 42.9 42.9 42.8 42.3 42.0 42.0 41.9 41.9 41.8 41.8 41.3 40.7 40.6 40.4 40.2 40.1 39.9 39.9 39.6 39.5 39.5 39.1 38.9 38.8 38.2 38.2 38.2 37.7 37.4 37.3 36.6 36 2 36.2 35.4 35.1 35.0 34.7 34.4 34.2 34.1 33.6 33.6 33.1 33.1 32.8 32.1 31.5 31.5 31.4 30.9 30.6 30.1 30.0 29.7 28.9 26.2 20.7 20.7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 44 46 47 48 48 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 56 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 64 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 95 Average Values: 131.8 139.2 129.4 83.4 91.6 129.4 49.8 241.5 514.9 115.5 221.9 104,157 176,001 90,157 82,672 65,013 48,736 108,632 203,904 145,917 129,862 197,265 116,144 192,928 95,686 88,985 72,486 46,131 101,067 200,759 159,009 131,854 212,284 1,906 1,422 1,577 1,478 1,040 411 2,129 1,146 475 1,529 1,449 13.7 19.7 11.0 9.4 12.7 9.0 21.0 4.7 6.6 8.2 12 Appendix F - 58/63 Annex 1 MULTI-CRITERIA ANALYSIS 5-2 CRITERIA FOR CITIES/TOWNS SELECTION 131.8 139.2 129.4 83.4 91.6 91 6 129.4 49.8 241.5 514.9 115.5 221.9 104,157 176,001 90,157 82,672 65,013 65 013 48,736 108,632 203,904 145,917 129,862 197,265 116,144 192,928 95,686 88,985 72,486 72 486 46,131 101,160 200,759 159,009 131,854 212,291 D:\NUUPMINH\Final Report\Appendix_EN_Finalreport\ApF_Annex1_MCA-5-2 15 Nov 2006.xls Drainage pipes density (km/km2) Number of Students per Classroom Percentage of solid waste collected over total solid waste generated Scoring Scales of Criteria & Weighting Factors Investment 0 1510 4100 100% 12.00 5.89 0.00 100% 27.01 35 68 35.68 19.40 35.68 13.91 6.15 7.11 19.08 18.18 6.15 7.56 5.48 16.09 18.18 13.51 9.34 5.77 13.35 12.51 9.79 22.55 17.01 30.74 7.71 6.54 7.94 6.25 22.55 7.59 8.47 35.68 6.22 16.43 6.15 6.07 7.11 12.51 7.11 6.25 6.34 7.92 6.54 13.96 5.21 14.31 6.08 10.14 19.40 18.18 9.26 6.11 12.49 17.15 10.63 16.43 15.72 22.85 22.85 13.62 29.56 22.85 6.22 2.08 5.21 9.48 16.09 17.32 16.43 15.72 27.43 17.01 7.99 9.24 17.32 3.05 7.99 4.47 4.47 3.72 10.69 13.91 9.79 1.68 2.25 12.75 6.86 18.06 9.24 1.26 4.47 3.72 14.31 5.57 2.08 5.57 1.83 34.2 43.45 43 45 32.27 43.45 39.87 48.15 60.7 41.68 35.32 47.76 48.26 47.5 19.98 35.32 72.86 11.02 33.33 29.14 32.1 8.88 25.9 23.93 36.35 46.28 48.15 39.26 53.33 25.9 40.5 6.86 43.45 12.64 14.54 47.76 33.33 60.7 32.1 60.7 53.33 7.03 58.4 48.15 24.99 53.44 23.95 6.09 14.05 32.27 35.32 55.71 47.76 10.55 35.81 30.22 14.54 26.44 24.26 24.26 15.98 27.56 24.26 16.07 24.64 53.44 30.42 19.98 8.96 14.54 26.44 31.44 23.93 11.86 8.47 8.96 3.2 11.86 6.02 6.02 25.95 14.53 39.87 8.88 19.95 2.5 25.49 7.75 15.56 8.47 11.23 6.02 25.95 23.59 8.72 24.64 8.72 6.44 2.23 2 54 2.54 4.73 1.50 0.13 0.85 0.59 0.83 5.33 2.16 1.52 4.00 2.71 4.35 4.4 3.96 0.84 3.67 9.40 7.38 9.85 3.30 3.08 1.40 4.57 3.46 3.50 4.28 1.54 1.7 4.4 2.17 4.4 3.19 2.50 4.90 8.40 6.90 3.66 3.57 4.4 3.00 9.98 3.50 3.64 3.72 3.60 10.00 3.00 2.82 3.00 4.77 0.31 4.4 3.04 4.00 4.4 4.4 3.31 12.10 6.56 3.30 2.10 2.50 7.20 3.10 10.70 9.40 4.50 4.28 4.01 4.4 2.49 4.4 4.92 4.20 5.60 4.4 7.49 10.67 5.88 3.46 3.56 7.00 7.24 4.4 5.68 4.4 4.10 5.60 4.49 6.00 4.4 8.15 4.20 4.53 70 80 45 73.1 15 85 80 70 21.08 66.8 90 70 10 34 66 90 50 65 73.1 85 100 60 37 84 95 50 83 35 25.5 85 73.1 22 60 90.8 78 100 85 84.25 75 65 55 80 95 80 60 80 90 80 65 59.9 80 92.8 70 40 87 73.1 73.1 73.1 70 73 95 60 61.3 93.5 70 93 85 70 95 95 80 25 85 73.1 81.3 85 85 73.1 83 100 90 95 100 80 90 94 70 85 85.34 90 80 86.83 73 73.1 80 53.96 0.66 1 48 1.48 1.26 2.95 2.95 1.19 0.91 0.96 2 2.95 1.25 2.95 0.19 0.4 2.95 1.5 2.95 2.05 2.95 2.39 3.91 2.5 0.86 1.17 4.71 2.95 4.4 2.95 1.37 1.2 2.95 0.229 2.95 1.87 1.73 4 2.42 4 2.95 2.3 2.95 3.06 2.05 2.95 5.8 6.68 0.8 0.88 4 2.95 2.95 3.95 3 2.95 0.78 2.95 2.95 2.95 4.7 2.8 2.27 7.5 2.95 5 9.3 3.78 5.52 5.11 2.95 3.62 2.1 2.95 2.7 2.95 3.91 3 4 2.95 2.95 5.6 2.95 4.89 3.97 2.95 2.95 2.95 3.99 2.95 0.55 4.53 1.37 3.55 2.95 4.03 3.6 3.42 46 36 44 44.6 37 47 52 29 54 51 47 40 38 57 55 52 70 64 37 49 44 39 38 56 51 48 46 46 44.6 47 59 44.6 49 46 63 44.6 33 52 48 47 52 48 54 6 50 50 57 45 44.6 43 47 55 40 46 41 54 44.6 44.6 48 36 34 44.6 63 41 39 40 47 45 51 35 48 37 42 42 38 40 55 48 56 55 41 45 50 7 37 36 38 50 8 62 42 44 58 51 6 7 75 100 50 35 85 65 80 80 40 60 70 40 30 65 70 70 70 85 50 70 80 80 80 66.2 90 80 70 60 90 60 20 70 60 80 20 80 75 80 48.08 72 90 80 90 73.5 86.25 90 73.5 86 85 75 73.5 72.2 90 70 35 73.5 73.5 73.5 85 60 70 70 75 100 36 80 90 75 80 85 80 73.5 100 40 70 75 85 73.5 75 100 80 90 90 95 100 80 80 70 82 70 92 72 73.5 95 80 90 5.6% 4 7% 4.7% 1.1% 2.9% 10.8% 0.9% 1.0% 2.9% 1.3% 1.4% 0.6% 3.7% 1.0% 2.0% 5.8% 2.0% 1.5% 1.6% 14.2% 9.8% 7.3% 10.1% 2.2% 2.1% 1.0% 3.5% 1.9% 0.3% 1.6% 1.0% 0.1% 1.5% 2.9% 1.5% 2.9% 2.9% 1.3% 1.0% 2.6% 21.9% 1.5% 1.3% 1.9% 15.0% 1.1% 0.8% 1.3% 2.6% 2.9% 1.6% 1.0% 1.4% 2.7% 1.2% 2.9% 1.6% 2.9% 2.9% 1.9% 2.6% 2.2% 1.4% 2.1% 1.3% 1.5% 1.5% 2.1% 1.3% 2.9% 0.7% 1.5% 1.3% 3.0% 2.8% 2.4% 16.2% 1.1% 1.2% 3.6% 2.0% 1.2% 1.2% 2.1% 6.5% 0.7% 0.6% 1.2% 0.8% 2.9% 1.0% 1.2% 1.5% 2.2% 1.5% 4.8% 1.9% 959 773 2,646 262 885 1,667 1,531 264 317 2,510 2,591 925 538 715 1,351 3,158 993 2,015 977 4,148 6,696 30 244 808 3,468 374 2,085 618 145 3,697 179 210 3,295 1,127 616 3,540 1,942 1,747 469 1,672 800 472 3,214 808 516 3,225 1,179 1,082 1,507 1,710 1,466 1,600 307 1,293 824 635 1,507 1,507 1,592 380 225 1,418 3,421 596 2,215 1,305 3,682 3,365 479 616 843 485 1,580 1,741 3,151 2,097 472 402 1,771 4,529 1,345 1,044 1,830 3,347 992 5,099 636 698 2,735 925 923 1,369 1,058 710 1,160 609 1.61 0 53 0.53 5.07 3.2 3.83 11.74 4.32 3.7 4.06 5.75 13.22 0.74 2.39 8.6 10.06 2.32 1.5 0.54 1.51 0.13 3.87 5.43 20.91 13.4 4.86 1.21 7.5 6.43 13.5 43.6 17.19 4.43 9.69 1.2 3.74 2.96 1.77 2.96 10.54 13.09 5.3 4.87 6.88 8.04 2.42 3.27 4.77 8.63 7.2 32.14 7.19 1.89 12.85 20.16 17.33 3.56 5.4 5.4 13.53 28.06 13.86 4.43 32.51 8.06 14.77 2.39 19.8 21.17 1.83 17.46 9.4 0.4 26.52 68.74 29.57 21.02 1.04 1.71 35.34 13.6 13.18 7.09 20.59 26.81 6.37 22.46 16.77 15.9 22.22 34.81 35.34 25.95 14.3 12.26 14.3 14.73 1,906 1,422 1,577 1,478 1,040 1 040 411 2,889 1,146 475 1,529 1,507 7.10 3.81 16.57 16.44 14.51 14 51 29.00 18.43 8.77 17.14 7.51 12.12 12 30 25 21 29 34 16 22 30 51 28 4.4 4.8 6.7 3.7 5.6 56 3.7 7.5 2.8 3.6 3.1 4.4 73.7 74.1 72.8 67.3 67.9 67 9 90.0 72.8 62.1 60.7 81.2 73.1 3.97 3.12 2.92 1.40 2.22 2 22 2.46 3.83 2.99 2.33 2.96 2.95 47.2 50.1 45.8 41.3 39.0 39 0 41.0 44.8 60.3 49.0 49.2 44.6 74.4 78.1 77.4 72.1 74.4 74 4 62.0 62.9 66.7 74.3 75.1 73.5 4.4% 2.5% 1.6% 2.2% 4.2% 4 2% 1.9% 2.8% 1.5% 3.2% 1.6% 2.9% 1,906 1,422 1,577 1,478 1,040 1 040 411 2,889 1,146 475 1,529 1,507 13.7 19.7 11.0 9.4 12.7 12 7 9.0 21.0 4.7 6.6 8.2 12 12.12 1.26 35.68 28 2.50 72.86 4.4 0.13 12.10 73.1 10.00 100.00 2.95 0.19 9.30 44.6 5.78 69.61 73.5 20.00 100.00 2.9% 0.00 0.22 1,507 30.00 6696.19 12 0.13 68.74 50 75 100 50 75 100 50 65 70 50 75 100 50 75 100 50 75 100 Scale 25% 30% 15% 10% 10% 10% 100% Ranking Rate of households with water supply Density 0.0% 3.0% 12.0% 100% Overall Merit Road density (km/km2) Urbanization f) Low in Technical & Social Infrastructure Investment 70 47 0 100% e) Areas with High Population Densities 0 30 57 25% d) High Rate of Urbanization 2.90 1.57 0.00 25% Total Investment (VND mil./cap.) for 5 years (2002004) 70 42 0 25% Population Density (Person/Km2) 4.00 2.28 0.00 25% Percentage of household with poor housing Environment 0.00 28.00 50.50 50% 959 773 2,646 262 885 1,667 1,531 264 317 2,510 2,591 925 538 715 1,351 3,158 993 2,015 977 4,148 6,696 30 244 808 3,468 374 2,085 618 145 3,697 179 210 3,295 1,127 616 528 1,942 1,747 469 1,672 800 472 3,214 808 516 3,225 1,179 1,082 122 1,710 1,466 1,600 307 1,293 824 635 1,196 857 1,592 380 225 1,418 3,421 596 2,215 1,305 3,682 3,365 479 616 843 485 1,580 1,741 3,151 2,097 472 402 1,771 4,529 1,345 1,044 1,830 3,347 992 5,099 636 698 2,735 925 923 1,369 1,058 710 1,160 609 Lowest Highest National Urban Upgrading Strategy Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to Year 2020 (NUUP) Infrastructure Deficiencies 0.00 12.00 2.90 50% c) High Degree of Environmental Pollution 43,219 52,984 39 050 39,050 46 372 46,372 16,096 16,800 18,089 18,561 18,314 26,257 51,727 53,499 142,986 148,530 39,341 43,829 93,959 97,749 252,334 266,559 121,236 124,196 112,893 127,114 43,244 44,969 172,416 186,394 72,199 88,925 94,025 101,677 192,829 204,517 150,173 159,981 39,575 61,983 97,958 136,462 61,088 78,948 37,487 52,560 29,632 32,206 182,401 197,931 160,841 167,514 55,286 63,094 189,191 203,775 35,417 35,866 70,159 74,538 128,723 133,848 9,409 9,463 201,500 213,751 54,806 58,856 106,959 113,398 105,363 112,558 31,110 64,569 131,496 138,360 97,567 101,352 37,592 41,548 41,709 78,244 132,460 140,370 253,575 266,483 110,886 119,306 349,700 559,500 169,869 177,253 131,761 135,752 242,616 255,100 71,055 78,488 32,817 35,058 107,631 114,597 115,549 120,178 116,023 122,437 116,206 128,829 53,921 56,491 53,462 55,093 138,546 147,644 15,221 16,260 8,743 9,340 99,703 103,489 76,263 84,278 68,329 74,372 336,605 355,920 488,100 529,196 67,382 70,968 71,521 75,763 218,038 231,116 217,313 235,602 185,351 194,807 167,709 187,318 , , 78,155 81,888 295,095 312,571 49,268 51,845 70,559 79,141 43,992 48,945 75,606 82,864 61,639 101,514 152,154 158,623 92,186 96,670 216,637 248,117 297,666 321,498 74,330 78,041 113,150 118,505 148,626 160,826 1,586,500 1,999,800 74,938 77,081 230,575 236,356 94,701 99,197 81,316 83,996 4,380,700 4,888,300 185,405 193,080 79,790 83,621 78,337 83,069 31,989 34,812 130,675 138,530 593,200 708,000 566,000 609,500 Average Values: Density Population Density (Person/Km2) Population (2004) Population (2000) City Area (Km2) 55.2 60 0 60.0 6.4 70.8 29.7 32.1 97.0 166.0 199.9 106.2 47.9 137.4 83.6 260.6 65.8 32.2 206.0 79.4 63.4 32.9 56.0 1729.0 132.0 245.0 48.3 168.5 97.7 58.0 520.0 36.2 53.0 690.0 17.9 100.6 182.8 122.2 71.3 58.0 88.5 46.8 175.5 564.0 137.1 1390.0 343.5 42.1 216.4 72.6 287.0 67.0 82.0 76.5 420.0 43.7 66.9 232.4 13.6 10.9 65.0 221.5 330.0 251.0 154.7 119.0 34.2 177.1 64.0 57.9 391.1 133.0 371.0 106.8 50.1 28.1 26.3 48.4 335.8 240.4 140.1 71.0 58.0 113.5 87.9 921.0 77.7 46.4 156.0 120.3 2095.0 208.7 90.6 60.7 32.9 195.0 1526.0 1256.0 Population b) Significant Infrastructure Deficiencies H H LC H H LC L H H L L L H H LC L L L L L LC H H LC L L LC LC L L H LC LC L L L L L L L LC LC LC L LC L LC LC H LC L LC H H LC H H H L H H LC L L L L L LC H H H L L LC L L LC L L LC H L L L H L LC L L LC L LC LC L L L Area a) High Level of Poverty TX. Cao Bằng 4 Cao Bằng IV TP Điện Biên Phủ TP. 6 Điện Biên III TX. Quảng Trị 3 Quảng Trị IV TX. Lai Châu 6 Lai Châu III TX. Nghĩa Lộ 5 Yên Bái IV TX. Gò Công 10 Tiền Giang IV TX. Cao Lãnh 10 Đồng Tháp IV TX. Hà Giang 5 Hà Giang IV TX. An Khê 9 Gia Lai IV TP. Long Xuyên 10 An Giang III TX. Vĩnh Long 10 Vĩnh Long IV TX. Tây Ninh 2 Tây Ninh IV TX. Sông Công 4 Thái Nguyên IV TP. Pleiku 9 Gia Lai III TX. Trà Vinh 10 Trà Vinh IV TP. Bắc Giang 4 Bắc Giang III TP. Phan Thiết 8 Bình Thuận III 8 Ninh Thuận III TX. Phan Rang - Tháp Chàm TX. Phú Thọ 5 Phú Thọ IV TX. Hà Đông 1 Hà Tây IV TX. Hà Tĩnh 7 Hà Tĩnh III TX. Gia Nghĩa và huyện Đăk 9 Đăk Nông IV TX. Bắc Cạn 4 Bắc Kạn IV TP. Cà Mau 10 Cà Mau III TP. Mỹ Tho 10 Tiền Giang III TX. Đồng Xoài 2 Bình Phước IV TP. Rạch Giá 10 Kiên Giang III TX. Hồng Lĩnh 7 Hà Tĩnh IV TX. Móng Cái 1 Quảng Ninh IV TP. Hải Dương 1 Hải Dương III TX. Mường Lay 6 Điện Biên IV TX. Cam Ranh 8 Khánh Hoà IV TX. Sầm Sơn 7 Thanh Hoá IV TX. Châu Đốc 10 An Giang IV TX. Lagi và Huyện Hàm Tân 8 Bình Thuận IV Hồng ồ Ngự 10 Đồng ồ Tháp IV TP. Việt Trì 5 Phú Thọ II TX. Sa Đéc 10 Đồng Tháp IV TX. Hà Tiên 10 Kiên Giang IV TX. Hưng Yên 1 Hưng Yên IV TX. Bac Liêu 10 Bạc Liêu IV 10 Hậu Giang IV TX. Tân Hiệp và Huyện Phụn TP. Quảng Ngãi 3 Quảng Ngãi III TP. Cần Thơ I TX. Tam Kỳ 3 Quảng Nam III TP. Thái Bình 1 Thái Bình III TP. Quy Nhơn 8 Bình Định II TX. Đông Hà 3 Quảng Trị IV TX. Ajunpa 9 Gia Lai IV TX. Bến Tre 10 Bến Tre IV TX. Tân An 10 Long An IV TX. Sóc Trăng 10 Sóc Trăng IV TX. Kon Tum 9 Kon Tum IV TX. Tuyên Quang 5 Tuyên Quang IV TX. Bỉm Sơn 7 Thanh Hoá IV TX. Bảo Lộc 9 Lâm Đồng IV TX. Mai Sơn 6 Sơn La IV TX. Mộc Châu 6 Sơn La IV TP. Tuy Hoà 8 Phú Yên III TP. Lào Cai 5 Lào Cai III TX. Sơn La 6 Sơn La IV TP. Nha Trang 8 Khánh Hoà II TP. Biên Hoà 2 Đồng Nai II TX. Vị Thanh 10 Hậu Giang IV TX. Phủ Lý 1 Hà Nam IV TP. Thái Nguyên 4 Thái Nguyên II TP. Vinh 7 Nghệ An II TP. Thanh Hoá 7 Thanh Hoá II 9 Lâm Đồng II TP. Đà Lạt ạ g TX. Hoà Bình 6 Hoà Bình IV TP. Buôn Ma Thuột 9 Đắc Lăk II TX. Tam Điệp 1 Ninh Bình IV TX. Vĩnh Yên 5 Vĩnh Phúc III TX. Cửa Lò 7 Nghệ An IV TP. Bắc Ninh 4 Bắc Ninh III TX. Ninh Bình 1 Ninh Bình IV TX. Cẩm Phả 1 Quảng Ninh III TX. Uông Bí 1 Quảng Ninh IV TP. Vũng Tàu 2 Bà Rịa Vũng Tàu II TP. Huế 3 Huế I TP. Yên Bái 5 Yên Bái III TX. Sơn Tây 1 Hà Tây IV TX. Thủ Dầu Một 2 Bình Dương IV TP. Hà Nội special TP. Lạng Sơn 4 Lạng Sơn III TP. Nam Định 1 Nam Định II TP. Đồng Hới 3 Quảng Bình III TX. Phúc Yên 5 Vĩnh Phúc IV TP. Hồ Chí Minh special TP. Hạ Long 1 Quảng Ninh II TX. Bà Rịa 2 Bà Rịa Vũng Tàu IV TX. Hội An 3 Quảng Nam III TX. Đồ Sơn 1 Hải Phòng IV TX. Long Khánh 2 Đồng Nai III TP. Hải Phòng I TP. Đà Nẵng I Values in dark green = estimated value based on regional average Sub-Urbanization Region 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Overall Lowland, Highland, Coastal Typology Class Province Urbanization Sub-Region City/Town MOC-4 Re. Number 34 45 27 46 44 87 81 41 70 74 89 21 35 69 88 31 62 63 42 9 54 68 33 75 77 19 76 55 6 4 47 64 58 78 65 96 36 82 84 12 79 90 25 95 24 5 59 26 71 80 85 86 72 43 57 73 50 51 61 38 49 60 16 83 8 29 52 53 67 48 66 14 37 56 30 13 3 7 15 22 39 10 18 91 32 2 23 40 92 1 20 28 11 17 93 94 City/Town, Class, Province, Region Percentage of poor households Poverty No FIRST ROUND OF RANKING Average Annual Pop. Growth Rate (2000-2004) CITY/TOWN PROFILE 87 100 75 100 75 75 75 87 75 75 75 75 62 75 87 50 62 75 75 50 75 62 87 75 75 62 75 75 75 50 100 50 62 75 62 75 75 75 75 50 75 75 62 75 62 50 50 75 75 75 75 62 75 62 62 62 75 75 62 75 75 50 50 75 62 62 62 62 62 87 62 50 50 62 50 50 50 50 50 50 75 50 50 50 62 50 62 50 50 50 50 62 50 50 50 50 87 75 81 68 81 87 87 81 81 75 87 68 87 87 68 81 87 75 56 68 56 75 87 87 62 81 68 75 93 87 62 87 68 75 75 56 62 62 68 81 68 68 68 56 75 68 81 68 68 68 68 62 75 75 75 68 56 56 75 62 62 68 75 62 62 62 62 62 62 56 68 68 68 56 56 56 62 62 62 62 56 68 68 50 56 56 62 62 62 62 68 56 62 62 50 56 50 50 70 70 50 70 50 50 70 65 70 70 70 65 65 65 65 50 70 70 50 50 50 70 50 50 70 70 50 70 70 70 70 50 70 50 50 50 70 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 70 70 50 50 50 50 70 70 65 50 50 70 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 70 70 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 70 50 65 50 50 50 50 50 50 75 75 50 50 100 50 50 50 50 50 50 75 50 50 75 50 50 50 100 75 75 100 50 50 50 75 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 100 50 50 50 100 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 75 50 50 100 50 50 75 50 50 50 50 75 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 75 50 50 50 75 50 50 75 75 50 50 75 75 50 50 50 50 100 50 75 50 100 100 50 50 50 100 50 75 50 50 100 50 50 100 50 50 100 75 75 50 75 50 50 100 50 50 100 50 50 50 75 50 75 50 50 50 50 50 50 75 50 50 50 100 50 75 50 100 100 50 50 50 50 75 75 100 75 50 50 75 100 50 50 75 100 50 100 50 50 75 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 100 100 100 100 100 75 100 100 100 100 50 100 100 75 75 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 50 50 100 100 75 75 50 50 50 100 75 100 100 100 100 100 75 50 100 100 75 75 100 100 100 75 75 50 75 100 50 50 50 100 100 100 50 50 50 100 50 75 50 100 50 50 100 50 75 100 50 50 50 50 100 100 50 50 50 75 50 50 75 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 77.9 77 5 77.5 76.1 75.9 75.6 75.4 74.9 73.6 73.6 73.5 72.9 72.2 72.1 72.1 71.9 71.6 71.4 71.3 71.1 70.9 70.6 70.5 70.4 70.4 69.9 69.8 69.7 69.3 69.2 69.1 69.1 69.1 68.9 68.8 68.5 68.1 67.4 67.4 67.2 66.8 66.7 66.7 65.9 65.6 65.5 65.4 64.3 64.2 64.2 64.2 64.2 64.1 63.8 63.5 63.5 63.4 63.1 63.1 63.0 62.9 62.9 62.7 62.5 62.4 62.1 61.6 61.6 61.6 61.6 61.1 60.9 60.4 60.4 60.3 59.8 59.3 58.6 58.6 58.6 58.6 58.1 57.9 57.9 57.5 57.3 56.8 56.6 56.6 56.1 55.9 55.4 54.8 53.6 53.6 52.5 51.8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 10 11 12 13 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 23 25 26 27 28 29 30 30 30 33 34 35 36 37 37 39 40 41 41 43 44 45 46 47 48 48 48 48 52 53 54 54 56 57 57 59 60 60 62 63 64 65 66 66 66 66 70 71 72 72 74 75 76 77 77 77 77 81 82 82 84 85 86 87 87 89 90 91 92 93 93 95 96 Appendix F - 59/63 MULTI-CRITERIA ANALYSIS 6 Annex 1 CRITERIA FOR CITIES/TOWNS SELECTION 95 22 93 94 36 52 53 59 16 60 29 67 66 15 2 1 45 46 54 74 69 75 4 31 62 76 63 77 5 25 24 61 38 30 37 3 39 32 23 28 17 47 44 34 27 87 81 9 89 21 41 70 42 19 88 58 35 12 68 33 64 55 78 96 65 84 48 82 6 49 79 90 50 51 80 26 72 85 71 86 43 83 57 13 73 14 8 56 7 10 18 40 20 11 91 92 TP. Cần Thơ 10 I L TP. Huế 3 Huế I LC TP. Hải Phòng 1 I L TP. Đà Nẵng 3 I L TP. Việt Trì 5 Phú Thọ II L TP. Vinh 7 Nghệ An II L TP. Thanh Hoá 7 Thanh Hoá II LC TP. Quy Nhơn 8 Bình Định II LC TP. Biên Hoà 2 Đồng Nai II L TP. Nha Trang 8 Khánh Hoà II LC TP. Thái Nguyên 4 Thái Nguyên II L TP. Đà Lạt 9 Lâm Đồng II H TP. Buôn Ma Thuột 9 Đắc Lăk II H TP. Vũng Tàu 2 Bà Rịa Vũng Tàu II L TP. Nam Định 1 Nam Định II L TP. Hạ Long 1 Quảng Ninh II LC TP. Điện Biên Phủ 6 Điện Biên III H TX. Lai Châu 6 Lai Châu III H TX. Hà Tĩnh 7 Hà Tĩnh III LC TP. Long Xuyên 10 An Giang III L TP. Pleiku 9 Gia Lai III H TP. Cà Mau 10 Cà Mau III LC TP. Hải Dương 1 Hải Dương III L TP. Bắc Giang 4 Bắc Giang III L TP. Phan Thiết 8 Bình Thuận III L TP. Rạch Giá 10 Kiên Giang III LC TX. Phan Rang - Tháp Chàm 8 Ninh Thuận III L TP. Mỹ Tho 10 Tiền Giang III L TP. Thái Bình 1 Thái Bình III L TP. Quảng Ngãi 3 Quảng Ngãi III LC TX. Tam Kỳ 3 Quảng Nam III LC TP. Tuy Hoà 8 Phú Yên III L TP. Lào Cai 5 Lào Cai III H TP. Bắc Ninh 4 Bắc Ninh III L TX. Vĩnh Yên 5 Vĩnh Phúc III L TX. Cẩm Phả 1 Quảng Ninh III LC TP Yên Bái TP. 5 Yên Bái III H TP. Lạng Sơn 4 Lạng Sơn III H TP. Đồng Hới 3 Quảng Bình III LC TX. Hội An 3 Quảng Nam III LC TX. Long Khánh 2 Đồng Nai III L TX. Mường Lay 6 Điện Biên IV H TX. Nghĩa Lộ 5 Yên Bái IV H TX. Cao Bằng 4 Cao Bằng IV H TX. Quảng Trị 3 Quảng Trị IV LC TX. Gò Công 10 Tiền Giang IV LC TX. Cao Lãnh 10 Đồng Tháp IV L TX. Hà Đông 1 Hà Tây IV L TX. Vĩnh Long 10 Vĩnh Long IV L TX. Tây Ninh 2 Tây Ninh IV L TX. Hà Giang 5 Hà Giang IV H TX. An Khê 9 Gia Lai IV H TX. Phú Thọ 5 Phú Thọ IV L TX. Đồng Xoài 2 Bình Phước IV L TX. Trà Vinh 10 Trà Vinh IV LC TX. Sầm Sơn 7 Thanh Hoá IV LC TX. Sông Công 4 Thái Nguyên IV H TX. Hưng Yên 1 Hưng Yên IV L TX. Gia Nghĩa và huyện Đăk Klong 9 Đăk Nông IV H TX. Bắc Cạn 4 Bắc Kạn IV H TX. Cam Ranh 8 Khánh Hoà IV LC TX. Hồng Lĩnh 7 Hà Tĩnh IV LC TX. Châu Đốc 10 An Giang IV L Hồng Ngự 10 Đồng Tháp IV L TX. Lagi và Huyện Hàm Tân 8 Bình Thuận IV L TX. Hà Tiên 10 Kiên Giang IV L TX. Hoà Bình 6 Hoà Bình IV H TX. Sa Đéc 10 Đồng Tháp IV L TX. Móng Cái 1 Quảng Ninh IV L TX. Sơn La 6 Sơn La IV H TX. Bac Liêu 10 Bạc Liêu IV LC 10 Hậu Giang IV LC TX. Tân Hiệp và Huyện Phụng Hiệp TX. Mai Sơn 6 Sơn La IV H TX. Mộc Châu 6 Sơn La IV H TX. Bến Tre 10 Bến Tre IV LC TX. Đông Hà 3 Quảng Trị IV LC TX. Kon Tum 9 Kon Tum IV H TX. Tân An 10 Long An IV L TX. Ajunpa 9 Gia Lai IV H TX. Sóc Trăng 10 Sóc Trăng IV LC TX. Tuyên Quang 5 Tuyên Quang IV H TX. Vị Thanh 10 Hậu Giang IV L TX. Bỉm Sơn 7 Thanh Hoá IV LC TX. Ninh Bình 1 Ninh Bình IV L TX. Bảo Lộc 9 Lâm Đồng IV H TX. Tam Điệp 1 Ninh Bình IV L TX. Phủ Lý 1 Hà Nam IV L TX. Cửa Lò 7 Nghệ An IV LC TX. Uông Bí 1 Quảng Ninh IV L TX. Sơn Tây 1 Hà Tây IV L TX. Thủ Dầu Một 2 Bình Dương IV L TX. Phúc Yên 5 Vĩnh Phúc IV L TX. Bà Rịa 2 Bà Rịa Vũng Tàu IV L TX. Đồ Sơn 1 Hải Phòng IV LC TP. Hà Nội 1 special L TP. Hồ Chí Minh 2 special L Values in green fonts are estimated values based on national or regional average Sub-Urbanization Region 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Overall 131.79 139.17 129.38 83.44 91.56 129.36 129 36 49.83 241.51 514.86 115.55 221.86 104,157 176,001 90,157 82,672 65,013 48,736 48 736 108,632 203,904 145,917 129,862 197,265 116,144 192,928 95,686 88,985 72,486 46,131 46 131 101,160 200,759 159,009 131,854 212,291 1,906 1,422 1,577 1,478 1,040 411 2,889 1,146 475 1,529 1,507 PROCESS OF SCORING/FIRST ROUND OF RANKING 70 47 0 100% 0.0% 3.0% 12.0% 100% 0 1510 4100 100% 12.00 5.89 0.00 100% Drainage pipes density (km/km2) (5) Number of Students per Classroom (6) Percentage of solid waste collected over total solid waste generated (7) Average Annual Pop. Growth Rate (2000-2004) (8) Population Density (Person/Km2) (9) Total Investment (VND mil./cap.) for 5 years (2002004) (10) 7.10 3.81 16.57 16.44 14.51 29.00 29 00 18.43 8.77 17.14 7.51 12.12 12 30 25 21 29 34 16 22 30 51 28 4.4 4.8 6.7 3.7 5.6 3.7 37 7.5 2.8 3.6 3.1 4.4 73.7 74.1 72.8 67.3 67.9 90.0 90 0 72.8 62.1 60.7 81.2 73.1 3.97 3.12 2.92 1.40 2.22 2.46 2 46 3.83 2.99 2.33 2.96 2.95 44 55 52 44 33 47 45 57 63 45 40 51 48 56 36 62 36 45 44 51 57 56 47 52 70 46 64 51 50 54 50 48 36 38 42 55 41 37 38 44 51 59 37 46 44 47 52 49 47 40 29 54 37 48 55 49 38 47 39 38 45 46 46 45 63 48 35 52 45 34 52 48 45 45 43 45 40 47 45 55 46 41 41 40 54 37 39 42 48 45 50 50 42 58 39 45 47.2 50.1 45.8 41.3 39.0 41.0 41 0 44.8 60.3 49.0 49.2 44.6 73.5 15.0% 100 2.0% 80 4.8% 90 1.9% 75 1.3% 90 2.1% 75 1.3% 73.5 1.3% 75 2.1% 70 1.4% 80 1.5% 80 2.9% 80 1.5% 75 3.6% 80 0.6% 70 1.0% 100 4.7% 35 2.9% 80 7.3% 60 1.4% 65 2.0% 66.2 2.1% 60 1.0% 70 2.0% 70 1.5% 70 1.9% 85 1.6% 90 1.0% 90 0.8% 90 1.9% 86.25 1.1% 85 1.9% 60 2.6% 70 2.4% 100 3.0% 85 1.1% 80 1 2% 1.2% 100 0.7% 80 1.2% 72 1.5% 95 1.5% 20 0.1% 85 10.8% 75 5.6% 50 1.1% 65 0.9% 80 1.0% 70 9.8% 70 0.6% 40 3.7% 80 2.9% 40 1.3% 50 14.2% 80 3.5% 70 5.8% 60 2.9% 30 1.0% 72 21.9% 80 10.1% 80 2.2% 70 1.5% 60 0.3% 80 1.5% 80 2.9% 20 2.9% 48.08 2.6% 85 0.7% 80 1.0% 90 1.6% 70 2.2% 90 1.5% 80 1.3% 73.5 2.9% 73.5 2.9% 75 1.6% 86 2.6% 90 2.7% 73.5 1.0% 85 2.9% 72.2 1.4% 70 1.2% 100 1.3% 35 2.9% 75 16.2% 73.5 1.6% 73.5 1.3% 36 1.5% 40 2.8% 73.5 1.2% 90 1.2% 90 2.1% 70 0.8% 92 1.2% 73.5 2.2% 95 6.5% 82 2.9% Values in black fonts are MOC4 Survey 74.4 78.1 77.4 72.1 74.4 62.0 62 0 62.9 66.7 74.3 75.1 73.5 4.4% 2.5% 1.6% 2.2% 4.2% 1.9% 1 9% 2.8% 1.5% 3.2% 1.6% 2.9% 808 4,529 1,160 609 1,942 3,682 3,365 1,179 3,421 1,418 1,305 479 843 1,771 5,099 925 773 262 6,696 2,510 715 808 3,697 3,158 993 2,085 2,015 3,468 3,225 3,214 516 1,592 380 3,151 1,580 472 1 345 1,345 992 636 1,369 710 179 885 959 2,646 1,667 1,531 4,148 2,591 925 264 317 977 374 1,351 3,295 538 1,672 30 244 210 618 1,127 3,540 616 469 616 1,747 145 225 800 472 1,507 1,507 1,710 1,082 307 1,466 1,507 1,600 1,293 596 824 2,097 635 485 2,215 1,741 402 1,044 1,830 698 923 1,058 3,347 2,735 1,906 1,422 1,577 1,478 1,040 411 2,889 1,146 475 1,529 1,507 50 75 100 50 75 100 50 65 70 50 75 100 50 75 100 50 75 100 1 a) High Level of Poverty 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Scale Ranking 0 30 57 25% Overall Merit 2.90 1.57 0.00 25% f) Low in Technical & Social Infrastructure Investment 70 42 0 25% e) Areas with High Population Densities 4.00 2.28 0.00 25% d) High Rate of Urbanization 0.00 28.00 50.50 40% Region c) High Degree of Environmental Pollution 0.00 12.00 2.90 60% MATRICES OF CRITERIA WEIGHTING FACTORS Scoring Scales of Criteria Investment Rate of households with water supply (4) Density Road density (km/km2) (3) Urbanization Percentage of household with poor housing (2) Environment Percentage of poor households (1) Population Density (Person/Km2) Density 1,390.00 349,700 559,500 808 5.21 53.44 3.50 80 2.95 71.00 297,666 321,498 4,529 10.69 14.53 10.67 100 5.6 1,526.00 593,200 708,000 1,160 5.57 8.72 4.20 80 3.6 1,256.00 566,000 609,500 609 1.83 6.44 4.53 53.96 3.42 71.30 131,496 138,360 1,942 12.51 32.1 8.40 85 2.42 64.00 217,313 235,602 3,682 17.32 8.96 10.70 85 5.52 70 5.11 57.90 185,351 194,807 3,365 16.43 14.54 9.40 216.40 242,616 255,100 1,179 10.14 14.05 3.60 90 0.8 154.70 488,100 529,196 3,421 2.08 24.64 2.10 61.3 2.95 251.00 336,605 355,920 1,418 6.22 16.07 3.30 60 7.5 177.10 218,038 231,116 1,305 16.09 19.98 3.10 93 3.78 391.10 167,709 187,318 479 15.72 26.44 4.50 95 2.95 371.00 295,095 312,571 843 17.01 23.93 4.01 80 2.1 140.10 216,637 248,117 1,771 3.72 25.95 7.49 83 2.95 46.40 230,575 236,356 5,099 6.86 7.75 4.4 94 2.95 208.70 185,405 193,080 925 4.47 6.02 5.60 90 4.53 60.00 39,050 46,372 773 35.68 43.45 2.54 80 1.48 70.80 18,089 18,561 262 35.68 43.45 1.50 73.1 2.95 100 3.91 56.00 61,088 78,948 6,696 22.55 25.9 9.85 106.20 252,334 266,559 2,510 6.15 47.76 2.16 66.8 2.95 260.60 172,416 186,394 715 18.18 35.32 4.35 34 0.4 245.00 182,401 197,931 808 7.71 46.28 1.40 84 1.17 36.20 128,723 133,848 3,697 8.47 6.86 1.7 85 1.2 32.20 94,025 101,677 3,158 9.34 11.02 3.96 90 1.5 206.00 192,829 204,517 993 5.77 33.33 0.84 50 2.95 97.70 189,191 203,775 2,085 6.25 53.33 3.50 83 4.4 79.40 150,173 159,981 2,015 13.35 29.14 3.67 65 2.05 48.30 160,841 167,514 3,468 6.54 48.15 4.57 95 4.71 42.10 131,761 135,752 3,225 6.08 6.09 3.72 80 6.68 137.10 110,886 119,306 3,214 13.96 24.99 9.98 95 2.05 343.50 169,869 177,253 516 14.31 23.95 3.64 60 5.8 65.00 99,703 103,489 1,592 13.62 15.98 3.31 70 4.7 221.50 76,263 84,278 380 29.56 27.56 12.10 73 2.8 26.30 75,606 82,864 3,151 3.05 3.2 4.92 81.3 3.91 50.10 70,559 79,141 1,580 9.24 8.47 2.49 85 2.7 6.02 5.60 85 4 335.80 152,154 158,623 472 4.47 58 00 58.00 74 330 74,330 78 041 78,041 1 345 1,345 13 91 13.91 39 87 39.87 5 88 5.88 90 2 95 2.95 77.70 74,938 77,081 992 12.75 25.49 7.24 90 2.95 156.00 94,701 99,197 636 18.06 15.56 5.68 70 3.99 60.70 78,337 83,069 1,369 14.31 23.59 6.00 86.83 3.55 24.64 8.15 73.1 4.03 195.00 130,675 138,530 710 2.08 43.45 4.4 73.1 2.95 53.00 9,409 9,463 179 35.68 29.70 18,314 26,257 885 13.91 39.87 0.13 15 2.95 55.20 43,219 52,984 959 27.01 34.2 2.23 70 0.66 32.27 4.73 45 1.26 6.40 16,096 16,800 2,646 19.40 48.15 0.85 85 1.19 32.10 51,727 53,499 1,667 6.15 97.00 142,986 148,530 1,531 7.11 60.7 0.59 80 0.91 32.90 97,958 136,462 4,148 9.79 8.88 7.38 85 2.39 47.90 121,236 124,196 2,591 7.56 48.26 1.52 90 1.25 137.40 112,893 127,114 925 5.48 47.5 4.00 70 2.95 166.00 39,341 43,829 264 19.08 41.68 0.83 70 0.96 35.32 5.33 21.08 2 199.90 93,959 97,749 317 18.18 32.1 9.40 73.1 2.95 63.40 39,575 61,983 977 12.51 168.50 55,286 63,094 374 7.94 39.26 3.46 50 2.95 65.80 72,199 88,925 1,351 13.51 72.86 4.4 66 2.95 14.54 4.4 60 2.95 17.90 54,806 58,856 3,295 16.43 19.98 2.71 10 0.19 83.60 43,244 44,969 538 16.09 46.80 41,709 78,244 1,672 6.34 7.03 3.57 65 2.3 23.93 3.30 60 2.5 1,729.00 37,487 52,560 30 17.01 132.00 29,632 32,206 244 30.74 36.35 3.08 37 0.86 12.64 2.17 22 0.229 690.00 201,500 213,751 210 6.22 25.9 4.28 35 2.95 58.00 35,417 35,866 618 22.55 47.76 3.19 90.8 1.87 100.60 106,959 113,398 1,127 6.15 4.90 100 4 8.79 31,110 64,569 7,348 7.11 60.7 2.50 78 1.73 182.80 105,363 112,558 616 6.07 33.33 53.33 3.66 75 2.95 88.50 37,592 41,548 469 6.25 133.00 78,155 81,888 616 27.43 31.44 4.28 95 3.62 60.7 6.90 84.25 4 58.00 97,567 101,352 1,747 7.11 40.5 1.54 25.5 1.37 520.00 70,159 74,538 145 7.59 330.00 68,329 74,372 225 22.85 24.26 6.56 95 2.27 175.50 132,460 140,370 800 7.92 58.4 4.4 55 2.95 564.00 253,575 266,483 472 6.54 48.15 3.00 80 3.06 24.26 4.4 73.1 2.95 13.60 15,221 16,260 1,196 22.85 24.26 4.4 73.1 2.95 10.90 8,743 9,340 857 22.85 67.00 107,631 114,597 1,710 9.26 55.71 2.82 59.9 2.95 72.60 71,055 78,488 1,082 19.40 32.27 10.00 80 0.88 420.00 116,206 128,829 307 17.15 35.81 0.31 70 3 82.00 115,549 120,178 1,466 6.11 47.76 3.00 80 2.95 35.32 3.00 65 4 287.00 32,817 35,058 122 18.18 10.55 4.77 92.8 3.95 76.50 116,023 122,437 1,600 12.49 43.70 53,921 56,491 1,293 10.63 30.22 4.4 40 2.95 53.44 2.50 93.5 5 119.00 67,382 70,968 596 5.21 14.54 3.04 87 0.78 66.90 53,462 55,093 824 16.43 48.40 61,639 101,514 2,097 7.99 11.86 4.20 85 3 26.44 4.00 73.1 2.95 232.40 138,546 147,644 635 15.72 11.86 4.4 25 2.95 106.80 49,268 51,845 485 7.99 34.20 71,521 75,763 2,215 9.48 30.42 7.20 70 9.3 8.96 4.4 73.1 2.95 28.10 43,992 48,945 1,741 17.32 6.02 4.4 73.1 2.95 240.40 92,186 96,670 402 4.47 8.88 3.46 95 4.89 113.50 113,150 118,505 1,044 9.79 87.90 148,626 160,826 1,830 1.68 19.95 3.56 100 3.97 8.47 4.4 85 2.95 120.30 81,316 83,996 698 9.24 25.95 4.49 80 1.37 90.60 79,790 83,621 923 3.72 32.90 31,989 34,812 1,058 5.57 8.72 4.4 73 2.95 921.00 1,586,500 1,999,800 3,347 2.25 2.5 7.00 80 2.95 2,095.00 4,380,700 4,888,300 2,735 1.26 11.23 4.10 85.34 0.55 Values in red fonts are based on estimates and other source materials Values in reAverage Values: National Urban Upgrading Strategy and Overall Investment Plan toYear 2020 (NUUP) D:\NUUPMINH\Final Report\Appendix_EN_Finalreport\ApF_Annex1_MCA -6 15-Nov-2006.xls Population (2004) Population Population (2000) Area City Area (Km2) Lowland, Highland, Coastal Typology Class Province Urbanization Sub-Region City/Town, Class, Province, Region City/Town MOC-4 Re. Number No Infrastructure Deficiencies b) Significant Infrastructure Deficiencies Poverty a) High Level of Poverty CITY/TOWN PROFILE 8.04 75 56 50 100 50 75 64.3 57 13.6 50 62 50 50 100 50 59.0 80 14.3 50 50 50 75 50 50 53.8 95 56 14.73 50 50 50 50 50 52.0 96 1.77 75 62 50 50 75 100 66.6 45 19.8 62 62 50 50 100 50 64.6 55 21.17 62 62 50 50 100 50 64.6 55 4.77 50 81 50 50 50 100 63.9 58 32.51 50 75 50 50 100 50 62.7 64 4.43 50 68 65 50 50 100 62.3 68 2.39 62 62 50 50 50 100 61.9 69 1.83 62 62 50 50 50 100 60.7 72 9.4 62 68 50 50 50 75 60.6 73 35.34 50 62 50 75 75 50 58.4 83 22.46 50 56 50 50 100 50 58.3 84 62 34.81 50 65 50 50 50 56.3 89 0.53 100 75 50 75 50 100 84.2 1 3.2 100 68 70 50 50 100 83.1 2 3.87 75 56 50 75 100 100 74.0 11 5.75 75 75 65 50 75 100 73.8 13 8.6 75 87 65 50 50 75 72.6 18 87 13.4 75 70 50 50 50 71.8 21 43.6 50 87 70 50 100 50 71.7 22 2.32 50 81 65 50 100 100 71.2 24 1.5 62 87 65 50 50 100 71.1 25 7.5 75 68 70 50 75 75 70.6 27 0.54 75 75 50 50 75 100 70.4 28 62 4.86 75 50 50 100 100 70.2 30 3.27 50 68 50 50 100 100 68.1 37 68 6.88 62 50 50 100 75 66.6 46 2.42 62 75 50 50 50 100 66.1 49 13.53 62 75 50 50 75 50 63.6 59 28.06 75 62 70 50 50 50 63.1 63 29.57 50 56 70 50 100 50 60.2 75 26.52 50 68 50 75 75 50 60.0 77 1.04 50 62 50 50 50 100 59.8 78 13 18 13.18 75 56 50 50 50 50 58 4 58.4 82 6.37 62 56 50 50 50 75 57.6 86 16.77 62 62 50 50 50 50 57.3 87 25.95 62 56 50 50 50 50 55.3 92 62 12.26 50 50 50 50 50 53.8 94 17.19 100 62 70 50 50 50 77.8 3 81 3.83 75 50 100 50 100 77.4 4 1.61 87 87 50 75 50 100 77.4 5 5.07 75 81 70 50 75 100 77.2 6 11.74 75 87 70 50 75 75 76.3 7 4.32 75 87 50 50 75 100 75.0 8 0.13 50 68 70 75 100 100 74.8 9 13.22 75 87 70 50 75 50 74.4 10 0.74 75 68 70 75 50 100 73.8 12 3.7 87 81 50 50 50 100 73.7 14 4.06 75 81 70 50 50 100 73.4 15 1.51 75 56 70 100 50 100 73.4 16 1.21 62 81 50 75 50 100 72.6 17 68 10.06 87 65 75 50 75 72.4 19 9.69 62 68 70 50 100 75 71.9 20 2.39 62 87 70 50 50 100 71.3 23 13.09 50 81 50 100 75 50 71.0 26 5.43 62 75 50 100 50 100 70.4 29 20.91 87 87 50 50 50 50 69.6 31 4.43 50 87 70 50 50 100 69.3 32 6.43 75 75 70 50 50 75 69.1 33 1.2 75 75 50 50 50 100 68.8 34 2.96 75 56 50 50 100 100 68.4 35 3.74 62 75 70 50 50 100 68.1 36 10.54 75 68 70 50 50 75 68.0 38 17.46 87 56 50 50 50 50 68.0 39 2.96 75 62 50 50 75 100 67.6 40 13.5 75 93 50 50 50 50 67.5 41 13.86 75 62 70 50 50 50 66.8 42 5.3 75 68 50 50 50 100 66.7 43 4.87 75 68 50 50 50 100 66.7 43 5.4 75 56 50 50 50 100 66.3 47 5.4 75 56 50 50 50 100 66.3 47 32.14 75 68 50 50 75 50 65.7 50 8.63 75 68 50 50 50 75 65.2 51 12.85 75 75 50 50 50 50 65.0 52 7.19 75 68 50 50 50 75 64.9 53 7.2 75 68 50 50 50 75 64.8 54 1.89 62 62 50 50 75 100 63.6 60 20.16 62 75 70 50 50 50 63.2 61 8.06 75 62 50 50 50 75 63.1 62 17.33 62 75 70 50 50 50 62.7 65 21.02 50 56 50 100 75 50 62.7 66 3.56 62 68 50 50 50 100 62.3 67 0.4 50 68 50 50 50 100 61.8 70 14.77 62 62 70 50 75 50 61.7 71 68.74 62 56 70 50 75 50 60.4 74 1.71 50 62 50 50 50 100 59.8 78 7.09 50 68 50 50 50 75 58.9 81 20.59 50 68 50 50 75 50 58.1 85 15.9 50 62 70 50 50 50 56.4 88 35.34 50 68 50 50 50 50 55.8 91 62 14.3 50 50 50 50 50 54.0 93 26.81 50 50 50 75 100 50 60.1 76 62 22.22 50 50 50 75 50 56.2 90 Cities/Town with gray highlight = 25 Cities/Towns selected by PMU, MOC-1, MOC-3, MOC-4 for initial survey 12.50% 17.10% 28.00% I 12.50% 17.10% 28.00% II 12.50% 17.10% 28.00% III 12.50% 17.10% 28.00% IV b) Significant Infrastructure Deficiencies 28.00% 28.00% 28.00% 28.00% 27.00% 27.00% 27.00% 27.00% 44.00% 44.00% 44.00% 44.00% 22.00% 22.00% 22.00% 22.00% 22.48% 22.48% 22.48% 22.48% 32.39% 32.39% 32.39% 32.39% 30.82% 30.82% 30.82% 30.82% 33.40% 32.00% I 33.40% 32.00% II 33.40% 32.00% III 33.40% 32.00% IV c) High Degree of Environmental 25.00% 25.00% 25.00% 25.00% 28.00% 28.00% 28.00% 28.00% 28.00% 28.00% 28.00% 28.00% 33.00% 33.00% 33.00% 33.00% 32.45% 32.45% 32.45% 32.45% 27.76% 27.76% 27.76% 27.76% 29.68% 29.68% 29.68% 29.68% 15.00% 15.00% 15.00% 15.00% 16.00% 16.00% 16.00% 16.00% 15.00% 15.00% 15.00% 15.00% 12.25% 12.25% 12.25% 12.25% 9.00% 9.00% 9.00% 9.00% 17.23% 17.23% 17.23% 17.23% 16.40% 16.40% 16.40% 16.40% 15.65% 15.65% 15.65% 15.65% I 15.00% 8.70% 5.00% II 15.00% 8.70% 5.00% III 15.00% 8.70% 5.00% IV 15.00% 8.70% 5.00% e) Areas with High Population Densities 9.00% 9.00% 9.00% 9.00% 14.00% 14.00% 14.00% 14.00% 6.25% 6.25% 6.25% 6.25% 6.00% 6.00% 6.00% 6.00% 8.95% 8.95% 8.95% 8.95% 12.13% 12.13% 12.13% 12.13% 5.98% 5.98% 5.98% 5.98% I 12.60% 9.40% 10.00% 11.00% II 12.60% 9.40% 10.00% 11.00% III 12.60% 9.40% 10.00% 11.00% IV 12.60% 9.40% 10.00% 11.00% f) Low in Technical & Social Infrastructure Investment 6.00% 6.00% 6.00% 6.00% 2.25% 2.25% 2.25% 2.25% 16.00% 16.00% 16.00% 16.00% 11.23% 11.23% 11.23% 11.23% 4.40% 4.40% 4.40% 4.40% 10.48% 10.48% 10.48% 10.48% I II III IV TOTAL I 15.00% 15.90% II 15.00% 15.90% III 15.00% 15.90% IV 15.00% 15.90% d) High Rate of Urbanization 11.50% 11.50% 11.50% 11.50% I II III IV 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 33.00% 33.00% 33.00% 33.00% Pollution 16.90% 16.90% 16.90% 16.90% 9.00% 9.00% 9.00% 9.00% 11.00% 11.00% 11.00% 11.00% 10.00% 10.00% 10.00% 10.00% 7.25% 7.25% 7.25% 7.25% 14.00% 14.00% 14.00% 14.00% 7.66% 7.66% 7.66% 7.66% 6.92% 6.92% 6.92% 6.92% 7.39% 7.39% 7.39% 7.39% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% National Average & MCA-5-1, MCA-5-2 Weighting Factors of Indicators Region Indicator 1 Indicator 2 Indicator 3 Indicator 4 Indicator 5 Indicator 6 Indicator 7 Indicator 8 Indicator 9 Indicator 1 1 7.10 11.92 4.40 73.65 3.97 47 18 47.18 74.36 0.04 1906.00 13.66 2 3.81 29.70 4.75 74.05 3.12 50 10 50.10 78.14 0.03 1422.00 19.71 3 16.57 25.44 6.67 72.81 2.92 45 81 45.81 77.38 0.02 1577.17 10.95 4 16.44 21.46 3.72 67.33 1.40 41 28 41.28 72.14 0.02 1478.14 9.37 5 14.51 28.93 5.60 67.88 2.22 38 96 38.96 74.44 0.04 1040.44 12.74 6 29.00 33.51 3.72 90.00 2.46 41 01 41.01 62.00 0.02 411.00 9.01 7 18.43 16.19 7.45 72.83 3.83 44 77 44.77 62.86 0.03 2888.74 21.00 8 8.77 22.08 2.77 62.14 2.99 60 33 60.33 66.67 0.02 1146.14 4.71 9 17.14 30.31 3.60 60.73 2.33 49 00 49.00 74.29 0.03 475.14 6.62 10 Average Weighting Factor 7.51 12.12 12.50% 51.22 28.14 12.50% 3.08 4.42 7.50% 81.17 73.11 7.50% 2.96 2.95 7.50% 49 17 49.17 44 62 44.62 7 50% 7.50% 75.09 73.54 15.00% 0.02 0.03 10.00% 1529.29 1506.77 10.00% 8.22 11.65 10.00% MCA-6 Weighting Factors of Indicators based on Proportion of City Indicators to National Average Region 1 Indicator 1 7.32% Indicator 2 5.30% Indicator 3 7.46% Indicator 4 7.56% Indicator 5 10.09% Indicator 6 7.93% Indicator 7 15.17% Indicator 8 15.05% Indicator 9 12.65% Indicator 1 11.72% Total Weig 100.24% 2 3.93% 13.19% 8.06% 7.60% 7.95% 8.42% 15.94% 8.71% 9.44% 16.92% 100.15% 3 17.09% 11.30% 11.32% 7.47% 7.43% 7.70% 15.78% 5.38% 10.47% 9.40% 103.34% 4 16.95% 9.53% 6.31% 6.91% 3.56% 6.94% 14.72% 7.59% 9.81% 8.04% 90.35% 5 14.96% 12.85% 9.51% 6.96% 5.65% 6.55% 15.19% 14.54% 6.91% 10.93% 104.04% 6 29.91% 14.88% 6.31% 9.23% 6.25% 6.89% 12.65% 6.62% 2.73% 7.73% 103.20% 7 19.01% 7.19% 12.65% 7.47% 9.75% 7.52% 12.82% 9.50% 19.17% 18.02% 123.11% 8 9.04% 9.81% 4.70% 6.38% 7.61% 10.14% 13.60% 5.32% 7.61% 4.04% 78.24% 9 17.68% 13.46% 6.11% 6.23% 5.94% 8.24% 15.15% 10.89% 3.15% 5.68% 92.53% 10 7.74% 22.75% 5.23% 8.33% 7.53% 8.26% 15.32% 5.65% 10.15% 7.05% 98.01% 13.7 19.7 11.0 9.4 12.7 9.0 90 21.0 4.7 6.6 8.2 12 Appendix F - 60/63 MULTI-CRITERIA ANALYSIS Annex 2 Option 5 Option 5-2: Ranked by Class, Topology and Significant Infrastructure Deficiencies CITY/TOWN PROFILE National Urban Upgrading Programme and Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to 2020 D:\NUUPMINH\Final Report\Appendix_EN_Finalreport\ApF_Annex2_5_EN.xls 1,906 1,422 1,577 1,478 1,040 411 2,129 1,146 475 1,529 1,449 7.10 3.81 16.57 16.44 14.51 29.00 23.02 8.77 17.14 7.51 12.46 12 30 25 21 29 34 16 22 30 51 28 4.4 4.8 6.7 3.7 5.6 3.7 7.5 2.5 3.6 3.2 4.4 73.7 74.1 72.8 67.3 67.9 90.0 72.8 65.7 60.7 80.6 73.3 3.97 3.12 2.92 1.40 2.22 2.46 3.83 1.62 2.33 3.09 2.86 47.8 50.1 45.8 41.3 39.0 41.0 44.8 60.3 49.0 49.2 44.7 74.4 78.1 77.4 72.1 74.4 62.0 62.9 67.7 74.2 75.0 73.7 4.4% 2.5% 1.6% 2.2% 4.2% 2.1% 2.7% 1.4% 3.1% 1.6% 2.9% 5848.2 2904.3 2976.9 4302.4 2925.3 518.6 4266.5 5087.2 5299.1 4180.0 4293.6 20% 5% 10% 10% 30% Overall Merit 2,735 3,347 885 538 244 317 959 264 635 1,293 30 Total Investment (VND mil./capita) for 5 years (2000-2004) Population Density (Person/Km2) 2.9% 6.5% 10.8% 1.0% 2.2% 1.0% 5.6% 2.9% 1.6% 1.2% 10.1% 3.1% 0.1% 2.2% 25% f) Low in Technical & Social Infrastructure Investment 1.26 11.23 4.10 85.34 0.55 8 82 2.25 2.5 7.00 80 7 95 13.91 39.87 0.13 15 2.22 37 85 16.09 19.98 2.71 10 0.19 38 30 30.74 36.35 3.08 37 0.86 38 80 18.18 35.32 5.33 21.08 2 54 40 27.01 34.2 2.23 70 0.66 46 75 19.08 41.68 0.83 70 0.96 29 80 15.72 26.44 4.00 60.7 2.33 54 74.2 10.63 30.22 5.6 40 2.22 46 70 17.01 23.93 3.30 60 2.5 39 80 18.18 35.32 3.00 65 4 49.0 85 43.45 3.7 90.0 2.46 59 20 35.68 22.85 24.26 6.56 95 2.27 34 70 22.85 24.26 24.26 22.85 6.07 33.33 2.50 78 1.73 63 20 7.94 39.26 3.46 50 3.12 48 80 7.56 48.26 1.52 90 1.25 47 70 7.99 11.86 4.4 25 3.97 37 75 6.34 7.03 3.57 65 2.3 47 72 6.11 47.76 3.00 80 3.09 47 75.0 53.33 3.66 75 3.09 48 48.08 6.25 3.72 25.95 4.49 80 1.37 42 92 5.48 47.5 4.00 70 3.12 40 40 6.15 47.76 3.96 81 3.05 46 80 6.02 4.4 73.7 3.97 48 74.4 4.47 9.24 8.47 5.6 85 2.22 50 70 53.44 2.50 93.5 5 41 100 5.21 7.11 60.7 4.90 100 4 49.2 80 7.11 60.7 6.90 84.25 4 52 80 32.1 9.40 67.9 2.22 37 50 12.51 6.22 12.64 2.17 22 0.229 60.3 70 48.15 0.85 85 1.19 47 65 6.15 7.92 58.4 3.2 55 3.09 52 90 32.27 4.73 45 1.26 44 50 19.40 13.51 72.86 3.2 66 3.09 55 70 9.26 55.71 2.82 59.9 3.09 43 75 38.62 25.9 4.28 35 5.00 46 60 16.43 14.54 3.04 87 0.78 41 35 5.57 8.72 4.4 73 3.97 58 74.4 48.15 3.50 80 3.5 48 80 6.54 16.43 14.54 7.5 60 3.83 49 60 8.96 7.5 72.8 3.83 42 40 17.32 19.40 32.27 10.00 80 0.88 45 86 18.18 35.32 4.35 34 0.4 57 65 17.15 35.81 0.31 70 3 40 90 35.68 43.45 2.54 80 1.48 36 92 35.68 43.45 1.50 90 2.46 41 35 13.91 39.87 5.88 90 2.22 41 80 27.43 31.44 4.28 95 3.62 35 85 12.75 25.49 7.24 90 1.40 37 100 29.56 27.56 12.10 73 2.8 36 60 5.77 33.33 0.84 50 1.62 70 70 7.59 40.5 1.54 25.5 1.37 38 90 7.11 60.7 0.59 80 0.91 52 80 13.35 29.14 3.67 65 2.05 64 85 6.15 47.76 2.16 66.8 3.09 51 60 8.47 6.86 1.7 85 1.2 47 65 9.24 8.47 2.49 85 2.7 42 100 9.34 11.02 3.96 90 1.5 52 70 13.62 15.98 3.31 70 4.7 48 85 7.99 11.86 4.20 85 3 40 75 1.68 19.95 3.56 100 3.97 50 90 6.08 6.09 3.72 80 6.68 50 90 9.79 8.88 3.46 95 4.89 45 90 3.05 3.2 4.92 81.3 3.91 38 70 9.79 8.88 7.38 85 2.39 49 70 2.08 24.64 8.15 74.1 4.03 51 95 9.48 30.42 7.20 70 9.3 39 36 7.71 46.28 1.40 84 1.17 56 70 23.95 3.64 60 5.8 50 86.25 14.31 6.25 53.33 3.50 83 4.4 46 70 12.49 10.55 4.77 92.8 3.95 55 72.2 4.47 6.02 5.60 85 4 55 85 18.06 15.56 5.68 70 3.99 38 80 14.31 23.59 6.00 86.83 3.55 44 72 13.96 24.99 9.98 95 2.05 54 90 38.62 25.9 