Annual Report 2011 - SWFL Community Foundation


Annual Report 2011 - SWFL Community Foundation
From the President/CEO
ften times when an organization selects a new leader the first question
everyone asks is “What changes are you going to make?” People get excited
about something new, innovative and different. The new person has a
thousand ideas to launch and is ready to hit the ground running.
It was no different for me when the announcement was made in November 2011
that I would be taking the role of president and CEO of the Southwest Florida
Community Foundation. The moment the word was out, I was asked what I had
planned for the future of the Foundation.
My answer was simple. I have one agenda item for my new role and I expect it to
make all the difference in the world. I plan to listen.
One of my favorite quotes is by Henry J. Kaiser, “I make progress by having people
around me who are smarter than I am and listening to them. And I assume that
everyone is smarter about something than I am.”
This year the Southwest Florida Community Foundation celebrated 35 years in this community and as I begin my new
role as President and CEO I am surrounded by people who are smarter than I am about what it means to be a part of
the Foundation and this community.
I have had the opportunity to listen to many of the founders of the Southwest Florida Community Foundation who
were willing to take a risk 35 years ago with their time and money to invest in the future of Southwest Florida; I have
listened to dedicated donors who are passionate about a community cause or endeavor and want to make sure that
their passion lives on long after they are gone; I have listened to scholarship recipients who would not have been able
to attend college without the support of the scholarship funds that have been established at the foundation; I have
listened to fathers who set up funds in honor of a child who has been lost to a tragedy; I have listened to children of
parents who were committed to the arts and wanted the family legacy to live on; I have listened to women who want to
see their donations having an impact now through the annual grant programs and later through an endowment fund;
I have listened to Sanibel and Captiva residents who care especially about island needs in the future and neighbors
from Bonita Springs who want to use their fund to strengthen non profits in that community; I have listened to
professional and amateur advocates of the arts, education, human services and environment, all pledging their support
for the future; I have listened to the staff who are dedicated to making the Foundation work; I have listened to
supporters share the history of the organization that has been built on trust, strength, longevity and good stewardship;
and I have listened to a community full of people who have hope for the next 35 years and beyond.
If you have thoughts or ideas about how the Southwest Florida Community Foundation can impact the next 35 years
in this community, please email me at [email protected].
I am listening.
Sarah Owen
Unity Through Our Mission
The mission of the Southwest
Florida Community Foundation
is to connect donors and their
philanthropic aspirations with
evolving community needs.
"Our vision is to be the leading resource
in Southwest Florida for compassionate
and flexible charitable giving."
Areas we fund include: The Arts, Environment, Education, Human Services,
Healthcare, Animal Welfare and Preservation
By the Numbers
Year Southwest Florida
Community Foundation
was formed
Number of endowed funds
through the SWFLCF
National Standards
The Southwest Florida Community Foundation is proud
to be recognized and confirmed as being compliant with
National Standards for U.S. Community Foundations.
Why National Standards Are Important for
Community Foundations?*
Community foundations in the
United States serve tens of thousands
of donors, administer more than $31
billion in charitable funds, and address core concerns of
more than 650 communities and regions. There are many
reasons that standards are important for both established
and new community foundations. National Standards
guide sound policies and accountability practices, distinguish the field from others, and build the capacity of
community foundations to carry out their missions.
These standards promote excellence in six key areas:
Mission, Structure and Governance, Resource
Development, Stewardship and Accountability,
Grantmaking and Community Leadership, Donor
Relations, and Communications.
* The above information comes from the Council on Foundations. For more
information on National Standards and the Council on Foundation, please
contact them at 202-466-6512 or visit their website at
$81 million
Contributions received
since we started
$50 million
Grant & scholarship money
provided since we started
Number of employees
Unity Through Our Mission
What is a Community Foundation?
A community foundation is a tax-exempt, non-profit,
autonomous, publicly supported, nonsectarian, philanthropic institution with a long-term goal of building permanent, named component funds established by many
separate donors for the broad-based charitable benefit of
the residents of a defined geographic area, typically no
larger than a state.
The Southwest Florida Community Foundation
(SWFLCF) has established and continues to build a
permanent collection of endowed funds from a variety of
sources. Contributions are then combined and invested.
This pooling of resources allows people of all means and
income levels to contribute to and become a part of their
community. Each year, earnings from the endowed funds
are returned to the community in the form of grants,
scholarships, and other charitable distributions, improving the quality of life for community residents.
Because we know the local area, the Community
Foundation can readily facilitate a donor’s specific
wishes, or help to put a donor in touch with innovative,
effective organizations that the donor may not already
The Southwest Florida Community Foundation
empowers Southwest Florida by producing a continuous
stream of income to address changing community needs
over time with our endowed funds.
For 35 years, SWFLCF has been the leading resource in
connecting donors and their philanthropic aspirations
with evolving community needs in Southwest Florida.
SWFLCF provides grants and scholarships in Charlotte,
Collier, Glades, Hendry, and Lee counties. Since its
inception, the Community Foundation has awarded $50
The diversity and flexibility of the funds established and
maintained by SWFLCF cover a multitude of worthy
organizations and causes throughout Southwest Florida.
Why a Community Foundation?
Community foundations go beyond simply making grants that advance charitable activities. They also
identify current and emerging issues, channel resources
to address their communities’ needs, and help their regions prepare for the future.
Real People | Real Help
Reading isn’t just a discipline or a skill; it’s a master
key that unlocks a multitude of doors. Speaking
of the importance of reading, Abraham Lincoln
said, “A capacity and taste for reading gives access
to whatever has already been discovered by others.”
Reading allows us to experience the experiences of
others and to discover their discoveries.
For children, reading can unlock doors to faraway
places, and when reading is supported by modern
technology, visiting those faraway places becomes
possible without even having to travel. Thanks
to two recent Community Foundation grants
totaling $40,000, Catholic Charities/the African
Caribbean American Center (AFCAAM) was able
to continue supporting its after school reading
program and also add a computer lab. Using the
computer lab, creative teachers have been taking
their young students on “virtual” trips around the
world. While travelling virtually through Paris,
for example, the students view photos and read all
about the city’s historic sites, museums, and daily
life in another country.
This is just one way in which generous Southwest
Floridians are using their charitable passion for
education to make a difference in the lives of local
Unity Through The Magic of Endowment - The Santini Story
Hundreds of grants have been awarded from this fund since 1978.
ort Myers attorney Tom Smoot, Jr. had just seen a client leave his money to a community foundation in Miami
because there wasn’t one in Southwest Florida and he was determined to prevent that from happening again.
Tom gathered some of the region’s top civic leaders and started the Southwest Florida Community Foundation
with $500 donated by First National Bank of Fort Myers.
Tom’s idea matured slowly, but he was joined by visionaries who saw potential. They realized that rapid growth
in the area was accompanied by the increased desire of many residents to make meaningful contributions for the
improvement of the community’s health, educational, cultural, and social life.
During the first years of the Community Foundation’s existence, modest gifts were received. At the same time, donors
began naming the Community Foundation as a beneficiary under wills and trusts which would mature upon the
death of the donor.
The first major gift to mature was received under the will of the late Leonard Santini who had created a very
large Field-of-Interest Fund. Santini, a potato farmer and fisherman from Iona, was a giving man. He dreamed of
using his hard-earned treasure for the benefit of children with mental health problems, underprivileged children, and
Christian education. With Community Foundation trustee John Sheppard’s guidance Mr. Santini willed his Fort
Myers Beach shopping center to the Southwest Florida Community Foundation. After his death in 1978, the
Community Foundation sold Santini Plaza for $2.5 million.
The Santini Fund
Hundreds of grants have been awarded
from this fund since 1978. Including:
Literacy Council of Bonita Springs, new
library for Moms & Tots program.
$6 million in grants
since inception
$1.9 million
in grants during
the last 10 years
Junior Achievement, for a financial
literacy program
Types of funds
Why A Fund At Southwest Florida Community Foundation?
A fund enables you to:
• Create a lasting impact in your community
• Experience personalized service from professionals who know you, your
interests and the needs of the community
• Engage your family in giving
• Name your fund and transform your check writing to a charitable vehicle that
performs like your own private foundation
ne of the greatest advantages of SWFLCF is its flexibility. Funds can be tailored to the philanthropic
interest of each donor. For a list of fund minimums and administrative fees, please see our website at The following types of funds are available through SWFLCF:
COMMUNITY: Community Funds are flexible and responsive to emerging and changing community needs. Because
donors do not limit the fund to a single cause or purpose, the Community Foundation’s Board of Trustees can be more
responsive to the immediate needs of the community.
FIELD-OF-INTEREST: Field-of-Interest funds allow donors to support causes addressing specific areas of interest,
such as education, health, the arts, or animal welfare. The donors decide which area(s) they want to support without
having to name a specific nonprofit organization.
DESIGNATED: Designated Funds allow donors to support specific nonprofit organizations through an endowed
fund, supporting the organizations long into the future. And if, in the future, an organization no longer exists or no
longer offers programs the donor intended to support, the Community Foundation will identify another nonprofit
organization that meets the donor’s charitable goals.
AGENCY ENDOWMENT: Agency Endowments are long-term funds held and managed by the Community
Foundation on behalf of a nonprofit organization. The nonprofit organization may receive the annual proceeds or roll
the amount over to build the endowment for the future. The fund is owned by the Community Foundation on behalf
of the charitable agency.
SCHOLARSHIP: Scholarship Funds are dedicated to the continued education or training of young people or adults.
Scholarship programs may be designed to meet the donor’s interests and specifications (e.g. academic achievement,
living in a particular geographic region, studying a specific subject, etc.).
Other Giving Tools
DONOR-ADVISED: Donor-Advised Funds, which are simple, affordable, and flexible charitable giving tools, allow
a donor to provide advice to the Community Foundation on awards to charities. Sometimes donors have specific
groups they know they want to recommend for support from their funds; others welcome the opportunity to work
with the Community Foundation’s experienced staff to identify groups and areas they want to support, and to think
about how to give in a strategic way.
CHARITABLE GIFT ANNUITIES (CGAs): SWFLCF works with each donor to establish what areas of the
community their funds will support after their death. In exchange for their contribution of cash, stock, or other
property, donors are assured a lifetime of payments that are made monthly, quarterly, or semi-annually. In addition
to the steady income of these fixed payments, donors enjoy certain tax advantages, such as reduced probate costs and
estate taxes. If the annuity is funded with appreciated assets, the capital gains tax is applied to only a portion of the gain
and is reported over the donor’s life expectancy. The size of payments is determined by the size of the contribution, the
donor’s age at the time the gift annuity is established, and whether the annuity covers one or two people.
The Women’s Legacy Fund
Your contributions are a catalyst for change,
now & later.
How We Make An Impact
Be An Angel Maker
Contributors’ annual donations are used for immediate
grants as well as to increase the WLF’s permanent
endowment fund. Annual Contributors choose the focus
of the annual grants, which so far have included literacy,
violence prevention, mental health, and homelessness.
