Tournament Guide - Chess Festival Groningen
Tournament Guide - Chess Festival Groningen
Chess Festival Groningen 21–30 December 2015 TOURNAMENT GUIDE CHESS FESTIVAL GRONINGEN 2015 1 TOURNAMENT GUIDE CONTENTS Introduction .................................................................................................. 3 Official program Chess Festival 2015 ........................................................ 4 After chess café Atlantis .............................................................................. 5 Crew ............................................................................................................... 5 Contact ........................................................................................................... 6 Other practical information ........................................................................ 6 NOSBO Grand Prix youth tournament..................................................... 7 The ship ......................................................................................................... 7 Sports Bar daily menu ............................................................................. 8/9 University of Groningen Chess Challenge ............................................. 10 City map ...................................................................................................... 11 University of Groningen ........................................................................... 12 Groningen – City of Talent ....................................................................... 13 Tournament regulations............................................................................ 14 Partners & Sponsors .................................................................................. 16 COLOFON Coördination and supervision: Jan van Os Composition, editing and design: Fons van Hamond Printing: ’t Hartje BV, Groningen (400 copies) © Stichting Schaakfestival Groningen 2015 CHESS FESTIVAL GRONINGEN 2015 2 TOURNAMENT GUIDE INTRODUCTION Ik ben blij dat weer zoveel schakers de weg naar Groningen hebben weten te vinden. Het aantal deelnemers dat elk jaar weer terugkomt is voor ons als organisatie de drive om door te gaan. Dit jaar is het thema weer Talentontwikkeling. Groningen staat tenslotte bekend als City of Talent. De afgelopen jaren heeft de Stichting Schaakstad Groningen tijdens de Schaakfestivals diverse trainingsmatches georganiseerd rond het Groninger talent Jorden van Foreest. Die is onlangs de jongste in Nederland geboren grootmeester geworden. Je zou kunnen zeggen dat in dat opzicht een doel van het Schaakfestival Groningen is bereikt. De nieuwe Stichting Schaakfestival Groningen, die het stokje van Schaakstad heeft overgenomen, blijft doorgaan met die trainingmatches. Dit jaar houden we een match tussen het Groninger talent Lucas van Foreest en de Groningse grootmeester Sipke Ernst. Daarnaast zijn een groot aantal jeugdspelers uit de selectie van de KNSB aanwezig. U bent gewaarschuwd, zij hebben trainers bij zich. Zo is Nederlands dameskampioen Anne Haast als trainster aanwezig. Natuurlijk is bovenstaande alleen mogelijk door sponsors die geld beschikbaar stellen en door vrijwilligers die tijd beschikbaar stellen. Door deze combinatie was het weer mogelijk om dit mooi toernooi voor de 53e keer te laten doorgaan. Ik wens u allen veel schaakplezier. Jan van Os, toernooidirecteur (chairman of the new Chess Festival Groningen foundation) ____________________________________ The Chess Festival Groningen also has a Twitter page: #GroningenChess Facebook: CHESS FESTIVAL GRONINGEN 2015 3 TOURNAMENT GUIDE Official program 53rd Chess Festival Groningen, 21st –30th December 2015 DATE TIME LOCATION EVENT 21st 11:00-12:00 Sports centre Registration Open A, Open B, Open C and Three-round event st 21 13:00 Sports centre Open A, Open B and Open C round 1 21st 13:00 Sports centre Three-round event round 1 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 22nd 13:00 22nd 13:00 22nd 13:00 Sports centre Sports centre Sports centre Open A, Open B and Open C round 2 Three-round event round 2 University of Groningen Chess Challenge round 1 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 23rd 23rd 23rd 23rd 13:00 13:00 13:00 13:00 Sports centre Sports centre Sports centre Sports centre NOSBO Grand Prix youth tournament Open A, Open B and Open C round 3 Three-round event round 3 University Challenge round 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 24th 13:00 24th 13:00 Sports centre Sports centre Open A, Open B and Open