9.85 100 3.91 44 80 17.01 23.93 4.01 80 0.74 48 80 15.72 26.44 4.50 95 2.33 51 80 2.08 24.64 2.10 61.3 3.12 63 75 16.09 19.98 3.10 93 3.78 40 80 5.58 31.17 4.57 95 4.71 51 95 3.72 25.95 7.49 83 3.12 56 75 6.86 7.75 4.4 94 3.97 36 80 12.51 32.1 8.40 85 0.41 33 75 17.32 8.96 10.70 85 5.52 47 90 6.22 16.07 1.66 85 0.65 60.3 70 10.14 14.05 3.60 90 0.8 57 67.7 4.47 6.02 5.60 90 4.53 62 70 70 5.11 45 75 16.43 14.54 9.40 5.21 53.44 3.50 80 6 90 1.83 6.44 4.53 53.96 3.42 7 90 5.57 8.72 4.20 80 3.6 6 80 10.69 14.53 10.67 100 5.6 55 100 Values in red fonts are based on estimates and other source materials Average Annual Population Growth Rate (2000-2004) Percentage of solid waste collected over total solid waste generated Number of Students per Classroom Drainage pipes density (km/km2) Percentage of household with poor housing Rate of households with water supply Percentage of poor households Road density (km/km2) 50% e) Areas with High Population Densities 1,747 977 210 1,667 800 2,646 1,351 1,710 618 824 1,058 472 3,295 1,741 1,082 715 307 773 262 1,345 616 992 380 993 145 1,531 2,015 2,510 3,697 1,580 3,158 1,592 2,097 1,830 3,225 1,044 3,151 4,148 710 2,215 808 516 2,085 1,600 472 636 1,369 3,214 1,376 843 479 3,421 1,305 3,468 1,771 5,099 1,942 3,682 1,418 1,179 925 3,365 808 609 1,160 4,529 50% Prioritisation Criteria (Weighting Factors) d) High Rate of Urbanization 616 374 2,591 485 1,672 1,466 469 923 925 1,127 402 698 596 1.37 c) High Degree of Environmental Pollution 2,735 3,347 885 538 244 317 959 264 635 1,293 30 122 179 225 2.59 b) Significant Infrastructure Deficiencies TP. Hồ Chí Minh 10 Hồ Chí Minh special L 2095 4,380,700 4,888,300 TP. Hà Nội 1 Hà Nội special L 921 1,586,500 1,999,800 TX. Nghĩa Lộ 5 Yên Bái IV H 29.7 18,314 26,257 TX. Sông Công 4 Thái Nguyên IV H 83.6 43,244 44,969 TX. Bắc Cạn 4 Bắc Kạn IV H 132 29,632 32,206 TX. An Khê 9 Gia Lai IV H 199.9 93,959 97,749 TX. Cao Bằng 4 Cao Bằng IV H 55.2 43,219 52,984 TX. Hà Giang 5 Hà Giang IV H 166 39,341 43,829 TX. Bảo Lộc 9 Lâm Đồng IV H 232.4 138,546 147,644 TX. Tuyên Quang 5 Tuyên Quang IV H 43.7 53,921 56,491 TX. Gia Nghĩa và huyện Đăk Klong 9 Đăk Nông IV H 1729 37,487 52,560 TX. Ajunpa 9 Gia Lai IV H 287 32,817 35,058 TX. Mường Lay 6 Điện Biên IV H 53 9,409 9,463 TX. Sơn La 6 Sơn La IV H 330 68,329 74,372 TX. Mộc Châu 6 Sơn La IV H 13.60 15,221 16,260 TX. Mai Sơn 6 Sơn La IV H 10.90 8,743 9,340 TX. Lagi và Huyện Hàm Tân 8 Bình Thuận IV L 182.80 105,363 112,558 TX. Đồng Xoài 2 Bình Phước IV L 168.5 55,286 63,094 TX. Vĩnh Long 10 Vĩnh Long IV L 47.9 121,236 124,196 TX. Tam Điệp 1 Ninh Bình IV L 106.8 49,268 51,845 TX. Hưng Yên 1 Hưng Yên IV L 46.8 41,709 78,244 TX. Tân An 10 Long An IV L 82 115,549 120,178 TX. Hà Tiên 10 Kiên Giang IV L 88.5 37,592 41,548 TX. Bà Rịa 2 Bà Rịa Vũng Tàu IV L 90.6 79,790 83,621 TX. Tây Ninh 2 Tây Ninh IV L 137.4 112,893 127,114 TX. Châu Đốc 10 An Giang IV L 100.6 106,959 113,398 TX. Uông Bí 1 Quảng Ninh IV L 240.4 92,186 96,670 TX. Phúc Yên 5 Vĩnh Phúc IV L 120.3 81,316 83,996 TX. Vị Thanh 10 Hậu Giang IV L 119 67,382 70,968 TT. Hồng Ngự 10 Đồng Tháp IV L 8.7874 31,110 64,569 TX. Sa Đéc 10 Đồng Tháp IV L 58 97,567 101,352 TX. Phú Thọ 5 Phú Thọ IV L 63.4 39,575 61,983 TX. Cam Ranh 8 Khánh Hoà IV LC 690 201,500 213,751 TX. Gò Công 10 Tiền Giang IV LC 32.1 51,727 53,499 TX. Bac Liêu 10 Bạc Liêu IV LC 175.5 132,460 140,370 TX. Quảng Trị 3 Quảng Trị IV LC 6.4 16,096 16,800 TX. Trà Vinh 10 Trà Vinh IV LC 65.8 72,199 88,925 TX. Bến Tre 10 Bến Tre IV LC 67 107,631 114,597 TX. Hồng Lĩnh 7 Hà Tĩnh IV LC 58 35,417 35,866 TX. Bỉm Sơn 7 Thanh Hoá IV LC 66.9 53,462 55,093 TX. Đồ Sơn 1 Hải Phòng IV LC 32.9 31,989 34,812 TX. Tân Hiệp và Huyện Phụng Hiệp 10 Hậu Giang IV LC 564 253,575 266,483 TX. Sầm Sơn 7 Thanh Hoá IV LC 17.9 54,806 58,856 TX. Cửa Lò 7 Nghệ An IV LC 28.1 43,992 48,945 TX. Đông Hà 3 Quảng Trị IV LC 72.6 71,055 78,488 TP. Pleiku 9 Gia Lai III H 260.6 172,416 186,394 TX. Kon Tum 9 Kon Tum III H 420 116,206 128,829 TP. Điện Biên Phủ 6 Điện Biên III H 60 39,050 46,372 TX. Lai Châu 6 Lai Châu III H 70.8 18,561 18,561 TP. Yên Bái 5 Yên Bái III H 58 74,330 78,041 TP. Hoà Bình 6 Hoà Bình III H 133 78,155 81,888 TP. Lạng Sơn 4 Lạng Sơn III H 77.7 74,938 77,081 TP. Lào Cai 5 Lào Cai III H 221.5 76,263 84,278 TP. Phan Thiết 8 Bình Thuận III L 206 192,829 204,517 TX. Móng Cái 1 Quảng Ninh III L 520 70,159 74,538 TP. Cao Lãnh 10 Đồng Tháp III L 97 142,986 148,530 TP. Phan Rang - Tháp Chàm 8 Ninh Thuận III L 79.4 150,173 159,981 TP. Long Xuyên 10 An Giang III L 106.2 252,334 266,559 TP. Hải Dương 1 Hải Dương III L 36.2 128,723 133,848 TX. Vĩnh Yên 5 Vĩnh Phúc III L 50.1 70,559 79,141 TP. Bắc Giang 4 Bắc Giang III L 32.2 94,025 101,677 TP. Tuy Hoà 8 Phú Yên III L 65 99,703 103,489 TP. Ninh Bình 1 Ninh Bình III L 48.4 61,639 101,514 TX. Thủ Dầu Một 2 Bình Dương III L 87.9 148,626 160,826 TP. Thái Bình 1 Thái Bình III L 42.1 131,761 135,752 TP. Sơn Tây 1 Hà Tây III L 113.5 113,150 118,505 TP. Bắc Ninh 4 Bắc Ninh III L 26.3 75,606 82,864 TP. Hà Đông 1 Hà Tây III L 32.9 97,958 136,462 TX. Long Khánh 2 Đồng Nai III L 195 130,675 138,530 TX. Phủ Lý 1 Hà Nam III L 34.2 71,521 75,763 TP. Cà Mau 10 Cà Mau III LC 245 182,401 197,931 TP. Tam Kỳ 3 Quảng Nam III LC 343.5 169,869 177,253 TP. Rạch Giá 10 Kiên Giang III LC 97.7 189,191 203,775 TP. Sóc Trăng 10 Sóc Trăng III LC 76.5 116,023 122,437 TX. Cẩm Phả 1 Quảng Ninh III LC 335.8 152,154 158,623 TP. Đồng Hới 3 Quảng Bình III LC 156 94,701 99,197 TX. Hội An 3 Quảng Nam III LC 60.7 78,337 83,069 TP. Quảng Ngãi 3 Quảng Ngãi III LC 137.1 110,886 119,306 TP. Hà Tĩnh 7 Hà Tĩnh III LC 56 61,088 78,300 TP. Buôn Ma Thuột 9 Đắc Lăk II H 371 295,095 312,571 TP. Đà Lạt 9 Lâm Đồng II H 391.1 167,709 187,318 TP. Biên Hoà 2 Đồng Nai II L 154.7 488,100 529,196 TP. Thái Nguyên 4 Thái Nguyên II L 177.1 218,038 231,116 TP. Mỹ Tho 10 Tiền Giang II L 48.3 160,841 167,514 TP. Vũng Tàu 2 Bà Rịa Vũng Tàu II L 140.1 216,637 248,117 TP. Nam Định 1 Nam Định II L 46.4 230,575 236,356 TP. Việt Trì 5 Phú Thọ II L 71.3 131,496 138,360 TP. Vinh 7 Nghệ An II L 64 217,313 235,602 TP. Nha Trang 8 Khánh Hoà II LC 251 336,605 355,920 TP. Quy Nhơn 8 Bình Định II LC 216.4 242,616 255,100 TP. Hạ Long 1 Quảng Ninh II LC 208.7 185,405 193,080 TP. Thanh Hoá 7 Thanh Hoá II LC 57.9 185,351 194,807 TP. Cần Thơ 10 Cần Thơ I L 1390 349,700 559,500 TP. Đà Nẵng 3 Đà Nẵng I L 1256 566,000 609,500 TP. Hải Phòng 1 Hải Phòng I L 1526 593,200 708,000 TP. Huế 3 Thừa Thiên Huế I LC 71 297,666 321,498 Values in green fonts are estimated values based on national or regional a Values i Average Values: Sub-Urbanisation Region 1 131.8 104,157 116,144 2 139.2 176,001 192,928 3 129.4 90,157 95,686 4 83.4 82,672 88,985 5 91.6 65,013 72,486 6 129.4 48,736 46,131 7 49.8 108,632 101,067 8 241.5 203,904 200,759 9 514.9 145,917 159,009 10 115.5 129,862 131,854 221.9 197,265 212,284 Overall Density Population Density (Person/Km2) Population (2004) Population Population (2000) City Area (Km2) Lowland, Highland, Coastal Class Province Urbanisation Sub-Region Area SECOND ROUND OF RANKING a) High Level of Poverty 92 91 44 35 33 70 34 41 73 43 68 71 47 49 51 50 65 19 89 14 12 85 84 20 21 78 7 40 83 96 82 42 64 87 79 27 88 80 55 57 11 90 58 56 26 69 72 45 46 39 48 32 38 62 6 81 63 74 4 37 31 61 13 18 5 10 30 9 17 8 75 24 76 86 3 23 28 25 54 66 67 16 29 77 15 2 36 52 60 59 1 53 95 94 93 22 Topology City/Town, Class, Province, Region City/Town MOC-4 Re. Number No CRITERIA FOR CITIES/TOWNS SELECTION Environ UrbanInvestDensity ment isation ment Indicator Rating 8.26 1.00 10.75 1.44 1.00 456.65 0.02 1.45 Criteria Rating 35% 25% 20% 20% 100% 100% 100% 100% Infrastructure Deficiencies Poverty 18 5 15 70 20 60 25 20 25 30 20 15 80 30 0 0 80 20 30 25 28 24 51 8 60 20 25 30 0 20 20 50 30 35 10 50 30 25 40 65 25 20 40 60 14 35 10 8 65 20 15 0 40 30 10 20 15 40 35 0 30 15 25 10 10 10 30 30 5 64 30 13 30 27 15 20 28 10 20 20 20 25 20 5 25 20 25 10 30 32 30 25 10 10 20 0 13 29 49 4 9 4 25 13 7 5 45 14 0 10 0 0 0 16 2 5 100 4 12 5 17 6 5 3 6 7 4 64 6 3 6 4 26 7 1 12 10 5 12 12 11 9 12 21 0 5 5 3 11 6 7 4 7 6 4 13 9 4 73 9 3 5 10 44 6 6 9 4 8 6 4 5 6 8 32 6 13 9 6 4 16 2 5 9 6 5 4 5 68 8 22 9 53 65 17 10 4 6 18 5 12 25 0 0 3 4 0 0 12 7 50 9 32 28 9 18 18 22 7 13 11 0 34 19 4 32 15 51 26 33 12 16 20 9 64 34 21 14 6 15 5 26 12 19 7 19 2 30 39 49 72 30 61 31 41 35 63 20 61 81 13 43 15 10 40 31 9 12 26 63 26 16 9 67 25 68 34 100 38 72 27 23 18 65 15 11 22 88 67 60 94 96 69 94 97 94 94 70 92 89 74 79 92 92 94 98 80 99 80 89 84 48 98 98 97 76 88 95 95 97 93 82 92 92 85 53 90 74 79 92 85 0 87 87 81 99 95 80 74 90 59 97 80 93 99 91 36 61 96 80 69 70 95 89 56 99 82 78 80 96 89 97 98 75 62 89 94 86 97 52 96 92 48 67 97 71 93 93 49 69 88 78 79 80 39.3 36.9 63.0 58.2 53.0 58.0 62.6 57.5 53.5 46.4 54.8 52.6 57.1 46.5 39.1 39.1 54.3 54.8 54.0 49.5 54.1 52.7 52.3 33.8 56.7 54.0 44.6 40.6 48.9 51.9 54.8 57.6 51.4 53.5 55.7 60.4 61.6 46.1 59.3 47.8 42.6 51.5 52.7 23.4 50.2 56.7 51.3 64.5 63.1 48.8 48.1 46.3 41.8 56.8 50.1 59.0 57.7 57.8 36.7 38.3 53.5 46.5 48.1 39.7 48.4 43.8 36.3 57.4 40.1 46.2 51.8 50.6 54.4 49.9 43.5 43.3 40.7 50.7 57.8 50.5 52.2 43.2 51.6 51.5 35.4 43.8 52.8 42.7 51.3 50.0 30.5 44.1 56.2 36.9 40.6 45.1 22.22 9 47 26.81 4 41 3.83 45 81 2.39 34 80 20.91 64 70 4.06 47 70 1.61 58 67 3.70 53 66 3.56 38 63 20.16 34 62 5.43 38 61 7.20 47 60 179 17.19 76 58 225 13.86 46 42 5.40 46 0 5.40 46 0 616 3.74 30 67 3.5% 374 1.21 37 64 0.6% 2,591 13.22 42 64 1.3% 485 0.40 18 63 21.9% 1,672 13.09 13 61 1.0% 1,466 7.19 40 58 2.6% 469 10.54 44 57 1.2% 923 35.34 22 56 3.7% 925 0.74 39 55 1.5% 1,127 1.20 40 54 1.2% 402 1.71 9 54 0.8% 698 15.90 17 52 1.3% 596 8.06 43 50 1.6% 2.96 50 46 1.0% 1,747 2.96 50 45 14.2% 977 1.51 38 41 1.5% 210 4.43 16 85 0.9% 1,667 11.74 41 67 1.5% 800 5.30 50 65 1.1% 2,646 5.07 47 65 5.8% 1,351 10.06 67 63 1.6% 1,710 32.14 50 62 0.3% 618 6.43 67 61 2.7% 824 17.33 31 59 2.2% 1,058 14.30 13 57 1.3% 472 4.87 41 56 2.7% 3,295 9.69 31 49 2.8% 1,741 68.74 28 44 2.6% 1,082 8.63 47 42 2.0% 715 8.60 47 74 2.7% 307 12.85 46 66 4.7% 773 0.53 76 59 262 3.20 76 59 0.0% 1.2% 1,345 13.18 45 47 1.2% 616 17.46 57 46 0.7% 992 6.37 33 44 2.6% 380 28.06 57 30 1.5% 993 1.50 30 81 1.6% 145 13.50 37 77 1.0% 1,531 4.32 50 71 1.6% 2,015 0.54 37 67 1.4% 2,510 5.75 40 65 1.0% 3,697 43.60 15 64 3.0% 1,580 26.52 17 57 2.0% 3,158 2.32 19 57 0.9% 1,592 13.53 28 56 16.2% 2,097 21.02 18 51 2.1% 1,830 20.59 15 50 0.8% 3,225 3.27 12 49 1.2% 1,044 7.09 18 48 2.4% 3,151 29.57 6 47 9.8% 4,148 0.13 18 46 1.5% 710 12.26 19 43 1.5% 2,215 14.77 33 32 2.1% 808 13.40 41 68 1.1% 516 2.42 34 56 1.9% 2,085 7.50 44 52 1.4% 1,600 1.89 23 50 1.1% 472 1.04 9 49 1.2% 636 16.77 34 48 1.5% 1,369 25.95 34 45 1.9% 3,214 6.88 35 38 7.0% 1,376 3.87 67 30 1.5% 843 9.40 38 60 2.9% 479 1.83 38 52 2.1% 3,421 32.51 19 70 1.5% 1,305 2.39 34 51 1.0% 3,468 4.86 28 47 3.6% 1,771 35.34 22 46 0.6% 5,099 22.46 14 45 1.3% 1,942 1.77 38 43 2.1% 3,682 19.80 28 29 1.4% 1,418 4.43 19 69 1.3% 1,179 4.77 22 61 1.0% 925 34.81 9 49 1.3% 3,365 21.17 31 37 15.0% 808 8.04 43 51 1.9% 609 14.73 6 48 4.8% 1,160 14.30 13 41 2.0% 4,529 13.60 23 28 Values in black fonts are MOC4 Survey 13.7 Ranking based on available data as of date of study. 19.7 11.0 9.4 12.7 9.0 21.0 4.7 6.6 8.2 12 Appendix F - 62/63 100% Annex 3 Database and Indicators for Multi-Criteria Analysis 4 Bắc Giang TP. Bắc Giang III 4 Bắc Kạn TX. Bắc Cạn IV 4 Cao Bằng TX. Cao Bằng IV Điệ Biên Biê TX Mường M ờ Lay L 6 Điện TX. IV 6 Điện Biên TP. Điện Biên Phủ III 5 Hà Giang TX. Hà Giang IV 6 Hoà Bình TP. Hoà Bình III 6 Lai Châu TX. Lai Châu IV 4 Lạng Sơn TP. Lạng Sơn III 5 Lào Cai TP. Lào Cai III 5 Phú Thọ TX. Phú Thọ IV 5 Phú Thọ TP. Việt Trì II 6 Sơn La TX. Sơn La IV 6 Sơn La TX. Mộc Châu IV 6 Sơn La TX. Mai Sơn IV 4 Thái Nguyên TX. Sông Công IV 4 Thái Nguyên TP. Thái Nguyên II 5 Tuyên Quang TX. Tuyên Quang IV 5 Yên Bái TX. Nghĩa Lộ IV 5 Yên Bái TP. Yên Bái III 4 Bắc Ninh TP. Bắc Ninh III 1 Hà Nam TX. Phủ Lý IV 1 Hà Nội TP. Hà Nội S 1 Hà Tây TP. Sơn Tây III 1 Hà Tây TP. Hà Đông III 1 Hải Dương TP. Hải Dương III 1 Hải Phòng TP. Hải Phòng I 1 Hưng Yên TX. Hưng Yên IV 1 Nam Định TP. Nam Định II 1 Ninh Bình TX. Tam Điệp IV 1 Ninh Bình TP. Ninh Bình III 1 Quảng Ninh TX. Cẩm Phả III 1 Quảng Ninh TP. Hạ Long II 1 Quảng Ninh TX. Uông Bí IV 1 Quảng Ninh TX. Móng Cái III 1 Thái Bình TP. Thái Bình III 5 Vĩnh Phúc TX. Phúc Yên IV 5 Vĩnh Phúc TP. Vĩnh Yên III 8 Bình Định TP. Quy Nhơn II 8 Bình Thuận TX. Lagi IV 8 Bình Thuận TP. Phan Thiết III 3 Đà Nẵng TP. Đà Nẵng I 7 Hà Tĩnh TX. Hồng Lĩnh IV 7 Hà Tĩnh TP. Hà Tĩnh III 8 Khánh Hoà TX. Cam Ranh IV 8 Khánh Hoà TP. Nha Trang II 7 Nghệ An TX. Cửa Lò IV 7 Nghệ An TP. Vinh II 8 Ninh Thuận TP. Phan Rang - Tháp Chàm III 8 Phú Yên TP. Tuy Hoà III 3 Quảng Bình TP. Đồng Hới III 3 Quảng Nam TX. Hội An III 3 Quảng Nam TP. Tam Kỳ III 3 Quảng Ngãi TP. Quảng Ngãi III 3 Quảng Trị TX. Quảng Trị IV 3 Quảng Trị TX. Đông Hà IV 7 Thanh Hoá TX. Sầm Sơn IV 7 Thanh Hoá TX. Bỉm Sơn IV 7 Thanh Hoá TP. Thanh Hoá II 3 Thừa Thiên Huế TP. Huế I 9 Đắc Lăk TP. Buôn Ma Thuột II 9 Đăk Nông TX. Gia Nghĩa IV 9 Gia Lai TX. An Khê IV 9 Gia Lai TX. Ajunpa IV 9 Gia Lai TP. Pleiku III 9 Kon Tum TX. Kon Tum III 9 Lâm Đồng TX. Bảo Lộc IV 9 Lâm Đồng TP. Đà Lạt II 2 Bà Rịa Vũng Tàu TX. Bà Rịa III 2 Bà Rịa Vũng Tàu TP. Vũng Tàu II 2 Bình Dương TX. Thủ Dầu Một III 2 Bình Phước TX. Đồng Xoài IV 2 Đồng Đồ Nai N i TX L TX. Long Khá Khánh h III 2 Đồng Nai TP. Biên Hoà II 10 Hồ Chí Minh TP. Hồ Chí Minh S 2 Tây Ninh TX. Tây Ninh IV 10 An Giang TX. Châu Đốc IV 10 An Giang TP. Long Xuyên III 10 Bạc Liêu TX. Bac Liêu III 10 Bến Tre TX. Bến Tre IV 10 Cà Mau TP. Cà Mau III 10 Cần Thơ TP. Cần Thơ II 10 Đồng Tháp TX. Sa Đéc IV 10 Đồng Tháp TX. Hồng Ngự IV 10 Đồng Tháp TP. Cao Lãnh III 10 Hậu Giang TX. Vị Thanh IV 10 Hậu Giang TX. Tân Hiệp IV 10 Kiên Giang TX. Hà Tiên IV 10 Kiên Giang TP. Rạch Giá III 10 Long An TX. Tân An IV 10 Sóc Trăng TP. Sóc Trăng III 10 Tiền Giang TX. Gò Công IV 10 Tiền Giang TP. Mỹ Tho II 10 Trà Vinh TX. Trà Vinh III 10 Vĩnh Long TX. Vĩnh Long III Estimated value based on regional average as calculated below: 94,025 103,685 3,220 1.60 11.02 3.96 90 29,632 32,883 249 23.70 36.35 3.08 37 43,150 53,470 969 10.08 32.17 0.42 76 9 409 14 379 13 10 43 45 3 85 68 25 9,409 14,379 126 13.10 43.45 3.85 68.25 39,050 45,803 716 5.78 28.06 1.70 67 39,341 45,028 271 15.00 41.68 0.83 70 78,155 84,019 632 2.39 32.81 3.77 95 18,089 18,561 262 13.60 43.45 1.50 68.25 74,938 78,550 1,011 3.67 22.73 5.90 80 76,263 86,410 390 9.15 27.56 12.10 73 39,575 62,997 977 3.40 32.10 9.40 68.25 131,057 145,085 2,036 1.27 30.68 1.10 80 68,329 75,964 230 13.11 24.26 6.56 95 8,743 9,340 855 17.00 24.26 3.85 68.25 15,221 16,260 1,196 6.70 24.26 3.85 68.25 43,244 45,410 543 3.84 19.98 2.71 10 218,038 234,506 1,324 6.59 19.98 3.10 93 53,921 57,152 1,308 4.83 30.22 3.85 40 18,314 26,606 896 31.74 39.87 0.13 15 74,330 78,997 1,362 2.00 39.87 5.88 90 75,606 111,900 4,248 0.99 3.20 4.92 81 71,521 82,050 2,396 6.34 4.57 4.50 90 2,739,200 3,149,800 3,417 0.35 2.50 7.00 80 113,150 120,732 1,170 12.00 47.37 3.64 95 97,958 136,943 4,162 6.90 8.88 7.38 85 128,885 143,650 3,968 5.50 8.12 2.50 85 1,694,400 1,790,300 1,173 5.18 8.72 4.20 80 41,709 79,284 1,694 5.80 7.03 3.57 65 230,575 237,823 5,125 6.49 7.75 4.39 94 49,268 52,510 492 8.80 11.86 4.39 25 59,398 109,847 2,270 2.30 14.65 4.20 85 152,154 160,282 477 2.22 6.02 5.60 85 185,405 195,047 935 3.34 6.02 5.60 90 92,186 97,824 407 1.41 6.02 4.39 75.65 70,159 75,622 147 7.59 53.11 2.40 26 131,761 138,088 3,280 6.74 66.77 3.50 50 81,316 85,757 695 9.42 8.47 4.39 85 , , , 70,559 122,568 2,413 4.26 8.47 2.49 85 242,616 258,320 1,194 6.80 14.05 3.60 90 105,363 112,558 616 8.75 1.62 2.50 78 192,829 207,853 1,009 0.43 58.66 2.52 90 703,500 777,000 619 3.50 6.44 4.53 54 35,417 35,979 620 23.56 25.90 4.28 35 61,088 78,948 1,410 12.97 25.90 9.85 100 201,500 217,671 312 10.40 51.18 2.70 13 336,605 360,919 1,438 0.30 16.07 1.66 85 43,992 50,268 1,789 12.80 8.96 5.07 71.30 217,313 240,409 3,756 7.10 8.96 10.70 85 150,173 162,531 2,047 7.34 29.14 3.67 65 99,703 162,278 1,519 8.62 15.98 3.31 70 94,701 100,815 646 3.98 48.20 5.68 54 78,337 84,296 1,389 1.30 23.59 6.00 87 169,869 179,148 522 8.26 23.95 3.64 60 110,886 123,505 901 10.70 56.73 5.82 95 16,096 16,980 2,653 8.45 32.27 4.73 45 71,055 80,464 1,108 5.30 32.27 10.00 80 54,806 59,914 3,347 5.00 14.54 5.07 60 53,462 55,508 830 9.40 14.54 3.04 87 185,351 197,245 3,407 2.16 14.54 9.40 70 297,666 326,264 4,595 1.94 64.08 3.82 95 295,095 317,030 840 8.15 55.58 4.25 66 33,286 35,559 124 3.50 23.93 3.30 60 93,959 98,720 494 8.68 35.32 5.33 21 32,817 35,058 122 8.86 35.32 3.00 65 172,416 190,062 729 1.78 35.32 4.35 34 118,719 131,983 307 5.50 76.50 5.67 70 138,546 150,010 645 10.24 26.44 4.00 58.73 167,709 192,568 492 6.40 26.44 4.50 95 79,790 84,607 934 0.32 25.95 4.49 80 216,637 256,677 1,832 4.00 25.95 7.49 83 148,626 171,331 1,949 0.40 43.08 4.48 20 55,286 65,212 387 4.94 39.26 3.46 50 130 675 130,675 140 566 140,566 721 0 45 0.45 24 64 24.64 8 15 8.15 67 76 67.76 488,100 541,495 3,500 1.59 31.39 1.50 87 5,226,100 5,911,600 2,817 7.80 11.23 4.10 85 44,690 132,241 962 2.31 47.50 4.00 70 106,959 115,067 1,000 6.42 47.76 3.96 81 252,334 270,238 2,545 6.15 47.76 2.16 67 132,460 142,420 812 2.68 58.40 3.28 55 107,631 116,407 1,737 4.38 55.71 2.82 60 182,401 202,316 826 2.67 55.68 0.61 66 1,079,891 1,134,500 809 8.31 34.50 3.50 80 97,567 102,320 1,764 2.19 60.70 6.90 84 31,110 64,569 529 2.00 60.70 4.90 100 142,986 149,839 1,398 1.28 36.63 3.55 85 67,382 71,832 604 21.55 70.48 2.06 94 253,575 269,811 478 21.00 48.15 3.50 80 37,592 42,600 481 2.30 53.33 3.66 75 189,191 207,593 2,125 5.52 53.33 3.50 83 115,549 121,363 1,480 4.00 47.76 3.00 80 116,023 124,049 1,622 12.49 14.89 4.77 81 51,727 53,951 1,681 13.28 48.15 0.85 85 160,841 170,497 3,530 1.08 30.41 4.57 84 72,199 96,016 1,411 6.95 72.86 3.16 66 121,236 124,947 2,608 5.49 48.26 1.52 90 Data in red fonts are data based on the Statistical Yearbook of Vietnam, 2006. 1.50 0.86 1.50 1 99 1.99 1.04 0.96 3.62 1.99 1.99 2.80 1.99 0.41 2.27 1.99 1.99 0.19 3.78 1.99 1.99 1.99 3.91 3.50 3.68 4.90 2.39 1.40 3.60 2.29 3.68 3.68 3.00 4.00 4.53 3.68 6.15 5.50 3.68 2.70 0.80 1.73 2.82 3.42 2.82 3.91 3.20 0.65 2.82 5.52 2.05 4.70 0.85 3.55 5.80 4.74 1.26 0.88 2.82 0.78 5.11 1.77 0.74 2.50 2.00 4.00 0.40 4.00 2.27 2.27 1.37 2.67 4.74 2.67 4 03 4.03 2.67 0.55 2.67 3.05 2.71 2.71 2.71 0.79 2.71 4.00 4.00 3.50 0.77 3.50 2.71 4.40 2.71 3.95 1.19 2.06 2.71 1.25 52 38 46 59 36 29 35 39.65 37 36 37 33 34 39.65 39.65 38 40 46 37 41 38 39 39 45 49 47 52 47 36 37 40 55 62 48 38 50 50 42 57 63 70 44 46 44 49.44 49.44 42 47 64 48 38 44 50 54 44 45 49 41 45 55 48 39 54 49.00 57 40 54 51 42 56 50 48 51 63 45 40 46 51 52 43 56 44 52 48.87 52 41 48 48 46 47 55 47 51 55 47 70 80 75 20 54 80 85 35 80 60 50 80 70 67.89 67.89 30 80 70 85 80 70 75 95 70 70 65 80 72 80 78.88 75 85 70 78.88 90 95 70 100 68.39 20 65 90 60 80 70 70 40 90 85 85 57 72 86 70 50 86 60 35 75 90 82 80 40 85 65 60 70.29 80 92 75 90 80 95 80 82 40 80 60 90 75 70 73.97 80 80 80 60 80 48 70 73.97 84 65 95 70 70 1.99 3.68 2.82 2.27 2.67 2.71 2.77 39.65 45.21 49.44 49.00 49.43 48.87 46.53 67.89 78.88 68.39 70.29 79.25 73.97 72.46 Economic Significance Investment 2.0 3,220 2.32 2.1 249 20.91 2.1 969 1.61 01 17 19 0.1 126 17.19 3.2 716 0.53 2.7 271 3.70 1.2 632 17.46 1.3 262 3.20 0.7 1,011 6.37 2.5 390 28.06 1.6 977 1.51 2.1 2,036 1.77 2.1 230 13.86 1.3 855 5.40 1.3 1,196 5.40 1.0 543 2.39 1.5 1,324 2.39 1.2 1,308 20.16 1.3 896 3.83 1.2 1,362 13.18 2.3 4,248 29.57 1.5 2,396 14.77 6.0 3,417 26.81 1.2 1,170 7.09 0.4 4,162 0.13 3.0 3,968 43.60 1.1 1,173 14.30 1.3 1,694 13.09 0.6 5,125 22.46 1.3 492 0.40 1.3 2,270 21.02 1.0 477 1.04 1.0 935 34.81 1.2 407 1.71 1.5 147 13.50 0.7 3,280 3.27 0.8 695 15.90 , 2.9 2,413 26.52 1.3 1,194 4.77 1.3 616 3.74 1.5 1,009 1.50 1.9 619 14.73 0.3 620 6.43 1.3 1,410 3.87 1.5 312 4.43 1.4 1,438 4.43 2.7 1,789 68.74 2.0 3,756 19.80 1.6 2,047 0.54 0.9 1,519 13.53 1.2 646 16.77 1.5 1,389 25.95 1.1 522 2.42 1.8 901 6.88 1.1 2,653 5.07 2.5 1,108 8.63 1.8 3,347 9.69 0.8 830 17.33 1.3 3,407 21.17 1.9 4,595 13.60 1.4 840 9.40 1.3 124 5.43 1.0 494 4.06 1.3 122 7.20 2.0 729 8.60 2.1 307 12.85 1.6 645 3.56 2.8 492 1.83 1.2 934 35.34 3.5 1,832 35.34 2.0 1,949 20.59 3.4 387 1.21 15 1.5 721 12 26 12.26 2.0 3,500 32.51 2.8 2,817 22.22 4.0 962 0.74 1.5 1,000 1.20 1.4 2,545 5.75 1.5 812 5.30 1.6 1,737 32.14 2.1 826 13.40 1.0 809 8.04 1.0 1,764 2.96 1.3 529 2.96 1.0 1,398 4.32 1.3 604 8.06 1.2 478 4.87 2.5 481 10.54 1.9 2,125 7.50 1.0 1,480 7.19 1.4 1,622 1.89 0.8 1,681 11.74 1.0 3,530 4.86 1.6 1,411 10.06 0.6 2,608 13.22 Priority cities and towns for urban upgrading. Regional Significance Rank Population Density 2005 (Person/Km2) Average Annual Population Growth Rate (2000-2004) Percentage of solid waste collected over total solid waste generated Number of Students per Classroom Drainage pipes density (km/km2) Rate of households with water supply Road density (km/km2) Percentage of household with poor housing Infrastructure Deficiencies ODA Investment by Province (US$M) CRITERIA FOR CITIES/TOWNS SELECTION EnvironUrbanDensity ment isation Poverty Percentage of poor households Density Population Density (Person/Km2) 32.2 132.0 55.2 114 0 114.0 64.0 166.0 133.0 70.8 77.7 221.5 64.5 71.3 330.0 10.9 13.6 83.6 177.1 43.7 29.7 58.0 26.3 34.3 921.8 103.2 32.9 36.2 1,526.0 46.8 46.4 106.8 48.4 335.8 208.7 240.4 515.0 42.1 123.3 50.8 216.4 182.8 206.0 1,256.0 58.0 56.0 697.0 251.0 28.1 64.0 79.4 106.8 156.0 60.7 343.5 137.1 6.4 72.6 17.9 66.9 57.9 71.0 377.2 286.6 199.9 287.0 260.6 430.0 232.4 391.1 90.6 140.1 87.9 168.5 195 0 195.0 154.7 2,098.7 137.4 115.0 106.2 175.5 67.0 245.0 1,401.6 58.0 122.2 107.2 119.0 564.0 88.5 97.7 82.0 76.5 32.1 48.3 68.0 47.9 Population 2005 L H H H H H H H H H L L H H H H L H H H L L L L L L L L L L L LC LC L L L L L LC L L L LC LC LC LC LC L L L LC LC LC LC LC LC LC LC LC LC H H H H H H H H L L L L L L L L L L LC LC LC L L L L L LC L LC L LC LC L LC L Population Population 2000 City Area (Km2) Class City/Town Province Urbanisation Sub-Region Economic Region Vietnam 3 Major Regions North Centre (North Central Coast, South Central Coast and Central Highlands) South 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 Area Lowland, Highland, Coastal Topology City/Town, Class, Province, Region Total Investment (VND mil./capita) for 5 years (2000-2004) MCA for 95 Cities and Towns (Class I and above) 187.44 6.14 7.56 0 12 0.12 0.12 4.22 10.64 8.90 5.95 6.94 5.09 5.09 7.12 7.12 7.12 17.72 17.72 14.29 7.64 7.64 47.15 2.26 707.15 13.07 13.07 657.21 229.45 59.41 70.09 46.88 46.88 172.25 172.25 172.25 172.25 41.35 27.62 27.62 81.18 439.03 439.03 102.13 12.66 12.66 128.62 128.62 25.24 25.24 35.13 110.68 28.99 47.92 47.92 67.41 21.44 21.44 16.86 16.86 16.86 121.19 23.91 0.07 10.58 10.58 10.58 2.60 108.10 108.10 568.79 568.79 3.60 1.98 37 17 37.17 37.17 449.11 18.69 22.01 22.01 16.14 13.20 4.31 236.93 11.79 11.79 11.79 0.00 0.00 6.42 6.42 5.68 2.04 29.64 29.64 5.98 27.50 Economic Region 1 2 3 4 5 6 Overall 9.25 5.31 7.23 6.64 2.73 6.83 6.78 29.96 16.17 26.71 39.36 31.13 49.76 31.61 3.85 4.39 5.07 4.30 4.71 3.28 4.23 68.25 75.65 71.30 58.73 67.76 78.75 71.96 1.64 1.62 1.48 1.70 2.54 1.34 1.62 928.63 2137.19 1623.93 469.33 1637.81 1444.19 1442.79 8.56 16.11 12.46 6.62 20.03 8.21 11.63 Regional significance ranking if the city or town in mentioned in the Socio-Economic Development Plan Special Cities = 5 Class I City = 4 Class II City = 3 Class III City = 2 Class IV City/Town = 1 Not mentioned = 0 National Urban Upgrading Strategy and Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to 2020 (NUUP) 5/3/2008 Appendix F - 63/63 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 2 2 0 3 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 5 0 2 2 4 0 3 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 2 4 0 0 1 3 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 3 0 0 0 0 2 0 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 2 0 0 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 APPENDIX G Urban Upgrading Demand and Investment Cost APPENDIX G Urban Upgrading Demand and Investment Cost This provides the tabulations of demand and investment cost for upgrading of primary, secondary and tertiary infrastructure, house and resettlement of the six economic regions in Vietnam, excluding the 8 priority cities and towns. The six economic regions are as follows: i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) Region 1 - Northern midlands and mountain areas (Northwest and Northeast); Region 2 - Red River Delta and Northern key economic region; Region 3 - Northern Central area, Central coastal area and Central key economic region; Region 4 - Central Highlands; Region 5 - Southeastern and Southern key economic region; and Region 6 - Mekong River Delta. Table 1 Region 1 Urban Upgrading Demand Table 2 Region 2 Urban Upgrading Demand Table 3 Region 3 Urban Upgrading Demand Table 4 Region 4 Urban Upgrading Demand Table 5 Region 5 Urban Upgrading Demand Table 6 Region 6 Urban Upgrading Demand Table 7 Cost Estimates for Region 1 Table 8 Cost Estimates for Region 2 Table 9 Cost Estimates for Region 3 Table 10 Cost Estimates for Region 4 Table 11 Cost Estimates for Region 5 Table 12 Cost Estimates for Region 6 Table 13 Estimated Cost and Investment Programme (2008-2020), High Level of Service Cost estimate based on 2007 real prices Table 14 Estimated Cost and Investment Programme (2008-2020), High Level of Service Cost estimate based on 2007 escalated prices National Urban Upgrading Strategy & Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to Year 2020 (NUUP) 1/15 Table 1 Region 1 Urban Upgrading Demand Item(s) Unit Geographical Region Class TP. Bắc Giang Northeast TP. Hoà Bình Northwest III III TP. Lạng Sơn Northeast III TP. Lào Cai TP. Thái Nguyên Northeast Northeast III II TP. Yên Bái Northeast TX. Bắc Cạn Northeast III TX. Hà Giang TX. Lai Châu TX. Mai Sơn TX. Mộc Châu TX. Mường Lay Northeast Northwest Northwest Northwest Northwest IV IV III IV IV IV TX. Nghĩa Lộ TX. Phú Thọ TX. Sơn La TX. Sông Công Northeast Northeast Northwest Northeast IV IV IV IV TX. Tuyên Quang Northeast IV DEMAND ANALYSIS Primary & Secondary Infrastructure Water Total water demand for 2020 Capacity of present water supply system Incremental requirement of water supply system for 2020 Primary Water Supply Infrastructure Secondary Water Supply Infrastructure Drainage Volume of wastewater need treatment (2020) Wastewater treatment capacity Incremental volume of wastewater for treatment 2020 Primary Drainage Secondary Drainage Solid waste Required capacity of landfill Capacity of existing landfill Required net capacity of landfill Roads Primary Roads Secondary Roads LIAs Tertiary Infrastructure Water Households without water supply in LIAs (2005) Distribution line Service connection Sanitation Number of households without septic tank Drainage Total length of drainage need upgrading Solid waste Volume of uncollected solid waste (2005) Roads Length of earth road (width >= 6m) Length of earth road (width between 2.5-6m) Length of earth road (below 2.5) Length of asphalt road (width >= 6m) Length of asphalt road (width between 2.5-6m) Length of asphalt road (below 2.5) Length of macadam road (width >= 6m) Length of macadam road (width between 2.5-6m) Length of macadam road (below 2.5) Length of concrete road (width >= 6m) Length of concrete road (width between 2.5-6m) Length of concrete road (below 2.5) Total length of road in need of upgrading Streetlight Road length without streetlight Urbanised Tertiary Infrastructure Water Households without water supply in urbanised area (2005) Distribution line Service connection Sanitation Number of households without septic tank Drainage Existing drainage pipeline Length of drainage backlog of urbanised area (2005) Solid waste Volume of uncollected solid waste (2005) Road Length of earth road (width >= 6m) Length of earth road (width between 2.5-6m) Length of earth road (below 2.5) Length of asphalt road (width >= 6m) Length of asphalt road (width between 2.5-6m) Length of asphalt road (below 2.5) Length of macadam road (width >= 6m) Length of macadam road (width between 2.5-6m) Length of macadam road (below 2.5) Length of concrete road (width >= 6m) Length of concrete road (width between 2.5-6m) Length of concrete road (below 2.5) Total length of road in need of upgrading Streetlight Road without streetlight Urban Expansion Tertiary Infrastructure Water HHs needing water supply (2020) Distribution line Service connection Drainage Length of drainage for built-up area (2020) Solid waste Volume of solid waste to be collected (2020) Roads Length of earth road (width >= 6m) Length of earth road (width between 2.5-6m) Length of earth road (below 2.5) Length of asphalt road (width >= 6m) Length of asphalt road (width between 2.5-6m) Length of asphalt road (below 2.5) Length of macadam road (width >= 6m) Length of macadam road (width between 2.5-6m) Length of macadam road (below 2.5) Length of concrete road (width >= 6m) Length of concrete road (width between 2.5-6m) Length of concrete road (below 2.5) Total length of road for new construction Streetlight Construction of new street lighting (2020) Resettlement Number of houses in unsafe areas Housing Estimated number of sub-standard housing to be upgraded Estimated number of HHs opting for housing loan (60% of substandard housing) National Urban Upgrading Strategy and Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to 2020 D:\NUUPMINH\Final Report\Appendix_EN_Finalreport\ApG_Tables1-12_Investmentcost_ Basic_EN.xls 5/3/2008 cmd cmd cmd km km 9,395 12,131 2 4 8,321 19,000 1 2 5,780 15,000 1 1 11,055 8,200 2,855 3 5 18,001 28,351 4 5 9,003 9,242 2 2 2,733 1,582 1,152 1 1 4,867 4,097 770 2 2 1,595 1,647 0 0 1,982 1,442 540 0 1 1,139 829 310 0 0 1,017 1,276 0 0 1,942 519 1,423 0 1 2,957 5,589 1 1 4,209 9,381 1 2 2,747 590 2,157 0 1 3,131 2,972 159 1 1 cmd cmd cmd km km 3,382 3,382 2 4 2,995 2,995 1 2 2,081 2,081 1 1 3,980 3,980 3 5 6,480 25 6,455 4 5 3,241 3,241 2 2 984 984 1 1 1,752 1,752 2 2 574 574 0 0 714 714 0 1 410 410 0 0 366 366 0 0 699 699 0 1 1,065 1,065 1 1 1,515 1,515 1 2 989 989 0 1 1,127 1,127 1 1 T/d T/d ha 3 3 3 2 1 km km 2 4 HH km HH 4 - 4 6 25 4 4 1 2 1 1 3 5 995 2.49 995 499 1.25 499 2,779 6.95 2,779 pcs 2,263 2,273 km 5 2 T/day 2.7 km km km km km km km km km km km km km 0.7 0.8 1.4 0.7 0.8 1.4 0.7 0.8 1.4 0.7 0.8 1.4 11.6 - 3 - 1 - 2 - 1 - 1 - 0 - 1 - 3 - 4 - 6 - 4 - 1 - 3 1 2 1 1 0 1 3 4 6 4 1 4 5 2 2 1 1 2 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 0 1 1 1 2,915 7.29 2,915 1,438 3.60 1,438 1,065 2.66 1,065 1,790 4.48 1,790 1,383 3.46 1,383 185 0.46 185 2,309 5.77 2,309 1,327 3.32 1,327 140 0.35 140 1,923 4.81 1,923 1,057 2.64 1,057 217 0.54 217 3,033 7.58 3,033 2,241 5.60 2,241 3,160 2,455 4,674 2,422 646 1,048 422 525 301 321 514 748 989 766 849 14 15 7 5 9 7 1 12 7 1 10 5 1 15 11 2.2 3.1 2.3 6.1 2.1 0.9 1.2 0.5 0.4 0.2 0.4 0.9 1.6 2.0 1.2 1.5 0.7 0.8 1.5 0.7 0.8 1.5 0.7 0.8 1.5 0.7 0.8 1.5 11.6 0.9 1.1 2.0 0.9 1.1 2.0 0.9 1.1 2.0 0.9 1.1 2.0 16.1 0.7 0.8 1.6 0.7 0.8 1.6 0.7 0.8 1.6 0.7 0.8 1.6 12.5 1.4 1.6 3.0 1.4 1.6 3.0 1.4 1.6 3.0 1.4 1.6 3.0 23.9 0.7 0.8 1.5 0.7 0.8 1.5 0.7 0.8 1.5 0.7 0.8 1.5 12.4 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.4 3.3 0.3 0.4 0.7 0.3 0.4 0.7 0.3 0.4 0.7 0.3 0.4 0.7 5.4 0.1 0.1 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.3 2.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.3 2.7 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.2 1.5 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.2 1.6 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.3 2.6 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.2 0.3 0.5 3.8 0.3 0.3 0.6 0.3 0.3 0.6 0.3 0.3 0.6 0.3 0.3 0.6 5.1 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.2 0.3 0.5 3.9 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.2 0.3 0.5 4.3 km 3 3 4 3 5 3 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 HH km HH 713 1.78 713 359 0.90 359 1,992 4.98 1,992 2,089 5.22 2,089 1,032 2.58 1,032 764 1.91 764 1,283 3.21 1,283 992 2.48 992 134 0.34 134 1,656 4.14 1,656 951 2.38 951 102 0.26 102 1,378 3.45 1,378 759 1.90 759 156 0.39 156 2,174 5.44 2,174 1,606 4.02 1,606 pcs 5,750 5,777 8,028 6,237 11,875 6,156 1,641 2,664 1,074 1,334 767 817 1,307 1,903 2,514 1,947 2,158 km km 7 4 12 13 8 10 52 10 158 5 11 4 9 6 19 5 30 1 9 8 7 5 102 1 15 7 12 4 25 1 12 11 7 8 T/p 4.9 0.9 2.7 6.2 5.3 1.8 0.7 1.0 2.5 3.5 2.0 2.4 2.4 6.0 3.6 6.6 2.7 km km km km km km km km km km km km km 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.4 2.9 3.2 0.2 0.4 2.6 0.2 68.0 3.2 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.4 79.2 1.6 6.8 0.5 0.2 0.3 1.9 2.1 0.3 0.5 0.2 0.3 23.0 37.6 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.4 3.1 0.3 0.4 0.7 0.3 0.4 0.7 0.3 0.4 0.7 0.3 0.4 0.7 6.0 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.4 3.1 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.8 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.2 1.3 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.7 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 1.0 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.2 1.3 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 1.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 1.1 km 0.7 9.3 4.1 0.7 1.4 0.7 0.2 0.3 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.2 HH km HH 5,589 13.97 5,589 4,988 12.47 4,988 6,468 16.17 6,468 6,576 16.44 6,576 10,708 26.77 10,708 5,356 13.39 5,356 1,626 4.06 1,626 2,895 7.24 2,895 949 2.37 949 1,179 2.95 1,179 677 1.69 677 605 1.51 605 1,155 2.89 1,155 1,759 4.40 1,759 2,504 6.26 2,504 1,634 4.09 1,634 1,862 4.66 1,862 6.12 km 29.13 16.41 13.30 42.13 43.08 18.33 8.94 19.77 3.50 4.34 2.50 0.26 4.26 7.79 13.97 4.57 T/p 5.6 5.0 6.5 6.6 10.7 5.4 1.6 2.9 0.9 1.2 0.7 0.6 1.2 1.8 2.5 1.6 1.9 km km km km km km km km km km km km km 0.60 0.90 0.90 0.60 0.90 0.90 0.60 0.90 0.90 0.60 0.90 0.90 9.56 0.33 0.50 0.50 0.33 0.50 0.50 0.33 0.50 0.50 0.33 0.50 0.50 5.34 0.14 0.22 0.22 0.14 0.22 0.22 0.14 0.22 0.22 0.14 0.22 0.22 2.32 0.86 1.30 1.30 0.86 1.30 1.30 0.86 1.30 1.30 0.86 1.30 1.30 13.82 1.10 1.32 1.32 1.10 1.32 1.32 1.10 1.32 1.32 1.10 1.32 1.32 15.01 0.38 0.56 0.56 0.38 0.56 0.56 0.38 0.56 0.56 0.38 0.56 0.56 6.01 0.18 0.27 0.27 0.18 0.27 0.27 0.18 0.27 0.27 0.18 0.27 0.27 2.93 0.41 0.61 0.61 0.41 0.61 0.61 0.41 0.61 0.61 0.41 0.61 0.61 6.48 0.07 0.11 0.11 0.07 0.11 0.11 0.07 0.11 0.11 0.07 0.11 0.11 1.15 0.09 0.13 0.13 0.09 0.13 0.13 0.09 0.13 0.13 0.09 0.13 0.13 1.43 0.05 0.08 0.08 0.05 0.08 0.08 0.05 0.08 0.08 0.05 0.08 0.08 0.82 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.09 0.09 0.13 0.13 0.09 0.13 0.13 0.09 0.13 0.13 0.09 0.13 0.13 1.40 0.16 0.24 0.24 0.16 0.24 0.24 0.16 0.24 0.24 0.16 0.24 0.24 2.56 0.29 0.43 0.43 0.29 0.43 0.43 0.29 0.43 0.43 0.29 0.43 0.43 4.58 0.09 0.14 0.14 0.09 0.14 0.14 0.09 0.14 0.14 0.09 0.14 0.14 1.50 0.13 0.19 0.19 0.13 0.19 0.19 0.13 0.19 0.19 0.13 0.19 0.19 2.01 0.50 km 2.39 1.34 0.58 3.46 4.42 1.50 0.73 1.62 0.29 0.36 0.20 0.02 0.35 0.64 1.15 0.37 HH 376 1,456 201 408 776 402 106 174 70 86 50 52 84 124 164 126 140 HH HH 1,387 832 1,393 836 1,936 1,162 1,504 903 2,864 1,718 1,484 891 396 237 642 385 259 155 322 193 185 111 197 118 315 189 459 275 606 364 470 282 520 312 2/15 Table 2 Region 2 Urban Upgrading Demand Item(s) Unit Geographical Region Class TP. Bắc Ninh Red Delta III TP. Hà Đông Red Delta TP. Hạ Long Red Delta III TP. Hà Nội Red Delta II I TP. Hải Phòng TP. Nam Định TP. Sơn Tây TP. Thái Bình TP. Vĩnh Yên TX. Cẩm Phả TX. Hưng Yên Red Delta Red Delta Red Delta Red Delta Red Delta Red Delta Red Delta I II III III III III TX. Móng Cái TX. Phủ Lý Red Delta Red Delta III IV IV TX. Phúc Yên Red Delta IV TX. Tam Điệp Red Delta IV TX. Uông Bí Red Delta IV DEMAND ANALYSIS Primary & Secondary Infrastructure Water Total water demand for 2020 Capacity of present water supply system Incremental requirement of water supply system for 2020 Primary Water Supply Infrastructure Secondary Water Supply Infrastructure Drainage Volume of wastewater need treatment (2020) Wastewater treatment capacity Incremental volume of wastewater for treatment 2020 Primary Drainage Secondary Drainage Solid waste Required capacity of landfill Capacity of existing landfill Required net capacity of landfill Roads Primary Roads Secondary Roads LIAs Tertiary Infrastructure Water Households without water supply in LIAs (2005) Distribution line Service connection Sanitation Number of households without septic tank Drainage Total length of drainage need upgrading Solid waste Volume of uncollected solid waste (2005) Roads Length of earth road (width >= 6m) Length of earth road (width between 2.5-6m) Length of earth road (below 2.5) Length of asphalt road (width >= 6m) Length of asphalt road (width between 2.5-6m) Length of asphalt road (below 2.5) Length of macadam road (width >= 6m) Length of macadam road (width between 2.5-6m) Length of macadam road (below 2.5) Length of concrete road (width >= 6m) Length of concrete road (width between 2.5-6m) Length of concrete road (below 2.5) Total length of road in need of upgrading Streetlight Road length without streetlight Urbanised Tertiary Infrastructure Water Households without water supply in urbanised area (2005) Distribution line Service connection Sanitation Number of households without septic tank Drainage Existing drainage pipeline Length of drainage backlog of urbanised area (2005) Solid waste Volume of uncollected solid waste (2005) Road Length of earth road (width >= 6m) Length of earth road (width between 2.5-6m) Length of earth road (below 2.5) Length of asphalt road (width >= 6m) Length of asphalt road (width between 2.5-6m) Length of asphalt road (below 2.5) Length of macadam road (width >= 6m) Length of macadam road (width between 2.5-6m) Length of macadam road (below 2.5) Length of concrete road (width >= 6m) Length of concrete road (width between 2.5-6m) Length of concrete road (below 2.5) Total length of road in need of upgrading Streetlight Road without streetlight Urban Expansion Tertiary Infrastructure Water HHs needing water supply (2020) Distribution line Service connection Drainage Length of drainage for built-up area (2020) Solid waste Volume of solid waste to be collected (2020) Roads Length of earth road (width >= 6m) Length of earth road (width between 2.5-6m) Length of earth road (below 2.5) Length of asphalt road (width >= 6m) Length of asphalt road (width between 2.5-6m) Length of asphalt road (below 2.5) Length of macadam road (width >= 6m) Length of macadam road (width between 2.5-6m) Length of macadam road (below 2.5) Length of concrete road (width >= 6m) Length of concrete road (width between 2.5-6m) Length of concrete road (below 2.5) Total length of road for new construction Streetlight Construction of new street lighting (2020) Resettlement Number of houses in unsafe areas Housing Estimated number of sub-standard housing to be upgraded Estimated number of HHs opting for housing loan (60% of substandard housing) National Urban Upgrading Strategy and Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to 2020 D:\NUUPMINH\Final Report\Appendix_EN_Finalreport\ApG_Tables1-12_Investmentcost_ Basic_EN.xls 5/3/2008 cmd cmd cmd km km 14,050 11,826 2,223 4.09 6.13 9,237 15,132 0.48 0.71 21,478 22,820 3.41 4.55 442,451 550,000 320.94 385.12 71,856 160,000 13.19 15.83 21,825 29,062 2.18 2.90 5,591 20,000 0.89 1.34 11,556 40,000 1.22 1.83 12,540 13,543 4.39 6.58 18,363 17,711 652 2.65 3.98 5,572 6,699 1.00 1.50 3,424 5,400 0.70 1.04 5,703 25,000 1.11 1.66 5,600 9,476 0.64 0.96 3,356 1,707 1,649 0.58 0.88 10,937 9,621 1,316 1.78 2.68 cmd cmd cmd km km 5,058 5,058 4.09 6.13 3,325 3,325 0.48 0.71 7,732 7,500 232 