An honor that will last forever... The WLF Angel
program is a fundraising initiative unique to the WLF.
Donors who would like to honor or memorialize a
friend, relative, neighbor, or influential woman in their
life contribute a minimum of $1,000 to designate her
as a “WLF Angel.” Angels are publicly honored at WLF
luncheons and are inducted into the “Hall of Angels” on
the WLF website. 100% of WLF Angel contributions
are placed in the endowed fund so they can provide
future grants in perpetuity.
Grants to local non-profit organizations are selected
by the WLF’s Grants Committee and funded by both
annual contributions and the endowment fund.
The WLF hosts bi-annual luncheons for Contributors
and guests. At these events, women come together to
network, award grants, and learn about the impact their
giving is having on the community.
Becoming a Supporter
Women may join the WLF at any time of year. We have
three contribution levels:
· Benefactor = $250
= $100
· Patron
· Prima Donor = $10,000
or more;
(25 years or younger)
or more;
or more;
(considered to be a lifetime annual contributor)
One half of all contributions (with the exception of any
contributions specifically made for administrative or extraordinary
expenses) will be pooled for the purpose of immediate
annual grants; the second half will be pooled into the
WLF’s endowment fund, which provides additional
grants to be made both now and in years to come.
Join Us.
If you are interested in making a difference in
Southwest Florida through the Women’s Legacy
Fund, call us at 239-274-5900, or visit us online at
Women’s Legacy Fund Angels
Linda Ackert
Maureen Bashaw
Alexandra Bremner
Eunice Bremner
Rusty Brown
Maureen Cull
Bernese Davis
Sara Darehshori
Jane de Lisser
Dawn-Marie Driscoll
Marcella Driscoll
Beth Drouin
Julia East
Cynthia Perry Fetterhoff
Aline Flynn
Nahid Ghashghai
Dena Geraghty
Beulah Gustafson
Lalai Hamric
Anne Harper
Virginia Hartshorne
Myrtle Robinson Hearn
Sister Therese Higgins
Margaret Hoorneman
Khanom Kanaan
Eleanore Kleist
Pat Limegrover
Peggy MacDonald
Barbara Mann
Mavis Miller
Lorraine Miller
Melvin Morgan
Lou Pontius
Eva Reynolds
Carolyn Rogers
Ellen Sheppard
Belle DeKoff Shouse
Ann Smoot
Vera Stephens
Kathy Sturgis
Madeleine Taeni
Brenda Tate
Mozelle Tate
Pamela Templeton
Gay Thompson
Stephanie Webb
Margareta West
Isabelle Wojnar
Louise Woolley
Holly Leland
Sandy Leonard
Pam Limegrover
Linda Linnehan
Beth Lobdell
Mary Love
Tammy Surratt Marino
Gail Markham
Joan L. Maupin
Katherine Mayeron
Susy Mertz
Rhea B. Mike
Lorraine S. Miller
Tara Molloy
Mary Moore
Roberta L. O’Brad
Rose O’Dell King
Maryanne Olson
Barbara H. Orr
Sarah Owen
Christina Parker
Nina Paight
Lou Pontius
Karen Quanstrom
Mary Richardson
Phyllis Rieser
Kristin G. Ritts
Robbie Roepstorff
Carolyn Rogers
Louise Senneff
Betteann Sherman
Kathy Shimp
Belle DeKoff Shouse
Laurel Smith
Halcyon St. Hill
Pumfey Steffens
Sandra Stilwell
Kathy Sturgis
Brenda Tate
Gay R. Thompson
Linda Treise
Linda Uhler
Mary Van Sciver
Myra Walters
Lori Wilson
Rodlyn Flinn Woodward
Ginny Yates
Judith Yevick
Women’s Legacy Fund Contributors
Sue Ackert
Marie M. Ackord
Betsy Alderman
Gail Baumgarten
Karen Benson
Betty Bireley
Diane Breen
Cindy Shartle Brown
Rusty Brown
Mary Jo Burke
Mei-Mei Chan
Suzanne Clapp
Carolyn Conant
Julia Corbett
Honey (Ellen) Costa
Lucy Costa
Amanda B. Cross
Georgia Darehshori
Jane E. de Lisser
Dawn-Marie Driscoll
Beth Drouin
Julia East
Michele Eddy
Susan Erickson
Cheryl Fausel
Sharon Felsenthal
Melissa Gamba
Jamie B. Gates
Amy Gravina
Peg Gray-Vickrey
Katherine C. Green
Sandy Greenberg
Elly Hagen
Lalai Hamric
Patti Hardin
Jody Hart
Helen Heffington
Gwenda Hiett-Clements
Martha Howard
Melinda Isley
Donna F. Kaye
Jane L. Kelly
Kathryn Kelly
Liz Kinsey
Elenore Kleist
Kathryn KleistDerheimer
Jane Kuckel
Denotes WLF Angel Maker
Legacy Society
he Legacy Society of the Southwest Florida Community Foundation is made up of very special people who
are current and future endowed fund holders. Members include any individual who has established an
endowed fund or who has informed us that upon their passing an endowed fund will be established with
the Community Foundation. Being a member of the Legacy Society provides opportunities for strengthening and
developing relationships. We deeply thank our current members:
Albert & Enid Abdo
Hal & La Donna Abelson
Marie Ackord
Todd Adams
Rene Affourtit
Dee & Len Ahlfeld
Carl Alderman
Betsy Alderman
Pete & Elaine Allen
Audrea Anderson
Susan Anthony
Frances Armentrout
Rep. Gary Aubuchon
Francis Bailey, Jr.
Donna Baker
Carl Barraco, Jr.
James & Gail Baumgarten
Susan & Phil Bennett
Jean S. Bidwell
Betty Bireley
Jack & Shelley Blais
Sunshine Bobo
Roy Borrego
Ann Bradley
Jay Brett
June Bridges
Joyce Briggs
Daisy Brosseau
Rusty Brown
Bill Burdette
Claudia Burns
Robert Burns
Marilyn Capaldo
David & Marjorie Casper
Joe Catti
Annie Lou Chapman
Charles & Kay Chitty
Frank & Julie Colunga
David Cooper
Mary Cosciani
Miller & Toni Couse
Richard & Cherrill Cregar
Sylvia Crouse
Robert da Frota
Dorothy Daley
Carol Daniels & Dick Jacker
John & Jean Dannemiller
Ira Dash
Berne Davis
Kenneth & Ruth Davis, Sr.
Donald & Nancy Davis
Patricia Delisio
Jane E. de Lisser
Patricia Dobbins
Charles & Ann Dodson
Paul & Mary Douglass
Dawn-Marie Driscoll &
Norman Marcus
Richard & Patricia Driscoll
Janet Dunn
Richard & Erna Durnwald
Gregory Earle
Julia East
Arthur & Barbara Edwards
Lois Edwards
Mary Quigley Eller
Guy Emerich
Kevin & Andrea Erwin
Ronald & Leslie Ezerski
John & Gloria Fassett
Dean & Alice Fjelstul
Ginny Fleming
Aline Flynn
William & Lorraine Frey
Bill & Charlotte Friede
Chris Gair
Sam & Kathy Galloway, Jr.
Jamie Gates
Richard & Faye Gates
Patricia Graddy
William & Nanette Graddy, Jr.
Marilyn Graham
William & Diane Green
Steve & Mandy Greenstein
Frances Harris Gresham
Elsie Grieger
Earl Groves
Craig Guild
Robert Hague
Duane & Marilyn Halverson
Albert Hanser
Elizabeth Harmon
Frank & Betty Haskell
Archie Hayward, Jr.
Scott & Helen Heffington
Joe & Barbara Hilliard
Larry Hobbs
Francis Howington
Charles & Linda Idelson
David Jennings & Liz Sotz
Robert P. Johannsen
Franklyn & Elena Johnson
Dorothy Jones
Stanley & Carol Jones
Sadako K. Judd
Bob & Donna Kaye
David & Elizabeth Keen
Donna R. Keen
Chris & Lisa Kelley
Barbara Harris Kite
Eleanore Kleist
Wilbert Knipe
Russell & Gwendolyn Kraay
Tom & Joan Krick
Nora Krieger
Arthur Kurtze
Gail Lawson
Jeff Ledward
Howard & Marilyn Leland
Diane Lepola
David & Linda Lucas
Bob & Donna MacDonald
Kay MacDougall
John & Marjorie Madden
Tammy Surratt Marino
Thomas Marshall
Robert & Pam Martin
Shirley Matthai
William & Barbara Maruchi
Joe Mazurkiewicz
Marie-Michelle McCarthy
Jacke McCurdy
Legacy Society
Arden McCurdy
Margaret Bly McLean
Jack & Mary McNairy
Carl W. Meyer
William J. Mikell
Ronald & Janice Miller
T. Wayne & Mavis Miller
Henry & Julia Moguil
Frederick & Melvin Morgan
Paul Morton
Rosemond Murphy
Gary & Elizabeth Namm
Jim Nathan
Nancy Near
George & Virginia Parker
Sandra Parker
Michael Peceri
Ann Perch
Erik & Lana Petersen
Tessie Pfenning
David & Sandy Pohl
Dorothy Lillian Kiesel Poll
John Pollock
Larry Pomposini
Steve Pontius
John Potts
William Prather
Allen & Cecilia Prather
Bonnie Prator
Richard Prescott
Pamela Putnam
Mary Puzzo
Margaret Raizik
Jack & Shirley Rasmussen
Thomas Rentz
John & Kathryn Richardson
Darren Robertshaw
Mary Robertson
David & Sue Robinson
Sandy Robinson
Robbie Roepstorff
Bill & Carolyn Rogers
Don & Nancy Rolley
Grant & Jerry Rosensteel
Julia Rush
David & Bea Sanford
Helen Sarlo
Karen Schlag
Dave & Kathie Shellenbarger
John & Ellen Sheppard
Bob Shrader
Katherine Simpson
Diehl & Josephine Sluss
Ben & Carol Smoot
Tom Smoot, Jr.
Gene Solomon
Jim & Patty Sprankle
Bernadine Stuefer Anderson
Jeremiah & Barbara Sullivan
Clara Szathmary
Madeleine Taeni
Dewey & Brenda Tate
Lois Taylor
Jeanne Telep
Ruth Tobe
Robert Tomlinson
Stephen & Marie Tranovich
Linda Treise
Frances Lussenhop Usher
Nina Van Zyle
Mary Verde
Don & Frances Waldron
Myra Walters
John & Maggie Warfield
Betty Waters
Scott White
Guy Whitesman
Steven Whitley
G. Napier Wilson
James & Natalie Wismar
Joseph & Patricia Wolf
Mike & Laura Woodward
Rodlyn Flinn Woodward
Richard & Joan Wright
Barbara Yeomans
Stan Zell
William Zink
Real People | Real Help
In 1991, Frank wanted to honor his son Chip’s memory
by establishing a fund that would help others. Frank
said, “I wanted to leave some kind of evidence of his
having been here and having served in the Army and
in Viet Nam.” Today, the Chip Johnson Memorial
Scholarship is helping students to achieve their dreams
of higher education.