C round 4 University Challenge round 3 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 25th Christmas day (no official activities) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 26th 11:00-12:00 Sports centre Registration Compact tournament 26th 13:00 Sports centre Open A, B and C round 5; Compact round 1 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 27th 13:00 27th 13:00 27th 13:30 Sports centre Sports centre Sports centre Open A, B and C round 6; Compact round 2 University Challenge round 4 Festival of Chess Variants _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 28th 13:00 28th 13:00 Sports centre Sports centre Open A, B and C round 7; Compact round 3 University Challenge round 5 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 29th 13:00 29th 13:00 Sports centre Sports centre Open A, B and C round 8; Compact round 4 University Challenge round 6 (final) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 30th 11:00 30th 11:00 30th 17:30~ Sports centre Sports centre Sports centre CHESS FESTIVAL GRONINGEN 2015 Open A, B and C round 9; Compact round 5 Simul by GM Sipke Ernst /Lucas van Foreest Official Closing Ceremony Chess Festival 2015 4 TOURNAMENT GUIDE AFTER CHESS IN CAFÉ ATLANTIS Chess Café Hooghoudt Atlantis (‘playground for the mind’) traditionally organizes a daily after chess program. 21 Dec. (Atlantis’s 10th birthday): Atlantis invitation blitz tournament 22 Dec.: Pass-on chess (duo chess) 23 Dec.: Fischer Random chess (Chess960) 24 Dec.: Endgame study simul by IM Yochanan Afek ( 25 Dec.: Christmas day, Atlantis closed 26 Dec.: Hands & Brains ( 27 Dec.: Pop and Chess quiz by GM Dimitri Reinderman 28 Dec.: SISSA Christmas Blitz ( 29 Dec.: π chess. All activities will start at 21.00 hrs. Chess Café Atlantis: Gedempte Zuiderdiep 61, 9711 HC Groningen (tel. 050 3645484). Open: every day from 15:00 hrs (except December 25th). Also check ______________________________________________________________________ Organization & crew: who is who? Organization Committee Jan van Os (tournament director) Technician Jeroen Bakker Arbiters Aart Strik (chief arbiter) Wim van Beersum Roland Kroezen Gerard de Lange Chauffeur Maarten Bakker Website Jan Oosterhuis Fons van Hamond Press officers Ben Hummel Miklos Hoffer Fons van Hamond Alexander van Pelt Bart Beijer CHESS FESTIVAL GRONINGEN 2015 University of Groningen Hendrike Schut Albert Koster 5 TOURNAMENT GUIDE Contact The organization committee can be reached at +31(0)640818120 (Jan van Os), [email protected]. The arbiters (for urgent messages in case of illness etc.) can be contacted at +31(0)624477636 (Aart Strik). The press officers can be contacted at +31(0)616499637 (Ben Hummel), email: [email protected] Playing venue Sports centre University of Groningen. Adress: Blauwborgje 16, 9747 AC Groningen. All groups will play in the Struikhal (turn left after the entrance). You’ll find room to analyse in the nearby restaurant. How to get there Public transport: from NS-station Groningen take Citybus 11. Leave the bus at the Zernikelaan/Nijenborgh stop (this is 400 meters from the Sports centre). From the city centre get on the bus at the Westersingel/A-straat stop. There are three buses per hour. From the Hampshire Hotel at the Radesingel you walk to the Oosterstraat (5 minutes). There you take Citybus 11. Get out at the stop Crematoriumlaan and walk in 5 minutes to the Sports centre. From the University Guesthouse at the Kleine Kromme Elleboog you walk to the A-Kerkhof (3 minutes). There you take Citybus 11. Leave the bus at the stop Crematoriumlaan and walk in 5 minutes to the Sports centre. From the Hampshire Plaza you don’t have to worry at all: the organization offers you free transport in our nine-seat bus. The first shift leaves at the hotel approximately at 11:45 hrs, the last at 12:30 hrs (for the exact schedule check our website or the announcements in the hotel). Vice versa this schedule will start from approximately 16:30 hrs. Three-round event [NEW] December 21st up to and including December 23rd (daily 13:00–18:00 hrs). Three games in groups with four players, categorized mainly by playing strength. Prize fund per group: € 60,-; entry fee: € 20,-. Bye In Open B and Open C a bye (half a point) is possible during one of the rounds 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 (so including Boxing day). A bye must be requested before the start of the tournament (for further information check our website). Rate of play (all groups) 40 moves in 90 minutes, followed by an extra 30 minutes to finish the