3.41 4.55 159,282 363,000 320.94 385.12 25,868 70,000 13.19 15.83 7,857 7,857 2.18 2.90 2,013 2,013 0.89 1.34 4,160 4,160 1.22 1.83 4,514 4,514 4.39 6.58 6,611 6,611 2.65 3.98 2,006 2,006 1.00 1.50 1,233 1,233 0.70 1.04 2,053 2,053 1.11 1.66 2,016 2,016 0.64 0.96 1,208 1,208 0.58 0.88 3,937 3,937 1.78 2.68 ha ha ha 19.23 19.23 12.64 12.64 29.40 15.90 13.50 605.60 20.00 585.60 98.35 64.00 34.35 29.87 64.00 - 7.65 14.00 - 15.82 2.00 13.82 17.16 5.00 12.16 25.13 25.13 7.63 7.63 4.69 1.00 3.69 7.81 0.41 7.40 7.66 7.66 4.59 4.59 14.97 14.97 km km 4.09 6.13 0.48 0.71 3.79 4.55 320.94 385.12 13.19 15.83 2.42 2.90 0.89 1.34 1.22 1.83 4.39 6.58 2.65 3.98 1.00 1.50 0.70 1.04 1.11 1.66 0.64 0.96 0.58 0.88 1.78 2.68 HH km HH 2,647 6.62 2,647 1,867 4.67 1,867 2,620 6.55 2,620 52,772 131.93 52,772 17,420 43.55 17,420 1,695 4.24 1,695 346 0.87 346 7,210 18.03 7,210 - 3,347 8.37 3,347 2,272 5.68 2,272 3,054 7.64 3,054 534 1.34 534 1,056 2.64 1,056 2,953 7.38 2,953 3,425 8.56 3,425 pcs 3,218 2,830 5,959 59,990 19,803 6,425 1,574 3,298 - 5,074 1,476 932 1,216 1,601 895 2,956 km 11 7 10 211 70 7 1 29 - 13 9 12 2 4 12 14 T/day 2.9 3.6 5.1 55.3 46.8 6.2 2.8 2.0 3.2 4.2 2.1 1.9 1.9 2.2 1.4 2.6 km km km km km km km km km km km km km 0.94 1.11 2.05 0.94 1.11 2.05 0.94 1.11 2.05 0.94 1.11 2.05 16.43 0.83 0.98 1.81 0.83 0.98 1.81 0.83 0.98 1.81 0.83 0.98 1.81 14.45 1.75 2.05 3.80 1.75 2.05 3.80 1.75 2.05 3.80 1.75 2.05 3.80 30.43 17.61 20.67 38.29 17.61 20.67 38.29 17.61 20.67 38.29 17.61 20.67 38.29 306.29 5.81 6.82 12.64 5.81 6.82 12.64 5.81 6.82 12.64 5.81 6.82 12.64 101.11 1.89 2.21 4.10 1.89 2.21 4.10 1.89 2.21 4.10 1.89 2.21 4.10 32.81 0.46 0.54 1.01 0.46 0.54 1.01 0.46 0.54 1.01 0.46 0.54 1.01 8.04 0.97 1.14 2.11 0.97 1.14 2.11 0.97 1.14 2.11 0.97 1.14 2.11 16.84 0.42 0.49 0.91 0.42 0.49 0.91 0.42 0.49 0.91 0.42 0.49 0.91 7.29 1.49 1.75 3.24 1.49 1.75 3.24 1.49 1.75 3.24 1.49 1.75 3.24 25.91 0.43 0.51 0.94 0.43 0.51 0.94 0.43 0.51 0.94 0.43 0.51 0.94 7.54 0.27 0.32 0.60 0.27 0.32 0.60 0.27 0.32 0.60 0.27 0.32 0.60 4.76 0.36 0.42 0.78 0.36 0.42 0.78 0.36 0.42 0.78 0.36 0.42 0.78 6.21 0.47 0.55 1.02 0.47 0.55 1.02 0.47 0.55 1.02 0.47 0.55 1.02 8.18 0.26 0.31 0.57 0.26 0.31 0.57 0.26 0.31 0.57 0.26 0.31 0.57 4.57 0.87 1.02 1.89 0.87 1.02 1.89 0.87 1.02 1.89 0.87 1.02 1.89 15.10 km 3.78 3.32 7.00 70.45 23.26 7.55 1.85 3.87 1.68 5.96 1.73 1.09 1.43 1.88 1.05 3.47 HH km HH 1,897 4.74 1,897 1,338 3.35 1,338 1,879 4.70 1,879 37,814 94.54 37,814 12,483 31.21 12,483 1,215 3.04 1,215 248 0.62 248 5,167 12.92 5,167 10,698 26.74 10,698 2,399 6.00 2,399 1,629 4.07 1,629 2,190 5.48 2,190 384 0.96 384 758 1.90 758 2,117 5.29 2,117 2,455 6.14 2,455 pcs 8,178 7,191 15,141 152,422 50,316 16,325 4,002 8,381 20,300 12,893 3,751 2,369 3,090 4,070 2,275 7,512 km km 63 9 16 7 523 9 883 189 495 62 49 6 551 1 55 - 8 15 49 12 36 8 19 - 39 15 13 4 75 11 601 12 T/p 5.3 6.4 9.2 - 40.7 5.4 5.0 - (3.2) 1.7 3.3 - 2.5 4.0 1.8 3.6 km km km km km km km km km km km km km 0.24 0.28 0.51 0.24 0.28 0.51 0.24 0.28 0.51 0.24 0.28 0.51 4.11 0.21 0.24 0.45 0.21 0.24 0.45 0.21 0.24 0.45 0.21 0.24 0.45 3.61 0.44 0.51 0.95 0.44 0.51 0.95 0.44 0.51 0.95 0.44 0.51 0.95 7.61 4.40 5.17 9.57 4.40 5.17 9.57 4.40 5.17 9.57 4.40 5.17 9.57 76.57 1.45 1.71 3.16 1.45 1.71 3.16 1.45 1.71 3.16 1.45 1.71 3.16 25.28 0.47 0.55 1.03 0.47 0.55 1.03 0.47 0.55 1.03 0.47 0.55 1.03 8.20 0.12 0.14 0.25 0.94 0.14 0.17 0.12 0.14 0.25 0.12 0.14 0.25 2.75 0.24 0.28 0.53 1.60 0.28 9.93 0.24 0.28 0.53 0.24 0.28 8.10 22.54 0.10 0.12 0.23 0.10 0.12 0.23 0.10 0.12 0.23 0.10 0.12 0.23 1.82 0.37 0.44 0.81 0.37 0.44 0.81 0.37 0.44 0.81 0.37 0.44 0.81 6.48 0.11 0.13 0.24 0.11 0.13 0.24 0.11 0.13 0.24 0.11 0.13 0.24 1.88 0.07 0.08 0.15 12.63 0.08 11.65 0.07 0.08 0.15 0.07 0.08 0.15 25.24 0.09 0.10 0.19 0.09 0.10 0.19 0.09 0.10 0.19 0.09 0.10 1.94 3.30 0.12 0.14 0.26 0.12 0.14 0.26 0.12 0.14 0.26 0.12 0.14 0.26 2.04 0.07 0.08 0.14 0.07 0.08 0.14 0.07 0.08 0.14 0.07 0.08 0.14 1.14 0.22 0.25 0.47 0.22 0.25 0.47 0.22 0.25 0.47 0.22 0.25 0.47 3.77 km 1 1 2 18 6 2 1 2 0 1 0 13 0 0 0 1 HH km HH 8,358 20.90 8,358 5,494 13.74 5,494 12,776 31.94 12,776 626,216 1,565.54 626,216 42,745 106.86 42,745 12,983 32.46 12,983 3,449 8.62 3,449 6,793 16.98 6,793 10,698 26.74 10,698 10,923 27.31 10,923 3,314 8.29 3,314 2,154 5.39 2,154 2,780 6.95 2,780 3,331 8.33 3,331 1,996 4.99 1,996 6,506 16.26 6,506 21.76 km 49.84 5.80 36.96 3,131.08 128.70 23.60 11.26 14.74 53.49 32.37 12.21 8.97 11.07 7.82 7.12 T/p 8.4 5.5 12.8 626.2 42.7 13.0 3.4 6.8 10.7 10.9 3.3 2.2 2.8 3.3 2.0 6.5 km km km km km km km km km km km km km 1.02 1.53 1.53 1.02 1.53 1.53 1.02 1.53 1.53 1.02 1.53 1.53 16.35 0.12 0.18 0.18 0.12 0.18 0.18 0.12 0.18 0.18 0.12 0.18 0.18 1.90 0.95 1.14 1.14 0.95 1.14 1.14 0.95 1.14 1.14 0.95 1.14 1.14 12.88 80.23 96.28 96.28 80.23 96.28 96.28 80.23 96.28 96.28 80.23 96.28 96.28 1,091.18 3.30 3.96 3.96 3.30 3.96 3.96 3.30 3.96 3.96 3.30 3.96 3.96 44.85 0.60 0.73 0.73 0.60 0.73 0.73 0.60 0.73 0.73 0.60 0.73 0.73 8.23 0.22 0.33 0.33 0.22 0.33 0.33 0.22 0.33 0.33 0.22 0.33 0.33 3.56 0.31 0.46 0.46 0.31 0.46 0.46 0.31 0.46 0.46 0.31 0.46 0.46 4.89 1.10 1.64 1.64 1.10 1.64 1.64 1.10 1.64 1.64 1.10 1.64 1.64 17.54 0.66 1.00 1.00 0.66 1.00 1.00 0.66 1.00 1.00 0.66 1.00 1.00 10.62 0.25 0.38 0.38 0.25 0.38 0.38 0.25 0.38 0.38 0.25 0.38 0.38 4.01 0.17 0.26 0.26 0.17 0.26 0.26 0.17 0.26 0.26 0.17 0.26 0.26 2.78 0.28 0.42 0.42 0.28 0.42 0.42 0.28 0.42 0.42 0.28 0.42 0.42 4.43 0.16 0.24 0.24 0.16 0.24 0.24 0.16 0.24 0.24 0.16 0.24 0.24 2.56 0.15 0.22 0.22 0.15 0.22 0.22 0.15 0.22 0.22 0.15 0.22 0.22 2.34 0.45 0.67 0.67 0.45 0.67 0.67 0.45 0.67 0.67 0.45 0.67 0.67 7.14 km 4 0 3 273 11 2 1 1 4 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 HH 534 470 990 9,976 3,292 1,068 900 242 87 842 244 154 288 266 148 490 HH HH 1,972 1,183 1,734 1,040 3,651 2,191 36,755 22,053 12,133 7,280 3,937 2,362 965 579 2,021 1,212 875 525 3,109 1,865 905 543 571 343 745 447 981 589 548 329 1,811 1,087 3/15 Table 3 Region 3 Urban Upgrading Demand Cost Unit TP. Đà Nẵng TP. Đồng Hới TP. Hà Tĩnh TP. Huế I III III I Class TP. Nha Trang han Rang - Tháp TP. Phan Thiết II III III TP. Quảng Ngãi TP. Quy Nhơn TP. Tam Kỳ TP. Thanh Hoá TP. Tuy Hoà TP. Vinh TX. Bỉm Sơn TX. Cam Ranh TX. Cửa Lò TX. Đông Hà TX. Hội An TX. Hồng Lĩnh TX. Lagi TX. Quảng Trị TX. Sầm Sơn III II III II III II IV IV IV IV III IV IV IV IV DEMAND ANALYSIS Primary & Secondary Infrastructure Water Total water demand for 2020 Capacity of present water supply system Incremental requirement of water supply system for 2020 Primary Water Supply Infrastructure Secondary Water Supply Infrastructure Drainage Volume of wastewater need treatment (2020) Wastewater treatment capacity Incremental volume of wastewater for treatment 2020 Primary Drainage Secondary Drainage Solid waste Required capacity of landfill Capacity of existing landfill Required net capacity of landfill Roads Primary Roads Secondary Roads LIAs Tertiary Infrastructure Water Households without water supply in LIAs (2005) Distribution line Service connection Sanitation Number of households without septic tank Drainage Total length of drainage need upgrading Solid waste Volume of uncollected solid waste (2005) Roads Length of earth road (width >= 6m) Length of earth road (width between 2.5-6m) Length of earth road (below 2.5) Length of asphalt road (width >= 6m) Length of asphalt road (width between 2.5-6m) Length of asphalt road (below 2.5) Length of macadam road (width >= 6m) Length of macadam road (width between 2.5-6m) Length of macadam road (below 2.5) Length of concrete road (width >= 6m) Length of concrete road (width between 2.5-6m) Length of concrete road (below 2.5) Total length of road in need of upgrading Streetlight R d without Road ith t streetlight t tli ht Urbanised Tertiary Infrastructure Water Households without water supply in urbanised area (2005) Distribution line Service connection Sanitation Number of households without septic tank Drainage Existing drainage pipeline Length of drainage backlog of urbanised area (2005) Solid waste Volume of uncollected solid waste (2005) Road Length of earth road (width >= 6m) Length of earth road (width between 2.5-6m) Length of earth road (below 2.5) Length of asphalt road (width >= 6m) Length of asphalt road (width between 2.5-6m) Length of asphalt road (below 2.5) Length of macadam road (width >= 6m) Length of macadam road (width between 2.5-6m) Length of macadam road (below 2.5) Length of concrete road (width >= 6m) Length of concrete road (width between 2.5-6m) Length of concrete road (below 2.5) Total length of road in need of upgrading Streetlight Road without streetlight Urban Expansion Tertiary Infrastructure Water HHs needing water supply (2020) Distribution line Service connection Drainage Length of drainage for built-up area (2020) Solid waste Volume of solid waste to be collected (2020) Roads Length of earth road (width >= 6m) Length of earth road (width between 2.5-6m) Length of earth road (below 2.5) Length of asphalt road (width >= 6m) Length of asphalt road (width between 2.5-6m) Length of asphalt road (below 2.5) Length of macadam road (width >= 6m) Length of macadam road (width between 2.5-6m) Length of macadam road (below 2.5) Length of concrete road (width >= 6m) Length of concrete road (width between 2.5-6m) Length of concrete road (below 2.5) Total length of road for new construction Streetlight Construction of new street lighting (2020) Resettlement Number of houses in unsafe areas Housing Estimated number of sub-standard housing to be upgraded Estimated number of HHs opting for housing loan (60% of substandard housing) cmd cmd cmd km km 80,243 53,628 26,615 12.37 14.84 7,849 28,000 1.25 1.88 9,005 10,263 1.62 2.43 35,116 76,000 11.01 13.21 44,255 39,882 4,374 9.40 12.53 16,925 13,734 3,191 3.57 5.36 18,149 24,000 3.59 5.39 15,310 2,000 13,310 3.67 5.51 26,953 30,223 5.20 6.93 11,248 13,973 1.66 2.49 17,324 17,949 3.32 4.42 15,701 14,767 934 2.05 3.07 32,495 26,565 5,929 9.56 12.74 4,813 6,278 0.51 0.77 11,342 6,000 5,342 2.25 3.38 4,578 4,659 1.51 2.26 11,476 8,368 3,108 3.57 5.36 7,413 9,515 1.46 2.20 1,583 1,637 0.07 0.11 5,989 19,260 1.08 1.61 1,953 993 959 0.29 0.43 4,010 4,673 0.94 1.41 cmd cmd cmd km km 28,887 80,000 12.37 14.84 2,826 2,826 1.25 1.88 3,242 3,242 1.62 2.43 12,642 12,642 11.01 13.21 15,932 15,932 9.40 12.53 6,093 6,093 3.57 5.36 6,534 6,534 3.59 5.39 5,512 5,512 3.67 5.51 9,703 9,703 5.20 6.93 4,049 4,049 1.66 2.49 6,237 6,237 3.32 4.42 5,652 5,652 2.05 3.07 11,698 11,698 9.56 12.74 1,733 1,733 0.51 0.77 4,083 4,083 2.25 3.38 1,648 1,648 1.51 2.26 4,131 4,131 3.57 5.36 2,669 2,669 1.46 2.20 570 570 0.07 0.11 2,156 2,156 1.08 1.61 703 703 0.29 0.43 1,443 1,443 0.94 1.41 ha ha ha 109.83 50.00 59.83 10.74 16.30 - 12.33 12.33 48.07 2.50 45.57 60.57 60.57 23.17 23.17 24.84 37.00 - 20.96 20.96 36.89 36.89 15.40 15.40 23.71 4.20 19.51 21.49 4.00 17.49 44.48 44.48 6.59 6.59 15.52 3.00 12.52 6.27 6.27 15.71 15.71 10.15 10.15 2.17 2.17 8.20 8.20 2.67 1.00 1.67 5.49 5.49 km km 12.37 14.84 1.25 1.88 1.62 2.43 11.01 13.21 10.44 12.53 3.57 5.36 3.59 5.39 3.67 5.51 5.78 6.93 1.66 2.49 3.69 4.42 2.05 3.07 10.62 12.74 0.51 0.77 2.25 3.38 1.51 2.26 3.57 5.36 1.46 2.20 0.07 0.11 1.08 1.61 0.29 0.43 0.94 1.41 HH km HH 39,765 99.41 39,765 5,442 13.61 5,442 - 1,477 3.69 1,477 7,651 19.13 7,651 6,638 16.60 6,638 2,429 6.07 2,429 675 1.69 675 3,172 7.93 3,172 5,449 13.62 5,449 6,127 15.32 6,127 5,819 14.55 5,819 5,114 12.79 5,114 794 1.99 794 8,468 21.17 8,468 1,184 2.96 1,184 2,245 5.61 2,245 1,113 2.78 1,113 1,394 3.49 1,394 1,535 3.84 1,535 1,299 3.25 1,299 1,744 4.36 1,744 pcs 19,637 2,690 2,385 6,718 11,597 4,312 5,523 3,073 7,213 3,097 4,643 4,410 7,753 1,389 2,203 991 2,552 1,921 487 1,586 537 991 km 159 22 - 6 31 27 10 3 13 22 25 23 20 3 34 5 9 4 6 6 5 7 T/day 19.9 3.0 2.1 6.9 9.4 4.2 5.4 2.9 6.7 4.7 5.1 4.2 6.3 1.4 5.7 1.3 2.1 2.2 0.9 5.0 0.4 1.6 km km km km km km km km km km km km km 5.8 6.8 12.5 5.8 6.8 12.5 5.8 6.8 12.5 5.8 6.8 12.5 100.3 0.8 0.9 1.7 0.8 0.9 1.7 0.8 0.9 1.7 0.8 0.9 1.7 13.7 0.7 0.8 1.5 0.7 0.8 1.5 0.7 0.8 1.5 0.7 0.8 1.5 12.2 2.0 2.3 4.3 2.0 2.3 4.3 2.0 2.3 4.3 2.0 2.3 4.3 34.3 3.4 4.0 7.4 3.4 4.0 7.4 3.4 4.0 7.4 3.4 4.0 7.4 59.2 1.3 1.5 2.8 1.3 1.5 2.8 1.3 1.5 2.8 1.3 1.5 2.8 22.0 1.6 1.9 3.5 1.6 1.9 3.5 1.6 1.9 3.5 1.6 1.9 3.5 28.2 0.9 1.1 2.0 0.9 1.1 2.0 0.9 1.1 2.0 0.9 1.1 2.0 15.7 2.1 2.5 4.6 2.1 2.5 4.6 2.1 2.5 4.6 2.1 2.5 4.6 36.8 0.9 1.1 2.0 0.9 1.1 2.0 0.9 1.1 2.0 0.9 1.1 2.0 15.8 1.4 1.6 3.0 1.4 1.6 3.0 1.4 1.6 3.0 1.4 1.6 3.0 23.7 1.3 1.5 2.8 1.3 1.5 2.8 1.3 1.5 2.8 1.3 1.5 2.8 22.5 2.3 2.7 4.9 2.3 2.7 4.9 2.3 2.7 4.9 2.3 2.7 4.9 39.6 0.4 0.5 0.9 0.4 0.5 0.9 0.4 0.5 0.9 0.4 0.5 0.9 7.1 0.6 0.8 1.4 0.6 0.8 1.4 0.6 0.8 1.4 0.6 0.8 1.4 11.2 0.3 0.3 0.6 0.3 0.3 0.6 0.3 0.3 0.6 0.3 0.3 0.6 5.1 0.7 0.9 1.6 0.7 0.9 1.6 0.7 0.9 1.6 0.7 0.9 1.6 13.0 0.6 0.7 1.2 0.6 0.7 1.2 0.6 0.7 1.2 0.6 0.7 1.2 9.8 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.1 0.2 0.3 2.5 0.5 0.5 1.0 0.5 0.5 1.0 0.5 0.5 1.0 0.5 0.5 1.0 8.1 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.3 2.7 0.3 0.3 0.6 0.3 0.3 0.6 0.3 0.3 0.6 0.3 0.3 0.6 5.1 k km 23 3 HH km HH 28,495 71.24 28,495 3,900 9.75 3,900 - pcs 49,894 6,834 km km 622 142 7 T/p - - 3 8 14 5 6 4 8 4 5 5 9 2 3 1 3 2 1 2 1 1 1,059 2.65 1,059 5,483 13.71 5,483 4,758 11.90 4,758 1,741 4.35 1,741 485 1.21 485 2,274 5.69 2,274 3,905 9.76 3,905 4,391 10.98 4,391 4,171 10.43 4,171 3,666 9.17 3,666 569 1.42 569 6,069 15.17 6,069 849 2.12 849 1,609 4.02 1,609 798 2.00 798 999 2.50 999 1,100 2.75 1,100 931 2.33 931 1,250 3.13 1,250 6,063 17,071 29,466 10,957 14,033 7,808 18,329 7,870 11,800 11,206 19,698 3,529 5,597 2,518 6,487 4,884 1,240 4,032 1,365 2,519 38 98 15 51 27 17 24 157 9 31 14 128 11 218 20 106 22 162 21 145 18 26 3 153 30 35 4 10 8 56 4 46 5 5 6 5 5 27 6 9 2 17 2 12 5 14 1 7 2 7 10 6 1 4 3 32 2 4 km km km km km km km km km km km km km 1.4 1.7 3.1 1.4 1.7 3.1 1.4 1.7 3.1 1.4 1.7 3.1 25.1 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.2 2.3 5.3 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.4 3.0 0.5 0.6 1.1 20.3 0.6 57.7 0.5 0.6 1.1 0.5 0.6 1.1 85.0 0.9 1.0 1.9 0.9 1.0 1.9 0.9 1.0 1.9 0.9 1.0 1.9 14.8 0.3 0.4 0.7 0.3 0.4 0.7 0.3 0.4 0.7 0.3 0.4 0.7 5.5 0.4 0.5 0.9 5.3 0.5 8.4 0.4 0.5 0.9 0.4 0.5 0.9 19.5 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.2 0.3 64.7 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.2 0.3 25.0 92.7 0.5 0.6 1.2 0.5 0.6 1.2 0.5 0.6 1.2 0.5 0.6 1.2 9.2 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.2 0.3 0.5 4.0 0.3 0.4 0.7 0.3 0.4 0.7 0.3 0.4 0.7 0.3 0.4 0.7 5.9 0.3 0.4 0.7 0.3 0.4 0.7 0.3 0.4 0.7 0.3 0.4 0.7 5.6 0.6 0.7 1.2 0.6 0.7 1.2 0.6 0.7 1.2 0.6 0.7 1.2 9.9 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.2 1.8 0.2 0.2 0.4 21.5 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.4 24.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.2 1.3 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.4 3.3 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.1 0.2 0.3 2.5 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.6 0.1 0.1 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.3 2.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.7 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.2 1.3 km 6 1 1 22 3 1 7 1 2 1 1 1 2 0 22 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 HH km HH 47,735 119.34 47,735 5,895 14.74 5,895 5,357 13.39 5,357 16,515 41.29 16,515 26,326 65.82 26,326 10,068 25.17 10,068 12,682 31.71 12,682 7,446 18.62 7,446 16,034 40.08 16,034 6,691 16.73 6,691 10,306 25.76 10,306 9,340 23.35 9,340 19,330 48.33 19,330 2,863 7.16 2,863 5,062 12.65 5,062 2,723 6.81 2,723 6,827 17.07 6,827 4,410 11.02 4,410 942 2.35 942 3,562 8.91 3,562 1,161 2.90 1,161 2,385 5.96 2,385 43.58 17.85 0.89 13.13 3.53 11.47 - - km 237.26 19.29 19.74 84.93 101.89 43.59 51.48 36.64 56.38 20.23 35.96 24.97 103.59 6.25 20.60 18.41 T/p 48 5 13 626 43 13 3 7 11 11 3 2 3 3 2 7 km km km km km km km km km km km km km 3.09 3.71 3.71 3.09 3.71 3.71 3.09 3.71 3.71 3.09 3.71 3.71 42.04 0.31 0.47 0.47 0.31 0.47 0.47 0.31 0.47 0.47 0.31 0.47 0.47 5.01 0.40 0.61 0.61 0.40 0.61 0.61 0.40 0.61 0.61 0.40 0.61 0.61 6.48 2.75 3.30 3.30 2.75 3.30 3.30 2.75 3.30 3.30 2.75 3.30 3.30 37.44 2.61 3.13 3.13 2.61 3.13 3.13 2.61 3.13 3.13 2.61 3.13 3.13 35.51 0.89 1.34 1.34 0.89 1.34 1.34 0.89 1.34 1.34 0.89 1.34 1.34 14.30 0.90 1.35 1.35 0.90 1.35 1.35 0.90 1.35 1.35 0.90 1.35 1.35 14.38 0.92 1.38 1.38 0.92 1.38 1.38 0.92 1.38 1.38 0.92 1.38 1.38 14.70 1.44 1.73 1.73 1.44 1.73 1.73 1.44 1.73 1.73 1.44 1.73 1.73 19.65 0.41 0.62 0.62 0.41 0.62 0.62 0.41 0.62 0.62 0.41 0.62 0.62 6.64 0.92 1.11 1.11 0.92 1.11 1.11 0.92 1.11 1.11 0.92 1.11 1.11 12.53 0.51 0.77 0.77 0.51 0.77 0.77 0.51 0.77 0.77 0.51 0.77 0.77 8.19 2.65 3.19 3.19 2.65 3.19 3.19 2.65 3.19 3.19 2.65 3.19 3.19 36.10 0.13 0.19 0.19 0.13 0.19 0.19 0.13 0.19 0.19 0.13 0.19 0.19 2.05 0.56 0.84 0.84 0.56 0.84 0.84 0.56 0.84 0.84 0.56 0.84 0.84 9.01 0.38 0.57 0.57 0.38 0.57 0.57 0.38 0.57 0.57 0.38 0.57 0.57 6.04 0.89 1.34 1.34 0.89 1.34 1.34 0.89 1.34 1.34 0.89 1.34 1.34 14.29 0.37 0.55 0.55 0.37 0.55 0.55 0.37 0.55 0.55 0.37 0.55 0.55 5.85 0.02 0.03 0.03 0.02 0.03 0.03 0.02 0.03 0.03 0.02 0.03 0.03 0.29 0.27 0.40 0.40 0.27 0.40 0.40 0.27 0.40 0.40 0.27 0.40 0.40 4.31 0.07 0.11 0.11 0.07 0.11 0.11 0.07 0.11 0.11 0.07 0.11 0.11 1.16 0.24 0.35 0.35 0.24 0.35 0.35 0.24 0.35 0.35 0.24 0.35 0.35 3.76 0.94 - - - - km 10.51 1.25 1.62 9.36 8.88 3.57 3.59 3.67 4.91 1.66 3.13 2.05 9.03 0.51 2.25 1.51 3.57 1.46 0.07 1.08 0.29 HH 3,266 636 396 900 1,928 716 918 215 1,198 514 772 732 1,288 230 255 164 424 318 80 262 88 164 HH HH 12,032 7,219 1,648 989 1,462 877 4,116 2,470 7,106 4,263 2,642 1,585 3,384 2,030 1,883 1,130 4,420 2,652 1,898 1,139 2,845 1,707 2,702 1,621 4,750 2,850 851 510 1,350 810 607 364 1,564 938 1,178 707 299 179 972 583 329 197 607 364 National Urban Upgrading Strategy and Overall Investment for Urban Upgrading to 2020 D:\NUUPMINH\Final Report\Appendix_EN_Finalreport\ApG_Tables1-12_Investmentcost_ Basic_EN.xls5/3/2008 4/15 Table 4 Region 4 Urban Upgrading Demand Cost Unit Class TP. Buôn Ma Thuột TP. Đà Lạt TP. Pleiku TX. Ajunpa TX. An Khê TX. Bảo Lộc TX. Gia Nghĩa II II III IV IV IV IV DEMAND ANALYSIS Primary & Secondary Infrastructure Water Total water demand for 2020 Capacity of present water supply system Incremental requirement of water supply system for 2020 Primary Water Supply Infrastructure Secondary Water Supply Infrastructure Drainage Volume of wastewater need treatment (2020) Wastewater treatment capacity Incremental volume of wastewater for treatment 2020 Primary Drainage Secondary Drainage Solid waste Required capacity of landfill Capacity of existing landfill Required net capacity of landfill Roads Primary Roads Secondary Roads LIAs Tertiary Infrastructure Water Households without water supply in LIAs (2005) Distribution line Service connection Sanitation Number of households without septic tank Drainage Total length of drainage need upgrading Solid waste Volume of uncollected solid waste (2005) Roads Length of earth road (width >= 6m) Length of earth road (width between 2.5-6m) Length of earth road (below 2.5) Length of asphalt road (width >= 6m) Length of asphalt road (width between 2.5-6m) Length of asphalt road (below 2.5) Length of macadam road (width >= 6m) Length of macadam road (width between 2.5-6m) Length of macadam road (below 2.5) Length of concrete road (width >= 6m) Length of concrete road (width between 2.5-6m) Length of concrete road (below 2.5) Total length of road in need of upgrading Streetlight Road without streetlight Urbanised Tertiary Infrastructure Water Households without water supply in urbanised area (2005) Distribution line Service connection Sanitation Number of households without septic tank Drainage Existing drainage pipeline Length of drainage backlog of urbanised area (2005) Solid waste Volume of uncollected solid waste (2005) Road Length of earth road (width >= 6m) Length of earth road (width between 2.5-6m) Length of earth road (below 2.5) Length of asphalt road (width >= 6m) Length of asphalt road (width between 2.5-6m) Length of asphalt road (below 2.5) Length of macadam road (width >= 6m) Length of macadam road (width between 2.5-6m) Length of macadam road (below 2.5) Length of concrete road (width >= 6m) Length of concrete road (width between 2.5-6m) Length of concrete road (below 2.5) Total length of road in need of upgrading Streetlight Road without streetlight Urban Expansion Tertiary Infrastructure Water HHs needing water supply (2020) Distribution line Service connection Drainage Length of drainage for built-up area (2020) Solid waste Volume of solid waste to be collected (2020) Roads Length of earth road (width >= 6m) Length of earth road (width between 2.5-6m) Length of earth road (below 2.5) Length of asphalt road (width >= 6m) Length of asphalt road (width between 2.5-6m) Length of asphalt road (below 2.5) Length of macadam road (width >= 6m) Length of macadam road (width between 2.5-6m) Length of macadam road (below 2.5) Length of concrete road (width >= 6m) Length of concrete road (width between 2.5-6m) Length of concrete road (below 2.5) Total length of road for new construction Streetlight Construction of new street lighting (2020) Resettlement Number of houses in unsafe areas Housing Estimated number of sub-standard housing to be upgraded Estimated number of HHs opting for housing loan (60% of substandard housing) National Urban Upgrading Strategy and Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to 2020 D:\NUUPMINH\Final Report\Appendix_EN_Finalreport\ApG_Tables1-12_Investmentcost_ Basic_EN.xls 5/3/2008 cmd cmd cmd km km 25,178 49,000 5.50 7.33 25,766 23,782 1,984 9.84 13.12 17,335 8,401 8,934 4.39 6.59 2,635 2,962 0.47 0.71 4,179 2,705 1,473 0.58 0.86 12,068 11,453 615 2.56 3.84 3,025 2,773 252 0.54 0.82 cmd cmd cmd km km 9,064 9,064 5.50 7.33 9,276 9,276 9.84 13.12 6,241 6,241 4.39 6.59 949 949 0.47 0.71 1,504 1,504 0.58 0.86 4,344 4,344 2.56 3.84 1,089 1,089 0.54 0.82 ha ha ha 34.46 52.00 - 35.27 35.27 23.73 23.73 3.61 3.61 5.72 5.72 16.52 16.52 4.14 4.14 km km 6.11 7.33 10.93 13.12 4.39 6.59 0.47 0.71 0.58 0.86 2.56 3.84 0.54 0.82 HH km HH 11,039 27.60 11,039 1,208 3.02 1,208 12,135 30.34 12,135 1,074 2.69 1,074 4,039 10.10 4,039 5,304 13.26 5,304 1,409 3.52 1,409 pcs 7,382 5,498 4,180 698 1,163 3,071 801 km 55.20 6.04 60.68 4.30 16.16 21.22 5.64 T/day 8.96 5.02 4.96 0.91 2.58 3.91 0.93 km km km km km km km km km km km km km 2.2 2.5 4.7 2.2 2.5 4.7 2.2 2.5 4.7 2.2 2.5 4.7 9.4 1.6 1.9 3.5 1.6 1.9 3.5 1.6 1.9 3.5 1.6 1.9 3.5 7.0 1.2 1.4 2.7 1.2 1.4 2.7 1.2 1.4 2.7 1.2 1.4 2.7 5.3 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.9 0.3 0.4 0.7 0.3 0.4 0.7 0.3 0.4 0.7 0.3 0.4 0.7 1.5 0.9 1.1 2.0 0.9 1.1 2.0 0.9 1.1 2.0 0.9 1.1 2.0 3.9 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.2 0.3 0.5 1.0 km 9 6 5 1 1 4 1 HH km HH 7,911 19.78 7,911 867 2.17 867 8,696 21.74 8,696 770 1.93 770 2,895 7.24 2,895 3,802 9.51 3,802 1,011 2.53 1,011 pcs 18,757 13,970 10,622 1,773 2,957 7,803 2,036 km km 24 46 4 10 43 60 4 32 14 119 19 128 5 - T/p 6 4 11 0 12 6 1 km km km km km km km km km km km km km 0.5 0.6 1.2 10.5 0.6 1.2 0.5 0.6 1.2 0.5 0.6 1.2 19.4 0.4 0.5 0.9 0.4 0.5 0.9 0.4 0.5 0.9 0.4 0.5 0.9 7.0 0.3 0.4 0.7 0.3 0.4 0.7 0.3 0.4 0.7 0.3 0.4 0.7 5.3 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.9 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.2 1.5 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.2 0.3 0.5 3.9 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 1.0 km 12 2 1 0 0 1 0 HH km HH 16,868 42.17 16,868 15,328 38.32 15,328 10,312 25.78 10,312 1,567 3.92 1,567 2,486 6.21 2,486 7,179 17.95 7,179 1,799 4.50 1,799 6.63 km 67.11 106.66 53.58 5.78 7.02 31.23 T/p 17 15 10 2 2 7 2 km km km km km km km km km km km km km 1.53 1.83 1.83 1.53 1.83 1.83 1.53 1.83 1.83 1.53 1.83 1.83 20.77 2.73 3.28 3.28 2.73 3.28 3.28 2.73 3.28 3.28 2.73 3.28 3.28 37.17 1.10 1.65 1.65 1.10 1.65 1.65 1.10 1.65 1.65 1.10 1.65 1.65 17.58 0.12 0.18 0.18 0.12 0.18 0.18 0.12 0.18 0.18 0.12 0.18 0.18 1.89 0.14 0.22 0.22 0.14 0.22 0.22 0.14 0.22 0.22 0.14 0.22 0.22 2.30 0.64 0.96 0.96 0.64 0.96 0.96 0.64 0.96 0.96 0.64 0.96 0.96 10.24 0.14 0.20 0.20 0.14 0.20 0.20 0.14 0.20 0.20 0.14 0.20 0.20 2.18 km 5.19 9.29 4.39 0.47 0.58 2.56 0.54 HH 464 914 694 116 192 510 132 HH HH 4,523 2,714 3,369 2,021 2,561 1,537 428 257 713 428 1,882 1,129 491 294 5/15 Table 5 Region 5 Urban Upgrading Demand Cost Unit TP. Biên Hoà TP. Hồ Chí Minh TP. Vũng Tàu TX. Bà Rịa TX. Đồng Xoài Southeast Southeast Southeast Southeast Southeast II Class I II IV IV TX. Long Khánh Southeast III TX. Tây Ninh TX. Thủ Dầu Một Southeast Southeast IV III DEMAND ANALYSIS Primary & Secondary Infrastructure Water Total water demand for 2020 Capacity of present water supply system Incremental requirement of water supply system for 2020 Primary Water Supply Infrastructure Secondary Water Supply Infrastructure Drainage Volume of wastewater need treatment (2020) Wastewater treatment capacity Incremental volume of wastewater for treatment 2020 Primary Drainage Secondary Drainage Solid waste Required capacity of landfill Capacity of existing landfill Required net capacity of landfill Roads Primary Roads Secondary Roads LIAs Tertiary Infrastructure Water Households without water supply in LIAs (2005) Distribution line Service connection Sanitation Number of households without septic tank Drainage Total length of drainage need upgrading Solid waste Volume of uncollected solid waste (2005) Roads Length of earth road (width >= 6m) Length of earth road (width between 2.5-6m) Length of earth road (below 2.5) Length of asphalt road (width >= 6m) Length of asphalt road (width between 2.5-6m) Length of asphalt road (below 2.5) Length of macadam road (width >= 6m) Length of macadam road (width between 2.5-6m) Length of macadam road (below 2.5) Length of concrete road (width >= 6m) Length of concrete road (width between 2.5-6m) Length of concrete road (below 2.5) Total length of road in need of upgrading Streetlight Road without streetlight Urbanised Tertiary Infrastructure Water Households without water supply in urbanised area (2005) Distribution line Service connection Sanitation Number of households without septic tank Drainage Existing drainage pipeline Length of drainage backlog of urbanised area (2005) Solid waste Volume of uncollected solid waste (2005) Road Length of earth road (width >= 6m) Length of earth road (width between 2.5-6m) Length of earth road (below 2.5) Length of asphalt road (width >= 6m) Length of asphalt road (width between 2.5-6m) Length of asphalt road (below 2.5) Length of macadam road (width >= 6m) Length of macadam road (width between 2.5-6m) Length of macadam road (below 2.5) Length of concrete road (width >= 6m) Length of concrete road (width between 2.5-6m) Length of concrete road (below 2.5) Total length of road in need of upgrading Streetlight Road without streetlight Urban Expansion Tertiary Infrastructure Water HHs needing water supply (2020) Distribution line Service connection Drainage Length of drainage for built-up area (2020) Solid waste Volume of solid waste to be collected (2020) Roads Length of earth road (width >= 6m) Length of earth road (width between 2.5-6m) Length of earth road (below 2.5) Length of asphalt road (width >= 6m) Length of asphalt road (width between 2.5-6m) Length of asphalt road (below 2.5) Length of macadam road (width >= 6m) Length of macadam road (width between 2.5-6m) Length of macadam road (below 2.5) Length of concrete road (width >= 6m) Length of concrete road (width between 2.5-6m) Length of concrete road (below 2.5) Total length of road for new construction Streetlight Construction of new street lighting (2020) Resettlement Number of houses in unsafe areas Housing Estimated number of sub-standard housing to be upgraded Estimated no. of HHs opting for housing loan (60% of substandard housing) National Urban Upgrading Strategy and Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to 2020 D:\NUUPMINH\Final Report\Appendix_EN_Finalreport\ApG_Tables1-12_Investmentcost_ Basic_EN.xls 5/3/2008 cmd cmd cmd km km 68,463 36,000 32,463 20 27 cmd cmd cmd km km 24,647 0 24,647 20 27 697,381 2,000,000 294 353 40,538 27,695 12,843 18 24 7,745 8,799 1 2 6,318 4,239 2,079 2 4 6,518 12,382 1 2 13,180 12,034 1,147 6 9 14,907 21,600 4 6 251,057 150,600 100,457 294 353 14,594 14,594 18 24 2,788 2,788 1 2 2,274 2,274 2 4 2,346 2,346 1 2 4,745 4,745 6 9 5,367 5,367 4 6 ha ha ha 93.7 15.0 78.7 954.5 35.8 918.7 55.5 100.0 - 10.6 10.6 8.6 8.6 8.9 8.9 18.0 18.0 20.4 20.4 km km 22.4 26.9 293.9 352.6 20.2 24.2 1.2 1.9 2.5 3.7 1.3 1.9 5.9 8.8 3.8 5.7 HH km HH 5,254 13.14 5,254 96,295 240.74 96,295 5,886 14.72 5,886 1,845 4.61 1,845 2,734 6.84 2,734 1,930 4.83 1,930 3,103 7.76 3,103 5,502 13.76 5,502 pcs 8,850 149,343 7,873 2,098 1,243 1,691 2,352 1,554 km 21 385 24 7 11 8 12 22 T/day 14.1 131.1 6.7 2.2 1.7 3.3 3.5 2.9 km km km km km km km km km km km km km 2.6 3.0 5.6 2.6 3.0 5.6 2.6 3.0 5.6 2.6 3.0 5.6 45.2 43.8 51.5 95.3 43.8 51.5 95.3 43.8 51.5 95.3 43.8 51.5 95.3 762.5 2.3 2.7 5.0 2.3 2.7 5.0 2.3 2.7 5.0 2.3 2.7 5.0 40.2 0.6 0.7 1.3 0.6 0.7 1.3 0.6 0.7 1.3 0.6 0.7 1.3 10.7 0.4 0.4 0.8 0.4 0.4 0.8 0.4 0.4 0.8 0.4 0.4 0.8 6.3 0.5 0.6 1.1 0.5 0.6 1.1 0.5 0.6 1.1 0.5 0.6 1.1 8.6 0.7 0.8 1.5 0.7 0.8 1.5 0.7 0.8 1.5 0.7 0.8 1.5 12.0 0.5 0.5 1.0 0.5 0.5 1.0 0.5 0.5 1.0 0.5 0.5 1.0 7.9 km 10 175 9 2 1 2 3 2 HH km HH 3,766 9.42 3,766 69,002 172.51 69,002 4,219 10.55 4,219 1,323 3.31 1,323 1,960 4.90 1,960 1,384 3.46 1,384 2,225 5.56 2,225 3,943 9.86 3,943 pcs 22,486 379,444 20,005 5,331 3,160 4,298 5,977 3,948 km km 1,038 19 2,421 345 216 21 48 7 92 10 24 7 55 11 132 20 T/p 12 89 9 1 0 16 2 km km km km km km km km km km km km km 12.6 1.4 0.6 0.8 29.4 0.6 0.8 1.4 0.6 0.8 49.1 11.0 12.9 23.8 11.0 12.9 23.8 11.0 12.9 23.8 11.0 12.9 23.8 190.6 0.6 0.7 1.3 0.6 0.7 1.3 0.6 0.7 1.3 0.6 0.7 1.3 10.0 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.3 2.7 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.2 1.6 0.1 0.1 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.3 2.2 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.4 3.0 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.1 2.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.2 3.9 km 2 44 2 1 0 0 1 0 HH km HH 22,068 55.17 22,068 414,860 1,037.15 414,860 24,115 60.29 24,115 4,607 11.52 4,607 3,758 9.40 3,758 3,877 9.69 3,877 7,840 19.60 7,840 3,847 9.62 3,847 20.20 km 118.31 2,866.94 197.14 15.23 30.10 15.62 71.92 T/p 22 415 24 5 4 4 8 4 km km km km km km km km km km km km km 5.59 6.71 6.71 5.59 6.71 6.71 5.59 6.71 6.71 5.59 6.71 6.71 76.09 73.47 88.16 88.16 73.47 88.16 88.16 73.47 88.16 88.16 73.47 88.16 88.16 999.13 5.05 6.06 6.06 5.05 6.06 6.06 5.05 6.06 6.06 5.05 6.06 6.06 68.70 0.31 0.47 0.47 0.31 0.47 0.47 0.31 0.47 0.47 0.31 0.47 0.47 5.00 0.62 0.93 0.93 0.62 0.93 0.93 0.62 0.93 0.93 0.62 0.93 0.93 9.87 0.32 0.48 0.48 0.32 0.48 0.48 0.32 0.48 0.48 0.32 0.48 0.48 5.13 1.47 2.21 2.21 1.47 2.21 2.21 1.47 2.21 2.21 1.47 2.21 2.21 23.59 0.95 1.43 1.43 0.95 1.43 1.43 0.95 1.43 1.43 0.95 1.43 1.43 15.27 km 19 250 17 1 2 1 6 4 HH 1,470 24,838 1,308 348 206 280 390 258 HH HH 5,422 3,253 91,500 54,900 4,824 2,894 1,286 771 762 457 1,036 622 1,441 865 952 571 6/15 Table 6 Region 6 Urban Upgrading Demand Cost Unit Class TP. Cần Thơ TP. Cao Lãnh TP. Long Xuyên TP. Mỹ Tho TP. Rạch Giá TP. Sóc Trăng TX. Bac Liêu TX. Bến Tre TX. Châu Đốc TX. Gò Công TX. Hà Tiên TX. Hồng Ngự TX. Sa Đéc TX. Tân An TX. Tân Hiệp TX. Vị Thanh TX. Vĩnh Long Mekong River Delta Mekong River Delta Mekong River Delta Mekong River Delta Mekong River Delta Mekong River Delta Mekong River Delta Mekong River Delta Mekong River Delta Mekong River Delta Mekong River Delta Mekong River Delta Mekong River Delta Mekong River Delta Mekong River Delta Mekong River Delta Mekong River Delta II III III III III III IV IV IV IV IV IV IV IV IV IV III DEMAND ANALYSIS Primary & Secondary Infrastructure Water Total water demand for 2020 Capacity of present water supply system Incremental requirement of water supply system for 2020 Primary Water Supply Infrastructure Secondary Water Supply Infrastructure Drainage Volume of wastewater need treatment (2020) Wastewater treatment capacity Incremental volume of wastewater for treatment 2020 Primary Drainage Secondary Drainage Solid waste Required capacity of landfill Capacity of existing landfill Required net capacity of landfill Roads Primary Roads Secondary Roads LIAs Tertiary Infrastructure Water Households without water supply in LIAs (2005) Distribution line Service connection Sanitation Number of households without septic tank Drainage Total length of drainage need upgrading Solid waste Volume of uncollected solid waste (2005) Roads Length of earth road (width >= 6m) Length of earth road (width between 2.5-6m) Length of earth road (below 2.5) Length of asphalt road (width >= 6m) Length of asphalt road (width between 2.5-6m) Length of asphalt road (below 2.5) Length of macadam road (width >= 6m) Length of macadam road (width between 2.5-6m) Length of macadam road (below 2.5) Length of concrete road (width >= 6m) Length of concrete road (width between 2.5-6m) Length of concrete road (below 2.5) Total length of road in need of upgrading Streetlight Road without streetlight Urbanised Tertiary Infrastructure Water Households without water supply in urbanised area (2005) Distribution line Service connection Sanitation Number of households without septic tank Drainage Existing drainage pipeline Length of drainage backlog of urbanised area (2005) Solid waste Volume of uncollected solid waste (2005) Road Length of earth road (width >= 6m) Length of earth road (width between 2.5-6m) Length of earth road (below 2.5) Length of asphalt road (width >= 6m) Length of asphalt road (width between 2.5-6m) Length of asphalt road (below 2.5) Length of macadam road (width >= 6m) Length of macadam road (width between 2.5-6m) Length of macadam road (below 2.5) Length of concrete road (width >= 6m) Length of concrete road (width between 2.5-6m) Length of concrete road (below 2.5) Total length of road in need of upgrading Streetlight Road without streetlight Urban Expansion Tertiary Infrastructure Water HHs needing water supply (2020) Distribution line Service connection Drainage Length of drainage for built-up area (2020) Solid waste Volume of solid waste to be collected (2020) Roads Length of earth road (width >= 6m) Length of earth road (width between 2.5-6m) Length of earth road (below 2.5) Length of asphalt road (width >= 6m) Length of asphalt road (width between 2.5-6m) Length of asphalt road (below 2.5) Length of macadam road (width >= 6m) Length of macadam road (width between 2.5-6m) Length of macadam road (below 2.5) Length of concrete road (width >= 6m) Length of concrete road (width between 2.5-6m) Length of concrete road (below 2.5) Total length of road for new construction Streetlight Construction of new street lighting (2020) Resettlement Number of houses in unsafe areas Housing Estimated number of sub-standard housing to be upgraded Estimated number of HHs opting for housing loan(60% of substandard housing) National Urban Upgrading Strategy and Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to 2020 D:\NUUPMINH\Final Report\Appendix_EN_Finalreport\ApG_Tables1-12_Investmentcost_ Basic_EN.xls 5/3/2008 cmd cmd cmd km km 58,693 117,874 9 12 9,373 15,000 1 2 32,408 23,467 8,941 6 9 16,332 40,000 3 3 25,083 22,399 2,684 6 9 15,178 22,000 3 4 3,241 10,183 1 1 7,609 9,064 2 2 12,331 12,117 214 2 4 3,744 5,961 0 1 4,190 4,153 36 1 2 3,656 8,394 1 1 9,290 11,207 1 2 10,082 12,621 1 2 3,752 28,060 1 1 5,050 5,000 50 1 1 10,269 14,618 1 1 cmd cmd cmd km km 21,129 21,129 9 12 3,374 3,374 1 2 11,667 11,667 6 9 5,879 5,879 3 3 9,030 9,030 6 9 5,464 5,464 3 4 1,167 1,167 1 1 2,739 2,739 2 2 4,439 4,439 2 4 1,348 1,348 0 1 1,508 1,508 1 2 1,316 1,316 1 1 3,344 3,344 1 2 3,629 3,629 1 2 1,351 1,351 1 1 1,818 1,818 1 1 3,697 3,697 1 1 ha ha ha 19.59 19.59 2.62 3.90 - 44.36 44.36 22.35 5.00 17.35 34.33 34.33 20.78 6.00 14.78 4.44 4.44 10.41 2.70 7.71 16.88 16.88 5.12 5.12 5.73 5.73 5.00 5.00 12.72 12.72 13.80 13.80 5.14 5.14 6.91 6.91 14.06 14.06 km km 9.91 11.89 1.25 1.87 6.02 9.04 2.89 3.46 6.10 9.15 2.77 4.16 0.63 0.95 1.59 2.39 2.43 3.64 0.44 0.67 1.31 1.97 0.66 0.99 1.24 1.85 1.38 2.07 0.64 0.96 0.89 1.34 0.89 1.33 HH km HH 14,426 36.07 14,426 1,452 3.63 1,452 12,445 31.11 12,445 2,559 6.40 2,559 4,585 11.46 4,585 3,938 9.85 3,938 1,666 4.17 1,666 3,426 8.57 3,426 2,673 6.68 2,673 703 1.76 703 1,022 2.56 1,022 - 1,801 4.50 1,801 2,472 6.18 2,472 884 2.21 884 295 0.74 295 1,332 3.33 1,332 pcs 16,399 2,201 8,523 3,747 6,133 4,673 842 1,942 3,199 1,065 929 968 2,601 2,810 1,006 1,034 3,030 km 58 6 50 10 18 16 7 14 11 3 4 7 10 4 1 5 T/day 29.6 3.4 7.1 2.0 5.4 3.8 3.7 3.0 3.0 1.4 1.1 1.7 2.7 3.2 7.0 1.5 3.3 km km km km km km km km km km km km km 4.8 5.7 10.5 4.8 5.7 10.5 4.8 5.7 10.5 4.8 5.7 10.5 83.7 0.6 0.8 1.4 0.6 0.8 1.4 0.6 0.8 1.4 0.6 0.8 1.4 11.2 2.5 2.9 5.4 2.5 2.9 5.4 2.5 2.9 5.4 2.5 2.9 5.4 43.5 1.1 1.3 2.4 1.1 1.3 2.4 1.1 1.3 2.4 1.1 1.3 2.4 19.1 1.8 2.1 3.9 1.8 2.1 3.9 1.8 2.1 3.9 1.8 2.1 3.9 31.3 1.4 1.6 3.0 1.4 1.6 3.0 1.4 1.6 3.0 1.4 1.6 3.0 23.9 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.2 0.3 0.5 4.3 0.6 0.7 1.2 0.6 0.7 1.2 0.6 0.7 1.2 0.6 0.7 1.2 9.9 0.9 1.1 2.0 0.9 1.1 2.0 0.9 1.1 2.0 0.9 1.1 2.0 16.3 0.3 0.4 0.7 0.3 0.4 0.7 0.3 0.4 0.7 0.3 0.4 0.7 5.4 0.3 0.3 0.6 0.3 0.3 0.6 0.3 0.3 0.6 0.3 0.3 0.6 4.7 0.3 0.3 0.6 0.3 0.3 0.6 0.3 0.3 0.6 0.3 0.3 0.6 4.9 0.8 0.9 1.7 0.8 0.9 1.7 0.8 0.9 1.7 0.8 0.9 1.7 13.3 0.8 1.0 1.8 0.8 1.0 1.8 0.8 1.0 1.8 0.8 1.0 1.8 14.4 0.3 0.3 0.6 0.3 0.3 0.6 0.3 0.3 0.6 0.3 0.3 0.6 5.1 0.3 0.4 0.7 0.3 0.4 0.7 0.3 0.4 0.7 0.3 0.4 0.7 5.3 0.9 1.0 1.9 0.9 1.0 1.9 0.9 1.0 1.9 0.9 1.0 1.9 15.5 km 19 32 113 16 62 81 68 14 41 6 33 17 22 41 24 38 22 HH km HH 10,337 25.84 10,337 1,041 2.60 1,041 8,919 22.30 8,919 1,835 4.59 1,835 3,287 8.22 3,287 2,822 7.06 2,822 1,195 2.99 1,195 2,456 6.14 2,456 1,916 4.79 1,916 504 1.26 504 733 1.83 733 - 1,292 3.23 1,292 1,772 4.43 1,772 635 1.59 635 212 0.53 212 956 2.39 956 pcs 41,667 5,594 21,655 9,523 15,584 11,874 2,140 4,937 8,128 2,709 2,363 2,462 6,611 7,142 2,556 2,630 7,700 km km 1,034 52 26 5 277 45 82 17 228 16 264 14 166 6 35 12 99 10 4 3 82 4 57 74 6 100 9 68 3 24 1 15 5 T/p - - - - 3 19 - 10 2 4 3 3 4 1 2 4 6 4 6 km km km km km km km km km km km km km 1.4 2.6 1.2 1.4 2.6 1.2 1.4 2.6 1.2 1.4 2.6 19.7 11.0 0.2 0.4 4.8 0.2 46.1 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.4 64.0 0.6 0.7 1.4 0.6 0.7 1.4 0.6 0.7 1.4 0.6 0.7 1.4 10.8 0.2 0.3 0.6 0.3 0.3 0.6 0.3 0.3 0.6 0.3 0.3 0.6 4.7 0.1 0.5 1.0 0.5 0.5 1.0 0.5 0.5 1.0 0.5 0.5 1.0 7.5 0.1 0.4 0.7 0.3 0.4 39.9 0.3 0.4 0.7 0.3 0.4 0.7 44.9 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 1.2 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.1 0.2 0.3 2.5 0.3 0.5 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.2 0.3 0.5 3.8 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.2 1.3 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 1.1 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.2 1.2 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.4 3.1 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.4 3.4 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.2 1.2 0.1 0.2 20.9 0.1 4.8 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.2 26.7 0.3 0.5 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.2 0.3 0.5 3.6 km 4.81 5.28 2.50 1.10 1.80 1.37 0.25 0.57 0.94 0.31 0.27 0.28 0.76 0.83 0.30 21.09 0.89 HH km HH 34,915 87.29 34,915 4,676 11.69 4,676 19,279 48.20 19,279 8,038 20.09 8,038 14,921 37.30 14,921 10,530 26.33 10,530 1,928 4.82 1,928 4,526 11.32 4,526 7,335 18.34 