The Southwest Florida Community Foundation
helped Frank to design a fund that would reflect his
charitable passion for education. Frank’s scholarship
fund supports students with a GPA of 3.5 or higher
who have completed sixty hours of college and who are
pursuing a 4-year degree at Barry University, Florida
Gulf Coast University, Nova University, Edison
State College, Hodges University, or other regionally
accredited college in Southwest Florida. In 2011, this
fund helped to support three more students as they
worked toward their goals of education and careers.
The Community Foundation has over 61 scholarship
funds that have been set up by people like Frank who
have a passion for education and a desire to support
students in Southwest Florida today and well into the
future. Because these funds are endowed, they provide
scholarship grants immediately, and they continue to
grant scholarships for years to come. Through this power
of endowment, people are able to establish a real legacy of
giving. Frank wanted that legacy for Chip, and because
of it, many students will be able to pursue their goals
of a college education.
Unity Through Our Grants
he Southwest Florida Community Foundation administers more than 329 endowed funds that are created
through the generosity of local donors. Because of these funds, we are able to provide grants that support
nonprofit organizations throughout Charlotte, Collier, Glades, Hendry, and Lee counties.
Non-competitive Grants
These grants are made through Designated Funds and
Donor-Advised Funds, established by individuals,
companies, and community groups that support the
interests and philanthropic goals of the donors as well
as the Community Foundation’s mission and operating
Capacity Grants
The Community Foundation’s Capacity Grants support
training seminars and other staff development activities,
the hiring of organizational development consultants,
and small equipment expenditures.
Competitive Grants
Annual Giving, Community Funds, and Field-of-Interest
Funds are available for competitive grant cycles. The
Southwest Florida Community Foundation seeks to be a
responsive and proactive community partner that works
strategically to address existing and emerging community
needs through our competitive grants program. Grants
are awarded to eligible agencies to support a broad range
of services in the Southwest Florida region.
The Community Foundation is particularly interested
in supporting efforts that improve the capacity of
organizations to deliver services to their clients.
Community Impact Grant
In the Community Impact Grant Cycle, grants of up to
$25,000 are awarded to organizations in program areas
such as Animal Welfare, Community and Economic
Development, Education, Healthcare, and Human
The Community Foundation awards grants for projectspecific, capital, and technical assistance purposes.
Project-specific grants are primarily for new or expanded
programs and pilot or demonstration projects. Capital
Grants support the construction, acquisition, and
renovation of facilities, as well as the purchase of
equipment by an organization. Technical Assistance
Grants support organizational development activities for
nonprofits, addressing such issues as board governance,
strategic planning, resource development, and
interagency collaboration.
Arts and Attractions Grant
The Arts and Attractions Grant Cycle was established as a
partnership with the Tourist Development Council and
the City of Fort Myers to use existing resources to assist
arts and attractions agencies with both marketing and
operational expenses. The two types of grants offered are
Marketing and Visitor Enhancement Grants and Basic
Operating Grants.
Unity Through Our Grants
SWFLCF grant applications are available online through
our E-Apply tool. Interested organizations should visit
our website at where you
will find detailed instructions about filling out our online
applications. Paper applications are no longer accepted
by SWFLCF, but we are confident that you will like the
online process; it’s fast, easy, and saves a lot of trees!
Several funds have been established in which the donors
requested their funds’ earnings be used to help those less
fortunate who may be in dire or immediate financial
need. Funds are dispersed for the benefit of a person
or family in need of emergency funding such as rent,
electric or other utilities, burial or medical expenses, or
other emergencies.
• SWFLCF has entered into a partnership agreement with
United Way 211 to oversee the distribution of funds
from the Good Samaritan Fund. At the beginning of
each month, SWFLCF makes a $2,500 grant out of the
Good Samaritan Fund to United Way 211 to help with
these types of emergency financial needs. United Way
leverages our grant with other funding to potentially
stretch our funding further for the greatest community
impact. To ensure accountability, the United Way
provides a monthly report on the expenditure of funds,
which is reported to the SWFLCF Board of Trustees.
• SWFLCF also has an established fund to help Sanibel
Island and Captiva Island residents and workers.
Requests for assistance are made to various agencies on
the islands and are then forwarded to the Community
• The James Harper Marshall Good Samaritan Fund has
been established for the benefit of those in the Greater
Bonita Springs area who need assistance. Requests are
received from nonprofits serving residents who then
submit requests to the Community Foundation.
Real People | Real Help
Jake* is an Operation Iraqi Freedom combat
veteran who recently finished active duty in the
Middle East. Returning home to Ohio, Jake supported his wife and three small children with his
savings while searching for work. Unsuccessful in
Ohio, Jake was eventually offered a construction
job in Fort Myers, Florida. He packed all of the
family belongings into and onto the family van
and happily headed to Florida.
When the family arrived in Florida, Jake found
that the job had fallen through. With no home and
very little money left, Jake searched frantically for
help, living in hotels and even out of the family
One day, while driving past the local Red Cross
building, Jake felt compelled to stop in and ask
for help. Fortunately, the Red Cross had recently
hired an Armed Services Coordinator to handle
cases like Jake’s, a position that was created with
the help of a $20,000 grant from the Southwest
Florida Community Foundation.
Jake received some cash to get food for his family
and fuel for their van. Then, the Red Cross was
able to get him plugged in to other services to
keep him afloat while he searched for work.
Today, Jake and his wife both have full-time jobs
and a home here in Florida.
(*Name changed to protect privacy)
Our 2010/2011 Competitive Grant Recipients
Arts & Attractions Grants
ArtFest Fort Myers, Inc.
Arts For ACT
Bailey-Matthews Shell Museum
BIG Arts
Bonita Springs Concert Band
Calusa Nature Center & Planetarium, Inc.
Center for the Arts
City of Bonita Springs & Friends of the Nature Place, Inc.
Cultural Park Theatre Company Inc.
ECHO, Inc.
Florida Arts, Inc.
Florida Repertory Theatre
Friends of the Lakes Regional Library
Gulf Coast Symphony
Gulfcoast Dance, Inc.
Imaginarium Hands-on Museum & Aquarium Agency
Lee County Alliance for the Arts
Music Foundation of Southwest Florida
River District Alliance (Fort Myers Art Walk)
Sanibel Music Festival, Inc.
Southwest Florida Attractions Association
Southwest Florida Museum of History Foundation, Inc
Southwest Florida Symphony
The Nature Park Environmental Education Foundation, Inc.
Theatre Conspiracy
Uncommon Friends Foundation
Young Artists Awards, Inc.
Bonta Springs Annual Grants
Abuse Counseling & Treatment, Inc.
Girl Scouts of Gulf Coast Florida, Inc.
LARC, Inc.
Meals on Wheels of Bonita Springs, Inc.
Pinewoods Elementary School
Spring Creek Elementary School
Inititative Grant
Center for Abuse & Rape Emergencies of Charlotte
County (CARE, Inc.)
The Foundation for Lee County Public Schools, Inc.
Capacity Grants
Bonita Springs Concert Band
Broadway Community Church
Brookwood Florida
Center For Independent Living of SWFL, Inc.
Charlotte County Healthy Start Coalition, Inc.
Child Care of Southwest Florida, Inc.
Children's Advocacy Center of SWFL, Inc.
Children's Network of Southwest Florida
Christ United Methodist Church
Community Cooperative Ministries, Inc.
Ebenezer Christian Academy of Fort Myers, Inc.
Estero Community Improvement Foundation, Inc.
Eternal Home and Wecare Outreach Ministry, Inc.
First Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church, Inc.
Footsteps To The Future
Fort Myers Rescue Mission
Girl Scouts of Gulf Coast Florida, Inc.
Guardian Angels for Special Populations
Habitat for Humanity of Lee County, Inc.
Harlem Heights Improvement Association
Healthy Start Coalition of SWFL, Inc.
Hope Clubhouse of Southwest Florida
House of Prayer Food Bank
Invest in America's Veterans Foundation
Island Coast Aids Network, Inc.
Junior Achievement of Southwest Florida, Inc.
Lakes Park Enrichment Foundation
Lee County Housing Development Corporation
Literacy Council Gulf Coast, Inc.
Literacy Volunteers of Lee County
Old Punta Gorda Inc.
Our Lady of Light Conference of the Society of St.
Vincent de Paul
Our Mother's Home of Southwest Florida, Inc.
Partners for Breast Cancer Care
Pine Manor Improvement Assoc. Inc.
Quality Life Center of Southwest Florida, Inc.
Southwest Florida Addiction Services, Inc.
Our 2010/2011 Competitive Grant Recipients
The Foundation for Lee County Public Schools, Inc.
The Salvation Army of Lee, Hendry, and Glades
Uncommon Friends Foundation
Virginia B. Andes Volunteer Community Clinic
Voices for Kids of Southwest Florida, Inc.
Wings of Shelter Int'l, Inc.
Young Artists Awards, Inc.
Major Annual Grant
Animal Refuge Center, Inc.
Abuse Counseling & Treatment, Inc.
Agape Home, Inc.
Alvin A. Dubin Alzheimer's Resource Center
American Red Cross of Lee County
Beacon of HOPE
Bonita Springs Lions Club Eye Clinic Inc.
Catholic Charities, Diocese of Venice
Child Care of Southwest Florida, Inc.
Clewiston Christian School
Community Cooperative Ministries, Inc.
Creative Resources Works, Inc.
Easter Seals Florida, Inc.
ECHO, Inc.
Family Health Centers of Southwest Florida, Inc.
Florida Gulf Coast University Foundation, Inc.
Hope Clubhouse of Southwest Florida
Literacy Volunteers of Lee County
PACE Center for Girls of Lee County
Pine Manor Improvement Association, Inc.
Special Equestrians, Inc.
The Foundation for Lee County Public Schools, Inc.
The Salvation Army of Lee, Hendry, and Glades
Virginia B. Andes Volunteer Community Clinic
Unity Through Our Scholarships
Why I Love Scholarships
by Bob da Frota, Senior Advisory Trustee, Southwest Florida Community Foundation
rom my experience, I can attest that Southwest
Floridians are incredibly generous and are
committed to helping others succeed through
higher education. What qualifies me to make such a
statement? Well, for the last twelve years, I have been a
trustee of the Southwest Florida Community Foundation.
Additionally, for the past three years, I have had the
privilege of overseeing the Community Foundation’s
scholarship committee, which is comprised of volunteers
who are tasked with assisting in the organization’s
awarding of scholarships to some of Southwest Florida’s
deserving students. This task is not only a lot of work, it is
also emotionally painful, and yet every year we continue
to do this necessary work. Why do we do it? I can only
speak for myself.
community to pursue their dreams. The donors gave
their money, and surely, I can give my time.