game, with an increment of 30 seconds per move per player from the start of the game. CHESS FESTIVAL GRONINGEN 2015 6 TOURNAMENT GUIDE By car: on the Groningen circular (N370) take the Paddepoel / Zernike exit and follow the signs Zernike (Campus). Then turn first left (Blauwborgje). The Sports centre is at the end of the road. Parking is possible across the road [P2] and without costs. area, while smoking of course is not allowed in any part of the building. Results/rankings/pairings After every round, results, rankings, pairings, round reports, games and photo’s will be available on the tournament’s NEW website: We intend to cover the first 9 games of the Open A and the University Challenge live on the internet. Games will also be projected on screens and monitors in the SportsBar. Bar / restaurant Refreshments are available in the Sports centre’s restaurant, called the SportsBar. A nice and friendly prized buffet is served here every evening. The consumption of alcoholic beverages is strictly prohibited in the players ______________________________________________________________________ More information will follow, check our website. Requests to take part in the simuls can be made by mail to Jan van Os. GRAND PRIX YOUTH TOURNAMENT On Wednesday 23rd December the Chess Festival traditionally will host a big youth event, which is a part of the Grand Prix circuit of our partner the regional Nothern Chess Association [NOSBO]. It is open to children from 6 years upwards, and has a wide range of rating levels. In each group of eight three prizes can be won, which will be handed out by a famous Dutch chess player. THE CHESS SHIP This year again a selection of talented youth players from all over the Netherlands, will be staying on Hotel boat 'De Mars' right in the centre of Groningen. The Dutch Chess Federation facilitates them with professional coaches. Grand Prix Schaakstad Groningen 23 december SIMULTANEOUS On December 30th, during the last round of the tournaments a simul will take place, starting at 11:00 hrs. CHESS FESTIVAL GRONINGEN 2015 Hotel ship ‘De Mars’ 7 TOURNAMENT GUIDE CHESS FESTIVAL GRONINGEN 2015 8 TOURNAMENT GUIDE CHESS FESTIVAL GRONINGEN 2015 9 TOURNAMENT GUIDE The University of Groningen Chess Challenges After the beautiful struggle Jan Timman vs Robin van Kampen in 2009, the two matches in 2011 (Hans Ree - Jorden van Foreest and Martine Middelveld - Anna Maja Kazarian), the match John van der Wiel - Jorden van Foreest in 2012, the Frisian clash between Jan Werle and dutch junior champion Nick Maatman in 2013 and in the same year as you’ll all remember the match Karpov-Timman, the 2015 edition will face another interesting fight: Jorden’s younger and also high-talented brother Lucas van Foreest (2320) will challenge one of the four Groningen GM’s: Sipke Ernst (2531). They will play a match consisting of six games, starting the 22nd up to and including the 29th of December (with a break during both Christmas days). All games start at 13:00 hrs. For more information and some biopics please visit the tournament website. Sipke Ernst Lucas van Foreest Both pictures are taken during the Hoogeveen Open 2015 by Harry Gielen. CHESS FESTIVAL GRONINGEN 2015 10 TOURNAMENT GUIDE [1] Sport centre (tournament location) [2] Café Hooghoudt Atlantis [3] Hampshire Hotel [4] Hampshire Plaza WWW.HAMPSHIRE-PLAZAGRONINGEN.NL WWW.HAMPSHIRE-GRONINGEN.NL CHESS FESTIVAL GRONINGEN 2015 11 TOURNAMENT GUIDE UNIVERSITY OF GRONINGEN The University of Groningen (‘Rijksuniversiteit Groningen’), located in the city of Groningen, was founded in 1614. It is one of the oldest universities in the Netherlands as well as one of its largest. Since its inception more than 200,000 students have graduated. It is a member of the distinguished international Coimbra Group of European universities. In 2013, according to the results of the International Student Barometer, the University of Groningen, for the third time in a row, has been voted the best University of the Netherlands. In 2014 the university celebrated its 400th anniversary. The University of Groningen has ten faculties, nine graduate schools, 27 research centres and institutes, and more than 175 degree programmes. and have many options to choose from. Top-notch research In terms of research, Groningen is among the top universities in Europe. The University carries out groundbreaking and socially relevant research, and builds bridges between disciplines. As a student, you will be involved in this research. Vibrant student life Groningen is a vibrant student city. Its