7,335 2,227 5.57 2,227 2,492 6.23 2,492 2,175 5.44 2,175 5,526 13.82 5,526 5,997 14.99 5,997 2,232 5.58 2,232 2,314 5.79 2,314 6,109 15.27 6,109 10.83 km 96.69 12.74 73.47 23.30 74.35 39.44 7.72 19.44 29.60 5.42 15.98 8.02 15.07 16.84 7.77 8.38 T/p 34.92 4.68 19.28 8.04 14.92 10.53 1.93 4.53 7.34 2.23 2.49 2.17 5.53 6.00 2.23 2.31 6.11 km km km km km km km km km km km km km 2.48 2.97 2.97 2.48 2.97 2.97 2.48 2.97 2.97 2.48 2.97 2.97 33.69 0.31 0.47 0.47 0.31 0.47 0.47 0.31 0.47 0.47 0.31 0.47 0.47 4.98 1.51 2.26 2.26 1.51 2.26 2.26 1.51 2.26 2.26 1.51 2.26 2.26 24.10 0.72 0.87 0.87 0.72 0.87 0.87 0.72 0.87 0.87 0.72 0.87 0.87 9.81 1.52 2.29 2.29 1.52 2.29 2.29 1.52 2.29 2.29 1.52 2.29 2.29 24.39 0.69 1.04 1.04 0.69 1.04 1.04 0.69 1.04 1.04 0.69 1.04 1.04 11.09 0.16 0.24 0.24 0.16 0.24 0.24 0.16 0.24 0.24 0.16 0.24 0.24 2.53 0.40 0.60 0.60 0.40 0.60 0.60 0.40 0.60 0.60 0.40 0.60 0.60 6.38 0.61 0.91 0.91 0.61 0.91 0.91 0.61 0.91 0.91 0.61 0.91 0.91 9.71 0.11 0.17 0.17 0.11 0.17 0.17 0.11 0.17 0.17 0.11 0.17 0.17 1.78 0.33 0.49 0.49 0.33 0.49 0.49 0.33 0.49 0.49 0.33 0.49 0.49 5.24 0.16 0.25 0.25 0.16 0.25 0.25 0.16 0.25 0.25 0.16 0.25 0.25 2.63 0.31 0.46 0.46 0.31 0.46 0.46 0.31 0.46 0.46 0.31 0.46 0.46 4.94 0.35 0.52 0.52 0.35 0.52 0.52 0.35 0.52 0.52 0.35 0.52 0.52 5.52 0.16 0.24 0.24 0.16 0.24 0.24 0.16 0.24 0.24 0.16 0.24 0.24 2.55 0.22 0.33 0.33 0.22 0.33 0.33 0.22 0.33 0.33 0.22 0.33 0.33 3.57 0.22 0.33 0.33 0.22 0.33 0.33 0.22 0.33 0.33 0.22 0.33 0.33 3.55 0.89 km 8.42 1.25 6.02 2.45 6.10 2.77 0.63 1.59 2.43 0.44 1.31 0.66 1.24 1.38 0.64 0.89 HH 2,726 398 1,416 40 1,020 3,008 140 322 532 176 154 160 432 466 166 172 504 HH HH 10,048 6,029 1,349 809 5,222 3,133 2,296 1,378 3,758 2,255 2,863 1,718 516 310 1,190 714 1,960 1,176 653 392 570 342 593 356 1,594 956 1,722 1,033 616 370 634 380 1,857 1,114 7/15 National Urban Upgrading Strategy and Overall Investment Plan to 2020 Table 7 Cost Estimates for Economic Region 1 Basic Level of Service Base cost 2007 prices Cities/Towns Class Primary & Secondary Infrastructure Water Management Wastewater Management Drainage Solid Waste Management Roads Sub-total LIAs Tertiary Infrastructure Water Sanitation Drainage Solid waste Roads Streetlight Sub-total Urbanised Tertiary Infrastructure Water Sanitation Drainage Solid waste Roads Streetlight Sub-total Urban Expansion Tertiary Infrastructure Water Drainage Solid waste Roads Streetlight Sub-total Resettlement of HH Living in Unsafe Areas Housing Loan for LIA Capacity Building Total VnDM Total US$M preliminary estimates as of 7 March 2008. National Urban Upgrading Strategy and Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to 2020 D:\NUUPMINH\Final Report\Appendix_EN_Finalreport\ApG_Tables1-12_Investmentcost_ Basic_EN.xls 5/3/2008 TP. Bắc Giang III TP. Hoà Bình III TP. Lạng Sơn III TP. Lào Cai TP. Thái Nguyên TP. Yên Bái III II III TX. Bắc Cạn IV TX. Hà Giang TX. Lai Châu TX. Mai Sơn TX. Mộc Châu TX. Mường Lay IV III IV IV IV TX. Nghĩa Lộ TX. Phú Thọ TX. Sơn La TX. Sông Công IV IV IV IV TX. Tuyên Quang IV Total Investment Cost VnDMillion US$Million 15,229 23,675 35,832 9,409 16,554 100,698 8,514 20,968 20,033 3,897 9,255 62,666 3,697 14,565 8,699 10,889 4,019 41,868 44,866 27,859 51,827 11,071 23,944 159,567 23,644 45,188 55,634 26,927 151,393 9,584 22,688 22,550 9,017 10,418 74,256 13,888 6,888 11,000 2,737 5,082 39,595 16,494 12,265 24,318 4,875 11,235 69,186 1,828 4,020 4,301 1,597 1,987 13,732 6,591 4,995 5,345 1,985 2,469 21,385 3,785 2,870 3,071 1,140 1,419 12,284 137 2,562 323 4,174 149 7,345 13,606 4,893 5,235 7,972 2,419 34,125 4,074 7,452 9,585 12,142 4,428 37,681 7,305 10,607 17,189 17,284 7,941 60,325 19,645 6,923 5,622 11,281 2,597 46,069 4,467 7,889 7,523 3,135 3,475 26,489 197,354 226,305 288,081 112,605 134,317 958,663 12.33 14.14 18.01 7.04 8.39 59.92 3,731 4,526 29,850 130 24,573 3,189 66,000 1,871 4,546 14,970 105 24,685 3,204 49,381 10,421 6,320 83,370 146 34,308 4,453 139,018 10,931 4,910 87,450 108 26,657 3,460 133,516 5,393 9,348 43,140 294 50,747 6,586 115,507 3,994 4,844 31,950 99 26,306 3,414 70,607 6,713 1,292 53,700 41 7,013 910 69,668 5,186 2,096 41,490 56 11,383 1,477 61,689 694 844 5,550 23 4,588 595 12,295 8,659 1,050 69,270 20 5,699 740 85,438 4,976 602 39,810 12 3,275 425 49,100 525 642 4,200 18 3,488 453 9,325 7,211 1,028 57,690 43 5,582 725 72,279 3,964 1,496 31,710 79 8,129 1,055 46,433 814 1,978 6,510 95 10,739 1,394 21,530 11,374 1,532 90,990 57 8,320 1,080 113,353 8,404 1,698 67,230 72 9,219 1,196 87,819 94,860 48,752 758,880 1,398 264,713 34,355 1,202,958 5.93 3.05 47.43 0.09 16.54 2.15 75.18 2,674 11,500 21,390 234 6,143 797 42,739 1,346 11,554 75,030 42 108,504 11,129 207,606 7,470 16,056 59,760 127 72,266 4,978 160,658 7,834 12,474 62,670 296 6,664 865 90,803 3,870 23,750 30,960 255 12,687 1,647 73,169 2,865 12,312 22,920 86 6,577 854 45,613 4,811 3,282 38,490 36 1,753 228 48,600 3,720 5,328 29,760 49 2,846 369 42,072 503 2,148 4,020 118 1,147 149 8,084 6,210 2,668 49,680 170 1,425 185 60,338 3,566 1,534 28,530 98 819 106 34,653 383 1,634 3,060 117 872 113 6,178 5,168 2,614 41,340 116 1,396 181 50,814 2,846 3,806 22,770 290 2,032 264 32,008 585 5,028 4,680 172 2,685 348 13,498 8,153 3,894 65,220 315 2,080 270 79,932 6,023 4,316 48,180 129 2,305 299 61,251 68,025 123,898 608,460 2,650 232,200 22,782 1,058,016 4.25 7.74 38.03 0.17 14.51 1.42 66.13 20,957 174,780 268 21,917 2,867 220,788 28,952 26,623 24,290 510,090 31.88 18,703 98,460 239 12,253 1,603 131,258 112,112 26,744 29,488 619,256 38.70 24,254 79,800 310 5,320 696 110,381 15,445 37,169 25,227 529,767 33.11 24,660 252,780 316 31,700 4,146 313,602 31,416 28,881 37,889 795,675 49.73 40,156 258,450 514 36,386 5,298 340,804 59,752 54,979 39,780 835,384 52.21 20,084 109,980 257 13,792 1,804 145,917 30,954 28,500 19,792 415,640 25.98 6,097 53,640 78 6,728 880 67,423 8,162 7,597 12,052 253,097 15.82 10,858 118,620 139 14,874 1,945 146,436 13,398 12,332 17,256 362,369 22.65 3,558 20,970 46 2,630 344 27,548 5,390 4,971 3,601 75,621 4.73 4,420 26,040 57 3,269 428 34,214 6,622 6,175 10,709 224,879 14.05 2,540 14,970 33 1,878 246 19,666 3,850 3,548 6,155 129,256 8.08 2,267 1,560 29 197 26 4,079 4,004 3,779 1,736 36,446 2.28 4,331 25,530 55 3,202 419 33,537 6,468 6,048 10,164 213,434 13.34 6,595 46,740 84 5,863 767 60,049 9,548 8,807 9,726 204,252 12.77 9,389 83,820 120 10,513 1,375 105,217 12,628 11,635 11,242 236,076 14.75 6,128 27,420 78 3,439 450 37,515 9,702 9,014 14,779 310,364 19.40 6,983 36,690 89 4,601 602 48,966 10,780 9,988 12,265 257,557 16.10 211,981 1,430,250 2,713 178,562 23,894 1,847,401 369,183 286,790 286,151 6,009,162 375.57 13.25 89.39 0.17 11.16 1.49 115.46 23.07 17.92 17.88 375.57 2/15 National Urban Upgrading Strategy and Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to 2020 Table 8 Cost Estimates for Economic Region 2 Basic Level of Service Base cost 2007 prices Cities/Towns TP. Bắc Ninh TP. Hà Đông TP. Hạ Long TP. Hà Nội TP. Hải Phòng TP. Nam Định TP. Sơn Tây TP. Thái Bình TP. Vĩnh Yên TX. Cẩm Phả TX. Hưng Yên TX. Móng Cái TX. Phủ Lý TX. Phúc Yên TX. Tam Điệp TX. Uông Bí III III II S I II III III III III III IV IV IV IV IV Class Primary & Secondary Infrastructure Water treatment facilities 43,842 3,031 20,285 1,800,452 74,009 12,955 5,674 7,799 27,961 22,135 6,385 4,433 7,065 4,087 16,915 21,901 Wastewater treatment facilities 35,406 23,276 1,623 55,000 14,088 29,121 31,600 46,274 14,040 8,628 14,372 14,111 8,456 27,560 Drainage 61,304 7,133 47,730 4,236,359 174,138 30,483 13,350 18,350 65,790 39,818 15,024 10,431 16,623 9,617 8,759 26,763 Solid waste disposal facilities 57,692 37,927 40,492 1,756,812 103,057 41,451 36,491 75,402 22,878 11,059 22,188 22,994 13,779 44,908 Roads 28,322 3,295 23,102 1,957,198 80,452 14,754 6,168 8,477 30,395 18,396 6,941 4,819 7,680 4,443 4,046 12,365 74,662 133,233 9,750,821 431,654 113,191 39,280 105,197 192,237 202,024 65,269 39,370 67,927 55,252 51,955 133,497 Sub-total 226,566 LIAs Tertiary Infrastructure Water 9,926 7,001 9,825 197,895 65,325 6,356 1,298 27,038 12,551 8,520 11,453 2,003 3,960 11,074 12,844 Sanitation 6,436 5,660 11,918 119,980 39,606 12,850 3,148 6,596 10,148 2,952 1,864 2,432 3,202 1,790 5,912 Drainage 63,528 44,808 62,880 1,266,528 418,080 40,680 8,304 173,040 80,328 54,528 73,296 12,816 25,344 70,872 82,200 Solid waste 140 172 244 2,654 2,246 298 133 96 154 201 99 90 89 107 66 122 30,730 64,703 651,372 215,024 69,764 17,098 35,812 15,503 55,096 16,029 10,123 13,201 17,391 9,719 32,102 Roads 34,946 Streetlight 4,535 3,988 8,397 84,537 27,906 9,054 2,219 4,648 2,012 7,150 2,080 1,314 1,713 2,257 1,261 4,166 Sub-total 119,512 92,359 157,967 2,322,965 768,187 139,002 32,200 247,230 17,669 165,474 84,209 98,139 32,254 52,261 94,782 137,346 Urbanised Tertiary Infrastructure Water 7,114 5,018 7,046 141,803 46,811 4,556 930 19,377 40,116 8,996 6,109 8,213 1,440 2,843 7,939 9,206 Sanitation 16,356 14,382 30,282 304,844 100,632 32,650 8,004 16,762 40,600 25,786 7,502 4,738 6,180 8,140 4,550 15,024 40,140 56,370 1,134,420 374,490 36,450 7,440 89,490 71,970 48,870 91,980 22,740 63,510 73,650 Drainage 56,910 Solid waste 253 309 441 1,952 259 240 (154) 81 161 119 194 88 171 Roads 8,736 7,682 16,176 162,843 53,756 17,441 6,480 27,077 3,876 13,774 4,007 47,067 4,781 4,348 2,430 8,025 Streetlight 1,134 997 2,099 21,134 6,977 2,264 1,541 2,794 503 1,788 520 15,398 428 564 315 1,042 Sub-total 90,503 68,528 112,414 1,765,044 584,618 93,620 24,636 66,009 174,432 122,394 67,169 75,415 104,929 38,828 78,832 107,118 Urban Expansion Tertiary Infrastructure 20,604 47,911 2,348,310 160,295 48,688 12,934 25,474 40,116 40,963 12,428 8,079 10,423 12,491 7,485 24,396 Water 31,343 Drainage 299,040 34,770 221,730 18,786,480 772,200 141,600 67,530 88,440 320,927 194,220 73,260 53,820 66,420 46,890 42,720 130,530 Solid waste 401 264 613 30,058 2,052 623 166 326 513 524 159 103 133 160 96 312 Roads 37,496 4,363 31,217 2,644,739 108,713 19,936 8,166 11,223 40,240 24,354 9,189 6,380 10,167 5,882 5,357 16,370 Streetlight 4,904 571 3,864 327,355 13,456 2,468 1,068 1,468 5,263 3,185 1,202 834 1,330 769 701 2,141 305,335 24,136,943 1,056,716 213,315 89,863 126,932 407,060 263,247 96,238 69,217 88,474 66,192 56,359 173,749 Sub-total 373,184 60,571 Resettlement of HH Living in Unsafe Areas 41,118 36,190 76,230 768,152 253,484 82,236 69,300 18,640 6,736 64,834 18,788 11,858 22,176 20,482 11,396 37,730 Housing Loan for LIA 37,860 33,293 70,099 705,698 232,957 75,583 18,524 38,799 16,796 59,691 17,366 10,967 14,302 18,841 10,529 34,779 Capacity Building 44,437 18,280 42,764 1,972,481 166,381 35,847 13,690 30,140 40,746 43,883 17,452 15,248 16,503 12,593 15,193 31,211 Total VnDM 933,180 383,883 898,042 41,422,104 3,493,998 752,795 287,493 632,948 855,676 921,548 366,492 320,214 346,565 264,449 319,045 655,430 Total US$M 58.32 23.99 56.13 2,588.88 218.37 47.05 17.97 39.56 53.48 57.60 22.91 20.01 21.66 16.53 19.94 40.96 preliminary estimates as of 7 March 2008. National Urban Upgrading Strategy and Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to 2020 D:\NUUPMINH\Final Report\Appendix_EN_Finalreport\ApG_Tables1-12_Investmentcost_ Basic_EN.xls 5/3/2008 Total Investment Cost VnDMillion US$Million 2,078,929 323,555 4,781,668 2,287,131 2,210,851 11,682,135 129.93 20.22 298.85 142.95 138.18 730.13 387,068 234,494 2,477,232 6,911 1,288,612 167,239 4,561,556 24.19 14.66 154.83 0.43 80.54 10.45 285.10 317,516 636,432 2,168,430 4,115 388,499 59,497 3,574,489 19.84 39.78 135.53 0.26 24.28 3.72 195.15 2,851,940 21,340,577 36,505 2,983,794 370,579 27,583,396 1,539,350 1,396,086 2,516,851 52,853,862 3,303.37 178.25 1,333.79 2.28 186.49 23.16 1,723.96 96.21 87.26 157.30 3,303.37 3/15 National Urban Upgrading Strategy and Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to 2020 Table 9 Cost Estimates for Economic Region 3 Basic Level of Service Base cost 2007 prices Cities/Towns TP. Đà Nẵng TP. Đồng Hới TP. Hà Tĩnh TP. Huế TP. Nha Trang TP. Phan Rang TP. Phan Thiết TP. Quảng Ngãi TP. Quy Nhơn TP. Tam Kỳ TP. Thanh Hoá TP. Tuy Hoà TP. Vinh TX. Bỉm Sơn TX. Cam Ranh TX. Cửa Lò TX. Đông Hà TX. Hội An TX. Hồng Lĩnh TX. Lagi TX. Quảng Trị TX. Sầm Sơn I III III I II III III III II III II III II IV IV IV IV III IV IV IV IV Class Primary & Secondary Infrastructure Water treatment facilities 282,293 7,989 10,320 61,773 90,915 48,314 22,911 129,909 30,945 10,575 19,739 20,524 104,296 3,270 57,087 9,623 47,648 9,330 465 6,863 9,520 5,996 Wastewater treatment facilities 19,780 22,692 88,492 111,523 42,650 45,736 38,582 67,923 28,344 43,657 39,566 81,886 12,129 28,581 11,537 28,920 18,682 3,989 15,091 4,920 10,104 Drainage 163,233 18,797 24,282 145,349 131,593 53,618 53,909 55,121 72,811 24,882 46,445 30,719 133,788 7,694 33,777 22,643 53,606 21,954 1,095 16,149 4,343 14,109 Solid waste disposal facilities 179,497 36,976 136,695 181,723 69,496 62,868 110,677 46,186 58,538 52,472 133,431 19,763 37,571 18,798 47,125 30,441 6,501 24,591 5,017 16,464 Roads 75,414 8,684 11,218 67,151 63,691 24,771 24,906 25,466 35,240 11,495 22,479 14,192 64,754 3,554 15,605 10,461 24,766 10,143 506 7,461 2,006 6,518 Sub-total 700,437 55,249 105,488 499,460 579,445 238,849 147,461 311,946 317,596 121,482 190,860 157,473 518,154 46,409 172,621 73,061 202,064 90,550 12,556 70,155 25,806 53,192 LIAs Tertiary Infrastructure Water 149,119 20,408 5,539 28,691 24,893 9,109 2,531 11,895 20,434 22,976 21,821 19,178 2,978 31,755 4,440 8,419 4,174 5,228 5,756 4,871 6,540 Sanitation 39,274 5,380 4,770 13,436 23,194 8,624 11,046 6,146 14,426 6,194 9,286 8,820 15,506 2,778 4,406 1,982 5,104 3,842 974 3,172 1,074 1,982 Drainage 954,360 130,608 35,448 183,624 159,312 58,296 16,200 76,128 130,776 147,048 139,656 122,736 19,056 203,232 28,416 53,880 26,712 33,456 36,840 31,176 41,856 S lid waste Solid t 958 145 99 331 452 204 260 138 324 224 247 203 301 70 273 63 101 106 45 238 21 75 Roads 213,221 29,204 25,902 72,949 125,923 46,823 59,971 33,367 78,324 33,633 50,422 47,886 84,183 15,078 23,919 10,761 27,715 20,868 5,295 17,226 5,832 10,761 Streetlight 27,672 3,790 3,362 9,467 16,343 6,077 7,783 4,330 10,165 4,365 6,544 6,215 10,925 1,957 3,104 1,397 3,597 2,708 687 2,236 757 1,397 Sub-total 1,384,604 189,535 34,133 137,170 378,227 245,932 146,465 62,712 191,261 195,626 236,524 224,602 252,829 41,916 266,689 47,058 98,816 58,409 45,685 65,467 43,732 62,610 Urbanised Tertiary Infrastructure Water 106,856 14,625 3,971 20,561 17,843 6,529 1,819 8,528 14,644 16,466 15,641 13,748 2,134 22,759 3,184 6,034 2,993 3,746 4,125 3,491 4,688 Sanitation 99,788 13,668 12,126 34,142 58,932 21,914 28,066 15,616 36,658 15,740 23,600 22,412 39,396 7,058 11,194 5,036 12,974 9,768 2,480 8,064 2,730 5,038 Drainage 854,850 87,930 164,490 142,740 52,230 81,750 68,220 117,150 131,730 125,130 109,980 17,070 182,070 25,470 48,270 23,940 29,970 33,000 27,930 37,500 Solid waste 438 86 816 82 591 249 653 64 330 82 353 492 290 31 171 123 1,541 78 206 Roads 53,305 8,912 6,476 121,147 31,481 11,706 35,052 83,447 19,581 8,408 12,606 11,972 21,046 3,769 65,028 2,690 6,929 5,217 1,324 4,306 1,458 2,690 Streetlight 6,918 948 840 26,180 4,086 1,519 7,878 1,083 2,541 1,091 1,636 1,554 2,731 489 26,338 349 899 677 172 559 189 349 Sub-total 1,121,718 38,590 19,528 273,370 280,365 195,803 130,345 183,963 136,181 157,097 186,368 176,790 186,901 30,873 307,880 37,019 75,137 42,765 37,815 51,595 35,877 50,470 Urban Expansion Tertiary Infrastructure Water 179,007 22,105 20,087 61,931 98,724 37,754 47,558 27,924 60,127 25,090 38,647 35,025 72,488 10,735 18,981 10,212 25,601 16,537 3,531 13,358 4,355 8,944 Drainage 1,423,530 115,740 118,440 509,550 611,340 261,540 308,880 219,810 338,250 121,350 215,760 149,820 621,540 37,500 123,600 110,430 261,480 107,070 5,340 78,750 21,180 68,820 Solid waste 2,291 264 613 30,058 2,052 623 166 326 513 524 159 103 133 160 96 312 Roads 101,906 11,497 14,852 90,740 86,065 32,795 32,973 33,714 47,620 15,219 30,376 18,789 87,501 4,706 20,660 13,849 32,788 13,428 670 9,878 2,656 8,630 Streetlight 12,613 1,504 1,943 11,231 10,653 4,289 4,313 4,410 5,894 1,991 3,760 2,457 10,830 615 2,702 1,811 4,288 1,756 88 1,292 347 1,129 Sub-total 1,719,347 151,109 155,935 703,511 808,833 337,002 393,890 286,184 452,405 164,174 288,702 206,195 792,493 53,716 166,039 136,615 324,157 138,791 9,629 103,278 28,539 87,523 Resettlement of HH Living in Unsafe Areas 251,482 48,972 30,492 69,300 148,456 55,132 70,686 16,577 92,246 39,578 59,444 56,364 99,176 17,710 19,633 12,628 32,648 24,486 6,160 20,174 6,776 12,628 Housing Loan for LIA 231,005 31,640 28,063 79,033 136,426 50,728 64,973 36,150 84,856 36,438 54,628 51,880 91,204 16,335 25,914 11,658 30,027 22,608 5,737 18,662 6,319 11,658 Capacity Building 270,430 25,755 18,682 88,092 116,588 56,172 47,691 44,877 63,727 35,720 50,826 43,665 97,038 10,348 47,939 15,902 38,142 18,880 5,879 16,467 7,352 13,904 Total VnDM 5,679,022 540,850 392,320 1,849,936 2,448,339 1,179,619 1,001,511 942,408 1,338,272 750,115 1,067,352 916,969 2,037,795 217,308 1,006,715 333,942 800,991 396,490 123,462 345,799 154,401 291,986 Total US$M 354.94 33.80 24.52 115.62 153.02 73.73 62.59 58.90 83.64 46.88 66.71 57.31 127.36 13.58 62.92 20.87 50.06 24.78 7.72 21.61 9.65 18.25 preliminary estimates as of 7 March 2008. National Urban Upgrading Strategy and Overall Investment for Urban Upgrading to 2020 D:\NUUPMINH\Final Report\Appendix_EN_Finalreport\ApG_Tables1-12_Investmentcost_ Basic_EN.xls5/3/2008 Total Investment Cost VnDMillion US$Million 990,307 764,784 1,129,912 1,274,830 530,481 4,690,314 61.89 47.80 70.62 79.68 33.16 293.14 410,753 191,416 2,628,816 4 875 4,875 1,039,264 134,878 4,410,002 25.67 11.96 164.30 0 30 0.30 64.95 8.43 275.63 294,383 486,400 2,361,420 6,675 518,549 89,027 3,756,453 18.40 30.40 147.59 0.42 32.41 5.56 234.78 838,722 5,829,720 38,395 711,311 89,918 7,508,066 1,190,747 1,125,942 1,134,076 23,815,601 1,488.48 52.42 364.36 2.40 44.46 5.62 469.25 74.42 70.37 70.88 1,488.48 4/15 National Urban Upgrading Strategy and Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to 2020 Table 10 Cost Estimates for Economic Region 4 Basic Level of Service Base cost 2007 prices Cities/Towns TP. Buôn Ma Thuột I Class Primary & Secondary Infrastructure Water treatment facilities 49,059 Wastewater treatment facilities 95,172 Drainage 115,434 Solid waste disposal facilities Roads 55,870 Sub-total 315,536 LIAs Tertiary Infrastructure Water 62,094 Sanitation 22,146 Drainage 496,755 Solid waste 645 Roads 120,237 Streetlight 15,605 Sub-total 717,482 Urbanised Tertiary Infrastructure Water 44,499 Sanitation 56,271 Drainage Solid waste 440 Roads 71,560 Streetlight 21,867 Sub-total 194,637 Urban Expansion Tertiary Infrastructure Water 94,883 Drainage 603,945 Solid waste 1,214 Roads 75,497 Streetlight 9,345 Sub-total 784,884 Resettlement of HH Living in Unsafe Areas 53,628 Housing Loan for LIA 86,844 Capacity Building 107,651 Total VnDM 2,260,661 Total US$M 141.29 preliminary estimates as of 7 March 2008. National Urban Upgrading Strategy and Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to 2020 D:\NUUPMINH\Final Report\Appendix_EN_Finalreport\ApG_Tables1-12_Investmentcost_ Basic_EN.xls 5/3/2008 TP. Đà Lạt TX. Bảo Lộc TX. Gia Nghĩa III I II III III 111,624 97,395 206,622 158,702 100,005 674,348 149,230 65,527 98,863 106,773 45,675 466,068 4,530 9,960 10,658 16,230 4,924 46,302 23,189 15,796 12,958 25,739 5,986 83,668 31,861 45,615 57,614 74,328 26,617 236,036 8,219 11,434 12,236 18,631 5,653 56,173 377,713 340,900 514,384 400,404 244,731 1,878,131 23.61 21.31 32.15 25.03 15.30 117.38 6,795 16,494 54,360 362 89,550 11,622 179,183 68,259 12,540 546,075 357 68,081 8,836 704,149 6,041 2,094 38,664 66 11,364 1,475 59,704 22,719 3,489 145,404 185 18,948 2,459 193,205 29,835 9,213 190,944 282 50,018 6,492 286,784 7,926 2,403 50,724 67 13,047 1,693 75,860 203,670 68,379 1,522,926 1,964 371,246 48,181 2,216,366 12.73 4.27 95.18 0.12 23.20 3.01 138.52 4,877 41,910 39,015 315 22,387 2,906 111,409 48,915 31,866 391,320 811 17,020 2,209 492,141 4,331 5,319 34,650 26 2,841 369 47,537 16,284 8,871 130,275 855 4,737 615 161,637 21,386 23,409 171,090 397 12,505 1,623 230,409 5,687 6,108 45,495 58 3,262 423 61,033 145,980 173,754 811,845 2,902 134,312 30,011 1,298,804 9.12 10.86 50.74 0.18 8.39 1.88 81.18 86,218 959,895 1,104 135,136 16,727 1,199,078 105,567 64,679 116,713 2,450,978 153.19 58,005 482,220 742 60,469 7,909 609,346 80,157 49,173 120,052 2,521,085 157.57 8,816 51,975 113 6,519 853 68,276 13,398 8,208 12,171 255,596 15.97 13,982 63,180 179 7,926 1,037 86,303 22,176 13,686 28,034 588,708 36.79 40,379 281,025 517 35,239 4,609 361,770 58,905 36,127 60,502 1,270,532 79.41 10,121 59,670 130 7,484 979 78,383 15,246 9,423 14,806 310,924 19.43 312,403 2,501,910 3,999 328,270 41,457 3,188,039 349,077 268,140 459,928 9,658,483 603.66 19.53 156.37 0.25 20.52 2.59 199.25 21.82 16.76 28.75 603.66 III TP. Pleiku TX. Ajunpa TX. An Khê Total Investment Cost VnDMillion US$Million 5/15 National Urban Upgrading Strategy and Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to 202 Table 11 Cost Estimates for Economic Region 5 Basic Level of Service Base cost 2007 prices Cities/Towns TP. Biên Hoà TP. Hồ Chí Minh TP. Vũng Tàu TX. Bà Rịa TX. Đồng Xoài TX. Long Khánh TX. Tây Ninh TX. Thủ Dầu Một Class I III III I II III III III Primary & Secondary Infrastructure Water treatment facilities 379,547 1,648,561 210,952 7,962 32,366 8,168 46,769 24,337 Wastewater treatment facilities 172,527 703,199 102,157 19,517 15,921 16,425 33,214 37,566 Drainage 281,982 3,878,967 254,610 18,735 37,022 19,220 88,463 57,263 Solid waste disposal facilities 236,127 2,756,219 31,803 25,942 26,763 54,121 61,212 Roads 136,479 1,792,083 123,231 8,656 17,104 8,879 40,870 26,455 Sub-total 1,206,661 10,779,029 690,950 86,673 128,354 79,455 263,437 206,832 LIAs Tertiary Infrastructure Water 19,703 361,106 22,073 6,919 10,253 7,238 11,636 20,633 Sanitation 17,700 298,686 15,746 4,196 2,486 3,382 4,704 3,108 Drainage 126,096 2,311,080 141,264 44,280 65,616 46,320 74,472 132,048 Solid waste 678 6,293 321 106 82 158 166 137 Roads 96,092 1,621,557 85,485 22,782 13,499 18,363 25,541 16,875 Streetlight 12,471 210,450 11,095 2,957 1,752 2,383 3,315 2,190 Sub-total 272,740 4,809,172 275,984 81,239 93,687 77,844 119,833 174,991 Urbanised Tertiary Infrastructure Water 14,123 258,758 15,821 4,961 7,350 5,190 8,344 14,786 Sanitation 44,972 758,888 40,010 10,662 6,320 8,596 11,954 7,896 Drainage 112,980 2,070,060 126,570 39,690 58,800 41,520 66,750 118,290 Solid waste 590 4,295 430 71 19 763 77 Roads 86,031 405,389 21,371 5,695 3,375 4,591 6,385 5,809 Streetlight 2,338 52,613 2,774 739 438 596 829 548 Sub-total 261,033 3,550,002 206,976 61,748 76,354 60,511 95,025 147,407 Urban Expansion Tertiary Infrastructure Water 82,756 1,555,726 90,433 17,277 14,093 14,538 29,401 14,427 Drainage 709,830 17,201,610 1,182,840 91,380 180,570 93,720 431,490 121,170 Solid waste 1,059 19,913 1,158 221 180 186 376 185 Roads 184,423 2,421,621 166,521 11,459 22,644 11,756 54,108 35,025 Streetlight 22,827 299,738 20,611 1,499 2,962 1,538 7,077 4,581 Sub-total 1,000,895 21,498,609 1,461,562 121,836 220,449 121,737 522,452 175,387 Resettlement of HH Living in Unsafe Areas 113,190 1,912,526 100,716 26,796 15,862 21,560 30,030 19,866 Housing Loan for LIA 104,106 1,756,800 92,615 24,682 14,625 19,895 27,671 18,282 Capacity Building 147,931 2,215,307 141,440 20,149 27,467 19,050 52,922 37,138 Total VnDM 3,106,557 46,521,445 2,970,243 423,122 576,797 400,053 1,111,371 779,902 Total US$M 194.16 2,907.59 185.64 26.45 36.05 25.00 69.46 48.74 preliminary estimates as of 7 March 2008. National Urban Upgrading Strategy and Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to 2020 D:\NUUPMINH\Final Report\Appendix_EN_Finalreport\ApG_Tables1-12_Investmentcost_ Basic_EN.xls 5/3/2008 Total Investment Cost VnDMillion US$Million 2,358,663 1,100,525 4,636,259 3,192,187 2,153,757 13,441,391 147.42 68.78 289.77 199.51 134.61 840.09 459,559 350,008 2,941,176 7,940 1,900,194 246,612 5,905,489 28.72 21.88 183.82 0.50 118.76 15.41 369.09 329,333 889,298 2,634,660 6,244 538,647 60,874 4,459,056 20.58 55.58 164.67 0.39 33.67 3.80 278.69 1,818,649 20,012,610 23,279 2,907,557 360,833 25,122,928 2,240,546 2,058,676 2,661,404 55,889,490 3,493.09 113.67 1,250.79 1.45 181.72 22.55 1,570.18 140.03 128.67 166.34 3,493.09 6/15 National Urban Upgrading Strategy and Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to 2020 Table 12 Cost Estimates for Economic Region 6 Basic Level of Service Base cost 2007 prices Cities/Towns Unit TP. Cần Thơ TP. Cao Lãnh TP. Long Xuyên TP. Mỹ Tho TP. Rạch Giá TP. Sóc Trăng TX. Bac Liêu TX. Bến Tre TX. Châu Đốc TX. Gò Công TX. Hà Tiên TX. Hồng Ngự TX. Sa Đéc TX. Tân An TX. Tân Hiệp TX. Vị Thanh TX. Vĩnh Long II III III III III III IV IV IV IV IV IV IV IV IV IV III Class Primary & Secondary Infrastructure Water treatment facilities 53,069 7,943 109,931 15,457 69,389 20,332 4,644 10,165 17,187 2,832 9,942 4,190 7,877 8,803 4,673 7,002 5,662 Wastewater treatment facilities 147,906 23,619 81,668 41,155 72,691 43,987 9,392 19,174 31,073 9,435 12,141 10,595 23,411 25,406 10,874 14,635 25,878 Drainage 124,869 18,690 90,363 36,368 105,168 47,841 10,928 23,918 36,410 6,663 22,610 11,338 18,534 20,712 10,995 15,392 15,320 Solid waste disposal facilities 58,782 133,075 52,061 118,447 50,975 15,304 23,144 50,633 15,375 19,784 15,013 38,147 41,398 17,719 23,847 42,167 Roads 60,437 8,635 41,748 17,602 48,588 22,103 5,049 11,050 16,821 3,078 10,446 4,555 8,563 9,569 5,080 7,111 6,155 Sub-total 445,064 58,887 456,785 162,644 414,283 185,238 45,317 87,451 152,123 37,383 74,923 45,692 96,531 105,887 49,340 67,987 95,182 LIAs Tertiary Infrastructure Water 54,098 5,445 46,669 9,596 19,773 16,983 7,185 12,848 10,024 2,636 4,407 6,754 9,270 3,812 1,272 4,995 Sanitation 32,798 4,402 17,046 7,494 14,106 10,748 1,937 3,884 6,398 2,130 2,137 1,936 5,202 5,620 2,314 2,378 6,060 Drainage 346,224 34,848 298,680 61,416 126,546 108,689 45,982 82,224 64,152 16,872 28,207 43,224 59,328 24,398 8,142 31,968 Solid waste 1,420 162 338 95 299 208 205 146 144 68 61 81 128 152 389 85 156 Roads 178,063 23,903 92,540 40,693 76,585 58,353 10,516 21,091 34,733 11,569 11,611 10,516 28,247 30,517 12,558 12,919 32,904 Streetlight 23,109 38,362 135,751 18,993 85,573 111,750 93,461 17,072 49,184 6,783 46,117 20,603 26,955 49,197 33,043 53,129 26,307 Sub-total 635,712 107,121 591,025 138,287 322,881 306,730 159,285 137,264 164,635 40,058 92,540 33,136 110,510 154,084 76,514 77,925 102,391 Urbanised Tertiary Infrastructure Water 38,764 3,904 33,446 6,881 14,175 12,170 5,153 9,210 7,185 1,890 3,161 4,845 6,645 2,738 914 3,585 Sanitation 83,334 11,188 43,310 19,046 35,843 27,310 4,922 9,874 16,256 5,418 5,435 4,924 13,222 14,284 5,879 6,049 15,400 Drainage 310,110 31,230 267,570 103,230 113,402 97,359 41,228 73,680 57,480 15,120 25,289 38,760 53,160 21,908 7,314 28,680 Solid waste 141 927 539 96 195 125 154 236 70 111 203 338 233 282 Roads 32,838 162,291 22,672 8,999 15,142 50,198 3,866 4,996 6,405 2,134 2,141 1,939 5,209 5,628 2,316 73,167 6,068 Streetlight 5,777 6,334 3,003 1,320 2,485 1,893 341 684 1,127 375 377 341 916 990 407 29,110 1,068 Sub-total 470,823 215,087 370,928 139,476 181,586 189,027 55,510 98,639 88,579 25,090 36,639 7,275 63,064 80,910 33,586 116,787 55,083 Urban Expansion Tertiary Infrastructure Water 130,933 17,534 72,295 30,142 64,348 45,411 8,313 16,973 27,507 8,352 10,747 8,156 20,723 22,489 9,625 9,981 22,908 Drainage 580,110 76,440 440,790 139,770 512,981 272,136 53,268 116,640 177,600 32,490 110,262 48,090 90,390 101,010 53,613 57,822 64,980 Solid waste 1,676 224 925 386 824 581 106 217 352 107 138 104 265 288 123 128 293 Roads 81,667 11,432 55,271 23,786 64,326 29,262 6,684 14,629 22,270 4,075 13,829 6,031 11,336 12,668 6,725 9,415 8,148 Streetlight 10,108 1,495 7,229 2,944 8,413 3,827 874 1,913 2,913 533 1,809 789 1,483 1,657 880 1,231 1,066 Sub-total 804,494 107,125 576,510 197,027 650,891 351,217 69,245 150,373 230,641 45,557 136,784 63,170 124,197 138,112 70,966 78,577 97,395 Resettlement of HH Living in Unsafe Areas 209,902 30,646 109,032 3,080 90,321 266,358 12,397 24,794 40,964 13,552 13,637 12,320 33,264 35,882 14,699 15,231 38,808 Housing Loan for LIA 192,914 25,897 100,259 44,087 72,150 54,973 9,907 22,850 37,630 12,534 10,938 11,393 30,603 33,062 11,831 12,171 35,649 Capacity Building 137,945 27,238 110,227 34,230 86,606 67,677 17,583 26,069 35,729 8,709 18,273 8,649 22,908 27,397 12,847 18,434 21,225 Total VnDM 2,896,854 572,002 2,314,766 718,832 1,818,718 1,421,222 369,245 547,440 750,301 182,883 383,734 181,635 481,077 575,334 269,784 387,110 445,732 Total US$M 181.05 35.75 144.67 44.93 113.67 88.83 23.08 34.21 46.89 11.43 23.98 11.35 30.07 35.96 16.86 24.19 27.86 Total Investment Cost VnDMillion US$Million 359,098 603,041 616,119 715,870 286,588 2,580,715 22.44 37.69 38.51 44.74 17.91 161.29 215,766 126,589 1,380,900 4,137 687,319 835,388 3,250,099 13.49 7.91 86.31 0.26 42.96 52.21 203.13 154,667 321,694 1,285,518 3,651 406,010 56,550 2,228,090 9.67 20.11 80.34 0.23 25.38 3.53 139.26 526,434 2,928,392 6,738 381,554 49,165 3,892,283 964,887 718,848 681,746 14,316,668 894.79 32.90 183.02 0.42 23.85 3.07 243.27 60.31 44.93 42.61 894.79 preliminary estimates as of 7 March 2008 marked with yellow use 15% factor National Urban Upgrading Strategy and Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to 2020 D:\NUUPMINH\Final Report\Appendix_EN_Finalreport\ApG_Tables1-12_Investmentcost_ Basic_EN.xls 5/3/2008 7/15 National Urban Upgrading Strategy and Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to 2020 Table 13 Estimated Cost and Investment Programme for Urban Upgrading (2008-2020) High Level of Service Cost estimate based on 2007 real prices 2007 Real Prices Planning Period Province 3 2 8 Priority Pilot Cities/Towns TP. Điện Biên Phủ TX. Cao Bằng TX. Trà Vinh TP. Cà Mau TP. Ninh Bình TP. Hải Dương TP. Việt Trì TX. Kon Tum Điện Biên Cao Bằng Trà Vinh Cà Mau Ninh Bình Hải Dương Phú Thọ Kon Tum Class 4 III III IV III IV III II III Investment Cost 2007 6 2008 27 2009 2011 2012 30 29 2013 2014 33 32 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 35 36 37 38 39 1,191,658 147,138 127,604 117,384 133,501 143,207 184,336 212,642 125,846 1,787,487 220,707 191,405 176,076 200,252 214,811 276,504 318,962 188,769 31 2,979,145 367,845 319,009 293,460 333,753 358,018 460,840 531,604 314,616 2,383,316 294,276 255,207 234,768 267,002 286,414 368,672 425,283 251,693 1,787,487 220,707 191,405 176,076 200,252 214,811 276,504 318,962 188,769 34 834,161 102,997 89,322 82,169 93,451 100,245 129,035 148,849 88,092 6,220,078 32,846 54,743 181,945 366,292 650,742 852,259 1,174,542 1,237,179 6,521 2,435 7,715 11,101 1,149 3,925 10,868 4,059 12,858 18,502 1,914 6,541 21,736 8,118 25,716 37,005 3,828 13,082 32,605 12,177 38,574 55,507 5,743 19,623 54,341 20,296 64,290 92,512 9,571 32,705 43,473 16,236 51,432 74,010 7,657 26,164 32,605 12,177 38,574 55,507 5,743 19,623 15,215 5,683 18,001 25,903 2,680 9,158 9,474 6,828 6,313 26,077 7,853 15,916 15,789 11,380 10,521 43,461 13,088 26,526 31,579 22,760 21,042 86,922 26,175 53,052 47,368 34,141 31,563 130,384 39,263 79,578 78,946 56,901 52,604 217,306 65,438 132,630 63,157 45,521 42,083 173,845 52,350 106,104 47,368 34,141 31,563 130,384 39,263 79,578 22,105 15,932 14,729 60,846 18,323 37,136 12,257 22,359 27,109 41,960 31,811 3,482,907 24,513 44,718 54,218 83,920 63,621 5,826,010 36,770 67,077 81,327 125,880 95,432 8,464,738 61,283 111,795 135,545 209,801 159,054 12,320,350 49,027 89,436 108,436 167,841 127,243 9,639,575 36,770 67,077 81,327 125,880 95,432 6,978,400 11,916,580 1,471,381 1,276,036 1,173,842 1,335,011 1,432,071 1,843,361 2,126,416 1,258,463 357,497 44,141 38,281 35,215 40,050 42,962 55,301 63,792 37,754 28 595,829 73,569 63,802 58,692 66,751 71,604 92,168 106,321 62,923 2010 Total Project Identification 40 357,497 44,141 38,281 35,215 40,050 42,962 55,301 63,792 37,754 North Group (Regions 1 & 2) 33 Cities/Towns Region 1 (17 cities/towns) 1st Tranche (6 Cities/Towns with ranking) 904,278 575,558 189,694 Yên Bái Lai Châu Bắc Kạn Hà Giang Điện Biên Sơn La IV III IV IV IV IV 217,363 81,182 257,161 370,049 38,284 130,822 Thái Nguyên Sơn La Phú Thọ Thái Nguyên Tuyên Quang Bắc Giang IV IV IV II IV III 315,786 227,604 210,417 869,224 261,752 530,521 TX. Sơn La TP. Yên Bái TP. Lạng Sơn TP. Lào Cai TP. Hoà Bình Region 2 (16 cities/towns) 1st Tranche (6 Cities/Towns with ranking) Sơn La Yên Bái Lạng Sơn Lào Cai Hoà Bình IV III III III III 245,133 447,181 542,180 839,203 636,215 52,489,927 84,418 140,697 458,768 7,354 13,415 16,265 25,176 19,086 2,030,619 TP. Thái Bình TP. Sơn Tây TP Hà Đông TP. Nam Định TX. Tam Điệp TX. Móng Cái 2nd Tranche (5 Cities/Towns with ranking) Thái Bình Hà Tây Hà Tây Nam Định Ninh Bình Quảng Ninh III III III II IV IV 663,574 298,101 407,534 791,215 326,013 327,493 19,907 8,943 12,226 23,736 9,780 9,825 33,179 14,905 20,377 39,561 16,301 16,375 66,357 29,810 40,753 79,121 32,601 32,749 99,536 44,715 61,130 118,682 48,902 49,124 165,894 74,525 101,883 197,804 81,503 81,873 132,715 59,620 81,507 158,243 65,203 65,499 99,536 44,715 61,130 118,682 48,902 49,124 46,450 20,867 28,527 55,385 22,821 22,924 TP. Bắc Ninh TX. Hưng Yên TX. Phủ Lý TP. Vĩnh Yên TP. Hải Phòng 3rd Tranche (5 Cities/Towns with ranking) Bắc Ninh Hưng Yên Hà Nam Vĩnh Phúc City under Central Gov. III III III III DB 998,811 382,053 358,602 596,541 3,576,482 29,964 11,462 10,758 17,896 107,294 49,941 19,103 17,930 29,827 178,824 99,881 38,205 35,860 59,654 357,648 149,822 57,308 53,790 89,481 536,472 249,703 95,513 89,650 149,135 894,120 199,762 76,411 71,720 119,308 715,296 149,822 57,308 53,790 89,481 536,472 69,917 26,744 25,102 41,758 250,354 TX. Phúc Yên TP. Hà Nội TX. Uông Bí TX. Cẩm Phả TP. Hạ Long Central Group (Regions 3 & 4) 29 Cities/Towns Region 3 (22 cities/towns) 1st Tranche (8 Cities/Towns with ranking) TP. Huế TX. Quảng Trị TX. Hồng Lĩnh TX. Cam Ranh TP. Phan Rang Tháp Chàm Vĩnh Phúc City under Central Gov. Quảng Ninh Quảng Ninh Quảng Ninh IV DB IV III II 275,481 40,826,510 677,881 1,002,385 981,252 8,264 1,224,795 20,336 30,072 29,438 13,774 2,041,325 33,894 50,119 49,063 27,548 4,082,651 67,788 100,239 98,125 41,322 6,123,976 101,682 150,358 147,188 68,870 10,206,627 169,470 250,596 245,313 55,096 8,165,302 135,576 200,477 196,250 41,322 6,123,976 101,682 150,358 147,188 19,284 2,857,856 47,452 70,167 68,688 3,372,741 2,216,252 793,438 Huế Quảng Trị Hà Tĩnh Khánh Hoà Ninh Thuận Quảng Bình Quảng Ngãi Thanh Hoá I IV IV IV III III III IV 1,936,428 158,354 126,391 1,030,778 1,256,213 555,769 1,012,477 300,751 TP. Quy Nhơn TP. Nha Trang TP. Phan Thiết TX. Đông Hà TX. Bỉm Sơn TP. Hà Tĩnh TP. Tam Kỳ 3rd Tranche (7 Cities/Towns with ranking) TP. Đà Nẵng TP. Tuy Hoà TX. Lagi TP. Vinh TX. Hội An TX. Cửa Lò TP. Thanh Hoá Region 4 (7 cities/towns) 1st Tranche (4 cities/towns with ranking) Bình Định Khánh Hoà Bình Thuận Quảng Trị Thanh Hoá Hà Tĩnh Quảng Nam II II III IV IV III III 1,430,538 2,647,013 1,037,080 827,541 226,759 422,054 780,861 City under Central Gov. Phú Yên Bình Thuận Nghệ An Quảng Nam Nghệ An Thanh Hoá DB III IV II III IV II 5,901,713 985,621 358,578 2,187,546 417,374 344,815 1,139,174 10,105,180 TP.Buôn Ma Thuột TX. An Khê TP. Pleiku TP. Đà Lạt 2nd Tranche (3 Cities/Towns with ranking) TX. Ajunpa TX. Bảo Lộc TX. Gia Nghĩa South Group (Regions 5 & 6) 25 Cities/Towns Region 5 (8 cities/towns) 1st Tranche (4 cities/towns with ranking) Đắc Lăk Gia Lai Gia Lai Lâm Đồng II IV III II 2,334,442 601,470 2,640,871 2,634,845 Gia Lai Lâm Đồng Đăk Nông IV IV IV 263,827 1,309,348 320,377 58,637,774 179,507 Tây Ninh Bình Phước Bình Dương Đồng Nai IV IV IV II 1,145,370 592,379 823,455 3,422,379 34,361 17,771 24,704 102,671 City under Central Gov. Đồng Nai Bà Rịa Vũng Tàu Bà Rịa Vũng Tàu DB III II IV 48,664,259 418,429 3,132,530 438,974 14 14,988,960 988 960 Hậu Giang An Giang Hậu Giang Tiền Giang Kiên Giang IV III IV IV III 399,202 2,460,033 278,824 190,291 1,950,958 Bạc Liêu Vĩnh Long An Giang Kiên Giang Tiền Giang Đồng Tháp IV IV IV IV II IV 377,137 472,661 776,358 394,973 763,146 499,637 Long An Bến Tre Đồng Tháp Sóc Trăng City under Central Gov. Đồng Tháp IV IV IV III DB III 595,568 563,731 189,746 1,469,976 3,017,460 589,260 TX. Nghĩa Lộ TX. Lai Châu TX. Bắc Cạn TX. Hà Giang TX. Mường Lay TX. Mộc Châu 2nd Tranche (6 Cities/Towns with ranking) TX. Sông Công TX. Mai Sơn TX. Phú Thọ TP. Thái Nguyên TX. Tuyên Quang TP. Bắc Giang 3rd Tranche (5 Cities/Towns with ranking) TP. Đồng Hới TP. Quảng Ngãi TX. Sầm Sơn 2nd Tranche (7Cities/Towns with ranking) TX. Tây Ninh TX. Đồng Xoài TX. Thủ Dầu Một TP. Biên Hoà 2nd Tranche (4 Cities/Towns with ranking) TP. Hồ Chí Minh TX. Long Khánh TP. Vũng Tàu TX. Bà Rịa R Region i 6 (17 cities/towns) iti /t ) 1st Tranche (5 Cities/Towns with ranking) TX. Vị Thanh TP. Long Xuyên TX. Tân Hiệp và Phụng Hiệp TX. Gò Công TP. Rạch Giá 2nd Tranche (6 Cities/Towns with ranking) TX. Bac Liêu TP. Vĩnh Long TX. Châu Đốc TX. Hà Tiên TP. Mỹ Tho TX. Sa Đéc 3rd Tranche (6 Cities/Towns with ranking) TX. Tân An TX. Bến Tre TX. Hồng Ngự TP. Sóc Trăng TP. Cần Thơ TP. Cao Lãnh 25,083,828 - - 191,315 318,858 858,871 1,665,211 2,898,216 3,514,691 4,499,759 4,754,476 58,093 4,751 3,792 30,923 37,686 16,673 30,374 9,023 96,821 7,918 6,320 51,539 62,811 27,788 50,624 15,038 193,643 15,835 12,639 103,078 125,621 55,577 101,248 30,075 290,464 23,753 18,959 154,617 188,432 83,365 151,871 45,113 484,107 39,589 31,598 257,694 314,053 138,942 253,119 75,188 387,286 31,671 25,278 206,156 251,243 111,154 202,495 60,150 290,464 23,753 18,959 154,617 188,432 83,365 151,871 45,113 135,550 11,085 8,847 72,154 87,935 38,904 70,873 21,053 42,916 79,410 31,112 24,826 6,803 12,662 23,426 71,527 132,351 51,854 41,377 11,338 21,103 39,043 143,054 264,701 103,708 82,754 22,676 42,205 78,086 214,581 397,052 155,562 124,131 34,014 63,308 117,129 357,635 661,753 259,270 206,885 56,690 105,513 195,215 286,108 529,403 207,416 165,508 45,352 84,411 156,172 214,581 397,052 155,562 124,131 34,014 63,308 117,129 100,138 185,291 72,596 57,928 15,873 29,544 54,660 295,086 49,281 17,929 109,377 20,869 17,241 56,959 2,242,262 590,171 98,562 35,858 218,755 41,737 34,481 113,917 1,926,358 885,257 147,843 53,787 328,132 62,606 51,722 170,876 1,705,132 1,475,428 246,405 89,644 546,887 104,344 86,204 284,794 953,524 1,180,343 197,124 71,716 437,509 83,475 68,963 227,835 284,033 885,257 147,843 53,787 328,132 62,606 51,722 170,876 132,549 246,349 410,581 877,969 177,051 29,569 10,757 65,626 12,521 10,344 34,175 1,326,422 70,033 18,044 79,226 79,045 116,722 30,074 132,044 131,742 233,444 60,147 264,087 263,485 350,166 90,221 396,131 395,227 583,611 150,368 660,218 658,711 466,888 120,294 528,174 526,969 350,166 90,221 396,131 395,227 163,411 42,103 184,861 184,439 7,915 39,280 9,611 13,191 65,467 16,019 26,383 130,935 32,038 39,574 196,402 48,057 65,957 327,337 80,094 52,765 261,870 64,075 299,179 2,177,984 3,530,247 6,761,315 9,094,845 14,061,085 10,949,689 57,268 29,619 41,173 171,119 114,537 59,238 82,346 342,238 171,805 88,857 123,518 513,357 286,342 148,095 205,864 855,595 229,074 118,476 164,691 684,476 171,805 88,857 123,518 513,357 80,176 41,467 57,642 239,567 158 158,379 379 263 263,965 965 1,459,928 12,553 93,976 13,169 626 626,448 448 2,433,213 20,921 156,627 21,949 1 1,148,864 148 864 4,866,426 41,843 313,253 43,897 1,969,505 1 969 505 7,299,639 62,764 469,880 65,846 2,191,022 2 191 022 12,166,065 104,607 783,133 109,743 2,576,735 2 576 735 9,732,852 83,686 626,506 87,795 2,632,769 2 632 769 11,976 73,801 8,365 5,709 58,529 19,960 123,002 13,941 9,515 97,548 39,920 246,003 27,882 19,029 195,096 59,880 369,005 41,824 28,544 292,644 99,800 615,008 69,706 47,573 487,739 79,840 492,007 55,765 