The scholarship review process is something that is time
intensive, and is almost entirely done by volunteers.
Once the Community Foundation staff has assembled
all of the completed scholarship applications, a group
of community volunteers are assigned to read the
applications. These scholarship readers, who come from
a wide variety of professional backgrounds, review each
application analytically as well as intuitively. Each award
recipient must meet the wishes of the scholarship’s donor,
something that each reader works hard to ensure. After all
applications have been reviewed, the readers make their
recommendations. Some chosen applicants go on to be
interviewed by Community Foundation trustees. When
this process is complete, the Community Foundation is
then able to notify the scholarship award recipients.
Of the many stories we could relate, one reflects it all—
the story of a young woman who was interviewed for the
John M. and Mary A. Shanley Memorial Scholarship. It is
a four -year scholarship for those pursuing medicine, law,
dentistry, math, and science education. The scholarship
is worth $5,000 per year for a total of $20,000.
The challenge of every year is that all of our applicants are
already winners. They are products of their own unique
backgrounds and stories, having overcome many types of
challenges, and they are all deserving. As readers, we sit
around a table and feel the pain of recommending one
student over another. In April, at the end of this process
of awarding scholarships, we committee members are
emotionally exhausted. So, why do I do it?
Despite all the challenges I may have in my world, they
are minor compared to what many of our scholarship
candidates have overcome. They move forward, keeping
their eyes on their dreams, with composure and
exuberance. They give me hope.
I reflect on the fact that donors not only entrust us to
carry out their wishes, but also make it possible through
their vision and generosity for very special people in our
I think about the parents, families, friends, and teachers
who have instilled the qualities that have brought our
children to this point in their lives. They are to be
commended for giving these kids the support, guidance,
and encouragement that they needed. Having done their
part, then, I keep doing mine.
I know I have grown from the camaraderie of my fellow
trustees and readers and donors. We have weathered
countless hours and the emotional ups and downs
together. Yet, during the interview process, we are
inspired by the students’ sparkling eyes, enthusiasm, and
When this young lady was interviewed, she brightened
the whole room and made us feel happier. She had
the composure of a winner, not just because of her
valedictorian rank and acceptance to an Ivy League
university, but for her radiant smile. Her main success was
in overcoming obstacles. She overcame language barriers
to learn English as a teen, was the first of her migrant
family, which frequently moved, to attend school, and
she worked to support herself and her siblings.
I guess that’s why I do this. As I sign up to be a scholarship
reader for next year, I embrace this quote from Mother
Theresa: “It is not how much we do, but how much love
we put into doing. It is not how much we give, but how
much love we put into giving.”
Unity Through Our Scholarships
2011 Scholarship Fund Recipients
AAUW & Sue Gottcent Memorial
Mandy-Ellen Goldenberg
Chelsea Birczak
Jordan Abdo & Michael Bluett
Kristin Kuhlman
Judge Isaac Anderson
Shanessa Stewart
Jane Berktold
Dana Pagano
Emily Lowman
James Bilder
Michelle Roman
Jordin Lamb
Thalia Stanberry
Carl E. Brooks
Karl Dufrenne
Stephanie Desgazon
John & Ruth Childe
Ethan Jansen
Ever Velasquez
D & A Florida
Ever Velasquez
Dash Nursing
Anie Charles
Dunbar Heritage
Shanessa Stewart
Anne M. Fassett
Ana Abarca
Paul & Aline Flynn
Amelia Rosen
Jessica Williams
Lindsay Laden
Juliet Reilly
Doris Frey
Jennifer Bromwell
Alana Yallof
Christopher Clarke
William Graddy
Mitchell Cooper
Sanibel Community Church
Marjorie McCann
Frances H. Gresham
Carolina Lerma
Robert & Margaret Schikora
Amanda Brink
Chip Johnson
Andres Boral
Sherzod Tokamov
Andrea Mordue
John & Mary Shanley
Desiree Goenaga
Jessica LeSan
Paslene Pericles
Satcha Sanon
George E. Judd
Sydney Bell
Daniel Talavera
Joseph Calderone, Jr.
Abigail McMahon
Thalia Stanberry
Doc Keen Memorial
Ashley Cox
Kelsie Hansen
Isabel Kirkpatrick
Michelle Roman
Robert A. Kleckner
Sara Martin
Carol Patti McLaughlin
Juliet Reilly
Ruth Messmer
Abigail McMahon
Julie Willard Mikell
Kaitlyn Rieser
Ellen Sheppard
Jannette Bautista
SWFL Sheriffs Deputy
Abigail Owiesny
Alexis Lytle
Edna Swain
Arthur Green
Latisha Fields
Dominque DeLoach
John & Madeleine Taeni
Amanda Brink
Alana Yalloff
Thompson Memorial
Hao Tran
Alexander Ragonese
Morgan Brown
Katie Melich
Judge William J. Nelson
Constance Hackler
Robert & Dorothy Pence
Morgan Brown
Chet & Janett Perry Rotary
Sara Martin
Faye Lynn Roberts
Amanda Brink
David Robinson Arts
Sydney Bell
Abigail McMahon
Unity Through Our Funds
Anonymous Fund #7 (2005)
Anonymous Fund #8 (2008)
Daniel J. & Jane H. Berktold Fund (2007)
John S. & Jane C. Bleakly Fund (2003)
Margaret T. & Raymond L. Bray Fund (2002)
Joan Du Bane Caldwell Fund (1996)
Bernice C. Chipley Fund (2001)
Community Fund for Greater Bonita Springs (2008)
Marguerite M. Covington Fund (1992)
Cregar Family Bonita Springs Community Fund (2007)
Vern & Meryl Eriksson Fund (2006)
Ivan T. Fleming Fund (1992)
Fund for Southwest Florida (2007)
Dorothy S. & Ellis A. Galleher Fund (2003)
Good Neighbor Community Fund (2008)
The Family of J.R. Griffin, Sr. Fund (2009)
Walter A. & Johanne Bertha Hagens Fund (1991)
David & Patricia Halley Fund (1991)
A.W.D. & Frances A. Harris Fund (1988)
Houkom Family Fund in honor of Erling,
Betty & Sarah Houkom (2008)
Herbert E. Hussey Memorial Fund (1986)
Joan & Thomas Krick Fund (2006)
Walter B. & Dorothy LaChicotte Fund (2003)
Ione E. Peters Fund (2004)
Alan J. Robertson Board of Trustees Fund (1997)
Stephen John Schupert Memorial Fund (2000)
Rebecca C. Smoot Fund in Memory of J.T.
Smoot & Martha Smoot Helgemo (1995)
William R. Spear Fund (1998)
William C. Tepfer Charitable Fund (2008)
Adelyn C. Thornton Fund (2003)
Robert L. Tysar Fund (1996)
Elias & Dorothy Van Krugel Fund (2005)
Dorothy V. Zobrist Fund (1996)
The LaDonna & Hal Abelson Fund (2006)
for Community Cooperative Ministries
Daniel J. & Jane Berktold Habitat for Humanity Fund
(2007) for Habitat for Humanity of Lee County, Inc.
Jane H. Berktold Parkinson Fund (2008) for
National Parkinson Foundation
Wilfred & Edith Berman Fund (2007) for All
Faiths Unitarian Congregation; Big Brothers/Big
Sisters of SWFL; Hemlock Foundation of
Florida, Inc.; Quality Life Center; Temple Beth
EL; Unitarian Universalist Church of Fort Myers
John S. & Jane C. Bleakly Fund (2003) for
Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, Florida
Suncoast Chapter
Briggs Arts Fund (1999) for Lee County Alliance
of the Arts Children’s Art Program
Briggs Musical Appreciation Fund (1998) for The
Young Artists Program at the Southwest Florida
Symphony Orchestra; The Fort Myers
Community Concerts Association Inc.
Joan Du Bane Caldwell Fund (1996) for Center for
Spiritual Living Cape Coral; The Salvation Army
in Lee County
Cornelius Huijer Caloosa Humane Society Fund
(1997) for Caloosa Humane Society
The Jean & Joseph Christen Fund for Animals
(2010) for Animal Refuge Center of North Fort
Myers; Humane Society of Lee County; Octagon
Wildlife Sanctuary in Charlotte County
Arthur & Ruth Clark Wake up America Fund (2001)
for Wake up America of Southwest Florida
Dr. Frank & Julie A. Colunga Fund (1999) for
Charlotte Country Day School; Marine Military
Isabella Curtis Fund for Animals (2001) for
Animal Rescue Center of La Belle
Dr. Phyllis J. Douglass Fund (2001) for Clinic for
the Rehabilitation of Wildlife (CROW)
Cora Mae Williams Gable Fund (1997) for First
Presbyterian Church of Fort Myers
Marguerite & Guy Howard Fund (2002) for St.
Luke’s Episcopal Church, Fort Myers; Florida
Gulf Coast University; The Shell Museum
and Educational Foundation, Inc., Sanibel;
The Salvation Army, Fort Myers
Clinic for the Rehabilitation of Wildlife (2011)
Knipe Family Memorial Music Fund (2004) for
Music Foundation of Southwest Florida
The Legacy Society at Shell Point Retirement
Community Fund (2003)
Mary & Jack McNairy Fund (2007) for United Way
of Lee County for Bonita Springs
James D. & Eleanor F. Newton Uncommon
Friends Fund (2004) for Uncommon Friends
Foundation, Inc.
North Fort Myers Lions Civic Association Fund
(2007) for Lions Eye Institute for Transplant
Unity Through Our Funds
and Research Foundation; Visually Impaired
Persons Center of Southwest Florida
Bardo & Jennie Nicolosi Take Stock in Children
Fund (2003) for The Foundation for Lee
County Public Schools
Jillian Prescott Memorial History Award Fund
(2002) for Florida Historical Society
Jillian Prescott Memorial Music Fund (1999) for
Southwest Florida Symphony Society
John E. Presser Charitable Remainder Unitrust
Fund (2006) for Shriners Hospital for Children
Charles J. & Mary Puzzo Family Endowment Fund
(1998) for Hope Hospice of Lee County;
Leukemia Society of America; Crohn’s & Colitis
John H. & Robert S. Sanderson Fund (2009) for
Southwest Florida Boy Scout Council, Inc.
St. Columbkille Catholic Church Designated Fund
(2011) for St. Columbkille Catholic Church
Carl “Bud” Vietor Memorial Brightest Horizons
Designated Fund (2010) for Brightest Horizons
Child Development Center
J. Harold & H. Virginia Wand Memorial Fund
(1996) for Covenant Presbyterian Church.
Betty Suter Whistler Endowment Fund (2001) for
Brightest Horizons Child Development Center
Louise Zmuda Charitabe Fund (2004) for Florida
Lions Clonkin Center for the Blind
Field of Interest
Dorothy M. Beall Good Samaritan Fund (1991)
Helps needy persons who have suffered some
loss, or have need of Christian charity.