population has the lowest average age in the Netherlands; one in six inhabitants is a student. Students can be seen everywhere: studying in the Noorderplantsoen park, enjoying the nightlife, and at work in various parttime jobs. Talent Development Programme A good academic is more than someone who knows a lot about their subject – more general skills are also vital. The University of Groningen aims to support its temporary and permanent staff in developing these general academic skills. The University of Groningen provides support for academics at all stages of their careers via the Talent Development Programme led by Prof. Ritsert Jansen (Dean). A team of specialists, varying from Human Resources and Communications officials to senior researchers, will help you optimally develop your talents. Why Groningen? Top-quality education The University provides top-quality education. Groningen offers a varied range of interesting, highly regarded degree programmes. As a student you will receive high-quality supervision CHESS FESTIVAL GRONINGEN 2015 12 TOURNAMENT GUIDE This is part of the University of Groningen’s aim to pay continuous attention to talent, starting with the Honours College (Bachelor’s and Master’s phases) and the Graduate School (PhD phase). if you’ve got what it takes. The Talent Development Programme can help you with this too, for example by matching you with a senior researcher who will act as your mentor. In addition, we also provide assistance in writing large project applications, training courses to prepare you for the interviews that are often part of such an application, and a course in Academic Leadership. Recent PhD graduates If you have recently gained your PhD, how can you start climbing the academic ladder? You know everything there is to know about your own field, but how can you broaden your horizons? How can you acquire your own research funds? And how do you write a publication for a renowned journal? The Talent Development Programme can help you with these issues, via courses, personal supervision and a mentor programme. Senior researchers Even if you have already been in a Tenure Track position for a few years or have meanwhile found a permanent appointment, you can still learn new things. Presenting, writing, supervising – these are the types of skills you should keep developing as you climb the career ladder. The Talent Development Programme provides individual coaching programmes to help you build up your own research group, assist you in drawing up your grant applications and writing excellent publications, and much, much more. Junior researchers Once you have gained a few years of experience in conducting research independently it’s time to find your own job – for example in one of the Tenure Track positions offered by the University of Groningen, through which you can eventually be promoted to the position of full professor Questions are welcome at [email protected] ______________________________________________________________________ GRONINGEN - CITY OF TALENT Groningen is the main municipality as well as the capital city of the eponymous province in the Netherlands. With a population of over 200,000, it is the largest city in the north of the Netherlands. An old city, Groningen was the regional power of the northern Netherlands, a semi-independent city-state and member of the German Hanseatic League. Groningen is a university city: it houses the University of Groningen (about 30,000 students) and the Hanze University of Applied Sciences (about 25,000 students). CHESS FESTIVAL GRONINGEN 2015 13 TOURNAMENT GUIDE Tournament regulations Chess Festival Groningen 2015 1. COMPETITION RULES The tournament is played according to the FIDE LAWS of CHESS, version July 2014. A copy is available at the playing venue. The default time as mentioned in Article 6.7a will be 30 minutes. 2. TOURNAMENT SCHEDULE The tournament consists of : Open Group A (>2000) Open Group B (1600 – 2100) Open Group C (<1700) Three-round event Compact groups UG invitation match 22-24; 21–30 Dec. 21–30 Dec. 21–30 Dec. 21–23 Dec. 26–30 Dec. 27-29 Dec. The organization can decide to give some players a wildcard. In the Open Groups A, B and C nine (9) rounds will be played, in the Compact Groups five (5) rounds will be played. The pairing in the Open A -group is according to ‘Swiss on rating’. In the Open groups B and C the first 3 rounds and in the Compact groups the first 2 rounds will be paired according to 'Swiss on rating’, the following rounds according to ‘Swiss on Buchholz’. 