38,058 390,192 59,880 369,005 41,824 28,544 292,644 27,944 172,202 19,518 13,320 136,567 11,314 14,180 23,291 11,849 22,894 14,989 18,857 23,633 38,818 19,749 38,157 24,982 37,714 47,266 77,636 39,497 76,315 49,964 56,571 70,899 116,454 59,246 114,472 74,945 94,284 118,165 194,089 98,743 190,787 124,909 75,427 94,532 155,272 78,995 152,629 99,927 56,571 70,899 116,454 59,246 114,472 74,945 26,400 33,086 54,345 27,648 53,420 34,975 17,867 16,912 5,692 44,099 90,524 17,678 29,778 28,187 9,487 73,499 150,873 29,463 59,557 56,373 18,975 146,998 301,746 58,926 89,335 84,560 28,462 220,496 452,619 88,389 148,892 140,933 47,437 367,494 754,365 147,315 119,114 112,746 37,949 293,995 603,492 117,852 89,335 84,560 28,462 220,496 452,619 88,389 39,574 196,402 48,057 17,159 31,303 37,953 58,744 44,535 3,063,446 413,120 68,994 25,100 153,128 29,216 24,137 79,742 - 18,468 91,654 22,426 3,685,793 7,299,639 62,764 469,880 65,846 1,777,735 1 777 735 3,406,498 29,290 219,277 30,728 1,193,735 1 193 735 - 449,802 449 802 41,690 39,461 13,282 102,898 211,222 41,248 Total Preparation 41 Total Implementation 42 TOTAL INVESTMENT COST VNDM 44 595,829 73,569 63,802 58,692 66,751 71,604 92,168 106,321 62,923 10,963,254 1,353,671 1,173,953 1,079,934 1,228,210 1,317,505 1,695,892 1,956,303 1,157,786 43 11,916,580 1,471,381 1,276,036 1,173,842 1,335,011 1,432,071 1,843,361 2,126,416 1,258,463 1,761,300 186,602 2,935,500 311,004 54,013,205 5,722,472 58,710,005 6,220,078 3,669.38 388.75 6,521 2,435 7,715 11,101 1,149 3,925 10,868 4,059 12,858 18,502 1,914 6,541 199,974 74,688 236,588 340,446 35,221 120,356 217,363 81,182 257,161 370,049 38,284 130,822 13.59 5.07 16.07 23.13 2.39 8.18 9,474 6,828 6,313 26,077 7,853 15,916 15,789 11,380 10,521 43,461 13,088 26,526 290,523 209,396 193,583 799,686 240,812 488,079 315,786 227,604 210,417 869,224 261,752 530,521 19.74 14.23 13.15 54.33 16.36 33.16 7,354 13,415 16,265 25,176 19,086 1,574,698 12,257 22,359 27,109 41,960 31,811 2,624,496 225,523 411,407 498,805 772,066 585,317 48,290,733 245,133 447,181 542,180 839,203 636,215 52,489,927 15.32 27.95 33.89 52.45 39.76 3,280.62 19,907 8,943 12,226 23,736 9,780 9,825 33,179 14,905 20,377 39,561 16,301 16,375 610,488 274,253 374,931 727,918 299,932 301,293 663,574 298,101 407,534 791,215 326,013 327,493 41.47 18.63 25.47 49.45 20.38 20.47 29,964 11,462 10,758 17,896 107,294 49,941 19,103 17,930 29,827 178,824 918,906 351,489 329,913 548,818 3,290,363 998,811 382,053 358,602 596,541 3,576,482 62.43 23.88 22.41 37.28 223.53 8,264 1,224,795 20,336 30,072 29,438 1,055,670 752,515 13,774 2,041,325 33,894 50,119 49,063 1,759,450 1,254,191 253,442 37,560,389 623,651 922,194 902,751 32,373,887 23,077,122 275,481 40,826,510 677,881 1,002,385 981,252 35,189,008 25,083,828 17.22 2,551.66 42.37 62.65 61.33 2,199.31 1,567.74 58,093 4,751 3,792 30,923 37,686 16,673 30,374 9,023 96,821 7,918 6,320 51,539 62,811 27,788 50,624 15,038 1,781,513 145,686 116,280 948,315 1,155,716 511,308 931,479 276,691 1,936,428 158,354 126,391 1,030,778 1,256,213 555,769 1,012,477 300,751 121.03 9.90 7.90 64.42 78.51 34.74 63.28 18.80 42,916 79,410 31,112 24,826 6,803 12,662 23,426 71,527 132,351 51,854 41,377 11,338 21,103 39,043 1,316,095 2,435,252 954,113 761,338 208,618 388,290 718,392 1,430,538 2,647,013 1,037,080 827,541 226,759 422,054 780,861 89.41 165.44 64.82 51.72 14.17 26.38 48.80 177,051 29,569 10,757 65,626 12,521 10,344 34,175 303,155 295,086 49,281 17,929 109,377 20,869 17,241 56,959 505,259 5,429,576 906,772 329,892 2,012,542 383,984 317,229 1,048,041 9,296,766 5,901,713 985,621 358,578 2,187,546 417,374 344,815 1,139,174 10,105,180 368.86 61.60 22.41 136.72 26.09 21.55 71.20 631.57 70,033 18,044 79,226 79,045 116,722 30,074 132,044 131,742 2,147,687 553,353 2,429,601 2,424,058 2,334,442 601,470 2,640,871 2,634,845 145.90 37.59 165.05 164.68 7,915 39,280 9,611 2,208,802 1,759,133 13,191 65,467 16,019 3,681,337 2,931,889 242,721 1,204,600 294,747 67,736,595 53,946,752 263,827 1,309,348 320,377 73,626,734 58,637,774 16.49 81.83 20.02 4,601.67 3,664.86 34,361 17,771 24,704 102,671 57,268 29,619 41,173 171,119 1,053,740 544,989 757,579 3,148,589 1,145,370 592,379 823,455 3,422,379 71.59 37.02 51.47 213.90 1,459,928 12,553 93,976 13,169 449,669 449 669 2,433,213 20,921 156,627 21,949 749,448 749 448 44,771,118 384,954 2,881,928 403,856 13 13,789,843 789 843 48,664,259 418,429 3,132,530 438,974 14,988,960 14 988 960 3,041.52 26.15 195.78 27.44 936.81 936 81 11,976 73,801 8,365 5,709 58,529 19,960 123,002 13,941 9,515 97,548 367,266 2,263,230 256,518 175,068 1,794,881 399,202 2,460,033 278,824 190,291 1,950,958 24.95 153.75 17.43 11.89 121.93 11,314 14,180 23,291 11,849 22,894 14,989 18,857 23,633 38,818 19,749 38,157 24,982 346,966 434,848 714,249 363,375 702,095 459,666 377,137 472,661 776,358 394,973 763,146 499,637 23.57 29.54 48.52 24.69 47.70 31.23 17,867 16,912 5,692 44,099 90,524 17,678 5,383,270 29,778 28,187 9,487 73,499 150,873 29,463 547,922 518,633 174,566 1,352,378 2,776,063 542,119 595,568 563,731 189,746 1,469,976 3,017,460 589,260 37.22 35.23 11.86 91.87 188.59 36.83 11,215.15 8,972,116 165,086,941 179,442,327.09 11,215.15 Total Cost of Investment for Implementation in US$M Total Cost of Investment for Implementation for Urban Population of Special Cities and Class I-IV Cities/Towns in TOTAL INVESTMENT COST USD 744.79 91.96 79.75 73.37 83.44 89.50 115.21 132.90 78.65 8 priority cities/towns for WB funding Cities/Towns to be funded by other financing institutions Project Project Identification Preparation Period Period 2008 Notes: 1) Inflation Rate: Inflation Factor 2) Percentage of Present Cost: 2009 1.00 Implementation Period 2010 1.00 2011 1.00 2012 1.00 Identification Preparation Period Period 3% 3) Exchange Rate : US Dollar (US$) 1 = Vietnam Dong (VnD) 4) Projected Urban Population of Class I to IV Cities/Towns by 2020 5) Projected Total Population of Vietnam by 2020 5% 1 10% 2 15% 16,000 24,701,225 104,013,228 2013 1.00 2014 1.00 Year of Implementation Period 3 4 25% 20% 2015 1.00 5 15% 2016 1.00 2017 1.00 2018 1.00 1.00 2019 1.00 2020 1.00 6 7% 23.75% 100% 14/15 National Urban Upgrading Strategy and Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to 2020 Table 14 Estimated Cost and Investment Programme for Urban Upgrading (2008-2020) High Level of Service Cost estimate based on 2007 escalated prices 2007 Real Prices Planning Period Province 3 2 8 Priority Pilot Cities/Towns TP. Điện Biên Phủ TX. Cao Bằng TX. Trà Vinh TP. Cà Mau TP. Ninh Bình TP. Hải Dương TP. Việt Trì TX. Kon Tum Class 4 III III IV III IV III II III Điện Biên Cao Bằng Trà Vinh Cà Mau Ninh Bình Hải Dương Phú Thọ Kon Tum Investment Cost 2007 6 2008 27 2009 29 2011 2012 30 2013 32 2014 33 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 35 36 37 38 39 1,452,698 179,370 155,556 143,098 162,745 174,578 224,716 259,222 153,414 2,288,000 282,507 245,001 225,379 256,324 274,960 353,928 408,275 241,627 31 4,004,000 494,388 428,751 394,414 448,567 481,179 619,374 714,481 422,847 3,363,360 415,286 360,151 331,307 376,796 404,191 520,274 600,164 355,191 2,648,646 327,037 283,619 260,905 296,727 318,300 409,716 472,629 279,713 34 1,273,116 157,196 136,326 125,408 142,627 152,996 196,937 227,177 134,449 6,220,078 32,846 54,743 181,945 366,292 650,742 852,259 1,174,542 1,237,179 6,521 2,435 7,715 11,101 1,149 3,925 10,868 4,059 12,858 18,502 1,914 6,541 21,736 8,118 25,716 37,005 3,828 13,082 32,605 12,177 38,574 55,507 5,743 19,623 54,341 20,296 64,290 92,512 9,571 32,705 43,473 16,236 51,432 74,010 7,657 26,164 32,605 12,177 38,574 55,507 5,743 19,623 15,215 5,683 18,001 25,903 2,680 9,158 9,474 6,828 6 828 6,313 26,077 7,853 15,916 15,789 11,380 11 380 10,521 43,461 13,088 26,526 31,579 22,760 22 760 21,042 86,922 26,175 53,052 47,368 34,141 34 141 31,563 130,384 39,263 79,578 78,946 56,901 56 901 52,604 217,306 65,438 132,630 63,157 45,521 45 521 42,083 173,845 52,350 106,104 47,368 34,141 34 141 31,563 130,384 39,263 79,578 22,105 15,932 15 932 14,729 60,846 18,323 37,136 12,257 22,359 27,109 41,960 31,811 3,482,907 24,513 44,718 54,218 83,920 63,621 5,826,010 36,770 67,077 81,327 125,880 95,432 8,464,738 61,283 111,795 135,545 209,801 159,054 12,320,350 49,027 89,436 108,436 167,841 127,243 9,639,575 36,770 67,077 81,327 125,880 95,432 6,978,400 11,916,580 1,471,381 1,276,036 1,173,842 1,335,011 1,432,071 1,843,361 2,126,416 1,258,463 385,203 47,562 41,248 37,944 43,154 46,292 59,587 68,736 40,680 28 691,761 85,414 74,074 68,142 77,498 83,132 107,008 123,439 73,054 2010 North Group (Regions 1 & 2) 33 Cities/Towns Region 1 (17 cities/towns) 1st Tranche (6 Cities/Towns with ranking) Yên Bái Lai Châu Bắc Kạn Hà Giang Điện Biên Sơn La IV III IV IV IV IV 217,363 81,182 257,161 370,049 38,284 130,822 Thái Nguyên S Sơn L La Phú Thọ Thái Nguyên Tuyên Quang Bắc Giang IV IV IV II IV III 315,786 227 227,604 604 210,417 869,224 261,752 530,521 TX. Sơn La TP. Yên Bái TP. Lạng Sơn TP. Lào Cai TP. Hoà Bình Region 2 (16 cities/towns) 1st Tranche (6 Cities/Towns with ranking) Sơn La Yên Bái Lạng Sơn Lào Cai Hoà Bình IV III III III III 245,133 447,181 542,180 839,203 636,215 TP. Thái Bình TP. Sơn Tây TP Hà Đông TP. Nam Định TX. Tam Điệp TX. Móng Cái 2nd Tranche (5 Cities/Towns with ranking) Thái Bình Hà Tây Hà Tây Nam Định Ninh Bình Quảng Ninh TP. Bắc Ninh TX. Hưng Yên TX. Phủ Lý TP. Vĩnh Yên TP. Hải Phòng 3rd Tranche (5 Cities/Towns with ranking) TX. Phúc Yên TP. Hà Nội TX. Uông Bí TX. Cẩm Phả TP. Hạ Long Central Group (Regions 3 & 4) 29 Cities/Towns Region 3 (22 cities/towns) 1st Tranche (8 Cities/Towns with ranking) TP. Huế TX. Quảng Trị TX. Hồng Lĩnh TX. Cam Ranh TP. Phan Rang Tháp Chàm TX. Nghĩa Lộ TX. Lai Châu TX. Bắc Cạn TX. Hà Giang TX. Mường Lay TX. Mộc Châu 2nd Tranche (6 Cities/Towns with ranking) TX. Sông Công TX Mai TX. M i Sơn S TX. Phú Thọ TP. Thái Nguyên TX. Tuyên Quang TP. Bắc Giang 3rd Tranche (5 Cities/Towns with ranking) TP. Đồng Hới TP. Quảng Ngãi TX. Sầm Sơn 2nd Tranche (7Cities/Towns with ranking) TP. Quy Nhơn TP. Nha Trang TP. Phan Thiết TX. Đông Hà TX. Bỉm Sơn TP. Hà Tĩnh TP. Tam Kỳ 3rd Tranche (7 Cities/Towns with ranking) TP. Đà Nẵng TP. Tuy Hoà TX. Lagi TP. Vinh TX. Hội An TX. Cửa Lò TP. Thanh Hoá Region 4 (7 cities/towns) 1st Tranche (4 cities/towns with ranking) TP.Buôn Ma Thuột TX. An Khê TP. Pleiku TP. Đà Lạt 2nd Tranche (3 Cities/Towns with ranking) TX. Ajunpa TX. Bảo Lộc TX. Gia Nghĩa South Group (Regions 5 & 6) 25 Cities/Towns Region 5 (8 cities/towns) 1st Tranche (4 cities/towns with ranking) TX. Tây Ninh TX. Đồng Xoài TX. Thủ Dầu Một TP. Biên Hoà 2nd Tranche (4 Cities/Towns with ranking) TP. Hồ Chí Minh TX. Long Khánh TP. Vũng Tàu TX. Bà Rịa Region 6 (17 cities/towns) 1st Tranche (5 Cities/Towns with ranking) TX. Vị Thanh TP. Long Xuyên TX TX. Tâ Tân Hiệ Hiệp và à Ph Phụng Hiệp Hiệ TX. Gò Công TP. Rạch Giá 2nd Tranche (6 Cities/Towns with ranking) TX. Bac Liêu TP. Vĩnh Long TX. Châu Đốc TX. Hà Tiên TP. Mỹ Tho TX. Sa Đéc 3rd Tranche (6 Cities/Towns with ranking) TX. Tân An TX. Bến Tre TX. Hồng Ngự TP. Sóc Trăng TP. Cần Thơ TP. Cao Lãnh 904,278 575,558 189,694 52,489,927 84,418 140,697 458,768 7,354 13,415 16,265 25,176 19,086 2,030,619 III III III II IV IV 663,574 298,101 407,534 791,215 326,013 327,493 19,907 8,943 12,226 23,736 9,780 9,825 33,179 14,905 20,377 39,561 16,301 16,375 66,357 29,810 40,753 79,121 32,601 32,749 99,536 44,715 61,130 118,682 48,902 49,124 165,894 74,525 101,883 197,804 81,503 81,873 132,715 59,620 81,507 158,243 65,203 65,499 99,536 44,715 61,130 118,682 48,902 49,124 46,450 20,867 28,527 55,385 22,821 22,924 Bắc Ninh Hưng Yên Hà Nam Vĩnh Phúc City under Central Gov. III III III III DB 998,811 382,053 358,602 596,541 3,576,482 29,964 11,462 10,758 17,896 107,294 49,941 19,103 17,930 29,827 178,824 99,881 38,205 35,860 59,654 357,648 149,822 57,308 53,790 89,481 536,472 249,703 95,513 89,650 149,135 894,120 199,762 76,411 71,720 119,308 715,296 149,822 57,308 53,790 89,481 536,472 69,917 26,744 25,102 41,758 250,354 Vĩnh Phúc City under Central Gov. Quảng Ninh Quảng Ninh Quảng Ninh IV DB IV III II 275,481 40,826,510 677,881 1,002,385 981,252 8,264 1,224,795 20,336 30,072 29,438 13,774 2,041,325 33,894 50,119 49,063 27,548 4,082,651 67,788 100,239 98,125 41,322 6,123,976 101,682 150,358 147,188 68,870 10,206,627 169,470 250,596 245,313 55,096 8,165,302 135,576 200,477 196,250 41,322 6,123,976 101,682 150,358 147,188 19,284 2,857,856 47,452 70,167 68,688 3,372,741 2,216,252 793,438 Huế Quảng Trị Hà Tĩnh Khánh Hoà Ninh Thuận Quảng Bình Quảng Ngãi Thanh Hoá I IV IV IV III III III IV 1,936,428 158,354 126,391 1,030,778 1,256,213 555,769 1,012,477 300,751 Bình Định Khánh Hoà Bình Thuận Quảng Trị Thanh Hoá Hà Tĩnh Quảng Nam II II III IV IV III III 1,430,538 2,647,013 1,037,080 827,541 226,759 422,054 780,861 City under Central Gov. Phú Yên Bình Thuận Nghệ An Quảng Nam Nghệ An Thanh Hoá DB III IV II III IV II 5,901,713 985,621 358,578 2,187,546 417,374 344,815 1,139,174 10,105,180 246,349 Đắc Lăk Gia Lai Gia Lai Lâm Đồng II IV III II 2,334,442 601,470 2,640,871 2,634,845 70,033 18,044 79,226 79,045 Gia Lai Lâm Đồng Đăk Nông IV IV IV 263,827 1,309,348 320,377 58,637,774 179,507 Tây Ninh Bình Phước Bình Dương Đồng Nai IV IV IV II 1,145,370 592,379 823,455 3,422,379 34,361 17,771 24,704 102,671 City under Central Gov. Đồng Nai Bà Rịa Vũng Tàu Bà Rịa Vũng Tàu DB III II IV 48,664,259 418,429 3,132,530 438,974 14,988,960 Hậu Giang An Giang Hậu Hậ Giang Gi Tiền Giang Kiên Giang IV III IV IV III 399,202 2,460,033 278 278,824 824 190,291 1,950,958 Bạc Liêu Vĩnh Long An Giang Kiên Giang Tiền Giang Đồng Tháp IV IV IV IV II IV 377,137 472,661 776,358 394,973 763,146 499,637 Long An Bến Tre Đồng Tháp Sóc Trăng City under Central Gov. Đồng Tháp IV IV IV III DB III 595,568 563,731 189,746 1,469,976 3,017,460 589,260 25,083,828 - - 191,315 318,858 858,871 1,665,211 2,898,216 3,514,691 4,499,759 4,754,476 58,093 4,751 3,792 30,923 37,686 16,673 30,374 9,023 96,821 7,918 6,320 51,539 62,811 27,788 50,624 15,038 193,643 15,835 12,639 103,078 125,621 55,577 101,248 30,075 290,464 23,753 18,959 154,617 188,432 83,365 151,871 45,113 484,107 39,589 31,598 257,694 314,053 138,942 253,119 75,188 387,286 31,671 25,278 206,156 251,243 111,154 202,495 60,150 290,464 23,753 18,959 154,617 188,432 83,365 151,871 45,113 135,550 11,085 8,847 72,154 87,935 38,904 70,873 21,053 42,916 79,410 31,112 24,826 6,803 12,662 23,426 71,527 132,351 51,854 41,377 11,338 21,103 39,043 143,054 264,701 103,708 82,754 22,676 42,205 78,086 214,581 397,052 155,562 124,131 34,014 63,308 117,129 357,635 661,753 259,270 206,885 56,690 105,513 195,215 286,108 529,403 207,416 165,508 45,352 84,411 156,172 214,581 397,052 155,562 124,131 34,014 63,308 117,129 100,138 185,291 72,596 57,928 15,873 29,544 54,660 410,581 877,969 177,051 29,569 10,757 65,626 12,521 10,344 34,175 1,326,422 295,086 49,281 17,929 109,377 20,869 17,241 56,959 2,242,262 590,171 98,562 35,858 218,755 41,737 34,481 113,917 1,926,358 885,257 147,843 53,787 328,132 62,606 51,722 170,876 1,705,132 1,475,428 246,405 89,644 546,887 104,344 86,204 284,794 953,524 1,180,343 197,124 71,716 437,509 83,475 68,963 227,835 284,033 885,257 147,843 53,787 328,132 62,606 51,722 170,876 132,549 116,722 30,074 132,044 131,742 233,444 60,147 264,087 263,485 350,166 90,221 396,131 395,227 583,611 150,368 660,218 658,711 466,888 120,294 528,174 526,969 350,166 90,221 396,131 395,227 163,411 42,103 184,861 184,439 7,915 39,280 9,611 13,191 65,467 16,019 26,383 130,935 32,038 39,574 196,402 48,057 65,957 327,337 80,094 52,765 261,870 64,075 299,179 2,177,984 3,530,247 6,761,315 9,094,845 14,061,085 10,949,689 57,268 29,619 41,173 171,119 114,537 59,238 82,346 342,238 171,805 88,857 123,518 513,357 286,342 148,095 205,864 855,595 229,074 118,476 164,691 684,476 171,805 88,857 123,518 513,357 80,176 41,467 57,642 239,567 158,379 263,965 1,459,928 12,553 93,976 13,169 626,448 2,433,213 20,921 156,627 21,949 1,148,864 4,866,426 41,843 313,253 43,897 1,969,505 7,299,639 62,764 469,880 65,846 2,191,022 12,166,065 104,607 783,133 109,743 2,576,735 9,732,852 83,686 626,506 87,795 2,632,769 11,976 73,801 8,365 8 365 5,709 58,529 19,960 123,002 13,941 13 941 9,515 97,548 39,920 246,003 27,882 27 882 19,029 195,096 59,880 369,005 41,824 41 824 28,544 292,644 99,800 615,008 69,706 69 706 47,573 487,739 79,840 492,007 55,765 55 765 38,058 390,192 59,880 369,005 41,824 41 824 28,544 292,644 27,944 172,202 19,518 19 518 13,320 136,567 11,314 14,180 23,291 11,849 22,894 14,989 18,857 23,633 38,818 19,749 38,157 24,982 37,714 47,266 77,636 39,497 76,315 49,964 56,571 70,899 116,454 59,246 114,472 74,945 94,284 118,165 194,089 98,743 190,787 124,909 75,427 94,532 155,272 78,995 152,629 99,927 56,571 70,899 116,454 59,246 114,472 74,945 26,400 33,086 54,345 27,648 53,420 34,975 17,867 16,912 5,692 44,099 90,524 17,678 29,778 28,187 9,487 73,499 150,873 29,463 59,557 56,373 18,975 146,998 301,746 58,926 89,335 84,560 28,462 220,496 452,619 88,389 148,892 140,933 47,437 367,494 754,365 147,315 119,114 112,746 37,949 293,995 603,492 117,852 89,335 84,560 28,462 220,496 452,619 88,389 39,574 196,402 48,057 17,159 31,303 37,953 58,744 44,535 3,063,446 413,120 68,994 25,100 153,128 29,216 24,137 79,742 - 18,468 91,654 22,426 3,685,793 7,299,639 62,764 469,880 65,846 1,777,735 3,406,498 29,290 219,277 30,728 1,193,735 449,802 41,690 39,461 13,282 102,898 211,222 41,248 Total Project Identification 40 385,203 47,562 41,248 37,944 43,154 46,292 59,587 68,736 40,680 Total Preparation 41 Total Implementation 42 TOTAL INVESTMENT COST VNDM 44 691,761 85,414 74,074 68,142 77,498 83,132 107,008 123,439 73,054 15,029,821 1,855,784 1,609,404 1,480,511 1,683,786 1,806,203 2,324,944 2,681,949 1,587,240 43 16,106,786 1,988,761 1,724,726 1,586,597 1,804,438 1,935,627 2,491,538 2,874,124 1,700,974 1,761,300 186,602 2,935,500 311,004 54,013,205 5,722,472 58,710,005 6,220,078 3,669.38 388.75 6,521 2,435 7,715 11,101 1,149 3,925 10,868 4,059 12,858 18,502 1,914 6,541 199,974 74,688 236,588 340,446 35,221 120,356 217,363 81,182 257,161 370,049 38,284 130,822 13.59 5.07 16.07 23.13 2.39 8.18 9,474 6,828 6 828 6,313 26,077 7,853 15,916 15,789 11,380 11 380 10,521 43,461 13,088 26,526 290,523 209,396 209 396 193,583 799,686 240,812 488,079 315,786 227,604 227 604 210,417 869,224 261,752 530,521 19.74 14.23 14 23 13.15 54.33 16.36 33.16 7,354 13,415 16,265 25,176 19,086 1,574,698 12,257 22,359 27,109 41,960 31,811 2,624,496 225,523 411,407 498,805 772,066 585,317 48,290,733 245,133 447,181 542,180 839,203 636,215 52,489,927 15.32 27.95 33.89 52.45 39.76 3,280.62 19,907 8,943 12,226 23,736 9,780 9,825 33,179 14,905 20,377 39,561 16,301 16,375 610,488 274,253 374,931 727,918 299,932 301,293 663,574 298,101 407,534 791,215 326,013 327,493 41.47 18.63 25.47 49.45 20.38 20.47 29,964 11,462 10,758 17,896 107,294 49,941 19,103 17,930 29,827 178,824 918,906 351,489 329,913 548,818 3,290,363 998,811 382,053 358,602 596,541 3,576,482 62.43 23.88 22.41 37.28 223.53 8,264 1,224,795 20,336 30,072 29,438 1,055,670 752,515 13,774 2,041,325 33,894 50,119 49,063 1,759,450 1,254,191 253,442 37,560,389 623,651 922,194 902,751 32,373,887 23,077,122 275,481 40,826,510 677,881 1,002,385 981,252 35,189,008 25,083,828 17.22 2,551.66 42.37 62.65 61.33 2,199.31 1,567.74 58,093 4,751 3,792 30,923 37,686 16,673 30,374 9,023 96,821 7,918 6,320 51,539 62,811 27,788 50,624 15,038 1,781,513 145,686 116,280 948,315 1,155,716 511,308 931,479 276,691 1,936,428 158,354 126,391 1,030,778 1,256,213 555,769 1,012,477 300,751 121.03 9.90 7.90 64.42 78.51 34.74 63.28 18.80 42,916 79,410 31,112 24,826 6,803 12,662 23,426 71,527 132,351 51,854 41,377 11,338 21,103 39,043 1,316,095 2,435,252 954,113 761,338 208,618 388,290 718,392 1,430,538 2,647,013 1,037,080 827,541 226,759 422,054 780,861 89.41 165.44 64.82 51.72 14.17 26.38 48.80 177,051 29,569 10,757 65,626 12,521 10,344 34,175 303,155 295,086 49,281 17,929 109,377 20,869 17,241 56,959 505,259 5,429,576 906,772 329,892 2,012,542 383,984 317,229 1,048,041 9,296,766 5,901,713 985,621 358,578 2,187,546 417,374 344,815 1,139,174 10,105,180 368.86 61.60 22.41 136.72 26.09 21.55 71.20 631.57 70,033 18,044 79,226 79,045 116,722 30,074 132,044 131,742 2,147,687 553,353 2,429,601 2,424,058 2,334,442 601,470 2,640,871 2,634,845 145.90 37.59 165.05 164.68 7,915 39,280 9,611 2,208,802 1,759,133 13,191 65,467 16,019 3,681,337 2,931,889 242,721 1,204,600 294,747 67,736,595 53,946,752 263,827 1,309,348 320,377 73,626,734 58,637,774 16.49 81.83 20.02 4,601.67 3,664.86 34,361 17,771 24,704 102,671 57,268 29,619 41,173 171,119 1,053,740 544,989 757,579 3,148,589 1,145,370 592,379 823,455 3,422,379 71.59 37.02 51.47 213.90 1,459,928 12,553 93,976 13,169 449,669 2,433,213 20,921 156,627 21,949 749,448 44,771,118 384,954 2,881,928 403,856 13,789,843 48,664,259 418,429 3,132,530 438,974 14,988,960 3,041.52 26.15 195.78 27.44 936.81 11,976 73,801 8,365 8 365 5,709 58,529 19,960 123,002 13,941 13 941 9,515 97,548 367,266 2,263,230 256,518 256 518 175,068 1,794,881 399,202 2,460,033 278,824 278 824 190,291 1,950,958 24.95 153.75 17.43 17 43 11.89 121.93 11,314 14,180 23,291 11,849 22,894 14,989 18,857 23,633 38,818 19,749 38,157 24,982 346,966 434,848 714,249 363,375 702,095 459,666 377,137 472,661 776,358 394,973 763,146 499,637 23.57 29.54 48.52 24.69 47.70 31.23 17,867 16,912 5,692 44,099 90,524 17,678 5,410,976 29,778 28,187 9,487 73,499 150,873 29,463 547,922 518,633 174,566 1,352,378 2,776,063 542,119 595,568 563,731 189,746 1,469,976 3,017,460 589,260 37.22 35.23 11.86 91.87 188.59 36.83 11,477.03 9,068,049 169,153,509 183,632,532.92 11,477.03 Total Cost of Investment for Implementation in US$M Total Cost of Investment for Implementation for Urban Population of Special Cities and Class I-IV Cities/Towns in TOTAL INVESTMENT COST USD 1,006.67 124.30 107.80 99.16 112.78 120.98 155.72 179.63 106.31 8 priority cities/towns for WB funding Cities/Towns to be funded by other financing institutions Project Project Identification Preparation Period Period Notes: 1) Inflation Rate: Inflation Factor 2008 7.75% 1.08 2009 7.75% 1.16 Implementation Period 2010 5.00% 1.22 2011 5.00% 1.28 1 10% 2 15% Identification Preparation Period Period 2) Percentage of Present Cost: 3% 3) Exchange Rate : US Dollar (US$) 1 = Vietnam Dong (VnD) 4) Projected Urban Population of Class I to IV Cities/Towns by 2020 5) Projected Total Population of Vietnam by 2020 5% 16,000 24,701,225 104,013,228 2012 5.00% 1.34 2013 5.00% 1.41 Year of Implementation Period 3 4 25% 20% 2014 5.00% 1.48 5 15% 2015 3.00% 1.53 2016 3.00% 1.57 2017 3.00% 1.62 2018 3.00% 1.67 2019 3.00% 1.72 2020 3.00% 1.77 6 7% 23.75% 100% 183,632,533 D:\NUUPMINH\Final Report\Appendix_EN_Finalreport\ApG_Table13&14_Investmentcost_ High_EN.xls5/3/2008 15/15 Appendix H Outline Terms of Reference for the Preparation of Pre-Feasibility Studies, Feasibility Studies, Engineering Designs and Tender Documents for Urban Upgrading in 8 Cities of Vietnam Appendix H Outline Terms of Reference for the Preparation of Pre-Feasibility Studies, Feasibility Studies, Engineering Designs and Tender Documents for Urban Upgrading in 8 Cities of Vietnam SECTION 1 - INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND 1. The economic growth resulting from the Government’s economic liberalisation policies is driving the rapid population growth of Vietnam’s cities and towns. Most urban centres have been growing rapidly for the last 10 to 15 years and this trend is expected to continue for the foreseeable future as mainly poor, rural migrants flood into the cities in search of better employment and livelihood opportunities. The urban growth is caused by national population growth of about 1.2% per annum and migration from the rural areas to the urban centres of about 6.5% per annum. In 1999 the population of Vietnam was 76.6 million with 18.1 million (24%) living in urban centres. It is forecast that by 2020 the national population will be 104 million and 41.6 million (40%) will be living in urban centres. Despite the rapid population growth and increased demand for utilities and facilities that this growth has created, the rate of provision of infrastructure, utility services and housing has lagged. Most cities are now suffering from severe infrastructure deficiencies in vital areas like water supply, sanitation, drainage, solid waste management, roads and housing. Low income areas (LIA) have developed and continue to develop in most cities. Many LIA are characterised by unplanned and uncontrolled development, inadequate or non-existing infrastructure, low living standards, poor environmental conditions and sub-standard housing. These conditions will continue to proliferate unless the Government intervenes with innovative, low cost approaches for urban upgrading. 2. The Government has received donor assistance to prepare a national urban upgrading strategy and programme. In 2000 the Cities Alliance provided assistance to prepare a National Urban Upgrading Programme. The World Bank provided support for the Vietnam Urban Upgrading Project (VUUP) to upgrade low income communities in four cities including Ho Chi Minh, Hai Phong, Nam Dinh and Can Tho. An important component of the VUUP was the preparation of the National Urban Upgrading Strategy and Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to 2020 (NUUP). The NUUP preparation was completed in 2008 and covers the 95 cities and towns throughout Vietnam that are classified as Class IV or higher. The Government is planning to implement the NUUP between 2008 and 2020 and is seeking international donor assistance to help implement the strategy. The Government intends to appoint a national consulting firm (the Consultant) to assist with the identification, preparation and design of the first package of 8 cities and towns in accordance with the following terms of reference (TOR). SECTION 2 - OBJECTIVES 3. The major objectives of urban upgrading are to: (i) Raise the living standards of poor families living in low income urban areas, (ii) Improve the environmental conditions in depressed and low income urban areas, (iii) Plan, manage and guide the development of the rapidly expanding urban fringe (peri-urban) areas to accommodate population growth and immigration to year 2020 and prevent the formation of unplanned, un-serviced and uncontrolled residential areas with poor living standards and degraded environmental conditions, and (iv) Introduce participatory planning approaches and methodologies for urban upgrading that enable full community participation in the preparation and implementation of community upgrading plans that are affordable and responsive to the priority needs of the people. SECTION 3 - PRINCIPLES, GUIDELINES AND GENERAL SCOPE 4. The NUUP adopted by the Government of Vietnam in 2008 has set out a programme to upgrade the basic municipal infrastructure and improve the living standards and urban environmental conditions for the urban poor living in the approximately 95 towns and cities nationwide that are classified as Class IV and above. A representative sample of 8 towns and cities including (i) Cao Bang, (ii) Dien Bien Phu, (iii) Hai Durong, (iv) Ninh Binh, and (v) Viet Tri, in the North Region and (vi) Kon Tum, (vii) Tra Vinh and (viii) Ca Mau in the Central and South Region have been identified and packaged together to form the First National Urban Upgrading Strategy & Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to Year 2020 (NUUP) 1/48 Phase of the Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to 2020. These terms of reference apply to the preparation of pre-feasibility studies, feasibility studies, engineering designs and tender documents for priority urban upgrading components for each of the 8 cities. The location of the 8 cities is shown on the map in Annex 1. The remaining 87 cities and towns throughout the country have been packaged according to infrastructure deficiencies and grouped on a regional basis. These cities and towns are programmed for urban upgrading in tranches, phased between 2008 and 2020 and are not included in this scope of work. 5. An outline urban profile has been compiled for each city based on survey data, census results, statistical records and other sources. The profiles provide basic information about each city and town on population, land use, infrastructure, housing and socio-economic conditions, among others. The outline urban profiles contain a preliminary identification of the built up area and the location and size of the urban low income areas (LIA). The profiles indicate the overall level of infrastructure deficiency in each city. The information contained in the outline urban profiles is based on field surveys undertaken for the preparation of NUUP. However the urban profiles are not comprehensive or exhaustive and should be treated as indicative only. The information and data contained in the outline urban profiles must be subjected to rigorous verification, updating and refinement by the Consultant before it is used to design the project. The Outline Urban Profile for each of the 8 cities’ is given in Annex 2. 6. The consultant should derive lessons from previous and on-going urban upgrading projects in Vietnam such as the Tan Hoa-Lo Gom pilot project; VUUP; the Da Nang upgrading project and others and incorporate the lessons learned into the project design. The consultant should also consider international best practice for urban upgrading and apply, to the project design, those best practices that are appropriate in the Vietnam context. The Cities Alliance has produced a range of reports on urban upgrading and the consultant should refer to these for guidance and assistance with best practices for the project design. 7. In the context of the project, urban upgrading means the repair, rehabilitation and improvement of existing infrastructure and the provision and expansion of new essential, basic infrastructure and services, in-situ, with the minimum relocation of houses, minimum resettlement of people and minimum disruption of the community. Urban upgrading follows a multi-sector, integrated and comprehensive approach to bring about overall improvements to services and facilities on an area wide basis that result in improved living standards and better environmental conditions within the community. Urban upgrading projects are likely to include municipal infrastructure components like water supply, sanitation, drainage, solid waste management, roads, footpaths and street lights. The particular upgrading components for each community will depend on the existing condition and status of infrastructure available within the community and the priorities, preferences and willingness to pay of the community, the local government and other concerned stakeholders. In addition, urban upgrading projects may include micro-credit facilities to help promote income generation and livelihood activities within the community and home improvement loans to enable house owners to improve and repair their homes. Upgrading may also include social infrastructure like schools, health centres and public markets. 8. Urban upgrading focuses mainly on improving the existing and providing new tertiary level infrastructure necessary to meet the needs of people at the community level. Upgrading may also include elements of primary and secondary level infrastructure that are necessary to support the tertiary infrastructure at the community level. The elements of primary and secondary infrastructure that may be considered on a case-by-case and as needed basis include (i) water extraction, treatment, storage, transmission and distribution; (ii) sewage collection, treatment and disposal; (iii) main and collector drains; (iv) solid waste transfer, treatment and disposal and (v) primary and secondary roads. 9. Urban upgrading aims to maintain the social fabric and cohesion of the community. An important basic principle of urban upgrading is that the affected communities must be enabled to become fully engaged and actively involved in all stages of project identification, planning, preparation and implementation. All residents should be entitled to participate in, and benefit from the upgrading project, without regard to their registration status. Similarly, non-government organisations (NGO), community based organizations (CBO), civic groups, mass organizations and other concerned stakeholders should also be encouraged and enabled to assist communities and participate in the planning, preparation and implementation process of urban upgrading projects. For maximum impact the urban upgrading should be comprehensive and holistic and cover clearly defined low income, urban upgrading areas. Integrated packages of urban upgrading interventions should be designed that meet the needs of the community, are affordable and will create a high visibility impact that will encourage residents to improve their houses using their own resources. National Urban Upgrading Strategy & Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to Year 2020 (NUUP) 2/48 10. For each of the 8 target cities and towns the consultant, with the full participation of the affected communities and in close consultation with the local government and ward authorities, utility companies, NGO, CBO, mass organisations and other concerned stakeholders, will assist the communities’ to prepare Community Upgrading Plans (CUP). The CUP will set out the physical layout and details of the proposed multi-sector infrastructure intervention and will describe the participation process, community organisation, community management structures, estimated costs and proposed cost recovery arrangements. The CUP will be presented to the local government authorities’ for review and approval for funding. The consultant will also prepare the peri-urban area development plans following similar consultative and participatory processes. Due account will be taken of the city’s master plan and local area plans. For some cities’ where the size and cost of the upgrading task is too large, an incremental approach may be appropriate. In such cases more than one upgrading intervention may be needed to bring the city infrastructure up to the desired standard. 11. For each city the consultant will identify, prepare and design an investment sub-project that will upgrade the city infrastructure, improve living standards and environmental conditions and manage the development of the peri-urban areas based on the approved CUP and peri-urban area development plans. Communities’ will be expected to contribute to both the capital cost of infrastructure and the recurrent operating and maintenance (O&M) costs of providing services. An example of a capital cost is payment for a water connection. An example of O&M costs is the payment of consumer charges for services like water, sewage and solid waste management. The implications of community contributions to costs must be fully discussed so that householders understand their financial obligations under different upgrading scenarios. The householders’ ability and willingness to pay for services will be a significant factor in determining the appropriate levels of service and design standards to be adopted for the upgrading schemes. The size of the sub-project will be determined by what the various stake holders can afford and are willing to pay for. Account will also be taken of the stakeholders experience with and capacity for implementing similar types of projects. 12. The designs will be based on the forecast population in 2020, the Government’s infrastructure service delivery standards for each class of city and town and the communities’ needs and ability and willingness to pay for services. The consultant will also identify potential environmental impacts and prepare appropriate environmental impact assessment reports. The Scope of Work includes the preparation of pre-feasibility studies (project identification); feasibility studies (project preparation); detailed engineering designs, cost estimates, tender documents, resettlement plans and environmental impact assessments. The sub-projects for each of the 8 cities and towns will be consolidated into an overall investment project suitable for consideration for financing by an international donor agency like the World Bank. SECTION 4 - SUMMARY OF PROJECT PREPARATION ACTIVITIES AND THE REQUIRED OUTPUTS 13. Each city will be regarded as a sub-project of the overall project. The specific elements of infrastructure within each city will be known as components. The preparation of sub-projects will follow three stages: 4.1 Stage 1 14. During the identification and pre-feasibility stage the consultant will, for each city (i) identify and confirm the location, extent and upgrading needs of all LIA and rapidly developing peri-urban areas identify the components and prepare the scope of each sub-project; (ii) prepare the pre-feasibility study for each sub-project and develop an overall project package for the 8 cities that could be supported by the World Bank; (iii) undertake community consultations and prepare the preliminary Community Upgrading Plans (CUP) and (iv) prepare the Stage 1 Report summarising, for each city and the overall project, the work undertaken during this stage. 4.2 Stage 2 15. When the Programme Management Unit (PMU) has approved the Stage 1 work and the city authorities’ have reviewed and approved the preliminary CUP and peri-urban area development plans the consultant will (i) prepare the final CUP in consultation with the concerned communities’, prepare the final peri-urban area development plans, undertake preliminary engineering designs and cost estimates and prepare draft tender documents for proposed contract packages; (ii) prepare the Operational Manual for each city; (iii) collect data for the Environmental Impact Assessment for each city; (iv) collect data for the Resettlement Action Plan for each city; (v) prepare the Feasibility Study Report for each city and the National Urban Upgrading Strategy & Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to Year 2020 (NUUP) 3/48 overall project covering the primary, secondary and tertiary infrastructure in accordance with Government procedures and (vi) prepare the Stage 2 Report summarising, for each city and the overall project, the work undertaken during this stage. 