Beryl Berry Fund (1988) Assists abused women or
children, or charitable agencies that assist them.
Charles & Roberta Church Fund (1995) Benefits
needy and disabled citizens of Lee County.
Arthur A. & Ruth W. Clark Fund (1997) Provides
educational materials to improve the
education and quality of life to migrant workers,
needy persons in homeless shelters, children’s
orphanages, and battered women’s shelters.
Also provides assistance to community food
pantries, food banks, and distribution of food to
the poor; assistance in food salvaging
programs; as well as assistance in providing
building materials for urban renewal programs
for needy persons to acquire a home.
Curry Fund (2002) Provides assistance for health
issues for active or retired captains of charter
boats who are residents of the State of Florida
who have or who have had a United States
Coast Guard Master License and who are
members of and have maintained membership
in the National Party Boat Association, while
they were party boat captains.
Marjorie P. Dowell Fund (2000) Supports
Alzheimer’s research and grants to needy
individuals suffering from the disease, as well
as health organizations which support funding
and research related to eye care, in particular
the diseases of macular degeneration and
Sigourney Esty Fund (2003) Provides for the
care, treatment, and general welfare of
domestic and wild animals in Charlotte and
Lee Counties.
Joyce Lee Eudy Charitable Fund (2006) Benefits
children and families in Southwest Florida
affected by autism and other developmental
disorders, and to research the cure and
treatment for these diseases.
Fossils Fund (2010) Assists with the healthcare
and medical needs of residents of Sanibel and
Carl C. Graham Memorial Fund (2010) Supports
literacy for children and arts education for
children, including drama, music, painting,
and dance.
Beatrice C. Heesch Fund (1994) Provides medical
assistance to the elderly (over 65) in Fort Myers.
Sadako Judd Fund for the Arts (2000) Benefits
the arts in Southwest Florida.
Howard L. and Marilyn T. Leland Christian Charity
Fund (2005) Benefits Christian organizations
and charities which further the work and
ministry of Jesus Christ.
Annie Lohr Memorial Fund (2007) Supports the
needy and neglected, especially foster children
and battered women.
James Harper Marshall Good Samaritan Fund (2001)
Supports a Bonita Springs resident or worker in
an emergency situation on a one-time basis.
Margarete Matheisen Fund (2008) Assists the
poor and/or homeless individuals of Lee County.
Unity Through Our Funds
Patricia B. Murray Charitable Fund for the
Humane Treatment of Animals (2004) Provides
assistance for the care, preservation and
humane treatment of animals in Lee County.
Bardo & Jennie Nicolosi Children’s Fund (2003)
Supports children’s charities and programs in
Lee County.
Nonprofit Training and Development (2007) Assist
Lee, Charlotte, Collier, Hendry and Glades Counties
nonprofits in leadership development, grantwriting skills,
financial management, and other pertinent employment
seminars and training as recommended by the staff of the
Southwest Florida Community Foundation.
Dr. Earl F. & Ann A. Riggs Memorial Fund (1990) A
“Good Samaritan” fund helps families with catastrophic
or immediate needs, and gives assistance to the elderly in
Lee County.
Leonard Santini Fund (1979) Helps a variety of causes in
Lee County, including, food, medical care, education, and
housing for needy children, children with special needs,
and children with emotional problems, with preference
given to Catholic-related charities.
St. Joseph Foundation Health & Human Services Fund
(2005) Benefits qualified charitable organizations in
Charlotte County or contiguous counties for the purposes
of healthcare, medical education for residents of Florida,
human services, and disease management and prevention.
The Jeanette G. Shepherd Fund (2009) Benefits
underpriviledged people in Lee County.
Richard & Katherine Simpson Fund (2010) Provides for
orthodontic procedures for children of families who are
legal and responsible citizens of this country.
Fred S. & Geraldine Willard ‘Good Samaritan’ Fund
(1989) Assists families in Southwest Florida who are in
dire or immediate need.
Women’s Legacy Fund (2008) Enables women in Southwest
Florida to direct their giving in focused, strategic ways,
and the fund’s mission is to improve the quality of life in
Southwest Florida from a woman’s perspective.
Designated Principal
Captiva Chapel by the Sea Designated Principal Fund
Captiva Chapel by the Sea Historic Preservation Fund
Friends of Barefoot Beach Preserve Fund (2002)
Greater Fort Myers Chamber of Commerce Education
Fund (2000)
Our Mothers Home Building & Maintenance Fund
Sanibel Community Church - Mina Tamblyn Fund (2000)
Sanibel School Designated Principal Fund (2000)
United Way of Lee County Designated Principal Fund (2001)
Alderman Family Fund (2005)
All the Children of Christ Fund (2007)
Anonymous Fund #4 (2000)
Anonymous Fund #5 (2002)
Anonymous Fund #9 (2008)
Arts & Attractions of Lee County Fund (2004)
Aubuchon Family Fund (2008)
The Bailey Family Charitable Fund (2005)
Barbara’s Friends Fund (2002)
Susan & Phil Bennett Fund (1999)
The Bireley Family Foundation Arts Fund (2005)
Casper Family Charitable Foundation Fund (2006)
The Charlotte Harbor Fund (1999)
Cherrill & Richard Cregar Fund (2005)
Sidney & Berne Davis Fund (1995)
Ding Darling Wildlife Society Fund (2002)
Charles & Ann Dodson Charitable Fund (1998)
Drs. Ira & Udaya Dash Fund (1999)
The Norman Marcus & Dawn-Marie Driscoll Family Fund (2005)
Richard & Patricia Driscoll Fund (2006)
Christopher S. Earle Memorial Fund (2001)
Edouard & Mary Quigley Eller Fund (1986)
Empowerment Alliance of Southwest Florida Fund (2002)
Erwin Family Fund (2002)
Jan Eustis Children’s Services Fund (2006)
The Fletcher Fund for Organ Transplantation (2005)
Galloway Family of Dealerships Charitable Fund (2002)
Chip & Nanette Graddy Family Charitable Fund (2004)
Greater Bonita Springs Children’s Fund (2008)
Velma Strattan Green Family Fund (2002)
Sheila & Robert Hague Fund (2004)
Roan Heffington Family Fund (2001)
Hilliard Family Foundation Fund (2002)
Jacard Fund (1998)
Jubilee Fund (2002)
Barbara Harris Kite Fund (1999)
Kiwanis Club of Fort Myers Metro-McGregor, Inc. (2000)
The Peter D. & Eleanore A. Kleist Foundation Fund (2002)
Dr. Harvey & Nora Krieger Fund (1994)
Unity Through Our Funds
Walter B. & Dorothy LaChicotte Fund (2003)
Lee County Emergency Workers Fund (2002)
Lee Trust for Historic Preservation Fund (2000)
Alfred J. & Frances M. Luessenhop Fund (2006)
Madden Family Fund (2001)
James Harper Marshall Fund (1995)
Bob & Pam Martin Foundation (2006)
The Mediterra Foundation Fund (2004)
The Mavis & T. Wayne Miller Fund (2002)
Jordan Moguil Memorial Fund (1996)
Namm Family Fund (2004)
Near Family Fund (2001)
Sarah G. & Frank A. Prather Fund (1997)
Paige Prator-Collins Endowment Fund (1992)
Premier Properties Fund (2000)
Jack & Shirley Rasmussen Fund (1997)
Patricia Rentz Memorial Fund (2003)
Don & Nancy Rolley Fund (2010)
Shellenbarger Community Fund (2005)
John & Ellen Sheppard Family Children’s Fund (1993)
Spanish Wells Golf & Country Club Fund (2006)
Jeremiah & Barbara Sullivan Foundation (2006)
Dewey & Brenda Tate Fund (2005)
Jeanne Marie Franziska Telep Fund (2005)
Sanibel Trails in Motion Fund (2005)
Stephen & Marie Tranovich Fund (2004)
The Twin Eagles Fund (2006)
Unto the Least of These Christian Fund (1998)
Verandah Fund (2006)
Warfield Family Fund (1998)
Betty J. Waters Fund (2001)
Wichmann-Friede Foundation Fund (1999)
Patricia & Joseph Wolf Fund (1996)
Scholarship Funds
American Association of University Women Sue Gottcent
Memorial Scholarship Fund (2006) For Lee County
women who are enrolled in accredited programs of study
at either 2- or 4-year accredited institutions. Preference to
women 25 and older.
Jordan Abdo/Michael Bluett Memorial Fund (2002) For a
North Fort Myers High School student athlete with a GPA
of 3.0 to 3.5.
Judge Isaac Anderson, Jr. Scholarship Fund (2008) For
a Lee County high school senior who can demonstrate
financial need with a GPA of 3.0+ and strong ties to the
community through extracurricular activities, religious
endeavors, or community service.
Lewis B. Barber Memorial Scholarship Fund (1986) For
students pursuing either of the following educational
paths: 1) certification to teach the deaf and blind;
2) seminary or pre-seminary school to study church,
Christian music, or Christian education.
Daniel J. & Jane H. Berktold Columbia College
Scholarship Fund (2007) For a student who
demonstrates financial need and is attending Columbia
Jane H. Berktold Scholarship (2008) For graduates of Lee
County public high schools who are in need of financial
James Bilder Scholarship Fund (1992) For Lee County
high school students to pursue higher education with
preference given to students attending vocational/
technical schools.
Jane Cavanna Bleakly Scholarship Fund (2003) For a
Haddonfield New Jersey High School student to pursue
higher educational studies.
John S. Bleakly Scholarship Fund (2003) For a Rutgers
School of Law student.
Carl E. Brooks Scholarship Fund (1998) For collegebound students of one or more immigrant parents.
Bonita Springs Area Chamber of Commerce/Ralph A.
Richardson Fund (2001) For an Estero High School
graduate continuing his or her education at a Florida
college or university.
John & Ruth Childe Scholarship Fund (2003) For a
Lee County student with a physical disability to pursue
higher education in a college, university, or technical
Couse-Gram Scholarship Fund (2006) For a Moore
Haven High School student pursuing post-secondary
Certified Public Accountants’ Scholarship Fund (2008)
For tuition, books, and/or fees for an undergraduate
or graduate student from Southwest Florida majoring
in accounting and planning to attend a post-secondary
institution in the five-county area of Lee, Charlotte,
Hendry, Glades, or Collier counties.
D & A Scholarship Fund (2003) For a high school
senior or undergraduate student with a GPA of 3.5+
with financial need, attending one of the following
schools: FGCU, UF-Gainesville, FSU-Tallahassee,
Flagler College, Stetson University, University of Miami,
University of Tampa, or Embry Riddle Aeronautical
University/Daytona Beach.
Unity Through Our Funds
Drs Ira and Udaya Dash Nursing Scholarship Fund
(2007) For a student studying nursing at Edison State
College or FGCU.
Dunbar Heritage Scholarship Fund (2000) For a Dunbar
High School graduate of African-American descent to
pursue a bachelor’s degree at an accredited college.