3. BYE The players in the Open B and C can take a bye in one of the first five rounds. The players in the Compact groups can take a bye on December 26 (1st round). All byes (with round number) must be reported preferably on the entry form, or during registration, or by separate e-mail or by telephone, but anyhow before the end of the registration. A bye will be rewarded with ½ point. CHESS FESTIVAL GRONINGEN 2015 4. RATE OF PLAY The rate of play in all groups is: 90 minutes for the first 40 moves; followed by 30 minutes for the rest of the game; with an increment of 30 seconds per move from the start. 5. PAIRINGS a) After a round has ended, the same evening at 20:30 hours the new pairings will have been determined and published. b) Once the pairings have been published, they cannot be changed anymore. c) All pairings will be according to the rules. Under no condition will there be fixed pairings to make IM or GM norms possible. d) When a player checks out from a round because of special circumstances, he must inform the organization before 19:00 hours at the evening before the round. e) When a player checks out later than 19:00 hours at the evening before the round - for instance because of illness – the organization may consult a physician. 6. THE RECORDING OF THE MOVES Each player is required to record his own moves and those of his opponent, move after move on the score sheet prescribed for the competition. At the conclusion of the game both players shall sign both score sheets or the result form, indicating the result of the game. The (originals of the) score sheet or the result form must be handed over to the arbiters simultaneously. 14 TOURNAMENT GUIDE Prizes will be rounded up to a multiple In case of a wrong game result, the pairing of € 5,-. for the next round will not be changed if it 11. RATING PROCESSING has been published already. The results in the Open groups as well in 8. PROTESTS ; COMMISSION OF APPEAL the Compact group A and B will be A protest against a decision of an arbiter processed for FIDE rating and Dutch should be submitted in writing within an national rating. hour after the conclusion of the round to The results in the other groups will be the tournament direction. The direction processed for Dutch national rating only. convenes the commission of appeal, which 12. SANCTION consists of three representatives of the players and two substitutes. The decision When a participant leaves the tournament of this commission is binding and will be early or doesn't appear for one or more rounds of play without informing the published before the start of the next tournament organization beforehand, the round. organization committee can double the 9. FINAL RANKING & TIE-BREAK SYSTEMS entry fee for this participant for the next In case of joint finishing the final ranking tournament. This extra paid fee will be will be agreed upon as follows: refunded if the participant concerned has a. (only to determine the tournament winner:) finished this next tournament completely. the results between the players involved in the tie; 13. FINAL PROVISIONS b. Buchholz (sum of opponents’ scores); It is not allowed to drink alcoholic c. Sonneborn-Berger score; beverages in the playing hall, neither to d. progressive score; use electronic devices. e. number of won games; Players are not allowed to use, nor to f. drawing of lots; carry with them in the playing venue, 7. WRONG RESULT electronic devices - switched on - such as In case of an equal number of points prize mobile phones, tablets, laptops or any money will be shared, with the exception other equipment which makes it possible to communicate (or to analyse chess of the youth prize, the ladies’ prize and games). the seniors’ prize. In case of a shared prize the amount of Equipment – switched off - may only be stored in a bag or a coat/jacket at one spot money will never be less than one third during the game. If it becomes clear that (1/3) of the smallest prize in the group. the equipment is switched on, the player’s If a final individual prize is less than one third of the lowest prize in the group, one game is considered to be lost. or more players will lose their prize In cases not foreseen in these regulations the money according to the rules mentioned tournament committee decides after consulting in article 9, until the minimum prize has the arbiters. been reached. 10. PRIZES IN CASE OF JOINT FINISHING CHESS FESTIVAL GRONINGEN 2015 15 TOURNAMENT GUIDE THE CHESS FESTIVALS GRONINGEN 2014/2015 WERE MADE POSSIBLE BY: CHESS FESTIVAL GRONINGEN 2015 16 TOURNAMENT GUIDE