4.3 Stage 3 16. When PMU has approved the Stage 2 work and the city authorities’ and other stakeholders have reviewed and approved the final CUP and final peri-urban area development plans the consultant will (i) prepare the detailed engineering designs and cost estimates and final tender documents for the agreed contract packages and (ii) prepare the Stage 3 Report summarising, for each city and the overall project, the work undertaken during this stage. SECTION 5 - INSTITUTIONAL ARRANGEMENTS FOR PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION 17. The Executing Agency for the project is the Ministry of Construction (MOC). MOC will establish a Project Management Unit (PMU) headed by the Programme Director to be responsible for the day to day supervision and management of the project and coordination with the participating cities, the international funding agency and the Consultant. The Consultant will report to the Programme Director. Each participating city will establish a Project Implementation Unit (PIU) staffed with key personnel from the city administration who have responsibility for urban development, upgrading and delivery of municipal services in the city. One key staff will be nominated as the PIU Head. The PIU will coordinate with the PMU and the Consultant and will facilitate the consultants work in the city by (i) providing access to available and relevant data, reports, maps, surveys and other useful information; (ii) discussing, with the consultants, the city’s problems and priorities with regard to urban upgrading, identification of LIA and emerging peri-urban areas and ongoing and planned infrastructure projects in the city; (iii) arranging meetings with key people; (iv) facilitating community participation and (v) review and approve the CUP and peri-urban area development plans prepared by the Consultant. The institutional arrangements for the Government Agencies’ are shown in Annex 3 18. Because of the wide geographic spread of the participating cities throughout Vietnam the consultant should set up a Project Management Team to oversee the entire project, a North Region Team to be responsible for the 5 northern cities (Dien Bien Phu, Cao Bang, Viet Tri, Hai Durong and Ninh Binh) and a Central and South Regional Team to be responsible for the 3 remaining cities (Kon Tum, Tra Vinh and Ca Mau). The Project Management Team and the North Region Team should be located in Hanoi with easy access to the PMU and the northern cities. The Central and South Regional Team should be located in Ho Chi Minh City with reasonable access to the 3 central and south cities. The proposed institutional arrangements for the consultant are shown in Annex 4. SECTION 6 - DETAILED SCOPE OF WORK 19. The Consultant shall refer to all relevant reports prepared by other consultants’ working for MOC, World Bank and Cities Alliance on urban upgrading studies and projects. Particular attention should be given to the National Urban Upgrading Strategy and Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to 2020, prepared in March 2008 and to the Surveys, Investigations and Data Collection to Assist in Demand Assessment and Support for Preparation of National Urban Upgrading Strategy and Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to 2020, also prepared in 2008; this report is sometimes referred to as NUUP Surveys. 6.1 Stage 1 20. For each city confirm the identification, location, extent and upgrading needs of all LIA and peri-urban areas, identify the components and outline the scope of the sub-projects and consolidate into a project that could be supported by the World Bank. For each city undertake the following tasks: (a) Check and confirm the potential for community involvement and willingness to participate in the subproject. Analyse existing community based organisations like the Women’s Union and youth groups and community experience of working together. Determine the project stages where community participation will be critical and the level of participation that will be required, including community involvement in decision making, contribution to cost and direct participation in construction. For communities and local governments develop information tools like leaflets, rapid appraisal techniques, interviews with key representatives and public hearings, for determining communities’ needs, also develop indicators for future project monitoring. National Urban Upgrading Strategy & Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to Year 2020 (NUUP) 4/48 (b) Update and refine the urban profile and LIA maps to identify all houses and buildings. For each owner/occupier list the registration category and status of their Building Occupancy and Land Use Certificate (BOLUC). (c) Determine appropriate standards and service levels for tertiary level infrastructure components in LIA and peri-urban development areas. Indicate differences between current city standards and proposed standards, discuss the proposed standards with the appropriate city authorities’. Based on the appropriate standards identified, calculate unit costs for each tertiary infrastructure component (water supply, drainage and sanitation; solid waste management, roads, footpaths and streetlights). For “area sensitive” components such as storm-water drainage networks, water supply networks and roads this should be on a per hectare basis. For “population sensitive” components such as sanitation, this may be on a per capita, or per household basis. Based on these unit costs, prepare a cost estimate ( +/- 15% accuracy margin) for a multi-year, city wide Urban Upgrading Programme for improving tertiary level infrastructure in all LIA and developing peri-urban areas, city wide. (d) Social infrastructure: Make a rapid assessment in the identified low income communities of the coverage (per 100 households) of primary schools, primary health care clinics and markets; (e) Identify possible financing options with cost sharing among the communities’, the ward and cities authorities’ and external funding such as the World Bank. This should take account of affordability at all levels to contribute to both capital costs and subsequent operation and maintenance costs for water, wastewater, solid waste collection and general taxation. As a general principle, each sub-project should be designed to match what is affordable for the concerned communities’ and city authorities. 21. For each city, prepare a Pre-Feasibility Study and consolidate the subproject studies into a PreFeasibility Study for the World Bank supported project as a whole. 22. Carry out the community sensitization and participation exercise for all low income communities in the selected districts and wards. From this, assist the respective communities to prepare simple Preliminary CUP with inputs from ward officials and NGOs. These will be presented to city authorities for final selection. Because the communities are dispersed it will be necessary to also cover some other adjacent areas in the sub-project for infrastructure efficiency. In preparing CUP, consultants should take account of, for example, drainage catchment areas and water supply zones. 23. The specific tasks for preparing CUP, tertiary infrastructure and community upgrading plans include: (i) Identify about 2-3 focus groups and/or “ad-hoc” committees (planning groups) in each community, including district and ward officials, local cell leaders, Women’s and Youth groups, and NGOs. Organise training in the community based approach to planning and upgrading best practices for all local stakeholders. (ii) Facilitate focus groups/ ad-hoc committee discussions to determine the possible role of a planning group representing all stakeholders in planning, implementation, and operation and maintenance of proposed upgrading components and work with these planning groups to analyse results of surveys and discuss reports throughout the preparation exercise. (iii) Carry out a sample of household socio-economic surveys and carry out in-depth interviews with key people in each community and hold public hearings to assess needs and demands for tertiary infrastructure (water supply, drainage etc) and social infrastructure (primary schools, health clinics etc). From this information determine the service levels and standards that communities can afford and contribution that they could make towards capital costs. If there is some unavoidable resettlement required, assess whether the communities will be able to reach consensus on this, for example, by allocating land within the community to those who have to move. If it is not possible to achieve consensus, propose alternative methods for resettling the affected people, preferably close to where they currently reside and in such a way that they will not be worse off after moving. (iv) Confirm the general land use/occupancy rights situation (i.e BOLUC) in the communities in the districts and wards selected and key land issues (if any) to be addressed prior to, or during, the project. (v) Prepare Preliminary CUP, in conjunction with, and representing the consensus of, the communities and other stakeholders (as appropriate) in the selected district and wards, and present these in a National Urban Upgrading Strategy & Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to Year 2020 (NUUP) 5/48 consistent format to city authorities to enable them to review the plans and confirm or otherwise their inclusion in the Stage 2 design exercise. 24. Primary and secondary infrastructure: Carry out a preliminary assessment and preliminary estimate of critical primary and secondary infrastructure needs to serve the low income communities and peri-urban development areas. Obtain information on all infrastructure projects underway, or planned, over the next five years. Identify data and mapping gaps and make recommendations, if necessary, on how to fill them to enable project preparation to be carried out. 6.2. Stage 2 25. Following review and approval by the city authorities of preliminary CUP prepare: (i) final CUP, in conjunction with communities, preliminary engineering designs and draft bid documents for proposed contract packages for tertiary infrastructure components; (ii) prepare the Operational Manual; (iii) collect data for Environmental Impact Assessment; (iv) collect data for Resettlement Action Plan; (v) prepare a Feasibility Study for each city covering primary, secondary and tertiary infrastructure in accordance with Government procedures; (iv) the Stage 2 work will be summarised in a Stage 2 report; (vii) following submission of the Stage 2 draft report, the consultant will arrange a workshop to present their findings and recommendations to the city authorities and representatives of the participating communities and to obtain their feedback. 26. Stage 2 will start when the city authorities’ have reviewed the preliminary CUP and decided which areas may be included and approved. The Consultants shall work with the community planning groups established in Stage 1 and the ward and city authorities. The consultants will engage in further discussions with the planning groups to provide more detailed information on the feasible technical options to upgrade the tertiary infrastructure and the associated costs of these options. This should include full information on the capital and recurrent costs (water charges etc). Based on the information provided, the communities will make their final informed decisions and the consultants will prepare final CUP representing community consensus. The CUP will then be submitted to the city authority for review and approval. At the time of approval the community will commit to providing an agreed share of the capital cost and to meet recurrent costs. For it’s part the city authority will commit to providing an agreed share of the capital costs and to maintain the infrastructure for which it is responsible. 27. Prepare final CUP in conjunction with communities’ and prepare preliminary engineering designs and draft tender documents for proposed contract packages. The specific tasks for each city will include: (i) Carry out any additional engineering surveys, depending on the level of detail available from existing base maps, and where necessary, in conjunction with relevant authorities, update base maps using GIS. (ii) Prepare technical options for the tertiary infrastructure. This should be carried out in consultation with the responsible ward and city authorities and utility companies. There should be a clear understanding of the roles and responsibilities with regards to the future operations and maintenance of the infrastructure services provided. (iii) Prepare preliminary engineering designs for the technical options with all necessary calculations and data presentation including all surveys, soil investigations, drainage systems survey and inventory, identification of catchment areas, assessment and development of appropriate access and drainage design criteria, water usage and demand, assessment of existing water reticulation systems, assessment of existing sanitation systems including both human and solid waste, assessment of existing electricity supply systems and street-lighting. All civil, hydraulic, and structural design calculations should be carried out in accordance with normal civil engineering practice. (iv) Present the technical options and related costs to the community planning groups so that they clearly understand the associated capital and recurrent costs and can make an informed choice. (v) After the communities and their planning groups have reached a decision on the tertiary infrastructure to be adopted, prepare final CUP for submission to the cities’ authorities’. These shall incorporate drawings to appropriate scales in accordance with normal practice to enable tendering and construction. Subsequently prepare tender/contract documentation including bills of quantities; specifications; conditions of contract; conditions of tender; and all necessary information to a standard appropriate for national competitive bidding using national bid documents (also possibly to cover community contracting), which are satisfactory to the World Bank, all in draft form. It is envisaged that contracts would be arranged on a community area basis and include most sectoral investments (e.g. water supply, National Urban Upgrading Strategy & Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to Year 2020 (NUUP) 6/48 drainage/sewerage, access and streetlighting). Standards and levels of service should be appropriate and functional as agreed during Stage 1; (vi) Prepare a detailed assessment and cost estimate of any complementary primary and secondary infrastructure associated with the Community Upgrading Plans for the Phase 1 areas. (vii) Finalise sub-project proposals with cost estimates and prepare detailed total sub-project cost tables by component and year. Consolidate the city sub projects into an overall project cost estimate. 28. Operational Manual, Prepare an Operational Manual to serve as a detailed guide for the subsequent LIA and peri-urban areas upgrading. The manual will set out the process followed in the identification, community participation, planning and engineering of the project as well as setting out the necessary approval procedures. 29. Collection of data for Environmental Impact Assessment, Refer to Annex 5 for detailed list of tasks 30. Information for a Resettlement Action Plan Refer to Annex 6 for detailed list of tasks 31. Feasibility Study The Consultant will prepare the Feasibility Study for each city, including primary, secondary and tertiary infrastructure of each sub-project and a consolidated Feasibility Study for the project as a whole, according to Vietnamese government requirements for submission to the Prime Minister. 32. Workshop: Organise a workshop (the cost of the workshop shall be included in the financial proposal) to present the findings and recommendations of Stage 2 to the cities’ Authorities’ and representatives of the participating communities and to obtain their feedback. The feedback will be incorporated into the Stage 2 final report. 6.3. Stage 3 33. Following review and approval of Stage 2 outputs including CUP, by the city authorities and other stakeholders prepare detailed engineering, and final tender documents for the agreed contract packages Stage 3. The following tasks will be undertaken: (i) Incorporate any reasonable technical modifications to the proposals that may be requested by the city and ward authorities and prepare and seek final agreement on the CUP from the community planning groups and relevant departments and utility companies; (ii) Prepare detailed engineering designs and final cost estimates (to an accuracy within +/- 10%) for agreed contract packages and verify or modify the previous sub-project cost estimate; (iii) Prepare final bid document packages using standard documents acceptable to the World Bank for National Competitive Bidding and, if appropriate, community based contracting, in packages to cover all work proposed in CUP. National Urban Upgrading Strategy & Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to Year 2020 (NUUP) 7/48 SECTION 7 - OUTPUTS 34. The consultant will prepare the reports, manuals and tender documents and undertake workshops in accordance with the schedule in Table 1. All documents will be prepared in both English and Vietnamese languages; 30 hard copies and 3 electronic copies of each document will be delivered to the PMU. Table 1. Schedule of Reports and Outputs Report Delivery Time (months after commencement) Stage 1: Inception Report Draft Summary Report for Stage 1. Preliminary Community Upgrading Plans (for 8 sub-projects) Preliminary Peri-Urban Area Development Plans (for 8 sub-projects) Pre-Feasibility Studies (for 8 sub-projects) Consolidated Pre-Feasibility Study Report Final Summary Report for Stage 1. Stage 2: Draft Summary Report for Stage 2 Final Community Upgrading Plans (for 8 sub-projects) Final Peri-Urban Development Plans (for 8 sub-projects) Operational Manuals (for 8 sub projects) Data for Environmental Impact Assessments (for 8 sub-projects) Data for Resettlement Action Plans (for 8 sub-projects) Feasibility Studies (for 8 sub-projects) Consolidated Feasibility Study Report Draft Tender Documents (for 8 sub-projects) Workshop to Discuss Stage 2 Output Final Summary Report for Stage 2 Stage 3: Draft Summary Report for Stage 3 Final Tender Documents (for 8 sub-projects) Final Summary Report for Stage 3. 1.5 3 3 3 3 3 4 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8.5 9 11 11 12 National Urban Upgrading Strategy & Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to Year 2020 (NUUP) 8/48 SECTION 8 - INPUTS Table 2. Indicative Professional Disciplines and Estimated Level of Input Professional Discipline Estimated Input (person months) A. Key Professional Staff (Project Management Team) Project Manager/Municipal Engineer Senior Municipal Finance Specialist/Economist Senior Community Participation Specialist 12 12 12 Sub Total A 36 B. Supporting Professional Staff B1. North Region Core Team (Dien Bien Phu; Cao Bang; Viet Tri; Hai Durong; Ninh Binh) Urban Planner/Team Leader Water and Sanitation Engineer Drainage Engineer Community Development/Resettlement Specialist 10 10 10 10 B2. Central and South Region Core Team (Kon Tum; Tra Vinh; Ca Mau) Urban Planner/Team Leader Water and Sanitation Engineer Drainage Engineer Community Development/Resettlement Specialist 8 8 8 8 B3. Specialist Staff (Assigned to both teams on an “as needed” basis) Solid Waste Management Specialist Road Engineer Mechanical and Electrical Engineer Low Cost Housing Specialist Institutional Development Specialist Environment Specialist Municipal Finance Specialist Cost Estimator Contract Document/Procurement Specialist Unallocated Specialists 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Sub Total B 152 C. Technical Support Staff C1. North Team GIS Specialist CAD Operator Social Survey Team (4 people for 5 months) Land Survey Team (4 people for 5 months) Geotechnical Survey Team (4 people for 5 months) 10 10 20 20 20 C2. Central and South Team GIS Specialist CAD Operator Social Survey Team (4 people for 3 months) Land Survey Team (4 people for 3 months) Geotechnical Survey Team (4 people for 3 months) 8 8 8 12 12 Sub Total C 128 Total A+B+C 316 (Total excludes administrative support staff) 35. The consultant shall provide fully equipped and furnished office space in Hanoi to accommodate the Project Management Team and the North Region Core Team and a similar Office in Ho Chi Minh City to accommodate the Central and South Team. The consultant shall be responsible for providing transport and accommodation for its team members. The costs of providing office space, accommodation and transport will be included in the financial proposal. SECTION 9 - INPUTS FROM THE CLIENT The client will provide, free of charge, one set of all reports, maps, surveys, drawings and other existing data and documents relevant to the National Urban Upgrading Programme and the identified low income areas within each project city. National Urban Upgrading Strategy & Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to Year 2020 (NUUP) 9/48 74 OUTLINE URBAN PROFILE Province Typology L Class TP. Cà Mau Cà Mau Economic Region Mekong River Delta Geographic Region MRD III Urbanisation Sub-Region Mekong River Delta WARD/COMMUNE PROFILE Number of Wards click for more details Number of Commune LIAs PROFILE Number of LIAs click for more details POPULATION AND AREA AREA KM2 City/Town Ward Commune Built-up LIAs POPULATION 2005 HOUSEHOLD 2005 PO DENSITY 2005 245 202,316 40,591 808 40.0 120,440 23,977 3,011 205.0 81,779 15.4 0.7 26,467 5,130 LAND USE Agriculture land Forest land Residential land Intensive landuse Water bodies Open space Others km2 km2 km2 km2 km2 km2 km2 (water bodies, rivers, cannals, wetlands...) INFRASTRUCTURE AND ENVIRONMENT Water supply Drainage density Solid waste Road density Housing Street lighting 66 % hhs with water supply 0.8 km/km2 70 % of SW collected 0.6 km/km2 56 % of sub standard housing 81 % street with lighting SOCIO ECONOMIC AND FINANCE Poverty rate Per person income Eco growth rate Annual revenue Annual revenue Annual expense Annual OM expense ODA by province State investment 2.7 % 826 USD per year 11.9 % 6.8 USD Mil. period of (2002-2006) 4.4 USD Mil. period of (2002-2006) reallocated to City/Town 0.0 USD Mil. period of (2002-2006) 0.0 USD Mil. period of (2002-2006) 4 USD Mil. period of (1997-2008) 838 USD per capita for 5 years Close This Data Form Vietnam National Urban Upgrading Strategy Overall Investment Plan to 2020) Final Database Format WARD AND COMMUNE PROFILE TP. Cà Mau name of c Xã Tắc Vân area km2 22.27 Xã Lý Văn Lâm 24.08 Xã Hoà Thành 31.07 Xã Hoà Tân 32.41 Xã Tân Thành 35.01 Sub Total 58.16 208.24 name of w area km2 Phường 2 0.26 Phường 4 1.88 Phường 5 2.18 Phường 7 3.10 Phường 1 3.62 population person 13,044 8,538 9,204 10,102 9,635 12,799 18,554 81,876 5.25 Xã Định Bình Xã An Xuyên built up % LIAs % km2 km2 built up % LIAs % km2 km2 population person Phường 9 7.10 Phường 8 10.17 Phường 6 12.43 Sub Total 40.74 7,708 11,070 21,232 13,875 11,199 11,277 21,631 22,448 120,440 248.98 202,316 Total household poverty % 2,512 1,745 2,209 1,901 2,002 3 7 3 13 6 3,581 13,950 6 7 household poverty % water supply % 54 10 0 10 0 0 99 38 water supply % 2,082 4,175 3,001 2 3 1 2,994 3,754 4,310 20,316 3 2 1 3 100 100 100 98 85 100 99 98 99 34,266 5 74 Vietnam National Urban Upgrading Strategy Overall Investment Plan to 2020 drainage km drainage km septic tank % solid waste % earthroad km substandard housing 77 100 65 40 83 45 78 74 54 10 0 0 0 0 11 12.04 26.72 23.32 26.10 41.47 3.88 49.11 182.63 septic tank % solid waste % earthroad km 100 100 100 82 90 100 98 88 94 98 65 93 73 10 75 80 65 76 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.00 0.00 0.53 0.46 2.32 3.37 299 1,370 2,869 1,997 915 2,027 2,188 1,817 13,482 95 85 80 15 60 25 31 60 53 86 50 186.01 22,601 11 1,286 1,623 1,127 717 1,756 1,264 1,346 9,119 substandard housing streetlighting % 0 10 0 0 0 0 1 streetlighting % Final Report Tuesday, March 11, 2008 LIAsDatabase ID LIAs ward TP. Cà Mau block (LIA infrastructure deficiencies and housing need) area km2 polulation household substandard relocated water supply % person housing housing hhs drainage % hhs drainage septic tank km hhs % solid waste % hhs <2.5 m total 1 LIA 01 P1 K2 0.07 1,518 316 280 0 93 29 166 53 0.94 49 16 82 26 0.9 2 LIA 02 P1-P9 K3,4(P1)-K1(P9) 0.05 2,406 493 214 0 47 10 167 34 3.62 107 22 141 29 3.6 3 LIA 03 P9 K1,2,3 0.03 1,597 254 18 0 10 4 140 55 0.53 15 5.9 0 0 1.1 4 LIA 04 P4-P9 K1,3(P4)-K5(P9) 0.04 2,602 561 325 0 90 16 561 100 0.33 310 55 91 16 5 LIA 05 P4 K1,5 0.02 1,714 327 131 0 89 27 327 100 1.22 55 17 92 6 LIA 6A P5 K3 0.01 515 111 40 0 31 28 36 32 0.33 16 14 7 LIA 6B P5 K4 0.01 524 108 43 0 28 26 33 31 0.27 41 8 LIA 6C P5 K6 0.01 537 108 39 17 27 25 64 59 0.17 9 LIA 07 P5 K1,2 0.02 1,233 238 98 0 5 2 34 14 10 LIA 08 P6 K2,3 0.10 1,380 321 128 0 21 7 321 11 LIA 09 P6 K4 0.04 1,150 238 208 0 150 63 12 LIA 10 P6 K5 0.06 1,082 213 12 0 213 13 LIA 11 P7 K4,5,6 0.05 2,751 549 60 0 14 LIA 12 P7 K7 0.03 1,000 204 47 15 LIA 13 P6 K1 0.02 1,114 153 16 LIA 14 P7 K1,2 0.01 740 17 LIA 15 P8 K1,2 0.14 18 LIA 16 P2 K5 19 LIA 17 TẮC VÂN Ấp 1&2 Summary for 'citiestowns' = TP. Cà Mau (19 LIAs) Total LIAs poor total poor flooded km2 >6 m total % streetlighting km poor 0.0 0.0 0.06 85 0.9 0.0 0.0 0.04 80 3.6 0.0 0.0 0.00 0 1.2 1.3 0.0 0.0 0.03 80 1.3 28 1.0 0.3 0.0 0.01 40 1.3 41 37 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.00 30 0.3 38 33 31 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.00 30 0.3 35 32 27 25 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.01 70 0.3 0.98 51 21 56 24 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.01 32 1.0 100 0.65 0 0 41 13 1.3 0.0 0.0 0.07 73 1.3 238 100 0.3 129 54 238 100 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.00 3 1.0 100 213 100 0.5 113 53 213 100 2.0 0.0 0.0 0.02 34 2.0 331 60 549 100 0 50 9.1 0 0 1.9 0.0 0.0 0.02 39 1.9 0 187 92 204 100 0 126 62 204 100 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.00 18 1.0 53 0 12 8 153 100 0 9 5.9 26 17 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.00 1 0.5 165 20 0 63 38 165 100 0 42 25 0 0 0.00 28 0.6 2,818 433 165 0 73 17 433 100 0 16 3.7 255 59 4.2 0.01 668 109 19 0 3 3 0 0 0 4 3.7 3 2.8 0.2 0.03 1,118 229 82 0 229 229 100 0 74 32 229 100 1.1 0.74 26,467 5,130 1,982 17 1,702 4,033 79 10 1,242 24 1,772 35 23 100 33 0.3 road km 2.5-6 m 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.02 11 4.2 0.1 0.0 0.00 0 0.3 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.00 0 1.1 1 0 0 0.29 40 24 Final Report Vietnam National Urban Upgrading Strategy Overall Investment Plan to 2020 Friday, March 07, 2008 Photo Documentation of Field Study on Urban Upgrading of Ca Mau City ×Consultation Meeting with Local Authorities ×Housing in unsafe areas ×Road foor upgrading ×House for upgrading ×Water supply for upgrading ×Drainage for upgrading National Urban Upgrading Strategy and Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to 2020 44 OUTLINE URBAN PROFILE Province Typology H Class TP. Điện Biên Phủ Điện Biên Economic Region Midland and Northen Mountainous Regio Geographic Region NW III Urbanisation Sub-Region Northwest WARD/COMMUNE PROFILE Number of Wards click for more details Number of Commune LIAs PROFILE Number of LIAs click for more details POPULATION AND AREA AREA KM2 City/Town Ward Commune Built-up LIAs POPULATION 2005 HOUSEHOLD 2005 PO DENSITY 2005 64 45,803 12,853 773 34.9 44,054 9,544 1,263 24.7 1,749 10.4 3.7 23,886 5,994 LAND USE Agriculture land Forest land Residential land Intensive landuse Water bodies Open space Others km2 km2 km2 km2 km2 km2 km2 (water bodies, rivers, cannals, wetlands...) INFRASTRUCTURE AND ENVIRONMENT Water supply Drainage density Solid waste Road density Housing Street lighting 80 % hhs with water supply 4.0 km/km2 92 % of SW collected 1.2 km/km2 22 % of sub standard housing 83 % street with lighting SOCIO ECONOMIC AND FINANCE Poverty rate Per person income Eco growth rate Annual revenue Annual revenue Annual expense Annual OM expense ODA by province State investment 2.3 % 650 USD per year 16.0 % 3.0 USD Mil. period of (2002-2006) 2.7 USD Mil. period of (2002-2006) reallocated to City/Town 2.7 USD Mil. period of (2002-2006) 0.0 USD Mil. period of (2002-2006) 0 USD Mil. period of (1997-2008) 33 USD per capita for 5 years Close This Data Form Vietnam National Urban Upgrading Strategy Overall Investment Plan to 2020) Final Database Format WARD AND COMMUNE PROFILE TP. Điện Biên Phủ name of c area km2 Xã Thanh Minh 24.89 Sub Total 24.89 name of w area km2 Phường Thanh Bình 0.86 Phường Tân Thanh 1.27 Phường Mường Thanh 1.72 Phường Nam Thanh 4.72 Phường Thanh Trường 6.01 built up % LIAs % km2 km2 population person 1,749 1,749 built up % LIAs % km2 km2 population person Phường Noong Bua 18.00 Sub Total 38.75 4,696 8,038 9,102 6,480 4,900 7,785 3,053 44,054 Total 63.64 45,803 Phường Him Lam 6.17 household 367 367 household poverty % 12 12 poverty % water supply % 0 0 water supply % 1,116 1,951 2,396 1,738 1 1 0 3 2,065 2 9,266 2 98 100 90 54 15 59 23 79 9,633 2 76 Vietnam National Urban Upgrading Strategy Overall Investment Plan to 2020 drainage km drainage km septic tank % solid waste % earthroad km 40 40 0 0 septic tank % solid waste % 90 70 60 70 5 39 16 63 70 50 80 50 20 60 30 62 1.80 351 1.81 19.98 1.20 8.39 320 416 75 80 70 38 33.18 838 551 2,476 0 0 44 62 60 50.10 2,887 35 16.92 16.92 earthroad km substandard housing streetlighting % 411 411 substandard housing streetlighting % Final Report Tuesday, March 11, 2008 LIAsDatabase ID LIAs ward TP. Điện Biên Phủ block area km2 (LIA infrastructure deficiencies and housing need) polulation household substandard relocated water supply % person housing housing hhs drainage % hhs drainage septic tank km hhs % solid waste % hhs <2.5 m total 1 LIA 01 Tân Thanh 0.36 2,559 636 6 0 1,213 191 1,213 191 0 364 57 2 LIA 02 Tân Thanh 0.03 1,417 397 4 3 LIA 03 Tân Thanh 0.06 1,084 180 4 LIA 04 Mường Thanh 0.06 738 5 LIA 05 Mường Thanh 0.06 6 LIA 06 Thanh Bình 7 LIA 07 121 397 100 397 100 0 119 30 61 45 180 100 180 100 0 54 30 221 42 0 0 0 54 24 1 651 166 53 10 166 100 98 59 0.72 49 30 58 0.17 652 173 5 25 10 6 173 0 3.45 113 65 Thanh Bình 0.11 1,311 328 27 12 24 7 328 100 5.96 108 8 LIA 08 Him lam 0.14 1,104 290 163 18 105 36 290 100 0 9 LIA 09 Him lam 0.35 1,666 390 164 55 125 32 390 100 10 LIA 10 Nam Thanh 0.25 2,505 642 365 2 302 47 450 11 LIA 11 Nam Thanh 0.60 4,439 1,179 623 0 639 54 12 LIA 12 Noong Bua 0.20 663 145 60 0 145 13 LIA 13 Noong Bua 0.15 897 195 50 0 14 LIA 14 Noong Bua 0.25 556 111 37 15 LIA 15 Thanh Trương 0.19 346 120 16 LIA 16 Thanh Trương 0.19 750 17 LIA 17 Thanh Trương 0.13 18 LIA 18 Thanh Trương 19 LIA 19 20 LIA 20 poor total poor % streetlighting km 1.2 0.6 3.5 2.9 0.00 0 4.7 0.0 1.4 0.9 0.4 0.4 0.00 0 1.8 0.0 0.4 0.1 0.9 0.5 0.0 1.1 1.1 0.4 35 0.0 0.0 2.4 150 87 0.0 0.0 4.2 33 142 43 8.5 5.0 0.4 0.0 163 56 290 100 8.0 7.5 0.0 0.0 0 166 43 390 100 0.0 0.0 3.4 3.0 8.0 70 2.6 392 61 460 72 0.0 0.0 12.6 9.3 3.4 825 70 3.12 689 58 679 58 0.2 1.9 100 145 100 0 145 100 145 100 0.3 195 100 195 100 0 195 100 195 100 2.0 0 111 100 111 100 0 111 100 111 100 2.4 38 0 120 100 120 100 0 103 86 120 100 169 16 0 166 98 169 100 0 169 100 169 730 199 59 0 199 100 199 100 0 182 91 182 0.16 517 133 36 0 43 32 133 100 0 119 89 2.7 Thanh Trương 0.15 677 157 36 0 157 100 157 100 0 137 87 0.0 1.5 1.2 0.0 Thanh Trương 0.12 624 163 28 0 0 0 163 100 0 107 66 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.4 0.2 3.73 23,886 5,994 1,873 288 4,297 72 5,790 97 17 3,485 58 19 12 28 18 180 190 total flooded km2 >6 m 0.0 Summary for 'citiestowns' = TP. Điện Biên Phủ (20 LIAs) Total LIAs 1213 poor road km 2.5-6 m 100 0 4,484 0.0 0.04 63 1.6 0.5 0.7 0.02 14 4.2 8.9 0.0 11.5 1.0 0.0 2.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 1.2 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.3 1.8 0.0 0.0 2.4 100 0.0 4.0 4.0 0.0 1.8 91 0.0 4.2 3.1 0.0 5.0 75 26 1.1 17 1.1 1.4 0.0 0.0 0.08 50 0.9 0.8 0.13 4 59 Final Report Vietnam National Urban Upgrading Strategy Overall Investment Plan to 2020 Friday, March 07, 2008 Photo Documentation of Field Study on Urban Upgrading in Dien Bien Phu City ×Consultation Meeting with Local Authorities ×Road and houses for upgrading ×Water supply for upgrading ×Drainage for Upgrading ×Water supply for upgrading ×Toilet for upgrading National Urban Upgrading Strategy and Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to 2020 8 OUTLINE URBAN PROFILE Province Typology L Class TP. Hải Dương Hải Dương Economic Region Red River Delta Geographic Region RRD III Urbanisation Sub-Region North Key Zone and Red River Delta WARD/COMMUNE PROFILE Number of Wards click for more details Number of Commune LIAs PROFILE Number of LIAs click for more details POPULATION AND AREA AREA KM2 City/Town Ward Commune Built-up LIAs POPULATION 2005 HOUSEHOLD 2005 PO DENSITY 2005 36.2 143,650 35,036 3,697 23.3 131,524 32,760 5,635 12.9 8,322 9.3 1.4 21,814 5,329 LAND USE Agriculture land Forest land Residential land Intensive landuse Water bodies Open space Others 9.47 km2 0 km2 4.76 km2 4.67 km2 0 km2 2.69 km2 14.7 km2 (water bodies, rivers, cannals, wetlands...) INFRASTRUCTURE AND ENVIRONMENT Water supply Drainage density Solid waste Road density Housing Street lighting 85 % hhs with water supply 1.4 km/km2 65 % of SW collected 2.5 km/km2 8 % of sub standard housing 100 % street with lighting SOCIO ECONOMIC AND FINANCE Poverty rate Per person income Eco growth rate Annual revenue Annual revenue Annual expense Annual OM expense ODA by province State investment 5.5 % 977 USD per year 14.5 % 5.1 USD Mil. period of (2002-2006) 1.0 USD Mil. period of (2002-2006) reallocated to City/Town USD Mil. period of (2002-2006) 0.7 USD Mil. period of (2002-2006) 657 USD Mil. period of (1997-2008) 2,725 USD per capita for 5 years Close This Data Form Vietnam National Urban Upgrading Strategy Overall Investment Plan to 2020) Final Database Format WARD AND COMMUNE PROFILE TP. Hải Dương name of c area km2 Xã Việt Hoà 6.15 Xã Tứ Minh 6.75 Sub Total 12.90 name of w area km2 Phường Phạm Ngũ Lão 0.08 Phường Trần Hưng Đạo 0.39 Phường Nguyễn Trãi 0.58 Phường Trần Phú 0.61 Phường Lê Thanh Nghị 0.84 Phường Quang Trung 0.86 Phường Cẩm Thượng 2.55 Phường Hải Tân 2.69 Phường Bình Hàn 3.42 Phường Thanh Bình 5.48 Phường Ngọc Châu 6.34 built up % LIAs % km2 km2 population person 7,652 10,391 18,043 built up % LIAs % km2 km2 population person Sub Total 23.84 11,854 5,881 9,899 8,836 8,156 13,427 8,192 8,468 16,200 22,410 18,201 131,524 Total 36.74 149,567 household 1,839 2,848 4,687 household poverty % 9 8 8 poverty % water supply % 100 0 39 water supply % 3,211 1,331 2,565 1,906 2 2 2 2 2,578 3 2,320 4,857 2 1 5,033 23,801 10 5 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 98 100 100 86 97 28,488 5 87 Vietnam National Urban Upgrading Strategy Overall Investment Plan to 2020 drainage km drainage km septic tank % solid waste % earthroad km 20 30 26 90 50 66 septic tank % solid waste % 100 97 100 95 100 90 95 65 89 84 75 87 100 100 90 95 100 89 80 100 78 85 30 78 2.13 8.74 12.85 352 1,410 75 80 0 100 45 10 35 7 5 25 77 76 23.91 2,846 18 10.82 0.24 11.06 earthroad km 0.00 0.02 1.24 0.71 substandard housing 724 712 1,436 substandard housing 85 156 104 133 15 150 133 101 181 streetlighting % 0 0 streetlighting % 100 Final Report Tuesday, March 11, 2008 LIAsDatabase ID LIAs ward TP. Hải Dương block (LIA infrastructure deficiencies and housing need) area km2 polulation household substandard relocated water supply % person housing housing hhs drainage % hhs drainage septic tank km hhs % solid waste % hhs <2.5 m total 1 LIA 01 Tứ Minh Lộ Cương 0.01 1,081 311 108 0 311 100 311 100 2.10 73 23 311 100 1.4 2 LIA 02 Tứ Minh Đồng Tranh 0.01 332 105 47 0 105 100 105 100 1.64 85 81 105 100 1.6 3 LIA 03 Tứ Minh Đỗ Xá 0.01 351 117 18 0 96 82 96 82 1.75 72 62 117 100 4 LIA 04 Tứ Minh Thượng Đạt 0.01 345 115 45 0 115 100 115 100 0 78 68 115 5 LIA 05 Việt Hòa Chí Hòa 0.32 2,836 717 216 0 653 91 717 100 1.15 610 85 6 LIA 06 Việt Hòa Hàn Trung 0.21 1,183 258 78 0 233 90 226 88 1.05 232 7 LIA 07 Việt Hòa Đồng Niên 0.16 3,425 781 273 0 694 89 781 100 0.5 8 LIA 08 Thanh Bình Khu 9 0.12 370 107 86 0 37 35 70 65 9 LIA 09 Thanh Bình Khu 13 0.08 980 247 130 0 123 50 247 10 LIA 10 Cẩm Thượng Khu 5 0.05 750 150 54 0 48 32 11 LIA 11 Bình Hàn Khu 16 0.03 947 259 97 0 57 12 LIA 12 Bình Hàn Khu 12 0.04 669 159 75 0 13 LIA 13 Nguyễn Trãi Khu 1 0.01 448 128 40 14 LIA 14 Phạm Ngũ Lão Khu 5 0.02 1,022 223 15 LIA 15 Phạm Ngũ Lão Khu 6 0.03 727 16 LIA 16 Hải Tân Khu 9 0.02 17 LIA 17 Hải Tân Khu 5 18 LIA 18 Ngọc Châu 19 LIA 19 poor road km 2.5-6 m total flooded km2 >6 m poor total % streetlighting km poor 0.9 0.0 0.00 0 2.3 1.6 0.0 0.0 0.00 33 1.6 1.8 1.6 0.0 0.0 0.00 11 1.8 100 1.0 0.9 0.0 0.0 0.00 0 1.0 665 93 5.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 0.21 65 5.0 90 212 82 3.4 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.16 75 3.4 703 90 117 15 3.7 1.1 0.0 0.0 0.13 82 3.7 0.18 96 90 107 100 1.1 1.1 0.9 0.2 0.04 35 1.9 100 0.37 222 90 247 100 0.9 0.2 0.6 0.0 0.03 45 1.5 67 45 0.95 33 22 48 32 0.3 0.2 1.0 0.2 0.02 39 0.9 22 259 100 0.32 187 72 259 100 0.9 0.6 0.1 0.0 0.03 80 1.0 91 57 159 100 0.54 152 96 159 100 0.4 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.03 80 0.5 0 40 31 40 31 0.99 40 31 40 31 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.00 20 0.3 75 0 69 31 95 43 1.55 73 33 83 37 2.5 2.4 0.3 0.0 0.01 40 2.4 207 72 0 81 39 198 96 0.62 71 34 68 33 2.9 2.9 0.2 0.0 0.03 100 3.1 467 197 68 0 121 61 197 100 0.04 120 61 190 96 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.0 0.00 24 0.6 0.09 600 190 72 0 83 44 190 100 0 125 66 190 100 1.0 1.0 0.4 0.0 0.00 4 1.4 Khu 17 0.01 703 229 92 0 190 83 183 80 0 172 75 183 80 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 Ngọc Châu Khu 9 0.01 528 142 50 0 92 65 106 75 0 100 70 142 100 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 20 LIA 20 Ngọc Châu Khu 16 0.02 1,608 102 46 0 77 75 82 80 0 92 90 102 100 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.2 21 LIA 21 Ngọc Châu Khu 3 0.01 1,390 305 105 0 125 41 213 70 0 244 80 305 100 1.2 0.5 0.0 1.7 22 LIA 22 Hải Tân Khu 6 0.03 440 110 47 0 61 55 110 100 0.84 90 82 110 100 0.5 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.00 15 0.5 23 LIA 23 Thanh Bình Khu 18 0.08 612 170 63 0 60 35 72 42 0.6 71 42 0 0 0.9 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.05 62 1.1 1.36 21,814 5,329 1,957 0 3,562 67 4,639 87 15 3,741 70 3,875 73 33 17 6 0 0.75 55 38 Summary for 'citiestowns' = TP. Hải Dương (23 LIAs) Total LIAs 0.6 0.0 0.1 0.2 1 Final Report Vietnam National Urban Upgrading Strategy Overall Investment Plan to 2020 Friday, March 07, 2008 106°17'30"E 106°18'0"E 106°18'30"E 106°19'0"E 106°19'30"E 106°20'0"E 106°20'30"E 106°21'0"E µ 22°0'0"N 104°0'0"E 108°0'0"E TP. Hanoi 112°0'0"E 22°0'0"N 106°17'0"E TP. Hai Duong Bình Hàn d 20°57'0"N Natio Phu Roa LIA 06 18°0'0"N na l H ig h W ay 5 A 10°0'0"N Location 104°0'0"E nB ie n LIA 07 TP. Ho Chi Minh 20°57'0"N LIA 21 C?m Thu?ng Vi?t Hoà 14°0'0"N 18°0'0"N LIA 10 LIA 05 10°0'0"N Water Plant 20°57'30"N Area of map 14°0'0"N 20°57'30"N 106°16'30"E 108°0'0"E 106°18'0"E Die 106°16'0"E 112°0'0"E 106°20'0"E Administrative Area on g Ba Nguy en Lu LIA 23 ng Aven ue h Way 5A Natio na l Hig Ng u Lao Ro a 20°58'0"N Vi?t Hoà Ng?c Châu LIA 14.15 C?m Thu?ng Bình Hàn Quang Trung Nguy?n Trãi Ng?c Châu Tr?n Hung Ð?o Ph?m Ngu Lão Tr?n Phú Thanh Bình Lê Thanh Ngh? T? Minh 20°56'0"N LIA 19 20°56'0"N LIA 18 20°56'30"N ad Ro H?i Tân Bach Dang Road Ph?m Ngu Lão Provincial Hospital un o Tr?n Hung Ð?o PC d nH a gD 20°54'0"N Ph a m Water Plant a Tr Ro ad Th anh Nien LIA 12 Quang Trung o ad ig h A y5 Wa LIA 13 Nguy?n Trãi u an g R Hon g Q t Na H al io n LIA 11 R oa d u ye n Ngo Q 20°56'30"N Park Area of map Tr?n Phú Park 106°16'0"E 106°18'0"E 106°20'0"E Nh R at Legend Kim LIA 03 LIA 01 administrative boundaries Low Income Area water bodies (rivers, lakes) Park Lê Thanh Ngh? Thanh Bình LIA 09 oad Chinh R Truo ng Sa t R 20°56'0"N g on d oa iv er S on Rive r LIA 20Kim Lai Resettlement Area 20°55'30"N en ue H?i Tân Traditional Hospital LIA 02 o Ng 20°55'30"N Th oad Binh R 30 -10 Av T? Minh LIA 04 Th anh ad h Ro Roa d Tan Tr ao in Tu M 20°56'0"N Commercial Centre Bus Station t Ye Qu ad Ro ad Ro eu Ki n ye Le Thanh Nghi Road LIA 16 LIA 08 20°55'0"N 20°55'0"N LIA 17 LIA 22 0 500 1,000 2,000 Meters 1:25,000 106°16'30"E 106°17'0"E 106°17'30"E 106°18'0"E T P . 