Anne M. Fassett Scholarship Fund (2000) For posthigh school educational opportunities at the college,
community college, or technical school level for men and
women with a physical disability who use a wheelchair.
Paul B. & Aline Flynn Scholarship Fund (2007) For
students pursuing a degree from a 4-year accredited
college in communications or journalism.
Charles & Margaret Foster Scholarship Fund (2006)
For two high school seniors; one who will be attending
the University of Florida and studying environmental
studies or environmental education and one who will be
attending Florida State University and studying music
Doris W. Frey Memorial Scholarship Fund (2003) For
students studying Christian ministry/youth ministry,
Christian counseling, nursing, or medicine.
Bruce T. Gora Photography Scholarship Fund (2010) For
a high school senior or a college student at an accredited
Florida college, university, or applicable technical school
who is a Fine Arts Major concentrating in photography.
William L. Graddy Law School Scholarship Fund (1998)
For students who have completed the first year at an
accredited law school.
Francis Harris Gresham Scholarship Fund (1998) Tuition
for college bound seniors from Lee County high schools.
Matt Harmon Memorial Scholarship Fund (1997) Books
and tuition for college-bound baseball players.
High Tech Center Central Scholarship Fund (2000) For
students/clients of Cornerstone Ministries and Teen
Hotchkiss Scholarship Fund (2004) For Florida Prepaid
scholarships to sixth grade students upon successful
completion of a mentoring program and graduation from
high school.
Chip Johnson Memorial Scholarship Fund (1991) For
students who have completed 60 hours of college and
plan to attend Barry University, FGCU, Nova, Edison
State College, or Hodges University.
George E. Judd Scholarship Fund (1989) Tuition for
graduating Lee County seniors pursuing higher education
in the fine or performing arts.
Keen Family Nursing Scholarship Fund (1996) For
students at Edison State College who are motivated and
academically qualified but are without the means to
pursue an education in nursing.
Doc Keen Memorial Scholarship Fund (2006) For a high
school student who was an active member of 4-H or FFA
for two consecutive years and attended a Clewiston or
LaBelle High School, pursuing higher education.
Isabel Mayer Kirkpatrick Scholarship Fund (1983)
Tuition for Lee County high school graduates with a “B”
average (3.0 - 3.7).
Robert Kleckner Scholarship Fund (2006) For a financially
needy high school, undergraduate, or graduate student
pursuing a career in finance or accounting.
Lee County Library Sciences Scholarship Fund (2005)
Beginning in the year 2015, this fund will provide
scholarships for Lee County residents pursuing a Bachelor
or Masters degree in Library Science.
Love of Bonita Empowerment Scholarship Fund (2002)
Books, tuition, and/or course fees for Bonita Springs
residents who have been out of school for at least two
years to attend a college or technical school.
Carol Patti McLaughlin Scholarship Fund (2008) For
a student pursuing a 4-year degree at an accredited
college or university who has a GPA of 3.3 or higher,
demonstrates community service, and is from Lee,
Charlotte, Glades, or Hendry
Ruth Messmer Scholarship Fund (2000) For women
pursuing a business career in college.
Julie Willard Mikell Fund (2010) For a financially needy
Lee County high school senior to attend a 2- or 4-year
regionally accredited college or university.
Judge William J. Nelson Scholarship Fund (2006) For a
high school senior who will be attending the University of
James D. and Eleanor F. Newton Children’s Fund (2004)
For the winners of the Edison Science and Inventors’ Fair.
Joanne Olmsted Scholarship Fund (2004) For Florida
Prepaid scholarships to sixth grade students upon
successful completion of a mentoring program and
graduation from high school.
Robert B. and Dorothy Pence Scholarship Fund (1997)
For economically disadvantaged Lee County students to
attend college or technical school.
Chet and Janett Perry Scholarship Fund (2006) For a
student pursuing a career in accounting.
Faye Lynn Roberts Education Scholarship Fund (2002)
For women pursuing a career in technical studies, court
reporting, computer training, or nursing.
David G. Robinson Arts Scholarship Fund (1999) Tuition
for Lee County high school seniors who plan to study the
arts in an accredited school.
Sanibel Community Church Scholarship Fund: Next
Generation Fund Trust (2008) For child or grandchild of
a member of Sanibel Community Church.
Unity Through Our Funds
City of Sanibel Employee Dependent Scholarship Fund
(2005) For dependents of Sanibel City employees to
attend a college or university.
Robert C. & Margaret A. Schikora Scholarship Fund
(1988) For needy students who have previously graduated
from high schools in Lee County to pursue postsecondary educational opportunities.
John M. & Mary A. Shanley Memorial Scholarship
(2001) For a 4-year scholarship to students studying
medicine, law, dentistry, teaching (math & science),
ministry, engineering, accounting, agriculture,
architecture, or computer science.
Ellen Sheppard Scholarship Fund (2010) For a Lee County
high school senior or a graduate currently enrolled in
an accredited college or university pursuing a degree in
art (specifically visual arts—painting, photography, or
sculpture) or nursing.
Jay Sheppard Memorial Scholarship Fund (1980) For a
Bishop Verot student in financial need.
Anne Sturrock Nursing Scholarship Fund (2001) For a
student pursuing nursing who is a member, or a child of a
member, of St. Andrew Catholic Church in Cape Coral.
Edna & Felix Swain Scholarship Fund (2003) For a
student going to college who is a parishioner of Mount
Olive Church.
Southwest Florida Deputy Sheriffs Association Fund
(2006) For high school students who are dependents of
law enforcement officers.
John I. & Madeleine R. Taeni Scholarship Fund (2002)
For students pursuing degrees in teaching, nursing,
paramedic training, or emergency medical technician
Quality Life Center/Emma Lee Thomas Memorial
Scholarship Fund (1999) For high school graduates
affiliated with Quality Life Center to pursue further
Richard S. Thompson and Marion L. Thompson
Memorial Fund (2008) For Lee County students
pursuing a post high school science education.
United Christian Giving/Hodges University Scholarship
Fund (2005) For a Hodges University student from
a Christian nonprofit supported by United Christian
Frances H. Waldron Scholarship Fund (2010) For a high
school graduate of Immokalee High School in the current
school year with a grade point average within the range of
(and including) 3.2 to 3.4.
Agency Endowment
Adonis Autism Assistance Foundation, Inc. (1997)
Art League of Bonita Springs (2000)
BAT YAM Temple of the Islands (2001)
Bonita Springs Assistance Office (2000)
Bonita Springs Elementary School (2000)
Brightest Horizons Child Development Center Noel
Fund (1994)
Calusa Nature Center and Planetarium (1999)
Candlelighters of SW Florida Endowment Fund (1999)
Canterbury School (1994)
Captiva Chapel By the Sea Endowment Fund (2003)
Center for Abuse and Rape Emergencies of Charlotte
County Fund (2002)
Cape Coral Caring Center, Inc. Fund (1999)
Cape Coral Police Dept. Police Benevolent Assoc. Youth
Intervention Project Fund (1995)
Charlotte Country Day School (1999)
Charlotte County Homeless Coalition (2001)
Child Evangelism Fellowship of Lee County (1999)
Children’s Advocacy Center of SW Florida, Inc. (2000)
Children’s Hospital (1999)
Christian Financial Counseling (2000)
Clinic for Rehabilitation of Wildlife (CROW) (2000)
Community Congregational United Church of Christ of
Bonita Springs (1998)
Community Cooperative Ministries, Inc. (1994)
Cornerstone Ministries (1999)
Covenant Presbyterian Church Endowment Fund (2002)
Cypress Lake Presbyterian Church (2000)
Jocelyn Diehl Literacy for Literacy Volunteers of America,
Lee County (1999)
The Alvin A. Dubin Alzheimer’s Resource Center (1997)
Earth Shine Institute Agency Endowment Fund (2000)
ECHO (1996)
Edison-Ford Winter Estates Foundation (2002)
Evangelical Christian School (1999)
Fellowship of Christian Athletes (2001)
First Congregational Community Church, Cape Coral
The Foundation for Lee County Public Schools (1997)
Fort Myers Christian School, Inc. Endowment Fund
Fort Myers Community Concert Association (1994)
Fort Myers Rescue Mission (2000)
Unity Through Our Funds
Gabriel House, Inc. (2000)
Girl Scouts of Gulf Coast Florida, Inc. (2001)
Good Wheels Endowment Fund (2001)
Goodwill Industries of Southwest Florida, Inc. (1994)
Greater Fort Myers Chamber of Commerce (1994)
Guadalupe Center of Immokalee (1999)
Gulf Coast Humane Society Fund (2002)
Harry Chapin Food Bank of Southwest Florida (2000)
Hope Hospice (1996)
Intervarsity Christian Fellowship (2001)
Jacobi Endowment Fund for Lee County “Pulling
Together” (2001)
Junior Achievement of Southwest Florida (1999)
Dr. Harvery & Nora Krieger Fund for Animal Refuge
Center (2004)
Learning Village Preschool (1999)
Lee County Alliance of the Arts Scholarship Fund (1995)
Lee County Medical Society Alliance and Foundation
“Reaching Out” Endowment Fund (2002)
Lee County YMCA (1998)
Lee Healthcare Resources (1994)
Lehigh Community Service Endowment Fund (2002)
Life Choice Pregnancy Center (2001)
Lifeline Family Center (1998)
Literacy Council of Bonita Springs (2000)
Alice Lockmiller Fund for Special Equestrians (2000)
Meals on Wheels of Bonita Springs (2000)
Rhea B. Mike Endowment for Child Care of Southwest
Florida (1996)
Mt. Hermon Christian School (1999)
The Music Foundation of Southwest Florida (2000)
Nations Association Fund (2000)
New Horizons of Southwest Florida Agency Endowment
Fund (2007)
Octagon Sequence of Eight, Inc. (1994)
Dr. Piper Center for Social Services (1994)
Planned Parenthood Association of Southwest Florida,
Inc. (1996)
Providence Christian School (1999)
Renaissance School Fund (2000)
Church of the Resurrection Endowment Fund (2001)
Ronald McDonald House of Southwest Florida (1998)
Royal Palm Baptist Association (2000)
Ruth Cooper Center/Serenity Center for Lee Mental
Health Center (1994)
The Salvation Army of Lee County (2001)
Sanibel Community Church Youth Fund (2000)
Sanibel Community Association Fund (2000)
Sanibel School Fund (2000)
Senior Friendship Centers (1998)
Sonshine Christian Academy (2000)
Steiner Endowment Fund for the Jewish Federation
Steiner Endowment Fund for Temple Judea (2001)
Southwest Florida Addiction Services (1994)
Mark Sweet Memorial Fund for Lee Memorial Hospital
Library (1995)
Southwest Florida Community Foundation
Administrative Endowment Fund (2002)
Southwest Florida Children’s Home in Memory of
Katherine M. Flynn (1999)
Southwest Florida Christian Academy to Honor Rev. Jim
& Jean Holbrook (1998)
Southwest Florida Museum of History Foundation Fund
The Southwest Florida Symphony Orchestra & Chorus
Association (1994)
Teen Challenge of Florida (1998)
Thomas Edison Regional Science & Inventors Fair (2001)
United Christian Giving, A Christ-Centered Fund (2001)
The United Way of Lee County (1995)
Verity Pregnancy & Medical Resource Center (1999)
Visually Impaired Persons (1994)
Wake up America (2004)
In Honor and Memory
in honor of
Janet Eustis, Lee Schilling,
Pam Putnam, Gary Schirmer,
Phil Schirmer, Judi Meddoun,
& Jack Eustis
Allen & Lee Cohen
in honor of
Bonnie Prator
Edward & Virgnia Pinckard
in honor of
Salvation Army of
Lee, Hendry & Glades
Counties, Inc.