106°18'30"E H a i D u o n g : L o c a t i o n 106°19'0"E o f 106°19'30"E L o w I n c o m e 106°20'0"E 106°20'30"E 106°21'0"E 106°21'30"E 106°22'0"E Revised: Issued: A r e a s Drawing No. V i e t n a m N a t i o n a l U r b a n U p g r a d i n g S t r a t e g y & O v e r a l l I n v e s t m e n t P l a n t o 2 0 2 0 Photo Documentation of Field Study on Urban Upgrading in Hai Duong City ×Consultation meeeting with Local Authorities ×Poor housing for upgrading ×Drainage and road for upgrading ×Road for upgrading ×Houses in unsafe areas ×House for upgrading National Urban Upgrading Strategy and Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to 2020 16 OUTLINE URBAN PROFILE Province Typology L Class TP. Ninh Bình Ninh Bình Economic Region Red River Delta Geographic Region RRD III Urbanisation Sub-Region North Key Zone and Red River Delta WARD/COMMUNE PROFILE Number of Wards click for more details Number of Commune LIAs PROFILE Number of LIAs click for more details POPULATION AND AREA AREA KM2 City/Town Ward Commune Built-up LIAs POPULATION 2005 HOUSEHOLD 2005 PO DENSITY 2005 48.4 109,847 33,917 2,097 24.9 83,706 27,114 3,357 23.5 18,442 15.5 2.0 18,007 4,515 LAND USE Agriculture land Forest land Residential land Intensive landuse Water bodies Open space Others 23.4 km2 0.79 km2 4.85 km2 15.6 km2 0 km2 3.71 km2 0 km2 (water bodies, rivers, cannals, wetlands...) INFRASTRUCTURE AND ENVIRONMENT Water supply Drainage density Solid waste Road density Housing Street lighting 85 % hhs with water supply 3.0 km/km2 75 % of SW collected 4.2 km/km2 15 % of sub standard housing 87 % street with lighting SOCIO ECONOMIC AND FINANCE Poverty rate Per person income Eco growth rate Annual revenue Annual revenue Annual expense Annual OM expense ODA by province State investment 2.3 % 570 USD per year 17.2 % 14.7 USD Mil. period of (2002-2006) USD Mil. period of (2002-2006) reallocated to City/Town 8.1 USD Mil. period of (2002-2006) 0.0 USD Mil. period of (2002-2006) 47 USD Mil. period of (1997-2008) 1,314 USD per capita for 5 years ad changed,(NĐ 16/2004/ND-CP, Decree 58/2005/ND-CP and Decree 19/2007/DN-CP) Close This Data Form Vietnam National Urban Upgrading Strategy Overall Investment Plan to 2020) Final Database Format WARD AND COMMUNE PROFILE TP. Ninh Bình name of c area km2 Xã Ninh Sơn 4.70 Xã Ninh Tiến 5.20 Xã Ninh Phúc 6.29 Xã Ninh Nhất 7.26 Sub Total name of w built up % LIAs % km2 km2 8,305 4,324 7,692 5,820 26,141 23.45 area km2 population person built up % LIAs % km2 km2 population person Sub Total 21.64 9,098 6,882 10,460 6,650 8,866 9,828 8,699 7,357 7,660 8,206 83,706 Total 45.09 109,847 Phường Thanh Bình Phường Vân Giang 0.36 Phường Phúc Thành 1.03 Phường Tân Thành 1.74 Phường Đông Thành 1.77 Phường Nam Bình 1.86 Phường Nam Thành 1.91 Phường Bích Đào 2.22 Phường Ninh Khánh 5.36 Phường Ninh Phong 5.39 household 2,187 1,293 1,683 1,640 6,803 household poverty % 3 8 3 5 5 poverty % 1,877 2,547 1,676 1,998 2,293 8,769 1,817 1,988 1,904 24,869 1 2 2 2 1 0 1 3 2 1 31,672 2 Vietnam National Urban Upgrading Strategy Overall Investment Plan to 2020 water supply % drainage km septic tank % solid waste % 60 40 33 4 36 80 80 20 85 66 septic tank % solid waste % 100 100 100 95 96 90 90 70 90 86 97 70 100 90 100 80 100 100 95 39 30 53 50 48 60 47 75 80 100 59 0.04 46 44 61 30 58 10 5 24 water supply % drainage km earthroad km 5.88 0.48 0.00 6.35 earthroad km substandard housing 1,274 500 483 2,257 substandard housing 673 0.03 0.09 0.24 0.10 165 255 403 streetlighting % 20 0 50 0 10 streetlighting % 50 70 30 20 90 60 0.00 0.49 155 502 299 260 2,712 30 48 6.85 4,969 33 70 Final Report Tuesday, March 11, 2008 LIAsDatabase ID LIAs ward TP. Ninh Bình block (LIA infrastructure deficiencies and housing need) area km2 polulation household substandard relocated water supply % person housing housing hhs drainage % hhs drainage septic tank km hhs % solid waste % hhs <2.5 m total 1 LIA 01 Bích Đào Đông Hồ 0.15 1,489 360 155 0 252 70 252 70 0.57 60 17 0 0 0.2 2 LIA 02 Bích Đào Bắc Sơn 0.11 1,320 293 106 70 170 58 170 58 0.74 83 28 0 0 1.1 3 LIA 03 Bích Đào Đông Sơn 1 0.03 550 146 102 0 44 30 0 0.9 76 52 0 0 0.6 4 LIA 04 Phúc Thành Phúc Nam 0.06 616 141 22 0 2 1 141 100 1.60 57 40 0 0 5 LIA 05 Phúc Thành Phúc Tân 0.03 702 172 4 0 19 11 172 100 0.27 76 44 0 6 LIA 06 Phúc Thành Phúc Hưng 0.05 609 163 4 32 0 0 163 100 0.54 35 21 7 LIA 07 Ninh Sơn Đông Thịnh 0.15 859 185 138 20 185 100 185 100 0.27 145 8 LIA 08 Ninh Sơn Thiện Trạo 0.08 746 162 128 0 158 98 158 98 1.25 9 LIA 09 Ninh Sơn Bich Đào 0.08 608 156 106 0 86 55 0 10 LIA 10 Ninh Phong Nam Phong 0.08 505 131 96 26 131 100 131 11 LIA 11 Ninh Phong An Hòa 0.22 1,053 258 153 101 258 100 12 LIA 12 Ninh Phong Phúc Lai 0.09 489 126 90 0 126 13 LIA 13 Ninh Phong Phúc Lâm 0.04 540 126 111 70 14 LIA 14 Ninh Phong Đa Lộc 0.04 630 144 116 15 LIA 15 Nam Thành Phúc Hòa 0.04 840 241 16 LIA 16 Nam Thành Phúc Trì 0.09 706 17 LIA 17 Nam Thành Phúc Chỉnh I 0.04 18 LIA 18 Nam Thành Phúc Chỉnh II 19 LIA 19 Nam Thành 20 LIA 20 poor total flooded km2 >6 m poor total 1.2 0.6 0.0 2.1 0.6 0.8 0.4 0.1 0.9 0 0.7 0.2 0.7 0 0 0.4 0.2 78 74 40 2.7 123 76 6 3.7 0.7 106 68 0 100 0.97 131 100 258 100 2.3 138 100 126 100 0.8 126 100 126 100 24 144 100 12 7 16 7 196 38 0 6 206 49 15 0 0.09 971 242 30 Minh Khai 0.05 375 97 Ninh Khánh Trung Thành 0.07 617 21 LIA 21 Ninh Khánh Hợp Thành 0.09 22 LIA 22 Ninh Khánh Biình Hòa 23 LIA 23 Ninh Khánh 23 LIA 24 23 LIA 25 % streetlighting km poor 12 1.4 0.11 100 2.2 0.0 0.00 0 1.4 0.3 0.4 0.02 29 1.6 0.2 0.0 0.01 33 1.5 1.0 0.0 0.02 44 1.4 0.9 0.0 0.0 0.02 16 1.4 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.00 0 1.6 0 1.3 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.00 0 1.1 0 0 0.3 0.7 0.0 0.03 38 53 0 0 2.0 1.8 0.8 0.0 0.05 22 2.8 126 100 0 0 0.9 0.2 0.5 0.0 0.02 27 1.7 1.17 126 100 0 0 0.8 0.4 0.4 0.0 0.03 68 0.4 0 1.58 124 86 0 0 0.8 0.3 0.2 0.0 0.01 27 211 88 0.2 49 20 24 10 1.2 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.00 11 1.2 3 196 100 0 131 67 76 39 2.1 1.5 0.0 0.0 0.00 0 2.1 0 0 49 100 0 9 18 4 8.2 0.3 0.3 0.1 0.0 0.00 0 0.5 0 10 4 30 12 0.1 22 9.1 42 17 3.7 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.00 2 3.6 31 5 0 0 97 100 0.07 0 0 0 0 0.6 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.00 0 0.7 157 80 0 157 100 157 100 0 103 66 12 7.6 0.4 0.4 0.6 0.0 0.00 0 1.1 524 130 55 0 66 51 130 100 0 59 45 15 12 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.0 0.00 1 0.9 0.14 797 230 81 0 180 78 230 100 0 105 46 1 0.4 1.8 0.7 0.0 0.0 0.00 0 1.8 Bình Yên Tây 0.09 865 232 42 0 81 35 232 100 0 83 36 22 9.5 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.0 0.00 0 0.6 Ninh Khánh Bình Yên 0.08 676 184 71 0 154 84 184 100 0 59 32 42 23 0.7 0.7 1.2 0.0 0.01 13 1.9 Ninh Khánh Bình Chương 0.07 714 194 76 0 139 72 194 100 0 85 44 31 16 0.3 0.3 0.5 0.0 0.01 7 0.8 2.04 18,007 4,515 1,862 355 2,510 56 3,592 80 14 2,111 47 349 8 25 11 11 0.36 18 32 Summary for 'citiestowns' = TP. Ninh Bình (25 LIAs) Total LIAs 0.2 road km 2.5-6 m 0.2 1 3 0.02 1.5 2 Final Report Vietnam National Urban Upgrading Strategy Overall Investment Plan to 2020 Friday, March 07, 2008 105°57'0"E 105°57'30"E µ 105°58'0"E 105°58'30"E 105°59'0"E 105°59'30"E 106°0'0"E 106°0'30"E 106°1'0"E 106°1'30"E 106°2'0"E 106°2'30"E 106°3'0"E 106°3'30"E 108°0'0"E 112°0'0"E 22°0'0"N 22°0'0"N 104°0'0"E TP. Hanoi Area of map 18°0'0"N TP. Ninh Binh LIA 25 20°16'30"N P.Ninh Kh¸nh 14°0'0"N 10°0'0"N 14°0'0"N LIA 24 TP. Ho Chi Minh 10°0'0"N 20°17'0"N LIA 22 LIA 23 20°17'30"N 105°56'30"E Location 104°0'0"E 108°0'0"E 105°57'0"E 112°0'0"E 20°17'0"N 105°56'0"E 20°16'30"N 105°55'30"E 18°0'0"N 20°17'30"N 105°55'0"E 106°0'30"E LIA 21 P.Ninh Kh¸nh Area of map 20°15'0"N LIA 03 Bus Station 105°57'0"E Nat ion a LIA 19 l Hig h Way 10 LIA 02 nH ue LIA 17 LIA 18 P.BÝch §µo Legend railway LIA 01 river Ng uye LIA 09 existing primary roads P.Nam B×nh P.Nam Thµnh 106°0'30"E 20°14'30"N P. Thanh b×nh 20°11'30"N P.V©n Giang Hospital 20°14'30"N 20°15'30"N 1 Ninh S¬n Le Hong Phong High School LIA 04 LIA 06 P.Phóc Thµnh Ninh Phóc P.Ninh Phong Rong Market LIA 05 College Da iH ay hW Secondary School Secondary School High School P.Nam ThµnhP.Nam B×nh Ninh TiÕn Le ig lH na anh t io Cemetery PC P.§«ng Thµnh P.T©n Thµnh P.V©n Giang P. Thanh b×nh P.Phóc Thµnh P.BÝch §µo 20°15'0"N Na P.T©n Thµnh 20°15'30"N Ninh NhÊt Primary School 20°15'0"N P.§«ng Thµnh Ninh NhÊt 20°15'0"N 20°16'0"N 20°16'0"N Administrative Area LIA 20 Low Income Area important urban facilities LIA 07 Ninh TiÕn LIA 10 LIA 13 Ninh S¬n P.Ninh Phong 20°13'30"N 20°13'30"N Ninh Phóc LIA 14 LIA 16 LIA 08 20°13'0"N 20°13'0"N 20°14'0"N 20°14'0"N LIA 15 LIA 11 0 LIA 12 1,000 2,000 4,000 Meters LIA 12 1:40,000 105°55'0"E 105°55'30"E 105°56'0"E 105°56'30"E 105°57'0"E T P . 105°57'30"E N i n h 105°58'0"E B ì n h : 105°58'30"E L o c a t i o n 105°59'0"E o f L o w 105°59'30"E I n c o m e 106°0'0"E 106°0'30"E 106°1'0"E 106°1'30"E 106°2'0"E 106°2'30"E 106°3'0"E 106°3'30"E Revised: Issued: A r e a s Drawing No. V i e t n a m N a t i o n a l U r b a n U p g r a d i n g S t r a t e g y & O v e r a l l I n v e s t m e n t P l a n t o 2 0 2 0 Photo Documentation of Field Study on Urban Upgrading in Ninh Binh City ×Drainage for upgrading ×Road for upgrading ×Road for Upgrading ×Water supply for upgrading ×Housing for Upgrading ×Housing for upgrading National Urban Upgrading Strategy and Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to 2020 35 OUTLINE URBAN PROFILE Province Typology L Class TP. Việt Trì Phú Thọ Economic Region Midland and Northen Mountainous Regio Geographic Region NE II Urbanisation Sub-Region Lao Cai-Yen Bai-Ha Giang- Tuyen Quang-Phu Tho-Vin WARD/COMMUNE PROFILE Number of Wards click for more details Number of Commune LIAs PROFILE Number of LIAs click for more details POPULATION AND AREA AREA KM2 City/Town Ward Commune Built-up LIAs POPULATION 2005 HOUSEHOLD 2005 PO DENSITY 2005 71.26 145,085 49,225 1,942 26.8 97,352 36,890 3,633 44.5 47,733 17.7 2.9 12,446 3,142 LAND USE Agriculture land Forest land Residential land Intensive landuse Water bodies Open space Others 30.6 km2 0.98 km2 7.43 km2 21 km2 0 km2 2.04 km2 9.17 km2 (water bodies, rivers, cannals, wetlands...) INFRASTRUCTURE AND ENVIRONMENT Water supply Drainage density Solid waste Road density Housing Street lighting 80 % hhs with water supply 0.4 km/km2 80 % of SW collected 1.1 km/km2 31 % of sub standard housing 87 % street with lighting SOCIO ECONOMIC AND FINANCE Poverty rate Per person income Eco growth rate Annual revenue Annual revenue Annual expense Annual OM expense ODA by province State investment 1.3 % 928 USD per year 13.5 % 37.7 USD Mil. period of (2002-2006) 9.1 USD Mil. period of (2002-2006) reallocated to City/Town 7.9 USD Mil. period of (2002-2006) USD Mil. period of (2002-2006) 5 USD Mil. period of (1997-2008) 111 USD per capita for 5 years Close This Data Form Vietnam National Urban Upgrading Strategy Overall Investment Plan to 2020) Final Database Format WARD AND COMMUNE PROFILE TP. Việt Trì name of c area km2 Xã Minh Phương 3.16 Xã Phượng Lâu 5.27 Xã Sông Lô 5.36 Xã Trưng Vương 5.71 Xã Minh Nông 5.87 Xã Vân Phú 9.24 Xã Thụy Vân 9.86 Sub Total built up % LIAs % km2 km2 6,188 4,043 4,268 6,807 7,953 7,355 11,119 47,733 44.47 name of w area km2 Phường Vân Cơ 1.00 Phường Thọ Sơn 1.01 Phường Tân Dân 1.37 Phường Nông Trang 1.93 Phường Gia Cẩm 1.94 Phường Thanh Miếu 2.08 Phường Bến Gót 3.11 Phường Tiên Cát 3.55 Phường Bạch Hạc 4.51 population person built up % LIAs % km2 km2 population person Sub Total 26.79 4,794 6,061 7,631 13,794 16,254 9,646 7,268 15,925 7,157 8,822 97,352 Total 71.26 145,085 Phường Dữu Lâu 6.31 household poverty % 982 16 1,810 2,003 2,069 2,684 9,548 5 4 5 7 9 household poverty % water supply % drainage km 47 0 0 50 80 36 19 39 water supply % drainage km septic tank % solid waste % 50 5 8 20 30 30 5 19 50 60 30 22.48 5.85 14.07 20 20 70 34 6.00 15.00 63.41 septic tank % solid waste % 1,407 1,531 1,580 4,348 16,524 2,467 1,680 3,612 1,594 2,147 36,890 3 4 2 4 1 5 2 4 10 10 3 97 100 96 90 98 95 95 98 0 75 91 72 90 81 80 90 65 70 59 41 45 77 90 100 100 30 100 75 91 100 30 40 83 46,438 4 80 65 73 Vietnam National Urban Upgrading Strategy Overall Investment Plan to 2020 earthroad km earthroad km 4.82 substandard housing streetlighting % 1,150 931 887 1,770 1,391 10 0 20 0 20 2,016 8,145 7 10 substandard housing streetlighting % 4.71 0.78 2.66 1.33 42.60 59.80 374 198 215 1,014 300 1,247 211 748 1,403 1,249 6,959 10 75 44 20 20 70 50 100 0 0 16 123.21 15,104 14 2.73 0.18 Final Report Tuesday, March 11, 2008 LIAsDatabase ID LIAs ward TP. Việt Trì block (LIA infrastructure deficiencies and housing need) area km2 polulation household substandard relocated water supply % person housing housing hhs drainage % hhs drainage septic tank km hhs % solid waste % hhs <2.5 m total poor road km 2.5-6 m total poor flooded km2 >6 m total % streetlighting km poor 1 LIA 01 Thanh Miéu 0.01 325 102 4 0 4 4 102 100 4 3.9 0 0 0.00 0 0.7 2 LIA 02 Thanh Miéu 0.05 455 118 5 0 0 0 118 100 83 70 71 60 0.00 0 1.1 3 LIA 03 Bạch Hạc 0.12 867 241 2 0 106 44 241 100 221 92 241 100 0.01 6 1.7 4 LIA 04 Bến Gót 0.02 270 67 12 0 0 0 67 100 47 70 0 0 0.00 0 0.6 5 LIA 05 Bến Gót 0.03 329 94 13 0 8 9 84 89 74 79 94 100 0.00 13 0.6 6 LIA 06 Thọ Sơn 0.03 323 197 0 0 0 0 0 0 23 12 0 0 0.00 0 0.0 7 LIA 07 Thọ Sơn 0.03 1,877 457 0 0 0 0 0 0 182 40 0 0 0.00 0 0.0 8 LIA 08 Gia Cẩm 0.04 475 122 64 0 0 0 105 86 82 67 72 59 0.00 0 0.0 9 LIA 09 Tân Dan 0.03 823 214 76 0 106 50 214 100 55 26 110 51 0.00 0 1.8 10 LIA 10 Nông Trang 0.04 846 183 153 7 148 81 183 100 148 81 35 19 0.01 34 1.3 11 LIA 11 Nông Trang 0.07 1,180 203 103 0 140 69 203 100 140 69 203 100 0.02 22 2.2 12 LIA 12 Nông Trang 0.07 980 192 115 0 112 58 192 100 112 58 192 100 0.04 51 1.4 13 LIA 13 Dữu Lâu 0.20 673 162 7 0 90 56 162 100 145 90 162 100 0.00 0 4.1 14 LIA 14 Dữu Lâu 0.16 625 189 12 5 144 76 189 100 182 96 189 100 0.00 0 2.8 15 LIA 15 Dữu Lâu 0.14 607 147 11 0 9 6 147 100 132 90 147 100 0.00 0 3.1 16 LIA 16 Dữu Lâu 0.04 660 166 5 0 12 7 166 100 132 80 147 89 0.00 0 2.1 17 LIA 17 Dữu Lâu 0.03 455 124 5 0 70 56 124 100 74 60 74 60 0.00 0 1.0 18 LIA 18 Dữu Lâu 0.06 676 164 3 0 18 11 164 100 146 89 164 100 0.00 0 1.4 1.16 12,446 3,142 590 12 967 31 2,461 78 1,982 63 1,901 61 0.07 6 26 Summary for 'citiestowns' = TP. Việt Trì (18 LIAs) Total LIAs Final Report Vietnam National Urban Upgrading Strategy Overall Investment Plan to 2020 Friday, March 07, 2008 Photo Documentation of Field Study on Urban Upgrading in Viet Tri City ×Consultation Meeting with Viet Tri People’s Commitee ×Houses in Lam Thang LIA in Ward N«ng Trang ×Drainage for Upgrading ×Drainage for upgrading ×Water tank of a household ×Place to shower and wash clothes National Urban Upgrading Strategy and Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to 2020 33 OUTLINE URBAN PROFILE Province Typology H Class TX. Cao Bằng Cao Bằng Economic Region Midland and Northen Mountainous Regio Geographic Region NE IV Urbanisation Sub-Region Cao Bang-Thai Nguyen-Lang Son- Bac Giang-Bac Nin WARD/COMMUNE PROFILE Number of Wards click for more details Number of Commune LIAs PROFILE Number of LIAs click for more details POPULATION AND AREA AREA KM2 City/Town Ward Commune Built-up LIAs POPULATION 2005 HOUSEHOLD 2005 PO DENSITY 2005 55.2 53,470 13,669 959 22.9 35,356 9,418 1,546 32.6 18,994 7.4 5.0 24,297 6,402 LAND USE Agriculture land Forest land Residential land Intensive landuse Water bodies Open space Others 835 km2 5150 km2 47.5 km2 99.8 km2 3.13 km2 519 km2 0 km2 (water bodies, rivers, cannals, wetlands...) INFRASTRUCTURE AND ENVIRONMENT Water supply Drainage density Solid waste Road density Housing Street lighting 76 % hhs with water supply 1.5 km/km2 75 % of SW collected 0.4 km/km2 32 % of sub standard housing 81 % street with lighting SOCIO ECONOMIC AND FINANCE Poverty rate Per person income Eco growth rate Annual revenue Annual revenue Annual expense Annual OM expense ODA by province State investment % 563 USD per year 11.0 % 1.6 USD Mil. period of (2002-2006) 0.9 USD Mil. period of (2002-2006) reallocated to City/Town 2.3 USD Mil. period of (2002-2006) 0.0 USD Mil. period of (2002-2006) 8 USD Mil. period of (1997-2008) 101 USD per capita for 5 years ad changed in 2003 Close This Data Form Vietnam National Urban Upgrading Strategy Overall Investment Plan to 2020) Final Database Format LIAsDatabase ID LIAs ward TX. Cao Bằng block (LIA infrastructure deficiencies and housing need) area km2 polulation household substandard relocated water supply % person housing housing hhs drainage % hhs drainage septic tank km hhs % solid waste % hhs <2.5 m total poor road km 2.5-6 m total flooded km2 >6 m poor total % streetlighting km poor 1 LIA 1 Sông Bằng tổ 2, 3, 4, 5 0.34 1,658 421 160 13 130 31 421 100 0 167 40 157 37 6.0 5.0 2.1 0.5 0.0 0.01 1 8.2 2 LIA 2 Sông Bằng tổ 6, 7, 8 0.22 785 213 92 1 69 32 213 100 0 77 36 79 37 1.5 1.4 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.00 0 1.8 3 LIA 3 Sông Bằng tổ 13,15,17,18,19,23,24 0.43 1,962 511 178 1 157 31 511 100 0 116 23 157 31 1.9 1.4 0.8 0.6 0.0 0.01 1 2.9 4 LIA 4 Tân Giang tổ 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,11 0.84 3,911 990 503 0 19 2 990 100 0 532 54 371 37 3.5 2.0 2.0 0.6 1.5 0.02 2 4.8 5 LIA 5 Tân Giang tổ 15,16,17,18,19,20,21 0.66 1,905 557 399 10 170 31 557 100 0 254 46 322 58 4.0 2.8 1.8 1.2 1.6 0.02 2 7.4 6 LIA 6 Hợp Giang Tổ 1,2,3,4,5,8,10 0.12 2,651 669 249 230 7 1 383 57 1 135 20 98 15 1.4 1.3 0.3 0.0 0.02 13 2.3 7 LIA 7 Hợp Giang Tổ 11 đến 20, 23 đến 26 0.36 4,258 1,212 315 126 0 0 699 58 0.9 50 4.1 37 3.1 3.3 2.9 0.6 0.3 2.6 0.03 8 4.2 8 LIA 8 Sông Hiến tổ 1 đến 13 1.62 3,798 953 391 36 48 5 902 95 0 431 45 533 56 7.0 5.6 3.8 0.9 3.1 0.4 0.06 4 11.0 9 LIA 9 Sông Hiến tổ 14 và 16 đến 26 0.47 3,369 876 289 45 9 1 744 85 0 176 20 429 49 4.6 2.0 2.7 2.0 2.1 0.0 0.00 0 7.9 5.05 24,297 6,402 2,576 462 609 10 5,420 85 2 1,938 30 2,183 34 33 24 14 6 11 0 0.15 3 50 Summary for 'citiestowns' = TX. Cao Bằng (9 LIAs) Total LIAs Final Report Vietnam National Urban Upgrading Strategy Overall Investment Plan to 2020 Friday, March 07, 2008 106°15'0"E 106°15'30"E 106°16'0"E 106°16'30"E 106°17'0"E 104°0'0"E 22°0'0"N Area of map 112°0'0"E TX. Cao Bang 18°0'0"N TP. Hanoi Ngäc Xu©n 14°0'0"N 18°0'0"N water plant location 108°0'0"E 10°0'0"N 22°40'30"N TP. Ho Chi Minh 10°0'0"N LIA 08 22°41'0"N 106°14'30"E 22°0'0"N µ 106°14'0"E 22°40'30"N 106°13'30"E 14°0'0"N 22°41'0"N 106°13'0"E Location §Ò Th¸m 104°0'0"E LIA 02 108°0'0"E 106°12'30"E 112°0'0"E 106°15'0"E 106°17'30"E 22°42'30"N LIA 01 LIA 07 LIA 06 P. S«ng HiÕn 22°40'0"N P. Hîp GiangP. S«ng B»ng Hoµ Trung P. T©n Giang Area of map 22°37'30"N LIA 09 P. S«ng HiÕn 22°40'0"N P. S«ng B»ng §Ò Th¸m 22°40'0"N 22°40'0"N P. Hîp Giang Ngäc Xu©n DuyÖt Trung 22°37'30"N §Ò Th¸m Administrative Area LIA 03 106°12'30"E 106°15'0"E 106°17'30"E 22°39'30"N 22°39'30"N Legend administrative boundary water plant cao bang roads water plant location primary road in need of upgrading planned roads LIA 04 planning roads existing roads Hoµ Trung Low Income Area P. T©n Giang 500 22°38'30"N 0 LIA 05 DuyÖt Trung 1,000 2,000 Meters 1:20,000 106°13'0"E 106°13'30"E 106°14'0"E T X 106°14'30"E C a o B a n g : L o c a t i o n 106°15'0"E o f L o w I n c o m e 106°15'30"E 106°16'0"E 106°16'30"E 106°17'0"E Revised: Issued: A r e a s Drawing No. V i e t n a m N a t i o n a l U r b a n U p g r a d i n g S t r a t e g y & O v e r a l l I n v e s t m e n t P l a n t o 2 0 2 0 22°38'30"N 22°39'0"N 22°39'0"N water bodies (rivers) Photo Documentation of Field Study on Urban Upgrading in Cao Bang City ×Consultation Meeting with Local Authorities of Cao Bang City ×Public Consultation with the community ×Drainage for upgrading ×Road for upgrading ×Existing dumping site in Cao Bang ×House for upgrading National Urban Upgrading Strategy and Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to 2020 71 OUTLINE URBAN PROFILE Province Typology H Class TX. Kon Tum Kon Tum Economic Region Central Highlands Geographic Region CH III Urbanisation Sub-Region Central Highlands WARD/COMMUNE PROFILE Number of Wards click for more details Number of Commune LIAs PROFILE Number of LIAs click for more details POPULATION AND AREA AREA KM2 City/Town Ward Commune Built-up LIAs POPULATION 2005 HOUSEHOLD 2005 PO DENSITY 2005 430.0 131,983 27,473 307 43.2 82,924 17,566 1,917 386.8 51,625 13.8 4.7 15,062 3,015 LAND USE Agriculture land Forest land Residential land Intensive landuse Water bodies Open space Others 996 km2 6630 km2 50.0 km2 136 km2 0 km2 1860 km2 0 km2 (water bodies, rivers, cannals, wetlands...) INFRASTRUCTURE AND ENVIRONMENT Water supply Drainage density Solid waste Road density Housing Street lighting 70 % hhs with water supply 4.0 km/km2 60 % of SW collected 5.7 km/km2 77 % of sub standard housing 80 % street with lighting SOCIO ECONOMIC AND FINANCE Poverty rate Per person income Eco growth rate Annual revenue Annual revenue Annual expense Annual OM expense ODA by province State investment 5.5 % 475 USD per year 14.0 % 6.3 USD Mil. period of (2002-2006) 2.8 USD Mil. period of (2002-2006) reallocated to City/Town 6.1 USD Mil. period of (2002-2006) USD Mil. period of (2002-2006) 3 USD Mil. period of (1997-2008) 803 USD per capita for 5 years Close This Data Form Vietnam National Urban Upgrading Strategy Overall Investment Plan to 2020) Final Database Format WARD AND COMMUNE PROFILE TX. Kon Tum name of c area km2 Xã Ngok Bay 18.62 Xã Vinh Quang 21.76 Xã Đoàn Kết 22.66 Xã Đăk Rơva 25.23 Xã Chử Heng 30.47 Xã Kroong 32.76 Xã Đăk Blà 41.93 Xã Đăk Cấm 43.43 Xã Hoà Bình 60.22 Xã Gia Chiêm Sub Total 89.72 area km2 Phường Quyết Thắng 1.20 Phường Quang Trung 3.59 Phường Trần Hưng Đạo 3.68 Phường Lê Lợi 3.87 Phường Thống Nhất 4.55 Phường Thắng Lợi 4.64 Phường Nguyễn Trãi 4.80 Phường Trường Chinh 5.19 Phường Duy Tân 5.50 Sub Total Total population person 4,594 5,945 3,657 2,727 2,419 3,766 5,383 3,598 5,584 11,386 49,059 386.79 name of w Phường Ngô Mây built up % LIAs % km2 km2 built up % LIAs % km2 km2 population person household poverty % 795 40 759 529 20 45 890 1,011 851 1,111 22 29 18 14 5,946 37 household poverty % water supply % drainage km 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 1 water supply % septic tank % solid waste % drainage km 12 0 7 5 25 2 50 10 16 85 20.39 7.87 8.32 14.18 19.86 19.36 20 12 43.07 133.05 septic tank % solid waste % earthroad km 75 43.25 2,134 3,278 1,278 1,144 1,833 2,287 805 1,841 2,647 319 17,566 2 5 5 13 9 6 6 9 5 5 6 55 70 0 0 48 28 0 30 30 0 36 97 100 20 30 80 76 95 83 85 60 79 100 70 0 50 73 80 0 60 50 0 60 430.04 131,983 23,512 14 27 63 48 Vietnam National Urban Upgrading Strategy Overall Investment Plan to 2020 substandard housing streetlighting % 33 13,182 15,039 5,689 5,469 10,941 9,706 3,861 7,029 10,372 1,636 82,924 6.23 earthroad km 0.46 13.50 3.50 30.95 9.80 5.62 757 527 479 794 903 852 28 2,369 6,742 substandard housing 0 1 0 0 0 2 1 streetlighting % 29.76 12.26 5.23 111.07 1,555 2,443 1,175 1,108 1,407 1,587 402 1,776 2,536 287 14,276 56 5 1 1 50 20 30 52 5 17 244.13 21,018 10 Final Report Tuesday, March 11, 2008 LIAsDatabase ID LIAs ward TX. Kon Tum block (LIA infrastructure deficiencies and housing need) area km2 polulation household substandard relocated water supply % person housing housing hhs drainage % hhs drainage septic tank km hhs % solid waste % hhs <2.5 m total poor road km 2.5-6 m total poor flooded km2 >6 m total % streetlighting km poor 1 LIA 01 Ngô Mây Tổ 1 0.02 391 102 90 0 102 100 102 100 42 102 102 100 0.00 0 1.6 2 LIA 03 Quyết Thắng Tổ 13, 15 ( khu Lò Heo) 0.02 1,190 263 68 0 263 100 263 100 33 121 181 69 0.00 0 0.9 3 LIA 04 Quyết Thắng Tổ 11,16 ( Khu Chùa Bác 0.02 1,436 207 57 0 207 100 207 100 26 176 207 100 0.01 38 0.3 4 LIA 05 Lê Lợi Làng Pleirơhai I 0.06 470 94 14 0 94 100 94 100 39 90 94 100 0.01 17 0.9 6 LIA 06 Thắng Lợi Thôn Kontumkbăng 0.07 810 150 17 0 150 100 150 100 37 150 150 100 0.00 0 0.9 7 LIA 07 Thắng Lợi Thôn Konklor 0.03 510 98 6 0 98 100 98 100 52 98 98 100 0.00 0 0.6 8 LIA 09 Thắng Lợi Konrơwang 0.04 500 104 18 0 104 100 104 100 34 104 104 100 0.00 0 0.7 9 Lia 10 Thống Nhất KonHrachốt 0.10 1,353 209 85 9 209 100 209 100 22 124 209 100 0.06 57 1.5 10 LIA 11 Thống Nhất Kontumkơnâm 0.07 1,148 203 98 0 203 100 203 100 80 143 203 100 0.01 14 0.7 11 LIA 12 Quang Trung Pleitơngia 0.04 1,031 157 70 0 157 100 157 100 50 137 157 100 0.00 0 1.5 12 LIA 13 Quang Trung Pleiđôn 0.08 877 148 50 0 148 100 148 100 63 143 148 100 0.00 0 1.9 13 LIA 14 Duy Tân Tổ 1 (một phần) 0.02 510 120 48 0 120 100 120 100 34 89 70 58 0.00 0 0.4 14 LIA 15 Duy Tân Tổ 1 (một phần) 0.01 484 121 40 0 121 100 121 100 43 89 121 100 0.00 0 0.4 15 LIA 16 Duy Tân Tổ 2 0.03 565 140 48 0 140 100 140 100 127 92 140 100 0.00 0 0.4 16 LIA 17 Duy Tân Tổ 7 0.06 560 140 56 0 108 77 140 100 66 83 70 50 0.00 0 1.7 17 Lia 18 Duy Tân Tổ 8, tổ 9 0.06 1,048 250 85 0 195 78 250 100 107 195 100 40 0.00 0 1.2 18 LIA 19 Trường Chinh Tổ 2 (một phần) 0.04 376 100 0 0 100 100 100 100 96 50 100 100 0.01 17 1.1 19 LIA 20 Trường Chinh Thôn Konsơlam I 0.07 600 117 18 0 117 100 117 100 117 77 117 100 0.01 10 1.3 20 LIA 21 Trường Chinh Thôn Konsơlam II 0.07 442 102 1 0 102 100 102 100 154 52 102 100 0.01 8 1.2 21 LIA 22 Nguyễn Trãi Tổ 3 0.06 421 105 105 0 105 100 105 100 180 105 105 100 0.02 34 0.9 22 LIA 23 Nguyễn Trãi Tổ 5 0.06 340 85 85 0 85 100 85 100 160 85 85 100 0.06 100 1.1 1.02 15,062 3,015 1,059 9 2,928 1,562 52 2,663 88 0.18 21 Summary for 'citiestowns' = TX. Kon Tum (21 LIAs) Total LIAs 97 3,015 100 18 Final Report Vietnam National Urban Upgrading Strategy Overall Investment Plan to 2020 Friday, March 07, 2008 Photo Documentation of Field Study on Urban Upgrading in KonTum Town ×Consultation meeeting with Local Authorities ×Road for upgrading ×House for upgrading ×Water supply for upgrading ×Poor housing and water supply ×Drainage for upgrading National Urban Upgrading Strategy and Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to 2020 87 OUTLINE URBAN PROFILE Province Typology L Class TX. Trà Vinh Trà Vinh Economic Region Mekong River Delta Geographic Region MRD III Urbanisation Sub-Region Mekong River Delta WARD/COMMUNE PROFILE Number of Wards click for more details Number of Commune LIAs PROFILE Number of LIAs click for more details POPULATION AND AREA AREA KM2 City/Town Ward Commune Built-up LIAs POPULATION 2005 HOUSEHOLD 2005 PO DENSITY 2005 68.04 96,016 22,329 1,351 29.1 79,066 18,387 2,719 39.1 17,617 11.6 1.5 17,888 3,898 LAND USE Agriculture land Forest land Residential land Intensive landuse Water bodies Open space Others km2 km2 km2 km2 km2 km2 km2 (water bodies, rivers, cannals, wetlands...) INFRASTRUCTURE AND ENVIRONMENT Water supply Drainage density Solid waste Road density Housing Street lighting 66 % hhs with water supply 3.1 km/km2 70 % of SW collected 3.2 km/km2 % of sub standard housing 81 % street with lighting SOCIO ECONOMIC AND FINANCE Poverty rate Per person income Eco growth rate Annual revenue Annual revenue Annual expense Annual OM expense ODA by province State investment 7.0 % 535 USD per year 15.2 % 5.9 USD Mil. period of (2002-2006) 3.2 USD Mil. period of (2002-2006) reallocated to City/Town 2.7 USD Mil. period of (2002-2006) 0.3 USD Mil. period of (2002-2006) 6 USD Mil. period of (1997-2008) 629 USD per capita for 5 years ad changed in 2002(Decree 70/2002/NĐ-CP) Close This Data Form Vietnam National Urban Upgrading Strategy Overall Investment Plan to 2020) Final Database Format LIAsDatabase ID LIAs ward TX. Trà Vinh block (LIA infrastructure deficiencies and housing need) area km2 polulation household substandard relocated water supply % person housing housing hhs drainage % hhs drainage septic tank km hhs % solid waste % hhs <2.5 m total poor road km 2.5-6 m total poor flooded km2 >6 m total % streetlighting km poor 1 LIA 01 P1 Tổ 1,2-k2 0.05 907 165 77 0 53 32 165 100 0 42 25 100 61 1.2 0.6 0.0 0.0 0.02 45 1.2 2 LIA 02 P2 Tổ 1,2-k1 0.03 669 150 47 0 51 34 150 100 0.31 33 22 52 35 0.6 0.6 0.0 0.0 0.01 31 0.6 3 LIA 03 P4 k5 0.02 534 101 67 0 27 27 101 100 0.36 26 26 31 31 0.5 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.00 13 0.5 4 LIA 04 P4 k6 0.01 397 107 71 0 18 17 107 100 0.44 39 36 37 35 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.01 50 0.3 6 LIA 06 P5 k1,2 0.09 567 163 85 0 35 21 163 100 2.67 37 23 90 55 2.0 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.03 32 2.0 7 LIA 07 P5 k2,3, 0.04 916 229 118 0 73 32 229 100 0.79 52 23 73 32 1.4 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.03 63 1.4 8 LIA 08 P6 k8 0.08 660 110 34 0 15 14 34 31 0.9 34 31 40 36 0.3 0.3 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.01 6 0.8 9 LIA 09 P6 k9 0.06 642 107 33 9 15 14 33 31 0.84 22 21 34 32 0.5 0.1 0.8 0.4 0.0 0.01 16 0.7 10 LIA 10 P7 k1,2,3 0.07 1,541 343 81 0 86 25 343 100 0 80 23 149 43 0.9 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.01 7 0.9 11 LIA 11 P7 k7 0.07 848 200 85 0 82 41 150 75 0.19 50 25 102 51 0.9 0.3 0.7 0.4 0.0 0.01 9 1.6 12 LIA 12 P7 k8 0.10 1,470 253 63 0 75 30 253 100 1.15 63 25 116 46 2.1 0.5 0.8 0.2 0.0 0.00 3 2.9 13 LIA 13 P7 k9 0.04 480 120 59 0 32 27 120 100 0 34 28 51 43 1.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.01 13 1.0 14 LIA 14 P7 k4,5,6 0.07 619 173 43 0 43 25 173 100 0.1 43 25 84 49 1.9 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.02 29 1.9 15 LIA 15 P7 k10 0.08 1,582 316 116 0 127 40 316 100 0 127 40 146 46 1.4 1.0 0.7 0.7 0.0 0.02 18 2.1 16 LIA 16 P8 k8 0.04 422 103 43 0 103 100 103 100 0 66 64 103 100 0.0 1.0 0.8 0.0 0.02 59 1.0 17 LIA 17 P8 k6 0.06 776 141 110 0 101 72 141 100 0 107 76 141 100 0.0 1.9 1.9 0.0 0.04 59 1.9 18 LIA 18 P8 k2 0.08 657 153 102 0 120 78 153 100 0 96 63 153 100 1.5 0.0 0.02 30 1.5 19 LIA 19 P8 k7 0.08 868 181 133 0 117 65 181 100 0 117 65 181 100 0.0 0.7 0.7 0.8 0.5 0.02 24 1.5 20 LIA 20 P8 k5 0.11 852 213 154 0 213 100 213 100 0 154 72 213 100 0.0 1.2 1.2 0.6 0.6 0.04 37 1.8 21 LIA 21 P9 k1 0.08 720 180 83 0 171 95 180 100 0 180 100 180 100 0.7 1.1 1.1 0.0 0.08 100 1.8 22 LIA 22 P9 k1 0.10 640 160 91 0 146 91 160 100 0 160 100 160 100 0.0 2.2 2.2 0.0 0.10 100 2.2 23 LIA 23 P9 k2,4 0.09 1,121 230 161 0 230 100 230 100 0 230 100 230 100 0.0 3.0 3.0 0.0 0.09 100 3.0 1.45 17,888 3,898 1,856 9 1,933 3,698 95 8 1,792 46 2,466 63 17 15 13 1 0.57 33 Summary for 'citiestowns' = TX. Trà Vinh (22 LIAs) Total LIAs 50 1.5 6 0.0 1 40 Final Report Vietnam National Urban Upgrading Strategy Overall Investment Plan to 2020 Friday, March 07, 2008 µ 106°21'0"E 106°21'30"E Ph?m H? W.3 Phùng ng Thái Minh Tri School LIA 12 22°0'0"N 18°0'0"N 18°0'0"N LIA 07 Supper Market Area of map Phan Ðì nh Tr?n Phú 9°56'0"N Ng hia LIA 06 10°0'0"N W.2 LIA 02 Tôn Lý Th u? ng Nam K? Kh? i Lê L? i Lê Th ánh 14°0'0"N 19 - 5 Post Office Ly Tu Trong Secondary School Provincial PC of Tra Vinh 14°0'0"N ?nh Lý T? Tr ?ng W.4 B?c h Ð ?ng LIA 01 Church Theatre Location 104°0'0"E LIA 11 108°0'0"E 106°18'0"E ?n Ðá ng 9°59'0"N h? n h? N nT Kiê i ha K h in ?M Th Ng uy ?n W.6 Ngu y Administrative Area Ð?n g Kh?i Ði?n Biên Ph? LIA 10 112°0'0"E 106°21'30"E W.5 LIA 15 9°55'30"N TP. Ho Chi Minh TX. Tra Vinh LIA 14 W.7 112°0'0"E TP. Hanoi LIA 03LIA 04 u Chin h Ki ?t stadium Phan Ch Tô Th ? Hu W.1 Ph?m Ng u Lão Quang Trung 108°0'0"E 22°0'0"N 104°0'0"E 9°56'30"N 106°20'30"E 10°0'0"N 106°20'0"E 9°56'0"N 106°19'30"E 9°59'0"N 106°19'0"E Long Ð?c 9°55'30"N 106°18'30"E Nguy?n Th ái H? c W.4 Bus Station W.1 Tra Vinh High School 9°55'30"N W.2W.3 LIA 18 Area of map W.7 W.6 9°55'30"N 9°56'30"N 106°18'0"E W.5 W.8 Airport W.9 106°18'0"E 106°21'30"E 9°55'0"N LIA 13 9°55'0"N Legend LIA 21 W.8 concrete roads (width < 2.5 m) earth roads Primary School of W.8 existing primary road n at io al H igh Wa 0 y6 important urban facilities LIA 17 substandard housing N LIA 20 9°54'30"N LIA 16 polluted area LIA 19 Low Income Area LIA 22 Cemetery W.9 ?N h? n Low Income Area Boundary 9°54'30"N flooded area LIA 16 Ki ên Th administrative boundary water bodies (rivers, canals) 9°54'0"N 9°54'0"N LIA 23 0 500 1,000 2,000 Meters 1:22,000 106°18'0"E 106°18'30"E 106°19'0"E 106°19'30"E T X . T r a V i n h : 106°20'0"E L o c a t i o n 106°20'30"E o f L o w I n c o m e 106°21'0"E 106°21'30"E Revised: Issued: A r e a s Drawing No. V i e t n a m N a t i o n a l U r b a n U p g r a d i n g S t r a t e g y & O v e r a l l I n v e s t m e n t P l a n t o 2 0 2 0 Photo Documentation of Field Study on Urban Upgrading in Tra Vinh Town ×Consultation meeting with Local Authorities ×Road and drainage for upgrading ×Solid waste concern ×Solid waste and water supply concerns ×Drainage for upgrading ×Road and streetlight upgrading National Urban Upgrading Strategy and Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to 2020 Annex 3 Institutional Arrangement For Project Implementation Government Agencies PIU = Project Implementation Unit National Urban Upgrading Strategy & Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to Year 2020 (NUUP) 43/48 Annex 4 Institutional Arrangements for Project Implementation Consultant PROJECT MANAGEMENT TEAM (Located in Hanoi) • PROJECT MANAGER / MUNICIPAL ENGINEER • SENIOR MUNICIPAL FINANCE SPECIALIST • SENIOR COMMUNITY PARTICIPATION SPECIALIST SPECIALIST STAFF (Assigned to both regional teams as needed) • • • • • • • • SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST ROAD ENGINEER MECHANICAL & ELECTRICAL ENGINEER LOW COST HOUSING SPECIALIST INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT SPECIALIST ENVIRONMENT SPECIALIST MUNICIPAL FINANCE SPECIALIST CONTRACT DOCUMENT/PROCUMENT SPECIALIST NORTH REGION TEAM (Located in Hanoi) CENTRAL & SOUTH REGION TEAM (Located in Ho Chi Minh City) CORE TEAM • URBAN PLANNER / TEAM LEADER • WATER & SANITATION ENGINEER • DRAINAGE ENGINEER • COMMUNITY DEVPMNT/RESETTLEMENT SPECIALIST CORE TEAM • URBAN PLANNER / TEAM LEADER • WATER & SANITATION ENGINEER • DRAINAGE ENGINEER • COMMUNITY DEVPMNT/RESETTLEMENT SPECIALIST TECHNICAL SUPPORT STAFF • GIS SPECIALIST • CAD OPERATOR • SOCIAL SURVEY TEAM • GEOTECHNICAL SURVEY TEAM • LAND SURVEY TEAM TECHNICAL SUPPORT STAFF • GIS SPECIALIST • CAD OPERATOR • SOCIAL SURVEY TEAM • GEOTECHNICAL SURVEY TEAM • LAND SURVEY TEAM National Urban Upgrading Strategy & Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to Year 2020 (NUUP) 44/48 Annex 5 Input for Environmental Impact Assessment 1. Overview Prepare inputs for the relevant Environmental Assessment documentation that responds to the requirements of the Government of Vietnam and the World Bank. The outputs will consist of: (1) Community Environmental Management Plans for sub-projects, prepared as part of the Community Upgrading Plan and; (2) Environment Section of the Operational Manual. 2. Scope of Work Community Environmental Management Plans (CEMPs) The purpose of these plans are to ensure that the infrastructure improvement proposals are environmentally sound and sustainable. The preparation of these plans should be done as part of the CUP process and follow a participatory process. The consultant should work with the community organizations in the preparation of these plans. Specifically, each plan should detail the following: a) propose guidelines that the community can use as part of the CUP participatory process; b) describe the environmental conditions and identify the environmental problems faced by the community, and based on a participatory process they should be ranked; c) evaluate alternatives for addressing these problems and finding solutions; d) propose mitigation actions that need to be implemented at the community-level and any adjustments that may need to be made to the city infrastructure and basic services, so as to support these mitigation actions. These actions should be reflected and costed in the engineering design and feasibility study; e) propose the institutional arrangements at the community-level, for construction, operation and maintenance of the sub-project including the environmental mitigation actions; f) prepare a monitoring program that will involve communities; g) in the event of resettlement or relocation, environmental conditions of the new site should be assessed before a decision is made on the suitability of this site; h) propose an environmental education and public hygiene awareness program; and i) compile the above in the form of a community environmental management plan for the sub-project and integrate it to the CUP. Individual CEMPs should be prepared for each beneficiary community. Environment Section of the Operational Manual The purpose of the Manual is three-fold: (i) establish the appropriate institutional arrangement at the PIU(s) to manage the environmental assessment process; (ii) guide the development of sub-projects in Phases 2 and 3; (iii) catalogue the “typical” environmental mitigation measures that need to be incorporated in the engineering design of trunk infrastructure. The preparation of this section should be closely aligned to the drafting of the resettlement and compensation framework for the project. Specifically, the Manual should include the following: a) the process to prepare the CEMPs b) institutional arrangements for identifying, appraising, evaluating and monitoring CEMPs at the cityPIU and community level; c) Interface with Department of Science and Technology (DoSTE) and integration of their processes in project appraisal and evaluation d) checklist and guidelines to be used for sub-projects, including a summary of relevant planning, building and environmental codes and standards of Government; e) formats for CEMPs f) guidelines for project appraisal; g) guidelines for trunk infrastructure; h) overall monitoring and evaluation framework; and i) capacity building program for environmental assessment in the different PIU(s) and at the communitylevel National Urban Upgrading Strategy & Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to Year 2020 (NUUP) 45/48 3. Public Disclosure All the above documents should be disclosed. CEMPs at the community-level, and Operational Manual at the city-level. Record of consultation and disclosure should be maintained and reported in the Executive Summary. National Urban Upgrading Strategy & Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to Year 2020 (NUUP) 46/48 Annex 6 Data for Resettlement Action Plan TASKS 1. Preliminary Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) Report (a) Background: This report will provide the necessary data for later preparation of a full Resettlement Action Plan by other consultants. The main principles for RAP preparation will be: (i) To minimize as much as possible land acquisition and resettlement and; (ii)To carry out compensation/resettlement tasks so as to guarantee the improvement or, at least, the maintenance of the Project Affected Families (PAF) pre-project standards of living.” To comply with principle (ii.) land and house/buildings compensation will be delivered with replacement housing, or in cash at replacement/market1 rates. The RAP will also provide compensation for income losses (including business losses), incurred by the PAFs during the resettlement process. Finally the RAP will include rehabilitation measures such as: i.) allowances for relocation expenses (transport costs/transition-period subsistence); ii.) subsidies for service connection fees and special vulnerable groups, and; iii.) income restoration provisions including training, employment and credit assistance. According to World Bank policy/practice all PAFs whether legal or not legal are entitled to compensation/rehabilitation measures, providing that they are listed in the tallies of the PAF inventory (see below). However, as long as the basic rehabilitation principle is maintained, distinctions in compensation percentages may be made between legal and illegal settlers. To be included among the PAF are also families that may be indirectly affected by the resettlement process itself e.g. occupiers of land required for resettlement sites. The RAP will be prepared for each sub-project and will include the following data collection activities: i.) an inventory of the PAFs and their losses, and ii.) a socio-economic census. The inventory will provide an identification of all PAFs and their physical/financial losses. The socio-economic census will provide benchmark data to measure the achievement of the rehabilitation objective following the implementation of the RAP. Information to be collected for the socio-economic census includes the parameters shown in Table 1 below. The RAP shall be prepared on the basis of the best information available on the technical designs. If additional data gathering and analysis is required, this should be clearly stated and a detailed schedule provided linking this to any further design and the planned construction schedule. 1 By replacement cost is meant the amount of money needed to buy land or houses of equal standard in a similar location. National Urban Upgrading Strategy & Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to Year 2020 (NUUP) 47/48 Table 1 Information Required for Resettlement Plan Household composition: by sex, age, education, occupation, and skills Household Assets and Services Household standards of Living Special needs of Vulnerable Groups Resident Status of Each Person Legal Status of Land Legal Status of House Category of Structure (I,II,III,IV) Housing space in m 2 Use of business site with or without license Household Members Eligible for Special Income or Treatment Number and Category of Wage-Earners and Location of Work Present Monthly Household Income and Expenditures Preference Among Options for Resettlement Package Preference for replacement housing Location and Style Arrival date and Length of occupancy Period Significant consumption goods in each household (b) Principal Duties and responsibilities: The consultant will be responsible for a wide range of activities, many of which will be carried out in collaboration with the city/province counterpart agencies. Where necessary the consultant shall train the local counterparts and survey interviewers in techniques required. The duties include: i. Modifying project designs so as to minimize project impacts as much as possible. ii. Preparing relevant maps, in collaboration with counterpart agencies. iii. Supervising the identification of project impacts on land, houses and incomes; and of the number of both individuals and PAFs. The resettlement specialist will prepare a PAFs/impacts inventory, covering 100% of the PAFs, based on surveys to be carried out by local counterpart agencies. iv. Preparing a socio-economic census based on a 100% sample of the PAFs that will outline the PAFs’ main pre-project demographic and socio-economic features (these include: household composition by sex, age, education and occupation; Train the local counterpart and the interviewers. v. Preparing a description of the form of land tenure in the project area and assessing market prices and substitution costs for land and houses. vi. Organising and supervising consultation/participation meetings to provide PAF’s input in project design. The meetings’ outcomes, including needed changes in project design, will be reflected in the RAP. vii. Preparing public information posters and pamphlets. viii. Preparing a detailed cost assessment of the RAP program based on unit compensation costs and unit values for subsidies/allowances defined by the consultant. (c ) Proposed table of contents for the Preliminary RAP Report: The report will include the following: • • • • • • Executive summary. Project description. This chapter will provide maps of the project and will deal with the following: a) purposes of the project; b) spatial and administrative context; c) project components; and d) alternatives studied and mitigation measures. Base-line information. This chapter will describe: a) when and how the data gathering process was initiated and concluded; b) the total and per component amount of land affected; c) the total and per component number of Families and people affected, d) the total and per component number/area of houses/buildings affected (the houses/buildings data-base will be divided by house type.) Compensation for Land and houses. This chapter will present data on replacement land and will indicate available areas, locations, and preparation work is needed. A map of the replacement land areas, will be added as an appendix to the RAP. Information, Consultation, Participation and Monitoring. This chapter shall describe: a) the preimplementation information campaign, b) how the RAP will be disclosed to the PAFs; c) consultation and participation activities carried out during project preparation; d) description of the meetings and of the issues that emerged from them, and e) will detail the monitoring program to be carried out during project implementation. Costs and Finances This chapter will detail the procedures for the identification of replacement/substitution costs, will list unit compensation rates and will provide a comprehensive assessment of the costs of the resettlement program. National Urban Upgrading Strategy & Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to Year 2020 (NUUP) 48/48 APPENDIX I Outline Terms of Reference for Preparation of Peri-Urban Area Development Plans APPENDIX I Outline Terms of Reference for Preparation of Peri-Urban Area Development Plans SECTION 1 – BACKGROUND 1.1 Vietnam is urbanising rapidly and, as the economy develops and grows, this trend is expected to continue for the foreseeable future. Data published by the General Statistics Office (GSO) and other sources including Ministry of Construction (MOC), World Bank (WB) and United Nations Population Fund (UNPF) show that the population of Vietnam at the 1999 Census was 76.6 million, with 18.1 million (24%) living in urban areas and 58.5 million (76%) living in rural areas. Ten years earlier, in 1989, the population was 64.8 million with 12.9 million (20%) living in urban areas. The UNPF population forecast predicts that by 2010 the population will be about 89.0 million with approximately 28.5 million (32%) living in urban areas. By 2020 the population is forecast to exceed 100 million with 40.0 million (40%) living in urban areas. The national population growth rate of Vietnam is expected to be 1.38% per annum between 2000 and 2010; and 1.17% per annum between 2010 and 2020. However, the urban population is expected to increase at the rate of 8.9% per annum in the years to 2010 and by 6.5% per annum between 2010 and 2020. 1.2 From these figures it can be seen that the cities and towns have experienced considerable population growth during the past 15 years and will continue to grow due to natural population increase and migration from the rural areas to the urban areas over the next 15 to 20 years. Most of the migrants are classified as poor and many are unregistered. The migrants tend to settle in areas with inadequate infrastructure and housing and a considerable backlog of unsatisfied demand for urban infrastructure and services has built up. The continued urban population growth creates further demand for all types of urban services and facilities including land, housing, water supply, sanitation, drainage, solid waste management, roads, transport and social infrastructure like schools and health centres. Most of the cities and towns have rapidly growing population, and infrastructure and utility service investments are generally lagging behind demand. Low-income areas have developed within urban areas and peripheries in an uncontrolled and unplanned manner with little infrastructure and services. This has created, and is continuing to create, environmental and health hazards for their residents and the cities and towns at large. New, innovative and low cost approaches are thus required to address Vietnam’s increasing urban development challenges. 1.3 This TOR is concerned with the 95 Class IV and above cities and towns throughout Vietnam shown on the map in Annex 1. The cities and towns are categorised into five classes1, based mainly on population size, plus Hanoi, the capital, and Ho Chi Minh, the largest city, in a separate special category. The numbers of cities and towns in each class are: Special Class: 2 (Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh) National Cities (Class 1 Cities): 3 (Hai Phong, Da Nang and Hue); Regional Cities (Class 2 Cities): 142 3 Provincial Cities (Class 3 Cities): 38 District Towns (Class 4 Towns): 38. 1.4 Spill over in the urban fringe area is a consequence of rapid urbanisation. In Vietnam, the phenomenon of high population growth rate transpires in the newly established urban districts. Informal construction and creation of informal settlement has also become prevalent in the peripheral districts since land is scarce and land prices are high and house rent in the inner city is very high. Many people also opted to live in the urban fringe where land is available, cheaper and regulation is lax. 1 Decree 72/2001/ND-CP classifies urban centres based on urban character, percentage of non-agricultural labor, infrastructure, population and population density. 2 The 13 Class II cities under the provinces are: Viet Tri, Thai Nguyen, Nam Dinh, Ha Long, Nha Trang, Quy Nhon, Da Lat, Buon Ma Thuot, Thanh Hoa, Vinh, Bien Hoa, Vung Tau and, My Tho. Can Tho is also Class II but under the central government. 3 The 33 Class III cities/towns are composed of: Cẩm Phả, Hải Dương,Thái Bình, Móng Cái, Phủ Lý, Hà Đông, Sơn Tây, Hưng Yên, Ninh Bình, Long Khánh, Thủ Dầu Một, Bà Rịa, Đồng Hới, Tam Kỳ, Quảng Ngãi, Hội An, Bắc Ninh, Bắc Giang, Lạng Sơn, Vĩnh Yên, Lào Cai, Yên Bái, Điện Biên Phủ, Hoà Bình, Hà Tĩnh, Tuy Hoà, Phan Thiết, Phan Rang - Tháp Chàm, Pleiku, Kon Tum, Long Xuyên, Cà Mau, Rạch Giá, Bac Liêu, Cao Lãnh, Sóc Trăng, Trà Vinh and Vĩnh Long. National Urban Upgrading Strategy and Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to 2020 1/11 1.5 Vietnam lost an annual average of 10,000 hectares of agricultural land due to peri-urban development. Hanoi is recorded to have lost an average of 268 hectares of rural land annually due to land conversion. Annex 2 show the extent of land projected to become built-up in selected 30 cities and towns by 2020. On the average, a city built-up area will grow by 14 km2 by 2020. Based on its annual population growth rate for the past 5 years, the ward area of Danang, Can Tho and Thu Dau Mot will not be sufficient to accommodate the projected population by 2020. This would consequently lead to peri-urban development. Hue, Viet Tri and Son Tay are also expected to have urban expansion as a result of growing population which may not be accommodated within the existing ward area. 1.6 Whether or not the cities adopt a high density policy by allowing high-rise development to accommodate the growing population, the natural environment is unavoidably affected. Likewise, growth of residential construction at the peri-urban areas of the cities will have impact on the environment. Cities and towns with environmentally critical or crucial soil like the mountainous areas and coastal areas with high liquefaction are vulnerable to environmental catastrophe. 1.7 In many cities the peri-urban growth is taking place in unplanned and uncontrolled manner and there is an urgent need to develop systematic approach to urban expansion. In 2008 with assistance of the World Bank (WB) and Japan Policy and Human Resource Development (JPHRD) unit, the National Urban Upgrading Strategy and Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to 2020 (NUUP 2020) was prepared. The NUUP sets the goals, targets and investment cost for urban upgrading to improve the living standards and environmental conditions by upgrading the basic infrastructures and essential municipal services to provide access to facilities, particularly the urban poor. The NUUP also provides an assessment of the peri-urban planning needs with respect to the following: 1) Major issues caused by peri-urban growth with regard to infrastructure, services and housing provision, particularly with regard to low income areas; 2) Institutional and regulatory weaknesses of current planning, development control arrangements in peri-urban areas (SWOT analysis); 3) Current policies/procedures for converting rural land to urban land, their weaknesses and critical areas where improvement to policies/procedures is necessary; 4) Current institutional arrangements and weaknesses in the current management arrangements in peri-urban areas; and 5) Strengths, weaknesses and opportunities for addressing peri-urban growth in City Development Strategies (CDS). 1.8 The Government of Vietnam is seeking assistance with the preparation of Peri-Urban Area Development Plan to enhance the work of NUUP. This Outline Terms of Reference describes scope of work, inputs, outputs and associated activities. The assignment requires the services of an International Consulting Firm in association with a National Consulting Firm (referred to as the “Consultants”) to mobilise a multi-disciplinary group of consultants to carry out the assignment. The PMU, its Advisors, MOC and other relevant Ministries and the World Bank will review progress on the preparation of the guidelines at key stages. 1.9 Peri-Urban Development Planning, as an offshoot of the National Urban Upgrading Programme (NUUP), is concerned with the 95 cities and towns of Class 1 to 4 and the Special Cities. The classification of the cities and towns is dynamic and there is a tendency for reclassification upwards at frequent intervals as the population grows. Much of the growth is due to migration from rural areas but towns can also grow by merging with nearby towns or absorbing adjacent rural villages and communes into the urban area. In most towns the urbanised area is limited to the inner wards and the outer parts of the administrative area remain rural in character. SECTION 2 - OBJECTIVES OF PLANNING FOR PERI-URBAN DEVELOPMENT AREAS AND FOR THE ASSIGNMENT 2.1 The overall objectives of planning for peri-urban area development, as articulated in the NUUP, are to: a) Prepare, in the context of the City Development Strategy (CDS), plans for peri-urban area development that will enable cities to grow and expand. The peri-urban area development plans will include land use and land management plans, zoning ordinances and infrastructure investment plan for primary, secondary and tertiary levels of essential utilities and services. b) Promote orderly urban growth and expansion in the peri-urban areas that contribute to poverty alleviation by providing access to good living and environmental condition for the poor. c) Promote participatory planning methods for peri-urban development which is responsive to the needs of the people. National Urban Upgrading Strategy and Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to 2020 2/11 d) For the new peri-urban development areas, provide plans for new tertiary level infrastructure that is integrated on a multi-sector, area-wide basis and the necessary primary and secondary infrastructure to support the tertiary level. The specific objectives are to provide guidelines for local government units to enable them to prepare and implement their: City Development Strategy Land Use Plan and Land Management Plans Zoning Ordinance Local Peri-Urban Area Development Plans Infrastructure Development Plans Residential Area Development Plan. 2.2 The objectives of the assignment are to: a). Identify the current status of urban plan preparation and the need for improved urban planning techniques and procedures among the 95 cities and towns of Class IV and higher, particularly with respect to: (i) city development strategy; (ii) land use plans; (iii) zoning ordinance; (iv) local peri-urban area development plan; (v) infrastructure development plans; and (vi) residential area development plans. b). Analyse the existing urban policies, laws, regulations, circulars and make recommendations for an improved, coordinated and integrated framework of urban planning policy and regulation. c). Analyse the existing institutional structure for urban planning at the national and local levels and make recommendations for the improved, coordinated and integrated institutional framework with clearly defined areas of responsibility and decision-making authority for the national and local planning agencies. d). Develop detailed urban planning guidelines to assist national and local planning agencies to prepare: (i) city development strategy; (ii) land use plans; (iii) zoning ordinance; (iv) local peri-urban area development plan; (v) infrastructure development plans; and (vi) residential area development plans. e). Identify 10 priority cities and towns that are experiencing rapid urban growth and expansion through peri-urban area development, and through application of the urban planning techniques, methods and procedures developed under this study, assist them to prepare, as appropriate, city specific: (i) city development strategy; (ii) land use plans; (iii) zoning ordinance; (iv) local peri-urban area development plan; (v) infrastructure development plans; and (vi) residential area development plans. SECTION 3 – CLIENT’S AGENCIES AND STUDY METHODOLOGY 3.1 The executive agency for the technical assistance is the Ministry of Construction (MOC). The MOC will establish the Programme Management Unit to be responsible for the day-to-day management of the technical assistance. The Consultant will report to the PMU. In carrying out the assignments the Consulting Firm will need to liaise with various other departments of MOC, provincial and city authorities and relevant donors. Important contacts include: • For infrastructure generally, the Urban Technical and Infrastructure Department of MOC and the Architecture and Planning Department of MOC • Other relevant agencies to be consulted include Department of Planning and Statistics, International Cooperation Department (MOC), functional departments of MOC, MPI, MONRE, MARD, MOT, MOI and the World Bank. 3.2 In developing the guidelines, it will not be possible for the consultants to visit and talk to officials and representatives of community groups in all 95 cities and towns and 64 provinces of Vietnam. However it is envisaged that about 25 cities/towns (Class 4 and above) across the country will be visited and studied in more depth to provide a representative sample (about 25%). Provincial, city and district officials and utility company/department officials should generally be interviewed. The cities/towns should be rapidly urbanising, lacking properly prepared urban development plans, have acute poverty and infrastructure deficiencies and should not be receiving many other related investment projects. The selected cities and towns should include those of differing typology (e.g. low lying, coastal, mountainous, old, newer etc). They should be selected in agreement with the PMU. The consultants should develop simple criteria to assist in identification of priority cities/towns for assistance in developing plan for peri-urban area development, for discussion and National Urban Upgrading Strategy and Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to 2020 3/11 agreement with MOC. Paragraph 6.2.3 of the TOR outlines factors to be considered in developing and implementing the selection criteria. 3.3 The overall methodology for carrying out the main part of the study may thus be summarised as follows: i) The consultants will carry out a desk study of all relevant data available on the status of urban planning, plan preparation and capability and capacity for the 95 cities and towns and update the overall database. ii) A total of about 25 towns will then be selected (i.e. by PMU and Consultants, others) for visits, discussions and collection of more detailed, local data. iii) From 95 cities and towns (class IV and above), 10 cities or towns will be selected for provision of assistance in developing their city development strategy, land use plans, zoning ordinance, local peri-urban area development plan, infrastructure development plans, and residential area development plans to be initiated by the local authorities. SECTION 4 – SCHEDULE 4.1 It is anticipated that the assignment will start in early 2009 and take about 18 months to complete. The required areas of expertise and extent of inputs are indicated in Annex 3. The schedule for delivery of outputs is included in Annex 4 of this contract. Refer to Annex 5 for the Tentative Work Schedule. SECTION 5 - PRINCIPLES AND FRAMEWORK FOR PERI-URBAN DEVELOPMENT 5.1 The most important principle is the active participation by the key stakeholders in all stages of guidelines preparation and implementation. The involvement of the local authorities, NGOs and mass organisations should also be encouraged to assist communities in the participatory exercise envisaged in the process. 5.2 A multi-disciplinary, rather than a strictly sectoral approach will be adopted i.e. including, for example, socio-economic planning, physical planning (land use, infrastructure, environmental), institutional planning and development control. Experience shows that the various sectoral groups representing the different stakeholders at the local level, if organised and involved in the planning process, enhance the appropriateness of interventions, foster ownership and sustained support for plan implementation. Planning when undertaken in a comprehensive, integrated and rational manner is more effective. It also creates a highly visible and rapid impact. It also ensures continuous flow of gains and benefits. 5.3 The lessons learned from past upgrading projects, particularly the VUUP pilot cities’ sub-projects, shall be taken into consideration in the planning process. The consultants will also examine international best practice and apply what is appropriate to the Vietnam situation. 5.4. Planning standards, service levels and principles should be discussed with relevant departments so that only appropriate functional standards are decided upon for the infrastructure planning and land use planning. Infrastructure plans for Peri-Urban Area Development should provide new infrastructure to appropriate functional standards that are affordable and responsive to community demands. 5.5 Due account shall be taken of city or town master plans and local detailed area plans where they exist, and these will be further developed, improved and refined. However, the local planning process is best carried out gradually and incrementally. 5.6 Where necessary, complementary primary and secondary infrastructure should be identified in the peri-urban area development plan to ensure the tertiary infrastructure at the community level can function satisfactorily to meet the demands of the communities and ensure that these are linked with improvements in the existing urban areas. 5.7 The consultants will assist the concerned national authorities in preparing the guidelines for: (i) city development strategy; (ii) land use plans; (iii) zoning ordinance; (iv) local peri-urban area development plan; (v) infrastructure development plans; and (vi) residential area development National Urban Upgrading Strategy and Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to 2020 4/11 plans. The plans will not only set out the physical layout and details of the proposed physical interventions proposed, but will describe in detail the participation process, the community organisations and urban management structures. During preparation of the guidelines, the consultants will also work closely with NGOs and utility companies in addition to the communities. The guidelines will be presented to appropriate authorities for proper coordination, review and approval. 5.8 The consultants will assist the local authorities in developing the guidelines for the preparation of: (i) city development strategy; (ii) land use plans; (iii) zoning ordinance; (iv) local peri-urban area development plan; (v) infrastructure development plans; and (vi) residential area development plans spearheaded by the local government. The guidelines will not only cover the physical planning aspects but will describe in detail the participation process, the community organisations and urban management structures. During plan preparation, the consultants will also work closely with ward authorities, NGOs and the city infrastructure departments and utility companies in addition to the communities. The local plans will be presented to the city or town authorities for review and approval for funding. SECTION 6 - SCOPE OF WORKS 6.1 The Consultant’s scope of works has been divided into 5 main tasks corresponding to the assignment objectives. These tasks are: A) Assess the need for improved peri-urban planning and development in order to minimise the creation of new, informal, low income-areas of Class 4 and above cities/towns nationwide B) Development of strategies for peri-urban development for inclusion in the revised Orientation Urban Development Plan to 2030. C) Develop guidelines for peri-urban area development planning, land use planning and zoning, infrastructure planning and residential area development planning. D) Develop regulatory instruments for peri-urban development land use planning and zoning, infrastructure planning and residential area development planning. E) Develop institutional arrangements for land use planning and zoning, peri-urban development monitoring. F) Develop monitoring strategies, enforcement mechanisms and communication plan. The detailed requirements for each task are set out below. 6.2 Task A - Assess the need for improved peri-urban planning and development in order to minimise the creation of new, informal, low income-areas of Class 4 and above cities/towns nationwide 6.2.1 Identify, collect and study all previous relevant reports, documents, aerial photographs, maps, including the Government’s revised Orientation for Urban Development to 2020; other relevant government reports, policies and legislation regarding/affecting urban development and housing particularly urban upgrading of low income areas; National Urban Upgrading Strategy and Overall Investment Plan to 2020; Decree No. 08/2005/ND-CP (Construction Planning); Law on Residential Housing (2005);National Orientation on Water Supply Development in Urban Areas by 2020; Guidelines on the implementation of Law on Environmental Protection (2005); World Bank and other multi-lateral and bilateral donors reports on urban infrastructure and/or CPRGS initiatives. 6.2.2 Identify/confirm ongoing and proposed peri-urban development or related projects in cities and towns. 6.2.3 Develop/modify simple criteria for identifying cities and towns for detailed study on peri-urban development. The factors to be considered are: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) Cities/Towns to be Class 4 and above High rate of urbanisation (urban population change, including migration) High level of agricultural land conversion to urban land Significant infrastructure requirements Areas with high environmental threat Towns to include those of differing typology (e.g. low lying, coastal, hilly, old, newer) Towns without prepared urban plans National Urban Upgrading Strategy and Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to 2020 5/11 In 1998 MOC carried out an exercise to identify areas that were urbanising rapidly and thus a priority for construction development investment. This exercise, “Orientation for Urban Development in Vietnam to 2020”, approved by the Prime Minister, divided the country into 10 “urbanisation regions” taking account of the physical development or lack of it. The Consultants should consider selecting 2 cities/towns from each of these 10 urbanisation regions and at least 1 of the 6 economic regions to ensure adequate geographic spread. Cognizance should also be taken of the document presented to the congress of the Communist Party in 2001 which divided the country into 6 economic zones. 6.24 Prepare/modify data requirements to be collected from relevant ministries and agencies to assist in identifying all towns and cities (Class 4 and above) with high requirements for peri-urban area development; 6.2.4 Present a comprehensive data base on urban population, migration, households, housing units, land use change, infrastructure need for new urban expansion areas of identified towns and cities to assist in developing a prioritised program using the data gleaned by the national consultants. 6.2.5 From data gleaned from desk reviews and supported by city visits and sampling, determine/update the peri-urban demand of the 95 cities and towns (Class IV and higher). 6.3 Task B - Development of strategies for peri-urban development for inclusion in the revised Orientation Urban Development Plan to 2030. 6.3.1 Considering that the national government, through the Ministry of Construction is in the process of updating the Master Orientation Plan for Urban Development to 2020, the consultants will assist in developing strategies for peri-urban development for inclusion in the revised Orientation Urban Development Plan to 2030. 6.3.2 The consultants will participate in activities concerning the revision of the Master Orientation Plan for Urban Development to 2020, particularly on discussion concerning peri-urban development issues. 6.4 Task C - Develop guidelines for peri-urban area development planning, land use planning and zoning, infrastructure planning and residential area development planning). 6.4.1 From the above studies and field work develop/modify draft guidelines for discussion with all relevant authorities at national, provincial and local government levels and with NGOs, community groups and the private sector. 6.4.2 Prepare a report on the studies, data collected, feedback from workshops and develop and the final draft Guidelines for: i) Comprehensive Land Use Planning and Zoning; ii) Peri-Urban Area Development Planning; iii) Infrastructure Planning; and iv) Residential Area Development Planning for approval of the appropriate authorities. 6.4.3 Prepare contents and programs of regional and national consultation workshops to present the guidelines for comprehensive land use planning and zoning and local consultation workshops to present the city/town land use plan, zoning and plan for urban expansion areas for consideration and inclusion in the local development plan. 6.5 Task D - Develop regulatory instruments for peri-urban development, land use planning and zoning, infrastructure planning, residential area development planning 6.5.1 Review relevant reports, legislation etc. affecting/related to peri-urban development, land use planning and zoning. 6.5.2 Study experiences to date on implementation of urban upgrading projects including the experience to date of the four cities participating in the VUUP1 and 8 cities participating in the VUUP2. Following the lessons learned of the VUUP pilot cities and towns, propose other models and tools (if deemed necessary) for physical and non-physical interventions. 6.5.3 In a sample of 25 cities and towns with new urban expansion areas, carry out further surveys and investigations and hold discussions with local officials and community groups, NGOs etc. to broaden the understanding of peri-urban development and to assist in drafting guidelines or National Urban Upgrading Strategy and Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to 2020 6/11 regulation for peri-urban area development, land use planning and zoning activities, including land conversion. 6.5.4 Prepare contents and programs of regional and national consultation workshops to present the regulatory framework for land use planning and zoning and local consultation workshops to present the city/town land use plan, zoning and plan for urban expansion areas for consideration and inclusion in the local development plan. 6.5.5 Assist selected 10 cities and towns in the preparation of their city development strategy, land use plan, zoning and peri-urban area development plan, infrastructure plan and residential area plan for consideration and inclusion in the Local Development Plan. 6.6 Task E - Develop institutional arrangements for land use planning and zoning, peri-urban development monitoring 6.6.1 Whereas the development of a national program (overall investment plan) is being managed at the central level, the actual city/town investment projects will be subsequently planned, designed and implemented in detail by provincial and/or city authorities with government assistance dependent on the Class of city/town, all in accordance with the “Grass Roots Democracy Decree”. Central government, from which part of the funding would be required, will have a role in oversight and overall monitoring, coordination and evaluation of the NUUP. 6.6.2 The Consultants will thus propose institutional arrangements for project investment preparation, management, implementation including defining linkages, dependencies for decision making, management, funds flows, procurement, approvals etc from central government (e.g. MOF, MPI, MOC, MONRE) through province/city/town/small town People’s Committees down to grass roots level (e.g. community groups, ward and/or district authorities). It is envisaged that a significant multi-disciplinary, capacity building component of the investment plan, at different levels of government, will be required and the consultants should develop such a component. This will consist of longer term capacity building/institutional strengthening initiatives as well as implementation support for the city plans themselves. 6.6.3 A regulatory framework/mechanism for land use planning and zoning will be prepared for inclusion in the guidelines and local zoning ordinances. 6.7 Task E - Develop a monitoring strategies, enforcement strategies and communication plan 6.7.1 The consultants will propose monitoring and enforcement strategies to ensure that peri-urban goals and objectives are achieved and that regulations for peri-urban development are enforced. 6.7.2 In particular, the consultants will provide framework for incentive and penalties for ensuring that peri-urban development are in accordance with existing laws and policies. 6.7.3 The consultants will provide Communication Action Plan for information and education of communities on the guidelines for peri-urban development planning and the local plans to be implemented. National Urban Upgrading Strategy and Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to 2020 7/11 Annex 1 MAP : Location of Urban Centres by Province and Economic Region National Urban Upgrading Strategy and Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to 2020 8/11 Annex 2 – EXISTING AND PROJECTED BUILT-UP AREA OF SELECTED CITIES AND TOWNS Cities/Towns Region Class Hai Phong 2 1 Da Nang 3 1 Hue 3 1 Can Tho 6 2 Bien Hoa 5 2 Buon Ma Thuot 4 2 Viet Tri 1 2 Ca Mau 6 3 Cao Lanh 6 3 Dien Bien Phu 1 3 Dong Hoi 3 3 Hai Duong 2 3 Hoa Binh 6 3 Lang Son 1 3 Mong Cai 2 3 My Tho 6 3 Ninh Binh 2 3 Phan Thiet 3 3 Quang Ngai 3 3 Soc Trang 6 3 Son Tay 2 3 Thai Binh 2 3 Cam Ranh 3 4 Cao Bang 1 4 Kon Tum 4 4 Phu Ly 2 4 Thu Dau Mot 5 4 Vi Thanh 6 4 Tra Vinh 6 4 Total Average Ward Population 2005 613,017 607,879 263,070 507,647 505,595 202,918 97,352 120,440 81,266 44,054 65,961 131,524 69,850 52,000 27,283 140,224 83,706 145,552 116,357 124,049 47,005 103,325 90,897 35,356 82,924 45,948 110,895 41,577 79,066 4,636,737 159,887 Ward Ward Built-Up Built-Up Population Area km2 Area km2 Area km2 2020 2005 2005 2020 718,555 159.72 73 84.98 854,308 204.97 170 238.92 351,160 26.98 20 26.85 1,189,585 295.57 156 365.56 684,631 134.86 76 103.05 234,308 101.50 33 38.27 132,078 26.79 18 24.01 163,623 40.70 15 20.91 93,726 30.20 7 8.30 71,089 34.86 10 16.70 78,492 55.85 32 37.82 23.34 9 14.74 205,544 83,205 132.75 18 21.10 57,799 11.79 9 9.66 34,237 28.22 5 6.30 163,315 17.68 7 8.55 102,053 16.98 16 18.93 181,491 71.21 21 25.86 153,104 24.43 13 17.68 151,783 76.15 3 3.92 55,905 9.74 8 8.98 115,558 12.86 7 8.24 28.70 113,415 58.16 23 48,544 22.86 7 9.94 113,939 45.94 14 18.96 57,030 6.79 4 5.34 149,070 30.86 27 36.44 50,500 36.37 18 22.32 99,654 29.07 12 14.66 6,507,701 1,767 831.75 1,246 224,403 60.94 28.68 42.95 Built-up Area Increase (2005- % Increase of 2020) Built-Up Area 12.48 68.92 6.74 209.56 26.95 5.13 6.31 5.52 1.10 6.35 6.04 5.31 3.39 0.97 1.28 1.21 3.40 5.12 4.24 0.72 1.43 0.87 5.70 2.70 5.16 1.04 9.33 3.94 3.03 414 14.27 17.22 40.54 33.49 134.33 35.41 15.47 35.67 35.85 15.33 61.37 19.00 56.28 19.12 11.15 25.49 16.47 21.92 24.69 31.58 22.36 18.93 11.84 24.77 37.30 37.40 24.12 34.42 21.46 26.04 909.02 31.35 Remaining Non-BuiltUp 2020 74.74 (33.95) 0.13 (69.99) 31.81 63.23 2.78 19.79 21.90 18.16 18.03 8.60 111.65 2.13 21.92 9.13 (1.95) 45.35 6.75 72.23 0.76 4.62 29.46 12.92 26.98 1.45 (5.58) 14.05 14.41 521.52 17.98 Annex 3 – INPUTS Expertise A. INTERNATIONAL CONSULTANTS 1. Project Manager/Urban Development Specialist 2. Urban Planning Specialist 3. Planning Policy and Regulation Specialist 4. Planning Institutions Specialist 5. Urban Infrastructure Specialist Sub-Total B. NATIONAL CONSULTANTS 1. Urban Planner/Deputy Project Manager 2. Land Use Planner 3. Social Specialist 4. Infrastructure Engineer 5. Legal/Institutional Specialist (Planning Legislation and Regulation) 6. Environmental Specialist 7. GIS Specialist 8. Autocad Specialist 9. Data Management Specialist 10.Research Assistants (6 persons x 6 months) 11.Support Staff (2 persons x 18 months) Sub-Total Total Input (person months) 12 12 6 6 6 42 18 12 12 12 6 6 18 18 18 36 36 42 234 National Urban Upgrading Strategy and Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to 2020 9/11 Annex 4 - OUTPUTS Reports 1. Inception Report 2. Recommendations for Urban Planning Policy and Regulations 3. Recommendations for Institutional Arrangements for Urban Planning 4. Current Status of Urban Plan Preparation 5. Urban Planning Guidelines for: a) City Development Strategy b) Land Use Plan c) Zoning Ordinance d) Local Peri-Urban Area Development Plan e) Infrastructure Development Plan f) Residential Area Development Plan 6. City Specific Urban Plans for 10 Priority Cities a) City Development Strategy b) Land Use Plan c) Zoning Ordinance d) Local Peri-Urban Area Development Plan e) Infrastructure Development Plan f) Residential Area Development Plan 7. Project Completion Report Months after the start Draft Final 1.5 3 6 3 6 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 12 12 12 12 12 12 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 18 National Urban Upgrading Strategy and Overall Investment Plan for Urban Upgrading to 2020 10/11 Annex 5 - TIME SCHEDULE FOR PERSONNEL Position Months 1 A. 2 3 2009 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 2010 13 14 15 16 17 18 Number of Months INTERNATIONAL CONSULTANTS 1 Project Manager/Urban Development Specialist 12.00 2 Urban Planning Specialist 12.00 3 Planning Policy and Regulation Specialist 6.0 4 Planning Institution Specialist 6.0 5 Urban Infrastructure Specialist 6.0 B. NATIONAL CONSULTANTS 1 Urban Planner/Deputy Project Manager 18.0 2 Land Use Planner 12.0 3 Social Specialist 12.0 4 Infrastructure Engineer 12.0 5 Institutional/Legal Specialist 6.0 6 Environmental Specialist 6.0 7 GIS Specialist 18.0 8 Autocad Specialist 18.0 9 Database Specialist 18.0 C. RESEARCH STAFF 1 Research Assistant 1 2 Research Assistant 2 6.0 6.0 3 Research Assistant 3 6.0 4 Research Assistant 4 6.0 5 Research Assistant 5 6.0 6 Research Assistant 6 6.0 D. SUPPORT STAFF 2 Bilingual Secretary 3 Clerk 18.0 18.0 Total (B) Reports Inception 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report Draft Final 234.0 Final Surveys Workshops National Workshop 2nd National Workshop Full Time ri-Urban Area Development Plan to 2020 3 Regional Workshops Final National Workshop
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