Ross & Stephanie Webb
in honor of
Julia East’s birthday
Patricia Bell
Norman Marcus & Dawn-Marie Driscoll
in honor of
Dawn-Marie Driscoll
James Nathan/United Way of
Lee, Hendry & Glades
Counties, Inc.
in honor of
Richard & Ginny Hassett
Marty & Judith Freling
in honor of
Hank Hochstetler
Maria Karl Expressions, LLC
in honor of
Sam Sverdlik
Robert & Judith Korostoff
in memory of
Nancy Eustis
Allen & Lee Cohen
in memory of
Richard & Maureen Bayha’s
cat, Jennifer
Dennis & Nancy Buttacavoli
in memory of
Paul Flynn
James & Karen Nathan
Ruslan & Olena Maksimov
Aline Flynn
in memory of
Andrew Aliprandi
Jackie Aliprandi
in memory of
Bob McGrath
Kathleen McGrath
in memory of
Chesley “Mike” Perry
Jill Rickman
in memory of
Christine McAllister
Mary Jane Cleveland
Kathy Wilson
Glen & Linnie Cary
Michael McCain & Debra Freeman
Betty Prather Hyde
Gene R. Soloman, CPA
Costello & Royston
Sunshine Tooke Bobo
Patricia Brice
Roger McAllister
Lynn Barrett Shunk
Margie Willis
Joseph & Sara Morgan
Rande A. McAllister Attorney at Law
Dan McAllister
Joseph & Phyllis
McGee - CPA, PL
Sam & Betty Speier
James & Sharlene Hamel Dozier
Virginia Barnard
Lynne Taylor
William Ward
Robert & Marie Hogue
in memory of
Robert Arnall
Sarah Arnall
in memory of
George Derrick
Ruth Derrick
in memory of
Gerald Mader
Barbara Murphy
in memory of
Arnold Sarlo
Margie Willis
Lynn Barrett Shunk
Virginia Barnard
in memory of
Mike Leavitt
Norman Marcus & Dawn-
Marie Driscoll
in memory of
Ray Gilbert
John & Gloria Fassett
in memory of
Robert Arnall
John & Gloria Fassett
in memory of
Lillian O’Harra Beyer
Virginia Barnard
in memory of
Margarete Roberts
Pat Strauss
Vaughn & Jeanne Cornele
Louise Torri
Beverly Dommerich
Jamie Gates
in memory of
Anne Fassett
John & Gloria Fassett
Estelena Heusted Gill
Virginia Barnard
in memory of
Louise Ruke
Margie Willis
Geraldine Brooks
in memory of
Maria Furia
Alan & Joan Klutch
in memory of
Martha Freedman
John & Ellen Sheppard
Norman Marcus & Dawn-
Marie Driscoll
Frederick & Melvin Morgan
in memory of
Rachel Byrd
& Paige Prator Collins
Claire Miles
in memory of
Sam Galloway Sr.
Suzanne Galloway
in memory of
William Raizik
Margaret Raizik
Unity Through Our Supporters
Hal & La Donna Abelson
Richard & Sue Ackert
Marie Ackord
Daniel & Kathy Adams
Robert & Marilyn Adkins
Rene Affourtit
Jackie Aliprandi
American Association of University Women Lee County
Audrea Anderson
James Anderson & Bernadine Stuefer-Anderson
Sarah Arnall
Rep. Gary & Andrea Aubuchon
Virginia Barnard
Andrew & Emilie Barnette
Carl & Sandy Barraco
Joseph & Phyllis Battagliese
Bruce & Pamela Templeton
James & Gail Baumgarten
Barbara Oski Beane
Patricia Bell
Bob Beville
Jean Bidwell
Bireley Family Foundation
Sunshine Tooke Bobo
Roy & Karen Borrego
Jurg & Deborah Braendle
Jay Brett & Kimby Hegwood
Patricia Brice
William & Norma Hand Brill
Robert & Ruth Bringer
Geraldine Brooks
Bill Tanner & Rusty Brown
Roger & Dian Brownell
Alice Brunner
Mary Jo Burke
Peter Burkert
Claudia Burns
Robert Burns
Allen Busch, Jr.
Donna Caruso
Glenn & Linnie Cary
Cedar Chest Fine Jewelry
Margaret Chamberlin
Randy Kirk & Mei-Mei Chan
Chaos Productions
City of Fort Myers
City of Sanibel
Gerald & Delores Ann Clancy
Thomas & Suzanne Clapp
Margaret Clarke
Mary Jane Cleveland
Close Friend Foundation
Cohen Family LTD Partnership
Allen & Lee Cohen
Robert & Sally Coleman
Christin Collins
Herbert & Carolyn Conant
Danah Harper Cooper
Vaughn & Jeanne Cornele
Cosas Buenas Baratas, Inc.
Ellen Costa
Costello & Royston
Frederick & Nancy Costello
Susan Costello
Richard & Roberta Cox
Jan Crocker
Amanda Cross
Clinic for Rehabilitation of Wildlife
CSL & G Development, LTD
The Daniel R. and Anne M. Harper Foundation, Inc.
Gholi & Georgia Darehshori
Ira Dash
Bernese Davis
H. Fred & Carolyn Day
Jane E. de Lisser
David & Margaret Depew
Ruth Derrick
Richard & Nancy Diamond
Victor & Carolyn Dix
Patricia Dobbins
Beverly Dommerich
James Dozier & Sharlene Hamel Dozier
Norman Marcus & Dawn-Marie Driscoll
Beth Drouin
Warren & Dorothy Durling
Henri & Josephine Dyner
Geoff Campbell & Julia East
Edison Festival of Light
Edison National Bank
Joseph & Sandy English
Equilibrium, LLC
Grant & Susan Erickson
John & Gloria Fassett
Cheryl Fausel
Aline Flynn
Maria Foley
Craig & Margaret Folk
Fort Myers Community Concert Association
John & Maggie Foskett
Fowler White Boggs, P.A.
Marty & Judith Freling
Unity Through Our Supporters
Sam & Kathy Galloway, Jr.
Suzanne Galloway
Gannett Foundation/The Matching Gift Center
Anton & Ruth Gapp
D. Fred Garner
Gary Aubuchon Campaign
Jamie Gates
Gene R. Solomon
Pat & Barbara Geraghty
Dennis Gerhart
Thomas & Mary Ann Gilhooley
J. Robert Gillette
William & Mardi Glenn
Peter & Amy Gravina
Scott Vickrey & Peg Gray-Vickrey
Charles & Katherine Green
Mark & Sandy Greenberg
Scott & Brenda Gregory
Gulf Coast Society of Fundraising Executives, Inc
Beulah Gustafson
Elly Hagen
Robert Hague
Edward & Sharon Hannon
James & Patti Hardin
Hon. Archie Hayward, Jr.
Scott & Helen Heffington
Gwenda Hiett-Clements
Larry & Debra Hobbs
Kathleen Hoffay
Dilmus & Patricia Hogan
Robert & Marie Hogue
Kay Holloway
William & Andrea Horowitz
Mary Elizabeth Houkom Estate
Marguerite Howard
John & Martha Howard
Francis & Connie Howington
Adrian & Carol Hudler
Robert & Janis Hughes
James & Nancy Humphrey
Elmo & Betty Hurst
Betty Prather Hyde
John & Suzanne Jack
Franklyn & Elena Johnson
Liddy Johnson
Richard & Carol Johnson
Robert & Elizabeth Jones
Karen Benson Interior Design, Inc.
Robert & Donna Kaye
Jane Kelly
Kathryn Kelly
Kevin L. Erwin Consulting Ecologist, Inc.
Edith Kingsley
James & Leslie Kinsey, Jr.
D. Hugh & Elizabeth Kinsey, Sr.
Robert & Peggy Kleckner
Eleanore Kleist
Marilyn Kloosterman
Alan & Joan Klutch
Wilbert Knipe
Arlene Knox
Joyce Koons
Robert & Judith Korostoff
Mary Lou Krukar
Michael & Susan Kyle
Tom & Bert Lammert
LaMotte Family Foundation
Arlyn & Marcia Lanting
Lee County Board of County Commissioners
Jonathan & Holly Leland
Howard & Marilyn Leland
Darla Letourneau
Alan & Ann Levinsohn
Beth Lobdell
Hugh & Bonnie Lombardi
Norman & Mary Love
Clive & Sonia Lubner
David & Linda Lucas
Ruslan & Olena Maksimov
Louise Mangieri
Frank & Mary Lee Mann
George & Jena Mann, Jr.
Maria Karl Expressions, LLC
Tammy Surratt Marino
Gail Markham
Richard & Doris Mascott
Joan Maupin
W. Michael & Barbara Maxwell
Victor & Katherine Mayeron
Dan McAllister
Rande A. McAllister
Roger McAllister
Michael & Debra Freeman
Jim & Ann McCaughan
Diane McClay
D. Todd McGee
Kathleen McGrath
Bette McGruder
Donald McKee
Michael McNally & Beth Drouin
Corey & Susy Mertz
Rhea Mike
Unity Through Our Supporters
Claire Miles
Lorraine Miller
Michael & Mary Miller
Mills-Price & Associates, Inc.
Roberta Mills-Price
Ralph & Martha Mixon
Thomas & Joan Moehring
Cora Molloy
Tara Molloy
Scott & Mary Moore
Frederick & Melvin Morgan
Joseph & Sarah Morgan
Margaret Eiluned Morgan
Richard & Florence Morris
Shirley Mueller
Barbara Murphy
Mary Murphy
Patricia Murray
James & Karen Nathan
Norman & Edith Nichols
North American Group, Inc.
Roberta O’Brad
Organ Transplant Recipients of Southwest Florida, Inc.
Wayne & Patty Ormsby
Ladd & Barbara Orr
Bonita Bay Trianon
Don & Nina Paight
Ronald Victor & Tara Paluck
Jane Parker
Foster & Sherry Pate
Robert & Janet Pease
Donald & Virginia Peters
Edward & Virginia Pinckard
Steven & Lou Pontius
Margaret Porter-Hoel
F. Allen & Cecilia Prather, Jr.
Richard Prescott
John Price
Promotional Incentives, Inc.
The Prudential Foundation Matching Gifts
Pamela Putnam
Karen Quanstrom
Margaret Raizik
Susan Raver
RC Otter’s Captiva, LLC
Mike & Jennifer Reese
Hugh & Mary Richardson
Robert & Dorothy Richardson
Jill Rickman
Phyllis Rieser
John & Jerry Risk
Kristin Ritts
Alexander & Patty Robinson, Jr.
David & Suzanne Robinson
Geoffrey & Robbie Roepstorff
Bill & Carolyn Rogers and Family
Michael & Martha Rolland
Anne Rose
Gerald & Marjorie Rubacky
Klaus & Mary Ann Saegebarth
John & Nancy Sampson
Amy Sanford
Sanibel Community Church
William Sartoris
Insight Strategies
Gayle Schmidt Sheets
Walter & Mary Scholer, Jr.
Thomas & Sally Schreck
Kenneth V. Scobie Estate
Scott White Advisors LLC
James & Diann Seals
David & Kathie Shellenbarger
Daniel & Lita Sheppard, Sr.
John & Ellen Sheppard
Martin & Betteann Sherman
Steven & Kathy Shimp
Robert Shrader & Shirley Gerstenberger
Lynn Barrett Shunk
Melissa Simontis
Katherine Simpson
Paul & Janice Smart
J. Tom & Lourdes Smoot, III
J. Tom & Ann Smoot, Jr.
Southwest Florida Christian Foundation
Howard & Juanita Spanogle
Sam & Betty Speier
Halcyon St. Hill
Gene Bilotti & Marjorie Starnes-Bilotti
Charlie & Jean States
Pumfey Steffens
Betty Stewart
John & Brenda Stewart
Stillwell Management
Donald & Karen Strang
Pat Strauss
Ed & Virginia Stringer
Radford & Kathy Sturgis
Jeremiah & Barbara Sullivan
Susan Bennett Marketing & Media, L.C.
SWFLA Workforce Development Board, Inc.
Madeleine Taeni
Dewey & Brenda Tate
Unity Through Our Supporters
Anne Tatler
Lee Anne Tauck
Charles & Emmie Taylor
Lois Taylor
Lynne Taylor
Ione Tedder
Teen Challenge
Bruce Bauman & Pamela Templeton
Gay Thompson
Jon & Beverly Thompson
Sharon Thompson
William & Liz Thorndike
Virginia Tisdall
John Toggweiler
TOTI Media, Inc.
Louise Torri
Don & Connie Tucker
Twin Eagles Community Association, Inc.
J. Thomas & Linda Uhler
The United Way of Lee, Hendry & Glades Counties, Inc.
Lorraine Vail
Elias Van Krugel
Gary & Mary Van Sciver
Clyde Varner Estate
Verandah Community Association, Inc.
Roy & Myra Walters
Wellington & Barbara Ward, Jr.
William Ward
Gloria Wasmund
Webb’s Fort Myers Prescription Shop, Inc.
Ross & Stephanie Webb
Ron & Marry Ann Weber
Nanelle Wehmann
A. Scott & Adriana White
Guy Whitesman & Ilene Safron
Steven & Melissa Whitley
Robert Wigley & Ann Moran
Donald Wildman
Chuck & Paula Williamsen
Margie Willis
J. Lawrence & Barbara Wilson
John Wilson
Kathy Wilson
Wiltshire, Whitley, Richardson & English, PA
James & Natalie Wismar
Rodlyn Flinn Woodward
Laurence & Polly Wright
Ginny Yates
Judith Yevick
Patricia A. Zambuto
Trustees and Staff
Our Board
Trustees Emeriti
Robin Brown
Jerry D. Hussey
James W. McFadden
Steve Pontius
Marie M. Ackord
Rep. Gary Aubuchon
Roy Borrego, CFM
Patricia K. Dobbins
Kevin L. Erwin
Craig Folk
Hon. Archie B. Hayward, Jr.
Larry A. Hobbs, MD
Charles K. Idelson
Howard Leland
David Lucas
Jacqueline “Jacke” McCurdy
Sarah Owen
Darren Robertshaw
Robbie Roepstorff
David Shellenbarger
Gay Rebel Thompson
Myra Hale Walters
A. Scott White
Guy E. Whitesman
Steven R. Whitley, CPA
Our Staff
Dawn-Marie Driscoll, Chair
Joe Mazurkiewicz, Ph.D, Vice Chair
Sandy Robinson, Secretary-Treasurer
Jay A. Brett, Immediate Past Chair
Senior Advisory Trustees
Audrea Anderson
Susan Bennett
Joseph Catti
Robert da Frota
Guy S. Emerich
M. William Frey
Chris A. Gair
Sam Galloway, Jr.
Francis L. Howington
Sarah Owen
President and CEO
Ronald E. Penn
Chief Financial Officer and Chief Operating Officer
Ed Kominowski
Director of Development and Planned Gifts
Anne Douglas
Director of Programs
Kate McKenney
Director of Finance and Operations
Jacqueline Ehlers
Executive Assistant
Raven Kneally
Accounting Assistant
Donna Kaye
Melvin Morgan
James R. Nathan
William T. Prather
David G. Robinson
Carolyn Rogers
John W. Sheppard
J. Tom Smoot, Jr.
Gene Solomon
Janet Remmel
Operations Assistant
Kim Williams
Every attempt has been made to ensure that the information provided
in this report is accurate through June 30, 2011. We apologize for
any errors or omissions. Please contact our office with any corrections.
A copy of the official registration and financial information may be
obtained from the Division of Consumer Services by calling 1 (800)
435-7352 within the state. Registration does not imply endorsement,
approval or recommendation by the state. Registration #CH661
2010-2011 Financials
Our Last Fiscal Year
he Southwest Florida Community Foundation (SWFLCF) was founded over 35 years ago on March 1, 1976
with an initial donation of $500. Since our founding in 1976, the Community Foundation has received over
$80 million in contributions and has distributed over $50 million in grants and scholarships. As of June 30,
2011, our total assets amounted to $60,882,511.
SWFLCF is governed by a volunteer board of trustees made up of community leaders who represent diverse areas of
expertise in Lee, Charlotte, Hendry, Glades, and Collier counties.
Our Finance Committee, comprised of experienced trustees and senior advisors, oversees the financial affairs of
SWFLCF. The Finance Committee meets at least quarterly to review investment results, administrative expenses, and
general operating issues.
As we receive contributions from active donors, as well as from wills, estates, and trusts, SWFLCF creates endowment
funds to last into perpetuity. These funds are invested in accordance with an investment policy carried out by investment
managers engaged and overseen by the Finance Committee.
The primary, long-term investment objective of our investment policy is to preserve real (inflation-adjusted) purchasing
power of Community Foundation assets and earnings after accounting for investment returns, spending, and inflation.
To achieve this goal, the SWFLCF portfolio is invested in equities, fixed income, and alternative investments with
multiple investment manager diversification in each of these categories.
During the 2010-2011 fiscal year, we granted distributions out of our funds totaling over $3,053,000, which included
over $2,716,000 for non-profit agencies and $337,000 for scholarships. We look forward to our next 35 years
with hope for greater service to the communities of Southwest Florida. Special thanks are extended to our donors,
who make our work so rewarding.
Southwest Florida Community Foundation, Inc.
Comparative Statements of Financial Position as of
Cash and equivalents
Contributions receivable
Prepaid expenses
Investments in securities
Split interest agreements and remainder interests
Remainder interests in trusts
Charitable gift annuities
Other remainder interests
Property and equipment
June 30, 2011
June 30, 2010
Total Liabilities and Net Assets
Comparative Statements of Activities
and Changes in Net Assets for the Years Ended
June 30, 2011
June 30, 2010
Total Assets
Accrued payable and accrued expenses
Grants payable
Funds held as agency endowments
Annuity obligations
Net Assets
Interest and dividends
Realized gains/(losses) on investments
Net unrealized gains/(losses) on investments
Miscellaneous income
Total Revenues and Other Support
Grants and scholarships
Administrative expenses
Investment fees and expenses
Total Expenses
Payments and change in value of split interest agreements
and remainer interests
Change in net assets
Net Assets, beginning of year
Net Assets, ending of year
Copies of the Southwest Florida Community Foundation’s IRS Form 990, IRS Form 990-T, if required, and the current annual audit report are available for your
review online at or in our office by calling 239-274-5900, ext. 228.
Investment Information
Investment Objectives
The primary, long-term investment objective of the
Community Foundation is to preserve real (inflationadjusted) purchasing power of Community Foundation
assets and earnings after accounting for investment
returns, spending, and inflation. In order to achieve
the preservation of assets, the annual spending rate
determined by the Community Foundation will take
into account the expected return on assets. The invested
assets should earn a total rate of return that at a minimum
equals or exceeds established benchmarks for each of the
various classes of investments.
Spending Policy
The amount to be distributed (spent) from Community
Foundation assets will be reviewed no less frequently than
annually by the Finance Committee and appropriate
recommendations made to the board of trustees. It is
expected that the annual amount to be distributed from
Community Foundation invested assets will be between
3% and 5% of the average ending market values of the
endowment funds for the previous 12 quarters. The
distributions may be taken from current income or,
if current income is less than planned spending, from
principal. In addition, the Finance Committee will
review and consider the appropriate amount to be held
in highly liquid assets each year to ensure adequate cash
short-term securities. From time to time, the Finance
Committee will set asset allocation targets within the
following ranges: Equities, 50% to 60% of the portfolio;
Fixed Income, 30% to 45% of the portfolio; Alternative
Investments, 0% to 20% of the portfolio.
Responsibility for Policy Implementation
The Finance Committee of the Community Foundation
has the authority and responsibility to implement
the Investment Policy and to oversee the Investment
Managers. The Finance Committee also has the
responsibility to make recommendations to the Board
of Trustees regarding modification of the investment
policy, and for the employment and/or dismissing of the
Investment Manager.
The Community Foundation’s investment manager
for its invested assets is SEI Investments Company
headquartered in Oaks, Pennsylvania.
Our Legal Name & Federal Tax I.D. #:
Southwest Florida Community Foundation, Inc.
Asset Selection and Allocation
The Community Foundation’s investments shall be
diversified to limit the specific risk associated with any
single security or class of securities. The diversification
will be both by asset class and, within asset classes, by
economic sector, industry, and market capitalization.
Concentrations in one specific industry sector, stock, or
fixed income investment must not exceed 25% or 4%,
respectively. The asset classes shall consist of an equity
portion, fixed income portion, and cash portion. The
equity portion may consist of investments in common
stock, domestic and foreign (including large cap, mid cap,
and small cap), and other securities that are convertible
into common stock which are traded on the U.S. Stock
Exchanges. The cash portion shall consist of highly liquid